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Experiment No: 1

Building a simple REAL-TIME model

Aim: To study a typical data acquisition and controller system used in power electronics
control implementation and electrical drives applications.

Basic Steps: In order to perform an experiment, the following basic steps must be
1. Model system in Simulink,
The system can be built in Simulink using any of the available libraries and may or may
not include blocks form the dSpace library. The dSpace library includes blocks that
provide graphical representation of physical connections to the dSpace board. Using the
blocks in this library allows a physical system to be controlled by dSpace.
2. Download system to dSpace board (DS 1104)
Once the model is built in Simulink, it must be downloaded to the dSpace board. This can
be accomplished by using the Real-Time Workshop in Matlab.
3. Build a Control Desk Layout for the system
Once the model has been downloaded to the dSpace board, a layout must be built in
Control Desk to control the system. This interface can be used to start and stop the
experiment, change
parameters of the system in real time, display values of parameters in real time, and log
data from the experiment.
4. Run Experiment
After successfully loading the model onto the board and building a layout, the experiment
can be run.
5. Export data to Matlab for analysis
Control Desk can log data from the experiment and save it as file that can be exported
directly to Matlab. This allows the data to be manipulated by any tool available in the
entire Matlab program.

DS1104 controller Board Layout and features

Table 1: The following table shows the data sheet of the DS1104 (specifications) R&D
Controller Board.




A/D Converter

Power PC type PPC603e

CPU clock 250 MHz
Cache 2 X 16 KB
Flash 8 MB
4 general purpose timers
32 bit down counter
80 ns resolution
4 Multiplexed, 16 bit, 2 us
4 Parallel, 12 bit, 800 ns
10 V

D A Converter
Slave DSP


8 channel, 16 bit,
10 V, 10 us (settling time)
TMS32OF240, 20 MHz


One of the best features of the dSPACE package is the ease of building real-time
applications. The time between converting the design into digital instructions for the DSP
and effectively running the application depends only on how fast your computer can
compile the initial code.
Basically a real-time application can be created by means of two methods:
1. Using MATLAB/Simulink for building the model and automatically generate the
C code and download it into the DSP memory.
2. Hand-coding in C and compile the model into DSP code.
The fastest way of developing a real-time code is developing the model in Simulink and
preparing a real-time model from that. Basically once you have completed the Simulink
model which you want to run in real-time, the only command required is RTW Build
under Tools menu in SIMULINK.
Once the command is executed, dSPACE software creates the object (*.obj) file,
downloads it on DS1104 board and automatically starts the hardware execution.
However, there are some important settings you have to make before transporting your
model into the real-time world. Lets start with a simple example.

2.2 Creating a model in Simulink

Our first example introduces the analog channels input-output communication with
external devices. For this example a Signal Generator is used to generate different
waveforms as inputs to our signal processing algorithm. The result of this process will be
directed to an analog output channel, in order to be monitored with the lab oscilloscope.
Suppose that we need to analyze the response of a second-order system at different types
of input signals, with variable amplitudes. The second-order system is defined by the
following parameters:
1. Damping () = 0.7, Natural frequency (n) = 20Hz
2. We need its response at different types of input signals such as Sine-wave,
Square-wave, and Saw-tooth wave.
3. The input has a variable gain, in the range of [0 ... 5].
4. Firstly simulation model will be developed using a model for signal generator and
model for Oscilloscope.
5. Create a folder expt-02.
6. Start MATLAB and set the Path Browser to your working folder (expt-02).
7. Type Simulink at the prompt line and create a new model from File menu.

8. Choose from the Simulink Continuous library the Transfer Function block and
drag it into a new simulation model.
The second order system, with the parameters specified, can be described in transfer
function with the following relation:

G (s) 2
s 2n s n2


where n = 2f = 2.20 = 62.63 and = 0.7 The numerical model becomes

G ( s)

s 87.962 s 3947.84


1. Set the parameters of the Transfer Fcn block as shown in Fig. 2.1
2. Next, drag a Signal Generator block from Sources library, a Slider Gain from
Math library and a Scope from Sinks library. Connect all blocks as in Fig. 2.2.
3. Now, set the simulation parameters by pressing Ctrl-E as:

Figure 2.1: Parameters for Second Order System

Figure 2.2: Simulink Model of 2nd Order System

Set the solver options to fixed step and ode1.
You need to specify a fixed step size. Let it be 0.001 i.e 1ms.
Stop-time as 2 seconds.
Set the Signal Generator output to Square-wave and frequency as 2Hz.
Keeping other parameters unchanged.

Run the simulation by pushing the triangular play button and adjust the display of
the Scope with the autoscale option. You will obtain a plot similar to the one shown in
Fig 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Simulation Results of 2nd Order System for Square Wave Input
This simulation was really fast. The generator waveform can be changed by doubleclicking the signal generator block. Now, since we have the idea how the system work,
we will implement the system in real-time and observe the results.

2.3 Build the real-time simulation model

The model developed for simulation is now to be connected to the external devices
(Signal generator and Oscilloscope). Since these devices are physically
generating/accepting signals going to or coming from the DSP board, we need to stream
these signals via the analog Input/Output channels, located on the controller box.
Firstly, make sure that the Signal Generator and the Oscilloscope are connected via
shielded BNC cables to ADC#5 and DAC#1 respectively. The Signal Generator output is
set such that its signal amplitude is approximately 1V.
Communication with the input/output channels is performed via two dSPACE blocks
found in the dSPACE RTI1104 library under the sub-library DS1104 MASTER PPC,
named DS1104 ADC C5 and DS1104 DAC C1. They will replace our Signal Generator
block and Scope block respectively. The analog input channel is down-scaled by the
hardware with a ratio of 1:10. This means that 10 V at the input will be read as 1V in our
model. The analog output channel is also down scaled in the hardware with the same
ratio. Thus, a 1 V signal generated within the model will have amplitude of 10V at the

connector. Thus, two Gain blocks, from the Math Library, will be required to correctly
read and write the values from and to the analog channels.

Drag the DS1104ADC C5 and DS1104DAC C1 blocks into the Simulink model
and replace the Signal generator and Scope blocks. Place the two gains of 10 and 0.1 on
the input and output signals respectively. The model should become similar to the one
depicted in Fig. 2.4. You might need to save the model with another name, to preserve the
simulation model.

Figure 2.4: Real-Time model for dSPACE in Simulink.

Remember that we performed the simulation for only 2 seconds. In real-time, however,
the system needs to run continuously. Therefore, press CTRL-E for simulation parameters

Set the Stop-Time as inf . The simulation parameters should look like shown in
Fig. 2.5
In Simulation Parameters, go to Advanced and make Block Reduction OFF.
Next, choose the Real-Time Workshop, Build Model from the Tools menu.

Once the above command is given, you will observe a list of messages displayed in
Matlab Command window. These messages correspond to the different steps that the RTI
Software perform in order to transform the Simulink code of the example1.mdl file into
DSP code.
First there is a compilation stage, in which the Simulink file is transformed into a C file,
then comes the link stage where all the variables and subroutines are correlated with the
DSP environment, and finally the code is transformed into an object file and downloaded
into the DSP memory. The MATLAB window screen will look like shown in Fig. 2.6.
You can see that the file was successfully built. The result is example1.obj which was
already loaded in the DSP memory and its execution started.

Please note that the directory in which the model was built is the same you choose for
creating the Simulink model. If you look now in this directory you will find several files,
generated during the build command. Due to the large number of files generated, it is
advisable that each project to be located in a separate sub-directory.
Now, our simulation is running in the DSP board, in a digital, real-time format. We can
predict that this is much faster than what we saw on the Scope screen, in Simulink. More
important, now, seems to be the interaction with the system. We need to visualize, modify
and analyze the variables. For this, dSPACE comes with its own Graphical User
Interface, called CONTROL DESK. So, lets learn how to use the Control Desk to
interact with the real-time simulation.

Figure 2.5: Simulation Parameter setting for real-time model

2.4 Creating a new experiment file with Control Desk

ControlDesk is a software that allows the user to look at the variables, display their
behavior and modify the simulation parameters by interacting directly with the DSP

Start ControlDesk and select only the toolbars checked as shown in Fig. 2.7. The
Tool Window is displayed at the bottom of Control Desk screen as shown in Fig.
2.7. The Tabs display the tool currently used. In the figure only three of the
working tools are available: Log Viewer, Interpreter and File Selector.

As we shall further describe, there is one tool, very important, to which we shall give a
special attention. This tool is called Variable Browser and the Parameter Editor. It
provides access to the variables of an application. These variables are stored in a file
called example1.sdf.

Figure 2.6: Compilations details developed by dSPACE and SIMULINK in Matlab

Thus, for handling the variables of a simulation we must load the *.sdf file before starting
the graphical design.

First we start a new experiment. Click File/New Experiment. In the pop-up

write the name of the experiment, and very important, set the path where the simulation
files are stored. (see Fig. 2.8). Note When creating a new experiment, dont forget to set
correct working directory.

Next, load the file containing the variables of the simulation. Click File/Open
File and select example1.sdf.

The Variable Manager Tab appears at the bottom of the screen (see Fig. 2.9). The
window contains the structure of the simulation model. At the highest level we see the
simulation control variables. Their function is described in Table1.

Figure 2.7: Control Desk Screen

For the purpose of our simulation, the variables of interest are contained under the Model
Root group. This group contains the variables belonging to the top-level of the Simulink
model. Variables from subsystems go into further groups in deeper hierarchical levels.
The variables available have a prefix to distinguish the different variable types and are
generated in the following order as detailed in Table. 2.1.
Prefix : Example
L: Output
P:Signal Generator Amplitude

Variable Type
labeled signals
block outputs
inputs of signal sinks
block parameters

Table 2.1: Variable Types and Signal Correlation

The name following the prefix is the block name, except for labeled signals where the
label itself is used. Here are all the variables corresponding to the Model Root for our
example are detailed in Table. 2.2.

Figure 2.8: Experiment Settings

Figure 2.9: Variable Tab Manager

Display Controls and Scopes with Instrumentation Management Tools

In order to see the behavior of each variable and modify the parameters in real-time,
while the system is running, we need a series of buttons, knobs, slider-gains, plotter etc,
that can handle these variables. Therefore, we need to start a new LAYOUT screen in
which all those instruments can be added.

Click File/New/Layout, from the menu.

Two new windows appear in the ControlDesk workspace as shown in Fig. 2.10. The one
called Layout1, will contain the instruments used for managing the experiment. The
second window is actually a toolbar which let us drag and drop the necessary controls for
the experiment.

Table 2.2: Variables handled by dSPACE in the example1 experiment.

Figure 2.10: New Layout Window for Instrumentation and Control

The controls displayed in the Virtual Instruments toolbar let us handle only the variables
that can be modified on-line, i.e. the P:-type variables. Our example has 5 such variables.
Four of them were listed in Table. 2.2 and there is one more under the Slider Gain
hierarchical level, which controls the amplitude of the Gain block.
1. Select the SLIDER button from the right toolbar.
2. The cursor changes into a square target. Click and hold the mouse while dragging
a rectangular shape in the Layout1 window (see Fig. 2.11).

Figure 2.11: Selecting Slider Bar from Visual Instruments and drawing
When the mouse is released, you will obtain a slider control, which let you continuously
change any P:variable between the limits selected.
As long as we decided to use amplifications between 0 and 5, double-click the Slider
control, select the Slider Tab, and set the Range Min and Range Max as shown in Fig.
Now the limits where the cursor can be adjusted are 0 to 5. But the slider is still
bordered with a red line. This means that it hasnt been assigned a variable to control yet.
In the Variable Manager window, at the bottom of the screen, select the Slider Gain.
Click the P:Slider Gain.Gain variable and drag it to the rectangle drawn in the Layout
The new Slider control will display the handled variable and will no longer be bordered
with a red line as shown in Fig. 2.13.
Now, we can add some visualization equipment. In our example, only two signals are
worth monitoring: the system input, coming from the real signal generator connected to
ADC#1 and the output of the second-order system. Both should be displayed on the same
scope. The output signal will also be monitored with the Lab Oscilloscope connected to
the DAC#1 channel, on the dSPACE Interface Box. Remember that the real values

Figure 2.12: Slider Control Setting Window

Figure 2.13: Slider Control with Variable handled and its control limits

of the input signals will be obtained after the In-Gain block, while the real values of the
output signals will be obtained before the Out-Gain block.

Click on the Data Acquisition tab, in the Instrument toolbar at the right.

Select the Plotter icon and draw a larger rectangle in the Layout window.

Figure 2.14: Drawing a Plotter for Signal Monitoring

1. Drag the signals which you need to monitor, in the new plotter: Model Root/InGain->Out1 and Model Root/Slider Gain->Out1.
2. When dragging the second signal, make sure that you release the mouse button
above the first one, on the vertical axis. Otherwise, a new vertical axis will be
drawn, and you will have less available space for visualize the waveforms. Now
both signals are assigned to the plotter and will be displayed with different colors.
The label on the vertical axis will show only the last signal dragged to the scope.
You should have your layout as shown in Fig. 2.14
3. Any time you wish to make a correction, or see what signal was added to the plot,
right-click in the scope area and select Edit Data Connections command. You
can delete any signal by selecting it and press Delete key. You can even delete or
modify your signals or changing the colour of the signals, by double clicking Yaxis and going in to the Signals.
4. To format the scope, double-click in the rectangle and select Y-axis tab. When
the signals are displayed on the same y-axis, the graph settings will be identical
for both. Otherwise, you will be able to select different y-axis limits for each of
the signals, independently.
5. Set Y-limits, Width, Scaling Mode as shown in Fig. 2.15
6. At the X-label you can write Time and at Y-label write Input and output

7. One more step, before you actually can start the simulation: setting the
visualization parameters. The process parameters can be set in the Capture
Settings Window under View/Controlbars menu.
8. Open the Capture Settings Window and set the Length of the simulation as 2,
while leaving unchanged the Downsampling number. Your capture settings should
look like as shown in Fig. 2.16. For more complex systems this number has to be
increased when the Length is larger than 20 times the sampling time.
Now, we are ready to start the simulation.

Figure 2.15: Plotter Setting Window

2.6 Running the Experiment

There are two operations that have to be done to run/stop the experiment. First, the DSP
execution has to be started. Second, the animation and data acquisition/printing needs to

be initiated. When stopping an experiment, the operations have to be done in the reverse
To start and stop the DSP you can use the icons in the Platform Management toolbar (see
Fig. 2.17.
Edit mode toolbar contains edit, test or animation icons. Refer Fig. 2.17 for edit, test and
animation tool icons.
Edit mode is used to edit or modify your layout, start and stop your real-time simulation.
Once you start the real-time simulation, click the animation icon, this will let you modify
parameters in real-time and observe the waveform. Unless real-time simulation starts,
you cannot go into this mode. Clicking on Test icon lets you go into the Test mode. In this
mode, you can observe the snap-shot of your real-time simulation.

Figure 2.16: Capture Setting Window

Figure 2.17: Execution and Animation Control Toolbar

1. Start the DSP by pressing the green triangle button. If the example1.obj is loaded
in the DSP memory then it will start running and the Stop, red-rectangle shaped
button will become active.
2. Start the Animation by pressing the animation icon in the Edit Mode toolbar.
3. You will see both the signal generator and the system output signals on the plotter.
Every two seconds the scope will clear and a new set of data are displayed.
4. Change any of the parameters and watch the modifications in the signals
displayed on the scope. Also observe the waveforms in the plotter window and
they should like shown in Fig. 2.18 for the slider gain value displayed in Fig.
2.18. Now the experiment is running and our design job is done.
5. For saving an experiment, you must follow these steps, otherwise you might loose
some precious design in the layout, or some simulation settings.

Click File/Add All Opened Files. This implies that the experiment will
remember the *.sdf file, containing the variables to handle, will know the
path for all other files and will open the connections between the layout
and the variables.

Save the Layout in a file with the *.lay extension.

Save experiment in a *.cdx type file.

For loading an experiment, simply click File/Open Experiment and, if saved as

previously instructed, the layout and the variables will appear on the screen.

Important note: Remember that the object file compiled has to be in the DSP memory. It
is not implicitly loaded with the experiment !

Figure 2.18: Real-Time Simulation Waveforms

Lab Report
The lab report should contain a brief, along with the details what have been done in the
lab and details asked below.

Simulation results of the 2nd order system obtained in sec. 2.4.

Results obtained on oscilloscope and in control desk in sec. 2.6.
Compare the simulation and real-time results and comment on that.
Change the value of slide gain in real-time simulation and see its effect.

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