Curriculum Avedis
Curriculum Avedis
Curriculum Avedis
January 7, 1919, Beirut, Lebanon
Nathan Sinai Distinguished Professor of Public Health, The University of Michigan.
Massachusetts, 1957
New York, 1958
Pennsylvania, 1961
American University of Beirut, B. A. (with distinction), 1940.
American University of Beirut, M. D. (with distinction), 1944.
Post-graduate course in pediatrics and child health at the institute for Child Health,
University of London, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, AprilSeptember, 1947.
Harvard School of Public Health, M. P. H. (magna cum laude), 1955; Delta Omega
American University of Beirut, 1943-44 (Internship equivalence)
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Traineeship, 1959-60.
Teaching Fellow in Pharmacology, American University of Beirut, 1938-40.
Physician and Acting Superintendent, English Mission Hospital, Jerusalem, Palestine
(now Israel), 1945-47.
Instructor in Physician, American University of Beirut, 1949, 51.
University Physician, American University of Beirut, 1949-51.
Director, University Health Service and Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, American
University of Beirut, 1951-54.
Medical Associate, Medical care Evaluation Studies, United Community Services of
Metropolitan Boston, 1955-57.
Research Associate in Medical Care, Harvard School of Public Health 1955-57.
Visiting Lecture in Medical Care, Harvard School of Public Health, 1957-58.
Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College, 1957-60;
Associate Professor, 1960-61.
Consultant to Department of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation from department of
Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College, 1959-61.
Research Consultant, Study of Rehabilitation Potential of Nursing Home Population,
Departments of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation and Preventive Medicine, New
York Medical College, 1960-61.
Associate Professor of Public Health Economics, School of Public Health, The
University of Michigan, January 23, 1961-64.
Professor of Public Health Economics, July 1964.
Professor of Medical Care Organization, The University of Michigan 1966.
Nathan Sinai Distinguished Professor of Public health, the university of Michigan, 1979.
Dean Conley Award, 1969 by the American College of Hospital Administrators for paper
on Promoting Quality though Evaluating the Process of Patient Care.
Norman A. Welch Award, 1976, by the national Association of the Blue Shield Plans for
the book: Benefits in Medical Care Programs.
Elizur Wright Award, 1978, by the American Risk and Insurance Association, for the
book: Benefits in Medical Care Programs.
National Merit Award, delta Omega Society, October 17, 1978.
Honorary Fellow, The American College of Hospital Administrators, 1982.
Honorary Fellow, American College of Utilization review Physicians, 1984.
Richard B. Tobias Award, 1984, The American College of Utilization Review Physicians,
October 1984. (First Recipient).
Award in recognition of a Distinguished Career in Health Services Research,
Association for Health Services Research, June 10, 1985. (one of three who received
the first set of awards).
Award of Appreciation, The University of Michigan Medical Center, for Outstanding
Service to The University of Michigan Health Care Community, October 18, 1985.
Gold medal Award, Medical Alumini Association, American University of Beirut, May
Baxter American Foundation Health Services research Price, 1986.
Avedis Donabedian Foundation for the improvement of Health Care was created in
1989 in Barcelona, Spain. The Foundation supports citizens, professionals, providers
and administration to develop Quality improvement efforts. Avedis Donabedian
Foundation for the improvement of Health Care was created in 1994 in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, with same goals.
Avedis Donabedian Resource Center in Ancora, Italy, in 1998, was created to provide
literature and bibliographic support for Quality improvement professional. Avedis
Donabedian library in Jerusalem, Israel, was created in 1994, to provide literature and
bibliographic support for Quality improvement professional.
American Public Heath Association, Sedgwick Memorial Medal, for Distinguished
Services. The American College of Public Health 1999.
Donabedian Chair Autonomous University of Barcelona. The Autonomous University of
Barcelona created in 2000 in the Faculty of Medicine the Avedis Donabedian Research
Chair on Quality, actually chaired by professor Rosa Suol.
Avedis Donabedian Distinguished University Professor of Public Health Director,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2002, Actually chaired by Professor Kenneth E.
Honorary Professor University of Cuernavaca, Mxico.
Editorial Board, Medical care Review (originally Public Health Economics and Medical
Care Abstract, 1963-1977; 1980.
Editorial Board, Medical Care 1970-1973; 1983-1987.
Member, International Editorial Board, Ecerpta Medica Section 17 (Public Health,
Social Medical and Hygiene), 1971.
An Evening with Avedis Donabedian, Medical Care Section, American Public Health
Association, November 14, 1984.
Michel Davis Lecture, Graduate Program in Health Administration, University of
Chicago, May 1986.
Chairman, Program Committee, Medical Care Section, American Public Health
Association, 1964-66; Member of the Committee 1963-64.
Member, Community Health Research Training Committee, Public Health Service,
Boreau of Services-Community Health, 1965-1969.
Member, Advisory Committee on HIB Research and Statistics, Social Security
Administration, 1965-67.
Member, Michigan Association for Regional Medical Programs Task Force on Methods
and Evaluation, 1967-69.
Member, Committee on Evaluation and Standards, American Public Health
Associations, 1968-70.
Member, Research Scientist and Fellowship Review Committee, National Center for
Health Services Research and Development, 1970-71.
Member, Panel on Health Services, National Academy of Sciences, 1970.
Member, Governing Council, American Public Health Association, 1970-73.
Consultant, Forum II, Delivery of Child Health Services, 1970 White House Conference
on Children.
Member, Committee on Health Care Resources in the Veterans Administration,
National Research Council, 1974.
Member, Review Group on Quality of Care, Bureau of Health Services Research,
Health Resources Administration, Public Health Service, 1974.
Member, Advisory Panel on National Insurance, Sub-committee on Health, Committee
on Ways and Means, U. S. House of Representatives, 1975.
Member, Honorary Degree Committee, The University of Michigan, 1982-1984.
Member, School of Public Health Deanship Committee, The University of Michigan,
Member, Advisory Committee on Distinguished University Professorships University of
Member, Task Force on Health Care Services Data, Department of Management and
Budget, States of Michigan.
Publication in Journal with Peer Review:
Rosenfeld, L. S., Donabedian. A. and Katz, J. "Unmet Need for Medical Care New
England Journal of Medicine, 258:369-374, February 20, 1958
Donabedian, A. The Quality of Medical Care. Science 200:856-864, May 26, 1978.
Has also appeared as La Calidad de la Atencin Mdica" Ciencia y Desarrollo, 1981
7:68-76. 78. 85-8q.
Donabedian, A., "Methods for Deriving Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Care.
Medical Care Review 37: 653-698 Fall 1980.
Donabedian, A., Wheeler, J. R. C., and Wyszewianski, L. "Quality, Cost, and Health:
An Integrative Model. Medical Care 20:975-992, October 1982.
Donabedian, A., "Quality, Cost, and Clinical Decisions" Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science 468: 196-204, July 1983
Donabedian, A., "The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?" Journal of the
American Medical Association 260: 1743-1748, September 23/30, 1988. (Also
appeared as "La Calidad de la Asistencia. Cmo podra ser evaluada?" Jano:
Medicina y Humanidades 36:103-104, 107-110, Mayo 1989.
Frenk, J., Ruelas, E., and Donabedian, A., Staffing Aspects of Hospital
Management: Some Issues for Research Medical Care Review 46:189-220,
Paper on "Models for Organizing the Delivery of Personal Health Services and
Criteria for Evaluating Them"
a. Has been reprinted in Zola and McKinlay, Editors. Organizational Issues in the
Delivery of Health Services. New York: PRODIST, Published for the Milbank Memorial
Fund, 1974, 393 pp.
Paper on "Criteria and Standards for Quality Assurance and Monitoring QRB:
Quality Review Bulletin, March 1986.
a. Reprinted on pages 33-66 in R. B. Tobias and J. T. Ziegenfuss, Jr., editors, Quality
Assurance and Utilization Review: Current Readings in Concept and Practice.
Sarasota, Florida: American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review. 1987.
Paper on "Quality and Cost: Choices and Responsibilities" Inquiry 25: 90-99,
Spring 1988
a. Republished in modified form in Journal of Occupational Medicine, Volume 32, No.
12, December 1990, pages 1167-1172
Paper on "The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?" Journal of the American
Medical Association, September 2:3/30, 1988
a. Reprinted as Chapter 2, pages 14-28 in N. O. Graham, editor, Quality Assurance in
Hospital, Second Edition. Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers Inc., 1990.
b. Reprinted as Chapter 4, pages 52-65 in Schele, J. A. Editor, Quality Management in
Nursing and Health Care. Albany and elsewhere: Delmar Publishers, 1995
Paper on "Continuity and Change in the Quest for Quality Clinical Performance
and Quality Health Care: 9-16, January/February/March 1993.
a. Appeared in Spanish translation as Continuidad y Cambio en la Bsqueda de la
Calidad Salud Pblica de Mxico 35: 238-247, Mayo-Junio, 1993.
b. Appeared in modified form as "Models of Quality Assurance. Chapter 6, pages 88103, in Schmele, J. A., Editor, Quality management in Nursing and Health Care.
Albany, and elsewhere: Delmar Publishers, 1995.
Donabedian, A. Et al. Medical Care Chart Book, Bureau of Public Health Economics,
School of Public Health, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
First Edition, with Axelrod, S. J., 1962, unpaginated.
Second Edition, with Axelrod, S. J., 1964, unpaginated.
Third Edition, with Axelrod, S. J. and Agard, J. J., 1967, 240pp. (Revised, 1968).
Four Edition. Third Edition, revised, 1968.
Fifth Edition, with Axelrod, S. J., Swearingen, C. And Jameson, J. August, 1972,
337 pp.
Axelrod, S. J., Donabedian, A. And Gentry, D. W. Medical care Chart Book. 6th Edition,
Ann Arbor: Bureau of Public Health Economics, The University of Michigan, September
1976, 384 pp.
Donabedian, A., Axelrod, S. A., Wyszewianski, L. And Lichtenstei, R. L., Medical Care
Chartbook, 8th Edition. Ann arbor, MI: Health Administration Press, 1986.
Donabedian, A., Foreword to Longo, D. R., Ciccone, K. R., and Lord, J. T.,
Integrated Quality Assessment: A Model for Concurrent Beview. Chicago, IL:
American Hospital Publishing Inc, 1989.
Donabedan, A., Foreword to Long, M. J., The Medical Care System: A Conceptual
Model. Ann Arbor, MI, AUPHA/Health Administration Press, 1994.
Donabedian, A. Ernest A. Codman, MD, The end Result Idea and the Product of a
Hospital: A Commentary" Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 114: 1105,
November 1990.
Rosenfeld, L. S., Katz, J. and Donabedian, A. Medical Care Needs and Services in
the Boston metropolitan Area, 1957, 147 pp
Donabedian, A., "The Challenge of 'Quality Assurance' in Long Term Care under
Private Auspices" Chapter 2 in Quality Assurance in Nursing Care: Current Practice
and Prospects for the Future. Menlo Park, CA:SRI International, 1985
Donabedian, A. "The Price of Quality and the Perplexities of Care" The Michael M.
Davis Lecture. Chicago: The Center for Health Administration Studies, University of
Chicago, 1986.
The Bernard Snell Lecture, 1990. Department of Health Services Administration and
Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Alberta, and The
University of Alberta Hospitals, Alberta, Canada, 1991
The paper on Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care Milbank Memorial Fund
Quarterly, July 1966, was selected for inclusion as a Citation Classic" in Current
Contents, February 7, 1983, based on frequency of citation as reproved by the
Science Citation Index and the Social Science Citation Index.
Azar, J. E., Abu Haidar, F. and Donabedian, A. "An Out break of Food-Borne
Streptococcosis" The Lebanese Medical Journal September 1954, 7:281-291
Donabedian, A. Teaching and Learning by the Case Method Pages 17-22 in Use
of the Care Method in Teaching Medical Care Administration. Public Health Service,
Division of Medical Care Administration, Arlington, Virginia, 1968.
Donabedian. A. The Nature and Magnitude of Need and Unmet Need in Medical
Care Pages 1-21 in Institute on Planning and Administration of Nursing Service in
Medical Care Programs. The University of Michigan. School of Public Health,
Continuing Education Service, Ann Arbor, 1968.
Donabedian, A. Examination of Some Directions in Health Care Policy Pages 310 in D. M. Haynes, Editor. Louisville Health Conference on Delivery of Health Care
University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, October 6 1971, 59 pp.
Donabedian, A., The Quality of Care in National Health Program Pag. 52-59 in
Subcommittee on Health of the Committee of Ways and Means, U. S. House of
representatives. Panel Discussion on National Health Insurance. Prepared statements
of Panelist on the Subject of Problems and Issues in Health Care Organization,
Donabedian, A. Some Basic Issues in Evaluating the Quality of Health Care Pag.
3-28 in Issues in Evaluation Research. Kansas City, Mo. : American Nurses
Association, 1976, 148 pp.
Donabedian, A. Perspectives on Evaluating the Quality of Health Care Pag. 1624 in Assessing Physician Performances in Ambulatory Care. San Francisco:
American Society of Internal Medicine, 1976, 294 pp.
Donabedian, A. What is Quality of Health Care? Who Defines It, and what Effect
Does It Have on the Patient Pages 7-15 in Quality of Health Care: Who Decides? A
manual for the Development of an Experimental Workshop in Topics Related to Quality
and Cost of Health Care, American Student Association, 1979.
Donabedian, A. Impressions of a Journey in Britain and Comments", pages 9495, 111-112, 130-131, 144-145, 165-167, and 180-185, in D. Pendleton, T. Schofie1d,
and M. Marinker, Editors, In Pursuit of Quality: Approaches of Performance Review in
General Practice. London: The Royal College of General Practitioners, 1986.
The Pursuit of Quality and the Cost of Care, Conference on The Cost/Quality
Conflict: How It Affects The patients. Northwestern University, Evanston, October 6,
Donabedian, A., "A Primer of Quality Assurance and Monitoring in Medical Care"
in Law Practice Quality Evaluation: an Appraisal of Peer Review and Other Measures
To Enhance Professional Performance. Philadelphia, PA: American Law Institute
--American Bar Association, Committee on Continuing Professional Education, 1988.
(Also see under "Invited Publications")
Donabedian, A., "Prologue and Summation, Deans Seminar 2, The Quest for
Quality Health Care: Whose Choice, ? Whose Responsibility? The Mount Sinai
Journal of Medicine 56: October 1989, 406-422.
Donabedian, A., Quality of Care and the Health Needs of the Elderly Patient"
Pages 3-13 in J. A. Barondess, D. E. Rogers, and K. N. Lohr, Editors, Care of the
Elderly Patient: Policy Issues and Research Opportunities. Report of a Forum of the
Council on Health Care Technology, Institute of Medicine. Washington, D. C. : National
Academy Press, 1989.