Expt 6-Conductometric Titration
Expt 6-Conductometric Titration
Expt 6-Conductometric Titration
i.e. I = E/R
R = E/I
Where the resistance (R) is the hindrance provided by the solution. The resistance of any
conductor varies directly with the length and inversely with its area of cross-section.
R = x (l/a)
Where, is the specific resistance and it is the resistance of a unit length of conductor of
unit cross-section. l/a is called cell constant.
The reciprocal of specific resistance is called specific conductance or conductivity.
Specific conductance () = 1/ = (l/a) x (1/R)
Conductance of electrolyte depends upon i) number of free ions, ii) changes on the free
ions and iii) mobility of the ions on the substitution of one ion by another of different
mobility (speed of ions). So, conductometric method can be used to determine the end
point of ionic titrations like i) acidimetric titration, ii) precipitation titration, iii) titration
involving the formation of complex ion.
When hydrochloric acid solution (HCl) is titrated with sodium hydroxide solution
(NaOH), the highly mobile hydrogen ions (
replaced by slower moving sodium ions (
the solution decreases. After the end point, the conductance of the solution rises sharply
due to the presence of excess, highly mobile hydroxide ion (
Thus the neutralization of a strong acid by addition of a strong base leads to a minimum
conductance at the end points. This is due to the disappearance of H+ ions and their
replacement by slower moving Na+ ions of the base followed by the presence of highly
Figure 1
The conductivity cell used for this titration should permit stirring by shaking and to
which the reagent can be added from burette. A large increase in volume during titration
should be avoided.
Conductometric Titration:
i) Rinse the conductivity cell a number of times with conductivity water or double
distilled water.
ii) Pipette out 20 mL of HCl in a beaker and dip the conductivity cell in it, so that the cell
should dip completely in solution.
iii) Note the temperature of the sample solution and accordingly set the temperature
control or keep the cell in a thermostat at room temperature.
iv) Add small amount of NaOH solution (few drops) from burette, stir it and measure the
conductance after each addition.
v) Take at least five readings beyond the end point.
(V1) (mL)
(V2) (mL)
Plot a graph between conductance and volume of titrant (NaOH solution). Two
intersecting lines will be obtained (as given in the Figure 1) and the points of intersection
of these lines represent the equivalent point.
Let, V2 be the volume of NaOH at the equivalent point (from graph) and the strength of
acid is S1 and strength of NaOH solution is S2 = 0.1(N).
20 x S1 = V2S 2
iii) Near the end point, no special case is necessary as it is determined graphically.
i) Electrical connection should be made carefully.
ii) Temperature during the experiment should be kept constant as conductance depends
on temperature.
iii) Stirring should be done after each addition of titrant.
iv) To avoid the dilution effect, the concentration of the titrant should be 5-10 times more
than that of the solution to be titrated.