OSCE Final Yr
OSCE Final Yr
OSCE Final Yr
1. Cancer Patient Counselling/ breaking bad news
2. Examination of the Hand
3. Aplastic Anemia case
4. GBS Case with management
5. X Ray Pneumothorax or Pneumonia not sure I think it was Pneumothorax
6. BP measurement
7. CPR
Station 8: case given with investigations
Wat is the likely diagnosis ( aplastic anemia)
wat are the definitive investigations to confirm
wat is the definitive treatment?
Station 9: take Blood pressure
Station 10:
interpret ABG.s
wat can be the causes
station 11: case given
wat is the diagnosis ( bronchiogenic Ca SIADH)
why is patients Na decreased ( SIADH)
station 12: do neck examination
station 13: investigations given
wat values are deranged?( Calcium was increased)
give causes
station 14: interpret ECG
station 15: councelling of smoking cessation
1.Acromegaly case
2.ECG (right bundle branch block)
3.instrument (Peak expiratory flow meter)
4.Acute pyogenic meningitis case
5.Abg interpretation (respiratory acidosis)
6.BP measurement
8.Chest pain hx
9.TB prescription writing for category 1
10. Xray (lobar pneumonia)
11.CT scan with scalp hematoma, subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma
and temporal lobe infarct)
12.Examination of the neck
13.Councelling to quit smoking
14.Malaria case
15.Aplastic anemia (CBC report interpretation)
1. Instruments: curette, hegars dilator : uses and complications
2. Perform pap smear
3. Copper iucd
4. Menorhagia history
5. Demonstrate mech of labor
6. Case of ovarian cyst: tell investigations, treatment options
7. Plot partogram
8. CTG
9. Ask past obs history
10. Obstetrics cholestasis case: define it, what tests to do, risks during
1. PPH
2. Fibroids
3. Ectopic pregnancy
4. Eclampsia
1. CTG
2. plot a partogram
3. demonstrate mechanism of labour on dummy,
4. fibroids case,
5. instruments: hegars dilator and endometrial curette-have to tell the
person sitting there about the indications and complications,
6. take an obs history,
7. postpartum hemorrhage case,
8. demonstrate pap smear on dummy
9. Hx taking of a patient with mennorhagia
10. identify oral contraceptives and tell their contraindications
PPH case
Using Kuskos Speculum perform how to take a high vaginal swab
1. anal fissures - identify, give advice and topical application to the patient
2. pnuemoperitonieum xray
3. colles fracture xray
4. proctoscope (4 diagnostic + 4 herapeutic uses)
5. history of apendicities and dds of RIF pain
6. testicular torsion
7. logbook viva
7. Anal Fissure Picture
name the lesion Fissure in ano
advice+ local applications?
Surgical procedures
DRE done or no?
8. case:
Presented to ER after cholecystectomy done some days back. Now tender
tense rigid abd with no gut sounds.
What is the likely diagnosis? Biliary Peritonitis
2 causes
Investigations (3)
9. Breast
Lump 2x2 cm
FNAC shows malignant cells
What further investigations??
What are different surgical treatment procedures?
How would you counsel the patient?
CI for breast conservation surgery?
1. Fournier's Gangrene
2. Breast Cancer Case which conditions would you not offer a mastectomy
3. Sir Shahid Viva spot steps of Herniotomy/ Hernioraphe
4. Intestinal Obs X Ray the fluid levels wallee bakwas
5. Foleys Catheter 2 Indications and 2 Contraindications and 2 complications
6. Sutures Catgut and Vicryl I think what indications and what surgeries are
they used in
7. There was an instrument spot can't recall the instruments
8. Colles Fracture X Ray with management
9. Varicocoele case with managemen
10. Pneumoperitoneum gas under the diaphragm X Ray with causes
11. Proctoscope
- name it
- procedure it is used
- investigations done after putting it
7. fissure in ano
- name the lesion
- cause
- advice+ local applications?
- Surgical procedures
- DRE done or no?
8. case:
- presented to ER after cholecystectomy done some days back. Now tender
tense rigid abd with no gut sounds.
- Wat is the likely diagnosis?
- 2 causes
- Investigations (3)
- Treatment?
9. breast
- lump 2x2 cm
FNAC malignantcells
a. what fyrther investigations??
b. 3 treatment procedures
c. 3 contraindications for breast conservation surgery
10. small bowel obs ( xray)
- idebtify?
- Common causes (3)
- Initial steps of management
- If becomes abd tender/guarding, consequence?