General English Mock Lesson Guidelines
General English Mock Lesson Guidelines
General English Mock Lesson Guidelines
Modern manners?
Although the activities in the book are fun and useful, only doing the exercises is not enough to
achieve the aims. You can be creative and use other materials as well.
This is a suggested plan for the lesson:
1. Lead-in 5 min
Every lesson should start with something fun and creative to set students in the mood and
introduce the topic. It can be a discussion, a game, brainstorming, etc. You can use pictures,
video, songs, etc.
At this point books are closed.
2. Aim 1 Phone habits 15 min
First you need to introduce the new vocabulary students are going to use. Students should
not only be able to understand the meaning, but should also be able to use it in everyday
New vocabulary is introduced in the following stages:
1. Give examples
Students have a look at some examples of the new vocabulary in context. It is really
useful for them to try and work out the meanings of the words themselves from the
2. Write the definition
Write down a definition of each new word in English on the board.