April 2015 Proclaimer

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April 2015

St. Peters Lutheran Church, Lexington SC


News for St. Peters family and friends

Holy Week and Easter Day

St. Peters Church
Holy Week

Easter Day

Maundy Thursday, April 2

7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Holy Communion
Stripping of the Altar

Sunday, April 5
7:00 a.m.-Sunrise Service
Assemble on the front lawn and then enter
the darkened church in procession
Holy Communion

Good Friday, April 3

7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

8:30 a.m.-Easter Breakfast

Served in the Parish Life Center by the
Seekers Sunday School Class

Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 4

9:30 a.m. in the Parish Life Center
For children in the 4th grade and younger
Breakfast Provided

10:00 a.m.-Sunday School

10:30 a.m.-Flowering of the Cross on the front
11:00 a.m. Festival Service
Holy Communion

As we leave March and move into April, the

Lords people are preparing to enter the holiest
week of the Churchs year Holy Week! This
week has its origins in the earliest years of the
Church and it revolves around the events in our
Lords Life that rescued the worlds people from
the destructive realities of sin, Satan and death.
The Week opens with Palm Sunday on 29
March. When the Lutheran Book of Worship
was introduced in the late 70s, the day was
designated The Sunday of the Passion. While
palm branches are blessed and distributed at the
beginning of the Liturgy to recall Jesus entry
into Jerusalem, this later designation is more
accurate because the entire account of Jesus
Passion is read from Marks Gospel. This year
we will again have several readers to lead us
through the account. The Lords Supper will also
be celebrated.
Holy Week continues with the observance of
Maundy Thursday (02 April). This Liturgy
marks the Lords gift of his Supper to the
disciples and then to the entire Church. This
Supper has its origins in the Passover Meal that
was transformed by our Lord to be the Banquet
that reaches into eternity. The Liturgy includes
Confession and Forgiveness, Scripture Readings
and the Supper. Following this Liturgy the altar
and chancel is stripped of all its appointments
and paraments to reflect Jesus plunge into
beatings and insults, trial and death.
On Good Friday (03 April) we observe the death
of our Lord in a church that is silent and barren.
In this Liturgy we read the account from Johns
Gospel, showing Jesus going to the crucifixion
willingly yet triumphantly. The Liturgy also
includes the Bidding Prayer, the Procession of
the Cross and the Solemn Reproaches (the
Lords lament for his faithless people).
On Holy Saturday (04 April) the appointments
and paraments are restored to the church as
everything is readied for the celebrations of
Easter Day.
There are two liturgies on Easter Day (05
April), 7 and 11 am. The Sunrise Service at 7 has

its beginnings in the Easter Vigil, a very early

Liturgy in the Churchs life. The Vigil began late
in the evening on Holy Saturday and extended
into the early morning of Easter Day. The
Sunrise Service reflects the early morning
portion of the Vigil. Since the Lutheran Book of
Worship came into the churches, there are
Lutheran parishes that schedule the Vigil. Many
of them begin it as the sun sets on Holy
Saturday (this makes it easier for parishioners
to take part rather than beginning at 11 pm and
running past midnight!).
The members and friends of St. Peters Church
are encouraged to participate in all these
liturgies. They expose us fully to the Lords
redemptive actions, stirring and sustaining the
Life into which we have been baptized.
These liturgies will carry us into the Easter and
Pentecost seasons. May our Lord continue to
stir the worshiping, serving and giving of this
parish community.
In our Lords grace, fear and mercy,
Pr. Carl A. Voges,
Interim Pastor

Are You Graduating

this Spring?
If so, please let the church office know as soon as
You may email the church
([email protected]) or drop this in the
offering plate.
Name ____________________________________________
Graduating from _______________________________
(High School, College, University, Tech School)

Date of graduation _____________________________

Attention Ladies of St. Peter's!

you searching for an opportunity to join other
faithful ladies of St. Peters for fellowship and
service to God? If the answer is yes, then
the Anna Circle warmly invites you to attend
their next meeting. The Anna Circle has
members of all ages who share a desire to
grow in God's Word, to participate in service
projects that demonstrate God's love, and to
contribute as an active partner in the ministry
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church - all within a
supportive community of women of
faith. Our current activities include monthly
meetings, prayer and meal support for the
congregation's expecting parents, and
participation in outreach and service projects
locally and worldwide. Monthly meetings are
highlighted with a brief Bible Study,
fellowship, and refreshments with members
taking turns leading the Bible Study and
serving as the hostess. The Anna Circle meets
on the 4th Tuesday of each month, and new
members are always welcome. Please join us
at our next meeting on Tuesday, March 24 at
7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. To learn more
about Anna Circle, please contact Stephanie
Lindner at 457-0822.

Expecting a Baby?

Anna Circle would

like to support you in prayer as you are
expecting your baby! Once your bundle of joy
has arrived, wed like to bring you a meal, too!
Heres how: Expectant parents can contact
the Church Office at 359-2470 or email:
[email protected] and provide the
Church secretary with your name, due date,
and contact phone number so we can put you
on our prayer list. Once the baby arrives,
contact the church office and the secretary
will contact Anna Circle. Well be in touch
with you to coordinate delivery of a
celebration meal!

Fund for Sanctuary Heat/AC You

likely have noticed we are having problems
with keeping the Sanctuary comfortable. The
Property Committee has recommended and
Council has approved receiving donations to
replace the heat/AC system. The cost is
estimated to be approximately $30,000. If
you would like to contribute, just mark your
gifts Sanctuary Heat/AC.

Fund for Sanctuary Heat/AC You

likely have noticed we are having problems
with keeping the Sanctuary comfortable. The
Property Committee has recommended and
Council has approved receiving donations to
replace the heat/AC system. The cost is
estimated to be approximately $30,000. If
you would like to contribute, just mark your
gifts Sanctuary Heat/AC.

Mark Your Calendars!

Music Camp
will be July 26-July 30 from 6:00 PM to 8:30


July 19-23
VBS at St. Peters Lutheran Church
If you are willing to share your time and talents please contact Christen Widener or
Vickie Davis. Teachers/leaders, decorators,
craft makers, prop builders, food preparers,
musicians, actors, etc. are needed.


Confirmation Classes

for seventh
graders will meet at 9:00 AM on April 18 and
May 9 in the youth room.



for eighth
graders will meet at 9:00 AM on April 11, at
6:00 PM on May 3 (with Council), and at 9:00
AM on May 9 in the office conference room.
The Confirmation practice and Banquet for
eighth grade Confirmands will be held on May
17 at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary with dinner in
PLC. The Confirmands will be confirmed at
the 11:00 AM service on May 24.

WOW Services Resume AprilOur

regular Worship on Wednesday will resume
on April 8, in the Parish Life Center. Dinner
will be served at 6:00 PM and worship with
Holy Communion begins at 6:30 PM.

We Extend Sincere
Sympathy to:


Valerie Porth and family at the death of

her Uncle, Ron Wilkoc on March 1. The
funeral was held on March 5 at St.
Andrews Lutheran Church.
Dwight Amick and family at the death of
his brother-in-law, Bill Sanders, on March
7. A memorial service was held at Milton
Shealy Funeral home on March 10.

Soil and Water Stewardship

Sunday is April 26. Come and learn

Clothing Drive The

Stewardship Committee is once again
sponsoring a Spring Clothing Drive. The
pickup dates will be on the two Sundays of
April 26 and May 3. Bring your good, clean,
gently used clothing, linens, shoes, etc. with
you to church and look for the truck parked
out front. The clothing will be given to LICS.
Congratulations to Travis and
Kimberly McLeod on the birth of a

daughter, Alexandra Skye McLeod. She was

born on March 15, measures 8lbs. 5 oz., and
21 in. long. We give thanks to God for this
miracle of new life.

"Discipleship Moment" videos

from Bishop John Bradosky and
other executive staff members
will be published regularly to the
NALC's website. These short videos can
be used before worship on Sunday mornings,
as an introduction to Sunday school or Bible
study times, or for personal use.

Reflections on what the word "discipleship"

really means, the vision for the NALC, and
what it means to be "mission-driven" are just
a few of the many topics you will hear about.
Personal stories from local congregations,
international missions and personal ministry
experiences will also be featured.
As the NALC strives to be Christ centered,
mission driven, traditionally grounded and
congregationally focused, we hope and pray
these resources will be excellent and helpful
tools. Go to www.thenalc.org/discipleshipmoment/ to discover this exciting new

more about Pollinator StewardshipHow

hardworking pollinators are your local

Dear Members of St. Peter's,

Dear St. Peters

Thank you for your prayers, cards and visits

during my moms, Violet Porths illness,
hospital stays and recent passing.
Many thanks to Pastor Rawl, Pastor Paulette
and the choir for the beautiful funeral service.
Thanks also to the food committeethe meal
they prepared really meant a lot to us during
this difficult time.
With Love and Gratitude,
Cheryl Lee

Dear Friends of LICS,

On behalf of Lexington Interfaith Community

Services (LICS) board of directors and staff, I
would like to thank you for your investment
in LICS through your recent donation of
With generous contributions from you and
many others we were able to serve 20,000
people in Lexington County in 2014.11,795
received food either once or monthly
throughout the year, 5,800 received free
clothing, 443 received financial assistance,
and over 2,400 referrals and miscellaneous
services were given to prepare for a
sustainable lifestyle.
2015 brings continued emphasis in
programming for our clients including
cooking and budgeting classes and the
expansion of our food pantry. Our goal is to
help facilitate the self-sufficiency of the entire
family so that they no longer are dependent
on assistance from others.
You have glorified God by helping your
neighbor in crisis. May you be blessed
beyond measure for your support of this
Christian service ministry.
Robin W. Bowers, Executive Director

What a delight it was to spend some time

with the folks at St. Peters in January.
Matthew and I thank you for inviting us to
share the amazing story of St. Lukes during
WOW. Thank you also for your generous
contribution of $3,850.00.
Thanks to you, St. Lukes was able to respond
to the needs of refugee children forced to flee
from South Sudan when civil war broke out in
December 2013. We were able to build seven
classrooms and open St. Lukes CORE Primary
School for grades 1-7 in a refugee camp at
Adjumani, Uganda.
Commenting on the work in Adjumani, Dr.
Gemechis Buba, Global Mission Director for
NALC, said What Matthew has accomplished
in the camp is nothing less than a miracle. His
mission is truly a tremendous blessing to the
refugees and their children in the refugee
Enrollment at school has gone from 700 to
1,700. The UN has now built permanent
classrooms and is providing money for
additional teachers.
With the school enrollment up and running
under the leadership of a Head Teacher with
support from the Parents Association,
Matthew was freed up to return to South
Sudan, where he is now working to reopen St.
Lukes Theological College. We are relocating
to Nimule, because of security and strategic
considerations. The Anglican Church has
given us land, and the Development
Association is launching a capital campaign to
build classrooms on the property.
Please continue to pray for Matthew, the
College, the Primary School, and the people of
South Sudan. We will be sending information
on the Capital Campaign very soon. Please
consider how you might be able to help us
reopen the College and continue to prepare
Christian leaders for church and community.
In Christs Service,
Franklin E. Rothfuss, Director
*Also thanks to the members of Lydia Circle
for the generous contribution of $4,035.19.

General Fund
2014 Contribution Pattern of Giving
48 Giving units gave nothing for the period
34 Giving units gave $1 to $52 per year
11 Giving units gave $52 to $104 per year
21 Giving units gave $104 to $260 per year
30 Giving units gave $260 to $520 per year
37 Giving units gave $520 to $1,040 per year
25 Giving units gave $1,040 to $1,560 per year
15 Giving units gave $1,560 to $2,080 per year
14 Giving units gave $2,080 to $2,600 per year
10 Giving units gave $2,600 to $3,120 per year
9 Giving units gave $3,120 to $4,160 per year
10 Giving units gave $4,160 to $5,200 per year
9 Giving units gave $5,200 to $6,500 per year
6 Giving units gave $6,500 to $7,800 per year
3 Giving units gave $7,800 to $10,400 per year
5 Giving units gave $10,400 to $13,000 per year
3 Giving units gave $13,000+ per year

17% of units
12% of units
4% of units
7% of units
10% of units
13% of units
9% of units
5% of units
5% of units
3% of units
3% of units
3% of units
3% of units
2% of units
1% of units
2% of units
1% of units

290 Total Giving Units

This report based on family giving units of record during 2014. Children giving through envelopes have been consolidated with the family unit. Loose cash and Sunday School offerings were $9,708 for 2014. Checks for contributors not assigned envelope #s $14,466 for
We, as a congregation of the North American Lutheran Church confess: The canonical
Scriptures (Old & New Testaments) as the inspired Word of God & authoritative source
& norm of its proclamation, faith, & life.
The world is unimpressed with the church because the church has not commanded the
worlds attention and respect. When we do not support the work of God according to
the pattern that is set down in the Bible it should not surprise us that the world does not
respect us. Why should they, when we dont respect God or his way? We show how
much we care by how much we give. This writing comes from the book Tithing, A Call
To Serious, Biblical Giving by R. T. Kendall.

Stewardship Thoughts
The following is the first of three articles that come from Halleys Bible Handbook written by
Dr. Henry H. Halley. The last copyright was in 1965, and it still holds true for Christians today.
All Christian people ought to go to Church every Sunday, unless hindered by sickness, or necessary
work, or necessity of some kind. It ought to be a matter of conscience, and an act of worship.
The Churches are the most important institutions in any community. The Sunday Services are the
churchs principal way of doing its work; it is the event of the community life.
Nothing ever happens in any community as important to the life of the community as the regular
Sunday Worship Services. Every community ought to love its churches, and, at this appointed
time, turn out en masse, to honor HIM in whose name the church exists.
What it would mean? Assuming the pulpit to be faithful, and the services what they ought to be, if
the churches were filled every Sunday the community would take notice, Evangelistic work of the
church would be done, financial problems would be solved, missionary problems would be solved.
The whole church program would be advanced. It is the one thing that would make the churches
strong; the one thing on which depends the solution of the problems facing Christianity. If all
Christian Church people would stir themselves up to be faithful in this one fundamental Christian
duty it would set forward the influence of the Church, and the Christ for whom the church stands,
more than all the rest of the things the Churches are doing put together.
What the Church is for. To Hold Christ before the people. The Church was not invented by men.
Men have used it and misused it, but the Church was founded by Christ. Christ is the Heart of the
Church, and its Lord. The Church exits to Bear Witness to Christ. Christ himself not the Church, is
the transforming power in mens lives. The mission of the Church is to exalt Christ, so that He
Himself may do his own blessed work on the hearts of men.
The Churchs Method. Meeting together in the name of Christ. The word Church means a
Called out Assembly, a Congregation, those who Come Together. In order to do his work on
Mens hearts Christ must be often in their minds. So, church meetings need to be frequent.
How Frequent? Weekly: First Day of the Week: The Lords Day: Sunday. The Lord himself so ordained. It seems, from Acts 20:6, 7, that even Paul had to wait, in Troas, for the first day of the
week to get the disciples together. God instituted the Church, and God appointed the First Day of
the week as Church Day. All Christendom has so recognized it, and has made this day a day of cessation from the ordinary activities of life.
Submitted by Tommy Stone on behalf of the Stewardship and Finance Committee.

Relay for Life 2015

This years Relay for Life event will be held Saturday, May 2nd at River Bluff High School. The opening
Survivor Walk will begin at 7 PM. St. Peters will once again be there offering a yummy burger plate for
a $5.00 donation. Please join us and help us:
Celebrate our survivors
Remember our family, friends, and church members who have fought the battle.
Fight back the only way we know howwith dollars for:
1. Researchno single nongovernmental, non profit organization in the US has invested
more to find causes or cures for cancer.
2. Hope Lodge (Charleston, SC ) For all cancer patients and their caregivers who have to
travel away from home for the best treatment. Hope Lodge facilities provide free and
homelike lodging for cancer patients and their caregivers.
3. Road to Recovery ProgramPatients often need transportation to and from
appointments and treatments. American Cancer Society (ACS) matches patients to
specially trained volunteer drivers.
4. Look Good . Feel BetterFree service teaches women battling cancer beauty
techniques to help them improve their appearance and self image during treatments.
5. Reach for Recovery This program matches specially trained breast cancer
survivors with people who have been recently diagnosed. They provide understanding,
support and hope.
Every dollar makes a difference and helps people locally. Questions, donations, opportunities or offers
to help the St. Peters Team call Sharon James at 359-7034.

Please return this form along with your donation of $10 and complete the portion below
and give to either Sharon James, Donna White or any other Service Committee member. Bags will
be decorated by the Service Committee unless you prefer to do your own. Any questions please
contact me at 996-3044 or 727-9084. Thank you so much for all you do. ~ Donna


Saturday, May 2, 2015, 10pm
River Bluff High School, Lexington, SC

Jenny Stone, Council Secretary
The Congregational Council met in the office building conference room on March 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Russell Rawl,
Vice President of the Council presided over the meeting. Pastor McHugh and Pastor Voges were in attendance.
The council minutes, treasurers report and staff reports was received and reviewed. Council members reported on committee activities. Kevin Gobbi and Sandra Brasington were absent.
Pastor McHugh received an email from St. Johns Lutheran Church in Lexington to see if their 4 confirmation students
could be added to our confirmation classes because they are without a Pastor right now. This was approved by common
consent of the council.
Pastor McHugh had received a listing of the memorial funds and was given the approval from the council meeting in
February to contact the families to see if some of the funds could be used for the council approved current projects; replacing the HVAC, refurbishing of SS classrooms, and Missionary Matthew Riak. After making contact with the families, some had other specific projects designated, some are undecided or some Pastor McHugh was unable to reach. The
remaining families approved for the amount of $6,628.33 to be used for the HVAC, $6,428.33 for the SS classrooms,
and $3,486.33 for Missionary Riak. Greg Webb made a motion to accept the Memorial Fund designations as allocated
per Pastor McHughs contacts, Buck Vaughan seconded the motion to approve and the council vote to approve was
unanimous in favor. Council thanked Pastor McHugh for making these contacts and securing these allocations.
On Monday March 2nd, Pastor McHugh sent an email to all council members in reference to some major issues with
Amber Scarboroughs computer. Mike Hoyle, computer technician was in the office to assist Amber and her 2008 hard
drive was failing and she was unable to process the offerings for the week and other things. Mike had a hard drive that
he was in the process of building for another church and he offered to transfer everything from Ambers current hard
drive to the new hard drive. He would be able to get this done within a day or two and the total cost for the new hard
drive, data transfer, installation, and warranty including taxes would cost $920. The urgent email was sent to inform the
council of this immediate need, the issues, the resolution and a motion from her and Russell Rawl for the council to report back with an email vote to approve. All emails received were in favor and the hard drive was replaced by Wednesday afternoon.

Come and Celebrate St. Peters Lutheran Church Heritage and History on Celebration Sunday

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The 235th Anniversary
St. Peters Lutheran Church
Of Lexington, SC

At 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Join us after the late service for our annual picnic
In the Parish Life Center

Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas
Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, Why was this ointment not sold for
three hundred denarii and given to the poor? He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but
because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into
it. Jesus said, Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. John 12:3-7 (ESV)
Jesus had forgiven Marys sins, and she knew the immeasurable value of this gift. One who had
so little, one who was worth so little in the eyes of the world, gave the most precious, expensive,
lavish gift she possibly could give to her Lord. She gave not from a surplus of wealth or what she
had left over at the end of the month. She gave to the Lord Jesus the best she could give, because
his love and mercy meant everything to her.
Written by Pastor Paulette
On behalf of the Stewardship & Finance Committee

Plan ahead!! Put these important dates on your calendar:

April 4
April 5
April 6
April 26 , May 3
May 3
April 26
May 29-30
May 31

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Sunday
Church office closed
Spring Clothing Drive
Celebration/Heritage Sunday
Soil and Water Stewardship Sunday
Carolinas Mission District Convocation
Graduate Recognition

Call Committee Update

The Call Committee met last Sunday, March 8, with Dr. David Wendell, to discuss the NALC Call process and
Our next step is to complete a Congregational profile and submit it to the Asst. to the Bishop for Ecumenism
and Ministry for the NALC. This lists our congregations 5 key ministry needs, such as Preaching the Word
and/or Home/ Hospital visitation. These needs will be determined through congregational input, together
with a close look at the Vision and Planning document completed last year. This document, developed by
the standing committees of our church and approved by the Congregational Council looks at goals and
plans for the future ministries and needs of our congregation. Other profile information about our church
might include our specific ministries, a description of our community, and an overview of our church finances, including our former pastors salary package.
Once received, our profile will be listed with other profiles of vacant congregations of the NALC. The NALC
updates these profiles every 4-6 weeks. At that time, any NALC pastor may request a copy of our profile,
and if interested, ask to have their name sent to St. Peters. With the size of our church and our varied ministries, Dr. Wendell said we could certainly expect 3-5 names, more likely up to 10 names, and possibly
even more. Be mindful that once our profile is posted, it may be 3-4 weeks more before a list of names is
received. This process is one that teaches us the quality of patience. This process works on Gods time, the
Spirit guides the process, and it is up to us to wait on the Spirit to lead us to the next pastor for our congregation. Calling a pastor is not like hiring an employee. It is a process of developing a relationship with a person called by God to be our next pastor. At this time, a pastor may not even know that he will be called to
our church; it is a time of preparation as the Spirit works to bring us together to spread the Gospel message.
Upon receiving names, teams from the Call Committee are set up to conduct a 10-15 minute phone call with
each pastor to introduce ourselves and our church and to receive information about basic ministries, talents, abilities, and the background of each pastor contacted.
When these calls are completed, the whole committee makes a second call to each pastor to speak more in
depth about their ministry and our church and its needs.
From those calls the process of narrowing the names to one person begins.
As you can see, St. Peters is in the initial stages of an exciting time in the life of our congregation. It is a time
when we must wait on the guidance of the Spirit. It is a time for prayer-for our church, for our congregational council, for our call committee, and ultimately, for the next pastor and their family who will come to
St. Peters. It is a time of patience while we wait on the Spirit to guide us through this process. To be a
strong witness to our Lord, we must have members, linked by prayer, study of the Scriptures, and
grounded in the faith that the Spirit is leading us in this process.
As you can see, no names have been considered for our new pastor. Only names from the NALC will be
given to us, some weeks after our profile has been posted. Secondly, the need for confidentiality is foremost. Imagine the damage that could be done to a church whose pastor is considering a call, his name is
mentioned, and he has not yet informed his congregation of his desires. Where will our next pastor come
from? Dr. Wendell said not to be surprised if we get names from Texas or even from Washington State! At
this time, the process is in the hands of the Spirit. Be patient, listen for the Spirit and His guidance, and
know that the Lord is good. Thanks be to God!




Frank Best (grandfather of Michael Carter)

Dudley Britt (friend of Marcus Smith)
Linda Brown (friend of Julie Harmon)
Kathie Cashion (mother of Hillarie Vaughan)
Danny Covington (grandfather of Elizabeth & Michael Covington)
Charlie Davis (grandfather of Christy Harmon)
Derice Dehon (friend of Jerry & Sarah Richey)
Doris Jean Drake (friend of Gail Oliver)
Billy Fulmer (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Johnny Hakim (sister of Joyce M. Porth)
JoAnn Harmon
Stella Hendrick
Ted Hoover (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Mary Kempski (wife of Bishop Ralph Kempski)
Sharon Lee (Aunt of Tim Pearson)
Paul Mayte (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Connie Parson
Lonna Paul
Dot Pearson (mother of Tim Pearson)
Leagrace Rauton (friend of Julie Porth Smith)
Family of Bill Sanders (brother-in-law of Dwight Amick)
Kenslie Shealy
Kathy Schreiber
Michael Spence (cousin of David & Zach Spence)
Jean Vasquez (friend of Oddie & Joyce Porth)
Eric Wegner ( friend of Marie Eargle)
Retha Wessinger
Jennifer ONeill Whetstone
Family of Ron Wilkoc (uncle of Valerie Porth)

Let us also remember in our daily prayers our missionaries, Pastor Matthew Riak in South Sudan
and David Davis in Brazil

David Ballington
Heath Fulmer
Andrew Henry
Justin Roberts

Brad Smith
Courtney Weed
Kyle Weed
L.J. Perrier


ELLISOR, Steve & Teresa

EARGLE, Charles & Marie
STABLER, J. W. & Celeste
SHEALY, Cody & Susan
COOPER, Rudolph & Kathy
HUMPHREY, Adam & Carla
BEDENBAUGH, Todd & Melinda
SMITH, Wayne & Susan
WEED, Kyle & Courtney
SNYDER, Kyle & Denise
RILEY, Rick & Kay G
TAYLOR, Danny & Belverly
LEE, Robert & Cheryl
RAWL, Spanky & Crissy
SIMS, Michael & Britt
JACKSON, Trent & Carla
SHEALY, Doctor Carl & Donna

WEBB, Melanie
LINDLER, Mackenzie
EVANS, Cindy
COMPTON, Tiffany
CAUGHMAN, Mattison
CARTIN, Elizabeth
GOBBI, Karen



RAWL, Brenda
SHEALY, Margie
WEBB, Greg
BLACK, Allison
RAWL, Leon
SHULL, Sonja
LUNSFORD, Christopher
SIMS, Michael
LAVISKY, Darlene
HOOK, Curry
KARN, Rachel
WEBB, Grayson
PORTH, Calvin
HOYLE, Jonathan
SHEALY, Hunter
MCLAIN, Jessica
RAWL, Jacob
WILLIAMS, Annelise
SAWYER, Nicholas
CARTER, Grayham
SCHURG, Kimberly
JAMES, Sharon
METZE, Katie


Those Serving in April

Please note any areas where volunteers are needed and call the Church Office if you are
available to serve in this capacity.

Communion Assistants

(7:00 a.m.-Easter) Judy Nichols, Jean Hundley

(11:00 a.m.) Catherine Porth,
Doreen Edmonson
(8:30 a.m.) Clyde Sanders, N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Beryl Roberts, Jenny Stone

Greeters/Popcorn Ministry

(Maundy Thursday) Donna & Carl Shealy

(7:00 a.m.-Easter) Tommy & Jenny Stone
(11:00 a.m.) Adam & Vickie Davis
(5:30 a.m.) Jean Hundley
(11:00 a.m.) Reba & Landis Sandel
(8:30 a.m.) Carol Arnold
(11:00 a.m.) Kevin & Karen Gobbi
(8:30 a.m. ) Paul & Diane Robinson
(11:00 a.m.) Angela King

Ushers (8:30 a.m.)

Buck Vaughan, Chairperson
Jeff Elliot, Chairperson

Ushers (11:00 a.m.)

Buck Vaughan, Chairperson
Jeff Elliot, Chairperson
Kevin Gobbi, Greg Webb, Rusty & Brooks Massey
The Usher Chairpersons are also the
Lock Team members for this month.


(Maundy Thursday) Donna Shealy

(7:00 a.m.-Easter) Joe Price
(11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing
12 (8:30 a.m.) Rachel Freeman
(11:00 a.m.) Elizabeth Lindler
19 (8:30 a.m.) Jennifer Williams
(11:00 p.m.) Nancy Wylie
26 (8:30 a.m.) Crystal Smith
(11:00 a.m.) Connie Parson

2 (Maundy Thursday) Molly Hodgkiss
5 (7:00 a.m.-Easter) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing
12 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Brandon Riley
19 (8:30 a.m.) Rachel McHugh
(11:00 a..m.) Michael Covington
26 (8:30 a.m.) Rachel McHugh
(11:00 a.m.) Emma Grace Jordan

Altar Guild
Barbara Leaphart, Jane Risinger, Jo Wessinger

Offering Counters
Becky and Brady Porth

Front Porch Visitor

Coffee Hour Hosts
5 Easter Breakfast-Seekers Sunday School
12 Berly Fulmer Family-Celebrating 90th Birthday
for Berly.
19 Brent & Shelia Harmon, Ann Rowell,
& Jean Hundley
26 Anna Circle

Altar Flowers

(Maundy Thursday) Bob & Barbara Weed

(Easter) Fulmer Family-Cindy Evans/Bobbi Buff
Michael & Natalie Carter
Myrna OGorman & Family
Julie & Marcus Smith

Bill Jennings

Nursery Assistants
2 (Maundy Thursday) N/A at printing
5 (7:00a.m.-Easter) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Leighann Pearson
12 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Karen Jordan & Girls
19 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Kylie & Julynn Spence
26 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Caroline Davis


S.P.Y. NEWS April 2015

St. Peters Youth
All St. Peters youth and visitors are invited to attend youth events.
Travis McLeod, Youth Director
[email protected]

CLUB 345....Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades

April 4

9:30 AM, Easter Egg Hunt

April 26

3:00 PM, in the PLC, make tie dye t-shirts

JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH..Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades

April 5,12,19,26

5:30 PM, Junior Youth Meeting

April 7,14,21,28

7:00 AM, Prayer Breakfast at Chick-Fil-A, meet at

church by 6:50 to ride bus.

April 6-10

Spring Break

Senior HIGH YOUTH..Ninth thru twelfth grade

April 5,12,19,26

7:00 PM, Senior Youth Meeting

April 7,14,21,28

7:00 AM, Prayer Breakfast at Chick-Fil-A, meet at

church by 6:50 to ride bus.

April 6-10

Spring Break


06:15 PM-Matins

06:15 PM-Matins

26 4th Sunday after Easter-White

08:00 AM-Spring Clothing Drive

08:30 AM-Worship
09:00 AM-Blood Pressure Clinic
09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/FH
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship
12:00 PM-Blood Pressure Clinic/FH
05:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

09:00 AM-Loving Group/

10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/
07:00 PMStewardship&Finance/CR
07:00 PM-Anna Circle/FH


07:00 AM-Rep. Primary/

10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/
07:00 PM-Heritage/
Celebration Cmte
07:00 PM-Lydia Circle/FH



08:30 AM-Worship/Holy Communion

09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/FH
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship/Holy Communion
05:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
06:00 PM-Buster's Bible Study
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting


19 3rd Sunday after Easter-White


12 2nd Sunday after Easter-White

10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/

06:00 PM-Service Committee/CR

10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/

01:00 PM-Blood Drive/
03:00 PM-Dorcas Circle
06:00 PM-Education
Ministry Com/CR
07:00 PM-Worship/Music/

08:00 AM-Church
Office Closed
06:15 PM-Matins
07:00 PM-Lutheran


08:30 AM-Worship
06:15 PM-Matins
09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/FH
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship
05:00 PM-Evangelism Committee/CR
05:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
06:00 PM-Council Meeting/CR
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

07:00 AM-Easter Sunrise Service

08:30 AM-Easter Breakfast/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/FH
10:00 AM-Sunday School
10:30 AM-Flowering of the Cross
11:00 AM-Worship/Communion
05:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting


5 Resurrection of Our Lord-White



10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

06:00 PM-Dinner before worship
06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir


10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

06:00 PM-Dinner before worship
06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir




08:00 AM-Proclaimer Articles 07:00 PM-Good NEWS ComDue

10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH
06:00 PM-Dinner before worship
06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir


10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

07:00 PM-Property/Grounds
06:00 PM-Dinner before wor- Com.
07:30 PM-Youth Committee
06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir




09:00 AM-St. Peter's works @ 11:00 PM-Easter Egg Hunt

07:00 PM-Maundy Thursday


10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

07:30 PM-Chancel Choir




08:00 AM-Property/


Mini Music Camp

08:00 AM-Property/
09:00 AM-Confirmation




St. Peters Staff

Interim Pastor
Associate Pastor
Matins Choir/Instrumentalist
Chancel Choir/Bell Director
Childrens Choir Director
Angel Choir Director
Youth Director
Administrative Coordinator
Nursery Attendant

The Revd Carl Voges

The Revd Paulette McHugh
Craig Davis
Barry Moore
Ralph Rocanella
Jennifer Howell
Martha Hill
Travis McLeod
Amber Scarborough
Allison Black

How to contact us
1130 St. Peters Road
Lexington SC 29072
Telephone ~ 803-359-2470
Fax ~ 803-957-3163
Email ~ [email protected]
Web site ~ www.stpeterslex.com
Pastor Voges cell ~ 803-238-8051

All children 5th grade

and younger
are invited to participate in

St. Peters annual

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 4th

9:30 am

Parish Life Center

Come participate in a traditional egg

hunt, crafts, breakfast and a visit
from the Easter Bunny!

B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Basket)


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