Ulture: Why (And How) of Daily Prayer
Ulture: Why (And How) of Daily Prayer
Ulture: Why (And How) of Daily Prayer
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d e c e m b e r 1 4 - 2 7, 2 0 1 4
Talk to God
Pope St. John Paul II thought
prayer was so important that
he dedicated a year to the
Rosary. Pope Benedict XVI
directed these beautiful words
to Americans during his visit
in 2008: Contemplation of
the mysteries of the Rosary
releases all their saving power,
and it conforms, unites and
consecrates us to Jesus Christ.
Pope Francis, since his election,
has spoken of prayer, too. The
Christian life is not limited to
prayer, but requires an ongoing
dedication and courage born
of prayer, he tweeted during
World Youth Day Rio 2013.
Pray for peace! he proclaimed
Sept. 7, 2013, via Twitter, the
day he joined thousands in
St. Peters Square to pray for
peace in the wake of the Syria
This Advent, the Register encourages readers to commit to
praying the Rosary and why
stop when Advent ends?
The Rosary
The Basic Rosary
1. Holding the crucifix, make the
Sign of the Cross.
2. Recite the Apostles Creed (See
Sorrowful Mysteries
(Tuesday, Friday)
1. Agony in the Garden (Luke
2. Scourging at the Pillar (Mark
3. Crowning With Thorns (John
4. Carrying of the Cross (John
5. Crucifixion (John 19:25-30)
Glorious Mysteries
(Wednesday, Sunday)
1. Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10)
2. Ascension (Acts 1:6-11)
3. Descent of the Holy Spirit on the
Apostles and Mary (Acts 2:1-13)
4. Assumption of Mary into
Heaven (Revelation 12:1-3, 13-18)
5. Coronation of Mary (Revelation
This is the final of our four
guides to being Catholic. Share
these guides in order to spread
the faith in the way Pope Francis has asked of us.
We cannot be Christians parttime. If Christ is at the center
of our lives, he is present in all
that we do, the Holy Father reminded the faithful on Twitter.
He also stated, Let us remember that faith is not something
we possess, but something
we share. Every Christian is an
Season 1
Advent focuses on
preparation. The four Sundays and
their corresponding weeks before Christmas are a blessed time
period. Pray amid the festivities and
Quick Tip
Have a happy, holy marriage and
family by being rooted in Christ
and open to children.
To learn more:
(800) 307-7685
Season 4
Gods Gifts
Knowing Gods grace by living a Catholic life centered on Mass
and the sacraments is a gift.
Be Generous
Find joy in giving your kindess, love, talents and time to God and
others throughout the year.
Happy Family
Following Christ with your family by your side will bring joy, too.
Jesus Story
Our Saviors story should fill us with joy every day.
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