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Oil and Gas Research Institute

Seismic Analysis Center

Investigation of Weathering Layer Using Seismic Refraction and

High Resolution Reflection Methods, Northeastern Riyadh city

Ghunaim T. Al-Anezi (KACST) , Abdullah M. Al-Amri (KSU) and Haider Zaman (KSU)

December 2011

Until present there is no subsurface ground model available about
the velocity distribution and variation of the weathering layer in the
study area. So, this study deals with the investigation of the
weathering layer using both the seismic refraction and high
resolution seismic reflection (HRSR) techniques. This integration
allows, to great extent, in exploiting the advantages and
overcoming the individual limitations of both the refraction and
HRSR methods.


Refraction profile

Figure: Location map of seismic profiles

HRSR profile

The weathering layer

The weathered layer lies just below the ground surface and
presents a good example of irregularity. It generally consists of
unconsolidated sediments or soil materials overlaying the water
bearing rocks. It is heterogeneous in composition with wide range
of velocities, which causes variable delay in travel time of the
seismic waves.

(Cox, 1999)
Figure shows the weathering layer

Geologic setting

Figure shows Surface geological map of the area surrounding Riyadh

(Al-mahmoud et al., 2009)

Seismic methods

Seismic Refraction

High Resolution Seismic Reflection (HRSR)

Figure shows Seismic Refraction and Reflection Geometry

The seismic method represents one of the most important

geophysical techniques for oil and gas exploration due to its high
accuracy, high resolution, and deep penetration. On relatively smaller
scale, this method can also be applied to groundwater searches,
environmental and civil engineering investigations and to some
extent in mineral exploration.
During the past 30 years, the growing interest in engineering and
environmental problems has increased the application of seismic
reflection surveys to study shallow targets of hydrogeological,
engineering, environmental, archaeological, and geotechnical

The main challenge in using high resolution shallow seismic data for
estimating the near surface features is the maintenance of the high
frequencies reflections from shallow interfaces in the face of
attenuation and possible aliasing. In order to acquire high resolution
seismic data for shallow subsurface investigation, spacing between
source and receiver must be perfect enough to ensure un-aliasing of
the data. Frequencies for high resolution acquisition can reach up to
500 Hz.

Seismic data acquisition

Five seismic profiles for both refraction and high resolution reflection
are conducted in the study area.

Figure: Seismic data acquisition system

Figure: Field Pictures

Data formatting



In-line-end-on offset

Number of receivers


Receiver spacing


Receiver type

Model, GS 20 DH, Response, 365 ohm , 40 Hz , 0.70 Damping

Shot spacing

-5,0, 46.5, 93, 98 m

Source type

Hammer (6 Kg)

Minimum offset


Maximum Offset

98 m

Number of stacking


Sampling interval

0. 25 ms

Record length


Filter type




Table : Acquisition parameters for seismic refraction profiles

Data formatting



Split Spread

Number of receivers


Receiver spacing


Receiver type

Model, GS 20 DH, Response, 365 ohm , 40 Hz , 0.70 Damping

Shot spacing


Source type

Hammer (6 Kg)

Minimum offset

0.5 m

Maximum Offset

24.5 m

Number of stacking

Sampling interval

0.125 ms

Record length


Filter type




Table : Acquisition parameters for HRSR profiles

Data analysis and results

Refraction method is widely used in determining the thicknesses
and velocities for the near-surface layer. It requires an accurate
picking for the first arrival times. Using SeisImager Software
Package (Geometrics Inc., 2005), the first break- picking was
made for the digitized seismic waveforms from all channels along
the surveyed profiles.

Figure: Record for midpoint shot at profile no. 1.

After picking the first break from all profiles, traveltime- distance
(T- D) curves were established for each of them.

Figure: Traveltime- Distance curve for P- wave profile no.


Landmarks ProMax Software Package was used for the processing

of HRSR data.

Figure: An example for the field shot record

Processing sequence
Geometry assignment
Trace edits
Automatic gain control (AGC)
Amplitude compensation
Band pass filter
Common midpoint (CMP) sorting
Velocity analysis
Normal moveout (NMO) and stacking

Figure: An example for velocity analysis

Site 1

12 m

Figure: Ground model and Brute stack for site no. 1


14 m

Site 2



28 m
25 m

Figure: Ground model, well information and Brute stack for site no. 2

Site 3


17 m

Figure: Ground model and Brute stack for site no. 3

20 m

Site 4


13 m
12 m

Figure: Ground model and Brute stack for site no. 4

Site 5

16 m

Figure: Ground model and Brute stack for site no. 5


18 m

Conclusions and Recommendations

Main purpose of the present study is to determine thickness of the
weathered sedimentary layer using 5 seismic refraction and 5 HRSR
profiles. According to seismic parameters obtained from these profiles
and their comparison with the available water-well data, the following
conclusions and recommendations can be made.
1- Using seismic refraction data from 5 profiles, it has been noticed that
just beneath the ground surface a thin layer of lose sediments overlies
the main layer of the weathered materials. In order to count them both as
a single unit, the thin layer of sediments is added to overall thickness of
the main weathering layer. The depth of this weathering layer at sites 1-5
is estimated at 12, 25, 17, 12, and 16 meters, respectively. Lithology of
this targeted layer consists of sediments and gravel, which make a
distinguishable contact with the underlying bedrock layer of limestone and

2- Similar to seismic refraction profiles, 5 HRSR profiles were

acquired as a part of this study. Based on the processed data, depths
of the weathering layer at sites 1-5 are estimated at 14, 28, 20, 13,
and 18 meters, respectively.

3- As an additional support, seismic refraction results from site no. 2

got verification from lithological information available from the
adjacent water-well as well as by the HRSR data.
4- At site no. 3, penetration related problems have been encountered
with hammer method during the field operation. It is, therefore,
recommended that an alternative seismic source (including weightdrop or vibroseis) should be used in any future seismic survey in the
study area.

5- In order to obtain an improved image of subsurface features in the

study area, the use of 3D - high resolution seismic reflection method is
strongly recommended.

6- Additional information about the local up-hole lithology from the oil
companies can significantly improve the level of interpretation in any
future geophysical endures.


We are thankful to high-ups of the King Abdul Aziz City for Science and
Technology (KACST) for the accomplishment of this project. We are grateful
to Meteb Alshammari (Ministry of Water and Electricity) for providing waterwell information from one of the studied site. We are also thankful to staff
members of the Seismic Analysis Center (KACST) for their support in data



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