Usmc Scouting and Patrolling
Usmc Scouting and Patrolling
Usmc Scouting and Patrolling
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17 April 2000
MCWP 3-11.3 provides all Marines with the instructional material they need to build
the skills necessary to become effective scouts and patrol team members. This
publication provides the fundamentals of scouting and patrolling and their relationship
to each other. It also addresses organizational structure of teams and patrols, the
training required to develop teamwork, and reporting requirements.
MCWP 3-11.3 supersedes Fleet Marine Force Manual (FMFM) 6-7, Scouting and
Patrolling, dated 6 January 1989.
Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps
Commanding General
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Appendix E. Acronyms E- 1
Scouting involves observing terrain andlor the enemy, and accurately reporting
those observations. Scouting requires proficiency in the use of weapons, cover
and concealment, route selection, and skill in unobserved day or night movement.
A scout must understand map symbols, identify elevations from contour interval
lines, scale distance on a map, relate natural and man-made features shown on the
map to the actual features on the ground, plot a course from one point to another,
and locate his current position. To relate a map to the actual terrain and its
features, a scout must be able to orient it to the ground using a compass, two
points, a watch, and the sun or the stars.
attraction while using a compass to determine direc- of the hand closed. The closed hand and wrist are
tion. The rifle, pistol, and other metal objects must be grasped with the other hand. The elbows are drawn in
laid aside when reading the compass. The minimum close to the body, forming a firm foundation for the
distances the scout should be from visible masses of compass. The eye is placed to the lens on the eyepiece.
iron and electrical fields of magnetism for the compass The compass is pointed at the object or point to which
to provide accurate readings are provided below. the azimuth is to be read. A sighting is taken through
the sighting slot in the eyepiece, and the point is lined
up with the sighting wire in the cover. The compass is
Minimum held until the dial steadies; then the reading is taken
Magnetic Fields Distances
(meters) through the lens of the eyepiece. This reading is the
magnetic azimuth of the line from the observer to the
High tension powerlines 60 point.
Field guns 20
resume movement along the original azimuth (see fig. must be fully charged by sunlight or artificial light,
2-3). The steps are as follows: such as a flashlight. To set a compass—
1. Move up to the obstacle and make a full 90- 1. Move the compass so that the desired azimuth
degree turn to the right (or left). on the dial is directly under the index line on the
lower glass.
2. Walk beyond the obstacle, keeping track of the
distance in paces or meters. 2. Rotate the upper movable glass so that the
luminous line is directly above the north arrow of the
3. Stand at the end of the obstacle, face in the dial.
original direction of march, and follow that azimuth
until the obstacle has been passed. 3. Set the compass for marching at night on the
specified azimuth.
4. Make a 90-degree turn to the left (or right) and
move the distance previously measured to return to —OR—
the original line of march.
1. Face the general direction of movement.
2. Line up the north arrow and the luminous line on
TURN 90 RIGHT the bezel with the luminous sighting dots.
3. Hold the compass still with one hand and grip the
knurled bezel ring with the other hand.
4. Turn the bezel ring the prescribed number of
clicks in the proper direction, remembering that
each click equals 3 degrees. For example, to set an
azimuth of 21 degrees, the bezel ring would be
turned seven clicks to the left.
5. Turn the whole compass until the north needle
lines up with the luminous line. The compass is then
set on the desired azimuth. The azimuth is the line
TURN 90 TURN 90• formed by the two luminous sighting dots on the
LEFT 70 LEFT inside of the cover.
Figure 2-3. Circumventing an Obstacle. To march on a preset azimuth during night movement,
open the compass and move it so the north arrow is
directly below the luminous line (see fig. 2-4). Move
Following an Azimuth During the Day
The eye is placed to the lens in the eyepiece and the
compass moved until the desired azimuth reading is —I—IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
visible beneath the fixed index. Without moving the NORTH
compass, the vision is shifted from the lens through 0°
the sighting slot in the eyepiece, and a sighting is taken
out beyond the sighting wire in the cover. A prominent
terrain feature on this line of sight is selected, the com-
pass closed, and the landmark approached. When the
scout reaches the landmark, the procedure is repeated.
Figure 2-5. Intersection.
Intersection is the location of an unknown point by
successively occupying at least two, preferably three
known positions and sightings on the unknown point. To check accuracy, move to a third position and repeat
It is used to locate features not depicted on the map or steps 1 thorough 4. Where the lines cross is the
not readily identifiable. To determine an intersection, location of the unknown position. Using three lines, a
perform the following steps (see fig. 2-5): triangle is sometimes formed—called the triangle of
error—instead of an intersection. If the triangle is
1. Orient the map using the compass. large, recheck your work to find the error. Do not
assume that the position is at the center of the triangle.
2. Locate and mark your position on the map.
3. Measure the magnetic azimuth to the unknown Resection
position; then convert to grid azimuth.
Resection is the location of the user's unknown
4. Draw a line on the map from your position on this
grid azimuth. position by sighting on two or three known features
that are identifiable on the map. To determine a
5. Move to a second known position from which resection, perform the following steps (see fig. 2-6):
unknown point is visible. Locate this position on the
map and again orient the map using the compass. 1. Orient the map using the compass.
The second unknown position should be a minimum
of 30 degrees offset from the first position. 2. Locate two or three known positions on the
ground and mark them on the map.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
3. Measure the magnetic azimuth to a known
position then convert to grid azimuth.
Scouting and Patrolling 2-5
4. Change the grid azimuth to a back azimuth and Zone (north of the equator), the Big Dipper constel-
draw a line on the map from the known position lation is one key to determining direction of true north.
back toward the unknown position. It is made up of seven fairly bright stars in the shape of
5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 to determine a second a dipper with a long curved handle (see fig. 2-7). The
two stars that form the side of the cup farthest from the
known position. handle, used as pointers, are situated in the direction of
a bright star that is about five times the distance
between the two stars of the dipper cup. This bright
star is the North Star and is directly over the North
Pole. The pointers always designate the North Star,
which is the direction of true north.
* /
Mental Estimation
In the South Temperate Zone, if the watch is set on
standard time, the number 12 on the watch is pointed A mental distance estimate is made using a known unit
at the sun; if the watch is set on daylight savings time, of measure. Distance is estimated to the nearest 100
the number 1 is pointed at the sun. North is midway meters by determining the number of known units of
between 12 (or 1) and the hour hand (see fig. 2-10). measure between the observer's position and a target.
For example, a football field, which is 100 yards, can
When laying in a north-south line, if any doubt exists be used as a known unit of measure for determining
as to which end of the line is north, remember that the the distance between an observer's position and a
sun is in the east before noon and in the west in the target. For longer distances, progressive estimation
afternoon. may be necessary. To do this, the observer determines
the number of units of measure to an intermediate
In addition to the sun and stars, other methods a scout point and doubles the value. The observer should
without a compass can use to determine direction consider the effects in table 2-1 in estimating dis-
include determining prevailing wind direction and tances.
Scouting and Patrolling 2-7
In addition to estimates made through direct ob- A few tracks overlapping each other on both sides of a
servation, a scout may often be able to estimate size, road or trail may indicate a patrol in staggered
composition, direction, rate of movement, condition, formation. A large number of tracks indicates troops in
discipline, state of training, and morale of enemy column formation. A large column will wear a dry
forces through signs and tracks left behind. road smooth and flat. In damp terrain, a freshly made
track will have sharp edges; ordinarily, signs of
Signs moisture will disappear in about 15 minutes. A run-
ner's toes are dug into the ground; a walker's footprint
The examination of vacated enemy positions provides is fairly even.
valuable information. The size of a bivouac or defense
area ordinarily indicates the number of enemy Vehicles
occupants. Clothing, ration containers, dumps, etc.,
further indicate the quantity of the departed enemy The type of track indicates whether the vehicle is
force. The condition of the bivouac area and amount of wheeled or tracked. A scout acquires the necessary
material abandoned give an indication of the enemy experience to make the proper determination by
morale, training, and discipline. A well-policed area observing vehicle tracks during training.
3-2 MCWP 3-11.3
The direction of travel can be determined by the way moving vehicle, and it leaves a deeper impression on
tracks pass across ruts, by impressions on the edges of the exit edges of holes. The faster the travel, the
holes in the ground, how water is splashed from deeper the impression.
puddles, or by the way grass, twigs, and branches are
bent; for example—
• A vehicle (wheeled or tracked) entering a rut pushes 3003. KNOWING THE ENEMY
dirt into the rut and leaves an indentation on the exit
side of the rut.
• A wheel going over holes in the ground leaves a A scout should learn as much as possible about enemy
deeper impression on the edge toward the direction
of travel. psychology, habits, organization, and tactics. The
• The side of a puddle with the greater splash more knowledge gained about the enemy, particularly
indicates the direction of travel of the vehicle. the enemy's normal security measures, the better the
• When traveling cross-country, the direction in scout's chances are to observe and obtain accurate
which grass is bent and/or twigs, branches, and information with minimum risk to the mission's
bushes are broken indicates direction of travel. success. Scouts gain much of this knowledge through
experience, but they also gain a great deal of their
A general rate of speed can be estimated by the preliminary information, particularly that pertaining to
amount of water or mud splattered. A fast-moving enemy organization and tactics, during training and
vehicle will throw larger amounts of water or mud a may be updated by unit commanders and intelligence
greater distance to the front and sides than a slow- officers.
A scout must be able to operate in all types of terrain and under all conditions of
visibility. He must be thoroughly familiar with the principles for using cover and
concealment, camouflage, individual movement, and route selection, both to and
from the objective.
• The scout covers exposed body parts such as the A small, thin bush in the shadow of a large bush makes
face, back of the neck, and hands with grease paint, a good observation point. Lone trees, rocks, fence cor-
mud or other materials to reduce sun reflection. ners, and outstanding landmarks are easily picked up
• Camouflage for equipment can be improvised from by the enemy as obvious observation posts.
garnishing or sandbags to prevent sun reflection.
• In snowy terrain, white overgarments are worn. If camouflage clothing is not available, other available
clothing can be attached in irregular splotches of
• The helmet cover outline should be distorted. appropriate colors.
Individual Camouflage
Successful individual camouflage involves the ability
to recognize and take advantage of all forms of natural
and artificial concealment available (vegetation, soil,
debris, etc.) and knowledge of the proper use of artifi-
cial camouflage materials.
with a light color. Skin that is exposed on the back of tape to break the regular outline. Mud or dirt dulls the
the neck and hands is painted with a two-color com- reflecting surface of the stock, barrel, and bayonet
bination in an irregular pattern (see fig. 4-3). where coloring has been worn. Lamp black may also
be used on metal parts. The function of the weapon
When standard issue face paint sticks are not avail- must not impaired.
able, burnt cork, charcoal or lamp black can be used to
tone down exposed areas of skin. If time, material, and surroundings permit, a ghillie
suit should be constructed. (Refer to MCWP 3-15.3,
Mud is used only in an emergency because it changes Scout Sniping.)
color as it dries and may peel off, leaving the skin
exposed. Since mud may contain harmful bacteria, Aids to Camouflage a Position
mud should be washed off as soon as possible.
To successfully camouflage a position, the scout must
Any equipment that reflects light should be covered remember to—
with a nonreflective material that aids in the con-
cealment of the weapon (for example, black electrical • Camouflage the position as soon as it is occupied.
tape or mud). The straight line of the rifle or other • Avoid using too much material for camouflage.
infantry weapons may be very conspicuous to an Even though natural materials are used, too much
enemy observer. The barrel and hand guard should be may make the object and its shadow stand out from
wrapped with strips of contrasting colored cloth or its surroundings, thus attracting the attention of a
hostile observer.
• Inspect completed camouflage work from the ene-
my's point of view to check effectiveness.
Continuous Camouflage
Camouflage around and on the scout's position must
be maintained in a fresh condition as wilted and dead
foliage can give the position away. If the mission
SPLOTCHING dictates that the position should be occupied for longer
periods, wilted foliage should be replaced during
periods of reduced visibility.
The principles of individual movement are as follows:
(Remember the phrase, "I'm up—he sees me—I'm the forearm and let the butt of the rifle drag on the
down.") ground. Keep the muzzle off the ground.
Rushing To start forward, push arms forward and pull right leg
forward. To move forward, pull with arms and push
When starting from the prone position— with right leg. Change the pushing leg frequently to
avoid fatigue.
• Raise the head slowly and steadily and select a new
position. High Crawl
• Lower the head slowly, draw arms inward, cock
right leg forward, and prepare to rush. The high crawl is used when—
• Use one movement to raise the body by straighten-
ing both arms. • Cover and/or concealment are available.
I Spring to your feet, stepping off with the left foot. • Poor visibility reduces enemy observation
Bend forward as low as possible when running. • Greater speed of movement is required.
Never advance directly to the next position; always
zigzag. To perform the high crawl, keep body off the ground.
Rest weight on forearms and lower legs. Cradle rifle in
When hitting the deck— arms, keeping the muzzle off the ground. Keep knees
well behind the buttocks to stay low.
• Stop.
I Plant both feet in place. Move forward, alternately advancing right forearm
• Drop quickly to the knees and slide the hand to the and left knee; then left forearm and right knee.
heel of the rifle.
• Fall forward, breaking your fall with the butt of the Movement Aids
rifle. (To confuse the enemy, roll over after hitting
the deck and roll into firing position with feet, Aids to movement include—
knees, and stomach flat on the ground.)
• Keep head down if you do not intend to fire. • Carrying only necessities. Additional weight causes
premature fatigue and impedes free movement.
When rolling over— • Not disturbing birds or animals whose flight would
betray your presence. If birds or animals are alerted,
• Hit the deck and assume the prone position. remain motionless under cover for a few minutes,
• Bring the rifle in close to the body, placing the rifle as the enemy's attention may also be attracted.
butt in the crotch. • Moving during an incident that diverts attention,
• Roll over swiftly to confuse any enemy observers as such as an airplane flight, a distant disturbance or
to final intended location. Never reappear at the sudden bursts of fire.
same place you went down. • Fog, smoke, or even light haze offer concealment
for movement; however, the enemy may have
Low Crawl thermoimagery and night vision devices. Therefore,
darkness and smoke cannot be used as easily.
The low crawl is used when— • Following a stream or road by staying as far away
from them as possible while still keeping them in
• Cover and concealment are scarce. sight. Keep close to the dune line when moving
• The enemy has good observation over the area in along a beach.
which the scout is moving. • When moving through tall grass or similar growth,
• Speed is not essential. move when the wind blows, changing direction
frequently. A straight route will be more readily
To perform the low crawl, keep the body as flat as noticed.
possible against the ground. Grasp the rifle sling at the • Whenever possible, avoid areas of soft ground so as
upper sling swivel. Let the balance of the rifle rest on not to leave tracks.
Scouting and Patrolling 4-5
Prior to Movement
A scout and the immediate commander conduct a map
reconnaissance before starting on a mission. This
assists them in selecting the route according to avail-
able cover and concealment and any indicated enemy
conditions. Rod vision distinguishes black, white,
5001. NIGHT VISION shades of gray, and general outlines.
—— 0çSG
should be moved in short, abrupt, irregular movements vision retained by the protected eye enables it to see
over and around the target (see fig. 5-4). until the other eye adapts to the darkness. Red light
helps preserve night vision, but like white light, it can
Preserving Night Vision be observed at long distances.
Night vision is quickly destroyed if bright light is Factors that decrease night visual acuity include
allowed to enter the eye. When entering a lighted area fatigue, lack of oxygen, long exposure to sunlight,
or when observing in a temporarily lighted area (il- alcohol, nicotine (within the past 48 hours), and age.
lumination, flares), one eye should be closed and When night vision has been attained, straining will not
covered to preserve its night vision. When the light improve effectiveness; however, practice identifying
goes off, fades or the lighted area is exited, the night objects at night will improve perception.
Scouting and Patrolling 5-3
during moonlight conditions as in the daytime. Scouts yourself an indistinct target in case the person
should assume enemy employment of night obser- encountered is an enemy.
vation devices and observe the principles of night • Return fire only to avoid capture if fired on when
movement such that presence will not be disclosed by close to enemy positions.
noise when close to the enemy.
bring your knee forward until it meets your hand. • Move the left leg carefully to the rear, and then
Then place your knee on the ground and repeat the move the right leg to the rear.
action with the other hand and knee.
Wire Obstacles
A mission often requires a scout to pass through and
work behind enemy positions. To accomplish this, the
scout must be able to quietly pass through enemy wire
obstacles and cross trenches. Cutting a gap in wire is
time-consuming. If possible, walk over the low bands
Hitting the Deck at Night (Right-Handed of enemy wire and crawl under the high bands (see fig.
5-5). Avoid movement along wire barriers, as enemy
To safetly hit the deck at night from the standing
covering fires are generally planned parallel to them to Wrap a sandbag around the wire cutters and wire to
take advantage of canalization and enfilade fire. deaden the sound.
To step over low wire at night, crouch low to view the Do not cut a complete gap in the wire; cut only the
strands against the sky. Grasp the top strand with one bottom wire(s). Leave the top wire(s) intact to lessen
hand; with the other hand, reach forward and feel for a the chance of discovery by the enemy.
clear spot for foot placement without stepping on other
strands or any object apt to make a noise. Raise the Crossing Trenches
body up, still grasping the top strand of wire. To avoid
catching the foot in another strand, lift the foot up and Before approaching a trench, wait outside the trench
over, passing it close to the hand grasping the wire. for awhile and listen. Do not enter or cross a trench
near its junction with a communication trench. Crawl
If a high wire obstacle is encountered at night and wire silently up to the edge of the trench and look into it.
cutters are not available, pass under the wire with your Remove all loose dirt and rocks from the edge. If it is a
back on the ground. Grasp the lowest strands in your narrow trench, spring up and jump across, sinking
hands and hold them clear of the body while you slide quietly to the ground on the other side and remaining
under them. there a moment to listen before proceeding. If the
trench is wide, climb silently and slowly down into it
When cutting wire and working solo, cut a wire near a and out the other side, using the revetment for support
post (see fig. 5-6), then dispose of all but one loose (see fig. 5-7). Do not enter enemy trenches unless it is
end. Grasp the wire close to a post and cut between absolutely necessary in order to accomplish the
your hand and the post, muffling the sound and mission. Ordinarily; work is better accomplished from
keeping the loose wire in your grasp. When cutting outside the trench. Sentries usually pay more attention
wire in tandem, one firmly holds the wire with the to sounds in front of them; therefore, if it is necessary
hands positioned close to the cutters, in order to muffle to enter a trench, cross it first at the place where enemy
the sound and prevent the loose ends from flying back, observation is restricted, then approach from the rear.
while the other one cuts. In both instances, the loose
ends of the wire are bent back to form a passage.
- -
WIL — —--'..
— •. :-!1
• '..W1i1&IIUIIthJ I
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use it. The exact location of this point can be fixed the
next day by visual reconnaissance of the area from an ADVANCE ON A KNOWN AZIMUTH,
observation point. When the needle rests— SIDE THE ENEMY'S POSITION. LIE
• Clamp it in place by lowering the eyepiece to the OUTGUARDS. —
closed position.
• Rotate the movable bezel ring until the luminous
line is directly over the north end of the needle. The
azimuth of the gap from the prominent point is now
When moving at night without a compass, use the stars and objects that appear
sIlhouetted against the sky as your guide.
When sent out on a mission, a scout's duties are to observe and report. the first
five chapters covered scout protection measures and movement in enemy ter-
ritory. This chapter discusses performing the assigned mission and reporting the
mission after its completion.
The following guidelines apply to observation posts. At night, use a night observation device. If one is not
See figure 6-1. available, search the horizon with short, jerky
movements, and short pauses. Look a little to one side
• When selecting observation posts, scouts should of an object and then to the other. Lower the head
chose the least prominent position. close to the ground to view the object more clearly.
• Scouts may occupy one or more observation posts. Use low-powered field glasses to increase sight range.
• An observation post should not be manned for more
than 24 hours.
• A selected observation post should be observed for FOR SIGNS OF HOSTILE OCCUPATION. APPROACH SELECTED
10 to 15 minutes to ensure it is not occupied. POSITION BY A CONCEALED ROUTE.
Using all senses available, be particularly alert for
movement, objects, sounds, and smells inappropriate
to the surroundings. While observing, avoid all un-
necessary movement. If observing from a building,
keep back from doors and windows.
Figure 6-1. Method of Approaching
In daylight, look first at the ground nearest you. Begin an Observation Post.
observing close to your post and search a narrow strip
6-2 MCWP 3-11.3
Z0 R
g rj c0 r
.J-i .
5; J....
-.-----100 METER /. RAi N CO
?. Movi'
3. 762.3 Vjg 5i
50 METER ZONE 4L. ik
S. o?gc 8p3p3
6. 4' Bz Me'*r, I4 i'fz,q' y
'7. Mg : 375qQ
s. ,
Figure 6-3. Sample Field Message.
The message is carefully reread and if possible read by TREE CLUMP ON SMOKE HILL
another person to ensure understandability. If a 071405 JULY 1999
messenger is used, the messenger must read and
understand the message in order to answer any WHITE HOUSE
questions the commander might have. RED BARN ON HILL 406 OUTBUILDINGS
Information difficult to describe may be given
accurately on a simple sketch. The sketch may give all
the necessary information or it may be used to
supplement a written message. A military sketch is
generally one of two types: simple or panoramic. The
simple sketch is easily made and read.
The same information sent back to higher head-
quarters on the sketch may be sent on an overlay, if the
sender and the person to whom the message is to be
sent have copies of the same map. Figure 6-6 on page
6-6 illustrates a simple overlay. The overlay is drawn
on transparent paper as follows:
• Orient the map and place it on a hard, flat surface.
• Place the transparent paper over the part of the map
of the object or information to be transmitted and Figure 6-4. Making a Simple Sketch.
hold the paper in this position.
• Orient the overlay to the map by tracing in the Explanatory notes are annotated in the overlay's
intersecting grid lines at two opposite corners of the margin, arrows point to the objectives.
overlay. Write the correct number designation on • Indicate with an "X" and an appropriate explanation
the overlay. The cross made by the intersection is the position from which the observer saw the object
called a tick mark and enables the receiver to locate or obtained information.
the exact area on the map covered by the overlay. • Include title and scale of the map from which the
• Sketch the object seen or the information to be overlay was made, date and hour the information
transmitted on the tracing paper (the sheet on top of was obtained, and signature of the observer on the
the map) in the exact location it would appear on overlay in the lower right-hand corner.
the map (the sheet underneath the tracing paper).
6-4 MCWP 3-11.3
08005 OCTOBER 1999
c2. 41Z
Figure 6-6. Simple' Overlay.
A scouting fire team moves aggressively to cover the When fired upon, scouts must drop to cover and return
front of the advancing platoon and to locate the fire only when necessary to complete the mission. If
enemy's position(s). It generally moves in a wedge or
skirmisher's formation. Normally, a scouting fire team SCOUTS
necessary, one scout reports back to the fire team PICK OUT POSSIBLE POSITIONS THAT HAVE A GOOD
leader who informs the platoon commander. FIELD OF FIRE, INDICATED BY + 4 BELOW.
points to which the sub elements of the fire team move close terrain or conditions of limited visibility, the
are normally designated as fire team intermediate scouting fire team is normally ordered to precede the
objectives by the fire team leader. The fire team leader platoon at the limit of visibility, maintaining visual
sets as many fire team intermediate objectives as contact with the platoon commander.
necessary to maintain mutual support within the team.
This process is repeated until the team can be covered Action in Woods
by other elements of the rifle platoon.
When a scouting fire team is directed to advance over
A scouting fire team takes advantage of available open ground to the edge of a woodline, two members
cover and concealment without delaying its advance. of the team, preferably the rifleman and assistant
The orders of the platoon commander govern the automatic rifleman, reconnoiter inside the woodline
distance at which it precedes the platoon. The terrain while the remainder of the fire team covers them. It is
and the probable position of the enemy affect the not recommended they separate until finished with
scouting fire team's distance in front of the platoon. It their reconnaissance of the far side of the danger area.
may be as much as 400 to 600 meters in advance of the Both members staying together can cover the same
platoon. In open terrain, the platoon commander area using a zigzag reconnaissance and they are better
usually directs that the scouting fire team move by equipped to overcome any opposition.
bounds to a succession of intermediate objectives. In
In heavy underbrush and/or poor visibility, the
rifleman and assistant automatic rifleman proceed into
With platoon in
woods, scouts the woodline together for 50 to 60 meters. The two
reach open field then separate, searching out either flank to the first
and see house high ground or limits of observation, probably 50 to
ahead. They signal
halt, meaning that 100 meters (see fig. 7-4 on page 7-4). After the initial
the platoon should search and out posting the limit of advance, the re-
not advance maining scout signals the fire team forward.
beyond this point.
)5 ?
— —0—
(CJf3 A
fire team as it exits the woods and directs the team Action Under Fire
leader to move out and continue the scouting mission.
When a scouting fire team is fired upon, they im-
A scouting fire team passing through woods ahead of mediately take cover, locate targets, and return fire.
its unit maintains a distance allowing visual and oral The scouting fire team leader then determines—
communications. If an obstacle is encountered,
reconnaissance to its front and flanks must be carried • Location of enemy (range and reference points).
out. When advancing along a road or path, scouts • Extent of position (location of flanks).
precede the platoon to provide necessary protection • Types of positions (obstacles, bunkders, fighting
and to prevent surprise fire on the platoon. When holes, etc.).
crossing a road or path, they reconnoiter well to the • Number of enemy.
flanks before signaling "all clear" to the platoon.
• Enemy weapons (machine guns, mortars, tanks,
The scouting fire team will not exit the woods until the etc.).
arrival of the platoon commander, who will then be
given an opportunity to alter the disposition or The platoon commander assesses the situation as
direction of march. The point where the platoon exits quickly as possible based on the limited information
the woods is considered a danger area where the obtained. Usually the platoon commander brings up
platoon is vulnerable to enemy fire. The scouting fire the remaining squads, sets up a base of fire, and as-
team is sent ahead to reconnoiter the danger area, as saults the enemy position. Should the enemy position
well as the next area to be occupied by the platoon. prove too strong for the platoon, the platoon remains
They signal back whether conditions require a halt, an engaged with the enemy as a base of fire until the re-
advance or a quick rush across the open area. The mainder of the company is committed to clear the
scouting fire team leader must be continually on the enemy resistance.
lookout for signals from the rear.
Scouting and Patrolling 7-5
This chapter begins Part 2 and provides basic information about infantry patrols;
specifically, their purpose, types, and missions. Infantry patrol training is also
addressed and keys to successful patrolling are presented. Subsequent chapters of
this part cover patrol organization, preparation, movement, and reconnaissance
Waterborne Patrols
Waterbome patrols move over seas, lakes, rivers and
streams, canals, and other inland waterways. The
water is either used as a medium of entry to an
objective area or is the actual patrol route. Waterborne
patrols are limited by the location of water routes in
the terrain and tend to bypass areas that may be
advantageous to and occupied by the enemy. Figure 8-1. Changing Position After Firing.
Scouting and Patrolling 8-3
For a patrol to succeed, all members must be well trained, briefed, and rehearsed.
The patrol leader must have a complete understanding of the mission and a
thorough understanding of the enemy and friendly situations. The patrol leader
should make a complete reconnaissance of the terrain to be covered (either visual
or map), and must issue an order to the patrol, supervise preparations, and conduct
Assigning Units
The mission assigned to a patrol must be clear and
oriented toward one objective with a specific task and When assigning patrol missions, maintaining the
purpose. More than one primary objective or indefinite integrity of the existing unit while considering the
missions invites confusion, casualties, and failure. skills and experience of the unit and its leader are
critical factors to the infantry commander. To provide
operational depth and equitable apportionment of
hazardous assignments, the commander ensures that
10002. FACTORS INFLUENCING PATROL each of the subordinate leaders and units develops the
SIZE skills and experience necessary to conduct successful
patrols. Assignment of patrol units must consider the
commander's concept of operations as a whole and the
The circumstances under which patrolling by infantry plans for subsequent employment of assigned forces
units is conducted make it necessary for combat after completion of the assigned patrolling mission.
patrols to be able to fight offensively, security patrols
to defend themselves, and reconnaissance patrols to
move quickly and only fight if necessary to break Providing Adequate Time
contact or defend themselves. The size of a patrol The commander must allow the patrol sufficient
depends on METT-T. preparation time by completing the mission analysis,
estimate, and preparation of orders. The commander
Generally, a patrol should contain the least number of should use warning orders to alert subordinates to
members needed to accomplish the mission. Combat possible requirements and afford them the opportunity
missions ordinarily require larger patrols than re- for concurrent planning.
connaissance missions.
Providing the Patrol Leader Information
10003. COMMANDER'S DUTIES The following information should be provided:
• Time patrol is to depart and return. prepared to provide the patrol leader an opportunity to
• Method of reporting information while on patrol ask for clarification or additional support, if required.
(radio, messenger), place where messengers are to
be sent, and place where the patrol leader is to Debriefing the Patrol
report upon completion of the patrol.
• The challenge and password to be used for exiting Upon return of the patrol, the commander receives the
and reentering friendly lines. patrol report at a debriefing attended by the patrol
• Special instructions such as locations to be avoided leader and all patrol members. The debriefing should
and essential elements of information higher be conducted as soon as possible following the
headquarters is seeking. patrol's return, while information is still fresh in the
minds of the patrol members. A patrol report, based on
• Report barrier/obstacle plan of friendly units if
known; support available from friendly unit (e.g., the information collected during the debrief, is gen-
erated and forwarded to the next higher com-mander.
medical evacuation [MEDEVAC], react force).
• Fire support available.
the patrol leader for proper planning and reconnais- complete defmition) and supporting fires. The patrol
sance. A warning order is issued using a modified leader also coordinates with other patrol leaders who
five-paragraph order format (situation, mission, may be operating in the same or adjacent areas and
execution, administration and logistics, and command requests that the commander assigning him the patrol
and signal [SMEAC]) as a checklist. (Refer to app. A mission coordinate the patrol action with adjacent
for specific information that a patrol warning order commanders, local security, and night defensive fires,
should contain within each checklist item. as appropriate. The patrol leader may delegate any or
all of these arrangements to the assistant patrol leader
Once the initial preparations are set in motion, the if the patrol leader requires the time for planning.
patrol leader begins estimating by analyzing the
mission; considering the friendly, enemy, and Make Reconnaissance and Complete the
operating environments; considering each course of
action available against what the enemy might do;
comparing the courses of action in terms of mission patrol leader uses personal reconnaissance to
accomplishment, capabilities, and probable casualties; answer questions that arise from the map recon-
and choosing one that becomes the basis for concept naissance and METT-T evaluation. Specific points in-
and order. While the patrol leader should use and dude passage points, lanes through obstacles,
organize notes, estimates must be done quickly and locations of friendly listening posts and observation
accurately, particularly for immediate situations. To posts, possible approach and return routes, enemy
organize thinking, the patrol leader uses METT-T, positions (if any), and intermediate observation points
which consists of: on the way to the objective.
• Mission—the mission assigned to the patrol and
how it relates to the mission of the commander who In selecting approach and return routes, the patrol
leader chooses routes that best use concealment and
is sending the patrol.
avoid opposition and obstacles. To lessen the chances
• Enemy—what is known or suspected of enemy of ambush by the enemy, the return trip is planned
presence and capabilities, habits and characteristics, along a different route. In addition to personal
and fighting techniques. reconnaissance and review of the map and aerial
• Terrain and weather—including ground, vegetation, photographs, the advice of other patrol leaders who
drainage, weather, and visibility. already are familiar with the terrain and the objective
• Troops and support available—friendly situation area should be considered.
and support available.
• Time available—the constraints and impact of time After compiling information about the situation and
on preparation and mission accomplishment. possible time constraint, the patrol leader completes an
estimate. The first step is developing courses of action,
The estimate begins with mission analysis, which is each of which will provide for movement to the
the most important part of the entire planning process. objective area, mission accomplishment, and the
Here, the patrol leader considers the specified tasks of return, based on the tasks and their sequencing
the mission assigned and identifies other significant identified in mission analysis. While the eventual
actions (specified and implied tasks) that must be concept of operations is presented in order of
undertaken to accomplish the stated mission. These occurrence, the patrol leader must develop the courses
tasks are arranged in sequence of accomplishment. of action by either backward or forward planning. In
The tasks and sequence create the framework for situations where the objective is well defmed and there
developing courses of action for the patrol concept of is sufficient information to plan the action for mission
operations. accomplishment (reconnaissance or combat), the
patrol leader begins the scheme for accomplishing the
mission at the objective and then, planning backwards,
Arrange for Reconnaissance and considers the options for getting there and back.
The following sections on movement to and return
The patrol leader arranges a personal reconnaissance
to observe as far forward as possible and also from the objective area, reconnaissance missions, and
coordinates with the appropriate commanders for the combat missions discuss methods and options avail-
patrol's "passage of lines" (see paragraph 11001 for able to the patrol leader in developing the courses of
MCWP 3-1 1.3
action. The principal variables between courses of Some factors that determine what action the patrol
action will be who, where, and how in the following: leader takes are: patrol's mission; unit's standing
operating procedure for handling wounded; number of
• Patrol task organization. casualties and nature of their injuries; availability of
aid, helicopters or other means of casualty evacuation.
• Routes to the objective area.
Helicopter evacuation should only be used for the
• Observation point(s) (reconnaissance patrol), am- most serious casualties. For infantry units conducting
bush site, form of maneuver, type of ambush patrols in proximity to the enemy, helicopter evacu-
(combat patrol), fire support plan. ation of casualties may compromise the patrol's mis-
• Return routes. sion and force the patrol to return to friendly positions
before the mission is completed.
The patrol leader then mentally considers the progress
of each course of action (a map or simple sketch is a The patrol leader determines the requirement for
useful aid) against expected and unexpected enemy nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) defense
action. By comparing the options against each other equipment. Gas masks should always be carried due to
and prospective enemy opposition, the patrol leader the availability of riot control agents (RCAs) to the
chooses the course of action that has the best chance of enemy. If chemical or biological agents have been
success. Includes in this mental preview process is the employed in the area that the patrol must pass through,
time to determine the patrol plan for unexpected protective garments will have to be worn by patrol
contingencies (enemy attack/counterattack, casualty members for part of or the entire patrol. Wearing extra
handling). These contingency actions, together with clothing and carrying extra equipment affects the
the selected course of action, become the patrol con- speed of the patrol's movement. A contingency plan
cept of operations. for post patrol decontamination must be developed.
Once the patrol leader determines the scheme of Complete the Plan
maneuver, the fire support required to accomplish the
mission is addressed including the fire power organic At this point, the patrol leader has completed the basic
to the patrol and what additional indirect fire support thinking necessary for accomplishing the assigned
will have to be provided by other units. When mission. The patrol leader prepares the patrol order to
planning for indirect fire support, the patrol leader spell out the details, assign tasks to subordinates, and
considers the following questions: explain the entire endeavor for ease of understanding
by the other members of the patrol.
• Will artillery, mortar, or close air support be
required at the objective area (combat patrols)?
Prepare the Order
• What artillery and mortar targets exist along the
routes to and from the objective area that can be The patrol leader's order contains more detailed
employed by the patrol if it encounters the enemy information than discussed in the warning order.
during movement (reconnaissance patrols and Orders follow the prescribed five-paragraph order
combat patrols)? format but contain greater detail. The patrol order is a
• What additional fire support will be required to modified 5-paragraph order; the major modifications
cover the patrol's movement from the objective are to paragraphs 3a and 3c. The format for the order is
area back to the friendly area once the enemy is contained in appendix B.
aware of the patrol's actions at the objective area
(combat patrols)? Issue the Order
The effect that casualties have upon the patrol depends The patrol leader asks for a status report on the initial
upon many factors. Generally, more casualties can be preparatory tasks assigned to subordinate leaders and
expected in a combat patrol than in a reconnaissance specialists when the warning order was issued. When
patrol. A patrol may continue on to the objective car- the patrol leader has completed planning and initial
rying its casualties, send them back with a detail of preparations have progressed to the point where the
Marines, abort the mission and return the entire patrol patrol order may be issued, the members of the patrol
with the casualties, or call their parent unit for are assembled. Roll call is taken to ensure all patrol
assistance. members are present, then the prepared order is issued.
Scouting and Patrolling 10-5
This will be the only opportunity for the patrol leader • Challenges and passwords, codes, reporting times,
to issue detailed instructions. The mission, in par- radio call signs, frequencies, and any other pertinent
ticular, must be unmistakably clear so that once the details.
patrol is committed, all subordinate leaders can act
with unity of purpose. There is usually a period of time between final re-
hearsal and departure. The patrol leader reinspects just
Whenever possible, the patrol leader should have a before departure to ensure all equipment is still in
Marine, such as the navigator, build a terrain model working order and the unit is ready to embark on the
using dirt, sand, twigs, etc., explaining the concept of mission.
operations for movement to the objective area, actions
at the objective area, and the return. Terrain models Rehearsals ensure the operational proficiency of the
provide patrol members with a clear and simple layout patrol. Plans are checked and needed changes are
of the area of operations and key terrain. made. The patrol leader verifies the suitability of
equipment. It is through rehearsals that patrol
members become thoroughly familiar with the actions
Supervise to take during the patrol.
Inspections and rehearsals, vital to proper preparation, If the patrol will operate at night, both day and night
are conducted even though the patrol leader and patrol rehearsals are conducted. Terrain similar to that over
members are well experienced in patrolling. In- which the patrol will operate is used. All actions are
spections determine the patrol's state of physical and rehearsed. If time is limited, the most critical phases
mental readiness. are rehearsed. Action at the objective is the most
critical phase of the patrol and is always rehearsed.
The patrol leader inspects before rehearsals to ensure
completeness and correctness of uniform and equip- An effective method is to talk the patrol through each
ment. The following areas are checked: phase, describing the actions and having each member
perform individual duties. When satisfied, the patrol
• Camouflage. leader walks the patrol through all phases of the patrol
• Identification tags, Geneva Convention cards. using only the signals and commands to be used
• Prescribed equipment, weapons, and ammunition during the actual conduct of the patrol. Rehearsals
are available and serviceable. continue until the patrol is thoroughly familiar with
the plan. The rehearsal is also used to test the sound-
• Tape and other items are used to "silence" equip- ness of the patrol order and patrol organization.
ment (prevent noise produced during movement).
• Items that could provide information to the enemy After the rehearsal, the patrol leader makes final ad-
(e.g., letters and papers) remain behind. justments to the plan and patrol organization based on
• Unnecessary equipment and excess weight remain what was learned during the rehearsal and from other
behind. sources, such as the S-2 and adjacent patrols. When
this is completed, the patrol leader issues final in-
The patrol leader questions each patrol member to structions to subordinate leaders noting any changes
ensure the following is known: made in the patrol organization or plan. While the
subordinate leaders are briefing the remainder of the
patrol members, the patrol leader reports to the com-
• The mission, planned routes (primary and alter- mander stating that the patrol is ready to begin the
nate), and the fire support plan of the patrol. mission. The patrol leader also coordinates the loca-
• The individual's role: what to do and when to do it. tion and time that the patrol can test fire all weapons
• What others are to do and how their actions impact. prior to departure.
This chapter provides guidance to patrol leaders for movement to and return from
the objective area. Action in the objective area depends on whether the patrol is
assigned a reconnaissance mission, combat mission or security mission. Chapters
12 and 13 provide detailed guidance on these types of missions.
A passage of lines is an operation in which a force The patrol's task organization establishes the ele-
moves forward or rearward through another force's ments and teams needed to accomplish the mission in
combat positions with the intention of moving into or the objective area and to and from the objective. The
out of contact with the enemy. (JP 1-02) patrol leader determines the formation(s) in which the
patrol moves to the objective area.
During the initial preparation for the patrol, the patrol
leader selects a patrol assembly area and reconnoiters Formations
the area of passage designated by the commander. In
coordination with the unit commander responsible for The proper use of patrol formations is critical to the
the area of passage, the patrol leader identifies gaps or patrol's success. The squad and fire team formations
lanes in minefields and wire obstacles and locates described in FMFM 6-5 (proposed MCWP 3-11.2),
local security elements through which the patrol will Marine Rifle Squad, also apply to infantry patrolling
pass. The patrol leader also checks the route from the formations. Because the movement of the patrol must
patrol assembly area to the passage point or contact be concealed from the enemy, the patrol normally
point where the patrol will depart friendly lines. If moves through terrain that provides concealment.
possible, both the route to the passage point and the Control of the patrol in this type of terrain is difficult;
route through the frontlines should be concealed from thus the colunm formation, which is easily controlled,
the enemy's view. is normally used. However, as various types of terrain
are encountered, the patrol leader uses the same con-
The patrol leader also reconnoiters the area for return siderations in determining the appropriate formation
passage of lines and coordinates with the unit used in other infantry operations.
commander responsible for the area of passage for
passage points and lanes as necessary. The patrol The standard squad and fire team formations are
leader observes these points from the direction that the adaptable to a patrol. The patrol may change for-
patrol will use upon return to friendly lines, if mations en route to match the situation and terrain.
possible, to aid in recognition upon return. The patrol The patrol leader may have to sacrifice some control
leader provides the forward unit with information for better dispersion or give up some speed for greater
about the size of the patrol, general route, and stealth and more security. Other considerations
expected time of return. The manner of challenge and include—
recognition of the returning patrol should be
coordinated in detail. Visibility, weather, terrain, and vegetation will
influence dispersion and control of individuals and
Upon return to friendly forward local security squads units. These factors may also affect the enemy; if
andlor frontlines, the patrol leader leaves the patrol in visibility is good for the patrol, it is also good for
a covered position and moves forward with a radio the enemy. Two pieces of luminous tape worn on
operator and at least one Marine for security to make the back of the collar will aid in control and
contact with the friendly unit in the manner agreed. movement on dark nights. The collar is turned
After contact is made and recognized, the patrol leader down when near the enemy. The tape can also be
rejoins the patrol and takes them to the passage point, worn on the back of the cap, but should be covered
personally checking in each member. or removed when near the enemy.
11-2 MCWP 3-11.3
effectiveness is reduced. The patrol leader must
also position fire units so as not to mask their fires.
• All-around defense of the patrol must not be 100 METERS
sacrificed under any circumstances. The conven-
tional squad and platoon formations provide
adequate firepower in any direction required. When
attachments are made to the patrol, the attachments ORO
are positioned within the formation to enhance the
firepower of the patrol. If a fire unit, such as a
machine-gun team or squad, is attached, it is
incorporated into the all-around defense of the 081 FO
patrol by modifying the conventional formation Q81 RO
(see fig. 11-1). It is permissible to employ machine-
gun teams individually during movement. How-
ever, assault rocket squads and teams should be
employed primarily as rifle fire units for movement.
Firing the SMAW or AT-4 from within a patrol TEAM
formation can present a serious back-blast danger to 0
patrol members and should only be fired on the
patrol leader's direction.
0 0
• Time allotted for mission accomplishment is also a 0 1
major consideration. In selecting the formations, the
patrol leader must consider the speed of the
movement required to meet the time constraints (if
any) imposed on the patrol. If required to meet a
time schedule, a formation that permits rapid
movement should be used. Speed, however, must
Exercise of Control 0
The patrol leader is positioned for best control over the
patrol. The assistant patrol leader moves at or near the
rear of the patrol. Other subordinate leaders move with
their elements. All patrol members assist by staying Figure 11-1. Squad Patrol with Attached Mortar
alert and passing on signals and orders. A signal to halt Forward Observer Team and Machine Gun Squad.
may be given by any patrol member, but the signal to
resume movement is given only by the patrol leader.
patrol leader halts the patrol and has subordinate
Arm-and-hand signals are the primary means of leaders come forward. They speak in a low voice and
communication within a patrol and should be used then pass the information to their subordinates by
exclusively when near the enemy. All members must moving from member to member.
know the standard infantry signals (refer to FMFM 6-
Radios provide a means of positive control within a
5), as well as any special signals required, and be alert
to receive and pass them to other members. large patrol; however, radios should be used only
when arm-and-hand signals or face-to-face contact
The patrol leader should speak just loudly enough to between the patrol leader and subordinate leaders is
be heard. At night, or when close to the enemy, the impractical. When close to the enemy, words are
Scouting and Patrolling 11-3
spoken into the microphone with hands cupped over it "send up the pace" or uses the arm-and-hand signal of
in a low voice. tapping his boot. This signal is passed to both pacers,
who in turn send up the pace count in meters; for
Other sound signals may be used if the patrol leader is example, "two-hundred" or "one-seven-five."
sure they serve the purpose intended. Planned sound
signals are rehearsed before starting on the patrol. Patrol members must understand that the counts of
Sound signals used must be simple, natural sounds that both pacers are sent forward. The patrol leader must
are few in number and easily understood. Bird and know the counts of both men in order to check them.
animal calls are seldom satisfactory.
The patrol leader assigns at least two members as The point maintains direction by knowledge of the
pacers to keep track of the distance from point to general route to be followed and visual contact with
point. The average of their count is used to ap- the patrol leader. The patrol leader or the navigator
proximate the distance traveled. Pacers are separated ensures that the point is proceeding correctly.
so they do not influence each other's count. Pacers
must know how to convert their own paces to meters.
The point, which stays far enough ahead of the patrol
to provide security, is not a trail breaker for the patrol.
The route is divided into increments, with each If the point loses contact with the patrol, the point
increment starting at a recognizable point on the
ground. The pacers begin their counts from zero at the waits for the main body to catch up or moves rearward
beginning of each leg. This makes the pace count if contact is not quickly regained.
easier to keep and checks for accuracy.
One of the navigators may be positioned with the
The pace count is sent forward when the patrol leader point. One or more members works as the point while
turns to the member behind and in a low voice says, the other is the navigator.
11-4 MCWP 3-11.3
Flank security for a patrol of squad size or less may be
provided by using one or two members on either flank. MOVEMENT
If two scouts are assigned to a flanic, one is positioned
to observe the patrol leader and the other works farther
out from the patrol. The scout who must observe the Checkpoints
patrol leader remains within a maximum distance of
A checkpoint is a predetermined point on the surface
100 meters. The scout farther out remains in sight of
of the Earth used as a means of controlling movement,
the inside scout but normally does not move more than
a registration target for fire adjustment or reference for
20 or 25 meters away and remains prepared to relieve
location (JP 1-02). Checkpoints are a means of control
flank security regularly. Moving through dense woods
between the parent unit and the patrol. These locations
or jungle may render the use of flank security are decided upon and coordinated before the patrol
impractical because of reduced visibility. In such leaves, so that both the patrol members and parent unit
cases, it moves with the patrol itself, but maintains will know the patrol's location when it reports in. The
observation to its assigned flanks.
parent unit can follow the progress of the patrol
without transmitting coordinates over the radio that
Rear the enemy could monitor.
be suitable to accommodate those activities rally point on the far side of it. If, however, the patrol
accomplished prior to actions on the objective. This is separated or dispersed at a danger area as a result of
position must provide the patrol concealment from enemy contact, members who have already crossed the
enemy observation and, if possible, cover from enemy danger area assemble and reorganize at the rally point
fires. It may be located short of, to a flank or beyond on the far side; members who have not crossed
the objective. It should be out of sight, sound, and assemble and reorganize at the rally point on the near
small-arms range of the objective area. The patrol side. In the absence of the patrol leader and unless
leader's reconnaissance of the objective is made from directed otherwise, the senior member at the rally
this position; it is the release point from which patrol point on the near side takes charge, attempts to move
elements and teams move to the objective to accom- the rallied patrol members to the rally point on the far
plish the mission. side, and rejoins the remainder of the patrol.
In crossing a river, the near bank is reconnoitered first; Passive security measures are—
then the patrol is positioned to cover the far bank.
Scouts are sent across to the far bank. After the far • Avoid built-up areas.
bank has been reconnoitered and the scouts report that
it is clear of the enemy, the patrol crosses as rapidly as • Select an area remote from all human habitation.
possible. This may be done individually or in pairs. If • Avoid known or suspected enemy positions.
crossing the river requires swimming, the patrol uses • Avoid ridge lines, topographic crests, valleys, lakes,
improvised rafts to float equipment, weapons, and and streams.
ammunition across. (Refer to MCRP 3-02C, Water
• Avoid roads and trails.
Survival Handbook)
. Avoid open woods and clearings.
A road or trail is crossed at or near a bend or where the • Select areas offering dense vegetation, preferably
road is narrow. Observation is restricted and, if the bushes and trees that spread out close to the ground.
enemy is present, the patrol is exposed as short a time
as possible. The near side is reconnoitered first, then Active security measures—
scouts are sent across to reconnoiter the far side. This
includes reconnoitering the tentative rally point on the • Establish security covering all likely avenues of
far side. Once the scouts report "all clear," the approach into the site.
remainder of the patrol crosses rapidly and quietly.
• Establish communications (wire, radio, signal,
If the patrol must pass close to an enemy position, it runner) with posted security to provide early
takes advantage of battlefield noises to cover the warning of enemy approach.
sounds of movement. If supporting fires are available, • Select an alternate area for occupation if the
the patrol leader can call for them to divert the original hide is compromised or found unsuitable.
enemy's attention as the patrol passes. • Plan for withdrawal in the event of discovery.
• Establish an alert plan with a certain percent of the
personnel awake at all times.
11005. HIDE • Organize the elements of the patrol so necessary
activities can take place with a minimum amount of
When a patrol is required to halt for an extended
period in an area not protected by friendly troops, the The size of the area physically occupied by a patrol in
patrol moves into a location which, by the nature of a hide and the number of security posts required are
the surrounding terrain, provides passive security from governed by the terrain, quantity and quality of cover
enemy detection. Such an assembly area is termed a and concealment, and size of the patrol.
hide. To establishment a hide—
If the situation permits, a hide can also be used as the
• Cease all movement during daylight hours to avoid
fmal preparation position and/or objective rally point.
• Hide the patrol for an extended period while the
patrol leader conducts a detailed reconnaissance of
the objective area. 11006. IMMEDIATE ACTIONS UPON
• Rest and reorganize after extended movement. ENEMY CONTACT
• Reorganize after a patrol has infiltrated the enemy
area in small groups.
A patrol may make contact with the enemy at any
The patrol leader's plan must include tentative hide time. Contact may be through observation, a meeting
locations when the patrol's mission dictates an engagement or ambush. Contact may be visual, in
extended halt within enemy areas. These tentative which the patrol sights the enemy but is not itself
locations must be confirmed by actual ground detected. When this is the case, the patrol leader can
reconnaissance prior to occupation by the patrol. The decide whether to make or avoid physical contact,
plan for a hide includes both passive and active basing his decision on the patrol's assigned mission
security measures. and capability to successfully engage the enemy unit.
Scouting and Patrolling 11-7
When a patrol's assigned mission prohibits physical member halts in place, weapon at the ready, and
contact (except that necessary to accomplish the remains absolutely motionless and quiet until further
mission), its actions are defensive in nature. Physical signals or orders are given.
contact, if unavoidable, is broken as quickly as
possible and the patrol, if still capable, continues its Air Observation and/or Attack
mission. actions are designed to reduce the danger of
detection from aircraft and casualties from air attack.
When a patrol's assigned mission permits or requires
it to seek or exploit opportunities for contact (as in the
case of a combat patrol), its actions are offensive in When an enemy or unidentified aircraft that may
detect the patrol is heard or observed, the appropriate
nature, immediate, and positive.
immediate action drill is FREEZE. The first member
In patrolling, contacts (visual or physical) are often hearing or sighting an aircraft that may be a threat
unexpected at very close ranges, and short in duration.
signals FREEZE. Every member halts in place until
Effective enemy fire often provides leaders little or no the patrol leader identifies the aircraft and gives
time to fully evaluate situations and issue orders. In further signals or orders. Members of the patrol must
these situations, immediate action provides a means not look up at the aircraft as sunlight can reflect off
for swiftly initiating positive offensive or defensive their faces even when camouflaged.
action, as appropriate.
When an aircraft detects a patrol and makes a low
Two types of physical contact with the enemy are level attack, the immediate action drill air attack is
meeting engagement and ambush. Meeting used. The first member sighting an attacking aircraft
engagement is a combat action that occurs when a shouts, "AIRCRAFT," followed by the direction of
moving force, incompletely deployed for battle, the incoming attack: FRONT, LEFT, REAR or
engages an enemy at an unexpected time and place. It RIGHT. The patrol moves quickly into line formation,
is an accidental meeting where neither the enemy nor well spread out, at right angles to the aircraft's
the patrol expect contact and are not specifically direction of travel. As each member comes on line, the
prepared to deal with it. An ambush is a surprise attack member hits the ground, using available cover, then
from a concealed position. positions the body perpendicular to the aircraft's
direction of travel, to present the shallowest target
possible (see fig. 11-2 on page 11-8). Between attacks
Immediate Actions (if the aircraft returns or if more than one aircraft
attacks), patrol members seek better cover. Attacking
Immediate actions are designed to provide swift and aircraft are fired upon only on command of the patrol
positive small unit reaction to visual or physical
contact with the enemy. They are simple courses of
action in which all Marines are well trained. Minimal
signals or commands are required and they are Meeting Engagement
developed as needed for the combat situation. The Hasty Ambush. This immediate action is used to
signals can, in many cases, be initiated by any member avoid contact and to prepare to initiate an unplanned
of the unit. It is not feasible to attempt to design an ambush on the enemy. It may often be a subsequent
immediate action drill to cover every possible action after the command freeze. When the signal
situation. It is better to know the immediate action drill HASTY AMBUSH is given (by the point member,
for each of a limited number of situations that may patrol leader or another authorized patrol member), the
occur during a patrol. Arm-and-hand signals entire patrol moves quickly to the right or left of the
associated with immediate actions—such as FREEZE, line of movement, as indicated by the signal, and takes
ENEMY IN SIGHT, and HASTY AMBUSH RIGHT up the best available concealed firing positions (see
or LEFT—are contained in FMFM 6-5 (proposed fig. 11-3 on page 11-9). The patrol leader initiates the
MCWP 3-11.2). ambush by opening fire and shouting, "FIRE"; thus
ensuring initiation of the ambush if the weapon
Immediate Halt misfires. If the patrol is detected before this, the first
When the patrol detects the enemy but is not itself
member aware of detection initiates the ambush by
detected, the situation requires the immediate, in-place firing and shouting. The patrol leader may decide not
halt of the patrol. The first member visually detecting to initiate the ambush in order to avoid contact unless
the enemy gives the silent signal for FREEZE. Every the patrol is detected. When used as an offensive
11-8 MCWP 3-11.3
— I.'.
I, ii II I,
It ii it It
Ig ii iiii
'I 'I *
measure, the enemy is allowed to advance until he is in the patrol is fired upon from beyond 50 meters, the
the most vulnerable position before the ambush is patrol must break contact as quickly as possible and
initiated. An alternate means for initiating the ambush continue the mission. If it engages the enemy any
is to designate an individual (for example, point or last longer than necessary to break contact, it may put the
member) to open fire when a certain portion of the mission in jeopardy.
enemy unit reaches or passes that member.
Fire and Maneuver
Immediate Assault. This immediate action drill is Fire and maneuver is one means to break contact. One
used defensively to make and quickly break undesired portion of the patrol returns the enemy fire while
but unavoidable contact (including ambush) and another portion moves by bounds away from the
offensively to decisively engage the enemy (including enemy. Each portion of the patrol covers the other by
ambush). When used in a meeting engagement, fire until contact is broken by all.
members nearest the enemy open fire and shout,
"CONTACT," followed by the direction of the
incoming attack: FRONT, LEFT, REAR or RIGHT. Clock System
The patrol moves swiftly into line formation and The clock system is another means to break contact.
assaults (see fig. 11-4). Twelve o'clock is the direction of movement of the
patrol. The patrol leader shouts a direction and a
Defensive Measures distance. For example: "TEN O'CLOCK-TWO
HUNDRED," means the patrol should move in the
When used defensively, the assault is stopped if the direction of ten o'clock for 200 meters. Patrol
enemy withdraws and contact is broken quickly. If the members keep their same relative positions as they
enemy stands fast, the assault is carried through the move so the original formation is not disrupted.
enemy positions and movement is continued until con- Subordinate leaders must be alert to ensure that the
tact is broken. members of their elements and teams receive the
correct order and move as directed.
Offensive Measures
When used offensively, the enemy is decisively Counter Ambush
engaged. Escapees are pursued and destroyed until or- When a patrol is ambushed, the immediate action drill
ders to break contact are given by the patrol leader. If used depends on whether the ambush is a near ambush
Scouting and Patrolling
sees or hears the enemy.
• Which option offers the greatest chance of success?
The commander needs accurate, timely information about the enemy and the
terrain the enemy controls to assist in making tactical decisions. Reconnaissance
patrols are one of the most reliable means for obtaining this information. These
patrols engage the enemy only when necessary to accomplish their mission or for
protection. They generally avoid combat, accomplish the mission by stealth, and
do not maintain contact with the unit that sent them out. A reconnaissance patrol
is capable of carrying the search for information into the area occupied by enemy
forces—usually beyond the range of vision of friendly ground observation
posts—and examining objects and events at close range.
• Material used for abutments (dirt, wood, mason- critical points, vehicle weight and size limitations, and
ry, concrete). locations for friendly obstacle emplacement.
• Type and number of supporting members of the
bridge. The objective area is normally defmed by a line of de-
• Condition and dimensions of bridge flooring. parture, a route, and a limit of advance.
• Presence or absence of mines and demolition
charges on the bridge and at entrances/exits. Area
• Terrain crossed (ravine, stream, road).
• Primary use (rail, auto, foot). An area reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain
• Location and type of an alternate crossing if detailed information concerning the terrain or enemy
bridge is unusable. activity within a prescribed area such as a town, ridge
• Streams and fords: line woods or other features critical to operations.
• Width and depth of stream. (Refer to MCRP 5-12C.) An area reconnaissance
could also be made of a single point, such as a bridge
• Composition of the bottom (mud, sand, gravel, or installation. (Refer to MCRP 5-12A.)
• Speed of current in miles per hour. Emphasis is placed on reaching the area without being
• Composition and gradient of banks. detected. Enemy situations encountered en route are
• Surrounding terrain and vegetation cover. developed only enough to allow the reconnoitering
• Roads: unit to report and bypass.
• Width.
• Composition of surface. Zone
• Condition.
A zone reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain
• Road blocks.
detailed information concerning all routes, obstacles
• Gradientldegrees of slopes.
(to include chemical or radiological contamination),
• Curves (location and length). terrain, and enemy forces within a zone defined by
• Pitch and culvert locations. boundaries. A zone reconnaissance is normally as-
• Primary use and frequency of use. signed when the enemy situation is vague or when
information concerning cross-country trafficability is
desired. (Refer to MCRP 5-12C.)
A company may send a reconnaissance patrol to A reconnaissance patrol should be kept to the mini-
specifically reconnoiter a given area (a riverbed or a
bridge), or to maintain surveillance on a particular mum number of personnel required to accomplish the
mission. A mission requiring a patrol to remain away
streambed for the next four nights. Reconnaissance
patrols perform three basic functions en route to and from its unit for a considerable period of time, or one
requiring a patrol to send back information by mes-
from the objective:
senger, increases the size of the patrol. Recon-
naissance patrols seldom exceed a squad in strength.
• Provide control. Unit integrity should be preserved whenever possible.
• Provide security while moving and in the objective Intelligence personnel, interpreters, and other special-
area. ists, such as radio operators or engineers, are assigned
• Conduct reconnaissance or surveillance. to a patrol if the particular mission requires.
reconnaissance team moves to the objective rally point thorough reconnaissance. When the reconnaissance is
and reports to the patrol leader. The patrol then returns completed, the patrol leader assembles the patrol and
to friendly lines and the leader makes a full report. tells members what has been observed and heard.
Other patrol members contribute observations. The
Area patrol then returns to friendly lines and the patrol
leader makes a full report.
The patrol leader halts and conceals the patrol near the
objective area in the final preparation position. The Zone
patrol leader then conducts leader's reconnaissance to
pinpoint the objective and confirm the plan for po- The patrol leader halts the patrol at the final pre-
sitioning the security teams and employing units paration position, confirms the plan, and conducts
assigned the reconnaissance mission. The patrol leader leader's reconnaissance. The patrol leader positions
returns to the patrol and positions security to provide the security team and sends out the reconnaissance
early warning of enemy approach and secure the team. When the entire patrol is used to reconnoiter the
objective rally point. The reconnaissance unit(s) then zone, it provides its own security. After completing
reconnoiters the objective area. The reconnaissance the reconnaissance, each reconnaissance team moves
unit may move to several positions, perhaps making a to the objective rally point and reports to the patrol
circle around the objective area, in order to conduct a leader. The patrol then returns to friendly lines.
Combat patrols are assigned missions that usually include engaging the enemy.
They are fighting patrols. Every combat patrol has a secondary mission: gaining
information about the enemy and terrain. Combat patrols are employed in both
offensive and defensive combat operations and they assist the parent unit in
accomplishing its mission by inflicting damage on the enemy; establishing andlor
maintaining contact with friendly and enemy forces; denying the enemy access to
key terrain; and probing enemy positions to determine the nature and extent of
enemy presence.
violence of action are the keys to a successful raid. Security units are posted to isolate the objective. The
Patrols achieve surprise by attacking— patrol leader signals them when the withdrawal
begins. As a minimum, security is on each flank and to
• When the enemy is least prepared (e.g., during the rear (at the objective rally point).
periods of poor visibility such as darkness, rain,
fog, or snow).
Actions at the Objective
• From an unexpected direction. (This might be ac-
complished by approaching through a swamp or The patrol leader halts the patrol near the objective at
other seemingly impassable terrain.) the final preparation position. Security is established
• With concentration of firepower at critical points and the leader's reconnaissance is made with ap-
within the objective. propriate subordinate leaders. When the leaders return
to the patrol, they confirm previous plans or announce
any changes. Movements are arranged so all units
Planning reach their positions simultaneously. This improves
the patrol's capability for decisive action, if pre-
A successful raid requires detailed planning. The maturely detected by the enemy.
leader of a combat patrol engaged in raiding must
anticipate probable situations and decide upon defmite The teams of the security element move to positions to
courses of action to meet them. Rehearsals are secure the objective rally point, give early warning of
enemy approach, block avenues of approach into—
and prevent enemy escape from—the objective area.
A raid patrol conducts such missions as destroying an As the assault element moves into position, the secu-
enemy outpost or seizing prisoners from an obser- rity element informs the patrol leader of all enemy
vation post or lightly defended position. activity, firing only if detected or on the patrol leader's
order. Once the assault element commences action, the
While preparing for the mission, the patrol leader security element prevents enemy entry into or escape
requests fire support required for the accomplishment from the objective area. The security element covers
of the mission. If practical, artillery and mortars the withdrawal of the assault element (and support
should be employed to isolate the objective to prevent element, if employed) to the objective rally point,
movement of enemy reinforcements into the area. withdrawing only upon order or prearranged signal.
The final simultaneous assault against the objective If a support element is employed, its leader deploys
develops when enemy defensive fires at the objective teams to provide fire support for the assault element.
are suppressed by either friendly fire superiority or Each member of the support element must know the
surprise. The assault is covered by the fire of the unit scheme of maneuver to be used by the assault element,
assigned the function of support by fire. specific targets or areas to be neutralized by fire, and
the signals that will be employed to commence, shift,
Grenades, SMAWs, and demolitions are most ef- and cease fires. The support element withdraws on
fective for clearing bunkers. order of the patrol leader. At the objective rally point,
Scouting and Patrolling
13004. CONTACT PATROLS An ambush is a surprise attack from a concealed
position upon a moving or temporarily halted target. It
is one of the oldest and most effective types of military
actions. Ambush patrols conduct ambushes of enemy
General patrols, resupply columns, and convoys. The intent of
an ambush is to place the enemy in a dilemma where
Contact patrols establish and/or maintain contact to staying in the kill zone or attempting to move out of it
the front, flanks or rear by— prove equally lethal. The ambush may include an
assault to close with and decisively engage the enemy,
• Establishing contact with an enemy force when the or the attack may be by fire only.
defmite location of the force is unknown.
• Maintaining contact with enemy forces through Purpose of Ambushes
direct and/or indirect fires, or observation.
Ambushes are executed for the general purpose of
• Avoiding decisive engagement with the enemy. reducing the enemy's over-all combat effectiveness
and for the specific purpose of destroying its units.
The cumulative effect of many small ambushes on
Task Organization and Equipment enemy units lowers enemy troop morale and harasses
the enemy force as a whole.
Task organization and equipment depend on the
known enemy situation and anticipated enemy contact. Destruction is the primary purpose of an ambush
A patrol sent out to establish contact with an enemy because loss of men killed or captured, and loss of
equipment and supplies destroyed or captured, reduces
force is organized, armed, and equipped to overcome
the overall combat effectiveness of the enemy.
resistance of light screening forces in order to gain
contact with the main enemy force. It is not organized Harassment, though less apparent than physical
and equipped to engage the main enemy forces in damage, is a secondary purpose of ambushes.
combat. Communication is paramount; radios must be Frequent ambushes force the enemy to divert men
reliable over the entire distance covered. from other missions to guard convoys, troop
movements, and carrying parties. When enemy patrols
fail to accomplish their mission because they are
Actions at the Objective ambushed, the enemy is deprived of valuable in-
formation. A series of successful ambushes causes the
The patrol leader selects a series of objectives. Once enemy to be less aggressive and more defensive
an objective is reached, the patrol leader initiates a minded. His men become apprehensive, overly
planned set of actions in order to establish and cautious, reluctant to go on patrols, seek to avoid night
maintain contact with the enemy. These plans and operations, are more subject to confusion and panic if
ambushed, and in general, decline in effectiveness.
actions are guided by the missions to establish or
maintain contact—not to engage in decisive combat.
Contact with the enemy is maintained for the purposes Classification of Ambushes
of surveillance, applying pressure, and preventing A deliberate ambush is one in which prior information
seizure of the initiative. If the contact patrol becomes about the enemy permits detailed planning before the
decisively engaged with the enemy, many of the tasks patrol departs for the ambush site. Information needed
originally assigned to the patrol cannot be accom- to plan a deliberate ambush includes the size,
plished, since the enemy has seized the initiative and composition, and organization of the force to be
ambushed; how the force operates; and the time it will
friendly forces are not forced to react.
MCWP 3-11.3
pass certain points or areas. A deliberate ambush may formation determines whether a point ambush is able
be planned for such targets as— to deliver the heavy volume of highly concentrated
fire necessary to isolate, trap, and destroy the enemy.
• Any force if sufficient prior information is known.
• Enemy patrols that establish patterns by frequent The ambush formation to be used is determined by
use of the same routes or habitually depart and re- careful consideration of possible formations and the
enter their own areas at the same point. advantages and disadvantages of each in relation to—
• Logistic columns.
• Terrain.
• Troop movements.
• Visibility.
An ambush of opportunity is conducted when • Forces.
available information does not permit detailed • Weapons and equipment.
planning before the patrol departs. This is the type of • Ease or difficulty of control.
ambush that an infantry unit normally conducts. An • Target to be attacked.
ambush of opportunity should not be confused with a • Combat situation.
hasty ambush. An ambush of opportunity is a planned
ambush; a hasty ambush is an immediate action. In For a detailed discussion of ambush formation, see
planning for an ambush of opportunity, the patrol must appendix D.
be prepared to execute any of several courses of action
based on the types of targets that may be ambushed
and must rehearse prior to departure. The course of Ambush Operation Terms
action taken is determined when the opportunity for
ambush arises. The ambush site is the location where an ambush is
The patrol leader may be directed to reconnoiter an
area for a suitable ambush site, set up at the site The killing zone is that portion of an ambush site
selected, and execute an ambush against the first where fires are concentrated to trap, isolate, and
profitable target that appears. destroy the target. On little-traveled roads, an obstacle
placed in a defile, in the woods, on a bridge or on a
steep upgrade can be used effectively to force vehicles
The patrol may depart just after dark, move to a
to halt, and thus render the occupants vulnerable to
specific point, observe until a designated time, ambush
the first profitable target after that time, and return
attack. Antitank mines may be emplaced and the
before daylight. occupants of the wrecked vehicle killed or captured
while still dazed by the explosion.
A hasty ambush is an immediate action where the A near ambush is a point ambush where the attacking
patrol makes visual contact with an enemy force and force is located within reasonable assaulting distance
has time to establish an ambush without being of the killing zone (50 meters is a guide). A near
detected. The actions for a hasty ambush must be well ambush is most often conducted in close terrain, such
rehearsed and accomplished through the use of hand as a jungle or heavy woods.
and arm signals given from the patrol leader.
Afar ambush is a point ambush where the attack force
Types of Ambushes is located beyond reasonable assaulting distance of the
killing zone (beyond 50 meters is a guide). A far
There are two types of ambushes: point and area. The ambush may be more appropriate in open terrain
point ambush is one where forces are deployed to offering good fields of fire or when the target will be
attack along a single killing zone. The area ambush is attacked by fire only.
one where forces are deployed as multiple related
point ambushes.
Factors for a Successful Ambush Patrol
A point ambush, whether independent or part of an There are many factors that give the ambush its best
area ambush, is positioned along the enemy's expected chance of suc'ess. The ideal situation would be to
route of approach. Formation of the forces conducting position the ambush on favorable terrain and have
the ambush is important because, to a great extent, the detailed planning completed beforehand.
Scouting and Patrolling 13-5
The patrol leader of an ambush looks for the most taken to remove any tracks that might reveal the
favorable terrain in which the enemy is canalized ambush. An alternate route from the ambush site to the
between two obstacles with limited opportunity to objective rally point, as in other patrols, is planned.
attack or escape. Suitable areas include defiles, small
clearings, bends in trails, and steep grades. Dense Maps and aerial photographs are used to carefully
undergrowth adjacent to the ambush site permits analyze the terrain. When possible, an on-the-ground
observation from concealed positions. The ambush reconnaissance of the ambush site is made prior to
patrol should have maximum cover and concealment, occupation. Obvious ambush sites are avoided as the
not only for the firing positions, but for the routes of element of surprise is even more difficult to achieve in
withdrawal. The enemy should be in an area offering these areas. An ambush site must provide for—
as little protection from fire as possible. Favorable
fields of fire include stretches of road, trail or open • Favorable fields of fire.
ground of at least 100 meters for machine guns and 15
meters for rifle fire and grenades. The ambush site can • Occupation and preparation of concealed positions.
be improved by constructing obstacles—such as felled • Canalization of the target into the killing zone. (An
trees, wire, land mines, or booby traps—to impede the ideal killing zone restricts the enemy on all sides,
enemy. confining him to an area where he can be quickly
and completely destroyed. Natural obstacles, such
Planning as cliffs, streams, embankments, or steep grades,
are used whenever possible to force vehicles to
A deliberate ambush or an ambush of opportunity slow down. Man-made obstacles, such as barbed
requires thorough planning. wire, mines, and craters in the roads, are used to
supplement natural obstacles.)
A deliberate ambush plan is based on extensive • Covered routes of withdrawal that enable the
knowledge of the enemy and terrain, and is planned ambush force to break contact.
and rehearsed in great detail. A physical recon-
naissance of the ambush site is made during the • Avoidance of enemy pursuit by fire.
preparation phase and information gained is
incorporated into the plan. All likely immediate Occupation of Ambush Site
actions of the enemy when ambushed are examined.
Planned counteractions are developed and rehearsed. The surrounding area is searched for enemy patrols
prior to occupation of the ambush site. Ambush
formations are used to physically deploy the patrol in a
In planning an ambush of opportunity, any available manner to inflict maximum destruction upon the
information on the enemy and terrain is used. A enemy and to provide maximum security to the patrol.
tentative plan for the ambush that incorporates all Ambush formations are contained in appendix D.
anticipated actions is developed and rehearsed.
However, the bulk of planning is done concurrently
during the patrol leader's reconnaissance of the Positions
prospective ambush site. In a rapidly developing The patrol is moved into the ambush site from the
situation, hasty ambush immediate action is employed. objective rally point. Security is positioned first to
prevent surprise while the ambush is being estab-
The route and ambush site considerations apply to lished. Automatic weapons are then positioned so each
both deliberate ambushes and ambushes of can fire along the entire killing zone. If this is not
opportunity. A primary route that allows the patrol to possible, overlapping sectors of fire are provided to
enter the ambush site from the rear is planned. cover the entire killing zone. The patrol leader then
Entering the prospective killing zone is avoided. If the selects his position, located so he can tell when to
killing zone must be entered to place mines or initiate the ambush. Riflemen and grenadiers are
explosives, care is taken to remove any tracks and positioned and sectors of fire are assigned to cover any
signs that might alert the enemy and compromise the dead space left by the automatic weapons. The patrol
ambush. If mines or explosives are to be placed on the leader sets a time by which positions are to be
far side of the ambush site, or if the appearance of the
prepared. Patrol members clear fields of fire and
site from the enemy's viewpoint is to be checked, a prepare positions in that order, with attention to
camouflage for both.
wide detour is made around the killing zone. Care is
13-6 MCWP3-11.3
Suitable Objective Rally Point positioned and all fires, including those of available
An easily located objective rally point is selected and artillery and mortars, are coordinated to achieve the
made known to all patrol members. The objective rally following results:
point is located far enough from the ambush site so
that it will not be overrun if the enemy assaults the • Isolation of the killing zone to prevent the enemy's
ambush. Routes of withdrawal to the objective rally escape or reinforcement.
point are reconnoitered. Situation permitting, each • Surprise delivery of a large volume of highly con-
man walks the route he is to use and picks out check- centrated fires into the killing zone.
points. When the ambush is to be executed at night,
each man must be able to follow his route in the dark. Control
After the ambush has been executed, and the search of Close control of the patrol is maintained during move-
the killing zone completed, the patrol is withdrawn
quickly but quietly, on signal, to the objective rally ment to, occupation of, and withdrawal from the
ambush site. This is best achieved through rehearsals
point where it reorganizes for the return march. If the
and establishment and maintenance of good com-
ambush was not successful and the patrol is pursued,
munications. When the enemy approaches, the temp-
withdrawal may be by bounds. The last group may tation to open fire before the signal is given is resisted.
arm mines, previously placed along the withdrawal The patrol leader must effectively control all elements
route, to further delay pursuit.
of the ambush force. Control is most critical at the
time the enemy approaches the killing zone. Control
Local Security measures must provide for—
Security must be maintained. Security elements do not
usually participate in the initial attack, but protect the • Early warning of enemy approach.
rear and flanks, and cover the withdrawal. • Fire control. Withhold fire until the enemy has
moved into the killing zone, then open fire at the
Patience proper time.
The Marines of the ambush force must control • Initiation of appropriate action, if the ambush is
themselves so that the ambush is not compromised. prematurely detected. Individual patrol members
Patience and self-discipline are exercised by re- must be prepared to react if detected by the enemy
maining still and quiet while waiting for the target to prior to the initiation of the ambush.
appear, particularly if the patrol occupies the ambush • Timely and orderly withdrawal of the ambush force
site well ahead of the arrival of the enemy. Patience is from the ambush site and movement to the objec-
necessary so as not to alert the enemy to the presence tive rally point.
of the ambush.
It is important to remember that an ambush patrol
Surprise should have four distinct signals: one to open fire
Surprise must be achieved, or the attack is not an (with an alternate signal to open fire to be used at the
ambush. If complete surprise cannot be achieved, it same time as the primary); a signal to cease fire or
must be so nearly complete that the target is not aware shift fire; a signal to assault or search the killing zone;
of the ambush until too late for effective reaction. and a signal to withdraw. The signal to open fire
Surprise is achieved by careful planning, preparation, should meet two criteria: first, it should be the firing of
and execution so that targets are attacked when, a weapon that will kill the enemy; secondly, it should
where, and in a way for which they are least prepared. be a weapon reliable in any weather condition. A good
primary signal is a Claymore mine, and an alternate
Coordinated Fires signal would be a closed bolt weapon (M16A2). Open
Properly timed and delivered fires contribute heavily bolt weapons (M240G, M249) should not be relied
to the achievement of surprise, as well as to de- upon to initiate an ambush.
struction of the enemy. The lifting or shifting of fires
must be equally precise; otherwise, the assault is Execution of an Ambush
delayed and the enemy has an opportunity to recover
and react. All weapons, mines, and demolitions are The manner in which the patrol executes an ambush
depends primarily on whether the ambush's purpose is
Scouting and Patrolling 13-7
harassment or destruction. To a lesser degree, the by altering or moving directional signs so as to divert
execution of the ambush is determined by whether the the enemy into an area where he can be more readily
ambush is deliberate or an ambush of opportunity. attacked. The attack can best be accomplished at an
obstacle, such as a stream or gully, that forces the
When the primary purpose is harassment, the patrol enemy to stop or slow down.
seals off the area with security teams to prevent enemy
reinforcement and escape. Maximum damage is After the enemy has been ambushed and destroyed,
inflicted with demolitions and automatic weapons fire. the unit quickly withdraws over a prearranged route to
The patrol delivers a very heavy volume of fire for a the objective rally point. Speed is very important,
short time and withdraws quickly and quietly. The since the noise of the ambush could alert other nearby
patrol avoids being seen by the enemy. enemy units.
patrol route, and the patrol must have a secondary forces in Northern Ireland, provide the foundations of
means of reporting (i.e., flare signals upon contact). urban patrolling.
sniper or bomber may be the norm in the urbanized enemy ambushes, and roadblocks—are more
area, whereas the rural threat is generally the more difficult to plan and may be preempted.
conventional ambush. In urbanized areas, explosive 4. lntra-patrol Communication. Elements of an
devices can be easily emplaced and used effectively urban patrol must have the means to communicate
against large groups or select individuals. Enemy with each other. Ideally, each element will possess
forces may be expected to employ the following a radio enabling it to remain in continuous com-
tactics in urbanized areas: munication that facilitates rapid response and
reporting to higher headquarters, reaction force
coordination, and coordination of actions with other
• Using local communications, such as radio and patrols or fire support agencies.
newspapers, for propaganda purposes.
• Disrupting industry and public services through 5. Establishment of a Reaction Force. The nature
strikes and sabotage. of urbanized terrain (its compartmentalization)
makes urban patrols more vulnerable to a wider
• Generating widespread disturbances designed to range of hostile actions. The requirement for
stretch the resources of the security force. immediate, coordinated reinforcement of a patrol is
• Creating incidents or massing crowds in order to best satisfied by employment of an established
lure the patrol or reaction force into a trap. reaction force. The reaction force requires superior
mobility (relative to the enemy's) and fire support to
• Provoking security forces in the hope that they may be effective for this task.
react improperly, therefore discrediting the security
force by means of propaganda. 6. Three-Dimensional Threat. Patrolling in an
urban environment requires constant attention to its
• Sniping at roadblocks, outposts, sentries, and three-dimensional aspect; hostile actions can
originate from rooftops, streets, subsurtace levels or
• Attacking friendly bases with rockets and mortars. combinations of all levels at once.
• Planting explosive devices, either against specific
targets or indiscriminately, to cause confusion and
destruction, and lower public morale and confi- Classification of Urban Patrols
• Using ambush patrols. Mission
• Firing on friendly helicopters. The vast majority of urban patrols are overt in nature,
with their presence readily apparent to the local
Principles of Urban Patrolling populace. Most urban patrols are combat vice recon-
naissance patrols. The vast majority of urban patrols
Patrolling in an urban environment often presents
conditions considerably different and often more are security patrols. However, units may be assigned
secondary tasks of reconnoitering specific or general
complex than those encountered in rural and less
inhabited areas. While the principles of patrolling are areas along the patrol routes.
still relevant in an urban situation, the nature of urban
patrolling has led to the development of six specific Raids normally involve a swift penetration of an
objective to secure information, confuse the enemy or
urban patrolling principles. They are—
destroy installations. Raids include a planned with-
drawal upon completion of the assigned mission.
1. Depth. The restrictive, canalizing nature of
urbanized terrain usually limits a patrol's ability to
disperse laterally. To prevent the patrol from Movement
bunching up, patrols normally maintain dispersion Means of movement are as follows:
along the length of a patrol formation.
2. Mutual Support. The positioning of units in- • Dismounted: movement on foot.
depth within the patrol enables one unit to cover
another unit's movement and facilitates immediate • Vehicular: movement by motorized, mechanized or
action during various situations. Aircraft, vehicles, armored vehicle.
and snipers also provide good mutual support. • Helicopterborne: movement by helicopter, how-
3. Deception and Pattern Avoidance. Deception ever, helicopterborne patrols will usually involve
and pattern avoidance are normally a planning dismounted or vehicular movement after patrol
consideration of the headquarters directing the insertion.
entire patrolling plan. By varying patrol routes, • Combination: movement using a combination of
durations, and departure times, hostile actions methods.
commonly used against urban patrols—such as
13-10 MCWP 3-11.3
• Interrogator-translator team' (ITT) and counterintel- • Large enough and task-organized in a manner that it
ligence team (CIT) Marines. can meet and quickly defeat the expected threat.
• Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel. Reaction forces are normally tiered with a lead
element (normally one-third of the unit's size) and a
• Members of host nation or allied military forces.
main body force (the other remaining two-thirds of
• Interpreters. the force). Reaction force response times routinely
• Local community leaders. are determined in advance by higher headquarters.
• Local law enforcement officers. • Ready to respond immediately.
• Public affairs personnel escorting media representa- • Motorized or mechanized and supported by close
tives. air support and other fire support.
• Familiar with the area of operations.
Dismounted Patrol Organization • Briefed on the patrol's plans and monitors the status
Patrols should maintain unit integrity (fire team andlor of patrols in progress.
squad) in organizing elements for an urban patrol.
Similar to reconnaissance patrols, the vulnerability of • Task-organized to be multimission capable.
urban patrols necessitates that all elements must • Able to communicate with the higher headquarters,
provide for their own security in addition to the com- fire support assets, patrol base, and the patrol.
bat aspect of the mission. Combined assault and • Controlled by higher headquarters, once employed.
security teams are an effective method to organize for
all-around security.
Patrol Preparation
Urban Patrol Base Operations
Urban patrols may operate from an established patrol Higher headquarters will—
base that may be located within the unit's assigned
area of operations or an area designated for a patrol. • Designate the area for patrol.
The patrol base should be located in a building used I Provide intelligence briefs and updates.
exclusively for this purpose. Patrol bases may also be
located within a larger site that houses other agencies, • Ensure liaison with allied forces and the civilian
such as a higher headquarters' command echelon. populace.
• Provide special equipment and personnel required
If located within a larger site, the patrol base will be for the mission (scout snipers, public affairs officer,
included in the overall facility security plan. If interpreters, etc.)
isolated, the patrol base must consider the following • Provide urban maps, photos, terrain models as
security factors: required.
• Consider deception and pattern avoidance when
• External security: issuing mission.
• Barrier plan.
• Prescribe rules of engagement (ROE).
• Sentry posts.
. Local security patrols. Intelligence Brief
• Internal security: An intelligence brief is conducted by the S-2 officer or
. Covered positions for all Marines. representative prior to a patrol conducting its mission.
• Contingency plan for hostile actions against pa- The brief adresses the situation relevant to the specific
trol base. patrol (e.g., routes, areas, updated enemy situations).
Scouting and Patrolling 13-11
( )
lines should be relayed to higher headquarters using patrol's situational awareness. Individual tasks may
established brevity or codewords. A detailed patrol include—
overlay is issued to both the reaction force and higher
headquarters to keep them advised of routes and con- • Vehicle spotter: looks for suspicious or known in-
trol measures used. A terrain model should be main- surgent vehicles.
tained at higher headquarters to aid in supervision and • Personnel spotter: observes and attempts to rec-
control of the patrol. ognize previously identified enemy in crowds.
• Talker: attempts to gain information from casual
The use of camouflage should be limited to avoid conversations with the local populace. (Talkers are
frightening and confusing the local populace. The usually subordinate leaders or Marines with foreign
often overt nature of urban patrols may negate the language skills.)
need for camouflage. Patrols are sometimes deployed • Searcher: conducts physical searches of vehicles
to show force presence and usually move on the urban and personnel while other patrol members provide
street in plain view. cover and security.
• Marksman: engages point targets when the tactical
During daylight, patrols will routinely vary their rate
situation does not permit massed or high volume
of movement ranging from short halts to brief periods fire. Other patrol members provide security to cover
of double-timing. The British term for this urban pa- the marksman's engagement.
trolling technique is hard-targeting, meaning it makes
the patrol harder for an enemy to target. Altering the
rate of movement is intended to frustrate the enemy's Departure of Friendly Lines
ability to coordinate an attack or ambush against a Urban patrols must vary their departure times to
targeted patrol. prevent being ambushed while exiting the patrol base.
Patrols should use short security halts, with Marines Individual elements will usually depart exits at stag-
taking up mutually supporting firing positions. gered times and at different movement rates, es-
Marines must always work in pairs, ensuring mutual •pecially where sentries cannot provide cover. (This
support. The last Marine in the element will provide technique is used when the environment adjacent to
rear security, but stays in his buddy's sight. the patrol base is dangerous.)
A&SA )
A&SB )
Exit points, routes from the base, departure techni- flank security for the headquarters element and for
ques, and locations of IRPs should be varied each other. The headquarters element identifies the
constantly to avoid setting a pattern. This pattern danger area and takes up a position on the near side of
avoidance may also include using vehicles to insert intersection. Individuals provide all-around security
patrols away from the urban patrol base and em- (see fig. 13-3 on page 13-14).
ploying empty vehicles as part of a deception plan.
Two Marines (one from each A&S team) are
designated to move through the headquarters element
Danger Areas and establish respective firing positions on the near
Urban patrols may encounter hundreds of danger areas side of the danger area covering the patrol's near side
during a single patrol. The three-dimensional threat flanks. They are followed by a second pair (again, one
requires keen situation awareness by every patrol Marine from each A&S team) that moves across to the
member. Many danger areas can be dealt with simply
far side of the danger area and establishes respective
by avoidance, while others require an adjustment of firing positions covering the patrol's far side flanks
patrol formation, movement rate, etc. In the urban
environment, places to be treated as danger areas are (see fig. 13-4 on page 13-14).
points that pose a major threat to the patrol, such as
local political and religious headquarters, weapons Once near and far side flank security is established, the
containment areas, roads and routes that canalize headquarters element moves across to the far side of
movement and direct fire, and any area with a history danger area (see fig. 13-5 on page 13-15).
of repeated contact.
The remaining A&S team members then cross the
Near and far side rally points are designated and danger area and join the headquarters element on the
briefed during the issuance of the patrol order. Squad- far side (see fig. 13-6 on page 13-15).
sized formations may use the A&S teams to provide
13-14 MCWP 3-11.3
Figure 13-3. Approaching Danger Area.
i 't':
;isw 2,i'
' %*'W Yis
Figure 13-4. Securing flanks.
Scouting and Patrolling 13-15
m ——-*(
A&S B m
------ rn
— ___->Z_--
\ a
Figure 13-7. Patrol Resumes Movement Along Intended Route.
Once the trail A&S team members cross the danger Hostile incidents often seem to occur spontaneously,
area, they take up rear security and cover the but there are usually indications that can alert Marines
movements of the near and far side flank security to imminent danger. The most obvious are the sudden
teams as they return to their positions in the patrol alteration of normal routines, patterns, and attitudes of
formation. The near side security team should collapse the local populace or other unusual activity. Some
back first, followed by their far side counterparts. The examples include—
patrol then resumes its advance away from the danger
area (see fig. 13-7). • Observers on rooftops, in windows, etc., who are
obviously tracking the patrol.
Interaction with Local Populace • The unusual absence of pedestrian traffic and
people on porches.
Urban patrols must interact with the local populace. • Stores, markets or street vendors closed suddenly or
Patrols are at first a novelty to the civilians but can without explanation.
quickly become an unwelcome intrusion. The • Changes in civilian attitude toward patrol members.
movement of the patrol must be fast enough to prevent
• Unknown individuals or vehicles in the patrol area.
the enemy from massing their fires upon it, but
deliberate enough to ensure adequate security and • Unfamiliar vehicles parked in the patrol area (pos-
mutual support. Patrol members must realize that they sible car bomb).
are usually the only Marines the local populace will • Roadblocks.
encounter and that an inappropriate gesture, comment • Children throwing rocks at patrols to possibly draw
or act could lead to the deterioration of rapport the patrol's attention away from a more serious
between U.S. forces and the general population. danger, such as a deliberate ambush.
Marines must remember that the vast majority of the • Vehicles riding unusually low due to overloading
individuals with whom they come in contact will be (possibly ferrying people, weapons, explosives).
noncombatants attempting to survive in trying • Agitators trying to provoke an incident with patrol
political, economic, and social situations. members.
Scouting and Patrolling 13-17
• Absence of the usual stray dogs (dogs are adept at • The patrol element or team leader in contact sends
sensing danger and avoiding it). initial contact report to the patrol leader, who noti-
• Anti-American graffiti suddenly appearing in the fies higher headquarters.
patrol area. • The element or team leader in contact determines
• Pictures of enemy leaders and martyrs posted in the appropriate cut-off positions and relays them to
patrol area. flanking elements or teams.
• Civilian workers failing to appear at U.S. or • The patrol element or team leader in contact con-
friendly bases. tinues to observe the firing point, but does not enter
it due to the possibility of booby traps. Flank ele-
• Normal deliveries and pick-ups conducted late or ments or teams set up along likely escape routes.
early without reason.
• The incident ends when either the sniper ceases fire
• Sudden change of civilian sentiment in newspaper
or is neutralized.
articles, radio broadcasts or other media.
• Women and children leaving to live elsewhere. Immediate Follow-Up. Regardless of the fate of the
gunman, isolation of the firing point is necessary to
Immediate Actions Upon Enemy Contact prevent reinforcement and preserve forensic evidence
(scent, spent casings, etc.). If not under fire, members
Reaction to Sniping of the patrol element or team cordon off the area sur-
rounding the firing point. Flanking elements or teams
Snipings are often executed from a single firing point, maintain their positions and prevent civilians from
but coordinated snipings delievered from multiple entering the area. The patrol leader moves to link-up
points are not uncommon. with the element or team in contact (if not his own),
and makes an estimate of the situation. The patrol
Patrol element or team leaders should constantly try to leader sends a SPOTREP to higher headquarters.
identify likely firing points and anticipate their own
reactions to a possible shooting. Normally, snipers in Subsequent Follow-Up. The aim of the subsequent
an urban environment have a detailed withdrawal plan. follow-up is to use follow-on forces to clear the
Once a patrol comes into contact with a sniper, the building of remaining resistance or to obtain evidence
patrol leader must immediately assess the situation
that can be used to capture the gunman. The patrol
and maneuver his patrol accordingly. The patrol's mis-
leader establishes a position where he can brief
sion, location, size, ROE, and location of the threat arriving units (reaction force commander, S-2 repre-
often determine whether the patrol will attempt to neu-
sentative, EOD personnel, etc.). Once the arriving
tralize the targeted sniper. If the patrol leader decides
units have been briefed, recommendations are made to
to kill or capture the sniper, he uses planned and higher headquarters via radio. No one is allowed into
rehearsed immediate actions to maneuver and counter
the cordon without the patrol leader's approval.
the sniper's assault. The goal is to kill the sniper or cut
off his escape and capture him. There are three imme-
diate reactions to neutralizing a sniper: initial contact, Reaction to Becoming
immediate follow-up, and subsequent follow-up. Decisively Engaged
If a patrol becomes decisively engaged from numerous
Initial Contact. The initial contact is made when the firing positions, the following immediate action
sniper fires the first shot. The patrol must react should be taken:
immediately and positively to get behind the firing
position in order to kill or capture the gunman. The • All patrol members move to available cover and
period of contact ends when the gunman is killed or return accurate fire on identified firing points.
captured, or the patrol element or team leader on the
• The patrol leader assesses the situation and makes a
scene ends it. The following technique is the same for decision to either request the reaction force or break
both squad- and platoon-sized patrols:
• The element or team in contact attempts to identify • If the reaction force is requested, the patrol will
the firing position and maneuvers designated maintain its position until the reaction force arrives.
marksman into position to return well-aimed and The patrol should use fire and maneuver to gain
controlled fire. Other members of the patrol take up better tactical positioning and support the arrival of
positions to cover the marksman's engagement. the reaction force. When the reaction force arrives,
13-18 MCWP 3-11.3
its commander may decide to either clear occupied to cut off escape. Once in position, personnel checks
buildings or cover the patrol during its extract. are conducted and any suspects are detained. The
patrol leader coordinates requests for required support
Reaction to Bomb Threat or Discovery (MEDEVAC, reaction force, etc.)
The use of command-detonated explosive devices is a
common ambush tactic employed by a terrorist or Subsequent Follow-Up. Due to the possibility of
insurgent in an urban environment. The appropriate secondary detonations, the four Cs (confirm, clear,
response to a reported threat or an actual discovery is cordon, and control) can be conducted as in reaction to
generally involves four steps (known as the four Cs)— a bomb discoveiy or bomb threat.
disturbance. Marines charging into the crowd or • The patrol leader and one Marine for security enter
throwing objects back at the crowd will only worsen the house, if invited. If not invited, they talk to the
the situation. If pursued or trapped, the patrol leader occupants on the doorstep. Patience and tact are
may consider using riot control agents (combat required in requesting information. An interpreter
support, pepper gas, etc.) to disperse or slow a crowd's should be present when language differences exist.
movement. The use of riot control agents must be
authorized under the established ROE. If the patrol Vehicle Checkpoints
leader believes the situation is deteriorating beyond
Urban terrorists or insurgents commonly use vehicles
the patrol's ability to control it, the patrol leader
should request the reaction force, which may be better
to transport personnel, weapons, explosives, and
equipment. Civilian vehicles are often used for these
equipped to handle a large riot or mob.
purposes, creating the requirement to check as many
vehicles as possible. While permanent, fortified
Break Contact checkpoints may be conducted along approaches into
As with patrols in rural areas, the patrol leader may be an urbanized area, dismounted patrols can be
forced to break contact as a result of decisive engage- employed to establish hasty vehicle checkpoints to
ment with the enemy. On the basis of his estimate of stop vehicles and to keep the enemy off-guard. The
the situation, the patrol leader will normally break two common types of vehicle checkpoints patrols
contact in one of the following ways: establish are hasty and deliberate.
• As a patrol, with elements providing cover for Hasty checkpoints are deployed anywhere based upon
movement as defined by clock direction and the decision of the patrol leader. Patrols must not set
distance. patterns through the frequent use of the same sites.
• As individual units/teams taking separate routes out
of the area, then linking up at a designated rally Deliberate checkpoints are tasked by higher headquar-
point a safe distance away from the engagement. ters to achieve a specific purpose. Time and locations
are carefully considered to avoid setting patterns.
As in any contact with enemy forces, smoke may be
employed to screen movement. Fire support agencies
can be utilized to suppress targets; riot control agents The general layout for a squad-sized, two-way dis-
can be employed to disrupt enemy movement. mounted checkpoint is depicted in figure 13-8 on page
13-20. The technique is as follows:
Reentry of Friendly Lines • The A&S teams are positioned stealthily in block-
ing positions on both sides of the road.
The reentry of a dismounted patrol into an urban patrol
base is no different from that of a patrol conducted in a • Both the patrol leader and assistant patrol leader act
rural area. The same planning considerations and con- as "talkers" for each direction of traffic (with local
trol methods apply. police or interrogator or translator Marines acting as
interpreters) while a two-man team from the
headquarters element physically searches the
Missions Related to Urban Patrolling vehicles.
• Obstacles or parked vehicles may be employed to
House Calls create a staggered roadblock in center of the check-
House calls missions are usually part of a coordinated point to slow approaching vehicles.
effort to collect information within the area of opera-
tions. They involve obtaining up-to-date information
• The checkpoint location should be sited so that ap-
proaching vehicles cannot see it until they have
on particular houses and occupants. When possible, passed a security team, and they have no escape
local police should accompany patrols to do the actual
route then available.
talking to the occupants. If this is not possible, a tech-
nique that may be used by an urban patrol is— • Signs announcing the checkpoint should be dis-
played a safe distance from the search area for
• A&S elements move to provide cover around the safety to both drivers and Marines.
target house. • Normally higher headquarters will issue criteria that
• The headquarters element provides security just determines which vehicles are searched, but ran-
outside the house. dom checks of cars should normally be made as
MCWP 3-11.3
well. While the vehicle is being searched the driver conjunction with sniper operations and for providing
should accompany the searcher around the vehicle. overwatch for patrols operating within their sector of
• Vehicle occupants should be made to exit the ve- observation. Observation posts are nor-mally
hicle and then searched. Whenever possible, positioned on dominating terrain or in buildings
women should be searched by female police or fe- outside the patrol base itself.
male Marines.
• All patrol members should conduct themselves with Insertion to the observation posts and conduct of ob-
courtesy and politeness. If nothing is found, an servation may be either overt or clandestine in nature.
apology for the inconvenience is recommended. Overt observation posts usually will be hardened
positions to increase security. A patrol provides cover
• A hasty vehicle checkpoint should not be conducted
any longer than 30 minutes for security reasons. while the observation post is being inserted. A
clandestine observation post relies on stealth of
• The ROE should dictate whether or not action insertion and occupation for protection. It is normally
should be taken against vehicles that fail to stop at positioned in abandoned buildings to cover sectors of
the checkpoint. Failure of a vehicle to stop does not observation that overt observation posts cannot. Be-
automatically give authorization to fire.
cause of their nature, clandestine observation posts are
difficult to successfully establish and should not be
Observation Posts manned for an extended period of time. Orders es-
Urban observation posts are established to provide tablishing observation posts (and patrols) must address
extended security, not only for patrol bases but also for the method of extraction as well as actions upon com-
patrols operating within the observation post's sector promise/attack.
of observation. Observation posts can be established in
Scouting and Patrolling 13-21
Cordon and Search The head of the household should accompany the
The cordon and search mission involves isolating a
search party throughout the operation to be able to
predesignated area by cordoning it off and system- counter incriminating evidence and possible accusa-
atically searching for enemy personnel, weapons, sup- tions of theft and looting against Marines. If possible,
plies, explosives or communications equipment. a prominent member of the local community should
While large-scale cordon and search operations are act as a witness.
planned and rehearsed in advance and normally entail
extensive coordination with local law enforcement Buildings are best searched from top to bottom.
agencies, a squad-sized urban patrol may often con- Ideally, the search is conducted with the assistance of
duct a cordon and search of a point target—searching combat engineers using mine detectors to locate
one house or building identified by intelligence as a hidden arms and ammunition.
possible weapons cache.
If the targeted building is empty or the occupant
The basic principle of a search of a populated area is to refuses entry, it may be necessary to forcefully enter
conduct it with limited inconvenience to the popula- the premises to conduct a search of the dwelling. If an
tion. The populace may be inconvenienced to the point unoccupied house containing property is searched,
where they will discourage urban guerillas or insur- arrangements should be made with the local com-
gents from remaining in the area, but not to the point munity to secure it until its occupants return. Un-
that they will assist the enemy as a result of the search. necessary force and damage to property should be
avoided during the search.
Upon receiving intelligence that warrants the search-
ing of a building or a specific tasking from higher
headquarters, A&S elements of the patrol move to Motorized Urban Patrols
establish an inner cordon around the target building to
seal it off, with the primary intent of preventing The advantages of a motorized urban patrols is their
movement out of the targeted building. ability to capitalize on the speed, mobility, and
protection offered by various vehicles. They may be
motorized, mechanized or armored vehicles or a com-
On order, the designated reaction force deploys to es- bination. Generally, motorized urban patrols possess
tablish an outer cordon, oriented outward some dis- greater combat power than dismounted patrols and can
tance from the inner cordon and covering routes cover larger areas faster than dismounted patrols.
leading into the area in order to prevent outside inter-
ference/reinforcement. The reaction force maintains a
reserve to reinforce either cordon or react to unfolding The disadvantages of motorized urban patrols is that
events (civil disturbance in response to the operation). they are restricted to roads and are vulnerable to am-
bush by the enemy. They are also restricted in their
ability to interact with the local populace.
Once the cordons have been established, the patrol
leader, with the assistance of local police or inter-
preters, informs the local populace that a building is Motorized patrols are generally organized in the same
about to be searched, that a house curfew is in effect manner as dismounted patrols (see fig. 13-9). Unit
(if permitted by higher headquarters), and that all integrity is maintained when assigning personnel to
occupants should remain indoors. Occupants of the specific vehicles.
target house are instructed to gather at a central loca-
tion to stay out of the way of the search party. The urban patrolling principles apply to motorized
patrols in much the same manner as dismounted
The headquarters element, having linked up with any patrols. Mutual support and depth are achieved by
required assistance (explosive ordnance disposal maintaining constant observation between vehicles
(EOD), ITT, etc.) now acts as the search party and and coordinating support with any dismounted patrols
accompanies local police. A female searcher should be in the area. All-around security is achieved through the
included in the party, if necessary. use of constant observation as well as the vehicle's
mobility and firepower. Positive communications be-
Occupants are searched and screened first for possible tween units or teams are maintained through vehicle
enemy personnel. Apprehended persons are evacuated radios. Patrol routes and speeds are varied to promote
as soon as possible. deception or pattern avoidance.
13-22 MCWP 3-11.3
The canalizing nature of streets and alleys force vehicle speed should be between 15 to 20 mph to
vehicular patrols to use a traveling overwatch move- allow for quick reaction and good observation.
ment technique to reduce vulnerability to ambushes. Distances between vehicles should be approximately
All vehicles travel at a moderate rate of speed with the 50 meters (one half to one city block) or such that
lead vehicle stopping only to investigate potential visual contact and mutual support are ensured. Parti-
danger areas. If vehicles must stop in danger areas, cular care is taken at major road junctions and other
designated crew members' will dismount to provide danger areas to ensure individual vehicles do not
security. The gunner will remain at the ready and in become isolated.
the turret while the driver remains in the driver's seat
with the vehicle running. Vehicles with doors removed generally enhance ob-
servation and overall security, yet expose Marines to
Vehicles should move at a high rate of speed only thrown objects, theft and concealment.
when responding to an incident. At all other times,
It is necessary that patrol leaders and all patrol members be trained in observing
and reporting their observations accurately. The leader of a patrol should have all
members of the patrol immediately signal or report any information obtained.
These reports should not be restricted to information about the enemy, but should
also include information about the terrain, such as newly discovered roads, trails,
swamps, and streams. The leader includes all information in the report to the
officer dispatching the patrol. (Refer to MCRP 2-15.3, Reconnaissance Reports
Guide, for detailed report formats.)
booby traps, then for equipment, papers, maps, return to a friendly position for a lengthy time, the
messages, orders, diaries, and codes. Search prisoners are given food, water and medical aid.
techniques should be practiced often in order to reduce
the time exposed to potentially dangerous situations. Tag. Equipment and personal effects recovered from
Items found are collected by the patrol leader and prisoners are tagged so that they may later be matched
turned in with the patrol report. The items found are back to specific individuals.
marked as to time and place of capture. When
possible, captured items should be linked to a specific
prisoner who possessed the items or to the place where
the items were found. When this is done, the enemy 14004. PATROL REPORT
prisoner of war tag and item tag are marked ac-
cordingly. The patrol leader must impress upon the
members of the patrol the importance of turning in all Every patrol leader makes a report when the patrol
documents and equipment. Furthermore, the patrol returns. Unless otherwise directed, the report is made
leader must ensure all information gathered by the to the person ordering the patrol. If the situation
patrol is quickly disseminated. permits, the report is written and supported by
overlays andlor sketches. The patrol leader's report
should be a complete account of everything of military
importance observed or encountered by the patrol
14003. PRISONERS while on the assigned mission. It should include the
following information:
A patrol normally does not capture prisoners unless I Size and composition of patrol.
required by the mission. If prisoners are taken, the "5 S S Tasks and purpose (mission).
and T" rule applies. This memory aid stands for: . Time of departure.
search, segregate, silence, speed, safeguard, and tag.
. Time of return.
Search. Prisoners are body-searched thoroughly for
• Routes, out and back (show by sketch, azimuth,
trace on map).
weapons and documents as soon as they have been
captured. This search must include the helmet, body • Terrain (general description to include any man-
armor, and gas mask. These items are left with the made or natural obstacles and critical terrain
prisoner for protection until the patrol is completed. features which, if occupied by either enemy or
Weapons, equipment, and documents are tagged and friendly forces, would allow them to control the
immediately sent to the patrol leader. surrounding area).
• Enemy (size, activity, location, unit, time, equip-
Segregate. Prisoners are segregated into isolated ment).
groups: officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs), • Any map corrections (show on map).
privates, deserters, and civilians. By segregating pri- • Miscellaneous information not covered elsewhere
soners, it makes it more difficult for leaders to or- in report.
ganize escapes and issue orders to subordinates. • Results of enemy encounters.
• Condition of patrol, including disposition of any
Silence. Silence is essential. Do not allow prisoners to dead or wounded.
talk to each other.
• Conclusion and recommendations.
Speed. Speed is required in getting prisoners to the
commander who dispatched the patrol. Timely
information secured from prisoners is essential. 14005. PATROL CRITIQUE
Safeguard. Prisoners are safeguarded as they are
moved. They are restrained, but not abused. If the After the patrol has rested and eaten, the patrol leader
patrol will soon reach friendly positions, prisoners are should hold a critique. Constructive criticism is made.
not given cigarettes, food or water until they have been It is an excellent time to prepare for future patrols by
questioned by interrogators. If the patrol will not going over lessons learned as a result of the patrol.
The warning order is issued as soon as practical with all available informa-
tion included to assist patrol members in preparation.
2. Mission. Statement of what the patrol is to accomplish, and the purpose for
accomplishing it. When, how, and where will be discussed in the patrol order.
3. Execution
c. Coordinating Instructions
(1) Time schedule and location for individual preparation, rest, briefings,
in-spection, rehearsal, and departure.
(2) Time, place, uniform, and equipment for receiving the patrol order.
(3) Tasks for subordinate leaders to direct and supervise the initial
preparation which may include drawing ammunition, rations, and special
equipment; conducting immediate action drills or other necessary in-
dividual or unit training; meeting and briefing attachment personnel;
reconnoitering the area for passage of lines; and coordinating with the
necessary unit leaders.
4. Administrationand Logistics
A patrol order follows a warning order. Any of the following subjects that
have been addressed in the warning order may be omitted with the exception
of the mission statement. A patrol order is more detailed than a 5-paragraph
squad order in that a great deal of attention is given to individual duties.
The patrol order also provides orientation information, both enemy and
friendly, that impacts the patrol and enemy forces. This information can
include, but is not limited to, weather, terrain, visibility, NBC consider-
ations, local population situation, terrain model andlor map orientation, and
1. Situation
a. Enemy Forces
(1) Composition, disposition, and strength are based on size,
location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE).
b. Friendly Forces
(2) Adjacent unit missions (task and intent). Also identify left, front,
right, and rear.
3. Execution
(2) The concept of operations tells the where, how, and who and lays out
the patrol leader's general scheme of maneuver and fire support plan. It
outlines the following:
B-2 MCWP 3-11.3
(4) Location of departure and reentry of friendly lines and the actions
associated with departure and reentry.
(5) Details on the primary and alternate routes to and from the objective
b. Signal. Challenge and password, arm and hand signals, special signals,
and radio frequencies and call signs.
Did the PL ensure all patrol members were present before issuing the warn-
ing order?
Did the coordinator give a general area of oeprations for the patrol?
Did the coordinator ask for information on known or suspected enemy posi-
tions and/or obstacles?
Did the coordinator ask about information on the latest enemy activity?
Did the coordinator ask for detailed information on friendly fire support aval-
able and the unit's barrier plan?
Was the location of the lAP established and coordinated?
Did the coordinator ask the forward unit to monitor their patrol frequency?
Was the current challenge and password confirmed?
Did the coordinator request that all information coordinated be passed on to
any relieving unti?
Patrol Order
Did the PL check to ensure all patrol members were present before issuing
the patrol order?
Scouting and Patrolling
Code words and brevity codes to be used between the patrol and higher
1i._ Iis
Location of the APL during all stages of operation? - I I
Inspection Rehearsal
Did the P L adequately use the allotted inspection time?
Was the inspection conducted in an orderly manner?
During the inspection, did the PL check the following:
Completeness and correctness of uniform?
Completeness of all equipment necessary to accomplish the mission?
Did the PL use proper formations for movement?
Did the PL adequately control the point team?
Did the PL check the compass men?
Was the PL aware of his position at all times?
Was light and noise discipline enforced?
Was the rate of movement appropriate for the mission?
Did the PL make full use of pace?
Did the PL make full use of count?
Was proper security maintained during movement?
Did the PL select and pass proper rallying points? -
ji the PL ensure that all members knew location of rallying points?
1' e
MCWP 3-11.3
Did the PL recognize and halt the patrol a safe distance from a danger area?
If the PL conducted a map check, did he conduct it properly (light discipline,
security, etc.)
Did designated individuals reconnoiter the far side of a danger area
Did the PL maintain or ensure that the patrol leader had communications
with the patrol?
Did the patrol avoid being detected by the enemy during the leader's recon?
If contact was made, did the PL take appropriate action?
Was security maintained during the leader's recon?
Did the PL ensure the objective was kept under surveillance?
Were appropriate orders given to surveillance teams?
If a leader recon proved a tentative ORP unsuitable, did the PL move the
Actions at Objective
Did the Pt issue a frag order for action at the objective?
Was security emplaced prior to the teams departing from the ORP?
Did the PL employ the terrain at the objective to the best advantagc?
Was stealth maintained while moving into the objective?
Scouting and Patrolling C-7
Did the P1 exercise positive control of squads, teams, and individuals at the
Were actions at the objective in accordance with the details outlined in the
patrol order?
Did the PL make use of supporting arms at the objective?
Was the action at the objective successful?
Was withdrawal from the objective accomplished quickly and orderly?
Did units withdraw according to the details reflected in the patrol order?
Was reorganization at the ORP completed in an expeditious and orderly
Did the patrol withdraw from the QRP quickly and quietly?
Formations discussed here are identified by names TERRAIN, MINES, MAN TRAPS,
which correspond to the general pattern formed on the OR A COMBINATION OF THESE
ground by deployment of the assault element.
Line Formation
L Formation
The "L" shaped formation is a variation of the line
formation. This formation is very flexible because it
can be established on a straight stretch of a trail or
road (see fig. D-3) or at a sharp bend in a trail or a road
TEAM (See fig. D-4 on page D-2).The long side of the assault
element is parallel to the killing zone and delivers
flanking fire. The short side of the attack force is at the
Figure D-4. "L" Formation
(Bend of Trail or Stream).
end of, and at right angles to, the killing zone and ASSAULTS THROUGH
delivers enfilading fire that interlocks with fire from
the long side. When appropriate, fire from the short Figure D-6. "Z" Formation.
side can be shifted to parallel the long side if the
enemy attempts to assault or escape in the opposite
direction. In addition, the short side prevents escape The additional wing may serve any of the following
and reinforcement. (See fig. D-5.) purposes:
\ \
If the enemy attempts to escape in either direction
along the killing zone, each Marine takes the enemy
under fire as the enemy comes into the Marine's sector
of fire. The "T" formation is very effective at halting
infiltration. But it has one chief disadvantage; there is
a possibility that the ambush will engage a superior
force at night while spread out. (See fig. D-8.)
At' —
SECURITY The "V" Formation
Figure D-7. "1" Formation. The "V" shaped formation is deployed along both
sides of the enemy's route of movement so that it
This formation can be used day or night to establish an forms a "V"; care is taken to ensure that neither group
ambush to interdict movement through open areas that (within the "V") fires into the other.
are hard to seal off.
This formation subjects the enemy to both enfilading
A small force can use the "T" formation to harass, and interlocking fire. The "V" formation is best suited
slow, and disorganize a larger force. When the lead for fairly open terrain but can also be used in close
elements of the enemy are engaged, they will normally terrain. When established in close terrain, the legs of
attempt to maneuver right or left to close with the the "V" close in as the lead element of the enemy force
ambush. Mines and other obstacles placed to the approaches the apex of the "V", and opens fire at a
flanks of the killing zones slow the enemy's close range.
movements and permit the ambush force to deliver
heavy fire and withdraw without becoming decisively Here, even more than in open terrain, all movement
engaged. and fire must be carefully coordinated and controlled
to ensure that the fire of one wing does not endanger
The "T" formation can be used to interdict small the other wing. The wider separation of forces makes
groups attempting night movement across open areas. this formation difficult to control, and there are few
For example, the assault element is deployed along an sites that favor its use. Its main advantage is that it is
avenue of approach with every second man facing the
0-4 MCWP 3-11.3
difficult for the enemy to detect the ambush until it is Closed Triangle Formation
well into the killing zone. (See figs. D-9 and D-lO.)
(See fig. D- 11.) The assault element is deployed in
three teams, positioned so that they form a triangle (or
Triangle Formation closed "V"). An automatic weapon is placed at each
point of the triangle and positioned so that it can be
The triangle is a variation of the "V" formation and shifted quickly to interlock with either of the others.
can be varied in three ways: Men are positioned so that their sectors of fire overlap.
Mortars may be positioned inside the triangle.
— -4'
,.S '
I ——
— I
Open Triangle Harassing Formation pulled apart. Each team reoccupies its position, if pos-
sible, and continues to inflict the maximum damage
This variation of the triangle ambush enables a small possible without becoming decisively engaged.
force to harass, slow, and inflict heavy casualties upon
a large force without itself being decisively engaged. Open Triangle Destruction Formation
The assault element is deployed in three teams, posi-
tioned so that each team becomes a corner of a triangle The assault element is again deployed in three teams,
containing the killing zone. (See fig. D-12.) positioned so that each team is a point of the triangle,
200 to 300 meters apart. The killing zone is the area
When the enemy enters the killing zone, the team to within the triangle. The enemy is allowed to enter the
the enemy's front opens fire on the leading element. killing zone; the nearest team attacks by fire. As the
When the enemy counterattacks, the group withdraws enemy attempts to maneuver or withdraw, the other
and the team on the enemy's flank opens fire. When teams open fire. One or more teams, as directed,
this team is attacked, the team to the opposite flank assault or maneuver to envelop or destroy the enemy.
opens fire. This process is repeated until the enemy is (See fig. D-13 on page D-6.)
Figure D-12. Open Triangle Formation.
D-6 MCWP 3-11.3
200-300 METERS
200-300 METERS
5-1 2C Marine Corps Supplement to the DOD Dictionary of Military and Asso-
ciated Terms