Some Important Parameters For Varga Charts

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Varga charts Some Important Parameters 1.

Good placement of planets is the key factor in giving good results of any
chart. The Lagna Lord of the birth chart, Lagna lord of the Varga chart and the significator of the divisional
chart should be well placed placement in the Trines and the Kendras is the best position. Next in the order is
the 2nd and the 11th house . Planets in the 3,6,8 and 12 th house are not considered good irrespective of even if they
are exhalted. Placement of the Karka in the Lagna of the varga chart is not good
2. Mars in the 6th house would be aspecting the Lagna and hence the 6th position , house in the varga charts will
always be good , since the 8th aspect is the strongest and gives strength to fight. Mercury in the 8th house is always
beneficial, specially in chaturthamsha. Saturn in the 8th house in ashtamsha and Venus in the 12th house of
3. Lagna of the varga chart should be strong to give the effects of the chart, e.g a strong lagna in D7 assures
progny , many planets aspecting the Lagna also make the Lagna strong.
4. In any Varga chart the planets in the kendras 1,4,7,10 and Konas 5 and 9 are benefic houses and confer
beneficiance. If placed in the 3,6,8 and 12 houses will confer malefic results. 5. A Raj yoga in the varga chart gives
status to the varga chart. e.g if Rajyogas present in D12 it will give status to the parents. Dhan Yogas multiplies the
signification of the Varga chart. A Dhan yoga in the D9 can give wealthy spouse or wealth may come after marriage .
The effects of the yoga in the varga chart operates the whole life time , but maximum results felt during the dasha .
5. In Natal chart even if a planet is placed in the bad position , but placed well in the varga chart will confer benefic
results.. Even if a planet is strong in the Natal and placed in Bad position in the varga chart, will not be able to give
benefic results, and they will give bad results to the life aspect of the native. Of the particular varga chart. Planets in
Benefic position in both natal and the Varga charts will confer benefic and good results for the native for that
particular varga . Even if a planet is strong and placed in bad position in the D1 chart. if they are in good houses in
the varga chart , they will give mostly good results. If Planets are combust or in Planetary war in D1, even if in good
position in the varga charts will not be able to confer benefic results to the native, and such planets if they are placed
in the bad houses in the varga charts will confer worst results for the native
6. Any planet in NBRY in any varga chart and placed well will confer benefic results for that Varga
7. Vargottam planet same position in Rashi and Navamsha , Uccha, Own house , Digbali strength in Varga charts
will apply. Exh. in 3,6,8 and 12 will not be beneficial.
8. Maha yogas will apply in varga charts and will give very good results Aspect of Natural Malefics are bad. Aspect of
natural benefics are good . Even if planets placed in bad houses if aspected by Strong Jupiter, it will be good and if
Jupiter is Deblitated will not be useful then. 9. Placement of Lordship of Houses is not considered in varga charts. In
Varga chart the lord of the lagna has the prime importance.
10. In Varga charts even if Deblitated planets in good places and not in NBRY , then they will not confer good results.
11. It will be good if in any varga chart, if Lagna is vargottam and its Lord is in benefic houses, if not so but in malefic
position, then the resultant good effects will be dreams only.. If Lagna Lagna Lord is vargottam , then the results of
the varga will confer benefic results
12. In varga charts if a planet is placed strongly in the 6th house , it will confer benefic results in the beginning and
latter malefic results.
12. In all varga it will be good if more planets aspect the Lagna . also the Lagna is in Shubkartari yoga to confer
benefic results. And will be bad if in Paap Kartari yoga malefic planets should not join the subh kartari yoga. If
Benefic planets join the Paap kartari yoga, even if bad results in the beginning , the native will have good results latter
13. It will be bad if Exh. planets are associated with Deblitated planets , and if planets are associated with enemy

14. If the lagna has good and bad planets in the argali., then bad in bad planets and good in good planets
15. In Varga charts the exchange is not to be considered
16. If in Varga chart the Lagna Lord is placed in a bad house , then that planet dasha will give bad results.
17. The significations of the planets for different vargas , if thoses Karkas are in karka bhavs of those vargas , they
will give bad results
Mercury in Siddhamsha in the 4th, Jupiter in D7 in Lagna, Venus in Lagna of D9, Sun and Moon in 12th in D12
. In D3 Mars or Jupiter in the 3rd or 11th Respectively they will give bad results . Planets in the 3rd and 8th
are markas for significations of those vargas
18. The effects of planets get modified by conjunction and aspects, for higher vargas when accuracy is doubtful, we
should take only natural benefics and malefics
19. If the Lagna is placed in the cruel divisions then the native has short life.
20. When the Lagna of the D1, D9, D3 and D12 is exhalted, own sign, in friends sign, or with benefics , the person
has many virtues, intelligent, kind , Pure, lives like a king and is wealthy
21. Significator of the Varga chart is not good to be placed in the bad houses of the varga chart, e.g Sun in D8 in the
8th house Kills father. Moon mother,Venus wife and so on.
22. Planets in the 3rd and 8th house are death like planets for varga charts, in D9 for spouse and in D10 for the
23. Rahu-Ketu or the 8th Lord of the Varga chart placed in the Lagna of the varga chart and the MT sign rising, it
causes stress in the affairs of the Varga chart.
24. For timing of the events dasha period can be seen in the varga charts along with D1. For auspicious events, the
sub periods of well placed planets with reference to lagna of the varga chart should be selected .
25. BPHS states that the divisions falling in the signs owned by lord of angles from own arudha are considered good.
The divisions of the planet which are combust, defeated in planetary war or weak or in bad avastha are destroyers of
auspicious combinations.
26. Birth Yogi and Avyogi. If Birth yogi is placed in good house of the Varga chart then gives good result of the
house otherwise bad result. AVyogi in a favourable position in Varga chart will while causing good to that effect create
hinderances , anxieties and ruptures hand in hand.
27. Lordship of Bhavs to be considered in D1 and not Varga charts
28. In D12 if Moon is with Ketu invariably the natives mother becomes a widow
29. Assencion, Election and other positions of conferrable nature are to be read from D11
30. Female horoscopy is specially treated by classics
31. If Lord of the Varga chart is birth yogi or duplicate yogi he gives yoga results even in ordinary position. Use at
least one-two varga charts for the analysis for a particular event. Special Varga charts
D1, D7,D9, D10, D11,D3, D4 , D6, D12, D8 and D30.
32. The Most important Varga charts are the D1, D9 and D3

For deliniation of the chart.


aggarwala 19th Jan. 2013

Reference D1 Natal chart, D3 Dreshkana, D4 Chaturthamsha, D6 Shashtamsha, D9 Navamsha, D8
Ashaamsha, D10 Dashamsha, D12 Dwadamsha, D30 Trshamsha, D11 Ekadamsha, D7 Saptamsha

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