249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition: Denver

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249th American Chemical Society

National Meeting & Exposition

ACS Volunteer/National Meeting
Attendee Conduct Policy.............................................. 2
ACS Presidents Welcome............................................... 4
Thematic Organizers Welcome........................................ 5
Governors Welcome....................................................... 6
Mayors Letter................................................................ 7

General Meeting Information

Registration.............................................................. 11
Accommodations...................................................... 12
Travel & Transportation.............................................. 14
Member Services...................................................... 15
On-Site Arrangements............................................... 15
Governance & Business Meetings

Board of Directors & Council Meetings....................... 19

Division Officers & Councilor Caucus Meetings........... 21
Governance Committee Meetings & Agendas.............. 21
Division Meetings & Social Events............................. 26
Social & Educational Events

Presidential Events................................................... 30
Awards..................................................................... 30
Social & Ticketed Events........................................... 33
Student & Teacher Activities...................................... 38
Workshops............................................................... 39
ACS Career Navigator................................................ 42
ACS Professional Educational Short Courses.............. 43
2015 Leadership Development
System Course Offerings........................................... 43

ACS Career Fair........................................................ 44

Exposition................................................................ 45
Exhibitor Workshops................................................. 45
Technical Program Summary

Speaker Instructions ................................................ 73

Abstracts & Preprints ............................................... 73
Technical Program Summary ..................................... 75
Full Technical Program

How to Read the Techinical Program.......................... 94

Technical Program (Listing of Papers) ........................ 96

Exposition Highlights .............................................. 253

Exhibitor Directory (Listing of Exhibitors) .................. 254
Exposition Floor Plan .............................................. 267
Attendee Resources

Floor Plans

(Convention Center & Meeting Hotels) ..................... 270

Official ACS Properties & Shuttle Schedule

(Addresses, Phone Numbers & Map)........................ 293

Acknowledgements &


Colorado Convention Center Room 210/212 303-228-8400

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
Quartz A 303-489-4976

Grand Hyatt Denver Blanca Peak 303-603-4305

Marriott City Center Denver - Homestead 303-291-3657
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel Aspen 303-352-2446
& Plaza Reg. 303-352-2447

Embassy Suites DenverDowntown Convention Center

Quartz Boardroom 720-587-0988

The Curtisa DoubleTree by Hilton Paper Room



Attendee Registration Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F


Career Fair Information Center, Colorado Convention Center, Hall B1


Exhibitor Registration, Colorado Convention Center, A/F Upper Lobby


Finance Office, Colorado Convention Center, Room 101 303-228-8412

Host Local Section Booth, Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F

Housing Assistance, Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F


Member Services, Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F 303-228-8418

Press Center, Colorado Convention Center, Room 104 303-228-8406
Shuttle Desk, Colorado Convention Center, Outside Lobby F 303-228-8420
Society Program Office, Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center 303-486-4978

Governance Office, Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Center 303-486-4915

Diane Grob Schmidt, President
Donna J. Nelson, President-Elect
Tom Barton, Immediate Past President
Pat N. Confalone, Chair, Board of Directors
Thomas M. Connelly, Executive Director & CEO
Flint H. Lewis, Secretary & General Counsel
Brian A. Bernstein, Treasurer & CFO

American Chemical Society

1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 800-227-5558 (US only) or 202-872-4600
Fax: 202-872-4615 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.acs.org
The American Chemical Society is a self-governed individual membership
organization of more than 158,000 members at all degree levels and in all fields
of chemistry. The Society provides a broad range of opportunities for peer
interaction and career development, regardless of professional or scientifc
interests. The programs and activities conducted by ACS today are the products
of a tradition of excellence in meeting member needs that dates from the
Societys founding in 1876.
This On-site Meeting Program is published by the American Chemical Society
as a service to its attendees. Information contained herein is subject to change
without notice. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, ACS makes no
warranties, expressed or implied, related to the information. For the official
technical program for the 249th National Meeting & Exposition, refer
to www.acs.org/denver2015. All San Francisco photos in this program are
courtesy of the San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau and Shutterstock.

Thank You to Our Volunteers ................................... 297

American Chemical Society

Volunteer/National Meeting Attendee Conduct Policy

One of the key strengths of the ACS has been the enduring and varied contributions made by its thousands of dedicated
Another unassailable strength of the ACS is its outstanding national meetings program. ACS national meetings are among the
most respected scientific meetings in the world. ACS national meetings offer scientific professionals a legitimate platform to
present, publish, discuss, and exhibit the most exciting research discoveries and technologies in chemistry and its related
disciplines. Furthermore, ACS national meetings facilitate networking opportunities, career development and placement, and
provide organizations with opportunities to exhibit products and services to targeted audiences.
The Societys Congressional Charter explicitly lists among its objectives the improvement of the qualifications and usefulness
of chemists through high standards of professional ethics, education and attainments.... The ACS expects its volunteers and
national meeting attendees to display the highest qualities of personal and professional integrity in all aspects of their ACSrelated activities. Indeed, every chemical professional has obligations to the public, to volunteer and staff colleagues, and to
Accordingly, and to foster a positive environment built upon a foundation of trust, respect, open communications, and ethical
behavior, the ACS Board of Directors has issued this Conduct Policy. It applies to ACS Volunteers, i.e., it applies to individuals
conducting the business and affairs of the ACS without compensation for that conduct. It also applies to attendees at ACS
national meetings. Volunteers and national meeting attendees should at all times abide by this Conduct Policy. Specifically:
1. Volunteers should understand and support ACSs vision and mission.
2. Volunteers and national meeting attendees should contribute to a collegial, inclusive, positive, and respectful environment
for their fellow volunteers and attendees, as well as for other stakeholders, including national meeting vendors and ACS
3. Volunteers and national meeting attendees must avoid taking any inappropriate actions based on race, gen- der, age,
religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, marital status, political affiliation,
presence of disabilities, or educational background. They should show consistent respect to colleagues, regardless of the
level of their formal education and whether they are from industry, government or academia, or other scientific and
engineering disciplines.
4. Volunteers and national meeting attendees should interact with others in a cooperative and respectful manner.
Volunteers and national meeting attendees should refrain from using insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive language in their ACS interactions. Disruptive, harassing, or inappropriate behavior toward other volunteers, stakeholders, or staff is unacceptable. Personal boundaries set by others must be observed. Harassment
of any kind, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical harassment will not be tolerated.
5. Volunteers must obey all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant government authorities while acting on behalf of
the ACS. Likewise, national meeting attendees must obey all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant government
authorities while attending ACS national meetings. Volunteers and national meeting attendees alike should also ensure
that they comply with all applicable safety guidelines relating to public chemistry demonstrations.
6. Volunteers and national meeting attendees should only use ACSs trademarks, insignia, name, logos, and other intellectual
property in compliance with ACS regulations and directives as may be issued from time to time.
7. Violations of this Conduct Policy should be reported promptly to the ACS Secretary and General Counsel or to the Chair of
the ACS Board of Directors. In cases of alleged persistent and/or serious violations of this Conduct Policy, the Board shall
review the evidence and shall take such actions as may be appropriate, including but not limited to requiring volunteers
to leave their volunteer position(s); precluding volunteers from serving in Society volunteer roles in the future; requiring
national meeting attendees to leave the meeting; and, precluding meeting attendees from attending future ACS national
meetings. ACS, through its Board of Directors, reserves the right to pursue additional measures as it may determine are

Adopted by the Board of Directors 12/6/13

Welcome to Denver
and the 249th ACS National Meeting

t is my pleasure to join all of you in the Mile

High City, one of the most gorgeous locales
for our meetings.

On Monday afternoon, Theodore Betley,

Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
at Harvard University will deliver The Kavli
Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry
Lecture on Radical Frontiers in Catalysis. He is
followed by Laura Kiessling, at the University
of Wisconsin - Madison with The Fred Kavli
Innovations in Chemistry Lecture (Colorado
Convention Center, Bellco Theater) who will
speak on Us Versus Them: Distinguishing
Humans from Microbes with Carbohydrates.

Twenty-nine technical divisions and eight

committees are hosting original programming
based on the meeting theme of Chemistry
of Natural Resources. More than 10,000
papers will be presented, and nearly 4,000
poster presentations will take place at the
meeting. As well, there are a number of special
events planned throughout the meeting. The
The entire meeting program is filled with
ACS Board of Directors Open Session will be
Diane Grob Schmidt
outstanding scientific, educational, and
an opportunity to hear from Deborah Blum,
ACS President
professional content. Please consult
bestselling author of The Poisoners Handbook,
the listings in this program or go to
discuss her thoughts on communicating
www.acs.org/denver2015 for all the specific details pertaining
chemistry. Please join your colleagues from noon to 1:00
to these events. There is plenty to select from and I am sure
p.m. in the Four Seasons Ballroom 4 of the Colorado
you will find something to satisfy your needs and expectations.
Convention Center.
There are three Presidential Symposia I encourage you to
attend as well as several others I am recommending. The
first is on the morning of Sunday, March 22, titled Chemistry
Without Borders: The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
and Allied Sciences and Engineering (8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.,
Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom 3A,). The other two
presidential symposia focus on nanotechnology, with the
first beginning later that afternoon on Sunday, March 22, and
continuing all day on Monday. Nanotechnology: Delivering
on the Promise will highlight the fascinating research,
development, and commercialization of nanochemistry and
nanotechnology and will include 16 senior-level speakers from
industry, academe, and government. The third presidential
symposium (Tuesday, 8:30 11:30 a.m.), DOE Nanoscience
Research Centers: National Resources for the Nanoscience
Community, will feature the five heads of chemistry at U.S.
national laboratories. This is the first symposium of its type to
highlight these speakers collectively.

The exposition will feature more than 250 companies that will
showcase services, instruments, books, lab equipment, and
much more in more than 400 booths.
I express thanks to the members of the Colorado Local
Section; the Committee on Meetings and Expositions;
thematic program chair Robert S. Weber of the Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory; the divisional program
chairs and symposium chairs responsible for organizing this
meetings technical sessions; and the ACS staff for making it
all happen. And thanks to you for contributing to the success
of this meeting. Of course, thanks to all of you for attending.

Diane Grob Schmidt

ACS President

Welcome Message from Bob Weber,

Denver Thematic Program Chair

Denver and its surroundings evoke many

images: the American frontier, mining,
forest products, coinage, civic zest, Rocky
Mountain Spring Water and recently, the
production of unconventional fossil fuels.
To recollect and celebrate the regions
traditions and resources, the local ACS
The plenary session, on Sunday afternoon,
chapter has put together a great social and
March 22, will inaugurate the theme with
enrichment program around local attracthree invited lectures: Prof. Carolyn Koh(Coltions. The Presidential Outreach Event,
orado School of Mines) will discuss The
Exploring Our World Through Chemistry,
Fundamentals of Gas Hydrates and Their
will take place at the Denver Zoo on SatRole in Energy Transport; Dr. Paul Bryan
urday, March 21. Denver authorities have
Bob Weber
(formerly manager of the Biomass program
Denver Thematic
also reminded me to note that spring skiing
Program Chair
at DOE) will present The Four Horsemen
in Colorado is some of the best anywhere,
of the Advanced Biofuels Apocalypse
easily reached by shuttles to the ski resorts
Sustainability, Technology, Profitability, and
(about 1.5 hours away from the meeting venue downtown):
Politics, an overview of challenges and future opportunities
for renewable fuels; and Dr. Peter Kareiva (Chief Scientist of
The Nature Conservancy) will discuss Water in the AnthroThe program for the meeting and other informapocene: Too Much, Too Little, Too Dirty. The afternoon of
tion is available online at the website of the meeting
Monday, March 23 will see the Kavli Foundation Emerging
Leader in Chemistry Lecture by Prof. Theodore Betley (Harvard
University) Radical Frontiers in Catalysis and the Fred Kavli
I am very grateful to the members of the local section, the
Innovations in Chemistry Lecture by Prof. Laura Kiessling (Uniprogram chairs of the divisions listed above, and the ACS
versity of Wisconsin-Madison) Us Versus Them: Distinguishstaff for their essential help in making the theme of this
ing Humans from Microbes with Carbohydrate.
meeting cogent and coordinated. I look forward to meeting
he Spring 2015 ACS National Meeting,
(Denver, March 22-26), will showcase the
Chemistry of Natural Resources: their extraction, refining and conservation; a theme that
resonates well with the history, biology and
geology of the Mile-High City.

you in Denver.
The technical program constructed by the ACS divisions
includes both topical sessions and nearly 50 symposia honoring the winners of ACS awards. Symposia that resonate well
with the overall theme of the meeting can be found in the sessions sponsored by AGFD, AGRO, ANYL, CATL, CEI, CELL, CINF,

Bob Weber
Thematic Program Chair

136 State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203 - 1792
Phone (303) 866-2471
John Hickenlooper

March 22, 2015

On behalf of the State of Colorado, it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to Denver for the
249th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition.
You could not have chosen a better location to celebrate the chemistry of natural resources, as
they are central to Colorados heritage and an important part of our future. I commend all
participants as you recognize and explore the transformative power of chemistry over the coming
days. I wish you a productive and successful conference and look forward to learning about your
ongoing research and discoveries. Outside of these activities, I hope you have some time to
explore and enjoy our wonderful state.
Once again welcome to this exciting and informative event. You have my best wishes, now and
in the years to come.

John W. Hickenlooper

City and County of Denver

Michael B. Hancock


DENVER, CO 80202-5390
TELEPHONE: (720) 865-9090 FAX: (720) 865-8787
TTY/ TTD: (720) 865-9010

March 22, 2015

American Chemical Societys 249th National

Colorado Convention Center
707 West 14th Street
Denver, CO 80202
On behalf of the City and County of Denver, it is my pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome to
the Mile High City. We are excited that you have chosen Denver to advance the work of you
The American Chemical Society has a long and rich history of support in the field of chemical
science, engineering, and related fields. You are the leading source of authoritative scientific
information through the Journal of the American Chemical Society and Chemical & Engineering
News, and have been catalyst for education, research and publication, as well as advocate for
information protection. Denver is a great location to continue this very important work.
While you are here, we invite you to take advantage of the many amenities that our city has to
offer. Denver is one of the nations most walkable cities and boasts a variety of attractions,
including the nations second largest performing arts complex, three art museums, three sports
stadiums, a U.S. Mint, more than 300 restaurants and one of the largest city park systems in the
Also, please take advantage of the various transportation options we offer. Weve made getting
around the Mile High City easy with our 500 rental bikes available at 30 downtown stations, a
free hybrid shuttle along the 16th Street pedestrian mall, and FasTracks, the nations largest
light rail initiative with 120 miles of track.
Again, welcome to Denver, have an informative and enjoyable time and please plan to return

Michael B. Hancock

Photo: Peter Cutts Photography

Sponsored by the ACS President

Diane Grob Schmidt, Ph.D.

ACS President

Sunday and Monday March 22-23, 2015

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
(Cosponsored by the following ACS Divisions and Committees and other scientific societies AGFD, AGRO,
SOCED; American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Gordon Research Conferences, Materials Research
Society & National Academy of Engineering)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

1:30-5:30 PM

Monday, March 23, 2015

8:30-11:45 AM

Monday, March 23, 2015

1:30-4:45 PM

Nanotechnology: Delivering
on the Promise R&D

Delivering on the Promise
Opportunities and
Challenges for Health,
Safety, and the Environment

Nanotechnology: Delivering
on the Promise Bridging
the Gap to a Thriving U.S.

Colorado Convention Center, Mile High Ballroom 3A (Lower Level)




Guest Speaker: Deborah Blum
2015 Grady Stack Award Recipient
Helen Firstbrook Franklin Professor
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Noon 1:00 PM
Four Seasons Ballroom 4 (Lower Level)
Colorado Convention Center

The Poisoners Guide to Communicating Chemistry

Join the ACS Board of Directors at its Regular Session as they host lunchtime speaker
Deborah Blum. Deborah is an American journalist, a columnist for the New York Times,
a professor of journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a blogger for Wired.
She is also the author of several books including The Poisoners Handbook. She is a much
sought out speaker and has appeared at several very well-attended ACS symposia focused
on communicating chemistry/science to the public.
Deborah will be receiving the 2015 Grady-Stack Award at the ACS National Meeting in Denver,
March 2015, for her achievements in public outreach, engagement and communications.
Sandwiches available for first 200 attendees.

American Chemical Society



entitles you to a wide range of programming, including 987 scientific

sessions, invited symposia, poster
sessions, special lectures and events,
award presentations, workshops, and
the exposition. Interact with chemical
scientists from around the world by
participating in social events, networking opportunities, exhibitor sessions,
and educational activities, with many
events offered at no additional charge.
Certain workshops, short courses,
and ticketed events require a separate
entry fee, as indicated in this program.

ALL ATTENDEES, including speakers

and poster presenters, must register for

the meeting to participate in the technical sessions. Sponsored speakers
should contact their symposium organizer or division program chair to clarify
the terms of their invitation and to
determine who will complete the speakers registration. Attendees must display
their badge at all times for admission to
all official ACS sessions and events.
Early Registration. Attendees within

the U.S. who registered prior to Feb. 13

received their badge credentials by mail
before the meeting. International registrants must pick up their badge credentials at ACS Attendee Registration (this
includes Canada and Mexico).
Standard & On-Site Registration.

Attendees who registered after Feb. 13

must pick up their badge credentials

Registration, housing, technical
programming, special events,
participating exhibitors, and other
meeting details are available at

Registration Changes. Attendees can

modify their existing registration or
generate a receipt from the registration
website by following the instructions
in their confirmation message. Attendees can also update their registration
on-site at ACS Attendee Registration.
Bring your confirmation and/or badge
credentials with you to the meeting for
faster processing.

All attendees are required to wear
their badges for all technical sessions,
poster sessions, and other official
meeting events. Our badge holders
are recyclable and biodegradable.
Please discard appropriately.

Registration Methods. All registrants


received a confirmation via the original

method of registration.


Internet. Register online at

ACS member or
society affiliate

www.acs.org/meetings until March 26.

A valid credit card is required to register online, and online registrations are
real-time transactions.
Telephone. Call the ACS National Meet-

ing Registration Center by March 26 at

800-251-8629 (U.S./Canada only) or
508-743-0192 (international), Monday
to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST.
Fax/Mail. Submit the registration form
by fax: 508-743-9605 or mail: ACS
Registration, c/o CDS, 107 Waterhouse Rd., Bourne, MA 02532. Mailed
registrations will be accepted until
March 26.
On-site. Register during the meeting at

ACS Attendee Registration at standard

registration rates. ACS Attendee Registration will be open at the Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F, on Saturday,
3:00 to 6:00 PM; Sunday, 7:30 AM to
7:30 PM; Monday, 7:30 AM to 9:30 PM;
Tuesday, 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM; Wednesday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM; and Thursday,
7:30 AM to 1:00 PM.
REGISTRATION PAYMENTS. Registration fees can be paid by check, money
order, credit card (American Express,
Discover, MasterCard, or VISA), or bank
wire transfer. Make checks payable in
U.S. dollars to the American Chemical
Society, and include a completed registration form with each payment. Registration fees should not be combined
with any other payment (such as membership dues). Purchase orders and
training requests are not accepted. For
wire transfer payments, contact the
ACS Finance Department at 202-8726106 or e-mail [email protected].

Registration forms received without

payment will not be processed.

BY JAN. 30




Postdoctoral member



Emeritus or retired



50-year member

No fee

No fee

Unemployed member
(Dues waiver required)

No fee

No fee

Precollege teacher



Graduate student



One-day registrant





Chemical scientist



Postdoctoral scientist



Visitor: Nonchemical
scientist or chemical



Precollege teacher



Graduate student






One-day registrant



Guest of registranta







Adult, exposition only
Student, exposition only

a Registration is restricted to a spouse or family member of registered attendee having no affiliation with
the field of chemical science and who is not eligible to
become an ACS member. Only one guest registration
is allowed per registering attendee, and the guest registration must be completed and paid by the registering attendee at time of original registration.


1st badge reprint: no charge, upon proper
identification and confirmation of registration
payment, a duplicate badge is issued.
2nd badge reprint: attendee completes a duplicate
badge request, shows identification (which we
copy), a charge of $25 is paid (cash/credit card),
a duplicate badge is issued.
3rd badge reprint: attendee completes a duplicate
badge request, shows identification (which we
copy), a charge of $50 is paid (cash/credit card),
a duplicate badge is issued.
For any badge beyond the 3rd: attendee completes
a duplicate badge request, shows identification
(which we copy), a charge of $100 is paid (cash/
credit card), a duplicate badge is issued.



National Meeting Registration Center will be available from 9:00 AM to

5:00 PM EST by telephone, fax, mail,
or e-mail. Service representatives can
be reached at 800-251-8629 (U.S./
Canada only) or 508-743-0192 (international); fax: 508-743-9605; e-mail:
[email protected]; or mail: ACS Registration, c/o CDS, 107 Waterhouse
Rd., Bourne, MA 02532.
Registration Cancellations/Refunds.

All cancellations and refund requests

must be submitted in writing to guarantee the registrant a full refund less
a $50 administrative fee. Refund
requests made after March 6 will not
be honored. Your registration badge
credentials and a copy of your registration confirmation must be attached to
your request. All refunds will be issued
via the original payment method, and
refunds will be processed within 30
days after the meeting. Send your
request to ACS Registration Cancellation, c/o CDS, 107 Waterhouse
Rd., Bourne, MA 02532 or fax 508743-9605 (save your fax confirmation
Social Event Ticket Cancellations/
Refunds. Social event cancellations

received by March 6 entitle the registrant to a full refund. Refund requests

made after March 6 will not be honored. Event tickets and a copy of your
registration confirmation must be
attached to your request.
Abstract Cancellations/Refunds.

Abstract USB flash drives (thumb

drives) and their shipping costs are

enter a valid ACS membership number

during registration to register as a
member and receive your ACS member
discount on registration fees. Your
registration options will automatically
appear in accordance with your current membership status in the ACS
membership database. Your ACS membership number can be found on your
ACS membership card or your Chemical & Engineering News address label.
Address questions about your membership status to ACS Member Services
at 800-333-9511 (U.S./Canada only),
614-447-3776 (international), or
e-mail: [email protected].


money on registration fees by joining
ACS. You can join ACS now through the
online ACS membership application
at www.acs.org/join or by contacting ACS Member Services and then
registering for the meeting at your
member rate. To receive your meeting
discount, you must join the society
before you register for the meeting.
New memberships or questions about
membership status should be handled
through ACS Member Services at
800-333-9511 (U.S./Canada only),
614-447-3776 (international), or
e-mail: [email protected].

registration is complimentary for

credentialed members of the news
media (restricted to reporters and
editors working full-time for print or
broadcast news) who are approved by
the ACS Office of Communications.
Press badges may be picked up with
valid media credentials from the Press
Room at the Colorado Convention
Center. For more information, visit

attendees with a valid badge receive

complimentary admittance into the
exposition as part of their registration.
Individuals who want to visit the exposition without registering for the meetings technical sessions can register
for an expo-only adult badge for $60 or
$30 for students with school identification. Register online or in person at
ACS Attendee Registration.
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION. Exhibitor registration is handled exclusively
through ACS National Expositions at

tration is handled exclusively through

ACS Careers at www.acs.org/careers.

official housing bureau for the ACS
national meeting in Denver. ACS does
not endorse booking hotel reservations through any other sources. All
attendees who made their reservations
through Orchid Event Solutions will

receive complimentary internet access

in their sleeping rooms and automatically entered in the ACS Housing
On-site Housing. During the meeting
an on-site housing desk will be located
at the Colorado Convention Center in
the registration area. Staff will be available to assist with last-minute housing
changes or needs.
Reservation Confirmation. All registrants who booked their reservations
through Orchid Event Solutions received
a confirmation. Each confirmation contains a unique number that is proof of
your reservation.
Keep Your Meeting Affordable.
Attendee support of the official hotels
allows ACS to utilize meeting space at a
discount and keep registration fees to a



Department of Meetings & Expositions

Services and the Committee on Meetings & Expositions are committed to
greener meetings. For each national
meeting, we collaborate with the destination city, convention center, and our
hotel and vendor partners to reduce
our environmental footprint and raise
the bar with regard to industry sustainability practices.
Interested in learning more about
how were leading the way? Go to
www.acs.org/greenermeetings to read
about our greener meeting initiatives
and access our annual Event Sustainability Report.
For our efforts, ACS has been recognized by the Capital Chapter of the
Professional Convention Management
Association as a sustainable event
leader and received the Trade Show
Executives Gold 100 Award for the
Show with the Most Commendable
Green Initiatives. Here are a few reasons why:
ACS offsets all shuttle transport
emissions and staff-related emissions
(1,193 tons of carbon dioxide were offset in 2014, equivalent to not driving
2,840,476 miles in an average passenger vehicle).


ACS partnered with conservation

group American Forests to offset ACS
staff-related emissions (related to
travel, accommodations, and show
management freight) through treeplanting efforts in Lower Rio Grande
Valley National Wildlife Refuge and
the Dinkey Collaborative Reforestation

ACS performed on-site walk-throughs

for 98% of our hotel room block properties in 2014, surveying hotels on
more than 40 sustainability practices.

ACS designates Sci-Mix as a zero

waste event. We achieved nearly
100% diversion for meetings in both
Dallas and San Francisco. Help us
keep up the great work!

Be A Catalyst For Change In Denver.

Facilities are only as effective as the

people who operate and occupy them.
That means you! Go to www.acs.org/
greenermeetings and take the Greener
Meeting Challenge to show your support and share your personal national
meeting sustainability story. Challenge
participants are eligible to win fantastic prizes. Challenge activities include
the following:

Take advantage of linen reuse initiatives at your hotel, decline delivery of

unread newspapers, and turn off the
lights when away from your hotel room.

Responsibly dispose of recyclable

materials (paper, plastic, glass, aluminum) in the convention center and

Use the meeting mobile app and

digital program instead of the printed
on-site program.

Enjoy the city, burn calories, and

travel carbon dioxide-neutral by walking
to and from your hotel.

When walking isnt an option, use

the ACS carbon-offset shuttle service.

Bring a reusable water bottle to

avoid the cost and waste associated
with disposable, petroleum-based plastic water bottles.

Suggestions? end them to ACS

National Meetings & Expositions at

[email protected].

DENVER is easily accessible by air or

train, and the city offers several options

to get around, including the ACS shuttle,
taxis, and buses.
AIRPORT. Numerous ground transpor-

tation options are available at Denver

International Airport. The Ground
Transportation Information Counter is
located in the central area on Level 5 of
Jeppesen Terminal. Counter hours are
6:00 AM to 11:30 PM daily. For more
information, call 303-342-4059.

Discount Codes: NMK2Y,

NMJTX (international)

united.com; 800-426-1122
Offer Code: ZT6E969361

Corporate ID: 99329790
Online Reservations Only


amtrak.com; 800-872-7245
Convention Fare Discount: #X03V-918

SUPERSHUTTLE. ACS has established

Advantage Rent A Car

a 10% discount for attendees of our

meeting. Take advantage of this savings by going to www.supershuttle.com
or www.execucar.com and entering the
discount code 94D3G in the Group/
Discount Code box on the first page of
the website.

advantage.com; 800-777-5500
Discount Code: CD02C826E8

TAXIS are readily available and provide

hertz.com; 800-654-2240
Discount Code: CV# 02UZ0014

service to the Denver metro area and

surrounding counties. From Denver
International Airport to downtown Denver there is a flat rate of $55.15 (oneway fare, airport access fee already
included). Taxis pick up and drop off
from Jeppesen Terminal, Level 5, Island
1, outside doors 507 through 511 (Terminal East) and doors 506 through 510
(Terminal West).
service is scheduled and provided within
the local metro area by the Regional
Transportation District (RTD). Please
contact RTD directly, or visit their booth
in the Jeppesen Terminal, for information on specific routes, schedules, and
fares. Riders must have exact change.
RTD buses pick up and drop off from
Jeppesen Terminal Level 5, outside
doors 504, 506, and 510 (west side).
has negotiated special travel discounts
with the partners listed below. To get
the best rates and avoid service fees, it
is recommended to make reservations
online (except Amtrak).


delta.com; 800-328-1111 (please note

that ticketing charges will apply for
bookings by phone)


avis.com; 800-331-1600
Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD):


The Colorado Convention Center is

located at 70014th St., Denver, CO
ACS Shuttle. Complimentary shuttle
service will be provided between the
Colorado Convention Center and official
ACS hotels, with the exception of hotels
within walking distance. Buses will run
from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM from Sunday
to Wednesday and 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
on Thursday. Buses will run approximately every 15 to 30 minutes. Visit the
meeting website for a route map and to
download the shuttle schedule.
If you require wheelchair access or
for any other inquiries, please e-mail
[email protected] to schedule.
Parking. Daily parking is limited and
expensive in downtown Denver. You
should contact your hotel to inquire
about daily parking policies and fees.

Walking. The Colorado Convention

Center and ACS hotels are conveniently
located in downtown Denver. Do your
part to reduce our environmental impact
by walking to ACS properties.
Denvers Regional Transportation
District (RTD). Denvers Regional

Transportation District (RTD) offers


eco-friendly transportation by bus or

light-rail services within and around the
city of Denver. RTD also offers a shuttle
services skyRide to and from Denver
International Airport. For routes, fares,
and other pertinent information, call
303-299-6000 or visit the website at



can assist you on-site with joining ACS,

renewing memberships, completing
adjustments to member records, and
answering general membership questions. ACS members receive discounted
rates when registering for the meeting.
ACS Member Services is located in
Lobby A/F near registration in the Colorado Convention Center and is open
Saturday, March 21, 3:00 to 6:00 PM;
Sunday, March 22, 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM;
Monday, March 23, 7:30 AM to 9:00
PM; Tuesday, March 24, 7:30 AM to
5:00 PM; Wednesday, March 25, 7:30
AM to 4:00 PM; and Thursday, March
26, 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

Start discussions and connect with

other attendees on the ACS Network
and the ACS Facebook page. Follow ACS
national meetings on Twitter.
E-NEWSLETTER. Receive official

updates on ACS national meetings,

including locations, registration and
accommodation dates, information and
discounts, resources, and event details.
You can sign up and manage your subscriptions with your free ACS ID. Subscribe at www.emailpref.acs.org.
located in Concourse A, offers in-store
and online printing, notary services,
document finishing, packing and ship-

Access meeting information

and the On-site Program at

ping, and a variety of other services tailored to help you make the best of the
MEMBER INSURANCE PROGRAM. Exposition Booth 624. The ACS Member
Insurance Program offers coverage and
policies for every stage of life, from college student to young professional, from
raising a family to enjoying retired life
and everything in between. Stop by the
Member Insurance Station to learn how
you can sign up for Life & Health Insurance, Auto & Homeowners Plus, Disability Income, Long-Term Care, Medicare
Supplement, Medical Discount Cards,
Pet Insurance, and Professional Liability.

Also learn more about two new policies

available to ACS members: International Life Insurance and Commercial
Business Insurance. We look forward
to showing you how you can receive
great value for your insurance dollars. For additional information, visit


rado Convention Center provides service ramps to entrances and elevated

areas, braille instructions and directions
throughout the building, and pay phones
on each level of the facility with (TDD)
hearing-impaired functions. More information is available at denverconvention.
ACS is dedicated to ensuring that no
individual with a disability is excluded,
denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently because of the
absence of auxiliary aids and services
identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require special accommodations to participate in the meeting,
communicate your needs to ACS Meeting Services by e-mail: [email protected]; fax: 202-872-6128; or
phone: 202-872-6111 by Feb. 5 to allow
enough time to fulfill your request. Keep
in mind that ACS may not be able to
accommodate last-minute requests.
If you have an emergency or need
immediate assistance during the meeting, contact any ACS Operations Office.

ASSISTANCE. Our information clerks will

be positioned throughout the convention center and can help you navigate
the On-site Program, find a particular
session or room, and answer questions.
Lost-and-found items at the convention
center should be directed to the ACS
Operations Office located in Rooms
210/212. Messages left at the ACS
Operations Office will be conveyed to
attendees via the Meeting Mail system,
but ACS cannot accept responsibility for
the delivery of any messages, mail, or
ATTENDEE BADGES. Attendees and

guests must be registered and display

their badges at all times to be admitted
to all official ACS sessions and events.
MAIL. After registering for the meeting,

you will be assigned a temporary electronic mailbox to exchange personal

messages with other registered attendees via Meeting Mail. Meeting Mail will
be available before, during, and after the
meeting at www.acs.org/denver2015.
Use the Meeting Mail terminals located
in the Colorado Convention Center. Telephone messages left at the ACS Information Booth will be conveyed to attendees via the electronic message center,
but ACS cannot accept responsibility for
the delivery of any messages. No one
will be paged in meeting rooms.
VIDEOTAPING. The use of any device

to capture images (e.g., cameras and

camera phones) or sound (e.g., tape
and digital rebroadcast) of speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited at
all ACS meetings and events without
express written consent from ACS.
CHILD CARE. Camp ACS will be avail-

able to all meeting attendees free of

charge from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on
Sunday, March 22, through Thursday,
March 26. At Camp ACS, children two
(and potty-trained) to 16 years of age
can participate in age-appropriate activities, including arts and crafts and active
games, while you enjoy the meeting. For
your childs safety, the location of Camp
ACS will not be communicated until
your registration is confirmed. On-site
registration will be accepted at the ACS
Operations Office, Colorado Convention Center, room 210/212 and on the
space available basis.



and coat check station will be available
during registration hours from Sunday
through Thursday at the Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F. Items left
beyond published hours of operation will
be turned over to building security at the
end of each day.

to other meeting attendees, electronic

devices must be operated in silent/
vibrate mode in technical or educational
sessions. Cell phone conversations are
not permitted in meeting rooms.
EVENTS. ACS will place detailed instruc-

tions inside each meeting room to be

used if an emergency occurs during an
ACS meeting event. These instructions
will revolve around following the established emergency guidelines of the facility where the emergency occurs. Report
emergencies to the nearest security
guard or to any ACS Operations Office
during the meeting. Should a catastrophic event occur, attendees should
follow safety and security instructions
issued by the facility where they are
located at the time of the event.

acknowledges the cooperation and

assistance of the ACS Colorado local
section and its members in handling
local arrangements. Volunteers have
planned many interesting activities; the
Host Local Section booth will be located
in the Colorado Convention Center,
Lobby F.

international visitors are required to

hold a visa to be admitted to the U.S.
All visa applicants are advised to apply

The society thanks the many volunteers of the Colorado local section who
are contributing to the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition by participating as division officers or program
chairs, symposium organizers, session
or award presiders, oral and poster
presenters, short course or workshop
instructors, career consultants, and
society governance members.

for their visa in their home country as

soon as possible. Detailed information
for international attendees can be found
at www.acs.org/denver2015.
our electronic communication services
before, during, and after the meeting.
Once you get to the meeting, you can
access your e-mail and the Internet as
well as your personal Meeting Mail mailbox from Meeting Mail terminals, which
will be located throughout the Colorado
Convention Center.
LITERATURE & PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION. Promotions, posters, and litera-

ture distribution by attendees, exhibitors, or other groups during the meeting

must be done within their own contracted meeting space or exhibit booth
and not in public meeting space, with
the exception of designated marketing
opportunities. No one except the ACS
Operations Office is authorized to place
any promotional items in public meeting
space at a given location. Items left in
violation of this policy will be removed
and discarded. Literature distribution
at specific division tables is under the
control of that division, and permission must be secured from the division
before placing any items on their table.













offices will be located in the Colorado

Convention Center:
Attendee Registration: Lobby A/F
Career Fair: Hall B1
Exhibitor Registration: Upper Lobby
Exposition: Halls A/F
Finance Office: Room 101
Host Local Section Center: Lobby F
Member Services: Lobby A/F
Press Center: Room 104
Shuttle Desk: Outside F Lobby
The following offices are located at the
identified properties:
Operations Offices: Colorado Convention Center, Hyatt Regency Denver at
Colorado Convention Center, Grand
Hyatt Denver, Marriott City Center Denver, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel,
Embassy Suites DenverDowntown
Convention Center, The Curtisa DoubleTree by Hilton
Governance Office: Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center


Attendees should be aware of their

surroundings at all times.
Dont wear your meeting badge outside the convention center or hotels.
Dont wear fancy jewelry or carry expensive technology in plain sight.
Carry your briefcase, tote bag,
purse, or laptop carrier close to your
Dont leave valuables in your hotel
room. Get a hotel safe deposit box.
Walk in open and in well-lit areas at
Travel in groups. Dont be a loner,
particularly in the evening.
Use common sense. If someone or
someplace looks suspicious, report
it and/or avoid it.
If an emergency occurs during a
meeting event, refer to detailed instructions placed by ACS staff inside
each meeting room to follow in case
of emergencies. Report emergencies to the nearest security guard or
to any ACS Operations Office during
the meeting.
If an emergency occurs outside an
ACS event, contact police or emergency assistance by dialing 911 or
seeking assistance from the facility
where the emergency occurs.
Should a catastrophic event occur
while the meeting is underway, follow safety and security instructions
issued by the facility where you are
located at the time of the event.

Society Programs: Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center

MOTHERS ROOM. For your convenience
and privacy, ACS will provide a room
for nursing mothers at the Colorado
Convention Center. Please see the
Operations Office in Room 210/212 for
access to the room.
SMOKING. ACS policy prohibits smoking

in all rooms during ACS functions at the

convention center and official hotels.
Additionally, the convention center and
many of the official hotels are designated as smoke-free environments at all

Lets celebrate

leading society journals ...

A Journal of










A sister journal of Angewandte Chemie

and Chemistry A European Journal

Supported by

Addition of Nucleophiles to Alkenes
The syn/anti-Dichotomy in the Palladium-Catalyzed
P. Koovsk and J.-E. Bckvall


Federation of
Asian Chemical

Supported by

CAAJBI 10 (1) 1264 (2015) ISSN 1861-4728 Vol. 10 No. 1

and the Environment
Chemical Energy Powered Nano/Micro/Macromotors
J. G. S. Moo and M. Pumera
21 No. 1 2015
CEUJED 21 (1) 1472 (2015) ISSN 0947-6539 Vol. 2


a piece
of cake

3:00 pm
Monday & Tuesday
March 23rd & 24th
Colorado Convention Center
Wiley Booth # 700



MANY MEMBERS PARTICIPATE in meetings concerning the business of the
Society, technical divisions, and governance committees in conjunction with
the meeting. On the following pages, you
will find a listing of the open meetings
scheduled for Denver. ACS encourages
it's members to get active in governance
at all levels in order to contribute their
vision to the direction of the Society.
You can share ideas and insights into
the Society and the chemical profession, network with peers, and catch up
with friends through these volunteer
connections. With nearly thirty national
governance committees and leadership
opportunities in technical divisions and
local sections to choose from, there
are many opportunities for members to

Colorado Convention Center


become actively involved in ACS at the

national level. If you are an ACS member
interested in volunteering for a governance committee, contact the Office of
the Secretary by email at secretary@acs.
org or by phone 202-872-4461. Someone will put you in contact with the ACS

Committee on Committees to discuss

your desire to volunteer for a committee assignment. If you wish to volunteer
with a specific technical division or local
section, contact the officers listed at
www.acs.org to explore your specific


The ACS Council meeting will begin at 8:00 AM, Wednesday, March 25, at the Hyatt
Regency Denver at the Colorado. The meeting will be preceded by a continental
breakfast for councilors beginning at 7:00 AM. Councilors are asked to check in
beginning at 7:00 AM and proceed to the breakfast area, keeping in mind that the
meeting starts promptly at 8:00 AM. Space will be available for ACS members and
nonmembers to observe the council in action. We hope that many will take advantage of this opportunity to learn firsthand of the societys operation. Alternate councilors and division and local section officers are particularly urged to attend.


ACS Committee on Science

Emerging Frontiers in Science Symposium

Advanced Materials for Solar Energy

Transitioning Between Academic Research into Practical Use
Monday, March 23
8:30 AM 12:30 PM (Colorado Convention Center, Room 301)

Hear leading experts from:

Academia (Harry B. Gray-Caltech, James McCone-Cornell),

Government (John Turnel, NREL, Cheryl Martin, DOE ARPA-E) &
Industry (Anik R. Duggal, GE Global Research)
This distinguished panel will discuss key challenges and opportunities in advanced materials for solar energy
and their commercial applications.

An ACS Presidential Event and Feature of the ACS Thematic Program (MPPG)
Cosponsored by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry

American Chemical Society



District II Councilor Caucus

For the complete list of committee

meetings and agendas, please consult

Sunday, March 22, 6:00 7:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral Hall C
Middle Atlantic Councilor Caucus


Directors meeting, open to members
who wish to participate, will be held
in the Colorado Convention Center,
Four Seasons Ballroom 4, from noon
to 1:00 PM on Sunday, March 22. The
guest speaker will be Deborah Blum,
2015 Grady Stack Award Recipient, and
author of The Poisoners Handbook.
ACS COUNCIL. The ACS Council meeting will begin at 8:00 AM, Wednesday,
March 25, at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center.
The meeting will be preceded by a
continental breakfast for councilors
beginning at 7:00 AM. Councilors are
asked to check in beginning at 7:00
AM and proceed to the breakfast
area, keeping in mind that the meeting starts promptly at 8:00 AM. Space
will be available for ACS members and
nonmembers to observe the council
in action. We hope that many will take
advantage of this opportunity to learn
firsthand of the societys operation.
Alternate councilors and division and
local section officers are particularly
urged to attend.

Sunday, March 22, 6:00 7:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral Hall D
District IV Councilor Caucus

Sunday, March 22, 6:00 7:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral Hall E
District V Councilor Caucus

Sunday, March 22, 6:00 7:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral Hall F
District VI Councilor Caucus

Sunday, March 22, 6:00 7:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral Hall G
Division Officers/Councilors Caucus

Tuesday, March 24, 4:00 6:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center
Room 502
District I Councilor Caucus

Tuesday, March 24, 5:30 7:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral Hall C

EXECUTIVE. Attendance and participation are limited to officially appointed/

elected committee members, associates, advisers, consultants, staff liaisons, and the appointed Committee
on Committees liaison. Liaisons from
other groups and ex officio and elected
councilors may attend; participation by
these groups would be at the invitation
of the chair. Only committee members
can vote.
CLOSED. The committee chair must
declare any EXECUTIVE session
CLOSED when confidential or sensitive
personnel, financial, or legal matters
of the society are discussed. At that
point, only officially appointed/elected
committee members, associates,
consultants, staff liaisons, and the
appointed Committee on Committees
liaison shall remain in the session.
Others may stay in the session at the
discretion of the chair. Once these
discussions have been completed, the
committee should return to EXECUTIVE

During the open and executive committee meetings, ACS members are
given a chance to express their views
on issues under consideration before
these issues are acted on by the board
or the council, or to bring up other subjects that deserve attention. Members
are urged to examine the agenda and
make known any opinions or ideas
they may have. If you cannot attend
the particular sessions involved, write
to the officers listed or ask someone
attending the session to speak on your
behalf. For further information, contact
the officers listed.

The Council Policy Committee will open
the floor during its meeting at 11:00
AM on Tuesday, March 24, to councilors who would like to raise issues of
concern that affect them and/or their
local sections or divisions. For further
information, contact Alan M. Ehrlich, vice
chair of CPC, at [email protected]. For more
committee meeting details and agendas,
please consult the meeting website at
www.acs.org/denver2015 or the on-site
program distributed during the meeting.


has clarified three types of committee

OPEN. May be attended by any ACS

member. At these sessions, members

are encouraged to voice concerns,
issue compliments, offer suggestions,
express interest in, or raise questions
about matters over which the committee has purview. The assumption is
that participation is welcomed and will
be orderly and courteous. Only committee members can vote.


Kristen M. Omberg, chair; [email protected]

Open Meeting
Saturday, March 21, 8:00 AM to noon
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial A
1. Report of the Chair
2. Report of the Treasurer & CFO:
a. Budgetary Performance Report for the Year
Ended December 31, 2014
3. Reports from the B&F Subcommittees:
a. Financial Impact of Constitution & Bylaw
b. Communications
c. Program Funding Requests
d. Program Review


Elizabeth M. Howson, chair; [email protected]

Open Executive Session

Monday, March 23, 8:30 to 11:30 AM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial F

Minutes of August 11 Meeting
Reports of the Chair/Staff Liaison
Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces
Old and new business


CCA/LSAC Joint Open Meeting

Tuesday, March 24, 2:00 to 3:30 PM
The Curtis Hotel, Four Square Ballroom
1. Reports of chair, subcommittee chairs, staff liaison
2. Training materials for outreach
3. Reports of committee liaisons


James C. Carver, chair, The Carver Law Firm,
Baton Rouge, LA; [email protected]

Open Meetings
Sunday, March 22, 1:15 to 1:45 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral F

Susan B. Butts, chair; [email protected]

Executive Session (Closed)

Open Meeting

Sunday, March 22, 9:00 AM to noon

Saturday, March 21, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 1/2

Minutes of August 11 Meeting
Reports of the Chair/Staff Liaison
Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces
Old and new business


John J. Johnston, chair; USDA-FSIS, Fort Collins,
CO 80526-8116

1. Open forum to discuss bylaws, petitions, and other

issues that may arise

Executive Session
Sunday, March 22, 1:45 to 4:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral F

Combined Open and Executive Meeting

Sunday, March 22, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 3
1. Welcome
2. Chair Report
a. Update of CWD Activities/Events, and
Collaborative Opportunities
b. Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group Report
c. Strategic Planning Retreat
d. Minutes from San Francisco, 2014
3. Staff Report
4. Future Event and Programming Planning
5. Subcommittee Progress Reports
a. CWD Poster Project
6. Reports of Liaisons to/from other committees
7. Ongoing Business
8. New Business

Status of unit bylaws

Bylaw review process
Reports from liaisons from other committees
Petition on Member Expulsion
Petition on Preferential Voting
Open discussion

Wayne E. Jones Jr., chair; Department of

Chemistry, Binghamton University (SUNY), Vestal
Pkwy. East, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

Open Session
Monday, March 23, 1:30 to 2:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 2

Minutes of August 11-13, 2014
Reports of chair/staff liaison
Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces on:
a. Diversity
b. Leadership Development
5. Topics from floor

George L. Heard, chair; University of North
Carolina, Asheville; [email protected]

Open Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 7:45 AM to noon
The Curtis Hotel, Four Square B


Rick Ewing, chair; [email protected]

Executive Session
Saturday, March 21, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center

Open Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 8:00 AM to noon
Colorado Convention Center, Room 601

Opening Remarks/Introductions
Priorities and Strategic Plan
Subcommittee Meetings
Staff Reports
Wrap-Up and Process Check
Subcommittee Reports
a. Public Policy
b. Events, Volunteers and Employment Services
c. Marketing and Research
d. Standards and Ethics
7. Reports from Liaisons to and from CEPA
8. Old Business / New Business

Dawn Mason, chair; P.O. Box 431, Kingsport, TN

Open Meeting
Monday, March 23, 8:00 AM to noon
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 3

Approval of Minutes
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Report of Subcommittees
Open Discussion and New Business

Alan M. Ehrlich, vice chair; [email protected]

Open Meeting


1. Welcome
2. Review Denver Agenda
3. Minutes from 248th ACS National Meeting in San
Francisco, CA
4. DAC Chair Report
5. Subcommittee Reports

Tuesday, March 24, 9:30 AM to noon

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 1
1. Committee and Officer Reports
2. Report of CPC vice chair
3. Reports of Subcommittees and Task Forces on:
a. Petitions, Constitution and Bylaws
b. Long Range Planning
c. Task Forces: to review Councilor Travel
Reimbursement Program; on Councilor and
Member Duties and Conduct; on Divisor
5. Schedule of business sessions, fall 2015
6. Review of Council agenda
7. Open forum
8. Old and new businessss

Michael J. Morello, chair;
[email protected]

Open Session
Sunday, March 22, 8:00 AM to noon
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral E

Diane Krone, chair; [email protected]

Open Meeting
Monday, March 23, 3:00 to 4:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral D

Executive Session
Friday, March 20, 1:00 to 5:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial E
1. K-12 science topics, including ChemCom,
ChemMatters, the American Association of Chemistry
Teachers, High School Chemistry Clubs, Chemistry
Olympiad, Science Coaches, and teacher professional
2. College/university topics, including two-year college
chemistry, undergraduate programs, graduate and
postdoctoral education, Chemistry in Context, and
professional development
Items 1-2 open to all Councilors with prior approval of
the Chair

Laura Pence, chair; [email protected]

Open Executive Session

Saturday, March 21, 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial E

Chair's report and review of interim actions

Subcommittee on Member Involvement
Subcommittee on Programming and Education
Subcommittee on Public Policy
Staff reports from OPA and GCI
Reports of Other Working Groups and Liaisons
Committee Business
Open Discussion


Keith Vitense, chair; Cameron University, Physical
Science Department, 2800 West Gore Blvd.,
Lawton, OK 73505-6320

Open Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 5

Welcome & Introductions

Approval of Minutes from San Francisco Meeting
Review of Committee on Ethics Charge
Chair/Staff Liaison Reports
Liaison Reports
Subcommittee Progress Reports
a. Communications and Awareness
b. Education and Materials
c. Programming and Screening
7. Committee Discussion
8. Subcommittee Working Sessions
9. Old Business /New Business/ Action Items

H. N. Cheng, chair; c/o ACS Office of
International Activities, 115516th St., N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036

Open Meeting
Saturday, March 21, 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial F/G

Minutes of August 9, 2014
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Report of Subcommittees:
a. Subcommittee on Africa and the Americas
b. Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East
c. Subcommittee on Asia / Pacific Rim
5. New Business

Martin Rudd, chair; [email protected]

LSAC/CCA Joint Open Meeting

Tuesday, March 24, 2:00 to 3:30 PM
The Curtis Hotel, Four Square Ballroom

Open Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 8:00 AM to noon
The Curtis Hotel, Four Square A
1. Report from the LSAC and CCA Executive Sessions
2. Interactive session: questions, answers and best

Open Executive Session

1. Report of chair, subcommittee chairs, staff liaison
2. Review of petitions for council consideration
3. Reports of committee liaisons


Will E. Lynch, chair; Department of Chemistry
& Physics, Armstrong Atlantic State University,
11935 Abercorn St., Savannah, GA 31419-1997

Open Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 7:00 AM to noon
Colorado Convention Center, Room 207

Minutes from San Francisco National Meeting
Chairs report
Subcommittee reports
Finance/Staff Liaison Report
Registration Fee Vote
New Business



James M. Landis Jr., chair; [email protected]

Sadiq Shah, chair; [email protected]

Open Session

Open Meeting

Sunday, March 22, 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 1/2

Saturday, March 21, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Capitol 4


Minutes of August 11-12, 2014
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Reports of Subcommittees
a. Categories & Dues
b. Retention, Benefits & Services
c. Recruitment & Admissions
5. Petition on Member Expulsion (For Consideration)
6. Topics from floor

Madeleine Jacobs, chair; c/o ACS Office of
Diversity Programs, 115516th St., N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036

Executive Session
Sunday, March 22, 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial D
1. Opening Remarks
2. Staff Report
3. Subcommittee Meetings

Open Session
Sunday, March 22, 12:30 to 2:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial D

Subcommittee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Open Discussion

Albert C. Censullo, chair; 1595 Cordova Dr.,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405


Legislation & Regulation Subcommittee.

Education and Outreach Subcommittee.
Awards Subcommittee.
Executive Session

Thomas J. Wenzel, chair; [email protected]

Open Meeting
Sunday, March 22, noon to 1:00 PM
Marriott Denver City Center, Gold Coin

Implementation of New Guidelines for ACS Approval

Expectations for Polymer Chemistry
Supplements to the New Guidelines
Planning for Graduate Work in the Chemical
5. Survey of PhD Recipients
6. Directory of Undergraduate Research
7. Topics from floor

Anna G. Cavinato, chair, Eastern Oregon
University, Department of Chemistry, One
University Blvd., LaGrande, OR 97850-2807

Open Session
Sunday, March 22, 9:30 to 10:30 AM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Agate B
1. Report from executive session
2. Topics from the floor

Executive Session
Saturday, March 21, 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral C

Subcommittee meetings 10:30 AM noon

Minutes of August 9, 2014
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Report of Subcommittees
Old and new business

Open Session
Monday, March 23, 2:00 to 5:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial H
1. Review minutes from San Francisco meeting
2. Chair/Staff Liaison reports
3. Reports from subcommittees
b. Education
c. Committee Liaison
d. Long Range Planning
4. IUPAC Reports
5. Update to Kilogram, Amount of Substance and Mole
6. Task Force on new SI definitions


D. Richard Cobb, chair; [email protected]

Open Executive Session

Monday, March 23, 11:00 AM to noon
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral C
1. Report of the Executive Session
2. Topics from the floor

Stephanie Brock, chair; Wayne State University,
Chemistry, 5101 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202-3929

Open Meeting
Friday, March 20, 4:30 to 5:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral F/G
1. Updates from ACS Publications Division
2. Open Discussion

Executive Session
Friday, March 20, 1:00 to 5:00 PM
(Closed Executive Session until 4:30 PM)
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral F/G
(Closed Executive Session until 4:30 PM)
1. Report of C&EN Editorial Board
2. Reports of the Publications Division and of the
Governing Board for Publishing
3. Reports from Other Committees
4. Discussion of Journal Monitoring Reports and Editor
5. Open Session:
a. Updates from ACS Publications Division
b. Open Discussion


Katherine Glasgow, chair; Nomacorc,
400 Vintage Park Dr., Zebulon, NC 27597-3803;

Open Meeting
Saturday, March 21, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial B

Approval of Minutes
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Report of Subcommittees:
a. Science and Technology,
b. Awards,
c. Public Policy and Communication
5. Subcommittee Breakouts
6. Subcommittee Reports from Breakouts

George Heinze, chair; 30 Bunker Hill Run,
East Brunswick, NJ 08816-3317

Open Meeting
Monday, March 23, 8:00 AM to noon
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Mineral B
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Discussion and approval of San Francisco Meeting
3. Reports of Chair & Staff Liaison
4. Subcommittee Reports
a. Newsletter
b. National Meeting Programming
1. Denver
2. Boston

c. Senior Activities in Local Sections

1. Mini Grant Awards
d. Consulting & Mentoring
1. Undergraduate Speed Networking Event
e. Planning and Priorities
5. Old Business
a. Senior Chemists Breakfast
6. New Business
a. ChemLuminary Awards
7. Adjournment

Susan S. Marine, chair; [email protected]

Closed Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial A

Minutes of Fall Meeting
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Subcommittee breakout
Subcommittee reports
New business
Final comments/Feedback

Open Session
Sunday, March 22, 2:00 to 2:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial A

Chairs Report
Subcommittee Reports
Topics from Floor

Amber F. Charlebois, chair; [email protected]

Closed Executive Session

Saturday, March 21, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial D

Review of Fall Action Items & Minutes
Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Subcommittee Meetings
Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces:
a. Awards & Recognition
b. Communications & Technology
c. Professional Development
d. Programs & Events
6. New Business

Douglas B. Hausner, chair;
[email protected]

Open and Executive Session

Sunday, March 22, 8:00 AM to noon
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention
Center, Centennial C
1. Welcome
2. Staff Report
3. Subcommittee Reports
a. Communications
b. Governance Interface and Outreach
c. Membership Engagement
4. Liaison Reports
5. Petitions (CLOSED)
6. New Business
7. Visitors

Visit the ACS National Exposition

at the 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition in Denver, CO

Complimentary Exhibitor-Sponsored Workshops


Exhibiting companies will also host FREE educational sessions for

attendees that will:

Meet exhibitors and employers

while networking and enjoying the
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Sunday
March 22, 6 - 8:30 PM

Introduce new products and services

Build skills with specific tools and techniques
Highlight innovative applications for existing


Visit the Daily Prize Raffle area on
Sunday through Tuesday for a
chance to win a prize.


Get scanned by 20 exhibitors on
Sunday through Tuesday and be
entered into a raffle for a terrific prize.


Please visit www.acs.org/denver2015 to register for their workshop(s)

Join us on Tuesday, inside the

Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F,
for poster sessions on the show floor.

Monday, March 23

Tuesday, March 24, Contd

Spectroscopy Simplified How to Run a Research FT-IR

System with the Touch of a Button
Sponsor: Thermo Scientific, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1

A Survey of Accelerated Materials Research

Using Raman Microscopy and Imaging
Sponsor: Thermo Scientific, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2

Innovative Technologies to Engage Your Students Learning Experience

Sponsor: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
SciFinder Training Session
Sponsor: CAS, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1

Compact Mass Spectrometry: A Swiss Army Knife Approach to

Chemistry Challenges
Sponsor: Advion, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

Thermo Fisher Chromatography

and Mass Spectrometry
Sponsor: Thermo Scientific, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F
Exhibitor Workshop Room 2
Innovative Technologies to Engage Your Students Learning Experience
Sponsor: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

Online Homework with Targeted Instructional Feedback

Leads to Improved Student Learning Outcomes
Sponsor: Sapling Learning, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

Tuesday, March 24
SciFinder Training Session
Sponsor: CAS, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1

Intelligent Real-Time Reaction

Monitoring In The Fume Hood Using Benchtop NMR
Sponsor: Thermo Scientific, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1
Analysis of Polymers by Vibrational
Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Sponsor: Bruker, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2
Advances in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Sponsor: Agilent Technologies, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Tips, Tricks, and
Advanced Techniques
Sponsor: Agilent Technologies, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

Wednesday, March 25
Designing Inhibitors with MOE Structure-Based Drug Design Tools
Sponsor: Chemical Computing Group, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103



Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry AGFD
Membership Committee Special Meeting

Sunday, March 22

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Room 113, Colorado Convention Center

Executive Committee Meeting

Sunday, Ma rch 22

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Mineral B Room, Hyatt Regency Denver

Future Programs Planning Meeting

Monday, March 23

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Room 701, Colorado Convention Center

AGFD Chair's Reception

Tuesday, March 24

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Crystal Ballroom B, Embassy Suites Denver


Division of Analytic Chemistry ANYL


Monday, March 23

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Hall C, Colorado Convention Center

Analytical Posters

Tuesday, March 24

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Hall C, Colorado Convention Center

8:15 PM - 9:45 PM

Hall B2, Colorado Convention Center

Division of Biological Chemistry BIOL

Current Topics in Biological Chemistry

Sunday, March 22

Division of Biochemical Technology BIOT

Company Seminar Luncheon

Sunday, March 22

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Capitol Peak B, Grand Hyatt Denver

Company Seminar Luncheon

Monday, March 23

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Capitol Peak B, Grand Hyatt Denver

Company Seminar Luncheon

Tuesday, March 24

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Capitol Peak B, Grand Hyatt Denver

Future Programming (Closed Meeting)

Tuesday, March 24

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Grays Peak, Grand Hyatt Denver

Program Chair Meeting (Closed Meeting)

Wednesday, March 25

11:30AM - 2:30 PM

Maroon Peak, Grand Hyatt Denver

Company Seminar Luncheon

Wednesday, March 25

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Capitol Peak B, Grand Hyatt Denver

Networking Session

Wednesday, March 25

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Capitol Peak B, Grand Hyatt Denver

Division of Business Development & Management BMGT

BMGT Reception

Monday, March 23

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Crystal Ballroom B&C, Embassy Suites Denver


7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Appaloosa Grill

Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry CARB

2015 Carbohydrate Division Award Banquet
(Ticketed Event)

Monday, March 23

Division of Catalysis and Surface Science CATL

Division Board/Leadership Meeting

Monday, March 23

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Room 108, Colorado Convention Center

Program Committee Meeting

Tuesday, March 24

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Room 605, Colorado Convention Center

Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials CELL

Anselme Payen Award Banquet (Ticketed Event)

Tuesday, March 24

6:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Coohills Restaurant

Business Meeting

Wednesday, March 25

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Room 404, Colorado Convention Center

Note: Due to space limitations, hotel abbreviations are used in these tables.


Division of Chemistry and Law CHAL

CHAL Reception

Monday, March 23

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Crystal Peak A, Grand Hyatt Denver

Division of Chemical Health & Safety CHAS

Laboratory Safety Workshop

Friday, March 20

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

CCB 1, Embassy Suites Denver

Laboratory Waste Management Workshop

Friday, March 20

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

CCB 2, Embassy Suites Denver

Chemical Reactivity Hazards: Laboratory-Scale

Recognition & Control Workshop

Saturday, March 21

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

CCB1, Embassy Suites Denver

Job Hazard Analysis Workshop

Saturday, March 21

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

CCB 2, Embassy Suites Denver

How to be a More Effective Chemical Hygiene

Officer Workshop

Saturday, March 21

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Silverton Ballroom 1, Embassy Suites Denver

NRCC Certification Exams

Sunday, March 22

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Rexford Room, Embassy Suites Denver

Executive Committee Meeting

Sunday, March 22

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Silverton Ballroom 3, Embassy Suites Denver

Division of Chemical Education CHED

Chemical Education Research Committee

Sunday, March 22

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Plaza Court 6, Sheraton Denver Downtown

High School/College Interface Luncheon

(Ticketed Event)

Sunday, March 22

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Silver Room, Sheraton Denver Downtown

Workshop 1

Sunday, March 22

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Plaza Court 3, Sheraton Denver Downtown

Workshop 2

Sunday, March 22

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Plaza Court 4, Sheraton Denver Downtown

Workshop 3

Monday, March 23

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Plaza Court 3, Sheraton Denver Downtown

Workshop 4

Monday, March 23

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Plaza Court 4, Sheraton Denver Downtown

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Room 604, Colorado Convention Center

Division of Chemical Information CINF

Education Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting)

Saturday, March 21

Program Commttee Meeting (Clossed Meeting)

Saturday, March 21

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Room 606, Colorado Convention Center

Awards Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting)

Saturday, March 21

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Room 608, Colorado Convention Center

Executive Meeting (Closed Meeting)

Saturday, March 21

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Room 604, Colorado Convention Center

Open Business Meeting

Sunday, March 22

6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Silverton Ballroom 3, Embassy Suites Denver

Welcoming Reception

Sunday, March 22

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Silverton Ballroom 3, Embassy Suites Denver

Luncheon (Ticketed Event)

Tuesday, March 24

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Silverton Ballroom 3, Embassy Suites Denver

Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry COLL

Open Business Meeting/Social Hour
with Poster Session

Sunday, March 22

5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Hall E, Colorado Convention Center


Tuesday, March 24

12:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Penrose Ballroom 1, Denver Marriott City Center

Division of Computers in Chemistry COMP

Programming & Executive Board Meeting

Saturday, March 21

8:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Room 108, Colorado Convention Center

Poster and Awards Session

Tuesday, March 24

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Hall B2, Colorado Convention Center

Tuesday, March 24

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Maggiano's Little Italy

Division of Energy & Fuel ENFL

Division Dinner (Ticketed Event)


Division of Environmental Chemistry ENVR

Program Planning Committee Meeting

Sunday, March 22

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Room 207, Colorado Convention Center

Long Range Planning Committee Meeting

Sunday, March 22

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Room 605, Colorado Convention Center

Executive Committee Meeting

Sunday, March 22

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Room 603, Colorado Convention Center

Reception (Ticketed Event)

Tuesday, March 24

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Wynkoop Brewing Company

Tuesday, March 24

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Room 603, Colorado Convention Center

Division of Geochemistry GEOC

Business Committee Meeting

Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry I&EC

Subcommittee Meeting (Closed Meeting)

Sunday, March 22

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Crystal Ballroom C, Embassy Suites Denver

General Posters Session

Tuesday, March 24

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Hall C, Colorado Convention Center

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Room 207, Colorado Convention Center

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Room 605, Colorado Convention Center

Division of Inorganic Chemistry INOR

Dow Energy Water Nexus Reception

Tuesday, March 24

Division of Medicinal Chemistry MEDI

Business Meeting

Sunday, March 22

Division of Nuclear Chemistry & Technology NUCL

Social Hour

Monday, March 23

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Silverton Ballroom 2, Embassy Suites Denver

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Room 603, Colorado Convention Center

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Hall C, Colorado Convention Center

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Plaza Ballroom A/B, Sheraton Denver Downtown

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Capitol 3, Hyatt Regency Denver

11:30 AM = 1:30 PM

Silverton Ballroom 2, Embassy Suites Denver

Division of Organic Chemistry ORGN

Executive Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting)

Sunday, March 22

Division of Physical Science PHYS

Poster Session

Wednesday, March 25

Division of Polymer Chemistry POLY

POLY/PMSE Awards Reception

Wednesday, March 25

Division of Professional Relations PROF

Professional Relations Executive Committee

Tuesday, March 24

Division of Small Chemical Business SCHB

SCHB & PROF Luncheon

Sunday, March 22

SCHB & HACH Award Luncheon

Monday, March 23

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Silverton Ballroom 2, Embassy Suites Denver

SCHB/HACH Award Reception

Monday, March 23

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Cactus Club

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of

Natural Resources
Symposium at the 2015 ACS Spring National Meeting

TUESDAY, MARCH 24 I 9:00 AM 11:40 AM

Denver, CO I Colorado Convention Center I Mile High Ballroom 3A
Paul Weiss

Paul Alivisatos

Editor-in-Chief, ACS Nano

Co-Editor, Nano Letters

Join the Editors of ACS Nano and Nano Letters for the next joint session at the 2015 ACS Spring National
Meeting Denver, CO. The session was specially designed for the National Meeting theme with worldrenowned speakers presenting. All speakers are editors of ACS Nano or Nano Letters.



Naomi Halas, Rice University

Your anion is my plasmonic nanostructure: Discovering molecular plasmonics

Shuit-Tong Lee, Soochow University

Silicon nanostructures for new energy applications

Andrey Rogach, City University

of Hong Kong

Design of colloidal heterostructures for photocatalytic hydrogen generation

Uri Banin, The Hebrew University

of Jerusalem

Dimensionality matters: Dimensio-nality eects on optoelectronic behavior of

semiconductor nanocrystals

Paula T. Hammond, Massachusetts

Institute of Technology

Nanomaterials design for programmed multi- and staged release



drates on cell surfaces differ between

mammals and microbes.
Details of presidential events and
other recommended symposia can be
found at www.acs.org/denver2015
and in the on-site program.




president, welcomes attendees to the
249th ACS National Meeting.
Schmidts first presidential symposia, titled Chemistry without Borders:
The Transnational Practice of Chemistry & Allied Sciences & Engineering,
will take place the morning of Sunday,
March 22. This symposium will touch
on the ever-increasing practice of
researchers, students, and professionals working overseas and efforts
to attract and build a workforce to
benefit the worldwide success of
The next presidential symposium
begins later that afternoon on Sunday,
March 22, and continues all day on
Monday. Nanotechnology: Delivering
on the Promise will highlight the fascinating research, development, and
commercialization of nanochemistry
and nanotechnology and will include
16 senior-level speakers from industry, academe, and government.
The third presidential symposium,
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers:
National Resources for the Nanoscience Community, will feature the five
heads of chemistry at U.S. national
laboratories. This is the first symposium of its type to highlight these
speakers collectively.
Always a highlight at the ACS
national meetings are the Kavli
lectures, which will take place on
Monday, March 23, at the Colorado
Convention Center. The first is The
Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in
Chemistry Lecture given by Theodore
Betley, a professor of chemistry and
chemical biology at Harvard University, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Following
shortly afterward, from 5:30 to 6:30
PM, is The Fred Kavli Innovations in
Chemistry Lecture, given by Laura L.
Kiessling, Steenbock Professor of
Chemistry and Laurens Anderson Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, which will
focus on how the features of carbohy-

THE ACS NATIONAL awards recognize

individual or team accomplishments in

diverse fields of the chemical sciences.
Award recipients traditionally receive
their national award in person during
the ACS awards dinner and general
meeting and deliver an award address
on the scientific work that is being recognized to an appropriate division.
This years event will be held on
the evening of Tuesday, March 24, at
the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel,
Ballroom. Dinner begins at 7:30 PM,
and the general meeting begins at
8:30 PM. Jacqueline K. Barton will
deliver the Priestley Medal Address
at the general meeting. See Ticketed Events on page 71 for ticket
Several awards, such as the Arthur
C. Cope Scholar Awards and the Arthur
C. Cope Award, will be presented at the
Arthur C. Cope Symposium in conjunction with the 250th ACS National Meeting in Boston in August.
ACS Award for Achievement in
Research for the Teaching & Learning
of Chemistry, sponsored by Pearson

Education, Vickie M. Williamson, Texas

A&M University. Address to be presented before the Division of Chemical
Education. March 23; Sheraton Denver
Downtown Hotel; Gold Room; 3:35 PM.
ACS Award for Affordable Green
Chemistry, sponsored by Dow Chemical

and endowed by Rohm and Haas,

John Frye and Alan H. Zacher, Pacific

Northwest National Laboratory, and

Todd Werpy, Archer Daniels Midland.
Address to be presented before the
Division of Cellulose & Renewable
Materials. March 25; Colorado
Convention Center; Room 403;
4:45 PM & 5:10 PM
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical
& Pharmaceutical Research, sponsored

by the ACS Division of Computers in

Chemistry, David A. Case, Rutgers

University. Address to be presented

before the Division of Computers
in Chemistry. March 24; Colorado
Convention Center; Mile High
Ballroom 1D; 3:45 PM.
ACS Award for Creative Advances in
Environmental Science & Technology,

sponsored by the ACS Division

of Environmental Chemistry,
Environmental Science & Technology,
and Environmental Science &
Technology Letters, Paul B. Shepson,
Purdue University. Address to be
presented before the Division of
Environmental Chemistry at the fall
ACS national meeting in Boston.
ACS Award for Creative Invention, spon-

sored by ACS Corporation Associates,

Jotham W. Coe, Pfizer. Address to

be presented before the Division of

Organic Chemistry. March 24; Colorado
Convention Center; Four Seasons
Ballroom 1; 11:10 AM.
ACS Award for Creative Research &
Applications of Iodine Chemistry, spon-

sored by SQM S.A., Karl O. Christe,

University of Southern California.
Address to be presented before the
Division of Inorganic Chemistry. March
23; Colorado Convention Center; Bellco
Theatre; 10:00 AM.
ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine
Chemistry, sponsored by the Juhua

Group Technology Center (China),

Vronique Gouverneur, University of
Oxford. Address to be presented before
the biennial Winter Fluorine Conference
in January 2015 and the Division of
Fluorine Chemistry. March 22; Embassy
Suites Denver Downtown Covention
Center; Silverton Ballroom; 4:20 PM.
ACS Award for Creative Work in
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, sponsored

by Aldrich Chemical Co., F. Dean Toste,

University of California, Berkeley.
Address to be presented before the
Division of Organic Chemistry. March
24; Colorado Convention Center; Four
Seasons Ballroom 2&3; 11:05 AM.
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry,

sponsored by Strem Chemicals, Kim R.

Dunbar, Texas A&M University. Address
to be presented before the Division


of Inorganic Chemistry. March 23;

Colorado Convention Center; Bellco
Theatre; 10:45 AM.
ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the
Chemical Sciences, sponsored by the

Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation,

Catherine H. Middlecamp, University
of Wisconsin, Madison. Address to
be presented before the Division
of Chemical Education. March 23;
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel;
Columbine Room; 1:50 PM.
ACS Award for Encouraging Women into
Careers in the Chemical Sciences, spon-

sored by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus

Foundation, E. Ann Nalley, Cameron
University. Address to be presented
before the Division of Professional
Relations and the ACS Women Chemists Committee. March 24; Hyatt
Regency Denver Colorado Convention
Center; Capitol Ballroom 6; 11:15 AM.
ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution, sponsored by Research

Corporation for Science Advancement,

George C. Shields, Bucknell University.

Address to be presented before the

Division of Computers in Chemistry.
March 24; Colorado Convention Center;
Mile High Ballroom 1E; 4:30 PM.
ACS Award for Team Innovation, spon-

sored by ACS Corporation Associates,

Ryan Gaston, James R. Keenihan,
Abhijit A. Namjoshi, Stephen Pisklak,
and Jason A. Reese, Dow Chemical.

Address to be presented before the

Division of Energy & Fuels. March 24;
Colorado Convention Center; Mile High
Ballroom 4A; 8:05 AM.
ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, spon-

sored by Battelle Memorial Institute,

ACS Award in Chromatography, spon-

sored by Sigma-Aldrich/ Supelco,

Milton T. W. Hearn, Monash University,
in Australia. Address to be presented
before the Division of Analytical
Chemistry. March 23; Embassy Suites
Denver Downtown Covention Center;
Aspen Room A; 8:05 AM.
ACS Award in Colloid & Surface Chemistry, sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive

Co., Paul S. Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles. Address to be presented before the Division of Colloid
& Surface Chemistry. March 24; Marriott City Center Denver; Colorado F;
3:40 PM.
ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry, sponsored by the ACS Division of Business
Development & Management and the
ACS Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Thomas J. Colacot,
Johnson Matthey. Address to be presented before the Division of Business
Development & Management and the
Division of Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry. March 23; Embassy Suites
Denver Downtown Convention Center;
Crystal Ballroom B/C; 4:40 PM.
ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry, spon-

sored by Aldrich Chemical Co., John T.

Groves, Princeton University. Address
to be presented before the Division of
Inorganic Chemistry. March 23; Colorado Convention Center; Bellco Theatre; 9:30 AM.
ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry,

sponsored by the Dow Chemical Co.

Foundation, William J. Evans, University
of California, Irvine. Address to be presented before the Division of Inorganic
Chemistry. March 23; Colorado Convention Center; Bellco Theatre; 9:00 AM.

sity, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Address to be presented before the
Division of Physical Chemistry. March
24; Colorado Convention Center; Room
607; 10:05 AM.
ACS Award in Separations Science &
Technology, sponsored by Waters Corp.,

Richard D. Noble, University of Colo-

rado, Boulder. Address to be presented

before the Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. March 22; Embassy
Suites Denver Downtown Covention
Center; Crystal Ballroom A; 2:00 PM.
ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials,

sponsored by E. I. du Pont de Nemours

& Co., Mark E. Thompson, University of
Southern California. Address to be presented before the Division of Inorganic
Chemistry. March 23; Colorado Convention Center; Bellco Theatre; 11:45 AM.
ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry,

sponsored by ACS, Mark S. Gordon,

Iowa State University. Address to be
presented before the Division of Physical Chemistry. March 24; Colorado Convention Center; Room 607; 9:35 AM.
Award for Volunteer Service to the
American Chemical Society, sponsored

by ACS, Cynthia K. Larive, University of

California, Riverside. Address to be presented before the ACS ChemLuminary
Awards at the ACS fall national meeting
in Boston.
Roger Adams Award in Organic Chemistry, sponsored by Organic Reactions

Inc. and Organic Syntheses Inc., Larry

E. Overman, University of California,
Irvine. Address to be presented before
the biennial National Organic Chemistry Symposium of the ACS national
meeting in July at the University of

John R. Yates III, Scripps Research

ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry, spon-

Institute, La Jolla, Calif. Address to be

presented before the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the fall ACS national
meeting in Boston.

sored by ExxonMobil Chemical, Nikos

Hadjichristidis, King Abdullah Univer-

Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or

Bioorganic Chemistry, sponsored by

sity of Science & Technology, Thuwal,

Saudi Arabia. Address to be presented
before the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. March 25;
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel; Governor's Square 15; 5:00 PM.

the Alfred R. Bader Fund, Michael A.

Marletta, Scripps Research Institute,
La Jolla, Calif. Address to be presented
before the Division of Biological Chemistry. March 22; Hyatt Regency Denver
Colorado Convention Center; Capitol
Ballroom 4; 7:00 PM.

ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science,

sponsored by Eastman Chemical,

Geoffrey W. Coates, Cornell University.

Address to be presented before

the Division of Polymeric Materials:
Science & Engineering. March 22;
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel;
Governor's Square 16; 4:45 PM.

ACS Award in Pure Chemistry, spon-

sored by Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity

and Alpha Chi Sigma Educational Foundation, Adam E. Cohen, Harvard Univer-

Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in

Chemical Research Management, spon-

sored by the Dow Chemical Co. Founda-


tion, Christopher P. Austin, National

Institutes of Health. Address to be presented before the Division of Medicinal
Chemistry. March 25; Colorado Convention Center; Mile High Ballroom 1A/1B;
4:15 PM.

ley. Address to be presented before the

Division of Organic Chemistry at the
ACS fall national meeting in Boston.

Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in

Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator, sponsored by the Gray Award

Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding

Original Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a Young Investigator, sponsored

Ronald Breslow Award for Achievement

in Biomimetic Chemistry, sponsored

by the Pfizer Endowment Fund, JinQuan Yu, Scripps Research Institute,

La Jolla, Calif. Address to be presented
before the Division of Organic Chemistry. March 23; Colorado Convention
Center; Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3;
11:00 AM.

Endowment, Emily A. Weiss, Northwestern University. Address to be presented before the Division of Inorganic
Chemistry. March 23; Colorado Convention Center; Bellco Theatre; 11:15 AM.

by the Ronald Breslow Award Endowment, Eric T. Kool, Stanford University. Address to be presented before
the Division of Organic Chemistry.
March 22; Colorado Convention
Center; Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3;
3:25 PM.
Herbert C. Brown Award for Creative
Research in Synthetic Methods, spon-

sored by the Purdue Borane Research

Fund and the Herbert C. Brown Award
Endowment, Gary A. Molander, University of Pennsylvania. Address to
be presented before the Division of
Organic Chemistry. March 23; Colorado
Convention Center; Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3; 4:10 PM.
James Bryant Conant Award in High
School Chemistry Teaching, sponsored

by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Jenelle

L. Ball, Chico High School, California.
Address to be presented before the
Division of Chemical Education. March
22; Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel;
Silver Room; 1:00 PM.
Arthur C. Cope Award, sponsored by the

Arthur C. Cope Fund, Paul A. Wender,

Stanford University. Address to be presented before the Division of Organic
Chemistry at the ACS fall national
meeting in Boston.
Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards, spon-

sored by the Arthur C. Cope Fund,

Michelle Chang, University of California, Berkeley; Debbie C. Crans,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins;
Antonio M. Echavarren, Institute of
Chemical Research of Catalonia, in
Spain; Ben L. Feringa, University of
Groningen, in the Netherlands; Miguel
A. Garcia-Garibay, UC Los Angeles;
Neil K. Garg, UC Los Angeles; Chuan
He, University of Chicago; Kenichiro
Itami, Nagoya University, in Japan; Kenneth M. Nicholas, University of Oklahoma; Richmond Sarpong, UC Berke-

F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic

Inorganic Chemistry, sponsored by

the F. Albert Cotton Endowment Fund,

Jaqueline L. Kiplinger, Los Alamos
National Laboratory. Address to be presented before the Division of Inorganic
Chemistry. March 23; Colorado Convention Center; Bellco Theatre; 8:30 AM.
Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, sponsored by E. I. du Pont de

Nemours & Co., Xiaoliang Sunney Xie,

Harvard University. Address to be presented before the Division of Physical
Chemistry. March 24; Colorado Convention Center; Room 607; 8:05 AM.
Frank H. Field & Joe L. Franklin Award
for Outstanding Achievement in Mass
Spectrometry, sponsored by Waters

Corp., Hilkka I. Kenttmaa, Purdue University. Address to be presented before

the Division of Analytical Chemistry.
March 25; Embassy Suites Denver
Downtown Convention Center; Aspen
Room A; 3:40 PM.
Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal,

sponsored by the Francis P. GarvanJohn M. Olin Medal Endowment,

Angela K. Wilson, University of North
Texas. Address to be presented before
the Division of Physical Chemistry.
March 24; Colorado Convention
Center; Room 607; 9:05 AM.
James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for
Interpreting Chemistry for the Public,

sponsored by ACS, Deborah L. Blum,

University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Address to be presented before the
ACS Office of Public Affairs. March 22;
Colorado Convention Center; Four Seasons Ballroom 4; 12:20 PM.

Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natural Products, sponsored by

Givaudan, Thomas R. Hoye, University

of Minnesota. Address to be presented
before the Division of Organic Chemistry. March 24; Colorado Convention
Center; Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3;
3:45 PM.
Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial Success, sponsored by the

Kathryn C. Hach Award Fund, Terry L.

Brewer, Brewer Science Inc. Address
to be presented before the Division of
Small Chemical Businesses. March
23; Embassy Suites Denver Colorado
Convention Center; Cripple Creek Ballroom 2; 10:50 AM.
E. B. Hershberg Award for Important
Discoveries in Medicinally Active Substances, sponsored by Merck Research

Laboratories, Ruth R. Wexler, BristolMyers Squibb. Address to be presented before the Division of Medicinal
Chemistry. March 24; Colorado Convention Center; Mile High Ballroom 2A/2B;
11:20 AM.
Joel Henry Hildebrand Award in the
Theoretical & Experimental Chemistry
of Liquids, sponsored by ExxonMo-

bil Research & Engineering, Mark

Maroncelli, Pennsylvania State University. Address to be presented before
the Division of Physical Chemistry.
March 24; Colorado Convention
Center; Room 607; 8:35 AM.
E. V. Murphree Award in Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry, sponsored by

ExxonMobil Research & Engineering,

Joseph R. Zoeller, Eastman Chemical.

Address to be presented before the

Division of Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry. March 24; Embassy Suites
Denver Downtown Convention Center;
Crystal Ballroom A; 4:00 PM.
Nakanishi Prize, sponsored by the

Nakanishi Prize Endowment, Fred W.

McLafferty, Cornell University. Address


to be presented before the Division

of Analytical Chemistry. March 26;
Embassy Suites Denver Downtown
Convention Center; Aspen Room A;
11:20 AM.
Nobel Laureate Signature Award for
Graduate Education in Chemistry,

sponsored by Avantor Performance

Materials, Denis Malyshev (student),
Synthorx, and Floyd E. Romesberg
(preceptor), Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, Calif. Address to be presented before the Division of Biological
Chemistry. March 22; Hyatt Regency
Denver Colorado Convention Center;
Capitol Ballroom 4; 8:30 AM & March
23; Hyatt Regency Denver Colorado
Convention Center; Capitol Ballroom 4;
10:45 AM.
James Flack Norris Award in Physical
Organic Chemistry, sponsored by the

ACS Northeastern Section, Charles

L. Perrin, University of California, San
Diego. Address to be presented before
the Division of Organic Chemistry.
March 24; Colorado Convention Center;
Four Seasons Ballroom 1; 3:50 PM.
George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon
or Petroleum Chemistry, sponsored by

the George A. Olah Award Endowment,

Jingguang G. Chen, Columbia Univer-

sity. Address to be presented before

the Division of Catalysis Science &
Technology. March 24; Colorado Convention Center; Room 108; 11:15 AM.
Charles Lathrop Parsons Award, spon-

sored by ACS, Paul H. L. Walter, Skidmore College. Address to be presented

before the ACS Board of Directors.
March 22; Hyatt Regency Denver Colorado Convention Center; Centennial
H; 1:30 PM.
George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education, sponsored by Cengage

Learning and the ACS Division of Chemical Education, I. Dwaine Eubanks,

Clemson University. Address to be presented before the Division of Chemical
Education. March 24; Sheraton Denver
Downtown Hotel; Columbine Room;
4:40 PM.
Priestley Medal, sponsored by ACS,

the American Chemical Society, Tuesday, March 24, at the Sheraton Denver
Downtown Hotel, BCEF Ballroom.
Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear
Chemistry, sponsored by the ACS Divi-

sion of Nuclear Chemistry & Technology, Heino Nitsche (deceased), University of California, Berkeley. Address
to be presented before the Division of
Nuclear Chemistry & Technology. March
22; 8:30 AM & March 23; Embassy
Suites Denver Downtown Convention
Center; Crestone Ballroom A; 8:10 AM.
Gabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative
Research in Catalysis, sponsored by the

Gabor A. & Judith K. Somorjai Endowment Fund, Maurice Brookhart, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Address to be presented before the
Division of Catalysis Science & Technology. March 23; Colorado Convention
Center; Room 207; 4:50 PM.
George & Christine Sosnovsky Award
for Cancer Research, sponsored by the

George & Christine Sosnovsky Endowment Fund, Christopher P. Leamon,

Endocyte, Inc.; Philip Low, Purdue University; Joseph A. Reddy and Iontcho
Vlahov, Endocyte, Inc. Address to be
presented before the Division of Medicinal Chemistry. March 25; Colorado
Convention Center; Mile High Ballroom
1A/1B; 2:45 PM & 3:30 PM.
E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy,

sponsored by the ACS Division of

Physical Chemistry, R. J. Dwayne Miller,
Max Planck Institute for the Structure & Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg,
Germany, and University of Toronto.
Address to be presented before
the Division of Physical Chemistry.
March 24; Colorado Convention Center;
Room 607; 11:25 AM.

Doyle, Princeton University. Address

to be presented before the Division of
Organic Chemistry. March 25; Colorado
Convention Center; Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3; 11:10 AM.


A VARIETY of social and special events

will be held by event organizers during

the meeting. Event participation is open
to all interested registrants. View an
updated listing of social and special
events, including event locations, at
The following social events require
purchase of a ticket (event number in
red), which can be purchased through
Attendee Registration. Tickets will
remain on sale until the evening prior
to the event, if available. All tickets are
sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
Cancellations or refund requests must
be made by March 8. No tickets will be
refunded after that date.
CHAS Workshop: Laboratory Waste

7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Cripple Creek Ballroom 2
CHAS Workshop: Laboratory Safety

7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

Ahmed Zewail Award in Ultrafast Science

& Technology, sponsored by the Ahmed

CHAS Workshop: How to be a More

Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer

Zewail Endowment Fund established

by Newport Corp., Shaul Mukamel,
University of California, Irvine. Address
to be presented before the Division of
Physical Chemistry. March 24; Colorado Convention Center; Room 607;
10:55 AM.

7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 1

Jacqueline K. Barton, California Insti-

National Fresenius Award, sponsored

tute of Technology. Address to be presented before the general meeting of

by Phi Lambda Upsilon, the National

Chemistry Honor Society, Abigail G.

CHAS Workshop: Reactivity Hazards:

Laboratory Scale Recognition & Control

7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Cripple Creek Ballroom 1


CHAS Workshop: Job Hazard Analysis

7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

ACS Career Fair Workshops:

Career Workshop

ACS Career Fair Workshops:

Career Pathways III

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 701

12:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 606

Undergraduate Hospitality Center

CHED High School/College Interface


COACh Workshop: COAChing Strong

Women in the Art of Strategic Persuasion Jr. Faculty

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Majestic Ballroom

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Denver
Mt. Harvard

Undergraduate Workshop: Making the

Most of Your First National Meeting

COACh Workshop: COAChing Strong

Women in the Art of Strategic Persuasion Sr. Faculty

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Denver
Mt. Princeton
Presidential Outreach Event Exploring
Our World Through Chemistry

Kids and families can learn more about

the fascinating world of chemistry
through hands-on, age-appropriate
activities at the Denver Zoo.
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Denver Zoo
2300 Steele Street
COACh Reception

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Denver
Maroon Peak
CHAS Executive Committee Meeting

8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 3
CHED Workshop 1

9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Majestic Ballroom
Society Communication Workshop:
Improv Training
Room 1/SE03/SE03A/$10

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
The Curtis a DoubleTree by Hilton,
Dodgeball Room
Undergraduate Workshop: Graduate
School Reality Check: Getting In

10:00 AM to 11:15 AM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Ballroom AB
Harvey Mudd College Alumni
& Friends Brunch

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Hotel Monaco Panzano
1717 Champa Street
Chem Demo Exchange

11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall B2
Undergraduate Workshop:
Graduate School Reality Check:
Youre in-Now What?

11:15 AM to 12:30 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Ballroom AB
SCHB/PROF Luncheon

(Included at no charge with high school

teacher registration.)
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Silver
Undergraduate Workshop: How to be
a Successful ACS Student Chapter

1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza
Ballroom DE
Undergraduate Workshop: Networking
Social with Graduate School and
Research Opportunity Representatives

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Grand Ballroom
CHED Workshop 2

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Court 4
Charles Lathrop Parsons Award,
sponsored by ACS

Paul H. L. Walter, Skidmore College

Address to be presented before the
ACS Board of Directors
1:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver, Centennial H
Society Communication Workshop:
Improv Training
Room 1/SE04/SE04A/$10

1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
The Curtis a DoubleTree by Hilton,
Keep Away Room
UPAB/CPC Strategy Cafe

(Co-sponsored by CPC)
2:45 PM to 4:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial B

8:00 AM 12:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown
Plaza Court 3

11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 2

NRCC Certification Exams

ACS Board Open Session & Luncheon

Undergraduate Workshop:
Can You Have a Life and Career

8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Rexford Room

(Open to staff and attendees)

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Four Seasons Ballroom 4

(Co-sponsored by WCC)
2:45 PM to 4:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Ballroom DE

ACS Career Fair Workshops:

Career Pathways II

ACS Career Fair Workshops:

Career Pathways I

Chemistry of Natural Resources Plenary

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 604

12:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 602

3:00 to 5:20 PM
Bellco Theater, Colorado Convention


Characterizing Structure and Chemistry

of Functional Nanomaterials

Sponsor: FEI Company

3:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
Undergraduate Workshop: Improving
Scientific Communication Skills

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Ballroom AB
Undergraduate Workshop:
Careers in Teaching Chemistry

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Ballroom DE
Nominees Town Hall Meeting

4:30 to 5:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial F/G
Grady-Stack Award Reception
Honoring Deborah Blum

4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial A
ACS Diversity Reception

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial C
PNNL 50th Anniversary Reception

5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 203
University of Wisconsin
Madison Alumni & Friends

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Marriott City Center Denver
Penrose Ballroom 1
Chemistry at Illinois Alumni
& Friends Reception

5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Marriott City Center Denver
Penrose Ballroom 2
CHED Social Reception

5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 207
International Welcome Reception/
SE06/$No Fee

5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial D

Research Corporation Reception in

Honor of the Awardee for Research
at an Undergraduate Institution

5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Marriott City Center Denver,
Colorado Ballroom E
COLL Social Hour/
Poster Session/Open

Business Meeting
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall E
CINF Open Business Meeting

6:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 3
Mid Atlantic Councilor Caucus

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral D

CHED Posters Session

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
BIOL Poster Session

8:15 PM to 9:45 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall B2
MEDI & COLL Poster Session

7:00 to 9:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall E
ACS Student Chapter Awards Ceremony

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Bellco Theater
ORGN Poster Session

8:00 to 10:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
Undergraduate Social

8:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Four Seasons Ballroom

District IV Councilor Caucus

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral E
District V Councilor Caucus

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral F
District II Councilor Caucus

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral C
District VI Councilor Caucus

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral G
CELL & INOR Poster Session

6:00 to 8:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C

WCC Women in the Chemical Enterprise Breakfast/SE01/$40 (regular)/
SE02/$20 (student)

7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
(A limited number of student tickets
are available. Students may purchase
regular tickets if student tickets are
sold out.)
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial E
CHED Workshop 3

8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Court 3
Undergraduate Hospitality Center

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Majestic Ballroom
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways I

Expo Attendee Welcome Reception

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 602

6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Halls A/F

ACS Career Fair Workshop:

Career Pathways II

CINF Division Welcoming Reception

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 604

6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 3

ACS Career Fair Workshop:

Career Pathways III

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM


Colorado Convention Center, Room 606

ACS Exposition

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Halls A/F
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Workshop: Scale Interventions for
Lecture & Laboratory

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Court 2
Spectroscopy Simplified
How to Run a Research FT-IR

Sponsor: Thermo Scientific

9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit
Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1
Innovative Technologies to Engage Your
Students Learning Experience

Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown

Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 2

Centennial D/E

CHAL Luncheon/SE08/$40

4:00 PM to 5:05 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Bellco Theater

12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 3
SciFinder Training Session System
with the Touch of a Button

Sponsor: CAS
12:30 PM 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit
Hall A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1
Protecting Our Natural Resources
with GC-MS and LC-MS from Thermo
Fisher Scientific

The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader

in Chemistry Lecture

CHAL Reception

5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Denver, Capital Peak A
The Fred Kavli Innovations
in Chemistry Lecture

5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Bellco Theater
Colorado State University Chemistry
Alumni & Friends Reception

Sponsor: Thermo Scientific

12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit
Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2

7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
CSU Denver Event Center
475 17th Street, Suite 200

Driving Separations Success.

Innovative Technologies to Engage Your

Students Learning Experience

Sponsor: Waters Corporation

9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit
Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2

Sponsor: McGraw Hill Higher Education,

12:30 PM - 3:00 PM, Colorado
Convention Center, Room 103

Purdue Department of Chemistry

Alumni Event/SE10/$10

Undergraduate Workshop:
Networking 101

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Court 4

Sponsor: McGraw Hill Higher Education,

9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

9:45 to 11:00 AM
Colorado Convention Center,
Rooms 601/603
Undergraduate Workshop:
Chemists Celebrate Earth Day
(Co-sponsored by Committee
on Community Activities)

9:45 to 11:45 AM
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Grand Ballroom II

CHED Workshop 4

College of Wooster Alumni,Students,

Faculty & Friends of Helen Murray Free

2:30 to 4:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 701
CHED Younger Chemistry Education
Scholars Social

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Windows

Women Chemists of Color Social

WCC Just Cocktails

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center, Mineral D

3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Capitol 5

Undergraduate Poster Session

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C

Online Homework with Targeted

Instructional Feedback Leads to
Improved Student Learning Outcomes

Committee on Minority Affairs


Sponsor: Sapling Learning

3:30 PM to 6:00 PM,
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Hotel at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial E
SCHB/HACH Luncheon

11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Undergraduate Speed Networking

with Chemistry Professionals

3:45 PM to 5:15 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
The Curtis a DoubleTree by Hilton,
Keep Away Room
ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral
Scholars Reception

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Four Seasons Ballroom 4
2015 CARB Award Banquet/SE09/$60

7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Appaloosa Grill 535 16th Street,
NUCL Social Hour

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 2
Sci-Mix Interdivisional Poster
Session & Mixer

(Drink Ticket with registration)

8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
Senior Chemists Breakfast/SE11/$20

7:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial A/B


University of Minnesota Alumni

& Friends Breakfast/SE20/$5

7:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 207
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways I

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 602
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways II

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 604
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways III

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 606
ACS Exposition

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Halls A/F
SciFinder Training Session

Sponsor: CAS
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit
Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1
A Survey of Accelerated Materials
Research Using Raman Microscopy and

Sponsor: Thermo Scientific

9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop
Room 2
Compact Mass Spectrometry: A Swiss
Army Knife Approach to Chemistry

Sponsor: Advion
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Luncheon

11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
1437 California St., Denver
Eli Lilly Poster Session

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado

Convention Center, Centennial A-C
CINF Division Luncheon/
SE12/$15 (students)/
SE12A $20 (regular)

12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Silverton Ballroom 3
WCC Eli Lilly Travel Award Poster
Session & Luncheon/SE14/$50
(regular)/SE15/$25 (student)

12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Centennial A C
COLL Luncheon/SE13/$40

12:00 PM to 1:45 PM
Marriott City Center Denver, Penrose
Ballroom 1
Committee on Environmental (CEI)
Film Series Thin Ice: The Inside
Story of Climate Science

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Grand
Ballroom I
PerkinElmer Workshop:

12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Colorado School of Mines
1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO
Intelligent Real-Time Reaction
Monitoring In The Fume Hood Using
Benchtop NMR

Sponsor: Thermo Scientific

12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center
Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop
Room 1
Analysis of Polymers by Vibrational
Spectroscopy and Microscopy

Sponsor: Bruker
12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit
Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2
Advances in Atomic and Molecular

Access meeting information

and the On-site Program at

Sponsor: Agilent Technologies

12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
ENFL Poster Session

2:00 to 4:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Halls A/F

Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Tips, Tricks, and Advanced


Sponsor: Agilent Technologies

3:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
AGFD Poster Session

3:30 to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
Dow Energy Water Nexus Reception

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 207
Division Councilors & Division
Officers Caucus

4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 502
I&EC Poster Session

5:00 to 6:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
VUV Analytics ACS Reception

5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Mile High
Ballroom 4D
District I Councilor Caucus

5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
Mineral C
ENVR Reception/SE16/$10

6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Wynkoop Brewing Company
1634 18th Street, Denver
PMSE/POLY Joint Poster Session

6:00 to 8:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall E
CATL & INOR Poster Session

6:00 to 8:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
COMP Poster and Award Session

6:00 to 8:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall B2
BIOT Poster Session

6:00 to 9:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Denver, Imperial Ballroom
AGFD Chairs Reception

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown
Convention Center
Crystal Ballroom B


ACS National Awards Reception,

Banquet Ceremony &General
Meeting of the Society/SE17/$130

6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel,
Plaza Ballroom BCEF
CELL Anselme Payen Award

6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Coohills Restaurant
1400 Wewatta St., Denver

POLY/PMSE Awards Reception

5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel,
Plaza Ballroom A/B

Networking Social with Graduate

School Recruiters, 1:00 to 5:00 PM

PHYS & ENVR Poster Session

Networking Social with Graduate

School and Research Opportunity
Representatives, 1:00 to 2:30 PM

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C

Can You Have a Life and Career?

Joint MEDI & ORGN Poster Session

(cosponsored by WCC), 2:45 to

4:00 PM

7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center,
Four Seasons Ballroom

Workshop: Careers in Teaching

Chemistry, 4:00 to 5:30 PM

CARB & ANYL Poster Session

7:00 to 9:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
ENFL Division Dinner/SE19/$65

7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Maggianos Little Italy
500 16th St., Ste 150, Denver
ORGN Poster Session

8:00 to 10:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways I

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 602
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways II

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 604
ACS Career Fair Workshop:
Career Pathways III

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 606
New Developments in Isothermal
Titration Calorimetry from MicroCal

Sponsor: Malvern Instruments

9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103
PerkinElmer Workshop:

12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Colorado School of Mines
1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO



specialty activities are being held for

undergraduate students, graduate
students, high school teachers, and
chemical professionals. Explore
these opportunities in depth at

vibrant program designed especially

for undergraduate students has been
planned by the Society Committee on
Educations Undergraduate Programs
Advisory Board. This educational and
career-oriented program includes
technical symposia and workshops
on essential skills for employment in
chemistry and success in graduate
school. Eminent scientist Henry Kohlbrand from Dow Chemical will discuss
sustainability from a research and
industrial point of view.

Workshop: Improving Scientific Communication Skills, 4:00 to 5:30 PM

Student Chapter Awards Ceremony,

7:00 to 8:30 PM
Undergraduate Social, 8:30 to

11:00 PM

Undergraduate Hospitality Center,

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Undergraduate Research Papers
(Oral), (sponsored by CHED), 8:30 AM

to 5:00 PM
Technical Symposium: NREL Biomass
to Fuel & Products (cosponsored by

CELL and ENFL), 9:00 to 10:30 AM

Workshop: Networking 101, 9:45 to

11:00 AM
Workshop: Chemists Celebrate Earth
Day, (cosponsored by CCA) 9:45 to

11:45 AM
Undergraduate Hospitality Center,

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Undergraduate Research Papers
(Oral), (sponsored by CHED), 8:30 AM

to 5:00 PM
Making the Most of Your First ACS
Meeting, 9:00 to 9:45 AM
Graduate School Reality Check, Step I:
Getting In, 10:00 to 11:15 AM

Designing Inhibitors with MOE

Structure-Based Drug Design Tools

Graduate School Reality Check, Step

II: Youre InNow What? 11:15 AM to

Sponsor: Chemical Computing Group

3:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 103

12:30 PM
Chem Demo Exchange, 11:00 AM to

12:30 PM

Technical Symposium: Forensic Toxicology of Marijuana (cosponsored by

BMGT and TOXI), 10:45 to 11:45 AM

Undergraduate Research Poster
Session (sponsored by CHED), noon to

2:00 PM
Eminent Scientist Lecture: Sustainability in the 21st Century: Optimizing
Complex Interdependent Systems,
with Henry Kohlbrand, Dow Chemical

(cosponsored by CELL and ENFL), 2:30

to 3:30 PM
Speed Networking with Chemistry
Professionals, 3:45 to 5:15 PM
Sci-Mix/Successful Student Chapter
Posters, 8:00 to 10:00 PM


Chemistry and the Environment Film
Series, noon to 2:00 PM.

All events are sponsored or cosponsored by the Society Committee on

Educations Undergraduate Programs
Advisory Board. Chair: Matthew Mio,
University of Detroit, Mercy. Program
Chair: Daniel Swartling, Tennessee
Technological University, Cookeville.
For more information, go to www.acs.
org/undergrad or contact the ACS
Undergraduate Programs Office at
800-227-5558 ext. 4480.

Graduate Education Advisory Board,

this office provides and promotes
programs and resources for graduate
students and postdoctoral scholars.
All events will take place at the Colorado Convention Center.
Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars
Reception, 7:00 to 8:30 PM.

For more information about this reception and other ACS programs offered
to graduate students and postdocs,
visit www.acs.org/grad or contact the
ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars
Office at [email protected].

The Division of Chemical Education

and the ACS Education Division are
sponsoring the High School Teachers
Program. It will include presentations
and demonstrations on current pedagogies, resources, and activities that
align with the meeting theme, Chemistry of Natural Resources. The High
School/College Interface Luncheon
will bring together educators from all
grade levels with the goal of facilitating
an exchange of ideas and networking
among teachers.
High school teachers can register for the program directly through
Attendee Registration; the special
registration fee includes course materials, lunch, access to the full ACS
meeting (Sunday through Thursday),
and entry to the exposition (Sunday to
Tuesday). Attendees can track professional development (based on clock

hours) for sessions attended at the

ACS national meeting. Upon completion and submission of ACS forms,
participants will be mailed a certificate
documenting their participation in the
High School Teachers Program, 8:30

AM to 4:30 PM; Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.

For more information, contact the
Office of High School Chemistry at
[email protected] or call 800-2275558 ext. 2105.

THE FOLLOWING workshops require a

separate registration process and/or

entry fee to participate in the event, as
indicated in this listing. Participation is
open to all interested registrants.
Division of Chemical Health & Safety
(CHAS)-sponsored workshop fees
(unless otherwise indicated). CHAS

member: $300; non-CHAS member:

$350. Registration is required for all
CHAS workshops. Register online at
Laboratory Waste Management.

Friday, March 20, 7:30 AM to 5:30

PM, Embassy Suites Denver, Cripple
Creek Ballroom 2. Sponsored by CHAS.
Presenter: Russ Phifer. This comprehensive course will identify various
regulatory requirements that apply to
laboratories that generate hazardous
waste, as well as provide insight on
the options for on-site management
and off-site disposal. The focus will
include discussion of recycling/reclamation techniques, economical handling of waste, and liability issues.
Laboratory Safety. Friday, March 20,
7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Embassy Suites
Denver, Cripple Creek Ballroom 1.
Sponsored by CHAS. Presenters: James
Kaufman and/or Jack Breazeale. This
presentation on laboratory safety by
the Laboratory Safety Institute has
been attended by thousands of safety
professionals. With experience in both
industrial and academic laboratories, the presenters take a real-world

approach to safety issues in the lab.

Interactive demonstrations will teach
you about issues such as creative
wiring in the lab and how to work with
administrators to keep a safe working
environment. This workshop provides
an excellent forum to speak openly
about safety in the workplace.
How To Be a More Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer. Saturday, March

21, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Embassy

Suites Denver, Silverton Ballroom 1.
Sponsored by CHAS. Presenter: Russ
Phifer. Take a close look at the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) position,
and prepare at the same time for the
CHO Certification exam, which will be
held on Sunday, March 22, through the
National Registry of Certified Chemists. This workshop will focus on what
you do and how you can do it better.
The course covers all of the content
areas of the certification exam and
includes a sample test in the same
format as the real one. Request an
application packet for the CHO Certification examination at www.acs.org/
Chemical Reactivity Hazards: Laboratory-Scale Recognition & Control.

Saturday, March 21, 7:30 AM to 5:30

PM, Embassy Suites Denver, Cripple
Creek Ballroom 1. Sponsored by CHAS.
Presenter: Neal Langerman. This workshop addresses the risks associated
with chemicals such as t-butyllithium
and processes such as thermal distillations. The objective is to provide
participants with the knowledge and
skills to screen processes for potential
hazards, to recognize when reactive
hazards are present, and to implement
appropriate controls to reduce the risk
of an incident associated with the hazards. Workshop attendees will review
case studies of actual incidents and
do screening examples to understand
the screening and recognition process.
Group discussions of control methods
will allow participants to share their
experiences and to evaluate methods
for controlling reactivity risks. Preregistration for this event is required.
Job Hazard Analysis Workshop. Sat-

urday, March 21, 7:30 AM to 5:30

PM, Embassy Suites Denver, Cripple
Creek Ballroom 2. Sponsored by CHAS.


Presenter: Sammuela Sigmann. Job

Hazard Analysis (JHA) is one method
to consider hazards associated with
lab research and guide the control
of those hazards. JHA can assist a
researcher in uncovering potential
hazards in synthesis, instrumental
studies, physical manipulations, and
more. Identified hazards can then be
mitigated or eliminated. In this workshop, participants will learn the basic
principles, required elements, and
format of the common JHA. Examples
of completed tools, such as nitric acid
disgestion of metal samples, cryogenic
work, and HPLC with THF/DCM/Water,
will be utilized to examine the technique. Each participant will create a
ready-to-use JHA based on some task
applicable to their lab, so attendees
should come with a specific idea of a
chemical or process they would like to

PM, Grand Hyatt Denver, Mt. Havard.

Sponsored by COACh. These workshops
will help professional women be more
effective when leading or participating in discussions, meetings, or group
negotiations. Learn about strategic
rather than reactive behaviors and
effective speaking voices while tuning out stress and tension, which will
allow you to be heard. The workshops
combine presentation, leadership
training, and faculty development in
an interactive format that encourages highly personal learning. Topics
include communication styles effective
for women; projecting confidence and
credibility through voice, image, and
body language; dealing with difficult
conversations; and using powerful
rather than weak words. Preregistration is required; visit coach.uoregon.
edu. For more information, contact
Priscilla Lewis at [email protected]
or (541) 346-0116. Fee: Free.

several of the activities we have incorporated into our curriculum, and provide resources for educators who wish
to incorporate our activities into their
own courses.
Nano FFF & SP-ICP-MS. Tuesday,
March 24, noon to 6:00 PM, and
Wednesday, March 25, noon to
6:00 PM, Colorado School of Mines.
Sponsored by PerkinElmer and Colorado
School of Mines. This hands-on work-

shop will allow researchers to learn

from the experts on single particle-ICPMS and field flow fractionation (FFF)
technologies in a working laboratory
setup. Learn more and register at

COACh-the-COAChes. Saturday, March

21, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Grand Hyatt

Denver, Mt. Wilson. Sponsored by
COACh. This workshop is designed
for women faculty who are interested
in being trained to offer COACh workshops to graduate students and postdoctoral associates at their academic
institution and/or regional professional
meetings and who have attended
COACh workshops in the past. This
session will be a refresher of the
negotiation and communication skills
taught in faculty COACh workshops
and also cover interview techniques,
CV and website building, and effective
scientific presentation. Participants
will need to attend the full day of activities from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The
traditional COACh reception will follow
the days activities. Participants must
have attended a COACh workshop previously. Apply at: coach.uoregon.edu.
For more information, contact Priscilla
Lewis: [email protected]; phone:
541-346-0116. Fee: Free.
COAChing Strong Women in the Art
of Strategic PersuasionSenior
Faculty. Saturday, March 21, 8:30 AM

to 4:30 PM, Grand Hyatt Denver, Mt.

COAChing Strong Women in the Art of
Strategic PersuasionJunior Faculty.

Saturday, March 21, 8:30 AM to 5:00

Improv Training. Sunday, March 22.

9:00 AM to noon and 1:30 to 4:00
PM, The Curtis Hotel, Training Rooms
1 thru 4. Sponsored by Society Communications. $10 per session. Catalyze your communication skills at this
improv sesson with trainers from the
acclaimed Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. Youll learn how
to connect with the audience and
create effective delivery that will captivate and inform. Whether youre new
to communicating or want to pick up
some new tips, this workshop is for
Scale Interventions for Lecture &
Laboratory Monday, March 23, 9:00

AM to noon, Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Court 2. Sponsored by the

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

According to AAAS and NRC, an important component of a students science

literacy is scale and concepts relating
to scale. We have created both lecture
and laboratory instructional materials,
which can easily be incorporated into
any general chemistry course, on the
subject of scale and the skills related
to understanding quantity within chemistry concepts. At this workshop, we
will present the continuing results of
our experiments on scale, share how
we measure the scale knowledge of
our students, introduce and describe

home for career services, leadership
development, in-person and online professional education, and market intelligence resources. We offer comprehensive and easily identified tools that
allow you to achieve your career goals
by landing a new job, finding a new
career path, or comparing your salary
and viewing current trends in the field
to make better-informed decisions.
Opportunities abound at the ACS
national meeting in Denver to take
advantage of the many resources and
tools the ACS Career Navigator offers
to help you succeed in the global scientific enterprise. Are you ready to get
started? Refresh skills and branch into
new areas of emerging science and


advanced applications with a short

course or with an ACS Leadership
Development Systems course that
gives you skills that can be immediately applied in school or on the job.
If you are an ACS member, stop by
the ACS Career Fair in the convention
center and speak to a personal career
consultant. In short, whatever your
career goals, the ACS Career Navigator
is here to help you achieve and exceed
them. Well see you in Denver.


1-D & 2-D NMR Spectroscopy: Structure Determination of Small-Molecule

Organic Compounds, March 2021
Practical & Applied Gas
Chromatography, March 2021

1-D & 2-D NMR Spectroscopy: Structure Determination of Small-Molecule

Organic Compounds, March 2021

Leading Without Authority. Sunday,

March 22, 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Weve
all been in situations where we are
leading projects or teams and need
to direct everyones effort but dont
have complete control of the projects resources, including the people.
Learn practical tools to help you gain
cooperation without formal authority
and motivate your colleagues or volunteers.

Dispersions in Liquids: Suspensions,

Emulsions & Foams, March 2223

Engaging Colleagues in Dialogue.


Experimental Design for Productivity

& Quality in Research & Development,

March 2022

REFRESH YOUR SKILLS or branch into

new areas with an ACS short course.

Held in conjunction with ACS national
meeting in Denver, courses taught by
our expert instructors give you the
opportunity to stay on top of new technology, growing trends in the industry,
and the skills you need to advance
your career. ACS member, advanced
registration, and group discount rates
are available. A course fee and registration separate from the national
meeting are required. For more information on ACS Short Courses in Denver or to register, visit www.proed.acs.
org/denver. If you have questions, call
202-872-4508, fax 202-872-6336, or
e-mail [email protected].


Polymer Science & Technology,

March 2021
Surfactants & Block Copolymers,

March 22

Effective Supervision of Scientists

& the Technical Staff, March 2021
Effective Technical Writing, March

Project Management for Technical
Professionals, March 2021
Write Your Own Patent Applications,

half-day course, March 22

Intellectual Property Strategies for
Technical Professions, half-day course,

March 22


WHAT: Certification exams of the
National Registry of Certified
WHEN: Sunday, March 22, 8:00 AM
to noon
WHERE: Embassy Suites Denver
Downtown, Rexford Room
HOW: Advance registration and
completion (with approval)
of application must be done
before March 2. Applications
may be downloaded from

of $150 each for ACS members and

$300 each for nonmembers. Register
for these courses when you register
for the meeting. For more information and full course descriptions, visit

Methods Development, Validation

Procedures & Regulatory Compliance
Issues, March 2021

WHETHER YOU are a manager, expe-

rienced professional, or new to the

workforce, we invite you to attend
an ACS Leadership Development
Systems course held at the ACS
national meeting. The following fourhour facilitated courses require a fee

Monday, March 23, 8:00 AM to noon.

Communication underlies everything
we do and has a direct correlation to
the success of a project. It is one of
the most important skills we need
to be successful in school, on the
job, and in volunteer situations. This
hands-on, interactive course helps
develop your one-to-one communication skills. You will learn how to
improve both sides of the communication exchange: first, working to understand how to better communicate your
messages and second, working on listening and acknowledging others messages. You will have an opportunity to
assess your own communication skills
through conversations with colleagues.
Coaching & Feedback. Monday,
March 23, 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Most
managers will tell you that coaching
is important, and yet they avoid actually coaching anyone. Some who try
find it harder than expected. The reason? Most managers lack the skills
and confidence to be effective in the
coaching role. But good coaching is
central to your success as a leader
and to the success of your team members, employees, and volunteers on
ACS committees. Coaching will help
you increase performance, expand
your teams capabilities, and improve
relationships and morale. This course
provides leaders with a proven process, practical tools, and a hands-on
opportunity to coach volunteers and
employees more effectively.


Strategic Planning. Tuesday,

March 24, 8:00 AM to noon. Of the
various responsibilities of a leader,
none is more critical than setting goals
and direction. Whether you are leading
at the level of a local section, division,
or national committee, your members
look to you to establish the strategic
plan that will guide the groups activities. This course will help you improve
your understanding of the planning
process while giving you the opportunity to start developing a strategic
plan that aligns with the ACS Board of
Directors strategic goals.
Fostering Innovation. Tuesday,

March 24, 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Keeping

pace in an environment of constant
change requires continuous innovation. Whether you are in a nonprofit,
business, or academic environment,
the ability to contribute to the creation
of new ideas, new processes, and new
approaches is a key to personal and
organizational success. But coming up
with new ideas is challenging, and few
of us have the tools and skills. This
course teaches a proven, systematic
process to generate ideas. You will
gain understanding and tools to help
you tap into your own innovation style
and learn how to stimulate innovative
thinking among team members and


JOB SEEKERS, are you looking to jumpstart your job search or enhance your
professional development? Employers,
are you looking to hire scientists and
engineers? Then you need to attend
the ACS Career Fair, open Sunday,
March 22, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM; Monday, March 23; 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM;
Tuesday, March 24, 9:00 AM to 5:00
PM; and Wednesday, March 25, 8:30
AM to 12:30 PM (workshops only)
in the Colorado Convention Center.
The Virtual Career Fair will be held on
March 23 and 24, 8:00 AM to 6:00
PM (central time). Whether on-site
or online, the career fair is the place
where the best talent and the best
employers in chemistry meet.


CAREER GOALS. ACS will help you pre-

pare for your next career move by providing resources that make it possible
to map out your personal job search
strategy, strengthen your rsum, and
build your interview skills, all with the
support of career consultants. During
the career fair, participants can take
full advantage of the following:
Networking opportunities



career consulting

practice and skills building

than 30 career-related work-


speakers presented live and

via webcast


live and virtual interviews

excel. At our last event, approximately

1,000 global job seekersfrom recent
grads to seasoned professionals
met with on-site and virtual recruiters
seeking to fill positions in all facets of
chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
The ACS Careers Jobs Database can
help manage your employer account,
post jobs, search for qualified candidates, and schedule career fair interviews. Moreover, participating in the
ACS Career Fair enables you to accomplish the following:
Connect with top talent via on-site
and online interviews.
Screen candidates and make
appointments in advance.

the personnel your company

needs to thrive, from entry- to executive-level positions.

On-site job seekers must be ACS members, be registered for the national
meeting, and complete career fair registration at www.acs.org/careers (pick
up a career fair registration badge
beginning Sunday, March 22).



SEARCH! The virtual portion of the


FORCES. Employers can purchase

ACS Career Fair eliminates geographical barriers, enabling job seekers and
employers to connect with each other
from their home, from their office,
or from the dedicated computer stations at the meeting. Interviews and
informal discussions will take place in
virtual booths via text or video chat.
Additionally, job seekers can schedule
time with ACS career consultants for
one-on-one consultations and attend
live events via webcast. In todays
tough economy, it makes good sense
to enhance your job search by participating fully in both the on-site and
online ACS career fairs. Register at
Please note: We cannot guarantee
that you will secure interviews at the
ACS Career Fair or online at the Virtual
Career Fair. Interviewing is strictly contingent on the availability of positions
and the credentials and qualifications
that employers are seeking.

employers around the world trust and

depend on ACS to provide them with
the talent they need to innovate and

qualified candidates informally

via on-site and online networking


your presence for 30 days

after the career fair via the ACS jobs
database and your virtual booth.

booth space inside the exposition hall,

enabling your company to maximize
its ability to showcase products and
services and connect with job seekers. Employers can sign up for the
ACS Career Fair Recruiters Row package by contacting Garretta Rollins
at 800-227-5558 ext. 6209 (U.S./
Canada only), 202-872-6209 (international), or e-mail [email protected].
Employers will receive an e-mail
confirmation and must visit the ACS
Career Fair Information Booth in the
Convention Center to pick up their
blue badge. For more information,
please visit www.acs.org/careerfair.
You can also contact Garretta Rollins
at 800-227-5558 ext. 6209 (U.S./
Canada only), 202-872-6209 (international), or e-mail [email protected].

Individual 30-minute appointments

with career consultants are available both on-site and online. These
consults can help you strengthen
your rsum, improve your interviewing skills, and design a job search or
comprehensive professional growth


strategy. Please bring a copy of your

rsum or CV to all appointments.
All one-on-one on-site career consulting sessions will take place in the
Rsum Review/Mock Interview area.
Sign-up begins at 9:00 AM on Sunday,
March 22, on a first-come, first-served

career-related workshops will help you

with everything from your rsum to
optimizing job performance to how to
ace an interview. Workshop times are
subject to change. Please consult the
online workshop schedule at www.acs.
org/careerfair for location.
Acing the Interview, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM; 1:30 to 5:30 PM

New Technology To Find Jobs & Manage Your Career, 10:00 to 11:30 AM
Soups to Nuts of Entrepreneurship,

noon to 1:30 PM
Foreign National Scientist Obtaining
a Job in the U.S., 1:30 to 3:00 PM
Finding your Path, 1:30 to 5:30 PM
Working in Industry, 1:30 to 5:30 PM
Writing Excellent Proposals, 3:30 to

5:00 PM
Working for Yourself, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM
Working in Government, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM
Working in Higher Education, 8:30 AM

to 12:30 PM
Acing the Interview, 1:30 to 5:30 PM
Finding Your Path, 1:30 to 5:30 PM
Working in Industry, 1:30 to 5:30 PM

Acing the Interview, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM
Finding Your Path, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM
Working in Industry, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM

Working in Government, 1:30 to

5:30 PM
Working in Higher Education, 1:30 to

5:30 PM
Working for Yourself, 1:30 to 5:30 PM

Acing the Interview, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM
Finding Your Path, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM
Working in Industry, 8:30 AM to

12:30 PM


sition at the Colorado Convention

Center, Halls A/F, from Sunday, March
22, through Tuesday, March 24. The
show hours will be Sunday, 6:00 to
8:30 PM, and Monday and Tuesday,
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Companies will showcase services,
instruments, books, computer hardware, scientific software, and an array
of chromatographic, lab, and safety
equipment. Technical personnel will
be available to give demonstrations,
answer questions, and discuss your
specific needs and interests. You
can also visit the ACS Career Fair
Recruiters Row inside the exposition
where employers will showcase their
products and services. Also, join us
at the ACS Booth in the middle of
the exposition floor where ACS staff
units will present the many benefits,
services, products, and merchandise
offered by ACS.
Online Exposition. The Online
Exposition is a component within
the Exhibitor Directory that enables
attendees to view videos, press
releases, brochures, and flyers of
participating exhibitors. Access the
Online Exposition at www.acs.org/
denver2015 to learn more about
exhibiting companies and to download product information that meets
your needs.
Free Exhibitor Workshops. Free
workshops will be hosted by exhibitors on the exposition floor and in

private rooms inside the Colorado

Convention Center. These workshops
will introduce new products and services, build skills with specific tools
and techniques, and highlight innovative applications that may improve
your productivity. Exhibitor workshop
registration is now available at www.
Presentations, Prizes & Special
Events. Visit the Daily Prize Raffle

area on Sunday through Tuesday

for a chance to win a prize. Then
automatically be entered in our special prize giveaway Sunday through
Tuesday after being scanned by 20
exhibitors. Dont forget to join us on
Sunday from 6:00 to 8:30 PM for the
Attendee Welcome Reception. Also,
visit the Networking Lounge inside
the exposition for poster sessions
and to connect with colleagues.
Internet & Technology. Use free
Internet access and leave messages
for one another at the Meeting Mail
terminals located inside the Networking Lounge. Enjoy free Wi-Fi service
at designated areas in the Colorado
Convention Center.
Admission Requirements & ExpoOnly Registration. Exposition admis-

sion is complimentary for all national

meeting registrants; however, you
are required to wear your badge. Individuals who want to visit the exhibits
without registering for the technical
component of the national meeting
can obtain an expo-only badge for
$60. Students with school identification can obtain an expo-only badge
for $30. Registration can be handled
online, by mail, or in person at ACS
Attendee Registration, Colorado Convention Center, Lobby A/F.



free education sessions for attendees

that will introduce new products and
services, build skills with specific tools
and techniques, and highlight innovative
applications for existing instrumentation. Visit www.acs.org/denver2015
to register for workshops.


Characterizing Structure & Chemistry
of Functional Nanomaterials. Sponsor:

FEI Co., 3:30 to 6:00 PM, Colorado

Convention Center, Room 103. The
development of technologies for efficient resource usage, energy conversion, transportation, or environmental
protection relies heavily on advances
in developing new and improved nanostructures and nanomaterials. Characterization on length scales down to
subnanometer and focus on structural
evolution with the link to the nanomaterials performance play a crucial role
in obtaining detailed knowledge about
the relationship between structure,
unique property, and function in these
systems of reduced dimensions. In this
workshop, we will profile use cases in
catalyst development and polymer engineering and take you through different
electron microscopy characterization
methods and routines that will enable
you to get more insights into structure and chemistry of your functional

Innovative Technologies To Engage

Your Students Learning Experience.
Sponsor: McGraw-Hill Higher Education,

9:30 AM to noon, Colorado Convention

Center, Room 103.
9:30 AM Flipping the Classroom. Presenter: Dana Quirk Dorr, Minnesota
State University, Mankato. The flipped
classroom model has become one of
the hottest topics in the higher education space in recent years thanks to a
real improvement in technology and an
overall change in scholarly mind-set.
Learn about strategies and tools available to help you flip.
11:00 AM Teaching Organic Chemistry in the 21st Century: The Rewards
of Technology. Presenters: Philip A.

Janowicz, California State University,

Fullerton, and Michael Lewis, St. Louis
University. Organic chemistry students
are performing better using online
homework. Janowicz will talk more in
depth about his study on ACS exam
scores for students who completed
online homework versus those who
completed written homework. Lewis will
discuss how to flip an organic chemistry classroom.
Driving Separations Success. Sponsor:

Spectroscopy Simplified: How To Run
a Research FTIR. Sponsor: Thermo

Scientific, 9:30 AM to noon, Colorado

Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F,
Exhibitor Workshop Room 1. This
workshop will demonstrate the power
and flexibility of the Thermo Scientific
Nicolet iS50 FTIR spectrometer system
and its unique capabilities to simplify
its operation down to the touch of a
button. The Nicolet iS50 research FTIR
spectrometer system was designed to
meet the needs of a dynamic research
laboratory, providing the capability to
configure the system with a number
of spectral ranges, beam paths, and
accessories. With this versatility, most
users will assume the software will
then be complicated to operate, requiring dedicated operators to maximize
the productivity of the system. Yet with
the unique touchpoint operation of the
iS50, most system capabilities can be
used with just the push of a button.

Waters Corp., 9:30 AM to noon, Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit Halls

A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2.
9:45 AM Part 1: Meeting the Chal-

to your lab, as well as details and tips

for refining and using your results with
powerful features such as relevance
ranking, experimental procedure information, and SciPlanner.
Protecting Our Natural Resources
with GC/MS & LC/MS from Thermo
Fisher Scientific. Sponsor: Thermo

Scientific, 12:30 to 3:00 PM, Colorado

Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F,
Exhibitor Workshop Room 2. Our natural resources are a precious commodity, and keeping them clean and pure
can be a daunting task. This workshop
will highlight two technologies from
Thermo Fisher that are used to help
ensure that the world is a cleaner,
safer, and healthier place.
12:30 PM Learn how you can
access the next evolution of GC/
MS/MS technology to achieve more
at faster speeds. This means more
capacity, more information, more compounds, and more results per unit time
for higher levels of productivity and efficiency in analytical workflows.
1:45 PM Significant advances in
triple-quadrupole technologies have
resulted in two state-of-the-art, nextgeneration instruments. See details
of the groundbreaking advances from
an ions view, and hear about transformations in your targeted quantitative

lenges of Food Quality Control Using

UPLC. Focusing on UPLC for food test-

Innovative Technologies To Engage

Your Students' Learning Experience.

ing using optical (non-MS) detectors

and MS detectors, this session will
cover applications including quality
and nutrition: sweeteners, soft drink
additives, amino acids, dairy (whey proteins, sugars, vitamins, preservatives),
and safety: PAHs and aflatoxins.

Sponsor: McGraw-Hill Higher Education,

12:30 to 3:00 PM, Colorado Convention Center, Room 103.

11:00 AM Part 2: Driving LC Success:

Technical Seminar: Systematic Protocol.
This technical seminar will teach a systematic protocol that can alleviate challenges in method development. This
generic protocol will lead you toward
successful and robust chromatographic

1:00 PM Moving Beyond Traditional

Homework with ALEKS. Presenter:
Tracy McGill, Emory University. Are you
struggling to find which adaptive online
learning system is right for you? McGill
will share why ALEKS for Chemistry is
the perfect choice for her and her students. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine
exactly what a student knows and
doesnt know in a course.
2:30 PM Revolutionizing the Lab

SciFinder Training Session System

with the Touch of a Button. Spon-

Experience: LearnSmart Labs for General Chemistry. Presenters: Deborah

sor: CAS, 12:30 to 3:00 PM, Colorado

Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F,
Exhibitor Workshop Room 1. Come
learn about how SciFinder brings data

Exton, University of Oregon, and Jimmy

Reeves, University of North Carolina,
Wilmington. LearnSmart Labs provides
an adaptive, interactive, and personal-


ized lab experience that encourages

students to theorize and experiment
like scientists do. In the realistic LearnSmart Labs environment, students can
practice the scientific method, safely
develop and test hypotheses, and think
critically about their findings before
ever setting foot in a physical lab.
Online Homework with Targeted
Instructional Feedback Leads to
Improved Student Learning Outcomes. Sponsor: Sapling Learning,

3:30 to 6:00 PM, Colorado Convention

Center, Room 103. Sapling Learning
delivers online homework that engages
students and empowers educators.
Still, homework is only one piece of a
full course solution. In this workshop,
hear about the various ways that
Sapling Learning provides or enables
educators to select the best course
materials for them. Whether you use a
printed textbook, lecture slides, open
educational resources, or some combination thereof, you can learn how to
provide a unified learning experience
for your students. Youll learn about
the suite of options from Sapling
Learning and our partners and how
to incorporate them into a seamless
learning experience. Our discussion will
include used textbooks and instructorgenerated content, and you will hear
from faculty who are successfully
implementing these varied resources.
Each attendee will receive a free copy
of the eTextbook Chemistry, by John
Olmsted and Greg Williams.
SciFinder Training Session System
with the Touch of a Button. Sponsor:

CAS, 9:30 AM to noon, Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1. See SciFinder
Training for Monday, 12:30 to 3:00 PM.
A Survey of Accelerated Materials
Research Using Raman Microscopy &
Imaging. Sponsor: Thermo Scientific,

9:30 AM to noon, Colorado Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F, Exhibitor

Workshop Room 2. Raman spectroscopy is essential to competitive
academic research in many applied
scientific disciplines, including materials science, life sciences research,
and chemical and biological engineering. Advances in Raman microscopy

and imaging have made the technique accessible to a wide variety of

researchers, regardless of expertise or
field of study.
A case study showing how one leading research university has transformed
its approach to research, including
obtaining results faster, increasing the
number and quality of publications,
and improving funding successes,
will be shared. See examples of current research using advanced Raman
microscopy, which has been designed
for greater accessibility and significantly enhanced productivity than previously possible.

reaction kinetics, thermodynamics,

and pathways is a standard part of
any undergraduate organic chemistry
curriculum. Having hands-on access
for the student to measure reaction
mechanics in real time in the laboratory may give them insights not previously available in the classroom alone.
This workshop will demonstrate a new
capability of the Thermo Scientific
picoSpin NMR spectrometer to intelligently measure reaction pathways from
a reactor in real time. Watch products
form in increasing concentration, right
next to the apparatus.

Analysis of Polymers by Vibrational

Spectroscopy & Microscopy. Sponsor:

Advances in Atomic & Molecular

Spectroscopy. Sponsor: Agilent Tech-

Bruker, 12:30 to 3:00 PM, Colorado

Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F,
Exhibitor Workshop Room 2. The latest
advances in FTIR and Raman instrumentation and applications will be
reviewed, with a thorough discussion of
the following topics: polymers identification and classification, additives and
contaminations, fast reaction monitoring, defects analysis using vibrational
microscopy, chemical imaging, and
depth profiling.

nologies, 12:30 to 3:00 PM, Colorado

Convention Center, Room 103. Recent
innovation in FTIR, atomic spectroscopy, and elemental analysis (including
ICP/MS) technology has allowed for
more sensitive, accurate, and flexible
measurements of organic and inorganic
materials. This workshop will focus on
two main techniques, FTIR and atomic

Compact Mass Spectrometry: A Swiss

Army Knife Approach to Chemistry
Challenges. Sponsor: Advion, 9:30 AM

to noon, Colorado Convention Center,

Room 103. Chemists ask many questions that each require a different
approach. Advion offers a compact
mass spectrometer that couples to
any range of techniques to provide
chemists with a complete answer to
the questions they ask. This workshop
will show examples using a direct
sample analysis approach valuable to
reaction monitoring, compound identification, natural product analysis, and
food safety. Attendees who wish to
learn more about an affordable mass
spectrometer that does not require
sample prep, has an easy user interface (including TLC and Direct Sample
Analysis Probe), and offers answers in
less than a minute are encouraged to
Intelligent Real-Time Reaction
Monitoring in the Fume Hood Using
Benchtop NMR. Sponsor: Thermo Sci-

entific, 12:30 to 3:00 PM, Colorado

Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A/F,
Exhibitor Workshop Room 1. Teaching

12:30 to 1:30 PM Innovations in

FTIR: How New Technology Is Changing
Infrared Analysis

1:45 to 2:45 PM New Elemental

Analysis Solutions and Advanced Applications Using Next-Generation MP/AES,

Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry Tips, Tricks & Advanced Techniques. Sponsor: Agilent Technologies,

3:30 to 6:00 PM, Colorado Convention

Center, Room 103. Stay up to date on
the latest technology and applications
using HPLC, LC/MS, GC, and GC/MS.
This workshop will focus on implementing 2-D HPLC and other advanced HPLC
techniques in your lab, ion mobility
qTOF for advanced molecular analysis,
and improving GC/MS capability using
some new tips and tricks.
3:30 to 4:15 PM Demystifying 2-D
HPLC: Techniques You Can Use Tomorrow

4:15 to 5:00 PM Advantages of Ion

Mobility qTOF for Characterization of
Large Biological Molecules

5:00 to 5:45 PM GC/MS: Advanced

Topics and Helpful Tips & Tricks


New Developments in Isothermal
Titration Calorimetry from MicroCal. Sponsor: Malvern Instruments,

9:30 AM to noon, Colorado Convention

Center, Room 103. Measurements and
characterization of binding interactions
between proteins and low-molecularweight (LMW) ligands are fundamental
for drug discovery. Among the most
recognized challenges in characterizing
binding interactions are the need to
(1) accurately assess a wide span of
binding affinities (Kd) and (2) accurately
rank and characterize LMW ligands
based on affinity, mechanism of action,
and energetics of interaction. Reliable
interpretation of binding data can be
complicated by the presence of inactive
protein fractions or inaccurate assessment of protein concentration. Assessment of these data can be further
hampered by inherent uncertainty in
the concentration of compound stocks.

This uncertainty results from inaccurate measurement, limited solubility,

or potential chemical heterogeneity of
the compounds, such as the presence
of enantiomers and isomers. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) directly
measures heat released or absorbed
in a binding event, providing means for
studying protein-small molecule interactions in solution without the need for
labeling or immobilization.
This workshop will present the new
developments in highly sensitive MicroCal ITC instrumentation and data analysis. We will discuss the improvements
in data quality that enable increased
confidence when analyzing challenging data with low heats when sample
is precious or low concentrations are
required to accurately quantitate lownanomolar-affinity interactions. We
will present the new developments
in MicroCal ITC software that allow
automated data analysis, minimizing
analysis time and user subjectivity in

assessing data quality.

Designing Inhibitors with MOE
Structure-Based Drug Design Tools.
Sponsor: Chemical Computing Group,
3:30 to 6 PM, Colorado Convention
Center, Room 103. This workshop covers the application of in silico structure-based drug design (SBDD) tools
for the rational design of Tarceva-based
EGFR kinase inhibitors. Starting with
raw PDB protein-ligand 3-D structures,
all the steps required to initiate and
advance an SBDD study are covered:
preparing PDB structures for modeling,
binding pocket visualization, proteinligand contact analysis, and the use
of SAR for in situ modeling (modifying
and optimizing ligands in the binding
pocket) to design new compounds.
Advanced topics such as pharmacophore query generation, protein-ligand
docking, protein alignments for bindingsite comparison, and in situ combinatorial synthesis will also be covered.


Spring 2015




The ACS Publications Magazine

Carolyn Bertozzi and

ACS Central Science:






Meet the newest ACS EICs

Learn 3 ways

Check out some brief Q&As with these

new Editors at 6 ACS journals.

to tweet and post your way to greater

success for your research.


C&ENs new
Editor looks ahead

Most cited journals

The most recent citation data on the
journals of the ACS.

Were already doing excellent work,

says Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo.
But we can do even better.


Its all about the resources

Resources todays students and scientists

need are at the ACS booth.

Taking center stage

D Carolyn Bertozzi
an ACS Central
are ready to
ro the world of science.


Feeling out of compliance?

ACS has the programs to help authors
meet funders open access requirements.

ACS Publications

Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most Read.



Joe Graham & Selenah Njoloma

Surface2 Design


JNai Baylor, Melissa Blaney, Andrew Clinton, Shayla Jackson, Renee John, Jamie Liu, Kelley Maddox,
Annie Reed, Liesa Ross, Freddy Tellez, Angela Walker, Erin Wiringi, Mike Woodru, Wendy Wise

Questions or comments for the Editor

[email protected]

2 / The ACS Publications Magazine

Meet the new Editors-in-Chief

Thomas F. Hofmann, Ph.D.

Thomas F. Hofmann is professor and chair of Food Chemistry

and Molecular Sensory Science and Vice President for Research
& Innovation at the Technische Universitt Mnchen in
Q: How does research in your journals area aect peoples
everyday lives?

TH: Primary agriculture and food production are facing

limiting factors for key resources like land, water, energy, and
inputs. On the other hand, the world faces a double burden
of undernutrition and obesity. New procedures and products
originating from sustainable agriculture to be used as food,
feed, green biomaterials, or biofuel as well as new energyefficient engineering solutions designed to deliver affordable,
safe, nutritional, and tasty foods and beverages will have to be
developed to better serve the coming needs of society and to
create economic impact along the value chain. New knowledge
on the chemistry and biochemistry involved is key for success
and thats why the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
is on the spot! I will do my very best to maintain JAFC as the
premier journal publishing these scientic innovations.
Go to pubs.acs.org/jafc for more information

Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Ph.D.

Sharon Hammes-Schiffer is Swanlund Professor of Chemistry

at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Q: What are you most looking forward to about this new position?
SHS: I am looking forward to enhancing the topical diversity,
visibility, and educational impact, while also retaining the
comprehensive and accessible nature of the review articles in
this journal. I plan to pursue several initiatives that will help
achieve these goals. From a personal perspective, I am looking
forward to interacting with chemists from all disciplines and
learning about exciting new areas of chemistry.
Q: How does research in your journals area aect peoples
everyday lives?
SHS: This journal serves as an educational tool for students
and scientists entering new elds. The articles have both
short-term and long-term impact. My own son, who is a junior
chemical engineering major at Princeton, just told me that he
used a Chemical Review from 1997 as the main source for his
presentation on phage display for a course. My students have
also used Chemical Reviews to learn about new topics.
Go to pubs.acs.org/cr for more information


Paul J. Chirk, Ph.D.

Paul J. Chirik is the Edward S. Sanford Professor at

Princeton University.
Q: How did you first become interested in your journals area
of focus?

PC: My interest in organometallic chemistry began during my

freshman year at Virginia Tech. I was fascinated by Professor
Joseph Merolas work on iridium compounds that seemed to
be able to activate and break some of the strongest bonds in
chemistry. Despite my inexperience, he allowed me to work in
his lab, gave me my own project, and the rest is history.
Q: What are you most looking forward to about this new position?
PC: I am looking forward to having Organometallics serve as the
focal point for a vibrant, diverse, and collegial community. As
Editor-in-Chief, I hope to meet new organometallic chemists
from around the globe, learn about their science, and capture the
best of it in the journal. I am also looking forward to maintaining
the great tradition of excellence established by my predecessors,
Dietmar Seyferth and John Gladysz.
Q: Whats something about your journals focus area that most
people dont understand?
PC: Most people dont realize that organometallic compounds
operate behind the scenes to enable our quality of life. In
addition to helping discover new medicines, organometallic
compounds are responsible for making plastics that are
ubiquitous in our daily lives, serve as precursors for electronics,
and are even found in the body, such as vitamin B-12.
Go to pubs.acs.org/organometallics for more information

4 / The ACS Publications Magazine

David L. Sedlak, Ph.D.

David L. Sedlak is Malozemoff Professor in Mineral

Engineering, Co-director of Berkeley Water Center, and
Director of the Institute for Environmental Science and
Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
Q: How did you first become interested in your journals area
of focus?
DS: I rst became aware of the eld of environmental chemistry
as I became interested in addressing problems associated with
contamination of groundwater and soil at hazardous waste
sites. As my awareness of the topic grew, I became aware of
Environmental Science & Technology and its role as the leading
journal in the eld. ES&T was the journal where I published my
rst paper in 1990 and I have been publishing there ever since.
Q: What are your goals as Editor-in-Chief?
DS: We are proud of our reputation as the most read and most
cited journal covering the environment. But bibliographic
indicators will not save the planet. As Editor-in-Chief, I
will work with the editorial team to leverage our standing as
the leading environmental research journal to become the
authoritative voice for advancing solutions to the environmental
challenges facing society.
Go to pubs.acs.org/est and pubs.acs.org/estlett
for more information

Kai Rossen, Ph.D.

Kai Rossen is group leader at Sano in Germany.

Q: How does research in your journals area aect peoples
everyday lives?

KR: Organic Process Research & Development has a very

concrete and relevant inuence on the lives of people.
Unfortunately, this is seen only when things go wrong and
an accident at a plant injures people or waste from a plant is
polluting the environment. This context makes it very difficult
to have a discussion with the public, as a perception is created
that is simply wrong: the physician is saving the life of the
patient, while the chemist in the pharmaceutical industry that
gives the physicians the tools to do so is not seen as positive. I
am aware that technical journals speak primarily to a closed
audience and don't tend to reach the public, but it is important
to tell the positive and relevant examples of our work to get
the message of our positive contributions for the well-being of
mankind across also to the general public.
Q: What are your goals as Editor-in-Chief?
KR: This is very simple: try to convey the excitement for the
type of work ongoing in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical,
avor and fragrance, and ne-chemical and chemical industries,
and its relationship with exciting new developments in
various elds of science and engineering, to a new and younger
generation of scientists from all over the world.

Francoise Winnik, Ph.D.

Francoise Winnik is Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy and

Department of Chemistry at the University of Montreal,
Canada; Principal Investigator, International Center for
Materials Nanoarchitectonics at the National Institute
for Materials Science in Tsukuba, Japan; and Finnish
Distinguished Professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Q: What are your goals as Editor-in-Chief?
DS: Langmuir is a multidisciplinary journal. Its authors
and readers are spread throughout the world. It is time to
strengthen the ties of Langmuir with its readers, particularly
outside North America, by increasing the number of non-North
American members of the Board and by selecting Senior Editors
worldwide. In addition, it is important to recognize outstanding
research as it appears in Langmuir. Immediacy is key. Instant
recognition by a journal creates a permanent bond between the
author and the journal. Excellent articles published in Langmuir
must be promoted among ACS readers and beyond. A related
objective, probably even more important, will be to reach out to
scientists who are no longer submitting their manuscripts to
Langmuir and to those who have not published in Langmuir
so far.
Go to pubs.acs.org/langmuir for more information

Go to pubs.acs.org/oprd for more information


New Editor-in-Chief looks ahead

Bibiana Campos-Seijo seeks to make the best even better
When asked what challenges she faces for the upcoming year,
Bibiana Campos-Seijo, Ph.D., admits that it will be a challenge
to improve upon the number-one magazine in the chemical
sciences. Were already doing excellent work, she says. But
we can do even better.
Campos-Seijo took the helm in December 2014 as editorin-chief of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) and VP of
C&EN Media Group. She plans to continue and expand the
magazines outreach in the year ahead.
First, shes hoping to lead the redesign of both the print and
web magazine. Both projects are in their early stages. She also
wants to improve C&ENs impact on social media and develop
more high-quality multimedia content, including videos,
webinars, and Google Hangouts.

Researchers depend on us to
curate science from around
the world and deliver it in an
intuitive, user-friendly way.
Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo
She wants to create a cohesive family of products among
all C&EN content. Many of our members read our print
magazine, but dont know about our digital channels,
Campos-Seijo says. Others may read us online, but dont know
how our different products relate. We want to take a close look
at all of our content and make sure products complement one
another and share a consistent look and feel.
Campos-Seijo also champions what she calls an
entrepreneurial approach to journalism. Researchers
depend on us to curate science from around the world and
deliver it in an intuitive, user-friendly way. This means
listening and adapting not just to the types of content readers
want to see, but how they want it presented. A priority for
the website redesign will be to implement responsive design,
which will ensure a good experience across all devices.
All of this is part of C&ENs digital-rst approach designed to
keep readers informed on the latest research news. Although
C&ENs print magazine is published weekly, new content hits
its website (cen.acs.org) every day. Campos-Seijo says that
while theres no typical day at C&EN, daily editorial meetings
are what make always-current web content possible.

Bibiana Campos -Seijo, Ph.D.

Making chemistry more accessible to all

Campos-Seijo also recognizes that she is leading C&EN at a
critical time. Science awareness and interest are entering the
mainstream in new and surprising ways: go to a restaurant,
and you might see a dish inspired by molecular gastronomy.
Turn on the television and watch entertainers like Bill Nye
the Science Guy make science fun. Actor Alan Alda is helping
researchers better communicate their work to the public. And
traveling science festivals and workshops are teaching kids
about everything from climate science to computer code.
In other words, science is quite hot right now, CamposSeijo says.
Quenching the worlds thirst for science is part of C&ENs
mission, and part of her role as editor-in-chief, Campos-Seijo
says. Its important for us to communicate not just with
ACS members, but also nonmembers. Were ambassadors for

Chemistry and science are not geographically limited.

Theyre universal.
Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo

6 / The ACS Publications Magazine

Working for C&EN is an ambition Ive had for a long time.

Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo
for many years. Working for C&EN is an ambition Ive had for
a long time.
Campos-Seijo replaces Rudy Baum. Her experience makes
her a perfect match for the new position. Having worked for
both societies and commercial organizations, she understands
the importance of building relationships with members and
advertisers alike.
Campos-Seijo, along with her husband and children, relocated
to ACS Washington, D.C. headquarters in November 2014.
One challenge the family faces in their new home, she says, has
been the switch to American English. I think it was George
Bernard Shaw who said that the U.S. and Britain are two
countries divided by a common language, she laughs. Were
denitely nding that to be true.

Its important for us to

communicate not just with
ACS members, but also
nonmembers. Were
ambassadors for chemistry.
Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo
chemistry. So we need to be out there talking to people and
nding out what issues people care about and what support
they need.
To wit: in 2014, C&EN produced From the SCENEs, weekly
stories based on papers in ACS journals; a webinar on the
chemistry of cocktails; and the Chemistry in Pictures blog,
all designed to reach people with different levels of chemistry
knowledge. While C&ENs primary audience remains the
chemical sciences community, new and upcoming initiatives
are designed for accessibility and broad appeal.

A perfect fit
Campos-Seijo (who goes by Bibi) was raised in Galicia,
in northwest Spain. She holds a B.Sc. in chemistry from
Spains University of Santiago de Compostela and Englands
Manchester Metropolitan University and a Ph.D. in chemistry
from Manchester Metropolitan.
She worked as a technical editor and in scientic publishing
after earning her degree. In 2009, she became editor of
Chemistry World, the magazine of the UKs Royal Society of
Chemistry. This was sort of a natural progression for me,
Campos-Seijo says. Ive known and admired ACS and C&EN

The language of science

While words and phrases may differ, Campos-Seijo points out
that the issues facing scientists across countries and cultures
are more alike than different.
We live in a global industry, she says. Scientists can
collaborate more easily than ever before. As a publication, I
think theres a lot we can learn from this. She looks forward
to helping C&EN remain a bridge for science enthusiasts of
all kindsmembers and non-members, professionals and the
publicall around the world.
Chemistry and science are not geographically limited,
Campos-Seijo says. Theyre universal.

Go to cen.acs.org




Seeks your greatest hits in research

Exceptional research
ACS Central Science takes center stagewhile giving your
exceptional research limitless possibilities to inuence and inspire.
In December, ACS Publications began
accepting submissions for ACS Central
Science, a groundbreaking new journal
that promises to elevate the prominence
of chemistry as the discipline to which
all other areas of science are linked.

This open access, multidisciplinary

journal will showcase ultra-high-quality
primary research in chemistry and allied
elds, including biomedicine, energy science, nanotechnology, materials science,
and earth and planetary science. Every
month, issues will include a complement of thought-provoking review and
opinion articles, commentaries, and
interviews. Only 100200 articles will
be published each year, making the
journal ercely selective.

Editor-in-Chief Carolyn Bertozzi, Ph.D.

We want to get people thinking about
the connections between chemistry and
other elds.
As ACS Publications rst completely
open access journal, ACS Central Science
is the centerpiece of the Societys efforts
to redene how the most innovative
research is shared with the world. But
this isnt just about improving access

With ACS Central Science, we have

an opportunity to create a journal
that not only offers exciting primary
research articles,, but that can also
reach out and deliver the message
that chemistry is the central science
to the public at large, says journal

< First, lets set the record straight.

Carolyn Bertoz
Bertozzi did not play guitar in the hardrock-rap band Rage Against the Machine. However,
she did play keyboards
in a band called Bored of
Education wh
while at Harvard with Tom Morello, who
later went on to form and play guitar in Rage
Against the Machine, one of the most popular
and influe
influential bands of the 1990s. In the
tweet a
above, the two former bandmates were
reunited, raising hopes that the band might
re-form a
at a future ACS National Meeting! All
of us at ACS Publ
Publications are glad Dr. Bertozzi chose to
rock our new jou
journal, ACS Central Science.

10 / The ACS Publications Magazine

should have no limits

to research. ACS Publications is also
planning a host of supporting activities
to elevate chemistrys visibility with the
general public.

Improving access to research

Accessibility for the public is a key goal
for ACS Central Science. The editorial
team hopes to accomplish this through
the journals open access status and
engaging front-end material.

As Bertozzi notes, This is benecial to

the research community, but think about
what it means to the general public.
"What if youre a high school science
teacher and you want to assign highlevel research to your students? Now
you can.
The journal will also have a substantive
front section, such as the news and views
included in the cleverly titled First Re-

Removing barriers to publishing

open access
As a key component to ACS Publications open access initiatives, ACS
Central Science does not levy any article
processing fees on authors. Authors
whose papers are selected for publication in ACS Central Science receive an
ACS AuthorChoice license for immediate open availability at no charge.

We want to get people thinking about the

connections between chemistry and other elds.
Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi
As an open access journal, all ACS Central Science content will be accessible by
anyone at any time, free of subscription
charges. Yet the publication will still
offer the same exceptionally high quality
standards and rigorous peer review that
are a signature of all ACS Publications

We want to
help readers
get behind
the scenes of
research and
hear from other
scientists in the
eld about what
it means.

actions, that will include feature stories,

reviews, commentary, interviews, and
more, all designed to complement the
original research. The aim is to create
readable, engaging content that puts the
research in context.
With First Reactions, we will provide
succinct, accessible analysis of the
research, says Kevin Davies, Ph.D., Vice
President of Business Development for
ACS Publications. We want to help
readers get behind the scenes of research and hear from other scientists in
the eld about what it means. It will have
a magazine-like format that accompanies the journals research matter.
ACS Central Science will tap C&EN writers and social media platforms, including
Twitter, Reddit, and Google+, to promote
content and to showcase researchers.
Publishing in ACS Central Science will
give authors the visibility and prestige of
publishing in a world-class, open access
research journal, while offering access
to the promotional powerhouse of the
worlds largest scientic society.

The editorial staff is also committed to

creating a positive experience for authors.
We are committed to fast decisionmaking and turnaround, says Bertozzi.
We are all active researchers who understand the frustrations that can come
with the peer-review process. We are going to provide constructive peer reviews,
limit the number of reviews, and make
decisions quickly and decisively. Thats
not unique to ACS Central Science. ACS
Publications as a whole is committed
to this.

We are
committed to
fast decisionmaking and
Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi

Dr. Kevin Davies

/ 11

is the





Earth and

We envision ACS Central Science

as the primary venue for reporting
the most important advances
in chemistry and in allied elds
wherein chemical concepts and
tools play a major role.
Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi
Engaging the global community
The multidisciplinary nature of the
journal demands an editorial team that
has a global perspective, both in terms
of research interests and geographical location. The selection of Bertozzi
as Editor-in-Chief is instrumental to
fullling this vision, Davies says.
Carolyn is passionate about the interaction of chemistry and other research
disciplines and understands the importance of open access, observes Davies.
Shes going to be a dynamic leader for
the journal. She wants to build a journal
of great international reputation, to
make it a must-read journal of not just
research but also of engaging, accessible
Initially, ve Senior Editors will help
Bertozzi guide the direction of ACS
Central Science. All active researchers,
the Senior Editors represent an impressive array of research backgrounds and

12 / The ACS Publications Magazine

I wanted people who are very broad in

their expertise and research activities
and are highly respected in the community, notes Bertozzi. Because they will

I wanted people
who are very
broad in their
and research
activities and
are highly
respected in the
Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi


shape the journals contents, I wanted

people who would be good stewards of
the whole enterprise. We also needed
global diversity. We wanted people who
are in regions that are rich with topnotch science.
The journals editorial advisory board
is a globally diverse group of active
researchers who are top scientists in
their elds. The boards international
and scientic diversity reects the broad
range of sciences that will be covered in
the journal, which will ensure a fair and
expeditious review of all material.
World-class chemistry and related
sciences are happening all over the
globe, Davies notes. Our intention is
that the board will reect the geographic
strength of science around the world.

Coming soon
ACS Central Science opened for submissions in December, and the initial
response has been extremely positive. Articles will be published on the
journals website shortly after they are
accepted. The rst issue is expected to
be published in Q1 2015.
For updates, visit the ACS Central Science website and follow the journal on
Twitter at @ACSCentSci.
Bertozzis vision for the journal, as well
as submission procedures and a prole
of the Senior Editors, can also be found
on the ACS Central Science website.
Go to pubs.acs.org/centralscience


Carolyn Bertozzi
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of California, Berkeley
Departments of Chemistry and
Molecular and Cell Biology
Dr. Bertozzis work spans a wide range of
technologies and approaches at the interface of chemistry and biology. Her research
focuses on creating new platform technologies for the development of medicines
and diagnostics that will improve human
health; for probing natural biology; and to
develop road maps for creating synthetic
life forms to serve human needs.
She is the T. Z. and Irmgard Chu Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, and
Professor of Chemistry and Molecular
and Cell Biology at University of California, Berkeley; Professor of Molecular and
Cellular Pharmacology at University of
California, San Francisco; Senior Faculty
Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory; and a Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Investigator.
She has served as Co-Director of the
Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute (BNNI) since 2011 and as
Co-Director of the UC Berkeley Chemical
Biology Graduate Program since 2001. She
is co-founder and Chair of the Scientic
Advisory Board of Redwood Bioscience
and serves in a variety of other advisory
roles, including the Research Advisory
Board for GlaxoSmithKline and the Broad
Institute Board of Scientic Counselors.
In April, Dr. Bertozzi will move her lab
to Stanford University, where she will be
Professor of Chemistry and, by courtesy,
of Chemical and Systems Biology. Dr.
Bertozzi will be a founding scientist of
Stanford ChEM-H (Chemistry, Engineering & Medicine for Human Health), a new
initiative chaired by Chaitan Khosla, which
draws together faculty from diverse disciplines with the goal of improving lives.


Christopher Chang
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of California Berkeley
Departments of Chemistry and
Molecular and Cell Biology
Dr. Changs research is at the interface of
inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry,
and chemical and molecular biology. His
research interests include molecular imaging and catalysis applied to neuroscience,
stem cells, cancer, infectious diseases,
renewable energy, and green chemistry.

Ben G. Davis
University of Oxford
Chemistry Research Laboratory
Dr. Davis' research covers organic chemistry and several disciplines within biology.
His interests include synthesis and methodology, inhibitor/probe/substrate design,
biocatalysis, enzymology, biosynthetic
pathway determination, protein engineering, drug delivery, glycobiology, and molecular imaging.

Monica Olvera de la Cruz

Northwestern University
Department of Materials Science
and Engineering
In Dr. Olvera de la Cruzs research, she has
developed theoretical models to determine
the thermodynamics, statistics, and dynamics of macromolecules in complex environments including multicomponent solutions
of heterogeneous synthetic and biological
molecules, and molecular electrolytes.

David A. Tirrell
California Institute of Technology
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Dr. Tirrells research covers biopolymers
and polymers. Specically, his research
uses organic, biological, and materials
chemistry to make new macromolecular
systems of controlled architecture and
novel function.

Dongyuan Zhao
Fudan University
Laboratory of Advanced Materials
Department of Chemistry
Dr. Zhaos research covers materials
science generally, with a focus on the
design, synthesis, assembly, growth, and
properties of materials, including MOFs
and nanomaterials.

/ 13

Are you

of compliance

Heres how ACS Publications helps you go open access and meet funder requirements
with our expanded ACS AuthorChoice and innovative ACS Author Rewards programs
Your research is groundbreaking. Your
article has been accepted by your journal
of choice. So, your work as an author is
done, right? Not quite.
Does your article need to be open
access? Requirements for open access
are not uniform across funding agencies
and institutions. Thats why todays
authors need to know the rules, not just
for their funders and institutions, but
also for their co-authors.
The world is embracing open access,
putting more published, peerreviewed research articles within the
publics reach. While this is a positive
development, it also means authors
are often tasked with additional
responsibilities to ensure they are in
compliance with their funders open
access requirements.

the forefront of the open access world

by offering new options to help authors
negotiate this changing landscape. ACS
AuthorChoice and ACS Author Rewards
are designed to help authors efficiently
and affordably satisfy the open access
requirements of their funders and

accessible and can choose:

ACS AuthorChoice: Your fast and

aordable way to make articles
open access

Signicant discounts are available

for ACS members and authors at
subscribing institutions.

With the expanded ACS AuthorChoice

program, ACS Publications helps
authors meet open access requirements
by offering more exible options,
money-saving discounts, and timesaving
services that simplify compliance.

Authors always have the option of selfdepositing the accepted manuscript (the
post-peer review version, accepted by
the journal, prior to additional editing
and production enhancement by ACS
Publications) to meet open access
requirements. The accepted manuscript
is available through the ACS Paragon
Plus system and there is no cost or fee
for this option.

For a one-time xed fee, the ACS

AuthorChoice program enables authors
to make the nal published article freely

As of January 2014, ACS has moved to

Immediate open availability upon

Open availability 12 months
after publication (ACS
Creative Commons licenses

ACS in harmony with CHORUS initiative

CHORUS, the Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the
United States, oers a suite of services and best practices that
provide a sustainable solution for agencies and publishers to
deliver public access to published articles reporting on funded
research in the United States. The first initiative of CHOR, Inc., a
US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, CHORUS leverages widely
used technology to facilitate a simple compliance process,
optimized search and dashboard services, and multi-party
archiving and preservation capabilities.
Susan King, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of the Journals
Publishing Group at ACS, is helping to lead the eort as the
Chair of the CHOR, Inc. Board of Directors. In addition, Dan
OBrien, Assistant Director of Publishing Technology, and
Dave Martinsen, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Digital Strategy at
ACS, participate in the CHORUS Technical Working Group.
Once again, ACS Publications is at the forefront, working with
publishers and agencies to create a sustainable solution for
researchers to publish their work.
Utilized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in their
PAGES (Public Access Gateway for Energy & Science) discovery

14 / The ACS Publications Magazine

service, CHORUS links users to

published research on participating
publishers websites. ACS Authors have
options to use ACS Author Rewards
and ACS AuthorChoice to enable public
availability of their final published
article on the ACS Publications platform
with related essential context, tools,
Susan King, Ph.D.
and information, either immediately or
12 months after publication.
Our participation in CHORUS is just one more way that
ACS strives to make open access compliance as easy and
streamlined as possible, while helping authors broaden their
exposure in the scientific and public communities, says
Dr. King.

with your funders?

ACS AuthorChoice makes the nal
published article, also known as the
Version of Record, freely available. This
is the professionally edited and typeset
version of the article, with enhanced
functionality, as it appeared in the
ACS journal. Authors who choose ACS
AuthorChoice also gain the advantages
of ACS Certied Deposit.

ACS Certified Deposit: Assisting

authors with managing deposits
ACS Certied Deposit is a program
designed to help authors manage
deposits of ACS AuthorChoice
articles into repositories. Authors who
participate in ACS AuthorChoice and
ACS AuthorChoice+12, or who are
selected for publication in ACS Central
Science or ACS Editors' Choice, are
eligible to receive ACS Certied Deposit
at no charge. ACS also maintains longterm records verifying the deposit of
an article in a repository, and will make
those records available to the authors
of an article published with ACS upon
For more information about ACS
Certied Deposit or to submit a
request, visit http://pubs.acs.org/
page/certied_deposit.html or email
[email protected].

ACS Author Rewards: Helping the

scientific community transition to
open access, while also thanking
authors for their contributions
The ACS Author Rewards program
is another of the four open access
initiatives introduced by ACS
Publications in January 2014. This
$60 million direct-to-author open
access stimulus program is designed
to encourage authors to publish open
access. Under this program, every
corresponding author of a peerreviewed article that was published in
an ACS journal during 2014 received
two ACS Author Rewards worth
$750 each.
The rewards, provided as promotional
codes, can be applied toward any ACS
AuthorChoice license. They can be
used individually on separate articles,
combined, or transferred to a colleague.
Deposited into authors ACS ChemWorx
accounts in December 2014, the rewards
are redeemable from January 1, 2015, to
December 31, 2017.
Two free apps are available through
ACS ChemWorx to help authors manage
their open access options. The ACS
AuthorChoice app guides authors
through the process of making their

articles open access. The ACS Author

Rewards app allows authors to manage
their rewards. Visit ACS ChemWorx at

Four pillars of ACS Open Access

< Expanded open access
publishing options for
authors and their sponsors.
ACS AuthorChoice

< Credits to fund open

access publishing options
from ACS.
ACS Author Rewards

< Free public access to

research of interest to the
global community.
ACS Editors Choice

< A new journal thats

free to both readers
and authors.
ACS Central Science


ACS has an established reputation for supporting researchers
with the publication process and has resources in place to assist
with navigating these new open access options.
ACS Help DeskThe ACS Help Desk offers the extensive
Knowledge Base, a compendium of more than 1,000 support
references on a variety of topics. The Help Desk also offers 24x7,
global support via live chat over the web, with Skype, and by
telephone. To get support, call 1-800-227-9919 (toll free) or
1-202-872-4357 (international), or visit https://help.acs.org

ACS AuthorChoiceThe ACS AuthorChoice webpages

provide an informative overview of the program, helpful FAQs,
pricing information, decision trees for selecting the best
AuthorChoice option, and more. Go to http://pubs.acs.org/
ACS Author RewardsVisit the ACS Author Rewards
webpages for more information about the program, helpful
FAQs, and a guide to using the ACS Author Rewards app. Go
to http://pubs.acs.org/page/4authors/authorrewards/

/ 15

3 Ways Researchers Can Boost

Their Social Media Savvy
Social networks have become far
more than just a way to stay close
to family and friends. These digital
communities are now a commonplace
tool for scientists and publishers
alike to collaborate, evaluate, and gain
exposure to goings-on in their scientic
How has social media transitioned
from a fun distraction to a professional
asset? For one, it gives researchers a
channel they can use to engage with
a range of stakeholders they may not
have previously had direct access to,
including editors, publishers, colleagues,
professors, and lab mates. It is also
an excellent way to network, as such
platforms provide marketplaces in
which even the most niche communities
can be built; and in this environment,
feedback can happen fast.

16 / The ACS Publications Magazine

While consumption of research ndings

was once limited to the subscribers of
a journal, digital networks now allow
articles to achieve a broader reach
at a faster pace. There are limitless
opportunities for an article to go viral,
and with open access becoming more
and more prevalent throughout the
scientic publishing landscape, the
value and impact of social media is even
more important.
So whether youre a researcher, author,
or editor, a bit of social media savvy
can pay off. Keep these tips in mind as
youre buildingor reningyour online

1. Be present and participate

Whether gathering peer-reviewed
articles or looking up a simple piece of
information, most of todays research

happens online. Thats why you and your

research need to be discoverable. Social
media is an effective tool for optimizing
this search engine visibility.
Your online presenceor lack thereof
affects how prominently your research
appears in search results, which
could limit your reach in the scientic
community and beyond. Make sure
you have an online prole and that
your bio is updated and accurate on
any associated academic institutions
websites. Good places to start are Google
Scholar, Google+ (think SEO!), and
Similarly, publishers often maintain
social proles to generate interest in
their publications, share submission
deadlines, and highlight emerging

It can be too easy to get lost in a stream of technical jargon.

Dr. Jillian Buriak
Twitter is a great resource for exposing
people to your work, and a great
channel to use to keep up with industry
developments and your colleagues
latest research. Take advantage of
Twitters list functionality; create one
that covers all relevant journals and
publishers for your work. In turn, share
your Twitter list with your own network,
thus making yourself a resource for
others in your eld.

2. Be creative
Think beyond just posting links as you
develop and engage with social media
content. If youve just published a new
article, use social media not only to
promote the publication, but also to
generate further discussion with fellow
scientists, authors, and researchers.
Engaging posts and interesting visuals
will keep your prole fresh and those
interested in your research intrigued.
Posts should:
Provide information
Include a call to action
Be grammatically correct
Keep things positive
Provide a link
Include images or visuals
Be mobile friendly
Demonstrate that you are present
Alternate formats
Be customized
Use Facebook posts to promote
appearances at conferences and events,
then tweet from the event to share
updates and start conversations. By
engaging in social media, you can meet
new people and grow your network.
Many events are now facilitating such
interactions, with Meetups, eventspecic hashtags, and even conferencespecic apps.

social media channel is a community

in the strongest sense, and users expect
true thought leadership. A great balance
is Reddits Ask Me Anything (AMA)
format, which is an excellent way to
respond to questions about your work.
The community has an opportunity to
get their questions answered, and you
have the opportunity to go more indepth.



3. Be methodical
Decide what you want to share, then
determine the best way to share it. New
social media tools are emerging on a
daily basis, and old tools are constantly
evolving. What does this mean for
you? Always keep one eye on the bigger
picture. Ask yourself: Who am I trying
to reach? Is this platform the right t for
what Im trying to communicate?
Twitter is a good forum to communicate
opinions, post updates for conferences
and meetings, and quickly disseminate
information and easily digestible news.
Conversely, a blogging platform, like
WordPress, is more suited for longer
articles and collections of links to
published content.
Another advantage of social media
is that it yields data you can use to
make better decisions about your
content. Consider signing up for free
management systems like Tweetdeck or
HootSuite, which will give you a birds
eye view of what is happening online.
Do people respond more favorably
to certain platforms or formats than
others? Stay informed on new ways to
engage and explore mediums that make
sense for you.
Remember, you dont always have to
reinvent the wheel. As many researchers
have discovered, the LinkedIn for
scientists is... LinkedIn.
Go to pubs.acs.org/page/follow.html

Dr. Jillian Buriak

With only 140 characters, its a

challenge to express science in a
way that is creative and attracts
attention, says Jillian Buriak,
Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry of
Materials and a popular presence
on social media.
It can be too easy to get lost
in a stream of technical jargon.
Try thinking carefully about
condensing your meaning into
5 to 10 words, and harness the
power of commonly used hashtags
(#graphene, #solar, #nano, #OA,
#materials, for instance). If you
want to catch the attention of
someone in particular, top o the
tweet with the Twitter handle of a
scientist and/or their institutions.
This encourages retweeting to
further spread your message.

Reddit is also a valuable resource for

the scientist, but be careful not to post
solely about your own content. This

/ 17

The Most Cited Journals

ACS Publications is a Leader in Chemistry & Related Areas of Science, as reported in the 2013 Journal Citation Reports from ThomsonReuters
Journal Title

Total Citations

Impact Factor

Current Articles

Accounts of Chemical Research




ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces




ACS Catalysis




ACS Chemical Biology




ACS Chemical Neuroscience




ACS Combinatorial Science




ACS Macro Letters




ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters




ACS Nano




Analytical Chemistry








Bioconjugate Chemistry








Chemical Research in Toxicology




Chemical Reviews




Chemistry of Materials




Crystal Growth & Design




Energy & Fuels




Environmental Science & Technology




Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research




Inorganic Chemistry




Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry




Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data




Journal of Chemical Education*




Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling




Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation




Journal of Medicinal Chemistry




Journal of Natural Products*




The Journal of Organic Chemistry




Journal of Physical Chemistry A




Journal of Physical Chemistry B




Journal of Physical Chemistry C




Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters




Journal of Proteome Research




Journal of the American Chemical Society












Molecular Pharmaceutics




Nano Letters




Organic Letters




Organic Process Research & Development









18 / The ACS Publications Magazine

There are many ways

to measure a journal...
Impact Factor

Total Citations

JACS ranks in the top 10

in Multidisciplinary

JACS ranks #1
in Multidisciplinary



JACS ranks #2 in the Google

Scholar category of Chemical
& Material Sciences.

JACS ranks #1
in Multidisciplinary

Heres another way: Look at its editors. >>>

As reported in the 2013 Journal Citations Reports from Thomson Reuters.

*What is Eigenfactor? Go to www.eigenfactor.org.

JACS editors: distinguished

Unlike journals with editors who are full-time publishing
professionals, JACS oers you the benefit of having your manuscript
submission handled by scientists who are engaged in cutting-edge
research and still publishing their own papers. Thats why JACS
editors have a better idea of what is important to the science, where
a field is headed, and what is important to you as an author.

Peter J. Stang
Distinguished Professor
David P. Gardner
Presidential Chair
University of Utah

At JACS, serving the scientific community is what matters most.

Thats the real measure of our success.

Eric V. Anslyn
University Distinguished Teaching
Professor and Norman Hackerman
Professorship in Chemistry
The University of Texas at Austin

Weston Thatcher Borden

Distinguished University Research
Professor and Welch Chair
University of North Texas

Kara L. Bren
Professor of Chemistry
University of Rochester

Benjamin F. Cravatt
Professor and Chair, Department
of Chemical Physiology
The Scripps Research Institute,
Scripps California

Paul S. Cremer
J. Lloyd Huck Chair in
Natural Sciences
The Pennsylvania State

Lyndon Emsley
Professor of Chemistry
Universit de Lyon, France

Jean M. J. Frchet
Vice President for Research
and Distinguished Professor
of Chemistry, King Abdullah
University of Science and
Technology, Saudi Arabia

Gregory C. Fu
Altair Professor of Chemistry
California Institute of Technology

Miguel A. Garca-Garibay
Professor and Chair,
Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry
University of California,
Los Angeles

Martin Gruebele
James R. Eiszner Endowed Chair
in Chemistry, Professor of Physics
and Center for Biophysics and
Computational Biology
University of Illinois at

Sidney M. Hecht
Director, Center for
Biodesign Institute, and
Professor of Chemistry
Arizona State University

Taeghwan Hyeon
Distinguished University
Professor and Director, Center for
Nanoparticle Research, Institute
for Basic Science
Seoul National University, Korea

Follow JACS at facebook.com/JAmChemSoc

Follow JACS on Twitter @J_A_C_S

and active researchers

William D. Jones
C. F. Houghton Professor
of Chemistry
University of Rochester

Thomas E. Mallouk
Evan Pugh Professor,
Associate Director, Penn State
MRSEC, Director, Center for
Solar Nanomaterials
The Pennsylvania State

Chad A. Mirkin

William R. Roush
Professor of Chemistry,
Associate Dean of
Graduate Studies,
The Scripps Research
Institute, Florida

Melanie S. Sanford
Moses Gomberg Collegiate
Professor of Chemistry,
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
of Chemistry
University of Michigan

Li-Jun Wan
Professor and Director,
CAS Key Laboratory of
Molecular Nanostructure and
Nanotechnology, Director,
Being National Laboratory for
Molecular Sciences,
Institute of Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Henry S. White
Distinguished Professor
University of Utah

Klaus Mllen
Professor and Director,
Max Planck Institute for
Polymer Research, Mainz,

Eiichi Nakamura
Professor of Physical
Organic Chemistry
The University of Tokyo,

Alanna Schepartz
Milton Harris 29 Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry,
Professor of Molecular, Cellular,
and Developmental Biology
Yale University

Matthew S. Sigman
Presidential Endowed Chair
of Chemistry
University of Utah

Donald G. Truhlar
Regents Professor
University of Minnesota

Karen L. Wooley
W. T. Doherty-Welch
Chair and University
Distinguished Professor
Professor of Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering,
and Materials Science &
Director, TAMU Laboratory for
Synthetic-Biologic Interactions
Texas A&M University

Omar M. Yaghi
The James and Neeltje
Tretter Professor of
University of California,

Peidong Yang
S.K. and Angela Chan
Distinguished Professor
of Energy,
Professor of Chemistry
University of California,

Director of the International

Institute for Nanotechnology,
the George B. Rathmann Prof. of
Chemistry, Prof. of Chemical and
Biological Engineering, Prof. of
Biomedical Engineering, Prof. of
Materials Science & Engineering,
and Prof. of Medicine
Northwestern University

Submit your best research to JACS at pubs.acs.org/jacs

ACS is ready with the resources

The American Chemical Society (ACS)
249th National Meeting and Exposition
is entitled The Chemistry of Natural
Resources. The name is appropriate,
since ACS is all about providing resources
to chemists around the world. The 5-day
meeting is a resource in itself to expose
you to exciting advances in science. We
invite you to come to the ACS booth to
learn about the programs, products, and
services that ACS offers as resources to its
members. If you will not be in attendance,
please read on to learn about how ACS
helps scientists excel in their careers and
their research.

To start, Chemical & Engineering News
(C&EN) is the weekly resource chemists
count on to deliver the latest chemistry
news from the worlds of research,
business, education, government, and
beyond. C&EN's online resources include
C&EN Archives, a growing collection of
full, cover-to-cover C&EN issues, with
the previous year's issues added on a
rolling basis each year. In addition, with
C&EN Mobile, members of the ACS can

22 / The ACS Publications Magazine

now access all of the issues for no charge

by entering their ACS ID. If you are not a
member, individual issues of C&EN are
available for purchase within the app.

ACS Publications
ACS Publications will introduce its newest
journal, ACS Central Science, along with
its Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi,
at the ACS booth. ACS Central Science is
the rst completely open access journal
from the ACS. This groundbreaking,
highly selective
journal, publishing
only 100-200 papers
in its rst year,
is now accepting
submissions. Find
out more at the ACS
Publications booth
or go to pubs.acs.
Stop by also to learn
about ACS Infectious
Diseases and ACS
Biomaterials Science
& Engineering,
two new journals

publishing their rst issues in 2015.

On Monday, March 23rd at 12:00 noon
MT, you can take part in an exciting
live ACS Publications webinar at the
booths main stage. Mastering the Art of
Scientic Publication, the popular, new
webinar series, will feature a panel of
distinguished ACS journal editors giving
tips and advice to help authors, with a
Q&A period at the end of the event.

with opportunities to refresh your skills

and branch into new areas of emerging
science and advanced applications. Use
the interactive recommendation tool on
the iPad to get a list of training courses or
career services available for your specic
needs. All who use the tool onsite are
automatically entered to win an iPad mini.

ACS Member Insurance

CAS, the world's authority for chemical
information, will have a strong presence at
the ACS booth where you will discover the
many resources CAS offers to scientists
around the world. You will see how the
authoritative and in-depth databases
from CAS can meet your most challenging
research needs when combined with the
advanced search and analysis technologies
of SciFinder and STN. Ask the CAS
staff for a demonstration of SciFinder,
learn about the exciting new product
features, and take part in promotions for
chances at exciting prizes!
SciFinder, the choice for
chemistry research, is a powerful
discovery application that provides
integrated access to the world's most
comprehensive and authoritative
source of references, substances, and
reactions. SciFinder offers you the tools
to enhance your research efforts every
step of the way, including access to CAS
REGISTRYSMthe gold standard for
chemical substance information.
STN, the choice of patent experts,
offers access to trusted scientic and
technical information. Intellectual
property professionals and patent
examiners at the worlds major patent
offices and research organizations rely
on STN for their information needs.
Learn more about CAS and all of its
powerful solutions today at www.cas.org.

As one of the most valuable ACS
resources, the ACS Web site at

www.acs.org is becoming more

personalized, so we can deliver the most
relevant ACS content, programs, products
and servicesall tailored for you! When
you visit the ACS Web kiosk, you will
see what weve personalized so far, share
your interests, and help us take ACS Web

The Member Insurance Program provides

resources to encourage you to fall in
step with a healthier lifestyle. A special
interactive challenge will energize you to
improve your own health and that of the
entire planet. Speak with representatives
to explore the plans available exclusively
to ACS members such as Life & Disability
Insurance, International Term Life
Insurance, Auto & Homeowners,
Professional Liability, Pet Insurance,
and more.
ACS members get a shirt for sharing their
story at www.my.acs.org or onsite at the
National Meeting at the My ACS Story
kiosk. Let us know how you connect,
share, discover, and advance with ACS.
Of course, the Member Benets kiosk
will be onsite at the National Meeting to
answer any questions you have about the
benets of ACS membership. You will
also receive a gift to thank you for your

If you have questions about ACS
membership before or after the ACS
National Meeting, please call 800-3339511 or +1-614-447-3776 (from outside of
the US), M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Eastern
Time or email us at [email protected].
personalization to the next level. From
changes in My Account to the www.
acs.org home page, we are striving to
develop the best personalized ACS web
experience for you. Those who come to
provide input will not only inuence the
site, but also receive a thank you gift.

ACS Career Navigator

The ACS Career Navigator is your
home for career services, leadership
development, in-person and online
professional education courses, and
market intelligence resources. The
team will be on hand to explain how the
services ACS Career Navigator offers
will help you achieve your career goals

/ 23

One of the members

of our lab left, and were

Does this
sound familiar?
in ACS ChemWorx, and share them with whoT they want.

Register free at www.acschemworx.org! (even for non-ACS members)



ALL SPEAKERS and poster presenters
must register and pay the appropriate
registration fee to attend the meeting. Invited speakers should contact
their symposium organizer or division
program chair to clarify terms of their
All presenters should prepare for
their presentation by verifying the
following details: the status of your
abstract at maps.acs.org (using your
ACS ID to log in to the system); mode
of presentation (oral or poster); and
the time, length, and location of your
presentation. Speakers should arrive
in their presentation rooms at least
30 minutes before their scheduled
speaking time. Poster presenters
should set up their poster at least one
hour before the start of their poster
session. If you need to withdraw your
presentation, please send a withdrawal
notice to [email protected] and contact
your symposium organizer immediately.

Each technical session meeting room

will be equipped with the following:
LCD projector, screen, podium, podium
microphone or lapel microphone, and
laser pointer. Speakers need to provide their own laptops or arrange for
specialty equipment directly with their
symposium organizer and/or division
program chair. To request other specialty equipment (at the standard fee),
contact an ACS Operations Office during the meeting.

ers may use the speaker ready rooms

to preview their presentation, ensure
compatibility with our LCD projectors, or fulfill last-minute audiovisual
equipment orders. We strongly recommend that all presenters come to the

speaker ready room the day before

their presentation to check for connectivity and resolution. The hours of
operation will be from 3:00 to 5:00
PM Saturday and 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday through Thursday. Visit the ACS
Operations Office at any ACS property
for speaker ready room locations.
Speaker ready rooms are not equipped
with copy machines. There is a UPS
Store located in Concourse A of the
convention center that provides a range
of services including computer access
and copying, faxing, printing, and shipping.
POSTER SESSIONS. All materials must

be confined to a 4-foot-high by 8-footwide display board in the convention

center and 4-foot-high by 6-foot-wide
display board in hotels. Presenters
must mount their poster one hour
before the scheduled session start
time. Poster numbers supplied by ACS
will be in the upper corner of each
poster board, and this number corresponds with the number assigned to
each poster in the technical program.
Pushpins will be available at the poster
session. Presenters must remain with
their posters for the duration of their
scheduled session as indicated in the
technical program. All posters must
remain up until the session ends and
then must be removed within one hour.
ACS cannot assume responsibility for
materials beyond these time limits.
SCI-MIX POSTER SESSION ONLY. SciMix presenters may begin poster setup
at 7:15 PM (45 minutes before the
session begins). Each presenter may
be accompanied by one assistant only,
and both people are required to check
in before entering the hall. After exiting, presenters will not be permitted
to reenter the hall until the session
begins at 8:00 PM.



technical program for the 249th national

meeting is now available at www.acs.org/
denver2015. You can search by divisions
or committees, symposia, speakers, or keywords from abstracts as well as presidential events and the multidisciplinary theme
of Chemistry of Natural Resources.
of all scientific sessions at the meeting can be purchased in USB flash drive
(thumb drive) format through ACS Attendee
Registration either online by Jan. 30 or
on-site in Denver from March 22 to 26.
The ACS member fee is $65 each; the
nonmember fee is $90 each. Attendees
can pick up their abstracts on-site at ACS
Attendee Registration at the Colorado Convention Center. You can have a USB flash
drive shipped to you if you place your order
by Jan. 30, pay an $8.00 postage fee per
item, and provide a valid street address
within the U.S. or Canada. If you are not
attending the meeting, you can purchase
abstracts only from the ACS Office of
Society Services, 115516th St., N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036; (800) 227-5558.
Abstract USB flash drives and their shipping costs are nonrefundable.

Preprints and graphical abstracts from the

following divisions may be ordered directly
from each division. You can purchase them
via the information below or inquire about
these products at the hospitality table for
each division near their meeting rooms.
Energy & Fuels.

Visit proceedings.com/2256.html.
Polymer Chemistry.

Kathy Mitchem, e-mail: [email protected]

Polymeric Materials:
Science & Engineering Inc.

Visit pmse.sites.



Presidential Events

Diane Grob Schmidt, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

The Transnational Practice of Chemistry

& Allied Sciences & Engineering: Study,
Research & Careers without Borders**
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise** P
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers
Particles at Fluid Interfaces* (COLL)
Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces* D
Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants &
Nanomaterials* (COLL)
Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion* (COLL)
Department, University & National Models
for Faculty Development To Support
Adoption of Evidence-Based Teaching*
Plasmonic Catalysis & Sensing* (COLL)
Nanoscience* (INOR)
Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces E
& Nanomaterials* (COLL)
Transitioning between Academic Research
into Practical Use: Solar Energy & Advanced
Materials* (COMSCI)
Electrical, Thermal & Mass Transport in
Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys* (POLY)
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research*
Advances in Formulations Science &
Technology* (COLL)
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology of Natural
Resources* (MPPG)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)


Presidential Events (continued)

Diane Grob Schmidt, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

The Interface of Chemical & Biological

Sciences International Disarmament Efforts*
Applied Nanotechnology for Food &
Agriculture* (AGFD)
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D* (CHAS)




Multidisciplinary Program
Planning Group

R. Weber, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Chemistry of Natural Resources Plenary P




The Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry

Lecture CNR
The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in
Chemistry Lecture
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology of Natural
Resources** CNR
Green Chemistry & the Environment*
Catalysis for Unconventional Energy Sources*
Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion &
Storage* (ENFL)
Uranium in Seawater* (I&EC)
Environmental Reactivity of Organic
Micropollutants & Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters* (ENVR)
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Contaminants* (ENVR)
Biogenically Enhanced Recovery &
Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs*
Negative Carbon Emission Technologies:
BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture &
Storage)* (ENFL)





Multidisciplinary Program
Planning Group (continued)

R. Weber, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Understanding the Geochemical Interactions D

of Organic Compounds in the Subsurface*
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D
Environmental Chemistry & Health Impacts
of Fine & Ultrafine Particulate Matter*
Enhanced Extraction & Utilization
of Unconventional Energy Sources:
Hydrofracking, EOR & Novel Approaches*
Biomass to Fuel & Products* (SOCED)
Geochemistry & Reactive Transport in NanoPore Geomaterials* (GEOC)
Transitioning between Academic Research
into Practical Use: Solar Energy & Advanced
Materials* (COMSCI)
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment* (ENVR)
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil
& Air Quality* (ENVR)
Chemical Technology in Antiquity* (HIST)
Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water*
Chemistry in the Marine Boundary Layer*
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers: National
Resources for the Nanoscience Community*
C1 Chemistry* (ENFL)
Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity
& Applications* (GEOC)
Molecular Catalyst for Solar Fuels* (INOR)
Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment* (ENVR)




Multidisciplinary Program
Planning Group (continued)

R. Weber, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

Chemistry of the Energy Water Nexus: Focus

on Fracking* (INOR)
12th International Symposium on Heavy Oil
Upgrading, Production & Characterization*
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered & Natural Systems* (ENVR)
Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of BioOils* (COMP)
Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources*
Trace Materials in Air, Soil & Water* (ENVR)
Water Sustainability in Oil & Gas Exploration:
Treatment Issues* (ENVR)
Water Our Most Critical Resource* (AGFD)
ACS Award for Affordable Green Chemistry:
Honoring John Frye, Todd Werpy & Alan
Zacher* (CELL)
Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy
Extraction & Agricultural Use* (ENVR)
Bioavailability & Biogeochemical Interactions
Affecting Remediation of Hazardous
Substances in the Environment* (ENVR)
Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical
Models & Practices* (ENVR)

S M Tu W Th







*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources



Division of Agricultural & Food



Division of Agrochemicals

P. Rice, Program Chair

K. Deibler, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Located with Primary Sponsor

Undergraduate Symposium**
Vitamin D: Past, Present & Future for
Animals & Humans
Graduate Student Symposium**
Agricultural & Food Chemistry General
Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,
Phytochemistry & Utilization**
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Applied Nanotechnology for Food &
Agricultural & Food Chemistry General
Water Our Most Critical Resource** CNR
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise*
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D* (CHAS)


Surface Physicochemical Processes in

Engineered & Natural Systems* (ENVR)
Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source & a
Sustainable Solution for the Environment*
Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy
Extraction & Agricultural Use* (ENVR)

Division of Agrochemicals


Division of Analytical Chemistry




D. Duckworth, Program Chair


P. Rice, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

S M Tu W Th

Environmental Reactivity of Organic

Micropollutants & Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters* (ENVR)
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Contaminants* (ENVR)
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D
Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,
Phytochemistry & Utilization* (AGFD)
Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment* (ENVR)
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Processing* (AGFD)

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Environmental Analytical Chemistry: A

Tool for Introducing Research
Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry
Advances in Analytical Separations
Advances in Mass Spectrometry
Active Learning in the Undergraduate
Analytical Chemistry Curriculum
General Analytical Posters
Advances in Electrochemistry
Analytical Chemistry of Natural
Frank H. Field & Joe L. Franklin Award
for Outstanding Achievement in Mass
Spectrometry: Honoring Hilkka I.
Nakanishi Prize: Honoring Fred W.
Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
Macromolecular & Nanoparticle
Separation Science* (POLY)
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the
Promise* (PRES)
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic
Matter in the Environment* (ENVR)
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)



Division of Analytical Chemistry


M. Lazzara, A. Kantardjieff, Program Chairs

D. Duckworth, Program Chair

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center

Grand Hyatt Denver

S M Tu W Th

DOE Nanoscience Research Centers:

National Resources for Nanoscience
Community* (PRES)
Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment* (ENVR)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)
The Interface of Chemical & Biological
Sciences International Disarmament
Efforts* (IAC)



Division of Biochemical Technology


S M Tu W Th

WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*

Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Processing* (AGFD)



Division of Biological Chemistry

C. Crews, V. Bandarian, Program Chairs

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado

Convention Center


Division of Biochemical Technology

M. Lazzara, A. Kantardjieff, Program Chairs

Grand Hyatt Denver

S M Tu W Th

David Perlman Memorial Lectureship

Downstream Processes CNR
Upstream Processes
Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes
Emerging Technologies
Colorado Biotechnology CNR
Biosimilars & Follow-On Biologics
Marvin J. Johnson Award in Microbial &
Biochemical Technology
BIOT Young Investigator Award
Biofuels & Sustainable Energy CNR
Alan S. Michaels Award in the Recovery of
Biological Products
Poster Session
Biotechnology & Bioengineering Awards
Presentation & Gaden Award
Quality-by-Design for Biopharmaceuticals
Biotechnology & Bioengineering Daniel I. C.
Wang Award





Young Investigators in Biological Chemistry

Complex Enzymatic Transformations
Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or
Bioorganic Chemistry: Honoring Michael A.
Current Topics in Biological Chemistry
The Chemistry & Biology of Non-Natural
Nucleic Acids
New Approaches to Investigating Chromatin
Modifying Enzymes: Structure & Function
Putting Chemical Biology in Context
ACS Chemical Biology Award Symposium
In Vivo We Trust: Small Molecule Phenotypic
Screening in Animals
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Symposium
Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition*

S M Tu W Th





*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources


Division of Biological Chemistry



C. Crews, V. Bandarian, Program Chairs

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

E. Rozners, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)

GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)

Division of Business Development

& Management



Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry:

Honoring Thomas J. Colacot**
The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
& Allied Sciences & Engineering: Study,
Research & Careers without Borders* (PRES)
Earning ACS Awards: An Interactive
Symposium on Constructing Successful
Award Nominations* (PROF)
Forensic Toxicology of Marijuana* (SOCED)
Innovations in Macromolecular Network
Chemistry* (POLY)

E. Rozners, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Wolfrom Award Symposium

Isbell Award & Gin New Investigator Award P
Glycomimetic Compounds: An Untapped
Source of Novel Therapeutics
Protein Glycosylation: Simulation, Synthesis,
Characterization & Application
General Posters

S M Tu W Th

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D

General Posters* (CELL)
Frontiers in Glycoscience * (CELL)


Division of Catalysis Science

& Technology

V. Schwartz, Program Chair

K. Allen, J. Bryant, Program Chairs

Division of Carbohydrate


Division of Carbohydrate
Chemistry (continued)

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Theoretical & Experimental Synergies

at the Frontiers of Renewable Energy
Catalysis CNR
Electrocatalysis & Photocatalysis CNR
Honoring Jens Rostrup-Nielsen
New Catalysis through Ligand Design
George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or
Petroleum Chemistry: Honoring Jingguang
G. Chen
Surface Chemistry & Catalysis on Oxides
Gabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative
Research in Catalysis: Honoring Maurice
Catalytic Materials & Technologies for
Upgrading of COx & Natural Gas CNR
General Poster Session
Novel Catalytic Materials for Renewable
Fuels/Chemicals CNR
General Papers
Catalysis for Unconventional Energy Sources*
E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry: Honoring Joseph R.
Zoeller* (I&EC)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)
Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics on
Surfaces* (COLL)






Division of Cellulose & Renewable



W. Jones, I. Levy, A. Marsh, Program Chairs

C. Frazier, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center


Division of Chemical Education

S M Tu W Th

Functional Lignocellulosics &

Nanotechnology CNR
Cellulose in Solid State & Solution: Structure, D
Chemistry & Reaction Mechanisms: Anselme
Payen Award Honoring Thomas Rosenau CNR
Lignin Biosynthesis, Characterization &
Modifications CNR
Application of Computational Chemistry to D
Biomass Chemistry & Utilization CNR
Advances in Lignocellulosic Materials &
Chemistry: A Tribute to W.G. Glasser CNR
General Posters** CNR
Frontiers in Glycoscience** CNR
Renewable Resources for Materials & Energy:
Recent Research & Developments in IberoAmerica CNR
Smart & Responsive Composites from
Renewable Building Blocks** CNR
Cellulose Dissolution: New Solvents &
Mechanisms CNR
ACS Award for Affordable Green
Chemistry: Honoring John Frye, Todd
Werpy & Alan Zacher** CNR
Research on Renewable Materials: US & EU
Perspectives CNR
Conservation Science of Cellulosic Materials:
Recent Developments CNR
Biomass to Fuel & Products* (SOCED)
Polymeric Biomaterials* (PMSE)
Sustainability in the 21st Century: Optimizing
Complex Interdependent Systems* (SOCED)






Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

Current Practice & Research Using ACS

Undergraduate Research Papers**
Chemistry Education Research
NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate
From Cornerstone to Capstone: Culminating
Experiences in the Undergraduate Chemistry
Curriculum that Foster Integration &
Application of Foundational Knowledge
High School Program**
Department, University & National Models
for Faculty Development to Support Adoption
of Evidence-Based Teaching**
General Posters
Integrating Chemistry & Polymer Science
Research into the Classroom**
Research at Community Colleges: Strategies
for Enhancing Student Transfer & Success
Experiments for Physical Chemistry
ACS Award for Achievement in Research
for the Teaching & Learning of Chemistry:
Honoring Vickie M. Williamson**
Chemistry Education: International & MultiCultural Perspectives
Undergraduate Research Posters**
ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged
Students in Chemistry: Honoring Catherine
H. Middlecamp**
Online Course Development & the Effects on
the On-Campus Classroom






*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources


Division of Chemical Education



W. Jones, I. Levy, A. Marsh, Program Chairs

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum**
Successful Student Chapters
Chemistry Education Research: Graduate
Student Research Forum
ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating
Sustainability into Chemistry Education**
Citizens First: Communicating Climate
Science to the Public** CNR
George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical
Education: Honoring I. Dwaine Eubanks**
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
NSF Programs that Support Undergraduate
Overcoming Obstacles in Student Learning in
Physical Chemistry
Perspectives on Climate Change Literacy &
Education: Local to International
General Papers
Instructors & Researchers: Advancing
Graduate Education in Chemistry
Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
Using Technology in the Undergraduate
Computational Chemistry in the
Undergraduate Curriculum: What Is Working
& How Do We Assess It?**
Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice**
Undergraduate Research in Chemistry:
Expanding Opportunities & Broadening
Nanotechnology in Undergraduate Education
& Research
Research on Learning in the Laboratory
Undergraduate Symposium* (AGFD)


Division of Chemical Education


W. Jones, I. Levy, A. Marsh, Program Chairs

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

Growing Opportunities for Research

Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences* (IAC)
Graduate Student Symposium* (AGFD)
Diversifying STEM: Uniting through Our
Differences for a Brighter Scientific Future*
Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical
Models & Practices* (ENVR)




Division of Chemical Health &


D. Decker, F. Wood-Black, J. Pickel, Program Chairs

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Legalized Marijuana & Health & Safety**

Safety in Undergraduate Teaching**
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D**
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D

Division of Chemical Information


E. Bolstad, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Getting to the Best Reaction: Tools for

Finding a Needle in a Haystack
Defining Value in Scholarly
Communications: Evolving Ways of
Evaluating Impact on Science
Research Results: Reproducibility, Reporting,
Sharing & Plagiarism
Molecular & Structural 2D & 3D Chemical
Fingerprinting: Computational Storing,
Searching & Comparing Molecular &
Chemical Structures


Division of Chemical Information



E. Bolstad, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Development & Use of Data Format Standards

for Cheminformatics
Drug Discovery* (COMP)

Division of Chemical Toxicology


A. C. Bryant-Friedrich, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

Forensic Toxicology of Marijuana* (SOCED)

Division of Chemistry & the Law

S M Tu W Th


K. Bianco, J. Hasford, Program Chairs

Embassy Suites Denver

Downtown Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Strengthening Your Patent Rights in Light
of Recent Federal Circuit Court Decisions
Hot Topics in Chemical and Pharmaceutical P
Patent Law
A Patent Litigation Primer
Anti-Doping: A Unique Combination
of Chemistry and the Law
Fundamental Concepts in Protecting
Chemical Technologies
Legal and Business Considerations for
Chemical Technologies
Patenting Chemical Inventions
Intellectual Property and Natural Resources:
What Can I Protect and How?
The Many Faces of CHAL: Where Chemistry
Meets the Law
The Interface of Chemical & Biological
Sciences International Disarmament Efforts*

*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources


Division of Colloid & Surface


R. Nagarajan, Program Chair

Marriott City Center Denver

S M Tu W Th

Particles at Fluid Interfaces**

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,
Mechanics & Dynamics
Molecular Engineering of Peptide Assembly
Functionalization of Complex
Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants &
Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion**
ACS Award in Colloid & Surface Chemistry:
Honoring Paul S. Weiss
Plasmonic Catalysis & Sensing
Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition**
Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces
& Nanomaterials**
Advances in Formulations Science &
Natural Resource Capture, Storage & Energy
Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics on
Chemical Processes at Environmental
Interfaces* (ENVR)
Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation
& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease*
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise*
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*
Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling
Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces*








Division of Computers in



Division of Energy & Fuels

A. Park, Program Chair

E. Esposito, S. Wildman, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Molecular Mechanics**
Computational Design, Discovery &
Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Drug Discovery**
Electronic Structure Methods for Highly
Polarizable Systems**
Quantum Chemistry**
ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate
Institution: Honoring George C. Shields
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical &
Pharmaceutical Research: Honoring David A.
Computational Study of Water
Materials Science
The Chemical Computing Group Excellence
Award for Graduate Students
The OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty
Poster Session
Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of BioOils** CNR
Symposium Organizer Selections
Modeling Excited States of Complex Systems*
Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation
& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease*
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing Our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems* (PHYS)
Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From
Structure to Dynamics & Function* (PHYS)
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Processing* (AGFD)









Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Catalysis for Unconventional Energy

Sources** CNR
Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion
& Storage** CNR
Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries &
Hybrid Functional Porous Materials for
Sustainable Energy: Carbon, MOF &
Conductive Polymers
Negative Carbon Emission Technologies:
BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture
& Storage)** CNR
Chemistry of Energy & Fuels
Enhanced Extraction & Utilization
of Unconventional Energy Sources:
Hydrofracking, EOR & Novel Approaches** CNR
ENFL Distinguished Researcher Award:
Honoring James Burrington
Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy &
C1 Chemistry**
Advances in the Chemistry of Energy & Fuels
12th International Symposium on
Heavy Oil Upgrading, Production &
Characterization** CNR
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise*
Biomass to Fuel & Products* (SOCED)
Sustainability in the 21st Century: Optimizing
Complex Interdependent Systems* (SOCED)
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers: National
Resources for the Nanoscience Community*
Energy & Materials* (POLY)
Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of BioOils* (COMP)








Division of Environmental


Division of Environmental
Chemistry (continued)

S. Al-Abed, Program Chair

S. Al-Abed, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Colorado Convention Center

Chemical Processes at Environmental

Interfaces** CNR
Green Chemistry & the Environment** CNR
Environmental Reactivity of Organic
Micropollutants & Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters** CNR
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Contaminants** CNR
Biogenically Enhanced Recovery &
Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs** CNR
Environmental Chemistry & Health Impacts
of Fine & Ultrafine Particulate Matter** CNR
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment** CNR
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil
& Air Quality** CNR
Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water**




Bioavailability and Biogeochemical

Interactions Affecting Remediation of
Hazardous Substances in the Environment**



Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical

Models & Practices** CNR
General Posters
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)
Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics on
Surfaces* (COLL)




Division of Fluorine Chemistry

V. Petrov, Program Chair



Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center




ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine

Chemistry: Honoring Vronique
ACS Award for Creative Research &
Applications of Iodine Chemistry:
Honoring Karl O. Christe**


S M Tu W Th



Division of Geochemistry

S. Kerisit, Program Chair


Trace Materials in Air, Soil & Water** CNR

Water Sustainability in Oil & Gas Exploration:
Treatment Issues** CNR
Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy
Extraction & Agricultural Use** CNR




Dispersion of Nanoparticles & Its Implication

for Interfacial, Biological & Environmental
Chemistry in the Marine Boundary Layer** CNR
Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment** CNR
Environmental Implications of Nano: Release
from Consumer Products & Advances in
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered & Natural Systems** CNR
Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source & a
Sustainable Solution for the Environment**

S M Tu W Th

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Coupled Cycling of Biogeochemical Critical

Elements & Contaminants CNR


*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources



Division of Geochemistry

Division of Industrial & Engineering


S. Kerisit, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Understanding the Geochemical Interactions D

of Organic Compounds in the Subsurface**

Geochemistry & Reactive Transport in NanoPore Geomaterials** CNR

2015 Geochemistry Division Medal
Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity
& Applications** CNR
Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling
Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces** CNR
Honoring Donald Sparks, 2015 Geochemistry
Medal Recipient
Precipitation, Dissolution & Adsorption under
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)


P. Smith, Program Chair

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center


S. Rasmussen, Program Chair

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

Uranium in Seawater** CNR

ACS Award in Separations Science &
Technology: Honoring Richard D. Noble
E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry: Honoring Joseph R.
General Posters
General Papers
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D
ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry:
Honoring Thomas J. Colacot* (BMGT)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)

Division of Inorganic Chemistry

Division of History of Chemistry


S M Tu W Th

HIST Tutorial & General Papers

Chemical Technology in Antiquity** CNR
Modern Chemical Warfare: History,
Chemistry, Toxicology, Morality
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D
George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical
Education: Honoring I. Dwaine Eubanks*


S. Koch, N. Radu, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Environmental & Energy-Related Inorganic A

Chemistry CNR
Organometallic Chemistry
Chemistry of Materials
Chemical Approaches to Spintronics Research D
ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry:
Honoring William J. Evans
ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry: Honoring D
John T. Groves
Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable D
Hydrogen Production & Storage CNR
Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in
Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator:
Honoring Emily A. Weiss**
Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of DE
Inorganic Chemistry
2015 Priestley Medalist: Honoring Jacqueline DE
K. Barton




Division of Inorganic Chemistry



S. Koch, N. Radu, Program Chairs

S. Koch, N. Radu, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials:

Honoring Mark E. Thompson
Division of Inorganic Chemistry Celebration P
of the Gabor A. Somorjai Award: Honoring
Maurice Brookhart
Lanthanide & Actinide Chemistry
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Honoring Kim R. Dunbar**
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Coordination Chemistry
Inorganic Spectroscopy
ACS National Awards in Inorganic Chemistry:
Plenary Session
F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic
Chemistry: Honoring Jaqueline L. Kiplinger**
Interactions of Metal Complexes with
Proteins or Nucleic Acids
Division of Inorganic Chemistry
Celebration of the Alfred Bader Award in
Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry:
Honoring Michael A. Marletta
Chemistry of the Energy Water Nexus: Focus
on Fracking** CNR
Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels**
Soluble Inorganic Semiconductors: Synthesis,
Properties & Applications
Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Catalysts
Main Group Chemistry
Department, University & National Models
for Faculty Development To Support
Adoption of Evidence-Based Teaching*



Division of Inorganic Chemistry

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*

Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
ACS Award for Creative Research &
Applications of Iodine Chemistry: Honoring
Karl O. Christe* (FLUO)



Division of Medicinal Chemistry




W. Young, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Applications of Positron Emission

Tomography in Drug Discovery
Targeting the Microbiome
General Oral Session
Young Investigators in Medicinal Chemistry**
Biased Agonism: An Emerging Paradigm in
GPCR Drug Discovery
General Poster Session
Approaches To Targeting RNA with Small
Innate Potential: Advances in Non-Biologic
Modulation of Innate Immune Targets
Recent Advances in Targeting the Nav1.7
Sodium Channels
Honoring Richard Gibbs
Modulators of the Nuclear Receptor RORc
New Models for Drug Discovery: Public,
Private & Non-Profit
E. B. Hershberg Award for Important
Discoveries in Medicinally Active Substances:
Honoring Ruth R. Wexler**




Division of Medicinal Chemistry



W. Young, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Observations from Recent Drug Launches:

The Rules of Today May Not Apply Tomorrow
Why You Should Have Paid Attention in
P-Chem: Thermodynamics in Drug Discovery
Smissman Award: Honoring Dennis Liotta
The Role of Rings in Drug Design
Advances in the Treatment of Fibrotic
Small Molecule Approaches to Autism
Spectrum Disorder Therapy
First Time Disclosures
MEDI Award Symposium
Drug Discovery* (COMP)
Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,
Phytochemistry & Utilization* (AGFD)
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Processing* (AGFD)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)

Division of Nuclear Chemistry &




J. Braley, D. Hobart, Program Chairs

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center

Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear

Chemistry: Honoring Heino Nitsche
Nuclear Forensics
50th Anniversary of the NUCL Division
Convergence of Theory & Experiment in
Heavy Element Chemistry
Uranium in Seawater* (I&EC)
Chemical Tales of Success: Helpful Tips for
Younger Chemists* (YCC)

S M Tu W Th



Division of Organic Chemistry

M. McIntosh, R. Broene, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Materials, Devices & Switches

New Reactions & Methodology
Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses
Development of Direct C-H Functionalization
Processes towards the Synthesis of
Biologically Active Compounds
Ronald Breslow Award for Achievement in
Biomimetic Chemistry: Honoring Eric T. Kool
Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses;
Chemistry of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes
& Graphene; Materials, Devices & Switches;
Nanomaterials; Physical Organic Chemistry:
Calculations, Mechanisms, Photochemistry
& High-Energy Species; Total Synthesis of
Complex Molecules
Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding Original
Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a Young
Investigator: Honoring Jin-Quan Yu
Miniaturization in Chemistry: Sub-Nanoscale
Synthesis, Analysis & Application
Physical Organic Chemistry: Calculations,
Mechanisms, Photochemistry & High-Energy
Molecular Recognition & Self-Assembly
Synthetic Biology Applied to Natural &
Unnatural Product Pathways
Herbert C. Brown Award for Creative
Research in Synthetic Methods: Honoring
Gary A. Molander
ACS Award for Creative Invention:
Honoring Jotham W. Coe
ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic
Organic Chemistry: Honoring F. Dean Toste
Biologically-Related Molecules & Processes






*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources


Division of Organic Chemistry



E. Sibert, Program Chair

M. McIntosh, R. Broene, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center


Division of Physical Chemistry

S M Tu W Th

Metal-Mediated Reactions & Syntheses

Green Chemistry: Reactions in Alternative
James Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic
Chemistry: Honoring Charles L. Perrin
Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of
Natural Products: Honoring Thomas R. Hoye
Biologically Related Molecules & Processes;
Chemistry of Natural Resources; MetalMediated Reactions & Syntheses; Molecular
Recognition & Self-Assembly; Peptides,
Proteins & Amino Acids CNR
National Fresenius Award: Honoring Abigail
G. Doyle**
Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules
Heterocycles & Aromatics
ACS Award for Creative Invention:
Honoring Jotham W. Coe
Peptides, Proteins & Amino Acids
Heterocycles & Aromatics; New Reactions &
Department, University & National Models
for Faculty Development To Support
Adoption of Evidence-Based Teaching*
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Biocatalysis* (CHED)


Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation &
the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease**
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing Our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems**
Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From
Structure to Dynamics & Function**
Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of
Complex Organics from the Outflow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution
Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the
Single Molecule, Single Electron & Single
Photon Level
Design of Materials & Chemical Processes:
The Genomic Approach
PHYS Award Symposium
Physical Electrochemistry of Electrocatalytic
Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences
Physical Chemistry Poster Session
Molecular Mechanics* (COMP)
Computational Design, Discovery &
Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Materials* (COMP)
Electronic Structure Methods for Highly
Polarizable Systems* (COMP)
Quantum Chemistry * (COMP)
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical &
Pharmaceutical Research: Honoring David A.
Case * (COMP)
Computational Chemistry in the
Undergraduate Curriculum: What Is Working
& How Do We Assess It?* (CHED)















Division of Polymer Chemistry

M. Jeffries-El, D. Boday, T. White, Program Chairs

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

Putting Renewable Polymers To Work

Macromolecular & Nanoparticle Separation
Next Generation Smart Materials**
General Topics: New Synthesis &
Characterization of Polymers
Celebrating the Fifth Year Anniversary of
Polymer Chemistry (RSC)
Electrical, Thermal & Mass Transport in
Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys**
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research**
Innovations in Macromolecular Network
Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry
Award in Honor of Todd Emrick
Energy & Materials**
Undergraduate Research in Polymer
Polymer Composites & High Performance
Interacting with the Immune System Using
Polymeric Systems
POLY/PMSE Plenary Lecture & Awards
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise*
Integrating Chemistry & Polymer Science
Research into the Classroom* (CHED)
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)
STRETCH Your Students Polymer
Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum* (CHED)
Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session* (PMSE)


*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources


Division of Polymeric Materials:

Science & Engineering

A. Tsou, Q. Lin, C. Stafford, M. Becker, Program Chairs

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

Design Principles of Functional

Macromolecular Materials
Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies & Materials
Advances in X-ray & Neutron Scattering
Techniques for Elucidating Polymer
Graphene & Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,
Devices & Applications
Nanostructured Porous Polymers: Synthesis,
Properties & Applications
ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science:
Honoring Geoffrey W. Coates
General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric
Cooperative Research Award: Honoring Andy
Tsou & Benjamin Hsiao
Polymeric Biomaterials**
Nanoscale Spectroscopic & Microscopic
Polymer Modeling: Structure, Dynamics &
ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry: Honoring
Nikos Hadjichristidis
Drug Delivery & Drug Device Combination
Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session**
Macromolecular & Nanoparticle Separation
Science* (POLY)
Next Generation Smart Materials* (POLY)
Integrating Chemistry & Polymer Science
Research into the Classroom* (CHED)
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*
Innovations in Macromolecular Network
Chemistry* (POLY)







Division of Polymeric Materials:

Science & Engineering (continued)

Division of Professional Relations


R. D. Libby, Program Chair

A. Tsou, Q. Lin, C. Stafford, M. Becker, Program Chairs

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

S M Tu W Th

Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)

STRETCH Your Students Polymer
Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum* (CHED)
Smart & Responsive Composites from
Renewable Building Blocks* (CELL)
Energy & Materials* (POLY)
POLY/PMSE Plenary Lecture & Awards
Reception* (POLY)



Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado

Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial

Success: Honoring Terry L. Brewer* (SCHB)
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research*
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium*


R. D. Libby, Program Chair

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

Native American Women Chemists of Color**

Earning ACS Awards: An Interactive
Symposium on Constructing Successful
Award Nominations**
ACS Award for Encouraging Women into
Careers in the Chemical Sciences: Honoring
E. Ann Nalley**
Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing
in Chemical Companies**
Proposing & Administering a Successful REU
Hands-On STEM Enrichment Programs
for Persons with Disabilities
Growing Opportunities for Research
Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences* (IAC)
Best Practices for Success with SBIR & STTR
Grants* (SCHB)
Starting a Successful Research Program at a
Predominantly Undergraduate Institution*
Diversifying STEM: Uniting through our
Differences for a Brighter Scientific Future*

S M Tu W Th


Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum* (CHED)

J. Sabol, Program Chair


Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center



T. R. DeLapa, Program Chair

Division of Small Chemical



Rubber Division
Division of Professional Relations


S M Tu W Th

Best Practices for Success with SBIR & STTR P

Entrepreneurs Poster Session**
Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial
Success: Honoring Terry L. Brewer**
Water Is the Next Oil: Small Businesses
Percolating to the Top** CNR
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D

*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources



Division of Small Chemical

Businesses (continued)

Committee on Divisional Activities


M. J. Morello, Program Chair

J. Sabol, Program Chair

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Earning ACS Awards: An Interactive

Symposium on Constructing Successful
Award Nominations* (PROF)
Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing
in Chemical Companies* (PROF)
Chemical Tales of Success: Helpful Tips for
Younger Chemists* (YCC)


Committee on Chemical Safety

E. Howson, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D

Legalized Marijuana & Health & Safety*
Safety in Undergraduate Teaching* (CHAS)
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D* (CHAS)

Committee on Chemistry & Public



Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

Frontiers in Glycoscience* (CELL)


Committee on Environmental


C. Middlecamp, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

Green Chemistry & the Environment*

Uranium in Seawater* (I&EC)
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Contaminants* (ENVR)
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers: National
Resources for the Nanoscience Community*
ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating
Sustainability into Chemistry Education*
Citizens First: Communicating Climate
Science to the Public* (CHED)
Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice*
Water Sustainability in Oil & Gas Exploration:
Treatment Issues* (ENVR)

S. Butts, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D

DOE Nanoscience Research Centers: National
Resources for the Nanoscience Community*

Committee on Corporation

D. Mason, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

S M Tu W Th

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D


Committee on Minority Affairs

J. Sarquis, Program Chair

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado

Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Diversifying STEM: Uniting through Our

Differences for a Brighter Scientific Future**
Native American Women Chemists of
Color* (PROF)
ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged
Students in Chemistry: Honoring
Catherine H. Middlecamp* (CHED)


Committee on Science

D. Crans, Program Chair

Colorado Convention Center

D. Swartling, Program Chair

S M Tu W Th

Transitioning between Academic Research

into Practical Use: Solar Energy & Advanced
The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
& Allied Sciences & Engineering: Study,
Research & Careers without Borders* (PRES)
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D

International Activities Committee


H.N. Cheng, Program Chair

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

Growing Opportunities for Research

Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences**
The Interface of Chemical & Biological
Sciences International Disarmament
The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
& Allied Sciences & Engineering: Study,
Research & Careers without Borders* (PRES)
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise* P D


Senior Chemists Committee

G. Heinze, Program Chair

Located with Primary Sponsor

STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum* (CHED)

S M Tu W Th


Society Committee on
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Forensic Toxicology of Marijuana** CNR

Biomass to Fuel & Products** CNR
Sustainability in the 21st Century:
Optimizing Complex Interdependent
Systems** CNR
The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
& Allied Sciences & Engineering: Study,
Research & Careers without Borders* (PRES)
Undergraduate Research Papers* (CHED)
High School Program* (CHED)
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise*
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research*
Undergraduate Research Posters* (CHED)

S M Tu W Th




Women Chemists Committee

K. Woznack, A. Debaillie, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center

WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium**

Native American Women Chemists of
Color* (PROF)
Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in
Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator:
Honoring Emily A. Weiss* (INOR)
ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine
Chemistry: Honoring Vronique Gouverneur*
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Honoring Kim R. Dunbar* (INOR)

S M Tu W Th





Women Chemists Committee


K. Woznack, A. Debaillie, Program Chairs

Colorado Convention Center

S M Tu W Th

ACS Award for Encouraging Women into

Careers in the Chemical Sciences: Honoring
E. Ann Nalley* (PROF)
ACS Award for Achievement in Research
for the Teaching & Learning of Chemistry:
Honoring Vickie M. Williamson* (CHED)
F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic
Chemistry: Honoring Jaqueline L. Kiplinger*
ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged
Students in Chemistry: Honoring Catherine
H. Middlecamp* (CHED)
E. B. Hershberg Award for Important
Discoveries in Medicinally Active Substances:
Honoring Ruth R. Wexler* (MEDI)
National Fresenius Award: Honoring Abigail
G. Doyle * (ORGN)
Frank H. Field & Joe L. Franklin Award
for Outstanding Achievement in Mass
Spectrometry: Honoring Hilkka I.
Kenttmaa* (ANYL)


Younger Chemists Committee


T. Matos, A. Gavrilenko, Program Chairs

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial

Success: Honoring Terry L. Brewer* (SCHB)
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research*
Water Is the Next Oil: Small Businesses
Percolating to the Top* (SCHB)
Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical
Models & Practices* (ENVR)



S M Tu W Th




Younger Chemists Committee

T. Matos, A. Gavrilenko, Program Chairs

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

Starting a Successful Research Program at a

Predominantly Undergraduate Institution**
Chemical Tales of Success: Helpful Tips for
Younger Chemists**
Growing Opportunities for Research
Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences* (IAC)
Young Investigators in Medicinal Chemistry*
Best Practices for Success with SBIR & STTR
Grants* (SCHB)
Entrepreneurs Postor Session* (SCHB)

S M Tu W Th



*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CNR: Chemistry of Natural Resources


How to Read the Technical Program

Search for
the Division
listed in
the time or
poster #

Times represent
the start of oral
presentations and
numbers represent
poster numbers.

the day
the venue
and room for
each session

ACS members who joined in the last 12 months are invited to attend our
ACS looks forward to welcoming you to this very special event, Monday, March 23, from
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Colorado Convention Center Room 601. New members will
network with other Rockstars of Chemistry, such as award winners, published authors,
and notable scientists. Light refreshments will be served. Guests will receive reserved
seating for the Kavli Lecture Series.
Not a member yet?
Been a member for years?
Join today for your ticket to the Rockstars Stop by the ACS Booth and take a
Reception. Go to www.acs.org/ROCKSTAR commemorative ACS Rockstars photo
at the open air photo booth!
Learn about your benets at the Membership Rocks presentation in the ACS Theater
on Monday at 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. or Tuesday at 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
American Chemical Society

Amy (Vocals)

Presidential Events
D. G. Schmidt, Program Chair

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Particles at Fluid Interfaces

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

9:35 PRES 15. Adaptive governance.

V. Murashov

8:35 PRES 13. Innovation trends, policies, and

practices. T. Earles
9:05 PRES 14. The regulatory void. L. Bergeson

10:05 Intermission.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

The Transnational Practice of Chemistry

and Allied Sciences and Engineering: Study,
Research and Careers without Borders
Building a Global Technical Workforce
Cosponsored by BMGT, COMSCI, IAC and
J. L. Benham, S. Hill, B. Miller, Organizers,
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 PRES 1. Global landscape: Chemistry-

related transnational mobility and global

talent innovation. J.L. Benham
8:30 PRES 2. Building a global technical workforce. T. Connelly
9:00 PRES 3. Science in diplomacy and global
relations: Good guys only win if they work
together. D. Hupaylo


10:20 PRES 16. Sustainability and life cycle

issues. J.T. Morris

Section A

10:50 PRES 17. What is responsible development of nanotechnology? A. Lin

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Research & Development
Cosponsored by AGFD, AGRO, ANYL, CARB,

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical

& Electrochemical Sensing &
Alternative Energy Conversion Sensing,
Electronics, & Photophysics
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 PRES 8. Nanotechnology: Delivering the

promise R&D. C.A. Mirkin
2:05 PRES 9. NSF: Building foundational

knowledge and infrastructure for nanotechnology. M. Roco

2:35 PRES 10. National Institutes of Health:

10:00 PRES 4. School of pharmaceuti-

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Particles at Fluid Interfaces
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces
& Nanomaterials
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by PRES

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

DOE Nanoscience Research Centers

M. V. Buchanan, Organizer
G. Maracas, Organizer, Presiding

Department, University, and National

Models for Faculty Development to Support
Adoption of Evidence-Based Teaching
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by INOR,

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Metal Oxide Nanomaterials

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

cal science and technology of Tianjin

University: A demo project as an
international center of excellence in Chin.
J.S. Siegel
10:30 PRES 5. From international/multinational
ventures to transnational/global chemistry:
Lowering activation barriers across national
borders. L. Echegoyen
11:00 PRES 6. Chemistry in a global economy:
Can our curriculum meet the challenge?
J.S. Francisco
11:30 PRES 7. Connecting the dots:
Interdisciplinary relationships case study in
21st century global workforce. A. Phillips
12:00 Concluding Remarks.
Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants
& Nanomaterials Metal Nanomaterials
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Section A

D. G. Schmidt, Organizer
L. J. Doemeny, C. Geraci, Organizers, Presiding

J. L. Benham, S. Hill, B. Miller, Organizers,


The Transnational Practice of Chemistry

and Allied Sciences and Engineering: Study,
Research and Careers without Borders


National Resources for the Nanoscience

Cosponsored by ANYL, CCPA, CEI, ENFL and

Attracting and Preparing Chemists for the

Global Chemical Enterprise
Cosponsored by BMGT, COMSCI, IAC and

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport in

Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys Barrier
and Separation Behavior
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES,

The impact of nanotechnology in biology

and medicine. L. Henderson
3:05 Intermission.
3:15 PRES 11. Nanoscience and technology for
energy. H. Kung
3:45 PRES 12. Nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing with an emphasis on national
security. L. Sloter
4:15 Keynote Address. L. Whitman
5:00 Discussion.
Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants
& Nanomaterials

Section A

11:20 Discussion.

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion Spectroelectrochemistry,
Imaging, & Surface
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,
Safety and the Environment
Cosponsored by AGFD, AGRO, ANYL, CARB,
D. G. Schmidt, Organizer
L. J. Doemeny, C. Geraci, Organizers, Presiding

Particles at Fluid Interfaces

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Transitioning between Academic Research
into Practical Use: Solar-Energy and
Advanced Materials
Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by MPPG
and PRES

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Cosponsored by AGFD, AGRO, ANYL, CARB,
D. G. Schmidt, Organizer
L. J. Doemeny, C. Geraci, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 PRES 18. Nanomaterials in the marketplace. M. Philbert

8:40 PRES 23. User opportunities at the Center

for Nanophase Materials Sciences: From

materials-by-design to neutron nanoscience. H.M. Christen
9:10 PRES 24. Molecular foundry: A knowledge-based user facility for nanoscale
science. J. Neaton
9:40 PRES 25. Hybrid nanomaterials and tailoring nanoscale interactions at the Center for
Nanoscale Materials. A. Roelofs
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PRES 26. Nanomaterials integration:
A pathway to technological innovation.
N.D. Shinn, Q. Jia
11:00 PRES 27. Center for Functional
Nanomaterials and its unique capabilities
for research on nanomaterials by design
and in operando. E. Mendez
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion

2:00 PRES 19. University tech transfer issues.

M. Liehr

Biosensing, Energy Conversion & Catalysts

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

2:30 PRES 20. Nanotech market forecasting.

B. Giles

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Natural

Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by PRES

3:00 Intermission.
3:15 PRES 21. Regulation: Facilitating

advancement or serving as a barrier a

shared responsibility. T.L. Medley
3:45 PRES 22. Nanomanufacturing, nanomarkets, and applications. A. Malshe
4:15 Discussion.
Advances in Formulations Science
& Technology
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport in
Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys Energy,
Electrical and Thermal
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES,
Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
The Interface of Chemical and Biological
Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL,

Applied Nanotechnology for Food &
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PRES
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
The Interface of Chemical and Biological
Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL,

Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport in
Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES,

Applied Nanotechnology for Food &
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PRES
Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants
& Nanomaterials Amphiphilic Systems
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &
Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Biosensing, Catalysts, & Electrochemistry
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by PRES

Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable

Hydrogen Production and Storage
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Environmental Reactivity of Organic
Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and
Green Chemistry and the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and
Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion
& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Negative Carbon Emission Technologies:
BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture
& Storage)
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Understanding the Geochemical Interactions
of Organic Compounds in the Subsurface
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG
Uranium in Seawater The Chemistry
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI,

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES


Section A

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion

Colorado Convention Center

Bellco Theatre

Fabrication for Biosensing, Energy

Conversion & Catalysts
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Chemistry of Natural Resources Plenary

R. S. Weber, Organizer, Presiding
3:00 Introductory Remarks.


3:05 MPPG 1. Fundamentals of gas hydrates

Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by PRES

and their role in energy transportation and

storage. C.A. Koh
3:45 MPPG 2. Four horsemen of the advanced
biofuels apocalypse: Sustainability, technology, profitability, and politics. P.F. Bryan
4:25 MPPG 3. Water in the Anthropocene: too
much, too little, too dirty. P. Kareiva
5:05 Discussion.
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO,

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants
& Nanomaterials
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by PRES

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants
& Nanomaterials
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by PRES
Nanoscience Semiconductors
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by PRES

Program Planning

Biogenically Enhanced Recovery and

Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy
Biofuel and CO2 Utilization
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL and
Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable
Hydrogen Production and Storage
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

R. Weber, Program Chair


Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO,
Biogenically Enhanced Recovery and
Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy
Fuel Cell, Solar Cell and Solar Fuel
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL and

The Sorbents
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI,

Biomass to Fuel and Products
Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored by CELL,
Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy
Novel Catalysts
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL and
Chemical Technology in Antiquity
Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored by MPPG
Enhanced Extraction & Utilization
of Unconventional Energy Sources:
Hydrofracking, EOR and Novel Approaches
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Environmental Chemistry and Health Impacts
of Fine and Ultrane Particulate Matter
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Geochemistry and Reactive Transport in
Nano-Pore Geomaterials
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil
and Air Quality
Groundwater Impacts
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment

Chemical Technology in Antiquity

Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored by MPPG
Chemistry in the Marine Boundary Layer
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil
and Air Quality
Surface Water Impacts/Fluid Chemistry
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in
the Environment
Extraction Techniques to Isolate NOM and
Characterization of Pyrogenic Organic
Matter (Biomass Burning)
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL and
Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion
& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Uranium in Seawater
Analysis and Toxicity/Cost
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG,
and NUCL

Use of Mass Spectrometry and Other

Methods to Characterize NOM in Diverse
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL and


Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of

Natural Resources
Cosponsored by PRES

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,
Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

P. Alivisatos, P. S. Weiss, Organizers, Presiding

Transitioning between Academic Research

into Practical Use: Solar-Energy and
Advanced Materials
Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by MPPG
and PRES
Uranium in Seawater
Sorbents and Analysis
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

Environmental Reactivity of Organic

Green Chemistry and the Environment

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

Assessing Toxicity of Environmental

Uranium in Seawater

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Bellco Theatre

The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in

Chemistry Lecture
R. S. Weber, Organizer, Presiding
4:00 Introductory Remarks.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

9:00 Introductory Remarks.

9:05 MPPG 6. Your anion is my plasmonic

nanostructure: Discovering molecular

plasmonics. N.J. Halas
9:35 MPPG 7. Silicon nanostructures for new
energy applications. S. Lee
10:05 MPPG 8. Design of colloidal heterostructures for photocatalytic hydrogen
generation. A. Rogach
10:35 MPPG 9. Dimensionality matters:
Dimensionality effects on optoelectronic
behavior of semiconductor nanocrystals.
U. Banin
11:05 MPPG 10. Nanomaterials design for
programmed multi- and staged release.
P.T. Hammond
11:35 Concluding Remarks.
Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO,
C1 Chemistry
Methane Activation
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Section A

DOE Nanoscience Research Centers

National Resources for the Nanoscience
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by ANYL,

Colorado Convention Center

Bellco Theatre

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications

Negative Carbon Emission Technologies:

BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture
& Storage)
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

The Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry


Formation and Transformation

Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG

R. S. Weber, Organizer, Presiding

Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil

and Air Quality

Understanding the Geochemical Interactions

of Organic Compounds in the Subsurface
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG

5:35 MPPG 5. Us vs. them: Distinguishing

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Research & Development
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

4:05 MPPG 4. Radical frontiers in catalysis.

T. Betley

5:30 Introductory Remarks.

humans from microbes with carbohydrate.

L.L. Kiessling

Air & Water Quality

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG

Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment

12th International Symposium on Heavy
OilUpgrading, Production & Characterization

NMR and Photochemical Analysis of NOM

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL
and MPPG

Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels

Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by MPPG

ACS Award for Affordable Green Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of John Frye, Todd
Werpy, and Alan Zacher
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants
in the Natural Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO,
C1 Chemistry
Methane Activation
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Chemistry of the Energy Water Nexus: Focus
on Fracking
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil
and Air Quality Treatment and Regulations
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity
and Applications

Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources

Instrumentation and Methods
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by MPPG
C1 Chemistry
Syngas Chemistry
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered and Natural Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

Water Our Most Critical Resource

Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by MPPG

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas

Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG


Environmental Analysis: Analytical Methods

for Natural Resource Assessment and
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by MPPG
C1 Chemistry
CO2 Conversion
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of
Bonding and Kinetics
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by MPPG
Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity
and Applications
Biotic and Abiotic Redox Reactions
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG
Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion
& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered and Natural Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and
Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas
Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
ACS Award for Affordable Green Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of John Frye, Todd
Werpy, and Alan Zacher
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources
Instrumentation and Methods
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of

Bio-Oils Reaction Engineering
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by ENFL
and MPPG

Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels

Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by MPPG

Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources

12th International Symposium on Heavy Oil

Upgrading, Production & Characterization

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications

Formation and Transformation

Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG

12th International Symposium on Heavy Oil

Upgrading, Production & Characterization
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG


C1 Chemistry

Environmental Applications
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for

Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Bioavailability andBiogeochemical
Interactions Affecting Remediation
ofHazardous Substancesin the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG

Syngas Chemistry
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG

Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy
Extraction, and Agricultural Use
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Kenneth A. Spencer Award

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by MPPG
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered and Natural Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and
Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
Water Our Most Critical Resource
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by MPPG
Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas
Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

Division of Agricultural
And Food Chemistry
K. Deibler, Program Chair


Modern Analytical Approaches for the

Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in
the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Section A

Environmental Applications
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by MPPG

Chemistry in the Marine Boundary Layer

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG

Environmental Reactivity of Organic

Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and


Vitamin D: Past, Present & Future for Animals

& Humans


Environmental Chemistry and Health Impacts

of Fine and Ultrane Particulate Matter
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG

root cultures of muscadine grape: Effect

of methyl jasmonate and cyclodextrin.
T. Knapp, L. Nopo-Olazabal, F. Medina-Bolivar
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 AGFD 4. Evaluation, optimization, and
utilization of SOP 218.7 for the determination of Cr VI in drinking water. J. Bautista,
J. Weigand, M. Hart, G.D. Claycomb
10:50 AGFD 6. Determining volatile acidity in
wines through acetic acid gas detection
tubes. M. Bee, G.L. Sacks, P. Howe
11:20 AGFD 7. Alkylresorcinols: Purification
from wheat bran and quantification in
wholegrain wheat breads. N. Stone, Y. Zhu,
P. Wang, S. Sang

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications

Biogenically Enhanced Recovery and

Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG

Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical

Models and Practices
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CHED,

9:05 AGFD 2. Metabolite fingerprinting of

Punica granatum L. by HPLC with UV/DAD
and ESI-MSn detection. S.F. Groothuis,
F.P. Prencipe, S. Benvenuti, F. Pellati
9:35 AGFD 3. Production of stilbenoids in hairy

Reaction Engineering
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by ENFL
and MPPG

Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG


Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas

Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

AGFD Reception, 6:00 PM: Tues

AGFD Membership Planning Meeting,

12:00 PM: Sun
AGFD Division Executive Committee
Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sun
AGFD Future Programs Planning Meeting,
12:00 PM: Mon

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Undergraduate Symposium
Cosponsored by CHED
C. J. Brine, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 AGFD 1. Microwave-assisted green

synthesis of silver nanoparticles for the

assessment of total antioxidant capacity in
fruits. S. Bukovsky-Reyes, J.E. Owens

M. Appell, B. Burton-Freeman, E. Hellmuth,

L. Howard, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 AGFD 8. Progress and future investiga-

tions in understanding the role of vitamin

D in canine and feline health and disease.
D. Thamm, K.A. Selting
1:30 AGFD 9. Vitamin D and immunity:
Advancing human and animal health
through vitamin D research in cattle.
C. Nelson
1:55 AGFD 10. Toward a physiological referent
for the vitamin D requirement. R.P. Heaney
2:20 Discussion.
2:30 Intermission.
2:45 AGFD 11. Vitamin D in the prevention and
treatment of cancer. B.W. Hollis
3:10 AGFD 12. LC-MS/MS offers new insights
into vitamin D metabolism in humans and
knockout animal models. G. Jones
3:35 AGFD 13. Tribute to Ronald L. Horst.
D.C. Beitz
4:00 Panel Discussion.
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Graduate Student Symposium

Cosponsored by CHED
C. J. Brine, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 AGFD 14. Detection and quantification of

melamine in dairy products using molecularly-imprinted polymers-surface enhanced

Raman spectroscopic biosensors. Y. Hu,
X. Lu
1:35 AGFD 15. Novel method for debittering
table olives. R. Johnson, A.E. Mitchell
2:05 AGFD 16. Of terroir and tannins: The role
of pathogenesis-related proteins in red wine
astringency. L.F. Springer, G.L. Sacks
2:35 Intermission.
2:50 AGFD 17. Acute oral toxicity and nephrotoxicity mechanism(s) of selected fatty acid
esters of 3-MCPD. M. Liu, G. Huang, J. Liu,
B. Gao, L.L. Yu
3:20 AGFD 18. Influence of gingerols and their
metabolites on the human immune system.
C.E. Schoenknecht, P.H. Schieberle
3:50 AGFD 19. Inexpensive, portable paper-fluidic device for use in food safety and agricultural applications. C.K. Koo, S.R. Nugen

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

10:30 AGFD 33. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) resistant

2:00 Intermission.

11:10 AGFD 61. Is tomato worth an electron?

Research & Development

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

starch and novel processing methods

to increase resistant starch concentration. S.A. James, T. Pushparaj, D. Thavarajah,
S. Premakumara, K. Abeysekara, S. Sotheeswaran
10:50 AGFD 34. Fractionation and characterization of glabrous canary seed components
for food and non-food applications.
E.M. Abdelaal, P. Hucl, C. Patterson
11:10 AGFD 35. Induced resistance in ash
(Fraxinus spp.) against emerald ash borer:
A proteomic investigation. S. Chakraborty,
S. Opiyo, A. Hill, D. Cipollini, D.A. Herms,
P. Bonello
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

2:15 AGFD 47. Determination of quantitative

Bioelectrochemical treatment of waste

residues from tomato processing Industry.
V. Gadhamshetty, A. Fogg
11:30 AGFD 62. Herbicide metabolism database. J. Yao, W. Xu, M. Lin, J. Hu, Q. Tang

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,

Phytochemistry, & Utilization
Cosponsored by AGRO and MEDI
C. L. Cantrell, V. Jeliazkov, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 AGFD 20. Production of essential oils

for the personal care industry: Quality and

regulatory issues. B. Schmidt
9:00 AGFD 21. Green extraction of natural
products: From innovations to industrial
applications. F. Chemat
9:25 AGFD 22. Dual utilization of medicinal and
aromatic crops: For plant chemicals and
biofuels. V. Jeliazkov, C.L. Cantrell, N. Stewart,
B. Joyce, E. Jeliazkova
9:50 AGFD 23. Selected aspects of environmental protection in the processing of coalmonitoring and revitalization in relation to
the isolation, identification and utilization
of isolated organic compounds. I. Salamon,
J. Sandor, J. Mitra
10:15 Intermission.
10:30 AGFD 24. Breeding of German chamomile, Matricaria recutita L., with the high
content of /-/- - bisabolol. I. Salamon,
S. Mudroncekova, J. Fejer
10:55 AGFD 25. Biosynthesis of amphetamine-like alkaloids in Catha edulis and
Ephedra spp., two distantly related taxa.
E. Lewinsohn, J. Hagel, R. Krizevski, E. Bar,
R.A. Groves, A. Levy, K. Kilpatrick, Y. Zhang,
N. Dudai, C.W. Sensen, S. Ben Shabat, S. Yaron,
M. Frederic, P.J. Facchini
11:20 AGFD 26. Saline water management
strategy on growth and tuber yield of
Helianthus tuberosus (L.) cv. Stampede.
J.F. Ferreira, N. Dias, X. Liu, D. Suarez
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Agricultural & Food Chemistry General

Health and Nutrition in Food Chemistry
K. Deibler, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 AGFD 27. Innovative tactic toward rapid

isolation of unique bioactive sphingoids

from dietary natural resources. S. B.,
K. Monde
8:20 AGFD 28. Common juniper (Juniperus
communis L.) and its qualitative and
quantitative characteristics of essential oil in Albania. I. Salamon, A. Ibraliu,
S. Mudroncekova, J. Fejer
8:40 AGFD 29. Treatment with soluble phenolic
antioxidants significantly improves antioxidant capacity of insoluble wheat bran.
E. Dogan,

V. Gkmen
9:00 Intermission.
9:15 AGFD 30. Study of the synergy between
soluble and dietary fiber bound antioxidants. E.E. elik, V. Gkmen, L. Skibsted
9:35 AGFD 31. Carotenoid content and
composition in winter squash, (Cucurbita
maxima Duch.) and (Cucurbita moschata
Duch.): Variability associated with different
cultigens, harvest dates, and storage times.
J. Noseworthy
9:55 AGFD 32. Effect of xanthan/enzymatically
modified guar gum mixtures on the stability of oil-in-water emulsions. P. Chityala,
H. Khouryieh, K. Williams
10:15 Intermission.

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,

Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,

Phytochemistry, & Utilization
Cosponsored by AGRO and MEDI
C. L. Cantrell, V. Jeliazkov, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 AGFD 36. Chemical composition and

antimicrobial activity of crude extract

preparations from the medicinal plant
Vexibia alopecuroides (L.) Jakovl. T. Kustova,
T. Karpenyuk, M. Jacob, C.L. Cantrell, S. Ross
1:30 AGFD 37. -Triketones from Leptospermum
scoparium as natural herbicides Inhibiting
p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase.
F. Dayan, D. Owens, D. Nanayakkara
1:55 AGFD 38. Cilantro essential oil and its
major constituents as a source of new
drugs against Leishmaniasis. M.A. Donega,
S. . Mello, R.M. Moraes, S.K. Jain, B.L. Tekwani,
C.L. Cantrell
2:20 AGFD 39. Essential oils in prevention and
treatment of human opportunistic fungal
diseases. T. Markovic, V. Jeliazkov
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 AGFD 40. Effects of plant-derived bioactive compounds on rumen fermentation,
nutrient utilization, immune response,
and productivity of ruminant animals.
A.N. Hristov, J. Oh
3:25 AGFD 41. Hairy roots and human health:
Production and discovery of bioactive compounds. F. Medina-Bolivar, T. Yang, L. Fang,
K. Mockaitis, N. Joshee
3:50 AGFD 42. Bioactive constituents isolated
from essential oils from plants in Asteraceae
and Apiaceae families. K.M. Meepagala
4:15 AGFD 43. Recent research and development of Antrodia cinnamomea: An endemic
medicinal mushroom of Taiwan. S. K J,
S. Wang
4:40 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Agricultural & Food Chemistry General

K. D. Deibler, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 AGFD 44. Bacteriophage-based scheme

to enable rapid MALDI-TOF screening

of samples for bacterial contaminants.
S.D. Alcaine, L. Tilton, Z. Wang, S.R. Nugen
1:20 AGFD 45. Quantification of plant sterols
and plant stanols in phytosterol-enriched
foods and dietary supplements. C.T. Srigley,
E. Haile
1:40 AGFD 46. Phytochemical composition and
in vitro antimicrobial activity of selected
essential oils on foodborne pathogens.
R. Tardugno, F. Pellati, A. Serio, A. Paparella,
S. Benvenuti

sodium mass transfer coefficient during

osmotic processing of potatoes. A. Kinchla,
T. Hinkley
2:35 AGFD 48. Feline bitter receptors TAS2R38
and TAS2R43 have response profiles
distinct from the human homologues.
J. Rucker, M. Sandau, J. Goodman, A. Thomas,
N. Rawson
2:55 AGFD 49. Physics and chemistry of
brewing better coffee. C.H. Hendon,
L. Colonna-Dashwood, M. Colonna-Dashwood
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 AGFD 50. Estimation of procyanidin/
prodelphinidin and cis/trans flavanol ratios
of condensed tannin fractions by 1H-13C
HSQC NMR spectroscopy: Correlation
with thiolysis. W. Zeller, A. Ramsay, H. Ropiak,
C. Fryganas, I. Mueller-Harvey, R.H. Brown,
C. Drake, J.H. Grabber
3:50 AGFD 51. Impact by condensed tannins
with different mean degrees of polymerization on protein precipitation. W. Zeller,
M.L. Sullivan, I. Mueller-Harvey, J.H. Grabber,
A. Ramsay, C. Drake, R.H. Brown
4:10 AGFD 52. Determination of amygdalin in
apple seeds, fresh apples, and processed
apple juices. I. Bolarinwa
4:30 AGFD 5. Withdrawn.
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

K. D. Deibler, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
74, 77-78, 84, 92-97, 100, 103, 115, 118-120, 124125. See subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Agricultural & Food Chemistry General

Agricultural and the Environment
K. Deibler, Organizer
B. Park, Presiding
8:00 AGFD 53. Highly sensitive colorimetric
sensors for fumigants. G. Sun
8:20 AGFD 54. Evaluation of biochar in three

soil types for nutrient and water retention

toward increased crop yield. B.J. Winters
8:40 AGFD 55. Positive role of lignin in enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass.
Y. Huang, M. Tu
9:00 Intermission.
9:15 AGFD 56. Green technologies for the
generation of value added cotton. S. Chang,
B. Condon, J. Smith
9:35 AGFD 57. Withdrawn.
9:55 AGFD 58. Phytotoxic and mosquito larvicidal constituents from Ammi visnaga seeds.
K.M. Meepagala, J.J. Becnel
10:15 AGFD 59. Mustard meal extract as a
natural herbicide for liverwort control.
I.E. Popova, J.S. Dubie, M.J. Morra
10:35 Intermission.
10:50 AGFD 60. Phage amplification-based
paper-fluidic device for the detection of
generic E. coli. S.D. Alcaine, S.R. Nugen

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food

Cosponsored by AGRO, BIOT, COMP and MEDI
B. D. Guthrie, Organizer, Presiding
9:30 Introductory Remarks.
9:35 AGFD 63. Understanding physical-chem-

ical, biological (antioxidant) and optical

properties of natural polyphenols at an
atomistic-scale. P. Trouillas, M. Otyepka
9:55 AGFD 64. Beyond ORAC: Dietary polyphenolics as metal-binding a98ntioxidants and
food preservatives. N.R. Perron, H.C. Wang,
J.L. Brumaghim
10:15 Intermission.
10:30 AGFD 66. Carbonyl-scavenging ability
of phenolic compounds: A second barrier
defense against the damage caused by lipid
oxidation and oxidative stress. R. Zamora,
F.J. Hidalgo
10:50 AGFD 65. Antiglycation activity of tannic
acid in ovalbumin-glucose model system.
H. Akillioglu, V. Gkmen
11:10 AGFD 67. Phenolic acids: Precursors for
desirable aroma-active compounds and the
undesirable toxicologically relevant styrene
in wheat beer. M. Granvogl, D. Langos,
P.H. Schieberle
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Applied Nanotechnology for Food &

Cosponsored by PRES
M. Appell, B. Park, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 AGFD 68. Effect of nano size reduc-

tion on absorption and bioavailability of

calcium from fortified milk powder in rats.
H. Mirhosseini, A. Erfanian, M. Abd Manap,
b. rasti, S. Bin Mustafae
1:35 AGFD 69. Green synthesis and electrospray atmospheric pressure ionization mass
spectral studies of hydrazinocurcumin: A
potentially important derivative for intestinal absorption studies at the nanolevel.
B. Dayal, A. Mehta, D. Kulkarni, A. Pandey, S. Li,
M.A. Lea
2:05 AGFD 70. Withdrawn.
2:35 Intermission.

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

2:50 AGFD 71. Nanocompositions for

enhancing shelf life and quality of fruits,

vegetables, and flowers. G. Paliyath,
P. Padmanabhan, S. Mihindukulasurya, J. G.J.,
I. El Sharkawy, S. Jayasankar, L. Lim, A. Sullivan,
S. K.S., G. R, K. Gill
3:20 AGFD 72. Investigation of materials for the
removal of arsenic from foodstuffs. T. Reed,
A.W. Apblett
3:50 AGFD 73. Bionanosensor adjusting the
farming cultural practices in emergent
nations. J. Reyes, N.D. Becerra-Mora,
Y. Moreno, C.L. Macias, N.A. Mario, A. Kohli,
P. Kohli
4:20 Concluding Remarks.
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Agricultural & Food Chemistry General

K. Deibler, Organizer, Presiding
3:30 - 5:30
74. Thermal stability of food allergens
and nonallergenic proteins: A comparative
study. Y. Wu, T. Fu
AGFD 75. Grain quality traits in a sorghum
association mapping panel. S. Bean,
T. Herald, J.D. Wilson, P. Gadgil, R.C. Kaufman,
B.P. Ioerger
AGFD 76. Factors related to reduced in-vitro
protein digestibility in a diverse sorghum
population. S.L. Adrianos, D.L. Blackwell,
S. Bean, B.P. Ioerger, M. Tilley, T. Herald, P. Gadgil
AGFD 77. Smell of the entrance to the heaven:
Volatiles from the coffee berry blossom
end and their potential applications in
pest managements of coffee berry borer
Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae). Y. Yu, E. Jang, M. siderhurst
AGFD 78. Influence of plant maturity on
anthocyanin levels, phenolic composition,
and antioxidant properties of purple basil
(Ocimum basilicum L.). K.R. McCance,
E.D. Niemeyer
AGFD 79. Determination of the antioxidant
properties of flavanones and flavanone
glucuronide metabolites. K.A. Costello,
E.D. Niemeyer
AGFD 80. Withdrawn.
AGFD 81. Chiral and achiral profiling of a pesticide formulation using ultraperformance
convergence chromatography (UPC2)
with PDA and mass detection. M. Twohig,
M. OLeary, P.G. Alden
AGFD 82. Effectiveness of flocculants on
inorganic and metallic species removal
during aerobic digestion of wastewater
from poultry processing plant. N. Lovanh,
J.H. Loughrin, K. Cook, K. Sistani, P. Silva
AGFD 83. Novel structural modifications of
plant oils. A. Biswas, H. Cheng
AGFD 84. QSAR and density functional
approaches to evaluate trichothecene toxicity and detection. M. Appell, W.B. Bosma

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

85. Cross species amplification of
thirteen distinct microsatellite loci in Z.
aquatica. B.J. Pinto
AGFD 86. Influence of biological fertilization on
seed production of winter wheat. D. Trifan,
M. Bularda
AGFD 87. Sorption of organic dyes by straw
biochar and its effective factor. X. Ji, L. Lyu,
C. Yang
AGFD 88. Detoxification with enzymes for tung
meal. R. Liu
AGFD 89. Distribution and enantiomeric profiles of organochlorine pesticides in surface
sediments from Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea,
and Arctic Ocean. M. Jin, B. Xue, S. Zhou
AGFD 90. Enhanced anti-ultraviolet and
thermal stability of a pesticide by modification of a volatile organic compound
(VOC)-free vinyl-silsesquioxane in severe
environments. D. Lin, X. Han, L. Hu
AGFD 91. Antilipidemic actions of the dietary
fiber extract of soybean residues in
Kunming mice. D. Lin, Z. Tu
AGFD 92. Advanced glycation endproducts
may affect digestion and antigen processing of food allergens. C.P. Mattison, J. Dinter,
M. Berberich, S. Chung, S. Reed, S. Le Gall,
C.C. Grimm
AGFD 93. Behavior of whey protein concentrates under extreme storage conditions.
M.H. Tunick
AGFD 94. Alternative hop processing. C.
Knuston, B.E. Sturgeon
AGFD 95. Mechanism behind the antibacterial
properties of hop acid investigated with
model cell membranes. Y. Park, A. Sostarecz
AGFD 96. Determination of the presence of
flavor- and aroma-affecting compounds in
beer resulting from various yeast washing
techniques. D. Kazal, W.H. Steel
AGFD 97. Improving lag time in second-generation washed beer yeast. W.H. Steel
AGFD 98. Changes of volatile compounds in
Muscadine grape (Vitis rotundiforlia) during
ripening. B. Lee, F. Chen
AGFD 99. Vapor-infusion of wine flavor
volatiles in specialty dark chocolate
and analysis via GC-M. S. Richards,
S. Bremer, K.L. Nuckles, C.R. Thurman, P.J. Iles,
L.D. Giddings, M. Alvarez, N.R. Bastian
AGFD 100. Volatile-organic component sensitive colorimetric chemosensor: Application
for determination of apple quality. Y. Kim,
S. Jin, G. Kim, J. Park
AGFD 101. Withdrawn.
AGFD 102. Effect of fat concentration and
fermentation on thermal proprieties of milk
bases. Z. Bao, J. Xiong, J. Ye
AGFD 103. Production of lactic acid from
cheese whey in controlled pH batch
fermentation using Lactobacillus plantarum
DSA 20174. A.A. Ayad, D. Gad El-Rab,
S. Ibrahim
AGFD 104. Mineral and trace element analysis
of berry liquors from Northern Europe.
N.J. Ronkainen, N.S. Olson, S. Mustaly
AGFD 105. Roasting effects on phenolic
content and free-radical scavenging
activities of pulp pre-conditioned and
fermented cocoa (Theobroma cacao) beans.
E. Afoakwa, E. Ofosu-Ansah, J. Takrama,
A.S. Budu
AGFD 106. Synthesis and characterization
of cationic starches and their application
in preparation of fertilizer nanoparticles
through four-Inlet vortex mixer. Y. Shi,
S. Zhang, X. Jia, K. Chen, X. Guo
AGFD 107. Multiplex real-time PCR detection
and identification of food-borne pathogens
Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli and
Shigella exneri. K.C. Sweetin, K.M. Elkins
AGFD 108. Multiplex real-time PCR detection
and differentiation of food-borne pathogen
Bacillus cereus and related Bacillus species.
J.D. Roussillon, K.M. Elkins
AGFD 109. Determination of heavy metals
in tomatoes sauces. M. Reyna Liriano,
R. Tremont

110. Mold population on freshly-harvested rice and factors affecting prevalence. S. Thote, G. Atungulu, H. Zhong
AGFD 111. Fatty acid analysis of tilapia.
E.M. Crosier, M.J. Yurkevicius, A.L. Rhyne,
N.E. Breen
AGFD 112. Comparison of the fatty acid profiles of wild caught and farm raised salmon.
M.J. Yurkevicius, E.M. Crosier, D.L. Taylor,
N.E. Breen, A.L. Rhyne
AGFD 113. Antioxidant effect of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 and detection and
pro-oxidative activity of ferryl-hemoglobin in
washed cod muscle. N. Tatiyaborworntham,
M.P. Richards
AGFD 114. Effect of porcine pancreatic
phospholipase A2 on trout hemoglobin-promoted lipid oxidation and heme
partitioning in washed cod muscle.
N. Tatiyaborworntham, M.P. Richards
AGFD 115. Isolation and characterization
of chitin from the mushroom Pleurotus
ostreatus with possible application in
biomedical and pharmaceutical application.
B. Calderon
AGFD 116. Methyglyoxal scavenging activity
of deacetylasperulosidic acid. S. Deng,
B. West, J. Jensen, C. Su
AGFD 117. Dietary sources of iridoids inhibit
advanced glycation end product formation.
B. West, A. Bogdanov, S. Deng, C. Su, C. Jensen,
Z. Zaynudinov
AGFD 118. Exploration of curcumin, UV-Vis
absorption, and degradation kinetics.
H. Goemann, T. Roettgen, J.D. Alia
AGFD 119. Role of polyphenols of Artemisia
nova and Artemisia wyomingensis in sage
grouse dietary preferences. A.H. Nguyen,
J.S. Forbey, G.G. Frye, J.W. Connelly,
C.Y. Dadabay
AGFD 120. Antioxidant protection in human
blood plasma of varying triglyceride content
utilizing a ferric reduction assay. R. Chandra,
C. Chidi, K. Huerta-Ruiz-Garza
AGFD 121. Withdrawn.
AGFD 122. Antioxidant activity assay based
on rapid colorimetric measurement of
gold nanoparticles. J. Chou, X. Li, Y. Yin,
N. Indrisek, J. Merono
AGFD 123. Chemical constituents and
biological evaluation of leaves essential
oils of Vitex agnus-castus L. growing in the
southern-west of Algeria. K. Sekkoum
AGFD 124. Block ionomer complexes formed
by carboxymethyl-dextran-block-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymer and -lactalbumin.
J. Du, O.G. Jones
AGFD 125. Antioxidant activities of supercritical carbon dioxide and ethanol extracts
of Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry)
pomace. J. Wenzel, T. Dixon, E. Tucker,
L. Wang, M. Ammerman, C. Samaniego
AGFD 126. Digestibility, viscosity, and microstructural properties of waxy and non-waxy
rice starches resulting from microwave
heat-moisture treatment. A. Anderson
AGFD 127. Beauvericin as virulence factor
of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria
bassiana (BALS.) used on bark beetles
attacking spruces. S. Mudroncekova,
I. Salamon, M. Barta
AGFD 128. Lyophilization technology for isolation of anthocyanins from fruits of the high
bush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.).
I. Salamon, R. Mariychuk, S. Mudroncekova,
D. Grulova
AGFD 129. Distribution of residues in various
muscles of cattle following intramuscular
administration of hormones. S. Sklenka,
P.S. Chu, J. Ward, A. Chiesa, T. Johnson
AGFD 130. Comparison of kinetic profile of
two total antioxidant capacity assays.
C. Krzykwa, S.P. Canete
AGFD 131. Identification of toxic metal ions
in water using a gold nanoparticle based
colorimetric sensor array. G. Sener, L. Uzun,
A. Denizli
AGFD 132. Effect of different proportions of
ethanol on the crystalline structure of bacterial celluloses. J. Xiong, Z. Wang, J. Ye

133. Teaching laboratory for food analysis: Titration and HPLC characterization of
kombucha fermentation. N. Lawton, W. Hall,
S. Tachibana
AGFD 134. Polyphenol antioxidants in savory
snacks: Are any there? J. Goodman,
J.A. Vinson
AGFD 135. Isoflavone metabolism leading by
the human intestinal bacteria. M. Kim, J. Han
AGFD 136. Analysis of aroma compounds in
whiskey by DLLME-GC/MS. J.E. Owens,
L.B. Zimmerman, M.A. Gardner, L. Lowe,
D.A. Orban, C.N. Goolsby
AGFD 137. Biosoprtion of various mushrooms.
W. Ryan, C. Fowler, K. Yuan, D.J. Schauer
AGFD 138. Active site analysis of lepidopteran Farnesyl diphosphate synthase:
Implications in omologous juvenile hormone
biosynthesis. S.E. Sen, T. Horseld, A. Jones
AGFD 139. Mercury analysis of tuna using a
low-cost cold vapor spectroscopy apparatus. J. Hernandez
AGFD 140. Analysis of lipid transfer proteins in
Arabidopsis thaliana by means of epitope
tags to decipher the role of LTP4s lipid in
plant senescence. J. Bautista
AGFD 141. Efforts toward the development of
a titrimetric method for measuring biosorption capacity. S. Ardon, H. Duke, B. Stewart,
T. Robertson, D.J. Schauer
AGFD 142. Withdrawn.
AGFD 143. Antioxidant and aldose
reductase inhibitory activities of colorfleshed potatoes. D. Kalita, B. Shieh,
H. Ali, D.V. LaBarbera, D.G. Holm, J.M. Petrash,
S.S. Jayanty

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food

Cosponsored by AGRO, BIOT, COMP and MEDI
B. D. Guthrie, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 AGFD 144. Ultrasound-assisted extraction

of phenolic compounds from hazelnut

shells. B. Yuan, M.A. Hanna
1:25 AGFD 145. Effects of pod storage and
fermentation duration on total polyphenols,
o-diphenols, and anthocyanin concentrations in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) beans.
E. Afoakwa, J.E. Kongor, J. Takrama, A.S. Budu,
H. Mensah-Brown
1:45 AGFD 146. Effect of solvent composition
on grafting gallic acid onto chitosan via carbodiimides. P. Guo, J.D. Anderson, J.J. Bozell,
S. Zivanovic
2:25 AGFD 148. Analysis of grape seed tannins
by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF and
ORBITRAP ESI-MS). E. Salas, N. Teixeira,
S. Maia, J. Oliveira, N. Mateus, V. De Freitas
2:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

Applied Nanotechnology for Food &

Cosponsored by PRES
M. Appell, B. Park, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 AGFD 149. Potentiometric PVC membrane

sensors and their analytical applications

in pharmaceuticals analysis: One example
potentiometric PVC membrane sensors
determination of moxifloxacin in pharmaceutical dose form. G.A. Mostafa
9:05 AGFD 150. Development of phage-conjugated magnetic nanoprobes for bacterial
separation. S.R. Nugen, J. Chen
9:35 Intermission.

9:50 AGFD 151. Label-free detection of
Salmonella typhimurium with ssDNA aptamers. B. Park, B. Wang, Z. Lou, B. Xu, Y. Kwon

4:35 AGFD 167. Contaminated irrigation water

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

and the associated human health risks.

T. Tongesayi

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,

Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

10:20 AGFD 152. Integration of nanostructured

dielectrophoretic device and surface-enhanced Raman probe for highly sensitive

rapid bacteria detection. F. Madiyar,
S. Bhana, L. Swisher, X. Huang, C.T. Culbertson,
J. Li
10:50 Discussion.


Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Water Our Most Critical Resource

Cosponsored by MPPG

Section A

S. Ahuja, Organizer
J. Finley, J. N. Seiber, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 113

8:00 AGFD 168. Optimizing water resources:

An Israeli approach. H.L. Taft

Agricultural & Food Chemistry General


8:30 AGFD 169. Impacts of EPAs Clean Power

Plan on electricity generation and water use

in Texas. P. Faeth

K. Deibler, Organizer
B. Park, Presiding

9:00 Intermission.

1:00 AGFD 153. Accurate experimental design

9:10 AGFD 170. Desalination for expanding

water supplies. J.H. Lienhard

for the characterization and quantitation

of Antrodia cinnamomea triterpenoids
with RSM, qNMR, and HPLC-tandem
MS: A tough case to crack. T. Wu, Y. Du,
M. El-Shazly, M. Lu, Y. Hsu, K. Lai, C. Chiu,
F. Chang, Y. Wu
1:20 AGFD 154. Anti-inflammatory constituents
of Cordyceps militaris. C. Chiu, T. Wu, C. Lee,
Y. Du, M. El-Shazly, Y. Chan, C. Tang, F. Chang,
Y. Wu
1:40 AGFD 155. Isolation and structural
characterization of five constituents from
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. by multistep
process. M. Zhu, J. Wen, Y. Dong, Y. Su,
Q. Wei, R. Sun
2:00 Intermission.
2:10 AGFD 156. Improved the emulsion stability
of phosvitin from hen egg yolk against
different pH by the covalent attachment
with dextran. H. Chen
2:30 AGFD 157. Protein level determination in
foods: A comparison of analytical methods.
M.C. Azih
2:50 Intermission.
3:00 AGFD 158. Influence of branched limit
dextrin on wheat starch gels retrogradation.
J. Xu, X. Fan, X. Xu
3:20 AGFD 159. Modified fermentation method
of producing virgin coconut oil. N.D. Flores,
J. Cuya
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 112

Water Our Most Critical Resource

Cosponsored by MPPG
J. Finley, Organizer
S. Ahuja, J. N. Seiber, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 AGFD 171. Improving water use estimates

for the United States. N.L. Barber
10:10 AGFD 172. Water security in a warming
world. D. Michel
10:40 Intermission.
10:50 AGFD 173. Decreasing the severity of

chemical pretreatment processes of switchgrass through storage. D. Carrier, M. Wilkins,

M. Buser, N. Frederick
11:20 AGFD 174. Coupling surface water
remediation to sustainable energy: Toward
off-grid production of algae for biofuels.
J.B. Miller
11:50 AGFD 175. Water for food production:
Will we have enough? J.W. Finley
12:20 AGFD 176. Sustaining groundwater
resources for global food security. T. Harter

Division of
P. Rice, Program Chair

Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI
and MPPG
Environmental Reactivity of Organic
Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:05 AGFD 160. Water is indeed a crucial
resource. S. Ahuja
1:35 AGFD 161. Water and wine. J.N. Seiber,
V. Tianco, J. Real
2:05 AGFD 162. Foundations of water quality

monitoring and assessment in the United

States. D.N. Myers
2:35 Intermission.
2:45 AGFD 163. Chemical characterization
of brackish groundwater resources of
the United States. P. McMahon, J. Bhlke,
K. Dahm, J. Stanton, D. Parkhurst
3:15 AGFD 164. Water challenges in unconventional in situ energy resource extraction
technologies. T.J. Gallegos, C. Bern,
J.E. Birdwell, S.S. Haines, M. Engle
3:45 AGFD 165. Energy and water nexus in
urban environments. T. Younos
4:05 Intermission.
4:15 AGFD 166. Effect of upflow velocity on
nutrient recovery from swine wastewater
by fluidized bed struvite crystallization.
R.M. Abarca, R.S. Pusta, R.B. Labad, J.A. Andit,
C.M. Rejas, M.G. de Luna, M. Lu

Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI
and MPPG
Environmental Reactivity of Organic
Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Research & Development
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,
Phytochemistry, & Utilization
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO
and MEDI
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO,

Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy

Extraction, and Agricultural Use
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

Division of Analytical
D. C. Duckworth, Program Chair


DOE Nanoscience Research Centers
National Resources for the Nanoscience
Community (see PRES, Tue)
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic
Matter in the Environment (see ENVR,
Mon, Tue, Wed)
Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants
in the Natural Environment (see ENVR,
Tue, Wed)
Macromolecular and Nanoparticle
Separation Science (see POLY, Sun, Mon,

Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food

Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO,

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for
Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO,
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Processing Sources
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO,

Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source and
a Sustainable Solution for the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered and Natural Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source and
a Sustainable Solution for the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO
Surface Physicochemical Processes in
Engineered and Natural Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

Environmental Reactivity of Organic
Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and
Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy
Extraction, and Agricultural Use
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Environmental Analytical Chemistry: A Tool

for Introducing Research
M. Crowe, J. C. Ingram, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ANYL 1. Environmental analytical

chemistry summer research for high school

students. J.C. Ingram
1:30 ANYL 2. General Chemistry assignment
analyzing environmental contamination for
the DePue, IL, National Superfund site.
F.M. Geiger
1:50 ANYL 3. Environmental analytical
chemistry research: An undergraduates
perspective. J. Credo, J.C. Ingram
2:10 ANYL 4. Environmental analytical chemistry research with undergraduate students
at Union College: Case studies and lessons
learned. L. MacManus-Spencer
2:30 Intermission.
2:45 ANYL 5. Environmental analytical chemistry at James Madison University. R.D. Foust,
D.M. Downey, C.A. Hughey
3:05 ANYL 6. Laboratory and field-based
environmental analytical chemistry research
experiences for undergraduates at Villanova
University. A.M. Grannas
3:25 ANYL 7. Novel scan method for differential
ion mobility spectrometry separations.
R. Harris, B. Santiago, S. Isenberg, G.L. Glish
3:45 ANYL 8. Electrochemistry and biofilms:
Undergraduate research at the interface of
chemistry and biology. R.J. Lesuer, A. Maselli

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Advances in Analytical Separations

J. L. Maclachlan, Organizer, Presiding



Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,

Phytochemistry, & Utilization
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO
and MEDI

Surface Physicochemical Processes in

Engineered and Natural Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO and

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:05 ANYL 9. Award Address (ACS Award

in Chromatography sponsored by SigmaAldrich/Supelco). Framework for the

development of several new bioanalytical
methods. M.T. Hearn

8:50 ANYL 10. Profiling anionic polar metab-

olites in oral cancer using capillary ion chromatography and high resolution accurate
mass spectrometry. T. Christison, J. Wang,
Y. Huang, L. Lopez
9:15 ANYL 11. Separation of guanidine
derivatives in surface water with resorcinarene-based ion chromatography columns.
T. Panahi
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 ANYL 12. Critical experimental evaluation
of key methods to detect, size, and quantify
nanoparticolate silver. L. Calzolai, C. Cascio,
D. Gilliland, F. Rossi, C. Contado
10:25 ANYL 13. Evaluation of nanoparticle-ligand distributions to determine nanoparticle concentration. U. Uddayasankar, U.J. Krull
10:50 ANYL 14. Hydrophobic surface modification of organo-silica hybrid monolithic
columns using photografting and thiol-ene
click chemistry. Z. Zajickova, D. Britsch,
D.M. Gharbharan, T. Sabol, A.K. Weed
11:15 ANYL 15. Separation of mercury from
VOCs and selective detection using gold
film amalgamation and photoionization
detection. J.L. Maclachlan, J.N. Driscoll
11:35 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room B

Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry

Electrochemical and Dye Sensing
G. Patonay, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ANYL 16. Ca2+-controlled assembly

for visualized detection of conformation

changes of calmodulin. C. Xing
8:25 ANYL 17. Probe-based nanopore biosensor for detection of copper ion. X. Chen,
L. Wang, S. Zhou, G. Wang, X. Guan
8:45 ANYL 18. Nanopore back titration analysis
of dipicolinic acid. S. Zhou, Y. Han, L. Wang,
X. Chen, X. Guan
9:05 ANYL 19. Sensitive histidine sensors
based on glucose derivatives. R. Cheng,
R. Guo, Y. Bu, Y. Liu
9:25 ANYL 20. Chiral microchip electrophoresis-mass spectrometric platform for
studying cellular uptake and release of
D-/L-serine. Y. Liu, X. Li
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 ANYL 21. Ratiometric electrochemical
biosensors for in vivo analysis. Y. Tian
10:20 ANYL 22. Intercalating dyes for enhanced
contrast in second harmonic generation
imaging of protein crystals. N. Scarborough,
J. Newman, N. Pogranichniy, G.J. Simpson
10:40 ANYL 23. Amperometric disk-shaped
microelectrode biosensor for in vivo
detection of D-serine. D. Polcari, A. Kwan,
M. Van Horn, L. Danis, L. Pollegioni, E. Ruthazer,
J. Mauzeroll
11:00 ANYL 24. Single-cell heterogeneity:
Direct intracellular pH measurement with
chitosan functionalized nanopipettes.
R.E. Ozel, N. Pourmand
11:20 ANYL 25. Development of new tools for
characterization of the metabolomic effects
of diabetes on serum proteins. R. Matsuda,
V. Kolli, Z. Li, M. Woods, K. Hoy, J. Anguizola,
O. Barnaby, E.D. Dodds, D.S. Hage

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment
Use of Mass Spectrometry and Other
Methods to Characterize NOM in Diverse
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL
and MPPG

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Advances in Analytical Separations

J. L. Maclachlan, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ANYL 26. Development of a high-through-

put method for determination of terpenoid

content in pine. A.E. Ware, R. Sykes,
G.F. Peter, M.F. Davis
1:30 ANYL 27. Determination of allyl isothiocyanate and related compounds in horseradish by GC/MS. C. Qiu, D.E. Raynie
1:55 ANYL 28. Trapping of volatile compounds
after supercritical fluid extraction and
application to supercritical carbon dioxide
essential oil extraction of selected plants.
J. Kiratu, D.E. Raynie
2:20 ANYL 29. Designing and characterization of high throughput multilayer micro
fluidic device for single cell analysis.
D.R. Ediriweera Weerarathna Patabdige,
T. Mickleburgh, C.T. Culbertson
2:45 Intermission.
3:05 ANYL 30. Improved extraction chromatographic materials for the separation and
preconcentration of metal ions. A. Momen
3:30 ANYL 31. Factors influencing the
mode(s) of metal ion partitioning into
N-alkylpyridinium-based ionic liquids (ILs).
J. Wankowski, M.L. Dietz
3:55 ANYL 32. Analysis of interactions for
testosterone with human serum albumin
and sex hormone-binding globulin using
ultrafast affinity extraction and high performance affinity chromatography. X. Zheng,
M. Brooks, D.S. Hage
4:20 ANYL 33. Synthesis and characterization
of methacroloyl phenyl alanine-co-vinyl
imidazole based CEC monolithic column for
the separation of aromatic hydrocarbons.
H. Ishaque
4:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room B

Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry

Natural Product and Tumor Detection
G. Patonay, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ANYL 34. Mass spectrometry-based

discovery of novel tylosin analogs from

Streptomyces fradia. K. Hensal, A. Johnson,
E.E. Carlson
1:25 ANYL 35. Modified Folin-Ciocalteu

colorimetry method for the determination

of total phenolics in biomass samples.
K.P. Bastola, V. Bhadriraju, Y.N. Guragain,
P.V. Vadlani
1:45 ANYL 36. High resolution MALDI imaging
mass spectrometry: A molecular imaging
of natural products in planta. D.S. Dalisay,
L.B. Davin, O. Rbel, B.P. Bowen, N.G. Lewis
2:25 ANYL 37. Hybrid nanoparticles for multiplexed isolation and detection of circulating
tumor cells in whole blood. X. Huang
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 ANYL 38. Hydroxl-graphene/Fe3O4 hybrids
for selective inhibition of tumor metastasis.
W. Zhang, X. Li, M. Lin, Y. Liu

3:20 ANYL 39. Genotyping of COX-2 and

11:00 ANYL 51. Ion mobility: Mass spectrom-

BCL-2 polymorphisms associated with

gastric cancer susceptibility based on
magnetic nanoparticles and dual-color
fluorescence hybridization. N. He, Y. Deng,
S. Li, Y. Zhang
3:40 ANYL 40. Metabolic snapshots of
triglyceride transport in human blood
circulation: A diagnostic toolkit. R. Chandra,
K. Huerta-Ruiz-Garza, S. Hameed, J.M. Jurica,
C. Chidi
4:00 ANYL 41. Quantitative serine protease
assays based on formation of copper oligopeptide complexes. K. Yang, X. Ding
4:20 ANYL 42. Use of NIR fluorescent silica
nanoparticles as labels. G. Patonay,
G. Chapman, M. Henary, K. Emer, S. Crow
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment

etry driven discovery of neuropeptide-inspired Alzheimers disease therapeutics.

M.T. Soper, B.T. Ruotolo
11:20 ANYL 52. Resolving power in differential
ion mobility spectrometry: What does it
really mean. B.G. Santiago, G.L. Glish

Extraction Techniques to Isolate NOM and

Characterization of Pyrogenic Organic
Matter (Biomass Burning)
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL
and MPPG

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

D. C. Duckworth, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
86, 89, 95-96, 102, 105, 107, 109, 112, 116-117,
125, 128, 137, 147-148, 151, 155, 156, 164.
See subsequent listings.

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Advances in Mass Spectrometry

G. L. Glish, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ANYL 43. Nanoscale 3D molecular

imaging by extreme ultraviolet laser ablation

mass spectrometry: a new analytical tool
for the organic and inorganic solid state.
I. Kuznetsov, J. Filevich, M. Woolston, T. Green,
D. Carlton, W. Chao, E. Anderson, E.R. Bernstein,
D. Crick, E. Bukovsky, D.L. Calkins, D.C. Crans,
O. Boltalina, S.H. Strauss, J.J. Rocca, C. Menoni
8:25 ANYL 44. Collision crossSectional
areas by Fourier transform ion cyclotron
resonance mass spectrometry: CRAFTI.
D.V. Dearden, A. Anupriya, C.A. Jones, J. Shen,
C. Harper
8:45 ANYL 45. Using online chemistry databases to facilitate structure identification
in mass spectral data. A.J. Williams,
V. Tkachenko, A. Pshenichnov
9:05 ANYL 46. Toward theoretical mass
spectrometry: from organic molecules to
polypeptides. R. Spezia, K. Song
9:25 ANYL 47. Constrained fitting of overlapping peaks in high-resolution mass spectra:
Which ions should we fit, what is the precision of the fitted intensities, can we derive
bulk chemical parameters without fitting?
J.L. Jimenez, H. Stark, M.J. Cubison
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 ANYL 48. High-throughput method for
determining the sugar content in biomass
with pyrolysis molecular beam mass
spectrometry. R.W. Sykes, E.L. Gjersing,
C.L. Doeppke, M.F. Davis
10:20 ANYL 49. Trapped ion mobility spectrometry. M. Ridgeway, M. Park, J. Meier, J. Silveira
10:40 ANYL 50. Ion mobility for the investigation of electrospray variability and structural
elucidation: Applied protomer analysis.
D. Stevens, M. McCullagh, G. Cleland, L. Mullin,
J. Burgess

Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room B

Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry

Biosensing and Bioassays
A. G. Cavinato, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ANYL 53. Detecting single nucleotide

polymorphisms in DNA duplexes using

Backscattering Interferometry. G. HaddadWeiser, D.J. Bornhop, R.A. Flowers
8:25 ANYL 54. Immobilization and functional
coating of gold nanoparticles in a
polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device.
K. Kounovsky-Shafer, J. Blum, R. Svatora,
S.A. Darveau, C.L. Exstrom
8:45 ANYL 55. Highly sensitive electrical
biosensing based on nanogap electrode.
T.M. Terse, S. Herrera, D. Yan, D.J. Kisailus,
A.K. Mulchandani
9:05 ANYL 56. Cellulose based bioassay
for colorimetric detection of pathogens.
D. Saikrishnan, A. Kukol
9:25 Intermission.
9:40 ANYL 57. Development of an impedance-based TLR4/MD-2 complex-modified
Au biosensor for detection of endotoxins
from Gram-negative bacteria. K. Amini,
H. Kraatz
10:00 ANYL 58. Real-time label-free nanopore
sensor for the detection of anthrax.
L. Wang, S. Zhou, X. Chen, X. Guan
10:20 ANYL 59. Label-free pathogen detection
using siderophore microarrays. N. Arora,
A. Wei, Y. Kim, P. Low
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers
National Resources for the Nanoscience
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by ANYL,
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
The Interface of Chemical and Biological
Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Modern Analytical Approaches for the
Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment
NMR and Photochemical Analysis of NOM
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by ANYL
and MPPG

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Active Learning in the Undergraduate

Analytical Chemistry Curriculum
T. J. Wenzel, Organizer
J. K. Robinson, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ANYL 60. Replacing analytical chemistry

lectures with more effective collaborative

learning activities. T.J. Wenzel
1:25 ANYL 61. Team-based learning in a large
analytical chemistry course. A. Lekhi
1:45 ANYL 62. Mix and- match: Tools to

promote active student participation in

instrumental analysis lecture. K. Slowinska

2:05 ANYL 63. Using technology to facilitate

discussion in an instrumental analysis

course. J.K. Robinson
2:25 ANYL 64. Enhancing outcomes in
analytical chemistry via special projects
and co-curricular experiences. D.G. Sykes,
J. Bortiatynski
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 ANYL 65. Using nanotechnology as
a vehicle for teaching in the analytical
sciences laboratory. P. Doolittle, S. Jin,
R.J. Hamers
3:20 ANYL 66. Development of online
resources to promote active learning in
analytical chemistry. M.B. Jensen
3:40 ANYL 68. Determination of protein
contents of selected food items by Kjeldhal
method: A guided inquiry laboratory experiment in a Quantitative Analysis I Laboratory
curriculum. S.O. Fakayode
4:00 ANYL 67. Active learning in undergraduate
instrumental analysis. K.J. Ho
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room B

Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry

Aptamers and DNA
A. G. Cavinato, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ANYL 69. Electrochemistry of DNA mono-

layers modified with a perylenediimide base

surrogate. C. Wohlgamuth, M. McWilliams,
A. Mazaheripour, A.M. Burke, K. Lin, L. Doan,
J. Slinker, A.A. Gorodetsky
1:25 ANYL 70. Sequence specific detection
of restriction enzymes at DNA-modified
carbon nanotube field effect transistors.
D.D. Ordinario, A.M. Burke, L. Phan, J. Jocson,
H. Wang, M. Dickson, A.A. Gorodetsky
1:45 ANYL 71. Cellular metal ion sensing using
DNAzymes. K. Hwang, Y. Lu
2:05 ANYL 72. Highly sensitive multitarget
aptasensors using engineered aptamers for
the detection of small molecules. M. Gu,
Y. Kwon, V. Nguyen, N. Ahmad Raston
2:25 Intermission.
2:40 ANYL 73. Aptamer-conjugated Si-MagCCCCs microparticles for chemical capturing. N. Ahmad Raston, E. Hwang, M. Gu
3:00 ANYL 74. Ultrasensitive sandwich-type
SPR aptasensor using dual aptamers developed by target immobilization-free SELEX.
N. Ahmad Raston, M. Gu
3:20 ANYL 75. Development of highly
sensitive aptamers to metabolite X for an
aptamer-based diagnostic system. B. Lee,
Y. Kwon, M. Gu
3:40 ANYL 76. Applications of metal ions and
liquid crystals for multiplex detection of
DNA. Y. Liu, K. Yang
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, BIOL,

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

General Analytical Posters

D. C. Duckworth, Organizer
7:00 - 9:00
ANYL 77.

Making of hydrocarbon standard

mixture C20H42 C40H82 from combination of
natural product and individual hydrocarbon
standards C20H42, C22H46, C24H50, C34H70,
C36H74, C38H78,-and-C40H82 for qualitative
identification based on Kovats Retention
Index by using GC/MS/FID. E.D. Pustasari
ANYL 78. Vespucci: A novel software tool for
hyperspectral data analysis and imaging.
D.P. Foose, A.C. Stahler, I.E. Pavel Sizemore

ANYL 79.

Gold nanoparticles of different

shapes for SERS based environmental
sensing applications. R. Narayanan, B. Saute
ANYL 81. Analysis of drug-protein interactions
during diabetes by high-performance
affinity chromatography. Z. Li, R.E. Matsuda,
D.S. Hage
ANYL 82. Analysis of fatty acids by HPLC using
9-chloromethyl-anthracene as a flourescent
label. R.M. Hyslop, J.B. Tapia
ANYL 83. Solid-phase extraction using new
divalent metal ion-loaded cation exchange
resins and application to the isolation
of oleandrin from Nerium oleander. A. Li,
L.M. Jablonski, D.B. Green
ANYL 84. Analytical resolution of recombinant
protein identity issues using LC-MS/MS.
N. Yang, J. Fishpaugh, C.S. Ramsay
ANYL 85. Metallomics analysis of Hg binding
proteins in Escherichia coli. L.R. Walker,
R. Moore, M. Newburn, T. Fillmore, L. Paa-Tolic,

D.W. Koppenaal
ANYL 86. Characterization of lignin and its
thermal and biological degradation products using gel permeation or size exclusion
chromatography in combination with
evaporative light scattering detection and
high resolution mass spectrometry. A.A.
Artemyeva, A. Kubatova, E.I. Kozliak
ANYL 87. Detection of volatile organic compounds in breath samples as a tool for
detecting brucellosis (Brucella abortus) in
seropositive bison (Bison bison). R.S. Stahl,
P. Nol, J. Rhyan, M. McCollum
ANYL 88. Identification of Serpin 2 complex
binding partners in Anopheles gambiae by
immunoaffinity chromatography and mass
spectrometry. K. Sellens, E. Metto, X. Zhang,
C.T. Culbertson, K. Michel
ANYL 89. Differential remnant lipoprotein profiling via immunoseparation and dynamic light
scattering analysis. S. Hameed, J.M. Jurica,
R. Chandra
ANYL 90. Influenza A virus detection upon
the aggregation of monoclonal antibody
conjugated gold nanoparticles. Y. Lai,
J.D. Driskell
ANYL 91. Development of a kinetic spectroelectrochemical assay for uric acid in body
fluids. P.A. Flowers, M.R. MacDougall
ANYL 92. Voltammetric determination of sulfur-containing biomolecules using screenprinted electrodes. M. Chen, K. Webb,
K. Benitez, J. Huang
ANYL 93. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based
electrochemical sensor for peptides.
L. Huang, K.W. Hunter
ANYL 94. Spectroelectrochemical studies
of reversible attachment of Shewanella
putrefaciens to an indium tin oxide electrode
via applied potential under anaerobic conditions. J. Muscolino
ANYL 95. Extraction and verification of hepatitis B virus DNA from whole blood based on
magnetic nanoparticles and whole genome
amplification. C. Ma, N. Ma, X. Mou, N. He
ANYL 96. Comparative atomic force microscopy (AFM) and field emission scanning
electron microscopy (FE-SEM) studies of
mixed phospholipid monolayers. A. SundaMeya, N. Phambu
characterization of mouse, rabbit, and
sheep monoclonal antibodies. P. Ozaeta,
J. Fishpaugh, C.S. Ramsay
ANYL 98. Enhancement of molecular-ion intensity by Ar2500+ -O2+ cosputtering for depth
profiling of soft materials in secondary ion
mass spectrometry. Y. Chu, H. Chang, W. Kao,
K. Chu, J. Shyue
ANYL 99. High-throughput parallel detection
and quantification of peptides with paperbased microarray and molecular time-offlight secondary ion mass spectrometry
(ToF-SIMS). K. Chu, H. Chang, W. Kao, Y. Chu,
J. Shyue
ANYL 100. Calibrating a HIMAS linear detector
on a matrix-assisted laser desorption/
ionization reflectron time-of-flight mass
spectrometer. T.L. Wilson, C.J. Van Leeuwen,
K.A. Reyes, K.S. Molek

ANYL 101.

3D molecular imaging of HEK293T

cell with internalized gold nanoparticles
using ToF-SIMS. H. Chang, J. Shyue
ANYL 102. Differentiation of Staphylococci by
CeO2-facilitated fatty acid metal oxide laser
ionization-mass spectrometry profiling.
N. Saichek, S. Kim, P.D. Harrington, C. Cox,
K.J. Voorhees
ANYL 103. Investigation of the aggregation
and amide proton exchange in monomeric
amino-acid-based surfactants. C. Lewis,
A. Wall, K.F. Morris, F.H. Billiot, E. Billiot
ANYL 104. Preparation of biocompatible
magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposites of
Fe3O4 magnetic particles and perylenebased small organic molecules. L. Huang,
S.A. Dupre, K.W. Hunter
ANYL 105. Raman spectroscopy and imaging
of a ternary lipid mixture containing sphingomyelin. N. Phambu, A. Sunda-Meya
ANYL 106. Nucleobase-functionalized conjugated polymer for detection of copper(II).
C. Xing, H. Yuan, H. An, Y. Zhan
ANYL 107. Detection of a panel of neurotransmitters in human urine using HPLC with UV/
Vis detection. L. Lowe, J. Petway, Z. Pitcher,
A. Krinickas, D.J. Weiss
ANYL 108. Characterization of native and
PEGylated Fab-arms using various modes
of analytical chromatography. J. Steve,
A. Chakrabarti
ANYL 109. Analysis of free drug fractions
in serum by ultrafast affinity extraction
and multi-dimensional high-performance
affinity chromatography using immobilized
alpha 1-acid glycoprotein. C. Bi, X. Zheng,
S. Beeram, D.S. Hage
ANYL 110. Internal standard to standard ratio
in determining content of EPA and DHA for
free fatty acid and ethyl ester drugs. L. Roy
ANYL 111. Microfluidic flow cytometry for the
rapid characterization of individual cells.
S.A. Stewart-James, C.T. Culbertson
ANYL 112. Preparative isolation and characterization of the triglyceride rich lipoprotein
subclass via high-speed Centrifugal
Flotation and Dynamic Light Scattering
Analysis. K. Huerta-Ruiz-Garza, C. Chidi,
R. Chandra
ANYL 113. Phage-PEI disposable urine assay
for the purpose of early cancer detection.
C.J. Eggers, K. Mohan, L. Kindra, K.C. Donavan,
R.M. Penner, G.A. Weiss
ANYL 114. Temperature effects in voltammetric
DNA hybridization detection of SNPs and
genetically modified maize sequences.
K.M. Biala, G. Flechsig
ANYL 115. Protein-based biosensor for probing
the iron/tau interaction. S. Ahmadi
ANYL 116. Upconverting nanoparticles in solid-phase luminescence resonance energy
transfer based assays for the high capacity
multiplexed detection of biomolecules.
S. Doughan, U.J. Krull
ANYL 117. Towards solid-phase assays using
intrinsically labeled oligonucleotide probes
on quantum dots fordetermination of
selective hybridization. A. Shahmuradyan,
A. Tavares, U.J. Krull
ANYL 118. Using live-cell nanomechanical
imaging with fluorescence microscopy to
track the response of lung cells following
toxin exposure. E. Lau, N. Narang, O. Coury,
J. Lymberopolous, D. Burden, L. Keranen Burden
ANYL 119. Development of a fluorescent
method for the analysis of the antineoplastic agent 6-thiopurine. R.M. Hyslop,
S. Hoskins
ANYL 120. Chemoresistant lung cancer stem
cells display high DNA repair capability for
removing cisplatin-DNA damage. W. Yu,
C. Fong, Z. Wang, D. Liu, G. Zhu, M. Yang
ANYL 121. Rate of carboxylic acids enolization.
H. Patel
ANYL 122. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
in the mainstream smoke of popular U.S.
cigarettes. A.T. Vu, K.M. Taylor, M.R. Holman,
Y.S. Ding, C.H. Watson
ANYL 123. Study of the ozonation kinetics for
commonly found EDCs in water. A. Blondy,
L. Li, W. Han, K. Yeung

ANYL 124.

Exploring versatility: Chiral compound separations by both normal phase

and reversed phase HPLC. T. Jiang, L. Kott
ANYL 125. Colorimetric sensor arrays: Interplay
of geometry, substrate, and immobilization.
M. LaGasse, J.M. Rankin, J. Askim, K.S. Suslick
ANYL 126. Amperometric probes for investigating energy storage processes. Z.J. Barton,
J. Rodrguez-Lpez
ANYL 127. Synthesis of metal ion adsorbent
using banana fiber and its adsorption
properties to rare metal ions. T. Kajiyama,
S. Sakai, K. Arai, H. Kokusen
ANYL 128. Significant parameters in APPI
FT-ICR mass spectra of molecular distillate
samples of vacuum residues. D.C. Palacio,
J.P. Arenas, X. Ramrez, J.A. Orrego-Ruiz,
A. Guzman, R. Cabanzo, E. Meja-Ospino
ANYL 129. Compositional changes in
uncracked and hydrocracked vacuum
residue and its molecular distillation cut and
end-cut by (+)APPI FTICR MS. J.P. Arenas,
D.C. Palacio, A.Y. Leon, J.A. Orrego-Ruiz,
A. Guzman, R. Cabanzo, E. Meja-Ospino
ANYL 130. Transition metal oxides for use as
surfaces in surface assisted laser desorption/ionization of adsorbed asphaltenes.
K.A. Reyes, C.J. Van Leeuwen, T.L. Wilson,
K.S. Molek
ANYL 131. Method for quantifying release of
imidacloprid into water from granular agricultural carriers. A.C. Litin, Y. Bernal, B. Oberlin
ANYL 132. Automated dispersive liquid-liquid
microextraction and on-column derivatization coupled to gas chromatography-mass
spectrometric for the determination of
carbamate pesticides. L. Gou, H. Lee
ANYL 133. Analysis of polychlorinated
biphenyls in deep water shark liver tissue.
R. Lynch, H. Pham, F.D. Hileman, R. Snyder
ANYL 134. Products formed during the
heterogeneous oxidation of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the
aging of diesel exhaust in an atmospheric
chamber. Z. Hoggarth, R.E. Cochran, H. Jeong,
K. Ondrusova, S.G. Minchala, A. Kubatova
ANYL 135. Identification of pharmaceutics in
Utahs Jordan River. C. Peak, G. Guitierres,
J. Thompson, K.L. Nuckles, C. Carr, T. Schreyer,
S. Moore, N. Butler, L.D. Giddings, M. Alvarez,
P.J. Iles, N.R. Bastian, R.V. Valcarce
ANYL 136. Identification and quantification
of taralytic Toxins in Puget Sound marine
organisms. K.M. Pierce, M. Strawn, R. Ferrer
ANYL 137. Investigation of the use of transition
metal ions to remove chloride interference from nitrate ISEs. P.J. Iles, I. Eugenio,
G. Smith, L.D. Giddings, N.R. Bastian, M. Alvarez,
R.V. Valcarce
ANYL 138. Analysis of dental parameters, fluoride, and pH in Utahs waters and drinks.
P.J. Iles, A. Gooch, A. Timmerman, S. Huffaker,
L.D. Giddings, M. Alvarez, N.R. Bastian,
R.V. Valcarce
ANYL 139. Simplified fish tissue digestion
method for trace metals analysis by ICPMS. M. Spedale
ANYL 140. Nanomachines for environmental
sensing and remediation. B. Jurado, J. Wang
ANYL 141. Prediction of metal remobilization
from sediments under various physical/
chemical conditions: Design of experiment
for Cd, Co, Pb, and Zn. E. Alkhatib,
A. Akhdhar, F. Altirad
ANYL 142. Determination of organic impurities
in D&C violet No. 2 by ultraperformance
liquid chromatography. H.W. Yang,
J.N. Barrows
ANYL 143. Chemical analysis of the taste of
craft beers at two different temperatures.
D.E. Jordan, C.D. Jeter, M.J. Kendrick-Murphy
ANYL 144. Forensic discrimination of lipstick.
B.A. Esterlen, B.J. Bellott
ANYL 145. Determination of cocaine concentration in creek water via solid-phase
extraction. D.E. Huff, S.L. Crawford, B.J. Bellott
ANYL 146. Investigation of pen inks, red sealing-inks, and laser toners on questioned
documents by nondestructive analytical
techniques. Y. Lee, J. Lee, M. Kim, Y. Cho,
Y. Nam, K. Lee

ANYL 147.

Environmental variables influencing

surfactant mobility and soiling on artists
acrylic dispersion paints. A.F. Lagalante,
R.C. Wolbers, I. Ziraldo, K. Watts
ANYL 148. Electrospun polymer nanofibers
with entrained explosives as potential
field calibration standards for explosives.
S. Robertson, A. Hein, B. Bui, J. Lamb,
C. Kneapler, D.E. Riegner, R. Hoff
ANYL 149. Comparison of MEKC-UV and
GC-MS in the analysis of explosives in
environmental samples. A.M. Genzman,
J.M. Rine, K.A. Brensinger, C.M. Rollman,
I.S. Lurie, M. Moini, C.L. Copper
ANYL 150. Separation of transition and heavy
metal ions using gradient thin layer chromatography. S. Stegall, M. Collinson
ANYL 151. Development of standard reference
materials (SRMs) for quantitative nuclear
magnetic resonance (qNMR) spectroscopy.
J.A. Widegren, T.J. Bruno, T.M. Lovestead,
T.J. Fortin
ANYL 152. Interactions of drugs with model
membrane systems: Focusing on the interactions near the water interface. C. Beuning,
C. Rithner, D.C. Crans
ANYL 153. Characterization of aqueous choline
chloride deep eutectic solvents. S. Asare
ANYL 154. Inorganic thermogravimetric analysis of hydrates of first-row transition metal
salts revisited. D.A. Habboush, M.A. Arab,
N.M. Alanazi
ANYL 155. Magnesium wire templated microfluidic construction. S. Toussaint, T. Torgersen,
J. Wickes, C. Lamb, L.M. Miller, S.L. McKay,
C.F. Monson
ANYL 156. Probing the sensitivity and applicability of differential magnetic catch and
release for magnetic nanoparticle purification. J. Morse, R.E. Schaak, M.E. Williams
ANYL 157. Mathematical models for quantitative spectrophotometric spectral bandwidth
measurements. A. Reid, M. Labrie, J. Messman
ANYL 158. Metrological evaluation of a potential certification bias for potassium dichromate solution measurement standards.
M. Labrie, A. Reid, J. Messman
ANYL 159. Particle size paradox. J.G. Saad,
P.A. Webb
ANYL 160. Characterization of earth pigments
and study of their influence on the drying
properties of linseed oil. E. Portero,
L. de Viguerie, P. Walter
ANYL 161. Effect of linked gold nanoparticles
on the oxidation of silver nanoparticles.
K. Elmer, R. Masitas, F.P. Zamborini
ANYL 162. Tailored to suit: Fabricating
specialized DETECHIP arrays. R.M. Burks,
J. Atwater, A.E. Holmes
ANYL 163. Determination of pyrazole and
pyrrole pesticides in environmental water
samples by Magnetic Metal-Organic
Framework (MOF) as a novel adsorbent
coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. J. Ma, Z. Yao, Y. Xia
ANYL 164. Integrated geochemical fingerprinting of uranium deposits for sustainable
exploration and development. L.L. Van Loon,
N.R. Banerjee, M. Fayek, D. Quirt

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Advances in Electrochemistry
S. H. Pratt, Organizer
D. Polcari, C. A. Rusinek, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ANYL 165. High-efficiency generation-

collection microelectrochemical platform

for interrogating electroactive thin films.
M.J. Anderson, R.M. Crooks
8:25 ANYL 166. New insights into magnesium
alloy corrosion using scanning electrochemical microscopy. P. Dauphin Ducharme,
U.M. Tefashe, R.M. Asmussen, M. Danaie,
W.J. Binns, P. Jakupi, G. Botton, D.W. Shoesmith,
J. Mauzeroll
8:45 ANYL 167. Anodic stripping voltammetry at platinum-mercury nanoelectrodes:
Trapping of Mn2+ by crown ethers. L. Danis,
S.M. Gateman, M.E. Snowden, I.C. Halalay,
J.Y. Howe, J. Mauzeroll
9:05 ANYL 168. Fabrication of carbon, gold,
platinum, silver, and mercury ultramicroelectrodes with controlled geometry.
D. Polcari, L. Danis, A. Kwan, S. Gateman,
J. Mauzeroll
9:25 ANYL 169. New electrochemical sensors
for wearable applications: Sniffing environmental inhalation hazards with ultralow
power devices. M.T. Carter, J. Stetter,
M. Findlay, V. Patel
9:45 Intermission.
10:05 ANYL 170. 1000-fold sensitivity increase
on solid-contact ion-selective electrodes by
controlling the ionophore/polymer interface.
S. Granados Focil, L. Mendecki, K.A. Stockmal,
A. Radu
10:25 ANYL 171. Erbium (III) tetraphenylporphyrin-based ion selective electrodes.
A.J. Kane, E.D. Steinle
10:45 ANYL 172. Electrochemical studies
into the possible formation of germanene.
M. Ledina, Y. Kim, J. Jung, J.L. Stickney
11:05 ANYL 173. Cloud point extraction for
electroanalysis: Anodic stripping voltammetry of cadmium. C.A. Rusinek, A.F. Bange,
I. Papautsky, W.R. Heineman
11:25 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room B

Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources

Environmental Analysis: Analytical Methods
for Natural Resource Assessment and
Cosponsored by MPPG
W. T. Cooper, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ANYL 174. Raman study of the adsorption

behavior of silver nanoparticles at mineraland natural organic matter-water interfaces.

K.A. ONeil, J. Fraley, S.W. Brittle, J. Purvis,
S.R. Kanel, S.R. Higgins, I.E. Pavel Sizemore
8:25 ANYL 175. SP-ICP-MS for nanoparticle
detection and size distribution determinations: Current state of the art and future
perspectives. C. Stephan
8:45 ANYL 176. Efficient association of
chiral HPLC, polarimetric detection and
chemometrics: Discrimination of lavender
and lavandin essential oils using chiroptical
fingerprint. S. Lafhal Sakiou, I. Bombarda,
N. Dupuy, M. Jean, J. Kister, C. Roussel,
P. Vanloot, N. Vanthuyne
9:05 ANYL 177. Comparative assessment of
analytical methods for the determination
of total sugar content of energy drinks
consumed in Nigeria. J. U. Okere
9:45 Intermission.
10:05 ANYL 179. Toward chemiluminescence
detection of cytotoxics in surface waters.
T. Reeves, R. Popelka-Filcoff, C. Lenehan

10:25 ANYL 180. Preparation, characterization,

3:40 ANYL 196. HPTLC and clustering

and application of activated tassel for

the remediation of eutrophic phosphorus
in contaminated water. A.M. Shofolahan,
J. Okonkwo, N. AgyeiA
10:45 ANYL 181. Withdrawn.
11:05 ANYL 182. Analysis of trace elements
in fuel gas for the prediction of masking
events. T. Bruno, J. Burger
11:25 ANYL 183. Comprehensive analytical
approach for characterizing the impacts of
climate change on carbon sequestration in
Arctic peatlands. S.B. Hodgkins, R. Wilson,
J. Chanton, W.T. Cooper

analysis for the classification of colored

wheat varieties by anthocyanin patterns.
S. Bhmdorfer, G. Genta-Jouve, H. Grausgruber,
T. Rosenau
4:00 ANYL 197. Multichannel high frame-rate
beam-scanning microscopy based on
Lissajous scanning trajectories and model
based image reconstruction. S. Sullivan,
J. Newman, R. Muir, S. Sreeharu, C.A. Bouman,
G.J. Simpson
4:20 ANYL 198. Polymer screen-printing
for paper-based device fabrication.
Y. Sameenoi, P. NaNongkai, S. Nouanthavong,
C. Henry

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Frank H. Field and Joe L. Franklin Award

for Outstanding Achievement in Mass
Spectrometry: Symposium in Honor of
Hilkka I. Kenttmaa
Cosponsored by WCC

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Nakanishi Prize: Symposium in Honor

of Fred W. McLafferty
N. L. Kelleher, Organizer
P. Compton, Organizer, Presiding

L. Yang, Organizer, Presiding

V. M. Bierbaum, Presiding

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

ciation: A droplet dissociation process used

to elucidate iron-binding motifs in biological
macromolecules. O. Skinner, M. McAnally,
R.P. Van Duyne, P.D. Compton, N.L. Kelleher
8:50 ANYL 200. New approaches to multiplex
newborn screening of lysosomal storage
disorders by tandem mass spectrometry.
F. Turecek, M.H. Gelb, C.R. Scott
9:35 ANYL 201. Developing native top-down
mass spectrometry as a tool for protein
structural biology. J.A. Loo
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 ANYL 202. Top-down mass spectrometry
of modified ribonucleic acids. K. Breuker
11:20 ANYL 203. Award Address (Nakanishi
Prize sponsored by the Nakanishi Prize
Endowment). Analytical chemistry of
gaseous ubiquitin ions. F.W. McLafferty,
S. Castro, O. Skinner, K. Breuker

1:05 ANYL 184. Mass spectrometry as a

synthetic method. R.G. Cooks
1:40 ANYL 185. Peptide and protein aggregation: The latest news. M.T. Bowers
2:15 ANYL 186. SID-IM-SID: A new tool for

substructure characterization of protein

complexes. V.H. Wysocki
2:50 Intermission.
3:05 ANYL 187. Remote but not disinterested: Measuring influence of charge on
radical energetics in distonic radical ions.
S. Blanksby, D. Marshall
3:40 ANYL 188. Award Address (Frank H. Field
and Joe L. Franklin Award for Outstanding
Achievement in Mass Spectrometry sponsored by Waters Corp.). Recent studies on
distonic mono- and polyradical cations.
H. I. Kenttamaa
4:15 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room B

Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources

8:05 ANYL 199. Native electron capture disso-

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Aspen Room A

Instrumentation and Methods

Cosponsored by MPPG

Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy

M. Fayek, A. Karamalidis, A. Koenig, Organizers,


1:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:05 ANYL 189. Withdrawn.
1:25 ANYL 190. Multicollector ICP-MS for
isotope ratio analysis of uranium. G.L. Hart,
S.H. Pratt
1:45 ANYL 191. Variations in hydrogen isotopes

of individual plant waxes from four plant

species during the growing season. A.
Oakes, M.T. Hren
2:05 ANYL 192. Dual isotopic (13C, 2H)
evidence for long-range transport of
mining-related PAHs in the Athabasca oil
sands region. J.J. Jautzy, J.M. Ahad, C. Gobeil,
A. Smirnoff, B.D. Barst, M.M. Savard
2:25 ANYL 193. Isotopic variability of nitrogen
oxides (NOx) from biomass burning.
D.L. Fibiger, M. Hastings
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 ANYL 194. Design and implementation
of quantitative carbon detector (QCD)
for calibration-free gas chromatography.
C. Krumm, S. Maduskar, A.R. Teixeira, A. Paulsen,
T. Mountziaris, W. Fan, P.J. Dauenhauer
3:20 ANYL 195. Vapor sampling by PLOTcryoadsorption: Examples in forensic
sample analysis. T. Bruno

X. Yu, Organizer, Presiding

1:05 ANYL 204. Finding the needle in the hay-

stack: Characterization of trace crystallinity

in a commercial formulation of paclitaxel
protein-bound particles by Raman spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction
enabled by second harmonic generation
microscopy. P.D. Schmitt, N.S. Trasi, F. Deng,
S. Zhang, L.S. Taylor, G.J. Simpson
1:25 ANYL 205. Four-wave mixing imaging
of nanorod aggregates. K.A. Antonio,
Z.D. Schultz
1:45 ANYL 206. Spectroscopic analyses of
chemical adaptation processes within
microalgal biomass in response to changing
environments. F. Vogt
2:05 ANYL 207. Correlative imaging of cancer
cell and drug interactions in the liquid
microenvironment. X. Hua, C. Szymanski,
Z. Wang, B. Liu, Z. Zhu, J. Evans, G. Orr, s. Liu,
X. Yu
2:25 ANYL 208. Biomarker VOC concentration
and desorption coupled with a TIR-Raman
system. R. Dodson, A.R. Mercer-Smith, K. Park,
P. Koonath, H. Lu, V. Sapirstein, A. Niemz,
C. Taylor
2:45 Intermission.

3:00 ANYL 209. Optimizing uptake and iden-

10:30 BIOT 6. Reconstructing anaerobic

9:30 BIOT 21. Asparagine-repeat pep-

tification of volatile organic compounds

for clinical diagnoses. A.R. Mercer-Smith,
R. Dodson, K. Park, P. Koonath, H. Lu,
V. Sapirstein, A. Niemz, C. Taylor
3:20 ANYL 210. Spectroscopic analysis of
weakly turbid systems: A generally useful
simple algorithm. P. Dent, R. McDonough,
K. Rawlins, S. Ortiz, J. Goodisman, J. Chaiken
3:40 ANYL 211. Rapid, broadband, precision
spectroscopy of carbon dioxide near
5000 cm-1 using optical frequency combs.
A. Klose, G. Truong, L. Sinclair, I. Coddington,
N. Newbury, S. Diddams
4:00 ANYL 212. Brightness-equalized quantum
dots. S. Lim, M.U. Zahid, D. Entenberg,
A.S. Harney, J. Condeelis, A. Smith
4:20 ANYL 213. Trace chemical sensing
by photoionization through Rydberg
states followed by detection of the laser
induced plasma via microwave radiation.
F. Rudakov, P. Weber

microbiomes from the bottom-up: New

techniques to decipher interwoven metabolism. J.A. Sexton, K. Solomon, J. Henske,
M.K. Theodorou, D.L. Valentine, M.A. OMalley
10:50 BIOT 7. Genome scale metabolic
network reconstruction of Synechocystis
sp. PCC6803 taking into account molecular
mechanisms under photoautotrophic
conditions. C. Joshi, F.E. Estep, M. Tracey,
C.A. Peebles, A. Prasad
11:10 BIOT 8. Development of regulated
metabolic models for anaerobic organisms.
S. Dash, C.D. Maranas

tides: Synthesis, characterization, and

comparison to glutamine repeats. X. Lu,
R.M. Murphy
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 22. Quantifying the surface hydrophobicity of human gamma-D crystallin
and its cataract-associated P23T mutant
using molecular dynamics simulations.
E. Wu, S. Garde
10:30 BIOT 23. Biophysical characterization
of reflectin isoforms from squid and cuttlefish. L. Phan, W.G. Walkup IV, D. Ordinario,
A.A. Gorodetsky
10:50 BIOT 24. Azo-group based noval Naked
eye DNA sensors for alcohalic media.
A. Altaf, U. Hashmat, A. Badshah, B. Lal,
S. Ullah
11:10 BIOT 25. Comparison of real-time and
post-mortem techniques for detection of
protein fouling. A. Greenberg, E. Kujundzic,
A. Lajmi, X. Wu

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

David Perlman Memorial Lectureship

and Van Lanen and Peterson Award
M. Lazzara, Organizer, Presiding
11:30 BIOT 9. Overcoming obstacles to


expression and characterization of difficult

proteins. A.S. Robinson

Section D

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak B

Division of Biochemical

Section B

Emerging Technologies

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Molecular Delivery

M. Lazzara and A. Kantardjieff, Program


Downstream Processes

8:30 BIOT 26. Near infrared-degradable

Advances in Chromatographic Separations

crosslinkers for on-demand delivery of

hydrophilic molecules. C. de Gracia Lux,
S. Lee, M. Chan, A. Almutairi
8:50 BIOT 27. Novel light-triggered therapeutics for selective cell phenotypes.
S.M. Goodman, C.M. Courtney, J. McDaniel,
A. Chatterjee, P. Nagpal
9:10 BIOT 28. Kinome-level screening identifies kinase targets for enhancing transient
transgene expression. M. Christensen,
J. Elmer, S. Eaton, L. Gonzalez-Malerva,
J. LaBaer, K. Rege
9:30 BIOT 29. Local sustained co-delivery
of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and parathyroid
hormone-related peptide for overcoming
antimicrobial resistance. J. Xie, J. Jiang
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 30. Phosphoramidation-based
bioorthogonal reactions for synthesis of
nucleic acid conjugates potentially useful
in target delivery of DNA/RNA therapeutics.
Y. Su, T. Wang
10:30 BIOT 31. Histone-targeted gene
delivery scaffolds for bone regeneration.
E.V. Munsell, M.O. Sullivan
10:50 BIOT 32. CMP-based method for
achieving tunable, cell-mediated gene
delivery. M. Urello, K.L. Kiick, M. Sullivan
11:10 BIOT 33. Biomimetic pH-responsive
polymers for intracellular therapeutic delivery and theranostic applications. R. Chen


Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Processing (see AGFD, Tue)
Undergraduate Research Posters (see
CHED, Mon)
Rising Stars Awards Symposium
(see WCC, Mon)

Membership Desk, 8:00 AM: Sun, Mon, Tue,
Wed, Thu
Reception, 6:30 PM: Sun
Poster Session, 6:00 PM: Tue
Program Chairs Lunch 6:00 PM: Tue
Company Seminars 12:30 PM: Sun, Mon, Wed
Networking/ Mentoring Session 6:00 PM:

BIOT Executive Committee Meeting,
7:00 PM: Mon
Future Programming Meeting, 12:30 PM: Tue

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

Upstream Processes
Advances in Systems Biology
M. R. Antoniewicz, B. Mulukutla, Organizers,
8:30 BIOT 1. New insight of the CHO

cell transgene production level using

next-generation genomic tools. H. Fu,
N. Vishwanathan, M. Xiong, A. Bandyopadhyay,
Y. Yang, W. Hu
8:50 BIOT 2. Automated RNA-Seq analysis
pipeline to identify and visualize differentially expressed genes and pathways in
CHO cells. C. Chen, H. Le, C. Goudar
9:10 BIOT 3. Transcriptome, methylome,
and genome analysis in clonal variability. L. Zhao, N. Vishwanathan, H. Fu,
A. Bandyopadhyay, W. Hu
9:30 BIOT 4. Updating the Chinese hamster
reference genome and applications to CHO
HCP studies. K.H. Lee
10:10 BIOT 5. Development of a comprehensive Escherichia coli kinetic metabolic
model consistent with multiple genetic and
environmental perturbations. A. Khodayari,
C. Maranas

A. Hewig, J. Hubbuch, A. R. Lajmi, S.

Yamamoto, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 10. Scalability of mechanistic

models for ion exchange chromatography. T. Huuk, T. Hahn, J. Griesbach, H. Stefan,

J. Hubbuch
8:50 BIOT 11. Competitive binding of antibody
monomer-dimer mixtures on CEX resins:
Equilibrium and kinetics. J. Reck, T. Pabst,
A. Hunter, X. Wang, G. Carta
9:10 BIOT 12. Development of robust orthogonal methods for impurity clearance using
high throughput screening. S. Chollangi
9:30 BIOT 13. Optimization of monomer
separation processes by electrostatic-interaction chromatography. S. Yamamoto,
N. Yoshimoto, Y. Isakari, A. Podgornik
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 14. Chromatographic retention
prediction using quantitative structure
property relations. M.E. Klijn, A. Hanke,
M. Ottens
10:30 BIOT 15. Insights into the nature of
multimodal chromatographic selectivity
using in silico designed Fab fragment variants. H. Karkov, H. Ahmadian, B. Olsen Krogh,
A. Bogsnes, S.M. Cramer
10:50 BIOT 16. Modelling of pH and dual
gradient ion exchange and multi modal
chromatography for the purification of
mAbs. S. Kluters, Y. Lee, C. Frech
11:10 BIOT 17. Systematic exploration
of homologous ligand library leads to
improved design principles and tools for
the prediction of protein selectivity in
mixed-mode chromatographic systems.
J. Woo, H. Chen, M.A. Snyder, S.M. Cramer
Section C

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak A

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

Protein Characterization Technologies
J. Kaar, A. R. Lajmi, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 18. Rapid screening of monoclonal

antibody stability in serum using affinity-capture self-interaction nanoparticle

spectroscopy. S. Geng, X. Li, M. Chiu,
D. Saro, P.M. Tessier
8:50 BIOT 19. Time evolution of protein
gel bead microstructure. D. Greene,
A.M. Lenhoff, N.J. Wagner, S.I. Sandler
9:10 BIOT 20. Fitness landscapes as comprehensive measures of adaptive tradeoffs
in the engineering of protein function.
B. Steinberg, M.A. Ostermeier

W. Porter, G. Thurber, Organizers, Presiding

Section E

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert B

Colorado Biotechnology
Biomedical Research
N. Boyle, C. A. Eckert, Organizers
S. Khetani, M. Krebs, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 34. Modified aptamers and their

uses in biomedical research and development. N. Janjic

9:10 BIOT 35. Biodegradable, micropatterned
wound dressings for enhanced epithelialization. C.M. Magin, M.C. Drinker, E.E. Mann,
S.T. Reddy, G.S. Schultz, A.B. Brennan
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 36. Induced ketosis in mild
to moderate Alzheimers disease.
S. Henderson
10:50 BIOT 37. Intervening in complex disease
biology with microRNA-targeting therapeutics. W. Marshall

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak A

Upstream Processes
Engineering Natural Product Biosynthesis
V. Roy, M. Thomas, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 38. Structure and substrate spec-

ificity of AtxE2, a lasso peptide isopeptidase. J.D. Koos, M. Maksimov, A. Link

2:20 BIOT 39. Peptide that neutralizes rattlesnake venom in mice can be expressed in
E. coli. E.E. Sanchez, M. Suntravat, Z. Ahmad,
A. Cifelli, A.S. Rathore, C.F. Komives
2:40 BIOT 40. Synthetic biochemical production of medicinal protoberberine alkaloids
in yeast. S. Galanie, C.D. Smolke
3:00 BIOT 41. Reinventing central carbon
metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for
high-volume biofuel production. A. Tsong,
Y. Tsegaye, A. Meadows, L. Pickens, A. Tai,
E. Antipov, Q. Mitrovich, K.A. Curran
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 42. Combinatorial design and
assembly for engineering multi-gene
systems. M. Smanski
4:00 BIOT 43. Diverse opportunities for
engineered biosynthesis of complex natural
products. B.A. Pfeifer
4:20 BIOT 44. Protein interactions in type II
fatty acid and polyketide biosynthesis.
M.D. Burkart
4:40 BIOT 45. Carbon-neutral chemicals from
sunlight and CO. S. Liu
Section B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Downstream Processes
Advances in Chromatographic Separations
A. Hewig, J. Hubbuch, A. R. Lajmi, S.
Yamamoto, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 46. Using powerful HT chromatog-

raphy screenings to develop purification

steps modulating charge-related isoform
patterns. F. Rudolph, G. Anja, M. Pauers,
D. Michael, J. Studts, M. Hampel
2:20 BIOT 47. Right tool for the job? A critical
look at the needs of a diverse product
pipeline. L.W. Pampel, J. Aucamp, B. Guelat
2:40 BIOT 48. Robo-characterization: Can HTS
miniature columns predict a manufacturing future? J. Pollard, H. Bao, M. Petroff,
S. Kandula, N. Tugcu, J. Welsh, T. Linden
3:00 BIOT 49. Comparison of PAT based
approaches for making real-time pooling
decisions for process chromatography
use of feed forward control. A.S. Rathore
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 50. Optimal elution gradient
preparative chromatography. A. Holmqvist,
F. Magnusson, A. Sellberg, B. Nilsson, A. Staby
4:00 BIOT 51. Molecular study on the
MabSelect SuRe ligand after treatment
under alkaline conditions. T. Bjorkman,
F. Berqvist, M. Wetterhall
4:20 BIOT 52. Understanding the effect of salt
ions on protein adsorption in novel responsive hydrophobic interaction membrane
chromatography. Z. Liu, S.R. Wickramasinghe,
X. Qian
4:40 BIOT 53. New generation sorbents for the
purification of biomolecules. J. Champagne,
M. Schoeld, A. Uzel, G. Balluet, R. Gantier,
M. Toueille



Section C

Section E

Section B

Section D

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt Elbert A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

Colorado Biotechnology

Downstream Processes

Emerging Technologies

High Concentration Therapeutics:

Development, Production & Delivery

The Science of Colorados Craft Beer,

Wine & Spirits Industries

Non-Chromatographic Separations
& Process Integration

Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine

T. Randolph, N. Warne, Organizers, Presiding

N. Boyle, Organizer
C. A. Eckert, Organizer, Presiding
R. Sclafani, Presiding

R. Aires-Barros, J. Cyganowski, Organizers,


8:30 BIOT 97. Emerging technologies for

2:00 Introductory Remarks.

alternative technology in protein manufacturing. L. Gombos

8:50 BIOT 82. Exploring options for continuous
diafiltration. M. Westoby, A. Brinkmann
9:10 BIOT 83. Integrated flocculation and depth
filtration high-throughput process development for CHO supernatants. G. Espuny
Garcia del Real, J.L. Davies, D.G. Bracewell
9:30 BIOT 84. Smaller is better: Depth filtration
at the 0.2 cm2 scale. A. Noyes, J. Basha,
S. Cook, B. Huffman, D.P. LaCasse, R.S. Wright,
R. Fahrner, R. Godavarti, N. Titchener-Hooker,
J. Mullin, D. Millard, J. Frostad, K. Sunasara,
T. Mukhopadhyay
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 85. Evaluation of precipitation
driven processes for monoclonal antibody
downstream processing. U. Bhaskar, K. Wei,
P. Jorjorian, S. Shrivastava
10:30 BIOT 86. Parvovirus filter robustness
investigation: The characterization of higher
order aggregates and membrane fouling.
B.V. Bhut, M. Jin, J. Savard, D. Brody, N. De Mas,
I. Pla, Z. Li
10:50 BIOT 87. Understanding and modeling
retention of mammalian cells in a fluidized
bed centrifuge. W.J. Kelly, J. Scully, J. Rubin,
V. Kamaraju, P. Wnukowski, R. Bhatia
11:10 BIOT 88. Modelling high concentration
tangential flow filtration unit operations.
Y. Lam, M. Westoby, A. Brinkmann

2:00 BIOT 54. Biopharmaceutical informatics:

Understanding behavior of highly concentrated antibody solutions at molecular level

via coarse-grained modeling and simulations. D. Tomar, P. Buck, S. Kumar, S.K. Singh
2:20 BIOT 55. Relating protein protein and
protein solute interactions to protein
aggregation rates for low to high protein
concentration solutions. R. Ghosh, A. Saluja,
C.J. Roberts
2:40 BIOT 56. Biochemical characterization of the low viscosity reversible
protein nanocluster platform. J. Laber,
B.J. Dear, A. Borwankar, J. Maynard, T. Truskett,
K.P. Johnston
3:00 BIOT 57. Computational modeling of bulk
scale freezing to predict freeze duration and
cryoconcentration of biologics in a liquid
nitrogen blast freezer. K. Greco, R. Falk,
J. Cape, T.R. Gervais
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 58. Role of spatial heterogeneity in
protein adsorption on polymeric membrane
materials at the single-molecule level.
B. Langdon, R. Mirhossani, J. Mabry, I. Sriram,
A.R. Lajmi, D.K. Schwartz
4:00 BIOT 59. Probing protein denaturation at
the solid-liquid interface with single-molecule fluorescent microscopy. J. Weltz,
D.K. Schwartz, J. Kaar
4:20 BIOT 60. High concentration abstract
TBD. H. Samra
4:40 Panel Discussion.
Section D

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak B

Emerging Technologies
Disease & Biomedical Applications
K. Lampe, J. Zartman, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 61. Peptoids modulate A aggrega-

tion and alter morphology of fibril species.

J.P. Turner, M. Moss, S.L. Servoss
2:20 BIOT 62. Using backscattering interferometry to characterize interactions of the
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
regulator with small molecule modulators.
A. Lockwood, D. Heidary, C.I. Richards, M. Baksh,
M. Finn
2:40 BIOT 63. Mobile phone based microscopy
for imaging and sizing of single DNA molecules. Q. Wei, W. Luo, S. Chiang, T. Kappel,
C. Mejia, D. Tseng, R. Chan, E. Yan, H. Qi,
F. Shabbir, H. Ozkan, S. Feng, A. Ozcan
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 BIOT 64. Multifunctional hydrogel assays
for 3D culture of melanoma cells reveal
increased matrix metalloproteinase activity
and migration in response to BRAF/MEK
inhibitors. E.Y. Tokuda, J. Leight, K.S. Anseth
3:40 BIOT 65. Cross species meta-analysis of
transcriptome data to unveil the road block
of stem cell differentiation to hepatocytes.
R. Raju, D. Chau, H. Pei, W. Hu
4:00 BIOT 66. Design principles of a robust
genetic switch using antisense transcription
in naturally occurring systems. A. Escalas
Bordoy, U.S. Varanasi, A. Chatterjee
4:20 BIOT 67. Engineered Prussian blue
nanoparticles as multimodal molecular
imaging agents. R. Fernandes

2:20 BIOT 68. Reticulated regulatory network

governing glucose fermentation by yeasts.

M. Johnston
2:40 BIOT 69. Utilization of next generation
sequencing to develop a real-time qPCR
assay for cross-contamination of house
brewing yeasts. D. Driscoll
3:00 BIOT 70. Rapid measurement of beer
flavor stability: Application of UPLC-MS
metabolomics to develop non-volatile
markers of beer stability. D.L. Sedin,
A. Heuberger, C. Broeckling, J. Prenni
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 71. Operation of a craft brewery
within a major brewery: An overview of Blue
Moon Brewing Company. K. Villa
4:00 Panel Discussion.

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

Upstream Processes
Mammalian Cell Culture Process
N. Jacob, S. T. Sharfstein, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 72. Understanding cell line bubble

sensitivity and preparing for future

challenges. R. Ferguson, W. Hu, H. Peng,
K. Wiltberger, T.K. Ryll
8:50 BIOT 73. Genome-wide analysis of transgene expression in Chinese hamster ovary
cells. K. Lee, H. Fu, W. Hu
9:10 BIOT 74. Shear contributions to cell
culture performance and product recovery
in ATF and TFF perfusion systems. S. Wang,
H. Lin, S. Godfrey, R.W. Leighty, J. Ravikrishnan,
A. Osborne, J.L. Coffman, J. Vogel
9:30 BIOT 75. Evaluating the impact of copper
on CHO cell metabolism and antibody Fc
glycan galactosylation using enzymatic
assays. J. Huang, H. Zhang, M. Trentalange,
B. Shah, Z. Zhang, C. Goudar
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 76. Developing a perfusion process
for a novel protein. S.G. Vajrala, B. Holman,
J.H. Lee, A.E. Schmelzer
10:30 BIOT 77. Understanding the transcriptome responses of Chinese hamster ovary
(CHO) cells using RNA-seq. Y. Gowtham,
C. Saski, S.W. Harcum
10:50 BIOT 78. Concentrated fed-batch cell
culture increases manufacturing capacity
without additional volumetric capacity.
W. Yang, D. Minkler, R.R. Kshirsagar, T.K. Ryll,
Y. Huang
11:10 BIOT 79. Challenges associated when
moving from a peptone-containing early
stage cell culture process to a chemically-defined late stage cell culture process.
L. Brown
Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Marvin J. Johnson Award in Microbial and

Biochemical Technology
M. Lazzara, Organizer, Presiding
11:30 BIOT 80. Mammalian cell factories:

Taking small steps forward to keep from

drowning in big data. M.J. Betenbaugh

Cooperative Cosponsorship

8:30 BIOT 81. High pressure refolding as an

Y. Kim, C. Kirschner, Organizers, Presiding

biomaterials at the biological interface.

K. Anseth
9:10 BIOT 98. Photopatterning of site-specifically modified proteins within hydrogel
biomaterials. J.A. Shadish, C.K. Arakawa,
C.A. DeForest
9:30 BIOT 99. Hydrogels for controlling stem
cell fate through intracellular redox state.
K. Lampe, L. Russell
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 100. Ex vivo platelet production from hematopoietic stem cells:
Understanding the environment and
signaling pathways directing proplatelet
formation. T. DeLuca, L. Helfrich, P. Weingarden,
A. Schlinker, L. Shea, W.M. Miller
10:30 BIOT 101. Scalable hepatic differentiation
of human pluripotent stem cells. H. Pei,
R. Raju, D. Chau, W. Hu
10:50 BIOT 102. Chemical biology technologies
to identify small-molecule regulators of
cancer stem cells. J. Lee
11:10 BIOT 103. Thiol-ene Photoclick chemistry
as an approach for user directed covalent
tethering of bioactive proteins to synthetic
hydrogel scaffolds. I. Marozas, D. Alge,
K.S. Anseth
Section E

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris B

Biosimilars & Follow-on Biologics

Section C

Process Development & Manufacturing

Considerations for Biosimilars

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

8:50 BIOT 104. Development and commercial-

Engineering Protein Function & Stability

ization of biosimilar Products: challenges

and opportunities. A.S. Rathore
9:30 BIOT 105. High-throughput multi-parametric clone screening approach for the
generation of biosimilar production cell
lines. K. Le, H. Le, H. Victor, S. Fodor, C. Rollins,
T. Munro
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 106. Overcoming challenges in
biosimilar process development: Innovative
purification tools to fine-tune biosimilarity.
O.A. Jaquez, R.S. Gronke
10:30 BIOT 107. Purification of a fusion protein
containing high HMWs and LMWs. B. Wang,
D. Wu, J. Shou, S. Liao, J. Fan
10:50 BIOT 108. Development of biosimilar
drug product in prefilled syringe presentations: Considerations and challenges.
M. Jayaraman, K. Sampathkumar
11:10 Panel Discussion.

E. Boder, D. Colby, A. Link, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 BIOT 89. NMR-guided rational engi-

neering of an ionic liquid tolerant lipase.

E. Nordwald, G. Armstrong, J. Kaar
8:50 BIOT 90. Sense codon reassignment in E.

coli: Toward 22 amino acid genetic codes

(and beyond). J.D. Fisk
9:10 BIOT 91. Highly soluble and active human
paraoxase variants for quorum quenching.
C. Li, X. Ge
9:30 BIOT 92. Rational design of protein
switches based on the ensemble model of
allostery. J.H. Choi, A.H. Laurent, V.J. Hilser,
M. Ostermeier
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 93. Laser extraction from micropore
arrays enables high-throughput enzyme
engineering. A. Kannan, B. Chen, F. Sunden,
S. Alford, S. Lim, I. Dimov, D. Herschlag, T. Baer,
J. Cochran
10:30 BIOT 94. Directed evolution of self-cleaving intein purification tags using yeast
surface display. S.D. Stimple, M.J. Coolbaugh,
M. Shakalli Tang, D.W. Wood
10:50 BIOT 95. Library-scale evaluation of a
computational design and thermostable cellulase. L. Johnson, L. Gintner, S. Park, C. Snow
11:10 BIOT 96. Ultrahigh throughput method for
the identification of orthogonal aminoacyl
tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs. A. Hohl, X. Liu,
J. Eppinger

F. He, S. Vunnum, Organizers, Presiding

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

Upstream Processes
Mammalian Cell Culture Process
V. Janakiraman, I. H. Yuk, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 109. Achieving glycosylation

comparability and similarity through cell

culture medium optimization. L. Zhang, I. Liu,
M. Ambhaikar, V. Dandekar, C. Jung, C. Goudar
2:20 BIOT 110. Epigenetic studies of antibody-producing CHO cells for therapeutic
applications. S. Nicoletti, H. Dahodwala,
Z. Keresztessy, S.T. Sharfstein

2:40 BIOT 111. Matching dissolved carbon

2:20 BIOT 126. Toward rational design of

dioxide profiles to achieve comparable

cell culture performance across scales.
J.J. Wuu, A. Meier, S. Bhardwaj, L. Zheng,
K. Tschudi, S.J. Meier
3:00 BIOT 112. Control of antibody glycosylation: Application of statistical analysis
of manufacturing data coupled with DOE
in scale down models to significantly
reduce variation in antibody glycosylation.
R.G. Beri, V. Canning, B. Hadley, A. Maxwell,
J. Kauten, J. Heimbach, R. Gerber
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 113. Inhibition of intracellular histone
deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes for enhancement of transient transgene expression.
J. Elmer, M. Christensen, S. Barua, J. Lehrman,
K. Haynes, K. Rege
4:00 BIOT 114. Application of metabolomic
analysis to systematically design fed-batch
media for process improvement. Y. Li,
N. Aranibar, B.M. Warrack, J. Yee, M.C. Borys,
Z. Li
4:20 BIOT 115. Production of highly gamma
carboxylated recombinant human factor
II with consistent sialylation level in a fedbatch process. J.H. Lee, J. Reier, K. Heffner,
C. Barton, D. Spencer, A. Schmelzer
4:40 BIOT 116. Impact of pH control strategies
on CO2 accumulation in bioreactors at
different scales. S. Xu, H. Chen

viscosity reducing mutants of monoclonal

antibody therapeutics. S. Kumar, D. Tomar,
P.E. Nichols, L. Li, S.K. Singh
2:40 BIOT 127. Biophysical properties of
antibody drugs: Predicting and engineering
developability. K. Wittrup
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 128. Structure-based design of CDR
mutations that increase the solubility of
multi-domain antibody fragments. L. Zhang,
S. Kumar, K. Sunasara, M. Allen, P.M. Tessier
4:00 BIOT 129. Genetically encoded unstrained
olefins for live cell labelling with tetrazine
dyes. Y. Lee, W. Liu
4:20 BIOT 130. Rational identification of
scaffolds for combinatorial discovery of
ligands. M. Kruziki, P. Holec, D. Woldring,
H. Zhou, B. Hackel
4:40 BIOT 131. Withdrawn.

Section B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Downstream Processes
Non-Chromatographic Separations
& Process Integration
R. Aires-Barros, J. Cyganowski, Organizers,
2:00 BIOT 117. Aqueous two-phase systems

from natural products to large biomolecules. R.M. Aires-Barros, A. Azevedo, D. Silva,

R. Soares, V. Chu, J. Conde
2:20 BIOT 118. Practical experiences in the
development of a lab-scale process for the
production and recovery of fucoxanthin
from Isochrysis galbana. A. GmezLoredo, J. Gonzlez-Valdez, J. Benavides,
M.A. Rito-Palomares
2:40 BIOT 119. Strategy for primary recovery
of a mAb employing harvest treatment and
depth filtration. Z. Tan, R. Martel, N. Singh,
M. Jin, A.T. Lewandowski, Z. Li
3:00 BIOT 120. Optimizing clarification of
feed streams when nanoparticles are the
product. M. Collins, A. Onraedt, R. Leibnitz
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 121. Constrained by the membrane:
A case study of harvest process streams
fouling single pass tangential flow filters.
K. Petty, E. Gefroh, N. Soice, A. Hewig
4:00 BIOT 122. Novel system design and
cleaning strategies for single pass tangential flow filtration systems. J. Parrella, S. Lau,
K. Chan, J. Steen, H. Lutz
4:20 BIOT 123. Effect of operating parameters
on parvovirus retention by membranes
during flow interruption. D.M. Bohonak,
A. Leahy, P. Greenhalgh
4:40 BIOT 124. Avoiding the pitfalls of viral
clearance experimental design: utilizing representative spiking conditions. D. Strauss,
A. Schwartz, N. Hirotomi
Section C

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

Engineering Protein Function & Stability
E. Boder, D. Colby, A. Link, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 125. Human therapeutic enzyme

specifically sabotages tumor metabolism by

an engineered cystine/cysteine degrading
activity. S. Cramer, A. Saha, S. Tiziani,
J. Digiovanni, E. Stone, G. Georgiou

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

M. Lazzara, A. Kantardjieff Organizers
8:00 - 10:00
223-224, 234-235, 252, 257, 266, 269, 271-272,
274, 301, 320-321, 323, 332, 374, 377. See
subsequent listings.

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

10:10 BIOT 157. Accelerated process develop-

ment for the purification and conjugation of

a novel protein carrier for a polysaccharide
conjugate vaccine candidate. M.A. Winters,
T.J. Svab, S. Wang, J.G. Joyce
10:30 BIOT 158. Integrated bioprocess development based on microscale cultivations
and feed stock characterization by chromatography modeling. P. Baumann, T. Hahn,
J. Hubbuch
10:50 BIOT 159. Design and optimization of
peptide affinity resins for downstream processing. S. Timmick, D. Chandra, D. Shastry,
C. Goodwine, S. Ruppel, P. Karande, S.M. Cramer
11:10 BIOT 160. Protecting target glycoenzyme
from proteolysis during purification. X. He,
M.A. Snyder
Section C

Upstream Processes

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

Section D

Control of Protein Quality Attributes

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

B. Hackel, P. M. Hossler, Organizers, Presiding

Biomolecular Sensing & Actuation in


Emerging Technologies

tryptophan oxidation of a biopharmaceutical produced in chemically defined medium.

L.B. Hazeltine, K.M. Knueven, Y. Zhang,
A. Ouyang, Z. Lian, D.J. Olson
8:50 BIOT 146. Controlling the glycosylation
profile in MAbs by amino acid supplementation. D. Radhakrishnan, A.S. Robinson,
B. Ogunnaike
9:10 BIOT 147. Framework for real-time
peptide-mapping (RT-PM) in bioreactor
cultures of recombinant protein producing
CHO cells. T. Tharmalingam, C. Wu, R. Hong,
S. Benchaar, C. Goudar
9:30 BIOT 148. Controlling fucose content of
glycoproteins expressed in different CHO
cell lines. A. Zhang, V.L. Tsang, L. Markely,
G. Kennedy, S. Prajapati, Y. Huang
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 149. Unraveling the effect of energy
metabolism on N-glycosylation of recombinant protein produced in mammalian cells.
T. Le, A. Yongky, S. Grimm, W. Hu
10:30 BIOT 150. Ways to improve process
performance and product quality in high
performing fed-batch and perfusion CHO
cultures. T. Falkman, E. Fldt, O. Larsson,
A. Vitina, C. Kaisermayer, A. Castan
10:50 BIOT 151. Engineering secretion machinery for high-throughput protein production.
A. Azam, K.J. Metcalf, D.T. Ercek

New Tools and Approaches

Y. Kim, J. Zartman, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 132. Sequence-specific synthetic

RNA silencing overcomes antibiotic resistance. C. Courtney, A. Chatterjee

2:18 BIOT 133. Endogenous CRISPR-Cas
systems as convenient platforms for
genetic screens and pathway engineering.
M. Luo, C. Beisel
2:36 BIOT 134. Zeolitic imidazolate framework
nanoparticles for imaging and biomedical
applications. C.G. Jones, V. Stavila, C. Ashley,
M. Allendorf
2:54 BIOT 135. Cell penetrating peptides for
stem cell applications. G. Jin, F. Ghasemi
Tahrir, W. Ma, W.H. Suh
3:12 Intermission.
3:30 BIOT 136. Dynamic stiffening of poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels to direct
valvular interstitial cell phenotype in a 3D
environment. K. Mabry, K.S. Anseth
3:48 BIOT 137. Layered hydrogels to study
development of iPSC-derived neural
progenitor cells in 3D. Z. Zhang, J. Karpiak,
A. Muotri, A. Almutairi
4:06 BIOT 138. Sandwich-type nanofiber skin
grafts for skin regeneration. J. Jiang, J. Xie
4:24 BIOT 139. Development of a cellularly
degradable PEG hydrogel to promote
articular cartilage extracellular matrix
deposition. B.V. Sridhar, J.L. Brock, J.S. Silver,
M.A. Randolph, J. Leight, K.S. Anseth
4:42 BIOT 140. Photonic crystal platform for
biomoleculer sensing. K. MacConaghy,
J. Kaar, M.P. Stoykovich
Section E

8:30 BIOT 145. Process development to lower

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

BIOT Young Investigator Award

M. Lazzara, Organizer, Presiding
11:30 BIOT 152. Toward antibodies by design.
P.M. Tessier

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert B

Section B

Colorado Biotechnology

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

C. A. Eckert, Organizer
N. Boyle, Organizer, Presiding
K. A. Brown, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 141. Research in biofuels and bioproducts in Colorado. R.M. Baldwin
2:40 BIOT 142. Biobased chemical and fuel
development at OPXBIO. D. Hogsett
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 143. Novel sensors for continuous

monitoring of fermentations for biofuels and

bioproducts. K.F. Reardon
4:20 BIOT 144. Development and commercialization of fermentative isobutanol
production. A. Hawkins

Downstream Processes
Vaccines, Non-Antibody & Non-Protein
Biological Products
A. Noyes, T. M. Przybycien, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 153. Virus flocculation and recovery
with osmolytes. M. Gencoglu, C. Heldt

A. Brown, J. Rucker, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 BIOT 161. Manipulation of vesicle forma-

tion and characteristics using photo-initiated chemistry. D. Konetski, T. Gong, W. Xi,

A.D. Baranek, C. Bowman
8:50 BIOT 162. Developing a chemically specific stimulus-response nanopore. A. Geiger,
L. Keranen Burden, D. Burden
9:10 BIOT 163. Exosome capture technology based on peptide-lipid interactions.
J.P. Saludes
9:30 Intermission.
9:50 BIOT 164. Aggregation of alpha-synuclein
in functional model membrane systems.
S. Corvaglia, D. Scaini, L. Casalis
10:10 BIOT 165. Understanding the significance of fibroblast activation protein (FAP)
homo- and heterodimerization in relation to
proteolytic activity. B. Berger, B. Wonganu
10:30 BIOT 166. Nanodiscs for purification
and functional studies of family B G
protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Y. Liu,
Y. Cai, K. Culhane, R. Sunahara, E.C. Yan
10:50 BIOT 167. Discovery and characterization of antibodies against membrane
proteins using virus-like particles. J. Rucker
Section D

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak

Emerging Technologies
Cellular & Molecular Engineering
A. Chatterjee, D. Colby, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 168. Transition between multipotent

stem cells and embryonic stem cells by

chemical factors. D. Cho, B. Kuang, H. Pei,
C.M. Verfaillie, W. Hu
8:50 BIOT 169. High-throughput single-cell
imaging reveals that CD4+ CAR+ T-cell can
participate in multikilling through simultaneous conjugation with multiple tumor cells.
I. Liadi, H. Singh, G. Romain, N. Rey-Villamizar,
A. Merouane, P. Kebriaei, H. Huls, P. Qiu,
B. Roysam, L. Cooper, N. Varadarajan
9:10 BIOT 170. DNA strand displacement
induced prodrug activation for cancer
treatment. R.P. Chen, W. Chen

8:50 BIOT 154. Purification of viruses and

virus-like particles by ion-exchange

and hydrophobic interaction monoliths.
A. Jungbauer, P. Steppert
9:10 BIOT 155. Downstream processing of a
large live virus: Challenges in developing
a sterile purification process. A. Kristopeit,
M. Wenger, M. Woodling, J. Konietzko, T. Nguyen,
S. Wang, K. Phillips, A. Swartz
9:30 BIOT 156. Aminoglycoside antibiotic
derived anion-exchange microbeads and
monoliths for plasmid DNA binding and
in-situ DNA capture. T. Grandhi, A. Mallik,
N. Lin, B. Miryala, T. Potta, Y. Tian, K. Rege
9:50 Intermission.

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:



9:30 BIOT 171. Bacillus subtilis spore display

4:00 BIOT 187. Computational life cycle mod-

3:40 BIOT 202. Hydrazinyl-Iso-Pictet-Spengler

3:20 Intermission.

of laccase for evolution under extreme

conditions of high concentrations of organic
solvent. E.T. Farinas
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 172. Co-evolution of affinity
and stability for domain antibodies that
recognize hydrophobic antigens. M. Julian,
L. Rabia, K. Tiller, F. Meng, P.M. Tessier
10:30 BIOT 173. Development of a ligand-regulated adhesive protein molecular switch.
J.V. Price, C. Barnes, E. Boder
10:50 BIOT 174. Autonomous bacterial
vacuums that control communication and
enable tunable gene expression. A. Zargar,
C. Tsao, D. Quan, M. Emamian, W.E. Bentley
11:10 BIOT 175. Perturbing bacterial adaptive
resistance using CRISPR-Cas9 mediated
gene targeting: Emerging applications in
synthetic biology. P.B. Otoupal, K.E. Erickson,
A. Chatterjee

eling of M13 bacteriophage: Toward rational

engineering of a biotechnologically-important scaffold. J.D. Fisk
4:20 BIOT 188. Electrochemical monitoring of
synthetic biology constructs. T. Gordonov,
X. Zhou, C. Tsao, H. Ueda, E. Kim, G.F. Payne,
W.E. Bentley
4:40 BIOT 189. Aptazyme-based suicide circuit
for screening of metabolite overproducer in
yeast. S. Lee, M. Oh

(HIPS) ligation as a novel method for the

generation of highly stable, site-specifically
modified antibody drug conjugates (ADCs).
A.E. Albers
4:00 BIOT 203. Effect of PEGylation on protein
stability and release from melt-processed
biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)
implants. P. Lee, J. Maia, J.K. Pokorski
4:20 BIOT 204. Structural characterization of
nanoliposomespolypeptides complexes
by field flow fractionation and multidetector
analysis. L. Calzolai, P. Iavicoli, M. Ryadnov,
F. Rossi
4:20 BIOT 205. Evaluating biophysical properties of fluorescent probes with a super-resolution in vitro assay. E.E. Cacao, S. Biswas,
O. Golfetto, R. Jorand, T. Jovanovic-Talisman

3:40 BIOT 218. DNA methylation for programming biochemical flux. J. Terrell, H. Wu,
C. Tsao, A. Dunn, G.F. Payne, W.E. Bentley

Section E

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert B

Biosimilars & Follow-on Biologics

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Alan S. Michaels Award in the Recovery

of Biological Products
M. Lazzara, Organizer, Presiding
5:00 BIOT 190. Transforming basic science

into innovations in bioproduct recovery.

M.T. Hearn
Section B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Similarity Assessment: Regulatory

Expectations, Proposed Strategies &

Downstream Processes

B. Bernat, S. Ramanan, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 BIOT 191. Driving value through

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

innovation in biologics manufacturing.

J.P. Thommes
2:40 BIOT 192. E. coli purification technology
transfer: Challenges and novel processing
strategies. J. Bill, A. Mehta, A. Goerke
3:00 BIOT 193. Direct scale-up of a mAb production process developed in high throughput format. S. Siva, A. Henry, E.K. Koepf,
A. Zhang, L. Conley, D. Cecchini
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 194. Understanding minicolumn
system operational differences and
their impact on process performance
and scale-up using column simulations.
W. Keller, S.T. Evans, G. Ferreira, D. Robbins,
S.M. Cramer
4:00 BIOT 195. Verification of small-scale
models to understand commercial-scale
process and predict performance and capability. T. Mammo, G. Ferreira, G. Miro-Quesada,
M. Zhu, D. Robbins
4:20 BIOT 196. First intent gradient elution
for the purification of biopharmaceuticals:
Practical approach to accelerate process
development and reduce cost of goods.
A.C. Dumetz, Y. Feng, K.M. Jones, J.F. Kurdyla,
A.R. Ubiera, G.J. Teroth
4:40 BIOT 197. Commercial scale single-pass
TFF technology and hardware to achieve
final pool concentrations >220 g/L with
>95% recovery. J. Grifn

8:50 BIOT 176. Biosimilar Keynote: Marjorie

Shapiro. M. Shapiro
9:30 BIOT 177. Challenges and approaches in

demonstrating biosimilarity at the physicochemical and biological level. J.L. Glajch,

J. Anderson
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 178. Biosimilar mAb higher order
structure characterization with protein
conformational array. X. Wang
10:30 BIOT 179. Characterization of monoclonal antibody drug products by 2D NMR
techniques. L.W. Arbogast, R.G. Brinson,
J.P. Marino
10:50 BIOT 180. Optimized approach to
the rapid assessment and detection of
sequence variants in recombinant protein
products: Application to biosimilars.
R. Scott, L. Brady, A. Balland
11:10 BIOT 181. Role for bioassays in
biosimilarity assessment. K. Wilson-Landy,
N. Hellman, L. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Ennis, P. Han,
S. Lumayag, J. TerWee
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO,

Technology Transfer and Scale-Up

V. Natarajan, N. Tugcu, Organizers, Presiding

Section A

Engineering Microbes to Utilize Next

Generation Feedstocks

Grand Hyatt Denver

Imperial Ballroom

L. Giver, C. T. Trinh, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 BIOT 206. Stimulation of lipid and chitin

production in the photosynthetic diatom

Cyclotella by co-limitation of silicon and
nitrate in batch and perfusion cultivation.
O. Chiriboga, N. Chotyakul, S. Wu, A. Torres,
G. Rorrer
2:20 BIOT 207. Novel co-culture approach to
compartmentalize biomass deconstruction and biofuel production. J.K. Henske,
K. Solomon, M.A. OMalley
2:40 BIOT 208. Role of novel, multi-domain,
cell surface-associated, glycoside hydrolases during lignocellulose degradation by
extremely thermophilic Caldicellulosiruptor
species. J.M. Conway, W.S. Pierce, A.L. Tucker,
J. Zurawski, L.L. Lee, S.E. Blumer-Schuette,
R.M. Kelly
3:00 BIOT 209. Optimization of photobiological production of ethylene in engineered
Synechocystis. B. Wang, W. Xiong, J. Ungerer,
C.A. Eckert, P. Maness, J. Yu
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 210. From lignin depolymerization
to coproduct generation by using a single
bacterial catalyst. D. Salvachua, E. Karp,
D. Vardon, G. Beckham
4:00 BIOT 211. Improve resistance of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae to mixed
fermentation inhibitors through inverse
metabolic engineering for harnessing
lignocellulosic biomass. Y. Chen, T. Jiang,
X. Feng, N. Wei
4:20 BIOT 212. Engineering a synthetic
sugar sensing yeast strain. K.M. Blocker,
A.S. Robinson
4:40 BIOT 213. Improving solvent tolerance
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by reducing
alcohol-induced inhibition of translation.
S. Lpez, D.T. Ercek

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

Section E

Upstream Processes

Protein Conjugates: From Basic Principles

to Clinically Active Drugs

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

Metabolic Engineering & Synthetic Biology

R. W. Lee, S. L. Servoss, Organizers, Presiding

Emerging Technologies

F. Chaplen, N. Mouncey, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 BIOT 198. Development of a clickable

General Topics

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO,


Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

central metabolism for redirecting fluxes of

primary metabolites. I. Brockman, K.L. Jones
2:40 BIOT 184. Constrictor: Flux balance
analysis constraint modification provides
insight for design of biochemical networks.
K.E. Erickson, R.T. Gill, A. Chatterjee
3:00 BIOT 185. 13C Metabolic flux analysis
at the genome-scale. S. Gopalakrishnan,
C. Maranas
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 186. Regulatory tools for applications in synthetic biology and metabolic
engineering. B. Peger

framework on a flexible polymer surface

for biomedical applications. M. Neufeld,
M.M. Reynolds, J. Harding
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food

Biofuels & Sustainable Energy

Section A

2:20 BIOT 183. Dynamic knockdown of E. coli

4:40 BIOT 221. Deposition of a metal organic

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert B

Section C

spliceostatin antibody-drug conjugate

(ADC) to probe ADC uptake and trafficking
in cancer cells. C. Kulkarni, E.I. Graziani
2:20 BIOT 199. Ligase-mediated bioorthogonal insertion of click reactive groups for
site-specific protein modification. J. Plaks,
J. Berberich, J. Kaar
2:40 BIOT 200. Nanoparticle formulations
linking pharmaceutical components by
electrostatic and hydrophobic binding:
A faster and more flexible alternative to
ADC. R.S. Becker, D.N. Ringhoff, R.W. Lee,
M.A. Mitchnick
3:00 BIOT 201. Synthesis of polyvalent aptamer-toxin-polymer conjugates. J.T. Martin,
M. Douaisi, C. Kratschmer, M. Levy, R.S. Kane
3:20 Intermission.

4:20 BIOT 220. Carbohydrate chip for multiplex

bacterial toxin detection. H. Shin, J. Seo,
C. Kim, B. Hwang, H. Cha

Section D


2:00 BIOT 182. 13C metabolic flux analysis of

E. coli/E. coli and E. coli/yeast co-culture.
M.R. Antoniewicz

4:00 BIOT 219. Study of cell communications

by barcode microchips. J. Wang

J. Oakey, B. F. Shaw, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 BIOT 214. Factors impacting aluminum

hydroxide lyophilization and stability.

N. Li, A.P. Mehta, S.S. Ganser, K. Muthurania,
A.L. Young, S.K. Singh
2:20 BIOT 215. Discovery of novel neutralizing
antibodies against Bordetella adenylate
cyclase toxin and its implication for vaccine
design. X. Wang, J. Maynard
2:40 BIOT 216. Scalable biosynthesis of
quantum dots: evolution of size selectivity,
solubility, and extracellular production.
Z. Yang, L. Lu, V. Berard, Q. He, C.J. Kiely,
S. McIntosh, B. Berger
3:00 BIOT 217. Photothermal response of
protein-gold nanorod plasmonic solders for
laser tissue welding. R. Urie, K. Rege

Poster Session
C. F. Komives, Organizer
6:00 - 9:00
222. Exploration of gold nanoparticle
functionalized peptide based nanocarriers
for encapsulation of chemotherapeutic
drugs. S.M. Romanelli, K.R. Fath, A.P. Phekoo,
I.A. Banerjee
BIOT 223. Simulating the capture dynamics of
molecules within proximity to the alpha-hemolysin nanopore. E. Pederson, B. Drown,
J. Barbalas, L. Keranen Burden, D. Burden
BIOT 224. Engineering silica forming peptides
on ferritin cage for dual drug delivery
system. S. Pack, K. Nguyen, K. Park, M. Ki
BIOT 225. Development of adhesive hydrogel
based on mussel-mimetic protein. E. Jeon,
B. Kim, D. Oh, J. Seo, D. Hwang, A. Masic,
D. Han, H.J. Cha
BIOT 226. Biointerfaces augmented with nitric
oxide generating metal-organic frameworks.
E. Lauzon
BIOT 227. Engineering proteins capable of
inducing silica deposition. M. Ki, K. Yeo,
E. Jang, S. Pack
BIOT 228. BMP-2 immobilization using
mussel-inspired complex coacervate for
tissue engineering. H. Kim, B. Choi, B. Hwang,
H.J. Cha
BIOT 229. Silanized oxides and nanoparticles
for use in biosensor and energy applications. R.A. Shircliff, I.T. Martin, I. Anderson,
P. Stradins, M. Ghirardi, S. Cowley, R. Collins,
H. Branz
BIOT 230. New way of producing fully covered
microsized particles using chemical vapor
deposition method. Y. Liang, J. Lahann,
X. Deng
BIOT 231. One-step flotation immunoassay
using position-dependent screening of
luminescence. H. Chen, A. Hagstrom, J. Kim,
G. Garvey, A. Paterson, F.R. Ruiz, B. Raja,
A. Gasic, J. Conrad, U. Strych, K. Kourentzi,
R. Atmar, R.C. Willson
BIOT 232. Material considerations in the
design of sensitive and rapid biosensors
based on optically diffracting hydrogels.
K. MacConaghy, J. Kaar, M.P. Stoykovich
BIOT 233. Electrochemical biosensor development for detection of botulinum toxin A
(BoNT/A). J. Richards, A.J. Bonham
BIOT 234. Optimization of electrochemical
biosensors of the transcription factor c-Myc
for point-of-care cancer diagnosis. L. Roon,
J. Sowick, A.J. Bonham
BIOT 235. Gradient-induced migration of
cancer stem cells in a microfluidic network
revealed chemotactic acceleration and the
involvement of Wnt/-catenin pathway.
H. Zou, W. Yue, W. Yu, D. Liu, C. Fong, M. Yang

236. Developing optimal MWCNTmodified electrodes for studying the
electrochemistry of key redox cofactors and
their complexes with aptamers. I. Emahi,
M.P. Mitchell, P.R. Gruenke, D.A. Baum
BIOT 237. Expanding electrochemical DNA
biosensors to detect ricin. L. Fetter,
A.J. Bonham
BIOT 238. Diagnostic application of molecular
recognition element. K.L. Hong, K. Imlay,
L. Battistella, R.M. Williams, K.M. Hickey,
C.D. Bostick, P.M. Gannett, L.J. Sooter
BIOT 239. Peptide internalization triggered
by temperature. M. Oh, C. Hu, M. Arostegui,
K. Slowinska
BIOT 240. Recombinant Pif80 protein for
nacre-mimicking calcium carbonate biomineralization. S. Bahn, Y. Choi, H.J. Cha
BIOT 241. Developing microscale themophoresis techniques for analysis of proteins.
J. Devriendt
BIOT 242. Rapid identification of Listeria
monocytogenes using bacteriophage A511
amplification and enhanced lateral flow
immunochromatography. N. Stambach,
S. Carr, C. Cox, K.J. Voorhees
BIOT 243. Sequence-specific and
pathogen-specific antimicrobials using
phage-delivered CRISPR-Cas9 gene targeting. P.B. Otoupal, K.E. Erickson, A. Chatterjee
BIOT 244. Comparison of serotonin-expressing mammalian and yeast responses to
selected ligands. K.M. Blocker, A.S. Robinson
BIOT 245. Detection of toxin producing Vibrio
cholerae and Escherichia coli using double
biomolecular marker microarray. H. Shin,
C. Kim, B. Hwang, J. Seo, H. Cha
BIOT 246. Directed evolution of haptocorrin
into an oral zinc supplement. Y. Nie
BIOT 247. Investigation of the evolutionary
relationship between Rio2 kinases and
the canonical eukaryotic protein kinases
using X-ray crystallography. S. Bahmanjah,
N.O. Laronde
BIOT 248. Mechanistic study of unusual
enzyme activation caused by addition
of inert betaine-type metabolite and the
analogs. Y. Nakagawa, K. Koumoto
BIOT 249. Direct observation of single-molecule adsorption/desorption kinetics on
ion-exchange adsorbents. S. Dhamane,
M. Poongavanam, W. Chen, U. Patil, L. Kisley,
J. Chen, A.P. Mansur, B. Shuang, S. Dominguez
Medina, E. Kulla, M. Kang, K. Kourentzi,
C.F. Landes, R.C. Willson
BIOT 250. Bacterial adhesion to complex
surfaces: Pair-additive model and pattern-matching. S. Yoon, L. Edens, J.A. Brozik,
D. Keller
BIOT 251. Enzyme-based approaches to
kill Bacillus spores and other resistant
pathogens. R.V. Mundra, K. Mehta, X. Wu,
E. Paskaleva, R.S. Kane, J.S. Dordick
BIOT 252. Identification of the amidase activity
and in vitro characterization of the cortex
lytic enzyme CwlJ1 of Bacillus anthracis
spores. X. Wu, N. Grover, E.E. Paskaleva,
R.V. Mundra, M.A. Page, J.S. Dordick, R.S. Kane
BIOT 253. Neuronal differentiation of human
stem cells via electrostimulation. F. Ghasemi
Tahrir, G. Jin, W. Ma, W.H. Suh
BIOT 254. Effects of cross-sequence interaction between -amyloid and human islet
amyloid polypeptide on the structure and
aggregation of amyloids. R. Hu, M. Zhang,
H. Chen, J. Zheng
BIOT 255. Analysis of monoclonal antibodies
using capillary zone electrophoresis:
Application to formulation screening.
A. Brousseau, P. Casaz, S. Ozturk
BIOT 256. Feasibility of targeting cells without
unique molecular targets. K. Slowinska,
M. Oh, C. Hu, M. Arostegui
BIOT 257. Deimmunization of lectins using
computational prediction and membrane-anchored display of correctly folded
proteins. X. Zheng, Y. Choi, C. Bailey-Kellogg,
K.E. Griswold, M.P. DeLisa
BIOT 258. Bending lasso peptide structure.
C. Allen, A. Link

259. Selective C(sp3)H bond functionalization with engineered P450 catalysts.

R. Fasan
BIOT 260. Probing the binding interactions of
peptide-polymer coated gold nanoparticle encapsulated drugs with tumor cells
by SPR. A. Brown, Y. Miranda, G. Knoll,
I.A. Banerjee
BIOT 261. Improved stability of a model,
difficult to formulate IgG3 by DoE-based
evaluation of buffer formulations. B. Chavez,
C. Agarabi, E. Read, M. Khan, K.A. Brorson
BIOT 262. Measurement of charge: An
important molecular property for predicting
high concentration behavior. B. Balthazor,
S. Goswami, Y. He, R. Walters, S. Kumar,
D. Boardman, D. Luisi
BIOT 263. Evaluation of different commercially
available Protein A resins on the DBC to
Nanobodies. W. Van De Velde, W. Martens,
B. Van Der Jeugt, R. Lievrouw, A. Naresh
BIOT 264. Evaluation of various wash and
elution buffers across a panel of four
monoclonal antibodies for host cell protein
reduction during Amsphere Protein A chromatography. A. Naresh, R. Lievrouw, M. Siwak
BIOT 265. Systematic approach for evaluation
of the different DOE designs for biotech
applications. V. Kumar, A.S. Rathore
BIOT 266. Binding mechanisms of viral clearance utilizing multimodal anion exchange
chromatography. M. Brown, K.A. Brorson,
S. Lute, B. Chavez, D.J. Roush, T. Linden
BIOT 267. Charge-tunable polyampholytes
for the enhanced flocculation of cellular
biomass. K.L. Morrissey, Y. Inaba, M.I. Keirn,
A.J. Denham, G.J. Henry, M.P. Stoykovich
BIOT 268. Characterization of CaPure-HA, a
new hydroxyapatite resin for the purification
of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and
other biomolecules. W. Evans, K. Motter,
A. Chakrabarti
BIOT 269. Purification of a bispecific antibody
using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. N. Gupta, P.J. Alfonso, D. Bezila,
R. Bertrand, M. Capaldi, M. Chiu, P. Haytko,
T. Seagreaves
BIOT 270. Development and characterization
of a protein A capture step for improved
impurity clearance. N.E. Levy, J.R. Molek,
K.E. Goklen
BIOT 271. Engineering of novel staphylococcal
Protein A ligands to enablemilder elution
pH and high dynamic binding capacity.
R. Palmgren, J. Vasic, B. Noren, A. Forss
BIOT 272. Affinity purification of Fab
feedstreams. M. Holstein, N. Bian, M. Jung,
M. Bruce, J. Orlando
BIOT 273. HCP clearance strategies for protein
A chromatography. M. Holstein, K.A. Cotoni,
N. Bian
BIOT 274. Investigation of variability in the
throughput of a platform viral filter. B. Olson,
R. Tedstone, S. Rajendran
BIOT 275. Automated scale-down model for
characterization of an affinity chromatography step. A. Mohanty, R. Tedstone,
S. Rajendran
BIOT 276. Ensuring long term robustness of a
CIEX chromatographic step for separation
of charge variants with optimized yield.
K. Haeringer, E. Rosenberg, S. Hepbildikler,
K. Lacki, E. Brekkan, M. Ahnfelt
BIOT 277. Model-based biopurification
process development. S. Pirrung, A. Hanke,
L. van der Wielen, P. Verhaert, E. van de Sandt,
M. Eppink, M. Ottens
BIOT 278. Model-based comparison of protein
aggregation in integrated and batch-wise
downstream processing. A. Sellberg, F. Ojala,
B. Nilsson
BIOT 279. Subtractive panning in phage
display for identification of chromatographic
affinity peptide ligands. C. Goodwine,
D. Shastry, S.M. Cramer, P. Karande
BIOT 280. Use of multimodal chromatography
and protein-protein interaction studies to
create separation between antibodies and
associated host cell proteins. S. Ranjan,
W.K. Chung, M. Zhu, D. Robbins, S.M. Cramer

281. Comparison of binding capacity of

TOYOPEARL AF-rProtein A HC-650F affinity resin at varying bed heights. K. Motter,
A. Chakrabarti
BIOT 282. Improvements in downstream processing: minimization in chromatographic
steps for early milestones. D. Shah, H. Li,
T. Linden, M. Iammarino
BIOT 283. Feasibility study of Raman probe for
online measurement of protein concentration during UFDF. J. Wylie, Y. Xie, H. Cui
BIOT 284. Virus detection using restricted-access adsorbents. S. Dhamane, M. Adhikari,
U. Patil, A. Hagstrm, K. Kourentzi, U. Strych,
R.C. Willson
BIOT 285. Purification of a non-enveloped
virus using an aqueous two-phase system.
K. Vijayaragavan, A. Zahid, J. Young, C. Heldt

BIOT 286. Chromabolt prepacked and

pre-validated columns: A three-resin
validation approach. S. Rahane, M. Turiano,
S. Josephson, N. Bian
BIOT 287. Adsorption characteristics of newly
developed protein A and ion exchange
media for affinity chromatography.
M. Kiyono
BIOT 288. Method comparison for determining
steric mass action isotherm parameters
for a multicomponent chromatography
model. K. Tolley, T. Larsen, S. Hunt, R.J. Todd,
W. Heymann
BIOT 289. Metal-catalyzed fragmentation of
a mAb: A case study. M. Grooms, E. Wilson,
T.B. Vickroy, R.G. Collier, M. Monck, J. Dally,
R. Luo, K.E. Goklen
BIOT 290. Development of a novel affinity
chromatography medium for platform
purification of lambda Fabs. L. Laurin,
P. Hermans, N. Eier
BIOT 291. Avoiding antibody aggregation in
downstream processing: Establishing hold
time. V. Yadav, A.S. Rathore
BIOT 292. Circular dichroism spectroscopy
as a tool for rapid screening of monoclonal
antibody stability. V. Yadav, A.S. Rathore
BIOT 293. Neutron reflectivity for characterization of chromatographic interfaces in bioprocessing. A. Mazzer, L. Clifton, C.J. Roberts,
D.G. Bracewell
BIOT 294. Process analytical technologies
using a multipath length UV/VIS spectroscopy Flow cell. R. Orozco, J. Miller, S. Godfrey,
W. Chang, J. Vogel, J.L. Coffman
BIOT 295. Connecting molecular adsorption
processes to liquid chromatography.
J. Mabry, M. Skaug, D.K. Schwartz
BIOT 296. High throughput tools and methods
for faster protein purification process
development. M. Toueille, J. Champagne,
G. Balluet, R. Gantier
BIOT 297. Rapid characterization of HCP
removal on adsorptive membranes using
protein surrogate markers. M. Siwak
BIOT 298. Design of a novel agarose-based
resin platform. H.J. Johansson
BIOT 299. High-throughput screening and
analytics as tools for efficient purification
process design. J. Spitz, J. Studts
BIOT 300. Toward high-throughput protein
refolding and purification: Model-based
process development. P. Saremirad, Y. Zhang,
A. Ray
BIOT 301. Investigation and mitigation of
high molecular weight species formation
on cation exchange chromatography for a
monoclonal antibody. A. White
BIOT 302. Facility fit prediction and debottlenecking of antibody purification facilities.
Y. Yang, S. Farid, N. Thornhill
BIOT 303. Optimization of tangential flow
filtration: Control and characterization of
aggregates and particles. E. Schutsky, D. Yu,
A.T. Lewandowski, Z. Li
BIOT 304. Automated scale-down model of
a commercial chromatography process.
A. Mohanty, R. Tedstone, S. Rajendran
BIOT 305. Effective synthesis of cadaverine
from L-lysine using recombinant decarboxylase under CO2 purging condition.
S. Jeong, E. Choi, S. Byun, D. Cho, Y. Kim

306. Influenza vaccine titre determination using Biolayer Interferometry (BLI).

D. Wheatley
BIOT 307. On-column low pH viral inactivation
of a pH sensitive protein. J. Armando,
J.P. Pieracci, M. Bakhshayeshi, D. Houde
BIOT 308. Pulse gradient experiments for
fast chromatography model development. K. Westerberg, K. Tolley, S. Hunt,
O. Kaltenbrunner
BIOT 309. Process fit modeling to aid in contract manufacturer selection. S. Hohwald,
M. Gallup, A. Goerke
BIOT 310. Biopharmaceutical process monitoring using statistical stability metrics.
T. Mistretta
BIOT 311. Reverse phase high performance
liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) as an
in-process analytics core competency
for upstream and downstream process
development. K. McLaughlin, D. Shah, E. Wu,
S.D. Schussler, B. Kilgore, H. Li, T. Linden
BIOT 312. Production planning, scheduling,
and debottlenecking practices in the
biopharmaceutical industries. D. Carmichael,
C.A. Siletti, D. Petrides
BIOT 313. Biomaterial production process
intensification, analysis, and optimization with process simulation tools.
D. Carmichael, C.A. Siletti, D. Petrides
BIOT 314. Engineering synthetic fungal cellulose-degrading complexes. S.P. Gilmore,
C.H. Haitjema, M.A. OMalley
BIOT 315. Process analytical technology solutions for robust measurement and control
of upstream bioprocesses. E.R. Gibson,
K. Lanz, E. Koerperick, D. Cooley, J. Olesberg,
C. Evans, G. Small, M. Arnold
BIOT 316. Translating unnatural amino acids
with phenotypically-diverse, computationally-engineered EF-Tu variants. V. Cox,
E. Gaucher
BIOT 317. Effect of plant and microbe associated compounds on bacterial cellulose
production. J.L. Strap, A.J. Varley
BIOT 318. Understanding the effect of glycosylation on the stability and biochemical
characteristics of cutinases. A. Shirke, A. Su,
D. Basore, M. Ullo, C. Bystroff, R.A. Gross
BIOT 319. In vitro transcription/translation in
emulsion produced by a simple flow-focusing device. M. Murzabaev, T. Mizoguchi,
T. Kojima, I. Kobayashi, H. Nakano
BIOT 320. Rapid and high throughput
fluorescent protein engineering performed
in micro-pore arrays. S.C. Alford, B. Chen,
T. Baer, J. Cochran
BIOT 321. Toward engineering bacterial transcriptional regulators through continuous
directed evolution. T. Cook, A. Yaguchi,
M.A. Blenner
BIOT 322. Engineering transcriptional and
post-transcriptional repression for synthetic
cellular circuits. T.J. Mansell, A.D. Corts,
A. Choudhury, R.T. Gill
BIOT 323. Direct production of propene from
the thermolysis of poly(-hydroxybutyrate).
A. Mittal, H.M. Pilath, D.K. Johnson

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events without express written
consent from ACS.

324. Chaperone overexpression to
enhance domain antibody secretion in E.
coli. J. Brady, D.B. Ritz, Y. Zhu
BIOT 325. Engineered bacterium with periplasmic carbonic anhydrase as a biocatalyst for
CO2 sequestration. B. Jo, J. Seo, H. Cha
BIOT 326. Molecular toolkit development
for a model cyanobacterium. H.R. Aucoin,
W.E. Sinclair, C. Witherell, N.R. Boyle
BIOT 327. Grafted cellulose with ferulic
acid from the residual liquid of corn
processing. E. Torres, R. Manriquez Gonzalez,
J. Meza-Contreras, J. Andrade-Hernndez,
A. Mndez-Albores
BIOT 328. Process parameter screening
utilizing a Plackett-Burman design for a
model monoclonal antibody and exploring
the linkage between cell culture and
downstream processing. C. Agarabi,
E. Read, S. Lute, M. Boyne, J. Schiel, B. Chavez,
K.A. Brorson
BIOT 329. Media components for reducing
waste accumulation in mammalian cell
culture. C. Caffalette, W. Yang, A. Ray, V. Shen,
R.R. Kshirsagar, T.K. Ryll, Y. Huang
BIOT 330. Microbial production of a hydrocarbon fuel intermediate polyhydroxybutyrate
(PHB) from a process relevant lignocellulosic derived sugar stream. W. Wang,
A. Mittal, A. Mohagheghi, D.K. Johnson
BIOT 331. Dosing considerations and impacts
on the clarification of mammalian cell
culture feed streams using polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride flocculant in
conjunction with Clarisolve depth filters.
M. Peck
BIOT 332. High-throughput screening metabolic assay to improve media design for
mammalian fed-batch culture. Y. Li, J. Yee,
M.C. Borys, Z. Li
BIOT 333. Methods for quantitative analysis
in plant synthetic biology. K. Schaumberg,
W. Xu, C. Zalewski, T. Kassaw, M. Antunes,
J. Medford, A. Prasad
BIOT 334. Characterization and modeling of
metabolic changes in cyanobacteria during
photosynthesis. F.E. Estep, A. Zimont,
G. Peers, A. Prasad, C.A. Peebles
BIOT 335. Analyzing the degradation capacity
within Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP biofilm.
V. Henry, J.L. Jessop, T.L. Peeples
BIOT 336. Uniaxially aligned, porous collagen-GAG scaffolds for in vitro modeling of
human trabecular meshwork. S. Bernier,
M. Pantcheva, M. Krebs
BIOT 337. Using backscattering interferometry to observe label-free observations of
molecular interactions of membrane-associated species. M. Baksh, A. Lockwood,
C.I. Richards, M. Finn, D. Heidary
BIOT 338. Ultrathin coatings on polymer
substrates for chemically defined culture of
human mesenchymal stem cells. S. Schmitt,
A. Xie, W.L. Murphy, P. Gopalan
BIOT 340. Characterization of the alginate
lyases from Vibrio splendidus 12B01.
A. Badur, G. Yalamanchali, C.V. Rao
BIOT 341. Bioinspired silica nanoparticle with
auto-encapsulated carbonic anhydrase as
a robust biocatalyst for biomimetic CO2
sequestration. B. Jo, J. Seo, K. Baek, Y. Choi,
S. Pack, S. Oh, H.J. Cha
BIOT 342. Characterizing technical and
biological variance in CHO cell time-series
metabolomics data. H. Le, C. Goudar

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

343. Differential gene expression
variability underlies adaptive resistance in
heterogeneous populations. K.E. Erickson,
A. Chatterjee
BIOT 344. Effects of key cell culture process
parameters on the quality attributes of a
therapeutic protein produced by an NS0
cell line. T. Bui, M. Berge
BIOT 345. Efficient approach to perfusion
medium development using design of
experiments (DoE). A. Castan, E. Fldt,
T. Persson, H. Bergling
BIOT 346. Process development to increase
productivity with minimal impact to product
quality. L. Cella, Y. Yang, M. Dowling, P. Russo,
G.A. Tulloch
BIOT 347. Constraints-based modeling to
elucidate the impacts of environmental
dynamics on nitrogen gases production
by the soil nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas
europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi.
F. Chaplen, C. Ta, C. Higgins, P. Bottomley,
L. Sayavedra-Soto
BIOT 348. Nitrobacter winogradskyi responses
to Fe limitation. C. Ta, R. Ferrell, L. SayavedraSoto, F. Chaplen
BIOT 349. Transcriptional activation of yeast
by split intein-mediated reconstitution of
synthetic peptide signals. K. Siu, W. Chen
BIOT 350. Modulation of gene expression via
directed electrical signaling: Electrically
sensitive promoters. Y. Okasheh, R.M. McBee,
N.M. Marshall, A.D. Ellington
BIOT 351. Utilization of the separatome of
E. coli for the development of a protein
expression and purification platform.
E. Brune, M.S. Fruchtl
BIOT 352. Large scale algal oil production
for biofuel use: Techno-economic analysis
and evaluation. D. Carmichael, C.A. Siletti,
D. Petrides
BIOT 353. Specifically tuned light activated
nano-therapeutics for selective cell phenotypes. C. Courtney, S.M. Goodman, P. Nagpal,
A. Chatterjee
BIOT 354. Combinatorial synthesis and
cheminformatics modeling of aminoglycoside lipopolymers for transgene expression.
B. Miryala, Z. Zhen, T. Potta, C.M. Breneman,
K. Rege
BIOT 355. Aqueous ionic liquid (IL) enzyme
mixtures for single-step dissolution and
hydrolysis of cellulosic materials. T. Schutt,
C.M. Maupin
BIOT 356. Single cell capture and biochemical
analysis using self-folding biocompatible
devices. Q. Jin, M. Li, I. Barman, D.H. Gracias
BIOT 357. Silver nanoparticle-generating
mussel adhesive fusion protein as a novel
bioinspired surface-independent antibacterial coating material. B. Hwang, Y. JO, J. Seo,
B. Choi, B. Kim, H. Shin, H.J. Cha
BIOT 358. Cellulose hydrolysis in acidified
molten salt hydrate reaction media: Insights
from kinetic and spectroscopic studies.
W. Deng, G. Tsilomelekis, J. Kennedy, V. Nikolakis
BIOT 359. Response surface methodology
for efficient production of biomass and
lipids by Rhodotorula glutinis grown in pulp
and paper wastewater. M. AmirSadeghi,
W.T. French, R. Hernandez, S. Shields-Menard,
B. Sukhbaatar
BIOT 360. Fabrication of a nanoconjugate for
synergistic antibiotic and photothermal
treatment of resistant bacteria. S.V. Jenkins,
D. Meeker, K.E. Beenken, M.S. Smeltzer, J. Chen
BIOT 361. Comprehensive utilization of waste
hemicelluloses during ethanol production to
increase lactic acid yield: from pretreatment
to fermentation. L. Zhang, T. You, L. Zhang,
F. Xu
BIOT 362. Understanding population fluctuations in marine environment. J. Gardner,
N. Boyle, B. Hodge
BIOT 363. Isotope tracer and mass spectrometry reveal engineered xylose metabolism in
cyanobacteria. W. Xiong, J. Yu

364. Integration of the alpha-amylase

gene into single and high-copy number
loci within the Saccharomyces diastaticus genome to elicit a high degradation
efficiency on a unique starch source.
M.P. Pinto, W. Haggren, S.B. Braun-Sand
BIOT 365. What makes phosphatidylserine a
novel regulator of ceramide-1-phosphate
transfer proteins? X. Zhai, D.K. Simanshu,
H. Pike, J. Mundy, J.G. Molotkovsky, D.J. Patel,
L. Malinina, R.E. Brown
BIOT 366. High throughput process development: Utilization of high-throughput
bioreactors and high-throughput analytics
for rapid and robust cell culture process
development. S. Rameez, S. Gopalakrishnan,
J.S. Notey, S.S. Mostafa, A.A. Shukla
BIOT 367. Evaluation of bicarbonate free
medium for improved mammalian cell
growth and monitoring in controlled bioreactors. D. Odenwelder, S.W. Harcum
BIOT 368. Development of a NS0 monoclonal
antibody producing scale-down model for
support of a technical transfer. E. Hodgman
BIOT 369. Improving scale-up of medium
filtration for cell culture processes through
understanding of iron effect during largescale preparation. J. Tressel, A. Khetan, H. Lin
BIOT 370. Identifying cell signaling regulators
of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in carcinoma. J.M. Buonato, S.S. Yee, E.L. Carpenter,
M. Lazzara
BIOT 371. Strategies and considerations for
the development of perfusion process
for continuous processing based on
existing fed-batch platform. H. Lin, S. Wang,
R. Leighty, S. Godfrey, S. Yildirim, A. Osborne,
R. Orozco, G. Setiabudi, J. Coby, J.H. Vogel,
J.L. Coffman
BIOT 372. Clarification platform evaluation
and optimization. K. Humbard, B. Wang,
M. Wagner, K. Chefer, K. Dhanasekharan
BIOT 373. Assessment of down-hole membrane-diffused hydrogen for stimulating
uranium reduction and immobilization.
L. Haynes
BIOT 374. Remote activation of TRPV1 for
therapeutic effect. J. Sauer, S. Stanley,
R.S. Kane, J. Friedman, J.S. Dordick
BIOT 375. Toward a unified process development strategy for batch and continuous
chromatography. A. Forss, H. Blom, K. Lacki
BIOT 376. Unamic control in periodic counter
current chromatography. H. Blom, H. Skoglar,
A. kerblom, L. Mathiasson, K. Lacki, A. Forss
BIOT 377. Use of multivariate techniques to
develop a predictive model for viral vaccine
potency based on raw material components. A. Purdy, C. Cameron, N. Afanador,
H. Fahmy, J. ONeill

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

10:10 BIOT 382. Methods to increase substrate

conversion in the fungus, Beauveria bassiana. F. Nicolau Manterola, T.L. Peeples
10:30 BIOT 383. De novo biosynthesis of

1,2-propanediol from renewable feedstock

through lactic acid. W. Niu, J. Guo
10:50 BIOT 384. Engineering of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae for the production of long and
short chain fatty acids. C. Leber, B. Polson,
R. Fernandez-Moya, N.A. Da Silva
11:10 BIOT 385. Biosynthesis of key gasoline-range alkanes using engineered E. coli.
A.M. Kunjapur, M. Sheppard, K.L. Jones Prather
Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Biotechnology & Bioengineering Awards

Presentation and Gaden Award
M. Lazzara, Organizer, Presiding
11:30 BIOT 386. Sex and the better biocatalyst.
F.H. Arnold
Section B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Downstream Processes
Advances and Case Studies in the Use of
Disposables, Continuous Processing &
Flexible Manufacturing
S. M. Cramer, J. Salm, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 387. Continuous precipitation-based

capture step for recombinant antibodies.

N. Hammerschmidt, S. Hobiger, A. Jungbauer
8:50 BIOT 388. Control and optimization of
a twin-column counter-current chromatography process for affinity capture of
biopharmaceuticals. T. Muller-Spath, N. Ulmer,
L. Aumann, M. Bavand
9:10 BIOT 389. Design and characterization of
an incubation chamber for continuous viral
inactivation. R. Orozco, N. Guillen, S. Godfrey,
J. Vogel, J.L. Coffman
9:30 BIOT 390. Development of a continuous
MAb purification process. A. Forss, H. Blom,
T. Bjorkman, A. Ljunglf, B. Westerlund
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 391. Continuous downstream processing for monoclonal antibodies: Are we
there yet? J.Y. Zhang, L. Conley, D. Cecchini,
V. Natarajan, S. Ghose
10:30 BIOT 392. Process economics of continuous mAb processing with single-pass
tangential flow filtration. E. Ayturk, R. Gantier
10:50 BIOT 393. PAT tool for chromatography supporting batch and continuous
processing. N. Brestrich, A. Sanden, T. Briskot,
J. Hubbuch
11:10 BIOT 394. Feasibility of pH measurement by spectroscopy during continuous
low pH virus inactivation in monoclonal
antibody production. J. Goby, J.L. Coffman,
E. Zimmermann, M. Strawn, M. Noguchi,
J.A. Beller, M. Cortese, J.F. Breit, J. Vogel

Upstream Processes

Section C

Advances in Biocatalysis

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak

M. A. Blenner, I. R. Wheeldon, Organizers,

8:30 BIOT 378. Metabolic channeling and

spatial effects of bifunctional enzymes.

W. Xu, A. Prasad
8:50 BIOT 379. Controlling local substrate concentrations and enzyme kinetics through
rationally designed intermolecular interactions. Y. Gao, J. Zhu, J. Lin, I. Wheeldon
9:10 BIOT 380. Microscale tools for rapid
evaluation of the two-phase whole-cell
bio-oxidation of highly volatile substrates.
J.F. Kolmar, F. Baganz, P. Engel
9:30 BIOT 381. Engineering recombinant
Escherichia coli for improved triacetic acid
lactone production by screening transposon
insertion libraries. Y. Li, P. Cirino
9:50 Intermission.

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

P. Millili, K. Schultz, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 395. Biofabrication and engineering
of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals. B. Swift, W. Zhou,
F. Baneyx
8:50 BIOT 396. Photoresponsive on/off

dormancy in polyplexes for patterned

control of cell behavior. C.T. Greco, T.H. Epps,
III, M.O. Sullivan
9:10 BIOT 397. Functionalization of hydrogels
with matrix metalloproteinase-sensitive
fluorogenic biosensors to measure cancer
cell response to drug treatment. J.L. Leight,
E.Y. Tokuda, K.S. Anseth

9:30 BIOT 398. Synthesis and characterization

10:50 BIOT 416. Effective strategy for a

3:40 BIOT 430. Implementation and characteri-

Section E

of a micelle-templated, sub-100 nm PLGA

nanoparticle for targeted drug delivery.
B.L. Miller, G. Nabar, M.C. Calhoun, J. Xu,
M.N. Gurcan, V.K. Puduvalli, J.O. Winter
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 399. Quantum molecular-sequencing (QM-Seq): Single molecule DNA
and RNA sequencing. J. Casamada-Ribot,
A. Chatterjee, P. Nagpal
10:30 BIOT 400. Therapeutic nucleic acid
complex micelles. L. Leon Gibbons, E. Chung,
Y. Fang, M.V. Tirrell
10:50 BIOT 401. Hemocompatibility of colloidally stable glycopolymer-DNA complexes
for gene therapy. H.R. Phillips
11:10 BIOT 402. Tunable composite nanocarriers for magnetic resonance imaging,
multimodal imaging, and theranostic
applications. R.K. Prudhomme

comprehensive QbD characterization of

Viresolve filter: A collaboration between
medImmune and EMD millipore. G. Ferreira,
J. Prentice, S. Rajarajan, M. Zhu, M.L. Dickson,
H. Lutz, D. Robbins
11:10 BIOT 417. Design space assessment
focused on value and probability of
success. M. Trexler Schmidt, M. Mun, S. Khoo,
N.L. McKnight, A. Mehta, S.J. Meier, R. St. John,
B.D. Kelley

zation of solvent detergent viral inactivation

in single use bags. M.A. Cunningham,
V. Raman, N. Sood, J. Shea, L. Mullin, E. Youssef,
P. Almeida, E.M. Goodrich
4:00 BIOT 431. Considerations when building a
single use technology ADC manufacturing.
D. Lok, E. Mahajan
4:20 Panel Discussion.

Grand Hyatt Denver

Elbert B

Section D

M. Lipscomb, D. B. Ritz, Organizers, Presiding

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

2:00 BIOT 418. Standarized two-stage

Biofuels & Sustainable Energy

Biological Fuel & Energy Production Using
Photons & Electrons
C. A. Peebles, A. Singh, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 403. Prospective bioethylene

production process from photosynthetically-fixed CO2 in recombinant cyanobacteria.

J. Markham, J. Yu, L. Tao
8:50 BIOT 404. Understanding and optimizing
free fatty acid production in Synechocystis
sp. PCC 6803. Y. Cheah, C.A. Peebles
9:10 BIOT 405. Metabolic flux analysis of the
micro-algae Chlorella vulgaris at different
CO2 concentrations under autotrophic,
heterotrophic, and mixotrophic growth.
M.R. Antoniewicz
9:30 BIOT 406. Role of PII in the nitrogen-stress response of Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii. J. Sweeley
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 407. Impact of salinity on the kinetics of CO2 fixation by Spirulina platensis
cultivated in semicontinuous photobioreactors. J. Ramirez-Perez, H. Janes
10:30 BIOT 408. Understanding the performance of sugar-yeast-ethanol biohybrid
fuel cells. J. Jahnke, D. Mackie, M. Benyamin,
S. Liu, R. Ganguli, J. Sumner
10:50 BIOT 409. Engineering the chemolithoautotroph Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans for
chemical and fuel production. S. Banta, X. Li,
T. Kernan, S. Majumdar, A. West
11:10 BIOT 410. High performance nanocomposites produced with cross-linked glucose
oxidase aggregates and graphitized mesoporous carbon. T. Garcia-Perez, J. Kim, S. Ha
Section E

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert B

Quality-by-Design for Biopharmaceuticals


Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

General Topics

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Elbert A

C. J. Roberts, H. Samra, Organizers, Presiding

Upstream Processes

of in surfo crystallization of membrane proteins. A. Samadzoda, A. Vaish, A.S. Robinson,

A.M. Lenhoff
2:20 BIOT 433. Specific-ion effects on the
aggregation mechanisms and protein-protein interactions for antistreptavidin
immunoglobulin Gamma-1. G.V. Barnett,
V. Razinkov, B.A. Kerwin, T. Laue, A. Woodka,
P. Butler, T. Perevozchikova, C.J. Roberts
2:40 BIOT 434. High-throughput passive
microrheology of therapeutic protein solutions. L. Josephson, W.J. Galush, E.M. Furst
3:00 BIOT 435. Can aggregation prone states
of an antibody fragment be predicted
through biophysical analysis? D. Hilton
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 436. Cell-material interactions in
synthetic hydrogel scaffolds. K. Schultz,
F. Escobar, K. Kyburz, D. McKinnon, K.S. Anseth
4:00 BIOT 437. Impact of asymmetric flow
field-flow fractionation on antistreptavidin IgG1 protein aggregation. C. Bria,
K.R. Williams
4:20 BIOT 438. Parameters Influencing
cavitation within therapeutic vials subjected
to drop shock. C. Lengsfeld, D. Sederstrom,
M. Puryear, R. Rodrigues
4:40 BIOT 439. Silicone oil microdroplets can
act as an adjuvant in protein formulations
containing foreign antigen or self antigen.
C.F. Chisholm, J. Carpenter, T. Randolph

Microbial Process Development

bioprocess development using synthetic

metabolic valves and dynamic metabolic
control. M.D. Lynch, A. Trahan, Z. Ye
2:20 BIOT 422. Optimization of valuable intermediates synthesis by 11 alpha-hydroxylation of steroid DHEA by solvent-enhanced
biocatalyst. R. Gonzalez
2:40 BIOT 419. Optimization of microbes for
industrial bioprocesses using high throughput genome engineering. Z. Serber
3:00 BIOT 424. Increasing soluble expression
of an intact Fab (fragmented antibody) in E.
coli by smart plasmid design and chaperone
co-expression. V. Roy, K. Bhere, P. Navarathna,
S. Machhi, M. Berge, L. Qu
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 420. Engineering a modular network
of nonnatural pathways for aromatic
chemicals and muconic acid. B. Thompson,
S. Pugh, R. McKenna, D.R. Nielsen
4:00 BIOT 421. Development of an enzymefree process for converting lignocellulosic
biomass to fuels and chemicals. B. Peger,
J.A. Dumesic, C. Maravelias
4:20 BIOT 339. Regulation of photosynthetic
carbon partitioning in a cyanobacterium.
M.A. Cano, W. Xiong, D.J. Carrieri, T. Paddock,
P. Maness, M.L. Ghirardi, J. Yu
4:40 BIOT 423. New method for peptide
production: Modular secretion from Bacillus
megaterium. N. Marchand, C.H. Collins

2:00 BIOT 432. Understanding the mechanism

Section D

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak

Biofuels & Sustainable Energy

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Biotechnology & Bioengineering Daniel I. C.

Wang Award
M. Lazzara, Organizer, Presiding
5:00 BIOT 425. Toward a holistic understanding
of cellular metabolism. M.R. Antoniewicz
Section B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

B. Junker, A. S. Rathore, Organizers, Presiding

Downstream Processes

defined biopharmaceuticals? A comparison

of 3 case studies. M. Streeand, S. Mercier,
R. Wijffels
9:10 BIOT 412. Multivariate data analysis
methods for qualifying scale-down models.
A. Meier, S. Meier
9:30 BIOT 413. QbD as basis for effective
development of biopharmaceuticals.
J. Panek, J. Gampfer
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 414. Implementation of QbD for
development of a downstream process for
a therapeutic biosimilar. A.S. Rathore
10:30 BIOT 415. Virus filtration QbD knowledge
base. H. Lutz

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sorpis A

Section A

Case Studies in QbD Implementation

8:30 BIOT 411. Is QbD more difficult for less

Section C

Advances and Case Studies in the Use

of Disposables, Continuous Processing
& Flexible Manufacturing
S. M. Cramer, J. Salm, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 426. Single-use nonchromato-

graphic purification method for antibodies.

P. Jorjorian
2:20 BIOT 427. Development and GMP
production of novel antibody immuno-PET
conjugates using single use/disposable
technologies. T. Peram, D. Olson, J. Keba
2:40 BIOT 428. Antibody sieving analysis of
multiple microfiltration membranes during
a single perfusion cell culture. N. Pinto,
W. Napoli, C. Kistler, M. Brower
3:00 BIOT 429. PALL single-use strategy
to increase flexibility in manufacturing.
J. Grifn
3:20 Intermission.

Synthetic Biology Approaches to Engineer

Production of Fuels & Energy Molecules
J. Carothers, A. Froehlich, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 440. Utilization of modular cell and

pathway design for combinatorial synthesis

of designer bioesters. D.S. Layton, C.T. Trinh
2:20 BIOT 441. 2-Keto acids based biosynthe-

sis pathways for renewable fuels and chemicals. Y. Tashiro, S.H. Desai, G.M. Rodriguez,
S. Atsumi
2:40 BIOT 442. Advanced pathways for microbial production of branched C5 alcohols in
E. coli. T. Lee, A. Kang, K. George
3:00 BIOT 443. Strain engineering,
high-throughput screening, and systems
biology analysis for the successful production of renewable chemicals and fuels.
M. Leavell
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 444. Genome-scale strategies for
designing, building, and testing biological
systems. R.T. Gill
4:20 BIOT 445. Synthetic biology-enabled
strategies for improving ethylene production
from engineered E. coli. S. Lynch, C.A. Eckert,
J. Yu, P. Maness, R.T. Gill
4:40 BIOT 446. Building important molecules
from methanol. I.W. Bogorad, C. Chen,
M. Theisen, T. Wu, J.C. Liao

Quality-by-Design for Biopharmaceuticals

Approaches to Process Characterization &
Design Space Denition
S. Ahuja, S. Tobler, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 447. Characterization of a CHO-

based monoclonal antibody production

process using a quality by design approach.
J.C. Goodrick
2:20 BIOT 448. Modeling the preparation of a
concentrated nutrient feed solution for a
large scale cell culture process. B. Russell,
S. Ahuja, G. Miro-Quesada, L. Qu
2:40 BIOT 449. Addressing solution composition variability for process buffers and
product intermediates in PC studies and
control strategy definition. S.A. Tobler
3:00 BIOT 450. Process characterization: A
quality by design approach to scale-down
studies across multiple HTPD formats.
A. Berrill, J.S. Feliciano, A. Mattias, K. Nilsson
Vlimaa, Z. Fung, E. Brekkan, B. Evans, J. Salm,
R. Godavarti, K. Lacki
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 451. Development and characterization challenges of an ion exchange
chromatography step. J.F. Hsii, A. Mehta,
L. Gao, B. Thayer, R. St. John
4:00 BIOT 452. Employment of QbD principles
to control charge variants with anion
exchange chromatography. B.F. Marques,
T. Wiley, S. Weisser, P.R. Smith, K.E. Goklen
4:20 BIOT 453. QbD approach to aggregate
control in affinity chromatography. L. Leone,
A.T. Lewandowski, Z. Li
4:40 BIOT 454. Quantitative process parameter
classification approach for biopharmaceutical development in QbD paradigm. S. Singh,
G. Miro-Quesada, L. Qu, R.V. Venkat

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Upstream Processes
General Topics
N. Agarwal, C. F. Komives, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 455. Evaluation of extended

passaging during inoculum expansion of

a CHO cell line: a case-study of improving
manufacturing flexibility. P. Apostolidis,
L. Zhou, P. Thompson, H. Graham
8:50 BIOT 456. Can we predict production
instability? Detection of karyotypic changes
related to phenotypic changes in CHO cells.
J. Baik, K.H. Lee
9:10 BIOT 457. Achieving comparable product
quality profiles through cell culture process
and media optimization. N.M. Jacob,
V. Marczewski, R. Li, S.B. Rianna, E. Kraus,
K. Camberg
9:30 BIOT 458. Real-time, continuous monitoring of cellular nutrients and metabolites
for optimization of upstream bioprocesses.
M.A. Arnold, E.R. Gibson, K. Lanz, E. Koerperick,
D. Cooley, J. Olesberg, C. Evans, G.W. Small
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 459. UNICAN: Dual capability in
single use bioreactors. E. Mahajan, E. Chan,
T. Hudson
10:30 BIOT 460. Efficient, high-titer monoclonal
antibody production in a fed-batch process
using single-use stirred-tank and rocking
bioreactor systems. T. Falkman, E. Fldt,
O. Larsson
10:50 BIOT 461. Sparger design for improved
bubble-liquid hydrodynamics in bioreactors.
Y. Liu, R. Ferguson, W. Hu, K. Wiltberger,
S. Hourn, F. Li
11:10 BIOT 462. Improved monitoring in
upstream clean-in-place (CIP) operations.
V. Saucedo, Z. Li, D. Schimizzi, M. Su, A. Phillips,
T.W. Hudson, B. Gan



Section B

Section D


Section C

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak B

Section A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak A

Downstream Processes

Biofuels & Sustainable Energy

Development and Deconstruction of
Sustainable and Low-cost Feedstocks for
Biofuels and Bioproducts

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Evans

Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

Antibodies, Drug Conjugates & Related


Upstream Processes

High-Throughput Biomolecular Engineering

and Characterization

H. Scheller, G. Sriram, Organizers, Presiding

Engineering Non-model Hosts for Biological


I. V. Korendovych, I. R. Wheeldon, Organizers,


able process to control IgG4 half antibody.

K. Brower, R. Koduri, M. Yu, K. Karaveg,
V. Dhawan, P. Finn, C. Hwang, V. Warikoo,
K.B. Konstantinov
8:50 BIOT 464. Approaches to platforming
antibody drug conjugate development.
J. Liddell
9:10 BIOT 465. Downstream process solution
to mAb occupancy in glycoengineered
pichia. S. Rios
9:30 BIOT 466. Development of a downstream purification process for an early
phase bispecific antibody: A case study.
A. Ladiwala, J. Lee, M. Bhaumik, M. Lee,
S. Woon, M. Fedesco, C.A. Teske, M. Butler,
P. Lester
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 467. Antibody drug conjugates:
A new platform of protein therapeutic
molecules with duocarmycins as cytotoxic
agents. M. Eppink, G. De Roo, P. Beusker,
R. Coumans, R. Verstegen, B. Kamps, H. Spijker
10:30 BIOT 468. Protein A affinity chromatography for efficient purification of recombinant
antibody fragments. A. Stein, A. HeinenKreuzig, A. Kiesewetter, M. Jung, M. Holstein,
M. Bruce, J. Orlando, N. Bian
10:50 BIOT 469. Capacity assessment: DBC is
not the whole story implications for resin
lifetime and sequential multicolumn chromatography. E. Trilisky, J. Ladwig, S. Trimble,
J.S. Moscariello
11:10 BIOT 470. Thorough investigation of
the effect of novel sanitization agents on
affinity chromatography media. E. Monie,
A. Grnberg, A. Ljunglf, M. Wetterhall,
T. Bjorkman

8:30 BIOT 479. Dynamics of CO2 consumption,

S. Atsumi, Y. Huo, A. Sato, Organizers, Presiding

and biomass and lipid production during

photobioreactor cultivation of the diatom
Cyclotella under constant incident and constant mean light modes. A. Ozkan, G. Rorrer
8:50 BIOT 480. Use of synthetic biology to
improve bioenergy crops. A. Eudes, Y. Liang,
D. Loque
9:10 BIOT 481. Base-catalyzed depolymerization of residual solid biomass from a biochemical conversion process. R. Katahira,
A. Mittal, K.A. McKinney, G.T. Beckham
9:30 BIOT 482. Innovative pretreatment strategies to generate high-quality sugars from
a broad spectrum of biomass resources.
Y.N. Guragain, K.P. Bastola, R. Barrios,
A.R. Kingsly, P.V. Vadlani
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 483. Amberlyst 35DRY enhanced
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride
pretreatment of Arundo donax Linn. T. You,
L. Zhang, F. Xu
10:30 BIOT 484. Charge engineering of cellulases improves ionic liquid tolerance and
reduces lignin inhibition. E. Nordwald
10:50 BIOT 485. Increased lipid production
via genetically engineered oleaginous
yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides. S. Zhang,
C.V. Rao
11:10 BIOT 486. Over-expression and
characterization of four alginate lyases
from Vibrio splendidus 12B01. A.H. Badur,
G. Yalamanchali, C.V. Rao

2:00 BIOT 511. Engineering a lasso peptide

2:00 BIOT 495. Production of bispecific

display system for directed evolution applications. C. Zong, A. Link

2:20 BIOT 512. Characterization and directed
evolution of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases.
J. Tullman, L. Wu, S. Li, J.P. Marino
2:40 BIOT 513. Physiological assay designed
to quantify the efficacy and potency of
antimalarials. M.A. Ketchum, J.D. Rimer,
P.G. Vekilov
3:00 BIOT 514. Application of automated
micro-UF/DF system for high-throughput formulation development. C. Ren,
K. Westland, R. Rajan, S. Lambert, R. Burge
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 515. Design and selection of peptides with specific recognition properties
for protein purification and analysis.
D. Chandra, S. Timmick, C. Goodwine, D. Shastry,
S.M. Cramer, P. Karande
4:00 BIOT 516. Computational design and
directed evolution of allosterically regulated
enzymes. I.V. Korendovych
4:20 BIOT 517. Design and discovery of short
peptides for biocatalysis and self-assembly.
R. Ulijn
4:40 Panel Discussion.

Section E

Section B

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris B

Section C

Downstream Processes

Downstream Processes

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak A

Mini Topics: Biobased Industry Challenges

and a Focus on Impurities

Antibodies, Drug Conjugates & Related


Biomolecular & Biophysical Processes

J. J. Stickel, S. A. Tobler, L. A. van der Wielen,

R. C. Willson, Organizers, Presiding

G. Carta, S. Kandula, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 BIOT 487. Continuous enzymatic hydrolysis: Membrane fractionation. B. Adhikari,

D. Sievers, J.J. Stickel, J. Pellegrino

Protein A chromatography with PEGylated

ligands: High throughput characterization
of PEGylation strategies. J.B. Weinberg,
T.M. Przybycien
2:20 BIOT 504. Alternative multimodal process
for the capture of monoclonal antibodies
based on phenylboronic acid chromatography. A.M. Azevedo, S. Rosa, R. Santos,
R.M. Aires-Barros
2:40 BIOT 505. Antibody aggregation in the
mobile phase. F. Ojala, A. Sellberg, T. Budde
Hansen, E. Broberg Hansen, A. Staby, B. Nilsson
3:00 BIOT 506. Rapid ranking of high-concentration monoclonal antibody formulations
using manufacturability indices. Y. Yang,
A. Velayudhan, S. Farid, N. Thornhill
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 507. Withdrawn.
4:00 BIOT 508. High capacity salt tolerant
weak cation exchange media for mAb
purification: Improved process performance
through efficient pH transition and control.
D.M. Kanani, N. Sidhu, N. Paghdal, J. Stout
4:20 BIOT 509. Eliminate downstream facility
constraints for high titer cell culture processes. M. Zhu, J. Savery, J. Bender, G. MiroQuesada, D. Robbins
4:40 BIOT 510. Understanding HCP binding to
depth filters: Can we qualify depth filters
for purification? N. Soice, E. Zinn, K. Petty,
R. Alvarado, J. Espinoza, A. Hewig

G. Carta, S. Kandula, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 BIOT 463. Development of a manufactur-

General Topics
C. J. Roberts, H. Samra, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 BIOT 471. Mechanism of cholesterol
binding by an RTX leukotoxin. E. Koufos,
A.C. Brown
8:50 BIOT 472. Photocrosslinking with

p-azidophenylalanine used to identify the

location of Cic binding on ERK. A. Futran,
S.Y. Shvartsman, A. Link
9:10 BIOT 473. Rare example of a protein
where an isolated domain is more stable
than the full-length. S. Bandi, S. Singh,
K. Mallela
9:30 BIOT 474. Mechanistic details of pH
dependent non-photochemical quenching
mediated by CP29. C.A. Lopez, B. Gennady,
R.T. Sayre, S. Gnanakaran
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 475. Engineering cellulose-degrading complexes from anaerobic gut
fungi. C. Haitjema, S. Gilmore, K. Solomon,
M.A. OMalley
10:30 BIOT 476. Promoting binding of
protein-targeting substrates by regulating
interdomain dynamics within a signal recognition particle: Implications for biotechnology. F. Gao, A. Kight, S. Jayanthi, P. Patel,
R.L. Goforth, S.K. Thallapuranam, R. Henry,
R. Henderson, C.D. Heyes
10:50 BIOT 477. Effect of DNA base orientation
on charge transfer reaction. A. Khan
11:10 BIOT 478. Conformational study of 9<tetrahydrocannabinol (<9-THC) linear and
nonlinear circular dichroism. J. Donnelly,
F.E. Hernndez

Cooperative Cosponsorship

8:50 BIOT 488. On fractionation of organic

fuel precursors from electrolytes with RO

and NF membranes. M. Rickman, R.H. Davis,
J. Pellegrino
9:10 BIOT 489. Flocculant-aided solid-liquid
separation of algal and lignocellulosic
biomass slurries. N.C. Crawford, M. Minot,
J.J. Lischeske, D. Sievers, N. Nagle, J.J. Stickel
9:30 BIOT 490. Comparing In situ removal
strategies for improving styrene biosynthesis. R. McKenna, B. Thompson, L. Moya,
M. McDaniel, D.R. Nielsen
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 BIOT 491. Impact of elution pH on
product and process related impurities
in Protein A chromatography. D. Yu,
E. Schutsky, L. Leone, Z. Tan, A. Lewandoski,
M.C. Borys, Z. Li
10:30 BIOT 492. Two-stage chromatographic
separation of aggregates for monoclonal
antibody therapeutics. V. Kumar, A.S. Rathore
10:50 BIOT 493. Heterogeneous high molecular
weight species in purification platform. Y. Li
11:10 BIOT 494. Development of platform
host cell protein enrichment strategies for
use in impurity spike challenge studies.
R.G. Soderquist, R. Hart

antibodies in Knobs-into-Holes using a

cell-free expression system. Y. Xu
2:20 BIOT 496. Robustness and productivity:
Lessons from metabolic engineering and
RNA-Seq studies in Zymomonas mobilis.
S. Yang, M. Zhang, Y. Chou, T. Vander Wall,
W. Michener, P. Pienkos
2:40 BIOT 497. Anaerobic advanced biofuel
production in Zymomonas mobilis. M. Zhang,
Y. Chou, M. Franden, S. Yang
3:00 BIOT 498. Engineering Clostridium thermocellum for hydrogen production. K.J. Chou,
L. Magnusson, P. Maness
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 499. Photosynthetic limonene
and bisabolene production in wild type
and a glycogen-deficient mutant of
Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002. F.K. Davies,
S.A. Jackson, J.J. Eaton-Rye, M. Posewitz
4:00 BIOT 500. Synthetic biology approach to
improving cyanobacterial chemical production. N. Nozzi, S. Atsumi
4:20 BIOT 501. Transferring nitrogen fixing
capabilities to an oxygenic photosynthetic
organism. A. Balassy, M. Bhattacharyya,
A. Hoynes-OConnor, C. Immethun, M. Liberton,
D. Liu, T. Mueller, Y. Xiao, J. Yu, T. Moon,
F. Zhang, C. Maranas, H. Pakrasi
4:40 BIOT 502. Engineering ORCA3 and SGD
in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots increase
alkaloid production. J. Sun

2:00 BIOT 503. Toward improving selectivity in

Section D

Grand Hyatt Denver

Grays Peak B

Biofuels & Sustainable Energy

Biomass Pretreatment & Hydrolysis
K. Brandon Sutton, M. A. OMalley, Organizers,
2:00 BIOT 518. RAPT (reversible acid pretreat-

ment) for cellulosic ethanol production.

P.R. Weider, R. Blackbourn
2:20 BIOT 519. Identification of topochemical features associated with cell wall
recalcitrance to dilute acid pretreatment
in Miscanthus x giganteus. Z. Ji, X. Zhang,
Z. Ling, B. Wu, F. Xu
2:40 BIOT 520. Alkaline pretreatment of corn
stover: Optimal pretreatment conditions
and development of new analytical
methods for quantification of chemical
compounds within lignin rich liquors.
E.M. Karp, P. Ciesielski, B. Donohoe, S. Deutch,
M.J. Biddy, G.T. Beckham
3:00 BIOT 521. Comparative analysis of
extremely thermophilic Caldicellulosiruptor
species provides insights into cellular
strategies for plant biomass deconstruction. J. Zurawski, H. Simpson, J.A. Izquierdo,
J.M. Conway, L.L. Lee, S.E. Blumer-Schuette,
R.M. Kelly
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 522. Combination of enzyme
paradigms and biomass pretreatment
reveal novel saccharification mechanisms. M. Resch, B. Donohoe, C.H. Haitjema,
A. Mittal, P. Ciesielski, G. Beckham, M. Himmel,
M.A. OMalley, S. Decker
4:00 BIOT 523. Differential binding of
biomass hydrolyzing enzymes to lignin:
Conversion yields suggest a paradigm shift.
J. Yarbrough, A. Mittal, L.E. Taylor, S.E. Hobdey,
E. Manseld, D. Sammond, S. Decker,
M.E. Himmel, T.B. Vinzant
4:20 BIOT 524. SPORL for robust bioconversion of Douglas-fir forest residue: Pilot
scale-up design, lignin co-product, and
high solids fermentation without detoxification. J. Zhu
4:40 BIOT 525. SSF-IL: Enabling simultaneous
saccharification and fermentation in ionic
liquid for high-yield conversion of cellulose
into alpha-ketoglutaric acid. S. Ryu,
N. Labbe, C.T. Trinh

Section E

9:30 BIOL 4. Small-molecule modulation of

Grand Hyatt Denver

Mt. Sopris A

apoptosis via direct targeting of pro-apoptotic BAX. D. Reyna, T. Garner, F. Kopp, Y. Wu,
N. Biris, U. Steidl, R. Kitsis, E. Gavathiotis
9:50 BIOL 5. Chemoproteomic profiling of
lysine acetyltransferases highlights an
expanded landscape of catalytic acetylation. J.L. Meier, D. Montgomery, A. Sorum
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 BIOL 6. Tabtoxinine--lactam inhibits
glutamine synthetase by an ammonia
capture mechanism. T.A. Wencewicz,
U. Wanninayake, G.J. Patrick
10:50 BIOL 7. Evolution of Src homology 2
domain. T. Ju, W. Niu, J. Guo
11:10 BIOL 8. Quadruplet codon decoding.
N. Wang, W. Niu, E.D. Hankore, J. Guo
11:30 BIOL 9. Substoichiometric hydroxynonenylation of a single protein recapitulates
whole-cell-stimulated antioxidant response.
Y. Aye, S. Parvez

Downstream Processes
Leveraging Fundamentals for Accelerated
Downstream Process Development
A. C. Dumetz, M. Ottens, E. von Lieres,
Organizers, Presiding
2:00 BIOT 526. Robust characterization

of the chromatographic behaviour of

complex biological feedstocks. A.T. Hanke,
P.D. Verhaert, L.A. van der Wielen, E.J. van de
Sandt, M.H. Eppink, M. Ottens
2:20 BIOT 527. Efficient and reliable model
calibration in column chromatography
with Optimal Experimental Design (OED).
T. Hahn, G. Wang, T. Huuk, J. Hubbuch
2:40 BIOT 528. Computational investigation
into mAb adsorption behavior under high
loading conditions for cation exchange
chromatography. S. Hunt, K. Tolley, T. Larsen,
B. Smith, E. von Lieres, R.J. Todd
3:00 BIOT 529. Model-based optimization
and control of process scale ion exchange
chromatography for therapeutic proteins.
V. Kumar, E. von Lieres, A.S. Rathore
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 BIOT 530. Rationale purification development: Leveraging molecular biophysics to
target purification modalities. D.J. Roush,
F. Insaidoo, J. Welsh, T. Linden
4:00 BIOT 531. Binding of proteins to multimodal chromatographic surfaces: A molecular modeling perspective. S. Banerjee,
S. Parimal, S. Garde, S.M. Cramer
4:20 BIOT 532. Mass transfer resistance as
evidence of resin fouling: Accelerated
experimental techniques. P. Smith, A. Pike,
B.F. Marques, A.R. Ubiera, K.E. Goklen
4:40 BIOT 533. Multi-addition batch uptake:
A novel high-throughput approach for
measuring intra-particle mass transfer.
S.J. Traylor, X. Xu, Y. Li, M. Jin, Z. Li

Division of Biological
C. M. Crews and V. Bandarian, Program Chairs


Interfacial and Biomolecular Recognition
(see COLL, Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu)
Undergraduate Research Posters (see
CHED, Sun, Mon)
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed
by Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on Biocatalysis (see CHED, Tue)

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Young Investigators in Biological Chemistry

C. M. Crews, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 BIOL 1. Award Address (Nobel Laureate

Signature Award for Graduate Education

in Chemistry Sponsored by Avantor
Performance Materials). Expansion of
the genetic alphabet in vitro and in vivo.
D. Malyshev, K. Dhami, T. Lavergne, T. Chen,
N. Dai, J. Foster, I. Correa, F.E. Romesberg
8:50 BIOL 2. Chemical probes to explore histidine kinase signaling. K. Wilke, R. Godsey,
E.E. Carlson
9:10 BIOL 3. Novel base-modified nucleotides
terminating DNA synthesis and their
applications in chemistry of life processes.
V.A. Litosh

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Complex Enzymatic Transformations

V. Bandarian, Organizer, Presiding
2:30 BIOL 10. Gut reactions: Understanding

radical enzymes from the human microbiota. E.P. Balskus

3:15 BIOL 11. Mechanism of the C5 stereoinversion reaction catalyzed by the Fe(II)and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent enzyme,
CarC, in the biosynthesis of carbapenem
antibiotics. W. Chang, Y. Guo, C. Wang,
S.E. Butch, A.C. Rosenzweig, A.K. Boal, C. Krebs,
J.M. Bollinger
4:00 BIOL 12. Experimental strategies for
functional annotation and metabolism
discovery: Targeted screening of solute
binding proteins and unbiased panning of
metabolomes. S. Almo
4:45 BIOL 13. Mechanistic studies of tRNA
hypermodification. V. Bandarian

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or

Bioorganic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Michael A. Marletta
C. M. Crews, Organizer, Presiding
7:00 BIOL 14. Award Address (Alfred Bader

Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic

Chemistry sponsored by the Alfred R. Bader
Fund). At the interface between chemistry
and biology: Two examples. M.A. Marletta
Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Current Topics in Biological Chemistry

V. Bandarian, C. M. Crews, Organizers
8:15 - 9:45
15. Quantifying vGlut2 terminals
in the rat medial geniculate body.
Z.J. Diaz-Reguero
BIOL 16. Identification of unique cell surface
receptors on breast cancer stem cells
by using combinatorial chemical library.
C. Long, J. Lee
BIOL 17. Biophysical parameters that
determine RNA-metal complex formation.
R. Whitaker
BIOL 18. Characterization of the pyruvyltransferase WcfO from the CPSA biosynthetic
pathway. S. Sharma, J.M. Troutman

19. Advancing tetrazine ligations to

develop fluorogenic probes for cellular
imaging. N.K. Devaraj
BIOL 20. Design and biological screening of
steroidal analogs as selective estrogen
receptor modulators. F.T. Halaweish,
A. Alsayari, L. Kopel, M. Ahmed
BIOL 21. Thermostabilization of 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase: A pivotal enzyme
in commodity chemical biosynthesis.
L. Harrington, R. Jha, T. Kern, C. Strauss,
G. Canales, K. Hotta, A.T. Koppisch, D.T. Fox
BIOL 22. Helicase recruitment to sub-cellular
granules during viral infection. M. Corby,
A. Mahim, G. Biener, V. Raicu, D.N. Frick
BIOL 23. Exploiting molten salts for concerted
pathogen neutralization and transdermal drug delivery. T. Kern, K.S. Lovejoy,
M. Zakrewsky, M. Janicke, A. Newsham, M. Jones,
S. Mitragotri, A.T. Koppisch, R.E. Del Sesto,
D.T. Fox
BIOL 24. Characterization and manipulation
of acylase enzymatic activity of calreticulin
using redesigned ligands. A. Akinyemi,
L. Larkin, W. Marsh, L. Maynard
BIOL 25. Structural biochemistry of a fungal
LOV domain photoreceptor reveals
an evolutionarily conserved pathway
integrating blue-light and oxidative stress.
B.D. Zoltowski, J. Lokhandwala
BIOL 26. Identification of novel inhibitors
of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
(6PGDH) in Trypanosoma brucei through
virtual drug screening. V. Gomez, K. Kolavasi
BIOL 27. Detection of heavy metal ions using
green fluorescent protein biosensors by
quenching FRET from endogenous aromatic
amino acids. A. Beranek, B. Hicks
BIOL 28. Alternative ELISA using a RNA
aptamer against calf intestinal alkaline
phosphatase. V.D. Huynh, E. Wei, G.M. Stovall
BIOL 29. Insights into the biochemical characterization of [FeFe]-hydrogenase Maturase
HydF. A. Byer, J.B. Broderick
BIOL 30. Benefits of being contained: The protection of nucleic acids inside prebiotic cell
models. M. Joseph, D. Gifeisman, S.E. Maurer
BIOL 31. Peptidomimetics as dual function
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents.
C. Smith, J. Cai, H.H. Yin
BIOL 32. Withdrawn.
BIOL 33. Selective G-quadruplex DNA photocleavage agents: N-methyl-mesoporphyrin
IX. D. McBrayer, M.L. Schoonover, S.M. Kerwin
BIOL 34. mRNA expression of amino acid
transporters in Eimeria tenella infected
broilers. K. Miska, J. Santiago-Feliciano
BIOL 35. H-loop and E-loop of human glutathione synthetase. M.E. Anderson, T.R. Cundari,
B.L. Ingle
BIOL 36. Chemical tools to study E3 ubiqutin
ligases. A. Statsyuk, S. Park, D.T. Krist,
S.G. Kathman, Z. Xu
BIOL 37. Structural and functional studies of
TSPO. C.T. Nordyke, N. Susanti, J. Sharpe,
K. Varga
BIOL 38. Engineering virus-like particles
toward directing protective immunologic
responses. D. Patterson, A. Rynda-Apple,
A. Harmsen, T. Douglas
BIOL 39. Biosynthetic studies on the antitumor
antibiotic pactamycin. C.J. Brumsted,
T. Mahmud, M.E. Abugreen
BIOL 40. Withdrawn.
BIOL 41. Studies toward the total synthesis
of chrolactomycin and the development of
novel small molecule telomerase inhibitors.
E.J. Lee, K. Scheidt
BIOL 42. Thermal stability and functional
implications of short RNA strands containing 7,8-dihydro-8-hydroxyadenosine.
M.J. Resendiz
BIOL 43. Cellular response to sertraline,
paroxetine, and fluoxetine of IMR-32
neuroblastoma cells in vitro. M. Feuerstein,
M.L. Pajski
BIOL 44. Development of new BF2 azadipyrromethene near-infrared fluorochromes.
D. Wu

45. Interaction of the antimicrobial

peptide aurein 1.2 with lipid raft model
membranes. A. Alhewaitey, A. Sunda-Meya,
N. Phambu
BIOL 46. Selectivity, cooperativity, and
competition in the binding of heterocyclic
diamidines to DNA. S.A. Winkle, A. Hassan,
d. rodriguez, C. Vega, C. Winkle
BIOL 47. Sequence and topological specificity
in the binding of tetra(N-methylpyridyl)
porphines to DNAs. S.A. Winkle, A. Llodra,
J. Barretta, M. Ballester, R. Castillo, D. Edgar
BIOL 48. Investigating the structural dynamics
transitions of human adipocyte fatty acid
binding protein by NMR spectroscopy.
K. Ha, Y. Xia, Y. Tran, A. Ojoawo, G. Veglia,
D. Bernlohr
BIOL 49. Use of site-directed mutagenesis and
cyanide binding studies to understand the
oxygen sensing mechanism of the SmFixL
protein, a member of the heme-PAS and
histidine kinase families. M.F. Reynolds
BIOL 50. What makes Lyme disease tick?
Impact on DNA-protein interactions by
mutations to regulator BosR. S.E. Evans,
L. Evans
BIOL 51. Structure and inhibition of acyl
protein thioesterases. K.J. Labby, B.R. Martin
BIOL 52. Characterization of the colanic
acid biosynthesis pathway with a novel
isoprenoid analog. P. Scott
BIOL 53. Mutant firefly luciferases catalyze
light emission with complementary synthetically modified luciferins.
M.A. Paley, W.B. Portereld, D.C. McCutcheon,
R.C. Steinhardt, C.M. Rathbun, J.A. Prescher
BIOL 54. Structural and functional characterization of the antifreeze protein ApAFP752.
K.W. Elliott, S. Follett, P. Jevtic, D. Levy, K. Varga
BIOL 55. Probing phagocytosis of Janus
particles. L. Sanchez, Y. Yu
BIOL 56. Synthesis and evaluation of substituted coumarin derivatives as inhibitors of
monoamine oxidase B. I. Kieffer, E. Oduaran
BIOL 57. Oxidation of -crystallin Len
protein resulting from xanthurenic acid
radical. C.N. Folluo, C. Knuston, J.E. Roberts,
B.E. Sturgeon
BIOL 58. Lipoic acid organic nanoparticles
(ONPs) for bacterial inhibition: Synthesis,
characterization, and antibacterial studies
of doped and undoped ONPs with Ag/Au
NPs. T. Pandiyan, A. Prez Jimnez, C. Huerta
Aguilar, A. Romero Silva, J. Vzquez Ramos,
J. Narayanan
BIOL 59. Biochemical analyses of ATP binding
and hydrolysis in DEAD-box proteins.
H. Englert, I. Garcia
BIOL 60. Blinking of quantum dot probes in
measurements of molecular rotation on
cell surfaces. D. Zhang, P. Winter, D. Roess,
B. Barisas
BIOL 61. Molecular dynamics studies of the
role of protein flexibility in immunological
molecular recognition. C. Ayres, D. Scott,
B. Baker, S. Corcelli
BIOL 62. Antimicrobial peptide and anisotropy.
S. Jocelin, E.R. Middleton
BIOL 63. Effect of cell treatment conditions
on glutathione levels and cell viability.
A.M. Khobeir, J. Shultz, J. Cali, J. Kelts
BIOL 64. 2D Spectral-spatial rapid scan
electron paramagnetic resonance imaging
of spin trapped adducts at 250 MHz.
D.G. Mitchell, J.R. Biller, S. Eaton, G.R. Eaton,
G.M. Rosen, J.P. Kao
BIOL 65. Structural and kinetic characterization of E. coli oxidoreductase YqhD.
J.M. Ellis, R. Verma, J. Bann, K.R. Mitchell-Koch
BIOL 66. Study and characterization of the
sugar-modifying enzymes of the capsule
biosynthesis pathway of Vibrio vulnicus.
J.M. Hazel, K.M. Erickson, M.A. Chahoud,
J.M. Troutman
BIOL 67. Characterization of the C-terminal
domain of CGI-112, a protein involved in
the ER-associated degradation pathway.
K.R. Gallagher, N. Bachman, S. Bolde,
A. Rothfuss

68. Riboregulators as tunable gene
switches for post-transcriptional control
of gene expression. M. Krishnamurthy,
S.P. Hennelly, K.Y. Sanbonmatsu, C.J. Unkefer
BIOL 69. Ribosome-associated complex
antagonizes prion formation in yeast.
A. van Ooy, D. Cameron, A. Amor, D. Selechnik,
S. Delaney, D. Castanzo
BIOL 70. Magnetic field effects on charge
transport through DNA. T.J. Zwang,
S. Hurlimann, M.G. Hill, J.K. Barton
BIOL 71. Identifying the direct effects of Mn ,
Fe2+ and small molecule drugs on the iron
responsive element in the human FTH1
IRE/IRP complex. E.T. Mendenhall, B. Wang,
M.L. Norton, W.L. Patterson, M. Rahman, B.S. Day
BIOL 72. Kinetic investigation of the active
site base of recombinant F420-dependent
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
from Mycobacteria tuberculosis. M. Oyugi,
E. Joseph, K.L. Johnson-Winters
BIOL 73. Design, synthesis, and protein
crystallography of novel potent inhibitors
of macrophage migration inhibitory factor.
J. Cisneros Trigo, P. Dziedzic, M.J. Robertson,
W.L. Jorgensen
BIOL 74. Chemical modifications of catalytically important residues of enzyme
lysyl oxidase. E.J. Ste.Marie, C. Gomes,
C.D. Palmer, M. Zinter
BIOL 75. Excess iron and copper induced
alterations in microRNA expression as a
new role for metals in neurodegeneration.
N.L. Iyer, C. Hung, S.K. Szwed, K. Khanuja,
M.J. Sever
BIOL 76. Cytoskeletal protein analysis from
Tetrahymena thermophila utilizing solution
NMR studies and confocal microscopy.
R. Sterner, J. Honts, A. Kilpatrick
BIOL 77. Progress toward the synthesis and
evaluation of luciferin derivatives for bioluminescene imaging. I. Fields, K.S. Huang,
C. Miller
BIOL 78. Profiling the role of galectin-9
in modulating the HA/CD44 interaction. S.V. Durbin, R.G. Barkley, L.N. Jude,
A.M. Campbell, N.L. Snyder
BIOL 79. Menaquinone biosynthesis: An
antibacterial target? J. Matarlo, C. Evans,
D.S. Tan, P.J. Tonge
BIOL 80. Recycling histidine tagged thermophilic enzymes with magnetic beads.
D. Finocchietti, J. Howland, P. Woodruff
BIOL 81. KinExA-based immunosensor for
measuring the salivary level of CA15-3: An
efficient technology for diagnosis and management of breast cancer. I. Darwish, T. Wani
BIOL 82. Nanoluciferase fragments as
sensitive probes for protein solubility in
living cells. J. Zhao, Q. Vu, T. Truong, T. Nelson,
C. Stains
BIOL 83. 2-Iminohydantoin, a mutagenic
lesion, is a major oxidation product of
2-deoxyguanosine with hydroxyl radical.
O. Alshykhly, A.M. Fleming, C.J. Burrows
BIOL 84. Fluorogenic chemical inducers of
protein oligomerization. B. Xu, X. Zhou,
C. Stains

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Cooperative Cosponsorship

85. Isolation and purification of
Entamoeba histolytica alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (EhADH2) enzymatic activities
and inhibition by pyrazoline derivatives.
J.A. Leitao, H. Kumar, L. Rossi, D. Oduaran,
A. Espinosa



86. Withdrawn.

87. Controlling the phosphoproteome: Ligand activated split-kinases.

M. M.E. Ghaffari, K. Camacho-Soto, J. CastilloMontoya, I. Ghosh
BIOL 88. Disruption of insect isoprenoid biosynthesis with pyridinium bisphosphonates.
S.E. Sen, A. Jones, T. Horseld
BIOL 89. Unique features of isoprenoid
forming enzymes in moths: implications for
the biosynthesis of homologous juvenile
hormones. S.E. Sen, M. Grasso, J. Macor,
L.M. Wood, R. Jacob, A. Jones, T. Horseld,
A. Tomasello, J. Hitchcock, M. Cusson
BIOL 90. C-reactive protein conformational
states alter biological reactivity. C.L. Moon,
A.A. Alnaas, I. Roche, M.K. Knowles
BIOL 91. Novel azo-stilbenes as photoresponsive chemical tools. C.N. Streu, M. Paterson,
Y. Yen, K. Jensen, J. Jespersen, A.J. Engdahl,
T. Scheckelhoff, T.S. Crum, A.D. Mesecar
BIOL 92. Increasing thermo- and pH stability
in carbonic anhydrase II for bioremediation
purposes: A novel approach to industrial
CO2 sequestration. V. Rasi, B.P. Mahon,
A.M. Hendon, C.D. Boone, R. McKenna
BIOL 93. Cloning, expression, and characterization of bacterial enzymes with
predicted structural similarity to mammalian
cyclooxygenases. B.S. Selinsky, M. Butchy,
S. Neumann, C. Nichols
BIOL 94. Predicting membrane binding
interface of peripheral proteins and beyond.
L. Zhang, M. Rajendram, A. Yethiraj, D.B. Weibel,
Q. Cui
BIOL 95. Unraveling the slow onset inhibition
of InhA, the enoyl ACP reductase from
mycobacterium tuberbulosis: Mechanism
and inhibitor design. W. Yu, H. Li,
S. Eltschkner, L.A. Spagnuolo, A. Perryman,
A. Chang, C. Kisker, P.J. Tonge
BIOL 96. SialoPen: A new class of protease
resistant membrane permeable peptides
for intracellular biomolecule delivery.
E.M. Contreras, A. Monreal, J.P. Saludes
BIOL 97. Re(I) polypyridyl complexes in chemotherapy. P. Ahuja, F.M. MacDonnell
BIOL 98. Connecting the global protein folding
free energy and the heme affinity using
the formal reduction potential of heme.
B.R. Gibney
BIOL 99. Hemostats that target hidden injuries.
M. Gkikas, T. Mesar, R.K. Avery, G. Velmachos,
B.D. Olsen
BIOL 100. PLP proteomics: Probing and
identifying of PLP-dependent proteins in
bacteria. Y. Liu, B. Shome, D. Fedoseyenko,
T.P. Begley
BIOL 101. Hapalindole-linked welwitindolinone and ambiguine gene clusters from
Stigonematalean cyanobacteria are delivering interesting chemistry via an unprecedented stereoselective halogenation of
an sp3-carbon by a freestanding enzyme
encoded within wel. M.L. Hillwig, X. Liu
BIOL 102. Compensatory kinetic effects of viscogen and crowding agent PEG8000 on the
reaction of human uracil DNA glycosylase
(hUNG). A. Rodriguez, S.L. Cravens, J.T. Stivers
BIOL 103. Withdrawn.
BIOL 104. Combination therapeutic nanoparticles for chemoresistant prostate cancer.
R. Pathak, S. Dhar
BIOL 105. Kinetic characterization and optimization of mechanism-based inhibitors of
BioA. C. Eiden, C.C. Aldrich, J.D. Lipscomb
BIOL 106. Differences in protein unfolding mechanisms revealed characterized in aqueous ionic liquid solutions.
M.C. Miller, O.C. Fiebig, S.L. Hanna, M. Enriquez,
G.A. Caputo, T.D. Vaden
BIOL 107. Zinc fluxes in control of gamete
maturation, cell cycle, and fertilization.
A.R. Bayer, E.L. Que, F.E. Duncan, T.K. Woodruff,
T.V. OHalloran

108. SHH transcription factors Gli-1 and

Gli-3R: Modulators of retina regeneration.
B.D. Center, K. Barbosa, A. Luz-Madrigal, K. Del
BIOL 109. Mutation of yeast hexokinase I
for structure-function analysis. G. Geibel,
J. Diaz, E. Munk, W. Haggren, S.B. Braun-Sand
BIOL 110. Structures of complexes of
G-quadruplex DNA with drug like molecules. H. Ranpura, P.H. Bolton
BIOL 111. Role of biochemical composition
and extracellular polymeric substances on
forward osmosis membrane fouling during
algae separation. W. Fang
BIOL 112. Identification of cellular targets in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae of K20, an antifungal derived from kanamycin. A. LeRoy,
J. Takemoto, C.T. Chang, D.N. Heaton
BIOL 113. DNA-mediated redox signaling
by UvrC. M.A. Grodick, R.M. Silva, A. Zhou,
J.K. Barton
BIOL 114. Structure of the periplasmic sensor
domain of the histidine kinase CusS shows
unusual metal ion coordination at the
dimeric interface. T. Affandi, A.V. Issaian,
S.A. Roberts, M.M. McEvoy
BIOL 115. Synthesis of photoresponsive
single stranded DNA aggregates via click
chemistry. S.K. Rastogi, R. Gu, J. Lamas, X. Li,
S. Zauscher, W.J. Brittain
BIOL 116. Withdrawn.
BIOL 117. Development of an electrochemical
microRNA sensor. J. Philippe, S. MacArdle,
M.C. Buzzeo
BIOL 118. Electrochemical reactivity of selenocystine. H. Wang, E. Karnaukh, L.M. Walker,
M.C. Buzzeo
BIOL 119. Withdrawn.
BIOL 120. Unraveling the dynamics of the
EF1 hand upon Ca2+ binding in neurocalcin
delta. Y. Yang, A. Krishnan, J. Viviano,
V. Venkataraman
BIOL 121. Alteration of the reaction profile
of serine racemase via site-directed
mutagenesis: Identification of an apparent
hotspot with regard to reaction manifold.
D.L. Nelson, G.A. Applegate, D.B. Berkowitz
BIOL 122. Hydrogen-bonded Interaction of
perfluorooctanoic acid with DNA. D. Meng,
H. Zhang
BIOL 123. Mechanistic investigation of hydrolytic decompositions of Roussins black
and Roussins red salts in aqueous acidic
and basic solutions. T. Drummond, P. Maragh,
T. Dasgupta
BIOL 124. Neuroprotective effect of Buyang
Huanwu Decoction in ischemic stroke
mice by proteomics study. H. Chen, Y. Shen,
Y. Chen, Y. Lin
BIOL 125. Seeing double: Evolution may
utilize multiple parallel paths to optimize
new protein folds. T.N. Szyszka, V. Kumirov,
M. Cordes
BIOL 126. Investigating the redox properties
of human DNA primase. E. OBrien, M. Holt,
A. Ehlinger, W.J. Chazin, J.K. Barton
BIOL 127. Peptide inhibitors of coagulation
factor complex assembly. N. Kastelowitz,
H.H. Yin
BIOL 128. Functional characterization of a
polyketide synthase (PKS) dehydratase
domain using chemical probes. Y. Li,
G. Dodge, R. Fecik, J. Smith, C.C. Aldrich
BIOL 129. Electron transfer and DNA replication: Assessing the functional role of
the yeast DNA polymerase [4Fe-4S]2+
cluster. P.L. Bartels, J.L. Stodola, P.M. Burgers,
J.K. Barton
BIOL 130. Active site explorations of carotenoid oxygenases via integration of spectroscopy, crystallography, and enzymology.
E.R. Farquhar, X. Sui, P. Kiser, M.P. Hendrich,
K. Palczewski, M.R. Chance
BIOL 131. Influence of the role of dehydroshikimate dehydrogenase in production of
-carboxymuconic acid from D-glucose
using an Escherichia coli heterologous host.
G. Canales, K.B. Finney, L. Harrington, R. Jha,
K. Hotta, D. Fox, A.T. Koppisch

132. Ionic liquids as a matrix for delivery

of chemically diverse antibiotics to bacterial
biofilms. K.S. Lovejoy, N.V. Warrington, T. Kern,
K.L. Merrett, P. Manchen, P. Phillips, K. Ong,
N. Nieto, R.J. Vierling, C.L. Meyers, R.E. Del
Sesto, D. Fox, A.T. Koppisch
BIOL 133. Biological and mechanical properties of cartilage proteoglycans. F. Horkay,
I. Horkayne Szakaly, E.K. Dimitriadis, I.L. Morgan,
P.J. Basser
BIOL 134. Highly selective RNA-based sensor
for quick and easy detection of lead.
S. DasGupta, J.A. Piccirilli
BIOL 135. Fluorescence microspectroscopy
assessment of the in vitro dimerization of
BACE1-GFP fusion protein in cultured cells.
S. Gardeen, J.L. Johnson, A.A. Heikal
BIOL 136. Progress toward multisite incorporation of noncanonical amino acids
into coat proteins of M13 bacteriophage.
D.G. Schwark, M.A. Schmitt, J.D. Fisk
BIOL 137. Posttranslational modification of
tumor suppressor protein par-4. W. Chen,
A.K. Swain, K. Ponniah, J. Ramchandani,
M.M. Tomovic, M.S. Warden, S.M. Pascal
BIOL 138. Protein photo-oxidation: The effects
of singlet oxygen on protein function.
M.F. Eatwell, J.D. Thoemke
BIOL 139. Detection of enzyme activities with
diamagnetic catalyCEST MRI contrast
agents. S. Sinharay, J. Cardenas-Rodriguez,
M. Pagel
BIOL 140. Systematic engineering and synergistic binding of PEG-ylated ligands on
phage for the detection of prostate cancer
cells. K. Mohan, G.A. Weiss
BIOL 141. Soybean lipoxygenase activity
measured by lipid-coated gold nanoparticle
biosensors. Y. Cai, S.M. Budy, S.M. Reed,
M.K. Knowles
BIOL 142. Novel biomarkers for HIV-1
disease progression. T. Taylor, A. Ghorpade,
K. Borgmann, A. Pandya
BIOL 143. Developing an enzymatic switch
from HSV-thymidine kinase as a potential
cancer therapeutic. N. Shelat, M.A. Ostermeier
BIOL 144. Investigating the structural impact
of the antimicrobial peptide combi-2
in model membranes. B.M. Almarwani,
A. Sunda-Meya, N. Phambu
BIOL 145. Optimal conditions for expression
and purification of recombinant U-specific
MC1 ribonuclease. N.P. Lesner, P.A. Limbach,
B. Addepalli
BIOL 146. Investigation into the energetic
processes of peptide bond formation
on prebiotic earth. C.M. Nevin, K. Cody,
G. Hassell, T. Hughes, D.F. Moriarty, K.P. Rhoads,
A. Weatherwax
BIOL 147. Design of ionic liquid materials for
transdermal delivery and pathogen neutralization. R.E. Del Sesto, D. Fox, A.T. Koppisch,
A. Newsham, M. Jones, B. Hammontree,
A. Palacios, K.S. Lovejoy, T. Kern, M. Zakrewsky,
S. Mitragotri
BIOL 148. Inhibiting -ketoacyl acyl carrier
protein synthases in Staphylococcus
aureus. C. Gu, K. Kapilashrami, G.R. Bommineni,
N. Nesbitt, P.J. Tonge
BIOL 149. Reaction of Zn-proteome with
diethylamine NONOate (DEA-NO):
Measurement of labilized zinc by TSQ,
Zinquin and FluoZin-3 is sensor dependent.
M. Karim
BIOL 150. Development and qualification of
cell culture bioreactor scale-down models.
P. Yeung, C. Okediadi, P. Lanter, B. Figueroa
BIOL 151. Exploring the role of a distant
domain dynamics on substrate binding of
Escherichia coli prolyl-tRNA synthetase.
M.P. Mocol, S. Bhattacharyay, S. Hati
BIOL 152. Exploring the intrinsic dynamics of
proteins involved in metabolic pathways
using coarse-grained normal mode analysis. R.D. McMunn, S. Bhattacharyay, S. Hati
BIOL 153. EGFR tyrosine kinase targeted
compounds: Synthesis, in vitro antitumor
activity, and molecular modeling studies
of new series of benzothiazole and pyrimido[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives. M. Gabr,
N. El Gohary, E. El Bendary, M. El Kerdawy

154. Dynamic regulation of p97 ATPase
activity by p37 and p47 is Impaired in
pathogenic p97 IBMPFD/ALS mutants.
X. Zhang, L. Gui, T. Chou, D. Wong, D. Moen
BIOL 155. Calorimetric studies of therapeutic
compounds binding to modified DNA.
R.E. McKnight, L.T. Marr
BIOL 156. Quantitative analysis of the cellular
internalization of Engrailed-2 homeoprotein. L. Molina, L. Carlier, F. Burlina, O. Lequin,
S. Sagan
BIOL 157. Monitoring nanoparticle self-assembly using a bifurcated fluorescent aptamer.
D. Marashi, T.A. Rogers, L. Jaeger, W.W. Grabow
BIOL 158. Design, synthesis, and evaluation
of small molecule probes for caspase-1.
C.E. Karver, M. Kawarski, T. Hagerman
BIOL 159. Structural and energetic determinants of adhesive binding specificity in type
I cadherins. H. Song, J. Vendome, K. Felsovalyi,
Z. Yang, W.L. Hubbell, L. Shapiro, B.H. Honig
BIOL 160. Staphyloferrin B: Total synthesis,
structure activity relationship studies, and
bioactivity. J. Lybaek Hoj Madsen, E.M. Nolan
BIOL 161. Building new protein mimics for
siRNA delivery. B.M. deRonde, L.M. Minter,
G.N. Tew
BIOL 162. Small molecules as chemical
biology probes of chlamydial effector
molecules: Efforts toward the development
of an antichlamydial therapeutic. K. Alser,
D.G. McCafferty
BIOL 163. Light harvesting DNA-protein
biosensor. M. Naganbabu, M. Skwierczynski,
M.P. Bruchez
BIOL 164. Blue dyes: Blue-red tandem
dyes as bright fluorogenic biosensors.
M. Naganbabu, Y. Wang, J. Kurish, M.P. Bruchez
BIOL 165. Interaction of pyrazinamide and
structural analogs with reverse micelle
membrane models. B. Peters, Z. Arhouma,
F. Fontes, C. Morris, A. Pena, D. Crick, D.C. Crans
BIOL 166. Sense codon reassignment: Toward
multisite incorporation of multiple noncanonical amino acids. W. Biddle, M.A. Schmitt,
J.D. Fisk
BIOL 167. Thermodynamic determination of
RNA duplex stability in magnesium solutions. N. Meyer, B. Znosko
BIOL 168. Investigation of radiolabeled
holo-intrinsic factor in the detection of the
cubilin receptor. J. Workinger
BIOL 169. Withdrawn.
BIOL 170. Oxidation of p53 via DNA-mediated
charge transport. K.N. Schaefer, W.M. Geil,
J.K. Barton
BIOL 172. Withdrawn.
BIOL 173. New nucleoside antibiotics synthesis via an enzyme catalyzed amide-ester
exchange reaction. X. Liu, S.G. Van Lanen,
K.D. Green, S. Garneau-Tsodikova
BIOL 174. Solution structure of a 2:1 complex
of anticancer drug XR5944 with TFF1 estrogen response element: Insights into DNA
recognition by a bis-intercalator. C. Lin,
R.I. Mathad, N. Sidell, D. Yang
BIOL 175. Understanding single-molecule
protein dynamics with carbon nanocircuits.
M. Iftikhar
BIOL 176. Survival mechanism of blood typing
IgM antibodies sorbed into paper. L. Guan,
R. Cao, J. Tian, W. Shen
BIOL 177. Determination of trans-resveratrol
and its metabolites in rat serum and liver
using liquid chromatography with high
resolution time of flight-mass spectrometry. K. Kusler, J. Rousova, M. Leadbetter,
D.S. Liyanage, N. Dongari, E. Sauter, A.V. Novikov,
A. Kubatova
BIOL 178. Buckminster fullerene effect on
cytochrome P450 mediated metabolism.
C. Bostick, T.S. Tracy, W.D. Tish, P.M. Gannett
BIOL 179. Investigating the link between environmental exposure and dry eye syndrome.
A. Alhalwani
BIOL 180. Cr(VI) reduction by Acinetobacter
sp. HK-1 with the assistance of a novel
quinone/graphene oxide composite.
H. Zhang, H. Lu

181. Examining the effect of 2-aminoanthracene exposure in Sprague Dawley dams

from gestation through postnatal period.
S.L. Whitby, D. Hunter, W. Yau, E.W. Howerth,
W.E. Gato
BIOL 182. DFT study elucidates proximal
pocket hydrogen bond influence on
mechanism of compound I formation in
chloroperoxidase. A.D. Pardillo, O. Morozov,
D.C. Chateld
BIOL 183. Concentration and time dependent
accumulation of Creighton silver nanoparticles in Vero 76 cells. S.A. Paluri, N.H. Lam,
I.E. Pavel Sizemore
BIOL 184. O-GlcNAc modification blocks the
aggregation and toxicity of the Parkinsons
disease associated protein -synuclein.
N.P. Marotta, Y. Lin, B. Zaro, M.R. Pratt
BIOL 185. Withdrawn.
BIOL 186. Bioorthogonal approach to chemical
virology. S.M. Jensen, J.C. Jewett
BIOL 187. Highly potent and selective
metalloinhibitors for SH3 domains based
on rhodium(II) metallopeptides. F. Vohidov,
Z.T. Ball
BIOL 188. Streptomonomicin: An unusual
lasso peptide antibiotic from the
understudied halophilic actinomycete
Streptomonospora alba. J.I. Tietz, M. Metelev,
J.O. Melby, P.M. Blair, L. Zhu, I. Livnat,
K. Severinov, D.A. Mitchell
BIOL 189. Interaction between the antimicrobial peptide Leucrocin and model membranes. A. Stone, A. Sunda-Meya, N. Phambu
BIOL 190. Characterization of the hexose1-phosphate transferase from the Vibrio
vulnicus capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis pathway. K.M. Erickson, M.A. Chahoud,
J.M. Hazel, J. Troutman
BIOL 191. Linking airborne biological particles
and ice nuclei in a rural, marine environment near Ucluelet, British Columbia. J. Li,
R. Mason
BIOL 192. Site-specific protein-PEG-like/
zwitterionic polymer conjugates by in situ
atom transfer radical polymerization: A
comparative study. S. Bhattacharjee, X. Li,
W. Liu, A. Chilkoti
BIOL 193. Structural characterization of the
N-terminal domain of Plasmodium falciparum
copper P-ATPase. J. Kisaka, D.L. Huffman
BIOL 194. Promising thermostable alternative
scaffold protein for M13 phage display.
N. Zhao, M.A. Schmitt, J.D. Fisk
BIOL 195. Withdrawn.
BIOL 196. Improve blood typing performance
within paper substrate through cellulosic
network structure design. L. Li, X. Huang,
W. Liu, W. Shen
BIOL 197. In vitro model for measuring efficacy
of GABAnergic medicines in the treatment
of bipolar disorder by studying expression
of the protein GAD67. S.N. Frank, A. Jacoby
BIOL 198. Novel G-quadruplex formed in the
proximal P1 promoter of bcl-2 gene is a
gene suppressor. B. Onel, M. Carver, D. Yang
BIOL 199. Mechanistic Investigation of
chelation-assisted copper-catalyzed click
chemistry. A. Tuley, E. Vatansever, W. Liu
BIOL 200. Role of proximal thiolate ligand in
chloroperoxidase catalysis. E. Shersher,
X. Wang, A. Bolhassani
BIOL 201. Modified p27
promoter-reporters in the context of cancer stem cells.
A.M. Cabreriza, S.K. Szwed, L. Bouchez,
M.J. Sever
BIOL 202. How nature makes vitamin B12;
The last unsolved biosynthetic module.
D.J. Diaz, S.H. Abdelwahed, T.P. Begley
BIOL 203. Curacin biosynthesis: A model for
unexpected dehydatase domain activity.
W. Fiers, G. Dodge, R. Fecik, D.H. Sherman,
J. Smith, C.C. Aldrich
BIOL 204. Employing mass spectrometry: The
proteomic discovery of chlamydomonas
reinhardtiis nutritional metal metabolism.
D. Jarrett, M. Miethke, D. Shirasaki, R.R. Loo,
S.S. Merchant, J.A. Loo

205. Examination of latent structure in

an intrinsically disordered protein and the
thermodynamics of its binding to a target
molecule. A. Zidell, S.A. Showalter
BIOL 206. Chemical tools to study ubiquitin
and ubiqutin-like activating E1 enzymes.
A.V. Statsyuk, H. An
BIOL 207. Azinomycin biosynthesis: Probing
the mechanism of azabicycle biosynthesis. K. Nepal, S. Mori, D. Simkhada, V. Sharma,
G.T. Kelly, C. Bryant, D. Delgado, Y. Rezenom,
C. Watanabe
BIOL 208. Discovery of lead macrocycle series
from DNA-encoded libraries. W. Connors
BIOL 209. Regulation of metabolic enzymes
by lysine succinylation. O.D. Nelson,
S. Sadhukhan, H. Lin
BIOL 210. Study of iron metal oxides and
metal-organic frameworks against Chinese
hamster ovarian cell lines. S. Bashir,
B. Martinez, X. Du, J.L. Liu
BIOL 211. Synthesis, characterization, and
antibacterial bioassay and molecular modeling studies of novel (E)-N-(5-chloro-2-(2oxoazetidin-1-yl)benzylidene)benzohydrazide derivatives. P. Tigulla, P. Sureka, B. Ram,
B. Balaram, V. Srinivasarao
BIOL 212. Thiol-X reactions in action:
Making oligonucleotide analogs in a click.
S. Pattanayak, W. Xi, T. Gong, C.J. Kloxin,
C. Bowman
BIOL 213. Understanding catalytic outcome
in a model monoterpene synthase: mutational analysis of (4S)-limonene synthase.
N. Srividya, E.M. Davis, R.B. Croteau, B.M. Lange
BIOL 214. Toward cellular and tissue selective
inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDAC):
Development of cellular- and isoform-selective HDAC probes. P.A. Petukhov, T. Hanigan,
I. Kastrati, J. Frasor
BIOL 215. Building a high definition breast
tissue classifier: Applications in FT-IR histopathology. S. Leslie, S. Mitttal, D. Mayerich,
A. Balla, R. Bhargava
BIOL 216. Withdrawn.
BIOL 217. Use of CRISPR-Cas 9 to develop
a human embryonic stem cell line carrying
the Trp64Arg mutation of the 3 adrenergic
receptor. J. Luna-Torres
BIOL 218. Examining the importance of backbone hydrogen bonding in the RGD-integrin
interaction: Consequences for engineering
degradable cell-adhesive biomaterials.
K. Eckes, K. Baek, N.A. Hummell, L.J. Suggs
BIOL 219. Discovery and characterization of
human sORF-encoded polypeptides (SEPs).
J. Ma, A. Saghatelian
Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by BIOL

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

New Approaches to Investigating Chromatin

Modifying Enzymes: Structure and Function
J. Meier, Organizer, Presiding
2:30 BIOL 224. Protein methyltransferase inhib-

itors as personalized cancer therapeutics.

R. Copeland
3:05 BIOL 225. ChIP-less analysis of chromatin

states and quantifying histone PTMs

using data-independent acquisition mass
spectrometry. Z. Su, K. Krautkramer, J. Dowell,
J. Denu
3:40 BIOL 226. Chemical probes to antagonize readers and writers methyl marks.
C. Arrowsmith
4:15 BIOL 227. Targeting MLL1 complex
assembly for inhibition of H3K4 methyltransferase activity. Y. Dou
4:50 BIOL 228. Unconventional chemical tools
to interrogate protein methyltransferases.
M. Luo

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Putting Chemical Biology in Context

Z. Gartner, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 BIOL 229. Building small molecules

to probe or perturb complex biological

systems. L.D. Lavis
9:05 BIOL 230. Chemistry-directed stem

cell pluripotency and differentiation.

L.L. Kiessling
9:40 BIOL 231. Discovery of a class of
endogenous mammalian lipids with
antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects.
A. Saghatelian, M.M. Yore, I. Syed, P.M. MoreasVieira, T. Zhang, M.A. Herman, E.A. Homan,
J. Lee, S. Chen, O. Peroni, A. Hammarstedt,
U. Smith, T.E. McGraw, B.B. Kahn
10:15 BIOL 232. Nucleic acids as chemical
probes of cell-cell interactions. Z. Gartner
10:50 BIOL 233. Fluorogenic fluorescent
probes reveal that the Hsp70-40-nucleotide
exchange factor folding pathway hastens
transthyretin folding and alters the resulting
structure, rendering it more kinetically
stable. X. Zhang, J.W. Kelly, A. Baranczak, P. Liu
Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by BIOL

Section A


Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Section A

The Chemistry & Biology of Non-Natural

Nucleic Acids

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

N. Richards, Organizer, Presiding

ACS Chemical Biology Award Symposium

8:30 BIOL 220. Exploring the sequence space

from expanded genetic alphabets. L. Zhang,
Z. Yang, K.M. Bradley, S. Hoshika, M. Kim, H. Kim,
C. McLendon, C. Liu, W. Tan, S.A. Benner

L. L. Kiessling, Organizer, Presiding

9:15 BIOL 221. Structural characterization

of non-natural ZP base pairs in duplex

DNA. M.M. Georgiadis, W.F. Kellett, I. Singh,
S. Hoshika, S.A. Benner, N.G. Richards
10:00 BIOL 222. Crystallization and structure of
a functional riboswitch bearing an unnatural
base pair. A. Hernandez, S. Hoshika, H. Kim,
M. Kim, S.A. Benner, J.A. Piccirilli
10:45 BIOL 223. Award Address (Nobel
Laureate Signature Award for Graduate
Education in Chemistry Sponsored by
Avantor Performance Materials). Expansion
of the genetic alphabet. F.E. Romesberg

2:30 BIOL 234. Inositol pyrophosphates

provide a link between metabolism and

signaling. D. Fiedler
3:15 BIOL 235. Chemical-proteomic strategies
to investigate reactive cysteines. E.
4:00 BIOL 236. Use of chemical genetics to
study mRNA splicing. K.M. Shokat
4:45 BIOL 237. Engineering proteins for selective catalysis. H. Yang, C. Zhang, P. Srivastava,
K. Ellis-Guardiola, J.C. Lewis

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

In Vivo We Trust: Small Molecule Phenotypic

Screening in Animals

Division of Business
Development and
K. Allen and J. L. Bryant, Program Chairs

R. Peterson, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 BIOL 238. Reverse genetic analysis of

restless legs syndrome in drosophila.

N. Donelson, K. Trinh, S. Sanyal
9:00 BIOL 239. Fly approach to cancer therapeutics. R. Cagan
9:30 BIOL 240. Using C. elegans to identify
novel small molecules that alter fat and
feeding. K. Ashra
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 BIOL 241. P7C3 and an unbiased
approach to drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases. J. Ready
10:45 BIOL 242. Zebrafish screen identifies compounds that protect against
chemotherapy-induced heart failure. Y. Liu,
A. Asnani, L. Zou, V.L. Bentley, M. Yu, Y. Wang,
G. Dellaire, K.S. Sarkar, H.H. Chen, D.E. Sosnovik,
J.T. Shin, D.A. Haber, J.N. Berman, W. Chao,
R. Peterson
11:15 BIOL 243. Developmental vitamin D
availability regulates hematopoietic stem
cell production and expansion. M. Cortes,
M. Chen, S.Y. Liu, W. Kwan, D.L. Stachura,
T. Schlaeger, D. Traver, G.Q. Daley, W. Goessling,
T.E. North
Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by BIOL

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 4

Graduate Student & Postdoctoral

V. Bandarian, Organizer, Presiding
2:30 BIOL 244. Novel genetic interactions

with cell-envelope targeting antibiotics

using ultrahigh density transposon libraries
in Staphylococcus aureus. M. Santiago,
T. Meredith, S. Walker
2:45 BIOL 245. General approach to analysis of
phosphatase activity in biological samples.
J.R. Beck, A. Lawrence, A.S. Tung, E.N. Harris,
C.I. Stains
3:00 BIOL 246. Reconstitution and in-vitro
activation of the prokaryotic pentameric
ligand-gated ion channel ELIC. O.S. Shafaat,
R. Rusinova, J.R. Winkler, O.S. Andersen,
H.B. Gray, D.A. Dougherty
3:15 BIOL 247. Nonenzymatic isomerization
of acinetobactin, a siderophore from
pathogenic Acinetobacter baumannii.
J.A. Shapiro, T.A. Wencewicz
3:30 BIOL 248. Controlling the phosphoproteome: Ligand-gated split-kinases and
split-phosphatases. J. Castillo-Montoya,
K. Camacho-Soto, B. Tye, L. Ogunleye, I. Ghosh
3:45 Intermission.
3:55 BIOL 249. Dual small-molecule rheostat
for precise control of protein concentration
in mammalian cells. Y. Lin, M. Pratt
4:10 BIOL 250. Repair of oxidized DNA in
nucleosome core particles. E.D. Olmon,
S. Delaney
4:25 BIOL 251. Omics-based discovery of the
rimosamides: A new class of nonribosomal
peptide-polyketide hybrids. R.A. McClure,
J.R. Doroghazi, A.W. Goering, Y. Chen,
W.W. Metcalf, R.J. Thomson, N.L. Kelleher
4:55 BIOL 252. Withdrawn.
Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by BIOL

Cooperative Cosponsorship


Industrial Innovations in Polymer Chemistry
(see POLY, Mon)
Best Practices for Success with SBIR &
STTR Grants (see SCHB, Sun)
Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial
Success: Symposium in Honor of Terry L.
Brewer (see SCHB, Mon)
Chemical Angel Network: Chemists
Investing in Chemical Companies (see
PROF, Mon)
Chemical Tales of Success: Helpful Tips for
Younger Chemists (see YCC, Tue)

Reception: PNNL 50th Anniversary
Reception 5:00 PM: Sun
Reception and Book Signing: Award for
Industrial Chemistry 5:30 PM: Mon

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom B/C

ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Thomas J. Colacot
Cosponsored by ANYL and I&EC
J. L. Bryant, Organizer
S. Chandrasekaran, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 BMGT 1. Metal-mediated and metal-cata-

lyzed coupling for incorporation of fluorine

into aromatic molecules. J.F. Hartwig
8:35 BMGT 2. Metal catalyzed carbohalogenation reactions through reversible oxidative
addition. M. Lautens
9:05 BMGT 3. Understanding and design of
organopalladium reactivity with experimental and computational tools. F. Schoenebeck
9:35 Intermission.
9:43 Remarks.
9:45 BMGT 4. Carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond forming reactions in continuous flow. T. Nol
10:30 BMGT 5. Applications of Pd and Ni catalysis to Pfizers portfolio. J. Magano
11:00 BMGT 6. Cross-coupling without redox
changes at the metal enantioselective
eterodimerization of alkenes. T. RajanBabu
11:30 BMGT 7. Asymmetric C-C bond
formation in outer sphere Pd catalyzed
processes. B.M. Trost

1:25 BMGT 8. On the magical power of d-block

transition metals as exemplified by ZACA

(Zr-catalyzed asymmetric carboalumination
of alkenes) lipase-catalyzed acetylation
transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling
for highly enantioselective synthesis of
various types of chiral organic compounds.
E. Negishi, S. Xu, A. Oda, Y. Matsueda, H. Li,
T.P. Bobinski
2:15 Intermission.
2:30 BMGT 9. Photoinduced, copper-catalyzed
coupling reaction. G.C. Fu
3:00 BMGT 10. Connecting directed ortho
metalation transition metal catalyzed
chemistries. V.A. Snieckus
3:30 BMGT 11. Important catalytic transformations for drug development. C. H.
4:00 BMGT 12. ppm-Level Pd-catalyzed
cross-couplings in water at room temperature. B. H. Lipshutz
4:30 Introductory Remarks of Award Recipient.
4:40 BMGT 13. Award Address (ACS Award
in Industrial Chemistry sponsored by the
ACS Division of Business Development
& Management and the ACS Division of
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry). Story
of Pd-catalyzed coupling: The reactions of
the 21st century. T. Colacot
5:25 Concluding Remarks.
Innovations in Macromolecular Network
Industrial Innovations in Polymer Chemistry
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by BMGT

Division of
E. Rozners, Program Chair


Frontiers in Glycoscience (see CELL, Mon,
Ronald Breslow Award for Achievement in
Biomimetic Chemistry (see ORGN, Sun)
Cellulose in Solid State and Solution Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms (see CELL, Sun, Mon, Tue,
ACS Chemical Biology Award Symposium
(see BIOL, Tue)
Application of Computational Chemistry to
Biomass Chemistry and Utilization (see
CELL, Sun, Mon)
The Chemistry & Biology of Non-Natural
Nucleic Acids (see BIOL, Mon)

Business Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sun

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom B/C

ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Thomas J. Colacot
Cosponsored by ANYL and I&EC
J. L. Bryant, Organizer
J. A. Gladysz, Presiding
1:15 Introduction of Plenary Address.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1C

Isbell Award and Gin New Investigator Award

N. L. Pohl, E. Rozners, Organizers
J. C. Paulson, Presiding
1:00 CARB 4. Recent studies on the synthesis

of glycans from mycobacteria and campylobacters. T.L. Lowary

1:30 CARB 5. Synthesis of heparan sulfate oligosaccharides and glycopeptide. X. Huang,
S.B. Dulaney, Y. Xu, K. Yoshida, B. Yang, W. Yang,
J. Liu
2:00 CARB 6. Therapeutic in vivo synthesis by
glycocarriers. K. Tanaka
2:30 Intermission.
2:50 CARB 7. Split personality of human
O-GlcNAc transferase. S. Walker
3:20 CARB 8. Photocrosslinking approach to
discover O-GlcNAc-interacting proteins.
A. Rodriguez, S. Yu, B. Li, J.J. Kohler
3:50 CARB 9. Chemical probes for the functional analysis of O-GlcNAc modifications.
M. Pratt

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1C

Glycomimetic Compounds: An Untapped

Source of Novel Therapeutics
J. Magnani, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 CARB 10. Hexosamine mimetics designed
to reverse the Warburg Effect. K.J. Yarema
9:30 CARB 11. Selectin antagonists: Acyclic

tethers with a define conformational bias.

Y. Guindon, C. Mickael, G. Tambutet, M. Prvost
10:00 CARB 12. Toward the development of
selective DC-SIGN antagonists. A. Bernardi
10:30 Intermission.
11:00 CARB 13. Design and discovery of
GMI 1070 (Rivipansel), a novel pan-selectin antagonist for the treatment of
vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell disease.
J.M. Peterson, A. Sarkar, J.T. Patton, M. Rahman,
N. Karasanyi, B. Ernst, J.L. Magnani
11:30 CARB 14. New NMR tools for unraveling the conformation, dynamics, and
recognition properties of glycomimetics.
J. Jimenez-Barbero

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1C

Glycomimetic Compounds: An Untapped

Source of Novel Therapeutics



Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1C

Wolfrom Award Symposium

N. L. Pohl, E. Rozners, Organizers
J. C. Paulson, Presiding
9:30 CARB 1. Building on Wolfroms legacy:

From the Chemurgy of yesterday to

the renewables of today. K.B. Hicks,
A.A. Boateng, C.A. Mullen, Y. Elkasabi,
A.T. Hotchkiss, M.P. Yadav
10:10 CARB 2. Cranberries: From polyphenols
to polysaccharides. C. Khoo
10:50 CARB 3. Bioactive pectic oligosaccharides. A.T. Hotchkiss

J. Magnani, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 CARB 15. Galectin-ligand analogs and

mimetics in intracellular vesicle damage

and in angiogenesis. U.J. Nilsson, H. Lefer,
N. Panjwani
2:00 CARB 16. Druggability of lectins, using the
example of a bacterial adhesin. B. Ernst,
P. Frei, J. Bezencon, D. Eris, S. Rabbani,
P. Zihlmann, R. Preston, B. Fiege
2:30 CARB 17. Well-defined antibody-drug
conjugates (ADCs) through site-specific
conjugation. G. Boons
3:00 Intermission.
3:30 CARB 18. Isoform selective inhibition
of tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase
IX using carbohydrate-based sulfamates
for the treatment of several cancers.
B. P. Mahon, J. Ladwig, L. Bornaghi, D. Vullo,
S. Poulsen, C.T. Supuran, R. McKenna
4:00 CARB 19. Synthesis and properties of
polyfluorinated carbohydrates. B. J. Linclau

4:30 CARB 20. Computational design of

glycomimetic inhibitors prospects and

limitations. M. Frank, P. Nyholm


Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

General Posters
Section A

E. Rozners, Organizer

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

7:00 - 9:00

E. Rozners, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
32-33, 35-38, 43, 45-49, 51-52, 57- 60, 62. See
subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1C

Protein Glycosylation: Simulation, Synthesis,

Characterization & Application
G. Beckham, Organizer
Z. Tan, Organizer, Presiding
9:15 CARB 21. Sugars and proteins: Building
glycoproteins. B.G. Davis
9:40 Discussion.
9:45 CARB 22. New tools in glycoprotein
chemical synthesis. X. Li
10:10 Discussion.
10:15 CARB 23. Synthesis of homogeneous

glycoproteins and application to biochemical studies and biosimilar comparability

analysis. T.J. Tolbert
10:40 Discussion.
10:45 Intermission.
11:05 CARB 24. Site-specific investigation of
O-GlcNAc modifications using synthetic
proteins. M. Pratt
11:30 Discussion.
11:35 CARB 25. Chemical synthesis as a tool to
study protein glycosylation. Z. Tan, X. Guan
12:00 Discussion.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1C

Protein Glycosylation: Simulation, Synthesis,

Characterization & Application
Z. Tan, Organizer
G. Beckham, Organizer, Presiding
1:45 CARB 26. Intracellular traffic of cell

surface mimetic quantum dots-anchored

glycopeptides. S. Nishimura, R. S. Tan,
K. Naruchi, M. Amano, H. Hinou
2:10 Discussion.
2:15 CARB 27. Protein glycosylation in the baculovirus-insect cell system. D. L. Jarvis
2:40 Discussion.
2:45 CARB 28. Manipulating protein stability by
glycosylation. Y. Levy
3:10 Discussion.
3:15 Intermission.
3:35 CARB 29. Impact of glycosylation upon
protein conformational tendencies. W. G.
4:00 Discussion.
4:05 CARB 30. Computational study of
glycosylphosphatidyl-Inositol (GPI) anchor
fragments embedded in phospholipid membranes. M. Wehle, R. Lipowsky, P.H. Seeberger,
G. Brezesinski, C. Stefaniu, D. Varon-Silva,
M. Santer
4:30 Discussion.

CARB 31.

CARB 32. Synthesis and antibacterial activity
of antibiotic-functionalized graphite nanofibers. R. M. Giuliano, M. Rotella, A. Briegel,
J. Hull, A.F. Lagalante
CARB 33. Encapsulation and release of an
active enzyme utilizing cobalt crosslinked
chitosan nanoparticles. J.B. Lampe,
G. Castillo, C.S. Morrison, D. Nguyen,
R.J. Cavazos, R.A. Petros
CARB 34. Reduction of flammability of cotton
fabrics treated with phosphoryl piperazine
derivatives. T. Nguyen, S. Chang, B. Condon,
R. Slopek, E. Graves
CARB 35. Synthesis of hyaluronic acidbased phototherapeutics. R. A. Guerrieri,
E. Xu, R. D. Dolewski, R.G. Barkley, J.V. Ruppel,
N.L. Snyder
CARB 36. Synthesis of meso-substituted
carbohydrate porphyrin and carbohydrate
bacteriochlorin conjugates. G.T. Mukosera,
R.D. Dolewski, J.V. Ruppel, N.L. Snyder
CARB 37. Progress on the total synthesis of
Aspergillus fumigatus galactosylaminoglycans for diagnostic and therapeutic
applications. E.J. Baker, N.L. Snyder
CARB 38. Progress on the synthesis of
N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) probes for
studying binding differences carbohydrate
recognition domains of galectins-1, -3 and
-9. C. Tao, N.L. Snyder
CARB 39. Carbohydrate-based small molecules with immunostimulatory properties.
C.E. Marzabadi, V. Basava, C. Bitsaktsis,
E. Hanawa
CARB 40. Synthesis of wooden based resource
derived furanic diol and polymerization of
PU via various isocyanate. B. Kim, S. Kim,
J. Cho
CARB 41. Selective hydrogenation of biomass-derived sugars using supported Ru
nanoparticles based catalysts. J. Hwang,
A.A. Dabbawala
CARB 42. Hydrothermal treatment of eucalyptus using acidic ionic liquid as catalysis
toward a biorefinery concept. J. Xu, R. Sun
CARB 43. Carbohydrate polymer-coating
chemistry for cellulose based bioassays.
R. Cao, L. Guan, M. Li, W. Shen
CARB 44. Synthesis of fluorogenic probes for
selective biomass degradation by fungi.
Q. Zhang, X. Peng, M. Grilley, J. Takemoto,
C.T. Chang
CARB 45. Synthesis and stability study of DNA
duplexes with 1-carboxamide residues.
W. Dong, S.A. Woski
CARB 46. Semisynthetic approach to cancer
vaccines utilizing mimetics of natural and
unnatural Tn antigens. S. Nishat, A.A. Shaik,
P.R. Andreana
CARB 47. Chemical synthesis and O-glycosidic
linkage conformation in a 13C-labeled
tetrasaccharide: Effects of linkage structure
and context. W. Zhang, A.S. Serianni
CARB 48. Quantitative evaluation of
D-galactoselectin binding properties
via development of diversely presented
carbohydrate surfaces. B. Meng, K. Tscherch,
M.D. Best, D.C. Baker
CARB 49. Lipase-mediated modification of
peracylated macrolactonic sophorolipids.
A. Sembayeva, J.A. Carr
CARB 50. Optimization of autohydrolysis of
bamboo for the production of low-DP
xylo-oligosaccharides using response
surface methodology. X. Xiao, J. Bian
CARB 51. Facile synthesis of nested fragments
of high-mannose N-glycans with lightly protected glycosyl acceptors. Q. Pan, S. Zhao,
W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, A.S. Serianni

CARB 52.

Synthesis of 2-amino sugar building

blocks and application for glycodiversification studies. C.M. Rojas, A. Brown, G. Ezeude,
M. Miller, A. Scharnow, A. Oviatt
CARB 53. Novel catalytic approach for the
regioselective oxidation of carbohydrates
under mild conditions. W. Muramatsu
CARB 54. Using potatoes as a carbohydrate
based additive in road salt. R. Byrnes,
D. Szlosek, G. Smith, J. Walters, R. Tanous,
D.A. Arris
CARB 55. Amide-linked RNA: Synthesis,
structure, and RNA interference activity.
E. Rozners, D. Mutisya, C. Selvam, P. Tanui,
B.D. Lunstad, S.D. Kennedy, P.S. Pallan, A. Haas,
D. Leake, M. Egli
CARB 56. Modification of glucose for targeted
cellular delivery. H. Jacobs, Z.J. Witczak
CARB 57. Targeted study of bacterial glycoproteins using metabolic oligosaccharide
engineering. D.H. Dube, E. Clark
CARB 58. Development of a cyclooctyne-based
photodynamic antibiotic for targeting
Helicobacter pyloris surface sugars.
D.H. Dube, I. Kline
CARB 59. Analysis of Helicobacter pylori strains
deficient in protein glycosylation. D.H. Dube,
S. Mikami, H. Carol
CARB 60. Synthesis of chitosan beads
enclosed magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles
endorsed several applications from environmental remediation to bio-nanocomposite
integration in biomedicine interdisciplinary
fields. V. Fernandez-Alos, A. Padilla, C. CastroAlvarado, F.R. Roman
CARB 61. Hybrid ceramidegypsogenin
triterpene saponin as a vaccine adjuvant.
V. Pathak, A.K. Pathak
CARB 62. Cell-surface engineering with biomimetic materials: Mucins and the cancer
glycocalyx. J. Kramer, C.R. Bertozzi
CARB 63. Structural characterization of a newly
discovered trisaccharide in banana fruit
ethanol extract. M.A. Madson
CARB 64. Effect of conjugation and microwave
treatment on structure and functional characteristics of gum karaya (Sterculia urens).
H. Mirhosseini, E. Shekarforoush
CARB 65. Synthesis, characterization, and
application of soy protein flour-based
additive to increase the dry strength of
recycled and virgin paper furnish. A. Salam,
L. Lucia, H. Jameel
CARB 66. Structural insight into glycosylated
human Notch1 EGF12 analogs.
S. Hayakawa, H. Hinou, S. Nishimura
CARB 67. Metabolism of four metabolic
chemical reporters and their relative
selectivity for different glycoproteins.
A. Batt, M. Pratt
CARB 68. Changes in metabolic chemical
reporter structure yield a selective probe of
O-GlcNAc modification. K.N. Chuh
CARB 69. Efficient method for the incorporation
of molecular probes at multiple/specific
sites in RNA: Levulinyl protection for
2-ACE, 5-silyl oligoribonucleotide
synthesis. M.O. Delaney
CARB 70. Aldehyde bearing triterpene saponins
as vaccine adjuvants. V. Pathak, A. K. Pathak
CARB 71. Xanthan: Conformation, degradation,
and hydrophobic modification. I. Jenssen,
A. Ulset, H. Schols, A. Roy, F. Renou,
B. Christensen
CARB 72. Alkali pretreatment of cellulose I to
cellulose II with thiourea as an additive.
V. Uniyal, P. Gupta, S. Naithani
CARB 73. Immunomodulation of the linear
b-(1,3)-glucan frSaccharomyces cerevisiae
through activation of mitogen-activated
protein kinases and nuclear factor-kB in
murine RAW264.7 macrophages. X. Xu
CARB 74. O-mannosylated glycan induced
conformational alteration of -dystroglycan
fragment. H. Hinou, S. Nishimura
CARB 75. Efficient and -selective
glycosylation using 3-iodo Kdo (3-deoxy-Dmanno-oct-2-ulosonic acid) fluoride donors.
B. Pokorny, P. Kosma

Division of Catalysis
Science and
V. Schwartz, Program Chair


E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Joseph R. Zoeller (see I&EC, Tue)
Computational Pyrolysis and Upgrading of
Bio-oils (see COMP, Wed)
ENFL Distinguished Researcher Award:
Symposium in Honor of James Burrington
(see ENFL, Mon, Tue)
Catalysis for Unconventional Energy
Sources (see ENFL, Sun, Mon)
C1 Catalytic Chemistry (see ENFL, Tue, Wed)
Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics on
Surfaces (see COLL, Wed)

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Electrocatalysis and Photocatalysis

S. Ren, Organizer
K. Leonard, Organizer, Presiding
8:40 CATL 1. Anodized silver plate electrode
for carbon dioxide reduction. L.Q. Zhou,
C. Ling, H. Jia
9:00 CATL 2. Nanostructured Zn electrodes for

electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction.

J. Rosen, F. Jiao
9:20 CATL 3. Mechanistic analysis of electrochemical oxygen reduction and development of economical silver alloy catalysts
for low temperature fuel cells. A. Holewinski,
S. Linic
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 CATL 4. Molecular catalyst for water
oxidation that binds to metal oxide surfaces
and exhibits high activity without ligand
degradation. G.W. Brudvig, S.W. Sheehan,
J. Thomsen, U. Hintermair, R.H. Crabtree,
C.A. Schmuttenmaer
10:40 CATL 5. Synthesis of a fibrous MnOx
catalytic film on FTO by dual-session cyclic
voltammetry. H. Yuan, R.Y. Ofoli
11:00 CATL 6. Mechanistic insight into water
reduction provided by labile ligand variation
at Rh(III) in Ru(II),Rh(III),Ru(II) supramolecular photocatalysts. H.M. Rogers, K.S. Brewer
11:20 CATL 7. Perfluorinated phthalocyanines
and other ligands for efficient co-catalyzed
electrooxidation of water. V.O. Rodionov,
N. Morlanes, B. Chen, K. Takanabe

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

11:40 CATL 8. Exploring earth-abundant

chalcogenides and phosphides for catalytic

hydrogen generation from water. Y. Sun
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Theoretical and Experimental Synergies at

the Frontiers of Renewable Energy Catalysis
Challenges and Opportunities for Renewable
Energy Catalysis
J. A. Keith, A. J. Morris, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 CATL 9. Learning from nature how to
make solar fuels. G.W. Brudvig
9:10 CATL 10. Solar fuels: Thermodynamics,

candidates, tactics, and figures of merit.

S. Bernhard, A.C. Brooks, M. Li, H.N. Kagalwala,
D.N. Chirdon
9:40 CATL 11. Wavefunction embedding
methods for the study of renewable energy
catalysis. T.F. Miller
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 CATL 12. Withdrawn.
10:50 CATL 13. Theoretical modeling of excited-state processes for renewable energy:
What do we need to make an impact?
A. Krylov
11:20 CATL 14. Decoding the zeolite genome
and its application in understanding the
active sites in the selective catalytic
reduction of NOx using NH3 in Cu-SSZ13.
F. Goeltl, R. Bulo, I. Hermans, P. Sautet
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

New Catalysis Through Ligand Design

Energy and Catalysis
Financially supported by RSC Journal of Chemical

Section D

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Symposium in Honor of Jens


Theoretical and Experimental Synergies at

the Frontiers of Renewable Energy Catalysis

J. Hansen, Organizer
B. H. Davis, Organizer, Presiding

Challenges and Opportunities for Renewable

Energy Catalysis

8:10 Introductory Remarks.

J. A. Keith, A. J. Morris, Organizers, Presiding

8:15 CATL 25. Review of patent literature

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

relating to synthesis gas production and

Fischer-Tropsch tail gas processing aimed
at the cost effective enhancement of the
GTL process efficiency. A.P. Steynberg
8:50 CATL 26. Branching pattern in FischerTropsch synthesis. H. Schulz
9:25 CATL 27. Improving Pt/zirconia WGS catalysts through doping by Y and electronic
promotion with Na. G. Jacobs, M. Martinelli,
W.D. Shafer, U. Graham, B.H. Davis
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CATL 28. Sulfur passivated reforming for
production of syngas with low H2/CO ratio.
N.R. Udengaard
10:50 CATL 29. Catalytic aspects of fuel
processing for fuel cells and power to gas.
J.B. Hansen
11:25 CATL 30. First-principles study of
Co-based catalysts for syngas conversion.
W. Li
Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy

1:40 CATL 40. New strategies for catalytic

Fuel Cell, Solar Cell and Solar Fuel

Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL and


S. Ren, Organizer
K. Leonard, Organizer, Presiding

Cooperative Cosponsorship

1:30 CATL 31. Using photoelectrochemistry to

investigate visible light active photocatalytic

materials. J. Byrne, J.W. Hamilton
1:50 CATL 32. ZnO-SnO2 photocatalyst: An
in-depth study on morphologies affect
on photocatalytic activity. D.A. Ramirez,
L. Hope-Weeks
2:10 CATL 33. Investigations of the role
of surface metal catalysis and near
surface nonmetal dopants in the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. C. Muhich,
Y. Zhou, J.Y. Westcott, A. Holder, A.W. Weimer,
C. Musgrave
2:30 CATL 34. Synthesis and limits of
p-CuBi2O4 nanocrystals as visible light
photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution from
water. G. Sharma, J. Wang, F.E. Osterloh
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 CATL 35. Electrochemical synthesis of
ternary oxide photoelectrodes for use in
solar water splitting. T. Kim, D. Kang, K. Choi
3:50 CATL 36. Nanohybrids based on semiconductors and Co3O4 or semiconductors/
photosensitizers for photoassisted water
oxidation and fuel generation. O. Yehezkeli,
D. de Oliveira, A. Harguindey, J. Cha
4:10 CATL 37. Charge carrier dynamics of
photoexcited Co3O4 in methanol: Extending
high harmonic transient absorption spectroscopy to liquid environments. L. Baker,
C. Jiang, S.T. Kelly, J.M. Lucas, J. Vura-Weis,
M.K. Gilles, P. Alivisatos, S.R. Leone
4:30 CATL 38. Can we accurately model the
key electronic properties of semiconductors
for photocatalysis? P. Sautet, T. Le Bahers,
M. Harb, K. Takanabe
4:50 CATL 39. Overall photocatalytic water
splitting using small organic shuttles.
J. Sommers, N. Alderman, C.J. Viasus,
C.H. Wang, S. Gambarotta

Biofuel and CO2 Utilization

Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL and

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides

Oxide-Model Catalysts
Y. Xu, Organizer
W. Huang, Z. Wu, Organizers, Presiding

New Frontiers in Catalysis

Financially supported by Exxonmobil

8:10 Introductory Remarks.

A. S. Veige, Organizer
J. S. Figueroa, Organizer, Presiding

catalysts for the production of polyolefins.

J. Klosin
1:44 CATL 46. Micromanaging metal catalysts
with structurally tunable acyclic carbene
ligands. L.M. Slaughter, A.A. Ruch, S. Handa
2:06 CATL 363. Terminal olefin-selective
self-metathesis of 1,4-dienes using homogeneous Mo and W catalysts. K.M. Wampler,
J. Uy, S.A. Cohen
2:28 CATL 47. Carbazole-based coordination
polymers to incorporate Lewis base functionality. D.R. Manke
2:50 CATL 48. Ligand design toward functional
materials. J.M. Blackwell
3:12 Intermission.
3:27 CATL 49. Synthesis and reactivity of a
molecular titanium nitride. D.J. Mindiola
3:49 CATL 50. Reactivity of a dianionic 14
-electron Pd(0) complex supported by
charged carboranyl phosphine ligands.
V. Lavallo
4:11 CATL 51. Synthesis, characterization, and
hydrogenation catalysis of a rhodium NNNpincer complex. P.G. Hayes, M.M. Hnninen,
C.S. MacNeil
4:33 CATL 52. Selective ethylene oligomerization. O.L. Sydora
4:55 CATL 53. Tailoring bimetallic catalysts with
metal-metal interactions for small-molecule activation. C.C. Lu, R. Siedschlag,
R.C. Cammarota, L.J. Clouston, K.D. Vogiatzis,
V. Bernales, L. Gagliardi
5:17 Concluding Remarks.


for supported copper and nickel catalysts.

K.P. De Jong
2:35 CATL 56. Precious metal catalytic reforming of biosyngas. J. Abbott, A. Steele
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 57. Coke management on zeolites:
The benefits of hierarchization. J. Gilson,
L. Lakiss, Z. Qin, V. Valtchev, K. Thomas,
A. Vicente, C. Fernandez, F. Ngoye, S. Laforge,
C. Canaff, Y. Pouilloux, L. Pinard
3:50 CATL 58. Gas loop design incorporating
water electrolysis. A. De Klerk
4:20 CATL 59. Catalyst and process parameters for the gasification of rice husk with
pure CO2 and the gasification kinetics.
Z. Chen, L. Zhang
Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy

New Catalysis Through Ligand Design

1:20 Introductory Remarks.

8:10 Introductory Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Electrocatalysis and Photocatalysis

transfer to photo(electro)catalysis. A.J. Miller, C.L. Pitman, S.M. Barrett,

K.R. Brereton, S.A. Slattery, R.L. McCoy
8:34 CATL 16. Water splitting with cobalt and
nickel complexes: Core vs. ligand design.
F. Evangelisti, R. Mor, F. Hodel, S. Luber,
G.R. Patzke
8:56 CATL 17. New ligands for multifunctional
bimetallic catalysts. B.M. Cossairt, S. Flowers,
D. Henckel
9:18 CATL 18. Small molecule activation by
platinum complexes containing bulky
tin groups. B. Captain, A. Koppaka, L. Zhu,
V. Yempally, G.C. Fortman, D. Isrow, C.D. Hoff
9:40 CATL 19. Oxazolinylborate metal compounds and catalysis. A.D. Sadow
10:02 Intermission.
10:17 CATL 20. Closing a cycle: Silverheteroatom bonds in the heterolysis of
dihydrogen. J.P. Sadighi, B. Tate, J.T. Nguyen,
J. Bacsa, A.D. Royappa
10:39 CATL 21. Nucleophilic CH activation
of benzene and methane with Rh and Ir
complexes in strongly basic solvents.
B.G. Hashiguchi, M.M. Konnick, R.A. Periana
11:01 CATL 22. Pincer ligand variations in
catalysis of dehydrogenative borylation of
terminal alkynes. O. Ozerov, C. Lee, J. Zhou,
N. Bhuvanesh
11:23 CATL 23. Improved catalysts for the
telomerization of butadiene with methanol.
J. Briggs, J. Klinkenberg, J. Patton, H. Launay,
M. Van Engelen, H. Hagen, D.C. Rosenfeld
11:45 CATL 24. Hemilabile N,O-chelating
ligands: Dynamic coordination modes for
promoting reactivity and hydroaminoalkylation catalysis. L. Schafer, E. Chong, J. Lauzon,
M.W. Drover

Section C

Section A

J. S. Figueroa, Organizer
A. S. Veige, Organizer, Presiding
8:12 CATL 15. From light-triggered hydride

process design: Oxidative methane coupling with soft oxidants. T.J. Marks, M. Peter
2:10 CATL 41. Mechanistic insights into catalytic conversion methane over supported
catalysts. M. Neurock
2:40 CATL 42. Significance of catalyst/
support interactions for Pt nanoparticles on
amorphous silica supports using density
functional theory. C. Ewing, M.J. Hartmann,
G. Veser, J.J. McCarthy, K. Johnson,
D. Lambrecht
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 43. Plasmon-enhanced chemistry.
G.C. Schatz
3:50 CATL 44. Plasmon-enabled hot carrier
photocatalysis. N.J. Halas
4:20 Concluding Remarks.

2:05 CATL 55. Structure-stability relationships

1:22 CATL 45. Development of molecular

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

8:15 CATL 60. Energetics of catalytically-rel-

evant adsorbates on well-defined oxide

surfaces. C.T. Campbell
8:50 CATL 61. Oxidation reactions on
PdO(101). J.F. Weaver
9:25 CATL 62. CO oxidation over a Pt/
Fe3O4(001) model catalyst: Watching Marsvan Krevelen at work. R. Bliem, J. van der
Hoeven, P. de Jongh, M. Schmid, U. Diebold,
G. Parkinson
9:45 CATL 63. Water Interaction with model
iron oxide surfaces. S. Schauermann,
P. Dementyev, K. Dostert, C.P. OBrien, H. Freund
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 CATL 64. Model catalyst design: A
material science perspective at the atomic
level. H. Freund
10:50 CATL 65. Electron transfer between
single gold nanocrystals and oxide
supports during hydrogen adsorption:
A surface plasmon spectroscopy study.
S.S. Collins, M. Cittadini, C. Pecharromn,
A. Martucci, P. Mulvaney
11:10 CATL 66. Electron transfer reactions at
single crystal oxide surfaces as monitored
by electron paramagnetic resonance
spectroscopy: Alkaline earth oxide surfaces
as exploratory examples. T. Risse, N. Richter,
D. Cornu
11:30 CATL 67. Determining the enantiomeric
excess of epoxides at oxide surfaces using
vibrational sum frequency generation.
F. Geiger
11:50 CATL 68. Enantioselectivity of chiral
metal films grown on chiral oxide surfaces.
S.F. Yuk, A.R. Asthagiri
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Electrocatalysis and Photocatalysis


Symposium in Honor of Jens


K. Leonard, Organizer
S. Ren, Organizer, Presiding

B. H. Davis, Organizer
J. Hansen, Organizer, Presiding

8:20 CATL 69. Tuning core/shell nanoparticles

for catalysis optimization. S. Sun

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

9:00 CATL 70. Effect of measurement protocol

1:35 CATL 54. Importance of methane

formation in determining overall selectivity

of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over cobaltbased catalyst. B. Todic, W. Ma, G. Jacobs,
B.H. Davis, D. Bukur

and impurity levels on the oxygen reduction

reaction activity of Pt/C using rotating
disk electrode. K. Shinozaki, J.W. Zack,
S. Pylypenko, R.M. Richards, B.S. Pivovar,
S.S. Kocha

9:20 CATL 71. Withdrawn.

10:35 CATL 88. Bulk composition dependent H2

3:30 CATL 103. Withdrawn.

9:40 CATL 72. Designing catalysts for the

dissociative adsorption energies on CuxPd1-x

alloy (111) surfaces. J.R. Kitchin, J. Boes,
G. Gumuslu, J.B. Miller, A.J. Gellman
11:05 CATL 89. Activation of metals on carbide
surfaces: Novel catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation and the low-temperature water-gas
shift reaction. J. Rodriguez, P.J. Ramirez, P. Liu,
J. Evans, F. Vines, F. Illas
Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy

3:50 CATL 104. Protection strategies for

Si-based photoanode. B. Mei, B. Seger,
T. Pederson, A. Permyakova, R. Frydendal, D. Bae,
M. Malizia, P. Malacrida, I. Stephans, O. Hansen,
P. Vesborg, I. Chorkendorff

development of low temperature direct

methane fuel cells. M.W. Joglekar, V. Nguyen,
S. Pylypenko, M.E. OReilly, Q. Li, T.S. Gray,
T. Gunnoe, A.M. Herring, B.G. Trewyn
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 CATL 73. Electrochemical confocal
Raman microscopy: 3D characterization
of bilirubine BOD oxidase SWCNT cryogel
cathodes during the reduction of oxygen.
M. Reback, N. Lalaoui, V. Mareau, L. Gonnon,
A. Penicaud, M. Holzinger, V. Artero, P. Chenevier
10:40 CATL 74. Oxygen reduction reaction
electrocatalysts based on perovskite
oxides. J. Christ, J. Tong, V. Stevanovic,
A. Deml, R. OHayre, S. Pylypenko
11:00 CATL 75. Comparative study of
Fe<sub2N type Mo2C electrocatalysts synthesized four different methods. Y.N. Regmi,
C. Wan, K.D. Duffee, B.M. Leonard
11:20 CATL 76. Electrocatalytic properties of
delafossite CuBO2 (B = Al and Ga) nanostructures. Y. Mao, J. Ahmed
11:40 CATL 77. Modelling heterogeneous electrocatalytic CO2 valorization. S.N. Steinmann,
C. Michel, P. Sautet
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

Theoretical and Experimental Synergies at

the Frontiers of Renewable Energy Catalysis
Solid State and Heterogeneous Conversions
J. A. Keith, A. J. Morris, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 CATL 78. High-throughput strategies for

the optimization of electrocatalysts for low

temperature fuel cells. B.E. Hayden
9:10 CATL 79. Electrocatalysis on metal alloys
at the atomic scale. J. Rossmeisl
9:40 CATL 80. Predicting the thermodynamic
ability of materials to act as (water splitting)
photocatalysts. P. Guiglion, C. Butchosa
Robles, M. Zwijnenburg
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 CATL 81. Experimental catalysis for the
conversion of sugars and furans to renewable monomers and fuels. P.J. Dauenhauer,
W. Fan, R.F. Lobo, R.J. Gorte
10:50 CATL 82. Mechanisms and catalyst
design principles in the conversion of
sugars and furans to renewable monomers
and fuels. D.G. Vlachos
11:20 CATL 83. Structure-activity relationships
for iono-covalent solid catalyst: Oxides,
carbides, nitrides, sulfides, and phosphides
in woody biomass deoxygenation to
produce toluene and xylene. Y. He, G. Tate,
S. Laursen
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon

or Petroleum Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Jingguang G. Chen
Catalysis and Spectroscopy
J. R. Kitchin, Organizer
D. Esposito, Organizer, Presiding
8:15 Introductory Remarks.
8:20 CATL 84. Explorations with polyoxometalates. M.A. Barteau
8:50 CATL 85. Design principles of bimetallic
core-shell catalysts. D.G. Vlachos
9:20 CATL 86. Structure of Pd-based bime-

tallic surfaces and their reactivities toward

alcohol decomposition. J. Fu, X. Yang,
B.E. Koel
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 CATL 87. Understanding and controlling
selectivity in heterogeneous catalysis of
oxygenates. J.W. Medlin

Novel Catalysts
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL and

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides

W. Huang, Z. Wu, Organizers
Y. Xu, Organizer, Presiding
S. H. Overbury, Presiding
1:20 CATL 90. Support effect in oxide catalysis:

Methanol oxidation on vanadia/ceria compared to vanadia/silica. J. Sauer

1:55 CATL 91. Theoretical studies of rare earth
catalysis: From clean to supported CeO2
surfaces. X. Gong, X. Wu, J. Zhang, L. Yin,
G. Lu
2:30 CATL 92. Roles of oxygen vacancy in the
surface reactivity of CeO2(111). C. Zhao,
Y. Xu
2:50 CATL 93. Dehydrogenation of methanol
and formaldehyde by ceria. M. CapdevilaCortada, N. Lopez
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 94. Understanding the essential
roles of metal oxides in heterogeneous
catalysis. P. Liu, H. Kim
3:55 CATL 95. Scaling relations and beyond in
catalysis. A. Vojvodic
4:30 CATL 96. DFT study of ethanol steam
reforming on metallic and oxidized cobalt.
W. Luo, A.R. Asthagiri
4:50 CATL 97. Computational investigation of
interfacial oxide activity and stability on
Pd/CeO2 catalysts. T.P. Senftle, A. Van Duin,
M.J. Janik

Electrocatalysis and Photocatalysis

K. Leonard, Organizer
S. Ren, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CATL 98. Controlling the titania-silica

interface for enhanced (photo)catalytic performance. T. Eaton, H.L. Hinton, L. Sorokina,

K.A. Gray, J.M. Notestein
1:50 CATL 99. Isolating and controlling the
nature of surface reaction sites of semiconductor photocatalysts: Selectivity in the
photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and H2O to
H2 and reduced C1 molecules. S. Poudyal,
S. Laursen
2:10 CATL 100. Thermally stable, crystalline,
mixed phase (anatase/rutile) mesoporous
titanium dioxide as excellent catalyst for
photocatalytic organic pollutants degradation. Z. Luo, A. Poyraz, C. Kuo, Y. Meng,
R. Miao, S. Chen, S.L. Suib
2:30 CATL 101. One-pot synthesis of Cu-TiO2
photocatalyst for photoreforming of alcohols, photoexcitation induced interfacial
electron transfer, charging and discharging.
M. Mehta, A. Samokhvalov
2:50 CATL 102. Synproportionation reaction
for the fabrication of Sn2+ self-doped SnO2-x
nanocrystals with tunable band structure
and highly efficient visible light photocatalytic activity. C. Fan, A. Xu
3:10 Intermission.

high-purity hydrogen with integrated

carbon fixation in the presence of group
I & II hydroxides and a Ni/ZrO2 catalyst.
M. Stonor, A. Park

4:10 CATL 105. Electron-hole recombi-

Section E

nation controlled by doping sites in

perovskite-structured photocatalysts:
Sr-doped NaTaO3. L. An, H. Onishi
4:30 CATL 106. Mesoporous W18O49 hollow
spheres as highly active photocatalyst.
Z. Huang, J. Song, Z. Wang, J. Zou
4:50 CATL 107. Carbazolic porous organic
frameworks as green photoredox catalysts
for organic synthesis. J. Zhang, J. Luo

Colorado Convention Center

Room 207

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

Symposium in Honor of Jens

B. H. Davis, Organizer
J. Hansen, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CATL 108. Migration of sulfur in

prereforming catalysts during steaming

conditions. M. Oestberg
2:05 CATL 109. Nickel aluminate/-alumina as
catalysts for partial oxidation and steam
reforming of methane and as support for
cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. B.C. Enger,
A. Helland Lilleb, E.A. Blekkan, A. Holmen
2:35 CATL 110. Catalyst design principles:
An application to the steam reforming
of methane. F. Abild-Pedersen, T. Bligaard,
F. Studt, J.K. Norskov
3:05 CATL 111. Effects of metal oxide promoters on the activity, kinetics, and selectivity
of co-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
A.T. Bell
3:35 Intermission.
3:50 CATL 112. Evaluation of NiO-based
oxygen transfer materials in chemical
looping methane reforming. A. Antzara,
E. Heracleous, L. Silvester, D. Ipsakis, D. Bukur,
A.A. Lemonidou
4:20 CATL 113. Activation of steam reforming
catalysts: New fundamental insight into
reduction of supported NiO. L.F. Lundegaard,
R.R. Tiruvalam, F.M. Cano, C.V. Ovesen
4:50 CATL 114. Time interrupted behavior of
ammonia synthesis over ruthenium based
catalysts. D. Uner, M. Aslan, N. Uner

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

4:45 CATL 121. Biomass conversion to

Gabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative

Research in Catalysis: Symposium in
Honor of Maurice Brookhart
A. Goldman, Organizer
K. I. Goldberg, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 CATL 122. Selective, catalytic function-

alization of alkyl and aryl c-h bonds with

silicon reagents. J.F. Hartwig
1:20 CATL 123. Borane catalyzed selective
deoxygenation of carbohydrate biomass.
M.R. Gagne
1:40 CATL 124. Synthesis of stereoregular
polymers through ROMP. R.R. Schrock
2:00 CATL 125. Insertion of olefins into aryl
C-H bonds catalyzed by iridium complexes
of hemilabile pincer ligands and bidentate
derivatives. J.A. Flores, A.S. Goldman
2:20 CATL 126. Aqueous olefin polymerization. A. Osichow, A. Tchernook,
T. Wiedemann, F. Oelscher, P. Kenyon, I. Goettker
gen. Schnetmann, S. Mecking
2:40 CATL 127. Regioselective functionalization
of sp2 and sp3 C-H bonds. O. Daugulis
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 CATL 128. Unique C-H bond activations
and functionalizations with ruthenium(II) catalysts. P.H. Dixneuf, F. Pozgan,
P.B. Arockiam, B. Li, B. Sundararaju
3:30 CATL 129. Selective reactions of olefins.
R.H. Grubbs
3:50 CATL 130. Hydrogermane and hydrogermoxane activation at ruthenium:
Coordination chemistry and catalysis.
K.A. Smart, E. Mothes-Martin, M. Grellier,
R.N. Perutz, S. Sabo-Etienne
4:10 CATL 131. Making hydrogen from water
and fire: Alchemy lives. R. Eisenberg
4:30 CATL 132. Pincer iron and cobalt complexes for cataltyic alkene hydrofunctionalizations. Z. Huang, L. Zhang, D. Peng, Z. Zuo
4:50 CATL 133. Award Address (Gabor A.
Somorjai Award for Creative Research in
Catalysis sponsored by the Gabor A. and
Judith K. Somorjai Endowment Fund).
Catalysis using late transition metal complexes. M. Brookhart

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or

Petroleum Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Jingguang G. Chen
Electrocatalysis and Solid/Liquid Catalysis

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

D. Esposito, Organizer
J. R. Kitchin, Organizer, Presiding


1:30 CATL 115. Analysis of the mechanism

8:00 - 10:00
12, 16, 26, 31-32, 34, 42, 54, 66, 72, 92, 115,
117-118, 120, 132. See previous listings.
183, 192-194, 227, 260, 272, 275, 281, 286,
300-301, 316, 320, 323, 328, 330, 336-337.
See subsequent listings.

of electrochemical oxygen reduction and

development of Ag- and Pt-alloy catalysts
for low temperature fuel cells. S. Linic
2:00 CATL 116. Production of chemicals from
dilute CO2 and electricity. A. West, S. Banta
2:30 CATL 117. Electrocatalysis for a distributed renewable electrochemical energy and
mobility system. Y. Yan
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 CATL 118. Nanoporous materials for
energy applications. F. Jiao
3:45 CATL 119. Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor
(MIS) photoelectrodes as a platform for
stable and efficient solar fuels production.
D. Esposito
4:15 CATL 120. Selective hydrogenation in
liquid phase: A new catalytic process for
the purification of alkynes. R. Hou, X. Lan,
T. Wang

V. Schwartz, Organizer

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Catalytic Materials and Technologies for

Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas
J. Bravo-Suarez, B. A. Kilos, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 CATL 134. CH activation and functional-

ization of methane, ethane, and propane

with main group cations. R.A. Periana



8:50 CATL 135. Hydrocarbon oxidation

Section C

2:05 CATL 163. Methane to methanol conver-

4:10 CATL 183. Coking- and sintering- resistant

reactivity in iron metal-organic frameworks.

D. Xiao, E.D. Bloch, J.A. Mason, W. Queen,
M.R. Hudson, N. Planas, P. Verma, D.G. Truhlar,
L. Gagliardi, C.M. Brown, J.R. Long
9:20 CATL 136. Catalytic conversion of
methane to methanol and acetic acid on
singly dispersed oxide species on internal
surface of ZSM5. F. Tao, D. Xiao, A. Frenkel
9:50 CATL 137. Ethylene epoxidation on
metal-substituted silica mesopore
catalysts: A combined experimental and
theoretical investigation. P.D. Patel, W. Yan,
A. Ramanathan, B. Subramaniam, B. Laird,
W. Thompson
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 CATL 138. General mechanistic role
of reactive oxygen for the activation of
alkanols, alkenes, and alkanes on dispersed
metal clusters. Y. Chin, W. Tu, P. Lachkov
11:05 CATL 139.Withdrawn.
11:35 CATL 140. Biocatalytic polymer membrane system for selective partial oxidation
of methane to methanol. J. Stolaroff,
S.E. Baker, C. Blanchette, J.M. Lenhardt
12:05 Concluding Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

sion on copper-containing small-pore aeolites. B. Ipek, M.J. Wulfers, S. Teketel, J.P. Smith,
K.S. Booksh, R.F. Lobo
2:35 CATL 164. Ethylene epoxidation in
metal-substituted mesopore catalysts:
Multiscale insights from experiment
and molecular simulation. J.L. Kern,
K.G. Steenbergen, W. Yan, A. Ramanathan,
B. Subramaniam, W. Thompson, B.B. Laird
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 165. Methane coupling reaction
in an oxysteam stream via an OH radical
pathway. K. Takanabe
3:50 CATL 166. Effects of transition metal
doping in TiO2 nanowire catalysts for oxidative coupling of methane. R.T. Yunarti, J. Ha,
D. Suh, J. Choi, Y.J. Hwang
4:20 CATL 167. Efficient removal of formaldehyde by layered double hydroxides at room
temperature. F. Liu, P. Zhang
4:50 CATL 168. Withdrawn.
5:20 Concluding Remarks.

core-shell nanoparticles for dry reforming of

methane. N. Almana, P. Laveille, K. Takanabe,
J.M. Basset
4:40 CATL 184. ECUST coal gasification
updates: New projects and operations
experience. J. Xu
5:10 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides

Oxide-Synthesis and Catalysis
Z. Wu, Organizer
W. Huang, Y. Xu, Organizers, Presiding
8:10 CATL 141. Controllable synthesis and

catalytic property of ceria-based nano- and

mesoporous materials. C. Yan
8:45 CATL 142. Structure sensitivity and
reaction pathways in oxygenate reactions
catalyzed by CeO2. A.K. Mann, Z. Wu,
D.R. Mullins, S.H. Overbury
9:20 CATL 143. Advanced nanomaterials:
Synthesis and catalytic applications.
M. Gawande, R.S. Varma, L. Kvitek, R. Zboril
9:40 CATL 144. On the surface dependent
acid-base property of ceria nanoshapes.
Z. Wu, A.K. Mann, S.H. Overbury
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 CATL 145. Rod-shaped metal oxides:
Structural control and catalytic properties.
W. Shen
10:45 CATL 146. Electronic and reaction study
of doped CeO2 with Fe cations for hydrogen
production from water. Y. Alsalik, H. Idriss
11:05 CATL 147. Withdrawn.
11:25 CATL 148. Controlling the selectivity of
metal oxide catalysts using silanes and
phosphonates for polyol dehydration.
L. Ellis, D.K. Schwartz, J.W. Medlin
11:45 CATL 149. Surface modification of
silica-supported Ti(IV) and Nb(V) oxides
for understanding reactivity and stability
in the epoxidation of alkenes with H2O2.
N.E. Thornburg, R.E. Franks, J.M. Notestein

Symposium in Honor of Jens

B. H. Davis, Organizer
J. Hansen, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CATL 150. Role of alkali in heterogeneous

catalysis for gas cleaning in stationary

and mobile applications. P. Haghighi
Moud, J. Granestrand, S. Dahlin, M. Nilsson,
K. Andersson, L. Pettersson, K. Engvall
9:05 CATL 151. Electron microscopy advances
for catalysis. S. Helveg
9:35 CATL 152. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: A
time resolved study evidences changes
in the product distribution during the
initial steps on cobalt catalysts. G. Melaet,
W. Ralston, W. Liu, G.A. Somorjai
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CATL 153. Withdrawn.
10:50 CATL 154. Effect of metal on the reduction and reoxidation characteristics of ceria
under ethanol steam reforming conditions.
U.S. Ozkan, H. Sohn, I. Soykal, J.T. Miller, F. Tao
11:20 CATL 155. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in
coal-to-liquids: Old technology with a bright
future? J.W. Niemantsverdriet
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon

or Petroleum Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Jingguang G. Chen
Heterogeneous Catalysis
D. Esposito, J. R. Kitchin, Organizers
M. A. Barteau, Presiding
8:30 CATL 156. Oxygen removal and chain

growth pathways in the catalytic upgrading

of oxygenates. E. Iglesia
9:00 CATL 157. Alkane activation over molybdenum carbide nanoparticles supported on
nonacidic zeolites. E.P. Schreiner, S. Teketel,
R.F. Lobo
9:30 CATL 158. Single-atom-catalysts: New
opportunities in selective hydrogenation
reactions. T. Zhang
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CATL 159. Spectator or Intermediate?
Simultaneous MS/FTIR studies of methanol
catalysis. C. Mims, C.H. Peden, C.T. Campbell,
Y. Yang, J.H. Kwak
10:45 CATL 160. Metal catalysts on silica:
issues and opportunities. S. Soled, S. Miseo,
J.E. Baumgartner
11:15 CATL 161. Award Address (George A.
Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum
Chemistry sponsored by the George A.
Olah Award Endowment). Carbide and
bimetallic catalysts for hydrocarbon transformation reactions. J.G. Chen
E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry: Symposium
in Honor of Joseph R. Zoeller
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CATL

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides

Metal-Oxide Interface: Oxidation Reactions
W. Huang, Z. Wu, Y. Xu, Organizers
X. Gong, S. H. Overbury, Presiding
1:20 CATL 169. Identification of reaction

sites for the oxidation of NO on a mixed

Fe+Cr oxide surface. M.A. Henderson,
M.H. Engelhard
2:30 CATL 171. Selectivity changes at interfaces between Pt and oxide nanoparticles
in catalytic alcohol oxidation. K. An,
G.A. Somorjai
2:50 CATL 172. Remarkable enhancement of
dichloromethane oxidation over potassium
- promoted Pt/Al2O3 catalysts. J. Lu
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 173. Reactivity of water and hydroxyls on oxide surfaces. W. Huang
3:55 CATL 174. On the interface confinement
effect in the oxide-on-metal inverse catalysts. Q. Fu
4:30 CATL 175. Catalysis by HBEA zeolite in
aqueous media: The impact of water on
reaction pathways and catalyst performance. A. Vjunov, J.L. Fulton, D.M. Camaioni,
M.A. Derewinski, J.A. Lercher
4:50 CATL 176. Toward improved catalytic low-temperature CO removal in H2
rich streams. J. Saavedra, C.J. Pursell,
B.D. Chandler
5:10 CATL 177. Direct simulation evidence
of generation of oxygen vacancies at the
golden cage Au16 and TiO2(110) interface for
CO oxidation. L. Li, X.C. Zeng
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

Symposium in Honor of Jens

J. Hansen, Organizer
B. H. Davis, Organizer, Presiding

Section A

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phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
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upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
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Cooperative Cosponsorship

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Catalytic Materials and Technologies for

Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas
Oxidation and Oxidative Coupling
J. Bravo-Suarez, B. A. Kilos, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CATL 162. Insights in confinement

effects in methane-to-methanol conversion

over Fe-SSZ-13. F. Goeltl, C. Michel,
P. Andrikopoulos, I. Hermans, P. Sautet

1:20 Introductory Remarks.

1:25 CATL 178. Hot electron surface chemistry

at oxide-metal interfaces: The foundation of

acid-base catalysis. G.A. Somorjai
1:55 CATL 179. Enhanced activity and selectivity of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts in
water/oil emulsions. D.E. Resasco
2:25 CATL 180. Insights into emission and
capture of atoms during Ostwald ripening.
A.K. Datye, T.R. Johns, C. Carillo, S. Challa,
A. DeLaRiva, B. Kiefer, C.H. Kim, M.P. Balogh,
J.W. Niemantsverdriet
2:55 CATL 181. Withdrawn.
3:25 Intermission.
3:40 CATL 182. Critical role of isolation effect in
solid solution catalysts for CO2 reforming of
methane. Y.H. Hu

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

Theoretical and Experimental Synergies at

the Frontiers of Renewable Energy Catalysis
Solid State and Heterogeneous Conversions
J. A. Keith, A. J. Morris, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:40 CATL 185. Ab initio approaches to

modeling catalysis on solid oxide fuel cell

cathodes. D.D. Morgan
2:10 CATL 186. Oxygen reduction mechanisms
on perovskite oxides and the effects of
dissimilar interfaces. B. Yildiz
2:40 CATL 187. Investigating CuO catalyzed
oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid
using an integrated computational and
experimental approach: Insights into
the role of lattice oxygen. Q. Thang Trinh,
P. N. Amaniampong, Y. Yang, S. Mushrif
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 188. Promotion and poisoning of
hydrogen evolution by co-adsorbed CO
on transition-metal electrodes. Y. Zhang,
V. Sethuraman, R. Michalsky, A.A. Peterson
3:40 CATL 189. Critical role of water in catalytic
CO oxidation over Au/TiO2 catalysts: Part
1 experiment. J. Saavedra, H. Doan,
C.J. Pursell, L. Grabow, B.D. Chandler
4:10 CATL 190. Critical role of water in catalytic
CO oxidation over Au/TiO2 catalysts: Part
2 theory. H. Doan, J. Saavedra, C.J. Pursell,
B.D. Chandler, L. Grabow
4:40 Concluding Remarks.
E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry: Symposium
in Honor of Joseph R. Zoeller
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CATL

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

General Poster Session

I. I. Soykal, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
CATL 191.

Growth of carbon nanofibers synthesized from electrocracking gas on a Ni/

Al2O3 catalyst: Thermodynamic and kinetic
analyses. A.S. Ismail
CATL 192. Influence of ligand substitution on
electronic properties in bis(diphosphine)
nickel (I) catalysts used in hydrogen
catalysis. T.L. Brown, A. Pitts-Mccoy, J. Niklas,
O. Poluektov, K. Mardis
CATL 193. Characterization of amine-treated
zeolites by methanol chemisorption.
A.D. DAmico, C. Baker, J.L. Gole, J.I. Brauer,
S. Graham, J.Z. Hu, J.C. Kenvin, M.G. White
CATL 194. Metal-oxide sites for facile methane
dissociation. A. Trinchero, A. Hellman,
H. Grnbeck
CATL 195. Hydrodesulphurization of the DBT
using low ratio nickel-molybdenum sulfide
catalysts. I.A. Montemayor, J.S. Sollner,
D.F. Gonzalez, J.G. Parsons
CATL 196. Direct oxidative carboxylation of
olefins for the synthesis of cyclic organic
carbonates. A. Sathe, R.M. Rioux
CATL 197. Chiral carbazolic porous framework
as asymmetric heterogeneous organocatalyst. X. Zhang, A. Kormos, J. Zhang

CATL 198.

High pressure STM studies on

carbon monoxide adsorption on copper
and cobalt sites. Y. Hao, B. Eren, M. Salmeron,
G.A. Somorjai
CATL 199. Highly efficient visible light-induced
active oxygen generation by carbazolic
porous organic frameworks and their use in
organic synthesis. J. Luo, J. Zhang
CATL 200. Hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiohene using tungsten, cobalt and
nickel. D.F. Gonzalez, K. Williams, J.S. Sollner,
J.G. Parsons
CATL 201. Hydrodesulphurization of DBT using
CoMoS2 catalyst. J.S. Sollner, D.F. Gonzalez,
J.G. Parsons
CATL 202. Waters effect on the nucleation and
growth of nickel nanoparticles on ceria thin
films. E.W. Peterson, J. Zhou
CATL 203. Secretive world of copper substituted zeolites in NH3-SCR investigated
by EPR. A. Godiksen, S.B. Rasmussen,
T.V. Janssens, H. Falsig, L.F. Lundegaard,
P. Moses, F. Giordanino, E. Borfecchia,
K. Lomachenko, C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, P. Beato,
S. Mossin
CATL 204. Withdrawn.
CATL 205. Structure and catalytic activity
of Mo and Cr nanoparticle in ZSM-5 for
natural gas conversion to aromatics.
J. Gao, Y. Zheng, J. Jehng, Y. Tang, J. Gallagher,
J.T. Miller, I.E. Wachs, S. Podkolzin
CATL 206. Methanol conversion to dimethyl
ether over Fe-embedded graphene.
A. Thivasasith, J. Sirijaraensre, P. Khongpracha,
C. Warakulwit, J. Limtrakul
CATL 207. Role of acid strengths and
confinement effects on the conversion
of propan-2-ol: MFI zeolites vs. Keggin
polyoxometalates. S. Choomwattana,
J. Sirijaraensre, J. Limtrakul
CATL 208. Preparation of di- and triglycerol
using acetate salts. J. Lee, T. Han, S. Park,
M. Cheong
CATL 209. Preparation of di- and triglycerol
using heterogeneous catalysts. J. Lee,
S. Park
CATL 210. Cross-selectivity in the catalytic
decarboxylative ketonization. A. Ignatchenko,
V. Marino, J. DeRaddo
CATL 211. Condensation of ketones with carboxylic acids: Extending kinetic scheme for
the mechanism of ketonic decarboxylation.
T. DiProspero, H. Patel, A. Ignatchenko
CATL 212. Efficient catalytic conversion of
cellulose into levulinic acid by sulfonated
hyperbranched poly(arylene oxindole)s with
chloro substituents. F. Yu, J. Thomas, S. Van
de Vyver, M. Smet, W. Dehaen, B.F. Sels
CATL 213. Photocatalytic production of H2O2
and its further utilization for Baeyer-Villiger
oxidation. L. Liu, A. Corma
CATL 214. Synthesis, characterization of Ag/
SiO2 and Ag/Co3O4 hierarchically porous
monoliths and evaluation for hydrogenation
of dyes. Y. Hakat, T. Kotbagi, M.G. Bakker
CATL 215. Evaluation of Ag/SiO2 and Ag/Co3O4
Hierarchically porous monoliths for epoxidations. Y. Hakat, T. Kotbagi, M.G. Bakker
CATL 216. Aerobic oxidation reaction catalyzed
by graphene oxide. J. Park, F. Raza, D. Yim,
J. Kim
CATL 217. Zeolite-templated Ni nanostructure
for methanol oxidation reaction. D. Aldhayan
CATL 218. Preparation of C60 nanowhiskers
WO3 nanocomposites and kinetics for
photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes.
K.H. Kim, H.S. Park, J.W. Ko, W.B. Ko
CATL 219. Investigation of structure, composition, and catalytic activity of AuPd bimetallic nanoparticles of variable Au/Pd ratio.
T.A. G. Silva, E. Teixeira-Neto, L.M. Rossi
CATL 220. Picking up the pace: Improving
oxygen evolution reaction catalysts.
M. Hinojos, S. Jin, L. Li
CATL 221. Preparation of SAPO-34 by vaporphase crystallization. W. Wang, H. Liu,
W. Yang

CATL 222.

Silver nanoparticle-functionalized
2D nanosheets as a plasmonic photocatalyst for reduction of nitroaromatic compounds. H. Lee, J. Park, F. Raza, D. Yim, J. Kim
CATL 223. Investigation of metal xanthates as
latent thermal epoxy resin curing catalysts.
T.C. Vagvala, S.S. Pandey, Y. Ogomi, S. Hayase
CATL 224. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes supported palladium-Iridium alloy nanoparticles
with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for
the formic acid oxidation. F. Wang, F. Wang,
J. Bao, H. Liu
CATL 225. Sb-doped SnO2 supported platinum
catalyst with high stability for proton
exchange membrane fuel cells. M. Dou,
M. Hou, F. Wang
CATL 226. Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous
carbon fabricated from food waste as the
support material for Pt electrocatalyst
toward the oxygen reduction reaction.
F. Wang, Y. Huang, H. Liu, Y. Cao
CATL 227. Comparison of hydrogen peroxide
decomposition in the presence of N2, H2
and C3H6 over supported Pd catalysts.
T. Chen, E. Kertalli, A. Nijhuis, S.G. Podkolzin
CATL 228. Effect of Hydrogen and Propylene
Presence on Hydrogen Peroxide
Decomposition over Pd. T. Chen, E. Kertalli,
A. Nijhuis, S.G. Podkolzin
CATL 229. Learning from microbial systems
to develop biomimetic catalysts for
hydrocarbon oxidation. S.S. Yu, S.I. Chan
CATL 230. Hydrodesulfurization of thiophene
using phosphomolybdic acid and nickel
substituted phosphomolybdic as catalyst.
A.M. Alsalme, M.H. Siddiqui
CATL 231. Catalytic ozone membrane reactor
for treatment of EDCs in water. T. Corbet,
L. Li, Y. Li, W. Han, K. Yeung
CATL 232. Role of surface chemistry on the
photoactivity of C-doped TiO2 derived from
TiC. W. Ching, S.A. Ferdousi, K.L. Yeung
CATL 233. Pd@V-P oxide core-shell
nanoparticels supported on MWCNTs as
selective electrocatalyst for the ORR. H. Liu,
J. Bao, F. Wang
CATL 234. Homogenous Ir-catalyzed
asymmetric hydrogenation of pyridinium
Salts: High throughput experimentation
approach, scope and preliminary
mechanistic studies. Y. Huang, Y. Chen,
Y. Liu, S.W. Krska, I.W. Davies, M. Chang, S. Liu,
X. Zhang
CATL 235. Hydrogen generation via sodium
borohydride hydrolysis using graphene
supported platinum-cobalt catalysts
prepared by microwave-assisted
synthesis. K. Antanaviciute, A. Matuseviciute,
L. Tamasauskaite-Tamasiunaite, I. Stalnioniene,
A. Zieliene, L. Naruskevicius, B. SimkunaiteStanyniene, E. Norkus
CATL 236. N-Heterocyclic carbene-based
materials for CO2 activation. E. Kaley,
E. Finney
CATL 237. Graphene supported PtAuCeO2
nanocomposites as electrocatalysts for
fuel cells. M. Urbonas, L. TamasauskaiteTamasiunaite, V. Kepeniene, A. Matuseviciute,
R. Kondrotas, R. Juskenas, V. Pakstas, E. Norkus
CATL 238. Aqueous phase CO2 reduction
with sodium borohydride: An ab initio
molecular dynamics and nudged-elastic
band mechanistic study. M.C. Groenenboom,
K.A. Grice, J.A. Keith
CATL 239. Tandem isomerizationdecarboxylation of unsaturated fatty acids
to olefins via Ruthenium metal-as-ligand
catalysts. R.E. Murray, E.L. Walter, K.M. Doll

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Novel Catalytic Materials for Renewable

M. Foston, J. C. Hicks, Organizers, Presiding
8:15 Introductory Remarks.

8:20 CATL 240. Supported metal catalysts for

lignin hydrogenolysis. S.L. Scott, Z. Jones,
X. Wu
8:40 CATL 241. Lignin depolymerization

by rhodium phosphine complexes and

water-stable Lewis acids. R. Jastrzebski,
B.M. Weckhuysen, P.C. Bruijnincx
9:00 CATL 242. Designing active and stable
Ru catalysts for the aqueous-phase
hydrogenation levulinic acid. J. Bond,
O.A. Abdelrahman
9:20 CATL 243. Promotion of activity and
selectivity by alkanethiol monolayers for
Pd-catalyzed benzyl alcohol hydrodeoxygenation. C. Lien, J.W. Medlin
9:40 CATL 244. Direct catalytic conversion of
Ethanol stream to hydrocarbon blend-stock:
Approaches to increase liquid hydrocarbon
production. Z. Li, E. Casbeer, B.H. Davison,
C.K. Narula
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 CATL 245. One-pot conversion of Kraft
lignin into high-valued small-molecular
chemicals over nanostructured molybdenum based catalyst. Y. Li
10:30 CATL 246. Mechanism and kinetics
of acetic acid ketonization over zeolites.
S. Crossley, A. Gumidyala, . Godavarthy
10:50 CATL 247. Catalytic pathways and periodic trends for the hydrogenation of acetic
acid in aqueous phase. J. Shangguan, Y. Chin
11:10 CATL 248. Nitrate-Intercalated Layered
double-hydroxide catalysts for lignin
depolymerization. J.S. Kruger, N.S. Cleveland,
M.J. Biddy, G. Beckham
11:30 CATL 249. Effects of Brnsted acid
strength and site environment for C=C bond
formation and hydrogen transfer reactions.
F. Lin, Y. Chin

9:05 CATL 259. Investigation of Pd-Cu single

atom alloy catalysts for selective hydrogenation of acetylene in ethylene. X. Cao,

A. Mirjalili, W. Xie, B. Jang
9:25 CATL 260. Selective hydrogenation of
phenol catalyzed by palladium on high
surface ceria at room temperature and
ambient pressure. N. Nelson, A.D. Sadow,
I.I. Slowing
9:45 Intermission.
9:55 CATL 261. Importance of the metal-oxide
interface in catalysts for the water-gas
shift and methanol synthesis. J. Rodriguez,
D.J. Stacchiola, P. Liu, S.D. Senanayake,
J. Graciani, J.F. Sanz
10:30 CATL 262. Kinetically stabilized Pd@Pt
core-shell nanocubes with thin Pt layers for
enhanced catalytic hydrogenation performance. P. Zhang, S. Zhou
10:50 CATL 263. Investigating the function
of metal oxide promoters on supported
Rh catalysts for syngas conversion to
oxygenates through surface and interface
modification. N. Yang, S. Fleischman, P. Wang,
S.F. Bent
11:10 CATL 264. Preparation of 3D ordered
macroporous SiO2-supported K0.5MnCeOx
catalysts for soot combustion. X. Yu, Z. Zhao
11:30 CATL 265. Modeling acrolein hydrogenation on constrained platinum nanoparticles.
C. Engelhardt, D. Ellis, K.R. Poeppelmeier,
R. Kennedy
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

Theoretical and Experimental Synergies at

the Frontiers of Renewable Energy Catalysis
CO2 Reductions

Section B

J. A. Keith, A. J. Morris, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Catalytic Materials and Technologies for

Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas
Hydrogenation and Dehydroaromatization
J. Bravo-Suarez, B. A. Kilos, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 CATL 250. Mechanistic insights into the

activation of CO and hydrocarbon chain

growth in Fischer Tropsch synthesis.
M. Neurock, D. Hibbitts, B. Loveless, C. Buda,
T. Lawlor, E. Dybeck
8:50 CATL 251. Quantum mechanical analysis
of CO2 and CO hydrogenation on metal-doped Cu(111) surfaces. Y. SantiagoRodriguez, M. Curet-Arana
9:20 CATL 252. Catalytic light olefin upgrading:
Using natural gas for gasoline quality
improvement. P. He, H. Song
9:50 CATL 253. Natural gas to chemicals via
reactive separation. P. Chitta
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 CATL 254. Topse aromatics synthesis
catalysts. L.J. Lemus-Yegres, B. Temel, X. Yang,
F. Joensen, P.H. Nielsen
11:05 CATL 255. Structure and regeneration of
Mo/ZSM-5 catalysts for natural gas conversion. J. Gao, Y. Tang, I.E. Wachs, S.G. Podkolzin
11:35 CATL 256. High selectivity of zinc and
phosphorus modified ZSM-5 for MTA.
J. Qiao, J. Teng, Y. Wang, W. Yang
12:05 Concluding Remarks.

8:40 CATL 266. Design principles for reversible

CO2 chemistries. W.F. Schneider, T. Lee
9:10 CATL 267. Electrocatalytic conversion

carbon dioxide to fuels promoted by

1,3-dialkylimidazolium based ionic liquids.
J. DiMeglio, J. Medina-Ramos, R.C. Pupillo,
J. Rosenthal
9:40 CATL 268. Toward electrochemical carbon
dioxide reduction by porous coordination
networks. W. Maza, S. Ahrenholtz, A.J. Morris
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 CATL 269. Hydrogen evolution in the
context of electrochemical CO2 reduction.
R.J. Nielsen, S. Johnson, Y. Lam, W.A. Goddard,
D.W. Shaffer, J. Yang
10:50 CATL 270. Thermodynamic considerations in the design of molecular electrocatalysts for selective CO2 reduction. J. Yang,
D.W. Shaffer, S. Poteet, J. Ritter
11:20 CATL 271. First-principles quantum
chemical investigations on the selectivity
of borohydride for carbon dioxide and
bicarbonate reduction in protic conditions.
M.C. Groenenboom, K.A. Grice, J.A. Keith

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Novel Catalytic Materials for Renewable


Section C

M. Foston, J. C. Hicks, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides

bolaamphiphiles tethered to cobalt-Schiff

base complexes for catalyst delivery to
lignocellulose biomass. J.J. Bozell, C. Njiojob,
B.K. Long
1:55 CATL 273. Anion catalysis: A novel
pathway for C-O activation. M. Emmert
2:15 CATL 274. Role of defect sites in the
hydrolysis of cellulose over activated
carbon catalysts. G. Foo, C. Sievers

Metal-Oxide Interface: Others

W. Huang, Y. Xu, Organizers
Z. Wu, Organizer, Presiding
Q. Fu, Presiding
8:10 CATL 257. Role of surface oxygen vacancies in heterogeneous Au catalysis. J. Behm
8:45 CATL 258. Role of TiO2 defects and the

Ru/TiO2 interface on the conversion of

phenolics. S. Crossley, T. Omotoso

1:35 CATL 272. Synthesis of glycal-based



2:35 CATL 275. Catalytic depolymerization of

3:15 CATL 292. Synthesis of layer birnes-

8:35 CATL 309. Studies of the reductive dis-

8:25 CATL 325. Consistent reaction mecha-

lignin extracted from Kraft black liquor and

lignin model compound 4-phenoxyphenol.
B.D. Carter, D.A. Bruce
2:55 CATL 276. Natural inorganic catalysts
in eellulose pyrolysis. C. Zhu, A. Paulsen,
P. Dauenhauer
3:15 Intermission.
3:25 CATL 277. Reaction mechanism and
active site location for the hydrodeoxygenation of phenolics over Ru/TiO2. B. Baek,
L. Grabow
3:45 CATL 278. Progress toward the mild
and selective hydrogenolysis of lignin to
produce chemicals. M.B. Foston, Y. Gao
4:05 CATL 279. Selective conversion of
xylose to furfural in -valerolactone using
novel catalysts. S.M. Bruce, M.A. Carreon,
S.G. Wettstein
4:25 CATL 280. Surface chemistry of oxygenates on molybdenum-modified platinum.
A. Robinson, J. Hensley, J.W. Medlin
4:45 CATL 281. Hydrodeoxygenation of lignocellulosic biomass and lignin model compounds with bimetallic phosphide catalysts.
D.J. Rensel, M. Abbott, J.C. Hicks

site with different structure of water for

formaldehyde removal at room temperature.
J. Wang, P. Zhang
3:35 CATL 293. Recyclable ionic liquid as
soft template: Synthesis of mesoporous
La-based transition metal perovskites.
H. Lu, P. Zhang, S. Dai, Z. Qiao
3:55 CATL 294. One-pot synthesis of ferrite
aerogels via epoxide addition method.
R. Baghi, D. Ua Cearnaigh, L. Hope-Weeks
4:15 CATL 295. Polymer brushes: Modular
hybrid nanostructures for supported catalysis. A.E. Fernandes, Q. Ye, B. Nysten, O. Riant,
A.M. Jonas
4:35 Concluding Remarks.

assembly of lignocellulose to value-added

chemicals. P.C. Ford, C.M. Bernt, M.A. Chui,
Z. Jones, G. Bottari, F. Brunner, H. Maneesuwan,
K. Barta, A. Iretski, S.L. Scott
8:55 CATL 310. Hierarchical ZSM-5 for the
production of renewable aromatics from
biomass via Diels Alder cyclo-addition of
2,5-dimethylfuran with ethylene. J. McGlone,
P. Priecel, J. Lopez-Sanchez
9:15 CATL 311. Renewable feedstocks via
olefin metathesis: A high throughput
workflow for the discovery of novel
homogeneous olefin metathesis catalysts.
D.R. Romer, V.J. Sussman, K. Miller
9:35 CATL 312. Highly dispersed SiOx/Al2O3
materials: Catalytic relevance of the isolated
silanol site. A. Mouat, C. George, T. Kobayashi,
R.P. Van Duyne, T.J. Marks, P.C. Stair
9:55 Intermission.
10:05 CATL 313. Upgrading renewable feedstocks to fatty alcohols, esters, and paraffins via novel single stage hydroprocessing.
C. Chen, A.E. Kuperman, W.J. Cannella
10:25 CATL 314. Novel polymeric acid catalysts
for biomass hydrolysis and dehydration.
X. Qian, A. Vu
10:45 CATL 315. Modified silicas as solid
acid catalysts for esterification reactions:
Convenient materials for deacidification
of biodiesel feedstocks. A. Puente-Urbina,
G. Valle-Bourrouet
11:05 CATL 316. Mechanistic insights on
glycerol decomposition on PtMo bimetallic
catalysts from first-principles methods.
B. Liu, J.P. Greeley

nism for the selective catalytic reduction

of NO with NH3. S. Mossin, A. Godiksen,
T.V. Janssens, H. Falsig, L.F. Lundegaard,
P.N. Vennestrm, S.B. Rasmussen, P. Moses,
F. Giordanino, E. Borfecchia, K. Lomachenko,
C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, P. Beato
9:05 CATL 326. Pyrene-based porous organic
framework for efficient heterogeneous visible-light photocatalysis. J. Lu, J. Zhang
9:25 CATL 327. Tripodal titanium silsesquioxanes: Selective catalysts for alkene
epoxidation. S. Peak
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 CATL 328. Catalytic consequences of
MgAlO rate of hydration: An in-situ XRD
study. K. Goulas, E. Sacia, S. Rengshausen,
D. Toste, A.T. Bell
10:20 CATL 329. In-situ atomic force microscopy study of metal surfaces for catalytic
hydrogenation membrane reactors.
M.J. Young, P.H. Pfromm, M.E. Rezac, B.M. Law
10:40 CATL 330. Au, Ag, and Au-Ag catalysts
supported on SBA15 for the selective
hydrogenation of butadiene. N. Masoud,
L. Delannoy, K. De Jong, C. Louis, P. de Jongh
11:00 CATL 331. Enhanced catalytic hydrogenation performance over size-controlled
Pt-NiO@SiO2 mesoporous core-shell
nanocatalysts. H. Liu, Y. Hu, P. Zhang, S. Zhou,
C. Xiong, H. Jiang
11:20 CATL 332. Catalytic hydrogenation
of isophthalonitrile (IPN) over supported
monometallic and bimetallic Ni catalysts.
C. Liu, T. Wang
11:40 CATL 333. Metal deposition on TiO2
using potassium iodide as an anchoring
element to enhance hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting.
H. AlGhamdi, T. Ahmed, K. Katsiev, H. Idriss

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Catalytic Materials and Technologies for

Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas
J. Bravo-Suarez, B. A. Kilos, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CATL 282. Light alkane dehydrogena-

tion over Pt and PtSn alloys: A density

functional theory investigation. A. Hook,
J.D. Massa, F.E. Celik
2:05 CATL 283. Theoretical study looking
into the role of different gallium species in
catalytic alkane dehydrogenation. U. Das,
A.B. Getsoian, J. Bunquin, B. Hu, G. Zhang,
A. Hock, P.C. Stair, L.A. Curtiss, J.T. Miller
2:35 CATL 284. Supported nickel catalysts for
propane dehydrogenation. D.C. Rosenfeld,
P. Dellinger, J. Chen, B.A. Kilos, L. Luo
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 285. Dry method synthesis of
efficient Ni-Nb oxide catalysts for low
temperature oxidative dehydrogenation
of ethane to ethylene. H. Zhu, D. Rosenfeld,
J.M. Basset
3:50 CATL 286. Controlled synthesis of
supported metal oxide catalysts. A. Love,
S. Conrad, C.A. Carrero, I. Hermans
4:20 CATL 287. Mixed metal oxide catalysts
at sub-monolayer and monolayer coverage
for natural gas upgrading. J. Grant, F. Huang,
C.A. Carrero, I. Hermans
4:50 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides

Metal-Oxide Interface: Others
Z. Wu, Y. Xu, Organizers
W. Huang, Organizer, Presiding
J. Lu, Presiding
1:30 CATL 288. Theory driven design of

MnOx-modified TiO2 for solar driven CO2

activation. M. Nolan, K. Schwartzenberg,
J.M. Notestein, K.A. Gray
2:05 CATL 289. Withdrawn.
2:25 CATL 290. Comparison of catalytic ozonations in the structural and functional groups
changes of the filtered water. W. Qun,
Y. Zhichao, G. Mingkun, C. Bin, X. He, C. Shuang
2:45 CATL 291. Ternary metal oxide catalysts
for electrochemical oxidation and reduction
of oxygen. J. Kim, X. Yin, K. Tsao, P. Shih,
X. Chen, H. Yang
3:05 Intermission.

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

General Papers
V. Schwartz, Organizer
A. K. Mann, Organizer, Presiding
1:10 Introductory Remarks.
1:15 CATL 296. Different catalytic oxidation

behaviors of 1-propanol on size-controlled

platinum nanoparticles at solid-gas and solid-liquid interfaces. F. Liu, A. Sapi, H. Wang,
K. An, G.A. Somorjai
1:35 CATL 297. Partial oxidation of surrogate
Jet-A fuel over SiO2 supported nanoparticle MoO2. S. Shah, S. Ha, M.G. Norton,
K. Chinnathambi
1:55 CATL 298. Influence of sulfur on carbon
deposition on Pt/Al2O3 catalysts during
alkane oxidation. C. OBrien, D.T. Tran, I. Lee
2:15 CATL 299. Withdrawn.
2:35 CATL 300. Catalytic deoxygenation
of model and algal lipids to fuel-like
hydrocarbons over supported nickel alloy
catalysts. R. Loe, T. Morgan, E. SantillanJimenez, M. Crocker
2:55 CATL 301. Reaction study of model bimetallic CoMx catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis. W. Ralston, G. Melaet, W. Liu,
S. Alayoglu, G.A. Somorjai
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 CATL 302. Plasma-derived nanometric
Co/C and Fe/C catalysts for FischerTropsch synthesis. J. Aluha, N. Braidy, Y. Hu,
A. Dalai, N. Abatzoglou
3:50 CATL 303. Actinide-amido complexes as
switchable catalysts for linear oligomerisation and [2+2+2] cycloaddition of terminal
alkynes. R. Batrice, J. McKinven, P.L. Arnold,
M.S. Eisen
4:10 CATL 304. Theoretical insights into development of bio-inspired catalysts for peptide
hydrolysis. R. Prabhakar
4:30 CATL 305. Improving the catalytic performance of HZSM-5 by alkaline and acid
treatments for the alkylation of benzene
with methanol. J. Lv, X. Huang
4:50 CATL 306. Inducing chemical interaction
via in situ polymerization for graphene-reinforced ion-exchange resin catalyst design
and application. Y. Li, . He, W. Yang
5:10 CATL 307. Synergism between anatase
and rutile: Effect of Initial particle size of
TiO2 for photocatalytic water splitting.
K. Ahmed, M. Al-Ou, S. Muhammad Bashir,
H. Idriss
5:30 CATL 308. Photocatalytic hydrogen
production from water over Au-Pd/TiO2 and
Ag-Pd/TiO2. S. Muhammad Bashir, K. Ahmed,
M. Al-Ou, H. Idriss

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Catalytic Materials and Technologies for

Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas
Carbonylation, Metathesis, Reforming
J. Bravo-Suarez, B. A. Kilos, Organizers, Presiding

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 108

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Theoretical and Experimental Synergies at

the Frontiers of Renewable Energy Catalysis

8:05 CATL 317. Revisiting and reimag-

CO2 Reductions

ing C2 carbonylation to propionates.

J.M. Notestein, C. Yang, S. Yacob, S. Park,
R. Watson, L.R. McCullough, E. Weitz, H.H. Kung,
B.A. Kilos, D.G. Barton
8:50 CATL 318. How do oxide catalyst
structure and composition dictate the rate
and selectivity of light olefin metathesis?
Z. Cheng, C. Lo
9:20 CATL 319. Alkane and olefin metathesis with well-defined W(Me)6 supported
on silica/silica-alumina catalysts.
M. Samantaray, E. Callens, N. Riache, R. Dey,
A. Hamieh, A. Dery, N. Kharbatia, M. Atiqullah,
J.M. Basset
9:50 CATL 320. Effect of oxidant and
hydrocarbon-type on syngas production
over Ba0.75NiyAl12-yO19- reforming catalysts.
T.H. Gardner, J.J. Spivey, E.L. Kugler
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 CATL 321. Ni-Ce-O catalysts for
the reforming of ethanol and methane:
Importance of metal-support interactions.
J. Rodriguez
11:05 CATL 322. Vapor phase ethanol carbonylation over supported rhodium catalysts.
S. Yacob, B.A. Kilos, D.G. Barton, J.M. Notestein
11:35 CATL 323. Transition metal sulfide catalysts for ethylene carbonylation. R. Watson,
B.A. Kilos, D.G. Barton, J.M. Notestein, H.H. Kung
12:05 Concluding Remarks.

J. A. Keith, A. J. Morris, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 CATL 334. Inverse design and charac-

terization of catalytic systems for CO2

reduction. V.S. Batista
9:10 CATL 335. Molecular electrocatalytic
reduction of CO2 mechanistic insights.
C. Costentin, J. Savant
9:40 CATL 336. Reduction of CO2 to methanol
catalyzed by a biomimetic organo-hydride
produced from pyridine. C. Lim, A. Holder,
J.T. Hynes, C. Musgrave
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 CATL 337. Carbon dioxide reduction
by earth abundant catalysts in artificial
photosynthesis: Mechanistic insights and
challenges. C.P. Kubiak
10:50 CATL 338. Mechanisms of rhenium- and
manganese-catalyzed electrochemical
reduction of CO2 from theory. E.A. Carter
11:20 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 107

Section C

Novel Catalytic Materials for Renewable


Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

General Papers
V. Schwartz, Organizer
A. K. Mann, Organizer, Presiding

Novel Catalytic Materials for Renewable


8:00 Introductory Remarks.

M. Foston, J. C. Hicks, Organizers, Presiding

8:05 CATL 324. Monolithic flow microreactors

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Section B

using silver supported on hierarchically

porous silica and cobalt oxide: Activity and
stability. T. Kotbagi, Y. Hakat, M.G. Bakker

M. Foston, J. C. Hicks, Organizers, Presiding

1:35 CATL 339. Platinum-cobalt-graphene catalysts for alkaline fuel cells. J. Jablonskiene,
L. Tamasauskaite-Tamasiunaite, K. Antanaviciute,
A. Balciunaite, V. Kepeniene, A. Zieliene,
L. Naruskevicius, R. Kondrotas, R. Juskenas,
E. Norkus

1:55 CATL 340. Nanostructured nickel and

3:50 CATL 358. Metal-ligand cooperation

11:20 CELL 7. High-resolution solution-State

10:20 CELL 24. Development of an efficient

cobalt phosphides as electrocatalysts

for the hydrogen evolution reaction.
E.J. Popczun, R.E. Schaak, C.G. Read
2:15 CATL 341. Withdrawn.
2:35 CATL 342. Theoretical investigation of
thermodynamic and kinetic properties of
dihydropyridines in the catalytic reduction
of CO2 and various unsaturated functional
groups. Y. Kuo, C. Lim, A. Holder, J.T. Hynes,
C. Musgrave
2:55 Intermission.
3:05 CATL 343. Gold nanowires as an efficient
and durable catalyst for CO2 reduction.
W. Zhu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, H. Lv, Q. Li,
A.A. Peterson, S. Sun
3:25 CATL 344. Design of visible light activated
TiO2 photocatalysts from first principles
simulations. M. Nolan
3:45 CATL 345. Carbon negative, renewable
energy compatible electrochemical process
for converting CO2 and water into CO and
H2. D. Kauffman, C. Matranga, D. Alfonso,
J. Thakkar, R. Jin

in methanol/water dehydrogenation.
M. Trincado
4:10 CATL 359. New composite catalyst for
trioxane production: Dramatic salt effect on
trioxane synthesis. L. Yin, Y. Hu, Z. Yang, J. Qi
4:30 CATL 360. Surface-bound ligands modulate chemoselectivity and activity of a bimetallic nanoparticle catalyst. V.O. Rodionov,
B. Vu, K. Bukhriakov
4:50 CATL 361. Controlled synthesis of
Pd-NiO@SiO2 mesoporous core-shell
nanoparticles and their enhanced catalytic
performance for p-chloronitrobenzene
hydrogenation with H2. S. Zhou, H. Liu, K. Tao
5:10 CATL 362. Ti3+- and V-doped TiO2
quantum dots loaded on MCM-41 for
photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes
and isomerization of norbornadiene. L. Pan,
J. Zou, S. Wang, Z. Huang, L. Wang, X. Zhang

NMR of wood and pulp in ionic liquid electrolytes. A.J. Holding, V. Mkel, K.J. Helminen,
I. Kilpelainen, A.W. King
11:50 CELL 8. NMR analysis of periodate-oxidation products of 5-N-acetylneuraminic
acid methyl glycosides and 2,8-polysialic
acid (PSA). P. Kosma

polymer analogous reaction in ionic liquids

and its application to chemical modification
of lignocellulose. R. Kakuchi, Y. Shibata,
M. Yamaguchi, K. Takahashi
10:50 CELL 25. Fundamental approaches
to multiscale, multiphase phenomena in
cellulose pyrolysis chemistry. C. Krumm,
A. Paulsen, P.J. Dauenhauer
11:20 CELL 26. Valorization of lignin to renewable fuels and chemicals through biological
funneling and chemical catalysis. D. Vardon,
M. Franden, C. Johnson, E. Karp, M. Guarnieri,
J. Linger, P. Pienkos, T.J. Strathmann, G. Beckham

Section B

Division of Cellulose
and Renewable

Colorado Convention Center

Room 109

Catalytic Materials and Technologies for

Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas


C. Frazier, Program Chair

J. Bravo-Suarez, B. A. Kilos, Organizers, Presiding


1:30 Introductory Remarks.

Next Generation Smart Materials (see POLY,

Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu)
Water Our Most Critical Resource (see
AGFD, Wed, Thu)
Biofuels & Sustainable Energy: Biomass
Pretreatment & Hydrolysis (see BIOT, Tue,
Wed, Thu)
Colorado Biotechnology: The Science of
Colorados Craft Beer, Wine & Spirits
Industries (see BIOT, Sun)
Nanoscale Spectroscopic and Microscopic
Characterization (see PMSE, Tue, Wed)

2:05 CATL 347. CO2 splitting in a packed-

bed dielectric barrier discharge reactor.

K.J. Nordheden, A.M. Banerjee, J. Billinger,
S.M. Stagg-Williams, B. Subramaniam
2:35 CATL 348. Carbon depositions and
kinetic study over Ni-based catalysts in
steam-CO2 reforming of methane. Y. Park,
Y. Kim, D. Moon
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 CATL 349. Functionality and topology
dependence of CO2/CH4 adsorption and
selectiviity in zeolitic imidizolate frameworks
(ZIFs). B.B. Laird
3:50 CATL 350. Conversion of CH4 and CO2
into acidic acid on zinc-modified H-ZSM-5
zeolite. W. Wang, J. Wu, S. Yu
4:20 CATL 351. Simultaneously converting
carbonate/bicarbonate and biomass to
value-added carboxylic acid salts by aqueous-phase hydrogen transfer. H. Lin, J. Su
4:50 CATL 352. Engineering Co-exposed (001)
and (101) facts and defects in TiO2 nanocrystals for enhanced CO2 photoreduction.
L. Liu
5:20 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 111

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Functional Lignocellulosics and

I. Filpponen, S. Spirk, Organizers
T. Nypel, M. S. Peresin, Organizers, Presiding

Dinner, 6:30 PM, Tue

CELL Division Business Meeting, 5:00 PM:
CELL Division Executive Committee
Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sat

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau

Colorado Convention Center

Room 406

8:05 CELL 9. Pickering foams from cellulose

nanofibrils. L. Wagberg, N. Tchang Cervin

Lignin Biosynthesis, Characterization and


with tyrosine sulfate mimetic cellulose

nanocrystals. J.O. Zoppe, V. Ruottinen,
J. Ruotsalainen, S. Rnkk, L. Johansson,
A. Hinkkanen, K. Jrvinen, J. Seppl
8:55 CELL 11. Modification of nanocellulose
with natural molecules: A green perspective
for cellulose based materials with active
properties. A. Garcia, A. Gandini, N. Belgacem,
J. Bras
9:15 CELL 12. Size exclusion nanocellulose
based paper filter for virus removal.
A. Mihranyan
9:35 CELL 13. Antibacterial surface modification of nanocellulosic materials.
J. Henschen, J. Illergrd, P. Larsson, M. Ek,
L. Wgberg
9:55 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 14. Tuning the properties and yield
of cellulose nanocrystals in the production
space. J. Zhu
10:35 CELL 15. Properties of nanocellulose
from wood pulp and bacterial cellulose
obtained by different methods. L. Vikele,
I. Sable, L. Rozenberga, R. Treimane, A. Treimanis,
P. Semjonovs
10:55 CELL 16. Nanocrystalline cellulose from
agricultural waste for optical devices.
L. Steiner, A.G. Dumanli, D. Reid, M. Duer,
S. Vignolini
11:15 CELL 17. Characterisation and reinforcing properties of cellulose nanocrystals
esterified in water. B. Dhuiege, G. Sbe
11:35 CELL 18. Control of the surface properties of cellulose nanocystals by transesterification of vinyl esters. J. Brand, G. Sbe
11:55 CELL 19. One step polymer grafting of
poly(methyl methacrylate) from cellulose
nanocrystals for composite applications.
S. Kedzior, L. Graham, E.D. Cranston
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Advances in Lignocellulosic Materials and

Chemistry: A Tribute to W.G. Glasser

General Papers

Structural Aspects of Cellulose and NMR


V. Schwartz, Organizer
A. K. Mann, Organizer, Presiding

F. Liebner, L. Lucia, A. Potthast, Organizers

P. Kosma, J. Ralph, Presiding

G. Garnier, S. Kelley, Organizers

T. G. Rials, Organizer, Presiding

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:05 CELL 1. Thomas Rosenau, playful explorer

of the mysteries of cellulose. A.D. French

8:05 CELL 20. Mechanisms of biogenic formaldehyde generation in wood. C.E. Frazier,
G. Wan, M. Tasooji, H. Wise

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 CATL 353. Colloidal supported metal

nanoparticles (CSMNs) as novel intermediate nanocatalysts for the Suzuki and Heck
reactions. R. Narayanan, K. Gude
1:55 CATL 354. Model nanoparticle and zeolite
catalysts for high selectivity hydrocarbon
reforming. N. Musselwhite, S. Alayoglu, K. Na,
K. An, G.A. Somorjai
2:15 CATL 355. Stability and phase transfer of
catalytically-active nanoparticle suspensions. I. Sriram, K. Jeerage
2:55 CATL 356. Cu and CoCu surfaces in equilibrium with CO at Torr pressures. B. Eren,
M. Salmeron, G.A. Somorjai
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 CATL 357. Identify the active species in
ligand and base-free Cu-catalyzed aerobic
homo-coupling of alkynes. L. Liu, A.L. Perez,
A. Corma

8:35 CELL 2. Imperfections in higher plant cel-

lulose: Crystal stacking faults and structure

of crystal-crystal interfaces. C. Driemeier
9:05 CELL 3. Fabrication and characterization
of cellulose nanoanemone. T. Kondo
9:35 CELL 4. Cellulose nanocrystals: New
preparation routes, and the relationship to
the structure of native cellulose. E. Kontturi
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CELL 5. Structural characteristics influencing the reactivity of isolated cellulose
I. T. Larsson
10:50 CELL 6. Identifying different hydroxyl
populations in cellulose by 2H MAS NMR.
E. Lindh, C. Terenzi, I. Fur, L. Salmn

Section D

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 CELL 10. Inhibition of alphavirus infection

CO2 Activation

1:35 CATL 346. Electrochemical reduction of

CO2 to fuels. A.T. Bell

Section B

Green Chemicals from Lignocellulosics

8:35 CELL 21. Amphipathic lignin derivatives

for enzymatic saccharification and fermentation of lignocellulosics. Y. Yamamoto,

N. Cheng, K. Igarashi, K. Koda, Y. Uraki
9:05 CELL 22. Homogeneous tosylation of
agarose as an approach towards functional
bio-based materials. M. Gericke, T.J. Heinze
9:35 Intermission.
9:50 CELL 23. From sustainable chemical
blocks to fuel: Synthesis of hydrocarbons
from isoprene and acrolein. Z. Tong, F. Wang

Lignin Biosynthesis and Biotechnical

T. Tamminen, Organizer
C. Crestini, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 CELL 27. -O-4 -type quinone methides in
lignin biosynthesis and in pulping. J. Sipila,
A. Haikarainen, P. Nousiainen, M. Muuronen
8:30 CELL 28. Molecular models of milledwood lignin. P. Schiffels, H. Lange, C. Crestini
9:00 CELL 29. Mechanical properties of

bamboo nanofibers: An atomistic simulation

study. S. Youssean, N. Rahbar
9:30 CELL 30. Impact of changes in the lignin
synthetic pathway on cell wall architecture.
J. Liu, J.C. Cusumano, J. Kim, C. Chapple,
L. Makowski
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 31. Diastereoselective fungal ligninolysis. D.J. Yelle, A.N. Kapich, C. Houtman,
F. Lu, V. Tymokhin, R.C. Fort, J. Ralph, K. Hammel
10:45 CELL 32. Exquisite sensitivity of
Acridine Orange to lignocellulosic oxidation
and mechanistic investigation. P. Kitin,
J. Worple, J. Houtman, K.E. Hammel, C.G. Hunt,
C.J. Houtman
11:15 CELL 33. Lipoxygenase: A new oxidative
enzyme for lignin biorefinery. C. Crestini,
H. Lange, P. Giann, E. Bartzoka
11:45 CELL 34. Quantitation of S/G ratio in
woods using 1064 nm FT-Raman spectroscopy. U.P. Agarwal, S. Ralph
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Application of Computational Chemistry

to Biomass Chemistry and Utilization
Synthesis and Molecular-level Interactions
of Cellulose
S. C. Chmely, T. J. Elder, Organizers
P. Ramakrishnan, Presiding
8:00 CELL 35. Synthesizing cellulose.
B.C. Knott, M.F. Crowley, M. Himmel, J. Zimmer,
G. Beckham
8:30 CELL 36. QM/MM and MD study on catalytic mechanism of bacterial CESA. H. Yang,
J. Lee, J. Zimmer, Y.G. Yingling, J.D. Kubicki
9:00 CELL 37. Molecular dynamics simulation

study of the AxCeSD octamer compelxed

with cellulose chains. T. Yui, T. Uto, Y. Ikeda,
K. Tajima, M. Yao
9:30 CELL 38. Molecular basis for cellulose
twist. M.F. Crowley, L. Bu, M. Himmel
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 CELL 39. DFT calculations on the
thermodynamics of PCW component
interactions. J.D. Kubicki, V. Gibilterra, T. Weiss,
H. Watts, L. Petridis, P. Langan, L. Zhong
10:40 CELL 40. Can crystal structure conformations help validate conformational analyses of isolated molecules? A.D. French
11:10 CELL 41. Hydration control of the
mechanical and dynamical properties of
cellulose. L. Petridis, H.M. ONeill, M. Johnsen,
B. Fan, E. Mamontov, J.K. Maranas, R. Schulz,
P. Langan, J.C. Smith

11:40 CELL 42. Modeling graphene-cellulose-water interactions. S.J. Eichhorn,
R.A. Bryce, R. Alqus

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau
Plant Cell Walls and Bioreneries
F. Liebner, L. Lucia, A. Potthast, Organizers
H. Sixta, A. Van Heiningen, Presiding
1:30 CELL 43. Recent progress on oxygen

delignification of softwood Kraft pulp.

A. Van Heiningen
2:00 CELL 44. BLN hot water extraction

process taking forest biomass fractionation to a totally new level. S. Willfr,

L. Vhsalo, S. von Schoultz
2:30 CELL 45. Full utilization of wood in the
future pulp mill bio-refinery. P. Axegrd
3:00 CELL 46. Influence of pectinase
treatments on the dissolution abilities of
cellulose pulps in NaOH-water. P.R. Navard,
N. Dos Santos, J. Puls, B. Saake
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 CELL 47. Nanoporous cellulose: A new
form of cellulose with novel properties.
R.H. Atalla, R.S. Atalla
4:15 CELL 48. New model of plant cell wall
cellulose elementary fibril. U.P. Agarwal
4:45 CELL 49. Effect of cellulose polymorphism
on the TEMPO-based oxidation and further
grafting by amidation. D. Da Silva Perez,
Y. Habibi, A. Guillemain, J. Puteaux, L. Heux
5:15 CELL 50. Porosity development of dissolving pulp during mechanical and enzymatic processing. S. Grnqvist, T. Hakala,
T. Kamppuri, M. Vehvilinen, T. Liiti, T. Maloney,
A. Suurnkki
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Functional Lignocellulosics and

T. Nypel, M. S. Peresin, S. Spirk, Organizers
I. Filpponen, Organizer, Presiding
T. Tammelin, Presiding
1:30 CELL 51. Functionalising micro/nano-

fibrillated cellulose with TEMPO-based

approaches: From laboratory to pilot scale.
D. Da Silva Perez, A. Guillemain, S. Tapin-Lingua,
V. Meyer, B. Fabry, P. Huber
1:50 CELL 52. Structurally colored films using
nanocellulose fiber. S.J. Eichhorn, P. Vukusic,
D. Hewson, J.C. Grunlan, P. Tzeng
2:20 CELL 53.

Architecture and properties of hybrid cellulose

nanocrystals/Gibbsite nanoplatelets
multilayered films. C. Martin, R. Barker,
E.D. Cranston, L. Heux, B. Jean
2:40 CELL 54. Functional cellulose nanocrystals for ATRP and click chemistry-preparation and characterization.
A. Carlmark, A. Boujemaoui, S. Mongkhontreerat,
E.E. Malmstrom

3:00 CELL 55. Surfactant and polymer-en-

2:30 CELL 72. Comparing different approaches

hanced CNC Pickering emulsions, gels, and

oil powders. Z. Hu, R.H. Pelton, E.D. Cranston
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 CELL 56. Cellulose nanocrystals with CO2switchable aggregation and redispersion
properties. H. Wang, J. Bouchard, P.G. Jessop,
P. Champagne, M.F. Cunningham
4:00 CELL 57. Nanocellulose composites for
electronic paper displays. A.G. Dumanli,
H. Yuan, U. Steiner
4:20 CELL 58. Withdrawn.
4:40 CELL 59. Composite fibers from cellulose
nanofibril emulsions. T. Nypel, C.A. Carrillo,
O.J. Rojas
5:00 CELL 60. Structure and properties of
carboxylated nanocellulose with various
counter-ions. M. Shimizu, T. Saito, A. Isogai
5:20 CELL 61. Thermoresponsive TOCN films:
Influence of PNIPAm on film properties.
N. Lavoine, J. Bras, T. Saito, A. Isogai

to measure molar mass of lignin: SEC,

DOSY and AsFlFFF. I. Sulaeva, I. Sumerskii,
M. Bacher, G. Zinovyev, U. Henniges, T. Rosenau,
A. Potthast
3:00 CELL 73. Exploring the use of pulsed field
gradient (PFG) NMR to extract molecular
weight distributions of lignin. J.O. Thomas,
C.F. Clewett, T.M. Alam
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 CELL 74. Analysis of lignin hydroxyl
groups by NMR spectroscopy.
E.A. Capanema
4:15 CELL 75. Characterization of alkaline
lignin by thermal desorption and pyrolysis
methods. K. Voeller, A. Kubatova, E.I. Kozliak
4:45 CELL 76. Low-field NMR study of interactions between lignin and cellulase. M. Li,
J. Yang, M. Tu, T.J. Elder
5:15 CELL 77. Facile quantification of biomass
lignin using acidic lithium bromide (ALB)
method. N. Li, J. Alexander, X. Pan

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Advances in Lignocellulosic Materials and

Chemistry: A Tribute to W.G. Glasser
Fundamentals of Cellulosic Materials
S. Kelley, T. G. Rials, Organizers
G. Garnier, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 62. Contributions of computational

chemistry to understanding cellulose.

A.D. French
2:00 CELL 63. Pros and cons of various
cellulose crystallinity estimation methods:
380-Raman, 13C NMR, and Segal-WAXS.
U.P. Agarwal
2:30 CELL 64. Interactions between rodshaped nanoparticles and polymer chains
in aqueous solutions. H. Oguzlu, Z. Khalili,
Y. Boluk
3:00 CELL 65. Synthesis and properties of fatty
acid esters of technical lignins for biorefinery applications. K. Koivu, H. Sadeghifar,
P. Nousiainen, D. Argyropoulos, J. Sipila
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 CELL 66. Single step functionalization of
cellulose to produce bacterial cellulose-reinforced derivatised all-cellulose nanocomposites. K. Lee, A. Bismarck
4:15 CELL 67. Polymer-grafting or adsorption
of amphiphilic block copolymers different
approaches to compatibilization in CNFbased nanocomposites. E.E. Malmstrm,
C. Bruce, L. Fogelstrm, M.K. Johansson,
A. Carlmark
4:45 CELL 68. Cellulose surfaces modified by
latex particles prepared via RAFT-mediated
emulsion polymerization. A. Carlmark,
L.K. Carlsson, E.E. Malmstrom, L. Wagberg,
J. Engstrm, F. Hatton, M. Jawerth, C. Freire,
F. DAgosto, M. Lansalot
5:15 CELL 69. Model cellulose surfaces to
characterize (bio)polymer interaction:
Designing the interphase. G. Garnier, J. Su,
C. Garvey, W. Batchelor, W. Raverty
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 406

Lignin Biosynthesis, Characterization and

Lignin Characterization
C. Crestini, Organizer
T. Tamminen, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 70. Why laboratory standard is not

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

good enough in GPC-analyses of lignins.

H. Lange, F. Rulli, C. Crestini
2:00 CELL 71. Enzyme surface hydrophobicity predicts enzyme adsorption to lignin
films. D. Sammond, J. Yarbrough, E. Manseld,
Y.J. Bomble, M. Resch, J.J. Bozell, M.E. Himmel,
M.F. Crowley

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Application of Computational Chemistry

to Biomass Chemistry and Utilization
Cellulose Degradation and Conversion
S. C. Chmely, T. J. Elder, Organizers
P. Ciesielski, Presiding
1:30 CELL 78. Solvation dynamics and

energetics of hydride transfer reactions in

cellulosic biomass conversion. S. Mushrif,
C. BK, J.J. Varghese
2:00 CELL 79. Frequency filtration to obtain
realistic thermal vibrations in crystal from
molecular dynamics. Y. Ogawa, Y. Nishiyama,
K. Mazeau
2:30 CELL 80. Mechanism of alkyl and alkaline
earth chloride-enhanced hydrolysis of cellulose in acid solutions. P. Chen, B. Rabideau,
A.E. Ismail
3:00 CELL 81. Computational targets for
reaction pathways and energetics of
cellulose conversion to fuels and chemicals.
P.J. Dauenhauer
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 CELL 82. Interference trinity: Lignins role
in biomass recalcitrance explored through
petascale simulation. J.V. Vermaas, X. Qi,
R. Schulz, L. Petridis, J.C. Smith
4:10 CELL 83. Unmasking the mystery base
employed by the T. reesei Cel6A cellulase.
H. Mayes, B. Knott, M.F. Crowley, A.W. Goetz,
J. Sthlberg, L.J. Broadbelt, G. Beckham
4:40 CELL 84. Role of water on metal catalyst
performance for ketone hydrogenation: A joint experimental and theoretical study on levulinic acid conversion
into gamma-valerolactone. C. Michel,
J. Zaffran, A.M. Ruppert, J. Matras-Michalska,
M. Jedrzejczyk, J. Grams, P. Sautet
5:10 CELL 85. Multiscale modeling of the
interfacial structure in xylan/cellulose nanocomposites. K. Mazeau, P. Perre, l. Li, X. Frank

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Advances in Lignocellulosic Materials and

Chemistry: A Tribute to W.G. Glasser
G. Garnier, S. Kelley, T. G. Rials, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
CELL 86.

Macroalgae as filler in thermoplastic

composites: Opportunities and weaknesses. M. Bulota, T. Budtova
CELL 88. Where are the gauche-gauche-CH2OH
groups in cellulose I materials? U.P. Agarwal
CELL 90. Study of nitrogen fixation by condensation of urea on hydrothermally treated
corncob. J.A. Cordoba Arias, E. Salcedo Prez,
R. Manriquez Gonzalez, E. Delgado

CELL 93.

Analysis of recalcitrant lignin structures to understand the impact of alkaline

hydrothermal pretreatment on enzyme
digestibility. L. Xiao, Y. Bai, X. Chen, Z. Xue,
R. Sun
CELL 94. Synthesis and characterization of
novel green wood adhesives from biorefinery lignin. P.S. Dongre, M. Driscoll, J. Smith,
T. Amidon, B. Bujanovic
CELL 96. Properties of regenerated bamboo
fibers prepared from raw materials with
different hemicellulose content. J. Chen,
K. Wang, F. Xu, R. Sun
CELL 99. Structural characterization of
annealed bacterial cellulose by SFG,
FTIR and XRD. Y. Weng, K. Kae, S.H. Kim,
J.M. Catchmark
CELL 101. Microwave-assisted carbonization
of bamboo by wet torrefaction in diluted
acid. M. Li, Y. Shen, J. Sun, C. Chen, X. Li,
R. Sun
CELL 102. Production of furfural from hemicelluloses in biphasic system by highly
efficient and recyclable magnetic solid acid
from glucose. Y. Bai, L. Xiao, X. Chen, R. Sun
CELL 105. Systematic evaluation on degradation products during hydrothermal
pretreatment of sweet sorghum basis for
biorefinery. S. Sun
CELL 107. Sustainable bitumen. T. Slaghek,
D.V Vliet, I. Haaksman, C. Giesen
CELL 109. Physical and structural changes in
cellulose microfibrils responsible for enzymatic hydrolysis rate deactivation studied
by FTIR, XRD, XPS and SFG. K. Kae,
C. Lee, H. Shin, S.H. Kim, S. Park
CELL 111. Impact of fractionation time on
thermal and chemical properties of organosolv lignins. J. Tao, O. Hosseinaei, P. Kim,
D.P. Harper, J.J. Bozell, T.G. Rials, N. Labbe
CELL 112. In situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of
lignin for production of phenols using oxide
catalysts. V. Nair, V. R
CELL 115. All-cellulose composites from partial
periodate oxidation and thermal crosslinking. N. Guigo, A. Codou, L. Heux, N. Sbirrazzuoli
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

General Posters
Cosponsored by CARB
C. E. Frazier, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
CELL 87.

Use of micro-structured cellulose

from soybean hulls as coating additives
for paper. A. Ferrer, C.L. Salas, T.W. Theyson,
O.J. Rojas
CELL 89. Bioinspired xyloglucan-containing films as responsive smart materials.
A. Villares, C. Moreau, B. Cathala
CELL 91. Cellulose nanoparticles from new
sources agricultural wastes: Apple tree
(Malus domestica) pruning residues and pea
(Pisum sativum) stalks. A. Garcia, A. Gandini,
J. Labidi, N. Belgacem, J. Bras
CELL 92. Hybrid composites with microcrystalline cellulose, lignin, and polyethylene.
A. Treimanis, M. Laka, J. Ganster, J. Erdmann,
L. Ziegler
CELL 95. Sulfite pretreatment of post-enzymatic hydrolysis softwood residue to
enhance saccharification and produce lignosulfonates. B. Jeuck, O.J. Rojas, H. Jameel
CELL 97. Process simulation of biomass
fast-pyrolysis into transportation fuels:
Model sensitive to variations in biomass
chemical composition. C.E. Aizpurua, H. Kim,
H. Jameel, M. Wright, S.S. Kelley, S. Park
CELL 98. Characterization and evaluation of
the lignin from one-pot HDA process for
chemical transformation of biomass into
hydrocarbons. C. Yoo, S. Zhang, H. Kim,
J. Zeng, J. Ralph, Z. Tong, X. Pan
CELL 100. Study on the characteristics of two
marine oil-degraded yeasts and their utilization for carbon source spectrum of crude
oil. C. Ma, J. Liu, N. Ma, X. Mou, N. He

CELL 103.

Novel production of furfural from

biomass based on hot water extracted pentoses. C.D. Wood, B. Bujanovic, T. Amidon
CELL 104. Cooxidant-free TEMPO-mediated
oxidation of highly crystalline Cladophora
nanocellulose. D.O. Carlsson, J. Lindh,
L. Nyholm, M. Stromme, A. Mihranyan
CELL 106. Potential for enhancement of
enzymatic hydrolysis of sugar maple (Acer
saccharum). M.A. Uygut, M. Zelie, C.D. Wood,
D.B. Corbett, P.S. Dongre, B. Bujanovic
CELL 108. Structures of carboxylated cellulose
fibers fates of S1, S2, and S3 layers.
G. Sim, M.N. Alam, L. Godbout, T.G. van de Ven
CELL 110. Development of 3 drug combination
formulations with cellulose esters for the
effective oral treatment of HIV. H. Arca,
D. Dahal, K.J. Edgar
CELL 113. Magnetic responsive hybrid paper
materials that react to external magnetic
fields. H. Wang, M. Biesalski
CELL 114. Effect of different ratio of CMC and
Eu(III) on the fluorescence properties and
structures of CMC/Eu nanocomposites.
B. Wang, J. Ye, J. Xiong
CELL 116. One-pot formation of 2,3-dialdehyde cellulose (DAC) beads.
J. Lindh, D.O. Carlsson, C. Ruan, M. Stromme,
A. Mihranyan
CELL 117. Interactions between cellulose surfaces and cellulases from different origins
studied by QCM. J. Song, Y. Li, O.J. Rojas
CELL 118. Isolation and structural analysis
of novel sulphur-free lignin fraction from
non-wood plant materials. J. Sipila, J. Kontro,
P. Nousiainen, Y. Mlkki
CELL 119. Vibrational sum-frequency-generation (SFG) spectroscopy study of cellulose
microfibril orientation and assembly in
onion epidermis and reaction woods.
K. Kae, X. Xi, R. Shi, C. Lee, A. Mittal, S. Park,
B.R. Tittmann, V. Chiang, D. Cosgrove, Y. Park,
S.H. Kim
CELL 120. Determination of the molecular
weight distribution of highly oxidized
dialdehyde cellulose by size exclusion
chromatography. I. Sulaeva, T. Rosenau,
A. Potthast, K. Klinger
CELL 121. Nanofibrillation of dried pulp in
NaOH solutions and their regenerations.
K. Abe
CELL 122. Characterization of cellulose nanofibrils sheet mixed with synthetic or natural
pulp fiber. K. Sim, H. Youn, J. Lee, H. Lee
CELL 123. Theoretical models of electron
transfer processes in LPMOs and model
peptide systems. L. Berstis, M.F. Crowley,
G. Beckham
CELL 124. Continuous hydrolysis of
carboxymethyl cellulose with cellulase
aggregates trapped inside membranes.
L. Nguyen, K. Yang
CELL 125. Novel materials from wood component. L.K. Carlsson, P. Martirez, M. Helander,
A. Lopz Cabezas, O. Schmidt
CELL 126. Production of nanocellulose through
hydrolysis without mineral acids using
sub-critical water. L. Pereira Novo, A. Garcia,
A. da Silva Curvelo, N. Belgacem, J. Bras
CELL 127. New nanohybrid materials from
sugar cane bagasse: The role of acid
hydrolysis. L. Diaz, R. Hernandez Ortiz, M. Tete,
E. Mata, E. Sosa, R. Atencio
CELL 128. Imaging cellulose nanocrystals
by transmission electron spectroscopy.
M. Kaushik, W. Chen, T.G. Van De Ven,
A.H. Moores
CELL 129. Evaluation of various parameters
in the production of whey protein concentrate-based films. M. Vquez, M. Molina
Cordoba, M. Esquivel Alfaro, M. Montero Calderon
CELL 130. Immobilization of glucose oxidase in
cellulose supports. M.L. Auad, R.A. Ballestero,
O. Nordness, M. Arugula, A.L. Simonian
CELL 131. Thermal protection of vitamins
B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 with bacterial
nanocellulose. M. Osorio Delgado, D. Sanchez,
J. Velsquez-Cock, R. Zuluaga Gallego, P. Gan,
C. Jimnez, O.J. Rojas, L. Velez-Acosta,
B. Gmez, C. Castro Herazo

CELL 132.

Effects of time, temperature, and

pH on the Interconversion of cellulose I to
cellulose II. M. Islam, C.J. Huntley, W.E. Collier,
M.L. Curry
CELL 133. Polymeric functionalized beads from
alginate for targeted release of auxin into
water. M. Li, G. Buschle-Diller, T.J. Elder
CELL 134. Moisture and solvent responsive
cellulose/SiO2 nanocomposite materials.
M. He, B. Duan, L. Zhang
CELL 135. Paper-based microfluidics for typing
of primary and secondary human blood
groups in text. M. Li, W. Then, J. Tian,
W. Shen
CELL 136. In vitro synthesis of cellulose under
various conditions. P.A. Penttil, J. Sugiyama,
T. Imai
CELL 137. Method for studies of oxidoreductase catalyzed oxidation of synthetic lignin
in presence of co-oxidants. P. Nousiainen,
J. Kontro, H. Manner, A. Hatakka, J. Sipila
CELL 138. Regenerated cellulosic fiber from
ionic liquid-waste cotton solution by dry-jet
wet spinning. S. Asaadi, M. Hummel, H. Sixta
CELL 139. Evaluation of nanocelluloses
as flooding additives for the petroleum
industry. S.N. Molnes, K. Syverud, S. Strand,
K.G. Paso
CELL 140. Modification and optimization of
cellulose nanocrystal-latex interactions.
S. Kedzior, Z. Dastjerdi, M.A. Dub, E.D. Cranston
CELL 141. Structural stability of the molecular
chain sheets composing the crystal structures of cellulose allomorphs: A theoretical
study. T. Uto, T. Yui
CELL 142. Characterization of noncrystalline
regions in regioselectively methylated cellulosic films using vapor-phase deuteration
and generalized 2D correlation infrared
spectroscopy. Y. Hishikawa, T. Kondo
CELL 143. Density functional theory calculations on concerted lignin pyrolysis mechanisms. T.J. Elder, A. Beste
CELL 144. Effect of urea as an additive in the
alkali pretreatment of cellulose I to cellulose
II. V. Uniyal, P. Gupta, S. Naithani
CELL 145. Iridescent 3D structures produced
by evaporation of droplets of cellulose
nanocrystal suspensions. X. Mu, D.G. Gray
CELL 146. 3D nanofiber scaffolds of bacterial
cellulose and chitosan generated from
solution blowing spinning using an airbrush.
X. Yin, L.A. Lucia, A. Nandgaonkar
CELL 147. Hydrophobic functionalization
of jute fabric via enzymatic grafting of
octadecylamine. X. Fan, A. Dong, Q. Wang,
P. Wang, J. Yuan
CELL 148. Textile fibers from recycled waste
materials. Y. Ma, S. Asaadi, M. Maattanen,
A. Sarkilahti, M. Hummel, A. Harlin, H. Sixta
CELL 149. Hemicellulose-based hydrogel
containing Ag nanoparticles for antibacterial
application. Y. Guan, F. Peng, R. Sun
CELL 150. Antibacterial cellulose acetate
films containing N-halamine modified
nanocrystalline cellulose. Y. Liu, X. Ren,
G. Buschle-Diller
CELL 151. Direct chemical modificationand
separation of biomass components using
ionic liquids based organocatalysts.
Y. Shibata, R. Kakuchi, K. Takahashi
CELL 152. Preparation of butyl levulinate
through the acid catalysed solvolysis of
cellulose using a single reaction process.
Y. Hishikawa, M. Yamaguchi, S. Kubo, T. Yamada
CELL 153. Effect of molecular weight and chain
length on surface and interfacial tension,
emulsification and cleaning properties
of polysaccharide-based surfactants
derived from pectin. Z. Mohd Aris, V. Bavishi,
N. Tchirkova, R. Nagarajan

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau
Advances in Lignin Chemistry and Analysis
of Polysaccharides
F. Liebner, L. Lucia, A. Potthast, Organizers
D. O. Klemm, M. Tenkanen, Presiding
8:00 CELL 154. Update on Zip-lignins:

Lignins designed for deconstruction.

J. Ralph, F. Lu, S.D. Karlen, D. Padmakshan,
M. Regner, R. Smith, H. Kim, Y. Zhu, J. Rencoret,
J. Grabber, C.G. Wilkerson, J.C. Sedbrook,
S. Manseld
8:30 CELL 155. Cross-coupling and oxidation
of novel lignin monomers with conventional
monolignols. T.J. Elder, J. Ralph
9:00 CELL 156. Recent advances in lignin
chemistry. M. Balakshin
9:30 CELL 157. Multistep lignin degradation
method for the isolation of lignin-carbohydrate-complex (LCC) bonding sites.
D. Ando, F. Nakatsubo, T. Takano, H. Yano
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 158. Determination of molecular
mass and molecular mass distribution
of TEMPO-oxidized celluloses (TOCs)
and TOC nanofibrils (TOCNs) using SECMALLS. R. Hiraoki, Y. Ono, T. Saito, A. Isogai
10:45 CELL 159. Recent advances in biorefinery process stream analysis. A. Potthast
11:15 CELL 160. Mass spectrometry analysis of structural details in
O-acetylglucuronoxylans. S. Chong,
P. Tuomainen, M. Juvonen, M. Derba-Maceluch,
E. Mellerowicz, M. Tenkanen
11:45 CELL 161. Cellulose degradation during
deformation processing and analytics.
T. Roeder, G. Kliba, W. Milacher, G. Kraft,
A. Potthast, T. Rosenau

11:10 CELL 170. Silver nanoparticles synthesis

mediated by cellulose nanocrystals: Role

of surface chemistry in nucleation phenomena. K. Uddin, A.R. Lokanathan, J. Laine,
O.J. Rojas
11:30 CELL 171. Nanocomposites from
holocellulose and silver with enhanced
antimicrobial activity. L. Fu, F. Deng, M. Ma
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Advances in Lignocellulosic Materials and

Chemistry: A Tribute to W.G. Glasser
Advanced Materials from Lignocellulosics
G. Garnier, T. G. Rials, Organizers
S. Kelley, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 CELL 172. Biobased materials from lignocellulosic fibers: A brief overview. E. Frollini,
B. Rodrigues, E. Ramires, F. de Oliveira, I. Razera,
R. Passos de Oliveira Santos
8:30 CELL 173. Efficient adsorbents based on

Section B

nanoporous carbon fibers from cellulosic

precursors. D. Berek, I. Novak, K. Munka
9:00 CELL 174. Curing behavior and bond
performance of wood adhesive from enzymatic hydrolysis residues of lignocellulosic
biomass. I. Hafez, H. Yang, W.T. Tze
9:30 CELL 175. Electrospinning of lignin based
composite nanofibers with nanocrystalline
celluloses. M. Cho, F.K. Ko, S.H. Renneckar
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 176. Preparation and properties of
composite Lyocell fibers using hemicelluloses as regulator. J. Chen, Y. Guan, K. Wang,
F. Xu, R. Sun
10:45 CELL 177. Repeated homogenization, a
route for decreasing the energy consumption in the nanofibrillated cellulose manufacturing process? A. Naderi, T. Lindstrm
11:15 CELL 178. Recent advances in cellulose
ester performance and applications.
J.D. Goodrich
11:45 CELL 179. Biopolymer modification:
Converting biopolymers into processable
thermoplastics. W.G. Glasser
12:15 Concluding Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Section D

Functional Lignocellulosics and


Colorado Convention Center

Room 406

T. Nypel, S. Spirk, Organizers

I. Filpponen, M. S. Peresin, Organizers, Presiding

Lignin Biosynthesis, Characterization and


8:00 CELL 162. Functionalization of nanocellu-

Degradative Routes for Lignin Valorisation

loses by supramolecular motifs to combine

competing properties. J.R. McKee, E. Appel,
E. Janacek, H. Tenhu, E. Kontturi, O.A. Scherman,
O.T. Ikkala
8:30 CELL 163. Controlling the elastic modulus
of cellulose nanofibril hydrogels scaffolds with potential in tissue engineering. K. Syverud, S.R. Pettersen, K.I. Draget,
G. Chinga-Carrasco
8:50 CELL 164. Aerogels and foams from
cellulose nanocrystals as superabsorbents,
shape recovery materials, and templates.
X. Yang, Z. Hu, E.D. Cranston
9:10 CELL 165. Biocompatible cellulose-based
cell scaffolds: Generation of interconnected
micron-size pores embedded in frameworks
of nanoporous PMMA-reinforced cellulose
struts. N. Pircher, D. Fischhuber, L. Carbajal
Galan, C. Strau, J. Nedelec, C. Kasper,
T. Rosenau, F. Liebner
9:30 CELL 166. Photoactive materials for
wound care purposes based on bacterial
cellulose. H. Hettegger, S. Sortino, A. Potthast,
T. Rosenau
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 CELL 167. Functionalization of cellulose
nanofibril surfaces to enhance crystallization and mechanical properties of poly-llactide. S. Fujisawa, T. Saito, A. Isogai
10:30 CELL 168. Phase behavior of water-in-oil
emulsions stabilised solely by hydrophobised bacterial cellulose nanofibrils. K. Lee,
J. Blaker, R. Murakami, J.Y. Heng, A. Bismarck
10:50 CELL 169. Withdrawn.

C. Crestini, T. Tamminen, Organizers

R. Gosselink, Presiding
8:00 CELL 180. Willow as a potential source
of lignin raw material. T. Tamminen,
A.M. Koskinen, T. Vuorinen
8:30 CELL 181. New mutiplexed assay for
lignin depolymerization. M. Kent, I. Avina,
N. Rader, V. Chavez, M. Busse
9:00 CELL 182. Sub- and supercritical water

liquefaction of alkali lignin in presence of

carbon dioxide and ammonia. A. NumanAl-Mobin, C. Lynde, P. Kolla, D.J. Dixon,
A. Kubatova, A. Smirnova
9:30 CELL 183. Lignin oxidation depolymerization using graphene oxide as a metal-free
catalyst. J. Zeng, Z. Tong
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 184. Catalytic hydrogen-free
conversion of lignin in key aromatics.
R. Gosselink
10:45 CELL 185. Metal-organic frameworks
as selective catalysts for carbon-oxygen
bond cleavage in lignin model compounds.
V. Stavila, K. Leong, R. Parthasarathi, K. Sale,
R. Davis, M. Allendorf
11:15 CELL 186. Comparative separation and
characterization of lignin by catalytic hydrothermal pretreatment with metal chlorides.
M. Wu, X. Zhang, R. Sun
11:45 CELL 187. Correlating structural features
of lignin with physical properties: Toward a
descriptive-predictive database. H. Lange,
O. Sevastyanova, C. Crestini



Section E

Section B

4:10 CELL 218. Dissolution and reaction of

Polymeric Biomaterials

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Frontiers in Glycoscience

Functional Lignocellulosics and


lignin in ionic liquids: A computational

mechanistic study. B.G. Janesko
4:40 CELL 219. Theoretical understanding
of biomass dissolution and dissociation in acidic and basic ionic liquids.
P. Ramakrishnan
5:10 CELL 220. Molecular simulation of hydrolysis reactions to engineer more efficient
biomass conversion. K. Fleming, J. Pfaendtner

Novel Polymeric Biomaterials: Synthesis,

Modication and Fabrication
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by CELL

Synthesis and Functions

Cosponsored by CARB and DAC

I. Filpponen, M. S. Peresin, S. Spirk, Organizers

K. J. Edgar, L. Wang, Organizers

L. C. Hsieh-Wilson, Presiding

T. Nypel, Organizer, Presiding

C. A. Carrillo, Presiding

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:30 CELL 202. High consistency fibrillation of

8:15 CELL 188. Integrated approach to

uncover ligands for heparan sulfate binding

proteins. G. Boons
8:45 CELL 189. Proteoglycan mimics:

Glycoscience opportunities in nanobiomaterials. M. Kipper

9:15 CELL 190. Gagomers: Safe, lipid-basednanoparticle clusters coated with a
glycosaminoglycan for systemic delivery
of therapeutic payloads. D. Peer
9:45 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 191. Carbohydrate signaling in the
brain. L.C. Hsieh-Wilson
10:45 CELL 192. Carbohydrate biosynthetic
enzymes for one-pot multienzyme (OPME)
chemoenzymatic synthesis of glycans and
glycoconjugates. X. Chen
11:15 CELL 193. Using chemistry to identify
and characterize O-GlcNAcylated proteins.
M. Pratt
Biomass to Fuel and Products
Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored by CELL,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau
Novel Cellulosic Materials and Medical
L. Lucia, A. Potthast, Organizers
F. Liebner, Organizer, Presiding
D. G. Gray, Presiding
1:30 CELL 194. Nanoscale natural recourses

important to life: Surface design of biotech

nanocellulose hydrogels for applications
as medical implants and tissue engineering
scaffolds. D.O. Klemm, W. Fried, F. Kramer,
S. Nietzsche, K. Petzold-Welcke, T. Richter,
U. Udhardt
2:00 CELL 195. Preparation of nanocellulosic
biointerfaces. E.I. Filpponen, H. Orelma,
L.O. Morales, M. Vuoriluoto, O.J. Rojas
2:30 CELL 196. Functional cellulose microspheres for pharmaceutical applications.
P.E. Fardim
3:00 CELL 197. Surface modification of nanocellulose to rngineer responsive materials.
Y. Zhang, J.O. Zoppe, O.J. Rojas
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 CELL 198. Ioncell-F: A high-strength
regenerated cellulose fiber. H. Sixta,
L.K. Hauru, S. Asaadi, Y. Ma, A. King, M. Hummel,
I. Kilpelainen
4:15 CELL 199. Revisiting regenerated
cellulose fibers. S.J. Eichhorn, S. Rahatekar,
T. Welton, K.D. Potter, A. Bismarck,
N. Wanasekara
4:45 CELL 200. Cellulose man-made fibers
reinforcing bio-based thermoplastics the
role of fiber diameter and fiber-matrix interphase. J. Ganster, E. Jens, H. Fink
5:15 CELL 201. Polysaccharides and blends for
enhanced drug delivery. X. Meng, J.A. Marks,
H. Liu, G. Ilevbare, L. Taylor, K.J. Edgar

Cooperative Cosponsorship

pulps with enzymes benefits and application foresights. J.J. Pere

1:50 CELL 203. Customizing the mechanical
performance of water stable TEMPO oxidized cellulose nanofibril films. M. Hakalahti,
A. Salminen, J. Seppl, T. Tammelin,
T.A. Hanninen
2:10 CELL 204. Polyelectrolyteinterdigitation
across interfaces and wet adhesion:
Influence of polyvinylamine on wet adhesion
between cellulose model surfaces modified
with carboxymethylcellulose. E. Gustafsson,
L. Wagberg, R.H. Pelton
2:30 CELL 205. Versatile modification of
cellulose by UV-induced surface-initiated
ATRP. E.E. Malmstrm, E. Larsson, T. Kaldus,
S. Pendergraph, A. Carlmark
2:50 CELL 206. Nanomechanical properties of
single pulp fibers. N. Nordgren, V. Wallqvist,
M. Fredlund
3:10 CELL 207. Assessment of paper
topography by confocal laser scanning
microscopy and image analysis. R. Kargl,
D. Horvat, A. Dobaj-tiglic, A. Kornherr, G. Drexler,
D. Mongus, B. Zalik, K. Stana-Kleinschek
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 CELL 208. Agroindustrial residues as
alternative sources for nanocellulose production. M.S. Peresin, P. Lahtinen, J. Vartiainen,
T. Hnninen, S. Liukkonen, J.J. Pere, T. Tammelin
4:10 CELL 209. Microwave-assisted synthesis
of cellulose and alkali earth metal fluorides
(MF2, M=Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba) nanocomposites.
F. Deng, L. Fu, M. Ma
4:30 CELL 210. Electrospun cellulose acetate
fibers used as templates of fabrication
of tubular micro-meso silica materials for
controllable drug release. J. Song, C. Jia,
Y. Jin, Q. Cheng, Y. Li
4:50 CELL 211. Carbon fibers from polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs).
H. Chang, A. Chien, H.C. Liu, B.A. Newcomb,
P. Wang, S. Kumar
5:10 CELL 212. CNT incorporated lignin/PAN
composite carbon fibers. H.C. Liu, A. Chien,
B.A. Newcomb, Y. Liu, S. Kumar
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Application of Computational Chemistry

to Biomass Chemistry and Utilization
S. C. Chmely, T. J. Elder, Organizers
B. Knott, Presiding
1:30 CELL 213. Understanding lignin acidolysis

with aryl-ether model compounds: A

combined DFT and microkinetic study.
A. Pelzer, M. Sturgeon, A. Yanez-McKay,
G. Chupka, M. OBrien, R. Katahira, G. Beckham,
L.J. Broadbelt
2:00 CELL 214. Modifications to the structure
and dynamics of lignin under THF-water
co-solvent systems. M.D. Smith, X. Cheng,
L. Petridis, B. Mostoan, J.C. Smith
2:30 CELL 215. Modeling coupling reactions
for upgrading biomass pyrolysis vapor.
M.R. Nimlos, S. Kim, L. Bu, D. Robichaud,
G. Beckham, G.A. Ferguson
3:00 CELL 216. Mesoscale simulations of
biomass conversion processes using particle models with explicit, species-specific
microstructure. P. Ciesielski, M.F. Crowley,
M.R. Nimlos, B. Donohoe, T. Foust
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 CELL 217. Catalyst support effects in the
carbon-oxygen bond cleavage of lignin
degradation products. G.A. Ferguson,
M. Grifn, S. Habas, D. Ruddy, J.A. Schaidle,
M. Biddy, G. Beckham

Section D

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 406


Lignin Biosynthesis, Characterization

and Modications

8:00 - 10:00
87, 90, 93-96, 98, 100, 103, 105, 109, 110-112, 115,
116, 119-120, 126-127, 130, 133, 135-136, 145,
148, 153. See previous listings.

Value-added Products from Lignin

C. Crestini, T. Tamminen, Organizers
D. Da Silva Perez, Presiding
1:30 CELL 221. Structural characteristics of

industrial lignins in respect to their valorization. T. Liiti, S. Rovio, R. Talja, T. Tamminen,

J. Renocoret, A. Gutirrez, J. del Ro, B. Saake,
K. Schwarz, J. Gravitis, M. Orlandi
2:00 CELL 222. Features of different lignin
sources for adhesives and aromatic
chemicals production. D. Da Silva Perez,
V. Rousseau-Popa, F. Ham-Pichavant, S. Grelier,
A. Guillemain, S. Tapin-Lingua, C. Crestini
2:30 CELL 223. Methyl isobutyl ketone/ethanol
organosolv lignin: Characterization and
conversion to carbon fiber. O. Hosseinaei,
D.P. Harper, J.J. Bozell, T.G. Rials
3:00 CELL 224. Macromolecular characterization of plastics with 85100% levels of
methylated native softwood lignin. Y. Wang,
Y. Chen, S. Sarkanen
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 CELL 225. Laccase-catalyzed synthesis
of conducting polyaniline-lignosulfonate
composite. Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Fan, P. Wang,
J. Yuan
4:15 CELL 226. Preparation of water-soluble
lignin polyoxyethylene ether by epoxidation
and etherification. C. Chen, X. Li, M. Li, R. Sun
4:45 CELL 227. Utilization of biorefinery technical lignins on lignin-phenol-formaldehyde
resin adhesives. S. Yang, T. Yuan, R. Sun
5:15 CELL 228. Novel functional lignins as
building blocks in preparation of polyurethane materials. J. Dietz, M. Biesalski,
M. Duetsch, O. Ringena, S. Valkonen
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Control of Sequence and Regiochemistry
Cosponsored by CARB and DAC
L. Wang, Organizer
K. J. Edgar, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 229. Sugars and proteins: Exploring

and exploiting sugar chemical biology.

B.G. Davis
2:00 CELL 230. Synthesis and properties of

end-functionalized methyl cellulose derivatives: Bridging the gap between oligoand polysaccharides. H. Kamitakahara,
A. Nakagawa, R. Suhara, M. Yamagami,
H. Kawano, T. Takano
2:30 CELL 231. Regioselective synthesis
of polysaccharide derivatives. X. Zheng,
R. Zhang, J. Pereira, K.J. Edgar
3:00 CELL 232. Synthesis and biological
evaluation of carbohydrate-functionalized
polymers. H.M. Nguyen
3:30 Intermission.
4:00 CELL 233. Bioengineering of third generation chitosans. B.M. Moerschbacher
4:30 CELL 234. Understanding and manipulating cellulase glycosylation. Z. Tan
5:00 CELL 235. Glycosynthase technology for
enzymatic synthesis of functional polysaccharides. A. Planas

C. E. Frazier, Organizer

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau
Aerogels and Nanostructured Celluloses
F. Liebner, L. Lucia, A. Potthast, Organizers
T. J. Heinze, A. Isogai, Presiding
8:00 CELL 236. Highly porous cellulose:
Aerogels vs. cryogels. N. Buchtova,
T. Budtova
8:30 CELL 237. Photoluminiscent and

transparent cellulose-based aerogels and

films carrying covalently immobilized coreshell quantum dots. F. Liebner, H. Wang,
S. Plappert, S. Quraishi, N. Pircher, T. Rosenau
9:00 CELL 238. Novel insights into the
development of nanocomposites based on
cellulose nanofibers. C. Freire, A. Silvestre,
C. Pascoal Neto
9:30 CELL 239. Honeycomb-patterned cellulose films as a promising tool to investigate
deformation of wood crossSection and
wood cell wall formation. Y. Uraki, Q. Li,
T.B. Bardant, K. Koda
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 240. High-added value materials
with cellulose nanocrystals. C. Weder
10:45 CELL 241. Effects of structure of
cellulose in solid state on functions and
properties of composite materials. L. Zhang,
Q. Wang, J. Guo, A. Lu
11:15 CELL 242. Surface chemistry and
characterisation of cellulose nanocrystals.
S. Eyley, W. Thielemans
11:45 CELL 243. Formation of chiral nematic
films from cellulose nanocrystal suspensions is a two-stage process. X. Mu,
D.G. Gray
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Functional Lignocellulosics and

I. Filpponen, T. Nypel, S. Spirk, Organizers
M. S. Peresin, Organizer, Presiding
T. Tammelin, Presiding
8:00 CELL 244. Advanced polysaccharide

materials for biomedical applications.

M. Kureci
U. Maver, T. Mohan, R. Kargl, S. Spirk,
V. Ribitsch, K. Stana-Kleinschek
8:20 CELL 245. Construction of functional biomaterials of hemicellulose-chitosan. Y. Du,
S. Wu, X. Shi, H. Deng, A. Lu, L. Zhang
8:40 CELL 246. Thermal inducing self-assemble nanofibrils to construct chitin microspheres for tissue engineering. B. Duan,
L. Zhang
9:00 CELL 247. Antibacterial wound dressing
electrospun nanofibers from chitosan iodoacetamide. A.M. Abdelgawad, S. Hudson,
O.J. Rojas

9:20 CELL 248. Surface phthaloylation of chitin

8:50 CELL 265. Reinforcing capability of

2:30 CELL 280. Preparation and properties of

10:45 CELL 297. Degree of acetylation in

nanofiber in aqueous media to improve

dispersibility in and ultraviolet protection
properties. S. Ifuku, N. Suzuki
9:40 CELL 249. Chitosan modification via
nitroxide-mediated polymerization and
grafting to approach in homogeneous
media. O. Garca-Valdez, S. George, E. Saldivar,
M.F. Cunningham, P. Champagne
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 CELL 250. Synthesis of functional
sponges from nanofibrillated cellulose using
a silylation process in water. P. Tingaut,
T. Zimmermann, G. Sbe
10:40 CELL 251. Functionalization of nanofibrillated cellulose with alkoxysilanes in
water and reinforcing properties in PDMS
networks. G. Sbe, T. Zimmermann, P. Tingaut
11:00 CELL 252. Tailoring barrier-properties
of paper substrates using fiber-immobilized polyvinyl acetate copolymer. M. Graf,
M. Biesalski
11:20 CELL 253. Photocatalytic papers with
enhanced chemical stability in wet conditions. M.A. Biesalski, F. Loyal
11:40 CELL 254. Functionalization of nanofibrillated cellulose for improved wet strength
and biomedical applications. H. Mertaniemi,
O.T. Ikkala

cellulose nanofibrils (NFC) on nanopapers

from soybean hulls forms: Study of the
synergetic effects on the mechanical and
barrier properties. A. Ferrer, C.L. Salas,
T.W. Theyson, O.J. Rojas
9:15 CELL 266. Mill wood lignin interactions
with monocomponent cellulases. A. Pereira
Gonzalez, I.C. Hoeger, A. Ferrer, J. Renocoret,
J. del Ro, A.T. Martinez, A. Gutirrez, O.J. Rojas
9:40 Intermission.
9:55 CELL 267. Strategy for multidimensional
understanding of lignocellulose conversion
processes. C. Driemeier, M.T. Pimenta
10:20 CELL 268. Gelatin as renewable
source for new material production.
C. Pea-Rodriguez, G. Mondragon, A. Arbelaiz,
R. Ruseckaite, A. Eceiza
10:45 CELL 269. Lignin-additives-enzymes
interactions studied by QCM-D. C. Fritz,
A. Ferrer, C.L. Salas, H. Jameel, O.J. Rojas
11:10 CELL 270. Withdrawn.
11:35 Concluding Remarks.

photosensitizer-bounded cellulose derivatives. T. Takano, Y. Saito, H. Kamitakahara

3:00 CELL 281. Synthetic strategies for cellulosic diblock copolymers. H. Kamitakahara
3:30 CELL 282. Topochemical considerations
controlling the dynamics of cellulose
nanocrystal brush polymerization. C. Tian,
S. FU, Y. Habibi, L.A. Lucia
4:00 Intermission.
4:15 CELL 283. Cellulose in solid state and
solution: Structure, chemistry, and reaction
mechanisms. T. Rosenau
5:00 Concluding Remarks.

biopolymers: a novel analytical method.

T. Zweckmair, M. Becker, K. Ahn, H. Hettegger,
P. Kosma, T. Rosenau, A. Potthast
11:10 CELL 298. Reaction mechanisms
in pulp bleaching: H2O2 degradation of
2,5-dihydroxy-[1,4]-benzoquinone as a key
chromophore in aged cellulosics. T. Hosoya,
U. Henniges, A. Potthast, T. Rosenau
11:35 CELL 299. One-pot synthesis of levulinic
acid from cellulose in SO3H-functionalized
ionic liquids. Y. Shen, J.K. Sun, B. Wang,
F. Xu, R. Sun

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Smart and Responsive Composites from

Renewable Building Blocks
Cues from Nature: Environmentally-Triggered
Functionality in Biopolymers
Cosponsored by PMSE
Y. Habibi, Q. Lin, Organizers
L. A. Lucia, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 CELL 255. Smart and responsive molec-

ular ensembles from renewable building

blocks: Assemblies and properties. G. John
8:35 CELL 256. Multiresponsive polymer-grafted cellulose nanocrystals.
F. Azzam, E. Siqueira, J. Putaux, F. Pignon,
B. Jean
9:05 CELL 257. Withdrawn.
9:35 CELL 258. CO2-switchable polysaccharide
graft copolymers. Y. Huang, N. Che, R. Liu
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CELL 259. High strength chitosan
hydrogels fabricated from alkaline aqueous
solution. J. Duan
10:50 CELL 260. From a terminal olefin to functional groups: Olefin cross-metathesis and
hydroboration-oxidation in the synthesis of
novel cellulose esters. X. Meng, K.J. Edgar
11:20 CELL 261. Softwood hemicelluloses
promote the physical stability of oil-in-water
emulsions. K.S. Mikkonen, C. Berton-Carabin,
C. Xu, M. Tenkanen, K. Schron
11:50 CELL 262. Recycled thermoset waste/
polypropylene composites with enhanced
stiffness and impact resistance. O. Oguz,
E. Simsek, K. Bilge, Y.Z. Menceloglu
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Renewable Resources for Materials and

Energy: Recent Research and Developments
in Ibero-America
Adding Value to Lignin and Renewable
M. L. Auad, J. Campos-Teran, D. Petri, Organizers
O. El Seoud, O. J. Rojas, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 CELL 263. Ionic liquid/molecular solvent

mixtures as tailored media for cellulose

derivatization: Uncatalyzed- and imidazole-catalyzed acylation. O. El Seoud,
T.C. Teixeira, P.R. Pires, H. Nawaz, T.A. Bioni
8:25 CELL 264. Lignin-soy protein aerogels.
C.L. Salas, I.C. Hoeger, M. Ago, O.J. Rojas

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Characterization and Applications
Cosponsored by CARB and DAC
K. J. Edgar, L. Wang, Organizers
J. H. Prestegard, Presiding
8:00 CELL 271. Glycosylated proteins and

glycan binding: Insight into function using

NMR. J.H. Prestegard, Q. Gao, C. Chen
8:30 CELL 272. Photoregenerated cellulose:
From 2D patterns to 3D microfabrication.
A. Wolfberger, A. Petritz, V. Schmidt, R. Kargl,
B. Stadlober, K. Niegelhell, T. Griesser, S. Spirk
9:00 CELL 273. Glycan maps and quantitation
of glycoproteins. C.B. Lebrilla
9:30 Intermission.
10:00 CELL 274. Well-defined sugar-based
amphiphilic copolymers: From controlled
architectures to nanostructured materials.
S. Halila, I. Otsuka, R. BORSALI
10:30 CELL 275. Wood hydrolysates: From
fractions to products. A. Albertsson,
U.M. Edlund
11:00 CELL 276. Proteomics analysis of
sialylated glycoproteins identifies substrates for sialyltransferases and sialidases.
Y. Wang, J. McCombs, J.J. Kohler
Polymeric Biomaterials
Novel Polymeric Biomaterials: Synthesis,
Modication and Fabrication
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by CELL

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau
Organic Synthesis in Cellulose Science
F. Liebner, L. Lucia, Organizers
A. Potthast, Organizer, Presiding
K. J. Edgar, Presiding
1:00 CELL 277. Aligned cellulose nanowhis-

ker-based high-performance polymeric

proton conductors. M.M. Hasani-Sadrabadi,
E. Dashtimoghadam, F.S. Majedi, P. Renaud,
K.I. Jacob
1:30 CELL 278. Cellulose carbontes a
platform for novel cellulose derivatives.
T.J. Heinze
2:00 CELL 279. Synthesis, characterization,
and properties of cellulose derivatives
having an annular structure in the side
chains. C. Chang, Y. Teramoto, Y. Nishio

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Cosponsored by DAC
K. J. Edgar, Organizer
L. Wang, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 284. From biological glycosylation
to universal vaccine development. C. Wong
2:00 CELL 285. Entirely carbohydrate-based

cancer vaccines for disease prevention and

treatment. P.R. Andreana
2:30 CELL 286. SELMA and glycopeptide
mRNA display: Directed evolution of multivalent glycoclusters in HIV vaccine design.
I.J. Krauss
3:00 CELL 287. Site-specific chemoenzymatic
glycoengineering of therapeutic antibodies.
L. Wang
3:30 Intermission.
4:00 CELL 288. Fighting cancer with a sweet
bullet: The development of carbohydrate
based anticancer vaccines. X. Huang
4:30 CELL 289. Mapping the glycome with
systems-based analysis. L.K. Mahal
5:00 CELL 290. Targeting immune cells with
glycan ligands of siglecs. J.C. Paulson,
M.S. Macauley, R. McBride, C. Nycholat,
F. Pfrengle, W. Peng, S.L. Ingale, C. Rademacher,
C. Rillahan
Polymeric Biomaterials
Drug Delivery and Controlled Release
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by CELL

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Cellulose in Solid State and Solution

Structure, Chemistry and Reaction
Mechanisms: Anselme Payen Award
Symposium in Honor of Thomas Rosenau
Biomaterials, Cellulose Dissolution and
Analytical Aspects
F. Liebner, A. Potthast, Organizers
L. Lucia, Organizer, Presiding
T. Roeder, Presiding
8:00 CELL 291. Synthesis of cellulosic bottle-

brushes with regioselectively substituted

side chains and their self-assembly.
K. Sakakibara, Y. Kinose, Y. Tsujii
8:25 CELL 292. Withdrawn.
8:50 CELL 293. Preparation of cross-linked
cellulose nanofibril aerogel with water
absorbency and shape recovery. C. Kim,
H. Lee, H. Youn
9:15 CELL 294. Making fiber-fiber bonds
visible. J. Belle, S. Kleemann, J. Odermatt,
A. Olbrich
9:40 CELL 295. Zinc nitrate influences for promoting the dissolution of cellulose in NaOH
based aqueous solvent at low temperature.
S. Wang, A. Lu, L. Zhang
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CELL 296. Requirements for successful
cellulose fiber spinning from ionic liquid
solutions. M. Hummel, A. Michud, S. Asaadi,
Y. Ma, L.K. Hauru, H. Sixta

Section B

Functional Lignocellulosics and

T. Nypel, M. S. Peresin, Organizers
I. Filpponen, S. Spirk, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 CELL 300. Affibody functionalized

bacterial cellulose tubes for biofiltration

applications. H. Orelma, L.O. Morales,
L. Johansson, I.C. Hoeger, I. Filpponen, C. Castro,
J. Laine, O.J. Rojas
8:30 CELL 301. Triggering protein adsorption
on tailored cationic cellulose surfaces.
K. Niegelhell, T. Mohan, C. Zarth, R. Kargl,
S. Kstler, V. Ribitsch, T.J. Heinze, K. StanaKleinschek, S. Spirk
8:50 CELL 302. Modification of cellulose with
PDMAEMA-block-POEGMA copolymers
to control protein affinity for detection
and separation. M. Vuoriluoto, H. Orelma,
M. Poutanen, A. Walther, J. Laine, O.J. Rojas
9:10 CELL 303. Detection of human neutrophil
elastase with fluorescent peptide sensors
conjugated to nanocellulosic solid supports targeting wound care diagnostics.
K. Fontenot, J. Edwards, N. Prevost, D. Haldane
9:30 CELL 304. Interaction of biomolecules
with micro- and nanostructured polysaccharide interfaces. R. Kargl, M. Hribar,
M. Kolar, C. Cerny, T. Mohan, S. Spirk, V. Ribitsch,
K. Stana-Kleinschek
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 CELL 305. Lignin esters in cellulose
bicomponent thin films. S. Strasser, S. Spirk,
C. Slugovc, M. Kaschowitz, K. Niegelhell, T. Mohan
10:30 CELL 306. Valorization of lignins with
applications in nanostructured films.
B.M. Cerrutti, S.V. Harb, M.L. Moraes, P. Hammer,
S.H. Pulcinelli, C.V. Santilli
10:50 CELL 307. Flexibility of cellulose
nanocrystal networks in response to water
vapor. E. Niinivaara, M. Faustini, T. Tammelin,
H. Ehmann, S. Spirk, E. Kontturi
11:10 CELL 308. Deuterated cellulose
thin films challenges and surprises.
D. Reishofer, R. Kargl, H. Ehmann, R. Schennach,
S. Hribernik, A. Kornherr, K. Stana-Kleinschek,
S. Spirk
11:30 CELL 309. Cellulose thin films meet a
synchrotron beam: In situ observation of
rearrangement during regeneration and
drying using grazing incidence small angle
X-ray scattering. H. Ehmann, O. Werzer,
T. Mohan, A. Kornherr, K. Stana-Kleinschek,
H. Amenitsch, R. Resel, E. Kontturi, S. Spirk
11:50 CELL 310. Model wound dressing
materials thin films vs. electrospun fibers.
U. Maver, M. Kureci
T. Maver, T. Pivec, Z. Perin,
L. Gradinik, K. Stana-Kleinschek
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Smart and Responsive Composites from

Renewable Building Blocks
Innovative Film & Ordered Assemblies/
Advanced Nanoreactor Systems
Cosponsored by PMSE
Q. Lin, L. A. Lucia, Organizers
Y. Habibi, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 CELL 311. Nanocelluloses as versatile

platform of interactions for smart and

tunable thin films. B. Cathala, C. Moreau,
F. Azzam, P. Bertoncini, O. Chauvet



8:30 CELL 312. Synergistic templated self-as-

10:20 CELL 324. Deconstructing a natural fiber:

2:50 CELL 339. Fabrication and characteriza-

3:45 CELL 356. Regioselective preparation

sembly of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs)

in thin block copolymer films. D. Grolman,
J. Gilman, A. Karim
9:00 CELL 313. New concepts for molecular
engineering of macroscopic adhesion
between cellulose surfaces. A. Trager,
S. Pendergraph, A. Carlmark, L. Wagberg
9:30 CELL 314. Improved interfacial bonding
in cellulosic biocomposites with huminsbased furanic resins. N. Guigo, J. Pin, A. Mija,
L. Vincent, N. Sbirrazzuoli, J.C. van der Waals,
E. de Jong
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 315. Spray-dried microencapsulation of tea tree oil with a complex of methyl
cellulose/chitosan/alginate. J. Chen, X. Yin,
X. Wang, J. Chen, L. Zhu, L.A. Lucia
10:45 CELL 316. Photocatalytic and biocatalytic degradation of dye solution using
laccase and titanium dioxide loaded on
bacterial cellulose. A. Nandgaonkar, Q. Wang,
W. Krause, Q. Wei, L. Lucia
11:15 CELL 317. Enzymatic bio-fuel cells
based on bacterial cellulose (BC)/MWCNT/
laccase (Lac) and bacterial cellulose /
MWCNT/ glucose oxidase (GOD) electrodes. Q. Wang, A. Nandgaonkar, L. Lucia,
Q. Wei
11:45 CELL 318. Improved antibacterial
noatings with Nanotitania and cyclic
N-halamine. X. Ren, J. Li, L. Li, T. Huang

Physicochemical and structural properties

of cellulose nanofribils and nanocrystals
from Colombian fique plants. S.A. OvalleSerrano, L.F. Jaimes-Cote, C.P. Garca-Villamizar,
F.N. Gmez-Jaimes, C. Blanco-Tirado,
M.Y. Combariza
10:45 CELL 325. Collection and evaluation of
blended polypropylene banana tree rachis
fibers (Musa AAA). R. Zamora
11:10 CELL 326. Surface active materials
from functionalized fiques nanocrystalline
cellulose. F.N. Gmez-Jaimes, M.M. GonzlesBernal, C.F. Medina-Sandoval, J. Valencia,
M.Y. Combariza, C. Blanco-Tirado
11:35 CELL 327. QCM/SPR to study the
oxidation and removal of unsaturated
fatty acids from NFC and PET surfaces by
lipooxygenase treatment. A. H M.Tayeb,
O.J. Rojas, C.L. Salas, K.D. Wing
12:00 Concluding Remarks.

tion of cellulose functional materials using

ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium
acetate (EmimAc). J. Pang, X. Zhang,
Q. Zhang, M. Wu, R. Sun
3:15 CELL 340. Flexible route for solely
biomass-derived p-xylene and terephthalic
acid. F. Wang, Z. Tong
3:40 Intermission.
3:55 CELL 341. Cellulose nanocrystals as
reinforcing agent in melt-spinning of polypropylene. X. Lu
4:20 CELL 342. Continuous hydrothermal
liquefaction of cellulosic and lignocellulosic biomass. J. Billing, A. Schmidt, T. Hart,
G. Maupin, R.T. Hallen, D.C. Elliott
4:45 CELL 343. Overview of the catalyst and
process research and development efforts
related to the PNNL glycerol to propylene
glycol process. J. Frye, A. Zacher, T. Werpy
5:15 CELL 344. Award Address (ACS Award
for Affordable Green Chemistry sponsored
by The Dow Chemical Company and
endowed by Rohm and Haas). Scale up
challenges of first of a kind renewable
chemicals. T. Werpy, J. Frye, A. Zacher
5:45 Concluding Remarks.

of curdlan derivatives aminated at the

C-6 position for biomedical applications.
R. Zhang, K.J. Edgar
4:15 CELL 357. Macroscopic cellulose probes
for contact adhesion. S.A. Pendergraph,
C. Carrick, L. Wagberg, A. Carlmark,
M.K. Johansson, G. Klein, A. Trager
4:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 406

Renewable Resources for Materials and

Energy: Recent Research and Developments
in Ibero-America
Composites and Nanomaterials
J. Campos-Teran, O. El Seoud, D. Petri, O. J.
Rojas, Organizers
M. L. Auad, Organizer, Presiding
R. Christoph, J. Vega-Baudrit, Presiding
8:00 CELL 319. Renewable resources as pre-

cursors of biobased thermosetting resins.

M.L. Auad, B. Sibaja
8:25 CELL 320. Sisal pulp as raw material for
magnetic hybrid films and sugars. E. Frollini,
L. Varanda, A. de Oliveira, . Faceto, B. Rodrigues,
D. Furlan, D. de Moraes, J. Kaschuk
8:50 CELL 321. Biopolymers from tomato
agro-industrial residual wastes.
M.B. Gmez-Patio, J. Mndez-Mndez,
M. Jaramillo-Flores, J. Campos-Tern,
D. Arrieta-Baez
9:15 CELL 322. Formation and characterization of 10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoic
acid thin films extracted from tomato
residues. J. Hernndez-Ortz, M.B. GmezPatio, C. Ramos-Torres, D. Arrieta-Baez,
J. Campos-Tern
9:40 Intermission.
9:55 CELL 323. Functional lignins used as
curing agent in fiber-reinforced epoxy-materials. M.A. Biesalski, M. Baaske, S. Mehlhase,
R. Klein, S. Valkonen, M. Duetsch

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Cellulose Dissolution: New Solvents and

N. Abidi, E. L. Quitevis, Organizers, Presiding

Section B

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

8:05 CELL 328. Recent developments in

solvents for cellulose. T.J. Heinze
8:35 CELL 329. Interactions between cellulose
and small molecules. R. Liu, C. Zhang, Z. Liu,
Z. Jiang, Y. Huang
9:05 CELL 330. Mechanism and kinetics

1:30 CELL 345. Withdrawn.

Sensors and Medical Devices

Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by CELL

Colorado Convention Center

Room 405

Colorado Convention Center
Room 403

Cooperative Cosponsorship

I. Filpponen, S. Spirk, Organizers

T. Nypel, M. S. Peresin, Organizers, Presiding

of advantaged biofuels synthesis from

D-fructose. T. Flannelly, S. Dooley, J. Leahy
9:35 CELL 331. Biphasic process using molten
salt hydrates for chemical transformation
of lignocellulosic biomass into furan-based
chemicals. C. Yoo, S. Zhang, X. Pan
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CELL 332. Homogeneous saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass in molten
salt hydrates. N. Li, X. Pan
10:50 CELL 333. Energetically favored alternative hydrogen bond of cellulose II and
cellulose IIII. P. Chen, Y. Ogawa, Y. Nishiyama,
M. Bergenstrhle-Wohlert, K. Mazeau
11:20 CELL 334. Probing particle particle
interactions in swollen cellulose nanocrystal
thin films by surface plasmon resonance
spectroscopy. M.S. Reid, M. Villalobos,
E.D. Cranston
11:50 CELL 335. On the combination of NaOH
activation and DMAc/ LiCl dissolution of
cellulose from cotton fibers during different
stages of fiber development. S.P. Liyanage,
N. Abidi
12:20 Concluding Remarks.
Polymeric Biomaterials

Section A

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Functional Lignocellulosics and


ACS Award for Affordable Green Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of John Frye, Todd
Werpy, and Alan Zacher
Cosponsored by MPPG
C. E. Frazier, L. A. Lucia, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CELL 336. Chemical functionalization

and characterization of crystalline cellulose

derived from agricultural waste products.
C.J. Huntley, K.D. Crews, M.L. Curry
2:00 CELL 337. Isomerization of glucose to
fructose by magnetic organic basic catalysts in aqueous media. Q. Yang, T. Runge
2:25 CELL 338. Direct thermal processing of
cellulose plasticized with ionic liquids and
its composites as polymer electrolytes.
J. Wu, Y. Liao, Y. Ye, X. Zhou, B. Brycki, X. Xie

1:50 CELL 346. Defined cellulose-polymer

hybrid materials by synthesis under homogeneous reaction conditions. M.W. Ott,

M. Biesalski
2:10 CELL 347. Carbon dot (CD) modified
cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) for biosensing
and -imaging. J. Guo, I. Filpponen, O.J. Rojas
2:30 CELL 348. Carbon quantum dots from
biomass: Synthesis and functionalization.
X. Wang, Z. Liang, R. Sun
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 CELL 349. Inkjet printed paper-based
sensing device for colorimetric determination of contaminants in drinking
water. P. Gasparic, A. Kornherr, S. Hribernik,
K. Stana-Kleinschek
3:30 CELL 350. Improving the redispersability of cellulose nanofibrils. E.I. Filpponen,
A. Anttila, O.J. Rojas
3:50 CELL 351. Carboxymethylated lignin
(CML) in liquid and solid foams. S. LI,
O.J. Rojas
4:10 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Smart and Responsive Composites from

Renewable Building Blocks
Advanced Nanoreactor Systems/New
Paradigms to Smart Material Chemistry
& Engineering
Cosponsored by PMSE
Y. Habibi, Q. Lin, Organizers
L. A. Lucia, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 352. Cellulose nanocrystals as 2D

chiral inducers: Enantioselective catalysis

and transmission electron microscopy
3D characterization. M. Kaushik, C. Benoit,
C.M. Cirtiu, A.H. Moores
2:00 CELL 353. Reinforcing piezoelectric
films with cellulose nanocrystals. M. Shir
Mohammadi, J. Simonsen, j. Nairn
2:30 CELL 354. Two-stage separation and
alignment of cellulose nanocrystals. Y. Hu,
N. Abidi
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 CELL 355. Life cycle assessment of high
performance nanocellulose-reinforced
advanced fibre composites. H. Martin,
S. Evangelisti, P. Lettieri, K. Lee

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 406

Renewable Resources for Materials and

Energy: Recent Research and Developments
in Ibero-America
Fundamental Aspects in Processing and
M. L. Auad, J. Campos-Teran, O. El Seoud,
O. J. Rojas, Organizers
D. Petri, Organizer, Presiding
S. Madrigal, Presiding
1:30 CELL 358. Determination of useful param-

eters to decide the suitability of a biomass

to be used as raw material for thermochemical processes. A. Puente-Urbina
1:55 CELL 359. Performance of a low-cost
portable carbonizer for the valorization of
lignocellulosic wastes. E. Perez
2:20 CELL 360. New organic composites
for FDM applications. R. Christoph,
J. Vega-Baudrit
2:45 CELL 361. Strategies for the utilization
of cellulosic residues generated from the
pineapple cultivation. M. Esquivel Alfaro,
G. Moreno Cento, D. Rojas Fonseca, K. Ramrez
Amador, G. Jimnez Villalta
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 CELL 362. Carbonize it or not? A simple
test method for biomassic materials.
J.F. Quesada-Kimzey
3:50 CELL 363. Emulsified systems containing
cellulose nanofibrils (CNF). C.A. Carrillo,
T. Nypel, O.J. Rojas
4:15 CELL 364. Adsorption of inorganic
photo-active nanoparticle/enzyme hybrid
systems on surfaces modified with cellulose
obtained from natural and industrial
residues: A QCM study. I. Iarritu, A. Topete,
R. Lpez-Simeon, E. Torres, J. Campos-Teran
4:40 CELL 365. Drying kinetics as a convenient
method to determine relative diffusivity
of water in woody biomasses. A. PuenteUrbina, J. Morales-Aymerich, Y. Kim, J.F. Mata
5:05 Panel Discussion.
5:30 Concluding Remarks.
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Cellulose Dissolution: New Solvents and

Ionic Liquids
N. Abidi, E. L. Quitevis, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CELL 366. Enzymatic pretreatment to

improve cellulose solubility in a green

solvent of NaOH/urea. L. Zhang, T. You,
L. Zhang, F. Xu
2:05 CELL 367. Development and characterization of compatible cellulose and cellulose
blended with soy protein membranes using
a novel solvent system. E.F. Douglass,
R. Kotek
2:35 CELL 368. Withdrawn.
3:05 CELL 369. Effective dissolution of
cellulose for making electrically-responsive
films. S. Acharya, Y. Hu, N. Abidi
3:35 Intermission.
3:50 CELL 370. Cellulose/PVA composite films
prepared by NaOH/urea solvent: Structure
and properties. M. Xu, H. Ge, X. Wang
4:20 CELL 371. Facile ionic liquid-mediated
technology for cellulose nanocrystals production directly from wood.
H. Abushammala, I. Krossing, M.G. Laborie

4:50 CELL 372. Ionic liquids: Not always
innocent solvents for cellulose. M.T. Clough,
K. Geyer, P. Hunt, S. Son, U. Vagt, T. Welton

10:50 CELL 387. Horizon 2020: EU research

and innovation program. K. Stana-Kleinschek

5:20 CELL 373. How ionic liquids effect

Section D

glucose and cellobiose solvation: Insights

from enhanced sampling molecular dynamics techniques. V.S. Bharadwaj, T. Ashurst,
T. Schutt, C.M. Maupin
5:50 Concluding Remarks.
Polymeric Biomaterials

Colorado Convention Center

Room 406

Instructive Tissue Engineering Matrices

Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by CELL


Renewable Resources for Materials and

Energy: Recent Research and Developments
in Ibero-America
M. L. Auad, O. El Seoud, D. Petri, O. J. Rojas,
J. Campos-Teran, Organizer, Presiding
E. Torres, Presiding
8:00 CELL 388. Preparation and character-

Section B

ization of antimicrobial cellulose beads.

D. Petri, L.S. Blachechen, P.E. Fardim
8:25 CELL 389. Secondary liposomes stabilized by the electrostatic deposition of
chitosan-tannin composites as potential
delivery systems for proteins. S. MadrigalCarballo, J. Araya-Matey, E. Alfaro-Viquez,
D. Esquivel-Alvarado, C.G. Krueger, J.D. Reed
8:50 CELL 390. Chitosan-Collagen hybrid
3D-scaffolds as potential biomaterials for
tissue engineering. P. Cubero-Mora, E. AlfaroViquez, D. Esquivel-Alvarado, M. Esquivel-Alfaro,
S. Madrigal-Carballo
9:15 CELL 391. Effect of fiber orientation in
bacterial cellulose scaffold on cellular
response: Adhesion, proliferation, differentiation of equine mesenchymal stem cells.
R.S. Benson
9:40 Intermission.
9:55 CELL 392. Tannin-chitosan composite
nanoparticles as alternatives to antibiotics.
C.G. Krueger, E. Alfaro-viquez, S. MadrigalCarballo, J.D. Reed
10:20 CELL 393. Bacterial cellulose research
experience between Colombia, Finland, and
the US. C. Castro Herazo, R. Zuluaga Gallego,
J. Arboleda, H. Orelma, L.O. Morales, P. Gan,
O.J. Rojas
10:45 CELL 394. Improved thermal stability
of polylactic acid (PLA) film using
-cyclodextrin inclusion complex with PLA.
K. Rodriguez, Y. Kim, Y. Byun
11:10 CELL 395. Biotechnological valorization
of waste sludge in a food industry: Design
and evaluation process at lab scale.
J.M. Naranjo, W. Osorio viana, A. Merchan,
L. Gomez
11:35 CELL 396. Functionalization of bacterial
nanocellulose membranes with Triticum
vulgare for wound dressing applications.
M. Osorio Delgado, I. Oriz, J. Velsquez-Cock,
R. Zuluaga Gallego, O.J. Rojas, M.S. Peresin,
P. Gan, C. Castro Herazo
12:00 Concluding Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Section E

Research on Renewable Materials: US and

EU Perspectives

Colorado Convention Center

Room 407

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

Conservation Science of Cellulosic

Materials- Recent Developments
Degradation of Paper: Analysis and
Approaches to Prevent It
A. Potthast, Organizer
U. Henniges, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 CELL 374. Degradation of paper under

adverse environmental conditions:

Modeling considerations. J. Ttreault,
P. Bgin, A. Dupont
8:30 CELL 375. Ancient paper as a multicomponent system: A novel approach to the
kinetics of its degradation. S. Zaccaron,
P.F. Calvini, R. Ganzerla
9:00 CELL 376. Cellulose as a detector for
assessing storage materials for cultural
heritage objects. E. Breitung, M. Wiggins,
L. Nguyen
9:30 CELL 377. Durability and permanency of
formulated traditional Malay black ink on
European handmade paper upon accelerated aging tests. R. Abdul Razak, R. Othman,
M. Barkeshli
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 CELL 378. Withdrawn.
10:45 CELL 379. Paper strengthening and
desacidification by polyaminoalkylalkoxysilane copolymer networks: A model study.
C. Piovesan, A. Dupont, O. Fichet, I. FabreFrancke, B. Lavdrine, H. Chradame
11:15 CELL 380. Parylene coatings for cultural
heritage paper strengthening. L. Pei,
M. Pollei, S. Jordan-Mowery, J.W. Baty
11:45 CELL 381. Paper deacidification using
polysaccharide and alkaline nanoparticles. T. Mohan, L. Amornkitbamrung, R. Kargl,
S. Hribernik, K. Stana-Kleinschek, V. Ribitsch

10:20 CELL 401. Synthesis of ionic liquids

for pretreatment of lignocellulosic waste.

A. Camacho-Dvila, V. Martnez-Burciaga,
G.I. Israel-Orozco, S. Rubio-Perea, G. GonzlezSnchez, L. Ballinas-Casarrubias, L. Villanueva
10:50 CELL 402. From paper pulp tp dissolving
pulp to textile fibres with ionic liquids using
IONCELL-P&F. A.M. Stepan
11:20 CELL 403. Optimization of a low
temperature lignocellulosic pretreatment
process using ionic liquids. C. Schall,
S. Vasheghani Farahani
11:50 Concluding Remarks.
Polymeric Biomaterials


Colorado Convention Center

Room 403

High School-College Interface Luncheon

(Tickets Required), 12:00 PM, Sun
Division Reception, 5:30 pm, Sun
STRETCH Your Students Polymer
Knowledge - For pre-college educators,
4:30 PM, Mon

Conservation Science of Cellulosic

Materials- Recent Developments
Paper Conservation: Transition Metal Ions
and Specic Topics
U. Henniges, Organizer
A. Potthast, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 404. Removal of the aqueous

washing treatment aid ionic fixative from

paper. J. Roller
2:00 CELL 405. Analysis of paper surviving
from a tragic scene. K. Ahn, T. Zweckmair,
A. Schedl, A. Potthast
2:30 CELL 406. Dyes used by Iranian masters
in paper dyeing process based on Persian
medieval recipes. M. Barkeshli
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 CELL 407. Damage caused by iron ions
or pigments (Prussian blue) during aging
of Japanese paper. K. Kida, M. Inaba,
A. Potthast, N. Hayakawa
3:45 CELL 408. Stabilization of green copper
J. Kolar,
based pigments. J. Maleic,
M. Anders
4:15 CELL 409. Electron paramagnetic
resonance as a probe for metal ions and
radicals in paper. A. Zoleo, M. Bronzato
4:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 404

Research on Renewable Materials: US and

EU Perspectives
Clusters and Networks for Research and
P. E. Fardim, Organizer
P. R. Navard, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CELL 410. Withdrawn.

Ionic Liquids

P. R. Navard, Organizer
P. E. Fardim, Organizer, Presiding

N. Abidi, E. L. Quitevis, Organizers, Presiding

2:30 CELL 412. European Polysaccharide

Network of Excellence (EPNOE). P.E. Fardim,
J. van Dam

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:05 CELL 397. NMR spectroscopy, relaxom-

initiatives for developing the bioeconomy

sector. P.R. Navard
8:35 CELL 383. Renewable materials research
in the U.S. Forest Service: A perspective.
W.L. Nieh
9:05 Intermission.
9:20 CELL 384. Biobased industries initiative:
Realizing the European bioeconomy potential. P. van Leeuwen, P.R. Navard
9:50 CELL 385. Biomass raw materials-related
issues on bioeconomy strategies, research
and development, and industrial implementation. D. Da Silva Perez
10:20 CELL 386. Network with COST Action
FP1205: Innovative applications of regenerated wood cellulose fibers. . stlund,
D. Jones


Section A

2:00 CELL 411. Biomass supply chain innovation: A case study. S. Jackson

etry, diffusion, and rheological studies of

cellulose in the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. M.E. Ries,
T. Budtova, A. Radhi
8:35 CELL 398. Dissolution, regeneration, and
characterization of cellulose and cellulose/
chitin in ionic liquid. P.T. Wansapura, N. Abidi,
T. Jackson, Y. Hu, E.L. Quitevis
9:05 CELL 399. Dissolution of cellulose and
exfoliation of graphene by aralkylimidazolium-based ionic liquids. E. Gurung,
K. Mendoza, G. Tamas, R. Bari, T. Jackson,
P.T. Wansapurna, M. Green, N. Abidi, E.L. Quitevis
9:35 CELL 400. Application of two-stage ionic
liquid-mediated system for cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) production. J. Mao
10:05 Intermission.

W. Jones, I. Levy, and A. Marsh, Program



Instructive Tissue Engineering Matrices

Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by CELL

Cellulose Dissolution: New Solvents and


8:05 CELL 382. European Union policy and

Division of Chemical

Active Learning in the Undergraduate

Analytical Chemistry Curriculum (see
ANYL, Tue)
Diversifying STEM: Uniting through our
Differences for a Brighter Scientic
Future (see CMA, Mon)
Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical
Models and Practices (see ENVR, Wed,

Development and Implementation of

Bioeconomy Strategies/Initiatives for
Collaborative Research and Innovation

8:00 Introductory Remarks.


3:00 Intermission.
3:15 CELL 413. Sun Grant Initiative: Bringing

a regional focus to a national opportunity.

T.G. Rials
3:45 CELL 414. Interregional Scientific/

Industrial Centre (BIO)-Polymers-MaterialsTechnologies for Economy, POLINTEGRA,

as a model of cooperation between business and science. D. Ciechanska
4:15 CELL 415. Finnish bioeconomy cluster.
P.E. Fardim, M. Leskela
4:45 CELL 416. 4D product: Integration over
time is the only way to understand sustainability. M.E. Jones
5:15 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


High School Program

Cosponsored by SOCED
Financially supported by ACS Education Division
S. B. Mitchell, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Registration.
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 CHED 1. Demonstrations guaranteed to

get ooohs and ahhhs! How to turn ordinary

activities into unforgettable learning experiences. S. Spangler
10:10 CHED 2. Writing across the curriculum:
Concept journals as a means to teach the
metric system. S.B. Mitchell
10:30 Intermission.
10:50 CHED 3. A few insights into classroom
and lab safety. H.W. Gendreau
11:10 CHED 4. Spectroscopy of natural
resources. D. McGraw
11:30 CHED 5. Spark students interest in
chemistry with resources from the American
Chemical Society. K.M. Kaleuati, M. Gmurczyk
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research

New and Noteworthy in 2013-2014
D. M. Bunce, M. N. Stains, Organizers
S. Pazicni, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 6. Replicating peer-led team learn-

ing in cyberspace: Research, opportunities,

and challenges. P. Varma-Nelson, J. Smith,
S.B. Wilson, J. Banks, L. Zhu
9:10 CHED 7. Insights into how students learn
from molecular visualizations through the
lens of variation theory. R.M. Kelly
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 CHED 8. Looking for links: Examining
student responses in creative exercises for
evidence of linking chemistry concepts.
L. Ye, S.E. Lewis
10:35 CHED 9. Argumentation and participation
patterns in general chemistry peer-led sessions. U. Kulatunga, R.S. Moog, J.E. Lewis
11:10 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Current Practice and Research Using ACS

T. Holme, Organizer
K. L. Murphy, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 10. Cultivation of creative thinking

ability in the course of Food Engineering

Operations. D. Lin, M. Luo, B. Pu
8:55 CHED 11. Seven courses, two exams:
Designing the ACS Inorganic Chemistry
Exams for a diverse undergraduate curriculum. B.A. Reisner
9:15 CHED 12. ACS examination in organic
chemistry at Hampton University.
C.M. Bump, E.M. Ndip, G.C. Nwokogu,
M.K. Waddell
9:35 CHED 13. Assessment of nontraditional
students in organic chemistry. R.D. Barrows
9:55 Intermission.
10:10 CHED 14. Creating the Exams Data
Analysis Spreadsheet (EDAS) as a tool
to help instructors conduct customizable
analyses of student ACS exam data and
compare the results to national normative
statistics. A. Brandriet, T. Holme
10:30 CHED 15. Use of American Chemical
Society examinations as assessment tools.
S.M. Socol
10:50 CHED 16. Chemical thinking: Exploring
the impact of a new general chemistry
curriculum. V. Talanquer, J.R. Pollard
11:10 CHED 17. Exploring the use of the
Anchoring Concepts Content Map as a programmatic assessment tool. C.J. Luxford,
T. Holme
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


10:15 CHED 26. Rapid synthesis of N-(2hydroxybenzyl)acetamide. K.A. Dockter,
L.I. Bobyleva, M.M. Bobylev

Undergraduate Symposium
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by CHED

10:25 CHED 27. Synthesis of trehalose-based

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


R. Waterman, Organizer, Presiding

High School Program

Cosponsored by SOCED

gateway for teaching and learning at

Michigan State University: An AAU STEM
initiative project. M. Cooper
1:50 CHED 59. Starting at the source:
Foundational views about teaching influence adoption of learner-centered teaching
practices. C. Rener
2:10 CHED 60. Inclusive excellence in the
classroom. R. Hernandez
2:30 CHED 61. VIPEr faculty development
workshops: Cutting edge content
development and sharing pedagogical
best practices. H.J. Eppley, A.R. Johnson,
A.K. Bentley, E.R. Jamieson, C. Nataro,
J.R. Raker, B.A. Reisner, S.R. Smith, J.L. Stewart,
L.A. Watson, N. Williams
2:50 CHED 62. Cottrell Scholars Collaborative
New Faculty Workshop program: Helping
new faculty adopt effective approaches
from day one. A.L. Feig, L.A. Baker, P. Beuning,
L.M. Columbus, C.J. Douglas, R. Hernandez,
M.N. Stains, R. Waterman, J.L. Wesemann
3:10 Intermission.
3:15 CHED 63. Steering the ship from the
front how can deans change the culture
to support evidence-based learning.
P.K. Dorhout
3:35 CHED 64. Responding to barriers
to and drivers for faculty adoption of
evidence-based instructional practices.
S.E. Shadle, S. Ritter, P. Pyke, A. Marker, T. Roark,
A. Moll
3:55 CHED 65. Development of a structured
support fellowship for faculty innovation in
teaching. R. Frey
4:15 CHED 66. Mentoring junior faculty:
Pedagogy is only important if you keep the
job where you use it. L. McElwee-White
4:35 CHED 67. Long-term impacts of the
Cottrell Scholars Collaborative New
Faculty Workshop. M.N. Stains, M. Pilarz,
D. Chakraverty, R. Waterman, A.L. Feig,
J.L. Wesemann
4:55 CHED 68. ISSUES: Investigating student
success using evidence-based strategies.
K.R. Cousins

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


From Cornerstone to Capstone: Culminating

Experiences in the Undergraduate Chemistry
Curriculum that Foster Integration and
Application of Foundational Knowledge
K. Kneas, J. A. MacKay, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 28. Comprehensive chemistry:
An efficient approach. P. Schettler
8:55 CHED 29. Introductory investigation into

the substituent effect on regio-selectivity

of bromination across vinyl systems: A
culmination of undergraduate chemical
education. A.N. Schildkret, V. Fishback
9:15 CHED 30. Shippensburg University undergraduate research grant writing experience.
R.L. McCann, A. Hurley Predecki
9:35 Intermission.
9:45 CHED 31. Senior capstone experiences
at Stevenson University: Everybodys doing
it. T.M. Mason
10:05 CHED 32. Ups and downs of a twosemester independent research project.
J. MacNeil
10:25 CHED 33. Chemistry and biochemistry
capstone course at Messiah College:
A holistic interdisciplinary approach.
R.W. Schaeffer
10:45 CHED 34. Electrifying the capstone
chemistry experience. S. Chamberlin,
N.C. Kallan

Section A

Financially supported by ACS Education Division

S. B. Mitchell, Organizer, Presiding
12:00 Luncheon.
1:00 CHED 43. Award Address (James Bryant

Conant Award in High School Chemistry

Teaching sponsored by Thermo Fisher
Scientific). Through generations X, Y and Z,
learning never ends. J.L. Ball
1:40 CHED 44. ChemSource, the NGSS,
and the particle nature of matter: How
to develop classroom-ready templates.
P. Smith, M. Orna
2:00 CHED 45. Engaging chemistry resources
from the Journal of Chemical Education and
ChemEd X>. D. Cullen
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 CHED 46. Think safety = work safely. E.M.
3:40 CHED 47. Using Popular Science
Magazine articles to improve students
critical thinking and scientific literacy.
M. Gmurczyk, P. Pages
4:00 CHED 48. How effective is lecturing in a
high school chemistry class? D.M. Bunce
4:20 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research

K-12 and Professional Development

Undergraduate Research Papers

Organic Chemistry
Cosponsored by SOCED

NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate


8:35 CHED 18. Synthetic investigation and

application of a substituted 4,6-dimethylcyclohexene compound. W.P. Miller, K. Cetto

Bales, S. Franke McDevitt
8:45 CHED 19. Chemistry for chiral skeletons:Building chiral fragments from enantiopure 1,2-amino alcohols. J.C. Serrano,
Z.V. Boskovic, S. Ferrara, L. Furst, S.O. Figueroa,
D.K. Crews, A. Guerrero, C. Brackeen,
S.D. Nelson, S. Dandapani, A.J. Phillips,
S.L. Schreiber
8:55 CHED 20. Evaluation of a new rhamnosidic donor containing a sulfonyl directing
group for the formation of beta-rhamnosidic linkages. E.J. Medici, E.D. Anderson,
N.L. Snyder
9:05 Intermission.
9:15 CHED 21. Regioselective opening of propenylbenzene oxides via intramolecular N-H
activation. C. Tutwiler, C.J. Monceaux
9:25 CHED 22. Novel hydroxyproline methodology involving an auxiliary salicylaldehyde capture followed by imine-induced
intramolecular rearrangement to achieve
chemoselective ligations at difficult proline
site. G.G. Simpson, K. Ha, A. Katritzky
9:35 CHED 23. Why does the acetaldehyde
enolate favor reaction at the O atom during
gas-phase nucleophilic substitution?
Contributions by resonance and inductive
effects. C. Seitz, J.M. Karty
9:45 Intermission.
9:55 CHED 24. Investigating the mechanism
of cyanoacrylate polymerization in latent
fingerprint development. E.M. Persson,
K. McCarthy, A.S. Dutton
10:05 CHED 25. Methods towards the synthesis
of Stachybotrin D. W. Teh, D.C. Bromeld Lee

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Department, University, and National

Models for Faculty Development to Support
Adoption of Evidence-Based Teaching
Cosponsored by INOR, ORGN and PRES


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


oliogsaccharides for medicinal applications.

E.A. Palumbo, N.L. Snyder
10:35 Concluding Remarks.

Section F

C. V. Gauthier, Organizer
J. V. Ruppel, N. L. Snyder, Organizers, Presiding

Section C

Financially supported by Bruker; JEOL; Thermo
Fisher Scientic; Anasazi Instruments
L. J. Anna, D. P. Soulsby, A. S. Wallner, Organizers,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 35. Measurement of phosphates in

soft drinks: A general chemistry experiment

using NMR. L.J. Medhurst, F. Shahnaz,
N. Ramnarine, G. Paniconi
8:55 CHED 36. Free-radical chlorination of
alkanes in the undergraduate organic
chemistry laboratory: Application of 1H and
TOCSY NMR experiments to the analysis of
reaction products. D.P. Soulsby
9:15 CHED 37. Withdrawn.
9:35 Intermission.
9:45 CHED 38. Unequivocal assignment for all
PMR and CMR signals of unknown butyl
and pentyl acetate esters from Fischer
esterification using 2D NMR experiments.
F.J. Matthews
10:05 CHED 39. Real-time classroom comparison of structures and NMR spectra using
Jmol/JSpecView and nmrdb. R.M. Hanson,
R.J. Lancashire, L. Patiny
10:25 CHED 40. Students using esters to
construct for themselves the concepts of
chemical shift correlation and spin-spin
coupling. K.T. Smith, C.S. Hamann
10:45 Intermission.
10:55 CHED 41. Measuring structural and
electronic effects on keto-enol equilibrium
in 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds. S.C. Young,
K.T. Smith, J.W. DeBlasio, C.S. Hamann
11:15 CHED 42. NMR-based activity assays to
characterize enzymes in the biochemistry
laboratory and in undergraduate research.
B.J. Stockman
11:35 Concluding Remarks.

J. Barbera, N. P. Grove, Organizers

D. G. Herrington, Presiding
1:30 Opening Remarks.
1:35 CHED 49. Using the ACAST to charac-

terize high school chemistry teachers

data-driven inquiry practices. J. Harshman,
E.J. Yezierski
1:55 CHED 50. Uncovering high school students chemistry self-concept with cluster
analysis. S.E. Nielsen, E.J. Yezierski
2:15 CHED 51. Tool trouble: Challenges
with using self-report data to evaluate
long-term chemistry teacher professional
development. S.F. Bancroft, D.G. Herrington,
E.J. Yezierski
2:35 CHED 52. Target Inquiry at Miami
University (TIMU): Uncovering novel
relationships among affective and
cognitive measures of high school chemistry students. J.H. Carmel, J.T. Harshman,
E.J. Yezierski
2:55 CHED 53. Efficacy of the connected
chemistry curriculum. S. Ryan, M. Stieff
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 CHED 54. STEM Modules: A multifaceted
approach to enhancing science learning
and perceptions in middle school classrooms. E.J. Andrews, T. Robinson, D. Banks,
A.L. Curry, M.L. Curry
3:50 CHED 55. Technology integration in
the undergraduate chemistry classroom.
T.L. Vickrey, B. Riesen, M. Abebe, D. Golick,
M.N. Stains
4:10 CHED 56. Building a teaching profile:
Using a modified COPUS observation
protocol to easily and reliably measure
reformed instructional practice. M.N. Stains,
T.J. Lund
4:30 CHED 57. Training faculty with the
Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol
(TDOP): Process and pitfalls. M.L. Grunert,
C. Henderson, A. Beach
4:50 Concluding Remarks.

1:30 CHED 58. Creating a coherent STEM

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Undergraduate Research Papers

Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Cosponsored by SOCED
C. V. Gauthier, N. L. Snyder, Organizers
J. V. Ruppel, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 69. Green extraction of lycopene
from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)
using 2-methyltetrahydrofuran. M.C. Enright,
J. Noseworthy
1:45 CHED 70. Improved protein digestion for

the mass-spectrometric detection of cysteine palmitoylation. M. Torres-Caban, N. Gould,

H. Ischiropoulos
1:55 CHED 71. Degradation of estrogen:
An NMR study. K. Davis, K. Cossey
2:05 CHED 72. Analysis of application of interpolation techniques to ultraviolet-visible
spectroscopy of critical vesicle concentration. G.P. Nguyen, S.E. Maurer
2:15 Intermission.
2:25 CHED 73. Determining the degradation
of an antioxidant, lycopene. K. Foerster,
K. Cossey
2:35 CHED 74. Application of ionic liquids in
forensic chemistry. M. Jones, R.E. Del Sesto

2:45 CHED 75. Analysis of sol-gel processing

4:35 Concluding Remarks.

as a controlled release method for fragrance molecules of essential oils. K. Ehret,

C.H. Lisse
2:55 Concluding Remarks.

Graduate Student Symposium

Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by CHED

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


From Cornerstone to Capstone: Culminating

Experiences in the Undergraduate Chemistry
Curriculum that Foster Integration and
Application of Foundational Knowledge

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

General Posters
I. Black, Organizer

K. Kneas, J. A. MacKay, Organizers, Presiding

7:00 - 9:00

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

CHED 92.

1:35 CHED 76. Integration in upper-division

instructional chemistry laboratories at Regis

University. S. Mahapatro
1:55 CHED 77. Integrated lab: The first year of
a laboratory course integrating the sub-disciplines of chemistry and open-ended
research experiences. J.G. Rowley, D.M. Hitt,
D. Gretch, C. Pharr, C.A. Thomas
2:15 CHED 78. Integrated Laboratory at
Guilford College: An authentic research
experience for chemistry majors.
G.H. Webster, R.M. Whitnell, A.G. Glenn
2:35 Intermission.
2:45 CHED 79. Elizabethtown College chemistry and biochemistry capstone experience.
T.E. Hagan, K. Kneas, J.A. MacKay
3:05 CHED 80. University curriculum meets
departmental capstone: Integrating a novel
seminar and research capstone into a
liberal arts curriculum. T.W. Johnson
3:25 Discussion.
3:45 CHED 81. Transitioning students to four
year schools via an introduction to scientific
research course. J. MacArthur
4:05 CHED 82. Development of a pre-professional program at a rural community
college. J.L. Hayes, S. Burchett
4:25 CHED 83. Advancing chemistry education
in two-year college programs through
self-assessment. C.L. Velez, H. Sklenicka
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate

Financially supported by Bruker; JEOL; Thermo
Fisher Scientic; Anasazi Instruments
L. J. Anna, D. P. Soulsby, A. S. Wallner, Organizers,
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 84. NMR in first year chemistry.
J. Alexander, J. Ashmore, A. Baker, S. Chadwick
1:55 CHED 85. Implementation of NMR

spectroscopy into the undergraduate

experience at The College of New Jersey.
A.R. OConnor, S.E. Sen
2:15 CHED 86. New spin on integrating NMR
spectroscopy into an undergraduate curriculum. E.J. McIntee, K.J. Graham, C.P. Schaller,
T.N. Jones
2:35 Intermission.
2:45 CHED 87. More systematic approach
to learning NMR spectroscopy.
C. Gabel, M.J. Magrini, S.S. Gordon, J. Salazar,
A.N. Gamble, N. Kuehl, D. Rourke, S. Norris
3:05 CHED 88. Using spectra from undergraduate projects to improve higher order
cognition. S.M. Schelble, K. Elkins
3:25 CHED 89. 13C should precede 1H NMR in
teaching organic chemistry. D.D. Clarke,
R. Orazi
3:45 Intermission.
3:55 CHED 90. Incorporation of benchtop
NMR spectroscopy into undergraduate
laboratories: An active-learning approach.
S.D. Riegel
4:15 CHED 91. Providing access to a million
NMR spectra via the web. A.J. Williams,
D. Lowe, C. Coba, P. Corbett, A. Pshenichnov,
V. Tkachenko

Impact of chemical demonstrations

on student interest and learning in science.
H. Salazar, A. Moore, D.G. Watson
CHED 93. Brewing alcoholic beverages as a
means of incorporating writing instruction
into an existing junior-level laboratory
capstone course. K.A. Brown, J.D. Mimbs,
C.S. Seney, D.R. Goode, D.E. Moore, A.M. Kiefer
CHED 94. Enhancing research for students and
new faculty at undergraduate institutions.
M.E. Railing, J. Fuller, E. Sylvester, J. Cofeld
CHED 95. Scientific connections: Development
of a chemistry of art course for non-majors.
S.E. Hubbard
CHED 96. On the production of Chinese Purple
in the art studio and chemistry laboratory.
J.D. Thoburn, M.M. Thoburn
CHED 97. Under the Dome: Student-designed
evidence-based inquiry to understand
and predict climate change outcomes.
S.A. Stewart-James, J. Sutter
CHED 98. The chemistry of Thomas Edison.
R.H. Wallace
CHED 99. Application of mathematical concepts to teaching and learning of chemistry.
P.K. Yuen, C.D. Lau
CHED 100. FUTURE program: Ensuring that
underserved populations become the
scientific and civic leaders of tomorrow.
A.J. Reig, J. Pellegrino
CHED 101. Expansion of the Science Resource
Center. S. Richards, P.J. Iles, L.D. Giddings,
M. Alvarez, N.R. Bastian, R.V. Valcarce
CHED 102. With the scientific research advantages in the discipline, the construction
level of chemical characteristic specialty is
enhanced. Z. Jiang, Z. Yao, H. Yue, Z. Wang,
C. Li, L. Zhao, M. An
CHED 103. Cultivation of chemical engineering
talents innovation ability based on the
scientific research project trainin. H. Yue,
Z. Wang, J. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Yao, D. Liu, Z. Jiang
CHED 104. The 2016 Biennial Conference
on Chemical Education. R.W. Schwenz,
M.L. Miller, J.M. Smist
CHED 105. I want to be the inquiry guy! How
research experiences for teachers transform
beliefs about teaching science as inquiry.
S.F. Bancroft, D.G. Herrington, M.M. Edwards,
C.J. Schairer
CHED 106. Using Special English as a tool
to engage students in chemistry lecture.
D.J. Swartling
CHED 107. Design, development, and delivery
of the Nevada GEAR UP STEM Summer
Institute. S. Nealy, K. Carroll, H. Skaza,
E. Marti, E. Gandhi, M. Dulger, D. Gerrity, T. Olson,
P. Schrader, M. Orgill
CHED 108. PROPEL Center at Colorado State
University-Pueblo: The effect of a STEM
tutoring center on academic excellence.
C. Barnett, T. Marshall
CHED 109. Revision of chemical professional
undergraduate training scheme guided by
Excellence engineers education program.
Z. Yao, Z. Wang, C. Li, L. Zhao, M. An, Z. Jiang,
H. Yue
CHED 110. High school students perceptions
and performances on predict-observe-explain tasks in chemistry laboratory.
P. Vadapally, J.P. Suits
CHED 111. Building Your Science Toolkit:
Encouraging young female undergraduates
to pursue science through laboratory experiences and interactive, tiered mentoring.
C. Normand, D. Kumarjiguda, J. Caneld

CHED 112.

Leveraging REU programs to

attract talents in STEM fields: A comparison
of outcomes of a discipline-based education research and a molecular science REU
program. A.F. Knedeisen, D. Xue, M.N. Stains
CHED 113. Balancing wow and satisifying
standards with hands-on activities and
critical thinking: Developing middle school
science modules. M.S. Reeves, C. Bradford,
A. Bufford, D. Chappell, G. Grifn, B. Hart,
L. Jackson
CHED 114. Test-based learning with online vs.
paper tests. A. Prisacari, T. Holme
CHED 115. When teaching chemistry and text
messaging do work together in a classroom. J. Zhang
CHED 116. Younger Chemistry Education
Scholars (YCES) committee: Who we are
and what we do. M. Anzovino, T.J. Bussey,
J.H. Carmel, K.R. Galloway, J. Harshman,
K.J. Linenberger, E.B. Moore, J. Reed, S. Ryan
CHED 117. Frequent assessment: Does it make
a difference in student learning? A. Wallace
CHED 118. New chemistry advanced placement (AP) test: Hands-on inquiry based
experiment workshops. R. Grunglasse,
C. Harrilal, N.N. Pierre, S. Rolle, A. Riego,
M. Exposito, M. Delgado
CHED 119. Using missing data methods
to address the problem of incomplete
national normative datasets at the ACS
Examinations Institute. A. Brandriet, T. Holme
CHED 120. Incorporation and evaluation of
science practices in multiple-choice items.
J.J. Reed, T.A. Holme
CHED 121. Importance of demo shows in the
community. J.T. Tomko, E.P. Kippenhan
CHED 122. Fostering student success:
Advanced topics and research at a community college. T. Bledsoe, S. Hinote, M. Murphy,
L.D. Burke
CHED 123. Community outreach at Pima
College East Campus: Summer research
for high school teachers and high school
students. T. Bledsoe, G. Zreda, A. Frey,
D. Donegan, M. Murphy, L.D. Burke
CHED 124. Introduction of powder X-ray
diffraction in K-12 education. R. Boniak,
C. Patel
CHED 125. Investigating organic chemistry students ideas about nucleophiles,
electrophiles, and reaction mechanisms.
M.E. Anzovino, S. Bretz
CHED 126. Developing an interdisciplinary
medicinal plant research program that
engages agriculture, biology, and chemistry
undergraduate students across the curriculum. W.E. Collier, M.A. Abdalla, C. Bradford,
G. Grifn, D. Mortley, A. Russell
CHED 127. Connecting organic chemistry
and biochemistry. W. Powell, K. Aghoram,
K.A. Hinton
CHED 128. Video instruction in organic chemistry: Student perceptions and preferences.
K.B. Fields
CHED 129. Climate change outreach demonstrations. P. Hills-Rieck, B. Chandler
CHED 130. Using an online assessment tool to
gain insight to students usage of representations in chemistry. J. Polifka, T. Holme
CHED 131. Practical component to a biochemistry lab final exam. K.R. Willian
CHED 132. Investigating cellular steady state
as a threshold concept in biochemistry. T. Morgan, J.E. Lewis, J.A. Loertscher,
V.M. Thorsell
CHED 133. Water quality education.
B.R. Bricker, J.M. Weinkauf, M.W. Fultz
CHED 134. Development of a self-efficacy
survey instrument designed to gauge the
relationship between completion of AP
chemistry and comfort level in first-semester general chemistry. M.A. Erdmann,
L. Freeman, J. March
CHED 135. Impact analysis of prerequisite
incorporation toward student success in
freshman-level college chemistry courses.
F.M. Yarberry, S. Cornish

CHED 136.

Manual dexterity: assessing its

role in the chemistry laboratory. I.L. Brown,
S.D. Wiediger
CHED 137. Analysis of meaningful learning
in the General Chemistry laboratory.
K.R. Galloway, S. Bretz
CHED 138. Teaching chemistry at a technical
college through practical field work using
performance based instruction: The
Milwaukee River Project. S.A. Schlipp
CHED 139. Fearless investigators: Teaching
science through experimental design.
R.E. Grote, P.J. Wendel
CHED 140. Flipping general chemistry via a
highly structured teaching pedagogy: Initial
conclusions. C. Uvarov, R. Gamage, G. Allen
CHED 141. Using first-day assessments to
determine math readiness for general
chemistry. C.M. Chant, D.S. Heroux
CHED 142. Use of eye fixation sequence
analysis to identify common cognitive processes among students solving conceptual
stoichiometry problems. J. Baluyut
CHED 143. CLP: A collaborative learning
program in chemistry with benefits for
both students and facilitators. B.A. Davis,
M.A. Fisher, M. Raab
CHED 144. Development of a service-learning
introductory chemistry course for culinary
arts students. A. Wallace
CHED 145. Transparency and electronic
assessment. E.M. Epp
CHED 146. Constructing a consensus definition
of conceptual understanding in chemistry
from empirical data provided by instructors.
C.J. Luxford, T. Holme
CHED 147. Water quality comparison of city
facilities and residences in North Miami,
Florida. N.N. Pierre, S. Rolle, C. Harrilal,
K. Sanchez, A. Riego, L. Dean, J. Johnson,
A. Laroche, Q. Lockhart, M. Exposito
CHED 148. Lewis Misconstruction: An
investigation into students Lewis structure
drawings. N.L. Burrows
CHED 149. Describing and characterizing the
affective domain in middle and high school
science students. S.F. Bancroft, J.H. Carmel,
J. Harshman, E.J. Yezierski, D.G. Herrington
CHED 150. Introducing computational chemistry: A hands-on spreadsheet approach.
P.E. Hoerner, J. Beck
CHED 151. Conformational analysis discovery
activity using 3D potential energy surface
models. F.A. Carroll, D.N. Blauch
CHED 152. Mathcad exploration of Fourier
transforms found in physical and
analytical chemistry courses. T.C. Miller,
J.N. Richardson, J. Kegerreis
CHED 153. Mustard: Tiny seed unlimited
possibilities. I.E. Popova, M.J. Morra
CHED 154. Impact of supplemental video
prelab material for a biochemistry lab
practical on student overall preparedness.
T.M. Whealon, S.D. Wiediger
CHED 155. Quantitative analysis of glucose
and kinetic study of glucose oxidase for
use in an introductory quantitative analysis
laboratory. T.C. Miller, E.E. Frieben, T. Frielle,
J.N. Richardson
CHED 156. Exploration of formaldehyde in
apparel fabric using experimental and
theoretical infrared and UVvisible spectroscopy. K.A. Leets, K.B. Bramble, G.D. Gibbs,
L. Tribe
CHED 157. Measuring silver nanoparticle concentration by inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectroscopy: A laboratory
experiment for chemistry and engineering
students. S.W. Brittle, J.D. Baker, K.M. Dorney,
T. Ebrahimian, J.M. Dagher, I.E. Pavel Sizemore,
S.R. Higgins
CHED 158. Comparison of modes of delivery
for safety information in an undergraduate
laboratory. A.M. Powe, A. Jamhawi, O. Ersin
CHED 159. Microwave-assisted dye synthesis:
A more efficient approach for an undergraduate laboratory. A.B. Ormond

CHED 160.

Quantifying and recycling precious

metals from printed circuit boards: An
undergraduate laboratory. S. Fields,
C. Rector, K.J. Sorauf
CHED 161. Use of the three levels of representation to introduce the concept of buffers.
Z. Medina Torres, E.L. Ortiz-Nieves, J. Padilla,
J. Ortiz
CHED 162. Periodic Table goes live.
E.J. Andrews, T. Robinson, A.L. Curry, M.L. Curry
CHED 163. Concrete solar cells? An investigation into an alternative form of alternative
energy. B. Ackley, J. Bianchini, J.C. Warner
CHED 164. Quantum dot sensitized solar
cell for the undergraduate laboratory
curriculum. T.M. Ticich, B.L. Oliva-Chatelain,
A.R. Barron
CHED 165. Integrated upper-division chemistry laboratory: synthesis and characterization of vandyl bis- acetylacetonoate
complex. S. Mahapatro, C. Rector, G. Morgan,
A.L. Stuckmeyer
CHED 166. Separations of acetaminophen and
caffeine by high temperature high-performance liquid chromatography. A. Gizzi,
J.V. Arena
CHED 167. H NMR Analysis of the Methylation
of Oleic Acid Catalyzed by Tin (II) Bromide
in the Presence of a Cosolvent. N. Singh
CHED 168. Determination of organic and inorganic priority pollutants in herbal teas and
coffee. R. Gray, R. Richter
CHED 169. Organic chemistry laboratory
sequence alternating experiments with
guided inquiry exercises. S.C. Young,
K.L. Colabroy, M.R. Baar
CHED 170. Using 3D printing to model steric
interactions. C. Diaz-Allen, P.A. Sibbald
CHED 171. Simple technique for students
to assign hydrogen atom resonances in
heterocyclic ligand metal complexes.
D.P. Rillema, H. Nguyen
CHED 172. Integration of green chemistry
topics into the traditional organic chemistry
experiments. S.P. Lorimor
CHED 173. Boiling point, azeotrope: A simple
discovery-based experiment for organic
laboratory course. M.A. Rubin, M. Rubina
CHED 174. How to PDB: a class exercise
for professional Pharmacy Med Chem.
N.R. Natale, H.D. Beall
CHED 175. Novel instructional undergraduate
organic chemistry laboratory experiment
exploring substitution patterns of various
allylic halides. T.M. Trygstad, N.W. Dykes,
A. Radakovic, P.T. Chazovachii, E.W. Lake,
M.M. Hite, J.C. Hicks
CHED 176. Intermolecular forces: An organic
laboratory experiment. S. Candiello,
R.B. Lettan II
CHED 177. Isolation and identification of
natural products in dried turmeric in undergraduate research. G.R. Khalsa, A.J. Pohlod
CHED 178. Multistep drug synthesis in the
sophomore organic lab: Synthesizing
R-rasagiline, a popular Parkinsons drug.
N. Aguilar, B.J. Garcia, S. David
CHED 179. Education through an inquiry based
environment in the physical chemistry laboratory: The thermodynamic of an electrochemical cell. C.M. Torres Diaz, D.D. Alequin,
R. Arce, A. Colom
CHED 180. Synthesis and characterization of
tricarbocyanine dyes for use in physical
chemistry laboratory. G.R. VandeZande,
A.L. Marsh
CHED 181. Discovering pressure-volumetemperature phase relationships with 3D
models. D.R. Striplin, F.A. Carroll, D.N. Blauch
CHED 182. Portable X-ray fluorescence
spectrometry in the undergraduate
chemistry curriculum at MWSU. S.L. Hiley
CHED 183. Preparation of samples for
introducing undergraduate students to
electron paramagnetic resonance. A. Hanks,
B.E. Sturgeon
CHED 184. Quantitative determination of
kidney cancer biomarkers in urine by
liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry. S. Gamagedara, L.M. Nguyen

Cooperative Cosponsorship

CHED 185.

Research and practice of the

mode of training research capacity through
scientific innovation. D. Lin, W. Qin, B. Pu
CHED 186. Discussion on characteristic
specialty construction and cultivating
college students technological innovation
ability. D. Lin, B. Pu, C. Li
CHED 187. Development of a hybrid course in
sustainable energy. A. Kahl
CHED 188. Using theoretical chemistry to
explain SN2, E2, SN1 versus E1 mechanism
for undergraduate organic chemistry.
A.S. Dutton, M.L. Dutton

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


ACS Award for Achievement in Research

for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Vickie M. Williamson
Cosponsored by WCC
Financially supported by Pearson Publishing
M. R. Abraham, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 189. Origins. M.R. Abraham
8:55 CHED 190. Visualization and the learning
cycle: A great partnership. J.I. Gelder
9:15 CHED 191. Six years in: Surviving and
thriving at a SLAC. K.R. McCann
9:35 CHED 192. Molecular visualizations

through the lens of research and practice.

R.M. Kelly
9:55 Intermission.
10:10 CHED 193. Visualizations in the chemis-

try classroom: A visual learners perspective. M.J. Sanger

10:30 CHED 194. Developing and validating
a measure of linked concepts for general
chemistry. S.E. Lewis
10:50 CHED 195. Innovation diffusion in a
single case: Adoption and re-invention of
visualization research findings to improve
applied research, instruction, and teacher
professional development in chemistry.
E.J. Yezierski
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Experiments for Physical Chemistry

Spectroscopy & Thermodynamics
A. Grushow, S. S. Hunnicutt, R. M. Whitnell,
F. J. Creegan, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 196. Redesigning the hydrogen

spectrum experiment for guided inquiry.

C. Salter, C.M. Teague
8:55 CHED 197. Using the spectrum of HCl as
a model building exercise. A. Grushow
9:15 CHED 198. Incorporation of single-molecule FRET measurements into an undergraduate Physical Biochemistry Laboratory
course. J. Knight, D. Giardina, A.J. Bonham,
M.K. Maron
9:35 Intermission.
9:45 CHED 199. Guided-inquiry approach
for relating the fluorescence spectrum of
the pyrene excimer to its thermodynamic
properties. A.R. Noble
10:05 CHED 200. Constructing a binary phase
diagram for aqueous salts. R.R. Michelsen
10:25 CHED 201. POGIL physical chemistry lab
experiment: the vapor pressure of liquid.
B.D. Gilbert, M.A. Everest, D.E. Gardner
10:45 Intermission.
10:55 CHED 202. Using food additives to
enchance traditional bomb calorimetry
experiments. J.B. Dudek

11:15 CHED 203. Are the molecules that make

8:55 CHED 221. Why do Ala, Ala, Lys

a solution red big or small? A POGIL-PCL

recasting of the cyanine dye experiment.
S.S. Hunnicutt, R.M. Whitnell
11:35 CHED 204. Guided inquiry solid-liquid
phase diagram experiment. S.S. Hunnicutt,
R.M. Whitnell, A. Grushow
11:55 Concluding Remarks.

tripeptides preferentially rearrange to the

Lys-Ala-Ala sequence in the gas phase?
E. Kowalczyk, J. Poutsma
9:05 CHED 222. Tandem substitution-cyclization-elimination reaction that can account
for the mutagenicity of arylamines without
the need of nitrenium ions. S. Shrestha,
J. Bautista, A.G. Leach, A.S. Dutton
9:15 Intermission.
9:25 CHED 223. Novel ligands for metal oxides
colloid stabilization. A.S. LaBeaud, C. Mitchell,
R. Komati, G.Z. Goloverda, V.L. Kolesnichenko
9:35 CHED 224. Development of a new method
for graphene oxide thin-film growth.
M. Berens, B.J. Winters
9:45 CHED 225. Iron-carbonyl clusters:
Catalysts for hydrogen generation.
C.A. Mebi
9:55 CHED 226. Withdrawn.
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 CHED 227. Shaped palladium nanoparticle synthesis on carbon substrates.
S.E. Sanders, P. Duffy, P.E. Colavita, K.M. Metz
10:25 CHED 228. Silicate nanoparticles from
spray flame synthesis for lithium ion batteries. E. Maccato, J. Kovacevic, H. Wiggers,
B. Mellis
10:35 CHED 229. Morphological control of
film structure in perovskite solar cells.
C. Jackson, C. Tassone
10:45 CHED 230. Laminar-flow reactor study of
the pyrolysis of 4-vinylguaiacol. J. Hoang,
E. Ledesma
10:55 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Integrating Chemistry and Polymer Science

Research into the Classroom
Cosponsored by PMSE and POLY
S. E. Morgan, Organizer
K. A. Cavicchi, Organizer, Presiding
K. Wingo, Presiding
8:30 CHED 205. Developing polymer and

chemistry research lessons for the high

school classroom NSF GK-12 at The
University of Southern Mississippi.
K. Wingo, S.S. Herron, S.E. Morgan
8:50 CHED 206. Integration of polymer
research into a lab-based polymer chemistry class at a small, primarily undergraduate
institution. B. McFarland
9:10 CHED 207. Aerospace composites and the
scientific method: Supporting high school
classroom curriculum with real-world
applications. A.S. Frazee, B.F. Stringfellow,
J.S. Wiggins
9:30 CHED 208. Discovering chemicals
through solid-phase microextraction gas
chromatography/mass spectroscopy.
C. Rosu, C. David, R. Cueto, L. Veillon, R. Laine,
E. Reichmanis, P.S. Russo
9:50 CHED 209. Introducing the effect of additives on hydrogel properties. D.N. Amato,
K. Holmes, D.L. Patton
10:10 CHED 210. Integrating polymer labs into
the NGSS high school chemistry classroom.
M.T. Baker
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 CHED 211. Using polymer properties to
illustrate and explain concepts in introductory chemistry. D.E. Bergbreiter
11:05 CHED 212. Polymers in biomedicine and
hydrophobic surfaces: Two RET experiences at the University of Akron. D. Hess,
D. Moore, G. Cheng, N. Zacharia, K.A. Cavicchi
11:25 CHED 213. Research Experience for
Teachers program at The University of
Akron. K.A. Cavicchi
11:45 CHED 214. Transferring teacher research
on wastewater wetlands into effective
classroom activities. A. Glimme
12:05 CHED 215. Withdrawn.
12:25 CHED 216. Make it and break it:
Employing a plant starch bio plastics
experiment in the high school classroom
for addressing engineering education standards. J.E. Wissinger, A. Johnson, C. Ahrenstorff
12:45 CHED 217. Activities in polymer optical
physics for STEM education enrichment in
the K-12 environment. A. Fogel, J. Brownlow,
S.E. Morgan
1:05 CHED 218. Preparation and evaluation of
antimicrobial films. E.D. Matthews
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Undergraduate Research Papers

Computational, Physical and Inorganic
Cosponsored by SOCED
J. V. Ruppel, N. L. Snyder, Organizers
C. V. Gauthier, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 219. Computational study of disub-

stituted ammonia borane derivatives for

hydrogen storage. T.E. West, A.S. Dutton
8:45 CHED 220. Determining the activation
energy of a series of spectroscopic imines.
C. Yeager, J.B. Dudek

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Research at Community Colleges: Strategies

for Enhancing Student Transfer & Success
Financially supported by 2YC3
D. M. Sarno, Organizer
P. D. Svoronos, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 231. Using research as a tool to

engage, retain and graduate STEM students

at Queensborough Community College.
N. Gadura, P.D. Svoronos
8:55 CHED 232. Goal, role, and soul of
undergraduate research development at the
Community College of Denver. M. Haefele,
H. Loshbaugh
9:15 CHED 233. Black bear research: A case
study in undergraduate research at a community college. J.J. Van Niel
9:35 CHED 234. Undergraduate research at
Queensborough Community College: The
first step for a successful transfer and eventual post-undergraduate career in STEM
careers. P.D. Svoronos
10:15 Intermission.
9:55 CHED 235. Transporting an established
undergraduate research program to a
community college. D.J. Schauer
10:25 CHED 236. Strategies for funding
undergraduate research at the community
college. R.H. Jarman
10:45 CHED 237. Research-based and
interdisciplinary curriculum design for
general chemistry and beyond. K.S. Owens,
A.J. Murkowski, H. Price, A.M. Johansen
11:05 Intermission.
11:15 CHED 238. Promoting undergraduate
research at community colleges to increase
STEM competency and transferability to
4 yr institutions within CUNY. N.H. Phillip,
T. Brennan, P. Meleties, J. Rachlin
11:35 CHED 239. The STEPS Program
a pathway from Community College to
Bachelors degree and beyond. R.D. Walker,
T. Williams
11:55 CHED 240. The Community College
Undergraduate Research Initiative: A
national collaborative. P. Powers
12:15 Discussion.

Section F

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Chemistry Education: International and

Multi-cultural Perspectives

Undergraduate Research Posters

S. Raje, Organizer
S. Sandi-Urena, Organizer, Presiding
S. Hansen, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 241. Chemical education in India:
Observations. L.H. Rickard
8:55 CHED 242. General Chemistry study

habits and instructional practices across

borders. J. Leitn Chacn, S. Sandi-Urena,
A. Villalta-Cerdas, M. Sestilio, L. Pettygrove
9:15 CHED 243. Language challenges in
teaching and learning General Chemistry.
P.K. Yuen, C.D. Lau
9:35 CHED 244. Withdrawn.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Cosponsored by AGFD and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 245.

Improving quality control methods

in the brewing industry through analytical
characterization of hop alpha acids.
K. Dahya, J. Moon, M. Brush, R.N. Dansby-Sparks
CHED 246. Analysis of metal ion absorption compared to pH and conductivity
changes in hydroponic growing systems.
T.E. Sheppard, M.E. Railing
CHED 247. Archaeochemical analysis: Using
chemistry to inform history. D.A. Regan,
A.A. Hill, D. Hill
CHED 248. Determination of chlorogenic acid
and caffeic acid in fruits with evaluation of
pesticide concentrations. J.C. Doverspike,
C.A. Radford, J.E. Owens
CHED 249. Modifications of brewing parameters: Analysis of volatiles by SPME-GC-MS
and hydrogen sulfide analysis in beer.
L. Benedict, R. Byrnes, A.C. Ricardi, M.S. Qazi,
P.J. Gregorich, D.A. Arris
CHED 250. Characterization of tissue browning
products using attenuated total reflection:
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
A. Steele, J. Walton, S. Chakraborty
CHED 251. Further defining acylsugar structural
diversity within Petunia axillaris. M.C. Enright,
X. Liu, A. Jones
CHED 252. Determining the effects of processing on antioxidant activity in cilantro,
parsley, and rosemary. L.M. Patel, K. Daus
CHED 253. Mapping of oxidation products of
tissue browning using 2,4-ditrophenylhydrazine and high performance liquid chromatography. J. Walton, A. Steele, S. Chakraborty
CHED 254. Using trace element signatures
to determine cocoa liquor provenance.
R. Khalsa, S.E. Stitzel, R.E. Sours
CHED 255. Analysis of e-cigarette flavors with
gas chromatography. T. Massetti, K. Muller
CHED 256. Extraction and characterization of
anthocyanins from organically grown grains.
N. Strobel, G.L. Milligan
CHED 257. Comparison of eastern filbert blight
resistance in two hazelnut cultivars. N. Lee,
M. Hoang, A. Hoffman
CHED 258. Comparison between two
extraction techniques used to isolate
antioxidants from the pith and carpellary
membrane of pomegranates. S. Ansari,
K.A. Daus

Analytical Chemistry
Cosponsored by ANYL and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 259.

Analysis of elements in nutritional

beef bone broth. A. Poli, M.E. Piyasena
X-ray structure and variable-temperature photoluminescent properties of
isostructural lanthanide cyanometallates
containing DMSO. K. Xiang, J. Hendrich,
F.D. White, J.D. Taylor, R. Sykora
CHED 261. Spectrophotometric determination
of ethanol concentration in beer utilizing an
enzyme activity assay. J.A. Schafer, E. Paine
CHED 262. Determination of cocaine concentrations in dried bloodstains. B. Gillease,
G.P. Foy
CHED 263. Detection and extraction of date
rape drugs from hair samples using liquid
chromatography - mass spectroscopy.
L. Burns, G.P. Foy
CHED 264. Elemental analysis of CdSe/
ZnS core/shell quantum dots by AA.
K.M. Stallings, J.L. Dancler, B.E. Eichler,
D.E. Weisshaar
CHED 265. Analyzing thermal degradation
of iso-alpha acids by high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC). J.M. Goff,
K.M. OBrien, T. DAndrea
CHED 266. pH Dependent Zn(II) binding
behavior of an analog methanobactin
peptide. K.L. Cumpian, M. Deeconda, R. Ortiz,
S.M. Wagoner, L.A. Angel
CHED 267. New method for improving solar
energy conversion: Side selective modification of Photosystem I. L. Thal, E.A. Gizzie,
G. LeBlanc, D.E. Cliffel, G. Jennings
CHED 268. Quantitative analysis of hydrogen
peroxide using crude peroxidase extract
from cucumber peel. L.E. Totten, S. Kradtap
CHED 269. Determination of bisphenol A in
thermal receipt paper water samples and
lake water samples using fluorescence
spectrophotometry. B. Chitwood, S. Hubbard
CHED 270. Withdrawn.
CHED 271. Determination of bisphenol-A (BPA)
in canned goods from Arkansas markets
using fluorescence spectrophotometry.
R. Pruett, S. Hubbard
CHED 272. Rapid identification of designer
drugs with NMR spectroscopy. F. Fowler,
L. Huang
CHED 273. Optimization of silver shell and
silica core nanoparticles as SERS active
substrate. A.G. Telcy, S. Han, X. Li
CHED 274. Synthesis, characterization, and
catalysis of halogen and nitro substituted
Schiff-base organometallic complexes
towards the copolymerization of CO2 and
epoxides. R.L. Ayscue, N.P. Deifel
CHED 275. Preparation of hydrophobic
thermally polymerized sol-gel monolithic
columns for reversed-phase liquid chromatography using single-pot approach.
R. Hernandez, L. Narciso Meirelles, F. Svec,
Z. Zajickova
CHED 276. Garnet classification and provenance using laser-induced breakdown
spectroscopy (LIBS). P.A. Defnet, R.R. Hark,
M. Wise, R.S. Harmon
CHED 277. HPLC method development for
caffeine analysis with Chlorella vulgaris as a
bioremediation agent for aquatic systems.
A.L. Williamson, S.M. Ethridge, C.A. Miderski
CHED 278. Laser-enhanced ionizationmass
spectrometry for dried blood spot quantification of a biomedically important analyte.
S. Shefeld, L. Miller, S. Shuttleworth, S. Faber,
M. Pamuku, H. Kingston
CHED 279. Developing paper microfluidic devices to detect drugs of abuse.
J. Bottoms, L. Wang, B. McCord
CHED 260.

CHED 280.

Characterization of patterned
anti-fouling xerogel coatings. Z. Jones,
J. Destino, F.V. Bright
CHED 281. Investigation of chemical interferences in vehicle arson accelerant identification. L. Humphrey, D.G. Klarup
CHED 282. Identifying more efficient methods
for rare earth isobar separations. C. Meyer,
L. Harvey
CHED 283. Using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
to quantify serotonin release in Huntingtons
disease model mice. S. Fantin, R. Gehringer,
S. Kaplan, M.A. Johnson
CHED 284. Elemental analysis of enamel and
dentin in healthy, carious, and periodontal
diseased permanent human teeth using
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). R. Reed, M.B. Jacobs
CHED 285. Extraction and concentration of
caffeine from artificial saliva for GC/MS
analysis. J. Mayhew, B. Zabka, B. Nespor,
S. Cole-Harding, N. Winburn
CHED 286. Determination of fluoride levels
in mouthwash and tap water samples.
E.N. Henshaw, R. Fietkau
CHED 287. Quantitative determination of methionine sulfoximine by liquid chromatography
tandem mass spectrometry. W. Gilbraith,
S. Gamagedara
CHED 288. NMR Investigation of the effect of
pH on aggregation, counterion binding, and
amide proton exchange in amino-acid-based surfactants. C. Lewis, A. Wall,
E. Billiot, F.H. Billiot, K.F. Morris
CHED 289. Effect of pH on isocynate amino
acid based surfactants. D. Georgiadis,
F.H. Billiot, C. Lewis, E. Billiot, K.F. Morris
CHED 290. Surface immobilization of AMPs
using click chemistry. M. Baria, Y. Li, Z. Chen
CHED 291. Analysis of nitrate content in vegetables using ion chromatography. C. Grifn,
M.M. Ivey
CHED 292. Using regression analysis to determine the mechanism of solvent reactions.
M. Durrant, M.J. DSouza
CHED 293. Apparatus for ultratrace detection
of arsenic in drinking water by hydride
generation gas chromatography with
photoionization detection. W.R. Borgeson,
S.H. Frisbie, J.N. Driscoll
CHED 294. Expanding and improving
direct-analysis capabilities in mass spectrometry. S. Michalak, J.T. Shelley
CHED 295. Investigation of -blocker assocation with a chiral molecular micelle by
means of molecular dynamics simulations.
C. Hoffman, E. Billiot, F.H. Billiot, Y. Fang,
K. Morris
CHED 296. Investigation of the mechanism of
chiral recognition by molecular micelles
with molecular dynamics simulations. S. Zack,
E. Billiot, F.H. Billiot, Y. Fang, K. Morris
CHED 297. Examination of silica sol-gels and
aerogels containing silver nanoparticles
and 4-mercaptobenzoic acid using surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy. T. Corrado,
E.J. O. Atkinson, B.D. Gilbert
CHED 298. Chromatographic analysis of bee
propolis. K. Symczak, S.J. Pace, E.E. Mojica
CHED 299. Studies on the interactions of
four nanoceramics (metal oxides) with
serum albumin and hemoglobin proteins
by spectroscopic techniques. E. Nguyen,
P.M. Hanson, T.J. Batte, E.E. Mojica
CHED 300. Trace element analysis of
commercially produced red wines and
beers. M.J. Raub, N.S. Olson, N.J. Ronkainen
CHED 301. Comparing graphene oxide
electrochemically reduced from aqueous
and non-aqueous solutions for the purpose
of serving as an electrocatalyst support
material. I.B. Agbere, J.A. Bennett
CHED 302. Dependence of surface roughness
on electropolish time on 316L stainless
steel. E. Hammerstrom, K.E. Rohly
CHED 303. Mass spectrometry imaging of the
Torpedo californica electric organ using
MALDI-FT-ICR MS. A. McDonnell, E. Schenk,
M. Harlow, F. Fernandez-Lima

CHED 304.

Study towards the selective

digestion of glyphosate in surface water.
A.F. Bauer, A.K. Perry, A.R. Roerdink
CHED 305. Method development towards
quantifying marijuana consumption
using sewage based drug epidemiology:
Preliminary results for Treatment Plant #2.
M.C. Pellman, H. Fryhle, D.A. Burgard
CHED 306. C-arylation methods to a library
of covalent modifiers. A. Diepenbrock,
A. Cassity, N. Asad, P.R. Hanson
CHED 307. Variance of caffeine in different
brews of coffee. T.L. Self, K. Cossey
CHED 308. Method development towards
quantifying marijuana consumption
using sewage based drug epidemiology:
Preliminary results for Treatment Plant #1.
H. Fryhle, M.C. Pellman, D.A. Burgard
CHED 309. Study of the impact of ionization
conditions on ion formation in electrospray
mass spectrometry. T.J. Hulyk, S. Norris,
K.H. Bennett
CHED 310. Optimization of the voltammetric
analysis of heavy metals. J. Stapleton,
A.F. Bange
CHED 311. Synthesis of variable size
nanoprisms for application in signal
enhancement using Raman spectroscopy.
T.M. Keller, M.V. Schiza
CHED 312. Optical evaluation of fluorescent
nanoparticles embedded into silica aerogel
hosts. T. Lightner, J.N. Richardson
CHED 313. Direct and indirect detection of
FMN and FAD released upon target binding.
C.A. Dunlock, A.G. Gee, S. Sitaula, M.F. Ali
CHED 314. Preparation of FAD conjugates to
signal target binding events. J. Grennell,
S. Sitaula, A.G. Gee, M.F. Ali
CHED 315. Synthesis and photophysical and
photochemical characterization of osmium
complexes for luminescence-based
sensing. A. Wagner, K. Kneas, J.A. Rood
CHED 316. Effects of cinnamon components
on glycogenesis by anion exchange-high
performance liquid chromatography
coupled to conductimetric detection.
M. Jones, K.E. Garrison
CHED 317. Qualitative and quantitative
analysis of fluorine containing synthetic
cannabinoids. J. Davidson, D.P. Predecki,
J.N. Richardson
CHED 318. Study of an alternative method
for quantitative Ni(III) determination.
O.N. Blackmore, K. Belt, R.V. Whiteley
CHED 319. Analysis of pharmaceuticals in
water samples by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS). K. Altemose,
Y. Mei-Ratliff
CHED 320. Comparison of solid phase
extraction and solid phase microextraction
for the quantitative analysis of transresveratrol in red wine samples by HPLC.
J.J. Wukovits, Z.M. Colson, J.A. Boiani
CHED 321. Automated reaction monitoring
using liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry. D.J. Alton, M.M. Smalley,
S.A. Kurtovic, K.C. Lapworth, K.R. Evans
CHED 322. GC-MS characterization of
cell culture media: Optimizing sample
preparation using automation and design
of experiments (DOE). L.M. Housel,
C.M. Ingersoll
CHED 323. Evaluating graphene oxide
electrochemically reduced on Pt-black
as a support for H2S detection. R. Custer,
J.A. Bennett
CHED 324. Method of collection and detection
for airbourne organo-arsenic compounds.
K.M. Clark, B.M. Hopkins
CHED 325. Selection of protein-binding
DNA aptamers for bacterial detection.
J.M. Clements, A.M. Bluhm, M. Blatz, J. Nava,
S. Evans, A.G. Cavinato
CHED 326. Development of a DNA biosensor
for rapid detection of Renibacterium
salmoninarum. T.N. Keohokalole-Look,
B.L. Mandella, A.M. Olivo, A.G. Cavinato

CHED 327.

Analysis and quantification of

D-aspartic acid in marine bivalve mollusks.
R. Gutierrez, A. Delascagigas, T. Comnick,
E. Rodriguez, G. Fisher
CHED 328. Triarylmethane and xanthene dye
synthesis and characterization of their
photophysical properties. S.E. White,
A.B. Ormond
CHED 329. Analysis of analgesics in
the Quittapahilla Creek watershed.
K. McCardle, O.A. Moe
CHED 330. Cross-linker effect on metal ion
detection using molecularly imprinted
polymers. D. Baumann, V. Mai, C. Zanelotti,
S.E. Stitzel
CHED 331. Analysis of trace metals in
tattoo inks using Agilent ICP MP-AES.
S. Al-Khalifa, H.S. Butman, M. Wieler,
C.H. Jaworek-Lopes
CHED 332. Paper-based device for colorimetric
detection of malondialdehyde in biological
samples. T.D. Steichen, A. Fazal
CHED 333. Optimization of solid phase
extraction of petroleum residues
implementing green chemistry principles.
R.B. Kamerman, P.P. Vaughan, A.M. McKenna
CHED 334. Using solvent parameters for
increased precision in chemical shifts.
E.E. Schiller, W. Carroll
CHED 335. Lab curriculum development
involving the synthesis and characterization
of molecularly imprinted polymers in the
detection of aspirin. J.P. Cohen, D.G. Sykes
CHED 336. Quantitative analysis of alcohol
using nuclear magnetic resonance. R. Hill,
C. Nicholson
CHED 337. Conformational kinetics study
of microperoxidase-11 using TIMS-MS
and molecular dynamics. C. Harrilal,
F. Fernandez-Lima
CHED 338. Surface modification of
photopolymerized sol-gel monoliths
using thiol-ene click chemistry.
T. Sabol, Z. Rodriguez, G. Soto, D. Britsch,
D.M. Gharbharan, F. Svec, Z. Zajickova
CHED 339. Solid phase extraction (SPE) of
urine in postmortem toxicology testing.
V. Davidson, D. Baker, R. DeRienz
CHED 340. Obtaining electricity from solar
energy utilizing household products.
R. Senter, E.D. Stemp, A. Calderon, D. Romero
CHED 341. Stabilities of mephedrone in
biological and non-biological matrices.
H.L. Ciallella, S.L. Oddi, K.S. Scott
CHED 342. Development of paper analytical
devices for the detection of substandard
azithromycin and erythromycin. E.P. Aldrich,
T.L. Barstis
CHED 343. Raman probes as a rapid
identification and detection tool for E.coli in
fresh parsley. A. Sotomayor-Albino, A.N. Soler,
C.R. Ruiz-Martinez, M.A. De Jesus
CHED 344. Withdrawn.
CHED 345. Studying the binding interactions
of the chemokines CXCL12 and CXCL14 to
heparin and heparan sulfate using affinity
capillary electrophoresis. A. Schrader,
A.K. Korir
CHED 346. Best spinach that Popeye ever ate.
K. Weishaar, J. Potratz
CHED 347. Cyclic voltammetry of trisdithiocarbamates in room temperature ionic
liquids. J. Becca, A. Eisenhart, J. Cofeld

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

CHED 348.

Development of analytical methods

for detection of pharmaceutical pollution of
surface water in Georgia using purge-n-trap
GC/MS. K. Hachat, N. Potter, C.H. Lisse
CHED 349. Withdrawn.
CHED 350. Investigation of toxic metals in
over-the-counter eye shadow makeup.
J. Mendez, R. Huschka
CHED 351. Assessing the reproducibility
and applicability of a miniature gas
chromatograph. M. Akinlaja, R.J. Noll
CHED 352. Synthesis of 1-butyl-3methylimidizolium hexafluorophosphate:
Investigation of its use as an
electrochemical solvent for electroanalytical
studies of metal dithiocarbamate
complexes. A. Eisenhart, J. Cofeld
CHED 353. Influence of the cis/trans ratio of
hop iso-alpha-acids on beer bitterness.
M. Baginski, B. Fleshman, D.L. Donohoue
CHED 354. Separation of cations for waste
reduction. C. Cookenmaster, M. Claus
CHED 355. Identification of volatile organic
compounds present in cigarette smoke
via purge-n-trap coupled with GC/MS.
P. Skersick, E. Smith, C.H. Lisse
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Cosponsored by BIOL and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 356.

In vivo expression of antimicrobial

peptides in Escherichia coli. S.A. White,
N.S. Muthunayake, C.S. Chow
CHED 357. Role of copper in the oxidative
stress response of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to heat shock. M. Brann, O. Marcu
CHED 358. Effect of antidiabetic agents on
the in vitro glycation of bovine serum
albumin. A.T. Shuck, E.C. Daniels, R.L. Hein,
A.M. Overgard, M.E. Lee
CHED 359. Ion-pair reverse-phase liquid
chromatography analysis for separating and
quantifying RNA generated via in vitro transcription reactions. M. Bestwick, H. Wienkers
CHED 360. Inhibition of the bacterial fatty acid
biosynthetic enzyme FabI by secondary
metabolites isolated from Artemisia californica. P.M. Joyner, S. Bryant
CHED 361. Increased growth and mutagenesis
in bacteria exposed to titanium dioxide
nanoparticles. V.F. Smith, V. Mukherjee
CHED 362. Investigation of the effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on phospholipid
bilayers using differential scanning calorimetry. R. Gall, V.F. Smith
CHED 363. Adsorption of snake venom by
activated charcoal. S. Sivakumar, R.A. Kopper
CHED 364. Variation of protein components
in successive regenerations of individual
coralsnake venom. P. Spradley, R.A. Kopper
CHED 365. Metal ion cofactor requirements
of phosphomonoesterase. V. Ventrano,
R.A. Kopper
CHED 366. Inhibition of lecithin-cholesterol
acyltransferase by reactive aldehydes in
electronic cigarettes. P. Hanna, R.E. Rigsby
CHED 367. Phylogenetic analysis of the
upstream region of the arcanolysin gene
from smooth and rough biotypes of
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. D.L. Ross,
H.S. Ruther, D. McGee
CHED 368. Identification and characterization of a membrane-associated esterase
from Proprionibacterium acnes. R. Chapin,
B. Harville
CHED 369. Characterization of a Tannerella
forsythia collagenase by SDS-PAGE and
fluorescent spectroscopy. B.J. Sanders,
B. Harville
CHED 370. Porphyrin derivatives and photodynamic therapy effects on triple negative
breast cancer. S. Rogers, J.E. Bradshaw,
T.E. Hayes

CHED 371.

Expression of recombinant intimin

and translocated intimin receptor proteins
in E.coli cells. K. Page, C. Sobraske, L. OBrien
CHED 372. Influence of the second-sphere
coordination on the nitrite reductase activity
of globins. A. Rodland, J. Gowen, M.I. Galinato
CHED 373. Optimization of fragment inhibitors
for the class D -lactamase OXA-24.
R.C. Hoogmoed, R.A. Powers
CHED 374. Fox-4 cephamycinase: Analysis
of structure and function. B. Biju, M. Noel,
E.C. Mundorff, R. Toro, V. Malashkevich,
S. Almo, J. Aguilan, E. Nieves, K. Papp-Wallace,
F. Prati, E. Caselli, J. Frere, G. Bou, R. Bonomo,
S.T. Lefurgy
CHED 375. Denaturation resistance of polygalacturonase obtained from coffee mucilage.
J.M. Henning, G.R. Oppenlander, A.F. Rilett,
M.L. Zuteck, E.A. Gay, M. Caspers
CHED 376. Hydrogen deuterium exchage
used to study the interface of Plasmodium
falciparum glutathione reductase and the
antimalarial drug methylene blue. S. Lim,
H. Prieto
CHED 377. Role of cytochrome c and its
effects on the programmed cell death
pathway of P. falciparum using yeast as a
model organism. E. Orozco, H. Prieto
CHED 378. Expression and purification of
DPAP-1, a malaria protease, and its role
in the putative apoptosis pathway of the
parasite. A. Bains, H. Prieto
CHED 379. Yeast cell survival in different concentrations of canavanine.
P. Angkanaworakul, J. Iverson, T.T. Saxowsky
CHED 380. Characterization of the non-native
1,2-naphthoquinone in vivo incorporation into the A1 site in PS I complexes of
Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. E. Gosselin,
T.W. Johnson
CHED 381. Characterization of highly reducing
anthraquinones in the A1 site of PS I
complexes of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
P. Kerns, T.W. Johnson
CHED 382. Effects of sphingosine 1-phosphate at the blood brain barrier. A.C. Love,
S. Spampinato, A. Cotleur, R. Ransohoff
CHED 383. Characterization of a putative haloalkane dehalogenase from
Saccharomonosporea azurea. E. Zhou,
E.C. Mundorff
CHED 384. Expression and purification of
farnesyl diphosphate synthase from
Thermoplasma volcanium. C. Banos,
B. Horrigan, J. Himmelberger
CHED 385. Mutagenesis of a TfdA-like B.
pertussis enzyme. N. Pierce
CHED 386. Quantifying Escherichia coli in
recreational freshwater of the Saginaw Bay
Watershed using Colilert and quantitative
PCR. A. Lukowski, T. Sivy
CHED 387. Development of an LC-MS/
MS-based assay for the quantification
of trehalose. P.M. Kretschmer, A.J. Rouff,
M.K. OBrien, L.A. MacManus-Spencer,
M.G. Paulick
CHED 388. Quantitative analysis of hydrocortisone levels in human saliva due to the
effects of positive and negative stressors.
S. Riley, H.S. Greenberg, M.B. Hargrove,
R.L. McCann
CHED 389. Determination of the signaling
pathway leading to tight junction disassembly in diabetic retinopathy. S. Prettner,
R.L. McCann
CHED 390. Modified ELISA to determine levels
of TTX and its links to the life history of the
eastern newt, Notophthlmus viridescens.
H. Winter, P. Delis, R.L. McCann
CHED 391. Toxicity of imidazolium room
temperature ionic liquids towards biofilms.
L. Sanders, E.G. Ennis
CHED 392. Toward inhibitors of cystathionine
-synthase (CBS): Examination of both the
transsulfuration and hydrogen sulfide evolution reactions. L.M. Szczesniak, M.L. Beio,
C.D. McCune, W. Shen, D.B. Berkowitz

CHED 393.

Conformational variability of
MTHFR characterized by hydrogen-deuterium exchange and mass spectrometry. S.S. Webster, A. Stahly, E.E. Trimmer,
E.M. Marzluff
CHED 394. Spectroscopic properties of the
GFP chromophore containing substituted
phenylalanine derivatives in place of tyrosine. J.D. Stevens, J. Tharp, A. Tuley, W. Liu
CHED 395. Investigation of IPTG and its products of oxidation in the induction of protein
biosynthesis. M.M. Schmauch, M.Y. Kasmani,
J.M. Chalker
CHED 396. Lipid dynamics of cardiolipin/
DMPC and cardiolipin/DOPC in nanodiscs.
K. Stipe, H. Steele
CHED 397. Biochemistry in the cosmetic
industry: The effectiveness of synthetic
and natural preservatives. A.M. Wilburn,
J.T. Peace
CHED 398. Binding kinetics and transition of
structural components of RNA polymerase.
M. Mecha, M. Poulos, R. Sreenivasan, T. Record
CHED 399. Amyloid-perturbing dyes inhibit
adhesion of Cryptosporidium parvum to the
human ileocecal adenocarcinoma HCT-8
cell line. D.R. Lee, C.X. Chan
CHED 400. Relationship between redox
potential and light production in the mucus
of the marine tubeworm Chaetopterus sp.
F.X. Migliolo, D. Deheyn
CHED 401. Identification of acid/base residues
important to the mechanism of ThiI.
T. Brondhaver, E.G. Mueller
CHED 402. General method for analysis of
RNA structures by deoxyribozyme sensors.
R. Karadeema, D. Kolpashchikov
CHED 403. Designing peptide-coated gold
nanoparticles for the bottom-up assembly
of amyloid nanocompartments. A. Sementilli,
J. Smith-Carpenter, D.G. Lynn
CHED 404. Chemical characterization of novel
bacterial LOV-domain photoreceptors.
K. El-Arab, B.D. Zoltowski
CHED 405. Initial steps toward antimicrobial
photodynamic textiles. S.L. Stanley, R. Ghiladi
CHED 406. Species differences in detoxification rates. L. James, L. Browning, C. Dadabay,
J. Forbey
CHED 407. Effects of dia2 degradation on
checkpoint recovery in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. C.C. Torres Cabn, D. Koepp
CHED 408. Computational and experimental
approaches to investigate substrate binding
of the enzyme OGA. K.A. Brown, K. Cotto,
R. OKeefe, G. Crawford
CHED 409. Characterization of xanthine dehydrogenase regulator protein of Ralstonia
solanacearum, a tomato infecting bacterium.
D.T. Johnson, S. Sivapragasam, A. Grove
CHED 410. Dissociation constant (pKa), pH
and related thermodynamic functions of
TRIS buffer from 5 to 55C. T.R. Wehmeyer,
R.N. Roy, L. Roy, L.S. Tebbe
CHED 411. Application of the Pitzer Formalism
for the aqueous solution of HCl + KCl, HCl
+ NiCl2, HCl + PrCl3, and HCl + ThCl4 at 25
C. K. Hundley, L. Roy, R.N. Roy
CHED 412. Carbon nanotube separation
beyond size-selective protein hydrogels.
J. Rowland, K.C. Tvrdy
CHED 413. Combining metabolic inhibitors to
preferentially target cancers with deregulated p27. K.B. Chancellor, A. Alarbi, N. SantaPinter, J. Sabo, R. Sheaff
CHED 414. Analogs of cisplatin: 4,4-disubstituted-2,2-bipyridine complexes of Pt(II)
dichloride. L. Cobani, B.L. Bennett
CHED 415. Identifying biocompatible redox
mediators for electrochemical imaging of
Dictyostelium discoideum. C. Chira, A. Maselli,
R.J. Lesuer
CHED 416. Detection and Identification of biochemical molecules secreted by Entamoeba
varieties for taxa discrimination based
on aggregative behavior. S. McDonough,
J.A. Leitao, A. Espinosa

CHED 417.

Effect of retinoid receptor agonists

on K562 cellular adhesion, proliferation,
and 51 integrin cell surface expression.
R. Phomakay, M.D. Kelley
CHED 418. Thiophene N-substituted tetrahydro
pyridinium salts as functionally selective
muscarinic partial agonists. J.F. Boulos,
P.N. Nwokoye
CHED 419. Lactate dehydrogenase: A study of
kinetics and inhibition. C. Chandler, N. Beres
CHED 420. Effect of catalase overexpression
on ethanol-induced hepatic mitochondrial
DNA damage in mice. S. Watkins, A.A. Caro
CHED 421. Effect of oral chronic ethanol
administration on hepatic mitochondrial
biogenesis in mice. T. Spradley, A.A. Caro
CHED 422. Effect of ethanol and catalase overexpression on hepatic mitochondrial DNA
content in mice. S. Fobare, A.A. Caro
CHED 423. Effect of catalase overexpression
on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in
mice. C. Dunn, A.A. Caro
CHED 424. N-acetylcysteine inhibits the upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis genes
in livers from rats fed ethanol chronically.
M. Bell, A.A. Caro
CHED 425. Effect of chronic ethanol administration on hepatic genomic (nuclear
and mitochondrial) DNA integrity in mice.
A. Stuppy, A.A. Caro
CHED 426. Effect of polycystin-2 disruption on
osmotic response of renal epithelial cells.
R. Comer, B.J. Siroky, B.P. Dixon
CHED 427. Effect of transglutaminase on the
deregulation of the p27 protein. R. Patel,
L. Zhang, A. Greene, W. Crawford, R. Sheaff
CHED 428. Analysis of p53 protein in hepatocellular carcinomas using 2D and 3D
culture models. J.M. Pomo, R. Taylor, J. Wu,
R.R. Gullapalli
CHED 429. Turning off the lights: A novel luciferase inhibitor. D. Stranford, J.C. Dicesare,
R. Sheaff
CHED 430. Isolation of bioactive compounds from novel actinomyces strains.
W. Johnston, M. Fakhr, S. Marasini, R. Sheaff
CHED 431. Molecular docking studies of novel
flavonoid derivatives as dual binding site
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. L. Gainey,
B. Lor, O.M. Newman, C. Mills
CHED 432. Standard buffer POPSO for use
in the physiological pH range. K. Hundley,
R.N. Roy, L. Roy
CHED 433. Mechanistic and kinetic studies of a
new ROS-activated compound. E.D. Pullen,
E. Merino
CHED 434. Dietary sodium suppresses digestive efficiency: Role of the renin-angiotensin
system. F. Morales-Santiago, J.L. Grobe
CHED 435. Pattern analysis of abnormal blood
producing low velocity spatter. C.A. Weiss,
G.P. Foy
CHED 436. Alteration of the specificity of
putrescine oxidase by mutations to the
active site. L. Woodcock, K. Colvert
CHED 437. Identification of sulfopeptides as
HIV entry inhibitors through phage display.
G.M. Roman, T. Ju, J. Guo, W. Niu
CHED 438. Screening peptidomimetic ligands
against patient-specific chronic lymphocytic leukemia monoclonal antibodies.
A.L. Hackler, S. Simanski, M. Sarkar, T.J. Kodadek
CHED 439. Oxidation of cytochrome C by
guanine radicals. M. Safaeipour, M. Bekarian,
M. Sanchez, J. Juaregui, S. Castillo
CHED 440. Effect of glutathione on DNAprotein crosslinking caused by guanine
oxidation. M. Safaeipour, M. Bekarian,
M. Sanchez, S. Castillo, J. Juaregui, E.D. Stemp
CHED 441. Expression and purification of
homocysteine methyltransferase Sam4
recombinant in Escherichia coli. L.J. Negron,
W. Qu, Z.S. Zhou
CHED 442. Analysis of the antibody binding of
MUC1 peptides and substituted peptides
by STD NMR. A.R. Lynch, T. Yang

CHED 443.

Investigation of the aqueous

chemistry in the elimination of glutathione
from the glutathione-3-methyleneoxindole
conjugate: A potential therapeutic agent.
K. Bukis, E.J. Brush
CHED 444. Thermostabilization of water
soluble variants of the human 2 adrenergic receptor. P. Kurtzweil, A. Kikonyogo,
A.L. Parrill-Baker
CHED 445. Evaluation of off-target effects
through double-stranded RNA interference
in C.elegans. S.M. Litz, T.A. Sugrue, T. Dwyer
CHED 446. Designing an undergraduate lab
procedure for the synthesis of [R,S]-BocPhenylglycyltryptophan methyl ester.
T.J. Smith, D.A. Wing
CHED 447. Arabidopsis MMD-like genes
and their roles in chromosome biology
during male reproduction. M.M. Shroder,
C.A. Makaroff
CHED 448. Molecular recognition of diatomic
gases in Rhodopseudomonas Palustris
Cytochrome c. J.P. Bard, S.S. Safaie,
Z. Nilsson, C.R. Andrew
CHED 449. Natural antisense RNA plays a role
in Arabidopsis thaliana growth and development. A.A. Simoni, C.A. Makaroff
CHED 450. Reaction of strained alkynes with
cysteine proteases. M.M. Tierney, G.H. Jones,
J.M. Chalker
CHED 451. Platinum(II) complexes with
sulfur-containing peptide building blocks
for use in RNA binding studies. N. Hardin,
C.S. Chow
CHED 452. Role of H57 in synchronizing
ammonia transfer within E. coli CTP synthetase. M.R. Abbott, J.L. Johnson
CHED 453. Kinetics of the reaction of 6-aminohexanoic acid with chlorine(I): Evidence for
a role for dichlorine monoxide. Z.A. Cockrell,
G.H. Purser
CHED 454. Isolation of corticosterone and its
effect on personality in convict cichlids
(Amatitlania nigrofasciata). C. Marshall, N. Ali,
R. Fox
CHED 455. Effect of brewed coffee from
various sources on the formation of
amyloid-beta fibrils in vitro. R.J. Tokarski,
M.A. Fisher
CHED 456. Identification of bovine pregnancy
markers in urine samples. R. Lalmansingh,
A. Rafalowski, N.M. Wachter, M. DeCastro
CHED 457. Interaction of anthrax toxin protective antigen protein with model cell membranes at the air-water interface. J. Jarosz,
N. Meyer, A. Sers, J. Bann, S. Mamillapalli
CHED 458. In silico studies of MMP-1.
D. Pusztai, E. Healy
CHED 459. Investigation of the apoptotic
biochemical mechanism of ajulemic acid
in Ewings sarcoma cell lines. J. Ubeda,
L. Hensley, M.D. Perry
CHED 460. Enhancing the bioavailability of
RAGE inhibitors: Toward new anti-Alzheimers therapeutics. T. Dwyer, M. Randolph,
M. Ross, B.L. Miller
CHED 461. Effects of apolipoprotein E on M2
microglia. B. Bieger, H. Ferguson, S. Rose,
R. Frye, S. Barger
CHED 462. Use of enhanced chemically
defined media to improve uptake of
L-telluromethionine by Escherichia coli
DL41(DE3). V. Sublett, B. Cooper, J.O. Boles
CHED 463. Role of apoptosis in modulating
effects of 2-aminoanthracene in pancreatic
tissue of Sprague Dawley rat dams.
J.W. Jay, E. Venable, E.W. Howerth, W.E. Gato
CHED 464. Hepatic gene expression in pups
exposed to 2-aminoanthracene in utero
indicative of susceptibility to metabolic
syndrome. G.W. Barnett, W. Yau, E.W. Howerth,
W.E. Gato
CHED 465. Aliphatic protein side chain density
correlates with phosphate crowding and
helical curvature in protein/DNA crystal
structures. L.A. Isom, N. Hunter, B. Grant
CHED 466. Protein purification and expression
for glycitein complex with rat estrogen
receptor beta. A. Heldt, G.T. Marks

CHED 467.

4T1 Murine breast cancer cell

cytotoxins in Rumex crispus (Yellow
Dock). A.M. Rivera, S.C. Kelly, J.R. Kenneson,
R.T. McCutcheon, T.E. McElwain, D.W. Capps,
A.J. Reinhart, G.O. Gray
CHED 468. Investigation of a HAD phosphatase
from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. C. Barnier,
A. Roberts
CHED 469. Establishing RNAi in Tribolium
castaneum at MSU Denver. C.M. Lowrance,
E. Ragan
CHED 470. Measuring the stability of
iso-1-cytochrome c variants using heme
spectra. S. Eikenberry, A. Wold, M. Cherney
CHED 471. Effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on estrogen receptor
beta and aryl hydrocarbon receptor using
RT-qPCR. M. Kinney, G.T. Marks
CHED 472. Investigating the mechanism of
furfural inhibition in E. coli. K.D. Hannie,
S.D. Johnson, M. Holle, A. Sostarecz, L. Moore
CHED 473. Bacterial screening in search of
novel pharmaceuticals. A. Jorski, O. Oyewole,
K. Lacey, M. Fakhr, R. Sheaff
CHED 474. Fluorination of DNA aptamers
through Click Chemistry synthesis.
J. Dotson, J.C. Easdon
CHED 475. Evaluating the expression levels of
putative biomarkers in a panel of pancreatic
cancer cell lines by qPCR. A. Smith,
N. Goonesekere, K. Dhanwada
CHED 476. Probing the identity of the
distal heme ligand in Cys80 variants of
iso-1-cytochrome c. A. Wold, S. Eikenberry,
M. Cherney
CHED 477. Investigation of macromolecular
crowding on ferredoxin and ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase kinetics. D. Bautista,
S. Owen, D.W. Seybert
CHED 478. RNA phosphoramidite monomer
synthesis: An examination of phosphite
selectivity improvement. E.E. Yancey,
K.F. Harvey, S.D. Holt, V.K. Dunlap
CHED 479. Detection of catecholamines using
a paper-based microfluidic device. C. Smith,
M.A. Fisher
CHED 480. Analysis for genetic polymorphism
of eastern Pacific bluefin and yellowfin tuna
with microsatellite sequence PCR primers
developed for Atlantic and western Pacific
bluefin and western Pacific yellowfin tuna.
S. Wagner, M.E. Pugh
CHED 481. Purification and expression of
modified calmodulin protein (N-Cam.Y).
D. Weiss, C. Chant, C. Ricciardi, M. Smith,
D.E. Bourne
CHED 482. Purification and characterization of
Bdellovibrio derived -glucosidase, malA.
A. Simpson, J.E. Hanson, M. Martin, J. Grinstead,
P. Smith, C. Isabella
CHED 483. Effects of floodplain silt on
plant cell biochemistry. A.N. Anderson,
D.M. Anderson, A. Marry
CHED 484. Potential effects of betulinic acid on
the formation of the calmodulin/CaMKKII
complex. R. Woloshun, M.A. Fisher
CHED 485. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
(TCDD) induces cell death in human granulosa cells. C.J. Venes, G.T. Marks
CHED 486. Identification of genes involved in
RQ9 biosynthesis in C. elegans using RNAi
knockdowns. H. Xun, J. Shepherd
CHED 487. Investigation of Nocardioides sp.
metabolic, structural, biochemical properties, and its potential role in the sulfur cycle.
K. Lachmayr, E. Oduaran
CHED 488. Investigation of the interference
of extracted cinnamon components on
the glucose oxidase-peroxidase test.
A. Diepenbrock, C. Breaux
CHED 489. Screening an enaminone library for
histone deacetylase inhibitors. B. DeMier,
N. Koduri, S.R. Hussaini, R. Sheaff
CHED 490. Improved model to predict the
free energy contribution of dinucleotide
bulges to RNA duplex stability. J.C. Tomcho,
M. Tillman, B. Znosko

CHED 491.

Challenges in visualizing RecA-DNA

interaction in chemiluminescent electrophoretic mobility shift assays. J.R. Kenneson,
R.L. Moore
CHED 492. Analysis of rhodoquinone production in knockout strain candidates in
Rhodospirillum rubrum. B. Titus, J. Shepherd
CHED 493. Rhodium(II) metallopeptides as a
structural platform for selective Abl tyrosine
kinase inhibition. M.J. Wheadon, S. Knudsen,
J. Ohata, F. Vohidov, Z.T. Ball
CHED 494. Investigation of the change in
expression of neuropeptides with gluten
free based diets. C.R. Fencil, B.A. Davis
CHED 495. Role of aspartic acid 101 in E. coli
alkaline phosphatase architectural activity
and stability. S. Chamberlin, A. Moauro,
J.K. Brown, K. Wallerius
CHED 496. Increasing the activity of E. coli
alkaline phosphatase through a structurally
destabilizing mutation. S. Chamberlin,
O. Kilbarger, B.J. Anderson, D.A. Than
CHED 497. Why taking your vitamins is
essential: The importance of architecture
in metabolite sensing by the B12 riboswitch.
S. Chamberlin, L.D. Kramer, C. Hofmeister,
D. Cutshall, O. Kilbarger, H. Kim, H. Benasutti
CHED 498. Peptides designed to target
G-quadruplexes for transcriptional
and translational regulation. S.K. Patel,
A.L. Stewart
CHED 499. Biobased composites produced
from collagen and vegetable oil polymers.
R.L. Lewis, A.L. Stewart
CHED 500. Peptides designed as mimics
of NF-B for transcriptional regulation.
J. Page, A.L. Stewart
CHED 501. Analyzing exonuclease-induced
hyperchromicity by UV spectroscopy: An
undergraduate biochemistry laboratory.
C. Ricciardi, D. Weiss, C. Chant
CHED 502. Characterizing the aggregates of
a mutant Alpha 1-Antitrypsin protein associated with Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency.
M. White, M.A. Fisher, O. Long
CHED 503. Analysis of lipid membrane content
in dynamic environments. A. Chamberland,
S.E. Maurer
CHED 504. Investigation of bi-substrate
enzyme kinetics for the introductory biochemistry lab. K. Scinto, K. White, B.J. Alper
CHED 505. Determining the function of Coq4
in S. cerevisiae coenzyme Q6 biosynthesis
via biochemical and genetic screening of
Coq4 suppressors. C.R. Colgan, N.R. Olivieri,
T.P. Nguyen
CHED 506. Effects of deletion of the Rru_
A3004 gene on rhodoquinone biosynthesis
in Rhodospirillum rubrum. M.R. Kuenzi,
J. Shepherd
CHED 507. Characterization of a human
orphan G-protein coupled receptor, GP133.
T.C. Miller, T. Frielle
CHED 508. Prefractionation of natural product
extracts provides a value added resource
for high-throughput anticancer screening
applications. B. Beall, A. Musick, K. Gustafson
CHED 509. Engineering of metalloenzymes
with stacked metalloporphyrin dimers.
M. Getachew Zewde, J. Kleingardner
CHED 510. Pedagogical innovation: Using 3D
printer technology in an undergraduate
biochemistry course. K. Janousek, C. Mills
CHED 511. Characterizing HIV-specific CD4
T cell targeting and proliferation among
HIV controllers. D. Walter, B. Walker,
S. Ranasinghe
CHED 512. Characterization of the haloalkane
dehalogenase, DccA. L.E. Carlucci,
E.C. Mundorff
CHED 513. Determination of aggregation
equilibrium of fatty acid vesicles using
gas chromatography with flame ionization
detection. L. Aakjar, S.E. Maurer
CHED 514. Designing small molecule autoinducers for investigation into the binding
pocket of LasR. D.J. Kenney, E.S. Garcia Sega

CHED 515.

Acute and chronic effects of somatostatin on fast and slow calcium oscillations in the pancreatic -cell. K. Harms,
B. Thompson, E. Glynn, L. Satin
CHED 516. Effects of creatine supplementation
on serum testosterone response in Mus
musculus. C. Gill, D. Martin
CHED 517. Construction of a Burkholderia
cenocepacia-specific gene replacement
vector. T.A. Demers, K.M. Specht
CHED 518. Electron transfer reactions of
cytochrome c oxidase: Isolation, characterization, and ligand binding studies.
S. Rodriguez, K.J. Farrell, S. Mahapatro
CHED 519. Detection of melatonin and cortisol
in hair. M.R. Ferguson, A. Alarbi, W. Potter
CHED 520. Purification of components from
Inula hilinium (elecampane) which are
cytotoxic to the 4T1 murine breast cancer
cell line. S.C. Kelly, T.E. McElwain, A.M. Rivera,
J.R. Kenneson, R.T. McCutcheon, G.O. Gray,
A.J. Reinhart
CHED 521. Discovery of a potential Middle East
respiratory syndrome (MERS) PLpro inhibitor for the development of anti-MERS-CoV
drugs. S. Loperena-Medina, Y.M. Baez-Santos,
A.D. Mesecar
CHED 522. Inhibition of Y-family DNA polymerases. E. Zlibut, N.M. Antczak, P. Beuning
CHED 523. Purification and characterization
of wild type nickel uptake regulator (NUR)
from Streptomyces coelicolor. D.J. Peppers,
N.E. Grossoehme
CHED 524. Inhibition of formation of blood
clots by tetrapeptide inhibitors acet-LSPRamide and acet-ISPR-amide. A. Lacerte,
T.A. Trumbo Bell
CHED 525. Probing the substrate specificity
of lysine deacetylases using mutagenesis.
K.A. Nichols, T.B. Toro, D.S. Garrett, T.J. Watt
CHED 526. Two systems for modulating
back electron transfer between guanine
radicals and 2-aminopurine in duplex DNA.
P. Garcia, D. Galindo, S. Cruz
CHED 527. Conformational analysis of cyclic
disulfides and selenenyl sulfides in peptide
redox motifs. D.B. Pollard, S. Rozovsky,
C.A. Bayse
CHED 528. DNA binding and selectivity of
dapsone derivatives. C. Blake, C.E. Stephens,
K.L. Buchmueller
CHED 529. Using acute promyelocytic leukemic cells to test for receptor binding of
ajulemic acid. B. Monk, A. Eubanks, L. Hensley
CHED 530. Observing the folding behavior of
bi1 group II intron. K.L. Weber, J. Potratz
CHED 531. Development of small molecules as
potential RNA-binding molecules. J. Lewis,
E.G. Sega
CHED 532. Characterization of the disulfide
crosslinking in lysyl oxidase. M. Ali,
K.M. Lopez
CHED 533. Use of solubility tags to characterize lysyl oxidase. A. Hussain, K.M. Lopez
CHED 534. Cooperativity of TU100 and
ascorbic acid in the production of reactive
oxygen species. P.C. Borden, J. Whelan,
R. Sheaff
CHED 535. Supramolecular guanine-rich
quadruplexes and their transfection into
mammalian cells. E. Eklund, T.C. Marsh
CHED 536. Detecting DNA-protein crosslinking
in DNA with 2-aminopurine via fluorescence
polarization. H. Brueck, S. Cruz, M. Marquez

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

CHED 537.

Function of laforin in glycogen metabolism and lafora disease.

M.U. Raththagala, K. Brewer, K.D. Auger,
B.D. Turner, C. Vander Kooi, M.S. Gentry
CHED 538. Analysis of antibacterial components of honey. L. White, J. Pruneski
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Cosponsored by BIOT and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 539.

Encapsulation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles in mPEG-PLGA micelles

for targeted drug delivery. H.M. Legaspi,
M. Flores, Y. Ba
CHED 540. Exploring simple pattern transfer
using microcontact printing. Y. Freeman,
D. Shenault, V. Goss
CHED 541. Identification of previously
unsequenced viruses from wild-caught
mosquitoes by metagenomic sequencing.
T.M. Biser, K.G. Frey, C.L. Redden, J.J. Anderson,
J.C. Andersen, K.L. Schully, R.Z. Cer, V.P. Mokashi,
K.A. Bishop-Lilly
CHED 542. Modified coarse-grained DNA
model and its application to surface
density effects on decamer hybridization.
W.C. Scamman, J.M. Stubbs
CHED 543. Proof-of-concept for rapid pointof-care LFCC detection of serum cancer
biomarkers. J. Mencke, C. Cox, K.J. Voorhees
CHED 544. Sensor circuit for streamlining E.
coli cell phase determination. D. Stork,
K.A. Haushalter
CHED 545. Development of a cellular probe
based on a synthetic receptor. C. Young,
B. Vinciguerra, L.D. Isaacs, A.R. Urbach
CHED 546. Characterization of a cucurbit[7]
uril-rhodamine conjugate as a chemical
sensor. S. Vivatson, B. Vinciguerra, L.D. Isaacs,
A.R. Urbach
CHED 547. D-Lactic acid biosynthesis from
corn stover using engineered Lactobacillus
plantarum. E.L. Demel, Y. Zhang, P.V. Vadlani
CHED 548. Engineering light-gated, transmembrane proteins for use in hybrid systems.
S.J. von Hoyningen-Huene, V. VanDelinder,
G.D. Bachand
CHED 549. Measuring amyloidogenic protein
interaction with lipid membranes via colorimetric assay. E. LaManna, E.A. Yates
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Chemical Education
Cosponsored by SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 550.

Gold(I) complexes of benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide ligands for

Conia-Ene Catalysis. J.B. Gordon, M. Raynal,
L. Bouteiller
CHED 551. Greener synthesis of electroluminescent compounds. N. Rosenfeld, J. Bennett
CHED 552. Development of a simple, qualitative tyrosinase inhibition assay for organic
chemistry laboratory. E. Stopler, J. Bennett
CHED 553. Greener synthesis of thiosemicarbazones. D. Dragotta, K. Flessa, J. Bennett
CHED 554. Synthesis of C-glycosides as
potential antihyperglycemic agents.
C. Tucker, J.L. Chaytor
CHED 555. Charaterization of self-assembled
monolayers on zinc selenide. S. Zwart,
A.R. Noble
CHED 556. Reduction of infectious biofilms
on the native oxide surface of titanium.
N. Bruneel

CHED 557.

Development in undergraduate
organic chemistry laboratory curriculum.
E. Mueller, R. Starr, O. Michels
CHED 558. Extraction and functional assay
of cloned thymopentin 5. R. Greenstein,
K.S. George Parsons
CHED 559. Modification of FTY720 for use as
a prodrug for cancer therapy. K.C. Cotto,
B.E. Young, C.M. Watanabe
CHED 560. Auto-oscillatory/excitable boundary
and complex dynamics in the BelousovZhabotinsky reaction. D. Prado, T. LongJohn,
J.A. Wepy, E.R. Kast, D. Guralnik, S.G. Sobel,
H.M. Hastings
CHED 561. Ascorbic acid enhances cytotoxicity of a novel naphthoquinone containing
a modified anthracycline Ring System.
R. Al-Refai, S. Shehata, J.C. Dicesare, R. Sheaff
CHED 562. Site selective Pd-catalyzed
intramolecular cyclization of oxygen nucleophiles. D. Thach, S.J. Thompson
CHED 563. Comparison of nutrient deprived
cellular behavior in transformed and
untransformed cells. P.J. Gasser, R. Sheaff
CHED 564. Photographic evidence of reactions
in organic chemistry: The formation
of trans-diols from cyclohexene and
meta-chloroperbenzoic acid. A.O. Diouf,
D. Trana, J.M. Quirke
CHED 565. Carbonic anhydrase as a model
for matrix metalloproteinase inhibition.
D. DeGenova, R. Venna, R. Patel, A. Plonski,
A. Forchonie, W.A. Richert, S. Al-Abdul-Wahid,
D.L. Tierney
CHED 566. Completing a green chemistry
laboratory manual for general chemistry.
K. Wood, S. Henrie
CHED 567. Utilization of polymeric quaternary
ammonium salts-clay composite in
triphase catalysis. A.P. Sneed, C. Chapple,
N. Shabestary
CHED 568. Efficiency of synthetic pyrazoline
derivatives on inhibiting Entamoeba histolytica growth as novel treatment against
amebiasis. K. Schindelwig-Franca, J. Tashjian,
H. Kumar, S. McDonough, A. Espinosa, L. Rossi
CHED 569. Role of GRK4 in bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex. M. Ielmini,
N. Wilken, D.J. Lamb, C. Jorgez
CHED 570. Impact of nanoparticles on bacterial
community. J. Ha, A. Bally
CHED 571. Hands-on activity incorporating
the threefold representation on the liming
reactant concept. A.M. Gonzalez-Sanchez,
E.L. Ortiz-Nieves, Z. Medina
CHED 572. Probing the question-order
effect on chemistry concept inventories.
M. Undersander, T.J. Lund, M.N. Stains
CHED 573. Impact of an intensive workshop on
STEM facultys fidelity of implementation
of peer instruction. K. Rosploch, M. Pilarz,
M.N. Stains
CHED 574. Elimination reaction of tropic acid
as a simple example of an E1cb reaction.
D. Li, E.D. Helms, K. Best
CHED 575. Chemistry teaching laboratories:
What is the point? A. Neybert, J. Barbera
CHED 576. Effect of Azadirachta indica tree in
the CYP450 system of chinese hamster
ovarian cells. N.I. Negrn, L. Santos
CHED 577. Dioxygen activation by mononuclear non-heme iron oxygenases and
the corresponding model complexes.
S. Kingston, L. Cunningham, J.P. Caradonna
CHED 578. Developing and evaluating a collaborative learning environment in analytical
chemistry. A. Palmer, K.A. Pettigrew
CHED 579. Holistic trace analysis:
Development of an upper-level chemistry
experience. D. Hughes, C.D. Hatch
CHED 580. Paper microfluidic method to quantify taurine in urine samples: A college-level
introductory chemistry experiment.
L. Nguyen, O. Baawuah, S. Gamagedara
CHED 581. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid analog
mitigates kidney injury in experimental radiation nephropathy. B. Vo, A. Khan, J. Neckar,
A. Sharma, K. Molter, J. Imig

CHED 582.

Toward a comprehensive integration of calorimetry across the curriculum.

O. Summers, B. Bruske, H. Sklenicka
CHED 583. Documenting collective activity in
a large scale introductory chemistry class.
J.D. Byers, C.L. Stanford, R.S. Cole
CHED 584. Synthesis of highly functionalized
nitrogen containing monoadducts via
copper catalyzed atom transfer radical
addition (ATRA). J. Martin, G. Pros, T. Pintauer
CHED 585. Targeting Glutaminolysis to selectively kill cancer cells with deregulated p27.
J.A. Sabo, M.R. Ferguson, P.J. Gasser, R. Sheaff
CHED 586. Impact of cost on chemistry laboratory teaching practices. R.A. Livermore,
S.B. Boesdorfer
CHED 587. Developing a redox themed assessment instrument using the three levels of
representation. S. Santos, A.M. GonzalezSanchez, E.L. Ortiz-Nieves, Z. Medina
CHED 588. Use of organic base to restore
catalytic activity of [Cu(Me6TREN)Cl][Cl] in
Atom Transfer Radical Addition (ATRA) in
the presence of ascorbic acid as a reducing
agent. M.C. Wasson, G. Pros, A. Kaur,
T. Pintauer
CHED 589. Investigation of HOBS methodology
in nucleic acid NMR studies. J.M. McKenna,
J.A. Parkinson
CHED 590. Enantiomeric interactions of aminoacids adsorbed in zeolites: An investigation,
using solid-state NMR, thermogravimetry
(TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). L. Topchyan, S. Krishnan, S. Ira,
M. Garcia, N. Sankari, M. Ramirez, A. Martinez,
D. Cizmeciyan, R. Senter
CHED 591. Synthesis of pyridone-based
ligands for homogenous hydrogenation
iron-based catalysts. H.K. Caddes, S.L. Willis
CHED 592. Adapting a set of organic chemistry
experiments for delayed analysis time.
S.C. Kenea, N.J. Beyer
CHED 593. Preparation of NiFe supported
catalysts for hydrotreatment. C. Peterson,
E. Marceau, A. Lamic, G. Laugel
CHED 594. Near infrared spectroscopy
chemical Imaging for the determination of
component segregation. T. Vlez-Burgos,
E. Hernndez, R.J. Romaach
CHED 595. Preparing and screening brominated phenols: An organic laboratory experience. J. Bietsch, T. McCoy, A.A. Yeagley
CHED 596. Applying a greener approach to
the Grignard reaction. A.E. Burgos- Aviles,
I. Montes Gonzalez
CHED 597. Total synthesis of a calixarene cage.
A. Ferrari, E. Wade
CHED 598. Human carbonyl reductase as
target for alleviating anthracycline cardiotoxicity: Understanding small molecule
binding by human carbonyl reductase.
L. Brown, H. Charlier
CHED 599. Comparison of metacognative
abilities of introductory chemistry students.
J. Johnson, A.B. Mahoney, M. Nagel
CHED 600. Biochemical analysis of
G-quadruplex secondary structures in
CDK5R2 mRNA and of their role in fragile X
syndrome. C.M. Gaetano, M. Mihailescu
CHED 601. Theoretical description of chemical
shift anisotropy. K. Phillips, R. Iuliucci
CHED 602. Designing catalytic N-heterocyclic
carbene complexes for enantioselective
allylic oxidation. R.J. Morrison, P.J. Lombardi
CHED 603. Development of a selection marker
for automated genome construction.
E. Aponte, J. Norville, G.M. Church
CHED 604. Expression of major hominoid
seminal proteins in a mammalian cell
culture system. M. Hockman, J. Vill, T. Pollock,
A. Zielen, M. Jensen-Seaman
CHED 605. Adsorption of thioethers on Au(111)
using scanning tunneling microscopy.
R. Miller, A. Whitney, D. Del Sesto
CHED 606. Heavy metal isotope analysis of
historic skeletal remains using ICP-MS.
C. Klesner, N. Little, D. Owsley

CHED 607.

Detection of the cp4 epsps gene

in maize line NK603 and comparison of
related protein structures: An advanced
undergraduate experiment. N. Swope,
P.J. Fryfogle, T. Sivy
CHED 608. Investigating the synthesis and role
in molecule-based-magnets of bis(4-pyridyl)
acetylene. T. West, A.C. McConnell
CHED 609. Laboratory course as journal
house: An advanced organic chemistry
course incorporating writing/reviewing
scientific manuscripts and green chemistry.
R. Beltman, T.M. Dierker, A.G. Fei, W.K. Fuchs,
T.D. Gornall, A.M. Katsimpalis, M.J. Ponkowski,
R. Wong, M.J. Mio
CHED 610. Electrocatalytic activity of metal-centered porphyrin thin films. C. Myers,
W.M. Ames
CHED 611. Versatile lecture demonstration
and laboratory exercise illustrating steric
hindrance, electron induction, and catalyst
nucleophilicity effects on catalyzed
ester hydrolysis. K.R. Smith, D.J. Clague,
D.J. Alexander, S.C. Butler, R.N. Mason
CHED 612. Lipid raft TNF- pathway analysis
of cytochrome C with methylparaben
and UVB treatment. R.S. Wood, R. Stahl,
K.S. George Parsons
CHED 613. Investigation of student understanding in spectroscopy labs. D.P. Jacinto,
L.T. Tien, D. Rickey, M.A. Teichert
CHED 614. Novel regulation of p27 by transglutaminase. A. Greene, L. Zhang, R. Patel,
W. Crawford, R. Sheaff
CHED 615. Development of histone deacetylase inhibitors. R. Kidney, L. Ma, T.D. Do,
S. Szabolcs, S.F. Paula
CHED 616. Progress toward synthesis of a
novel trifluoromethyl substituted aurone
as a potential cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor.
J. DePhillips, M. Polk, C. Mills, A. Zuver
CHED 617. Modification of the p27 tumor
suppressor by the transglutaminase
enzyme. W. Crawford, L. Zhang, A. Greene,
R. Patel, R. Sheaff
CHED 618. Analysis of organic compounds
isolated from particulate matter produced
by biodiesel and diesel fuel. N. Brown,
M. Cavacas, N. Traviss, J.R. Kraly
CHED 619. Synthetic studies toward
Corynanthe indole alkaloid derivatives.
S. Petritis, E.K. Leggans
CHED 620. Free radical effect on the quantum
yield of silicon nanoparticles. R. Ellison,
C. Radlinger, A. Goforth
CHED 621. Determining the rate of oxidation of
promethazine to its sulfoxide and sulfone
in atmospheric O2 using HPLC-MS and
UV-VIS spectrophotometric analysis.
C.M. Baker, K.N. Bettridge, I. Webb, G. Guitierres,
P. Chaisri, A.L. Kesler, S. Bedi, S. Christensen,
K. Oakes, S. Bremer, R.V. Valcarce, P.J. Iles,
M. Alvarez, L.D. Giddings, N.R. Bastian
CHED 622. Detection of organic pollutants using EVA with GC-MS and AFM
analysis. T. Schreyer, C. Carr, A. Timmerman,
C. Peak, K.N. Bettridge, I. Webb, M. Vanweerd,
R.V. Valcarce, S.T. Lindsey, P.J. Iles, M. Alvarez,
N.R. Bastian, L.D. Giddings
CHED 623. Analysis of University of Utah
Fine Arts Museum Egyptian sarcophagus
by scanning electron microscopy. J. Van
Wagoner, R. Haynie, L. Kelly, S.T. Lindsey,
S. Bremer, R.V. Valcarce, P.J. Iles, L.D. Giddings,
N.R. Bastian, M. Alvarez
CHED 624. Determining source of discoloration
in renaissance fresco using infrared spectrophotometry. J. Van Wagoner, R. Haynie,
L. Kelly, S. Bremer, S.T. Lindsey, R.V. Valcarce,
P.J. Iles, L.D. Giddings, N.R. Bastian, M. Alvarez
CHED 625. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reaction.
M. Muni, S.R. Hussaini
CHED 626. Solvation equilibria of proximally-substituted copper bis-phenanthroline
derivatives. N.A. Arnista, S.P. Watton
CHED 627. Aromatization of fragrant monoterpenes via palladium-catalyzed dehydrogenation. T.S. Hill, A.M. Hartel

CHED 628.

Optimization of algae-derived
biodiesel for use in undergraduate chemistry laboratories. M.R. Barron, C.S. Harper,
K.L. Braun
CHED 629. Forensic analysis of commercial
color and black inkjet printer inks by
micellar electrokinetic chromatography.
C.S. Harper, K.L. Braun
CHED 630. Enzymatic reduction of a ketone
for a college-level organic chemistry course
using alcohol dehydrogenase. L. Zhao,
P.M. Joyner
CHED 631. Synthesis of the SRS
and SSR isomers of lentiginosine
from D-glucopyranoside and
D-galactopyranoside. D.C. Fager, L.J. Liotta
CHED 632. Team-based assessment of introductory organic chemistry lecture. R. Tieu,
J. Soria
CHED 633. Team-based assessment of a
two-semester introductory organic chemistry laboratory course. V.F. Vartabedian,
J. Soria
CHED 634. Initial investigation of pyrrolizidine
alkaloids in Pscalium decompositum.
J. Burklund, K. Hamann, D. Morales, R.B. Kelley
CHED 635. Cost effective ion selective
electrodes from metal-azo complexes.
W.A. Nanney, B.L. Belmont
CHED 636. Burning truth about sunscreens:
Zinc oxide nanoparticle growth kinetics.
V. Smith, P.A. Brletic
CHED 637. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
of 2-glycoprotein I suggests an alternative
mechanism for antibody interaction in
antiphospholipid syndrome. A. McLaughlin,
N. Pozzi, E. Di Cera
CHED 638. Dynamics study of the resorcin[4]
arene supramolecular assembly. P.B. Calio,
J. Harvey, W. Thompson
CHED 639. Synthesis and luminescence
studies of rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complexes
using LabQuest 2. N.V. Vecchio, M.O. Odago
CHED 640. Attachment inhibition of invasive
species. K. Marcus, C. McKellar, R. Pearce,
S. Beck, R. Del Sesto
CHED 641. Writing exam questions that
elicit evidence of process skills. H. Moon,
J.A. Schmidt, R.S. Cole
CHED 642. Understanding the cognitive load
generated by constructing Lewis structures.
A. Coleman, R. Balok, J.M. Tiettmeyer, T. Gampp,
P. Duffy, K. Mazzarone, N.P. Grove
CHED 643. Synthesis of 2-phenoxy-4hydroxyacetophenone. S. Ortiz-Piccard,
J. Peterson, T. Field, R.S. Givens
CHED 644. Longitudinal study of the effects
of a professional development program
on the content knowledge and teaching
practices of middle and high school science
teachers. H.A. Hayes, J.S. Corrales, R. Lewis,
E.E. Gonzalez, B.D. McCormick, A.R. Chaudhuri
CHED 645. Southern Utah University general
chemistry case study: Identification
of curriculum obstacles. K.B. Weaver,
R. Stewart, S. MacFarlane, A.C. McConnell
CHED 646. Research on surface modification of
zinc oxide nanoparticles and incorporation
into fibers. T. DiPasquale, J.E. Whitten,
D.M. Steeves, J. Soares
CHED 647. Newly established documentation
and imaging system detecting DNA
hybridization serves as a potential point of
care device to further distinguish genetic
susceptibility to diseases. D.W. Capps,
J.R. Kenneson, R.L. Moore
CHED 648. Analytical techniques in
environmental chemistry: Detection and
quantification of common herbicides in
surface water. T. McCall, E.M. Marzluff
CHED 649. Determination of mercury levels in
living and nonliving systems of southwest
Arkansas. D. Campbell, J. Lowe, H. Wayland,
D. Bateman
CHED 650. Physiological effects of massage
therapy in college students and the elderly.
H.A. Wayland, C. Dickson, D. Bateman

CHED 651.

Continued study in FacebookTM

as a collaborative learning platform for
sophomore organic chemistry students.
S.F. Hornbuckle, J. Lawrence
CHED 652. Isolation and characteristics
of flavonoids from ash tree leaves.
A.M. Gallegos, E.E. Wilson, M.P. Smith,
S.T. Mirza, A.V. Daspit, B.A. Clement
CHED 653. Kinetics of the reduction of
nitrobenzene using hydrazine hydrate
and cobalt (II) sulfide. D. Cedillo, J. Garcia,
T. Trevio, J.G. Parsons, J. Gutierrez-Gonzales
CHED 654. Biophysical analysis of CDK5R2
DNA secondary structures. K. Bandi
CHED 655. Histone deacetylase (HDAC)
inhibitors containing thioamide: Synthesis
and biological evaluation. A.J. Onate,
. Szabolcs, E. Merino, S.F. Paula, L. Ma
CHED 656. Synthesis of (2R,3S,4S)-2(hydroxymethyl)pyrrolidine-3,4-diol from
-methyl-D-galactopyranoside. M.J. Smith,
L.J. Liotta
CHED 657. Withdrawn.
CHED 658. Synthesis and characterization of
sol-gel monoliths as glucose biosensors.
S. Moore, C.H. Lisse
CHED 659. Synthesis and characterization of
potential TNR hairpin formation inhibitors.
S. Crowley, M. Welch
CHED 660. Effect of pH in sulflactoperoxidase
formation. J. Feng Baez, B. Ros-Gonzlez,
J. Lopez Garriga
CHED 661. Investigating the effects of steric
bulk on -silyl bridging by varation of the
-electron-donating and -substituent.
L. Macary, J. Hauck, L.J. Tilley
CHED 662. Synthesis of 9-fluoro-9H-fluoren1-ol. D. Memon, R.E. Rosenberg, R. Ferrill,
. Johnson, J. Bier
CHED 663. Synthesis of polyhydroxylated
pyrrolidine from a D-glucose derivative.
A. Harney, L.J. Liotta
CHED 664. Synthesis of lentiginosine form
D-glucose. K. McAndrews, L.J. Liotta
CHED 665. Computational investigation of
the surface tension of supercooled water.
T.R. Rogers, K. Leong, F. Wang
CHED 666. DFT analysis of copper-based
chemotherapeutics. T.M. Kolb, J.S. Anderson,
L.A. Tyler
CHED 667. Peptide sequencing using gasphase peptide carbocations. A. Plaviak,
M.J. Van Stipdonk
CHED 668. Maximizing the extraction efficiency
of arsenic in solid matrices followed
by graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectrometric analysis. M. Wakeman,
C.D. King
CHED 669. Curriculum development for BSUs
outreach program geared to spark interest
in chemistry. B. Morgan, C.D. King
CHED 670. Microwave synthesized
succinimides purified by flash
chromatography. T.F. Guetzloff, B. Dudding,
M. Fultz
CHED 671. Transesterification of
hypophosphorous esters: Elucidating the
synthetic scheme of phosphorous-based
surfactants. S. Deprele, A.L. Perez, N. Neris,
C. Alvarez
CHED 672. Accessing vinyl fluoroalkylsubstituted cyclopropanes from homoallyl
mesylates via a destabilized cationmediated electron cascade. A.E. MacInnis,
L.J. Tilley, N.E. Leadbeater, E.R. Carnaghan,
M. Doherty, D.C. Fager, J. Hauck, C.B. Kelly,
M.A. Mercadante
CHED 673. Chemistry laboratory safety:
Misconceptions among first- and secondsemester general chemistry students.
J. Melvin, W.E. Schatzberg
CHED 674. Chemical and biochemical stability
of guanine lysine cross-links formed by
guanine oxidation. J. Mincitar, D. Esparza,
N. Tran, A. Ramos

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Computational Chemistry
Cosponsored by COMP and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 675.

Comparisons of Synaptotagmin
1 and Synaptotagmin 7 C2A domains
in membrane associations by molecular dynamic simulations. N.L. Chon,
J.A. Henderson, J.D. Knight, H. Lin
CHED 676. Computational modeling of STAT3
SH2 domain inhibition. C.T. Williams, P. Daka,
E.E. Csatary, H. Wang, R.C. Page
CHED 677. Computational modeling of
temporary anion states in the field of dipole
or quadrupole moment. E.M. Tharnish,
L. Williams, M.F. Falcetta
CHED 678. Computational modeling of resonant vibrational excitation of CO by electron
impact. L. Williams, E.M. Tharnish, P.E. Linn,
M.C. Fair, M.F. Falcetta
CHED 679. Cyclic voltammetric and computational structure-electrochemistry
relationship studies of the reduction of a
series of 9,10-anthraquinone derivatives.
N. Fox, T.W. Johnson
CHED 680. Effect of unequal strand length on
DNA hybridization in a model microarray system via Monte Carlo simulation.
S. Cooper, J.M. Stubbs
CHED 681. Journey of 4-HNE: How biochemistry became computational. A.K. LaPidus,
C.M. Byron
CHED 682. Predicting the function of structural
genomics proteins of unknown function
in the crotonase superfamily. S.R. Little,
C.L. Mills, P.J. Beuning, M.J. Ondrechen
CHED 683. Conformational sampling of
glucose oxidase for bio-fuel cell applications. E. Gomez, T. Tran, N. Tran, D. Chakravorty
CHED 684. Role of glycosylation in protein
structure: A bioinformatics-based computational study. J. Rogers, S. McHugh, Y. Lin
CHED 685. Effect of motor protein binding on
microtubule depolymerization. D.G. Witte,
N. Yu, R. Dima
CHED 686. Solid-state NMR chemical shift
peak matching of geometry optimized
organic crystals by computational methods.
S. Upadhyay, M.N. Srnec, J.D. Madura, R. Iuliucci
CHED 687. Theoretical study of the factors that
contribute to the conformational energy of
six-membered rings. M. Abdulsalam, R. Balilli,
R. Baello, C. Brutofsky, S. Suresh, M.L. Kasner,
R. Booth
CHED 688. Computational study of the contributions to the relative stability of the and
conformers of D-glucopyranose. R. Balilli,
M. Abdulsalam, R. Baello, R. Booth, S. Suresh,
M.L. Kasner
CHED 689. Solid-phase heats of formation of
energetic compounds using computational
methods. D. White, M. Elioff
CHED 690. Computational studies of the hyperpolarizability of halogenated saccharins
and their anions and salts. M.B. McDaniel,
D.A. Clabo, Jr.
CHED 691. Electronic structure calculations of
Li2-II-IV-VI4 diamond-like semiconductors.
J. Worst, A.J. Glaid, M.N. Srnec, J.D. Madura,
J.A. Aitken, J. MacNeil
CHED 692. Coarse-grained modeling of reverse
micelles. M. Rea, A.T. Moser
CHED 693. Computational study of the visible
spectrum of curcumins protonation states.
P. Braegelmann, J.D. Alia
CHED 694. In silico insight into mechanism for
the formation of C8 products from the reactions of guanine with substituted aniline.
J. Bautista, S. Shrestha, A.S. Dutton, A.G. Leach
CHED 695. Computationally simulating the
metabolic enantiospecificity of CYP2C9
using molecular dynamics. P. Onyuru,
G.P. Miller, M.D. Perry

CHED 696.

Elbow room: How surfactant

proportions modify interfacial properties.
J.A. Palumbo, K.E. Johnson
CHED 697. Computational docking to
analyze substrate metabolism in CYP2E1.
M. Rogers, G.P. Miller, M.D. Perry
CHED 698. Computational investigations on
ligand isoform selectivity in the liver X
receptors. M. Ndukwe, B. Theard, K. Riley
CHED 699. Studies of factors affecting the
reaction mechanism of formation of the
levoglucosan. L. Aebersold, T. Daeschlein,
J. Henry, B.N. Leja, D. Wang, A. Seitz, J. Song
CHED 700. Mechanistic insights into the
alkylation reactions of quinone methide
precursors: Studies towards the realkylation
of aged acetylcholinesterase. R.J. Yoder,
T. Blanton, K. Fitzpatrick, A.J. Franjesevic,
S. Higgins, C. Callam, C.M. Hadad
CHED 701. Unpaired electron density in retinal
model compounds. T. Vaid, E.D. Glendening
CHED 702. Computational study on the formation of hexamethylene triperoxide diamine.
A. Sindt, J.N. Woodford
CHED 703. ARGOS: A rigid geometry optimizer
for supramolecular complexes. R. Meyerson,
S.E. Wheeler
CHED 704. Group 13 chiral Lewis acid
stereoselective control of enal Diels-Alder
reactions. A.N. Ahmed, B. Vernier, A. Kelly,
J. Rohde, J.D. Evanseck
CHED 705. Solvation effects in bimolecular
Diels Alder cycloaddition of cyclopentadiene: A tool for benchmarking expected
errors in more sophisticated Diels Alder
reactions. A. Kelly, B. Vernier, A.N. Ahmed,
J. Rohde, J.D. Evanseck
CHED 706. Computational modeling of
fluorescent probes to understand how
lithium treats manic depression. S. Claridge,
D.L. Nutbrown
CHED 707. Using the relativistic particle in a
box to model conjugated dyes. B. Barrett,
J.E. Lacy
CHED 708. Using molecular dynamics to
computationally simulate metabolic
enantiospecificity of CYP2C9. N.D. Hall,
G.P. Miller, M.D. Perry
CHED 709. Folding of meta-poly-phenylene
ethynylene. K. Hefel, A. Moser
CHED 710. Further computational investigation on the conformationally-restricted
allenyl cope rearrangement of Syn-7allenylnorbornene. M.A. Lyon, J.A. Duncan,
C.S. Jamieson
CHED 711. Possible explanation for the
formation of trans-Whiskey lactone: A
computational approach. T. Le, E. Simanek,
B.G. Janesko
CHED 712. Investigation of biological anion
effects on phospholipid structure and
oxygen diffusion free energy. T. Ricard,
S.C. Pias
CHED 713. First principle calculations of
optical properties of platinum(II) diimine
complexes. L. Lystrom, S. Kilina, W. Sun
CHED 714. Conformational distribution of cysteine and selenocysteine dyads in biological
redox processes. L.M. Froehle, S. Vyas

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Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Environmental Chemistry
Cosponsored by ENVR and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 715.

Evaluating oil dispersant systems

via emulsion stability and optical microscopy. W. Fagan, W. Ervin, Y. Zhang, B. Gikonyo,
M. Tsianou
CHED 716. Core shell vs. alloy iron/nickel
nanoparticles for water treatment.
M. Voecks, K. Estoque, L.F. Greenlee
CHED 717. Orange G dye degredation using
iron-nickel nanoparticles: Effect of iron
to nickel ratio, concentration and pH.
K. Estoque, M. Voecks, L.F. Greenlee
CHED 718. Electrochemical characterization
of iron nanoparticleclay interaction for
groundwater remediation. K. Roberts,
B.A. Balko
CHED 719. Analysis of mineral content in
MWSU parking lot runoff water using PXRF,
FAA, and EDTA titration. J. Mitchell, S.L. Hiley
CHED 720. Drugged wildlife: The potential
impacts of environmental endocrine
disruptors on reproductive development.
M.Y. Kramer, N.A. McNabb, L.J. Guillette,
S. Kohno
CHED 721. Monitoring the long term effects
of fracturing in Western Pennsylavnia,
Butler County: How long is long enough?
R.L. McLaughlin, C. Kriley, N. Rutter
CHED 722. Development of 2-component
surrogate mixtures for alcohol-to-jet fuel.
M.H. Jones, D.J. Luning Prak
CHED 723. Analytical identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: The bio-monitoring of Cyprus trees in Los Angeles.
A. Kerl, S. Castillo, Y. Torres, S. Deprle
CHED 724. Potential heavy metal water remediation using 5-formylfuran-2-sulfonic acid
thiosemicarbazone (DIFANEX) chelating
resins. A.L. Werlein, A.J. Crook, E.P. Hoy,
D.D. Ensor, E.C. Lisic
CHED 725. Novel method for the extraction of
lead ions from bulk water supplies using
chelation chemistry. K.M. Sheetz, K.A. Mies
CHED 726. Metal-sequestration from water
using a polysulfide synthesized from sulfur
and limonene. A.M. Evans, M.P. Crockett,
J.M. Chalker
CHED 727. Determination of total mercury in
the top three consumed seafood products
of the United States. A.L. Kramer, C.N. Hill,
S. Aloisio
CHED 728. Reactions of alcohol amines with
atmospheric oxidants N2O5, H2O2 and O3
analyzed through a Particle-into-Liquid
Sampler coupled to dual ion chromatographs. R. Jauregui
CHED 729. Analysis of the open limestone
channel at the Swank 13 abandoned
coal mine. J. Krug, R.C. Krupa, D. Mosier,
C.J. Weyant, E.P. Zovinka
CHED 730. Degradation of the layer of calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) on the Pyrodinium bahamense (dinoflagellates) from bioluminescent
lagoons in Puerto Rico. A. RodriguezVelazquez, K.D. Ortiz, L. Delgado, S. Delgado
CHED 731. Separation of oil contaminates from
oil-in-water emulsions using nylon 6,6 nonwoven fabric filters. K.A. Murrell, E.S. Carter,
F.D. Hileman, A.E. Ortgega
CHED 732. Synthesis of water filtration
composites for use against microorganisms
and heavy metal in water. M.M. Samson,
K.M. Metz
CHED 733. Bioremediation of nickel and
cobalt by Bacopa monnieri. P.C. VeraSantiago, Z. Serrano-Rivera, J. Arbelo-Garca,
M. Ramos-Fontn
CHED 734. Influence of cation charge density,
ionic strength, and pH on NOM particle
size distributions in aqueous solution.
H. Argersinger, G.M. Bowers

CHED 735.

Three years of full scale testing

an enhanced bioswale. N.P. Lesner,
W. Kuzmishin, H. Yang, P. Edmiston
CHED 736. Catalysis in chromic acid oxidations: A co-oxidation model for the detoxification of hexavalent chromium in water.
S. Mahapatro, A.I. Lujan
CHED 737. Studying reactivity and leaving
group effects in aryl chloroformate esters.
A. Bilbrough, D. Williams, M.J. DSouza
CHED 738. Correlation analyses of solvent
reactions of 2-fluoroethyl chloroformate
and 2-benzyloxyethyl chloroformate.
V.M. DeBarros, M.J. DSouza
CHED 739. Confirming the use of phenyl chloroformate as an appropriate addition-elimination standard in LFER analyses. J.K. Deol,
M.J. DSouza
CHED 740. Integrons and multiple-antibiotic
resistant bacteria in Minnesota surface
waters. K.H. Wammer, E.W. Beck, C. Haines,
T. LaPara
CHED 741. Viability of ozonation as a water
treatment method for the elimination of
the antibiotic roxithromycin. C.H. Fuerste,
D.C. Harmes, D.R. Stoll, K.H. Wammer
CHED 742. Aqueous photochemistry of
altrenogest. K.C. Anderson, K.H. Wammer
CHED 743. Analysis of San Antonio River
water for metals using inductively coupled
plasma-mass spectrometry. H.A. Hayes,
J.S. Corrales, P.P. Gonzalez, A.R. Chaudhuri,
B.D. McCormick, E.E. Gonzalez
CHED 744. pH profile determination of the
cation exchange capacity of heavy metals
from estuarine sediment and its correlation with outer shell content of benthic
organism Mercenaria mercenaria. J.M. West,
S.K. OShea
CHED 745. Characterization of metal cation
binding to pyridine-based compounds in
aqueous solution. J. Moose, S. Tajc
CHED 746. Analysis of heavy metal leaching
from motor oil into water. C.R. Stear,
C.L. Fish
CHED 747. Photochemical reactive oxygen
species production by petroleum water
accommodated fractions. A.M. West,
J. Haney, P.P. Vaughan
CHED 748. Did the Bastrop wildfire affect the
phosphorus quantity in the soil? M. AbuEsba, H.G. Altmiller
CHED 749. Cd, Ni, Zn and Cu concentrations in
fish muscles collected from sites along the
Ashley River. M. Mirano, B. Adair
CHED 750. Algal toxin dynamics in a eutrophic
lake and indicators of toxins in raw
drinking water. K. Rude, C. Weirich, S. Bartlett,
M. Seaman, J. Piatt, T. Miller
CHED 751. Effects of woolly adelgid induced
hemlock productivity decline on soil
nutrient content. B. Redder, J. Balnis,
Z. Balogh-Brunstad
CHED 752. Analysis of heavy metals in Lutjanus
griseus and Lutjanus campechanus at the
natural reserve La Parguera, Puerto Rico.
N.M. Lopez Pena, R. Tremont
CHED 753. Detection of precursors to methamphetamine in city sewers lines. C. Craine,
M.P. Butner, T.H. Boles
CHED 754. Optimization of fly ash nanogeopolymer and its application in pervious
concrete for bioremediation of fecal coliform-containing water. V. Hwang, E. Montalvo
CHED 755. Extracting metal (II) cations from
aqueous solution using dipicolinic acid.
M. Porter, A. Richardson, S.G. Tajc
CHED 756. Pesticide analysis in Southeast
Michigan waters by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
C.C. Conrad, P.M. Dine, D.M. Dreffs, B.H. Keith,
S. Zoma, T.Y. Zurawski, R. Dutta, K.R. Evans,
E.S. Roberts-Kirchhoff
CHED 757. Study of analyte recovery using
headspace solid-phase microextraction.
J. Tillman, W. Weckel-Dahman, F.M. Dunnivant

CHED 758.

Scanning electron microscope

analysis of Columbia River, Chesapeake
Bay, Lake Hartwell, and Mississippi River
sediment suspensions. X. Yi, J. Morgan,
F.M. Dunnivant
CHED 759. Quantification of epoxides from
their carbamate derivatives: Environmental
applications. G. Amon, W. McCue, C.M. Strollo
CHED 760. Detection of amphetamine type
substances in sewers using Polar Organic
Chemical Integrative Samplers. M.P. Butner,
C. Craine, T.H. Boles
CHED 761. Mercenaria mercenaria a potential
bioindicator of heavy metal releases
into Narragansett Bay, RI. K.D. Audette,
S.K. OShea
CHED 762. Study of the effects of two PPCPs
on algal growth. T. Meece, T. Knight
CHED 763. Exploring the interactions between
citrate-stabilized silver nanoparticles and
humic acid via fluorescence quenching.
L.A. Warning, B.D. Anderson
CHED 764. Investigating the formation
of thioarsenic species under sulfidic
conditions. J. Loving, V. Stucker, J.F. Ranville
CHED 765. Study on UV-Vis spectroscopic
characteristics of soil humic substances.
J.L. Ragon, H. Zhang
CHED 766. Rhodium catalyzed
hydrodehalogenation of fluoroarenes in mild
conditions. A.M. Luke, A.A. Peterson
CHED 767. Removal of phosphate from
aqueous media by adsorption onto humic
acid-coated magnetite. N. Price, M. Rashid,
K. OShea
CHED 768. Use of CYCLAM and other
tetraamines to probe the mechanism of
influence of surfaces on ligand exchange.
S.J. Hinkle, N.E. Boland
CHED 769. Studying the reactions of alcohol
amines with atmospheric oxidants. J. Dulla,
R. Jauregui, D.J. Price, K. Purvis-Roberts,
D. Cocker
CHED 770. Effects of real world biodiesel
and petroleum diesel combustion on PM
composition and production of ROS in
BEAS-2B cells. N. Martin, A. Bosco, T. Pratt,
N. Traviss
CHED 771. Impact of real world biodiesel and
petroleum diesel combustion on particulate
matter composition and oxidative potential.
P. Kelley, R. Klaski, N. Martin, N. Traviss
CHED 772. Enhancing the chemical mixture
methodology: Revising the health code
number assignments of hazardous
chemicals to account for varying intensities
of respiratory irritation. J. Jablonski, J. Yao,
X. Yu, C. Glantz
CHED 773. Chemical analysis in the Eryngium
foetidum L. N.N. Olmeda, S.A. Maldonado,
R. Tremont
CHED 774. Static quenching of acridine yellow
G and norfloxacin by humic acid. R. Ferrie,
B.D. Anderson
CHED 775. Correlation of nitrogen dioxide
and ozone gas concentrations between
Milwaukee and Chicago. T. Antoniewicz,
T. Robers, M.D. Schuder
CHED 776. Extraction of barium from aqueous
solution using pyradine based small
molecules. J. Merchant, S.G. Tajc
CHED 777. Design and characterization of a
pulsed laser cavity ring-down spectrometer
for use in the measurement of aerosol
optical properties. J.C. Castillo, J.M. Pittman,
L.W. Bevill, K.S. Dooley
CHED 778. Size characterization and metals
analysis of particulate matter generated by
candle burning. L.W. Bevill, K.S. Dooley
CHED 779. Quantitative determination of
antidepressants in wastewater effluents and
biosolids. J. Brotman, C. Moffett, K. Shiavone,
M.M. Schultz
CHED 780. Closing the gap on secondary
organic aerosol formation: Oligomerization
of glyoxal. L.E. Rusch, C.M. Strollo

CHED 781.

Submarine groundwater discharge

as a potential hidden pathway for eelgrass
decline in San Juan county. E.L. Johnson,
J. Beets, J. Dixon, R.A. Lyons, P. Swarzenski,
S. Wyllie-Echeverria
CHED 782. Arsenic analysis and speciation of
water samples from Chihuahua Mxico,
by HG-CT-AAS. V. Medina, Y. Rodriguez,
D. Acosta, L. Ballinas-Casarrubias
CHED 783. Photodegradation of organic dyes
using quantum dots of Cd(Se,S) in aqueous
solutions. G. Rivera Rodriguez, O. PeralesPerez, F.R. Roman, S. Bailon-Ruiz, L. Alamo-Nole
CHED 784. Photodegradation of antibiotics in
aqueous solutions using quantum dots of
Cd(Se,S). I.N. Leon Feliciano, O. Perales-Perez,
F.R. Roman, S. Bailon-Ruiz, L. Alamo-Nole
CHED 785. Cadmium phytoremediation of in
vitro culture with micro-propagated clones
of Spermacoce assurgens. B.L. Vargas Perez,
L. Rodriguez
CHED 786. Profile of metal bioaccumulation
in selected invertebrates from the eastern
and western shores of the Susquehanna
River near Hummels Wharf Pennsylvania.
A. Pritzlaff, C.P. Hallen, C. Venn
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Cosponsored by GEOC and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 787.

Selective synthesis of ribose via

the formose reaction under prebiotic conditions. P.S. Donmoyer, A.L. Marsh
CHED 788. Impact of methanotrophy on
methane gas hydrate dissolution rates.
M. von der Lippe, R.K. Larsen, L. Lapham
CHED 789. Formic acid uptake on montmorillonite clay: An FTIR study. L.A. Hancock,
R.M. Weingold, C.D. Hatch
CHED 790. Exploring the mechanism for iron
uptake by phytoplankton: A biomarker
study. M.J. Christie, C.D. Hatch
CHED 791. Water adsorption on montmorillonite clays. R. Meredith, C.D. Hatch
CHED 792. Influence of a metal oxide surface
on ligand exchange reactions between
strong chelating agents. J. Conrad,
N.E. Boland
CHED 793. Influence of pH on ligand exchange
rate with phosphonate-containing chelating
agents. M.V. Harned, T. Nelson, N.E. Boland
CHED 794. Sediment and water analysis of
a glacially formed lake. K.F. OConnor,
Z. Balogh-Brunstad
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Green Chemistry & Sustainability
Cosponsored by SOCED
Financially supported by ACS Green Chemistry
Institute; I&EC Green Chemistry
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 795.

Southeastern Massachusetts
student network for biodiesel research and
education. L. Sprague, B. Ackley, K. Bukis,
J. Hooper, I. Korslund, P. Kurriss, K. Roebuck,
E.J. Brush
CHED 796. Series of meso-tetrasubstituted
porphyrins synthesized using mechanochemistry. Q. Su, T.D. Hamilton
CHED 797. Entrainment sublimation for purification of mechanochemically-synthesized
porphyrins. V.S. Hoelscher, T.D. Hamilton
CHED 798. Effects of halide salt hydrates
on isomerization of glucose to fructose.
M. Swannell, C. Yoo, X. Pan

CHED 799.

Plasticizing sulfur with limonene: A

functional material synthesized entirely from
industrial waste. M.P. Crockett, A.M. Evans,
J.M. Chalker
CHED 800. Malonic acid as a green alternative
to formaldehyde in cell fixation. D. Szlosek,
R. Byrnes, P.M. Doherty, D. Finocchietti, D. Currie
CHED 801. Oxidation of anthracene catalyzed
by a recyclable vanadium(IV) oxide complex
using hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous
biphasic medium. S.L. Moran, C.A. Mebi,
A. Bhuiyan
CHED 802. Vacuum distillation via solar irradiation. L. Nurmomade, D.J. Swartling
CHED 803. Further progress with Claisen condensations via solar irradiation. S.M. Amin,
D.J. Swartling
CHED 804. Further progress with Fisher esterification via solar irradiation. C.R. Buckner,
D.J. Swartling
CHED 805. Preparation of tetraphenylporphyrins via solar irradiation. T. Pinto,
D.J. Swartling
CHED 806. Research to develop a more
efficient reflux process for methanol capture
in biodiesel synthesis by applying green
chemistry principles. P. Kurriss, E.J. Brush
CHED 807. Development of green chemistry
metrics to assess improvements to the
efficiency in the synthesis of biodiesel from
waste vegetable oil. K. Roebuck, E.J. Brush
CHED 808. Applying green chemistry principles
in the synthesis of oxindole-3-acetic acid:
The initial intermediate in the bromination
of indole-3-acetic acid to 3-bromoxindole-3-acetic acid. M. Steadman, E.J. Brush
CHED 809. Synthesis of glucosamine-based
single chain nonionic and cationic surfactants. R. Gonzalez, C. Coss, R. Palos Pacheco,
J.E. Pemberton
CHED 810. Endo/exo thermal isomerization
of a green Diels-Alder adduct. S. MacCollGarnkel, M.S. Erickson
CHED 811. Design of experiments approach
to optimize the yield of 1-(4-vinylbenzyl)
thymine. R. Koelln, H. Schalck, C. Horgan,
K. Vickey, N. Chen, J. Pallozzi, K. McDonough,
K. Dupuy, N.E. Lee, R.W. Gurney
CHED 812. Interactions of partially green
double reduced gold nanoparticles with
lead. A. Cruz Torres, R. Noriega Rivera,
B. Mercado Toro, E. Medina, E.J. Ferrer Torres,
C. Osorio Cantillo, J.I. Ramirez Domenech
CHED 813. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using extracts from Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Witt. leaflets. J. Delgado
Irizarry, J. Rodriguez Ortiz, R. Aleno, E. Medina,
C. Osorio Cantillo, E. Ferrer Torres, J.I. Ramirez
CHED 814. Cross-linking and surface functionalization of polycarbonate films using
thiol-ene click chemistry. I. Blythe, Y. Wang,
D.J. Darensbourg
CHED 815. Chloride retention in biomass
with the addition of lime and dolomite.
M.W. Smith, G.P. Chea, T.A. Hoemberg,
J.C. Barbour
CHED 816. Investigation of thiosemicarbazone
ligands in green palladium catalyzed
Suzuki cross-coupling reactions. J.R. Hall,
B.J. Anderson
CHED 817. Discovery of a new copper bismuth
oxide material for the conversion of sunlight
into a solar fuel. L.R. Sharpe, J.S. Compton,
C. Peterson, D. Dervishogullari
CHED 818. Mechanochemical synthesis of
biologically relevant porphyrin targets.
D. Cordero, T.D. Hamilton
CHED 819. Conversion of ethanol to gasoline
over zeolite H-ZSM-5 catalyst. A. Ali,
Z. Wang, S. Adhikari
CHED 820. Hydrolysis of fungal chitin utilizing
ionic liquids as a solvent and catalyst.
J. Gayton, C.D. Estefan, E.D. Anderson, M. Faralli,
W. Reichert
CHED 821. Investigation of transesterification
of canola oil using basic ion exchange
resin. R. Deal, G.L. Milligan

CHED 822.

Mechanochemical reactions
for green chemical synthesis. E. Hanna,
G.K. Kaufman
CHED 823. New metric to evaluate sustainability in the undergraduate organic laboratory
course. B. Saunders, K. McMahon
CHED 824. Effects of cation structure on
the acidity of Brnsted acid ionic liquids:
A computational study. C.D. Estefan,
J.N. Gayton, M. Faralli, E.D. Anderson,
W.M. Reichert, E.A. Salter
CHED 825. Developing and applying new thin
film combinatorial techniques for the discovery of new metal oxide semiconductors
for the efficient photoelectrolysis of water.
V.A. Kong, J.G. Rowley
CHED 826. Development of carbohydrate-based heterogeneous solid acid catalyst for biodiesel production. M.L. Jordan,
B.S. Chilukuri, B. Jang
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Inorganic Chemistry
Cosponsored by INOR and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 827.

Aminebis(phenolate) complexes
of palladium as catalysts for the SuzukiMiyaura coupling reaction. A.K. Bowser,
B. Wile
CHED 828. Alternative to detection:
Europium(III)-tetracycline species association with biological molecules. B.G. Vo,
G. Muller
CHED 829. Triflimide activation of azaferrocene-boranes for hydroboration of simple
alkenes. D.I. Szymanik, T.J. Brunker
CHED 830. Liquid sorption studies of Co -4,4bipyridine 1D chains and 2D square grid
MOFs. K.C. Carlson, C.L. Weeks
CHED 831. Synthesis and characterization
of 1-D ladder crystals grown in methanol.
T.D. Petersen, N.G. Weissenuh, C.L. Weeks
CHED 832. Reaction of copper(II) chloride
dihydrate with formamide. A.G. Nicholson,
G.L. Seebach
CHED 833. Synthesis and investigation of novel
thiosemicarbazone ligands and their metal
complexes. K.A. ORourke, B.J. Anderson
CHED 834. Synthesis and characterization of
a larger neutral macrocycle for transition
and lanthanide(III) metal complexes.
A.J. Sprecher, A.J. Jircitano
CHED 835. Synthesis, characterization, and
electrochemical properties of tris(3-isopropylpyrazolyl)borate nickel complexes.
V. Doll, N. Piro, W.S. Kassel, W.G. Dougherty
CHED 836. Synthesis, characterization, and
electrochemical properties of tris(3-tert-butylpyrazolyl)borate copper complexes.
O. Beale, N. Piro, W.S. Kassel, W.G. Dougherty
CHED 837. Synthesis, characterization, and
ion-binding studies of Ru(bpy)32+ macrocycle
host complexes. T. Carroll, M. Harris
CHED 838. Complexation reactions of cerium
(III) and cerium (IV) salts with amides.
T.L. Amburn, G.L. Seebach
CHED 839. Synthesis and characterization of
copper-thiosemicarbazone complexes:
Interaction with DNA and anti-oxidant behavior. K.R. Webb, B.C. Helbert,
F.A. Beckford
CHED 840. Curcuminoids as ligands in zinc
and vanadium complexes: Synthesis and
biophysical reactivity. B. Helbert, S. Smith,
K.R. Webb, F.A. Beckford
CHED 841. New ethylene cross-bridged and
side-bridged tetraazamacrocycles featuring
acid and amide pendant arms and their
transition metal complexes for oxidation
catalysis. M. Gorbet, M.B. Allen, A.D. Shircliff,
G. Yin, T.J. Hubin
CHED 842. 1,7-Dimethyl-1,4,7,10tetraazacyclododecane complexes of Mn,
Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn: Synthesis and characterization. M.A. Ayala, A. Walker, T.J. Hubin

CHED 843.

Electrochemical stability of ruthenium-arene complexes. M.T. Piedmonte,

S.M. Young, W.J. Vining
CHED 844. Ion selective redox chemistry of a
rhenium (I) complex using cyclic voltammetry. N. Rambhujun, S.M. Young, W.J. Vining
CHED 845. Synthesis, NMR characterization, and x-ray crystal structure of
quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde tert-butyl
thiosemicarbazone: The [Pd(QCA-tBTSC)
Cl] complex and MIC studies. J. Chen,
J.D. Conner, N.P. Riggsbee, E.C. Lisic
CHED 846. Comparison of a series of
2-acetylpyridine-thiosemicarbazone Cu(II)
and Pd(II) metal complexes. B.C. McGill,
R.E. Scott, E.C. Lisic
CHED 847. Investigating bispyrrolidine based
chiral C2-symmetric tetradentate ligand.
J. Kaplan, H. Reed, J.M. Keane
CHED 848. Quantitative determination of silver
inhibition of halide accelerated aluminum
corrosion. K.D. Lopez, H. Gill, S.G. Sobel
CHED 849. Metal organic assemblies of
meso tetrasubstituted porphyrins.
M. Basden, M. Knol, T.D. Hamilton
CHED 850. Iodination and MWI cyanation of
closo-dodecaborate(2-) and closo-1,2-dicarbadodecaborate. H.R. Midget, M.A. Juhasz
CHED 851. Investigations of the halogenation,
radiohalogenation, and functionalization
of CB9 carborane clusters. C.R. Vorauer,
M.A. Juhasz, D.S. Wilbur
CHED 852. Synthesis of new gold-isocyanide
and acyclic diaminocarbene complexes for
catalysis. J. Coronado, A.A. Ruch, V. Nesterov,
L.M. Slaughter
CHED 853. Copper-catalyzed triazole synthesis
in the presence of halides. M.D. Womble,
R.M. Moorman, M.B. Collier, B.H. Frohock,
J. Chalker
CHED 854. Mercury concentration in washed
and unwashed leaves of differing plant
species. D.W. Lehmpuhl, K.A. Wager,
L.M. Bartolo
CHED 855. Designing novel electrodes of 3D
porous V2O5:PANI films by colloidal particle
lithography. J.A. Zavala, C.J. Chalker, A. Parija,
H. An, J.L. Lutkenhaus, J.D. Batteas
CHED 856. Cobalt catalyzed cyclotrimerization of alkynes using a microwave reactor.
J. Legere, E. Hawrelak
CHED 857. Modulating the electrochemical
properties of iron-carbonyl clusters using
thiolate ligands. A.L. Haley, L.S. McDaniel,
L.N. Broadbent, C.H. Hinkle, S.T. Heckman,
J.L. Randall, S.L. Moran, C.A. Mebi
CHED 858. Adsorbtion studies and immobilization of metal complexes on supports:
Solid-state NMR and catalysis. J. Benzie,
K.J. Cluff, J. Bluemel
CHED 859. Chemical pressure effects on
Ga(2-x)FexO3 magnetoelectric ceramic
structure. E. Velasquez, C. Lefevre, F. Roulland,
A. Demchenko, N. Viart
CHED 860. Synthesis and characterization
of a novel hydrozone thiophene ligand.
A. Angeledes, W.A. Weigand
CHED 861. Synthesis and magnetic characterization of lanthanide 12-metallacrown-4
complexes. C. Daly, C.M. Zaleski
CHED 862. Corrosion testing of anti-corrosion
coatings by Scanning Electrochemical
Microscopy (SECM). C. Lee, M.C. Calhoun,
R.L. Calhoun
CHED 863. DNA binding studies of [Rh(tacn)
(dppz)(H2O)]3+: A new metallointercalator with a modifiable coordination site.
I.M. Williams, H.L. Hancock, S.C. Haefner
CHED 864. Speciation of europium(III)-tetracycline species. A. Huy, K. Deol, G. Muller
CHED 865. Toward the development of luminescent metal organic frameworks for use
as sensors. M. Peiffer, K. Kneas, J.A. Rood
CHED 866. Interaction of DNA with [Cu(phen)
(PF6)2, a potent DNA cleavage agent.
A. Lopez, G.H. Rawji

CHED 867.

Investigation of DNA binding and

photocleavage properties of [Zn(4-aminopteridino(6,7-f)phenanthroline)(triflate)2].
P. Wong, G.H. Rawji
CHED 868. Ligand exchange of an enzymemimic Schiff-base copper(II) complex: A
kinetic study. S. Colling, J.J. Stace
CHED 869. Synthesis of enzyme-mimic copper(II) Schiff-base complexes. S. Williams,
J.J. Stace
CHED 870. Synthesis and reactivity of
a enzyme-mimic nickel(II) complex.
D.M. Beagan, J.J. Stace
CHED 871. Development of sulfhydryl-functionalized silica particles for use in diffusive
gradient in thin-films passive samplers.
D. Manley, A. Pham, H. Hsu-Kim
CHED 872. Capturing carbon dioxide with
metal-organic frameworks. N. Oostendorp,
E. Maslowsky
CHED 873. Preparation of SnO2 substrate for
sensitized solar cells. Q. Yang, L.A. King,
M. Kern, B.A. Parkinson
CHED 874. Synthesis of novel green inorganic catalysts. N. Wolford, E. Rajaseelan,
S.A. Roberts
CHED 875. Studies of cytotoxicity and cellular
internalization of small-molecule conjugates
of metal oxide nanoparticles in tumor cells.
A. Henry, P. Promdet, C. Blumenfeld, R.A. Moats,
R.H. Grubbs, H.B. Gray, K. Sorasaenee
CHED 876. Investigating a hybrid organosilyl
class of Dawson-Wells polyoxometalates
through Langmuir-Blodgett. J. Perryman,
E.J. Atkinson, R.C. Chambers
CHED 877. Synthesis of a novel green chemical
catalyst. P. Bekere, E. Rajaseelan, S.A. Roberts
CHED 878. Synthesis and catalytic properties
of a novel triazole based N-heterocyclic
Iridium carbene complex. E. Dalbey,
S.A. Roberts, E. Rajaseelan
CHED 879. Characterization of metal dithiocarbamate complexes derived from amino
acids. G. Azzarello, E. Sylvester
CHED 880. Corrosion of aluminum by aqueous
CuCl2: An SEM-EDS study. A. Brodovskaya,
S.G. Sobel, G.L. Polak, M. Akhtar
CHED 881. Microwave-promoted synthesis
of heavily iodinated 10- and 12-vertex
boron clusters. G.R. Matheson, M.A. Juhasz,
P.S. Chang
CHED 882. Novel synthesis and catalytic
properties of triazole-based N-heterocyclic
carbene complexes of rhodium and iridium.
W.J. Maximuck, E. Rajaseelan, S.A. Roberts
CHED 883. Heteroleptic salicylaldiminate magnesium amides: Solid-state and solution
characterization. S.M. Tretter, A.M. Landis,
J.A. Rood
CHED 884. Synthesis and characterization of
ground and excited state properties of a
new ruthenium(II) polypyridine complex.
A.T. Vu, R.N. Garner
CHED 885. Time-based investigation of the
vapochromic response of platinum(II) complexes. K.A. Mengle, M. Abdolmaleki, M. Riasi,
W.B. Connick
CHED 886. Synthesis of Co-complexes with
pentadentate ligands for catalytic hydrogen
evolution. T. Tall, M. Vennampalli, M. Zhang,
X. Zhao
CHED 887. Exploration of coordination
chemistry with arsenazo III, DTPA and
metal complexes using NMR and UV-VIS.
C. Winking, C. Breaux
CHED 888. Coordination chemistry of divalent
group 12 thiocyanate complexes containing
phthalazine. T.J. Paca, P.M. Secondo,
R. Baughman
CHED 889. Coordination chemistry of divalent
group 12 thiocyanate complexes containing
quinazoline. C. Martello, P.M. Secondo,
R. Baughman
CHED 890. Coordination chemistry of divalent
group 12 thiocyanate complexes containing
2-amino-5-cyanopyridine. A. Shoroye,
P.M. Secondo, R. Baughman
CHED 891. Imidazolium salts as reaction media
for preparation of metal halide cluster
networks. S.K. Gnewuch, D.H. Johnston

Cooperative Cosponsorship

CHED 892.

Catalytic oxidation of primary

alcohols by transition-metal-TRIPHOX
complexes. E. Lamping, C.M. Davis
CHED 893. NKU organometallic research:
Examining new synthetic strategies that
functionalize fullerene and coronene for
organometallic supramolecular systems.
C. Beneker, K.A. Walters
CHED 894. NKU Spectroscopic Research:
Studies on polymers and their subunits that
incorporate fullerenes and transition metal
chromophores. S. Siemer, K.A. Walters
CHED 895. NKU Polymer Research: Synthesis
of polymers and their subunits that
incorporate fullerenes and transition metal
chromophores. J. Callihan, K.A. Walters
CHED 896. NKU solar cell research: Fullerenetransition metal sensitized solar cells
construction and efficiency studies.
H. Hearn, K.A. Walters
CHED 897. NKU organometallic research:
Simplified synthetic strategies for fullerene-bipyridine ligands used in organometallic complexes for solar cell dyes. J. Horn,
K.A. Walters
CHED 898. Dye inclusion on the {101} face of
KDP crystals. L. Strange, J.R. Williams
CHED 899. New N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)
silver fluorides facilitate dihydrogen activation to form a silver hydride cluster where
sterically demanding NHC ligands increase
stability and rate of hydrogen activation.
J. Nguyen, B. Tate, J.P. Sadighi
CHED 900. Synthesis and catalytic activity
of tin (IV) halides functionalized with
bidentate phosphine ligands. M. Leverich,
R.W. Hartmann
CHED 901. Effect of ZnO morphology on
the photodegradation of malachite green
oxalate. S.C. Bryant, K.O. Laughlin, J.D. Harris
CHED 902. Synthesis, characterization, and
reactivity of ruthenium(II) complexes involving p-cymene and hexamethylbenzene
ligands. A.D. Riner, J.P. Lee
CHED 903. Synthesis and characterization
of cyclopentadienyl- and pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-Co(III) mixed sandwich
compounds containing either tridentate
nitrogen, sulfur, or carbon donor ligands.
T.P. Latendresse, J.P. Lee
CHED 904. Electronic properties and composition of GaAs1-xPx grown by close-spaced
vapor transport. A. Davis, A. Greenaway,
S.W. Boettcher
CHED 905. Synthesis and characterization of
transition metal clusters/polymers supported by pyridylamide ligands. M. Pauly,
L. Yang
CHED 906. Synthesis and bacterial activity
studies of acetylacetonate metal complexes. N.P. Riggsbee, A.L. Koch, A.J. Crook
CHED 907. Stabilization of catalytic tin species
with phosphine ligands. J.H. Murray,
R.W. Hartmann
CHED 908. Towards the synthesis of a
water-souluble -brominated cobalt(II)
porphyrin. J. Williams, K.C. McGill
CHED 909. Synthesis of a novel water soluble
porphyrin-chalcone complex. R.E. Tucker,
J.C. Bradshaw, J.E. Bradshaw
CHED 910. Electronic structure and electrochemical elucidation of human serum
albuminheme complex. G.O. Tomoiaga,
E.M. Luteran, K.S. Kang, R.S. Fogle, M.I. Galinato,
J.A. Bennett
CHED 911. Contrasting the biomimetic reactions of NOx with Fe (III) porphyrins and Fe
(IV) corroles. S.M. Russo, S.K. OShea
CHED 912. Synthesis of a nickel(II) chloride
chemosensor. M. Allegrezza, J. Fautch
CHED 913. Exchange between Fe(III) and Ni(II)
dithiocarbamates in solution. N.M. Barker,
J. Cofeld, N.V. Duffy
CHED 914. Novel halometallates incorporating
2, 2-biimidazole. E.L. Sears, J.G. Kelley,
L. Peterson, Jr., M.D. Smith
CHED 915. Synthesis and high resolution
powder diffraction pattern refinement of
novel rare-earth substituted pyrochlores.
J.D. Aldridge, D.A. Polvani

CHED 916.

Synthesis and characterization of

di-2-pyridyl ketone oxime complexes with
transition and lanthanide metals. K. Knopf,
B.L. Westcott
CHED 917. Synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of spin-crossover cobalt complexes.
H. Zecca, H. Kim, A.C. Bowman
CHED 918. N-heterocyclic carbene ligands
as supports for Cp*Co(I) fragments.
J.M. Andjaba, C.A. Bradley
CHED 919. Developing a copper-catalyzed
asymmetric reduction of 2H-azirines.
D.K. Yi, T.J. Mathews, J. Unger
CHED 920. Investigation of the mechanism of
arene perfluoroalkylation by iron perfluoroalkyl reagents. R.S. Thompson, J.D. Lawrence
CHED 921. SNC-Rh(I) pincer complexes
bearing thioether and N-heterocyclic
carbene donors: Catalytic activity in transfer
hydrogenation. P.L. Osburn, T. Grimes
CHED 922. Utilization of pyrazole based copper
complexes in atom transfer radical addition
(ATRA) and atom transfer radical cyclization
(ATRC). E. Perez, G. Pros, T. Pintauer
CHED 923. Iminophosphorane reagents for
synthesis of electrically diverse diimine
and N-heterocyclic carbene ligands.
A.M. Hodge, C.A. Bradley
CHED 924. Comparative structural studies
of A2BTeO6 (A = Ca, Sr, or Ba; B = Ca or
Cd) double perovskites. A. Flores, H. Albert,
A. Stiner, T. Mansur, P. Barnes, A. Fry
CHED 925. Design, synthesis, and characterization of zinc dithiolato/dithione
(donor/acceptor) and vanadium dithione
complexes. S.C. Ratvasky, M.J. Van Stipdonk,
B. Mogesa, P. Basu
CHED 926. Bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amines complexes. A.J. Rupprecht, J.K. Vohs
CHED 927. Synthesis metal-organic frameworks containing Mn-SALEN active sites
and their catalytic properties. B. Chicoine,
M. Mathews, W. Schumacher, L.G. Beauvais
CHED 928. Formation of mixed monolayers
on TiO2 and Ti-6Al-4V using carboxylic
and phosphonic acids. A. Dalal, N.A. Reger,
E.S. Gawalt
CHED 929. Influence of annealing conditions
on electrical properties in calcium cobalt
oxide misfit layered compounds. D. Lofdahl,
G. Whinery, C. Heideman
CHED 930. Synthesis and characterization of
symmetric and asymmetric bimetallic ruthenium(II) complexes. M.T. Mongelli, J. Pozo,
P. Menta, L. Zierten
CHED 931. Modification of MOF-5 hydrostability for peptide adsorption studies.
M. Nivison, Z. Mensinger
CHED 932. Investigating aurophilic interactions:
Synthesis, structural, and photoluminescent properties of lanthanide cyanometallates containing 1,10-phenanthroline.
J.M. Hendrich, R. Sykora, J.D. Taylor, F.D. White,
K. Xiang
CHED 933. Functionalization of the rho-ZMOF
framework with fluorescent probes.
A. Kalbach, J. Miksovska
CHED 934. Synthesis and reactions of
a tris-(tributylamine)triborate cation.
S. Bertrand, C. OKeefe, G.M. Edvenson
CHED 935. Reaction of 1-{2-[diphenylboryl]
with hydrogen. K. Gurung, T.K. Bader,
G.M. Edvenson
CHED 936. Synthesis of mononuclear ruthenium complexes containing a tetradentate
bipyridine dicarboxylic acid equatorial
ligand and two N-heterocyclic carbene axial
ligands. E.E. Kukura, J.K. Vohs
CHED 937. Characterizing novel Mg alkoxide
compounds as potential precursor
electrolytes for next-generation batteries.
C. Nist-Lund, J. Herb, C.B. Arnold
CHED 938. Withdrawn.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

International Research Experience for
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 939.

Analysis of selective oligonucleotide release from photothermally active

hollow gold nanospheres using surface
enhanced Raman scattering. D.G. Mackanic,
D. Graham, S. Mabbott
CHED 940. Examining bridged oligothiophenes
as small-molecule semiconductors in
organic photovoltaic devices. L.R. Savagian,
N. Findlay, A. Kanibolotsky, P. Skabara
CHED 941. Synthesis and characterization of
CdSe quantum dots via low temperature
thermolysis of a single organometallic
precursor. C.M. Gentle, S. Famiani, L. Tarpani,
L. Latterini
CHED 942. Stabilization of light-harvesting
complexes from Rhodopseudomonas
acidophila in dipeptide gels. E.K. Reagan,
N. Javid, S.K. Nalluri, R. Ulijn
CHED 943. S2O3 treated cuprous oxide electrochemical reactivity with carbon dioxide.
G. Panetti, A.D. Handoko, B. Siang Yeo
CHED 944. Synthesis and characterization of
divalent ligands with photoswitching capabilities. L. Hristov, A. Senf, S. Hecht
CHED 945. Optimization of ferroelectric behavior in lead-strontium-titanate (PST) ceramic
thin films. G. Ruehl, M. Benkler, T. Hanemann
CHED 946. Synthesis and characterization of
light-responsive hybrid polymer thin films.
D. Brauer, N. Wagner, P. Theato
CHED 947. Synthesis and exploration of spiropyran-containing poly-(3-hexylthiophene)
oligomers. A. Kim, M. Schulz, A. Staubitz
CHED 948. Growth of carboxylated UiO-66
metal-organic framework crystals for CO2
capture. S.J. Faucher, D. Zhao, Z. Hu
CHED 949. Development of a sustainable
and efficient protocol for palladium-catalyzed Sonogashira cross-coupling
reactions. M. McLaughlin, G. Strappaveccia,
M. Gruttadauria, L. Vaccaro
CHED 950. Investigation of temperature dependent electrochemical CO2 reduction on
copper by gas chromatography including
formic acid detection via derivatization.
B. Ferguson, J. Grote, K. Mayrhofer
CHED 951. Modification of ultrafiltration
membranes for improved purification
of nanoparticle dispersions. T.J. Myers,
M. Ulbricht
CHED 952. Development in poly-thiophene and
poly-benzotriazole block copolymer for use
in polymer solar cell. T. Range, C. Ping Sen,
S. Valiyaveettil
CHED 953. Experimental studies of shutdown
procedures for water-gas shift catalysts in
high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel
cell systems. K. Fong, D. Krekel
CHED 954. Organoiridium catalyst as a
functional mimic of both oxygen evolving
complex and hydrogenase. S. Barnett
CHED 955. Threshold implementation and
testing in local coupled cluster doubles
theory (PNO-LCCD). J. Ford, M. Schwilk,
H. Werner
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Medicinal Chemistry
Cosponsored by MEDI and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 956.

Identification and synthesis of

novel cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors.
N.A. Pham, P. Tram, T.K. Nguyen, R.L. Schroeder,
S. Jennings, T. Vu, H.E. McFerrin, J. Sridhar

CHED 957.

Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), circular dichroism (CD) and

DNA unwinding studies to investigate
the DNA binding properties of abietane
diterpenes natural products. G.S. Gullickson,
B.S. Kasper, R.E. McKnight
CHED 958. Study of antitumor effects of
quercetin and amine or methoxy polysubstituted derivatives on metastatic and
non-metastatic mouse cells. J. Winkelbauer,
D. Rzewnicki, A. Abel, C. Kriley, T. Homan, D. Ray
CHED 959. Prevention and disruption of
bacterial biofilms. A. Newsham, D. Warner,
R.E. Del Sesto
CHED 960. Transition metal complex dual
CXCR4/CCR5 antagonists. D.J. Davilla,
D. Schols, S.J. Archibald, T.J. Hubin
CHED 961. New thiazolecarboxaldehyde
thiosemicarbazone ligands: NMR structure
studies and complexation with Cu(II) to
form [Cu(TZCA-ETSC)Cl] and with Pd(II)
to form [Pd(TZCA-ETSC)Cl]. S.D. Simpson,
J.D. Conner, N.P. Riggsbee, E.C. Lisic
CHED 962. New 2-acetyl-6-bromopyridine
thiosemicarbazone ligands: NMR and
complexation with Cu(II) to form [Cu(ABrPyTSC)Cl] compounds. T.B. Milligan,
B.C. McGill, L. Hatmaker, E.C. Lisic
CHED 963. Comparison of a series of 2-acetyl-6-methoxypyridine (AMOPY) thiosemicarbazone metal complexes. M.K. Monroe,
A.M. Barnes, B.C. McGill, R.E. Scott, E.C. Lisic
CHED 964. New terpenoids from the Caribbean
gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia acerosa.
P.D. Scesa, L.M. West
CHED 965. Antibacterial activity of 4-alkyl and
4-arylbutenolides. W. Heartsill, J. Stevenson,
A. Damron, N. Estes II, J.M. Hutchison
CHED 966. Insulin-specific inhibition of
insulin-degrading enzyme using a synthetic
receptor. C. Young, L. Logsdon, A.R. Urbach
CHED 967. Manganese-52: cyclotron production and PET/MR imaging. R. Gross,
A.L. Wooten, B. Lewis, P. Woodard, S. Lapi
CHED 968. 4-methylimidazole effect on extrinsic tooth discoloration: A computational
model of the Maillard reaction. L. Tribe,
M. Yacoub
CHED 969. Computational model for tooth
discoloration with sunset yellow treated
with H2O2. A. Naeem, L. Tribe
CHED 970. Synthesis of a highly fluorescent
aminopyronin calcium sensor. A.T. Bayasi,
Z. Woydziak, N. Nayigihugu
CHED 971. Evaluation of organogel
nanoparticles as a means of drug delivery. C.L. Spartz, F. Brouillet, J. Garrigues,
S. Franceschi, E. Perez
CHED 972. Progress toward synthesis
of photomodulated SIRT1 activators.
T. Scheckelhoff, C.N. Streu
CHED 973. Cytotoxicity and cell cycle studies
of trans-diiodophosphine Pt (II) complexes.
S.M. Dennis, A. Medrano, A. Alvarez-Valds,
J. Perles, A. Quiroga, T. McGregor Mason
CHED 974. Identification, synthesis, and
biological activity of galloyl nhibitors of
human low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase. S. Klinker, E.J. McIntee,
H.V. Jakubowski
CHED 975. Progress toward synthesizing transition metal complexes to mimic complex
natural products. N. Smith, S. Knecht,
J.R. Olexa, C.N. Streu
CHED 976. Selective nitration of Hsp90 by
peroxyntrite in the presence of ALS-linked
mutant SOD. J. Titus, K. Thomas, C.N. Dennys,
A.G. Estevez, M.C. Franco
CHED 977. Antimicrobial effect of improved
antibiotics combined with Ni and semigreen Ag nanoparticles in Klebsiella
pneumoniae. K. Rodriguez Graciani, R. Aleno,
M.A. Miranda Belandria, J. Delgado Irizarry,
E. Medina, L. Diaz, E.J. Ferrer Torres, J.I. Ramirez
CHED 978. Natural product discovery through
bioassay methods on Ilex decidua. O. Clem,
M.J. Campbell
CHED 979. Design and synthesis of a new
mGluR5 modulator. L. Kalfayan, D. Kawamba,
K.J. Friedrich

CHED 980.

Investigation of a synthetic
approach to new substituted 1,2,3-triazoles. A. Murdock, S. Alias, K.J. Friedrich
CHED 981. Search for an ideal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). N. Till,
R.G. Yahn, R. LaLonde
CHED 982. Investigating pancreatic anticancer
activity of spiroxin A derivatives. H. Zhang,
K. Kartub, R. Zhou, A.C. Webb, D. Carrico-Moniz
CHED 983. Effect of cell culture components on the preferential cytotoxicity
of isoprenylated coumarin derivatives.
H. Zhang, R. Zhou, M. Jun, A. Bacay, A.C. Webb,
D. Carrico-Moniz
CHED 984. Design of tautomerically ambiguous
cytosine-based nucleosides as potential
anti-HIV agents. C.A. Elkin, Z.T. Ford,
V.K. Dunlap
CHED 985. Using rational drug design toward
the synthesis of novel flavonoid derivatives
as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for the
treatment of Alzheimers disease. J. Minnick,
A. Kranzlein, O.M. Newman, C. Mills
CHED 986. Molecular modeling and docking
studies of peptide macrocycles as
potent inhibitors of the 20S proteasome.
D.L. Wilson, M.G. Gtz
CHED 987. Design and synthesis of sphingolipid derivatives. A. Chatters, M. Foroozesh,
L. Lovings, J. Liu
CHED 988. Design, synthesis, and evaluation
of a novel hydroxamic acid series for treatment of human African trypanosomiasis.
J. Rutledge, K. Kim, G. Parfenov, A.B. Dounay
CHED 989. Synthesis of coumarin derivatives
as potential inhibitors of human cytochrome
P450 enzymes. P. Pham, J. Liu, M. Foroozesh,
L. Lovings
CHED 990. Design and synthesis of coumarin
propargyl ethers as potential cytochrome
P450 inhibitors. S. Bellow, J. Liu, L. Lovings,
M. Foroozesh
CHED 991. Design and synthesis of flavone
propargyl ethers as potential inhibitors
of human cytochrome P450 1A1 and
1A2 enzymes. L. Mensah, L. Lovings, J. Liu,
M. Foroozesh
CHED 992. Synthesis of beta-lactam analogs of
belactosin A. N.K. Dunlap, N. Shokur, J. Byrd,
A.L. Pathiranage
CHED 993. Synthesis of new toll-like receptors
2 (TLR2) ligands for pancreatic cancer
imaging. N.M. Haq, M. Doligalski, A.S. Huynh,
J. Vagner, D.L. Morse, M.L. McLaughlin
CHED 994. Synthesis of novel heterocyclic
naphthoquinone imines and evaluation of
their biological activity. A. Delawder, D. Dopp,
K. Liles, S. Elisha, M. Manpadi
CHED 995. Ketoconazole activates CYP3A4mediated metabolism of letrozole. S. Black,
J.M. Chan, J. Harrelson
CHED 996. Determination of inhibitor specificity
for low molecular weight protein tyrosine
phosphatase isoforms A and B. E. Sinner,
H.V. Jakubowski, E.J. McIntee
CHED 997. Potential antiviral effects of
phenazine derivatives on the La Crosse
virus. Z. Carpenter, C.J. Monceaux
CHED 998. Quantification of longevity of
aminopyronin in E. coli. N. Vita, A.T. Bayasi,
N. Nayigihugu, Z. Woydziak
CHED 999. Developing controlled-release
chloroquine. K. Davis, K.E. Rohly
CHED 1000. Cyclic sulfinimidamides prospective use as non-GAT1 inhibitors. S. Knudsen,
C.J. Monceaux
CHED 1001. Synthesis of 2-(2-sulfonamidopheny)lbenzothiazole and 2-(2-sulfonamidophenyl)benzimidazole as potential
inhibitors of anthrax lethal factor and other
zinc metalloenzymes. M.J. Rouffet, C. Kay
CHED 1002. Triflic acid mediated thiophenyl
sulfonylation of arenes and subsequent
antimicrobial activity determination of thiophenyl aryl sulfones. C. Foley, J.R. Mckee,
B. Peethambaran
CHED 1003. Oxadiazoles as biofilm and bacterial growth inhibitors. K. Childers, A. Weber,
A. Zanella, R.E. Grote

CHED 1004.

Synthesis of multitarget ligands

for the treatment of Alzheimers disease.
V. Anto, D. Fish
CHED 1005. Withdrawn.
CHED 1006. Saccharin and its carbohydrate-conjugate shows promise for isoform
selective inhibition of carbonic anhydrase
IX: A lead approach to anti-cancer drug
development. J.M. Driscoll, B.P. Mahon,
G.M. Rankin, S. Poulsen, C.T. Supuran,
R. McKenna
CHED 1007. Using essential oils to combat
the threat of multidrug resistant bacteria.
Z.T. Rahman, J. Mack
CHED 1008. Optimization of thiadiazole small
molecule inhibitor of the hippo signaling
pathway to reduce pro-EMT cancerous cell
growth. N.A. Werwie, S. Strellec, A. Rebbaa,
R. Lettan
CHED 1009. Targeting sphingosine kinase 2:
Converting highly selective substrates into
inhibitors. R. Dyer, T.K. Dawson, Y. Kharel,
K. Lynch, T.L. Macdonald
CHED 1010. Novel anticancer drugs on
the basis of diversely functionalized
N-containing heterocycles. K. Zingler,
L. Frolova, S. Rogelj
CHED 1011. Diastereoselectivity in an exhaustive bromination of anthracenyl-isoxazoles.
M.J. Campbell, M.J. Weaver, N.R. Natale
CHED 1012. Preparation and photolysis of
non-glucosinolates. E.M. Voigt, E.H. Pauley,
J.R. Mays
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Cosponsored by SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 1013.

Activity and selectivity of

PVP-capped palladium nanocatalysts
immobilized on silica microspheres for the
hydrogenation of phenol. J.E. Kauffman,
N.D. Muench, A.L. Marsh
CHED 1014. Luminescent gold nanoparticles-based fluorescence and dynamic light
scattering dual-modality sensor for copper
(II) detection. A.J. Fatino, C. Zhou
CHED 1015. Nanostructured metal oxides with
tunable Lewis base sites for the conversion
of L--phosphatidylcholine to biodiesel.
K.I. Tooke, D.S. Heroux
CHED 1016. Characterizing the partitioning
of hydrophobic solutes into the surfactant
bilayer on gold nanorods. I.M. DiMucci,
L.B. Thompson
CHED 1017. Investigating the interactions
between gold nanoparticles and L.
catebeianus and L. sylvaticus. L.L. Lee,
L.B. Thompson, P. Fong, K. Andresen
CHED 1018. Low temperature, size-selective fluorescence spectroscopy of PbSe
quantum dots. I. Corcione, J. Peterson,
W. Stephans, M. Ruggiero
CHED 1019. Templated gold nanorod arrays
for improved plasmonic biosensing.
S.L. Melnyk, I.R. Bruzas, L.B. Sagle
CHED 1020. Developing a silica-coated nanovehicle for targeted cancer therapy. Z. Liao,
N.H. Kolodny, N.T. Flynn, A.C. Webb
CHED 1021. Synthesis of activated palladium
nanoparticles (PdNPs) on carbon microspheres (CMs) for use as a hydrogenation
catalyst. J.P. Pender, S.E. Sanders, M.R. Dix,
P.E. Colavita, K.M. Metz
CHED 1022. Self assembly and ordering at
the nanomaterial liquid crystal interface.
D. Hofmann, S. Crotty, A. Sharma, Y. Gao,
T. Hegmann, E. Hegmann
CHED 1023. Investigating the integrity of
novel nanovehicles for targeting pancreatic
cancer. S.N. Musetti, A.W. Cheema, N.T. Flynn,
A.C. Webb, N.H. Kolodny

CHED 1024.

UV spectrophotometric titration
of graphene oxide with ascorbic acid to
follow reduced graphene oxide formation.
E. Olson, G.J. Mancini-Samuelson
CHED 1025. Nanosized organometallic building
block synthesis for the formation of a polyoxometalate-based framework. M. Lund,
W.A. Neiwert
CHED 1026. Organic dyes improving the
efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells.
J.L. Gesell, C. Kelley, S. Geiger, E.A. Nalley
CHED 1027. Activation and stabilization of
electrodeposited p-Cu2O with underpotentially deposited Ni. K. DeHority, G. Clause,
A. Fillinger
CHED 1028. Synthesis of silver gallium sulfide
nanoparticles. M. Kessler, S. Hughes
CHED 1029. Tailoring cadmium selenide
nanocrystals with mixed ligand systems.
C. Bloom, A.S. Tysoe, D. Jackson, J.D. Kehlbeck,
M.E. Hagerman
CHED 1030. Surfaced enhanced infrared
absorption on optimized copper nanostructures. W.A. Henry, D.A. Perry
CHED 1031. Noble metal-TiO2 and noble
metal-ZnO nanocomposites for improved
photocatalysis. J.C. Franco, P.Z. Ray,
R.M. Prevost, M.A. Tarr
CHED 1032. Comparative interactions of gold
and silver nanoparticles and lead in the
rates of germination and root elongation of
radish plants. R. Noriega Rivera, B. Mercado
Toro, A. Cruz Torres, E. Medina, C. Osorio Cantillo,
E. Ferrer Torres, J.I. Ramirez Domenech
CHED 1033. Functionalization of indole-3-acetic acid with gold nanoparticles synthesized
through a double reduction reaction using
leaflets extracts of Leucaena leucocephala
(Lam.) de Witt. G. Maldonado Velez, E. Medina,
C. Osorio Cantillo, E. Ferrer Torres, J.I. Ramirez
CHED 1034. Synthesis of small, ligand-stabilized copper nanoparticles as building
blocks for electroreduction catalysts.
A. DiAscro, S.L. Young, J.E. Hutchison
CHED 1035. Probing nanosize-dependent
oligomerization by using fluorescence
dynamics of fluorescein amyloid beta 1-40
peptides. C. Catalfamo, H. Chen, M. Spencer,
E. DAmbrosio, K. Yokoyama
CHED 1036. Influence of pore size on cobalt
loaded mesoporous materials for oxidation
catalysis. E. Murchie, D.S. Heroux
CHED 1037. Comparative study of the
application of nanostructured materials
to fingermarks impressions. M. Feliciano
Sanchez, Y. Lugo, W.J. Rivera Martinez,
E. Medina, J.I. Ramirez Domenech, C. Osorio
Cantillo, E.J. Ferrer Torres
CHED 1038. Comparative study and characterization of MgO, ZnO and CuO nanoparticles
using amino acids as capping agents.
A. Lopez, R. Aleno, M.A. Miranda Belandria,
E. Medina, C. Osorio Cantillo, J.I. Ramirez
Domenech, E.J. Ferrer Torres
CHED 1039. Functionalization and characterization of bimetallic silver-gold nanoparticles
with antibiotics. M.A. Miranda Belandria,
M. Feliciano Sanchez, P. Rivera Pomales,
E. Medina, J.I. Ramirez Domenech, C. Osorio
Cantillo, E.J. Ferrer Torres
CHED 1040. Preparation of metalloporphyrin
nanoparticles. J. Seidel, L.K. Lee
CHED 1041. Synthetic methods of CTS and
CZTS nanocrystals. R.R. Bohling, B.J. Gerold,
M.M. Davis, T.M. Pappenfus
CHED 1042. Thin films of gold nanoparticles:
Temporal stability and mechanisms of
degradation. J. Xu, N.T. Flynn
CHED 1043. Synthesizing dendrimer-ligand
conjugates for peptide mediated cellular
delivery systems. C.R. Pace III, J. Manono,
S.C. Dimaggio
CHED 1044. Diazonium-derived nitrobenzene
layers on nanoporous gold. C.L. Chevalier,
E.C. Landis
CHED 1045. Stability of alkane-thiol monolayers on nanoporous gold surfaces.
R.B. Chevalier, D. Patel, E.C. Landis

CHED 1046.

Zinc oxide and zinc sulfide

nanoparticles for DNA detection: Synthesis,
functionalization, characterization, and
applications. B. Etz, S. ORiley, S.M. Basu
CHED 1047. Nano size, pH, and temperature
dependence of interfacial self-assembly
of -synuclein peptide. L. Morrow, M. Yuan,
K. Chung, K. Yokoyama
CHED 1048. Solvent interactions in vegetable
oil solutions of C60 fullerene. L.D. Bienski,
R.N. Callahan, J.A. Galvan, K.A. Morris,
M. Wirianto
CHED 1049. Ambient and UHV STM studies of
metal surface restructuring by amino acids.
A.L. Lee, H.R. Morgan, J.A. Phillips, L.E. Jackson,
E.V. Iski
CHED 1050. Probing the interactions of polyethylene glycol-coated magnetic nanoparticles with human hemoglobin. J.L. Bowers,
Z. Liu, A. Fazal
CHED 1051. Solution-processed templated
organic semiconductor nanowires. E. Avery,
A. Haruk, J. Mativetsky
CHED 1052. Toxic heavy metal removal via
a recyclable gold nanoparticle complex.
O. Hull, R. Huschka
CHED 1053. Nanostructured polymer
lithography for photovoltaic applications.
A.J. Christy, N.L. McKibben, J.D. Harris,
D. Estrada, J.S. McNatt
CHED 1054. Impact of poly(ethylene glycol)
molecular weight and degree of conjugation on the thermodynamics of DNA
complexation and colloidal stability of
polyethylenimine-graft-poly(ethylene glycol)
copolymers. R.J. Smith, R. Beck, L. Prevette
CHED 1055. Deposition of gold nanoparticles
on silicon via a galvanic displacement using
a block copolymer technique. R. Sronce,
D. Dvila Pineda, C. Hierold
CHED 1056. Double shell CdSe/ZnSe/ZnS
nanoparticle spectral shifts before and
after a manganese dopant is introduced.
A.N. Dobracki, S.J. Gravelle, J.K. Vohs
CHED 1057. Structural and electronic properties of endohedral and exohedral derivatives of C20 and C24 fullerenes; TM@C20,
TM-C20, TM@C24, and TM-C24 (TM = Group
11 & 12 metals): Density-functional theory
investigations. M. Gonzalez, K.A. Beran
CHED 1058. Withdrawn.
CHED 1059. Inkjet-printed multisensor
arrays on flexible substrates. H. Mitchell,
A. Wanekaya
CHED 1060. Direct growth of alpha-Fe2O3
by vapor deposition on stainless steel
as anode for Li-ion battery. D. Phan,
A. Dangereld, A. Navulla, L. Meda
CHED 1061. Chemical vapor deposition of
cubic NiO nanoplates on stainless steel
substrates as anode for lithium-ion battery.
C. Arnold, A. Navulla, L. Meda
CHED 1062. Cyclic voltammetry study on the
origin of excess capacity on ruthenium
oxide. L. Meda, A. Navulla, L. Douglas, J. Adkins
CHED 1063. Synthesis of MnO nanoparticles
and their electrochemical properties.
L. Leban III, M. Jones, A. Navulla, L. Meda
CHED 1064. Vapor phase synthesis of cubic
CoO nanocrystals as anode in lithium ion
battery. B. Tate, A. Navulla, L. Meda
CHED 1065. Energetic effects of metal
nanoparticle fuel additives on the combustion of ethanol. C. Potter, P.W. Barnes
CHED 1066. Fluorescence quenching in
organic and inorganic solutions using gold
nanoparticles. A. King, H.G. Altmiller

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

CHED 1067.

Cheap and cost effective

synthesis of metal (gold, silver)/reduced
graphene oxide nanocomposites for antibacterial applications: A comparative study.
S.A. Alazzam, E.H. Alsharaeh
CHED 1068. Enhanced visible light driven photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes and
antibacterial properties of iron oxide/RGO
nanocomposites. M. Alturki, E.H. Alsharaeh
CHED 1069. Synthesis, characterization, and
antibacterial activity of reduced holey
graphene. A.S. Al Saud, S.A. Alazzam,
E.H. Alsharaeh, Y. Aldawsari
CHED 1070. Facile synthesis of reduced
graphene oxide layer supported cobalt
nanoparticles and their antibacterial
activity against E. coli. Y. Mussa, M. Alturki,
E.H. Alsharaeh
CHED 1071. Tuning the forces between conjugated nanoparticles. G. Satishchandran,
D. Venkataraman
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Organic Chemistry
Cosponsored by SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 1072.

Investigation of the ability of

dibenzyl sulfoxide and triphenylphosphine
oxide to form cocrystals with carboxylic acids and phenols. C. Kemppainen,
D. Adsmond
CHED 1073. Complete synthesis of analogs of
a tuberculosis medication, ethambutol, with
known intermediates, diethyl ethylmalonate
and diethyl phenylmalonate. K.C. Haney,
D.S. Masterson, D. Rosado
CHED 1074. Investigation of the ability of sulfisomidine to form cocrystals with carboxylic
acids. S.H. Douglas, D. Adsmond
CHED 1075. Synthesis of novel bactericidal
aminoglycosides. A. Elleman, A. Felten,
J. Weibel, P. Pale
CHED 1076. Palladium-catalyzed coupling of
O-benzylbenzimidoyl iodides and boronic
acids. B. Sharma Poudel, S.K. Ayer, Z. Li,
K.H. Shaughnessy, T.S. Snowden, D.D. Dolliver
CHED 1077. Palladium-catalyzed Songashira
coupling reaction between diaryl telluride
and alkyes. J. Diaz, J. Jin, S. Zhang, C. Ailneni
CHED 1078. Investigation of the non-covalent
binding between benzo-crown ethers and
bis(trifluoromethyl)dibenzylammonium ion.
K.A. Carter, S.L. Blosser, L. Webber, D. Nguyen,
P.A. Bonvallet
CHED 1079. Tethered quionolide ligands for
stereoselective lactide polymerization.
E. Draper, M. Haaf, Z. Jones
CHED 1080. Diversifying covalent organic
framework designs through nonreversible linkages and non-planar aromatic
monomers. R.L. Snyder, A. Alsbaiee, X. Zhang,
M. Haaf, W. Dichtel
CHED 1081. Studies on Suzuki and Hiyama
coupling of halopyridines with bromoacetates. A.M. Walls, C. Linne, R.W. Fitch
CHED 1082. Design and synthesis of multifunctional peptoid-NSAID conjugates. B. Auvil,
K.L. Molchany, C. Young, A. Schell, S.C. Young
CHED 1083. Desilylation and deuterium
enrichment of ethynyl substituted pyridines.
B.S. Gelinas, J.A. Jaye, E.H. Fort
CHED 1084. Synthesis of 3,4-bis(2-acetoxybenzoyl)-1,2,5-oxadiazole-2-oxide.
S. Aggarwal, N.M. Wachter
CHED 1085. Investigating the stereochemistry
of 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde in aldol reactions. S. Morich, N.M. Wachter
CHED 1086. Impact of cyclopentadienone
substitution on the activity of (cyclopentadienone)iron tricarbonyl catalysts. D.J. Ruff,
K.P. Fodale, T.W. Funk
CHED 1087. Towards the synthesis of a photocleavable linker for GlcNAc-ligated protein
purification. K.R. Mrugalski, R.I. Meador,
T.W. Funk

CHED 1088.

Synthesis of diepoxy- and

triepoxy c-ring analogs of triptolide: An
antileukemic, male contraceptive and an
anti-inflammatory diterpenoid triepoxide.
C. Fussell, S. Jiva, G.E. Rudd
CHED 1089. Synthesis of HIV-1 capsid
protein inhibitors based on SAR analysis.
Z. Whitescarver, J. Brown, T. Jarvis, A.K. Schrock,
M.T. Huggins, M.F. Summers
CHED 1090. Factors affecting the product
distribution of substitution and elimination
reactions: An experiment for an undergraduate organic lab. K.N. Hipp, R.V. Macri
CHED 1091. Synthesis of phthalocyanine
photosensitizers for potential use in photodynamic therapy. E. Baker, K.P. Schultz
CHED 1092. Potassium detection using crown
ethers. M. McConville, K.P. Schultz
CHED 1093. New methyl-imidazolecarboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazones ligands: NMR
structural studies and complexation with
Pd2+ to form [Pd(MIZCA-TSC)Cl] compounds. R.E. Scott, B.C. McGill, N.P. Riggsbee,
W.F. Carroll, E.C. Lisic
CHED 1094. Utility of C2 substituted imidazolium room temperature ionic liquids in
basic reaction media. M.K. Gard, E.G. Ennis
CHED 1095. Synthesis of dicalix[4]arenes with
methylene-bridge flexible linkers. R.S. Rabb,
J.L. Fantini
CHED 1096. Synthesis and reactions of a
2-oxocalix[4]arene. I.M. Delahunty, J.L. Fantini
CHED 1097. Synthesis of calix[4]arenes with
a triaryl- or tetraarylalkene group at the
2-position. N.J. Tran, J.L. Fantini
CHED 1098. Synthesis of rhodium(III) azuliporphyrins. L.M. Stateman, T.D. Lash
CHED 1099. Study of the substituent effects on
the anti-oxidant potential of anthocyanidins:
A computational investigation. T.L. Seto,
B.W. Gung
CHED 1100. Mechanistic aspects of the photocatalytic peroxidation of squalene on TiO2.
M.E. Byrd, M.L. Kaak, J.A. Ganske
CHED 1101. Separation of alpha and beta
sodium glucoheptonate. E.M. Lewoczko
CHED 1102. Progress toward the synthesis of
(S)-curvularin. M.W. Fultz, T. Slater
CHED 1103. Synthesis of capsaicin analogs.
T. Slater, E. Higginbotham, M.W. Fultz
CHED 1104. Energies and conformational
preferences of perfluoronated -furanoses.
A.A. Hunt, J.S. Rhoad
CHED 1105. Synthesis and purification of
aspernigrin A analogs. L.M. Martin, P.G. Roth,
A.M. Reeve
CHED 1106. Efforts toward synthesis of isoindolinone core of muironolide A. C.A. Olson,
B.L. Thompson, C. Shaner, T.A. Mitchell
CHED 1107. Sequence-specific, nanomolar
peptide recognition via the folding and
inclusion of neighboring sidechains in
cucurbit[8]uril. D. Leach, B. Blaylock, L. Smith,
O. Ali, A.R. Urbach
CHED 1108. On the reaction of strained
alkynes with cysteine thiolates. G.H. Jones,
M.M. Tierney, J. Chalker
CHED 1109. Synthesis of dimethoxyindole-based eumelanin and indigo analogs.
W. Ryu, J.C. Quirke, J.M. Belitsky
CHED 1110. Investigation of [5+2] oxidopyrylium cycloadditions. C.R. Zwick,
J.A. Simanis, T.A. Mitchell, J.R. Goodell, C.M. Law
CHED 1111. Halide inhibition of the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition: An
NMR analysis. B.H. Frohock, R.M. Moorman,
M.B. Collier, M.D. Womble, J.M. Chalker
CHED 1112. Exploring the rearranagement of
complex benzylic trichloroacetimidates to
benzylic trichloroacetamides. R.J. Gilbert,
A. Adhikari, J.D. Chisholm
CHED 1113. Quantitative assessment of the
effect of reaction variables on racemization
of alpha-amino acids during amide bond
formation. A. Ott, D. Castagna, C. Jamieson,
A.J. Watson
CHED 1114. Prelimanary assesment of volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor
parking facilities in the greater Houston
area. R.B. Reed, S. Tarver, B. Wilson

CHED 1115.

Progress toward the total synthesis of hemerocallisamines. D. Bruce, B. Maki

CHED 1116. Synthesis of antioxidants:
Modified arginine derivatives. M. Ohoueu,
M. Perea, K. Molinar, B. Maki
CHED 1117. Continued efforts toward the total
synthesis of solomonamide B. L. Calvo,
J. Hazlerig, S.C. Butler
CHED 1118. Utilization of monohalogenated
alkyl halides in copper-catalyzed atom
transfer radical addition (ATRA) at elevated
temperature. A.B. Jansto, T. Pintauer
CHED 1119. Determination of products formed
by the photolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in
seawater. E.A. Rios, D.W. OSullivan, D.J. Luning
CHED 1120. Oximes derivatives from ferrocenyl
chalcone as potential antibacterial agents.
N.E. Caldero-Rodriguez, I. Montes Gonzalez
CHED 1121. Improving the efficiency of fluorescein diether cytochrome P450 substrates.
A.J. Milto, J. Norley, R.A. Cloyd, L. Wysocki
CHED 1122. Designing an efficient and
practical polarity assay for xanthene dyes.
J.S. Santana, J.C. Miller, L. Wysocki
CHED 1123. New frontiers in organizing
crystals by molecular shape. M. Schutzbach,
K.A. Wheeler
CHED 1124. Nucleophilic [4+4] cyclodimerization of cyclopropenylmethanol derivatives
to 4,9-disubstituted-2,7-dioxatricyclodecanes. T. Bennin, A. Edwards, M.A. Rubin
CHED 1125. Synthesis of precursors of
aromatic diamidines: Bisnitriles and hydroxilamine with ether and amide as linkers.
R. Luciano, S. Coln, A. Batista
CHED 1126. Synthesis, characterization, and
kinetic application of tris-(2-aminoethyl)
amine (TREN) ligand derivatives. J. Connell,
K.D. Oshin
CHED 1127. Library synthesis of novel
Xanthoglow fluorophores. J.I. Garcia,
Z. Woydziak
CHED 1128. SNAr reactions utilizing iterative
decomposition of formamides. J. Sorrentino,
Z. Woydziak, J.I. Garcia
CHED 1129. Study of the photodimerization
of 4-vinylbenzylthymine and 4-vinylbenzyl
trialkyl ammonium chloride using UV-Vis
spectrophotometry and gel permeation
chromatography. N. Chen, N.E. Lee
CHED 1130. Polymer bound Wittig reaction
under solvent free ball milling conditions.
K. Benson, K. Leahy, J. Mack
CHED 1131. Investigations of the conjugate
hydrocyanation of ,-unsaturated aldehydes in organic synthesis. M.A. Hubbuck,
W.P. Serrano, T. Black, N.C. Kallan
CHED 1132. Synthesis of nonsymmetric
ferrocene derivatives from 1,1-diacetylferrocene. S. Ramos-de Dios, I. Montes-Gonzalez,
M.R. Otao
CHED 1133. Determining the benefits of
alternative haircare conditioning practice.
D. Miller, H. Sklenicka
CHED 1134. Microwave-enhanced synthesis
involving aliphatic alcohols & other compounds. L. Farber, K. Hess, J.M. Wetherell,
K. Konieczny
CHED 1135. Progress toward the synthesis
of N-methyl improgan. M.M. Siepsiak,
M.A. Vanalstine-Parris
CHED 1136. Synthesis and investigation of
sila-allyl anions. C. Duke, W.R. Winchester
CHED 1137. Trends observed In solvent studies
of 2-ethylhexyl chloroformate. A. Wilson,
K. Null, M.J. DSouza
CHED 1138. Kinetics and mechanism of
cyclohexyl chloroformate. L.C. Malinowski,
C.E. Gross, M.J. DSouza
CHED 1139. Polyphenolic compounds from an
acetone extract of Hypericum pyramidatum. E. Fortier, D.K. Ngo, J. Heneks, R. Force,
S. Chen, G.E. Henry
CHED 1140. Xanthones and a caffeic acid
ester from an acetone extract of Hypericum
stragulum. S. Chen, J. Heneks, R. Force,
B. Rhodes, G.E. Henry

CHED 1141.

Flavonoids and stilbenes from an

acetone extract of Hypericum stragulum.
R. Force, J. Heneks, S. Chen, B. Rhodes,
G.E. Henry
CHED 1142. Chemical constituents of Scirpus
atrovirens leaves. M. Bruer, J. Kizina, S. Chen,
G.E. Henry
CHED 1143. Synthesis of indole derived
fluorine-containing amino acids. H. Cade,
M.A. Lnu, M.H. Blocker
CHED 1144. Lewis acid-catalyzed decarboxylative addition of keto acid to trifluoromethyl
imines. M.A. Lnu, D. Van Leuven
CHED 1145. Use of Langlois reagent in the
synthesis of CF3-containing bicyclic aromatic compounds. L.R. Miner, A.M. Wilson
CHED 1146. Selective oxazole and thiazole
formation from a common intermediate.
B. Sciarra, A.M. Wilson
CHED 1147. Methodology for trifluoromethylation. T. Crandall, A.M. Wilson
CHED 1148. Ozonolysis of silyl enol
ethers: Synthesis of 3-silyloxy-1,2- and
3-alkyl-3-silyloxy-1,2-dioxolanes. K. Wilson,
D.P. Soulsby
CHED 1149. Organic synthesis of novel SSRI
analogs. E.L. Kantor, B. Jean, R. Lettan,
J. Madura
CHED 1150. Quorum sensing in P. aeruginosa:
Synthesis of natural derivatives. M.W. Coon,
E.G. Sega
CHED 1151. Synthesis and evaluation of
symmetrical biphenyltetrols as aggregation
inhibitors for Alzheimers amyloid- peptide.
S.L. Wicks, J.K. Logan, J.M. Hanna, R.K. Lammi
CHED 1152. In search of objective measures
of molecular structural similarity. L. Smith,
M.S. Erickson
CHED 1153. Survey of bracket and crust fungi
for the presence of monacolin K and citrinin. B.A. Clement, E. Jeong, A. Teh, T. Sitorus,
K.A. Morris
CHED 1154. Survey of pesticide presence in
local honey compared with migratory bee
keepers. W.L. Nason, S.A. Waratuke
CHED 1155. Evaluating the leaching of
phthalates and bisphenol A from childrens
drinking cups. S.A. Waratuke, N. Monteiro
CHED 1156. Comparison of BPA migration
levels from polycarbonate food storage
containers subjected to detergents,
dishwasher, and microwave use. E.D. Umali,
S.A. Waratuke
CHED 1157. Antibiotic compounds isolated
from fungal endophytes. K.L. Bair, S.J. Coval
CHED 1158. Synthesis of flavanones from
2-hydroxychalcones using 1H-1-hydroxy-5methyl-1,2,3-benziodoxathiole 3,3-dioxide.
J. Rhoads-Lorigan, M.W. Justik
CHED 1159. Derivatives of ferulic acid.
A. Feigley, K.M. Halligan, J.J. Beck
CHED 1160. Synthetic modifications of hypervalent iodine reagents. A. Brkic, M.W. Justik
CHED 1161. Oxidative-substitution reactions
of polyaromatic hydrocarbons with
BF3-activated iodonium ylides of 1H-1hydroxy-5-methyl-1,2,3-benziodoxathiole
3,3-dioxide. Z. Ekstrom, M.W. Justik
CHED 1162. Computational analysis of
monomethylated and dimethylated Hckel
and Mbius [12]-, [14]-, and [16]annulenes.
S. Luo, G. Vinnacombe, C. Castro, W.L. Karney
CHED 1163. Electronic characterization of
organic materials. R. Sechrist, J.J. Reczek
CHED 1164. Synthesis of small molecule inhibitors of LOX using BAPN and its derivatives.
N. Oragwam, H. Hashim, D.M. Solano
CHED 1165. Progress towards
N-alkylbenzamides as potential antimalarials. Z. Beggs, M.J. Campbell
CHED 1166. Preparation of trifluoromethylated
vanillins for preparation of new curcumins.
J. Brown, M.J. Campbell
CHED 1167. Environmentally conscious one
pot synthesis of isoxazolines in aqueous
media. S.E. Lewis, T.K. Carcamo, A. Avina,
D.M. Solano

CHED 1168.

Reduction of nitrobenzene
derivatives using crystalline polymorphs of
cobalt(II) sulfide and sodium borohydride.
L. Ramirez, J. Gutierrez-Gonzales, J.G. Parsons,
N. Izquierdo
CHED 1169. Preparation and NMR studies
of 2-benzoyl-1-naphthols. M. Mifin,
D.J. Crouse, T. Mathis
CHED 1170. General route to C-nucleosides.
J. Sheena, A. Washington, K.J. Friedrich
CHED 1171. Synthesis and purification of
cyclohexylphosphoserine for application
as a potential phosphatidylserine analog.
T.A. Scott, J.C. Amburgey-Peters
CHED 1172. Formation of a protected
carbobenzyloxy-L-serine-benzyl ester
cyclohexyl H-phosphonate diester towards
the synthesis of cyclohexylphosphoserine
as a potential phosphatidylserine analog.
J.W. Polster, J.C. Amburgey-Peters
CHED 1173. Synthesis of a potential phosphatidylserine analog:
Cyclohexyldiphosphoserine. K.W. Murray,
J.C. Amburgey-Peters
CHED 1174. Extraction of N-methylcytisine
from Caulophyllum thalictroides (blue
cohosh). L. Sluis, M.P. Maddox
CHED 1175. Synthesis of homoleptic
bismuth(III) sulfurylimide complexes.
D. Gingerich, R. LaLonde
CHED 1176. Rapid synthesis of N-(4chlorobenzyl)-N-methylformamide.
K. OKeefe, M. Bobylev
CHED 1177. TPEN and TPEN* ligands and
ATRA in polar aprotic solvent system.
E. Gorse, A. Kaur, G. Pros, T. Pintauer
CHED 1178. Microwave promoted synthesis of
diethyl phenylmalonate. H. Meer, K.A. Moon,
C.C. Marvin
CHED 1179. Synthesis of tetrabenazine
via visible light photoredox catalysis.
L.R. Orgren, E.E. Maverick, C.C. Marvin
CHED 1180. Withdrawn.
CHED 1181. Microwave promoted malonate
arylation: Regioselectivity. J.B. Pierce,
C.C. Marvin
CHED 1182. Click synthesis of triazole-based
cefotaxime derivatives. N. Swope, S.A. Brouet
CHED 1183. Acetamide as a solvent in the
rapid synthesis of N-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)
formamide. M.A. Falkenberg, J.A. Collins,
L.I. Bobyleva, M.M. Bobylev
CHED 1184. Rapid synthesis of N,Ndipiperonylformamide. M.A. Bell, N.L. Gillis,
L.I. Bobyleva, M.M. Bobylev
CHED 1185. Rapid synthesis of N,N,N-tri-(4t-butylbenzyl)amine. S. Park, L.I. Bobyleva,
M.M. Bobylev
CHED 1186. Rapid synthesis of N,N,N-tri-(1naphthylmethyl)amine. H. Lee, L.I. Bobyleva,
M.M. Bobylev
CHED 1187. Rapid synthesis of N,N-(4chlorobenzylidene)-bis-formamide.
S.W. Olson, M.M. Bobylev
CHED 1188. Synthesis of 1,1-ferrocenyl
chalcones derivatives as potential biological
active compounds. I. Lehman-Andino,
I. Montes Gonzalez
CHED 1189. Synthetic approach toward
attaching a pyridine based cation receptor
to solid support. M. Mills, S.G. Tajc
CHED 1190. Diastereoselective dipolar
cycloadditions for the synthesis of
pyrazoline and pyrazolidine pharmacophores. E.F. Dohmeier, A. Beebe, D.C. Seaman,
C.A. Castro, G. Moura-Letts
CHED 1191. Blue copper protein models:
Characterization of copper (I/II) complexes
of the N2S2 macrocycle 1,8-dithia-4,11-diazacyclotetradecane and derivatives.
J. Ziebiec, I. Taschner, T.L. Walker
CHED 1192. Mass scale-up of pyrazolidinones and N-alkylation tests. K.M. Jensen,
C.P. Jasperse
CHED 1193. Palladium cross-coupling reactions enhanced with aromatic co-catalysts.
A. Sterdjevich, J.J. Reczek
CHED 1194. Hydrodehalogenation of aryl
halides using sodium borohydride.
A. Mayhugh, D.B. Cordes

CHED 1195.

Preparation of a simple acetylenic

poly(aryl ether). B. Montz, T.W. Nalli
Synthesis and characterization
of novel boron cluster carboxylic acids.
G.E. Dwulet, M.A. Juhasz
CHED 1197. Liquid-liquid extraction and
analysis of the antioxidant, resveratrol, from
various red and white wines. F.C. Mayville,
N.E. Brandstetter, D.L. Mandracchia
CHED 1198. Soxhlet extraction and analysis
of capsaicin from various pepper flesh.
F.C. Mayville, L.N. Amiano, C.P. Sulpizio
CHED 1199. Electrophilic aromatic substitution
reactions with naphthalene and guaiazulene
using ionic liquids. F.C. Mayville, J. Park,
C.P. Saboe
CHED 1200. Synthesis of four putrescine
analogs using 95% and 100% ethanol.
F.C. Mayville, A.L. Cosentino, R.J. Fischer,
C.J. McCarthy, H.C. Santos
CHED 1201. Synthesis of five spermidine
analogs using 95% and 100% ethanol.
F.C. Mayville, N.S. Carvis, D.J. McGouldrick
CHED 1202. 4,4- Bis(bromomethyl) diphenyl
ether as a monomer for a new poly(arylene)
ether. J. Schultz, T.W. Nalli
CHED 1203. Hydrogenation using palladium
nanoparticle catalysts: Functional group
survey. P.L. Ankney, C.L. Hathaway, C.E. Harris
CHED 1204. Synthesis of symmetrical biphenyls using phenylboronic acids and manganese(III) acetylacetonate. N.J. Webster,
A.M. Lelle, C. Ybarra Garcia, C.E. Harris
CHED 1205. Drug delivery systems utilizing
modified nucleobase hydrogelators and
polyamines: Synthesis of polyamines.
D. Benson, D. Johnson, C.M. Lawrence
CHED 1206. Utilization of nucleobase interactions to develop supramolecular polymer
hybrids. M. Porter, G. Gilyot, C.M. Lawrence
CHED 1207. Drug delivery systems utilizing
modified nucleobase hydrogelators and
polyamines: Synthesis of modified nucleobases. D. Johnson, D. Benson, C.M. Lawrence
CHED 1208. Multiple methods for analysis
of organic materials using the GC/MS.
T.L. Beck, B.J. Karels, T.M. Pappenfus
CHED 1209. Diastereoselective dipolar
cycloaddtions for the synthesis of imidazoline and imidazolidine pharmacophores. A. Beebe, E.F. Dohmeier, D.C. Seaman,
C.A. Castro, G. Moura-Letts
CHED 1210. Synthesis of hydrazide heterocycle for development as an organocatalyst.
S.A. Brouet, A. Warhausen, T.F. McMillan
CHED 1211. Investigating the stereoselectivity
of magnesium Oppenauer oxidations.
C.M. Webb, K.J. Brown
CHED 1212. Natural fiber welded chitin
composites. E. Brown, M. Brusoski, E. Fox,
C. Sweet, H.C. De Long, P.C. Trulove
CHED 1213. Production of methyl-ester
(biodiesel) using oleic acid and methanol
and lipase B Candida antarctica. J. Sekhon,
R.W. Hartmann
CHED 1214. Stereoselective synthesis of fluorinated -lactams. A. Knulty, J.C. Easdon
CHED 1215. Synthesis, characterization,
and phototoxicity studies of paraben
derivatives. K. Becker, S. Merrill, C. Janson,
A. Schaeffer, I. Hildebrandt, K. Pate, K.S. George
CHED 1216. Progress toward the synthesis of
fluorinated antimalarial analogs. J. Roos,
H.E. Vaghoo
CHED 1217. Synthesis of the benztropine
derivative as a precursor of fluorescence
labeled analogs to be used in dopamine
transporter binding affinity assays. W. Liang,
S. Xie
CHED 1218. Synthesis of molecular electronic
components for self-assembly onto metal
electrodes. K.S. Williams, J.E. Meany, S. Woski
CHED 1219. Thiosemicarbazone-derivatives
from ferrocenyl chalcones as potential
antibacterial and antimalarial agents.
A. Molina-Villarino, I. Montes
CHED 1196.

CHED 1220.

Synthesis of (2-fluorophenyl)
methanol followed by an investigation of
hydrogen bonding via 1H-NMR. Y.V. Tsai,
.L. Johnson, R.N. Ferrill, R.E. Rosenberg
CHED 1221. Synthesis of novel GLP-1 stimulants. O. Zamulko, A.M. Heuer, D. Hinckley,
J.D. Goodwin, J.T. Ippoliti
CHED 1222. Synthetic investigation of Diels
Alder reactions with - unsaturated
ketones. L. Soong, K. Cetto Bales
CHED 1223. Synthesis and characterization
of new oxadiazole-containing compounds.
M. Packard, J.L. Crane
CHED 1224. Synthesis of a novel blue
light-emitter for use in organic light emitting
diodes (OLEDs). M. Benda, C. Pharr
CHED 1225. Synthesis of fluorescent bisimidazole sensors for heavy metals. S. Ansteatt,
B.N. Norris
CHED 1226. Synthesis of an alkyne-containing
isoprenoid mimic for the investigation of the
role of substrate length on prenyl transferase activity. K. Caron, J. Wollack
CHED 1227. Formylation of substituted phenols
using mIcrowave irradiation. E. Young,
V.P. McCaffrey
CHED 1228. Progress towards the synthesis
of a norbornene containing substrate for
the enzyme protein farnesyltransferase.
L. Crepeau, K. Caron, J. Wollack
CHED 1229. DNA binding affinity and cleavage
of aryl sulfoxides. H. Rensch, A. Hurley
CHED 1230. Transesterification of hypophosphorous esters: The tales of secondary
alcohols. A.V. Carmona, A.C. De La Cruz,
S. Deprele
CHED 1231. Polymeric melamine-metal
catalysts in Suzuki-Miyaura couplings and
azide-alkyne cycloadditions. M.A. Trafford,
G.A. Edwards, J.M. Chalker
CHED 1232. 1H NMR analysis of the methylation of acetic acid catalyzed by tin (II)
bromide: A kinetic study. N.L. Bayona,
R.W. Hartmann
CHED 1233. Synthesis of biphenyl urea
derivatives related to 3-iodothyronamine.
A.S. Niyibizi, A. Snyder, M.E. Hart
CHED 1234. Asymmetric design and synthetic
studies of monoterpene indole alkaloid
analogs. S.L. Pilicer, E.K. Leggans
CHED 1235. Reaction of O-silylated cyanohydrins with epoxides as an alternative for the
enantio- and diastereoselective preparation
of aldols. D.R. Melendez, A.M. Hartel
CHED 1236. Synthesis of enaminones using
copper as a catalyst. E. Lopez Quiroz,
S.R. Hussaini
CHED 1237. Diversity oriented synthesis of an
alkaloid-like library via cyclotrimerization of
easily accessible aminonitriles. N.M. Chang,
A. Bates, J.A. Santos, C.W. Livesey, G.J. Haun,
C.B. Stein, N.A. Lopez, G. Moura-Letts
CHED 1238. Cross-coupling reactions of
fluorinated aryl chlorides and aryl chloride
acetals with 1-hexylmagnesium bromide.
G. Carmassi, K.J. Brown
CHED 1239. Synthesis of highly substituted
anthraquinone derivatives via microwave
assisted self-condensation of benzoic
acids. L. Holokai, J.J. Reczek
CHED 1240. GC-MS analysis of phytosterol
content of dried mushrooms. A.M. Overgard,
T.W. Nalli
CHED 1241. Preparation of functionalized
dendrimers and their effectiveness in
organocatalytic reactions. A.R. Flynn,
A. Kopp, N. Brown, T.N. Jones, M. Cloninger
CHED 1242. Direct esterification of H3PO2:
A Dean Stark methodology. J.N. Sanchez,
A.M. Castillo, S. Deprele
CHED 1243. Synthesis of -chalcones and
derivatives via a microwave Knoevenagel
condensation. A.A. Bayly, M.J. Pesch,
A. Gogos, B.C. Weideman, S.R. Sieck
CHED 1244. Diversification of thiol
phosphonamidates. J.L. Fulton, K.R. Sittig,
M.A. Hardy, S.R. Sieck
CHED 1245. Characterization of -substituted
chalcones. B.C. Weideman, P. Leger, S.R. Sieck

CHED 1246.

Purposeful biofilm disassembly

with unnatural alkyl and aromatic D-amino
acids. K. March, M.A. Bertucci
CHED 1247. Manipulation of n to * orbital
interactions in the hydrolysis of parasubstituted N-acyl homoserine lactones.
S.R. Dunbar, M.A. Bertucci
CHED 1248. Intramolecular oxazolium salt/
azomethine ylide cycloaddition reactions
with varying dipolarophile tether position.
S.L. Wolfe, D.L. Warner
CHED 1249. Microwave accelerated
deprotections of aryl silyl ethers.
A. Boyington, R.D. Crouch
CHED 1250. Look at biodiesel produced using
Chlorella vulgaris microalgae. M. Centore,
D. Fish
CHED 1251. Structural elucidation of
pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Arnoglossum
plantagineum. E.L. Feldkamp, K. Chattin,
R.R. Christensen, R.B. Kelley
CHED 1252. Studies on under air direct
arylation. L. Armstrong, J. Fritz, T. Murray
CHED 1254. Reactions of the
highly pyramidalized alkene
M.A. Forman, C. Adams, A. Savarese
CHED 1255. Studies toward the synthesis
of altersolanol P. M. Hensinger, A. Smaligo,
S.M. Kennedy
CHED 1256. Studies toward the synthesis
of Hunanamycin A and its derivatives.
S.M. Kennedy, J. Dreer
CHED 1257. Microwave synthesis and
cytotoxicity studies of novel aminosubstituted chalcones. J.C. Bradshaw,
R.E. Tucker, J.E. Bradshaw
CHED 1258. Synthesis and characterization of
a reversible carceplex. K. Nogales, D. Nogales
CHED 1259. Construction of the Choi
framework. S. Wytovich, J. Tropp, M.S. Leonard
CHED 1260. Progress towards the synthesis
of 2-amino-1,3-dihydroxyphosphonates via
oxazolidinone phosphonates. B.A. Gibson,
S.M. Hurrle, K.J. Graham, T.N. Jones
CHED 1261. Progress on the synthesis
of a fluorescent lead(II)trapping
coumarocryptand. J. Wilson, M.R. Baar
CHED 1262. Antiaromatic dications containing
sulfur: Dications of sulfur analogues
of tetrabenzo[5.5]fulvalene. W. Mobley,
N.S. Mills, V. Romano
CHED 1263. Relationship between
delocalization and antiaromaticity in
5,5-bisindenylidene dications. P. Poliak,
C. McKay, N.S. Mills
CHED 1264. Exploring and optimizing new
palladium-catalyzed reactions. R.T. Dove,
W.E. Brenzovich
CHED 1265. Optimizing the purification of
diarylacetic acid derivatives. A. Denton,
W.E. Brenzovich
CHED 1266. Synthesis and characterization
of curcumin ferrocenyl analogs. J. Rivera
Hernandez, M.R. Otao, I. Montes, R. Gutirrez,
Y. Rivera-Tores, D.J. Sanabria Rios, E.E. Coln
Lorenzo, A.E. Serrano Brizuela, M.D. Garca
Maldonado, A.R. Guadalupe Quiones
CHED 1267. Factors affecting aggregation of
beta-sheets. B.R. Linton, E.R. Kuhn
CHED 1268. Hydrogen bonding principles and
synthetic beta-sheet mimics. E.J. Schneider,
B. Linton
CHED 1269. Benzylideneanilines and
benzonitrile oxides: Solid-state structure
and reactivity studies. K. Kassekert,
W.H. Ojala

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

CHED 1270.

Effects of molecular structure on

crystal structure and solid-state reactivity
of some nitrogenous organic compounds.
K. Van Auken, W.H. Ojala
CHED 1271. Solid-state structures and
reactivity of some nitrogen-containing
organic compounds. B. Vickerman, W.H. Ojala
CHED 1272. Structures and reactivity of some
nitrogenous organic solids. J. Dhami,
W.H. Ojala
CHED 1273. Synthesis of aziridinomitosene
anticancer analogs that vary at the C6/
C7 positions. S. Irving, R. Olsen, R. Reeves,
D.L. Warner
CHED 1274. Developing a synthesis of
-diazoamides. L. Terrab, S. Moss, J. Unger
CHED 1275. Transition metal-catalyzed
coupling of organic sulfonates and metal
azides. F. Xu, R. Rowlands, J. Unger
CHED 1276. Studies toward total synthesis of
axinelloside A and its analogs. Z.A. Rumlow,
L. Wiles, M. Walczak
CHED 1277. Synthesis of core-substituted
naphthalene diimide derivatives.
L. Abocado, J.J. Reczek
CHED 1278. Surface orientation analysis
of naphthalene diimides using infrared
spectroscopy. R. Antonio, J. Reczeck
CHED 1279. Investigations of green and
microscale methods in the synthesis of
several flavones. P. Martinez, M. Davis,
N. Gammons, P. Powers
CHED 1280. Computational study on the high
temperature isomerization of phenanthrene.
B. Fregoso, C. Castro, W.L. Karney
CHED 1281. Antibacterial activity of cefotaxime
and terpenes. E. Haiderer, E. Campau
CHED 1282. Analysis of porphyrin doped
thiophene nanoparticles as potential water
oxidizing catalysts. R. Bogdan, W.M. Ames
CHED 1283. Stabilized copper(I) N,S containing
cryptands. V. Keehn, I. Taschner, T.L. Walker
CHED 1284. Adapting a conventional synthesis
of dihydrotetrazines to microwave
conditions. C. Bethea, M. Druelinger, D.L. Dillon
CHED 1285. Energy decomposition analysis
to predict the explicit solvent shell in the
keto-enol tautomerism of acetylacetone in
water, acetone, and chloroform. V. Deturi,
C.C. Jenkins, T. Reeves
CHED 1286. Synthesis, characterization, and
analysis of diarylidenylpiperidone analogs
of curcumin. Z. Ligus, D. Fish
CHED 1287. Effect of aromaticity on the
stability of isonitriles prepared from the
deprotonation/metalation of oxazolic
species. W. Howitz, R.S. Majerle
CHED 1288. Synthesis of -fluoroamines from
alkenes. J.M. Mutz, M.L. Druelinger
CHED 1289. Synthesis and characterization of
potential polyol antifreeze coatings on glass
substrates. D. Vandemark, E. McGurk, J. Hall,
P.W. Baures
CHED 1290. Analogs for blue copper protein:
Thio-pendant arm derivative of 9[ane]S2N.
K. Tomczak, I. Taschner, T.L. Walker
CHED 1291. Role of acetic acid in kinetic
isotope effects observed in Pd(IiPr)
(OAc)2(H2O) catalyzed oxidation of alcohols.
B. Lampkin, J.A. Mueller
CHED 1292. Investigation of the role of
Hagemanns ester as a catalyst for natural
product synthesis. M. Samoriski, D. Fish
CHED 1293. Synthesis of symmetric and
asymmetric porphyrins. C.L. Carter,
E.M. Mitchell
CHED 1294. Synthesis and properties of
donor-pi-acceptor polyene dyes with
azacycloalkane donors. G.R. Ashley,
D.J. Keith, C.O. Adereti, H.O. Bradley, A.C. Friedli
CHED 1295. Synthesis of secondary amines.
A. Westlie, J.T. Ippoliti
CHED 1296. Template-catalyzed polymerization
of modified DNA nucleosides. A. Cragoe,
M.P. Maddox

CHED 1297.

Synthesis and experimental

and computational analysis of curcumin
derivatives and their difluoroboron
complexes. K. Paavola, R. Ciochina,
K.E. Johnson
CHED 1298. Concerted nature of isocyanate
reactions with alkenes. K. Alexander,
C.J. Licata, R.D. Robinson, D.F. Shellhamer
CHED 1299. Cu(I)-complexes as photoredox
catalysts: An alternative to Ru(bpy)32+.
M.S. Maple, D. Hockersmith, T. Peelen
CHED 1300. Synthesis and analysis of a series
of N-acetyl D-glucosamine derivatives as
organogelators. K. Mays, A. Chen, G. Wang
CHED 1301. Synthesis and characterization
of glucose triazole derivatives as
organogelators. H. Mangunuru, D. Liu,
A. Espiritu, G. Wang
CHED 1302. Self-healing polymers: Studies
of the Diels-Alder reaction between furan
and N-4-fluorophenylmaleimide. T.A. Wells,
W.G. Hollis, P.A. Deck, J.B. Stegall
CHED 1303. Self-healing polymers: Synthesis
of highly-fluorinated dienes and their model
Diels-Alder reactions. D.E. Layo, W.G. Hollis,
P.A. Deck, J.B. Stegall
CHED 1304. Synthesis of resveratrol.
B.L. Bradley, G.L. Milligan
CHED 1305. Synthesis of 5- and
N. Ngo, A. Umhire-Juru, S. Hernandez,
L. Desrochers, N. Kumar, D. Black, T.E. Goodwin
CHED 1306. Synthesis of 5- and
6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-Nacetylglyoxylamides. A. Umuhire-Juru,
S. Hernandez, L. Desrochers, N. Kumar, D. Black,
T.E. Goodwin
CHED 1307. Synthesis of aspartame
N-acetylglyoxylamides: A sweet reaction.
S. Hernandez, A. Umhire-Juru, L. Desrochers,
N. Kumar, D. Black, T.E. Goodwin
CHED 1308. Green synthesis of
spiropyrrolizidines from isatin, proline, and
E-4-phenylbut-3-en-2-ones. J. Murdock,
L. Desrochers, T.E. Goodwin
CHED 1309. Enantioselective synthesis and
characterization of phase 1 warfarin
metabolites. R. Nshimiyimana, L. Desrochers,
G.P. Miller, T.E. Goodwin
CHED 1310. Synthesis of 5- and 6-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-N-acetylglyoxylamides.
F. Musariri, A. Umhire-Juru, S. Hernandez,
L. Desrochers, N. Kumar, D. Black, T.E. Goodwin
CHED 1311. Salt formation of potential
acetylcholine esterase inhibitors.
S. Hickmann, L.P. Dennis, T.L. Greiman,
T.K. Nguyen, D.M. Sikazwe, B.F. Wood, J.M. Davis
CHED 1312. Design and synthesis of
potential acetylcholine esterase inhibitors.
L.P. Dennis, K.N. Gorena, S. Hickmann,
T.K. Nguyen, G.L. Tristyn, D. Hernandez,
D.M. Sikazwe, B.F. Wood, J.M. Davis
CHED 1313. Preliminary testing of N-benzyl
isonipecotate derivatives as a potential
acetylcholine esterase inhibitors.
T.K. Nguyen, L.P. Dennis, T.L. Greiman,
S. Hickmann, V.G. Martinez-Acosta, D.M. Sikazwe,
B.F. Wood, J.M. Davis
CHED 1314. Molecular docking of isoformselective histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2)
inhibitors. N. Brusman, E.M. Hogle, R. Kline,
E.J. Merino, S.F. Paula, L. Ma
CHED 1315. Kinetic control mechanism: 1,2
vs. 1,4 addition in conjugated dienes.
J. Painter, D.J. Oostendorp
CHED 1316. Use of dimethoxymethane in place
of chloromethyl methyl ether to prepare
methoxymethyl (MOM) esters. N. Meckes,
G.L. Milligan
CHED 1317. Isonitrile ligands in iron-catalyzed
Kumada couplings of N-aryl chloride.
K.C. Dornhofer, M.C. Perry
CHED 1318. Role of dialkylmagnesium species
in the cobalt-catalyzed Kumada coupling of
aryl bromides. J.M. Myles, M.C. Perry
CHED 1319. Synthsis of NHC ligands for use in
iron- and cobalt-catalyzed cross-coupling
reactions. J.A. Montemurro, M.C. Perry
CHED 1320. Synthesis of (-)-duryne and
homologues. M. Keener, D.B. Ball

CHED 1321.

Microwave synthesis of N-phenyl

succinimides and malenamides in
undergruate organic chemistry laboratory.
T.F. Guetzloff, B. Dudding, M. Guetzloff, M.W. Fultz
CHED 1322. Synthesis and characterization
of furan-based ligands for use in lactide
polymerization. B. Kasting, A. Anderson-Wile
CHED 1323. Withdrawn.
CHED 1324. Caged phosphates in organic
molecules. A. Dame, B.R. Sculimbrene
CHED 1325. Catalytic asymmetric
monophosphorylation of diols. M. Lougee,
B.R. Sculimbrene
CHED 1326. Synthesis of an amine-containing
cyclooctyne via an intramolecular
Nicholas reaction and subsequent dipolar
cycloaddition with benzyl azide. S. Huang,
G. Ortiz, K.M. Shea
CHED 1327. Evaluation of copper
photocatalysts in the enantioselective
-alkylation of aldehydes. M.R. Hurst,
C.L. Kotelman, K.H. Jensen
CHED 1328. -Cyclodextrin mediated
photoheterodimerization between cinnamic
acids and coumarins. A. Clements,
M. Pattabiraman
CHED 1329. Probing the effects of
conformation on concerted proton-electron
transfer. M. Vettleson, I. Rhile
CHED 1330. Characterizing the excited states
of multiple carbene and nitrene reactive
intermediate precursors: A computational
study. V.E. Pane, S. Vyas
CHED 1331. Complex decalin formation
through the use of an asymmetric RauhutCurrier reaction. A. Friant, W.P. Malachowski
CHED 1332. Development of -stacking
compounds for stationary phase
modification. T.G. Trimble, G. Lohani,
B.A. Logue, K.H. Jensen
CHED 1333. Synthesis of polymers for organic
light emitting diodes. A. Place-Burtner,
A. Ephron, A. Schroeder, D. Speed, J. Mimms,
N. Jackson, A.K. Schrock, M.T. Huggins
CHED 1334. Synthesis and recrystallization
of diapocynin and its derivatives.
C.R. DeClerck, B.L. Coffaro, D.K. Johnson
CHED 1335. Gold catalyzed cross-coupling
using arenediazonium salt as the oxidant.
E.Y. Aguilera, X. Shi
CHED 1336. Exploration of long chain
dialdehydes for use as linkers in catalytic
metallodiporphyrins. C.E. Gehman,
W.M. Ames
CHED 1337. Structural changes induced
by 8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroadenosine in RNA
oligonucleotides may result in loss of
function of RNA aptamers. A. Chauca-Diaz,
Y.J. Choi, M. Resendiz
CHED 1338. Biological degradation
of acetaldehyde in marine waters.
M.K. Senstad, W.J. De Bruyn, C.D. Clark, S. Hok,
O. Barashy
CHED 1339. Reverse anomeric effect-mediated
synthesis of carbohydrate 1,2-orthoesters.
M.J. Obrinske, W. Du
CHED 1340. Solvent-free synthesis of
biologically active stilbene derivatives.
J.L. Dickson, S.A. Angel
CHED 1341. Synthesis of 2,5-disubstituted
3-fluorothiophenes from 2-thienyl
carbamates via a directed fluorination/
cross-coupling approach. N. Onuska,
J. Zhang, A.J. Seed, P. Sampson
CHED 1342. Au(I) catalyzed imine formation
from -diazoesters and azide. E.J. McClain,
X. Shi
CHED 1343. Expansion of electrophile scope
in the transition metal-catalyzed coupling
of Corey-Seebach umpolung reagents.
E. McKinstry, J.R. Schmink
CHED 1344. Intramolecular halogen bonding
of fluorinated haloarenes in solution.
R.A. Thorson, G.R. Woller, Z.L. Driscoll,
B.E. Geiger, C.A. Moss, A.L. Schlapper,
E.D. Speetzen, E. Bosch, M. Erdelyi, N.P. Bowling
CHED 1345. Manipulating the electronic
properties of aryleneethynylenes with
halogen bonding. G.R. Woller, N.P. Bowling

CHED 1346.

Intramolecular halogen bonding

of non-activated aryl halides in solution.
E.R. Robinson, D.L. Widner, N.P. Bowling
CHED 1347. Metal binding and electronic
properties of aryleneethynylene trapezoids.
Z. Driscoll, E. Bosch, N.P. Bowling
CHED 1348. Novel method of stereochemical
management of Morita-Baylis-Hillman
chemistry: Controlled acrylate ester
synthesis. R. Vaclav, J.A. Struss
CHED 1349. Total synthesis of the cyclic
depsipeptide natural product Aspergillicin
A, and investigation of its cell permeability,
pharmacokinetic property, and bioactivity.
C.L. Etienne
CHED 1350. Multicomponent reaction
to produce diversely substituted
2-imidazolines. A. Ellsworth, R.A. Mosey
CHED 1351. Click, click, xyclize: Amino wsterserived -ketosultams via Dieckmann
cyclization of the corresponding
methylsulfonamides. T.R. Atkinson, M.Y. Hur,
J.H. Jun, P.R. Hanson
CHED 1352. Synthesis of functionalized
biscavitands. M. Escamilla, J. Buenaor,
L.M. Tunstad
CHED 1353. Structural studies of
oligonucleotides of RNA containing
7,8-dihydro-8-hydroxyadenosine. Y. Choi,
A. Chauca-Diaz, M. Resendiz
CHED 1354. Investigating the use of copper
photoredox catalysts in an enantioselective
reaction. S.A. Souder, K.H. Jensen
CHED 1355. Synthesis of conformationally
constrained diarylether cyclophanes.
H.I. Caldera
CHED 1356. Anion-responsive liquid crystals.
K. Grabias, L. Lam, P. Cohn, H. Martinez
CHED 1357. Synthesis and characterization
of novel polyester polyols. B. Thompson,
K.D. Ulrich, W.D. Coggio
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Physical Chemistry
Cosponsored by SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 1358.

Asymptotic behavior of travelling

wave solutions to reaction-diffusion equations. M.M. Nason, S. Bricher
CHED 1359. Interfacial interactions and
adhesion properties of selected monomer
and polymers probed by SFG spectroscopy
and atomic force microscopy. K.A. Cimatu,
K. Hafer, S. Chan, C.A. Ng
CHED 1360. Why is there order in the purple
membrane? A biological application of
ultrafast Raman imaging. K. Wilhelm,
W.R. Silva, R.R. Frontiera
CHED 1361. Structures and CH...O interactions
of fluorinated ethylenecarbon dioxide
complexes as determined by microwave
spectroscopy. R.E. Dorris, C.L. Christenholz,
A.M. Anderton, R.A. Peebles, S.A. Peebles
CHED 1362. Electronic spectroscopy of
gold sulfide (AuS). B. Pearlman, I. Wyse,
T.D. Varberg, D. Kokkin, T. Steimle
CHED 1363. Investigation of the spectroscopic
properties of newly synthesized pyrimidines. L. Streacker, N.M. Karn
CHED 1364. Gas-phase reactions of Cu+
(1S, 3D) with CF3CH2Cl, CF3CH2CH2Cl,
and CF3CH2CH2Br: Proximity effects in
substrates with competitive reactive sites.
B.A. Scheuter, X.S. Redmon, W.S. Taylor
CHED 1365. Photodecomposition of phenylalanine on the surface of titanium dioxide.
C. Arp, B. Molnar, H.M. Bevsek
CHED 1366. State-specific reactions
of Cu+(1S,3D) with SF6 and SF5Cl:
Thermochemical control over product
formation. X.S. Redmon, B.A. Scheuter,
W.S. Taylor

CHED 1367.

Thiol based adsorbate detection using Surface Enhanced Raman

Spectroscopy. M. Gray, E. Bean, A. Deckert
CHED 1368. Electron stimulated desorption
and post-Irradiation analysis in a single
ultrahigh vacuum chamber. C. Belvin, J. Zhu,
C. Arumainayagam
CHED 1369. Metastable fragmentation and
photofragmentation of photoionized thiophene clusters. M.W. Krone, D.A. Hales
CHED 1370. Computational study of nitrogen
oxide decomposition by copper exchange
ZSM-5 zeolites. J. Rumley, H.K. Hernandez
CHED 1371. Determination and prediction of
infinite dilution equivalent conductivities
for ions in water at high temperatures and
pressures. S.J. Davis, G.H. Zimmerman
CHED 1372. Characterization of novel
cyano-based room temperature ionic
liquid electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries.
A. deKeratry, T. Bergholz, C. Korte
CHED 1373. Revisiting water radiolysis. J. Lukens, M. Markovi c , S. Abdullahi,
C. Arumainayagam
CHED 1374. Silica sol-gels containing calcein
blue as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensors for metal ions.
E.R. Carlson, E.J. Atkinson, B.D. Gilbert
CHED 1375. Xenon-129 NMR and surface
tension of aqueous micelle solutions.
J. Wetmore, T. Endreo, S. Grant, A. Calhoun
CHED 1376. Ammonia radiolysis of astrochemical interest. H. Cumberbatch, Z. Peeler,
K. Tran, C. Arumainayagam
CHED 1377. Kinetic modeling of catalytically active aerogels. Y. Cao, M.K. Carroll,
A.M. Anderson
CHED 1378. Kinetics of aminopropyl-triethoxy
silane on porous silicon and subsequent
reaction with 4-(methylthio) benzoyl
chloride studied using FTIR. S. Kennemuth,
B. McCauley, A. Deckert
CHED 1379. Colloid particle motion and
aggregation in silica aerogels: Experiment
and simulation. K.A. Mengle, J.N. Richardson,
J. Kegerreis
CHED 1380. Determination of the hydrogen
bond effect on nitrile vibrational frequency
through solvatochromic models. H. Sun,
R.S. Moog
CHED 1381. Computational analysis of
conformational tunneling of glyoxylic acid.
V.T. Lim, K. He, W.D. Allen
CHED 1382. Surface IR spectroscopy
and computational study of MHDA
on GaAs(100) surface. H.M. Barroso,
H.K. Hernandez
CHED 1383. Diffusion of alkylbenzenes in
n-alkanes. P.M. Register, B.A. Kowert
CHED 1384. Characterization of an ethanol-benzene complex using matrix
isolation infrared spectroscopy. M. Silbaugh,
J.C. Amicangelo
CHED 1385. Conformational elucidation of
diphenylureas in varying solvent environments. D.L. Ali, J.F. Galan, M.I. Galinato
CHED 1386. Synthesis and extraction of metallocarbohydrynes. C. Shelmire, B. May
CHED 1387. Reaction mechanism for the
conversion of creatine to N-formyl-Nmethylglycine by hypochlorous acid
in aqueous solution. M.C. Williamson,
C.A. Lareau, L.A. Clough, A.J. Becker, G.H. Purser
CHED 1388. Energetic, structural, and spectral
data for noble gas hydride cations in the
interstellar medium. R.A. Theis, W. Morgan,
R.C. Fortenberry
CHED 1389. Spectroscopic and microscopic analysis of aggregation effects in
N-alkylated perylene diimides. A. Austin,
J.M. Szarko
CHED 1390. Role of low-energy (< 20 eV)
electrons in astrochemistry. K.D. Tran,
S.M. Abdullahi, C. Arumainayagam
CHED 1391. Calculating the J=0 vibrational
states of noble gas trimers using an energy
selected basis. J. Yudichak, J. Montgomery

CHED 1392.

Analysis of the metal sulfate-sodium silicate reverse chemical garden

reaction. S. Partovi, H. Basinger, C. Jensen,
G. Miter, S. Ogden, M.A. Horn
CHED 1393. Matrix isolation studies of
tetrakis(dimethylamino)titanium IV & ozone.
H. Mosley, B.S. Ault
CHED 1394. Investigating the influence of
lithium intercalation on dispersive electron
mobility kinetics in dye-sensitized solar
cells. M.A. McFarland, I.J. McNeil
CHED 1395. Thermodynamics contribution
to the stability of PrPC in model plasma
membranes. P. Soto, R. Gonzales
CHED 1396. Computational and crossed
molecular beam study in the synthesis of
boronylallene. B. Ganoe, S. Maity, R. Kaiser,
R.J. Bartlett
CHED 1397. Characterization and the effect of
pH and temperature on the degradation of
creatine ascorbate, di-creatine ascorbate
and creatine di-ascorbate. M.A. Henneberry,
A.S. Wallner
CHED 1398. Investigating the neutron
inelastic scattering crossSections for 54Fe
through -ray spectroscopy. A.J. French,
S.F. Hicks, B.P. Crider, T.J. Howard, S.H. Liu,
M.T. McEllistrem, R.L. Pecha, E.E. Peters,
F.M. Prados-Estvez, T.J. Ross, Z.C. Santonil,
J.R. Vanhoy, S.W. Yates
CHED 1399. Compositional characterization
of cobalt lithium phosphate thin films
using atomic absorption spectroscopy.
A.M. Bluhm, J.M. Clements, C. Heideman
CHED 1400. Driving forces of the stability of
Alzheimers A aggregates in model membranes. C.R. Bertsch, B. Aoki, P. Soto
CHED 1401. Vacuum ultraviolet photolysis
matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy of
GeH4 in argon and nitrogen atrices. P. Mott,
J.C. Amicangelo
CHED 1402. Sum frequency generation at the
DMSO/air interface: Theory meets experiment. T. Ueltschi, A.L. Mifin, P.Z. El-Khoury,
H. Wang
CHED 1403. Determination of the limiting
equivalent conductivity and thermodynamic
equilibrium constant for the formation of
LaCl2+ Ion-pairs in water. E. Thompson,
G.H. Zimmerman
CHED 1404. Accurate quantum models of
methylphosphonate adsorption onto a
stable rutile surface. S.W. Clifford, M.N. Srnec,
E.S. Gawalt, J.D. Evanseck
CHED 1405. Synthesis and characterization of
indium phosphide quantum dots for use In
laser diodes. J. Charlonis
CHED 1406. Rovibrational analysis of SiOH ,
HSiO+, and other third row atom hydroxides.
M. Kitchens, R.C. Fortenberry
CHED 1407. Impact of tetrazine location in
benzobisaxozole possessing cruciforms.
J. Ellett, A.L. Tomlinson
CHED 1408. Proposal for a more efficient
acoustic array design to determine flow
through a cylindrical conduit. K.J. Ham,
A. Shue, K. McGill
CHED 1409. Kinetics and dynamics of
the photorearrangement reactions of
aryl-substituted thiophenes. D.J. Morrow,
J.M. Wasylenko, C.G. Elles
CHED 1410. Characterization of a methanol-hexafluorobenzene complex using
matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy.
C.M. Kindle, J.C. Amicangelo
CHED 1411. Microparticle transport across
ionic liquid based interfaces. M. Ngan,
D. Frost, L. Dai
CHED 1412. Location of deuterated ammonia
in Sagittarius B2. A. Clements, E. Mills
CHED 1413. Synthesis of chloromethylsilyl
isocynate. S. Askarian, G. Guirgis, T. Barker
CHED 1414. Sustained photocurrent in CdS/Fe2O3 stacked thin films on titania-coated
transparent conductive substrates.
T.C. Douglas, C. Harris

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Polymer Chemistry
Cosponsored by PMSE, POLY and SOCED
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
12:00 - 2:00
CHED 1415.

Gel properties of polyisoprene

and stearic acid shape memory composite. B.J. Hukill, N. Brostowitz, K.A. Cavicchi,
R.A. Weiss
CHED 1416. Smart hydrogel thin films for
organophosphorus nerve agent detection.
C. Whitaker, N.R. Kaufmann, J.J. Snyder
CHED 1417. Synthesis and characterization
of polyaniline-TiO2 nanocomposites.
J. Dickens, A. Stimmell, A.O. Sezer
CHED 1418. Ring-opening metathesis polymers (ROMP) with organic radical groups
for treatment of traumatic brain injuries
(TBI). K.A. Orr, H.J. Schanz
CHED 1419. Synthesis and characterization
of 3-trifluoromethylstyrene copolymers.
K.M. Dubiak, R.W. Kopitzke
CHED 1420. Novel polymeric redox mediator
for use in biofuel cells. A.J. Halmes,
M. Retherford, D.T. Glatzhofer
CHED 1421. Phase-selective studies of polyisobutylene-bound dyes using antileaching agents. C. Torres-Lopez, M.L. Harrell,
D.E. Bergbreiter
CHED 1422. Synthesis of hierarchically porous
polymer network for carbon dioxide
capture. A. Sliwinski, H. Gao, D. Lee
CHED 1423. Synthesis of four-armed calixarene-core polylactide/polyethylene glycol
star block copolymers using click chemistry. K.A. Bogner, A.C. Falls, P.S. Corbin
CHED 1424. Investigating the polymerization
mechanism of cyanoacrylate with fingerprint constituents. K. McCarthy, E.M. Persson,
A.S. Dutton
CHED 1425. Synthesis of a macroinitiator and
its use in the preparation of poly(styrene-b-methacrylonitrile): An advanced
undergraduate laboratory project in polymer
chemistry. B.A. Arce, L. Calvo, H.N. Gray,
S.C. Butler
CHED 1426. Synthesis of asolectin-containing latexes by emulsion polymerization.
A. Johns, M. Channell, M. Ming, R. Quirino
CHED 1427. Synthesis and applications of
ionic liquid monomers in free radical polymerizations. M. Sea, B. McFarland
CHED 1428. Synthesis of high molecular
weight poly(-caprolactone) star polymers and their degradation properties.
R.L. Collette, K.A. Boduch-Lee
CHED 1429. Synthesis and polymerization of
(E,E)- [6.2]-(2,5)furanophane-1,5-diene.
N. Doppler, J. Glans
CHED 1430. Biocompatible material used for
drug delivery. A. Gomez, G. Craft, J. Harmon
CHED 1431. Poly(ionic) liquids: Imidazoles with
ester linkages. M.A. Andrews, M.J. Campbell
CHED 1432. Synthesis of metal-organic frameworks for adsorption of disease-relevant
peptides. B.J. Karels, Z. Mensinger, M.W. Smith
CHED 1433. CdSe quantum dot band edge
tuning through photooxidation on nanopatterned polymers for applications in hybrid
cell photovoltaics. J. Custer, J.D. Batteas,
N. Stingelin
CHED 1434. Synthesis of sustainable monomers for a polyurethane. C. Johnston,
E. Black, L. Salzl, C.P. Schaller
CHED 1435. NMR study of the active form
of the polymerization catalyst formed
between Tp*Rh(cod) and 4-ethynyltoluene.
H.K. Blakely, R.M. Tarkka
CHED 1436. Titanium and tantalum complexes
bearing optically active tartrates as catalysts for the polymerization of D,L-lactide.
T. Bumpus, M. Holcomb, B.M. Chamberlain

CHED 1437.

Lactones derived from fatty

acids: New monomers for the production
of bioplastics. C. Seitzinger, A. Linderman,
R. Johnson, T. Bumpus, M. Holcomb, K. Walker,
L. Boran, J. Johnson, B.M. Chamberlain
CHED 1438. Ion conducting polymer
electrolytes as electroactive polymers.
T. Makkapati, D.C. Teeters
CHED 1439. Synthesis and characterization of
sol-gel based AlFPO4 glasses. G.B. Adkins,
C.B. Brennan
CHED 1440. Polycation-DNA interaction
thermodynamics: tailoring gene delivery
systems. K. Mueller, L. Prevette
CHED 1441. Study in the polymer crystallization kinetics and the birefringence of
polyethylene glycol. R.E. Kisling, R. Wismer
CHED 1442. Diarylethene containing -conjugated polymers: The effects of binding
site on photochromic and electrochemical
behavior. S.D. Myers, K.G. Ohashi, S.M. Baksa,
I.M. Walton, J.B. Benedict, D.G. Patel
CHED 1443. Synthesis of 7-{bicyclo[2.2.1]
hept-5-en-2-yl}-7-oxoheptanoic acid ligand
monomer and attachment to lead sulfide
nanoparticles. G. Borkowski, R.W. Kopitzke
CHED 1444. Temperature effects on the
impact properties of polymer coatings
used in armor protection. J.F. Chamberlain,
M.J. Schroeder
CHED 1445. Synthesis of polymer capable of
underwater adhesion. C. Burns, D. Fish
CHED 1446. Spatially specified natural fiber
welding via inkjet printing. T. Price, E. Fox,
E. Brown, K. Sweely, P.C. Trulove, H.C. De Long
CHED 1447. Synthesis and utilization of ionic
microgel dispersions for uptake and release
of active species. H. Chen, M. Kelley, L. Dai
CHED 1448. Radiopaque shape memory polymers. L. Allison, K.R. Houston, V.S. Ashby
CHED 1449. Carbon fiber precursors derived
from lignin and acrylonitrile vinylimidazole blends. M. Garcia Casas, B. Batchelor,
S. Mahmood, D. Yang
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Section A

1:45 CHED 1474. Posttranslational modification

Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


of nitrogenase in Rhodobacter sphaeroides.

T.C. Godfrey, S. Ensign
1:55 CHED 1475. Assignment of the HN-HSQC
NMR spectrum of heat stable protein kinase
inhibitor (PKI). B. Stultz, J. Kim, G. Veglia,
M.B. Neibergall
2:05 Intermission.
2:15 CHED 1476. Chalcones and analogs of
caffeic acid phenethyl ester with xanthine
oxidase inhibiting and radical scavenging
properties: Tools capable of suppressing
oxidative stress in cells. J.E. Webster,
L. Snider, E. Hofmann, T.D. Do, S. Linn, S.F. Paula
2:25 CHED 1477. Bioconjugating biotinylated
gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) to fluorescent
streptavidin: Study of Au-NPs interaction
with and photothermal effects on cells.
E.J. Vences, B. Mellis, M. Steiger
2:35 CHED 1478. Determining junctional
tension in skin cells using Ecad-TSMod.
D.E. Morales-Mantilla, B.W. Heck, W. Aw,
D. Devenport
2:45 Intermission.
2:55 CHED 1479. Direct amidation of carboxylic acids via microwave-assisted synthesis:
Greener organic laboratory options.
S.M. Strobel, D. Parr, I.J. Levy
3:05 CHED 1480. Undergraduate laboratory
experience on kinetics: Using the FeIIITAML system with common food dyes.
H. Chang, D. Tshudy, T.J. Collins
3:15 CHED 1481. Preventing general chemistry
students from sinking into the chemical
ocean. C. Gabel, L. Roon, M. Flores, J. Daniel,
J. Richards, D. Hyde, V. Wolf
3:25 Concluding Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


ACS Award for Achievement in Research

for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Vickie M. Williamson
Cosponsored by WCC
Financially supported by Pearson Publishing
M. R. Abraham, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1450. Visualizing chemistry: From
idea to research to practice. D.M. Bunce
1:55 CHED 1451. Limitations of engagement

as a goal for design: Visualizations and

beyond. S. Hinze
2:15 CHED 1452. Providing opportunities for
students to increase their understanding of
chemistry: Guided inquiry, computer simulations and animations, and active learning.
T.J. Greenbowe, J.I. Gelder, M.R. Abraham,
D.H. Exton, B. Baldock
2:35 CHED 1453. Lines, labels, and arrows: The
role of graphical devices in visualizations.
L.L. Jones, S. Akaygun, V. Fishback, D. Falvo,
J.P. Suits
2:55 Intermission.
2:55 CHED 1454. Research into practice:
Visualization of the molecular world using
animations and simulations. R. Tasker
3:15 CHED 1455. Effects of e-homework
systems on male and female students
understanding of the particulate nature of
matter. D.S. Mason
3:35 CHED 1456. Award Address (ACS
Award for Achievement in Research for
the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry
sponsored by Pearson Education). Quest
for student understanding of the particulate
nature of matter. V.M. Williamson
Section C

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum
Polymer Science Education and the NGSS
Cosponsored by PMSE, POLY, RUBB and SCC
Financially supported by Intersociety Polymer
Education Council
S. C. Rukes, Organizer, Presiding

Online Course Development and the Effects

on the On-Campus Classroom

Four-Part Harmony (or Disharmony)

Cosponsored by CMA and WCC

5:25 CHED 1498. Polymers: New twists on old

favorites. D. Goodwin, S.C. Rukes

Z. M. Lerman, C. H. Middlecamp, Organizers,


6:15 Intermission.

P. Sorensen, Organizer, Presiding

Online courses as means of publishing

innovations. J.S. Hutchinson
2:00 CHED 1466. Analysis of peer-to-peer
interactions in introductory online courses.
D.A. Canelas
2:25 CHED 1467. Toward the development of
academic social networks: A new paradigm
for online STEM eLearning. D.M. York
2:50 CHED 1468. Generalized organic chemistry for a global student population: Organic
chemistry on Coursera. M. Evans
3:15 CHED 1469. Withdrawn.
3:40 Intermission.
3:50 CHED 1470. Intro to solid state chemistry:
A mastery-based learning and assessment
model. M.J. Cima
4:15 CHED 1471. Development of an online
hypermedia environment as a complement
to the traditional textbook and its impact on
the on-campus classroom. J.A. Suchocki
4:40 CHED 1472. Online-on campus dialogue:
Lessons from Harvards Science and
Cooking course. P. Sorensen

tional videos to assist students laboratory

preparedness in a physical chemistry lab.
R.S. Cole, M.N. Muniz, J.A. Schmidt, E. Keuter
1:55 CHED 1458. Assessing a problem-based
learning NMR & MRI laboratory experiment.
S.E. Erhart, G.A. Lorigan, E.J. Yezierski
2:15 CHED 1459. What factors affect the
escapability of a molecule from a liquid?
A molecular dynamics experiment for the
physical chemistry laboratory. R.M. Whitnell,
M.S. Reeves
2:35 Intermission.
2:45 CHED 1460. 3D printing to create computationally derived models in the physical
chemistry laboratory. W.T. Grubbs, S.M. Ryan
3:05 CHED 1461. Computational exercise to
explore the nature of hydrogen bonding.
M. Ayoub
3:25 CHED 1462. Can we make stew with
these beans? An introduction to experimental inquiry for the physical chemistry
laboratory. M. Pacheco, S.S. Hunnicutt,
R.M. Whitnell
3:45 CHED 1463. Kinetics of the carbon
dioxide hydration reaction: Quantitative
experiment for the undergraduate physical
chemistry laboratory. D. Bopegedera,
F.D. Tabbutt
4:05 CHED 1464. How to make the most
appealing fruit salad: An inquiry-based
enzyme kinetics physical chemistry laboratory. R.S. Cole, S.S. Hunnicutt
4:25 Concluding Remarks.

measure students attitudes towards chemistry in large enrolment chemistry subjects

at an Australian university. S. Chadwick,
A. Baker, J. Alexander
1:50 CHED 1494. Developing a curriculum
for an international service learning (ISL)
program in artisanal and small-scale gold
mining (ASGM) communities. A.M. Kiefer
2:10 CHED 1495. Good CoP: A successful
community of practice in a faculty of
science. A.T. Baker
2:30 CHED 1496. Role of internationalization
in the development of pedagogical content
knowledge of pre-service chemistry teachers. S. Akaygun, M. Gootzen

4:30 Introductory Remarks.

Assessment, Computational Chemistry,

& Kinetics

1:35 CHED 1457. Using three types of instruc-

1:30 CHED 1493. Implementing ASCIv2 to

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


S. Raje, Organizer
S. Sandi-Urena, Organizer, Presiding
S. Hansen, Presiding

ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged

Students in Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Catherine H. Middlecamp

Experiments for Physical Chemistry


S. S. Hunnicutt, R. M. Whitnell, Organizers

A. Grushow, Organizer, Presiding

Section E

Chemistry Education: International and

Multi-cultural Perspectives

1:35 CHED 1465. Scholarship of teaching:

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Undergraduate Research Papers

Biochemistry and Chemical Education
Cosponsored by SOCED
C. V. Gauthier, J. V. Ruppel, Organizers
N. L. Snyder, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1473. Potential use of phenazine

derivatives in the inhibition of the La Crosse

virus. N. Hami

1:30 CHED 1482. Harmonious world of chemistry with Cathy Middlecamp. Z.M. Lerman
1:50 CHED 1483. Award Address (ACS Award

for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students

into Careers in the Chemical Sciences
sponsored by the Camille and Henry
Dreyfus Foundation). Four-part harmony (or
disharmony). C.H. Middlecamp
2:10 Intermission.
2:20 CHED 1484. Disadvantaged students: A
faculty perspective. M.H. OLeary
2:30 CHED 1485. Disadvantaged students:
Who are they and what prevents their learning and achievement. B. Kean, M.H. OLeary
2:40 CHED 1486. Disadvantaged students: The
whole is more than the sum of the parts.
A. Jacob
2:50 Panel Discussion.
3:05 Intermission.
3:15 CHED 1487. Disadvantaged students:
Undergrad to grad a personal view.
D.R. Arnelle
3:25 CHED 1488. Disadvantaged students:
Mentors come in many shapes and notes.
R. Hernandez
3:35 CHED 1489. Disadvantaged students:
Diversity in many shapes and forms.
T.P. Yoon
3:45 Panel Discussion.
4:00 Intermission.
4:10 CHED 1490. Disadvantaged students:
Mentoring and place-based engagement in
Alaska. L.K. Duffy
4:20 CHED 1491. Disadvantaged students: Jumping into the deep end.
L. Nicholas-Figueroa
4:30 CHED 1492. Disadvantaged students:
The view moving forward. M.A. Fisher
4:40 Panel Discussion.

4:35 CHED 1497. PolyWhat? What in the world

is a polymer. S.C. Rukes

6:25 CHED 1499. How are plastic toys made?

The manufacturing of plastics. A. Nydam,
S.C. Rukes
7:10 CHED 1500. Bioplastics: From the farm to
the store shelf. E.J. Escudero, S.C. Rukes
7:45 Panel Discussion.
7:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

W. E. Jones, I. J. Levy, A. L. Marsh, Organizers
8:00 - 10:00
92-93, 95- 97, 100, 104, 107-108, 111-112, 115116, 118, 121, 124, 127-128, 133-134, 136, 140,
142-143, 148, 152-154, 156, 158-160, 163-164,
169-170, 173-174, 178, 182. See previous
1704, 1706, 1810, 1814, 1816- 1818, 1824, 18271828. See subsequent listings.
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Successful Student Chapters

N. Di Fabio, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
CHED 1501.

Reaching out through outreach

to the DFW community. C. Ashbrook,
S. Mathis, S. DeSpain, A.L. Green, E. Fung,
P. Patel, M. Chandra, S. Price, T. Le, R. Itoh, K. Vu,
K. Upton, C. Simmons, T.A. Schneider, T. Gurney,
J. Fry, K.N. Green, B. Janesko
CHED 1502. Pasadena City College Student
Chapter: Successful activities on
campus and in the community. K. Tsang,
P. Donabedian, J. Portillo, M. Anderson,
D. Lyfeldt, P. Castro, V.I. Jaramillo

CHED 1503.

Expanding our community

involvement. T. Ebener, M.E. Johll, P.K. Yong,
T.L. Thacker, J. Damron, M. Allen, R. Marlett,
L. Tomaszewski, A. Schalk, A. Molln
CHED 1504. Student chapter events and activities done at Tennessee Tech University.
K. Richards, M.P. Butner, S.B. Reynolds,
S.M. Amin, B.C. McGill, V. Sublett, A. RenoDemick, A.J. Ferry, A.J. Crook, D.J. Swartling
CHED 1505. Non-Newtonian fluids as a student
affiliates chapter event: Chemistry, logistics,
and outreach. A.M. McCollum, A.M. Longo,
K.J. Goosherst, L.M. Jablonski, M.L. Kaak, A. Li,
D.G. Sacenti, D.B. Green, J.M. Fritsch
CHED 1506. ACS student affiliates chapter of
Seattle Pacific University. S. Eng, R. Hawkins,
R. Kenyon, K.M. Pierce
CHED 1507. American Chemical Society
Student Chapter at The University of Texas
at Tyler. P. Martin, B. Western, J.J. Smee,
L.E. Boyd
CHED 1508. Activites of Ferris State University
student affiliate chapter. E.K. Utke, L. Bass,
K.J. Robb
CHED 1509. Discover gold with the Alchemist
Club at Missouri Western State University.
A.J. Luke, S. Warren, S.P. Lorimor
CHED 1510. NSF Community College
Innovation challenge: A proposal.
A.J. Sanders, J. Weber, S. Comshaw-Arnold
CHED 1511. Saint Francis University Chemistry
Club: Safe but fun. S. Ciraula, C. Fry,
D. Mosier, E.P. Zovinka
CHED 1512. Discerning student interest in
science activities. M. Love, A. Bilbrough,
A. Wilson, M.J. DSouza
CHED 1513. Wayne State University ACS
Student Affiliates. K. Mullan, S.A. White,
R. Dixon, Y.K. Elghoul, A.R. Breckenridge,
M. Farhat, R. Donovan, H. Ahmed, J.A. Degg,
J.L. Fischer
CHED 1514. Belmont SMACS: Engaging in
awesome science. A.B. Moore, V.T. Lim,
L. Patel
CHED 1515. Molloy Chemical Society.
A. Stockhausen, M. Pogash
CHED 1516. SIUE Chemistry Club: Promoting
science education on campus and beyond.
A. Fox, D. Wright, M. Ontl, A. Cox, S.B. Luesse
CHED 1517. American Chemical Society
Student Chapter at Peninsula College.
B. Weintraub
CHED 1518. Gruen Chemistry Society: Student
affiliate activities at Olivet College. M. Piper,
A. George, Z. Kitzmiller, T. Thorn, S.M. Lewis
CHED 1519. Millersville University ACS
Student Chapter 2014-2015. D. Hofmann,
J. Charlonis, J. Dreer, H. Ashberry
CHED 1520. Improving leadership and programming: Finding the balance between
quality and ability. K.B. Bramble, L. Saint-Fort,
K.A. Leets, G.D. Gibbs
CHED 1521. Online fundraising activities
to support student travel and research
at Illinois State University. E. Jugovic,
L.M. Stateman, E.C. Sullivan, J. Kim
CHED 1522. Student Affiliates of the American
Chemical Society San Jos State University
Chapter. A. Hui, N. Nguyen, M. Lim, Q. Lam,
D. Lee, C. Lionel, G. Muller
CHED 1523. Aquinas Chemistry Society: 2015
successful chapter poster. N. Pierce
CHED 1524. ACS Student Chapter of the
University of St. Thomas: At the center of
the energy and medical capital of the world.
A. Rivera, K. Foss, C. Chidi, P. Zaibaq, J. Hoang,
C. Anderson, B. Mellis, E. Ledesma
CHED 1525. Florida Southern College student
chapter growth 2014-2015. S. Wilson,
K. Fussell, J.C. Sessums, W. Teh, J. Yudichak,
G. Beggs, B. Crosby, J.M. Montgomery
CHED 1526. Small but mighty Centenary
College Chemistry Club. B.M. Bourgoyne,
P.R. Pritchett, R.S. Thompson, T.R. Johnson,
T.M. Ticich
CHED 1527. NCW 2013 at UPR Humacao:
A sweet celebration. C. Algarn, S. Luquis,
J. Suarez

CHED 1528.

Speaker series at Northeastern:

Inspiring the next generation of chemists.
M. Naniong, W. Timson, R. Timson, J. Conway,
J. Conway
CHED 1529. American Chemical Society
University of New Mexico Chapter.
D. Martin, A.C. Segura, E. Milarch, A. Fernandez,
D.A. Garcia
CHED 1530. ACS Wilkes Student Chapter
applying green chemistry principles.
B.S. Clem, A. Fadel, T. Weaver, K.M. Rehrig,
A. Dinescu, C. Henkels
CHED 1531. SMACS attacks chemistry.
T.A. Knippenberg, S. Ansteatt, B.N. Norris
CHED 1532. Events and outreach of the
University of Colorado Denver SAACS
Chemistry Club. J. Henderson, M.K. Maron,
R. Rodriguez
CHED 1533. Restarting the student affiliate
in the oldest town in Texas. D.A. Fry,
C. Huckaby, J. Moreland
CHED 1534. University of Central Arkansas
ACS chemistry chapter: Using an
inter-chapter relations grant to increase
chemical outreach. A.D. Rolland, J. Castillo,
H.H. Agrama, J.D. Henderson, J.G. Schmidt,
K.S. Dooley, K.L. Steelman, F.M. Yarberry
CHED 1535. Leading a successful ACS Student
Chapter. J. Ewing, A.J. Garrett, J.R. Ligas,
M.P. Snyder, A.J. Sanders
CHED 1536. Cultivating and communicating chemistry on campus and in the
community. D. Walter, T. Meece, M.D. Perry,
S.E. Hubbard
CHED 1537. New Mexico Highlands University
Chemistry Club: Starting a student chapter.
B. Maki, P. Dimas
CHED 1538. Successful student chapter,
Suffolk University 2014. S. Shrestha,
J. Bautista, E.M. Persson, T.E. West, K. McCarthy,
T. Nguyen, A.S. Dutton
CHED 1539. Eastern Oregon University ACS
Student Member Chapter: Promoting community outreach and professional networking. T. Winegar, M.L. Gathright, D.A. Ladendorff,
S.A. Sorensen, A.G. Cavinato
CHED 1540. Saint Louis University brings the
wonder of chemistry to local Saint Louis
students. N. Schlarman, L. Green, B. Znosko
CHED 1541. Surface modification to impact our
community. A.G. Colon, P.N. Gonzalez Colon,
M.A. Miranda Belandria, C. Pellicier Rodriguez,
J.I. Ramirez Domenech, E.J. Ferrer Torres
CHED 1542. Ecofriendly chapter: Education
and implementation for a sustainable world.
L. Ramirez Santiago, A.D. Almodovar Ortiz,
P.N. Gonzalez Colon, J.I. Ramirez Domenech,
E.J. Ferrer Torres
CHED 1543. PCUPR student affiliate chapter
celebrates a summer festival. N. Rivera,
J.K. Vale, N.I. Negrn, L. Santos
CHED 1544. Metamorphosis: Our chapter evolution. A. Zapata Feliciano, J. Vlez, G. LopezPerez, E. Francheschini, S. Ramrez de Arellano,
S. Vargas-Padilla, N. Caraballo, A.M. Gonzalez
CHED 1545. ChEmory: Emory Universitys
undergradute chapter of the American
Chemical Society. K.E. Leon, J. Elinburg,
Y. Lin, K. Woolard
CHED 1546. Exploring chemistry through
candy at Carroll University. A. Ott, K. Rude,
J. Rountree, S. Marton, G.T. Marks
CHED 1547. Successful student chapters
abstract: Hofstra University student
members of the American Chemical
Society. E. Zhou, B. Biju, L.E. Carlucci,
E.K. Reagan, P. Fernandes, D. Prado, B. Xuan,
S.T. Lefurgy, E.C. Mundorff
CHED 1548. Student Affiliate Chapter of
the American Chemical Society: Minot
State University. K.T. OKeefe, S.W. Olson,
K.A. Dockter, M.A. Bell, J.M. Miller, S. Park,
H. Lee, J.A. Collins, M.M. Bobylev
CHED 1549. Georgia Colleges outstanding
student chapter: Sweeter than Georgia
peaches. J.L. Minnick, K. Taylor, H.E. Pekarek,
J. Minnick, P. Skersick, K. Ehret, C.H. Lisse
CHED 1550. Miami Chemical Society from
Miami University (Ohio). M.M. Shroder,
B.D. Center, R. Comer, A.A. Simoni

CHED 1551.

SMSU Chemistry Club: Activities

of an outstanding student chapter of the
ACS. S.C. Kenea, M.M. Bruns, N.J. Beyer
CHED 1552. First Loras College chemistry
carnival: The chemistry of candy. M. Rea,
D.J. Oostendorp
CHED 1553. Stimulating interest and enthusiasm for chemistry. R.J. Wood, T. Glasgow,
V. Linero, J. Castro, J. Allen, U. Swamy
CHED 1554. Successful chapter activities of
the Monmouth University Chemistry Club.
S.J. Ebner, K. Flynn, N. Famularo, K. Muratore,
D. Szwajkajzer, G.A. Moehring
CHED 1555. University of Puerto Rico- Ro
Piedras ACS Student Chapter: A role model
to our society. R.E. Martinez-Quinones,
W.M. Pedreira-Garcia, E. Santiago-Aponte,
I. Lehman-Andino, I. Montes
CHED 1556. Reactions to increase the yield
of involvement. Z. Hicks, B.H. Cameron,
M. Simmons, U. Phan
CHED 1557. Tethering community and academic pursuit: A story of success. D. Fager,
R. Morrison, A. MacInnis, K. McAndrews,
C. Schnitzer
CHED 1558. Arkansas Tech University
Chemistry Club: Encouraging and broadening participation through outreach and
on campus activities. S. Zulfer, T. Schultz,
E.W. Turner, B.D. Curry, S.L. Moran, M. Fuller,
C.A. Mebi
CHED 1559. Promoting science with the
Chemistry CirCus. C. Garcia, J.D. Guerra,
V.M. Gonzalez Vazquez, L. Griego, J.S. Enriquez,
J.E. Becvar
CHED 1560. Outreach, teaching, and university
connection programs for two-year college
students. T. Bledsoe, J.S. Bloodsworth,
C.M. Marshall, P.E. Flores Gallardo, L.D. Burke
CHED 1561. Traditions and innovations guiding
the way to success for Nittany Chemical
Society at Penn State. T. Breidenbaugh,
C.S. Mallis, K. Lan
CHED 1562. Onward and upward: Revitalizing a
small student chapter. J. Wells, C.J. Forsythe
CHED 1563. Western Washington University
Student Chapter of the American
Chemical Society. T. Clinkingbeard,
C. Grote, N.P. Bradshaw, N. Schorr, S.R. Emory,
E. Raymond
CHED 1564. Priory of Biology & Chemistry
at East LA College: Organically fun.
H. Castellanos, M. Lopez, I. Gonzalez,
K.N. Olsen, A.M. Rivera Figueroa
CHED 1565. Getting your chapter involved
the community: Examples of community
involvement by the Elmira College ACS
student affiliate chapter. A. Davenport,
C. Zorn, C.E. Stilts
CHED 1566. Instilling chemistry into our
biggest natural resource. A.R. Chappell,
K.N. Weeber
CHED 1567. Central Washington University
SA-ACS 2014-2015: Developement of
standard operating procedures (SOPs) for
the safe, educational and fun performance
of chemistry demonstrations. C. Verwey,
C.D. Carman, A. Wilson, C.E. Malmberg,
N. Beebe, S. Bouchey, D. Chavez, J. Siegenthaler,
P.W. Swain, T.L. Sorey
CHED 1568. Importance of community outreach and encouragement of the sciences.
J. Kao, K. Gensemer, B. DeMauro, S.A. Fleming
CHED 1569. Barry University Chemistry Club:
Celebrating twenty years of excellence.
P. Nwokoye, H. Dao, V. Hoelscher, Q. Su,
J. Sanchez, G. Fisher, T. Hamilton
CHED 1570. How to retain members and make
them feel included. J.L. Farley, A. Shepard,
A.T. McDonald, J. Callus, M. Smoker
CHED 1571. Chemical demonstration program
for continuing education. C. Cookenmaster,
M. Pendleton, M. Bache, E. Milligan, D.M. Bartley
CHED 1572. SAACS Is Au(l) at SHU. L. Farber,
K. Konieczny, A. Buonaccorsi, J. Fierro,
N. Doppler, J.M. Wetherell, K. Scinto, K. Hess,
D.N. Beier, M. Stewart, S. Bergman, C. Ruvolo,
K. Campos

CHED 1573.

Forensic chemistry division; A

new outreach in our campus. J. Chabrier
Rodriguez, E. Medina, C. Osorio Cantillo,
J.I. Ramirez Domenech, E.J. Ferrer Torres
CHED 1574. Xavier University of Louisianas
student chapter: Enriching the legacy.
L.M. Mensah, C. Pace, K. Lam, T.J. Harris,
K. Crosby, E. Murphy, D. Johnson, M.R. Adams,
J.A. Privett, C.M. Lawrence
CHED 1575. UTPB Chemistry Club: Promoting
chemistry in west Texas. K.A. Beran,
S. Moreno, B.J. Garcia, M. Hagle, S. Siegler
CHED 1576. Successful activities of
the Waynesburg University ACS
Chapter. G. Strouse, C. Petrone, K. Wilson,
T. Bromenschenkel, N. Frazee, E.A. Baldauff
CHED 1577. Lock Haven University Chemistry
Club. J. Seidel, J. Caffyn, K. Range
CHED 1578. Student Chemists Association
at The College of New Jersey. T. Maney,
H. Sajjad, C. Kirby, A.R. OConnor, B.C. Chan
CHED 1579. Erskine College ACS Chapter:
Not just winging it anymore. D.A. Roe,
D.K. Gentry, A.D. Houston, T.R. Hayden, J.E. Boyd
CHED 1580. PLU Chemistry Club:
Redistributing knowledge according to Le
Chteliers Principle. S.D. Murphy, S. Huang,
N.A. Yakelis, A.M. Munro
CHED 1581. Collegiate Chemistry Bowl,
Demomania, Chemagic show, eminent
speaker and networking luncheon part
of UT-Martin hosting the undergraduate
program at SERMACS. S.K. Airee, K.A. Harris,
K.H. MccCrillis, L. Gargus
CHED 1582. Career development and networking for chemistry, biochemistry, engineering,
and pharmacy majors: KU Chem Club.
M. Holtz, V. Tallavajhala, A. Petrulis, C. Barrett,
P.R. Hanson, R.S. Black
CHED 1583. Saint Vincent College Chemistry
Club. A.J. Rupprecht, A.N. Dobracki, M. Brady,
S.J. Gravelle
CHED 1584. Green chemistry: Prevention for
a cleaner future. R. Jimenez-Hernandez,
M. Torres-Caban, B.J. Ramos-Santana
CHED 1585. Forging leaders: Diamonds for
society. D.E. Morales-Mantilla, D. MoralesRosa, B.J. Ramos-Santana
CHED 1586. Stay calm and get your grizzly
growl on: Georgia Gwinnett College chemistry outreach. G.E. Rudd, C. Fussell, S. Jiva
CHED 1587. Catawba College Chemistry:
The fuel that will stand the test of time.
A.L. Williamson, B. Baumgarten
CHED 1588. Chemistry outreach efforts at
North Dakota State University. S. Walker,
R. Hessman, M. Mann, M.J. Kleinsasser
CHED 1589. Fundraising methods at North
Dakota State University. J. Wrage, T. Kim,
S. Walker, M.J. Kleinsasser
CHED 1590. Modeling a successful student
chapter. M. Vang, A. Lolinco, B.J. Cole,
P. Ounkham, R. Espinoza, K.M. Kazaryan,
I. Kuchkovskaya, N. Chhay, M.L. Golden,
D. Golden
CHED 1591. University of Utah American
Chemical Society Student Chapter:
Successful student chapter poster.
C.J. White, F. Fernandez, B. Ronna,
B.L. Richeson, Z. Headman, C. Jennings, A. Jo,
H. Hansen, R.Y. Chung, G. Clement, M.R. Kiley,
H.L. Sebahar, J.D. Rainier, T.G. Richmond
CHED 1592. Truman State University Student
Chapter. J.M. McGowan, C. Witt, E.P. Riekeberg
CHED 1593. Successful student chapter of the
American Chemical Society, South Dakota
School of Mines and Technology: Promoting
chemistry and reading. M. Braasch-Turi,
J. Meyer, M.A. Huber, P.R. Holland
CHED 1594. Science of service: Gordon
Colleges student chapter of the American
Chemical Society. D. Gray, B.J. Marshall,
L.T. Walsh, E. Fjellstad, D. Andujar, M.C. Enright
CHED 1595. Chemistry: the final frontier:
These are the chronicles of the Chemistry
Club at South Texas College, its enduring
mission to spread knowledge, educate
the unknowing, serve its community, and go
where no chemistry club has gone before.
L. Avila, R. Gonzalez, A.Y. Navarro, N. Salazar,
A. Gonzalez

CHED 1596.

MTSU SMACS activities 20142015: Turning 40 isnt so bad. H.O. Bradley,

D. Wilson, T. Chitpanya, G. Goodin, H.N. West,
X. Aguilar, G. White, K. Ding
CHED 1597. Exploits of the UM-Flint Demo
Squad: Dragons, duties, and dewars.
A.N. Rizo, J.L. Tischler, M.R. Wilhelm, C. Wilhelm,
B. Shiett, A. Shah, A. Hernandez, D. Duzdar,
A. Burch, A. Singh, S.S. Grathoff, G. Martin
CHED 1598. Park University C.H.E.M. Club:
Using sweets to promote chemistry
and conservation in the community. S.M. Hansen, J. Bautista, A. Davis,
W. Washington, G.D. Claycomb, D.K. Howell
CHED 1599. Journey of ACS student members
at Duquense University. S.E. Kochanek,
B.R. Jagger, K.P. Devlin, A.B. Jansto,
S.A. Richards, A.A. Dalal, C.M. Gaetano,
M. Hockman, E.E. Gorse, A. Williams, J. Nielsen,
S.C. Ratvasky, M.N. Srnec, P.G. Johnson,
E.S. Gawalt, J.D. Evanseck
CHED 1600. Increasing participation in the
Chemistry and Biochemistry Club at
Minnesota State University Moorhead.
A.N. Anderson, D.M. Anderson, J. Bodwin
CHED 1601. University of Central Floridas
student chapter of the American Chemical
Society. K.J. LaBelle, S.M. Kuebler
CHED 1602. Community outreach projects
of the ACS: RUM Chapter. H.M. Quinones
Rosaly, D.C. Vazquez Gonzalez, T. Vlez,
A.L. Garcia Duprey, H.A. Ocasio Rodriguez,
M. Rodrguez, M. Lu, T. Massas, J.D. Nez Cruz,
J.A. Morales Vicens, J. Torres Candelaria
CHED 1603. Successful activities of SAACS
at the University of Central Oklahoma.
K.M. Magiera, T. Murray, D.G. New,
J.M. Ferguson, E.M. McIntyre, R. Evans,
K. Jackson, C. Jones, J.M. Laverty
CHED 1604. University of Kentucky Students of
the American Chemical Society: Expanding
undergraduate chemistry Iinvolvement at
UK. D. Wallace, B.S. Guiton
CHED 1605. Angelo State University ACS
Student Chapter. B.R. Holle, E. Osborne,
K.A. Boudreaux
CHED 1606. Angelo State University Green
Chemistry Student Chapter. S.I. Pena,
E. Osborne, K.A. Boudreaux
CHED 1607. Sweet success: NCW 2014 at
Tarleton State University. T.B. Roberson,
C.E. Earp, R.N. Goodrich
CHED 1608. Student members of the American
Chemical Society: University of Arizona
chapter. T.N. Szyszka, R. Gonzalez, S. Herman,
N. Tyler, D. Timonina, I. Garcia
CHED 1609. Confectionary chemistry:
Spreading the sweet joys of chemistry to
Bristol, RI. M. Levano, T. Malewschik, I. Kieffer,
C. Murphy, S.K. OShea
CHED 1610. Newberry College Chapter of
the American Chemical Society. B.E. Lacy,
A. Privette, O. Valentin, D. Terrell, C.P. McCartha,
Z.S. Davis
CHED 1611. Texarkana College Chemistry
Club, 2013-4 Activites Poster. K. Parker,
J. Ordonez, M. Buttram
CHED 1612. Chemistry and community
outreach. P.M. Doherty, R. Byrnes, D. Szlosek,
J. Howland, G. Smith, A. Makaretz
CHED 1613. Making a better student chapter.
H. Mitchell
CHED 1614. PLNU chemistry club is involved in
San Diego. M.J. Rouffet, C. Kay, K. Alexander,
B. Chicoine, K.C. Dornhofer, R.D. Robinson
CHED 1615. Honoring our professors and
faculty: 75 years as a student chapter
and 40 years of service from Jane Schley.
D. Alton, T.M. Dierker, A.M. Katsimpalis,
S. Maurice, J. Samona, K.R. Evans, M.J. Mio
CHED 1616. Cleaning up Belle Isle: A UDM
chemistry club project. D. Alton, T.M. Dierker,
J.M. Henning, A.M. Katsimpalis, S. Maurice,
J. Samona, K.R. Evans, M.J. Mio
CHED 1617. St. Edwards University American
Chemical Society Student Chapter.
K.L. Weber
CHED 1618. Propagating education in chemistry. O.M. Price, L.M. Berreau
CHED 1619. Starting a Successful Student
Chapter 101. M. Lulsdorf, T. Harrison

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by

Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Cosponsored by ANYL, BIOL, CATL, ENVR, I&EC,
K. J. Clear, Organizer
K. Antonio, C. Ayres, Organizers, Presiding

10:00 CHED 1633. Incorporating Green chemis-

8:55 CHED 1650. Communicating science in

try and sustainability into the undergraduate curriculum at UC Berkeley. J. Arnold,

A. Stacy, A.M. Baranger, M.C. Douskey, M. Robak
10:30 CHED 1634. Using the chemistry curriculum as the starting point for engaging
students and their families in pro-environmental behaviors. P.L. Daubenmire

the public sphere: An elective course for

science and engineering majors. R.S. Black,
C.J. Bode, V.H. Smith
9:15 CHED 1651. Facilitating chemistry club
climate change outreach. B. Chandler
9:35 CHED 1652. Infrared radiation and greenhouse gases: An introductory chemistry
laboratory experiment. M.R. Bruce, T. Wilson,
A.E. Bruce, S. Bessey
9:55 CHED 1653. Communicating climate
science by educating chemists in the Puget
Sound. C.E. Flener-Lovitt, N. Milanovich
10:15 Intermission.
10:25 CHED 1654. Communicating climate
science to non-science groups. J.B. Miller
10:45 CHED 1655. Challenges and
success factors of student run climate
change demonstrations and exhibits.
K.L. Klingenberg, S.J. Underwood, R. Reddick,
T. Greenwood, E. Dannen, A. Hoffman,
T. Scherban
11:05 CHED 1656. Cli-Sci Teacher Workshops:
Outreach activities and demonstrations in
the Illinois heartland. C. Shaw, B. Chandler,
B. Gottemoller
11:25 CHED 1657. Climate Science Toolkit:
A sucessful project in Puerto Rico.
S.M. Delgado-Rivera, M.D. Rodriguez Guzman,
I.D. Montes-Gonzlez, A.J. Gonzalez Nieves,
J.G. Perez Colon, O.J. Morales Martinez,
J.C. Aponte-Santini
11:45 CHED 1658. Energy and the environment:
Exploring climate change. A. Kahl
12:05 CHED 1659. Communicating climate
change: More than a message in a bottle.
L.E. Pence
12:25 Concluding Remarks.
12:30 Information Sharing.

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


8:30 Introductory Remarks.

NSF Programs That Support Undergraduate


8:35 CHED 1620. Organelle bioelectrocatalysis.

S.D. Minteer

R. K. Boggess, Organizer
C. A. Burkhardt, Organizer, Presiding

9:15 Discussion.

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

9:25 CHED 1621. Designing artificial metalloen-

zymes and their applications in biocatalysis

for alternative energies. Y. Lu, A. BhagiDamodaran, S. Chakraborty, Y. Yu, I.D. Petrik,
P. Hosseinzadeh, J. Reed, C. Cui, N.M. Marshall
10:05 Discussion.
10:15 CHED 1622. Design and development
of metal-metal bonded catalysts for transforming small molecule. C. Lu, R. Siedschlag,
R. Cammarota, L.J. Clouston
10:55 Discussion.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research: Graduate

Student Research Forum
E. Humphreys, S. E. Nielsen, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 1623. Assessing the effectiveness
of POGIL-PCL workshops. S.S. Hunnicutt,
S. Stegall
8:55 CHED 1624. How instructors and materi-

als influence the development of scientific

arguments and conceptual understanding
of thermodynamics in POGIL classrooms.
C.L. Stanford, N.M. Becker, J. Byers, A.C. Moon,
M.H. Towns, R.S. Cole
9:15 Intermission.
9:35 CHED 1625. Development and implementation of the enzyme-substrate interactions
inquiry activity for a biochemistry survey
course. E. Humphreys, K.J. Linenberger
9:55 CHED 1626. Topic-specific pedagogical
content knowledge (PCK) in chemistry:
A characterization of chemical bonding
PCK in high school teachers. R.T. Smith,
E.J. Yezierski
10:15 CHED 1627. Investigating the tutor-learning effect: Identification of predictors of
tutors productive behaviors. J. Velasco,
M.N. Stains
10:35 CHED 1628. Investigating student
perceptions and opinions regarding
recitation techniques in general chemistry.
J.M. Blechle, N.E. Levinger, E.R. Fisher
10:55 CHED 1629. Metamorphosis:
Transforming a general chemistry lab to
a blended course. S. Burchett, J.L. Hayes,
K.H. Woelk
11:15 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating

Sustainability into Chemistry Education
Cosponsored by CEI
K. E. Peterman, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 CHED 1630. Sustainability and undergrad-

uate chemistry education: How far we have

come, and what work remains. M.A. Fisher
9:00 CHED 1631. Its about connections:
Sustainability in a liberal arts curriculum.
K. Anderson
9:30 CHED 1632. Empowering undergraduates
for sustainability research and education.
D.A. Vosburg

8:40 CHED 1635. Using TUES funds to create

undergraduate scholarship. S.M. Schelble,
K. Elkins, R.D. Walker, M. Wieder, E. Tsai
9:10 CHED 1636. Implementing Raman

spectroscopy into the chemistry curriculum.

E.M. Rezler, A.C. Terentis, S. Hyvarinen, J.E. Haky
9:40 Intermission.
9:50 CHED 1637. PhET interactive simulations:
Using research-based simulations to transform undergraduate chemistry education.
Y. Carpenter, E.B. Moore, R. Parson, K.K. Perkins
10:20 CHED 1638. Active learning project of
the Analytical Sciences Digital Library.
T.J. Wenzel
10:50 CHED 1639. Student learning and
attitudes in real world vs. virtual laboratories. K.J. Winkelmann, W. Keeney-Kennicutt,
C. Ahlborn, D. Fowler
11:20 Concluding Remarks.
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical

Education: Symposium in Honor
of I. Dwaine Eubanks
Sputnik to Smartphones: A Half-Century
of Chemistry Education
Cosponsored by HIST
Financially supported by ChemSource, Inc.
M. Orna, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 CHED 1640. How things were then, and
why history matters. M. Orna
8:55 CHED 1641. Getting it right: A paradigm
for the education of chemists. J.A. Bell
9:20 CHED 1642. Chapter 6: New models for

teacher preparation and enhancement.

B.P. Sitzman
9:45 CHED 1643. Access and diversity: Role of
the two-year college. A.K. El-Ashmawy
10:10 CHED 1644. College chemistry for
non-scientists. A.T. Schwartz
10:35 Intermission.
10:50 CHED 1645. What can the learning
sciences tell us about teaching chemistry?
M. Cooper
11:15 CHED 1646. Enhancing and assessing
conceptual understanding. D.M. Bunce
11:40 CHED 1647. Visualization: The key
to understanding chemistry concepts.
L.L. Jones, R.M. Kelly
12:05 CHED 1648. ACSs role in improving chemistry education synergism
between governance and staff. R.D. Archer,
M.K. Lester
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed

by Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on Biocatalysis
Cosponsored by ANYL, BIOL, CATL, ENVR, I&EC,
L. Woods, Organizer
A. Gans, M. Pillers, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1660. Enzyme mechanisms: From

physical chemistry to evolution and new

drug targets. A. Kohen
2:15 Discussion.
2:25 CHED 1661. Harnessing polyketide thioesterases to produce complex molecules.
C.N. Boddy, G. Heberlig, T.P. Hari, M. Horsman
3:05 Discussion.
3:15 CHED 1662. Lov story in biocatalyis:
Natural product biosynthesis and protein
engineering coming together. Y. Tang
3:55 Discussion.
4:05 CHED 1663. Innovations in biocatalysis for
pharmaceutical applications. G.W. Huisman
4:45 Discussion.
4:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research

General Chemistry
J. Barbera, N. P. Grove, Organizers
J. P. Suits, Presiding

Citizens First: Communicating Climate

Science to the Public
Cosponsored by CEI

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

A. Hoffman, T. Scherban, Organizers, Presiding

1:35 CHED 1664. Case studies of problem

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 CHED 1649. Climate change:

Opportunities and challenges for ACS and

its members. B.Z. Shakhashiri

solving strategies used by college professors, graduate, and undergraduate students

in chemistry. T. Gupta

1:55 CHED 1665. Gaining insight into visual

Section D

problem solving by combining eye-tracking

with multimodal data analysis. S.J. Hansen,
F. Moore, P. Gordon, O. Anderson
2:15 CHED 1666. Numerical comparisons of
eye fixation sequences from chemistry
problem solving. J. Baluyut
2:35 CHED 1667. Study of self-explaining skill
development in college level introductory
chemistry courses via latent transition
analysis. A. Villalta-Cerdas
2:55 CHED 1668. Using an interactive
simulation to support student development of expert practices for balancing
chemical equations. Y. Carpenter, E.B. Moore,
K.K. Perkins
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 CHED 1669. Students growth in scientific
reasoning and the implications for chemistry instruction. J.H. Carmel, E.J. Yezierski
3:50 CHED 1670. Characterizing students
explanations of energy change at the atomic-molecular level. N.M. Becker, K. Noyes,
M. Cooper
4:10 CHED 1671. Integrating scale-themed
instruction into the undergraduate general
chemistry curriculum using active learning
methodologies. J.M. Trate, P. Geissinger,
A. Blecking, K.L. Murphy
4:30 CHED 1672. Exploring an inverted classroom model in General Chemistry II using
POGIL style activities and undergraduate
Learning Assistants. U. Swamy
4:50 CHED 1673. Stop cheating! An evaluation
of a scientific integrity writing strategy in
General Chemistry I. M.L. Edwards
5:10 Concluding Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Perspectives on Climate Change Literacy

and Education: Local to International
G. P. Foy, Organizer
K. E. Peterman, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1674. Fracking and carbon seques-

tration, oh my: Connecting general chemistry students to climate change topics.

K. Anderson, D.B. King, J.E. Lewis, G.H. Webster,
S. Sutheimer, D.E. Latch, C.H. Middlecamp,
R.S. Moog
1:55 CHED 1675. Climate change and public
health: The importance of literacy domestically and globally. N. Diklich, K.E. Peterman,
G.P. Foy
2:15 CHED 1676. Climate change impacts on
biodiversity and mitigation efforts. C. King,
K.E. Peterman, G.P. Foy
2:35 CHED 1677. Energy discussions at the
20th Conference of Parties. B. Hartweg
2:55 CHED 1678. Effects on agriculture
from climate change. S. Bariana, G.P. Foy,
K.E. Peterman
3:15 Intermission.
3:25 CHED 1679. Campaign strategy, outreach,
and advocacy efforts at the UN Climate
Conference. R.B. Sobel
3:45 CHED 1680. Geopolitical effects of climate
change in the Arctic. K.T. OKeefe, G.P. Foy,
K.E. Peterman
4:05 CHED 1681. How climate change will
exacerbate the food, energy, and water
nexus. J. Mcdonald
4:25 CHED 1682. Future stance on climate
change. K. Teppert, G.P. Foy, K.E. Peterman,
D. Husic
4:45 Panel Discussion.
5:05 Concluding Remarks.

NSF Programs That Support Undergraduate

C. A. Burkhardt, Organizer
R. K. Boggess, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 Description of NSF Programs.
1:55 Question/Answer Session.
2:15 CHED 1683. Framing the chemistry curriculum: Year 1. M.A. Griep
2:45 CHED 1684. 49erTeach: Building capacity

for teachers of chemistry and physics

through NSFs Noyce teacher scholarship
program. K. Asala
3:15 Intermission.
3:25 CHED 1685. Denver Metro Chem
Scholars, an NSF S-STEM program at a
large urban PUI. R.D. Walker, A.J. Bonham
3:55 CHED 1686. NSF programs that support
undergraduate education. M. Cullin
4:25 CHED 1687. Implementing and assessing
the efficacy of open access ChemWiki
textbook resource. G. Allen, A. Guzman,
M. Molinaro, D.S. Larsen
4:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical

Education: Symposium in Honor of
I. Dwaine Eubanks
Sputnik to Smartphones: A Half-Century
of Chemistry Education
Cosponsored by HIST
Financially supported by ChemSource, Inc.
M. Orna, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CHED 1688. Impact of technology on
chemistry instruction. R.A. Pribush
1:55 CHED 1689. Laboratory instruction: Less
verification, more discovery. L.P. Eubanks
2:20 CHED 1690. Evolution of undergraduate

research as a critical component in the education of chemistry students. B.E. Holmes

2:45 CHED 1691. Standards and expectations.
P. Smith
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 CHED 1692. Trajectory of testing in chemistry education. T. Holme
3:50 CHED 1693. Inquiry activities based on
Simulations and Animations. J.I. Gelder,
M.R. Abraham, T.J. Greenbowe
4:15 CHED 1694. Developments in chemical
education: Influences, successes, and
failures in adaptations in other countries.
D. Waddington, H.W. Heikkinen
4:40 CHED 1695. Award Address (George
C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education
sponsored by Cengage Learning and the
ACS Division of Chemical Education).
Challenges for the next generation.
D. Eubanks
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Overcoming Obstacles in Student Learning

in Physical Chemistry
A. L. Marsh, A. Noble, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1696. Rethinking homework: The

impact of content, format, and process

on physical chemistry learning outcomes.
T.D. Shepherd
1:55 CHED 1697. Preparing students for effective engagement in group problem solving.
A.R. Noble
2:15 CHED 1698. Influences of student
discourse in overcoming barriers in physical chemistry. C.L. Stanford, N.M. Becker,
J.D. Byers, A.C. Moon, M.H. Towns, R.S. Cole
2:35 Intermission.

2:45 CHED 1699. POGIL in the physical chemistry laboratory. A. Grushow, S.S. Hunnicutt,
R.M. Whitnell
3:05 CHED 1700. Quantum first physical

chemistry at a regional liberal arts college.

A.L. Marsh
3:25 CHED 1701. Learning by doing: Teaching
physical chemistry using guided inquiry
with frequent feedback. S.S. Hunnicutt
3:45 Intermission.
3:55 Panel Discussion.
4:15 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


General Papers
S. A. Fleming, Organizer
C. Hamann, Presiding
6:00 Introductory Remarks.
6:05 CHED 1702. Multistep synthesis of

benzoyl peroxide for the second semester

organic laboratory. J. Wollack
6:25 CHED 1703. Wheres the ketone: A
laboratory showing the control of reaction
intermediates in Grignard reactions with
esters. R.D. Barrows, L. Giacomine, D. Hanson,
A. Sylvester
6:45 CHED 1704. Carbocation rearrangements
in the undergraduate laboratory: GC/MS
and NMR deduction of products from electrophilic aromatic substitution in a discovery laboratory experiment. M.V. Maskornick,
V. Polito, I.J. Rhile, C.S. Hamann
7:05 Intermission.
7:15 CHED 1705. Importance of sampling: The
first lab in the analytical chemistry class.
R. Indralingam
7:35 CHED 1706. Organic chemistry and the
native plants of the Sonoran Desert: A new
model for the undergraduate laboratory.
T.L. Minger, V. Nedelkova, J. Zikopoulos
7:55 CHED 1707. Safety for chemical demonstrations. D.A. Katz
8:15 Intermission.
8:25 CHED 1708. Synthesis and the three-separate independent purification of 3-nitrooacetanilide: An exercise in recrystallization,
extraction and radial chromatography in
the undergraduate organic chemistry labs.
R.B. Miller
8:45 CHED 1709. Teaching research in organic
chemistry with a guided-research laboratory experience. R. LaLonde
9:05 CHED 1710. Investigating enzyme assays.
W.A. Patton
9:25 CHED 1711. Introduction of the professional quote format and compound
screening to project-based experiments in
the biochemistry laboratory. K.R. Gallagher
9:45 CHED 1712. Design and implementation of a multi-method enzyme kinetics
project for a junior-level studio laboratory.
D.R. Goode, R.L. Hutcheson, C.V. Crisan,
J.D. Mimbs

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice

Cosponsored by CEI
Financially supported by NSF-CCI Center for
Sustainable Polymers at the University of Minnesota;
ACS Green Chemistry Institute; I&EC Green
Chemistry Subdivision
J. E. Wissinger, Organizer
E. J. Brush, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 1713. Green chemistry of biodiesel
production. V. Gude, E. Martinez-Guerra

8:55 CHED 1714. Biorefinery: A molecular

design platform for green surfactants and

soft materials. G. John
9:15 CHED 1715. Greener synthesis of
photochromic, fluorescent, and industrially
important organic compounds for one- and
two-semester organic chemistry laboratories. J. Bennett, D. Dragotta, E. Stopler
9:35 CHED 1716. Nickel-catalyzed Suzuki
Miyaura cross-coupling in a green alcohol
solvent for an undergraduate organic
chemistry laboratory. N.K. Garg
9:55 Intermission.
10:05 CHED 1717. Paper to plastics: An
interdisciplinary outreach program in
sustainable research. J. Byers, E. Weerapana,
F.B. Tamburini, T.B. Kelly, N. Chinnaswamy,
T. Fazekas
10:25 CHED 1718. Hands-on, inquiry-based
laboratory experiment for chemistry and
engineering students comparing green
and nongreen Noble metal nanoparticle
synthesis methods. M.L. Edwards, S.A. Paluri
10:45 CHED 1719. Green chemistry principles
illustrated through the synthesis of renewable triblock copolymers: an inquiry-based
experiment. J.E. Wissinger, D.K. Schneiderman,
M.T. Wentzel
11:05 CHED 1720. Decision-making based on
evaluation of the benefits, costs, and risks
associated with the use and production of
chemicals. H. Sevian, S. Cullipher, V. Talanquer
11:25 Panel Discussion.
11:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research

Concept Inventories
J. Barbera, N. P. Grove, Organizers
J. R. Raker, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 1721. Development of a chem-

istry concept inventory online database.

K.J. Linenberger
8:55 CHED 1722. Student alternative conceptions of theory application during first year
General Chemistry: Does anything really
change? W.E. Schatzberg
9:15 CHED 1723. Development of stereochemistry concept inventory using principles of
effective test construction and results from
national surveys. A. Leontyev, R.M. Hyslop
9:35 CHED 1724. Detecting incorrect ideas in
stereochemistry. A. Leontyev, R.M. Hyslop
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research

Online Homework
J. Barbera, N. P. Grove, Organizers
J. R. Raker, Presiding
10:10 CHED 1725. Students short and long

term impressions, attitudes, percieved

learning, and actual performance using two
online homework systems: Embedded text
vs. linked text. C. Zumalt, V.M. Williamson
10:30 CHED 1726. Developing student-generated content in sapling learning.
D.M. Zurcher, B.P. Coppola, A.J. McNeil
10:50 CHED 1727. Form vs. function: A
comparison of Lewis structure drawing
tools and the cognitive loads they induce.
P. Duffy, A. Coleman, T. Gampp, J.M. Tiettmeyer,
N.P. Grove
11:10 CHED 1728. How many tries are optimal
for on-line homework? C.H. Atwood,
J. Moody
11:30 Concluding Remarks.



Section C

Section E


Section C

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Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning


Using Technology in the Undergraduate


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Research on Learning in the Laboratory

R. S. Moog, Organizer, Presiding

A. Oxley, C. E. Stilts, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice

Cosponsored by CEI

8:35 CHED 1729. Introduction to POGIL and

The POGIL Project. R.S. Moog

8:35 CHED 1743. Agent-based modeling as a

8:55 CHED 1730. High school chemistry

POGIL activites on a dollar store budget.

A.S. Schwab
9:15 CHED 1731. Using knowledge surveys
to assess student knowledge gains from
POGIL activities. B.D. Gilbert
9:35 CHED 1732. Quantum, spectroscopy,
bonding with POGIL in first semester physical chemistry. N.E. Levinger
9:55 Intermission.
10:05 CHED 1733. POGIL on a large scale.
S.M. Taylor, C.A. LaBrake, D. Vanden Bout
10:25 CHED 1734. Using POGIL in a large
lecture setting: The benefits and the challenges. T.A. Madison
10:45 CHED 1735. Guided inquiry in chemistry:
Teaching assistant training courses for
undergraduates. S.S. Hunnicutt
11:05 Panel Discussion.
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Instructors and Researchers: Advancing

Graduate Education in Chemistry
S. Hansen, S. Sandi-Urena, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 1736. ETTA: Educational Training
for Teaching Associates. P. Varma-Nelson,
L. Easterling, J.R. Gregory
8:55 CHED 1737. Orientation and teacher

training programs for graduate students.

M.L. Miller, R. Hirko
9:15 CHED 1738. Evaluation methods and
findings for interdisciplinary graduate
training programs at UBC. J.J. Stewart,
A.K. Bertram, L. Schafer, K.J. Knox, G. Birol,
S. Burke, C. Underhill
9:35 CHED 1739. Graduate teaching assistants potential benefits and professional
development associated with teaching
general chemistry laboratories. S. SandiUrena, T. Gatlin
9:55 Intermission.
10:05 CHED 1740. It takes a village: Transition
from graduate student to practitioner.
G. Bhattacharyya, G.M. Bodner, A. Verdan
10:25 CHED 1741. Bringing chemical research
into the undergraduate teaching lab: A
graduate student perspective. J. Zhu,
S. Hansen, L. Kaufman, J. Ulichny
10:45 CHED 1742. How my teaching role has
impacted my graduate student experience.
M.L. Miller, D.P. Cartrette, O. Odeleye, T. Cox,
M. Stutelberg
11:05 Concluding Remarks.

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

tool for a discovery-based TLC experiment.

D. Brownholland, M. Goadrich
8:55 CHED 1744. Home-built instruments as
group projects in instrumental analysis
courses. M. Chia, A. Blank, A. Sabelhaus,
B. Wiefering, C.A. Morris
9:15 CHED 1745. Implementation of cost-effective tablet technology for the development
of electronic laboratory notebook skills
and to promote active learning at the
undergraduate level. R.N. Dansby-Sparks,
R.M. Meier
9:35 CHED 1746. Flipping the General
Chemistry laboratory. A. Oxley
9:55 Intermission.
10:05 CHED 1747. 3D printed colorimeters
for use in the freshman chemistry lab.
J.D. Mendez
10:25 CHED 1748. Designing and implementing
effective virtual laboratory experiments
in general chemistry. K.J. Winkelmann,
W. Keeney-Kennicutt
10:45 CHED 1749. Organic lab transformation.
J. Potratz
11:05 CHED 1750. Electronic grading of
laboratory reports to account for variation in
student data. E.M. Epp, K. Nippert
11:25 CHED 1751. Using QR codes and online
videos in the undergraduate organic chemistry lab. C.E. Stilts
11:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Computational Chemistry in the

Undergraduate Curriculum: What is
Working and How Do We Assess It?
Cosponsored by PHYS
J. L. Sonnenberg, Organizer
J. B. Foresman, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CHED 1752. What makes an electron a

valence electron? Introducing students to

computational chemistry in the POGIL-PCL
framework. M.S. Reeves
8:55 CHED 1753. Withdrawn.
9:15 CHED 1754. Utilizing electronic structure
calculations in undergraduate inorganic
chemistry. J.T. York
9:35 Intermission.
9:50 CHED 1755. Web based computational
job submission for the undergraduate
laboratory. M.J. Perri, S.H. Weber
10:10 CHED 1756. Quantum and computational
chemistry: A difficult and necessary classroom union. M.F. Tuchler
10:30 CHED 1757. Gaussian-based laboratory
exercises in physical chemistry. S.M. Basu
10:50 Intermission.
11:05 CHED 1758. Computational chemistry
in the physical chemistry course. T. Engel,
L. Johnson
11:25 CHED 1759. 15-year retrospective of
computational chemistry in the undergraduate curriculum at The University of Tulsa.
G.H. Purser, G.R. Medders
11:45 CHED 1760. Assessment of student
knowledge and opinions of computational
chemistry in a physical chemistry for engineers course. E.P. Wagner
12:05 CHED 1761. Atomistic level computational chemistry for visualization and
calculation in the undergraduate chemistry
laboratory. L. Tribe

Financially supported by NSF-CCI Center for

Sustainable Polymers at the University of Minnesota;
ACS Green Chemistry Institute; I&EC Green
Chemistry Subdivision
E. J. Brush, Organizer
J. E. Wissinger, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1762. Adapting green chemistry
metrics for nanoparticle synthesis. B. Reid,
S.M. Reed
1:55 CHED 1763. New shoots from old vines:

Greening reactions in the organic chemistry laboratory. T.N. Jones, K.J. Graham,
C.P. Schaller, E.J. McIntee
2:15 CHED 1764. Case study: Green chemistry theory and practice in an undergraduate laboratory. O. Oluwaniyi, S.O. Famuyiwa
2:35 CHED 1765. Educating general chemistry
students about green chemistry through
their laboratory experience. S.A. Henrie
2:55 Intermission.
3:05 CHED 1766. Need for green chemistry
at the undergraduate level. I.T. Sidhwani,
R. Sharma
3:25 CHED 1767. Incorporation of green principals across a chemistry curriculum at a
small liberal arts college. J. Wollack
3:45 CHED 1768. Project GreenLab: A
regional student-faculty collaboration
in green chemistry curriculum development, research, and outreach education.
E.J. Brush
4:05 CHED 1769. Green chemical education
in curriculum: Cracking siloed education.
C.D. Jensen
4:25 Panel Discussion.
4:45 Concluding Remarks.

M. J. Chrzanowski, S. Sandi-Urena, A. VillaltaCerdas, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1777. Improving general chemistry

students inquiry skills and confidence

with research-inspired experiments.
K.J. Winkelmann, M.H. Baloga, C. Giannoulis,
T. Marcinkowski, P. Cohen, G. Anquandah
1:55 CHED 1778. Current research on learning
in the chemistry college laboratory.
S. Sandi-Urena
2:15 CHED 1779. Incorporation of instructional
videos to encourage students coordination
of theory and evidence in the physical
chemistry laboratory. R.S. Cole, M.N. Muniz,
J.A. Schmidt, E. Keuter
2:35 Intermission.
2:45 CHED 1780. Examining student analogical reasoning in introductory chemistry
laboratory. M.R. Bruce, S. Avargil, A.E. Bruce,
F.G. Amar
3:05 CHED 1781. Perceptions of students
and teaching assistants regarding a
project-based undergraduate laboratory.
S.R. Mooring, N.L. Burrows
3:25 CHED 1782. Reform in general chemistry
laboratory instruction: How do students
experience change between an expository
laboratory and a cooperative project-based
laboratory? M.J. Chrzanowski, S. Sandi-Urena
3:45 Discussion.
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Undergraduate Research in Chemistry:

Expanding Opportunities and Broadening
Models Supporting and Expanding
Undergraduate Research
B. L. Gourley, R. M. Jones, Organizers, Presiding

Section B

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


1:40 CHED 1783. First-Year Research

Chemistry Education Research

Organic and Biochemistry
J. Barbera, N. P. Grove, Organizers
T. Bussey, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CHED 1770. Acid-base topic in the

context of a nursing chemistry course.

C.E. Brown, M.L. Henry, R.M. Hyslop
1:55 CHED 1771. Comparative study of organic
chemistry representations and students
cognitive load. P. Duffy, N.P. Grove
2:15 CHED 1772. Student understanding of
glycolysis: Organic chemistry tasks in a
biochemistry context. J.R. Raker, B.R. Van
2:35 CHED 1773. Biochemistry instructors
perceptions of their classroom use of analogies. T.J. Bussey, M. Orgill
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Chemistry Education Research

Chemistry Majors
J. Barbera, N. P. Grove, Organizers
T. Bussey, Presiding
3:10 CHED 1774. Concept mapping: A learning

strategy for teaching Instrumental Chemical

Analysis course. T. Saleh
3:30 CHED 1775. Student grade perceptions throughout a chemistry program
(Freshman-Masters). J.A. Webb, A.G. Karatjas
3:50 CHED 1776. Investigating the enacted
and stated curriculum in physical chemistry.
S.E. Erhart, E.J. Yezierski
4:10 Concluding Remarks.

Experience (FYRE) program: A gateway

to undergraduate research and enhanced
STEM development at the University
of Oklahoma. N. Kothapalli, A. Burgett,
R. Halterman
2:00 CHED 1784. Guiding a senior undergraduate in chemical education and computational chemistry research. J.P. Beck
2:20 CHED 1785. PRISM: CSUSB strengthening the scientific workforce. K.R. Cousins,
Y. Kim
2:40 CHED 1786. Integrating undergraduate
research with teaching and learning:
Unanticipated opportunities to broaden
participation. L.E. Echegoyen, S.B. Aley,
C.E. Botez, G. Corral, H.H. Meeuwsen, D. Villagran
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Undergraduate Research in Chemistry:

Expanding Opportunities and Broadening
Undergraduate Research in the Curriculum
B. L. Gourley, R. M. Jones, Organizers, Presiding
3:00 CHED 1787. Freshman research immer-

sion: Transforming freshman into researchers. M.E. Fegley, J.R. Amey, W.E. Jones,
N.E. Stamp
3:20 CHED 1788. Research-based analytical
chemistry laboratory: Incorporation of
students self-designed projects into
curriculum. R. Gao
3:40 CHED 1789. Increasing reach: Dealing
with resource limitations and scalabilty
issues by bringing collaborative research
into the teaching laboratory. R.E. Bachman
4:00 CHED 1790. Components of a researchrich undergraduate chemistry curriculum.
T.J. Wenzel
4:20 Concluding Remarks.

Section E


Section C

2:40 CHAS 3. Marijuana health and safety

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Nanotechnology in Undergraduate Education

and Research

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


General Papers

D. S. Heroux, Organizer, Presiding

General Papers

S. A. Fleming, Organizer
J. D. Mendez, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

S. A. Fleming, Organizer
C. R. Pharr, Presiding

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

experiment water analysis and hands-on

experience for K-12 students in the
Advancing Mathematics and Science Skills
Program. S.O. Fakayode, M. Kanipes-Spinks
8:25 CHED 1827. Collaboration between
historically black colleges and universities
and local school districts to promote K12
science education, North Carolina, USA.
S. Fakayode, V. Snipes, M. Kanipes-Spinks
8:45 CHED 1828. Quantitative approach to
the study of the effectiveness of using the
Dual Credit General Chemistry I Program
at Missouri Western State University as a
recruiting tool. J.L. Torres y Torres, M.W. Ducey
9:05 Intermission.
9:15 CHED 1829. Electrolytic reactions of
reagent precursors for preparation and
standardization of commonly used reagents
in an undergraduate laboratory. S. Melaku,
R. Dabke
9:35 CHED 1830. Towards increasing student
engagement in the general chemistry
laboratory with environmental research.
R. Driscoll, J. Hall Tomasik, A. Miller, S.A. Majorski,
D.J. Lecaptain
9:55 CHED 1831. Utilizing 3D printing to create
demonstrative models for freshman chemistry courses. J.D. Mendez
10:15 Intermission.
10:25 CHED 1832. Integrative and exploratory junior-level studio laboratory for
student-centered learning and scientific
growth. D.R. Goode, D.E. Moore, C.S. Seney,
A.M. Kiefer
10:45 CHED 1833. Solution concentration
uncertainty: An experiment to illustrate
the concepts of precision and propagation of error through measurement of the
molar extinction coefficient of Cu(NH3)4Cl2.
J.J. Stankus
11:05 CHED 1834. Laboratory experiment:
Carbonates and the ideal gas law.
T. Hodgkins
11:25 CHED 1835. Open source drug discovery
with undergraduates and high school
students. A.E. Williamson, M.H. Todd, P. Willis,
O. Consortium

for licensed and regulated businesses.

C. Villano
3:10 CHAS 4. State mandated testing of retail
marijuana in Colorado. A. LaFrate
3:40 Intermission.
3:55 CHAS 5. Safety and health standard of
cannabis extractions with an emphasis on
C02. A. Cahoj
4:25 CHAS 6. Recent improvements in chromatography: Advancing chromatographic
data quality to make a safer Cannabis
product. A. Rigdon, R. Lake, R. Freeman,
F. Carroll, T. Kahler
4:55 CHAS 7. GC methods for Cannabis safety
and potency testing. A. Rigdon, J. Cochran,
C. Hilliard, W. Schroeder, C. Schroeder, T. Flood
5:25 Concluding Remarks.

1:35 CHED 1791. Nanotechnology experi-

ments for inorganic chemistry laboratory.

D.S. Heroux
1:55 CHED 1792. Synthesis and exploration of
Au nanoparticles in an open-ended juniorlevel capstone lab. C.S. Seney, J.D. Mimbs
2:15 CHED 1793. Harnessing the power of
partnerships and technology in nanoscience education. K.A. Pacheco, J. Ristvey
2:35 Intermission.
2:45 CHED 1794. Debating societal impacts
of nanotechnology through role playing.
K.J. Winkelmann
3:05 CHED 1795. Synthesis and comparative
study of ZnO/Au, ZnO/Ag, MgO/Au, and
MgO/Ag core-shell nanoparticles with their
functionalization with antibiotics. C. Pellicier
Rodriguez, M. Feliciano Sanchez, E. Medina,
J.I. Ramirez Domenech, C. Osorio Cantillo,
E.J. Ferrer Torres
3:25 CHED 1796. Investigating the antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles with
respect to Desulfovibrio genus bacteria.
J. Snitker, M. Montes
3:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


Computational Chemistry in the

Undergraduate Curriculum: What is
Working and How Do We Assess It?
Cosponsored by PHYS
J. B. Foresman, Organizer
J. L. Sonnenberg, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 CHED 1797. Computational chemistry
should start in high school. R.R. Gotwals
1:50 CHED 1798. Computational chemistry
throughout the curriculum. K. Range
2:10 CHED 1799. Computational modelling

across the curriculum: General, organic and

physical chemistry. M.W. Ducey, D.R. Myers,
J.S. Rhoad, J.N. Woodford
2:30 Intermission.
2:45 CHED 1800. Computational chemistry in
an undergraduate curriculum: Strategies for
deliverable skills. M.M. Ivey, J.L. Sonnenberg
3:05 CHED 1801. Examples of instructional
units in computation and modeling for
the undergraduate chemistry curriculum.
L.S. Pelter, M.W. Pelter
3:25 CHED 1802. 20 years of computational
chemistry at a public regional university:
Thoughts and experiences. M. Pelter,
L. Pelter
3:45 Intermission.
4:00 CHED 1803. Computational chemistry:
Practical issues in leveraging the Cloud.
R. Thackston, B. Kimmons, R.C. Fortenberry
4:20 CHED 1804. PSI4Education:
Computational chemistry labs using free
software. R.C. Fortenberry, T.D. Shepherd,
A. Ringer McDonald, M. Kennedy, D. Sherrill
4:40 CHED 1805. Challenges and rewards of
the computational chemistry undergraduate
thesis project. R.C. Brown
5:00 CHED 1806. NCSI workshops are ready
to help train faculty to use computational
chemistry in the classroom. C. Metz,
S.C. Sendlinger, E.T. Bell-Loncella, R. Panoff

8:05 CHED 1807. Building connections in

biology and chemistry courses in the

second year curriculum. S.R. Sieck
8:25 CHED 1808. Chemical analysis of paint:
Development of multidisciplinary class
sessions for chemistry and art students.
B. Sieve, J. Hedges, C.A. Morris
8:45 CHED 1809. Interdisciplinary experimental
approach for undergraduate chemistry
students. C. Lobato, N. Romero-Ceronio,
A. Gomez-Rivera, L. Roa-De la Fuente
9:05 Intermission.
9:15 CHED 1810. Flipped classroom for large
organic chemistry class. S. Xie
9:35 CHED 1811. Half flipped: Using videos
and online quizzes to maximize in class
problem solving time. C.R. Pharr
9:55 CHED 1812. Flipping general chemistry to
improve student success. C.M. Zaleski
10:15 Intermission.
10:25 CHED 1813. Unit Conversion Literacy
Project: A partnership model for driving
curricular change. G. Baker
10:45 CHED 1814. Engaging science students
and the public through science-themed art.
D.B. Cordes
11:05 CHED 1815. Sophomore organic chemistry to synthesize that? J.K. Murray
11:25 CHED 1816. Capstone experience for the
sophomore organic chemistry sequence
emphasizing written and oral expression.
L.R. Eller
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel


General Papers
S. A. Fleming, Organizer
M. T. Mongelli, H. Stokes-Huby, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 CHED 1817. Exploring DNA and protein
structures with PyMOL. J.A. Himmelberger
8:25 CHED 1818. Teaching general chemistry

in context using the ChemConnections

Activity Workbook. K.L. Braun, H. Mernitz,
S. Anthony
8:45 CHED 1819. Demonstrating the intelligence capabilities of the Q-electronic tutor.
T.R. Farhat
9:05 Intermission.
9:15 CHED 1820. Polycraft: Utilizing online
gaming to enable next generation polymer
chemistry education. W. Voit
9:35 CHED 1821. Teaching and learning with a
tablet. H. Stokes-Huby, M.T. Mongelli
9:55 CHED 1822. Incorporating peer-review
homework assignments into a large enrollment freshman chemistry course. C.T. Cox,
R.N. Zare, K. Murphy
10:15 Intermission.
10:25 CHED 1823. Student designed organic
laboratories as an alternative research
project. R.B. Lettan II, S. Sagcan, S. Candiello
10:45 CHED 1824. Designing accessible
Iinteractive chemistry simulations for all students including students with disabilities.
E.B. Moore, A. Paul, K. Perkins
11:05 CHED 1825. Perceptions of competency
for male and female chemistry majors:
Does he receive more credit? R.P. Beeton,
S. Hilwig, T. Martinez

8:05 CHED 1826. Guided inquiry laboratory

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

J. M. Pickel, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00

Division of Chemical Health and

Safety. D.M. Decker
CHAS 9. Withdrawn.
CHAS 10. Safety survey of chemistry teaching
laboratories in Nepal. B. Giri, K. Kandel
CHAS 11. Lessons learned from a hood fire and
deflagration event. J.M. Pickel
CHAS 12. Increasing sample throughput of
Cannabis analyses on any LC system.
R. Lake, A. Rigdon, R. Freeman, F. Carroll,
T. Kahler

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Silverton Ballroom 1

Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of

Nanotechnology R&D
Cosponsored by AGFD, CCS and PRES
H. J. Elston, N. R. Langerman, Organizers,
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:05 CHAS 13. How hazardous can nanostruc-

Division of Chemical
Health and Safety
D.M. Decker, F. K. Wood-Black and
J. M. Pickel, Program Chairs

Section A

tured titanium dioxide be to humans in a

water purification application? P. Zuniga,
J. Quesada-Kimzey
9:25 CHAS 14. Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S support
of nanotechnology R&D. N.R. Langerman,
H.J. Elston
10:55 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Silverton Ballroom 1

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Silverton Ballroom 1

Safety in Undergraduate Teaching

Cosponsored by CCS

Legalized Marijuana & Health & Safety

Cosponsored by CCS

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

F. K. Wood-Black, Organizer, Presiding

N. R. Langerman, R. W. Phifer, Organizers,

1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:40 CHAS 1. Taking care of Mary Janes
workers. J. Lieberman
2:10 CHAS 2. Safety considerations in the

development of sensible workplace drug

testing policies for legalized marijuana.
R.W. Phifer

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:



1:40 CHAS 15. Moving from a danger culture to

a safety culture. R. Stuart



2:00 CHAS 16. Teaching basic technique: A

Section A

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Getting to the Best Reaction: Tools for

Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Research Results: Reproducibility, Reporting,

Sharing & Plagiarism

R. Schenck, Organizer, Presiding

M. G. Hicks, Organizer
C. Kettner, Presiding

view into preparing for a safer educational

and work environment. F.K. Wood-Black,
K. Black
2:20 CHAS 17. Using traditional safety rules to
teach more advanced concepts in chemical
hygiene. S.B. Sigmann
2:40 CHAS 18. Talk dirty to me: Teaching
undergraduate students the importance of
good hygiene in the teaching laboratory.
L. Gallion, A.M. Wilson, M.J. Samide
3:00 CHAS 19. Risk hazard assessment in the
general chemistry laboratory. S.D. Wiediger,
A. Hyett
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 CHAS 20. Developing a safety synergy
in the chemistry department at Stanford
University. C.T. Cox, S. Chan
3:55 CHAS 21. Safety Friday: Do in-class
safety presentations impact student behavior and perceptions of laboratory safety?
A.M. Wilson, P.M. Morgan
4:15 CHAS 22. Student view of safety in
the undergraduate laboratory. T. Black,
F.K. Wood-Black
4:35 CHAS 23. Case study: Impact of chemical
safety training in undergraduate teaching.
O. Oluwaniyi, O.O. Fadare
4:55 CHAS 24. Nitric acid acts upon trousers:
Learning about hazardous chemicals.
K.P. Fivizzani
5:15 Concluding Remarks.

Division of Chemical
E. Davis, Program Chair


Drug Discovery (see COMP, Sun, Mon, Tue,
Applications of Positron Emission
Tomography in Drug Discovery (see
MEDI, Sun)
New Models for Drug Discovery: Public,
Private, and Non-Prot (see MEDI, Mon)
Putting Chemical Biology in Context (see
BIOL, Tue)
Citizens First: Communicating Climate
Science to the Public (see CHED, Tue)
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical &
Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium
in Honor of David A. Case (see COMP,
Mon, Tue)


10:00 Introductory Remarks.

10:05 CINF 1. Automated design of realistic

organometallic complexes and catalysts.

M. Foscato, G. Occhipinti, V. Venkatraman,
B.K. Alsberg, V.R. Jensen
10:30 CINF 2. Different needles for different
tailors: How specialized reaction search
algorithms support scientists working
in various research areas. V. Eigner Pitto,
J. Eiblmaier, H. Kraut, H. Saller, P. Loew
10:55 CINF 3. Classification of scientific journal
articles for the NIST Thermodynamic
Research Center. A. Dima, Y. Feng, S. Youssef,
K. Kroenlein
11:20 CINF 4. Mining electronic lab notebooks
for synthetic needles (or gems). P.J. McHale
11:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Dening Value in Scholarly

Communications: Evolving Ways of
Evaluating Impact on Science
S. Rouhi, T. M. Vogel, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 CINF 5. Withdrawn.
1:25 CINF 6. Dynamic evaluation of impact

for scholarly communications in the field

of thermophysical properties. R. Chirico,
V. Diky, J. Magee, A. Bazyleva, C. Muzny,
K. Kroenlein
1:50 CINF 7. Impact of crystal structures
over the last, and next, 50 years. S. Ward,
I. Bruno, C. Groom
2:15 CINF 8. Give me kudos for taking responsibility for self-marketing my scientific publications and increase impact. A.J. Williams,
W. Russell, M. Kenneway, L. Peck
2:40 Intermission.
2:55 CINF 9. How do you define the value of
something if its free? Observations on
Caltechs Institutional Repository. D.T.
Wrublewski, G.S. Porter
3:20 CINF 10. Redefining value: Alternative
metrics and research outputs. K. Deards,
R.M. Burks, S. Rouhi, W. Gunn



Research Results: Reproducibility, Reporting,

Sharing & Plagiarism

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

M. G. Hicks, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 CINF 11. Addressing researcher

Cooperative Cosponsorship

2:30 CINF 19. Reproducibility and the quality

of chemical probes. A. Edwards

Incentives for publishability over accuracy.

S. Davis Bowman, B. Nosek
9:05 CINF 12. Ethics in publishing: Editorial
and related experiences. P.S. Weiss
9:35 CINF 13. Data management and the
research record in research misconduct
investigations. K. Busch
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CINF 14. Irreproducibility in the scientific
literature or: How often do scientists tell the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth? R.G. Bergman
10:50 CINF 15. Interplay of prior information and new data in high-throughput
small-molecule studies. P.A. Clemons
11:20 CINF 16. STRENDA proposing
minimum information for reporting
functional enzymology data. C. Kettner,
M.G. Hicks

2:25 Intermission.
2:40 CINF 32. Similarity to SAR inter-

active navigation of similarity relationships to guide optimization. M.D. Segall,

E. Champness, J. Chisholm, C. Leeding, P. Hunt,
A. Elliott, S. Dowling, H. Garcia
3:05 CINF 33. Database fingerprint clustering
methods using KNIME. R.J. Bienstock
3:30 CINF 34. Highly visual representation
methods for comparison of chemical structures and related properties. J.W. Sager,
P. Mounteney, C.P. Snyder, T.E. Mansley
3:55 Concluding Remarks.

3:00 Intermission.
3:15 CINF 20. MIRAGE the minimum informa-

tion required for a glycomics experiment:

Rationale and progress. W. York, C. Kettner,
R. Ranzinger
3:45 CINF 21. Reporting and reuse of crystal
structure data and knowledge. I. Bruno,
S. Ward, C. Groom
4:15 CINF 22. Reproducibility and variance of
literature compound structure and bioassay
data. J.P. Overington

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

E. Davis, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
1, 3-6, 11, 20. See previous listings.
CINF 23.

Chemical literature: A comparison of

most important databases for searching the
chemical literature from an undergraduate
perspective. N. Bharti
CINF 24. From lab to the libraries: A new route
for chemistry librarianship. N. Bharti
CINF 25. 3Dmol.js: Simple visualization and
sharing of 3D molecular data. D. Koes,
N. Rego

26, 34-37, 44. See subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Development & Use of Data Format

Standards for Cheminformatics
D. Martinsen, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:05 CINF 35. Overview of the analytical
Information markup language. S.J. Chalk
9:35 CINF 36. Thermophysical property

dissemination utilizing an XML-based

standard. K. Kroenlein, R. Chirico, V. Diky,
A. Bazyleva, J. Magee, C. Muzny
10:05 CINF 37. Standard data format for
computational chemistry: CSX. S.J. Chalk,
N.S. Ostlund, M. Sopek, B. Wang
10:35 Intermission.
10:50 CINF 38. Development of an ontology
specific to computational chemistry.
M. Sopek, S.J. Chalk, B. Wang, L. Nardozi,
N.S. Ostlund
11:20 CINF 39. Importance of data standards
for large scale data integration in chemistry.
A.J. Williams, V. Tkachenko, A. Pshenichnov,
K. Karapetyan, C. Coba
11:50 Concluding Remarks.



Section A

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Development & Use of Data Format

Standards for Cheminformatics

Research Results: Reproducibility, Reporting,

Sharing & Plagiarism
M. G. Hicks, Organizer, Presiding

Section A

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

2:00 CINF 18. Data and models, models and

data. T.R. Clark, C. Kramer


Reception, 6:30 PM: Sun

Harrys Party, 5:30 PM: Mon
Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue

Business Meeting, 1:00 PM: Sat

1:30 CINF 17. Reproducibility in organic synthesis. R.L. Danheiser

2:00 CINF 31. Do chiral fingerprints and

descriptors work? S. Swamidass, G.P. Miller,
T. Hughes, J. Hartman, S. Cothren

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 CINF 26. Sharing and reproducibility/replication: An NIH view. P. Bourne
9:05 CINF 27. Globalization of Big Data:

Access, integration, and quality control

issues. S. Boyer, E. Bolton, R. Martin, E. Louie,
T.D. Grifn, G. Fu, B. Yu
9:35 CINF 28. Flagging and curating erroneous
chemical and biological records using
cheminformatics to ensure data reproducibility. D. Fourches
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 CINF 29. Increasing open communication to facilitate reproducibility. C. Soderberg

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 110

Molecular & Structural 2D & 3D Chemical

Fingerprinting: Computational Storing,
Searching, & Comparing Molecular &
Chemical Structures
R. J. Bienstock, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CINF 30. Insights into molecular similarity
from crystal structures. C. Groom, S. Ward,
I. Bruno, S. Vyas, N. Feeder

D. Martinsen, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 CINF 40. InChI as the chemical data

format standard for cheminformatics.

S.R. Heller
2:05 CINF 41. Using HL7 SPL standard

for modeling substance information.

Y. Borodina, F.L. Switzer, G. Schadow
2:35 Intermission.
extension to allow integrated delivery of
structural models and correlated spectral
data. R.M. Hanson, R.J. Lancashire
3:20 CINF 43. Communicating crystal structures: Successes, challenges, and opportunities. I. Bruno, C. Groom, S. Ward
3:50 CINF 44. Building a standard for standards: The ChAMP project. S.J. Chalk,
A. Williams
4:20 Concluding Remarks.


Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

Division of Chemical

Anti-Doping: A Unique Combination

of Chemistry and the Law

A. C. Bryant-Friedrich, Program Chair

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

Forensic Toxicology of Marijuana
Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored by BMGT
and TOXI

Division of Chemistry
and the Law
K. E. Bianco and J. J. Hasford, Program Chairs

J. D. Lee, J. J. McShane, Organizers, Presiding

1:15 CHAL 7. Evolution of the world anti-doping code. R. Young
1:55 CHAL 8. Deterring performance-enhanc-

ing drug use in sports: The role of science.

L. Bowers
2:35 Intermission.
3:00 CHAL 9. Deterring performance-enhancing
drug use in sports: The role of investigations. W. Bock
3:40 CHAL 10. Role of World Anti-Doping
Agency accredited laboratories in the fight
against doping. D. Eichner
4:20 Panel Discussion.


Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Mon
Reception, 5:00 PM: Mon

Section A



Business Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sun

K. E. Bianco, Organizer

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

Strengthening Your Patent Rights in Light of

Recent Federal Circuit Court Decisions

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

decisions relevant to what scientists need

to know about patent filing and prosecution. X. Pillai, A. Berks

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

Hot Topics in Chemical and Pharmaceutical

Patent Law
J. J. Hasford, Organizer
K. E. Bianco, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 CHAL 2. Options for protecting your
intellectual property. K.E. Bianco
1:30 CHAL 3. Chemistry/pharma patents AND

the unpredictable arts increasing restrictions on patent protection for chemical

compounds and compositions. H. Tostmann
2:00 CHAL 4. Recent case law on non-obviousness of patented chemical and pharmaceutical formulations. J.J. Hasford
2:30 CHAL 5. Recent Supreme Court cases in
patent law. S.P. Hasford

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

A Patent Litigation Primer

R. Nagarajan, Program Chair

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

Patenting Chemical Inventions

K. L. Berkowski, S. Danek, Organizers, Presiding
9:00 CHAL 23. You discovered something new
in the lab now what? J.C. Hayes
9:30 CHAL 24. Patent eligible subject matter in
the chemical arts. S. Danek
10:00 CHAL 25. Examination of the obvious-

ness requirement for patenting chemical

compounds. K.L. Berkowski
10:30 CHAL 26. Getting from bench-to-bedside. V. Nielsen
11:00 CHAL 27. Technology transfer and industry collaborations: A new era in cooperative
and sponsored research. M. Carr


Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion
and Storage (see ENFL, Sun, Mon, Tue,
Wed, Thu)
Chemical Processes at Environmental
Interfaces (see ENVR, Sun, Mon)
Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the
Single Molecule, Single Electron, and Single
Photon Level (see PHYS, Sun, Mon, Wed)
Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,
Devices and Applications (see PMSE, Sun,
Mon, Thu)
Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and
Materials (see PMSE, Sun, Mon, Tue)
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium (see
WCC, Mon)
Social Hour, 6:00 PM: Sun
Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue

8:00 - 10:00

Section A

Executive Committee Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sat

COLL Open Business Meeting, 5:30 PM: Sun

CHAL 11.

Chocolate: Food of the gods.

H.M. Peters, S.B. Peters
CHAL 12. New changes in the America
Invents Act for inventors. NewSection
102. A. Berks
CHAL 13. Provisional patent applications for
fun and profit! A. Berks

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1


2:00 CHAL 29. Intellectual property strategy for

Section A

Intellectual Property and Natural Resources:

What Can I Protect and How?
J. L. Kennedy, D. Lorentzen, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 CHAL 28. Protecting natural resources
with patents. J.L. Kennedy, D. Lorentzen

technology employing natural resources.

J.L. Kennedy, D. Lorentzen


Fundamental Concepts in Protecting

Chemical Technologies

Section A

M. J. Incorvia, Organizer, Presiding

9:00 CHAL 14. Patent vs. trade secret protection the benefits and pitfalls. B. Kugler,
K. Pearson
9:40 CHAL 15. How to read a patent. D. Swartz,
M.J. Incorvia
10:00 CHAL 16. Maintaining intellectual prop-

erty protection through confidentiality and

non-use agreements. D. Kellis, R. Brunelli
10:30 CHAL 17. Intellectual property ownership. H. Covell, B. Lieb, R. Brunelli
11:00 CHAL 18. Rocky Mountain Regional
Office of the US Patent and Trademark
Office. J. Posthumus, R. Slifer
The Interface of Chemical and Biological
Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL,

Section A

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A/B

Molecular Engineering of Peptide Assembly

Financially supported by Institute for Molecular
Engineering, University of Chicago
H. Cui, M. V. Tirrell, Organizers, Presiding

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

The Many Faces of CHAL: Where Chemistry

Meets the Law
K. E. Bianco, Organizer
R. G. Bone, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 COLL 1. Dendronized helix bundle assemblies designed de novo. J.G. Rudick
9:05 COLL 2. Mimicry of biorecognition motifs
with peptidic foldamers. S.H. Gellman
9:35 COLL 3. Functional coiled-coil peptides
controlled assemblies. A. Kros
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 COLL 4. Thermodynamics of sur-

face-tethered peptide-polymer conjugates.

S.P. Carmichael, M. Shell

9:00 CHAL 30. First inventor to file: Two years

on. R.G. Bone

10:50 COLL 5. Combating diseases with

peptide polymer conjugate. H. Klok

9:30 CHAL 31. Is your chemical process still

patentable? R.R. Charney

11:20 COLL 6. Carving pi-ways into biomate-

10:00 CHAL 32. Inter partes review: The story

so far. R.G. Bone
10:30 CHAL 33. Is your drug now indefinite?
R.R. Charney
11:00 CHAL 34. Double patenting trouble: Why

terminal disclaimers matter more than ever.

R.G. Bone
11:30 CHAL 35. Separate powers, singular
purpose: How Congress, the Executive, and
the courts are revolutionizing pharmaceutical patent litigation. C. Ray

rials: electronic delocalization via peptide

self-assembly. J.D. Tovar
Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
W. Parak, Organizer
L. Liz Marzan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 7. Colloidal effects in virus stability.
F. Stellacci

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 1

9:00 COLL 8. Self-assembly of nanoparticles in

chiral and other superstructures. N. Kotov

Legal and Business Considerations for

Chemical Technologies

netic nanoparticle filaments and networks

by nanocapillary lipid bridging. O.D. Velev,
B. Bharti, A. Fameau, M. Rubinstein
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 COLL 10. Colloidal design and optimization for assembly of complex crystals.
S.C. Glotzer
11:00 COLL 11. Selective and differential functionalization of interior surface of hollow
nanoparticles for nanoreactor applications.
S. Kim, D. Lee, I. Lee

M. J. Incorvia, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 CHAL 19. Supreme Court/Federal Circuit
patent law update. B. Lieb, R. Brunelli

9:30 CHAL 6. Patent litigation primer: What

every chemist needs to know. K.E. Bianco,
J.J. Hasford

2:30 CHAL 20. Global patenting strategy.

D. Swartz

Section A

Division of Colloid and

Surface Chemistry


K. E. Bianco, J. J. Hasford, Organizers, Presiding





A. Berks, X. Pillai, Organizers, Presiding

10:00 CHAL 1. Review of recent Federal Circuit

The Interface of Chemical and Biological

Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL,

3:00 CHAL 21. Intellectual property issues in

acquisitions and financing. J. Posthumus,
R. Brunelli, D. Swartz
3:30 CHAL 22. Inventive step in the United
States, Japan, and Europe. Y. Shimizu

9:30 COLL 9. Ultraflexible reconfigurable mag-



11:20 COLL 12. Protein-based organic/

Section E

inorganic hybrid nanocapsules for In vivo

delivery applications. Y. Nam, J. Lee
11:40 COLL 13. Interface engineering for
nanocrystal stability in media spanning
hexane to water. L.M. Wheeler, N.J. Kramer,
U.R. Kortshagen
12:00 COLL 14. Design of stimuli-responsive
nanogels for bioapplications. J. Ramos,
A. Pikabea, G. Aguirre, J. Forcada

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Section C

Section D

silver nanoparticles recovered from photographic film wastes using a simple green
method. A.M. Atta, H.A. Al-Lohedan, A. Ezzat
9:20 COLL 28. AFM-based fabrication and
probing of metallic nanostructures.
C.L. Berrie, C.M. Edwards, S. Ulapane
9:40 COLL 29. Controlling the electronic
structure and chemical reactivity of small
nanoparticles through atomic composition.
D. Kauffman, D. Alfonso, C. Matranga, J. Trindell,
R. Jin
10:00 COLL 30. Withdrawn.
10:20 COLL 31. Real time microfluidic
investigation: The role of seed age on gold
nanorod formation. J. Watt, R. Anderson,
B. Hance, D. Huber
10:40 COLL 32. Investigation of the surface
effects of Ag nanoparticles in solution as
a result of a NSF-TUES related funding
opportunity. C.S. Seney
11:00 COLL 33. Dissolution and antibacterial
efficiency of silver nanoparticles: Influence
of particle size, shape, and surface chemistry. Q. Zhang, W. Jang, V.L. Colvin
11:20 COLL 34. Study of interparticle interactions between gold nanoparticles using
liquid cell electron microscopy. Q. Chen,
H. Cho, K. Manthiram, M. Yoshida, X. Ye,
P. Alivisatos
11:40 COLL 35. Size-focusing synthesis of gold
nanoclusters with para-mercaptobenzoic
acid. L.M. Tvedte, C.J. Ackerson
12:00 COLL 36. Constructing 0, 1, and 2D
silvers within interlayer dpaces of titania
nanotubes. S.A. Ferdousi, K.L. Yeung
12:20 COLL 37. Iridium-triggered facet transformation of Au nanocrystals via spontaneous
oxidation-reduction process. C. Yang

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Section F

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Interfacial Phenomena

Particles at Fluid Interfaces

Cosponsored by PRES

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Cosponsored by PRES
Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich
S. Pan, J. Zheng, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 COLL 15. Shape engineering sub-

strate-based plasmonic nanostructures.

K.D. Gilroy, R.A. Hughes, D. Sil, E. Borguet,
S. Neretina
8:55 COLL 16. All-optical control of localized
plasmonic resonance using photoalignment
and liquid crystals. T.J. Bunning, L. De Sio,
G. Klein, S. Serak, N. Tabirian, A. Cunningham,
C. Tone, F. Ciuchi, T. Burgi, C. Umeton
9:15 COLL 17. Unique temporal and spatial
biomolecular emission profile on individual
zinc oxide nanorods. M. Singh, J. Hahm
9:35 Intermission.
9:45 COLL 18. Withdrawn.
10:05 COLL 19. Unprecedented upconversion
efficiency in lanthanide nanocrystals via
uniform, optically inert shells. N. Johnson,
S. He, A. Almutairi
10:25 COLL 20. Creation of natural dye sensitized solar cell. J. Uddin
10:45 COLL 21. Rapid and sensitive assessment of biological and environmental
samples using microwave-accelerated
bioassay technique. M. Mohammed, K. Aslan

S. Muralidharan, M. Nieh, A. N. Parikh, Organizers

N. Srividya, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 COLL 22. Physical measurements of

hydrophobin air-filled bubbles and oil-filled

blobs. X. Zhang, S. Kirby, D. Gorman, Y. Chen,
W. Huberty, F. Hung, S.L. Anna, L. Walker,
P.S. Russo
9:30 COLL 23. Interactions of aromatic compounds with water-air and water-phospholipid interfaces. R.J. Perkins, R. Rapf,
S.S. Mansy, V. Vaida
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 COLL 24. Cellular uptake mechanisms
as controlled by nanostructures of a lipid
mixture: Comparison between bicelles and
vesicles. W. Aresh, Y. Liu, J. Sine, D. Thayer,
A. Puri, Y. Huang, Y. Wang, M. Nieh
10:40 COLL 25. Investigating effects of Al3+
on structure and fluidity of lipid membranes: FRAP and molecular dynamics.
H.K. Wayment-Steele, Y. Jing, L.E. Johnson,
S. Svedhem, M.S. Johal, M. Swann, B. Agnarsson,
A. Kunze
11:10 COLL 26. Characterization of solid-supported ultrathin films using MP-SPR.
N.M. Granqvist, W.M. Albers, A. Jokinen,
J.W. Sadowski

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Metal Nanomaterials
Cosponsored by PRES

Chemical Processes at Environmental

Chemistry and Imaging at Air/Liquid(Solid)
Interfaces of Atmospheric Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by COLL


R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding

9:00 COLL 27. Production of highly dispersed

M. A. Bevan, Organizer
J. Frechette, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 38. Capillary migration of spheres
on curved fluid interface. K. Stebe, N. ShariMood, I. Liu
8:55 COLL 39. Interactions between soft

microgel particles at fluid interfaces.

O.S. Deshmukh, A. Maestro, D. van den Ende,
M. Cohen Stuart, F. Mugele, M.H. Duits
9:20 COLL 40. Molecular characterization of
surfactant adsorption at the surface of
emulsion particles. G.L. Richmond, J. Hensel,
A. Carpenter
9:45 COLL 41. Understanding Pickering emulsions using multiscale simulations. A. Striolo
10:10 COLL 42. Tracking nanoparticles in
3D techniques and applications. J. Liddle,
S. Stavis, P. Mathai, A. Balk, L. Mair, C. Hangarter,
J. Unguris
10:35 COLL 43. Spontaneous emulsification
and interface formation induced by colloids.
W. Kegel
11:00 COLL 44. DNA-functionalized nanoparticle assembly. M. Olvera De La Cruz
11:25 COLL 45. Capillary foams: A new
pathway toward functional porous materials. Y. Zhang, J.C. Meredith, S.H. Behrens
11:50 COLL 46. Organized assemblies of colloids formed at the interfaces of micrometer-sized droplets of liquid crystal: Enabling
the synthesis of patchy and nonspherical
particles. N.L. Abbott

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A/B

Molecular Engineering of Peptide Assembly

Financially supported by Institute for Molecular
Engineering, University of Chicago
H. Cui, M. V. Tirrell, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 COLL 47. Artificial organelles: Cellular

expression and assembly of polypeptide

microdomains. J.A. MacKay, Z. Li, A. Truong,
J. Dhandhukia, M. Pastuszka, P. Shi, S. HammAlvarez, C. Okamoto
2:30 COLL 48. Self-assembling peptide
materials for hydrogen sulfide delivery.
J.B. Matson, J.M. Carter
2:50 COLL 49. Photons, chemicals, and electric
fields as functional stimuli in supramolecular materials. S.I. Stupp
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 COLL 50. 3D cell entrapment as a function
of the weight percent of peptide-amphiphile
hydrogels. C.M. Scott, E. Kokkoli
4:05 COLL 51. Targeting collagen strands by
triple helix hybridization. S. Yu
4:35 COLL 52. Design evolution of an antibacterial bioadhesive inspired by cationic
peptide hydrogels. J.P. Schneider
5:05 COLL 53. Self-assembling antimicrobial
nanofibers based on supramolecular
peptide assemblies. H. Dong
Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
L. Liz Marzan, Organizer
W. Parak, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 54. Ultrasonic modification and

functionalization of surfaces and particle.

H. Moehwald
2:30 COLL 55. Functionalization of gold
nanorods. C.J. Murphy
3:00 COLL 56. Hybrid platforms based on
metal nanoparticles-doped filter paper for
sensing and catalysis. I. Pastoriza Santos
3:30 COLL 57. Dynamically self-assembling
nanoflasks. R. Klajn
4:00 COLL 58. Compact coatings for quantum
dots that resist nonspecific binding to proteins, cells, and tissues. L. Ma, A. Smith
4:20 Intermission.
4:50 COLL 59. Functional nanoparticles:
Synthesis and biomedical applications.
S. Sun
5:20 COLL 60. Multicoordinating amphiphilic
polymers provide compact, highly stable,
and reactive semiconductor and metal
oxide nanocrystal-conjugates. W. Wang,
A. Kapur, G. Palui, H.M. Mattoussi
5:50 COLL 61. Intracellular sensing of ion concentration with nanoparticles. W. Parak
Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative Energy
Cosponsored by PRES
Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich
S. Pan, J. Zheng, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 COLL 62. Smart photon management for
organic photovoltaic. Y. Yang, Y. Yang, J. You,
Z. Hong

2:30 COLL 63. Nanoscale oxynitrides with

tunable composition and absorption

spectra. G. Dukovic
3:00 COLL 64. Light extraction from organic
light-emitting diodes using plasmonic scattering layers. L. Rothberg, C. Favaro, C. Chang
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 COLL 65. Nanostructured plasmonic
antenna systems and catalytic electrode
materials for enhancing solar water splitting. S. Pan
4:10 COLL 66. Molecular imprinted polymers
for plasmonic sensing. A.J. Haes
4:40 COLL 67. On the possiblity of the
para-aryl-dithiols cross-linking plasmonic
nanoparticles as dithiolates. D. Zhang
Section D

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics
Model and Cellular Systems
S. Muralidharan, M. Nieh, A. N. Parikh, N. Srividya,
M. L. Longo, Presiding
2:00 COLL 68. Air-stable droplet interface
bilayers. C.P. Collier, C.I. Richards, S.A. Sarles,
J. Boreyko
2:30 COLL 69. From compartmentalized

polymersomes to biomimetic artificial

cell. M. Marguet, R. Peters, J. van Hest,
S. Lecommandoux
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 COLL 70. Probing interactions between
nanoparticles and cellular membrane
via single cell mechanics. G. Liu, Y. Liu,
D. Anderson, A. Karsai, D. Uyeminami, L. Von
Winkle, K. Pinkerton
3:40 COLL 71. Rigidity signals drive differential
ROCK signaling to regulate invadopodia
activity. A. Parekh
4:10 COLL 72. Phase separation in hybrid
polymer/lipid vesicles: A rational to obtain
lipid or polymer raft-like nanodomains.
J. Le Meins, T. Dao, R. Salva, F. Fernandes,
A. Brulet, M. Schmutz, M. Er-Rak, M. Prieto,
S. Lecommandoux, O. Sandre
Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Metal Oxide Nanomaterials
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 73. Methods for rapid synthesis of
nonaggregated nanozeolite Y. B. Wang, Y. Li,
P.K. Dutta
2:20 COLL 74. Design of suitable protocols

to evaluate metal oxide nanoparticles

in unmodified commercial sunscreens.
C. Sapcharoenkun, P. Kasamechonchung,
P. Kumnorkaew, P. Kopermsub
2:40 COLL 75. Local and long range structure
in metal oxide nanoparticles. M.A. Langell,
M.A. Peck, M. Kumbier, D. Wilson
3:00 COLL 76. Fabrication of abundant Zn
vacancies in ZnO for p-type conductivity,
room-temperature ferromagnetism and
high photocatalytic activity. L. Pan, J. Song,
J. Zou, S. Wang, Z. Huang, L. Wang, X. Zhang
3:20 COLL 77. Application-scale size-selective
fractionation of iron oxide nanoparticles
using CO2-expanded liquids. P.S. Vengsarkar,
R. Xu, C.B. Roberts
3:40 COLL 78. Improvements of TiO2 nanoparticle dispersion stability in nonpolar solvents
by long chain fatty acid functionalization.
N. Baek, Y. Kim, S.F. Okeefe
4:00 COLL 79. Mobility of antiscalant-modified
BaSO4 particles through saturated proppant
pack. C. He, R.D. Vidic

4:20 COLL 80. Enhanced photodecomposi-

tion activity induced by nanodimensional

cerium oxide domains on titania surfaces.
C.A. Estes, M.B. Mitchell
4:40 COLL 81. Thiol adsorption on metal
oxide nanoparticles and surfaces. Y. Wang,
O. Grimm, J.E. Whitten
5:00 COLL 82. Highly uniform gadolinium oxide
nanoparticles as remarked remarkably
enhanced MRI contrast agents for cellular
MR imaging. N. Taheri, G. Stinnett, r. pautler,
P. Decuzzi, V.L. Colvin
5:20 COLL 83. Cr:ZnGa2O4 nanoparticles with
controllable size and persistent luminescence. Y. Mao, B. Bahadur Srivastava
5:40 COLL 84. Controlled synthesis of inorganic nanostructures using soft stretchable
substrates. S.A. Morin, J.J. Bowen, J.M. Taylor
Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Particles at Fluid Interfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
J. Frechette, Organizer
M. A. Bevan, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 85. Electrostatic repulsion between
colloids at the oil-water interface. E.M. Furst
2:25 COLL 86. Janus particles as dynamically
tunable solid surfactants. D. Lee
2:50 COLL 87. Bicompartmental phase transfer

vehicles based on colloidal dimers with

anisotropic structural and interfacial properties. N. Wu
3:15 COLL 88. Self-organisation of colloidal
particles at liquid interfaces. T.S. Horozov
3:40 COLL 89. Particle transport at oil/water
interfaces driven by spatially varying surfactant adsorption or desorption kinetics.
R.D. Tilton, S. Garoff, T.M. Przybycien, G. Duner
4:05 COLL 90. Thermodynamics of Janus particles in 2D confinement. S. Razavi, R.S. Tu,
I. Kretzschmar
4:30 COLL 91. Remotely triggered colloidal
disassembly from particle-laden microbubble. V. Garbin
4:55 COLL 92. Measurements and models of
reversible adsorption of nanoparticles at
the oil-water interface. X. Hua, M. Bevan,
J. Frechette
Section G

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado F

ACS Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Paul S. Weiss
N. Kotov, Organizer
C. R. Kagan, Presiding
2:00 COLL 93. Breaking Lord Rayleighs Rule:

Linked photochemical reactions that

double the resolution of a lens. C.G. Willson,
R.A. Mesch, X. Gu, W. Wang, T. Kawakami,
Y. Hajiwara, M. Okazaki, H. Truong, Y. Li,
S. Jockusch, N. Turro
2:40 COLL 94. Designing precursors for the
deposition of inorganic nanostructures by
CVD, SPMCSD and EBID. L. McElwee-White
3:10 COLL 95. Dynamic substrate control:
Dual-tone hydrogel photoresists. C. Xue,
D. Wong, S. Norris, A.M. Kasko
3:40 COLL 96. Chemical lift-off lithography by
collapsing soft-material molds. W. Liao,
H. Jan
4:10 COLL 97. Atomic picture of nuclear decay
in stable 2D radioactive films. E.H. Sykes
Chemical Processes at Environmental
Chemistry and Imaging at Air/Liquid(Solid)
Interfaces of Atmospheric Systems
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by COLL

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces

& Nanomaterials
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
COLL 98.

J-aggregate formation of cationic

cyanine dyes on clay minerals. N. Sato,
T. Fujimura, Y. Ohtani, T. Shimada, S. Takagi
COLL 99. Dynamics of binary mixtures of cationic and anionic microgels at the air water
interface. K. Horigome, D. Suzuki
COLL 100. Solvent-free functionalization of
multiwalled carbon nanotube buckypaper with amines. I.J. Ramrez-Calera,
V. Meza-Laguna, E. Abarca-Morales, V.A. Basiuk,
E.V. Basiuk
COLL 101. Coordination functionalization of
graphene oxide and nanodiamond with
nickel(II) tetraazamacrocyclic complexes.
N. Alzate-Carvajal, L.V. Henao-Holgun, V. MezaLaguna, A. Moreno-Brcenas, J.F. Prez-Robles,
E. Rybak-Akimova, V.A. Basiuk, E.V. Basiuk
COLL 102. Characterization of covalently-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles by solution-phase NMR methods.
S.E. Lehman, Y. Tataurova, S.C. Larsen
COLL 103. DFT study of noncovalent complexes of phthalocyanines with spherical
fullerenes and short nanotube models.
V.A. Basiuk
COLL 104. Label-free detection of RNA by
using liquid crystals. Y. Liu, K. Yang
COLL 105. Interaction of a Ni(II) tetraazaannulene complex with spherical and elongated
fullerenes: A DFT study. L.V. Henao-Holgun,
V.A. Basiuk
COLL 106. Imaging of liver cells using water
soluble CdTe quantum dots. A. Coover,
T.G. Lewis, T.J. Ripley, A.L. Asunskis,
D.J. Asunskis
COLL 107. Effects of composition on the
gradient structure and surface properties of
fluorinated polyacrylates latex blends film.
H. Yuanyuan, Z. Chaocan, Y. Chen
COLL 108. Effect of chain length, number of
chains, and charge on the in vitro cytotoxicty of surface coating agents used for
nanoparticles. Y. Zhang
COLL 109. Fluorescent organic nanodots for
sensing metals and a targeted immunofluorescence labeling. H. Kim
COLL 110. Electrochemical and photocatalytic
activity analysis of TiO2-NiO/TiO2. S. Buama,
P. Rangsunvigit
COLL 111. Studies on the mechanisms of
forced transport of dye through solution
modifications to a polymerized surface.
J. Siegenthaler, D. Rivera
COLL 112. Adsorption of poly(vinyl alcohol)
onto polydimethylsiloxane substrates:
Formation of continuous films, honeycomb
structures, and fractal morphologies.
B. Sharma, A. Karki, L. Nguyen, W. Chen
COLL 113. Role of substrate receding contact
angle in deposit patterns of sessile droplets
containing stabilized gold nanoparticles.
E. Laudadio, L. Zhang, W. Chen
COLL 114. Smooth and uniform thiol-functionalized substrates for bioconjugations.
T. Tabassum, S. Xu, W. Chen
COLL 115. Probing the hydrodesulfurization
properties of cobalt-nickel phosphides:
Supported catalysts and encapsulated
nanoparticles. S. Danforth, R. Liyanage, B. Ilic,
P. Topalian, M.E. Bussell
COLL 116. Capacitance and hydrogen
evolution reaction characterization of electrodeposited nickel alloy thin films. M. Gira,
J.R. Hampton
COLL 117. Quantitative characterization of
methanol oxidation catalysis on dealloyed
NiCu films. M. Milliken, J.R. Hampton

118. Nickel phosphide hydrotreating

catalysts on phosphorus-modified oxide
supports. B.J. Morgan, S. Danforth, B. Ilic,
M.E. Bussell, P. Topalian
COLL 119. Total holographic characterization of colloidal suspensions. L.A. Philips,
F.C. Cheong, D.G. Grier
COLL 120. Effects of shear and walls on the
diffusion of colloids in microchannels.
S. Ghosh, F. Mugele, M.H. Duits
COLL 121. Glutathione-coated luminescent
gold nanoparticles: A surface ligand for
minimizing serum protein adsorption.
R. Vinluan, J. Liu, C. Zhou, M. Yu, S. Yang,
A. Kumar, S. Sun, A. Dean, X. Sun, J. Zheng
COLL 122. Crystallization of proteins on
iron nanocolumns using metal-assisted
and microwave-accelerated evaporative
crystallization for Iiproved size distribution.
K. Mauge-Lewis, E. Toth, D. Seifu, K. Aslan
COLL 123. Crystal engineering of L-alanine
in the presence of multiple amino acid
additives using metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization. A. Mojibola, E. Constance, T.E. Onuekwusi,
I. Nicholson, M. Mohammed, K. Aslan
COLL 124. De-crystallization of uric acid
crystals in synovial fluid using gold colloids
and low power microwave heating. B. Kioko,
T. Ogundolie, M. Adebiyi, Y. Ettinoffe, C. Rhodes,
B. Gordon, N. Thompson, M. Mohammed,
K. Aslan
COLL 125. Biodegradable polymer materials
containing stabilized silver nanoparticles.
A. Paul, A. Vasiliev
COLL 126. Characterization and bioapplication
of nanoscaled materials derived from green
chemistry. P. Hanumandla, J. Dinn, M. Ngassa,
D. Lopez, P. Nandakumar, J.L. Liu
COLL 127. How small molecules self-assemble
into nanofibers and form hydrogels. Y. Gao,
B. Hammouda, J. Douglas, F. Horkay
COLL 128. Computational study of hydroxyproline-pectin cross-linkage for drug
delivery. M.H. Andersen, L. Tribe
COLL 129. Tmpyp containing nanoparticles
with enhanced photo physical properties.
M. Zhu, S. Shutthanandan, H. Zhang, G.H. Aryal,
J. Jayawickramarajah
COLL 130. Optical characterization of purified
noble metal nanoparticles. A. Thomas
COLL 131. Green synthesis of magnetic
nanocomposites formulated with Indian
medicine to perform cancer theranostic
study. J.L. Liu, K.Y. Amaravathi, H. Shravan,
S. Bashir, X. Du
COLL 132. Plasmonic nanocrystal solar
cells utilizing strongly confined radiation.
P. Moroz, M. Zamkov, N.N. Kholmicheva, U. Rijal,
A. Razgoniaev, A. Ostrowski
COLL 133. Structure and behavior relationships among semifluorinated linear,
dibranched and miktoarm amphiphiles.
W. Tucker, A. McCoy, S. Fix, M. Stagg, M. Murphy,
S. Mecozzi
COLL 134. Effect of pH on the adsorption of
cationic polyacrylamide to polyacrylic acid.
D. Seo, H. Lee, H. Youn
COLL 135. Role of alpha-hemolysins phosphocholine binding pocket and cholesterol
in lipid membrane adsorption and nanopore
formation. C. McCauley, L. Keranen Burden,
D. Burden
COLL 136. Surface equilibrium and kinetic
dynamics of alpha hemolysin on red blood
cell membranes. J. Ellingsen, A.S. Freeman,
L. Keranen Burden, D. Burden
COLL 137. Morphological and electrochemical
characterization of Laponite/polyaniline/
graphene and graphene oxide nanocomposite materials. I. Ramphal, M.E. Hagerman
COLL 138. Morphosynthetic studies of
polyaniline/graphene oxide/Laponite nanoscaffolds. Y. Hu, M.E. Hagerman
COLL 139. Study of selective heavy metal
removal from seawater. X. Chen, Y. Li, W. Han,
K.L. Yeung
COLL 140. Interaction of ligand-capped metal
nanoparticles with t2D atomic layered
nanomaterials. S.S. Low, S. Gang, Y. Shon

141. Gold nanoparticles size characterization using PCA and LDA techniques
by UV-Vis spectroscopy. H. Cavusoglu,
Y. Danisman, H. Sakalak, M. Yilmaz, M. Yavuz
COLL 142. Dynamic observation of NIH3T3
cells adhesion behaviors on binary
self-assembled monolayers modified gold
surfaces. W. Kao, H. Chang, J. Shyue
COLL 143. Ag nanoparticle nucleation vs. shell
growth. M. Shaughnessy, D. Khon, N. Sharma,
M. Zamkov
COLL 144. Improving the catalytic activity of
metal semiconductor nanocomposites.
J. Bocanegra, D. Khon, E. Khon, M. Zamkov
COLL 145. Preparation of highly efficient
Winsor-IV type microemulsions for rapid
wood penetration. X. Du, L.A. Lucia,
R.A. Ghiladi, O.J. Rojas
COLL 146. Variations in intermolecular interactions in the microtubule associated protein
tau revealed by atomic force microscopy.
Z. Donhauser
COLL 147. First principles characterization of
nontronite clay surfaces with varying Fe(II)/
Fe(III) composition. S. Ramadugu, S.E. Mason
COLL 148. Effect of solvent on the growth of
isotropic/anisotropic core/shell nanoparticles via alternating layer techniques. R. Tan,
S.K. Roberts, Y. Shen, M.Y. Gee, A.B. Greytak
COLL 149. Nanoparticle mediated remote
activation of thermophilic enzymes with
alternating magnetic fields. C. Collins,
C.J. Ackerson
COLL 150. Template synthesis of gold
nanoparticles using an organic molecular
cage. R. McCaffrey, W. Zhang
COLL 151. Progress toward clonable inorganic
nanoparticles. T. Ni
COLL 152. Role of surface groups in
cycloaddition reactions over ZIF-8 films.
E.R. Webster, F. Tian, L.B. Benz
COLL 153. Adsorption and interaction of alcohols with ZIF-8 films and the role of surface
groups. L.B. Benz, H.L. Larson, A.M. Mosier,
F. Tian, E. Baxter, A. Cheetham
COLL 154. Rational design and control of
functional molecules on single metal
nanoparticles. Y. Zheng
COLL 155. Nanoporous hydrogen-reduced
bismuth vanadate coupled with electrocatalysts as high-performance photoanodes for
solar fuels. J. Gan, X. Lu, Y. Tong, Y. Zheng
COLL 156. Ultrafast and temperature-dependent optical properties of Au67, Au102
and Au144 clusters. V.D. Thanthirige, K. Kwak,
D. Lee, E. Sinn, R. Guda
COLL 157. Fabrication of inverse opal films
with stop bands in the full spectral range of
visible light using co-assembly technique.
U.S. Madduma-Bandarage, Y. Vasquez
COLL 158. Electric-field assembly and
propulsion of chiral colloidal clusters. F. Ma,
S. Wang, D. Wu, N. Wu
COLL 159. Effect of surfactants on cyclopentane hydrates: Structure and properties.
E. Brown, J. Wells, C.A. Koh
COLL 160. Properties of Fe3O4@chitosan
nanoparticles at oil/water interfaces.
A.R. Molina
COLL 161. Withdrawn.
COLL 162. Elucidating reaction pathways
for thermoelectric materials fabricated
by bottom-up solution-phase solid-state
synthesis. C. Holder, E. Rugen, D. Stevens,
M.E. Anderson
COLL 163. New approach for scientific
research on RO membrane. J. Okabe,
M. Nishida, T. Ogawa, T. Sasaki, M. Kimura
COLL 164. Foundational layer formation of metal-organic coordinated thin
films. M.L. Ohnsorg, B. Bowser, L. Gentry,
M.E. Anderson
COLL 165. Investigation of the stability of Ag
nanoparticles in solution by isothermal
titration calorimetry (ITC) and zeta-potential measurements. J.D. Mimbs, C.S. Seney,
R. Vaithi, A. Weems, R.H. Goddard
COLL 166. Study of fractal colloidal gels using
DLS and SALS. R. Ebini

167. Effects of H2O and H2 plasma
surface modification of SnO2 nanowires and
spiked nanowires. C.J. Miller, E.P. Stuckert,
E.R. Fisher
COLL 168. Withdrawn.
COLL 169. Analysis of polymeric phase separation within a thermoset polymer blend for
applications in high performance low gloss
coatings. S.L. Giles, J.H. Wynne, C.R. Clayton,
N.W. Heller
COLL 170. Controlling the unit cell lattice
parameters in nanoscaled CuxPd1-xO by
composition and crystallite size. M. Kumbier,
G.L. Christensen, M.A. Langell
COLL 171. Synthesis, characterization, and
imaging applications of various silver
nanoparticles morphologie. D. Castillo,
L.M. Hernandez, M. Forero-Shelton, W.L. Vargas
COLL 172. Chemical synthesis and High
temperature structural stability of monodisperse ruthenium nanostructures.
N. Chou, D. Zakharvoc, E. Stach, A. Harutyunyan
COLL 173. Effect of doping density on current-voltage behavior and quantum yields
of dye-sensitized single crystal TiO2 electrodes. K.J. Watkins, B.A. Parkinson, M. Spitler
COLL 174. Directed synthesis of bimetallic
nanoparticles using poly(2-vinylpyridine)
colloids. A.K. Taylor, D.A. Rider
COLL 175. Modulating beta amyloid (A)
aggregation with metal ions and nanochelators. M.R. Mackiewicz, B.D. Jorgenson,
E.A. Costa
COLL 176. Surface-chemistry effect on cellular
response of luminescent plasmonic silver
nanoparticles. S. Sun
COLL 177. Enhanced dispersion of cellulose
nanocrystals for nanofibrilled cellulose
nanocomposites. W. Fang, E. Kontturi,
M. Linder, P. Laaksonen
COLL 178. Microscopy study of poly(3-hexylthiophene) films processed from binary
mixtures of organic solvents. M.P. Gordon,
D.S. Boucher
COLL 179. Distinct assembly and disassembly
pathways of nanotube formed by drug
amphiphile. P. Zhang, A. Cheetham, H. Cui
COLL 180. Investigation of bone growth onto
titanium rods investigated with model cell
membranes. M. Gulley, A.G. Sostarecz
COLL 181. Exploring the desolvation of BSA
ligand complexes using the quartz-crystal
microbalance and dual polarization interferometer. N. Stanton, J. Kang, C.R. Selassie,
M.S. Johal
COLL 182. Withdrawn.
COLL 183. Synthetic route for the growth of
entirely I-III-VI semiconductor core/shell
nanocrystals. S.M. Hughes, F. Rowe, S. Dvorak
COLL 184. Synthesis of micrometer-sized
CdSe nanosheet via cation exchange.
P. Tongying, Y. Morozov, M. Zhukovskyi,
M.K. Kuno
COLL 185. Zein nanoparticles as superhydrophobic coating: a simple and ecofriendly
way to antiwetting textiles surfaces. G. Li
COLL 186. Laser-induced copper deposition
from solution with the addition of non-ionic
surfactants: Influence of hydrophilic properties. S.V. Safonov, S. Araslanova, F. Sergey
COLL 187. DFT study of the dissociative adsorption of chlorobenzene and
1,2-dichlorobenzene on Si(100). E. Butson,
N.F. Materer, Q. Zhu
COLL 188. Ultrastrong epoxy nanocomposites
containing self-assembled synthetic clay in
smectic order. P. Li, K. White, C. Lin, D. Kim,
R. Krishnamoorti, A. Muliana, R. Nishimura, H. Sue
COLL 189. Withdrawn.
COLL 190. Synthesis and characterization of
homogeneous ZnxCu1-xO solid-solutions. D.
Wilson, M.A. Langell
COLL 191. Size- and shape-controlled synthesis of Gold nanoparticles using chitosan as
a stabilizer. L. Liu, J. Chaudhuri
COLL 192. Influence of shelling temperature
and time on the optical and structural
properties of CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots.
C. Robinson, C.D. Heyes

Cooperative Cosponsorship

193. Bright tunable photoluminescence
in colloidal amorphous porous silicon nanostructures. J. El Demellawi, S. Chaieb
COLL 194. Topical delivery of lipophilic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors with liposomal
formulations. A. Shabana, S. Akocak, M.A. Ilies
COLL 195. Model system development for
urban films and environmental adsorption.
J.S. Grant, S.K. Shaw
COLL 196. Stretchable surface-chemical patterns. J.J. Bowen, J.M. Taylor, S.A. Morin
COLL 197. Oxidative decomposition of
Au25(SR)18 clusters in a catalytic context.
T. Dreier, A. Wong, C.J. Ackerson
COLL 198. Titania containing thin films for the
detection of TATP and peroxide vapors.
N.F. Materer, T.H. James, C. Cannon, D.W. Scott,
Z. Alothman, A.W. Apblett
COLL 199. Synthesis of large-pore SBA-15
silica at room temperature. T. Man, I. Stoyko,
I. Nayshevsky, M. Kruk
COLL 200. Surface reactions of gas-phase
atomic radicals with alkanethiolate monolayers. A. Gans, S.A. Kandel
COLL 201. Stability and transport properties
of magnetic nanoparticles under high temperature, high salinity aqueous conditions
for oil reservoir imaging. Y. Fei, S. Kong,
E. Urena, E. Lin, V. Ngo, Y. Lu, C.J. Ellison,
K.P. Johnston
COLL 202. Layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolytes and different size and shape
gold nanoparticles. S.M. Budy, D. Hamilton,
Y. Cai, M.K. Knowles, S.M. Reed
COLL 203. Multiwalled carbon nanotube
incorporated molecular fan coatings for
optimized thermal managment applications.
T. Eyassu, T. Hsiao, K. Henderson, T. Kim, C. Lin
COLL 204. Size dependence of gold
nanoparticle interactions with a supported
lipid bilayer: A QCM-D study. C.M. Bailey,
E. Kamaloo, K. Waterman, K. Wang, R. Nagarajan,
T.A. Camesano
COLL 205. Extreme-wettable nanomolecular
layer. H. Baik, S. Chae, Y. Kim
COLL 206. Droplet size distributions of waterin-oil emulsions using low field NMR before
and after gas hydrate formation. A. Abdul
Majid, M. Saidian, C.A. Koh
COLL 207. Methane activation on ceria
surfaces modified with metal nanoparticles.
M. Nolan, J. Carey, A. Van Veen
COLL 208. Surface properties of hydrocolloid-stabilized magnetite Murrh capped
nanoparticles. A.M. Atta, H.A. Al-Lohedan
COLL 209. Epoxy/clay nanocomposites
containing clay layers in smectic long-range
order. M. Wong, P. Li, F. Lei, M. Miyamoto

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition

Cosponsored by BIOL
Financially supported by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
J. Ross, Organizer
B. E. Bowler, M. Kastantin, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
COLL 210.

Isolation and investigation of

distinct cytochrome c/cardiolipin interaction
sites. M. Elmer-Dixon, B.E. Bowler
COLL 211. Role of lysine 72 in human cytochrome c alkaline conformational transition.
E.M. Nold, B.E. Bowler
COLL 212. F Dendron probes for specific
detection of enzyme activity. H. Wang,
K.R. Raghupathi, J. Zhuang, S. Thayumanavan
COLL 213. Biomolecular patterning via
chemical lift-off lithography. H.H. Cao,
W. Liao, N. Nakatsuka, S. Deshayes, A.M. Kasko,
P.S. Weiss, A.M. Andrews
COLL 214. Surface passivation and acidic
conditions allow for the rapid synthesis of
DNA-conjugated gold nanoparticles with
high salt stability and DNA-binding specificity. J. Deka, R. Mech, L. Ianeselli, H. Amenitsch,
F. Cacho-Nerin, P. Parisee, L. Casalis
COLL 215. Sialic acid decorated polymer@

goldNP as biofunctional hybrids: assembly,

lectin and viral binding. Z. Zhang, B. De Geest
216. Using fluorescent-labeled nanodiscs to study lipid interactions with yeast
Cytochrome C. H.B. Steele, L. McClelland,
K. Stipe, M.C. Terwilliger, B.E. Bowler, J. Ross


Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Cosponsored by PRES
Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich
S. Pan, J. Zheng, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
COLL 217.

Plasmonic enhancement of
dye-sensitized solar cells using SiO2@AuNP
thin films. B.D. Clark, E.M. Spain
COLL 218. Preparation of Fe(II)-impregnated
granular activated carbon for arsenate
removal from water. H. Xu
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

C. Matranga, Organizer
E. Borguet, Organizer

9:30 COLL 229. In how far can we make

nanoparticles mimic molecules? Z. Nie,
C. Yi, Y. Liu, J. He
10:00 COLL 230. Hierarchical architectures

from ordered electroactive small molecules.

N. Martin, C.M. Atienza, J. Lpez, A. Insuasty,
J. Lpez-Andarias
10:30 Intermission.
11:00 COLL 231. Modification of microgel
surfaces with a self-assembling peptide.
K.C. Clarke, L.A. Lyon
11:20 COLL 232. Probing the dynamic and
structure of nanoparticle protein corona
by using single molecule spectroscopy.
A.D. Indrasekara, S. Dominguez-Medina, L. Kisley,
C.F. Landes, S. Link
11:40 COLL 233. Lipid coated gold nanoparticles as models of faceted and highly
curved membranes. D. Hamilton, S.M. Budy,
S.M. Reed
12:00 COLL 234. Role of ligands in the
structure and properties of molecular
silver nanoparticles and their assemblies.
T.P. Bigioni
Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion

6:00 - 8:00

Sensing, Electronics, & Photophysics

Cosponsored by PRES

COLL 219.

Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich

Enhanced photocurrent via plasmon

excitation of ultrasmall PbS quantum dots
on Au/TiO2 electrode. X. Li, K. Suzuki, T. Toda,
S. Yasuda, K. Murakoshi
COLL 220. Nucleation and growth of silver
nanoparticles by AB and ABC-type atomic
layer deposition. S. Masango, R.P. Van Duyne,
P.C. Stair

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A/B

Molecular Engineering of Peptide Assembly

Financially supported by Institute for Molecular
Engineering, University of Chicago
H. Cui, M. V. Tirrell, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COLL 221. Supramolecular polypeptide

structures assembled from folded, globular

proteins. W. Park, J. Champion
9:00 COLL 222. Elastin-based amphiphilic
copolymers as precision building blocks for
controlled self-assembly. E. Garanger, S. Mac
Ewan, A. Chilkoti, S. Lecommandoux
9:30 COLL 223. Growth factors engineered
for super-affinity to the extracellular matrix
enhance tissue healing. P.S. Briquez,
M.M. Martino, J.A. Hubbell
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 224. Effect of surfaces in modulating peptide assembly. J.E. Shea
10:45 COLL 225. Materials with desired
nanostructure through peptide design and
solution assembly. D.J. Pochan
11:15 COLL 226. Fibrillar protein and peptide
co-assemblies: Design and applications in
medicine. T. Sun, G. Hudalla, C. Mora Solano,
J. Collier
Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
W. Parak, Organizer
L. Liz Marzan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 227. Formation of protein coronas

on gold nanorods stabilized by amphiphilic

ligands. K. Hamad-Schifferli
9:00 COLL 228. Direct delivery of proteins and
nucleic acids to the cytosol using nanoparticle-stabilized capsules. V.M. Rotello

S. Pan, J. Zheng, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 COLL 235. Theranostic gold nanorods for
synergistic cancer treatment. Z. Gu
9:00 COLL 236. Determining drug efficacy

using plasmonically enhanced imaging of

the morphological changes of cells upon
death. M. Aioub, L. Austin, M.A. El-Sayed
9:30 COLL 237. Functional DNA nanotechnology and its applications in environmental
sensing and live cell imaging. Y. Lu,
J. Zhang, L. Li, P. Wu, K. Hwang, H. Xing
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 COLL 238. Role of the protein corona in
mediating nanoparticle targeting. W. Chan
10:40 COLL 239. Prolonged hot electron
dynamics in plasmonic-metal/semiconductor heterostructures with implications for
solar photocatalysis. W. Wei
11:10 COLL 240. Enhanced light-matter interactions in nanoparticle arrays. T.W. Odom
11:40 COLL 241. Renal clearable metal
nanoparticles for cancer imaging. J. Zheng
Section D

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics
Vesicles and Related Systems
S. Muralidharan, M. Nieh, A. N. Parikh, N. Srividya,
D. L. Daleke, Presiding
9:00 COLL 242. Functional reconstitution of

integral membrane proteins in giant lipid

vesicles by hydrogel swelling. N. Malmstadt
9:30 COLL 243. Membrane shape instabil-

ities induced by BAR domain proteins.

T. Baumgart
10:00 COLL 244. Nanoparticle-induced pore
formation in lipid bilayers. J. Schmidt
10:30 Intermission.
10:40 COLL 245. Nanolipoprotein particles
entrapped within nanoporous silica gel.
W. Zeno, S.H. Risbud, M.L. Longo
11:10 COLL 246. Multiple faces of cholesterol
in membrane fusion. L.K. Tamm
11:40 COLL 247. Designing biotinylated
lipids for selective partitioning to liquid
ordered phase. D.Y. Sasaki, N. Momin, S. Lee,
C. Hayden, J. Stachowiak, G.D. Bachand

Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Cosponsored by PRES
C. Matranga, Organizer
E. Borguet, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 248. Photoinduced dynamics at

metallic and semiconducting nanoparticles:

time-domain ab initio studies. O.V. Prezhdo
9:05 COLL 249. Plasmons, hot electrons, and
artificial photosynthesis. M. Moskovits
9:40 COLL 250. Ligand effects on the aqueous
plasmonic catalysis by alloyed gold-copper
nanorods. S.V. Jenkins, J. Chen
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 251. Surprisingly efficient
plasmon-induced hot electron transfer
and photochemistry in semiconductor-Au
nanoheterostructures. T. Lian
10:50 COLL 252. Characteristics of reaction
intermediates at plasmon-induced water
oxidation processes. K. Suzuki, S. Yasuda,
K. Murakoshi
11:25 COLL 253. Surface-enhanced spectroscopies by rational nanoantenna design.
N.J. Halas
Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Particles at Fluid Interfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
M. A. Bevan, J. Frechette, Organizers
N. Wu, Presiding
8:30 COLL 254. Synthesis of hybrid dumbbells

with combined compositional and interfacial asymmetries. S. Wang, N. Wu

8:50 COLL 255. Synthesis and characterization of chemically and physically bonded
Janus particles. L.M. Hernandez, S. Razavi,
I. Kretzschmar, W.L. Vargas
9:10 COLL 256. Salt-induced detachment
of non-touching colloidal particles from
oil-water interfaces. N. Elbers, J. van der
Hoeven, A. van Blaaderen
9:30 COLL 257. Direct view of the nanobio
interface. F. Geiger
9:50 COLL 258. Carbon dioxide-in-water
foams stabilized with interfacially active
nanoparticles and surfactants. A.J. Worthen,
P.S. Parikh, T.R. Dickey, D.A. DiCarlo,
M. Prodanovic, S.L. Bryant, C. Huh, K.P. Johnston
10:10 COLL 259. Studying the molecular
orientation and behavior of ionic liquid
films at solid- liquid interface. R.S. Anaredy,
S.K. Shaw
10:30 COLL 260. Interactions and ordering
of soft microgels at oil-water interfaces.
W. Richtering
10:50 COLL 261. Synthesis of monodisperse,
colloidal microcapsules, and their use
in controlled encapsulation and release
studies. N. Elbers, J. Jose, A. Imhof, A. van
11:10 COLL 262. Nanoparticle induced charge
redistribution of the air-water interface and
its role in regulating nanoparticle spatial
distributions. M.A. Brown
11:30 COLL 263. Inverted pendant drop
set-up for X-ray absorption spectroscopy
of electrolyte solutions and their surfaces.
M.K. Bera, M.R. Antonio
Section G

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado F

ACS Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Paul S. Weiss
N. Kotov, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 COLL 264. Plasmonic gold nanoparticles

in the cancer cell: Following cell cycle, cell

death, drug delivery dynamics and efficacy.
M.A. El-Sayed
9:40 COLL 265. Chemically modified 2D nanoelectronic heterostructures. M. Hersam

10:20 COLL 266. Surface chemistry and

interface engineering for high performance

perovskite solar cells. A.K. Jen
11:00 COLL 267. Adaptive wavelet approach
for signal/image processing. J. Gilles
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL,
Chemical Processes at Environmental
Chemistry at Aqueous/Mineral(Solid)
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by COLL

5:20 COLL 282. Mesoporous membranes, zwit-

terionic monomers, and iniferter-initiated

polymerization: Where does the polymerization proceed? L. Silies, H. Didzoleit, C. Hess,
B. Sthn, A. Brunsen
Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Spectroelectrochemistry, Imaging, & Surface
Cosponsored by PRES
Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A/B

Molecular Engineering of Peptide Assembly

Financially supported by Institute for Molecular
Engineering, University of Chicago
H. Cui, M. V. Tirrell, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 COLL 268. Periodically sequenced pep-

tides: A new tool for nanoscale materials

synthesis. M. Kubilius, R.S. Tu
2:30 COLL 269. Design of 3-helix micelles as
viable nanocarriers. T. Xu
3:00 COLL 270. Molecular design of peptide
nucleic acid amphiphiles as self-assembled
probes for electrophoretic miRNA detection. J.W. Schneider, B.A. Armitage, D.H. Ly,
J.M. Goldman
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 COLL 271. Multistimuli responsive polypeptides and stimuli responsive hydrogels.
T.J. Deming
4:15 COLL 272. Molecular engineering
of peptide and protein therapeutics.
M.J. Webber, D.G. Anderson, R. Langer,
S.I. Stupp
4:35 COLL 273. Biomimetic silica formation
probed at the molecular level using SFG
spectroscopy and MD simulation. H. Lutz,
J. Baio, V. Jaeger, A. Roehrich, J. Pfaendtner,
G. Drobny, T. Weidner
4:55 COLL 274. Engineering mitochondria-penetrating peptides. S.O. Kelley
Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
L. Liz Marzan, Organizer
W. Parak, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 275. Charge shuttling across mem-

branes by functionalized gold nanoparticles. M. Brust

2:30 COLL 276. Hyaluronic acid-modified
Fe3O4@Au core/shell nanostars for multimodal imaging and photothermal therapy
of tumors. J. Li, Y. Hu, J. Yang, P. Wei, W. Sun,
M. Shen, G. Zhang, X. Shi
2:50 COLL 277. Nanostructured gold
model catalysts on thin film substrates.
W.C. McKee, M. Patterson, D. Huang, L. Liu,
R. Kurtz, P. Sprunger, Y. Xu
3:10 COLL 278. Nonwettable, oxidation stable,
brightly-luminescent silicon nanocrystal
film. C. Qian, W. Sun, G.A. Ozin
3:30 COLL 279. Enzyme multilayer coatings
prevent bacterial biofilm formation on
urinary catheters. K. Ivanova, M. Fernandes,
A. Francesko, T. Tzanov
3:50 Intermission.
4:20 COLL 280. Chemical and structural
transformations in colloidal inorganic nanocrystals. L. Manna
4:50 COLL 281. Dithiocarbamate-anchored
ligands on smooth and nanostructured gold
surfaces. A. Wei

J. Zheng, Organizer
S. Pan, Organizer, Presiding
W. Wei, Presiding
2:00 COLL 283. Spectroelectrochemistry and

electrochemiluminescence of mixed-thiolate
protected Au130 clusters. G. Wang, D. Wang,
J. Padelford, T. Ahuja, T. Wang
2:30 COLL 284. Imaging nanoscale energy
transfer at the limits of temporal resolution
and spatial accuracy. K.L. Knappenberger,
J.W. Jarrett, S. Biswas, X. Lui, P.F. Nealey, R. Vaia
3:00 COLL 285. Tailoring optical and plasmon
resonances in core-shell and core-multishell
nanowires for plasmonic light harvesting.
C. Yang
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 COLL 286. Single-particle photoelectrocatalysis. P. Chen
4:10 COLL 287. Aqueous growth of fluorescence-tunable gold nanoclusters capped
with lipoic acid-polyethylene glycol ligands.
D. Mishra, F. Aldeek, G. Palui, H.M. Mattoussi
4:40 COLL 288. Vivid, full-color plasmonic
pixels. S. Link
Section D

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics
S. Muralidharan, M. Nieh, A. N. Parikh, N. Srividya,
D. Y. Sasaki, Presiding
2:00 COLL 289. Substrate specificity of the

plasma membrane phosphatidylserine

flippase. D.L. Daleke
2:30 COLL 290. Anionic phospholipid asymmetry and translocation in lipid membranes.
J.C. Conboy
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 COLL 291. Infrared study of membranes
and membrane proteins. F. Gai
3:40 COLL 292. Molecular transport through
living cell membranes: Effects of molecular
structure, membrane structure, and electrolyte composition. H. Dai
4:10 COLL 293. Molecular interactions at
model cell membranes. Z. Chen
Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Cosponsored by PRES
E. Borguet, Organizer
C. Matranga, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 294. Plasmonic hetero-oligomer

nanoparticle arrays for hydrogen sensing.

T.W. Odom
2:35 COLL 295. Optical gas sensors based
on localized surface plasmon resonance.
A. Martucci
3:10 COLL 296. Localized surface plasmon
resonance (LSPR) optical cetection
of hydrogen. D. Sil, K.D. Gilroy, S. Sylla,
S. Neretina, E. Borguet
3:30 Intermission.

3:45 COLL 297. Thermal energy harvesting

plasmonic based chemical sensors.

M. Carpenter, N. Karker, G. Dharmalingam
4:20 COLL 298. Plasmonic spectroscopy and
photochemistry on highly damping platinum
group metals. K. Ikeda
4:55 COLL 299. Nanocomposite fiber optic pH
sensor for high temperature applications.
C. Wang, P. Ohodnicki, X. Su
Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Advances in Formulations Science

& Technology
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Y. Lochhead, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 300. Advances in targeted

multifunctional inhalation aerosols with

nanotechnology and solid-state particle
engineering design. H.M. Mansour
2:30 COLL 301. Effects of formulation on the
affinity of an SPD peptide fragment toward
hair keratin: Experimental and molecular
dynamics data. A. Cavaco-Paulo
3:00 COLL 302. Design of thermal gelling
polymer formulations for spray applications.
J.L. Curtis-Fisk, M. Knarr, R. Adden, S.L. Jordan,
T. Rogers
3:30 COLL 303. Novel parameter to replace
HLB. K. Sakamoto
4:00 COLL 304. Watching paint age.
M.H. Keefe, M. Linsen, M. Clark, J. Calderaio,
J. Reffner
Section G

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado F

ACS Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Paul S. Weiss
N. Kotov, Organizer
Y. Zheng, Presiding
2:00 COLL 305. Development of multifunctional

nano carrier platforms for cancer treatment.

A. Nel
2:30 COLL 306. Enabling biomolecule
selection by small molecule-functionalized
substrates: A decade of collaborative
progress. A.M. Andrews, H. Cao, N. Nakatsuka,
S. Deshayes, A. Vaish, M.J. Shuster,
L.S. Slaughter, W. Liao, A.M. Kasko, P.S. Weiss
3:00 COLL 307. Nanoparticle-mediated sorting
of circulating tumor cell subpopulations.
S.O. Kelley
3:30 COLL 308. Graphene integration by
molecular assembly. P. Han, K. Akagi,
F. Federici Canova, H. Mutoh, S. Shiraki, K. Iwaya,
P.S. Weiss, N. Asao, T. Hitosugi
4:00 COLL 309. Reactions and functionalizations of graphene and surfaces. K.N. Houk
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

R. Nagarajan, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
8, 26, 53, 64, 74-75, 78, 82, 106, 119, 164, 174-175,
191, 212, 220, 232-233, 243, 262, 269, 272-273,
302-303. See previous listings.
310- 311, 322, 341, 351, 365, 367, 378, 380-382,
390, 400, 411, 413, 419, 423, 430, 434, 437, 455,
458, 465, 468-469, 492, 502-503, 518, 521, 523524, 535, 545-546, 549-550. See subsequent




Section C

9:40 COLL 341. Localized surface plasmon

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

H. Cui, M. V. Tirrell, Organizers, Presiding

Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich

8:30 COLL 311. Protein analogous micelles:

Versatile, modular nanoparticles. M.V. Tirrell

J. Zheng, Organizer
S. Pan, Organizer, Presiding
C. Yang, Presiding

(LSPR) based optical detection of ions in

aqueous solution. D. Sil, K. Gilroy, C. Murphy,
S. Sylla, R.A. Hughes, S. Neretina, E. Borguet
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 342. Nanogap plasmonic structures for Raman studies of single molecules
and heating. D. Natelson, Y. Li, P. Zolotavin
10:50 COLL 343. Ultrabright luminescent
metallic nanoparticles. H. Dai
11:25 COLL 344. Hybrid core-shell and coupled
nanostructures: Design and applications.
S. Hunyadi Murph

8:30 COLL 327. Metallic nanocomposites of

Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A/B

Molecular Engineering of Peptide Assembly

Financially supported by Institute for Molecular
Engineering, University of Chicago

9:00 COLL 312. Enzymatic transformation and

self-assembly of peptides for future cancer

therapy. B. Xu, J. Zhou, X. Du, J. Shi, Y. Kuang
9:30 COLL 313. Designability of peptide-based
materials. V.P. Conticello
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 314. Tumor-penetrating peptides
in the targeting of drugs and theranostic
nanoparticles. E. Ruoslahti
10:45 COLL 315. Peptide-guided drug assembly. H. Cui
11:15 COLL 316. Engineering underwater
adhesives: Leveraging cation- interactions
to govern peptide cohesion. M.A. Gebbie,
W. Wei, A.M. Schrader, T.R. Cristiani, J. Waite,
J.N. Israelachvili
11:35 COLL 317. Peptide-polymer amphiphiles as programmable synthons for
biologically-responsive nanomaterials.
N.C. Gianneschi
Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I

Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
L. Liz Marzan, Organizer
W. Parak, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 318. Interaction of colloidal

nanoparticles with mammalian cells:

Correlation of uptake and toxicity with
physicochemical properties, such as
surface coating. N. Feliu, S. Ashraf, C. CarrilloCarrion, P. del Pino, B. Pelaz, W. Parak
8:50 COLL 319. Impact of gold nanoparticles
on cells: PEGylations type matters. P. del
Pino, W. Parak
9:20 COLL 320. Silanization of layer-by-layer
assemblies: Mechanisms and application
for the fabrication of superhydrophobic
surfaces. A. Dirani, A. Fernandes, P. Lipnik,
C. Poleunis, B. Nysten, K. Glinel, A.M. Jonas
9:40 COLL 321. Verification of anti-icing/
icephobic properties of different chemical
modified superhydrophobic surfaces.
Y. Wang, Q. Wang, Q. Chen
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 COLL 322. Super-high resolution of
control assembled fluorescent-TMV using
microlens. R. Balaraman, C. Zhou, P. Kohli
10:50 COLL 323. Surface-enhanced Raman
scattering nanoparticles as optical
labels for imaging cell surface proteins.
G.C. Walker, C. MacLauglin
11:20 COLL 324. Surface modification of
inorganic nanoparticles for biomedical
applications. B. Pelaz, M.G. Soliman, P. del
Pino, W. Parak
11:40 COLL 325. Engineering the optical properties of gold nanoparticles by assembling
into highly packed 2D arrays of different
structure. M.A. Mahmoud
12:00 COLL 326. Protein resistant nanoparticle
surfaces designed for the assembly of
biodegradable plasmonic gold nanoclusters. R. Stover, A.K. Murthy, S.P. Gourisankar,
M. Martinez, A. Issac, T. Truskett, K. Sokolov,
K.P. Johnston

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Biosensing, Energy Conversion & Catalysts
Cosponsored by PRES

carbon nanotube and their bioconjugates:

effective antimicrobials? A. Chaudhari,
S. Singh, S. Pillai
9:00 COLL 328. Au/CdS plasmonic photocatalytic nanostructures constructed using
P22 virus-like particles for enhanced photoactivity. A. Gupta, Z. Zhou, S. Palchoudhury,
G. Bedwell, R. Li, P.E. Prevelige
9:30 COLL 329. Scalable metal-semiconductor
nanostructure integration for multimode gas
sensing at high temperature. P. Gao
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 COLL 330. Plasmonic enhancement
characteristics of multilayered metallic
nanostructures. D.D. Evanoff, E.R. Butcher,
J.P. Cook
10:40 COLL 331. Exotic Au nanostructures:
structure solution, properties, and applications. Y. Han
11:10 COLL 332. Ultrasensitive detection using
SERS and SEHRS: From nonlinear optical
properties to nuclear forensics. J.P. Camden
Section D

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics
Structure and Interactions
S. Muralidharan, M. Nieh, A. N. Parikh, N. Srividya,
F. Gai, Presiding
9:00 COLL 333. Conformation and dynamics

of endogenous cannabinoid ligand 2-AG

in a lipid matrix and its interaction with
cannabinoid type II receptor. T. Kimura,
M. Mihailescu, D.L. Lynch, P.H. Reggio,
A.A. Yeliseev, K. Gawrisch
9:30 COLL 334. Studying the mechanism of
coiled coil mediated membrane fusion.
A. Kros
10:00 COLL 335. Exploring the interactions
of ions with supported lipid membranes.
P.S. Cremer
10:30 Intermission.
10:40 COLL 336. Dynamic reorganization and
correlation among lipid raft components
probed by imaging mass spectrometry.
S.G. Boxer
11:10 COLL 337. Functionalized lipidnucleic
acid nanoparticles for delivery applications.
C.R. Sanya, R.N. Majzoub, K.K. Ewert
11:40 COLL 338. Nanometric gap structure
between substrate-supported model membrane and silicone elastomer. K. Morigaki
Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Cosponsored by PRES
C. Matranga, Organizer
E. Borguet, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 339. Super-resolution imaging of
plasmonic nanostructures. K.A. Willets
9:05 COLL 340. Plasmonic efficiency enhance-

ment for up-hill photocurrent generation at

gold electrode modified with self-assembled monolayer. K. Uosaki, K. Ikeda

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I/J

Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition

Cosponsored by BIOL
Financially supported by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
J. Ross, Organizer
B. E. Bowler, M. Kastantin, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 COLL 345. Nanoparticle assembly and

gelatin binding mediated by collagen

mimetic peptide hybridization. S. Yu
9:05 COLL 346. Supercritical angle fluorescence (SAF) microscopy with nanometer
resolution investigating the interaction and
aggregation of proteins at lipid bilayer.
S. Seeger
9:35 COLL 347. Fibrinonectin conformation
and integrin binding on crowded surfaces.
M. Kastantin, N. Grover, D.F. Marruecos,
D.K. Schwartz, J. Kaar
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 COLL 348. Docking model of synaptotagmin 7 C2A via electron paramagnetic
resonance. A. Boo, J.R. Osterberg, F. Maynard,
N.L. Chon, H. Lin, J. Knight
10:45 COLL 349. Lateral diffusion of synaptotagmin 1 and 7 on supported lipid
bilayers: Assessing the frictional additivity
of C2A-C2B tandem domains. D.T. Giardina,
J. Vasquez, J.D. Knight
11:10 COLL 350. Molecular dynamics simulations of PEGylated dendron-based micelles
adsorption on biological membranes.
S. Sen, P. Kral
11:35 COLL 351. Xanthan/magnetite scaffolds
for neuronal adhesion, proliferation and
differentiation of embryonic stem cells.
D. Petri, T. Glaser, V. Bueno, H. Ulrich
Section G

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado F

ACS Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Paul S. Weiss
N. Kotov, Organizer
A. K. Jen, Presiding
9:00 COLL 352. Programmable atom

equivalents from nucleic-acid modified

nanostructures: constructing a new Table
of Elements. C.A. Mirkin
9:40 COLL 353. Colloidal nanocrystal buildling
blocks for large-area optical metamaterials. C.R. Kagan, A.T. Fafarman, S. Hong,
W. Chen, X. Ye, T. Paik, H. Caglayan, C.B. Murray,
N. Engheta
10:20 COLL 354. Surface chemistry of DNA at
the single molecule level: Plenty of room at
the bottom? T. Ye
10:50 COLL 355. Molecular photonics for
materials science, energy and healthcare.
Y. Zheng
Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling
Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by COLL

Section G

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado F

ACS Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Paul S. Weiss
N. Kotov, Organizer
M. Hersam, Presiding
2:00 COLL 356. Surface chemistry in solar
energy harvesting materials. E. Sargent
2:40 COLL 357. Anomalous nanocolloids

defying the likes dissolves likes rule.

N. Kotov, J. Bang, B. Yeom
3:10 COLL 358. Dimensional control of

chemical interfaces using polymerizable

amphiphiles. S.A. Claridge
3:40 COLL 359. Award Address (ACS Award in
Colloid and Surface Chemistry sponsored
by Colgate-Palmolive Company). Assembly
and measurements of isolated and coupled
functional molecules. P.S. Weiss
Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling
Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by COLL

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A

Natural Resource Capture, Storage & Energy

Theory, Synthesis, Hybrid/Soft Materials,
Catalysts, MOFs and Related Application
S. Bashir, Organizer
J. Liu, Organizer, Presiding
J. Uddin, Presiding
8:30 COLL 360. Light-activated multicom-

ponent materials for tandem catalysis.

M.R. Knecht, E.M. Zahran, M.A. Nguyen,
N. Bedford, Y. Chang, B.S. Guiton, R.R. Naik,
L. Bachas
9:00 COLL 361. Zn-MOFs with pyridine-based
organic linkers and their carburized,
N-doped carbons analogues as CO2
capture adsorbents. J. Kim, A.G. Oliver,
G.T. Neumann, J.C. Hicks
9:25 COLL 362. Synthesis of VTMS(X)-HMS-3
mesoporous ordered silica for hydrogen
storage. Y. Mao, D. Owens, A. Han, L. Sun
9:50 COLL 363. Insights in sol-gel matrix diffusion methodology in the synthesis of soft
materials from second group (Ca2+, Ba2+,
Mg2+) earth alkaline metals. T. Chavez-Gil
10:15 COLL 364. Synthesis of Pt-based catalysts for DMFCs by microfluidic reactors.
D. Zhang, F. Wu, X. Wang, D. Xia, J.L. Liu, G. Guo
10:40 COLL 365. Design of polymeric solid
acid catalyst for efficient biofuel production.
X. Sun, X. Qian
11:05 COLL 366. Metal-organic frameworks for
on-board storage of hydrogen and natural
gas. J.A. Mason, E.D. Bloch, M.T. Kapelewski,
M.K. Taylor, J. Oktawiec, K. Sumida,
M.I. Gonzalez, D. Gygi, W. Queen, J.R. Long
Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I/J

Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition

Cosponsored by BIOL
Financially supported by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
J. Ross, Organizer
B. E. Bowler, M. Kastantin, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COLL 367. Detecting biomolecular

interactions and photodynamics in solution

by suppression of Brownian motion.
W.E. Moerner, Q. Wang, G. Schlau-Cohen,
H. Yang

9:00 COLL 368. Super-resolution imaging and

10:00 COLL 383. Shear flow-induced de-reg-

Section G

3:45 COLL 417. Selective reduction of CO2 to

reaction mapping of P450 3A4 and P450

reductase in heterogeneous biomimetics:
Starry night. J.A. Brozik, S.C. Humphreys,
C. Barnaba, A.O. Barden, J.P. Jones
9:30 COLL 369. Stimuli-responsive chymotrypsin conjugates synthesized using
polymer-based protein engineering.
C.S. Cummings, H. Murata, A.J. Russell
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 370. Cytochrome c: An electrostatically bound peripheral membrane protein.
P.K. Kinnunen
10:45 COLL 371. Interfacial exposure, recognition, and signaling by nitochondrial
cardiolipins. V. Kagan
11:15 COLL 372. Conformational diversity of
cytochrome c on cardiolipin containing liposomes probed by fluorescence and circular
dichroism spectroscopy. R. SchweitzerStenner, L.A. Pandiscia, L. Serpas, D. Malyshka

istration of compositional domains in supported lipid bilayer membranes. M. Haataja

10:30 Intermission.
10:40 COLL 384. Determination of membrane
bending moduli from fully atomistic simulations. F.L. Brown
11:10 COLL 385. Nanoscale structure of sphingolipid containing liquid-ordered phases.
E. Lyman, A. Sodt, R. Pastor
11:40 COLL 386. Withdrawn.

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado B

formate by a homogeneous Iron electrocatalyst in water between pH 5 and 13.

L.A. Berben, A. Taheri
4:10 COLL 418. Nanoparticles and nanomaterials for electrochemical conversion of
oxygen and carbon cioxide. A.A. Gewirth,
C. Tse, T. Hoang, K.G. Schmitt
4:35 COLL 419. Optical response of molecule semiconducting nanoparticle
hybrids. A. Keller, V. Mujica

Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Cosponsored by PRES
E. Borguet, Organizer
C. Matranga, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 387. Enhancing catalytic efficiency

Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Biosensing, Catalysts, & Electrochemistry
Cosponsored by PRES
Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich
S. Pan, Organizer
J. Zheng, Organizer, Presiding
B. Nelson, Presiding
8:30 COLL 373. Template free fabrication of

vertically aligned Ag nanorods for surface

plasmon enhanced photocatalytic reactions
and Raman spectroscopy. J. Wang, S. Pan
8:50 COLL 374. Copper plasmonics and catalysis: Role of electron-phonon interactions
in dephasing localized surface plasmon.
Q. Sun, Y. Ding, S.M. Goodman, H.H. Funke,
P. Nagpal
9:10 COLL 375. Electrodeposited alloy thin
films for catalysis applications. M. Gira,
M. Milliken, K. Tkacz, J.R. Hampton
9:30 COLL 376. Block copolymer template-directed synthesis of mono- and
bimetallic nanoparticle catalysts. D.A. Rider,
K. Mikkelsen, A. Taylor, D.S. Perez
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 COLL 377. Rational design of nanocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. S. Guo
10:20 COLL 378. Tunable plasmonic nanoparticles for enhancing photocatalytic reactions.
C. Li, T. Lee, T. Lee
10:40 COLL 379. Enhanced photocatalytic
activities of chemical vapor deposited
hematite films for solar water splitting by Au
NPs in embedded configuration. A. Panikar,
N. Pachauri, Z. Shan, S. Pan, A. Gupta
11:00 COLL 380. Electrochemical investigation of nanoparticles modified glassy
carbon electrode and its application for
ketoconazole determination. M. Alshalalfeh,
K. Alaqad, T.A. Saleh
Section D

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics
Structure and Modeling
S. Muralidharan, A. N. Parikh, N. Srividya,
M. Nieh, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 COLL 381. Biomembrane structure

using neutron scattering and molecular

labeling. J.D. Nickels, S. Chatterjee, J.G. Elkins,
F.A. Heberle, R.F. Standaert, D.A. Myles,
J. Katsaras
9:30 COLL 382. Experiment and simulation
reveal the bending properties of nanoscopic
lipid domains. J. Nickels, M. Ohl, X. Cheng,
F. Heberle, C.B. Stanley, M. Feygenson,
J. Neuefeind, P. Zolnierczuk, B. Mostoan,
B. Linder, R.F. Standaert, J. Katsaras

of hollow palladium nanoparticles by

photothermal heating of added gold
nanoparticles to their cavity: palladium-gold
nanorattles. M.A. Mahmoud, M.A. El-Sayed
9:05 COLL 388. Plasmon resonant enhancement of photocatalytic processes. S. Cronin,
J. Qiu, G. Zeng
9:40 COLL 389. Visible-light, plasmonic,
heating for catalytic CO2 conversion applications. C. Matranga
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 390. Photochemical reactions on
plasmonic metal nanostructures. S. Linic
10:50 COLL 391. Active control of surface
chemistry on plasmonic nanomaterials.
C.F. Landes
11:25 COLL 392. Plasmon-driven CO oxidation
in Au-SrTiO3 nanostructures at room temperature. B.C. Sweeny, K. Qian, J.S. DuChene,
J. Qiu, A.C. Johnston-Peck, D. Su, E.A. Stach,
W.D. Wei
Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics

on Surfaces
Cosponsored by CATL and ENVR
A. Savara, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:10 COLL 393. Elucidation of reaction

mechanisms in complex catalytic networks.

T. Bligaard
9:30 COLL 394. Isolated metal active site concentration controls catalytic CO2 reduction
selectivity. J. Matsubu, P. Christopher, V. Yang
9:50 COLL 395. Mechanism and kinetics of
surface limitations in MFI ezolite catalysts.
A.R. Teixeira, C. Chang, W. Conner, W. Fan,
P.J. Dauenhauer
10:10 Discussion.
10:20 COLL 396. Hydrogenation of butadiene
on Pt in realistic hydrogen pressure: mechanistic insights from DFT. P. Sautet, S. Gautier
10:40 COLL 397. Kinetics and mechanisms
of oxidation reactions on metal oxide
surfaces. S.L. Scott, D.H. Coller
11:00 COLL 398. Differences in the reaction
mechanisms of hydrodeoxygenation (HDO)
of m-cresol on platinum and ruthenium catalysts. D.E. Resasco, Q. Tan, G. Wang, L. Nie
11:20 COLL 399. Theoretical studies of oxygenates derivatives by metallic heterogeneous
catalysts. A micro-solvation approach.
C. Michel, P. Sautet
11:40 Discussion.
11:50 COLL 400. Thermodynamics and kinetics
of oxygen induced chain-like reconstructions on the Pt(111) surface. L. Herder,
W.F. Schneider
12:10 COLL 401. Adsorbate-adsorbate interaction model for microkinetic trend studies
and catalyst screening. B. Yang, T. Khan,
Y. Xu, A. Lausche, J.K. Norskov, T. Bligaard
12:30 Discussion.

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Amphiphilic Systems
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 402. Long chain alkylimidazole
switchable surfactants. W. Qiao, M. Chai
8:50 COLL 403. Interfacial characterization of

chemically modified sophorolipid derivatives. A. Koh, R.A. Gross

9:10 COLL 404. Bilayer self-assembly from
single-chain amphiphiles during the origins
of life. S.E. Maurer
9:30 COLL 405. Monitoring the effect of
surfactant type and process condition on
sebum removal from CNF/PET surfaces in
an aqueous solution using QCM/SPR technique. A.H.M. Tayeb, O.J. Rojas, C.L. Salas,
K. Ghosh, M.A. Quddus
9:50 COLL 406. Study of surfactant influence
on the low-pH stability of polyolefin
dispersions. Q. Wan, M. Crimmins, S.L. Jordan,
R. Yan, M. Hus
10:10 COLL 407. Solutes stabilized by brush
amphiphiles: A study of solutes induced
morphlogical transitions of brush amphiphile micelles. H. Luo, M. Herrera-Alonso
10:30 COLL 408. Aqueous delivery of -
conjugated polymer solutions through a
network formed by a fungal Janus-like
surfactant. C. Rosu, N. Kleinheinz, D. Choi,
P.S. Russo, E. Reichmanis
10:50 COLL 409. Self-assembly of novel fluorosurfactants with polyoxometalates (POMs)
as polar component in acetonitrile/water
solution. B. Zhang
11:10 COLL 410. Characterization of a chelating surfactant: Solution behavior and application prospects in ion flotation. I. Svanedal,
M. Norgren, H. Edlund
11:30 COLL 411. Properties of novel bioinspired glycolipid surfactants: Tailoring
function by disaccharide headgroup and
alkyl tail length. L. Kegel, L. Szabo, R. Polt,
J.E. Pemberton
11:50 COLL 412. CO2-reactive surfactant ionic
liquids for reversible control of colloidal morphology and DNA compaction.
P. Brown, T. Hatton
Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling
Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by COLL

Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition

Cosponsored by BIOL
Financially supported by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
J. Ross, Organizer
B. E. Bowler, M. Kastantin, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 COLL 420. Cytochrome c unfolding

at cardiolipin-rich membrane surfaces.

E.V. Pletneva
2:30 COLL 421. Conformational dynamics of
cytochrome c related to peroxidase activity
during apoptosis. L. McClelland, S. Bandi,
T. Mou, S.R. Sprang, B.E. Bowler
3:00 COLL 422. Artificial virus nanoparticles to
control cellular processes at the virus-host
interface. B.M. Reinhard, X. Yu, S. Gummuluru
3:25 Intermission.
3:40 COLL 423. Tracking amyloids with
fluorescent oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene) electrolytes. P. Donabedian, T. Pham,
D.G. Whitten, E.Y. Chi
4:05 COLL 424. Super-resolving the dynamics
of a membrane-bound virulence regulator in
Vibrio cholerae. J.S. Biteen
4:35 COLL 425. Proximity energies and their
consequences in living systems. T. Laue
5:05 COLL 426. Molecular basis of high-affinity
membrane binding by the C2A domain of
granuphilin. A. Watson-Siriboe, T. Lyakhova,
J. Knight
Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical &

Electrochemical Sensing & Alternative
Energy Conversion
Fabrication for Biosensing, Energy
Conversion & Catalysts
Cosponsored by PRES
Financially supported by Sigma-Aldrich

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A

Natural Resource Capture, Storage &

Energy Conversion

S. Pan, J. Zheng, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 COLL 427. Gold nanoparticle assembly for

selective two photon scattering imaging of

cancer cell. P.C. Ray
2:20 COLL 428. Size selective SERS analysis

using nanorattles with porous polymer shell

and entrapped gold nanoparticles. Y. Jia,
S. Shmakov, E. Pinkhassik

Theory, Synthesis, Hybrid/Soft Materials,

Catalysts, MOFs and Related Application
J. Liu, Organizer
S. Bashir, Organizer, Presiding
X. Wang, Presiding
2:00 COLL 413. Vapor-assisted crystallization

synthesis of a microporous (Ti) MIL-125

exhibiting significant mesoporosity.
N.D. McNamara, J.C. Hicks
2:30 COLL 414. Synthesis and electromagnetic
absorption properties of core-multishell
MWCNT/Fe3O4/PANI/Au hybrids. Y. Xu,
C. Liu, Z. Wang
2:55 COLL 415. Computational discovery of
metal-organic frameworks gas capture and
storage. D. Siegel
3:20 COLL 416. Enhancement of optical
absorptions in oxide nanostructures: Insight
from a TDDFT study. M. Huda

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2:40 COLL 429. Ultrafast laser induced

Section F

9:50 COLL 459. Metabolic characterization

Section D

synthesis of narrowly distributed sub-5

nm surfactant-free Au-Pd nanoparticles.
D. Sil, K. Moore Tibbetts, J.H. Odhner, R.J. Levis,
E. Borguet
3:00 COLL 430. Fabrication of plasmonic
nanoantenna arrays on flexible substrates
via colloidal lithography for biosensing.
A. Bohloul, V.L. Colvin
3:20 Intermission.
3:30 COLL 431. Withdrawn.
3:50 COLL 432. Enhancement of enzymatic
colorimetric response by silver island films
on high throughput screening microplates.
B. Abel, K. Aslan
4:10 COLL 433. Development of polymer-metal
colloid hybrid platforms for bioassays with
improved dynamic range. E. Bonyi, K. Aslan
4:30 COLL 434. Surface plasmon enhanced
photoelectrochemical performance of coreshell Ag@Ag2S nanoparticles decorated Ti@
TiO2 nanowire electrodes. Z. Shan, S. Pan,
A. Panikar, A. Gupta
4:50 Concluding Remarks.

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

of nonmodel microalgae for sustainable

biofuel production. G. Atilla-Gokcumen,
E. Matich, E. Camgoz, M. Ghafari, B.A. Pfeifer,
B.Z. Haznedaroglu
10:15 COLL 460. Pore collapse and regrowth in
silicon electrodes for rechargeable batteries. S. DeCaluwe, B. Dhar, J. Dura, H. Wang
10:40 COLL 461. Fast charging of dual lithium-ion-insertion cells. R. Chandrasekaran

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Section B

of DNA origami at elevated temperatures

and in diverse solvent environments.
M.A. Pillers, M. Lieberman
8:50 COLL 479. Exploring biomedical applications of nanoparticles by their surface
functionalization. K. Rashwan, G. Sereda,
P. Jampani, B. Burum, D. Christianson, E. Brakke,
K. Kaufman, C. Pap
9:10 COLL 480. DNA nanotubes and nanotapes
via self-assembly of ssDNA-amphiphiles.
T.R. Pearce, B. Waybrant, E. Kokkoli
9:30 COLL 481. Connections between
nanoparticle (NP) surface chemistry and
protein corona formation: Influence of the
corona on small (dcore < 5.0 nm) NP- supported lipid bilayer interactions. S.E. Lohse,
E. Melby, J. Park, B. Putans, R.J. Hamers,
J.A. Pedersen, C.J. Murphy
9:50 COLL 482. New generation of well-defined
lipid-based magnetic nanoparticles for theranostics. S. Biswas, J.A. Kulkarni, Y.C. Tam,
P.R. Cullis
10:10 COLL 483. Robust and tailored wet
adhesion in biopolymer thin film with
wet adhesion and toughness superior
to wet adhesion in bone. T. Pettersson,
S. Pendergraph, S. Utsel, A. Marais,
E. Gustafsson, L. Wagberg
10:30 COLL 484. Chiral recognition and
selection during the self-assembly process
of protein-mimic macroanions: The effect
of long-range electrostatic interactions.
P. Yin, T. Liu
10:50 COLL 485. Synergetic DNA delivery
with pyridinium amphiphiles with different
packing parameters toward composite
DNA delivery systems. M.A. Ilies, A. Kizewski
11:10 COLL 486. Distinct Adsorption
Configurations and Self-assembly characteristics of elongated proteins on chemically
uniform and alternating surfaces. S. Song,
J. Hahm

Section D

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure,

Mechanics, & Dynamics
Structure and Mechanics
S. Muralidharan, M. Nieh, N. Srividya, Organizers
A. N. Parikh, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 435. Probing cellular mechano-sen-

sitivity using biomembrane-mimicking

cell substrates of adjustable stiffness.
C. Naumann, Y. Lin, L. Lautscham, Y. Ge,
W. Goldmann, B. Fabry
2:30 COLL 436. Evaluation of drug mediated
changes in rhythmic contractile activity of
cardiomyocytes. S. Zou
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 COLL 437. Changes in the cell surface
during progression to cancer of human cervical epithelial cells. I. Sokolov, M. Dokukin,
N. Guz, C. Woodworth
3:40 COLL 438. Probing the coupling between
polybasic peptides and PIP2 lipids in asymmetric supported lipid bilayers. A.W. Smith,
X. Shi, X. Li
4:10 COLL 439. Oncogene induced stiffening
of living cells. N. Nordgren, L.Z. Rathje,
T. Pettersson, D. Rnnlund, J. Widengren,
P. Aspenstrm, A.K. Gad
Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics on

Cosponsored by CATL and ENVR
A. Savara, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 446. Impact of self-assembled

monolayers on (oxidized) cobalt for

Si-based molecular electronic junctions.
C.A. Hacker, S. Pookpanratana
2:20 COLL 447. Dynamics of self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) studied
by time-resolved scanning tunneling
microscopy. H. Wu, K. Sotthewes, P.M. Schn,
G.J. Vancso, H. Zandvliet
2:40 COLL 448. Polyurethane degradation and
characterization of aerospace coatings.
J.H. Wynne, N.K. Weise, A.E. Mera, D. Bellevou
3:00 COLL 449. Cyclic azasilanes: A kinetic
approach to rapid silane surface modification. A.F. Maddox, J.G. Matisons, M.P. Singh,
J. Zazyczny, B. Arkles
3:20 Discussion.
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 COLL 450. Pyridinium as the electrocatalyst in carbon dioxide reduction on
polycrystalline gold electrodes. A.J. Lucio,
S.K. Shaw
4:00 COLL 451. Rapid formation of reactive
initiator monolayers for conjugated polymer
brushes using electrochemical reduction of
Ni(II). A. Roy, J.J. Locklin
4:20 COLL 452. Vibrational sum frequency generation studies for elucidating mechanisms
and kinetics at surfaces. F. Geiger
4:40 Discussion.
4:50 COLL 453. Advancements in the determination of membrane zeta potential at
high ionic strengths: Specific application
to semipermeable polymeric membrane.
B.D. Coday, T. Luxbacher, A. Childress,
N. Almaraz, T.Y. Cath
5:10 COLL 454. Nucleation and crystallization
kinetics of initial apatite nanocrystal formation within biological templates. D. Kim,
B. Lee, S. Thomopoulos, Y. Jun
5:30 COLL 455. Three column series approach
to investigate role of desorption rates in
colloid-facilitated transport of americium,
cesium, and plutonium: Experiments
and modeling. T.M. Dittrich, H. Boukhalfa,
P.W. Reimus
5:50 Discussion.
Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling
Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Sponsored by GEOC, Cosponsored by COLL

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Cosponsored by PRES


C. Matranga, Organizer
E. Borguet, Organizer, Presiding

Section A

2:00 COLL 440. Electronic structure models of

plasmon-enhanced processes. G.C. Schatz
2:35 COLL 441. Ultrafast size-dependent electronic interactions in metal clusters. N. Del
Fatti, T. Stoll, P. Maioli, A. Crut, F. Vallee
3:10 COLL 442. Plasmon-driven growth of

gold nanoprisms with implications for photocatalysis. Y. Zhai, J.S. DuChene, Y. Wang,
A.C. Johnston-Peck, B. DiCiaccio, K. Qian,
E.W. Zhao, J. Qiu, F. Ooi, D. Hu, D. Su, E. Stach,
Z. Zhu, W.D. Wei
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 COLL 443. Plasmon enhanced sensing
and catalysis. P.J. Nordlander
4:20 COLL 444. Unique properties of metal
nanocrystals for driving photocatalysis.
P. Christopher
4:55 COLL 445. Analysis of 2- and 3D plasmon
coupling between nanoparticles on cellular
and viral surfaces. B.M. Reinhard, X. Yu,
A. Feizpour

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A

Natural Resource Capture, Storage & Energy

Biofuels, Fuel Cells, Membranes,
Electrolytes, & Batteries (BFCMEB)
S. Bashir, Organizer
J. Liu, Organizer, Presiding
J. Uddin, Presiding
8:30 COLL 456. Structure-function relation-

ships into layered solid oxide fuel cell

cathode material. S. McIntosh
9:00 COLL 457. Tailoring the structure of active
materials for solar thermochemical fuel
production through templating. A. Stein,
C. Malonzo, S. Rudisill, N. Petkovich, J. Davidson,
R. DeSmith, L. Venstrom
9:25 COLL 458. Reducing cracks in photoanode of dye-sensitized solar cells based on
binder-free TiO2 nanoparticles by 1D electrospun metal oxide nanofibers. X. Wang,
M. Xi, H. Fong, Z. Zhu

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I/J

Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition

Cosponsored by BIOL
Financially supported by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
J. Ross, Organizer
B. E. Bowler, M. Kastantin, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COLL 462. Hierarchical view of DNA

based recognition, and the role of flexibility

and shape. J.J. De Pablo
9:00 COLL 463. Withdrawn.
9:30 COLL 464. Entropic and electrostatic
effects on the folding free energy of a
surface-attached biomolecule: An experimental and theoretical study. K. Plaxco,
H. Watkins
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COLL 465. Surface-mediated DNA
hybridization. J. Monserud, D.K. Schwartz
10:45 COLL 466. Single molecule view of
conformational changes and hybridization
of DNA on dynamic surfaces. T. Ye
11:10 COLL 467. Quantitative single-molecule imaging of DNA hybridization at
capture surfaces with sequence specificity.
E.M. Peterson, M.W. Manhart, D. Kriech,
J.M. Harris
11:35 COLL 468. Using nonlinear optical
spectroscopy to monitor DNA molecular
recognition and structure at the buried
silica/aqueous interface. J. Gibbs-Davis
Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Polymeric Materials
Cosponsored by PRES

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Biomolecular Materials
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 478. Substrate mediated stability

Section E

R. Nagarajan, Organizer
J. Jahnke, Presiding

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

8:30 COLL 469. Rapid synthesis of faujasite/

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials

polyethersulfone composite membrane and

application for CO2/N2 separation. B. Wang,
L. Zhao, W. Ho, P.K. Dutta
8:50 COLL 470. Relationship between polyelectrolyte bulk complexation and kinetics
of their layer-by-layer assembly. P.S. Desai,
A. Salehi, J. Li, R.G. Larson
9:10 COLL 471. Adsorption of bacteria into
electrospun cellulose nanofiber mats:
Development of a dynamic model.
K. Rieger, R. Thyagarajan, M. Hoen, D.M. Ford,
J.D. Schiffman
9:30 COLL 472. Multilayer chromorphore thin
film fabrication via layer by layer deposition
technique. M. Zhu, G.H. Aryal, H. Zhang,
J. Jayawickramarajah
9:50 COLL 473. Modulating the uptake of
dextran coated SPIONs in stem cells: The
effect of surface charge. M. Barrow
10:10 COLL 474. Effect of membrane structural
dopants on charge transport through
conjugated oligoelectrolyte modified
phospholipid bilayers. J. Jahnke, G. Bazan,
J. Sumner
10:30 COLL 475. Uniform cross-linked cellulase
aggregates prepared in millifluidic reactors.
L. Nguyen, K. Yang
10:50 COLL 476. Self-healing and disruption of
arborol fibrils. G. Parkinson, J. Sun, P.S. Russo
11:10 COLL 477. Two-photon absorption properties of chromophores in polyelectrolytes.
M. Hatshan, R. Guda

Basic Research on Surfaces and Interfaces

Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 487. Superhydrophobicity and

oleophobicity via increased modified

surface topography. K.T. Flynn, M.D. Tustison,
C. Zhou, K. Jiao
8:50 COLL 488. Reconfigurable anisotropic
coatings via magnetic field-directed assembly and translocation of locking magnetic
chains. A. Tokarev, Y. Gu, A. Zakharchenko,
O. Trotsenko, I.A. Luzinov, K. Kornev, S. Minko
9:10 COLL 489. Assembly of surface-anchored
metal-organic frameworks: Controlling
deposition conditions to tune film morphology. M.L. Ohnsorg, B. Bowser, L. Gentry,
M.E. Anderson
9:30 COLL 490. Estimating sorption kinetics
from the transient shape of a pendant drop.
A.R. White, T. Ward
9:50 COLL 491. Probing the effect of the
HCFC dipole on the properties of thin
films formed from hydrocarbon-terminated
perfluorinated alkanethiols. O. Zenasni,
M.D. Marquez, T. Lee
10:10 COLL 492. Synthesis and characterization of partially fluorinated self-assembled
monolayers having an inverted surface
dipole. M.D. Marquez, O. Zenasni, T. Lee

10:30 COLL 493. Analysis of interactions at

2:30 COLL 511. Direct synthesis of single layer

fluid-solid interface: Exploring the complete slip boundary condition. S.L. Nania,
S.K. Shaw
10:50 COLL 494. Multilayered metallic
nanostructures with an embedded internal
standard as surface enhanced Raman
substrates. E.R. Butcher, D.D. Evanoff
11:10 COLL 495. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at the liquid-nanoparticle interface:
Opportunities for colloidal science.
M.A. Brown
11:30 COLL 496. Interfacial liquids, Most soft
surfactants probed by AFM. H. Onishi
11:50 COLL 497. Selenium: The better anchor
group for self-assembled monolayers
(SAMs) on gold? A. Terfort, M. Zharnikov,
P. Cyganik
12:10 COLL 498. Withdrawn.

layered double hydroxide nanosheets.

J. Yu, B.R. Martin, J.E. Sims, L. Sun
2:55 COLL 512. Silyl electrolytes for lithium-ion
battery applications. L.J. Lyons
3:20 COLL 513. Withdrawn.
3:45 COLL 514. Creation of natural dye sensitized solar cell by using nanostructured
titanium oxide. J. Uddin, S.S. Jenny, A. Ahmed,
S. Yadav, M. Jiru
4:10 COLL 515. Amphiphilic functionalization
of cathode catalyst to advance electrochemical reactivity of fuel cells. D. Gaona,
S. Bashir, J.L. Liu

Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Basic Research on Colloids
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 499. Dynamic adhesion forces

between microparticles and substrates in

water. Q. Xu, Z. Xia, M. Li, L. Zhang, J. Niu
8:50 COLL 500. Formation of luminescent
inorganic precipitation tubes. P.J. Fryfogle,
E.J. Nelson, J.J. Pagano
9:10 COLL 501. Incorporation of nanoparticles
into tunable, highly-ordered, porous silica
films. Y. Vasquez, M. Kolle, L.A. Mishchenko,
B.D. Hatton, J. Aizenberg
9:30 COLL 502. Ionic and molecular modifiers
of calcium oxalate crystallization: Tailoring
interfacial interactions. B.G. Alamani,
J. Chung, J.D. Rimer
9:50 COLL 503. Colloidal particle dispersions
for the synthesis of full color electrophoretic inks. K. Belsey, C. Topping, L. Farrand,
S.J. Holder
10:10 COLL 504. Selecting the swimming
mechanisms of colloidal particles: Bubble
propulsion vs. self-diffusiophoresis.
S. Wang, N. Wu
10:30 COLL 505. Characterization and
dispersion behavior of quaternary ammonium encapsulated polyoxometalates in
polyurethane. J. Lundin, S.L. Giles, P. Fulmer,
R.F. Cozzens, J.H. Wynne
10:50 COLL 506. Janus particles for probing
and manipulating immune functions. Y. Yu,
Y. Gao, L. Sanchez, Y. Jia
11:10 COLL 507. Intra-phase mixing in binary
drops translating through corrugated microchannels. T. Ward
11:30 COLL 508. Molecular dynamics simulations of colloidal nanoparticles solvation.
S. Sen, P. Kral
11:50 COLL 509. Theoretical description of
architectures of nanoparticles. N. Almora
Barrios, N. Lopez

Section A

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado A

Natural Resource Capture, Storage & Energy

Biofuels, Fuel Cells, Membranes,
Electrolytes, & Batteries (BFCMEB)
J. Liu, Organizer
S. Bashir, Organizer, Presiding
X. Wang, Presiding
2:00 COLL 510. Understanding abiotic:biotic

interface: Molecular-level insights into the

behavior of enzymes covalently immobilized
on surfaces. T. Ogorzalek, Y. Liu, S. Wei,
C.L. Brooks, Z. Chen, N. Marsh

Section B

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado I/J

Interfacial Biomolecular Recognition

Cosponsored by BIOL
Financially supported by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
J. Ross, Organizer
B. E. Bowler, M. Kastantin, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 COLL 516. Aiding developments of

single-molecule force spectroscopy for

biosensing via molecular simulation.
Z.E. Hughes, K.L. Drew, T. Walsh
2:25 COLL 517. Use of surface-specific spectroscopy techniques to unravel molecular
recognition in biosensing. O.N. Oliveira
2:50 COLL 518. New roles for antifreeze
proteins in recognizing non-ice surfaces.
X. Wen
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 COLL 519. Studying receptor-mediated
liposome fusion kinetics at aqueous/liquid
crystal interfaces. K. Macri, P. Noonan,
D.K. Schwartz
3:55 COLL 520. Effect of nanoparticle surface
chemistry and salt concentration on binding
to RNA and DNA. J.A. Nash, A. Singh, N.K. Li,
Y.G. Yingling
4:20 COLL 521. Ultrasound biosensing
techniques based on biomolecule-induced
aggregation of nanodroplets. R. Chattaraj,
P. Mohan, J.D. Besmer, C.M. Livingston,
A.P. Goodwin
4:45 COLL 522. Impedimetric biosensors for
detecting VEGF based on PEDOT carboxylic acid/PEDOT copolymer. M. Kim, R. Iezzi,
D.C. Martin
Section C

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado C/D

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Carbon and Organic Materials
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 310. Artificial light harvesting

system composed of organic dyes and clay

minerals. S. Takagi, Y. Ishida, T. Shimada
2:20 COLL 523. SiC porous materials derived
from apple for high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding. Z. Wang,
C. Liu, Y. Xu
2:40 COLL 524. Modeling fullerene aggregation
in electrolyte solutions: A combined deterministic-stochastic framework. S. Mortuza,
S. Banerjee
3:00 COLL 525. Synthesis of carbon-based
nanoscale composite particles for imaging
applications. M.J. Meziani, M.A. Mottaleb,
B. Yoo, Y. Sun
3:20 COLL 526. Label-free two photon imaging
of live cells using graphene dots. P.C. Ray
3:40 COLL 527. Developing carbenes as
surface modifiers. M. Macleod, J.A. Johnson
4:00 COLL 528. Carbon dots preparation
and effect on protein fibrillation. S. Li,
R.M. Leblanc
4:20 COLL 529. Conductance and rectification
through asymmetric biphenyl molecule
systems. J.E. Meany, S.A. Woski

4:40 COLL 530. Electron transfer and molecular

binding to nanostructured carbon for supercapacitor materials. D. Banks, J. Mitchell,

I. Shcherbakov, J.C. Poler

Section F

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado H

Section D

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials

Marriott City Center Denver

Denver III

Colloidal Assembly and Gels

Cosponsored by PRES

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials

R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding

Functionalized Nanoparticles
Cosponsored by PRES

2:00 COLL 549. Electric field-directed nanowire

assembly. S.J. Boehm, L. Lin, C.D. Keating,
T.S. Mayer

R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding

2:20 COLL 550. Designing a super-assem-

2:00 COLL 531. Withdrawn.

2:20 COLL 532. Withdrawn.
2:40 COLL 533. Phase transport of citrate

stabilized gold nanoparticles using nonspecifically adsorbed polymers. L.B. Thompson,

A.M. Alkilany, A. Caravana
3:00 COLL 534. Highly efficient poly-lysine
functionalization of gold surfaces by dual
click reactions utilizing dithiol adsorbates.
A. Shakiba, A.C. Jamison, T. Lee
3:20 COLL 535. Toward understanding electronic and optical properties of colloidal
germanium nanocrystals as a function
of size and surface ligand. A.L. Holmes,
J. Htges, A. Reckmann, E. Muthuswamy,
K. Meerholz, S. Kauzlarich
3:40 COLL 536. Withdrawn.
4:00 COLL 537. Orthogonal functionalization of
patchy particles. X. Zheng, Y. Wang, Y. Wang,
D. Pine, M. Weck
4:20 COLL 538. Strong hydrophobizer: Laterally
chemisorbed low-molecular-weight
polydimethylsiloxane. T. Lee, S. Chae
4:40 COLL 539. Elucidating structure/property
relationships of peptide-decorated Au
nanoparticles using advanced molecular
simulations. Z.E. Hughes, T. Walsh
Section E

Marriott City Center Denver

Colorado G

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants

& Nanomaterials
Semiconductor Materials
Cosponsored by PRES
R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 COLL 540. Optical signatures of crystal

phase in semiconductor nanocrystals.

S. Lim, A. Schleife, A. Smith
2:20 COLL 541. Shape controlled narrow-gap
tin chalocogenide nanostructures. S. Guo
2:40 COLL 542. Colloidal synthesis and
photocatalytic properties of orthorhombic
AgGaS2 nanocrystals. C. Fan, M. Regulacio,
M. Han, A. Xu
3:00 COLL 543. Careful control of confinement
potential and interfacial lattice strain in
colloidal quantum dots to improve radiative
recombination and fluorescence blinking.
C.D. Heyes
3:20 COLL 544. Size characterization and alternative synthesis of monolayer-protected
quantum dots. A.E. Conner, L.R. Tinoco,
W.L. Wright, S.C. Francone, E.V. Aguilar,
F.E. Acosta, D.T. Miles
3:40 COLL 545. Excited state dynamics in
doped quantum dots. C. Tuinenga, P.V. Kamat
4:00 COLL 546. Withdrawn.
4:20 COLL 547. Characterization of the
transformation of collodial CdSe quantum
dots into ferroelectric particles. T. Wrenn,
J. McBride, J. Mares
4:40 COLL 548. Formation of
1D-nanostructures using surface-directed vapor-liquid-solid growth process.
B. Nikoobakht, A. Herzing

bly using mixed biological and synthetic

nanostructures. J. Reyes, R. Balaraman,
N.D. Becerra-Mora, J.B. Fiske, P. Kohli
2:40 COLL 551. Bifurcation in the equilibrium
height of colloidal particles near an electrode in oscillatory electric fields. T. Woehl,
B. Chen, K. Heatley, N. Talken, C. Dutcher,
S. Bukosky, W. Ristenpart
3:00 COLL 552. Self-assembly of colloidal
nanoparticles into chiral ribbons and hollow
capsules. P. Kral
3:20 COLL 553. Self-assembly of nanometer
scaled macroions in dilute solution. J. Zhou,
T. Liu
3:40 COLL 554. Direct nanoscale visualization
of the kinetics of colloidal gold nanoparticle
chain assembly. T. Woehl, T. Prozorov
4:00 COLL 555. Withdrawn.
4:20 COLL 556. Magnetoactive hydrogels for
dynamic modulation of pro-angiogenic
signaling from mesenchymal stem cells.
K.A. Kilian, A. Abdeen
4:40 COLL 557. Monodisperse polymeric ionic
liquid microgels by post modifications and
their versatile biomedical applications.
N. Sahiner, A.O. Yasar, S. Yildiz, S. Demirci,
N. Aktas
5:00 COLL 558. Supercooled water in nanoconfinement: Molecular simulation study of
single-molecule and collective dynamics.
N.J. Kuon, A.A. Milischuk, B.M. Ladanyi
5:20 COLL 559. Ionic liquids and water:
the surprising connection. M.A. Gebbie,
H.A. Dobbs, M. Valtiner, J.N. Israelachvili

Division of Computers
in Chemistry
E. Esposito and S. Wildman, Program Chairs

Business Meeting, 3:00 PM: Sat

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

Computational Design, Discovery and

Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Cosponsored by PHYS
M. Halls, Organizer
G. B. Fitzgerald, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COMP 1. Using Gaussian to aid in -con-

jugated semiconducting polymer design for

organic photovoltaics. C.K. Luscombe
9:00 COMP 2. Computational description of
donor-acceptor pi-conjugated materials
for organic photovoltaics applications.
J.E. Bredas
9:30 Intermission.
9:45 COMP 3. High-throughput computational
design of semiconducting polymers:
Predictions and rational guidance from DFT
calculations. B.M. Wong

10:15 COMP 4. Application of density functional

theory in the design of organic molecules

for intramolecular singlet fission. Q. Wu,
E. Busby, J. Xia, J. Low, R. Song, J.R. Miller,
X. Zhu, L.M. Campos, M. Sfeir
10:45 COMP 5. Atomistic simulations of
donor-acceptor polymer morphologies
for high-efficiency organic photovoltaic.
T.W. Kemper, R.E. Larsen, D.C. Olson

11:00 COMP 16. Molecular docking screens

for the discovery of novel A2A adenosine

receptor agonists: Are there any in chemical
libraries? D. Rodriguez, Z. Gao, S.M. Moss,
K.A. Jacobson, J. Carlsson
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Section C

Molecular Mechanics

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F


Electronic Structure Methods for Highly

Polarizable Systems
Cosponsored by PHYS

E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers,

8:30 COMP 17. Computational approach to
enzyme design. S. Sirin, W. Sherman
9:00 COMP 18. Molecular dynamics simula-

3:45 COMP 27. Toward a virtual chemist:

2:30 COMP 43. Chemical fragments positively

Application to asymmetric catalyst discovery. J. Pottel, M. Bezanson, N. Moitessier

4:15 COMP 28. Computer-aided molecular
design of neutral lanthanide extractants.
B.W. McCann

interact with protein side chains: An analysis of PDB and CSDB database. M. Tu
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 44. Knowledge based conformation
sampling algorithms and its application in
Foldit drug design game. S.K. Kothiwale,
J. Mendenhall, S. Combs, J. Meiler
3:45 COMP 45. X-ray fragment screening for
allosteric sites. M. Verdonk
4:15 COMP 46. Withdrawn.

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

Computational Design, Discovery and

Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Cosponsored by PHYS
G. B. Fitzgerald, Organizer
M. Halls, Organizer, Presiding

tions on the periplasmic-open state lactose

permease. X. Zhuang, J.B. Klauda
9:30 COMP 19. Investigating the structure and
dynamics of the PIK3CA wild-type and
H1047R oncogenic mutant for potential
allosteric modulation. P. Gkeka, A. Papafotika,
S. Christoforidis, Z. Cournia
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 20. Structural insight into ROS1/
ALK kinase conformational dynamics.
N.A. Vellore, J. Wagner, C.A. Edie, M.W. Deininger,
B.J. Druker, T. OHare, M.A. Davare
10:45 COMP 21. Computational study of
pH-dependent conformational changes in
proteins. N. Di Russo, A.E. Roitberg
11:15 COMP 22. cAMP modulation of the
hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated 2 ion channels. F. Tofoleanu,
B. Brooks
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar

1:30 COMP 29. Finding polymorphs of organic

semiconductors. P. Clancy, K.M. Lenn,
P. Frazier

Drug Discovery

Accurate Energies for Dynamics

Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Structural Informatics & Target Based:

Cosponsored by MEDI

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation

& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease

Electronic Structure Methods for Highly

Polarizable Systems

Amyloid : Structures and Molecular

Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COLL and

Embedding: QM/QM and QM/MM

Cosponsored by PHYS

D. Lambrecht, J. Parkhill, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 COMP 6. Nonadiabatic molecular dynam-

ics of singlet fission and charge separation.

O.V. Prezhdo
9:00 COMP 7. First principles ultrafast
charge transfer dynamics in solution: A
time-domain TDDFT approach coupled with
dielectric relaxation. F. Ding, D. Lingerfelt,
B. Mennucci, X. Li
9:30 COMP 8. Modeling inter-domain electron
tunneling in copper monooxygenases.
A. Migliore, D.N. Beratan
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 9. Time-dependent two-component electronic structure methods for modeling spin dynamics. X. Li, F. Ding, J. Goings
10:45 COMP 10. Pseudopotential approach to
electronic structure of anionic species on
metallic surfaces. A.F. Izmaylov
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 COMP 11. Structural informatics modeling

of Daclatasvir and analogs reveals asymmetric binding to HCV-NS5A: Dual mechanisms responsible for picomolar activity and
acquired resistance. J.H. Nettles, R. Stanton,
J. Broyde, F. Amblard, H. Zhang, L. Zhou, J. Shi,
T. McBrayer, T. Whitaker, S.J. Coats, J.J. Kohler,
R.F. Schinazi
9:00 COMP 12. Structure-based discovery and
de novo design of HIV fusion inhibitors.
W.J. Allen, R.C. Rizzo
9:30 COMP 13. Dual layer QM/MM binding
study of antimicrobial oligomer-viral capsid
complexes. T. Martin, E.H. Hill, D.G. Whitten,
E.Y. Chi, D.G. Evans
10:00 Intermission.
10:00 COMP 14. Fungicides and exploration of
chemical spaces: Homology modeling of
lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase. L. Nitsch
10:30 COMP 15. Identification and characterization of allosteric site(s) for dihydrogambogic acid (DHGA) and trans--caryophyllene
(TBC) as cannabinoid CB2 allosteric modulators. P. Pandey, K.K. Roy, R.J. Doerksen

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Advances in Simulation Methodology
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Complex Materials and Molecules
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

Molecular Mechanics
E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers,
1:30 COMP 23. Correcting for the free energy

costs of bond or angle constraints in

molecular dynamics simulations. G. Koenig,
B. Brooks
2:00 COMP 24. Importance of sugar pucker
correction to QM/MM simulation of RNA
systems. M. Huang, D.M. York
2:30 COMP 25. Improving efficiency in SMD
simulations through a hybrid differential
relaxation algorithm. C.L. Ramirez, A. Zeida,
G.E. Jara, A.E. Roitberg, M.A. Marti
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 26. Enhancing constant-pH simulation in explicit solvent with a two-dimensional replica exchange method. J. Lee,
B. Miller, A. Damjanovic, B. Brooks

2:00 COMP 30. Coarse-grained simulations

of benzodithiophene-thienopyrrolodione
copolymer film structure for organic photovoltaics. E. Jankowski, D.C. Olson
2:30 COMP 31. Molecular dynamics of prototypical organic photovoltaic materials.
S. Yerusu, V.K. Kuppa
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 32. High throughput computational approaches to materials discovery
and development for organic electronics.
M.E. Thompson, P. Saris, P.I. Djurovich, L. Martin
3:45 COMP 33. Efficient knowledge discovery
of optoelectronic materials using evolutionary strategies. T.F. Hughes, Y. Cao, J. Gavartin,
D.J. Giesen, A. Goldberg, M.D. Halls, S. Kwak
4:15 COMP 34. Charge percolation in noncrystalline molecular materials. N. Jackson,
L.X. Chen, M.A. Ratner
Section C

D. Lambrecht, J. Parkhill, Organizers, Presiding

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Quantum Chemistry
Cosponsored by PHYS
E. V. Patterson, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 47. Fast calculation of two-electron
integrals. A numerical approach. P.E. Lopes
2:00 COMP 48. Advances in local RI
methods for SCF calculations. S. Manzer,
E. Epifanovsky, M.P. Head-Gordon
2:30 COMP 49. Exploiting sparsity to enable

petascale applications in material science

and quantum chemistry. M. Keceli, H. Zhang,
P. Zapol, D.A. Dixon, A.F. Wagner
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 50. Accurate and efficient propagator methods for calculating electron binding
energies of large molecules: Applications
to fullerenes and other large acceptors.
J.V. Ortiz
3:45 COMP 51. Learning non-local kinetic
energy functionals for hydrocarbons with
computers. J. Parkhill, K. Yao
4:15 COMP 52. Simulating plasmon-molecule interactions in the time domain.
A.E. DePrince
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium in
Honor of Donald Truhlar
Gas-phase Kinetics and Dynamics
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

1:30 COMP 36. Embedded descriptions of

condensed phases. G.K. Chan

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation

& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease

2:00 COMP 35. Embedding from multiscale

Amyloid Precursor Protein, Origin of

Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COLL and

chemical problems to crystal energetics.

F.R. Manby
2:30 COMP 37. Embedded correlated wavefunction theory: Advances and applications.
E.A. Carter
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 38. Molecular fragments as a tool
for electronic structure. T.A. Van Voorhis
3:45 COMP 39. High-level QM/MM free energy
simulations at affordable computational
costs. P.S. Hudson, G. Koenig, F.L. Kearns,
S. Boresch, H.L. Woodcock
4:15 COMP 40. MoD-QM/MM structural
refinement method: Characterization of
hydrogen bonding in the Oxytricha nova
G-quadruplex. J. Ho, C.M. Ragain, J. Gascon,
E.R. Batista, J. Loria, V.S. Batista
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Drug Discovery
Structural Informatics & Target Based:
Cosponsored by MEDI

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Classical and Quantum Descriptions of
Protein Function
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Complex Materials and Molecules
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

Molecular Mechanics
Force Field Development
Cosponsored by PHYS
E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers,

Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 COMP 53. Multistate reweighting as an

1:30 COMP 41. Structure-focused model-

effective tool for force field parameterization. M.R. Shirts, L. Naden, B. Zimmerman,
H. Paliwal
9:00 COMP 54. Wolf2Pack: A scientific workflow
and molecular database for force-field optimization. K.N. Kirschner, O. Krmer-Fuhrmann,
M. Hlsmann, D. Reith
9:30 COMP 55. Residue-specific force fields
based on protein coil library and their applications. F. Jiang, C. Zhou, S. Xun, Y. Wu

ing approach to identify family-specific

kinase inhibitors. S. Ravichandran, B.T. Luke,
J.R. Collins
2:00 COMP 42. Computational analysis of the
binding specificity of DMH1 to Alk2, Alk5,
and VEGFR2 kinases. A. Alsamarah, J. Hao,
Y.L. Luo

10:00 COMP 56. Development of a tuned

interfacial force field for the simulation of

protein adsorption to poly(methyl methacrylate). J.A. Yancey, T.M. Abramyan, J.A. Snyder,
S.J. Stuart, R.A. Latour
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 COMP 57. Accurate parameterization
of ionic surfactants at high concentration.
G.B. Goh, D.M. Eike, B.P. Murch, C.L. Brooks III
11:15 COMP 58. Development of an accurate
multipolar-polarizable force field for ionic
liquids. H. Torabifard, G.A. Cisneros
11:45 COMP 59. Concentration effect on the
hydrogen-bond strength between small
molecules at the oil/water interface.
V.K. Yadav
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

Computational Design, Discovery and

Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Cosponsored by PHYS
G. B. Fitzgerald, M. Halls, Organizers
M. Thompson, Presiding
8:30 COMP 60. Modeling of organic light

emitting diodes: From molecular to

device properties. P. Kordt, J. van der Holst,
M. Al Helwi, W. Kowalsky, F. May, A.B. Badinksi,
C. Lennartz, D. Andrienko
9:00 COMP 61. Theoretical investigation of
organic light-emitting diode materials.
O. Kwon
9:30 COMP 62. Molecular design for high
efficiency thermally activated delayed
fluorescence aimed for OLED application.
K. Shizu, Q. Zhang, S. Huang, H. Kaji, C. Adachi
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 63. Computational screening of organic light-emitting diodes.
A. Aspuru-Guzik
10:45 COMP 64. Quantum chemical view
on OLEDs: designing charge transport
materials and phosphorescent emitters.
C. Lennartz, F. May, D. Andrienko
11:15 COMP 65. Tunable charge transport in
donor-acceptor charge transfer complexes.
K.P. Goetz, O.D. Jurchescu
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Electronic Structure Methods for Highly

Polarizable Systems
Correlation Methods & DFT
Cosponsored by PHYS
D. Lambrecht, J. Parkhill, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COMP 67. Many-body dispersion interactions in molecular crystals. N. Marom
9:00 COMP 68. Electronic structure of pi-con-

jugated materials for organic electronics

applications. J.E. Bredas
9:30 COMP 69. Systematically Improvable
multi-scale methods for correlated electron
systems. D. Zgid
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 66. Scaling coupled-cluster theory
to nanoclusters using molecular cluster
perturbation theory. J.N. Byrd, N. Jindal,
B. Sanders, R.J. Bartlett
10:45 COMP 70. Improving electronic excitation
energies and couplings. J.E. Subotnik,
E.C. Alguire, X. Liu, Q. Ou
11:15 COMP 71. Ab initio characterization of
the electrochemical stability and solvation
properties of condensed-phase ethylene
carbonate and dimethyl carbonate mixtures.
T. Barnes, J. Kaminski, O. Borodin, T.F. Miller

Section D


Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Section A

Drug Discovery

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

Structural Informatics & Target Based:

Cosponsored by MEDI
Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COMP 72. Fragment-based free energy
perturbation. T. Steinbrecher, W. Sherman
9:00 COMP 73. Binding specificity of bone mor-

phogenetic protein (BMP) receptors: Insight

from free energy simulations. Y.L. Luo,
A. Alsamarah, W. Jiang, J. Hao
9:30 COMP 74. Quantifying key determinants
of molecular recognition: Significance
of pi interactions and charged hydrogen
bonds in protein-ligand binding. B.K. Rai,
G.A. Bakken
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 75. Design of peptides for
improved binding to radiation-inducible
targets in cancer therapy. S.A. Wildman
10:45 COMP 76. Toward structure prediction of
cyclic peptides. H. Yu, Y. Lin
11:15 COMP 77. Benchmark of ensemble
docking against crystal docking for
use in kinases drug discovery projects.
T.L. Claiborne, R.V. Swift, R.E. Amaro

ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and

Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium in
Honor of David A. Case
Cosponsored by PHYS
K. Merz, A. E. Roitberg, Organizers
D. M. York, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 84. Proteins are the easy part:

Chemical diversity in the PDB archive.

H.M. Berman
2:00 COMP 85. Origins of Species: The evolutionary biology of computer agents. I. Kuntz
2:30 COMP 86. How well can a force field

match the Born-Oppenheimer surface? The

water dimer as an example. T. Darden
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 87. Collagen triple helix interactions
with the integrin receptor: Highlighting the
role of conformational fluctuations. J. Baum
3:45 COMP 88. Structure of disorder. J. Holton,
P. Janowski, D.A. Case, D.S. Cerutti
4:15 COMP 89. Simulation of pH-dependent
unfolding and target-inhibitor interactions.
D. Bashford
Section B

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Molecular Mechanics
E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers,
8:30 COMP 78. Structural and energetic insight

into the cross-seeding amyloid assemblies

of human IAPP and rat IAPP. M. Zhang,
R. Hu, H. Chen, Q. Wang, C. Zhao, J. Zheng
9:00 COMP 79. NS3 helicase translocation
along ssRNA. A. Perez-Villa, M. Darvas,
G. Bussi
9:30 COMP 80. Binding studies of a
Saccharomyces cerevisiae peripheral protein
Osh4. V. Monje-Galvan, J.B. Klauda
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 81. Stabilization effects of
disulfide bonds and dimerization on CXCL7.
C. Singer, C. Herring, E. Ermakova, D.J. Jacobs,
I. Nesmelova
10:45 COMP 82. All-atom simulation of the
folding and binding of an intrinsically disordered protein. R.E. Ithuralde, A.E. Roitberg,
A.G. Turjanski
11:15 COMP 83. Possible mechanism for
redox control of human neuroglobin activity
revealed by crystallography and simulation.
D.C. Chateld, O. Morozov, J.P. Roach
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Enzyme Kinetics and Dynamics
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation
& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
-Synuclein, the Parkinsons Protein
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COLL and
Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From
Structure to Dynamics & Function
Membrane Proteins
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Excited States in Biology
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

ACS Award for Research at an

Undergraduate Institution: Symposium
in Honor of George C. Shields
G. C. Shields, Organizer
E. C. Sherer, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:40 COMP 90. Concertedness and synchro-

nicityfrom arynes to electrochemistry.

C.J. Cramer
2:10 COMP 91. Molecular simulations in
conjunction with experimental studies
illustrate internal protein logic controlled
by conformation and dynamic structural
change. T.E. Morrell, I.U. Rafalska-Metcalf,
J. Chu, H. Yang
2:30 COMP 92. Predicting permeability and
target binding of complex macrocycles.
K.W. Lexa, M.P. Jacobson
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 COMP 93. Molecular studies of halogen
bonding, protein folding and combustion.
C.A. Parish
3:50 COMP 94. Anharmonic effects in vibrational spectra of protonated water clusters.
K.A. Archer, T. Odbadrakh, J.A. Fournier,
M.A. Johnson, K.D. Jordan
4:10 COMP 95. Insight Into hydrazone-based
dye fluorescence from density functional
theory. M.D. Liptak, E.H. Horak
4:40 COMP 96. Recent developments in high
accuracy nonbonded interactions in the
CHARMM simulation package. F.C. Pickard,
A.C. Simmonett, B. Brooks
5:10 COMP 97. Examining the interface:
Simulations exploring the effect of
solid substrates on thin liquid films.
K.E. Anderson, S. Wenzel, H.M. Nemec, J. Lee,
S. Watkins, T. Stoneham, J.I. Siepmann
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Electronic Structure Methods for Highly

Polarizable Systems
Cosponsored by PHYS
D. Lambrecht, J. Parkhill, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 COMP 98. Toward new materials for
singlet fission. J. Wen, M. Jovanovic, Z. Havlas,
J. Michl
2:00 COMP 99. Exciton delocalization in disordered conjugated polymer films. A. Willard

2:30 COMP 100. Numerical simulations of

the optical response and energy transfer

coupled exciton-plasmon systems.
M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 101. Understanding the coupling
between molecular excited states and
plasmons. L. Jensen
3:45 COMP 373. Ab initio implementation of the
Frenkel-Davydov exciton model. J. Herbert,
A. Morrison
4:15 COMP 102. Effect of shape, size, and
heterojunction on excitonic interactions
in semiconductor nanoparticles. J. Scher,
A. Chakraborty
4:45 COMP 103. Chiroptical properties and
excitation data with local coupled cluster
methods. H. McAlexander, T. Crawford
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Drug Discovery
ADME & Informatics
Cosponsored by CINF and MEDI
Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 COMP 104. Methodology for machine
learning in chemical design. S. Chonde,
J. Storer, K.T. Mueller, S. Kumara
2:00 COMP 105. PubChem and big data.
S. Kim, G. Fu, L. Han, B. Yu, L. Geer, A. Gindulyte,
S. He, P. Thiessen, E.E. Bolton, S.H. Bryant
2:30 COMP 106. Toward the ubiquitous use of

cheminformatics: From the development

of reliability boosters for structure-based
molecular docking to the analysis and
modeling of hyperdimensional HTS data.
D. Fourches
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 107. Evaluating structural toxicity
alerts with metabolism and reactivity
models. T. Hughes, G.P. Miller, S. Swamidass
3:35 COMP 108. Predicting regioselectivity and
lability of cytochrome P450 metabolism
using quantum mechanical simulations.
M.D. Segall, J. Tyzack, P. Hunt
4:15 COMP 109. In silico approaches to
CYP P450 site-of-metabolism (SOM) and
microsomal stability prediction. J.H. Voigt,
U. Schmitz
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Quantum Chemistry
Cosponsored by PHYS
E. V. Patterson, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 110. Combining active-space

coupled-cluster approaches with moment

energy corrections via the CC(P;Q)
methodology: Ground and excited states.
P. Piecuch, J. Shen, N.P. Bauman
2:00 COMP 111. Calculation of two-photon
absorption cross-sections within EOM-EECCSD formalism: Theory and examples.
K. Nanda, A. Krylov
2:30 COMP 112. Systematic expansion of
active spaces beyond the CASSCF limit:
A GASSCF/SplitGAS benchmark study.
K.D. Vogiatzis, G. Li Manni, S. Stoneburner,
D. Ma, L. Gagliardi
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 113. Time-dependent projected
Hartree-Fock for degenerate excited states.
T. Tsuchimochi, T.A. Van Voorhis
3:45 COMP 114. Variational state specific
solvent models for excited states from time
dependent self-consistent field methods.
J. Bjorgaard, K. Velizhanin, S. Tretiak
4:15 COMP 115. Accurate ab initio potential
energy curves and spectroscopic properties
of C2 singlet states. J. Boschen, D. Theis,
K. Ruedenberg, T.L. Windus

Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation
& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) at the
Water/Lipid Interface
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COLL and
Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From
Structure to Dynamics & Function
Molecular Machines
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Multiple Chromophores
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

E. X. Esposito and S. A. Wildman, Organizers
8:00 - 10:00
180, 182-183, 222, 235, 259, 261-262, 264, 265,
275, 280, 291. See subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

10:00 COMP 124. Comparison of diffusion

9:30 COMP 142. Insights into hydration pro-

Section C

Monte Carlo and CCSD(T) methods on

model systems. K.D. Jordan, M.J. Deible
10:30 COMP 125. From the computational
chemistry lab to treating cancer: Inspiration
for drug development in our time. K. Larkin
10:50 COMP 126. Evolution of methods for
modeling hydrogen-bonded systems accurately and efficiently. B. Temelso, G.C. Shields
11:20 COMP 127. Role of water in arginine-rich
motif peptide-RNA recognition. L. Michael,
B. Miller, S. Bernard, M. Hoffman, W. Hodges,
Z. Fallon, M.C. Nagan

pensity from systematic analyses of water

in crystal structures. S. Vyas, C. Groom,
S. Ward, I. Bruno
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 143. Water-biomolecule interaction studied by 3D-RISM and X-ray
scattering. H.T. Nguyen, D.A. Case
10:45 COMP 144. Water dynamics in aqueous
solutions of hydrophilic and amphiphilic
peptides: Molecular simulation study
of polarizability anisotropy response.
B.M. Ladanyi, A.A. Milischuk
11:15 COMP 145. Study of the protonation
states of the curcumin molecule and their
visible absorption spectra in aqueous
solution using M06, SMD, and TDDFT
and compared to experiment. J.D. Alia,
P. Braegelmann, T. Roettgen, H. Goemann

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Materials Science
Quantum Materials
E. X. Esposito, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COMP 128. Self-consistent projector

constrained density functional theory in

ONETEP. G. Teobaldi, D.D. O`Regan, N.D. Hine,
A.A. Mosto
9:00 COMP 129. Stopping powers from
time-dependent density functional theory.
R.J. Magyar
9:30 COMP 130. Hybrid functional study
of stability and electronic structure of
Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 polytypes. J. Park, I. Repins,
S. Wei
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 131. Enhanced oxygen vacancy
formation in cation doped bulk Cr2O3.
M. Nolan, M. Legesse, A. Van Veen
10:45 COMP 132. CO2 adsorption in
M-IRMOF10 (M=Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn,
Ge, Sr, Cd, Sn, Ba). J.D. Borycz, D. Tiana,
E. Haldoupis, L. Gagliardi, J.I. Siepmann
11:15 COMP 133. AIMing toward better
prediction of corrosion inhibitor prediction.
R.L. Cook

ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and

Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium in
Honor of David A. Case
Cosponsored by PHYS

Section D

A. E. Roitberg, D. M. York, Organizers

K. Merz, Organizer, Presiding

Drug Discovery

8:30 COMP 116. Molecular understanding of

Cosponsored by CINF and MEDI

hydrophobic association in ethanol-water

mixtures. T. Ichiye
9:00 COMP 117. Quantum mechanical force
fields: A breakthrough in multiscale modeling tools. D.M. York
9:30 Intermission.
9:45 COMP 118. Decoding the dynamics properties of protein loops by the combination
of NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. Y. Gu, D. Li, R. Bruschweiler
10:15 COMP 119. Reproducibilty and convergence in the assessment, validation
and improvement of force fields for RNA.
T.E. Cheatham
10:45 COMP 120. Thermodynamic estimates
from molecular dynamics. C.B. Post
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

ACS Award for Research at an

Undergraduate Institution: Symposium
in Honor of George C. Shields
E. C. Sherer, G. C. Shields, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COMP 121. Thermodynamic quantities

and structural information from a molecular

printing press. K.M. Merz
9:00 COMP 122. Addressing problems at
the interface of chemistry and medicine:
Computational and chemical biology
approaches. K. Alser, G.C. Shields,
D.G. McCafferty
9:20 COMP 123. From the atmosphere to the
interstellar medium: Long-range molecular interactions. M.A. Allodi, S. Ioppolo,
B.A. McGuire, G.A. Blake
9:40 Intermission.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 COMP 134. Flexible CDOCKER:

Development and application of a docking

method incorporating non-rigid receptors
within CHARMM. J. Gagnon, S. Law,
C.L. Brooks
9:00 COMP 135. Small molecule design
using single step free energy perturbation
(SSFEP): Blinded validation against the
relative binding affinities of inhibitors of p38
and ACK1 kinases. E. Raman, A.D. Mackerell,
R.A. Denny
9:30 COMP 136. Expert system for predicting
different local structure-activity relationship
environments using the concept of emerging chemical patterns. V. Namasivayam,
D. Gupta-Ostermann, J. Balfer, J. Bajorath
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 137. Scoring doesnt work
or does it? C. Detering
10:45 COMP 138. ProBiS-ligands: A web server
for prediction of ligands by examination of
protein binding sites. D. Janezic, J. Konc
11:15 COMP 139. Movable type method
applied to the biomolecules study. Z. Zheng,
M. Ucisik, K.M. Merz
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Computational Study of Water

D. J. Sindhikara, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COMP 140. Waters role in compound
design for drug discovery. H. Zhu
9:00 COMP 141. Quantitative prediction of

water thermodynamics and applications to

drug design. W. Sherman

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and

Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium in
Honor of David A. Case
Cosponsored by PHYS
K. Merz, D. M. York, Organizers
A. E. Roitberg, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 146. Role of functional disorder in
large protein complexes. H. Dyson, S. Sue,
S. Mukerjee
2:00 COMP 147. Mechanistic strategies in the

HDV ribozyme: Metal ion identity controls

the reaction pathway. S. Hammes-Schiffer,
P.C. Bevilacqua
2:30 COMP 148. Development of the ff14SB
force field and application to protein
folding simulations. C.L. Simmerling, J. Maier,
H. Nguyen
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 149. Withdrawn.
3:45 COMP 150. Award Address (ACS
Award for Computers in Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Research sponsored by the
ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry).
Simulating biomolecules with implicit
solvent models: GB, PB and 3D-RISM.
D.A. Case
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

ACS Award for Research at an

Undergraduate Institution: Symposium
in Honor of George C. Shields
E. C. Sherer, G. C. Shields, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 COMP 151. On things that move. Protons,

electrons, and other beasts in molecular

modeling. A.E. Roitberg
2:00 COMP 152. Highlights of a science career
that began with undergraduate research.
H. McCuen
2:20 COMP 153. Computational chemistrys
impact beyond discovery chemistry:
Spectroscopy, cheminformatics and
application of density functional theory in
support of process/analytical chemistry.
E.C. Sherer
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 COMP 154. Its all about the fundamentals. K. Kirschner
3:40 COMP 155. Conformation of retinal
controls the pKa of protonated Schiff base
during rhodopsin activation. S. Feller
4:10 COMP 156. Role of quantum chemistry,
PM3 and magic water clusters in unlocking
Rodins Gates of Hell. M. Jurema
4:30 COMP 157. Award Address (ACS
Award for Research at an Undergraduate
Institution sponsored by Research
Corporation for Science Advancement).
Research with undergraduates a fabulous
career. G.C. Shields

Materials Science
Application and Movement
E. X. Esposito, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 158. Low-temperature removal of

crystallized fats: Investigation of nanodiamond adsorption on the disruption of the

aqueous tristearin interface. Z.E. Hughes,
T. Walsh
2:00 COMP 159. Using crystal structures to
understand pharmaceutical materials.
S. Vyas, C. Groom, S. Ward, N. Feeder, I. Bruno
2:30 COMP 160. Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules adsorbed on colloidal
nanoparticles. P. Samanta, S. Wu, S. Sen,
P. Kral
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 161. Molecular dynamics simulation of CO2 transport in hydrated Zeolite X.
S. Chakraborty, S.J. Singer, P.K. Dutta
3:45 COMP 162. Assessing and predicting flexibility in framework materials with molecular
simulation: MOFs, zeolites, and molecular
frameworks. A. Ortiz, A. Boutin, F. Coudert
4:15 COMP 163. Zooming in on the solidto-solid polymorphic transitions in
DL-norleucine. H. Cuppen, J.A. Van Den
Ende, M.M. Smets, D.T. de Jong, S.J. Brugman,
H. Meekes
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Drug Discovery
Cosponsored by CINF and MEDI
Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 COMP 164. Predicting melting points

of drug-like molecules using free energy

perturbation. R.A. Denny, S. Jayaraman,
R.J. Unwalla, M.E. Bunnage
2:00 COMP 165. Biasing potential replica
exchange multisite -dynamics: Toward
scalable and simultaneous free energy
calculations of more than 1000 compounds.
G.B. Goh, K.A. Armacost, C.L. Brooks III
2:30 COMP 166. Thermodynamics of ligand
binding consequences of local environment for drug optimization. J. Ulander
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 167. Toward a complete, fully
knowledge-driven pseudo force field for
protein-ligand interactions. M. Verdonk
3:45 COMP 168. Hierarchy of density functional
theory-based benchmarks for a chemical
space relevant to drug discovery applications. A.D. Bochevarov
4:15 COMP 169. Rational design of potent
factor VIIa inhibitors using quantum
chemical methods. D.L. Cheney, I. Delucca,
P.W. Glunz, W. Jiang, V. Ladziata, B. Parkhurst,
Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, J.M. Bozarth, J.M. Luettgen,
A.R. Rendina, L. Mueller, A. Wei, J.A. Newitt,
J.K. Tamura, D. Seiffert, P.C. Wong, R.R. Wexler,
E.S. Priestley
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Quantum Chemistry
Cosponsored by PHYS
E. V. Patterson, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 170. Theoretical studies of the

synchronization of the catalytic cycles in

the second half-reaction step of nitric oxide
synthase. I. Shamovsky, G. Beleld, F. Narjes,
L. Ripa, C. Tyrchan, L. berg, P. Sj
2:00 COMP 171. Insight into the catalytic
reaction mechanism of CO oxidation on
reducible oxide-supported Au catalysis by
AIMD simulation. Y. Wang, J. Li, R. Rousseau
2:30 Intermission.

2:45 COMP 172. Tunable luminescence in

CdSe quantum dots doped by Mn impurities. Y. Dahnovsky, V. Proshchenbko

3:15 COMP 173. Highly-reduced corannulene: The influence of alkali metals on the
structure and formation of aggregates.
A.Y. Rogachev
3:45 COMP 174. Quantum mechanical study of
structural and electronic dilution effects in
paramagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer agents. W.A. Miller, P.B. Moore
Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation
& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
Prions and Beyond
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COLL and
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Electronic Structure
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2


M. E. Berger, R. Gomperts, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
COMP 175.

Ligand-specific conformational
changes in CCR7 coupled to signaling
pathway selection. Z. Gaieb, D.D. Lo,
D. Morikis
COMP 176. Theoretical view of the C3d-CR2
binding controversy. R. Mohan, R.D. Gorham,
D. Morikis
COMP 177. Entropically driven CK-ASB9
interaction: How GPU-enabled computing
provided unique insight into an intrinsically
disordered 116 kDa protein complex.
J. Schiffer, J. Parnell, E.A. Komives, R.E. Amaro
COMP 178. GPU-enabled real-time electron
dynamics of large light-harvesting systems
in explicit solvent. B.M. Wong, M. Oviedo
COMP 179. GPU-accelerated implementations
of advanced electronic structure methods in
Q-Chem. K. Nanda, E. Epifanovsky, A. Krylov
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

Poster Session
E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
COMP 180.

Possible mechanisms for interconversion of polar forms for the ferroelectric

diisopropylammonim halides. K.R. Cousins
COMP 181. Numerical modeling of carbon
condensation in detonation products.
C. Mader
COMP 182. Identification of a new class of
potential antimalaria agents using in-silico
methodology. R. Richardson
COMP 183. DFT and MP2 analysis of ligand
selectivity in the catechol-O-methyltransferase enzyme. A.K. Hatstat, M. Morris,
L. Peterson, M.L. Caero
COMP 184. Effects of implicit solvation,
relaxed amino acid side chains, and point
mutations on the MP2 and DFT calculations
of ligand-protein structure and interaction
energies of dopaminergic ligands in the
SULT1A3 enzyme active site. D. Bigler,
L. Peterson, M.L. Caero
COMP 185. MP2 and DFT analysis of the
ligand selectivity of a sulfotransferase
enzyme: SULT 1A. A.H. Weems, M.L. Caero,
L.W. Peterson
COMP 186. Study of the translocation of chloride ions through Escherichia coli transporters using the combined QM/MM method.
C. Davis, S. Pezeshki, C. Garza, H. Lin
COMP 187. Weighing energetics against best
fit in development of RNA structure prediction models. D. Bell, Z. Xia, P. Ren

188. Interactions between amino acid

and graphene oxide: Experiments and theoretical calculations. L. Huang, K.E. Gubbins
COMP 189. Applying intelligent design to biocatalyst engineering. J. Pottel, A. Tomberg,
C. Bendell, N. Moitessier
COMP 190. Interfacial force field parameterization in CHARMM for the accurate representation of peptide adsorption free energy
on high-density polyethylene. T. Abramyan,
J. Snyder, J.A. Yancey, S. Stuart, R.A. Latour
COMP 191. Anions and computation: A match
made in chemical heaven. R.C. Fortenberry
COMP 192. Multiscale approach to decipher
enzymatic processing and selectivity of
lipids. L. Riccardi, J. Arencibia, A. Armirotti,
M. Devivo
COMP 193. In silico discovery of FKBP52
inhibitors as a prospective therapy for
prostate cancer. H. Li, N. Guy, M.B. Cox,
A. Cherkasov
COMP 194. Withdrawn.
COMP 195. Identification of dynamic hotspots
for lead discovery using MD simulation and
spatiotemporal cluster analysis. A. Arakawa,
O. Ichikawa, K. Yamazaki, K. Fujimoto, M. Okada,
A. Yamada, S. Okazaki
COMP 196. Density-based energy decomposition analysis. Q. Wu
COMP 197. Prioritizing high throughput
screening hits using a filtering workflow
implemented in KNIME and QSAR models
for antimalarial drug discovery. S. Capuzzi,
D. Fourches, A. Tropsha
COMP 198. Simulating X-ray, UV, and VIS
absorption spectra with orthogonality
constrained density functional theory.
F.A. Evangelista, W.D. Derricotte
COMP 199. Fast and reliable first principles
approaches for the prediction of electromechanical properties in organic smart
materials. K. Werling, B. Albrecht, D. Lambrecht
COMP 200. Towards accurate parameterization
for pyrrolidinium-based ionic liquids in lithium-ion batteries. H. Torabifard, G.A. Cisneros
COMP 201. Withdrawn.
COMP 202. Investigation of the effects of
water in the binding site on protein-ligand
interaction energy. H. Sato, A. Matsuura
COMP 203. Insights into cobalt oxide
water oxidation catalysts: A theoretical
perspective from model dimer and cubane
complexes. A. Fernando, C.M. Aikens
COMP 204. Molecular modeling of dielectric
constant of EC/DMC mixtures. I. Daniels,
Z. Wang, B. Laird
COMP 205. Site of reactivity models predict
molecular reactivity of diverse chemicals.
T.B. Hughes, G.P. Miller, S. Swamidass
COMP 206. Molecular dynamics study of the
confinement of alkane guests in an octaacid dimer. J. Barnett, H. Ashbaugh, B.C. Gibb
COMP 207. Robust and efficient coupled
cluster-polarizable solvation methods
for electronic molecular properties in the
condensed phase. M. Caricato
COMP 208. Pharmacophore-based similarity
scoring method for DOCK. L. Jiang,
R.C. Rizzo
COMP 209. Mechanistic analysis of water
oxidation catalyzed by a mononuclear
copper(II) polypeptide in aqueous solutions.
W.C. Isley, C.J. Cramer
COMP 210. Development and in silico evaluation of large-scale metabolite identifcation
methods using functional group detection
for metabolomics. J.M. Mitchell, T.W. Fan,
A.N. Lane, H.N. Moseley
COMP 211. Nanoscale structure and dynamics
of the liquid ordered phase of lipid bilayers.
E. Lyman
COMP 212. Strength, not depth: An exploration
of differential membrane binding kinetics of
Synaptotagmin-1 and Synaptotagmin-7 C2
domains. J. Vermaas, E. Tajkhorshid
COMP 213. Withdrawn.
COMP 214. Tolerance-dependent algorithm for
core-constrained ligand docking with glide.
I. Tubert-Brohman, J.L. Banks, M.P. Repasky

215. Quartic force fields for

electronically excited states: Theoretical
ro-vibronic spectra. W.J. Morgan,
R.C. Fortenberry
COMP 216. Comparison of local correlation
methods applied to chiroptical properties
and excited states. H. McAlexander,
T. Crawford
COMP 217. Bond length alternation of
conjugated oligomers: Performance of
recent double-hybrid functionals. M. Wykes,
N.Q. Su, X. Xu, C. Adamo, J.C. Sancho-Garca
COMP 218. Supramolecular engineering via
fragment-based design. B.P. Hay, B. McCann
COMP 219. Molecular mechanism of gated
ligand binding. Y. Li, Z. Dong
COMP 220. Validation of a tuned interfacial
parameter set using dual-force-field
CHARMM for the accurate simulation of
protein adsorption on a silica glass surface.
J. Snyder, T. Abramyan, J.A. Yancey, S. Stuart,
R.A. Latour
COMP 221. Implementation of the generalized
internal coordinates for molecular geometry,
energy gradients, and force constants.
A.V. Marenich, H.P. Hratchian, J.L. Sonnenberg,
M.J. Frisch
COMP 222. Price of admission: Exploring the
transition from straight chain to first cycle in
sesquiterpene biosynthesis using quantum
chemical calculations. C.S. Hamann,
M.W. Lodewyk, D.J. Tantillo
COMP 223. Photoionization of water in gas
phase and in bulk: Insight from equationof-motion coupled-cluster Dyson orbitals.
S. Gozem, A. Krylov
COMP 224. Exploring rovibrational states of
floppy molecules using diffusion Monte
Carlo. J. Ford, A.B. McCoy
COMP 225. Scientific and technological
advances in the quantum chemistry
package Jaguar. A.D. Bochevarov,
T.F. Hughes, L.D. Jacobson, D.M. Philipp,
M.A. Watson
COMP 226. DFT study of structural evolution of
gold clusters.Au-n with n= 40-50. S. Pande,
X.C. Zeng
COMP 227. Quantum chemistry for X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy: Computation
of XPS chemical shifts in amino acids
and simple polypeptides. I. Tolbatov,
D.M. Chipman
COMP 228. In silico prediction of charge
carrier mobility in organic semiconductors.
S. Kwak, A. Goldberg, D. Giesen, M. Halls
COMP 229. Withdrawn.
COMP 230. Distinguishing the protonation
states of the histidine ligands of the
Rieske iron-sulfur cluster by 15N isotopic
substitution and vibrational frequency
shifts. B.R. Jagger, A.M. Koval, R.A. Wheeler
COMP 231. Nucleation mechanisms of
D-crystallin protein aggregates found in
cataracts. S.A. Richards, R.A. Wheeler
COMP 232. Computed chemical properties
for the functional sorting of the haloacid
dehalogenase superfamily. E.M. Mozur,
M. Touch, M.J. Ondrechen
COMP 233. Gold nanoparticle-nucleic acid
modeling using GPU-accelerated molecular
dynamics. J.A. Nash, A.L. Kwansa, Y.G. Yingling
COMP 234. Withdrawn.
COMP 235. Development of OPLS-AA
Force Field Parameters for Ionic Liquids.
S.M. Gathiaka, B. Li, O. Acevedo
COMP 236. Accelerating DFT and hybrid DFT
in VASP Using GPUs. P. Fleurat-Lessard,
M. Hutchinson, M. Widom, A. Anciaux-Sedrakian,
T. Guignon, D. Stosic, j. Bedorf, S. Tariq
COMP 237. Simulations of fluorescence
solvatochromisms in substituted
p<-phenylene vinylene oligomer derivatives:
Excited state molecular dynamics with
implicit solvent. J. Bjorgaard, K. Velizhanin,
S. Tretiak
COMP 238. First-principle study of the
structural and electronic properties
of graphene on Zn(II) phthalocyanine
tetrasulfonic acid adsorption. R. Li,
D. Nicholls, M.R. Hoffmann, N. Oncel

239. Quantum mechanical molecular

interactions for calculating excitation
energy in molecular environments: A firstorder interacting space approach. K. Yanai,
K. Ishimura, J. Hasegawa
COMP 240. Nitrogen dopants and vacancy
defects in graphene nanoflakes: Theoretical
study of size-dependent electronic
excitation properties. C. Lin
COMP 241. Free energy study of small
molecules to RNA with multiple binding
poses. Y. Tanida, A. Matsuura
COMP 242. Uncovering topological signatures
of instability and metastability. J. Miorelli
COMP 243. Molecular dynamics of
metallodiporphyrins. J. Coda, W.M. Ames
COMP 244. Computational insights into
intramolecular hydrogen migration via
agostic-type interactions. J. Duchimaza,
K. Yan, A. Ellern, A.D. Sadow, M.S. Gordon
COMP 245. Predictive methods for CO2
solubilities in reactive ionic liquids.
Q. Sheridan, T. Lee, E. Maginn, W.F. Schneider
COMP 246. Theoretical study of (hetero)
aromatic fluorination catalyzed by
palladium. P. Fleurat-Lessard, J. Roger,
C. Testa, J. Hierso
COMP 247. Computer simulations of forward
osmosis for desalination. O. Lee
COMP 248. Withdrawn.
COMP 249. Computational insight into origins
of Z-selectivity and enantioselectivity of
asymmetric ring-opening/cross-metathesis
catalyzed by a stereogenic-at-Ru complex.
J.W. Nelson, H.D. Pham, X. Wang
COMP 250. Coordination number and
molecular geometry influences on
methanethiol binding strength and acidity in
[(Imidazole)05Zinc(II)S(H)CH3] complexes.
D.P. Linder, K.R. Rodgers
COMP 251. DFT study of the rate determining
steps of carbon chain growth on Co.
D. Petersen, L. Arnadottir
COMP 252. Theoretical study on the
fluorescent spectrum of enhanced green
fluorescent protein. Y. Uchida, M. Higashi,
S. Hayashi
COMP 253. Identification of a pKa-regulating
motif stabilizing imidazole modified double
stranded DNA. D. Buyst, V. Gheeraardijn, J. van
den Begin, A. Madder, J.C. Martins
COMP 254. Alpha-hydrogen bonding
stereochemical consequences in
alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes
complexed with chiral menthoxyaluminum
dichloride Lewis acid catalysts in DielsAlder reactions. B. Vernier, A.N. Ahmed,
J. Rohde, J.D. Evanseck
COMP 255. Calculation of the association
trajectories of oseltamivir and sialic acid to
wild type and H274Y viral neuraminidase.
R.W. Wenner, L.M. Krause, J.F. Graziadei,
P.F. Marris, A.W. Van Wynsberghe
COMP 256. Effect of surface defects on the
optical properties of silicon quantum dots.
N.K. Dandu
COMP 257. Targeted delivery of
peptidoglycan immunomodulators using
liposomal carriers: MD study of the lipid
encapsulation. K. Feher

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

COMP 258.

Semantic web and computational

chemistry. N.S. Ostlund, B. Wang
COMP 259. Reparameterization of gold
thiolate ReaxFF. B.M. Barngrover, E.M. Kinder,
T.J. Manges, T.J. Cobb, C.M. Aikens
COMP 260. Online parameter and property
database for the TraPPE force field.
A. Sunnarborg, A. Bliss, H. Stern, B.L. Eggimann,
J.I. Siepmann
COMP 261. Elucidating a chemical defense
mechanism of Antarctic sponges.
S.K. Vankayala, F.L. Kearns, B.J. Baker,
H.L. Woodcock
COMP 262. Characterization of fullerene
structure and electronic properties
using DFT and EPR parameters: Charge
localization in polymer-fullerene composite
solar cells. J.N. Webb, J. Niklas, O. Poluektov,
K. Mardis
COMP 263. Quantum chemical studies of gas
hydrates. P. Warrier, C.A. Koh
COMP 264. Nature of the -cyclodextringraphene interface: A quantum chemical
analysis. P. Jaiyong, R.A. Bryce
COMP 265. Investigation of different binding
kinetics among the neuraminidase
inhibitors. G. Kang, D.J. Mermelstein,
R.B. Clayton, A.W. Van Wynsberghe
COMP 266. Interaction of aqueous ammonium
chloride with Helicobacter pylori urease.
M. Minkara, M.N. Weaver, K.M. Merz
COMP 267. Iron pyridine-2,6-diimine (PDI)
scaffolds: A new model with MRMP2.
J. McNeely, A.Y. Rogachev
COMP 268. Density functional analysis of
donor-acceptor complexes formed between
ethers and sulfur trioxide or sulfur dioxide.
G. Van Den Driessche
COMP 269. Human pepsin 3A hydrolysis
reaction mechanism. A.N. Mascarenas,
E. Cowles, J.J. Stewart, S.B. Braun-Sand
COMP 270. Substrate binding of human MTH1
protein. H.E. Ryan, M. Carter, J.J. Stewart,
S.B. Braun-Sand, P. Stenmark
COMP 271. Ab initio computations of nuclear
quadrupolar coupling constants: Why
they dont work, and how to fix them.
G.S. Harbison
COMP 272. Characterization of carbene
intramolecular reactivity with various
substituents through computer modeling.
M. Roth, W.M. Ames
COMP 273. Withdrawn.
COMP 274. Using TD-DFT and NTOs to model
photocatalysis. C.M. Midkiff, A.K. Rappe
COMP 275. First principle study on optimizing
conditions for charge transfer in quantum
dots through dye functionalization. P. Cui,
S. Kilina
COMP 276. SO2 yet another two-faced
ligand. J. Li, A.Y. Rogachev
COMP 277. Impact of substituent size and
electronegativity on the band gap of
TiO2 polymorphs. A.J. Glaid, M.N. Srnec,
J.A. Aitken, J.D. Madura
COMP 278. Enrichment of computational
chemistry data with the semantic web.
B. Wang, L. Nardozi, S.J. Chalk, M. Sopek,
N.S. Ostlund
COMP 279. HK propagator uniformized along
a 1D manifold. L. Kocia, E.J. Heller
COMP 280. Structural determinants of
promiscuous and specific binding
in protein - protein complexes using
component analysis techniques. A. Sherani,
Y.Y. Zhang, M.L. Radhakrishnan

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

281. Q-Chem: An engine for innovation.
Z. Gan, E. Epifanovsky, Y. Shao
COMP 282. Adsorption of O2 on neutral/
charged Aun (n = 1-3) clusters: A
comparative study between DFT and
coupled cluster calculations. Y. Zhao,
N.S. Khetrapal, H. Li, Y. Gao, X.C. Zeng
COMP 283. Exploring the mechanisms of
enantioselective organocatalytic reactions:
A DFT study. K.E. Blise, D.L. Kohen,
G.E. Hofmeister, D.G. Alberg, M. Cvitkovic
COMP 284. Molecular simulations of
fluorescent sensors with amyloid- protein
aggregates. J. Thompson, E.H. Hill, E.Y. Chi,
D.G. Whitten, D.G. Evans
COMP 285. Constrained heuristic optimization
of NLO chromophores. C.B. Rinderspacher,
J. Elward
COMP 286. Modeling of a bench-scale
biomass pyrolyze: An experimentalists
viewpoint. R.J. French
COMP 287. Modeling some features of the
reaction mechanism of chymotrypsin
using semiempirical methods. W.C. Kelly,
S.B. Braun-Sand, J.J. Stewart, B.M. Guerrero
COMP 288. Visualizing the interplay of
delocalization and strong correlation in
catalysis. B.G. Janesko
COMP 289. Ab initio dynamics of the unfolding
and decarboxylation of pseudo-chair
carboxyphosphate in aqueous solution.
E. Jesikiewicz, S. Boesch, S.M. Firestine,
J.D. Evanseck
COMP 290. Carboxyphosphate formation from
the reaction of bicarbonate and ATP in ATPdependent carboxylases. S.E. Kochanek,
T. Clymer, V. Pakkala, S.M. Firestine, J.D. Evanseck
COMP 291. Analysis of the components of
halogen bonding. M. Billman, A.K. Rappe
COMP 292. GPU-accelerated stochastic
evaluation of second-order many-body
perturbation energies. R. Brewster, S. Willow,
S. Hirata
COMP 293. Molecular modeling of the
binding interaction of RGD-functionalized
poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels with lipid
bilayer surface. Y. Lin, G. Chen, F. Ryvkin
COMP 294. Ab initio study of halocarbons.
K.R. Jorgensen
COMP 295. Computational study of activation
energies in 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions.
P. Esempio, H.A. Trujillo
COMP 296. Microscale multiphysics
simulations of intra-particle transport
phenomena and pyrolytic conversion using
biomass particle models with realistic
morphology and resolved microstructure.
P. Ciesielski, M.F. Crowley, B. Donohoe,
M.R. Nimlos, T. Foust
COMP 297. Theoretically determined
mechanism for the formation of guanine
C8 adducts from arylamine derived
carcinogens. A.S. Dutton, J. Bautista,
S. Shrestha
COMP 298. Feedstocks thermal and
compositional effects on pyrolysis yields.
D. Robichaud
COMP 299. Theoretical study of criegee
biradical molecule in the atmosphere.
S. Alhowity
COMP 300. Modeling non-covalent
interactions in biomolecules: An ab initio
based fragmentation approach. D. Kosenkov
COMP 301. Exploring novel energetic
materials: A constrained search approach.
J.M. Elward, C.B. Rinderspacher
COMP 302. Withdrawn.
COMP 303. Chemist view on reaction
pathways. N. Chron, R. Ramozzi, R. Grber,
P. Fleurat-Lessard

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

The Chemical Computing Group Excellence

Award for Graduate Students
Financially supported by Chemical Computing

C. L. Simmerling, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
COMP 304.

Time-dependent nonequilibrium
dynamics in QM/continuum approaches.
F. Ding, D. Lingerfelt, B. Mennucci, X. Li
COMP 305. MD-generated volume profiles as a
tool for probing transition states of conformational changes. H. Wiebe, N. Weinberg
COMP 306. Theoretical investigations of the
fumarate addition reaction: Implications for
the biological stability of future fuels and
opportunities for bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated areas. V.S. Bharadwaj,
C.M. Maupin, A.M. Dean
COMP 307. Simulations of the self-assembly of
polyelectrolyte block copolymers using dissipative particle dynamics with an implicit
solvent ionic strength (ISIS) method. N.K. Li,
W.H. Fuss, Y.G. Yingling
COMP 308. Sum frequency generation spectra
of the air/water interface from first principles-based models. G.R. Medders, F. Paesani
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall B2

The OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty

Financially supported by OpenEye Scientic
C. L. Simmerling, Organizer

11:15 COMP 318. Quantum Drude oscillator

model for linear scale atomistic simulation

a coarse grained electronic structure
allowing for high environmental transferability. G.J. Martyna
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E

Quantum Chemistry
Quantum Dynamics & Monte Carlo
Cosponsored by PHYS
E. V. Patterson, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COMP 319. Second-quantized surface
hopping. A.V. Akimov, O.V. Prezhdo
9:00 COMP 320. Systematically improvable

models in excited-state dynamics calculations. A. Molina, A. Chien, T.G. Goodson,

P.M. Zimmerman
9:30 COMP 321. Real-time electron transport
from parity-time symmetric quantum
mechanics. J. Elenewski, H. Chen
10:00 Intermission.
10:00 COMP 322. Ring polymer molecular
dynamics: New quantum dynamical method
for calculating chemical reaction rates.
Y. Suleymanov
10:30 COMP 323. Direct dynamics simulations of steroidal ring-closing events.
R.P. Pemberton, D.J. Tantillo

6:00 - 8:00
COMP 309.

Physically-motivated first-principles force fields for molecular simulation:

Theory and applications. J.R. Schmidt,
J.G. McDaniel
COMP 310. RNA design rules through
internet-scale social computing and
high-throughput chemistry. E. Participants,
J. Lee, W. Kladwang, M. Lee, D. Cantu,
M. Azizyan, H. Kim, L. Alex, S. Yoon, A. Treuille,
R. Das
COMP 311. Development of electron-hole
explicitly correlated wave function based
method with pseudopotential theory
for investigation of optical properties
of quantum dot-protein complexes.
A. Chakraborty
COMP 312. Benchmarking the adsorption
energies on carbon nanotubes. D.G. Smith,
K. Patkowski

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

Molecular Mechanics
E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers,
8:30 COMP 313. Temperature effects on the

spatial distribution of electrolyte mixtures

at the aqueous liquid-vapor interface.
B.L. Eggimann, A. Sunnarborg, J.I. Siepmann
9:00 COMP 314. Molecular simulation of
surface density effects on heterogeneous
DNA hybridization. J.M. Stubbs, S. Cooper,
W. Scamman, M. van den Berg
9:30 COMP 315. Structural properties of
DNA basepair mismatches. A. Kingsland,
L. Maibaum
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 316. Quantam mechanical molecular mechanical calculations using amoeba
force fields. Y. Shao, A.C. Simmonett, Y. Mao,
F.C. Pickard, G. Koenig, B. Brooks, J. Herbert,
T.L. Head-Gordon, M.P. Head-Gordon
10:45 COMP 317. Molecular dynamics by
flexible-boundary QM/MM: On-the-fly
partial charge transfer between QM and
MM subsystems. S. Pezeshki, H. Lin

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading

of Bio-Oils
Bonding and Kinetics
Cosponsored by MPPG
D. Robichaud, Organizer
R. Surendran Assary, R. S. Weber, Organizers,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 COMP 324. Molecular-level kinetic mod-

eling in biomass thermochemical conversions: Software tools and their applications.

M.T. Klein
9:20 COMP 325. Toward automated mechanism
generation of lignin pyrolysis models:
Development of group additivity parameters
for aromatic species. H.H. Carstensen,
A. Ince, M. Reyniers, G.B. Marin
9:50 COMP 326. First-principles study of
phenol hydrogenation on Pt and Ni catalysts in aqueous phase. R. Rousseau, D. Mei,
Y. Yoon, R.S. Weber, J.A. Lercher
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 COMP 327. Charting elementary steps
in the cellulose pyrolysis reaction network.
H. Mayes, X. Zhou, G. Beckham, L.J. Broadbelt
11:05 COMP 328. In silico zeolite catalyzed
carbon-carbon coupling reactions for furan
upgrading. C. Liu, L. Cheng, R. Surendran
Assary, L.A. Curtiss
11:35 COMP 329. Mechanistic study of furan
formation in HZSM-5 using quantum
mechanical modeling. S. Kim, D. Robichaud,
C. Mukarakate, L. Bu, T. Evans, G. Beckham,
R.S. Paton, M.R. Nimlos
12:05 Concluding Remarks.
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

Drug Discovery
Cosponsored by CINF and MEDI
Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COMP 330. Halogen bonds in drug
design. S. Sirimulla
9:00 COMP 331. Highly visual workflow for

designing, selecting and enumerating

new compounds for assay. J.W. Sager,
T.E. Mansley, P. Mounteney
9:30 Intermission.

9:45 COMP 332. Discovery of new and diverse

TLR9 receptor antagonists for regulating

innate immune reactions. A. Goldblum,
A. Burger-Kentischer, A. Mattes, M. Zatsepin
10:15 COMP 333. In silico design, synthesis,
and assays of specific substrates and
peptidomimetic inhibitors for proteinase 3.
S. Narawane, C. Grauffel, A. Schillinger, B. Haug,
N. Reuter
10:45 COMP 334. Ligand based drug design of
novel pyrimidine derivatives as Tankyrase
inhibitors for the treatment of colorectal
cancer. A.P. Patel, H.G. Bhatt

3:15 COMP 344. Partitioning of nitroaromatic

compounds through lipid bilayer. A. Golius,
O. Isayev, L. Gorb, F. Hill, J.R. Leszczynski
3:45 COMP 345. Bondalyzer: A tool for the

tures in drug discovery and development.

C. Groom, S. Ward, S. Vyas, I. Bruno
2:00 COMP 361. QSAR modeling independent of input tautomers. M. Waldman,
R. Fraczkiewicz, R. Clark
2:30 COMP 362. General applicability of
template CoMFA to prospective bioactivity
prediction. R.D. Cramer
3:00 COMP 363. Exploring conformational
search protocols for ligand-based virtual
screening and 3D QSAR modeling.
D. Cappel, S. Dixon, W. Sherman, J. Duan
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 COMP 364. Experimentally derived
interaction fields as a basis for ligandbased virtual screening. C. Groom, J. Cole,
I. Giangreco, O. Korb, S. Gothe, I. Bruno
4:15 COMP 365. Alignment of diverse
ligands for a protein: a solved problem?
T. Cheeseright, P. Tosco, M. Mackey
4:45 COMP 366. Exhaustive pairwise overlays:
the gold standard for molecular alignment?
P.C. Hawkins, R.W. Tolbert


Section E

8:05 ENFL 1. Nanocarbons for optoelectronic

applications. D. Guldi

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1E
S. A. Wildman, Organizer, Presiding

Computational Study of Water

nanoparticle permeation triggers lipid

displacement and water and ion leakage.
P.A. Oroskar, S. Murad, C. Jameson
2:00 COMP 348. Investigating the forces governing the peripheral membrane association
and dissociation of a bacterial phospholipase C (BtPI-PLC). H.M. Khan, C. Grauffel,
B. Yang, T. He, R. Mary, A. Gershenson, N. Reuter
2:30 COMP 349. Partitioning of anionic
nanoparticles in cholesterol-containing
membranes occurs via local disordering and cholesterol depletion. P. Gkeka,
P. Angelikopoulos, L. Sarkisov, Z. Cournia
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 350. Lateral organization and
transverse coupling in asymmetric biomembranes. X. Cheng, J. Nickels, F. Heberle,
J. Katsaras
3:45 COMP 351. Investigating lipid phase
changes from liquid crystalline to ripple to
gel phases with all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. P. Khakbaz, J.B. Klauda
4:15 COMP 352. Spatial organization of cellular
membranes. K. Sapp, S. He, L. Maibaum

Properties and Processes in Solvated

Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From
Structure to Dynamics & Function
Modeling of Macromolecular Structure and
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Excited States of Complex
Electronic Structure
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1D

Symposium Organizer Selections

E. X. Esposito, S. A. Wildman, Organizers,
1:30 COMP 341. Multi-scale computational

investigations of the cAMP activation-mechanism of Protein Kinase A RI

using Brownian Dynamics and Molecular
Dynamics simulations. S.P. Hirakis,
R. Malmstrom, R.E. Amaro
2:00 COMP 342. Water dynamics at protein-protein interfaces: A molecular dynamics study of virus-host receptor complexes.
P. Dutta, M. Botlani, S. Varma
2:30 COMP 343. Homology modeling and
molecular dynamics study of ALKBH1
enzyme. P. Silvestrov, T. Mller, K. Clark,
R. Hausinger, G.A. Cisneros
3:00 Intermission.

Division of Energy
and Fuels

Section B


energy surfaces for water simulations.

T.L. Head-Gordon
9:00 COMP 336. Development and implementation of an advanced density based potential for water. R.E. Duke, O.N. Starovoytov,
J.A. Piquemal, G.A. Cisneros
9:30 COMP 337. Effects of three-body nonadditive exchange and induction forces in liquid
water. O. Akin-Ojo, K. Szalewicz
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 COMP 338. Microscopic structure,
equilibrium density, and local environment
in liquid water: A highly accurate ab initio
path-integral molecular dynamics study.
R.A. Distasio, B. Santra, H. Ko, F. Martelli,
M. Ceriotti, R. Car
10:45 COMP 339. Ice nucleation on graphene
surface supports the classical theory of
heterogeneous nucleation. R. Cabriolu, T. Li
11:15 COMP 340. Direct calculation of the
rate of homogeneous nucleation of ice for
TIP4P/ICE from massively parallel molecular
simulations. A. Haji-Akbari, P.G. Debenedetti
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar


Drug Discovery

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

8:30 COMP 335. Advanced potential

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4E

discovery of charge density property relationships. T.R. Wilson, M. Eberhart, T. Jones

4:15 COMP 346. Field-dependent peak shift in
real-time time-dependent density functional
theory. M. Provorse, B. Habenicht, C. Isborn

Section E

D. J. Sindhikara, Organizer, Presiding

Section D

1:30 COMP 347. Surface-functionalized

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 1F

Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of

Reaction Engineering
Cosponsored by ENFL and MPPG
R. S. Weber, Organizer
D. Robichaud, R. Surendran Assary, Organizers,
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 COMP 353. Impact of H2 addition on

formation of PAH during anisole pyrolysis.

Y. Koirala, S. Villano, A.M. Dean, H.H. Carstensen,
M. Reyniers, G.B. Marin
2:20 COMP 354. Insights into the hydrodeoxygenation mechanisms for lignin upgrade.
D.G. Vlachos
2:50 COMP 355. Role of solid, liquid, and
gaseous phases during pyrolysis of
biomass. R.C. Brown
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 COMP 356. Strike a happy medium:
Identifying appropriate reaction conditions for upgrading bio-oil. M.R. Nimlos,
R.S. Weber
4:05 COMP 357. Reactor simulations for
catalytic upgrading of pyrolysis vapors.
J. Ziegler, S. Pannala, T. Foust, M.R. Nimlos,
D. Robichaud
4:35 COMP 358. Multiscale/multiphysics
modeling of biomass fast pyrolysis and
vapor phase upgrading reactors. S. Pannala,
E. Ramirez, J. Ziegler, D. Robichaud, M.R. Nimlos,
T. Foust, C. Daw
5:05 Panel Discussion: What is Needed to
Advance the State of the Art in Biomass
Conversion and Upgrading?
5:35 COMP 359. Thermal properties of pine,
poplar, and fir blocks from room temperature to 500C. D.M. Stevens, T.L. Westover,
C.L. Williams
6:05 Concluding Remarks.

Cosponsored by CINF and MEDI

A. Park, Program Chair

Y. Tseng, S. A. Wildman, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 COMP 360. Small molecule crystal struc-

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4F

Quantum Chemistry
Cosponsored by PHYS
E. V. Patterson, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 COMP 367. Importance of a nonlocal

description of electronelectron interactions

in modeling the dissociative adsorption of
H2 on Cu(100). F. Goeltl, C. Houriez, M. Guitou,
G. Chambaud, P. Sautet
2:00 COMP 368. Density functional investigation of 2-alkyl-anthraquinone hydrogenation
on a palladium cluster. E. Yuan, L. Wang,
F. Ren
2:30 COMP 369. Theoretical prediction of the
effects of substitution on the efficacies
of ruthenium water oxidation catalysts.
A.B. League, M. Ertem, P. Miro Ramirez,
C.J. Cramer
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 COMP 370. DFT study of dehydrogenation
of ethanol on alkaline earth metal oxides.
Y. Izumi, H. Kamata, H. Ushiyama
3:45 COMP 371. Stereospecific zirconium catalyzed cycloamination of 4-penteneamine.
W.C. Everett, T.L. Windus, A.D. Sadow
4:15 COMP 372. Reversible olefin binding to
nickel dithiolenes and a variety of related
complexes. E.N. Brothers, M.B. Hall
Computational Chemical Dynamics:
Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Nonadiabatic Dynamics
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From
Structure to Dynamics & Function


Computational Pyrolysis and Upgrading of
Bio-Oils (see COMP, Wed)
Catalytic Materials and Technologies for
Upgrading of COx and Natural Gas
Oxidation (see CATL, Tue, Wed, Thu)

Dinner, 7:30 PM: Tue

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, N. Wu, Organizers
Y. H. Hu, Y. Wu, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:45 ENFL 2. Plasmonic metal-semiconductor

nanostructures for solar fuel generation.

N. Wu
9:15 ENFL 3. Uniform doping of metal oxide

nanowires using solid state diffusion for

photoelectrochemical water oxidation.
J. Resasco, N.P. Dasgupta, J. Roque-Rosell,
J. Guo, P. Yang
9:35 ENFL 4. Impact of humidity in the
preparation of CoTiO3 perovskites: Effective
ABO3 type catalysts for O2 evolution.
S. Rasalingam, R.T. Koodali
9:55 Intermission.
10:00 ENFL 5. Chalcogenide nanostructured
precursors in fabrication of polycrystalline
absorber layers in thin-film photovoltaics.
D.R. Radu
10:30 ENFL 6. Light management in extremely
thin photoelectrode architectures. I.
11:00 ENFL 7. Sustainable inorganic nanocrystals for solar energy conversion and storage
applications. K. Ramasamy, R. Gupta, H. Sims,
S. Ivanov, A. Gupta
11:20 ENFL 8. Tailoring zinc oxide nanostructures for solar cell applications. K. Sakar,
E.V. Braden, L. Song, M. Rawolle, S.V. Roth,
P. Mueller-Buschbaum
11:40 ENFL 9. Structural studies of solution-grown iron pyrite (FeS2) nanoparticles
via synchrotron and neutron diffraction.
R.C. Miller, D. Agocs, S. Fredrick, J.R. Neilson,
A.L. Prieto
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
New Materials/Systems

Folding and Aggregation

Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, Organizers

Y. Shao, D. Wang, Organizers, Presiding

Modeling Excited States of Complex


8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Electronic Structure
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

8:05 ENFL 10. From nanomaterials to energy

storage systems. J. Liu
8:35 ENFL 11. Flexible high-energy Li-ion batteries with fast-charging capability. J. Cho
9:05 ENFL 12. Enable high energy-density

lithium-ion battery conversion cathodes

based on iron fluorides using integrated
in situ experimental and computational
approaches. S. Jin, L. Li

9:35 ENFL 13. Chalcogen elements electro-

chemistry for lithium batteries and beyond

systems. Y. Guo
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 ENFL 14. Recent progress on high-energy density batteries with aqueous
electrolytes. P. Liu
10:45 ENFL 15. Redox flow lithium battery.
Q. Wang, Q. Huang, C. Jia, F. Pan, Y. Zhu
11:15 ENFL 16. Suppressing manganese dissolution form lithium manganate via graphene
coatings. M. Hersam
11:45 ENFL 17. LiMn2O4 cathodes for Li-ion
batteries: Effect of Mn in electrolyte on
anode and Au coating to minimize dissolution. J. Esbenshade, M. Fox, A.A. Gewirth
12:05 Concluding Remarks.

8:40 ENFL 30. Carbon-based metal-free
catalysts for energy conversion. M. Wang,
X. Kong, L. Dai
9:20 ENFL 31. In situ XAS of ceria materials

Chemistry of Energy & Fuels

for the thermochemical conversion and

storage of concentrated solar thermal
power. M. Rothensteiner, S. Sala, H. Emerich,
J.A. Van Bokhoven
9:40 ENFL 32. Novel approaches toward solar
fuels based on modified graphitic carbon
nitride. K. Striegler, R. Glaeser
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 ENFL 33. Sensitized graphene hybrid
catalysts and co-catalysts for solar hydrogen generation. G. Lu
10:50 ENFL 34. Investigation of an In-Ni-TaO-N overall water splitting photocatalyst.
Y. Li, Y. Li, X. Zhang, S. Jiang
11:30 ENFL 35. Sustainability assessment of
catalysis for energy storage in hydrogen:
Comparative net energy analysis of fuel cell
and electrolyzer technologies. M.A. Pellow,
S. Sridhar, C.J. Emmott, S.M. Benson

A. Park, Organizer
G. Gadikota, X. Wang, Organizers, Presiding

Section E

8:00 ENFL 18. Ionic conduction in doped

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

ceria-carbonate composite electrolytes.

Z. Yicheng, Y. Li
8:20 ENFL 19. Enhanced butanol production
from starch by Clostridium species. T. Li,
Y. Yan, J. He
8:40 ENFL 20. Research work conducted on
the fuels, renewable energy, and poverty
reduction with sustainable development
in the developing countries of the world.
particularly South Asia. M. Usman
9:00 ENFL 21. Molecular electrocatalysts on a
surface: When organometallic chemistry meets surface science. A.K. Das,
M.H. Engelhard, M. Bullock, A.M. Appel
9:20 ENFL 22. Noble metal-free Fe-N/C
catalyst for highly efficient oxygen reduction
reaction under both alkaline and acidic
conditions. L. Lin, Z. Qing, A. Xu
9:40 Intermission.
9:50 ENFL 23. Evaluation of carbon nanospheres decorated with nanoparticles
for adsorptive desulfurization. T. Saleh,
T.D. Shuaib
10:10 ENFL 24. Synthesis of ultra large
mesostructured cellular foams material
with 3D structure using different micelle
expanders. S. Song, A. Duan, X. Zhou, Z. Zhao,
G. Jiang, J. Liu
10:30 ENFL 25. Silicon parallel process manufacturing techniques for harsh environment chemical gas sensors. M.R. Mullen,
V.A. Vulcano Rossi, N.A. Karker, Z. Zhao,
M.W. Kowarz, M.A. Carpenter, P.K. Dutta
10:50 ENFL 26. Superadiabaticity in reaction
waves as a mechanism for energy concentration. S.G. Mahajan, J.T. Abrahamson,
S. Birkhimer, E. Friedman, Q. Wang, M. Beck,
M. Strano
11:10 ENFL 27. Interface bonding effect
between ternary sulfide solid solution and
TiO2NTs composite by solvothermal synthesis. Z. Yao, F. Jia, Z. Yu, Z. Jiang
11:30 ENFL 28. Fundamental understanding of
molecular weight growth kinetics in hydrocarbon conversions. K. Wang, S. Villano,
A.M. Dean
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy

Fuel Cell, Solar Cell and Solar Fuel
Cosponsored by CATL and MPPG
W. Jang, C. Liu, N. Wu, Organizers
R. Glaeser, C. Wang, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 29. Bioinspired and biotemplated

artificial photosynthetic systems for solar

fuels generation. H. Zhou, J. Ye, T. Fan,
D. Zhang

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Hybrid Functional Porous Materials for

Sustainable Energy: Carbon, MOF &
Conductive Polymers

9:15 ENFL 46. Synthesis and characteri-

1:35 ENFL 63. Hybrid lithium and magnesium

zation of low viscosity carbon dioxide

binding organic liquids for flue gas clean
up. P.K. Koech, D. Malhotra, D.J. Heldebrant,
D.C. Cantu, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau
9:35 ENFL 47. CO2 binding employing
chelate cooperativity. S. Hiew, D.T. Nguyen,
M. Kleiman, A. Esser-Kahn
9:55 Intermission.
10:05 ENFL 48. Post-synthesis modification
of nanoporous organic frameworks for
enhanced CO2capture. T. Islamoglu, T. Kim,
H.M. El-Kaderi
10:25 ENFL 49. Structure-property relations
of cation-exchanged chabazite zeolites
for CO2 adsorption. T. Pham, R.F. Lobo,
M.R. Hudson, C.M. Brown
10:45 ENFL 50. Tetraethylenpentaminefunctionalized polybenzoxazine aerogel
for CO2 adsorption. A. Alhwaige, H. Ishida,
S. Qutubuddin
11:05 ENFL 51. Development of stable
Ca-based sorbents for realistic CO2
capture: Significant stabilizing effect of fly
ash. F. Yan, J. Jiang, M. Zhao
11:25 ENFL 52. Review of the post combustion
carbon capture technologies with emphasis
on polyethylenimine. P. Upadhaya, A. Kadiyala,
R.R. Kommalapati, Z. Huque

ion battery with long-term stability at high

current density. H. Yoo, Y. Li, Y. Liang, Y. Yao
2:05 ENFL 64. Activation of MnO2cathode by
water-stimulated Mg2+ insertion for magnesium battery. J. Song, M. Noked, E. Gillette,
J. Duay, S. Lee
2:25 ENFL 65. Direct observation of magnesium ion intercalation into a spinel-structured -manganese oxide at the multilength
scale. C. Kim, P. Phillips, T. Yi, B. Key, Y. Yu,
R. Klie, J. Cabana
2:45 Intermission.
2:55 ENFL 66. Mg anode interfacial films:
Enabling rechargeable Mg batteries.
K.R. Zavadil, N.T. Hahn
3:25 ENFL 67. Electrolyte effects on Mg deposition and stripping. A.A. Gewirth, C. Barile,
E. Miller
3:45 ENFL 68. Anode/electrolyte interface for
magnesium batteries. T.S. Arthur, F. Mizuno,
R. Mohtadi, J. Guo, P. Glans
4:05 ENFL 69. Synthetic strategies for magnesium-ion electrolytes. J.T. Herb, C. Nist-Lund,
C.B. Arnold
4:25 ENFL 70. Electronic structure at electrode/
electrolyte interfaces in Mg based electrochemical systems. J. Balachandran, D. Siegel
4:45 ENFL 71. Promoted Mg ion insertion
reversibility with Sn-alloys for Mg ion
batteries. Y. Cheng, Y. Shao, J. Liu
5:05 ENFL 72. Amorphous cathodes for magnesium batteries: The V2O5:P2O5 system.
T.S. Arthur, K. Kato, J. Germain, F. Mizuno
5:25 Concluding Remarks.

Metal Organic Frameworks


J. L. Lutkenhaus, Organizer
S. K. Nune, V. Pol, Organizers, Presiding

Section A

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

8:05 ENFL 36. Gas separation and ion

transport of porous coordination polymers.

S. Kitagawa
8:45 ENFL 37. Methane storage in metal-organic frameworks with ultrahigh porosity.
S. Kaskel
9:15 ENFL 38. Design principles for electroactive metal-organic frameworks.
C.H. Hendon, K.T. Butler, A. Walsh
9:45 ENFL 39. Catalytic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): Design and preparation.
O.K. Farha
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 ENFL 40. Are MOFs et al. really the next
best thing since sliced bread? A case study
for electronic device apps. M.A. Omary,
A. Cimino, R.M. Almotawa, A. Maspero,
C. Giacobbe, G. Palmisano, C. Yang, J.F. Ivy,
C. Williams, S. Galli
10:45 ENFL 41. Withdrawn.
11:15 ENFL 42. Computational Identification
of MOFs suitable for creating conducting
materials via ligand infiltration. D. Sholl,
X. Nie, A. Kulkarni, D. Nazarian, J. Camp
11:45 ENFL 43. Porous metal-organic frameworks and their sorption property. W. Sun
12:05 ENFL 152. Screening of functionalized or
hydrophobic MOFs for capture of ammonia
and other toxic compounds. P.Z. Moghadam,
K. Kim, D. Fairen-Jimenez, R. Snurr
12:25 ENFL 153. Adsorption of indole vs.
naphthalene on F300 MOF by the complementary spectroscopic, kinetic, and DFT
studies. J. Dai, M.L. McKee, A. Samokhvalov
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4D

Negative Carbon Emission Technologies:

BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture
& Storage)
Cosponsored by MPPG
M. Kidder, S. M. Mahurin, Organizers
D. J. Heldebrant, F. Li, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 44. What can molecular simulation
do for global warming? D. Jiang
8:45 ENFL 45. Molecular modeling of nonaqueous CO2 capture solvents. D.C. Cantu,
V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau, D. Malhotra,
P.K. Koech, D.J. Heldebrant

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG

Section C

R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, N. Wu, Organizers

Y. H. Hu, Y. Wu, Organizers, Presiding

Chemistry of Energy & Fuels

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:05 ENFL 53. Materials for printed solar cells.
A.B. Holmes, D.J. Jones, B. Purushothaman,
B. Robotham, H. Seyler, J. Subbiah, K. Sun,
J. White, Z. Xiao, B. Zhang, W.W. Wong
1:45 ENFL 54. Air stable A2MX6 compounds for
large scale processing of solar cells. B. Lee,
C. Stoumpos, H. Liao, M.G. Kanatzidis, R. Chang
2:15 ENFL 55. BIAN based -conjugated

polymer as sensitizer for photoelectrochemical water splitting. R. Vedarajan, R. Gagan,

N. Matsumi
2:35 ENFL 56. Ratio Influence on morphological and physical properties of P3HT-C60
all-conjugated block copolymer systems.
J. Lohrman, S. Ren
2:55 ENFL 57. Ru-bipyridyl dye sensitized
titania loaded SBA-15 mesoporous materials for visible light induced photocatalytic
splitting of water. H. Naasz, S. Rasalingam,
L.J. Mahoney, K. Mariappan, R.T. Koodali
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 ENFL 58. Control of nanostructures and
interfaces in excitonic solar cells. G. Cao
4:10 ENFL 59. 1D nanostructures design for
efficient solar water splitting. S. Shen, M. Liu
4:40 ENFL 60. On the effects of surface and
dimensionality of oxide photocatalysts for
water splitting. L. Vayssieres
5:10 ENFL 61. SnxGe1-x Nanoalloys: Toward
new photovoltaic materials. K. Ramasamy,
J.M. Pietryga, S. Ivanov
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C
A. Park, Organizer
G. Gadikota, X. Wang, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 73. Heat of vaporization by mea-

surement using DSC/TGA versus estimation

using detailed hydrocarbon analysis.
G. Chupka, R.L. McCormick, E. Christensen,
L. Fouts
1:20 ENFL 74. Effect of Mg doping on structural properties and optical characterization
of NiO. G. Allaedini, S. Tasirin, P. Aminayi
1:40 ENFL 75. Investigations of non-linear
polymers as high performance lubricant
additives. J.W. Robinson, P. Bhattacharya,
J. Qu, J. Bays, L. Cosimbescu
2:00 ENFL 76. Effect of crystalline phases on
structural and optical properties of natural
ilmenite mineral used for photocatalytic
hydrogen production. A.F. Lopez Vasquez,
R. Lopez-Vasquez, G. Andres Reyes
2:20 ENFL 77. Hydrogen storage using the
formate bicarbonate cycle (FBC). A. Givant,
Y. Sasson
2:40 ENFL 78. Design, construction, and experimentation of two components bioclimatic
to transport heat solar to rural housing
interior environments high Andean Peru.
R. Espinoza Paredas
3:00 ENFL 79. Geochemical markers in diagenetic alterations of fracture conductivity
of tight sedimentary rocks. A. Olabode,
M. Radonjic
3:20 Intermission.
3:30 ENFL 80. Establishment and kinetic
analysis of a fourteen-lump model of RFCC
process. K. Xiong, C. Lu, X. Gao
3:50 ENFL 81. Reforming of a liquid fuel using
a Rh-substituted pyrochlore: A carbon
formation study. M.W. Smith, D. Shekhawat,
D.A. Berry, D. Haynes, D.L. Floyd, J.J. Spivey

Mg Batteries

Section D

A. Manivannan, D. Wang, Organizers

A. A. Gewirth, Y. Shao, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy


1:05 ENFL 62. Materials challenges for multivalent energy storage. K. Persson

Biofuel and CO2 Utilization

Cosponsored by CATL and MPPG

R. Glaeser, W. Jang, C. Liu, C. Wang, Organizers
N. Wu, Organizer, Presiding
Y. Li, Presiding

4:50 ENFL 102. Nanoporous covalent organic

polymers for CO2 capture. C.T. Yavuz,
H.A. Patel, D. Thirion, J. Byun, D. Ko

1:00 ENFL 82. In-situ (trans)esterification of

5:10 ENFL 103. Role of residual H2O on the

rice bran oil and co-extraction of bioactive

compounds. A.W. Go, Y. Ju
1:20 ENFL 83. Production of synthetic
middle-distillates via catalytic dimerization of bio-DME-derived olefins. M. Behl,
J.A. Schaidle, J. Hensley
1:40 ENFL 84. In situ X-ray absorbance fine
structure (XAFS) of precious metal catalysts
during ethanol steam reforming. S. Crowley,
Y. Li, A. Frenkel, M.J. Castaldi
2:00 ENFL 85. Development of heterogeneous
mesoporous acid catalysts for esterification
of oleic acid with methanol. B.S. Chilukuri,
W. Jang
2:20 ENFL 86. Nanoparticle catalyst design
for electrochemical reduction of carbon
dioxide. D. Kim, P. Yang
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 ENFL 87. Alcohol oxidation on TiO2-based
model catalysts and defect engineered
MOFs. Y. Wang
3:50 ENFL 88. Biodiesel from used oil under
pulse sonication with alcohol mixture
solvents. E. Martinez-Guerra, V. Gude
4:10 ENFL 89. Effect of microwave and
ultrasound irradiations on transesterification of waste vegetable oil. V. Gude,
E. Martinez-Guerra
4:30 ENFL 90. Selective hydrodeoxygenation
of lignin. I.M. Klein, T.H. Parsell, M.M. Abu-Omar
4:50 ENFL 91. Potential of cocoa pod husk
as a heterogeneous solid catalyst for the
transesterification of non-edible Azadirachta
indica (neem) seed oil into methyl esters: A
case of modeling and optimization studies.
A.O. Etim, S.O. Ajala, T.V. Ojumu, E. Betiku
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

Hybrid Functional Porous Materials for

Sustainable Energy: Carbon, MOF &
Conductive Polymers
Metal Organic Frameworks
J. L. Lutkenhaus, Organizer
S. K. Nune, V. Pol, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 92. Metal organic frameworks coop-

erated Si nanorod arrays used for energy

storage. Y. Yu, C. Yue, S. Sun, X. He, J. Li
1:30 ENFL 93. Synthesis and characterization of diamine-appended metal-organic
frameworks for carbon dioxide capture.
T. McDonald, J.A. Mason, J.R. Long
2:00 ENFL 94. Kinetically controlled synthesis
of ultrastable metal-organic frameworks.
S. Yuan, H. Zhou
2:20 ENFL 95. MOF photoluminescence via
metal-ligand tunability. T.M. Nenoff, D.F. Sava
Gallis, L.E. Rohwer, M.A. Rodriguez
2:40 ENFL 96. Fabrication of electrically
conductive metal-organic framework thin
films. A. Talin, F. Leonard, K. Leong, C. SPataru,
M. Foster, V. Stavila, M. Allendorf
3:00 ENFL 97. Selective pore sizing for 2D
MOFs and 1D MONTs: Implications for
guest selectivity. C.R. Murdock, B.C. Hughes,
K.M. Nelson, D.M. Jenkins
3:20 Intermission.
3:30 ENFL 98. Topology guided design and
syntheses of highly stable mesoporous porphyrinic zirconium MOFs with high surface
areas. T. Liu
3:50 ENFL 99. Adsorption characteristics of
rare gases (Xe, Kr) in metal-DOBDC from
first-principles calculation. Y. Li, S. Ghose,
P.K. Thallapally
4:10 ENFL 100. Immobilization of photocatalyst
into metal-organic framework. X. Wang,
W. Lu, Z. Wei, H. Zhou
4:30 ENFL 101. Conducting metal organic
frameworks (MOFs) for electrochemical
device applications. S. Patwardhan, I. Hod,
J.T. Hupp, G.C. Schatz

adsorption mechanism and kinetics of

solid amine-functionalized sorbents for
CO2 capture. M.W. Hahn, M. Steib, E. Berger,
A. Jentys, J.A. Lercher
5:30 ENFL 154. Water reaction mechanism
in metal organic frameworks with coordinatively unsaturated metal ions: MOF-74.
K. Tan, S. Zuluaga, Q. Gong, P. Canepa, H. Wang,
E. Fuents, J. Li, T. Thonhauser, Y.J. Chabal
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4D

Negative Carbon Emission Technologies:

BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture
& Storage)
Cosponsored by MPPG
D. J. Heldebrant, F. Li, Organizers
M. Kidder, S. M. Mahurin, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 104. Mechanism of nanostructure

formation and oxygen ion transport in redox

reactions of metal oxide alloy materials.
L. Qin, Z. Cheng, A. Majumder, N. Deshpande,
J. Fan, D. K, L. Fan
1:40 ENFL 105. Novel strategy to reduce sintering, based on polymorphic materials, and
application to carbon capture and storage.
M. Zhao, S. Tian, J. Jiang
2:10 ENFL 106. Perovskite promoted iron
oxide for hybrid water-splitting and syngas
generation. F. Li, F. He
2:30 ENFL 107. Abstraction from weak C-H
Bond of ortho/para-methylcyclohexadienone isomers critical in improving
product distribution in anisole pyrolysis.
Y. Koirala, S. Villano, A.M. Dean, H.H. Carstensen,
M. Reyniers, G.B. Marin
2:50 ENFL 108. Metal nitrate catalytic graphization of lignin via hydrothermal supporting
method. M. Demir, B. Aksoy, A. Subramanian,
H. El-Kaderi, R. Gupta
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 ENFL 109. Novel use of low-pH fermentation in bioelectrochemical processes.
V. Gadhamshetty, J. David
3:25 ENFL 110. Morphological studies on
lignin-anthracite briquettes. L. Pea Duque,
N. Robitaille Brown
3:55 ENFL 111. Size tunable hollow
nanoporous gold nanoparticles with superior methanol electrooxidation performance.
X. Ling
4:25 ENFL 112. Nanostructured metal phosphide catalysts for conversion of biomass
to liquid fuels. S.E. Habas, F.G. Baddour,
D.A. Ruddy, M. Pan, C.P. Nash, M.B. Grifn,
J. Wang, J.E. Hensley, J.A. Schaidle
5:10 Concluding Remarks.
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Research & Development
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

8:35 ENFL 114. Photovoltaic properties of

CH3NH3PbI3 perovskites as probed through

excited state characterization. P.V. Kamat,
J.S. Manser
9:15 ENFL 115. Optical properties and exciton
dynamics of organolead halide peroskite
quantum dots for solar energy conversion.
J.Z. Zhang, Y. Pu, Y. Yang, Y. Li
9:45 ENFL 116. Perovskite solar cells with rutile
TiO2 nanowires as photoanode. Q. Jiang
10:05 ENFL 117. Ab initio modeling of organometallic halide perovskites for photovoltaic
applications. A. Neukirch, L. Pedesseau,
J. Even, C. Katan, S. Tretiak
10:25 Intermission.
10:30 ENFL 118. High performance organo
lead halide perovskite solar cells by
incorporating monodisperse upconversion
nanocrystals. Z. Lin, M. He, X. Pang
11:00 ENFL 119. Withdrawn.
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
A. A. Gewirth, D. Wang, Organizers
A. Manivannan, Y. Shao, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 120. Toward high cycle efficiency

of high energy density lithium ion batteries.

X. Xiao
8:35 ENFL 121. Directing conversion and alloying reactions using multilayer electrodes.
T. Fister, G. Evmenenko, X. Hu, X. Chen, J. Wu,
V. Dravid, M.J. Bedzyk, J. Esbenshade, B. Long,
A. Gewirth, B. Shi, P. Fenter
9:05 ENFL 122. First-principles studies of
anode interfacial chemistry for lithium ion
battery applications. J.P. Greeley, H. Yildirim,
M.K. Chan
9:35 ENFL 123. Strain optimized 3D mesostructured battery electrodes. P.V. Braun
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 ENFL 124. Electrolyte and interphases
for Li ion and beyond. C. Wang, K. Xu
10:45 ENFL 125. Near-field optical imaging of
the SEI layer on a Sn anode. R. Kostecki,
M. Ayache, I. Lucas
11:15 ENFL 126. Hierarchical Sn/C composite
as an anode for long-cycle-life lithium-ion
batteries. J. Chen, X. Huang
11:45 ENFL 127. Low-cost, pyrolytic carbon
black composite anodes for lithium-ion
batteries. M.P. Paranthaman, A.K. Naskar, Y. Li,
S.K. Akato, M. Chi, J. Li, G. Nagasubramanian
12:15 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

ENFL Distinguished Researcher Award:

Symposium in Honor of James Burrington
E. Delbridge, Organizer
A. Sammut, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
Y. H. Hu, N. Wu, Y. Wu, Organizers
R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 113. First-principles analysis of the

photocatalytic performance of bismuth

vanadate. G.S. Hwang, K. Kweon

8:10 ENFL 128. Trends in lubricant additive

chemistry: Working under boundary conditions. J.K. Pudelski, E. Delbridge

8:40 ENFL 129. Unified friction theory: A
paradigm shift in friction management.
J.K. Pudelski, E. Delbridge
9:10 ENFL 130. Seeing is believing: Advanced
visualization of surface active chemistry.
D. Jayne
9:40 Intermission.
9:50 ENFL 131. Advanced tools for measuring
chaotic friction behavior in automotive
applications. O. Smith
10:20 ENFL 132. Art and science of lubricant
additive formulation chemistry. E. Delbridge
10:50 ENFL 133. Innovative chemical delivery
systems for advanced additive formulations. J.D. Burrington

11:30 ENFL 134. Time released technology

(TRT) for lubricant additive delivery via an

oil filter. G. Bilski
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Catalysis for Un-conventional Energy

Novel Catalysts
Cosponsored by CATL and MPPG
R. Glaeser, C. Liu, C. Wang, N. Wu, Organizers
W. Jang, Organizer, Presiding
G. Lu, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 135. Catalytic isomerization and

oligomerization of endo-dicyclopentadiene
using alkali-treated hierarchical porous
HZSM-5. Q. Deng, J. Zou, G. Nie, X. Zhang,
L. Wang
8:40 ENFL 136. Tailoring mesoporous cabons
and related materials for catalysis. S. Dai
9:20 ENFL 137. Mechanistic studies on catalytically active bimetallic Au/Pd-FAU zeolite
for H2 dissociation: A DFT study. B. Boekfa,
T. Maihom, M. Ehara, J. Limtrakul
9:40 Intermission.
9:50 ENFL 138. H2O-functionalized zeolitic
Zn(2-methylimidazole)2 framework (ZIF-8)
for H2 storage. P. Cheng, Y.H. Hu
10:30 ENFL 139. Hydrodeoxygenation of
anisole over MCM-41 supported Ni2P catalysts. M. Lu, R. Wei, Q. Guan, W. Li
11:10 ENFL 140. Hydrogenation of CO2 to
methanol over In2O3. K. Sun, Z. Fan, N. Rui,
J. Ye, Q. Ge, C. Liu
11:30 ENFL 141. New insights on the role of
YSZ in a NiAl2O4/Al2O3-YSZ diesel steam
reforming catalyst. E. Achouri, N. Abatzoglou,
N. Braidy
11:50 Concluding Remarks.
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

Hybrid Functional Porous Materials for

Sustainable Energy: Carbon, MOF &
Conductive Polymers
Energy Storage
S. K. Nune, Organizer
J. L. Lutkenhaus, V. Pol, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 142. Role of carbon materials in

designing high-energy lithium-ion cells.

D. Abraham
8:40 ENFL 143. Transition metal nanoparticles

anchored on carbon anodes for advanced

Li-ion storage. V. Etacheri, C. Hong, V. Pol
9:10 ENFL 144. Electroactive separators for
safer and longer lasting secondary lithium
batteries. G. Chen, T. Richardson
9:40 ENFL 145. Mesoscale insights in
porous electrodes for energy storage.
P.P. Mukherjee, Z. Liu, C. Chen, M. Stein IV
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 ENFL 146. Mesoporous materials in
layer-by-layer architectures for sustainable
developments. K. Ariga
10:40 ENFL 147. Electric double-layer supercapacitor based on 3D graphitic petals
with iongel electrolyte. R. Gupta, K. Saviers,
T. Fisher, G. Xiong, R. Reifenberger
11:10 ENFL 148. Bio-inspired synthesis of
3D porous carbons-enhanced electrode
materials for high-performane asymmetric
supercapacitors. W. Tian, Q. Gao
11:40 ENFL 149. Hybrid redox capacitor
with high energy density derived from
quinone-functionalized zeolite templated-carbon. K. Nueangnoraj, T. Tomai,
H. Nishihara, T. Kyotani, I. Honma
12:00 ENFL 150. Metal-organic frameworks
from design strategies to applications.
M. Eddaoudi
12:20 ENFL 151. Chemical principles underpinning the performance of HKUST-1.
C.H. Hendon, A. Walsh



Section F

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

3:15 ENFL 182. Computational studies of the

3:55 ENFL 200. Preparation of new layered and

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4D

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,

Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

stability of lithium superoxide and its role

in charge and discharge chemistries in
lithium-oxygen batteries. L.A. Curtiss, K. Lau,
U. Das, R. Surendran Assary, P. Redfern
3:45 ENFL 183. Li-ion and Li-O2: exploring
hybrid electrode/electrocatalyst materials.
A. Kinaci, L. Trahey, S. Kirklin, C. Wolverton,
M.M. Thackeray, M.K. Chan
4:15 ENFL 184. Modeling the electron transfer
reaction at the lithium metal anode-liquid
electrolyte interface in lithium-air batteries.
S. Kazemiabnavi, P. Dutta, S. Banerjee
4:35 ENFL 185. Establishing the relationship
between lithium polysulfides and Li-S cell
performance. R. Xu, J. Lu, I. Belharouak,
K. Amine, Y. Ren, X. Zhang, A. Nie, R. Shahbazian
Yassar, J.C. Li
4:55 ENFL 186. Towards a molecular level
understanding of reactions in Li-S electrical
energy storage systems. R. Surendran Assary
5:15 ENFL 187. Hierarchical porous carbon
materials as electrodes for lithium sulfur
batteries. S. Kaskel
5:35 Concluding Remarks.

2D materials with basic science and energy

applications. T. McQueen
4:25 ENFL 201. Bioelectrochemical oxidation of
graphite drives graphene oxide production
and electrosynthesis. Z. Ren, L. Lu, C. Zeng,
L. Wang, X. Yin, S. Jin, J. Bunch
4:45 ENFL 202. Withdrawn.

Enhanced Extraction & Utilization

of Unconventional Energy Sources:
Hydrofracking, EOR and Novel Approaches
Cosponsored by MPPG
G. Gadikota, A. G. Stack, Organizers
L. Anovitz, M. Kidder, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 156. Density functional theory cal-

culations of CO2 and CH4 interactions with

clay surfaces. M.D. Kilmer, L. Tribe
8:20 ENFL 157. Study of pressure effects on
borate cross-linked hydraulic fracturing
fluids by small angle X-ray scattering.
R.E. Winans, S. Lee, T. Li, R.J. Klingler, S. Seifert,
R. Hutchins, M. Parris
8:50 ENFL 158. Phase equilibria and growth
phenomena of CO2 mixed gas hydrates.
Z.T. Ward, Z.M. Aman, E.F. May, M.L. Johns,
C.A. Koh
9:10 ENFL 159. Shale gas fracturing fluids
containing additives of low environmental impact. M.H. Bell, A. Viswanath,
B.C. Benicewicz
9:30 ENFL 160. Phase equilibrium and miscibility study of CO2 and mixed gas in Tensleep
oil for enhanced oil recovery. R. Borgohain,
S. Xie, H. Jiang
9:50 ENFL 161. Investigation of chemical and
morphological changes in shale-supercritical CO2-water systems for sustainable
unconventional hydrocarbon extraction.
G. Gadikota, S. Yip, A. Park
10:10 Intermission.
10:20 ENFL 162. Potential microorganisms for
enhance oil recovery in a low permeability
oil reservoir. D. Hao, M. Zhang, H. Dong,
S. Sun, Z. Zhang, D. Gao, Z. Song, Z. Zhang
10:40 ENFL 163. Alcohol-to-jet renewable jet
fuel: Characterization, development of a
surrogate fuel mixture, and diesel engine
combustion. D.J. Luning Prak, M.H. Jones,
J. Cowart
11:00 ENFL 164. Evaluating the leachability of
residual solids generated from hydraulic
fracturing in Marcellus shale. C. Swann,
G.D. Boardman, J. Parks, R. Hammack
11:20 ENFL 165. Pyrolysis characteristics of
Longkou oil shale under optimized condition. W. Wang, S. Li, Q. Shi, S. Liu, J. Wu, Y. Ma
11:40 ENFL 166. Formulating mixtures of
nanoparticles, polymers, and surfactants to
stabilize high viscosity high internal phase
CO2-in-water foams. Z. Xue, I. Ketchum,
S.L. Bryant, C. Huh, M. Prodanovic, K.P. Johnston
12:10 ENFL 167. Switchable amine surfactants for CO2 foams in high temperature
enhanced oil recovery. A. Elhag, Y. Chen,
J. Noguera, P. Reddy, G.J. Hirasaki, Q. Nguyen,
K.P. Johnston
12:30 ENFL 168. Biogenic methane production
from Bowen Basin coal waste materials
using environmental microbial consortium.
H. Zheng, T. Chen, V. Rudolph, S. Golding

Biomass to Fuel and Products

Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored by CELL,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
Y. H. Hu, N. Wu, Y. Wu, Organizers
R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ENFL 169. Technical and operational per-

spective on the DOE Energy Innovation Hub

and Fuels from Sunlight, the Joint Center
for Artificial Photosynthesis. N.S. Lewis
1:45 ENFL 170. Hybrid nanomaterials for photovoltaics and photocatalysis. D. Ma
2:15 ENFL 171. Surface enhanced Raman
spectroscopy for real-time observation of
intermediates for photocatalytic reactions.
R. Yan, P. Yang
2:35 ENFL 172. Exploration of solar hydrogen
evolution using cobalt-doped titanium
dioxide. L.J. Mahoney, R. Peng, C. Wu,
J. Baltrusaitis, R.T. Koodali
2:55 Intermission.
3:00 ENFL 173. Exploring the role of defects
on charge transport in organic semiconductors. K.M. Pelzer, M.K. Chan, S.K. Gray,
S.B. Darling
3:30 ENFL 174. Repurposing Blu-ray movie
discs as low-cost, quasi-random nanoimprinting templates for photon management.
J. Huang
4:30 ENFL 175. Self-adapting layer of robust
single-crystal earth-abundant nanoparticles
catalyzing oxygen evolution. H. Chen
4:00 ENFL 176. Semiconductor materials
for efficient photoelectrochemical water
splitting: The PEC working group. H. Wang,
T.F. Jaramillo, E.L. Miller
5:00 ENFL 177. Plasmon-enhanced Cu2O
photocathodes for solar water splitting.
J. DuChene, B. Williams, A.C. Johnston-Peck,
J. Qiu, D. Su, E. Stach, W. Wei
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
Li-O2 & Li-S
A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, D. Wang,
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
J. Lu, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ENFL 178. Water as promoter and

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Cooperative Cosponsorship

catalyst in dioxygen electrochemistry at aqueous and organic electrified

interfaces. N. Markovic, J. Jirkovsky,
D. Strmcnik, L.A. Curtiss, J. Moore, K.R. Zavadil,
V. Stamenkovic, K. Harrison, R. Surendran Assary,
R. Subbaraman, B. Genorio, C. Diesendruck
1:35 ENFL 179. In situ fabrication of porous
carbon supported -MnO2 nanoparticles at
room temperature: Application for rechargeable Li-air battery. J. Lu, K. Amine
2:05 ENFL 180. Rechargeable K-Air battery:
Principle and mechanism. Y. Wu
2:35 ENFL 181. Li-air battery with ionic liquid
based electrolyte flow: Overview and
perspectives. E. Paillard, S. Passerini
3:05 Intermission.

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4D

ENFL Distinguished Researcher Award:

Symposium in Honor of James Burrington
J. Bradzil, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:10 ENFL 188. Important fundamental princi-

ples of selective heterogeneous oxidation

catalysis (7 pillars of oxidation catalysis).
R. Grasselli
1:40 ENFL 189. Mechanism and kinetics of
propene oxidation and ammoxidation
on bismuth molybdate-based catalysts.
A.T. Bell
2:10 ENFL 190. Solid state mechanisms in
selective oxidation by metal oxide catalysts.
J.F. Brazdil
2:40 Intermission.
2:50 ENFL 191. Mechanism in selective
oxidation catalysis by metal oxides.
J.D. Burrington
3:30 ENFL 192. Detailed reaction mechanisms
for selective transformation of alkanes to
oxygenates by heterogeneous transition
metal oxide catalysts. W.A. Goddard
4:00 ENFL 193. Compositional inhomogeneity
and lattice dynamics in the M1 catalyst:
Implications concerning active sites for
propane oxidation. D. Buttrey, D. Blom,
T. Vogt, W. Ueda
4:30 ENFL 194. Mechanistic insights for
propane ammoxidation over Mo-V-Te-Nb-O
M1 phase from density functional theory
calculations. Y. Xu, V.V. Guliants
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & Fuel

G. Yu, Organizer
L. Hu, Y. Lin, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ENFL 195. Intercalation of 2D materials.
L. Hu
1:35 ENFL 196. Insights into the solution syn-

thesis of 2D metal chalcogenide nanostructures. D.D. Vaughn, D. Sun, R.E. Schaak

2:15 ENFL 197. Liquid phase exfoliation: A versatile route to materials for energy storage
and production. K. Paton, J.N. Coleman
2:45 Intermission.
2:55 ENFL 198. Reversible zero-valent intercalation chemistries for 2D layered materials.
K.J. Koski
3:15 ENFL 199. Enhancement of the
chemical activity of 2D transition metal
dichalcogenides via phase engineering.
M. Chhowalla

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

Hybrid Functional Porous Materials for

Sustainable Energy: Carbon, MOF &
Conductive Polymers
Energy Storage
V. Pol, Organizer
J. L. Lutkenhaus, S. K. Nune, Organizers,
1:00 ENFL 203. Advanced energy-storage

devices of high-voltage symmetric supercapcitors fabricated with N-containing

carbon materials. Y. Mei, Z. Zhou
1:30 ENFL 204. Peanut shell hybrid sodium ion
capacitor with extreme energy: Power rivals
lithium ion capacitors. D. Mitlin
2:00 ENFL 205. Nanoscale modifications in
quantum dot solar cells. S. Bhattacharyya
2:20 ENFL 206. Energy applications of (photo)
electrochemically prepared organic/inorganic hybrid semiconductor assemblies.
C. Janaky, D. Hursan, G. Samu, C. Visy,
K. Rajeshwar
2:40 ENFL 207. Poly(vinylidene fluoride)
nanocomposites with enhanced energy
density by filling with a small loading of
surface-fluorinated Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 nanofibers.
L. Shaohui, J. Zhai, Z. An
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 ENFL 208. Block copolymer directed functional ordered mesoporous materials for
energy devices: From functional materials
to hierarchical materials. J. Lee
3:40 ENFL 209. Die creation and implementation to increase manufacturability in
PEM fuel cell electrodes. K.M. McClung,
S. Mahmoodi, R.S. Besser
4:00 ENFL 210. Methodology for stable but
reactive catalysts (with -scale tunability).
S. Das
4:20 ENFL 211. Fabrication of energy efficient
conductive composites using nonconducting polymeric materials. R. Gill, Q. Nadeem,
M. Rizwan
4:40 ENFL 212. Element strategy for new
nanomaterials. H. Kitagawa
5:00 ENFL 213. Semitransparent DSSC cathodes based on thin layer tetraaminophthalocyanine polymers. K.J. Klunder
5:20 ENFL 214. Organic-inorganic hybrid
materials for gas separation applications:
Do MOFs really have any future for practical
gas separations? S.K. Elsaidi, M.H. Mohamed,
P.K. Thallapally, B. Space, M.J. Zaworotko
5:40 ENFL 155. Method for direct measurement
of adsorbed gas redistribution in metal-organic frameworks. Y. Chen, H. Zhou
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Sustainability in the 21st Century: Optimizing
Complex Interdependent Systems
Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored by CELL
and ENFL

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

A. Park, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
19, 31, 54, 83, 106, 124-125, 127, 144, 157, 169,
178, 183, 192, 200. See previous listings.
233, 420, 423, 445, 450, 464, 467, 476, 491-492.
See subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
Y. H. Hu, R. T. Koodali, Y. Wu, Organizers
Y. H. Ng, N. Wu, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 215. Award Address (ACS Award

for Team Innovation sponsored by ACS

Corporation Associates). Multidisciplinary
approach toward the design, development,
and long term performance estimation
of the Dow POWERHOUSE Building
Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) product.
A.A. Namjoshi, R. Gaston, J.R. Keenihan,
S.G. Pisklak, J. Reese
8:35 ENFL 216. Challenge of interfacing
the tandem design for water splitting.
I. Chorkendorff
9:05 ENFL 217. Tailoring the nature of band
gap using passivation of silicon quatum
nanostrucutres. W.M. Hassan, A. Verma,
R. Nekovei, M.M. Khader, M.P. Anantram
9:25 ENFL 218. Atomic layer deposition for
interfacial engineering of solar energy
conversion devices. N.P. Dasgupta
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 ENFL 219. 1D core-shell semiconductor
nanowire arrays for photoelectrochemical
water splitting. B. Liu
10:30 ENFL 221. Role of reduced graphene
oxide in promoting the properties of 1D
oxide 0D chalcogenide nanostructures.
V.R. Subramanian
11:00 ENFL 220. Photo- and electrochemical
water oxidation over mesostructured cobalt
oxides. H. Tuysuz
11:30 ENFL 222. Multiscale designing of solardriven photocatalysts. G. Liu, P. Niu, Y. Xie,
Y. Yang, C. Zhen, H. Cheng
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
Li-S & Characterization
A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, D. Wang,
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
Y. Cheng, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 223. Lithium-sulfur batteries: Novel

electrode structures and cell configurations.

A. Manthiram
8:35 ENFL 224. X-ray absorption spectroscopy
of lithium sulfur battery reaction intermediates. N.P. Balsara, K. Wujcik, T. Pascal,
D. Prendergast
9:05 ENFL 225. Li metal anodes and sulfur
cathodes through nanomaterial design.
G. Zheng, Y. Cui
9:35 ENFL 226. Challenges in high-energy
Li-sulfur batteries: Failure mechanism on
lithium metal anode. D. Lv, Y. Shao, Q. Li,
S. Ferrara, W.D. Bennett, G.L. Graff, B. Polzin,
J. Zhang, W. Henderson, J. Liu, J. Xiao
9:55 Intermission.

10:05 ENFL 227. Direct correlation of elec-

N. Kumar, J. J. Spivey, Organizers, Presiding

Section B

trochemical properties with structural and

chemical evolution of electrode materials in
rechargeable batteries. C. Wang
10:35 ENFL 228. Development of nanoscale
planar electrochemical devices and applications. L. Hu
11:05 ENFL 229. In situ/operando XAS studies
of electrochemical systems. F. Jiao
11:35 ENFL 230. Thin-film lithiation structural
transformations imaged in situ by liquid
cell transmission electron microscopy.
A.J. Leenheer, K.L. Jungjohann, K.R. Zavadil,
J.P. Sullivan, C.T. Harris
11:55 Concluding Remarks.

8:00 ENFL 246. Thermal hydrogen-atom trans-

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

ENFL Distinguished Researcher Award:

Symposium in Honor of James Burrington
J. Bradzil, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 231. Acid-base and catalytic prop-

erties of mixed oxides in heterogeneous

selective oxidation reactions: description of
active sites. J.C. Vedrine
8:30 ENFL 232. Managing the oxocapacity
of catalysts by using adapted reactor.
A. Lfberg, P. Sebastien, E. Bordes-Richard
9:00 ENFL 233. Selective oxidation by gold
catalysts. H.H. Kung, Z. Wang, C. Wu,
N. Mashayekhi, X. Hou, M.C. Kung
9:30 ENFL 234. Vapor-phase cyclohexene
epoxidation by H2O2 over mesoporous TS-1.
S. Kwon, R. Snurr, P.C. Stair
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 ENFL 235. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic selective oxidation of
alkanes: Looking backwards and forwards.
J.A. Labinger
10:40 ENFL 236. Selective oxidation on a fuel
cell anode means going all the way to
carbon dioxide. A.B. Anderson, H.A. Asiri
11:10 ENFL 237. Oxidative dehydrogenation of
ethane to ethylene. A.M. Gaffney
11:40 ENFL 238. Cationic polymerization using
heteropolyacid salt catalysts. J.R. Johnson,
J.D. Burrington, J.K. Pudelski
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & Fuel

V. Barone, Y. Lin, Organizers
G. Yu, Organizer, Presiding
L. Hu, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 239. Understanding the adsorption

on 2D materials with applications to

lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical
hydrogen production. Y. Liu, B.I. Yakobson
8:40 ENFL 240. Exploring 2D materials for
energy storage via combination of computations and experiments. Z. Zhou
9:10 ENFL 241. Theoretical design of MoO3based nanodevices and high-rate lithium
ion battery electrodes. F. Li
9:30 Intermission.
9:45 ENFL 242. Energy storage properties of
2D materials. J. Ko, G. Muller, V. Augustyn,
B. Dunn
10:25 ENFL 243. Metal oxide nanosheets for
energy applications. R.D. Robinson
10:55 ENFL 244. 2D phenomena in materials
for metal-oxygen batteries. D. Siegel
11:25 ENFL 245. Composite of Co3O4 hollow
nanoparticles and Co organic complexes
highly dispersed on N-doped graphene
as cathode catalyst for rechargeable Li-O2
batteries. Z. Zhang
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

C1 Chemistry
Methane Activation
Cosponsored by MPPG

fer from methane: A mechanistic exercise.

H. Schwarz, M. Schlangen
8:40 ENFL 247. Dry reforming of methane on
NiO-MgO-ZrO2 catalyst. J. Titus, T. Roussire,
G. Wasserschaff, S. Schunk, A. Milanov,
E. Schwab, R. Glaeser
9:00 ENFL 248. Impact of SO2 and Hss adsorption on methane steam reforming on Ni-YSZ
compared to Ni-alumina. W.S. Jablonski,
S. Villano, A.M. Dean
9:20 ENFL 249. Oxidative coupling of methane
over microstructured Mn/Na2WO4/SiO2 catalysts. Y. Dusova, A. Leba, A.K. Avci, R. Yildrim
9:40 ENFL 250. Facet-controlled CeO2 nanocrystals for oxidative coupling of methane.
Y. Zhu
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 ENFL 251. Pt on Fecralloy for methane
to syngas at high pressure. S. Jazayeri,
D. Bofto, C. Neagoe, G.S. Patience
10:30 ENFL 252. First-principles microkinetic
modeling of methane oxidation over
PdO(101). M.C. Van den Bossche, H. Gronbeck
10:50 ENFL 253. Modeling methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) in catalytic packedbed membrane reactors. C. Karakaya, B. Kee,
H. Zhu
11:10 ENFL 254. Kinetic modeling of methane
dehydroaromatization chemistry on Mo/
Zeolite catalysts in packed-bed reactors.
C. Karakaya, H. Zhu, R. Kee
11:30 ENFL 255. Zeolite-supported indium-molybdenum oxides as efficient catalysts for
methane dehydroaromatization. Y. Zhang,
C.K. Narula
DOE Nanoscience Research Centers

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
Na-ion & Supercapacitors
A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, D. Wang,
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
Y. Cheng, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ENFL 264. Novel copper-based layered


oxide cathode for room-temperature

sodium-ion batteries. Y. Hu, S. Xu, L. Mu,
Y. Li, L. Chen
1:35 ENFL 265. Investigating the synergetic
energy storage mechanism of advanced
SnS2-rGO composite anode for Na-ion
batteries. S. Meng, C. Ma
2:05 ENFL 266. Direct conversion of CO2 to 3D
flower-structured graphene for supercapacitors with ultrahigh areal capacitance.
Y.H. Hu
2:35 ENFL 267. In situ tem study on sodiation/
desodiation cycles of individual ZN4SB3
nanowires. R. Shahbazian Yassar
3:05 ENFL 268. Positive impacts of defects and
amorphous nature of electrodes for Li-ion
and Na-ion batteries. G. Cao
3:35 Intermission.
3:45 ENFL 269. Scalable syntheses of
advanced materials for energy storage.
C. Bommier, W. Luo, V. Raju, X. Wang, Z. Xing,
X. Ji
4:15 ENFL 270. Understanding electric double-layer capacitors. D. Jiang
4:45 ENFL 271. Functional ordered porous
materials for high-performance supercapacitors and hybrid supercapacitors. J. Lee
5:15 ENFL 272. Withdrawn.
5:35 ENFL 273. New platform of porous carbon
structure for high energy supercapacitors.
S. Zhang, N. Pan
5:55 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG

Advances in the Chemistry of Energy

and Fuels

R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, Y. Wu, Organizers

Y. H. Hu, N. Wu, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 - 4:00

National Resources for the Nanoscience

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by ANYL,

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:05 ENFL 256. Semiconductor nanowires for

artificial photosynthesis of value-added

chemicals. P. Yang
1:35 ENFL 257. Photocatalytic water splitting
and CO2 Fixation over surface-modified semiconductors under visible light.
K. Maeda
2:05 ENFL 258. Enhanced photocatalysis on
TiO2-Passivated III-V compounds for water
splitting and CO2 reduction. S. Cronin, J. Qiu,
G. Zeng
2:35 ENFL 259. Mesoporous metal oxides
prepared by an aerosol-spray-pyrolysis
method for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. C. Tsung
3:05 Intermission.
3:05 ENFL 260. Photo-driven directional
assembly of inorganic light absorber-nanocluster catalyst units for CO2 reduction and
H2O oxidation. W. Kim, H.M. Frei
3:35 ENFL 261. Constructing hybrid photocatalysts for efficient CO2-to-fuel conversion.
C. Liu, T. Jin, M.E. Louis, T. Fenton, G. Li
4:05 ENFL 262. Solar cells, solar fuels, and
solar batteries based on dye-sensitized
photoelectrodes. Y. Wu
4:35 ENFL 263. Dynamic tuning of molecular
optical properties using plasmonic photothermal effects. H. Gao

A. Park, X. Wang, Organizers

ENFL 274.

Microwave-assisted synthesis
of CZTS nanocrystals. L. TamasauskaiteTamasiunaite, G. Grinciene, B. SimkunaiteStanyniene, L. Naruskevicius, A. Matuseviciute,
V. Pakstas, A. Selskis, E. Norkus
ENFL 275. Platform technology for the development of flexible batteries with composite
carbon nanotube electrodes. Z. Wang,
G.D. Benedetto, J.L. Zunino III, S. Mitra
ENFL 276. Effects of heat treatment on the
photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide
on a TiO2/functionalized reduced graphite
oxide composite. S.F. Rollins, A. Castaeda,
J.M. Andino
ENFL 277. Alkyne passivation of aluminum
nanoparticles via PIERMEN. E.M. Lloyd,
B.J. Thomas, P.A. Jelliss, S.W. Buckner
ENFL 278. Reactivity-structure based rate estimation rules for alkyl radical H-atom shift
and alkenyl radical cyclization reactions.
K. Wang, S. Villano, A.M. Dean
ENFL 279. Electrochemical reduction of
carbon dioxide using clathrate hydrates.
D. DeCiccio, S. Ahn, S. Sen, F.M. Schunk, Y. Jiao,
G.R. Palmore, C. Rose-Petruck
ENFL 280. Selective oxidation of ethane
with O2 as oxidant on highly dispersed
Mo-doped SBA-16 catalysts. L. Kong,
Z. Zhao
ENFL 281. Derived measurement of the
enthalpy of vaporization of complex fuels
using a variable pressure distillation curve
approach. S. Burke, B. Windom

282. Azeotropic volatility behavior of
hydrous ethanol gasoline mixtures. B. Patz,
B. Windom
ENFL 283. Enhancement of methane hydrate
formation with the presence of tetrahydrofuran and surfactants. A. Siangsai, C. Singer,
P. Rangsunvigit, B. Kitiyanana, S. Kulprathipanja
ENFL 284. Effects of surfactants and
treatments on co-based nanoparticles in
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction. F. Gou
ENFL 285. Nickel sulfides as competent
hydrogen evolution catalysts in water.
N. Jiang, Y. Sun
ENFL 286. Graphene-semiconductor 3D hybrid
nanomaterials for sensitized solar cells.
C. Chaves-Villarreal, T.M. Terse, A. HernndezValle, A.K. Mulchandani
ENFL 287. Electroless deposition
of Co-P-Mo alloys. E. Norkus,
I. Stankeviciene, A. Jagminiene, B. Sebeka,
J. Vaiciuniene, Z. Sukackiene, A. Selskis,
L. Tamasauskaite-Tamasiunaite
ENFL 288. Decoration of fiber structure cobalt
with gold nanoparticles for application
in fuel cells. A. Zabielaite, L. TamasauskaiteTamasiunaite, A. Balciunaite, S. Lichusina,
I. Stalnioniene, A. Jagminiene, A. Zieliene,
E. Norkus
ENFL 289. Facile synthesis of exfoliated TiS2
for all-solid-state lithium batteries. D. Oh,
Y. Nam, K. Park, Y. Jung
ENFL 290. Effect of fuel evaporation on the
gas-phase kinetics in the mixing region of a
hydrocarbon reformer. S. Kim, A.M. Dean
ENFL 291. Improved molecular characterization of petroleum vacuum residues by
FT-ICR MS analysis of their molecular
distillation fractions. D.C. Palacio, J.P. Arenas,
X. Ramrez, J.A. Orrego-Ruiz, A. Guzman,
R. Cabanzo, E. Meja-Ospino
ENFL 292. Voltage charging enhances ionic
conductivity in gold nanotube membranes.
P. Gao
ENFL 293. Withdrawn.
ENFL 295. Synthesis of Pt@ZSM-5 nanoparticles within hierarchically porous ZSM-5/
SBA-15 material with high hydrogenation
property. D. Gao, X. Dai, Y. Yang, H. Sun, Y. Qin,
A. Duan, H. Wang, X. Zhang
ENFL 297. Platinum-cobalt nanocrystals
prepared under different atmosphere for
high catalytic performance of the methanol
electro-oxidation. Y. Qin, X. Dai, Y. Yang,
H. Sun, D. Gao, H. Wang, X. Zhang
ENFL 298. Single device that converts carbon
dioxide to energy via formate. T. Vo,
B. Biggs, A. Miller, K. Purohit, J. Chanin, J. Haan
ENFL 299. Multiscale experimental determination of cellulose pyrolysis reaction chemistry and transport phenomena. C. Krumm,
A. Paulsen, P.J. Dauenhauer
ENFL 300. Templated growth of multilayer
graphene from cellulose for the fabrication
of photovoltaic devices. M. Dasari
ENFL 301. Synthesis of amphiphilic copolymers as additive for coal water slurry and
their effect on rheology. Y. Chang, C. Cui,
K. Huang, K. Meng, X. Guo, L. Li
ENFL 302. How comb-type polymer additives
affect the rheology of coal water slurry.
C. Cui, J. Huang, T. Wang, J. Xu, L. Li, X. Guo
ENFL 303. Recharge mechanisms of Mg-O2
batteries. J. Naruse, G. Vardar, J. Smith,
A.E. Sleightholme, C.W. Monroe, D.J. Siegel
ENFL 304. Reaction of styrene epoxide with
H2Os3(CO)10. J.M. Hahn, M. Thomas, A. Bird
ENFL 305. Chemical modifications of
polybenzimidazoles leading to enhanced
properties and performance. K. Fishel,
G. Qian, B. Benicewicz
ENFL 306. Investigations on the heat transfer
security of endothermic hydrocarbon
fuels in a heat-exchanger passage. L. Yue,
W. Fang
ENFL 307. Continuing investigations into the
photodegradation of poly(methylmethacrylate)-capped aluminum nanoparticles.
W. Zeng, P.A. Jelliss, S.W. Buckner
ENFL 308. Withdrawn.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

309. Electrochemical investigations of
layered double hydroxides for electrocatalysis. B. Weintraub
ENFL 310. Synthesis and evaluation of
sustainable construction materials via mineralization of CO2 from energy production
cycles. G. Gadikota, X. Zhou, A. Park, S. Jang
ENFL 311. Novel nanotube-like electrocatalysts of cobalt-tungsten carbonitride with
highly active hydrogen evolution reaction.
Z. Li, K. Du, X. Dai, H. Sun, Y. Yang, Y. Qin,
D. Gao, X. Zhang
ENFL 312. Photoelectrochemical reduction of
CO2 on Cu-Co3O4 nanotube arrays. Q. Shen,
G. Zhao
ENFL 313. Optical sensor for the detection
FAME/biodiesel. R.A. Federico-Perez,
J.K. Fong, Z. Xue
ENFL 314. Investigation of nanocrystal heterostructures for photochemical hydrogen production. A.N. Grennell, M.B. Wilker, K.A. Brown,
P.W. King, G. Dukovic
ENFL 315. Tunable anatase-brookite TiO2 bicrystalline for enhanced CO2 photocatalytic
reduction to fuels. H. Zhao, L. Liu, Y. Li
ENFL 316. Catalyzed-cleavage of the bridged
bond of coal model compounds over magnetic solid acid. C. Zhao, W. Zhao, K. Zhou,
J. Fang, Y. Ren, J. Zhao, Q. Lei, Z. Zong, X. Wei
ENFL 317. Emulsification and performance
measurement of pyrolysis oil/diesel. J. Zhao,
W. Zhao, Q. Lei, Y. Ren, C. Zhao, K. Zhou,
J. Fang, Z. Zong, X. Wei
ENFL 318. Catalytic ethanolysis of wheat stalk
over coal cinder. W. Zhao, J. Fang, C. Zhao,
Q. Lei, K. Zhou, Y. Ren, J. Zhao, Z. Zong, X. Wei
ENFL 319. Effect of electrolyte anion on
charge/discharge rate capability for organic
radical battery. T. Shimoyama, T. Nishi,
S. Iwasa
ENFL 320. Sequential thermal dissolution
of extraction residue from Zaozhuang
bituminous coal. S. Li, X. Wei, T. Wang, C. Liu,
J. Lv, Z. Zong
ENFL 321. Poplar liquefaction in water-methanol co-solvent. H. Yan, Z. Zong, Z. Li, X. Wei
ENFL 322. Catalytic hydroliquefaction of
sawdust into high-value small-molecular
chemicals over a novel magnetic solid
superbase catalyst. X. Li, Z. Zong, W. Ma,
X. Wei
ENFL 323. Fuel properties of heptadecene
isomers prepared via tandem isomerization-decarboxylation of oleic acid.
B.R. Moser, R.E. Murray, K.M. Doll
ENFL 324. Redox cofactor-aptamer complexes
as possible catalysts for biofuel cells.
I. Emahi, P.R. Gruenke, M.P. Mitchell, D.A. Baum
ENFL 325. Improving sugar yields and reduce
enzyme loadings of DDR (deacetylation
and disc refining) process through Szego
milling and its techno economic analysis.
X. Chen, W. Wang, P. Ciesielski, S. Park, O. Trass,
M.P. Tucker
ENFL 326. Production of biodiesel from free
fatty acids and triglycerides by reaction
with high temperature methanol. S. Thote
ENFL 327. Low-temperature catalytic reforming of volatiles from biomass pyrolysis.
J. Cao, C. Song, X. Zhao, X. Wei
ENFL 328. Optimum conditions to produce triacetonamine from fast pyrolysis of sewage
sludge. X. Huang, J. Cao, X. Zhao, X. Wei
ENFL 329. Molecular characteristics of a
Chinese subbituminous coal using HPLC/
MS. C. You, X. Fan, A. Zheng, X. Wei, Y. Zhao,
J. Cao, W. Zhao, Z. Zong, J. Zhu, L. Chen
ENFL 330. Two mass spectrometers for the
analysis of high-temperature coal tar.
J. Zhu, X. Fan, S. Wang, X. Wei, Y. Zhao, J. Cao,
W. Zhao, Z. Zong, C. You, L. Chen
ENFL 331. CO-liquefaction of Shenmu bituminous and white pine sawdust in sub- and
supercritical ethanol. Y. Tian, Y. Zhao, H. Yang,
S. Chen, X. Fan, J. Cao, Z. Zong, X. Wei
ENFL 332. Electric-field assisted coating of
nanoparticles for photon management
nanostructures. J. Gong, N. Wu

333. From fields to fuels: Setting the

target for oxygenates in liquid fuels.
M. Menart, A. Robinson, R.M. Richards,
J.W. Medlin, J. Hensley
ENFL 334. Re-examination of Na3V2(PO4)3 as
novel anode material for sodium-ion batteries. Z. Jian, Y. Sun, Y. Hu, X. Ji
ENFL 335. Thermogravimetric analysis of
nitrogen containing material. A. Hopson,
A.C. Sacco, P. Ponnada, N.P. Rath, R.J. Moser,
G.K. Balendiran
ENFL 336. Aminodiborane: Structure, formation mechanism, and properties. H. Li,
N. Ma, X. Chen, J. Zhao
ENFL 337. TiO2 conformal coating on carbon
nanotubes as lithium-ion battery anode.
L. Yan, M. Zhou, G. Chen, S. Deng, H. Luo
ENFL 338. Control of methane and carbon
dioxide concentrations in the effluent
of a catalytic partial oxidation reactor
for hydrogen production from natural
gas. A. Al-Musa, S. Shabunya, M. Al-Johani,
V. Martynenko, M. Al-Saleh, A. Al-Zahrani,
V. Kalinin
ENFL 339. Catalytic conversion of monosaccharides into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
using aluminum complexes supported
by bidentate phenoxy-amine ligands.
D.S. Saangonyo, F.T. Ladipo
ENFL 340. Mechanism of light hydrocarbons
adsorption in metal organic framework from
direct structural evidence. A.M. Plonka,
X. Chen, D. Banerjee, W.R. Woerner, J.B. Parise
ENFL 341. Excess thermopower and
the theory of thermopower waves.
J.T. Abrahamson, S.G. Mahajan, B. Sempere,
M. Walsh, J.M. Forman, F. Sen, S. Sen,
G.L. Paulus, Q. Wang, W. Choi, M.S. Strano
ENFL 342. High pressure catalytic conversion
of n-pentane on H-ZSM-5. E.P. Schreiner,
S. Teketel, R.F. Lobo
ENFL 343. Polydopamine-based carbon
nanowires for wire-type supercapacitor.
W. Lee, Y. Oh, Y. Lee, N. Kim
ENFL 344. Ion mobility and PetroOrg software:
Novel techniques for petroleomics investigations. E. Riches, Y. Corilo, R.P. Rodgers,
M. OLeary, D. Stevens
ENFL 345. Cyclic voltammetric studies
of the interactions between ferrocene
mediators and glucose oxidase. D. Bamper,
D.T. Glatzhofer
ENFL 346. Exploring alfalfa hays potential as
an alternative non-food source of biofuel.
J.B. Beloy, B. Gikonyo
ENFL 347. Treatment of phenanthrene using
sodium persulfate activated by modified
diatomite. C.K. Silva Rackov, M.M. Vianna,
O. Chiavone-Filho, C.A. do Nascimento
ENFL 348. Organic oxygen transformation
during pyrolysis of Baiyinhua lignite.
X. Zhao, X. Feng, J. Cao, X. Wei
ENFL 349. Nickel oxide/activated carbon
composite electrodes for electrochemical
capacitors. X. Zhao, S. Huang, J. Cao, X. Wei
ENFL 350. Anomalous rising of input current
induced in the transformer of inverter.
O. Ide
ENFL 351. Considertion of the cause of
inverter noise called ringing. O. Ide
ENFL 352. Characterristics of DC power
output from an Inverter driven by sharp
spike pulse. O. Ide
ENFL 353. Pyrolysis of powdered examination
gloves at 340 C and 440 C. N. Hamidi,
M. Marcanikova, M. Ghalili, R. Massoudi
ENFL 354. Whats the rub with your salt: A
case history of quality assurance for potassium chloride. A. Evans, A. Jensen, S. Nguyen,
P. Carman, D.A. Castillo, M. Usie
ENFL 355. What is this stuff, where did it
come from, and how can we get rid of
it? Case histories of analytical laboratory
methods and instrumental analyses applied
to requests for identification of oilfield
unknown material samples. A. Evans,
A. Jensen, S. Sun, D. Wang, A. Koch, M. Wilson,
D.A. Castillo

356. Temperature and injection gas

composition influence on CO2 miscibility by
interfacial tension measurement. Q. Shang,
S. Xia, M. Shen, P. Ma
ENFL 357. Treated bio-oils upgraded in a
fixed-bed continuous reactor with sulfided
CoMo/ -Al2O3 catalysts. Y. Luo
ENFL 358. Improved characterization and
fractionation of vacuum residues of
heavy crude oils using supercritical fluid
extraction. A.Y. Leon Bermudez, A. Guzman,
L.J. Hoyos, E. Meja, O. Corredor, D. Laverde
ENFL 359. Arid lands biofuel. B.P. Neupane
ENFL 360. Synthesis of multiwalled carbon
nanotubes doped titania for desulfurization
of model fuel. T.A. Saleh, M.N. Siddiqui
ENFL 361. Porous membrane assisted-solvent
bar microextraction for elemental sulfur
in crude oil. I.M. Al-Zahrani, B. Chanbasha,
M.N. Siddiqui
ENFL 362. PbS and PbSe quantum dot
solar cells: Ion exchange synthesis and
metal halide surface passivation for high
efficiency devices. R. Crisp, J. Zhang, J. Gao,
A. Marshall, D. Kroupa, E. Miller, M.C. Beard,
J. Luther
ENFL 363. Hierarchical nanomaterial electrodes for energy storage. L. Mai, X. Xu,
L. Xu, Q. Wei
ENFL 364. Nonaqueous all-cobalt redox flow
battery using 1,10-phenanthrolinecobalt(II)
hexafluorophosphate as the active species.
Y. Li, X. Xing
ENFL 365. Photons to formate: Solar driven
conversion of CO2 to solar fuels. H. Pan,
Y. Zou, M.D. Heagy
ENFL 366. Ag nanoparticles modified photoelectode for photocatalytic water splitting.
X. Zhang
ENFL 367. CdSmesoporous ZnS coreshell
particles of Type I structure for efficient and
stable photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
under visible light. Z. Yu
ENFL 368. Investigation of the morphology
evolution of nanoscale Cu2Sb electrodes
during electrochemical cycling via ex situ
electron microscopy. E. Jackson, A.L. Prieto
ENFL 369. AFePO4NO3 (A = Li, Na): Nitratophosphate as a new family of cathode
materials for alkali-metal-ion batteries.
H. Yaghoobnejad Asl, A. Choudhury
ENFL 370. Spectroelectrochemical studies of
charge transfer processes in stable nitroxyl
radical-containing polymers. B.K. Hughes,
W. Braunecker, J.C. Johnson, A. Ferguson,
T. Gennett
ENFL 371. Molecular level insight into the
lithiation mechanism of RuO2 and the implication for its use as lithium-ion battery electrode material. A. Hassan, B.R. Ramachandran,
C.D. Wick, A. Navulla, L. Meda
ENFL 372. Screening of lithium oxygen
cathode 3D composite nanonetworks
enabled by M13 phage directed synthesis.
L. Tadesse, J. Ohmura, D. Oh, A.M. Belcher
ENFL 373. Design and synthesis of direct
growth of nanosized nickel oxides on stainless steel substrates as anode in lithium ion
battery. L. Meda, A. Navulla, C. Arnold
ENFL 374. Catalytically activated palladium@
platinum nanowires for accelerated
hydrogen gas detection. X. Li, Y. Liu,
J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
ENFL 375. Steam-biogas reforming over
a metal-foam-coated (Pd-Rh)/(CeZrO2Al2O3) catalyst compared with pellet type
alumina-supported Rh, Ru and Ni catalysts.
P.S. Roy, C.S. Park, A. Raju, K. Kim
ENFL 376. Water soluble charged nanoparticles featuring core-shell morphology
for energy harvesting. H.P. Rathnayake,
J. Ferguson, A. Braun
ENFL 377. Co-reaction of methanol and ethylene over MFI and CHA zeolitic catalysts.
Q. Zhu
ENFL 378. Product distribution of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers from methanol and formaldehyde. D. Liu


Section D


Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & Fuel

Energy and Materials

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ENFL and

L. Hu, Y. Lin, Organizers

V. Barone, Organizer, Presiding
G. Yu, Presiding


1:00 ENFL 379. Graphene based superca-

Section A

pacitors for integrated energy storage.

R.B. Kaner
1:40 ENFL 380. New charge storage mechanism in graphene oxide based solid state
capacitors. Q. Zhang, K. Scrafford, M. Li,
Z. Cao, Z. Xia, P.M. Ajayan, B. Wei
2:20 ENFL 381. Modified porous graphene and
its use in electrode reaction study. Y. Zhu,
K. Liu, Y. Chen
2:50 ENFL 382. SnO2 - graphene dual aerogels
as high rate sodium lithium ion battery
anodes. Z. Li, D. Mitlin
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 ENFL 383. Carbon nanomaterials in metal
oxide based electrodes for supercapacitors.
J. Liu, Y. Cheng, G. Lee, H. Zhang
4:05 ENFL 384. Lithium battery applications of
graphene materials. W. Ren, F. Li, H. Cheng
4:35 ENFL 385. Lithium adsorption and diffusion in SnS2 bulk, bilayer, monolayer, and
nanoribbon: A computational investigation.
K. Tu, Z. Chen
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

C1 Chemistry
Methane Activation
Cosponsored by MPPG
N. Kumar, J. J. Spivey, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 386. Continuous oxidation of

methane to oxygenates under mild

reaction conditions using ZSM-5 catalysts.
J. Xu, R.D. Armstrong, S.J. Freakley, S.H. Taylor,
G. Hutchings
1:40 ENFL 387. Size-and support-dependent
electronic and catalytic properties of size
selected cluster catalysts on methanation of CO: A combined GIXAS, GISAXS
and TPRx study. S. Lee, B. Lee, S. Seifert,
R.E. Winans, S. Vajda
2:00 ENFL 388. Structure-performance relationship in the design of Ru/TiO2 catalyst
for CO2 methanation. A. Kim, C. Sanchez,
C. Sassoye, D. Debecker
2:20 ENFL 389. Carbon dioxide hydrogenation
into methanol over promoted Cu/Zn-based
catalysts. R.S. Monteiro, P. Coutinho,
J. Miranda, C.J. Mota
2:40 Intermission.
2:50 ENFL 390. Phase equilibria and characterization of cyclopentane - methane binary
hydrates. P. Warrier, M. Khan, Z.T. Ward,
Y. Yang, C.A. Koh
3:10 ENFL 391. Gas hydrate phase equilibrium
predictions for cyclopentane containing gas
mixtures with optimized Kihara parameters.
M.N. Khan, P. Warrier, C.J. Peters, C.A. Koh
3:30 ENFL 392. Generation of chemicals
from natural gas in a fuel cell. O.A. Marina,
B. Kirby, C. Coyle, J. Frye, D. Edwards,
L. Pederson, C. Freeman, J. Stevenson
3:50 ENFL 393. Electrocatalytic reduction of
CO2 in water to CO+H2 syngas mixtures.
P. Kang, Z. Chen, A. Nayak, T.J. Meyer
4:10 ENFL 394. On the route to commercialization of a CO2 electrolyzer: Lessons learned
from an industry effort to fight climate
change. T.S. Matthews, M. Kaplun, Z. Liu,
Q. Chen, R. Kutz, S. Luopa, K. Lewinski, R. Masel

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
Y. H. Hu, R. T. Koodali, N. Wu, Organizers
Y. H. Ng, Y. Wu, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.

10:55 ENFL 410. Iron borophosphates as novel

cathode for alkali-ion battery. A. Choudhury,
H. Yaghoobnejad Asl
11:15 ENFL 411. Guiding principles for

next-generation batteries from theoretical

and experimental studies of LiMn2O4.
M. Young, A. Holder, H. Dieter-Schnabel,
S.M. George, C. Musgrave
11:35 ENFL 412. Data-driven review of battery
materials: Performance and resource considerations. L. Ghadbeigi, J. Harada, T. Sparks
11:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

12th International Symposium on Heavy Oil

Upgrading, Production & Characterization

8:05 ENFL 395. Engineered quantum dots for

solar energy conversion. V.I. Klimov

Fouling and Asphaltenes

Cosponsored by MPPG

8:45 ENFL 396. Withdrawn.

J. J. Adams, C. Mesters, D. Mitlin, Organizers

J. F. Schabron, Organizer, Presiding

9:05 ENFL 397. Chemically modifying quantum

dot surfaces to improve solar cell performance. A. Marshall, A.J. Nozik, M.C. Beard,
J. Luther
9:25 ENFL 398. Resolving carrier multiplication and charge transport in quantum dot
solids with ultrafast transient photocurrent.
A.F. Fidler, J. Gao, G. Chen, W. Koh, V.I. Klimov
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 ENFL 399. Efficient harvesting of solar
energy using quantum-dot luminescent
solar concentrators. J.M. Pietryga, H. Li,
T.A. Baker, J. Lim, H. McDaniel, V.I. Klimov
10:30 ENFL 400. Field-effect transistors
and light-emitting diodes with low-toxicity I-III-VI2 quantum dots. H. McDaniel,
S. Draguta, W. Bae, J. Lim, Y. Park, J.M. Pietryga,
V.I. Klimov
10:50 ENFL 401. Auger up-conversion in
engineered heterostructured quantum dots
for applications in solar energy conversion.
N.S. Makarov, Q. Lin, K. Velizhanin, V.I. Klimov
11:10 ENFL 402. Synthesis and analysis of
CdTe quantum dot solar cells. K.M. McHenry,
E. Kim, A.L. Asunskis, D.J. Asunskis
11:30 ENFL 403. Highly ordered CdTe nanotube arrays for solar cells through patterned
electrodeposition. W.P. Liyanage, M. Nath
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, D. Wang,
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
J. Esbenshade, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 404. All-solid-state polymer

electrolyte with plastic crystal materials for

secondary lithium-metal batteries. F. Ding
8:35 ENFL 405. High-energy bulk-type all-solid-state lithium batteries using sulfide solid
electrolyte. Y. Nam, D. Oh, K. Park, K. Lee,
S. Lee, Y. Jung
9:05 ENFL 406. Controllable uniform crystallization towards improved performance in
glass-ceramic Li1+xAlxGe2-x(PO4)3 electrolyte
membrane. A. Vyalikh, V. Vizgalov, A. Sergeev,
L.A. Trusov, E. Brendler, L.V. Yashina, D. M. Itkis
9:25 ENFL 407. High ionic conductivity of
flexible polymer-based electrolyte with low
porosity. W. Zhao
9:45 Intermission.
9:55 ENFL 408. High voltage cathodes for
advanced lithium-ion batteries. J. Nanda,
R.E. Ruther, S. Martha, H. Zhou
10:25 ENFL 409. Investigation of atomic/molecular layer deposition coatings for Li-ion
electrodes. C. Ban, D. Piper, Y. He, J. Travis,
A.M. Wise, J. Weker, S. Son, J. Zhang, M. Toney,
C. Wang, S. Lee, S.M. George

8:00 ENFL 413. Thiophene mitigates high

temperature fouling of metal surfaces in oil

refining. D. Mitlin
8:45 ENFL 414. Protocol for diagnosing and
predicting petroleum fouling in upstream
and downstream operations. J.J. Adams,
J.F. Schabron
9:15 ENFL 415. Influence of acid chemistry on
bitumen viscosity. V. Gonzalez, A. de Klerk,
S. Yang, V. Prasad
9:45 ENFL 416. Cold flow behavior of waxy
crude oil under elevated pressure. T. Wang,
J. Xu, H. Zhao, L. Li, X. Guo
10:15 Intermission.
10:15 ENFL 417. Asphaltenes diffusion into catalysts under hydroprocessing conditions.
F. Gaulier, J. Barbier, B. Guichard, D. Espinat
10:45 ENFL 418. Role of asphaltenes in oil and
water emulsions. J.J. Adams, J.F. Schabron
11:15 ENFL 419. Catalytic cracking of cold
lake bitumen and Fischer-Tropsch wax
mixtures: Coke suppression and viscosity
analysis. X. Liu
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & Fuel

V. Barone, L. Hu, Organizers
G. Yu, Organizer, Presiding
Y. Lin, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 420. Efficient photocurrent gen-

eration in heterostructures of 2D layered

materials. X. Duan
8:40 ENFL 421. Hybrid layer materials for
energy conversion and storage. Y.H. Hu
9:10 ENFL 422. Engineering the catalysis at 2D
materials for solar water splitting. L. Cao
9:40 ENFL 423. Earth-abundant 2D materials
as high performance electrocatalysts for
photoelectrochemical energy conversion.
S. Jin, Q. Ding
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 ENFL 424. 2D structuring of photocatalytic bismuth-based metal oxides.
T.T. Salguero, T. Pope, G. Neher, A. Bruning
11:05 ENFL 425. Theoretical and computational
studies of graphene-based materials for
use as transparent conducting electrodes in
solar cells. G.J. Martyna
11:25 ENFL 426. Atomically thin transition
metal disulfides on silicon for high performance water splitting photocathodes.
S. Choi, K. Kwon, T. Kim, K. Hong, S. Lee, S. Kim,
H. Jang

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

C1 Chemistry
CO2 Conversion
Cosponsored by MPPG
N. Kumar, J. J. Spivey, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 427. Utilization of CO2 as feedstock
in C1 chemistry. H. Ddder, L. Chew, M. Muhler
8:40 ENFL 428. Kinetics of methanol synthesis
from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. K. Kobl,
L. Angelo, Y. Zimmermann, K. Parkhomenko,
A. Roger
9:00 ENFL 429. Dihydropteridine/pteridine

as a 2H+/2e- redox mediator for the

catalytic reduction of CO2 to methanol
via hydride-proton transfer. C. Lim, Y. Kuo,
A. Holder, J.T. Hynes, C. Musgrave
9:20 ENFL 430. Catalysts for the CO2 recycling into methanol. L. Angelo, K. Kobl,
Y. Zimmermann, K. Parkhomenko, A. Roger
9:40 ENFL 431. Liquid phase CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and dimethyl ether using
heterogeneous cascade catalysis. Y. Chen,
S. Choi, L.T. Thompson
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 ENFL 432. Catalysis for the conversion
of CO and CO2 to fuels and chemicals.
A.T. Bell
10:50 ENFL 433. Nanocomposite photocatalysts: Conversion of CO2 to fuel. S. Hunyadi
Murph, H. Sessions, Y. Kun, Y. Zhao
11:10 ENFL 434. High efficient formate production by low temperature hydrogenation
of amine captured CO2 over Pd catalyst.
H. Lin, J. Su
11:30 ENFL 435. Modeling the HCOOH/CO2
electrochemical couple: When details are
key. S.N. Steinmann, C. Michel, P. Sautet

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
Y. H. Hu, R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, Organizers
N. Wu, Y. Wu, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ENFL 436. Efficiency limiting factors in

light-driven H2 generation using multicomponent semiconductor-metal colloidal

nanorod heterostructures. T. Lian
1:35 ENFL 437. Solar energy conversion and
electrocatalysis using earth-abundant pyrite
nanomaterials. S. Jin, M. Caban-Acevedo
2:05 ENFL 438. Light-induced photoelectrochemical charging and discharging in metal
oxide thin silm. Y. Ng
2:35 ENFL 439. Surface optimization strategy
for photoelectrochemical H2 production.
T. Ogitsu, W. Choi, B. Wood
3:05 Intermission.
3:15 ENFL 440. Highly efficient visible light
photocatalytic production of H2. Y.H. Hu,
B. Han
3:45 ENFL 441. Branched nanostructures
for photoelectrochemical water splitting.
Y. Mao
4:15 ENFL 442. Designing a hybrid multifunctional material for CO2 capture and
photocatalytic conversion. L. Liu, Y. Li
4:45 ENFL 443. Artificial photosystem I and
II: Highly selective solar fuels and tandem
photocatalysis. Y. Ding, I. Castellanos Beltran,
V. Singh, P. Nagpal



Section B

Section C

1:40 ENFL 471. Effect of support pretreat-

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond

12th International Symposium on Heavy Oil

Upgrading, Production & Characterization


Cosponsored by MPPG

ment on the performance of supported Fe

Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. K. Keyvanloo,
W. Hecker
2:00 ENFL 472. Fe-based Fischer Tropsch synthesis of biomass-derived syngas: Effect of
synthesis method. K. Mai
2:20 ENFL 473. Experimental investigation of
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a microchannel reactor. X. Ying, L. Zhang, H. Xu, Q. Luo,
H. Zhu
2:40 ENFL 474. Kinetics of main reaction and
deactivation by carbon of cobalt FischerTropsch catalyst. K. Keyvanloo, W. Hecker,
C.H. Bartholomew
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 ENFL 475. Supported iron catalyst for the
direct conversion of synthesis gas to lower
olefins. K. De Jong
3:50 ENFL 476. Direct dimethyl ether synthesis
from synthesis gas: The influence of methanol dehydration on methanol synthesis
reaction. F. Dadgar, R. Myrstad, P. Pfeifer,
A. Holmen, H.J. Venvik
4:10 ENFL 477. Role of lanthanum oxide on
cobalt-copper catalyst for the conversion
of syngas to ethanol. Z. Wang, J.J. Spivey
4:30 ENFL 478. Gas phase selective oxidation
of olefins from a model synthesis gas
stream. S. Wiebe, S. Villano, A.M. Dean
Computational Pyrolysis & Upgrading of

A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, D. Wang,

Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
D. Lu, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ENFL 444. Chemically integrated

graphene/inorganic hybrid 2D materials as

advanced energy storage electrodes. G. Yu
1:35 ENFL 445. Methods for fabrication of
highly conductive Cu2-xS nanoparticle
electrode films through room-temperature
processing. R.D. Robinson, O. Otelaja, D. Ha,
T. Ly, H. Zhang
1:55 ENFL 446. MXene nanosheets as promising anode materials for nonlithium-ion
batteries. Y. Xie, Y. DallAgnese, M. Naguib,
Y. Gogotsi, M.W. Barsoum, H.L. Zhuang, P. Kent
2:15 ENFL 447. Iron fluoride based perovskite
type cathode materials for Li/Na-ion batteries. T. Yi, W. Chen, L. Cheng, J. Lee, E. Chan,
M. Doeff, K. Persson, J. Cabana
2:35 ENFL 448. Managing the volume fluctuation of iron pyrite cathode in lithium ion
batteries using polyacrylonitrile. T. Yoder,
J.E. Cloud, L. Cain, M. Tussing, X. Li, Y. Yang
2:55 ENFL 449. Controllably branched 3D electrodes as a test bed for investigating the
effect of morphology on the performance
of nanostructured V2O5 cathodes for Li ion
batteries. E. Gillette, C. Liu, G. Rubloff, S. Lee
3:15 Intermission.
3:25 ENFL 450. Electrolyte additives and
interfacial mechanisms for high-capacity
lithium-ion cells. D. Abraham, I. Shkrob
3:55 ENFL 451. Electrolyte additives for high
voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 batteries. S. Delp,
T.R. Jow
4:15 ENFL 452. Novel organophosphine oxide
based redox shuttle additives for 4V lithium
ion batteries. J. Huang, N. Azimi, Z. Zhang,
L. Zhang
4:35 ENFL 453. Accelerating electrolyte
discovery by high throughput screening.
L. Cheng, R. Surendran Assary, X. Qu, A. Jain,
S. Ong, N. Rajput, K. Persson, L.A. Curtiss
4:55 ENFL 454. Catholyte material development for nonaqueous redox flow batteries.
J. Huang, L. Su, M.S. Ferrandon, F. Brushett,
A.K. Burrell, L. Zhang
5:15 ENFL 455. Exploration of the effective
location of surface oxygen defects in
graphene-based electrocatalysts for the
all-vanadium redox flow batteries. M. Park,
J. Baek, J. Cho
5:35 Concluding Remarks.

C. Mesters, D. Mitlin, J. F. Schabron, Organizers

J. J. Adams, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 456. Screening the adsorptive

effect of metal oxides nanoparticles loaded

activated carbons for sulfur compounds.
T. Saleh, G.I. Danmaliki
1:30 ENFL 457. Modifications to a novel
method for the isolation of interfacial
material from Athabasca bitumen:
Characterization by FT-ICR mass
spectrometry. A.C. Clingenpeel, J.M. Jarvis,
W.K. Robbins, R.P. Rodgers
2:00 ENFL 458. Study on transformation of dissolved organic matter in oilfield produced
water during biodegradation using ultrahigh
resolution mass spectrometry. Z. Min,
D. Hao, Y. Hengye, S. Shanshan, Z. Zhongzhi
2:30 ENFL 459. Molecular reconstruction of
vacuum residue from molecular distillation
cuts and FT-ICR-MS. X.X. Ramirez,
D.C. Palacio, J. Arenas, A. Guzman, J.E. Torres
Macias, V. Kafarov
3:00 Intermission.
3:30 ENFL 460. Compositional model
conversion of hydrocracking of vacuum
gas oils using molecular reconstruction.
X.X. Ramirez, J.E. Torres Macias, D.D. Perez
4:00 ENFL 461. Application of an in-line
viscometer to study methane hydrate slurry
properties. L. Chen, C.A. Koh
4:30 ENFL 462. Molecular characterization of
dissolved organic matter in coal gasification waste water by negative ESI FT-ICR
MS. Y. Li, D. Cui, C. Xu, Q. Shi
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & Fuel

L. Hu, G. Yu, Organizers
Y. Lin, Organizer, Presiding
V. Barone, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 463. Predicting materials for solar

energy conversion ab initio spectroscopy of

heterogeneous interfaces. G.A. Galli
1:40 ENFL 464. Nanomechanics of bending 2D
materials. T. Dumitrica
2:10 ENFL 465. Thermoelectricity layer by
layer. M. Fornari
2:40 Intermission.
2:40 ENFL 466. Computational design of
2D nanomaterials toward carbon neutral
energy. Z. Chen
3:10 ENFL 467. Materials cartography:
Representing and mining material space
using structural and electronic fingerprints.
S. Curtarolo
3:40 ENFL 468. Interlayer commensurability
and sliding in layered materials: The power
of the registry index. O. Hod
4:10 ENFL 469. Electronic and adsorption
properties of 2D materials by density functional theory calculations. V. Barone
Section E

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Cooperative Cosponsorship

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

C1 Chemistry
Syngas Chemistry
Cosponsored by MPPG
N. Kumar, J. J. Spivey, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 ENFL 470. Syngas to fuel and chemicals

via FTS: Reaction network and structure-performance for catalyst development.

Y. Sun, L. Zhong, T. Zhao

Reaction Engineering
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by ENFL
and MPPG

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4A

Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion

& Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
Y. H. Hu, N. Wu, Y. Wu, Organizers
R. T. Koodali, Y. H. Ng, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 479. Preparation of Cu-Sb-Se

nanoparticles through a hot-injection route.

D. Agocs, A.L. Prieto
8:25 ENFL 480. Spectroscopic and solution
growth study of co-solvent effects on zinc
oxysulfide buffer layers in earth abundant
kesterite Cu2ZnSnSe4 solar cells. X. Steirer,
R.L. Garris, J. Li, M. Reinisch, M.J. Dzara,
P. Ndione, K. Ramanathan, I. Repins, G. Teeter,
C.L. Perkins
8:45 ENFL 481. Understanding the role
of chemical treatments and device
architecture on ink-based CdTe solar
cells. R.W. Crisp, M.G. Panthani, D.V. Talapin,
J.M. Luther
9:05 ENFL 482. Synthesis and characterization
of mixed phase anatase TiO2 and sodium-doped TiO2(B) thin films by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD).
Y. Chimupala, G. Hyett, R. Simpson, R. Mitchell,
R. Douthwaite, S.J. Milne, R.D. Brydson
9:25 ENFL 483. Tunable nanostructured
contact for cSi solar cells. A.A. Dameron,
W. Nemeth, V.A. LaSalvia, A.G. Norman,
D.L. Young, P. Stradins
9:45 Intermission.
9:55 ENFL 484. Withdrawn.
10:15 ENFL 485. 1D hematite nanostructures
for photoelectrochemical water splitting.
D. Kim, J. Lee, H. Jang
10:35 ENFL 486. Enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting on hematite thin
film with ultrathin SiO2 underlayer. M. Kang,
Y. Kang
10:55 ENFL 487. Electrical characterization
of nanoscale material interfaces ranging
from single nanorods to functional solar
cell devices using scanning Kelvin probe
microscopy. S. Nanayakkara, R. Ihly, M. Law,
J. Luther

11:15 ENFL 488. Systematic strategy to syn-

thesize photoactive titanium metal-organic

frameworks (MOFs). L. Zou, D. Feng, T. Liu,
H. Zhou
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4B

Materials & Interfaces in Lithium Batteries

& Beyond
A. A. Gewirth, A. Manivannan, D. Wang,
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
D. Lu, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENFL 489. Fundamental charge transfer

processes in stable free-radical organic

polymer systems. B.K. Hughes, T. Kemper,
W. Braunecker, R. Larsen, D. Bobela, T. Gennett
8:25 ENFL 490. Close packing of radicals
in the stable radical polymer, PTMA.
D. Bobela, B.K. Hughes, W. Braunecker,
R.E. Larsen, T. Kemper, T. Gennett
8:45 ENFL 491. In situ AFM nanoindentation
and morphology analysis of mechanically
constrained microfabricated silicon anodes.
C. Becker, K. Strawhecker
9:05 ENFL 492. Molecular structure and
ion transport near electrode-electrolyte
interfaces in lithium-ion batteries. V. Lordi,
M. Ong, O. Verners, A.C. Van Duin, E. Draeger,
J. Pask
9:25 ENFL 493. Mitigating irreversible capacity
losses from conducting carbon agents
via surface modification. S. Son, D. Piper,
J. Travis, Y. Lee, S.M. George, S. Lee, C. Ban
9:45 ENFL 494. Investigating improved capacity retention of AlPO4-coated Cu2Sb anodes
for lithium-ion batteries. L.A. Kraynak,
E. Jackson, A.L. Prieto
10:05 ENFL 495. Solvothermal route based in
situ carbonization to Fe3O4@C as anode
material for lithium ion battery. G. Chen,
M. Zhou, H. Luo
10:25 Intermission.
10:25 ENFL 496. Lithium-ion battery performance of perfluoropolether-based electrolytes. D. Wong, J.M. DeSimone, N.P. Balsara
10:45 ENFL 497. Spectroscopic investigations
of liquid-phase chemistry for advanced
battery technologies. J.L. Wheeler,
J.M. Porter
11:05 ENFL 498. Computational studies
of phosphoranimine electrolytes for Li
system. J.S. McNally, J.R. Klaehn, E.J. Dufek,
H.W. Rollins, M.K. Harrup
11:25 ENFL 499. Lithium ion solvation and
diffusion in bulk organic electrolytes from
first principles molecular dynamic. M. Ong,
V. Lordi, E. Draeger, J. Pask
11:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

12th International Symposium on Heavy Oil

Upgrading, Production & Characterization
Upgrading and Processing
Cosponsored by MPPG
J. J. Adams, C. Mesters, J. F. Schabron,
D. Mitlin, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 500. Catalytic heavy crude oil
upgrading using natural gas. H. Song,
A. Guo, C. Wu, D. Zhang, Y. Luan, L. Zhao
8:30 ENFL 501. Visbreaking oils ands bitumen
at 300 C. L. Yanez Jaramillo, A. de Klerk
9:00 ENFL 502. Low CO selectivity of cop-

per-free ZnGaO catalysts used for dimethyl

ether reforming to produce H2. S. Zhou,
M. Meng
9:30 Intermission.
9:45 ENFL 503. Electromembrane extraction
of sulfur compounds from crude oils.
B. Chanbasha, I.M. Al-Zahrani, T. Maung

10:15 ENFL 504. Visbreaking of Fischer-

Tropsch wax mixed with bitumen: Analysis

of thermal behavior. C. Melo Halmenschlager,
A. de Klerk
10:45 ENFL 505. Effect of hydrogenation and
acidity properties of NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts
on the hydrodemetallization. T. Liu, Y. Zhou,
Q. Wei, N. Wang, S. Ding, W. Zhou, L. Ju
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3B

Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & Fuel

Y. Lin, Organizer
V. Barone, G. Yu, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 506. Can graphene appear greener
to galvanization industry? V. Gadhamshetty,
V.K. Upadhyayula
8:20 ENFL 507. Synthesis, chemical functional-

ization and electronic devices of 2D atomic

and molecular crystals. X. Wang
8:50 ENFL 508. How we look at graphene and
graphene oxide: A material, a chemical, a
tool. Y. Shao
9:20 Intermission.
9:30 ENFL 509. Bulk graphene materials for
energy applications. Y. Chen
10:00 ENFL 510. Synthesis of 2D materials for energy applications. S. Eichfeld,
J.A. Robinson
10:30 ENFL 511. Synthesis and modification of
holey graphene for energy storage. Y. Lin,
J. Kim, J.W. Connell
11:00 ENFL 512. NSF support of advanced
materials for sustainable energy. G.L. Rorrer
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4C

C1 Chemistry
Syngas Chemistry
Cosponsored by MPPG
N. Kumar, J. J. Spivey, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENFL 513. Reactor design and catalysts

testing for hydrogen production by

methanol steam reforming for fuel cells
applications. F. Vidal Vazquez
8:20 ENFL 514. O-functionalized CNT mediated
CO hydrodeoxygenation and chain growth.
K. Mondal, S. Talapatra, M. Terrones, S. Pokhrel,
C. Frizzel, B. Sumpter, V. Meunier, A. Elias
8:40 ENFL 515. Metal organic mediated synthesis of highly stable and active FTO catalysts. V.P. Santos, T. Wezendonk, J. Delgado
Jan, A. Dugulan, A. Chojecki, S. Sina, A. Koeken,
M. Ruitenbeek, T. Davidian, G. Meima, F. Kapteijn,
M. Makkee, J. Gascon
9:00 ENFL 516. Citrate-nitrate auto-combustion synthesis of Co-Ce mixed bulk
oxides with different cobalt content for
the oxidation of CO. Z. Lin, J. Liu, Z. Zhao,
K. Cheng, C. Xu
9:20 Intermission.
9:30 ENFL 517. Investigation of low temperature water-gas shift over MOF-assisted
catalysts. O. Kavakli, A.K. Avci
9:50 ENFL 518. Influence of coexisting metal
oxide on the activity of copper catalyst for
water-gas-shift reaction. H. Yahiro, K. Sagata
10:10 ENFL 519. Homogeneous water-gas
shift and production of methanol and
ethanol from CO and H2O without added H2.
M.V. Mundschau
10:30 ENFL 520. Effect of Cu dopant in zeolite
on catalytic properties and deactivation in
carbonylation of dimethyl ether. S. Huang,
X. Ma, H. Zhan, W. Huang

Division of
Souhail Al-Abed, Program Chair

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Assessing Toxicity of Environmental

Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI and MPPG
S. M. Uchimiya, B. Zhang, Organizers
X. Pan, J. Wang, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Comments.


Applied Nanotechnology for Food &
Agriculture (see AGFD, Tue, Wed)
Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces
& Nanomaterials (see COLL, Sun)
Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources:
Environmental Analysis (see ANYL, Wed)
Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D (see CHAS, Tue)
Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants &
Nanomaterials (see COLL, Sun, Wed, Thu)

Reception, 6:00 PM: Tue

ENVR Programs Planning Meeting,
2:00 PM: Sun
ENVR Long Range Planning Committee
Meeting, 3:00 PM: Sun
ENVR Division Executive Committee
Meeting, 7:00 PM: Sun

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Green Chemistry and the Environment

Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG
S. O. Obare, Organizer
A. M. Balu, R. Luque, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 ENVR 1. Aqueous chemistry in organic
synthesis. C. Len
9:10 ENVR 2. Deoxygenation and hydroisom-

erization of algae oils to hydrocarbon fuels.

J.S. Kruger, E.D. Christensen, R.L. McCormick,
P.T. Pienkos
9:30 ENVR 3. Adipic acid production from
lignin. D.R. Vardon, M. Franden, C. Johnson,
E. Karp, M. Guarnieri, J. Linger, M. Salm,
T.J. Strathmann, G. Beckham, G.A. Ferguson
9:50 ENVR 4. Mechanism of lignin pyrolysis
from model compound to actual lignin.
V. Custodis, P. Hemberger, J.A. Van Bokhoven
10:10 Intermission.
10:25 ENVR 5. Use of green chemistry of
chalcones synthesis. E. Alarcn, N. Romero,
H. Aguilar, J.L. Tern, A. Gmez Rivera, L.F. Roa,
C. Lobato, A. Escobar
10:45 ENVR 6. Photochemical transformation
of aliphatic-aromatic polyesters and its
impacts to degradability. M.A. Maurer-Jones,
M. Zumstein, M. Sander, K.P. Mc Neill
11:05 ENVR 7. Transesterification of waste
vegetable oil under simultaneous microwave and ultrasound Irradiations. V. Gude,
E. Martinez-Guerra
11:25 ENVR 8. Modified heterogeneous nickel
catalysts for the production of chemicals
and fuels from bioderived light olefins.
M. Menart, J. Hensley, R.M. Richards
11:45 ENVR 9. Overcoming production limitations of biosynthesis and tailoring rhamnolipid biosurfactant properties through
chemical synthesis. J.E. Pemberton, R. Palos
Pacheco, C. Coss, R. Polt

8:05 ENVR 10. Measurement and evaluation of

the rate of emission of semivolatile organic

compounds from poly (vinyl chloride)
sheets. M. Noguchi, A. Yamasaki
8:30 ENVR 11. Environmental and human
health risk assessment of amine emissions
from post combustion power plants.
S. Manzoor, A. Korre, S. Durucan, A. Simperler
8:55 ENVR 12. Biological risk assessment of
EDCs degradation by ozone. L. Li, K. Yeung
9:20 ENVR 13. Assessing the uptake and
effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivatives on
zebrafish using a metabolomics approach.
M.R. Elie, R.L. Tanguay
9:45 ENVR 14. Kinetic toxicity profile of
haloacetonitriles, haloacetamides, and
haloacetic acids. Y. Yu, D. Reckhow
10:10 Intermission.
10:25 ENVR 15. Toxicity of silica nanomaterials:
Effects of porosity and surface chemistry,
and correlations with in vitro and in vivo
results. S.E. Lehman, A. Wongrakpanich,
A. Morris, A. Dodd, A.K. Salem, P.S. Thorne,
V.H. Grassian, S.C. Larsen
10:50 ENVR 16. Inhibition of thyroid hormone
sulfotransferase activity by brominated
flame retardants in a human choriocarcinoma cell line, BeWo. C. Leonetti, T. Neufeld,
C. Butt, H.M. Stapleton
11:15 ENVR 17. Identifying disinfection
by-products (DBPs) capable of endocrine
disruption through binding to the androgen
receptor. B.E. Holmes, L. Smeester, R.C. Fry,
H. Weinberg
11:40 ENVR 18. Resistance measurements
for Ar/O2 and H2O plasma modified SnO2
nanomaterials for enhanced gas sensing.
E.P. Stuckert, E.R. Fisher
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

Chemical Processes at Environmental

Chemistry and Imaging at Air/Liquid(Solid)
Interfaces of Atmospheric Systems
Cosponsored by COLL
H. M. Ali, N. Kabengi, Organizers
H. A. Al - Abadleh, R. Z. Hinrichs, Organizers,
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:10 ENVR 19. Role(s) of adsorbed water in the

surface chemistry of oxide nanoparticles

with atmospherically relevant molecules.
V.H. Grassian
8:40 ENVR 20. Effects of particle size, relative
humidity, and sulfur dioxide on iron
solubility in atmospheric particulate matter.
B.T. Cartledge, A.R. Marcotte, A.D. Anbar,
P. Herckes, B. Majestic
9:00 ENVR 21. Complexation and dark degradation of catechol by iron(III): Bulk vs.
surface chemistry. H.A. Al - Abadleh
9:20 ENVR 22. Chemical imaging of atmospheric particles. A. Laskin
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 ENVR 23. Ozone initiated heterogeneous
oxidation of atmospheric organics. Y. Liu,
C. Leng
10:40 ENVR 24. Reactive uptake of biogenic
volatile organic compounds on mineral
aerosol substrates and their subsequent
heterogeneous ozonolysis. R.Z. Hinrichs
11:00 ENVR 25. Cascade oxidation of atmospheric aerosol dicarboxylic acids by gasphase OH-radicals. S. Enami, M.R. Hoffmann,
A.J. Colussi

11:30 ENVR 26. Atmospheric oxidation of

benzene: Effect of temperature, pH, ionic

strength, and oxygen content at the
air-water interface. A.A. Heath, L.C. Cormier,
C.A. Leger, K.T. Valsaraj
11:50 ENVR 27. Elucidating the mechanisms of
HONO formation from nitrate photochemistry on environmental surfaces. J.D. Raff
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Environmental Reactivity of Organic

Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG
W. Arnold, Y. Chin, K. H. Wammer, Organizers,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:30 ENVR 28. Environmental photochemistry of altrenogest. K.H. Wammer,
K.C. Anderson, P.R. Erickson, S. Kliegman,
K. McNeill, D. Martinovic-Weigelt, D.M. Cwiertny,
E.P. Kolodziej
8:50 ENVR 29. Characterizing lampricide pho-

toproduct formation under laboratory based

and field based conditions. M. McConville,
C.K. Remucal
9:10 ENVR 30. Comparative triplet photochemistry of natural and treated effluent
organic matter: Wavelength dependence of
quantum yields for singlet oxygen and oxidizing triplets. C.M. Sharpless, J. Laszakovitz
9:30 ENVR 31. Environmental photochemistry
of bacitracin. R. Lundeen, C. Chu, M. Sander,
K. McNeill
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 ENVR 32. Matrix effects in the photodegradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. K.A. Thorn
10:25 ENVR 33. Does debromination dominate
BDE-47 photodegradation in natural environments? M.L. Wei-Haas, Y. Chin
10:45 ENVR 34. Insights into photochemical
transformation pathways of triclosan and
2-HO-BDE-28. Y. Zhang, J. Chen, Q. Xie
11:05 ENVR 35. Distinct photolytic mechanisms
and products for different dissociation and
metal complexation species of ciprofloxacin. X. Wei, J. Chen
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 711

Biogenically Enhanced Recovery and

Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
Cosponsored by MPPG
D. L. Drogos, M. Urynowicz, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:10 ENVR 36. Enhancing production of

coalbed biogenic natural gas: History,

status, and perspectives. S. Jin, R.M. Flores
8:30 ENVR 37. Biogenic methane potential of
Bowen Basin, Queensland coal preparation
plant rejects. S.K. Lane, H. Zheng, V. Rudolph,
S. Golding, P.C. Gilcrease
8:50 ENVR 38. Impacts of natural gas developments on methanogenesis in deep aquifers
in natural gas field. T. Katayama, H. Yoshioka,
S. Sakata, Y. Muramoto, J. Usami
9:10 Intermission.
9:30 ENVR 39. Decarbonization of shallow
unconventional biogenic gas: Bridging the
gap between fossil fuels and renewable
energy. M. Urynowicz
9:50 ENVR 40. Subsurface bio-electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide into
methane by using indigenous microorganisms. H. Maeda, M. Ikarashi, H. Kobayashi,
N. Fukushima, K. Sato
10:10 ENVR 41. Impact of CO2 injection
into depleted oil field on the methanogenic activity and pathway. H. Maeda,
T. Wakayama, M. Ikarashi, D. Mayumi, S. Sakata,
H. Tamaki, Y. Kamagata
10:30 ENVR 42. Stimulating effect of protein-rich matter on the biogenic recycling of
CO2 to CH4. J. Vilcaez
10:50 Panel Discussion.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

5:05 ENVR 60. Metabolic pathways of poly-

3:25 ENVR 74. Ozone degradation of cylin-

9:55 ENVR 89. Environmental application

chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) mediated by

the active center of cytochrome P450s:
A computational study with PCB-52 and
PCB-77. Z. Fu, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Chen
5:30 Concluding Remarks.

drospermopsin (cyanotoxin): Degradation

mechanisms and toxicity assessments.
S. Yan, A. Jia, S. Merel, S.A. Snyder, W. Song
3:45 ENVR 75. Doxycycline transformation
during water disinfection with chlorine.
N. Kennedy, O. Keen
4:05 ENVR 76. Electroperoxone treatment of
the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen:operation parameters and degradation mechanism. X. Li, Y. Wang, G. Yu

of PEI based hydrogels in different morphology and sizes: Bulk, microgel, and
cryogel. N. Sahiner, S. Demirci, M. Sahiner,
H.A. Al-Lohedan, N. Aktas
10:15 Intermission.
10:30 ENVR 90. Effect of two-phase pretreatment of rice straw on polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) synthesis by Cupriavidus
necator. J. Ahn, E.G. Jho, K. Nam
10:50 ENVR 91. Insights on the solubility of CO2
in 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide from the microscopic
point of view. L.T. Costa, T. Loureno, D. Van
Der Spoel
11:10 ENVR 92. Novel vapor-phase hydrolysis
approach for preparing of nanosilica:
Recycling of silicon tetrachloride. F. Yan,
J. Jiang, M. Zhao
11:30 ENVR 93. Nitrous oxide emission from
de-ammonification process. P.L. Noophan
11:50 ENVR 94. [Bmim]Cl ionic liquid as a
novel solvent and reaction medium for
the preparation of keratin biodegradable
thermoplastic. J. Yuan, Y. Yu, P. Wang, X. Fan,
Q. Wang
12:10 ENVR 95. Metal occurrence in and
potential recovery from municipal biosolids. K.S. Smith, P.L. Hageman, G.S. Plumlee,
J.G. Crock, T.J. Yager, R.B. Brobst, S.C. Gebhard

Green Chemistry and the Environment

Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG

Section C

R. Luque, Organizer
A. M. Balu, S. O. Obare, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

Chemical Processes at Environmental


1:35 ENVR 43. Green photoelectrochemical

solar cell based on water redox. H. Zhang,
H. Xu, H. Wang, J. Xuan
2:05 ENVR 44. Pd- reduced-graphene oxides

with oxygen annealing for advanced direct

formic acid fuel cells. D. Li, D. Leung, H. Xu,
H. Wang, J. Xuan
2:25 ENVR 45. Simultaneous energy generation
and organics removal from real pharmaceutical wastewater by packed bed-microbial
fuel cell. Z.Z. Ismail, A.A. Habeeb
2:45 ENVR 46. Withdrawn.
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 ENVR 47. Binary hierarchical systems
for green chemistry processes. R.R. Ozer,
H.A. Al-Zubaidi, S.O. Obare
3:40 ENVR 48. Upcycling of packing-peanuts
into carbon electrodes for electrochemical
energy storage. V. Etacheri, C. Hong, V. Pol
4:00 ENVR 49. Facile microwave-induced
rapid synthesis of triazepinone: An adduct
of metformin and methylglyoxal. B. Dayal,
R. Gohil, B. Garsondiya, S. Nirujogi, M.A. Lea
4:20 ENVR 50. Tyrosinase-catalyzed immobilization of catalase onto regenerated silk
fibroins. P. Wang, G. Tang, L. Cui, Q. Wang,
X. Fan
4:40 ENVR 51. Multipurpose application of
Sacha inchi Plukentia volubilis L plant:
Panacea from the Andean region. B. Kumar,
L. Cumbal, A. Debut
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Assessing Toxicity of Environmental

Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI and MPPG
S. M. Uchimiya, B. Zhang, Organizers
X. Pan, J. Wang, Organizers, Presiding

Chemistry and Imaging at Air/Liquid(Solid)

Interfaces of Atmospheric Systems
Cosponsored by COLL
H. A. Al - Abadleh, R. Z. Hinrichs, N. Kabengi,
H. M. Ali, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 61. Photolysis of secondary organic

aerosol material as a source of small

oxygenated volatile organic compounds.
K. Malecha, S.A. Nizkorodov
1:50 ENVR 62. Sunlight-driven synthesis and
self-assembly of a model amphiphile at the
air-water interface. R. Rapf, E. Grifth, V. Vaida
2:10 ENVR 63. Effects of solutes on pollutant
photolysis kinetics at ice surfaces.
T.F. Kahan, P. Malley, J. Grossman
2:40 ENVR 64. Attenuated total reflection spectroscopy of frozen aqueous salt solutions
and vapor-deposited ice. R.R. Michelsen,
H. Marrocco, K. Searles, R. Walker
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 ENVR 65. Effects of air pollution and
climate change on allergenic protein
containing aerosols in the anthropocene. C.J. Kampf, F. Liu, K. Reinmuth-Selzle,
M. Shiraiwa, U. Pschl
3:40 ENVR 66. In situ probing of environmental
liquid surfaces and interfaces by time-offlight secondary ion mass spectrometry.
X. Yu
4:00 Discussion.
4:05 ENVR 67. Adsorption and self-assembly of
alkylammonium surfactants at silica/water
interfaces studied by interface-specific
vibrational spectroscopy: Investigating pH
and ionic strength conditions relevant to
hydraulic fracturing. P. Hayes, L.L. Torres
4:35 ENVR 68. Characterization of quantum dot
suspensions with SEC-ICP-MS. P. LareseCasanova, P. Paydary

1:30 ENVR 52. Utilizing high-throughput

bioassays associated with US EPA ToxCast

Program to assess biological activity
of environmental contaminants: A case
study of chemical mixtures. B. Blackwell,
A. Schroeder, G. Ankley, M. Lee, K. Jensen,
K. Houck, R. Judson, D. Villeneuve
1:55 ENVR 53. Uptake and reproductive toxicity of the metal oxide nanoparticle ZnO in
Caenorhabditis elegans. L.A. Bush
2:20 ENVR 54. Sublethal impacts of engineered
and biogenic nanomaterials on social
behavior of environmental bacteria.
A. Mohanty, B. Cao
2:45 ENVR 55. New measuring method of
nicotine in tobacco smoke to estimate
personal exposure of secondhand smoke.
M. Noguchi, A. Yamasaki
3:10 ENVR 56. Impacts of nanomaterials on
bacterial growth, biofilm Formation, and
microbial community function. Y. Liu,
P. Ymele-Leki, M. Ramamoorthy
3:35 Intermission.
3:50 ENVR 57. Toxicity of binary and ternary
mixtures of nickel, copper, zinc and
cadmium to Daphnia magna. E. Traudt,
J.F. Ranville, S. Smith, K. Ebeling, J. Meyer
4:15 ENVR 58. Simulated sunlight induces
oxygen loss and decreases nanosheet
size for graphene oxide in aqueous
suspensions demonstrating zebrafish
toxicity. J.N. Wheeler, M. Kim, W. Heideman,
R.E. Peterson, J.A. Pedersen, R.J. Hamers
4:40 ENVR 59. Effect of Daphnia magna age on
the variability of cadmium toxicity. S. Smith

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Environmental Reactivity of Organic

Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG
W. Arnold, Y. Chin, K. H. Wammer, Organizers,
1:30 ENVR 69. Insights into the (bio)trans-

formation processes of benzotriazoles

from compound-specific isotope analysis
and transformation product identification. B. Rani, S. Spahr, S. Emma, J. Hollender,
T.B. Hofstetter
1:50 ENVR 70. Establishing predictive relationships between specific bacterial 16S rRNA
sequences and micropollutant biotransformation rates. D.E. Helbling, D. Johnson, T. Lee,
A. Scheidegger, K. Fenner
2:10 ENVR 71. Experimental and computational
evidence for reduction mechanisms of
N-oxides by soluble FeII species. Y. Chen,
H. Zhang
2:30 ENVR 72. Fate of urban micropollutants
and their transformation products in black
carbon amended stormwater bioinfiltration systems. B.A. Ulrich, E. Im, D. Werner,
C.P. Higgins
2:50 Intermission.
3:05 ENVR 73. Withdrawn.

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 711

Biogenically Enhanced Recovery and

Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
Cosponsored by MPPG
D. L. Drogos, M. Urynowicz, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 77. Relationship between coal bio-

degradation, microbial methane generation,

and redox conditions in coalbeds indicated
by coupled water, gas, and microbial
analyses. D. Ritter, E. Barnhart, H. Schweitzer,
D. Vinson, J.C. McIntosh, M. Fields
1:50 ENVR 78. Molybdate, cobalt, and copper
affect microorganisms associated with deep
on subsurface coal by enhancing methane
production and shifting the methanogenic
community structure. B. Unal, M. Sanderson,
V. Ryan Perry, K. Chin, K. Nusslein
2:10 ENVR 79. Enhanced production of biogenic coalbed methane from coals following
chemical oxidation. Z. Huang, M.A. Urynowicz
2:30 ENVR 80. Use of a kinetic model to identify rate-limitations for biological methane
production from coal. S.L. Papendick,
S. Golding, V. Rudolph, P.C. Gilcrease
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 ENVR 81. Characterization of microbial
communities of methanogenically productive and unproductive coals. L. Gallagher,
A.W. Glossner, L.L. Landkamer, L.A. Figueroa,
K.W. Mandernack
3:30 ENVR 82. Biodegradation pathways and
organic intermediates in the conversion of
coal geoploymers to methane. W.H. Orem,
D.M. Akob, E. Barnhart, A. Clark, A. Cunningham,
D. Dunlap, M. Fields, J.C. McIntosh, L. Ruppert,
M. Varonka
3:50 ENVR 83. Molecular characterization of
microbes and metagenome of an Indian
coal bed for biotransformation of coal
into methane and other valued products.
D.N. Singh, A. Kumar, M.P. Sarbhai, A. Gupta,
A.K. Tripathi
4:10 ENVR 84. Evolution of acetate metabolism
in methanogenic Archaea. E. Barnhart,
M. McClure, K. Johnson, S. Cleveland, K. Hunt,
M. Fields
4:30 Panel Discussion.
4:50 Concluding Remarks.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Green Chemistry and the Environment

Cosponsored by CEI
A. M. Balu, Organizer
R. Luque, S. O. Obare, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 ENVR 85. Sonochemical water treatment

of dyeing waste water on carpet workshop.

S. Sedaghat
8:55 ENVR 86. Morphology-dependent of
alpha-MnO2 for catalytic decomposition of
ozone. J. Jia, P. Zhang
9:15 ENVR 87. Effect of initial pH on iron-oxidizing bacteria assisted pyrite oxidation
system for mine tailings treatment. W. Ju,
E. Jho, K. Nam
9:35 ENVR 88. Biotic and abiotic treatment
methods for alkaline leachates from steel
slags. S. Kim, K. Nam, E.G. Jho

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Environmental Chemistry and Health Impacts

of Fine and Ultrane Particulate Matter
Cosponsored by MPPG
S. M. Lomnicki, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 ENVR 96. Exposure to combustion-de-

rived particulate matter: an unrecognized

risk factor in severity of respiratory viral
infection in infants. S. Cormier, G. Lee,
J. Saravia, D. You, B. Shrestha, S. Jaligama,
V. Hebert, T.R. Dugas
8:30 ENVR 97. Withdrawn.
8:50 ENVR 98. Temporal-spatial variations,
sources, and transport of PM2.5 and associated trace metals in the Yangtze River Delta
(YRD), China. L. Ming, J. Li, G. Zhang, X. Li
9:10 ENVR 99. Spatial variation of rainwater
chemistry in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
A.A. Okoya
9:30 ENVR 100. Chemical speciated components of atmospheric organic aerosol in the
St. Louis Region, U.S. Y. Zhang, B. Williams,
R. Martinez, D. Mitroo, M. Walker, C. Oxford,
X. Zuo, D. Hagan, J. Turner, L. Du, D. Millet,
M. Baasandorj, L. Hu, R. Weber, L. King
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 ENVR 101. Oxidant production from
source-oriented particulate matter:
hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical.
N.K. Richards-Henderson, J.G. Charrier,
K.J. Bein, A.S. Wexler, C. Anastasio
10:25 ENVR 102. Formation of biologically
persistent free radicals (BPFR) via reaction
of nano metal oxide with a selected
component of broncho-alveolar lavage fluid
(BALF). A.N. Dela Cruz, S.M. Lomnicki
10:45 ENVR 103. Effect of black carbon
nanoparticles on epithelial cell proliferation.
N. Beebe, A.M. Johansen
11:05 ENVR 104. Main contributors to the
diesel exhaust and wood smoke particles
toxicity. Do we know them? A. Kubtov,
R. Cochran, K. Ondruov, J. Rousov,
A.I. Totlandsdal, J. vrevik, P.E. Schwarze, M. Lg
11:25 ENVR 105. Determination of atmospheric
organosulfates using HILIC chromatography
with MS detection. E.A. Stone, A. Hettiyadura,
S. Kundu, Z. Baker, E. Geddes, K. Richards,
T. Humphry
11:45 ENVR 106. Particulate matter containing
environmentally persistent free radicals
induce aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent cytokine production in human bronchial epithelial cells. V. Hebert, S. Cormier,
R. Reed, W. Backes, T.R. Dugas

Section C

10:55 ENVR 122. Fate and transport of four

2:10 ENVR 134. Natural organic matters

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

organic compounds frequently used in

hydraulic fracturing fluids in laboratory
columns containing aquifer sediments.
J.D. Rogers, S.G. Osborn, J.N. Ryan
11:20 ENVR 123. WII4HF: A conceptual model
for computing water impact index for
hydraulic fracturing. R. Kandiah, K. Nedunuri,
X. Wei, N. Zhang, M.G. Smith

influence on pollutant toxicity: An interface

point of view. R.D. Williams, C.L. Schneider,
L.M. Ojwang, R.L. Cook
2:45 ENVR 135. Effect of extracellular
polymeric substances on the fate and
transformation of engineered nanomaterials. A.S. Adeleye, A.A. Keller
3:05 ENVR 136. Measuring iron particle
formation in seawater through advances
in spICP-MS. B.T. Cartledge, E.K. Cutler,
K.E. Whitworth, B. Majestic
3:25 Intermission.
3:45 ENVR 137. Heteroaggregation of carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (COOHMWCNTs) and kaolinite in aquatic systems
and their cotransport behavior in porous
media. T. Wang, P. Coogan, Q. Li
4:05 ENVR 138. Promoted dispersion of cerium
oxide nanoparticles from Fe2+-induced
redox reactions at the nanoparticle surface.
Y. Jun, J.R. Ray, X. Liu, C.W. Neil, Q. Li
4:25 ENVR 139. Elucidating critical roles of light
and electron acceptors during aqueous colloidal C60 (nC60) formation. J. Wu, A. Montoya,
W. Li, J. Fortner
4:45 ENVR 140. Controlled evaluation of
copper-based nanomaterial dissolution
kinetics. R.D. Kent, P.J. Vikesland

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

Chemical Processes at Environmental

Chemistry at Aqueous/Mineral(Solid)
Cosponsored by COLL
H. A. Al - Abadleh, H. M. Ali, R. Z. Hinrichs,
N. Kabengi, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:10 ENVR 107. Structure, dynamics, and

reactivity of the interface between

aqueous solutions and mineral surfaces.
D. Wesolowski, A.G. Stack, H. Wang
8:40 ENVR 108. Integrated approach to study
surface reactions using spectroscopy and
calorimetry. M. Chrysochoou, N. Kabengi
9:10 ENVR 109. Speciation dynamics of metal
at biochar-soil interface: Effects of biochar
and soil properties. R. Huang, Y. Tang
9:30 ENVR 110. Zinc interaction with struvite
during and after mineralization from phosphorus-rich sources. A. Rouff, K. Juarez
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 ENVR 111. Adsorption of Cr(VI),
Cd(II), and Pb(II) on nanomaghemite and
maghemite-coated silica. C. Koretsky,
M. Komarek, D. Alessi, K. Stephen, A. Troy
10:40 ENVR 112. DFT calculations in support of
XANES and NMR studies of Cd and Pb on
gibbsite and kaolinite. J.D. Kubicki, H. Watts,
E. Poweleit, K.T. Mueller, N. Govind, P. ODay,
M. Small
11:10 ENVR 113. Development of DFT methods
to aid in NMR data interpretation for Cd(II)
adsorbed to clay minerals. H.D. Watts,
E.T. Poweleit, K.T. Mueller, J.D. Kubicki
11:30 ENVR 114. Exploring nano shape effects
on reactivity in Keggin-type aluminum
hydroxide clusters through DFT studies.
K.W. Corum, S.E. Mason
11:50 ENVR 115. Surface chemistry enhanced
microbial electrodes: Biofilm modeling and
characterization. J.A. Cornejo, K. Artyushkova,
C. Santoro, S. Babanova, L.K. Ista, A.J. Schuler,
P.B. Atanassov
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil

and Air Quality
Groundwater Impacts
Cosponsored by MPPG
R. Jackson, R. D. Vidic, Organizers
J. Blotevogel, T. Borch, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENVR 116. Approaches for groundwater

monitoring for shale gas impacts: Concepts

and field examples. B. Parker, J. Cherry,
A. Cahill
8:35 ENVR 117. Controls on methane occurrences in aquifers in the footprint of Texas
shale plays. J. Nicot, P. Mickler, T.E. Larson,
M. Castro, Z. Hildenbrand, R. Darvari, K. Uhlman,
R.C. Smyth, L. Bouvier, B.R. Scanlon
9:00 ENVR 118. Simulating mobility and
degradation of chemical contaminants from
unconventional gas development. C. Kanno,
D. Edlin, T. Borrillo-Hutter, J.E. McCray
9:25 ENVR 119. Fate of hydraulic fracturing chemicals in agricultural topsoil.
M. McLaughlin, T. Borch, J. Blotevogel
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 ENVR 120. Trace levels of diesel range
organic compounds in shallow groundwater
wells in northeastern Pennsylvania elevated
near Marcellus shale gas wells. B. Drollette,
K. Schreglmann, N. Warner, T.H. Darrah,
M.P. OConnor, O. Karatum, R. Nelson, M. Elsner,
C.M. Reddy, A. Vengosh, R. Jackson, D.L. Plata
10:30 ENVR 121. Toxicity and fate of the chemicals of matrix acidization, an unconventional oil stimulation technique. K. Abdullah,
J. Taylor, I. Suffet

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 711

Modern Analytical Approaches for the

Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment
Use of Mass Spectrometry and Other
Methods to Characterize NOM in Diverse
Cosponsored by ANYL and MPPG
G. Aiken, K. Cawley, Organizers
J. A. Korak, F. L. Rosario, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENVR 124. From molecular analyses to

remote sensing: Characterization of dissolved organic matter in the Gulf of Maine.

G. Aiken, X. Cao, J. Mao, K. Schmidt-Rohr,
R. Spencer, S. Belanger, W. Balch, T. Huntington
8:35 ENVR 125. Ultrahigh resolution mass
spectrometry study of sea spray aerosol
water soluble and water insoluble organic
matter composition. A.S. Wozniak,
A.S. Willoughby, S.D. McElhenie, P.K. Quinn,
D.J. Coffman, P. Hatcher
9:00 ENVR 126. Using Fourier transform ion
cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
to identify potential disinfection byproduct
precursors in leaf litter leachate. G. McKee,
C.C. Rhoades, T. Borch
9:25 ENVR 127. Meta-metabolomics as a
systems-level tool for examining shifts
in organic matter composition driven by
environmental change. C.M. Boot
9:50 ENVR 128. Halogenated moieties
incorporated into humic acid as a result
of oxidation of tetrahalobisphenol A and
their characterization using a TMAHpyrolysis-GC/MS. R. Kodama, T. Miyamoto,
Q. Zhu, M. Igarashi, M. Fukushima
10:15 Intermission.
10:30 ENVR 129. Antarctic ice-locked reservoirs of organic matter: Probing the bulk
and molecular level chemical nature of
organic matter by fluorescence spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. J. DAndrilli,
C.M. Foreman, H.J. Smith
10:55 ENVR 130. Transformations in autochthonous DOM: An Antarctic supraglacial
case study. H.J. Smith, M.L. Wei-Haas,
M. SanClements, J. DAndrilli, C.M. Foreman,
Y. Chin, D. McKnight
11:20 ENVR 131. Patterns in DOC absorbance
with photodegradation and microbial
processing in tundra watersheds in the
Kolyma River Basin. M. Behnke, J. Schade,
K. Whittinghill, N. Zimov
11:45 ENVR 132. DOC variability and characteristics in alpine watersheds. K. Dee,
J.F. Ranville, K. Walton-Day, K.S. Smith

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Dispersion of Nanoparticles and its

Implication for Interfacial, Biological
and Environmental Processes
Interface and Transport
N. B. Saleh, B. Xing, Organizers
B. Pan, P. J. Vikesland, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 ENVR 133. Interaction between graphene

oxide and minerals in aqueous phase.

J. Zhao, Z. Wang, B. Xing

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Chemistry in the Marine Boundary Layer

Cosponsored by MPPG
J. Donaldson, Organizer
B. DAnna, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 141. Ocean-atmosphere inter-

action and marine multiphase chemistry.

H. Herrmann, M. van Pinxteren, D. van Pinxteren,
K. Mller, W. Fomba, P. Bruer
1:55 ENVR 142. Impact of biological activity
in the sea surface microlayer on sea spray
aerosol and cold cloud formation. J.Y. Aller,
P. Alpert, W.P. Kilthau, D. Bothe, T.W. Wilson,
B. Murray, D.A. Knopf
2:15 ENVR 143. Sea spray organic matter
and virus-induced plankton dynamic.
M. Facchini, C.D. ODowd, R. Danovaro
2:35 ENVR 144. Surface-atmosphere exchange
of ammonia in the summertime Canadian
Arctic marine boundary layer. G. Wentworth,
J. Murphy, J. Tremblay, J. Gagnon, J. Ct,
I. Courchesne
2:55 Intermission.
3:05 ENVR 145. Bringing the ocean into the
laboratory for detailed studies on sea spray
aerosols. K.A. Prather
3:30 ENVR 146. Impact of air-sea exchanges
on the Mediterranean marine boundary
layer composition. N. Marchand, J. Pey,
H.L. Dewitt, B. Temime-Roussel, S. Hellebust,
A. Mme, B. Rmili, B. Charrire, R. Sempr,
S. Mas, D. Parin, J. Cerro, N. Perez, C. Rose,
A. Schwier, M. Elser, S. Szidat, A.S. Prvt,
K. Sellegri, B. DAnna
3:50 ENVR 147. Size-resolved sea spray
aerosol particles studied by vibrational sum
frequency generation. F. Geiger
4:10 Intermission.
4:20 ENVR 148. Sunlight-driven photochemical
halogenation of dissolved organic matter
in seawater: A natural abiotic source
of organobromine and organoiodine.
J.J. Pignatello, J. Mndez-Daz, K. Shimabuku,
J. Ma, Z.O. Enumah, W. Mitch, M.C. Dodd
4:45 ENVR 149. Simulation of the photochemical heterogeneous activation of halogens
(Cl and Br) from salt pans and salt aerosol
in chamber experiments. C. Zetzsch
5:05 ENVR 150. On the reaction of CH3O2
radicals with OH radicals and its impact on
the MBL. C. Fittschen
5:25 ENVR 151. Impact of organosulfur compounds at the marine/urban interface in a
decreasing SO2 world. V. Perraud, S. Meinardi,
D.R. Blake, J. Horne, M. Dawson, A. Martinez,
D. Dabdub, J. Kalinowski, R.B. Gerber,
B.J. Finlayson Pitts

Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water

Cosponsored by MPPG
S. Ahuja, J. W. Finley, J. N. Seiber, Organizers,
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 ENVR 152. Notable solutions to water
contamination. S. Ahuja
2:00 ENVR 153. Arsenic removal technology

for drinking water for developing countries.

S. Chaudhari, T. Banerji
2:25 ENVR 154. Quantification of arsenic and
uranium in unregulated water sources on
the Navajo and Hopi reservations. J. Credo,
E.R. Peaches, T. Rock, S.B. Garcia, J.C. Ingram
2:50 ENVR 155. Feasibility study of iron
oxide nanoparticles prepared by different
synthetic methods for arsenic removal.
N.I. Gonzalez Pech, C. Avendano, G. Escalera,
A. Bohloul, V.L. Colvin
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 ENVR 156. Influence of acid-base
properties of zinc oxide nanomaterials on
their arsenic uptake capacity. E. Rukundo,
A. Apblett
3:55 ENVR 157. Extraction, recovery, and identification of Inorganic contaminants from
water. R.E. Del Sesto, A. Newsham, M. Jones,
B.H. Barton, A.T. Koppisch, D. Fox
4:20 ENVR 158. Optimizing the treatment
performance of graphene oxide-based
hydrogels. T.A. Duster, L.F. Greenlee
4:45 ENVR 159. Removal of heavy metals
with steel furnace slag. B. MercadoBorrayo, R. Contreras, A. Snchez, X. Font,
R. Schouwenaars, R. Ramrez-Zamora
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil

and Air Quality
Surface Water Impacts/Fluid Chemistry
Cosponsored by MPPG
J. Blotevogel, T. Borch, Organizers
R. Jackson, R. D. Vidic, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 160. Water quality challenges

associated with energy resource extraction

from Marcellus Shale. R.D. Vidic
2:00 ENVR 161. Appropriation of fresh water for
shale gas development in Pennsylvanias
Marcellus Shale. J. Saiers, E. Barth-Naftilan
2:25 ENVR 162. Transformation kinetics and
pathways of hydraulic fracturing biocides
under downhole conditions: Focus on glutaraldehyde. G. Kahrilas, J. Blotevogel, T. Borch
2:50 ENVR 163. Exploring the potential for
rare earth elements as geochemical fingerprints of salinity sources. A. Karamalidis,
C.W. Noack, D.A. Dzombak
3:15 Intermission.
3:25 ENVR 164. Analysis of hydraulic fracturing
flowback and produced waters using accurate mass: IIdentification of ethoxylated
surfactants. E. Thurman, I. Ferrer, J. Blotevogel,
T. Borch
3:55 ENVR 165. Endocrine disrupting activity
of hydraulic fracturing chemicals and health
outcomes following prenatal exposure in
mice. C. Kassotis, C. Lin, D.E. Tillitt, S.C. Nagel
4:20 ENVR 166. Contaminant mobilization via
reactions between Marcellus shale and synthetic fracturing fluids. W.D. Burgos, T. Tasket
4:45 ENVR 167. Ultrahigh resolution mass
spectrometry of hydraulic fracturing
produced waters. L. Jenna, M. Gonsior,
P. Schmitt-Kopplin, J. Batista
5:10 ENVR 168. Molecular-level characterization of water-soluble organic species from
eagle ford shale oil by ultrahigh resolution
ft-icr mass spectrometry. A.M. McKenna,
D.C. Podgorski, H. Chen, L.C. Krajewski, Y. Corilo

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 711

Modern Analytical Approaches for the

Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment
Extraction Techniques to Isolate NOM and
Characterization of Pyrogenic Organic
Matter (Biomass Burning)
Cosponsored by ANYL and MPPG

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 4D

Dispersion of Nanoparticles and its

Implication for Interfacial, Biological
and Environmental Processes
Sorption and Dispersion

J. A. Korak, F. L. Rosario, Organizers

G. Aiken, K. Cawley, Organizers, Presiding

B. Pan, N. B. Saleh, P. J. Vikesland, Organizers

B. Xing, Organizer, Presiding
R. L. Cook, Presiding

1:30 ENVR 169. Solid phase extraction of

8:00 ENVR 179. Toward a mechanistic under-

organic matter, past to present: A review of

isolation mechanisms from XAD to todays
sorbents. E.M. Thurman, I. Ferrer
2:00 ENVR 170. Characterization of soil organic
matter (SOM) using online supercritical
fluid extraction (SCFE) techniques coupled
with liquid chromatography-ultrahigh
resolution mass spectrometry (LC-UHR
MS). K.M. Roscioli, Y. Shen, R. Zhao, T. Fillmore,
N. Tolic, M. Tfaily, B. Anderson, N.J. Hess,
L. Paa-Tolic, E.W. Robinson
2:25 ENVR 171. New solvent methods for
molecular characterization of SOM by
high resolution spectrometry. M.M. Tfaily,
R. Chu, N. Tolic, K.M. Roscioli, L. Paa-Tolic,
E.W. Robinson, N.J. Hess
2:50 ENVR 172. Effects of chemical treatments
on soil organic matter composition
identified by DRIFT, NMR and py-MBMS
characterization. F.J. Caldern, A.J. Margenot,
K.A. Magrini, R.J. Evans
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 ENVR 173. Structural interrogation of dissolved organic matter and pyrogenic black
carbon and molecular characterization by
ultrahigh resolution FT-ICR mass spectrometry. A.M. McKenna, D.C. Podgorski, Y. Corilo,
W.T. Cooper, D.F. Smith, N.K. Kaiser
3:55 ENVR 174. Speciation of organics in aged
atmospheric particles from a biomass
burning event: Relationship to light absorption and comparison to humic acids. R.A. Di
Lorenzo, K.J. Jobst, X. Ortiz, C.J. Young
4:20 ENVR 175. Comparative analysis of wood
stove smoke. V.M. Porden
4:45 ENVR 176. Characterization and concentration of water soluble organic matter
(WSOM) and inorganic constituents from
wildfire impacted stream bank material. K. Cawley, A.K. Hohner, P. Omur-Ozbek,
R. Summers, F.L. Rosario

standing of the effect of natural organic

matter coatings on nanoparticle aggregation. G.V. Lowry, S. Louie, E.R. Spielman-Sun,
R.D. Tilton
8:35 ENVR 180. Coadsorption, desorption
hysteresis, and sorption thermodynamics
of sulfamethoxazole and carbamazepine
on graphene oxide and graphite. B. Pan,
C. Wang, H. Li, B. Xing
9:10 ENVR 181. Arsenic adsorption in highly
dispersed conductive TiO2-CNT nanosystems: Enhanced sorption behavior due to
mass transport, electrosorption, and adsorbent dispersion. H. Liu, K. Zuo, C.D. Vecitis
9:30 ENVR 182. Role of air bubbles overlooked
in the adsorption of perfluorooctane
sulfonate on carbon nanotubes. S. Deng,
P. Meng, B. Xing
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 ENVR 183. Influence of humic acid
on the dispersion and transport of nTiO2
particles in water-saturated porous media.
Y. Wu, T. Cheng
10:30 ENVR 184. Surface engineering magnetic
nanoparticles for aqueous applications:
Design and characterization of tailored
organic bilayer. W. Li, C.H. Hinton, S. Lee,
J. Wu, Y. Jiang, J.D. Fortner
10:50 ENVR 185. Disruption of quorum sensing
by adsorption of acyl-homoserine lactone
to engineered nanomaterials. K.B. Gregory,
J.M. Vanbriesen, E. McGivney
11:10 ENVR 186. Synthesis and characterization of anion exchange resin coated
SWCNTs for dissolved organic content
removal. J.C. Poler, B. Johnson, Y.J. Baik,
R. Furst
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Section A

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for

Discovering Emerging Contaminants
in the Natural Environment
Cosponsored by AGRO, ANYL and MPPG

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

D. Alvarez, Organizer
T. L. Jones-Lepp, Organizer, Presiding


8:30 Introductory Remarks.

S. R. Al-Abed, Organizer

8:35 ENVR 187. New environmental monitoring


8:00 - 10:00
ENVR 177.

Profile of metal bioaccumulation

in selected invertebrates from the eastern
and western shores of the Susquehanna
River near Hummels Wharf Pennsylvania.
A. Pritzlaff, C.P. Hallen, C. Venn
ENVR 178. Organic matter and nitrogen
removal within field-scale constructed
wetlands: Reduction performance and
microbial identification studies. T. Yeh
203, 210, 336, 351, 360, 362-363, 366, 370-371,
374, 377, 379, 381, 383, 386, 388-389, 394,
396, 400-401, 403, 407, 414-415, 417, 419, 422,
430-431, 438, 443, 446-447, 450-451, 454, 460.
See subsequent listings.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

framework for contaminants of emerging

concern (CECs). K.A. Maruya, N.G. Dodder,
A.C. Mehinto
8:55 ENVR 188. Microplastics emerging
contaminants: a new source of toxic compounds. L.M. Rios Mendoza, E. Soto
9:15 ENVR 189. Naphthenic acid analysis
using differential mobility spectrometry
coupled with accurate mass time of flight
mass spectrometry. P. Winkler, L. Campbell,
T. Sakuma, A. Schreiber, K. Peru, j. Headley
9:35 ENVR 190. Quantification and risk assessment of emerging organic contaminants
in Ikpa River basin, Niger Delta, Nigeria.
N.O. Ofong, E. Inam, J. Essien, S. Kang,
G. Udoa, B. Antia, S. Kang, P. Yang
9:55 Intermission.
10:15 ENVR 191. Using a novel photo-micro-reactor to remove benzoylecgonine in wastewater treatment: Uncovering phototransformation products and the reaction pathways
with advanced mass spectrometry tools.
S.D. Richardson, K.H. Cochran, M. Vaccaro,
D. Russo, D. Spasiano, R. Marotta, R. Andreozzi,
N.M. Reis, G. Li Puma

10:35 ENVR 192. Novel methods for sampling

10:05 ENVR 208. Disinfection by-products

perfluorinated acids in the atmosphere.

J.J. MacInnis, T.C. Vandenboer, C. Young
10:55 ENVR 193. Adsorption and disposition of pharmaceuticals by bluegill
exposed at constant concentrations in a
flow-through aquatic exposure system.
J. Zhao, E.T. Furlong, D.W. Kolpin, E.A. Schwab,
D.J. Feifarek, K.L. Bird, H. Schoenfuss, G. Ying
11:15 ENVR 194. Presence of UV filters
(sunscreens) in marine surface waters of
bays within the Virgin Islands National Park.
D. Alvarez, T. Bargar
11:35 ENVR 195. Using 5-hydroxyindoleacetic
acid as an anthropogenic population
biomarker in wastewater treatment plant
influent. D.A. Burgard, H. Fryhle, M.C. Pellman

formed during the treatment of produced

waters at wastewater treatment plants.
M.L. Hladik, M. Focazio
10:30 ENVR 209. Produced water exposure
from hydraulic fracturing alters bacterial
response to biocides. A. Vikram, D. Lipus,
K. Bibby
10:55 ENVR 210. Anaerobic biodegradation
of polypropylene glycols within hydraulic
fracturing fluid. K.M. Heyob, J. Blotevogel,
T. Borch, P.J. Mouser
11:20 ENVR 211. Feasibility of reusing barite
recovered from the produced for drilling
mud formulation. N. Cely

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water

Cosponsored by MPPG
S. Ahuja, J. W. Finley, J. N. Seiber, Organizers,
8:30 ENVR 196. Immobilization of mercury

by stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles:

Reaction mechanisms and effects of stabilizer. D. Zhao, Y. Gong, Y. Liu, Z. Xiong
8:55 ENVR 197. Solar UV photooxidation as
pretreatment for stripping voltammetric trace metal analysis in river water.
G. Flechsig, G. Woldemichael
9:20 ENVR 198. Lignin-coated magnetic
nanoparticles for mercury adsorption.
L. Pea Duque, N. Robitaille Brown
9:45 ENVR 199. Mercury uptake by oysters
in the New York Harbor indicates early
success of novel approach to water restoration. E. Park
10:10 Intermission.
10:25 ENVR 200. Binding of inorganic mercury
in surface water to DOM and alum flocs:
How much removal can we get? F.A. Diaz,
L.E. Katz, D.F. Lawler
10:50 ENVR 201. Utilization of fruit juice with
high vitamin C content for the remediation
of wastewater contaminated with chromium
(VI). Y.S. Mendoza, J.R. Pinzn
11:15 ENVR 202. Efficient and robust removal
of chromium using engineered metal-reducing biofilms. Y. Ding, B. Cao
11:40 ENVR 203. Adsorption of Cs, Sr, and Co
by mesoporous materials. K. Guo, F.X. Han,
Z. Arslan, H. Yu
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil

and Air Quality
Air & Water Quality
Cosponsored by MPPG
R. Jackson, R. D. Vidic, Organizers
J. Blotevogel, T. Borch, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENVR 204. Characterizing air quality

impacts of oil and gas development in

the Bakken formation region. J.L. Collett,
A. Evanoski-Cole, A. Prenni, D. Day, A. Sullivan,
Y. Li, B.C. Sive, Y. Zhou, J. Hand, K. Gebhart,
M. Schurman, B. Schichtel
8:30 ENVR 205. Observations of acyl peroxyl
nitrates (PANs) during the Front Range Air
Pollution and Photochemistry xperiment
(FRAPP) field campaign. J. Zaragoza,
E.V. Fischer, E.E. McDufe, W.P. Dub, S.S. Brown,
D.K. Farmer, F.M. Flocke
8:55 ENVR 206. Locating, quantifying, and
attributing methane emissions from
fossil-fuel extraction. E. Kort, M. Smith,
A. Gvakharia, C. Sweeney, A. Karion, J. Peischl,
T.B. Ryerson, C. Frankenberg, M. Dubey
9:20 Intermission.
9:35 ENVR 207. Influence of salinity, concentration, and redox on the biodegradability
of organic additives in hydraulic fracturing
fluids. P. Mouser

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 711

Modern Analytical Approaches for the

Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment
NMR and Photochemical Analysis of NOM
Cosponsored by ANYL and MPPG
J. A. Korak, F. L. Rosario, Organizers
G. Aiken, K. Cawley, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 ENVR 212. Combined mass spectrom-

etry - NMR spectroscopy approach for

characterizing organic phosphorus in
treatment of wetlands. W.T. Cooper, L. Skiba,
C. Stulz, S. Newman
8:30 ENVR 213. New forms of dissolved
organic nitrogen Identified by multibond 2D
NMR spectroscopy. X. Cao, M.R. Mulholland,
P.W. Bernhardt, J. Helms, J. Mao, K. SchmidtRohr, Z. Zhou
8:55 ENVR 214. Composition and structure of
natural organic matter isolated by reverse
osmosis and ultrafiltration. Y. Ran, W. Huang,
X. Cao, J. Mao
9:20 Intermission.
9:35 ENVR 215. Further insights on the chemical structure of humic substances (HS) and
chromophoric dissolved organic matter
(CDOM) in relation to their optical/chemical properties. R. Del Vecchio, T. Schendorf,
N.V. Blough
10:00 ENVR 216. pH effects on DOM photodegradation using semi-continuous
fluorescence excitation emission matrices.
S. Timko, M. Gonsior, W.J. Cooper
10:25 ENVR 217. Temperature dependence of
the photochemical formation of hydroxyl
radical from dissolved organic matter.
G. McKay, F.L. Rosario
10:50 ENVR 218. Comparing triplet reaction
mechanisms for DOM characterization.
A. Maizel, W. Kamp, C.K. Remucal
11:15 ENVR 219. Dynamic light scattering
and zeta potential investigation of fulvic
and humic acid reversible self-assembly
in low electrolytic conductivity solutions.
M.J. Wells, M.R. Esfahani, H.A. Stretz
11:40 ENVR 220. Assessment of novel natural
organic matter characterization tools:
Application to the drinking water industry.
Y. Park, A. Stoddart, M. Brophy, W. Krkosek,
G.A. Gagnon

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Dispersion of Nanoparticles and its

Implication for Interfacial, Biological and
Environmental Processes
Benet and Risk
B. Pan, P. J. Vikesland, B. Xing, Organizers
N. B. Saleh, Organizer, Presiding
Z. Zhang, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 221. Interactions between plants

and rare earth oxide nanoparticles.

Z. Zhang, Y. Ma, P. Zhang, X. He, Y. Zhao

2:05 ENVR 222. Bioaccumulation of ionic silver

Section C

and silver nanoparticles within freshwater

crayfish using inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectroscopy. S.W. Brittle,
D.P. Foose, M.T. Ruis, M.T. Amato, S.A. Paluri,
N.H. Lam, B. Buttigieg, Z.E. Gagnon, I.E. Pavel
2:25 ENVR 223. Bioavailability of fullerene in
the presence of environmentally relevant
matrices: Effects of humic acid and fetal
bovine serum (FBS) on the lipid accumulation and cellular uptake. Y. Ha, H. Liljestrand,
L.E. Katz, J. Maynard
2:45 ENVR 224. Interaction strength of
supported lipid bilayers with the underlying
substrate influences the disruptive effect
of engineered nanoparticles. N. Youse,
A. Wargenau, N. Tufenkji
3:05 Intermission.
3:25 ENVR 225. Application of carbon nanotube yarn as a filter media to treat nitroaromatic-contaminated water. S.R. Kanel,
B. Doane, H. Misak, S. Mall, S.W. Brittle, I.E. Pavel
Sizemore, T. Ebrahimian, D. Kempisty, M.N. Goltz
3:45 ENVR 226. Engineered carbon nanoparticle tracers: Groundwater transport
and implications for the migration of
environmental nanoparticles. C.N. King,
W.E. Sanford, Y.V. Li
4:05 ENVR 227. Probing photosensitization by
functionalized carbon nanotubes in aquatic
environments. C. Chen, R.G. Zepp
4:25 ENVR 228. Modification of zero-valent iron
nanoparticles and its application for the
decoloration of malachite green. X. Wang,
J. He, L. Le
4:45 Concluding Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for

Discovering Emerging Contaminants in the
Natural Environment
Cosponsored by AGRO, ANYL and MPPG
T. L. Jones-Lepp, Organizer
D. Alvarez, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 229. Spatial and temporal variability

of excitation emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectra in a wastewater effluent

impacted river. M.J. Wells, G.A. Mullins,
K.Y. Bell, A.K. Da Silva, E.M. Navarrete
1:50 ENVR 230. Application of field portable
PLOT-cryoadsorption headspace sampling
apparatus for detection of diesel fuel in soil.
S. Bukovsky-Reyes, T. Bruno, M. Harries
2:10 ENVR 231. Analysis of complex environmental samples by 2D-GC combined with
high-resolution mass spectrometry. A. Dane,
M. Ubukata, R.B. Cody
2:30 ENVR 232. Detection, quantification,
and partitioning property estimation of
bioaccumulative pollutants in aquatic
environments using GCxGC-ENCI-TOFMS
and GCxGC-ECD. J.S. Arey, S. Samanipour,
P. Dimitriou-Christidis, D. Nabi, J. Gros
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 ENVR 233. Determination of perchlorate
in polar ice cores down to sub-ng L-1 level
using ion chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry. K.M. Peterson, J. Cole-Dai,
D. Brandis, T. Cox, S. Splett
3:30 ENVR 234. Periodic table of elements for
the water heavy metal monitoring on paper.
M. Li, R. Cao, A. Nilghaz, L. Guan, W. Shen
3:50 ENVR 235. Hydroxyl radical generation on
graphite and modified graphite surfaces for
AOPs: An EPR investigation. M.A. Morsy,
A.M. Kawde, M.A. Daous, T.A. Saleh
4:10 ENVR 236. Identifying trace environmental
contaminant in CO2 capture solvents from
coal-fired power plants using ICP-MS
and high resolution time-of-flight mass
spectrometry (TOF-MS). J.G. Thompson,
Q. Huang, K. Liu
4:30 Concluding Remarks.

Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water

Cosponsored by MPPG

4:45 ENVR 251. Managing the risks of shale

10:50 ENVR 266. Impact of hematite nanopar-

gas development using innovative legal

and regulatory approaches. S. Olmstead,
N. Richardson
5:10 Concluding Remarks.

ticle (n-Fe2O3) morphology and size on

photocatalytic potential as exampled by
reduction of chromate. A.W. Lounsbury,
J. Yamani, N. Billmyer, J.B. Zimmerman
11:10 ENVR 267. Functionalization of borondoped diamond electrodes for the minimization of perchlorate formation during electrochemical advanced oxidation processes.
B.P. Chaplin, W. Jawando, P. Gayen
11:30 ENVR 268. One-pot electrospinningfFabrication of Pd-carbon nanofiber catalysts for
contaminant hydrogenation. T. Ye, D. Shuai
11:50 ENVR 269. Visible-light-responsive
graphitic carbon nitride for photocatalytic
degradation of persistent waterborne contaminants. Q. Zheng, D. Shuai, N. Bensalah

S. Ahuja, J. W. Finley, J. N. Seiber, Organizers,



1:30 ENVR 237. Efficient and versatile car-

Section A

bon-based nanocomposite for the adsorption of heavy metal ions from aqueous
environments. A.B. Dichiara, M.R. Webber,
R.E. Rogers
1:55 ENVR 238. Effects of the presence of
oxyanions during birnessite synthesis on
birnessite particle sizes and application for
removal of lead. Q. Wang, X. Liao, M. Zhu
2:20 ENVR 239. Engineered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for uranyl
separation in water. W. Li, S. Lee, C.H. Hinton,
J. Wu, J.D. Fortner
2:45 ENVR 240. Cr(VI) removal using magnetite-non oxidative graphene composite as
a new sorbent: A comparative study with
magnetite-graphene oxide and magnetite-reduced graphene oxide. M. Zheng,
Y. Yoon, W. Park, W. Yang, J. Kang
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 ENVR 241. Double-stranded DNA encased
single-walled carbon nanotubes for optical
sensing of cupric ions. B. Ergul, W. Zhao
3:50 ENVR 242. Speciation behavior of
transition and rare earth metal binding by
monorhamnolipids. R. Eismin, R.M. Maier,
J.E. Pemberton
4:15 ENVR 243. Water purification through
graphene oxide-insoluble salt composite
membranes. D. Wang, W. Zhao
4:40 Concluding Remarks.
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil

and Air Quality
Treatment and Regulations
Cosponsored by MPPG
J. Blotevogel, T. Borch, Organizers
R. Jackson, R. D. Vidic, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 ENVR 244. Origin of radioactivity in

Marcellus Shale flowback water and potential concerns with radioactivity in wastes
generated by unconventional gas industry.
T. Zhang, R.D. Vidic
1:55 ENVR 245. Advanced treatment for
water-recycling: Characterization and
pretreatment of the particulate foulants for
microfiltration in flowback and produced
water from Marcellus shale gas play.
B. Xiong, M. Kumar, A.L. Zydney
2:20 ENVR 246. Composition and associated
hazards of well stimulation fluids used in
California (USA). W. Stringfellow, T. McKone,
W. Sandelin, R. Maddalena, M. Heberger,
C. Varadharajan, P. Jordan, J. Domen, H. Cooley,
M. Reagan, R. Tinnacher, M. Camarillo,
J. Houseworth, J. Birkholzer
2:50 ENVR 247. Identifying gaps in hydraulic
fracturing wastewater management practices across four North American basins.
D.S. Alessi, C.A. Notte, D. Thompson, S. Kletke,
J. Brisbois, D.M. Allen, J. Gehman, G.G. Goss
3:15 ENVR 248. Characterization and analysis
of liquid waste from Marcellus Shale gas
development. J. Shih, J. Saiers, S.C. Anisfeld,
J. Chu, L. Mueclenbachs, S. Olmstead,
A. Krupnick
3:40 Intermission.
3:55 ENVR 249. Perspectives on hydraulic
fracturing in Atlantic Canada: Overview
of recent regulatory activities and social
license to operate with an environmental
context. G.A. Gagnon, W. Krkosek, B. Trueman,
L. Anderson
4:20 ENVR 250. Examining memorandums
of understanding as a policy solution for
hydraulic fracturing in Colorado. S. Zilliox,
A. Shaffer, J.S. Rolston

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas

Exploration: Treatment Issues
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG
T. Y. Cath, K. Linden, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENVR 252. Chemicals used for matrix

acidization, an unconventional oil stimulation technique. K. Abdullah, M. Stenstrom,

I. Suffet
8:30 ENVR 253. Water supply and unconventional energy development in the DenverJulesburg basin: A case study in the South
Platte watershed. E. Walker, A. Anderson,
C. Barry, T.S. Hogue
8:55 ENVR 254. Feasibility of thermal technologies for reuse of oil and gas exploration and
production wastewaters. V. Gadhamshetty,
V. Gude
9:20 ENVR 255. Mechanically strong aerogel
fabrics for oil capture and recovery.
O. Karatum, S.A. Steiner III, D.L. Plata
9:45 ENVR 256. Application of AMD for produced water reuse: Equilibrium and kinetics
of solid precipitation and solid waste
management. C. He, R.D. Vidic
10:10 Intermission.
10:10 ENVR 257. Comparing electrocoagulation, dissolved air flotation, and traditional
coagulation/flocculation as pretreatment for
hydraulic fracturing wastewater. K. Sitterley,
J. Rosenblum, K. Linden
10:35 ENVR 258. Removal mechanisms of
boron during aluminum electrocoagulation
of hydraulic fracturing flowback water.
S. Chellam, M. Sari
11:00 ENVR 259. Coupling magnetic Pickering
emulsions to membrane filtration for nonfouling oil/water separations. D. Jassby
11:25 ENVR 260. Engineered osmosis technology for desalination of oil and gas exploration wastewaters: Progressive assessment
of membrane performance and process
sustainability. B.D. Coday, T.Y. Cath
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Surface Physicochemical Processes

in Engineered and Natural Systems
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source and

a Sustainable Solution for the Environment
Cosponsored by AGRO
D. Shuai, Organizer
B. P. Chaplin, W. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 ENVR 270. Green algae cultivation and

engineering of its fatty acid synthase.

M.D. Burkart
9:20 ENVR 271. Using a pH-stat to understand
how the N source affects the concentration
of inorganic carbon in microalgae culture.
B. Nguyen, B.E. Rittmann
9:40 ENVR 272. Using carbon dioxide to
maintain the abundance of the oleaginous
microalgae Scenedesmus dimorphus
in mixed-culture growth reactors.
M.J. Giannetto, A. Retotar, H. Rismani Yazdi,
J. Peccia
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 ENVR 273. Energy efficient urban wastewater treatment using Galdieria sulphuraria.
T. Selvaratnam, N. Nagamany, L. Peter
10:40 ENVR 274. Novel shortcut nitrogen
removal process by algal-bacterial consortia in a sequencing batch photobioreactor
(SBPR). M. Wang, H. Yang, S. Ergas, P. van
der Steen
11:00 ENVR 275. Role of filamentous cyanobacteria in granular biofilms containing
microalgae and bacteria. K. Stauch-White,
C. Kuo-Dahab, K. Milferstedt, C. Park, C. Butler
11:20 ENVR 276. Light and COD effects on the
performance of photosynthetic microbial
desalination cells. B. Kokabian, V. Gude
11:40 ENVR 277. Passive membrane photobioreactor for the isolated cultivation of
algal resource utilizing selectivity (ICARUS)
using wastewater as a feed stock. I. Drexler,
M. Pickett, M. Heintz, D. Yeh
Section D

H. J. Zhang, Organizer
J. M. Cerrato, H. Liu, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water

Cosponsored by MPPG

8:35 ENVR 261. Multifunctional nanostructured

composite materials for highly active reductive catalysis water treatment applications.
J. Liu, X. Chen, Y. Wang, P. Wang, C.J. Werth,
T.J. Strathmann
9:15 ENVR 262. Photocatalytic reductive treatment of hexavalent chromium using barium
doped TiO2. M. Chen, W. Wang, Y. Yin, H. Liu
9:35 ENVR 263. Transformation of hexavalent
chromium via redox pathways in drinking
water: Implications on Cr(VI) control and
treatment. H. Liu, M. Chebeir, H. Sohn
9:55 ENVR 264. Hexavalent chromium removal
by electrocoagulation in drinking water
system. C. Pan, D. Giammar, M. Marni,
J.G. Catalano
10:15 ENVR 265. Effects of water hardness
and humic substances on Cr(VI) removal
from aqueous systems using pyrite as the
reducing agent. C. Kantar, M.S. Bulbul
10:35 Intermission.

A. Rihana, Organizer
M. A. Benvenuto, K. R. Evans, Organizers,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 ENVR 278. Flame retardants in Chicagos

atmosphere and sediment of the Chicago

Sanitary and Ship Canal. A. Peverly,
M. Venier, Y. Ma, Z. Rodenburg, K.C. Hornbuckle,
R.A. Hites
8:55 ENVR 279. Are pink salt, blue salt, and
other healthy salts worth their price? Their
analysis by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. S. Maurice, C. Roberts,
C. Kashat, M.A. Benvenuto, E. Roberts-Kirchhoff
9:15 ENVR 280. New insights into mercury
speciation in freshwaters using mercury-thiourea complex ion chromatography
with ICP-MS detection. T.H. Huang,
O.A. Todd, R.J. Hudson

9:35 ENVR 281. Single extraction methodology

for amino sugars as biomarkers in environmental matrices. T.C. Vandenboer, R. Hems,

R. Di Lorenzo, S. Ziegler, C. Young
9:55 Intermission.
10:10 ENVR 282. Molecular sensing at
graphene grain boundaries. P. Kral
10:30 ENVR 283. Iron analysis in aging water
pipes using cloud point extraction method.
Z. Li, A. Rihana, K.C. Lanigan
10:50 ENVR 284. Analyzing the correlation of
volatile organic compounds with ozone formation in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria
area Using CAMx. M. Shahriar, A. Kadiyala,
R.R. Kommalapati, Z. Huque
11:10 ENVR 285. Fate of oxyhalide disinfection
by-products in hypochlorite solution
storage tanks. A. Breytus, S. Prabakar,
A.P. Kruzic
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 711

Environmental Implications of Nano: Release

from Consumer Products and Advances in
C. P. Higgins, J. F. Ranville, Organizers
R. B. Reed, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENVR 286. Tracking nanomaterials

through the laundry wash cycle: Release,

dissolution, and complexation. D. Mitrano,
B. Nowack
8:25 ENVR 287. Prospecting silicon dioxide
in foods: Occurrence, characterization,
and toxicity. Y. Yang, J. Faust, J. Schoepf,
K. Hristovski, R.L. Tanguay, D.G. Capco,
P. Herckes, P.K. Westerhoff
8:45 ENVR 288. Characterization of nanosilica
release from a weathered nanosilica/
polyurethane coating. L. Sung, S. Huang,
Y. Cheng, D. Stanley, S. Rabb, P. Krommenhoek,
L. Yu, T. Nguyen
9:05 ENVR 289. Evaluation of nanoparticle
release from polymer nanocomposites
loaded with fluorescent quantum dots.
K. Pillai, P. Gray, C. Tien, R. Bleher, L. Sung,
T.V. Duncan
9:25 ENVR 290. Influence of loading on
the degradation and release of carbon
nanotubes from polymer nanocomposites.
H. Fairbrother, R. Lankone, D.G. Goodwin,
E.J. Bouwer, J.F. Ranville, J. Wang
9:45 ENVR 291. Evaluation of silver nanoparticle impregnated fabrics across their life
cycle. R.B. Reed, J.F. Ranville, R.L. Tanguay,
J.E. Hutchison, P.K. Westerhoff, T. Zaikova
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 ENVR 292. Engineered nanoparticles in
the environment: From theory to practice.
A.P. Gondikas, F. Von Der Kammer, R.B. Reed,
R. Kaegi, T. Hofmann
10:40 ENVR 293. Single particle ICP-MS
(SP-ICP-MS) for the detection of metal-based nanoparticles in environmental
matrices. C. Stephan
11:00 ENVR 294. Development of novel
methodology to quantify silver release
from polymer nanocomposites.
A. Barber, R. Lankone, J. Wang, H. Fairbrother,
P.K. Westerhoff, J.F. Ranville
11:20 ENVR 295. Improvements in the detection and characterization of silica nanomaterials using spICP-MS. M.D. Montano,
B. Majestic, J.F. Ranville
11:40 ENVR 296. Measuring nanocarbon fluxes
by tracing stable isotope labelled nanomaterials. T.D. Berry, T.R. Filley
Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics
on Surfaces
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by CATL and

Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section C

3:50 ENVR 328. Monitoring metal contamina-

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

tion from artisanal and small-scale gold

mining (ASGM) communities in Ecuador
Part II: Analysis of water, soil, and tailings.
C.S. Seney, A.M. Kiefer, J.D. Mimbs
4:10 ENVR 329. New diffusive gradients in a
thin film technique for measuring nitrate
using ion exchange resin. J. Huang,
W. Bennett, P. Teasdale, D. Welsh
4:30 ENVR 330. Modeling TCE concentration
in groundwater using MATLAB. A. Rihana,
Y. Pang, Y. Gao
4:50 Concluding Remarks.
Elucidation of Mechanisms & Kinetics
on Surfaces
Sponsored by COLL, Cosponsored by CATL and

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas

Exploration: Treatment Issues
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG

Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source and

a Sustainable Solution for the Environment
Cosponsored by AGRO
B. P. Chaplin, Organizer
D. Shuai, W. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding

T. Y. Cath, K. Linden, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:30 ENVR 297. Removal of radium from shale

1:40 ENVR 314. Applications of polymer-coated

gas wastewater using cation exchange

resin. Y. Bi, H. Zhang, K.F. Hayes, B. Ellis
1:55 ENVR 298. Fate of radium in wastewater produced during unconventional gas
extraction during carbonate precipitation
reactions. Y. Li, R.D. Vidic
2:20 ENVR 299. Fate of NORM in flowback
water and waste management strategies
during water reuse for hydraulic fracturing
in Marcellus Shale. T. Zhang, R.D. Vidic
2:45 ENVR 300. Biological treatment of flowback water from a hydraulically fractured
well. J. Rosenblum, K. Sitterley, I. Morrissey,
K. Linden
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 ENVR 301. Anammox biocathode for sustainable microbial desalination of brackish
waters. B. Kokabian, V. Gude
3:55 ENVR 302. Microbial mats as a biological
treatment approach for produced water
from hydraulic fracturing. B. Akyon,
E. Stachler, N. Wei, K. Bibby
4:20 ENVR 303. Microbial capacitive desalination for organic and salt removal and energy
production from unconventional natural
gas produced water. C. Forrestal, A. Haeger,
L. Dankovich, Z. Ren
4:45 ENVR 304. Biological active filtration
treatment of O&G flowback and produced
waters. T.Y. Cath, D.E. Freedman, S.M. Riley
5:10 Concluding Remarks.

magnetic nanoparticles for algal biomass

harvesting. W. Zhang, S. Ge, M. Agbakpe
2:00 ENVR 315. Fluorescein induced spectral
conversion for the growth of Chlorella
vulgaris. Y. Orduz, J.R. Pinzn
2:20 ENVR 316. Direct visualization of nutrient
consumption within microbial communities using NanoSIMS. C.R. Anderton,
J.K. Cole, J.J. Moran, J.M. Mobberley, M. Hess,
S.R. Lindemann, L. Paa-Tolic
2:40 ENVR 317. Photogeneration of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) by extracellular
organic matter (EOM) in Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii photobioreactor cultures.
R. Tenorio, J. Guest, T.J. Strathmann
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 ENVR 318. Predicting microalgae hydrothermal liquefaction biocrude oil yield and
properties from microalgae biochemical
composition. S. Leow, J.R. Witter, D.R. Vardon,
B.K. Sharma, J.S. Guest, T.J. Strathmann
3:40 ENVR 319. Coupling fluid dynamics with
kinetic modeling to quantify the effects
of photosynthetic bioreactor design and
operation on yield performance. R. Manavi,
S. Yamamoto, J.W. Levis, J. Ducoste, F. De Los
Reyes, R. Ranjithan
4:00 ENVR 320. Life cycle-optimization
framework for photosynthetic biorefineries.
R. Manavi, A. Karam, C. McMillan, J.W. Levis,
F. De Los Reyes, J. Ducoste, R. Ranjithan
4:20 ENVR 321. Environmental and economic
performance analysis of three techniques
for breaking microalgae cell wall in the
biodiesel production process. M. Collotta,
R. Lee, A. Ramos, P. Champagne, P.G. Jessop,
W. Mabee

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Surface Physicochemical Processes

in Engineered and Natural Systems
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Advances in Analytical Chemistry for

Discovering Emerging Contaminants
in the Natural Environment
Cosponsored by MPPG
D. Alvarez, T. L. Jones-Lepp, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 331.

Quantitation and identification of

PPCP in environmental samples using
accurate mass MS/MS technology.
C. Borton, R. Kern, A. Schreiber
ENVR 332. Contaminants of emerging concern
in effluent dominated coastal waterways
in southern California.. K.A. Maruya,
N.G. Dodder, T. Anumol, S. Shane, W. Lao,
A. Sengupta, J. Drewes
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Assessing Toxicity of Environmental

Cosponsored by MPPG

Section D

S. M. Uchimiya, J. Wang, Organizers

X. Pan, B. Zhang, Organizers

H. J. Zhang, Organizer
J. M. Cerrato, H. Liu, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

6:00 - 8:00

1:30 ENVR 305. Interactions and reactions of

Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water

Cosponsored by MPPG

organic compounds at interfaces between

water and pyrogenic carbonaceous materials. J.J. Pignatello
2:10 ENVR 306. Oxidative reactivity of MnO2
in mixtures with FeIII oxides and/or natural
organic matter (NOM). H. Zhang, S. Taujale
2:30 ENVR 307. Oxidative degradation of
trinitrotoluene by mixed metal oxide
nanoparticles in water. G.S. Harbison, Y. Kye,
M.A. Langell, M. Kumbier
2:50 ENVR 308. Adsorption and photocatalysis of ciprofloxacin using alumina-titania
particles synthesized via sol-gel process.
C. Dozier, L.E. Katz, H. Liljestrand
3:10 ENVR 309. Mechanistic comparison of
isomeric oxorhenium(V) complexes coordinated with a oxazoline-phenolate ligand
for highly active perchlorate reduction in
water. J. Liu, D. Wu, S.Y. Kimura, J.R. Shapley,
M.M. Abu-Omar, C.J. Werth, T.J. Strathmann
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 ENVR 310. Post-pyrolysis air oxidation of
biochars: A simple and effective method for
enhancing adsorption of ionizable organic
compounds. F. Xiao, J.J. Pignatello
4:05 ENVR 311. Photoenhanced chlorination
of hydroxylated fullerene (fullerol) in water.
J. Wu, L. Alemany, D.N. Benoit, W. Li, J. Fortner
4:25 ENVR 312. Insight into anti-scaling
mechanisms of phosphonates and organic
polymers for the control of barium sulfate
scales. C. He, R.D. Vidic
4:45 ENVR 313. Mesoporous silica supported
bimetallic Pd/Fe nanocompositea for
enhanced reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene. R. Doong, C. Lee

K. R. Evans, Organizer
M. A. Benvenuto, A. Rihana, Organizers,

ENVR 333.

Influences of environmental
conditions on the aquatic toxicity of
silver nanoparticles to Daphnia magna..
R.M. Soeld, A. Nieman, M. Abernathy, A. Gibson
ENVR 334. Hydrogen peroxide production in
the presence of soot and biological electron
donors. D. Hinz, J. Barnes, A.M. Johansen

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 ENVR 322. Elemental characterization of

Section A

PM2.5 and PM10 emitted from light duty vehicles in the Washburn Tunnel of Houston,
Texas: Release of rhodium, palladium, and
platinum. S. Chellam, A. Bozlaker, N. Spada,
M. Fraser
1:55 ENVR 323. Synthesis of a series of highly
multi-dentate podand ligands as possible
water remediation agents. C. Kashat,
M.A. Benvenuto
2:15 ENVR 324. Metal concentrations and
soluble iron speciation in fine particulate
matter from light rail activity in the DenverMetropolitan area. B.T. Cartledge, B. Majestic
2:35 ENVR 325. Nontoxic, air stable quantum
dots for low level metal detection in water.
H. Meylemans, L. Cambrea
2:55 Intermission.
3:10 ENVR 326. Stable isotopes of lead and
strontium as tracers of sources of airborne
particulate matter in Kyrgyzstan. N. Dewan,
B.J. Majestic, M.E. Ketterer, J.P. Miller-Schulze,
M.M. Shafer, J.J. Schauer, P.A. Solomon,
M. Artamonova, B.B. Chen, S.A. Imashev,
G.R. Carmichael
3:30 ENVR 327. Monitoring metal contamination from artisanal and small-scale gold
mining (ASGM) communities in Ecuador
Part I: Mercury emissions to air. A.M. Kiefer,
C.S. Seney

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Bioavailability andBiogeochemical
Interactions Affecting Remediation
ofHazardous Substancesin the Environment
Cosponsored by MPPG
M. F. Benedetti, Organizer
H. Henry, J. F. Ranville, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 335.

Remediation of soil polluted area in

Ondo State, Nigeria. A.E. Folorunso
ENVR 336. Phytoremediation on heavy metal
contaminants in sewage river sediment.
X. Mao, F.X. Han, K. Guo
ENVR 337. Relative impact of temperature,
groundwater chemistry, and groundwater
hydrology on inorganic nitrogen processing
and nitrogen cycle functional genes in sediments of a groundwater flow-through lake.
D.L. Stoliker, D.A. Repert, R.L. Smith, B. Song,
C.H. Conaway, D.R. LeBlanc, T.D. McCobb,
S. Hyun, D. Koh, H. Moon, K. Ha, D.B. Kent

Section A

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Biogenically Enhanced Recovery and

Bioremediation in Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
Cosponsored by MPPG

Environmental Implications of Nano: Release

from Consumer Products and Advances in

D. L. Drogos, M. Urynowicz, Organizers,


C. P. Higgins, J. F. Ranville, R. B. Reed,

Organizers, Presiding

6:00 - 8:00

6:00 - 8:00

ENVR 338.

Impacts of microbial community

diversity on the occurrence and quantity
of crude oil biodegradation and microbial
methanogenesis. J. Shelton, D.M. Akob,
J.C. McIntosh, J.E. McCray

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Chemical Processes at Environmental

H. A. Al - Abadleh, H. M. Ali, R. Z. Hinrichs,
N. Kabengi, Organizers, Presiding
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 339.

Adsorptive removal of taste and

odor compounds onto granular mesoporous carbon (GMC). S. Kim, Y. Kim, H. Choi
ENVR 340. Au nanostar-enabled multifunctional reverse osmosis membranes for
reduced mineral scaling, organic-, and
bio-fouling. J. Ray, S. Tadepalli, S.Z. Nergiz,
K. Liu, L. You, Y. Tang, S. Singamaneni, Y. Jun
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Chemistry in the Marine Boundary Layer

Cosponsored by MPPG
B. DAnna, J. Donaldson, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 341.

Ocean organics vs. inorganics:

The contributions to suppressed ClNO2
yield from the ocean surface following N2O5
uptake. O.S. Ryder, N. Campbell, T.H. Bertram
ENVR 342. On the role of dimethyl sulfide
and marine biogenic volatile organic
compounds in sea spray aerosol growth
post production. N.R. Campbell, M.J. Kim,
M. Zoerb, T.H. Bertram
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Environmental Chemistry and Health Impacts

of Fine and Ultrane Particulate Matter
Cosponsored by MPPG

ENVR 346.

Role of CO2 in the equimolar

C2H2-CO2 reaction to synthesize carbon
nanotubes: Environmental and mechanistic
implications. W. Shi, Y. Peng, D.L. Plata
ENVR 347. Detection of single walled carbon
nanotubes using microsecond single
particle ICP-MS. J. Wang, R. Lankone,
H. Fairbrother, C.P. Higgins, J.F. Ranville
ENVR 348. Aggregation and stabilization of
multiwalled carbon nanotubes in aquatic
system: Influence of carboxymethyl
cellulose, starch, and humic acid. W. Liu,
X. Zhao, D. Zhao
ENVR 349. Theoretical and experimental
studying of sedimentation of TiO2 nanoparticles in aqueous solutions. J. Lu, D. Liu,
H. Liu, X. Yang, F. Cui
ENVR 350. Dissolved organic matter adsorption to titanium dioxide nanoparticles: Effect
of molecular weight fractions and the interaction mechanisms. X. Yang, T. Jiang, F. Cui
ENVR 351. Comparative study of Fe(II)-GAC
for bromate or perchlorate removal. H. Xu
ENVR 352. Challenges in the differentiation
of nanoparticles when analyzing complex
sample matrices using spICP-MS. E. Gray,
J.F. Ranville, A. Bednar, C.P. Higgins
ENVR 353. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles
induces mitochondrial dysregulation and
loss of liver functions. V. Natarajan, C. Wilson,
S.L. Hayward, S. Kidambi
ENVR 354. Isotopically-labeled core-shell-shell
Ag107@Au@Ag109) nanoparticles to ion and
particle bioavailability. R.C. Merrield, J. Lead
ENVR 355. Asymmetric flow field flow
fractionation online with Single particle
inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry: Detection and quantification
of silver nanoparticles in aqueous samples.
K. Huynh, E. Siska, E. Heithmar
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Environmental Reactivity of Organic

Micropollutants and Their Transformation
Products in Receiving Waters
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG
W. Arnold, Y. Chin, K. H. Wammer, Organizers

S. M. Lomnicki, Organizer

6:00 - 8:00

6:00 - 8:00

ENVR 356.

ENVR 343.

Using the chemical mass balance

for the changes of source apportionment at
the heating time of three period in Tianjin,
China. W. Hong, X. Bi, Y. Feng, J. Wu, K. Chen
ENVR 344. Comparative study of PM2.5 vertical
characteristics between heavy pollution
weather and clean weather in Tianjin,
China. W. Hong, S. Han, Y. Zhang, J. Wang,
Y. Feng

Polychromatic method to determine

the wavelength dependence of singlet
oxygen quantum yields for natural and
effluent organic matter. J.R. Laszakovits

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

General Posters
S. R. Al-Abed, Organizer

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical

Models and Practices
Cosponsored by CHED, MPPG and YCC
K. C. Lanigan, E. Roberts-Kirchhoff, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 345.

Paper spectrometers: The intersection of environmental chemistry and

engineering. A. Kahl

6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 357.

Electrolytic disinfection of water

contaminated with E. coli by treatment with
an alternating current using stainless steel
and copper electrodes: Role of hydroxyl
radicals and hydrogen peroxide formation.
N. Barashkov, T. Sakhno, I. Irgibayeva
ENVR 358. Hydrooligomerization of acetylene
from electrocracking gas over Ni/CNFs
catalyst. A.S. Ismail
ENVR 359. Removal of micropollutants from
surface water and groundwater by portable
water filtering system designed for rural
communities in underdeveloped countries.
S. Jeong, K. Koo, Y. Jeong

360. Functional forms of the unburned

carbon present in coal fly ashes: Role of
surface oxygen species in the formation
of organic fluorine forms on the carbon
surface. N. Tsubouchi, Y. Ohtsuka
ENVR 361. Development of a sheathless
particle classifier with an electrometer to
measure the particles from automobile.
H. Yamada, H. Okuda
ENVR 362. Behavior of mercury in coal combustion residue contaminated sediments.
T.R. Gofstein, A. Heyes
ENVR 363. Compared fluorescence characterization of salt marsh pore water using
PARAFAC analysis. J. Bowen, W.J. De Bruyn,
C.D. Clark
ENVR 364. Analysis of diazepam, diphenhydramine, carbamazepine and metabolites
drugs in fish from grocery markets by
gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using SIM mode. M. Arafat,
C. Stowe, D. Johnson, M.J. Meziani, M. Mottaleb
ENVR 365. Withdrawn.
ENVR 366. Trace metals in trout species
collected from high altitude Colorado lakes.
M. Spedale
ENVR 367. Study on the adsorption of
ammonia Nntrogen on zeolite modified by
ultrasonic and sodium. W. Qun, Y. Zhichao,
G. Mingkun, C. Bin, X. He, C. Shuang
ENVR 368. GCMS identification and quantification of the lipids produced via esterification
to FAMEs in Neochloris minuta (UTEX 776)
algae induced by nitrogen deprivation.
D.G. Giarikos, R. Razeghifard, M. Margupuram,
C. Chiafair
ENVR 369. Enhanced reductive degradation
of p-chloronitrobenzene in a coupled
bioelectrode-UASB system. L. Zhu, X. Xu,
K. Gao, J. Jin
ENVR 370. Race for the gold metal: A novel
approach for reclaiming specialty metals
from industrial waste and processing
streams. M.P. OConnor, D.L. Plata
ENVR 371. Spectroscopic and microscopic
investigation of soil mineral and natural
organic matter-treated silver nanoparticles.
S.R. Kanel, B.A. Manning, S.W. Brittle, I.E. Pavel
Sizemore, D. Felker, D. Kempisty, M.N. Goltz
ENVR 372. Assessment of clay minerals selectivity for adsorption of humic acid fraction.
M.E. ElSayed, M.M. Khalaf, J.A. Rice
ENVR 373. Quantitative analysis of single-particle mass spectra acquired in Northfield,
MN. A. Janes, D.S. Gross
ENVR 374. Airborne metal concentrations
during and after pollution restrictions in
Shenzhen. N. Dewan, B. Majestic, Y. Wang,
Z. Yuan-Xun
ENVR 375. Photoluminescence quenching
of graphene oxide by enzymatic reaction
for optical sensing of pesticides. T. Kang,
S. Jeon, H. Kim, J. Kim
ENVR 376. Combining Fentons oxidation and
biodegradation to degrade decabromodiphenyl ether in soil. C. Lin, C. Yang, Y. Chang
ENVR 377. Assessment and spatial variation
analysis of water quality in Grand Bay
national estuarine research reserve.
J. McComb, C.C. Thomas, Z. Arslan, F.X. Han
ENVR 378. Groundwork for the development
of a model for determining atmospheric
mercury in the arid West using leaves.
D.W. Lehmpuhl, L.M. Bartolo, K.A. Wager
ENVR 379. Photochemical inactivation of E.
faecalis in the presence of organic matter.
S. Mostafa, M. Rubinato, F.L. Rosario, K. Linden
ENVR 380. Disinfection by-products as
endocrine active substances. B.E. Holmes,
L. Smeester, R.C. Fry, H. Weinberg
ENVR 381. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
release following drought: influence of DOC
source and drought severity on drinking
water treatment. J. Ritson, N. Graham,
M. Templeton, J. Clark, C. Freeman
ENVR 382. Synthesis and characterization of
nanocomposites of Au@Ag@rGO and their
use in degradation of organic dyes. E. MejaOspino, R. Cabanzo, S.E. Castellanos

383. Enhanced air-cathode microbial

fuel cell (MFC) performance with oxygen
supply from an externally connected algal
bioreactor (ABR). R. Kakarla, B. Min
ENVR 384. Microbial electrosynthesis of
high-value products from volatile fatty acids
present in anaerobic digestion effluent.
S. Kondaveeti, B. Min
ENVR 385. Reduced polyoxometalates
initiate HO formation from aqueous ozone.
B. Solomon, J. Ferry
ENVR 386. Quantitative analysis of atmospheric aerosol with atomic force microscopy. W. Kong, L. Hawkins
ENVR 387. Halide ions as tracers for human
wastewater inputs to an agricultural watershed. A. Thayer, C. Spiese
ENVR 388. Reductive remediation of trichloroethylene (TCE) solution by granulated
nano zero-valent iron (nZVI). Y. Shih, C. Su,
C. Chen, C. Chen, C. Dong
ENVR 389. Photolysis and UV/H2O2 advanced
oxidation processes of bisphenol-s in water.
M. Mbewe, R. Beil, J. Jin, P.A. Ruiz-Haas
ENVR 390. Exploring the relevant parameter
space in shale rock geochemistry: Organic
transformations at temperature and pressure. A. Sumner, B. Drollette, D.L. Plata
ENVR 391. Silver nanoparticle adsorption to
corundum surfaces as a function of solution
pH and time. J. Purvis, K. ONeil, S.W. Brittle,
I.E. Pavel Sizemore, S.R. Higgins
ENVR 392. Toxic effects of multiwall carbon
nanotubes to Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and its predator Tetrahymena thermophila.
M. Mortimer, E. Orias, E. Petersen, B.A. Buchholz,
P. Holden
ENVR 393. Photolysis and toxicity of the
organic UV filter chemical octylmethoxycinnamate and its photoproducts. C.A. Berg,
L. MacManus-Spencer, M.G. Paulick
ENVR 394. Heterogeneous photochemistry of
nitrate chemisorbed on TiO2 as a function of
relative humidity. D.M. Lesko, H.D. Swomley,
J.G. Navea
ENVR 395. Improvement of antisintering of
Ca-based sorbents by thermally treated
vermiculite. J. Meng, H. Li, B. Meng, J. Li,
L. Shan, Y. Yu, Y. Min, D. Xu
ENVR 396. Experiment on CO2 capturing
capacity of attapulgite modified CaO-based
sorbent in calcination/carbonation cycle.
L. Shan, H. Li, J. Meng, B. Meng, J. Li, Y. Yu,
Y. Min, D. Xu
ENVR 397. Metal oxide modified limestone for
CO2 adsorption. J. Li, H. Li, B. Meng, Y. Yu,
Y. Min, D. Xu
ENVR 398. Enhancement of CO2 sequestration of limestone with carbon additives.
B. Meng, H. Li, W. Yang, J. Li, Y. Yu, Y. Min, D. Xu
ENVR 399. Virucidal activity of a multilevel
antimicrobial air filter. W. Han, Q. Chang,
Y. Lai, Y. Li, Y. Yang, C. Wu, K.L. Yeung, C. Chao,
Z. Yang
ENVR 400. Design, synthesis, and characterization of isoprene hydroperoxides.
E. Lozano, V. Kumar, A. Abdelhamid, A. Hasson,
S. Maitra
ENVR 401. Exploring the environmental
controls on the degradation of oil by marine
fungi. C.M. Poutasse, R. Simister, H.K. White
ENVR 402. Exposure to engineered nanomaterials in various consumer products. B. Lee,
G. Yu, M. Kim, H. Kim
ENVR 403. Reactivity of an epoxy coating
with free and combined chlorine in drinking
water service lines. E.F. Peltier, Z.A. Breault,
R.F. Lane, S.J. Randtke, R.E. Carter, C.D. Adams
ENVR 404. Oxidation of surface-adsorbed
anthracene on a quartz fiber substrate.
J. Bilek, R. Cochran, H. Jeong, E.I. Kozliak,
A. Kubatova
ENVR 405. Effect of relative humidity on HCl
formation from the reaction of H2SO4,
HNO3 and with NaCl. K. Newhouse, B. Fong,
H.M. Ali
ENVR 406. Resistance of synthetic organic
aerosol chromophores to photobleaching
under oxidative conditions. A. Lemire,
L. Hawkins

407. Degradation of diclofenac in
water with TAML activators and hydrogen
peroxide. M.R. Mills, A.V. Cheng, A.D. Ryabov,
T.J. Collins
ENVR 408. Limonene reactivity on mineral
surfaces and the impact of relative humidity
and adsorbed nitric acid. A. Staniec,
R.Z. Hinrichs
ENVR 409. Quantifying the solar energy
absorbed by nitrophenols adsorbed on
atmospheric aerosol substrates. J. Trivedi,
R.Z. Hinrichs
ENVR 410. Investigating the reversibility of
self-assembled humic acid structures.
G. Chilom, M.M. Khalaf, J.A. Rice
ENVR 411. Withdrawn.
ENVR 412. Use of chlorate, nitrate, and perchlorate to promote crude oil mineralization
in salt marsh sediments. M. Brundrett,
J. Horita, T.A. Anderson, D. Reible, J. Pardue,
A. Jackson
ENVR 413. Influence of stabilizer size and
chelation strength on iron nanoparticle
oxidation. N. Rentz, L.F. Greenlee
ENVR 414. Online monitoring of ambient fungal
spore concentrations in the harbour region
of Cork, Ireland. D.J. OConnor, D.A. Healy,
J.R. Sodeau
ENVR 415. Quantum mechanical calculations
of nitric acid chemisorbed on several
crystalline structures of TiO2 anatase.
M.J. Lueckheide, J.G. Navea
ENVR 416. Simultaneous removal of SO2 and
NOx from combustion flue gas in a discharge plasma reactor. L. Qi, Y. Zhang
ENVR 417. Array-based detection of carcinogens and carcinogen metabolites in urine.
L. Gareau, N. Serio, L. Prignano, M. Levine
ENVR 418. Arsenic release mechanism in the
shallow and deep aquifer in Chiayi County,
Taiwan. C. Lee, Y. Lin, S. Wang
ENVR 419. Effect of photochemical weathering
on the composition and spectroscopic
properties of crude oil. O.C. Stewart,
C.M. Sharpless, C.M. Reddy, B. Swarthout,
C. Aeppli
ENVR 420. Use of LIBS to detect CO2 leaks
from geological storage based on mineral
carbonate interactions in groundwater.
J. Jain, H. Edenborn, C. Goueguel, C. Carson,
D. McIntyre
ENVR 421. Examining the desorption of oil
from persistent surface residual oil balls
(SRBs). S.L. Lyons, H.K. White
ENVR 422. Comparative evaluation of the
dissolution of fly ash from different source
regions under atmospherically relevant conditions. J.R. Borgatta, A. Paskavitz, J.G. Navea
ENVR 423. Colorimetric evaluation of the
cation exchange of aluminum with iron in
humic acids. J.R. Borgatta, J.G. Navea
ENVR 424. Electrochemical dechlorination
of TCE in the presence of natural organic
matter, metal ions and nitrates in a simulated karst aquifer. N. Fallahpour, X. Mao,
L. Rajic, A. Alshawabkeh, S. Yuan
ENVR 425. Electrochemical degradation
of chlorobenzene in groundwater using
Pd- catalytic electro-Fentons reaction.
R. Nazari, A. Ciblak
ENVR 426. New spectroscopic method for
characterizing the nutritional quality of fruit
resources available to wildlife in a Western
New York habitat. S.B. Smith, M. Bida,
S. Schroeder, G. Wink, T.E. Pagano
ENVR 427. Extraction and separation of
contaminants in water systems. M. Jones,
B. Caldwell, A. Newsham, B.H. Barton, R.E. Del
Sesto, A.T. Koppisch, S. Iyer
ENVR 428. Measuring the emission efficiency
and nicotine delivery of electronic cigarette.
G. Wink, R.J. Robinson, A.G. DeFrancesco,
S.B. Smith, T.E. Pagano
ENVR 429. Microbe-metal interactions along a
produced water impacted stream system.
J. Klinges, D.M. Akob
ENVR 430. Airborne antibiotic resistant
genes upwind and downwind of poultry
concentrated animal feeding operation.
H.M. Sanchez, J.A. Jay

Cooperative Cosponsorship


431. Withdrawn.

G. Aiken, K. Cawley, J. A. Korak, F. L. Rosario,


432. Direct synthesis of V2O5-WO3-TiO2

nanoparticles with enhanced low-temperature activity for NH3-SCR. K. Cheng,
Z. Zhao, J. Liu
ENVR 433. Enantioselective disposition of
2,2,3,5,6-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 95)
and its metabolites in mouse dams dosed
during pregnancy. I. Korwel, C. Barnhart,
K. Truong, P. Lein, H.J. Lehmler
ENVR 434. Withdrawn.
ENVR 435. Use of flue gas desulfurization
(FGD) gypsum as a heavy metal stabilizer
in contaminated soils. N.H. Koralegedara,
S.R. Al-Abed, D.D. Dionysiou
ENVR 436. Trace metal emissions from the
combustion of fecal char briquettes and a
comparison to other solid fuels. M.J. Price,
W.M. Champion, B.J. Ward, B.T. Cartledge,
B. Majestic, L.D. Montoya
ENVR 437. Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium
bromide dispersed nano zero-valent iron for
discoloration of methyl orange. X. Wang,
P. Wang, L. Le
ENVR 438. Wireless glucose sensor utilizing
magnetic nanoparticles embedded hydrogel. J. Park, C. Zhang, P.V. Braun, R.A. Siegel,
B. Ziaie
ENVR 439. Fecal and urinary elimination kinetics of cephalosporin and lincosamide antibiotics in dairy cows following intramammary infusion: Application of SPE clean-up
and UPLC-MS/MS quantification approach.
P. Ray, K.F. Knowlton, C. Shang, K. Xia
ENVR 440. New insights into the function
of potassium carbonate species and the
superiority of base metals to noble metals
in the polytitanate nanobelt supported LNT
catalysts. Y. Zhang, M. Meng
ENVR 441. Effects of filtration on the detection,
quantification, and characterization of
engineered nanoparticles in water samples
using single particle inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry. E. Siska,
K. Huynh, E.M. Heithmar
ENVR 442. Analysis of water and soil of La
Encantada fall in Anasco, Puerto Rico.
K. Matias
ENVR 443. Effects of speciation on mercury
co-selection for antibiotic resistance genes
in fresh and brackish water microcosms.
C.M. Echeverria Palencia, S. Hafeznezami,
C. Marambio Jones, A. Zimmer-Faust, V. Thulsiraj,
S. Mahendra, J.A. Jay
ENVR 444. Withdrawn.
ENVR 445. Developing tailored bioreactive
silica-gels for pollutant removal and biodegradation. J.K. Sakkos, A. Ish Am Radian,
B.R. Mutlu, L.P. Wackett, A. Aksan

Pilot-scale study on the removal of

nutritional elements in agricultural runoff by
iron-modified biochar. T. Chi, J. Zuo, F. Liu
ENVR 458. Kinetics of hydroxyl radical
reactions with chloramines in support of
recycling wastewater. K. Couch, S.P. Mezyk,
K.P. Ishida
ENVR 459. Sulfate radical remediation of
pharmaceuticals in DOM containing wastewaters. T. Reutershan, S.P. Mezyk

Section A

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Green Chemistry and the Environment

Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas

Exploration: Treatment Issues
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG


A. M. Balu, R. Luque, S. O. Obare, Organizers

6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 446.

Multi-electron transfer process for

the degradation of toxic organophosphorus
contaminants. S. Santos, S.O. Obare
ENVR 447. Superoxide radical as a green
reagent and an ultimate solution of environmental problems. U. Stoin, Y. Sasson
ENVR 448. Development of low density solvent
DLLME-GC/MS method for quantitation
of tetrabromobisphenol-A from dust.
J.E. Owens, C. Barrett, D.A. Orban, S.E. Seebeck,
L. Lowe
ENVR 449. Glow in the dark: Luminescent
metal organic frameworks (MOFs) grown
from cotton fibers. R.R. Ozer, J.P. Hinestroza
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Modern Analytical Approaches for the

Characterization of Natural Organic Matter
in the Environment
Cosponsored by ANYL and MPPG

6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 450.

Evaluating the treatability and reactivity of wildfire-impacted DOM using leachates from burned sediments. A.K. Hohner,
K. Cawley, P. Omur-Ozbek, R. Summers,
F.L. Rosario-Ortiz
ENVR 451. Photochemical processing of
wastewater impacted streams. C. Glover,
F.L. Rosario
ENVR 452. Development of a novel microscope spectrofluorometer for individual
bioparticle characterization. B.E. Swanson,
J.A. Huffman, D.R. Huffman
ENVR 453. Evaluation of total petroleum hydrocarbon analysis specificity.
D.A. Gratson
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Solutions to Metals Contamination of Water

Cosponsored by MPPG
S. Ahuja, J. W. Finley, J. N. Seiber, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 454.

Novel method for measuring arsenic

in water using nanostructured surface.
N. Mosquera, W. Marimon Bolivar, L. Yate,
E. Coy, E. Gonzalez
ENVR 455. Biosurfactants as a tool for metal
removal from waste effluents. D. Hogan,
J.E. Pemberton, R.M. Maier
ENVR 456. Chitosan-grafted carbon for the
sequestration of heavy metals in aqueous
solution. A.A. Okoya
Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy

Extraction, and Agricultural Use
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG
I. C. Escobar, J. Hestekin, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 457.

T. Y. Cath, K. Linden, Organizers

6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 460.

Evaluation of forward osmosis

membranes in long-term oil and gas
wastewater treatment stud. L. Bell, T.Y. Cath,
B.D. Coday

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 703

Bioavailability andBiogeochemical
Interactions Affecting Remediation
ofHazardous Substancesin the
Cosponsored by MPPG
M. F. Benedetti, Organizer
H. Henry, J. F. Ranville, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:05 ENVR 461. Toxicity implications of sulfate

radical based oxidative treatment for

groundwater remediation. W. Li, D.L. Sedlak,
D. Schlenk, H. Liu
8:25 ENVR 462. Methods for simulating the
restoration and recovery of acid mine
drainage-impacted stream sediment.
J. Williamson, J.F. Ranville, M.R. Pastorinho,
J. Meyer, W.H. Clements
8:45 ENVR 463. Diffusive gradient in thin film
(DGT) passive samplers for monitoring metals in contaminated sediments:
Contribution of metal sulfide nanoparticles.
A. Pham, D. Manley, C. Johnson, H. Hsu-Kim
9:05 ENVR 464. Biogeochemical processes
controlling trace elements in the Grand Bay
National Estuarine Reserve in the northern
Gulf of Mexico. J. McComb, F.X. Han,
C. Rogers, C.C. Thomas, Z. Arslan, A. Ardeshir,
P. Tchounwou
9:25 ENVR 465. Stable oxygen isotope enrichment during biotic and abiotic reduction
of selenate. A. Schellenger, L. Xia, D. Jaisi,
P. Larese-Casanova
9:45 ENVR 466. In situ immobilization of
uranium in Hanford sediments with
the amendment of phosphate. Z. Pan,
D. Giammar, V. Mehta, L. Troyer, J.G. Catalano,
Z. Wang
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 ENVR 467. D. Magna metal toxicity in a
mining impacted stream: Comparing results
in simulated and field-collected waters.
K. Ebeling
10:40 ENVR 468. Comparing the partition and
sorption behavior to agricultural soils of
Bisphenol A (BPA) and BPA alternatives:
BPS and BPAF. Y. Choi, L.S. Lee
11:00 ENVR 469. Perfluoroalkyl acids
inhibit TCE dechlorination by repressing
Dehalococcoides growth. T.S. Weathers,
K. Harding, L. Alvarez-Cohen, C.P. Higgins,
J.O. Sharp
11:20 ENVR 470. Enantioselective biotransformation of chiral PCBs in aquatic to riparian
food webs. C.M. Lee, V.D. Dang, D. Delach,
K. Mitra
11:40 ENVR 471. Compound specific isotope
analysis of aromatics and chlorinated
aromatics at a fine vertical resolution across
the groundwater surface water sediment
interface. E. Passeport, R. Landis, K. Chu,
G. Lacrampe-Couloume, E. Lutz, E.E. Mack,
B. Sherwood Lollar, K. West
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 705

Surface Physicochemical Processes

in Engineered and Natural Systems
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG
H. J. Zhang, Organizer
J. M. Cerrato, H. Liu, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 ENVR 472. Fe(II)-catalyzed recrystalli-

zation of hematite and goethite revisited.

M. Scherer, A.J. Frierdich, R.M. Handler,
M. Helgeson, K. Rosso, C. Johnson
9:10 ENVR 473. Interfacial processes affecting
the mobility of metals from abandoned
uranium mine wastes. S. Avasarala, J. Blake,
K. Artyushkova, M. Ali, A. Brearly, C. Shuey,
P. Robinson, E. Escheverria, F. Escheverria,
C. Hirani, J.M. Cerrato
9:30 ENVR 474. Identification of Mackinawite
surface products formed upon reaction with
carbon tetrachloride. Y. Lan, E.C. Butler
9:50 ENVR 475. Acoustically enhanced
sediment remediation: Characterization of
cavitation and pore flow in porous media.
Z. Wei, J.J. Lenhart, L. Weavers
10:10 ENVR 476. Characterizing the reactivity
of naturally occurring reducing materials with agarose-bound powder disk
electrodes. M.J. Bradley, R. Meuuwsen,
P.G. Tratnyek
10:30 Intermission.

10:45 ENVR 477. Mechanisms of fluoride

removal: Adsorption and co-precipitation

with aluminum hydroxide in the presence
and absence of NOM. L.E. Katz, D.F. Lawler,
K. Alfredo, M. Stehouwer, C. Ernst
11:05 ENVR 478. Heterogeneous nature of
permanganate oxidation reactions. X. Xia,
A.T. Stone
11:25 ENVR 479. Efficacy of CaCO3 and CaSO4
scaling resistance of polyethylene glycol
hydrophilically-modified reverse osmosis
membranes in the presence of humic acid.
J. Ray, W. Wong, Y. Jun
11:45 ENVR 480. Radioluminescent/photocatalytic composite materials for pursuing fixedbed heterogeneous advanced oxidation
using X-rays. F. Li, E.L. Cates
12:05 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 707

Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical

Models and Practices
Cosponsored by CHED, MPPG and YCC
K. C. Lanigan, E. Roberts-Kirchhoff, Organizers,

8:55 ENVR 493. Water reuse: Right technology

for you. V. Frenkel
9:20 Intermission.
9:35 ENVR 494. Reactivity of chlorine atoms

with antibiotics under wastewater treatment

conditions. C.A. Rice, S.P. Mezyk
10:00 ENVR 495. Feasibility of integrated
bioelectrochemical/membrane technologies for wastewater reuse in power plants.
V. Gadhamshetty, N. Shrestha
10:25 ENVR 496. Smart event detection system
for online water quality monitoring and
wastewater source control. T. Li, S. Zhang,
H. Zhao
10:50 ENVR 497. Adsorption mechanism of
phosphorus removal in agricultural runoff by
iron-modified biochar. T. Chi, J. Zuo, F. Liu
11:15 ENVR 498. Phosphorus speciation in
anaerobic digestion of biosolids for efficient
phosphorous recovery. C.F. Gutierrez,
K. Kinney, L.E. Katz

Division of Fluorine

8:05 ENVR 481. Environmentally-themed chem-

V. Petrov, Program Chair

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 709

Water Recycling in Domestic Use, Energy

Extraction, and Agricultural Use
Cosponsored by AGRO and MPPG
I. C. Escobar, J. Hestekin, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ENVR 491. Recycling wastewater:

Quantitative removal of antibiotic activity

in waters using advanced oxidation processes. S.P. Mezyk, S.C. Otto
8:30 ENVR 492. A few options for energy and
water autarky in water-power systems.
V. Gude

orination and perfluoroalkylation reactions.

A. Togni
3:50 FLUO 11. Computational studies of
fluorine containing molecules: Lewis
acidities and radical reaction mechanisms.
D.A. Dixon
4:20 FLUO 12. Award Address (ACS Award
for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry
sponsored by the Juhua Group Technology
Center (China)). Expanding the range
of 18F-tags for PET applications.
V. Gouverneur

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Silverton Ballroom 1

ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of
Vronique Gouverneur
Cosponsored by WCC
D. A. Dixon, Organizer, Presiding
8:25 Introductory Remarks.
8:30 FLUO 1. Green metrics for the assessment

of selective direct fluorination processes.

G. Sandford
9:00 FLUO 2. Preparation and structure of
1,2,3,4,5,6,-hexafluorocyclohexane stereoisomers. D. OHagan
9:30 FLUO 3. Probe solute association via
the water proton NMR signal. Y. Feng,
M. Taraban, Y.B. Yu
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 FLUO 4. Recent progress in the synthesis
of aryl triflones. N. Shibata
10:50 FLUO 5. Use of 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions for the preparation of SF5-substituted
heterocycles. W.R. Dolbier, S.E. Lopez,
A. Mitani
11:20 FLUO 6. Influence of fluorination on
alcohol hydrogen bonding and lipophilicity
properties. B.J. Linclau

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Silverton Ballroom 1

ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of
Vronique Gouverneur
Cosponsored by WCC
D. A. Dixon, Organizer
D. OHagan, G. Sandford, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:50 FLUO 7. AgF-mediated fluorinative
cross-coupling of two olefins. B. Gao,
Y. Zhao, J. Hu
2:20 FLUO 8. Our recent studies in fluoroalkylation chemistry. S.G. Prakash
2:50 FLUO 9. New frontier in fluorine chemistry.
K. Mikami

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

ACS Award for Creative Research

and Applications of Iodine Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Karl O. Christe
Cosponsored by INOR
D. A. Dixon, Organizer
R. M. Haiges, Presiding
1:30 FLUO 27. Iodine serving fluorine. A. Togni

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

V. Petrov, Organizer

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

istry activities and experiments focused on

water quality for a range of instructional
levels. K.C. Lanigan, E. Roberts-Kirchhoff
8:25 ENVR 482. Engaging undergraduates:
Investigating local environmental issues
at the intersection of science and society.
S.L. Scribner, J. Hammang-Buhl
8:45 ENVR 483. Using environmental chemistry
to teach analytical chemistry. K.H. Weaver,
D.J. Eves
9:05 ENVR 484. Integrating environmental and
sustainability challenges into a capstone
chemistry course. K. Miller, B. Murugaverl
9:25 ENVR 485. Chemistry lab water quality
analysis in an integrated thematic learning
community. W.J. Donovan, E.R. Wheland,
A. Bilia, G.A. Smith, T.A. Wagler
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 ENVR 486. Using climate change context
to engage students in general chemistry.
D.B. King, J.E. Lewis, K. Anderson, D.E. Latch,
S. Sutheimer, G.H. Webster, C.H. Middlecamp,
R.S. Moog
10:20 ENVR 487. Using models of growth in
the Amazon to bring an environmental
chemistry topic into the general chemistry
class. M.A. Benvenuto, D. Archey
10:40 ENVR 488. Teaching environmental toxicology by cooperative learning methods:
Capstone travel course on the environment
of Thailand. L.J. Berliner
11:00 ENVR 489. Benefits of working in an
envrionmental water-testing laboratory:
How applying what you learn prepares
you for the real world. D.J. Eves, J.T. Redd,
K.H. Weaver, N.S. Werner, M. Valentine, S. Potter,
D. Callison
11:20 ENVR 490. Southern Utah University
internship: A working model of peer mentorship. J.T. Redd, K.H. Weaver
11:40 Concluding Remarks.

3:20 FLUO 10. Reagents and catalysts for flu-

2:10 FLUO 28. Formation, characterization, and

uses of 3D metallacages via coordination

directed self-assembly. P.J. Stang
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 FLUO 29. Role of iodine in the chemical
oxygen iodine laser. W. McDermott
3:50 FLUO 30. Computational studies of iodo
compounds. D.A. Dixon

8:00 - 10:00
FLUO 13.

Solvation/desolvation and crystal

structures of monovalent metal salts of the
superweak anion B12F122. E.V. Bukovsky,
D. Peryshkov, T.C. Folsom, S.H. Strauss
FLUO 14. Spectral characterization of steroids
following fluorination by selectfluor. H. Hakk,
S. Svendsen
FLUO 15. Expansion of polyaromatic
systems via fluoroannulation reactions. K. Rippy, I.V. Kuvychko, T. Clikeman,
E.V. Bukovsky, O. Boltalina, S.H. Strauss, Y. Chen
FLUO 16. Acid cation salts of the superweak
anion B12F122. W.M. Jones, E.V. Bukovsky,
M. Malischewski, D.V. Peryshkov, K. Seppelt,
S.H. Strauss
FLUO 17. Withdrawn.
FLUO 18. Self-assembly of novel fluorosurfactants with polyoxometalates (POMs)
as polar component in acetonitrile/water
solution. B. Zhang
FLUO 19. Biological applications of trifluoromethylfullerene. K.P. Castro, A. Mitchell,
J.M. Sloan, S.A. Rolfe, A.J. Fleming, A. Ferguson,
J. Blackburn, S.H. Strauss, O.V. Boltalina
FLUO 20. Molecular design of fluorine-containing fullerene electron acceptor materials for
organic photovoltaics. N. DeWeerd, L. San,
S.H. Strauss, O.V. Boltalina
FLUO 21. Synthesis, structural features,
and dielectric properties of coordination
polymers based on poly(azolate) ligands.
A. Cimino, A. Maspero, S. Galli, C. Giacobbe,
G. Palmisano, C. Yang, S. Tekarli, M. Omary

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

ACS Award for Creative Research

and Applications of Iodine Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Karl O. Christe
Cosponsored by INOR
D. A. Dixon, Organizer, Presiding
8:25 Introductory Remarks.
8:30 FLUO 22. Our excursions into iodine
chemistry. S.G. Prakash
9:10 FLUO 23. Iodocarbon molecules and
materials. N.S. Goroff
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 FLUO 24. Organohypervalent iodine
chemistry. V.V. Zhdankin
10:50 FLUO 25. Iodine driven self-assembly
processes. G.P. Resnati, P. Metrangolo,
G. Terraneo, G. Cavallo
11:30 FLUO 26. Recent progress in the chem-

istry of iodine fluorides, oxofluorides, and

oxides. R. Haiges, K.O. Christe

Division of
S. Kerisit, Program Chair


Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources:
Environmental Analysis (see ANYL, Wed)
Analytical Chemistry of Natural Resources:
Instrumentation and Methods (see ANYL,

GEOC Executive Meeting, 6:30 PM: Sun
GEOC Business Meeting, 5:30 PM: Tue

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Understanding the Geochemical Interactions

of Organic Compounds in the Subsurface
Cosponsored by MPPG
J. Blotevogel, V. Glezakou, A. Karamalidis,
Organizers, Presiding
8:00 GEOC 1. Structure-dependent interactions

between feldspars and organic compounds:

Implications for geologic carbon sequestration. Y. Jun, Y. Yang, Y. Min
8:30 GEOC 2. Determination of binding geometry, local water structure and topological
at FeOOH surfaces. E.J. Bylaska, Y. Chen,
J. Weare
9:00 GEOC 3. Effects of organic ligands on
scCO2 saturated brine-biotite interactions:
Implications for organic-rich geologic CO2
sequestration. L. Zhang, Y. Jun
9:20 GEOC 4. Effects of carboxylic acid ligands
on plagioclase dissolution under conditions
relevant to geologic sequestration. Y. Min,
Y. Jun, J.D. Kubicki
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 GEOC 5. NMR and computational molecular dynamics investigation of mineral-NOM
interactions at atmospheric and elevated
pressures. R.J. Kirkpatrick, G.M. Bowers,
A.O. Yazaydin, B. Ferguson, D.W. Hoyt, S. Burton,
T. Varga, V. Reddy
10:30 GEOC 6. Molecular-scale Interactions of
Ca2+, NOM, H2O, and smectites in Ca-NOMH2O and Ca-Smectite-NOM-H2O systems:
Roles of pH history, NOM activity, H2O
activity, and ionic strength. G.M. Bowers,
B. Ferguson, H.E. Argersinger, T. Johnson,
V. Reddy, R.J. Kirkpatrick, B. Arey

11:00 GEOC 7. Chemical controls of the

micro-structure of NOM-smectite composite materials. B. Ferguson, H. Argersinger,

R.J. Kirkpatrick, B. Arey, G.M. Bowers
11:20 GEOC 8. Water - supercritical CO2 partitioning of selected organic compounds:
Comparison of in-situ batch reactor experiments and model predictions. A. Burant,
C.J. Thompson, G.V. Lowry, A. Karamalidis
11:50 GEOC 9. Measurement of organic
partitioning coefficients in water-supercritical CO2 systems by simultaneous in
situ UV and near-infrared spectroscopies.
C.J. Thompson, D. Bryce, H. Shao, K. Cantrell,
J.S. Loring, B.P. McGrail
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

Coupled Cycling of Biogeochemical Critical

Elements and Contaminants
Metals/Contaminants: Field-scale
J. R. Bargar, B. Gu, M. Keiluweit, H. Lin,
Organizers, Presiding
8:05 Introductory Remarks.
8:10 GEOC 10. Carbon and contaminants in the
critical zone. J.D. Chorover
8:40 GEOC 11. Influence of natural organic

matter on uranium mobility in the upper

Colorado River Basin. J.R. Bargar, N. Janot,
D.Q. Pham, M.E. Jones, S.E. Bone, J. LezamaPacheco, S.E. Fendorf, K. Williams, P.E. Long
9:00 GEOC 12. Uranium immobilization in
acidic wetlands by natural organic matter
and plant roots. D. Li, D. Kaplan, J. seaman,
P. Jaffe, K. Scheckel, C.U. Segre
9:20 GEOC 13. Assessment of tellurium in
semi-arid mine tailings at Delamar, Nevada:
Implications for human and ecosystem
health. N.A. Knight, S.M. Hayes
9:40 GEOC 14. Tc migration, reduction, and
redox rate scaling in Fe(II)-containing sediments from a natural redox transition zone
at Hanford site. C. Liu, Y. Liu, R. Kukkadapu,
j. McKinley, J. Zachara
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 GEOC 15. Fate of U and As in biostimulated mine tailings sediments. T. Borch,
L.D. Troyer, K. Campbell, J. Stone, J. LezamaPacheco, J.R. Bargar
11:00 GEOC 16. Characterization of effluent
and stormwater metal sources and
influence on bioavailability in developed
streams. H. Luan, T.M. Vadas
11:20 GEOC 17. Speciation and mobility of U,
As, and co-occurring constituents at abandoned mine waste sites in the Southwest,
USA. J. Blake, S. Avasarala, K. Artyushkova,
M. Ali, A. Brearly, C. Shuey, P. Robinson,
S. Bill, F. Escheverria, E. Escheverria, C. Hirani,
J.M. Cerrato
11:40 GEOC 18. Silica availability in the
volcanic Klamath Basin and its effect on
bioavailability of phosphorus in Upper
Klamath Lake, Oregon. N.S. Simon, K. Conko,
T. Robertson, A. Vinci, K. Fischer

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Understanding the Geochemical Interactions

of Organic Compounds in the Subsurface
Cosponsored by MPPG
J. Blotevogel, V. Glezakou, A. Karamalidis,
Organizers, Presiding
1:15 GEOC 19. Understanding soil organic

matter: Mineral interactions with largescale molecular dynamics simulation of

biopolymer-mineral interfaces. A. Andersen,
N. Washton, P. Reardon, S. Chacon, M. Kleber
1:45 GEOC 20. Adsorption of light hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide confined in
nanoporous synthetic sandstone rocks and
shale. G. Rother, L. Vlcek

Cooperative Cosponsorship

2:15 GEOC 21. CH4 and CO2 interactions with
model clay minerals. M. Lee, B.P. McGrail,
H. Schaef, V. Glezakou

5:15 GEOC 39. Modelling Eu(iii) speciation

in a Eu(iii)/PAHA/Al2O3 ternary system.

M.F. Benedetti, J. Nomie, P. Reiller

2:35 GEOC 22. Use of LC-QTOF mass

spectrometry in characterization of
produced water for organic compounds:
Application to geologic carbon storage and
unconventional gas exploration. V. Mishra,
A. Karamalidis, J. Jain, S. Hedges, A. Hakala
2:55 GEOC 23. Autoclave experiments to investigate possible interactions between black
shales and stimulation fluid during unconventional gas production. A. Vieth-Hillebrand,
F.D. Wilke, J. Erzinger, B. Horseld
3:25 Intermission.
3:45 GEOC 24. Partitioning and reactivity of
trace organics in unconventional oil and
gas plays. G.V. Lowry, A. Burant, N. Edwards,
A. Karamalidis
4:15 GEOC 25. How stable are hydraulic
fracturing fluid chemicals deep below
the Earths surface? T. Borch, G. Kahrilas,
E.M. Thurman, I. Ferrer, J. Blotevogel
4:45 GEOC 26. Minerals can be catalysts
for organic reactions in hydrothermal
environments. H.E. Hartnett, J. Shipp, Z. Yang,
L. Williams, I.R. Gould, E. Shock
5:15 GEOC 27. Chromatographic fractionation
and structural diversity of petroporphyrins
isolated from natural petroleum seeps by
FT-ICR MS. A.M. McKenna, J.C. Putman,
S.M. Rowland, D.L. Valentine, M.Y. Kellermann,
C. Aeppli, C.M. Reddy, R.P. Rodgers
5:35 GEOC 28. Computer simulation of the
ascent, liquid-gas repartitioning, and
dissolution of oil hydrocarbons in the deep
water column during the Deepwater Horizon
disaster. J.S. Arey, J. Gros, S. Socolofsky,
C.M. Reddy
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

Coupled Cycling of Biogeochemical Critical

Elements and Contaminants
Metals/Contaminants: Molecular-scale
J. R. Bargar, B. Gu, M. Keiluweit, H. Lin,
Organizers, Presiding
1:15 GEOC 29. Viral influence on subsurface

biogeochemical cycling and contaminant

mobility. D. Pan, Z. Tan, J. Nolan, K. Williams,
M.J. Robbins, N. Kananizadeh, Y. Li, K.A. Weber
1:45 GEOC 30. Behavior of antimony(V) under
Fe(III)- and sulfate-reducing conditions.
C.R. Johnson, D. Antonopoulos, M. Boyanov,
T. Flynn, K.M. Kemner, J. Koval, E.J. OLoughlin
2:05 GEOC 31. Complex roles of cysteine in
methylmercury production by G. sulfurreducens PCA. H. Lin, X. LU, L. Liang, B. Gu
2:25 GEOC 32. Differentiating kinetic and thermodynamic controls of microbial uranium
reduction in the presence of iron oxides.
K.M. Belli, T.J. DiChristina, P. Van Cappellen,
M. Taillefert
2:45 GEOC 33. From plant materials to
biochars: Speciation and transformation of
sulfur and potassium during biofuel production. S. Cheah, N. Laroco, J. Olstad
3:05 Intermission.
3:25 GEOC 34. Coupled cycling of biogeochemically important elements (iron,
sulphur, carbon) and toxic metal(oid)s (As,
Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, U, Th) in pelagic redoxclines of acidic pit lakes. J. Snchez-Espaa
3:55 GEOC 35. Rates and mechanisms of
uranyl oxyhydroxide mineral dissolution.
E. Reinoso-Maset, W. Um, J.D. Chorover,
C. Steefel, P. ODay
4:15 GEOC 36. Elucidating the role of monomeric U(IV) in uranium ore deposit genesis.
A. Bhattacharyya, K. Campbell, S. Weyer, T. Borch
4:35 GEOC 37. Rapid mobilization of noncrystalline U(IV) coupled with FeS oxidation.
Y. Bi, M. Stylo, R. Bernier-Latmani, K.F. Hayes
4:55 GEOC 38. Structural study of Sb(V)
adsorption on hematite(1-102) surface.
C. Qiu, F. Majs, P.J. Eng, J. Stubbs, T. Trainor

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Geochemistry and Reactive Transport

in Nano-Pore Geomaterials
Cosponsored by MPPG
L. J. Criscenti, Y. Wang, H. Yoon, Organizers,
8:15 Introductory Remarks.
8:20 GEOC 40. Non-Darcian flow, imaging, and

coupled constitutive behavior of heterogeneous shale. T. Dewers, J. Heath, H. Yoon

8:50 GEOC 41. Chemical and mechanical alter-

ations of Portland Cement by aqueous CO2

and SO42- under geologic CO2 sequestration
relevant conditions. Q. Li, Y. Lim, Y. Jun
9:10 GEOC 42. Role of advanced reactive
surface area characterization in improving
predictions of mineral reaction rates in
subsurface porous media. L.E. Beckingham,
S. Zhang, E. Mitnick, D. Cole, L. Yang, L. Anovitz,
J. Sheets, A. Swift, T. Kneafsey, G. Landrot,
S. Mito, Z. Xue, C. Steefel, D. DePaolo, J. AjoFranklin, M. Voltolini
9:30 GEOC 43. Adsorption-enhanced
mass transport in carbon nanotube.
S. Riewchotisakul, I. Akkutlu, K. Bui
9:50 GEOC 44. Characterization of shale pore
topology and chemistry using combined
TEM and FIB-SEM. H. Yoon, T. Dewers
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 GEOC 45. Neutron investigation of
hydrocarbon and water in low-permeability
geomaterials. M. Ding, M. Hartl, R.P. Hjelm,
Y. Wang, L. Daemen, Y. Wang, C. Jove-Colon
11:00 GEOC 46. CO2 hydrate dissolution in
pore space of marine sediments. D. Kyung,
T. Kwon, W. Lee
11:20 GEOC 47. Nanopore wall effect on
surface tension of methane. K. Bui, I. Akkutlu
11:40 GEOC 48. Understanding radionuclide
interactions with layered materials: The
effect of nanopore confinement. Y. Wang
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

10:50 GEOC 55. Denitrification, reductive

diffusion, and rate scaling in natural redox

transition zone sediments. Y. Liu, S. Yan,
C. Liu, L. Shi, J. Shang, H. Shan, J. Zachara,
J. Fredrickson, D. Kennedy, C. Resch,
C.J. Thompson, S. Fansler
11:10 GEOC 56. Evidence for the coupling of
nitrogen and iron redox transformations
in marine sediments. N. Kiriazis, J. Beckler,
M. Taillefert
11:30 GEOC 57. Removal and behavior of metal
contaminants during passive co-treatment of synthetic acid mine drainage and
synthetic municipal wastewater. P. Smyntek,
J. Bandstra, R.C. Wagner, W. Stronsnider,
C. Marcillo
11:50 GEOC 58. Copper removal by bioadsorption: A biotechnology approach.
D.F. Rodrigues

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3C

2015 Geochemistry Division Medal

D. B. Kent, Organizer
S. E. Fendorf, M. Hochella, Presiding
1:15 Introductory Remarks.
1:30 GEOC 59. Incidental nanomaterials in the

environment, and why it is critical that we

pay attention. M. Hochella, J. Dale, R. French,
C. Johnson, B. Kim, Y. Yang
2:10 GEOC 60. Combined impact of (bio)
chemical and physical processes in defining
metal dynamics within soils. S. Fendorf,
D. Hausladen, S. Ying
2:50 GEOC 61. Energetics of CO2 confinement:
Amorphous carbonates, layered double
hydroxides, and metal organic frameworks.
A. Navrotsky
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 GEOC 62. Geochemical reaction kinetics
using nanometer-sized metal-hydroxide and
-oxide ions. W.H. Casey
4:30 GEOC 63. Kinetics and mechanisms of
geochemical processes: Its about interfaces
and scale. D.L. Sparks

Section A

Coupled Cycling of Biogeochemical Critical

Elements and Contaminants

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Fundamental Redox/Elemental Cycling


J. R. Bargar, B. Gu, M. Keiluweit, H. Lin,

Organizers, Presiding

S. N. Kerisit, Organizer

8:00 GEOC 49. Properties and reactivity of

Fe-organic matter associations. D.L. Sparks

GEOC 64.

8:30 GEOC 50. Temperature effects on carbon

sequestration by iron oxide coated mineral

surfaces. E. Daugherty, T. Borch
8:50 GEOC 51. Source of Mn(III)-L in the
surface waters of the Saguenay Fjord,
Quebec, Canada. V.E. Oldham, M. Jones,
A. Mucci, B.M. Tebo, G.W. Luther
9:10 GEOC 52. Episodic anoxia drives
geochemical formation of reactive
oxygen species in coastal environments.
S.A. Murphy, S. Meng, B.R. Solomon, T.J. Shaw,
J.L. Ferry
9:30 GEOC 53. Timescales of soil redox oscillations and the role of iron in the critical zone.
A. Thompson, B. Ginn, C. Meile, J. Wilmoth,
D. Bacellos
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 GEOC 54. Biogeochemical cycling of
Fe and S: Where are the electrons going
and who is moving them? K.M. Kemner,
E.J. OLoughlin, M. Boyanov, D. Antonopoulos,
B. Mishra, T. Flynn, D. Latta, M. Scherer, M. Kwon,
T.J. Dichristina, K. Skinner

8:00 - 10:00

Distribution and quantity of iodine

with relationship to aquifer formations
in northwestern Oklahoma brine waters.
J.R. Wickham, C. Hoffman, A. Anderson,
R. Fenton, D. Edlin
GEOC 65. Distribution of uranium and uranyl
minerals near and within hyalite opal.
T.L. Spano, T.A. Olds, A.M. Burd, J. Kovacs,
P.C. Burns
GEOC 66. Seasonal changes in temperature
and vadose zone gases due to microbial
activity at a crude oil-contaminated site.
E. Warren, J. Trost, N. Sihota, B. Bekins
GEOC 67. Using geochemical analysis to identify local vs. exotic sources of glacial clasts,
Friis Hills, Antarctica. J. Wrage, C. Jacobs,
A. Lewis, B. Saini-Eidukat
GEOC 68. Toward quantification of Mo and Re
speciation in natural anoxic waters: Reverse
phase ion pair chromatographic separation
of oxythiomolybdate and oxythioperrhenate
mixtures. E. Stong, N. Young, L. Groskreutz,
A. Chappaz, T.P. Vorlicek
GEOC 69. Abiotic addition of sulfide to dissolved organic matter. B.A. Poulin, J.N. Ryan,
A. Stubbins, G. Aiken

70. Reactive surfaces of altered clay
minerals and their effect on the retention
of metal(loid)s by clays. C.A. Legrand,
M. Schindler, M. Hochella
GEOC 71. Disequilibrium of mineral phases in
confined pore spaces in silica-rich coatings.
J. Caplette, M. Schindler, M. Hochella
GEOC 72. Numerical simulation of groundwater
flow and solute transport: A case study for
Manati-Vega Baja limestone karst aquifer,
Puerto Rico. B. Maihemuti
GEOC 73. Speciation of arsenic in water
at Bakyrchik gold mine, Kazakhstan.
A. Seitkan, S. Redfern
GEOC 74. Environmental factors affect
production of methylmercury by Geobacter
bemidjensis. X. Lu, H. Lin, B. Gu
GEOC 75. Thermodynamic studies of uranyl
minerals: Enthalpies of formation of
metatorbernite, metazeunerite, metaankoleite, metastudtite, and metaschoepite.
E. Dzik, P.C. Burns
GEOC 76. Copper sorption and lability from
iron oxide and organic matter coprecipitates. F. Koenigsmark, T.M. Vadas
GEOC 77. Redistribution of solid phase
arsenic in aquaculture pond sediments.
S. Hafeznezami, T. Lin, J.A. Jay
GEOC 78. Effect of exposure time on Cu(II)
adsorption and retention to iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. A.V. Torossian,
J.A. Jacobs, C.S. Kim
GEOC 79. Dark production of superoxide
and hydrogen peroxide during oxidation
of reduced dissolved organic matter in
natural waters. R. Marsico, T. Rand, K. Roe,
D.L. Macalady, B. Voelker

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications
Formation and Transformation
Cosponsored by MPPG
T. Borch, W. D. Burgos, Y. Hu, M. Zhu,
Organizers, Presiding
8:00 GEOC 80. Initial mechanisms of iron

oxyhydroxide precipitation: Results from

molecular spectroscopy and MD simulations. G. Waychunas, M. Zhu, H. Zhang,
C. Frandsen, J.D. Kubicki, B. Puls
8:30 GEOC 81. Mineral formation by cluster
self-assembly: Schwertmannite as a partially crystallized nanomineral. F.M. Michel,
H.E. King
9:00 GEOC 82. Size-dependent solubility,
stability, and nucleation of ferrihydrite.
T. Hiemstra
9:20 GEOC 83. Interactions among aqueous
ions, quartz, and Fe (hydr)oxide polymers
during heterogeneous Fe hydroxide nucleation and growth. C. Dai, Y. Hu
9:40 GEOC 84. Nucleation and growth of synthetic chrysotile nanotubes: Insights into the
structure of proto-serpentine. A. FernandezMartinez, R. Lafay, G. Montes-Hernandez,
A. Auzende, A. Poulain
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 GEOC 85. Fe(III) (hydr)oxide nucleation,
and growth: Influences of local saturation
changes, structural matches, and hydrophilicity. Y. Jun, Y. Hu, J.R. Ray, C.W. Neil, B. Lee
10:45 GEOC 86. Natural organic matter impacts
on heterogeneous iron(III) (hydr)oxide
nucleation, growth, and composition in the
presence of arsenate. C.W. Neil, B. Lee, Y. Jun
11:05 GEOC 87. Thermodynamics of mixing
of spinel solid solutions with magnetite
end-member Part I: Mixing of normal and
inverse spinels. S. Sahu, K. Lilova, B. Huang,
B.F. Woodeld, A. Navrotsky

11:25 GEOC 88. Thermodynamics of mixing of

3:00 GEOC 103. Molecular-level explanation

1:50 GEOC 119. Effect of solution and solid-

spinel solid solutions with magnetite (Fe3O4)

end-member Part II: Mixing of two inverse
spinels. K. Lilova, S.K. Sahu, C. Pearce,
K. Rosso, A. Navrotsky
11:45 GEOC 89. Nucleation and growth of
(Fe,Cr)(OH)3 nanoparticles: Implications for
aqueous Cr removal. C. Dai, Y. Hu

for humification in peats and soils based

on ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry.
P. Hatcher, H. Chen, B. Hartman, N. DiDonato,
D. Waggoner
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 GEOC 104. Characterizing high affinity
binding sites within bacterial cell envelopes
and on bacterial EPS molecules. J. Fein,
Q. Yu
4:00 GEOC 105. Role of NOM complexation
in Fe(II) stabilization. T. Borch, E. Daugherty,
P.S. Nico, B. Gilbert
4:25 GEOC 106. Behavior of nitrite with goethite
and surface Fe(II)-goethite complexes.
C.J. Matocha, P. Dhakal
4:45 GEOC 107. In-situ Cu(II)-fulvic acid
systems studied using complementary
spectroscopic techinques. C. Phillips,
J. Hamilton, D. Hilger, D. Peak
5:05 GEOC 108. Adjunctive, disjunctive, and
Interjunctive? Influence of ligand structure
on kinetic pathways of ligand exchange.
N.E. Boland, A.T. Stone, T. Nelson, M. Harned,
A. Wildman

phase conditions on the Fe(II)-accelerated

transformation of ferrihydrite to lepidocrocite and goethite. T.D. Waite, D. Boland,
R. Collins, C. Miller
2:20 GEOC 120. Abiotic phase transformation
of schwertmannite pelagic particles in
acidic pit lakes: Influence on metal mobility.
J. Snchez-Espaa, I. Yusta
2:40 GEOC 121. Mineralogical changes in
goethite during goethite-Fe(II) atom exchange: A microscopic and 55Fe-tracer study.
P. Joshi, C. Gorski
3:00 GEOC 122. Revisiting the -Fe2O3 (0001)
phase diagram using a surface specific GGA
+ Ud+p approach. X. Huang, S. Ramadugu,
S.E. Mason
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 GEOC 123. Dissolution, aggregation,
surface chemistry, and biological effects of
iron oxide nanomaterials. V.H. Grassian
4:05 GEOC 124. Structure and thermodynamics
of ferrihydrite from first principles. M. Sassi,
K. Rosso
4:25 GEOC 125. Withdrawn.
4:45 GEOC 126. On the join between goethite
and hematite: X-ray diffraction and FT-IR
studies of hydrohematite. P.J. Heaney,
K.M. Peterson, F.T. Ling, J.E. Post
5:05 GEOC 127. Technetium incorporation into
goethite: An atomic-scale investigation.
F.N. Smith

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling

Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Cosponsored by COLL
S. E. Mason, Organizer
A. Ilgen, S. Lee, Organizers, Presiding
8:05 Introductory Remarks.
8:10 GEOC 90. Janus, striped and coarse-grained particles. R. Hernandez
8:40 GEOC 91. Molecular simulation analysis

of nanoparticle-biomolecule interactions:
challenges and developments. Q. Cui
9:00 GEOC 92. DFT-MD simulations of the
quartz (101)-water interface as a function
of pH, ionic strength, salt type and temperature: Implications for dissolution mechanisms. J.D. Kubicki, M. DelloStritto, J.O. Sofo,
M. Fedkin, L. Vlcek, A.A. Chialvo, D. Wesolowski,
O. Kroutil, M. Predota, F. Bellucci, P. Fenter,
F. Geiger, S.A. Saslow, A. Bandura
9:30 GEOC 93. Structure of water at the
quartz(101) surface: Effect of ions and pH.
M. DelloStritto, J.D. Kubicki, J.O. Sofo
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 GEOC 94. Measure of absolute surface
potential at the watersilica nanoparticle
interface: Specific ion effects and pH
dependence. M.A. Brown
10:30 GEOC 95. Second harmonic generation
studies of aqueous R-cut -quartz and
fused silica interfaces. F. Geiger
10:50 GEOC 96. Monitoring the influence of ions
on acid-base chemistry at the silica/water
interface at low and high salt concentration
using nonlinear optical methods. J. GibbsDavis, A. Darlington, M. Azam
11:10 GEOC 97. Surface energies for Pt
catalysts comprising C, CO, methanol,
and glycerol adsorbates in liquid water
calculated using density functional theory
and molecular dynamics. C. Bodenschatz,
R. Getman
11:40 GEOC 98. Structure dynamics and reactivity of water-saturated supercritical CO2 and
anorthite interface from ab initio molecular
dynamics. V. Glezakou, M. Lee, B.P. McGrail,
R. Rousseau

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Symposium in Honor of Dr. Donald Sparks,

2015 Geochemistry Medal Recipient
Kinetics and Mechanisms of Aqueous
Geochemical Processes
S. E. Fendorf, D. B. Kent, Organizers
G. W. Luther, K. Scheckel, Presiding
1:15 Introductory Remarks.
1:20 GEOC 99. Kinetic competence in bacterial

iron oxide reduction: A model system study

with proteoliposomes. J. Zachara, Z. Wang,
L. Shi, G. White, D. Richardson, J. Fredrickson
1:55 GEOC 100. Oxygen flux modulates net
rates of Fe reduction and Fe solid phase
composition in redox dynamic soils.
J. Wilmoth, A. Thompson
2:20 GEOC 101. Reduction kinetics of polymeric (soluble) manganese (IV) oxide (MnO2) by
ferrous iron (Fe2+). M. Siebecker, G.W. Luther
2:40 GEOC 102. Crystallite size effects on the
structure and physicochemical properties
of ferrihydrite. X. Feng, X. Wang, W. Li, M. Zhu,
F. Liu, D.L. Sparks

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling

Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Cosponsored by COLL
S. Lee, Organizer
A. Ilgen, S. E. Mason, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 GEOC 109. Molecular dynamics simula-

tions of cation adsorption at mica-water

interfaces. I.C. Bourg
2:00 GEOC 110. Adsorption properties of
cesium ions to micaceous clay minerals.
M. Okumura, H. Nakamura, M. Machida,
S.N. Kerisit
2:20 GEOC 111. New insights into thermal
effects of K, Na, Ca, Mg, and Cs-exchanged
montmorillonite by in situ USAXS/SAXS
study. S. Lee, T.B. Fischer, M.R. Stokes,
R.J. Klingler, J. Ilavsky, D.K. McCarty, M.O. Wigand,
R.E. Winans
2:40 GEOC 112. Deciphering populations of Cd
surface complexes on gibbsite and kaolinite
with combined experimental and computational methods. P.A. ODay, M. Small, N. Govind,
H.D. Watts, J.D. Kubicki, K.T. Mueller
3:00 GEOC 113. Reactivity of Sb(V) and Pb(II)
on environmentally active (1-102) surface
of hematite and alumina. S. Ramadugu,
S.E. Mason
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 GEOC 114. Co-sorption of Fe(II) with As(III)
and As(V) at the solid-water interface of
aluminum oxide. Y. Zhu, E.J. Elzinga
4:10 GEOC 115. Characterization of Ba2+
adsorption on oxide minerals: Combined
effects of solution and surface properties in
complex systems. J. Han, S. Chun, L.E. Katz
4:30 GEOC 116. Enhanced phosphate sorption
on metal-doped birnessite. Y. Tang,
R. Huang, B. Fields, M. Zhu, S. Zhao
4:50 GEOC 117. Microfluidic device to
determine the rate of mineral weathering.
D. Ciceri, A. Allanore
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications
Formation and Transformation
Cosponsored by MPPG
T. Borch, W. D. Burgos, Y. Hu, M. Zhu,
Organizers, Presiding
1:20 GEOC 118. Iron oxides in reactive systems.
A.M. Vindedahl, J.H. Strehlau, J.A. Soltis,
B.M. Toner, W. Arnold, R. Penn

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Symposium in Honor of Dr. Donald Sparks,

2015 Geochemistry Medal Recipient
Kinetics and Mechanisms of Aqueous
Geochemical Processes
S. E. Fendorf, D. B. Kent, Organizers
M. Hochella, A. L. Seyfferth, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 GEOC 128. Determining chemical and

microbial Fe(II) oxidation kinetics in situ:

Iron oxidizing bacteria compete with chemical Fe(II) oxidation. G.W. Luther, C. Chan,
D. Emerson
8:40 GEOC 129. Mechanisms and kinetics
of contaminant transformation by Mn(IV)
oxides. M.A. Ginder-Vogel
9:05 GEOC 130. Transformation of triclinic to
hexagonal birnessite by common biological
buffers. F. Ling, P. Heaney, X. Gao, J. Post
9:45 GEOC 131. Co-sorption of aqueous
Fe(II) and Mn(II) in anoxic aluminum-oxide
suspensions. E. Elzinga, Y. Zhu
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 GEOC 132. Iron mineral formation in an
iron- and sulfide-rich early ocean model
habitat. E. Koeksoy
10:40 GEOC 133. Time resolved in situ spectroscopic studies of aqueous geochemical
reactions. D. Peak
11:05 GEOC 134. Novel synchrotron-based hard
x-ray approaches to understanding controls
on metal ion fate in subsurface and terrestrial environments. K.M. Kemner, M. Boyanov,
B. Mishra, E.J. OLoughlin, S.L. OBrien, D. SholtoDouglas, B. Lai, M. Balasubramanian, R. Gordon,
S. Kelly, V. Bailey
11:30 GEOC 135. Tackling rapid reaction
kinetics at the mineral-water interface using
quick-scanning X-ray absorption spectroscopy. W. Li, M. Siebecker, D.L. Sparks
11:50 GEOC 136. Development of a rate law
for arsenite oxidation by manganese oxides
to assess the impact of the recycling of
arsenic on microbial respiration processes.
S. Owings, M. Taillefert

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling

Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Cosponsored by COLL
A. Ilgen, Organizer
S. Lee, S. E. Mason, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 GEOC 137. Pathways and kinetics of Fe(II)-

catalyzed redox recrystallization of Fe(III)oxides. K. Rosso, V. Alexandrov, P. Zarzycki,

S.N. Kerisit, M. Sassi
9:00 GEOC 138. Contribution of thiol structure
on reduction kinetics of iron and manganese
oxides. E.M. Eitel, M. Taillefert
9:20 GEOC 139. Iron electron transfer and
atom exchange in clay minerals. D.E. Latta,
W. Premaratne, K. Rosso, M. Scherer, A. Neumann
9:50 GEOC 140. Controls on the reactivity of
clay structural Fe(II)/Fe(III) redox couple.
A.G. Ilgen, D.R. Dunphy, J.N. Kruichak,
R.K. Kukkadapu, J.M. Cerrato, J.M. Argo,
R.E. Washington
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 GEOC 141. Characterizing the dynamics
of iron oxide aggregation and reactivity
in aqueous systems. A.M. Vindedahl,
J.H. Strehlau, W. Arnold, R. Penn
11:00 GEOC 142. Resolving conflicting effects
of surfaces, ligands, and concentration on
the evolution of reactive oxygen species
during iron oxidation. S. Meng, B.R. Solomon,
J.L. Ferry
11:20 GEOC 143. Effect of live Acremonium
strictum KR21-2 fungus on the mobility of REEs during the biooxidation of
Mn(II). Q. Yu, T. Ohnuki, K. Tanaka, N. Kozai,
F. Sakamoto, Y. Tani
11:40 GEOC 144. Prebiotic role of fluoride
minerals in the montmorillonite catalyzed
synthesis of RNA. M.F. Aldersley, P.C. Joshi
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications
Biotic and Abiotic Redox Reactions
Cosponsored by MPPG
T. Borch, W. D. Burgos, Y. Hu, M. Zhu,
Organizers, Presiding
8:00 GEOC 145. Speciation of particulate iron in
marine geochemical gradients. B.M. Toner,
P.J. Lam
8:30 GEOC 146. Iron oxide aqueous Fe(II)

standard reduction potential measurements: A mediated electrochemical study.

R.A. Edwards, A.C. Costa, C.A. Gorski
8:50 GEOC 147. High spatial resolution analysis
of biogeochemical iron cycling and iron
mineral formation in freshwater sediments.
C.L. Lockwood, T.K. Himpel, F. Schaedler,
C. Schmidt, A. Kappler
9:10 GEOC 148. Effect of natural and engineered electron transfer in living cells on the
transformation of iron oxides. K.K. Sand,
M. TerAvest, C.M. Ajo Franklin, J. De Yoreo
9:30 GEOC 149. Harnessing community genomics to understand microbial iron and sulfur
cycling in estuary sediments. B.J. Baker
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 GEOC 150. Biogeobattery: Redox
cycling of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in magnetite
by Fe-metabolizing bacteria. J. Byrne,
N. Klglein, C. Pearce, E. Appel, A. Kappler
10:45 GEOC 151. Reactivity of bioreduced
iron-bearing phyllosilicates towards nitroaromatic compounds. W.D. Burgos, F. Luan,
C. Gorski
11:05 GEOC 152. Role of microbial communities
in linking Fe (hydr)oxide transformation
and nutrient cycling. M.A. Ginder-Vogel,
E. Tomaszewski, J. Mejia
11:25 GEOC 153. Characterization of redox
potential and reactivity of sorbed Fe(II).
D. Fan, A. Hinkle, R. Johnson, P.G. Tratnyek

Cooperative Cosponsorship

11:45 GEOC 154. Evidence for the existence

of soluble Fe(III) complexes in sedimentary

environments. M. Taillefert, J. Beckler


3:20 GEOC 169. Role of citric acid in CaCO3

crystallization. D.J. Tobler, J. Rodriguez Blanco,
K. Dideriksen, N. Bovet, K.K. Sand, S.S. Stipp
3:40 GEOC 170. Role of borate ions in CaCO3
crystallization. J. Rodriguez-Blanco,
K. Dideriksen, D. Tobler, K. Sand, B. Vallina,
L.G. Benning, S.S. Stipp

Section A

4:00 GEOC 171. Effect of varying cation:anion

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

ratio on growth of sparingly-soluble minerals. J. Bracco, A.G. Stack, S.R. Higgins

4:20 GEOC 172. Impact of carbonate substitution on the interfacial kinetics and bulk
stability of hydroxyapatite. L.N. Lammers
4:40 Concluding Remarks.

Symposium in Honor of Dr. Donald Sparks,

2015 Geochemistry Medal Recipient
Structure and Bonding at the Mineral-water
S. E. Fendorf, D. B. Kent, Organizers
B. C. Bostick, M. A. Ginder-Vogel, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 GEOC 155. Structural environments of

ligands associated with amorphous ferric

hydroxides, and their impact on goethite
nucleation. S.C. Myneni, N. Crompton,
J. Majzlan
2:10 GEOC 156. Silicate sorption on Fe oxyhydroxides: Identification of reaction sites
from molecular spectroscopy, and reactive
force field modeling of sorption/desorption
processes. G. Waychunas, M. Kanematsu,
J. Boily, C.B. Keller, A. Wallace
2:35 GEOC 157. Alkaline earth metal ion sorption processes: From adsorption to precipitation. L.E. Katz, J. Choi, J. Han, L.J. Criscenti
3:00 GEOC 158. Ligand controlled chemical
fate of CeO2 nanoparticles in heterogeneous
geochemical system. Y. Arai
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 GEOC 159. Adsorption and reaction at
mineral/water interfaces: Relevance to
natural products and agricultural chemicals.
A.T. Stone
4:00 GEOC 160. Sulfate coordination environment in Schwersmannite. X. Wang, C. Gu,
X. Feng, M. Zhu
4:20 GEOC 161. Identification and quantification
of sulfate surface complexes on ferrihydrite.
C. Gu, X. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Zhu
4:40 GEOC 162. Organo-mineral associations in
agricultural soils: insights from multi-elemental STXM-NEXAFS analysis. C. Chen,
J. Wang, J.J. Dynes, D.L. Sparks
5:00 GEOC 163. Ternary complexation of dissolved organic matter in kaolinite-Fe(III)-organic acid systems: An EXAFS spectroscopic study. J. Yang, D.L. Sparks, N. Bolan,
R. Cornelia, W. Pan
5:20 GEOC 164. Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of adsorption and
precipitation of Zn on -alumina as affected
by As. Y. Wang, T. Fan, D. Zhou, W. Li, M. Zhu,
D.L. Sparks
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Molecular-Scale Processes Controlling

Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Cosponsored by COLL
S. E. Mason, Organizer
A. Ilgen, S. Lee, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 GEOC 165. Uncovering the local atomic

structure of a hydrated amorphous

magnesium carbonate: The computational
chemistry and total scattering iterative
methodology. C. White, N. Henson, L. Daemen,
M. Hartl, K. Page
2:00 GEOC 166. How does the ionic strength
control the nucleation of manganese oxide
nanoparticles at quartz-water interfaces?
H. Jung, Y. Jun
2:20 GEOC 167. In-situ observation of a single-layer gibbsite film at the muscovite (001)
water interface. S. Lee, M. Schmidt, T.T. Fister,
N.C. Sturchio, K.L. Nagy, P. Fenter
2:40 GEOC 168. Mineralogical constraint of
reverse weathering reactions. E.M. Saad,
Y. Tang
3:00 Intermission.

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity

and Applications
Environmental Applications
Cosponsored by MPPG
T. Borch, W. D. Burgos, Y. Hu, M. Zhu,
Organizers, Presiding
1:15 GEOC 173. Reactions of nanoscale

zero-valent iron (nZVI) with heavy metals:

Atomic resolution imaging and applications.
W. Zhang, L. Ling
1:45 GEOC 174. Contaminant removal from
water through oxidation-reduction and
adsorption on iron oxides generated during
electrocoagulation. D. Giammar, C. Pan,
L. Wang, J.G. Catalano
2:15 GEOC 175. Interaction of Cr(III) and Cr(VI)
with hematite studied by second harmonic
generation. F. Geiger
2:35 GEOC 176. Sequestration of arsenate in
zero-valent iron nanoparticles: Visualization
of intraparticle reactions at Angstrom resolution. L. Ling, W. Zhang
2:55 GEOC 177. Redox reactions and contaminant degradation by Fe(II) and iron oxides in
complex groundwater systems. J.H. Strehlau,
B.M. Toner, W. Arnold, R. Penn
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 GEOC 178. Solute transport with pH variations through soil. S. Bryant, V. Prigiobbe
4:00 GEOC 179. Immobilization of arsenate in
soil and groundwater using starch-stabilized
magnetite nanoparticles. D. Zhao, Q. Liang
4:30 GEOC 180. Withdrawn.
4:50 GEOC 181. Reactivity of various kinds of
magnetite to adsorb heavy metals from contaminated wastewater. M. Usman, Z. Ajmal
5:10 GEOC 182. Density functional theory
modeling of ferrihydrite nanoparticle charging and adsorption behavior. J.D. Kubicki,
E. Cerkez, D.R. Strongin

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Symposium in Honor of Dr. Donald Sparks,

2015 Geochemistry Medal Recipient
Biogeochemical Processes in Soils and
S. E. Fendorf, D. B. Kent, Organizers
A. Navrotsky, J. Stuckey, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 GEOC 183. Rhizosphere processes cont-

rolling metal speciation and bioavailability in

soils. D.H. McNear
8:30 GEOC 184. Fate, transport, and cycling
of hexavalent chromium in the soil environment. J. Fischel, D.L. Sparks
8:50 GEOC 185. Potential impacts of sea
level rise on arsenic mobility and cycling.
J.J. LeMonte, R. Tappero, D.L. Sparks
9:10 GEOC 186. Tracking the temporal
dynamics of intracellular lead speciation in
a model green alga by resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy. T. Stewart, J. Szlachetko,
L. Sigg, R. Behra, M. Nachtegaal

9:30 GEOC 187. Impact of sea level rise

on arsenic and chromium sorption in

Phragmites australis root plaques. M. Fischel,
D.L. Sparks
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 GEOC 188. Fate of arsenic at the soil-

plant interface: Impacts of soil-incorporation

of plant-available silicon on arsenic desorption, iron oxide plaque, and plant uptake.
A.L. Seyfferth, R. Gill, E. Penido
10:30 GEOC 189. Root cell wall polysaccharides are involved in Cd hyperaccumulation
in Sedum alfredii. T. Li, Q. Tao, X. yang,
D.L. Sparks, Y. Liang
10:50 GEOC 190. Scaling up molecular
reactions to ecosystem processes: Organic
matter degradation controlled phosphorus
cycling in the Chesapeake Bay. D. Jaisi,
S. Joshi, R. Kukkadapu, D.L. Sparks
11:10 GEOC 191. Identification of biologically
inert phosphorus pools in river waters: An
application of phosphate oxygen isotope
ratios of particulate P pools in East Creek,
a Chesapeake Bay watershed. K. Bear,
S.R. Joshi, D. Jaisi
11:30 GEOC 192. Using phosphorus distribution
in soils and sediments to understand
arsenic biogeochemistry. D.G. Strawn
11:50 GEOC 193. Using synchrotron-based
techniques to elucidate the fate of militarily
relevant metals in the environment. J. Seiter,
B. Lafferty, R. Tappero, A. Bednar, A. Kennedy,
S. Braseld, M. Chappell
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

Precipitation, Dissolution and Adsorption

under Connement
Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation
A. Fernandez-Martinez, A. G. Stack, Organizers,
8:45 Introductory Remarks.
8:50 GEOC 194. Mineral precipitation in porous
materials. A.G. Stack, A. Gordon, H. Wang,
A. Fernandez-Martinez, L. Anovitz, K. Page
9:10 GEOC 195. Precipitates of Al(III), Sc(III),

and La(III) at the muscovite-water interface.

F. Geiger
9:30 GEOC 196. Nucleation and growth of
barite (BaSO4) observed in-situ in porous
media using X-ray computed tomography.
J. Godinho, A.G. Stack, M. Rivers
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 GEOC 197. Effects of reactivity and flow
rate on dissolution of carbonates from the
nano to the centimeter scale. L. Anovitz,
C.A. Novack, T.R. Prisk, J. Ilavsky, J. Hammons,
D.F. Mildner, M.J. Wasbrough, D.L. Jacobson,
D.S. Hussey
10:40 GEOC 198. Evolution of silica walls
of nanopores filled of water and ions.
D. Rbiscoul, J. Cambedouzou, M. Brossel
11:00 GEOC 199. In situ X-ray diffraction and
infrared spectroscopic investigation of
magnesite precipitation in interfacial water
films. Q.R. Miller, J.P. Kaszuba, H.T. Schaef,
M.E. Bowden, C.J. Thompson, J.S. Loring
11:30 GEOC 200. Nanogeochemistry issues
arising from borosilicate leaching experiments. S. Gin, P. Jollivet, F. Angli, P. Frugier

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Ballroom 3A

Symposium in Honor of Dr. Donald Sparks,

2015 Geochemistry Medal Recipient
Biogeochemical Processes in Soils and
S. E. Fendorf, D. B. Kent, Organizers
D. Giammar, D. H. McNear, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 GEOC 201. Environmental fate and trans-

formation of engineered nanoparticles from

consumer products. K. Scheckel, E. Lombi,
E. Donner, R. Sekine, B. Miller, K. Vasilev
2:00 GEOC 202. Uranium(VI) uptake on iron
oxide surfaces: The transition from adsorption to precipitatio. D. Giammar, A. Singh,
V. Mehta, L.D. Troyer, F. Maillot, J.G. Catalano
2:25 GEOC 203. Chemistry of depleted uranium
in military firing range soils. B. Lafferty,
J. Seiter, A. Bednar, R. Tappero, F. Hill, M. Chappell
2:45 GEOC 204. Kinetics-based approaches
of predicting aqueous arsenic concentrations in soil and groundwater systems.
B.C. Bostick, J. Sun, S. Chillrud, A. van Geen,
B. Mailloux
3:10 GEOC 205. Wetland hydrology dictates
organic carbon reactivity controlling
microbial arsenic release within the Mekong
Delta. J. Stuckey, M. Schaefer, B. Kocar,
S. Benner, S. Fendorf
3:30 GEOC 206. Development and applications
of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ
immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil
and groundwater. D. Zhao, X. Zhao, W. Xie,
X. Wang, S. Tian
3:50 Intermission.
4:05 GEOC 207. Fe(III) affects arsenic mobilization and secondary mineral precipitate
phase, morphology, and coverage during
arsenopyrite oxidation. C.W. Neil, Y. Jun
4:25 GEOC 208. Copper sequestration by black
carbon in contaminated soil using STXM-C
K-edge and Cu L-edge XANES spectroscopy. J. Yang, J. Liu, J. Wang, D.L. Sparks
4:45 GEOC 209. Role of chlorite interlayers in
Zn sequestration in smelter-affected soils.
J. Hamilton, D. Peak
5:25 GEOC 211. Modeling the impact of
variable pH and dissolved salt concentration
on sorption and transport of nickel, zinc,
and lead in a quartz-sand aquifer. D.B. Kent,
M. Kohler, G. Ng
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 712

Precipitation, Dissolution and Adsorption

under Connement
Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions
A. Fernandez-Martinez, A. G. Stack, Organizers,
1:30 GEOC 212. Adsorption and precipitation of
Zn and Ni in nanoporous silica. J.M. Nelson,
J.R. Bargar, G.E. Brown, K. Maher
1:50 GEOC 213. Hydration-induced morpho-

logical evolution at glass-liquid interfaces.

J. Ryan, P. Rieke, S.N. Kerisit
2:10 GEOC 214. Inhibition mechanism of
DTPMP based on the analysis of barite
nucleation and crystal growth using laser
detection method and novel crystal growth
model supported by cryo-TEM measurements. Z. Dai, F. Zhang, A.T. Kan, Z. zhang,
Y. Liu, L. Wang, F. Yan, N. Bhandari, V. Bolanos,
M.B. Tomson
2:30 GEOC 215. Inelastic neutron scattering
techniques for the study of water confined
in swelling clay minerals. M. Jimenez-Ruiz
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 GEOC 216. Aqueous geochemistry of
water confined in clay and silica nanopores.
I.C. Bourg
3:50 GEOC 217. Structure, dynamics, and
reactivity of geofluids in confined geometries. D. Cole, D.W. Hoyt, A. Kolesnikov, T. Liu,
E. Mamontov, K.T. Mueller, S. Gautam, G. Rother,
J. Sheets, A. Striolo, N. Washton, S. Welch
4:20 GEOC 218. Confined pore spaces in
mineral coatings of contaminated soils:
Disequilibria between abiotic and biotic processes and their environment. M. Schindler,
M. Hochella
4:40 Concluding Remarks.

Division of the History
of Chemistry
S. C. Rasmussen, Program Chair

3:30 HIST 15. Soap production and use in

antiquity. K.L. Konkol, S.C. Rasmussen
4:00 HIST 16. Modern materials in antiquity:

An early history of the art and technology of

glass. S.C. Rasmussen


Division of Industrial
and Engineering
P. Smith and M. Moore, Program Chairs


Section A

HIST Division Executive Committee

Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sun

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer

Section A

8:00 - 10:00
11-12, 14. See previous listings.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Tower Court A


HIST Tutorial and General Papers

Section A

S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer, Presiding

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Tower Court A

1:00 HIST 1. HIST Tutorial: Elemental sulfur

a natural (and unnatural) resource.

M.E. Schott
1:40 HIST 2. James Hyatt, chemist, scientist,
and communicator: A man of his times.
W.P. Palmer
2:10 HIST 3. Inaccuracy of dates in accounts of
the history of chemistry: A case of deliberate falsification? J. Gal
2:40 Intermission.
2:55 HIST 4. Rules, formulas, names: The
lexical legacy of the 1892 Geneva
Nomenclature Congress. E. Hepler-Smith
3:25 HIST 5. NMR characterization of resin
blocks from 13th century Java Sea Wreck.
J.B. Lambert, A. Levy
3:55 HIST 6. Investigation into the first isolation
of carbonic acid. R.L. Hudson
4:25 HIST 7. Foundation and influence of the
Sydney School of Coordination Chemistry.
A.T. Baker

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Tower Court A

Chemical Technology in Antiquity

Cosponsored by MPPG
S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer
C. L. Heth, Presiding
8:25 Introductory Remarks.
8:30 HIST 8. Pigments in antiquity: Colorful

forerunners of every aspect of modern

chemistry. M. Orna
9:15 HIST 9. First artificial material: Ceramics
from prehistory to the fall of Rome.
N. Zumbulyadis
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 HIST 10. From honey wine to cultivation
of the grape: An early history of fermented
beverages. S.C. Rasmussen
11:00 HIST 11. Metals of antiquity and their
alloys. V.V. Mainz

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Tower Court A

Chemical Technology in Antiquity

Cosponsored by MPPG
S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 HIST 12. The skin they were in: Leather
and tanning in antiquity. C.L. Heth
2:00 HIST 13. Modern chemistry of the ancient

chemical processing of organic dyes and

pigments. Z.C. Koren
2:45 HIST 14. Scented oils and perfumes in
antiquity. N. Balasubramanian
3:15 Intermission.

Modern Chemical Warfare: History,

Chemistry, Toxicology, Morality
J. Gal, Organizer
J. A. Asper, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 HIST 17. Modern chemical warfare: A
historical overview. J. Gal
8:35 HIST 18. German chemists and chemical


Nanostructured Porous Polymers:
Synthesis, Properties and Applications
(see PMSE, Sun, Mon)
Drug Delivery and Drug Device Combination
Product (see PMSE, Tue, Wed, Thu)
Advances in Analytical Separations
(see ANYL, Mon)
50th Anniversary of the NUCL Division
(see NUCL, Tue, Wed)
Glenn T. Seaborg Award: Symposium in
Honor of Heino Nitsche (see NUCL, Sun,
Chemical Angel Network: Chemists
Investing in Chemical Companies
(see PROF, Mon)

Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue

Business Meeting, 12:00 PM: Sun
Business Meeting, 6:30 PM: Mon

weapons: Fritz Haber and his legacy.

S. Everts
9:05 HIST 19. Chemical warfare and French
chemists. P. Laszlo


9:35 Intermission.

Section A

9:50 HIST 20. American chemists and chemical

warfare. T.T. Tidwell

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom A

10:20 Haber: The Father of Chemical Warfare,

a film by Daniel Ragussis.
11:00 Q&A with Daniel Ragussis.

George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical

Education: Symposium in Honor of
I. Dwaine Eubanks
Sputnik to Smartphones: A Half-Century
of Chemistry Education
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by HIST

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Tower Court A

Modern Chemical Warfare: History,

Chemistry, Toxicology, Morality
J. Gal, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 HIST 21. Chemical weapons: Clinical

description and discussion of basic injuries.

D. Gilmore
1:30 HIST 22. Aiming chemical weapons at
student engagement: Chemistry and war
as a first year seminar. J.A. Asper
2:00 HIST 23. Modern chemical warfare:
A philatelic chronology. D. Rabinovich
2:30 HIST 24. Chemical warfare: The American
WWII aftermath. D.C. Neckers
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 HIST 25. Nerve agents: From inception
to current concepts. S.W. Wiener
3:45 HIST 26. Ethics of chemical weapons
research. J.D. Kovac
4:15 HIST 27. OPCW: Working for a world free
of chemical weapons. D. Feakes, A. Kelle
George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical
Education: Symposium in Honor of
I. Dwaine Eubanks
Sputnik to Smartphones: A Half-Century
of Chemistry Education
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by HIST

ACS Award in Separations Science &

Technology: Symposium in Honor of
Richard D. Noble
D. L. Gin, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 I&EC 1. Double salt ionic liquids with

unique chemical environments for separations. R.D. Rogers, H. Wang, S.P. Kelley
9:05 I&EC 2. Phase change ionic liquids

for post-combustion CO2 capture.

J.F. Brennecke, S. Seo, L.D. Simoni,
M.A. Stadtherr
9:40 I&EC 3. Reverse osmosis membranes
research-current development and future
directions. N.N. Li, M. Tsai, J. Li
10:15 I&EC 4. Materials and devices to enable
low-energy-intensive gas separations.
W. Koros
10:50 I&EC 5. Improving distillation: Not an
oxymoron. P. Wankat
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom B

Uranium in Seawater
The Chemistry
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG
P. F. Britt, Organizer
R. D. Rogers, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 I&EC 6. Uranium and U. C.H. Middlecamp

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:



8:25 I&EC 7. Design and synthesis of pyri-

Section B

9:40 Intermission.

5:00 Concluding Remarks.

dine-based and amidoxime-based ligands

for uranium adsorption. C. Zhang, S. Dai
8:45 I&EC 8. Polymer-supported amines and
aminophosphonates as uranyl-selective
extractants. S. Alexandratos, R.C. Sellin,
M. Florent, X. Zhu
9:05 I&EC 9. Complexation of glutarimidedioxime with V(V), a major competing ion
for the extraction of U(VI) from seawater.
C. Leggett, L. Rao
9:25 Intermission.
9:45 I&EC 10. Accelerating extraction of
uranium from seawater through high-performance computational science: Challenges
and advances. D.A. Penchoff, D.M. Jenkins,
G.K. Schweitzer, R.J. Harrison
10:05 I&EC 11. Development of bifunctional
chelators for selective extraction of uranium
from seawater. C.W. Abney, J.C. Gilhula, W. Lin
10:25 I&EC 12. Density functional theory
methods to predict ligands pKas, and
stability constants for uranyl complexes.
V. Bryantsev, N. Mehio
10:45 I&EC 13. Combinatorial peptoid
screening to discover new ligands for uranyl
binding. B. Parker, A. Knight, S. Vukovic,
M.B. Francis, J. Arnold
11:05 I&EC 14. Determination of formation constants for Uranyl(VI) complexes in aqueous
solution by spectroscopic techniques.
R.D. Hancock
11:25 I&EC 15. Nanofiber chitin mats for
coextraction of value added metals from
seawater: Improving the economics of
uranium recovery. R.D. Rogers, S.P. Kelley,
G. Gurau, J.L. Shamshina

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom B

10:00 I&EC 37. Chemical and structural char-

ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Thomas J. Colacot

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom A

ACS Award in Separations Science &

Technology: Symposium in Honor of
Richard D. Noble
D. L. Gin, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 I&EC 16. Award Address (ACS Award

is Separations Science & Technology).

Recent advances in the design of functional
room-temperature ionic liquid-based materials for selective gas separations. D.L. Gin,
Y. Kohno, M.G. Cowan, W.M. McDanel, Z.V. Singh,
Z. Shi, R.D. Noble
2:35 I&EC 17. Influence of propane on CO2/
CH4 and N2/CH4 separations in CHA zeolite
membranes. J.L. Falconer, H.H. Funke,
R.D. Noble, T. Wu, M. Diaz, R. Zhou
3:10 I&EC 18. Properties of membrane materials for solar fuels generators. C.A. Koval
3:45 I&EC 19. Ionic polyimides: New dimensions in the design of polymer materials for
membrane separations. J. Bara, J.D. Roveda,
M. Shannon, D. Wallace
4:20 I&EC 20. Composite Pd alloy membranes
for high temperature hydrogen production
with CO2 capture. J.D. Way, H. Abu El Hawa,
S.N. Paglieri, S. Lundin, N. Patki

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Uranium in Seawater
The Sorbents
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG
R. D. Rogers, Organizer
P. F. Britt, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 I&EC 21. Improvements of radiation

grafting of selective ligands onto polymeric

substrates to produce high-capacity adsorbents for harvesting uranium from seawater.
T.C. Dietz, C. Tomaszewski, M.A. Adel-Hadadi,
A. Barkatt, M. Al-Sheikhly
1:20 I&EC 22. Advanced fiber adsorbents for
recovery of uranium from seawater prepared via controlled radical polymerization.
S. Brown, S. Chatterjee, J.C. Johnson, L. Kuo,
G.A. Gill, T. Saito
1:40 I&EC 23. Fibrous adsorbents prepared by
SI-ATRP for the recovery of uranium from
seawater. S. Brown, L. Kuo, S. Chatterjee,
J.C. Johnson, Y. Yue, G.A. Gill, T. Saito, S. Dai
2:00 I&EC 24. Preparation of uranium
adsorbents by radiation-induced graft
polymerization. C. Janke, S. Das, R. Mayes,
C. Tsouris, S. Dai
2:20 I&EC 25. Nanofiber absorbents for
uranium extraction from seawater. S. Xie,
X. Liu, B. Zhang, H. Ma, C. Ling, M. Yu, J. Li
2:40 Intermission.
3:00 I&EC 26. Performance enhancing amidoxime adsorbent for uranium recovery
from seawater. S. Das, C. Janke, R. Mayes,
C. Tsouris, S. Dai
3:20 I&EC 27. Development of novel porous
sorbents for extraction of uranium from
seawater. W. Lin
3:40 I&EC 28. Carbon materials for seawater
uranium extraction. R.T. Mayes, J. Gorka,
Y. Yue, S. Dai, G. Gill, L. Kuo, J. Wood
4:00 I&EC 29. Novel nanostructured sorbent
materials for the collection and recovery of
uranium from seawater and other solutions.
R.S. Addleman, W. Chouyyok, J.W. Pittman,
K.M. Nell, S. Peterson, M.G. Warner, C. Warner
4:20 I&EC 30. Uranium-from-seawater sorbents from fishing industry waste from
batch to continuous production. G. Gurau,
J.L. Shamshina, S.P. Kelley, R.D. Rogers
4:40 I&EC 31. Porous polymeric adsorbents
for the recovery of uranium from seawater.
Y. Yue

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom A

Uranium in Seawater
Sorbents and Analysis
Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG and NUCL
P. F. Britt, R. D. Rogers, Organizers
S. Dai, Presiding
8:00 I&EC 32. Fiber functionalization via novel

ligand for uranium recovery from seawater.

S. Chatterjee, S. Brown, J. Johnson, R.T. Mayes,
C.A. Grant, B.P. Hay, T. Saito
8:20 I&EC 33. Synthesis and properties of
amidoxime-based fibrous adsorbents for
extraction of uranium from seawater by
radiation-induced graft polymerization.
G. Wu, J. Hu, Z. Xing, L. Xu, R. Li, S. Li
8:40 I&EC 34. Effects of crosslinking in polymer
brush uranium adsorbents. J. Johnson,
S. Brown, S. Chatterjee, T. Saito
9:00 I&EC 35. Application of synchrotron radiation technique in extraction uranium from
seawater. L. Zhang, C. Jin, J. Zhou, J. Wang
9:20 I&EC 36. Adsorption behavior of uranium
from seawater on amidoxime-based
UHMWPE prepared by radiation induced
graft polymerization. H. Ma, X. Liu, C. Ling,
X. Yang, J. Hu, S. Li, Z. Xing, J. Li, G. Wu

acterization of high density polyethylene

(HDPE) based sorbents developed for
the binding of uranium from seawater.
M.G. Warner, S.M. Peterson, B. Arey, I. Arslan,
M.H. Engelhard, B. Naes, D. Willingham,
C. Barrett, R.S. Addleman
10:20 I&EC 38. Uranium from seawater marine
testing program at the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory: Overview. G.A. Gill,
L. Kuo, J. Wood, J.E. Strivens, M.E. Cobb,
G. Bonheyo, R. Jeters, J. Park, T. Khangaonkar,
R.S. Addleman, M.G. Warner, S.M. Peterson,
K. Buesseler, C. Breier, E. DAlessandro
10:40 I&EC 39. Elution of uranium and
transition metals from amidoxime-based
sorbents for sequestering uranium from
seawater. H. Pan, L. Kuo, G.A. Gill, C.M. Wai
11:00 I&EC 40. Separation and concentration
of Uranium from sea water using aptamer
receptors. R.F. Williams
11:20 I&EC 41. Matrix elimination for the
determination of uranium in seawater using
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. J. Wood, G.A. Gill, K. Choe
11:40 I&EC 42. Adsorbent pretreatment and
batch kinetic experiments for uranium
adsorption testing and modeling. S. Das,
W. Liao, R. Mayes, C.J. Janke, S. Dai, C. Tsouris
ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Thomas J. Colacot
Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored by ANYL
and I&EC

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom A

Uranium in Seawater
Analysis and Toxicity/Cost
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG
P. F. Britt, R. D. Rogers, Organizers
G. A. Gill, Presiding
1:00 I&EC 43. Characterization and testing of

adsorbent materials to extract uranium from

natural seawater. L. Kuo, G.A. Gill, J. Wood,
J.E. Strivens, M.E. Cobb, C. Janke
1:20 I&EC 44. Selectivity and kinetic behavior
of heavy metal and radionuclides on
supported ion-exchange adsorbant.
W.T. Honeycutt, E.B. Kadossov, A.W. Apblett,
N.F. Materer
1:40 I&EC 45. Toxicity of the adsorbent materials used to extract uranium from seawater.
J. Park, R. Jeters, G.A. Gill, L. Kuo, G. Bonheyo
2:00 I&EC 46. How biofouling impacts uranium
sorbent material performance and what can
be done to mitigate the effect. G.T. Bonheyo,
J. Park, R. Jeters, E.M. Winder, L. Kuo, G.A. Gill
2:20 I&EC 47. Homogeneous blending of chitin
with biopolymers for advanced biodegradable sorbents for uranium extraction
from seawater. J. Bandomir, S.P. Kelley,
J.L. Shamshina, G. Gurau, R.D. Rogers
2:40 I&EC 48. Dual functional chitin based sorbents for coextraction of aqueous copper
and uranium. S.P. Kelley, J.L. Shamshina,
G. Gurau, R.D. Rogers
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 I&EC 49. Cost assessment for the recovery of uranium from seawater via a textile
adsorbent. E. Schneider, M. Flicker, X. Chen,
H. Lindner
3:40 I&EC 50. Uranium-from-seawater sorbents
from fishing industry waste cost reduction
through solvent recycle. J.L. Shamshina,
G. Gurau, S.P. Kelley, R.D. Rogers
4:00 I&EC 51. Impacts of seawater uranium
extraction on oceanic circulation and transport. T. Khangaonkar, T. Wang, G.A. Gill
4:20 I&EC 52. Green process for extraction and
recovery of uranium from ground water and
seawater. A.W. Apblett, C. Perkins, H. Albusaidi
4:40 Panel Discussion.

Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored by ANYL

and I&EC

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

P. Smith and M. Moore, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
10, 24, 44. See previous listings.
67, 69, 71, 73-74, 82, 98. See subsequent listings.

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom A

E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &

Engineering Chemistry: Symposium
in Honor of Joseph R. Zoeller
Cosponsored by CATL
Financially supported by ExxonMobil Research and
Engineering Co
M. Moore, Organizer
J. S. Witzeman, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 I&EC 53. Amido fluorophosphite ligands

for the rhodium catalyzed low pressure

hydroformylation reaction. T.A. Puckette
8:55 I&EC 54. Selective aerobic C-C bond
cleavage in lignin models and extracts
using oxovanadium complexes. R. Baker
9:20 I&EC 55. Epoxybutene: The development
of a selective process from butadiene.
J.L. Stavinoha
9:45 I&EC 56. Acetylene from shale gas.
N. Collins, T. Upshaw
10:10 I&EC 57. Measuring kinetics of
hydrocarbon and oxygenate pyrolysis.
P.R. Westmoreland
10:35 I&EC 58. Catalytic conversion of C1
reactants to higher value oxygenates.
J.J. Spivey
11:00 I&EC 59. Tailored transition metal oxides
for carbonaceous fuel conversion. F. Li

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crystal Ballroom A

E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial &

Engineering Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Joseph R. Zoeller
Cosponsored by CATL
Financially supported by ExxonMobil Research and
M. Moore, Organizer
J. S. Witzeman, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 I&EC 60. Bimetallic cooperativity in homo-

geneous catalysis: Takes two to tango.

G.G. Stanley
1:55 I&EC 61. Active state of gold catalysts
for carbonylation reactions. C. Hardacre,
M.J. Muldoon, J. Sa, K. Morgan, Q. Cao,
A. Goguet, S. Taylor
2:20 I&EC 62. Molecular active sites in heterogeneous Ir-La/C catalyzed carbonylation of
methanol to acetates. Y. Wang
2:45 I&EC 63. Pincer-crown ether catalysts
for Lewis acid-promoted transformations.
A.J. Miller, J.B. Smith, J. Grajeda, L.C. Gregor
3:10 I&EC 64. Neutron scattering studies of
molecular interactions with pure and decorated metal nanomaterials. J.Z. Larese

3:35 I&EC 65. Carbonylation of methanol
without alkyl halide. A.J. Vetter, J.R. Zoeller,
T. Smith, M. Moore, M.K. Wiedmann
4:00 I&EC 66. Award Address (E. V. Murphree

Award in Industrial and Engineering

Chemistry sponsored by ExxonMobil
Research and Engineering). Role of
mechanistic studies in industrial processes.
J.R. Zoeller

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

General Posters
P. M. Smith, Organizer
5:00 - 6:30
I&EC 67.

Click chemistry-mediated synthesis

of novel functionlized ionic liquids containing TMS moiety. M. Sanchez Zayas, S. Nestor,
J.C. Gaitor, A. Mirjafari
I&EC 68. Adsorption performance of carbon
molecular sieve prepared by carbon deposition with several depositing agents. F. Jin,
X. Zhang, M. Gao, J. Zhang, H. Xu, D. Hua
I&EC 69. Uranium extraction from seawater
using amidoxime modified mesoporous
silica. C. Gunathilake, M. Jaroniec, J. Gorka,
S. Dai
I&EC 70. LbL (layer-by-layer) multilayering
on cellulose nanofibrils and its effects on
surface charge and suspension dewatering.
K. Sim, H. Youn, J. Lee, H. Lee
I&EC 71. Withdrawn.
I&EC 72. Spectroscopic identifications of
inhibition effect by an ionic liquid as a
synergist on gas hydrate formation. S. Han,
J. Shin, S. Kang
I&EC 73. Distinguishing the Rosary and Island
form of asphaltene with solid state nuclear
magnetic resonance. M. Verma, S. Pradhan,
P. Venkataraman, Y. Fang, M. Shammai,
S.L. Wellington, W.E. Billups, L. Alemany
I&EC 74. Predicting the acid dissociation constants of aqueous amidoximes. N. Mehio,
M. Lashley, J. Nudgent, L. Tucker, B. Correia,
C. Do-Thanh, S. Vukovic, S. Dai, R.D. Hancock,
V. Bryantsev
I&EC 75. Nanoparticle tracers for measurement of degree of preferential flow in shale.
N. Yang, G. Jiang, E. Zheng, A. Wang, Y. Xu,
X. Guo
I&EC 76. Polymerized imidazolium ionic liquids
containing flexible pendant groups and their
properties. J. Lee, H. Kim, J. Lee, H. Kim
I&EC 77. Ionic liquids containing ether-functionalized anion and their properties. J. Lee,
Y. Kim, S. Park, J. Hwang
I&EC 78. Nitrile-functionalized tertiary
amines for SO2 absorption. J. Lee, S. Hong,
M. Cheong, H. Kim
I&EC 79. Isolation and structural characterization of bicarbonate and carbonate species
formed during CO2 absorption/desorption.
J. Lee, J. Im, M. Cheong, H. Kim
I&EC 80. Porous carbons derived from
biomass for carbon capture. J. Lee, S. Park
I&EC 81. Ground calcium carbonate modified
by polyelectrolytes multilayering at various
salt concentrations for high filler loading
in papermaking process. J. Lee, H. Youn,
K. Sim, H. Lee, H. Lee
I&EC 82. Removal of acid yellow 25 dye onto
chitin extracted from waste crab legs.
D.D. Wright, L. OBrien, I. Pathiraja, C. Wei,
L. Norcio
I&EC 83. Guest gas enclathration in the
tetra-n-butyl ammonium chloride (TBAC)
semiclathrates: potential application to CO2
capture. Y. Seo, S. Kim, S. Kang

Section A


Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Rexford Room

Division of Inorganic

General Papers

S. A. Koch and N. S. Radu, Program Chairs

C. J. Murphy, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 I&EC 84. Development of flexible alkaline


batteries with carbon nanotube and polymers. Z. Wang, Z. Wu, N. Bramnik, S. Mitra
8:50 I&EC 85. Two step process for extraction
of graphene quantum dots and chemicals/
fuels from coal. K. Mondal, A. Sims, K. Tsai,
T. Hasan
9:10 I&EC 86. Amine based mesoporous silica
with incorporated metal oxide for carbon
dioxide sorption. C. Gunathilake, M. Jaroniec
9:30 I&EC 87. Study of a novel depressant
for reverse cation flotation of iron ore with
focused beam reflective measurement.
S.A. Kofsky Wofford, X. Yin
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 I&EC 88. Effects of alkyl chain length
on lithium salt solubilities in ammonium
Tf2N based ionic liquids. D.P. Fagnant,
J.F. Brennecke
10:25 I&EC 89. Influence of the use of film
forming amines in condensate polishing
systems on the properties of ion exchange
resins. A. Kabir, A. Apblett
10:45 I&EC 90. Robust block copolymer based
RTIL-gel membrane materials for CO2 separation. D. Wijayasekara, T.S. Bailey
11:05 I&EC 91. Carbonyl sulfide formation
during wide temperature reformate
desulfurization on ZnO/SiO2 and Cu
promoted ZnO/SiO2 adsorbents. A.R. Sujan,
B. Tatarchuk, H. Yang

Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or

Bioorganic Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Michael A. Marletta (see BIOL,
ACS Award for Creative Research and
Applications of Iodine Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Karl O. Christe
(see FLUO, Tue)
Convergence of Theory & Experiment in
Heavy Element Chemistry (see NUCL,
Wed, Thu)

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Rexford Room

General Papers
C. J. Murphy, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 I&EC 92. Improved kinetic model for

ethane pyrolysis at high conversions and

high pressures. K. Wang, M.H. Saldana,
S. Villano, G. Bogin, A.M. Dean
1:50 I&EC 93. Electrical discharge enabled
plasmachemical activation of methane
in microscale reactors. P. Kreider,
J. Pommerenck, A.F. Yokochi
2:10 I&EC 94. Diffusion and aging of wood
preservatives in softwood under environmental exposure. K. Ondrusova, V. Martinska,
A. Kubatova, E.I. Kozliak
2:30 I&EC 95. Smoother ride: Paving the voids
in thermophysical property data using
QSPR. W.H. Carande, A. Kazakov, C. Muzny
2:50 Intermission.
3:05 I&EC 96. Concatenated gas saturation
method for vapor pressure measurement:
A technique for oxidatively unstable compounds. J.A. Widegren, A.E. Tolbert, T.J. Bruno
3:25 I&EC 97. Highly selective cation
separations in electrodialysis through
cation-exchange membranes coated
with polyelectrolyte multilayers. N. White,
M.L. Bruening, M. Misovich
3:45 I&EC 98. Extraction of the protein
fraction of dry distillers grains with solubles
(DDGS), implementing chemical methods.
M.F. Villegas Torres, J. Ward, G.J. Lye
4:05 I&EC 99. Coating for biofouling prevention. Y. Li, H. Yu, K.L. Yeung
4:25 I&EC 100. Conversion of biodiesel-derived
crude glycerol into acrolein. R. Liu, Y. Jin,
T. Wang

Reception: Dow Chemistry of the Energy
Water Nexus Reception, 4:30 PM: Tue

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers

of Inorganic Chemistry
Coordination Chemistry
C. Nataro, S. R. Smith, Organizers
C. Hamaker, Presiding
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:05 INOR 1. Investigating the oxidation of

olefins using derivatives of the nonheme iron catalyst [Fe(BPMEN)](OTf)2].

C.A. Lidston, M.R. Davies, R.D. Pike, C. Goh
9:25 INOR 2. Metal cation detection using
a novel small molecule chemosensor.
D.T. de Lill, A.M. Gagnon, M. Brown, K. Shelley,
M. DeLuca
9:45 INOR 3. Tripodal carbamoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) ligands for f-element
chelation: Solution photophysical studies
and lanthanide/actinide extraction properties. E.J. Werner, S.M. Biros, S.N. McGraw,
D.A. Hardy, H.T. Sartain
10:05 INOR 4. Synthesis of a series of first
row transition metal complexes containing
a tetradentate ligand. H.F. Drake, A. Blake,
C.M. Donahue, S.R. Daly, B.J. Bellott
10:25 Intermission.
10:35 INOR 5. Lanthanides, chirality, and ionic
liquids: Finding a niche with undergraduates. T. Hopkins
10:55 INOR 6. Interconversion of eight-coordinate, dodecahedral, rhenium(V) isomers
supported by a single chelating ligand.
H. Sodhi, C.P. Bosko, S. Rashid, G.A. Moehring
11:15 INOR 7. Methanobactin-inspired coordination chemistry with new mixed-donor
ligands. D. Rabinovich
11:35 INOR 8. Utilization of sulfonamides in
crystal engineering. C. Hamaker, Z.E. Lawton,
M. Oblazny
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

2015 Priestley Medalist: Symposium

in Honor of Jacqueline K. Barton
E. Boon, M. C. Buzzeo, S. Delaney, Organizers
V. C. Pierre, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 INOR 9. Road to genome expansion is

paved with good intentions: When DNA

repair goes awry. S. Delaney
9:10 INOR 10. Snapshots of metallobleomycin-DNA recognition and binding: A tale of
two tails. E.C. Long, M.M. Georgiadis
9:40 INOR 11. Scrutinizing DNA damage.
M. Nunez

10:10 Intermission.
10:20 INOR 12. Formation and characterization

of platinum adducts on ribosomal RNA.

X. Bao, C.S. Chow
10:50 INOR 13. Enhancing extracellular
proteostasis through the unfolded protein
response. J. Genereux, J.W. Kelly, R. Wiseman
11:20 INOR 14. Molecular shape control
applied to the dynamic capture and release
of biorelevant substrates. A. Petitjean
11:50 INOR 15. Systematic material design
using biomolecules. T. Tamaki
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of William J. Evans
J. R. Walensky, Organizer
J. W. Ziller, Presiding
8:30 INOR 16. Measuring hydride donor ability

to guide catalyst design for reduction

reactions. J. Yang, C. Tsay, J. Khosrowabadi
Kotyk, B. Livesay
8:50 INOR 17. Next generation redox-active
ligands from non-innocent coordination
complexes. A.F. Heyduk
9:10 INOR 18. Synthetic chemistry as a
wIndow into biology: Probing molecular
complexity with small molecular species.
A. Borovik
9:30 INOR 19. Evaluating metalcarbon
orbital mixing in metallocene dichlorides.
S.A. Kozimor, E.R. Batista, J.N. Cross, D.L. Clark,
J.M. Keith, R.L. Martin, S.G. Minasian, D.K. Shuh,
C.S. Stieber, J.A. Trujillo, T. Tyliszczak
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 INOR 20. Covalency in actinide metallocene complexes. D.L. Clark
10:20 INOR 21. Bond strength in molecular
f element compounds from the quantum
theory of atoms in molecules. Q. Huang,
J.R. Kingham, A. Mountain, N. Kaltsoyannis
10:40 INOR 22. Group 11 cluster chemistry:
What I didnt learn in the Evans Lab.
J.R. Walensky, A. Lane, P. Rungthanapathsophon
11:00 INOR 23. Practical models for organometallic chemistry. W. Hehre
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Chemical Approaches to Spintronics

R. Beaulac, Organizer
K. R. Kittilstved, Presiding
8:30 INOR 24. Spin coherence transfer using

photogenerated spin-correlated radical

pairs. M.R. Wasielewski, N.E. Horwitz,
B.K. Rugg
9:00 INOR 25. Spin transport in organic materials: From single molecules to crystals.
S. Sanvito
9:30 INOR 26. Probing spin-exciton and spincharge interactions in open-shell organic
semiconductors. T.L. Andrew
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 INOR 27. Evaluating magnetic properties
of molecules with strong anisotropy based
on electronic configuration and geometry.
K.R. Dunbar, M. Ballesteros, S. Hill, D. Pinkowicz,
M.R. Saber, T.J. Woods, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao
11:00 INOR 28. Magnetic ordering and
conductivity in heavy atom and multiband
radicals. A. Mailman, S.M. Winter, J.W. Wong,
D. Tian, C.M. Robertson, P.A. Dube, S.R. Julian,
S. Hill, R.T. Oakley
11:30 INOR 29. Spin-selective charge recombination in complexes of CdS quantum dots
and organic hole acceptors. D.J. Weinberg,
S.M. Dyar, Z. Khademi, M. Malicki, S.R. Marder,
M.R. Wasielewski, E.A. Weiss



Section E

9:50 INOR 46. Tin nitride spinel semiconductor

10:50 INOR 65. Symmetry breaking charge

2:55 INOR 81. Microwave-assisted cop-

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

for photoelectrochemical water oxidation. C. Caskey, J.A. Seabold, V. Stevanovic,

D.S. Ginley, N. Neal, R.M. Richards, S. Lany,
A. Zakutayev
10:10 INOR 47. Electrolysis of urea for the sustainable production of hydrogen. G. Botte
10:50 INOR 48. Sulfur Sulfur thermochemical hydrogen production cycle: A new
thermochemical cycle employing only earth
abundant elements. N. AuYeung, K. Caple,
P. Kreider, A.F. Yokochi
11:30 INOR 49. Lithium metalorganic complex
used to clean hydrogen sulfide for hydrogen
production and/or storage. X. Li, R. Morrish,
C.A. Wolden, Y. Yang

transfer in zinc dipyrrins for OPVs with

open circuit voltage in excess of 1.3 V.
A. Bartynski, M.E. Thompson
11:10 INOR 66. Charge storage in cation
incorporated -MnO2. M. Young, A. Holder,
S.M. George, C. Musgrave
11:30 INOR 67. (CrxFe1-x)7C3 Solid solution as an
efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions in both acidic
and alkaline media. C. Wan, B.M. Leonard

per-catalyzed reactions of aryl halides via

concurrent tandem catalysis. D.J. Brown,
S. Lin, A.H. Roy MacArthur
3:15 INOR 82. Ambiphilic late-metal silyl and
silylene complexes for cooperative activation of small molecules. A. Deetz, M.T. Whited
3:35 INOR 83. Modulation of tris(diphenylphosphinomethyl)phenylborate donor ability via
introduction of M(CO)3 units at the boronbound phenyl substituent. P.J. Fischer,
A.B. Weberg, T.D. Bohrmann, H. Xu
3:55 INOR 84. Cyclic hydroboration using
azaferrocene-stabilized borenium cations.
T.J. Brunker, S. Krause, A.L. Rheingold
4:15 INOR 85. Trends observed during the
nickel-catalyzed dehydrogenation of
ammonia-borane utilizing asymmetrical
triazolylidene ligands. M.O. Talbot, M. Guino-o

ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of John T. Groves
P. J. Chirik, Organizer
R. N. Austin, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 INOR 30. Base metal catalysis for hydrocarbon manipulation. P.J. Chirik
9:30 INOR 31. Tandem catalytic hydrogenation
of carbon dioxide to methanol. M.S. Sanford
10:00 INOR 32. Functionalization of CH bonds

by iodate and chloride: Mechanistic studies.

T.B. Gunnoe, J.T. Groves, G.C. Fortman,
N.C. Boaz, S.E. Kalman, R.A. Periana,
M.M. Konnick
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 INOR 33. Amazing nonheme high-valent
iron-oxo reactivity landscape. L. Que
11:15 INOR 34. Concerted multiple-site
proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET):
Effects of separating the proton and
electron. J.M. Mayer, M.A. Bowring, V. Manner,
J.J. Warren, J. Wittman, L.R. Bradshaw,
D.R. Gamelin, W.D. Morris, T.F. Markle
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in

Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator:
Symposium in Honor of Emily A. Weiss
Cosponsored by WCC
M. R. Hartings, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 INOR 35. Harry Gray as a young investiga-

tor: Paradigms lost, found, and going up in

gas. R. Eisenberg
8:55 INOR 36. Gray nation: Out of this world.
M.L. Cable, J.P. Kirby, A. Ponce, A.M. Stockton,
M.F. Mora, P. Willis, T.H. Vu, P.M. Beauchamp,
H.B. Gray
9:20 INOR 37. Molecular systems for photocatalytic hydrogen oxidation. M.D. Hopkins,
H.B. Vibbert, M. Westwood, N.T. La Porte
9:45 Intermission.
9:55 INOR 38. Artificial hydrogenases for solar
hydrogen production. K.L. Bren, B. Kandemir,
J.G. Kleingardner, L. Kubie
10:20 INOR 39. Designing metalloproteins with
tunable redox potentials and reorganization
energies for efficient long-range electron
transfer. Y. Lu, N.M. Marshall, P. Hosseinzadeh,
O. Farver, S.E. Wherland, I. Pecht
10:45 INOR 40. Time-resolved spectroscopic
studies of electron and proton transfer in
biologically relevant systems. M.E. Ener,
H.B. Gray, T.G. Spiro
11:10 INOR 41. Understanding plasticity
in molecular recognition. D.S. Wuttke,
T.H. Dickey, M. McKercher
11:35 INOR 42. Bioinorganic chemistry in a
gray area. F.A. Tezcan
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable

Hydrogen Production and Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
A. L. Prieto, Organizer
C. Ban, Y. Yang, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 INOR 43. Sunlight-driven hydrogen forma-

tion by membrane-supported photoelectrochemical water splitting. N.S. Lewis

8:40 INOR 44. Challenges in photoelectrochemical water splitting materials.
J.A. Turner
9:20 INOR 45. Enabling solar fuels technology
by high throughput discovery of earth abundant oxygen evolution reaction catalysts.
J. Haber, D. Guevarra, R. Jones, A. Shinde,
N. Becerra, C. Xiang, S. Mitrovic, S. Jung,
C. Kisielowski, J. Yano, J. Jin, J. Gregoire
9:40 Intermission.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

Organometallic Chemistry
N. S. Radu, Organizer
G. Dobereiner, C. Hahn, Presiding
9:00 INOR 50. Tetracarbene iron(IV) intermediates for catalytic aziridination. S.A. Cramer,
R. Hernandez Sanchez, P.P. Chandrachud,
D.F. Brakhage, D.M. Jenkins
9:20 INOR 51. Synthesis and reactions of
(C2F5PCP)Ru(cod)H. B. Thapaliya, G.A. Venegas,
N. Arulsamy, D.M. Roddick
9:40 INOR 52. Synthesis and metal coordina-

tion chemistry of (Rf)2(PNP) and (Rf)2(PONOP)

(Rf = CF3, C2F5) chelates. P. Miller,
D.M. Roddick
10:00 INOR 53. Experimental and computational investigation of Csp3-N, Csp3-F,
and Csp3- Csp2 reductive elimination
from model palladium (IV) complexes.
I.M. Pendleton, P.M. Zimmerman, M.S. Sanford,
M. Perez-Temprano
10:20 INOR 54. Investigation of acid and
base co-catalysts for the palladium(II) and
platinum(II) catalyzed hydroarylation of
acetylene. C. Hahn, M. Manjahi
10:40 INOR 55. Synthesis and metal (M =
Ir, Ru) coordination chemistry of (tBu)(Rf)
(PCP) (Rf = CF3, C2F5) chelates. S. Debnath,
D.M. Roddick
11:00 INOR 56. Influence of Lewis acids on
migratory insertion: Applications to C-C
bond formations. G. Dobereiner
11:20 INOR 57. Cross-coupling catalysis in
water a versatile approach. J. Eppinger,
D. Sawant, A.V. Zernickel
Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Chemistry of Materials
Materials for Energy and Catalytic
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
N. C. Anderson, F. Jiao, Presiding
8:30 INOR 58. Synthesis of silicon-germanium

alloy nanoparticles for thermoelectric applications. A. Hochbaum, T. Cornell

8:50 INOR 59. Energy transfer by demand in
well-defined hybrid materials. N.B. Shustova,
D.E. Williams, E.A. Dolgopolova
9:10 INOR 60. CdSe sensitized photocathodes
on a mesoporous transparent conducting
oxide scaffold. M.R. Norris, B.M. Cossairt
9:30 INOR 61. Exploring the potential of nanostructured black silicon toward catalyst-assisted photoelectrochemical reduction of
water. N.C. Anderson, Y. Zhao, N.R. Neale,
H. Branz, P.W. King
9:50 INOR 62. Zeolite protected nanocatalysts;
Using a hard framework for selection and
protection. J. Palomba, J.V. Morabito, C. Tsung
10:10 INOR 63. Mesoporous metal sulfides:
Synthesis and photocatalysis. F. Jiao
10:30 INOR 64. Control of doping in
Cu2SnS3, a novel photovoltaic absorber,
through defects, alloying, and annealing.
L. Baranowski, P. Zawadzki, S. Christensen,
S. Lany, L. Gedvilas, E. Toberer, A. Zakutayev

Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

Environmental and Energy-Related Inorganic

S. A. Koch, Organizer
A. J. Morris, Presiding
8:30 INOR 68. Production of chemical feed-

Section B

stocks from pyrolytic lignin using transition

metal oxidation catalysts. M.S. Fortin,
M.D. Mohadjer Beromi, A. Lai, C.A. Mullen,
A.A. Boateng, N.M. West
8:50 INOR 69. On the use of cobalt complexes
as mediators in dye sensitized solar cells:
Instability of high-potential complexes.
J.T. Kirner, C.M. Elliott
9:10 INOR 70. Dipyridyl ketone based catalysts
for carbon dioxide reduction. H. Meylemans,
P. Goodman
9:30 INOR 71. Enhancement of CO2 absorption
utilizing zinc-based homogenous catalysts
in primary amine solution. M. Sarma,
C. Lippert, R.A. Burrows, L.R. Widger,
C. Brandewie, S. Parkin, K. Liu
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 INOR 72. Exploring charge transfer
induced spin cross-over redox mediators
in quantum dot sensitized solar cells.
A.J. Haring, J.D. Godward, M.E. Pomatto,
A.J. Morris
10:20 INOR 73. Controlling interfacial energetics for efficient hybrid bulk heterojunction
solar cells. A.J. Haring, A.J. Morris
10:40 INOR 74. Oxidation of carbon monoxide
in basic solution catalyzed by nickel cyano
carbonyls at ambient condition and the
prototype of a CO-powered alkaline flow
battery type fuel cell. W. Lo, T. Berenson,
N. Tracer, D. Shlian, M. Khaloo, J. Jiang
11:00 INOR 75. Unassisted energy storage
using layered chalcogenide semiconductors. J.R. McKone, R.A. Potash, F.J. DiSalvo,
H.D. Abruna
11:20 INOR 76. Heterometallic mixed-valent
molecular precursors for the synthesis
of transition metal oxides. E. Dikarev,
C.M. Lieberman, Z. Wei, A.S. Filatov

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers

of Inorganic Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
C. Nataro, S. R. Smith, Organizers
M. Guino-o, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 INOR 77. Ruthenium(II) complexes

supported by electron-rich aromatic ligands

for small molecule activation and catalysis.
J.P. Lee, M.J. Hankins, A.D. Riner
1:55 INOR 78. Investigating the mechanism
of N-H bond activation by a sterically congested PCP-iridium complex. D.A. Laviska
2:15 INOR 79. Progress toward the synthesis,
characterization, and catalysis of iridium
complexes containing [N,N,N]-dianionic
pincer ligands. H. Sajjad, A.R. OConnor
2:35 INOR 80. Copper-catalyzed acyloxylation
of aromatic halides. F. Barrios-Landeros,
B. Ben-Zvi, A.E. Kessler, B.W. Goodman,
D.Y. Drory, D.L. Levine
2:55 Intermission.

2015 Priestley Medalist: Symposium in Honor

of Jacqueline K. Barton
E. Boon, M. C. Buzzeo, V. C. Pierre, Organizers
S. Delaney, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 INOR 86. Roles for metal cofactors of

MutY enzymes in preventing DNA mutations. S.S. David

2:05 INOR 87. New ROS-activated agents
that specifically targert AML cancer cells.
E.J. Merino
2:35 INOR 88. Evidence of histidine and aspartic acid phosphorylation in human prostate
cancer cells. A.E. Friedman
3:05 Intermission.
3:15 INOR 89. Nitric oxide regulation of bacterial biofilms. E.M. Boon
3:45 INOR 90. DNA-protein self assemblies
on millimeter length scales: Artificial light
antenna systems. C.V. Kumar
4:15 INOR 91. Assay and mechanistic
investigations of iron oxidation catalysts.
C.M. Dupureur, Y. Song, H. Mayes, E.B. Bauer
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of William J. Evans
J. R. Walensky, Organizer
J. W. Ziller, Presiding
1:30 INOR 92. Synthesis without the solvent:

Mechanochemical approaches to
organometallic complexes. N.R. Rightmire,
D.L. Bruns, T.P. Hanusa
1:50 INOR 93. f-Element single-molecule
magnets. K.R. Meihaus, S. Demir, J.D. Rinehart,
M. Nippe, J.M. Zadrozny, J.R. Long
2:10 INOR 94. Withdrawn.
2:30 INOR 95. RE-cycle efforts for nationally
critical elements: Fundamental coordination chemistry of scandium. T.J. Boyle,
J.M. Sears, M.L. Neville, D.T. Yonemoto,
R. Cramer, T.N. Lambert, R.F. Hess, L.J. Small
2:50 INOR 96. Role of lanthanide ions in
metal-seamed organic nanocapsules.
J.L. Atwood, H. Kumari, K. Feaster
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 INOR 97. To cluster or not to cluster.
G. Meyer
3:40 INOR 98. iPhone glues: An introduction
to the chemistry of reliable and reworkable
capillary-flow underfills. T. Champagne
4:00 INOR 99. Synthesis of sodium borohydride without sodium metal. N. Allen,
R. Butterick, D.M. Millar, D.C. Molzahn
4:20 INOR 100. Multi-metallic materials containing f-elements. J.H. Farnaby, P.L. Arnold,
W.J. Evans, F.N. Cloke

Section D

3:45 INOR 118. Thermodynamic and kinetic

Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

measurements of cation exchange in

chalcogenide nanocrystals by isothermal
titration calorimetry. N. Sturgis, R.M. Rioux
4:10 INOR 119. Luminescent copper-doped
semiconductor nanocrystals. K.E. Knowles,
H.D. Nelson, P.J. Whitham, D.R. Gamelin
4:35 INOR 120. Metal nanoparticles trapped in
unfolded proteins: Synthesis, characterization, and unique materials properties.
M.R. Hartings, D. Fox, A.E. Miller

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Chemical Approaches to Spintronics

R. Beaulac, Organizer
D. J. Weinberg, Presiding
1:30 INOR 101. Aggregates of Mn3 single-mol-

ecule magnets: Synthesis, properties, and

quantum effects. G. Christou, T.N. Nguyen,
M. Shiddiq, A.M. Mowson, K.A. Abboud, S. Hill
2:00 INOR 102. Theoretical approaches to
the control of spin states in molecules.
C. Herrmann
2:30 INOR 103. Development of redox and
environmental switches for control of
magnetic communication in molecular
complexes. M.P. Shores, R. Higgins, C. Klug,
i. bhowmick, S. Fiedler, A.K. Rappe
3:00 Intermission.
3:30 INOR 104. Metal silicide nanowires for
detection and manipulation of magnetic
skyrmions. S. Jin
4:00 INOR 105. Monolayer-protected nanoclusters: Structurally precise building blocks for
spintronic applications. K.L. Knappenberger,
T.D. Green, C. Yi
4:30 INOR 106. Mechanism of dopant incorporation in SrTiO3 bulk powders and colloidal
nanocrystals. K.A. Lehuta, W. Harrigan,
K.R. Kittilstved
5:00 INOR 107. Photomagnetic switching in
highly conductive Fe(II) spin-crossover
complexes with organic radicals. H. Phan,
S. Benjamin, E. Steven, J. Brooks, M. Shatruk
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of John T. Groves
P. J. Chirik, Organizer
R. N. Austin, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 108. Inorganic chemistry of biological nitrogen fixation. D. Dean, B.M. Hoffman,
D. Lukoyanov, L.C. Seefeldt, S. Shaw, Z. Yang
2:00 INOR 109. Thermodynamics and

mechanism of C-H bond activation by the

Cu(III)-OH core. W.B. Tolman
2:30 INOR 110. Ligand switching in the
control of cytochrome c redox function.
E.V. Pletneva
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 INOR 111. Raman spectroscopy and computation reveal how hemoglobin controls
oxygen affinity. T.G. Spiro
3:45 INOR 112. Structure/function correlations
over non-heme iron enzymes. E.I. Solomon
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in

Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator:
Symposium in Honor of Emily A. Weiss
Cosponsored by WCC
M. R. Hartings, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 113. Singlet fission in carotenoid
aggregates and dimers. M.J. Tauber
1:55 INOR 114. Probing pathways of

excited-state proton-coupled electron

transfer reaction. J.L. Dempsey, T.T. Eisenhart,
J.C. Lennox, W.C. Howland
2:20 INOR 115. New sensitizers for solar
hydrogen production. R. Sabatini, B. Zheng,
W.T. Eckenhoff, A. Orchard, K. Liwosz, D. Watson,
M. Detty, R. Eisenberg, D.W. McCamant
2:45 INOR 116. Toward spying on individual
working catalyst molecules. R.H. Goldsmith
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 INOR 117. Exploring the mechanism of
small molecule metal ion chelators as chemotherapeutic agents against pathogenic
bacteria. T. Santos, M. Zhou, M. Lammers,
M. Rajendran, K. Hurley, Y. Eun, D.B. Weibel

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable

Hydrogen Production and Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
C. Ban, Y. Yang, Organizers
A. L. Prieto, Organizer, Presiding
Y. Zhao, Presiding
1:30 INOR 121. Molecular studies of gas clathrate hydrates. C.A. Koh
2:10 INOR 122. Fueling the future: Safe, dense,

reversible hydrogen storage in hybrid

nanomaterials. J. Urban
2:40 INOR 123. Development of metal hydrides
for high temperature thermochemical
energy storage. E. Ronnebro
3:20 Intermission.
3:30 INOR 124. Water-mediated cooperative
migration of chemisorbed hydrogen on
graphene. Y. Zhao, T. Gennett
3:50 INOR 125. Spectroscopic studies of
proton-coupled electron transfer in the
mechanism of H2 activation by [FeFe]hydrogenases. D.W. Mulder, M.W. Ratzloff,
M. Bruschi, C. Greco, Y. Guo, E. Koonce,
J.W. Peters, P.W. King
4:30 INOR 126. Molecular electrocatalysts
for the oxidation of hydrogen: Pendant
amines as proton relays. R. Bullock, T. Liu,
J.M. Darmon, E.B. Hulley, M. Helm
5:10 INOR 127. Hydrogen fuel cell electric
vehicles: new possibilities? Y. Shao
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials:

Symposium in Honor of Mark E. Thompson
R. L. Brutchey, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 128. Efficient cyclometalated plati-

num and palladium complexes for displays

and lighting applications. J. Li
1:50 INOR 129. Solvent-dependent fluorescence of substituted quinoxalines.
S.P. Sibley
2:10 INOR 130. Excitons and OLEDs: You
cant live with them and you cant operate
without them. S. Forrest
2:30 INOR 131. Synthetic control of photoinduced structural change and dual emission
of phosphorescent molecular butterflies.
B. Ma
2:50 INOR 132. Exploiting nonradiative decay
of cyclometalated iridium complexes to
perform in situ analysis of degradation
products in OLEDs. P.I. Djurovich
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 INOR 133. High efficiency phosphorescent
OLEDs. J. Brooks
3:45 INOR 134. Stoichiometric and catalytic
reactivity based on late-metal/main-group
cooperation. M.T. Whited
4:05 INOR 135. Investigating the trap state
landscape of cadmium halide-treated CdSe
nanocrystals. R.L. Brutchey
4:25 INOR 136. Charge dynamics in next-generation energy conversion materials.
C.W. Schlenker
4:45 INOR 137. Photon upconversion and
photocurrent generation via self-assembled
bilayers on metal oxide surfaces. K. Hanson,
S.P. Hill, T. Banerjee

Division of Inorganic Chemistry Celebration

of the Gabor A. Somorjai Award: Symposium
in Honor of Maurice Brookhart
K. I. Goldberg, Organizer
A. Goldman, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 138. Thermal and photochemical

reactions mediated by water-soluble

host-guest supramolecular systems.
R.G. Bergman
1:50 INOR 139. Cation-modulated hemilability
in pincer-crown ether complexes. A.J. Miller,
M.R. Kita, J.B. Smith
2:10 INOR 140. Redox reactions of nanoscale
oxide materials: Thermodynamics and
kinetics of hydrogen-atom and proton-coupled electron transfer processes.
J.M. Mayer, C.N. Valdez, M.N. Braten,
J. Peper, A. Soria, J.A. Johnson, D.R. Gamelin,
A.M. Schimpf, M. Ryoji, C. Tsou, D. Damatov,
H. Larson
2:30 INOR 141. Relative reactivity scale of
alkanes from C-H bond functionalization
reactions. A. Olmos, R. Gava, B. Noverges,
D.R. Enrique, K. Jacob, T. Varea, A. Caballero,
M. Etienne, G. Asensio, P.J. Perez
2:50 INOR 142. Synthesis and reactivity of
high valent organometallic Ni complexes.
M.S. Sanford
3:10 INOR 143. Small molecule activation
mediated by an iron half-sandwich
complex, [CpFeX]2. M.D. Walter, M. Reiners,
M. Maekawa, P.G. Jones, J. Hohenberger,
J. Sutter, K. Meyer
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 INOR 144. Promoting alkane dehydrogenation by C-H activation at IrIII. A.M. Wright,
K. Allen, D. Pahls, T.R. Cundari, A.S. Goldman,
D.M. Heinekey, K.I. Goldberg
4:00 INOR 145. Chelate complexes of 1st
row transition metals: Redox non-innocence and multiple metal-ligand bonds.
P.T. Wolczanski, A. Swidan, B.M. Lindley,
S.P. Heins, W.D. Morris, N. Livezey, B.P. Jacobs,
R. Agarwal
4:20 INOR 146. Low temperature oxidations
of iridium(Cp*) complexes. C. Turlington,
M. Brookhart, J.L. Templeton
4:40 INOR 147. Hydrogenolyis reactions
catalyzed by iridium pincer complexes.
J.M. Goldberg, G.W. Wong, T. Lekich,
K.I. Goldberg, D.M. Heinekey
5:00 INOR 148. Well-defined iron catalysts
for the acceptorless reversible dehydrogenation of alcohols and N-heterocycles.
S. Chakraborty, W. Brennessel, W.D. Jones
5:20 INOR 149. First row transition metals and
Lewis acid co-cataylsts for carbon dioxide
reduction. W.H. Bernskoetter, N. Hazari
5:40 INOR 150. Applications of tripodal ligands
in bioinorganic and organometallic chemistry. G.F. Parkin
Section J

2:40 INOR 154. Investigation on charge-trans-

fer absorptions of uranyl UO22+(VI) and

chemical reduction of UO22+(VI) to UO2+(V) by
UV-visible and EPR spectroscopies. X. Sun,
D. Kolling, H. Mazagri, B. Karawan
3:00 INOR 155. Facile synthesis of NpI4 in
solution. A.T. Johnson, J.K. Pfeiffer, M.R. Finck,
K.P. Carney, L.R. Martin
3:20 INOR 156. Lanthanide ions in molecular
magnets. M. Murugesu
3:40 INOR 157. Lanthanides-TTF complexes:
Correlation between single molecule
magnet behavior and luminescence.
L. Ouahab, F. Pointillart, O. Cador, S. Golhen
4:00 Intermission.
4:10 INOR 158. Ionothermal effects on actinyl
coordination chemistry using task-specific
ionic liquids. P.A. Smith, P.C. Burns
4:30 INOR 159. Synthesis, structure, and electronic spectroscopy of f-element thiocyanates. J.N. Cross, S.A. Kozimor, C.S. Stieber,
J.A. Trujillo, E.R. Batista, R.L. Martin, S.R. Daly
4:50 INOR 160. Unconventional metal-organic
frameworks (UMOFs) for separation of lanthanides from actinides and americium from
curium. R.M. Silbernagel, J.D. Burns, D.T. Reed,
D.T. Hobbs, A. Cleareld
Department, University, and National
Models for Faculty Development to Support
Adoption of Evidence-Based Teaching
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by INOR,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers

of Inorganic Chemistry
General Posters
C. Nataro, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 161.

Mg deficient IONiC/VIPEr: An
online community for inorganic chemists.
M.J. Geselbracht, A.K. Bentley, H.J. Eppley,
E.R. Jamieson, A.R. Johnson, C. Nataro,
B.A. Reisner, J.L. Stewart, S.R. Smith,
N. Williams, L.A. Watson
INOR 162. IONiC VIPEr workshops at the
frontiers of inorganic chemistry. S.R. Smith,
L.G. Habgood, S.E. Schmidt, K. Young
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Bioinorganic Chemistry
DNA, RNA and Inorganic Drugs
S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 163.

Effect of oxidation state on the anticancer activity of several gold polypyridyl

complexes. D. Gibler, A.C. Ontko

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry

A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer
M. Fieser, M. Murugesu, Presiding
1:30 INOR 151. Isolation of a terminal

organocerium acetylide complex and its

reactivity with enolizable ketones. J. Kim,
D. Weinberger, P. Carroll, E.J. Schelter
1:50 INOR 152. Ligand effects in the synthesis
of Ln2+ complexes by reduction of
tris(cyclopentadienyl) rare earth precursors
including CH bond activation of an indenyl
ligand. J.F. Corbey, C.T. Palumbo, D. Woen,
J.W. Ziller, W.J. Evans
2:10 INOR 153. Reactivity of the Ln2+ complexes [K(2.2.2-cryptand)][(C5H4SiMe3)3Ln]:
Reduction of aromatic hydrocarbons.
C. Kotyk, M.R. MacDonald, J.W. Ziller, W.J. Evans
2:30 Intermission.

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

164. Novel gold(III) chelates of 7-substituted dipyrido[3,2-a:2,3-c] phenazine
and their evaluation as antitumor agents.
K. Palanichamy, C. Gatewood, A.C. Ontko
INOR 165. Withdrawn.
INOR 166. Synthesis and photolysis of a novel
family of photoactivatable HNO donors
using the (3-hydroxy-2-naphthalenyl)methyl
photolabile protecting group. Y. Zhou,
R.S. Dassanayake, N.E. Brasch, P. Sampson
INOR 167. Correlating cytotoxicity of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes with activation
wavelength. E. Wachter, D.K. Heidary,
A. Efnger, E.C. Glazer
INOR 168. E. coli as a screening system to
study potential anti-cancer agents with
different mechanisms of action. Y. Sun,
Z. Zhang, D. Heidary, C.I. Richards, E. Glazer
INOR 169. New family of rhodium metalloinsertors with improved selectivity and potency
against DNA mismatch repair deficient cell
lines. K.M. Boyle, A. Komor, J.K. Barton
INOR 170. Development of light activated
Ru(II) complexes applicable in photodynamic therapy. A.M. Kishlock, E.A. Stimmell,
A. Jain
INOR 171. Transition metal complexes used
for the detection of mismatched DNA base
pairs. T.N. Rohrabaugh, C. Turro

INOR 182.

Reactivity and electrostatics of

ribosomal RNA hairpins with modified
nucleotides determined by cationic metal
complexes. G. Dedduwa-Mudalige, S. Elmroth,
C.S. Chow
INOR 183. Fluorescently-labeled bioactive
protein nanoparticles (prodots) for improved
uptake by oral cancer cells. B. Stromer,
I. Deshapriya, A. Pattammattel
INOR 184. New fluorescent probes for peptide
nucleic acid (PNA) based diagnostics.
S. Naik, E. Yavin
INOR 185. Efficient DNA photo modulation by
PNA-Rose Bengal conjugates. Y. Shemesh,
S. Naik, E. Yavin
INOR 186. Nanoconfinement of gold on
the spatial location of titania nanotubes.
S.A. Ferdousi, K.L. Yeung
INOR 187. Lipid signaling through NM23-H1
as a possible suppressor of metastasis.
M.R. Friedman, J.D. Lapek, A.E. Friedman
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
C. Nataro, Organizer

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Bioinorganic Chemistry
Proteins and Enzymes and Model Systems
S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 172.

Spectroscopic studies of the

biologically active peptide of low-molecular-weight chromium-binding substance.
H. Arakawa, E. Love, J.B. Vincent
INOR 173. Modeling matrix metalloproteinase inhibition with carbonic anhydrase.
W.A. Richert, D. DeGenova, A. Forchonie,
R. Patel, A. Plonski, R. Venna, Z. Higgins,
M. Morris, S. Al-Abdul-Wahid, D.L. Tierney
INOR 174. Toxic carbon monoxide
removal by the soil bacteria Oligatropha
carboxidavorans: Insights from In silico
models. M.C. Dienst, T.A. Large, D. Rokhsana,
M. Retegan, F. Neese
INOR 175. Overlap of protein inhibition and
metal chelation: A case study. R. Gautam,
E. Akam, E. Tomat
INOR 176. Structural insights of a mononuclear iron center in 2,6-dichlorohydroquinone-1,2-dioxygenase (PcpA) from in
silico models. P.R. Carmichael, D. Rokhsana,
T.E. Machonkin
INOR 177. Synthesis and reactivity of manganese(III) complexes with tetradentate
ligands that mimic superoxide dismutase
enzymes. S.T. Frey, H.A. Cirka, W.A. Gallopp,
P.B. Moses
INOR 178. Biochemical, kinetic, and spectroscopic characterization of a promiscuous
metal-dependent DMSP-lyase. A. Brummett,
M. Dey
INOR 179. Effect of mutations on the stability
of P450BM3 as determined by chemical
and thermal denaturation. C. Denning,
D.K. Heidary, E. Glazer
INOR 180. Synthesis, characterization, and
applicability of reactive biomimetic model
complexes toward important biological
reactions. K.J. Meise, E.M. Brandes, R. Theisen
INOR 181. Reduction of copper(II) by thioether
sulfur: A synthetic model for the amyloid
beta peptide. M. Wallace, R.P. Houser
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

2015 Priestley Medalist: Symposium

in Honor of Jacqueline K. Barton
E. Boon, M. C. Buzzeo, S. Delaney, V. C. Pierre,
6:00 - 8:00

Cooperative Cosponsorship

6:00 - 8:00
INOR 188.

Probing the effects of environments

on pKa values: Interaction of aniline with
reverse micelles as monitored using by 1H
NMR spectroscopy. J. Sripradite, S.A. Miller,
A. Tongraar, M.D. Johnson, D.C. Crans
INOR 189. Electron withdrawing capability
of ligating histidine adducts influence the
reduction potential of the [2Fe-2S] cluster
of the Rieske protein. L.M. Hunsicker Wang,
C. Hertz, N. Karagas
INOR 190. Semiquinone stabilization via de
novo designed protein scaffolds. I. Sokirniy,
G. Ulas, W.F. Degrado, A.J. Reig
INOR 191. Structural and functional characterizations of 4-His/3-carboxylate G4DFsc
proteins. K. OShea, K. Biernat, A.J. Reig
INOR 192. Creation and characterization of
rubrerythrin and symerythrin model proteins. J. Pellegrino, R.Z. Polinski, S.N. Cimerol,
A. Jacobs, E.I. Solomon, A.J. Reig
INOR 193. Modeling the activity of the
tungsten-containing nitrate reductase of
Pyrobaculum aerophilium. K. Scott, R. Page,
B. Trujillo, M.A. Cranswick
INOR 194. Toward understanding the reaction mechanism of the tungstoenzyme,
acetylene hydratase. E. Vergunst, B. Trujillo,
M.A. Cranswick
INOR 195. Interactions of acrylamide with
heme models. C. Lingafelt, N. Xu
INOR 196. Derivatives of a metallopeptide-based mimic of nickel-containing
superoxide dismutase. T. Detomasi,
J. Schmitt, J.M. Shearer
INOR 197. Investigation of sugar-Cu(II) and
Zn(II) complexes interactions in aqueous
alkaline media. M.A. Pedraza, C. Stewart,
H. Arman, G.T. Musie
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry
Coordination Chemistry
C. Nataro, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 198.

Synthesis and characterization of

BIAN iron dihalide complexes. M.J. Supej,
K.A. Wheeler, C.E. Schulz, H.M. Hoyt
INOR 199. Synthesis and reactivity of iron
compounds containing acid functionalized
1,4,7-triazacyclononane ligands. E. Foerster,
G. Rowe

200. Ligand donor effects in copper(I)

and copper(II) complexes of polydentate
heteroaromatic-amine ligands in the ATRP
of styrene. T. Chidanguro, L. Ma, S.L. Guillot,
R.D. Pike, C. Goh
INOR 201. Isolation and characterization of
group 13 bis(2-(1-methylimidazolyl)methyl)
amine complexes. N.B. Kingsley, T.J. Doyon
INOR 202. Tuning the photophysical properties
in a series of Re(I) charge transfer complexes. J. Breaux, A. Leeds, J. Yarnell
INOR 203. Bidirectional ping-pong energy
transfer in a Ir(III) charge transfer complex.
A. Leeds, J. Breaux, J. Yarnell
INOR 204. Development of gold(III) complexes
containing ligands designed for chelation-assisted functionalization of strong,
sp3-hybridized C-H bonds. R. Miller,
J.E. Thompson, M. Sleck, A. Brown, S. Summi,
D. Ohlson, B. Williams, I. Brown, E. Nissen,
T. Stutzriem, A.L. Rheingold, D.R. Weinberg
INOR 205. Gold(I) complexes of 2- and 6-mercaptoazulenes: Syntheses, molecular and
electronic structures, and reactivity profiles.
B.A. Tappan, A.D. Spaeth, O. Torres-texidor,
N. Gerasimchuk, M.V. Barybin
INOR 206. Molybdate hydrolysis of phosphonothioate neurotoxin. K.M. Dill, L.Y. Kuo,
Y. Shariati
INOR 207. Withdrawn.
INOR 208. Developing a method of copper(II)
oxidation catalyst synthesis. C. Anderson,
J. Rumreich, J. Bodwin
INOR 209. Probing the selectivity of luminescent lanthanide complexes toward
biologically relevant anions. K.R. Johnson,
K.H. Felix, E.J. Werner
INOR 210. Rational design of catalysts for
water-gas shift reaction. J. Fox, A. Dinescu
INOR 211. Luminescence and extraction
properties of novel tripodal CMPO ligands.
D.A. Hardy, M.T. Peruzzi, S.N. McGraw,
S.M. Biros, E.J. Werner
INOR 212. Utilizing diphenylacetate lability in
the synthesis of mixed ligand copper (II)
dimers. M. Chen, T.W. Clayton

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in

the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Cosponsored by WCC
C. P. Berlinguette, D. J. Mindiola, E. J. Schelter,
M. Shatruk, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 213.

Synthesis, characterization, and

photochemical studies of solvated dinuclear
Ru(II) compounds with quinoxaline and
pyrazine based bridging ligands. S. Saha,
B. Pena, B.A. Albani, C. Turro, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 214. Computational exploration of the
noncovalent interactions involved in the
inhibition of malate synthase for treatment
of tuberculosis. J.F. Ellenbarger, S.E. Wheeler,
J.C. Sacchettini, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 215. Reinventing the wheel with heptacyanomolybdate(III). D.K. Kempe, H. Zhao,
T.J. Woods, M.R. Saber, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 216. Cyanide-bridged single chain
magnets with hexacyanomanganate.
Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, E.S. Funck, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 217. Ligand effects and geometrical
control of the magnetic anisotropy in mononuclear SMMs. M.R. Saber, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 218. Semiconducting and magnetic
properties in metal-TCNQ-based functional
materials. X. Zhang, H. Zhao, Z. Wang,
Y. Zhang, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 219. Series of trigonal bipyramidal Co(II)
complexes that display SMM behavior.
M.F. Ballesteros-Rivas, T.J. Woods, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 220. Dinuclear lanthanide complexes
containing a radical bridging ligand.
T.J. Woods, M.F. Ballesteros-Rivas, K.R. Dunbar

221. Biological studies of dirhodium(II,II)

based compounds and their applications as
photochemotherapeutic agents. A. David,
Z. Li, B. Pena, J. Pellois, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 222. Structural study of Prussian blue.
A. Brown, H. Zhao, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 223. Solvent effects on the spin transitions in discrete cyanide-based magnetic
material. C. Sanders, H. Stout, C. Achim,
D. Petasis, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 224. Exploring and enhancing the functionality of tetrazine molecular switches.
C. Benson, A.H. Flood
INOR 225. Imaging studies of metal-containing nanoparticle as multimodal platforms
for biomedical applications. P. Promdet,
B. Rodrguez-Garca, A. Henry, C. Blumenfeld,
R.A. Moats, R.H. Grubbs, H.B. Gray, J. GalnMascars, K. Sorasaenee
INOR 226. Investigating the magnetic properties of metal complexes containing a
tris(amido)amine ligand. F.J. Birk, K. Schulte,
D. Pinkowicz, K.R. Dunbar
INOR 227. Anion- contacts in supramolecular
architectures. H.T. Chifotides

Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Coordination Chemistry
Characterization and Applications
D. C. Crans, Organizer, Presiding
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 228.

Heteroleptic polypyridyl ligand

cobalt(III) complexes. S.E. Hightower,
B.A. Frenzel, C.T. Kuester
INOR 229. Transition metal complexes as
paraSHIFT and paraCEST MRI contrast
agents. P.B. Tsitovich, J.M. Cox, J.B. Benedict,
J.R. Morrow
INOR 230. Carbonato-bridged copper(II) complexes formed via fixation of atmospheric
CO2. F. Louka, F.A. Mautner, S.S. Massoud
INOR 231. Synthesis and structural characterization of PTA derivative modified transition
metals. J.M. Sears, T.J. Boyle, B.J. Frost,
W. Lee, M.L. Neville
INOR 232. Investigation of isomeric single
amino acid chelate (SAAc) rhenium
series. N.J. Azzarelli, M.P. Coogan, J.A. Platts,
R.P. Doyle, J.A. Zubieta
INOR 233. Electronic structure and reactivity of
d0 Mo and Ti complexes of a tris-aminophenolate ligand. T. Marshall-Roth,
S.N. Brown
INOR 234. Syntheses and characterizations of
luminescent rare earth metals complexes.
P.K. Yuen, C.D. Lau
INOR 235. Designing artificial monoamine
transporters based on synthetic supercontainers. U. Sambasivam, Z. Wang
INOR 236. Interactions of coordination
complexes with reverse micellar interfaces:
The effects on MLCT bands and coordinated ligand pKa values. A.A. Cadena,
M.D. Johnson, J. Sripradite, S.A. Miller,
D.C. Crans
INOR 237. Study of glutathione interactions
with anticancer Gold(III) diammines
complexes using NMR, UV-VIS and electrochemistry. A. Isab
INOR 238. Photocatalytic NADH regeneration
and hydrogen production using Rh complexes and Pt nanoparticles. J. Kim, S. Kim
INOR 239. Mechanistic studies of oxidative
aliphatic carbon-carbon bond cleavage
in Cu(II) chlorodiketonate complexes.
S.L. Saraf, J.R. Argue, L.M. Berreau
INOR 240. Coordination chemistry of
cyanopyrazoles and cyanoscorpionates.
D.M. Eichhorn
INOR 241. Single and multiphoton turn-off
fluorescent sensor for tin and iron.
R.M. Madawala, E. Sinn

242. Synthesis, NMR characterization, and MIC studies of a new series of
alpha-(N)-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazone
ligands and their Pd2+ and Cu2+ metal
complexes. J.D. Conner, S.D. Simpson,
A.L. Koch, E.C. Lisic

Section I

261. Ruthenium-catalyzed substitutions

of icosahedral dodecaborates. L.R. Bent,
A.J. Ramirez, J.A. Dopke
INOR 262. Electrocatalytic oxidation of
methylrhenium trioxide to methanol by
an electrode-immobilized ruthenium(II)
polypyridyl catalyst. M.K. Coggins, T.J. Meyer,
R.A. Periana

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Section K

Organometallic Chemistry

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C


Applications to Organic Transformations


N. S. Radu, Organizer

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry

6:00 - 8:00

Organometallic Chemistry

INOR 243.

Borates in biomass conversion

processes. D.M. Schubert, M.K. McCray
INOR 244. Late transition metal complexes for
industrially relevant catalysis. N.A. Swisher,
P. Romero, R.H. Grubbs
INOR 245. Cobalt-induced B-H and C-H
Activation Leading to Facile B-C
Coupling of Carboranedithiolate and
Cyclopentadienyl. H. Yan
Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Organometallic Chemistry
N. S. Radu, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 246.

Polynuclear iridium-bismuth
carbonyl clusters: Synthesis, chemistry, and
applications. G. Elpitiya, R.D. Adams, M. Chen,
Q. Zhang, R. Raja
INOR 247. Alkene vs. alkyne hydroarylation
catalyzed by electrophilic palladium(II) and
platinum(II) complexes. M. Manjahi, C. Hahn
INOR 248. Theoretical studies of hydroformylation of butadiene. C.H. Mendis, T. Maji,
J.A. Tunge, W.H. Thompson
INOR 249. Control of cis-selectivity and tacticity in ring opening metathesis polymerization using ruthenium metathesis catalysts.
L.E. Rosebrugh, V.M. Marx, T.S. Ahmed,
J. Hartung, R.H. Grubbs
INOR 250. Enantioselectivity and substitution
effects in rhodium catalyzed intramolecular
hydroacylation. B.P. Schumacher, L.M. Stanley,
J. Scanlon
INOR 251. Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2
to formate using iridium pincer complexes.
P. Kang, S. Zhang, Z. Chen, C. Chen, T.J. Meyer,
M. Brookhart
INOR 252. Oxygen atom transfer to
iridium(Cp*) complexes. C. Turlington,
M. Brookhart, J.L. Templeton
INOR 253. Synthesis of branched ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene using
highly active neutral, single-component
Ni(II) catalysts. Z. Chen, M. Mesgar, P.S. White,
O. Daugulis, M. Brookhart
INOR 254. Living polymerization of ethylene
and copolymerization of ethylene/methyl
acrylate using sandwich diimine palladium catalysts. K. Allen, J. Campos Manzano,
O. Daugulis, M. Brookhart
INOR 255. Selective cross-dimerization of ethylene with substituted olefins. P.R. Payne,
M. Brookhart, M.R. Gagne
INOR 256. Applications of PC(sp3)P iridium
complexes in transfer dehydrogenation of
alkanes and ethers. D. Bezier, M. Brookhart
INOR 257. Regioselective palladium-catalyzed
hydrodebromination of 2,3,5-tribromothiophene. K.L. Konkol, S.C. Rasmussen
INOR 258. Ligand modification at a remote site
to regulate iron-catalyzed olefin hydroboration. K.T. Tseng, J. Kampf, N.K. Szymczak
INOR 259. Catalytic carbonylation of icosahedral dodecaborates. K.R. Kamp, R.J. Staples,
J.A. Dopke
INOR 260. Copper-catalyzed addition of
phenols to icosahedral dodecaborates.
C. Barnhart, R.J. Staples, A.J. Ramirez,
J.A. Dopke

C. Nataro, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 263.

Twists and turns: WGS catalysts of Fe, Ru, and Os. A. Eschmann,
E. Wulff-Fuentes, D. Cunningham, B. Schreiber,
L. Burgan, Z. Hecht, G. Seichter, A.L. Rheingold,
J.S. DAcchioli
INOR 264. Selective hydrogenation of phenylacetylene over supported gold catalysts.
E. Purdy, B.D. Chandler
INOR 265. Experimental and theoretical
studies investigating the effect of solvent
on 1JWH in Cp2WH2. C.I. Viquez Rojas,
T.A. Mobley
INOR 266. Low valent metal complexes of
A.B. Weberg, T.D. Bohrmann, H. Xu, P.J. Fischer
INOR 267. Redox-active NHC pincer ligands
for Ni-catalyzed aerobic dehydrogenative
CC cross coupling. J.E. Hertzog, C.F. Harris,
J.D. Soper
INOR 268. Synthesis of palladium(II)-NHC
compounds and their employment as
cross-coupling catalysts. D. Colosimo,
M. Dominguez, G. Rowe
INOR 269. Sulfur-hydrogen bond activation
by novel iridium diphosphine complexes.
H.N. Russ, S.H. Schreiner
INOR 270. Synthesis of molybdenum carbon
dioxide complexes via oxidation of a
carbonyl ligand. M.A. Pogash, G.R. Lorzing,
J.R. Vasta, X. Duan, R.G. Carden, J.J. Ohane,
P.M. Graham
INOR 271. Microwave-assisted concurrent
tandem catalysis (CTC) methodology for
the copper-catalyzed amidation of aryl
halides. E. Shields, M. Lee, D.J. Brown, S. Lin,
A.R. MacArthur
INOR 272. Catalytic transfer hydrogenation of
aryl-alkyl ketones using Cp*Ir(III)Cl pyridinesulfonamide complexes. A. Ruff, B.C. Chan,
A.R. OConnor
INOR 273. Catalytic transfer hydrogenation of
aryl aldehydes using Cp*Ir(III) pyridinesulfonamide complexes. C. Kirby, A.R. OConnor
Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Chemistry of Materials
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 274.

pH-dependent ceria-doped titanate

nanotubes. Y. Fam, S.A. Ferdousi, K.L. Yeung,
Y. Du
INOR 275. Sythesis and characterization of
quaternary misfit-layer-compound-like ferecrystals. R. Westover, D.C. Johnson, J. Ditto
INOR 276. Self-assembly of organometallic
molecular films based on the azulenic
scaffold linearly functionalized with both
isocyanide and thiol termini. M.K. Okeowo,
C.L. Berrie, M.V. Barybin
INOR 277. Chiral amplification by metal-ligand
conjugation in chiral magnetic nanoparticles. J. Yeom, N. Kotov
INOR 278. Structure and properties of sodium
enneaborate. D. Neiner, Y. Sevryugina,
D.M. Schubert

279. Wet-spinning of graphene fibers

from giant graphene oxide sheets by
adopting a series of amine alcohol solution
as coagulation solution. C. Zhao, W. Zeng,
S. Tong, S. Mo, J. Wang, T. Fan, W. Tang, C. Yuan,
Y. Liu, Y. Min
INOR 280. Water based PAN conductive
coatings for antistatic application. Y. Feng,
X. Liu, C. Ma, J. Shen, Z. Xiao, T. Fan, S. Tong,
Y. Liu, Y. Min
INOR 281. Facile method to fabricate transparent, flexible conducing graphene thin
films via liquid phase deposition. C. Yuan,
W. Tang, J. Wang, S. Mo, C. Zhao, T. Fan, S. Tong,
Y. Liu, Y. Min
INOR 282. Supercritical CO2 method of
graphene preparation. J. Shen, Y. Feng,
C. Ma, X. Liu, Z. Xiao, T. Fan, S. Tong, Y. Liu,
Y. Min
INOR 283. Production of graphene by dry ice
ball milling method. Z. Xiao, J. Shen, Y. Feng,
C. Ma, X. Liu, T. Fan, S. Tong, Y. Liu, Y. Min
INOR 284. Preparation and properties of different phase of hydrothermal synthesis of 3D
graphene. S. Mo, S. Tong, C. Yuan, W. Tang,
J. Wang, C. Zhao, T. Fan, J. Shen, Y. Liu, Y. Min
INOR 285. Synthesis and instability of cuprous
nitride nanocrystals. M. Reichert, J. Vela
INOR 286. Categorizing defects in nanowires
produced through electrodepostion.
K.J. Kysor, D. Vu, C. Myers, B.D. Smith
INOR 287. Rapid synthesis of carbon nitride
materials and composites for use in photocatalysis. A. Montoya, E.G. Gillan
INOR 288. Thermal and electronic effects on
the solvothermal formation of nanocrystalline WSe2 in aromatic solvents.
M.P. Hanrahan, J.S. Edgar, S.A. Darveau,
C.L. Exstrom
INOR 289. Formation of WSe2 thin films via
annealing of a solvothermally prepared
nanocrystalline precursor. J.S. Edgar,
M.P. Hanrahan, C.L. Exstrom, S.A. Darveau
INOR 290. Metal-sulfur-arene semiconducting
frameworks. H. Hu, T.P. Vaid
INOR 291. Sulfonium derivatives of the [closo1-CB11H12]- anion as polar liquid crystals.
P. Zagorski, J.G. Pecyna, P. Kaszynski
INOR 292. Liquid crystalline derivatives of the
[closo-B12H12]2- anion. P. Tokarz, P. Zagorski,
P. Kaszynski
INOR 293. New network of Mn12 molecules.
A.E. Thuijs, G. Christou, K.A. Abboud
INOR 294. Functionalization of GaP substrates
for use in photoelectrochemical cells.
O. Williams, A.H. Cowley, M.J. Rose
INOR 295. Thermodynamic stability of
aqueous metal clusters: A dynamic
approach. T.J. Mustard, L.A. Wills, I. Chang,
D.A. Keszler, P.H. Cheong
INOR 296. Computational study of polyoxometalate formation mechanisms. L.A. Wills,
D.B. Fast, M. Dolgos, P.H. Cheong
INOR 297. Carbon nanofoams as porous
scaffolds for iron-air battery electrodes.
M.F. Mayther, S.D. Murphy, J.C. Lytle
INOR 298. Doping Cu2ZnSnS4 nanorods
with tetrahedral, high spin metals: Co2+,
Mn2+, and Ni2+. M. Thompson, M. Reichert,
J. Vela-Becerra
INOR 299. Efficient dye degradation via
non-photocatalytic route by perovskite type
LaNiO3- materials. W. Zhong, C. Kuo, S. Chen,
S.L. Suib
INOR 300. Functionalization of metal oxide
surfaces for photoelectrocatalysis of CO2
reduction. S.K. Heiskanen, J.M. Ziegler,
D.A. Rider, J.D. Gilbertson
INOR 301. Control of the crystalline phase
and morphology of CdS deposited on
microstructured surfaces by chemical bath
deposition. D. Fernando, M. Khan, Y. Vasquez
INOR 302. Colloidal synthesis of silicon and
germanium nanorods and nanowires. X. Lu,
B. Korgel
INOR 303. Graphene oxide assisted hydrothermal carbonization of carbon hydrates.
D. Krishnan, K. Raidongia, J. Shao, J. Huang

Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Inorganic Spectroscopy
S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 304.

New multifunctional Schiff base as

fluorescence sensor for Al3+ and colorimetric
sensor for CN- in aqueous media: an application to bioimaging. G. You, Y. Na, S. Lee,
K. Ryu, C. Kim
INOR 305. Colorimetric organic chemo-sensor
for Co2+ in a fully aqueous environment.
H. Jo, S. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Kim, C. Kim
INOR 306. Water-soluble chemosensor for
detecting Al3+ in aqueous media and living
cells. J. Lee, P. Kim, C. Kim
INOR 307. Withdrawn.
INOR 308. Measurement of NMR relaxation
rates in a series of cobalt (II) -diketonates.
R.R. Baum, D.L. Tierney
INOR 309. Monitoring the ring opening polymerization of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene
through NMR spectroscopy. J.A. Stiel,
C. Tessier, Z. Tun
INOR 310. Scalar and spin-orbit relativistic
calculations of 1JWH in Cp2WH2 complexes.
T.A. Mobley
INOR 311. Investigating the stereoelectronic
consequences of diphosphine ligands on
M-P and M-Cl covalency in late transition
metal complexes. C. Donahue, B.J. Bellott,
A. Blake, C.M. Forrest, J.M. Keith, S. McCollom,
S.R. Daly
INOR 312. Photoinduced properties of bimetallic polypyridyl complexes. T.J. Whittemore
INOR 313. Colorimetric naked-eye Cu(II)
chemosensor and pH indicator in an 100%
aqueous solution. Y. Choi, M. Lee, G. Park,
K. Bok, T. Jo, C. Kim
INOR 314. Chiral conducting polymers as
efficient spin filters. P.C. Mondal, C. Fontanesi,
R. Naaman
Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry

A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 315.

Synthesis of rare earths magnesium master alloys by high temperature exchange reactions. A.V. Krylosov,
K.V. Maksimtsev, I.B. Polovov, V.A. Volkovich,
O.I. Rebrin
INOR 316. Synthesis, structural characterization, and magnetic properties of dinuclear,
tetranuclear, and polynuclear lanthanide(III)
complexes of a symmetric ditopic carbohydrazone based ligand (H2L). S.S. Tandon,
S.D. Bunge, S.K. Adas, L.K. Thompson, C. Lucas
INOR 317. Speciation studies between a novel
pincerlLigand with lanthanum (III) salts.
D. Kremer, M. Guino-o, A. De Bettencourt Dias
INOR 318. Chiral light emitting ionic liquids.
B. Zercher, T. Hopkins
INOR 319. New calix[4]arene based precursors
for stationary phases useful in separation of
rare earth metals. S. Menon, J.A. Schmidt
INOR 320. Magnetic properties of mononuclear uranium-acetylide complexes.
R. Higgins, B. Newell, A.K. Rappe, M.P. Shores
INOR 321. Optimization of rare earth element
chromatography. H. Knutson, A. Holmqvist,
B. Nilsson
INOR 322. Stability and cation exchange
dynamics of -irradiated actinyl peroxide
nanocapsules. T.A. Olds, B.J. Moeller,
P.C. Burns
INOR 323. Methylcyclopentadienide as a
supporting ligand for a reduced dinitrogen
complex of yttrium. D.H. Woen, J.W. Ziller,
W.J. Evans
INOR 324. Synthesis and f-element coordination of phosphine oxide decorated
polypyridine ligand. J. Dehaudt, D.A. Dickie,
B.P. Hay, R.T. Paine

325. Dinitrogen reduction and isoprene
polymerization via photochemical activation
of bis(cyclopentadienyl) rare earth allyl
complexes. C.W. Johnson, M. Fieser, J.W. Ziller,
W.J. Evans
INOR 326. Tuning of structural dimensionality
in lanthanide cyanometallates. R. Sykora,
F.D. White, L. Pham, K. Xaing, A.T. Thames,
J. Hendrich, J.D. Taylor
INOR 327. Dicyanoaurate and tetracyanoplatinate compounds as potential chemical
sensors for volatile organic compounds.
F.D. White, R. Sykora, J. Hendrich
INOR 328. Emissive electropolymerizable lanthanide complexes. M.V. Tran, D.J. Strohecker,
M.T. Raiford, B.J. Holliday
INOR 329. Lanthanide-organic frameworks
as asymmetric heterogeneous catalysts.
D.T. de Lill
INOR 330. Synthesis and structural characterization of Y2+ and Gd2+ in heteroleptic
tris(cyclopentadienyl) rare earth complexes.
C.T. Palumbo, J.W. Ziller, W.J. Evans

Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Cosponsored by PRES
R. M. Richards, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 331.

Pt-Au and Pd-Au bimetallic heterostructures using mask assisted seeded

growth. C. Crane, J. Chen
INOR 332. Effective regulation of post-preparative cation exchange reactions in PbS
quantum dots. B.P. Mainali, P.G. Van Patten
INOR 333. Incorporation of transition metal
cations into PbS QDs via cation exchange.
W. Tilluck, A.D. Evans, J.K. Gurchiek, C.M. Mings,
A.L. Morris, P.G. Van Patten
INOR 334. Supersaturation-precipitation
strategies to colloidal hybrid nanoparticles.
C.G. Read, A.J. Biacchi, R.E. Schaak
INOR 335. Synthesis of acetamide from
acetonitrile hydrolysis using EEW catalyzed
with metal nanoparticles. E. Abdelkader,
S.W. Buckner, P.A. Jelliss
INOR 336. Growth kinetics of zinc oxide
quantum dots. B. Colon, H. Egido-Betancourt,
C.P. Mccord, P.P. Vaughan, A.K. Schrock,
K.S. Molek
INOR 337. Effect of synthetic levers on phosphorus incorporation in nickel phosphide
nanoparticles: Ni5P4 and NiP2. D. Li, S. Brock
INOR 338. Electrophoretic deposition of gold
nanospheres for explosives detection.
K. Roberts, Y.J. Han, T.Y. Olson
INOR 339. Formation of Ag nanoclusters
via the direct dissolution of bulk Ag.
J.R. Changstrom, C.M. Sorensen
INOR 340. Ion exchange and protection-deprotection chemistry in the total
synthesis of colloidal hybrid nanoparticles.
J.M. Hodges, A.J. Biacchi, R.E. Schaak
INOR 341. Polyaniline/laponite/gold coordination polymer nanoassemblies for solar
applications. P. Quah, M.E. Hagerman
INOR 342. New routes to clean water:
Laponite/copper oxide nanomaterials
for bacterial remediation. A.J. Cavert,
M.E. Hagerman
INOR 343. Synthesis and characterization of
titanium oxide nanopowders. H. Chenoweth,
L.F. Barnes, C.J. Van Leeuwen, K.A. Reyes,
C.K. Buttereld
INOR 656. Ligand-induced fate of embryonic
seeds in the shape-controlled synthesis
of rhodium nanoparticles. A.J. Biacchi,
R.E. Schaak

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section L


Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry

Colorado Convention Center

Bellco Theatre

2015 Priestley Medalist: Symposium

in Honor of Jacqueline K. Barton

Main Group Chemistry

ACS National Awards in Inorganic Chemistry:

Plenary Session

E. Boon, S. Delaney, V. C. Pierre, Organizers

M. C. Buzzeo, Organizer, Presiding

S. A. Koch, N. S. Radu, Organizers

J. M. Boncella, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 INOR 371. Allosteric and unexpected

C. Nataro, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 344.

Synthesis and characterization of

spirocyclic monoalkylated organosilicon
complexes of 1-hydroxy-2-pyridinone.
J.G. Koch, W.W. Brennessel, B.M. Kraft
INOR 345. Synthesis and characterization of
five-coordinate aluminum complexes that
polymerize -caprolactone. A.M. Longo,
J.M. Fritsch
INOR 346. Polymerization of -caprolactone by
aluminum alkoxide complexes supported
by tridentate ketoiminates bearing electron-withdrawing groups. A.M. McCollum,
A.L. Rheingold, J.M. Fritsch
INOR 347. L-Lactide and sym
-caprolactone ring opening polymerization by
binary catalysts systems that include bis-ligated magnesium complexes. R.M. Slattery,
A.L. Rheingold, J.M. Fritsch
INOR 348. Polymerization of lactide by
aluminum ion pairs studied with 27Al
NMR. L.A. Schmitz, A.L. Rheingold, D.B. Green,
J.M. Fritsch
INOR 349. Si-H and Ge-H bond activation by a
platinum dimer. L. Matuszewski, S.H. Schreiner
Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry
Solid State and Materials Chemistry
C. Nataro, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 350.

Investigating the electronic coupling

of quantum dots to crystal-bound thiols.
A.M. Fall, S. Castillo, N.K. Brandon, M.J. Turo,
A.D. La Croix, J.E. Macdonald
INOR 351. Synthesis and photovoltaic performances of di-acetylide platinum complexes
in dye-sensitized solar cells. T. Schuyler,
S. Gauthier
INOR 352. New phase discovered in the
Cu-Ge-Te system by high-temperature solid
state reaction. B. Hogan, J.A. Aitken
INOR 353. Spectroelectrochemical determination of the Fe(III)/Fe(II) reduction potential
in recombinant, cross-linked hemoglobins. R. Bangle, C.J. Parker Siburt, R. Kreulen,
A.L. Crumbliss
INOR 354. Green dechlorination via functional
models of cyanocobalamin. D. Marquis,
K.M. Van Heuvelen
INOR 355. Optical and thermal properties
of lithium-containing thiostannate with
potential nonlinear optical applications.
A. Weiland, J. Brant, J. Zhang, J.A. Aitken
INOR 356. Surface chemistry of gold nanoparticles in natural environments. K. Roberts,
A.K. Bentley
INOR 357. Investigation of novel polymorphic
Li2-II-IV-S4 diamond-like semiconductors
utilizing synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. K.P. Devlin, K. Daley, M.A. Moreau, J. Brant,
J.A. Aitken
INOR 358. Precursor approach to probing
host-guest binding of synthetic supercontainers. A. Hammerstrom, F. Dai, Z. Wang

8:30 INOR 359. Award Address (F. Albert

Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic

Chemistry sponsored by the F. Albert
Cotton Endowment Fund). Understanding
and predicting the behavior of the actinides
through organometallic chemistry. J. L.
9:00 INOR 360. Award Address (ACS Award in
Organometallic Chemistry sponsored by the
Dow Chemical Co. Foundation). Importance
of organometallic chemistry in the discovery
of new oxidation states of the rare earth
and actinide elements in molecular complexes. W. J. Evans
9:30 INOR 361. Award Address (ACS Award in
Inorganic Chemistry sponsored by Aldrich
Chemical Co., LLC). Metalloporphyrins
in chemical and biological catalysis. J. T.
10:00 INOR 362. Award Address (ACS Award
for Creative Research and Applications of
Iodine Chemistry sponsored by SQM S.A.).
Fifty years of Iodine research. K. O. Christe
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 INOR 363. Award Address (ACS
Award for Distinguished Service in the
Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry
sponsored by Strem Chemicals). Molecular
magnetic and conducting materials inspired
by coordination chemistry. K. R. Dunbar
11:15 INOR 364. Award Address (Harry Gray
Award for Creative Work in Inorganic
Chemistry by a Young Investigator
sponsored by the Harry Gray Award
Endowment). Colloidal quantum dots:
Where d10 ions go to glow. E. A. Weiss
11:45 INOR 365. Award Address (ACS Award
in the Chemistry of Materials sponsored
by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.). Use of
organometallic complexes to squeeze every
last photon out of an organic LED. M. E.
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL,

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers

of Inorganic Chemistry
S. R. Smith, Organizer
C. Nataro, Organizer, Presiding
A. R. Johnson, Presiding

binding sites for small-molecule modulators. M. Arkin

2:00 INOR 372. Aptamer technology for biosensing, therapeutics, and targeted release.
M.C. DeRosa
2:30 INOR 373. Electromechanical tissue
reconstruction: A non-invasive surgical
modality for reshaping cartilage of the
head and neck. M.G. Hill, J. Kallick, M. Herzig,
B. Hunter
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 INOR 374. 19F MRI: Dream or reality.
V.C. Pierre
3:40 INOR 375. Real-time metabolic and
molecular imaging In vivo by NMR hyperpolarization. P.K. Bhattacharya
4:10 INOR 376. Structure and mechanism in
the essential stereoinversion in carbapenem
biosynthesis. A.K. Boal
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of William J. Evans
J. R. Walensky, Organizer
J. C. Gordon, Presiding
1:30 INOR 377. Preparation of isotopically

labeled active site models for the [FeFe]and [FeNi]-hydrogenases. T.B. Rauchfuss,
R. Gilbert-Wilson, D. Schilter
1:50 INOR 378. Studies of metal to ligand
charge transfer states involving MM quadruply bonded complexes. M. Chisholm
2:10 INOR 379. Bimetallic actinide complexes
of constraining macrocycles for small
molecule activation. P.L. Arnold, N. Potter,
R. White, C. Stevens, M. Dutkiewicz, J. Farnaby,
R. Caciuffo, C. Apostolidis, O. Walter, J.B. Love,
N. Kaltsoyannis, M. Gardiner
2:30 INOR 380. Rare earth doped alkali metal
fluorides promising new optical materials.
A.V. Mudring
2:50 Intermission.
3:00 INOR 381. Phosphorus- and arsenic-ligated lanthanide single-molecule magnets.
R.A. Layeld, T. Pugh
3:20 INOR 382. Catalytic conversion of
biomass to fuels. J.C. Gordon, A.D. Sutton,
A.E. King, L.A. Silks, R. Wu, M. Schlaf, F. Waldie
3:40 INOR 383. Half-sandwich metallatricarbadecaboranyl complexes at the interface of
main-group and organometallic chemistry.
L.G. Sneddon, E.R. Berkeley, A. Perez-Gavilan,
P.J. Carroll
4:00 INOR 384. Spin-orbit coupling: Not just
for f elements. J. Telser, S. Fortier, K. Holldack,
T.A. Jackson, J. Krzystek, K. Meyer, D.J. Mindiola,
J. Nehrkorn, A. Ozarowski, A. Schnegg

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:40 INOR 366. Solvent loss and reuptake in
Na[BH(C2H3N3)3] frameworks. B.A. Reisner,
W.T. Price, A.T. Muetterties
2:05 INOR 367. Eggs in one basket: Is there

a role for riboflavin binding protein in

copper transport and storage? S.R. Smith,
M. Benore, J.I. Matchynski
2:30 INOR 368. Controlling electrochemistry in the synthesis of semiconductor
nanoparticles. A.L. Prieto, E. Nock, P. Reining,
G.P. Wheeler
2:55 INOR 369. Asymmetric hydroamination
with titanium and tantalum: experiment and
theory. A.R. Johnson
3:20 INOR 370. Reactivity of bis(phosphino)
ferrocenediyl containing compounds.
C. Nataro
3:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Chemical Approaches to Spintronics

R. Beaulac, Organizer
J. K. McCusker, Presiding
1:30 INOR 385. Bistability of magnetic molecules on surfaces: An overview. R. Sessoli,
M. Mannini, L. Malavolti, V. Lanzilotto, L. Poggini,
I. Cimatti, G. Poneti, S. Ninova, F. Totti, A. Cornia
2:00 INOR 386. New single-molecule

magnets with high blocking temperatures.

K.R. Meihaus, J.M. Zadrozny, S. Demir, X. Feng,
P.C. Bunting, J.D. Rinehart, M. Nippe, J.R. Long

2:30 INOR 387. Molecular control of the

Section G

Section I

magnetic exchange between self-assembled metal- complexes and ferromagnetic

surfaces: towards molecular spintronics.
V.E. Campbell
3:00 Intermission.
3:30 INOR 388. Ligand-field engineering of
atomic clock transitions in molecular spin
qubits. S. Hill, M. Shiddiq, D. Komijani, Y. Duan,
S. Cardona-Serra, A. Gaita-Ario, E. Coronado
4:00 INOR 389. Magnetic cyanide-based
coordination nanoparticles and heterostructures. L. Catala, Y. Prado, M. Lpez Jord,
S. Mazerat, T. Mallah
4:30 INOR 390. Metal-molecule-metal
junctions: A versatile platform to investigate molecular electronics/spintronics.
R.C. Bruce, J.D. Yablonski, T.W. LaJoie, W. You


Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Section A

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in

the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Cosponsored by WCC

Division of Inorganic Chemistry Celebration

of the Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or
Bioorganic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Michael A. Marletta

C. P. Berlinguette, D. J. Mindiola, E. J. Schelter,

M. Shatruk, Organizers, Presiding

M. A. Marletta, Organizer, Presiding

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of John T. Groves
R. N. Austin, Organizer
P. J. Chirik, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 391. Transition metal-catalyzed
nucleophilic (radio)fluorination. A.G. Doyle
2:00 INOR 392. Formation and reactivity of

new primary copper(I)-dioxygen adducts.

K.D. Karlin
2:30 INOR 393. Effects of heme ruffling on
vibrational dynamics, electronic structure,
and electronic coupling. K.L. Bren,
N. Lehnert, P.M. Champion, S.J. Elliott, M. Galinato
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 INOR 394. Protein-like proton exchange
in a synthetic host cavity. K.N. Raymond,
R.G. Bergman, D. Toste
3:45 INOR 395. Cytochrome P450 oxidations:
A controlled burn of inert organic compounds. M.T. Green
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

Interactions of Metal Complexes with

Proteins or Nucleic Acids
J. R. Morrow, C. Turro, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 INOR 396. Platinum and other third

row transition metals for treating cancer.

S.J. Lippard
2:05 INOR 397. Coordination chemistry
underlying the promise and pitfalls of Ti(IV)
anticancer drugs. A. Valentine
2:35 INOR 398. Covalent photo-adducts of
Ru-TAP complexes with DNA guanine
bases: Their applications and mechanisms
of formation. A. Kirsch-De Mesmaeker,
L. Marcelis
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 INOR 399. Metalloglycomics approach
to antimetastatic platinum. N. Farrell,
E. Peterson, M. von Itzstein, C. Parish, A. Bezos,
S.J. Berners-Price
3:50 INOR 400. Transient spectroscopic
studies of enantiomerically-resolved
intercalating ruthenium dipyridophenazine
(dppz) complexes bound to defined
sequence DNA. J.M. Kelly, C. Cardin
4:20 INOR 401. Selective binding of bifunctional Zn(II) complexes to G-quadruplex
DNA. M. Fountain, J.R. Morrow, K.E. Siters,
M. Shapovalova, M. Shively
4:50 INOR 402. Multifunctional supramolecules for interactions with DNA and
cancer cells exploiting photohemical
activation. R. Padilla, J.A. Rodriguez Corrales,
J. Zhu, J. Newman, R. Prussin, K.S. Brewer,
E.M. Naughton

1:30 INOR 403. Molecular spintronics: The role

of chemistry. E. Coronado
1:50 INOR 404. Strong magnetic exchange,

slow magnetic relaxation, and spin crossover in iminobenzoquinonoid dinuclear

complexes. I. Jeon, J. DeGayner, J.G. Park,
A. Gaudette, D. Harris
2:10 INOR 405. Multifunctionality in spin-crossover complexes: Toward molecular
multiferroics. H. Phan, J.J. Hrudka, J. Lengyel,
S. Benjamin, E. Steven, N.S. Dalal, J. Brooks,
M. Shatruk
2:30 INOR 406. Recent fun in homo- and
heterometallic manganese cluster chemistry. G. Christou, A.E. Thuijs, K. Mitchell,
A.M. Mowson, A. Fournet, K.A. Abboud
2:50 Intermission.
3:05 INOR 407. Adventures in spin crossover
phenomena: (Giant) memory effect in
magnetic and in hybrid conducting materials. J. Galan-Mascaros, C. Saenz de Pipaon,
P. Maldonado-Illescas, Y. Koo, V. Gomez
3:25 INOR 408. Magnetic metal-cyanide
coordination clusters and chains. X. Feng,
D. Freedman, T. Harris, H. Choi, B.M. Bartlett,
D.M. Jenkins, H. Karunadasa, J. Zadrozny,
M. Bennett, J.R. Long
3:45 INOR 556. Halogen photoelimination from
Ni(III) complexes: An energy storing transformation. S. Hwang, D.C. Powers, S. Zheng,
Y. Chen, D.G. Nocera
4:05 INOR 410. Multifunctionality at extreme
conditions: spin cross-over photomagnetic
behavior induced by pressure. D. Pinkowicz
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic

Inorganic Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Jaqueline L. Kiplinger
Cosponsored by WCC
D. E. Morris, Organizer
G. G. Stanley, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 411. Spectroscopic and computa-

tional studies on a bimetallic hydroformylation catalyst system. G.G. Stanley,

R. Fernando, M. Moulis
1:50 INOR 412. Activation of C-F bonds: The
next stage. T.G. Richmond
2:10 INOR 413. Dehydrocoupling: Then and
now. J.Y. Corey
2:30 INOR 414. Interplay between theory and
experiment in investigations of organo-actinide complexes: A retrospective. P.J. Hay
2:50 INOR 415. Covalency in the actinides
probed with ligand K-edge X-ray absoprtion
spectroscopy. R.L. Martin
3:10 INOR 416. Small molecule activation
by complexes of low-valent f elements.
M. Mazzanti, J. Pcaut, C. Camp, V. Mougel,
J. Andrez
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 INOR 417. Selective transformations of
organic vompounds mediated by transition
metal complexes. R.G. Bergman
4:10 INOR 418. Supramolecular chemistry of
anions: Organic, inorganic and biological
studies. K.R. Dunbar
4:40 INOR 419. Technetium halide chemistry.
A.P. Sattelberger, F. Poineau, E.V. Johnstone,
W.M. Kerlin, C. Malliakas, P.M. Forster,
K. Czerwinski
5:00 INOR 420. Computational actinide chemistry: Searching for understanding and holy
grails. B.E. Bursten

1:30 INOR 421. Reinventing natural product

discovery. D. Mitchell
2:00 INOR 422. Metals and Immunity.
E.M. Nolan
2:30 INOR 423. Synthetic cluster models of the

biological oxygen evolving catalyst from

photosystem II. T. Agapie
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 INOR 424. Biosynthesis and tailoring
of acyl peptidic siderophores. A. Butler,
M.P. Kem, H. Naka, H.K. Zane, M.G. Haygood
3:45 INOR 425. Glycocalyx engineering
toward probing cancer glycome evolution.
C.R. Bertozzi

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

S. A. Koch, N. S. Radu, Organizers
8:00 - 10:00
4, 79, 161-162, 165, 167, 171, 180, 182, 184, 197,
204, 211, 213, 217-218, 224, 226, 228-229, 238239, 241, 243-244, 248, 256, 260, 270-273, 287,
291, 295, 307, 310-311, 318, 320, 323, 329,
331-332, 336, 348, 356. See previous listings.
INOR 437.

Investigation of copper exchange

between the avian egg proteins riboflavin
binding protein, phosvitin and vitellogenin.
J.I. Matchynski, A.W. Chamoun, M. Benore,
S.R. Smith

509, 585, 590-591, 595, 598, 600-601, 604, 607,

610-611, 614, 623-624, 631-632, 634-635,
644-647, 649-650, 653, 659, 663, 666, 670, 672,
674-676, 688, 694, 697-698, 709, 713, 715, 719,
723, 725. See subsequent listings.

Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402


Bioinorganic Chemistry

Section A

S. A. Koch, Organizer
L. A. Finney, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

1:30 INOR 426. Second-sphere tuning of

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry

enzymatic activity in noncanonical heme

oxygenase. M.D. Liptak, A.B. Graves,
C.L. Lockhart
1:50 INOR 427. Pif97 as a framework protein
for association of organic-inorganic layers
of nacre. S. Bahn, B. Jo, Y. Choi, H.J. Cha
2:10 INOR 428. Model compounds of [NiFe]hydrogenase in the Ni-SIa and Ni-L states.
G.M. Chambers, T.B. Rauchfuss, E.J. Reijerse,
K. Weber, W.W. Lubitz
2:30 INOR 429. Evolution of thioether S-ligated
primary CuI/O2 adducts: The 1st example
of CuII-superoxo species with enhanced
reactivity. J.C. Lee, S. Kim, R. Cowley,
J.W. Ginsbach, M. Siegler, E.I. Solomon,
K.D. Karlin
2:50 INOR 430. Fundamental reactivity studies
of hydrogen sulfide with metalloporphyrins.
D.J. Meininger, H. Arman, Z.J. Tonzetich
3:10 INOR 431. Dioxygen activation under
ambient conditions using bio-inspired
manganese(II) complexes to generate
mid-valent oxidants for catalytic OH
bond oxidations. G.B. Wijeratne, A.D. Burr,
B. Corzine, T.A. Jackson
3:30 INOR 432. Short peptides self-assemble
to produce catalytic amyloids. C.M. Rufo,
Y.S. Moroz, O.V. Moroz, J. Stoehr, T.A. Smith,
X. Hu, W.F. Degrado, I.V. Korendovych
3:50 INOR 433. New insights in the chemistry
of nickel in urease. L. Mazzei, S. Benini,
S. Ciurli
4:10 INOR 434. Understanding the reaction
mechanism of the tungstoenzyme, acetylene hydratase. M.A. Cranswick, E. Vergunst,
B. Trujillo
4:30 INOR 435. Tethered C,N,S ligands
containing an iron-carbamoyl motif as synthetic models of mono-iron hydrogenase.
M.J. Rose, G. Durgaprasad
4:50 INOR 436. Family of starch-active
polysaccharide monooxygenases. V.V. Vu,
W.T. Beeson, D. Suess, E.A. Span, E.R. Farquhar,
R. Britt, M.A. Marletta
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL,
Undergraduate Research Posters
Inorganic Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by INOR and

Bioinorganic Chemistry
C. Nataro, S. R. Smith, Organizers
A. J. Reig, Presiding
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:05 INOR 438. Biochemical and molecular

modelling studies of the interaction of

organometallic ruthenium complexes
containing thiosemicarbazones or curcuminoids as ligands with DNA and proteins.
F.A. Beckford, K.L. Hall, K.R. Webb
9:25 INOR 439. Formation and characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett films of lipid
rafts. D.L. Calkins, I. Kuznetsov, E. Magallanes,
C. Menoni, D. Crick, D.C. Crans
9:45 INOR 440. Functional model of the
first and second coordination spheres of
type 2 copper nitrite reductase. G. Rowe,
S.L. Behnke, S. Weaver, E. Foerster, M. Bezpalko,
B.M. Foxman
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 INOR 441. Voltammetric studies of the
Rieske protein. K.R. Hoke, R.J. Quarles
10:35 INOR 442. X-ray crystallographic analysis
of reduction potential mutants of the
Rieske protein from Thermus thermophilus.
L.M. Hunsicker Wang
10:55 INOR 443. Understanding functional
tuning in binuclear non-heme iron enzymes
through systematic variation of the G4DFsc
active site. A.J. Reig, S. Cimerol, J. Pellegrino,
R. Polinski, K.A. Drost, C.L. Kanya, K. Biernat,
K. OShea
11:15 INOR 444. Homoleptic transition metal
complexes of the 7-azaindolide ligand
featuring 1-N1 coordination. M. Kiewit,
Z.J. Tonzetich
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

2015 Priestley Medalist: Symposium in Honor

of Jacqueline K. Barton
M. C. Buzzeo, S. Delaney, V. C. Pierre, Organizers
E. Boon, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 INOR 445. Coupling oxygen consumption

with substrate oxidation in bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases. S.J. Lippard

9:05 INOR 446. Are metal-associated misfolded proteins involved in Alzheimers
disease? M. Lim
9:35 INOR 447. Cephalopod-derived materials for photonic and protonic devices.
A.A. Gorodetsky
10:05 Intermission.



10:15 INOR 448. Exploring the physiolog-

9:30 INOR 467. Review of industrial biocides

Section H

Section J

ical role of selenium redox chemistry.

M.C. Buzzeo
10:45 INOR 449. Nucleic acids in quadruplexes. F. Shao
11:15 INOR 450. Photochemical dynamics of
stacked perylenediimide assembly constructed on DNA. T. Takada

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Jaqueline
L. Kiplinger
Cosponsored by WCC

Soluble Inorganic Semiconductors:

Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

Section C

used for microbial control in hydraulic

fracturing. T.M. Williams
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 INOR 468. Electrochemically produced
biocides: A greener disinfectant for waters
used in hydraulic fracturing. A.K. Boal
10:40 INOR 469. Reclaiming produced water:
Using chemistry to convert a waste stream
into a resource. K. Sikkema

G. G. Stanley, Organizer
D. E. Morris, Organizer, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

8:30 INOR 502. Magic-size II-VI nanoclusters

as semiconductor precursors. Y. Wang,
Y. Zhou, F. Wang, W.E. Buhro

Section F

ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of William J. Evans

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

J. R. Walensky, Organizer
J. C. Gordon, Presiding

Interactions of Metal Complexes with

Proteins or Nucleic Acids

8:30 INOR 451. Highly selective chemical

J. R. Morrow, C. Turro, Organizers

P. C. Glazer, Presiding

processes for tailored electronic materials:

Interfaces, depositions, and treatments.
R.D. Clark
8:50 INOR 452. Progress toward fluid materials
for chemical hydrogen storage. B.L. Davis,
A. Carre-Burritt, B.D. Rekken
9:10 INOR 453. Effects of fast charging on
lithium-ion cells. I. Bloom
9:30 INOR 454. Peptido-mimetic sequence-defined polymers based on a new synthetic
architecture. J.W. Grate, K. Mo, M. Daily,
C. Chen
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 INOR 455. Development of a 3D
composite for NASAs Orion spacecraft
compression pad. J.D. Feldman
10:20 INOR 456. Optimizing the performance of
polyolefins via stabilization chemistry and
effects. R.E. King
10:40 INOR 457. Natural gas to ethylene in one
step: Siluria technologies OCM (oxidative
coupling of methane). G. Nyce
11:00 INOR 458. Cobalt complexes containing
pendant amines in the second coordination sphere as electrocatalysts for energy
storage. M. Fang, E.S. Wiedner, R. Bullock
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Chemical Approaches to Spintronics

R. Beaulac, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 INOR 459. Zero-field spin polarization
effects on Dexter transfer. J. Kouzelos,
M. Soler, J.K. McCusker
9:00 INOR 460. Theoretical characterization of

conduction-band electrons and magnetic

exchange interactions in photodoped and
aluminum-doped diluted magnetic semiconductors. X. Li, J. Goings
9:30 INOR 461. Near-infrared paramagnetic
manganese-doped PbS nanocrystals.
L. Turyanska
10:00 Intermission.
10:00 INOR 462. Chirality induced spin
selectivity (CISS) effect-chiral molecules for
spintronics. R. Naaman
10:30 INOR 463. Decoherence in crystals of
quantum molecular magnet. S. Takahashi
11:00 INOR 464. Effects of the addition of spin
on donor-acceptor excited state electronic
structure. B. Stein, C. Tichnell, D. Stasiw,
D. Shultz, M.L. Kirk
11:30 INOR 465. -System superexchange in
cross-conjugated donor-bridge-acceptor
triads: Electronic structure contributions to
quantum interference. D. Shultz, D. Stasiw,
B. Stein, D. Habel-Rodriguez, M.L. Kirk
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

Chemistry of the Energy Water Nexus:

Focus on Fracking
C. McInnis, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 INOR 466. Thinking constructively about

hydraulic fracturing fluid design in the new

resource landscape. B.A. MacKay

Cooperative Cosponsorship

8:30 INOR 470. Noncovalent recognition of

unusual but active DNA and RNA structures. M.J. Hannon

9:00 INOR 471. Tuning in cellulo targeting
and function of metal complex bioprobes.
J.A. Thomas
9:30 INOR 472. Platinum biomolecule target
analysis using click chemistry. J.D. White,
A.D. Moghaddam, R. Cunningham, K. Plakos,
M.F. Osborn, M.M. Haley, V. DeRose
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 INOR 473. Catalytic metallodrugs:
Structure-function and activity studies of a
broad therapeutic platform. J.A. Cowan
11:00 INOR 474. Tuning the pharmacological
properties of platinum-acridine anticancer
agents using novel prodrug and subcellular
targeting strategies. U. Bierbach
11:30 INOR 475. Unusual synergism of serum
transferrin titanium(IV) coordination brings
insight into its potential transport and bioactivity in the human body. A.D. Tinoco
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in

the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Cosponsored by WCC
C. P. Berlinguette, E. J. Schelter, M. Shatruk,
D. J. Mindiola, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 INOR 476. Drug membrane interactions

and uptake as key aspects of drug action.

D.C. Crans
8:50 INOR 477. Understanding anion-
interactions: from substituted benzenes to
N-heterocycles. S.E. Wheeler
9:10 INOR 478. Role of inorganic chemistry
in the activities of antimicrobial peptides.
A.M. Angeles Boza
9:30 INOR 479. Highly unsaturated cationic
metal complexes supported by pincer
ligands. O. Ozerov, J.C. DeMott, R. Huacuja
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 INOR 480. Nonexistent compounds.
C.C. Cummins, R. Field, M. Nava, B. Park,
W. Transue, A. Velian
10:25 INOR 481. New Carbon-Hydrogen
Activation Reactions by Titanium
Alkylidynes and Phosphino-Alkylidynes.
D.J. Mindiola
10:45 INOR 482. Ligand and reagent effects in
CH borylation. M.R. Smith
11:05 INOR 483. Carbene-stabilized allotropes:
Synthesis, structure, and reactivity.
G.H. Robinson
11:25 INOR 484. Mobile zinc signaling in the
brain learning, memory, hearing, olfaction,
and vision. S.J. Lippard

8:30 INOR 485. Covalency in lanthanides.

S.A. Kozimor, J.M. Keith, A.B. Altman,
E.R. Batista, D.L. Clark, R.L. Martin, S.G. Minasian,
T. Tyliszczak, D.K. Shuh, M.P. Wilkerson
8:50 INOR 486. Uranium-element multiple

bond formation facilitated by redox-active pyridine(diimine) ligands: Synthesis,

characterization, and reactivity of a unique
class. S.C. Bart
9:10 INOR 487. Reactions of oxygen with late
transition Metal Complexes. K.I. Goldberg
9:30 INOR 488. DFT studies of Cp2An(P)2
complexes as catalysts for pyridine and
thophene ring opening. E.R. Batista,
A.W. Pierpont, R.L. Martin, N.E. Travia,
J.L. Kiplinger
9:50 INOR 489. Pursuits of rare oxidation
states in actinide chemistry. M.R. Antonio,
L. Soderholm
10:10 INOR 490. Perturbation of the electronic
properties of non-innocent vanadium(V)
complexes and the chemical properties of
vanadium and copper coordination complexes in inhomogeneous environments.
D.C. Crans, I. Snchez Lombardo, J. Koehn,
E. Magallanes
10:30 Intermission.
10:40 INOR 491. Formation, characterization,
and uses of metallacycles via coordination
directed self-assembly. P.J. Stang
11:10 INOR 492. Interplay of metal ions and
oxidative damage in DNA G-quadruplexes.
C.J. Burrows
11:40 INOR 493. Reduction chemistry with
group 3 metals supported by a ferrocene
diamide ligand. P. Diaconescu
12:00 INOR 494. Uranium imido complexes:
A window into actinide-ligand bonding
and reactivity. J.M. Boncella, N.C. Tomson,
E.R. Batista, B. Scott
Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels

Cosponsored by MPPG
A. M. Appel, M. Helm, J. Y. Yang, Organizers,
8:30 INOR 495. Bimetallic hydrides inspired

by the hydrogenase active sites.

T.B. Rauchfuss, G.M. Chambers, U.C. Olbelina,
W. Wenguang
9:00 INOR 496. Enzyme-like behavior achieved
with amino acids in the outer coordination
sphere of H2 oxidation catalysts. W.J. Shaw,
A. Dutta, D. DuBois, J. Roberts
9:30 INOR 497. Theoretical design of hydrogen-evolving molecular electrocatalysts.
S. Hammes-Schiffer
10:00 INOR 498. Molecular proton reduction
catalysts in metal-organic frameworks.
S. Ott
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 INOR 499. Production of C1 sources via
reduction of CO2 on redox active iron ligand
platforms. J.D. Gilbertson
11:15 INOR 500. Harnessing heterobimetallic
complexes for CO2 activation and reduction.
J. Yang, S. Poteet, J. Ritter
11:45 INOR 501. Deep photoreduction of
carbon dioxide to methanol and formate
by ruthenium polypydridyl chromophores
with pendant pyridyl sites. F.M. MacDonnell,
M. West, D.J. Boston, N. de Tacconi

R. L. Brutchey, B. M. Cossairt, Organizers,


9:00 INOR 503. High throughput investigations

of colloidal metal chalcogenide nucleation

and growth. J.S. Owen, M.P. Hendricks,
M.P. Campos, S. Hong, G.T. Cleveland, E. Chan
9:30 INOR 504. Photochemical reactions of
semiconductor nanocrystals coupled with
redox catalysts. G. Dukovic
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 INOR 505. All-inorganic design of colloidal nanocrystals: New inorganic ligands
and new atomistic insignts into their surface
binding. M. Kovalenko
10:45 INOR 506. Novel fabrication strategies
for heterostructured PbS and PbSe QDs
via controllable cation exchange reactions.
M.C. Beard, J. Zhang, J. Luther, E. Miller, J. Gao
11:15 INOR 507. Near-infrared photoluminescence enhancement in Ge/CdS and Ge/ZnS
core/shell nanocrystals: Utilizing IV/IIVI
semiconductor epitaxy. J. Vela-Becerra
ACS Award for Creative Research
and Applications of Iodine Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Karl O. Christe
Sponsored by FLUO, Cosponsored by INOR

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Undergraduate Research at the

Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry
Solid State and Materials Chemistry
C. Nataro, S. R. Smith, Organizers
M. T. Whited, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 INOR 508. Infrared Spectroscopic

tracking of Q-state particle formation in

ionomers. F.A. Meyer, J.H. Doan, E. Kingston,
K.P. Anderson, A.K. Vong, E.S. Smotkin
1:55 INOR 509. Ultrasmall Cu nanoparticles:
A greener synthesis and catalytic studies.
G.A. Ferko, A.D. Brumbaugh, S.K. St Angelo
2:15 INOR 510. Synthesis, characterization,
and utility of trifluoroacetic acid and fluoroalkoxy lanthanide precursors for production
of fluorinated lanthanide nanomaterials.
D. Yonemoto, T.J. Boyle, M.L. Neville, R.F. Hess,
S.P. Bingham
2:35 INOR 511. Phenoxy-mercapto derivatives
of group 4 alkoxides as core-shell precursors to group 4 ceramic-coinage metal
nanomaterials. M.L. Neville, T.J. Boyle, P. Lu,
M.V. Parkes
2:55 Intermission.
3:05 INOR 512. Oxidizing aldehydes with
water: Catalysts for the aldehyde-water
shift. J.C. Tran, T. Brewster, D.M. Heinekey,
K.I. Goldberg
3:25 INOR 513. Multifunctional nanoclusters for
biomedical applications. S. Park, S.K. Cho,
W. Park
3:45 INOR 514. Student explains international
undergraduate research and cultural experiences. A. Walker, G. Royal, T.J. Hubin, R. Duran
4:05 INOR 515. Computational and synthetic
study of organic-inorganic conjugate dyes
for solar energy harvesting. R.E. Bachman,
A.E. Connor, S.A. Parks, M.R. Leidy,
N.J. Deyonker
4:25 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

2015 Priestley Medalist: Symposium

in Honor of Jacqueline K. Barton

Inorganic Catalysts

E. Boon, M. C. Buzzeo, S. Delaney, V. C. Pierre,

A. K. Boal, Presiding
1:30 INOR 516. Targeting mitochondrial DNA.
S.O. Kelley
2:00 INOR 517. Novel development of electrolytes in lithium ion battery. Y. Tanaka
2:30 INOR 518. Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs)

as diagnostic and therapeutic molecules.

E. Yavin
3:00 Intermission.
3:10 INOR 519. Controlling molecular display

and cell behavior with nanocrystals.

C.J. Murphy
3:40 INOR 520. Sensitive and selective realtime electrochemical monitoring of DNA
repair. J. Slinker, M. McWilliams, F. Anka,
K.J. Balkus
4:10 INOR 521. Evolution of an idea born
in my postdoc with Jackie Barton: From
rhodium-peptide conjugates to Alzheimers
disease. R.P. Houser
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry

C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
V. Poltavets, Organizer, Presiding
M. Dolgos, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 INOR 522. Low temperature synthesis

of (noncentrosymmetric) oxide-fluoride
materials. K.R. Poeppelmeier, K.B. Chang,
A. Vinokur, M. Marvel
2:15 INOR 523. Low temperature synthesis of
bimetallic carbide nanomaterials and their
electrocatalytic activity. S.M. Schmuecker
2:35 INOR 524. Single source precursor
approach to metastable molybdate phases.
A.W. Apblett, A.M. Moneeb, A. Alabdulrahman,
A. Bagabas, C. Perkins
2:55 INOR 525. Mechanistic studies in
kinetically controlled solid state synthesis:
The case of [(SnSe)1.15][VSe2]. M. Esters,
M. Falmbigl, D.C. Johnson
3:15 INOR 526. Following the journey from
aqueous polyoxometalate to metal oxide.
Y. Hou, D. Fast, L.B. Fullmer, M.D. Nyman,
M. Dolgos
3:35 Intermission.
3:50 INOR 527. Synthesis of metal sulfides in
sulfur/iodine flux using furnace or microwave reactions. R. Groom, S.E. Latturner
4:10 INOR 528. Extraction behavior of
mesoporous silica SBA-15 for soluble
uranyl peroxo clusters. Y. Liu, A. Czarnecki,
J.E. Szymanowski, M. Dembowski, G. Sigmon,
P.C. Burns
4:30 INOR 529. Negative thermal expansion
and other anomalous properties in rock
salt ordered mixed metal fluorides M(II)ZrF6
with a ReO3-type structure. J.C. Hancock,
C.R. Morelock, L.C. Gallington, K.W. Chapman,
G.J. Halder, B.S. Kaplan, A. Bongiorno, C. Han,
S. Zhou, A.P. Wilkinson
4:50 INOR 530. Dark reactions project: a
machine learning approach to materials
discovery. A.J. Norquist
5:10 INOR 531. Ferromagnetic behavior in nonmetal anionic element reagent complexes.
M.P. Rowe, R. Desautels, E. Skoropata, J. van

S. A. Koch, Organizer
Y. Zhang, Presiding
1:30 INOR 532. Novel CeO2 yolk-shell struc-

tures loaded with tiny Au nanoparticles for

highly catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol.
C. Fan, A. Xu
1:50 INOR 533. Diphenyl ether based secondary phosphine oxide as preligand for nickel-catalyzed carbon-sulfur cross-coupling
reactions. N.P. Nambukara Wellala, H. Guan
2:10 INOR 534. Dehydration and dehydrogenation of ethanol over Au-exchanged ZSM-5
zeolite: A DFT study. T. Maihom, B. Boekfa,
J. Limtrakul
2:30 INOR 535. Withdrawn.
2:50 INOR 536. Mesoporous Co3O4 catalyst for
CO oxidation at -60C: Controlled porosity,
reaction mechanism, and deactivation
reason. W. Song, A. Poyraz, Y. Meng, Z. Ren,
S. Chen
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 INOR 537. Dinitrogen silylation facilitated
by a dicobalt catalyst. R.B. Siedschlag,
K.D. Vogiatzis, V. Bernales, N. Planas, L. Gagliardi,
C.C. Lu
3:40 INOR 538. Cyclic alkyl amino carbene
(CAAC) ruthenium complexes as remarkably
active catalysts for ethenolysis. V.M. Marx,
A.H. Sullivan, M. Melaimi, S.C. Virgil, G. Bertrand,
R.H. Grubbs
4:00 INOR 539. Iron porphyrin carbenes as catalytic intermediates: Structures, Mssbauer
and NMR spectroscopic properties, and
bonding. R. Khade, Y. Zhang
4:20 INOR 540. Electrochemical studies of
cobalt (II) N2Py2 complexes and a nickel (II)
bis(diphosphine) complex toward catalytic
proton reduction. J.F. Khosrowabadi Kotyk,
J. Yang
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

Chemistry of the Energy Water Nexus:

Focus on Fracking
Cosponsored by MPPG
C. McInnis, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 541. Development of advanced

polymers for hydraulic fracturing applications. C.R. Hilliard, C. Meza, R. Schlemmer,

J. Donovan
2:00 INOR 542. Shale gas and oil flowback and
produced water modeling and treatment.
M.B. Tomson, Z. Zhang, Z. Dai, V. Bolanos,
A.T. Kan, F. Yan, R. Tomson
2:30 INOR 543. Dynamic microbial communities in hydraulic fracturing water:
Implications for vhemistry and water
management. K.B. Gregory
3:00 INOR 544. Characterizing oil and gas
exploration and production waste streams:
Collaborative inter-laboratory comparison.
T.Y. Cath
3:30 Panel Discussion.

2:30 INOR 547. Metal ion incorporation in

peptide nucleic acid triplexes. C. Achim,
D. Jayarathna, Y. Bae, H. Stout
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 INOR 548. Development of redox-active

ruthenium polypyridyl complexes as an

anticancer agents for the treatment of
platinum resistant tumors. F.M. MacDonnell,
N. Alatrash, E. Narh, C. Grifth
3:45 INOR 549. Cobalt Schiff base complexes
as targeted inhibitors of transcription
factors. M.C. Heffern, T.J. Meade
4:15 INOR 550. Inhibition of cysteine proteases with ruthenium-caged compounds.
J.J. Kodanko
4:45 INOR 551. Strategies for the photochemical uncaging of bioactive small molecules.
P.C. Ford, J.V. Garcia, A. Pierri, M. Crisalli,
A.W. DeMartino, P. Huang
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in

the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Cosponsored by WCC
C. P. Berlinguette, D. J. Mindiola, M. Shatruk,
E. J. Schelter, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 INOR 552. Lewis acidic properties of orga-

noantimony compounds: From bidentate

distiboranes to perfluorinated stibonium
cations. F.P. Gabbai
1:50 INOR 553. Platinum diimine dithiolate
chromophores and dyads for the lightdriven generation of hydrogen. R. Eisenberg
2:10 INOR 554. Manipulation of the electronic
structures of cerium complexes toward the
development of a new class of photosensitizers. E.J. Schelter, H. Yin, P. Carroll
2:30 INOR 555. Control of excited states of
transition metal complexes: Optimizing
multiple excited state pathways. C. Turro,
K.R. Dunbar
2:50 Intermission.
3:05 INOR 409. How to get what you want: A
control freaks guide to inorganic nanoparticle synthesis. R.E. Schaak
3:25 INOR 557. How nickel/iron films
catalyze the oxygen evolution reaction.
C.P. Berlinguette, R.D. Smith
3:45 INOR 558. Inorganic chemistry, solution
processed solar cells, and the era of perovskites. M.G. Kanatzidis
4:05 INOR 559. Cyanide-bridged iron complexes as analogues of tri-iron arrangements in hydrogenase active site precursors. A.M. Lunsford, C. Beto, M.Y. Darensbourg
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic

Inorganic Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Jaqueline L. Kiplinger
Cosponsored by WCC
D. E. Morris, Organizer
G. G. Stanley, Organizer, Presiding

Section F

1:30 INOR 560. Microfluidic separations

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

for actinide processing and analysis.

R.M. Chamberlin, S.L. Yarbro, N. Xu
1:50 INOR 561. Production of Mo-99 for
nuclear medicine. A. Anderson, L. Bitteker,
M. Connors, R. Copping, M. Cover, W. Crooks,
G. Dale, D. Dalmas, M. Gallegos, E. Garcia,
J. Gioia, R. Gonzales, D. Graves, W.K. Hollis,
M. Janicke, C. Kelsey, I. May, M. Mocko, M. Pieck,
M. Rawool-Sullivan, S.D. Reilly, D. Rios, T. Romero,
F. Stephens, F. Taw, D. Thorn, K. Woloshun
2:10 INOR 562. CO2 conversion using organometallic and organic molecular catalysts.
T. Cantat
2:30 INOR 563. Organometallic thorium azide
complexes. M.J. Monreal, J.L. Kiplinger,
B. Scott

Interactions of Metal Complexes with

Proteins or Nucleic Acids
J. R. Morrow, C. Turro, Organizers
U. Bierbach, Presiding
1:30 INOR 545. In vitro selection and charac-

terization of metallo-DNAzymes and their

delivery into cells for sensing and imaging
applications. Y. Lu, K. Hwang, P. Wu, S. Torabi
2:00 INOR 546. Is the geometry of Vanadium
in active site of phosphatases important for inhibitor design and antidiabetic
properties of vanadium compounds.
D.C. Crans, B.J. Peters, M.L. Tarlton, G.R. Willsky,
C.C. McLauchlan

2:50 INOR 564. Pursuit of high-oxidation

state phosphinidene complexes of the

group 6 metals for metathesis reactivity.
R.K. Thomson
3:10 INOR 565. Aluminum chemistry featuring
nitrogen-based ligands for stabilization
of cations and radicals. J.D. Masuda,
W.L. McClennan, N.A. Gifn
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 INOR 566. Actinide speciation in aqueous
chloride and pseudochloride solutions.
L. Soderholm, S. Skanthakumar
4:00 INOR 567. Synthesis and combustion
of nitrogen-rich f-element complexes.
J.M. Veauthier, J.L. Kiplinger, B.C. Tappan,
N.E. Travia, K. Browne, B.L. Scott, N.J. Henson,
A.H. Mueller, D.E. Chavez, A.T. Nelson
4:20 INOR 568. Actinide-arene interactions and
their use in carbon-element bond forming
reactions. P.L. Arnold, J. McKinven, J. Hlina,
R. Lord, R. Batrice, N. Kaltsoyannis, M. Eisen,
M. Gardiner, J.B. Love
4:50 INOR 569. Covalency and the relative
roles of 5f and 6d orbitals in actinide metal-ligand bonds. D.L. Clark
5:20 INOR 570. Enabling the exploration of
metal-ligand bonding in light actinides:
One of Jackie Kiplingers many synthetic
legacies. D.E. Morris
Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels

Cosponsored by MPPG
A. M. Appel, M. Helm, J. Y. Yang, Organizers,
1:30 INOR 571. Selective heterogeneous

electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO or

HCOO- using iron porphyrin complexes.
A. Dey
2:00 INOR 572. Navigating structure-activity
relationships in molecular electrocatalysts
for CO2 reduction. R.J. Nielsen, S.I. Johnson,
Y. Lam, W.A. Goddard
2:30 INOR 573. IrH species as key intermediates in CO2 hydrogenation, formic acid
dehydrogenation and photochemical CO2
reduction. E. Fujita, J.T. Muckerman, Y. Himeda
3:00 INOR 574. Reduction of CO2 to methanol by an organic hydride via hydride
transfer/proton transfer steps. J.T. Hynes,
C. Musgrave, C. Lim, A. Holder
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 INOR 575. Homogeneous reduction of
CO2 by [Ni(cyclam)]+, poisoning by CO,
detoxification by CO sponge, and useful
conversion of CO by tandem catalysis.
C.P. Kubiak, J. Froehlich, J. Tillman
4:15 INOR 576. What theory can reveal about
carbon dioxide reduction and the role of
molecular catalysts. E.A. Carter
4:45 INOR 577. Molecular catalysis of water
oxidation and CO2 reduction in dye sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cells (DSPEC).
T.J. Meyer, J. Concepcion, Z. Chen, M. Norris,
M. Zhang, M. Coggins, R. Binstead, N. Song,
D.L. Ashford, M. Sheridan, P. Kang, S. Zhang,
N.Y. Iha, M. Brookhart, J.L. Templeton
Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

Soluble Inorganic Semiconductors:

Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
R. L. Brutchey, B. M. Cossairt, Organizers
G. Dukovic, J. S. Owen, Presiding
1:30 INOR 578. Single junction CZTSSe and

tandem CZTSSe/hybrid perovskite solar

cells from molecular-inks: Mapping the
effects of composition on material quality
and device performance. H.W. Hillhouse
2:00 INOR 579. Solution-processed electrochromic and photovoltaic thin films from
nanocrystal building blocks. D.J. Milliron,
A. Llordes, A. Singh

2:30 INOR 580. Synthesis of transition metal

chalcogenide and pnictide nanoparticles

for applications in photovoltaics. A.L. Prieto,
D. Agocs, M.B. Braun, S. Fredrick, L. Korala,
R.C. Miller
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 INOR 581. Photophysics in metal enriched
and stoichiometric quantum dots. M. Sfeir,
E. Busby, N.C. Anderson, J.S. Owen
3:45 INOR 582. New matrix engineering
strategies for efficient charge transport in
quantum dot solids. M. Law
4:15 INOR 583. Designer semiconductor nanocrystal electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices. C.R. Kagan, S. Oh, J. Choi,
Y. Lai, D. Kim, E.D. Goodwin, A.T. Fafarman,
B. Diroll, C.B. Murray
ACS Award for Creative Research
and Applications of Iodine Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Karl O. Christe
Sponsored by FLUO, Cosponsored by INOR

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

593. Binuclear complexes: Analogs for
superoxide dismutase enzyme substrate
binding studies. J.W. Kreft, E. Sinn
INOR 594. Crystallization of protein models
of non-coupled dinuclear copper proteins.
A. Sauer, M. Ladd, S. Pedersen, S.M. Berry
INOR 595. Modeling oxidoreductase enzymes
in the protein azurin. T. Roach, G. Stoddard,
S.M. Berry
INOR 596. Role of halogen substituents and
substrate pKa in defining the substrate
specificity of 2,6-dichlorohydroquinone
1,2-dioxygenase (PcpA). J.E. Burrows,
M.Q. Paulson, T.E. Machonkin
INOR 597. Nitrite reduction activity of azurin
variants. B. Khatiwada, J. Strange, S.M. Berry
INOR 598. Synthetic models for nickel
superoxide dismutase. S.K. Senaratne,
D.M. Eichhorn
INOR 599. Jobs method and high resolution
NMR studies of trinuclear bis(bis(O-ethyl-L-cysteinato)2Ni)2Ni2+. R.J. Dougherty,
K.V. Krishnan, M.L. Golden

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Bioinorganic Chemistry

Interactions of Metal Complexes with

Proteins or Nucleic Acids

DNA, RNA and Inorganic Drugs

J. R. Morrow, C. Turro, Organizers

S. A. Koch, Organizer

6:00 - 8:00

6:00 - 8:00

INOR 600.

INOR 584.

Luminescent ruthenium probe

for DNA mismatches. A.N. Boynton,
A.J. McConnell, J.K. Barton
INOR 585. 1H- and 19F-NMR spectroscopic
studies of 4-fluorophenylbiguanide with the
interface of reverse micelles. J. Sripradite,
N. Samart, A. Tongraar, D.C. Crans
INOR 586. N-hydroxysulfonamides RSO2NHOH
as nitroxyl (HNO) donors: Improved preparation and kinetics of nitroxyl generation.
S.K. Adas, N.E. Brasch, P. Sampson
INOR 587. Exploring the cellular activity of
polyazine bridged Ru(II)-Rh(III) supramolecules in rat malignant glioma F98 cells.
J. Zhu, K.S. Brewer
INOR 588. Cytotoxic and DNA binding
properties of Mn(I) and Re(I) carbonyl perrhenato complexes. J. Taylor, S.K. Pramanik,
J.A. Krause, S.K. Mandal
INOR 589. Photosensitization of singlet oxygen
by ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes
for DNA photocleavage. S. Yang, K. Wang,
B.R. Williams, S.J. Nieter Burgmayer
INOR 590. Evaluation of heme peripheral
groups interactions in low-dielectric constant media. A. Stockhausen, J. Cerda

Tuning mechanisms of action of

Ru(II) polypyridyl complexes as anticancer
targets by changing charge states. Y. Sun,
M. Dickerson, B. Howerton, D. Heidary, E. Glazer
INOR 601. Selective recognition of
G-quadruplex and thymine bulge DNA
using bifunctional Zn(II) complexes.
K.E. Siters, S.A. Sander, J. Devlin, J.R. Morrow
INOR 602. Evaluation of the binding of Zn(II)
complexes to G-quadruplexes using a
PCR-stop assay. M. Shively, M. Shapovalova,
M. Fountain, J.R. Morrow, K.E. Siters
INOR 603. Determining titanium (IV) transport
for its potential use by humans. T.M. PlanasFontanez, S. Conklin Lopez, A. Lopez-Cubero,
A.D. Tinoco
INOR 604. Non-covalent interactions of a
Ru-Rh supramolecular complex with DNA
and their effect on covalent modification
of the biomolecule. J.A. Rodriguez Corrales,
K.S. Brewer
INOR 605. Light-activated drug release using
heterobimetallic ruthenium and cobalt
complexes. R. Whitman, C. Turro
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Section B

Coordination Chemistry

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Synthesis and Characterization

Bioinorganic Chemistry

6:00 - 8:00

Proteins and Enzymes and Model Systems

INOR 606.

S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 591.

Spectroscopic methods to characterize non-heme iron enzymes (monooxygenase and dioxygenase). B. Subedi,
B.S. Pierce
INOR 592. Formation, characterization, and
O-O bond activation of a bio-inspired
peroxomanganese(III) complex. H.E. Colmer,
T.A. Jackson

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

D. C. Crans, Organizer

Synthesis, characterization, and

reactivity of pyridazine-oxime metal
complexes. S.O. Elsiddieg, F.R. Fronczek,
A.W. Maverick
INOR 607. Super Bulky guanidinates for
the support of low-coordinate metal
complexes. L. Griego, A.K. Maity, S. Fortier,
A.J. Metta-Magana
INOR 608. Synthesis and characterization
of a new guanidinate-guanidinate ligand
featuring an imidazolin-2-iminate backbone.
B. Barraza, J. Lu, R. Aguilar, A. Maity, S. Fortier,
A.J. Metta-Magana
INOR 609. Reactivity of group 11 formamidinate complexes. A. Lane, J.R. Walensky,
W.E. Antholine
INOR 610. Vanadium(V) catecholates:
Correlating redox potential with 51V NMR
chemical shifts. J. Koehn, P. Chatterjee,
A. Waterhouse, T. Lucia, T.E. Polenova,
M.D. Johnson, D.C. Crans
INOR 611. Octahedral to trigonal prismatic
distortion in Ruthenium and Osmium
bis-homoleptic complexes of a noninnocent
ligand. J. Cipressi, S.N. Brown

612. Recent developments in cyano-substituted polypyrazolylborates

chemistry. L. Kadel, D.M. Eichhorn
INOR 613. Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic studies of six-coordinate iron
and cobalt phosphasalen complexes.
J.M. Fritsch, C.M. Bakewell, A.J. White,
C.K. Williams
INOR 614. Electron transfer between metal
and ligand in chromium complexes
with tetrazine-containing pincer ligand.
A.V. Polezhaev, C. Chen, N.A. Maciulis,
K.G. Caulton
INOR 615. Pyrazolate and polypyrazoleborate
complexes of platinum and palladium.
A. Oberley, D.M. Eichhorn
INOR 616. Chemistry of copper and nickel
pyridyltriazole complexes. T.M. Wheat,
U.R. Pokharel, F.R. Fronczek, A.W. Maverick
INOR 617. Synthesis and characterization of
bis-bipyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes with
high nitrogen content tetrazole aromatic
ligands. R.R. Ruminski, M.A. Hiskey, R. Malkan,
B. Powell
INOR 618. Novel synthesis of a dinuclear
ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex based on
a polymeric carbonyl complex. L.M. Puckett,
B. Durham
INOR 619. Synthesis and crystallographic
study of zinc and mercury complexes with a
three-N-donor asymmetric pyridineamine
ligand 2,9-di(pyridin-2-yl)-1,3,6-triazabicyclo[4.2.1]nonane. M. Hakimi
INOR 620. Synthesis and characterization
of [M(tacn)(dppz)(solvent)]n+ complexes
of Ru, Rh, and Ir: New DNA metallointercalators possessing modifiable groups.
H.L. Hancock, M. Pham, G. Culcu, S.C. Haefner
INOR 621. Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of electronic structures
and anion sensing aspects of OsII(bpy)2(HL2-)
AND [{OsII(bpy)2}2(-HL2-)]2+. A. Das

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Coordination Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization
D. C. Crans, Organizer

631. First row transition metal complexes of tetrazine based ligands as a new
class of energetic materials. T.W. Myers,
S.K. Hanson, J. Veauthier, D.E. Chavez
INOR 632. Role of ligand modifications in
structural outcomes of dinucleating,
criss-crossed cobalt peroxo (-OH,-O2)
complexes. Y. Cho, M. Ward, M.J. Rose
INOR 633. Investigations of the reaction
of PMe2Ph with a Pt-Ru heterometallic
complex. Z.J. Manning, N.C. Dopke
INOR 634. Chemo-induced spin-state switching using tunable iminopyridine ligands.
T. Ozumerzifon, J. Kolanowski, M.P. Shores
INOR 635. Iron(II) complexes of the dimethylated tris(pyrazolyl)ethane ligands.
M.S. Goodman, M.A. Goodman, A.Y. Nazarenko
INOR 636. Atropisomerism of iron
porphyrinates. D.J. Meininger, N. Muzquiz,
Z.J. Tonzetich
INOR 637. Electrochemical analysis of iron
nitrilotriacetate complexes. P.A. Defnet,
L.N. Ball, U.J. Williams

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Main Group Chemistry

T. W. Hudnall, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 638.

Exploring the impact of ligand variation on arsenic-sulfur bonding using X-ray

Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). A.V. Blake,
C.M. Donahue, S.R. Daly
INOR 639. Cytoselectivity of organotin and
transition metal-substituted organotin
compounds on cancer cells. J.S. Enriquez,
J.A. Muniz, A. Varela, K.H. Pannell, R. Aguilera
INOR 640. Synthesis of novel bismuth
complexes for small molecule activation.
M. Castillo, O. Barreda, R. Aguilar, S. Fortier,
A.J. Metta-Magana
INOR 641. Synthesis and reactivity of a novel
doubly base stabilized five-coordinate
silene derivative, [k3-C(SiMe2benzimidi-Pr)2]
SiMe2: Addition of a ZnMe bond of Me2Zn
to afford [k3-C(SiMe3)(SiMe2benzimidi-Pr)2]
ZnMe. S. Ruccolo, G.F. Parkin

6:00 - 8:00
INOR 622.

Dehydrohalogenation as an effective
route to unsaturated bimetallic and monometallic systems featuring a proton-responsive pincer ligand. B. Cook, C. Chen, M. Pink,
R.L. Lord, K.G. Caulton
INOR 623. Low-valent organometallics incorporating the 2,2-biazulenyl motif. M.D. Hart,
D.M. McGinnis, B.M. Neal, M.V. Barybin
INOR 624. Six-coordinate 16-electron
complexes of tungsten (II): Synthesis,
electrochemistry, and density functional
theory. A.F. Greene, S. Dahlhauser, J.T. Mague,
J.P. Donahue
INOR 625. Structural trends for triple-decker
organometallic sandwiches formed by
highly charged -bowls with mixed alkali
metal cores: Li/K vs. Li/Rb. S.N. Spisak,
A.S. Filatov, A. Zabula, A.Y. Rogachev,
M.A. Petrukhina
INOR 626. Novel, multizonal, crystalline composite based upon self-assembled, helical
coordination polymers and exhibiting seven
primary zones in the solid state. S.R. Seidel,
R. Wilkens
INOR 627. Synthesis of new dithiolene-type
ligands. E. Haas, J.P. Donahue, J.T. Mague
INOR 628. Cd(II) complexation with 1,1-dithiolate and nitrogen donors: Synthesis, luminescence, crystal structure and antifungal
activity. A. Das
INOR 629. Reversible addition of alcohols
across C=N bonds of a N4 Schiff base
ligand coordinated to copper (II). W. Zhang,
H. Nie, M.S. Mashuta, C.A. Grapperhaus,
R.M. Buchanan
INOR 630. Design and synthesis of lightweight
MOFs for gas storage. M. Shimazu, X. Bu,
X. Zhao

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Organometallic Chemistry
Applications to Materials and Polymer
N. S. Radu, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 642.

Multistep synthesis of the biocompatible lactone 3,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2one. B.S. Cundiff

INOR 643. Coupling of cyclohexadiene oxide
and CO2 via metal catalysts. C.J. Arp,
W. Chung, F. Tsai, S.J. Kyran, D.J. Darensbourg
INOR 644. Synthesis and characterization of
aluminum -diketiminate complexes and
their application in ring opening polymerization of lactides and synthesis of cyclic
carbonates. S. Bian, G. Du
INOR 645. Synthesis, characterization, and
polymerization of thienyl phosphine paladium(II) complexes. J.L. Shott, B.J. Reeves,
B.M. Boardman
INOR 646. Extending -conjugation for metallo-organic photon harvesting. M.H. Chisholm,
J. Leizerman
INOR 647. Theoretical study of the sodium
mediated coupling of organchlorosilanes:
Stable -chloro--sodium cyclosilane
intermediates in the Wurtz synthesis of
polysilanes? S.J. Holder

Section H

Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C


Organometallic Chemistry

R. M. Richards, Organizer

New Ligand Platforms

6:00 - 8:00

N. S. Radu, Organizer

INOR 648.

6:00 - 8:00

Synthesis of aluminum nanoparticles capped with o-carborane. A. Benziger,

P.A. Jelliss, S.W. Buckner
INOR 649. Stability of gold nanoparticle-based
films deposited on plasma-etched borosilicate glass via a layer-by-layer physisorption technique. R.L. Svatora, S.A. Darveau,
C.L. Exstrom
INOR 650. Stabilization of anisotropic
gold nanoparticle shapes by Protein A.
B.A. Lueck, S.A. Darveau, C.L. Exstrom
INOR 651. Heat-mediated drug release
from inorganic nanoparticles. N.D. Klein,
K.R. Hurley, H.L. Ring, J.T. Buchman, C.L. Haynes
INOR 652. Soft inorganic oxide nanofibrous
membranes and their applications. X. Mao,
B. Ding
INOR 653. Design and synthesis of precursors
for surface plasmon mediated chemical
solution deposition of metal nanoparticles. N. Richey, Y. Wu, J. Qiu, W.D. Wei,
L. McElwee-White
INOR 654. Role of oxygen vacancy in
nanocrystalline perovskite oxides for electrochemical reactions. J. Kim, X. Yin, K. Tsao,
S. Fang, H. Yang
INOR 655. Direct assembly of zeolite beta into
mesoporous nanoparticles. T. Chen, Y. Liu,
C. Mou
INOR 657. Binding and static quenching
behavior of iridium (I) dyes on monodispersed zinc oxide nanocrystals. T.J. Morin,
D.A. Blank, W.L. Gladfelter, K.R. Mann
INOR 658. Digestive ripening of gold nanorods
in aqueous solution: Effect of CTAB and Au
concentration. P. Guimera Coll, C.M. Sorensen
INOR 659. Design and controllable synthesis
of Au@MOF Core@Shell Nanotructures.
C. Tian, S.G. Boyes, A. Worcester
INOR 660. Studies of CdSe and CdSe/CdS
core-shell quantum belts. Y. Zhou, F. Wang,
Y. Wang, L. Mu, W.E. Buhro
Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Inorganic Catalysts
S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 661.

Synthesis of palladium diphosphine

complexes for XAS analysis. C.M. Forrest,
C.M. Donahue, A. Blake, S.R. Daly, B.J. Bellott
INOR 662. Transition metal carbides as noble
metal fuel cell support materials. J.M. Thode
INOR 663. Synthesis and analysis of heterobimetallic cobalt-zirconium complex for
artificial photosynthesis. S. Chapp, N. Celia,
A. Hill
INOR 664. Nonheme iron complex-catalyzed
efficient alcohol oxidation by t-BuOOH
with N-hydroxyphthalimide as a cocatalyst.
S. Lee, P. Kim, C. Kim
INOR 665. Versatile syntheses of optically pure
ECE pincer complexes. X. Yang, W. Tay, Y. Li,
P.A. Sumod, P. Leung
INOR 666. Toward inner-sphere photoactivation of carbonyl and imine groups using
Earth-abundant Schiff-base photocatalysts.
D.J. Boston, F.J. Sarabia, M.P. Nguyen, C. Midkiff,
E.M. Ferreira, A.K. Rappe, M.P. Shores
INOR 667. Synthesis, electrochemistry,
and catalytic properties of hexacoordinate bis-bipyridylsilicon(IV) complexes.
C. Maguylo, S. Garofalo, T. Le, T. Huynh,
T.A. Schmedake
INOR 668. Investigation of substituted bidentate polypyridyl vanadium chromophores
for photocatalysis. M.P. Nguyen, A.K. Rappe,
M.P. Shores

INOR 669.

Synthesis of dual gunction

ansa-metallocene ligands via hydrocarbon
radical anion coupling of 1,3-diphenyl-6-(alkyl/aryl)fulvenes. M.M. Lai, G.J. Balaich,
S.T. Iacono


689. New synthetic pathways to

(C5Me5)2ThS5. J.M. Dorhout, A. Lichtscheidl,
N.E. Travia, P.K. Dorhout, B. Scott, K. Czerwinski,
J.L. Kiplinger
INOR 690. Actinide metal fluorides:
Synthesis, characterization, and chemistry.
A.G. Lichtscheidl, M.J. Monreal, K. Browne,
D.E. Morris, B. Scott, A. Nelson, J.L. Kiplinger
INOR 691. Molecular chemistry of thiophene
with actinide complexes. N.E. Travia,
A.W. Pierpont, B.J. Barker, K. Browne,
M.J. Monreal, E.R. Batista, J.M. Berg,
R.L. Martin, R. Michalczyk, D.E. Morris, B. Scott,
M.P. Wilkerson, J.L. Kiplinger


670. Novel binuclear pincer ligands

for applications in catalysis and energy.

C. Palit, O. Ozerov
INOR 671. Probing molecular and electronic
structures of conjugated molecular linkers
based on linear polyazulenic motifs.
N. Erickson, A.D. Spaeth, M.V. Barybin
INOR 672. Efficient synthesis and heterobimetallic complexation of the first aromatic
-linker featuring mercapto and isocyano
junctions within the same molecule.
J. Applegate, N. Gerasimchuk, M.V. Barybin
INOR 673. Synthesis of ambiphilic nickel-silyl
complexes for cooperative small molecule
activation. C.A. Olivares, M.T. Whited
INOR 674. E-H bond activation and hydrofunctionalization via bifunctional bis(pyridylimino)isoindolate complexes. J.B. Geri,
N.K. Szymczak
INOR 675. Synthesis of ligand platforms for
metalloenzyme mimics. O.M. Crandell,
J.A. Dopke
INOR 676. Withdrawn.
Section K

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Organometallic Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization
N. S. Radu, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 677.

Organometallic complexes of 1,6methano[10]annulene: DFT investigation

of dtructure and dynamic behavior.
D.A. Kissounko, Y.F. Oprunenko, I.P. Gloriozov
INOR 678. Room temperature carbon-sulfur
bond activation by a reactive (dippe)
Pd fragment. L. Munjanja, W. Brennessel,
W.D. Jones
INOR 679. Synthesis and characterization of
ruthenium(II) complexes with hydrosilyl pincer-type ligands. B.D. Nguyen, M.T. Whited
INOR 680. Scope, limitations, and mechanistic
aspects of a regioselective acylation of
cycloplatinated complexes. J.S. Carroll,
H.G. Woolard, R. Mroz, C.A. Nason, S. Huo
INOR 681. Organosilver scaffolds for
small-molecule activation and catalysis.
B. Tate, C.M. Wyss, J.P. Sadighi, J.T. Nguyen,
J. Bacsa, L. Gelbaum
INOR 682. Synthesis, structure, and
cross-coupling of 2,3,5-tris(4-ferrocenylethynylphenyl)boroxine. D.A. Kissounko,
V.P. Dyadchenko, V.N. Okulov, M.A. Dyadchenko,
A.V. Churakov, L. Wang, D.A. Lemenovskii
INOR 683. Complexation studies of bipyridine
aza-crown macrocycles. B. Carpenter,
M. Harris
INOR 684. Synthesis of bis(diorganodithiocarbamato)iron(II) by the thermal decomposition of cis-dicarbonylbis(diorganodithiocarbamato)iron(II). J.E. Cofeld, N.V. Duffy
INOR 685. Computed structures of cyclic
platinum-metal-directed self-assembled
complexes. E.A. Buchanan, J. Michl
INOR 686. Dual-metal NHC phenanthroline
complexes. A.J. Landis, J.O. Hoberg
INOR 687. Fused siloles for electronic applications. D.A. Lee, T.A. Schmedake
INOR 688. Actinide high-nitrogen chemistry.
K.P. Browne, D.E. Morris, B.L. Scott, D.E. Chavez,
A.T. Nelson, B.C. Tappan, J.L. Kiplinger,
J. Veauthier

Section K

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Soluble Inorganic Semiconductors:

Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
R. L. Brutchey, B. M. Cossairt, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 692.

Low-temperature solution processing of stibnite thin films. C.L. McCarthy,

R.L. Brutchey
INOR 693. Synthesis and characterization
of metal chalcogenide nanomaterials for
potential application in nanoelectronic
devices. A.J. Biacchi, A.R. Hight Walker
INOR 694. Colloidal cinnamic acid capped
PbSe quantum dots: Solution phase ligand
exchange, thin film formation, and electrical
conductivity for photovoltaic applications.
D.M. Kroupa, A. Sellinger, M.C. Beard
INOR 695. Probing structure-property relationships at the nanoscale: Combined X-ray
and spectroscopic methods for the study
of colloidal cadmium selenide. A. Beecher,
P. Chen, Z. Norman, J.S. Owen
INOR 696. Effect of precursor reactivity on
nickel phosphide nanocrystal synthesis.
H. Andaraarachchi, J. Vela-Becerra
INOR 697. Rational control over electron-transfer using inorganic cluster-anions
directly coordinated to anatase-TiO2 cores
in water. M. Raula, I. Weinstock
Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable

Hydrogen Production and Storage
Cosponsored by MPPG
C. Ban, A. L. Prieto, Y. Yang, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 698.

Electrocatalytic and photocatalytic

hydrogen evolution using iron phosphide
nanoparticles. J.F. Callejas, J.M. McEnaney,
C.G. Read, R.E. Schaak
INOR 699. Amorphous MoP and WP nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen
evolution reaction. J. McEnaney, R.E. Schaak
INOR 700. Fast kinetics of Ni-doped nanomagnesium for hydrogen storage and the
difficulty of effectively comparing material
performance in literature. D.J. Shissler,
M.B. Braun, S.J. Fredrick, A.L. Prieto
INOR 701. Solution synthesized magnesium
nanoparticles: The role of synthesis, particle
size, structure, and dopant incorporation
on hydrogenation kinetics. M.B. Braun,
D. Shissler, A.L. Prieto
INOR 702. Efficient method of cleaning
hydrogen sulfide at ambient temperature
and pressure for hydrogen storage. X. Li,
R. Morrish, C.A. Wolden, Y. Yang
Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

B. L. Lucht, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 703.

Electrochemistry of neodymium
in chloride-fluoride melts. D.A. Shuklin,
I.B. Polovov, M.V. Chernyshov, V.A. Volkovich,
O.I. Rebrin

704. Functionalization of Si(111) photocathodes: Interplay between steric spacing

of molecular linkers and ALD-deposited
metal oxide films. R. Pekarek, M.J. Rose
INOR 705. Stable 4 volt electrolytes for high
energy electrochemical capacitors. C. Sun,
R.E. Ruther, F.M. Delnick, J. Nanda
INOR 706. Patterned electrodeposition of
cobalt selenide nanostructure arrays as
effective ORR catalysts. J. Masud, A. Swesi,
M. Nath

Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Environmental and Energy-Related

Inorganic Chemistry
S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 707.

Humidity effects on the methylamine

lead iodide perovskite solar cells with TiO2
mesoporous structure. F. Zheng, Y. Ding,
Z. Zhu
INOR 708. Photoelectrochemical characterization of natural semiconducting minerals.
B.K. Durant, B.A. Parkinson
INOR 709. Synthesis and characterization of
rhenium and manganese electrocatalysts
containing diaminophenyl ligands for CO2
reduction. B.A. Corbin, B. Dhakal, D.A. Kurtz,
G.S. Nichol, G.A. Felton
INOR 710. Bioaccumulation of arsenic in
the bryophyte Hygrohypnum ochraceum
in Fountain Creek watershed, Colorado.
J.S. Carsella, D.C. Crans, S.J. Bonetti,
D.R. Nimmo, S.J. Herrmann, D. Lehmpuhl
INOR 711. Protein folding thermodynamics
of cytochrome c552 from mesophilic and psychrophilic microbes. N.K. Asous, E.A. Benzik,
J. Chou, N. Dalchand, G.E. Gallagher,
G.J. Salerno, J.S. Magyar
INOR 712. Improved lithium ion transference
numbers in electrolytes for lithium-ion
batteries with organosilyl and fluorosilyl
solvents. J. Gnirke, M.I. Bakhira, L.J. Lyons
INOR 713. Ionic conductivity studies of lithium
electrolytes with organosilyl and carbonate
solvent blends. V. McGraw, N. George,
L.J. Lyons
INOR 714. Ruthenium incorporated platinum
copper nanotubes for electro-oxidation of
methanol. L.E. Mathurin, J. Chen
INOR 715. Oxidative cleavage of pyrolytic
lignin using transition metal catalysts.
A. Lai, M.S. Fortin, M.D. Mohadjer Beromi,
C. Mullen, A.A. Boateng, N.M. West
INOR 716. Preparation and applications of
carbon interdigitated array electrodes (IDA).
F. Liu, G. Kolesov, B.A. Parkinson
Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels

Cosponsored by MPPG
A. M. Appel, M. Helm, J. Y. Yang, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 717.

718. Developing dirhodium(II,II) complexes that function as single-component
photocatalysts for proton reduction to
hydrogen. T.A. White, S. Witt, L. Zhanyong,
K.R. Dunbar, C. Turro
INOR 719. Pendant base groups in the secondary coordination sphere of pyridinediimine compounds for syngas conversion.
Y. Kwon, J. Adams, J.D. Gilbertson
INOR 720. Photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical generation of hydrogen from
water Using CdSe quantum dots and CdSe
quantum dot-sensitized photocathodes.
P. Ruberu, A. Das, Y. Dong, R. Eisenberg
INOR 721. FTIR studies of interactions
between carbon dioxide and surface
molecular photocatalysts. M.E. Louis,
T. Fenton, G. Li


722. Formamidinate bridged dirhodium
complexes as a single component photocatalytic hydrogen evolution system.
S. Witt, T.A. White, Z. Li, K.R. Dunbar, C. Turro
INOR 723. Reactivity of pyridinediimine iron (II)
complexes. A. Breuhaus-Alvarez
INOR 724. Chemisorption of polycyclic
molecules to GaP(111)A functionalized with
single layer graphene probed with X-ray
photoelectron, Raman, and grazing-angle attenuated total reflectance infrared
spectroscopies. E. Brown, S. Eady, N. Lehnert,
S. Maldonado
INOR 725. Water oxidation by ruthenium complexes incorporating phosphonate-derivatized polypyridyl ligands. Y. Xie, D.J. Szalda,
J.J. Concepcion

Section L

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry

C. G. Lugmair, V. Poltavets, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
INOR 726.

Synthesis of FeCu2Sn4Se10 via solid

state flux methods. Z.T. Gossage, B.J. Bellott
Synthesis, crystal structure and
physical properties of La3Al1-xSixCuQ7 (Q = S,
Se; 0 < x < 1). C. Sturm, X. Zhao, X. Bu, J. Gu,
S. Derakhshan
INOR 728. Synthesis and characterization of
borates. L.S. Harrower, G. Braiotta, D. Neiner,
D.M. Schubert
INOR 729. Synthesis and characterization of
rare-earth free phosphors with application
to PC-LED lighting. C. Quilty, E.C. Sullivan
INOR 730. Phosphazene superbase-Lewis
acids adducts and their frustrated Lewis
pair capabilities. N.A. Johnson, B.S. Thome,
P.O. Wagers, M.J. Panzner, W.J. Youngs,
C. Tessier
INOR 731. Oxygen/chlorine transfer reactions
of cyclic chlorophosphazenes using
Lewis basic small molecules. B.S. Thome,
S.R. Snyder, C.A. Tessier
INOR 732. Chemical delithiation with acid
of spinel lithium transition-metal oxides.
S. Therese, J. Knight, A. Manthiram
INOR 733. Labile hydrogen: the reactivity
of oxyhydrides. N. Masuda, O. Hernandez,
Y. Tang, S. Hosokawa, C. Tassel, T. Yamamoto,
Y. Kobayashi, H. Kageyama
INOR 734. Energetics of CO2 adsorption on
Mg-Al layered double hydroxides and
related mixed metal oxides. R. Shivaramaiah,
A. Navrotsky
INOR 735. Anion and mole ratio effects on
the coordination modes of an NO2S3donor
macrocycle. H. Lee, I. Park, S. Lee
INOR 736. Electronic properties of halide perovskites with organic cations. J.F. Khoury,
P. Woodward
INOR 737. Synthesis, structure and properties of low-dimensional materials,
PrCuxTe2. J. Evans, R.N. McDougald, J. Chan,
R.T. Macaluso
INOR 738. Bulk nanostructured thermoelectric materials with quantum confinement.
V.V. Poltavets, S.K. Kraemer
INOR 727.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Coordination Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization
D. C. Crans, Organizer
L. A. Berben, R. G. Hicks, Presiding
8:00 INOR 739. Aluminum complexes of

-diimine ligands: Redox-active aluminum

systems. B.E. Cole, C.R. Graves
8:20 INOR 740. Ligand cooperation in the
chemistry of small molecules mediated
by aluminum complexes. L.A. Berben,
E.J. Thompson, T.J. Sherbow, K.A. Erickson,
C.R. Carr

Cooperative Cosponsorship

8:40 INOR 741. Heterobimetallic cobalt

complexes with early transition metals (Ti,

V, Cr) and their activation of dinitrogen.
L.J. Clouston, V. Bernales, L. Gagliardi, C.C. Lu
9:00 INOR 742. Synthesis, characterization,
and catalysis assay of Cr(III) complexes
bearing carbene-based NCN pincer ligands.
I. Kobrsi, M. McDermott
9:20 INOR 743. Rational design of ligands
and synthetic methodologies toward novel
oxorhenium(V) complexes with controlled
structures and tunable catalytic properties
for perchlorate reduction. J. Liu, D. Wu,
J.R. Shapley, M.M. Abu-Omar, C.J. Werth,
T.J. Strathmann
9:40 Intermission.
9:50 INOR 744. Characterization of molecular
cobalt complexes relevant to electrocatalytic CO2 & H+ reduction. D.C. Lacy,
J.C. Peters
10:10 INOR 745. Synthesis of heteroleptic
ruthenium (II) dyes based on novel dibenzo[b,j][1,10]phenanthroline ligands and their
characterization for use in dye-sensitized
solar cells. N. Johnson, M. Nozari, D. Swearer,
H. Ji
10:30 INOR 746. Iron complexes with redox-active and proton responsive ligand for activation of small molecules. A.V. Polezhaev,
C. Chen, N.S. Labrum, K.G. Caulton
10:50 INOR 747. Effects of cationic charge and
charge proximity in Lewis acid enhanced
axial ligation of [Mo2]4+ compounds.
B.S. Dolinar, J.F. Berry
11:10 INOR 748. Highly oxidized graphene
nanosheets from the oxidization of detonation carbon. A. Nepal, C.M. Sorensen
11:30 INOR 749. Activation of white phosphorus by low-valent group 5 complexes:
Formation and reactivity of cyclo-P4 inverted
sandwich compounds. C. Camp, L. Maron,
R.G. Bergman, J. Arnold
11:50 INOR 750. Redox chemistry of palladium
complexes containing redox-active ligands.
Driving on the wrong side of the road?
R.G. Hicks
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Cosponsored by PRES
R. M. Richards, Organizer
J. R. OBrien, Presiding
8:30 INOR 751. Jahn-Teller-like distortions
in Au25(SR)18. M.A. Tofanelli, T. Ni, B. Phillips,
B. Newell, C.J. Ackerson
8:50 INOR 752. Effect of surface treatment on

nanowire optical and electronic properties.

P. Paudel, B.G. Barker, P. Kittikhunnatham,
A.B. Greytak
9:10 INOR 753. Surface plasmon interaction
studies on hybrid nanoparticles with two
plasmonic domains. S.L. Arrowood
9:30 INOR 754. Photofunctional Bis(dipyrrinato)
zinc(II) complex nanosheet. R. Sakamoto,
T. Nagayama, K. Hoshiko, T. Yagi, H. Nishihara
9:50 INOR 755. Effect of doping on the magnetostructural transition in MnAs nanoparticles: Optimizing properties for magnetic
refrigeration. S.R. Pimmachcharige, S. Brock
10:10 INOR 756. Formation and coarsening
of Ni metal nanoparticles in 10YSZ measured by SQUID based AC susceptibility.
J.R. OBrien, I.E. Reimanis, A. Morrissey
10:30 Intermission.
10:40 INOR 757. Organized arrays of functional
molecules supported by gallium-porphyrin
monolayers on HOPG. W. Lau, M.D. Hopkins
11:00 INOR 758. Templated assembly of
fullerenes on graphite by galliumporphyrin
monolayers. J. Kamm, M.D. Hopkins
11:20 INOR 759. Multiple energy exciton-shelves in quantum-dot-DNA nanobioelectronic materials. S.M. Goodman, A. Siu,
V. Singh, J.C. Ribot, A. Chatterjee, P. Nagpal
11:40 INOR 760. Multifunctional magnetic
nanomaterials for biomedical applications.
M. Nath, A. Pariti

12:00 INOR 761. Sequence-dependent struc-

ture/function elucidation of peptide-enabled

nanoparticles using a combined experimental/computational approach. N. Bedford,
R. Naik, M.R. Knecht, H. Heinz, T. Walsh

11:40 INOR 780. Synthesis and reactivity

of a Cp*Co(NHC) complex. J. Andjaba,
C.A. Bradley
Section E

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

Organometallic Chemistry

Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry

C. G. Lugmair, V. Poltavets, Organizers
A. J. Lehner, A. V. Shevelkov, Presiding
8:00 INOR 762. Intricacies of structure and the

connection to property: Examples of some

functional inorganic materials. R. Seshadri
8:40 INOR 763. Inherent inhomogeneity of
superconducting and non-superconducting
A1-xFe2-ySe2 compounds. A.V. Shevelkov,
M. Roslova, O.I. Lebedev, A.I. Boltalin, I.V. Morozov
9:00 INOR 764. Synthesis of chromium magnetic semiconductors. S.L. Stoll, H. Dalafu
9:20 INOR 765. First-principles investigation on
the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of MnRhAs. Y. Zhang, G.J. Miller
9:40 INOR 766. Low temperature hydrothermal
routes to transition metal phyllosilicates for
grid level energy storage. S. Zhou, D. Smith,
K. Nolan, B.C. Melot
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 INOR 767. Pressure-induced Eu mixed
valence and interplay between localized
(4f) and itinerant (3d) ferromagnetism
in EuCo2As2. X. Tan, D. Haskel, G. Fabbris,
A. Yaroslavtsev, H. Cao, M. Shatruk
10:35 INOR 768. Preparation of zirconium
phosphate based hexagonal prisms. J. Yu,
L. Sun
10:55 INOR 769. Conflict management:
Lessons from intermetallic chemistry.
S. Ponou, G.J. Miller
11:15 INOR 770. Preparation, crystal chemistry,
optical properties, and electronic structure
of complex metal halides related to perovskite. A.J. Lehner, E.E. Perry, C.A. Hebert,
H. Wang, M.L. Chabinyc, R. Seshadri
11:35 INOR 771. Antimony based copper
sulfide ternaries as candidate thin film
photovoltaic absorber materials. A. Welch,
P. Zawadzki, S. Lany, C.A. Wolden, A. Zakutayev
11:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Synthesis and Characterization

N. S. Radu, Organizer
B. Boardman, L. P. Spencer, Presiding
8:30 INOR 781. Transition metal carbonyl com-

plexes with new pyridine/thione ligands for

the reduction of CO2. C. Oian, D. Rabinovich
8:50 INOR 782. Comparative reactivity of
CO2 with transition metal alkyls. K. Lau,
B.J. Petro, R.F. Jordan
9:10 INOR 783. Osmium(II) -methane

complex: Isotopic analysis reveals the

methane binding mode. P.J. Sempsrott,
C.E. Flener-Lovitt, G.S. Girolami
9:30 INOR 784. Homogeneous energy transfer
between Ruthenium(II) bis-(2,2-bipyridyl)
(5,5-dicarboxy-2,2-bipyridyl) metal centers
doped into a zirconium(IV)-based metal-organic framework and its application as a
DSSC. W.A. Maza, A.J. Haring, S.R. Ahrenholtz,
C.C. Epley, C.S. Day, A.J. Morris
9:50 INOR 785. Synthesis of organometallic
C0-releasing molecules (CORMs) in the
absence of a bulk organic solvent. J. Wong,
N. Macdonald, C. Mottillo, I. Hiskic, I.S. Butler,
T. Friscic
10:10 INOR 786. Structural and reactivity
trends of heterobimetallic complexes
featuring direct Cu-M bonds (M=Cr, Mn,
Co, Mo, Ru, W, Re). M.K. Karunananda,
S. Banerjee, S. Bagherzadeh, U. Jayarathne,
S.R. Parmelee, G.W. Waldhart, N.P. Mankad
10:30 INOR 787. Withdrawn.
10:50 INOR 788. Synthesis and photophysical
properties of novel Platinum(II) acetylide
complexes. R. Winkel, K.S. Schanze
11:10 INOR 789. Synthesis and characterization of phosphorescent complexes containing corannulene. J.W. Facendola, M. Seifrid,
P.I. Djurovich, J.S. Siegel, M. Thompson
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

Interactions of Metal Complexes with

Proteins or Nucleic Acids

Organometallic Chemistry

J. R. Morrow, C. Turro, Organizers

J. J. Kodanko, Presiding


8:30 INOR 790. Tunable dirhodium complexes

N. S. Radu, Organizer
A. Poater, J. T. York, Presiding

for photochemotherapy: Enhanced production of singlet oxygen and oxygen-independent activity toward cancer cells.
K.R. Dunbar, C. Turro
9:00 INOR 791. Unusual modifications of
protein and DNA targets by precious
metal photoactivated and organometallic
anticancer agents. C. Wootton, P.B. OConnor,
P.J. Sadler
9:30 INOR 792. Exploring the nucleic acid and
protein interactions of cytotoxic ruthenium
complexes. P.C. Glazer
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 INOR 793. Development of rhodium metalloinsertors as chemotherapeutic agents.
A. Komor, J.K. Barton
10:45 INOR 794. Photoinduced dual-binding
by dirhodium (II,II) complexes with DNA.
A.M. Palmer, J.D. Knoll, C. Turro
11:15 INOR 795. Self-assembly of multimetallic complexes featuring coordination of
hexacoordinate Fe2+ or Co2+ to aminoethylgycine derivatized Ru(bpy)32+ with pendant
bipyridines. S. Sun, C.P. Myers, M. Williams

9:00 INOR 772. Metal-organic frameworks

enabling base metal catalysis. T. Zhang,
W. Lin, K. Manna, C.W. Abney, M. Carboni
9:20 INOR 773. Postsynthetic metalation of

bipyridylic containing metalorganic frameworks for highly efficient catalytic organic

transformations. K. Manna, W. Lin, T. Zhang
9:40 INOR 774. Comparing Ru and first row
transition metal-catalyzed olefin metathesis.
A. Poater
10:00 INOR 775. Structure and activity in cyclometallated Ru-based Z-selective metathesis
catalysts. B. Quigley, D.J. OLeary, R.H. Grubbs
10:20 INOR 776. Theory-assisted design of
Z-selective olefin metathesis catalysts.
G. Occhipinti, V. Koudriavtsev, K.W. Trnroos,
V.R. Jensen
10:40 INOR 777. Efficient olefin epoxidation
with an iron-NHC-carbene complex.
J.W. Kuck, M.R. Anneser, S. Haslinger, A. Pothig,
M. Cokoja, F.E. Kuehn
11:00 INOR 778. Electronic fine tuning of an
iron(II) N-heterocyclic carbene complex.
S. Haslinger, J.W. Kuck, E.M. Hahn, D.T. Weiss,
A. Pothig, M. Cokoja, J. Basset, F.E. Kuehn
11:20 INOR 779. Gold(I)-alkene bonding interactions in complexes with N-heterocyclic
carbene ligands: Insight gained from computational investigations. J.T. York

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in

the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Cosponsored by WCC
C. P. Berlinguette, D. J. Mindiola, E. J. Schelter,
M. Shatruk, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 INOR 796. Further adventures with heterometallic rings. R.E. Winpenny
8:50 INOR 797. Looking for photomagnetic
single molecule magnets. C. Mathoniere,
R. Clerac
9:10 INOR 798. Power of the coordination

cluster in modern inorganic chemistry.

A.K. Powell
9:30 INOR 799. Indigo coordination and color
chemistry: New ligands, new complexes,
and new materials from a very, very old
dog. R.G. Hicks
9:50 Intermission.
10:05 INOR 800. Functional MOFs toward
the synergistic control of electrons, spins,
structures, and chemical interactions.
H. Miyasaka
10:25 INOR 801. Optical and magnetic molecular switches. R. Clerac, C. Mathoniere, I. Jeon,
E. Koumousi, D. Li, P. Dechambenoit
10:45 INOR 802. Frontier of quantum molecular
spintronics based on single-molecule
magnets. M. Yamashita
11:05 INOR 803. Developing rational design
principles for the synthesis of qubits.
J. Zadrozny, M. Graham, M. Fataftah, S. Coste,
D.E. Freedman
11:25 INOR 804. High-field electron paramagnetic resonance determination of
the magnetic anisotropy in pseudo-octahedral mononuclear VIII complexes.
K. Thirunavukkuarasu, M.R. Saber, M. Atanasov,
F. Neese, S. Hill, K.R. Dunbar
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

Coordination Chemistry
Characterization and Applications
D. C. Crans, Organizer
S. S. Massoud, E. Norkus, Presiding
8:30 INOR 805. Hexacoordinate silicon complexes as cathodic colorants. D.M. Peloquin,
D. Dewitt, T. Lamb, S. Patel, T.A. Schmedake
8:50 INOR 806. Trojan horse and Achilles heel:

Can coordination complexes of Ga3+ and

Cu2+ fight bacterial resistance, or is it
Greek mythology? K.D. Mjos, C. Orvig
9:10 INOR 807. Cobalt(II) complexes as
efficient artificial nucleases for hydrolytic
cleavage of DNA. S.S. Massoud, F. Louka,
R. Perkins, F.A. Mautner, H. Terenzi
9:30 INOR 808. Redox properties of hemoglobins, engineered hemoglobins and hemoglobin-protein assemblies: A spectroelectrochemistry study. R. Kreulen, S. Bannerjee,
R. Bangle, C.J. Parker Siburt, A.L. Crumbliss
9:50 INOR 809. Design and synthesis of novel
octacarboxy porphyrin based metal-organic
frameworks and photocatalytic applications. J. Johnson, X. Zhang, J. Zhang
10:10 INOR 810. Giant magnetic anisotropy
in mononuclear cobalt(II) complexes with
trigonal antiprism geometry. Y. Zhang,
A. Brown, K.R. Dunbar
10:30 INOR 811. Controlling magnetic properties of bistable spin-crossover and valence
tautomeric metal complexes at room temperature. M.M. Khusniyarov, A. Witt, M. Milek
10:50 INOR 812. Guest modulated magnetic
ordering in TCNQ-based metal-organic
frameworks. X. Zhang, M.R. Saber, A. Prosvirin,
L. Sun, J. Reibenspies, K.R. Dunbar
11:10 INOR 813. Fluorescence of a gold(I)
complex with a stable fluorescent organic
radical ligand. Y. Hattori, T. Kusamoto,
H. Nishihara

11:30 INOR 814. Equilibria in alkaline formalde-

hyde-containing electroless copper plating

solutions. E. Norkus
Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Molecular Catalysts for Solar Fuels

Cosponsored by MPPG
A. M. Appel, M. Helm, J. Y. Yang, Organizers,
8:30 INOR 815. Electrocatalytic oxygen
reduction with soluble mediators. S.S. Stahl,
J.B. Gerken, C. Anson, Y. Wang
9:00 INOR 816. Studies of electrocatalytic
dioxygen reduction. J.M. Mayer, M.L. Pegis,
B.A. McKeown, D.J. Wasylenko, C. Rodriguez,
M. Rigsby, S. Raugei, E.A. Mader, C.T. Carver,
B.D. Matson
9:30 INOR 817. Perfluoropinacolate complexes

in water and their electrochemistry.

S.F. Hannigan, J.L. Steele, L.H. Doerrer
10:00 INOR 818. Metal-oxo and metal-hydroxo
species in biology. A. Borovik
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 INOR 819. Water-oxidation catalysis
for solar fuel production. G.W. Brudvig,
V.S. Batista, R.H. Crabtree, C.A. Schmuttenmaer
11:15 INOR 820. Molecular catalysts for homogeneous and heterogeneous water oxidation catalysis. J.J. Concepcion, D.W. Shaffer,
Y. Xie, D.J. Szalda, J.T. Muckerman, E. Fujita
11:45 INOR 821. Integrated catalyst-electrodes for the production of solar fuels.
J.D. Blakemore, A. Gupta, B.S. Brunschwig,
H.B. Gray

1:50 INOR 829. Synthesis and characterization

Section C

of energetic cations based on 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (FOX-7) and 1-amino-1-hydrazino-2,2-dinitroethene (HFOX).

T.T. Vo, J.M. Shreeve
2:10 INOR 830. Recent developments in the
facile synthesis of phosphorus-rich metal
phosphides and metal thiophosphates via
PCl3 elimination. E.G. Gillan, N. Coleman, Jr.
2:30 INOR 831. One-minute synthesis of
crystalline microporous aluminophosphate
AlPO4-5. Z. Liu, T. Wakihara, D. Nishioka,
K. Oshima, T. Takewaki, T. Okubo
2:50 INOR 832. Synthesis, characterization,
and application of mixed metal vanadium
oxyhydroxides. A.A. Alothman, A.W. Apblett
3:10 INOR 833. Synthesis and reactivity of only
Lewis base stabilized pnictogenylboranes.
C. Marquardt, M. Scheer
3:30 INOR 834. Introducing dimensionality in
single-molecule magnets. C. Lampropoulos,
J.M. Cain, S. Corrales, N. Mhesn, A.M. Mowson,
C. Papatriantafyllopoulou, A. Ozarowski,
J.S. Kinyon, N. Dalal, G. Christou, A. Tasiopoulos
3:50 INOR 835. Ternary synthesis of colloidal Zn3P2 quantum dots. B.A. Glassy,
B.M. Cossairt
4:10 INOR 836. Origin and tuning of chirality in
quantum dots. M. Balaz, U.N. Tohgha, L. Pap,
J. Choi, J. Kubelka, K. Varga
4:30 INOR 837. Structural origins of optoelectronic properties in quantum dots: Studies
of atomically precise cadmium selenide.
A. Beecher, J.S. Owen

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Section J


Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

Cosponsored by PRES


R. M. Richards, Organizer
S. M. Humphrey, M. A. Mahmoud, Presiding

Cosponsored by PRES
R. M. Richards, Organizer
R. Beaulac, E. Miller, Presiding
9:00 INOR 822. Dye-sensitized solar cells

using nanostructured p-type cuprous oxide.

K. Haynes, W. Youngblood
9:20 INOR 823. Thiols in nanocrystal synthesis:
Capping ligands that are more than skin
deep. M.J. Turo, J.E. Macdonald
9:40 INOR 824. Transport properties of
sulfide-capped CZTSxSe(1-x) nanoparticle
films made from a one pot solution based
synthesis. M.B. Braun, L. Korala, A.L. Prieto
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 INOR 825. Effect of ligand binding group
on excited state electron transfer to ZnO
nanocrystals. A.N. Oehrlein, A. SnchezDaz, T.M. Pappenfus, K.R. Mann, D.A. Blank,
W.L. Gladfelter
10:35 INOR 826. Photoelectron and inverse
photoelectron spectroscopy of PbS
quantum dots. E. Miller, D. Kroupa, R. Crisp,
A. Marshall, J. Zhang, P. Schulz, A. Kahn,
J. Luther, M.C. Beard, c. perkins, j. van de
10:55 INOR 827. New approach to the
synthesis of quantum confined indium
nitride colloidal nanoparticles. R. Beaulac,
B. Chakraborty, Z. Liu

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Chemistry of Materials
Materials Synthesis and Properties
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
E. G. Gillan, C. Lampropoulos, Presiding
1:30 INOR 828. Conductivity tuning of the

ITO sol-gel materials by thermal program

modification and adjusting the tin oxide
concentration. R. Baghi

1:30 INOR 838. Facile technique to break the

symmetry of the growth of silver nanocrystals into silver nanoplates. M.A. Mahmoud
1:50 INOR 839. Extended surface staple
motifs in thiolate-protected Au23 and Au24
nanoclusters: Implications for nano-gold
catalysis. A. Das, R. Jin
2:10 INOR 840. Robust organometallic gold
nanoparticles. A.A. Mohamed, S. Orefuwa,
J.B. King
2:30 INOR 841. Dynamic assemblies of gold
nanoclusters enabled by surface modifications. W.S. Compel, O. Wong, X. Chen, C. Yi,
H. Hakkinen, K.L. Knappenberger, C.J. Ackerson
2:50 INOR 842. Microwave synthesis of
unusual noble metal nanoparticle catalysts:
Immiscible alloys and core-shell structures.
S.M. Humphrey, G. Henkelman, S. Garcia,
L. Zhang, P. Kunal, G.W. Piburn, L. Polanco
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 INOR 843. Nanoparticle synthesis
using switchable ionic liquids. D. Lao,
B. Liu, X. Hua, M. Olszta, R. Kukkadapu, X. Yu,
D.J. Heldebrant, S.K. Nune
3:40 INOR 844. Synthesis and analysis of
PdPt nanoalloys via alloying individual
bulk Pd and Pt metals in molten lithium for
methanol electro-oxidation applications.
H. Barkholtz, T. Xu
4:00 INOR 845. Anionic element reagent
complexes: A generic reagent platform for nanoparticle synthesis.
M.P. Rowe, R. Desautels, E. Skoropata, N. Singh,
Y. Wroczynskyj, J. van Lierop
4:20 INOR 846. Single-source molecular
precursor route to metal phosphide
nanoparticles and their evaluation as
deoxygenation catalysts. F.G. Baddour,
S.E. Habas, D.A. Ruddy, M. Pan, C.P. Nash,
J. Wang, J.E. Hensley, J.A. Schaidle
4:40 INOR 847. Physical and chemical synthesis of metal nitride catalysts. S. Gage,
G. Leong, S. Agarwal, R.M. Richards
5:00 INOR 848. Metal and metal carbide
nanoparticles synthesis using EEW.
E. Abdelkader, S.W. Buckner, P.A. Jelliss

Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry

A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer
D. T. de Lill, D. A. Penchoff, Presiding
1:30 INOR 849. Recycling of the nationally

critical element erbium: Electrochemical

reduction of erbium coordination compounds in ionic liquids. R.F. Hess, T.J. Boyle,
T.N. Lambert, S. Limmer, D. Kammler, L.J. Small,
J. Sears, A. Cook, M. Brumbach
1:50 INOR 850. Theoretical studies of binding
preferences in separations of lanthanides
and actinides. D.A. Penchoff, G.K. Schweitzer,
R.J. Harrison
2:10 INOR 851. Plasmon-enhanced energy
transfer and other photophysical effects
in doped-lanthanide nanocrystals. Q. Sun,
Y. Ding, V. Singh, P. Nagpal
2:30 INOR 852. Sensitization of lanthanide
luminescence via ligand-capped zinc
sulfide quantum dots. R.A. Tigaa, G. Lucas,
A. De Bettencourt Dias
2:50 Intermission.
3:00 INOR 853. Physical properties of rareearth complexes in the +2 oxidation state.
M. Fieser, J.W. Ziller, W.J. Evans
3:20 INOR 854. Coordination chemistry of
lanthanide and actinide complexes with
mixed O- and N-donor ligand scaffolds.
J.L. Brown-McDonald, A. Gaunt
3:40 INOR 855. Implications for strong inverse
trans influence stabilization in the chemistry of uranium nitrogen multiple bonds.
K.C. Mullane, A. Lewis, E.J. Schelter
4:00 Intermission.
4:10 INOR 856. Investigating sensitized
luminescence in lanthanide coordination
polymers. D.T. de Lill
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Organometallic Chemistry
N. S. Radu, Organizer
P. J. Walsh, X. Wang, Presiding
1:30 INOR 857. Arylation of weakly acidic

CHs with heterobimetallic catalysts.

P.J. Walsh
1:50 INOR 858. Addressing high barriers in
base metal CH functionalization: Impact of
non-innocent ancillary ligands. A.J. Nett,
P.M. Zimmerman, J. Montgomery
2:10 INOR 859. Mechanism of a ligand-promoted C(sp3)H activation and arylation
reaction via palladium catalysis: Theoretical
demonstration of a Pd(II)/Pd(IV) redox
manifold. X. Wang, Y. Dang, J.W. Nelson,
H.D. Pham, Z. Wang
2:30 INOR 860. Withdrawn.
2:50 INOR 861. C-H activation and subsequent
chemistry of alkyl tungsten and heteroatom-containing alkyl tungsten complexes
initiated by Cp*W(NO)(CH2CMe3)(3-CH2CHCHPh). R.J. Wakeham, P. Legzdins
3:10 INOR 862. C-H functionalization of
hydrocarbons and formation of new C-C
bonds initiated by Cp*W(NO)(alkyl)(3-allyl)
and Cp*W(NO)(H)(3-allyl) complexes.
R.A. Baillie, P. Legzdins
3:30 INOR 863. Direct Csp2-Csp3 cross-coupling of diarylzinc reagents with 1, 2 and
3 alkylhalides. J.J. Dunsford, M. Ingleson
3:50 INOR 864. Chelating -aryl post-metallocenes: Unusual reaction pathways and
synthetic models of weak attractive ligand
polymer interactions. M. Chan, C. Liu
4:10 INOR 865. Well-defined boralumoxanes
as convenient MAO modelling compounds.
H. Zijlstra, S. Harder
4:30 INOR 866. Exploring titanium biphenylphenol catalysts for ethylene-octene
polymerization processes. L.P. Spencer,
N. Aboelella, J. Klosin, P. Fontaine



Section E

3:30 INOR 882. Flexible, open chain tetracar-

2:30 INOR 899. Hemi-cage 5,5 substituted

1:50 INOR 914. Impact of structure on met-

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

bene ligands: Diversity in structural motifs

depending on ligand structure and metal
center. D.T. Weiss, S. Haslinger, C. Jandl,
A. Pothig, M. Cokoja, J.M. Basset, F.E. Kuehn
3:50 INOR 883. Withdrawn.
4:10 INOR 884. Synthesis, structure, and
reactivity of bis(oxazoline)-substituted
cyclopentadienyl and fluorenyl rhodium and
iridium complexes. B. Schmidt, A.D. Sadow
4:30 INOR 885. Development of new ligands
for [MI(CO)3]+ (M= Re, 99mTc) complexes with
enhanced chemical properties and stability.
T.R. Hayes, P.A. Lyon, C.L. Barnes, S.L. Trabue,
P.D. Benny
4:50 INOR 886. Hydrogen bonding behavior of
amide-functionalized -diimine palladium
complexes. F. Zhai, R.F. Jordan

cobalt bipyridine complexes for use as dye

sensitized solar cell mediators. J.D. Thomas,
C.M. Elliott, A.L. Prieto
2:50 INOR 900. Photoelectrochemical
properties of p-type GaP(111)A after
deliberate surface chemisorption. E. Brown,
S. Maldonado
3:10 INOR 901. Hybrid molecular/materials
passivation of p-silicon(111) photocathodes: Band-edge modulation with organic
surface linkers and thin film Al2O3 or TiO2.
M.J. Rose, H. Kim, J. Seo, L. Le

Section G

Applications to Materials and Polymer


al-ligand covalency in late transition metal

complexes: Do variations in diphosphine
bite angle matter? S.R. Daly, C. Donahue,
A. Blake, B.J. Bellott, C.M. Forrest, J.M. Keith,
S. McCollom
2:10 INOR 915. Fluorescent d10 metal complexes for the presumptive identification of
substances of abuse and the implementation of a cell phone fluorimeter for field
identification. D.J. Nash, R.G. Blair
2:30 INOR 916. High temperature X-ray
absorption spectroscopic investigation of
Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6- solid oxide fuel cell electrodes. B.C. Eigenbrodt, T. Sultana, A. DOrazio,
T. Marshall, J. Gerardi, C.U. Segre
2:50 INOR 917. Measurement of the activation energies of exciton migration in
ruthenium(II) and rhodium(III) polypyridyl and phenanthroline complexes via
luminescence at cryogenic temperatures.
J.W. Kenney, J. Macwillie, p. weaver, R. Ramos,
N. Nunez, G.A. Crosby
3:10 INOR 918. Variable-temperature
multinuclear NMR spectra of the
[Mn12O12(O2CR)16(H2O)4] family of single-molecule magnets in solution. A. Fournet,
K.A. Abboud, G. Christou
3:30 Intermission.
3:40 INOR 919. Iron(II) and cobalt (II) paraCEST
MRI contrast agents responsive to pH and
redox environment. P.B. Tsitovich, J.R. Morrow
4:00 INOR 920. Optical properties of Ag
nanocrystals self-assembled in thin 3D
crystalline superlattices. J. Wei, N. Schaeffer,
M. Pileni
4:20 INOR 921. Investigation of valence
tautomerism in cobalt-dioxolene vomplexes
using K X-ray emission spectroscopy.
W. Liang, D. Nordlund, T. Weng, D. Sokaras,
C.G. Pierpont, K. Gaffney
4:40 INOR 922. Bromine atom formation by
visible light driven bromide oxidation with a
Ru polypyridyl compound. G. Li, G.J. Meyer
5:00 INOR 923. d- and f-Orbital mixing in
open-shell systems. S.E. Stieber, E.R. Batista,
D.L. Clark, M.W. Lble, R.L. Martin, S.G. Minasian,
J.A. Trujillo, S.A. Kozimor
5:20 INOR 924. Surface and bulk characteristics of Zn/Ni substituted cobalt oxide spinel
p-type semiconductors. C.C. Mercado,
C.L. Donley, C. Flynn, A. Zakutayev, K. Zhu,
J. Cahoon, A.J. Nozik

Inorganic Catalysts
S. A. Koch, Organizer
A. K. Vannucci, Presiding
1:30 INOR 867. Innocent role of Sc3+ on a

non-heme Fe catalyst in an O2 environment.

A. Poater, S. Chaitanya Vummaleti, L. Cavallo
1:50 INOR 868. Electrocatalytic reductive

carbon-carbon cross coupling using well

defined Ni catalysts. A.K. Vannucci
2:10 INOR 869. Characterization of BiOX compounds as photocatalysts for the degradation of pharmaceuticals in water. J.C. Ahern,
R. Fairchild, J. Thomas, J. Carr, H.H. Patterson
2:30 INOR 870. Molybdenum complexes for
effecting organophosphate hydrolysis.
L.Y. Kuo, Y. Shariati
2:50 INOR 871. Chiral pincer complexes: A
study on the influence of catalyst design in
an asymmetric P-H bond addition reaction.
W. Tay, X. Yang, Y. Li, P.A. Sumod, P. Leung
3:10 Intermission.
3:20 INOR 872. Incorporation of Lewis acidic
or Lewis basic group in the secondary
coordination sphere of metal complexes for
the modulation of C-H bond formation and
cleavage. Z. Thammavongsy
3:40 INOR 873. Electronic tuning of H2 production catalyzed by Co complexes with pentadentate ligands. X. Zhao, M. Vennampalli,
G. liang, L. Katta, C.E. Webster
4:00 INOR 874. Rigid tetraphenylelement
linker scaffolds for immobilizing catalysts
on oxide supports. E.M. Steffensmeier,
J.H. Baker, B. Beele, J. Bluemel
4:20 INOR 875. Active catalysts for oxygen
containing substrates: Actinide coordination complexes. I. Karmel, N. Fridman,
T. Bannenberg, M. Tamm, M. Eisen
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304

Organometallic Chemistry
New Ligand Platforms
N. S. Radu, Organizer
M. V. Barybin, D. V. Peryshkov, Presiding
1:30 INOR 876. New developments in the

chemistry of low-valent organometallics featuring linear azulenic -linkers.

M.V. Barybin
1:50 INOR 877. Flexible coordination of PC=CP
ligands to late transition metals. B. Barrett,
V.M. Iluc
2:10 INOR 878. Proton-switchable nitrile
hydroboration by a rationally designed
bifunctional ruthenium complex. J.B. Geri,
N.K. Szymczak
2:30 INOR 879. New pyrrole-based PNP pincer
complexes with late transition metals.
J.A. Kessler, V.M. Iluc
2:50 INOR 880. Carborane clusters in metal-ligand cooperative substrate activation.
D.V. Peryshkov, B.J. Eleazer
3:10 INOR 881. Synthesis, reactivity, and
catalystic behavior of heterobimetallic
cooperative complexes based on a -oxo-diiminate ligand. H. Chiu, I.A. Tonks

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

Environmental and Energy-Related Inorganic

S. A. Koch, Organizer
M. Emmert, Presiding
1:30 INOR 887. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction

from organic/inorganic hybrid system.

S.O. Kang, H. Son, D. Won
1:50 INOR 888. Water splitting with Prussian
blue-type catalysts. J. Galan-Mascaros,
B. Rodrguez-Garca
2:10 INOR 889. Fixation of carbon dioxide
to oxalate and carbonate by copper
complexes. U.R. Pokharel, F.R. Fronczek,
A.W. Maverick
2:30 INOR 890. Mechanism of the doped
hercynite cycle for solar thermal water
splitting. C. Muhich, K. Weston, D. Arin,
A.H. McDaniel, E.N. Coker, B. Ehrhart, V. Witte,
A.W. Weimer, C. Musgrave
2:50 Intermission.
3:00 INOR 891. Peroxo-based oxygen-rich
compounds for potential use as new high
energy-dense oxidizers. N.H. Gamage,
B. Stiasny, J. Stierstorfer, P.D. Martin,
T.M. Klaptke, C.H. Winter
3:20 INOR 892. Plasmonic behavior of copper
iron sulfide nanoparticles. K. Plass,
N.J. Freymeyer, C. Kim, C.J. Wisdo, Z. Georgieva
3:40 INOR 893. Combining separation science
and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence for
fuels. L.A. Finney, S. Vogt, R.E. Winans
4:00 INOR 894. A p-GaInP2 photoelectrode for
water reduction stabilized with TiO2 and
a molecular cobalt catalyst. J. Gu, Y. Yan,
J. Young, N.R. Neale, J.A. Turner
4:20 INOR 895. Sustainable methods for rare
earth recycling: Chemical perspectives on
critical materials. M. Emmert
4:40 INOR 1058. Consequences of chloromethane (R40) mixed in with tetrafluoroethane
(R134a); production of trimethylaluminum,
reactivity of TMA and various refrigerant oils
and methods to deactivate trimethylaluminum. R.L. Luck, Z. Chen, J.M. Marciniok,
A.W. Schultz
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

B. L. Lucht, Organizer
N. Bedford, Presiding
1:30 INOR 896. Perfluoroalkyl-fluorophosphate

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

anions for high voltage electrolytes in

lithium cells: A DFT study. S. Brutti,
R. Spezia, M. Carboni
1:50 INOR 897. Bromine-free quinone flow
battery chemistries. M.P. Marshak, M.J. Aziz,
R.G. Gordon
2:10 INOR 898. Non-platinum group metal
bimetallic electrocatalyst for alternative
fuel oxidation and ammonia production.
N. Bedford, L.F. Greenlee, A.M. Herring

Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Organometallic Chemistry

N. S. Radu, Organizer
B. Boardman, R. Wright, Presiding
1:30 INOR 902. Influence of - Stacking,

-cation interactions and axial steric

blockage on the ethylene polymerization
behavior of asymmetric hosphine-sulfonate
palladium methyl complexes. G. Feng,
J.J. Defoe, R.F. Jordan
1:50 INOR 903. Cobalamin-fluorophore
based photoinitiators for hydrogel
curing with tissue penetrating light.
Z. Rodgers, R.M. Hughes, L. Doherty, J.R. Shell,
B. Molesky, A. Brugh, A.M. Moran, M.D. Forbes,
D.S. Lawrence
2:10 INOR 904. Synthesis and characterization of chiral C2-symmetric bimetallic zinc
complexes of amido-oxazolinates: Active
initiators for asymmetric copolymerization
of CO2 and cyclohexene Ooide. S. Abbina,
V.K. Chidara, S. Bian, G. Du
2:30 INOR 905. Hydrophilic polycarbonates
derived from coupling of cyclohexadiene
and CO2 utilizing metal salen catalysts.
W. Chung, D.J. Darensbourg
2:50 INOR 906. Withdrawn.
3:10 INOR 907. In situ tacticity control in
lactide polymerization reactions. J. Byers,
C.M. Manna, L. Yablon
3:30 INOR 908. Synthesis, characterization,
and the applications of novel zinc alkyl
complexes for polylactide synthesis.
O. Falola, J.S. Matthews
3:50 INOR 909. Synthesis, characterization,
and investigation of cobalt chalcogenide
clusters with thienyl phosphine ligands
as new acceptor materials for P3HT.
B.M. Boardman, B.J. Reeves, D.M. Shircliff,
J.L. Shott
4:10 INOR 910. Formation of stoichiometric GaAs from thin films of [tBu(H)
AsGaEt2]3: Mechanistic studies and
isolation of the novel cluster {[tBu(H)
AsGaEt2]3[tBuAsGaEt]2}. R. Wright, A. Sokolov,
G. Athens, A. Krasovskiy, R. Froese, L. Spencer,
B. Gerhart, P.N. Nickias, J.C. Stevens
4:30 INOR 911. Synthesis of unprecedented
solution-stable metal organic oligomers via
iClick and Au-Au bond formation. X. Yang,
A. Powers, I. Ghiviriga, K.A. Abboud, A.S. Veige
4:50 INOR 912. Solvent control of surface
plasmon mediated chemical deposition of
Au nanoparticles from phosphorus based
organo-gold precursors. C. Muhich, J. Qiu,
A. Holder, W. Wei, L. McElwee-White, C. Musgrave
Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

Inorganic Spectroscopy
S. A. Koch, Organizer
S. R. Daly, Presiding
1:30 INOR 913. Photoluminescence decay

dynamics of white light emitting ultrasmall cadmium selenide nanocrystals:

Mechanistic insights to foster the development of an energy-efficient solid state sunlight-mimicking device. N. Oreld, J. Keene,
T. Frecker, L.M. Davis, S.J. Rosenthal

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Bioinorganic Chemistry
S. A. Koch, Organizer
K. E. Splan, Presiding
8:00 INOR 925. Interaction of amino-acids

with ferredoxin-like centers in a designed

metallopeptid. J. Schmitt, J.M. Shearer
8:20 INOR 926. DNA-mediated signaling by
the E. coli helicase, DinG. M.A. Grodick,
T.J. Zwang, J.K. Barton
8:40 INOR 927. Ferromagnetically coupled
(S = 1) peroxodicopper(II) complex.
N. Kindermann, S. Dechert, S. Demeshko,
E.J. Reijerse, E. Bill, F. Meyer
9:00 INOR 928. Spectroscopic characterization
of Cu(I) binding at the BIR2 domain of the
X-linked Inhibitor of apoptosis protein.
K.E. Splan, Y. Liang
9:20 INOR 929. Label-free electrochemical
detection of human methyltransferase
from tumors. A.L. Furst, N. Muren, M.G. Hill,
J.K. Barton
9:40 Intermission.
9:50 INOR 930. Ru(II) complex-antibody conjugation for targeted photochemotherapy.
J.D. Knoll, C. Turro
10:10 INOR 931. Arming anticancer platinum(IV) complexes as prodrugs for targeted
chemotherapy. W. Ang, D. Wong, J. Lim

10:30 INOR 932. Ruthenium anticancer agents

with redox-active intercalating ligands

(RAILs): Correlation of reduction potential
with DNA cleavage activity. E.S. Narh,
J. Nguyen, F.M. MacDonnell
10:50 INOR 933. Characterization and reactivity of metallosalophen complexes with
G-quadruplexes. M.J. Ross, J.A. Cowan
11:10 INOR 934. New dirhodium (II,II) complex
with potential dual-binding to DNA upon
photoactivation. R. Akhimie, C. Turro
11:30 INOR 935. Construction and application
of a Rh-Pt DNA metalloinsertor conjugate.
A.G. Weidmann, J.K. Barton
11:50 INOR 936. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
and cobalt: A new approach to the fight
against M. tb resistance. T.J. Greeneld
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Chemistry of Materials
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
L. V. Frolova, J. R. Soliz, Presiding
8:30 INOR 937. Grain structure and transport

in nanocrystalline cadmium selenide.

Z. Norman, J.S. Owen
8:50 INOR 938. Nanocrystals of lithium group
14 compounds: Synthesis, stability, and
carbon encapsulation. J.E. Cloud, Y. Wang,
X. Li, T. Yoder, L. Taylor, Y. Yang, Y. Yang
9:10 INOR 939. How the crystalline structure
of Co nanocrystals plays a role in the
Kirkendall processes. Z. Yang, N. Yang,
M. Pileni
9:30 INOR 940. Graphene as the test material
for chemical modifications of bulk graphite.
L.V. Frolova
9:50 INOR 941. Cation-vacancy and
electron-hole relaxation in single-walled
aluminosilicate nanotubes: A linear-scaling
density functional theory study. E. Poli,
G. Teobaldi
10:10 Intermission.
10:25 INOR 942. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for toxic
gas adsorption. J.R. Soliz, A.J. Hauser,
K.M. Bussmann, M.S. Osofsky, C.J. Karwacki
10:45 INOR 943. First stoichiometric metal
chalcogenide nanocrystal. P. Chen,
N.C. Anderson, Z. Norman, J.S. Owen
11:05 INOR 944. Chromium-based chalcospinel nanocrystals: Syntheses and magnetism. K. Ramasamy, A. Gupta
11:25 INOR 945. Synthesis, functionalization, and surface modification of layered
zirconium phosphate nanoplatelets. Y. Kan,
A. Cleareld
11:45 INOR 946. Effects of the spatial location
of Ag in titania nanotube on its photocatalytic activity and toxicity. S.A. Ferdousi, Y. Li,
K.L. Yeung, Y. Xu
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

Coordination Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization
D. C. Crans, Organizer
D. Harris, M. Harris, Presiding
8:00 INOR 947. Closed-shell metal complexes
of caffeine sulfide and selenide. M. Styron,
D. Rabinovich
8:20 INOR 948. 1Dl coordination polymers of
metallacrowns. C.M. Zaleski
8:40 INOR 949. Multireceptor host-guest

complexation studies of novel ruthenium(II)

ethylene-oxide oligomers, poylamine
macrocycles, and tripodal cage complexes.
M. Harris, B. Carpenter, T. Carroll, W. Lewis,
A. Thomas, M. McBride, A. Smale
9:00 INOR 950. Synthesis and crystal
structures of oxo-molybdenum(VI),
oxo-vanadium(V) and alkaline earth cations-based clusters. A. Moneeb, A. Apblett,
A. Alabdulrahman, A. Bagabas

9:20 INOR 951. Polyoxometalate complexes of anatase-TiO2 cores. M. Raula,

G. Gan Or, M. Saganovich, Y. Wang, R. Gobetto,
I.A. Weinstock

Section E

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 201

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401

9:40 INOR 952. Novel transition metal(II)-2,5-di-

Organometallic Chemistry


amino-2(difluoromethyl)pentanoic acid
hydrochloride-1- hydrate complexes:
Syntheses, characterization, structural
elucidation, and their biological potency.
J.A. Obaleye, W.A. Osunniran, A.C. Tella,
J.O. Adebayo, M.O. Bamigboye
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 INOR 953. Coordination chemistry of a
fluorescein-decorated phosphine ligand.
A. DeLaRosa, F.P. Gabbai
10:30 INOR 954. Updating Richman-Atkins
for the 21st century: Simpler, faster,
and greener azamacrocycle synthesis.
M. Wasilewski, M. Wetzler
10:50 INOR 955. Synthesis and characterization of tris-(2-aminoethyl)amine copper
complexes ncorporating para-substituted
electron withdrawing functional groups.
A.R. McGlone
11:10 INOR 956. Withdrawn.
11:30 INOR 957. Tetrahedral Sn-silsesquioxane:
Synthesis, characterization, and adsorption
properties. E.V. Beletskiy, Z. Shen, M.V. Riofski,
X. Hou, J.R. Gallagher, J.T. Miller, Y. Wu,
M.C. Kung, H.H. Kung
11:50 INOR 958. Generalization of the
donor-acceptor charge transfer complexation of Pt(bipyridine)(dithiolate) donors
and nitrofluorenone acceptors to exhibit
black-absorber behavior in the solid state
and solution. C. Browning


Metal Oxides
Cosponsored by PRES

Section D

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Colorado Convention Center

Room 304


Main Group Chemistry

Cosponsored by PRES

T. W. Hudnall, Organizer
C. Martin, K. H. Pannell, Presiding

R. M. Richards, Organizer
B. G. Trewyn, Presiding

8:00 INOR 976. Functionalization of nine-atom

deltahedral germanium clusters. F. Li,
S.C. Sevov

8:30 INOR 959. New and efficient surface

modification of NaYF4: Yb3+, Er3+ upconversion phosphor nanoparticles (UCNP) for

biomedical imaging and organic photovoltaic applications. S.K. Cho, S. Ahn, L. Su,
T.W. Flaig, W. Park
8:50 INOR 960. Cholera toxin subunit
B-modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles
as vehicles for the improved intracellular
delivery of proteins. W. Walker, J.L. Vivero
9:10 INOR 961. Incorporating enzyme and
metal nanoparticle catalysts on mesoporous silica supports for tandem reactions.
M.M. Otting, X. Sun, B.G. Trewyn
9:30 INOR 962. Power of rust and sand at
the nanoscale: Iron oxide and mesoporous silica nanoparticles for theranostic
applications. K. Hurley, H. Ring, M. Etheridge,
J. Zhang, N. Klein, V. Szlag, C. Chung,
Q. Shao, T.M. Reineke, M. Garwood, J. Bischof,
C.L. Haynes
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 INOR 963. Withdrawn.
10:20 INOR 964. Nanostructured organosilica
hybrids as highly efficient and regenerable
sorbents for rare earth extraction. J. Florek,
A. Mushtaq, E. Juere, F.G. Fontaine, D. Lariviere,
F. Kleitz
10:40 INOR 965. Effects of bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)
propyl]tetrasulfide on gold nano particle
formation in gold intercalated in the wall of
mesoporous silica. Y. Ji, R.M. Richards
11:00 INOR 966. Tackling environment and
energy challenges with mesoporous nanomaterial technology. B.G. Trewyn
11:20 INOR 967. Selectively inner-surface
methylated single-walled aluminosilicate
nanotubes, toward integration of chemical
separation and (photo-)catalysis in confined
volumes? J.D. Elliott, G. Teobaldi

N. S. Radu, Organizer
S. C. Chmely, N. P. Mankad, Presiding
9:00 INOR 968. Withdrawn.

R. M. Richards, Organizer
F. Kleitz, Presiding

9:20 INOR 969. Deoxygenation of CO2 and

9:00 INOR 988. Fe-doped ZnO colloidal nano-

N2O enabled by bimetallic cooperativity:

Control of reactivity and selectivity using
tunable bimetallic effects. N.P. Mankad,
S. Bagherzadeh, S. Parmelee, U. Jayarathne
9:40 INOR 970. Light-activated iron bifunctional catalysts for transfer hydrogenations
of polar double bonds. S.C. Chmely, P. Das
10:00 INOR 971. Studies on the reductive
elimination of C-X ( X = C, N, S) bonds
from a Co(III) center and its applications in
catalysis. C. Palit, S. Timpa, O. Ozerov
10:20 INOR 972. Regulation of iron-catalyzed
olefin hydroboration by ligand modifications at a remote site. K.T. Tseng, J. Kampf,
N.K. Szymczak
10:40 INOR 973. Understanding H2 oxidation
by [Fe-Fe] hydrogenase: From enzymatic
function to functional mimics. N. Kumar,
S. Raugei, B. Ginovska-Pangovska, M. Dupuis,
M. Helm, M. Bullock
11:00 INOR 974. Cooperative catalysts for the
synthesis of polyesters. R.J. Hue, I.A. Tonks
11:20 INOR 975. Rhodium-catalyzed reduction
of secondary and tertiary amides to amines
using phenylsilane. Z. Weinstein, A.D. Sadow

crystals: Synthesis, characterization, and

photodoping. D. Zhou, K.R. Kittilstved
9:20 INOR 989. High-surface-area nanostructured mixed metal oxides for catalytic
applications. H. Yen, F. Kleitz
9:40 INOR 990. Preparation and characterization of magnesium oxide and nickel
oxide nanostructures with polar surfaces.
S.M. Shulda, F. Lin, D. Nordlund, T. Weng,
R.M. Richards
10:00 INOR 991. Cu- and Ni-doped -MnO2
electrocatalysts for reversible oxygen
electrochemistry. T.N. Lambert, J.A. Vigil,
S.E. White, B.S. Swartzentruber
10:20 Intermission.
10:30 INOR 992. Growth and characterization
of LaNiO3 nanostructures using chemical
vapor deposition. J.S. Page, A.L. Prieto
10:50 INOR 993. Low-temperature synthesis of
compositionally complex scheelite-structured nanocrystals. S. Culver, R.L. Brutchey
11:10 INOR 994. Design of magnetically recoverable catalysts via controlled aggregation
of iron oxide and catalytic nanoparticles. R. Easterday, Y. Losovyj, M. Pink,
B. Stein, D. Morgan, V.Y. Doluda, L.Z. Nikoshvili,
E.M. Sulman, W. Mahmoud, A.A. Al-Ghamdi,
L. Bronstein

8:20 INOR 977. Exploration of aluminum(I)

chemistry: Reactions involving AlX (X= Cl or

Br). S.M. De Carlo, B.W. Eichhorn
8:40 INOR 978. Steric bulk as both inhibitor
and promoter of reactivity: the case
of group 15 M[N(SiMe3)2]3 complexes.
N.C. Boyde, T.P. Hanusa
9:00 INOR 979. Inverse FLP and related acidbase chemistry of Verkades superbase.
S. Mummadi, C. Krempner
9:20 INOR 980. Cationic carbon Lewis acids in
frustrated Lewis pairs. L. Curless, M. Ingleson
9:40 INOR 981. Hexacoordinate polypyridylsilicon(IV) chemistry for electronic and
catalytic applications. T.A. Schmedake,
B.T. Donovan-Merkert, C. Maguylo, D.M. Peloquin
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 INOR 982. Stepwise anion-induced
polarity reversal of an antimony-transition
metal bond. J. Jones, F.P. Gabbai
10:30 INOR 983. Synthesis, spectroscopic, and
structural characterization of structurally
unique trialkylboranes: Evidence of unusual
geometries stabilized by dispersion effects.
M.A. Faust, P.P. Power
10:50 INOR 984. Investigating ring expansion
reactions with pentaphenylborole. K. Huang,
C. Martin
11:10 INOR 985. Synthesis, spectroscopic
properties, and structural characterization
of new BODIPY fluorophores. L.I. Saucedo,
E. William, Y. Li, L. Tan, P. Tu, R. Roacho,
A.J. Metta-Magana, E. Pena-Cabrera, K.H. Pannell
11:30 INOR 986. Stabilization of reactive
main group species by coordination to
carbonyl-decorated carbenes. T.W. Hudnall,
C.L. Deardorff, R.E. Sikma, K.M. Melancon,
M.B. Gildner
11:50 INOR 987. Polyborates as coordination compounds. D.M. Schubert, D. Neiner,
M.K. McCray

Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 203

Coordination Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization
D. C. Crans, Organizer
D. Rabinovich, C. M. Zaleski, Presiding
8:00 INOR 995. Synthesis, structure, and

volatility of alkali and alkaline earth element

hexafluoroacetylacetonate complexes.
D.B. Rego, P.M. Forster, K. Czerwinski
8:20 INOR 996. Effect of precursor ligand on
particle size/morphology of zinc oxide
nanomaterials. E. Rukundo, A. Apblett
8:40 INOR 997. Unexpected facile access to
dimetallic cryptates containing an elaborate
hydrogen bonding network. J.B. Gordon,
G. Guillet, K.A. Abboud, L.J. Murray
9:00 INOR 998. Preparation and properties
of a molecular analog of a perovskite-like
structure. A.E. Thuijs, Y. Oh, S. Cheong,
K.A. Abboud, G. Christou
9:20 INOR 999. Supramolecular aggregates of
single-molecule magnets. A.M. Mowson
9:40 INOR 1000. Ligand field modification of
cobalt-H2bip complexes to control field
induced magnetic relaxations. I. Bhowmick,
A.K. Rappe, M.P. Shores
10:00 Intermission.
10:10 INOR 1001. Dinuclear complexes
as model systems to explore magnetic
coupling through tetrazine-based radical
ligands. T.J. Woods, M.F. Ballesteros-Rivas,
K.R. Dunbar
10:30 INOR 1002. Investigation of spin-crossover behavior in cobalt tetrazene complexes with chelating ligands. A.C. Bowman,
H.J. Zecca, H. Kim
10:50 INOR 1003. Electronic effects on
dinuclear iron(II) spin crossover complexes
bridged by diiminobenzoquinonoid.
J.G. Park, I. Jeon, D. Harris
11:10 INOR 1004. Employing hydrogen-bonding interactions to modulate magnetic
relaxation in a Co(II) tripodal iminopyridine-based complex. C.M. Klug, I. Bhowmick,
A.K. Rappe, M.P. Shores



11:30 INOR 1005. Strong magnetic coupling

10:50 INOR 1023. Synthesis, characterization,

4:00 Intermission.

in dinuclear transition metal complexes

bridged by redox-active ligands. I. Jeon,
D. Harris
11:50 INOR 1006. Magnetic and spectroscopic
properties of linear two-coordinate transition metal complexes. C. Lin, G.J. Long,
P.P. Power

and reactivity study of a masked Ti(II)

complex. R. Aguilar, S. Fortier, A. Metta-Magana
11:10 INOR 1024. Size effect and odd-even
alternation in the melting of single and
stacked silver alkanethiolate layers:
Experiment and phenomenological model.
Z. Ye, L. de la Rama, L. Hu, M. Efremov, L. Allen
11:30 INOR 1025. Molecular switches:
Exploring the counter-ion problem.
J.A. Christie, R. Forrest, S. Corcelli, N.A. Wasio,
R. Quardokus, S.A. Kandel, Y. Lu, C.S. Lent,
A.G. Oliver, K.W. Henderson

4:10 INOR 1040. Increasing the reactivity

Section I

Colorado Convention Center

Room 205

Inorganic Catalysts
S. A. Koch, Organizer
T. J. Hubin, Presiding
8:30 INOR 1007. Structure-function relation-

ships for electrocatalytic water oxidation

by molecular [Mn12O12] clusters. Y. Yan,
D.A. Ruddy
8:50 INOR 1008. Functional ordered mesoporous metal carbides. M. Xu, M.R. Nimlos,
B.G. Trewyn, R.M. Richards
9:10 INOR 1009. Withdrawn.
9:30 INOR 1010. Single-crystal to single-crystal
structural and chemical transformation of
a Fe-based mononuclear electrocatalyst
for hydrogen production. X. Wang, T. Liu,
M. Bullock
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 INOR 1011. Two 4-step mechanisms for
nanoparticle nucleation, growth, bimolecular agglomeration, and then autocatalytic
agglomeration or secondary autocatalytic
growth. P. Kent, R.G. Finke
10:20 INOR 1012. Progress in developing an
aerobic hydrocarbon oxidation catalyst.
C.C. Scarborough, G.J. Karahalis, C.T. Buru,
A. Thangavel
10:40 INOR 1013. Measurement of aqueous
hydricities of transition-metal hydrogen
evolution catalysts. C. Tsay, B. Livesay,
J. Yang
11:00 INOR 1014. Activation of CO2 utilizing
Lewis acid/base cooperativity from a NiFe
bimetallic Robson-type complex. S. Poteet,
J. Yang
11:20 INOR 1015. Synthesis, structural
studies, and oxidation catalysis of the late
first row transition metal complexes of a
2-pyridylmethyl pendant armed ethylene
cross-bridged cyclam. T.J. Hubin, D.G. Jones,
A.D. Shircliff, G. Yin, T.J. Prior
Section J

Colorado Convention Center

Room 402

Organometallic Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization
N. S. Radu, Organizer
S. Fortier, V. M. Iluc, Presiding
8:30 INOR 1016. Metal-ligand interactions:

E-H activation and metal-element multiple

bonding. V.M. Iluc
8:50 INOR 1017. Synthesis, characterization,
and coordination chemistry of a new guanidinate ligand class possessing ketimine
backbones. A. Maity, S. Fortier, L. Griego,
A.J. Metta-Magana
9:10 INOR 1018. Identification and characterization of an 2 nitrogen-nitrogen
complex between diazoalkanes and lithium
dimethylcuprate. J. Morse, M.D. Murphy,
S.H. Bertz, C. Ogle
9:30 INOR 1019. U(bipy)4: A mistaken case
of U(0)? S. Fortier, J. Le Roy, K. Ghiassi,
M.M. Olmstead, D. Villagran, M. Murugesu,
A.J. Metta-Magana
9:50 INOR 1020. Structural and chemical
study of iron supported by super bulky
guanidinates. S. Fortier, A. Maity, L. Griego,
A.J. Metta-Magana
10:10 INOR 1021. Mechanochemical vs.
solution syntheses of group 15 bulky allyl
metal complexes. N.R. Rightmire, D.L. Bruns,
T.P. Hanusa
10:30 INOR 1022. CH bond activation by
iridium (III) pincer dicarboxylate complexes.
A.M. Wright, K.I. Goldberg

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

Cosponsored by PRES
R. M. Richards, Organizer
N. R. Neale, M. Zamkov, Presiding
1:30 INOR 1026. Progress towards complete

photocatalytic water splitting utilizing hybrid

nanoparticles. A.D. LaCroix, J. Macdonald
1:50 INOR 1027. Phase dependent visible to
near-infrared photoluminescence of CuInS2
nanocrystals. A. Leach, J. Macdonald
2:10 INOR 1028. Silicon monoxide: A convenient precursor for near infrared emitting
silicon nanocrystals and switching-on
quantum size effects. W. Sun, C. Qian,
G.A. Ozin
2:30 INOR 1029. Growth of CuInS2 nanoplatelets by cation exchange and mechanism
study. L. Mu, W.E. Buhro
2:50 Intermission.
3:00 INOR 1030. Sub-diffraction imaging of
exciton diffusion in semiconductor nanocrystal solids. M. Zamkov, N.N. Kholmicheva,
P. Moroz
3:20 INOR 1031. Surface passivation of group
14 nanocrystals. N.R. Neale
3:40 INOR 1032. Cu2ZnSnS4/Cu2Se core/shell
nanocrystal thin films: Manipulation of
charge carrier transport through surface
modification. L. Korala, A.L. Prieto
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry

A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer
P. C. Burns, N. E. Travia, Presiding
1:30 INOR 1033. Withdrawn.
1:50 INOR 1034. Coordination chemistry of

the rare-earths in a tripodal nitroxide ligand

framework: New chemistry for magnet recycling. J.A. Bogart, C.A. Lippincott, P.J. Carroll,
E.J. Schelter*
2:10 INOR 1035. Interactions of uranium and
plutonium with phosphonate-functionalized
mesoporous silica. E.C. Uribe, J. Shusterman,
A. Bruchet, H. Mason, H. Nitsche
2:30 INOR 1036. Exploring the chemistry of
the f-elements with nitrogen-rich ligands.
N.E. Travia, K. Browne, J.L. Kiplinger, D.E. Morris,
A. Mueller, A. Nelson, A.J. Parkison, B. Scott,
B.C. Tappan, J. Veauthier
2:50 Intermission.
3:00 INOR 1037. Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of U2+ in the
{[C5H3(SiMe3)2]3U}1 anion. C.J. Windorff,
J.W. Ziller, W.J. Evans
3:20 INOR 1038. Examining covalency in
uranium-ligand multiple bonds through
synthesis, spectroscopy, and theory.
N.C. Tomson, L. Spencer, R.L. Shook,
E.R. Batista, J.M. Boncella
3:40 INOR 1039. Mechanistic insights into
the early stages of crystallization of REEcarbonate. J. Rodriguez Blanco, K. Dideriksen,
D. Tobler, K. Sand, B. Vallina, L. Benning,
S.S. Stipp

of actinide coordination compounds:

Imidazolin-2-iminato actinide complexe.
I. Karmel, N. Fridman, T. Bannenberg, M. Tamm,
M. Eisen
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 302

Chemistry of Materials
Metal-Organic Frameworks
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
J. Jiang, J. V. Lockard, Presiding
1:30 INOR 1041. Metal-organic frameworks
for natural gas storage. J.A. Mason,
M.K. Taylor, M.R. Hudson, Z. Hulvey, A. Guagliardi,
C.M. Brown, N. Masciocchi, J.R. Long
1:50 INOR 1042. Ultrastable piezofluorochromic metal-organic frameworks. Q. Zhang,
H. Zhou
2:10 INOR 1043. In situ spectroscopy studies

of CO2 adsorption in a dually functionalized

microporous metal-organic framework.
Y. Chen, H. Wang, J. Li, J.V. Lockard
2:30 INOR 1044. Highly stable meso porous
MOFs. D. Feng, K. Wang, T. Liu, J. Park,
H. Zhou
2:50 INOR 1045. Mechanistic insights into the
gelation of cyanide-bridged coordination
polymers. I.C. Fortmeyer, P.A. Hoijemberg,
Y. Yan, I. Pelczer, A.B. Bocarsly
3:10 INOR 1046. Alternative UiO-66 synthesis
for HCl-sensitive nanoparticle encapsulation. K.S. Walton, K. Tulig
3:30 INOR 1047. Prussian red: A carbon monoxide fused cyano bridging mixed valence
FeII/III coordination polymer with unprecedented packing pattern and anisotropic
negative thermal expansion. W. Lo, O. Ishal,
D. Sultan, J. Jiang
3:50 INOR 1048. Photochromic metalorganic
frameworks toward control of singlet
oxygen generation. J. Park, D. Feng, S. Yuan,
H. Zhou
4:10 INOR 1049. Solvothermally grown
porphyrin metal-organic framework (MOF)
thin films: Post metalation and electrocatalysis. C. Kung, T. Chang, L. Chou, J.T. Hupp,
O.K. Farha, K. Ho
4:30 INOR 1050. Novel phosphine coordination
materials based on bis(phosphine) and
methyl triarylphosphonium groups for
applications in gas storage, separations,
and sensing. N. Waggoner, A. Bohnsack,
L. Cinninger, T. Kornfuehrer, B.J. Holliday,
S.M. Humphrey
4:50 INOR 1051. Pressure-induced switching in
functional molecular materials. G.J. Halder,
K.W. Chapman, A.A. Yakovenko, P.J. Chupas,
A.M. dos Santos
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 303

Coordination Chemistry
Characterization and Applications
D. C. Crans, Organizer, Presiding
A. C. Bowman, Presiding
1:30 INOR 1052. Proton-responsive pincers:

Enabling bifunctional Lewis acidic/Bronsted

basic late metal complexes. B. Cook,
C. Chen, M. Pink, R.L. Lord, K.G. Caulton
1:50 INOR 1053. Synthesis and photocatalytic
properties of a boron-centered ionic metal
organic framework. X. Zhang, X. Zhang,
Y. Chen, J. Zhang
2:10 INOR 1054. Mechanism for ligand
exchange processes in metal organic
frameworks. J. Byers, C. Tsung, J.V. Morabito,
L. Chou, Z. Li, R. Kyada
2:30 INOR 1055. Highly dynamic coordination chemistry and redox chemistry of
aromatic polyphosphorus complexes.
M. Fleischmann, M. Scheer
2:50 INOR 1056. [Ru(bpy)3]2+ linked with methyl
viologen and phenothiazine substituted
aminoethylglycines. B. Biber, M. Williams

3:10 INOR 1057. Utilizing TREN-based copper

complexes to calculate activation rate constant values in ideal atom transfer radical
addition (ATRA) reactions. K.A. Bussey,
K.D. Oshin

Division of Medicinal
W. B. Young, Program Chair

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

Applications of Positron Emission

Tomography in Drug Discovery
D. Donnelly, C. D. Jesudason, Organizers,
9:00 MEDI 1. Synthesis of radiopharmaceuti-

cals and applications in functional positron

emission tomography (PET) imaging.
P.J. Scott
9:30 MEDI 2. 18F-T807: A PET imaging
compound for detecting tau in alzheimers
and non-alzheimers neurodegenerative
diseases. G. Attardo, A.T. Hoye, H. Xiong, X. Li,
C.L. Horchler, K. Fan, N. Lim, F. Gomez, Y. Lin,
Q. Liang, K. Conway, H. Kolb, D. Skovronsky,
M. Mintun
10:00 MEDI 3. Development of PET radioligands for imaging brain mGlu1 receptors.
P.W. Victor
10:30 MEDI 4. Preclinical peripheral enzyme
occupancy and PK/PD modelling: A
retrospective analysis of sildenafil.
C.D. Jesudason, V.N. Barth, T.E. Eessalu, E. Yuen
11:00 MEDI 5. Design, synthesis, and development of fluorine-18 and carbon-11 labeled
lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1)
PET radioligands for lung receptor occupancy imaging. D. Donnelly, S. Bonacorsi,
S. Du, A. Pena, J. kim, W. Hayes, N. Nabulsi,
J. Gallezot, Y. Huang, R. Carson
11:30 MEDI 6. ImmunoPET imaging in the
development of therapeutic antibodies.
J. Marik
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

Targeting the Microbiome

S. M. Firestine, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 MEDI 7. Gut reactions: Understanding and

manipulating chemistry from the human

microbiota. E.P. Balskus
9:35 MEDI 8. Chemical library in food presents
the natural ligands for the gastrointestinal
microbiome. M.L. Heiman
10:10 MEDI 9. Discovery of small molecule
therapeutics based on microbiome-host
interaction analysis in inflammatory bowel
disease. T.Z. DeSantis
10:45 MEDI 10. Incorporation of therapeutic
bacteria into the gut microbiome for treatment of obesity. S.S. Davies
11:20 MEDI 11. Pharmaceutical control of the
microbiome. M. Redinbo
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

General Oral Session

W. B. Young, Organizer
J. B. Schwarz, Presiding
8:30 MEDI 12. -AApeptides as a new class of
peptidomimetics. H. Wu, Y. Niu, J. Cai
8:50 MEDI 13. Improved inhibitors of inducible

nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) through

fragment assisted lead generation and
optimization. F. Edfeldt

9:10 MEDI 14. SAR enablement of multifunc-

3:35 MEDI 28. Discovery of potent and

Drug Discovery

tional BACE templates: Thioamidines.

B.T. ONeill, E. Beck, M.A. Brodney,
M.W. Bundesmann, C. Butler, L. Buzon,
L. Chenard, J. Davoren, J. Dutra, C.J. Helal,
K.E. Henegar, J.M. Humphrey, E.A. LaChapelle,
B. Li, R. Lira, L.A. Martinez-Alsina, J.C. Murray,
K. Ogilvie, L. Price, T.P. Tran, S. Sakya, Y. Zhang,
A. Yu
9:30 MEDI 15. Development of novel NLRP3
inflammasome inhibitors and their
potential application. S. Zhang, J. Chojnacki,
C. Marchetti, S. Toldo, A. Abbate
9:50 MEDI 16. Methionine aminopeptidases
(MetAPs) as promising targets toward
discovery of novel anti-infective agents.
P. Wangtrakuldee, C. Chen, B. Staker, J.M. Wilk,
J.R. Horn, T.J. Hagen
10:10 MEDI 17. Development of pyridopyrimidine-based inhibitors of HIV-1 reverse
transcriptase. C. Lacbay, J. Mancuso, Y. Lin,
N. Bennett, M. Menni, M. Gotte, Y.S. Tsantrizos
10:30 MEDI 18. Open source malaria: A new
approach to drug discovery. A.E. Williamson,
M.H. Todd, P. Willis, O. Consortium
10:50 MEDI 19. Development of non-incorporating small molecule inhibitors of
antibody fucosylation. M.J. Frohn, J.G. Allen,
C.H. Fotsch, M. Mujacic, T. San Miguel, O.R. Thiel,
J. McCarter, A.J. Pickrell, M. Lo, J.B. Jordan
11:10 MEDI 20. Discovery and opioid receptor
SAR of AT-076, the first small-molecule
opioid pan antagonist with nanomolar
affinity at mu, delta, kappa and nociceptin
opioid receptors. V.B. Journigan, N.T. Zaveri,
W.E. Polgar
11:30 MEDI 21. Discovery of oral FSHR (follicle
stimulating hormone receptor) allosteric
modulators. H.N. Yu
11:50 MEDI 22. Small molecule activators of
Pro-apoptotic BAX for cancer therapy.
E. Gavathiotis
Drug Discovery

kinase-selective p21-activated kinase

1 (PAK1) inhibitors. J. Rudolph, I. Aliagas,
E. Blackwood, T. OBrien, J. Crawford,
J. Drobnick, L. Gazzard, C. Heise, W. Lee,
L. Murray, C. Ndubaku, W. Wang, X. Zhao,
K.P. Hoeich
4:00 MEDI 29. Liver targeted HIF-PHD inhibitors for the treatment of anemia. C. Sinz,
Y. Chen, V.J. Colandrea, Q. Dang, B. DuBois,
P. Liu, P.T. Meinke, R. Liu, J. Tan, F. Ujjainwalla,
L. Wang, J.J. Hale, J. Cai, D. Stickens,
B. Bishwokarma, M. Zielstorff, D. Zaller, C. Chiu,
M. Cheng, C. Alpert, J. Metzger, L. Yang,
S. Vincent, K. Bleasby, M. Hafey, R. Houle
4:25 MEDI 30. Discovery of BMS-852927,
a potent LXR partial agonist possessing
LXRbeta functional selectivity. E.K. Kick,
B. Busch, R. Martin, Y. Xie, M. Nanao, T. Stout,
A. Plonowski, I. Schulman, G. Yan, W. Stevens,
M. Nyman, L. Nguyen, R. Narayanan, K. Behnia,
G. Cantor, J. Lupisella, P. Sleph, D. Grimm,
J. Ostrowski, T. Kirchgessner, R.R. Wexler,
R. Mohan
4:50 MEDI 31. Building ERK inhibitors.
Mitigaing their clearance. J.T. Bagdanoff,
D. Poon, W. Han, S. Zhu, R. Jain, M. Lindvall

Structural Informatics & Target Based:

Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by MEDI

Structural Informatics & Target Based:

Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by MEDI

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

General Oral Session

W. B. Young, Organizer, Presiding

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

Biased Agonism: An Emerging

Paradigm in GPCR Drug Discovery
J. Herr, Z. Rankovic, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 MEDI 32. Harnessing ligand-directed

signaling to improve pain therapeutics.

L.M. Bohn, C.L. Schmid, K. Lovell, N.C. Ross,
T.D. Bannister
2:10 MEDI 33. Engineering enhanced, receptor-specific, and signaling-biased arrestins.
V. Gurevich
2:50 MEDI 34. Discovery of TRV130, a G
protein biased agonist of the -opioid
receptor, for the treatment of acute severe
pain. A.L. Crombie, X. Chen, P.M. Pitis, G. Liu,
C. Yuan, D. Gotchev, D.S. Yamashita, J.D. Violin
3:30 MEDI 35. Discovery of functionally
selective ligands of fopamine D2receptors.
K. Butler, J. McCorvy, X. Chen, M. Caron,
W. Wetsel, B.L. Roth, J. Jin
4:00 MEDI 36. Novel GPR40 agonists for the
treatment of type-2 diabetes: The effect of
b-arrestin signaling. C. Hamdouchi
4:30 MEDI 37. Biased signaling with allosteric
modulators of GPCRs. C.W. Lindsley
5:00 Concluding Remarks.

1:30 MEDI 23. Discovery of TAK-063, a novel

phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) inhibitor. M. Fushimi, J. Kunitomo, M. Yoshikawa,

A. Kawada, J.F. Quinn, H. Oki, H. Kokubo,
M. Kondo, K. Nakashima, T. Taniguchi
1:55 MEDI 24. Discovery of a novel and potent
dual orexin 1/orexin 2 receptor antagonist,
E2006, for the treatment of sleep disorders.
T. Terauchi
2:20 MEDI 25. Discovery of the clinical
candidate BMS-816336, an adamantyl
acetamide based 11-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase type-1 (11-HSD1) inhibitor.
X. Ye, S. Chen, S. Wu, D.S. Yoon, H. Wang,
Z. Hong, S.P. Oconnor, J. Li, J. Li, S. Walker,
L.J. Kennedy, A. Apedo, A. Nayeem, S. Sheriff,
P. Morin, D. Camac, T. Harrity, R. Zebo, J. Taylor,
N. Morgan, R. Ponticiello, R. Golla, R. Seethala,
M. Wang, T. Harper, B. Sleczka, B. He, M. Kirby,
J. DiMarco, R. Scaringe, R.L. Hanson, Z. Guo,
J. Li, J. Sun, M.K. Wong, B. Chen, L. Haque,
D.K. Leahy, C. Chan, Y. Li, T. Zvyaga, L. Hansen,
C. Patel, D.A. Gordon, J.A. Robl
2:45 MEDI 26. Discovery, optimization, and
human microdosing study of a novel series
of H3 antagonists. M. Chytil, S. Engel, K. Fang,
K. Spear
3:10 MEDI 27. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein
inhibitor BMS-795311. J.X. Qiao, T.C. Wang,
A. Chen, D.S. Taylor, R.Z. Yang, P.G. Sleph, J.P. Li,
D. Li, M. Chang, X. Chen, C. Xu, J. Li, D. Smith,
D. Wu, L. Leith, L.S. Harikrishnan, M. Kamau,
R. Rampulla, M.M. Miller, D. Bilder, R. Lawrence,
M.A. Poss, P. Levesque, C.S. Huang, L.P. Adam,
R.R. Wexler, H.J. Finlay, M.S. Salvati

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

Young Investigator in Medicinal Chemistry

Cosponsored by YCC
T. E. Prisinzano, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 MEDI 38. First structural disclosure,

discovery, preclinical characterization, and

FTIH pharmacokinetics for GSK2878175, a
second generation boron-based inhibitor of
the HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
J. Shotwell
2:30 MEDI 39. Hedgehog pathway modulators
as therapeutic agents. M.K. Hadden
3:00 MEDI 40. Discovery of halogenated
phenazine and halogenated quinoline small
molecules with antibacterial and antibiofilm
activities against staphylococcal biofilms.
R. Huigens
3:30 MEDI 41. Novel small molecule immunomodulators that target toll-like receptors.
H.H. Yin
4:00 MEDI 42. Discovery and adverse safety
findings of two new mGluR5 NAM chemotypes. A.F. Stepan
4:30 MEDI 43. Efficient small molecule
inhibitors of the HDM2-p53 protein-protein
interaction. M.R. Machacek

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

General Poster Session

W. B. Young, Organizer
7:00 - 9:00
MEDI 44.

Design, synthesis, and biological

evaluation of novel tubulysin analogs as
payloads for antibody-drug conjugates for
the targeted treatment of cancer. Y. Huang,
H. Xie, J. Jia, H. Guo, S. Gai, X. Li, L. Qu, X. Zuo,
X. Zhou, S. Sun, Q. Yang, W. Li, C. Lin, H. Ye,
R.Y. Zhao
MEDI 45. Withdrawn.
MEDI 46. New flash purification capabilities
decrease run times up to 67%. J.R. Bickler
MEDI 47. New high-performance C18 flash
cartridge significantly improves resolution
and fraction purity. J.R. Bickler
MEDI 48. Rapid cleanup of peptides with
mass-directed flash chromatography
and spherical C18 silica. W.J. Hartsock,
J.R. Bickler, V. Vandell, F.A. Kero
MEDI 49. Purification of peptides by flash
chromatography. J.E. Silver, R. Lewis
MEDI 50. Design, synthesis, and biological
evaluation of Rickettsia prowazekii methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP) Inhibitors.
T.R. Helgren, C. Chen, P. Wangtrakuldee, C. Long,
M. Hathuc, R. Small, B. Curran, J.R. Horn,
T.J. Hagen
MEDI 51. Mutual solubilities of the antibiotic/-lactamase inhibitor drug combinations
vancomycin, piperacillin, and tazobactam
in aqueous solution. H.S. Gray, H.N. Gray,
S.C. Butler, R.N. Mason
MEDI 52. Molecular mechanism and ligand
design of a PLP/GABA-dependent bacterial
transcription regulator GabR. E. Cybulla,
R. Wu, C. Reidl, D. Gawron, D.P. Becker, D. Liu
MEDI 53. Synthesis, conformational analysis,
and pharmacokinetics of fluorinated
antitubercular nucleosides. S. Dawadi,
K. Viswanathan, H. Boshoff, C.E. Barry,
C.C. Aldrich
MEDI 54. Protein structure-based virtual
screening led to identification of novel
natural product-derived hits as cannabinoid
receptor 1 modulators. P. Pandey, K.K. Roy,
R.J. Doerksen
MEDI 55. Building on the success of the first
generation of N-alkylthiol beta-lactams
yields a multimodal, multiaction prodrug
therapy for MRSA. J.L. Borja
MEDI 56. Investigating the conformational
states and ligand binding of voltage gated
sodium channels by multiple spectroscopic
techniques. M. Colledge, B. Wallace
MEDI 57. Incorporation of triazoles as disulfide
mimics in chimeric AGRP-melanocortin
peptide template. S.R. Tala, A. Singh,
C. Haskell-Luevano
MEDI 58. Drug discovery and large-scale
synthesis for 7-azaindoline derivatives as
potent, orally available, selective M1 and
M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors agonists. Y. Uruno, Y. Inoue, Y. Konishi, A. Suwa,
K. Takai, K. Hashimoto, H. Matsuda, T. Nakako,
M. Sakai, G. Hashimoto, T. Enomoto, A. Kitamura,
Y. Uematsu, A. Kiyoshi, T. Sumiyoshi
MEDI 59. Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of flupirtine derivatives
for the treatment of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. N. Kinarivala, J. Makoukji, F. Saadeh,
R. Boustany, P.C. Trippier
MEDI 60. Exploiting the Sigma-2 receptor as
a therapeutic target for cancer and various
CNS diseases. J. Chan, J. Sahn, S.F. Martin,
L. Scott, J. Pierce-Shimomura

61. Optimization of synthetically novel

agonists of the putative cannabinoid receptor, GPR55, using an activated state model.
M.A. Lingerfelt, L. Alfakhori, D.P. Hurst, P. Zhao,
M.P. Croatt, M.E. Abood, P.H. Reggio
MEDI 62. Rational fesign of fual-site scetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Multifunctional lead
for Alzheimers disease therapy. W. Yang,
S. Yang, G. Yang
MEDI 63. Discovery of novel, potent -secretase inhibitors. Z. Zhao
MEDI 64. Novel amyloid binding compounds:
A search for PET imaging probes for
neurofibrillary tangles. B. Hurtle, L. Cai, B. Qu,
V.W. Pike
MEDI 65. Crystallographic evaluation of
chelidamic acid congeners. A.L. Green,
K.M. Lincoln, R.E. Saunders, K.N. Green
MEDI 66. Rational design and bioevaluation
for novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
for treating Alzheimers disease. Q. Sun,
G. Yang, . Yang
MEDI 67. Structural insights into the
mechanism of activation of the human cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor: Molecular
dynamics study of an agonist-bound state.
K.K. Roy, P. Pandey, R.J. Doerksen
MEDI 68. Discovery, SAR, and biological
evaluation of a novel series of piperazine-based inhibitors of glycine
transporter-1 (GlyT-1). C.L. Ciof,
S. Liu, M.A. Wolf, P.R. Guzzo, K. Sadalapure,
V. Parthasarathy, J. Maeng, E. Carulli, D.T. Loong,
X. Fang, P. Gupta, S. Panduga, K.N. Kalesh,
L. Matta, S. Choo, R.N. Buckle, R. Davis,
S.A. Sakwa, M. Hu, D.H. Dethe, B.J. Sargent,
N.A. Moore, M.M. Luche, Y.L. Khmelnitsky,
J. Ismail, H. Decornez, D.B. Kitchen, P.L. Love,
M.A. Watson, J. Adolphson, G. Padilla, K. Waikins,
S. Tom, A. Ngo, M. Chung, M. Bai, N. Johal,
S. Swaminathan, A.J. Mhyre
MEDI 69. Arylguanidine NAMs for 7 nAChRs:
Where do they bind and why? O.I. Alwassil,
S. Khatri, M.K. Schulte, M. Dukat
MEDI 70. Structure activity relationship of tetrahydroisoquinoline N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor positive allosteric modulators can
be modified to target GluN2B-containing
receptors. K.L. Strong, D.S. Menaldino,
K.K. Ogden, S.F. Traynelis, D.C. Liotta
MEDI 71. CPM: A potential moiety to reduce
opioid dependence. Z. Wu, V.J. Hruby
MEDI 72. Curcumin/melatonin hybrids as neuroprotective agents for Alzheimers disease.
J. Saathoff, K. Liu, J. Chojnacki, S. Zhang
MEDI 73. Application of machine learning and
regression techniques in developing novel
homologous recombination inhibitors.
J. Zhu
MEDI 74. Simple and integrated approach
to compound progress and work-request tracking. J.W. Sager, T.E. Mansley,
P. Mounteney, C.P. Snyder
MEDI 75. In silico modeling workflows in
support of exploratory computational
toxicology. M.R. Goldsmith, D. Chang,
A. Deschenes, C. Williams, A. Ajamian
MEDI 76. Importance of visualization in
lead discovery: Supporting the medicinal
chemist in designing compounds more
efficiently. C. Detering
MEDI 77. Chemoinformatics analysis of natural
products databases: Toward the identification of tubulin polymerization inhibitors.
R. Aguayo-Ortiz, R. Castillo-Bocanegra,
A.M. Hernandez Campos, J.L. Medina-Franco
MEDI 78. Discovery and synthesis of triphenylethanamine derivatives as highly potent
cholesteryl ester transfer protein Inhibitors.
T. Wang, J.X. Qiao, A. Chen, D.S. Taylor,
R.Z. Yang, P.G. Sleph, J.P. Li, D. Li, M. Chang,
X. Chen, C. Xu, J. Li, P. Levesque, C.S. Huang,
L.P. Adam, M.S. Salvati, H.J. Finlay, R.R. Wexler
MEDI 79. Identification of a novel class of
covalent modifiers of hemoglobin as
potential antisickling agents. A.M. Omar,
M.A. Mahran, M. Ghatge, N. Chowdhury,
F.H. Bamane, M.E. El-Araby, O. Abdulmalik,
M. Safo

80. Process of blood coagulation
investigated through the interactions of
aspirin with bovine red blood cell lipid
extract membrane monolayers. K.A. Miller,
A. Sostarecz
MEDI 81. Novel coumarin based monocarboxylate transport 1 & 4 inhibitors as anticancer
agents. L. Solano, C. Ronayne, G.L. Nelson,
S. Gurrapu, S.K. Jonnalagadda, V. Mereddy
MEDI 82. Potent dual monocarboxylate
transporter 1 & 4 inhibitors for triple
negative breast cancer treatment.
L. Solano, G.L. Nelson, C. Ronayne, V. Mereddy,
S.K. Jonnalagadda, S. Gurrapu
MEDI 83. Development of collagen films
coated with synthetic photoreactive
peptides that support cardiovascular repair
and regeneration. J. Malcor, D. Bax, D. Bihan,
S. Hamaia, R. Farndale
MEDI 84. Withdrawn.
MEDI 85. Total synthesis of clavatadine A
analogs to produce a viable reversible
inhibitor for factor XIa. C.E. Malmberg,
S. Chamberland
MEDI 86. Discovery of novel, potent, and
highly selective factor xIa inhibitors from
HTS hit with X-ray crystallography-based
rational design. T. Nishiyama, T. Kondo,
K. Hisaichi, K. Ochi, A. Kinoshita, R. Miwa,
A. Imagawa, S. Flanagan, C.J. Yarnold,
S. Courtney, M. Gohda, K. Suzuki, T. Ono,
S. Koyama, T. Hagio, M. Sakai, H. Habashita,
K. Kawabata
MEDI 87. Structure-based design, synthesis,
and evaluation of novel peptide inhibitors
of thrombin-induced activation of platelets
aggregation. C.C. Clement, J. Gonzalez,
A. Babinska, M. Philipp
MEDI 88. Picomolar KD ligands can be
obtained by increasing the binding rate
instead of decreasing the dissociation rate:
Surprising structure-kinetic relationship
among very similar thrombin inhibitors.
M.T. Khayat, A.S. Murkin, M.M. Murphy, T.e. Ryan,
B. Sathyamoorthy
MEDI 89. Synthesis of resorufin derivatives
as inhibitor indicators of cytochrome P450
enzymes. L. Lovings, J. Liu, M. Foroozesh
MEDI 90. Radical-induced oxidation of
tobacco-specific nitrosamines under physiological conditions. B.R. Daws, S.P. Mezyk,
J.J. Kiddle
MEDI 91. Pyrano- and furanochromones as
specific inhibitors of human cytochrome
P450 1A2. J. Liu, P. Pham, L. Lovings, N. Goyal,
M. Foroozesh
MEDI 92. Investigation of regulation of cytochrome P450 2J2 in adult human primary
cardiomyoctyes. R. Rowlands, E. Evangelista,
B. Raccor, R. Totah
MEDI 93. Metabolic stability assessment of
tumor-targeted drug delivery systems with
fluorine-labeled taxoid probes by 19F NMR.
B. Lichtenthal, J.D. Seitz, J.G. Vineberg, L. Wei,
C. Lin, J. Kahn, I. Ojima
MEDI 94. Drug release by remotely controlled
magnetic anisotropy. M. Shin, B. Kang,
S. Han, E. Jang, J. Suh, Y. Huh, S. Haam
MEDI 95. Modular platform for the synthesis of
a targeting and pH-responsive lipopeptide ligand in nanovectors. M. Salinas,
G.R. Negrete
MEDI 96. Fibrosis toolbox: Small molecules to
investigate fibrosis pathways and mechanisms. R. Hatley
MEDI 97. Novel Nrf2 activators from microbial
transformation products suppress oxidant
stress-induced cellular damage in ARPE-19
cells. Y. Nakagami, K. Masuda, E. Hatano,
T. Inoue, S. Komoriya
MEDI 98. Discovery of potent and selective
S1P2 antagonists. K. Kusumi, A. Naganawa,
H. Kurata, K. Shinozaki
MEDI 99. Monster Mas agonist: Revealing the
beauty in the beast. J. Redmond, S. Peace,
G. Inglis, G. Vitulli, J. Barrett

Cooperative Cosponsorship

100. Quatenary-ammonium salt derivatives as bifunctional muscarinic antagonist
and beta2 agonist (MABA) for the treatment of COPD and asthma. J. Igarashi,
E. Mitsuyama, T. Ida, H. Sugiyama, K. Segawa,
J. Nomura
MEDI 101. Novel strategy for the treatment
of asthma by targeting GABAA receptors in
the lung. R. Jahan, M.R. Stephen, G. Gallos,
C.W. Emala, J.M. Cook
MEDI 102. Design and synthesis of anti-inflammatory steroids with improved therapeutic
index: Discovery of an inhaled dissociated
steroid (selective glucocorticoid receptor
modulator). P.J. Biju
MEDI 103. Achieving desired levels of
selectivity for a series of acyclic-based
JAK inhibitors. J. Kempson, S.H. Spergel,
S. Wrobleski, J. Das, L.M. Doweyko, J. Guo,
J. Hynes, J. Duan, B. Jiang, Z. Lu, R.V. Moquin,
S. Lin, H. Wu, B.V. Yang, S.M. Stachura,
J.S. Tokarski, A. Gupta, J.C. Barrish, P.H. Carter,
G.L. Schieven, W.J. Pitts
MEDI 104. Determinants of activity at human
toll-like receptors 7 and 8: Quantitative
structure-activity relationship (QSAR)
of diverse heterocyclic scaffolds.
E. Yoo, D.B. Salunke, D. Sil, X. Guo, A.C. Salyer,
A.R. Hermanson, M. Kumar, S.S. Malladi,
R. Balakrishnan, W.H. Thompson, H. Tanji,
U. Ohto, T. Shimizu, S.A. David
MEDI 105. Enhancement of potency of the
TLR7 ligand by conjugation to polysaccharide. H. Shinchi, T. Hayashi, M. Chan,
A. Ahmadiiveli, S. Zhang, B. Crain, Y. Suda,
H.B. Cottam, D. Carson
MEDI 106. Design and synthesis of a dual-targeting liposomal spherical nucleic acid.
J. Ferrer, N. Chernyak, J. Wertheim, C.A. Mirkin
MEDI 107. Human toll-like receptor 8-selective
agonistic activities in 1-alkyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-amines. M. Beesu, S.S. Malladi,
L.M. Fox, C.D. Jones, A. Dixit, S.A. David
MEDI 108. Design, synthesis, and testing of
macrocyclic -strand as protease inhibitors.
A.D. Pehere, M. Pietsch, N.M. Paul, D.F. Callen,
M. Gtschow, A.D. Abell
MEDI 109. Single cell imaging and analysis
for macrophage uptake of nanoparticles
using fluorescent organosilica nanoparticles. M. Nakano, M. Nakamura, K. Hayashi,
T. Kanadani, K. Miyamoto
MEDI 110. Mitochondria targeted cardiolipin
based high density lipoprotein mimicking
nanoparticles for atherosclerosis. R. Wen,
S. Dhar
MEDI 111. Investigation on cellular uptake of
functionalized gold nanoparticles and their
biological effects. N. Ma, C. Ma, X. Mou, N. He
MEDI 112. Molecular beacon-functionalized
gold nanoparticle as miRNA detecting
probe for cellular classification in gastric
cancer. K. Jisun
MEDI 113. Wire-framed gold nanoparticles
for a multistep photothermic driven drug
release system. T. Lee, D. Bang, J. Suh,
Y. Huh, S. Haam
MEDI 114. Virus-mimicking antimicrobial
polymer brushes: The nanostructure and
activity. Y. Jiang, W. Zheng, H. Liang
MEDI 115. Targeting mitochondrial genome
by cisplatin prodrug and its nanoparticle
formulation to overcome chemoresistance.
R. Pathak, S. Marrache, S. Dhar
MEDI 116. Syntheses, characterization, and
biomedical applications of novel organosilica nanoparticles. M. Nakamura
MEDI 117. Activatable two-component photosentisizer: selective targeting and killing
of cancer cells. J. He, Y. Wang, M.P. Bruchez
MEDI 118. Withdrawn.
MEDI 119. Silybin derivatives as antiprostate
cancer agents: Synthesis and antiproliferative activity. B. Vue, S. Zhang, X. Zhang,
K. Parisis, Q. Chen
MEDI 120. Fluorescein hydrzones as
novel nonintercalative topoisomerase
catalytic inhibitors with low DNA toxicity.
A.M. Rahman, S. Park, Y. Kwon, A.A. Kadi

121. Design and synthesis of a novel

tri-branched asymmetric bowtie PAMAM
dendrimer-based drug conjugate as a
cancer theranostic agent. L. Wei, T. Wang,
Y.G. Teng, I. Ojima
MEDI 122. Synthesis and antitumor activity
of N,N-bisnaphthylated imidazole salts
with lipophilic or hydrophilic substituents
on the imidazole and benzimidazole rings.
K.L. Shelton, P.O. Wagers, M.R. Southerland,
M.A. DeBord, M.J. Panzner, N.K. Robishaw,
C.A. Tessier, W.J. Youngs
MEDI 123. Disrupting reactive oxygen species
mediated pathways in human cancer
models with ferrocenylated N-heterocyclic
carbenes. J.F. Arambula, K. Arumugam,
D.J. Magda, C. Bielawski, J.L. Sessler
MEDI 124. Targeting the hypoxia-adenosinergic pathway via A2AR antagonists; Toward
cancer immunotherapeutics. G. Yuan,
S. Hateld, M. Sitkovsky, M.J. Ondrechen,
G. Jones
MEDI 125. Triterpenoid derivatives and their
biological activities. M. Urban, J. Sarek,
M. Hajduch, J. Rehulka, P. Dzubak, L. Borkova
MEDI 126. Development of a novel class of
hydroxylated 2, 4-diphenyl indenopyridines
as a selective non-intercalative topoisomerase II catalytic inhibitor. T.M. Kadayat,
T. Thapa Magar, G. Bist, A. Shrestha, Y. Kwon,
E. Lee
MEDI 127. Preliminary structure-activity
relationship studies of a fungal metabolite
ophiobolin A promising antiglioblastoma agent. R. Dasari, V. Mathieu, R. Kiss,
A. Evidente, A.V. Kornienko
MEDI 128. Identification of the first selective
small molecule GRPR (BB2) antagonists. N.D. Harriott, S.B. Ravula, G. Beaton,
N.J. Ashweek, J.P. Williams, S.R. Hoare, J. Fan
MEDI 129. Withdrawn.
MEDI 130. Bishomoisoprenoid triazoles as
inhibitors of geranylgeranyl diphosphate
synthase. V.S. Wills, J.I. Metzger, C. Allen,
S.A. Holstein, D.F. Wiemer
MEDI 131. Synthesis and structure-activity
studies of drugs that affect a cancer
causing mechanism and reduce cell growth.
A. Jelowicki, K.E. Tan, E.H. Li, C. Wen, C.M. Ott,
N.V. Patel, P. De Lijser, C.A. Martindale
MEDI 132. Click chemistry approach to
diversification of novel base-modified
thymidine analogs that exhibit anticancer
activity. P.R. Wolfkiel, K.M. Borland, E.J. Merino,
M.C. Tranter, V.A. Litosh
MEDI 133. Two-faced, biphenyl-based synthetic -helix mimetics are effective inhibitors of the Mcl-1 oncoprotein. M. Lanning,
P. Wilder, S. Fletcher
MEDI 135. Structure-based design of functionalized salicylates as potent Mcl-1 inhibitors.
L. Chen, J. Chauhan, J.L. Yap, P.T. Wilder,
S. Fletcher
MEDI 136. Design and synthesis of coumerin-aminoethylphenol hybrids as potential
epigenetic modulators. M. Branscum,
T. Rowe, J. Brider, M.A. Alam
MEDI 137. Design and chemoproteomic
functional characterization of a chemical
probe targeted to bromodomains of BET
family proteins. B.A. Lefker, K.F. Geoghegan,
S.W. Wright, D.C. Limburg, J. Shin, C.M. Williams,
P. Sahasrabudhe, P. Bonin, S. Ramsey
MEDI 138. Identification and characterization
of cellular histone deacetylase active site
alterations Induced by deacetylase complex
components. T. Hanigan, I. Kastrati, J. Frasor,
P.A. Petukhov
MEDI 139. Comparison of local and tropical
plants used as herbal remedies and their
chemical make-up. M.D. Mann
MEDI 140. Transformations of allicin from
garlic: The discovery of allylselenoalkylsulfonylpyridazines and Its antitumor activity.
M. Park, C. Kim, D. Shin, M. Choi
MEDI 141. Docking studies to develop GLIassociated oncogene inhibitors from natural
products. Y. Rifai

142. Discovery of novel hit molecules for

Sphingosine kinase -1 inhibitory activity by
structure based virtual screening. C. Selvam,
B.C. Jordan, S. Doshi
MEDI 143. Novel method for targeting
sphingosine kinase 2: Design, synthesis,
and evaluation of bisubstrate inhibitors.
T.K. Dawson, R. Dyer, Y. Kharel, K. Lynch,
T.L. Macdonald
MEDI 144. Serotonin-linked NSAIDs as
inhibitors of FAAH, TRPV1, and COX
2. T.M. Rose, C.A. Reilly, C.E. Deering-Rice,
C. Brewster, C. Brewster
MEDI 145. Discovery of second generation
P2X3 receptor antagonists for the treatment
of chronic pain. A. Ginnetti, D. Paone,
S. Stauffer, C. Potteiger, A. Shaw, J.Z. Deng,
D.N. Nguyen, C. Segerdell, C.S. Burgey,
S. Graham, J. Anquandah, A. Calamari, G. Cheng,
S. Cook, S. Kane, M. Leitl, A. Liang, E. Moore,
J. Panigel, C. Salvatore, M. Urban, J. Wang,
K. Fillgrove, C. Tang
MEDI 146. Design, synthesis, and in vitro evaluation of novel inhibitors of fatty acid amide
hydrolase (FAAH). S. Cramer, J. Johnson,
A. El-Alfy, J. Stec
MEDI 147. Targeted far-red light activatable
prodrugs: folate receptor-targeting, optical
imaging, and a combination of photodynamic therapy and site-specific chemotherapy. G.N. Nkepang, M. Bio, P. Rajaputra,
S.G. Awuah, Y. You
MEDI 148. Synthesis of tripartite prodrugs
via N C amidative-installation of the
Katzenellenbogen-spacer: Application of
the traceless Staudinger ligation. T. Kirby,
B.L. Barthel, T.H. Koch
MEDI 149. Exploring CatSper channel openers
and binding site interactions: Discovery
of steroidal channel blockers. E. Carlson,
J. Hawkinson, G.I. Georg
MEDI 150. Enzyme sensitive conjugates as
a macromolecular delivery platform for
siRNA. J.C. Carlson, J. Benson, A. Sokoloff,
D. Rozema, A.V. Blokhin
MEDI 151. Development of a catalytic
Mitsunobu reaction. J.A. Buonomo,
C.C. Aldrich
MEDI 152. Flow hydrogenation: A tool for
creating 3D shaped molecules from flat
precursors. L. Kocsis, S. Fekete, J. Gerencsr,
G. Makara, F. Darvas
MEDI 153. Discovery of potent 1L-adrenoceptor agonists: Design and synthesis of
bicyclic derivatives. S. Suzuki
MEDI 154. Density functional calculations
of the structural, thermodynamic, and
spectroscopic properties of tautomers of
avigan. F.L. Nesbitt
MEDI 155. Novel 3-nitrotriazole-based amides
and carbinols as bifunctional anti-chagasic
agents. M.V. Papadopoulou-Rosenzweig,
W.D. Bloomer, G.I. Lepesheva, H.S. Rosenzweig,
M. Kaiser, E. Chatelain, J. Ioset
MEDI 156. Syntheses and binding studies of
novel benzimidazole compounds targeting
the hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry
site. A. Kanner, A. Cholewczynski, D. Schmit,
U. Milewicz, R. Wolkowicz, M.A. Boerneke,
T. Hermann, M.B. Bergdahl
MEDI 157. Discovery of MK-8325: A silyl
proline containing HCV NS5A inhibitor with
pan-genotype activity. A.G. Nair, Q. Zeng,
S.B. Rosenblum, O. Selyutin, Y. Jiang, D. Yang,
K. Keertikar, G. Zhou, M.P. Dwyer, S. Kim,
S. Bandarpalle, W. Yu, L. Tong, R. Mazzola,
J.P. Caldwell, H. Tang, R. Liu, E. Asante-Appiah,
S. Agrawal, E. Xia, S. Curry, P. Ingravallo,
J.A. Kozlowski
MEDI 158. Discovery of silyl proline containing
HCV NS5A inhibitors: SAR development.
J.A. Kozlowski, N. Anilkumar, O. Selyutin,
S.B. Rosenblum, Y. Jiang, D. Yang, K. Keertikar,
G. Zhou, M.P. Dwyer, S. Kim, B. Shankar,
W. Yu, L. Tong, R. Mazzola, J.P. Caldwell,
H. Tang, S. Agrawal, E. Asante-Appiah, S. Curry,
P. McMonagle, S. Black, A. Nomeir
MEDI 159. Design and synthesis of dual-tropic
HIV entry inhibitors that utilize a homologous CCR5/ CXCR4 binding site. S. Gupta,
A.R. Prosser, B.D. Cox, L.J. Wilson, D. Liotta

160. Synthesis and biological evaluation
of substituted pyrimidines. B.S. Clark,
J. Kudrysch, S.Q. Smith, V.E. Zottig
MEDI 161. Star-branched polymers with
antioxidant activities. U.G. Huynh, C.Y. Lee,
A. Sharma

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

11:30 MEDI 173. Development of oral Nav1.7

inhibitors with excellent selectivity over

Nav1.5 for the treatment of pain. M. Layton,
A.J. Roecker, J.E. Pero, M.S. Egbertson,
B. Gomez, K. Jones, Z. Zhao, S. Wolkenberg,
J. Mulhearn, M.J. Kelly, M.A. Rossi,
H.D. Fiji, L. Zhao, P.J. De Leon, D. Li, K. Gilbert,
A.K. Houghton, R. Kraus, B. Klein, M. Clements,
C. Daley, J. Wang, T. Finger, J. Majercak,
V. Santarelli, I. Gregan, M. Cato, T. Filzen,
A. Jovanovska, Y. Wang, D. Wang, X. Peng,
X. Wang
Section C

Innate Potential: Advances in Non-Biologic

Modulation of Innate Immune Targets

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

A. J. Dyckman, J. Hynes, D. S. Weinstein,

Organizers, Presiding

Approaches to Targeting RNA with Small


9:00 Introductory Remarks.

N. A. Meanwell, R. E. Olson, Organizers, Presiding

9:05 MEDI 162. Structure-based design

of small molecule modulators of TLR8.

S.A. David
9:45 MEDI 163. Development of novel IRAK4

inhibitors for the treatment of inflammation related disorders. W.M. Seganish,

W.T. McElroy, S. Brumeld, G. Li, D. Tulshian,
J. Tata, R. Herr, B.J. Lavey
10:15 MEDI 164. Identification of highly potent
and mono-selective RIP1 kinase inhibitors
for the treatment of TNF-dependent diseases. P.A. Harris
10:45 MEDI 165. Designing RIP2 kinase inhibitors for innate immunity-driven Indications.
L. Casillas
11:15 MEDI 166. Identification of selective
TYK2 inhibitors and their role in IL12- and
IL23-pathway signaling. S. Magnuson,
J. Liang, V. Tsui, Y. Lai, B. Zhang, K. Williams,
C. MacLeod, Y. Wenqian, S. Sohn, J. DeVoss,
I. Peng, J. Lesch, M. Balazs, A. Van Abbema,
K. Barrett, P. Bir Kohli, W. Blair, C. Chang,
A. Johnson, L. Berezhkovskiy, J. Driscoll, P. Fan,
A.N. Sambrone, P. Chiang, C. Eigenbrot, S. Shia,
M. Ultsch, N. Ghilardi, L. Wu
11:45 MEDI 167. Oligonucleotide inhibitors
of endosomal toll-like receptors: Novel
approach to treatment of autoimmune
diseases. S. Agrawal
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

8:30 MEDI 174. Rational design of small mol-

ecules to target the DNA/RNA of trinucleotide repeat (TNR) diseases. S.C. Zimmerman,
L. Nguyen, L. Luu, J.Lee
9:05 MEDI 175. New chemical and analytical
tools for understanding RNA recognition.
B.L. Miller
9:40 MEDI 176. Identification of biologically
active, RNA-binding small molecules using
small molecule microarrays. J. Schneekloth
10:15 MEDI 177. High-throughput platform
assay technology for the discovery of
pre-microRNA-selective small molecule
probes. A.L. Garner
10:50 MEDI 178. Giving SMN2 a push in the
right direction: The discovery of small
molecule splicing modulators. M.G. Woll,
H. Qi, A. Turpoff, N. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Chen,
N.A. Naryshkin, A. Dakka, J. Narasimhan,
V. Gabbeta, M. Weetall, X. Zhao, N. Risher,
J. Sheedy, G.M. Karp
11:25 MEDI 179. Progress on the development
of rational methods to target RNA with
small molecules. M.D. Disney
Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,
Phytochemistry, & Utilization
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO
and MEDI
Drug Discovery
Structural Informatics & Target Based:
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by MEDI

Recent Advances in Targeting the Nav1.7

Sodium Channels
M. Chu-Moyer, Organizer
E. H. Harrington, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 MEDI 168. Recent advances in therapeutic targeting of NaV channels. D.C. Pryde,
B. Marron, N. Swain, C.W. West
9:30 MEDI 169. Imaging pain generators in

vivo using radiolabeled sodium channel

toxin derivatives. D. Behera, A. Hoehne,
W.H. Parsons, B. Shen, D.C. Yeomans, S. Biswal,
F.T. Chin, J. Du Bois
10:00 MEDI 170. Potent and selective Nav1.7
inhibitory peptides from tarantula venom.
K. Biswas, J.K. Murray, B. Wu, J. Long, K. Sham,
A. Zou, D. Liu, J.A. Ligutti, L. Poppe, J.B. Jordan,
K.L. Andrews, S. McDonough, L.P. Miranda,
B.D. Moyer
10:30 MEDI 171. Identification of GNE-131: A
potent and selective hNaV1.7 inhibitor for
the treatment of pain. B.S. Sana, G. Bankar,
P. Bichler, C. Chabot, E. Chang, J. Chang,
C. Chen, S. Chowdhury, C.J. Cohen, S. Decker,
C.M. Dehnhardt, T. Focken, M.E. Grimwood,
D. Hackos, I. Hemeon, K. Khakh, C. Koth,
R. Kwan, S. Lin, K. Nelkenbrecher, D.F. Ortwine,
J. Pang, J. Payandeh, L. Robinette, T. Sheng,
S. Sun, M. Waldbrook, A. White, M. Wilson, C. Xie,
C. Young, A. Zenova, Y. Zhang, D. Sutherlin
11:00 MEDI 172. Design of subtype selective
Nav1.7 inhibitors for the treatment of pain.
N. Swain

Section B


Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

Section A

Modulators of the Nuclear Receptor RORc

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

B. P. Fauber, S. J. Taylor, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 MEDI 186. Development of RORalpha/

beta/gamma subtype selective ligands.

T.P. Burris
2:25 MEDI 187. Small molecule inhibitors of
RORgamma t: Their development to study
the function of inflammatory immune cells.
J. Huh
2:50 MEDI 188. Structural basis for the inverse
agonism of novel RORt Inhibitors. X. Li
3:15 MEDI 189. Optimization of quinoline
tertiary alcohols as modulators of RORgt.
K. Leonard, A. Fourie, X. Xue, M.J. Urbanski,
H. Venkatesan, K. Barbay, D.A. Kummer,
R. Nishimura, R.L. Wolin, K.D. Kreutter,
C.R. Woods, V.M. Tanis, A. Wang, W. Jones,
K. McClure, S.D. Goldberg, E. Fennema,
C. Martin, J. Pierce, G. Bacani, J. Spurlino,
C. Schalk-Hihi, C. Milligan, P. Wilkinson, T. Cao,
M.C. Abad, R. Luna, K. Herman, A. De Leon,
E. Nulton, M. Nelen, J. Yu, M.D. Cummings,
B. Scott, K. Sepassi, S. Nguyen, M. Sablad,
N. Rozenkrants, Y. Zhang, T. Rao, A. Ndifor,
S. Branum, J. Spink, C.A. Teleha, D. Pippel,
R. Russell, T. Schlueter, J.P. Edwards
3:40 MEDI 190. Dealing with a highly lipophilic
binding pocket: design and development
of novel RORg inverse agonists with the
consideration of ligand polarity and conformational diversity. J. Chao
4:05 MEDI 191. Reversed sulfonamide series of
selective RORc inverse agonists. M.B. van
Niel, B.P. Fauber, M. Cartwright, S. Gaines,
J.C. Killen, O. Ren, S.I. Ward, G.d. Boenig,
Y. Deng, C. Eidenschenk, C. Everett, E. Gancia,
A. Ganguli, A. Gobbi, J. Hawkins, A.R. Johnson,
J.R. Kiefer, H. La, P. Lockey, M. Norman,
W. Ouyang, A. Qin, N. Wakes, B. Waszkowycz,
H. Wong
4:30 MEDI 192. Discovery of novel ROR
antagonists. M. Shiozaki
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

New Models for Drug Discovery: Public,

Private, and Non-Prot
J. Crawford, A. A. Estrada, B. Shotwell,
Organizers, Presiding
2:00 MEDI 180. Investigation of highly

optimized LRRK2 kinase inhibitors in

preclinical safety studies via a Michael J.
Fox FoundationGenentech collaboration.
A.A. Estrada
2:30 MEDI 181. New collaborative ways of
discovering and developing anti-malarial
therapies. P. Willis
3:00 MEDI 182. ENABLE(ing) drug discovery:
A public private partnership addressing
antimicrobial resistance in serious gram
negative infections. A.T. Price
3:30 MEDI 183. Development of antiviral agents
to treat poliovirus infections. M. McKinlay
4:00 MEDI 184. Foundation-directed therapeutic development: Pfizer collaboration on
PDE inhibitors. C. Dominguez
4:30 MEDI 185. First small molecule clinical
candidate discovered in Africa. K. Chibale

W. B. Young, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
44, 53, 56, 68, 70, 78, 84, 96, 99, 128, 137.
See previous listings.
278, 286, 294, 298, 323, 331, 333, 338, 343.
See subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

E. B. Hershberg Award for Important

Discoveries in Medicinally Active
Substances: Symposium in Honor of Ruth
R. Wexler
Cosponsored by WCC
W. B. Young, Organizer
J. E. Macor, Presiding
9:00 MEDI 198. Lessons learned in the practice
of medicinal chemistry. P.S. Anderson
9:35 MEDI 199. In search of small mole-

cule modulators for the treatment of

autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
J.C. Barrish
10:10 MEDI 200. Thrombin receptor antagonists for the prevention of arterial thrombosis: Discovery of vorapaxar (zontivityTM).
W.J. Greenlee
10:45 MEDI 201. Structure-based design
of serine protease inhibitors: The quest
for safer and efficacious anticoagulants.
M.L. Quan
11:20 MEDI 202. Award Address
(E. B. Hershberg Award for Important
Discoveries in Medicinally Active
Substances sponsored by Merck Research
Laboratories). Adventures in cardiovascular
drug discovery: New frontiers and lessons
learned. R.R. Wexler

Symposium in Honor of Richard Gibbs

Section B

B. Blagg, T. E. Prisinzano, Organizers, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

2:00 MEDI 193. Targeting indenoisoquino-



line topoisomerase I inhibitors to cancer

cells. D.E. Beck, T. Nguyen, W. Lv, P.N. Reddy,
M. Abdelmalak, K. Agama, C. Marchand,
Y. Pommier, J. Roy, A. Kanduluru, C. Venkatesh,
P. Low, M. Cushman
2:35 MEDI 194. Inhibition of geranylgeranyl
diphosphate synthase by isoprenoid bisphosphonates. D.F. Wiemer
3:10 MEDI 195. Small molecule epigenetic
modulators for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. C.J. Kutz, S.L. Holshouser,
P.M. Woster
3:45 MEDI 196. Protein prenylation: From
enzymology to biotechnology and therapeutic application. M.D. Distefano, Y. Wang,
C.C. Palsuledesai, J.K. Dozier
4:20 MEDI 197. Biosynthesis of squalene: A
new pathway in bacteria. J. Pan, C.D. Poulter
Medicinal & Aromatic Crops: Production,
Phytochemistry, & Utilization
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO
and MEDI
Undergraduate Research Posters
Medicinal Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by MEDI and
Drug Discovery
ADME & Informatics
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF and

Observations from Recent Drug Launches:

The Rules of Today May Not Apply Tomorrow
J. B. Schwarz, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 MEDI 203. Discovery of macitentan: Can

we apply rules of yesterday tomorrow?

M.H. Bolli
9:30 MEDI 204. Discovery and development of
covalent BTK inhibitors. W. Chen
10:00 MEDI 205. Chiral, nonracemic hemi-aminals to the rescue: The discovery of the
HIV-1 integrase inhibitors dolutegravir and
cabotegravir. B.A. Johns
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 MEDI 206. Discovery of thalidomide and
amino substituted analogs as anticancer
agents. R. DAmato
11:15 MEDI 207. Ponatinib, a pan-Bcr-Abl
kinase inhibitor approved for leukemia
treatment, potently inhibits the T315I
mutant and overcomes mutation-based
resistance. W. Huang
11:45 MEDI 208. Pirfenidone and optimized pirfenidone analogs for antifibrotic indications.
J.Y. Ramphal, L. Pan, C. Schaefer, S.D. Seiwert,
B.O. Buckman, J.B. Schwarz
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

Why You Should Have Paid Attention in

P-Chem: Thermodynamics in Drug Discovery
A. J. Peat, B. Shotwell, Organizers, Presiding
9:00 MEDI 209. Thermodynamic-based

approach to the inhibition of HIV-1 cell

infection. E. Freire

9:30 MEDI 210. Thermodynamics guided lead
discovery and optimization. G.M. Keseru
10:00 MEDI 211. Ligand-protein binding

thermodynamics from fragments to drugs.

G. Ferenczy
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 MEDI 212. Exploring applications and
origins of binding kinetics in structure-based drug discovery. D. Meinhold
11:15 MEDI 213. Accelerating drug discovery:
the role of free energy calculations. R. Abel,
R. Friesner, R. Farid, T. Lin, L. Frye, J. Knight,
G. Krilov, L. Wang
11:45 MEDI 214. Lipophilic efficiency as a tool
for identifying and optimizing enthalpic
interactions. M.D. Shultz
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, BIOL,
Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO,
Drug Discovery
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF and

3:10 MEDI 221. Development of novel transi-

10:00 MEDI 236. Development of novel sGC

3:50 MEDI 248. Discovery of a next generation

tion metal-catalyzed approaches toward

heterocycles. V. Gevorgyan
3:45 MEDI 222. Rings in (candidate) drugs:
Case stories. J. Bostrm
4:20 MEDI 223. Sulfur-containing heterocycles
in drug design. M.D. Bartberger
GSSPC: Designed by Nature, Developed by
Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, BIOL,

activators that protect against the progression of diabetic nephropathy in ZSF-1

rats. C.R. Sarko, J. Brenneman, T. Bosanac,
C. Boustany, H. Chen, H. Clifford, R. Fryer, J. Ginn,
P.C. Harrison, J.I. Levin, K. Lincoln, H. Qian,
S. Pullen, G. Reinhart, J. Richman, H. Wang,
D. Wong, K. Gueneva-Boucheva
10:30 MEDI 237. Galectin-3 antagonists
with therapeutic implications in fibrosis. U.J. Nilsson, H. Lefer, H. Schambye,
A. Mackinnon, T. Sethi
11:00 MEDI 238. Needs and challenges in
anti-fibrosis drug discovery: Experience
from JNK inhibitors. Y. Satoh
11:30 Discussion.

irreversible inhibitor targeting the resistance

mutation T790M and activating mutations
in NSCLC with a broad selectivity margin
over EGFR wild type. S. Planken, B.W. Murray,
J. Lafontaine, S. Weinrich, M. Hemkens, J.C. Kath,
S.K. Nair, T.O. Johnson, H. Cheng, S.C. Sutton,
M. Zientek, M. Yin, J. Solowiej, A. Nagata,
K. Gajiwala
4:25 MEDI 249. Discovery and early development of vibegron (MK-4618): A potent and
selective 3-AR agonist for the treatment of
overactive bladder. S. Edmondson, C. Zhu,
N.F. Kar, R. Berger, S.D. Goble, B. Harper,
G. Morriello, C. Moyes, L. Wang, P.N. Brown,
K.H. Dingley, J. DiSalvo, A. Fitzmaurice,
T. Frenkl, S.A. Green, A.L. Hurley, N. Jochnowitz,
S. Khalilieh, R.R. Miller, H. Nagabukuro,
J.D. Ormes, B. Sacre-Salem, G.M. Salituro,
D. Stickens, A.A. Kulick, A.T. Sanz, A. Stevenson,
K. Villa, L.A. Wickham, B.A. Zamlynny,
M. Struthers, A.E. Weber

Phenolic & Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food

Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by AGRO,
Drug Discovery
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF and

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

Smissman Award: Symposium in

Honor of Dennis Liotta
W. B. Young, Organizer
J. E. Macor, Presiding
2:00 MEDI 215. Nucleoside analogs: Synthesis
and medicinal chemistry. Y. Guindon,
M. Prvost, S. Dostie, P. Mochirian, G. Tambutet
2:45 MEDI 216. Therapeutic opportunities of
chemical targeting of mitochondria. P. Wipf
3:30 MEDI 217. Targeting protein-protein

interactions for new cancer therapeutics.

S. Wang
4:15 MEDI 218. Discovery of novel therapeutics
for treating various types of viral diseases,
cancers, and inflammatory disorders.
D. Liotta
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

The Role of Rings in Drug Design

N. A. Meanwell, P. M. Scola, Organizers, Presiding
2:00 MEDI 219. Rings in drugs. R. Taylor
2:35 MEDI 220. Small, medium, and large ring

systems: Observations and examples of

their roles in molecular recognition and drug
design. D.L. Cheney

Section A

develop new therapeutic targets in autism

spectrum disorder. J. Veenstra-VanderWeele
9:40 MEDI 240. Therapeutic strategies for
restoring excitatory/inhibitory balance
in Rett syndrome: Focus on BDNF/TrkB
signaling. D. Katz
10:15 MEDI 241. Utility of NMDA antagonists for the treatment of Rett syndrome.
R.J. Mather
10:50 MEDI 242. Development of a highly
selective and CNS penetrant mGlu3 NAM:
An in vivo tool for further elucidating the
role of group II mGlus in psychiatric disorders. J.L. Engers, L.C. Konkol, A.L. Rodriguez,
R.D. Morrison, F.W. Byers, A.D. Thompson
Gray, J.S. Daniels, C.M. Niswender, C.K. Jones,
P.J. Conn, C.W. Lindsley, K.A. Emmitte
11:25 MEDI 243. Approaches toward the
identification of rodent models of autism
spectrum disorder suitable for use in lead
optimization efforts. C.K. Jones
Drug Discovery

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

General Oral Session

8:30 MEDI 224. Discovery and synthesis of

first-generation single-drug cocktails to

combat HIV. A.R. Prosser, B.D. Cox, S. Gupta,
L.J. Wilson, D.C. Liotta
8:55 MEDI 225. B-DNA structure-based
removal of genotoxicity from a series
of inhibitors of the IB-kinase IKK2.
L. Borjesson, I. Shamovsky, M. Andersson,
T. Brimert, C. Ekstrm, A.K. Ray, P. Zlatoidsky,
P. berg
9:20 MEDI 226. Selective inhibition of group-II
p-21-activated kinases (PAKs). S.T. Staben,
J. Feng, W. Wang
9:45 MEDI 227. Discovery of novel indole
derived mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. A.K. Ogawa
10:10 MEDI 228. Discovery of phosphonic
acid containing LpxC inhibitors as broad
spectrum antibacterial agents. Q. Dang,
P. McNicholas, D. Olsen, P.T. Meinke
10:35 MEDI 229. Discovery of novel anti-chagas agents targeting T. cruzi CYP51. J. Choi,
D. Vieira, C. Claudia, J. Siqueira-Neto, D. Kellar,
J. Gut, J. Johnston, M. Cameron, J. McKerrow,
L. Podust, W.R. Roush
11:00 MEDI 230. Potent and selective pyridone
BTK inhibitors with activity against mutant
forms of BTK. J. Crawford
11:25 MEDI 231. Understanding our love affair
with para-chlorophenyl: Scientific rationale
or unsubstantiated bias? D.G. Brown,
M. Gagnon, J. Bostrm
11:50 MEDI 232. Learning from experience:
15 years of protein-fragment X-ray crystal
structures and the consequences for fragment library design. D. Norton

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Small Molecule Approaches to Autism

Spectrum Disorder Therapy
9:00 Introductory Remarks.

Section B

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Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

K. A. Emmitte, Organizer, Presiding

W. B. Young, Organizer
J. Rudolph, Presiding


Section C

Advances in the Treatment of Fibrotic

P. Devasthale, Organizer
W. B. Young, Presiding
8:30 MEDI 233. Organ and tissue fibrosis:

Principles and prospects for therapy.

S. Friedman
9:00 MEDI 234. Therapeutic targeting of
Nox4 leads to reversal of age-associated
persistent fibrosis. L. Hecker, N. Logsdon,
L.H. Hurley, V. Thannickal, J. Garcia
9:30 MEDI 235. Development of a small molecule inhibitor of integrin v1. W.F. Degrado

9:05 MEDI 239. Harnessing rodent models to

Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF and

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 1A/1B

First Time Disclosures

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2A/2B

MEDI Award Symposium

W. B. Young, Organizer
J. E. Macor, Presiding
2:00 MEDI 250. Phenylalkylaminome:

Scaffolding for drugs of abuse, with a focus

on synthetic cathinones. R.A. Glennon
2:45 MEDI 251. Award Address (George and
Christine Sosnovsky Award for Cancer
Research sponsored by the George and
Christine Sosnovsky Endowment Fund).
Design and development of ligand-targeted
therapies and imaging agents for multiple
human diseases. P.S. Low, C.P. Leamon,
J. Reddy, I.R. Vlahov
3:30 MEDI 252. Award Address (George and
Christine Sosnovsky Award for Cancer
Research sponsored by the George and
Christine Sosnovsky Endowment Fund).
Personalized medicine using targeted small
molecule drug conjugates and companion imaging agents for cancer therapy.
C.P. Leamon
4:15 MEDI 253. Award Address (Earle B.
Barnes Award for Leadership in Chemical
Research Management sponsored by the
Dow Chemical Co. Foundation). Getting
the chemistry right: Catalyzing translational
innovation at NIH. C.P. Austin
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Mile High Blrm 2C

General Oral Session

L. A. Thompson, Organizer, Presiding

W. B. Young, Organizer
J. J. Bronson, Presiding

1:30 MEDI 244. Discovery of JNJ-42847922,

1:30 MEDI 254. Design, synthesis, and biologi-

a selective orexin-2 antagonist for the

treatment of insomnia disorder. M.A. Letavic,
P. Bonaventure, K.S. Ly, Z. Aguilar, L. Aluisio,
N.I. Carruthers, S. Chaplan, C. Dugovic, R. Halter,
T. Koudriakova, B. Lord, T.W. Lovenberg,
M. Kramer, K.L. Morton, A. Ndifor, M. Rizzolio,
C. Shah, J. Shelton, J. Shoblock, S. Sutton
2:05 MEDI 245. Discovery and optimization
of the human histamine H4 antagonist
Toreforant (JNJ38518168) for the treatment
of inflammatory diseases. J.D. Venable,
D.E. Kindrachuk, D.J. Buzard, P.J. Dunford,
L. Karlsson, R.L. Thurmond, J.P. Edwards
2:40 MEDI 246. Discovery of MK-8931:
A BACE inhibitor in Phase 3 clinical
development for Alzheimers disease.
J.N. Cumming, J.D. Scott, S.W. Li, M. Cartwright,
X. Chen, K. Cox, M. Forman, E.J. Gilbert,
R. Hodgson, L. Hyde, Y. Jin, I. Kazakevich,
R. Kuvelkar, X. Liang, H. Mei, J. Misiaszek, P. Orth,
J. Stone, C. Strickland, J.H. Voigt, H. Wang,
B. Werner, J. Wong, E.M. Parker, W.J. Greenlee,
M.E. Kennedy, A.W. Stamford
3:15 MEDI 247. Discovery of GSK2881078A:
A selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) for the treatment of muscle
wasting disorders. P. Turnbull, R. Cadilla,
Y. Shen, C. Poole, E. Stewart, R. Gampe, R. Clark,
B.R. Henke, A. Russell

cal evaluation of manassantin analogues for

HIF-1 inhibition. D. Kwon, K. Park, D. Weitzel,
S. Lee, T. Stephenson, C. Lee, J. Chi, R. Mook,
M. Dewhirst, Y. Lee, J. Hong
1:50 MEDI 255. First discovery of a single digit
nanomolar small molecule protein-protein interaction blocker. L.K. Petersen,
F. Sloek, P. Blakskjaer, L. Larsen, J. Holmkvist,
A.B. Christensen, J. Rasmussen-Dietvorst,
T. Hansen, N. Hansen
2:10 MEDI 256. Discovery of the mGlu5 receptor NAM HTL14242 by fragment based
drug discovery. M. Congreve, S.J. Aves,
K.A. Bennett, J.A. Christopher, A.S. Dor,
J.C. Patel, B. Tehan, F.H. Marshall
2:30 MEDI 257. Small molecules targeting
XBP-1s expression in CLL. J.R. Del Valle,
S. Ranatunga, C. Kang, C. Hu
2:50 MEDI 258. Stabilized cyclopropane
analogs of the spliceosome Inhibitor
FD-895. M.D. Burkart
3:10 MEDI 259. Investigating aromaticity
effects In the tail region of sphingosine
kinase 2 selective guanidine-based
inhibitors. M.D. Congdon, Y. Kharel, K. Lynch,
W. Santos

3:30 MEDI 260. Repurposing aspartic protease

inhibitors as novel antimalarial agents.

M.J. Meyers
3:50 MEDI 261. Chemical optimization of
novel inhibitor classes selectively targeting
PI4KIIIbeta: A host lipid kinase crucial
for enterovirus replication. A. Leivers,
A. Maynard, A.J. Peat, E. Nartey, J. Shotwell,
J. Botyanszki, J. Gobel, J. Catalano, J.F. Miller,
J. Seal, L. Want, L. Shewchuk-Chapman,
P.Y. Chong, P. Xiong, S. Dickerson, S. You, V.W. Tai
4:10 MEDI 262. Variation in ADC linker composition generated from aldehyde-tagged
antibodies impacts both efficacy and PK.
A.W. Garofalo
4:30 MEDI 263. HIV microbicide development using a combination of QSAR and
structure-based approaches. L. Guasch,
A.V. Zakharoz, M.C. Nicklaus
4:50 MEDI 264. Dihydroquinazolines: A novel
class of hOCT3 inhibitors. M. Dukat, X. Pan,
M. Argade, K.A. Iyer, P.D. Mosier, D. Sweet
Drug Discovery
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF and

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom

General Poster Session

W. B. Young, Organizer
7:00 - 9:00

Amphipathic -helix mimetics

based on a 1,4-disubstituted 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepine: Inhibition
of the Mcl-1 oncoprotein. L. Chen, K. Jeong,
S. Fletcher
MEDI 265. Physical compatibility of co-solubilized vancomycin, piperacillin, and tazobactam in aqueous solution. R.N. Mason,
S.C. Butler, H.N. Gray, H.S. Gray
MEDI 266. Development and validation
of RP-HPLC method for simultaneous
determination of guaifenesin impurities in
multidrug combinations. R. Grigoryan
MEDI 267. Carbon monoxide releasing property of amine carboxyboranes. N.N. Dingra
MEDI 268. Use of Fc receptor affinity separation resin to obtain high potency glycoforms
(nonfucocylsated) of antiviral immunoglobulin. A. Boesch, G. Bolton
MEDI 269. Structure-activity relationships of
prazole fragment inhibitors of T. vaginalis
uridine nucleoside ribohydrolase using
NMR-based activity and binding assays.
T.A. Shea, M.A. VanAlstine-Parris, B.J. Stockman
MEDI 270. Aminomethyl spectinomycins as
novel therapeutics for drug resistant respiratory tract and sexually transmitted bacterial infections. S.L. Waidyarachchi, D.F. Bruhn,
J. Liu, D.B. Madhura, D. Shcherbakov, Z. Zheng,
Y. Abdelrahman, A. Singh, C. Rathi, R. Belland,
B. Meibohm, J. Rosch, E. Bttger, R.E. Lee
MEDI 271. Targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis biotin protein ligase (MtBPL): Synthesis
and evaluation of nucleoside-based bisubstrate adenylation inhibitors. M.R. Bockman,
A. Kalinda, D. Tiwari, T. De la Mora, B. Finzel,
D. Schnappinger, C.C. Aldrich
MEDI 272. Hybridization of metronidazole with
natural product tetramic acids improves
its antidifficile efficacy. P.T. Cherian, X. Wu,
R.E. Lee, J. Hurdle
MEDI 273. Lipidated cyclice gamma-AA
peptides display both antimicrobial and
anti-inflammatory activities. Y. Li, C. Smith,
H. Wu, S. Padhee, H.H. Yin, J. Cai
MEDI 274. Design and biological evaluation
of novel Cdc42 inhibitors. B.J. Aguilar,
B. Hinckley, S. Huo, Y. Chen, Q. Lu
MEDI 275. Development of 632-subtype
selective ligands for GABAA receptors.
R.S. Verma, C. Witzigmann, J.M. Cook
MEDI 134.

276. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) investigations

of abuse-related neurochemical and
behavioral effects of para-substituted methcathinone derivatives. F. Sakloth, R. Kolanos,
M. Barnier, P.D. Mosier, J. Partilla, M.H. Baumann,
R.A. Glennon
MEDI 277. Structure-activity studies on the
-modified analogs of the abused substance methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV)
as reuptake inhibitors at the dopamine
transporter (DAT). F. Sakloth, R. Kolanos,
A.D. Jain, J. Partilla, M.H. Baumann, R.A. Glennon
MEDI 278. Synthesis, SAR, and progress
toward orally available, brain penetrant
P2X7R antagonists for the treatment of
neuroinflammatory disorders. C. Chrovian
MEDI 279. Structure-activity relationships
of iminoheterocyclic BACE1 inhibitors:
Discovery of MK-8931 for the treatment of Alzheimers disease. J.D. Scott,
S.W. Li, X. Chen, K. Cox, J. Cumming, M. Forman,
E.J. Gilbert, W.J. Greenlee, R. Hodgson, C. Huang,
L. Hyde, Y. Jin, U. Iserloh, I. Kazakevich,
R. Kuvelkar, G. Li, X. Liang, J. Misiaszek, P. Orth,
E.M. Parker, C. Strickland, J.H. Voigt, H. Wang,
B. Werner, J. Wong, M.E. Kennedy, A.W. Stamford
MEDI 280. Robust and efficient amination route toward the development of
N-substituted piperazines as serotonergic ligands for autism spectrum
disorder. J. Dhuguru, S.W. Goldstein, A. Khalil,
O.M. Ghoneim
MEDI 281. Computational approach for performing medchem transformations within a
3D active site. M.R. Goldsmith
MEDI 282. Applying extended Huckel theory to
pharmacophore modeling. A. Deschenes
MEDI 283. Exploring the role of solvation in drug design and optimization.
M.L. Drummond, J. Truchon, C. Williams,
P. Labute
MEDI 284. Performance of structure based
and ligand based virtual screening methods
for ten selected anticancer targets.
C. Selvam, T. Ramasamy
MEDI 285. Scaffold hopping: Balancing
novelty, accessibility, and physicochemical properties. T. Cheeseright, S. Tomsio,
P. Tosco, M. Mackey
MEDI 286. Discovery of KSI-6666, a novel
S1P1 antagonist for the treatment of
autoimmune disease. Y. Ohsawa, H. Inoue,
T. Suzuki, Y. Maruyama, K. Ohno, N. Arisaka,
S. Muto, Y. Okuhara, M. Hayashi, A. Yamamoto,
K. Kaidoh, H. Mukaiyama, M. Hiratochi
MEDI 287. Discovery of a new indole-based
group IVA cytosolic phospholipase A2
inhibitor as a promising drug candidate for
treatment of respiratory diseases. T. Tomoo,
T. Nakatsuka, T. Katayama, Y. Hayashi, Y. Fujieda,
M. Terakawa, K. Nagahira
MEDI 288. Controlled-release mechanism for
sulfur mustard anti-inflammatory drugs
based on polyamine platform. C.J. Lacey,
J. Saxena, C.D. Guillon, G.M. Composto,
L.B. Joseph, D.E. Heck, J.D. Laskin, N.D. Heindel
MEDI 289. Synthesis and anti-inflammatory
activity of three nitro chalcones. A. Gmez
Rivera, C.E. Lobato Garcia, H. Aguilar Mariscal,
N. Romero Ceronio
MEDI 290. Microwave assisted synthesis,
pharmacological activities, and molecular
docking studies of Ethyl 2-substituted-4-(2-thienyl) thiazole-5-acetates.
M. Attimarad, M.A. Khedr, B.E. AlDubaib
MEDI 291. Toward a bioisosteric alkahest:
Targeting the human dehydroorotate dehydrogenase (hDHODH) by a scaffold hopping
bioisosteric approach using hydroxylated
pentaatomic heterocycles. M.L. Lolli,
A.C. Pippione, S. Sainas, S. Mensa, M. Giorgis,
M. Piccinini, E. Lupino, S. Al-Kadaraghi, D. Boschi
MEDI 292. Discovery of thienopyrimidinones
as a new series of potent phosphodiesterase 7 inhibitors. Y. Endo, K. Kawai, T. Asano,
S. Amano, K. Sawada, K. Ogura, N. Ueo,
N. Takahashi, Y. Sonoda, M. Nagai, N. Kamei

293. Development of fluorescent affinity

probes for the P2Y14 G protein-coupled
receptor. E. Kiselev, M. Barrett, E. Hammes,
V. Katritch, R. Balasubramanian, A. Yin,
S. Paoletta, C. Weitzer, Q. Zhao, R. Stevens,
T. Harden, K. Jacobson
MEDI 294. Design, evolution, and in vivo profile
of a novel series of GPBAR 1 agonists for
the treatment of diabetes and metabolic
syndrome. R. Kurukulasuriya, S.K. Shah,
J. Dellurecio, S. Fung, L. Guo, J. Szewczyk,
M. Trujillo, R.P. Nargund, W.K. Hagmann, A. Pocai,
R.J. Devita
MEDI 295. Withdrawn.
MEDI 296. Benzothiazolyl substituted iminothiazolidinones and benzamido-oxothiazolidines as potent and partly selective aldose
reductase inhibitors. J. Iqbal
MEDI 297. Design and bioevaluation of novel
human 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase inhibitors. H. Lin, G. Yang, W. Yang
MEDI 298. Targeting integrin v3 receptors
with multivalent RGD peptidomimetics.
J.L. Teh, R.N. Hanson, S. Sridhar
MEDI 299. Design, synthesis, topoisomerase
I and II inhibitory activity, cytotoxicity, and
structure-activity relationship study of novel
2-phenyl-4-aryl indenopyridines. G. Bist,
T.M. Kadayat, T. Thapa Magar, A. Shrestha,
Y. Kwon, E. Lee
MEDI 300. Importance of side chain orientation
on large macrocycles: Structure activity
relationship of sanguinamide B analogs on
colon cancer HCT-116 cells. A. Pietkiewicz,
H. Wahyudi, J. McConnell, S. McAlpine
MEDI 301. Synthesis, characterization, and in
vitro anticancer activity of quinolylmethyland napthylmethyl-substituted imidazolium
salts. P.O. Wagers, M. DeBord, M.J. Panzner,
C. Tessier, W.J. Youngs
MEDI 302. Development of novel casein
kinase 1 nhibitors. R.L. Schroeder, N.A. Pham,
P. Tram, T. Stone, K. Nguyen, J. Geathers,
D.Q. Nguyen, E. Skripnikova, M.R. Bratton,
J. Sridhar
MEDI 303. Synthesis and biological evaluation
of novel naphthoquinones as HER2
inhibitors for the treatment of trastuzumab
resistant breast cancer. R.L. Schroeder,
M.E. Sfondouris, M.R. Bratton, N.A. Pham,
P. Tram, T. Stone, K. Nguyen, J. Geathers,
D.Q. Nguyen, C.L. Stevens, F.E. Jones, J. Sridhar
MEDI 304. Anthracenyl isoxazole amides
(AIMs) stabilize quadruplex DNA structures in telomeric and c-MYC promotor sequences. S. Stump, M.J. Weaver,
N.S. Duncan, A.K. Kearns, N.R. Natale, H.D. Beall
MEDI 305. Design, synthesis, and biological
screening of novel estrone analogs toward
treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.
M. Mahnashi
MEDI 306. Synthesis, structure-activity
relationship (SAR) study, and mode of
action study of cationic triazole analogs of
1,4-naphthoquinone: A new class of highly
potent anticancer agent. J.P. Shrestha,
C.T. Chang
MEDI 307. ZMPSTE24 protease inhibitors as
senescence agonists for cancer chemotherapy. D. Xanthopoulos, A. Matralis, H. de Vries,
G. Huot, G. Ferbeyre, Y.S. Tsantrizos
MEDI 308. Thio-sugars can sensitize human
cervixadenocarcinoma (Hela) cancer cells
to Bleomycin and ROS generator. J. Sarnik,
A. Czubatka, T. Poplawski, Z.J. Witczak
MEDI 309. Low glucose level enhances the
cytotoxicity of CARB-pharmacophore
to cancer cells. A. Czubatka, J. Sarnik,
T. Poplawski, Z.J. Witczak
MEDI 310. N,N-bisquinolylmethyl-2-alkyl
and N-quinolylmethyl-N-naphthylmethyl2-alkyl substituted imidazolium salts as
potential therapeutics for the treatment
of lung cancer: Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro anticancer activity.
M. DeBord, P.O. Wagers, M.J. Panzner, C. Tessier,
W.J. Youngs

311. 2,4-Diaryl-indenopyridine derivatives: Design, synthesis, topoisomerase

I and II inhibition, cytotoxicity, and structure-activity relationship study. T. Thapa
Magar, T.M. Kadayat, G. Bist, A. Shrestha,
Y. Kwon, E. Lee
MEDI 312. Mechanistic studies of imidazolium
salts as antitumor agents. M.R. Southerland,
P.O. Wagers, M. DeBord, K.L. Shelton, L. Shriver,
S.M. Paruchuri, C. Tessier, M.J. Panzner,
W.J. Youngs
MEDI 313. Design, synthesis, and in vitro
anticancer activities the 7-chloro-6-fluoro-N-subsituted-2-phenylquinoline-4-carboxamide derivatives. A.P. Patel, H.G. Bhatt
MEDI 314. Synthesis of pyrazole derivatives
as potential cytotoxic agents. T. Rowe,
J. Brider, M. Branscum, M.A. Alam
MEDI 315. Synthesis of curcumin mimics with
substituted triazolyl groups and their sensitization effect of TRAIL against brain cancer
cells. S. Lee, S. Oh, D. Kwon, Y. Park, W. Shin
MEDI 316. 10-oxy-anthracenyl isoxazole
amides (AIMs) as potential G-quadruplex
stabilizing antitumor agents. N.S. Duncan,
N.R. Natale, H.D. Beall
MEDI 317. Ferrocenyl derivatives as promising
scaffolds for anticancer and antileishmanial
agents. S. Zaib, J. Iqbal, M. Hassan, F. Macaev,
A.K. Powell
MEDI 318. Improved efficacy for a novel class
of G-quadruplex binding anti-tumor agents.
M.J. Weaver, N.R. Natale
MEDI 319. Design, synthesis, and antineoplastic evaluation of isoform selective inhibitors
of AKR1C3. K. Verma, T. Zhang, T.M. Penning,
P.C. Trippier
MEDI 320. Discovery and development of
a series of irreversible EGFR_T790M
7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine inhibitors
with high selectivity over EGFR wild type.
S. Planken, S.K. Nair, J.C. Kath, J. Lafontaine,
S. Weinrich, H.K. Cheng, S.C. Sutton,
T.O. Johnson, M. Zientek, A. Nagata, K. Gajiwala,
J. Solowiej, B.W. Murray, M. Yin, M. Hemkens
MEDI 321. Synthesis of PF-06459988; a next
generation irreversible EGFR_T790M inhibitor for resistant non-small cell lung cancer.
K.T. Tran, D.C. Behenna, S. Cho-Schultz,
S. Kephart, J. Matthews, S.K. Nair, M.A. Ornelas,
S.T. Orr, M.A. Pairish, P. Richardson, D.T. Richter,
N. Sach, H. Shen, S.C. Sutton, R. Zhou
MEDI 322. Synthesis of warhead containing
scaffolds on irreversible 7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]
pyrimidine EGFR T790M inhibitors.
J.J. Matthews, S.E. Kephart, R. Zhou,
M.A. Pairish, D. Behenna, S. Cho-Schultz,
S.K. Nair, M.A. Ornelas, S.T. Orr, D.T. Richter,
H. Shen, S.C. Sutton, K.T. Tran
MEDI 323. Exploring EGFR kinase-ligand
interactions for optimizing dual action
inhibitors. C. Williams, A. Ajamian, P. Kamya,
B. Jean-Claude, Z. Rachid
MEDI 324. Fully automated radiosynthesis
of [11C]AZD8931 as a new PET agent for
imaging of EGFR, HER2 and HER3 signaling. M. Wang, M. Gao, Q. Zheng
MEDI 325. Synthesis of carbon-11-labeled
aminoalkylindole derivatives as new candidate CBR radioligands for PET imaging
of alcohol abuse. M. Gao, A. Gao, M. Wang,
Q. Zheng
MEDI 326. Development of isoform selective
compounds for Grp94 inhibition. S. Mishra
MEDI 327. Targeting Hsp90: Development of
C-terminal inhibitors. M. Anyika
MEDI 328. Deuterated dabrafenib (BRAF
kinase inhibitor): Metabolism and pharmacokinetics. J.M. Ralph, L.E. Richards-Peterson,
T. Wilde, D. Bershas, E.A. Minthorn, A. Kaura,
M. Bleam, S. Laquerre, M. Arnone, C. Manning,
J.L. Adams
MEDI 329. Combination therapy with
epothilone and aurora kinase inhibitors induces a novel form of cell death.
L. Woods, R.E. Taylor, K.T. Vaughan

330. Identification of 2-(4-benzamidophenyl)-7-phenyl-5H-benzo[c]
pyrimido[4,5-e]azepines as potent
aurora kinase inhibitors. R.E. Gershman,
S.G. Stroud, D.A. Janowick, T.B. Sells, M. Rezaei,
C.F. Claiborne, S.J. Critchley
MEDI 331. Rational design of ALK2 small
molecule inhibitors for treatment of
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP).
Y.L. Luo, A. Alsamarah
MEDI 332. Discovery and SAR exploration of
a novel series 8-oxo-8,9-dihydro-7H-purine-6-carboxamides as mTOR kinase
inhibitors. P. Papa
MEDI 333. Discovery of substituted morpholinothiophene and morpholinothiazole
carboxylic acids as selective inhibitors of
PI3Kb kinase. Z. Shi, D. Cardin, J. Chouitar,
J. Ecsedy, K. Galvin, R. Grifn, P. Hales, M. Hirose,
T. Hu, N. Natasha Iartchouk, D.A. Janowick,
Y. Kawakita, M. Rezaei, T. Sells, M. Smith,
S. Stroud, L. Takaoka, S. Vyskocil, D. Deborah
Wysong, T. Xu, W. Zhang
MEDI 334. Inhibition of the inositol phosphatase SHIP utilizing quinoline-based
small molecules. C.M. Russo, A.A. Adhikari,
D.R. Wallach, R. Brooks, F. Sandra, A.N. Balch,
W.G. Kerr, J.D. Chisholm
MEDI 335. Disruption of STAT3 phosphorylation by novel pyrimidino-thiazinones,
PI3K- and inhibitors. B. Akula,
D. Subbaiah, M.R. Mallireddigari, S. Cosenza,
V. Bharathi, V. Pallela, G. Panda, . Reddy,
M. Reddy
MEDI 336. Structure based design, synthesis,
and anticancer evaluation of human neutrophil elastase inhibitors. Q. Sun, Y. Li, J. Li,
W. Yang, G. Yang
MEDI 337. Synthesis and biological evaluation of potential isoform-selective
benzimidazole-4-carboxamide inhibitors of
poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases. J. Pickles,
C. Cano, B. Golding, S. Harnor, S. Jackson,
H. Newell, J. Travers, R. Grifn
MEDI 338. Novel strategies for improving the
pharmacological properties of platinum-acridine anticancer agents. S. Ding,
A. Pickard, G. Kucera, U. Bierbach
MEDI 339. Labeling of TSPO PET radioligands
by [18F]fluorination of diarylsulfoxide
precursors. F.G. Simeon, E. Barresi, S. Lu,
S. Taliani, F. Da Settimo, V.W. Pike
MEDI 340. Red blood cell-mediated photodynamic therapy for improved cancer
treatment. W. Tang, J. Xie, Z. Zhen
MEDI 341. Molecular modeling studies
of choline acetyltransferase inhibitors
as potential PET probes. R. Kumar,
T. Darreh-Shori
MEDI 342. Target identification and mechanism elucidation of chalcones cytotoxicity
via photoaffinity probes. B. Zhou, X. Yu,
C. Zhuang, P. Jiang, S.S. Wickramaratne, Y. Lin,
J. L, C. Xing
MEDI 343. Activity-based probe for acyl
protein thioesterases. Y. Chen, M. Zompa,
R. Bisiewicz, C.T. Seto
MEDI 344. Design and application of lipid
probes for proteomic characterization of
protein binding partners. S. Eni, M. Best,
S. Mattern-Schain, K. Tscherch
MEDI 345. Design and synthesis of novel
fluorinated amines. P. Mykhailiuk
MEDI 346. Synthesis of conformationally
restricted scaffolds by double-Mannich
reaction of cyclic ketones. P. Mykhailiuk
MEDI 347. Synthesis of novel unique pyrrolidines by [3+2]-cycloaddition of azomethine
ylides with electron-deficient alkenes.
P. Mykhailiuk
MEDI 348. Affinity selection-mass spectrometry screening: Development and validation
of a 384-well ultrafiltration format for drug
discovery. R.E. Williamson, D. Terry, G. Roth
MEDI 349. Plasma treatment of dentin
surfaces for improving dental composite
restoration bonding. X. Dong, M. Cheng,
Y. Wang, H. Li, Q. Yu

Cooperative Cosponsorship

350. Synthesis and evaluation of
inhibitors of the salicylate synthase (MbtI)
involved in siderophore biosynthesis in
mycobacterium tuberculosis. F. Liu, Z. Liu
MEDI 351. Large scale storage stability analysis of molecules in the MLSMR. C. Laggner,
Y. Shayo, C. Hendarto, C.R. Johnson, C.R. Loomis
MEDI 352. Development of novel nitrogen
based heterocyclic antibiotic advjuvants.
R.E. Furlani, C. Melander

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Heino
C. Duellman, T. Fanghnel, D. E. Hobart, A.
Kersting, R. Wilson, Organizers, Presiding

Division of Nuclear
Chemistry and
J. C. Braley and D. E. Hobart, Program Chairs

Social Hour, 6:30 PM: Mon

NUCL Executive Business Meeting, 5:30 PM:
NUCL Business Meeting, 5:30 PM: Mon

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Heino
C. Duellman, T. Fanghnel, D. E. Hobart, A.
Kersting, R. Wilson, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 NUCL 1. Studies of the thermodynamics

of actinide reactions: A tribute to Heino

Nitsche. K.L. Nash
8:50 NUCL 2. Treatment of contaminated
water at Fukushima. D. Hobbs, R. Peterson,
K. Yamaguichi, M. Yamamoto
9:20 NUCL 3. Thermodynamics and predicting
actinide behavior in repository science.
D.T. Reed
9:40 NUCL 4. Spatially resolved characterization techniques for next generation
nuclear forensics signature development.
J.M. Schwantes, L. Sweet, E. Buck, T.J. Johnson,
D.D. Reilly, D. Abrecht, E. Mausolf
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 NUCL 5. Investigation of silica-grafted
CMPO-modified calix[4]arenes for radionuclide separations. E.M. May, Y. Wanglee,
A. Solovyov, Y. Matvieiev, A.S. Katz, V. Kalchenko,
H. Nitsche
10:50 NUCL 6. Interactions of plutonium and
ordered mesoporous materials. T. ParsonsMoss, D. Olive, S. Jones, J. Wang, D. Zhao,
Z. Dai, M. Zavarin, A. Kersting, H. Nitsche
11:10 NUCL 7. FIONA: A new mass analyzer for
superheavy elements. N. Esker, J.M. Gates,
G.K. Pang, K.E. Gregorich, H. Nitsche
11:30 NUCL 8. Solid-phase extractants for
sequestration and separation of actinides
and lanthanides. J. Shusterman, A. Bruchet,
H. Mason, E.C. Uribe, H. Nitsche
11:50 NUCL 9. DTRA basic research for
combating weapons of mass destruction.
S. Wilk
Uranium in Seawater
Sorbents and Analysis
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

1:20 NUCL 10. Scientific contributions of

Heino Nitsche to actinide and transactinide

chemistry. C. Dllmann, R. Wilson
1:40 NUCL 11. Heavy element studies at
Berkeley. K.E. Gregorich
2:10 NUCL 12. Impact of [Ca2 UO2 (CO3 )3 ]
aq.-complex formation on environmental
behavior of uranium. G. Bernhard, G. Geipel,
V. Brendler
2:40 NUCL 13. Molecular scale investigations
towards actinide retention at mineral surfaces. H. Geckeis
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 NUCL 14. Applications of molten salts in
nuclear technology. T. Fanghnel, O. Bene,
J. Glatz, R. Konings, R. Malmbeck, P. Soucek

4:00 NUCL 15. Advances in the production

and chemistry of the heaviest elements.
A. Tuerler
4:30 NUCL 16. Laser-induced spectroscopy of
actinides: From simple metal systems to
species in living cells. G.C. Geipel
5:00 NUCL 17. Toward A and Z identification of
superheavy elements. J.M. Gates
5:30 NUCL 18. Chronology of 239/240Pu
and of 236U in the Miaergou glacier from
eastern Tien Shan, China. H.W. Gaeggeler,
S. Hou, C. Wang, M. Christl, S. Maxeiner, H. Synal,
C. Vockenhuber
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Nuclear Forensics
Fission Product Studies
A. Klingensmith, R. S. Rundberg, Organizers
T. A. Bredeweg, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 NUCL 19. Energy dependence of fission

product yields from 235U, 238U and 239Pu

for incident neutron energies between
0.5 and 14.8 MeV. M. Gooden, C. Arnold,
T.A. Bredeweg, J. Wilhelmy, D. Vieira, A. Tonchev,
M.A. Stoyer, W. Tornow
1:25 NUCL 20. Measurement of fission product
yields and nuclear reaction crossSections
using mono-energetic neutrons from a
dense plasma focus. R.S. Rundberg
1:50 NUCL 21. Fission product chain yields
from fission spectrum irradiations at
NCERC. T.A. Bredeweg, K.R. Jackman,
A.C. Olson, S.M. Bowen, A. Schake, S.A. Kozimor
2:15 NUCL 22. SPIDER: New instrument
for fission mass yield measurements.
K.C. Meierbachtol, F. Tovesson, C. Arnold,
T.A. Bredeweg, M. Devlin, M. Jandel, J. Lestone,
R. Nelson, A. Sierk, D. Shields, M. White,
A. Hecht, R. Blakeley
2:40 NUCL 23. Relative fission product yield
determination in varying neutron environments. M. Koehl, J. Braley

3:45 NUCL 25. Thermochromatographic sep-

arations of volatile rare earth compounds

for nuclear forensics analysis. J.D. Auxier,
S.A. Stratz, D.E. Hanson, M.L. Marsh, A.V. Jones,
H.L. Hall
4:10 NUCL 26. Synthesis and characterization
of Ln[fod]x and Ln[dpm]x compounds for the
development of rapid gas-phase separation
methods. S.A. Stratz, J.D. Auxier, M.L. Marsh,
D. Hanson, A.V. Jones, H.L. Hall
4:35 NUCL 27. Determination of decontamination factor for various radioisotopes during
the PUREX process of irradiated DUO2 .
T.K. Bhardwaj, P. Mendoza, R. Du, M. Bencomo,
J. Allred, M. Swinney, C.M. Folden, S. Chirayath
5:00 NUCL 28. Source facility determination
based on PUREX process trace metal
signatures. A. Baldwin, J.C. Braley
Uranium in Seawater
Sorbents and Analysis
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Heino
C. Duellman, T. Fanghnel, D. E. Hobart,
A. Kersting, R. Wilson, Organizers, Presiding
8:10 NUCL 29. Actinide sorption to aluminum

(hydr)oxides: Influence of sorption site

acidity. T. Baumer, P.E. Kay, A. Ko, A.E. Hixon
8:30 NUCL 30. Pu transport mechanisms in the
environment: Field evidence, conceptual
models, and experimental data. M. Zavarin,
J. Begg, C. Joseph, P. Zhao, A. Kersting
8:50 NUCL 31. Separating uranyl nanoclusters using ultrafiltration membranes.
M. Sharironizi, C.R. Andrews, J.E. Syzmanowski,
G.E. Sigmon, W.A. Phillip, P.C. Burns
9:10 NUCL 32. Superheavy element discovery and chemistry program at LLNL.
D.A. Shaughnessy, R. Henderson, K. Moody,
N. Gharibyan, J. Despotopulos
9:30 Intermission.
9:50 NUCL 33. Biotransformation of plutonium.
T. Ohnuki, A.J. Francis
10:10 NUCL 34. Plutonium hydrolysis and condensation. L. Soderholm, S. Skanthakumar
10:40 NUCL 35. Role of multinucleon transfer
reactions in making neutron-rich transactinide nuclei. W. Loveland, R. Yanez, S. Barrett
11:00 NUCL 36. Relativistic quantum theory
for chemical identification of the heaviest
elements. V. Pershina
11:30 NUCL 37. Heino Nitsches contributions
to the understanding of Pu reactions
at mineral:water interfaces and their
implications on present reactive transport
modeling. B.A. Powell, D. Kaplan
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Nuclear Forensics

Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Nuclear Forensics
T. A. Bredeweg, A. Klingensmith, Organizers
R. S. Rundberg, Organizer, Presiding
3:20 NUCL 24. Synthesis of rapid separa-

tion targets by hydrothermal methods.

J.M. Dorhout, K. Czerwinski

T. A. Bredeweg, R. S. Rundberg, Organizers

A. Klingensmith, Organizer, Presiding
8:15 NUCL 38. Mass transport in aerodynamic

fallout glass from a near-surface nuclear

explosion. D. Weisz, S.G. Prussin, K. Knight,
B. Jacobsen, N.E. Marks, I.D. Hutcheon
8:40 NUCL 39. Constraints on fallout melt
glass formation from a near-surface nuclear
test. G.R. Eppich, K.B. Knight, G. Spriggs,
I.D. Hutcheon
9:05 NUCL 40. Production of activation species
for use with realistic surrogate debris materials. B.B. Bandong

9:30 NUCL 41. Forensic analysis of urban
nuclear melt glass surrogates. A.V. Giminaro,
J.P. Auxier, J.A. Gill, S.A. Stratz, C.J. Oldham,
H.L. Hall
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Nuclear Forensics
A. Klingensmith, R. S. Rundberg, Organizers
T. A. Bredeweg, Organizer, Presiding
10:10 NUCL 42. Controlled pore glass materials

as use for a surrogate nuclear explosion

debris (SNED) material. A.J. Carman,
B. Valenzuela, M.V. Snyder, M. Endres, M. Liezers,
A. Prinke, G.C. Eiden
10:35 NUCL 43. Surrogate nuclear explosion
debris methods: ICP-fluidized bed reactor
and agglomerated laser melt material.
M. Endres, M. Liezers, G. Eiden, A.J. Carman
11:00 NUCL 44. Radiochemistry for the production of a realistic post-det surrogate debris.
N. Gharibyan, K. Moody, P. Grant, S. Tumey,
T. Brown, K. Roberts, D. Shaughnessy
Uranium in Seawater
Sorbents and Analysis
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear

Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Heino Nitsche
C. Duellman, T. Fanghnel, D. E. Hobart,
A. Kersting, R. Wilson, Organizers, Presiding
1:20 NUCL 45. Behavior of U(VI) silicate

minerals and Np(V)-doped U(VI) silicates.

N. Wall, S.B. Clark
1:40 NUCL 46. Production and decay studies of
265Sg for chemical studies of seaborgium
using the gas-filled recoil ion separator
2:10 NUCL 47. Recent advances in uranium
cluster chemistry research. P.C. Burns
2:40 NUCL 48. Use of projectiles with Z 20 to
produce heavy and superheavy elements.
C.M. Folden
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 NUCL 49. Second break in the
actinide series occurs at califorinum.
T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
4:00 NUCL 50. Heavy element studies at the
University of Nevada Las Vegas. R. Sudowe,
J. Despotopulos, J. Rolfes
4:20 NUCL 51. Plutonium speciation during
interaction with argillaceous rocks. T. Reich
4:50 NUCL 52. X-ray spectroscopy characterisation of radionuclide-NOM interaction.
M.A. Denecke
5:20 NUCL 53. Plutonium uptake by mammalian cells. M.P. Jensen, B. Aryal, T. Paunesku,
G. Woloschak
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Nuclear Forensics
Spectroscopic Methods
T. A. Bredeweg, A. Klingensmith, Organizers
R. S. Rundberg, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 NUCL 54. Spectroscopic signatures for
forensic sciences. N. Wozniak, S.M. Clegg,
K. Czerwinski, G.L. Wagner, M.P. Wilkerson

1:25 NUCL 55. Calibration of femtosecond

11:30 NUCL 72. Thirty years of bridging the

9:00 NUCL 90. New opportunity: Coincident

laser ablation inductively coupled plasma

mass spectrometer using a thermal
inkjet picofluidic system for sensitive
isotopic nuclear material characterization. G.J. Havrilla, K.G. McIntosh, J. Gonzalez,
D. Oropeza, R. Russo, M.S. Morey
1:50 NUCL 56. FIER: A method for forensic
attribution of fissile mixtures using beta-delayed gamma-ray signatures. E. Matthews,
B.L. Goldblum, B.J. Quiter
2:15 NUCL 57. Considerations when using
scanning electron microscopy for nuclear
forensics. A.L. Tamasi, G.L. Wagner, B. Scott,
J.R. Walensky, M.P. Wilkerson

gap: The ACS Summer Schools in Nuclear

and Radiochemistry. J.D. Robertson
11:50 NUCL 73. NUCL Division strategic plan.
P.F. Mantica
Uranium in Seawater

spectroscopy in neutron-deficient actinides.

O.R. Gothe, K.E. Gregorich, B. Baartman,
P. Fallon, N. Esker, J.T. Kwarsick, A. Machiavelli,
P. Mudder, D. Olive, G.K. Pang, J. Rissanen,
H. Nitsche
9:20 NUCL 91. Comparing nuclear counting
statistics with the network statistics.
S.E. Beach, T.M. Semkow, D.J. Remling
9:40 NUCL 92. Working toward measurement
of nuclear structure in superheavy elements. K.E. Gregorich
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 NUCL 93. Response of actinide materials
to highly ionizing radiation. R.C. Ewing
10:40 NUCL 94. Reductive routes to
low-oxidation states actinide materials.
T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
11:00 NUCL 95. Determination of Pu in spent
nuclear fuel: Results from field testing of
high resolution X-ray (hiRX). G.J. Havrilla,
K.G. McIntosh, R. Gilmore, D. Missimer,
M. Holland
11:20 NUCL 96. Accumulation of specific
nuclides by fish bodies in Fukushima-Ken
(Prefecture) EEZ (Exclusive Economic
Zone), Japan in November 2012. H. Katsura
11:40 NUCL 97. Cost effective tank waste
characterization at the Savannah River
site. S.H. Reboul, D.P. Diprete, J.M. Pareizs,
F.G. Smith, R.H. Young

Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Nuclear Forensics
T. A. Bredeweg, R. S. Rundberg, Organizers
A. Klingensmith, Organizer, Presiding
2:55 NUCL 58. Electrochemistry of a modi-

fied-hematite film electrode for the detection of rhenium as a technetium analog.

L. Gribat, H. Beyenal, N. Wall
3:20 NUCL 59. Stability constants and total
dissolution of Tc(IV) and DTPA complexes.
T. Omoto, N.A. Wall
3:45 NUCL 60. Cathodoluminescent signatures of neutron irradiation. G.F. Peaslee,
D.K. Silletti, S. Brokus, J. Buscaglia
4:10 NUCL 61. Applications for nuclear
forensics at the National Ignition Facility.
D.A. Shaughnessy, K. Moody, N. Gharibyan,
P. Grant, C. Yeamans, K. Holliday, J. Despotopulos
4:35 NUCL 62. Boron-rich benzene and pyrene
derivatives for the detection of thermal
neutrons. H. Yemam, A. Mahl, U. Koldemir,
U. Greife, A. Sellinger
5:00 NUCL 63. Plutonium speciation Influence
on the 22Na yield from the 19F[,n] reaction. W.M. Kerlin, J.D. Despotopulos, D.D. Reilly,
R. Sudowe, K. Czerwinski

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

50th Anniversary of the NUCL Division

T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, J. Auxier II, D. E. Hobart,
D. S. Peterson, D. A. Shaughnessy, D. K. Shuh,
J. C. Braley, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 NUCL 64. Division of Nuclear Chemistry

and Technology 50th Anniversary celebration. D.E. Hobart

8:30 NUCL 65. Division of Nuclear Chemistry
and Technology (1990-2015). D.C. Hoffman
9:00 NUCL 66. Heavy element chemistry at

Berkeley: A distinguished history with a

promising future. D.K. Shuh
9:20 NUCL 67. Heavy element chemistry and
separations science at Argonne National
Laboratory: A current perspective. J.V. Beitz,
L. Soderholm
9:40 NUCL 68. Decades of progress in
actinide solution chemistry in NUCL/DNCT.
K.L. Nash
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 NUCL 69. Fifty years of heavy element
science: Understanding their elemental
states. R. Haire
10:50 NUCL 70. NUCL and the ACS/DOE
summer school in nuclear chemistry: A
historical perspective. P.A. Baisden
11:10 NUCL 71. Helping build a future nuclear
forensics and radiochemistry workforce:
Education efforts within the Seaborg
Institute at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. A. Kersting

Sorbents and Analysis

Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

50th Anniversary of the NUCL Division

J. Auxier II, D. S. Peterson, D. A. Shaughnessy,
D. K. Shuh, Organizers
T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, D. E. Hobart, Organizers,
1:00 NUCL 74. Thermodynamics of actinide

solution chemistry: Complexation by

alpha-hydroxy organic acids in mixed
solvent systems. S.B. Clark
1:20 NUCL 75. EMSL radiochemistry annex: A
new international user-facility for the study
of radiological samples. N.J. Hess
1:40 NUCL 76. Radiochemistry at Los Alamos
National Laboratory: Past, present, and
future. D.S. Peterson
2:00 NUCL 77. The Radiochemistry Center of
Excellence at the University of Tennessee.
H.L. Hall
2:20 NUCL 78. Molecular electronic structure
theory applied to heavy-element chemistry:
Some past accomplishments, present
challenges, and future opportunities.
B.E. Bursten
2:40 NUCL 79. Savannah River National
Laboratory and [NUCL] a joint history.
M.G. Bronikowski
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 NUCL 80. Online chemistry research at
Texas A&M University. C.M. Folden
3:40 NUCL 81. Protactinium: Chemistry at the
intersection of the 5f and 6d elements.
R. Wilson, S. De Sio, V. Vallet
4:00 NUCL 82. Radiotracers for biological,
environmental, and medical applications.
S.S. Jurisson
4:20 NUCL 83. Recent advances in molecular
f-element chemistry centered on TRU
elements. J.L. McDonald, A. Gaunt
4:40 NUCL 84. High field and high frequency
EPR study of isotypic herterobimetallics.
K. Diefenbach, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
5:00 NUCL 85. Microstructural characterization of structural alloys for nuclear energy
applications. M. Li
5:20 NUCL 86. Optimization and characterization of a molecular plating technique for
homogenous thin film samples. A. Roman,
R.S. Rundberg

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Convergence of Theory & Experiment in

Heavy Element Chemistry
A. P. Sattelberger, D. K. Shuh, L. Soderholm,
Organizers, Presiding
8:20 NUCL 98. Elucidation of redox properties,

structures, and bonding for cerium and

uranium complexes through DFT and
experiment. E.J. Schelter
8:40 NUCL 99. Water adsorption on AnO2
(An = U, Np, Pu) surfaces. J.P. Wellington,
A. Kerridge, N. Kaltsoyannis
9:00 NUCL 100. Evaluation of the coordination
chemistry and reactivity of trimethylsilylanilido and phosphinimide complexes of U and
Th. R.K. Thomson
9:20 NUCL 101. Structure and stability of
uranyl(VI) and uranium(VI) imido complexes
with high-nitrogen ligands. K.A. Maerzke,
N. Henson, J. Veauthier, J.L. Kiplinger
9:40 NUCL 102. Bonding and magnetism in
tris-cyclopentadienyl neodymium and
uranium complexes and their isocyanide adduct. W.W. Lukens, R.A. Andersen,
N.M. Edelstein, P. Yang, M. Speldrich
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 NUCL 103. Experimental and theoretical determinations of covalency in
d- and f-block metal oxides. S.G. Minasian,
E.R. Batista, C. Booth, J.M. Keith, W.W. Lukens,
S.A. Kozimor, R.L. Martin, D. Nordlund, D.K. Shuh,
D. Sokaras, T. Tyliszczak, X. Wen, T. Weng
10:40 NUCL 104. Strong correlations and covalency in actinide materials. R.L. Martin
11:00 NUCL 105. Toward controlling the formation of cation-cation interactions in neptunyl(V) compounds. G. Jin, S. Skanthakumar

50th Anniversary of the NUCL Division

T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, J. Auxier II, J. C. Braley, D.
E. Hobart, D. S. Peterson, Organizers
D. A. Shaughnessy, D. K. Shuh, Organizers,
8:00 NUCL 87. Fission and the DNCT.
W. Loveland
8:20 NUCL 88. Nuclear shape triaxiality in neutron-rich niobium isotopes. J.O. Rasmussen,
Y.X. Luo, Y. Liu
8:40 NUCL 89. Exploiting fast neutrons: From

nuclear structure to neutrinoless double-beta decay. S.W. Yates

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

11:20 NUCL 106. Combined structural charac-

terization, raman spectroscopy, and theory

to promote an enhanced understanding of
aqueous speciation. T. Forbes, M.C. Basile,
J. de Groot
11:40 NUCL 107. Characterisation of actinide
selective N-donor extractants using
spectroscopic and quantum theoretical
methods. M.A. Denecke

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom A

50th Anniversary of the NUCL Division

T. A. Albrecht, J. C. Braley, D. E. Hobart, D. A.
Shaughnessy, D. K. Shuh, Organizers
J. Auxier II, D. S. Peterson, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 NUCL 108. Actinide interactions with

aminopolycarboxyates: Heavy element

curiosities. J. Braley
1:20 NUCL 109. Advances in organometallic

chemistry at the bottom of the periodic

table. J.L. Kiplinger
1:40 NUCL 110. Use of molecular dynamics to
evaluate tributyl phosphate and diamylamyl
phosphonate containing systems. M. Servis,
J.C. Braley, D. Wu
2:00 NUCL 111. Historical overview of radioisotope thermoelectric generators. C.E. Whiting
2:20 NUCL 112. Characterization of actinide
reactivity and speciation at mineral:water
interfaces. B.A. Powell, S.L. Estes, D. Kaplan,
A. Kersting, M. Zavarin
2:40 NUCL 113. Enhanced immobilization of
iodine by biochar in soil-water system.
D. Zhang, L. Wang, H. Zhao
3:00 NUCL 114. Studies on the thermodynamics of trivalent lanthanide/actinide
extraction by tri-n-octylphosphine oxide
and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid.
T.S. Grimes, P.R. Zalupski, L.R. Martin
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 NUCL 115. Specific recognition and
enhanced luminescence sensitization of
trivalent actinides. R.J. Abergel, B.E. Allred,
M. Sturzbecher-Hoehne, A. Daleo
4:00 NUCL 116. Minor actinide separations
using a combination of a dithiophosphinic
acid and a synergist. D.R. Peterman,
P.R. Zalupski, J.R. Klaehn
4:20 NUCL 117. Probing for differences in
the electronic properties of actinides
and lanthanides using 1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxylic acid. S.K. Cary,
T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
4:40 NUCL 118. Structural and electronic variations in f-block containing
plumbite clusters. J.T. Stritzinger, K. Pace,
T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
5:00 NUCL 119. Supramolecular coordination
polymers of lanthanide and actinide metals
featuring the 1,8-naphthalimide tecton.
A. Leitner, D.L. Reger, M.D. Smith
5:20 NUCL 120. Ionothermal flux syntheses
of isomorphous metalloborate clusters.
G. Parker, A.L. Chown, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Convergence of Theory & Experiment

in Heavy Element Chemistry
D. L. Clark, A. P. Sattelberger, D. K. Shuh,
L. Soderholm, Organizers, Presiding
1:20 NUCL 121. Correlation between

single-atom adsorption enthalpies and

solid-state properties. H.W. Gaeggeler
1:40 NUCL 122. Predicting the redox potentials
of actinide complexes (An=U, Np, Pu) using
first-principles. W. Huang, J. Li, P. Yang
2:00 NUCL 123. Actinide chemistry in the gas
phase: A fruitful interplay between experiment and theory. J.K. Gibson

Cooperative Cosponsorship

2:20 NUCL 124. Exploring the highest oxidation
state in actinide compounds. J. Li
2:40 NUCL 125. Spectroscopy and structure of
the simplest actinide bonds. M.C. Heaven,
J. Bartlett, R. VanGundy
3:00 NUCL 126. Experimental and quantum

chemical studies of alkali-ion promoted

formation of uranyl(VI) peroxide rings and
a comparison with similar reactions in12crown-5 and 15-crown-5 systems. V. Vallet,
P. Zanonato, P. Di Bernardo, Z. Szabo, I. Grenthe
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 NUCL 127. Integration of computational
modeling and experiments in actinide
chemistry. W. Dejong, S. Odoh, Y. Gong,
J.K. Gibson
4:00 NUCL 128. Toward accurate ab initio
thermochemistry for molecules containing
f-block elements. K.A. Peterson, D.A. Dixon
4:20 NUCL 129. Reactivity of aqueous thorium(IV) and plutonium(IV) clusters. M. Vasiliu,
K. Knope, L. Soderholm, D.A. Dixon
4:40 NUCL 130. Tetravalent actinide-small
organic molecule containing compounds.
K.E. Knope
5:00 NUCL 131. Theoretical study of the
electronic spectrum of the UO and UO+
molecules. R. Tyagi, Z. Zhang, R.M. Pitzer
5:20 NUCL 132. Solution and gas phase
solvation of f-element ions in binary water/
methanol solutions. M. Kelley, A.E. Clark,
S.B. Clark

Section B

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Crestone Ballroom B

Convergence of Theory & Experiment in

Heavy Element Chemistry
D. L. Clark, A. P. Sattelberger, D. K. Shuh,
L. Soderholm, Organizers, Presiding
8:20 NUCL 133. Computational studies of

actinide and metal oxides, fluorides, and

chlorides. D.A. Dixon, K.A. Peterson
8:40 NUCL 134. Combining theory with experiment to understand aggregation in solvent
extraction systems for heavy element
separations. R.J. Ellis, B. Qiao, T. Demars
9:00 NUCL 135. Role of ionic solute vs. amphiphilic solute on local interfacial properties.
Y. Ghadar
9:20 NUCL 136. Examining covalency in
actinide complexes with soft donor
ligands and metal-ligand multiple bonding.
J.R. Walensky, A. Behrle
9:40 NUCL 137. Revealing the hydration of thorium(IV) with combined techniques involving
EXAFS, HEXS and molecular dynamics
simulations. F. Ral, V. Vallet, M. Masella, Y. Hu,
S. Skanthakumar, L. Soderholm
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 NUCL 138. Effects of strong -donors
on actinides: bent uranyl(VI) and molecular
Pu(IV). M. Silver
10:40 NUCL 139. Covalency in f-element
materials probed with ligand K-edge X-ray
absorption spectroscopy. E.R. Batista
11:00 NUCL 140. Solvation thermodynamics
of trivalent actinide (An=U, Np and Pu) ions
using polarizable force field. P. Parmar,
Y. Ghadar, A.E. Clark
11:20 NUCL 141. Divergence between plutonium and americium in oxoanion materials.
T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
11:40 NUCL 142. Combined theoretical and
experimental study of the binding features
of the super uranyl-binding protein.
L. Gagliardi, S. Odoh, G. Bondarevsky, J. Karpus,
C. He, Q. Cui, R. Spezia

Division of Organic
M. C. McIntosh and R. D. Broene, Program

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

New Reactions and Methodology

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
P. Willoughby, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 1. New synthetic approaches to

biologically active amino containing natural

Ppoducts: Total synthesis of oxybenzophenanthridines. E.D. Calder, F.I. McGonagle,
A.H. Harkiss, G.A. McGonagle, S.A. Sharif,
A. Sutherland
8:20 ORGN 2. Development of complexity generating and stereoselective carbon carbon
bond forming reactions. B.J. Cowen
8:40 ORGN 3. Rh(III)-catalyzed C-H activation
of N-enoxyphthalimides. T. Piou, T. Rovis
9:00 ORGN 4. Regioselective C-H activation of
azine N-oxides in arylation and dimerization. D.E. Stephens, J. Lakey-Beitia, A.C. Atesin,
T. Atesin, G. Chavez, H. Arman, O. Larionov
9:20 ORGN 5. Butyrolactone synthesis via polar
radical crossover cycloaddition reactions:
Diastereoselective synthesis of methylenolactocin and protolichesterinic acid.
M. Zeller, M. Riener, D.A. Nicewicz
9:40 ORGN 6. A K2CO3 mediated regioselective synthesis of indole/pyrrole-fused
1,4-oxazines: An unexpected indole-fused
azlactone synthesis. J. Vandavasi, W. Hu,
J. Wang
10:00 ORGN 7. Metal- and reagent-free highly
selective anodic cross-coupling reaction.
D.R. Waldvogel, B. Elsler, D. Schollmeyer,
K. Dyballa, R. Franke
10:20 ORGN 8. Surprising organic synthesis:
Serendipitous discovery of a novel cascade
process. J.A. Simanis, E.L. Woodall, C.M. Law,
C.G. Hamaker, J.R. Goodell, T.A. Mitchell
10:40 ORGN 9. Near-IR uncaging chemistry: discovery, and applications.
M.J. Schnermann
11:00 ORGN 10. Synthesis of N-phthalimido-Oacyl-N,O-acetals from aldehydes and their
conversion into -branched phthalimides.
P.H. Willoughby, R.N. Enright, L.T. Henningsen,
L.I. Wurtz, E.R. Cliff, J.L. Grinde
11:20 ORGN 11. Pentadehydro-Diels-Alder
(PDDA) reaction Part 2: Cycloadditions of
allenynes with nitriles to give pyridine derivatives. R. Naredla, T. Wang, T.R. Hoye
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Asymmetric Reactions and Syntheses

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
E. S. Spahn, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 12. Insights into the enantioselec-

tivity of monoprotected amino acid assisted

CH activation reaction. G. Cheng, P. Chen,
T. Sun, J. Yu, X. Zhang, Y. Wu
8:20 ORGN 13. Enantiodivergent hydrovinylation reaction. S. Biswas, J.P. Page,
T. RajanBabu
8:40 ORGN 14. Asymmetric hydrovinylation
of siloxydienes: Making enantio-pure
nucleophilic synthons. S. Biswas, J.P. Page,
T. RajanBabu
9:00 ORGN 15. Expedient synthesis of
chiral polysubstituted 1,4-oxazepanes.
M. Bezanson, J. Pottel, N. Moitessier

9:20 ORGN 16. New strategy for the asym-

metric conjugate addition of acetylenes to

activated olefins via sequential palladium
and copper catalysis. B.M. Trost, J.T. Masters,
B.R. Taft, J.G. Lumb
9:40 ORGN 17. Development of an enantioand diastereoselective Simmons-Smith
bromocyclopropanation reaction and
mechanistic considerations. S. Taillemaud,
N. Diercxsens, A. Gagnon, A.B. Charette
10:00 ORGN 18. Kinetic resolution of 2-aryl
cyclohexanols via asymmetric silylation.
L. Wang, R. Akhani, S.L. Wiskur
10:20 ORGN 19. Efficient synthesis of enantiopure lignin models and their catalytic oxidation using cobalt-Schiff base complexes.
C. Njiojob, J.J. Bozell, B.K. Long
10:40 ORGN 20. Development of an asymmetric synthesis of Letermovir exploiting a
novel PTCcatalyzed aza-Michael reaction.
G.R. Humphrey, Z. Song, S. Dalby, B. Xiang,
T. Andreani, K.M. Belyk, D. Tschaen
11:00 ORGN 21. Phosphonate-directed
catalytic asymmetric hydroboration.
S. Chakrabarty, R. Carr, J.M. Takacs
11:20 ORGN 22. Toward the reproducibility
of CuIPhEt hydrosilylations. E.S. Spahn,
M.C. McIntosh, R.E. Gawley
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Materials, Devices and Switches

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
D. J. Dibble, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 23. Multiscale simulations of

morphology and charge-transport in oligothiophenes. S.A. Lopez, I. Yavuz, L. Zhang,

B.P. Cherniawski, A.L. Briseno, K.N. Houk
8:20 ORGN 24. Withdrawn.
8:40 ORGN 25. New organic conjugated
molecules toward semiconducting and
light-emitting materials. D. Zhang
9:00 ORGN 26. Graphene oxide coupled metal
oxide nanosheets incorporating small
organic molecules for n-type and p-type
field effective transistors (FETs). M. Samal,
N. Barange, K. Yun
9:20 ORGN 27. Tunable electronic and spintronic properties in highly conjugated multi[(porphinato)metal] oligomers. R.C. Bruce,
R. Wang, M.J. Therien, W. You
9:40 ORGN 28. Protein-based protonic
transistors. D.D. Ordinario, L. Phan, J. Jocson,
T. Nguyen, A.A. Gorodetsky
10:00 ORGN 29. Synthesis and electrochemical
characterization of oligonucleotide-inspired organic nanowires. A. Mazaheripour,
N. Hsken, J. Jocson, A.M. Burke,
A.A. Gorodetsky
10:20 ORGN 30. Better than metals: Cyanostar
macrocycles stabilize and switch organic
anion radicals. C. Benson, A.H. Flood
10:40 ORGN 31. Withdrawn.
11:00 ORGN 32. Chemistry of boron-doped
graphene flakes. S. Yamaguchi

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3

Ronald Breslow Award for Achievement in

Biomimetic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Eric T. Kool
K. Walker, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ORGN 33. Mimicry of protein tertiary

structures by expanding beyond natural

constraints of covalent connectivity in
biological sequences. W.S. Horne
1:50 ORGN 34. Carbene and nitrene transfer
reactions catalyzed by engineered hemoproteins. R. Fasan
2:35 ORGN 35. Looking beneath the surface
to determine what makes DNA damage
deleterious. M.M. Greenberg

3:20 Introduction of Awardee.
3:25 ORGN 36. Award Address (Ronald

Breslow Award for Achievement in

Biomimetic Chemistry sponsored by the
Ronald Breslow Award Endowment).
Designer DNA bases: Probing molecules
and mechanisms in biology. E.T. Kool
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 1

Development of Direct C-H Functionalization

Processes towards the Synthesis of
Biologically Active Compounds
J. Mousseau, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ORGN 37. CH functionalization: Can we

leverage cutting-edge synthetic methods to

enhance drug discovery? A.F. Stepan
1:35 ORGN 38. C-H bond functionalization
cascades for the synthesis of complex
heterocycles. J.A. Ellman
2:25 ORGN 39. Selective functionalization of
alkyl and aryl c-h bonds installation of
temporary functional groups. J.F. Hartwig
3:15 ORGN 40. High-throughput experimentation methods in the development of direct
functionalization reactions. L. Campeau
4:05 ORGN 41. Studies in natural poduct
synthesis. P.S. Baran
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

New Reactions and Methodology

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
S. Blakey, Presiding
1:20 ORGN 42. Development of Corey-Seebach
umpolung reagents in palladium-catalyzed
cross-coupling reactions. S. Baker Dockrey,
J.R. Schmink
1:40 ORGN 43. Palladium-catalyzed decarbox-

ylative CC bond formation of secondary

benzyl electrophiles. S.N. Mendis, J.A. Tunge
2:00 ORGN 44. Withdrawn.
2:20 ORGN 45. Catalyst development for enantioselective atom transfer C-H functionalization reactions. S. Blakey
2:40 ORGN 46. Triphenylphosphine promoted
hydroalkoxylation of divinyl sulfone:
An ol-ene Click reaction? S. Strasser,
C. Slugovc, I. Hanghofer, A. Eder
3:00 ORGN 47. N Boc amines to oxazolidinones via Pd(II)/Bis-sulfoxide/Brnsted
acid co-catalyzed allylic CH oxidation.
T.J. Osberger, M.C. White
3:20 ORGN 48. Photoredox catalysis in a
complex pharmaceutical setting. J. Douglas,
K.P. Cole, C. Stephenson
3:40 ORGN 49. Rhodium (I) catalyzed carboncarbon bond activation: Decarbonylation of
ynones. R. Whittaker, G. Dong
4:00 ORGN 50. New dehydrative glycosylation
with phosphonium anhydrides. L. Dockery,
R. Dyapa, M.A. Walczak
4:20 ORGN 51. Epoxide approach towards the
synthesis of the polypropionate acid moiety
of dolabriferol. K. Morales, J.A. Prieto
4:40 ORGN 52. One-pot tandem cyclization of alkynes to generate polycyclic
products. R.A. Carmichael, A. OLoughlin,
W.A. Chalifoux
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Asymmetric Reactions and Syntheses

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
D. Coltart, Presiding
1:00 ORGN 53. Methodological study of a pro-

posed, asymmetric Rauhut-Currier reaction/

aldol condensation and current efforts to
synthesize the anticancer agent xenitorin A.
J.E. Dander, B. Chandler

1:20 ORGN 54. Catalytic, stereoselective vicinal

difunctionalization of alkenes. S.T. Eey,
A.J. Cresswell, S.E. Denmark
1:40 ORGN 55. Lewis base catalyzed, enanti-

oselective, intramolecular sulfenoamination

of olefins. H. Chi, S.E. Denmark
2:00 ORGN 56. Progress and efforts toward the
asymmetric total synthesis of antascomicin
B. B. Walker, M.C. McIntosh
2:20 ORGN 57. Enantioselective [2+2] cycloadditions using visible light photocatalysis.
K.L. Skubi, J. Du, D.M. Schultz, T.P. Yoon
2:40 ORGN 58. Pd(II)/Brnsted acid catalyzed
enantioselective oxidative carbocyclization-borylation of enallenes. T. Jiang,
T. Bartholomeyzik, J. Mazuela, J. Willersinn,
J. Bckvall
3:00 ORGN 59. Asymmetric synthesis of piperidines by zinc-catalyzed [4+2] cycloaddition
of 1-azadienes and nitro-alkenes. C. Chu,
D. Dalton, T. Rovis
3:20 ORGN 60. Organocatalyzed enantioselective conjugate addition of heteroaryl
and aryl trifluoroborates and application to
the synthesis of discoipyrrole D. J. Shih,
T.S. Nguyen, J. May
3:40 ORGN 61. Highly enantioselective preparation of chiral amines by direct asymmetric
hydrogenation of ketoximes and by direct
asymmetric reductive amination of ketones.
P. Ryberg
4:00 ORGN 62. Highly efficient enantioselective hydrogenation of N-alkyl-pyridinium
salts with an iridium-phosphole catalyst.
Y. Chen, M. Chang, Y. Huang, S. Liu, S.W. Krska,
I.W. Davies, X. Zhang
4:20 ORGN 63. Development of iridium (III)
bis(imidazolinyl)phenyl complexes for enantioselective atom transfer CH functionalization with acceptor-only metallocarbenes.
N.M. Weldy, C. Owens, A. Schafer, C. Herting,
S. Blakey
4:40 ORGN 64. Umpolung approach to the
asymmetric -alkylation of aldehydes and
ketones. D.M. Coltart
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Chemistry of Fullerenes
M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
C. C. Kirkpatrick, Presiding
1:30 ORGN 65. Chemical sensing with porous
molecular crystals. C.H. Hendon, A. Walsh
1:50 ORGN 66. Shape-persistent macrocycles

conjugated with biomacromolecules and

nanoparticles. K.D. Okochi, D. Domaille, J.
Cha, W. Zhang
2:10 ORGN 67. Extension of air stability in
organic light-emitting diodes using MoS2
and WS2 synthesized by chemical vapor
deposition. K. Kwon, C. Kim, L. Quyet, S. Kim,
H. Jang
2:30 ORGN 68. How to get selective organo(hydro)fullerenes through Rh/organoboron
combination. A. Poater, J. Martnez, M. Sol
2:50 ORGN 69. Exploiting the unique properties
of carbon nanotubes for unprecedented
biological applications. C.J. Serpell,
B.G. Davis
3:10 ORGN 70. High level computational study
of C60-X- systems (X=F-,Cl-,Br-) using
LPNO-CEPA/1/CBS and MP2/CBS variants.
B. Welch, C.C. Kirkpatrick
3:30 ORGN 71. Computational studies of the
interaction between carbon nanotubes
and aromatic species: Energy components and SAPT methods. C.C. Kirkpatrick,
P. Bruce-Vanderpuije

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Asymmetric Reactions and Syntheses;

Chemistry of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes,
and Graphene; Materials, Devices and
Switches; Nanomaterials; Physical Organic
Chemistry: Calculations, Mechanisms,
Photochemistry, and High-Energy Species;
Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules
R. D. Broene, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00

Chiral transfer in nucleophilic

reactions using chiral ionic liquids.
H.M. Thornnson, M.D. Mosher ORGN 73.
Asymmetric synthesis of -amino nitriles
via Mannich reactions of silyl ketene imines.
J. Zhao, X. Feng
ORGN 74. Asymmetric synthesis of spiro-epoxyoxindoles by the catalytic Darzens
reaction of isatins with phenacyl bromides.
Y. Kuang, X. Feng
ORGN 75. Asymmetric synthesis of 2,3-dihydroquinolin-4-one derivatives catalyzed by
a chiral bisguanidium salt. X. Xiao, X. Feng
ORGN 76. Stereoselective preparation of 3,
5-disubstituted pyrrolidine-3-carboxylic
acids as catalysts in asymmetric Aldol and
Mannich reactions. H. Kotapati, J. Robinson,
D.S. Masterson
ORGN 77. Catalytic asymmetric synthesis
of tetrahydroquinolines via tandem 1,5hydride transfer/Ring closure. W. Cao, L. Lin,
X. Feng
ORGN 78. Catalytic asymmetric [3 + 2]
cycloadditions about oxiranes by CC
bond cleavage of epoxides. L. Lin, W. Chen,
X. Feng
ORGN 79. Reactions of KPPh2 with cyclopalladated complexes containing an (sp3)CPd
bond. G.C. Dickmu, I.P. Smoliakova
ORGN 80. Synthesis of a transition state analog
for mechanistic study of catalytic enantioselective reactions. X. Wang, L. Morrill,
D.G. Alberg, G.E. Hofmeister
ORGN 81. Silylation-based kinetic resolution
of 2-aryl cyclohexanols. L. Wang, R. Akhani,
S.L. Wiskur
ORGN 82. Synthesis of all carbon quaternary aldehydes by palladium catalyzed
asymmetric allylic alkylation (Pd-AAA):
Toward the synthesis of Horsfiline. M. Asad,
M. Hossain
ORGN 83. Withdrawn.
ORGN 84. -D-carbafructopyranosyl-1,2-diamine-derived salen emerges as a promising new chiral ligand from a miniaturized
enzymatic screen (ISES). K.R. Karukurichi,
X. Fei, R.A. Swyka, S. Broussy, W. Shen, S. Dey,
S.K. Roy, D.B. Berkowitz
ORGN 85. N,N-dioxidescandium(III)-catalyzed
asymmetric FriedelCrafts reactions of
phenol derivatives. S. Bai, X. Feng
ORGN 86. Synthesis and reaction of silyloxy
vinylketene iron complexes. O. Kool, Y. Guo
ORGN 87. Hydrogen bond mediated enantioselective catalysis by Werner complexes.
S.K. Ghosh, J.A. Gladysz
ORGN 88. Synthesis of chiral sultines and
derivatives: Investigation of the effect of
sulfur atom in the helicity of phenyl rings.
D.R. Viernes, C.S. Jungong, V.S. Kandula,
C.K. Wach, A.G. Goos, D.J. Kerwood,
D.C. Dittmer
ORGN 89. Asymmetric isomerization of alkynyl
to allenyl aldehydes bearing a traceless
organo-manganese 2-auxiliary. A. Roy,
B. Bhat
ORGN 90. Catalytic asymmetric intermolecular
Stetter raction of aldehydes and ,-unsaturated ketones. D. Flanigan, T. Rovis
ORGN 91. Construction of trifluoromethylated all carbon quaternary stereocenters
using Friedel-Crafts alkylation of arenes.
H. Subramanian, M.P. Sibi

ORGN 92.

Development of novel carboxylate-containing N-heterocyclic carbenes

and their application towards new and
enhanced chemical transformations.
A. Munoz, T. Rovis
ORGN 93. Effect of added acid on the diastereoselective synthesis of chiral -substituted
[3.3.0]-bicyclic lactams. P.T. Buonora,
H. Abriam, L. Ung, D. Nugyen
ORGN 94. Studies on the synthesis of terpene-derived chiral ketone and iminium salt
catalysts for asymmetric olefin epoxidation.
K.R. Overly, C. Williams, J. Bouchard, A. Trainor
ORGN 95. Catalytic enantioselective synthesis
of 2-aryl chromenes. B. Zeng, K. Scheidt
ORGN 96. Rapid synthesis of 3,3 bis-arylated
BINOL derivatives using a CH borylation
in situ SuzukiMiyaura coupling sequence.
I. Ahmed, D.A. Clark
ORGN 97. Dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) of
atropisomers by fluxional DMAP catalysts.
G. Ma, M.P. Sibi
ORGN 98. Aza-MIRC reactions. Asymmetric
synthesis of trifluoromethyl substituted
aziridines. R. Moorthy, M.P. Sibi
ORGN 99. Stereodynamic catalysts:
Bidirectional enantioselectivity controlled by
temperature. G. Storch, O. Trapp
ORGN 100. Synthesis of arylamine tribenzopentaphenes and investigation of their hole
mobility. B.A. Alameddine, C.K. Luscombe,
T. Jenny
ORGN 101. Synthetic tuning of the electronic
properties of fused-ring oligothiophenes.
M.J. Kleinsasser, C.B. McCausland, E.J. Uzelac,
S.C. Rasmussen
ORGN 102. Bent-core 6-oxoverdazyls a new
class of mesogens. S. Ciastek, M. Jasinski,
D. Pociecha, H. Monobe, J. Szczytko, P. Kaszynski
ORGN 103. Polar liquid crystals based on pyridinium zwitterions of the [closo-1-CB9H10]and [closo-1-CB11H12]- anions. J.G. Pecyna,
B. Ringstrand, P. Kaszynski
ORGN 104. Synthesis of photoreleasable protecting groups. M.L. Hunsley, S.M. Reed
ORGN 105. Colorimetric investigation of
responsive catechol-based coatings
inspired by melanin. S.L. Lewandowski,
L.M. Choban, S.A. Flatt, J.M. Belitsky
ORGN 106. Hydrogen peroxide sensing
for reproductive health. M.S. Purdey,
E.P. Schartner, T.M. Monro, R.J. Aitken,
J.G. Thompson, A.D. Abell
ORGN 107. Reversible switching of chiral DNAtemplated metalloporphyrin nanoassemblies. S. Tannir, G. Sargsyan, M. Balaz
ORGN 108. Design and synthesis of a new
switchable [2]rotaxane with a rhodamine
B and pyrene as two fluorescent stoppers.
J. Shi, X. Bao
ORGN 109. Synthesis of crosslinked membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol and
naphthalene diimides. R. Altamimi
ORGN 110. Formulation of conductive carbon
aerogels from polysaccharide-based
sources. A. Jauregui, B.R. Luginbuhl,
B.D. Cutler, C.C. Browder
ORGN 111. Electrical optimization of
agar-derived carbon aerogels for use in
structural electric double-layer capacitors.
B.R. Luginbuhl, B.D. Cutler, A. Jauregui,
C.C. Browder
ORGN 112. Naphthalene diimide based
materials with adjustable redox potentials
for organic lithium ion batteries. G. Vadehra,
R.P. Maloney, B. Dunn, M.A. Garcia-Garibay
ORGN 113. Thermoluminescent boron
compounds: Synthesis, characterization,
and photophysical properties. A.A. Molina
Paredes, B. Muoz
ORGN 114. Small molecular donor-acceptor
dyads as additives for organic photovoltaics. D. Chavis, J. Strain, H.P. Rathnayake
ORGN 115. Fused arenes-based molecular
systems as additives for organic photovoltaics. D. Patel, R. Neesu, H.P. Rathnayake
ORGN 116. Mechanochromic luminescent
heteroaromatic difluoroboron -diketonate
complexes. M. Kolpaczynska, W. Morris,
C.A. DeRosa, C.L. Fraser

ORGN 117.

Novel route to synthesize polymers

containing single mechanical bond.
U. Choudhary, B.H. Northrop
ORGN 118. Synthesis and photochemical
properties of bis (4-azo-4 (5)substituted
dibenzo-18-crown-6) carboxylic acid derivatives. R. Khatmullin
ORGN 119. Poly(1,4-phenylene vinylene)
derivatives with ether substituents to
improve polymer solubility for use in
organic light-emitting diode (OLED) devices.
C.A. Young, T. Lee
ORGN 120. Novel ionic liquid crystals based
on nitrile functionalized imidazolium.
T.A. Sanders, L. Douce, B. Heinrich
ORGN 121. Preparations and self-assembly
study of gold nanoparticles composited
with discotic organic molecules. Y. Mi,
P. Liang, D. Wang, Z. Yang
ORGN 122. Proton-electron dual responsive
system of ferrocene-bound nickelladithiolene. A. Tanushi, T. Kusamoto, Y. Hattori,
K. Takada, H. Nishihara
ORGN 123. Substituent and solvent effects:
Examining acidity via infrared spectroscopy.
J.E. Buhle, M. Samet, S.R. Kass
ORGN 124. Mechanism and stereoselectivity
of an isothiourea-catalyzed [2,3]-rearrangement: Control via electrostatics and
orbital Interactions. D.M. Walden, T.H. West,
R.C. Johnston, A.D. Smith, P.H. Cheong
ORGN 125. Computational study of diaryliodonium reagents for heteroatom arylation
reactions. J. Buchanan, S.K. Sundalam,
D.R. Stuart, P.H. Cheong
ORGN 126. Highly efficient and selective
epoxidation catalyzed by iron corrole complexes and iodobenzene diacetate. T. Chen,
K. Kwong, W. Luo, A.C. Carver, R. Zhang
ORGN 127. Visible light-promoted selective
sulfoxidations catalyzed by ruthenium porphyrins with iodobenzene diacetate. W. Luo,
T. Chen, Z. Yuan, A.C. Carver, R. Zhang
ORGN 128. Synthetic and mechanistic studies
of catalytic oxidations by manganeses(III)
porphyrins and iodobenzene diacetate.
K. Kwong, T. Chen, W. Luo, R. Zhang
ORGN 129. Synthesis and photophysical
studies of two lophine derivatives with
electron-donating groups on the aryl ring
in the 2-position. T. Le, T. Hamada, J. Rimby,
R.A. Isovitsch
ORGN 130. Kinetics of retro-hetero-Diels-Alder
reactions to model controlled release from
novel sulfonamide drug-polymer conjugates. C.S. Erkkila, N.A. Yakelis
ORGN 131. Phenylchlorocarbene additions to
diarylcyclooctynes and diarylcyclooctenes.
E. Dalchand, S. Tsuno, A. Scorese, K. Francisco,
C. Buzard, D.C. Merrer
ORGN 132. Getting beyond frontier molecular
orbital theory to predict regioselectivity of
nucleophilic aromatic photosubstitution
reactions. G.G. Wubbels
ORGN 133. Computational investigations
into stereoselective alkylation reactions:
Evidence for torsional and CurtinHammett
control. A.M. Harned
ORGN 134. Radical viologen organic spin cross
over materials. M.J. Juetten, A. Winter
ORGN 135. Density functional theory treatment
of substituent effects on the amide-acetal Claisen rearrangement. M. Hartley,
G.W. Daub, R.J. Cave
ORGN 136. Computational mechanistic study
on hexadehydro-Diels-Alder reactions.
L.R. Furan, K.T. Kuwata
ORGN 137. Fluoro-amide and fluoro-sulfonamide gauche effects: An experimental
study. B.U. Emenike
ORGN 138. Abnormal substrates give abnormal products: Competition between classical DielsAlder vs. hexadehydro-DielsAlder
(HDDA) reactions. Q. Luu Nguyen, B. Baire,
T.R. Hoye
ORGN 139. Sterically demanding bis-(o-biphenyl)-phospine ligands in gold(I) catalysis. C. Griebel, D.D. Hodges, A.C. Jones

Cooperative Cosponsorship

ORGN 140.

Investigation of spin coated pristine

and blended organic semiconductor films
containing perylene diimides: The role of
molecular structure and crystal formation
in blended film composition. J.M. Szarko,
A. Austin, E. Xhakaj, S. Liu
ORGN 141. DFT study of phosphine-borane
bonds: Exploring electronic effects.
P.A. Sibbald
ORGN 142. Expeditious, radical pathway for
sonication assisted Mitsunobu reaction
of hindered secondary alcohols. R. Florre,
R. Heckler, P. Cohn, S. Rajaraman
ORGN 143. Mechanistic studies on the catalytic
oxidative cyclization reactions of 2-arylbenzaldehyde oxime ethers. N.R. Armada,
J. Hofstra, B. Grassbaugh, Q. Tran, P. De Lijser
ORGN 144. Solution photophysics of o-carborane carrying one or two singlet-fission
chromophores (1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran). Y. Hervault, J. Schrauben, M. Schreiber,
J.C. Johnson, J. Michl
ORGN 145. (t-Bu)2P(o-dimethylaminophenyl):
The role of P, N ligands in gold(I) catalysis.
J. Piedad, A.C. Jones
ORGN 146. Experimental study of solution
Ag(I)- interactions using molecular balances. J. Maier, K.D. Shimizu
ORGN 147. Revealing the carbon centered radical reactivity towards oxygen
by DFT calculations. D.M. Sriyarathne,
A.D. Gudmundsdottir
ORGN 148. Synthesis of tetra(benzyloxy)
benzenes for mass spectrometry studies.
R. Brumbaugh, R. Taylor, R. Hark, D. Kuck,
W.M. Ames, P. Schettler
ORGN 149. Source of the puzzling effect of
the primary isotope on secondary kinetic
isotope effects in alcohol dehydrogenases.
J. Lefton, J. Eilers, Y. Lu
ORGN 150. Primary isotope dependence of
secondary kinetic isotope effects in NADH/
NAD+ model reactions. M. Boroujeni, Y. Lu
ORGN 151. Progress toward the total synthesis
of tetarimycin A. E. Jones-Mensah, S.H. Lusk,
J. Magolan
ORGN 152. Withdrawn.
ORGN 153. Synthesizing and trialing triesterified monosaccharides for protected
culture pest control. H. Cavender, M.W. Fultz,
M. Guetzloff, B. Liedl
ORGN 154. Studies into the total synthesis
of the drimentine alkaloids. S.M. Pound,
C.J. Douglas
ORGN 155. Catalytic approach to the MH-031
lactone: Application to the synthesis of
geralcin analogs. R. Tello-Aburto, A.N. Lucero,
S. Rogelj
ORGN 156. Progress towards the total synthesis of (-)-gilbertine. T. Folda, K.S. Feldman
ORGN 157. Progress towards the synthesis of
7,20-diisocyanoadociane. P.C. Roosen, C.D.
ORGN 158. 2,5-Cyclohexadienones as a useful
launching point for the synthesis of the briarane diterpenoids. N.G. Moon, A.M. Harned
ORGN 159. Total synthesis of cyanolide A.
T. Lek, R.W. Bates
ORGN 160. Work toward the synthesis of
aspidospermine via a ring fragmentation
and 1,3-dipolarcycloaddition sequence.
G. Giampa, M. Brewer
ORGN 161. Synthesis and biological activity
of 1-aryl and 1-heteroaryl analogs of eudistomin U. C.M. Roggero, J. Giulietti, P. Tate,
S.P. Mulcahy
ORGN 162. Highly stereoselective total synthesis of Lagunamide A. A. Kanner, N. Kohnen,
B. Banasik, L. Wang, M.B. Bergdahl
ORGN 163. Preparation of isogemichalcone
analogs, potential inhibitors of aromatase.
A. Angelbello, M. Morales, S. Longson, E.G.
ORGN 164. First enantiospecific total synthesis
of macrosalhine chloride (4) and progress
toward the synthesis of macroline-related
indole alkaloids macrocarpine A, B, and
C will be presented. M. Rahman, R. Jahan,
R.V. Edwankar, J.R. Deschamps, J.M. Cook

ORGN 165.

Progress toward the enantioselective total syntheses of Ieodomycins A and B

via an asymmetric vinylogous aldol strategy.
A. Chin, J.D. Carrick
ORGN 166. Configuration-encoded 1,5-polyol
synthesis: Access to the anti,syn-1,5,7-triol
within the C15-C25 fragment of tetrafibricin.
R. Friedrich, G.K. Friestad
ORGN 167. Progress toward the total synthesis
of hippolachnin A. M.E. McCallum, J.L. Wood
ORGN 168. Efficient synthesis of polycyclic
skeletons of Aspidosperma and Corynanthe
indole alkaloids. Z. Angel, E.K. Leggans
ORGN 169. Synthesis of carbazole alkaloids
via an HDDA-based strategy. T. Wang, D.
Niu, T.R. Hoye
ORGN 170. Synthesis of unnatural enantiomers
of morphinan derivatives as toll-like receptor 4 inhibitors. W.T. Hartwig, T. Sammakia
ORGN 171. Toward the total synthesis of
phomoidride D. J. Leung, A.A. Bedermann,
N. Hama, G. Murphy, C. Schneider, P. Dong,
J.L. Wood
ORGN 172. New and facile synthesis of brazilin
via intramolecular alkyne-aldehyde metathesis. Y. Jung, I. Kim
ORGN 173. Progress toward the total synthesis
of tetrapetalone A. H. Dhanjee, Y. Kobayashi,
T.C. McMahon, J.F. Buergler, M. Haley,
J.M. Howell, J.L. Wood
ORGN 174. Assessing the need for a trityl
group as a steric buttress to initiate a DielsAlder reaction. C.D. Choony
ORGN 175. Ongoing work to prepare the
anticancer agent xenitorin A. S.M. Soars,
B. Chandler
ORGN 176. Total synthesis of Herbarin A and
B and determination of their anti-oxidant
properties and toxicity in Zebra fish model.
J. Heimberger, H. Cade, M.A. Lnu

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3

Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding

Original Contribution in Organic Synthesis
by a Young Investigator: Symposium
in Honor of Jin-Quan Yu
B. B. Snider, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 ORGN 177. Innovative methodology

introduced in the total synthesis and

subsequent diversification of vinblastine.
D.L. Boger
9:20 ORGN 178. Metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of alkyl electrophiles.
G.C. Fu
10:05 ORGN 179. Catalytic activation of nucleophiles for selective reactions. L. Deng
10:50 Introduction of Awardee.
11:00 ORGN 180. Award Address (Elias J.

Corey Award for Outstanding Original

Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a
Young Investigator sponsored by the Pfizer
Endowment Fund). Ligand-accelerated C-H
activation reactions: Near and far. J. Yu
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 1

Miniaturization in Chemistry: (sub)Nanoscale Synthesis, Analysis & Application

S. Dreher, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 ORGN 181. From synthesis in flow to

integrated dose-response screening

in flow. R.E. Martin, M. Werner, C. Kuratli,
R. Hochstrasser, T. Enderle, H. Vogel
8:50 ORGN 182. From screening of (enantioselective) catalysts by integration of analysis
and synthesis to the application in a pilot
plant. O. Trapp
9:35 ORGN 183. High-throughput high-content
screening using model organisms enabled
by automated microfluidics. H. Lu

10:20 ORGN 184. Nanomolar scale high

throughput chemistry for complex

molecules synthesis. S. Dreher, A. Buitrago
Santanilla, T. Cernak, C.J. Welch, R.M. Helmy,
I.W. Davies, E. Regalado, a. pereira, P. Vachal,
Z. Shi, P.G. Nantermet, M. Shevlin
11:05 ORGN 185. Flow chemistry miniaturization and optimization. K.F. Jensen
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

New Reactions and Methodology

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
S. Luesse, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 186. Enantioselective cycloaddi-

tions of aminoazaxylylenes photogenerated

via proton transfer in aromatic imines
and oxazolines offer expedited access to
diverse polyheterocyclic moleculararchitectures. O. Mukhina, N.N. Bhuvan Kumar,
D. Kuznetsov, A.G. Kutateladze*
8:20 ORGN 187. Stereoselective homoallylation
with cyclopropanated allylation reagents.
I.J. Krauss
8:40 ORGN 188. Efficient assembly of
epoxyisoindoline derivatives through a
tandem Diels-Alder Ugi-Smiles process.
S.B. Luesse, B. Richey, K. Mason, M. Meyers,
R. Poormotamed
9:00 ORGN 189. Protodecarboxylation of
unstablized carboxylic acids and malonic
acid derivatives through photoredox catalysis. J. Grifn, M. Zeller, D.A. Nicewicz
9:20 ORGN 190. C-H activation and C-C bond
formation through cross-coupling reaction
by using potassium organotrifluoroborates.
M. Al-Masum, W. Shaban
9:40 ORGN 191. Chiral anti-diols from
alpha-oxyaldehydes. G.A. Abeykoon,
S. Chatterjee, J.S. Chen
10:00 ORGN 192. Multicomponent reactions in
deep eutectic solvents. S.T. Handy
10:20 ORGN 193. Efficient synthesis of
N-alkylated amides from nitriles and
alcohols catalyzed by the combination of
gold and iridium complexes. F. Li, J. Ma,
L. Lu, X. Bao
10:40 ORGN 194. Mechanistic studies and
applications of tertiary amine trapping of
HDDA-generated benzynes. S.P. Ross,
T. Hoye
11:00 ORGN 195. Synthesis of highly functionalized aryl sulfides from HDDA-generated
benzynes: Scope and mechanisms.
J. Chen, V. Palani, T.R. Hoye
11:20 ORGN 196. Withdrawn.
11:40 ORGN 197. Synthesis of 6-hydroxyquinoline starting from glycerol via improved
microwave-assisted modified Skraup
reaction and Bamberger rearrangement.
C. Len, N. Thiebault, H. Saggadi, D. Luart,
I. Polaert, L. Estel
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
J. J. Reczek, Presiding
9:00 ORGN 198. Isothermal titration calori-

metric analyses of the hydrophobic and

Hofmeister effects. P. Sokkalingam, B.C. Gibb
9:20 ORGN 199. Studies of statistically
patterned two-component self-assembled
monolayers. Y. Yang, M.B. Zimmt
9:40 ORGN 200. Development of a molecular
turing machine. S. Varghese, J.A. Elemans,
A.E. Rowan, R. Nolte
10:00 ORGN 201. Rapid threading of a long
polyethylene glycol chain through a macrocycle in water. E. Peck, W. Liu, G. Spence,
B. Smith
10:20 ORGN 202. Chemosensors for redox-active biomolecules. J. Hong, D. Lee, J. Oh
10:40 ORGN 203. Self-assembly of collagen
mimetic nanofibers through triple-helical
hybridization. B. Sarkar, J.D. Hartgerink

11:00 ORGN 204. C-alkylpyrogallol[4]arenes:

Section B

Section D

Robust building blocks for supramolecular organic frameworks (SOFs). R. Patil,

H. Kumari, J.L. Atwood
11:20 ORGN 205. Highly substituted anthracenes as self-assembly components of new
donor-acceptor columnar liquid crystalline
materials. J.J. Reczek


Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 1

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Section A

Synthetic Biology Applied to Natural and

Unnatural Product Pathways

Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Physical Organic Chemistry: Calculations,

Mechanisms, Photochemistry, and HighEnergy Species
M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
C. Hamann, Presiding
8:30 ORGN 206. Comparison of high spin

nitrene isomers with low-temperature matrix

isolation spectroscopy. K. Long, M. Maehara,
E. Mendez-Vega, D. Sander
8:50 ORGN 207. Synthesis and characterization
of di- and tri- aryl pentanes as model for
conducting organic polymers. A. Agrahari,
J. Masnovi
9:10 ORGN 208. Experimental studies on how
meta- and para-substituents influence the
strength of the off-set aromatic stacking
interaction. J. Hwang, K.D. Shimizu
9:30 ORGN 209. Degradation of thiophenes by
singlet oxygen: Insights from theoretical
photochemistry. M. Wykes, J. Gierschner,
D. Roca-Sanjun
9:50 ORGN 210. Withdrawn.
10:10 ORGN 211. Do aza-ortho-quinonemethide mediated transformations involve
aza-ortho-quinone-methides? P.H. Cheong,
R.C. Johnston, M.T. Hovey, K. Scheidt
10:30 ORGN 212. De novo catalyst design of
scaffolding bifunctional catalysts for the
site-selective functionalization of trans-1,2
diols. R.C. Johnston, O.M. Ogba, M.F. El Mansy,
H. Yao, R.G. Carter, P.H. Cheong
10:50 ORGN 213. Light-induced radical
trapping (LIRT): A new approach to molecular photomagnetism from old principles
of organic photochemistry. H. Phan,
A. Dragulescu-Andrasi, K. Lekin, S.M. Winter,
R.T. Oakley, M. Shatruk
11:10 ORGN 214. Exploring the conformational
isomerization of the humulyl cation using
computational methods. C.S. Hamann,
D.J. Tantillo
11:30 ORGN 215. Carbenic, allenic, and propargylic nitrile imines. C. Wentrup

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3

Herbert C. Brown Award for Creative

Research in Synthetic Methods: Symposium
in Honor of Gary A. Molander
C. White, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ORGN 216. New allylic alkylation reac-

tions: Asymmetric construction of acyclic

quaternary carbon stereogenic centers.
P. Evans
1:50 ORGN 217. Straightforward strategies to access N-containing structure:
Organocatalysis for the benefit of natural
products. G. Masson
2:35 ORGN 218. Catalysis in light and shadow.
K. Zeitler
3:20 ORGN 219. From alkaloids to terpenoids:
New strategies and tactics for the synthesis
of polycyclic natural products. S.E. Reisman
4:05 Introduction of Awardee.
4:10 ORGN 220. Award Address (Herbert

C. Brown Award for Creative Research

in Synthetic Methods sponsored by the
Purdue Borane Research Fund and the
Herbert C. Brown Award Endowment).
Novel mechanistic paradigm for organoboron cross-coupling. G.A. Molander

B. Bachmann, Organizer, Presiding

1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 ORGN 221. Microbial natural product

discovery and diversification: New tools

and applications. J.S. Thorson
1:55 ORGN 222. New recipes for biocatalysis:
Expanding the cytochrome P450 reaction
landscape for non-natural chemistry.
E. Brustad
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 ORGN 223. Introduction of noncanonical
amino acids into a lasso peptide, microcin
J25. F.J. Piscotta, A. Link
3:20 ORGN 224. Engineered biosynthesis of
antimycin-type depsipeptides. W. Zhang
4:10 ORGN 225. Adapting the retrograde
evolution hypothesis to build new biosynthetic pathways for unatural molecules.
B.O. Bachmann
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

New Reactions and Methodology

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
D. Bandyopadhyay, Presiding
1:20 ORGN 226. Unusual rearrangement of

3-acyl-2-alkoxyfurans enabling appendage

of a carbon substituent at C-2: Application
to the synthesis of furanolabdanes.
C. Thibault, J. Boukouvalas
1:40 ORGN 227. Photochemistry of o-nitroarenes: Trifluoromethylated o-nitrobenzyl
sytems as efficient photosynthons for
selective trifluoromethylated arenes and
heteroarenes. G. Prakash, K. Belligund,
T. Mathew, G.A. Olah
2:00 ORGN 228. Regioselective synthesis
of chloro/bromostyrenes: Chloro/bromotrimethylsilane-nitrate salt as efficient
reagent system. G. Prakash, L. Gurung,
T. Mathew, G.A. Olah
2:20 ORGN 229. Examining the scope of ISES
hits: Pd-catalyzed halo- and pseudohalometalation/carbocyclization transformations. G.G. Malik, R.A. Swyka, G.A. Applegate,
X. Fei, D.B. Berkowitz
2:40 ORGN 230. Copper (I) catalyzed synthesis
of enaminones from thioamides and -diazocarbonyl compounds. A. Pal, N. Koduri,
S.R. Hussaini
3:00 ORGN 231. Site-selective aliphatic
C-H halogenation using N-haloamides.
R.K. Quinn, V.A. Schmidt, A. Brusoe,
E.J. Alexanian
3:20 ORGN 232. Transition metal catalyzed
redox-triggered C-C couplings of alcohols
via transfer hydrogenation. B.Y. Park,
T.P. Montgomery, T. Luong, V. Garza, M.J. Krische
3:40 ORGN 233. Intramolecular [3 + 2] cyclocondensations of alkenes with indolidenes
and indolidenium cations. I.Y. Gonzalez,
C.M. Glinkerman, K.S. Feldman
4:00 ORGN 234. Metal-free methodology
for the preparation of sterically hindered
ynones and its application to the synthesis
of natural products. C. Taylor, Y. Bolshan
4:20 ORGN 235. Dramatic kinetic isotope
effects (kie), solvent effects, and tunneling
in directed ortho metallation (DOM).
M.G. Organ, J. Farmer, E. Leeruff, R. Froese
4:40 ORGN 236. Radical decarboxylation
in micellar media for the formulation
of new surfactants. C. Len, F. Mangin,
E. Banaszak-Leonard
5:00 ORGN 237. Microwave-assisted dehydration of polyols in aqueous media. C. Len,
S. Le Guenic, C. Ceballos

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
I. Vargas-Baca, Presiding
1:30 ORGN 238. CH Interactions of methyl
ethers as a model for carbohydrateN-heteroarene interactions. P. Li, T.M. Parker,
J. Hwang, M.D. Smith, P.J. Pellechia, D. Sherrill,
K.D. Shimizu
1:50 ORGN 239. Design and self-assembly of

metallo-supramolecular structures guided

by density of coordination sites. M. Wang,
B. Sun, A. Cisneros, X. Li
2:10 ORGN 240. Molecular dynamics simulations of stacked DNA base surrogates.
C. Markegard, A. Mazaheripour, J. Jocson,
A.M. Burke, A.A. Gorodetsky, H. Nguyen
2:30 ORGN 241. Supramolecular polymers
for active layer organization in photovoltaics. L. Barreda, T. Aytun, A. Ruiz-Carretero,
J. Lehrman, S.I. Stupp
2:50 ORGN 242. Overcoming static disorder
within photoreactive co-crystals by vortex
grinding. R.H. Groeneman, K.A. Kummer
3:10 ORGN 243. Racemic hydrogels from
self-assembling enantiomeric peptides: Predictions from Linus Pauling.
J.P. Schneider
3:30 ORGN 244. Supramolecular macrocycles
self-assembled by iso-tellurazole N-oxides.
P.C. Ho, J. Sinclair, L. Lee, I. Vargas-Baca
3:50 ORGN 245. Regulating molecular recognition in synthetic supercontainers. Z. Wang,
F. Dai, U. Sambasivam, Y. Qiao, A. Corbett
4:10 ORGN 246. Peptide-based functional
molecular gels. B. Escuder Gil, J. Miravet,
M. Tena-Solsona, C. Berdugo, S. Diaz-Oltra

R. D. Broene, M. C. McIntosh, Organizers
8:00 - 10:00
77, 81, 87, 99, 108, 116, 133, 135, 146, 162, 171.
See previous listings.
330, 333, 335, 337, 377-378, 381, 394, 399, 405,
412, 418, 524, 539, 546, 555, 588, 594, 600. See
subsequent listings.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3

ACS Award for Creative Work

in Synthetic Organic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of F. Dean Toste
C. A. Maryanoff, Organizer, Presiding
8:20 Introductory Remarks.
8:25 ORGN 257. Synthetic studies of complex
natural products. T.J. Maimone
9:05 ORGN 258. CH bond aminations.
M. White
9:45 ORGN 259. Synthetic methods based on
catalytic P(III)/P(V) cycling. A.T. Radosevich
10:25 ORGN 260. Catalyst discovery with

Section E

base metal heterobimetallic complexes.

N.P. Mankad
11:05 ORGN 261. Award Address (ACS Award
for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic
Chemistry sponsored by Aldrich Chemical
Co., LLC). Concepts and catalysts for
enantioselective reactions of carbon-carbon
multiple bonds. F. Toste

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Section B

Physical Organic Chemistry: Calculations,

Mechanisms, Photochemistry, and HighEnergy Species
M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
K. M. Miller, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 1

ACS Award for Creative Invention:

Symposium in Honor of Jotham W. Coe
P. L. Feldman, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 ORGN 247. Molecular origin of color

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

tuning of deepwater Lake Baikal cottoid

fish visual pigments. H. Luk, F. Montisci,
F. Melaccio, N. Bhattacharyya, J. Morrow,
B. Chang, F. Fanelli, M. Olivucci
1:50 ORGN 248. On the mechanism of silver-catalyzed decarboxylative fluorination.
N.R. Patel, R.A. Flowers
2:10 ORGN 249. Physicochemical and thermal
properties of 1,2,4-triazolium ionic liquids.
K.M. Miller
2:30 ORGN 250. Luminescent properties of an
open-shell organic radical with high photostability. T. Kusamoto, Y. Hattori, H. Nishihara
2:50 ORGN 251. Autocatalytic self-replicating micelles. K. Bukhriakov, S. Almahdali,
V. Rodionov
3:10 ORGN 252. Computational mechanistic investigation of a Cu(I)-catalyzed
1,3-halogen migration. B.M. Hudson,
H. Wedler, R. Van Hoveln, D. Bates, D.J. Tantillo,
J.M. Schomaker

8:35 ORGN 468. Chemical synthesis of secondary metabolites. R.A. Shenvi

3:30 ORGN 253.

Intramolecular reactions of polysubstituted

cyclobutenones: An in silico investigation of
product specificity. F.E. Jernigan, L. Sun
3:50 ORGN 254. 9-Imino-pyronin analogs:
Rationally designed small-molecule fluorophores with large Stokes shifts. P. Sebej,
P. Horvath, T. Solomek, P. Klan
4:10 ORGN 255. Transition state Gauche effect
controls the torquoselectivities of the
clectrocyclizations of Chiral 1-azatrienes.
A. Patel, Z. Ma, J. Vella, R. Hsung, K.N. Houk
4:30 ORGN 256. Semiempirical and QM/MM
calculations of the noncovalent interactions
between ATP and RecA DNA-repairing proteins. J.H. Rodriguez, M. Palenik, L. Beard

9:25 ORGN 469. Alcohol C-H functionalization

via redox-triggered Carbonyl Addition:

Borrowing hydrogen, returning carbon.
M.J. Krische
10:15 ORGN 470. Strategy for selective halogenation. N.Z. Burns
11:05 Introduction of Awardee.
11:10 ORGN 471. Award Address (ACS Award

for Creative Invention sponsored by ACS

Corporation Associates). Discovery of
Chantix (varenicline tartrate), an aid to
smoking cessation. J.W. Coe
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

New Reactions and Methodology

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
M. Emmert, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 262. Rh(III)-catalyzed C(sp3)H
allylic functionalization of N-tosylamides

:An unexpected formation of azabicyclic

compounds. A. Archambeau, T. Rovis
8:20 ORGN 263. Synthetic clays as new
catalysts for aerobic oxidation. J. Magolan,
M. Karki, H.C. Araujo, J.J. Dalton, S.D. Holmbo,
L. Baker
8:40 ORGN 264. Cerium-free Luche reduction
in the presence of alumina. E. JonesMensah, L.A. Nickerson, H.J. Knox, J. Magolan
9:00 ORGN 265. New applications of dimethylsulfoxide as a terminal oxidant. J. Magolan,
E. Jones-Mensah, M. Karki, J.T. Schmalz



9:20 ORGN 266. Iron catalyzed -C-H oxidation

Section E

Section B

3:30 ORGN 317. Synthesis and structure proof

of tertiary amines mimicking cytochrome

P450 activity. M. Emmert
9:40 ORGN 267. Tetrabutylammonium bromide:
Catalytic abilities in C-O activation.
M. Emmert
10:00 ORGN 268. Catalytic olefin hydroamination with aminium radical cations: A
photoredox method for direct C-N bond
formation. A. Musacchio, R.R. Knowles
10:20 ORGN 269. Accessing triplet nitrenes by
visible light triplet sensitization of azides.
S. Scholz, E. Farney, T.P. Yoon
10:40 ORGN 270. 2,2,2-Trichloroethyl aryldiazoacetates as robust reagents for site-selective CH functionalization. D.M. Guptill,
H.M. Davies
11:00 ORGN 271. Synthesis of bridged bicycles
via additional steps of metal carbene
cascade reaction. Y. Kuo, J. May
11:20 ORGN 272. HOF-CH3CN Probably the
best oxygen transfer agent organic chemistry has to offer. S. Rozen, I. Vints, S. Potash

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 1

Physical Organic Chemistry: Calculations,

Mechanisms, Photochemistry, and HighEnergy Species

James Flack Norris Award in Physical

Organic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of
Charles L. Perrin

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
D. B. Lawson, Presiding

L. T. Scott, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 ORGN 285. Intramolecular DielsAlder

1:05 ORGN 301. In search of kinetically stable

reactions between aromatic dienes and a

benzyne dienophile: Relative reactivities of
the dienes. V. Pogula, T. Wang, T.R. Hoye
8:50 ORGN 286. Mechanism for reversible
photodegradation of 1-substituted aminoanthraquinones doped in poly(methyl
methacrylate). S. Hung, K. Schademan,
M.D. McCluskey, K. Clays, M. Kuzyk
9:10 ORGN 287. Synthesis and gas phase reactivity of charged ,,-tri- and ,,,-tetraradicals toward small organic substrates
in a linear quadrupole ion trap (LQIT) mass
spectrometer. R. Kotha, H.I. Kenttamaa
9:30 ORGN 288. Substituent effects on the
[N-X-N]+ halogen bonds. A. Carlsson,
A. Karim, M. Bedin, J. Grafenstein, M. Erdelyi
9:50 ORGN 289. Elucidating the role of SmI2water and glycol in reductions: Mechanistic
studies of anthracene reduction. T.V. Chciuk,
R.A. Flowers
10:10 ORGN 290. Radical arylation of epoxides
by low-valent titanocene complexes:
Mechanistic studies and methodology
development. G. Fianu, R.A. Flowers
10:30 ORGN 291. Irreversible formation of high
energy intermediates to achieve high yield
photorelease of alcohol. K.R. Thenna Hewa,
A.D. Gudmundsdottir, D.L. Phillips, M. Li
10:50 ORGN 292. Two-color fluorescent dyes
for click labeling: Design and characterization. R.K. Meka, M.D. Heagy
11:10 ORGN 293. Computational studies of fluorinated biomimetic molecules. J.J. Urban,
G.S. Kedziora, M. Hastings, N. Erxleben,
R.M. Crutcher, R. Atwood
11:30 ORGN 294. Evidence supporting a
revised mechanism for the traceless
Staudinger ligation of phosphino phenyl
esters and aryl azides. T.P. Kirby, T.H. Koch
11:50 ORGN 295. DFT density and difference
density volumes of transition states.
D.B. Lawson

aryltrifluoroborates: B-18F bond formation

for one-step 18F-labeling of peptides for
PET imaging. D.M. Perrin, Z. Liu, Y. Li, R. Ting
1:45 ORGN 302. From host-guest chemistry to
the nucleosome: Studies in biomolecular
recognition. M. Waters
2:25 ORGN 303. Adventures in physical organic
chemistry with Pd and Zn. P.J. Walsh
3:05 ORGN 304. Myths and models in aromatic
chemistry. J.S. Siegel

for a bioactive lipid associated with multiple

sclerosis, isolated from Porphyromons
gingivalis. C. Dietz, I. Mohammad, M. Smith,
F. Nichols, P. Bhatt, T. Hart, I. Popiv
3:50 ORGN 318. Dehydroshikimate dehydratase from pathogenic Bacillus strains:
Antibiotic target and catalyst for heterologous biosynthesis of polymer precursors.
K.B. Finney, I.A. Simon, A.J. Rodin, G.M. Canales,
P.A. Netz, K. Hotta, C.C. Browder, D.T. Fox,
A.T. Koppisch
4:10 ORGN 319. Synthesis of intermediates of
loline biosynthesis pathway. M. Bhardwaj,
J. Pan, R.B. Grossman, C.L. Schardl

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Biologically-Related Molecules and

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
Y. Aye, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 273. Synthesis of novel

carbon monoxide releasing molecules.

T. Israsenanaayudhya, C. Raymond, N.N. Dingra
8:20 ORGN 274. Determination of the absolute
configuration of a single enantiomer of
deoxyArbutin. A.M. Kornilov, M.A. Delong,
A.J. Stein, J.B. Williams, D.K. Van Strien,
M.C. Ammerman
8:40 ORGN 275. Synthesis and inhibition
studies of a transition-state inhibitor for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis GlgE. S. Veleti,
J. Lindenberger, S. Thanna, D. Ronning,
S.J. Sucheck
9:00 ORGN 276. Chemical modulation of lipid
bilayer membranes via copper(I)-catalyzed
azide alkyne cycloaddition. J.M. Beveridge,
M.M. Baksh, M. Finn
9:20 ORGN 277. Syntheses of heteroatom-activated -lactams and their evaluation as
potential antibiotics and enzyme inhibitors.
K.D. Watson, M.W. Majewski, P.L. Barker,
M.J. Miller
9:40 ORGN 278. Cell death imaging using
fluorescent probes for phosphatidylserine.
K.J. Clear, K.M. Harmatys, D.R. Rice, B.D. Smith
10:00 ORGN 279. Generalizable platform for
target- and signal-specific perturbation of a
single signaling target in cells. Y. Aye
10:20 ORGN 280. Selective fluorescence detection of homocysteine over cysteine using
aldehyde bearing fluorophores. A. Barve,
R.M. Strongin
10:40 ORGN 281. Syntheses and evaluation
of highly functionalized monobactams
and cephalosporins as medicinally useful
agents. M.W. Majewski, K.D. Watson, S. Cho,
P.A. Miller, S.G. Franzblau, M.J. Miller
11:00 ORGN 282. Near infrared activated
cobalamin-drug conjugates for light
targeted delivery. W. Smith, N. Oien,
R.M. Hughes, C. Marvin, Z. Rodgers, J. Lee,
D.S. Lawrence
11:20 ORGN 283. Synthetic chemists to aid the
community for open antimicrobial drug discovery. M.A. Blaskovich, J. Zuegg, A.G. Elliott,
M.A. Cooper
11:40 ORGN 284. Tropane alkaloids from the
Australian proteaceous plant Flyodia praealta. F. Yang, A.R. Carroll, H. Zhao

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3

Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of

Natural Products: Symposium in Honor of
Thomas R. Hoye
P. R. Hanson, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 ORGN 296. Recent studies toward the

synthesis of rocaglamide and related

natural products. J.A. Porco, Jr.
1:40 ORGN 297. Worm language: A natural
combinatorial library and a xylopyranose-based nucleoside. F.C. Schroeder
2:20 ORGN 298. Strategies and tactics for
chemical synthesis inspired by complex
alkaloids. R. Sarpong
3:00 ORGN 299. Evolution of anion relay chemistry (ARC) leading to Negishi cross-coupling without ZnCl2. A.B. Smith
3:40 Introduction of Awardee.
3:45 ORGN 300. Award Address (Ernest

Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natural

Products sponsored by Givaudan). Natural
products as drivers of discovery. T.R. Hoye

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

3:45 Introduction of Awardee.

3:50 ORGN 305. Award Address (James

Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic

Chemistry sponsored by the ACS
NortheasternSection). Logic behind a
physical-organic chemists research topics.
C.L. Perrin
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

Green Chemistry: Reactions in Alternative

B. H. Lipshutz, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:01 ORGN 306. Fluorous chemistry meets
green chemistry. J.A. Gladysz
1:31 ORGN 307. Practical overview of organic
synthesis in ionic liquids. R.D. Rogers,
S.P. Kelley
2:01 ORGN 308. Biocatalysis and biomass

conversion in alternative reaction media.

R.A. Sheldon
2:31 Intermission.
2:46 ORGN 309. Switchable hydrophilicity
solvents and switchable water: Design
for applications and the environment.
P.G. Jessop
3:16 ORGN 310. Transitioning organic synthesis
from organic solvents to water. B.H. Lipshutz
3:45 Intermission.
4:00 Panel Discussion.
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Biologically-Related Molecules and

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
A. T. Koppisch, Presiding
1:30 ORGN 311. Discovery and synthe-

sis of new crop protection solutions.

B.A. Lorsbach, Z.L. Benko, T.A. Boebel,
N. Breaux, K. Bryan, G. Davis, J. Epp, K.G. Meyer,
J. Owen, M. Pobanz, J.M. Ruiz, M. Sullenberger,
J.D. Webster, C. Yao, D. Young
1:50 ORGN 312. Profluorogenic activatable-substrate-probes for detection
and imaging of disease markers.
S.U. Hettiarachchi, B. Prasai, R.L. McCarley
2:10 ORGN 313. Synthesis of a novel class of
proline-containing 2,5-diketopiperazine.
S. Hamedzadeh, K. Ha, C. Hall, A. Katritzky
2:30 ORGN 314. De novo designed peptides
from a sugar amino acid are permeable
to neuronal and HeLa cells. A. Monreal,
J.P. Saludes, H. Aguilar, G. Wayman
2:50 ORGN 315. Azasulfurylpeptide solid-phase
synthesis, conformational analysis, and
application as modulators of toll-like receptor inflammatory response in macrophages.
S. Turcotte, K. Mellal, H. Ong, W.D. Lubell
3:10 ORGN 316. Indocyanine dye cancer
targeting agents. C. Dietz, I. Mohammad,
M. Smith, Q. Zhu, A. Abuteen, F. Zhou

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Metal-Mediated Reactions and Syntheses

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
M. G. Organ, Presiding
1:30 ORGN 320. Selective carbamates synthe-

sis by copper catalyzed oxidative coupling

of formamides with salicylaldehydes.
B.D. Barve, Y. Wu, M. El-Shazly, D. Chuang,
Y. Cheng, J. Wang, F. Chang
1:50 ORGN 321. Copper(I) ladder complexes and their use in organic synthesis.
B. Buckley
2:10 ORGN 322. Development of copper catalysts for photoredox reactions. K.H. Jensen
2:30 ORGN 323. Synthesis of diaryl sulfones
at room temperature: Cu-catalyzed
cross-couplings of arylsulfonyl chlorides
with arylboronic acids. X. Lei, F. Hu
2:50 ORGN 324. Soft propargylic deprotonation: Designed ligand enables Au-catalyzed
isomerization of alkynes to 1,3-dienes.
Z. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Zhang
3:10 ORGN 325. Key mechanistic features
of Ni-catalyzed C-H/C-O biaryl coupling
of azoles and naphthalen-2-yl pivalates.
H. Xu, K. Muto, J. Yamaguchi, C. Zhao, K. Itami,
J. Musaev
3:30 ORGN 326. New co-catalyst strategy:
Cobalt and nickel-catalyzed cross-electrophile coupling of benzyl mesylates and
aryl halides. L.K. Ackerman, L. Anka-Lufford,
M. Naodovic
3:50 ORGN 327. Selective Negishi coupling of
secondary alkylzinc reagents to aromatics:
Solving the 5-membered ring heterocycle
problem. M.G. Organ, B. Atwater, M. Pompeo,
J. Farmer, D. Mitchell, M.J. Rodriguez, R. Froese
4:10 ORGN 328. Mono arylation of primary
amines and ammonia using specially designed Pd-NHC complexes.
M.G. Organ, R. Rucker, S. Sharif, C. Lombardi,
N. Chandrasoma, D. Mitchell, M.J. Rodriguez,
R. Froese

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Biologically-Related Molecules and

Processes; Chemistry of Natural Resources;
Metal-Mediated Reactions and Syntheses;
Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly;
Peptides, Proteins, and Amino Acids
R. D. Broene, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
ORGN 329.

Synthesis and antibacterial study of

Schiff bases from 2,2-bipyridyl-5,5-dialdehyde. M.R. Hoq, M.R. Karim
ORGN 330. Fluorescent triazaborolopyridinium dyes for cross metathesis labeling.
R.R. Sapkota, M. Garcia, K.P. Dandamudi,
T.M. Schaub, J.B. Arterburn
ORGN 331. Synthesis and kinetic investigation of differently substituted chalcones.
I. Janser, R. Gopagani
ORGN 332. Platinum (IV) prodrugs: A simultaneous release of cisplatin and a glutathione
S-transferase inhibitor. N. Pilli, I. Janser

ORGN 333.

Proposed revision of the absolute

structure of mandelalide B based on computational methods. K.M. Snyder, R.G. Carter,
K.L. McPhail, P.H. Cheong
ORGN 334. Efficient synthesis of l-sirenin and
its evaluation as CatSper channel agonist
in human sperm. S. Syeda, E.J. Carlson,
R. Francis, J. Hawkinson, G.I. Georg
ORGN 335. Improved syntheses of BET inhibitor JQ1. S. Syeda, S.R. Jakkaraj, G.I. Georg
ORGN 336. Allenic Pauson-Khand approach
to bicyclo[5.3.0]decadienones and novel
guaianolides. S.M. Wells, K.M. Brummond
ORGN 337. Withdrawn.
ORGN 338. Synthesis of modified nucleosides
for the preparation of ribonucleic guanidine.
R. Van Ostrand, A. Awad
ORGN 339. Synthesis, cytotoxicity, and DNAbinding studies of the natural product eudistomin U. J. Giulietti, P. Tate, C.M. Roggero,
S.P. Mulcahy
ORGN 340. Modulating the reactivity of guaianolide analogs through modifications to the
lactone ring. P.A. Jackson, K.M. Brummond
ORGN 341. Progress on the design and synthesis of alternate substrates and inhibitors
of indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase.
R. Barrows, D. Konas
ORGN 342. Synthesis of derivatives of the
natural product radicinin that inhibit
the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa.
M.J. Steinhaus, J.M. Reader, M.J. Rouffet,
T.J. Aldrich, P. Rolshausen, M.C. Roper,
K.N. Maloney
ORGN 343. Development of a photochromic
drug delivery system: Storage and release
of nitroxyl. K.P. Schultz, D. Spivey, E.K. Loya,
J. Kellon, L. Taylor
ORGN 344. 9-Phenylethynyl pyronin analogs:
Near infrared emitting fluorophores for
imaging. P. Sebej, T. Pastierik, J. Medalova,
P. Stacko, P. Klan
ORGN 345. Design and synthesis of dopamine
analogs for analysis in SULT1A3. J.C. Rote,
G.E. Bailey, M. Caero, L.W. Peterson
ORGN 346. Conformational analysis of aplyronine A. D. McKenzie, C. Nicholson
ORGN 347. Conformational analysis of FD-895:
Measuring flexibility and rigidity of different
dihedral angles in the ring. S. Jackson,
C. Nicholson
ORGN 348. Development of inhibitors of
petrobactin biosynthesis: Dehydroshikimate
dehydratase as a target for anti-anthrax
therapeutics. I.A. Simon, A. Rodin, P.A. Netz,
D. Fox, A.T. Koppisch, C.C. Browder
ORGN 349. Testing two conformational search
methods of Aplyronine C. T. Hutchinson,
C. Nicholson
ORGN 350. Development of nonhydrolyzable
inositol pyrophosphate analogs and their
application in the identification of inositol
pyrophosphate binding partners. A. Hager,
D. Fiedler
ORGN 351. Stereocontrolled total synthesis
of pro-resolving lipid mediators derived
from docosahexaenoic acid. S.J. Glynn,
J.W. Winkler, C.N. Serhan, N.A. Petasis
ORGN 352. Incorporation of 3-modified
fluorescent cholesterols into liposomal and
mycobacterial membranes. A.N. Wercholuk,
J.L. Stanley, E.S. Anderson, W.E. Allen
ORGN 353. Recognition of bacterial lipid headgroups by fluorescent crown ether-naphthalimides. S.R. Marshall, J.L. Stanley,
W.E. Allen
ORGN 354. Installation of metal-binding functionality at lysine residues via azide-alkyne
click chemistry. M.R. Baucom, D.P. Farrell,
A.L. Sargent, W.E. Allen
ORGN 355. Improving the metal-binding efficiency of heterocyclic compounds targeting
metal ion-dependent enzyme of hepatitis
C virus. A.M. Naanaa, R. Chen, B. Smith,
R. Wong, D.N. Ward
ORGN 356. Synthetic strategies to control
bacterial virulence. S.R. Dunbar, K. March,
M.A. Bertucci

ORGN 357.

Effects of exposure of phthalates to

chlorinated drinking water. M. Neyrat, H. Kim,
T. Corbet, L. Li, K. Yeung
ORGN 358. Direct carbon-carbon bond formation from diaryl-3-iodanes and (hetero) aryl
borates: Redefining formal SNAr reactivity
with carbon nucleophiles. K. Jayatissa,
D.R. Stuart
ORGN 359. Kinetic analysis of the transesterification of soybean oil and methanol
catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbenes.
H. Palencia, D.L. Broxterman
ORGN 360. From glycerol to gasoline: A new
approach for the utilization of a renewable
source. J. Gmeiner, V. Tran, O. Trapp
ORGN 361. Use of polarimetry in studying the
isomerization of bittering agents in beer:
The effects of temperature, pH, ultra-violet
light, and solvents on the conversion of
humulone to isohumulone. S. Johnson,
M.D. Mosher
ORGN 362. Palladium-mediated tandem
cyclization-coupling reactions of ,-unsaturated oximes. J. Mikesell, M.D. Mosher
ORGN 363. New diastereoselective synthesis of
(E)-trisubsritutrd alkenes containing trimethylsilylmethyl and p-methoxyphenyl moities
via organoboranes. N.G. Bhat
ORGN 364. Reaction of (Z)-1-bromo-1alkenylboronate esters with allylmagnesium
bromide followed by Suzuki coupling with
p-methylbromobenzene. N.G. Bhat
ORGN 365. Thiourea hydrogen-bond donors
to promote the reductive Heck reaction.
C. Anderson, T.M. Locascio, J.A. Tunge
ORGN 366. Solution and X-ray crystal structures of lithium pinacolone enolate solvated
by HMPA. J. Guang, P.G. Williard
ORGN 367. 1,2-Boryl migration empowers
regiodivergent synthesis of borylated
furans. R. Kazem Shiroodi, O. Koleda,
V. Gevorgyan
ORGN 368. Tetrahedral oxo-Sn catalyst.
E.V. Beletskiy, Z. Shen, M.V. Riofski, X. Hou,
J. Gallagher, J.T. Miller, Y. Wu, M.C. Kung,
H.H. Kung
ORGN 369. Rhodium(I)-catalyzed enantioselective intramolecular hydroacylation of
4-allenals. Y. Oonishi, A. Hosotani, T. Yokoe,
Y. Sato
ORGN 370. Magnetic-metal nanocatalysts
for sustainable organic transformations.
A. Rathi, M. Gawande, R.S. Varma, R. Zboril
ORGN 371. Recyclable soluble palladium
N-heterocyclic carbene star polymer.
K. Bukhriakov, C. Mugemana, V. Rodionov
ORGN 372. Electronic effects of intramolecular
[2+2+2] cyclizations toward -carbolines. M. ODonnell, J.G. Varelas, S. Khanal,
S.P. Mulcahy
ORGN 373. Palladium-catalyzed one-pot
reactions towards -carbolines. J.G. Varelas,
M. ODonnell, S. Khanal, S.P. Mulcahy
ORGN 375. Oxygen-mediated coupling of
silicon and boron compounds. E. Costello,
P. Kirby, C. Lindsey, C. McNamara, J. Hershberger
ORGN 376. C-H insertions in oxidative gold
catalysis: Expedient synthesis of bicyclic
dihydropyran-3-ones from In situ-generated
-oxo gold carbenes through the relay of
vinyl cation intermediates. Z. Zheng, L. Zhang
ORGN 380. Effect of ligand Ssructure in
cycloisomerization reactions of enynes catalyzed by heterobimetallic Ti-Pt complexes.
R. Stokes, M. Talley, W. Walker, D. Michaelis
ORGN 381. Negishi-type cross-coupling arylation of selected carbamates. B.K. Sharp,
R.E. Gawley
ORGN 382. Enyne cycloisomerization reactions catalyzed by heterobimetallic TiPt
complexes. M. Talley, R. Stokes, W. Walker,
D. Michaelis
ORGN 384. Gold-catalyzed synthesis of cyclic
ethers and lactones. J. Dotson, R.D. Lyski,
J.R. Vyvyan
ORGN 385. Influence of Biphenylphosphine
Stabilization on Catalyst Structure and
Reactivity. W. Zhou, A.C. Jones

ORGN 386.

Ruthenium catalyzed CN bond formation from alcohols and various nitrogen

sources. S. Hong
ORGN 387. Phosphine-free palladium-catalyzed direct double arylation of pyrroles
with aryl iodides on water. Y.K. Chung,
H. Bae, B. Cho
ORGN 388. Kinetic and thermodynamic solubility of pyrazinamide cocrystals. E.J. Johnson,
H. Abourahma
ORGN 389. Progress in the synthesis and
characterization of a resorcin[4]arene-based
heterodimer. E.G. Morado, L.M. Tunstad
ORGN 390. Phosphate-coordination directed
assemblies: From modeling to laboratory
validation. C. Jia, B.P. Hay, R. Custelcean
ORGN 391. Synthesis and characterization of
a covalently assembled molecular capsule
for guest encapsulation. E.S. Garcia,
L.M. Tunstad
ORGN 392. Divalent peptide recognition
mediated by an auxiliary guest. H. Lee,
N. Petukhov, Z.T. Ball, A.R. Urbach
ORGN 393. Covalent modification of a calixarene-capped azobenzene for increased
solubility in polar media. P.A. Bonvallet,
V.C. Iungerich, A. Steiger, T.J. Horst
ORGN 394. Selective modification of emission
intensity in a rhodamine-anthraquinone macrocycle. M. Hoffman, P.N. Basa,
K. Mariappan, O. Schmidt, A.G. Sykes
ORGN 395. Investigation the cleavage of Si-O
bond in trimethylsilyl ether for quantitative
measurement of fluoride. G. Kim, H. Cao
ORGN 396. Chiral channels in molecular
co-crystals: Unexpected structures
that arise from the co-crystallization of
2,4,6-tris(4-X-phenyl)arenes. R. Wiscons,
H. Lai, M. Zeller, J. Rowsell
ORGN 397. Carboxylated polyphenylarenes:
A new family of tunable porous organic
crystal. H.W. Lai, R.A. Wiscons, M. Zeller,
J.L. Rowsell
ORGN 398. 2,2-Linked sulfonated dicalix[4]
arene as a component in supramolecular
species. J.L. Fantini, E.D. Cosco
ORGN 399. Depolymerization as an amplification method for analyte-triggered gelation.
D.M. Zurcher, A.J. McNeil
ORGN 400. Supermolecular catalysis via
metal-organic supercontainers (MOSCs). Y.
Qiao, Z. Wang
ORGN 401. Chiral auxiliary/organocatalyst
porphyrin hybrids: Modular hosts for chiral
recognition. J.G. Naizer, M. Atyah Alqura,
P. Battles, L. Mwangi, K. Truong, S.D. Starnes
ORGN 402. Novel electron-rich anthracene
components in modular donor-acceptor
columnar liquid crystals. A. Gray Be, J.J.
ORGN 403. Synthesis of a dual fluorescence
probe for the G4 quadruplex. T. Wermer,
A. Do, M.D. Heagy
ORGN 404. Aromatic guests for cubic M8L6
metallocages. H. Castillo, J.D. Thoburn
ORGN 405. Dibridgehead diphosphine dioxide
cages: Syntheses and unusual structural
features. S. Kharel, J. Bluemel, J.A. Gladysz
ORGN 406. Impact of H-bonding and chirality
on the self-assembly (and morphology) of
mono and disubstituted ferrocenyl-peptideconjugates. B. Adhikari, C. Singh, H. Kraatz
ORGN 407. Modulating rhodamine B isomerization in metal-organic supercontainers.
A. Corbett, Z. Wang, F. Dai, U. Sambasivam
ORGN 408. Synthesis of a 1-aza-9-crown3-substituted coumarin for fluorescence sensing of metal ions. X. Zhang,
C.J. Forsythe, D.L. Nutbrown
ORGN 409. Quinoline-based turn-on sensors
for fluoride. X. Zhou, C. Stains
ORGN 410. Synthesis of enantiomeric
enriched disubstituted C-methyl-- and
-unnatural amino acids analogs. E.R. Vogel,
D.S. Masterson
ORGN 411. Photodynamics of azobenzene-dipeptide (Pz-dipeptide) conjugates.
C.T. Brown, S.K. Rastogi, W.J. Brittain

ORGN 412.

Mechanism and stereocontrol

models in peptide-catalyzed acylations.
O.M. Ogba, P.H. Cheong
ORGN 413. Synthesis and conformational
studies of hybrid -aminoxy/cyclic
2,3-aminoxy peptides. K. An, S. Dai, D. Yang
ORGN 414. Circular dichroism studies of hybrid
cell penetrating collagen peptides. C. Hu,
K. Slowinska
ORGN 415. New coupling and cyclization strategy for peptide synthesis via chemoselective three-fragment hydroxyproline ligation.
J.W. McDaniel, K. Ha, C. Hall
ORGN 416. Synthesis of four isomers of
5-hydroxypipecolic acid by intramolecular cyclization of epoxides derived from
2-amino-5-hexenoic acid. S. Krishna Murthy,
T. Moriguchi, A. Tsuge
ORGN 417. Synthesis of ortho-fluorine
derivatives of phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl(pz)-Pro-Leu for photodynamic study.
S.K. Rastogi, C.T. Brown, W.J. Brittain
ORGN 418. Pyrophosphorylation of peptides
and proteins using phosphorimidazolides.
A.M. Marmelstein
ORGN 419. Characterization of a hydrophobic
peptoid which interacts with beta-sheet
proteins. T.M. Lutz-Rechtin, J.P. Turner,
S.L. Servoss
ORGN 420. Development of a highly regioselective N-2 arylation of indazole carboxamides: Application toward the synthesis of
MK-4827 (Niraparib). M.E. Scott

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 2&3

National Fresenius Award: Symposium in

Honor of Abigail G. Doyle
Cosponsored by WCC
J. Aube, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 ORGN 421. New approaches to the

analysis of asymmetric catalytic processes.

M.S. Sigman
9:25 ORGN 422. Proton-coupled electron transfer in organic synthesis and asymmetric
catalysis. R.R. Knowles
10:15 ORGN 423. Functionalization of CH
bonds. M. White
11:05 Introduction of Awardee.
11:10 ORGN 424. Award Address (National
Fresenius Award sponsored by Phi Lambda
Upsilon, the National Chemistry Honor
Society). New Csp3-electrophiles for
Ni-catalyzed cross coupling. A.G. Doyle
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom 1

Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules

M. C. McIntosh, K. Walker, Organizers
N. Choony, Presiding
8:20 ORGN 425. Expedient approach to

bicyclic nucleosides: Precursors to nucleic

acid modifications for antisense technology.
N.K. Narayanan, A.M. Dmytrejchuk, B.L. Merner
8:40 ORGN 426. Organocatalytic and protecting-group-free synthesis of (+)-artemone.
S.P. Wetzler, B.C. Fielder, D.A. Vosburg
9:00 ORGN 427. Use of triphenylchloromethane
(trityl chloride) as a steric buttress
to enhance Diels Alder cycloaddition
reactions. N. Choony
9:20 ORGN 428. Synthesis of bis(indole)
alkaloids from Arundo donax. A. Ferreira,
C. Beaudry
9:40 ORGN 429. Syntheses of acyclic polyhalogenated Plocamium monoterpenes
and evaluation of activity for solid tumors.
C.V. Vogel, H. Pietraszkiewicz, O.M. Sabry,
W.H. Gerwick, F.A. Valeriote, C.D. Vanderwal



10:00 ORGN 430. Case for a spontaneous,

Section D

Diels-Alderase-free dimerization as the key

step in the biosynthesis of ()paracaseolide A. T. Wang, T.R. Hoye
10:20 ORGN 431. Total synthesis of leiodermatolide. S. Williams, K. Ng, I. Paterson
10:40 ORGN 432. Withdrawn.
11:00 ORGN 433. Total synthesis of aflastatin
A. D.A. Evans, J.J. Beiger, E. Kattnig,
P.H. Fuller, J.M. Young, J.D. Burch, F. Glorius,
J. Zhang, W.C. Trenkle, D.A. Thaisrivongs
11:20 ORGN 434. Efficient and concise
syntheses of spiroisoxazolines: Progress
toward first total synthesis of 11-deoxyfistularin-3. P. Das, A.T. Hamme II
11:40 ORGN 435. Phytochemical study of the
genus Piper: Synthesis and photoreactivity
of chromene natural products. T.T. Nguyen,
C.S. Jeffrey
12:00 ORGN 436. Total synthesis of 6-deoxypladienolide D and assessment of splicing
inhibitory activity in a mutant SF3B1
cancer cell line. K. Arai, S. Buonamici,
B. Chan, L. Corson, A. Endo, B. Gerard, M. Hao,
C. Karr, K. Kira, L. Lee, X. Liu, J.T. Lowe, T. Luo,
L.A. Marcaurelle, Y. Mizui, M. Nevalainen,
M.W. OShea, E. Park, S. Perino, S. Prajapati,
M. Shan, P.G. Smith, P. Tivitmahaisoon,
J.Y. Wang, M. Warmuth, K. Wu, L. Yu, H. Zhang,
G. Zheng, G.F. Keaney

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

New Reactions and Methodology

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
B. L. Ashfeld, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 437. Synthesis of 5, 6, 7, and

8-membered oxacycles by silver and gold

catalysis. R. Tata, M. Harmata
8:20 ORGN 438. From carbon to cancer: The
impact of reaction development on natural
products and designed materials synthesis. B.L. Ashfeld, A. Chavannavar, E. White
8:40 ORGN 439. Transition metal catalyzed reactions for the functionalization
of cubane and triptycene scaffolds.
M.O. Senge
9:00 ORGN 440. Enantioselective
N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed -hydroxylation of enals using nitroarenes: An
atom transfer reaction that proceeds via
single electron transfer. N.A. White, T. Rovis
9:20 ORGN 441. Rh(III)-catalyzed synthesis
of 2,3-dihydropyridines initiated by C-H
activation. F. Romanov Michailidis, T. Rovis
9:40 ORGN 442. Highly active multidentate
molybdenum (VI) catalysts for alkyne
metathesis. H. Yang, C. Zhu, W. Zhang
10:00 ORGN 443. Chemo-enzymatic synthesis
of key intermediates (S)--hydroxymethyl,-butenolide and (S)--hydroxymethyl-butyrolactone via lipase-mediated
Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of levoglucosenone. A.L. Flourat, A.A. Peru, A.R. Teixeira,
F. Brunissen, F. Allais
10:20 ORGN 444. Synthesis of functionalized
benzenoid macrocycles: Templates for
carbon nanotube synthesis. B.L. Merner,
N.K. Mitra, R. Meudom, S. Iqbal
10:40 ORGN 445. Pentadehydro-Diels-Alder
(PDDA) reaction.Part 1: Cycloisomerization
of triynes to a,3-dehydrotoluene derivatives and their trapping reactions. T. Wang,
R. Naredla, T.R. Hoye
11:00 ORGN 446. Automated simultaneous
catalyst screening and cross-coupling
reaction optimization in a continuous-flow
microreactor system. B.J. Reizman,
K.F. Jensen
11:20 ORGN 447. Flow chemistry for sustainable chemical manufacturing. M.G. Organ,
D. Mallik, M. Tilley, K. Somerville, G. Li,
A. Khadra, M.A. McGuire, K. Nalivela, D. Daly

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Heterocycles and Aromatics

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
L. Silverberg, Presiding
8:00 ORGN 448. Pd-catalyzed iterative
bis-amination of functionalized diha-

lo-1,2,4-triazinyl substituted heterocycles.

S. Tai, S.V. Marchi, E.J. Dover, J.D. Carrick
8:20 ORGN 449. Development of an expedient
process for the multikilogram synthesis of
CHK1 inhibitor GDC-0425. A. Stumpf
8:40 ORGN 450. Benzo[a]imidazo[2,1,5-cd]
indolizines as tunable heterocyclic
fluorophores: Synthesis and applications. E. Levesque, L. Constantineau-Forget,
G. Pelletier, W.S. Bechara, A.B. Charette
9:20 ORGN 451. Accessing diverse polyheterocycle-fused diketopiperazines
via cycloadditions of photogenerated
azaxyxylenes. N.N. Bhuvan Kumar,
D.M. Kuznetsov, A.G. Kutateladze*
9:40 ORGN 452. Prospective energetic
materials derived from 4, 4-bi(5-nitro-1, 2,
3-2H-triazole). C. He, J.M. Shreeve
10:00 ORGN 453. Synthesis, photochemical,
and electrochemical characterization
of N,N-dimethyl-5,10-diaza[5]helicene
bistetrafluoroborate and other helical
viologens. X. Zhang, E.L. Clennan
10:20 ORGN 454. Highly efficient synthesis of
HIV NNRTI doravirine. D.R. Gauthier, Jr
10:40 ORGN 455. Synthesis of organo
nitrogen compounds and heterocycles via
catalytic allylic C-H amination. S. Murru,
R. Srivastava
11:00 ORGN 456. Studies on cyclic six- and
seven-membered 2, 3-diaryl-1, 3-thiaza-4-ones. L.J. Silverberg, H.P. Yennawar,
J. Tierney, C.N. Pacheco, K.C. Cannon,
A.F. Lagalante, J.T. Bachert, L.M. Baker, J. Bayliff,
R.V. Bendinsky, A.S. Cali, L. Chen, A.D. Cooper,
D.J. Coyle, J.R. Dahl, M.J. Minehan, C.R. Mroz,
H. Singh, Y. Xie
11:20 ORGN 457. Thiazole chemistry toward
a second generation EML4-ALK inhibitor.
G. Smith
11:40 ORGN 458. Withdrawn.
Section E

11:10 ORGN 467. BINAP-based metal-or-

ganic framework catalysts for asymmetric

reactions. T. Sawano, J. Falkowski, T. Zhang,
G. Tsun, Y. Chen, N.C. Thacker, A.R. McIsaac,
J.V. Lockard, W. Lin

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Rooms 704/706

Peptides, Proteins, and Amino Acids

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
J. Haseltine, Presiding
1:00 ORGN 472. Remodeling of bacterial cell

surfaces using unnatural D-amino acids.

M.M. Pires
1:20 ORGN 473. N-terminal modification for
traceless expressed protein ligations.
E.J. Petersson
1:40 ORGN 474. Lanthipeptides with diverse
ring topologies are generated by ProcM
under kinetic control. S. Mukherjee, Y. Yu,
W.A. van der Donk
2:00 ORGN 475. Synthesis and responsive
self-assembly of boronic acid-functionalized peptides. B.H. Jones, A. Martinez,
J. Wheeler, D.R. Wheeler, E. Spoerke
2:20 ORGN 476. Orally bioavailable cyclic
peptides. D.S. Nielsen, H.N. Hoang,
R. Lohman, D.P. Fairlie
2:40 ORGN 477. Bioinspired strategy for the
ribosomal synthesis of thioether-bridged
macrocyclic peptides in bacteria.
N. Bionda, R. Fasan
3:00 ORGN 478. Comparing methods for the
solution-state synthesis of dipeptide and
tripeptide esters. O. Sugahara, I.L. Beltran,
J.T. Bauer, J.N. Haseltine
3:20 ORGN 479. Synthesis and applications of
peptides with C-terminal esters to studies
of protein prenylation. M.D. Distefano,
V. Diaz-Rodriguez, J.S. Vervacke
3:40 ORGN 480. Development of 4-hydroxyproline ligation for coupling of peptide
fragments. K. Ha
4:00 ORGN 481. Constrained N-amino peptide
derivatives for conformational scanning
applications. J.R. Del Valle, C. Kang,
S. Ranatunga

4:00 ORGN 490. New approaches in

N-heterocycle construction and applica-

tions toward industrially relevant materials.

D. Pena, A. Chavannavar, B.L. Ashfeld
4:20 ORGN 491. Oxidative 1,2 and 1,4-diamination of olefins using simple urea derivatives. D. Anumandla, C.S. Jeffrey
4:40 ORGN 492. Transition-metal mediated
cycloaddition reactions of chiral
diaziridines for the diastereoselective
synthesis of N-containing heterocycles.
G. Moura-Letts
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Metal-Mediated Reactions and Syntheses

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
B. Michel, Presiding
1:30 ORGN 493. Palladium-catalyzed intra-

molecular oxidative coupling of nitrogen

heteroaromatics with unactivated arenes
in the synthesis of fused N-heterocycles.
J. Laha, N. Dayal, K. Jethava
1:50 ORGN 494. Stereoselective synthesis of
allenyl alcohols using an organo-manganese 2-auxiliary: A new entry to furofuranone natural products. A. Roy, B. Bhat
2:10 ORGN 495. Mechanistic studies of
isocyanide promoted Buchner insertion
reactions with Ruthenium-based metathesis catalysts. J.R. Grifths, E.J. Hofman,
J.B. Keister, S.T. Diver
2:30 ORGN 496. Gold-catalyzed 1,3-transposition of ynones. R. Kazem Shiroodi,
M. Soltani, V. Gevorgyan
2:50 ORGN 497. Withdrawn.
3:10 ORGN 498. Novel catalytic reactivities of
PN3-pincer complexes. K. Huang
3:30 ORGN 499. Rhodium-catalyst controlled
carbenoid and vinylogous reactions of
vinyldiazoacetates and silyl ketene acetals.
S. Negretti, H.M. Davies
3:50 ORGN 500. Overcome inherent regioselectivity in oxidative gold catalysis:
A desulfonylation approach. H. Chen,
L. Zhang
4:10 ORGN 501. Powerful fluoroalkoxy molybdenum(V) reagent for the selective oxidative arene coupling reaction. M. Schubert,
J. Leppin, K.M. Wehming, D. Schollmeyer,
D. Heinze, D.R. Waldvogel

Colorado Convention Center

Room 702

Section D

Metal-Mediated Reactions and Syntheses

Colorado Convention Center

Room 708


M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
S. P. Mulcahy, Presiding

Heterocycles and Aromatics

Section A

8:30 ORGN 459. Stereospecific nickel-cata-

M. C. McIntosh, Organizer
C. Santini, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Four Seasons Ballroom

1:00 ORGN 482. Porphyrin synthesis by grinding. T.D. Hamilton, D. Cordero, V.S. Hoelscher,
T. Sabol, Q. Su

Heterocycles and Aromatics; New Reactions

and Methodology

1:20 ORGN 483. Synthesis and reactions of

arene. J.L. Fantini, I.M. Delahunty, K.P. Klatt

7:00 - 9:00

lyzed cross-coupling of benzylic ethers

with Grignard reagents. A. Johnson,
I.M. Yonova, L.W. Erickson, M.A. Greene,
C.A. Osborne, E.R. Jarvo
8:50 ORGN 460. Efficient catalytic system for
Ru-catalyzed C-H arylation: A practical
synthesis of a pharmaceutical. M. Seki
9:10 ORGN 461. Terminal olefins to chromans,
isochromans, and pyrans via allylic CH
oxidation. S. Ammann, G. Rice, M.C. White
9:30 ORGN 462. Intramolecular metalloaminations of N,N-dimethylhydrazinoalkenes.
A. Smith, B. Sunsdahl, T. Livinghouse
9:50 ORGN 463. Mechanistic study of
gold(I)-catalyzed alkene addition reaction.
Y. Zhu, E.M. Petryna, A.C. Jones
10:10 ORGN 464. Efficient palladium-catalyzed reactions toward complex nitrogen-containing heterocycles. S.P. Mulcahy
10:30 ORGN 465. Catalyst-transfer direct
arylation: Selectivity and potential initiators. H. Johnson, T. Schwochert, J. Enders,
A. Olivares, T. Hougen, K. Woods, L. Lawrence,
J.F. Tannaci
10:50 ORGN 466. Efficient synthesis of polysubstituted cyclopentadienyl ligands for
Rh(III) catalysis. N. Semakul, T. Rovis

1:40 ORGN 484. Dearomative (3+2) cycload-

ditions of aza-oxyallyl cation intermediates

and indoles. A. Acharya, C.S. Jeffrey
2:20 ORGN 485. Trifluoromethyl heterocyclic
compounds: Synthesis and characterization. K.P. Castro, A.M. Pluntze, I.V. Kuvychko,
E. Bukovsky, T. Clikeman, Y. Chen, S.H. Strauss,
O.V. Boltalina
2:40 ORGN 486. Modular approach to
crowded benzoquinolines. A. Mazaheripour,
D.E. Laidlaw, R. Lopez, D.J. Dibble, M. Umerani,
Y. Park, A.A. Gorodetsky
3:00 ORGN 487. Gram scale total synthesis
of veranamine. J. Magolan, H.C. Araujo,
S.D. Holmbo, R. Gautam
3:20 ORGN 488. Gold-catalyzed cyclizations
of cis-enediynes: Insights into the nature
of goldaryne interactions. Y. Wang,
A. Yepremyan, S. Ghorai, R. Todd, D.H. Aue,
L. Zhang
3:40 ORGN 489. Analysis of PAH(CF3)n:PAH
charge transfer complexes. E.V. Bukovsky,
K.P. Castro, L. San, T. Clikeman, I.V. Kuvychko,
O. Boltalina, S.H. Strauss, Y. Chen

R. D. Broene, Organizer
ORGN 374.

Air-stable palladium precatalyst

for forylation of arylhalides with HBpin
and experimental evidences on cationic
metathesis mechanism. X. Pu, T. Colacot
ORGN 377. Iridium precatalysts for the CH
borylation of heterocycles. P. Gildner,
C. Seechurn, S. Vilvanathan, T. Colacot
ORGN 378. In depth understanding of palladium acetate. W.A. Carole, A. DeAngelis,
T. Colacot
ORGN 379. Highly active pi-allyl
Pd-precatalysts for challenging cross-coupling reactions. A. DeAngelis, R. Chow,
C. Seechurn, T. Colacot
ORGN 383. Heck and Sonogashira coupling of
aryl and heteroaryl chlorides using L2Pd(0)
and L2Pd(II) catalysts: Understanding the
structureactivity relationships. H. Li, X. Pu,
T. Colacot

ORGN 502.

High-load, hybrid ROMP reagents/

scavengers/ligands immobilized on silica
and Co/C magnetic nanoparticles for their
application in sequestration and parallel
synthesis. S. Faisal, P.K. Maity, A. Brandhofer,
P.C. Kearney, D.S. Stoianova, O. Reiser,
R.N. Grass, P.R. Hanson
ORGN 503. Synthesis of Trgers base-derived
ligands. C.S. Hampton, M. Harmata
ORGN 504. Synthesis of dibenz[c,h]acridines
as potential G-quadruplex ligands.
K. Eickelman, K. Jara, M.D. Mosher
ORGN 505. 9-Arylacridine atropisomers.
B. Redlinger, M.D. Mosher
ORGN 506. Synthesis of 3,4,5-trisubstituted
isoxazolines. T.N. Leighton, K. Henson,
M.D. Mosher
ORGN 507. QSAR analysis of O-substituted
9-hydroxylaminoacridines. A. Carlson,
A. Lavianetskaya, M.D. Mosher
ORGN 508. Photocyclodehydrofluorination.
K.E. Ivey, Z. Li, R.J. Twieg
ORGN 509. Benzimidazol-2-one scaffolds
derived from unique domino processes
centered upon elegant benzodiazepine ring
rearrangements. G. Martinez-Ariza, Z. Xu,
A.P. Cappelli, C. Hulme
ORGN 510. Inverse-demand Diels-Alder of
bis-(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4,5 tetrazine with alkenes
and carbonyl under catalytic and non-catalytic conditions. M.A. Max, J. Wilson
ORGN 511. Cross coupling of iodo-substituted
aurones. Z.E. Taylor, S.T. Handy
ORGN 512. Direct C-H functionalization of
arenes in reactions with nitroalkanes and
nitroalkenes in polyphosphoric acids.
A. Aksenov, A.N. Smirnov, N.A. Aksenov,
I.V. Aksenova, M.A. Rubin
ORGN 513. Heterocycles: An enhancement
in the ferrocenyl derivatives pharmacophores. J.C. Aponte-Santini, I. Montes Gonzalez,
S. Abdul-Hadi-Martnez, F.J. Correa-Delgado,
D.J. Sanabria Rios, M.D. Garca Maldonado,
A.R. Guadalupe Quiones, F.T. Halaweish,
A.E. Serrano Brizuela, E.E. Coln Lorenzo
ORGN 514. Approaches to the synthesis of
C1-substituted carbapenems. T.Q. Nguyen,
W. Chai, J. Gu, K. Cook, E. Kim, S.E. Goetz,
M. Chepuru, M. Cox, P. Nguyen, H. Raja,
P. Magistrado, F. Michael, P. Oelschlaeger,
J.W. Janc, J.D. Buynak
ORGN 515. Copper(I) catalyzed reaction of
1-bromo-2-iodobenzene with 1,2-cyclohexanedione as a potential route to 2,3-dihydrodibenzo[b,d]furan-4(1H)-one. D.A. Hunt,
J. Bocanegra
ORGN 516. Synthesis, photochemical and electrochemical characterization of a series of
new phenanthrenyl viologens. T. Bakupog,
E.L. Clennan
ORGN 517. Air stable polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons with strong electron
accepting properties. L.K. San, E.V. Bukovsky,
T.T. Clikeman, S. Deng, X. Wang, Y. Chen,
O.V. Boltalina, S.H. Strauss
ORGN 518. Alternative routes to phenanthroline-based diones. K.A. Pacheco, D.J. Covelli,
C.M. Bresch
ORGN 519. Optimization of the synthesis of
2,4,6-trimethylphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline and its derivatives. K.A. Pacheco,
D.B. Burgess
ORGN 520. Synthesis of neo-confused porphyrins. A.S. Almejbel, T.D. Lash
ORGN 521. Efficient methods of synthesizing
benzyl azetidines. C. Ochoa, L.M. Bradley
ORGN 522. Synthesis of pyrazol-1-yl-benzenesulfonamides. M. Belcher, B. Torok,
R. Dembinski
ORGN 523. Mono- and bis- phenylpropargyl
imidazolidinium cations: Structure and
reduction behavior. G. Soper, B.M. Barry,
W.L. McClennan, K. Robertson, J. Hurmalainen,
T. Roemmele, H. Tuononen, R.T. Boere,
J.D. Masuda, J.A. Clyburne
ORGN 524. Perfluoroalkyl and cyano derivatives of perylene diimides as novel electron
acceptors for advanced electronics.
T. Clikeman, E.V. Bukovsky, G. Rumbles,
O. Boltalina, S.H. Strauss

ORGN 525.

Synthesis of carbaporphyrinoid
systems using a carbatripyrrin methodology. L.M. Stateman, T.D. Lash
ORGN 526. Photoinduced oxidative cyclizations of o-arylalkynyloximes. M. Ko, W. Kim,
P. De Lijser
ORGN 527. Synthesis and characterization of
ferrocenyl chalcones salts derivatives as
potential antibacterial agents. S.M. DelgadoRivera, R.E. Coln-Morillo, I.D. Montes-Gonzlez,
M.D. Garca Maldonado, A.R. Guadalupe
Quiones, D.J. Sanabria Ros, Y. Rivera-Tores,
R. Gutirrez
ORGN 528. Methods for N-alkylation of
benzylidene oxindoles. A.M. Lock, K.W. Cox,
K.J. Knisley, D.M. Ketcha
ORGN 529. New phenothiazinium derivatives
for potential use in photodynamic therapy
(PDT) and dye-sensitized solar cells
(DSSC). I. Kady, N. Mehraban, S. Fanah
ORGN 530. C-Arylation of triazoles: Synthesis
of novel vinyl triazole-fused sultams.
A.J. Cassity, J. Jun, N. Asad, N. Windmon,
A. Diepenbrock, P.R. Hanson
ORGN 531. Efforts toward decorated azepine
derivatives through a photochemical
formal [5+2] cycloaddition. S.M. Thullen,
D.M. Rubush, T. Rovis
ORGN 532. Synthesis of 1H-1,2,3-triazole
esters and acids. C.R. Butler, A. Arroyave,
K. McGee, A.M. Schoffstall
ORGN 533. Ultrasound-assisted green synthesis of diversely substituted oxindoles.
D. Bandyopadhyay, O.M. Rodriguez, I.M. Chapa,
A. Zavala, B.K. Banik
ORGN 534. Organocatalyzed green synthesis of
bis-benzopyrazines: An entry to novel heteroaromatics. D. Bandyopadhyay, J.A. Perez,
H.R. Cardenas, B.K. Banik
ORGN 535. Proxy-PET building blocks as
a design element for library synthesis.
L.J. Mallin, H. de Kraker, S.S. Huthmacher,
D.M. Ketcha
ORGN 536. Efficient synthesis of
1,3,4-oxadiazoles promoted by NH4Cl.
K.K. Gnanasekaran, B. Nammalwar, M. Murie,
R.A. Bunce
ORGN 537. Ring size and substitution effects
in the tandem reduction-lactamization of
ortho-substituted nitroarenes. R.A. Bunce,
B. Nammalwar, J.T. Hiett
ORGN 538. Efficient synthesis of substituted
3-oxoindoline-1-carbonitriles using
mesoporous silica MCM-41. B. Nammalwar,
N.P. Muddala, M. Murie, R.A. Bunce
ORGN 539. Synthetic studies on guaipyridine
alkaloids: Intramolecular Heck approach.
B. Woldehaimanot, P.M. Shelton, J.R. Vyvyan
ORGN 540. Mechanistic studies on the
Pechmann condensation reaction
with fluorine-substituted reactants.
M.A. Vanalstine-Parris, J. DeGrote, S. Tyndall,
K. Wong
ORGN 541. Withdrawn.
ORGN 542. One-pot synthesis of indole-4,9diones from naphthoquinone. J.D. Guerra,
Q.H. Luu, C.M. Castaneda, M.A. Martinez, S. Mito
ORGN 543. Efficient preparation of
pyridinyl-1,2,4-triazines via telescoped
condensation with diversely functionalized
1,2-dicarbonyls. S.V. Marchi, J.D. Carrick
ORGN 544. Study on the palladium-catalyzed
Friedel-Crafts-type allylic arylations and
aryl etherifications of phenols. C.A. Discolo,
A.G. Graves, D.R. Deardorff
ORGN 545. Progress on the preparation of
3,5-disubstituted 2-isoxazolines. N. Schiltz,
E. Van Meter, M.D. Mosher
ORGN 546. Hypoiodite mediated stoichometric
or catalytic cyclopropanation of alkenes
with malononitrile. A. Yoshimura, J. Fuchs,
T.N. Jones, V.V. Zhdankin
ORGN 547. Development of an alternative
energy synthetic pathway to ibuprofen
through the use of solar irradiation as
the sole heat source. B. Agee, G. Mullins,
D.J. Swartling

ORGN 548.

Visible-light mediated synthesis of

constrained cyclic-peptides from phenacyl
protected cysteine residues. R.C. McAtee,
T.M. Monos, C.R. Stephenson
ORGN 549. Cycloaddition reactions of N-vinyl
nitrones with ketenes and ketenimines.
K. Chando, R.E. Michael, T. Sammakia
ORGN 550. Synthesis and base-mediated
rearrangement of cis-1-hydroxy-2-(2oxoethanyl)cyclopropanes: Approach to
hydroxycyclopropane peptidomimetics.
C.K. Zercher, I. Taschner, M. Mower, P. Moran,
Y.M. Bhogadhi, R. Chhetri, K. Bala
ORGN 551. Stereoselective samarium diiodide
promoted carbon carbon bond forming
reactions. C. Aretz, H. Escobedo, B.J. Cowen
ORGN 552. Diversity oriented wynthesis of
quinoline scaffolds employing acetal
substrates in the DoebnerMiller reaction.
G. Rahman, S.D. Pegan, B.J. Cowen
ORGN 553. Sulfonic acids as catalysts for
carbon carbon bond forming reactions.
B.J. Cowen, J. Miao
ORGN 554. Iodination of potassium
organotrifluoroborates and tributyl(aryl)
stannanes using iron(III) chloride/sodium
iodide. D.W. Blevins, G.W. Kabalka, M. Yao,
L. Yong
ORGN 555. Catalytic functionalization of
unactivated sp3 CH bonds through
intramolecular oxygen nucleophiles
affording cyclic ethers. S.J. Thompson,
G. Dong
ORGN 556. Ligand- and proton-source effects
in samarium(II)-mediated elimination/
isomerization reactions of alllylic benzoates.
A.M. Wright, G.W. ONeil
ORGN 557. Ring-closing metathesis
reactions of acyloxysulfones: Synthesis of
-alkylidene butenolides. I. Phan, G. Gilbert,
G.W. ONeil
ORGN 558. Regiocontrolled palladiumcatalyzed domino synthesis of
N-sulfonyl dihydrophenanthridines and
dihydrodibenzo[c,e]azepines. N. Dayal,
R. Jain, K. Patel, J.K. Laha
ORGN 559. New quinazolin-2-yl-guanidines
for medicinal chemistry approaches to
neuropsychiatric disorders. S. Ibrahim,
G. Obenauf, J.K. Britt, A. Pieper, G.K. Friestad
ORGN 560. Photogenerated diketopiperazinespiro-oxiranes as versatile synthons
for accessing diverse polyheterocyclic
scaffolds. D.M. Kuznetsov, N.N. Bhuvan Kumar,
A.G. Kutateladze*
ORGN 561. Practical, scalable synthesis of
carbohydrate based oxepines. R Vannam,
M.W. Peczuh
ORGN 562. Reaction of 1,2-cyclohexanedione
with diols. An unexpected aromatization
reaction. A.E. Solinski, D.A. Hunt
ORGN 563. Mechanistic studies into
the reaction of aldehydes with
N-acylphthalimides. R.N. Enright,
L.T. Henningsen, P.H. Willoughby
ORGN 564. Investigation of oxidopyrylium [5+2]
cycloaddition conjugate-addition cascade
sequences. C. Law, C.R. Zwick, J. Simanis,
E.L. Woodall, J.R. Goodell, T.A. Mitchell
ORGN 565. Lithium-promoted reaction of
aldehydes with N-acylphthalimides.
L.T. Henningsen, R.J. Enright, P.H. Willoughby
ORGN 566. Intramolecular cycloadditions
of photogenerated Azaxylylanes as key
steps in the diversity-oriented synthesis of
novel N,O,S-polyheterocycles. W. Umstead,
O. Mukhina, A.G. Kutateladze
ORGN 567. Development of palladiumcatalyzed directed alkene
difunctionalization reactions. S.L. Moss,
L. Xu, B.W. Michel
ORGN 568. Formation and reactions of benzyl
azetidine compounds. S.C. Allen, L.M. Bradley
ORGN 569. Toward the development of greener
synthetic methods involving modified
KnoevenagelDoebner reaction. K. Banerjee,
M. Collins
ORGN 570. Mechanistic studies on selective
monohydrolysis of symmetric diesters
with the use of dynamic light scattering.
S. Niwayama, Y. Hiraga

ORGN 571.

Regio- and stereoselective

additions to enynes containing an organomanganese auxiliary leading to highly
substituted allenyl aldehyde products.
E. Nagy, A. Roy, S.D. Lepore
ORGN 572. Palladium-catalyzed
microwave heated cross-coupling of
organotrifluoroborates and metal fluoride.
R.L. Welch, M. Al-Masum
ORGN 573. Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling
reaction of styryltrifluoroborates with
activated alkynes and alkanes. W. Shaban,
M. Al-Masum
ORGN 574. Cu-catalyzed one-pot electrophilic
amination with heteroarylaluminum
reagents. H. Yoon, Y. Lee
ORGN 575. Synthesis of fluorinated homoallylic
compounds via ring-opening nucleophilic
fluorination of methylene cyclopropanes
(MCP) . A. Boateng, O. Okoromoba,
G.B. Hammond
ORGN 576. Exploring the reactivity of
hexadehydro-DielsAlder (HDDA)-generated
benzynes with acids. M.K. Haj, P. Willoughby,
T.R. Hoye
ORGN 577. Synthesis of 2F-HAT discotic liquid
crystal via PCDHF approach. Z. Li, R.J. Twieg
ORGN 578. Green and scalable synthesis of
-hydroxybutenolides via aerobic oxidation
of 2-silyloxyfurans. M. Jean, N. BruneauLatour, J. Boukouvalas
ORGN 579. Photochemistry of
trifluoromethylated 2-nitrobenzyl alcohols.
G. Prakash, K. Belligund, T. Mathew, G.A. Olah
ORGN 580. Development and deployment
of a new methoxyvinyl cation equivalent.
C.D. McCune, M.L. Beio, J.A. Friest, S. Ginotra,
D.B. Berkowitz
ORGN 581. Amine conjugate addition to ,unsaturated olefins promoted by NHC-Cu
catalyst. S. Kim, Y. Lee
ORGN 582. Allyl-substituted nitrophenols in
the Passerini-Smiles reaction. C. Summers,
K. Hausman, S.B. Luesse
ORGN 583. Peroxide electrophiles for C-O
bond formation. A. Horn
ORGN 584. Phosphorus-based tether methods
in the synthesis of complex polyols.
J.L. Markley, P.R. Hanson
ORGN 585. Amine and isocyanide variation in
the Ugi-Smiles Diels-Alder tandem process.
K. Mason, M. Meyers, B. Richey, S.B. Luesse
ORGN 586. Examining the use of conjugated,
heterocyclic aldehydes in the Ugi-Smiles
reaction. M. Meyers, K. Mason, B. Richey,
S.B. Luesse
ORGN 587. N-hetereocyclic carbene catalyzed
synthesis of 2-aryl-Indoles. M.T. Hovey,
C. Check, A.F. Sipher, K. Scheidt
ORGN 588. Synthesis of novel -keto-sultams:
Tetramic acid analogs and their derivatives.
J. Jun, M. Hur, P.R. Hanson, T. Atkinson
ORGN 589. Synthesis of
pyrazolopyranopyrimidines under controlled
microwave exposure: An eco-friendly
approach. D. Bandyopadhyay, C.L. Gibbs
ORGN 590. One-pot four-component
synthesis of pyranopyrazoles under
microwave irradiation: A green procedure.
D. Bandyopadhyay, M. Pena-Agudelo
ORGN 591. Rh(III)-catalyzed cyclopropanation
initiated by C-H activation: Using ligand
design to direct diastereoselectivity.
H. Rubin, T. Piou, T. Rovis
ORGN 592. One pot tandem Diels-Alder/
Nazarov cyclization. R.A. Carmichael,
W. Chalifoux
ORGN 593. Neat boron trifluoride etherates
as reagents for efficient esterification of
carboxylic acids and derivatives. C.J. Cueto,
R.R. Hark
ORGN 594. Mn-mediated radical-polar
crossover annulation employing a leaving
group in the N-acylhydrazone radical
acceptor. K.A. Slater, G.K. Friestad
ORGN 595. Exploration of imine-based UgiSmiles reaction. R. Poormotamed

ORGN 596.

Rapid, protecting-group
free route to acyl pyrrolidines using
imines as substrates in the aza-Cope
rearrangementMannich cyclization.
H.A. Lindsay, A. Oudeif, J.M. Reder, B. Yambrosic
ORGN 597. Synthesis of 2-indolinones through
microwave-assisted intramolecular
transamidation derived from a
multicomponent coupling cascade process.
A. Maddirala, P.R. Andreana
ORGN 598. Ring opening chemistry of
epoxides with new carbon nucleophiles
for the synthesis of novel -lactones and
-lactams. A. Kumar
ORGN 599. Toward the miniaturization of
chemical library synthesis to the submicromole scale using functionalized
high loading magnetic nanoparticles.
P.C. Kearney, P.K. Maity, S. Faisal, P.R. Hanson
ORGN 600. Ligand-controlled, tunable silvercatalyzed CH amination. J.M. Alderson,
A.M. Phelps, R. Scamp, N.S. Dolan,
J.M. Schomaker
ORGN 601. Asymmetric hydroxylation and
amidation of enals via N heterocyclic
carbene catalysis. C. Hosier, N.A. White,
T. Rovis
ORGN 602. Solid phase catalysts for the
synthesis of -aryl carboxylic acids.
W.E. Brenzovich, A. Denton, R. Kohinke,
B.R. Craig, D. Moore
ORGN 603. Synthesis of N-heterocycles via
transition metal-catalyzed C-H activation.
K.E. Ruhl, T. Hyster, T. Rovis
ORGN 604. New catalytic methods for
N-heterocycle synthesis by late transition
metal-mediated C-H bond activation.
P. Kilaru, P. Zhao
ORGN 605. Substituted
cyclooctenes: Syntheses, properties, and
DFT studies of substituted Sondheimer
diynes. F. Xu, A. Orita, J. Otera

Division of Physical
E.L. Sibert, Program Chair


ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Research honoring David
Case (see COMP, Mon, Tue)
Electronic Structure Methods for Highly
Polarizable Systems (see COMP, Sun, Mon)
Computational Design, Discovery and
Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Materials (see COMP, Sun, Mon)
Quantum Chemistry (see COMP, Sun, Mon,
Tue, Wed)
Molecular Mechanics: Force Field
Development (see COMP, Mon)
Computational Chemistry In The
Undergraduate Curriculum: What Is
Working And How Do We Assess It? (see
CHED, Wed)

8:45 PHYS 2. Contribution of human related

9:40 Intermission.

sources to indoor volatile organic compounds. S. Liu, R. Li, R. Wild, J. Krechmer,

S. Thompson, C. Warneke, J.A. de Gouw,
S.S. Brown, S. Miller, J.L. Jimenez, P. Ziemann
9:05 PHYS 3. Global climate impact of
sulpher-plume chemistry and particle
formation. J. Pierce, R. Stevens
9:30 Intermission.
9:45 PHYS 4. Mechanisms of formation and
growth of particles in air. B.J. Finlayson Pitts
10:50 PHYS 5. Detection of low-volatility
gas-phase organic compounds from
the OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene
hydroxyhydroperoxide and their relevance
to organic aerosol production. J. Krechmer,
M. Coggan, J.B. Nowak, J. Kimmel, H. Stark,
P. Massoli, J.T. Jayne, J.D. Crounse, T.B. Nguyen,
P. Wennberg, J.H. Seinfeld, D.R. Worsnop,
J.L. Jimenez, M. Canagaratna
10:25 PHYS 6. Nanoparticle growth by carbonaceous matter. M.V. Johnston
11:10 PHYS 7. Interplay between secondary
organic aerosol chemistry, phase state,
and growth dynamics. R.A. Zaveri, J. Shilling,
A. Zelenyuk-Imre, J. Liu, J. Wilson, A. Laskin,
B. Wang, J. Fast, R. Easter, J. Wang, C. Kuang,
J.A. Thornton, A. Setyan, Q. Zhang, T.B. Onasch,
D.R. Worsnop

10:00 PHYS 18. Complications in potential

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

8:05 PHYS 1. Aerosol nucleation and growth in
the CLOUD experiment at CERN. J. Curtius

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Amyloid : Structures and Molecular

Cosponsored by COLL and COMP
J. C. Lee, J. E. Straub, Organizers
J. E. Shea, Presiding
8:05 PHYS 22. High resolution insights on the

membrane mediated amyloid aggregation.

A. Ramamoorthy
8:45 PHYS 23. Modulation of molecular
interactions of Alzheimers A peptide
fibrils and oligomers with lipid membranes.
F. Tofoleanu, B. Brooks, N. Buchete
9:25 PHYS 24. Interaction of A-beta with model
lipid membranes. P.S. Cremer
9:45 Intermission.
10:05 PHYS 25. Determining the structural
ensemble of intrinsically disordered disease
peptides: Applications to Alzheimers
disease biology in solution and membrane.
T.L. Head-Gordon
10:45 PHYS 26. Revealing the interplay
between amyloid- and membranes
through molecular simulations. B. Strodel
11:25 PHYS 27. Structural studies of the
membrane disruption pathways induced by
-amyloid peptides in Alzheimers disease.
W. Qiang, R.D. Akinlolu, M. Nam, N. Shu,
D. Delgado

Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of

Complex Organics from the Outow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution
Organic Molecules in Carbon Star Outows
L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
J. Oomens, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 8. Lifecycle of cosmic carbon.
A. Tielens
8:35 PHYS 9. Molecular content of carbon-rich

evolved stars and the carbon balance

from observations at all wavelengths.
P. Chernicharo
9:10 PHYS 10. Formation of complex organics
and carbonaceous grains in the outflow of
carbon stars: A laboratory study. F. Salama
9:45 Intermission.
10:15 PHYS 11. Synthesis of pure and
N-substituted cyclic hydrocarbons (e.g.
pyrimidine) via gas-phase ion-molecule
reactions. P.P. Bera, R. Peverati, M.P. HeadGordon, T.J. Lee
10:50 PHYS 12. Computational rovibrational spectroscopy and applications to
astrochemistry. R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang,
W. Morgan, R.A. Theis, T. Crawford, T.J. Lee
11:15 PHYS 13. Multiple excited states of
PANH anions using informed orbital
descriptions. M.L. Theis, A. Candian, A. Tielens,
T.J. Lee, R.C. Fortenberry

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Advances in Simulation Methodology
Cosponsored by COMP
A. E. Garcia, Organizer
G. Hummer, Organizer, Presiding

Section C

8:00 PHYS 28. Sense and nonsense when

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

performing and interpreting molecular

dynamics simulations of biomolecular
systems. W. van Gunsteren
8:35 PHYS 29. Potential function as a variable:
Advances in using simulations of multiple
states to solve hard biomolecular problems.
M.R. Shirts
9:10 PHYS 30. TRAM: Optimal estimation of
trajectory data from multiple thermodynamic states. F. Noe
9:45 PHYS 31. Exact milestoning. R. Elber
10:20 PHYS 32. Fluorescent proteins as pH
sensors: Insights from constant pH molecular dynamics. E.N. Laricheva, C.L. Brooks
10:55 PHYS 33. Molecular multipole models for
complex biomolecules. T. Ichiye

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar

J. Gao, B. C. Garrett, B. Mennucci, Organizers

M. S. Gordon, Presiding

M. Freedman, Organizer
D. Cziczo, Organizer, Presiding
J. Pierce, Presiding

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation

& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

Section A

New Particle Formation and Growth

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Section B

Accurate Energies for Dynamics

Cosponsored by COMP

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere

Section D

8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Colorado Convention Center
Room 501

energy surfaces for molecules involving

second row elements. T.H. Dunning
10:30 PHYS 19. Dynamics of curved carbon
systems. K.K. Baldridge
11:00 PHYS 20. Mag-walking Monte Carlo and
density functional theory calculations of
interaction energies in ammonium halide
clusters. R.Q. Topper, J.J. Biswakarma,
V. Ciocoi
11:20 PHYS 21. Analysis of changes in bonding
patterns along reaction paths in terms of
molecule-intrinsic quasi-atomic orbitals.
K. Ruedenberg, A.C. West, M.W. Schmidt,
M.S. Gordon

8:00 PHYS 14. Potential energy surfaces for

dynamics calculations. D.G. Truhlar
8:30 PHYS 15. Strategies towards dynamic

and non-dynamic electron correlation.

A.K. Wilson
9:00 PHYS 16. Dissecting the effect of
morphology on the rates of singlet fission:
Insights from theory. A. Krylov
9:20 PHYS 17. Aerobic oxidation of methanol
to formic acid on Au8: Benchmark analysis
based on completely renormalized coupled-cluster and density functional theory
calculations. P. Piecuch, J.A. Hansen, M. Ehara

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Modeling Excited States of Complex Systems

Complex Materials and Molecules
Cosponsored by COMP

B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers

H. Jaeger, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 34. Photoinduced proton-coupled

electron transfer in solution: Quantum

mechanical/molecular mechanical nonadiabatic dynamics. S. Hammes-Schiffer
8:40 PHYS 35. Energy transfer in closely
packed Si quantum dots: The role of
surface defects. S.V. Kilina
9:20 PHYS 36. Cheap models for electronic
transitions and their application to lead-halide perovskites. J. Parkhill
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 PHYS 37. Modeling artificial and
natural light harvesting systems with DFT.
E. Jakubikova
10:40 PHYS 38. Photodissociation dynamics of
phenol. X. Xu, J. Zheng, K. Yang, D.G. Truhlar
11:20 PHYS 39. Computational photochemistry
of thioanisole. S.L. Li, D.G. Truhlar
11:40 PHYS 40. Time-dependent density
functional theory study of the excited state
energy landscape of gold phosphine thiolate complexes. E.B. Guidez, C.M. Aikens
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena

at the Single Molecule, Single Electron,
& Single Photon Level
D. J. Masiello, Organizer
S. Link, K. A. Willets, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 41. Ultrafast photoelectron imaging

microscopy of plasmonic nanoparticles.

D.J. Nesbitt
8:35 PHYS 42. Tuning the acoustic frequency
of a gold nanodisk through its adhesion
layer. W. Chang, F. Wen, D. Chakraborty, M. Su,
Y. Zhang, B. Shuang, P.J. Nordlander, J. Sader,
N.J. Halas, S. Link
8:55 PHYS 43. Coherent plasmonics for
ultrasensitive and single molecule sensing.
N.J. Halas
9:30 PHYS 44. Probing ground-state
single-electron self-exchange across a molecule-metal interface and molecule-substrate electronic coupling by simultaneous
spectroscopic and topographic Near-field
SERS Imaging. Y. Wang, P. Sevinc, Y. He, H. Lu
9:50 PHYS 45. Using STEM/EELS to probe
energy transfer in plasmon-enhanced solar
devices. J.P. Camden
10:25 PHYS 46. Use of electron microscopy to
probe quantum plasmonics, hot electrons
and energy transport in hybrid nanoparticle/
semiconductor systems. C. Cherqui
10:45 PHYS 47. Cathodoluminescenceactivated nano-imaging by resonant
energy transfer. N.S. Ginsberg, C.G. Bischak,
C. Hetherington, Z. Wang, J. Precht, D. Kaz,
C. Stachelrodt, D. Schlom
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Design of Materials and Chemical Processes:

The Genomic Approach
Recent Advances in Computational Methods
L. Gagliardi, B. Smit, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 PHYS 48. Self-interaction correction to

density-functional approximations with

unitary invariance. M.R. Pederson
8:35 PHYS 49. Toward rational design of small

molecule adsorption in open-site metal-organic frameworks with density functional

theory. J. Neaton
9:05 PHYS 50. New density functionals obtained by a genome-scale
search approach to functional design.
N. Mardirossian, M.P. Head-Gordon
9:35 PHYS 51. Mechanism of CH bond
activation of C2H6 by iron(IV)oxo sites in
magnesium-diluted Fe2(dobdc). P. Verma,
K.D. Vogiatzis, N. Planas, J. Borycz, D. Xiao,
J.R. Long, L. Gagliardi, D.G. Truhlar

9:55 Intermission.

Section B

2:50 PHYS 83. Conformational changes

10:15 PHYS 52. Enantioselective adsorption

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

induced by the A21G Flemish mutation

in the amyloid precursor protein lead to
increased A secretion in Alzheimers
disease. T. Tang, Y. Hu, P. Kienlen-Campard,
L. El Haylani, M. Decock, J. Van Hees, Z. Fu,
J. Ocatve, S. Constantinescu, S.O. Smith
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PHYS 84. Titration of charged residues
in the context of membrane bilayers; A
constant pH molecular dynamics study.
A. Panahi, C.L. Brooks
3:50 PHYS 85. Dimerization of a transmembrane peptide from amyloid precursor
protein. S. Meredith
4:30 PHYS 86. Multiscale molecular dynamics
simulations of transmembrane structures
of amyloid precursor protein in biological
membrane. Y. Sugita

in zeolites and metal-organic frameworks.

R. Bueno-Perez, A. Martn-Calvo, P. GmezAlvarez, J. Gutirrez-Sevillano, P. Merkling, T. Vlugt,
T. van Erp, D. Dubbeldam, S. Calero
10:45 PHYS 53. New computational tools
for modeling metal-organic frameworks.
F. Paesani
11:15 PHYS 54. Computational materials
design of co-polymers for organic electronics. R.E. Larsen, T.W. Kemper, S. Sides, P. Graf,
D.C. Olson
Computational Design, Discovery and
Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Electronic Structure Methods for Highly
Polarizable Systems
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere

Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation

of Complex Organics from the Outow
of Carbon Stars & Their Evolution
Organic Molecules in Carbon Star Outows
L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
F. Salama, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 67. Observations of organic

molecules in carbon-rich proto-planetary

nebulae and planetary nebulae. E. Peeters
2:05 PHYS 68. Dust formation in carbon stars.
I. Cherchneff
2:40 PHYS 69. Ion chemistry of cyclic aromatics and interactions with polar molecules
leading to the formation of complex
organics in the gas phase and on ice grains.
M. El-Shall
3:15 Intermission.
3:45 PHYS 70. Laboratory infrared spectroscopy of hard-to-get ionized polyaromatics.
J. Oomens
4:20 PHYS 71. Carbonaceous dust and
fullerenes in evolved stars. J. Cami
4:45 PHYS 72. Quantum chemical studies of
interstellar organic molecules: Formation
mechanisms, spectroscopic signatures, and
properties. T.J. Lee

Ice Nucleation

Section C

M. Freedman, Organizer
D. Cziczo, Organizer, Presiding
J. Lu, Presiding

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

1:30 PHYS 59. Nucleation of ice: A molecular

perspective. V. Molinero
2:10 PHYS 60. Homogeneous freezing of

single submicron to micron-sized water

and hydrocarbon aerosol droplets levitated
in a Bessel beam trap. J.W. Lu, M. Isenor,
R. Signorell
2:30 PHYS 61. Ice formation in ultracold cirrus.
E. Moyer, K. Lamb, B. Clouser, L. Sarkozy,
M. Bolot, O. Moehler, H. Saathoff, V. Ebert
2:55 PHYS 62. Ice nucleation in clouds:
Sensitivities to physicochemical IN properties and cloud microphysics. B. Ervens,
G. Feingold
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 PHYS 63. Atmospheric ice nucleating
particles from the sea surface microlayer.
B. Murray, T.W. Wilson, L. Ladino, P. Alpert,
M. Breckels, I. Brooks, J.A. Huffman, C. Judd,
W.P. Kilthau, R. Mason, G. McFiggans, L. Miller,
J. Najera, E. Polishchuk, S. Rae, S. Corinne, M. Si,
T. Whale, J. Wong, O. Wurl, J. Yakobi, J.P. Abbatt,
J.Y. Aller, A.K. Bertram, D.A. Knopf
4:15 PHYS 64. Contact-induced efflorescence
of amorphous inorganic microparticles.
R.D. Davis, S. Lance, J.A. Gordon, S.B. Ushijima,
M. Tolbert
4:35 PHYS 65. Studies of the abundance and
compositions of organic ice nucleating
particles in the atmosphere. P.J. DeMott,
T.C. Hill, C.S. McCluskey, E.J. Levin, K.J. Suski,
O. Laskina, Y. Tobo, D.B. Collins, C. Sultana,
C. Lee, G. Cornwell, H. Al-Mashat, M. Santander,
C.M. Beall, F. Malfatti, R. Mason, D. Pham,
N.G. Swoboda-Colberg, V.H. Grassian, R. Moffet,
A.K. Bertram, K.A. Prather, S. Kreidenweis
5:00 PHYS 66. Atmospheric ice nucleation:
Microspectroscopic imaging and characterization of individually identified ice
nucleating particles. D.A. Knopf, P. Alpert,
B. Wang, W.P. Kilthau, D. Bothe, R.E. OBrien,
S.T. Kelly, A. Laskin, M.K. Gilles, J.Y. Aller

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular
& Condensed-Phase Systems: A
Symposium in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Gas-Phase Kinetics and Dynamics
Cosponsored by COMP
J. Gao, B. C. Garrett, B. Mennucci, Organizers
G. C. Schatz, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 73. Mode-, bond- and stereo-selective bimolecular reactions. K. Liu
2:00 PHYS 74. Sudden vector projection

model: Mode specificity and bond selectivity made easy. H. Guo

2:30 PHYS 75. Mixed quantum/classical theory
for rotationally and vibrationally inelastic
scattering. D. Babikov
2:50 PHYS 76. Sum over histories representation for chemical kinetics. R.T. Skodje
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PHYS 77. Resonances in chemical reactions. X. Yang
4:00 PHYS 78. Reaction dynamics on ab initio
potential energy surfaces. J.M. Bowman,
Y. Wang, Z. Homayoon, R. Conte, P. Houston
4:30 PHYS 79. Improved semiclassical tunneling. A.F. Wagner
4:50 PHYS 80. Alkyl CH stretch vibrations
as a probe local environment. E.L. Sibert,
D.P. Tabor, N. Kidwell, J.C. Dean, T.S. Zwier
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation &

the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
Amyloid Precursor Protein, Origin of
Cosponsored by COLL and COMP
J. C. Lee, J. E. Straub, Organizers
M. T. Zanni, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 81. Structure, dimerization, and

cholesterol binding of the amyloid precursor

protein transmembrane C99 domain and
amyloidogenesis. C.R. Sanders
2:10 PHYS 82. Impact of membrane composition on the structure, stability, and
processing of the transmembrane domain
of the amyloid precursor p. L. Dominguez,
L. Foster, J.E. Straub, D. Thirumalai

Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Classical and Quantum Descriptions
of Protein Function
Cosponsored by COMP
G. Hummer, Organizer
A. E. Garcia, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 87. Proton-coupled electron

transfer in soybean lipoxygenase: Hydrogen

tunneling and conformational motions.
S. Hammes-Schiffer
2:05 PHYS 88. Activation mechanisms in RAF
kinase dimers. E. Rosta
2:40 PHYS 89. Ab initio QM/MM simulations
point to an alternative mechanism for the
AlkB catalyzed repair of 1-methyl adenine.
D. Fang, G.A. Cisneros
3:15 PHYS 90. Exploring water penetration in
soluble proteins and ion pumps. Q. Cui
3:50 PHYS 91. Withdrawn.
4:25 PHYS 92. Theoretical analysis and
modeling of rhodopsins unusual kinetics of
thermal reactions and its role in dim-light
vision. Y. Guo, S. Sekharan, J. Liu, V.S. Batista,
J.C. Tully, E.C. Yan
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Modeling Excited States of Complex Systems

Complex Materials and Molecules
Cosponsored by COMP
B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers
S. W. Kilina, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 93. Quantum simulation of coherent

exciton dynamics in conjugated systems.

P.J. Rossky
2:10 PHYS 94. Electronic excitation of metal-organic frameworks. H. Jaeger
2:50 PHYS 95. Auger relaxation of hot electrons
in CdSe quantum dots using GFSH.
D. Trivedi, L. Wang, O. Prezhdo
3:10 PHYS 96. Nonlinear optical structural
properties of room-temperature ionic
liquids, calculated with the combined fragment molecular orbital and linear-response
time-dependent density functional theory
method (FMO/LR-TDDFT). A.D. Findlater,
F. Zahariev, M.S. Gordon
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 PHYS 97. Evolution of photoexcited states
in extended molecular chromophores.
S. Tretiak
4:30 PHYS 98. Excited state dynamics at metal
to semiconductor interfaces. D. Kilin
5:10 PHYS 99. Excited states in large molecular
systems by the combined quantum Monte
Carlo/effective fragment molecular orbital
method. F. Zahariev, A.D. Findlater, M.S. Gordon

5:30 PHYS 100. Electronic structure study

of CIGS solar cells by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Experiment and

theory. C.P. Schwartz, D. Nordlund, T. weng,
K. Ramanathan, D. Sokaras, D. Prendergast,
S. Christensen
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the

Single Molecule, Single Electron, & Single
Photon Level
S. Link, D. J. Masiello, Organizers
K. A. Willets, Organizer, Presiding
J. P. Camden, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 101. Quantum and molecular plasmonics. P.J. Nordlander
2:05 PHYS 102. Single photon interactions with

localized surface plasmons: Exploiting fano

resonances to generate quantum beats.
N. Thakkar, C. Cherqui, D.J. Masiello
2:25 PHYS 103. Understanding heterogeneity
in plasmonic metal oxide nanocrystals.
D.J. Milliron, R. Johns, A. Agrawal, S.D. Lounis,
D. Nordlund, H. Bechtel
3:00 PHYS 104. Mid-infrared surface phonon
polaritons in dolar Dielectrics: An alternative
approach. A.J. Giles, J. Caldwell
3:20 PHYS 105. Life and times of plasmonically-generated energetic electrons.
M. Moskovits
3:55 PHYS 106. Characterizing the generation
of hot electrons by metal nanoparticles
through their interaction with molecular-type electron acceptors. A. Hoggard,
B. Foerster, D. Huang, W. Chang, S. Link
4:15 PHYS 107. Towards nanophotonic and
time-resolved spectroscopy of plasmonic
systems. I. Thomann
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Design of Materials and Chemical Processes:

The Genomic Approach
Gas Separation & Gas Storage: Experiments
& Calculations
L. Gagliardi, B. Smit, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 55. Accurate first-principles force

fields for high-throughput screening of

gas uptake in metal-organic frameworks.
J.G. McDaniel, S. Li, E. Tyllianakis, R. Snurr,
J.R. Schmidt
2:00 PHYS 56. First principles simulations in
the study of metal-organic frameworks:
From stability to activity. N. Lopez
2:30 PHYS 57. Metal organic framework based
catalyst for release of chemically stored
nitric oxide. R. Kumar
3:00 PHYS 58. Top-down generation and
screening of metal-organic frameworks for
gas storage and separation applications.
D. Gomez-Gualdron, Y.J. Colon, Y. Chung,
R. Snurr
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 PHYS 108. Ab initio simulation of adsorption isotherms for gases and gas mixtures
in porous media. J. Sauer
4:20 PHYS 109. 2D crystalline zeolites,
non-aluminosilicate molecular sieves, and
metal organic frameworks. M. Tsapatsis
4:50 PHYS 110. Developing a predictive,
descriptor based approach for CO and
NO adsorption to Fe, Co, Ni and Cu sites
in zeolites. F. Goeltl, P. Mueller, I. Hermans,
P. Sautet
Computational Design, Discovery and
Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Electronic Structure Methods for Highly
Polarizable Systems
Embedding: QM/QM and QM/MM
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Quantum Chemistry
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere
Water & Organic Aerosol
D. Cziczo, M. Freedman, Organizers
R. Washenfelder, Q. Zhang, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 111. Hydration state of meth-

ylglyoxal at the air-water interface.

G.L. Richmond, S. Wren, B.P. Gordon, N. Valley,
L. McWilliams
8:40 PHYS 112. Direct and quantitative measurement of the surface tension of airborne
microdroplets. B.R. Bzdek, R.M. Power,
J.P. Reid
9:00 PHYS 113. Calculated equilibrium constants for formation of peroxy radical/water
complexes to elucidate radical inititated
particle formation. R.B. Shirts, S. Kumbhani,
E. Burrell, J.C. Hansen
9:20 Intermission.
9:35 PHYS 114. Liquid/vapor interface of
aqueous solutions relevant to tropospheric
chemistry. J.C. Hemminger
10:15 PHYS 115. Single scattering albedo
studies of brown carbon formation in evaporating droplets. M. Zauscher, M.A. Symons,
D.O. Dehaan
10:35 PHYS 116. Air-water interface: As
Influenced by ions, lipids, and electric
fields. H.C. Allen
11:00 PHYS 117. Redistribution of black
carbon in aerosol particles undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation. S. Brunamonti,
U. Krieger, C. Marcolli, T. Peter
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of

Complex Organics from the Outow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution
Organic Molecules in the Diffuse Interstellar
L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
J. Cami, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 118. Carbon bearing molecules in
interstellar clouds. J. Krelowski
8:35 PHYS 119. Molecular laboratory

astrophysics: About molecular transients

and molecule formation under interstellar
conditions. H. Linnartz
9:10 PHYS 120. Carbon in the galaxy.
E. Roueff
9:45 Intermission.
10:15 PHYS 121. Low temperature formaton
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
the Interstellar medium via bimolecular
neutral-neutral reactions. R. Kaiser
10:50 PHYS 122. Angle-resolved PEPICO
imaging of the dissociative ionization of
methyl azide and methylenimine using a
tabletop high harmonic generation light
source. W.K. Peters, D.E. Couch, C.W. Hogle,
D. Beltran, P. Towstik, D.M. Jonas, H. Kapteyn,
M.M. Murnane
11:15 PHYS 123. Electronic excited states of
interstellar species: Quantum chemical
prediction of spectroscopic signatures
using quartic force fields. W.J. Morgan,
R.C. Fortenberry

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Enzyme Kinetics and Dynamics
Cosponsored by COMP
J. Gao, B. C. Garrett, B. Mennucci, Organizers
S. Hammes-Schiffer, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 124. Tunneling and the role of

barrier width in enzymatic C-H activation.

J.P. Klinman
8:30 PHYS 125. Theoretical studies of enzymatic reactions. W. Thiel
9:00 PHYS 126. Role of dynamics in enzyme
catalysis: Challenges in comparing calculations to measurements. A. Kohen
9:20 PHYS 127. Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical simulations of the hydride
transfer reactions in quinone reductase 2.
C.R. Reinhardt, S. Bhattacharyay
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 PHYS 128. QM/MM excited state
dynamics of complex systems.
U. Roethlisberger
10:30 PHYS 129. Understanding metalloenzyme catalysis with QM/MM free energy
simulations. Q. Cui
11:00 PHYS 130. Adaptive-partitioning QM/
MM dynamics simulations of proton transfer. S. Pezeshki, H. Lin
11:20 PHYS 131. Functional mode electron
transfer theory. H. Chen
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation

& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
-Synuclein, the Parkinsons Protein
Cosponsored by COLL and COMP
J. C. Lee, J. E. Straub, Organizers
G. L. Millhauser, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 132. Structure of the toxic core

of -synuclein, the amyloid associated

with Parkinsons disease. D. Eisenberg,
J.A. Rodriguez, M. Ivanova, M. Sawaya,
D. Cascio, F. Reyes, D. Shi, E. Guenther,
L. Johnson, J. Hattne, S. Sangwan, B. Nannega,
A. Brewster, M. Messerschmidt, S. Boutet,
N. Sauter, T. Gonen
8:40 PHYS 133. NMR approaches to uncovering the molecular basis of inhibition
of alpha-synuclein aggregation by beta
synuclein. J. Baum, M. Janowska, G. Moriarty,
M. Olson, N. Sikka
9:20 PHYS 134. Examining the folding landscape of -synuclein using time-resolved
FRET. S.K. Hess, J.C. Lee
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 PHYS 135. Misfolding and membrane
interaction of amyloidogenic proteins.
R. Langen
10:40 PHYS 136. Aggregation mechanism of
amyloidogenic proteins involved in neurodegenerative disorders. C. Stultz
11:20 PHYS 137. Amyloidogenic proteins
A-beta, alpha-synuclein and Tau interact
with and disrupt membranes via different
mechanisms and exhibit cell-type dependent toxicity. H. Lashuel
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Membrane Proteins
Cosponsored by COMP

A. E. Garcia, G. Hummer, Organizers

E. Tajkhorshid, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 138. Large-scale computer simula-

tions of lipids: Coarse-grained simulations

of complex mixed bilayers. D.P. Tieleman
8:35 PHYS 139. Membrane proteins: From

structure refinement and remodeling to

functional mechanisms. H. Zhou
9:10 PHYS 140. Specific protein-lipid interactions stabilize an active state of the beta
2 adrenergic receptor. C. Neale, H.D. Herce,
R. Poms, A.E. Garcia
9:45 PHYS 141. Dynamics of dopamine
transporter: Molecular simulations
and comparison with LeuT dynamics.
M.H. Cheng, I. Bahar
10:20 PHYS 142. Channel rhodopsin:
Structure vs. function relationships from
molecular dynamics simulations. S.W. Rick,
M. VanGordon, S.L. Rempe
10:55 PHYS 143. Assembly and mechanistic
details of drug translocation in MexABOprM efflux pump. C.A. Lopez, J. Phillips,
B. Alexandrov, G. Gnanakaran
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Modeling Excited States of Complex

Excited States in Biology
Cosponsored by COMP
B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers
L. V. Slipchenko, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 144. Excitonic states in natural
light-harvesting systems. B. Mennucci
8:40 PHYS 145. Electronic progression during

the photoisomerization of microbial and

vertebrate light-sensing rhodopsins.
H. Luk, S. Gozem, F. Melaccio, S. Rinaldi,
M. Olivucci
9:20 PHYS 146. Theoretical study of the
electron transfer in DNA repair process of
the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer lesion.
L. Joubert-Doriol, T. Domratcheva, M. Olivucci,
A.F. Izmaylov
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 PHYS 147. Insights into the role of excimers/exciplexes in the photophysics and
photochemistry of DNA. S. Matsika
10:40 PHYS 148. Excited-state electron transfer in fluorescent proteins. A. Krylov
11:20 PHYS 149. Charge-transfer dynamics of
light-harvesting systems in complex solvated environments. B.M. Wong, M. Oviedo
11:40 PHYS 150. Spectroscopic properties
of a cholesteric liquid glass platinum
acetylide. T.M. Cooper, A.R. Burke, D.M. Krein,
R.F. Ziolo, J.E. Haley, D.J. Stewart, S.L. Long,
A.E. Bell
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the

Single Molecule, Single Electron, & Single
Photon Level
S. Link, K. A. Willets, Organizers
D. J. Masiello, Organizer, Presiding
I. Thomann, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 151. Shape and surface control of
plasmonic particles. C.J. Murphy
8:35 PHYS 152. Plasmonic properties of
coupled gold nanostructures. C. Liow,
A. Li, S. Li
8:55 PHYS 153. Mechanisms of on-colloid
nanoparticle growth. J. Millstone, P. Straney,
L. Marbella
9:30 PHYS 154. Probing GM3 and GM1 contents

of HIV-1 and ebola virus-like particles

through plasmon coupling microscopy.
A. Feizpour, C. Silva, H. Akiyama, C.M. Miller,
S. Gummuluru, B.M. Reinhard
9:50 PHYS 155. Surface plasmon polaritons
in chemically synthesized nanostructures.
G.V. Hartland, P. Johns, M. Devadas, K. Yu

10:25 PHYS 156. Understanding the STEM/

EELS magneto-optical responses of

aromatic plasmon-supporting metal oligomers. N. Bigelow, C. Cherqui, A. Vaschillo,
H. Goldwyn, D.J. Masiello
10:45 PHYS 157. Plasmon/exciton and
plasmon/photonic mode interaction.
G.C. Schatz
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Design of Materials and Chemical

Processes: The Genomic Approach
The Materials Genome and DataMining
L. Gagliardi, B. Smit, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 158. Materials project for accelerated materials design. K. Persson
8:30 PHYS 159. Predictive materials discov-

ery: Finding optimal zeolites for challenging separations and chemical conversions.
J.I. Siepmann, P. Bai, M. Jeon, L. Ren, C. Knight,
M.W. Deem, M. Tsapatsis
9:00 PHYS 160. Recent applications of
databases of crystal structures and experimental data for metal-organic framework
materials. D. Sholl, X. Nie, T. Duerinck,
K. Walton, D. Nazarian, J. Camp
9:30 PHYS 161. Computational screening of
MOFs with open metal sites for adsorption
and catalysis applications. K.D. Vogiatzis,
E. Haldoupis, J.I. Siepmann, L. Gagliardi
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 PHYS 162. Material informatics in discovery of nanoporous materials for energy
applications. M. Haranczyk
10:40 PHYS 163. Prediction of high deliverable
capacity metal-organic frameworks with
an evolutionary algorithm. Y. Bao, R. Martin,
C. Simon, M. Haranczyk, B. Smit, M.W. Deem
11:10 PHYS 164. Materials genome in action:
Finding a nanoporous material for methane
storage. C. Simon, J. Kim, D. Gomez-Gualdron,
J. Camp, Y. Chung, R. Martin, R. Mercado,
M.W. Deem, D. Gunter, M. Haranczyk, D. Sholl,
R. Snurr, B. Smit
11:30 PHYS 165. Cheminformatics-inspired
approaches for big materials data.
O. Isayev, D. Fourches, E. Muratov, A. Tropsha
Molecular Mechanics
Force Field Development
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL,
Computational Design, Discovery and
Optimization of Organic Semiconductor
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Electronic Structure Methods for Highly
Polarizable Systems
Correlation Methods & DFT
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations of

Matter in the Troposphere
Aqueous Chemistry
D. Cziczo, M. Freedman, Organizers
D. O. Dehaan, M. D. Zauscher, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 166. Aqueous-phase and organ-

ic-phase photochemistry of atmospheric

organic compounds. S.A. Nizkorodov
2:10 PHYS 167. Laboratory and field studies
of brown carbon aerosol in the near-ultraviolet spectral region. R. Washenfelder,
J. Flores, G. Adler, C. Brock, J. Lee, J. Laskin,
A. Laskin, S.A. Nizkorodov, L. Segev, S.S. Brown,
Y. Rudich

2:30 PHYS 168. Formation and photo-

4:10 PHYS 184. Organometallic and organo-

Section F

Section H

chemical evolution of phenolic SOA in

aqueous phase. Q. Zhang, L. Yu, J.D. Smith,
C. Anastasio, A. Laskin, J. Laskin
2:55 PHYS 169. Cloud and fog processing of
atmospheric organic matter. J.L. Collett,
A. Boris, M. Schurman, Y. Desyaterik
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 PHYS 170. Aerosol organics: Formation
and processing in the aqueous phase.
V. McNeill
4:15 PHYS 171. Multiphase atmospheric
chemistry of pyruvic acid. V. Vaida,
A. Monod, J. Doussin, A.E. Reed Harris,
E. Grifth, J.A. Kroll, R.J. Rapf
4:40 PHYS 172. Aqueous-phase aldehyde
photooxidation in the presence of ammonium salts, amines, and SO2: brown carbon
formation. D.O. Dehaan, N.G. Jimenez,
P.D. Wickremasinghe, K.D. Sharp

catalytic reactions explored using the automated reaction route mapping method.
K. Morokuma
4:40 PHYS 185. Hydrazine decomposition in
the gas phase and on an Iridium catalyst.
M.W. Schmidt, M.S. Gordon
5:00 PHYS 186. Density functional theory
study of lithium ion battery anode materials: Ruthenium (IV) oxide, tin (IV) oxide,
and tin (IV) sulfide. B.R. Ramachandran,
A.S. Hassan, K. Moyer, T. Dixon, C.D. Wick

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Modeling Excited States of Complex


Design of Materials and Chemical

Processes: The Genomic Approach

Multiple Chromophores
Cosponsored by COMP

Gas Separation & Gas Storage: Experiments

& Calculations

B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers

A. F. Izmaylov, Presiding

L. Gagliardi, B. Smit, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 PHYS 200. Ab initio exciton model for

approach to the study of CO2 adsorption

in an extensive family of metal-organic
frameworks. W.L. Queen, E.D. Bloch,
J.S. Lee, J.D. Howe, J.A. Mason, M.I. Gonzalez,
M.R. Hudson, K. Lee, S.J. Teat, J. Neaton,
B. Smit, J.R. Long, C.M. Brown
2:00 PHYS 216. Engineering metal organic
framework materials for optimum methane
storage. T. Yildirim
2:30 PHYS 217. Computational screening of
MOFs for gas separations. S. Keskin
3:00 PHYS 218. Parasitic energy: A potential
building block for the prediction of CCS
materials. J. Huck, L. Joos, R. Mercado, L. Lin,
A. Berger, A. Bhown, K.U. Reuter, B. Smit
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 PHYS 221. Small molecule adsorption in
metal organic frameworks with open meal
sites. B. Vlaisavljevich, R. Mercado, L. Lin,
K. Lee, J. Huck, B. Smit
4:00 PHYS 220. Robust metal-organic frameworks: rational design and gas storage.
D. Feng, H. Zhou
4:30 PHYS 219. Gas separations in metal-organic frameworks. T.M. McDonald,
E.D. Bloch, Z.R. Herm, J.A. Mason, B.M. Wiers,
M.T. Kapelewski, M.I. Gonzalez, J. Oktawiec,
G. Barin, D. Gygi, W. Queen, J.R. Long
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL,

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of

Complex Organics from the Outow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution
Organic Molecules in Dense Interstellar
L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
H. Linnartz, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 173. Review of the molecular com-

plexity of organic material in the gas-phase

ISM. S.N. Milam
2:05 PHYS 174. Global optimization and
broadband analysis software for interstellar
chemistry. S.L. Widicus Weaver, L. Zou,
M. Rad, J. Sanders
2:40 PHYS 175. Molecular line lists of carbon-containing molecules for exoplanets
and other hot bodies. J. Tennyson
3:15 Intermission.
3:45 PHYS 176. Observations of carbon
in interstellar and circumstellar ices.
A. Boogert
4:20 PHYS 177. Reliable abundances of extraterrestrial hydrocarbon ices: Interminable
quest or end in sight? R.L. Hudson,
P.A. Gerakines
4:45 PHYS 178. Optical properties of titan
hazeaAnalogs using photoacoustic
and cavity ring-down spectroscopy.
M.S. Ugelow, K.J. Zarzana, M.A. Tolbert
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Cosponsored by COMP
J. Gao, B. C. Garrett, B. Mennucci, Organizers
C. T. Campbell, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 179. Silica thin films: From crystals
to glass in 2D. H. Freund
2:00 PHYS 180. Doped metal clusters on

oxides: Rationalization and design

through the prism of chemical bonding.
A. Alexandrova
2:30 PHYS 181. Some recent developments
in saddle point finding methods: Gradient
squared minimization, solid state transitions, and temperature accelerated adaptive kinetic Monte Carlo. G.A. Henkelman
3:00 PHYS 182. Catalysis with metal clusters
anchored at the Zr6-based metal-organic framework NU-1000. L. Gagliardi,
D.G. Truhlar, C.J. Cramer, J. Borycz,
L. Fernandez, S. Tussupbayev
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 PHYS 183. New approaches to simulating biological and molecular catalysts.
T.F. Miller

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation

& the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) at the
Water/Lipid Interface
Cosponsored by COLL and COMP
J. C. Lee, J. E. Straub, Organizers
T. L. Head-Gordon, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 187. Islet amyloid polypeptide:

Membrane interactions and cytotoxicity.

D.P. Raleigh
2:10 PHYS 188. Aggregation and Orientation
of amyloid proteins at lipid/water interfaces
probed by chiral sum frequency generation
spectroscopy. L. Fu, Z. Wang, D. Xiao,
V.S. Batista, E.C. Yan
2:50 PHYS 189. -Sheet intermediate dictates
the fiber formation kinetics of amylin from
type 2 diabetes. M.T. Zanni
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 PHYS 190. Islet amyloid and the shared
molecular origins of membrane poration
and cytotoxicity. A. Miranker
4:30 PHYS 191. Exploring the free energy and
conformational landscape of amyloidogenic peptides upon aggregation and
amyloid formation. R. Winter
5:10 PHYS 192. Protein folding and assembly
on membrane-mimics in constant volume
replica-exchange simulations. Z.A. Levine,
R.G. Mullen, J.E. Shea
5:30 PHYS 193. Structure of insulin at the air/
water interface: monomers or dimers?
S. Mauri, T. Weidner, H. Arnolds
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Molecular Machines
Cosponsored by COMP
A. E. Garcia, Organizer
G. Hummer, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 194. Modeling the function of

molecular motors and other challenging

biological systems. A. Warshel
2:05 PHYS 195. Energy barriers and driving
forces in tRNA translocation through
the ribosome. K. Grubmueller, L.V. Bock,
G.F. Schroder, I.I. Davydov, M.V. Rodnina,
H. Stark, A.C. Vaiana, N. Fischer, C. Blau
2:40 PHYS 196. Simulating conformational
changes of the ribosome. K. Sanbonmatsu
3:15 PHYS 197. Unraveling the mystery of ATP
hydrolysis in actin filaments. G.A. Voth
3:50 PHYS 198. Specificity, mechanism, and
membrane organization of ATP synthases.
J. Faraldo-Gomez
4:25 PHYS 199. Visualizing complex functional
motions of membrane transporters using
advanced simulation and free energy
techniques. E. Tajkhorshid

nonadiabatic dynamics of multichromophoric systems on GPUs. A. Sisto,

D.R. Glowacki, T.J. Martinez
2:10 PHYS 201. New electronic structure
methods for describing excited states
in multichromophore and other large
systems. J.M. Herbert, X. Zhang, A.F. Morrison
2:50 PHYS 202. Charge transfer-like excitations in solution: A critical assessment
of TDDFT/continuum models. C.A. Guido,
D. Jacquemin, C. Adamo, B. Mennucci
3:10 PHYS 203. Modeling protein - chromophore electrostatic interactions with multiple electronic states: Diabatic population
matrix approach. J.W. Park, Y.M. Rhee
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 PHYS 204. Vibronic interactions in biand multi-chromophores. L.V. Slipchenko
4:30 PHYS 205. Accurate simulation of
exciton dynamics for hundreds to tens of
thousands of chromophores: Theoretical
methods and acceleration by general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPU).
A. Aspuru-Guzik
5:10 PHYS 206. Photoexcited energy
transfer in a weakly coupled dimer.
L. Alfonso Hernandez, T. Nelson, S. Tretiak,
S. Fernandez-Alberti
5:30 PHYS 207. Theoretical investigation
of singlet fission in quinoidal bithiophenes. A. Chien, A. Molina, T.G. Goodson,
P.M. Zimmerman

1:30 PHYS 215. Experimental and theoretical

Section G

ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and

Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium in
Honor of David A. Case
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Electronic Structure Methods for Highly

Polarizable Systems

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the

Single Molecule, Single Electron, & Single
Photon Level

Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

S. Link, K. A. Willets, Organizers

D. J. Masiello, Organizer, Presiding
P. K. Jain, Presiding

Quantum Chemistry
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

1:30 PHYS 208. Mechanistic study of serum

albumin interaction with therapeutic

nanoparticles. C.F. Landes, S. DominguezMedina, L. Kisley, S. Link
2:05 PHYS 209. Biological targeting of
plasmonic nanoparticles improves cellular
imaging via the enhanced scattering in
the aggregates formed. M. Aioub, B. Kang,
M. Mackey, M.A. El-Sayed
2:25 PHYS 210. Probing single metal-semiconductor heterostructures for visible light
photocatalysis. N. Fang, B. Dong, F. Zhao
3:00 PHYS 211. Triplet-state mediated
super-resolution imaging of fluorescently-labeled gold nanorods. K. Blythe,
K.A. Willets
3:20 PHYS 212. Plasmon-enhanced fluorescent protein emission: A new paradigm
for improved single-molecule bio-imaging.
J.S. Biteen
3:55 PHYS 213. Superstudies of plasmonically
mediated emission: Beyond the Gaussian
point-spread function. E.J. Titus, K.A. Willets
4:15 PHYS 214. Energy conversion within a
single nanocavity structure. T.W. Odom

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

E.L. Sibert, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
32, 43, 88, 113, 175, 196, 205, 212. See previous

Discovery and Innovation of inorganic graphene analogs by computations.

Z. Chen
286, 316, 324, 376, 405, 409, 463, 483, 519, 532,
557, 580. See subsequent listings.

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

PHYS Award Symposium

E. L. Sibert, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 PHYS 223. Award Address (Peter Debye

Award in Physical Chemistry sponsored

by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.). Single
molecule biophysical chemistry: Life at the
single molecule level. S. Xie

8:35 PHYS 224. Award Address (Joel Henry

Hildebrand Award in the Theoretical

and Experimental Chemistry of Liquids
sponsored by ExxonMobil Research and
Engineering). Dynamics of polar solvation.
M. Maroncelli
9:05 PHYS 225. Award Address (Francis P.
GarvanJohn M. Olin Medal sponsored by
the Francis P. GarvanJohn M. Olin Medal
Endowment). Theoretical development
and modeling across the periodic table:
Toward accurate and inaccurate energetic
prediction. A.K. Wilson
9:35 PHYS 226. Award Address (ACS Award
in Theoretical Chemistry sponsored by the
ACS). Fragmentation: A route to accurate
calculations on large molecular systems.
M.S. Gordon
10:05 PHYS 227. Address Award (ACS Award
in Pure Chemistry sponsored by the Alpha
Chi Sigma Fraternity and the Alpha Chi
Sigma Educational Foundation). Bringing
bioelectricity to light. A.E. Cohen
10:35 Intermission.
10:55 PHYS 228. Award Address (Ahmed
Zewail Award in Ultrafast Science and
Technology sponsored by the Ahmed
Zewail Endowment Fund established by
Newport). Multidimensional electronic and
vibrational spectroscopy of molecules using
attosecond X-ray pulses and quantum light.
S. Mukamel
11:25 PHYS 229. Award Address (E. Bright
Wilson Award in Spectroscopy sponsored
by the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry).
Mapping atomic motions with ultrabright
electrons: The chemists gedanken experiment enters the lab frame. R. Miller
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium in
Honor of David A. Case
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations of

Matter in the Troposphere
Organic Aerosol
D. Cziczo, M. Freedman, Organizers
N. Riemer, J. Surratt, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 230. Sources, properties, aging,

and anthropogenic influences on OA

and SOA over the Southeast US and the
Amazon during SOAS, DC3, SEAC4RS, and
GoAmazon. J.L. Jimenez
2:10 PHYS 231. Isoprene-derived SOA
formation across mulitiple sites in the
southeastern U.S.: Implications for air
quality and human health. J.D. Surratt,
S. Budisulistiorini, W. Rattanavaraha, Y. Lin,
X. Li, M. Arashiro, A. Gold, Z. Zhang, S. Shaw,
P. Croteau, M. Canagaratna, E. Knipping, S. Bairai,
R.L. Tanner, M. Riva, T.P. Riedel, K. Chu
2:35 PHYS 232. Gas-phase vs. aqueous-phase
aging of secondary organic aerosol.
J.H. Kroll, J. Hunter, K. Daumit, A.J. Carrasquillo
3:00 PHYS 233. Influence of particle phase and
viscosity on the heterogeneous OH-initiated
oxidation of organic aerosol. J.F. Davies,
K.R. Wilson
3:20 Intermission.
3:35 PHYS 234. On the surface chemistry
of secondary organic aerosol particles.
F. Geiger
4:00 PHYS 235. LIfetime of photosensizer
triplet states in model troposheric aerosol.
E. Woods, M. Barthold, J. Wan, M. Tigue
4:20 PHYS 236. Organic aerosol composition
and aging in the atmosphere: How to fit
laboratory experiments, field data, and
modeling together. C.L. Heald, Q. Chen
4:45 PHYS 237. On the connection of organic
aerosol ageing to viscosity. F.A. Houle,
W. Hinsberg, K.R. Wilson

Cooperative Cosponsorship

5:05 PHYS 238. Oxidation flow reactors for the

study of atmospheric chemistry systematically examined by modeling. Z. Peng,

D.A. Day, A.M. Ortega, W. Hu, B.B. Palm,
R. Li, K. Tsigaridis, J.A. de Gouw, W.H. Brune,
J.L. Jimenez
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences

R. van Daalen, Organizer
D. C. Clary, Presiding
2:00 Introductory Remarks.
2:10 PHYS 239. Chemical adventures using

the unified principles of homogeneous and

heterogeneous catalysis. J.M. Thomas
3:00 PHYS 240. 4D electron microscopy:
Developments and applications. A.H. Zewail
3:50 Intermission.
4:10 PHYS 241. Catalytic chemistry: a subtle
blend of voids and single sites. M. Che
4:45 PHYS 242. Solution metallic catalysis on
the nanoscale. M.A. El-Sayed
5:20 PHYS 243. From single sites to nanostructured assemblies: Designing tools for
high-precision chemical transformations.
T. Maschmeyer
5:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

Physical Electrochemistry of
Electrocatalytic Processes
Electrocatalysis of O2
A. Co, D. A. Scherson, Organizers
J. M. Feliu, U. S. Ozkan, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 PHYS 244. Bi adatoms at the surface of Pt
single crystals. J.M. Feliu
2:15 PHYS 245. Impurity effects on the oxygen
reduction reaction (ORR). A. Jacob Jebaraj,
N. Georgescu, D. Scherson
2:35 PHYS 246. Effect of nitrogen function-

alization on stability and performance of

carbon-supported PtRu electrocatalysts
in acid and alkaline media. S. Pylypenko,
P. Joghee, K. Wood, A.R. Corpuz, J. Christ,
G. Bender, R. OHayre
2:55 PHYS 247. Galvanic displacement of Pt
on nanoporous copper: An alternative synthetic route for obtaining robust and reliable
oxygen reduction and alcohol oxidation
catalysts. E. Coleman, H. Choi, K. Walz, A. Co
3:15 Intermission.
3:35 PHYS 248. Tuning of perovskite oxides
electrocatalytic activity for water oxidation
and oxygen reduction. K.J. Stevenson,
T. Mefford, W. Hardin, K.P. Johnston
4:15 PHYS 249. Development of oxide-based
materials for oxygen reduction and oxygen
evolution reactions. P.B. Atanassov, A. Serov,
I. Matanovic, A. Roy, N. Andersen
4:55 PHYS 250. Theoretical investigation
of water oxidation processes on small
pure and Ca-doped MnO2 complexes.
K. Weerawardene, C.M. Aikens
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Role of Membrane in Amyloid-Formation &

the Pathogenicity of Amyloid Disease
Prions and Beyond
Cosponsored by COLL and COMP
J. C. Lee, J. E. Straub, Organizers
D. P. Raleigh, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 251. Surprising new structure for

the cellular prion protein, and how this

structure may influence membrane processes and prion disease. G.L. Millhauser
2:10 PHYS 252. Influence of induced polarization on amyloid peptide misfolding in
different solution environment. J.A. Lemkul

2:50 PHYS 253. Role of cofactor molecules

9:40 PHYS 267. Determination of near UV

in encoding mammalian prion infectivity.

S. Supattapone
3:30 Intermission.
3:50 PHYS 254. Curli: Functional bacterial
amyloid fibers. C. Reichhardt, D.M. Rice,
J. Uang, L. Cegelski
4:10 PHYS 255. Membrane microdomain
composition may temporally modulate
or determine protein function. H. Jang,
A.L. Gillman, J. Lee, S. Ramachandran, F. Teran
Arce, B. Kagan, R. Lal, R. Nussinov
4:50 PHYS 256. What can theory and computations teach us about protein aggregation?
D. Thirumalai
5:30 Closing Remarks.

absorption crossSections of surface-adsorbed H2O and heterogeneous nucleation

of H2O on fused silica surfaces. L. Zhu
10:00 PHYS 268. From the particle scale to
the global scale: Quantifying black carbon
climate impacts using a stochastic particle-resolved model. N. Riemer
10:25 PHYS 269. Comparative photochemistry
of nitric acid chemisorbed on different
components of tropospheric particulate
matter. J.G. Navea
10:45 PHYS 270. Probing the impacts of
aerosol sources on cloud microphysics and
precipitation through in situ measurements of aerosol chemical mixing state.
K.A. Prather

Section F

Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

Modeling Excited States of Complex


Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of

Complex Organics from the Outow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution

Electronic Structure
Cosponsored by COMP
B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers
K. A. Lopata, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 257. Excited electronic states:
Solvent effects and dynamics. M.S. Gordon,
F. Zahariev, K. Keipert, Y. Harabuchi
2:10 PHYS 258. Relativistic variational density

functional theory of electronic excited

states. F.A. Evangelista, W.D. Derricotte,
P. Verma
2:50 PHYS 259. Photoelectron spectra and

photoelectron angular distributions from

ab initio electronic structure methods.
S. Gozem, A. Krylov
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PHYS 260. Potential energy surfaces for
excited electronic states. R. Dawes
4:10 PHYS 261. New developments in
complete active space spin-flip methods
for ground and excited states of large
molecules with strong electron correlations.
N. Mayhall, M.P. Head-Gordon
4:50 PHYS 262. Time-resolved spectroscopy: A
challenge for time-dependent density functional theory. K. Luo, J.I. Fuks, E. Sandoval,
N. Maitra
5:10 PHYS 263. Capturing geometric
phase effects by mixed quantum-classical methods. R. Gherib, I.G. Ryabinkin,
A.F. Izmaylov
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Research: Symposium in
Honor of David A. Case
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Quantum Chemistry
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere
Heterogeneous Chemistry, Sea Spray, Mineral
Dust, and Black Carbon
D. Cziczo, M. Freedman, Organizers
J. G. Navea, E. Woods, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 264. Water uptake and heteroge-

neous chemistry of model and authentic

sea spray aerosol particles. V.H. Grassian
8:40 PHYS 265. Transformations of nitrogen
oxides at the troposphere-soil interface.
J.D. Raff
9:05 PHYS 266. Optical properties of mineral
dust components and mixtures. D. Veghte,
J. Moore, L. Jensen, M. Freedman
9:25 Intermission.

Organic Molecules in Dense Interstellar

L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
S. N. Milam, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 271. Organic molecules in ices and
their release Into the gas phase. E. Fayolle,
K. Oberg, R.T. Garrod, E.F. van Dishoeck,
M. Rajappan, M. Bertin, C. Romanzin, J. Fillion
8:35 PHYS 272. Ice chemistry in interstellar

dense molecular clouds, protostellar disks,

and comet. S.A. Sandford
9:10 PHYS 273. Like a fly and the fire polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in
icy environments: A historical perspective.
M.S. Gudipati
9:45 Intermission.
10:15 PHYS 274. Theoretical studies of interstellar ice chemistry involving polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons and other compounds. D.E. Woon
10:50 PHYS 275. Formation of aromatic heterocycles from the UV-photoirradiation of aromatic hydrocarbons in ices. C.K. Materese,
M. Nuevo, S.A. Sandford
11:15 PHYS 276. Infrared spectroscopic
properties of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen
heterocycles (PANHs): The acridine series.
A.L. Mattioda, J. Bregman, C. Bauschlicher,
A. Ricca, D. Hudgins, L.J. Allamandola
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Properties and Processes in Solvated
Cosponsored by COMP
J. Gao, B. C. Garrett, Organizers
B. Mennucci, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 277. 25 years of SMx models:

Quantum and classical continuum solvation. C.J. Cramer, D.G. Truhlar

8:30 PHYS 278. Protein aggregation, collapse,
and disorder: Model systems. B.M. Pettitt,
D. Karandur
9:00 PHYS 279. BioEFP: Effective fragment
potential method for biological systems.
L.V. Slipchenko
9:20 PHYS 280. Role of solvent structure on
the rate of ion-pairing. M.D. Baer, C.J. Mundy,
G.K. Schenter
9:40 Intermission.
10:00 PHYS 281. Quantum-classical path integral: A rigorous methodology. N. Makri
10:30 PHYS 282. Structure, properties, excited
states and reactivity of complex systems
in solution: Putting together the pieces.
G. Scalmani, M.J. Frisch

11:00 PHYS 283. How reliable are calculations

Section F

Section H

Section B

of absorption spectra of solvated molecules

with CC theory and PCM? M. Caricato
11:20 PHYS 284. Continuum solvation calculations of solvatochromic shifts: Recent
advances and perspectives. A.V. Marenich,
C.J. Cramer, D.G. Truhlar, G. Scalmani, M.J. Frisch

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

Modeling Excited States of Complex


Design of Materials and Chemical Processes:

The Genomic Approach

Electronic Structure
Cosponsored by COMP

Catalysis and Materials for Catalysis:

Experiments & Calculations

Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of

Complex Organics from the Outow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution

B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers

F. A. Evangelista, Presiding

L. Gagliardi, B. Smit, Organizers, Presiding

8:00 PHYS 299. Understanding photochemistry

reduction potential of new materials development. C. Tway, E.G. Rightor, J. Liu, C. Han,
M. McAdon, J. Goss, K. Andrews
8:30 PHYS 315. Thermodynamics and kinetics
of elementary reaction steps on late transition metal catalysts, and using them to
search for better catalysts. C.T. Campbell
9:00 PHYS 316. Tailored mesoscale gold alloy
materials for energy- and resource-efficient
catalysis. M.L. Personick, B. Zugic, C.M. Friend
9:20 Intermission.
9:40 PHYS 317. Impact of location and concentration of acid sites in zeolites for acid
catalyzed reactions in condensed phase.
J.A. Lercher
10:10 PHYS 318. Harnessing polymorphism
for the rational design of new nanoporous
materials: assessing mechanical, thermal
stability, and experimental feasibility.
F. Trousselet, L. Bouessel du Bourg, F. Coudert
10:30 PHYS 319. Material descriptor of oxygen
vacancy formation energies in wide band
gap oxides. A. Deml, A. Holder, R. OHayre,
C. Musgrave, V. Stevanovic
Quantum Chemistry

Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Physical Electrochemistry of Electrocatalytic

Electrochemical Formation of
D. A. Scherson, Organizer
A. Co, Organizer, Presiding
S. Maldonado, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 285. Investigations into the

electrochemical formation of germanene.

J.L. Stickney, M. Ledina, J. Jung
8:40 PHYS 286. Electrocatalytic crystallization
of covalent inorganic semiconductors.
S. Maldonado
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Physical Electrochemistry of Electrocatalytic

Electrocatalysis of H2O and H2
A. Co, Organizer
D. A. Scherson, Organizer, Presiding
S. Maldonado, Presiding
10:00 PHYS 287. Withdrawn.
10:40 PHYS 288. Graphene oxide-promoted
hydrogen and oxygen evolution. N. Wu
11:00 PHYS 289. Electrocatalytic hydrogen pro-

duction performed by model protein scaffolds. H.S. Shafaat, J.W. Slater, A.C. Manesis,
S.L. Cirino, H.A. Monaco
11:20 PHYS 290. Electrocatalytic water oxidation by iminium ions. K. Glusac
11:40 PHYS 291. Electrocatalytic water
oxidation on model cobalt oxide dimer and
cubane complexes. A. Fernando, C.M. Aikens
Section E

and photoelectron spectra with highly correlated electronic structure methods based
on coupled-cluster theory. P. Piecuch,
J.A. Hansen, N.P. Bauman
8:40 PHYS 300. Electronic structure methods
for high-energy excited states. X. Li,
P. Lestrange, D.B. Williams-Young, J.J. Goings
9:20 PHYS 301. Linear response time-dependent complex generalized Hartree-Fock
for frustrated spin systems. J.J. Goings,
D.B. Williams-Young, F. Ding, M.J. Frisch, X. Li
9:40 PHYS 302. Graphical processing unit
acceleration of two-step complete active
space configuration interaction (CASCI)
methods. B. Fales, B. Levine
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 PHYS 303. Above-ionization excited
states with non-Hermitian time-dependent
density functional theory. K.A. Lopata
11:00 PHYS 304. Caution when using real-time
TDDFT: Two-electron Rabi oscillations
and peak-shifting. C. Isborn, M. Provorse,
B. Habenicht
11:40 PHYS 305. Charge transfer and other
non-linear electron dynamics: the problem
of detuning in TDDFT. J.I. Fuks, K. Luo,
E. Sandoval, N. Maitra
12:00 PHYS 306. Experimental perspective on
the electronic structure and dynamics of
higher-lying electronic states. C.G. Elles,
C.L. Ward, A.L. Houk, T.J. Quincy

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena

at the Single Molecule, Single Electron,
& Single Photon Level
S. Link, K. A. Willets, Organizers
D. J. Masiello, Organizer, Presiding
J. S. Biteen, Presiding

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function

8:30 PHYS 307. Probing the mechanistic of

A. E. Garcia, G. Hummer, Organizers

M. Chu-Moyer, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 292. Integrative structural biology.
A. Sali
8:35 PHYS 293. Unveiling the function of mac-

romolecular assemblies using integrative

dynamic modeling. M. Dal Peraro
9:10 PHYS 294. Introducing molecular flexibility
in Monte Carlo simulations of many-protein
systems. V. Prytkova, M. Heyden, J.A. Freites,
D.J. Tobias
9:45 PHYS 295. Building toy models of
proteins using co-evolutionary information.
R.R. Cheng, M. Raghunathan, J.N. Onuchic
10:20 PHYS 296. Atomistic and coarse-grained
simulations of histones, Nuclesomes and
DNA. G. Papoian, D. Winogradoff, H. Zhao,
I. Echeverria, Y. Dalal
10:55 PHYS 297. Relative resolution: A
hybrid strategy for molecular modeling.
A. Chaimovich, K. Kremer, C. Peter
11:30 PHYS 298. Beyond Hofmeister:
Interactions between ions and proteins in
water. P. Jungwirth

Quantum Dynamics & Monte Carlo

Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Computational Chemistry in the
Undergraduate Curriculum: What is Working
and How Do We Assess It?
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling of Macromolecular Structure

and Function
Cosponsored by COMP

8:00 PHYS 314. Global energy and emissions

charge transfer from optically excited

plasmonic metal nanoparticles to adsorbates leading to chemical transformations.
S. Linic
9:05 PHYS 308. Electrochemistry on plasmonic nanoparticle electrodes. A. Wilson,
K.A. Willets
9:25 PHYS 309. Collective behavior in the
solid-state elucidated by plasmonic spectroscopy. P.K. Jain
10:00 PHYS 310. Single-particle absorption
spectroscopy of plasmonic nanostructures.
M. Yorulmaz, S. Nizzero, W. Chang, L. Wang,
S. Link
10:20 PHYS 311. Atomistic simulations of surface-enhanced spectroscopies. L. Jensen
10:55 PHYS 312. Design and optimization of
plasmonic crystals for surface enhanced
Raman spectroscopy using the finite-difference time-domain method. R. Petit,
J.M. Montgomery
11:15 PHYS 313. Electron microscopy and
spectroscopy of plasmonic alloys. E. Ringe,
S.M. Collins, C.J. DeSantis, S.E. Skrabalak,
P.A. Midgley

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere
Gas Phase Atmospheric Chemistry
D. Cziczo, M. Freedman, Organizers
K. T. Kuwata, C. Womack, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 320. Photochemical and multiphase

sources of isoprene derived secondary

organic aerosol. J.A. Thornton, B. Lee,
C. Gaston, E. DAmbro, F. Lopez-Hilker, J. Liu,
J. Shilling, C. Mohr, T.P. Riedel, Z. Zhang, A. Gold,
J. Surratt, W. Hu, D. Day, P. Campuzano-Jost,
B. Palm, J.L. Jimenez, N. Ng, L. Xu
2:10 PHYS 321. Atmospheric chemistry in the
southeast U.S. J. de Gouw, C. Warneke,
M. Trainer
2:35 PHYS 322. Uncertainties in global atmospheric composition due to uncertainties
in inorganic and organic rate constants.
M.J. Evans, B. Newsome
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 PHYS 323. Relative abundances of gas
phase amines and ammonia in the ambient
atmosphere. J. Murphy, T.C. Vandenboer,
G. Wentworth, M. Markovic, P. Gregoire
3:40 PHYS 324. Probing the composition of
atmospheric interfaces through measurement of trace gas reactive uptake and
product yields. T.H. Bertram, O.S. Ryder,
N. Campbell
4:05 PHYS 325. Heterogeneous chemistry of
nitrogen oxides: Results from recent field
studies. S.S. Brown

Organic Molecules in Dense Clouds

and Star and Planet Forming Regions
L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
E. Peeters, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 326. Complex organic molecules

in star-forming regions: Sweet results from

ALMA. E.F. van Dishoeck
2:05 PHYS 327. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-

bons as catalysts for interstellar molecular

hydrogen formation. L. Hornekaer
2:40 PHYS 328. Modeling grain surface chemistry in dense molecular clouds. H. Cuppen,
L. Karssemeijer
3:15 Intermission.
3:45 PHYS 329. Formation of complex organic
molecules in protoplanetary disks. T. Millar
4:20 PHYS 330. Time-domain terahertz
spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. M.A. Allodi, P. Carroll, S. Ioppolo,
B.A. McGuire, G.A. Blake
4:45 PHYS 331. Tackling the theoretical anharmonic infrared spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. C. Mackie, A. Candian,
X. Huang, T.J. Lee, A. Tielens
Section C

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium in
Honor of Donald Truhlar
Nonadiabatic Dynamics
Cosponsored by COMP
J. Gao, B. C. Garrett, B. Mennucci, Organizers
X. Li, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 332. Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer

approximation: Construction of accurate

multicomponent wave function using
explicitly-correlated and projection-based
methods. A. Chakraborty
2:00 PHYS 333. Directly correlating electronic
and vibrational motions with multidimensional coherent spectroscopies. M.H. Khalil
2:30 PHYS 334. Approximate time-dependent
diabatic states computed using a measure
driven tessallation technique for use in
on-the-fly quantum dynamics methods.
S.S. Iyengar
3:00 PHYS 335. Avoiding the BornOppenheimer separation between
electrons and protons in wavefunction
and density functional theory calculations.
S. Hammes-Schiffer
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 PHYS 336. Surface hopping and spectroscopy. J.E. Subotnik, A.S. Petit
4:10 PHYS 337. Novel approaches to nonadiabatic molecular dynamics. O.V. Prezhdo
4:40 PHYS 338. Time-dependent electronic
and nuclear potentials that exactly capture
electron-ion coupling. N. Maitra
5:00 PHYS 339. Time-derivative coupling
scheme for accurate electronic state transition probabilities in nonadiabatic molecular
dynamics. G. Meek, B. Levine
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Physical Electrochemistry of Electrocatalytic

In Situ Characterization
A. Co, D. A. Scherson, Organizers
C. L. Korzeniewski, D. Scherson, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 340. Vibrational spectroscopy and

2D correlation analysis applied to probe

structure in ionomer membrane materials.
C.L. Korzeniewski, T. Zhang

2:10 PHYS 341. Operando X-ray studies of

electrocatalysis for energy conversion.

D. Friebel
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 PHYS 342. Irrelevance of CO poisoning
in methanol oxidation on PtRu electrocatalysts: A re-visit of the bifunctional
mechanism. Y. Tong
3:50 PHYS 343. In operando optical studies of
solid oxide fuel cells operating with biogas:
heterogeneous surface chemistry vs. electrochemical oxidation. R.A. Walker, J. Kirtley,
J. Owrutsky, D.A. Steinhurst
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Folding and Aggregation
Cosponsored by COMP
A. E. Garcia, G. Hummer, Organizers
R. Nussinov, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 344. Accurate atomistic simula-

tions of intrinsically disordered proteins.

R.B. Best, W. Zheng, J. Mittal
2:05 PHYS 345. Regulation and aggregation of
intrinsically disordered peptides. J.E. Shea
2:40 PHYS 346. Multiscale and multiresolution
simulations of aggregation in polyglutamine
containing block copolymers. R.V. Pappu
3:15 PHYS 347. Spontaneous formation of
oligomers and fibrils in large scale molecular dynamics simulations of peptides.
C.K. Hall, M. Cheon, D.C. Latshaw, I. Chang
3:50 PHYS 348. Alzheimers disease:
Aggregation of WT and protective A
peptides, free or in the presence of
inhibitors and under shear flow by all-atom
and coarse-grained simulations. J. NasicaLabouze, P. Nguyen, B. Tarus, F. Sterpone,
M. Chiricotto, O. Berthoumieu, P. Faller, A. Doig,
S. Melchionna, P. Derreumaux
4:25 PHYS 349. Protein folding and recognition in the cell an in silico approach.
M.S. Cheung
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

Modeling Excited States of Complex

Electronic Structure
Cosponsored by COMP
B. G. Levine, S. A. Varganov, Organizers
J. I. Fuks, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 350. Modeling excited states with

multireference quantum chemical methods.

L. Gagliardi, R. Carlson, D.G. Truhlar, K. Vogiatzis
2:10 PHYS 351. Single- and multireference
quantum chemical methods for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics. H. Lischka,
M. Barbatti
2:50 PHYS 352. Low valency in rare earth
diatomics. G. Schoendorff, A.K. Wilson
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PHYS 353. Active space decomposition.
T. Shiozaki
4:10 PHYS 354. Representation of adiabatic
potential energy surfaces coupled by
conical intersections and their use in
describing nonadiabatic processes.
D.R. Yarkony, X. Zhu, J. Dillon, C. Malbon
4:50 PHYS 355. Electronic structure of diatomic
rare earth species. C. South, G. Schoendorff,
A.K. Wilson
5:10 PHYS 356. Size-inconsistency effects
in transition moments for quasi-degenerate variational perturbation theory and
averaged coupled-pair functional theory.
K. Dwelle, R.J. Cave

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the

Single Molecule, Single Electron, & Single
Photon Level
D. J. Masiello, K. A. Willets, Organizers
S. Link, Organizer, Presiding
R. R. Frontiera, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 357. Raman scattering in time and

frequency on a nantenna and its molecular

load. V.A. Apkarian
2:05 PHYS 358. Photoluminescence quantum

yield of strongly coupled gold plasmonic

molecule. D. Huang, C. Byers, L. Wang,
A. Hoggard, B. Hoener, W. Chang, C.F. Landes,
S. Link
2:25 PHYS 359. Plasmons and intraband
transitions. P. Guyot-Sionnest
3:00 PHYS 360. Electron dynamics in gold
nanoparticles under strong laser fields.
J. Powell, A. Rudenko, C.M. Sorensen
3:20 PHYS 361. Controlling and probing
spatially dependent plasmonic field effect
and charge transfer dynamics using single
quantum dot modified AFM tips. T. Lian
3:55 PHYS 362. Strong coupling between
individual plasmonic metal nanostructures
and quantum dots. M. Pelton
Section H

Colorado Convention Center

Room 607

Design of Materials and Chemical Processes:

The Genomic Approach
Catalysis and Materials for Catalysis:
Experiments & Calculations
L. Gagliardi, B. Smit, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 PHYS 363. Computational design of

highly selective transition metal catalysts

encapsulated by metal-organic frameworks
for butane oxidation to 1-butanol. S. Dix,
R. Getman
2:00 PHYS 364. Metalorganic frameworks as
highly functional catalytic arrays. O.K. Farha
2:30 PHYS 365. Metal-organic framework
materials for solar energy applications.
W. Lin
3:00 PHYS 366. Performance descriptors
for the design of solar energy materials.
A. Walsh
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 PHYS 367. Withdrawn.
4:10 PHYS 368. In silico prediction of emergent
catalysts. D.G. Vlachos
4:40 PHYS 369. Impact of MOF topology
upon solvent organization, dynamics, and
solution phase stability. A.E. Clark, W. Queen,
X. Yang
Quantum Chemistry
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Computational Chemistry in the
Undergraduate Curriculum: What is
Working and How Do We Assess It?
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PHYS

Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Hall C

Physical Chemistry Poster Session

E. L. Sibert, Organizer
6:30 - 9:30
PHYS 370.

Quantum numerical control for

particles at matter surface. Q. Wang
Scaled quantum mechanical scale
factors for vibrational calculations using
alternate polarized and augmented basis
sets with the B3LYP density functional
calculation model. W.B. Collier, C.R. Legler,
N.R. Brown, R.A. Dunbar, M.D. Harness,
K. Nguyen, O.O. Oyewole

PHYS 371.

PHYS 372.

Calculating the infrared spectra of

the eigenion using anharmonic vibrational
theory. B. Thomsen, K. Yagi, Y. Sugita
PHYS 373. Theory and efficient computation of
vibrational difference spectra. T. Joutsuka,
A. Morita
PHYS 374. Diabatic states of a delta function
model. T. Middlemas, R.J. Cave
PHYS 375. Lifetimes of vibrational states of XY
ions (X=Li, Na; Y=Be, Mg) calculated using
the CCSDT potential energy and dipole
moment curves. D.K. Barnes, D. Fedorov,
S.A. Varganov
PHYS 376. Probing vibrational-electronic
interactions of a sensitizing dye at the TiO2
surface using heterodyne detected doubly
resonant sum-frequency generation spectroscopy. C.C. Rich, M. Mattson, A.T. Krummel
PHYS 377. Time-resolved infrared spectrocopy
of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model compounds.
R. Meyer, A. Zhandosova, E.J. Heilweil,
C.J. Stromberg
PHYS 378. Statistically weight averaged vibrational spectrum over molecular fragments
for studying the amide I vibration of sphingomyelin bilayer. K. Yagi, P. Li, K. Shirota,
T. Kobayashi, Y. Sugita
PHYS 379. Structural and energetic properties
of lanthanide trihalides via DFT and ab
initio approaches. R.J. Weber, G. Schoendorff,
A.K. Wilson
PHYS 380. Ferrocene - ozone reactions: A
matrix-isolation and DFT study. R.W. Kugel,
L. Pinelo, B.S. Ault
PHYS 381. Mechanistic investigations of
siderophore complexation via density
functional theory. M.F. Skaro, M.S. Hughey,
J.L. Sonnenberg
PHYS 382. Theoretical phase diagram for
Fe3O4 (111) surfaces using a DFT + U(Fe)
approach. X. Huang, S. Ramadugu, S.E. Mason
PHYS 383. DFT and ab initio composite
method investigations of oxygen fluorides
and related hydrides. Z.H. Alsunaidi,
A.K. Wilson
PHYS 384. Effect of choline chloride on
secondary structure conformation for two
small peptides: A circular dichroism study.
M. Giordano, M. Vermeuel, P. Gupta, D. Lon,
M.R. Bunagan
PHYS 385. Deconstructing solvent organization in confined nanoporous materials:
Implications for separation. C. Wang,
A.E. Clark
PHYS 386. Crystallographic characterization
of three furan-substituted benzimidazoles
and calculation of C-H/ and / interaction
energies. D.K. Geiger, C. Geiger
PHYS 387. Quantum electronic kinetics from
an atom-centered bath model. T. Nguyen,
S. Blau, T. Markovich, J. Parkhill
PHYS 388. Impact of resonance stabilization on
H-atom shift isomerization and ring closure
reactions. K. Wang, S. Villano, A.M. Dean
PHYS 389. Sodium dodecyl sulfate monomers
induce XAO peptide polyproline II to -helix
transition. Z. Hong, D. Krishnan Achary,
S.A. Asher
PHYS 390. Multishells vs. gradient-alloyed
shells on core quantum dots: Ensemble and
single particle optical properties. P. Bajwa,
F. Gao, B.O. Omogo, C.D. Heyes
PHYS 391. Physicochemical investigation of
ionic liquid mixtures. M.T. Clough, J. Grsvik,
P. Hunt, H. Niedermeyer, T. Welton
PHYS 392. Antibunching in small clusters of
quantum dots. J.Q. Geisenhoff, K.J. Whitcomb,
D. Ryan, M.P. Gelfand, A.K. Van Orden
PHYS 393. Modification method of natural
zeolite by ultrasonic and sodium chloride.
W. Qun, Y. Zhichao, G. Mingkun, X. He, C. Bin,
C. Shuang
PHYS 394. Understanding nanoconfined hydrogen: first ever quantum free-energy profiles
of diffusion of hydrogen and the importance
of condensed phase environment in sII
clathrate hydrate. A. Powers, O. Marsalek,
L. Ulivi, M.E. Tuckerman, Z. Bacic
PHYS 395. Solution dynamics of group 8 metal
pentacarbonyls in fluorinated benzene solvents. C.P. Baryiames, A. Devanny, C. Laperle

PHYS 396.

Solution dynamics of osmium pentacarbonyl in alcohol solvents. C. Laperle,

A. Devanny
PHYS 397. Surface thermodynamics and
vesicle formation of decanoic acid.
B. Kessenich, R. Rapf, R.J. Perkins, V. Vaida
PHYS 398. Molecular dynamics simulation of
ion transports through liquid-liquid interface. N. Kikkawa, A. Morita, L. Wang
PHYS 399. Raman spectroscopic study of
graphene photochlorination dynamics in
the gas phase and in solution. K.Z. Rinaldi,
N. Patel, S. Ramrattan, A. Crowther
PHYS 400. Decomposing hydrogen bond
dynamics into multiscale components:
Understanding the hydrophobic effect.
T. Zhou, A.E. Clark
PHYS 401. Diabatic electronic population
matrix and its utilization in simulating electronically excited state dynamics. J. Park,
Y.M. Rhee
PHYS 402. Decoherence in nonadiabatic
dynamics from an approximate mixed
quantum-classical Poisson bracket
mapping equation formalism. H. Kim,
Y.M. Rhee
PHYS 403. Interdomain dynamics of chloroplast signal recognition particle proteins
studied by time-resolved single-molecule
FRET. D. Baucom, F. Gao, P. Patel, A. Kight,
R. Goforth, R. Henry, C. Heyes
PHYS 404. Molecular dynamics to study energy
transduction in the ATP powered translocation of PcrA along DNA. R.B. Davidson,
M. McCullagh
PHYS 405. Two-photon spectroscopy, dynamics, and quantum yields of a photochromic
molecular switch. A.L. Houk, C.G. Elles
PHYS 406. Global potential energy surfaces
of O4 and dynamics of high-energy O2-O2
collision-induced energy transfer and dissociation. Y. Paukku, Z. Varga, W. Lin, R. MeanaPaeda, J. Bender, G.V. Candler, D.G. Truhlar
PHYS 407. Time-dependent excited-state
molecular dynamics of photofragmentation
of gas-phase tris(isopropylcyclopentadienyl)
lanthanum complexes. Y. Han, Q. Meng,
P.S. May, M.T. Berry, D. Kilin
PHYS 408. Structural characterization of
supported noble metal nanocatalyst from
atomistic simulations. S. Xiong, R. Diwan, Y. Li
PHYS 409. Investigating the efficient conversion of unsaturated acids to olefins
over acid catalysts. T.J. Evans, J.M. Clark,
C. Mukarakate, M.M. Yung, M.R. Nimlos,
D.J. Robichaud
PHYS 410. First principles treatment of photoluminescence linewidth in semiconductors.
D.J. Vogel, D. Kilin
PHYS 411. Investigating the best type of gold
and platinum bimetallic nanoparticle catalyst for alcohol oxidation reactions. A. Earle,
J.M. Petroski
PHYS 412. Laser-assisted nickel liquid phase
deposition on surface of dielectrics and
semiconductors. E. Khairullina, S. Araslanova,
S. Safonov
PHYS 413. Reaction kinetics of NO and NO2
with pyrite. H.M. Bevsek
PHYS 414. Probing the mechanism of DNA
duplex formation in sequences with
consecutive versus alternating purines and
pyrimidines using stopped flow kinetics
experiments. S.P. Carney, R. Stratil, A. Deckert
PHYS 415. Monitoring internal temperatures
and kinetics in nitrogen- and oxygen-containing plasma systems. E. Sutor, J. Blechle,
E.R. Fisher
PHYS 416. Effects of organic matter on
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon photolysis
kinetics in ice and at ice surfaces. P. Malley,
T. Kahan
PHYS 417. Dissociation processes of deprotonated nucleobases: Astrobiological
implications. C.A. Cole, Z. Wang, T.P. Snow,
V.M. Bierbaum
PHYS 418. Carbon chains in low-mass young
stellar objects. O.H. Wilkins, D.M. Graninger,
K. Oberg

PHYS 419.

Formation mechanism of interstellar

PANH cations: Experimental and computational studies. Z. Wang, V.M. Bierbaum,
C.A. Cole, T.P. Snow
PHYS 420. Spectral characteristics and
lightfastness of fluorescent dyes absorbed
on nanoparticles of aerosil dispersed in
polymer matrix. N. Barashkov, S. Sheshenia,
T. Sakhno, V. Granchak, S. Kuchmii, I. Irgibayeva
PHYS 421. Investigation of two alternative
methods of introducing fluorescent dyes in
the Au nanoparticles-polysiloxane composites. N. Barashkov, I. Irgibayeva, A. Aldongarov,
A. Mantel, A. Ishchenko, T. Sakhno
PHYS 422. Electron and nuclear dynamics in gold and silver nanoparticles.
R.D. Senanayake, C.M. Aikens
PHYS 423. Electrochemical fabrication of
CdSe/TiO2 nanotubes for photoelectrocatalytical water splitting application.
F. de Souza Lucas, M. Santanna, R.G. Freitas,
L.H. Mascaro, E.C. Pereira
PHYS 424. Pseudo-direct bandgap transitions
in silicon nanocrystals: Effect on optoelectronics and thermoelectrics. V. Singh, Y. Yu,
Q. Sun, B. Korgel, P. Nagpal
PHYS 425. Work function modification of
various electrodes by deposition of
carbon nanotubes via aerosol jet printing.
C.A. Jordan, R.S. Aga, E. Kreit, C.M. Bartsch,
E.M. Heckman, R.S. Aga
PHYS 426. Temperature dependent solubility
of gold nanoparticle suspensions. J. Powell,
K. Bayliff, E. Herman, C.M. Sorensen
PHYS 427. Doping of wide-bandgap titanium-dioxide nanotubes: Optical, electronic
and magnetic properties. Y. Ding, Y. Alivov,
V. Singh, P. Nagpal
PHYS 428. Computational studies of pathways
toward the growth of small boron and
boron-carbon nanomaterials. D.C. Woods,
A.L. Dibble, J.R. Rocha
PHYS 429. Withdrawn.
PHYS 430. Quantitative SERS-based detection
using AgFe3O4 nanocomposites with
an internal reference. P.B. Joshi., Y. Zhou,
T. Ozkaya, P. Zhang
PHYS 431. Singlet oxygen generation under
NIR and light visible light excitation of
Chlorin e6 on the surface of fluorescent
polymer coated NaYF4 upconversion
nanoparticles. P.B. Joshi, P. Zhang
PHYS 432. Novel approach to modeling the
absorption spectra and colloidal stability
of few- and single-chirality single walled
carbon nanotubes. K.C. Tvrdy, K. Prescott,
K. Rosenthal
PHYS 433. Withdrawn.
PHYS 434. Preparation of metal oxide substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering. B. Li, C. Weng, C. Yang, C. Lin, S. Lee
PHYS 435. Spin-forbidden transitions between
electronic states of the active site of rubredoxin. G. dePolo, D. Kaliakin, S.A. Varganov
PHYS 436. Charge transfer complexes and
photochemistry of ozone with n-butylferrocene and ferrocene: A UV-Vis matrix
isolation study. L. Pinelo, R. Kugel, B.S. Ault
PHYS 437. Engineering long range ferromagnetism in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide WSe2. C. Gil, A. Pham, S. Li
PHYS 438. Structure and bonding of metal
complexes containing possible hepatitis
C inhibitors. R.M. Drazenovic, D.N. Ward,
P.J. Smith, J.L. Sonnenberg
PHYS 439. Interaction of niobium-containing chloride melts with niobium metal.
M.V. Chernyshov, I.B. Polovov, V.A. Volkovich,
O.I. Rebrin
PHYS 440. Organic nanowire waveguide exciton-polariton nanolaser and its photonic
application. Q. Liao
PHYS 441. Triplet states of pyrazine.
R. Bendiak, R.J. Cave
PHYS 442. Effect of reaction environment
on atmospheric photochemistry of
pyruvic acid. A.E. Reed Harris, B. Ervens,
R.K. Shoemaker, J.A. Kroll, R.J. Rapf, E.C. Grifth,
A. Monod, J. Doussin, V. Vaida

PHYS 443.

Kirkwood-Buff derived force field

for esters. G. Pallewela, P.E. Smith
PHYS 444. Stabilization of a ClCl anion pair
in the gas phase: Ab initio microsolvation
study. A.S. Ivanov, G. Frenking, A.I. Boldyrev
PHYS 445. Detecting organic nitrates using
thermal dissociation cavity ringdown spectrometry. N. Keehan, B. Ayres, J.L. Fry
PHYS 446. Rotational and hyperfine analysis
of the E21/2 state of TaO. T.D. Varberg,
C.R. Christopher, S.Y. Lee, F.B. Gwandu,
A.J. Matsumoto, B.J. Knurr, T.K. Mahle,
Z.W. Morrow
PHYS 447. Metal-mediated proton transfer in
maleic acid and implications for enzyme
catalysis. M.T. Ruggiero, T.M. Korter
PHYS 448. Combined photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio studies of pure,
carbon-doped, and transition-metal-doped
boron clusters. I.A. Popov, W. Li, Z.A. Piazza,

R. Pal, V.F. Popov, K.V. Bozhenko, I. Cernuk,

X.C. Zeng, A.I. Boldyrev, L. Wang
PHYS 449. Raman spectra of EDAB and Its
analogs in various solvents. S. Farmer,
M.L. Fetterolf, G. Rowe
PHYS 450. QM/MM simulations reveal the
involvement of excimers in the photophysics of adenine based oligonucleotides.
V.A. Spata, S. Matsika
PHYS 451. TiO2 mediated photooxidation of
squalene: A kinetic and mechanistic study.
M.L. Kaak, J.A. Ganske
PHYS 452. Is ketene an intermediate in the
addition of imines to azlactone to form a
-lactam? C. Kordes, P. Willoughby, J. Scanlon
PHYS 453. Aerosol formation initiated by nucleation of radical- water complexes. E. Burrell,
S. Kumbhani, R.B. Shirts, J.C. Hansen, L. Hansen
PHYS 454. Drinking water disinfection by a
low-voltage pulsed electric field device.
P. Hung, Y. LI, O. LEE, K. LAM, S. Kwan, J. Kwan,
K.L. Yeung
PHYS 455. Experimental and computational
investigation of the dissociation pathways
of first generation protonated nitrile-terminated PPI dendrimer. W.D. Price
PHYS 456. Photophysical properties and
electronic structure of strongly coupled
hydroporphyrin dyads with extended
near-infrared absorption. H. Kang,
N.N. Esemoto, J.R. Diers, D.M. Niedzwiedzki,
J.A. Greco, J. Akhigbe, Z. Yu, C. Pancholi,
G.V. Bhagavathy, J.K. Nguyen, R.R. Birge,
C.R. Kirmaier, D.F. Bocian, M. Ptaszek, D. Holten
PHYS 457. Investigation of the hygroscopicity
of glycine and lysine aerosols and their
mixtures with Na2SO4. J.P. Darr, P. Morales,
S. Gottuso, A. Johnson
PHYS 458. Docking studies of binding
of Plasmodium falciparum plasmepsin
II to normal and sickle hemoglobin.
S.C. Marguet, V.F. Waingeh
PHYS 459. Correlation consistent composite
approach (ccCA): Application to organics
and beyond. A. Morris, A. Wilson
PHYS 460. Charge-transfer in fullerene:
Molecular cluster co-crystals. N. Patel,
K.Z. Rinaldi, E. OBrien, X. Roy, A. Crowther
PHYS 461. Raman spectroscopic study of solvent-mediated electron-transfer chemical
doping of graphene. J. Karten, B. Janicek,
A. Crowther
PHYS 462. Rapid scan electron paramagnetic
resonance improves sensitivity relative to
conventional methods. G.R. Eaton, S. Eaton,
M. Tseytlin, R. Quine, G. Rinard, D. Mitchell,
J. Biller, Z. Yu, Y. Shi
PHYS 463. Photon and water mediated sulfur
oxide and acid chemistry in planetary
atmospheres. J.A. Kroll, V. Vaida
PHYS 464. Theoretical analysis on the methods
to derive surface molecular orientation by
sum frequency generation spectroscopy.
A. Morita, T. Ishihara, K. Saito, T. Ishiyama,
L. Wang
PHYS 465. Thermodynamics of uranium in
gallium-aluminum based liquid alloys.
V.A. Volkovich, D.S. Maltsev, L.F. Yamshchikov,
I.B. Polovov, A.G. Osipenko

PHYS 466.

Thermodynamic modeling and

experimental verification of f-elements separation employing Ga-Sn eutectic alloys.
S.Y. Melchakov, D.S. Maltsev, V.A. Volkovich,
L.F. Yamshchikov, D.G. Lisienko, M.A. Rusakov
PHYS 467. Thermodynamic properties of
lanthanum in alloys based on gallium-aluminum eutectic mixture. A.V. Shchetinskiy,
A.S. Dedyukhin, V.A. Volkovich, L.F. Yamshchikov,
A.G. Osipenko
PHYS 468. Characterization of aqueous metal-pyrazole complexes. A.K. Huff, G. Turcios,
S. Miller
PHYS 469. Photodissociation of cis- and
trans-CH3ONO: Is conformation destiny?
J. Lantis, M. Birndorf, J.A. Bartz
PHYS 470. Photodissociation of t-butyl nitrite:
Steric influences on vector correlations.
M. Birndorf, J. Lantis, J.A. Bartz
PHYS 471. Effects of large water box on
anatase thin film surface: A computational
analysis on changing electronic properties.
S.J. Jensen, D. Kilin
PHYS 472. Influence of various solvents on
the physical properties of materials for
organic electronic devices. A. Foote, R. Aga,
E. Niwemukiza
PHYS 473. BOMD study of M+(tryptamine)
(H2O)n cluster ions. P.E. Hoerner, J. Beck,
M.P. Gaigeot
PHYS 474. Spectroscopic study of the effects
of local environment and deuteration on
the structure of trimethylamine N-oxide
(TMAO). L. McNamara, D.N. Reinemann,
H.U. Valle, J.C. Prather, P.L. Reves, D.H. Magers,
T.K. Hollis, G.S. Tschumper, N. Hammer
PHYS 475. Thermal decomposition of iron
dithiocarbamates. J.C. Becca, J.F. Fuller
PHYS 476. Enzymatic activation of nitric oxide.
J.C. Pearson, A.K. Wilson
PHYS 477. Characterizing novel solid-state
reaction intermediates using advanced in
situ X-ray diffraction techniques. C. Benson,
J. Cox, I. Walton, J.B. Benedict
PHYS 478. Withdrawn.
PHYS 479. Withdrawn.
PHYS 480. Spectroscopic characterization of
free-base bis(arylethynyl)porphyrins bearing
p-hydroxyphenyl substituents. K.K. Evens,
K.E. Splan
PHYS 481. Fingerprinting molecular structure
via photoinization out of Rydberg states
and microwave Rayleigh scattering.
R.D. Oster, S. Purohit, S. Atkins, F. Rudakov
PHYS 482. Impact of basis set completeness
on computed dissociation energies of
transition metal complexes. J. Plascencia,
A.K. Wilson
PHYS 483. On the B800-850 LH2 antenna
complex of the purple sulfur bacterium
Allochromatium vinosum. A. Kell, M. Jassas,
K. Hacking, R.J. Cogdell, R. Jankowiak
PHYS 484. Comments on the optical lineshape
function: Application to transient hole
burned spectra of bacterial reaction
centers. A. Kell, M. Reppert, T.O. Pruitt,
D. Sanchez, R. Jankowiak
PHYS 485. Critical assessment of the low-temperature optical spectra of the CP47
antenna protein complex of Photosystem
II: Revised structural assignments. J. Chen,
A. Kell, T. Reinot, M. Jassas, R. Jankowiak
PHYS 486. Heat capacity of oxygen atoms at
high temperatures. L. Biolsi
PHYS 487. Membrane catalyzed aggregation of
amylin using 2D IR spectroscopy. K. Rich,
M.T. Zanni
PHYS 488. Ab initio approaches for accurate
predictions of lanthanide thermochemistry.
C.C. Peterson, A.K. Wilson
PHYS 489. Evaluation of charge density
analysis methods. C.C. Jeffrey, M.J. Carlson,
A.K. Wilson
PHYS 490. Electron transfer rate modulation in
a compact Re(I) donor-acceptor complex.
Y. Yue, T. Grusenmeyer, M. Zheng, P. Zhang,
R.H. Schmehl, D.N. Beratan, I.V. Rubtsov

PHYS 491.

Study of low temperature oxidation

reactions of 2-methylfuran using synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry.
A.R. Smith, G. Meloni
PHYS 492. Gas-phase acidities of nitrated
azole species from the extended kinetic
method. C.M. Nichols, W. Old, W.C. Lineberger,
V.M. Bierbaum
PHYS 493. Modeling stopped-flow data for
nucleic acid duplex formation reactions.
A. Deckert, J. Sikora, B. Rauzan
PHYS 494. DSC and rheological study of
supercooled ethylene glycol-water mixture.
S. Kim, R. Fore, E. Kook, B.H. Milosavljevic
PHYS 495. Using kinetic models to understand
H atom reactions in solid parahydrogen.
F.M. Mutunga, D.T. Anderson
PHYS 496. Evaluation of a novel nontraditional
processing aid for the pulp and paper
industry. C. Kirwan, R. Hamm, B. Wilson,
L. Bava
PHYS 497. Template and model sets of protein
structures. I. Anishchanka, P. Kundrotas,
A. Tuzikov, I. Vakser
PHYS 498. Overcoming costly sampling
simulations using non-Boltzmann Bennets
acceptance ratio method to generate
potentials of mean force. P.S. Hudson,
F.L. Kearns, S. Boresch, H.L. Woodcock
PHYS 499. Development of bacteriochlorophyll
a potential energy surface by quantum
chemical calculations. C. Kim, Y.M. Rhee
PHYS 500. Environmental effect on excited
energy transfer in photosynthetic light
harvesting complex: Comparing Poisson
bracket mapping equation and reduced
hierarchical equation of motion. W. Lee
PHYS 501. Evaluation of defoamer chemistries
for brown stock washing. R. Hamm,
C. Kirwan, B. Wilson, L. Bava
PHYS 502. DsDNA-assisted dissolution of
tungsten (IV) disulfide in aqueous solution.
M. Simmons, X. Xu, W. Zhao
PHYS 503. Computational study of the
reduction by 2-propanol of acetophenone in
supercritical 2-propanol. D.B. Lawson
PHYS 504. Electron transmission in molecular electronics: A computational study.
B. Topham
PHYS 505. Effect of substitution on the rate
of benzyloxyl radical generation through a
1,2-Hydrogen atom shift: A computational
study. D.J. Van Hoomissen, S. Vyas
PHYS 506. Computational studies of inhibitor
binding to human immunodeficiency
virus, Type 2 (HIV-2) protease. R. Summay,
V.F. Waingeh
PHYS 507. Solid phase microextraction with
polystyrene- poly(dimethylsiloxane) block
copolymers. A. Schlaus
PHYS 508. Mixed polarization vibrational sum
frequency generation spectra of organic
semiconducting thin films. P.M. Kearns,
A.M. Massari
PHYS 509. Stochastic approach to reaction
diffusion modeling of the fragmentation
processes during heterogeneous oxidation
of organic aerosol. A.A. Wiegel, K.R. Wilson,
W. Hinsberg, F.A. Houle
PHYS 510. Characterization of a real-time tfor
isoprene epoxydiols-derived secondary
organic aerosol (IEPOX-SOA) from aerosol
mass spectrometer measurements. W. Hu,
P. Campuzano-Jost, B. Palm, D. Day, A. Ortega,
P. Hayes, Q. Chen, M. Kuwata, Y. Liu, S. Simoes
de Sa, S.T. Martin, M. Hu, S. Budisulistiorini,
J. Surratt, K. Docherty, G. Isaacman, A. Goldstein,
J. Clair, J.D. Crounse, P. Wennberg, J. Jimenez
PHYS 511. Water vapor enhancement of
peroxy radical reactions. S. Kumbhani,
T. Cline, M. Killian, J. Clark, L. Hansen, R.B. Shirts,
D. Robichaud, J.C. Hansen
PHYS 512. Kinetics of acid-catalyzed dehydration of aerosol cyclic hemiacetals formed
from the OH radical-initiated reaction of
n-pentadecane. A.P. Ranney, P. Ziemann
PHYS 513. Heterogeneous oxidation of liquid
and solid alkanes by OH in the presence
and absence of NO or SO2. N.K. RichardsHenderson, M.D. Ward, A. Goldstein, K.R. Wilson

PHYS 514.

Investigating index of refraction

trends in ammonium sulfate and glyoxal
reactions. M. Symons, M.D. Zauscher,
M.M. Galloway, D.O. Dehaan
PHYS 515. Determination of N-containing
conjugated brown carbon products In
glycolaldehyde, methylamine, and glycine
reaction mixtures. T. Kress
PHYS 516. Measurements of in-situ SOA
formation and chemistry using an oxidation
flow reactor. B.B. Palm, P. Campuzano-Jost,
D. Day, W. Hu, A.M. Ortega, S.S. de S, R. Seco,
J. Park, A. Guenther, S. Kim, J. Brito, F. Wurm,
P. Artaxo, R. Thalman, J. Wang, L. Kaser,
W. Jud, T. Karl, A. Hansel, J. Fry, S.S. Brown,
D. Draper, K.J. Zarzana, W.P. Dub, N. Wagner,
L. Hacker, A. Kiendler-Scharr, L. Yee, G. Isaacman,
A. Goldstein, R. Souza, A. Manzi, O. Vega, J. Tota,
M. Newburn, M. Alexander, S.T. Martin, W. Brune,
J.L. Jimenez
PHYS 517. SOA derived from isoprene
epoxydiols: Insights into formation, aging
and distribution over the continental US
from the DC3 and SEAC4RS campaigns. P. Campuzano Jost, B.B. Palm,
D. Day, W. Hu, A.M. Ortega, J. Jimenez, J. Liao,
K.D. Froyd, I. Pollack, J. Peischl, T.B. Ryerson,
J. Clair, J.D. Crounse, P. Wennberg, T. Mikoviny,
A. Wisthaler, L. Ziemba, B.E. Anderson
PHYS 518. Depositional ice nucleation on NX
illite and mixtures of NX Iilite with organic
acids. K.M. Primm, M. Tolbert, G. Schill
PHYS 519. Does the reaction of HO2 with NO
produce HONO2 and HOONO? L.A. Mertens,
H.M. Allen, M. Okumura, S.P. Sander
PHYS 520. Gas/particle partitioning of organic
acids during the southern oxidant and
aerosol study (SOAS): Measurements and
modeling. S. Thompson, L. Yatavelli, H. Stark,
J. Kimmel, W. Hu, B.B. Palm, P. Campuzano-Jost,
D. Day, G. Isaacman, A. Goldstein, R. Holzinger,
A. Khan, F. Lopez-Hilker, C. Mohr, J.A. Thornton,
J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop, J.L. Jimenez
PHYS 521. Reactions of resonantly-stabilized
free radicals that impact molecular weight
growth kinetics. K. Wang, S. Villano, A.M. Dean
PHYS 522. Hydration of Krypton in dilute and
concentrated solutions. M. Chaudhari,
S.L. Rempe, D. Sabo, L.R. Pratt
PHYS 523. Theoretical and experimental
studies on the radical-radical reaction: NO2
+ N2H3. G.L. Vaghjiani, H. Sun, S.D. Chambreau,
A. Schenk, C.K. Law
PHYS 524. Estimation of quantum effects in
atomic solids using quantum trajectory dynamics with dissipation. B. Gu,
V. Rassolov, S. Garashchuk
PHYS 525. Characterizing the effects of
noncovalent interactions on hydrated
azabenzene clusters: Charge localization
and charge transfer. J.T. Kelly, K.H. Bowen,
G.S. Tschumper, N. Hammer
PHYS 526. Intrinsic bonding patterns via
localized orbitals. J. Duchimaza, A. West,
M.W. Schmidt, M.S. Gordon, K. Ruedenberg
PHYS 527. Origins of long timescales in
solvation dynamics of nanoconfined liquids.
J. Harvey, W. Thompson
PHYS 528. Magnetic stability and relaxation in
single-molecule magnets: Insights from new
stochastic theories. D. Packwood, K. Reaves,
F. Federici Canova, I. Hamada, H. Katzgraber,
W. Teizer
PHYS 529. Multireference diagnostic criteria for
4d transition-metal-containing molecules.
J. Wang, S. Manivasagam, A.K. Wilson
PHYS 530. In search of an intrinsic chemical
bond. A. Morgenstern, T. Wilson, T. Jones,
J. Miorelli, M. Eberhart
PHYS 531. Density functional theory study
of the reduction of substituted quinones
by lumiflavin. E. Song, C.R. Reinhardt,
S. Bhattacharyay
PHYS 532. First-principles interpretation of
ultrafast time-resolved core-level spectroscopies investigating photo-induced
charge transfer. S. Pemmaraju, S. Neppl,
K. Siefermann, D. Prendergast, O. Gessner

Cooperative Cosponsorship

PHYS 533.

Hydrocarbon structure impacts

on the fumarate addition mechanism:
Perspectives on the biodegradation susceptibility of fuels from electronic structure
calculations. V.S. Bharadwaj, S. Vyas,
S. Villano, C.M. Maupin, A.M. Dean
PHYS 534. Intramolecular oxygen bond rearrangement reactions studied with density
functional theory: Thermodynamics vs.
kinetics. F.X. Vazquez
PHYS 535. Creating transferrable multiscale
models from all-atom data. M. McCullagh
PHYS 536. Molecular polarizability as a
descriptor of molecular conductance. S. K.
S. Mazinani, R. Vatan, T. Pilarisetty, J.L. Palma,
V. Mujica
PHYS 537. Modeling electron transfer through
hydrogen bonding. M. Wimmer, R. Vatan,
T. Pilarisetty, V. Mujica, J.L. Palma
PHYS 538. Raft environments assist the
aggregation of the transmembrane region
of Amyloid Precursor Protein. N. Miyashita,
F. Ogushi, Y. Sugita
PHYS 539. Influence of sequence and lipid
type on membrane perturbation by human
and rat amyloid -peptide (1-42). A. Brown,
D.R. Bevan
PHYS 540. Light chain internalizes into human
cardiomyocytes in a Dynamin-independent
way. Amyloid fibrils recruit soluble protein
in media and accelerate its internalization.
M. Marin-Argany, M. Ramirez-Alvarado
PHYS 541. Revisiting Thioflavin T as fibrilization
sensor: What is actually probed? J. Breffke,
M. Maroncelli
PHYS 542. Contributions of collision-induced
dissociation to collision crossSections measured using the crossSectional areas by
Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
(CRAFTI) approach. C. Harper, D.V. Dearden
PHYS 543. Theoretical study of the two-photon
circular dichroism of molecular structures
simulating aromatic amino acids residues
in proteins with secondary structures.
Y.K. Vesga Prada, M. Higgs, C. Diaz,
F. Hernandez
PHYS 544. Analyzing small DNA constructs via
chromophore model within the point dipole
approximation. P.G. Romano
PHYS 545. Octa-coordination and the hydrated
Ba^{2+}(aq) ion. M. Chaudhari, S.L. Rempe,
M. Soniat
PHYS 546. Inferring latent states and force
estimates via hierarchical Dirichlet process
modeling in single particle tracking experiments. C.P. Calderon
PHYS 547. Structure-activity and conformational-activity relationships of inhibitor of B
kinase-. M. Jones, A.K. Wilson
PHYS 548. New insight into the FMO antenna
protein: Hole burning and modeling study.
A. Kell, K. Acharya, M. Jassas, T. Reinot, J. Tang,
R. Jankowiak
PHYS 549. Computational study of folding thermodynamics and mechanism of Trp-cage
mutants with RSFF2. C. Zhou, F. Jiang, Y. Wu
PHYS 550. Engineering Aspects of Titania
Nanotube Synthesis. S.A. Ferdousi,
K.L. Yeung
PHYS 551. Natural boundary condition for
hydrodynamic transport is the slip boundary condition for all molecule sizes and all
solvents. S.R. Aragon
PHYS 552. Docking of protein models.
P. Kundrotas, I. Anishchenko, A. Tuzikov, I. Vakser
PHYS 553. Solvent effects on azobenzene
photodynamics with spin-flip time-dependent density functional theory and effective
fragment potential methods. K. Keipert,
Y. Harabuchi, M.S. Gordon
PHYS 554. Controlling the reactivity of large
molecules by remote protonation of a sidegroup. J. Ditkovich, D. Pines, E. Pines
PHYS 555. Bond energy orbitals: The concept
and some applications. E.A. Boudreaux


Section C

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 503

Colorado Convention Center

Room 501

Atmospheric Chemistry: Transformations

of Matter in the Troposphere
Gas Phase Atmospheric Chemistry
D. Cziczo, M. Freedman, Organizers
T. H. Bertram, J. Murphy, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 556. Reactions of atmospheric

peroxy radicals studied by synchrotron

VUV multiplexed photoionization mass
spectrometry. L.G. Dodson, L. Shen, J. Savee,
D.L. Osborn, N.C. Eddingsaas, S.P. Sander,
C.A. Taatjes, F.J. Grieman, M. Okumura
8:40 PHYS 557. Observation of the simplest
criegee intermediate, CH2OO, in the gasphase ozonolysis of ethylene. C. Womack,
M. Martin-Drumel, R. Field, M. McCarthy
9:00 PHYS 558. Comprehensive theoretical
mechanism for the Criegee intermediate-sulfur dioxide reaction. K.T. Kuwata,
E.J. Guinn, M.R. Hermes, J.A. Fernandez
9:20 Intermission.
9:35 PHYS 559. Ozone repsonses to climate
change and NOx reductions. R.C. Cohen
10:15 PHYS 560. New bond and photons paradigm for the tropospheric ozone budget.
P.M. Edwards, M.J. Evans
10:35 PHYS 561. How does nighttime oxidation
of biogenic VOCs impact daytime ozone?
J. Mao, J. Li, L. Horowitz, V. Naik, F. Paulot,
M. Lin, I. Pollack, T.B. Ryerson, P.M. Edwards,
K. Min, S.S. Brown, M. Graus, C. Warneke,
J. Gilman, B. Lerner, A. Neuman, J.B. Nowak,
P. Veres, J. Roberts, F. Lope-Hilker, B. Lee,
J.A. Thornton, J. Kaiser, F. Keutsch, G.M. Wolfe,
T.F. Hanisco, K. Wells, D. Millet, B. Henderson,
K. Aikin, J. de Gouw
11:00 PHYS 562. Novel method to estimate
and evaluate OH rate constants for
atmospherically relevant VOCs. R.T. Lidster,
J.F. Hamilton, A.C. Lewis, M.J. Evans,
A.R. Rickard, D.E. Heard, L.K. Whalley, D.R. Cryer,
J.C. Young
11:20 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Colorado Convention Center

Room 502

Carbon in the Galaxy: The Formation of

Complex Organics from the Outow of
Carbon Stars & Their Evolution
PAH-Related Processes
L. J. Allamandola, T. J. Lee, Organizers
H. Cuppen, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 563. Organic molecules in proto-

planetary disks: Probes of planet formation

and chemical evolution. J. Najita
8:35 PHYS 564. Gas phase ion chemistry of
complex organic species. V.M. Bierbaum,
C.A. Cole, Z. Wang, T.P. Snow
9:10 PHYS 565. Tying interstellar PAH emission
spectra and (photo)chemistry to local
physical conditions in the emission zones.
C. Boersma
9:45 Intermission.
10:15 PHYS 566. Dehydrogenation of PAHs:
First steps towards fullerenes in the ISM.
P. Castellanos Nash, J. Zhen, A. Candian,
H. Linnartz, A. Tielens
10:50 PHYS 567. Photochemical model of the
top down formation of fullerenes in the
interstellar medium. O. Berne, J. Montillaud,
C. Joblin
11:25 PHYS 568. Anharmonic bands in the
3-m region of acenes: A combined expermental and theoretical study. A. Petrignani,
E. Maltseva, A. Candian, A. Tielens, J. Oomens,
W. Buma

Computational Chemical Dynamics:

Advancing our Understanding of Chemical
Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular &
Condensed-Phase Systems: A Symposium
in Honor of Donald Truhlar
Macromolecular Dynamics
Cosponsored by COMP
J. Gao, B. Mennucci, Organizers
B. C. Garrett, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 569. Computationally guided

design and optimization of inhibitors of

macrophage migration inhibitory factor.
W.L. Jorgensen, D.J. Cole, M.J. Robertson
8:30 PHYS 570. Multiscale characterization of
macromolecular dynamics. C. Clementi
9:00 PHYS 571. Dynamic effects in dihydrofolate reductase catalysis. R.K. Allemann,
L. Luk, J. Loveridge
9:30 PHYS 572. Advancing ab initio molecular
dynamics via multiple-timestep methods.
R. Steele
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 PHYS 573. Toward a molecular theory
of early and late events in monomer to
amyloid fibril formation. J.E. Straub
10:40 PHYS 574. Large spatiotemporal-scale
quantum molecular dynamics simulations:
A divide-conquer-recombine approach.
A. Nakano, R.K. Kalia, K. Nomura, K. Shimamura,
F. Shimojo, P. Vashishta
11:10 PHYS 575. Sorbate dynamics in hierarchical porous materials. J.I. Siepmann, P. Bai,
E. Haldoupis, M. Tsapatsis
11:30 PHYS 576. Molecular dynamics simulations of ion transport in carbon nanotubes.
K.L. Shuford, O. Samoylova, E. Calixte
Section D

Colorado Convention Center

Room 504

Physical Electrochemistry of Electrocatalytic

Electrocatalysis of CO2
D. A. Scherson, Organizer
A. Co, Organizer, Presiding
A. R. Asthagiri, Presiding
8:30 PHYS 577. Understanding CO2 electrore-

duction on Cu electrodes through first-principles modeling. A.R. Asthagiri

9:10 PHYS 578. Extended -attraction -repulsion model for carbon monoxide adsorbed
on platinum-ruthenium-osmium-iridium
quaternary alloys. N. Dimakis, N.E. Navarro,
E.S. Smotkin
9:30 PHYS 579. Charge-state dependent electrocatalytic activity of discretely charged,
atomically-precise Au25(SR)18q nanoclusters
(q = -1, 0, +1). D. Kauffman, D. Alfonso,
C. Matranga, X. Deng, P. Ohodnicki, R. Siva, R. Jin
9:50 PHYS 580. Investing the electroreduction
pathway of carbon dioxide using surface
enhanced Raman spectroscopy. J. Billy,
E. Coleman, K. Muhlenkamp, A. Co
10:10 PHYS 581. Pyridine-catalyzed CO2
reduction on p-GaP photoelectrodes:
First-principles investigation of possible
reaction mechanisms. M. Lessio, C. Riplinger,
A.B. Muoz-Garca, E.A. Carter
Section E

Colorado Convention Center

Room 507

Modeling Complex Biomolecules: From

Structure to Dynamics & Function
Dynamics in Function and Inhibitor Design
Cosponsored by COMP
G. Hummer, Organizer
A. E. Garcia, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 PHYS 582. Predicting drug-target binding

kinetics through enhanced sampling simulations. F. Gervasio

8:35 PHYS 583. Activation and drug design of

a muscarinic G-protein coupled receptor.

Y. Miao, J.A. McCammon
9:10 PHYS 584. Prediction of mechanically hot
spots in protein-protein interactions using
perturbation response scanning method.
H. Abdizadeh, A. Atilgan, C. Atilgan
9:45 PHYS 585. Nucleotide-dependent
interaction of K-Ras4B hypervariable region
with Ras active site. T.S. Chavan, H. Jang,
L. Khavrutskii, V. Gaponenko, N.I. Tarasova,
R. Nussinov
10:20 PHYS 586. Elucidating protein function and dynamics through molecular
simulations and Markov state modeling:
Allostery through conformational selection.
R.E. Amaro, R. Malmstrom, S.S. Taylor, A. Kornev
10:55 PHYS 587. Folding kinetics and local
dynamics of the 60 nucleotide rRNA
GTPase center RNA. M.J. Rau, K.B. Hall

Division of Polymer
M. Jeffries-El, D. Boday and T. White, Program


8:30 Introductory Remarks.

POLY Programming Committee Meeting

(Lunch), 12:00 PM: Tue

8:40 POLY 14. Natures functionality on syn-

Modeling Excited States of Complex


Section A

complex interfaces: time-domain ab initio

studies. O.V. Prezhdo
8:40 PHYS 589. Geometric phase effects in
non-adiabatic dynamics near two-state
conical intersections. A.F. Izmaylov
9:20 PHYS 590. PYXAID program: a tool
for modeling excited state dynamics in
complex systems. A.V. Akimov, O.V. Prezhdo
9:40 PHYS 591. Self-trapping of excitons,
violation of condon approximation, and efficient fluorescence in conjugated cycloparaphenylenes. L. Adamska, J. Liu, S. FernandezAlberti, R. Jasti, S.K. Doorn, S. Tretiak
10:00 Intermission.
10:20 PHYS 592. Current view of surface
hopping. J.E. Subotnik, B.R. Landry
11:00 PHYS 593. Multidimensional effects in
nonadiabatic statistical theories of spin-forbidden kinetics. A. Jasper
11:40 PHYS 594. Semiclassical Monte-Carlo:
A first principles approach to nonadiabatic
molecular dynamics. A. White, V. Gorshkov,
R. Wang, S. Tretiak, D. Mozyrsky
12:00 PHYS 595. Modeling nonadiabatic photodynamics in aqueous environments with the
ab initio multiple spawning and effective
fragment potential methods. K. Keipert,
S.R. Pruitt, M.S. Gordon
Section G

Colorado Convention Center

Room 506

Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena

at the Single Molecule, Single Electron,
& Single Photon Level
D. J. Masiello, Organizer
S. Link, K. A. Willets, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 PHYS 596. Single molecule chemistry

probed by SERS and TERS at the nanometer length scale and picosecond time scale.
R.P. Van Duyne
9:05 PHYS 597. Optical characterization of
pinholes in passivation layers on electrode
surfaces. K. Marchuk, C. Renault, A.J. Bard,
K.A. Willets
9:25 PHYS 598. Plasmonic application in
imaging at the single cancer cell level.
M.A. El-Sayed
10:00 PHYS 599. Withdrawn.
10:20 PHYS 600. Probing magneto-plasmonic
phenomena at the single nanostructure
level. K.L. Knappenberger
10:55 PHYS 601. Following plasmonically-enhanced chemical reactions with ultrafast
Raman spectroscopies. R.R. Frontiera

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14



8:00 PHYS 588. Excited state dynamics at

Section C

Celebrating the Fifth Year Anniversary

of Polymer Chemistry (RSC)
Financially supported by Royal Society of Chemistry

Colorado Convention Center

Room 505

B. G. Levine, Organizer
S. A. Varganov, Organizer, Presiding

11:10 POLY 13. Glass transition dynamics of

biobased poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate). A. Codou, N. Guigo, M. Moncel, L. Martino,
J. Van Berkel, E. De Jong, N. Sbirrazzuoli

POLY Luncheon, 12:30 PM: Sun

POLY Luncheon, 12:30 PM: Mon
POLY Reception, 5:30 PM: Tue
POLY Breakfast, 7:30 AM: Tue
POLY Reception, 5:30 PM: Wed

Section F

Nonadiabatic Effects

10:40 POLY 12. Thiol-ene films derived

from phenolic acids. G. Yang, H. Tesefay,
M.L. Robertson

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Next Generation Smart Materials

Bio-inspired and Biomimetic Systems
Cosponsored by PMSE
Y. C. Simon, Organizer
E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 1. Poly(phthalaldehydes) as stim-

uli-responsive, depolymerizable materials

that are capable of providing amplified
responses. A.M. DiLauro, S.T. Phillips
9:05 POLY 2. Making smarter heparin-mimicking polymers. N. Ayres, Y. Huang, Q. Chai
9:35 POLY 3. Nucleobase hydrogen bonding
in polymers as a source of intelligence.
T.E. Long, K. Zhang, M. Aiba, S. Cheng,
W.D. Chiang
10:05 Intermission.
10:15 POLY 4. Poly(phosphoester)s: From
adhesives to stealth polymers. F. Wurm
10:45 POLY 5. Light-degradable polymers:
amplification strategies, response to new
wavelengths, and application to a clinical
challenge. J. Olejniczak, C. Carling, V. Nguyen
Huu, A. Garcia, J. Luo, K. Zhang, A. Almutairi
11:15 POLY 6. Folding single polymer chains.
C. Barner-Kowollik, J. Willenbacher, O. Altintas
11:45 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Putting Renewable Polymers to Work

D. Boday, E. C. Hagberg, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:05 POLY 7. Poly(-methyl -valerolactone)

as a scalable and renewable soft segment

for aliphatic polyester block polymers.
M.A. Hillmyer
8:35 POLY 8. Commercialization of triglyceride-based thermoplastic elastomers for
polymer modified asphalt pavements:
Where the (bio)rubber meets the road.
E.W. Cochran, R. Williams, N. Hernandez, M. Yan,
A. Hohmann, M.J. Forrester
9:05 POLY 9. Conversion of agricultural residues into value-added products. H. Cheng,
A. Biswas
9:35 Intermission.
9:50 POLY 10. Synthesis and functional properties of renewable polymers. R.M. Waymouth,
X. Zhang, B. Timothy, A.J. Ingram, K. Chung,
W. Ho, J. Hedrick
10:20 POLY 11. Design and synthesis of
eumelanin-inspired polymers derived from
vanillin. T.L. Nelson, R.P. Hopson, S. Selvaraju,
N. Sachinthani

D. M. Haddleton, B. S. Sumerlin, W. You,

Organizers, Presiding

thetic polymers zwitterions and inverse

zwitteirons. T. Emrick
9:10 POLY 15. Mimicry of photosynthesis: for
the synthesis of well-defined polymers.
S. Shanmugam, J. Xu, C. Boyer
9:40 POLY 16. New methodology for controlled
supramolecular polymerization. X. Zhang
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 POLY 17. Sequential one-pot organocatalytic polymerization of epoxides and cyclic
esters/carbonates. J. Zhao, D. Pahovnik,
Y. Gnanou, N. Hadjichristidis
11:00 POLY 18. Building smart materials from
poly(2-vinyl-4,4-dimethylazlactone) scaffolds. A.B. Lowe
11:30 POLY 19. Self-immolative polymersomes
for high-efficiency triggered release and
programmed enzymatic reactions. G. Liu,
X. Wang, S. Liu
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

General Topics: New Synthesis &

Characterization of Polymers
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers
A. Carlmark, F. Horkay, Presiding
8:00 POLY 20. Cartilage: architecture and
function. F. Horkay, P.J. Basser
8:20 POLY 21. Drug-functionalized cell-pen-

etrating peptides for enhanced delivery

and binding in myotonic dystrophy type 1
treatment. Y. Bai, L. Nguyen, Z. Song, J. Cheng,
S.C. Zimmerman
8:40 POLY 22. Novel biodegradable,
biocompatible and biofunctional block
copolymer scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. P.P. Smith, A.L. Rightler,
B.K. McConnell, F. Zhang, S.O. Streubel, S. Lu,
D. Price, S.G. Boyes
9:00 POLY 23. Protein:polymer conjugates via
graft-from ring-opening metathesis polymerization. S.A. Isarov, J.K. Pokorski
9:20 POLY 24. Polylactic acid composite
with natural fibers in food packaging.
S. Sedaghat
9:40 POLY 25. N-heterocyclic carbenes in
the organopolymerization of N-substitued
N-carboxy-anhydrides to polypeptoid. l.
Falivene, M. Alghamdi, L. Cavallo
10:00 POLY 26. Surface-initiated ring opening
polymerization of carbonates and siloxanes
from cellulose surfaces. S. Pendergraph,
G. Klein, M.K. Johansson, A. Carlmark
10:20 POLY 27. Optimizing photo-CuAAC
polymerization kinetic for dental restorative
materials. H. Song, A.D. Baranek, M. McBride,
T. Gong, A. Flores, J.W. Stansbury, C.J. Kloxin,
C. Bowman
10:40 POLY 28. Chemical modification reactions of polysaccharides studied in real time
by light scattering and viscometry-based
methods. V.C. Spier, A.M. Alb
11:00 POLY 29. Radiolabeled polymers to
probe the enhanced permeability and
retention effect. M.C. Parrott

11:20 POLY 30. Investigating polymerization

reactions with thermography: Differentiating

between bulk effects, thermal diffusion
and oxygen inhibition. C. Wappl, R. Geier,
H. Freiszmuth, C. Slugovc, G. Gescheidt
11:40 POLY 31. High performance hydrogels
based on melt-assembled networks of
sphere-forming block copolymers. J. Lewis,
T.S. Bailey
12:00 POLY 32. Smart polymers for on-demand
drug delivery. Y. Zhang, K. Cai, J. Cheng
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row I

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Cosponsored by ANYL and PMSE
Financially supported by The Dow Chemical
Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, NIST
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 33. Size exclusion chromatography/

gel permeation chromatography a blessing and curse of science and technology of

synthetic polymers. D. Berek
9:15 POLY 34. Industrial polymer analysis using
a solvent elimination IR detector. R. Allen,
S. Moyses, N. Jestel
9:45 POLY 35. Is SEC-Raman a feasible way of
measuring copolymer chemical heterogeneity? A.M. Striegel, L. Pitkanen, A.A. Urbas
10:15 Intermission.
10:30 POLY 36. Probing serum phase oligomer
in acrylic emulsion polymerization process
by GPC-RI/MS. T. Zhang, W. Gao, R. Even,
D. Kline
11:00 POLY 37. Characterization of novel
high temperature thermoplastic elastomers polybenzofulvene-block-polyisoprene-block-polybenzofulvene. J.W. Mays,
W. Wang, T. White, N. Kang, K. Hong, R. Schlegel,
M. Beiner, K. Williams, S.P. Gido
11:30 POLY 38. Ultrahigh performance size
exclusion chromatography of synthetic
polymers. M. Janco, J.N. Alexander,
E.S. Bouvier, D. Morrison
12:00 POLY 39. Advanced polymer chromatography: Method development tools for SEC
polymer analysis. D. Morrison, M. OLeary

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Next Generation Smart Materials

Bio-inspired and Biomimetic Systems
Cosponsored by PMSE
E. B. Berda, Y. C. Simon, Organizers
J. Foster, Organizer, Presiding
N. Zacharia, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 40. Progress towards the efficient

synthesis of polymers with precisely defined

mass, sequence, and stereochemistry.
J. Barnes, D. Ehrlich, F. Leibfarth, T.F. Jamison,
J.A. Johnson
2:05 POLY 41. Programed block copolymers:
At the end it is always good to be smart.
E.B. Coughlin
2:35 POLY 42. Tunable solid state fluorescent
materials for supramolecular encryption.
X. Hou, C. Ke, J.F. Stoddart
3:05 Intermission.
3:25 POLY 43. Dynamic-covalent nanoparticles
and self-healing hydrogels. S. Mukherjee,
C.C. Deng, W. Brooks, M. Hill, B.S. Sumerlin
3:55 POLY 44. Chirality-selected phase
behavior in ionic polypeptide complexes.
M.V. Tirrell



4:25 POLY 45. Responsive polypeptide-based

1:20 POLY 62. Very long, linear polymers from

star and triblock copolymers: Smart

function through morphology transitions.
G.A. Strange, A.J. Johnson, I. Smith, J.G. Ray,
D.A. Savin
4:55 Concluding Remarks.

tandem isomerization/alternating ring-opening metathesis polymerization (i-AROMP).

L. Tan, K.A. Parker, N.S. Sampson
1:40 POLY 63. Ring-opening metathesis
emulsion polymerization: A comparison of
commercial and homemade surfactants
and catalysts. S.R. Almahdali, K. Bukhriakov,
V. Rodionov
2:00 POLY 64. Withdrawn.
2:20 POLY 65. Incorporation and use of
imidazoles as a dually dopable moiety in
conjugated polymers. J.D. Harris, K.R. Carter
2:40 POLY 66. Pushing the limit of the RAFT
process: One-pot preparation of multiblock
copolymers. G. Gody, S. Perrier
3:00 POLY 67. RAFT polymerization of tertiary
amine-based methacrylate pH-responsive
monomers for smart MRI contrast agents.
L. Zhu, S. Powell, S.G. Boyes
3:20 POLY 68. Stille catalyst-transfer polycondensation using palladium catalysts for
the synthesis of well-defined conjugated
materials. Y. Qiu, T. Kowalewski, K.J. Noonan
3:40 POLY 69. Click by click strategy in
sequence controlled polymers synthesis.
W. Xi, S. Pattanayak, C.J. Kloxin, C. Bowman
4:00 POLY 70. New polymer synthesis strategy
based on multicomponent reactions.
R. Kakuchi, P. Theato
4:20 POLY 71. Design and synthesis of segmented conjugated polymers via acyclic
diene metathesis (ADMET). G. Singh,
R.M. Peetz
4:40 POLY 72. Synthesis and polymerization of
new 2-substituted vinylimidazolium salts.
D. Smith, T. Muzio, T.W. Smith
5:00 POLY 73. Aza-DielsAlder route to
polyquinolines. D.J. Dibble, M. Umerani,
A. Mazaheripour, Y. Park, A.A. Gorodetsky

Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Putting Renewable Polymers to Work

D. Boday, E. C. Hagberg, Organizers, Presiding
1:00 POLY 46. Diisocyanates and tackifiers
from isosorbide. M.D. Zenner, J.S. Chen
1:20 POLY 47. Benzyl chloride functionalized

polycarbonates: A versatile platform for the

synthesis of functional biodegradable polycarbonates. R. Ono, S. Liu, S. Venkataraman,
W. Chin, Y. Yang, J. Hedrick
1:50 POLY 48. Synthesis, characterization,
and bimodal blend studies of renewable
biobased epoxy resins from vanillyl alcohol.
E.D. Hernandez, J.M. Sadler, J.J. La Scala,
J.F. Stanzione
2:10 POLY 49. Selective organic catalysis in
the synthesis of materials from sustainable
resources by ring-opening polymerization.
A.P. Dove
2:40 Intermission.
2:55 POLY 50. Renewable polymers in hydraulic fracturing applications. J.R. Dorgan
3:25 POLY 51. Soy-based polymer surfactants
for personal care applications. A. Popadyuk,
H. Kalita, B.J. Chisholm, A.S. Voronov
3:45 POLY 52. From biorefinery to performance
technology: Transforming metathesized
renewables oils into high value products.
K.O. Havelka
4:15 POLY 53. Renewable feedstocks for the
polymer industry. E.C. Hagberg, P.D. Bloom
4:45 POLY 54. Polysaccharide circuit boards
for epidermal electronics. M.A. Daniele,
J.S. Erickson, A.J. Knight, S.A. Roberts,
K. Radom, S. Walper, J. Yuen
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Celebrating the Fifth Year Anniversary

of Polymer Chemistry (RSC)
Financially supported by Royal Society of Chemistry

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Cosponsored by ANYL and PMSE
Financially supported by The Dow Chemical
Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, NIST
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
Organizers, Presiding

D. M. Haddleton, B. S. Sumerlin, W. You,

Organizers, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:30 POLY 55. Hierarchical polymeric

nanoparticles separations and analyses

using field-flow fractionation. K.R. Williams
2:15 POLY 75. Self-organization phenomena
in biomacromolecules investigated by field
flow fractionation. A. Lederer
2:45 POLY 76. Asymmetrical flow field-flow
fractionation for the comprehensive
characterization of polymer assemblies.
F.M. Winnik
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 POLY 77. Measurement of size and certain
structural features of sub-nanokilometer
particles in suspension. P.J. Wyatt
4:00 POLY 78. Asymmetric flow field flow fractionation: A versatile tool for nanoparticle
separation. C. Rosu, R. Cueto, E. Reichmanis,
P.S. Russo
4:30 POLY 79. Semipreparative asymmetric
flow field-flow fractionation for nanoparticle
characterization. C. Bria, A. Ashames, P. Skelly,
S.R. Williams
5:00 POLY 80. Synthesis and characterization
of functional polymer nanoparticles via
sonogashira coupling. A. Prasher, D. Chao,
E.B. Berda
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

nanostructures from precision polymer

chemistry. S. Perrier
2:00 POLY 56. Sequence-controlled polymerizations: The Holy Grail is near. J. Lutz
2:30 POLY 57. Protein-polymer conjugates
by grafting to and grafting from methods.
H.D. Maynard, C. Decker, J. Ko, J. Lee,
T.H. Nguyen, E. Pelegri-ODay, N. Matsumoto
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 POLY 58. Synthesis of protein-polymer
conjugates with controllable activity through
site-specific conjugation. X. Li, L. Wang,
Y. Cai, L. Yuan, H. Wang, G. Chen, H. Chen
3:50 POLY 59. Entropy driven chain effects
on ligation. C. Barner-Kowollik, A. Lederer,
M. Coote, G. Grynova, K. Pahnke, F.G. Schmidt,
J. Brandt, N. Guimard
4:20 POLY 60. Mimicking complex biological
membranes and their programmable glycan
ligands. V. Percec
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

General Topics: New Synthesis &

Characterization of Polymers
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers
N. S. Sampson, W. Xi, Presiding
1:00 POLY 61. Solution processable polydia-

cetylenes (PDAs) through acyclic enediyne

metathesis polymerization (AEDMET). Y. Qin

Cooperative Cosponsorship

1:35 POLY 74. Size and composition-based

Research & Development

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Next Generation Smart Materials

Materials with Special Optical, Electronic
and Mechanical Behavior
Cosponsored by PMSE
E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Organizers
Y. C. Simon, Organizer, Presiding
C. K. Lyon, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 81. Mechanochromism of block
copolymer photonic gels. E. Chan,
E.L. Thomas
9:05 POLY 82. Development of mechanochem-

ical and thermal triggers for release of small

organic molecules. A.J. Boydston
9:35 POLY 83. Responsive photonic multilayers

from photo-crosslinkable polymers and

nanocomposites. R.C. Hayward
10:05 POLY 84. Voxelated liquid crystal elastomers. T.J. White, T.H. Ware, J. Wie
10:35 Intermission.
10:45 POLY 85. Stretchable electronic materials
and devices. Z. Bao
11:15 POLY 86. Applying reconfigurable
networks of charge-transporting polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons to problems in
energy storage. B.A. Helms, P.D. Frischmann,
L.C. Gerber, S.E. Doris, C. Li
11:45 POLY 87. Creating new architectures for
-conjugated semiconducting polymers.
C.K. Luscombe
12:15 Concluding Remarks.

8:35 POLY 95. Post-electrospinning derivatiza-

tion of polymer nanofibers with bioactive

species using translationally-relevant
chemical methods. J. Zheng, D.H. Reneker,
M. Becker
8:55 POLY 96. Sequential inverse vulcanization
and electropolymerization for conductive
plastic sulfur. P.T. Dirlam, J. Pyun
9:15 POLY 97. Manipulating conjugation in
electronic polymers: Chemical sensors and
precursor routes. J.G. Weis, T.M. Swager
9:35 POLY 98. Poly(Ionic liquid)s and their
block copolymers: Synthesis, characterization, self-assembly, and applications. H. He,
H. Nulwala, K. Matyjaszewski
9:55 Intermission.
10:10 POLY 99. Facile post-polymerization
modification of blocked isocyanate and
hydrazide containing polymers. E.A. Hoff,
B. Abel, C.A. Tretbar, C.L. McCormick, D.L. Patton
10:30 POLY 100. Sequencing in step-growth
polymerization: Influence of segment length
on thermomechanical properties of polysulfone-containing segmented polyesters.
J.M. Dennis, G.B. Fahs, R.B. Moore, S.R. Turner,
T.E. Long
10:50 POLY 101. Olefin cross-metathesis,
a mild, modular and efficient approach
towards functionalized cellulose esters.
X. Meng, J.B. Matson, K.J. Edgar
11:10 POLY 102. Scalable production of
mechanically tunable block polymers from
sugar. D.K. Schneiderman, M. Xiong, F.S. Bates,
K. Zhang, M.A. Hillmyer
11:30 Remarks by ACS President, Dr. Diane G.
Schmidt, and Photo Session
Section D

Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport in

Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys

Putting Renewable Polymers to Work

Barrier and Separation Behavior

Cosponsored by PRES

D. Boday, E. C. Hagberg, Organizers, Presiding
8:00 POLY 88. High performance cement

via cellulose nanocrystal addition.

J.P. Youngblood, R. Moon, J. Weiss, P. Zavattieri,
Y. Cao
8:30 POLY 89. Effect of the electrical double
layer on surface-initiated controlled radical
polymerization from cellulose nanocrystals in aqueous media. J.O. Zoppe, X. Xu,
H.A. Klok
8:50 POLY 90. Can hemicelluloses be used for
durable wood adhesives? E.E. Malmstrm,
E. Norstrm, L. Fogelstrm, P. Nordqvist,
F. Khabbaz
9:10 POLY 91. Multifunctional fluorescent
sensors for imaging the interphase in
polymer nanocomposites. J. Gilman, D. Fox,
J. Woodcock, J. Liddle, S. Stranick, R. Beams,
G. Myers, C. Davis, N. Chen, L. Sacui
9:40 Intermission.
9:55 POLY 92. Structured and functionalized
nanocellulose for controlled release and
implantation. J. Foster
10:25 POLY 93. Renewable thermoplastic
materials from cellulose. J.H. Wang, Y. Bai,
B. Zhou, Z. Yu, Q. Jia, W. Wang, H. Tan
10:55 POLY 94. Renewable thermoplastics from
lignin. A.K. Naskar, C.D. Tran, A.S. Bova
11:15 Concluding Remarks.
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Cosponsored by PRES, PROF, SOCED and YCC
Financially supported by IAB (ACS Polymer Division
Industrial Advisory Board)
C. J. Ellison, T. E. Long, Organizers
H. N. Cheng, C. J. Landry-Coltrain, Organizers,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Financially supported by Avery Dennison, 3M, Bayer

MaterialScience, Kuraray
J. C. Grunlan, M. Priolo, L. Wagberg, Organizers
P. Larsson, D. F. Schmidt, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 103. Electrospun composite mem-

branes of cellulose acetate (CAc) and poly

(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). L. Baghernejad, R. Ozer,
R. Mohan, O. Shoham, S. Odueyungbo, E.V. Iski
8:55 POLY 104. Assessing gas permeability
in polymer nanolaminates. E. Dunkerley,
D.F. Schmidt
9:25 POLY 105. Thermally reduced graphene
oxide-PEI multilayer thin films as electrically
conductive gas barrier layer. B. Stevens,
J.C. Grunlan
9:45 POLY 106. Stretchable gas barrier
achieved with partially hydrogen-bonded
multilayer nanocoating. K.M. Holder,
F. Xiang, B.R. Spears, M. Huff, M. Priolo, E. Harth,
J.C. Grunlan
10:05 Intermission.
10:25 POLY 107. Multilayered nanocomposites
containing high aspect ratio particulates.
S. Nazarenko
10:55 POLY 108. Polymer membranes for gas
and liquid separations. B.D. Freeman
11:25 POLY 109. Polymer composites for
gas separation membranes and sorbents.
W. Koros
11:55 POLY 110. Biomaterial-based barrier
materials and composites: A review on how
to prevent unwanted water interactions
and water-induced property deterioration.
P. Larsson, L. Wagberg

Section E

Section B

Section D

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row I

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Cosponsored by ANYL and PMSE

Innovations in Macromolecular Network


Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport

in Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys

Industrial Innovations in Polymer Chemistry

Cosponsored by BMGT

Energy, Electrical & Thermal

Cosponsored by PRES

Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

M. Hunt, C. Lipscomb, Organizers, Presiding

Financially supported by Avery Dennison, 3M, Bayer

MaterialScience, Kuraray

Financially supported by The Dow Chemical

Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, NIST
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 111. Polysaccharide characteri-

zation using asymmetrical flow field-flow

fractionation and multiangle light scattering
(AF4-MALS): Successes and challenges.
L. Nilsson
9:20 POLY 112. Asymmetrical flow FFF coupled
with light scattering for the separation and
the structural characterization of glucopolymers with various branching patterns.
A. Rolland-Sabate, F. Grimaud, R. Irague,
S. Guilois, D. Lourdin, J. Putaux, G. PotockiVronse, A. Bulon
9:55 POLY 113. Characterization of hyaluronic
acid and polymer JR using size exclusion
chromatography with advanced detection
techniques. X.M. Liu, E. Maziarz
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 POLY 114. Challenges associated
with size exclusion chromatography of
amphiphilic cellulose ether materials.
D.M. Meunier, Y. Li, E.M. Partain, M. Brackhagen,
P. Oliver
11:20 POLY 115. New approach to overcome
hydrophobic interaction in cellulose ethers
for reliable molecular weight characterization. Y. Li, D.M. Meunier, D. Redwine,
M. Brackhagen, R. Adden
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Opportunities and Challenges for Health,
Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Integrating Chemistry and Polymer Science
Research into the Classroom
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE
and POLY

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 POLY 122. Sustainable carbon sources

for the chemical industry: CO2 is becoming

a direct and indirect component in polyurethane plastics. C. Guertler, K. Malsch,
M. Wohak, A. Wolf, A. Bardow, N. von der Assen,
W. Leitner, T.E. Mueller
2:05 POLY 123. Building a portfolio of renewable diols for unsaturated polyester resins.
E.C. Hagberg, P.D. Bloom
2:35 POLY 124. From literature research to
industrial production and back again: A
polymers tale. L.M. Stratton, B. Gordon
III, T.W. Smith, K.M. Kayne
3:05 POLY 125. Living polymerization routes to
siloxane macromers. J.D. Goff, B. Arkles
3:35 POLY 126. Enhanced material properties
from new isomer configurations of polyetherimides. P.M. Johnson
4:05 Intermission.
4:20 POLY 127. Pushing the boundaries for
hydrocarbon extraction in the oil & gas
industry through block copolymer technology. E.B. Murphy
4:50 POLY 128. Advances in polyethyelene.
M. Demirors
5:20 POLY 129. Abundant, low cost U.S. shale
gas supply stimulates polyolefins renaissance. P. Brant
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Cosponsored by PRES, PROF, SOCED and YCC
Financially supported by IAB (ACS Polymer Division
Industrial Advisory Board)
H. N. Cheng, C. J. Landry-Coltrain, Organizers
C. J. Ellison, T. E. Long, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 Recognition of Poster Presenters.
1:45 POLY 130. Unexpected anomalous

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Next Generation Smart Materials

Composite Materials and Smart Processes
Cosponsored by PMSE
Y. C. Simon, Organizer
E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 116. Ionic polymer carbon com-

posites as a new design for electroactive

actuators and sensors. R.B. Moore
2:05 POLY 117. Thermal properties of polymer-inorganic composites. M. White
2:35 POLY 118. Covalently linked polymerclay
nanocomposites: Polymer brushes grafted
from lamellar organosilicates. S.L. Burkett,
K.A. Winchell, E.W. Vaimberg
2:55 Intermission.
3:15 POLY 119. Synthesis and characterization
of ionically crosslinked polymer networks.
K.A. Cavicchi
3:45 POLY 120. Vinylic vitrimers. M. Rttger,
R. Nicolay, L. Leibler
4:15 POLY 121. Combined hydrophobicity and
mechanical durability through surface nanoengineering. P.R. Elliott, S.P. Stagon, H. Huang
4:45 Concluding Remarks.

diffusion in associating protein hydrogels.

S. Tang, M. Wang, B.D. Olsen
2:05 POLY 131. Reducing-environment
sensitive synthetic hydrogels for controlled
delivery of therapeutics. P.M. Kharkar,
A.M. Kloxin, K.L. Kiick
2:25 POLY 132. Photodegradable hydrogels for
studying axon guidance and the user-directed formation of neural circuits. T. Brown,
D. McKinnon, K.S. Anseth
2:45 POLY 133. Molecular N-dopants and
N-dopable conjugated polymers. B. Naab,
S. Zhang, X. Gu, E. Evans, T. Kurosawa,
K. Vandewal, A. Salleo, G.L. Millhauser, S. Barlow,
S.R. Marder, Z. Bao
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 POLY 134. High-throughput screening of
electrochromic polymers toward neutral
colors. M.T. Otley, G.A. Sotzing
3:40 POLY 135. Chiral transmission to self-assembling nanostructures from circularly
polarized light. J. Yeom, B. Yeom, H. Chan,
K. Smith, S. Dominguez-Medina, J. Bang,
G. Zhao, W. Chang, S. Chang, A. Chuvilin,
D. Melnikau, A. Rogach, P. Zhang, S. Link, P. Kral,
N. Kotov
4:00 POLY 136. Polymer-particle rheological
analysis of adsorbed cement additives
for improved processing. L.R. Murray,
E.G. Soltys, K.A. Erk.
4:20 POLY 137. Efficient simulation of the
molecular scale behavior of polymer melts:
Understanding polymer dynamics and
rheology. N.A. Rorrer, J.R. Dorgan

J. C. Grunlan, M. Priolo, L. Wagberg, Organizers

S. T. Iacono, J. P. Youngblood, Presiding

Undergraduate Research Posters

Polymer Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE,

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 POLY 138. Electrical and thermal con-

ductivity of PAN/CNT composite fibers for

heating behavior. A. Chien, S. Kumar
1:55 POLY 139. Aqueous MWCNT dispersions
and their highly thermally conducting coatings. J. Texter, X. Ma, R. Crombez
2:25 POLY 140. Thermal and other properties in
cellulose nanocrystal composite materials.
J.P. Youngblood, J.A. Diaz, A. Martini, R. Moon
2:55 POLY 141. Thermal and electrical
transport in nanoconfined poly(3-hexylthiophene)-multi-walled carbon nanotube
composite fibers. M.K. Smith, V. Singh,
K. Kalaitzidou, B.A. Cola
3:15 Intermission.
3:25 POLY 142. Metallized perfluoropolyether
nanocomposites: New materials for structural energetics. S.C. Kettwich, J. McCollum,
K.S. Kappagantula, N. Clayton, E. Avjian,
H.A. Miller, D.W. Ball, M. Pantoya, S.T. Iacono
3:55 POLY 143. Soft, compressible and fully
Interdigitated 3D energy storage devices
built by layer-by-layer assembly inside aerogels. M.M. Hamedi, L. Wagberg, G. Nystrm,
A. Marais, E. Karabulut, Y. Cui
4:25 POLY 144. Hybrids of conducting
polymers and carbon nanotubes for harvesting electrical energy and thermoelectric
cooling. C. Yu
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Cosponsored by ANYL and PMSE
Financially supported by The Dow Chemical
Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, NIST
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 145. Temperature gradient

interaction chromatography: Principle and

applications. T. Chang
2:15 POLY 146. Gradient elution at critical
point of adsorption: Separation by chemical
composition and microstructure. Y. Brun,
C.J. Rasmussen
2:45 POLY 147. Use of 2-D chromatographic
techniques to elucidate macromolecular
structures. J.A. McConville, P. Kilz, M. Adler,
W. Radke, D. Lohmann
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 POLY 148. Online 2D aTREF-hSEC technique for polyolefins characterization. Y. Yu,
M. Hildebrand, M.A. Stepp, P.J. DesLauriers,
C.C. Tso
4:00 POLY 149. High temperature liquid
chromatography of Polyolefin. R. Cong,
W. deGroot
4:30 POLY 150. Dual flow refractive index
detection for polymer analysis by high
temperature gel permeation chromatography. A.K. Brewer
5:00 POLY 151. Exploring a chiral cross-linker
by molecular imprinting using chromatographic and batch rebinding techniques.
B. Hebert, D. Meador, D. Spivak

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

M. Jeffries-El, D. Boday and T. White, Organizers
8:00 - 10:00
POLY 152.

inorganic nanoparticles as solid-solid phase
change materials: Effect of spacer length,
molecular weight and graft density on heat
storage capacity. K.A. Stockmal, S. Granados

233-234, 243-245, 249-250, 256, 267, 270, 274,

278-279, 282, 284, 286, 288-289, 292-293, 296,
298, 306, 310-313, 315, 319-320, 323, 330, 343,
347, 369-371. See subsequent listings.

STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum
Polymer Science Education and the NGSS
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE,

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry

Award in Honor of Todd Emrick
M. Jeffries-El, T. P. Russell, Organizers
R. C. Hayward, J. Pyun, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 153. From molecules to functional

materials: Controlling structure and properties through synthesis. R.B. Grubbs

9:05 POLY 154. Metal oxide nanoparticle
hybrids: New photoresists with extraordinary sensitivity. J. Jiang, B. Zhang, L. Li,
E.P. Giannelis, C.K. Ober
9:35 POLY 155. Harnessing biomimetic catch
bonds to create mechanically robust
nanoparticle networks. B. Iyer, V.V. Yashin,
A.C. Balazs
10:05 POLY 156. Exploiting reversible-covalent
chemistry to investigate materials and
mechanisms. H. Sun, C.P. Kabb, S. Mukherjee,
B.S. Sumerlin
10:35 POLY 157. Importance of the intricate
linkage of the needs of particular
biomedical applications to the design
characteristics of functionally-sophisticated
nanoscopic macromolecules to achieve
efficacy. K.L. Wooley
11:05 POLY 158. Bioconjugate and hybrid
systems prepared by atom transfer radical
polymerization. K. Matyjaszewski
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Energy and Materials

Cosponsored by PMSE
S. T. Iacono, Organizer
S. Clarson, A. Sellinger, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.



8:40 POLY 159. Stability of substituted ben-

Section D

zyltrimethyl ammonium cations in caustic

environments. M.R. Sturgeon, H. Long,
C. Macomber, D.M. Knauss, Y. Yang, B.S. Pivovar
9:10 POLY 160. Interplay between relaxations and structure in anion-exchange
membranes (AEMs). V. Di Noto, G. Nawn,
K. Vezz, F. Bertasi, E. Negro, S. Lavina, A. Maes,
A.M. Herring, S. Ertem, E. Coughlin
9:30 POLY 161. Hydroxide conductive benzyltrimethylammonium functionalized polysulfone-polyformal multiblock copolymers for
alkaline fuel cells. D.J. Strasser, D.M. Knauss
9:50 POLY 162. Understanding ionomer thin
films. A.Z. Weber, A. Kusoglu, S. Shi, M. Tesfaye
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 POLY 163. Diffusion NMR as a tool for
understanding ion and solvent transport
in anion exchange membranes. H. Sarode,
Y. Yang, A.M. Herring
10:55 POLY 164. Hydroxide degradation
mechanism for cations in anion exchange
membranes: A computational study.
H. Long, B.S. Pivovar
11:15 POLY 165. Polymer materials for energy
applications: Structure-function studies of
porous polymers. S. Sivaram
11:35 POLY 166. Carbon/zirconia/fluoroionomer nanocomposites as polyelectrolyte-membrane fuel cell electrocatalyst
support. S.E. Creager, J.A. Shetzline


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

Section A

General Topics: New Synthesis &

Characterization of Polymers

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers

K. M. Miller, T. Vokata, Presiding

Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry

Award in Honor of Todd Emrick

8:00 POLY 178. Michael addition poly-

M. Jeffries-El, T. P. Russell, Organizers

R. C. Hayward, J. Pyun, Presiding

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Plaza Court 8

Undergraduate Research in Polymer Science

Financially supported by Sabic Innovative Plastics,
IAB (ACS Polymer Division Industrial Advisory Board)
S. E. Morgan, S. I. Nazarenko, Organizers,
8:00 POLY 167. Hydrolytically stable bio-adaptable thiol-ene network. D.A. Zamorano,
R. Reit, D. Simon, B.R. Lund, T. Ware, W. Voit
8:15 POLY 168. Synthesis of p(NIPAM)-p(DMA)
copolymers for protein conjugation. D. Park,
M.N. Zhou, J.W. Lowe, K. Chiu, S.L. Goh
8:30 POLY 169. Protein adsorption characteris-

tics of amphiphilic starch-containing hybrid

polymer films. A.R. Linehan, A. Sengupta,
P.M. Iovine
8:45 POLY 170. Expanding the one step acid
hydrolysis/Fischer esterification of cellulose
nanocrystals. S. Spinella, V. Hepworth,
A. Maiorana, Q. Qian, R.A. Gross
9:00 POLY 171. Design and synthesis of
pH-responsive polymers to aid in cancerous tumor detection. K. Farquhar, L. Zhu,
S.G. Boyes
9:15 Intermission.
9:30 POLY 172. Antioxidant copolymers in biological applications. D.M. Barber, T.A. Brenner,
L. Qiao, S.L. Goh
9:45 POLY 173. Fabrication of conducting polymer/silk composite films with
topographically nanopatterned surfaces.
N. Ostrovsky-Snider, S. Severt, J. Larson,
A. Murphy
10:00 POLY 174. Synthesis of hollow
polydimethylsiloxane microspheres.
S.J. Fuchs, J.M. Rankin, K.S. Suslick
10:15 POLY 175. Synthesis of resorcinarene-core polylactide/polyethylene glycol
star block copolymers using click chemistry: Optimizing polymer coupling reactions
using No-D NMR spectroscopy. W.H. Horn,
A.E. Tipton, P.S. Corbin
10:30 POLY 176. Shrinkage stress in twostage reactive polymer systems. B. Earle,
S. Chatani, M. Podgorski, C. Bowman
10:45 POLY 177. Investigation of
trans-1,4-polyisoprene as an organogelator for organic solvents. P.G. Thomas,
K.A. Cavicchi

Cooperative Cosponsorship

ester networks from imidazolium and

1,2,4-triazolium polymerizable ionic liquids.
K.M. Miller
8:20 POLY 179. Novel polyurethane/polyhydroxyurethane hybrid polymers and their
applications as elastomers and adhesive
bonding agents. E.K. Leitsch, W.H. Heath,
J.M. Torkelson
8:40 POLY 180. Polyurea glycopolymers from
lactose and mannose modified-diamines
with different diisocyanate comonomers:
Synthesis and anticoagulant properties.
Y. Huang, M.A. Shaw, E.S. Mullins, N. Ayres
9:00 POLY 181. Novel poly(borosiloxane)s
and their properties. P. Puneet, R. Vedarajan,
N. Matsumi
9:20 POLY 182. Reverse anomeric effect (RAE)mediated syntheses of sugar poly(orthoesters). L. Li, K. Knickelbein, J. Wang,
M.J. Obrinske, W. Du
9:40 POLY 183. New monomers and catalysts for nonisocyanate polyurethanes.
R. Lambeth
10:00 POLY 184. Synthesis of biodegradable
conjugated polymers with controlled backbone flexibility. T. Vokata, J. Moon
10:20 POLY 185. Baylis-Hillman reaction as
a versatile platform for the synthesis of
densely functionalized polymers. A. Joy,
C. Peng
10:40 POLY 186. Redox-switchable copolymerization reactions. J. Byers, A.B. Biernesser,
K. Delle Chiaie, J. Curley
11:00 POLY 187. Reverse-selective gas separation membranes based on segmented
copolymers of PEO and iptycene-containing polyimides. R. Guo, S. Luo, G. Kline
11:20 POLY 188. Donor-acceptor conjugated
polymers with modular electronic properties
and very narrow band gaps. J.D. Azoulay,
B. Zhang
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row I

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Cosponsored by ANYL and PMSE
Financially supported by The Dow Chemical
Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, NIST
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 189. Polymer separations utilizing

2D liquid chromatography: Inherent limitations and perspectives. M.R. Schure

9:15 POLY 190. Computational/theoretical
studies of polymer separations by liquid
chromatography at critical condition
(LCCC). Y. Wang
9:45 POLY 191. Framework for exploring the
effect of physical and chemical heterogeneities on polymer-surface interactions.
C.R. Snyder, C.M. Guttman, E.A. Di Marzio
10:15 Intermission.
10:30 POLY 192. Measurement of the surface
interaction of solvated chains via model
end-tethered polymer layers and self-consistent field theory. R. Sheridan, S.V. Orski,
R.L. Jones, S. Satija, K. Beers
11:00 POLY 193. Computations related to
nanoparticle characterization and nanocomposite property estimation. F. VargasLara, A. Hassan, E.J. Garboczi, J. Douglas
11:30 POLY 194. Monovalent counter-ion
mediated self-assembly of dendrimers.
S. Eghtesadi

1:30 POLY 195. Surface modification of porous

polymer membranes to reduce fouling by

oil/water emulsion. B.D. Freeman
2:00 POLY 196. Micelle engineering via crystallization-driven self-assembly. I. Manners
2:30 POLY 197. Tuning dispersion of nanoparticles in polymer matrices. R.C. Hayward
3:00 POLY 198. Getting dopey with polymers
and nanoparticles. J. Pyun
3:30 POLY 199. New approaches to designer
polymers. C.J. Hawker
4:00 POLY 200. Structuring liquids with
nanoparticles. M. Cui, T. Emrick, C. Huang,
T.P. Russell
5:00 POLY 201. Tailoring polymer synthesis for
materials and devices. T. Emrick
5:30 Concluding Remarks.

1:45 POLY 211. Improving flame resistance and

softness of cotton fabric with ultrasonication rinsing of multilayered nanocoating.

M. Krecker, T. Guin, A. Milhorn, J.C. Grunlan
2:00 POLY 212. Development of hybrid magnetic cylindrical nanoparticles for pollutant
remediation in aqueous environments.
S.M. Ward, A. Pava-Sanders, J.A. Flores,
J.D. Russell, K.L. Wooley
2:15 Intermission.
2:30 POLY 213. Dynamic topology of thermally-responsive materials via Diels-Alder
chemistry. M. Markmann, M.R. Martinez,
E.D. Crenshaw, T. Kleine, P.J. Costanzo
2:45 POLY 214. Withdrawn.
3:00 POLY 215. Strategies for recovery of
Ru catalyst residues in olefin metathesis
reactions. W. Guzman, J. Suriboot, J. Andrews,
D. Bergbreiter
3:15 POLY 216. Synthesis and characterization of a block copolymer containing and
self-immolative block. A. Engler, A. Lane,
C.G. Willson
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 Panel Discussion.
Section D

Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Polymer Composites and High Performance


Energy and Materials

Cosponsored by PMSE
S. T. Iacono, Organizer
S. Clarson, A. Sellinger, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 POLY 202. Method of fabricating

perfluorosulfonimde (PFSI) electrolyte materials. J.S. Thrasher, T.S. Sayler, A.V. Matsnev,
R.E. Fernandez
2:00 POLY 203. Highly conductive alkaline
poly(phenylene oxide) poly(vinyl benzyl
trimethyl ammonium) diblock membrane
for anion exchange membrane fuel cell
applications. T.P. Pandey, M.W. Liberatore,
A.M. Herring
2:20 POLY 204. Diblock copolymers of
oxide)-b-poly(vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium) prepared by nitroxide mediated
polymerization for anion exchange membranes. Y. Yang, D.M. Knauss
2:40 POLY 205. Transport and morphology of
polymerized ionic liquid block copolymer
anion exchange membranes with various
cations. K.M. Meek, F.L. Beyer, Y.A. Elabd
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 POLY 206. High-modulus, high-conductivity nanostructured polymer electrolyte
membranes via polymerization-induced phase separation. M.W. Schulze,
L.D. McIntosh, M.A. Hillmyer, T.P. Lodge
3:45 POLY 207. Morphology and transport in a
tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl) phosphonium
functionalized PPO for alkaline fuel cells.
Y. Liu, B. Zhang, Y. Yang, S. Seifert, Y. Yan,
M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring
4:05 POLY 208. Withdrawn.
4:25 POLY 209. Ion transport in polymer
electrolyte membranes for state of the
art energy conversion technologies.
A.M. Herring, G.A. Voth, T. Witten, E.B. Coughlin,
D.M. Knauss, Y. Yan, M.W. Liberatore
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Plaza Court 8

Undergraduate Research in Polymer Science

Financially supported by Sabic Innovative Plastics,
IAB (ACS Polymer Division Industrial Advisory Board)
S. E. Morgan, S. I. Nazarenko, Organizers,
1:30 POLY 210. Rheological and morphological

characterization of fractionated rigid-rod

sulfone polymers. J. Tropp, K.M. Knauer,
S.E. Morgan

Functional High Performance Polymers

J. W. Gilman, M. Meador, M. Meador, S. E.
Morgan, D. Savin, Organizers
J. Woodcock, Presiding
1:30 POLY 217. Interactions between structure

and properties that control moisture uptake

in high-performance polycyanurates.
A.J. Guenthner, M. Wright, A. Chan, J.T. Reams,
K.R. Lamison, M.D. Ford, S.P. Kirby, J.J. Zavala,
V. Vij, J.M. Mabry
2:00 POLY 218. Tuning the glass transition temperature and energy damping capabilities
of thiol-ene thermoset networks. O. McNair,
A. Janisse, D.A. Savin
2:30 POLY 219. Alternative high performance
polymers for ablative thermal protection
systems. T. Boghozian
2:50 POLY 220. Versatile conjugated polymer/
di-ureasil hybrid materials: From enhanced
emission quantum yields to white light
emission. N. Willis-Fox, A. Marques, M. Kraft,
U. Scherf, H. Burrows, R.C. Evans
3:10 POLY 221. Intrachain radical chemistry
as a facile route to well-defined polymeric
nanostructures. E.B. Berda, J. Dickinson,
J. Cole
3:40 POLY 222. Oxygen permeation and
thermoset degradation with temperature.
M.C. Celina, N. Giron, A. Quintana
4:10 POLY 223. Improving mechanical properties of highly branched perfluorinated
polymer membranes. M.J. Quast, A.D. Argall,
C.J. Hager, A. Mueller
4:30 POLY 224. Development of flexible
polyimide-urea aerogels cross-linked with a
triisocyanate. B.N. Nguyen, M. Meador
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Cosponsored by ANYL and PMSE
Financially supported by The Dow Chemical
Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, NIST
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
Organizers, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 225. Asymmetric flow field flow frac-

tionation: An effective separation technique

for polymers for which SEC/GPC fails.
S. Podzimek

2:15 POLY 226. Root causes of molecular

POLY 242.

Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport in

Polymer Nanocomposites & Alloys
Cosponsored by PRES

Effects of Confinement on Structure

and Proton Conductivity of PFSA. V. Sim,
W. Han, S.A. Ferdousi, K.L. Yeung
POLY 243. Design and synthesis of stable
angular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
J.T. Ly, L. Zhang, A.L. Briseno
POLY 244. Preparation of polypyridylruthenium
light harvesting polymers and application in
water oxidation catalyst assembly. J. Jiang,
G. Leem, Z. Chen, T. Pho, S. Keinan, Z. Fang,
E. Puodziukynaite, J.R. Reynolds, K.S. Schanze
POLY 245. Development and characterization
of layer-by-layer assembled ferrocene
polymer/enzyme films for usage as biofuel
cell anodes. N.P. Godman, J. DeLuca,
D. Schmidtke, D.T. Glatzhofer
POLY 246. Synthesis and characterization of
semifluorinated polyarylene copolymers.
S.M. Budy, J. Jin, D.A. Loy, S.T. Iacono
POLY 247. Bandgap tuning of silicon quantum
dots using organic surface ligands.
R. Anderson, J. Bell, B. Gorman, A. Sellinger,
M. Lusk
POLY 248. Synthesis and characterization of water stable, silicotungstic acid
functionalized perfluorocyclobutyl polymer
electrolyte. A. Motz
POLY 249. Cyclopentadiene-containing -conjugated polymers. L. Chen, A. Pietrangelo
POLY 250. Modifying the bandgap of ITO
and ZnO by 2eV using novel conjugated
aromatic phosphonic and carboxylic
acid ligands. B.W. McNichols, U. Koldemir,
J.L. Braid, A. Morgenstern, M.E. Eberhart,
R.T. Collins, D.C. Olson, A. Sellinger

Financially supported by Kuraray, Avery Dennison,

Bayer MaterialScience, 3M

Section F

weight loss of poly(cyclic butylene terephthalate) in pCBT/clay nanocomposites

during processing. J.W. Lyons, J.J. Kiefer
2:45 POLY 227. Leveraging polymer separation
science to design new materials. S. Moyses,
R.W. Allen, N. Jestel
3:15 Intermission.
3:30 POLY 228. Monitoring kinetics of polymeric processes. M.F. Drenski, C.A. McFaul,
A.M. Alb, F. Twigg, C. Jarand, W.F. Reed
4:00 POLY 229. Polymeric antileaching agents
that facilitate homogeneous catalysis.
M.L. Harrell, C. Torres-Lopez, K. Gonzalez,
D.E. Bergbreiter
4:30 POLY 230. Combined hydrophobic/oleophobic membrane separation and extraction
for fuel treatment. A.J. Guenthner, J.T. Reams,
K.T. Greeson, K.R. Lamison, A.S. Vam, S.P. Kirby,
A. Kota, G. Kwon, A. Tuteja, J.M. Mabry
5:00 POLY 231. Surface patterning of ultrafiltration membranes to mitigate particulate
and protein fouling. S. Maruf, Y. Ding,
A.R. Greenberg, J. Pellegrino

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

J. C. Grunlan, M. Priolo, L. Wagberg, Organizers

6:00 - 8:00
POLY 232.

Polyethylene-based composites
containing graphene platelets: Enhanced
barrier and electrical properties via
multilayer coextrusion and interdiffusion.
K.P. Meyers, J.J. Decker, D.R. Paul, D.A. Schiraldi,
S.I. Nazarenko
POLY 233. Investigating the reactivity of aluminum-based thermites with PFPE additive.
J.M. McCollum, M. Pantoya, S.T. Iacono
POLY 234. Effect of reinforcement fabrics on
free standing thin film thermite mechanical
properties and combustion. B. Clark,
M. Pantoya, R. Heaps, M. Daniels
POLY 235. Polyketone nanocomposite with
non-covalently functionalized graphene for
enhanced moisture barrier property. I. Jeon,
T. Lee, J. Cho
POLY 236. Inter- and Intra- molecular interactions in some oligothiophenes and ethylenedioxythiophenes: X-ray single crystal
structural analysis. P.T. Pham, M.M. Bader
POLY 237. Molecular modeling of electrical
and thermal resistance across carbon nanotube and graphene nanoribbon contacts.
B.L. Farmer, V. Vasrhney, S. Shenogin, J. Lee,
A.A. Voevodin, A.K. Roy
POLY 238. Withdrawn.
POLY 239. Improved dielectric breakdown
strength of nanocomposites containing surface modified fillers. M.H. Bell,
M. Mohammadkhani, B.C. Benicewicz, T. Krentz,
Y. Huang, L. Schadler, S. Virtanen
POLY 240. Energy transport in molecules
with repeating units occurs ballistically. N. Rubtsova, C.M. Nyby, H. Zhang,
J. Jayawickramarajah, I.V. Rubtsov
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Energy and Materials

Cosponsored by ENFL and PMSE
S. Clarson, S. T. Iacono, A. Sellinger, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 241.

Synthesis of dendronized polymers

and their self-assembly to nanostructured
materials. P.E. Guzmn, R.H. Grubbs

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Cosponsored by PRES, PROF, SOCED and YCC
Financially supported by IAB (ACS Polymer Division
Industrial Advisory Board)
H. N. Cheng, Organizer
C. J. Ellison, C. J. Landry-Coltrain, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 251.

Fluorescence conjugated microporous polymers with amino receptors

as metal cation chemosensor. A. Chen,
J.L. Duffy-Matzner, W.E. Bernier, W.E. Jones
POLY 252. Roles of quinoidal character, regioregularity, and polydispersity in determining
the photovoltaic performance of conjugated
copolymers. T. Zheng, L. Yu
POLY 253. Magnetic core-fluorescent conjugated polymer shell nanoparticles prepared
by surface-initiated Kumada polymerization.
S. Chatterjee, C. Rosu, P.S. Russo, E.E. Nesterov
POLY 254. Fast initiating nickel precatalysts for
-conjugated polymer synthesis. A.O. Hall,
S. Lee, A.J. McNeil
POLY 255. Growing green polymers using the
sun: Organocatalyzed photoredox mediated
polymerization. J.C. Theriot, G. Miyake
POLY 256. Oximes as eeversible links in
polymer chemistry: Dynamic macromolecular stars. S. Mukherjee, A. Bapat, M. Hill,
B.S. Sumerlin
POLY 257. Molecule to morphology chirality-transfer in ABC triblock terpolymers.
A. Sarkar
POLY 258. Solid-state self-assembly: For
advanced functional materials. Y. Kim,
N. Kotov
POLY 259. How processing affects dispersion
and thermomechanical properties of
waterborne epoxy and cellulose nanocrystal
composites. N. Girouard, J.C. Meredith,
M. Shofner, G. Schueneman
POLY 260. Functional polymers via post-polymerization modification of poly(methionine). E.G. Gharakhanian
POLY 261. Withdrawn.

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

General Topics: New Synthesis &

Characterization of Polymers
D. Garcia, T. Saito, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 262.

One-step synthesis of poly(oxazoline)-based amphiphilic block copolymers

using a dual initiator for RAFT polymerization and CROP. Y. Yu, J. Youk
POLY 263. New binuclear diimine nickel
catalysts for ethylene polymerization.
A.A. Alsaygh
POLY 264. Preparation of helical star polymers
using tris-nickel Initiators. D.A. Siriwardane,
J.F. Reuther, B.M. Novak
POLY 265. Novel styrene sulfonate copolymer
and its application. S. Ozoe
POLY 266. Synthesis, morphological behavior,
and ODT of poly(cyclohexadiene)-based
copolymers. K. Misichronis, J. Chen, K.J. Kahk,
A. Imel, M.D. Dadmun, J.G. Kennemur, F.S. Bates,
J.W. Mays, K. Hong, A.T. Avgeropoulos
POLY 267. Synthesis and facile end-group
quantitation of functionalized PEG azides.
J.E. Semple, B.T. Sullivan, K.N. Sill
POLY 268. Effect of ethers on BF3-initiated
cationic ring-opening polymerization
of glycidol. C.M. Staton, A.A. Chaudhry,
E.A. Shcherbina, L.A. Searcy, A.T. Royappa
POLY 269. Novel functional copolymers of
styrene and alkoxy ring-substituted butyl
2-cyano-3-phenyl-2-propenoates. H. Feng,
G.B. Kharas
POLY 270. Chain-growth condensation rigid
rod polymer brushes: Design and synthesis of a new polymer brush technique.
F.C. Prehn Jr, S.G. Boyes
POLY 271. Chemical reactivity of hydroxyl endgroups in bis-MPA based hyperbranched
polymers. M. Syed, S. Nazarenko
POLY 272. Comb-type triblock copolymers
synthesized by RAFT polymerization and
their capability for heavy crude oil emulsification. J. Huang, J. Xu, K. Chen, T. Wang,
C. Cui, R. Zhang, L. Li, X. Guo
POLY 273. Polymerization of PEEK AB monomers with oxyalkylene linkages via NAS
and Friedel-Crafts reactions. S. Hennelly,
W.A. Feld
POLY 274. Synthesis of eumelanin- inspired
polyindoles. K. Sachinthani, T.L. Nelson
POLY 275. Synthesis of fluorescently labelled
sodium polystyrenesulfonate via atom
transfer radical polymerization. P. Balding,
A.M. Blake, P.S. Russo, W. Huberty, R. Cueto
POLY 276. Cyclic polymers via a solid-supported ruthenium-based metathesis catalyst system. J.P. Edwards, R.H. Grubbs
POLY 277. Synthesis and characterization of
eumelanin-inspired ethynylene-linked polymers. S. Adhikari, S. Selvaraju, T.L. Nelson
POLY 278. Synthesis and characterization of
alkoxy-functionalized polyselenophenes.
D. Khambhati, T.L. Nelson
POLY 279. Withdrawn.
POLY 280. Broad spectrum antimicrobial effectiveness for synthetic mimic of antimicrobial
peptides. A.L. Fogel, S.E. Exley, G. Sahukhal,
B. Abel, M.O. Elasri, C.L. McCormick, S.E. Morgan
POLY 281. PEGylated O2-riched enzyme conjugatable polymer for long-term high performance electrochemical glucose sensors.
Z. Li, S. Vaddiraju, F. Papadimitrakopoulos
POLY 282. Biodegradable, functional polyesters for fused deposition modeling. K. Dube,
M. Guvendiren, V.B. Damodaran, J.B. Kohn
POLY 283. Regulation of protein properties via
site-specific polymer conjugation. L. Wang,
X. Li, H. Wang, L. Yuan, H. Chen
POLY 284. Toward side-selective modification
of microdialysis sampling polyethersulfone
(PES) membranes. S. Phillips, J. Stenken
POLY 285. Tuning the physical properties
of poly(arylene ether)s prepared from
3,5-difluorobenzenesulfonamides. R. Mitton,
E. Fossum

POLY 286.

Triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion from rationally designed polymeric

emitters with tunable interchromophore
distances. X. Yu, X. Cao, X. Chen, N. Ayres,
P. Zhang
POLY 287. Investigating the effects of a low
refractive index counter-diffusive component in two-chemistry holographic photopolymer. M. Alim, B. Kowalski, C. Bowman,
R. McLeod
POLY 288. Polycraft: polymer chemistry in the
evolving paradigm of education. S. Parker,
B.R. Lund, W. Voit
POLY 289. Chemo- and stereoselective polymerization of polar divinyl monomers by
metallocenium catalysts. F. Vidal, E.Y. Chen
POLY 290. Starch-containing hybrid polymers:
Studying protein adsorption via quartz
crystal nicrobalance with dissipation (QCMD). A. Sengupta, A.R. Linehan, P.M. Iovine
POLY 291. Synthesis and characterization of
new low band gap polymers containing ethyl and phenyl ester fuctionalized
polythiophene derivatives. D.M. Shircliff,
B.M. Boardman
POLY 292. Renewable polymers derived
from ferulic acid, biobased diols and fatty
acid derivatives via ADMET. I. Barbara,
A.L. Flourat, F. Allais
POLY 293. Electrochemical redox-unlocked
smart polymeric ring. A. Feng, L. Peng,
J. Yuan
POLY 294. Study of polymer dynamics in linear
low density polyethylene by solid state
NMR. L. Caire da Silva, R. Graf, C. Bowers,
K.B. Wagener
POLY 295. Water based PEDOT conducting
coating. X. Liu, J. Shen, Y. Feng, C. Ma, Z. Xiao,
T. Fan, S. Tong, W. Zeng, Y. Liu, Y. Min
POLY 296. Synthesis of shell- crosslinked
nanoparticles from polyhydroxylsaccharides block-polylactides. J. Wang, L. Li,
M. Obrinske, L. Bitterman, W. Du
POLY 297. Developement of graphene/polyurea
nacomposites based on admiceller polymerization. T. Karim
POLY 298. Flocculation of emulsified oil using
a novel amphiphilic and cationic chitosan-based flocculant. T. Lyu, H. Zhao
POLY 299. Effects of Fullerene Chain Ends on
Polymer Reptation. A. Zhou, R. Chen, S. Li,
X. Sun, Y. Mi, X. Wang
POLY 300. Large molecule incorporation into
polyimide aerogel matrix for enhanced
aerospace application. S.L. Vivod,
M.B. Meador, C.R. Pugh
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Innovations in Macromolecular Network

Cosponsored by PMSE
B. R. Lund, L. M. Stratton, A. J. Guenthner
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 301.

Novel chlorine-containing hypercross-linked polymers as adsorbent for

removing organic pollutants from humid
streams. W. Wang, C. Wang, K. Wang, J. Chen,
Z. Liu, Z. Hao, Z. Liu
POLY 302. Control of kinetics and stress development in polymer networks with acrylated
vs. methacrylated polymer nanoparticles.
P.K. Shah, J.W. Stansbury
POLY 303. Light controlled thiol-Michael addition initiated by photocaged superbases.
X. Zhang, W. Xi, S. Chatani, M. Podgorski,
C. Bowman
POLY 304. Synthesis of a biocompatible hydrogel platform for drug delivery using oxime
click chemistry. K.A. Gilmore, D.B. Beezer,
D.M. Stevens, E.A. Delesky, E.M. Harth
POLY 305. Thiol-vinyl sulfone and thiol-vinyl
sulfone-isocyanate crosslinking reactions
to generate glassy and tough network
polymers. M. Podgorski, D. Nair, E. Becka,
C. Bowman

POLY 306.

Thiol-alkyne photopolymerization
in miniemulsion: A facile route to functional
polymer nanoparticles. D.N. Amato,
D.A. Amato, M. Brei, R.F. Storey, D.L. Patton
POLY 307. Visible-light initiator with potential
for bottom-up photocuring. S. Lewis,
M. Barros, K. Sarao, M. Makhija, J.W. Stansbury
POLY 308. Toward green thermosets:
Characterization of poly(alkylene mercaptosuccinates). G. Sternhagen, N. Levenhagen,
J.P. Droske
POLY 309. Studies on the synthesis and ion
conductivities of sp3-hybridized boronlinked macrocycle-based covalent-organic
network. Y. Du, H. Yang, W. Zhang
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Interacting with the Immune System using

Polymeric Systems
B. De Geest, A. P. Esser-Kahn, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 310.

Light controlled activation of

immune cells via photocaged NOD1
agonist. A.C. Chon, A. Esser-Kahn
POLY 311. Effect of spatially predetermined
agonist presentation on immune response
via polymeric systems. K. Ryu, K. Slowinska,
R. Mancini, A.P. Esser-Kahn
POLY 312. Synthesis of a photocaged NOD2
agonist for stimulation of innate immune
cells. A.M. Dark, A. Esser-Kahn
POLY 313. Enhancing CpG immunotherapy in
brain cancer through improved delivery.
E. White, D. Alizadeh, B. Badie, J.M. Berlin
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Joint POLY/PMSE Poster Session
Financially supported by The Dow Chemical
Company, Wyatt Technology, Tosoh BioScience,
Waters, Green Materials ICE Science, University
of Dallas
K. Beers, A. K. Brewer, W. Gao, A. M. Striegel,
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 314.

Use of high speed/high resolution

size based chromatographic separation of
polymeric materials with micro viscometric
detection. M.J. OLeary
POLY 315. Online coupling of specialty
detectors in GPC for chemical and molar
mass detection. J.A. McConville, D. Lohmann,
T. Hofe, M. Cudaj, G. Guthausen, M. Wilhelm
POLY 316. Carbohydrate based hyper crosslinked organic polymers with OH functional
group for CO2 separation. H. Li, B. Meng,
S.M. Mahurin, S. Chai, D.C. Baker, H. Liu, S. Dai
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Next Generation Smart Materials

Cosponsored by PMSE
Y. C. Simon, E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 317.

Flexible SiO2 nanofilms assembled

on poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrates
through a room temperature fabrication
process. S. Yamamoto, K. Sonobe, M. Mitsuishi,
T. Miyashita
POLY 318. Degradable nanoparticles for
light-assisted cancer invasion inhibition.
H. Chong, S. Wang
POLY 319. 3D printing of mechanochromic
polycaprolactone on entry-level printers.
G.I. Peterson, M.B. Larsen, M. Ganter, D. Storti,
A.J. Boydston

Cooperative Cosponsorship

POLY 320.

Nature-inspired intramolecular cyclization for fast light-triggered

nanogel degradation. C. de Gracia Lux,
J. Lux, G. Collet, S. He, M. Chan, J. Olejniczak,
A. Almutairi
POLY 321. Supramolecular polymers synthesized by thiol-ene click polymerization
from supramonomer. Q. Song, F. Li, L. Yang,
Z. Wang, X. Zhang
POLY 322. ROS responsive tellurium-containing hyperbranched polymer. R. Fang,
W. Cao, X. Zhang, H. Xu
POLY 323. Endothelial cell attachment
on shape memory polymer surfaces.
T. Govindarajan, R. Shandas
POLY 324. Interfacial fabrication of functional
supramolecular polymeric networks for
photocatalysis. B. Yuan, H. Yang, Z. Wang,
X. Zhang
POLY 325. Cooperative effect of cucurbit[8]
uril-based - interaction. Z. Huang, K. Qin,
L. Yang, Z. Wang, X. Zhang
POLY 326. Withdrawn.
POLY 327. Application of bioluminescence
resonance energy transfer (BRET) in
anticancer and antifungal research. H. Bai,
S. Wang, X. Zhang
POLY 328. Pursuing ordered microphase
separation in mixed polymer brushes.
C.K. Simocko, A.D. Price, D. Huber,
A.L. Frischknecht, S. Hur, G.H. Fredrickson
POLY 329. Shape memory properties of
polymer networks formed using photomediated copper(I)-catalyzed azide alkyne
cycloaddition (photo-CuAAC). M. McBride,
A.D. Baranek, C. Bowman
POLY 330. Bioderived polymers prepared
from N-(acryloyl-2-pyrrolidone)s with ether
and thio-ether-based residues. R. Bhat,
A. Pietrangelo
POLY 331. Fabrication and characterization of
a radiopaque embolic hydrogel coil. T. Lee,
H. Song, I. Jeon, J. Cho
POLY 332. Novel hydrogelator for the creation
of supramolecular structures for biomedical
applications. Y. Gao, C. Berciu, D. Nicastro,
B. Xu, F. Horkay
POLY 333. Electrochemical redox responsive
micelles based on host-guest interactions
and star polymers. L. Peng, A. Feng, J. Yuan
POLY 334. Production of polymeric composites
with self-healing functionality by multi-axial
electrospinning. J. Seyyed Monfared Zanjani,
B. Saner Okan, M. Yildiz, Y.Z. Menceloglu
POLY 335. Detecting early metal corrosion
via turn-on fluorescence in smart epoxy
coatings. D. Ghosh, W. Ming
POLY 336. Withdrawn.
POLY 337. Chemistry of MoS2 solvent-assisted
exfoliation: Correlation between moisture
and the In-situ formation of reduction
species. R. Vaia, D. Nepal, L.F. Drummy, K. Park
POLY 338. Two-component molecular gels
as smart biocompatible soft materials.
J. Miravet, B. Escuder Gil, C. Berdugo, C. Felip,
S. Diaz-Oltra
POLY 339. Preparation of neutral color
polymeric electrochromic devices using an
commerical organic dye. Y. Zhu, M.T. Otley,
X. Zhang, M. Li, G.A. Sotzing
POLY 340. Rationally engineering phototherapy
modules of eosin-conjugated responsive
polymeric nanocarriers via intracellular
endocytic pH gradients. G. Liu, S. Liu
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Polymer Composites and High Performance

J. W. Gilman, M. Meador, M. Meador, D. Savin,
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 341.

Thermal and dynamic mechanical

analysis of treated diatomaceous earth and
epoxy films. B.R. Sedai, F.D. Blum
POLY 342. Ionic polymer-carbon composites
as a new design for electroactive actuators
and sensors. D.G. Mackanic, R.B. Moore

POLY 343.

New perfluorocyclopentene-derived
bisphenol cyanate ester for high performance applications. C.A. Corley, D.B. Barbee,
S.T. Iacono
POLY 344. Time delay of open cycle potential
(OCP) measurement during the in-situ
polymerization of polyaniline with graphene
oxide nanosheets. W. Tang, C. Yuan, J. Wang,
S. Mo, C. Zhao, Y. Liu, Y. Min
POLY 345. Preparation and characterization
of graphene /polyaniline composite with
assistance of supercritical carbon dioxide.
W. Tang, C. Yuan, J. Wang, S. Mo, C. Zhao,
Y. Liu, Y. Min
POLY 346. Graphene-based waterborne
coatings and its preparation. C. Ma, J. Shen,
Y. Feng, X. Liu, Z. Xiao, T. Fan, S. Tong, Y. Liu,
Y. Min
POLY 347. Adsorbed poly(vinyl acetate) on
silica: experimental and molecular dynamics simulation studies. H. Mortazavian,
C.J. Fennell, F.D. Blum
POLY 348. Raman investigations on polyethylene oxide TiO2 nanocomposites.
I. Elamin, D. Chipara, H. Huang, Y. Zhai, H. Xu,
D. Hui, M. Chipara
Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Putting Renewable Polymers to Work

D. Boday, E. C. Hagberg, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 350.

Polymeric materials from biomass.

B.M. Upton, A.M. Kasko
Recycle method of waste plastics
based on physical degradation theory.
S. Yao, A. Tominaga, N. Takenaka, N. Oda,
H. Sekiguchi, R. Nakano
POLY 352. Aluminum(III) isopropoxide initiated
polymerization of gluconolactone. D. Saxon,
J. Scanlon
POLY 351.

Section F

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Undergraduate Research in Polymer Science

S. E. Morgan, S. I. Nazarenko, Organizers
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 353.

Synthesis, characterization, and

optical properties of perfluorocyclic
arylamine polymers. D.B. Barbee, F. Carty,
S.T. Iacono
POLY 354. Synthesis, characterization, and
utilization of tri(perylene bisimides) as an
electron accepting material for polymer
solar cells. M. Roth, L. Moore, S.E. Morgan
POLY 355. Incorporation of Diels-Alder chemistry into polymer matrices via an inimer
approach. E.D. Crenshaw, M. Markmann,
T. Kleine, A.E. London, P.J. Costanzo
POLY 356. Development of fluorocyclic
silsesquioxanes as model templates for
organically modified silica composites.
C. Thrasher, A.R. Jennings, S.T. Iacono
POLY 357. Toward high temperature ellastomers based on poly(arylene ether)s derived
from 3,5-difluorobenzene sulfonamides.
J. Schmitz, E. Fossum
POLY 358. Tailoring the mechanical properties
of conducting polymer films via crosslinking. B. Farrell, D. Spence, A. Murphy
POLY 359. Optimization silk-polypyrrole composite films for use as electromechanical
actuators. J. Larson, N. Bradshaw, C. Klemke,
S. Severt, J. Leger, A. Murphy
POLY 360. Molecular weight changing
polymers via Diels-Alder chemistry.
M.R. Martinez, M. Markmann, P.J. Costanzo
POLY 361. Investigation of spin coating a
thiol-ene/acrylate shape memory polymer
for application in thin film flexible devices.
H. Guduru
POLY 362. Investigation of thermally induced
microphase separation in dicarboximide functionalized oxanorbornyl diblock
copolymers by atomic force microscopy.
T. Kolibaba, D.A. Waldow

POLY 363.

Biobased replacements of bisphenol A diglycidal ether in epoxy resins.

C. Sago, A. Maiorana, S. Spinella, R.A. Gross
POLY 364. Investigation of self-assembled
nanomorphologies of functionalized dicarboxide oxanorbornyl diblock copolymers
via small angle X-ray scattering and optical
birefringence. J. Rosales, D.A. Waldow
POLY 365. Characterization and toxicity of
alanine-based polymeric nanoparticles in
D. tigrina planarian flatworms. J.P. Wade,
S. Kumar, S. Taylor, E. Economou-Petrovits,
R. Lidberg, P. De, L. Ramakrishnan
POLY 366. Synthesis and characterization of
novel ethylene oxide functionalized dicarboxide oxanorbornyl polymers for use as
a lithium-ion electrolyte support. D. Smith,
D.A. Waldow
POLY 367. Reactivity ratio controlled polycondensation as a route to functional
poly(arylene ether ketone)s. K. Geremia,
E. Fossum
POLY 368. Energy efficient, closed-loop, waterfree protocol for processing of cellulosics
with quantitative recovery of an ionic liquid
solvent. D. Smith, R. Carrazzone, M. Schloder,
T.W. Smith
POLY 369. Multilayered nanocomposites
with high aspect ratio graphene platelets:
Controlled interdiffusion and improved gas
barrier properties. M. Otto, K. Meyers, S.I.
POLY 370. Performance evaluation of variable
nitrogen containing five membered ring
vinyl monomers and acrylonitrile copolymer.
K.L. Denson, B. Batchelor, S. Mahmood, D. Yang
POLY 371. Analysis of thiolene network compatibility with photolithographic solvents.
M. Seymour, R. Reit, B.R. Lund, W. Voit
POLY 372. Modeling of block copolymer
thin film behavior between neutral and
preferential interfaces. M. Carlson, W. Durand,
G. Blachut, M. Maher, C.J. Ellison, C.G. Willson
POLY 373. Self-assembly of size tagged
triblock copolymer brushes via DNA hybridization. A.H. Spring
POLY 374. Multifunctional polyurethane hydrogels for biomedical applications. C. Seitz,
M. Nguyen-Kim, J. Borghs, J. Wallenborn
POLY 375. Synthesis of jeffamine-based
organogels and subsequent characterization using cavitation rheology. S. Walley,
K.C. Bentz, D.A. Savin
POLY 376. Rheological characterization of
cementitious mixtures with excess polyethylene oxide. E. Soltys, L. Murray, K.A. Erk
Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Next Generation Smart Materials

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels
Cosponsored by PMSE
E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Organizers
Y. C. Simon, Organizer, Presiding
D. Balkenende, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 POLY 377. Thermoresponsive supramo-

lecular hydrogels based on diblock methylcellulose derivatives. H. Kamitakahara,

A. Nakagawa, T. Takano
8:55 POLY 378. Hollow nanogels and
double-shell nanogels with advanced
temperature responsiveness. W. Richtering,
J. Dubbert, M. Karg, J. Pedersen
9:15 POLY 379. Reversible aggregation of
smart PEG-PDMAEMA diblock copolymers
in aqueous solution. P. Conor, E. Stubbs,
M. Schneider, D. Karis, E.M. Glogowski
9:35 POLY 380. Shape memory polymer foams
through emulsion-templating. I. Gurevitch,
C. Warwar, M.S. Silverstein
9:55 Intermission.

10:15 POLY 381. Bioderived poly(N-acry-

9:20 POLY 397. High stiffness in aromat-

8:40 POLY 414. Application of multi-agonist

3:15 POLY 431. All-polymer solar cells. Z. Bao

loyl-2-pyrrolidone)s: Structure/property correlations of a novel class of smart materials.

R. Bhat, X. Sun, A. Pietrangelo
10:35 POLY 382. Luminescent organoborane
polymers for anion detection. F. Jaekle,
F. Cheng, F. Guo, P. Chen, F. Pammer
10:55 POLY 383. Liquid infused surfaces
assembled by the layer-by-layer process.
N. Zacharia, G. Zhu, C. Zhang
11:15 Concluding Remarks.

ic-aliphatic poly(tyrosol carbonate) by

hierarchical control over isomer sequence,
phase behavior, and chain orientation.
S.D. Sommerfeld, S.N. Murthy, Z. Zhang,
M. Guvendiren, K. Dube, J.B. Kohn
9:40 POLY 398. Electronic and spintronic properties of poly(3-methylthiophene) polymer
brushes. T.W. LaJoie, W. You
10:00 POLY 399. Middle and end labelled
PMMA-d3: The effect of chain ends on
polymer dynamics. U.N. Arua, F.D. Blum
10:20 POLY 400. Dynamic surface tension
comparison of colloidal unimolecular
polymers with different hydrophilic groups:
Sulfonate, carboxylate, and quaternary
amine. M.R. Van De Mark
10:40 POLY 401. Modified ABS for fused filament fabrication 3D printing with improved
interlayer adhesion. K. Yang, B. Lund,
D. Sydney, C. Thompson, R. Smaldone, W. Voit
11:00 POLY 402. Anomalous thermal characteristics of poly(ionic liquids) derived from
salts. T.W. Smith, M. Zhao, F. Yang, D. Smith
11:20 POLY 403. Coordinated experimental and
theoretical study of a polydisperse polymer
thin film. B.S. Lokitz, R. Kumar, M. Kilbey,
S.W. Sides, J. Ankner, J.F. Browning, B. Sumpter
11:40 POLY 404. Probing the interior of
dendronized polymers with solvatochromic
p-nitroanilino groups. C. Gstrein, A. Schlter,
B. Zhang
12:00 POLY 405. Preparation of antibacterial
surfaces by liquid-infused nanoporous
polymer. M. Okuom, D. Sabatka, A.E.

scaffolds to modulate antigen presentation

and adaptive immunity. J. Tom, A. Esser-Kahn
9:00 POLY 415. NIAID Adjuvant Program:
Lessons and insights from the frontiers of
vaccine adjuvant research. W. Leitner
9:50 POLY 416. Syntheses and biological
evaluation of toll-like receptor-7 agonistic
macromolecules. N. Shukla, S.A. David,
A. Izzo, C. Hamilton, C. Mutz, D.B. Salunke,
P. Gao, R. Balakrishnan, R. Ukani, S. Malladi,
T. Day, T. Lewis
10:20 Intermission.
10:50 POLY 417. Programming immune
responses with polymer carriers of Toll-like
receptor (TLR) agonists. G. Lynn, R. Laga,
B. Seder, L. Seymour
11:20 POLY 418. Controlling the immune
system with light: photo-active TLR
agonists. A.P. Esser-Kahn, R. Mancini, L. Stutts,
K. Ryu

3:45 POLY 432. Supramolecular polymer/

Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Energy and Materials

S. Clarson, Organizer
S. T. Iacono, A. Sellinger, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 POLY 384. Design, synthesis, and charac-

terization of new sulfonated aromatic polyamides as proton exchange membranes for

fuel cells. F. Liu, D.M. Knauss
8:50 POLY 385. Effect of hydration on
mechanical properties of anion exchange
membranes. M. Vandiver, B. Caire, Y. Li,
D.M. Knauss, A.M. Herring, M.W. Liberatore
9:10 POLY 386. Original blend membranes of
partially fluorinated copolymers bearing
azole functions with sulfonated PEEK for
PEMFC operating at low relative humidity.
B.M. Ameduri
9:40 Intermission.
9:55 POLY 387. Foldable supercapacitors from
triple networks of macroporous cellulose
fibers, single-walled carbon nanotubes,
and polyaniline nanoribbons. D. Ge, L. Yang,
L. Fan, C. Zhang, X. Xiao, Y. Gogotsi, S. Yang
10:15 POLY 388. Polymer materials for energy
applications: Structure-function studies of
porous polymers. S. Sivaram, S. Chatterjee,
M. Arukkani
10:35 POLY 389. Synthesis of perfluoropolyether-based electrolytes for lithium-ion
battery applications. D. Wong, J.M.
DeSimone, N.P. Balsara
10:55 POLY 390. Design principles for constructing conducting redox polymer based
battery materials. C. Karlsson, H. Huang,
L. Yang, X. Huang, M. Strmme, R. Emanuelsson,
A. Gogoll, M. Sjdin
11:15 POLY 391. Mechanisms of self-discharge
in p-doped conducting polymers. H. Olsson,
C. Strietzel, Z. Qiu, M. Strmme, M. Sjdin
11:35 POLY 392. Designer nanoporous
materials for energy storage and energy
conversion applications. A. van Buuren,
J. Lee, M. Bagge-Hansen, T. Willey, P.G. Allen,
B. Wood, J. Biener
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

General Topics: New Synthesis &

Characterization of Polymers
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers
Y. A. Elabd, M. R. Van De Mark, Presiding
8:00 POLY 393. Mechanochemical degradation

of three-arm star polymers: Kinetics

and modeling. G.I. Peterson, D. Church,
A.J. Boydston
8:20 POLY 394. Impact of alkyl chain length
on ion conduction and morphology in
polymerized ionic liquid diblock copolymers. J.R. Nykaza, S. Sharick, E. Davis, Y. Ye,
K.A. Page, A. Jackson, F.L. Beyer, K.I. Winey,
Y.A. Elabd
8:40 POLY 395. Investigating the crystallinity
of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) by using
terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THzTDS). F. Senna Vieira, C. Pasquini
9:00 POLY 396. Application of single-chain
polymer nanoparticles from consecutive
ROMP-RCM process. Y. Bai, H. Xing,
X. Phang, Y. Lu, S.C. Zimmerman

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row I

Polymer Composites and High Performance


Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Next Generation Smart Materials

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels
Cosponsored by PMSE
E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Y. C. Simon, Organizers
M. A. Ayer, N. Zacharia, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 419. New opportunities in viral

nanoparticle protein:polymer conjugates.

J.D. Wallat, S. Isarov, J. Zhang, J.K. Pokorski
1:55 POLY 420. Functionalized macro to
micro shape memory materials. V.S. Ashby,
K.R. Houston, S. Turner, S.M. Brosnan
2:15 POLY 421. Single-chain nanoparticles
via reversible acetal crosslinks. C.K. Lyon,
E.B. Berda

J. W. Gilman, M. Meador, S. E. Morgan, D. Savin,

M. Meador, Organizer, Presiding

2:35 POLY 422. Optically responsive supramolecular glasses. D. Balkenende, C. Monnier,

G. Fiore, C. Weder

8:30 POLY 349. Soft, lightweight conductors

from nanoscale carbon. M. Pasquali

2:55 Intermission.

oxide and poly(vinyl acetate) implications for enhanced mechanical behavior.

B.K. Khatiwada, K. Bastola, R. Vaidyanathan,
F.D. Blum
9:30 POLY 407. Covalent functionalization
of graphene-based platelets for tailored
solubility and assembly. B. McGrail, B. Rodier,
E. Pentzer
10:00 POLY 408. Polymer grafted nanoparticle
hybrids: Applications to gas separations and bimimetic materials. S. Kumar,
C.J. Durning, B. Benicewicz
10:30 POLY 409. Assemblies of conjugated
polymers on carbon nanotubes. L. Zhai
10:50 POLY 410. Improved carbon nanotube
fibers through crosslinking and surface
modification. R. Ripy, X. Lu, N. Kang,
J.W. Mays
11:10 POLY 412. Facile synthesis of controlled,
high molecular weight polyacrylonitrile
via low temperature RAFT polymerization.
J.D. Moskowitz, B. Abel, A.J. Varni, J. Welch,
C.L. McCormick, J.S. Wiggins
11:30 POLY 413. Polymer matrix composites
using covalently modified carbon nanotube
sheets. J.S. Baker, M.A. Meador
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Interacting with the Immune System

using Polymeric Systems
Molecular Adjuvants
B. De Geest, A. P. Esser-Kahn, Organizers,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Innovations in Macromolecular Network

Self-healing or Magnetic
Cosponsored by PMSE


9:00 POLY 406. Composites of graphene

fullerene composite nanofibers for organic

photovoltaics. Y. Qin
4:05 POLY 433. Toward conjugated polymer
photovoltaic cells from low-cost starting
materials. M. Jeffries-El, M. Ewan, A. Bhuwalka,
B.J. Hale, E.W. Muller, B.M. Kobilka
4:35 POLY 434. Semi-random donor-acceptor copolymers and terpolymers.
W.A. Braunecker, Z.R. Owczarczyk,
S.D. Oosterhout, N. Kopidakis, D.C. Olson
4:55 POLY 435. Photon upconverting soft
materials. F.N. Castellano

3:15 POLY 423. Thermally-responsive azo-containing polymeric materials. M.A. Ayer,

Y.C. Simon, C. Weder
3:35 POLY 424. Synthesis and phase behavior

of alkyne-functionalized di- and triblock

copolymers and their cobalt carbonyl
adducts. B. Jiang, B. Qian, P. Yu, R.B. Grubbs
3:55 POLY 425. Responsive hydrogels for
cells in dulture. S. Patil, P. Chaudhury,
L. Clarizia, M.J. McDonald, E. Reynaud, P. Gaines,
D.F. Schmidt
4:15 POLY 426. Helical polypeptides mediated
nonviral gene and siRNA delivery. L. Yin,
N. Zheng, H. Lu, N. Gbrielson, K. Kim, X. Deng,
R. Zhang, J. Cheng
4:35 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Energy and Materials

S. Clarson, Organizer
S. T. Iacono, A. Sellinger, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 POLY 427. Organic photovoltaics:

Materials microstructure and its effects on

device parameters. A. Salleo
2:00 POLY 428. High efficiency BODIPY
lamellar organic photovoltaics. J. Chen,
S.M. Conron, P. Erwin, M. Dimitriou, K. McAlahney,
M.E. Thompson
2:20 POLY 429. Role of linking chemistry on
charge separation and photovoltaic performance of all-conjugated block copolymers.
J. Mok, Y. Lin, K. Smith, K. Yager, S.B. Darling,
D.J. Gosztola, Y. Lee, R. Schaller, E. Gomez,
R. Verduzco
2:40 POLY 430. Development of a DBfA Ttpe
block copolymer for solar energy harvesting. M. Hasib, T.H. Nguyen, S.S. Sun
3:00 Intermission.

B. R. Lund, Organizer
A. J. Guenthner, L. M. Stratton, Organizers,
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 436. Oxime-functional hydrogels

with tunable gelation and degradation

behavior. S. Mukherjee, M. Hill, B.S. Sumerlin
2:00 POLY 437. Reversible dynamic urea bond
for the design of functional polymers.
H. Ying, Y. Zhang, K. Cai, J. Cheng
2:20 POLY 438. Supramolecular motifs in
dynamic covalent PEG-hemiaminal organogel networks. J.M. Garcia
2:40 POLY 439. Malleable and self-healing
polymer networks based on dynamic imine
bond. A. Chao, D. Zhang
3:00 Intermission.
3:20 POLY 440. Emergent cure chemistry in
the development of aerospace materials.
J.M. Mabry, A.J. Guenthner, J.C. Marcischak,
T.S. Haddad, J.T. Reams, M.D. Ford
3:45 POLY 441. Charged induced formation of
crystalline network polymer. C.T. Yavuz
4:05 POLY 442. Magnetically induced free
radical polymerization. M. Soucek, K. Miller,
Z. He
4:30 POLY 443. New methods for curing thermally stable polycyanurate networks based
on magnetic induction heating of coated
nanoparticles. A.J. Guenthner, C.M. Sahagun,
J.M. Mabry
4:50 Concluding Remarks.
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Polymer Composites and High Performance

Biopolymers, Nanocomposites and
J. W. Gilman, M. Meador, M. Meador, S. E.
Morgan, Organizers
D. Savin, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 POLY 444. Structural nanocellulose
composites. J.P. Youngblood, S. Chen, J. Liu,
R. Moon, G. Schueneman
2:00 POLY 445. Sustainable, high-performance

fiber composites. C. Kuncho, J. Mller, W.

Liu, E. Reynaud, D.F. Schmidt
2:30 POLY 446. Processing and properties of

polymer nanocomposites with cellulose nanocrystals. C. Weder, A. Nicharat,

J. Sapkota, J. Foster
3:00 POLY 447. Hierarchically structured nanocomposites. J.R. Dorgan, C. Moran, B. Liu,
R. Sosa, L.O. Hollingsworth
3:30 POLY 448. Stick-slip shear phenomenon
of interfaces between cellulose nanocrystals. S. Keten, R. Sinko
4:00 POLY 449. Application of natural fiber
welding to the fabrication of biopolymer
composite materials. E. Fox, E.K. Brown,
L. Haverhals, D. Gray, B. Tisserat, T. Price,
M. Brusoski, H.C. De Long, P.C. Trulove

4:30 POLY 450. Ultrastiff nanocomposite

hydrogels for biomedical applications.

M. Jaiswal, J.R. Xavier, J.K. Carrow, P. Desai,
A.K. Gaharwar
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Interacting with the Immune System using

Polymeric Systems
B. De Geest, A. P. Esser-Kahn, Organizers,
1:30 POLY 451. NMR and kinetic studies

of nitric oxide loading of poly(acrylonitrile-co-1-vinylimidazole) for advanced

wound healing. B. Batchelor, A. Lowe,
S. Mahmood, K.J. Balkus, B.M. Novak
1:50 POLY 452. Poly(n-acetylgalactosamine)antigen conjugates induce antigen-specific
tolerance. D.S. Wilson, M. Damo, S. Kontos,
G. Diaceri, J.A. Hubbell
2:15 POLY 453. Biomaterials for recruitment
and differentiation of endogenous regulatory T cells. S. Little
2:45 POLY 454. Polymers for tumor immune
therapy: In vitro and in vivo results on
multifunctional cylindrical brush polymer
conjugates. M. Schmidt, S. Gietzen, J. Buehler,
C. Hoertz, M. Schinnerer, K. Fischer, A. Birke,
M. Barz, C. Kappel, M. Bros, S. Grabbe
3:10 Intermission.
3:40 POLY 455. Using small molecules to
engineer and explore human immunity.
D.A. Spiegel
4:10 POLY 456. Modulation of the immune
response by lymph node targeting. H. Liu

Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Plaza Ballroom AB

POLY/PMSE Plenary Lecture and Awards

Cosponsored by PMSE
D. Boday, M. Jeffries-El, T. J. White, Organizers,
5:30 Network.
6:10 Introductory Remarks.
6:15 POLY 457. Celebration of the award
winners. K.L. Wooley
7:00 Awards Reception.

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

10:15 POLY 462. Directed self-assembly of

10:15 POLY 479. Printing of polymer hydrogels

silicon-containing block copolymers for

lithography. M. Maher, C. Rettner, C. Bates,
G. Blachut, M. Carlson, W. Durand, J. Cheng,
D.P. Sanders, C.J. Ellison, C.G. Willson
10:35 POLY 463. Switchable ultrahydrophobic
and superhydrophilic polymer surfaces:
Synthesis, characterization, and application. T. Hofe
10:55 POLY 464. Reversible single-chain
selective point folding via cyclodextrin
driven host/guest chemistry in water.
J. Willenbacher, B. Schmidt, D. SchulzeSnninghausen, O. Altintas, B. Luy, G. Delaittre,
C. Barner-Kowollik
11:15 POLY 465. Toward self-healing semiconducting polymers. B.C. Schroeder, Z. Bao
11:35 Concluding Remarks.

in micron sizes for the Co- and sequential

delivery of drugs. B.R. Spears, D. Stevens,
E. Harth
10:55 POLY 480. Cyclic defects in tetrafunctional poly(ethylene glycol) networks and
networks with mixed junction functionality. K. Kawamoto, M. Zhong, B.D. Olsen,
J.A. Johnson
10:35 POLY 481. Withdrawn.
11:15 POLY 482. Development of hydrogels
and functionalized silica surfaces utilizing
novel fluorocyclic precursors. A.R. Jennings,
C. Thrasher, S.T. Iacono
11:40 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Energy and Materials

S. Clarson, Organizer
S. T. Iacono, A. Sellinger, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 POLY 466. Light harvesting using colloidal

quantum dots and hybrid organic-inorganic

materials. E. Sargent
9:00 POLY 467. Preparation of P3HT/CdS
nanocomposites via in-situ nanocrystal
growth in P3HT amphiphilic block copolymers. M. Kern, C. Tian, S.G. Boyes
9:20 POLY 468. Rational material, interface,
and device engineering for high-performance polymer and perovskite solar cells.
A.K. Jen
9:50 POLY 469. Synthesis, characterization,
and properties of selectively fluorinated
conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics. P. Homyak, E. Coughlin
10:10 POLY 470. Novel hierarchical composites
of inorganic carbon and polysiloxanes
for next-generation energy applications.
J.P. Lewicki, M.A. Worsley, T. Baumann,
E.B. Duoss, R.S. Maxwell
10:40 Intermission.
10:55 POLY 471. Structure measurements
for organic photovoltaics manufacturing.
D. DeLongchamp
11:25 POLY 472. Photoinduced charge transfer
and thermal recombination dynamics of a
ternary cascade heterojunction composed
of poly(3-hexylthiophene), titanyl phthalocyanine, and Buckminsterfullerene. J. Park,
O. Reid, G. Rumbles
11:45 POLY 473. Expanding use of photovoltaics in the developing world: The Nanopower
Africa and Power Ethiopia projects.
G. Beaucage
12:05 POLY 474. Withdrawn.

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row I

Polymer Composites and High Performance

Nanoparticles & Nanocomposites
J. W. Gilman, M. Meador, M. Meador, D. Savin,
S. E. Morgan, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 POLY 483. Hyperbranched epoxy with

POSS modification for enhanced toughness

polymer composites. S.E. Morgan, Q. Jin, J.
Misasi, J.S. Wiggins
9:00 POLY 484. Stacking intumescing multilayer thin film onto clay-based nanobrick
wall to impart self-extinguishing fire retardant behavior to polyurethane. K.M. Holder,
M. Huff, M. Cosio, J.C. Grunlan
9:30 POLY 485. Effect of interfacial modification on the morphology and properties of
polybenzimidazole/silica nanocomposite
proton exchange membrane for use in fuel
cells. S. Singha, T. Jana
9:50 POLY 486. Improvement of mechanical
properties of methacrylate based composites by latex particles. B. Sandmann,
B. Happ, I. Perevyazko, S. Hoeppener,
T. Rudolph, F.H. Schacher, M.D. Hager, U. Fischer,
P. Burtscher, N. Moszner, U.S. Schubert
10:10 POLY 487. Properties and synthesis of mixed bimodal nanoparticles via
RAFT. T.L. Neely, B. Natarajan, L. Schadler,
B.C. Benicewicz
10:40 POLY 488. Development of nanosilica
thermoset resins for filament winding and
prepreg applications. J.M. Nelson
11:10 POLY 489. Photografting random copolymers to nanoparticles for well-dispersed
nanocomposites. A.W. Hauser, R.C. Hayward
11:30 POLY 490. Interface-modified multilayer
polymer films for high energy density
capacitors. M.A. Wolak, M. Mackey, Z. Zhou,
J. Carr, L. Zhu, E. Baer
Section E

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Next Generation Smart Materials

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels

Cosponsored by PMSE

Innovations in Macromolecular Network


E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Y. C. Simon, Organizers

C. K. Lyon, N. Zacharia, Presiding

Medical: Hydrogels and Particles

Cosponsored by PMSE

B. De Geest, A. P. Esser-Kahn, Organizers,


L. M. Stratton, Organizer
A. J. Guenthner, B. R. Lund, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 POLY 491. Pollen grains for oral vaccination. H. Gill

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

9:00 POLY 492. mRNA based startegies for

8:35 POLY 475. Polymeric strategies for the

steering and amplifying the adaptive

immune response. B. De Geest
9:20 POLY 493. Nanoparticles for brain tumor
immunotherapy. J.M. Berlin
9:50 Intermission.
10:20 POLY 494. Modulating adaptive immunity
with carrier-free polyelectrolyte multilayer
films. Y. Chiu, L. Tostanoski, C. Jewell
10:50 POLY 495. Engineering lipid-based
vaccine nanoparticles for modulation of
immune responses. J. Moon

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 POLY 458. Size and rigidity dependent

pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of

cylindrical polymer brushes. M. Muellner,
S.J. Dodds, T. Nguyen, D. Senyschyn, C. Porter,
B. Boyd, F. Caruso
8:55 POLY 459. Controlling actuation and locomotion: Geometry-composition-humidity
gradient correlations for semiautonomic
films. R. Vaia, D.H. Wang, P. Buskohl, L. Tan
9:15 POLY 460. Tuning macroscopic properties
using stimuli-responsive ionic lquid monomers. J. Texter
9:35 POLY 461. Synthesis and dual-emissive
properties of thiophene-substituted difluoroboron -diketonates in poly(lactic acid).
M. Kolpaczynska, C.A. DeRosa, W. Morris,
C. Fraser
9:55 Intermission.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

encapsulation of cell lysates in view of

anticancer immunotherapy. L. Lybaert,
B. De Geest
8:55 POLY 476. Natural p(TA) hydrogel and
microgel networks for diverse potential
biomedical uses. N. Sahiner, S. Sagbas,
M. Sahiner, N. Aktas
9:15 POLY 477. Multiresponsive polymer-protein conjugates as immuno-modulating
stategy. N. Vanparijs, R. De Coen, B. De Geest
9:35 POLY 478. Tethered-sphere networks:
An ideal platform for property control.
T.S. Bailey
9:55 Intermission.

Interacting with the Immune System using

Polymeric Systems
Nanoparticulate Vaccination Strategies

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Next Generation Smart Materials

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels
Cosponsored by PMSE
E. B. Berda, J. Foster, Y. C. Simon, Organizers
M. A. Ayer, D. Balkenende, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 POLY 496. Concurrent block copolymer

polymersome stabilization and bilayer

permeabilization by stimuli-regulated
traceless crosslinking. X. Wang, S. Liu
1:55 POLY 497. Polymeric nanoparticles
from cooperative polymerization and
their dynamic behaviors. L. Li, C. Yuan,
S. Thayumanavan
2:15 POLY 498. Synthesis and characterization
of thermoresponsive, biodegradable polyesters. J.P. Swanson, L.R. Monteleone, F. Haso,
T. Liu, P.J. Costanzo, A. Joy
2:35 POLY 499. Depolymerization kinetics
and gas capture of polycarbodiimides.
B.L. Batchelor, J.F. Reuther, B.M. Novak
2:55 Intermission.
3:15 POLY 500. Stimuli-responsive microporous polymer hydrogels for treatment of
severe limb wounds. B.C. Streifel, J. Lundin,
G. Daniels, J.H. Wynne
3:35 POLY 501. Enhanced dry adhesion from
tapered nanorods and their shape effect.
Y. Cho, G. Kim, Y. Cho, S. Lee, H. Minsky,
K. Turner, D. Gianola, S. Yang
3:55 POLY 502. To randomize or not to randomize: An investigation into the cell-uptake of polymers. J. Moraes, S. Recalcati,
G. Gody, R. Peltier, S. Perrier, H.A. Klok
4:15 POLY 503. Polyelectrolyte exceeding ITO
capabilities in flexible electrochromics.
Y. Zhu, M.T. Otley, X. Zhang, M. Li, G.A. Sotzing
4:35 Concluding Remarks.
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 12

Energy and Materials

S. Clarson, Organizer
S. T. Iacono, A. Sellinger, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 POLY 504. Conjugated polymers for

energy harvesting, storage and modulation.

J.R. Reynolds
2:00 POLY 505. Synthesis and characterization
of conjugated fulvene chromophores and
polymers. S.M. Budy, K.J. Knuths, A. Davidson,
G.J. Balaich, D.W. Ball, S.T. Iacono
2:20 POLY 506. Piezoelectric polymer composites: From energy harvesting to artificial
muscles. W. Voit, C. Baur, G. Ellson
2:40 POLY 507. Conductance bistability in
non-conjugated polymers: Memristors in
neuromorphic applications. S.H. Foulger
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 POLY 508. Bioinspired green nanomaterials (GN) design and manufacture for
post-combustion carbon capture and
sequestration. S.V. Patwardhan
3:55 POLY 509. Microvascular materials for
mass and energy transport. A.P. Esser-Kahn,
D.T. Nguyen
4:15 POLY 510. Plastron trapping: Fluorinated
surface treatment comparison to maintain
stable plastrons under flow. J.R. Alston,
M.A. Khan, R. Campos, A.J. Guenthner,
J.M. Mabry
4:35 POLY 511. Self-repairable polymeric
networks that consume carbon dioxide and
water. Y. Yang, M.W. Urban
4:55 POLY 512. Safer and more energy efficient
antifreeze. E.V. Clancy

Section C

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 14

Innovations in Macromolecular Network


Interacting with the Immune System

using Polymeric Systems

Click Chemistries
Cosponsored by PMSE

Macromolecular Engineering of the

Immune Response

A. J. Guenthner, Organizer
B. R. Lund, L. M. Stratton, Organizers, Presiding

B. De Geest, A. P. Esser-Kahn, Organizers,


1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 POLY 513. Functional polymer nanoparti-

cles via thiol-ene nanoemulsion photopolymerization. D.A. Amato, D.N. Amato, A.S. Flynt,
D.L. Patton
1:55 POLY 514. Raising the glass transition
temperature of thiolene networks for
dental applications. J. Li, T.F. Scott
2:15 POLY 515. Wide bicontinuous compositional windows from co-networks made
with telechelic macromonomers. G.N. Tew
2:35 POLY 516. In situ polymerization of
thiol-acrylate nanocomposite polymers
with encapsulated stem cells. L.A. Garber,
A. Forghani, J.A. Pojman, D. Hayes, R. Devireddy
2:55 Intermission.
3:15 POLY 517. Softening polymer substrates
for chronically soft neural interface. W. Voit
3:35 POLY 518. Ester-free thiol-X resin: A new
material with enhanced mechanical properties. E. Becka, M. Podgorski, C. Bowman
3:55 POLY 519. Photoinitiated Cu(I)-catalyzed
azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) based
networks. A.D. Baranek, H. Song, M. McBride,
P. Finnegan, T. Gong, C. Bowman
4:15 POLY 520. High temperature cyanate
ester resins from renewable feedstocks:
Upgrading through deoxygenation or
conversion to hybrid resins. B.G. Harvey,
A.J. Guenthner, W.W. Lai, A. Chan, M. Garrison,
J. Reams, L. Cambrea, H.A. Meylemans,
M.C. Davis
4:35 POLY 521. Renewable furan-based epoxyamine thermosets. G.R. Palmese
4:55 Concluding Remarks.
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Polymer Composites and High Performance

Computation and Characterization
J. W. Gilman, M. Meador, M. Meador, S. E.
Morgan, D. Savin, Organizers
A. L. Fogel, Presiding
1:30 POLY 522. Dielectric spectroscopic anal-

ysis of cure behavior and relaxation processes in polymer composites. M.K. Hassan,
C.H. Childers, K.A. Mauritz, J.S. Wiggins
2:00 POLY 523. Aligned CNT composites:
Quantitative analysis by TEM tomography.
J. Liddle, B. Natarajan, T. Lam, R. Sharma,
N. Lachman, D. Jacobs, B. Wardle
2:30 POLY 524. Mapping the lyotropic phase
behavior of diblock copolymer iongels.
T. Bennett, I. Blakey, K.J. Thurecht, K. Jack
2:50 POLY 525. Spectroscopic Investigations
of polyethylene-carbon nanofibers composites. R. Benitez, I. Elamin, B. Jones, L. Jianhua,
D. Chipara, K. Lozano, M. Chipara
3:10 POLY 526. Computational design of next
generation aerospace material systems.
E. Sapper, I. Cole, M. Breedon, D. Winkler,
F. Chen, C. Chu
3:40 POLY 527. Connecting molecular to
continuum: A multiscale modeling approach
using molecular dynamics and finite
element analysis to predict composite
failure. S.J. Tucker, S. Christensen
4:10 POLY 411. Lignin expanded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) thermoplastic
for composite applications. A.K. Naskar,
S.K. Akato, D.L. Erdman

1:30 POLY 528. Supramolecular peptide immunomodulators. C. Mora Solano, R.R. Pompano,
T. Sun, J. Chen, A.S. Chong, J.H. Collier
2:10 POLY 529. Engineering amphiphiles that

target lymphoid tissues and optimally

engage immune cells for more effective
vaccines. D.J. Irvine
2:50 Intermission.
3:20 POLY 530. Designing novel protein mimics
from simple synthetic polymers. G.N. Tew
3:50 POLY 531. Effect of 3D presentation of
glycomimetic polymers on lectin interaction.
A.M. Kasko, W. Liau, K. Lin

Division of Polymeric
Materials Science and
A. H. Tsou, Q. Lin, C. M. Stafford and
M. Becker, Program Chairs


Smart and Responsive Composites from
Renewable Building Blocks (see CELL,
Tue, Wed )
Integrating Chemistry and Polymer Science
Research into the Classroom (see CHED,
Energy and Materials (see POLY, Tue, Wed,
POLY/PMSE Plenary Lecture and Awards
Reception (see POLY, Wed)
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
(see PRES, Sun, Mon)
WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium (see
WCC, Mon )

11:15 PMSE 4. Size, shapes, and crystalline

structure of polymeric materials with a

SAXS/WAXS instrument. S. Rodrigues,
S. Desvergne-Bleneau, P. Panine, M. FernandezMartinez, F. Bossan
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science:

Symposium in Honor of Geoffrey W. Coates
W. Dichtel, Organizer, Presiding
8:25 Introductory Remarks.

2D materials for interface engineering.

D. Calabrese, M. Welch, C.K. Ober
9:00 PMSE 6. Fun with block copolymers: New

materials and processes using directed

self assembly for nanoscale patterning.
P.D. Hustad
9:30 PMSE 7. Dynamic complex emulsion
droplets. T.M. Swager, L. Zarzar
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 PMSE 8. New strategies for living radical
polymerization. C.J. Hawker
10:45 PMSE 9. Pushing the limits of -diimine-based catalysts for olefin polymerization. B.K. Long, J. Rhinehart, N. Mitchell,
L. Brown
11:15 PMSE 10. Controlling sequence, stereochemistry, and functionality in linear polymers prepared by ring-opening metathesis
polymerization. M.A. Hillmyer
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Design Principles of Functional

Macromolecular Materials
Financially supported by IBM; Solvay; Aldrich; RSC:
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C, Soft Mater
and Chemical Science
A. J. Boydston, L. M. Campos, K. L. Wooley,
E. Pentzer, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 PMSE 11. Challenges facing directed

Tutorial: Learnings & Developments

Y. Men, Organizer
R. Jones, A. I. Norman, Organizers, Presiding

Section D

9:15 Introductory Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Social Hour: Tue

Reception: Wed

Business Meeting: Sun, Mon

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Advances in X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Techniques for Elucidating Polymer

9:30 PMSE 1. Synchrotron facility for charac-

terization of hierarchical structures from

microns to Angstroms in less than 3
minutes. J. Ilavsky
10:00 PMSE 2. Travels in reciprocal space:
A tutorial on images, microstructures,
scattering, and Fourier transforms. A. Bons,
J. Butler
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 PMSE 3. Newest developments and
adaptive strategies in laboratory SAXS (and
WAXS) for polymer research. S.W. Barton,
K. Joensen, S. Skou

raphy on the structure and permselectivity

of ultrafiltration membranes. S. Maruf,
M. Farr, E. Kujundzic, J. Yoshimura, Z. Ott,
A.R. Greenberg, Y. Ding
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 21. CO2-philic graphene oxide thin
film composite membranes. H. Park, H. Kim,
H. Yoon, B. Yoo, Y. Cho
11:00 PMSE 22. Iptycene-containing polymeric
membranes for efficient gas separation.
R. Guo, J. Wiegand, S. Luo
11:30 PMSE 23. Advanced materials and membranes for gas separations. C. Liu

8:30 PMSE 5. Polymer brushes: Versatile

assembly of block copolymers:

Nanopatterning at the sub-10 nm scale.
J.M. Buriak
8:30 PMSE 12. Efficient intramolecular singlet
fission in organic molecules. M. Sfeir,
E. Busby, J. Xia, Q. Wu, J. Low, R. Song,
J.R. Miller, X. Zhu, L.M. Campos
9:00 PMSE 13. Putting side chains to work in
conjugated materials. S.W. Thomas
9:20 Intermission.
9:35 PMSE 14. Functional electronic polymer
design. Z. Bao
10:05 PMSE 15. Precursor conversion,
nucleation, and growth of colloidal metal
phosphide quantum dots. B.M. Cossairt,
D. Gary, B. Glassy
10:35 PMSE 16. Efficient syntheses of
-conjugated semiconducting polymers.
C.K. Luscombe
11:05 PMSE 17. Chemical transformations in
bimetallic nanoparticle alloys. J. Millstone,
L. Marbella, C.M. Andolina


9:30 PMSE 20. Influence of nanoimprint lithog-

Nanostructured Porous Polymers: Synthesis,

Properties Applications
Nanostructured Porous Polymers for
Membrane Application
B. D. Freeman, Organizer
D. L. Gin, H. Lin, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 18. Ion sorption and transport in
ion-exchange membranes. B.D. Freeman
9:00 PMSE 19. Controlled assemblies of

cyclic peptide-polymer conjugates toward

sub-nanometer porous membrane. T. Xu

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and

Chemical Control of Materials Properties
J. Cha, A. P. Goodwin, Organizers
C. Bowman, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 24. Supramolecular concepts for
patterning hydrogels. A. Nelson
9:00 PMSE 25. Dynamic hydrazone-crosslinked

hydrogels provide an adaptable matrix for

3D cell culture. D. Domaille, D. McKinnon,
K.S. Anseth, J. Cha
9:30 PMSE 26. Synthesis and evaluation of
thermally-responsive coatings based upon
Diels-Alder chemistry and renewable materials. D.N. Amato, G.A. Strange, J.P. Swanson,
K.L. Varney, D.V. Amato, P.J. Costanzo
9:50 PMSE 27. Scaffolded thermally remendable polymers with improved self-healing
capabilities. G. Berg, A.D. Baranek, C. Bowman
10:10 PMSE 28. Incorporation of dithiomaleimide mechanophores into polymeric
materials. M. Karman, Y.C. Simon
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 PMSE 29. Optically programmed
buckling of polymer nanocomposite gels.
R.C. Hayward
11:15 PMSE 30. Damage precursor detection
in polymer matrix composites. E.M. Nofen,
J. Wickham, J. Zou, A. Chattopadhyay, L. Dai
11:35 PMSE 31. Photolabile layer-by-layer
films. S.W. Thomas
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,

Devices and Applications
Energy Harvesting and Storage
A. D. Taylor, Organizer
G. S. Tulevski, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 32. Harvesting energy with

semiconducting single-walled carbon

nanotubes: From photovoltaics to thermoelectrics. J. Blackburn, A. Ferguson, A. Avery,
A. Dowgiallo, R. Ihly, K. Mistry, J.C. Johnson
9:00 PMSE 33. Few-walled carbon nanotubes
for energy storage. J. Liu

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.



9:30 PMSE 34. Ultrafast spectroscopic

Section C

Section E

Section G

signature of charge transfer between

single-walled carbon nanotubes and
C60. A. Dowgiallo, K. Mistry, J.C. Johnson,
J. Blackburn
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 PMSE 35. Influence of nanotube polydispersity on SWCNT-Si solar cells. E. Hobbie
10:40 PMSE 36. Porous graphene from polymer
templates and their use in energy storage
applications. K. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Zhu
11:10 PMSE 37. Time resolved microwave
conductivity on single-walled carbon
nanotube fullerene heterojunctions. R. Ihly,
K. Mistry, T. Clikeman, B. Larson, O.V. Boltalina,
S.H. Strauss, G. Rumbles, J. Blackburn
Next Generation Smart Materials

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

Design Principles of Functional

Macromolecular Materials
Financially supported by IBM; Solvay; Aldrich; RSC:
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C, Soft Mater
and Chemical Science

Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and


General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric


Functional Materials and Surfaces

Polymer Nanotechnology

C. Bowman, J. Cha, Organizers

A. P. Goodwin, Organizer, Presiding

Q. Lin, Organizer
D. Zhang, S. Zhou, Presiding

1:30 PMSE 63. Remotely controlled stimuli-responsive materials. S. Minko

1:30 PMSE 80. Formation of sub-10 nm

features with modified PS-PMMA. S. Zhou,
D. Janes, C.G. Willson, C.J. Ellison

Bio-inspired and Biomimetic Systems

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Macromolecular and Nanoparticle
Separation Science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Advances in X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Techniques for Elucidating Polymer
Tutorial: Learnings & Developments
A. I. Norman, Organizer
R. Jones, Y. Men, Organizers, Presiding
1:15 Introductory Remarks.
1:30 PMSE 38. Basics of small-angle neutron
scattering. B. Hammouda
2:00 PMSE 39. Small angle X-ray scattering for

morphological analysis of semicrystalline

polymers: Modeling of the interface distribution function. T. Thurn-Albrecht, A. Seidlitz
2:30 Intermission.
2:45 PMSE 40. New methods for measuring
nanostructures: Grazing-transmission and
variance scattering. K. Yager
3:15 PMSE 41. Recent developments in high
intensity high resolution in-house SAXS.
L. Jianhua, A. Takase
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science:

Symposium in Honor of Geoffrey W. Coates
W. Dichtel, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 42. Targeted applications as

inspirations to develop strategies toward

polymer materials and nanoscopic devices
derived from natural products. K.L. Wooley
2:00 PMSE 43. Stille catalyst-transfer polycondensation of thiophene. K.J. Noonan
2:30 PMSE 44. Development of epoxide/CO2
copolymerization technology. S. Allen
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 PMSE 45. Polymerization in 2- and 3D.
W. Dichtel, B.J. Smith, G. Hwang, R.P. Bisbey,
A.D. Chavez
3:45 PMSE 46. Synthesis of functional materials using ROMP initiators. R.H. Grubbs
4:15 PMSE 47. Catalysis for polymer synthesis.
R.M. Waymouth
4:45 PMSE 48. Award Address (ACS Award
in Applied Polymer Science sponsored by
Eastman Chemical). Advances in polymer
chemistry enabled through catalyst design
and discovery. G.W. Coates

Cooperative Cosponsorship

A. J. Boydston, L. M. Campos, E. Pentzer,

K. L. Wooley, Organizers
P. McGrier, Presiding
1:00 PMSE 49. Mega-supramolecules for

energy conservation and fire safety using

long end-associative telechelics in fuel.
J.A. Korneld
1:30 PMSE 50. Block copolymer templates for
functional nanostructured materials. H. Tran,
L.M. Campos
1:55 PMSE 51. Dual stimuli responsive hydrogels. A. Nelson
2:25 PMSE 52. Manipulating morphological
characters with architecturally diverse block
polymers for lithographic applications.
H. Minehara, L.M. Pitet, S. Kim, E.W. Meijer,
C.J. Hawker
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 PMSE 53. Controlling molecular conformations of functional macromolecular
materials. L. Fang
3:25 PMSE 54. Cyano substituted benzothiadiazoles: Novel acceptor units allowing
systematic lowering of conjugated polymer
LUMO levels. A. Casey, Y. Han, Z. Fei,
A.J. White, T.D. Anthopoulos, M.J. Heeney
3:45 PMSE 55. Overcoming chirality-selected
phase behavior in polypeptide complexes. D. Priftis, L. Leon, Z. Song, S. Perry,
K.O. Margossian, A. Tropnikova, J. Cheng,
M.V. Tirrell
4:05 PMSE 56. Triggered delivery of therapeutic
hydrogen sulfide from macromolecular
and supramolecular carriers. J.B. Matson,
J. Foster
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Nanostructured Porous Polymers: Synthesis,

Properties Applications
Nanostructured Porous Polymers for
Membrane Application
D. L. Gin, H. Lin, Organizers
B. D. Freeman, Organizer, Presiding
R. Guo, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 57. Nanoporous block copo-

lymer membranes for ultrafiltration: A

simple approach to size tunability. H. Ahn,
T.P. Russell
2:00 PMSE 58. Pore-size tuning in self-assembled block copolymer membrane.
K. Peinemann, X. Qiu, H. Yu, S. Nunes
2:30 PMSE 59. Membranes with artificial
free-volume enabled by block copolymer
self-assmebly. N. Petzetakis
3:00 Intermission.
3:30 PMSE 60. Recent advances in the design
of nanoporous polymers based on lyotropic
liquid crystals for membrane applications. D.L. Gin, B.M. Carter, S.M. Dischinger,
L.A. Robertson, M.G. Cowan, X. Feng,
M.E. Tousley, S. Nejati, Y. Choo, R.D. Noble,
M. Elimelech, C.O. Osuji
4:00 PMSE 61. Nanoparticle-embedded
water filtration membranes. H.A. Weinstein,
N.S. Rentz, L.F. Greenlee
4:30 PMSE 62. Synthesis of passive polymeric membranes for CO2 separation.
S. Chatterjee, T. Hong, S.M. Mahurin, J.W. Mays,
A.P. Sokolov, T. Saito

2:00 PMSE 64. Self-healing electronic materials. Z. Bao

2:30 PMSE 65. Composite organic conducting

polymers with multiple (thermally accessible) conducting phases. J. Galan-Mascaros,

Y. Koo, P. Maldonado-Illescas
2:50 PMSE 66. Remarkable pressure responses
of metalorganic frameworks: Proton
transfer, linker coiling, order-to-disorder
transition. A. Ortiz, A. Boutin, K.J. Gagnon,
A. Cleareld, F. Coudert
3:10 PMSE 67. UV-responsive organic thin-film
transistors with a benzothiophene semiconductor dispersed in a polymer matrix.
C. Smithson, D. Ljubic, Y. Wu, S. Zhu
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 PMSE 68. Origami and kirigami nanocomposites. N. Kotov, T. Shyu, P. Damasceno,
S.C. Glotzer
4:15 PMSE 69. Color control in stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal composites.
T.J. White, K. Lee, V. Tondiglia
4:45 PMSE 70. Liquid crystal elastomers with
a reversible and multistimulus response.
H. Kim, T. Adetiba, A. Agrawal, B. Zhu, H. Chen,
J. Jacot, R. Verduzco
5:05 PMSE 71. Responsive liquid crystal/
polymer aperiodic and periodic composites.
T.J. Bunning, S. Serak, L. De Sio, E. Ouskova,
R. Vergara, C. Umeton, N. Tabirian, T.J. White
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,

Devices and Applications
Chemistry and Materials Science of 2-D
A. D. Taylor, Organizer
G. S. Tulevski, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 PMSE 72. Carbon nanomaterial heterostructure devices. M. Hersam
1:30 PMSE 73. Flexible and conductive MXene-

based nanocomposites with high volumetric

capacitance. Y. Gogotsi, M. Zhao, Z. Ling,
C.E. Ren, M.R. Lukatskaya, M.W. Barsoum
2:00 PMSE 74. Synthesis of novel aromatic
architectures through the benzannulation of
aryl acetylenes. W. Dichtel, S. Hein, H. Arslan
2:30 PMSE 75. Self-folding polymer-graphene
bilayer sensors. T. Deng, C. Yoon, Q. Jin, M. Li,
Z. Liu, D.H. Gracias
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 PMSE 76. Hydrogenated graphene:
Formation, stability, and applications.
P.E. Sheehan, K.E. Whitener, W.K. Lee, J. Felts,
J. Robinson, P. Campbell
3:40 PMSE 77. Synthesis of polybenzoquinolines as graphene nanoribbon precursors.
Y. Park, D.J. Dibble, M. Umerani, A. Mazaheripour,
A.A. Gorodetsky
4:00 PMSE 78. Nematic order drives macroscopic patterns of graphene oxide in drop
drying. S. Zhang
4:20 PMSE 79. Protein adsorbed graphene
oxide nanosheets for intracllular protein and
vaccine delivery. H. Li, B. De Geest

1:50 PMSE 81. Photolithographic control of

nanostructures in cross-linkable block

copolymers. G. Chado, C. He, M.P. Stoykovich
2:10 PMSE 82. Interfacial interactions between
conjugated polymers and carbon nanotubes. S. Zhang
2:30 PMSE 83. Graphene fiber induced polymer
transcrystallization. J. Abdou, S. Zhang
2:50 PMSE 84. ROMP-derived stimuli-responsive organoboron nanostructures. G. Pawar,
J.B. Sheridan, F. Jaekle
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PMSE 85. Designing the porosity of bacterial cellulose nanopapers. A. Mautner, K. Lee,
K. Li, A. Bismarck
3:50 PMSE 86. Alternating donor-acceptor
conjugated polymers entailing amide/
imide-based accepting moieties toward
semiconducting materials. D. Zhang
4:10 PMSE 87. Nanothermometer: Measuring
temperature change in nanometer scale on
photothermal Au nanoparticles. H. Sakalak,
H. Cavusoglu, B. Buyukbekar, G. Demirel, M. Citir,
M. Yavuz
4:30 PMSE 88. Microfabrication of microfluidic
devices via reaction-diffusion. M. Kleiman,
K. Brubaker, D.T. Nguyen, A. Esser-Kahn
Next Generation Smart Materials
Bio-inspired and Biomimetic Systems
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Macromolecular and Nanoparticle
Separation Science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Advances in X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Techniques for Elucidating Polymer
Thin Films, Membranes & Fibrous Polymers
R. Jones, Organizer
Y. Men, A. I. Norman, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 89. Functional Group Depth

Profiling with Resonant Soft X-ray

Reflectivity. D. Sunday, E. Chan, C.M. Stafford
8:50 PMSE 90. Simultaneous SAXS/WAXS
investigation of out-of-equilibrium polymer
films. P. Panine, S. Desvergne, M. FernandezMartinez, S. Rodrigues, F. Bossan
9:20 PMSE 91. Resonant soft X-ray scattering
for soft materials. C. Wang, A. Young,
A. Hexemer, H. Padmore
9:50 PMSE 92. Structure and morphology of
P3HT and P3HT-containing donor-acceptor
block copolymers as elucidated by x-ray
scattering methods. T. Thurn-Albrecht
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 PMSE 93. Structure studies of natural
cellulose microfibrils by synchrotron
small-angle X-ray scattering. B.S. Hsiao,
B.T. Chu, Y. Su
11:05 PMSE 94. Structure evolution of polymer
grafted nanoparticle assemblies by selective solvent annealing of the canopy. J. Che,
C.A. Grabowski, H. Koerner, R.A. Vaia
11:25 PMSE 95. Small-angle X-ray studies
of the morphological change of anion
exchange membranes under uniaxial extensional strain. B.R. Caire, M. Vandiver, S. Seifert,
M.W. Liberatore

11:45 PMSE 96. Infrared and neutron reflectom-

etry of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)

interfaces with Pt and SiO2. J.H. Doan,
J.A. Dura, E.S. Smotkin

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Section B

Nanostructured Porous Polymers: Synthesis,

Properties Applications

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Nanostructured Porous Polymers for


Cooperative Research Award: Symposium in

Honor of Andy Tsou and Benjamin Hsiao
Financially supported by ExxonMobil
B. T. Chu, D. Schulz, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:30 PMSE 97. Crystallization of polyolefins
under flow and deformation. B.S. Hsiao,
A.H. Tsou
9:00 PMSE 98. Miscibility and crystallization

in hydrocarbon block and block-random

copolymers. R.A. Register, B.S. Beckingham,
A.B. Burns
9:30 PMSE 99. Supramolecular assembly:
Giant polyhedrons and giant surfactants
based on nanoatoms. S.Z. Cheng
10:00 PMSE 100. Fluorinated block copolymers: New materials as environmentally
benign anti-fouling coatings. B. Wenning,
D. Calabrese, C.K. Ober
10:30 PMSE 101. Electrospun fibrous membrane for reducing postoperative peritoneal
adhesion and for targeted drug delivery.
C.C. Han
11:00 PMSE 102. Cellulose nanofibers as a
key component in separation membranes.
B.T. Chu, B. Hsiao
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Design Principles of Functional

Macromolecular Materials
Financially supported by IBM; Solvay; Aldrich; RSC:
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C, Soft Mater
and Chemical Science
A. J. Boydston, L. M. Campos, E. Pentzer, K. L.
Wooley, Organizers
J. B. Matson, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 103. Understanding mechanochemistry from first principles. T. Martnez
9:00 PMSE 104. Linking molecular design

of the polymer functionalization to tune

grafted particle assembly or dispersion
within domains and interfaces of polymer
matrices. A. Jayaraman
9:25 PMSE 105. Isophthalic acid - pyridine
H-bonding: A simple yet versatile supramolecular synthon for the design of functional
polymers. L. Montero de Espinosa, S. Balog,
C. Weder
9:45 PMSE 106. Synthesis and spontaneous
segregation of functional bottlebrush
polymer additives. S.L. Pesek, X. Li, I. Mitra,
G. Stein, R. Verduzco
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 PMSE 107. Design principles for charge
storage within redox-active covalent
organic frameworks. C.R. DeBlase,
H.D. Abruna, W. Dichtel
10:50 PMSE 108. Ring-opening metathesis
oolymerization (ROMP) via electroorganic
synthesis. K. Ogawa, A. Goetz, A.J. Boydston
11:15 PMSE 109. Polymer mechanochemistry
at surfaces. H. Klok
11:35 PMSE 110. Flow IEG: A scalable route
to sequence and architecturally defined
unimolecular macromolecules. F.A. Leibfarth,
J.A. Johnson, T.F. Jamison

H. Lin, Organizer
B. D. Freeman, D. L. Gin, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 111. Porous organic polymers: syn-

thesis and absorption/transport properties.

S.T. Nguyen
9:00 PMSE 112. Directing structural features
and gas sorption properties of nanoporous
polymers. O. Buyukcakir, A. Coskun
9:30 PMSE 113. Nanoporous selective absorbents based on semicrystalline syndiotactic
polystyrene. S. Nazarenko
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 114. Porous organic polymers
for electrocatalysis and photoresponsive
gas adsorption. W. Zhang, Y. Zhu, G. Lu, H.
Yang, Y. Jin
11:00 PMSE 115. Rational design of porous
organic polymers for decontamination.
G. Barin, J.R. Long
11:30 PMSE 116. Effect of cross-link density
on carbon dioxide separation in PDMS
norbornene membranes. T. Hong, Z. Niu,
S.M. Mahurin, D. Jiang, B.K. Long, J.W. Mays,
A.P. Sokolov, T. Saito
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and

Tunable Particles and Surfaces
C. Bowman, A. P. Goodwin, Organizers
J. Cha, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 117. One-step preparation of

thermo/photosensitive nanogels and their

use as stabilizers of Pickering high internal
phase emulsions. F.M. Winnik, X. Zhang
9:00 PMSE 118. Building responsive materials
from compartmentalized microparticles.
J. Lahann
9:30 PMSE 119. Polymer directed self assembly of pH-responsive antioxidant nanoparticles. R.K. Prudhomme
9:50 PMSE 120. Responsive porous polymers
through emulsion-templating. M. Ovadia,
I. Gurevitch, M.S. Silverstein
10:10 PMSE 121. Nanogel-based stimulus-responsive capsules with tunable wall
permeability. A. Pich
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 PMSE 122. Responsive nanomaterials:
Combining nanostructures, cells, and
ultrathin polymer films. V.V. Tsukruk
11:15 PMSE 123. Reversible tuning of pore
size and CO2 adsorption in a series of
azobenzene functionalized porous organic
polymers (POPs). Y. Zhu, W. Zhang
11:35 PMSE 124. Star polyelectrolytes based
microcapsules with multiresponsiveness to
ionic strength, pH, and temperature. W. Xu,
P.A. Ledin, F. Plamper, C. Synatschke, A. Mueller,
V.V. Tsukruk
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,

Devices and Applications
Low-D Carbon Devices and Materials
G. S. Tulevski, Organizer
A. D. Taylor, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 125. How will carbon nanotubes

impact the next generation of electronics?

A. Franklin
9:00 PMSE 126. Materials science and applications of exceptionally electronic-type
sorted semiconducting carbon nanotubes
in field effect transistors and photovoltaics.
M. Arnold

9:30 PMSE 127. Synthesis and photophysical

investigation of a series of porphyrin-containing polymers that helically wrap single-walled carbon nanotubes. M.G. Glesner,
H. Yoo, J. Olivier, P. Deria, M.J. Therien
9:50 Intermission.
10:10 PMSE 128. Semiconducting SWCNT
enrichment via conjugated polymer
extraction. P.R. Malenfant, J. Ding, Z. Li,
J. Lefebvre, F. Cheng, C. Homenick, J. Dunford,
N. Du, G.P. Lopinski, R. James, C. Kingston,
B. Simard, J. Humes, J. Kroeger
10:40 PMSE 129. Graphene photonics and
plasmonics. F. Xia
11:10 PMSE 130. Dose-controlled, floating
evaporative self-assembly and alignment
of semiconducting carbon nanotubes
(SWCNTs) from organic solvents. Y. Joo,
G.J. Brady, M. Arnold, P. Gopalan
11:30 PMSE 131. Novel route to fabericate
graphene oxide quantum dots (GOQDs)
and graphene quantum dots (GQDs). T. Fan,
C. Yuan, W. Tang, S. Tong, S. Mo, C. Zhao, Y. Liu,
Y. Min
Section G

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric

Polymeric Biomaterials and Applications
Q. Lin, Organizer
A. K. Gaharwar, P. B. Smith, Presiding
8:50 PMSE 132. Elastomeric and mechanically

stiff nanocomposite for bone tissue engineering. P. Kerativitayanan, A.K. Gaharwar

9:10 PMSE 133. Biobased composites for

tissue engineering from tung oil and

collagen. R.L. Quirino, D.B. Page, A. Stewart,
A. Scholz
9:30 PMSE 134. Enhanced bone cell functions
on poly(-caprolactone) networks grafted
with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane
nanocages. L. Cai, C.H. Sprague, C. Foster,
S. Wang
9:50 PMSE 135. Poly(-caprolactone) networks
tethered with dangling poly(L-lysine) chains
for promoting smooth muscle cell functions.
X. Liu, S. Wang
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 136. Derivatives of chitin and
chitosan for biomedical applications
bearing nitric oxide-releasing S-nitrosothiol
substituents. A. Lutzke, A. Pegalajar-Jurado,
B.H. Neufeld, M.M. Reynolds
10:50 PMSE 137. Producing lignin-based
polyols through microwave-assisted
liquefaction for rigid polyurethane foam
production. B. Xue, R. Sun
11:10 PMSE 138. Glycerol based hyperbranched poly(ester)s for the controlled
release of the plant growth regulator
naphthylacetic acid. T. Zhang, B.A. Howell,
P.B. Smith
11:30 PMSE 139. Design of biobased hyperbranched polyesters: Structure and molecular weight. P.B. Smith, T. Zhang, B.A. Howell,
S.J. Martin
Next Generation Smart Materials
Materials with Special Optical, Electronic
and Mechanical Behavior
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Integrating Chemistry and Polymer Science
Research into the Classroom
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE
and POLY
Macromolecular and Nanoparticle
Separation Science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Advances in X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Techniques for Elucidating Polymer
Block Copolymers & Polymer Blends
A. I. Norman, Organizer
R. Jones, Y. Men, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 140. Thermodynamic interactions

and shear-aligned structures in triblock

copolymers derived from vegetable
oils. S. Wang, S. Vajjala Kesava, E. Gomez,
M.L. Robertson
2:00 PMSE 141. Characterizing the distribution and thermodynamics of selectively
associating additives in polymer blends.
D. Sunday, Y. Tein, R. Kline
2:30 PMSE 142. Structure transitions in
symmetric crystalline-crystalline diblock
copolymers with synchrotron simultaneous
SAXS/WAXS investigations. F. Xue, S. Jiang
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 PMSE 143. Co-solvency and co-nonsolvency of polymers in mixed solvents.
B. Hammouda
3:45 PMSE 144. Microstructural origins of
yield, strain hardening and hysteresis in
thermoplastic elastomers under uniaxial
deformation: an in situ tensile-SANS study.
C. Lopez-Barron, A. Eberle
4:15 PMSE 145. SANS study on the phase
behaviors of responsive star polyelectrolytes. W. Xu, I. Choi, F. Plamper, C. Synatschke,
A. Mueller, Y. Melnichenko, V.V. Tsukruk
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Polymeric Biomaterials
Novel Polymeric Biomaterials: Synthesis,
Modication and Fabrication
Cosponsored by CELL
Financially supported by Genzyme; RSC Journal of
Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science;
Genzyme; TA Instruments; Malvern Instruments;
University of Delaware Materials Science &
M. Grunlan, X. Jia, Organizers, Presiding
1:20 PMSE 146. Responsive materials for the

directing and delivering stem cells and

therapeutics. M.S. Rehmann, P.M. Kharkar,
A.M. Kloxin
1:50 PMSE 147. Withdrawn.
2:10 PMSE 148. Efficient syntheses of polysaccharides and their biomedical applications.
W. Du, L. Li, J. Wang, M. Obrinske
2:30 PMSE 149. Tailoring the activity of
lysozyme by combining grafting-from
and grafting-To RAFT polymerization.
R. Falatach, C. McGlone, S. Averick, R.C.
Page, D. Konkolewicz, J. Berberich
2:50 Intermission.
3:10 PMSE 150. Silk proteins for stabilization
and drug delivery systems. D.L. Kaplan
3:40 PMSE 151. Conjugated polymer nanoparticles for intracellular organelle specific
drug delivery. M. Kumar, T. Vokata, E. Mendez,
J. Moon
4:00 PMSE 152. Improving network crosslinking
of peptide-immobilized hydrogels formed
by visible light-initiated thiol-acrylate photopolymerization. C. Lin, J. Bragg
4:20 PMSE 153. Multifunctional polyesters and
polyurethanes with peptide-like pendant
functional groups. A. Joy, Y. Xu, J.P.

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Design Principles of Functional

Macromolecular Materials
Financially supported by IBM; Solvay; Aldrich; RSC:
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C, Soft Mater
and Chemical Science
A. J. Boydston, L. M. Campos, E. Pentzer,
K. L. Wooley, Organizers
Y. Xia, Presiding
1:00 PMSE 154. Structural evolution of

polyelectrolyte-complex-core micelles and

ordered-phase bulk materials. M.V. Tirrell
1:30 PMSE 155. Design of functional materials
to tailor glycan interactions at the cell-matrix interface. K. Godula
1:55 PMSE 156. Designing dynamic rearrangement of polymeric structures using the
principles found in lungs. A.P. Esser-Kahn,
M. Kleiman, D.T. Nguyen, K. Brubaker
2:20 PMSE 157. Kinetic control of modulus
properties in peptide functionalized hydrogels. M. Becker, B.D. Vogt, G. Hua, Z.K. Zander,
C. Wiener
2:45 Intermission.
3:00 PMSE 158. Sustainable and degradable
thermosets and polyesters from sugar-derived dilactones. J. Gallagher, M.A. Hillmyer,
T.M. Reineke
3:30 PMSE 159. Design of hydrogels as
synthetic extracellular matrix mimics using
modular building blocks and facile techniques. A.M. Kloxin
4:00 PMSE 160. Poly(oligonucleotide):
Development and biomedical utility of
nucleic acid-programmed polymers and
nanoparticles. N.C. Gianneschi
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Nanostructured Porous Polymers: Synthesis,

Properties Applications
New Approaches and Applications of
Nanostructured Porous Polymeric Materials
D. L. Gin, Organizer
B. D. Freeman, H. Lin, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 161. Hierarchically porous

conductive hydrogels as a novel material

platform for energy storage and biosensor
technologies. G. Yu
2:00 PMSE 162. Surface modification of metal-organic framework nanoparticles using
random polymer. T. Li, S. Darnall, I. Lee, T. Xu
2:20 PMSE 163. Photocrosslinked honeycomb-patterned films with submicron
pores fabricated using monodisperse silica
nanoparticles as templates for regulating
MC3T3-E1 cell functions. X. Wu, S. Wang
2:40 PMSE 164. Grafting of poly(oligoethylene
glycol) (meth)acrylate brushes on the
surface of cylindrical mesopores of ordered
silica via activator regenerated by electron
transfer ATRP. A.S. Manchanda, M. Kruk
3:00 PMSE 165. Block copolymer packing
limits and interfacial reconfigurability in
the assembly of periodic mesoporous
organosilicas. B.A. Helms, A.W. Wills, P. Ercius,
E.R. Rosenberg, R. Runser
3:20 Intermission.
3:40 PMSE 166. High surface area methylsilsesquioxane polymer gels made by
fluoride catalyzed rearrangement. J. Furgal,
H. Yamane, Y. Chujo, R.M. Laine

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

4:00 PMSE 167. Nanoporous materials from

crosslinked gemini surfactant lyotropic

liquid crystal network phases. J. Jennings,
M. Mahanthappa
4:20 PMSE 168. Microporous inorganic/organic
hybrids via oxysilylation of a cubic symmetry nanobuilding block [(HMe2SiOSiO1.5)8]
with RxSi(OEt)4-x in Hydrophobic media.
D. Pan, E. Yi, J. Furgal, M. Schwartz, P. Doan,
R.M. Laine
4:40 PMSE 169. Biomimetic amphiphobic
surfaces on paper. S. Oyola-Reynoso, I. Tevis,
Z. Li, J. Halbertsma-Black, M. Thuo
5:00 PMSE 170. Hierarchical porosity in
emulsion-templated polymers. S. Israel,
M.S. Silverstein
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and

Inspiration from Biology
C. Bowman, A. P. Goodwin, Organizers
J. Cha, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 171. Peptide supramolecular
polymerizations. S.I. Stupp
2:00 PMSE 172. Phase behavior and self-as-

sembly of stimulus response peptide

polymers. A. Chilkoti
2:30 PMSE 173. Molecular description of LCST
behavior of elastin-like peptides poly(VPGVG) and poly(VGPVG). N.K. Li, Y.G. Yingling
2:50 PMSE 174. Temperature-triggered self-assembly of nanovesicles from collagen-like
peptide-containing diblock bioconjugates.
T. Luo, L. He, P. Theato, K.L. Kiick
3:10 PMSE 175. Regulating supramolecular
polymerization of polypeptide-grafted macromolecules. H. Xia, Y. Zhang, H. Fu, Y. Ren,
J. Cheng, Y. Lin
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 PMSE 176. Responsive, switchable, and
self-assembled properties of zwitterionic
biomaterials. S. Jiang
4:15 PMSE 177. Stimulus-responsive
polymer-lipid assemblies as biomolecule-activated imaging contrast agents.
A.P. Goodwin
4:45 PMSE 178. Infrared invisibility
stickers inspired by cephalopods.
L. Phan, D. Ordinario, E. Karshalev, M. Shenk,
A.A. Gorodetsky
5:05 PMSE 179. Photoresponsible mussel-derived surgical tissue glue. E. Jeon, B. Hwang,
Y. Yang, H.J. Cha

Section G


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

Section A

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Polymer Synthesis

Advances in X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Techniques for Elucidating Polymer

Q. Lin, Organizer
X. Guo, S. Zavada, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 185. Polymerization of N-NCAs

in ionic liquids: Heterophase synthesis

of polypeptoids. S.M. Brosnan, C. Secker,
H. Schlaad, K. Tauer, M. Antonietti
1:50 PMSE 186. Design and synthesis of a
degradable triblock copolymer, poly(ethylene glycol)-block-polyphosphoester-blockpoly(L-lactide) for biomedical applications.
R. Li, F. Zhang, S. Zhang, H. Wang, K.L. Wooley
2:10 PMSE 187. Synthesis of silver oxide
nanoparticles in spherical polyelectrolyte
brushes. A. Ahmad, X. Liu, Y. Xu, X. Guo
2:30 PMSE 188. Proton-transfer polymerization (HTP): Converting methacrylates into
polyesters by an N-heterocyclic carbene.
M. Hong, E.Y. Chen
2:50 PMSE 189. Synthesis and polymerization
of substituted oxazine ring of polybenzoxazine. F.P. Cassidy, K. Chiou, H. Ishida
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PMSE 190. Rapid, puncture-initiated,
autonomous healing via oxygen-mediated
polymerization. S.R. Zavada, K.L. Gordon,
N.R. McHardy, T.F. Scott
3:50 PMSE 191. Biodegradable comb-dendritic tri-block copolymers consisting of
poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(L-lactide) or
poly(-caprolactone) and pre-osteoblastic
cellular response to the spherulitic surfaces.
X. Wu, J. Dou, S. Wang
4:10 PMSE 192. Self-assembly of giant polymer
capsules with purely hydrophilic polymers:
The hydrophilic effect. S.M. Brosnan,
H. Schlaad, M. Antonietti
Next Generation Smart Materials
Composite Materials and Smart Processes
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Undergraduate Research Posters
Polymer Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE,
Macromolecular and Nanoparticle
Separation Science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Section F


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

Section A

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,

Devices and Applications
Composite Materials
G. S. Tulevski, Organizer
A. D. Taylor, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 180. Graphene/polymer derived

ceramics with anisotropic properties.

L. Zhai
1:50 PMSE 181. Efficient, low-cost, simple
method to enhance the thermal efficiency of
ceramic by spray deposition of silane-modified graphene. S. Tong, J. Wang, S. Mo,
C. Yuan, Y. Liu, Y. Min
2:10 PMSE 182. Conductive nanocomposites
of polyethylene/oxidized polyethylene
(PE/OPE) blends with thermally reduced
graphene and carbon black. M.Z. Iqbal,
A.A. Abdala, M.W. Liberatore
2:30 PMSE 183. 3D graphene/58 S bioactive
glass scaffolds as a biocompatible scaffold
for retinal ganglion cells. Q. Yao, S. Yu, Y. Liu
2:50 PMSE 184. Antibacterial surface acting via
photothermal effects. H. Liwei, Y. Lihua

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

M. Becker, Q. Lin, C. M. Stafford, A. H. Tsou,
8:00 - 10:00
128. See previous listings.
297, 299-300, 304-305, 307-308, 314-319, 322324, 328-332, 336, 339-344, 351-352, 355, 357,
359-365, 371-375, 377-385, 388-390, 392-394,
397-398, 401-402, 404-406, 408, 411-412. See
subsequent listings.

STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum
Polymer Science Education and the NGSS
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE,

High Strength Polymers and Composites

Y. Men, Organizer
R. Jones, A. I. Norman, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 193. Elucidating the relation-

ships between polyethylene architecture

and mechanical properties. A. Kannan,
D. Bucknall, A. Eberle, T. Shaffer, A.I. Norman,
S. Weigand
9:00 PMSE 194. Molecular weight dependency
of crystallization, recrystallinzation and
melting lines in isotactic polypropylene and
polybutene-1. Y. Lu, Y. Wang, Y. Men
9:30 PMSE 195. Investigating the crystallization kinetics and structure development of
hybrid polymer-nanocomposite materials
using SAXS/WAXS and thermal techniques.
E.L. Heeley, P.G. Taylor, Y. El Aziz, A. Basindale,
D. Hughes
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 PMSE 196. Topology of soft materials using neutron and X-ray scattering.
G. Beaucage
10:45 PMSE 197. Morphological origin of the
embrittlement of polymers upon crystallization: The case of PET. L. Balzano
11:15 PMSE 198. Phase behavior of polymer-grafted nanoparticles in a polymer
matrix. K. Mongcopa, R. Ashkar, P. Butler,
R. Krishnamoorti
Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Polymeric Biomaterials
Novel Polymeric Biomaterials: Synthesis,
Modication and Fabrication
Cosponsored by CELL
Financially supported by Genzyme; RSC Journal of
Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science;
Genzyme; TA Instruments; Malvern Instruments;
University of Delaware Materials Science &
M. Grunlan, X. Jia, Organizers, Presiding
8:25 PMSE 199. Degradable porous polymer

biomaterials through emulsion-templating.

T. Bialystocki, D. David, L. Perry, D. Rosenfeld,
S. Levenberg, M.S. Silverstein
8:55 PMSE 200. Cell encapsulating tough
hydrogel materials. A.P. Dove
9:25 PMSE 201. Development of flexible
and elastic, biodegradable and bioactive
polycarbonates. Z. Zhang, S.D. Sommerfeld,
J. Bushman, M. Guvendiren, D. Zunger, P. Mishra,
H. Kaplan, J.B. Kohn
9:45 PMSE 202. Advanced biocompatible and
high strength underwater tissue bioadhesive. H. Kim, S. Lim, B. Hwang, H.J. Cha
10:35 Intermission.
10:05 PMSE 203. Molecular understanding,
design, and development of zwitterionic
biomaterials. S. Jiang
10:55 PMSE 204. Antimicrobial coatings for
biomedical applications: Challenges and
opportunities offered by natural polymers.
K. Neoh, M. Li, R. Wang, E. Kang, E. Chiong
11:15 PMSE 205. Low-temperature plasma
surface modification of porous polymeric
materials for environmental and medical
applications. M.N. Mann, A. Pegalajar-Jurado,
E.R. Fisher
11:35 PMSE 206. Highly selective antibacterial
activity through control of polymer amphiphilicity based on the exploration of nonionic hydrophilic counits. A. Punia, N. Yang

Section C

Section E

Section G

4:15 Concluding Remarks.

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

Section B

Design Principles of Functional

Macromolecular Materials
Financially supported by IBM; Solvay; Aldrich; RSC:
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C, Soft Mater
and Chemical Science

Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and


Polymer Modeling: Structure, Dynamics and


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Biomedical Applications of StimulusResponsive Assemblies

Solutions, Melts and Surfaces

Financially supported by ExxonMobil; Dow

Polymeric Biomaterials

R. Locker, G. C. Rutledge, Organizers

M. A. Pasquinelli, Presiding

Financially supported by Genzyme; RSC Journal of

Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science;
Genzyme; TA Instruments; Malvern Instruments;
University of Delaware Materials Science &

A. J. Boydston, L. M. Campos, E. Pentzer,

K. L. Wooley, Organizers
B. M. Cossairt, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 207. Modeling block copolymer thin

film orientation in the presence of neutral

and preferential interfaces. W. Durand,
M. Carlson, G. Blachut, M. Maher, C.J. Ellison,
C.G. Willson
8:55 PMSE 208. Design rules for membranes in
artificial solar fuels generators. N.A. Lynd
9:15 PMSE 209. Functional degradable
poly(carbonate)s: Design, synthesis, and
self-assembly. R.J. Williams, R.K. OReilly,
A.P. Dove
9:35 PMSE 210. Efficient synthesis of rigid
ladder polymers via palladium catalyzed
annulation. Y. Xia
10:00 PMSE 211. Photolithographic olefin
metathesis polymerization. R. Weitekamp,
H. Atwater, R.H. Grubbs
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 PMSE 212. Synthetic polymer anion
exchange membranes. W. Zhang, Y. Liu,
M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring, E. Coughlin
10:55 PMSE 213. Synthesis and design of functional porous organic polymers. P. McGrier
11:20 PMSE 214. Designing a hydrophobic monomer library with LogP values.
R.T. Mathers
11:40 PMSE 215. Structural design principles
for high performance polysaccharide
binders in silicon anodes. T. Kwon,
Y.K. Jeong, J. Choi, A. Coskun
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Nanoscale Spectroscopic and Microscopic

Hybrid SPM/AFM
Financially supported by ExxonMobil Chemicals;
Bruker; Nanosurf
A. H. Tsou, D. Yablon, Organizers
J. Hobbs, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 216. AFMIR : A powerful tool for
Infrared Nanoscopy. A. Dazzi, A. DenisetBesseau, C.A. Marcott, K. Kjoller
9:00 PMSE 217. Investigation of microscopic

properties of polymer surface in contact

with liquids: A combined SFM-Raman
study. S. Hild
9:30 PMSE 218. Infrared nanoimaging and
nano-FTIR spectroscopy. R. Hillenbrand
10:00 Intermission.
10:15 PMSE 219. Multimodal and multispectral
nano-imaging: Accessing the structure
underlying the function in molecular and
soft-matter. M.B. Raschke
10:45 PMSE 220. Nanoscale chemical,
mechanical and thermal analysis of polymers using AFM-IR. K. Kjoller, M. Lo, Q. Hu,
C. Prater
11:05 PMSE 221. Bimodal AFM for
elucidation of polyolefin morphology.
A.H. Tsou, D. Yablon, H. Bradshaw, E.J. Blok,
R.N. Dharmarajan

C. Bowman, J. Cha, A. P. Goodwin, Organizers

D. Domaille, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 222. Facile synthesis of clickable,

pH responsive functional polyphosphoramidates. H. Wang, F. Zhang, R. Li, S. Zhang,

K.L. Wooley
8:50 PMSE 223. Dual-triggered polymeric
nanoparticles as activatable fluorescent
probes for the detection of inflammation
and tumors. J. Lux, M.L. Viger, V.A. Nguyen
Huu, G. Collet, M. Guma, A. Foucault-Collet,
B. Bartok, G.S. Firestein, A. Almutairi
9:10 PMSE 224. Carrier-free, light-activated
nanoparticle system for the simultaneous
delivery of nucleic acids and cancer drug.
K. Zhang, B. Li, J.J. Zhao, X. Tan
9:30 PMSE 225. Enzyme-responsive nanoparticles for tissue targeting. N.C. Gianneschi
10:00 PMSE 226. Stimuli-responsive anisotropic colloidal nanoparticles. C. Lu,
M.W. Urban
10:20 Intermission.
10:35 PMSE 227. Light/magnetic responsive
polymer/inorganic hybrid assemblies for
cancer theranostics. Z. Nie, Y. Liu, J. Lin,
X. Chen
11:05 PMSE 228. Magnetic field triggered drug
release from polymersomes for cancer therapeutics. H. Oliveira, J. Thvenot, O. Sandre,
S. Lecommandoux
11:25 PMSE 229. Versatile platform to temperature-responsive PEG-based materials:
Facile post-polymerization functionalization
of PEO-co-PAGE with n-alkane thiols.
T. Kawamori, D. Klinger, J. Gopez, T. Murakami,
C.J. Hawker

8:30 PMSE 236. Equilibration of high molec-

Section F

Cues from Nature: Environmentally-Triggered

Functionality in Biopolymers
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by PMSE

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

ular-weight polymer melts: A hierarchical

universal strategy. G. Zhang, L. Moreira,
T. Stuehn, K.C. Daoulas, K. Kremer
9:00 PMSE 237. Molecular simulation of
polymer adsorption on rough surfaces.
A. Venkatakrishnan, A. Frost, J. Lewnard, A. Shim,
K. Anderson, V.K. Kuppa
9:20 PMSE 238. Effects of ionic liquid structure
on the thermodynamics of cellulose dissolution. B. Rabideau, A.E. Ismail
9:40 PMSE 239. Threading of ring poly(ethylene
oxide) molecules by linear chains or other
rings in the melt: molecular dynamics simulations followed by a geometric analysis.
D.G. Tsalikis, V.G. Mavrantzas
10:00 PMSE 240. Tubes, topology, and entangled rings. S. Milner
10:30 PMSE 241. Molecular dynamics study on
the influence of copolyeseter composition on adhesion with soda-lime glass.
B. Hanson, J.G. Ray, M.A. Pasquinelli
10:50 PMSE 242. Deformation of poly(amido
amine) dendrimers at surfaces.
K.A. Maerzke, N. Henson, P. Welch, C.F. Welch
11:10 PMSE 243. Hydrogen bond organization
and related structural order in bis-MPA
based dendrimers versus hyperbranched
polymers. M. Syed, B. Olson, S.I. Nazarenko
Energy and Materials
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Smart and Responsive Composites from
Renewable Building Blocks

Drug Delivery and Controlled Release

Cosponsored by CELL

M. Grunlan, X. Jia, Organizers, Presiding

1:25 PMSE 249. Lanthanide-containing polyca-

tions for imaging and monitoring polyplex

dynamics. L. Xue, S. Kelkar, T.M. Reineke
1:55 PMSE 250. Synthesis and evaluation of
peptide-based polymers for biomedical
applications. L. Chan, C. Ngambenjawong,
D. Chu, M. Cieslewicz, X. Wang, H. Wei, Y. Cheng,
N. White, P. Horner, S. Pun
2:25 PMSE 251. Gene-delivering non-viral
systems from PEI-g-PEG and PEIfunctionalized telechelic PEG: Effect of
polymer architecture on gene transfection
efficiency and cyto-toxicity. L. Cedrone,
M. George, V. Mityushin, W. Holmes, R. Bellin,
S. Granados Focil
2:45 PMSE 252. Self-assembly of PEGylated
poly(amino acid)s and their use in DNA
complexation. C. Scholz, D. Ulkoski, A. Meister,
J. Kressler
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 PMSE 253. Designer antimicrobial materials. A. Shukla
3:50 PMSE 254. Phenylboronic acid-installed
polycarbonates: synthesis and use as
drug carriers. Y. Aguirre-Chagala, J.L. Santos,
M. Herrera-Alonso
4:20 PMSE 255. Temporal control over multiple
biological signals using photochemical
reactions. M.A. Azagarsamy, K.S. Anseth
4:40 PMSE 256. Comb polymers for non-viral
gene delivery. R. Letteri, S. Parelkar, R. Elder,
A. Jayaraman, T. Emrick

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Section C

Y. Gnanou, Organizer
J. Frechet, Organizer, Presiding


Nanotechnology for Oncology

8:30 PMSE 230. Branched polymers: Stars,

grafts, and gels by ATRP. K. Matyjaszewski

Section A

ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Nikos Hadjichristidis
Well-Dened Polymers: From Design to
Financially supported by ExxonMobil

9:00 PMSE 231. Advance of sequential

controlled polymerizations for the design

of molecular brush block copolymers:
Sophisticated functional single molecule
materials and hierarchically-assembled
cluster properties. K.L. Wooley
9:30 PMSE 232. Model thermoplastic polyurethanes with sequence controlled monodisperse hard segments. L. Ren, P. Shah,
N. Kang, R. Faust
10:00 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 233. Tailored block copolymers
and their processing for self-assembled thin
films applications. D. Calabrese, B. Wenning,
M. Chavis, C.K. Ober
11:00 PMSE 234. Synthesis of star and starblock copolymers by living radical polymerisation. D.M. Haddleton
11:30 PMSE 235. Photoinduced ATRP and
CuAAC click reactions and their combinations for macromolecular syntheses.
S. Doran, E. Murtezi, S. Dadashi-Silab, M. Ciftci,
G. Yilmaz, M. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row J

Advances in X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Techniques for Elucidating Polymer
High Strength Polymers and Composites
R. Jones, Organizer
Y. Men, A. I. Norman, Organizers, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 244. Studying the nonequilibrium

nature of extension-Induced nucleation in

polymer melts with ultrafast X-ray scattering. L. Li
2:00 PMSE 245. Characterization of crystallinity
in polyolefins by wide angle X-ray diffraction. R. Ortega, J. Butler, D. Winter
2:30 PMSE 246. Switching Chirality of hybrid
left-right crystalline helicoids built of achiral
polymer chains: When right-to-left becomes
left-to-right. M. Rosenthal, M. Burghammer,
A.P. Melnikov, D.V. Anokhin, G. Bar, E.T. Samulsky,
D. Ivanov
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 PMSE 247. Depth-sectioning method for
X-ray diffraction: isolating the real-time
structure development in pressure driven
flows. L. Fernandez-Ballester
3:45 PMSE 248. Neutron scattering characterization of amino-polymer/silica composite
CO2 adsorbents: Morphology, mobility,
and consequences for performance.
A. Holewinski, M. Sakwa-Novak, C.W. Jones

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Drug Delivery and Drug Device Combination

A. S. Kulshrestha, P. Timmins, Organizers
S. Sridharan, Organizer, Presiding
S. R. Raghavan, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 257. Polyacrylamide nanogels for
potential cancer therapy. K. Neoh, S. Lu,
E. Kang, R. Mahendran, E. Chiong
1:55 PMSE 258. Development and evaluation

of CD44-targeted lipid-based nanoparticles

in an orthotopic non-small cell lung cancer
xenograft mouse model. S.R. Benhabbour,
J.M. DeSimone, R. Mumper, A. Webster, C. Luft
2:20 PMSE 259. Bio-inspired cocoon-like
DNA-nanoclew for anticancer drug delivery.
W. Sun, R. Mo, Y. Lu, Z. Gu
2:45 PMSE 260. Invertible micellar polymer
assemblies for targeted delivery of curcumin to osteosarcoma cells. O. Kudina,
K.L. Shogren, C.T. Gustafson, M.J. Yaszemski,
A. Maran, A.S. Voronov
3:10 PMSE 261. Modulation of immune
response along with bax and bcl-2
mediated enhanced apoptosis in breast
cancer cells via paclitaxel loaded vitamin E
nanoemulsion. V.K. Pawar, M.K. Chourasia
3:35 PMSE 262. Nanogels from metal-chelating
crosslinkers applied to copper-64 PET
imaging of tumors and metastases. J. Lux,
A.G. White, M. Chan, C.J. Anderson, A. Almutairi

Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Nanoscale Spectroscopic and Microscopic

Nanomechanical Characterization
Financially supported by ExxonMobil Chemicals;
Bruker; Nanosurf
A. H. Tsou, D. Yablon, Organizers
M. B. Raschke, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 263. Nanomechanical charac-

terization of polymers by atomic force

microscopy: dynamic and quasi static
approaches. C. Dietz, A. Voss, M. Schulze,
R. Stark
2:00 PMSE 264. AFM-based viscoelasticity
measurement for polymeric materials.
K. Nakajima
2:30 PMSE 265. Molecular scale imaging
of semicrystalline polymers. J.K. Hobbs,
N. Mullin, R. Savage
3:00 PMSE 266. Deformation rate dependence
of nanomechanical properties as measured
by atomic force microscopy. B. Pittenger,
T. Mueller
3:20 Intermission.
3:30 PMSE 267. Viscoelastic AFM nanomechanics in non-ambient environments.
J. Killgore
4:00 PMSE 268. Advances in nanomechanical
characterization of polymer materials with
scanning probe microscopy. D. Yablon
4:20 PMSE 269. Studies of stimuli responsive
polymer composites grafts by colloidal
probe microscopy. S.L. Skiles, J. Spear,
D. Bergbreiter, J.D. Batteas
4:40 PMSE 270. Photothermally excited
contact resonance imaging in air and water.
M. Kocun, A. Labuda, A. Gannepalli, R. Proksch
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and

Biomedical Applications of StimulusResponsive Assemblies
C. Bowman, J. Cha, Organizers
A. P. Goodwin, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 271. Maltodextrins image bacterial

infections and drug resistance by positron

emission tomography. N. Murthy
2:00 PMSE 272. Tailored supramolecular
structures for the controlled release of therapeutics and for polymeric antimicrobials.
J.L. Hedrick
2:30 PMSE 273. Photocleavable linkers for cell
and protein micropatterning. S.V. Wegner,
O. Senturk, J.P. Spatz
2:50 PMSE 274. Stimuli-responsive self-folding
soft-grippers for drug delivery. H. Kwag,
K. Malachowski, J. Breger, M.O. Wang, J. Fisher,
F.M. Selaru, D.H. Gracias
3:10 PMSE 275. Light-responsive strategy for
reversible control of elastic modulus in
PEG-based hydrogels. A. Rosales, K. Mabry,
E. Nehls, K.S. Anseth
3:30 Intermission.

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

3:45 PMSE 276. Squeezable tubules from

3:20 PMSE 294. Folding behavior of polypep-

self-assembly of amphiphilic macrocycles.

M. Lee
4:15 PMSE 277. Triggering the de novo
synthesis of phospholipid membranes.
N.K. Devaraj
4:45 PMSE 278. Stimuli-responsive uptake and
release of polyelectrolytes by amphoteric microgels. W. Richtering, A. Gelissen,
F. Plamper, A. Schmid, D. Pergushov, I. Potemkin,
A. Pich
5:05 PMSE 279. Molecular-level interactions
in the design of reversible and recyclable
flocculants. K.L. Morrissey, R.Z. Chapman,
L. Zolnierowski, M. Keirn, G. Henry,
M.P. Stoykovich

tide-grafted comb-like macromolecules.

Y. Ren, Y. Zhang, H. Xia, J. Cheng, Y. Lin
3:40 PMSE 295. Molecular dynamics simulations of structure and effective interactions
of diblock copolymer grafted nanoparticles
in a homopolymer blend matrix. C. Estridge,
A. Jayaraman
Energy and Materials
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE

Section F


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

Section A

ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Nikos Hadjichristidis

Macromolecular and Nanoparticle

Separation Science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ANYL and

Colorado Convention Center

Hall D

Well-Dened Polymers: From Design to

Financially supported by ExxonSMobil

Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session

Cosponsored by POLY

J. Frechet, Y. Gnanou, Organizers

M. Moller, Presiding

6:00 - 8:00

1:00 PMSE 280. Hypersonic phononic particle

brush materials. G. Fytas
1:30 PMSE 281. Regular highly branched

polymers: From polymeric to colloidal

properties. D. Vlassopoulos
2:00 PMSE 282. Dynamic covalent polymers
as viscosity modifiers. T. Nguyen, R. Nicolay,
L. Leibler
2:30 Intermission.
3:00 PMSE 283. Ring opening metathesis

polymerization for the synthesis of complex

macromolecular architectures. M. Pitsikalis
3:30 PMSE 284. Smart hybrid nanocarriers to
treat pancreatic cancer. H. Iatrou
4:00 PMSE 285. Synthesis, structure-property

studies in lactic acid derived polymers:

Multiarm branched polymers and copolymers of by core-first and arm-first
approach. S. Sivaram
4:30 PMSE 286. Polymeric surfaces exhibiting
photocatalytic activity and controlled
wettability with anisotropic features.
S.H. Anastasiadis, M.A. Frysali, L. Papoutsakis,
G. Kenanakis, E. Stratakis, M. Vamvakaki,
S. Pispas
5:00 PMSE 287. Directed self-assembly of
block copolymers. A. Avgeropoulos
Section G

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

Polymer Modeling: Structure, Dynamics and

Self-Assembly and Structure Development
Financially supported by ExxonMobil; Dow Chemical
R. Locker, G. C. Rutledge, Organizers
V. K. Kuppa, Presiding
1:00 PMSE 288. Ultracoarse-grained simulation
of biopolymers. G.A. Voth
1:30 PMSE 289. Multiresolution modeling

of polymers: Wavelet-based reconstruction. C.S. Adorf, A. Agarwal, B. Rabideau,

C.R. Iacovella, A.E. Ismail
1:50 PMSE 290. Computational analysis of
solvent effects on electron transfer in
organic radical battery cathode materials.
R.E. Larsen, T.W. Kemper, W. Braunecker,
B.K. Hughes, D. Bobela, A. Ferguson, T. Gennett
2:10 PMSE 291. Effect of short chain branching
on the properties of semi-crystalline polyethylene. V. Kumar, R. Locker, G.C. Rutledge
2:30 PMSE 292. Usage of Poly(NIPAm) in the
biofuel production. J.V. Ribeiro, R.C. Bernardi,
K. Schulten
3:00 PMSE 293. Coarse-grained simulations
of solvent-assisted self-assembly of block
copolymer thin films. S. Hur, M. Mueller,
P.F. Nealey, J.J. De Pablo

Q. Lin, Organizer

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,

Devices and Applications.
PMSE 296. Synthesis, characterization of
graphene incorporated polyamide resin.
A. Musa, A. AlSheikh, T.A. Saleh
PMSE 297. Graphene filler and graphenated
nanogels. I. Yaghoubi Rad, J.W. Stansbury
Nanoscale Spectroscopic and Microscopic
Chraracterization of Polymers.
PMSE 298. Quantitative modulus mapping of
polymer thin films using tapping mode.
M. Kocun, A. Labuda, R. Proksch
Polymeric Biomaterials.
PMSE 299. Structure and properties of
bisoxalamide-based segmented blockcopolymers with controlled crystal
thickness. D. Anokhin, M. Rosenthal,
Y. Odarchenko, N. Sijbrandi, P. Dijkstra, J. Feijen,
D. Ivanov
PMSE 300. Synthesis and characterization of
anorganic bone/polyglycolide composites.
L. Gauza, K. Papke, K. Thorpe, J. Redepenning
PMSE 301. Influence of nanocarbons
on collagen molecular ordering and
fibril alignment. E.C. Green, M.L. Minus,
D. Aishanjiang
PMSE 302. Folding graft copolymer with
pendant drug segments for co-delivery of
anticancer drugs. W. Tai, Y. Lu, R. Mo, Z. Gu
PMSE 303. Plasma modification of 3D,
bioresorbable, polymeric scaffolds:
Customizing surface chemistry to fabricate
bioreactive and biononreactive materials.
M.J. Hawker, A. Pegalajar-Jurado, E.R. Fisher
PMSE 304. Solute stabilization via
amphiphilic polymers possessing different
architectures. H. Luo, J.L. Santos, M. HerreraAlonso, B.A. Aguilar-Castillo
PMSE 305. 4D printing for spatially and
temporally dynamic bioscaffolds.
J.M. McCracken, R.G. Nuzzo
PMSE 306. Positive effect of biaxial stretching
on the mechanical behavior of PLA-Talc
nanocomposites. S. Ouchiar, G. Stoclet,
C. Cabaret, J. Gloaguen, V. Gloaguen, J. Lefebvre
PMSE 307. Development of a hyperbranched
polymer theranostic for prostate cancer.
A. Pearce, B.E. Rolfe, A.V. Fuchs, P.J. Russell,
A.K. Whittaker, K.J. Thurecht
PMSE 308. Synthesis, characterization,
and antibacterial activity evaluation of a
water-soluble chitosan derivative and its
application on paper. G. Rodrguez Galindo,
R. Manriquez Gonzalez, J. Andrade Ortega,
J. Casas Sols, E. Delgado
PMSE 309. Impact of cross-linking on rate of
release of pyridoxine from Zein fibers and
films. G.W. Selling, E. Lafond, K.D. Utt

PMSE 310.

Targeted CT imaging of human

hepatocellular carcinoma using lowgeneration dendrimer-entrapped gold
nanoparticles modified with lactobionic
acid. Y. Cao, Y. He, H. Liu, Y. Luo, M. Shen,
J. Xia, X. Shi
PMSE 311. Withdrawn.
PMSE 312. Thermomechanical properties
of poly(L-lactide)/poly(D-lactide) blends.
G. Stoclet
Stimulus-Responsive Assemblies and
PMSE 313. In situ functionalization of
azlactone-based polymer brushes.
B.M. Aden, B.S. Lokitz, M. Kilbey
PMSE 314. Single-molecule resolution of
polymer diffusion on a thermo-responsive
polymer brush. H. Chin, D.K. Schwartz
PMSE 315. CO2 adjustable and magnetic
recyclable catalyst-supports based on
smart hybrid nanoparticles. A. Feng,
J. Yuan
PMSE 316. Thermally-responsive phosphorusfilled nanobrick wall multilayer thin film
eliminates polyurethane melt dripping and
reduces heat release associated with fire.
A. Cain, Y. Li, R.D. Davis, C. Nolen, M. Huff,
J.C. Grunlan
PMSE 317. Surface charge generation in
nanogels for activated cellular uptake at
tumor-relevant pH. L. Li, K. Raghupathi,
C. Yuan, S. Thayumanavan
PMSE 318. Ketal-containing poyacrylates and
polyacrylamides as building blocks for
multi-responsive nanomedicines. B. Louage,
B. De Geest
PMSE 319. Biocompatible mesoporous carbon
nanocapsule as a nanoreactor: In situ
synthesis of imaging nanoparticles and
surface modifications for stimuli responsive
theranostic applications. G. Mishra,
A. Rammohan, A. Mukhopadhyay, S. Sivakumar,
A. Sharma
PMSE 320. Diffusion of photoabsorbing
degradation byproducts in photodegradable
polymer networks. S. Norris, A.M. Kasko,
T. Chou
PMSE 321. Light-triggered chemical
amplification to accelerate degradation
and release from polymeric particles.
J. Olejniczak, V. Nguyen Huu, J. Lux,
M.R. Grossman, A. Almutairi
PMSE 322. Swellable polysiloxane elastomers
as substrates for passive radio frequency
identification (RFID) gas sensors.
C. Rumens, M. Ziai, K. Belsey, J. Batchelor,
S.J. Holder
PMSE 323. Strong attraction among the
carboxylic acid-functionalized hydrophilic
fullerene giant anions and the spontaneous,
reversible self-assembly in dilute solution.
P. Yin, T. Liu
Well-Defined Polymers: From Design to
Applications ACS Award in Polymer
Chemistry Symposium in Honor of Nikos
PMSE 324. Phosphazene-catalyzed ringopening polymerization of -caprolactone
and epoxide. H. Alamri
PMSE 325. Synthesis and characterization
of poly(vinyl ether)-based graft polymers
by combination of living polymerization
techniques. R. Alghamdi, H. Bouchecif,
N. Hadjichristidis
PMSE 326. Triblock and pentablock
terpolymers of functionalized vinyl ethers by
base-assisted living cationic polymerization.
A. Al-sulami, H. Bouchecif, N. Hadjichristidis
PMSE 327. Withdrawn.
PMSE 328. Ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene
star polymer. K. Bukhriakov, C. Mugemana,
V. Rodionov
PMSE 329. Anion-conducting block copolymer
membranes for artificial photosynthesis.
P. Cotanda, N.P. Balsara
PMSE 330. Methyl methacrylate polymerization
by Frustrated Lewis Pairs (FLPs):
Polymerization and termination mechanism.
L. Falivene, L. Caporaso, L. Cavallo

PMSE 331.

Organopolymerization of acrylic
monomers by N heterocyclic carbenes. l.
Falivene, L. Caporaso, L. Cavallo
PMSE 332. Mechanistic insight into the
etylene reactivity promoted by phosphine
sulfonamide palladium(II) complexes. l.
Falivene, L. Caporaso, L. Cavallo
PMSE 333. Carbon dioxide based building
blocks for polycarbonate synthesis by
polycondensation and ring opening
polymerization. D. Pati, X. Feng,
N. Hadjichristidis, Y. Gnanou
PMSE 334. Development of nanoporous
membranes by block copolymer
self-assembly for biofuel production.
N. Petzetakis
PMSE 335. Enzyme-inspired soft materials for
catalysis by design. V.O. Rodionov
PMSE 336. Synthesis of macromolecular
architectures with a high hydrophobic/
hydrophilic contrast by ring-opening
metathesis polymerization. V.O. Rodionov,
C. Jehanno, K. Bukhriakov
PMSE 337. Facile metal-free grafting-from
route from acrylamide-based substrate
toward complex macromolecular combs.
J. Zhao, H. Alamri, N. Hadjichristidis
General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric
PMSE 338. Nitric oxide releasing polymeric
systems for wound healing applications.
K.A. Arabea, A. Pegalajar-Jurado, K.A. Wold,
M.M. Reynolds
PMSE 339. Design, surface modification,
and evaluation of cell-growth directive
properties of 3D hydrogel scaffolds.
A. Badea, J.M. McCracken, R.G. Nuzzo
PMSE 340. Study of antibacterial properties of
silver chloride/ poly (3-hydroxylbutyrateco-3-hydroxylvalerate) (AgCl/PHBV)
composite: A potential scaffold for bone
tissue regeneration. R.A. Bakare
PMSE 341. Crystallinity determination of
poly(3-hexyl thiophene) thin films by means
of fast scanning calorimetry. J. Balko,
A. Rinscheid, A. Wurm, C. Schick, R. Lohwasser,
M. Thelakkat, T. Thurn-Albrecht
PMSE 342. Role of PEO-segment lengths in
surface properties of antigouling PEG-silane
amphiphile. M. Barry, M.A. Run, P.A. Adair,
M. Grunlan
PMSE 343. Synthesis of highly swellable
functional poly(dimethylsiloxane)
composites for use as selective gas and
solvent sensors. K. Belsey, C. Rumens,
S.J. Holder
PMSE 344. Determining temperature change on
photothermal Au nanorod and Au nanocage
using smart polymers. B. Buyukbekar,
H. Cavusoglu, H. Sakalak, M. Citir, G. Demirel,
M. Yavuz
PMSE 345. MALDI MS results for organotin
polyamines from reaction of 3-amino1,2,4-triazole and organotin dihalides.
C.E. Carraher, Jr., V. Suresh, R. Crichton,
M.R. Roner
PMSE 346. Synthesis of organotin polyamines
from reaction of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole
and organotine dihalides. C.E. Carraher, Jr.,
R. Crichton, M.R. Roner
PMSE 347. Inhibition of cancer cell lines by
organotin polyesters synthesized from
reaction of the salt of D-camphoric acid and
organotin dihalides. M.R. Roner, C.E. Carraher,
Jr., A. Moric-Johnson, L. Miller, A. Campbell
PMSE 348. Initial study of the ability of
organotin polyethers derived from the
anticoagulant dicumarol to inhibit cancer
cell lines. M.R. Roner, C.E. Carraher, Jr.,
A. Moric-Johnson, L. Miller, N. Sookedo
PMSE 349. Inhibition of cancer cell lines by
the organotin polyether esters synthesized
from reaction of the salt of alpha-cyano4-hydroxycinnamic acid and organotin
dihalides. C.E. Carraher, Jr., M.R. Roner,
A. Moric-Johnson, L. Miller, V. Suresh
PMSE 350. Use of the dioctyltin polyether ester
synthesized from reaction of alpha-cyano4-hydroxycinnamic acid and dioctytin
dichloride itself acting as the MALDI MS
matrix. C.E. Carraher, Jr., V. Suresh, M.R. Roner

PMSE 351.

Interfacial profile control in

cross-linkable block copolymers for
improved pattern transfer. G. Chado, C. He,
M.P. Stoykovich
PMSE 352. Behavior of compatibilizers with
different chemical structure in polyethyleneMMT nanocomposites. C. Chapple,
N. Shabestary
PMSE 353. Carbon nanotube polymer
nanocomposites for potential solder
application. C. Chen, S. Ganguli, A.K. Roy
PMSE 354. Tuning of the glass transition
temperature of epoxy polymer. C. Chen,
S. Ganguli, A.K. Roy
PMSE 355. Cyclopentadiene-Based
-Conjugated Polymers. L. Chen
PMSE 356. Fully physical double network
hydrogels with high strength and fatigue
resistance. Q. Chen, L. Zhu, H. Chen, J. Zheng
PMSE 357. Redox active polymers for
size-exclusion transport in nonaqueous
redox flow batteries. N. Gavvalapalli, J. Hui,
K.J. Cheng, T. Lichtenstein, M. Shen, J.S. Moore,
J. Rodriguez-Lopez
PMSE 358. Step-growth dental composites
with improved mechanical performance
from photopolymerized thiol-vinyl sulfone
resins. M.J. Claudino, P.K. Shah, M. Podgorski,
E. Becka, J.W. Stansbury, C. Bowman
PMSE 359. Nonviral gene therapy applications
of multifunctional fluorescent quantum dots.
J.M. Davis, M. Ellis, N. Mundt, K. Fichter
PMSE 360. Controlling transport through a
cubic-phase lyotropic liquid-crystalline
polymer nanofiltration membrane via anion
exchange. S. Dischinger, B.M. Carter, D. Gin,
R.D. Noble
PMSE 361. Shape memory polyurethane
aerogels. S. Donthula, F. Zheng, C. SotiriouLeventis, N. Leventis
PMSE 362. Synthesis of Gd-doped quantum
dots for theranostic applications with
multiple imaging modalities. M.A. Ellis,
N. Mundt, K. Fichter
PMSE 363. Chemically modified dendritic
starch: A novel nanomaterial for siRNA
delivery. S.A. Engelberth, N. Hempel,
M. Bergkvist
PMSE 364. Mechanical properties and
electromagnetic interference shielding
effect of epoxy composite reinforced with
Ni-plated basalt chopped fiber. W. Eom,
H. Kim
PMSE 365. Synthesis of highly gas-selective
triptycene-based polymers of intrinsic
microporosity (TPIMs). B.S. Ghanem,
R. Swaidan, E. Litwiller, I. Pinnau
PMSE 366. Synthesis of poly(2-methacryloxy
ethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride) brushes
by ATRP on magnetic nanoparticles. L. Qin,
H. Han, Y. Xu, L. Li, X. Guo
PMSE 367. In situ preparation of Ag/Au
nanoparticle bilayer via layer-by-layer
assembly in spherical polyelectrolyte
brushes. F. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Tian, L. Li, X. Guo
PMSE 368. Phase behavior of spherical
polyelectrolyte brushes solution in
supercritical carbon dioxide. L. Liu, Y. Wen,
Y. Cang, J. Zhang, Z. Yu, X. Hou, R. Zhang,
X. Guo
PMSE 369. Influence of compressed gas on the
solubility of inorganic salt in reverse micelle.
J. Zhang, Y. Cang, Y. Wen, L. Liu, X. Hou, Z. Yu,
R. Zhang, X. Guo
PMSE 370. Assessment of subcutaneous
injection pads as acceptable skin mimics.
R. Gupta, D. Karvani, C. Clawson, S. Pansare,
S. Patel, S. Dutta Ray
PMSE 371. Characterization of the distribution
of deuterium as a function of molecular
weight in D-labeled commercial polyolefins.
B.M. Habersberger
PMSE 372. Functional -sheet stabilized
polypeptide microspheres by NCA-ROP
and noncovalent entrapment. S. Harris
Wibowo, G. Qiao
PMSE 373. Pyrene-modified polyelectrolytes/
MWNT LbL assemblies extinguish flames
on polyurethane foam. A. Cain, M. Plummer,
B. Stevens, T. Smith, P. Odenborg, K.M. Holder,
J.C. Grunlan

PMSE 374.

Intumescent nanocoating
extinguishes flame on fabric using aqueous
polyelectrolyte complex deposited in single
step. A. Cain, S. Murray, K.M. Holder, C. Nolen,
M. Huff, J.C. Grunlan
PMSE 375. Extending soft lithography
methods to generate patterned hydrogels.
H.G. Jayasinghe, Y. Vasquez
PMSE 376. Investigation of effect of bulky and
hydroxyl groups in the polyimide membrane
for gas separation. S. Nam, D.J. Kim, H. Koh,
S. Ha
PMSE 377. Reversible transformation of planar
sheets into nanocapsules by host-guest
trigger. Y. Kim, M. Lee
PMSE 378. Elastomeric microfluidic reactors
for use with 2D and 3D surfaces. A. Konda,
M.A. Stoller, S.A. Morin
PMSE 379. Withdrawn.
PMSE 380. Can we tune the color of organic
charge transfer systems by varying their
donor-acceptor interaction geometry? P. Li,
J. Hwang, J.M. Maier, M.D. Smith, K.D. Shimizu
PMSE 381. Design, synthesis, and gas
transport properties of spirobifluorenebased intrinsically microporous polyimides
(SPIM-PI). X. Ma, B. Ghanem, R. Swaidan,
E. Litwiller, I. Pinnau
PMSE 382. Assessment of freeze drying as a
technique to obtain silver nanopowders
and easing its incorporation in silver/
chitosan composites for its potential
use as an antibacterial film in medical
devices. G. Madrigal, P. Zuniga, A. Dickerman,
C. Chaves-Villarreal
PMSE 383. Synthesis and characterization of
robust terephthalaldehyde-phloroglucinol
(TPOL) aerogels as precursors for
nanoporous carbons. H. Majedifar,
M.A. Saeed, S. Donthula, N. Leventis,
C. Sotiriou-Leventis
PMSE 384. Donor-acceptor core-shell
nanoparticles for organic photovoltaics.
K. McKenna, J. Ferguson, H.P. Rathnayake
PMSE 385. Highly specific quantum dot
bioconjugates for single molecule imaging.
N. Mundt, M. Butts, K. Fichter
PMSE 386. Comparison of ion transport
property of the ion exchange membrane
by molecular dynamic simulation. S. Nam,
C. Park, D.J. Kim
PMSE 387. Alginate microspheres with
encapsulated lactibacillus for potential
bladder cancer therapy. K. Neoh, L. Shi,
E. Kang, R. Mahendran, E. Chiong
PMSE 388. Plasma surface modifications of
nitric oxide releasing polymer films for
increased hydrophilicity. B.H. Neufeld,
A. Pegalajar-Jurado, M. Hawker
PMSE 389. Crystallization kinetics and
interfacial behavior of multiwalled
carbon nanotubes based polypropylene
composites. S. Parija, A.R. Bhattacharyya
PMSE 390. Glass transitions of individual
microdomains in phase-mixed
poly(urethane urea) elastomers investigated
by solid-state NMR. N.V. Patil, W. Hu, A. Hsieh
PMSE 391. Thiol-ene/anhydride networks
for tunably degradable neural substrates.
R. Reit, V. Agrawal, B.R. Lund, W. Voit
PMSE 392. Ferrocene-based polyamide
aerogels: Graphitization, transmetalation,
and use in heterogeneous catalysis.
M.A. Saeed, C.A. Wisner, S. Donthula, A. Mumtaz,
C. Sotiriou-Leventis, N. Leventis
PMSE 393. Self-healing potential of triazolepyridine based metallopolymers.
B. Sandmann, B. Happ, S. Kupfer, S. Grfe,
F.H. Schacher, M.D. Hager, U.S. Schubert
PMSE 394. Metal-free cycloaddition of internal
alkynes and multifunctional azides under
solvent-free conditions. B. Sandmann,
B. Happ, M.D. Hager, J. Vitz, R. Paulus,
P. Burtscher, N. Moszner, U.S. Schubert
PMSE 395. In vivo evaluation of mithramycin
analog nanoformulations. D. Scott, P. Cao,
J. Rohr, Y. Bae
PMSE 396. Effect of different fillers on the
durability and mechanical properties of
LDPE and PVC composites. M.N. Siddiqui,
H.H. Redhwi, M. Younas, S. Hussain

PMSE 397.

Synthesis of donor-acceptor
conjugated copolymers via acyclic
diene metathesis (ADMET) and Suzuki
polycondensation (SPC). G. Singh, H. Ardolic,
M. Montano, R.M. Peetz
PMSE 398. Synthesis and characterization of
PTT using novel catalyst. G. Song, M. Huang,
X. Li, W. Zhou, W. Yang
PMSE 399. Applications of addition
fragmentation chain transfer. N. Sowan,
L. Cox, Y. Ding, C. Bowman
PMSE 400. Computational design of
polyethylene glycol (PEG) brushes
for display of biofunctional molecules
for delivery applications. F. Stanzione,
A. Jayaraman
PMSE 401. Increasing hydrophobic interactions
in a polyelectrolyte for improved oxygen
barrier in multilayer nanocomposite thin
films. B. Stevens, J.C. Grunlan
PMSE 402. Programmed shape change
of 2D thermoplastic structures into 3D
components. M. Vannoy, A. Konda, S.A. Morin
PMSE 403. Synthesis and structure-property
relationship of novel azobenzene-containing
diamines and polyimides. D.H. Wang,
M.L. Baczkowski, J. Wie, T.J. White, L. Tan
PMSE 404. Controlled formation and
dissolution of polymer suspension with
visible light. Z. Wang, Y. Liao
PMSE 405. Microfluidic encapsulation and
photopolymerization of single cell-laden
microgel. B. Xia, J. Oakey, K. Krutkramelis
PMSE 406. pH-responsive polymeric
microspheres for micronutrients fortification
of salt. X. Xu, Y. Zeng, E. Rosenberg, R. Langer,
A. Jaklenec
PMSE 407. Withdrawn.
PMSE 408. Biodegradable nitric oxide-releasing
S-nitrosated derivatives of citrate elastomer
for biomedical applications. P. Yapor
PMSE 409. Shape memorizing micro and nano
polymer particles. L. Cox, Y. Ding, J. Xiao,
M.P. Stoykovich, Z. Zhang, Z. Li, J. Killgore
PMSE 410. Aryleneethylene polymer with
high ethylene/ethane adsorption selectivity.
C. Yu, M.G. Cowan, R.D. Noble, W. Zhang
PMSE 411. Effects of substrate on the gradient
structure and surface properties of
fluorinated polyacrylates latex blends film.
H. Yuanyuan, Z. Chaocan, C. Yanjun
PMSE 412. Capillary instability of polymer
lithographic structures: Influence of
viscosity, substrate confinement and local
curvature. Z. Zhang, G. Hilton, Y. Ding
Energy and Materials
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by ENFL and
Innovations in Macromolecular Network
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Next Generation Smart Materials
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE

Section B

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Polymeric Biomaterials
Sensors and Medical Devices
Cosponsored by CELL
Financially supported by Genzyme; RSC Journal of
Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science;
Genzyme; TA Instruments; Malvern Instruments;
University of Delaware Materials Science &
M. Grunlan, X. Jia, Organizers, Presiding
8:25 PMSE 413. Synthesis and characteriza-

tion of poly(N-acryloylamino-Ethoxyethanol)-based antifouling materials. H. Chen,

M. Zhang, R. Hu, C. Zhao, J. Zheng



8:45 PMSE 414. PEO-silane amphiphiles to

10:05 PMSE 430. Energy filtered TEM for

10:30 PMSE 447. Single site catalysts for olefin

2:15 PMSE 460. Engineering cell-instructive

prevent protein adsorption on silicone:

Dependence on concentration versus
PEO-segment length. M.A. Run, M.E. Barry,
P.A. Adair, M.L. Hawkins, J.E. Raymond,
M.A. Grunlan
9:05 PMSE 415. Reducing protein adsorption
with polymer-grafted hyaluronic acid coatings: Optimization of material properties
and a study on coating mechanism.
O. Karacsony, G. Dunr, N. Washburn, R.D. Tilton
9:25 PMSE 416. Self-cleaning membranes for
implanted glucose biosensors. M.A. Grunlan,
R. Fei, A.K. Means, A.A. Abraham, G.L. Cot
9:45 Intermission.
10:00 PMSE 417. Noncovalent strengthening
mechanisms in mussel adhesion and
mussel mimetic polymers. D.G. Barrett,
D.E. Fullenkamp, S. Manohar, P.B. Messersmith
10:30 PMSE 418. Surface porous PEEK with
high strength for load-bearing orthopaedic implants. N.T. Evans, F.B. Torstrick,
C.S. Lee, K.M. Dupont, D.L. Safranski,
W.A. Chang, A.E. Macedo, A. Lin, J.M. Boothby,
D.C. Whittingslow, R.A. Carson, R.E. Guldberg,
K. Gall
11:00 PMSE 419. Direct deposition of body
temperature responsive polymeric
medical sealants. A.M. Behrens, B.J. Casey,
M.J. Sikorski, A.D. Sandler, P. Konas
11:20 PMSE 420. Mixed-charge copolymers for
complete and fast wound healing. J. Jhong,
A. Venault, Y. Chang

element specific imaging of new poly(isoprene-b-benzofulvene) block copolymers.

S.P. Gido
10:35 PMSE 431. Spectroscopic characterization of (hydrated) polymers and polymer
interfaces in the (cryo)-STEM. M. Libera
11:05 PMSE 432. TEM vs. SAXS observations
of microstructure in stretched polyethylene
blown films. J. Butler, A. Bons, S. Wapp,
A. Kanaan, J. Morris, D. Bucknall, D. Fiscus,
A. Eberle
11:35 PMSE 433. Increased polymer order at
silica interfaces using single silanol functional groups. H. Varol, A. Sanchez, J. Baio,
C. Malm, T. Weidner, M. Mermet-Guyennet,
N. Martzel, D. Bonn, M. Bonn, E. Backus,
S. Parekh

oligomerisation, polymerisation, polyolefins

depolymerisation, and related reactions.
J.M. Basset
11:00 PMSE 448. Preparation of polycarbonates and Its block copolymers through
copolymerization of carbon dioxide and
epoxides. X. Feng, N. Hadjichristidis, Y. Gnanou
11:30 PMSE 449. Molecular engineering of
substituted polyacetylenes by living anionic
polymerization. J. He, Y. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Yu

environments for the assembly of functional

tissues. X. Xu, H. Zhang, K.T. Dicker, S. Liu,
J.M. Fox, X. Jia
2:35 PMSE 461. Guidance of smooth muscle
cell migration on photocrosslinked polymer
substrates with stiffness gradient. X. Liu,
S. Wang
2:55 Intermission.
3:15 PMSE 462. Addressing infection while
engineering biomimetic tissues. E. Loboa
3:45 PMSE 463. Surface gradients in biopolymeric films containing biochemical and
physical cues for investigating cell-material
interactions. J.L. Almodovar, C. Picart
4:05 PMSE 464. Recombinant resilin-based
biomaterials for tissue engineering applications. L. Li, Z. Tong, E. Levendoski, X. Jia,
S. Thibeault, K.L. Kiick
4:25 PMSE 465. Self-folding photopatterned
hydrogel scaffolds for 3D cell culture.
H. Kwag, J. Serbo, L. Romer, D.H. Gracias

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Drug Delivery and Drug Device Combination

Drug Device Combination
A. S. Kulshrestha, Organizer
S. Sridharan, Organizer, Presiding
J. Lange, Presiding
9:00 PMSE 421. Hemofoam: A biopoly-

mer-based foam for treating noncompressible hemorrhage. S.R. Raghavan, M. Dowling,

J. White
9:25 PMSE 422. Withdrawn.
9:50 PMSE 423. Design control process for
drug delivery injection device - Symlin
pen for parenteral diabetes treatment.
L. Tsou, M. Barnett, L. Sheridan
10:15 PMSE 424. Development of devices for
self-injection: Using tribological analysis
to optimize injection force. S. Burren,
L. Urbanek, J. Lange
10:40 PMSE 425. Usability of devices for
self-injection: A novel approach for device
platforms. J. Lange, P. Richard, N. Bradley
11:05 PMSE 426. Drug delivery injection
systems for biopharmaceutical products.
J. Gonzalez, J. Haynes

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

Nanoscale Spectroscopic and Microscopic

X-ray and Electron Microscopy
Financially supported by ExxonMobil Chemicals;
Bruker; Nanosurf
D. Yablon, Organizer
A. H. Tsou, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 427. Molecular orientation, packing,

and domain purity: Impact on organic

photovoltaic devicees. H.W. Ade
9:00 PMSE 428. X-ray spectroscopic characterization of organic semiconductor nanowires. A. Mazaheripour, N. Hsken, J. Jocson,
G. Kladnik, A. Cossaro, L. Floreano, A. Verdini,
A.M. Burke, K. Miller, A. Masurkar, J. Kymissis,
D. Cvetko, A. Morgante, A.A. Gorodetsky
9:20 PMSE 429. Nanoscale characterization of
polymers by soft X-ray spectromicroscopy.
A.P. Hitchcock
9:50 Intermission.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

Polymer Modeling: Structure, Dynamics

and Function

Section E

Structure-Function Relationships
Financially supported by ExxonMobil; Dow Chemical

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 17

R. Locker, G. C. Rutledge, Organizers

A. Jayaraman, Presiding

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric


8:30 PMSE 450. Using molecular simulations

Novel Polymeric Materials

Q. Lin, Organizer
C. O. Hayes, S. Tallury, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 434. Directly patternable polyhedral

silsesqioxane and benzocyclobutene

dielectric materials for microelectronics
packaging. C.O. Hayes, P. Liu, B. Mueller,
P. Chen, P. Thedford, W. Bell, P.A. Kohl, G. Dong,
C.G. Willson
8:50 PMSE 435. Withdrawn.
9:10 PMSE 436. Star-shaped molecules with
POSS core and azobenzene dye arms.
P.A. Ledin, I.M. Tkachenko, W. Xu, I. Choi,
V.V. Shevchenko, V.V. Tsukruk
9:30 PMSE 437. Silicone microspheres through
ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. J.M. Rankin,
N.K. Neelakantan, K.S. Suslick
9:50 PMSE 438. Designing block copolymer
architectures toward sub-10 nm features
in robust thin films. J.H. Hayat, A. Nese,
C.G. Hardy, C. Tang
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 439. Thiol-maleimides for high
glass transition thiol-click networks.
S. Parker, R. Reit, B.R. Lund, W. Voit
10:50 PMSE 440. Structure property relationships of ortho-functional benzoxazine
monomers toward high performance thermosets. K. Zhang, S. Ohashi, H. Ishida
11:10 PMSE 441. Synthesis and liquid crystalline behavior of the novel discotic benzenetrisamide-based benzoxazine. S. Ohashi,
K. Zhang, H. Ishida
11:30 PMSE 442. Engineering superior
toughness in commercially viable block
copolymer modified epoxy resin. T. Li,
L.F. Francis, F.S. Bates
Section F

Section D

Section G

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

for rational design of polymeric materials

for drug and DNA delivery. A. Jayaraman,
R. Elder, A. Ghobadi
9:00 PMSE 451. Morphological and rheological
properties of aqueous micellar network of
polyelectrolyte block copolymers. N.K. Li,
W.H. Fuss, Y.G. Yingling
9:20 PMSE 452. Understanding the effects of
physical and chemical features of solvent
additives on the bulk heterojunction morphology of blends of conjugated polymers
and fullerene derivatives using molecular
simulations. H. Marsh, A. Jayaraman
9:40 PMSE 453. Supramolecular interaction
between surface crystal and side chain
crystal and its application. S. Yao, T. Okuma,
A. Maeda, K. Hirakawa, Y. Hasebe, F. Yamasaki,
R. Nakano, H. Sekiguchi
10:00 PMSE 454. Molecular aspects of
yielding of glassy polymers. M. Htter,
N. Lempesis, G.G. Vogiatzis, G.C. Boulougouris,
L. van Breemen, M.E. Delhorme, L.E. Govaert,
H.E. Meijer, D.N. Theodorou
10:30 PMSE 455. Molecular scale modeling of
polymer rheology: Investigations into slip
and migration. N.A. Rorrer, J.R. Dorgan
10:50 PMSE 456. Molecular basis of deformation behavior of chemically crosslinked
epoxy thermosets. S. Chattaraj, P. Pant,
D. Pawaskar, H. Nanavati
11:10 PMSE 457. Molecular modelling of alkane
nucleation under shear and extensional
flow. D. Nicholson, G.C. Rutledge
Next Generation Smart Materials

Controlled Release
S. Sridharan, Organizer
A. S. Kulshrestha, Organizer, Presiding
L. Tsou, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 466. Controlled localized drug

release from an injectable-solid peptide

hydrogel. D.J. Pochan
1:55 PMSE 467. Controlled release of salicylic
acid from a glycerol/adipic acid hyperbranched poly(ester). B.A. Howell, T. Zhang,
P.B. Smith
2:20 PMSE 468. Bio-inspired synthetic vesicles
for glucose-responsive insulin delivery.
W. Tai, J. Di, Z. Gu
2:45 PMSE 469. Noncovalent interaction-stabilized polymeric micelles for targeted
delivery of anticancer drug. J.P. Tan, A. Attia,
C. Yang, S. Gao, J.L. Hedrick, A. Nelson, Y. Yang
3:10 PMSE 470. Smart hydrogels based
on poly(L-histidine) for drug delivery to
treat pancreatic cancer. H. Iatrou, P. Bilalis,
A. Karatzas, K. Dimas, D. Vlassopoulos,
C. Tsimblouli, Y. Marakis, E. Sereti
3:35 PMSE 471. Stabilization and delivery
of human growth hormone from polymer
nanofibers. Y. Gao, J. Harris, M. Becker
Section D

Smart and Responsive Composites from

Renewable Building Blocks

Nanoscale Spectroscopic and Microscopic


Innovative Film & Ordered Assemblies/

Advanced Nanoreactor Systems
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by PMSE

Spectroscopic Characterization
Financially supported by ExxonMobil Chemicals;
Bruker; Nanosurf

Well-Dened Polymers: From Design to

Financially supported by ExxonMobil

Section B

polymerization of homochiral, heterochiral, racemic, and achiral building blocks.

V. Percec
8:30 PMSE 444. Micro- and macromolecular
design of aliphatic polyesters. A. Albertsson
9:00 PMSE 445. Functional and light-actuated
microgels from responsive hydrogels
toward microscopic locomotor systems.
M. Moeller, M. Ahmed, H. Zhang
9:30 PMSE 446. Critical role of well-defined
polymers in rational product development.
D.J. Lohse
10:00 Intermission.

Drug Delivery and Drug Device Combination


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H


8:00 PMSE 443. Supramolecular helical

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE

ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Nikos Hadjichristidis

J. Frechet, Y. Gnanou, Organizers

M. A. Hillmyer, Presiding

Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Polymeric Biomaterials
Instructive Tissue Engineering Matrices
Cosponsored by CELL
Financially supported by Genzyme; RSC Journal of
Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science;
Genzyme; TA Instruments; Malvern Instruments;
University of Delaware Materials Science &
M. Grunlan, X. Jia, Organizers, Presiding
1:25 PMSE 458. Materials for angiocrine factor

delivery and harnessing of pro-regenerative

inflammation. E. Botchwey
1:55 PMSE 459. Inherent mechanical gradients
influence cell behavior in electrospun Fiber
mats. M.C. Calhoun, T.M. Nelson, J.J. Lannutti,
J.O. Winter, R. Dupaix

A. H. Tsou, D. Yablon, Organizers

H. W. Ade, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 472. Probing molecular mecha-

nisms underlying failure in semicrystalline

polymers. C.R. Snyder
2:00 PMSE 473. Theoretical and experimental
vibrational spectroscopy of ionomers.
E.S. Smotkin, J. Doan, E. Kingston, K. Anderson,
A. Vong
2:20 PMSE 474. Chemical, morphological,
and mechanical characterization of the
interphase of polymer matrix composites.
D. Nepal, A. Ecker, J. Moller, S. Barr, R.J. Berry,
T. Breitzman
2:40 Intermission.
3:00 PMSE 475. Characterization of polymer
chain macrostructures: Complete chain
architectures. A.E. Tonelli
3:30 PMSE 476. IR spectroscopy of Cd2+
exchanged Nafion and sulfonated
poly(ether ether ketone), vs. state-of-hydration, for quantum dot preparation.
K. Anderson, E. Kingston, E.S. Smotkin

3:50 PMSE 477. Dynamic mechanical

relaxations in ultrahigh molecular weight

polyethylene fibers probed by solid-state
NMR. N.V. Patil, W. Hu
Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric

Novel Polymeric Materials
Q. Lin, Organizer
M. Galizia, N. Guigo, Presiding
1:30 PMSE 478. Learning from peptides

and realizing by polymers: Translating

bioinspired sequences toward synthetic
polymers to explore sequence specific
interactions. H. Boerner
1:50 PMSE 479. Photodegradable and biodegradable biomaterials based on alkoxyphenacyl and coumarin chromophores.
A. Joy, S. Sun, E. Chamsaz
2:10 PMSE 480. Formation of -sheet hollow
microspheres by NCA-ROP and surface-anchored peptide assembly. S. Harris Wibowo,
G. Qiao
2:30 PMSE 481. Cellular toxicity and uptake
behavior of triphenyl phosphonium-containing conjugated polymer nanoparticles.
E. Mendez, R. Manian, J. Moon
2:50 PMSE 482. Phototriggered crosslinking of
multifunctional nanoparticles by Michaeltype addition. Y. Liang, K.L. Kiick
3:10 Intermission.
3:30 PMSE 483. Predictive calculation of
hydrogen and helium solubility in glassy
and rubbery polymers. M. Galizia, Z.P.
Smith, G.C. Sarti, B.D. Freeman, D.R. Paul
3:50 PMSE 484.

Heterogeneous thiol-Michael addition

polymerization for the design of functional
microparticles. C. Wang, M. Podgrski,
C. Bowman
4:10 PMSE 485. Constructing bicontinuous
polymeric nanospheres from amphiphilic
block copolymers: Control of pore size
and thermal phase transitions. S.J. Holder,
B. McKenzie, M.J. Wirix, J.F. de Visser,
O. Monaghan, P.H. Bomans, F. Nudelman,
N.A. Sommerdijk
4:30 PMSE 486. PEGMEMA-Titania hybrid
particles from commercial dual functional
organophosphonic acid linkers: a powerful
approach to coating applications. E. Cao,
E. Prouzet, V. Hroguez
Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 15

ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry:

Symposium in Honor of Nikos Hadjichristidis
Well-Dened Polymers: From Design to
Financially supported by ExxonMobil
J. Frechet, Y. Gnanou, Organizers
J. W. Mays, Presiding
1:00 PMSE 487. Complex periodic polymer
microphases. E.L. Thomas
1:30 PMSE 488. Nanostructured block copolymers for lithium batteries. N.P. Balsara
2:00 PMSE 489. Tailoring molecular packing

for uncommon polymeric self-assemblies.

J. Haataja, N. Houbenov, R. Milani, P. Metrangolo,
H. Iatrou, N. Hadjichristidis, O.T. Ikkala
2:30 Intermission.
3:00 PMSE 490. Molecular scale dynamics of
ring polymers: a neutron spin echo study.
D. Richter
3:30 PMSE 491. New high temperature thermoplastic elastomers based on polybenzofulvene. J.W. Mays, W. Wang, T. White, N. Kang,
K. Hong
4:00 PMSE 492. Order and disorder in short
block polymers. F.S. Bates, T. Gillard,
C. Leighton, S. Lee

4:30 PMSE 493. Nanostructured membranes

11:10 PMSE 506. Dynamic strain hole burning

9:10 PMSE 520. Rational design of a crown-

by in situ block polymer synthesis.

M.A. Hillmyer
5:00 PMSE 494. Award Address (ACS
Award in Polymer Chemistry sponsored
by ExxonMobil Chemical). Well-defined
polymers: From design to applications.
N. Hadjichristidis

of elastomers filled with nanoparticles.

S. Li, G. Zhan, Y. Mi, X. Wang
11:30 PMSE 507. Heat- or water-driven
malleability in covalent network polyimines.
P.J. Taynton, W. Zhang

ether-bearing copolymer by overcoming the

compositional drift in N-(2-hydroxypropyl)
methacrylamide copolymerization.
J. Moraes, I. Simionca, H. Ketari, H.A. Klok
9:30 PMSE 521. Preparation and evaluation of hybrid adsorbent for the removal
of trace organic contaminants from
water and wastewater. B. Bhattarai,
M. Manickavachagam, R.P. Suri
9:50 PMSE 522. Claisen rearrangement
catalyzed by mechanical force. K. Kumar,
K. Fitch, P.K. Shah, J.W. Stansbury, A. Weidner,
A.P. Goodwin
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 523. Organic radical polymer
brushes for mechanistic charge transfer
studies. W.A. Braunecker, B.K. Hughes,
A. Ferguson, J.C. Johnson, P. Ndione,
S. Nanayakkara, T. Gennett
10:50 PMSE 524. Control of spacer arm
strategy to synthesize amphiphilic polymers
with highly selective bactericidal activity.
A. Punia, N. Yang
11:10 PMSE 525. Design of multifunctional
quantum dot conjugates for biomedical
applications. J.M. Davis, B. Agana, N. Mundt,
M. Ellis, D. Klaus, K. Fichter
11:30 PMSE 526. Autonomous movement of
nanomotors fueled by biological substrates
using compartmentalization and substrate
recycling strategies. M. Nijemeisland,
L. Abdelmohsen, J. van Hest, D.A. Wilson

Section B

Section G

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 16

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

Polymeric Biomaterials

Polymer Modeling: Structure, Dynamics and


Instructive Tissue Engineering Matrices

Cosponsored by CELL

R. Locker, G. C. Rutledge, Organizers

S. Tallury, Presiding

Financially supported by Genzyme; RSC Journal of

Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science;
Genzyme; TA Instruments; Malvern Instruments;
University of Delaware Materials Science &

1:00 PMSE 495. Advances in atomistic polymer

M. Grunlan, X. Jia, Organizers, Presiding

modeling: Thermosets and interfaces.

P. Saxe, C. Freeman, D. Rigby
1:30 PMSE 496. Driving innovation for
advanced materials and systems formulation modeling. P. Veld
2:00 PMSE 497. Molecular-level deformation
in stacked lamellar polyethylene. R. Locker,
J. Kim, A.H. Tsou, G.C. Rutledge
2:30 PMSE 498. Modeling applications for
improved understanding of block copolymer morphology. J. Weinhold, V.V. Ginzburg,
P.D. Hustad
3:00 Concluding Remarks.
Next Generation Smart Materials

8:25 PMSE 508. Chondroinductive biomaterials

for cartilage regeneration. M.S. Detamore

Polymer Modeling in Industry

Financially supported by ExxonMobil; Dow Chemical

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Innovations in Macromolecular Network
Self-healing or Magnetic
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Smart and Responsive Composites from
Renewable Building Blocks
Advanced Nanoreactor Systems/New
Paradigms to Smart Material Chemistry
& Engineering
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by PMSE

8:55 PMSE 509. OGP functionalized phenylal-

anine-based poly(ester urea) for enhancing

osteoinductive potential of human mesenchymal stem cells. G.M. Policastro, F. Lin,
K. Stakleff, M. Graham, R. Katsarava, M. Becker
9:25 PMSE 510. Dynamic polymer substrates
with Increasing stiffness for regulation of
smooth muscle cells. X. Liu, L. Cai, S. Wang
9:45 Intermission.
10:05 PMSE 511. Antioxidant biomaterials
for regenerative engineering applications.
G. Ameer
10:35 PMSE 512. Nanoengineered polymeric
biomaterials for musculoskeletal tissue
engineering: A growth-factor-free approach.
J.R. Xavier, J.K. Carrow, T. Thakur, P. Desai,
L. Cross, M. Jaiswal, A.K. Gaharwar
11:05 PMSE 513. Novel mechanochemical
reaction cascade for sensing bond breakage in hydrogels. K.R. Fitch, A.P. Goodwin
Section C

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 11

Drug Delivery and Drug Device Combination



Non-fouling Antimicrobial and Transdermal


Section A

A. S. Kulshrestha, S. Sridharan, Organizers,


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 10

9:00 PMSE 514. Modulating Vibrio cholerae

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric

Polymer Processing and Properties
Q. Lin, Organizer
M. W. Frey, M. Krecker, S. Tallury, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 499. Thick growing multilayer thin

film with high gas barrier and fire resistance.

M. Krecker, T. Guin, D. Hagen, J.C. Grunlan
8:50 PMSE 500. Processing polyamides in
superheated water. G.C. Evans, A.J. Lesser
9:10 PMSE 501. Rheological characterization of

filled polyamide 11 and polyamide 12 solutions in polyols. K.A. Patankar, V.V. Ginzburg,
G.F. Billovits
9:30 PMSE 502. Wheat gluten modified
by rubbery cross-linker for improved
mechanical properties and reduced water
absorption. C. Diao, H. Xia, R. Parnas
9:50 PMSE 503. Halogen-bonded mesogens
direct polymer self-assemblies over millimeter length scale. N. Houbenov, R. Milani,
M. Poutanen, J. Haataja, V. Dichiarante, J. Sainio,
J. Ruokolainen, G.P. Resnati, P. Metrangolo,
O.T. Ikkala
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 504. Effects of solvents on
the morphology and conductivity of
poly(3,4ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) nanofibers. M.W. Frey,
M. Pehlivaner Kara
10:50 PMSE 505. Nonisothermal crystallization
of biobased poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate). N. Sbirrazzuoli, A. Codou, N. Guigo,
J. van Berkel, E. Dejong

quorum-sensing-controlled communication
using autoinducer-loaded nanoparticles.
R.K. Prudhomme
9:25 PMSE 515. Facile synthesis of antifouling
dendrimer for drug and bioprobe delivery.
Y. Han, M. Ye, Y. Qian, H. Hu, J. Tang, M. Sui,
X. Liu, Y. Shen
9:50 PMSE 516. In vivo visible light-triggered
drug release from an implanted depot.
C. Carling, M. Viger, V.A. Nguyen Huu, A. Garcia,
A. Almutairi
10:15 PMSE 517. Pentobra: A novel multifunctional antibiotic to fight bacterial resistance.
S. Deshayes, N. Schmidt, G. Wong, A.M. Kasko
Section D

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Directors Row H

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric

Design of Functional Polymeric Materials
Q. Lin, Organizer
W. Braunecker, H. Gao, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 518. Developing one-pot polym-

erization methods to access uniform

hyperbranched ppolymers. H. Gao
8:50 PMSE 519. Design, synthesis, and structure-function studies of novel triblock copolymers. J.E. Semple, B.T. Sullivan, B.K. Burke,
T. Vojkovsky, K.N. Sill

Section E

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Governors Square 9

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric

Stimulus-Responsive Materials
Q. Lin, Organizer
L. Peng, S. Tallury, Presiding
8:30 PMSE 527. Withdrawn.
8:50 PMSE 528. Interfacial behavior and

assembly of multiresponsive star graft

copolymers. W. Xu, Z. Iatridi, C. Tsitsilianis,
V.V. Tsukruk
9:10 PMSE 529. Electrochemical redox responsive supramolecular hydrogels based on
host-guest interaction between -cyclodextrin and ferrocene. L. Peng, A. Feng, J. Yuan
9:30 PMSE 530. Encapsulation of charge-transfer complexes for mechanochromic sensors
applications. A. Lavrenova, J. Farkas, C.
Weder, Y.C. Simon
9:50 PMSE 531. Use of peripherally alkylated
dithieno[3,2-b:2,3-d]pyrrole units in
conjugated polymers and small molecules
for sensing applications. J. Green, Y. Han,
M.J. Heeney
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 532. Controlling the self-assembly of semicrystalline block copolymers
toward manipulating the phase transition of
bicontinuous nanospheres. O. Monaghan,
B. McKenzie, N.A. Sommerdijk, S.J. Holder
10:50 PMSE 533. Synthesis and characterization of photomechanically responsive bis(azobenzene)-functionalized aromatic polyamides and poly(amide-imides). D.H. Wang,
J. Wie, J. Che, R. Vaia, T.J. White, L. Tan
11:10 PMSE 534. Electrically tunable plasmonic
behavior of nanocube-polymer nanomaterials induced by a redox active electrochromic polymer. T.A. Knig, P.A. Ledin,
J.A. Kerszulis, M.A. Mahmoud, M.A. El-Sayed,
J.R. Reynolds, V.V. Tsukruk
11:30 PMSE 535. Reversible temperature-responsive vesicles formed by polyoxometalate-polymer hybrids in aqueous solution.
J. Zhou, T. Liu

Section F

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Plaza Court 8

General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric

New Concepts in Polymeric Materials

9:00 PROF 3. Joslynn Lee, University of
Minnesota Medical School. J. Lee
9:10 PROF 4. Naomi Lee, National Institutes of
Health. N. Lee
9:20 PROF 5. Amy Paris, Kimberly-Clark
Corporation. A.K. Paris
9:30 Panel Discussion.

Q. Lin, Organizer
H. Dong, A. Shirke, Presiding

10:30 Intermission.

8:30 PMSE 536. Efficient Cu(I) acetate-cat-

11:45 Concluding Remarks.

alyzed cycloaddition of multifunctional

alkynes and azides under solvent-free conditions. B. Sandmann, B. Happ, M.D. Hager,
J. Vitz, R. Paulus, E. Rettler, P. Burtscher,
N. Moszner, U.S. Schubert
8:50 PMSE 537. Withdrawn.
9:10 PMSE 538. Toughening a glassy polymer
with naturally derived cellulose nanofibrils.
H. Dong, J. Steele, J.F. Snyder, J.A. Orlicki,
G. Napadensky, R.S. Reiner, A.W. Rudie
9:30 PMSE 539. Surfactant-direct assembly of
water soluble conjugated polyelectrolytes.
G. Braggin, S. Zhang
9:50 PMSE 540. Sustainable large-scale
solvent driven actuation by self-healable
polyelectrolyte multilayers. Y. Gu, X. Huang,
N. Zacharia
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 PMSE 541. Preparation of poly(methyl
methacrylate/butyl acrylate) nanoparticles
by miniemulsion polymerization in the
presence of commercially avaliable hydrophobized TiO2 nanoparticles. E.S. Adurahim,
M.A. Bahattab, A. Schoth, K. Landfester, R.
10:50 PMSE 542. Cutinase paradigm:
Sustainable biocatalysis for polymer
surface modifications and plastic recycling. A. Shirke, D. Basore, A. Su, S. Holton,
G. Butterfoss, C. Bystroff, R.A. Gross
11:10 PMSE 543. Chain mobility and penetrant
transport in poly(ethylene furanoate)
compared to poly(ethylene terephthalate).
S.K. Burgess, R.M. Kriegel, W.J. Koros
11:30 PMSE 544. Proton conduction in a cephalopod structural protein. D.D. Ordinario,
L. Phan, W.G. Walkup, J. Jocson, E. Karshalev,
N. Hsken, A.A. Gorodetsky
Next Generation Smart Materials

10:45 Questions and Answers.

Growing Opportunities for Research

Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by CHED, PROF
and YCC

11:15 PROF 12. NanoExplorers: A high school

summer science academy and applied

mathematics and aerospace engineering
summer academy for middle school girls.
J.L. Gesell, E.A. Nalley, M. Polson
11:40 PROF 13. How to get buy in the: Woodall
Nalley theory. R.A. Woodall
12:05 Concluding Remarks.
Diversifying STEM: Uniting through our
Differences for a Brighter Scientic Future
Sponsored by CMA, Cosponsored by CHED and
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES, PROF,



Section A

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

Earning ACS Awards: An Interactive

Symposium on Constructing Successful
Award Nominations
Cosponsored by BMGT, SCHB and WCC

Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing

in Chemical Companies
Cosponsored by SCHB

J. L. Bryant, Organizer, Presiding

A. S. Hinkle, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:15 Moderated Panel I.
2:00 Hands-On Working Sessions.
2:45 Report Out from Working Groups.
3:00 Intermission.
3:15 Introductory Remarks.
3:20 Moderated Panel II.
4:00 Hands-On Working Sessions.
4:45 Report Out from Working Groups.
4:55 Concluding Remarks.

Growing Opportunities for Research

Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by CHED, PROF
and YCC

J. L. Bryant, M. Vreeke, Organizers

S. S. White, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 PROF 14. News and updates from the
Chemical Angel Network (CaN). M. Vreeke,
S.S. White, J.C. Giordan
2:00 PROF 15. Angel Investing 101.
J.C. Giordan
2:30 Company Presentations.
3:30 Investment Discussion.
4:00 Open Forum.

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

Proposing and Administering a Successful

REU Program
L. M. Watkins, Organizer
G. Thomas, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 PROF 23. REU site focusing on regional
2-yr community college students. W. Jang,
A.D. Headley, S.D. Starnes
1:30 PROF 24. Hosting an REU at a PUI:
Benefits and challenges. S.B. Braun-Sand,
A.M. Schoffstall
1:55 PROF 25. Description of an inaugural

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

(REU) program. A.M. Powe
2:20 PROF 26. Chemistry REU program at the
University of Kansas. D.R. Benson
2:45 PROF 27. CheMIE REU chemistry
research community with a focus on
molecular innovation and entrepreneurship.
W.M. David, W.J. Brittain
3:10 Intermission.
3:25 PROF 28. Exploring the unknown with the
REU program at the University of Oregon.
G.L. Richmond
3:50 PROF 29. Mentoring experience behind
successful iREU participants. R. Duran,
D. Spivak, G. Thomas
4:15 PROF 30. International multisite REU
program. T.A. Nile
4:40 Panel Discussion.
5:20 Concluding Remarks.

4:30 Concluding Remarks.

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES, PROF,

Section A


Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

Starting a Successful Research Program at

a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by PROF

Section A

Hands-on STEM Enrichment Programs for

Persons with Disabilities

Innovations in Macromolecular Network



Medical: Hydrogels and Particles

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE

Section A

ACS Award for Encouraging Women

into Careers in the Chemical Sciences:
Symposium in Honor of E. Ann Nalley

Smart Nanomaterials, Composites, and Gels

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE

Division of Professional
R. D. Libby, Program Chair

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

ACS Award for Encouraging Women

into Careers in the Chemical Sciences:
Symposium in Honor of E. Ann Nalley
Championing the Empowerment of Women
in Chemistry
Cosponsored by WCC
Z. M. Lerman, Organizer
F. K. Wood-Black, Organizer, Presiding


8:30 Introductory Remarks.

PROF Division Business Meeting, 3:00 PM:


8:35 PROF 6. Ann Nalley: A teacher

a colleague a legacy. D.G. McGuire
9:00 PROF 7. The importance of mentoring in
developing female leaders. M. Jeffries-El


9:25 PROF 8. Inspiration for generations.

K. Galindo

Section A

9:50 PROF 9. Paying it forward: Small actions

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

Native American Women Chemists of Color

Cosponsored by CMA and WCC
L. M. Watkins, Organizer
N. B. Jackson, G. Thomas, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:40 PROF 1. Otakuye Conroy-Ben: University
of Utah. O. Conroy-Ben
8:50 PROF 2. Robyn Hannigan, University of
Massachusetts Boston. R. Hannigan

Cooperative Cosponsorship

and encouragement result in a grand

legacy. F.K. Wood-Black
10:15 PROF 10. Chain reaction-the smallest
things have the biggest impact: A window
into how Ann Nalley changed my life.
C.J. Siddons
10:40 Intermission.
10:50 PROF 11. Ann Nalley: Consummate and
tireless teacher, friend, mentor, scholar, and
international leader in promoting women in
science. T. Conley

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Capitol Ballroom 6

Championing the Empowerment of Women

in Chemistry
Cosponsored by WCC
F. K. Wood-Black, Organizer
Z. M. Lerman, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 PROF 16. Ann Nalley, the female trailblazer. A. Pavlath
9:00 PROF 17. Experiences with Ann Nalley
Spanning 30 years. D.J. Nelson
9:25 PROF 18. Honoring Ann Nalley, a friend,

mentor, and champion for women in

science. M.P. Wu
9:50 Intermission.
10:00 PROF 19. Woman of valor: More precious
than pearls. Z.M. Lerman
10:25 PROF 20. The Legacy of Dr. E. Ann
Nalley. O.D. Nelson
10:50 PROF 21. What women can do

(WWCD): The future is really up to us.

J.C. Giordan
11:15 PROF 22. Award Address (ACS Award

for Encouraging Women into Careers in

the Chemical Sciences sponsored by the
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation).
Inspiring women in chemistry: Leading by
example. E.A. Nalley
11:40 Concluding Remarks.

A. A. Hill, C. A. Supalo, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:35 PROF 31. Enriching the discourse

of equity in the globalized knowledge

economy. J. Bhattacharya
1:55 PROF 32. Hands-on laboratory experiences for the visually impaired. A.A. Hill
2:15 PROF 33. 2014 Summer Science

Spectacular: A model for successful partnerships between the NFB and post-secondary institutions. C.A. Supalo
2:35 PROF 34. Summer research experience
for undergraduate students with disabilities
at the University of Delaware. K.S. Booksh
2:55 Intermission.
3:10 PROF 35. Exemplars of summer enrichment programs for students with disabilities
hosted around the world. H. Wohlers
3:30 PROF 36. Cal Poly laboratory chemistry
workshops for blind and visually impaired
high school students. D.M. Fantin
3:50 PROF 37. Outreach and educational
programs for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in the sciences. A.D. Ross, S.B. Smith,
T. Pagano
4:10 PROF 38. Research and cooperative work
experiences for deaf and hard-of-hearing
undergraduate students in the sciences.
T. Pagano, A.D. Ross, S.B. Smith
4:30 Concluding Remarks.

Rubber Division
T. R. DeLapa, Program Chair

STRETCH Your Students Polymer
Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum
Polymer Science Education and the NGSS
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE,

P. Kearney, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 Introductory Remarks.
2:05 SCHB 3. ThruPore Technologies LLC:

Experiences in NSFs I-Corps and SBIR

programs. M.G. Bakker, F.M. Sayler
2:30 SCHB 4. Chemical entrepreneurs first time
NIH SBIR grant application submission.
P.C. Kearney
2:55 Panel Discussion.
Earning ACS Awards: An Interactive
Symposium on Constructing Successful
Award Nominations
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by BMGT,

Committee on
Chemical Safety
E. Howson, Program Chair

Division of Small
Chemical Businesses
J. Sabol, Program Chair


Water Our Most Critical Resource (see
AGFD, Wed, Thu)
Colorado Biotechnology: The Science of
Colorados Craft Beer, Wine & Spirits
Industries (see BIOT, Sun)
Citizens First: Communicating Climate
Science to the Public (see CHED, Tue)
Transitioning between Academic Research
into Practical Use: Solar-Energy and
Advanced Materials (see COMSCI, Mon)
Microalgae: A Renewable Energy Source
and a Sustainable Solution for the
Environment (see ENVR, Wed)
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts on Water, Soil
and Air Quality (see ENVR, Mon, Tue)


Research & Development

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

DOE Nanoscience Research Centers

Breakfast, 7:30 AM: Sun
Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Sun
SCHB Hach Award Luncheon, 12:00 PM:
SCHB Hach Award Reception, 5:30 PM: Mon
Social Hour, 5:30 PM: Mon

SCHB Division Executive Committee
Meeting, 8:30 AM: Sun
SCHB Division Business Meeting, 1:15 PM:


Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

P. Kearney, Organizer
J. E. Sabol, Organizer, Presiding
8:00 Coffee & Networking.
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:50 SCHB 5. Entrepreneurs: Locally born to
accept the global challenges. S. Moles
9:20 SCHB 6. Innovation and entrepreneur-

ship: Advantages of private companies.

J. Mooney
9:50 Intermission.
10:20 SCHB 7. Small business in a big industry.
K. Savala

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,

Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Legalized Marijuana & Health & Safety
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS

10:50 SCHB 8. Award Address (Kathryn C.

Hach Award for Entrepreneurial Success

sponsored by the Kathryn C. Hach Award
Fund). Small business (chemistry) in a big
world (technology). T.L. Brewer

Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Section A

Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial

Success: Symposium in Honor of Terry L.
Cosponsored by PROF and YCC

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise





Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of
Nanotechnology R&D
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by AGFD, CCS
and PRES

National Resources for the Nanoscience

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by ANYL,

Committee on
Corporation Associates
D. Mason, Program Chair

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Research & Development
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Opportunities and Challenges for Health,
Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,


Section A


Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

Safety in Undergraduate Teaching

Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS

Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Water is the Next Oil: Small Businesses

Percolating to the Top
Cosponsored by YCC


A. Boal, Organizer, Presiding

Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

SCHB Entrepreneurs Poster Session

Cosponsored by YCC
G. Ruger, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 - 3:30

Thirty-five years and going strong:

SCHB offers resources and networking
opportunities for small and growing
chemical businesses. M. Chorghade,
A. Rahman, S.S. Seelig, P. Kearney, D.J. Deutsch,
S.V. Vercellotti, J.E. Sabol, J.L. Maclachlan,
C.A. Burton, K. Hylton-Rodic, J. Lee, G. Ruger,
N.A. Vaidya
SCHB 2. Chemical Angel Network chemists
investing in chemical businesses. S. White,
M. Vreeke, J.C. Giordan
Section A

Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Convention

Cripple Creek Ballroom 2

Best Practices for Success with SBIR

& STTR Grants
Cosponsored by PROF and YCC

2:00 Introductory Remarks.

2:05 SCHB 9. Surface-modified carbon elec-

trodes for long-life capacitive deionization

processes. J.R. Landon, C. Lippert
2:35 SCHB 10. Innovating water treatment with
on-demand chemistry. A.K. Boal
3:05 SCHB 11. Evolution of Hach Chemical
Company to Hach Lange: Success
and growth through customer focus.
C.C. Johnson
3:35 Concluding Remarks.
Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing
in Chemical Companies
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by SCHB

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Halls C/D

J. Sabol, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
1-2, 9. See previous listings.

Committee on
Chemistry and
Public Affairs
S. Butts, Program Chair


Committee on
Divisional Activities
M. J. Morello, Program Chair

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Research & Development
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Opportunities and Challenges for Health,
Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Synthesis and Functions
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by CARB
and DAC

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Control of Sequence and Regiochemistry
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by CARB
and DAC

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Characterization and Applications
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by CARB
and DAC

Frontiers in Glycoscience
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by DAC

Citizens First: Communicating Climate
Science to the Public
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CEI


Committee on
C. Middlecamp, Program Chair

Green Chemistry and the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice

Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CEI
Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas
Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CEI
Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas
Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

9:55 CMA 5. Chancellors Science Scholars

9:15 COMSCI 2. Solar water splitting and the

hydrogen economy. J. Turner

program: Adapting the Meyerhoff model to

UNC-Chapel Hill. J.L. Templeton, M. Peifer,
A. Panter, W. Marzluff, M. Patil
10:20 CMA 6. STEM Posse: Recruiting and
retaining underrepresented students in the
STEM disciplines. I.R. Epstein
10:45 CMA 7. Building a STEM community for
the next generation. E. Patridge
11:10 Panel Discussion.
11:40 Concluding Remarks.

10:25 Discussion.


11:50 Discussion.

ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged

Students in Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Catherine H. Middlecamp

12:00 Panel Discussion.

Four-Part Harmony (or Disharmony)

Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CMA and

9:45 Discussion.
9:55 COMSCI 3. Revolutionizing CdTe photovoltaics through industrial research. A. Duggal
10:35 Intermission.
10:50 COMSCI 4. If it works, will it matter?
C.A. Martin
11:20 Discussion.
11:30 COMSCI 5. Postdocs perspective on
use-inspired academic research. J. McKone

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,
Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Uranium in Seawater
The Chemistry
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI and
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI
and MPPG

Green Chemistry and the Environment
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and
Assessing Toxicity of Environmental
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI
and MPPG
Uranium in Seawater
The Sorbents
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

Water Sustainability in Oil and Gas
Exploration: Treatment Issues
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI and

Committee on
Public Relations and
D. Gottfried, Program Chair

Committee on
Minority Affairs
J. Sarquis, Program Chair

The Interface of Chemical and Biological

Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL,


ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged

Students in Chemistry: Symposium in
Honor of Catherine H. Middlecamp (see
CHED, Mon)

The Interface of Chemical and Biological

Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL,

Green Chemistry and the Environment

Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI
Uranium in Seawater
Sorbents and Analysis
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL

CMA Open Meeting, 12:00 PM: Sun


Uranium in Seawater

Native American Women Chemists of Color

Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by CMA
and WCC

Analysis and Toxicity/Cost

Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by CEI, MPPG
and NUCL



Section A

DOE Nanoscience Research Centers
National Resources for the Nanoscience
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by ANYL,
ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating
Sustainability into Chemistry Education
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CEI

Technical program information

known at press time.
The ofcial technical program
for the 249th ACS National
Meeting is available at:

Cooperative Cosponsorship

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Mineral Hall F

Diversifying STEM: Uniting through our

Differences for a Brighter Scientic Future
Cosponsored by CHED and PROF

Committee on Science
D. Crans, Program Chair

The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
and Allied Sciences and Engineering: Study,
Research and Careers without Borders
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BMGT,

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Research & Development
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

C. P. Frazier, S. A. Lopez, Organizers, Presiding

8:00 Introductory Remarks.


8:05 CMA 1. Peer-led activities in STEM based

on values affirmation. L.M. Campos

Section A

8:30 CMA 2. Alliance for Diversity in Science

Colorado Convention Center

Room 301

and Engineering: A graduate-student

centered approach to diversify STEM.
S.A. Lopez
8:55 CMA 3. NSF AGEP California Alliance: A
community of practice to increase diversity
in the physical sciences and engineering.
R.L. Garrell
9:20 CMA 4. Future faculty workshop.
T.M. Swager
9:45 Intermission.

Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

International Activities
H.N. Cheng, Program Chair

Section A



Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise



Diversity Reception, 5:00 pm: Sun

CMA Luncheon (Tickets Required), 11:30 AM:


Transitioning between Academic Research

into Practical Use: Solar-Energy and
Advanced Materials
Cosponsored by MPPG and PRES
D. C. Crans, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:35 COMSCI 1. Will solar-driven water splitting
devices see the light of day? H.B. Gray
9:05 Discussion.

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Mineral Hall D

Growing Opportunities for Research

Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective
of International Research Experiences
Cosponsored by CHED, PROF and YCC
H. Cheng, Organizer
S. Hill, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:10 IAC 1. Exploring electrochemistry in
Dsseldorf, Germany. B. Ferguson, J. Grote,
K. Mayrhofer
9:30 IAC 2. Undergraduate research in Jlich,

Germany: Fuel cell systems studies as a

catalyst for personal growth and cultural
exploration. K. Fong, D. Krekel
9:50 IAC 3. A summer in Freiburg: Materials
chemistry research in Germany. G. Ruehl,
M. Benkler
10:10 IAC 4. My ACS-IREU experience:
Science and exploration in Europe. J. Ford,
M. Schwilk, H. Werner
10:30 Intermission.
10:40 IAC 5. Research along the Ruhr: A
chemical and personal excursion in west
Germany. T.J. Myers, M. Ulbricht
11:00 IAC 6. Highlights of an international
research experience in Berlin, Germany.
L. Hristov, A. Senf
11:20 IAC 7. Hybrid polymer studies in
Germany: Synthesis, surface chemistry, and
soccer. D. Brauer
11:40 IAC 8. ACS international research experience for undergraduates: Kiel, Germany.
A. Kim
The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
and Allied Sciences and Engineering: Study,
Research and Careers without Borders
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BMGT,



Section A

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Mineral Hall D

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Mineral Hall D

Growing Opportunities for Research

Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective of
International Research Experiences
Cosponsored by CHED, PROF and YCC

The Interface of Chemical and Biological

Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL, CPRC and PRES

H. Cheng, Organizer
S. Hill, Organizer, Presiding
1:30 IAC 9. Organic solar cell active layer

synthesis and synopsis of time abroad.

T. Range, C. Ping Sen, S. Valiyaveettil
1:50 IAC 10. Electrochemistry in Singapore:
Going into the sea lions den and returning
out a more well-versed chemist. G. Panetti
2:10 IAC 11. Reflections on a summer research
experience at the National University of
Singapore. S.J. Faucher
2:30 Intermission.
2:40 IAC 12. My inorganic materials chemistry
IREU experience in Italy. C.M. Gentle
3:00 IAC 13. Italian inquiry into alternative
energy. S. Barnett
3:20 IAC 14. Italian research experience:
Development of a sustainable and
efficient protocol for palladium-catalyzed
Sonogashira cross-coupling reactions.
M.F. McLaughlin, L. Vaccaro
3:40 Intermission.
3:50 IAC 15. Summer research in the UK:
Unique chemistry in a unique environment.
D.G. Mackanic, S. Mabbott, D. Graham
4:10 IAC 16. Investigations into the stability
of photosynthetic proteins in Glasgow,
Scotland. E.K. Reagan, N. Javid, S.K. Nalluri,
R. Ulijn
4:30 IAC 17. Solar power in Scotland:
Examining new materials for organic photovoltaic devices. L.R. Savagian

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Mineral Hall D

The Interface of Chemical and Biological

Sciences International Disarmament Efforts
Cosponsored by ANYL, CHAL, CPRC and PRES
L. Brown, Organizer
D. J. Phillips, Presiding

L. Brown, Organizer
D. J. Phillips, Presiding
2:00 IAC 24. Education and outreach relevant

to the Organisation for the Prohibition of

Chemical Weapons Chemical Weapons
Convention. A. Surez
2:30 IAC 25. Not in my backyard: Outreach
efforts by the Program Executive Office,
Assembled Weapons Alternatives (PEOACWA) on chemical weapons destruction.
G.B. Mohrman
3:00 IAC 26. U.S. Department of States
Chemical Security Program: Challenges,
successes, and expanding international
disarmament/nonproliferation efforts.
D. Verdugo
3:30 Intermission.
3:45 Panel Discussion.
4:30 Concluding Remarks.

haystack: The development of analytical

capabilities at the OPCW and partner
laboratories in support of verification of the
Chemical Weapons Convention. M. Blum
9:45 IAC 19. Chemical Issues in context: The
role of intent in nonproliferation and disarmament policy. K. Rodda
10:15 IAC 20. Chemistry, international disarmament and policy in a technologically
evolving world. J. Forman
10:45 Intermission.
11:00 IAC 21. Eradication techniques
for chemical and biological weapons.
R. Holmes
11:30 IAC 22. Emerging technologies and
diffusion of innovation: Security challenges
for the 21st century. M. Kosal
12:00 IAC 23. Finding better therapeutics for chemical poisonings: The NIH
Countermeasures against Chemical Threats
(CounterACT) program. D. Jett


Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES, PROF,

Research & Development

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,
High School Program
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED
Undergraduate Research Papers
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Grand Ballroom 1

Biomass to Fuel and Products

Cosponsored by CELL, ENFL and MPPG
D. J. Swartling, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 SOCED 1. Current state of biofuels in the
USA and world. T. Foust


Forensic Toxicology of Marijuana

Cosponsored by BMGT and TOXI

Senior Chemists

D. J. Swartling, Organizer, Presiding

G. Heinze, Program Chair

Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise

10:45 SOCED 2. Forensic toxicology of marijuana. K.M. Allen, D. Wallace Duckworth

STRETCH Your Students Polymer

Knowledge by Putting Some BOUNCE into
Your Curriculum

Opportunities and Challenges for Health,

Safety and the Environment
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,

Polymer Science Education and the NGSS

Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PMSE,

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES, PROF,


Undergraduate Research Papers

Society Committee
on Education
D. Swartling, Program Chair

Networking Social with Graduate
School and Research Opportunity
Representatives, 1:00 PM: Sun
ACS Student Chapter Awards Ceremony,
7:00 PM: Sun
Undergraduate Social, 8:30 PM: Sun
Undergraduate Speed Networking with
Chemistry Professionals, 3:45 PM: Mon
Chemistry and the Environment Film Series,
12:00 PM: Tue

The Transnational Practice of Chemistry
and Allied Sciences and Engineering: Study,
Research and Careers without Borders
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BMGT,
High School Program
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED
Undergraduate Research Papers
Organic Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED

Women Chemists
K. Woznack and A. Debaillie, Program Chairs

WCC Breakfast, 7:30 AM: Mon
WCC Just Cocktails, 3:30 PM: Mon
WCC/Eli Lilly Travel Award Poster Session,
11:00 AM: Tue
WCC Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue

WCC Division Business Meeting, 5:30 PM: Fri
WCC Division Business Meeting, 7:30 AM:

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Grand Ballroom 1

9:00 Introductory Remarks.

9:15 IAC 18. Finding the needle in the


ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine
Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of
Vronique Gouverneur
Sponsored by FLUO, Cosponsored by WCC
Native American Women Chemists of Color
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by CMA
and WCC
Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in
Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator:
Symposium in Honor of Emily A. Weiss
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine
Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of
Vronique Gouverneur
Sponsored by FLUO, Cosponsored by WCC

Computational, Physical and Inorganic

Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED

Earning ACS Awards: An Interactive

Symposium on Constructing Successful
Award Nominations
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by BMGT,


Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in

Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator:
Symposium in Honor of Emily A. Weiss
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

Section A

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Grand Ballroom 1

Sustainability in the 21st Century: Optimizing

Complex Interdependent Systems
Cosponsored by CELL and ENFL
D. J. Swartling, Organizer, Presiding
2:30 SOCED 3. Eminent Scientist Lecture:

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

Sustainability in the 21st century:

Optimizing complex interdependent
systems. H.T. Kohlbrand
Nanotechnology: Delivering on the Promise
Bridging the Gap to a Thriving US
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Undergraduate Research Posters
Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by AGFD,
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES, PROF,
Undergraduate Research Papers
Biochemistry and Chemical Education
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all ofcial ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 105

WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium

Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL, GEOC, INOR,
S. Azad, M. A. Kane, Organizers, Presiding
9:20 Introductory Remarks.
9:30 WCC 1. Making science and education

gel: Building a career in technical

research and pursuing a passion for
STEM education outreach. J.L. Curtis-Fisk
9:50 WCC 2. Redox-active ligands for
the f-block: Promoting multi-electron
chemistry at low-valent uranium centers.
S.C. Bart
10:10 Intermission.
10:25 WCC 3. Tale of two journeys: Protein
misfolding in light chain amyloidosis and
the career path of a protein biochemist.
M. Ramirez Alvarado
10:45 WCC 4. Chemical research with fun
in new materials design and application.
C. Liu
11:05 WCC 5. Engineering next-generation
porous materials for energy and environmental applications. K.S. Walton
ACS Award for Achievement in Research
for the Teaching and Learning of
Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Vickie
M. Williamson
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by WCC
ACS Award for Encouraging Women
into Careers in the Chemical Sciences:
Symposium in Honor of E. Ann Nalley
Championing the Empowerment of
Women in Chemistry
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by WCC

ACS Award for Achievement in Research
for the Teaching and Learning of
Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Vickie
M. Williamson
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by WCC
ACS Award for Encouraging
Disadvantaged Students in Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Catherine H.
Four-Part Harmony (or Disharmony)
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CMA
and WCC
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC
F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic
Inorganic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Jaqueline L. Kiplinger
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

ACS Award for Encouraging Women
into Careers in the Chemical Sciences:
Symposium in Honor of E. Ann Nalley
Championing the Empowerment of
Women in Chemistry
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by WCC
E. B. Hershberg Award for Important
Discoveries in Medicinally Active
Substances: Symposium in Honor of Ruth
R. Wexler
Sponsored by MEDI, Cosponsored by WCC
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC
F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic
Inorganic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Jaqueline L. Kiplinger
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

Section A

Colorado Convention Center

Room 710

WCC Rising Stars Awards Symposium

Cosponsored by BIOT, COLL, GEOC, INOR,
S. Azad, M. A. Kane, Organizers, Presiding
1:20 WCC 6. Art and Industry: Science takes
an artsy turn. M.H. Keefe
1:40 WCC 7. Phase-selective synthesis and

surface passivation of binary and ternary

copper sulfide nanoparticles. K. Plass,
N. Freymeyer, C. Kim, Z. Georgieva
2:00 WCC 8. Nuclear waste management:
Where geology meets nuclear science.
F.N. Smith
2:20 Intermission.
2:35 WCC 9. Magnetic quantum dots for
biomedical applications. J.O. Winter
2:55 WCC 10. Overview of the discovery
of a potent Septoria tritici fungicide.
B.A. Lorsbach
3:15 Concluding Remarks.

Cooperative Cosponsorship

ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC
F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic
Inorganic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
of Jaqueline L. Kiplinger
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

National Fresenius Award: Symposium in
Honor of Abigail G. Doyle
Sponsored by ORGN, Cosponsored by WCC
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in
the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry:
Symposium in Honor of Kim R. Dunbar
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by WCC

Frank H. Field and Joe L. Franklin Award
for Outstanding Achievement in Mass
Spectrometry: Symposium in Honor of
Hilkka I. Kenttmaa
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by WCC

Younger Chemists
T. Matos and A. Gavrilenko, Program Chairs

Growing Opportunities for Research
Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective
of International Research Experiences
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by CHED,


Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial
Success: Symposium in Honor of Terry
L. Brewer
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored by PROF
and YCC
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES,

Water is the Next Oil: Small Businesses
Percolating to the Top
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored by YCC
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES,

Section A

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Agate B/C


Starting a Successful Research Program

at a Predominantly Undergraduate
Cosponsored by PROF

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention

Centennial H

A. V. Gavrilenko, T. D. Matos, Organizers

M. Druelinger, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:15 YCC 1. What is undergraduate research

and why do research at a predominantly

undergraduate institution? T.J. Wenzel
1:25 YCC 2. Collaborative research with
undergraduates: research project and
research group design. G. Van Hecke
1:45 YCC 3. Balancing teaching, research,
service, and life in the context of primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs).
B.L. Gourley
2:05 YCC 4. Art and necessity of gaining
internal support from institutional administrators. M. Druelinger
2:25 Intermission.
2:35 YCC 5. Undergraduate new investigator
grants at the ACS Petroleum Research
Fund. B. Lee
3:00 YCC 6. Funding opportunities at the
National Science Foundation of particular
interest to faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs). M. Bushey
3:30 YCC 7. Writing more competitive grant
proposals. T.J. Wenzel
3:50 Panel Discussion.
SCHB Entrepreneurs Poster Session
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored by YCC
Growing Opportunities for Research
Abroad: An Undergraduate Perspective
of International Research Experiences
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored by CHED,
Best Practices for Success with SBIR &
STTR Grants
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored by PROF
and YCC
Young Investigator in Medicinal Chemistry
Sponsored by MEDI, Cosponsored by YCC

Section A

Chemical Tales of Success: Helpful Tips

for Younger Chemists
Cosponsored by NUCL and SCHB
J. C. Braley, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 YCC 8. What I wish I had known: You
can learn from my mistakes. L.M. Balbes
9:00 YCC 9. Professional skills for chemists.
R.M. Richards
9:40 YCC 10. Balancing entrepreneurship
with academic life. A.L. Prieto
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 YCC 11. Tales from the home stretch.
K.M. Schulz
11:00 YCC 12. Tales from the dark side:

Alternative careers in administration.

P.K. Dorhout

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PRES,

Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical
Models and Practices
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CHED,

Environmental Chemistry: Pedagogical
Models and Practices
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CHED,

249th ACS National Meeting



All events are sponsored or cosponsored by the Society Committee on Education Undergraduate Programs Advisory Board.
CHAIR: Matthew J. Mio University of Detroit Mercy, MI


PROGRAM CHAIR: Daniel J. Swartling Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville

Networking Social with

Graduate School and
Research Opportunity

Hospitality Center
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Majestic Ballroom
8:00 AM 5:00 PM

Research Oral Session
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver Room
8:30 AM 5:00 PM

Making the Most of Your

First National Meeting

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Majestic Ballroom
8:00 AM 5:00 PM

Symposium: Can You

Have a Life and Career?

Undergraduate Research
Oral Session

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Plaza Ballrooms D&E
2:45 4:00 PM

Workshop: Improving
Scientific Communication

Graduate School Reality

Check: Getting In

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Plaza Ballroms A&B
4:00 5:30 PM

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Plaza Ballrooms A&B
10:00 11:15 AM

Workshop: Careers in
Teaching Chemistry

Cosponsored by the ACS Younger

Chemists Committee

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Plaza Ballrooms D&E
4:00 5:30 PM

Chem Demo Exchange

Colorado Convention Center, Hall B2
11:00 AM 12:30 PM

Graduate School Reality

Check: Youre In Now What?
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Plaza Ballrooms A&B
11:15 AM 12:30 PM

Student Chapter
Awards Ceremony
Colorado Convention Center,
Bellco Theatre
7:00 8:30 PM

Undergraduate Social

Cosponsored by the ACS Younger Chemists


Colorado Convention Center,

Four Seasons Ballroom
8:30 11:00 PM

How to Be a Successful
ACS Student Chapter

Hosted by the Colorado School of

Mines and the University of
Colorado at Boulder

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Plaza Ballrooms D&E
1:00 2:30 PM

Hospitality Center

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Grand Ballroom
1:00 5:00 PM

Cosponsored by the ACS Women Chemists


Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Majestic Ballroom
9:00 9:45 AM


Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Denver Room
8:30 AM 5:00 PM

Symposium: Biomass
to Fuel & Products
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Grand Ballroom I
9:00 10:30 AM
Cosponsored by the ACS Cellulose and
Renewable Materials Division and
the ACS Division of Energy & Fuels

Workshop: Networking 101

Colorado Convention Center,
Rooms 601/603
9:45 11:00 AM

Workshop: Chemists
Celebrate Earth Day
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Grand Ballroom II
9:4511:45 AM
Cosponsored by the ACS Committee
on Community Activities

Symposium: Forensic
Toxicology of Marijuana

Colorado Convention Center, Hall C

12:00 NOON 2:00 PM
Cosponsored by the ACS Divisions of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Analytical,
Environmental, Inorganic, Medicinal, Physical,
and Polymer Chemistry, Biological Chemistry,
and Geochemistry

Eminent Scientist Lecture

Sustainability in the 21st Century:
Optimizing Complex Interdependent
Systems, with Henry Kohlbrand,
Dow Chemical Company
Sheraton Denver Downtown,
Grand Ballroom I
2:30 3:30 PM
Cosponsored by the ACS Cellulose and
Renewable Materials Division and the
ACS Division of Energy & Fuels

Speed Networking with

Chemistry Professionals
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado
Convention Center, Centennial D
3:45 5:15 PM
Cosponsored by ACS Corporation Associates and
the ACS Senior Chemists Committee

Kavli Lectures
Colorado Convention Center,
Bellco Theatre
4:00 6:30 PM

Student Chapter Posters
Colorado Convention Center, Hall C
8:00 10:00 PM

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Grand Ballroom I
10:45 11:45 AM


Cosponsored by the ACS Divisions of Chemical

Toxicology and Business Development &

Chemistry and the

Environment Film Series

Program format and times are subject to change. Please consult the final program.

Undergraduate Research
Poster Session

Sheraton Denver Downtown,

Grand Ballroom I
12:00 NOON 2:00 PM
Cosponsored by the ACS Committee
on Environmental Improvement



EXPOSITION. Visit the ACS National

Exposition at the Colorado Convention

Center, Halls A/F, from Sunday, March
22, through Tuesday, March 24. The
show hours will be Sunday, 6:00 to
8:30 PM, and Monday and Tuesday,
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Companies will showcase services,
instruments, books, computer hardware,
scientific software, and an array of chromatographic, lab, and safety equipment.
Technical personnel will give demonstrations, answer questions, and discuss
your needs and interests. You can also
visit the ACS Career Fair Recruiters Row
inside the exposition, where employers
will showcase their products and services. Also, join us at the ACS Booth in
the middle of the exposition floor, where
ACS staff members will present the many
benefits, services, products, and merchandise offered by ACS.
Online Exposition. The Online Exposi-

tion is a component within the Exhibitor

Directory that enables attendees to

ACS Exposition

view videos, press releases, brochures,

and flyers of participating exhibitors.
Access the Online Exposition at
www.acs.org/denver2015 to learn
more about exhibiting companies and
to download product information that
meets your needs.
Free Exhibitor Workshops. Free work-

shops will be hosted by exhibitors on

the exposition floor and in private rooms
inside the Moscone Center. These workshops will introduce new products and
services, build skills with specific tools
and techniques, and highlight innovative applications that may improve your
productivity. Preregister at www.acs.org/
denver2015 to reserve your seat.
Presentations, Prizes & Special Events.

Visit the Daily Prize Raffle area (#339)

from Sunday through Tuesday for a
chance to win a prize. Also, dont forget to join us on Sunday from 6:00 to
8:30 PM for the Attendee Welcome
Reception. Take a break, and visit the
exposition on Monday and Tuesday from

1:00 to 3:00 PM for treats in the Town

Center. Stop by the Town Center on
Tuesday, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM to view
the Division of Energy and Fuels poster
Internet & Technology. Use free Internet

access, and leave messages for one

another at the Meeting Mail terminals
located throughout the exposition and
Moscone Center. Also, enjoy free Wi-Fi
service at designated areas in the
Moscone Center.
Admission Requirements & Expo-Only
Registration. Exposition admission is

complimentary for all national meeting

registrants; however, you are required to
wear your badge. Individuals who want to
visit the exhibits without registering for
the technical component of the national
meeting can obtain an expo-only badge
for $50. Students with school identification can obtain an expo-only badge for
$25. Registration can be handled online
or in person at ACS Attendee Registration in the Moscone Center, North Lobby.


The following list exhibitors, as of
February 20th, and is the property
of the American Chemical Society.
Any unauthorized use of this list, or
any part thereof, either directly or
indirectly, is strictly prohibited.
Visit the Online ACS National Exposition at www.acs.org/denver2015 to
download the updated exhibitor list
and access product information.
AAPS (Amer Assoc. of Pharm Sci.) 2107 Wilson
Blvd., Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201, 703-2432800, Internet: www.aaps.org AAPS provides an
international forum for the exchange of knowledge among scientists to enhance their contributions to health. We offer scientic programs,
ongoing education, networking opportunities,
and professional development. Join AAPS and
gain access to customized journal searches,
pharmaceutical news and discounts on meetings, conferences and more.
ACS Career Navigator is your source for
career resources and training at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco. Visit us in the
ACS Booth to discover the resources you need
to achieve your goals and advance your
ACS Committee on Chemical Safety, P.O. Box
152329, , CA, United States 92195, 619-9904908, The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety
(CCS) and the Division of Chemical Health and
Safety (CHAS) provide leadership and technical
guidance to all ACS members and the community regarding the safe and proper handling of
chemicals. Chemical safety practices are supported across the entire chemical enterprise
from K-12 through college and graduate school
into the industrial and academic workplace. 425
ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses
(SCHB), 4344 Moorpark Ave. Ste # 1San Jose,
CA 95129 United States, 408-834-8597, Fax:
408-351-7900 Email: [email protected],
Internet: http://www.acs-schb.org
The ACS Division of Small Chemical Business
(SCHB) has objectives To aid in the formation,
development, and growth of small chemical
SCHB helps chemists working in small enterprises, including self-employed, with the legal,
social, educational, legislative, regulatory, and
economic aspects of their unique professional
status. SCHB serves as a clearing house of
information, a forum for discussion, and a liaison
between small businesses and students.
ACS Education, 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202-872-6269, fax: 202-8337732, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
acs.org/education The ACS Education Division
serves learners and educators by building communities and providing effective chemistry education resources, grants, communities, professional development opportunities, standards
and guidelines. Stop by our booth to nd information that can support your efforts to provide
innovative, relevant, and effective chemistry education from kindergarten through professional
ACS Green Chemistry Institute, 1155 16th
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202-8726102, fax: 202-776-8009, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.acs.org/gci The ACS Green Chemistry Institute believes that innovation in
sustainable and green chemistry and engineer-

ing (GC&E) is vital to solving environmental and

human health challenges. Our mission is to catalyze and enable the implementation of GC&E
throughout the global chemical enterprise and
empower you to reimagine a sustainable future.
ACS Industry Concierge, 1155 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036, 202-872-6326 Email:
[email protected], Internet: www.acs.org/
ACS Meetings & Expositions, 1155 Sixteenth
Street NW, Washington, DC, United States
20036, 800-227-5558, fax: 202-872-6128, e-mail:
[email protected], Internet: www.acs.org/
meetings The ACS Meetings booth displays
information on current and future regional meetings also spring and fall National Meetings.
Register for a regional meeting or get information on submitting an abstract to a meeting in
your region. The programming is diverse and
exciting! Meet the volunteers who are planning
these meetings at the booth. Visit the regional
meetings website at www.acs.org/regionalmeetings for a tour of this years conferences. Information on future national meetings will be on
ACS Member Insurance Program, 1155 16th
Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, 800-2275558, ext. 6037, fax: 202-872-4435, e-mail:
[email protected],
insurance The ACS Member Insurance Program
is committed to offering quality comprehensive
insurance plans to members and their families.
Stop by the ACS booth to learn more about the
plans available such as Life and Health Insurance, Auto & Homeowners, Long Term Care,
Professional Liability, Pet Insurance and more.
ACS Membership, 1155 16th St., NW, Suite
OTH420, Washington, DC 20036, 2028726062,
Internet: www.acs.org/MemberHandbook Are
you a Rockstar of Chemistry? Visit ACS Membership in the ACS Booth and take a Commenmorative ACS Rockstar photo at the open air photo
booth! Learn about your benets at the Membership Rocks presentation in the ACS Theater
on Monday from 3 to 4 PM.
The ACS Ofce of Public Affairs (OPA) works
with ACS members to help advance the chemical enterprise by encouraging strong member
participation in advocacy with legislators as well
as in communicating with community leaders
and teh media. Stop by the OPA booth to learn
more about how to get involved with advocacy
through the Act4chemistry Network, how to be
more effective communicators and advocates
through the Chemistry Ambassadors initiative,
and how to get involved with, or create, a Local
Section Government Affairs and/or Public Relations Committees, and more!
ACS Publications, 1155 16th Street, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036, 202-872-6862, fax: 202872-6005, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
pubs.acs.org ACS Publications introduces ACS
Central Science our rst completely open access journalalong with ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering and ACS Infectious Diseases. Stop in at our booth to ask about
redeeming ACS Author Rewards, and see a
demonstration of the ACS ChemWorx reference
management platform. On Monday at noon,
attend our free, live webinar at the booth: Mastering the Art of Scientic Publication, featuring
a panel of 4 ACS journal Editors. And get your
C&EN signed by the Priestley Medalist! ACS
Publications is the most trusted, most cited, and
most read publisher in chemistry and the related
The ACS Store features limited edition chemistry themed merchandise, such as mole dolls,
t-shirts and beaker mugs.
ACS Web Strategy & Operations, 1155 16th
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202-8724548, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.

acs.org The ACS web site is becoming more

personalized! From subtle changes to My Account to more noticeable changes on the
www.acs.org home page, were striving to deliver the most relevant ACS content, programs,
products and services--tailored for YOU! Stop by
the ACS Web kiosk to see what weve personalized so far, share your interests and help us take
ACS Web Personalization to the next level. In
order to develop the best personalized ACS web
experience, we want to get to know you better!
Take brief survey/quiz get a free gift while supplies last.
AdValue Technology, 3470 S. Dodge Blvd.,
Tucson, AZ 85713, 520-514-1100, fax: 520-7474024, Internet: www.advaluetech.com AdValue
Technology is a leading supplier of high temperature ceramic products made of alumina, fused
quartz, sapphire and zirconia. Our products include crucibles, tubes, plates and discs, sample
pans for thermal analysis, quartz cuvettes and
various custom components. We also carry other
lab supplies such as agate mortar and pestles.
Advanced Clustering Technologies, 1100 W.
Cambridge Circle Drive, Suite 300, Kansas City,
KS, United States 66103, 913-643-0307, Internet: www.advancedclustering.com
Advion, 10 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850, 607379-4565, fax: 607-257-5761, Internet: www.
AGI USA Inc., PO Box 21388, Lehigh Valley, PA,
United States 18002-1388, (610) 691-2385, Internet: www.asahiglassplant.com
Agilent Technologies, 2850 Centerville Rd.,
Wilmington, DE 19808, 302-636-8108, fax: 302633-8944, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.agilent.com/chem
AIP Publishing The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 300, Melville, NY 11747, 516-576-2279, fax: 516-3499704, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: jcp.aip.
AK Scientic, Inc., 30023 Ahern Avenue, Union
City, CA 94587, (510)429-8835, Internet: www.
Alfa Aesar-A Johnson Matthey Co., 26
Parkridge Rd, Ward Hill, MA 01835, 800-3430660, fax: 800-322-4757, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.alfa.com Alfa Aesar, a Johnson
Matthey Company, is a leading international
manufacturer and supplier of research chemicals, metals and materials. The Alfa Aesar Catalog has over 46,000 products listed, which include, organic compounds, high purity
inorganics, pure metals, alloys, elements, precious metal compounds and catalysts, rare
earths, AA/ICP standards and more.
Anasazi Instruments Inc., 4101 Cashard Ave.,
Suite 103, Indianapolis, IN 46203, 317-7834126, fax: 317-783-7083, e-mail:sales@aiinmr.
com, Internet: www.aiinmr.com Manufacturers
of the highest resolution, highest sensitivity, and
largest application base of any permanent magnet based NMR instrument. 60 and 90 MHz Eft
are general purpose NMR instruments available
as 1H, 1H/13C, and multinuclear instruments.
These instruments have very low maintenance
requirements and do not require cryogens.
Anasys Instruments Corp., 325 Chapala St.,
Santa Barbara, CA 93101, 805-730-3310, Internet: www.anasysinstruments.com Anasys Instruments is dedicated to delivering innovative
products that measure and characterize chemical, thermal and mechanical properties of materials at the nanoscale with high spatial precision.
Notably in 2010, Anasys introduced the nanoIRa? Platform which led the eld with 100nm IR
measurement capabilities; a resolution breakthrough of over 100x.

Anton Paar USA, 10215 Timber Ridge Drive,

Ashland, VA 23005, 800-722-7556, fax: 804-5501057, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
Ark Pharm, Inc., 1840 Industrial Drive, Suite
120, Libertyville, IL, United States 60048, 847367-3680, fax: 847-367-3681, e-mail:sales@
arkpharminc.com, Internet: www.arkpharminc.
com Ark Pharm, Inc. specializes in design and
synthesis of medicinal building blocks, scaffolds
and other advanced intermediates. Ark Pharm
has over 30,000 compounds in stock. We do
contract research, custom synthesis and bulk
intermediates. Please visit our website at
www.arkpharminc.com for more information.
Aspira Scientic, Inc., 521 Cottonwood Drive,
Suite 112, Milpitas, CA, United States 95035,
408-571-1100, fax: 408-571-1123, Internet: www.
Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Company, 6310 Hollister Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA
93117, 805-696-6466, fax: 805-696-6444, email:[email protected], Internet: www.
Avantes Inc., 9769 W. 119th Dr. Suite 4, Suite 4,
Broomeld, CO 80021, 303-410-8668, fax: 303410-8669.
Beantown Chemical Corporation, 9 Sagamore
Park Road, Hudson, NH, United States 603-4022231, Fax: 603-402-9713, Internet: www.
beantownchem.com Beantown Chemical (BTC)
manufactures and distributes a line of specialty
chemicals, including organics, inorganics and metals. BTC offers over 7,000 products, which are
primarily used for research and development in
the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry,
government institutions and academia.
Bentham Sciences Publishers Ltd., 833 S.
Wood Street,, Room 539, Chicago, IL 60612,
312-413-5867, fax: 312-996-7107, e-mail:morrissy
@bentham.org, Internet: www.bentham.org We
are a leading STM publisher of 131 high quality
journals which helps to answer the information
needs of the pharmaceutical, medical & biomedical research community. FREE online journals
and information: www.benthamscience.com
Subscribe, Consortia, discounted global licenses
and trials: [email protected] To
know more about our publications please visit
here http://benthamscience.com/journal/browseby-title.php?alphacodeA&pcount1
Biolin Scientic, 514 Progress Drive Suite G,
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 United States,
877-773-6730, Fax: 866-415-8164, Internet:
www.biolinscientic.com. Biolin Scientic develops and provides analytical instrumentation for
the nanoscale analysis of interactions and reactions occuring at surfaces, thin lms, materials
and interfaces. Biolin Scientic consists of the
following brands: Q-Sense, KSV NIMA and Attension, that provide expertise in Quartz Crystal
Microbalance, Langmuir Blodgett and Contact
Angle technologies and instrumentation. 938
Biotage, 10430 Harris Oaks Blvd, Suite C, Charlotte, NC 28269, 704 654 4900, fax: 704 654
4917, Internet: www.biotage.com Biotage is a
leading provider of Instruments and Consumables for use in Analytical Testing, Medicinal
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Peptide Synthesis. Check out the New Extrahera, simple
automation of SLE/SPE plates and cartridges,
the New Isolera Dalton, Mass Detection for Flash
Systems, and the IsoleraTM Spektra with ACI
Accelerated Chromatographic Isolation. 1024
BioTools, Inc., 17546 Bee Line, Jupiter, FL
33458, 561-625-0133, 866-btools1, fax: 561625-0717, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
Boulder Scientic Co., 598 3rd Street, Mead,
CO 80542, 970-535-4494, Internet: www.
bouldersci.com Since 1972, Boulder Scientic

Company (BSC) has provided the highest quality

organometalllic compounds to the polymer,
pharmaceutical ne and specialty chemical industries. We offer custom synthesis, scale-up
and bulk production of custom for your catalytic
and stoichiometric product requirements. 841
BrandTech Scientic, 11 Bokum Road, Essex,
CT 06426, 860-767-2562, fax: 860-767-2563,
Internet: www.brandtech.com
Brookhaven Instruments Corp., 750 Blue
Point Road, Holtsville, NY 11742-1832, 631758-3200, fax: 631-758-3255, e-mail:info@
brookhaveninstruments.com, Internet: www.
BrookhavenInstruments.com Brookhaven pioneered modern techniques in characterizing
nanoparticles, proteins, and polymers using light
scattering techniques such as dynamic, static,
electrophoretic, and phase analysis for particle
sizing, zeta potential, and absolute molecular
weight analysis. New SEC/GPC software, ParSEC, works with almost any detector on the
market. New particle characterization software,
Particle Solutions, is a unique, database approach with unsurpassed search features that
combines all the techniques under one umbrella
to ensure maximum productivity. For dispersion
stability problems, we offer zeta potential instruments using electrophoretic as well as phase
analysis light scattering, the latter technique rst
introduced by Brookhaven.
Bruker, 5465 E Cheryl Pkwy, Madison,
WI 53711, 888-4BRUKER, e-mail:info@
bruker.com, Internet: www.bruker.com Welcome to the worlds most comprehensive range
of scientic instrumentation available under one
branda brand synonymous with excellence,
innovation and quality. Bruker offers a wide
range of applications for molecular characterization in chemistry and life sciences as well as
solutions for materials research and nanotechnology.
Camag Scientic, Inc., 515 Cornelius Harnett
Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401, 9103431830, fax:
9103431834, Internet: www.camagusa.com
CAMAG is the world leader in High Performance
Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) instrumentation which features the automatic TLC sampler
for sample application, the Automatic Developing Chamber for plate development, the Visualizer for Documentation/Camera system and our
TLC scanning densitometer for the most versatile densitometer evaluation available, including
variable spectra recording and multi-wavelength
scanning. We are presenting also our new instruments: the manual and fully-automated DBS
(Dried Blood Spots) extraction devices connected to any Mass Spectrometer; in addition to
the TLC-MS Interface: TLC plate extraction device to any MS.
Cambridge Crystallographic
Data Ctr., 12 Union Road,
Cambridge, United Kingdom CB2 1EZ, 44-1223336408, fax: 44-1223-336033, e-mail:admin@
ccdc.cam.ac.uk, Internet: www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk
The CCDC is the worlds leading structural
chemistry research organisation, and a Cambridge University Partner Institute. We produce
the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), the
only comprehensive resource of small-molecule
crystal structures, containing over 750,000 quality-checked entries, each available for free
download. We serve communities in industry,
academic research and teaching.
Career Fair Recruiters Row:
Brewer Science, Inc.
EURAXESS Links North Americal,


CAS, 2540 Olentangy River

Road, Columbus, OH 43210,
614-447-3600, fax: 614-447-3713, e-mail:help@
cas.org, Internet: www.cas.org Visit CAS, the
worlds authority for chemical information, at the
ACS booth today! See how our databases meet

your research needs using the power of

SciFinder and STN. Experience SciFinder, learn
more about out collaboration with ChemDraw
CDS Analytical, LLC, 465 Limestone Road, P.O.
Box 277, Oxford, PA, United States 19363-0277,
610-932-3636, fax: 610-932-4158, Internet:
http://www.cdsanalytical.com CDS Analytical is
a leading global provider of innovative thermal
sample preparation instrumentation for the analytical laboratory. For over 35 years our exclusive
focus has been on conceiving, designing, manufacturing, and supporting leading edge instruments. CDS offers a complete suite of diverse
front-end GC equipment including pyrolyzers,
purge and trap, headspace, and thermal desorption systems. These robust, eld-tested
products provide the entire range of temperature, heating rate, and multiple step manipulations required by todays most demanding
analytical laboratories.
CEM Corp., PO Box 200, Matthews, NC 28106,
704-821-7015, fax: 704-821-7894, Internet:
Cengage Learning, Inc., 500 Terry Francois
Blvd., Second Floor, San Francisco, CA, United
States 94158, 415-839-2329, Internet: www.
cengage.com Cengage Learning is a leading
educational content, software and services company for the K12, higher education, professional
and library markets with operations in more than
20 countries around the world. The company
provides superior content, personalized services
and course-driven digital solutions that accelerate student engagement and transform the
learning experience.
Chem21Labs LLC, 2503 Oakland Drive, Cleveland, TN 37312.
ChemBridge Corp., 11199 Sorrento Valley Rd.,
Suite 206, San Diego, CA 92121, 858-451-7400,
fax: 858-451-7401, e-mail:sales@chembridge.
com, Internet: www.chembridge.com
Chemglass Life Sciences, 3800 North Mill Road,
Vineland, NJ 08360, 800-843-1794, fax: 800922-4361, Internet: www.cglifesciences.com In
addition to our wide selection of glassware and
equipment for chemistry we have begun adding
products for chromatography and cell culture
keeping us on the forefront of scientic innovation. CGLS fabricates standard glassware items
and components as well as custom glassware.
We have the capability to produce not only the
most complex glass apparatus, but also intricate
electronic equipment and customized machined
components. Products include Process Reactors
from 10L-100L, Benchtop Reactors from 100mL5L, Filter Reactors, Huber Unistat Circulators,
Chromatography Vials and Closures, NMR
Tubes, OptiTherm Blocks, Pie-Blocks, Reaction
Blocks, Pressure Vessels, Volumetric Flasks,
Schlenk Glassware/Manifolds, Rotary and Fritted
Chemical Computing Group, 1010 Sherbrooke
St. W, Suite 910, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A
2R7, 514-393-1055, e-mail:info@chemcomp.
com, Internet: www.chemcomp.com
Cehmical Semantics, Inc., Florida Science &
Tech Park 1115 NW 4th St., Gainesville, FL
32601, 352-371-7744 Fax: 352-371-3662 333
Chemistry At Your Fingertips, PO Box 127,
Westerly, RI, United States 02891, 401-9353534, Chemistry At Your Fingertips will be displaying and selling beautiful chemistry, nature
and engineering inspired t-shirts and jewelry
created by talented artists. Our booth has
unique items celebrating the 2014 International
Year of Crystallography. Our shirts feature chemistry and biology inspired postage stamps from
around the world.
ChemPartner, 965 Halei Road #10 Pudong New
Area, Shanghai, China 21203, Internet: www.

Chemrus Inc., P.O. Box 920524, Needham, MA
02492, Chemrus developed the worlds rst
polymer-structured disposable lter funnel for
solid-liquid separation. Recently, we developed
the worlds rst reaction asks, which can keep
itself upright without the support of cork ring,
perform multi-ask reactions without the use of
clamps, and perform solvent concentration under reduced pressure.
Chemshuttle, 29548 Union City Blvd., Union
City, CA, United States 94587, 510-999-8909,
fax: 510-999-8902, e-mail:sales@chemshuttle.
com, Internet: chemshuttle.com Founded in
2010 by medicinal chemists for chemists, ChemShuttle is a growing chemistry CRO and specialty research chemical supplier, currently serving 100 global organizations in life science
research. ChemShuttle has its business center at
San Francisco Bay Area in the US, and its research center at Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.,
Chengdu High-Tech Zone, Keyuan South Road
88#, Chengdu, Sichuan, China , 86-28-8530
5008, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.asleechem.com Catalog synthesis, customer synthesis on API, building block and organic coupling reagents
CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc., P.O. Box 220,
Princeton, NJ 08542-0220, 609-587-6500, fax:
609-587-6570, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: http://www.combiphos.com
CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite
300, Boca Raton, FL, United States 33487, 561361-6000, fax: 561-998-2559, Internet: www.
crcpress.com CRC Press is a premier publisher of
scientic and technical content in chemistry,
chemical engineering and physics for researchers, academics, professionals and students. Our
products include world-class reference books,
handbooks, encyclopedias, textbooks, journals
and the award-winning netBASE eBook collections. Visit us at Booth 709. Learn more at
CrystalMaker Software Ltd., Centre for Innovation & Enterprise, Oxford University Begbroke
Science Park, Begbroke, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom OX5 1PF, 44-1865-854804, fax: 441865-854805,
e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: http://www.crystalmaker.com Awardwinning software for crystal and molecular modelling and diffraction simulation. Build, display,
manipulate chemical structures - fast. Elegant
user interface with multi-structure browsing, synchronization and animation - and one-click
movie generation. Optional software for singlecrystal or powder diffraction, with real-time simulation control and display of observed data.
De Gruyter, Genthiner Str. 13, Berlin, Germany
D-10785, 0049 (0)30 26005 0, fax: 0049 (0)30
26005 251, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.degruyter.com The independent academic publisher De Gruyter can look back at
over 260 years of history. The De Gruyter Group
publishes over 1,300 new titles each year in the
humanities, medicine, natural sciences and law,
more than 650 journals, and a variety of digital
Dotmatics Inc., 11300 Sorrento Valley Rd, Suite
115, San Diego, CA, United States 92121, 619419-2808, fax: 858-852-7903, e-mail:hayleigh.
[email protected], Internet: www.
dotmatics.com Dotmatics is a software and
services provider for scientic data management. a ready-to-use platform provides data
capture, registration, secure externalized collaboration, data querying, visualization and reporting tools, fully congurable ELN for all disciplines (chem, bio, formulations, manufacturing,
etc), DMPK. Available on Cloud or on premise.
PC, Mac, mobile dev or Linux.
Edinburgh Instruments, 2 Bain Square, Kirkton
Campus, Livingston, United Kingdom EH54
7DQ, 44 (0) 1506 425 300, fax: 44 (0) 1506

425 320, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:

www.edinburghphotonics.com With unparalleled customer support and instruments with the
highest sensitivity, Edinburgh Instruments are
the experts in uorescence. Products include
uorescence spectroscopy (steady-state and
TCSPC), laser ash photolysis and TCSPC light
sources. Our low cost FS5 Spectrouorometer
is the latest addition to our product range, visit
us to nd out more.
Eicom USA, 7098 Miratech Drive, Suite 100, San
Diego, CA, United States 92121, 888-680-7775,
fax: 858-560-8040, Internet: www.eicom-usa.
com The Smart Evaporator is a new type of
evaporator based on a Vacuum-Assisted Vortex
Technology, allowing you to evaporate without
worry of bumping or the need to nurse the
equipment. It is compact-sized (ts in a fume
hood), temperature-controlled, and is compatible with various asks/vials to avoid unnecessary
sample transfer.
Elsevier, 80 High Street, Sawston, Cambridge,
United Kingdom CB22 3HJ, Internet: www.
elsevier.com Elsevier is a leading Science and
Technology publisher and provides search and
discovery tools in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and related subject areas. We publish
over 125 highly-respected journal titles, all with
Open Access options, and a huge range of
textbooks, scientic monographs and major reference works. With innovative electronic products and services such as ScienceDirect, for
access to scientic papers, and Scopus, for easy
searching of abstracts and citations, we continue
to rene our portfolio to serve the research
needs of educators, researchers and students
worldwide. Visit: www.elsevier.com/chemistry
Extrel CMS, 575 Epsilon Drive, Pittsburgh, PA
15238, Internet: www.extrel.com Extrel is the
worlda??s leading manufacturer of research and
process mass spectrometers, residual gas analyzers, and quadrupole mass spectrometry components. For 50 years, Extrela??s instruments
have been recognized for exceptional performance, reliability, and exibility complemented
by the most comprehensive application, technical, and on-site support in the industry.
FEI Company, 5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive,
Hillsboro, OR 97124, 503-726-7500, fax: 503726-7509, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.fei.com FEI designs, manufactures, and
supports the broadest range of high-performance microscopy solutions and workows.
FEIs customers are working to address global
challenges. They study materials structures,
quantify elemental composition and distribution,
and observe materials responses to (near) real
world environmental inuences, at resolutions
from sub-micron to sub-ngstrom.
FlackTek, Inc., 1708 Hwy, 11 Landrum, SC
29356 United States 864-895-7441, Internet:
acktek.net. FlackTek Inc. will be demonstrating
an advanced tool for mixing, grinding/milling
and dispersing. This Non-Invasive MixingTM
technology can be used to process any combination of powders, pastes, putties and liquids
from 1g to 5kg. The SpeedMixer removes air
bubbles while homogenizing the sample, in seconds, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO
Formulaction USA, 6660 N High Street, Suite
2A, Worthington, OH, United States 43085, 614888-0023, fax: 614-987-0045, Internet: www.
formulaction.com Formulaction offers instrumentation to help formulators characterize
dispersions in terms of physical stability as well
as michrorheology where viscoelastic properties
are easily determined. The range of instrumentation includes the different models of the Turbiscan, the Rheolaser Master and Horus lm
formation analyzer.
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, 2009 Mackenzie
Way, Suite 100, Cranberry Township, PA, United
States 16066, 412-559-8840, Internet: www.

fritsch-us.com FRITSCH is an internationally respected German manufacturer of applicationoriented

instruments are used worldwide for sample
preparation and particle analysis for fast paced
industrial process monitoring and critical applications in QA, QC, and R&D.
Frontiers, EPFL Innovation Park, Building I, Lausanne, Switzerland 1015, 41 21 510 17 00, fax:
41 21 510 17 01, e-mail:editorial.ofce@frontiersin.
org, Internet: www.frontiersin.org Frontiers is a
community-driven open-access academic publisher and research network. Our grand vision is
to build an Open Science platform that empowers researchers in their daily work and where
everybody has equal opportunity to seek, share
and generate knowledge.
Gamry Instruments, 734 Louis Drive, Warminister, PA 18974, 877-367-4267, fax: 215-6829331, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
gamry.com Gamry designs/manufactures highquality electrochemical instrumentation and
accessories. Single and multichannel potentiostats-600 mA to 30 A, fully-integrated spectroelectrochemical setups for UV/Vis and Raman, coin cell and 18650 battery holders and an
EQCM that can handle crystals from 110 MHz.
See our new potentiostats-one specially designed for testing batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors
Gaussian, 340 Quinnipiac Street, Building 40,
Wallingford, CT 06492, 203-284-2501, fax: 203284-2521, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.gaussian.com Gaussian, Inc. is the world
leader in electronic structure computational
chemistry programs. The Gaussian series of programs is available on every major computing
environment, from PCs to supercomputers, and
it is currently used in a wide variety of industrial,
governmental and academic research settings
worldwide. Gaussian, Inc. will be demonstrating
the latest versions of Gaussian and GaussView.
Gilead Sciences, 333 Lakeside Drive, Foster
City, CA 94404 United States, 650-522-1275,
Internet: www.gilead.com/careers
Grace Discovery Sciences, 2051 Waukegan
Road, Deereld, IL 60015, 847-948-8600, fax:
847-948-1078, e-mail:discoverysciences@grace.
com, Internet: grace.com/pharma-and-biotech/
en-us Grace is a premier manufacturer of silica
media for HPLC, ash, and process chromatography. Our extensive offering includes Reveleris purication systems, Vydac and Davisil purication media, and MODcol Spring
columns, together with a complementary offering of columns, instruments and accessories for
all stages of research, from discovery through
Guizhou Wylton Jinglin Electronic Material
Co., Ltd., New Materials Industrial Park, North
Baiyun Road, Baiyun District, Guiyang, Guizhou,
China 550014, 0851-4350785/4288779, fax:
0851-4350785-8666, e-mail:wyltonchem@wylton.
com, Internet: www.wyltonchem.com Wylton
Jinglin is proud to supply Heterocyclic Building
Block Products to customers in high end chemical compounds market. It spares no efforts to
research and develop Boron Acid and Boron
Acid Ester Products to strive to be the best
supplier, which features the most complete varieties, most up-to-date products, best R&D efciency and superior service, for Heterocyclic
Building Block Products and Boron Acid and
Boron Acid Ester Products.
Hands-On Learning, 3880 S. Windermere
StreetEnglewood, CO 80110, United States 720485-6061, Fax: 720-420-4926, Internet: www.
holscience.com. Hands-On Learning is the world
leader in science distance learning. HOL pioneered the way education is conceived and
delivered around the world, regardless of location, time zone, or language. Our cutting-edge

lab kits are self-contained learning portals that

allow instructors and students to collaborate
anytime, anywhere.

demic exchange effort, on behalf of the United

States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Hayden McNeil Publishing, 14903 Pilot Dr.,

Plymouth, MI 48170, 734-455-7900, fax: 734455-3901, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.hmpublishing.com

Indone Chemical Co., 121 Stryker Lane, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, 908-359-6778, fax: 908359-1179, e-mail:chemical@indonechemical.
com, Internet: www.indonechemical.com 1318

HE Chemical, 7-Jia-1701, Jingrui Xicheng,

Changzhou, Jiangsu, China 213000, 0086 519
86883102, fax: 0086 519 85104102, Internet:
www.hechemical.com Pyridinecarboxylic acids,
(Triuoromethyl)pyridines, Pyridineacetic acids,
Fluoro chemicals, Diuoromethyl chemicals, Diuoromethoxy chemicals, Thiophenes, Pyrimidines, Indoles, and other rare products. 1206
Heidolph North America, 1241 Jarvis Ave., Elk
Grove Village, IL, United States 60007,
2242659600, Internet: www.heidolphNA.com
Heidolph North America focuses on providing
unparalleled sales & support of premium laboratory equipment to the North America scientic
community. With a combination of expertise and
quality products Heidolph is the category leader
in rotary evaporators, overhead stirrers and
magnetic stirring hotplates. Other product portfolio highlights are the full line of Tuttnauer
sterilizers and innovative productivity equipment
from Radleys. With a team of 12 in eld sales
representatives and service engineers providing
onsite product demonstrations, product health
day visits, trainings, installations, and product
maintenance is an added value to researchers.
Heidolph North Americas headquarters are
based in the Chicago area providing dedicated
customer service, shipping, logistics, technical
support and sales management to the US and
Canadian laboratory market. We believe in our
Research made easy philosophy of prompt
customer service of all Heidolph products and
supported by a 3 year warranty you can depend
on. For more information on Heidolph North
America, visit www.HeidolphNA.com
Hiden Analytical Inc., 37699 Schoolcraft Road,
Livonia, MI 48150, 734-542-6666, fax: 734-5426030, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
HidenAnalytical.com Hiden Analytical manufacture high performance quadrupole mass
spectrometers for precision gas analysis, materials characterization and surface science applications. Showcasing systems for catalysis studies, reaction kinetics, residual and process gas
analysis. For quantitative atmospheric pressure
gas analysis the new, compact QGA system
includes automated gas calibration for spectral
deconvolution, sub-ppm detection and fast inlet
technology for pulsed gas studies. Also featuring CatLab, a unique, integrated microreactor
and mass spectrometer system for characterization and evaluation of catalysts or thermal studies of evolved species. For atmospheric gas
studies the SPACI-MS quanties intra-catalyst
channel species transients and distributions with
high temporal resolution.
ICE Publishing, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1
Great George Street, Westminster, London,
United Kingdom SW1P 3AA, Internet: www.
icevirtuallibrary.com/science ICE Science is the
innovative multi-disciplinary materials science
series from ICE Publishing, the publishing division of the Institution of Civil Engineers, who
have been uniting research and practice in science and technology since 1836. Launched in
2012, the ICE Science collection comprises 5
titles: Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials; Emerging Materials Research; Green Materials; Nanomaterials and Energy; and Surface
Innovations. For further information, visit www.
IIE/Council for International Exchange Of
Scholars, 1400 K Street, NW, Washington, DC
20005, 202-686-4017, Internet: www.cies.org
The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) has administered the Fulbright Scholar
Program, the U.S. governments agship aca-

InfoChem GmbH, Landsberger Strasse 408, Munich, Germany 81241, 49-89-583002, fax: 49-895803839, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.infochem.de InfoChem is a software company focusing on the production and marketing
of innovative products for chemical information
and cheminformatics. The companys main activities involve the development of software
tools to handle, store and retrieve chemical
structures and reactions, and to automatically
extract scientic information from text and images.
InRedox LLC, P.O. Box 0681, Niwot, CO, United
States 80544-0681, 720-352-1715, Internet:
Instec, Inc., 5589 Arapahoe Avenue, Ste. 208,
Boulder, CO 80303, 303-444-4608, Fax: 303444-4607, Internet: www.instec.com Precision
thermal microscopy stages, plates, and chucks
for use with POM, FT-IR, XRD, AFM, etc. Also
offering automatic liquid crystal testing equipment, liquid crystal materials and supplies, as
well as custom temperature control solutions to
t into any experiment. 30 years of experience
in liquid crystal and material testing applications.
INTAVIS Bioanalytical Instruments AG, Widdersdorfer Str. 248-252, Cologne, Germany
50933, Internet: http://www.intavis.com/en/ Intavis is a leading manufacturer automated peptide synthesizers. The MultiPep RSi and ResPep
SL are fully automated tabletop peptide synthesizers that use exchangeable modules for a wide
range of synthesis scales. Modules are available
for SPOT synthesis arrays, small scale synthesis
of hundreds of peptides in parallel, the affordable production of specialty peptides in microcolumns, up to large scale synthesis of individual
peptides. The newly released MultiPep CF utilizes an advanced large scale module that allows
for efcient synthesis of long and difcult sequences.
Interchim Inc., 1536 West 25th St., Suite 452,
San Pedro, CA 90732, 800-560-8262, fax: 310802-3877,
e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.interchiminc.com
ISS Incorporated, 1602 Newton Drive, Champaign, IL 61822, 217-359-8681, Fax: 217-3597879, e-mail: [email protected], Internet: www.iss.com.
ISS manufactures uorescence instrumentation for
time-resolved and steady-state measurements. Including, a line of modular components for uorometers (laser diodes, LEDs, high pressure cell
and ber optic sensors amongst an extensive line
of accessories) and microscopy (data acquisition
cards for FCS and FLIM, laser launchers, galvoscanning mirrors and detector units). Applications
include Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
(FRET), Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy (FCS, FCCS,
PCH). Ask about our new NanoImaging packages
for Alba and Olympus FV1000/FV1200 for resolving 3D cellular structures down to 20 40 nm with
a precision of 2 nm in a matter of a few seconds.
J-KEM Scientic, 6970 Olive Blvd., St. Louis,
MO 63130, 800-827-4849, fax: 314-863-6070,
Internet: www.jkem.com Digital temperature
controllers regulate any volume (0.1ml to 100L)
or piece of equipment to 0.1 degree. Advanced
safety features with over & under temperature
alarms. Free control, data logging, and ramping
software. Programmable syringe pumps deliver
multiple reagents to multiple reactors in parallel
with no volume restrictions, automatically rell.
Digital vacuum regulator controls to 0.1 torr.
Innity Controller automates any lab or bioreac-

tor process, controls temperature, stirring, pressure, pH, oxygen, and reagent addition. Robotic
workstations for weighing, synthesis, reformatting and custom applications for $30,000. Articulating arm and SCARA robots. Accessories include lter stations, capping stations, robotic
shakers, centrifuge.
Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd., 208
Musashi, Mizuho, Nishitama Tokyo 190-12 JAPAN, Internet: www.jai.co.jp/english/index/html
Do you have difcult samples to seperate? JAI
offers unique purication / separation system
called Recycling preparative HPLC that can
make your purication as easy as possible while
saving solvent. JAI offers also offers world rst
portable pyrolyzer for Py-GC.
JASCO, 28600 Marys Court, Easton, MD 21601,
800-333-5272, fax: 410-822-7526, e-mail:sales@
jascoinc.com, Internet: www.jascoinc.com 928
JEOL USA, Inc., 11 Dearborn Road, Peabody,
MA 01960, 978-535-5900, fax: 978-536-2205, email:[email protected], Internet: www.jeolusa.
com JEOL is a world leader in analytical instrumentation-NMR, GC/MS, DART/MS, SEM, TEM,
and more. We recently introduced our ECZ NMR
series which has an ultra-compact design and
improved performance. Our AccuTOF GCX is
the only high-resolution mass spectrometer that
combines GCxGC with high-resolution mass
spectrometry and a choice of EI, CI, and FI ion
sources. New capabilities of our SpiralTOF
Maldi-TOF-TOF mass spectrometer include
Maldi imaging, LC/MALDI-MS, and correlative
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River St. 4-02,
Hoboken, NJ 07030, Phone: 201-748-6000, Internet: www.wiley.com Wileys product diversity
is unique, spanning books, journals, databases,
web-portals and workow tools. Visit Booth
#700 and talk to us about our new journal
enhancementsyoull be entered in our restaurant rafe! At the booth, browse our books on
displayACS attendees receive 30% off orders
and FREE shipping
JoVE, One Alewife Center, Suite 200, Cambridge, MA, United States 02140, Internet: www.
jove.com JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, is a peer reviewed, PubMed indexed
journal devoted to the publication of physical
and life science research in a video format. 207
JULABO, 884 Marcon Blvd., Allentown, PA
18109, (800) 458-5226, fax: (610)231-0260, email:[email protected], Internet: www.julabo.
KBI Biopharma, Inc., 1101 Hamlin Road, Durham, NC, United States 27704,
Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent
LSCA), 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara,
CA 95051, 800-227-9770, fax: 302-633-8944, email:[email protected], Internet: www.
keysight.com/nd/nano Keysight Technologies
(formerly Agilent) will feature the 7500 AFM that
establishes new performance for nanoscale measurement, characterization & manipulation. This
next-generation system offers 90m closedloop atomic resolution & industry-leading environmental control. The NEW compact, high performance FE-SEM now combines low-voltage
imaging with the option of EDS elemental analysis.
Kimble Chase LLC, 234 Cardiff Valley Road,
Rockwood, TN, United States 37854, e-mail:info
@kimble-chase.com, Internet: www.kimble-chase.
Knauer, Hegauer Weg 38, Berlin, Germany
D-14163, 49-30-8097-2718, Internet: www.
knauer.net KNAUER offers UHPLC/HPLC systems for the analytical up to the preparative
range of applications. KNAUER is a competent
partner for continuous chromatography using
SMB and MCSGP technologies. LC columns,
UV/VIS/NIR and RI detection systems, biochro-

matograhy solutions, as well as appropriate software complete the choice of high quality LC
products. KNAUER also supplies osmometers
for chemistry and clinical use. KNAUER is certied DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001.
KNF Neuberger, 2 Black Forest Road,
Trenton, NJ 08691-1810, 609-890-8600,
fax: 608-890-8323, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.knfusa.com Visit KNF Neuberger to
learn why the new RC 900 Rotary Evaporator is
Inspiringly Easy to Use! Features include easyto-use remote control, easy ask exchange, and
minimal footprint. Also new are SIMDOS 10
liquid dosing/metering pumps and a 12V eld
ltration vacuum pump
Kruss America, LLC, 1020 Crews Road, Suite K,
Matthews, NC 28105, 704-847-8933, fax: 704847-9416, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.krussusa.com KRUSS is the world leading
manufacturer of surface science equipment for
research, development, educational, and quality
control labs. We provide a full line of contact
angle meters and tensiometers, for the measurement of contact angle, surface tension, interfacial tension, surface energy, and many other
surface properties.
Lab Manager/LabX, 478 Bay Street, Midland,
ON, Canada L4R 1K9, 888-781-0328, fax: 705528-0270, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.labxmediagroup.com Lab Manager
analyzes the link between business strategy,
technological innovation and implementation. It
is focused on the lab professional in a leadership
role who is responsible for setting the labs
direction. LabX (www.labx.com) is an online marketplace and a resource to buy and sell laboratory equipment and high-tech products. 1331a
Late Nite Labs, Ltd., 33 Irvine Place, 9th Floor,
New York, NY, United States 44118, 862-5962325, Internet: latenitelabs.com Late Nite Labs
is the leading innovator of digital science labs.
Our realistic science labs offer an authentic,
accessible experience that moves learning beyond the classroom. Give students the freedom
to experiment and learn from their mistakesat
their own pace, at any time or place. Learn more
at: http://latenitelabs.com
M. BRAUN, Inc., 14 Marin Way, Stratham, NH
03885, 603-773-9333, fax: 603-773-0008, email:[email protected],
Magritek Inc., 6440 Lusk Blvd., Suite 108, San
Diego, CA, United States 92121, 855-667-6835,
Internet: www.magritek.com
Malvern Instruments, Inc., 117 Flanders Road,
Westborough, MA 01581, 508-768-6400, fax:
508-768-6403, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.malvern.com Malverns materials
and biophysical characterization technology and
expertise enables scientists and engineers to
investigate, understand and control the properties of dispersed systems. Used in research,
development and manufacturing, Malverns instruments provide critical information that helps
accelerate research and product development,
enhance and maintain product quality and optimize process efciency.
Maruzen Co., Ltd., 110B Meadowlands Parkway, Suite 205, Secaucus, NJ 07094, 201-8654400, fax: 201-865-4845, Internet: www.maruzen.
info/hgs Maruzen International Co., Ltd (MIC) is
the leading distributor of globally renowned
HGS Molecular Model. The company is located
in Secaucus, NJ, with the parent company Maruzen Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. Manufactured in Japan,
HGS molecular model has attracted researchers,
educators, and students all over the world for
over 40 years. This subtle and professionally
manufactured model has very wide variety of
options, which will suit any type of research/
educational activities in the broad elds of
chemistry, pharamacology etc.

Materials Design, Inc., P.O. Box 2000, Angel

Fire, NM 87710, 760-495-4924,
Matrix Scientic, P.O. Box 25067, Columbia, SC
29224, 803-788-9494, fax: 803-788-9419,
e-mail:[email protected],Internet:www.
matrixscientic.com Over 105,000 research
chemical intermediates and building blocks
available; many novel to Matrix. Entire catalog
updated daily on our website which offers structure search ability. Over 22,000 building blocks!
Principals have over 49 years of experience in
the manufacture and supply of quality products
for research and development.
McGraw-Hill Education, Two Penn Plaza, New
York, NY 10121-2298, 646-766-2892, fax: 646766-2208, Internet: www.mheducation.com
Chemistry at McGraw-Hill Education offers a
variety of digital and print solutions for your
course needs. From our suite of adaptive learning and assessment products, such as ALEKS
and SmartBook, to our traditional texts,
McGraw-Hill provides you with superior content
and learning tools to build a strong foundation
for your chemistry course. Booth #1124. 1124
Mestrelab Research SL, Feliciano Barrera, 9BBaixo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 15706,
34-881-976-775, fax: 34-981-941-079, e-mail:
[email protected], Internet: www.mestrelab.
Metrohm USA, Inc., 6555 Pelican Creek Circle,
Riverview, FL 33578, 866-Metrohm, fax: 813316-4900, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.metrohmusa.com Metrohm offers a
complete line of analytical laboratory and process systems for titration, ion chromatography,
electrochemistry and spectroscopy. From routine moisture analysis to sophisticated anion and
cation quantication, we are ready to help you
develop your method and congure the optimum system. Move your analysis from the lab to
the production line with our custom process
analyzers. At Metrohm we provide systems that
nd solutions, stop by our booth and meet
MicroLAB, Inc., PO Box 7358, Bozeman, MT
59771, 406-586-3274, fax: 406-586-3582, Internet: www.microlabinfo.com MicroLAB equipment will engage your students in learning
fundamental chemical principles. MicroLabs
FS-524 Lab Interface combines our patented
FASTspecTM 360-880 nm scanning spectrophotometer and integrated sensors for an affordable
high-quality general purpose lab instrument.
Appropriate for chemistry laboratory courses or
undergraduate/graduate research. Stop by for
mini-workshops on electrochemistry and spectrophotometry.
Micromeritics Instrument Corp., 4356 Communications Drive, Norcross, GA 30093, 770-6623636, fax: 770-662-3696, e-mail:ussales@
Microtrac Inc., 148 Keystone Drive, Montgomeryville, PA 18936, United States 727-507-9770, Fax:
727-507-9774, Internet: www.microtrac.com 316
Midland Scientic, Inc., 1202 S. 11th
Street, Omaha, NE, United States 68108,
800-642-5263, fax: 402-346-7694, Internet:
Molbase (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Floor 5, Building
12, No. 1001 North Qingzhou Rd., Xuhui Dist,
Shanghai 201109 China, 647-836-9600, Fax:
647-560-4953 Email: [email protected]
Molymod Models - Spiring Ltd, Spiring Enterprises Ltd., Unite 8E, Gillmans Industrial Estate,
West Sussex, United Kingdom RH14 9EZ, 441403-782-387, fax: 44-1403-785-215, e-mail:
[email protected], Internet: www.molymod.
com Spiring Enterprises Ltd the inventor &
exclusive manufacturer of molymod molecular & atomic models & the miniDNA abstract

system for modelling DNA & RNA. Molymod

range comprises sets kits & spare parts suitable
for organic, biochem and general chemistry
courses at college or university. Proudly made In
Great Britain.
Nanalysis Corp., Bay 4, 4500, 5 Street NE,
Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 7C3, 403-769-9499,
fax: 403-775-6683, Internet: nanalysis.com
NMReady is a revolutionary benchtop NMR
spectrometer. As the only all-in-one instrument
available, it has a built-in touchscreen with an
easy-to-use interface that makes data acquisition &
processing simple, even for non-experts, without
increasing the footprint of the spectrometer. No
matter what your application teaching, research
or industry the NMReady offers spectroscopic
resolution at the fraction of the size, cost and
maintenance of current instrumentation.
NanoMagnetics Instruments, Hacettepe-Ivedik
OSB Teknokent, Melih Gokcek Bulvari No:61, 33
Kat:5 Ivedik, Yenimahalle Ankara, Turkey 06370,
Internet: www.nanomagnetics-inst.com NANOMAGNETICS INSTRUMENTS is one of the world
leading companies in the eld of Scanning
Probe Microscopes (SPMs) and measurement
systems. SPMs are engineered and manufactured to work under various atmospheric
conditions(0K-300K). Company is focused on
research, development and manufacturing of
SPMs including their mechanical parts manufacturing, controller electronics and software. 1418
Natl Res. Council/ Natl Academies, Fellowship Programs, 500 5th St., NW, Washington,
DC 20001, 202-334-2760, fax: 202-334-2759, email:[email protected], Internet: www.national-academies.org/rap The National Research
Council of the National Academies offers awards
four times annually to graduate, postdoctoral
and senior researchers for independent research
to be conducted in residence at participating US
federal laboratories and afliated institutions.
Application submission dates are February 1,
May 1, August 1, and November 1. Booth 504.
Nature Publishing Group, 75 Varick Street, 9th
Floor, New York, NY 10013, 212-726-9200, fax:
212-696-9006, Internet: www.nature.com Nature Publishing Group (NPG) produces scientic
information for researchers and the scientically
interested general public. Each month our highimpact journals, open access titles, news, apps,
conferences and job listings help over 9 million
users to advance their research, reputation, careers and knowledge. Part of Macmillan Science
and Education.
Neaspec GmbH, Bunsenstrasse 5, 82152 Martinsried, , Germany, 49 89 4524 206 34, fax: 49
89 4524 206 99, e-mail:miriam.boehmler@
nanoFTIR the ultimate nanoanalytic microscopy and spectroscopy platform for materials
research enables optical analysis of complex
material systems at visible, infrared and terahertz
frequencies at a spatial resolution of 10nm.
Neaspec is dedicated to delivering innovative
solutions for nanoscale optical imaging & spectroscopy for researchers in industry and academic institutions.
NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2300, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2300, 301-975-3774, fax: 301926-0416, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.nist.gov/srm
NT-MDT Co., NT-MDT House, National Technological Park, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland,
Internet: www.ntmdt.com From cutting edge
scientic research to routine surface investigations, NT-MDT has a unique and unrivalled
portfolio of scanning probe microscopes. Our
application-focused instruments provide you
with a full range of capabilities in AFM-Raman,
high-resolution, multi-frequency measurements, and AFM based nanomechanics. As an
innovator in SPM for over 20 years, NT-MDT
has a specialized high-performance solution
for your research needs.

Oakwood Products Inc., 1741 Old Dunbar

Road, West Columbia, SC 29172, 803-739-8800,
fax: 803-739-6957, e-mail:sales@oakwoodchemical.
com, Internet: www.oakwoodchemical.com
Oakwood Chemical, a manufacturer and distributor, supplies research chemicals to the research
community. Oakwoods product listing contains
over 100,000 items, including many unique
building blocks and reactive intermediates, solvents and reagents. Routine synthetic work includes sulfur tetrauoride chemistry as well as
most routine transformations. Oakwood provides custom synthesis services.
Ocean Optics, Inc., 830 Douglas Avenue, Dunedin, FL 34698, 727-733-2447, fax: 727-7333962, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
On the Avenue Marketing, 391 Totten Pond
Road, Waltham, MA 02451 United States, 216789-8194, Internet: www.ontheavenuemarketing.
com Visit The New york Times booth for 50% off of
home delivery or digital subscriptions, plus a free
gift upn purchanse.
OpenStax College , Rice University,
6100 Main Street, MS-375, Houston, TX
77005, Internet: openstax.org OpenStax College is committed to improving student access
to quality learning materials. An initiative of Rice
University and supported by philanthropic foundations, OpenStax College provides entirely
free textbooks, developed and peer-reviewed
by educators to ensure they are readable, accurate and meet the scope and sequence requirements of your course.
Optibrium Ltd., 7221 Cambridge Research
Park, Beach Drive, Cambridge, United Kingdom
CB25 9TL, 44 1223 815900, fax: 44 1223
815907, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.optibrium.com Optibrium creates elegant
software solutions for small molecule design,
optimisation and data analysis, including: StarDrop, a comprehensive environment that
guides the design and selection of high-quality
compounds; Sentira a powerful and easy-touse desktop tool for chemistry data visualisation;
and Asteris, an iPad app for creative compound exploration and design.
Oxchem Corporation, 1408 E. Arrow Highway,
Irwindale, CA, United States 91706, 626-4612812, Internet: www.ox-chem.com OXCHEM
CORPORATION offer Multiple Catalog Service,
Efcient Sourcing Service and Specialized Custom Synthesis Services, we provide innovative
products to worldwide clients. Our main products lines include alcohols, amines, aldehydes,
acids/esters, halo of heterocycles (indole, imidazole, pyrazole, pyridazine, pyridine, pyrimidine,
pyrazine, piperazine, piperidine, pyrrolidine,
thiazole, triazole).
Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue,
New York, NY, United States 10016, Internet:
Papers, 236 Grays Inn Road, Floor 6, London
WC1X *HBUnited Kingdom, 44 786 741
Paraza Pharma Inc., , Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4S 1Z9, 617-216-9459, Internet: www.
parazapharma.com A premium drug discovery
service provider with deep expertise in Medicinal Chemistry, Custom Synthesis and DMPK (in
vitro/in vivo). Entirely based in N. America (Montreal) in a state of the art building with highly
experienced staff from large companies. Established track record of success and unparallel cost
Parr Instrument Co., 211 53rd Street, Moline, IL
61265, 309-762-7716, fax: 309-762-9453, email:[email protected], Internet: www.parrinst.
com Parr Instrument Company designs and
manufactures Laboratory Reactors and Pressure
Vessels, stirred and unstirred, used at elevated
temperatures and pressures in the catalytic hydrogenation, organic synthesis and the polym-

erization processes. Parr also specializes in providing complete systems for batch, semi-batch
and continuous-ow applications. Oxygen
Combustion Calorimeters for the determination
of the heat of combustion in solid, liquid and
refuse derived fuels.
Particle Sizing Systems, 8203 Kristel Circle, Port
Richey, FL 34668, 727-846-0866, fax: 727-8460865, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
pssnicomp.com PSS provides solutions with the
Nicomp Nano and the AccuSizer particle analyzers. Weve grown with the AccuSizer FX and FX
Nano, high concentration analyzers that size/
count particles over a wide dynamic range starting at 0.15 microns and at concentrations exceeding 10 million particles per mL. A modular
design provides applications based solutions so
our analyzers can be used in the lab/process
environments achieving unprecedented resolution, accuracy and sensitivity. Through corporate
relationships we offer instrumentation which
measures surface/interfacial tension and characterizes foam properties by using digital image
analysis and conductivity.
PASCO scientic, 10101 Foothills Boulevard,
Roseville, CA 95747, 916-786-3800, fax: 916786-8905, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.pasco.com Help your chemistry students
think science with PASCO Scientics awardwinning product line. Integrating the latest standards-based content, probeware, and data collection and analysis software, PASCO chemistry
solutions are easy to use, affordable, and work
on iPad as well as Mac and Windows computers. And dont miss our new Wireless Spectrometer!
Pearson, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River,
NJ, United States 07458, 415-402-2583, Internet: www.pearsonhighered.com Pearson, the
worlds leading learning company, partners with
K-20 institutions and educators to provide educational solutions and services that help to improve learning outcomes. Pearson serves learners of all ages around the globe, employing
41,000 people in more than 70 countries. For
more information, visit www.pearsoned.com.
periodictable.co.uk, 3 Warple Mews, Warple
Way, London, United Kingdom W3 0RF, 020
8749 3354, fax: 020 8749 9986, Internet: periodictable.co.uk RGB Research is the company behind periodictable.co.uk and partner
in Theodore Grays The Elements, Molecules
and periodictable.com. We make beautiful periodic table displays presenting real element
samples. Weve installed 50 displays in science buildings, educational institutions and
chemical companies including Dow Chemical,
Chemical Heritage Foundation and many universities.
PerkinElmer Corp., 710 Bridgeport
Avenue, Shelton, CT 06484, 1-800762-4000, fax: 203-944-4950, Internet: www.perkinelmer.com PerkinElmer is a
global leader focused on improving the health
and safety of people and their environment.
PerkinElmer is dedicated to the quality and
sustainability of the environment. With our analytical instrumentation, illumination and detection technologies, and leading laboratory services, we focus on improving the integrity and
safety of the world.
PerkinElmer Informatics, 940 Winter Street, Waltham, MA, 02451,
781 663-8011, Fax: 781 663-8080,
com, Internet: www.cambridgesoft.com. PerkinElmer delivers a comprehensive suite of scientic
informatics and software solutions from instrument
generated data, to enterprise solutions to mobile
applications, providing scientists with the necessary tools to aggregate, search, mine, analyze and
visualize critical data to help turn data into actionable insights in an automated, predictive and
scalable way

Pharmablock USA, Inc., 725 San Aleso Avenue,

Suite 8, Sunnyvale, CA, United States 94085,
408-921-9969, Internet: www.pharmablock.com
PharmaBlock is a fast growing chemistry service
company. We supply innovative and unique
building blocks that are specically designed for
todays pharmaceutical R&D. We have 150
chemists and offer 15000 compounds in
grams to kilograms quantities. We specialize in
custom synthesis for pre-clinical and clinical
PharmAgra Labs, Inc., 158 McLean Road, Brevard, NC, United States 28712, 828-884-8656,
fax: 828-884-9469, Internet: www.pharmagra.
com PharmAgra Labs, Inc. is a chemistry CRO
that for fteen years has been conducting contract Research and Development in organic and
medicinal chemistry. We specialize in providing
a rapid-response team of organic chemists that
can bring their high level of expertise to bear in
all areas of discovery, scale-up, process and
analytical chemistry. In our FDA inspected kilo
suite we offer cGMP preparation of drug substances for use in Clinical Trials as well as low
volume API manufacturing. Our companyowned, fully-equipped facility is located in Brevard, NC.
PIKE Technologies, 6125 Cottonwood Drive,
Madison, WI 53719, 608-274-2721, fax: 608274-0103, Internet: www.piketech.com
Pine Research Instrumentation, 2741 Campus
Walk Avenue, Building 100, Durham, NC 27705,
(919)782-8320, fax: 919-782-8323, e-mail:jgarry
@pineinst.com, Internet: www.pineinst.com/
echem Pine Research Instrumentation is your
reliable source for electrochemical research
equipment and accessories. We design, manufacture, and support high quality products for
electrochemistry education and electrochemical
research. Some of our products include the MSR
electrode rotator, the WaveNow potentiostat
and WaveDriver 20 bipotentiostat, the Honeycomb spectroelectrochemical cell, quartz photoelectrochemical cells, and disposable screen
printed electrodes.
Poly-Med Inc., 51 Technology Dr., Anderson,
SC, United States 29625, 864-328-0008, Internet: www.poly-med.com Bioabsorbable polymers and bers produced by Poly-Med are used
in numerous medical devices. Supplied components exhibit tailored bioabsorption and include
granules; micro-, mono-, and multilament bers; and textiles. The company has developed
and manufactured bioabsorbable constructs for
more than 20 years. Poly-Med is ISO 9001 and
13485 certied and FDA registered.
Precision Glassblowing of Colorado, 14775
East Hinsdale Ave., Centennial, CO, United
www.precisionglassblowing.com The sourcemanufacturer and supplier of OEM glass consumables for the ICP/ICP-MS industry offering
torches, injectors, spray chambers and the
industrys widest array of nebulizers. Additionally, we manufacture custom laboratory glassware from quartz and borosilicate glass. Our
state-of-the-art QC-department ensures your
parts are made to specication, both prototype and full-scale production.
Proton OnSite, 10 Technology Drive, Wallingford, CT, United States 06492, 203-678-2182,
Internet: www.protononsite.com Proton OnSite
is the global leader in on-site gas generation for
laboratories. We offer safe, affordable and highperformance solutions for hydrogen/nitrogen/
zero air generators and air compressors. Protons units are manufactured in a wide range of
space-saving stackable systems. We offer a complete line of advanced equipment for LCMS and
GC markets.
PSS USA, Inc., 160 Old Farm Road, Suite A,
Amherst, MA, United States 01002, Internet:
www.pssgpcshop.com PSS is dedicated to the
advancement of macromolecular characterization by providing expertise and tools to perform

GPC/SEC analysis. WinGPC software suite is an
industry leader and the only platform that provides a validated environment that meets CFR
21 part 11 requirements. We provide a comprehensive array of GPC/SEC columns and standards for organic and aqueous environments for
the analysis of synthetic and biopolymers. We
provide method development and sample analysis services. GPC/SEC instrumentation for basic, multi-detector, multi-dimensional and hyphenated techniques including FT-IR, NMR and

Rigaku Americas Corp., 9009 New Trails Drive,

The Woodlands, TX 77381, 281-362-2300, fax:
281-364-3628, Internet: www.rigaku.com Rigaku
provides the worlds most complete line of X-ray
diffraction and X-ray uorescence instruments
and components. Systems include the MiniFlex
XRD and Supermini WDXRF benchtop systems,
the SmartLab multi-purpose diffractometer
with SAXS and in-plane capabilities, DMAX
Rapid II micro-diffraction system, SMAX3000
small angle scattering systems and the ZSX
Primus WDXRF spectrometers.

Pure Chemistry Scientic Inc., 206A Adams

Street, Unit 4 Newton, MA 02458 United States
857-928-2050 Fax: 617-206-9595, Internet:
www.chemreagents.com. In USA are Stannanes,
Vitamin D serious, Boronic Acids/Esters, PEG
items. Itermidiates. In addition to the catalog
products, we also provides custom systhesis and
custom manufacturing services with thousands
of chemical reagents.

Roberts and Company Publishers, 4950 S. Yosemite Street, F2 #197, Greenwood Village, CO
80111, 303-221-3325, fax: 303-221-3326,
e-mail:[email protected],

Quantachrome Corp., 1900 Corporate Drive,

Boynton Beach, FL 33426, 5617314999125, fax:
5617329888, Internet: www.quantachrome.com
Quark Glass, P.O. Box 2396, Vineland, NJ
08362-2396, 800-955-0376, fax: 856-455-3373,
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
Rapp Polymere GMBH, Ernst Simon Strasse 9,
Tuebingen, Germany D-72072, 49-7071763157,
fax: 49-7071763158, e-mail:rapp-polymere@
t-online.de, Internet: www.rapp-polymere.com
Rapp Polymere is a world leader for high quality
polymer supports. TentaGel or polystyrene resins are used in solid phase chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, as polymer supported reagents,
library generation, peptide and oligonucleotide
synthesis. Our reagents for PEGylation. comprises hundreds of high sophisticated derivatives from Methoxy PEGs, homofunctional
PEGs to hetero-bifunctional PEGs.
Reaction Analytics Inc., 2711 Centerville Road,
Suite 5992, Wilmington, DE 19808, 858-4722393, Email: [email protected],
Internet: www.ichemexplorer.com The iChemExplorer from Reaction Analytics adds heating
and stirring to your HPLC so you can do your
chemistry in the sample vial. iChemExplorer
helps you automate sampling, temperature control and record keeping using Agilent Chemstation or Waters Empower. Come take a look at
booth 1134. Thanks.
Restek Corp., 110 Benner Circle, Bellefonte, PA,
United States 16823, 800-356-1688, fax: 814353-1309, Internet: www.restek.com Restek is a
leading developer and manufacturer of chromatography columns and accessories. We provide
analysts around the world with the innovative
tools they need to monitor the quality of air,
water, soil, foods, medical cannabis, pharmaceuticals, chemical, and petroleum products. 506
Richman Chemical Inc., 768 North Bethlehem
Pike, Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002, 216-628-2946,
fax: 215-628-4262, e-mail:clk@richmanchemical.
com, Internet: www.richmanchemical.com Richman Chemical specializes in custom chemical
synthesis and manufacturing. Our capabilities
include full cGMP manufacturing, method development, regulatory assistance, and raw material
sourcing. We tailor our production solutions to
each clients unique needs, saving them both
time and money.
Rieke Metals, LLC, 1001 Kingbird Road, Lincoln,
NE, United States 68521, 402-434-2775, fax:
402-434-2777, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.RiekeMetals.com Rieke Metals
began in 1991 with its foundation in 40 years
of active metal research. Headquartered in Nebraska, the company sells active Rieke Zinc and
Magnesium, Grignard and organozinc reagents,
ne organic chemicals and organic semi-conducting polymers/monomers including P3HT
and water soluble polymers.

Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham

House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge,
United Kingdom CB4 OWF, 44-1223-432-378,
fax: 44-1223-426-017, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.rsc.org The Royal Society of Chemistry is the worlds leading chemistry community,
advancing excellence in the chemical sciences.
Talk to us about our books, peer-reviewed journals, leading databases, and Open Access publishing options on stand - wed love to meet you.
Rudolph Research Analytical, 55 Newburgh
Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840, 973-584-1558,
fax: 973-584-5440, e-mail:info@rudolphresearch.
com, Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com 301
Sapling Learning, 211 East 7th
Street, 4th Floor, Austin, TX 78701,
(512) 323-6565, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.saplinglearning.com Created and
supported by educators, Sapling Learnings instructional online homework drives student success and saves educators time.
Schrodinger, Inc., 101 SW Main Street, Suite
1300, Portland, OR 97204, 503-299-1150, fax:
503-299-4532, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.schrodinger.com Founded in 1990,
Schrodinger is widely recognized as a scientic
and technological leader in developing state-ofthe-art chemical simulation software for use in
pharmaceutical and materials science research.
The companys products range from general
molecular modeling programs to a full-featured
suite of drug design software that uses both
ligand- and structure-based methods.
SCIENCE/AAAS, 1200 New York Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20005, 202-326-6417, fax:
(202) 842-1065, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.aaas.org Since 1848, AAAS and
its members have worked together to advance
science and serve society. As part of these
efforts, AAAS publishes Science, a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, and offers programs focused on science policy, international
cooperation, science education, diversity, and
career development for scientists.
Semichem, 12456 W. 62nd Terrace, Suite D,
Shawnee, KS 66216, 913-268-3271, fax: 913268-3445, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.semichem.com Semichem features AMPAC and CODESSA. AMPAC is a
semiempirical quantum mechanical program, including an industry leading graphical user interface (GUI) that builds molecules and offers full
visualization of results. CODESSA is an advanced quantitative structure/activity relationship (QSAR) program that ties information from
AMPAC and other QM programs with experimental data.
Serena Software, P.O. Box 3076, Blommington,
IN 47402, 812-333-0823, e-mail:gilbert@
serenasoft.com, Internet: www.serenasoft.com
Announcing the release of Pcmodel version 10.
A complete molecular modeling program with a
redesigned user interface, support for multiple
force elds (MMX, MM3, MMFF94, OPLSAA),
organometallic complexes, conformational
searching, normal mode analysis, and interfaces

to many quantum chemistry programs (Gaussian, Mopac2012, Gamess, TurboMole). New features include support for CIF les and crystal
structures and display of Molecular Orbitals and
Densities and animated Vibrations. You can now
take the output of a conformational search and
write multiple input les for Gaussian and then
read the Gaussian output les and plot the
Boltzmann weighted IR, VCD or NMR spectra.
Available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
Shanghai Running Industrial Engineering Co.,
Ltd, Room1005, BuildingA3, Greenland Future
Center, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China
SHEL LAB (Sheldon Manufacturing, Inc.), 300
N. 26th Ave., Cornelius, OR, United States
97113, Internet: www.shellab.com
Shimadzu Scientic Instruments Inc., 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046, 800-4771227,fax:410-381-1222,Internet:www.shimadzu.
com Shimadzu is a leading manufacturer of
scientic instrumentation, including chromatography, spectroscopy, FTIR, environmental monitoring, and physical measurement. Markets/industries served include pharmaceuticals, metals,
forensics, educational, government, agriculture
and petrochemical.
Sichuan Leshan Fuhua Tongda Agro-Chemical
Technology Co. Ltd, 1806 Huaxia Bank Tower,
No.256 South Pudong Road, Shanghai, China
200120, 0086-21-68865055/58360196, fax:
0086-21-68865055 ex 811, e-mail:[email protected]
Sigma-Aldrich, 3050 Spruce St., St. Louis, MO
63103, 314-771-5765, fax: 314-286-7817, Internet: www.sigma-aldrich.com Sigma-Aldrich has
combined our scientic expertise with our history of working with pharmaceutical companies,
resulting in a focus to strengthen and support
Translational Research to enable and improve
the quality of life. Our comprehensive approach
to strengthen and support Translational Research is based on ensuring greater accuracy,
reproducibility and condence in drug discovery
research through our products and services.
Sigma-Aldrich recognizes that highly-validated
products are critical at every stage of the drug
discovery workow and is dedicated to offering
the industrys most validated products.
Snowy Range Instruments, 407 S. 2nd Street,
Laramie, WY, United States 82070, Internet:
www.wysri.com Snowy Range Instruments designs and manufactures spectroscopic instrumentation for novel applications. Creative, costeffective handheld and portable Raman
spectroscopy solutions are made possible by
SnRIs experience with diverse optical technologies and our experience with complex applications.
SofTA Corporation, 11005 Dover Street, Unit
300, Westminster, CO 80021 United States, 303465-1106, Fax: 626-608-2784 Internet: www.
softacorporation.com. SofTA Corporation is a
leading manufacturer of Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors for HPLC. Our innovative detectors help chemists optimize the information
obtained from their chromatographic analyses.
ELSDs are an ideal substitute, or supplement to,
traditional detectors for chromatography concentration detection. SofTA designs and manufactures ELSDs with unmatched performance
and affordability.
Sorbent Technologies, 5955 Peachtree Corners
East, Suite A, Norcross, GA 30071, 866-7672832, ext. 0281, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.sorbtech.com Sorbent Technologies, the leading chromatography and purication specialist to the scientic community, specializes in premium products and services for
laboratory, pilot, and production. Separating
small and large molecules, natural products,
proteins, peptides, oligos, polymers, and more!
Sorbents: Silicas, Bonded Phases, Aluminas,

Polymer Resins, Florisil, Polyamide TLC Plates

Purity Flash Cartridges compatible with All Flash
Systems EZ Flash Systems HPLC Columns: Analytical & Semi-Prep, & Prep (Grace Vydac, Macherey-Nagel, Jordi) GC columns: Capillary, Glass
& Metal FPLC, Prep & Process Columns (Essential Life Solutions) SPE Cartridges Solvent Evaporator Lab Supplies: Pipet Tips, PCR, Tubes,
Pipettors, Gloves, Racks, Boxes, Dispensers We
are your Separation Solution Source!
Specac, Ltd., River House, 97 Cray
United Kingdom BR5 4HE, 44 (0)1689 873134,
fax: 44 (0)1689 878527, Internet: www.specac.
com Specac is a high quality manufacturer of
FTIR accessories and sample preparation products, bringing new and innovative solutions to
the market place on a regular basis. Specacs
spectroscopic accessory products cover a range
of techniques, including ATR, Diffuse Reectance, Specular Reectance and Transmission.
Providing the right solution for any sample.
Spectrum Chemical Mfg Corp., 769 Jersey Ave,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901, (732) 801-5651,
e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY
10013, 212-460-1600, fax: 201-348-4505, Internet: www.springer.com Come and browse over
10,100 key titles. Get 20% off print books and
eBooks and learn about MyCopy (a printed
eBook for $/ 24.99). We are proud to be the
publisher of choice for books such as Far-Field
Optical Nanoscopy (co-edited by Prof. Stefan
Hell), Natural Products in the Chemical Industry,
Polymer Blends Handbook, and cutting-edge
journals such as Journal of Cheminformatics,
Catalysis Letters, Cellulose, ChemTexts and Lipids. Meet our editors, Kenneth Howell, Judith
Hinterberg, Charlotte Hollingworth, Samuel
Winthrop and Steffen Pauly, to discuss your
publishing proposal. Ensure maximum readership for your work, too! Springer, your partner in
publishing. Find all offers online: springer.com/
StellarNet Inc., 14390 Carlson Circle, Tampa, FL
33626, 813-855-8687, fax: 813-855-0394, e-mail:
[email protected], Internet: www.StellarNet.us StellarNet provides low cost miniature spectrometer systems and software for product
analysis, research, education, and OEM. StellarNet instrumentation is rugged for any environment lab, process, or eld. Applications include absorbance & transmission (190
2300nm), uorimetry, microscopy, optical
metrology, colorimetry, LED/Laser/Solar, LIBS,
OES, NIR, & Raman (532, 785, 1064). Come See
the SpectraWizard!
STOE & Cie GmbH, Hilpertstrasse 10, Darmstadt, Germany D 64295, 49 6151 988722, fax:
49 6151 988788, Internet: www.stoe.com
STOE, originally founded in 1887, to manufacture equipment for the optical analysis of crystals, has been a pioneer in powder and single
crystal X-ray diffraction since the 1960a??s, e.g.
STOE invented and patented the transmission
geometry technique for Powder XRD as well as,
for single crystals, produced the rst pixel detector XRD system with an open Eulerian cradle.
STOE is based in Darmstadt, Germany, and
keeps the R&D, software programming, electrical and mechanical engineering and production
all in house, allowing STOE to provide customers with standard as well as individual solutions.
Strem Chemicals, 7 Mulliken Way, Dexter Industrial Park, Newburyport, MA 01950-3104, 978499-1600, fax: 978-465-3104, Internet: www.
strem.com Strem Chemicals, an employeeowned company, established in 1964
manufactures and markets over 4,500 metals,
inorganics and organometallics for research and
development, including metal catalysts, ligands
and biocatalysts for organic synthesis, MOCVD/
ALD precursors, bubblers and nanomaterials, for

use in pharmaceutical, microelectronics, chemical and petrochemical industries. Custom synthesis services are also provided.
Struchem Co., LTD, Bldg. # 6-201, No. 2358
Changan Road, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,
China 215200, 86-512-63009836, fax: 86512-63006936, Internet: www.struchem.com
Supercritical Fluid Technologies, One Innovation
Way, Suite 303, Newark, DE 19711, 302-738-3420,
fax: 302-738-4320, e-mail:info@supercritical
uids.com, Internet: www.supercriticaluids.com
Equipment for supercritical uid extraction (SFE),
reaction (SFR), and high pressure chemistry. Laboratory SFE: 5 ml to 4 L; Pilot scale SFE Systems:
Single or dual 10 liters with fraction collectors and
automation. HPR-SeriesTM Chemical Reactors: 50
ml to 4 liter. Customized reactors and extractors to
your specications, including SCWO and larger
volume systems. Phase MonitorTM for visual solubility determinations in supercritical uids. CO2
and solvent pumps, parts and service. Consultation and contract research services.
Supra Sciences, 3000 B Street, #559, Sacramento, CA, United States 95816, 916-2873877, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
suprasciences.com Simplifying synthesis and purication, we offer supported scavengers, reagents, peptide synthesis, and Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) products. Improve productivity by
reducing the complexity of isolation and removal of byproducts or impurities. Chat with our
team of experts in the eld for personal, cutting
edge support. www.suprasciences.com
Symphotic Tii, 880 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA,
United States 93012, 949-955-0258, Internet:
www.symphotic.com Symphotic Tii represent
ADANIs compact ESR (EPS) instrument
CMS8400. The CMS8400 is designed for scientic research, education and application-oriented tasks in material science, environmental
and petro-chemistry, pharmaceutical research. It
is ideal for users who require affordable device
with resolution and sensitivity comparable to
large systems
Synquest Laboratories, Inc., P.O. Box 309, Alachua, FL 32616-0309, 386-462-0788 or 877-4FLUORO (toll free), fax: 386-462-7097, email:[email protected], Internet: www.
specializes in uorinated organic and inorganic
chemicals, providing a creative and innovative
range of building blocks, reagents and compressed and liqueed gases. We offer chemical
services designed to expedite your research
from conception to pilot quantities. Our website
currently offers 63,000 chemicals.
Synthonix, 2713 Connector Drive, Wake Forest,
NC 27587, 919-875-9277, fax: 919-875-9601,
Internet: www.synthonix.com
TA Instruments, 159 Lukens Drive, New Castle,
DE 19720, 302-427-4000, fax: 302-427-4001, email:[email protected], Internet: www.
Taylor & Francis (Journals), 530 Walnut Street,
Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA, United States
tandfonline.com Taylor & Francis boasts a growing, wide-ranging and high calibre journals portfolio in Chemistry. Our journals are edited by
some of the most prominent academics in the
eld. Visit us at Booth 713 to browse our portfolio of books and journals and talk to us about
publishing your work. www.chemistryarena.com
TCI America, 9211 N. Harborgate Street, Portland, OR 97203, 800-423-8616, fax: 888-5201075, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.TCIchemicals.com TCI is a leading
global manufacturer and supplier of specialty
chemicals to the pharmaceutical, electronic, cosmetic, chemical, environmental, and biotech industries. Drawing on over 80 years of synthetic

organic chemistry experience, TCI develops new

technology that produces rare and novel compounds. Our current catalog lists over 23,000
organic and biochemical products for use in
research and production with 1/3 unquie to TCI.
Our manufacturing capabilities include multi
step synthesis and continuous production from
milligram to ton scale for custom and contract
research services. Our modern facilities provide
cGMP manufacturing with FDA validation.
Please visit our website www.TCIchemicals.com!
Teledyne Isco - Chromatography, 4700 Superior St, Lincoln, NE 68504, 402-464-0231, fax:
402-465-3064, e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.isco.com The Teledyne Isco Chromatography product line includes instruments
and accessories for purication of organic compounds in normal-phase and reversed phase
separations, and for bio-purication of proteins,
peptides, and other biopolymers.
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc., 7. Zahony u,
Budapest, Hungary H-1031, 00 36 1 8808 500,
fax: 00 36 1 8808 501, Internet: www.thalesnano.
com ThalesNano is dedicated to making dangerous and difcult chemistry safe and easy to
perform while assisting advances in the scientic
eld of chemistry. The company is widely recognized for its expertise in transforming chemical
processes to microscale continuous-ow operations and developing manual or robotic continuous microreactors for the chemical industry.
The Committee for Cannabis Chemistry Division Formation, 531 West J Street, Ontario, CA,
United States 91762, 617-429-0983, Internet:
http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/petitionfor-a-new-acs-professional-division-cannabischemists.h We are giving people the opportunity to show support for the formation of a
division of cannabis chemistry within the
American Chemical Society. We will be providing educational materials and giving attendees the opportunity to speak to its founding
members and sign a petition.
Thermo Scientic, 355 River Oaks Parkway, San
Jose, CA, United States 95134, 800-532-4752,
Thermo Scientic booth 1014-1015 for integrated laboratory workow solutions utilizing
chromatography, mass spectrometry, and molecular spectroscopy. Come see the very latest
solutions in LC, LC/MS, GC/MS, UV-Vis, FT-IR,
Raman and NMR technologies to help streamline your processes, deliver more condent results, yield higher throughput, and reduce sample preparation.
Thrupore Technologies LLC, 1118 Cannon
Road N, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States 35406,
205-534-2060, Internet: www.ThruPore.Com Superior Fixed Bed Catalysts
Tosoh Bioscience LLC, 3604 Horizon Drive,
Suite 100, King of Prussia, PA 19406, 484-8051219, fax: 610-272-3028, Internet: www.
tosohbioscience.com We are a global leader in
high quality, innovative pre-packed HPLC columns and bulk resins with the TSKgel and
TOYOPEARL brand names, as well as our
EcoSEC GPC Systems. Tosoh Bioscience offers
a GPC Sample Analysis Program to help your
team with extensive analysis of organic and
aqueous soluble polymers.
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics, 405 N.
Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, United
States 217-244-9481, Internet: https://nanohub.
org/tools/dda Calculate scattering and absorption of light by targets with arbitrary geometries
and complex refractive index.
University Science Books, 20 Edgehill Rd., Mill
Valley, CA 94941, 415-332-5390, fax: 415-3833167, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
uscibooks.com Displaying a splendid assortment of landmark books and textbooks
including our newest physical chemistry text by

Chang & Thoman, Girolamis X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, and a preview of the forthcoming
Goldenberg. We are committed to publishing
quality books at affordable prices. Please stop
by to say hello!
US EPA Green Chemistry Program, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, Mail Code 7406M, Washington, DC 20460, Internet: www.epa.gov/
greenchemistry The U.S. EPA Green Chemistry
Program is a voluntary, partnership program
whose mission is to promote innovative chemical technologies that reduce or eliminate the use
or generation of hazardous substances in the
design, manufacture, and use of chemical products and processes. The Program accomplishes
these goals through multiple activities including:
The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge
Awards; designing tools, databases, and educational materials; and supporting research
through grants and fellowships.
Vacuubrand, Inc., 11 Bokum Rd., Essex, CT
06426, 860-767-2562, fax: 860-767-2563, email:[email protected], Internet: www.
Vacuum Atmospheres Co., 4652 West Rosecrans Avenue, Hawthorne, CA 90251, 310-6440255, fax: 310-970-0980, e-mail:info@vac-atm.
com, Internet: www.vac-atm.com VAC has set
the standards for gloveboxes and inert gas purication for over 50 years. Once again, our
ongoing research and development has produced an exciting new glovebox design. NO
REGENERATION required by the user. Please
visit us in booth 1100 for a demonstration on our
Genesis and NexGen systems.
Vacuum Technology Inc., 15 Great Republic
Drive, Unit #4, Gloucester, MA, United States
01930, 978-879 4302, fax: 978-879 4387, e-mail:
[email protected],
vti-glovebox.com Vacuum Technology Inc. is
committed to developing innovative products
for clients around the world. With its North
American facility located in Gloucester, Massachusetts USA, VTi offers UL certied SuperPuried Glove Boxes and Gas Purication Systems. A variety of Accessories can also be
integrated into the glove box: Evaporator, Spin
Coaters, Freezers, Cold Wells, and Microscope
Units, among others. In addition to standard
products, VTi specializes in working with our
clients to create custom designs and solutions.
Vapourtec Ltd., Unit 16, Park Farm Business
Centre, Fornham St Genevieve, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP28 6TS, United Kingdom, 44
1284 728659 Fax: 44 1284 728352 e-mail:
[email protected], Internet: www.
Vernier Software & Technology, 13979 SW
Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 97005, 888-8376437, fax: 503-277-2440, e-mail:info@vernier.
com, Internet: www.vernier.com Stop by the
Vernier Software & Technology booth to see our
exciting products for college chemistry such as
our Organic Chemistry with Vernier lab book.
We offer several affordable spectroscopy options including our new Vernier UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. Try out the Polarimeter that can
graph light intensity versus angle so students
dont have to determine optical maximum with
their eye. Additional instruments include the
Melt Station Melting Temperature Sensor, SpectroVis Plus spectrophotometer with uorescence

capabilities, and an improved Vernier Mini GC

Plus. Use any of these devices on a computer or
our stand-alone LabQuest 2 lab interface. 901
Vigor Gas Purication Technologies, 5100
Westheimer Road, Suite 200, Houston, TX
77056, 716 200 1200, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.vigor-glovebox.
ViridisChem, Inc., 4344 Moorpark Ave., Suite 1,
San Jose, CA, United States 95129, (408) 2506905, fax: (408) 351-7900, Internet: www.
viridischem.com With comprehensive database
of over 30 million substances, ViridisChem offers: Green Pocketbook that provisions chemical and toxicological data with visual analysis
tools, allows tox.endpoint based quick comparisons, identies greener alternatives, and points
out govt. dened hazardous chemicals Green
Analyzer: Offers drill-down analysis of multistep synthesis, identies areas of improvements.
VUV Analytics, Inc., 611 Eagle, Austin, TX,
United States 78734, 512-333-0860, fax: 512261-1011, Internet: www.vuvanalytics.com 432
W.H. Freeman & Company, 41 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, United States 10010, 212576-9400,
[email protected], Internet: www.
whfreeman.com/chemistry Starting in 1946 with
Linus Paulings General Chemistry, W.H. Freeman & Company, a Macmillan Education imprint, has been the premier publisher of chemistry textbooks and media. A new edition of
Harris Quantitative Chemical Analylis and additional titles are due this year. Visit Booth 401 and
W.W. Norton, 500 Fifth Ave., New York, NY
10110, 212-548-4751, fax: 212-790-4261, Internet: wwnorton.com The oldest and largest publishing house owned wholly by its employees,
W. W. Norton, Inc. publishes about 400 trade,
college, and professional titles each year. 607
Waters Corp., 34 Maple Street, Milford, MA
01757, 508-482-2000, fax: 508-482-2674, email:[email protected], Internet: www.waters.
com Waters Corporation, the premium brand in
the analytical instruments industry, creates business advantages for laboratory-dependent organizations by delivering practical and sustainable
scientic innovation to enable signicant advancements in healthcare delivery, environmental management, food safety, and water quality
worldwide. Bringing keen understanding and
deep experience to those responsible for laboratory infrastructure and performance, Waters
helps customers make profound discoveries, optimize laboratory operations, deliver product
performance, and ensure regulatory compliance. Pioneering a connected portfolio of separations and analytical science, laboratory informatics, mass spectrometry, as well as thermal
analysis, WatersA?? technology breakthroughs
and laboratory solutions provide an enduring
platform for customer success.
Wavefunction, Inc., 18401 Von Karman, Suite
370, Irvine, CA 92612, 949-955-2120, fax: 949955-2118, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.wavefun.com Wavefunction offers cuttingedge molecular modeling software for researchers, instructors, and students. Spartan14 is now
available for all chemistry research and teaching
needs. Spartan Student Edition applies computational chemistry methods and compelling

graphical models to enrich the study of Organic,

Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. Odyssey provides an interactive molecular environment, rich
with content and integrated lab activities for the
General Chemistry curriculum. The iSpartan app
provides an ideal and inexpensive tool for
sketching and exploring at the molecular level.
Affordable student pricing, individual faculty
and campus-wide site licenses now available.
WebAssign, 1791 Varsity Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27606, 919-829-8181, fax: 919-8291516, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
www.webassign.com WebAssign is the only employee-owned and operated online learning
chemistry solution to partner with all major textbook publishers, offering content from more
than 180 chemistry titles. With easy-to-use tools
and customizable precoded questions covering
every course from preparatory chemistry
through physical/analytical chemistry, creating
the perfect chemistry course has never been
Weihai CY Dendrimer Technology Co.,Ltd.,
No.369-13,Industrial District, Weihai City, Shandong Province, China 264205, Internet: www.
whcyd.com/english/index.asp As the rst enterprise in Asia to research, develop & produce
dendritic polymers , Weihai CY Dendrimer Technology Co.,Ltd has provided many dendritic
polymers products to Universities, research centers, etc. for scientic experiments, and now it
has already realized the industrialization of dendritic polymers.
WELCH-ILMVAC, 5621 West Howard St., Niles,
IL 60714, 847-676-8800, fax: 847-677-8606, Internet: www.welchvacuum.com
Wilmad-LabGlass, 1172 N.W. Boulevard,
Vineland, NJ 08360, 856-691-3200, fax: 856691-6206, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.wilmad-labglass.com
Wuxi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 288 Fute
Zhong Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone,
Shanghai, China 200131, e-mail:hr@wuxiapptec.
com, Internet: www.wuxiapptec.com
Wyatt Technology Corp., 6300 Hollister Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93117, 805-681-9009,
fax: 805-681-0123, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: http://www.wyatt.com Wyatt Technology
is the recognized leader in instrumentation for
determining the absolute molar mass, size,
charge and interactions of macromolecules and
nanoparticles in solution. These tools include:
in-line multi-angle static light scattering, highthroughput dynamic light scattering, differential
refractometry, electrophoretic mobility, differential viscosity, eld ow fractionation and automated composition gradient.
Xenocs, 19 rue Fran?ois Blumet, Sassenage,
France 38360, 33 (0)4 76 26 98 59, Internet:
www.xenocs.com Xenocs provides solutions for
nanoscale characterization of materials. Our
product portfolio includes innovative high performance instruments that combine Small and
Wide Angle X-ray Scattering techniques (SAXS/
WAXS) for soft matter, nanomaterials, or polymers characterization. The Xenocs team of
experienced scientists and engineers is committed to delivering high quality service to our
Yamazen Science, Inc., 903 Sneath Lane, Suite
125, San Bruno, CA 94066, 650-877-7750, fax:
e-mail:[email protected],
Internet: www.yamazenscience.com


Analytical Research

A more detailed product listing can be found

by visiting the Virtual National Exposition at
http://www.acs.org/denver2015. In addition to
Meeting Mail stations in the convention center,
product categories, along with companies supplying the products, can be searched using this
free service.

Academic & Educational

AAPS (Amer Assoc. of Pharm Sci.)
ACS Committee on Chemical Safety
ACS Education
ACS Green Chemistry Institute
CDS Analytical, LLC
Cengage Learning, Inc.
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 1133
CRC Press
De Gruyter
Dotmatics Inc.
Extrel CMS
Hands-On Learning
IIE/Council for International Exchange Of
InfoChem GmbH
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kimble Chase LLC
Late Nite Labs, Ltd.
Magritek Inc.
Maruzen Co., Ltd.
McGraw-Hill Education
MicroLAB, Inc.
Nanalysis Corp.
Neaspec GmbH
OpenStax College, Rice University
PASCO scientic
Pine Research Instrumentation
Precision Glassblowing of Colorado
Royal Society of Chemistry
Sapling Learning
Serena Software
Specac, Ltd.
Symphotic Tii
Taylor & Francis (Journals)
The Committee for Cannabis Chemistry
Division Formation
University Science Books
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics
Vernier Software & Technology
W.H. Freeman & Company
W.W. Norton
Waters Corp.
Wavefunction, Inc.

Accessible Products
AdValue Technology
Anasys Instruments Corp.
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
Late Nite Labs, Ltd.
Maruzen Co., Ltd.
Nanalysis Corp.
PASCO scientic
Pine Research Instrumentation
Symphotic Tii
ViridisChem, Inc.


AIP Publishing The Journal of Chemical
Anasys Instruments Corp.
Biolin Scientic
Brookhaven Instruments Corp.
Camag Scientic, Inc.
CDS Analytical, LLC
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 1133
Extrel CMS
FEI Company
Hiden Analytical Inc.
Interchim Inc.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Magritek Inc.
Malvern Instruments, Inc.
Maruzen Co., Ltd.
Metrohm USA, Inc.
MicroLAB, Inc.
Nanalysis Corp.
Neaspec GmbH
Parr Instrument Co.
Particle Sizing Systems
Pine Research Instrumentation
Reaction Analytics Inc.
Rigaku Americas Corp.
Snowy Range Instruments
Sorbent Technologies
Specac, Ltd.
StellarNet Inc.
STOE & Cie GmbH
Symphotic Tii
The Committee for Cannabis Chemistry
Division Formation
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics
ViridisChem, Inc.
Wavefunction, Inc.
Wuxi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Wyatt Technology Corp.

Career Development
& Training
AAPS (Amer Assoc. of Pharm Sci.)
Chemistry At Your Fingertips
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Natl Res. Council/ Natl Academies
Royal Society of Chemistry
The Committee for Cannabis Chemistry
Division Formation


Chemicals / Reagents / Raw

AK Scientic, Inc.
Alfa Aesar-A Johnson Matthey Co.
Ark Pharm, Inc.
Beantown Chemical Corporation
CDS Analytical, LLC
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
Grace Discovery Sciences
Guizhou Wylton Jinglin Electronic
Material Co., Ltd.
HE Chemical
Indone Chemical Co.
Instec, Inc.
Interchim Inc.
Kimble Chase LLC
Malvern Instruments, Inc.
Matrix Scientic
Metrohm USA, Inc.


Neaspec GmbH
Oakwood Products Inc.
Oxchem Corporation
Pharmablock USA, Inc.
Pine Research Instrumentation
Poly-Med Inc.
Pure Chemistry Scientic Inc.
Rapp Polymere GMBH
Richman Chemical Inc.
Rieke Metals, LLC
Rigaku Americas Corp.
Sorbent Technologies
Strem Chemicals
Supra Sciences
Synquest Laboratories, Inc.
TCI America
Thrupore Technologies LLC
Waters Corp.
Weihai CY Dendrimer Technology
Wuxi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


Laboratory Equipment
& Services
ACS Committee on Chemical Safety
Anasazi Instruments Inc.
Anasys Instruments Corp.
Biolin Scientic
Brookhaven Instruments Corp.
Camag Scientic, Inc.
CDS Analytical, LLC
CEM Corp.
Chemglass Life Sciences
Chemrus Inc.
Edinburgh Instruments
Eicom USA
FEI Company
FlackTek, Inc.
Formulaction USA
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing
Grace Discovery Sciences
Heidolph North America
Hiden Analytical Inc.
Instec, Inc.
INTAVIS Bioanalytical Instruments AG
Interchim Inc.
Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd.
J-KEM Scientic
Kimble Chase LLC
KNF Neuberger
Kruss America, LLC
Late Nite Labs, Ltd.
Magritek Inc.
Malvern Instruments, Inc.
Maruzen Co., Ltd.
Metrohm USA, Inc.
MicroLAB, Inc.
Midland Scientic, Inc.
Molymod Models - Spiring Ltd
Nanalysis Corp.
NanoMagnetics Instruments
Neaspec GmbH
Parr Instrument Co.
Particle Sizing Systems
PerkinElmer Corp.
Pine Research Instrumentation
Precision Glassblowing of Colorado
Proton OnSite
Rigaku Americas Corp.
Rudolph Research Analytical
Shimadzu Scientic Instruments Inc.
SofTA Corporation
Sorbent Technologies
Specac, Ltd.
StellarNet Inc.
Supercritical Fluid Technologies


Teledyne Isco - Chromatography
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc.
Thermo Scientic
Tosoh Bioscience LLC
Vacuum Atmospheres Co.
Vacuum Technology Inc.
Vernier Software & Technology
Waters Corp.
Wuxi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Wyatt Technology Corp.
Yamazen Science, Inc.


AAPS (Amer Assoc. of Pharm Sci.)
ACS Committee on Chemical Safety
ACS Meetings & Expositions
ACS Member Insurance Program
ACS Publications
ACS Web Strategy & Operations
AIP Publishing The Journal of Chemical
Bentham Sciences Publishers Ltd.
Chemistry At Your Fingertips
FlacTek, Inc.
ICE Publishing
ISS Incorporated
J-KEM Scientic
Metrohm USA, Inc.
Natl Res. Council/ Natl Academies
Nature Publishing Group
On the Avenue Marketing
Paraza Pharma Inc.
Restek Corp.
Richman Chemical Inc.
Royal Society of Chemistry
Thermo Scientic
US EPA Green Chemistry Program

R&D and Manufacturing

Ark Pharm, Inc.
Beantown Chemical Corporation
Biolin Scientic
Boulder Scientic Co.
CDS Analytical, LLC
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dotmatics Inc.
FlackTek, Inc.
Guizhou Wylton Jinglin Electronic
Material Co., Ltd.
HE Chemical


Indone Chemical Co.

Interchim Inc.
Magritek Inc.
NanoMagnetics Instruments
Oakwood Products Inc.
Pharmablock USA, Inc.
PharmAgra Labs, Inc.
PIKE Technologies
Pine Research Instrumentation
Poly-Med Inc.
Precision Glassblowing of Colorado
Pure Chemistry Scientic Inc.
Reaction Analytics Inc.
Richman Chemical Inc.
Rieke Metals, LLC
Schrodinger, Inc.
SofTA Corporation
Sorbent Technologies
Specac, Ltd.
Supercritical Fluid Technologies
Synquest Laboratories, Inc.
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc.
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics
ViridisChem, Inc.
Wuxi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


Scientic Computer & Data

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Ctr.
CrystalMaker Software Ltd.
Dotmatics Inc.
InfoChem GmbH
J-KEM Scientic
Optibrium Ltd.
PerkinElmer Corp.
Schrodinger, Inc.
Serena Software
Thermo Scientic
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics
Vernier Software & Technology
ViridisChem, Inc.
Waters Corp.
Wavefunction, Inc.

Technical Literature /
Websites / Databases
AAPS (Amer Assoc. of Pharm Sci.)
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Ctr.
InfoChem GmbH
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lab Manager/LabX


Pine Research Instrumentation
Royal Society of Chemistry
The Committee for Cannabis Chemistry
Division Formation
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics
ViridisChem, Inc.
W.H. Freeman & Company


Testing & Measurement

Anasys Instruments Corp.
Anton Paar USA
Biolin Scientic
Brookhaven Instruments Corp.
Camag Scientic, Inc.
CDS Analytical, LLC
Extrel CMS
FEI Company
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing
Gamry Instruments
Hiden Analytical Inc.
Instec, Inc.
Interchim Inc.
J-KEM Scientic
Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent
Kimble Chase LLC
Kruss America, LLC
Magritek Inc.
Malvern Instruments, Inc.
Metrohm USA, Inc.
Midland Scientic, Inc.
NanoMagnetics Instruments
Neaspec GmbH
Parr Instrument Co.
Particle Sizing Systems
Pine Research Instrumentation
Precision Glassblowing of Colorado
Quantachrome Corp.
Rigaku Americas Corp.
Rudolph Research Analytical
Shimadzu Scientic Instruments Inc.
Snowy Range Instruments
SofTA Corporation
Specac, Ltd.
StellarNet Inc.
STOE & Cie GmbH
Symphotic Tii
Thermo Scientic
Vernier Software & Technology
Waters Corp.
Wyatt Technology Corp.


ACS Member Insurance Program
Booth # 624
Term Life Insurance
International Term Life Insurance
Disability Income
Auto & Homewoners
Professional Liability Income
ACS Publications
Booth # 624
ACS Central Science
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
ACS Infectious Diseases
Booth # 1007
Thin Film Evaporator
All-in-one Filter Reactor
Short Path Evaporator
Acid Plant
Chemical Engineering Design
Anasys Instruments Corp.
Booth # 540
Anton Paar USA
Booth # 324
Multiwave GO
Monowave EDU
Ark Pharm, Inc.
Booth # 812
2-Amino-4-bromobenzaldehyde, 59278-65-8
5-Fluoro-2-formylpyridine, 31181-88-1
4-Amino-2-methoxybenzonitrile, 7251-09-4
7-Chlorothiazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidine, 13316-12-6
4-Iodo-1H-pyrrole-2-carbaldehyde, 33515-62-7
Biolin Scientic
Booth # 938
Q-Sense Omega Auto
Attension Theta
Attension Sigma
KSV NIMA Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett
Q-Sense E4
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Ctr.
Booth # 604
Cambridge Structural Database System 2015
CDS Analytical, LLC
Booth # 302
CDS 7500 Thermal Desorption Autosampler
CDS 5200 High Pressure Reactor system
CDS 5250T - Trapping Pyrolysis Autosampler
CDS 7400/7000E - Purge & Trap System
Chemistry At Your Fingertips
Booth # 443
Science Does Not Coddle Ideas
Quasicrystals 2011 Nobel Prize
Gorgeous Periodic Table Spanish Stamp Shirt
Sterling Silver Molecular Earrings
Made With Molecules Jewelry
Booth # 1132
3-amino-2-methoxy-4-pyridinecarboxylic acid
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
Booth # 1133
Dibromoborane dimethylsude complex
organic boronic acids
organic tin
heterocyclic compounds
CrystalMaker Software Ltd.
Booth # 233
CrystalMaker 9
CrystalDiffract 6

De Gruyter
Booth # 837
Eicom USA
Booth # 338
Smart Evaporator
FEI Company
Booth # 1400
Talos F200X
Titan Themis 300
Titan ETEM
Formulaction USA
Booth # 532
Micro Rheology Instrument
Film Formation Analyzer
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing
Booth # 1217
Pulverisette 7 premium line Planetary Ball Mill
Analysette 28 Image Analyzer
Pulverisette 1 premium line Jaw Crusher
Pulverisette 14 premium line Rotor Speed Mill
Gamry Instruments
Booth # 1009
Interface 5000 Potentiostat
Booth # 400
Hands-On Learning
Booth # 304
HE Chemical
Booth # 1206
6-Amino-2-uoronicotinic acid
3-Fluoro-4-(triuoromethyl)picolinic acid
6-Bromo-2-uoronicotinic acid
6-Chloro-2-uoronicotinic acid
Hiden Analytical Inc.
Booth # 511
Compact SIMS
Indone Chemical Co.
Booth # 1318
Ferulic acid
Vanillic acid
InfoChem GmbH
Booth # 809
Chemisches Zentralblatt
Patent Database
Instec, Inc.
Booth 326
Automatic Liquid Crystal Physical Properties
HCS402 Hot & Cold Microscope Stage
ISS Incorporated
Booth # 1406
Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd.
Booth # 241
Recycling Preparative HPLC
Portable Curie Point Pyrolyzer
Outgas Collector

J-KEM Scientic
Booth # 424
Automated Reaction Controller and Logger
Precision Vacuum Controller
Precision Temperature Controller
Custom Robotic Systems
Precision Syringe Pumps
Booth # 1101
EDXRF System
Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent
Booth # 503
7500 Atomic Force Microscope
8500B FE-SEM with EDS
Kimble Chase LLC
Booth # 1215
Raysorb NMR
GL45 Flask
Booth # 1110
AZURA Educational System
AZURA Analytical
KNF Neuberger
Booth # 225
RC 900 Rotary Evaporator
SIMDOS 10 RC Plus Liquid Dosing Pumps
12V Field Filtration Pump
Natl Res. Council/ Natl Academies
Booth # 504
Graduate Research
Postdoctoral Research
Senior Research
Neaspec GmbH
Booth # 927
Booth # 1000
NTEGRA Spectra
Oakwood Products Inc.
Booth # 600
(R)-BCNG (1639014-43-9
(S)-BCNG (1639014-40-6
Phosphorous (V) oxybromide solution in Xylene
Tin (IV) Chloride
Parr Instrument Co.
Booth # 1001
6050 Compensated Calorimeter
PASCO scientic
Booth # 219
PharmAgra Labs, Inc.
Booth # 509
PIKE Technologies
Booth # 415
UV/VIS Peltier Cuvette Accessories
Temperature Controlled Microscope Statge
IR Short Path Gas Cells
Booth # 235
Pullulan ReadyCal Kit
HT GPC ReadyCal Kit
Micro-RI detector
WinGPC 8.2

Pure Chemistry Scientic Inc.
Booth # 306
Vitamin D
Boronic Acids/Esters
PEG items
Quantachrome Corp.
Booth # 430
Autosorb iQ Series
New Nova Touch Series
Porometer 3G Series
Restek Corp.
Booth # 506
SKY Liners
Richman Chemical Inc.
Booth # 405
Trimethylene Carbonate
Rieke Metals, LLC
Booth # 336
2-Propylzinc bromide
Cyclobutylzinc bromide
2-Pyridylmagnesium bromide
4-Bromobenzylmagnesium bromide
Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl), regioregular
Schrodinger, Inc.
Booth # 608
Materials Science Suite
Booth # 829
Science Signaling
Science Translational Medicine
Booth # 404
Booth # 1216
Stahl Aerobic Oxidation Kit

SofTA Corporation
Booth # 1404
ELSD Model 2300
ELSD Model 1300
ELSD Model 300S
Evaporative Light Scattering Detector

University Science Books

Booth # 605
X-Ray Crystallography
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences
Principles of NMR

Sorbent Technologies
Booth # 914

Vacuum Technology Inc.

Booth # 311
Glove Box
Gas Purication System
Cold Well

StellarNet Inc.
Booth # 1125
Portable and Laboratory Raman Systems
Teaching Lab UV-VIS Specials
NIR Chemical Analyzers
Strem Chemicals
Booth # 813
Buchwald Precatalysts and Ligands
CVD and ALD Precursors
Electropolished Stainless steel CVD bubblers
and A
Metal Nanoparticles
Phosphine Ligands and Metathesis Catalysts
Struchem Co., LTD
Booth # 931
methyl 4-amino-3-methoxy-5-nitrobenzoate
Symphotic Tii
Booth # 1408
CMS 8400
Synquest Laboratories, Inc.
Booth # 513
Triic acid
Triic anhydride
Diuoroacetaldehyde ethyl hemiacetal
1H,1H,5H-Octauoropentyl methacrylate
Thermo Scientic
Booth # 1014,1015
Tosoh Bioscience LLC
Booth # 501
CaPure-HA(TM) hydroxyapatite resin
University of Illinois - Nano Plasmonics
Booth # 239
Computational Plasmonics
Arbitrary Geometry
Large Scale Computing
Online Simulation
University of Illinois Funded by NSF

ViridisChem, Inc.
Booth # 538
Green Pocketbook
Green Analyzer
Integrated Planner
Wavefunction, Inc.
Booth # 508
Spartan14 Parallel Suite
Spartan Student Version 6
Odyssey Version 5
Weihai CY Dendrimer Technology Co.,Ltd.
Booth # 243,1319
Denditic polymers
Wyatt Technology Corp.
Booth # 1010
DynaPro Plate Reader
Booth # 941
Xeuss 2.0
Yamazen Science, Inc.
Booth # 1304
WPrep Dual Channel MPLC
TLC Reader
Premium Columns

ACS members who joined in the last 12 months are invited to attend our
ACS looks forward to welcoming you to this very special event, Monday, March 23, from
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Colorado Convention Center Room 601. New members will
network with other Rockstars of Chemistry, such as award winners, published authors,
and notable scientists. Light refreshments will be served. Guests will receive reserved
seating for the Kavli Lecture Series.
Not a member yet?
Been a member for years?
Join today for your ticket to the Rockstars Stop by the ACS Booth and take a
Reception. Go to www.acs.org/ROCKSTAR commemorative ACS Rockstars photo
at the open air photo booth!
Learn about your benets at the Membership Rocks presentation in the ACS Theater
on Monday at 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. or Tuesday at 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
American Chemical Society

Amy (Vocals)

Photo: Peter Cutts Photography


Sponsored and Recommended by the ACS President

Sunday, March 22, 2015

1:30-5:30 PM

Monday, March 23, 2015

Diane Grob Schmidt, Ph.D.
ACS President

Saturday, March 21, 2015

10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Presidential Outreach Event:
Exploring Our World Through
(Cosponsored by CCA)

Denver Zoo, 2300 Steele Street

Sunday, March 22, 2015

8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Chemistry Without Borders: The
Transnational Practice of Chemistry
and Allied Sciences and Engineering
(Cosponsored by IAC, COMSCI, BMGT & SOCED)

Colorado Convention Center,

Mile High Ballroom 3A (Lower Level)

8:30 AM-4:45 PM
Nanotechnology: Delivering on
the Promise
(Cosponsored by the following ACS Divisions
and Committees and other scientific societies
Institute of Chemical Engineers, Gordon
Research Conferences, Materials Research
Society & National Academy of Engineering)

Excellence in Graduate Polymer
(Sponsored by POLY and cosponsored
by PRES)

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

GSSPC: Designed by Nature,

Developed by Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on

The Interface of Chemical and

Biological Sciences International
Disarmament Eorts

Colorado Convention Center,

Mile High Ballroom 3A (Lower Level)

(Sponsored by CHED and cosponsored by


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado

Convention Center

Department, University and National

Models for Faculty Development to
Support Adoption of Evidence-Based

Transitioning between Academic

Research into Practical Use: SolarEnergy and Advanced Materials?

8:30-11:30 AM
DOE Nanoscience Research
Centers: National Resources for the
Nanoscience Community
(Cosponsored ANYL, ENFL, CCPA, CEI & MPPG)

Colorado Convention Center,

Rooms 506-507 (Street Level)

(Sponsored by CHED and cosponsored


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

(Sponsored by IAC and cosponsored


(Sponsored by COMSCI and cosponsored


Colorado Convention Center


Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), ACS Publications, and so much more

from the American Chemical Society are in one convenient location

The ACS Booth in the Colorado Convention Center in Denver.

The ACS Booth is your opportunity to experience the worlds

largest scientic society all on one carpet!
Experience SciFinder from CAS, the worlds
authority for chemical information
Learn about the newest ACS Journals from
ACS Publications, including Editors Choice
Discuss how to achieve your career goals
with ACS Career Navigator

Come to the Membership Benets kiosk

to receive a gift in thanks for your ACS
Enter contests and receive giveaways,
including tablets, gift cards, photos and

Whether looking for educational resources, powerful research tools, ACS Member Insurance,
C&EN, future meeting dates and locations, mole dolls or other ACS merchandise, WE HAVE
IT ALL FOR YOU. There is something for every member of the chemistry community at the
ACS booth.

Exhibit Hours:
Sunday, March 22
6:00pm -8:30pm

American Chemical Society

Monday, March 23
9:00am 5:00 pm

Tuesday, March 24
9:00am 5:00pm


Ballroom Level




Welton Street


14th Street (City View)


Four Seasons Ballroom














Mile High Ballroom

Stout Street




Speer Boulevard (Mountain View)


Speer Boulevard (Mountain View)

















12,500 sq. ft.

Bellco Theatre



Welton Street


Stout Street











Ballroom Level 3






Meeting Room Level 2






Bellco Theatre

Truck Ramp


Exhibit Level
14th Street (City View)
Office Above F

Office Above A







Exhibit Hall F
106,000 SF

Exhibit Hall A
105,000 SF











Welton Street

Exhibit Hall C
95,000 SF

Exhibit Hall D
92,000 SF







Exhibit Hall B
90,000 SF


Exhibit Hall E
91,000 SF






Champa Street




Office Above C

Speer Boulevard (Mountain View)





Speer Boulevard (Mountain View)













Welton Street

Information Center

Shuttle Drop-off


113 111 109 107 105 103 101

112 110 108 106 104 102





Business Center




701 703 705 707 709 711


Ballroom Pre-Function





702 704 706 708 710 712




Gift Shop









212 210 208 206 204 202










1 through 4

Four Seasons


Ballroom Pre-Function

1 through 4

Mile High







602 604 606 608 610 612





















Stout Street


Meeting Room Level
14th Street (City View)




Second Floor


Salon 1

Cripple Creek

Salon 2

Salon 1




Cripple Creek Foyer

Silverton Foyer


Salon 2

Salon 3

ACS Speaker Ready Room

Third Floor


Salon A

Salon B

Salon A



Salon B
Salon A

Crestone Foyer


Crystal Foyer

Salon B

Concierge Lounge
Salon C

Audiovisual Office


Atrium Tower

Second Floor












Pinnacle Club38th Floor














Lobby Level




Second Floor

Ready Room
Visual Room














Third Floor









Level Three


Back of House

Corridor D

Back of House


Centennial Ballroom



Open to Glass Canyon Below

Centennial Ballroom Foyer


Corridor E

Back of House

ACS Governance Office







Mineral Hall

Mineral Foyer






ACS A/V Office


Level Four

Open to Glass Canyon Below

Open to Centennial Foyer Below







South Corridor
Capitol Ballroom

North Corridor

Capitol Foyer


Flagstone A

Capitol Foyer


Open to Below

Flagstone B







Convenience Store

Front Desk

Front Entrance





Nat Hill


3rd Floor

2nd Floor

Fitness Center

Lobby Level



Lower Level 1




Ready Room

Gold Coin










Lower Level 2



Colorado Ballroom








Lobby Level



Teller Bar





Lower Level
Fitness Room




Business Center

Tupper True Ballroom

Dignity Endurance




Plaza Building Concourse Level

Service & Exit

Service & Exit


Exit Only

To Tower
Office 2


To Parking


Exit Only


Office 1

ACS Speaker
Ready Room

To Parking













Plaza Building Lobby/Street Level


Service & Exit


Service & Exit


To Lobby


Tower Building Mezzanine Level









Audiovisual Office








Tower Building Second Level

Service & Exit

Service & Exit

Grand Ballroom

Service & Exit


Low Ceiling


Tower Court






Tower Court






Tower Building Terrace Level











Tower Building Majestic Level













2nd Floor


Kick The





ACS A/V Office






Hide N


ACS Operations


3rd Floor

Duck, Duck Goose



Red Rover


Marco Polo Marco Polo


Marco Polo

Four Square


Four Square

Four Square Patio


Lobby Level, Second Floor

Horace Tabor

Molly Brown

Horace Tabor
Hotel Reception
Molly Brown

Hotel Lobby

vs Lounge


Confluence Ballroom

Lawrence B

Lawrence A



Office C

Office B

Office A




Platte River Room





Lobby Level, Third Floor



Submit your research to ACS Central Science

a new, multidisciplinary, open access journal that
presents groundbreaking advances in the world
of chemistry and beyond.

Photo: Peter Cutts Photography

Sponsored and Recommended

by the ACS President

Diane Grob Schmidt, Ph.D.

ACS President

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

1:30-5:30 PM
Nanotechnology: Delivering on
the Promise

8:30 AM-4:45 PM
Nanotechnology: Delivering on
the Promise

8:30-11:30 AM
DOE Nanoscience Research
Centers: National Resources for
the Nanoscience Community

(Cosponsored by the following ACS Divisions and Committees and other scientific societies
CCS, CCPA, COMSCI, DAC, IAC, SOCED; American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Gordon
Research Conferences, Materials Research Society & National Academy of Engineering)

Colorado Convention Center, Mile High Ballroom 3A (Lower Level)

(Cosponsored ANYL, ENFL, CCPA, CEI &


Colorado Convention Center,

Rooms 506-507 (Street Level)


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Natural Resources
(Sponsored by MPPG and cosponsored by PRES)

Metallic Nanostructures for Optical and Electrochemical

Sensing and Alternative Energy Conversion


(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

(Sponsored INOR and cosponsored by PRES)

Plasmonic Catalysis and Sensing

Applied Nanotechnology for Food and Agriculture

(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

(Sponsored by AGFD and cosponsored by PRES)

Advances in Formulations Science and Technology

Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants and


(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces and


Functionalization of Complex Nanosurfaces

(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

Ask Dr. Safety: EH&S Support of Nanotechnology R&D

Particles at Fluid Interfaces

(Sponsored by CHAS and cosponsored by PRES, AGFD & CCS)

(Sponsored by COLL and cosponsored by PRES)

Electrical, Thermal, & Mass Transport in Polymer

Nanocomposites & Alloys
(Sponsored by POLY and cosponsored by PRES)

Official ACS Properties in Denver, CO











AP 16













9 5


Ce on lora
nt ven do
er ti




























g lex
ve rm mp
o o
De erf s C
P rt





























Square Square





















Visit our website at www.acs.org/denver2015 to view a list of economical hotels.

Courtyard by Marriott
Denver Downtown

934 16th Street


Crowne Plaza
Denver Downtown

1450 Glenarm Place


Embassy Suites
Denver Downtown
Convention Center

650 15th Street





Hilton Garden Inn

Denver Downtown


Homewood Suites
Denver Downtown
Convention Center
550 15th Street




1717 Champa St.




Sheraton Denver
Downtown Hotel
1550 Court Place



The Curtis
a DoubleTree
by Hilton


1405 Curtis Street


Marriott City
Center Denver


1701 California Street


Hotel Monaco

1750 Welton Street



818 17th Street



Hyatt Regency
Denver at Colorado
Convention Center

550 15th Street


1420 Stout Street


Grand Hyatt

1400 Welton Street



Hampton Inn & Suites

Denver Downtown
Convention Center


The Ritz-Carlton,


1881 Curtis Street


Downtown Denver
City Center


918 17th Street



Westin Denver
1672 Lawrence Street


Residence Inn
City Center
1725 Champa St.

Shuttle information
Shuttle Schedule

7:00 AM 10:00 AM ............. 15 minute service

10:00 AM 4:00 PM ............. 30 minute service
4:00 PM 7:00 PM ............... 15 minute service
7:00 PM 11:00 PM ............. 30 minute service

Route 1

Route 2

X Boarding Location

Walk to Convention Center

Pickup/Drop Location at Convention Center

Wheelchair Accessible Transportation is available during hours of operation.

Please call 1-866-439-8564 to schedule (please allow 30 minutes).


7:00 AM 10:00 AM ............. 15 minute service

10:00 AM 4:00 PM ............. 30 minute service
4:00 PM 11:00 PM ............. 15 minute service

7:00 AM 10:00 AM ............. 15 minute service

10:00 AM 4:00 PM ............. 30 minute service
4:00 PM 11:00 PM ............. 15 minute service

7:00 AM 11:00 PM ............. 30 minute service


7:00 AM 6:00 PM................ 60 minute service

For all shuttle inquiries, please call: 1-866-439-8564.

Shuttle Services managed and operated

by Transportation Management Services.
Carbon Neutral Shuttles.

Scan for copy of

shuttle schedule:

249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

March 22 - 26, 2015 | Denver, CO

HOTEL WALKING DIRECTIONS: Scan the corresponding QR code to

download walking directions from the hotel to the convention center.

Courtyard by
Marriott Denver

Plaza Denver

Embassy Suites

Grand Hyatt

Hampton Inn
and Suites
Downtown Convention

Hilton Garden
Inn Denver

Suites Denver
Downtown Convention

Hotel Monaco

Hyatt Regency
Denver at


Marriott City
Center Denver

Denver City

Residence Inn
City Center


The Curtis A DoubleTree

Hotel by Hilton

Westin Denver

Scan here to
a copy of
the shuttle

The Ritz Carlton

Specific ACS Divisions and Committees gratefully acknowledge the financial and other contributions made
to their division by the institutions and companies listed below and others who were not known at press time.

Presidential Events
American Institute of
Chemical Engineers
Gordon Research Conferences
Materials Research Society
National Academy
of Engineering

Division of Catalysis Science

and Technology
The Dow Chemical Company
The Royal Society of Chemisty
Journal of Chemical Science
Strem Chemicals Inc.
University of Florida Center
for Catalysis

Division of Chemical
ACS Green Chemistry Institute
ACS Education Division
Anasazi Instruments
ChemSource, Inc.
The Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Division's Green
Chemistry Subdivision
Intersociety Polymer
Education Council
NSF-CCI Center for Sustainable
Polymers at the University
of Minnesota

Pearson Publishing
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Division of Colloid and

Surface Chemistry
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
Institute for Molecular
Engineering University
of Chicago

Division of Computers
in Chemistry
Chemical Computing Group
OpenEye Scientific Software

Division of Industrial and

Engineering Chemistry

Division of Medicinal
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Array BioPharma
Bristol-Myers Squibb
EMD Serono

Lundbeck Research USA

Paraza Pharma
Sanofi Aventis
Wuxi Apptec

Division of Polymer
Avery Dennison
Bayer MaterialScience
The Dow Chemical Company
Green Materials ICE Science
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Sabic Innovative Plastics
Tosoh BioScience
University of Dallas
Wyatt Technology

Division of Polymeric
Materials Science and
The American Chemical Society
Journal ACS Nano

The American Chemical

Society Journal
Chemistry of Materials
Asylum Research
The Dow Chemical Company
Malvern Instruments
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Biomaterials
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Chemical Science
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Materials
Chemistry A
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Materials
Chemistry B
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Materials
Chemistry C
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Soft Matter
SAXSLab MolmeX Scientific Inc.
TA Instruments
University of Delaware Materials
Science & Engineering


ACS Volunteers contribute thousands of
hours of service to create and implement
programs that promote our science, benefit our members, and contribute to the
development of our communities. Thanks
to your contributions, the Society provides
its more than 161,000 members with:
Powerful networks on the local, regional,
and national level;

Specialized technical information

and research;
Expansive career enhancement
Award-winning publications; and
Meetings & expositions that set industry
standards for excellence.
We salute the outstanding volunteer
efforts that have contributed to the suc-

cess of this years national and regional

meetings, including division officers and
national meeting program chairs, regional
meeting organizers and program chairs,
symposium organizers, session and
award presiders, short course and workshop instructors, career counselors, and
all members of our Societys governance.
To get involved, visit www.acs.org.

Are you a



W In N Er ?





Visit the ACS Booth,

grab a punch card and complete
interactive tasks for the chance to receive prizes.
All completed punch card holders will receive a prize
and will be entered to win an Apple iPad Air.

See you soon in the ACS Booth!

Explore. Discover. Create.


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