Course Contents of Diploma in Agricultural Marketing

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Ministry of Agriculture, Deptt.of Agril. and Co-operation
Directorate of Marketing & Inspection,
New Secretariat Building.,
Nagpur-440001. Phone: 0712-2562272.
Fax: 0712-2556843, 2562272


Six months (01.09.2013 to 28.02.2014)

Intake Capacity



Graduate with sufficient knowledge of English, sponsored

by the concerned Deptts. Qualification is relaxable, if
recommended by the sponsoring authority.
Five private candidates may also be admitted, provided they
are suitably qualified and willing to incur the cost of

Training Fee

No fee shall be charged

Cost of Training

Sponsoring authorities/ Private candidates will have to

incur the cost of training towards payment of TA/DA, study
tour, project survey work etc.

Course Material

Shall be provided free of cost to the participants strictly for

training purpose and not for publication in any form.

No. of session

One Session each year. (From September to February)

Unit wise details of the syllabus

Unit 1: Basic Concepts of Agricultural Marketing
Definition of market and agricultural marketing, historical development,
approaches, classification of markets, types of marketing functions and services,
futures trading, marketing channels, marketing institutions - rule of the games formal/informal, agricultural marketing system - then and now, market integration,
contract farming, marketing development and planning, modem infrastructural
facilities, cooperative/ group marketing systems, value addition and, agroprocessing, post harvest technology, marketed and marketable surplus, marketing
costs and margins, marketing efficiency and input marketing.
Unit ll: Agril. Marketing Organizational Management:
Structure and Model of Agri-Marketing Organizations with functions,
market planning, management of agri- marketing personnel, role of leadership,
motivation and human relations in improving organizational efficiency, various
communication methods, effective co-ordination of various marketing functions,
management of finance, man-power and hygienic conditions in the markets and
food supply chain management.
Unit: III. Legal Framework of Agricultural Marketing:
A.P (G & M) Act, PFA, MFPO, FPO, Weights and Measures, Packaged
Commodity Rules; 1S0-9000, Consumer Protection Act, Storage and Warehousing
Act,. Comparative study of State Agricultural Produce Market Acts, Market
regulation, Model Act, Land Acquisition, Public Premises Eviction Act,
unauthorized occupation, Forward Contracts Act, Grading and Standardization,
formulation and enforcement of grade standards, grading under Agmark and at
Producer's level, modernisation of grading at farm/mandi level, Model Act and
reforms suggested.
Unit: IV: Key. Agricultural Marketing Organizations:
Role, Functions and Schemes of NAFED, NCDC, CCI, JCI, IIP,CFTRI,
MPEDA, APEDA, NHB, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, DMI, NIAM,
BIS, CWC, SWC, Commodity Boards, Export Inspection Council, State
Cooperative Marketing Federations, Forward Markets Commission.

Unit V: Market Information.

Role, importance and concepts of market intelligence, agricultural price
terminology, administered prices including support prices, methodology of data
collection, critical review of market intelligence and news service, role of IT and
tele- communication, on line market information service, electronic auctions,
commodity information system, e-chaupal model, dissemination of market
intelligence through various media, importance and limitations of statistics,
market information schemes, index numbers and cost of living, cyber trading/ecommerce, market Information Service (AGMARKNET) and infrastructure
development schemes launched by DMI.
Unit: VI: Marketing Extension:
Role and importance of extension service, challenging role of market
extension in global agri-trade, role of leadership in market extension, improving
the communication skills of the extension personnel, role of effective coordination
in marketing extension, role of communication, role of IT and newspaper and
radio talks, art of public speaking, marketing information service, role of
information, publicity and propaganda, advantages of direct marketing, pledge
finance, forward marketing, role of private sector in extension.
Unit VII: Survey and Research in Agricultural Marketing:
Importance, techniques and methodology of survey, drafting of
questionnaire and schedule, testing of schedule, sources of primary and secondary
data, opinion survey, statistical methods of sampling, sampling errors, mean,
mode, median, correlation and regression, time series analysis, index numbers,
median, correlation and regression, time series analysis, index numbers,
documentation of reference material, guidelines of drafting of reports, estimation
of marketable/marketed surplus & post harvest losses, price behaviour, cost and
margin studies, economics of storage, surveys for market development projects,
evaluation and feasibility studies.
Unit VllI: Exim of Agricultural Commodities:
Overview of export and Imports, WTO, AAO, export procedures and
documentation, export credit, codex, standards, HACCP, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, tariff and non tariff barriers to trade, AEZs, Food Parks, Export
promotion schemes.


Hand on experience
Practical training in inspection, sampling analysis and grading of selected
agricultural commodities, practical training in storage and ware-housing and postharvest technological practices, processing and preservation of fruits and


Field level practical during all India study tours:

The trainees are to compulsorily undergo two short duration study tour's to
study the operational aspects of selected regulated markets, marketing boards,
institutions concerning various aspects of agricultural marketing, processing,
grading and packing of agricultural commodities, post harvest units etc.


Field level practical during local study tours.


Marketing Survey and reporting:

Trainees have to conduct survey on either selected commodity marketing
case studies or marketing problems as a compulsory requirement and submit the
survey report.

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