Magna Carta (0313325901)
Magna Carta (0313325901)
Magna Carta (0313325901)
Westport, Connecticut London
Copyright Acknowledgments
The author and publisher gratefully acknowledge permission for use of the following
" 'The Coronation Charter' of Henry I (5 August 1100)," from David C. Douglas and
George W. Greenaway, eds., English Historical Documents 1042-1189, 2nd ed (London:
Eyre Methuen; and New York: Oxford University Press, 1981) 1981 Eyre Methuen Ltd.
Reprinted by permission of the holder of the publishing rights: Routledge, Andover,
Hampshire, UK.
"Magna Carta, 1215," "Magna Carta, 1225," "Charter of the Forest, 1225," and "The Additional Articles [Confirmatio Cartarum], 1297," from Harry Rothwell, ed., English Historical Documents 1189-1327 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975) 1975 Eyre &
Spottiswoode (Publishers) Ltd. Reprinted by permission of the holder of the publishing
rights: Routledge, Andover, Hampshire, UK.
Series Foreword
Advisory Board
Alfred of Wessex
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Frederick II
Henry II
Innocent III
Stephen Langton
William Marshal
Simon de Montfort
Philip II Augustus
Hubert Walter
Primary Documents
Appendix A
The Crusades and Crusading States of the East
Appendix B
Annotated Bibliography
The Middle Ages are no longer considered the "Dark Ages" (as Petrarch
termed them), sandwiched between the two enlightened periods of classical antiquity and the Renaissance. Often defined as a historical period
lasting, roughly, from 500 to 1500 C.E., the Middle Ages span an enormous amount of time (if we consider the way other time periods have
been constructed by historians) as well as an astonishing range of countries and regions very different from one another. That is, we call the
"Middle" Ages the period beginning with the fall of the Roman Empire
as a result of raids by northern European tribes of "barbarians" in the late
antiquity of the fifth and sixth centuries and continuing until the advent
of the so-called Italian and English renaissances, or rebirths of classical
learning, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. How this age could be
termed either "Middle" or "Dark" is a mystery to those who study it. Certainly it is no longer understood as embracing merely the classical inheritance in the west or excluding eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia,
or even, as I would argue, North and Central America.
Whatever the arbitrary, archaic, and hegemonic limitations of these
temporal parametersthe old-fashioned approach to them was that they
were mainly not classical antiquity, and therefore not importantthe
Middle Ages represent a time when certain events occurred that have
continued to affect modern cultures and that also, inevitably, catalyzed
other medieval events. Among other important events, the Middle Ages
saw the birth of Muhammad (c. 570-632) and his foundation of Islam in
the seventh century as a rejection of Christianity which led to the imperial conflict between East and West in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. In western Europe in the Middle Ages the foundations for modern
Series Foreword
nationalism and modern law were laid and the concept of romantic love
arose in the Middle Ages, this latter event partly one of the indirect consequences of the Crusades. With the shaping of national identity came
the need to defend boundaries against invasion; so the castle emerged as
a military outpostwhether in northern Africa, during the Crusades, or
in Wales, in the eleventh century, to defend William of Normandy's
newly acquired provincesto satisfy that need. From Asia the invasions
of Genghis Khan changed the literal and cultural shape of eastern and
southern Europe.
In addition to triggering the development of the concept of chivalry
and the knight, the Crusades influenced the European concepts of the
lyric, music, and musical instruments; introduced to Europe an appetite
for spices like cinnamon, coriander, and saffron and for dried fruits like
prunes and figs as well as a desire for fabrics such as silk; and brought
Aristotle to the European university through Arabic and then Latin
translations. As a result of study of the "new" Aristotle, science and philosophy dramatically changed directionand their emphasis on this material world helped to undermine the power of the Catholic Church as
a monolithic institution in the thirteenth century.
By the twelfth century, with the centralization of the one (Catholic)
Church, came a new architecture for the cathedralthe Gothicto replace the older Romanesque architecture and thereby to manifest the
Church's role in the community in a material way as well as in spiritual
and political ways. Also from the cathedral as an institution and its need
to dramatize the symbolic events of the liturgy came medieval drama
the mystery and the morality play, from which modern drama derives in
large part. Out of the cathedral and its schools to train new priests (formerly handled by monasteries) emerged the medieval institution of the
university. Around the same time, the community known as a town rose
up in eastern and western Europe as a consequence of trade and the necessity for a new economic center to accompany the development of a
bourgeoisie, or middle class. Because of the town's existence, the need
for an itinerant mendicancy that could preach the teachings of the
Church and beg for alms in urban centers sprang up.
Elsewhere in the world, in North America the eleventh-century settlement of Chaco Canyon by the Pueblo peoples created a social model
like no other, one centered on ritual and ceremony in which the "priests"
Series Foreword
were key, but one that lasted barely two hundred years before it collapsed
and its central structures were abandoned.
In addition to their influence on the development of central features
of modern culture, the Middle Ages have long fascinated the modern age
because of parallels that exist between the two periods. In both, terrible
wars devastated whole nations and peoples; in both, incurable diseases
plagued cities and killed large percentages of the world's population. In
both periods, dramatic social and cultural changes took place as a result
of these events: marginalized and overtaxed groups in societies rebelled
against imperious governments; trade and a burgeoning middle class came
to the fore; outside the privacy of the family, women began to have a
greater role in Western societies and their cultures.
How different cultures of that age grappled with such historical change
is the subject of the Greenwood Guides to Historic Events of the Medieval World. This series features individual volumes that illuminate key
events in medieval world history. In some cases, an "event" occurred
during a relatively limited time period. The troubadour lyric as a phenomenon, for example, flowered and died in the courts of Aquitaine in
the twelfth century, as did the courtly romance in northern Europe a few
decades later. The Hundred Years War between France and England generally took place during a precise time period, from the fourteenth to
mid-fifteenth centuries.
In other cases, the event may have lasted for centuries before it played
itself out: the medieval Gothic cathedral, for example, may have been
first built in the twelfth century at Saint-Denis in Paris (c. 1140), but
cathedrals, often of a slightly different style of Gothic architecture, were
still being built in the fifteenth century all over Europe and, again, as the
symbolic representation of a bishop's seat, or chair, are still being built
today. And the medieval city, whatever its incarnation in the early
Middle Ages, basically blossomed between the eleventh and thirteenth
centuries as a result of social, economic, and cultural changes. Events
beyond a single dramatic historically limited happeningtook longer to
affect societies in the Middle Ages because of the lack of political and
social centralization, the primarily agricultural and rural nature of most
countries, difficulties in communication, and the distances between important cultural centers.
Each volume includes necessary tools for understanding such key
Series Foreword
events in the Middle Ages. Because of the postmodern critique of authority that modern societies underwent at the end of the twentieth century, students and scholars as well as general readers have come to
mistrust the commentary and expertise of any one individual scholar or
commentator and to identify the text as an arbiter of "history." For this
reason, each book in the series can be described as a "library in a book."
The intent of the series is to provide a quick, in-depth examination and
current perspectives on the event to stimulate critical thinking as well
as ready-reference materials, including primary documents and biographies of key individuals, for additional research.
Specifically, in addition to a narrative historical overview that places
the specific event within the larger context of a contemporary perspective, five to seven developmental chapters explore related focused aspects
of the event. In addition, each volume begins with a brief chronology
and ends with a conclusion that discusses the consequences and impact
of the event. There are also brief biographies of twelve to twenty key individuals (or places or buildings, in the book on the cathedral); primary
documents from the period (for example, letters, chronicles, memoirs, diaries, and other writings) that illustrate states of mind or the turn of
events at the time, whether historical, literary, scientific, or philosophical; illustrations (maps, diagrams, manuscript illuminations, portraits); a
glossary of terms; and an annotated bibliography of important books, articles, films, and CD-ROMs available for additional research. An index
concludes each volume.
No particular theoretical approach or historical perspective characterizes the series; authors developed their topics as they chose, generally
taking into account the latest thinking on any particular event. The editors selected final topics from a list provided by an advisory board of high
school teachers and public and school librarians. On the basis of nominations of scholars made by distinguished writers, the series editor also
tapped internationally known scholars, both those with lifelong expertise and others with fresh new perspectives on a topic, to author the twelve
books in the series. Finally, the series editor selected distinguished medievalists, art historians, and archaeologists to complete an advisory
board: Gwinn Vivian, retired professor of archaeology at the University
of Arizona Museum; Sharon Kinoshita, associate professor of French
literature, world literature, and cultural studies at the University of California-Santa Cruz; Nancy Wu, associate museum educator at the Met-
Series Foreword
ropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters, New York City; and Christopher A. Snyder, chair of the Department of History and Politics at Marymount University.
In addition to examining the event and its effects on the specific cultures involved through an array of documents and an overview, each volume provides a new approach to understanding these twelve events.
Treated in the series are: the Black Death; the Crusades; Eleanor of
Aquitaine, courtly love, and the troubadours; Genghis Khan and Mongol rule; Joan of Arc and the Hundred Years War; Magna Carta; the medieval castle, from the eleventh to the sixteenth centuries; the medieval
cathedral; the medieval city, especially in the thirteenth century; medieval science and technology; Muhammad and the rise of Islam; and the
Puebloan society of Chaco Canyon.
The Black Death, by Joseph Byrne, isolates the event of the epidemic
of bubonic plague in 1347-52 as having had a signal impact on medieval
Europe. It was, however, only the first of many related such episodes involving variations of pneumonic and septicemic plague that recurred over
350 years. Taking a twofold approach to the Black Death, Byrne investigates both the modern research on bubonic plague, its origins and
spread, and also medieval documentation and illustration in diaries, artistic works, and scientific and religious accounts. The demographic, economic, and political effects of the Black Death are traced in one chapter,
the social and psychological patterns of life in another, and cultural expressions in art and ritual in a third. Finally, Byrne investigates why
bubonic plague disappeared and why we continue to be fascinated by it.
Documents included provide a variety of medieval accountsByzantine,
Arabic, French, German, English, and Italianseveral of which are
translated for the first time.
The Crusades, by Helen Nicholson, presents a balanced account of various crusades, or military campaigns, invented by Catholic or "Latin"
Christians during the Middle Ages against those they perceived as threats
to their faith. Such expeditions included the Crusades to the Holy Land
between 1095 and 1291, expeditions to the Iberian Peninsula, the "crusade" to northeastern Europe, the Albigensian Crusades and the Hussite
crusadesboth against the hereticsand the crusades against the Ottoman Turks (in the Balkans). Although Muslim rulers included the concept of jihad (a conflict fought for God against evil or his enemies) in
their wars in the early centuries of Islam, it had become less important
Series Foreword
in the late tenth century. It was not until the middle decades of the
twelfth century that jihad was revived in the wars with the Latin Christian Crusaders. Most of the Crusades did not result in victory for the
Latin Christians, although Nicholson concedes they slowed the advance
of Islam. After Jerusalem was destroyed in 1291, Muslim rulers did permit Christian pilgrims to travel to holy sites. In the Iberian Peninsula,
Christian rulers replaced Muslim rulers, but Muslims, Jews, and dissident
Christians were compelled to convert to Catholicism. In northeastern
Europe, the Teutonic Order's campaigns allowed German colonization
that later encouraged twentieth-century German claims to land and led
to two world wars. The Albigensian Crusade wiped out thirteenth-century aristocratic families in southern France who held to the Cathar
heresy, but the Hussite crusades in the 1420s failed to eliminate the Hussite heresy. As a result of the wars, however, many positive changes occurred: Arab learning founded on Greek scholarship entered western
Europe through the acquisition of an extensive library in Toledo, Spain,
in 1085; works of western European literature were inspired by the holy
wars; trade was encouraged and with it the demand for certain products;
and a more favorable image of Muslim men and women was fostered by
the crusaders' contact with the Middle East. Nicholson also notes that
America may have been discovered because Christopher Columbus
avoided a route that had been closed by Muslim conquests and that the
Reformation may have been advanced because Martin Luther protested
against the crusader indulgence in his Ninety-five Theses (1517).
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Courtly Love, and the Troubadours, by ffiona
Swabey, singles out the twelfth century as the age of the individual, in
which a queen like Eleanor of Aquitaine could influence the development of a new social and artistic culture. The wife of King Louis VII of
France and later the wife of his enemy Henry of Anjou, who became king
of England, she patronized some of the troubadours, whose vernacular
lyrics celebrated the personal expression of emotion and a passionate declaration of service to women. Love, marriage, and the pursuit of women
were also the subject of the new romance literature, which flourished in
northern Europe and was the inspiration behind concepts of courtly love.
However, as Swabey points out, historians in the past have misjudged
Eleanor, whose independent spirit fueled their misogynist attitudes. Similarly, Eleanor's divorce and subsequent stormy marriage have colored
ideas about medieval "love courts" and courtly love, interpretations of
Series Foreword
which have now been challenged by scholars. The twelfth century is set
in context, with commentaries on feudalism, the tenets of Christianity,
and the position of women, as well as summaries of the cultural and philosophical background, the cathedral schools and universities, the influence of Islam, the revival of classical learning, vernacular literature, and
Gothic architecture. Swabey provides two biographical chapters on
Eleanor and two on the emergence of the troubadours and the origin of
courtly love through verse romances. Within this latter subject Swabey
also details the story of Abelard and Heloise, the treatise of Andreas
Capellanus (Andre the Chaplain) on courtly love, and Arthurian legend
as a subject of courtly love.
Genghis Khan and Mongol Rule, by George Lane, identifies the rise to
power of Genghis Khan and his unification of the Mongol tribes in the
thirteenth century as a kind of globalization with political, cultural, economic, mercantile, and spiritual effects akin to those of modern globalization. Normally viewed as synonymous with barbarian destruction, the
rise to power of Genghis Khan and the Mongol hordes is here understood
as a more positive event that initiated two centuries of regeneration and
creativity. Lane discusses the nature of the society of the Eurasian steppes
in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries into which Genghis Khan was
born; his success at reshaping the relationship between the northern pastoral and nomadic society with the southern urban, agriculturalist society; and his unification of all the Turco-Mongol tribes in 1206 before his
move to conquer Tanquit Xixia, the Chin of northern China, and the
lands of Islam. Conquered thereafter were the Caucasus, the Ukraine, the
Crimea, Russia, Siberia, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir. After his death his sons and grandsons continued, conquering Korea,
Persia, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Azerbaijan, and eastern Europechiefly
Kiev, Poland, Moravia, Silesia, and Hungaryuntil 1259, the end of the
Mongol Empire as a unified whole. Mongol rule created a golden age in
the succeeding split of the Empire into two, the Yuan dynasty of greater
China and the Il-Khanate dynasty of greater Iran. Lane adds biographies
of important political figures, famous names such as Marco Polo, and
artists and scientists. Documents derive from universal histories, chronicles, local histories and travel accounts, official government documents,
and poetry, in French, Armenian, Georgian, Chinese, Persian, Arabic,
Chaghatai Turkish, Russian, and Latin.
]oan of Arc and the Hundred Years War, by Deborah Fraioli, presents
Series Foreword
the Hundred Years War between France and England in the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries within contexts whose importance has sometimes
been blurred or ignored in past studies. A n episode of apparently only
moderate significance, a feudal lord's seizure of his vassal's land for harboring his mortal enemy, sparked the Hundred Years War, yet on the face
of it the event should not have led inevitably to war. But the lord was
the king of France and the vassal the king of England, who resented losing his claim to the French throne to his Valois cousin. The land in dispute, extending roughly from Bordeaux to the Pyrenees mountains, was
crucial coastline for the economic interests of both kingdoms. The series
of skirmishes, pitched battles, truces, stalemates, and diplomatic wrangling that resulted from the confiscation of English Aquitaine by the
French form the narrative of this Anglo-French conflict, which was in
fact not given the name Hundred Years War until the nineteenth century.
Fraioli emphasizes how dismissing women's inheritance and succession
rights came at the high price of unleashing discontent in their male heirs,
including Edward III, Robert of Artois, and Charles of Navarre. Fraioli
also demonstrates the centrality of side issues, such as Flemish involvement in the war, the peasants' revolts that resulted from the costs of the
war, and Joan of Arc's unusually clear understanding of French "sacred
kingship." Among the primary sources provided are letters from key players such as Edward III, Etienne Marcel, and Joan of Arc; a supply list for
towns about to be besieged; and a contemporary poem by the celebrated
scholar and court poet Christine de Pizan in praise of Joan of Arc.
Magna Carta, by Katherine Drew, is a detailed study of the importance
of the Magna Carta in comprehending England's legal and constitutional
history. Providing a model for the rights of citizens found in the United
States Declaration of Independence and Constitution's first ten amendments, the Magna Carta has had a role in the legal and parliamentary
history of all modern states bearing some colonial or government connection with the British Empire. Constructed at a time when modern nations began to appear, in the early thirteenth century, the Magna Carta
(signed in 1215) presented a formula for balancing the liberties of the
people with the power of modern governmental institutions. This unique
English document influenced the growth of a form of law (the English
common law) and provided a vehicle for the evolution of representative
(parliamentary) government. Drew demonstrates how the Magna Carta
Series Foreword
came to bethe roles of the Church, the English towns, barons, common law, and the parliament in its makingas well as how myths concerning its provisions were established. Also provided are biographies of
Thomas Becket, Charlemagne, Frederick II, Henry II and his sons, Innocent III, and many other key figures, and primary documentsamong
them, the Magna Cartas of 1215 and 1225, and the Coronation Oath of
Henry I.
Medieval Castles, by Marilyn Stokstad, traces the historical, political
and social function of the castle from the late eleventh century to the
sixteenth by means of a typology of castles. This typology ranges from
the early "motte and bailey"military fortification, and government and
economic centerto the palace as an expression of the castle owners'
needs and purposes. An introduction defines the various contextsmilitary, political, economic, and socialin which the castle appeared in
the Middle Ages. A concluding interpretive essay suggests the impact of
the castle and its symbolic role as an idealized construct lasting until the
modern day.
Medieval Cathedrals, by William Clark, examines one of the chief contributions of the Middle Ages, at least from an elitist perspectivethat
is, the religious architecture found in the cathedral ("chair" of the
bishop) or great church, studied in terms of its architecture, sculpture,
and stained glass. Clark begins with a brief contextual history of the concept of the bishop and his role within the church hierarchy, the growth
of the church in the early Christian era and its affiliation with the bishop
(deriving from that of the bishop of Rome), and the social history of
cathedrals. Because of economic and political conflicts among the three
authorities who held power in medieval townsthe king, the bishop, and
the cathedral clergycathedral construction and maintenance always remained a vexed issue, even though the ownersthe cathedral clergy
usually held the civic responsibility for the cathedral. In an interpretive
essay, Clark then focuses on Reims Cathedral in France, because both it
and the bishop's palace survive, as well as on contemporary information
about surrounding buildings. Clark also supplies a historical overview on
the social, political, and religious history of the cathedral in the Middle
Ages: an essay on patrons, builders, and artists; aspects of cathedral construction (which was not always successful); and then a chapter on Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals and a "gazetteer" of twenty-five
important examples.
Series Foreword
Series Foreword
Series Foreword
the Islamic world, beginning in the late sixth century with the career of
the Prophet Muhammad (c. 570-c. 632) on the Arabian Peninsula. From
Muhammad's birth in an environment of religious pluralityChristianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism, along with paganism, were joined by
Islamto the collapse of the Islamic empire in the early tenth century,
Gordon traces the history of the Islamic community. The book covers
topics that include the life of the Prophet and divine revelation (the
Qur'an) to the formation of the Islamic state, urbanization in the Islamic
Near East, and the extraordinary culture of Islamic letters and scholarship. In addition to a historical overview, Gordon examines the
Caliphate and early Islamic Empire, urban society and economy, and the
emergence, under the Abbasid Caliphs, of a "world religious tradition"
up to the year 925 C.E.
As editor of this series I am grateful to have had the help of Benjamin
Burford, an undergraduate Century Scholar at Rice University assigned
to me in 2002-2004 for this project; Gina Weaver, a third-year graduate
student in English; and Cynthia Duffy, a second-year graduate student in
English, who assisted me in target-reading select chapters from some of
these books in an attempt to define an audience. For this purpose I would
also like to thank Gale Stokes, former dean of humanities at Rice University, for the 2003 summer research grant and portions of the
2003-2004 annual research grant from Rice University that served that
This series, in its mixture of traditional and new approaches to medieval history and cultures, will ensure opportunities for dialogue in the
classroom in its offerings of twelve different "libraries in books." It should
also propel discussion among graduate students and scholars by means of
the gentle insistence throughout on the text as primal. Most especially,
it invites response and further study. Given its mixture of East and West,
North and South, the series symbolizes the necessity for global understanding, both of the Middle Ages and in the postmodern age.
Jane Chance, Series Editor
Houston, Texas
February 19, 2004
Advisory Board
Sharon Kinoshita
Associate Professor of Literature
(French Literature, World Literature, and Cultural Studies)
University of California-Santa Cruz
Christopher A. Snyder
Chair, History and Politics
Marymount University
Gwinn Vivian
University of Arizona Museum
Nancy Wu
Associate Museum Educator
Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters
ants) were only indirectly affected to the extent that they represented
property and income for their lords.
Magna Carta should be understood in the context of the social and
economic institutions of the time. Although inequality in status was the
norm, beginning in the eleventh century the rapidly expanding economy
created many opportunities for men of ambition to improve their condition. The baronial rebellion of 1215 that led to the signing of Magna
Carta was an aspect of the economic energy that was driving the populace during this period. Yet the issue that prompted their rebellion, the
increasing financial demands of the English kings, was also a product of
the government's rising costs of providing the many services that were
already being taking for grantednamely, peace and security and an impartial judicial system.
It should also be kept in mind that, although Magna Carta marked a
first step toward guaranteeing individual rights and limiting the power of
the ruler, England was not an isolated country. At that time, England
and the western part of France from Normandy in the north to Aquitaine
in the south had a common ruler. Thus, the cost of maintaining order in
this "empire" and protecting it against absorption into the emerging state
of modern France factored into the English baronial rebellion. By the
early thirteenth century, the barons not only did not want to serve in an
army operating in France, but they also did not want to pay mercenaries
hired by the English king to serve in their place.
England was tied in with European developments in more ways than
just the French connection and was participating in a growing economy
that was stimulated by a vital international trade. It actively participated
in the revival of intellectual interests that resulted in the appearance of
universities, and its warriors fought in the religious-inspired Crusades that
took them far away from home and introduced them to many different
ways of thinking and living. Many Englishmen had been abroad as merchants, warriors, students, clerics, or diplomats and brought new ideas
and customs home with them. Among the new ideas was an interest in
architecture. Churches in the new stylebuilt of brick and stonefollowed the new European styles known as Romanesque and Gothic, although they were given a distinctive English flair.
The background for the main drama of this bookthe events and developments directly related to Magna Cartais covered in the first part
of this volume, and biographies are provided in the second part. Appen-
dix A provides an overview of the crusading movement. (For an extensive treatment of the Crusades, see the companion volume in the Guides
to the History of the Medieval World, Helen Nicholson's The Crusades.)
Appendix B attempts to explain the medieval trial by ordeal, which was
still the accepted mode of proof in criminal cases at the time of Magna
Magna Carta and its accompanying Charter of the Forest, printed at
the beginning of the collected Statutes of the Realm (of England), are
legal documents. As such, they contain many specialized legal words that
are not part of most individual's working vocabularies. A Glossary is provided to explain these words and to amplify the terms in the text that
refer to the customs regarding the holding of property in medieval England. Magna Carta defined these customs not only for the baronial
classesthe greater barons and the lesser barons, who came to be known
as knightsbut for all free men.
Harold Harefoot
Edward the Confessor
William I the Conqueror
William II
Henry I
Henry II
Richard I the Lionheart
Henry III
Edward I
Hugh Capet
Robert II the Pious
Henry I
Philip I
Louis VI
Louis VII
Philip II Augustus
Louis VIII
Louis IX (St. Louis)
Philip III
Philip IV the Fair
Battle of VouilleClovis defeats Visigoths and extends Frankish kingdom south to the Pyrenees
Pepin the Short, with papal support, takes title king
of Franks.
Harold wins battle of Stamford Bridge in Northumbria against a Norwegian claimant to the English
Dec. 1066
First Crusade
Early 1100s
c. 1118
Matilda returns to England after death of her husband, the German Roman Emperor Henry V
Second Crusade.
March 1152
May 1152
Nov. 1164
Henry II and Becket come to terms; Becket excommunicates those bishops and the archbishop of
York who had not obeyed him during his exile.
March 1173
Death of Constance of Sicily; future Frederick II becomes ward of Papacy (Innocent III).
Fourth Crusade
King John allies with Emperor Otto IV; Otto defeated in battle of Bouvines by Philip II of France;
John returns to England in defeat.
Spring 1215
March 1215
Later 1215
Innocent III releases King John from his oath to accept Magna Carta.
Later 1215
Aug. 1215
Nov. 1215
Oct. 1216
Late 1216
Regency for Henry III reissues Magna Carta accompanied by the Charter of the Forest.
Provisions of OxfordHenry III subject to a council of twelve barons; Simon de Montfort emerges as
leader of the barons.
Battle of Evesham; Simon de Montfort and baronial army defeated; de Montfort killed.
Magna Carta is the name given to a document that King John of England
agreed to sign under pressure from the barons and other notables of England. The signing of this document took place in the summer of 1215 (traditionally June 15, 1215) at a meadow known as Runnymede on the river
Thames between London and Windsor. It was a remarkable document for
its time, resulting from the rebellion of a significant number of the landed
aristocracy against John whom they regarded as having abused his customary rights as lord of England. But although the rebellion began with the
barons and the barons received the benefit of many of the concessions made
by John, the barons' success was made possible by the fact that John had
alienated other influential segments of the population: the Church (both
the Roman church and the English church) as well as the rapidly rising mercantile interests of the country symbolized by the city of London. But remarkable as the original agreement was, it acquired its elevated position in
the legal and constitutional history of England as much from what men
thought it said as from what its provisions actually contained.
This misunderstanding resulted from the course of events that followed
the agreement at Runnymede. It soon became apparent that John had
no intention of living up to the agreement, and so the barons rebelled
again. An invasion from France at baronial invitation faced England not
only with civil war but also with the possibility of a foreign ruler. John's
unexpected death in October 1216 reversed the situation. The notables
of the realm had little difficulty in agreeing to accept the nine-year-old
son of John as King Henry HI rather than have a French ruler. The young
king's advisers took action to placate the barons by immediately reissuing John's charter in 1216 with significant omissions and some editorial
corrections, and again in 1217 with a few further changes and with the
1. Parliament had begun to evolve during the thirteenth century after the
king's financial needs forced him to call on his barons for additional aids (money
grants). See Chapter 5.
2. The divine-right Stuart kings were James I (1603-25), Charles I
(1625-49), Charles II (1660-85), and James II (1685-88).
vested (bestowed upon) their higher clergy with the lands that the
Church held from them, but also named the holders of church office and
invested them with the spiritual symbols of their office.
In this fragmented condition, dominated by the secular authority, the
Church under the leadership of the monastery at Cluny in south-central
France began in the tenth century to demand and introduce monastic
reform. This impetus for monastic reform spread to the western German
lands where it developed into a demand for the general reform of the
Church. From Germany the reform movement went to Rome, where the
leaders were Pope Leo IX (1049-54), Nicholas II (1059-61), Alexander
II (1061-73), and Gregory VII (Hildebrand) (1073-85). The goal of this
larger reform movement was to eliminate secular control of the Church
and ultimately to assert the superiority of the spiritual power over the
Anglo-Saxon England had experienced some monastic reform, but it
was not part of the broader church reform movement under way at the
time of the Norman conquest in 1066. William, duke of Normandy, in
northern France, exploited this situation to obtain papal authorization
for his invasion in 1066. He claimed the crown of England from Harold,
who had been elected king on the death of Edward the Confessor in that
year, by inheritance since Edward had named William as his heir. But
William was obviously going to have to fight for that crown, and here
the papal blessing would be invaluable. William therefore proposed to introduce reform into the English church, and he was awarded a papal banner to fly at the head of his invading army.
Was the English church in need of reform? The answer depends on
how one interprets reform. As far as the morals and training of the English clergy were concerned, the English were probably no better or no
worse than their continental counterparts. And a new vitality in organization and learning had begun to affect England as new monastic movements such as that at Cluny began to spread. The great difference
between the English church and the continental church, rather, was a
product of historical experience. From the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasions of England in the fourth through sixth centuries, a number of relatively small kingdoms had arisen whose boundaries tended to shift from
time to time. Into this scene in the late eighth and ninth centuries came
the Northmen (Danes in the south and Norwegians in the north and
west) who overcame the northern kingdoms and gained control of the
land down to a line that ran from approximately London in the southeast to Chester in the northwest. In the end, only the kingdom of Wessex in the southwest and southern part of England, including a part of
the Anglian kingdom of Mercia to the north of Wessex, remained outside the Danish-Norse conquest.
The Wessex that emerged under Alfred (871-899) was destined to
rally the cause of the Anglo-Saxons and to lead the English (as the newly
united people were coming to be called) to unify the land up to the borders of the Celtic lands in the north (Scotland) and west (Wales). In the
course of this unification, England became one of the best organized and
centralized states of Europe under the leadership of the house of Wessex
(replaced briefly by the Danish Cnut and his sons at the beginning of the
eleventh century). This unification was accomplished through cooperation and even some consolidation between church and state. Churchmen were useful to the crown because of their literacy and their
administrative ability and experience. At the national level, they were
ministers of state and counselors of the king. At the local level, they were
also very much involved in local administration. There were no separate
church courts in Anglo-Saxon England and no separate church legislation. The courts at all levelshundred, shire (called county after the
Norman conquest), and royalhad jurisdiction over all causes. The local
ecclesiastical official sat with the court and thus was present when cases
that involved the Church (whether disciplinary, administrative, or theological) came before the court. In effect, the state and Church in England were not in competition for jurisdiction.
William of Normandy, with papal support, did conquer England in
1066. It is not necessary to relate here how factors other than simple military conquest were involved. The Saxon king Harold was killed at the
battle of Hastings in 1066, and the English had no good candidate to replace him. Since demoralization was widespread, the Anglo-Saxon witan
(a royal advisory council made up of the magnates of the realm) agreed
to accept William. He was crowned king in December 1066, although he
would later have to repress rebellion, especially in the north, on a number of occasions, notably 1067-71.
As duke of Normandy and king of England, William was selective in
the ecclesiastical reforms he supported. At William's request, a papal
legate came to England and called a church council that deposed Stigand, the archbishop of Canterbury, and many of the other English bish-
ops. In place of Stigand William named Lanfranc, an Italian educated in
Roman law at the school of Pavia, who had become abbot of the
monastery of Bee in Normandy. Lanfranc was in contact with the continental reform movement; in England he and William worked closely
together to reform the church, but not at the expense of the centralized
state. William and Lanfranc supported the movement in England to increase the moral authority of the Church, eliminate such evils as the purchase of church office (simony), improve the education of the clergy, and
encourage the demand for celibacy of the clergy (a reform that was long
in gaining acceptance). They made no attempt to remove the selection
of church officials from secular control, a demand that had become a focal
point of the reform movement on the Continent. In 1077 Pope Gregory
VII issued his bull Dictatus prohibiting what came to be known as lay investiture, that is, the naming and investing of church leaders by the secular ruler. This was justified because the Church held much land in every
state, and rulers needed loyal followers on that land. In addition, rulers
needed these literate individuals to help in the administration of the
state. Therefore, lay rulers not only formally invested churchmen with
their lands but also bestowed on them the symbolsthe ring and the
crosierof their spiritual office. In effect, secular control of the higher
church personnel was complete.
William and Lanfranc ignored the demand for the end of lay investiture after 1077 and concentrated on reform of morals, education, and administration. They also fulfilled one of the specific promises William
made in return for receiving the papal banner: the separation of church
courts from secular courts. Henceforth there would be separate secular
and church courts, two different laws, and two different types of court
procedure. The secular courts applied Anglo-Saxon customary law (the
laws of Edward the Confessor) as modified by local custom and a few
royal directions issued by William I and his Norman successors. In contrast, the church courts applied the canon law of the Church, which was
in process of being codifiedthat is, collected and publishedand
taught at a number of centers of learning, such as, Bologna in Italy and
Chartres in France. The result came to be a kind of competition between
the two types of jurisdiction: the church courts gradually expanded their
jurisdiction to cover not only heresy (belief in false doctrines) and
breaches of the rules of Christian behavior, but all offenses involving cler-
1155 to 1163 and the two men had worked well together. W h e n Archbishop of Canterbury Theobald died in 1162, Henry pondered a long
while before concluding that Becket should fill that office. Accordingly,
in 1163 Henry proposed Becket for the office and Becket was duly
elected. Henry had expected that Becket would cooperate with him in
his attempts to bring the Church under as much control as that exercised by his grandfather, Henry I. But when Henry presented a proposal
designed to bring clerks (clergy) accused of felonies (serious crimes
against the king's peace) before the royal courts (the Constitutions of
Clarendon), the response of Becket and the other clerical members of
the king's court was to accept the Constitutions but subject to the limitations of their clerical status (that is, so far as the canon law allowed).
This was unacceptable to Henry, who brought charges against Becket that
he had misused funds as chancellor and, fearing that he would have to
face trial in the king's court, Becket fled into exile in November 1165.
Thereafter until final reconciliation in 1170, Becket was supported by
Louis VII, king of France, an enemy of Henry's.
During Becket's exile, there were many embassies between the two antagonists, but, both arrogant and egoistic men, neither would compromise his position. Finally in fall 1170, terms were finally agreed upon and
Becket returned to his position as Archbishop of Canterbury. He immediately excommunicated those bishops and the archbishop of York whom
he regarded as disobeying him and those men immediately appealed to
Henry II, still in Normandy. In final frustration, Henry made the unfortunate remark asking why no one would rid him of this problem. Some
of his followers took him at his word and proceeded to Canterbury where
Becket was murdered before his altar in 1170. Henry did public penance
for this act, Becket was canonized several years later, and Becket's shrine
at Canterbury became a favorite pilgrimage site in England. Thereafter
the English clergy remained free of the criminal jurisdiction of the common law courts until the law reforms of the nineteenth century.
Henry IPs defeat regarding exemption for clergy from the criminal jurisdiction of the common law courts was a serious blow to royal control
of the Church. This defeat was made more serious because it coincided
with increasing tensions between the king and his sons who began to agitate for an increased role in the government of the Angevin Empire.
This tension between father and sons was fueled to a degree by the young
men's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, but increasingly by the young and
tions to depart for the east. He returned to England only briefly for his
coronation as king and to raise money for his eastern campaign. He raised
money by removing many of his father's appointees and naming his own
men who paid well for their positions. In addition, he used all of his feudal privileges, including aids, scutages, wardships, and marriage contracts,
and he assessed a land tax called a carucage. Though Richard's actions
aroused objection, there was little outright protest. Richard left in the
company of Philip II of France, but when they arrived in the east they
quarreled after capturing the port city of Acre. Philip then returned to
France; Richard remained but failed to take Jerusalem, though Saladin
did grant Christian pilgrims the right to visit the city. Planning to return
to England, Richard feared capture by Philip of France if he returned via
the French Mediterranean port of Marseilles, so he traveled incognito
through the Adriatic Sea and across the German lands. There he was
nonetheless recognized and captured by the duke of Austria and sold to
the German Roman emperor Henry VI 4 who held him for an enormous
ransom. Richard's mother Eleanor and Hubert Walter, archbishop of
Canterbury and chief justiciar, raised the ransom money and Richard returned to England in 1194. But he stayed only long enough to exact
money and military service for his war against France where Philip Augustus had been harrying Richard's continental possessions. Richard died
in 1199, still fighting in France to protect the duchy of Normandy from
French occupation.
Although there was much grumbling among both the secular and clerical baronage over Richard's financial exactions, no overt rebellion developed. Rebellion would come under John, the youngest son of Henry
II, who succeeded Richard (an older brother Geoffrey had died in 1186).
John's succession was not a foregone conclusion since Geoffrey had left
a young son, but Eleanor and the English baronage in general favored
the adult John over a minor during a time when France was threatening
most of the English possessions in France.
Upon John's accession a crisis developed almost immediately. John had
assumed leadership of the Norman campaign, but not being the natural
warrior that Richard was, despite his collection of more men and money,
by 1204 John had lost Normandy to France, followed shortly by the loss
of Maine, Anjou, and Touraine. John continued to collect men and
money and spent more time and more money in an attempt to build a
coalition against Philip II, but he was unable to mount a continental at-
tack until 1214. In the meantime, John became involved in a bitter quarrel with the Church and faced increasing resistance from the members
of the English baronage who began to assert that their feudal military
service did not obligate them to serve overseas. Moreover, if they did not
need to serve overseas, then they should not pay scutage so that the
crown could hire mercenary substitutes.
At the same time the quarrel between John and the Church was expanding. Hubert Walter, archbishop of Canterbury (1193-1205), died in
1205 after a long and able career of service. The monks of Christ Church,
Canterbury, 5 seeking to forestall the election of the king's candidate,
elected their subprior and immediately sent him off to Rome to receive
the approval of the pope, Innocent III (1198-1216). Furious, John then
demanded the election of his own candidate, John de Gray, bishop of
Norwich; the monks elected him, and he too was sent off to Rome for
approval. Determined to assert the supremacy of the spiritual over the
temporal, Pope Innocent III declared both elections invalid and named
his own candidate, Stephen Langton, an Englishman educated at Paris
whom Innocent III had named a cardinal priest in Rome. Although
Langton was consecrated archbishop by Innocent, John refused him entry
into England. Innocent retaliated by placing England under an interdicta penalty under which most church services could not be conducted in England. John replied by seizing the possessions of the clergy
who observed it. Next Innocent excommunicated John, placing him outside the Christian communion. The stalemate continued until 1213. To
this point John's quarrel with the Church had not aroused the people
inasmuch as John had confiscated so much church property and assessed
so many fines against ecclesiastical property that momentarily John's financial exactions from the secular baronage were less exorbitant than
previously. By 1213, however, the situation changed, compelling John to
seek reconciliation with Innocent III: in 1212 an outbreak of baronial
resistance had culminated in a plot against the king's life, and in 1213 it
became known that Philip II of France, with the pope's blessing, planned
an invasion of England to depose John. To win Innocent Ill's help in
forestalling invasion and in fighting the barons, John agreed to an astonishing list of concessions. He agreed to accept Langton as archbishop
of Canterbury, to receive back the exiled bishops, to compensate the
Church for its losses, and to submit England and Ireland to the papacy
and receive them back as fiefs of the papacy (see Chapter 5).
1. The most important kingdoms in Anglo-Saxon Britain were the Jutish
kingdom of Kent in the southeast; the Saxon kingdoms of Sussex, Wessex, and
Essex, in the south; the Anglian kingdoms of East Anglia and Mercia in the central area; and Northumbria in the north.
2. This English compromise set a precedent for ending the long-lasting quarrel over lay investiture between the German Roman emperor and the papacy.
ing to the end of their tour of duty, were given land and began to settle
near where they had been stationed.
Roman towns in Britain probably reached the peak of their growth
and prosperity in the second and very early third centuries, after which
they began to decline. Roman Britain was at the end of a long Roman
frontier that had to be defended against constant pressure from without.
The Roman economy, already inadequate to support the military forces
necessary for such defense, was further burdened by the long dispute over
the imperial succession (from 235 to 285). During these years, Roman
armies abandoned their frontier posts and marched toward Rome to put
their commanders on the imperial throne. The Roman legions in Britain
participated in these civil wars, leaving the island with little, if any, protection.
Roman towns in Britain never recovered from these third-century
problems. They shrank in size, and town walls were erected around the
most important of them for protection. But even inside the walls, the
population continued to shrink, and much area lay vacant. The late
Roman taxation system placed responsibility for collection of taxes on
the local curiales, men who had been accustomed to holding local political office; what tax they were unable to collect had to be made up from
their own property. This system ruined the curiales, the only town class
with money. By the end of the fourth century and the beginning of the
fifth, when the Roman legions were withdrawn from Britain for the final
time, the vitality of town life was gone. Most of the sites were abandoned
by the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasions between the mid-fifth and midsixth centuries.
The decline of town life affected not just Britain, but all parts of the
Western Roman Empire, with the possible exception of Italy; with the
shrinking of urban demand, long-distance trade declined. However, the
decline in Britain occurred earlier and was more complete than that in
other parts of the western empire where town life never completely disappeared but continued on a reduced level. The towns there continued
to be occupied by Roman political personnel or by diocesan officers (bishops) of the Church. Therefore, continental towns located on coastal or
river trade routes already had a nucleus to attract the settlement of merchants when trade revived in the tenth and eleventh centuries. This revival followed the end of the Northmen, Hungarian, and Muslim
invasions and the emergence of more stable political units, which were
frequently smaller than the empires or kingdoms of an earlier period.
Nonetheless, Anglo-Saxon towns were not far behind their continental rivals. The revival of trade and the related growth of towns did not,
however, depend so much on the favorable location of church administration as on the needs of an emerging nation fighting to survive attacks
of Northmen (Norwegians in the north and Danes in the south) from
the late eighth to the middle of the tenth century. All the Anglo-Saxon
kingdoms fell except the Saxon kingdom of Wessex in the southwestern
and southern part of the island and the western part of the Anglian kingdom of Mercia just to the north. The eventual merger of the two kingdoms into an expanded Wessex provided the base for the gradual
extension of English rule to the borders of Scotland in the north and to
Wales in the west. To control and protect this territory, the English kings,
beginning with Alfred in the late ninth century, erected burgs, or fortified enclosures, to provide a place for defense and administrative personnel. As the organization and centralization of Wessex, increasingly
referred to as England, grew and internal peace was assured, conditions
favorable to the revival of trade developed. Those burgs located on or
near where trade routes crossed (on the coast or on rivers or on the old
Roman roads that had continued in use) attracted first itinerant merchants and gradually settled merchants. These new "towns" joined a
number of older towns: London, which had continued on a small scale
to be a trading town throughout the Anglo-Saxon period, and York,
which had developed into a town under Norse rule and participated in
an active North Sea and Scandinavian trade. In addition, a number of
small ports along the English Channel did some trade with the northern
part of Franciaessentially modern Franceand the Frisian coast on the
North Sea to the east of Francia.
By the end of the tenth century and the beginning of the eleventh, a
number of mercantile towns were recognized for the personal freedom
their inhabitants enjoyed, including the right to move around freely:
London, York, Lincoln, Rochester, Canterbury, Bristol, Norwich,
Northampton, and Winchester and the southern ports of Dover, Sandwich, Romney, and Hythe. All of these towns were under royal or
seigneurial (another lord's) control, their lord being represented by a port
reeve (an official named by the lord of the town) who increasingly con-
suited with the most influential merchants in the community. These men
were beginning to be organized into a guild merchant that was influential enough to negotiate for legal and economic rights: personal freedom,
mobility, and burgage tenure (the right to hold property for an annual
fee and to mortgage or sell that property). The economy was expanding
rapidly to include trade with northern and western Gaul, northern Spain,
Ireland, and the entire northern world (England was part of a Danish
empire under Cnut and his sons in the early eleventh century). As a result, goods from all parts of Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East
found their way to England. In return, England supplied grain, wool, cattle, hides, tin, and hunting dogs, with the demand for wool increasing
It is difficult to separate the influence of internal and external trade.
With the exception of those coastal ports located favorably for trade with
the neighboring continent and the North Sea areas, most inland towns
began as royal burgs or other foundations such as monasteries that had a
specialized population needing food and services. For many years, the typical medieval urban holding included a building with a shop in front, living quarters above and behind, and a large open area behind it devoted
to agrarian purposes. However, as the population was increasing rapidly
and the agrarian area was shrinking, eventually the town population
failed to produce enough to feed itself. The enterprising landlord would
therefore establish a weekly market to which peasants from the surrounding countryside could bring their surplus produce. As population
increased in the tenth and eleventh centuries, these market towns proved
to be magnets for the surplus country population since servant positions
or craft apprenticeships offered more opportunity than the farms. With
the revival of long-distance trade, the thriving market towns demanded
better goods than was produced locally.
In response to this demand, English traders brought specialized products from other parts of the country. Soon they were delivering goods
that had originated overseas, and eventually foreign merchants themselves arrived. The foreign merchants gradually found their way to all the
prosperous inland towns, but they were especially attracted to those
places where, with the king's license, an annual fair was established for
the express purpose of trade. The abbots of Ramsay in Huntingdonshire
established such a fair at St. Ives in 1110, attracting merchants from East
Anglia as well as merchants from abroad. Other fairs were St. Giles, es-
ing, a situation that had created a social and political structure reflecting the amount of land controlled by an individual or institution. In England, the result was a pyramid structure with the king at the top, his
tenants-in-chief, both lay and ecclesiastical, forming the next tier (eventually called the barons or greater barons), and the subtenants down to
the smallest freeholders as well as the landless warriors making up the
lowest section (usually known as the lesser barons or knights). Peasants
were not part of the power structure.
As the system solidified in England following the Norman conquest,
the king, as the largest landholder, was expected to live on the income
provided by his feudal dues (for further detail, see Chapter 3). Throughout the rule of the Norman kings (William I, William II, Henry I, and
Stephen1066-1154), this income generally sufficed. As a money economy came to dominate over feudal dues and services during the twelfth
century, however, the English kings had to find a way to increase their
monetary income. Raising feudal dues and services culminated in protests
from the baronage, leading to rebellion in 1212-15; as a result, from the
1190s on, the kings or their representatives increasingly turned to the
towns as a source of revenue. The merchants in the towns found that by
banding together and for a monetary consideration they could negotiate
for ever increasing privileges leading to greater self-government. Prior to
1215, the kings found it easier to negotiate for revenue with the organized towns rather than with the barons who had individual grievances
rather than communal interests for which to seek remedies. As can be
seen from the events leading up to Magna Carta, it was the example of
the towns that led the barons to seek to work out a common set of demands from King John.
In 1130 Henry I gave London its first charter allowing it to collect its
own taxes. Later, Henry II deprived London of that right in retaliation
for London's having sided with Stephen during the civil war that broke
out when Henry's mother Matilda attempted to claim the English throne.
In general, Henry II recognized the advantages of founding new towns,
but he did not favor the communal movement that had developed in the
more organized towns. Even Henry II, however, was increasingly hard
pressed to raise the funds needed to rule and protect his widely spaced
lands in the British Isles and France, which was often referred to as the
Angevin Empire. Continuing the reforms of Henry II, Henry's sons
weights and measures throughout the kingdom; and Articles 41 and 42
granted merchants the freedom to enter and leave the kingdom and gave
them qualified protection during a time of war.
Thus, Magna Carta confirmed and extended those rights and privileges that the towns of England beginning with London had already
found they were able to purchase from the king. These purchases were
possible because their demands were suitable to all clusters of population
that had developed trading needs beyond that provided by a local market. In 1215, with the tutelage of Stephen Langton and William Marshal, the barons were able to translate their individual demands for
redress from the king into a single document. This document, which
would become known as Magna Carta, detailed those feudal rights and
privileges that John had failed to observe. But as will be seen in the following chapters, it was much more than a document detailing baronial
did exist, but it had not led to a weakening of the central government.
The English kingship was strong, and central institutions such as a treasury and chancery (writing office) were beginning to appear. A professional warrior class (the thegns) increasingly formed the backbone of the
army, although all freemen (and many of the peasants were free) were liable for military service (the fyrd). But personal loyalties and protection
depended on family ties, and a strong family was still as important or
more important than a powerful lord. Justice was administered in public
courts, not in private or ecclesiastical courts.
The army that Duke William commanded during his invasion of England was not a feudal army; that is, the men participated not to render
military service to their lord but to acquire the spoils of war. Thus, in addition to Normans, the army included Frenchmen from other parts of
France, mostly from the northeast and Brittany, and Flemings, Lorrainers, and other adventurers. Serving as the backbone of this army were
the mounted knights, although archers and other foot soldiers were also
The invasion nearly did not take place because of climatic conditions.
William had gathered his army and ships for a summer invasion, but the
winds remained contrary for weeks on end. In anticipation, Harold, who
had become king of England in January 1066 following the death of Edward the Confessor, had his troops (both thegns and fyrd) lined up along
the southern coast. Since the invasion did not occur and the fall harvest
was at hand, Harold sent the fyrd home. At this point he learned that a
more immediate threat faced him in the north in the form of an invasion by a Norse claimant to the throne, backed by Harold's brother
Tostig, who had been exiled a short time before. Therefore Harold and
his thegns hurried north. The thegns had horses and rode north, but they
fought on foot, marking a major military difference between the Norman
and English forces. O n September 25 Harold and his army defeated the
enemy at Stamford Bridge in Northumbria in northeast England. In early
October the winds changed, and William finally landed on the southeastern coast of England. Harold and his thegns hurried south, and the
battle between the English and Norman armies took place at Hastings in
Kent on October 14. The battle was evenly divided until late in the day
when a Norman feint was interpreted as a retreat by some members of
the fyrd who had rejoined Harold's army. W h e n they broke ranks to pursue the retreating Normans, the Normans rallied and attacked the dis-
organized Saxon line. During this attack, an arrow struck Harold in the
eye and killed him. Harold's army was demoralized and faded away, while
William's army regrouped and slowly made its way to London.
The English, now without leadership, could not mount an adequate
defense against the Norman army surrounding London. In the absence
of a Saxon candidate with a strong following available to be backed as
king, the English capitulated. The English witan thereupon acknowledged William as king. He was crowned king of England by the archbishop of York in December 1066.
William had claimed that the throne of England should be his at the
death of Edward the Confessor in January 1066 on the grounds that he
was related to Edward, that Edward had nominated him to be his successor, and that Harold had sworn to support his claim.
The English had faced succession crises before: once in 1042 and twice
in 1066. In 1042, the second of the sons of the Dane Cnut died without
heirs. The Anglo-Saxon witan favored Edward, son of the Wessex king
Ethelred II (978-1016) and his Norman queen Emma. Edward had been
raised and educated in a monastery in Normandy and accepted the English throne as his responsibility. He was married to Edith, daughter of the
powerful Earl Godwin of Wessex, but they had no offspring. Edward
brought with him from Normandy a number of his followerssometimes
referred to as the first Norman invasion. Among these followers was
Robert of Jumieges, who was appointed archbishop of Canterbury in 1051
during a period when the powerful Earl Godwin and his family were in
exile. Jumieges was forced out when Godwin returned a few years later
and the Anglo-Dane Stigand was appointed insteadStigand was never
recognized either by Normandy or by the papacy. Norman ecclesiastical
architecture was also introduced, the greatest example being Westminster Abbey, completed shortly before Edward's death in January 1066.
Succession presented a problem early in the reign when it seemed unlikely that Edward and Edith would produce an heir. Godwin preferred
the succession for one of his sons but was opposed by the other earls as
well as by many of the thegns. William of Normandy was a second cousin
through Edward's mother Emma, daughter of Duke Richard I of Normandy (942-996). William claimed that Edward had nominated him as
successor and that Edward sent Harold (son of Earl Godwin and an influential servant of the crown) to Normandy to take an oath to support
William's claim to the throne. The Norman chroniclers backed this ver-
sion, but the Anglo-Saxon chroniclers tended to ignore it. When Edward
died in January 1066, a meeting of the most important advisers of the
crown, the witan, had little difficulty in recognizing Harold of Wessex,
the most powerful man in the kingdom, as king. Harold would face challenges from Norway as well as from William of Normandy. The battle of
Hastings was by no means a foregone Norman victory. Harold and his
thegns had stood firm on foot behind their shield wall throughout the
day and had repulsed a number of cavalry charges. The death of Harold
was the decisive event.
William's most effective claim to the throne was that England was his
by the right of conquest. At any rate, William took the bulk of the land
for himself and began to divide the rest among his troops as the spoils of
war. Not only would he distribute the lands of those English who had
fallen at Stamford Bridge and at Hastings, but he would also confiscate
the lands of those involved in the various rebellions between 1067 and
1071. Since the rebellions occurred primarily in the northern part of the
kingdom and William devastated this area thoroughly in putting them
down, almost all the northern territory was the king's to be granted.
At the time of the Norman conquest, the landholding system in Normandy was evolving in the direction of what would later be called feudalism. The system was based on landholding patterns that were in place
at the time the duchy was granted to the Dane Rollo, whereby the future duke of Normandy held of (that is, received possession of the duchy
from) the king of France in return for loyalty, and the duke's men held
of him in return for loyalty. But prior to the eleventh century the precise meaning of loyalty was not well established, and many of the larger
landholders behaved as independent rulers. William the Conqueror's
predecessors had made some progress in asserting their authority and in
requiring some service in addition to loyalty, but much of this progress
had been undone during the minority of William when he and his advisers were not strong enough to assert control. By 1066, however,
William had his duchy well in hand, and the outlines of a system of landholding had begun to emerge; it was this system that the Normans introduced into England. In England, the king granted land in return for
loyalty and certain services and certain payments. The services were already pretty well defined: military service (called knight service in England) and service at court (ceremonial, advisory, and judicial). The
payments, to be known as feudal aids, were made on three occasions: on
the knighting of the lord's eldest son, on the marriage of his eldest daughter, and as a contribution to ransom if the lord were captured in battle.
The irregular payments that were just beginning to be accepted as part
of the landholding system were known as feudal incidents, the most important of which were relief, wardship, and marriage, which were covered in detail in Magna Carta.
Although the Normans introduced the landholding customs they
knew in Normandy, the resulting relationships had a very different focus.
In France, the duke held the duchy as a sworn follower (vassal) of the
king of France. In England, the king of England held of no onein effect, he was an independent ruler.1 In bestowing land on his followers,
William insisted that all swear loyalty (fealty)that is, do homageto
him in addition to rendering specified service. In an unusual move, however, he required that the subtenants of his tenants-in-chief take an oath
of first loyalty to the king himself. Even those relatively few surviving
native English tenants continued to hold their land only by becoming
sworn followers of the king. The higher English clergy were over time replaced by Normans or their allies so that by 1087 all were Norman. The
entire landed aristocracy was Norman by the time Domesday Book2 was
compiled in 1087.
The king bestowed land directly on his tenants-in-chief, the tenantsin-chief bestowed on their tenants, and the tenants in turn on their subtenants. The practice was driven by the amount of knight service
demanded by the king. In the case of a very large grant, the tenant-inchief might owe the service of many knights. W h e n called to arms, the
tenant could serve as one knight, but he would have to get the rest from
his household knights and his subtenants. In theory, a clerical tenant
would have to obtain all of his service from his household knights or his
subtenants, although occasionally a cleric served in person. The subtenants would have to fill out their quotas from their own followers, and
so on down until the holdings might be so small as to owe the service of
only one knight or a fraction of a knight. This process would later become known as subinfeudation.
The most common incident was relief, which was a payment a tenant's heir had to make to the lord in order to receive (inherit) the grant
of land from his father; or, if there were no male heir, some other heir
would have to make the payment. If there were no heir, the fief escheated
(went back) to the lord. The size of the relief was not fixed, but at the
subtenant level the extension of the royal common law to cover all disputes over land tended to protect the subvassals from arbitrary assessment
by their lords.3 The tenants-in-chief had to answer to the king's court
rather than to the common law courts, and thus they were not protected
by the common law from arbitrary demands by the king.
Other incidents were wardship and marriage. In the case of a minor
heir (an heir under age), the lord exercised wardship over the heir until
he came of age. During this time, the lord was responsible not only for
the ward but also for his property, and in return he enjoyed the income
from that property. Magna Carta would detail the lord's privileges and
responsibilities during a minority. The incident known as marriage referred to the marriage of women. Since women could not perform all of
the feudal services, especially military, their marriage was important to
their lords since their husbands would perform the service. Therefore, the
marriage of a female heiress was in her lord's control, and the remarriage
of the widow of one of the lord's men was also in the lord's control. Magna
Carta would place severe limitations on the lord's power to marry such a
widow to just anyone whom the lord might choose.
At the time of the Norman conquest in 1066, the nature of military
service was beginning to change. The feudal host (army), made up of
trained knights serving for a limited period of time, was not well suited
for long campaigns, whereas hired mercenaries might be kept in the field
as long as they were paid. In addition, not all aristocratic landholders
were eager to fight in person with the frequency that medieval warfare
necessitated. So almost from the beginning of Norman rule arrangements
were made whereby military service could be avoided by payment of a
monetary sum called scutage. During the twelfth century, with the growth
of a monetary economy the payment of scutage became customary. The
major items in dispute involved when it was owed and how much it
should beshould it be only for the number of knights owed by the tenants-in-chief, or should it be at a rate that included all of the service
owed by the subtenants? Should it cover only campaigns in England, or
should it cover wherever the king deemed it necessary?
These were some of the issues treated in Magna Carta, but they were
raised as the result of rebellion in 1215. O n the surface, it would appear
that the rebellion was a direct result of King John's policies which required him to increase his monetary exactions from England. From his
brother Richard he inherited a war with France over Normandy, which
II also continued his father's policy of increasing the royal forest and imposing exceedingly harsh penalties for violations of the forest law. All
landholders affected, lay and clerical, aristocratic and peasant, found
themselves unfairly impoverished by the royal forest policy.
So vociferous were the protests against William II that immediately
following his unexpected death in 1100 (a result of a hunting accident
in one of the royal forests), his successor, Henry I, the youngest son of
William I (1100-35), not only took the traditional English coronation
oath promising peace, justice, and equity but at the same time issued what
is referred to as a charter of liberties. "The Church is made free from all
the unjust exactions; and the kingdom from the evil customs; to the English people are restored the laws of King Edward with the Conqueror's
amendments; the feudal innovations, inordinate and arbitrary reliefs and
amercements (fines), the abuse of the rights of wardship and marriage,
the despotic interference with testamentary disposition, all of which had
been common in the last reign, are renounced."4 Henry I certainly recognized what the complaints against William II were. As far as the ecclesiastical complaints were concerned, he worked out a compromise
with Archbishop of Canterbury Anselm regarding election to ecclesiastical office which allowed the crown to continue to control appointments, but spiritual investment was now to be performed by an
ecclesiastic. Henry disregarded the other promises made in his charter
when it pleased him, and he, too, was able to increase his revenue beyond what the original enfeoffments (grants) would provide.
The reign of Stephen (1135-54), a grandson of William the Conqueror and a nephew of Henry I, set the stage for the reign of Henry II
(1154-89), grandson of Henry I and the first of the Angevin (Plantagenet) kings of England. Stephen had not been Henry I's choice as his
successor. Henry I had had only two legitimate children; the son had died
in 1120, and the daughter had been married at an early age to the German Roman emperor Henry V This daughter, Matilda, was still in her
twenties when the emperor died. Her father brought her back to England
and presented her to the barons as his successor. She was then married
to the younger Geoffrey of the French county of Anjou, who would succeed his father Count Fulk V when Fulk went off to the Holy Land in
1128 to marry the heiress of the kingdom of Jerusalem and to found a
dynasty there. Meanwhile, Henry I became involved in a war defending
the duchy of Normandy; he was injured and died as the result of his
wounds (1135). The nephew Stephen who, though French, had received
extensive English properties from Henry I, was close at hand, and upon
learning of Henry's death, immediately made his way to England where
it was apparent that most of the English baronage had little desire to support Matilda. After some negotiation, Stephen was accepted and crowned
king. He took the usual short English coronation oath, and then, as the
barons sought concessions in return for their support, he promised to observe many of the liberties, especially those involving the Church, outlined in Henry I's charter of liberties.
Stephen proved a weak king. To keep support, he made further concessions whereby the barons, both lay and ecclesiastic, were allowed to
build fortifications and to organize what were essentially private armies.
These men tended to follow their own interests whether to support
Stephen or Matilda or to become practically independent rulers. To gain
support to face Matilda and his own rebellious followers, Stephen used
the royal lands to make lavish gifts to his own followers, many of whom
were regarded as foreigners in England. A virtual state of anarchy followed as Stephen alienated the most important members of Henry I's administration. In spite of Stephen's weakness and mistakes, Matilda was
never able to capitalize on her victories or to keep the support she had.
Later when the leadership of her cause had passed to her eldest son
Henry, a compromise was arranged whereby Stephen remained king but
recognized Henry as his successor. W h e n Henry II succeeded in 1154, he
faced a baronage out of control, a judicial system that was in shambles,
a church that had become virtually independent, and royal revenues that
were sharply reduced.
It was in trying to restore conditions to what they were in the reign
of his grandfather Henry I that Henry II undertook those measures that
would reform almost all aspects of the English government: the legal system, the judicial system, and the military and financial institutions of the
state. In doing so, Henry offered good government and firm control but
at the same time he had to withdraw many of the concessions that
Stephen had agreed to make. Many of the protests against John originated in the "reforms" of Henry II. (Henry's relations with the Church
and with the towns have been covered in previous chapters; his relations
with the law and the judicial system will be covered in the next chapter.)
branch and an English branch, those with holdings in England increasingly regarded themselves as English and resisted rendering military service abroad or paying scutage so that the king could hire mercenaries.
In 1205 Hubert Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, died, and a controversy arose between the monks of Christ Church Canterbury 5 and the
king over the right to name the successor. This conflict played into the
hands of Pope Innocent III, who declared both elections invalid and
named his own candidate, the Englishman Stephen Langton, whom John
refused to accept. The conflict that followed between king and pope
lasted from 1207 to 1213, during which time England lay under an interdict and John was excommunicated. John responded by outlawing
placing outside the protection of the lawthose clergy who observed the
interdict, and so they were forced into exile. In the case of those bishops who went into exile, John treated their lands as vacant and collected
their revenues for himself. With these revenues and heavy fines against
those clergy who remained in England, John somewhat relaxed his relentless financial pressure on the secular tenants-in-chief of the crown.
During this time, John remained in England, continuing to lay plans
for resuming the war against France, hopefully in conjunction with the
German Roman emperor Otto IV (a cousinOtto's mother was John's
sister). But in 1212 a baronial uprising took place against John that
threatened assassination of the king, followed in 1213 by Philip II of
France's announced invasion of England to depose John with the backing of Innocent III. Faced by internal and external dangers, John came
to terms with Innocent III. This action transformed Innocent III from
an implacable foe into a staunch supporter, who would retract his support of Philip IPs invasion of England and back John against the barons
of England.
In the meantime John continued his plans for war against France. He
planned to lead an English invasion from the remaining English possessions in the southwest of France; John's ally Otto IV of the German
Roman Empire would lead an invasion from the east. In the west John
enjoyed some success in the county of Poitou, but encountering an army
under Prince Louis, son and heir of the French king Philip II Augustus,
and fearing the disloyalty of his own men, many of whom were there because John had threatened to seize their property or families, John retreated. In the east Otto IV did invade and encountered the main French
army under the king. The defeat of the emperor Otto IV at the battle of
Bouvines (1214) in eastern France spelled the end of John's hope to recover his lost French territory. It also spelled the loss of much baronial
support in England
Baronial resistance had been moving toward confrontation with John
since the second half of 1213. The rebellious barons had met a number
of times that fall, and on one of these occasions someone (possibly
Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, who met with the barons)
produced a copy of the Coronation Charter of Henry I, Henry's charter
of liberties (see Document 1). Henry I had issued this charter in an effort to reconcile baronial discontent with the arbitrary policies of the
previous king, Henry's brother William II. Many of the "liberties" promised by Henry sounded much like the corrections in John's policies desired by the rebels; Henry's charter became a kind of blueprint for what
would later become Magna Carta.
When John returned from France in late 1214 in utter defeat, the rebellion, which had been centered in the north and East Anglia (northeast of London), spread when a number of barons who had been with
John in France and were disgusted with him joined the revolt. By early
spring 1215, the rebels were presenting their demand that John agree to
accept the Charter of Henry I. John refused, and the rebel barons began
to arm, preparing to resist John. In March 1215 John took the cross (he
promised to go on a crusade to rescue Jerusalem, captured by the Turks
in 1187), bringing Innocent III even more thoroughly on John's side.
When John refused to make concessions to the barons, the barons denounced their allegiance to John and began war. John still refused to meet
with the barons until the town of London joined forces with the rebels.
This was a major blow to the crown, and after a number of postponed
meetings, John eventually agreed to meet with the barons.
While these actions were taking place, a number of the king's faithful
counselors, including Stephen Langton and John Marshal, shaped the
disorganized individual demands of the rebels into a coherent list of demands that began with the "liberties" of Henry I and incorporated additional items from a long list of rectifications specific to the injuries
suffered by an individual or family. This document is usually known as
the Articles of the Barons. A meeting with the king was set for June 15,
1215, at the meadow known as Runnymede on the Thames River between London and Windsor. Here John agreed to this "rough draft," and
between June 15 and June 19 (the exact dates are not known) the draft
was turned over to the royal chancery to be converted into the form of
a formal charter that has come to be known as Magna Carta. It was this
version that was given the royal seal, and copies were sent out to be read
in all the county courts.
The barons still mistrusted John, and John himself appealed to Innocent III to release him from his promise to observe the charter on the
basis of canon law, according to which oaths given under duress (force)
are not binding. Innocent granted John's appeal, thereby releasing him
from his oath and instructing Stephan Langton to excommunicate those
barons who had again taken up arms. In turn, the barons then offered
the crown of England to Louis, son and heir of Philip II of France, if he
would join them in overthrowing John. But now John, who had been
listless since his return from defeat in France, threw off his lethargy and
led a series of vigorous campaigns in the central part of the country.
Under this extreme pressure John became seriously ill with dysentery.
This condition seems to have been aggravated by the news that his baggage train containing some of the royal treasure had been lost in quicksand while trying to skirt the Wash, a bay that penetrates deep into the
eastern English coastline between Lincolnshire and Norfolk. He could
no longer walk or ride and died on October 18, 1216, after naming protectors for his nine-year-old son Henry.
The civil war continued. The advisers of the young Henry III immediately (late 1216) issued a significantly revised charter of liberties under
the seal of the long-time royal servant, William Marshal, and Gualo,
papal legate in England. A more carefully revised version was issued in
1217. Gradually, the civil war was put down, and the rebels accepted
peace with little loss of status or property. As a further reassurance to the
baronage, the charter that was coming to be referred to as the Great
Charter (Magna Carta) was reissued in 1225 with still further revisions.
This revision of 1225 was the form in which Magna Carta was reissued
numerous times in the thirteenth century and by Edward I in 1297; this
was also the form recorded at the beginning of the collected Statutes of
the Realm.
The barons received a number of articles in Magna Carta that dealt
with matters involving only themselves. In addition, they enjoyed a number of benefits that were extended to all freemen. The "liberties" that adhered to the barons alone are articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 21
(from Magna Carta 1215). These articles regulate the so-called feudal in-
1. Note that the pope had argued that William held England as a fief of the
papacy. William successfully denied this claim.
2. See Chapter 4 for a description of the inquest procedure followed in compiling the Domesday Book.
3. Also see Chapter 4 for the extension of the king's justice (i.e., the common law) over all land disputes, eventually even covering peasant tenures.
4. William Stubbs, The Constitutional History of England in Its Origin and Development, Vol. I, 5th ed. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1906), pp. 330-331.
5. See Chapter 2 for the relationship between the monks of Corpus Christi,
Canterbury, and election of the archbishop of Canterbury.
law for a time at Oxford at a very early stage in Oxford's development as
a university; he also wrote an early textbook of Roman law in England.
Undoubtedly, these contacts with Roman law had some influence in England (certainly in the case of canon law and the inquisitorial procedure
of the church courts 1 ), but the native English tradition of law was strong.
By the end of the Anglo-Saxon period, a series of well-organized public
courts had developed, and a number of the English kings, most recently
Ethelred (978-1016) and Cnut (1016-35), had issued extensive codes of
law for their emerging unified kingdom. The English tradition of law and
public courts was taken over by the strong Norman kings and developed
into a system of royal courts administering a royal justice common to the
entire realm.
A t the time of the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the English
had a well-developed written law, whereas Norman law was as yet unwritten. One of William the Conqueror's first acts was to reassure the
English people that they would continue to enjoy the laws of King Edward the Confessor (1042-66). The Normans, however, would continue
to use the unwritten law of Normandy. This was essentially a resort to
personality of law (a man is judged by the law of his homeland, not by
the territory in which he resides), a legal concept that was strong during
the period of the early Germanic kingdoms (fifth through ninth centuries). This dual legal system foundered in Norman England, however.
Although the higher aristocracy became mostly Norman, the two peoples, Norman and Saxon, came into close contact and began to merge
almost immediately. Many a Norman lord married a Saxon woman;
Henry I (1100-35) married Matilda, a descendant of the house of Wessex. The way was set for a merging of the two laws.
Anglo-Saxon law was written and was applied in public courts, which
were organized by territorial units. The lowest territorial unit was the
hundred (called wapentake in the Danelaw 2 ) court, which was presided
over by a hundredman and the parish priest. (There were no separate
church courts in Anglo-Saxon England.) The hundred court was attended by the men of the hundred who "spoke" the customary law of the
community. The next larger unit was the shire court, which would be
called county court after the Norman conquest. (The complete division
of the country into shires had been accomplished in the ninth and tenth
centuries.) The shire court was presided over by the sheriff, a royal appointee, and the diocesan bishop, and it was attended by the influential
men of the shire who spoke the customary law of the shire. Above all
was the king's court presided over by the king and attended by his
witanthe king's ministers and other influential men of the kingdom.
Of particular value to the king were a number of churchmen versed in
Old English and Latin.
Although Anglo-Saxon law was written, Anglo-Saxon England was
for the most part an illiterate society. Its court procedure was essentially
north Germanic. The hundredman who presided over the hundred court,
the sheriff who presided over the shire court, and even to some extent
the king who presided over the royal court, were not trained in the law
and were not expected to declare the law. That function was carried out
by the men of the community (usually the oldest and/or the most influential) who attended the court and who spoke the lawthat is, the customary law of the community. Basic English legal principles remained the
same throughout the land, but local customs varied widely in such matters as marriage, the composition of the family and inheritance, the holding and transfer of property, and the making of gifts and endowments.
The early Germanic peoples did not distinguish between civil and
criminal law. All cases were handled as essentially civil suits with the injured party or his family bringing suit (making an appeal) against a defendant before a court. The members of the court decided the kind of
proof that would be required to establish guilt or innocence. The AngloSaxons used two forms of proof. If the accused was of good reputation,
he would be allowed to present proof by compurgationhe would give
his own oath and, in addition, present the number of oathhelpers prescribed by the court. If the accused was of poor reputation, he would be
required to undergo the proof by ordeal. The ordeals used were hot water,
cold water, or hot iron. (For a description of these ordeals, see Appendix B.) The person proved guilty had to pay composition (compensation)
to the injured partythe amount of the composition was set by lawin
addition to a fine paid to the court. The whole system relied on a close
association of community and church. A churchman provided the sacred
objects on which the oath was taken. In cases of proof by ordeal, a
churchman observed the preparation and result. In each case the proof
was an appeal for divine intervention.
The Normans' settling in England introduced some changes to this
system. Separate church courts were established, eliminating the clerical
element from the hundred and shire (now county) courts. The clerical
element, however, did not disappear from the king's court. The archbishops, bishops, and abbots all held most of their land from the king and
were summoned to meetings of the king's court. By the late twelfth century and more especially in the thirteenth, the higher clergy (archbishops and bishops primarily) were university-trained men who had studied
civil (Roman) and canon (church) law. They were also men who served
the crown as well as the Church. They thus served as royal justiciars and
in that capacity presided over the common law courts, but they also
served as judges or judges delegate (delegated by the pope) presiding over
the canon law courts. It was through these men in the thirteenth century that the influence of Roman law entered the common law. The extent of this influence has never been determined.
The Normans introduced their own custom regulating the holding of
property by feudal tenure, including proprietary (private) courts. Each
lord held a court attended by his followers (vassals) that could hear cases
between the lord's vassals or between the lord and his vassals. The king's
court was now a feudal court attended by all his tenants-in-chief and the
language spoken in court was now French and Latin. But in addition to
this large feudal king's court (sometimes called the great council), there
was another smaller king's court (curia regis). This smaller court was made
up of the men who served the king directly and were in almost constant
attendance on him. In addition to its administrative duties, this smaller
court could act as a court of justice when actions involved breach of the
king's peace. The king's responsibility to assure the peace of the land had
been inherited from the Anglo-Saxons, but now the tendency was to extend the number of offenses that constituted a breach of the king's peace.
With this expansion of the king's peace, the small king's court became a
very busy judicial court following the king, and a way needed to be found
to take the royal justice to other more accessible courts. The way found
was to use the county courts by sending a royal justice or justices to preside over the county courtit then became a royal court.
Under the Normans when an entire hundred was held by a single lord,
the lord's private (proprietary) court tended to absorb the hundred court,
so that the hundred courts tended to decline. The county courts continued as in the past under the shire reevethe sheriff, an appointee of the
king, usually a Norman from the lesser baronage. The law applied was
either English or Norman, depending on the parties to the suit, but in
addition to proof by compurgation or the ordeal of water, the usual or-
deal in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, the Normans added
the ordeal of trial by battle in the case of disputes over land.
The Norman kings issued little formal legislation, but several unofficial collections have survived from the early twelfth century. In the first
of these collections, known as The Laws of William the Conqueror, William
promised peace and security to both Englishmen and Normans. Every
freeman was to be under oath to be faithful to the king; the laws of King
Edward should be observed as modified by William. The death penalty
was to be replaced by blinding and castration (however, the death penalty
continued to be used). N o one should sell a man outside his native land.
Somewhat longer and more diverse in content was the series of laws written as The Laws of Henry 1 in about 1118. 3 This was an extensive collection of Anglo-Saxon laws as modified by Norman custom.
The substance of the law in Norman England thus came to be a merging of the Old English law with the Norman law. But the key to the development of a law common to all of England is in the extension of the
range of pleas (cases) that should come before a royal court. In the
process, there gradually developed a distinction between civil and criminal jurisdiction. The expansion of the criminal jurisdiction of the king's
royal courts was accomplished by extending the concept of the king's
peace to include an ever larger number of offenses that were called
felonies. The Norman treatment of the land facilitated the expanding
civil jurisdiction of the king's court. William and his successors regarded
the land of England as theirs by the right of conquest and divided it
among their followers who came to be known as the king's tenants-inchief. These tenants-in-chief bestowed some of that land upon their own
followers, and they on their subtenants, and so on further down the line
(in a process known as subinfeudation). In continental feudalism the tie
was between a lord and his man and would not extend to the subtenants.
In contrast, in England all tenants owed their first loyalty to the king;
hence the king had an interest in all land transactions. In other words,
all land was held directly or indirectly from the king.
Royal justice expanded rapidly under the Norman kings, and the king's
court came to have a number of very experienced justices whose expertise was increasingly sought out. But the king's court was constantly moving from one part of the country to another, and when the king went
abroad, sometimes for years, as to Normandy, he took his court with him.
To make the royal justice more available, the king began to send out one
court. A n individual could bring a civil action against another person or
corporation by purchasing a writ from the royal chancerya division of
the king's court that handled written communications under the direction of an individual called the chancellor. The writ was an Anglo-Saxon
device for sending out brief written instructions from the king's court,
which now were in Latin instead of Old English. At first during Henry
IPs reign, there were four possessory (i.e., concerning the possession of
property) writs or assizes, although in the thirteenth century after Magna
Carta the number of writs increased to cover many other civil complaints. (This is where the influence of Roman law may have come in.)
The possessory writs were utrum, novel disseisin, mort d'ancestor, and
darrein presentment. The writ utrum was utilized in disputes over whether
a property was held by the tenure of free alms, that is, held for the service of prayer only, in which case it came under the jurisdiction of a church
court, or held by lay (secular) fee, in which case the king's court claimed
jurisdiction. The writ novel disseisin was purchased to claim recent dispossession (that is, novel disseisin) of property. The writ mort d'ancestor
(death of ancestor) was purchased to claim a heritable tenement if one
was the heir to a man who possessed the property at the time of his death.
The writ darrein presentment (last presentment) was purchased to settle a
dispute over advowson, that is, who had the right to name a priest or
other churchman to a vacancy. Many churches were founded by endowment from individuals or families and were regarded as "belonging" to
that individual or family and their heirs: they are thus known as proprietary churches. Therefore, when the position of priest became vacant, it
was the individual's or family's right to name the successor. The same was
true of monastic foundations. The church reforms of the eleventh and
twelfth centuries aimed at removing secular control of church appointments did not extend to these usually small private foundations.
All of the possessory writs entitled the purchaser to have his case settled in a royal court before a recognition jury. At a meeting of a county
court presided over by a royal justice, the sheriff was instructed to impanel a jury, usually twelve respected men of the community, who were
placed on oath and asked what the community believed about the justice of the writ that had been purchased. The use of the recognition jury
in civil suits was very popular. It was a much more rational way to settle
property disputes than by compurgation or the ordeal (including battle).
Moreover, since it could be used only in a royal court, the royal courts
absorbed most of the land disputes from the county and private baronial
courts, just as use of the presentment jury had taken over most of the serious criminal jurisdiction of the hundred and county courts. The recognition jury was not an impartial jury. It did not hear evidence, but since
it was made up of members of the community, the members were expected to know what was going on in their community; if not, they
should find out.
The use of juries so expanded the work of the royal courts that Henry
II regularized the circuits of the itinerant justices. Even more importantly,
a number of specialized royal courts gradually appeared, and instead of
following the king's court as it traveled around, they were settled permanently in London or its suburb Westminster where petitioners could
always find them. These courts were the court of the Exchequer (treasury), which handled all disputes over money due to the crown; the court
of Common Pleas, which handled cases not involving the crown; and
the court of King's Bench, which handled cases involving the royal interest.
These procedures so strengthened the system of common law that was
growing in England that it could hold out against the revival of Roman
law that was developing on the Continent. The common law system inspired a book of law written by one of the justices who had served the
king for many years and knew the law at first hand: the Treatise on the
Laws and Customs of England (1189). (Although it is not known who actually wrote this treatise, it was early ascribed to Ranulf Glanville, chief
justiciar of Henry II, and it still goes by his name.) A subsequent treatise that included developments of the first half of the thirteenth century
was written by Henry de Bracton in about 1256 and is called Concerning
the Laws and Customs of England.5
Magna Carta contained a number of provisions regarding these legal
developments (the article numbers that follow refer to the 1215 version
of Magna Carta). Article 17 provided that the court of Common Pleas
should be held in a fixed place. Article 18 provided that suits deriving
from the writs of novel disseisin, mort d'ancestor, and darrein presentment should be held in the county courts in which the property involved
was located; the king or his justiciar would send two royal justices through
each county four times a year (later reduced to once a year) to preside
over these courts. Article 19 provided that a sufficient number of recognitors (potential members of recognition juries) should be summoned so
that if all the cases scheduled could not be heard in one day, they could
be heard on subsequent days. Article 24 provided that no sheriff, coroner, or other local officer could hold royal pleas (i.e., preside over a royal
court). Article 39 provided that "No free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised [dispossessed] or outlawed or exiled or in any way
victimized, neither will we attack him or send anyone to attack him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers [equals] or by the law of the
land." Article 40 stated: "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice."
Clearly, as the provisions about law or legal process show, Magna Carta
in the form that John was "forced" to sign had been modified from the
narrow baronial interests of the rebel barons into a document that covered all free men in the land, some of whom were of very modest status.
In addition, the common law was already stretching its jurisdiction toward the servile villeins. We have already noted articles 39 and 40 where
the protection of the law (that is, the law applied in the royal courts, the
common law) was not limited to the landholding classes but was extended to all free men. In fact, the last sentence of Article 1 (the bulk
of which guarantees the liberty of the Church) closed with the statement
that the king has "granted to all free men of our kingdom . . . all the liberties written below." Article 20 regarding limiting amercements (fines)
to reflect the seriousness of the offense but protecting the culprit's livelihood applied to all free men, merchants, and villeins. Villeins were
servile dependents who would ordinarily not be subject to the royal or
public courts but to their lord's manorial (agrarian) court. Articles 23,
28, 30, and 31 had to do with protections of such a humble sort that they
cannot be regarded as causes of baronial rebellion: freedom from making
bridges and limitations on royal officials demanding food, horses, carts,
or timber without paying for them. Article 37 listed the free tenures that
were held without owing knight service (i.e., the nonfeudal tenures): feefarm, socage, burgage (all held for rents), or petty serjeanty (held for a
negligible rent, an annual arrow, knife, or some such petty rent). Article
45 recognized the importance of law in the promise to appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or bailiffs men who "know the law and mean
to serve it well." Article 35 of Magna Carta 1225 (expanding Article 18
of 1215), provided that the sheriff on one of his two visits (tourns) a year
to the hundred courts should hold a view of frankpledge to determine
that all men without a lord be in a tithing group. A tithing group was
an association of ten men (or more) who were mutually responsible for
the behavior of everyone in the group, a device inherited from the
Anglo-Saxons to help to keep the peace. If a man had a lord, the lord
was held accountable for his actions.
The Charter of the Forest was first issued in 1217 to replace those articles in the 1215 version of Magna Carta dealing with forest issues (articles 44, 47, and 48). From that time on, Magna Carta and the Charter
of the Forest were always issued together as if they formed two parts of
one document.
The Charter of the Forest is even clearer than Magna Carta about the
rights of persons of humble status. Article 4 expressly included freeholders along with persons of the baronial classes who had woods inside the
royal forest. Article 7 forbade the king's foresters from demanding ale,
wheat, oats, lambs, or piglets from dwellers in the forest. Article 13 stated
that any free man shall have the raptors (hunting birds) and honey from
his own woods. Article 14 protected men who purchased forest products
in the king's forest from arbitrary road taxes when they took their purchases out by horse or cart; if they carried them out on their back, they
paid nothing.
The barons and other free men of the kingdom approved of the royal
courts and the emerging common law, but they were concerned that the
king not abuse the courts or law in the royal interest as all of the Angevin
kings had done. King John, however, did it more frequently and more
consistently than his predecessors.
As the result of the activities of the common law courts, members of
the baronage as well as members of the knightly class had much experience with local government and with the juridical members of the king's
court. This experience would give them the knowledge and expertise to
enter into negotiations with the crown's representatives that led to the
formulation of Magna Carta. It would also provide the political experience that encouraged subsequent parliaments to increase their power at
the expense of the king.
The legal provisions of Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest
provide proof that the "liberties" involved were not limited to the baronial order but rather extended to all free men. For the time being, that
excluded in most cases the servile villeins, who constituted the bulk of
the population. But already the towns offered freedom to those who made
their way there. The interest of the common law in land would reach out
and gradually absorb even disputes over servile tenures. The common
lawyers and parliamentarians of the seventeenth century could well argue
that Magna Carta protected the liberties they were asserting against royalist claims.
1. The procedure of the canon law courts depended heavily on taking written depositions in response to questioning by a magistrate of the court.
2. The Danelaw was the area of England north and east of a line running approximately from London in the southeast to Chester (on the border of Wales)
in the northwest. This was the area most heavily settled by Danes and Norse in
the ninth and tenth centuries.
3. For the laws of William I, see Carl Stephenson and Frederick George Marcham, Sources of English Constitutional History (New York and London: Harpe
1937). See also A. J. Robertson, ed. and trans., The Laws of the Kings of Englan
from Edmund to Henry I (Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 1925). For
Henry I, see L. J. Downer, ed. and trans., Leges Henrici Primi (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972).
4. The pope called Lateran councils at irregular intervals to discuss church
problems and issue decrees for the regulation of the Church. These councils did
not necessarily meet in Rome, but the term Lateran comes from the pope's diocesan church, St. John Lateran, in Rome.
5. See M. T. Clanchy, The Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the Realm o
England Commonly Called Glanvill (Oxford and New York: Oxford University
Press, 1993). See also Samuel E. Thorne, ed. and trans., Henry de Bracton s De
Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae: On the Laws and Customs of England, 4 vols.
(Cambridge, UK: Published in Association with the Seldon Society [by] the
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968-77).
The responsibility of Magna Carta for the growth of Parliament is part
of the myth surrounding the document since the men responsible for determining the provisions of Magna Carta had no concept of an institution such as the English Parliament would become. In fact, their solution
to the problem of forcing the king to live up to his promises and what
they regarded as the law of the land was to claim the right of feudal rebellion against an unjust lord. In 1215 the solution had the barons select a group of twenty-five barons (one of whom was the lord mayor of
London) who were to monitor the actions of the king and to receive
complaints against him if he failed to observe the rights and liberties set
out in the charter. If the king or his officers did not remedy the grievance within forty days, "those twenty-five barons together with the community of the whole land shall distrain [seize property] and distress us in
every way they can, namely, by seizing castles, lands, possessions, and in
such other ways as they can" (Article 61, Magna Carta, 1215). And the
barons did rebel against John (with Innocent III releasing John from his
oath to observe Magna Carta, annulling Magna Carta, and decreeing the
excommunication of the barons). Civil war and a French invasion followed, and only the unexpected death of King John in October 1216 removed the main source of the rebellion. The barons who acted for the
new king (the nine-year-old Henry HI) immediately reissued Magna
Carta minus a number of key provisions. The provisions omitted in the
1216 reissue as well as in all subsequent reissues included the arrangements for calling a meeting of the "common counsel of the kingdom" to
approve a levy of additional scutages (a money assessment in place of
knight service) and aids (requests for money grants). Also omitted was
Henry III got his aid in 1254 but not as much as he had asked and not
without protests. By this time there was widespread dissatisfaction with
his policies. As long as Henry continued to have the help of those officials who had been trained in his father's and grandfather's bureaucratic
Angevin government, things went well enough. But Henry very much
wished to run the government himself and so dismissed his last justiciar,
Hubert de Burgh, in 1232. (William Marshal had died in 1219.) Henry
had been well educated, but his interests lay in culture and the arts, not
in the business of good government. He continued to believe that he
owed his throne to the intervention of the pope, and he remained subservient to the papacy. He also came under the influence of several groups
of foreigners.
Henry married Eleanor of Provence, in the southeastern part of what
is now France, and she brought many relatives with her to England. Her
uncles particularly took advantage of their relationship to the queen to
receive many offices and benefices (endowments providing income), and
they were severely resented by the English baronage. Another group of
foreigners came in the persons of Henry's half-brothers. His mother Isabelle, after King John's death, returned to France and married the man
to whom she had originally been betrothed at the time John married her.
This later union gave Henry III four half-brothers, all of whom came to
England where they became members of the royal court. The English
barons resented the wealth these Frenchmen accumulated and their influence over the king.
Although Henry's foreign favorites contributed to a growing English
resentment of foreign interference in England, Henry lost more support
through his disastrous military campaigns. Dreaming of restoring the
Angevin Empire of his grandfather Henry II, he led a number of unsuccessful campaigns in Brittany and southwestern France. He won nothing
back and even lost the rest of Poitou. He would probably have lost more
if the French king had not been Louis IX (canonized as St. Louis), who
did not take advantage of Henry's military ineptness. Henry lost much
respect as a result of his failures in France. He lost even more respect by
his failures with Scotland and Wales, both of which refused the homage
(the swearing of loyalty) won by Henry II.
Adding to English resentment against foreigners at court and in the
government was Henry's support for a number of papal projects. After
the death of Innocent III in 1216, the papacy had become increasingly
immersed in Italian politics as it attempted to prevent Emperor Frederick II from squeezing the Papal States between his territory in northern
Italy (as part of the German Roman Empire) and Frederick's own kingdom of Sicily (that included southern Italy and the island of Sicily).
The Papal States, an area in Italy under the political control of the
papacy, were the remnant of the Exarchate of Ravenna, which had been
created after the Byzantine conquest of the kingdom of the Germanic
Ostrogoths in 552. Byzantine rule was challenged by an invasion of the
Germanic Lombards in 568. The Lombards gained control of northern
Italy (the Po Valley and Tuscany); they also controlled a central area to
the east and north of Rome and a southern area to the south of Rome.
This left Rome and its territory extending north and south and a corridor stretching northeastward to a point somewhat north of Ravenna on
the Adriatic Sea. This area remained under Byzantine control until the
mid-eighth century when the Byzantines had weakened to the point that
conquest by the Lombards seemed inevitable. Although the Lombards
had become Catholic by this time, the Lombards and the papacy were
bitter political enemies. Since the papacy no longer received support
from the Byzantine Empire, the popes now turned for support to the
Franks who had established a kingdom in what is now France and the
German Rhineland. The time was opportune because a dynastic revolution was under way in Francia. The ambitious and able "mayors of the
palace" who had been the virtual rulers of the Franks for some time
wanted to become kings to replace the much weakened Merovingian dynasty. The pope agreed that he who actually ruled should have the title
of king; the alliance was created and a new Carolingian dynasty recognized. When the Lombards threatened Rome in 754, the pope appealed
to King Pepin of Francia for aid. The Franks invaded, defeated the Lombards, and by a grant known as the "Donation of Pepin" gave the former
Exarchate of Ravenna to the papacy. Thus was created the Papal States
that would remain under the temporal control of the papacy down to the
time of Italian unification in 1862. Nonetheless, even then the papacy
refused to recognize the Italian state until an agreement was finally
reached in 1929 restricting papal political control to Vatican City.
Northern Italy was in the process of breaking up into a number of
semi-independent city-states and resisted the imperial authority. The papacy backed the city-states in their resistance to Frederick by supplying
them with money to hire mercenaries. This war went on intermittently
until Frederick's death in 1250, but throughout the struggle the papacy
was relying heavily on revenues from England to pay its costs for resistance to Frederick. The English clergy paid heavy papal exactions and
protested that the freedom of election of higher church offices guaranteed by Magna Carta was now denied by the popes who increasingly
claimed the right to fill church vacancies with their own candidates. The
English clergy protested, but King Henry backed the pope. However,
Henry's relations with the papacy went too far when he became involved
in a papal scheme to take the kingdom of southern Italy and Sicily from
the heirs of Frederick II. The throne of Sicily was declared escheated (forfeited) to the papacy on the ground of rebellion (the kingdom had been
created as a fief of the papacy in 1130), and a new ruling dynasty was
sought. In 1254 Henry III concluded an agreement with the papacy
whereby he would allow his second son, Edmund, to accept the Sicilian
throne in return for Henry's paying the papal debt, which was enormous
and getting larger. By 1257 Henry could not meet his financial commitments to the papacy and the pope threatened excommunicationso far
had the church reform movement fallen! And by 1257 the barons were
ready to unite to bring the king under control.
In 1258 Henry called an assembly of the greater baronsthe "common counsel" of the kingdom. Such occasions were already being called
parliaments. 2 In response to Henry's demand for aid, the barons refused
and demanded a committee be appointed by the king and barons to draw
up a program of reform. The program that was producedthe Provisions
of Oxford (the meeting with the barons had been at Oxford)called for
the establishment of a council of twelve barons who effectively controlled
the king. This council dominated the government for two years and then
began to fall apart because the barons could not agree on just what reforms should be undertaken. The leader of the barons who wanted continued reform was Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester. The reformers
carried the day for the moment and issued the Provisions of Westminster in 1259. These provisions confirmed the baronial decisions taken
since the Provisions of Oxford. But the reform party split in 1260: Henry's
oldest son Edward was now able to form a royal party that attracted the
more moderate barons, and in 1261 the pope released Henry from the
oath he had taken to observe the Provisions of Oxford. It seemed that
the baronial reform party was doomed when a key baronial leader (not
de Montfort) rejoined the reform movement.
To avoid civil war, de Montfort and Henry agreed to submit their quarrel to Louis IX (St. Louis) of France who had a widespread reputation for
justice. Louis supported Henry as king. Failing to win by peaceful methods, de Montfort declared war and led the baronial army against the king.
This baronial army defeated a royal army led by Henry III and his son
Edward at the battle of Lewes in Kent (1264). Both king and his heir
were captured, leaving Simon de Montfort the real ruler of England, although he ruled in Henry's name with a council of nine barons.
To broaden the base of his support, de Montfort called for a "parliament" in that same year (1264). In addition to the greater barons who
would be invited to a great council, he summoned four knights from each
county. Then in the next year (1265), in addition to the greater barons,
he summoned two knights from each county and two burgesses from each
borough, thus bringing together all the groups that would eventually appear in Parliament. This meeting is usually called Simon de Montfort's
Parliament, but it should not be regarded as a precedent for Parliament,
for there would be many years of continued experimentation before the
makeup of the English Parliament would be set.
De Montfort's baronial government did not last very long. Before the
end of the year 1265, the baronial party split in reaction against de Montfort's policies, and the young prince Edward escaped from captivity and
reformed a royalist party. Edward, who would prove to be a more than
competent military leader, led a royalist army against a baronial army that
was no longer wholly supporting de Montfort. The royalists won the issuing battle of Evesham (1266), and de Montfort was executed on the
Hereafter, Henry III was recognized as king until his death in 1272,
but it was increasingly his son Edward who ruled England. Recognizing
that the claims of the barons had to be reconciled, king and council in
1267 formally issued the Statute of Marlborough containing many of the
baronial demands of the Provisions of Oxford and Westminster.
Edward was so successful in reestablishing the royal government that
he was able to leave England in 1270 and to remain abroad until 1274
even though Henry III had died in 1272. Edward left England to join
Louis IX (St. Louis) of France in Louis' second crusade to recover the
Holy Land from the Turks. Unfortunately, Louis was following the advice of his younger brother Charles I, the new king of Sicily who in 1266
had become king with papal backing to replace the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Frederick II.
Charles I (1266-85) established the Angevin dynasty as kings of Sicily
(1266-82), and thereafter his descendants ruled the kingdom of Naples
while an Aragonese dynasty ruled the kingdom of Sicily. (A rebellion in
Sicily in 1282, called the Sicilian Vespers, drove out the Angevins and
called in the Aragonese.) The two kingdoms were reunited in 1435 when
the same person inherited both kingdoms. The "new" state thus created
was known as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Charles, hoping to extend the region of his influence along the neighboring coast of north
Africa, urged Louis to begin his crusade in Tunisia and work eastward toward Jerusalem. The attack upon the city of Tunis was not successful, and
Louis became ill and died in Tunisia, bringing his crusade to an end.
Edward, however, continued to travel across north Africa to Egypt and
Palestine, returning by way of southern Italy and Sicily. Then instead of
returning immediately to England he stopped in Aquitaine where he remained until he had reestablished order in that unruly province.
Back in England in 1274, Edward I proved to be a strong and able
king. In addition to his accomplishments in the realm of law and his subjugation of Wales and attempts to subdue Scotland, Edward played an
important role in the emergence of Parliament. First as virtual regent in
the last years of Henry III and then as king, Edward I continued experimentation in calling representatives of certain groups to meet with the
great council to discuss concerns specific to the group or groups summoned or to request approval of an additional aid to enable the crown
to pursue its policies. These expanded meetings of the great council were
usually referred to as parliaments.
In 1295 Edward summoned one of these parliaments. This meeting is
usually referred to as the "Model Parliament" because it contained all the
elements that would eventually attend Parliament: (1) the greater barons,
both lay and ecclesiastical, who attended in their own right; (2) the representatives of the lesser barons who came to be known as knights of the
shire; (3) the representatives of the burgesses from the larger towns of
England; and (4) the representatives of the lesser clergy. But this meeting did not immediately lead to a final form of parliament. Edward continued to experiment with parliaments of various composition throughout
his reign. It would not be until the middle of the fourteenth century dur-
ing the reign of Edward III (1327-77) that the composition of the assembly would become recognizable. After years of indecision, the representatives of the lower clergy dropped out and, following continental
procedure, made their grants in the two convocations (synods or assemblies) of York and Canterbury (the two archbishoprics or provinces of the
Church in England).
Edward had received a grant or aid from the Parliament of 1295 (the
Model Parliament), but it was not enough to pay for the high costs of
his wars in Wales and Scotland as well as his preparations for a war with
France. France was now ruled by the able and aggressive Philip IV
(known as Philip the Fair) (1285-1314), who was determined to bring
under royal control the two remaining great fiefs of France, the county
of Flanders and the duchy of Aquitaine. Unable to obtain further money
from his parliaments, Edward assembled a small group of barons and obtained from them a grant to apply not only to themselves but also to all
barons and burgesses. He also levied a customs tax on the export of each
bale of wool. (Wool had become the chief English export, supplying the
weavers of Flanders and northern Italy.) Having done this, Edward sailed
to Flanders to negotiate an alliance against France. In his absence, the
most influential groups in the realm under the leadership of the barons
refused to pay the tax until Edward had agreed to reconfirm Magna Carta
and the Charter of the Forest and agreed to certain additions, the most
significant of which are as detailed in the Confirmation of the Charters
1297: "and we have likewise granted for us and our heirs to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors and other folk of holy church, and to the
earls and barons and all the community of the land that for no need will
we take such manner of aid, mises [taxes] or prises [assessments] from our
realm henceforth except with the common assent of all the realm and
for the common profit of the same realm, saving the ancient aids and
prises due and accustomed" (Article 6), and "and because by far the
greater part of the community of the realm feel themselves greatly burdened by the maltote [bad tax] on wool, . . . we at their request have completely relieved them and have granted that we will not take this or any
other in future without their common assent and their goodwill" (Article 7) (see Document 5). This grant provided future parliaments with
their claim to control taxation.
At the beginning of the fourteenth century, all the members of a parliament would gather to hear the agenda of the meeting. If knights of the
shires and burgesses were present, the agenda always included a request
for supply (aid, grant). When it came time to deliberate on the supply,
the knights of the shire, who were lesser barons, joined the greater barons
for this discussion and the burgesses were sent off by themselves. But as
the fourteenth century progressed, parliaments were frequently called because of the financial strain of the Hundred Years' War with France
(1337-1453). This war was the one anticipated by Edward I, but it did
not begin until 1337 during the reign of Edward III. It was a war begun
by England ostensibly because Edward III claimed the French throne
through his mother, a daughter of Philip IV, but the French preferred a
male candidate whose claim did not come through the female line (Philip
VI of Valois). This was not a continuous war. It was a war in which the
English won the major battles (Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt), but the
French won the war.
Because Parliament was frequently asked for supply during this long
war, the organization of that assembly changed. The modification was
caused primarily by social and economic changes due to the rise of a
money economy and the decline of feudal warfare. The change affected
the role of the knights of the shire who as lesser barons met with the
greater barons to vote supply. By this time, however, the knights were
not knights in a military sense but simply well-to-do country gentlemen
who no longer held their land by feudal tenure. The growth of the common law had effectively ended subinfeudation, and the courts regarded
their land as held by proprietary right (i.e., not held as a vassal of a lord).
Therefore, the qualification to be a knight of the shire no longer depended on the status of lesser baron but on annual income. Under the
circumstances, the interests of the knights were more similar to those of
the burgesses since both were merely the elected representatives of their
constituents and did not attend Parliament in their own right, as did the
greater barons. So it was natural for knights and burgesses to combine to
form the commons. Thus the English Parliament came to have two
houses, Lords and Commons, instead of an assembly made up of the three
traditional medieval estates (lords spiritual, lords secular, and commons)
as found on the Continent.
By the middle of the fourteenth century, Lords and Commons were
using the concessions made by Edward I in the Confirmation of the Charters, that "he and his heirs would not assess aids or other taxes without
the consent of the greater ecclesiastical and secular barons and the com-
munity of the realm," to claim control over taxation. This control, combined with Edward Ill's unending financial needs, led to Parliament's bargaining with the kingno further money unless the king accepted
Parliament's petitions, most of which came from the commons. By this
means Parliament gained a role in the making of legislation, so that by
the end of the fourteenth century it was accepted that legislation came
from "the king in parliament" and that a bill (proposed law) became a
statute only with the consent of all three elementsking, lords, and
During the reign of the Lancastrians 3 in the fifteenth century, the weak
claims of this dynasty to the throne provided Parliament with the opportunity to increase its powers at the expense of the king. At the same
time, the Commons was able to establish that all money bills must originate in the Commons.
Although Parliament did not increase its powers in the sixteenth century under the strong Tudors, it did not lose any, and its organization and
efficiency continued to evolve. The Tudor dynasty came to the throne
in 1485 following a long struggle for the throne between the Lancastrians and Yorkists known as the Wars of the Roses. The Lancastrians ruled
until the defeat and imprisonment of Henry VI in 1461, when Edward
IV (1461-83) established the Yorkists. O n the death of Edward IV, the
throne passed briefly to his minor son Edward V, but the boy was soon
pushed aside and presumably murdered by his uncle who took the title
Richard III (1483-85). The Lancastrians threw their support to Henry
Tudor, son of Margaret Beaufort, descended from John Beaufort, an illegitimate son of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. With strong support,
Henry Tudor invaded, and Richard III was defeated and killed. Parliament recognized Henry Tudor as Henry VII (1485-1509). Although
Henry had some difficulty getting all of England to recognize the legitimacy of his rule, the dynasty was firmly established by the time his son,
Henry VIII (1509-47), became king.
When the new Stuarts came to the throne on the death of Elizabeth
I, the last of the Tudors in 1603, Parliament was ready to oppose the absolutist claims of the Stuarts. 4 The Parliamentarians, led by Edward Coke,
successfully argued that Magna Carta guaranteed such English rights as
trial by jury, habeas corpus, equality before the law, freedom from arbitrary arrest, and parliamentary control of taxation. England was well on
the way to becoming a constitutional monarchy.
1. Carl Stephenson and Frederick George Marcham, eds. and trans., Sources
of English Constitutional History, A Selection of Documents from A . D . 600 to the
Present (New York and London: Harper, 1937), No. 46J, pp. 139-40.
2. The English word "parliament" comes from the French word parler meaning "to talk." The word "parliament" or "colloquium," a coming together to talk,
was used to refer to meetings of the council of the greater barons from the early
thirteenth century.
3. The Lancastrian dynasty replaced the Angevin or Plantagenet dynasty on
the deposition of Richard II (1377-99), grandson of Edward III. The Lancastrian
claim came from John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, third son of Edward III.
4. James VI of Scotland became James I of England following the death of
Elizabeth I in 1603. James was the son of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, executed
in England in 1581 following a plot against the life of Elizabeth I. Mary Stuart
was a great granddaughter of the Tudor king Henry VII. Mary was Catholic but
her son was Presbyterian. Scotland had followed the Continent in adopting the
absolutist principles of Roman law. The new king, James I, found it difficult to
accept the parliamentary claims relating to the essential role that parliament
had come to have in the government of the state, especially in the area of finances.
Alfred of Wessex
Alfred, known as Alfred the Great since the sixteenth century, was
king of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex from 871 to 899. He became king just as the attacks of the Danes were shifting from raids for
plunder to invasions seeking land for settlement. Wessex, with its long
coast along the English Channel, was vulnerable to landings at many
places. In addition, it was vulnerable to attacks by Danes who had been
transported in their ships up the Thames River, forcing the men of Wessex to face Danes from two directions at the same time.
Alfred's succession to the kingdom was in accordance with his father's
will that provided for the succession in turn by his sons. Alfred was preceded in the kingship by his two older brothers. That this did not lead
to outright rebellion on the part of Alfred's nephews may well be due to
the fact that in 871 the Danes defeated the forces of Wessex in a number of encounters and Alfred had to go into hiding on occasion to avoid
capture. But Alfred persisted and gradually was able to bring more men
into his army from a number of outlying places. With such an enlarged
army, Alfred defeated the Danes decisively in 878 at the battle of Edington followed by the Peace of Chippingham. When Alfred and his
forces occupied London in 886 (the Danes had been in possession for
some years), the almost continuous conflict came temporarily to an end,
and Alfred could turn to reorganizing his kingdom in preparation for possible further invasions.
For coastal defense, Alfred divided his army in two parts and rotated
the parts at strategic spots along the coastline. He built a navy of ships
designed to offset the fast maneuverable boats of the Vikings. And with
unexpected consequences, he built a series of fortified towns (burgs)
throughout his kingdom where garrisons were located and where the population of the surrounding countryside could take shelter in case of attack. As Alfred and his helpers and successors continued to press the
Danes back, new burgs were built. This policy would provide nuclei for
expanding trade in the next century. The Danes did return in 892 with
an exceptionally large army, but the measures that had been taken for
defense proved adequate for the job and by 896 the immediate Danish
threat to Wessex was over.
Alfred's role in political history was thus assured by his resistance to
and defeat of the Danes, a defeat that marked the beginning of English
expansion at the expense of the Danelawan area of Danish-Norse settlement north and east of a line running roughly from London in the
southeast to Chester in the northwest. As the area under the control of
the kings of Wessex expanded, it was organized as one unified kingdom.
This expansion took place under Alfred's successors of the house of Wessex, a remarkably able series of rulers until late in the tenth century, when
the Danes would return again.
Alfred's political importance is paralleled by his accomplishments in
law and education. He issued a code of laws based on earlier codes issued
by kings in Wessex and Kent. And he entered into an agreement known
as the Treaty with Guthrum, the Danish leader defeated in 886. This
"treaty" is a very interesting and enlightened document. It is actually an
outline of legal relations between the English and Danes in those areas
where the two populations lived close to one another and where part of
the Danish population was still pagan.
Alfred's interest in learning may well have been influenced by at least
one and possibly two trips to Rome as a boy. His contribution to education came as the result of the serious decline in monastic learning that
had resulted from Danish raids and devastation, which had been especially hard on the monasteries. As a result, by the later ninth century
there were very few people who could read and write. Following the example of Charlemagne, Alfred sent abroad for scholars to staff a school
where the sons of his followers could be taught. There Alfred instituted
a program of translations from Latin into what is now known as Old English; Alfred himself did a number of the translations. As a result, a significant improvement in the level of learning in England took place, and
those who served in church and royal courts would be fluent in Old English and Latin.
T h o m a s Becket (St. Thomas)
Thomas Becket was born in London probably in 1120. His father was
a merchant, and both his father and mother were of Norman descent;
they were of the middling rank of merchants. The origin of the name
"Becket" is unknown. Thomas always referred to himself as "Thomas of
London" until such time as he obtained an office that identified him. He
received a basic education, learning to read and write Latin and French,
in England and with the encouragement of his mother, went briefly to
Paris. He was never, however, much of a student, and on his mother's
death, when he was twenty-one, he left school. A year later, he took service with a London banker for several years and learned those administrative and financial skills that he would later use to great advantage.
By 1146 Thomas had become a clerk in the household of Archbishop
of Canterbury Theobald where he advanced to the rank of archdeacon
despite competing against a number of better-educated young men. During this time he may have been allowed to study law at Bologna for a
short time, and he was probably involved in the negotiations that
brought Henry II to England in 1154 where he was crowned king by
Archbishop Theobald. The next year Henry consulted with Theobald to
find someone with legal and financial experience for the position of chancellor. O n Theobald's recommendation, Henry II offered Thomas the
chancellorship; Thomas was both archdeacon of Canterbury (a strong
and influential position) and chancellor of England between 1155 and
1162. During this time, Thomas served Henry faithfully and the two became good friends. Thomas was used in a large number of capacities for
which he was rewarded generously. He maintained a large retinue, and
his household was impressive in dress and manners. The two worked together to strengthen and improve the organization of the king's government in whatever part of Henry's realm they were in at the time. Thomas
was often sent on diplomatic missions for the king, missions that he carried out with pomp and circumstance.
W h e n Archbishop Theobald died in 1162, Henry pondered for some
time whom he would recommend as a successor. He and Theobald had
worked well together. Theobald had not been subservient; he had often
law school was being developed. Gratian succeeded where others had
failed because he applied the dialectic method to the contradictory
canons (church laws) and deduced a single rule out of the confusion. Although this collection of canon law, known as the Decretum, was never
pronounced to be an official collection, it was treated as such and was
responsible for a remarkable development of the canon law courts in the
second half of the twelfth century. When Henry became king of England,
however, these developments had not yet occurred. It seemed to Henry
that the only way he could provide peace and security to his people (and
this was a main provision of the English coronation oath) was to take
action against criminals, whoever they were. Henry presented to his
barons assembled in council (and the bishops were there as barons of the
realm) a program of reform that demanded support for the "ancient customs of the realm," which meant before the innovations of Stephen.
Becket and the bishops would take the oath but added the qualification,
"saving their order"that is, provided the customs were not contrary to
canon law. This qualification was not acceptable to Henry II.
Adding to the tensions created by what Henry interpreted as disloyalty was the position of the papacy. There was a split election in the college of cardinals in 1159. One pope, Victor IV, was backed by the German
emperor, Frederick I Barbarossa; the other pope, Alexander III, who favored the north Italian towns and Norman Sicily against the emperor,
needed some stronger support and looked to France and England for it.
France recognized Alexander III first and the pope took up residence in
France, usually in Sens a short distance south of Paris in territory under
the control of the king of France. Henry held church councils in England and Normandy and on their advice also recognized Alexander HI.
Alexander was thus very dependent on France and England; in the coming conflict between Henry and Becket, he was frequently forced to take
evasive action in order not to give a final answer in favor of one or the
other. As it happened, Alexander outlived four anti-popes and Thomas
Becket as well and died in 1181. In return for Henry's support, Alexander issued a bull canonizing the Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor (he later canonized Thomas Becket as well).
The quarrel continued, with Henry determined to get what he wanted
and Becket determined to resist. Both men were very unreasonable in
their statements and were counseled to show patience and to negotiate.
The ecclesiastical barons were torn. They would have been happy to have
the whole question of the jurisdiction of secular and church courts left
undefined, but Henry wanted everything stated in writing in a document
known as the Constitutions of Clarendon. Thomas and the bishops said
no to approval of the constitutions, but then under pressure, Thomas relented and said yes, and although Thomas later retracted his consent, the
bishops were never able to trust him completely, even those who went
into exile with him. Brought to trial over monies Becket collected as
chancellor, Becket feared what Henry would do and fled the kingdom in
November 1164 with a small party of followers. One of his secretaries,
John of Salisbury, had gone ahead to seek supporters.
Becket's exile would last until 1170. During this time, he had little independent income and was mostly dependent on Louis VII of France,
who regarded it as worth the cost to offer protection to an enemy of his
enemy, Henry II of England. During the years of exile, many persons tried
to mediate the quarrel, and although there were many embassies between
the two, neither was willing to retreat in his demands. This was embarrassing to the English church and to Alexander III, but Louis VII was
probably amused. Terms were finally agreed upon in the fall of 1170,
while Henry was in France, and Thomas made preparation to return to
Canterbury, which had been administered by the king's men during his
absence. Among other things, he excommunicated those clergy whom
he regarded as having disobeyed him, including the archbishop of York,
an action that aroused great resentment. It was obvious that not everyone was glad to have Thomas back, and Thomas replied by taking an extreme stand vis-a-vis his opponents and about the properties that had not
been restored to him.
W h e n the excommunicated bishops reported all this to Henry II in
Normandy, he exclaimed aloud and wondered why anyone could allow
such treatment from a low-born clerk. Four of Henry's knights immediately plotted to remedy this matter, although it seems that they did not
know how they were going to do it. The knights made their way to England where they were joined by additional men, and on Tuesday, December 29, 1170, they made their way to Canterbury in the late
afternoon when there were services in the cathedral. They found Thomas
in a chamber off the great hall of the monastery in conversation with a
number of his clerks. W h e n Thomas did not respond to their demands,
they armed themselves, and when Thomas made his way into the cathe-
dral the knights followed him. He defied them and was cut down before
the altar.
All eyewitness accounts of the murder agreed that Thomas could have
saved himself and he was urged to do so by his men, but Thomas remained unmoved. The witnesses said it was as if he wished martyrdom,
and indeed he almost immediately became a martyr. He had won against
Henry since Henry accepted responsibility for speaking the words that
inspired the knights. Henry was assigned physical penance for his part,
which he performed publicly. Louis VII condemned the murder and made
the most of Henry's discomfiture. Nonetheless, although Henry made no
further attempt to impose the Constitutions of Clarendon, his relations
with the Church during the rest of his reign were amicable enough.
In Canterbury, miracles almost immediately began to occur beside
Becket's tomb, and his canonization took place in March 1173. Canterbury became the site of pilgrimages to St. Thomas' tomb, and a cult of
St. Thomas grew up to the great advantage of the monks of Canterbury.
Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire
Charlemagne (Charles the Great) (768-814) became king of the
Franks in 768 on the death of his father, Pepin I. He added the title king
of the Lombards in 774 upon his defeat of the Lombards in northern and
central Italy. In 800 he was crowned Roman emperor by Pope Leo III,
thus establishing an ill-defined link between the empire and the papacy.
The Franks were a Germanic people, some of whom began settling in
the northeastern part of Roman Gaul to the west of the Rhine River in
the fourth century. For the next century they lived in this area more or
less in peace with the Roman authorities. They were allowed to live there
on terms that made them federate allies of the empirethat is, they were
allowed to settle there in return for guarding the area against further Germanic penetration. The Franks fulfilled their defensive obligations until
the late fifth century when the weakness of the Roman frontier defense
encouraged more Franks to cross the Rhine. These Franks lived in loosely
organized bands under a number of petty kings until one group under the
leadership of a family known as Merovingian (from its mythical leader
Merovech) defeated rival kings and began to consolidate those Franks
living west of the Rhine into a single kingdom. In 481 a man by the name
of Clovis (an early form of the name Louis) became king of these Franks
on the death of his father. Clovis began to expand his kingdom, first to
incorporate those Franks living east of the Rhine, known as Ripuarian
Franks, into his kingdom, then to defeat the remnants of Roman authority in northern Gaul centered at Soissons (a short distance south of
Paris), then back east to establish some kind of authority over other Germanic peoples living just east of the Rhine, the Alamanni and the Bavarians. By this time Clovis ruled all of northern Gaul down to the Loire
River. Some time during this expansion, the Franks were converted to
Christianity. Thus, in Clovis' move against the Germanic Visigoths who
had established a kingdom in southwestern Gaul in 418 but were still
Arian Christians, Clovis had the support of the Gallo-Roman Christian
clergy. He defeated the Visigoths at the battle of Vouille, south of the
Loire near Poitiers, and by the time of his death in 511, Frankish control had been extended almost to the Pyrenees Mountains between modern France and Spain. By 534 Clovis' sons had added Burgundy in
southeastern Gaul.
Frankish Gaul under the Merovingians therefore covered most of what
is modern France as well as a strip of territory in Germany that had never
been under Roman control. This was not, however, a consolidated state,
for the Franks had no such notion. Rather, the history of Merovingian
Gaul is a picture of division first among all the sons of a dead king followed by warfare among them until all but one had been eliminated; and
then division once more among all surviving sons. In this way by the end
of the seventh century, a number of "natural" divisions had appeared.
The main strength of the Frankish kingdom lay in the north where the
eastern part with its capital at Aachen was called Austrasia. To the west
was the kingdom of Neustria centering on Paris, to which the former
kingdom of Burgundy in the southeast was frequently added. That left
the southwest, known as Aquitaine, to break free whenever the opportunity presented itself.
The history of Merovingian Gaul displays constantly changing alliances as the royal contestants sought support from the strong aristocratic families. This support was bought with gifts, especially landed gifts
at the expense of the royal domain. Gradually, one familythe Arnulfings or Pepinids (ancestors of the Carolingians)gained more power
than the others. The heads of this family dominated the land through
their hereditary position as mayor of the palace (chief of the household
68 Biogr
was not a military leader, local officials were left to provide defense,
again adding to their independence. Louis himself, trained in the new
schooling, may have held an imperial ideal, but his own sons reverted
to the Frankish type and insisted on division of the land. Thus, the centralization of power that seemed to have been established under Charlemagne merely masked the reality. Charlemagne's successors in France
were therefore essentially at the mercy of their great feudatories until a
reversal of fortunes took place in about the year 1200 under Philip II
Augustus of France.
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor (c. 1124-1204) became countess of Poitou and duchess of
Aquitaine on the death of her father, Willliam X, in 1137. She became
queen of France in 1137 following her recent marriage to Louis VII. She
became queen of England in 1154 when her then-husband became King
Henry II. Following the death of Henry II in 1189, she became queenmother during the reigns of her sons, Richard I (1189-99) and John
(1199-1216) until her death in 1204.
Such in bare outline is the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine, but beneath
these facts lies a very colorful personality who, to a remarkable degree,
considering the restraints attending women in her position, controlled
her own life and influenced events around her. She was born and raised
in Aquitaine, the southwestern part of France, an area notorious for its
independence of control by the French crown. She was the descendant
of dukes whose quasi-independent position went back to Carolingian
times. She was also the granddaughter of William IX of Aquitaine, a romantic poet and crusader, whose fame may have accounted for some of
the legends that grew up about Eleanor and the courts of love. In 1137
she was heiress to a territory extending from the Loire River in the north
to the Pyrenees in the south, a territory dwarfing in size the land actually under the control of the king of France. When her father William
X went on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain (he soon after
died there), Eleanor was left to the guardianship of King Louis VI of
France. It is not surprising that King Louis, facing imminent death, immediately arranged for his son Louis to marry her. At the time of the
marriage Eleanor was about thirteen and Louis was seventeen; they became king and queen of France a short time later.
68 Biogr
Eleanor was apparently not a very happy queen of France. The royal
palace in Paris was dark and gloomy, and the atmosphere was dull in contrast with bright sunny Aquitaine where life was full and joyful. She was
also overshadowed by the queen-mother who was openly contemptuous
of her when, after six years of marriage, Eleanor had produced no children; after all, producing a male heir was the primary consideration in
royal marriage.
The situation changed in 1144 when she met the famous Cistercian
abbot, Bernard of Clairvaux, who told her she would have a child. She
did indeed have a child, but unfortunately, it was a girl (named Marie,
who would later be the patroness of poets, Marie of Champagne). The
year 1144 also saw the fall of the easternmost of the crusading states,
Edessa, to the revitalized Turks and the spread of a crusading fervor
throughout the Christian west, preached by Bernard of Clairvaux at
Vezelay in eastern France in 1146. Louis VII took the cross, and Eleanor
prepared to accompany her husband when he left in 1147 on what is
known as the Second Crusade.
O n the Second Crusade Louis VII led a large French army, and Conrad III of the German Roman Empire led a large German army. Both
armies suffered separate defeats by the Turks in western Asia Minor, although the remnants of the two armies made their way to the eastern
Mediterranean by sea. The French contingent reached Antioch, and
there Louis VII, Eleanor, and their surviving troops remained for some
time, entertained by Eleanor's uncle, Raymond of Toulouse, who was
prince of Antioch. After the hardships of the land journey to Constantinople and defeat in Asia Minor, Antioch offered palatial luxury and gay
entertainment. Louis and Conrad, at the suggestion of the resident defenders of the Christian states, decided to attack Damascus instead of trying to free Edessa. This attack was a complete failure and served to
indicate that the interests of those Christians who had lived in the east
for some time differed from those of recent arrivals intent on defeating
the Turks at all costs. The result would be some decline in the crusading
fervor in Europe.
As for Eleanor, relations between her and Louis VII deteriorated during the stay in Antioch. She no doubt enjoyed the sophisticated atmosphere prevailing under Raymond, who was not much older than Eleanor
herself, and her conduct and reluctance to leave in order to visit
Jerusalem may have led to rumors that the queen was intimately involved
68 Biogr
with him. A t any rate, it was at Antioch that Eleanor raised with Louis
the possibility that their failure to produce an heir might be due to the
illegal nature of their marriage since they were within the prohibited degrees of relationship for canonical marriage (i.e., marriage approved by
the laws of the Church). For the moment, Eleanor submitted to Louis'
demand that they go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. O n the way back to
France, however, they visited Rome to consult Pope Eugenius HI about
the illegality of their marriage, but the pope encouraged them to stay together and not to think of dissolution. He blessed the pair and persuaded
them to think of having more children. Eleanor did have another child
when they returned to France, but unfortunately it was another girl, Alix
or Alice. Probably the only reason Louis did not immediately proceed for
divorce at this time was the opposition of Suger, abbot of St. Denis just
outside Paris, who had served Louis VI and was now the chief adviser of
Louis VII. Suger foresaw only political loss to France if it were to break
the connection between the crown and Aquitaine. Louis VII was duke
of Aquitaine in the right of his wife; even if there were no male heir, his
older daughter would inherit Aquitaine and possibly inherit France
there was no firm rule of succession in the twelfth century. Upon Suger's
death in 1151, however, Louis was free to consider his own future. He
concluded that continued life with Eleanor was impossible, and accordingly he approached the higher clergy of France to hear his case. He was
able to demonstrate that he and Eleanor had a common ancestor in
Robert II of France (996-1031), Louis in the fourth degree from Robert
and Eleanor in the fifth degree. Canon law at this time prohibited marriage within the seventh degree; this would be reduced to the third degree at the Lateran Council of 1215. The marriage was declared dissolved
in March 1152, and Eleanor immediately left court for Poitiers in Poitou,
the northern part of Aquitaine.
Eleanor married Henry, count of Anjou and duke of Normandy, in May
1152; Henry was nineteen and Eleanor twenty-eight or twenty-nine. This
marriage was just as important as the earlier marriage to Louis VII. The
duchy of Aquitaine, added to Henry's territories in the north, gave Henry
control of almost all the western coast of France, making him a much
more powerful person than his overlord, the king of France. Henry of
Anjou, as he is known, was the grandson of Henry I of England and Normandy, the son of Matilda, Henry I's only surviving legitimate heir after
1120. Matilda had been married to the Roman emperor Henry V until
68 Biogr
his death in 1125 when Henry I brought her home to England and had
his barons swear to accept her as their ruler on his death. Henry I then
married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the young son of Fulk V of Anjou.
Henry of Anjou, the future Henry II of England, was the first of three
sons of this marriage. Matilda never became queen of England or duchess
of Normandy, for the barons of both of these territories preferred her
cousin, Stephen of Blois (1135-54), a grandson of William I of England
(William the Conqueror).
Geoffrey of Anjou sought to take Normandy from Stephen in the
name of his son Henry, while Matilda sought to take England. Matilda
herself did not succeed in overcoming Stephen in England, although she
came close. Her son Henry was more successful, and Stephen recognized
him as his heir before his death in 1154. Geoffrey was successful in Normandy. By 1150 he had all but the eastern part of Normandy under control, after which he sought the help of his overlord in France, Louis VII,
for aid in completing the conquest and recognizing his son as duke of
Normandy. It was while these negotiations were taking place in Paris that
Henry and his father Geoffrey became acquainted with Eleanor. W h e n
news of the impending divorce became known, Henry apparently opened
secret negotiations with Eleanor herself. (Count Geoffrey had died in
Henry and Eleanor were married in Poitiers where their first son was
born in August 1153 (he died in 1156). Henry became duke of Aquitaine
in right of his wife. They became king and queen of England following
Stephen's death in October 1154. Henry II is generally acknowledged to
have been one of the great medieval kings. He traveled incessantly, using
the institutions and customs of the various entities which he held and
rounding out the boundaries of his "empire." These included England
with its centralized institutions and a loose lordship over Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. O n the continent his lands included the duchy of Normandy, the counties of Anjou, Maine, and Touraine, and the duchy of
Aquitaine, including the counties of Poitou and Gascony. He selected the
men to attend his inner court and to carry out the functions of his government from the lesser barons or even the burghers. These were usually
not university men but men trained at the court in many different kinds
of activities, political, financial, and legal. He selected his men well and,
with the major exception of Thomas Becket, they remained loyal to him.
68 Biogr
Henry spent much more time in his continental possessions than in
England, and his court followed him. Eleanor usually remained in England where she served as regent until 1163, although she was sent to the
Continent from time to time on ceremonial occasions. She also had
seven more children, four sons and three daughters; the last child, John,
was born in 1166. Hers was certainly a busy life, but it was very much
one at the command of Henry, who was domineering and subject to fits
of rage; he was also not a very faithful husband. At any rate, by the time
of John's birth, Eleanor and Henry were not on good terms. Also the period between 1163 and 1170 was one of conflict between Henry and
Becket with much accompanying tension at court.
Then in 1168 Eleanor's life changed drastically: she was sent to
Aquitaine to try to control the rebellious barons of that duchy. From her
court at Poitiers she administered her lands, issuing charters, giving judgments, and discouraging the warfare that every baron thought his right
to wage. Eleanor remained in Aquitaine until 1174. It is to this period
that romance has assigned her presiding over courts of love and her son
Richard's emergence as a troubadour. In 1170 Henry indicated a future
disposition of his territories among his sons: Henry, the oldest, would
have England, Normandy, and Anjou; Richard would have Acquitaine;
Geoffrey would have Brittany (he was betrothed to the heiress of Brittany); and John, the youngest, would have only a number of strong castles (he received Ireland in 1177). None of the sons was satisfied with
this arrangement, with each thinking he should have more. When it became obvious that Henry would delegate no real power to any of them
in their "own" territories, they rebelled (1173-74) and accepted the
backing of Louis VII. When Eleanor sided with her sons, Henry had her
captured in 1174 and returned to England where she was allowed no independence of movement as long as Henry lived. The exception was the
period 1185-86 when she was sent to Aquitaine to try to bring a rebelling
Richard under control.
Eleanor remained a captive until Henry's death in 1189 which occurred during yet another rebellion of his sons. Richard and John were
the only ones alive by this time, the young Henry having died in 1183
and Geoffrey in 1186. Eleanor was immediately freed, whereupon she
prepared England to receive her son Richard as king, offsetting some of
the opposition by freeing those whom Henry II had imprisoned without
a regular trial. When Richard finally arrived in England, Eleanor was beside him in his court. (Richard was not married at this time.)
Since Richard was above all interested in embarking on the crusade
to which he was already committed, he remained in England only long
enough to appoint men to office, for which they paid, and to raise as
much money as possible from all the various incomes of the crown: scutages, marriages, wardships, privileges to the towns, monopolies, and so
on. He then left for the east, stopping along the way in Sicily where one
of his sisters was queen. It was to Sicily that Eleanor brought Berengaria
of Navarre, a small kingdom on the southern boundary of English Gascony, across the Pyrenees Mountains, partly in Spain and partly in
France. Richard and Berengaria were married in Cyprus on the way to
the Holy Land.
In Richard's absence, England was under the control of a chief justiciar who was not very popular and would be replaced by Hubert Walter,
bishop of Salisbury. Walter, along with Archbishop of Canterbury Baldwin, had gone on the crusade and arrived in the Holy Land ahead of
Richard. Baldwin died in the Holy Land, but Walter was present at the
fall of Acre to the Christians and remained there with Richard until
Richard left the east in 1192. Walter returned to England as chief justiciar, where he and Eleanor worked together to maintain peace and loyalty in the continued absence of the king. Eleanor's role was especially
important after Richard was captured on his way home from the Holy
Land. (He never secured Jerusalem, but he did negotiate with Saladin
the right of Christian pilgrims to visit there.) Richard had avoided going
back through France, which was now under the rule of his fellow-crusader
Philip II Augustus, because he rightly thought that Philip might find an
excuse to attack him. Instead he went up the Adriatic Sea and landed
incognito in the land of the duke of Austria. He was recognized, however, made captive, and then sold to the emperor Henry VI, who held
him for an enormous ransom. Richard's brother John, taking advantage
of Richard's absence and then captivity to argue that Richard was never
coming home, maintained that he, John, should be made king. In this
bold move, he had the backing of Philip II of France. Eleanor played an
important part with Hubert Walter in deflecting John's claims and raising the money for the ransom. And when Richard finally came home in
1194, she continued to support him as he raised money for an army to
fight on the Continent where Philip II had taken advantage of the king's
68 Biogr
absence to occupy some of Richard's territories. Normandy was especially
hard pressed. So it was that Richard was again in England only a few
months before he left once more. He would never return to England: he
died in 1199, fighting in Poitou. Eleanor was at his side at his death.
Eleanor participated in the deliberations about the succession. Richard
had left no heir, although Berengaria was in Normandy. John demanded
the throne, but there was another possible heir, the young Arthur, heir
to Brittany, son of John's older brother Geoffrey who had died in 1186.
The rules of succession were not fixed at this time, and many of the
barons of Normandy and Anjou favored Arthur's claims, as did Philip II
of France. But Eleanor, Hubert Walter, and William Marshal all favored
the adult John over the minor Arthur who would be under French influence. Accordingly, John became king.
Eleanor remained active during John's reign, although she had "retired" to the nunnery of Fontevrault on the south side of the Loire in
Anjou but close to Poitou. She was especially important in maintaining
English control in the south of France. And in a short period of truce
between John and Philip II, it was she who in 1200 traveled to Castile
in order to lead one of her granddaughters, Blanche of Castile, to Paris
where she was the intended bride of Louis, son of Philip II. Blanche
would be the mother of Louis IX, St. Louis, of France.
Eleanor of Aquitaine died in 1204 and was buried at Fontevrault beside Henry II and Richard I. John was buried at Worcester in England.
Frederick II
Frederick II (1195-1250) was king of Sicily (1208-50) and (German)
Roman emperor (1215-50). It was Frederick's involvement with the papacy throughout the first half of the thirteenth century that indirectly
led to the baronial rebellion of 1258 against Henry III of England. To
understand this event, we need to look at a number of continental developments revolving around Italy.
During the ancient Roman Empire, Italy was the capital province of
an empire that included Gaul, Spain, and Britain in western Europe. This
unified western world was destroyed following the Germanic barbarian
invasions in the fifth and sixth centuries, which resulted in the establishment of a number of separate early Germanic kingdoms. The medieval Roman Empire was created in 800 when the Frankish king,
Franks, the eastern part as the kingdom of the east Franks, and between
was a long narrow middle kingdom that included Italy. Italy was assigned
with the imperial title to the eldest son. The rulers of the west and east
Franks combined against the middle, defeated its ruler, and divided the
upper part of the middle kingdom between themselves leaving Italy and
the imperial title as well as part of Provence (extreme southeastern Francia) to the heirs of the eldest son. The imperial title continued to remain
associated with the ruler of Italy but who held Italy was frequently disputed and so Italy was the scene of frequent civil wars for over a century.
The association of Germany and Italy was firmly established in 962
when the German king Otto I (936-973) intervened in Italy, reestablished order, and was crowned emperor in Rome by the pope. The German kings thereafter claimed Italy and the imperial title, but were
prevented from exercising very much power there by numerous rebellions
at home. The north Italian towns had always been centers of economic
activity, and with the revival of trade in the tenth and eleventh centuries, the towns expanded rapidly and their merchants became extremely wealthy. The north Italian towns would become centers of
anti-imperial activity in their desire to become self-governing.
In the middle of the peninsula by the late ninth century, the papacy
was controlled by several powerful Roman noble families who fought
among themselves to fill papal vacancies. Under the circumstances, the
popes lost their spiritual leadership. This change, combined with similar
conditions in the rest of the Church, inspired a reform movement that
began at the monastery of Cluny in south-central France and moved to
the Rhineland where it was endorsed by the emperor Henry III
(1039-56). W h e n Henry went to Rome in 1046 for his imperial coronation, he found the papacy disputed by three men representing three
factions of the Roman aristocracy. All three were summoned before a
church council called by Henry; all three were deposed; and Henry
named one of the German reformers as pope. Henry's first three reforming popes had very short pontificates; then he named Leo IX (1049-54),
and the reform movement became well established in Rome.
The papacy was reformed at the initiative of the emperor, but inasmuch as removing the Church from secular control, as well as ending
such abuses as simony (the purchase of church office) or nepotism (the
naming of relatives to office), was part of the reform program, a reformed
papacy was sure to oppose the common practice of secular rulers naming
68 Biographies
Henry VI funded his Sicilian campaign with the ransom money he
raised from England in order to release the English king, Richard I, captured on his return from the Holy Land on the Third Crusade. It was
during the fight for Sicily that Henry's queen, Constance, gave birth to
a son, Frederick, who could expect to inherit both the German-Italian
Hohenstaufen lands and the kingdom of Sicily. Henry had partially pacified Sicily when he unexpectedly died in 1197. Constance had no luck
in controlling the rebellious Sicilians, and prior to her own death in 1198
she turned over her three-year-old son as ward to the papacy as guardian.
Innocent III (1198-1216) was one of the strongest popes of the Middle
Ages. Having no desire to see the Papal States (see Chapter 5) squeezed
between Hohenstaufen power to the north and Hohenstaufen power to
the south, during the minority of the future Frederick II Innocent tried
to arrange affairs so that Germany and Sicily would never be united.
In Germany there were two candidates for the German imperial inheritance: Philip of Swabia (brother of Henry VI) who was the Hohenstaufen candidate and Otto of Brunswick (grandson of Henry II of
England), who was backed by the papacy. Philip died in 1208, leaving
Otto without strong opposition. After requiring a number of strong oaths
from Otto promising that he would never seek the Sicilian throne and
would guarantee the pope's sovereignty in an enlarged Papal States, Innocent III approved Otto's coronation in 1209. But Otto IV almost immediately forgot his promises and took a German army south in order to
capture Sicily from the young Frederick II, who had just begun to rule,
and to bring order out of the chaos that had befallen Sicily during his
Meanwhile, many of the southern German princes began to resent the
highhandedness of Otto and to object to his use of local property to reward his followers. Dissatisfaction with Otto encouraged them to turn
back to the Hohenstaufen, of whom Frederick was now the leading candidate. The southern German princes invited Frederick to come to Germany to seek election as emperor. Frederick's position in Sicily was not
so strong that he could afford to leave at once, and his advisers did not
want him to try to obtain Germany and the empire. By 1212, however,
Frederick was ready to try his hand in Germany. Frederick was in Germany rallying the princes of Germany when Otto IV and King John of
England concluded their alliance aimed at defeating Philip II Augustus
of France, who was attempting to push the English out of their remain-
68 Biographies
ing French territory. It was an unusual alliance, for at the time it was
made, both rulers were excommunicateJohn for his refusal to recognize the rights of the Church in the matter of accepting Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbury and Otto IV for his refusal to abandon
an attempt to add Sicily to Germany and the empire and for his refusal
to recognize the sovereign rights of the papacy to all of the territory Innocent III wanted as part of the Papal States. At this point the papacy
backed Philip II of France and even encouraged the French to invade
England to seek to overthrow John.
In 1213 John faced a baronial rebellion and an attempted assassination. To improve his situation he sought an understanding with Innocent
III. He agreed to accept Langton as archbishop, to receive back the exiled bishops, and to restore all the church properties that he had seized.
Furthermore he agreed to turn England and Ireland over to the pope and
to receive them back as fiefs of the papacy. Innocent agreed to these conditions, lifted the excommunication, and raised the interdict; further, he
forbade Philip II to invade England.
John, moving to take advantage of his new position, made plans with
Otto IV for a joint English-German attack on France in 1214. John
would lead an English force northward from English Aquitaine in southwest France, and Otto would invade France from the northeast. John
failed in his attempt partly because of the strength of a western French
army under the command of Louis, the heir to the French throne and
partly because John could not trust the loyalty of his own barons. But the
decisive engagement occurred at the battle of Bouvines in the east where
Otto led a German army to defeat by an eastern French army under the
command of the French king. Otto would lose the remainder of his support for the position of emperor, and John would agree to Magna Carta.
Frederick II would be elected king of the Romans (the title of the emperor-elect) in 1215, and he would be crowned Roman emperor in 1220.
John would repudiate Magna Carta and be released from his oath to support it by Innocent III. Continued baronial rebellion brought on civil
war in England, to be relieved by the unexpected death of John in October 1216; Innocent III had died in July 1216. (For further details, see
Chapter 3.)
Although Innocent III was no longer on the scene when Frederick II
was crowned Roman emperor in 1220, Innocent's successors were just as
determined as he to prevent the union of the north and the south of Italy,
68 Biographies
68 Biographies
were backed by the papacy, providing a good deal of the money that was
necessary to pay the mercenaries who formed the core of their armies.
This papal money was obtained by taxing the clergy, especially in England, where Henry III believed he had become king after the death of his
father King John through the offices of the pope. This was not strictly
true, but a papal legate (official representative of the pope) was in England at the time that the barons accepted Henry as king and the legate
participated in establishing a regency to rule England while Henry was a
minor. The protests of the English clergy over the exorbitant taxes assessed by the papacy, as well as the increasing papal assertion of the right
to name candidates to vacant office in England at the expense of English
candidates, were made known to the king, but the king backed the pope.
In the end, Frederick II failed to bring the north Italian towns under
imperial control, and his plans for the future of his extended empire came
to an end with his death in 1250. The papacy, determined to prevent the
continued control of north and south Italy by a single power, declared
the kingdom of Sicily escheated (forfeited) to its overlord, the pope, because of the disloyalty of the Hohenstaufen. Pope Innocent IV, seeking
a new candidate for the Sicilian throne, opened negotiations with England and France. He concluded an agreement with Henry III of England
whereby Henry's second son, Edmund, should become king of Sicily in
return for Henry's assuming the papal debt, which was now very high because of the many years of opposing Frederick II. (See Chapter 5 for an
analysis of the effects of this agreement in England.) Because of baronial
opposition, Henry had to renege on this agreement, and Innocent IV
turned to France where Louis IX (St. Louis) had initially turned down
the offer on behalf of his younger brother, Charles of Anjou. Now Innocent played on Louis' desire to go on another crusade to point out the
desirability of having a French prince in command of such a strategic
place as Sicily. The agreement was made, and Charles established an
Angevin dynasty (not related to the English Angevins) in Sicily in return for recognizing the overlordship of the papacy, assuming a portion
of the papal debt, and agreeing to make a substantial annual payment to
the papacy. In return, Louis IX obtained a safe place for launching his
second crusade in 1270 against Tunisia, from where he expected to move
eastward to the Holy Land. Instead Louis died in Tunisia, and Charles
shortly thereafter (1282) lost the island of Sicily to an Aragonese ruler.
68 Biographies
The island had rebelled against the Angevins and their heavy exactions
to support Charles' ambitions to create a Mediterranean empire. Thereafter, the kingdom of Sicily was confined to the island; the Angevins retained southern Italy, which now came to be known as the kingdom of
As for the German part of Frederick IPs empire, papal interference
after 1250 prevented not only the election of a Hohenstaufen but also
the election of a German prince. In effect, there was no central authority until 1272 when Rudolf of Hapsburg, a minor German prince, was
elected. By that time, the individual princes were virtually independent
and imperial authority was but a shadow.
This summary helps explain events in Europe in the thirteenth century, but it does not do justice to Frederick. Although Frederick's political ambitions were eventually defeated, those ambitions were only one
aspect of his career. He achieved an important bureaucratic and legal reorganization of the kingdom of Sicily. He was important in the revival of
learning and was an accomplished poet and observer of nature, as well as
a patron of the arts. His court at Palermo, Sicily, was an intellectual center where the learned of all western faiths (Christian, Jew, and Muslim)
lived in harmony in association with the emperor. It was for these other
aspects of his life that he is sometimes called the first Renaissance man.
Henry II
Henry II (1133-89) was the first of three sons of Geoffrey, count of
Anjou (1128-51), and Matilda, daughter and heiress (after 1120) of
Henry I, king of England (1100-35) and duke of Normandy (1106-35).
His dynasty is known as Angevin (from the county of Anjou) or Plantagenet (from the French word for the broom plant, a sprig of which his
father wore in his hat).
Henry's quarrel with the Church about secular jurisdiction over criminous clerks and the resulting standoff with Thomas Becket, first Henry's
chancellor and later his archbishop of Canterbury, has been covered in
Chapter 1 and in the biography, "Thomas Becket (St. Thomas)." Henry's
contributions to the causes of the baronial revolt of 1215-16 have been
covered in Chapter 3. And his role in guiding the crown's activities in
developing the English common law has been covered in Chapter 4. His
68 Biographies
relations with his family have been covered in the biographies "Eleanor
of Aquitaine" and "Sons of Henry II."
Henry of Anjou was already count of Anjou and Maine, duke of Normandy, and (in right of his wife) duke of Aquitaine, when he became
king of England in 1154 on the death of King Stephen. (He had become
Stephen's heir in 1153 in the Treaty of Winchester.) He and his wife,
Eleanor of Aquitaine, married in 1152, already had a son. Henry was
twenty-one when he became king of England. He had been trained in
the administration of territory by his father, Geoffrey of Anjou, who had
conquered Normandy for him as his mother's heir and provided him with
tutors to give him sufficient education for his needs. He could speak and
read French and Latin, although he probably could not write (it was more
efficient to use clerks who could both read and write).
Henry was a man of tremendous energy, always on the move from
one part of his realm to another. His lands stretched from the border
of Scotland in the north to the Pyrenees Mountains between France
and Spain in the south. He was supremely self-confident and inherited
marked impatience and easy anger from the Normans on his mother's
side and from the Angevins on his father's. His many political successes
doomed him to failure in personal conflicts with Thomas Becket and
his four sons.
Sons of H e n r y II: Henry, Richard, Geoffrey, John
Henry II Plantagenet of England, Normandy, Anjou, and Aquitaine
and his queen, Eleanor, countess of Poitou and duchess of Aquitaine, had
four sons who grew to maturity: Henry (1155-83; the young king,
1170-83), Richard (1157-99; count of Poitou, 1172-99; Richard I, king
of England, 1189-99), and John (1167-1216; lord of Ireland, 1177-1216;
king of England, 1199-1216).
Little is known about the lives of these sons before 1170 when Henry
II decided to have his oldest son crowned king in order to insure the succession, a practice that the Capetians of France had been following for
some time. The young Henry was duly crowned, though by the archbishop of York rather than the archbishop of Canterbury as had become
the custom, since Thomas Becket was in exile. (The coronation was directly related to the murder of Becket in December 1170.) Becket had
68 Biographies
prohibited York from officiating and excommunicated him for performing it. It was Becket's excommunication of York and all the other bishops involved that led to Henry's outburst of rage that resulted in the
murder of Becket. After the coronation, the elder Henry set up a household for his son the young Henry and assigned an experienced knight,
William Marshal, to be his tutor in chivalry, his guardian, companion,
and friend. With the exception of a couple of years when he was out of
favor, Marshal followed the young king Henry loyally until Henry's death
in 1183.
Richard first appears by the side of his mother Eleanor in 1167 when
she was assigned to set up court at Poitiers (in Poitou) to try to control
the unruly barons of Henry's and her southern dominions. Eleanor and
Henry were estranged by this time. Richard was installed as count of
Poitou in 1172, although between 1167 and 1173 Eleanor issued all major
acts under her seal or in her or Richard's name. Henry retained control
over financial and military matters. In 1170 Henry II indicated a future
division of his territory. Henry the young king would have England, Normandy, and Anjou; Richard would have Aquitaine; and Geoffrey, betrothed to the heiress to Brittany, would have Brittany. John, the
youngest son, only three at the time, was assigned no land. His father
would make him lord of Ireland in 1177 following a partial pacification
of that island.
The three oldest sons (Henry, Richard, and Geoffrey) were dissatisfied
with the division and with their lack of real power. At the time Henry
and Richard were at the court of Louis VII where they were knighted
and the French king was deliberately encouraging the young men to revolt against their father. The French king was seeking to reduce the
power of Henry II, who was so much stronger than Louis VII, his overlord, the king of France. The boys' mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, also
encouraged the revolt. The revolt (1173-74) was a serious one, but
Henry II had little trouble bringing the situation under control. He captured Eleanor, who had encouraged the rebellion, and sent her back to
England where she had little independence of movement until Henry's
death in 1189. Henry dealt lightly with his sons. Henry the young king
was given an enlarged household and a significantly increased monetary
allowance. However, he was given no real authority, and he lived the rest
of his life in France where he spent his time in knightly activity, enjoy-
68 Biographies
ing the French court (he was married to a daughter of Louis VII and of
Louis' second wife), and traveling around eastern France participating in
In 1174 Richard received half the revenues of Poitou and two residences. In 1175 he received command of the army of Poitou and became his father's agent in Aquitaine and Gascony. In the following years
Richard gained an enviable military reputation in attempting to establish control over the southern barons. In these efforts, he relied heavily
on mercenaries since southern France had not developed what is usually described as feudalism. In Aquitaine and Gascony, the tie between
lord and man implied little more than loyalty and frequently not even
that. Knight service was unknown, centralized courts and exchequers
were unknown, feudal aids were unknown. The barons could be kept
under control only through military effort. Some income was produced
from the portsLa Rochelle and Bordeauxand from the count's own
domain, but Richard always had to have financial support from Henry
II. In 1182 Richard was so hard pressed in his efforts that Henry II himself had to intervene, and somehow the situation escalated into a struggle between Richard and his brother Henry, and then Geoffrey entered
the plot against Richard. Henry IPs efforts to pacify the young Henry by
having Richard do homage to him ended with Richard flatly refusing to
do so. The struggle continued with Philip II, who succeeded his father
Louis VII in 1180, sending aid to the young Henry. Even so the young
Henry ran out of money and began ravishing the countryside, plundering the monastery of Saint-Martial at Limoges and the shrine of Rocamadour. In the midst of these activities, the young Henry became ill and
died (1183).
Henry II refused to name Richard as his heir and increasingly interfered in Richard's actions in Aquitaine. Richard feared more and more
that in the long run Henry would turn to his younger brother John. (Geoffrey had been killed in a tournament in 1186, and his son was born
posthumously.) Philip II of France encouraged Richard, joined also by
John, to take up arms against the old king. Henry II now faced the combined forces of Richard and Philip II Augustus of France and was forced
to capitulate as he lay dying (1189).
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68 Biographies
enced men was William Marshal. He was named one of these associate
justiciars even though he had had little, if any, administrative experience.
But he was a renowed fighting man, served loyally, and learned much.
This experience would serve him well when he became regent of England following John's death in 1216.
Longchamp was an effective justiciar who generally kept John in
check, but he was extremely ambitious and took advantage of his position of power to increase his income and to defeat his enemies. By June
1191, Richard was in Sicily, where the queen-mother Eleanor would
bring Berengaria, and here were brought reports about what was going
on in England. Richard sent Walter, archbishop of Rouen, who was with
him, back to England with instructions to warn Longchamp to amend
his ways. By the time Walter arrived in England, a serious conflict between Longchamp and John was under way, but Walter's intervention
avoided war. Still, Longchamp refused to heed Walter's warnings, and his
mistreatment of Geoffrey, archbishop of York, Richard's half-brother,
brought on a crisis to which Walter replied by producing a letter of deposition that Richard had provided him with should Longchamp fail to
improve his ways. Walter of Coutance, archbishop of Rouen, another
Norman, served as chief justiciar until December 1193 when Hubert
Walter, an Englishman, was named to succeed.
Richard the Lionheart was out of England from December 1189 until
February 1194, during which time, his appointed government worked
well at all levels. However, John continued to plot to take the crown for
himself, and it seemed possible that a French invasion of England might
take place. By the summer of 1192, word was sent to Richard advising
that he should return even though he had not yet driven the Turks from
Jerusalem. The port city Acre had fallen to the crusaders in July 1191.
Richard concluded that he must return and accordingly entered into negotiations with Saladin, whereby Christians would be able to visit
O n the return to England, Richard tried to avoid possible capture in
France (he and Philip Augustus of France had become bitter enemies
while on crusade) by traveling up the Adriatic Sea and crossing Germany
incognito. He was recognized in Austria, however, and sold by the duke
of Austria to another enemy of Richard, the German emperor Henry VI.
Although Philip Augustus of France, supported by John, urged Emperor
Henry to keep Richard in custody indefinitely, Henry VI's need of money
68 Biographies
for a campaign in Sicily to insure his wife's inheritance was too pressing
to agree. Instead he negotiated to release Richard on the payment of an
enormous ransom.
Richard returned to England in February 1194. He had been preceded
by Hubert Walter, bishop of Salisbury, who had been in the Holy Land
and had participated in the siege of Acre and in the negotiations with
Saladin. Returning from the east, Walter had landed in Sicily where he
learned of Richard's capture. He therefore proceeded to Germany where
he received instructions from Richard about raising the ransom money
and instructions for those in charge of the government in England with
regard to certain changes. Walter and the queen-mother Eleanor were
largely responsible for raising the ransom money, and they would both go
to Germany with the first installment to be present when Richard was
released in February 1194. In the meantime, in accordance with Richard's
instructions, Hubert Walter was elected archbishop of Canterbury, succeeding Archbishop Baldwin who had died in the Holy Land; Walter was
also named chief justiciar.
Richard remained in England only long enough to come to terms with
his brother John (John would accompany him to France to join Richard's
campaign against Philip II, John's previous co-conspirator), and to raise
money, supplies, and soldiers for the military expedition. Richard would
never return; he died in April 1199.
Richard vigorously attempted to recover the land he had lost to Philip
Augustus, and in general Richard had the better of the struggle, partly
because he usually had the backing of the count of Flanders and other
magnates in the Low Countries. By 1197 Philip was ready to negotiate,
but he was not willing to give up certain castles on the border between
Normandy and the royal lands in the Isle de France. So the war continued desultorily on until April 1199 when Richard had turned southward to bring his own rebellious vassals under control in Poitou. While
preparing to lay siege to the castle of Chalus, he received a bolt from a
crossbow launched from a rampart on the castle. He died from the blow;
he was only forty-one. The death of Richard without an heir of his own
threw the situation into the hands of John who proved no match for
Philip Augustus. Richard's death gave Philip Augustus a decisive advantage.
Any analysis of Richard as king must take into account the fact that
his popularity in his own day depended on his military prowess on the
68 Biographies
Second Crusade and his continued military successes after his return. On
the other hand, from the English standpoint, he was an absentee king
who paid little heed to the needs of the kingdom. Although Richard had
had little administrative experience before his accession, he was sufficiently familiar with the governments of England and Normandy to know
that his father's reforms had provided both of those provinces with a wellordered government that was capable of working in the absence of the
king. Certainly, Richard provided England with able and loyal administrators (with the exception of Longchamp), who carried on the government with some long-distance direction from Richard. In one aspect,
however, Richard's reign set the scene for rebellion against his brother
John. Richard's needs to keep his military campaign going forced him to
demand much greater financial support from England than his father
Henry II had required. He basically relied on England to provide the
means for the reconquest of the continental territory lost to Philip Augustus. How long could England afford to support this cause?
John was the youngest son of Henry II and Eleanor. Between the ages
of two and six, John lived with the nuns at the abbey of Fontevrault, together with his slightly older sister Joan. After the end of the rebellion
by Henry's older sons in 1174, Henry took John back to England with
him. He then placed John in the household of the young King Henry,
where John would remain until just before the young king's death in
1183. It was in the young king's household that John came to know
William Marshal.
Between 1182 and 1185, John was placed in the household of the justiciar Ranulf Glanville, and it was presumably there that John learned
many of the intricacies of the English bureaucracy, especially as it related
to law and the administration of justice. Hubert Walter, later to be John's
chancellor, was in Glanville's household at the same time.
In 1185-86 Henry sent John to Ireland to assume the lordship of Ireland, a position that had been created for John in 1177. Accompanying
John were a number of experienced counselors, also from the household
of Glanville.
All of Henry IPs sons had a good basic education for the time, including a knowledge of reading Latin. John's education, however, appears
68 Biographies
to have been better than that of the others, and he apparently had a real
interest in books and in building up a significant library. He also had more
sophisticated tastes than his brothers, showing a particular interest in
jewels and finer clothing. It was the very considerable treasure John had
built up in such items that would provide the means whereby William
Marshal was able to defeat the baronial rebels and run the government
in the years immediately following John's death.
At Richard's accession in 1189, John had received not only the county
of Mortain in Anjou but also sufficient lands in England to elevate him
to a position as one of the magnates of the land. Although John's position was important through the resources that he controlled, he was not
given any administrative position in Richard's government either in England or on the Continent. Nonetheless, he did serve Richard loyally during Richard's attempt to regain his continental territory between 1194
and 1199, and Richard almost certainly intended John to succeed him
should he die without heirs.
John succeeded Richard in 1189 without great difficulty, although
there was another possible heir to whom Philip Augustus naturally threw
his support. This was Arthur of Brittany, posthumous son of Geoffrey, an
older brother of John and countess Constance of Brittany, who was violently antagonistic to the Angevins. Eventually, John captured Arthur in
battle, after which Arthur disappeared (he was removed either by John
himself or at John's command), and succeeded in gaining enough support to obtain Philip Augustus' acceptance in the northern as well as
the southern lands, where Eleanor had rushed on Richard's death to ensure the loyalty of the south. John paid heavily for this acceptance, but
he was freed from the constant warfare in which Richard had been engaged.
John may have been one of the more intelligent of the Angevins, but
he had little political sense. He almost immediately gave Philip Augustus the excuse to call him before the French royal court to answer a
charge that John had not respected the rights of one of his vassals, Hugh
de Lusignan. W h e n John refused to appear, the court declared John a
contumacious (rebellious) vassal and declared his French fiefs forfeit. By
1204 John had lost Normandy, Anjou, Maine, and Touraine, but he never
abandoned his intention to regain them. To this end he stored up money
and other resources, looking to the day when he would wage a military
campaign to regain his land. It was this goal that lay behind John's in-
68 Biographies
creasingly high demands for scutages and other payments from his barons,
payments that went beyond feudal custom and into the realm of tyranny.
John's troubles with the papacy over the election to the archbishopric of
Canterbury probably did not contribute to the rising baronial resistance,
but John's submission to Pope Innocent III in 1213 and his decision to
turn England and Ireland over to the papacy as fiefs may well have done
so. But the crisis was primarily the result of John's unrelenting efforts to
prepare for the day that he could launch an attack on Philip Augustus
to regain his lost fiefs, and so he drew larger and larger amounts from
England. This customarily meant assessing the barons, selling wardships
and marriages for higher and higher prices, demanding fines (payments)
for office, and using the legal system (which John knew well) to extract
larger and larger amounts from his kingdom. Of course, he was also active in selling privileges to the towns although this source of income was
not as well developed as income from land.
John did not launch his invasion of France until 1214, when he proceeded in concert with an invasion from the east by his ally, Otto IV of
the German Empire. That year John's force was unable to join up with
Otto IV at the decisive battle of Bouvines, and Otto's defeat at Bouvines
meant the end of John's hopes to recover his French land, although his
successors as kings of England did not give up hope. Bouvines meant that
baronial opposition that had been building since 1212 now increased rapidly until the episode of Magna Carta in 1215 (see Chapter 3).
It is hard to judge John's handling of the crisis of 1215-16. He underestimated the eagerness of a number of younger barons to gain a share
in the making of decisions at the expense of the older barons and the experienced royal councilors of long standing. He was determined to exercise the rights and privileges enjoyed by his father and grandfather, Henry
II and Henry I, before him. He was not an absentee king but resided in
England for most of his reign, and he participated in the activities of government, especially judicial activities. He had had much better training
for the kingship than Richard (which perhaps inspired Richard's fear that
he would be replaced by John in their father's succession plans). But he
was heir to the Angevin temper, to its egotism, and to its failure to consider the opinions of others; moreover, he was lethargic and unable to
act when things were pressing. Perhaps the best thing he could do for
England was to die in 1216, leaving a nine-year-old son as heir.
68 Biographies
Innocent III
Innocent III was born Lotario dei Conti of Segni (c. 1160-1216) and
was elected Pope Innocent III in 1198 at the age of thirty-seven. He succeeded the elderly Celestine III (1191-98), who had been confined to
Rome by the overwhelming power in Italy and Sicily of the German
Roman emperor Henry VI, married to Constance of Sicily. After Henry
VI died unexpectedly in 1197, the cardinals probably were looking for
younger leadership to face the imperial crisis, and in Lotario found a candidate with education and the support of one of the lesser aristocratic
Roman families.
Lotario had received his primary education in Rome and had gone to
Paris when he was about fifteen. He may have remained at Paris as long
as ten years, studying and teaching the liberal arts and theology. Paris
was not yet organized as a university (that would not come until 1200),
but scholars were welcomed there and the kings, Louis VII and Philip II,
maintained good peace and order in contrast to the turbulent conditions
that reigned in Rome. From Paris Lotario went to Bologna in northern
Italy where a university had been organized, receiving privileges from the
Roman emperor and the pope. Bologna was in the papal territory but
close to the border of imperial Italy on the main road from Germany to
Rome. Both emperor and pope had need of the legally trained clerks who
were turned out at Bologna to staff their increasingly centralized and bureaucratized governments. Students at Bologna studied both civil
(Roman) law and canon law and were much in demand.
Lotario entered the papal curia (court) in about 1189, being appointed
cardinal deacon of the church of Sts. Sergio and Bacco by a relative,
Clement III. This was a period of growing legal activity by the Roman
church; through its increasing influence utilizing the recently codified
canon law (the Decretum of Gratian, 1143) many cases were attracted to
Rome. Lotario was a very active member of the curia, participating as
judge delegate or auditor in the many cases being appealed to Rome and
witnessing documents. During his tenure before election, Lotario must
have been building a body of support among the cardinals.
After his election, Innocent III was required to enter the priesthood
before he could be enthroned as pope. He immediately became a very
active pope, not hesitant to assert the superiority of the spiritual power
68 Biographies
over the secular. Henry VI, Roman emperor and king of Sicily (in right
of his wife Constance), died in 1197, leaving Sicily in Constance's hands.
Constance of Sicily died in 1198 having turned over her three-year-old
son Frederick to Innocent as his ward (the kingdom of Sicily had been
created as a fief of the papacy in 1130). Innocent declared a crusade
against the German administrators of the island who were very unpopular with the natives, although the papal representatives were not particularly popular either. Sicily remained a turbulent kingdom until Frederick
was of an age to assert himself as ruler of that kingdom (about 1208).
One of Innocent's earliest and longest lasting policies was to prevent the
union of Sicily and the empire under a single ruler.
At the same time that Innocent III was trying to drive the Germans
out of Sicily, he was trying to oust them from the many positions they
had secured in the Papal States. In this effort Innocent was quite successful, for the Italians were just as eager as the Sicilians to get rid of the
Germans. Innocent was ready to see that papal appointees or those approved of by the papacy got these fiefs. And this was another important
goal: to bring the Papal States back under papal controland more, to
reacquire territories that had been long lost. In attaining this goal, Innocent III was remarkably successful. But it should be noted that both
the Sicilian and Papal States actions were very costly inasmuch as mercenary troops had to be hired. These actions, combined with Innocent's
widespread activities elsewhere, forced him to devise ways of taxing the
clergy. Eventually, a kind of income tax was imposed on the clergy.
Another of Innocent's goals involved expanding the Christian world
under the headship of Rome. This meant urging crusades against the
infidel Turks who had recently captured Jerusalem and had reduced the
area of Christian control to a narrow strip of Palestinian coastline. He
had urged the crusade that ended up as the Fourth Crusade, which, out
of papal control, captured the Christian city of Zara on the Dalmatian
coastline for Venice and finally overthrew the East Roman (Byzantine)
Empire, named a Frankish emperor, and designated a Roman Christian
to succeed the patriarch of Constantinople. Innocent III condemned
the action but welcomed the opportunity to reunite the eastern and
western churches under the leadership of Rome. But the Greek clergy
refused to accept the clerics installed by Rome and retreated to the remnants of Byzantine power in western Asia Minor, known as the kingdom of Nicaea. W h e n the East Roman Empire was restored in 1261,
68 Biographies
relations between the eastern and western churches were worse than
In Spain, Innocent encouraged the continuation of Christian expansion at the expense of the Muslim kingdom of Granada, and in northeastern Europe he supported crusaders and missionaries in conquering
and converting to Christianity the areas of Pomerania, Prussia, Livonia,
Estonia, and Finland. He was active in encouraging monarchs to surrender their kingdoms to the papacy and to receive them back as papal fiefs.
The first of the papal fiefs had been Hungary, created in 1000 when
Stephen was crowned king and important for spreading Rome's influence
in central eastern Europe. The next papal fief was the kingdom of Sicily,
created in 1130 by the papacy in anticipation of the Norman conquest
of southern Italy and Sicily, thus providing a protector in the south. Portugal came into the papal fold in 1179. In 1201 the Christian kingdom
of Armenia, in Asia east of Asia Minor, accepted papal leadership, and
in 1203, Innocent accepted the empire of Johannitsa of Bulgaria, much
to the discomfiture of Hungary which had a claim to part of the land
claimed by Johannitsa. But to Innocent this was all extending the leadership of Rome and thus preventing the spread of the Greek church. In
1203 Peter of Aragon approached Rome requesting acceptance of Aragon
as a fief of the papacy and was received. Apparently, Peter feared that the
actions of the Albigensian Crusade against the heretical Cathars of
Languedoc in southern France might spill over into some of his neighboring lands. And in 1213 John of England turned over the kingdoms of
England and Ireland to the papacy and received them back as papal fiefs
(see Chapter 3). In his voluminous correspondence, Innocent was in constant contact with all of these states, often dictating policy, using the
threat of interdict and excommunication to achieve his ends.
In his attempt to protect Christians against heresy, Innocent investigated a number of movements that seemed to deviate from the usual
Christian position as approved by Rome. He was remarkably flexible in
working out an acceptable practice (e.g., with the Humiliati, Francis of
Assisi, and Dominic). The Franciscans and Dominicans would become
the chief preaching orders of the thirteenth century. But the Cathars of
Languedoc with their dualistic conception of the universe had strayed
too far from orthodox doctrine. Innocent therefore preached a crusade
(the Albigensian Crusade) against them and provided rules for examining them about their beliefs, rules that would form the background of the
68 Biographies
procedure used by the later Inquisition. The Albigensian Crusade would
end in the massacre of many believers and unbelievers, advance the career of Simon de Montfort the elder (father of the English baron Simon
de Montfort, leader of the baronial opposition to Henry III of England),
and lead to the absorption of Languedoc into the realm of France under
Louis VIII.
From the standpoint of England and Magna Carta, Innocent Ill's importance lies in the quarrel between King John and Innocent III over the
disputed election to the see (province) of Canterbury and John's refusal
to accept the papal candidate, Stephen Langdon. Innocent III used his
spiritual weapons to force acceptance, with the result that England lay
under an interdict between 1207 and 1213 and John was excommunicated during the later part of this period. Innocent was ready to release
the English from their oaths of allegiance to their king and authorized
Philip II Augustus of France to invade England and overthrow John. It
was this threat, combined with a baronial plot against him, that caused
John to turn over England and Ireland to the papacy and receive them
back as papal fiefs. As a result, Innocent changed sides and forbade Philip
to invade England, threatening excommunication if he did. In the baronial rebellion to come, Innocent did back John against the barons and
even declared Magna Carta invalid.
Innocent's interference in the German imperial election following the
death of Henry VI (and the continuing interference of Innocent's successors in imperial affairs) doomed to defeat any move toward centralization in Germany and guaranteed that the German empire would
remain a collection of virtually independent principalities.
All of these essentially political activities brought Innocent and his
policies to the attention of the English king and his baronial council in
the early thirteenth century. But other aspects of Innocent's reign were
more favorable to the image of the Roman church. He was an accomplished canon lawyer and spent much time in adjudicating the increasing number of suits brought before the papal court. (The court had come
to have both original and appellate jurisdiction.) The papal registers that
begin during this reign have preserved much of this activity. In addition,
Innocent was an indefatigable letter writer giving legal advice on a wide
variety of canon law problems. Gregory IX collected and published many
of Innocent's decisions or recommendations in a new official collection
of canon laws in 1234.
68 Biographies
Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton was born in Lincolnshire at an undetermined date,
perhaps in about 1165, the son of a well-to-do freeman or a minor baron.
He received a good education of the kind that was then available in a
cathedral school and went to Paris at probably the usual age of fifteen.
There he completed the basic liberal arts course and went on to become
a master of theology. He remained for some years teaching theology at
Paris where he was interested in a number of theological problems such
as the social function of the secular clergythose who work in the world
rather than live in a monastery under a rule (the regular clergy). He decried the tendency to have chapters of monks associated with cathedrals
claiming the right to elect the bishop because monks almost always chose
a monk and he did not think that the unworldly goals of a monk were
suitable for a bishop who worked in the world. He also pondered the limits of obedience to the papacy (obedience vs. conscience). It was in Paris
that Stephen Langton met Lotario dei Conti, a few years older than he.
When Lotario was elected pope as Innocent III in 1198, he invited
Stephen Langton to Rome and in 1206 made him cardinal priest of St.
In 1206 the monks of Christ Church Cathedral, Canterbury, were in
Rome attending to the business of a disputed election to the see of Canterbury following the death of the archbishop Hubert Walter in 1205. Innocent III declared both elections invalid and presented Stephen
Langton to the monks with the recommendation that they elect him
archbishop. The monks proceeded to do so, but King John of England
refused to accept him and kept him out of England; he also exiled the
monks of Canterbury.
The standoff between king and pope lasted from 1207 to 1213, during which time Innocent used his spiritual weapons to force compliance.
England was laid under an interdict, during which church services could
not be performed, and later John was excommunicated. When all else
had failed, Innocent III resorted to the expedient of releasing John's subjects from their oaths of obedience, thus deposing him. At a church council in Paris in 1213 the papal legate Pandulf authorized Philip II to attack
England in a holy war on behalf of "suffering church." In the interval between his election to the archbishopric in 1207 and his arrival in England in 1213, Langton lived most of the time at the monastery of
in the east from 1248 to 1254. His mother Blanche of Castile was again
regent until her death in 1252. From Blanche's death until Louis' return
in 1254 the king's younger brothers Alfonso of Poitiers and Charles of
Anjou were in charge, but were mostly ineffective except to promote
their own interests.
Louis was not a very successful crusader. His army captured the city of
Damietta on one of the eastern mouths of the Nile River, but he and his
army were captured in trying to cross the Nile. As the price for his own
and his men's release, he was forced to surrender Damietta. He remained
in the east until 1254 when reports from France indicated that his presence was necessary to prevent serious disorder.
Louis returned to France even more committed to Christian rule than
before. He became austere in his own devotions and increased his gifts
to ecclesiastical institutions. He came to be the model Christian prince.
All the same, in all his commitments to the Church, he kept his own
royal prerogatives in mind. He objected to papal nomination of foreigners to office in France and the expansion of the jurisdiction of the church
courts at the expense of the state courts. He avoided taking sides in the
contest between the papacy and the Hohenstaufen emperor Frederick II,
and he initially refused to allow his brother Charles of Anjou to accept
the throne of Sicily as a papal fief. He reorganized royal officials at the
local level in order to make them more responsive to the needs of the
people, and he issued the first important legislation for the kingdom of
France. He had the reputation of peacemaker.
But important as his work was for France and for furthering the image
of French royalty, Louis continued to regard the crusade as the right goal
for a Christian king. After several years of preparation, he left France in
1270 but, already ill, allowed himself to be persuaded to attack Tunisia
in north Africa. There before the town of Tunis he became sick and died.
But his work and his reputation for saintliness led to his canonization in
1297. He was succeeded by his son Philip III (1270-85).
William Marshal
William Marshal (c. 1147-1219) was the fourth son of John Marshal,
a member of the lesser baronage, who acknowledged Stephen as king following the death of Henry I in 1135. In about 1140 the older Marshal
became disillusioned with Stephen and shifted his loyalty to Matilda,
68 Biographies
daughter of Henry I. W h e n her son Henry of Anjou (Henry Plantagenet)
took over her cause and became king of England a few years later, he
gave his loyalty to him.
W h e n William was about thirteen, an announced disposition of the
family properties among the three elder sons left William, the fourth son,
with nothing. He was sent to a relative, William of Tankerville in Normandy, to live in his household. There he learned little or nothing of
"letters," but much of the knightly activities of fighting, hawking, and
the tournament. Tankerville knighted him in 1167 after William had
demonstrated his prowess in a number of tournaments. Hereafter defeating opposing knights and claiming their armor and horses became a way
for William to support himself.
In 1167 or 1168 Tankerville reduced the size of his retinue, and
William Marshal returned to England where he was taken into the service of his uncle Patrick, earl of Salisbury. Patrick was being sent to Poitou
to help Queen Eleanor in her new task of trying to rule Aquitaine. Poitou
was very turbulent, and Patrick's escort of Eleanor was ambushed by
rebels. He was cut down from behind, and William Marshal, fighting
valiantly without his helmet, was wounded and taken prisoner and held
for ransom. Marshal could not pay the ransom, but unexpectedly Eleanor
paid it and took him into her service. Marshal would remain with her
until 1170. He was on the way to becoming a perfect courtier.
In 1170 Henry II had his oldest son, Henry, crowned during his lifetime, a device intended to insure the succession. Henry the younger was
crowned by the archbishop of York since Thomas Becket, archbishop of
Canterbury, was in exile. W h e n Becket and Henry were reconciled later
in the year, Becket would use the excuse of York and his fellow bishops
disobeying him to excommunicate all who participated in the coronation. The furor over this excommunication and Becket's refusal to lift it
was an immediate cause of Becket's murder. After the coronation of the
young king, Henry II assigned William Marshal to the young king's
household. He became Henry's tutor in chivalry, his guardian, and his
companion. When Henry, joined by his brothers Richard and Geoffrey,
rebelled against their father in 1173-74 (encouraged by their mother
Eleanor and Louis VII of France), William Marshal followed his young
lord and does not as a result seem to have fallen out of favor with Henry
II. Due to an intrigue against him by some jealous members of the young
Henry's court, Marshal was out of favor with the young king between
1180 and 1183; he was recalled in that year because his fighting prowess
was needed. The young king Henry and his brother Geoffrey had become
involved in an Angevin family feud and now faced Richard and Henry
II. However, this campaign became too much for the young Henry; he
grew ill and died in 1183. Marshal was at Henry's bedside as he lay dying
when he asked Marshal to take his place in his vow to go on a crusade.
After Henry II gave William Marshal permission to leave the country,
Marshal made his way east where he remained for several years. Virtually nothing is known about this period in his life, but he must certainly
have learned much about warfare and the new castles being built by the
crusading orders of knights.
Back in England in 1186, Marshal was taken into Henry IPs household and was given a fief as well as custody of the heiress of William de
Lancaster. But fighting between Henry II and Philip II, who had become
king of France in 1180, was almost constant in the next three years. Accordingly, Marshal did not remain in England but followed Henry to
France where his fighting skills were in demand. Again the jealousies of
Henry's sons compounded the problems: Henry refused to declare
Richard his heir and have his barons swear loyalty to him. And since he
frequently had John with him, Richard thought Henry would leave everything to John. Therefore Richard did homage to Philip II for all the continental fiefs, joined Philip II against Henry II, and finally, since John was
also uncertain about Henry's intentions, John joined Philip and Richard
(the third son Geoffrey died in 1186). Both Philip II and his father Louis
VII had always been prompt to take advantage of quarrels in the Angevin
household, quarrels stemming from Henry's refusal to give up any of his
power even now that he was growing old and weary and the alliance
against him stronger than he could overcome. Henry, dying, was forced
to sign a treaty that was very advantageous to Philip recognizing Richard
as heir to England as well as to the Angevin territories in France, and
ceding to France some very strategic territory in the Loire Valley between
the Angevin holdings in Normandy and Greater Anjou to the north and
the southern territory in Poitou and Aquitaine. Neither Richard nor John
made his way to his deathbed (1189). Henry was attended by a number
of courtiers, including John Marshal. Marshal was forced to borrow
money to make preparations for Henry's burial at the abbey of
68 Biographies
reconnoitering a siege of the castle of Chalus without full armor when
he took a crossbow bolt in his shoulder. It was a terrible wound and in
eleven days Richard died. Before Richard's death, however, he alerted his
mother Eleanor, William Marshal, and Archbishop Walter, who were all
in Normandy, of his approaching death and requested that they throw
their influence to John as his heir.
The question of John as heir was an important one. It could be argued
whether a brother's right took precedence over that of the son of an older
brother (Geoffrey had left a young son, Arthur). Richard's advisers considered John's character as not promising, but he was an adult with a great
deal of experience. John was known in England; Arthur was not. Arthur
was a child in the guardianship of Philip II who pushed Arthur's claims.
John was presented to the barons of England and crowned king by the
archbishop of Canterbury.
John inherited from his brother a war with Philip II, but he was not
in a hurry to pursue it. Instead he sought a truce with Philip on terms
that were favorable to Philip: Louis, heir to the French throne, would
marry Blanche of Castile, granddaughter of Henry II and Eleanor of
Aquitaine; John would pay a relief of 20,000 marks for the continental
fiefs; and Philip gained the Norman Vexin and part of the county of
Evreux, which were very strategically placed in northeastern Normandy
adjoining Philip's own land. John thus secured several years of peace during which he would get into trouble with his French overlord over his
marriage to Isabelle of Angouleme, and by 1204 John had lost Normandy,
Maine, Anjou, and Touraine. Although he intended to fight to regain
them, conditions were not right until 1214, when he lost them for good.
In the meantime, William Marshal entered John's service and was
amply rewarded. He was given many grants, including the earldom of
Pembroke in Wales and the lordship of Leinster in Ireland. He had become one of the greatest of the English barons. But in 1205 he lost John's
favor. John regarded him as disloyal when Marshall refused to participate
in a campaign against Philip of France. Marshal, thinking that John
would not succeed in regaining Normandy, feared the loss of his holdings in Normandyhe had a major one in Longueville in eastern Normandy. He asked John's permission to do homage to Philip for these
holdings since John would continue to be his liege lord; that is, Marshall
would owe first loyalty to John. But in France Philip refused to receive
Marshal's homage unless it were liege homage, and a man could not fight
against his liege lord. Marshal did the liege homage and as a result fell
out of favor. He remained in Ireland (where he led the opposition to
John's policies) until he was recalled to court in 1210 when John's suspicions of other barons became greater than his suspicions of Marshal.
In the meantime, since 1207 John had been embroiled in a conflict
with Innocent III over the election of Stephen Langton to the archbishopric of Canterbury. Since neither interdict nor excommunication
had brought John to heel, Innocent III now decided to use the strategy
of releasing John's subjects from their allegiance to the king. He sent letters to Philip II of France deposing John, and the papal legate Pandulf
ordered Philip to attack England in a holy war on behalf of "suffering
church." After William Marshal recommended that the king make peace
with Innocent III, John proceeded to do so, agreeing to accept Langton
as archbishop, to indemnify the Church for its losses, and to hand England and Ireland over to the papacy and receive them back as fiefs of the
papacy. Marshal was right; Innocent immediately ordered Philip not to
invade England, threatening excommunication if he did.
Between 1210 and 1215, Marshal negotiated between John and the
barons, but when civil war broke out in 1215, Marshal remained loyal to
the king and was prominent in the king's resistance to the barons, who
had invited Prince Louis of France to join them in the war against John,
promising the crown of England to him if John were defeated. Louis and
his men were excommunicated for their role in the civil war, but Philip
II was not since he had carefully not authorized the invasion. When John
died unexpectedly in October 1216, Marshal joined the other barons in
recognizing John's son, Henry III. It was William who knighted the young
king before his coronation by the bishop of Winchester. (Stephen Langton had been suspended and recalled to Rome for his refusal to carry out
the papal command to excommunicate the rebel barons.)
Between 1216 and his death in 1219, William Marshal served as the
guardian of the young king and head, with papal legate Gualo, of a regency that governed in Henry Ill's name. In this role he led an army that
defeated Louis of France, recommended and carried a policy of admitting
the defeated barons back into civil society with little if any penalty, and
somehow managed to find (with great difficulty) the money to pay off
the royal mercenaries and to restore the administrative and judicial machinery of the government. He died in May 1219, in the presence of his
family (he and his countess, Isabelle, had five sons and five daughters),
68 Biographies
his most important advisers, and members of the court. He was buried in
the church of the New Temple, London.
Simon de Montfort
Simon de Montfort (c. 1208-65) was the son of Simon de Montfort
the elder from one of the great aristocratic families of France. The main
family residence was located about thirty miles west of Paris and about
equidistant from the border of Normandy. The elder Simon de Montfort
was the son of Amicia, sister and co-heiress of Robert de Beaumont, earl
of Leicester in England. The elder de Montfort thus had a claim through
his mother to land in England. The younger Simon de Montfort was the
third of four sons, so his claim to land in either France or England after
his father was subordinate to the claims of his two older brothers.
The older Simon de Montfort responded to Innocent Ill's call for a
crusade against the heretical Cathars in Languedoc in southern France,
known as the Albigensian Crusade. He was a man of narrow piety and
regarded it as his role to extirpate any evidence of heresy in this land.
He won two major victories: one in 1211 at Castelnaudary against Count
Raymond of Toulouse, and another in 1213 at Muret against Peter, king
of Aragon. He laid siege to Toulouse in 1217 but died in 1218 before the
city fell. During his time in southern France, the older Simon was accompanied by his wife who shared his piety and dedication to the cause.
It is usually assumed that her sons were with her and may have been influenced by the intense religious feeling of the time.
In 1230 the younger Simon de Montfort went to England to try to obtain his English grandmother's inheritance. His father was dead, and he
had come to terms with his older brothers whereby they would sell to him
any rights they might have in the English property and he in turn released
any claim he might have to property in France. The land was in the possession of the king, Henry III, who had granted it as a life estate to Ranulf, earl of Chester. Montfort applied to the king who, planning a first
campaign to recapture the land in France that had been surrendered by his
father John, took Montfort into his service, perhaps influenced by the military reputation of Montfort's father. With the approval of the elderly and
heirless Ranulf of Chester, he was given the honor of Leicester (not the
much larger earldom). Although the expedition did not take place, Montfort remained at court, and he and Henry III seem to have become friends.
68 Biographies
In January 1138 Montfort was allowed to marry Henry's sister Eleanor
in a very quiet ceremony about which Henry did not consult his barons.
Eleanor was an extremely important pawn (her sister had married the
emperor Frederick II), and Montfort was at the time a very impecunious
Frenchman. So there were baronial protests about this marriage, and the
Church had its doubts because Eleanor had taken a vow of chastity (a
vow not to remarry) on the death of her first husband in 1231. But Henry
remained firm, as did Montfort and Eleanor, and the marriage was a remarkably compatible one. In November 1138 their first son Henry was
born, and in February 1139 Montfort received the earldom of Leicester
(but still without a major land grant).
But Montfort's relative poverty and his mounting debts (he still owed
on the money he promised his brothers upon release of their claims to
the English property to him) forced him to increase his attempts to obtain a larger holding from Henry III. His own financial problems were
compounded by Eleanor's problems in dealing with the family of her first
husband over her dower rights in the Pembroke inheritance. She had
been married to William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, who died in 1231
(the son of William Marshal who served Henry II, Richard, and John).
Montfort had to borrow money using Henry III as a reference, and as a
result Montfort lost Henry's favor in August 1239 and went into exile in
France. But he was back in favor in April 1240 and was given permission to participate in a crusade. Nothing is known of his activities on
this crusade, but he was back in the fall of 1141, staying with the duke
of Burgundy in eastern France.
In the meantime, Henry HI called a parliament of his barons and asked
for an aid (money grant) for a campaign in Poitou to recover that part of
the county that had been lost to the French. Henry was refused the aid,
but Henry went to Poitou anyway and called Montfort to serve in his army.
The campaign was so poorly organized and underfunded that the English
were soundly defeated and the rest of the county was surrendered to the
French. The English were left with the rest of the duchy of Aquitaine,
which included the county of Gascony. The county of Poitou would later
be granted as an appanage to his brother Alphonse by Louis IX (St. Louis)
of France. Alphonse would be known as Alphonse of Poitiers.
In the fall of 1243, Montfort and Eleanor were back in England, and
Montfort was richly rewarded for his services in France. Many of his debts
were forgiven, a marriage portion was provided for Eleanor, it was
arranged that the Marshals make dower payments to Eleanor (they were
difficult to collect), and Montfort was given custody of the castle of
Kenilworth, which became his principal seat (residence). Montfort was
now one of the great barons of England.
Montfort was in England between 1243 and 1248, a time of increasing baronial discontent with Henry Ill's government. The discontent at
this time centered in the lesser baronage and the country gentry. Montfort as earl of Leicester was frequently at court and was not involved in
the protests against Henry's policies, but he does seem to have drifted
from the center of the court to its periphery. However, the real split between Montfort and Henry came from Henry's appointing Montfort as
his lieutenant in Gascony in 1248. The appointment was to be for seven
years, and Henry was to bear the cost of the military actions, castle building, and other necessary expenses. The province was exceptionally unruly, and Montfort went to work to restore order by force if necessary.
Complaints against Montfort's forceful actions and his requests for money
(which Henry could not supply) brought Montfort back to England in
1152 to face charges about his conduct in Gascony. In the trial Montfort and Henry threw charges back and forth against each other, but in
the end the magnates (the earls of Cornwall, Gloucester, Norfolk, and
Hereford) supported Montfort, the earl of Leicester. Henry decided to
pacify Gascony himself and went to Gascony, accompanied by Montfort,
between 1252 and 1254. This was Henry's only successful campaign, and
it was fought in the way that Montfort had demonstrated earlier was the
only way to quell the rebels.
Between 1254 and 1258 discontent with Henry's foreign policy increased because it was unwise and very costly. At the same time, Henry's
half-brothers, the Lusignans, were at court where they received money
and favors from the king at the expense of the English barons. Montfort
was among the barons who opposed the foreign Lusignans (they were the
sons of Henry Ill's mother Isabelle and her second husband, Hugh de
Lusignan). His quarrel was primarily with William de Valence who had
been given the Pembroke lands in the Welsh marches. Each accused the
other of trespassing on his lands, and they came to blows on several occasions in Parliament. By 1258 the barons were ready to force Henry to
accept baronial guidance in the making of policy and in the naming of
the chief advisers of the crown. (For the course of the rebellion against
Henry and Montfort's role in it, see Chapter 5.)
68 Biographies
Montfort died on the battlefield of Evesham in 1265 facing a royalist
army under the command of Edward, Henry Ill's heir, with a baronial
army that was just lukewarm in its support of Montfort since Montfort's
"rule" had been as arbitrary and oppressive as Henry's. His lands were
confiscated, and his family was forced into exile. But the battlefield became virtually a shrine to Montfort, and there was much feeling that he
died in a good cause and should be regarded as a martyr. O n the other
hand, his failure to establish baronial reform tarnished the reform movement, and future baronial reform movements were less revolutionary
until the monarchy was overthrown in 1645.
Philip II Augustus
Philip II Augustus (1165-1223), king of France (1180-1223), was the
son of Louis VII (1137-80) and his third wife, Adela of Champagne
whom Louis had married after the divorce of his first wife, Eleanor of
Aquitaine (from whom he had two daughters), and the death of his second wife (from whom he had had two daughters). Adela was married in
1160 and amid great rejoicing gave birth in 1165 to a son, Philip.
Philip II became king of France at a time when western European politics were dominated by Henry II of England, Normandy, greater Anjou,
Poitou, and Aquitaine. Although Henry was a completely independent
ruler only in England and for the other territories he was nominally subordinate to the king of France, his real political and economic power gave
him a decided advantage in dealings with France. Nor was Henry the
only French vassal who was strong enough to defy the French king. The
princes who ruled Flanders, Champagne, Blois, Toulouse, and the other
great fiefs overshadowed the king whose own territory included the Isle
de France (the territory around Paris) and a rather narrow area reaching
from Amiens in the northeast to Orleans on the Loire River in the south;
on the central western frontier, the royal lands had a common boundary
with the duchy of Normandy.
The Capetians belonged to a relatively new dynasty (ruling family)
that had succeeded the Carolingian dynasty in 987 with the recognition
of Hugh Capet, count of Paris, as king of the west Franks. The Carolingian dynasty got its name from Charles the Great (Charlemagne), king
of the Franks (768-814), king of the Lombards (774-814), and Roman
emperor (800-814). Charlemagne's successors drew great prestige from
lowing the strategy of his father, Louis VII, which was to offset his lack
of the power and resources of the king of England by taking advantage
of the quarrels in Henry's family revolving around the domestic troubles
between Henry and his queen (Eleanor of Aquitaine) and their sons,
Henry, Richard, Geoffrey, and John. In Henry, Richard, and Geoffrey's
rebellion against their father in 1173-74, they were encouraged not only
by their mother but also by Louis VII. In the last rebellion by Richard
and John in 1189 (the young Henry and Geoffrey had died earlier), Philip
II had actively participated in defeating and humiliating the old king.
Following the death of Henry II, Richard I became king of England and
ruler of the Angevin lands in France (1189-99). At first the friendship
that had developed between Richard and Philip during the days of opposition to Henry II continued, and both prepared to go on the Third Crusade together. But on the crusade it became apparent that the interests of
the two were adversarial, not cooperative. When Acre in Palestine had
fallen to the crusaders, Philip immediately went home, determined to take
advantage of Richard's absence to occupy those of Richard's French lands
which he could obtain by encouraging holders of strategic points to desert
Richard or those he could occupy by military force. In this endeavor he
obtained the support of Richard's brother John, who was anxious to gain
the English throne for himself. Again it was the same policy of taking advantage of the ambitions of members of the Angevin family. In pursuing
these policies, Philip now seemed for the first time to have resources that
were at least equal to those of the Angevins; considering Richard's extra
expenditures for the crusade and for raising the money for his ransom from
the German emperor, Philip probably had more. At any rate, Philip could
afford to remain on a war footing for a longer time than he and his predecessors could previously.
W h e n Richard returned from the crusade and captivity in Germany
in 1194, he spent only two months in England, long enough just to see
that his new government organization under Hubert Walter was working
well (it was) and to raise money for a campaign against Philip Augustus
to recover those territories that the French had occupied. At this time,
Philip was concentrating on two areas: (1) the northeastern part of Normandy closest to Paris, and (2) the salient between greater Anjou
(Anjou, Maine, and Touraine) and the northeastern part of the county
of Poitou. Richard remained in France without returning to England;
John was also in France and seems to have served Richard loyally since
68 Biographies
he would almost certainly succeed to the throne if Richard and his queen
Berengaria had no children. There was another candidate in the person
of a young son of John's older brother, Geoffrey, dead since 1186.
Between 1194 and his death in battle in 1199, Richard had recovered
most of the land occupied by Philip Augustus while Richard was absent
in the east and in Germany. Not all of it had been won back, however,
especially some of the most strategic points for the defense of the duchy
of Normandy. What would have happened if he had not been killed in
the siege of a castle held by a rebel in Poitou is impossible to say. Whatever may be said about Richard as an absentee king in England, there is
no doubt about his inspired military leadership. Even so, his military expenditures were enormous, especially the building of an up-to-date newstyle castle, Chateau Gaillard, at Les Andelys on the Seine River near
the border between Normandy and the French royal lands. He had been
taking large sums out of England to pay for this castle and his military
expeditions, and as a result the English barons were already beginning to
grumble. Whether they would have supported Richard if he had continued to require such sums for years into the future is impossible to tell. As
it was, John inherited the situation, and John was no match for the wily
Philip Augustus.
With Richard's death, Philip threw his support to Arthur of Brittany,
son of the older brother Geoffrey, against John. But the barons of England and Normandy were persuaded to support John, and changing allegiances among a number of crucial subordinates convinced Philip to
accept John in 1200. According to the terms of the agreement, John held
all of Richard's former fiefs from Philip in return for a very large payment
in relief; part of the county of Evreux in northeastern Normandy was
ceded to Philip; and John's niece Blanche of Castile (daughter of a daughter of Henry II and Eleanor) was to marry the future Louis VIII and was
given lands in Poitou as a dowry. Philip definitely came out ahead in this
agreement, but John was given time to regroup his resources. The fact
that Philip was willing to make peace on these terms was probably due
to problems he was having over his second marriage to Ingeborg of Denmark. Philip's first marriage had been to Isabella of Hainault who became
the mother of Philip's son and heir, Louis, before her death in 1189.
Philip then married Ingeborg of Denmark whom he immediately repudiated and then married Agnes of Meran. Innocent III refused to recognize
the divorce from Ingeborg and demanded that Philip restore her as queen.
68 Biographies
When Philip refused, he suffered excommunication and an interdict on
France. Although these ecclesiastical penalties do not seem to have upset
the French king and his advisers very much, there were those who would
all too willingly use them against the king. Philip finally capitulated and
agreed to receive Ingeborg back (in name only). Fortunately for Philip,
Agnes died shortly after this capitulation, and Philip was able to induce
the pope to legitimize her children (a girl and a boy). Philip thus would
have another potential male heir should Prince Louis not live.
In the meantime, John involved himself in a marital adventure by marrying Isabelle of Angouleme with her father's consent. From the standpoint of John's holdings in Poitou, the alliance with Angouleme was a
wise move. Unfortunately, John neglected to come to terms with one of
his vassals to whom Isabelle had been betrothed. Emerging feudal custom demanded that John give Hugh of Lusignan some form of compensation. W h e n John refused it, Hugh appealed to John's overlord, the king
of France, and King Philip agreed to hear the case in his own court in
Paris. John was cited to appear before the court, but he refused to come.
After several summonses, the French court in 1202 found John a rebellious vassal and declared his French fiefs forfeit. Philip and Arthur of Brittany immediately moved into Normandy, Philip from the east and Arthur
from the west. John enjoyed only one success in the west: the capture of
Arthur. This capture led to one of John's reprehensible actsthe elimination of his rival for the throne by murder. Other than this, Philip was
successful in the east, and by 1204, John, no longer able to defend Normandy, withdrew to England. In the coming months, Philip would occupy Anjou, Maine, and Touraine as well and would confirm holding
some of the lands to the east of Poitou. The Angevin domination was
ended, although John did not acknowledge this; he would spend the rest
of his reign planning to return to France and recover his lands that Philip
had occupied.
John was unable to wage his campaign against Philip Augustus to regain his lost lands until 1214, when he was defeated. This defeat contributed to the baronial rebellion that pressed Magna Carta upon John.
Meanwhile, Philip Augustus concentrated on making royal French
rule acceptable in the considerable territory he had obtained from the
Angevins and as the result of marriages made between members of the
Capetian family and heiresses to fiefs in the eastern part of France. In so
doing, he adopted many of the practices developed by the Anglo-Norman
and Angevin rulers of England and Normandy that extended royal legal
and financial control in the provinces and developed centralized institutions staffed by professional administrators trained in civil and canon law.
Although the law in northern France was still based on unwritten customary law, that customary law varied significantly from province to
province and placed no obstacle on the application of civil (i.e., Roman)
law as a bulwark of royal power. This, combined with elaborate royal ceremonials, especially on the occasion of coronations, and the steady propaganda of royalist apologists created a strong myth emphasizing the
French royal power. This was in great contrast to what was happening in
Although England and France were not at war between 1204 and
1214, the rulers of both countries were preparing for war throughout that
time. Philip Augustus expected to invade England to defeat John for a
final time, and John constantly planned and stored up treasure to build
an alliance on the Continent (his cousin Otto IV of Brunswick was German Roman emperor) that would allow a pincer movement against Philip
Augustus from two directions. This plan was put in effect in 1214, leading to the decisive battle of Bouvines whereby John's plan was defeated
and the English were left with only part of Poitou, Aquitaine, and Gascony. All of these areas were so unruly that the French kings were not
ready to try to incorporate them into the royal domain.
Philip Augustus, however, did not wait until 1214 for war and its unknown outcome. By 1213 he was ready to invade England. He had the
necessary resources to hire a largely mercenary army, he had a potentially
able commander in his son Louis, heir to the throne, and he had the
blessing of Pope Innocent III, who urged him to undertake a crusade to
bring the English church back to obedience to the papacy. This last element in Philip Augustus' preparedness was the result of conflict between
John and Innocent over the archbishopric of Canterbury. Innocent refused to accept John's candidate to succeed Hubert Walter as archbishop
of Canterbury and obtained the election of his own candidate, Stephen
Langton, whom John refused to allow to land in England. The struggle
had begun in 1207 and as John refused to give in, Innocent put England
under an interdict. Then later when John still did not move, he excommunicated John. But as in the earlier case of Philip Augustus and his
excommunication, John and England were not intimidated. Stephen
Langton was kept out of the country, and those bishops who obeyed the
pope were exiled, leaving their episcopal lands in the hand of the king,
thus increasing John's income. There was no popular protest, and some
clerical opinion favored the king.
By 1213 John faced an imminent French invasion, and on this occasion he outmaneuvered Philip Augustus. He came to terms with Innocent III and even turned over to Innocent England and Ireland, which
John would hold as fiefs of the papacy. Innocent immediately withdrew
his approval of a French invasion of England and threatened interdict
and excommunication if Philip proceeded. Philip Augustus could do
nothing except disband his army, although he had not given up on the
In 1216, after civil war had broken out in England between the rebel
barons and John, Philip Augustus could not take advantage of the situation to intervene. (Innocent III had excommunicated the barons who
rebelled against his vassal John.) However, when the rebel barons invited
his heir, Louis, to invade England on their behalf and held out the
prospect of the English throne as enticement, Philip Augustus made no
official move to support the invasion and thus avoided excommunication. Louis invaded England and was excommunicated. The rebel barons
of England, reinforced by Louis' army, captured a number of royal castles
and succeeded in controlling much of the southeast of England and East
Anglia. Whether Louis could have eventually prevailed and whether
Philip Augustus could have an acquired kingdom to bestow on his second son do not seem likely because of the increasing confidence of the
majority of the English barons as Englishmen. As it happened, John's unexpected death in October 1216 removed the greatest stumbling block
to an increase in royal resistance in the name of the nine-year-old king
Henry III. Prince Louis had no choice but to withdraw.
In France, Philip Augustus continued to take advantage of every opportunity to expand the royal domain, and in Prince Louis he had the
instrument to do so. Languedoc had not yet been brought completely
under royal control when Philip died in 1223, but by the time of his son
Louis VIII's death in 1226 it had become so. That Philip Augustus' reforms in government had been effective was proved during the reign of
his grandson, Louis IX, who came to the throne as a minor under the regency of his mother, Blanche of Castile. Since Blanche was a woman and
not a Frenchman, a number of the French barons revolted, but the movement was not coordinated. At his majority Blanche turned over to her
68 Biographies
68 Biographies
Christians held a strip of coastland that had been reconquered from Tyre
to Jaffa and Christian pilgrims could visit Palestine, including Jerusalem.
Richard did not go as a pilgrim to Jerusalem but sent Hubert Walter instead. Richard and a royal party left Palestine before Hubert Walter.
Avoiding a return through France where Philip II, now Richard's enemy,
was fighting to acquire some of Richard's territories, Richard instead went
up the Adriatic Sea, hoping to travel incognito through the German
lands. W h e n Hubert Walter reached Sicily on his way home, he was met
with the news that Richard had been captured and had been turned over
to the German emperor Henry VI, another crusading enemy of Richard's.
Walter went to Germany, saw Richard, and returned to England as
Richard's representative to raise the enormous ransom demanded by the
Walter returned to England in April 1193 and made a truce with
Richard's brother, John, who in concert with Philip II had planned to
fight Richard for the throne. Walter joined with the queen mother
Eleanor of Aquitaine and the justiciars Richard had appointed to rule
England in his absence in raising the ransom. In accordance with
Richard's wishes, Hubert Walter was elected archbishop of Canterbury
later in 1193 and at almost the same time, was named chief justiciar, that
is, regent in the absence of the king.
Richard returned to England in early 1194 but remained there only
two months to collect men and money for a campaign in France to recover those territories that the French had taken. Richard died in 1199,
still fighting, having never returned to England. Until 1198, Hubert Walter headed the government as justiciar, and when he resigned in 1198,
he continued to be an active supporter of the king. He had been called
to France in 1199 to negotiate a peace with Philip II, the terms of which
Richard refused to accept, and he was there when Richard was killed in
April. He and William Marshal were sent ahead to England to smooth
the way for the succession of John, youngest son of Henry II.
John, who was in Normandy at the time of Richard's death, came to
England in May 1199 and was crowned by Hubert Walter acting in his
right as archbishop of Canterbury. Immediately thereafter, John named
Walter chancellor, and in this position he initiated the practice of enrolling (that is, making copies on rolls of parchment) the charters, writs,
and letters issued by the chancery. These important records joined those
earlier started in the exchequer (treasury) and royal courts, placing Eng-
68 Biographies
68 Biographies
I of England neared death a hundred years later in 1135, there was little
chance that he could be followed by one of his bastard sons, even though
his single legitimate son had predeceased him. This shift in social attitudes threw England into a civil war over the succession.
Pilgrimages to the Holy Land were very popular in the tenth and
eleventh centuries partly because of an increase in population, the restless energy of a warrior aristocracy, and an increase in trade between east
and west. In addition, there was a great deal of curiosity about what was
going on in the Asiatic Muslim world as the decline in the universal
power of the Abbas id caliphate (the caliphs were the successors to
Muhammed) at Bagdad allowed the Seljuk Turks to acquire effective political-military control. With Turkish control extended also to the Asia
Minor provinces of the Byzantine Empire in 1071 following the battle of
Manazkert, the background for the First Crusade was set. But for the moment the Crusades were in the future, and the big adventure was pilgrimage. A number of the northern French comital (i.e., the counts from
the plural comites or companions) rulers, in addition to the duke of Normandy, were tempted. Robert, duke of Normandy, father of William the
Bastard, did not return from his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, although he sent
back a holy relic, one of the fingers of St. Stephen. It was to house this
relic that William later built the abbey of St. Etienne for men at Caen
in western Normandy, where his wife built La Trinite for women.
The oaths of the Norman baronage to recognize William as the heir
had little restraining effect on events once Duke Robert had left for the
east in 1035. At the time William was only seven or eight, and there
were many older relatives ready to take advantage of his weakness. He
first received some protection from a great uncle, the elderly Archbishop
Robert of Rouen, but Robert died in 1037. Thereafter William was usually in hiding with one or two of his father's loyal staff. He also received
some support from his mother Herleva, whom Duke Robert before his
departure had married to a minor baron, Herluin de Conteville. This
marriage would provide William with two half-brothers, Odo and Robert,
who would be closely associated with William in his conquest of England. (AllHerleva, Herluin, Odo, and Robertwould be richly rewarded after the conquest.) In addition to this Norman support, when
all seemed lost, William appealed to his overlord, Henry I of France. And
survive William did. Gradually as he passed his mid-teen years, he began
to gain control over his duchy, subduing the unruly baronage by military
68 Biographies
action. By 1054 he had defeated the last attempt to replace him as duke
by one of his relatives, but he still remained vigilent. Normandy itself
was turbulentthis was the period of Norman emigration to southern
Italyand Normandy's neighbors, the French king to the northeast and
the Angevin count to the southwest, were trying to improve their frontiers with Normandy, as William was trying to improve his against them.
The eleventh century in general was a period of constant warfare
throughout France as regional counts and dukes and even the king tried
to regain control from local leaders who had provided what peace and
protection were available in the breakup of the Carolingian Empire
caused by dynastic weakness and invasions from without (Northmen in
the north, Muslims in the south, Hungarians from the east). In effect,
they were trying to overcome political disintegration by utilizing the
ubiquitous lord-man relationship to obtain military service and gradually,
in small increments, were building up a number of "feudal incidents" that
would foster the relationship and provide some income for the lord. The
dukes of Normandy had moved along this road with considerable success
before the disasters associated with Robert and the early years of William.
Before 1066, however, William had Normandy under control and well
enough organized to provide the resources to attract and sustain a considerable army of adventurers to invade England that year. The county of
Anjou had made some progress in this direction under Count Fulk Nerra
(987-1040) and Count Geoffrey Martel (1040-60), but then a disputed
succession threw the county into chaos again. In the twelfth century the
baronage of Anjou would have to be overcome again by Count Geoffrey
(1128-51), father of Henry of Anjou who would become King Henry II
of England. The kings of France lagged behind the rulers of both Normandy and Anjou in subduing their baronage, but in the twelfth century,
beginning with Louis VI (1108-37), the French kings would begin the
process of establishing closer relations with their own baronage. Recognition by their own baronage would give the kings of France the strength
to increase their control over the regional rulers of other parts of France.
In building up his strength in Normandy, William had a number of assets, including a thorough grounding in medieval warfare and his ability
as a horse warrior. He was a realist about his position and could be very
cruel to his defeated enemies. O n the other hand, he understood well
what his loyal followers expected: they expected to be rewarded for their
services, and since land was the main form of wealth among the military
aristocracy, William was generous with gifts from his own land (his
demesne). He was also generous with land confiscated from followers who
were disloyal or slow to come to William's aid. William, though ruthless,
was also generous. That William's reputation was promising is indicated
by the fact that some time between 1050 and 1052 he married Matilda,
daughter of Count Baldwin V of the well-organized and increasingly
wealthy county of Flanders in northeastern France. William's lack of formal education seems to have been of little import relative to the power
he had acquired.
The story of William's claims as heir of the English king, Edward the
Confessor, and his successful military invasion of England in 1066 to obtain the English throne has been told in Chapter 1. It is sufficient here
to emphasize that William not only had to fight the battle of Hastings
to gain his throne, but he had to remain or return to England almost constantly between 1067 and 1071 because of rebellions, especially in the
north. These rebellions were ruthlessly put down, but they had the added
advantage that widespread confiscation of property of rebels provided
William with much land to distribute among his followers. Essentially
this is the way William treated England, as a source of wealth to be returned to Normandy and those other provinces that had provided support. He was also extremely generous in his gifts to churches.
Although William regarded England as primarily an adjunct to his
home province of Normandy, he did institute strong Norman rule based
on respecting English legal institutions but providing for his own followers to enjoy their own customsa formula that allowed gradual fusion of the two. He did not foresee a union of Normandy and England
under his successors, and he provided that his eldest son Robert should
inherit Normandy (as was beginning to be the custom on the Continent
in the case of inherited land), his second son should inherit the acquired
territory, England, and the youngest son would inherit only treasure. But
as in the case of his great grandson, Henry II in the late twelfth century,
William failed to grasp the nature of the hopes and ambitions of his sons;
Normandy and England would be united by his youngest son, Henry I.
The five documents that follow are closely associated with the making
of Magna Carta and its establishment as law of the land. The first document is "The Coronation Charter" of Henry I, issued in the year 1100.
It is sometimes referred to as a blueprint for Magna Carta because it outlines the grievances that the barons of England had voiced against the
rule of Henry's predecessor, William II. Many of these grievances were
the same as those held by the barons of 1215 against King John. It is interesting to note how the customs governing the holding of land from
the king had developed during the century that intervened between the
earlier document and Magna Carta issued in 1215.
For the meaning of technical words, see the Glossary.
'The Coronation Charter" of H e n r y I (August 5, 1 1 0 0 )
This charter was issued by Henry I (third of the Norman kings of England) in 1100 as an addition to the usual English coronation oath promising peace and security to the people of the realm. It was in response to
complaints made against his brother, William 11, who had collected more
income from the tenants who held land from him than had become customary. Henry was evidently appealing for support of these men. It should
be noted, however, that contrary to the promises made here, Henry continued many of the practices of his predecessors.
Primary Documents
Henry, king of the English, to Samson the bishop, and Urse of Abbetot, and to all his barons and faithful vassals, both French and English,
in Worchestershire, greeting.
1. Know that by the mercy of God and by the common counsel of the
barons of the whole kingdom of England I have been crowned king of
this realm. And because the kingdom has been oppressed by unjust exactions, I now, being moved by reverence towards God and by the love
I bear you all, make free the Church of God so that I will neither sell
nor lease its property; nor on the death of an archbishop or bishop or an
abbot will I take anything from the demesne of the Church or from its
vassals during the period which elapses before a successor is installed. I
abolish all the evil customs by which the kingdom of England has been
unjustly oppressed. Some of those evil customs are here set forth.
2. If any of my barons or of my earls or of any other of my tenants
shall die, his heir shall not redeem his land as he was wont to do in the
time of my brother, but he shall henceforth redeem it by means of a just
and lawful "relief." Similarly the men of my barons shall redeem their
lands from their lords by means of a just and lawful "relief."
3. If any of my barons or of my tenants shall wish to give in marriage
his daughter or his sister or his niece or his cousin, he shall consult me
about the matter; but I will neither seek payment for my consent, nor
will I refuse my permission, unless he wishes to give her in marriage to
one of my enemies. And if, on the death of one of my barons or of one
of my tenants a daughter should be his heir, I will dispose of her in marriage and of her lands according to the counsel given me by my barons.
And if the wife of one of my tenants shall survive her husband and be
without children, she shall have her dower and her marriage portion, and
I will not give her in marriage unless she herself consents.
4. If a widow survives with children under age, she shall have her
dower and her marriage portion, so long as she keeps her body chaste;
and I will not give her in marriage except with her consent. And the
guardian of the land, and of the children, shall be either the widow or
another of their relations, as may seem more proper. And I order that my
barons shall act likewise towards the sons and daughters and widows of
their men.
5. I utterly forbid that the common mintage, which has been taken
from the towns and shires, shall henceforth be levied, since it was not so
Primary Documents
Primary Documents
14. If since the death of my brother, King William, anyone shall have
seized any of my property or the property of any other man, let him speedily return the whole of it. If he does this no penalty will be exacted, but
if he retains any part of it he shall, when discovered, pay a heavy penalty
to me.
Witness: Maurice, bishop of London; William, bishop-elect of Winchester; Gerard, bishop of Hereford; Henry the earl; Simon the earl; Walter
Giffard; Robert of Montfort-sur-Risle; Roger Bigot; Eudo the steward;
Robert, son of Haimo; and Robert Malet.
At Westminister when I was crowned. Farewell.
This translation is taken from David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway, eds.,
English Historical Documents, 1042-1189, 2nd ed. (London: Eyre Methuen, an
New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), pp. 432-434.
Magna Carta, 1 2 1 5
Four copies of this charter survive: two in the British Museum and one
each in the cathedrals of Lincoln and Salisbury. The original of the document, as well as the copies, was not divided into separate articles, but
for ease of reading and understanding, all recent editors and translators
have retained the division into paragraphs followed here.
John, by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of
Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justiciars, foresters, sheriffs, stewards, servants,
and to all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. Know that we, out
of reverence for God and for the salvation of our soul and those of all
our ancestors and heirs, for the honour of God and the exaltation of holy
church, and for the reform of our realm, on the advice of our venerable
fathers, Stephen archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and
cardinal of the holy Roman church, Henry archbishop of Dublin,
William of London, Peter of Winchester, Jocelyn of Bath and Glastonbury, Hugh of Lincoln, Walter of Worcester, William of Coventry and
Benedict of Rochester, bishops, of master Pandulf, subdeacon and mem-
Primary Documents
ber of the household of the lord pope [i.e., papal legate], of brother
Aymeric, master of the order of Knights Templar in England, and of the
noble men William Marshal earl of Pembroke, William earl of Salisbury,
William earl of Warenne, William earl of Arundel, Alan of Galloway
constable of Scotland, Warin fitz Gerold, Peter fitz Herbert, Hubert de
Burgh seneschal of Poitou, Hugh de Neville, Matthew fitz Herbert,
Thomas Basset, Alan Basset, Philip de Aubeney, Robert of Ropsley, John
Marshal, John fitz Hugh, and others, our faithful subjects:
1. In the first place have granted to God and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs for ever that the English church shall
be free, and shall have its rights undiminished and its liberties unimpaired; and it is our will that it be thus observed; which is evident from
the fact that, before the quarrel between us and our barons began, we
willingly and spontaneously granted and by our charter confirmed the
freedom of elections which is reckoned most important and very essential to the English church, and obtained confirmation of it from the lord
pope Innocent III; the which we will observe and we wish our heirs to
observe it in good faith for ever. We have also granted to all free men of
our kingdom, for ourselves and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written below, to be had and held by them and their heirs of us and our heirs.
2. If any of our earls or barons or others holding of us in chief by
knight service dies, and at his death his heir be of full age and owe relief he shall have his inheritance on payment of the old relief, namely
the heir or heirs of an earl 100 for a whole earl's barony, the heir or
heirs of a baron 100 for a whole barony, the heir or heirs of a knight
100s, at most, for the whole knight's fee; and he who owes less shall give
less according to the ancient usage of fiefs.
3. If, however, the heir of any such be under age and a ward, he shall
have his inheritance when he comes of age without paying relief and
without making fine.
4. The guardian of the land of such an heir who is under age shall
take from the land of the heir no more than reasonable revenues, reasonable customary dues and reasonable services, and that without destruction and waste of men or goods; and if we commit the wardship of
the land of any such to a sheriff, or to any other who is answerable to us
for its revenues, and he destroys or wastes what he has wardship of, we
will take compensation from him and the land shall be committed to two
lawful and discreet men of that fief, who shall be answerable for the revenues to us or to him to whom we have assigned them; and if we give or
sell to anyone the wardship of any such land and he causes destruction
or waste therein, he shall lose that wardship, and it shall be transferred
to two lawful and discreet men of that fief, who shall similarly be answerable to us as is aforesaid.
5. Moreover, so long as he has the wardship of the land, the guardian
shall keep in repair the houses, parks, preserves, ponds, mills and other
things pertaining to the land out of the revenues from it; and he shall
restore to the heir when he comes of age his land fully stocked with
ploughs and the means of husbandry according to what the season of husbandry requires and the revenues of the land can reasonably bear.
6. Heirs shall be married without disparagement, yet so that before
the marriage is contracted those nearest in blood to the heir shall have
7. A widow shall have her marriage portion and inheritance forthwith
and without difficulty after the death of her husband; nor shall she pay
anything to have her dower or her marriage portion or the inheritance
which she and her husband held on the day of her husband's death; and
she may remain in her husband's house for forty days after his death,
within which time her dower shall be assigned to her.
8. No widow shall be forced to marry so long as she wishes to live
without a husband, provided that she gives security not to marry without our consent if she holds of us, or without the consent of her lord of
whom she holds, if she holds of another.
9. Neither we nor our bailiffs will seize for any debt any land or rent,
so long as the chattels of the debtor are sufficient to repay the debt; nor
will those who have gone surety for the debtor be distrained so long as
the principal debtor is himself able to pay the debt; and if the principal
debtor fails to pay the debt, having nothing wherewith to pay it, then
shall the sureties answer for the debt; and they shall, if they wish, have
the lands and rents of the debtor until they are reimbursed for the debt
which they have paid for him, unless the principal debtor can show that
he has discharged his obligation in the matter to the said sureties.
10. If anyone who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small,
dies before it is repaid, the debt shall not bear interest as long as the heir
is under age, of whomsoever he holds; and if the debt falls into our hands,
we will not take anything except the principal mentioned in the bond.
11. And if anyone dies indebted to the Jews, his wife shall have her
dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if the dead man leaves children
who are under age, they shall be provided with necessaries befitting the
holding of the deceased; and the debt shall be paid out of the residue,
reserving, however, service due to lords of the land; debts owing to others than Jews shall be dealt with in like manner.
12. N o scutage or aid shall be imposed in our kingdom unless by common counsel of our kingdom, except for ransoming our person, for making our eldest son a knight, and for once marrying our eldest daughter;
and for these only a reasonable aid shall be levied. Be it done in like
manner concerning aids from the city of London.
13. And the city of London shall have all its ancient liberties and free
customs as well by land as by water. Furthermore, we will and grant that
all other cities, boroughs, towns, and ports shall have all their liberties
and free customs.
14. And to obtain the common counsel of the kingdom about the assessing of an aid (except in the three cases aforesaid) or of a scutage, we
will cause to be summoned the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls and
greater barons, individually by our lettersand in addition, we will cause
to be summoned generally through our sheriffs and bailiffs all those holding of us in chieffor a fixed date, namely, after the expiry of at least
forty days, and to a fixed place; and in all letters of such summons we
will specify the reason for the summons. And when the summons has
thus been made, the business shall proceed on the day appointed, according to the counsel of those present, though not all have come who
were summoned.
15. We will not in future grant any one the right to take an aid from
his free men, except for ransoming his person, for making his eldest son
a knight and for once marrying his eldest daughter, and for these only a
reasonable aid shall be levied.
16. No one shall be compelled to do greater service for a knight's fee
or for any other free holding than is due from it.
17. Common pleas shall not follow our court, but shall be held in
some fixed place.
18. Recognitions of novel disseisin, of mort d'ancester, and of darrein
presentment, shall not be held elsewhere than in the counties to which
they relate, and in this mannerwe, or, if we should be out of the realm,
our chief justiciar, will send two justices through each county four times
Primary Documents
a year, who, with four knights of each county chosen by the county, shall
hold the said assizes in the county and on the day and in the place of
meeting of the county court.
19. And if the said assizes cannot all be held on the day of the county
court, there shall stay behind as many of the knights and freeholders who
were present at the county court on that day as are necessary for the sufficient making of judgments, according to the amount of business to be
20. A free man shall not be amerced for a trivial offence except in
accordance with the degree of the offence, and for a grave offence he
shall be amerced in accordance with its gravity, yet saving his way of living; and a merchant in the same way, saving his stock-in-trade; and a
villein shall be amerced in the same way, saving his means of livelihoodif they have fallen into our mercy: and none of the aforesaid
amercements shall be imposed except by the oath of good men of the
21. Earls and barons shall not be amerced except by their peers, and
only in accordance with the degree of the offence.
22. No clerk shall be amerced in respect of his lay holding except after
the manner of the others aforesaid and not according to the amount of
his ecclesiastical benefice.
23. No vill or individual shall be compelled to make bridges at river
banks, except those who from of old are legally bound to do so.
24. No sheriff, constable, coroners, or others of our bailiffs, shall hold
pleas of our crown.
25. All counties, hundreds, wapentakes and trithings [mid-size territorial unit in the north] shall be at the old rents without any additional
payment, except our demesne manors.
26. If anyone holding a lay fief of us dies and our sheriff or bailiff shows
our letters patent of summons for a debt that the deceased owed us, it
shall be lawful for our sheriff or bailiff to attach and make a list of chattels of the deceased found upon the lay fief to the value of that debt under
the supervision of law-worthy men, provided that none of the chattels
shall be removed until the debt which is manifest has been paid to us in
full; and the residue shall be left to the executors for carrying out the will
of the deceased. And if nothing is owing to us from him, all the chattels
shall accrue to the deceased, saving to his wife and children their reasonable shares.
27. If any free man dies without leaving a will, his chattels shall be
distributed by his nearest kinsfolk and friends under the supervision of
the church, saving to every one debts which the deceased owed him.
28. No constable or other bailiff of ours shall take anyone's corn or
other chattels unless he pays on the spot in cash for them or can delay
payment by arrangement with the seller.
29. No constable shall compel any knight to give money instead of
castle-guard if he is willing to do the guard himself or through another
good man, if for some good reason he cannot do it himself; and if we lead
or send him on military service, he shall be excused guard in proportion
to the time that because of us he has been on service.
30. No sheriff, or bailiff of ours, or anyone else shall take the horses
or carts of any free man for transport work save with the agreement of
that freeman.
31. Neither we nor our bailiffs will take, for castles or other works of
ours, timber which is not ours, except with the agreement of him whose
timber it is.
32. We will not hold for more than a year and a day the lands of those
convicted of felony, and then the lands shall be handed over to the lords
of the fiefs.
33. Henceforth all fish-weirs shall be cleared completely from the
Thames and the Medway and throughout all England, except along the
sea coast.
34. The writ called Praecipe shall not in future be issued to anyone in
respect of any holding whereby a free man may lose his court.
35. Let there be one measure for wine throughout our kingdom, and
one measure for ale, and one measure for corn, namely "the London quarter"; and one width for cloths whether dyed, russet or halberget, namely
two ells within the selvedges. Let it be the same with weights as with
36. Nothing shall be given or taken in future for the writ of inquisition of life or limbs; instead it shall be granted free of charge and not refused.
37. If anyone holds of us by fee-farm, by socage, or by burgage, and
holds land of another by knight service, we will not, by reason of that
fee-farm, socage, or burgage, have the wardship of his heir or of land of
his that is of the fief of the other; nor will we have custody of the feefarm, socage, or burgage, unless such fee-farm owes knight service. We
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will not have custody of anyone's heir or land which he holds of another
by knight service by reason of any petty serjeanty which he holds of us
by the service of rendering to us knives or arrows or the like.
38. N o bailiff shall in future put anyone to trial upon his own bare
word, without reliable witnesses produced for this purpose.
39. No free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised or outlawed or exiled or in any way victimized, neither will we attack him or
send anyone to attack him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers
or by the law of the land.
40. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or
41. All merchants shall be able to go out of and come into England
safely and securely and stay and travel throughout England, as well by
land as by water, for buying and selling by the ancient and right customs
free from all evil tolls, except in time of war and if they are of the land
that is at war with us. And if such are found in our land at the beginning of a war, they shall be attached, without injury to their persons or
goods, until we, or our chief justiciar, know how merchants of our land
are treated who were found in the land at war with us when war broke
out; and if ours are safe there, the others shall be safe in our land.
42. It shall be lawful in future for anyone, without prejudicing the allegiance due to us, to leave our kingdom and return safely and securely
by land and water, save, in the public interest, for a short period in time
of warexcept for those imprisoned or outlawed in accordance with the
law of the kingdom and natives of a land that is at war with us and merchants (who shall be treated as aforesaid).
43. If anyone who holds of some escheat such as the honour of
Wallingford, Nottingham, Boulogne, Lancaster, or of other escheats
which are in our hands and are baronies dies, his heir shall give no other
relief and do no other service to us than he would have done to the baron
if that barony had been in the baron's hands; and we will hold it in the
same manner in which the baron held it.
44. Men who live outside the forest need not henceforth come before
our justices of the forest upon a general summons, unless they are impleaded or are sureties for any person or persons who are attached for forest offences.
45. We will not make justices, constables, sheriffs or bailiffs save of
such as know the law of the kingdom and mean to serve it well.
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46. All barons who have founded abbeys for which they have charters of the kings of England or ancient tenure shall have the custody of
them during vacancies, as they ought to have.
47. All forests that have been made forest in our time shall be immediately disafforested; and so be it done with river-banks that have been
made preserves by us in our time.
48. All evil customs connected with forests and warrens, foresters and
warreners, sheriffs and their officials, river-banks and their wardens shall
immediately be inquired into in each county by twelve sworn knights of
the same county who are to be chosen by good men of the same county,
and within forty days of the completion of the inquiry shall be utterly
abolished by them so as never to be restored, provided that we, or our
justiciar if we are not in England, know of it first.
49. We will immediately return all hostages and charters given to us
by Englishmen, as security for peace or faithful service.
50. We will remove completely from office the relations of Gerard de
Athee so that in future they shall have no office in England, namely Engelard de Cigogne, Peter and Guy and Andrew de Chanceaux, Guy de
Cigogne, Geoffrey de Martigny and his brothers, Philip Marc and his
brothers and his nephew Geoffrey, and all their following.
51. As soon as peace is restored, we will remove from the kingdom all
foreign knights, cross-bowmen, Serjeants, and mercenaries, who have
come with horses and arms to the detriment of the kingdom.
52. If anyone has been disseised of or kept out of his lands, castles,
franchises or his right by us without the legal judgment of his peers, we
will immediately restore them to him: and if a dispute arises over this,
then let it be decided by the judgment of the twenty-five barons who are
mentioned below in the clause for securing the peace: for all the things,
however, which anyone has been disseised or kept out of without the lawful judgment of his peers by king Henry, our father, or by king Richard,
our brother, which we have in our hand or are held by others, to whom
we are bound to warrant them, we will have the usual period of respite
of crusaders, excepting those things about which a plea was started or an
inquest made by our command before we took the cross; when however
we return from our pilgrimage, or if by any chance we do not go on it,
we will at once do full justice therein.
53. We will have the same respite, and in the same manner, in the
doing of justice in the matter of the disafforesting or retaining of the
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forests which Henry our father or Richard our brother afforested, and in
the matter of the wardship of lands which are of the fief of another, wardships of which sort we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which anyone held of us by knight service, and in the matter of abbeys founded on
the fief of another, not on a fief of our own, in which the lord of the fief
claims he has a right; and when we have returned, of if we do not set out
on our pilgrimage, we will at once do full justice to those who complain
of these things.
54. No one shall be arrested or imprisoned upon the appeal of a
woman for the death of anyone except her husband.
55. All fines made with us unjustly and against the law of the land,
and all amercements imposed unjustly and against the law of the land,
shall be entirely remitted, or else let them be settled by the judgment of
the twenty-five barons who are mentioned below in the clause for securing the peace, or by judgment of the majority of the same, along with
the aforesaid Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, if he can be present,
and such others as he may wish to associate with himself for this purpose,
and if he cannot be present the business shall nevertheless proceed without him, provided that if any one or more of the aforesaid twenty-five
barons are in a like suit, they shall be removed from the judgment of the
case in question, and others chosen, sworn and put in their place by the
rest of the twenty-five for this case only.
56. If we have disseised or kept out Welshmen from lands or liberties
or other things without the legal judgment of their peers in England or
in Wales, they shall be immediately restored to them; and if a dispute
arises over this, then let it be decided in the March by the judgment of
their peersfor holdings in England according to the law of England, for
holdings in Wales according to the law of Wales, and for holdings in the
March according to the law of the March. Welshmen shall do the same
to us and ours.
57. For all things, however, which any Welshman was disseised of or
kept out of without the lawful judgment of his peers by king Henry, our
father, or king Richard, our brother, which we have in our hand or which
are held by others, to whom we are bound to warrant them, we will have
the usual period of respite of crusaders, excepting those things about
which a plea was started or an inquest made by our command before we
took the cross; when however we return, or if by any chance we do not
Primary Docume
set out on our pilgrimage, we will at once do full justice to them in accordance with the laws of the Welsh and the aforesaid regions.
58. We will give back at once the son of Llywelyn and all the hostages
from Wales and the charters that were handed over to us as security for
59. We will act toward Alexander, king of the Scots, concerning the
return in the same manner in which we act towards our other barons of
England, unless it ought to be otherwise by the charters which we have
from William his father, formerly king of the Scots, and this shall be determined by his peers in our court.
60. All these aforesaid customs and liberties which we have granted
to be observed in our kingdom as far as it pertains to us towards our men,
all of our kingdom, clerks as well as laymen, shall observe as far as it pertains to them towards their men.
61. Since, moreover, for God and the betterment of our kingdom and
for the better allaying of the discord that has arisen between us and our
barons we have granted all these things aforesaid, wishing them to enjoy
the use of them unimpaired and unshaken for ever, we give and grant
them the under-written security, namely, that the barons shall choose any
twenty-five barons of the kingdom they wish, who must with all their
might observe, hold and cause to be observed, the peace and liberties
which we have granted and confirmed to them by this present charter of
ours, so that if we, or our justiciar, or our bailiffs or any one of our servants offend in any way against anyone or transgress any of the articles
of the peace or the security and the offence be notified to four of the
aforesaid twenty-five barons, those four barons shall come to us, or to our
justiciar if we are out of the kingdom, and, laying the transgression before us, shall petition us to have that transgression corrected without
delay. And if we do not correct the transgression, or if we are out of the
kingdom, if our justiciar does not correct it, within forty days, reckoning
from the time it was brought to our notice or to that of our justiciar if
we were out of the kingdom, the aforesaid four barons shall refer that
case to the rest of the twenty-five barons and those twenty-five barons
together with the community of the whole land shall distrain and distress us in every way they can, namely, by seizing castles, lands, possessions, and in such other ways as they can, saving our person and the
persons of our queen and our children, until, in their opinion, amends
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have been made; and when amends have been made, they shall obey us
as they did before. And let anyone in the land who wishes take an oath
to obey the orders of the said twenty-five for the execution of all the
aforesaid matters, and with them to distress us as much as he can, and
we publicly and freely give anyone leave to take the oath who wishes to
take it and we will never prohibit anyone from taking it. Indeed, all those
in the land who are unwilling of themselves and of their own accord to
take an oath to the twenty-five barons to help them to distrain and distress us, we will make them take the oath as aforesaid at our command.
And if any of the twenty-five barons dies or leaves the country or is in
any other way prevented from carrying out the things aforesaid, the rest
of the aforesaid twenty-five barons shall choose as they think fit another
one in his place, and he shall take the oath like the rest. In all matters
the execution of which is committed to these twenty-five barons, if it
should happen that these twenty-five are present yet disagree among
themselves about anything, or if some of those summoned will not or
cannot be present, that shall be held as fixed and established which the
majority of those present ordained or commanded, exactly as if all the
twenty-five had consented to it; and the said twenty-five shall swear that
they will faithfully observe all the things aforesaid and will do all they
can to get them observed. And we will procure nothing from anyone, either personally or through anyone else, whereby any of these concessions
and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such thing is
procured, let it be void and null, and we will never use it either personally or through another.
62. And we have fully remitted and pardoned to everyone all the illwill, indignation and rancour that have arisen between us and our men,
clergy and laity, from the time of the quarrel. Furthermore, we have fully
remitted to all, clergy and laity, and as far as pertains to us have completely forgiven, all trespasses occasioned by the same quarrel between
Easter in the sixteenth year of our reign and the restoration of peace.
And, besides, we have caused to be made for them letters testimonial
patent of the lord Stephen archbishop of Canterbury, of the lord Henry
archbishop of Dublin and of the aforementioned bishops and of master
Pandulf about this security and the aforementioned concessions.
63. Wherefore we wish and firmly enjoin that the English church shall
be free, and that the men in our kingdom shall have and hold all the
aforesaid liberties, rights and concessions well and peacefully, freely and
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quietly, fully and completely, for themselves and their heirs from us and
our heirs, in all matters and in all places for ever, as is aforesaid. A n oath,
moreover, has been taken, as well on our part as on the part of the barons,
that all these things aforesaid shall be observed in good faith and without evil disposition. Witness the above-mentioned and many others.
Given by our hand in the meadow which is called Runnymede between
Windsor and Staines on the fifteenth day of June, in seventeenth year of
our reign.
This translation is taken from Harry Rothwell, ed., English Historical Documen
1189-1327 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975), pp. 316-324.
Magna Carta, 1 2 2 5
This is the "final" revision of Magna Carta after the original issue in
1215, the revised reissue of 1216 following Johns death, and another reissue of 1217. All of the reissues dropped the articles (10 and 11) dealing
with debts to the Jews and dropped those articles declaring that no scutage
or aid should be assessed except with the consent of the common counsel
of the realm and those dealing with summonses to meetings of the common counsel (12 and 14). The articles dealing with removal of foreigners (50), with Wales and Scotland (56-59), and with enforcement of the
terms of the charter by a baronial council of twenty-five (55-61) were
dropped. Also, the articles dealing with forests and preserves and with the
forest law (44, 47, and 48) were omitted in the reissues of Magna Carta
but were covered in another document, the Charter of the Forest, accompanying Magna Carta in 1217. The Charter of the Forest of 1225
follows the 1225 version of Magna Carta given here. From 1225 on, the
two charters (Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest) were always
issued together.
and the reform of our realm, have of our own spontaneous goodwill given
and granted to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons and
all of our realm these liberties written below to be held in our kingdom
of England for ever.
1. In the first place we have granted to God, and by this our present
charter confirmed for us and our heirs for ever, that the English church
shall be free and shall have all its rights undiminished and its liberties
unimpaired. We have also granted to all free men of our kingdom, for
ourselves and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written below to be had
and held by them and their heirs of us and our heirs for ever.
2. If any of our earls or barons or others holding of us in chief by
knight service dies, and at his death his heir be of full age and owe relief he shall have his inheritance on payment of the old relief, namely
the heir or heirs of an earl 100 for a whole earl's barony, the heir or
heirs of a baron 100 for a whole barony, the heir or heirs of a knight
si00, at most, for a whole knight's fee; and he who owes less shall give
less according to the ancient usage of fiefs.
3. If, however, the heir of any such be under age, his lord shall not
have wardship of him, nor of his land, before he has received his homage; and after being a ward such an heir shall have his inheritance when
he comes of age, that is of twenty-one years, without paying relief and
without making fine, so, however, that if he is made a knight while still
under age, the land nevertheless shall remain in the wardship of his lord
for the full term.
4. The guardian of the land of such an heir who is under age shall
take from the land of the heir no more than reasonable revenues, reasonable customary dues and reasonable services, and that without destruction and waste of men or goods; and if we commit the wardship of
the land of any such to a sheriff, or to any other who is answerable to us
for the revenues of that land, and he destroys or wastes what he has wardship of, we will take compensation from him and the land shall be committed to two lawful and discreet men of that fief, who shall be
answerable for the revenues to us or to him to whom we have assigned
them; and if we give or sell to anyone the wardship of any such land and
he causes destruction or waste therein, he shall lose that wardship and it
shall be transferred to two lawful and discreet men of that fief, who shall
similarly be answerable to us as is aforesaid.
toms. Furthermore, we will and grant that all other cities, boroughs,
towns, the barons of the Cinque Ports, and all ports shall have all their
liberties and free customs.
10. No one shall be compelled to do greater service for a knight's fee
or for any other free holding than is due from it.
11. Common pleas shall not follow our court, but shall be held in
some fixed place.
12. Recognitions of novel disseisin and of mort d'ancestor shall not
be held elsewhere than in the counties to which they relate, and in this
mannerwe, or, if we should be out of the realm, our chief justiciar, will
send justices through each county once a year, who with knights of the
counties shall hold the said assizes in the counties, and those which cannot on that visit be determined in the county to which they relate by
the said justices sent to hold the said assizes shall be determined by them
elsewhere on their circuit, and those which cannot be determined by
them because of difficulty over certain articles shall be referred to our justices of the bench and determined there.
13. Assizes of darrein presentment shall always be held before the justices of the bench and determined there.
14. A free man shall not be amerced for a trivial offence except in accordance with the degree of the offence and for a grave offence in accordance with its gravity, yet saving his way of living; and a merchant in
the same way, saving his stock-in-trade; and a villein other than one of
our own shall be amerced in the same way, saving his means of livelihood; if he has fallen into our mercy: and none of the aforesaid amercements shall be imposed except by the oath of good and law-worthy men
of the neighbourhood. Earls and barons shall not be amerced except by
their peers, and only in accordance with the degree of the offence. N o
ecclesiastical person shall be amerced according to the amount of his ecclesiastical benefice but in accordance with his lay holding and in accordance with the degree of the offence.
15. No vill or individual shall be compelled to make bridges at river
banks, except one who from of old is legally bound to do so.
16. No river bank shall henceforth be made a preserve, except those
which were preserves in the time of king Henry, our grandfather, in the
same places and for the same periods as they used to be in his day.
17. No sheriff, constable, coroners, or others of our bailiffs shall hold
pleas of our crown.
18. If anyone holding a layfiefof us dies and our sheriff or bailiff shows
our letters patent of summons for a debt that the deceased owed us, it
shall be lawful for our sheriff or bailiff to attach and make a list of chattels of the deceased found upon the layfiefto the value of that debt under
the supervision of law-worthy men, provided that none of the chattels
shall be removed until the debt which is manifest has been paid to us in
full; and the residue shall be left to the executors for carrying out the will
of the deceased, saving to his wife and his children their reasonable
19. No constable or his bailiff shall take the corn or other chattels of
anyone who is not of the vill where the castle is situated unless he pays
on the spot in cash for them or can delay payment by arrangement with
the seller; if the seller is of that vill he shall pay within forty days.
20. No constable shall compel any knight to give money instead of
castle-guard if he is willing to do it himself or through another good man,
if for some good reason he cannot do it himself; and if we lead or send
him on military service, he shall be excused guard in respect of the fief
for which he did service in the army in proportion to the time that because of us he has been on service.
21. No sheriff, or bailiff of ours, or other person shall take anyone's
horses or carts for transport work unless he pays for them at the oldestablished rates, namely at ten pence a day for a cart with two horses
and fourteen pence a day for a cart with three horses. No demesne cart
of any ecclesiastical person or knight or of any lady shall be taken by the
aforesaid bailiffs. Neither we nor our bailiffs nor others will take, for castles or other works of ours, timber which is not ours, except with the
agreement of him whose timber it is.
22. We will not hold for more than a year and a day the lands of those
convicted of felony, and then the lands shall be handed over to the lords
of the fiefs.
23. Henceforth all fish-weirs shall be cleared completely from the
Thames and the Medway and throughout all England, except along the
sea coast.
24. The writ called Praecipe shall not in future be issued to anyone
in respect of any holding whereby a free man may lose his court.
25. Let there be one measure for wine throughout our kingdom, and
one measure for ale, and one measure for corn, namely "the London quarter"; and one width for cloths whether dyed, russet or halberget, namely
two ells within the selvedges. Let it be the same with weights and measures.
26. Nothing shall be given in future for the writ of inquisition by him
who seeks an inquisition of life or limbs: instead, it shall be granted free
of charge and not refused.
27. If anyone holds of us by fee-farm, by socage, or by burgage, and
holds land of another by knight service, we will not, by reason of that
fee-farm, socage or burgage have the wardship of his heir or of land of
his that is of the fief of the other; nor will we have custody of the feefarm, socage, or burgage, unless such fee-farm owes knight service. We
will not have custody of anyone's heir or land which he holds of another
by knight service by reason of any petty serjeanty which he holds of us
by the service of rendering to us knives or arrows or the like.
28. N o bailiff shall in future put anyone to manifest trial or to oath
upon his own bare word without reliable witnesses produced for this purpose.
29. N o free man shall in future be arrested or imprisoned or disseised
of his freehold, liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or victimized in any other way, neither will we attack him or send anyone to
attack him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of
the land. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right
or justice.
30. All merchants, unless they have been publicly prohibited beforehand, shall be able to go out of and come into England safely and securely and stay and travel throughout England, as well by land as by
water, for buying and selling by the ancient and right customs free from
all evil tolls, except in time of war and if they are of the land that is at
war with us. And if such are found in our land at the beginning of a war,
they shall be attached without injury to their persons or goods, until we,
or our chief justiciar, know how merchants of our land are treated who
were found in the land at war with us when war broke out; and if ours
are safe there, the others shall be safe in our land.
31. If anyone who holds of some escheat such as the honour of
Wallingford, Boulogne, Nottingham, Lancaster, or of other escheats
which are in our hands and are baronies dies, his heir shall give no other
relief and do no other service to us than he would have done to the baron
if that had been in the baron's hands; and we will hold it in the same
manner in which the baron held it. Nor will we by reason of such a
barony or escheat have any escheat or wardship of any men of ours unless he who held the barony or escheat held in chief of us elsewhere.
32. N o free man shall henceforth give or sell to anyone more of his
land than will leave enough for the full service due from the fief to be
rendered to the lord of the fief.
33. All patrons of abbeys who have charters of advowson of the kings
of England or ancient tenure or possession shall have the custody of them
during vacancies, as they ought to have and as is made clear above.
34. N o one shall be arrested or imprisoned upon the appeal of a
woman for the death of anyone except her husband.
35. No county [court] shall in future be held more often than once a
month and where a greater interval has been customary let it be greater.
Nor shall any sheriff or bailiff make his tourn through the hundred save
twice a year (and then only in the due and accustomed place), that is to
say, once after Easter and again after Michaelmas. And view of
frankpledge shall be held then at the Michaelmas term without interference, that is to say, so that each has his liberties which he had and was
accustomed to have in the time of king Henry our grandfather or which
he has since acquired. View of frankpledge shall be held in this manner,
namely, that our peace be kept, that a tithing be kept full as it used to
be, and that the sheriff shall not look for opportunities for exactions but
be satisfied with what a sheriff used to get from holding his view in the
time of king Henry our grandfather.
36. It shall not in future be lawful for anyone to give land of his to
any religious house in such a way that he gets it back again as a tenant
of that house. Nor shall it be lawful for any religious house to receive
anyone's land to hand it back to him as a tenant. And if in future anyone does give land of his in this way to any religious house and he is convicted of it, his gift shall be utterly quashed and the land shall be forfeit
to the lord of the fief concerned.
37. Scutage shall be taken in future as it used to be taken in the time
of king Henry our grandfather. And let there be saved to archbishops,
bishops, abbots, priors, Templars, Hospitallers, earls, barons and all other
persons, ecclesiastical and secular, the liberties and free customs they had
previously. All these aforesaid customs and liberties which we have
granted to be observed in our kingdom as far as it pertains to us towards
our men, all of our kingdom, clerks as well as laymen, shall observe as
far as it pertains to them towards their men. In return for this grant and
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gift of these liberties and of the other liberties contained in our charter
on the liberties of the forest, the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors,
earls, barons, knights, freeholders and all of our realm have given us a fifteenth part of all their movables. We have also granted to them for us
and our heirs that neither we nor our heirs will procure anything whereby
the liberties contained in this charter shall be infringed or weakened; and
if anything contrary to this is procured from anyone, it shall avail nothing and be held for nought. These being witness: the lord S. archbishop
of Canterbury, E. of London, J. of Bath, P. of Winchester, H. of Lincoln,
R. of Salisbury, B. of Rochester, W. of Worcester, J. of Ely, H. of Hereford, R. of Chichester and W. of Exeter, bishops; the abbot of St. Albans,
the abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, the abbot of Battle, the abbot of Peterborough, the abbot of Reading, the abbot of Abingdon, the abbot of
Malmesbury, the abbot of Winchcombe, the abbot of Hyde, the abbot of
Chertsey, the abbot of Sherborne, the abbot of Cerne, the abbot of Abbotsbury, the abbot of Milton, the abbot of Selby, the abbot of Whitby,
the abbot of Cirencester, H. de Burgh the justiciar, R. earl of Chester and
Lincoln, W. earl of Salisbury, W. earl of Warenne, G. de Clare earl of
Gloucester and Hertford, W. de Ferrers earl of Derby, W. de Mandeville
earl of Essex, H. le Bigod earl of Norfolk, W. count of Aumale, H. earl
of Hereford, John the constable of Chester, Robert de Ros, Robert fitz
Walter, Robert de Vipont, William Brewer, Richard de Munfichet, Peter
fitz Herbert, Matthew fitz Herbert, William de Aubeney, Robert Grelley,
Reginald de Braose, John of Monmouth, John fitz Alan, Hugh de Mortimer, Walter de Beauchamp, William of St. John, Peter de Maulay, Brian
de Lisle, Thomas of Moulton, Richard de Argentein, Geoffrey de Neville,
William Mauduit, John de Balun. Given at Westminster on the eleventh
day of February in the ninth year of our reign.
This translation is taken from Harry Roth well, ed., English Historical Documen
1189-1327 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975), pp. 342-346.
Charter of the Forest, 1 2 2 5
The first Charter of the Forest was issued in 1217 at the same time
that the 1217 version of Magna Carta was issued. It represented an adap-
Primary Documen
used to be made at the time of the first coronation of king Henry our
grandfather, and not otherwise.
6. The inquest or view of the expeditating of dogs in the forest shall
henceforth be made when the regard ought to be made, namely every
third year, and then made by the view and testimony of law-worthy men
and not otherwise. And he whose dog is then found not expeditated shall
give as amercement three shillings, and in future no ox shall be seized
for failure to expeditate. The manner, moreover, of expeditating by the
assize shall generally be that three claws of the forefoot are to be cut off,
but not the ball. Nor shall dogs henceforth be expeditated except in
places where it was customary to expeditate them at the time of the first
coronation of the aforesaid king Henry our grandfather.
7. No forester or beadle shall henceforth make scotales or levy sheaves
of corn, or oats or other grain or lambs or piglets or make any other levy.
And by the view and oath of twelve regarders when they make the regard as many foresters are to be set to keep the forests as shall seem to
them reasonably sufficient for keeping them.
8. N o swanimote shall henceforth be held in our kingdom except
three times a year, namely a fortnight before the feast of St. Michael,
when our agisters meet to agist our demesne woods, and about the feast
of St. Martin, when our agisters ought to receive our pannage-dues; and
at these two swanimotes foresters, verderers and agisters shall appear but
no others shall be compelled to do so; and the third swanimote shall be
held a fortnight before the feast of St. John the Baptist for the fawning
of our beasts, and for holding this swanimote foresters and verderers shall
come but others shall not be compelled to do so. And in addition every
forty days throughout the year the foresters and verderers shall meet to
view attachments of the forest both of the vert and of the venison on
the presentment of those foresters and with the attached present. The
aforesaid swanimotes however shall only be held in counties in which
they were wont to be held.
9. Every free man shall agist his wood which he has in the forest as
he wishes and have his pannage. We grant also that every free man can
conduct his pigs through our demesne wood freely and without impediment to agist them in his own woods or anywhere else he wishes. And
if the pigs of any free man shall spend one night in our forest he shall
not on that account be so prosecuted that he loses anything of his own.
10. N o one shall henceforth lose life or limb because of our venison,
but if anyone has been arrested and convicted of taking venison he shall
be fined heavily if he has the means; but if he has not the means, he shall
lie in our prison for a year and a day; and if after a year and a day he can
find pledges he may leave prison; but if not, he shall abjure the realm of
11. Any archbishop, bishop, earl or baron whatever who passes
through our forest on his way to us at our command shall be allowed to
take one or two beasts under supervision of the forester, if he is to hand;
but if not, let him have the horn blown, lest he seem to be doing it
furtively. They shall be allowed to do the same as is aforesaid on their
return journey.
12. Every free man may henceforth without being prosecuted make in
his wood or in land he has in the forest a mill, a preserve, a pond, a marlpit, a ditch, or arable outside the covert in arable land, on condition that
it does not harm any neighbour.
13. Every free man shall have the eyries of hawks, sparrowhawks, falcons, eagles and herons in his woods, and likewise honey found in his
14. N o forester henceforth who is not a forester-in-fee rendering us a
farm for his bailiwick may exact any chiminage in his bailiwick; but a
forester-in-fee rendering us a farm for his bailiwick may exact chiminage,
namely for a cart for half a year 2d and for the other half year 2d, and
for a horse with a load for half a year l/2d and for the other half year
l/2d, and only from those who come from outside his bailiwick as merchants with his permission into his bailiwick to buy wood, timber, bark
or charcoal and take them elsewhere to sell where they wish; and from
no other cart or any load shall chiminage be exacted, and chiminage shall
only be exacted in places where it used to be exacted of old and ought
to have been exacted. Those, on the other hand, who carry wood, bark,
or charcoal on their backs for sale, although they get their living by it,
shall not in future pay chiminage.
15. All who from the time of king Henry our grandfather up to our
first coronation have been outlawed for a forest offence only shall be released from their outlawry without legal proceedings and shall find reliable pledges that they will not do wrong to us in the future in respect of
our forest.
16. No castellan may hold forest pleas and be determined before him.
17. These liberties concerning the forests we have granted to every-
T h e Confirmation of the Charters, 1 2 9 7
This document was issued by Edward I in 1297. Edward had engaged
in a costly war and castle building in Wales early in his reign and then become involved in a long-drawn-out war in Scotland because as overlord
of Scotland he claimed the right to determine who should be king in the
event of a disputed succession. The Scots did not agree and in the long
run Edward did not prove his point, although the issue had not been finally decided at his death in 1307. In the meantime, England and France
had been preparing for a renewal of warfare over the English fiefs in
France. Edward had requested an additional aid (money grant) from Parliament to allay his expenses, but it was not enough. Therefore he arbitrarily sought from a meeting of a few of his followers a grant of an eighth
of movables to apply to all of his barons, lay and clerical alike. This grant
brought strong protests from the greater barons on behalf of all. After attempts to collect the aid failed, Edward granted the document known as
the Confirmation of the Charters. It became the basis for the parliamentary claim that no taxation could be assessed without the consent of Parliament.
5. And because some people of our realm fear that the aids and contributions they have furnished us with of their own granting and their
goodwill before now for our wars and other needs in whatever way they
were done could lead to bondage for them and their heirs because another time they might be found enrolled, and likewise the prises which
have been taken throughout the realm by our officials in our name, we
have granted for us and our heirs that henceforth we will not make a
precedent of such aids, mises or prises for anything that may have been
done or that could be found out from the roll or in any other way.
6. And we have likewise granted for us and our heirs to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors and other folk of holy church, and to the
earls and barons and all the community of the land that for no need will
we take such manner of aids, mises or prises from our realm henceforth
except with the common assent of all the realm and for the common
profit of the same realm, saving the ancient aids and prises due and accustomed.
7. And because by far the greater part of the community of the realm
feel themselves greatly burdened by the maltote on wool, namely 40
shillings on each sack of wool, and have entreated us to be good enough
to relieve them, we at their request have completely relieved them and
have granted that we will not take this or any other in future without
their common assent and their goodwill, saving for us and our heirs the
custom on wool, skins and leathers granted earlier by the community of
the aforesaid realm. In witness of which things we have had these our
letters patent made. Given at Ghent [in the county of Flanders], the fifth
day of November in the twenty-fifth year of our reign [1297].
This translation is taken from Harry Rothwell, ed., English Historical Documen
1189-1327 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975), pp. 485-486.
The Crusades were a series of military encounters between armies made
up of contingents from various of the western Christian states of Europe
and armies under the leadership of a Muslim commander whether he
were a descendant of one of the Arabic dynasties (Abbasid or Fatimite)
or was a Seljuk Turk. These Christian expeditions that took thousands
of European warriors to the eastern Mediterranean began in the late
eleventh century and continued until the late thirteenth century. There
were later Crusades into the seventeenth century that followed the replacement of the Seljuk Turks by the Ottoman Turks. The Ottoman
Turks overthrew the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire in the fifteenth century and expanded into the Balkan peninsula and up the Danube Valley,
threatening central Europe.
We are concerned here with the earlier of these conflicts that covered
the two hundred years from the late eleventh to the late thirteenth century. One of the most important causes was religious-politicalthe
absorption of the Christian territories along the Syrian-Palestinian coastline into an expanding Arabic Muslim Empire by the middle of the seventh century. The occupation of this territory was at the expense of the
East Roman or Byzantine Empire. Shortly afterward, Byzantine territory
in Egypt and along the north African coast to the Atlantic Ocean would
also become Muslim. Beginning in the early eighth century, Muslim
armies crossed the Straits of Gibraltar, overthrew the Visigothic kingdom,
and eventually controlled almost all of the Spanish peninsula. With the
conquest of Spain, Islamic power controlled much (but never all) of the
Appendix A
Mediterranean Sea. At the same time, Islam advanced to the east, creating a land empire that stretched from the Mediterranean to the borders of India and beyond. Although this immense "empire" early began
to break up into more regional political-religious powers called caliphates
(Abbasid in Baghdad, Ommyiad in Cordova [Spain], and Fatimite in
Egypt), it developed a common culture based on the Muslim religion, inheritance of the luxury trade between East and West, an advanced degree of learning and industrial skills, and a considerable amount of
religious tolerance. This was a sophisticated culture with an appreciation
for literary and visual arts far in advance of western Europe at the time.
As the Islamic world expanded, western Europe broke up into a number of Germanic states, the most important in the seventh century being
the Lombard kingdom in Italy, the Visigothic kingdom in Spain, the
Frankish kingdom in Gaul (modern France), and the various AngloSaxon kingdoms in Britain. These kingdoms had emerged in the breakup
of the western Roman Empire, a breakup due largely to the inability of
the empire to sustain the enormous military forces needed to protect a
very long frontier in Europe. With the collapse of the empire, trade (both
external and internal) declined, population decreased, and town life contracted and disappeared unless the town were important enough to justify the construction of defensive walls around it. Life in Europe seemed
poor in comparison with the riches and splendor of the east.
After the eastern, southern, and far western shores of the Mediterranean had been conquered for Islam, communication between West and
East gradually revived, encouraged by the general religious tolerance of
the Muslims for Christians and Jews, subject to some restrictions. So pilgrims were allowed to travel to the holy places in western Asia, and in
the late tenth and early eleventh centuries the flow of travelers increased
By the end of the tenth century, the new barbarian invasions of Europe (Viking in the north, Hungarian in the Danube Valley, and Saracen [Muslim] in the south) had been contained. With more stable
conditions and possibly an improved climate, food production increased
followed by an increase in population, and increased population led to
an expansion of cultivation into areas that had been forested before this
time and finally into marginal land. With the stable conditions and rapidly increasing population, there was a growth of towns and markets
where surplus food could be sold, growing towns encouraged further
Appendix A
trade, and by the eleventh century Europe had an expanding economy.
These changes infected all levels of society with a land hunger that would
make invitations to participate in adventures that promised wealth (in
land or trade) attractive.
To such socioeconomic factors there was added a catalyst for expansion: religion. During the eleventh century, the Roman church was undergoing reform aimed at removing secular control of the Church. To this
end, the papacy became the central motivator of reform designed to improve the education, morals, and administration of the clergy and to remove secular interference in church affairs, and reform that would
encompass recognition of the leadership of the Roman papacy by the
Greek church under the patriarch of Constantinople. A n embassy sent
to Constantinople (1054) to negotiate a compromise between the two
positions ended in failure, the western representative (Cardinal Humbert) excommunicating the patriarch of Constantinople and the patriarch excommunicating the pope (Leo IX). Until this time there was not
apparently any great concern about the breach between the two churches
that had begun in the eighth century, when the popes concluded that
they could not continue to obtain protection from the east emperor and
sought protection from the Franks instead. Now with the formal breach,
working for the reunion of the eastern and western churches became one
of the tenets of the reform movement.
A number of unrelated events in the eleventh century provided the
immediate background for the Crusades. The power of the Abbasid
caliphate at Bagdad gradually declined and was replaced by the Seljuk
Turks who had come out of the interior of Asia and been converted to
Islam (the Muslim faith). The Seljuks continued conquering westward
and in 1071 at the battle of Manazkert defeated the East Roman (Byzantine) army and thereafter held Asia Minor (Anatolia). From this time
on, the Byzantine emperor sought allies to help recover this lost land
since Asia Minor was a major recruiting ground for the Byzantine army
and a major economic mainstay. Also in the eleventh century a number
of rising maritime states in ItalyPisa and Genoa in the northwest and
Venice in the northeastbegan to challenge the Muslim naval power
and sought entry into the Muslim ports in north Africa and along the
east Mediterranean seaboard. They were seeking the carrying trade for
the luxury items that found their way from the far east to the Syrian and
Egyptian ports by way of land caravan routes and by sea from the Indian
Appendix A
Ocean. Their ships became available for the increasing numbers of pilgrims and by the time of the First Crusade were available not only to supply Christians in the east but also to transport crusaders. And finally, it
should be noted that, although the Seljuk Turks had suppressed the Abbasids, they had little experience in ruling a large state and tended to
break up into quarreling groups that fought with the Fatimids of Egypt,
who held the southern Syrian coastline where Jerusalem was located, or
fought among themselves. The Seljuks' lack of cohesion under a single
ruler would make the successes of the First Crusade possible.
In seeking help in recovering his provinces in Asia Minor, the Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118) appealed to Pope Urban
II in 1095 for mercenary troops. Instead of sending a contingent of mercenary troops to reinforce the Byzantine army, Urban at the Council of
Clermont (in central France) in 1095 urged that the forces of western
Christendom under papal leadership unite in bringing together the Eastern and Western churches and recovering the holy places from the infidel Turks. Pope Urban definitely held out the prospect of gaining land in
the east, that "land of milk and honey."
In response to this appeal spread throughout western Europe by papal
representatives and by popular preachers, a great deal of enthusiasm developed among both the warrior aristocracy and the peasantry. In fact,
several peasant groups were organized before the actual armies were ready
and generally headed up the Rhine River and down the Danube toward
Constantinople. All of these peasant armies were lost along the way to
Constantinople or in near Asia Minor itself.
The First Crusade (1096-99) broke up into four main groups. One
came from northeast France (Flanders) and the lower Rhineland (Lorraine) and was under the leadership of Godfrey of Bouillon (duke of
Lower Lorraine) and his brother, Baldwin of Flanders. This group took
the Rhine-Danube route to Constantinople where the four contingents
planned to meet. The second group came from the north-central part of
France and was led by Robert, duke of Normandy (oldest son of William
the Conqueror). These northern Normans traveled through eastern
France, over the Alps into Italy where they joined with the third group,
the Normans of Sicily under Bohemund, who was accompanied by his
nephew Tancred. The fourth group of crusaders came from southwest
France and was under the leadership of Raymond IV of the county of
Toulouse. This group also traveled a southern route.
Appendix A
All four groups met in Constantinople where it was very difficult without a single leadership to come to terms with the emperor; it was almost
impossible to supply four different armies. But eventually the crusaders
crossed over into Asia Minor and owing to the lack of unity among the
Turks enjoyed a number of successes (as well as great hardships)successes that restored much of Asia Minor to Byzantine rule. As the crusading army came to the Syrian coastline, the army split, with one
contingent under Baldwin headed eastward and succeeding in establishing the county of Edessa, the first of the crusader states. Along the coast,
the next state established was the Principality of Antioch, the third was
the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the fourth was between Antioch
and Jerusalem, the county of Tripoli.
The establishment of the four Christian States of the Levant, the
highpoint of the crusading movement, was made possible by the fervor
and military expertise of the westerners, the disunity of the Turks, and
the crusaders' ability to receive supplies by naval support from the Italians. There had been great rivalry among the crusaders to obtain the
newly established states. Baldwin of Flanders and his followers had conquered Edessa and claimed the county as theirs. Bohemond of Taranto
won out over Raymond of Toulouse in acquiring Antioch. Godfrey of
Bouillon, who led the assault on Jerusalem, had been the strongest leader
in keeping the crusade on course to capture the city. Jerusalem fell to
the crusaders in June 1099; much of the population was massacred. Raymond of Toulouse finally got the county of Tripoli in 1109; Robert of
Normandy returned home as did many, if not most, of the other crusadersafter all, most of the holy places were once again under Christian control.
Establishing four Christian states along the Syrian coastline was one
thing, but keeping them was another. Almost immediately difficulties
arose. The Turks learned from their defeats and began a slow consolidation of power. With the return of many crusaders to Europe, defense became increasingly difficult for the four Christian states, although they
received significant help from the two religious military orders: the
Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, known as the Hospitallers, established in 1099; and the Poor Knights of Christ and of the
Temple of Solomon, established in about 1119, known as the Knights
Templar. Although fresh appeals for help were sent out from time to time,
no major action was taken before the fall of Edessa in 1144.
Appendix A
The Second Crusade (1147-49) followed. There were two main contingents in this effort: a German one under the leadership of the emperor
Conrad III and a French one under the leadership of King Louis VII, accompanied by his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine. This crusade accomplished
nothing in the face of the reorganized Turkish resistance, although it was
important in future relations between Louis VII and his queen.
After the Second Crusade, interest in Europe died down in spite of
further appeals for help. In the meantime, further Turkish consolidation
took place. The previous consolidation had involved the Turkish forces
in the north. Concentration now was on the Muslim Fatimite caliphate
headquartered in Egypt, which controlled the southern frontier of the
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem; this caliphate was now in decline. The move
toward Turkish control came to be under the leadership of a man by the
name of Saladin who abolished the Fatimite caliphate in 1171. He also
gained control of the northern area on the death of Nur al-Din in 1174.
Saladin then spent the next twelve years overcoming rivals to his position but was then ready to move against the remaining Christian territory in what had already been called a jihad (holy war).
Jerusalem fell to the Turks in 1187, and much of the remaining Christian land fell to Saladin by 1189. It was the fall of Jerusalem that led to
the Third Crusade (1189-92), the best known of the Crusades. It was to
have consisted of three contingents: a German one under the command
of the elderly German Roman emperor, Frederick I Barbarossa; a French
contingent under the command of King Philip II Augustus; and an English one under the command of King Richard I the Lionheart. The German contingent went by land and got as far as eastern Asia Minor where
their leader, Frederick I, drowned in a river accident; the Germans went
home. The French and English armies went separately but were in close
contact along the way, mostly by sea. But long before reaching Acre (the
port at which the assault was aimed), relations between the two kings
had become very strained, and as soon as Acre fell to the combined
Christian armies, Philip pled illness and went home. Richard, who had
been responsible for most of the military success so far, remained in the
east and continued to strive toward Jerusalem.
Although Richard and Saladin both enjoyed military successes and
failures, Richard did not succeed in taking Jerusalem. However, he was
able to obtain entry into Jerusalem for Christian pilgrims in 1192 before
returning home. The Christians retained only a short strip of coastline
Appendix A
between Jaffa and Tyre. Richard was captured by Christians in the German Roman Empire on his way back and held for ransom; although the
event is important in history and legend, it is not directly related to the
Innocent III had become pope in 1198, one of the strongest medieval
popes and extremely ambitious to extend the power of the papacy. Sponsoring a crusade was important to him, and at his urging a number of
knights, mostly French, took the cross. However, Innocent HI did not
have much control over the following events. The crusaders sent representatives to Venice to arrange transportation to Egypt, the goal of this
crusade, for it was assumed that it would be easy to launch an attack
against Jerusalem from Egypt as a base. Egypt would be the goal of all
later Crusadesnone of them succeeded in using it as a launching place.
The representatives of the leaders of the Fourth Crusade came to an
agreement with the Venetians. The contract called for the Venetians to
provide transport for over thirty thousand crusaders.
W h e n the crusaders assembled at Venice in 1202, it was found that
only about one-third of the anticipated number had arrived. The Venetians had invested heavily in providing ships to transport the expected
number of men and could not afford to reduce the price. It was suggested,
however, that part of the price could be forgiven if the crusaders would
undertake the conquest of the Christian Adriatic city of Zara (modern
Zadar) to add to the growing Venetian naval empire. Since there was no
other way to pay to get to the east, the crusaders took the town. Innocent III was faced with an accomplished fact, and although he condemned the taking of a Christian town, he imposed no spiritual penalties.
Since it was already late in the fall, the crusaders had to wait for another
sailing season before starting further.
Enthusiasm for the crusade had been fading for some time, and there
were numerous defections; perhaps some less difficult goal could be substituted for Egypt. The earlier appeal of a pretender to the Byzantine (East
Roman) throne, Prince Alexios, son of deposed Emperor Isaac II, was
now recalled. Restoring Alexios to his throne would provide the crusaders with a powerful ally for their anticipated attack on Egypt. And so
the Fourth Crusade was diverted to Constantinople where the Byzantine
people did not receive Alexios with joy but resisted every effort of the
crusaders to introduce him into the city. Eventually there seemed to be
no recourse except to take the city by force, but before that action was
Appendix A
taken, the Venetians and the crusaders came to an agreement about how
the territory of the empire should be divided. The crusaders did take the
city, looted it of much of its wealth, and founded what is called the Latin
Empire of Constantinople (1204-61). The Byzantine Empire would be
reestablished in 1261 with the aid of Venice's rival, Genoa, but the empire, which was already declining in 1204, was now very weak and would
barely hold out against the Ottoman Turks until 1453.
There were other Crusades in the thirteenth century. One involved
Frederick II of the German Roman Empire and Sicily, who under excommunication for delaying to launch a promised crusade, now in 1228
led a crusading army to Palestine. The sultan offered to negotiate, and a
treaty was signed whereby the Muslims surrendered Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, part of Sidon, and Toron to the crusaders; Frederick had
himself crowned king of Jerusalemfor which he was excommunicated
With the arrival of several additional crusading armies, Jerusalem remained under Christian control until 1244 when it was recaptured by
Muslims. It would remain Muslim until the twentieth century, although
a few Christian outposts on the coast, including Acre, would remain
under Christian control until 1291 when the presence of crusaders in the
Near East came to an end.
There would be two further Crusades led by king Louis IX (St. Louis)
of France, one in 1248-54, which ultimately accomplished nothing, and
one in 1270 on which the king died while laying siege to Tunis in Tunisia.
Although these later Crusades had important results for the internal organization of France and England (for Prince Edward of England joined
the crusade after the death of Louis), the remaining Christian lands in
the east were already doomed. It was remarkable that they lasted as long
as they did in a totally alien environment.
Medieval trials by ordeal were often referred to as judgments of God (iudicia dei) inasmuch as the rationale behind this practice was to submit
the judicial decision at issue to the intervention of God on the side of
truth. The conceptappeal to a higher authoritywas not confined to
western Europe in the Middle Ages but is a practice found in many places
at very different times. However, the specific trial by ordeal that is of concern here is the form that seems to be associated with the Germanic invaders of the Roman Empire as a heritage from their pagan past. At any
rate, the first appearance of the trial by hot water (where the hand was
plunged into a cauldron of hot water) appears in the first issue of laws
for the Franks in the very early sixth century (about 510) when the
Franks had only recently accepted Christianity. It was the combination
of laws issued by and enforced by kings and the acceptance of a role in
the administration of ordeals by the Church that accounts for the use of
the ordeal in Europe from the sixth to the early thirteenth century, and
even thereafter in areas of weak central authority or in special cases such
as in the witchcraft trials between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries.
The emergence of the ordeal in Europe goes back to a time when the
state was weak or nonexistent and the peace and security of individuals
depended on belonging to a strong family or other associated group. Protection of individual members relied on the threat of the blood-feud or
retaliation, the taking of an eye for an eye. Unrestricted use of the bloodfeud meant unrelenting warfare and social chaos unless one individual
achieved such a reputation for wisdom that he could act as an arbiter between the contending parties. Partly as a result of natural evolution
among the loosely organized Germanic peoples themselves and partly as
Appendix B
a result of the influence of the political institutions of the Roman Empire with which the Germanic peoples had extensive contacts from the
second century B.C.E. on, the leadership of the various groups began to
move in the direction of kingship. For trade and diplomatic contacts, the
Romans found it easier to deal with one chieftain rather than with the
heads of many family groups and encouraged the emergence of a single
figure with whom to negotiate, whether his functions were primarily
those of a judge or a military leader, or some combination of the two.
The ordeal emerges only when the organization of the group is sufficiently
developed to provide a court before which complaints can be brought
and with sufficient prestige to expect its decisions to be honored.
In the numerous law codes issued in the early Germanic kingdoms
(about 500-800), references to the ordeal are few, but those few are so
casual as to imply an institution so well known as not needing description. Sometimes the ordeal is limited to the nonfree, as among the Lombards, and sometimes, as in the case of the Visigoths, it is replaced by the
use of torture for the unfree. In both casesthe Lombards in Italy and
the Visigoths in Spainsettlement was in an area where Roman law influences were strong. The use of the ordeal in Roman law had disappeared
centuries before contact between the Roman state and the Germans; it
was unknown in the Roman law of the empire, although torture was used
especially in the case of lesser persons or slaves. Customs in the more
northerly Germanic kingdoms were more purely Germanic, including the
use of the ordeal.
Trial by ordeal was never the most used method of proof in early medieval law. The customary proofin what we would call both criminal
and civil suitswas by compurgation. Compurgation was proof by oathtaking. The use of oathtaking was normally effective because social
groups were small and men of the community tended to know what was
going on around them. The role of the court was to determine which of
the parties, or both, should provide proof, what the mode of that proof
should be, and how strong it should be. The factors to be considered in
making these decisions were first, the status and reputation of the party
(whether accuser or defendant), and second, the seriousness of the accusation. Persons of very high status such as the king or pope, could accuse or defend by their own oath alone. Other high-ranking individuals
were allowed to take oath by themselves supported by an additional number of oathhelpers, depending on rank and the seriousness of the case.
Appendix B
Persons of lesser rank or poor reputation had to take oath themselves plus
an even larger number of oathhelpers. Persons of servile status were represented by their lords (only the free could be oathhelpers). If the lord
refused, guilt was established, and punishment (usually monetary compensation but sometimes death) was exacted. The lord of the slave normally responded in accordance with the value of his slave.
Compurgation was effective because it was a highly regulated and ritualized procedure relying on close cooperation between secular and religious
authorities. The rituals were very formal, and it was important that the
oathhelpers respond strictly according to a formulaany hesitation to take
the oath or any mistake in stating the oath meant loss of the suit. In highly
formal procedures in circumstances where the objects on which the oath
was taken had been blessed by the priest, an oathhelper needed to be confident in the party for whom he was taking oath. For the oathhelper was
not a witnessif there had been witnesses to the act it would not have
been necessary to resort to compurgation; the oathhelper was swearing to
the value of his party's oath. Much depended on an individual's standing
in the community and the strength of the kin group or the lordship to
which he belonged. The man without family or lord would not have access to the very large number of oathhelpers needed in very serious cases.
The ordeal was a fallback mode of proof. It was often the accepted mode
of proof in the case of slaves, and in the case of someone who could not
produce the required number of oathhelpers or who failed the proof by
compurgation, that individual would be sent to the ordeal or might ask for
the ordeal to prove his innocence. Many different forms of ordeal were developed in the various states of Europe, but in England only three were
used by the Anglo-Saxons: the ordeals of hot water, cold water, and hot
iron. To these, the Normans of William I added trial by combat. The most
explicit description of the various Anglo-Saxon ordeals is dated from the
reign of King Athelstan (925-939). For three days before the ordeal, the
person being sent to the ordeal was to eat only bread, water, salt, and herbs,
and attend mass each day. The ordeals were to be carried out in a church
where the fire for the iron or hot water ordeal had been lighted in the presence of the accused and the priest. When the fire was ready, two men from
each of the parties to the suit went into the church to determine that the
fire was as hot as it should be. Then an equal number of men (up to twelve)
from each party entered and one-half stood along each side of the church
where the ordeal was being administered. And "all these shall be fasting
Appendix B
and shall have abstained from their wives during the night; and the masspriest shall sprinkle holy water over them all, and each of them shall taste
the holy water. And the mass-priest shall give them all the book and the
symbol of Christ's cross to kiss. And no one shall continue to make up the
fire after the consecration has begun, but the iron shall lie upon the embers" until the conclusion of the ritual (Athelstan II, 23, in Attenborough,
p. 139). The accused then took up the iron and carried it for nine feet after
which his hand was bound up. After three days it was inspected by the
priest to ascertain whether it had become inflamed or remained clean; the
priest declared the result of his inspection. If the accused had been sentenced to a single ordeal, the iron to be carried weighed one pound; if the
sentence was a triple ordeal, the iron weighed three pounds.
If the ordeal was by hot water, the same procedure was involved but
a cauldron of water was placed on the fire and brought to a boil in the
presence of the accused and the priest. After that, two men from each
party entered and observed that the water was ready and thereafter an
equal number of men from each party (up to twelve) entered and took
their places on each side of the church to observe the ordeal. The priest
then went through his ritual. Afterward, if the trial was by the single ordeal, the accused plunged his hand up to his wrist in the water and removed a stone from the bottom of the cauldron; if it was the triple ordeal,
he plunged his arm in up to the elbow. Afterward the wound was bound
up and the decision as to the result followed that observed in the case of
the hot iron (Athelstan II, in Attenborough, pp. 171-173). If the trial
was by cold water, much the same above ritual was observed. However,
a pit was dug in the church and filled with water, the accused was bound
hand and foot, a rope was attached to him, and he was thrown into the
water. If the water received him, he was innocent; if it rejected him, he
was guilty. To be innocent, he had to sink to a depth of one and one-half
ells (about four and a half feet) as measured on the rope. He was then
pulled out (Athelstan II, 23, nos. 1 and 2, Attenborough, pp. 139-141).
In Norman England the favored ordeals were the hot iron and battle.
The Angevins seem to have preferred the cold water ordeal to the hot
iron, perhaps because the result was instantaneous and not subject to the
priest's interpretation of whether or not the wound was clean.
The ordeal by battle differed considerably from the other ordeals. It
first appeared among the Lombards as the preferred ordeal for freemen
should it be necessary to resort to the ordeal when other means of proof
Appendix B
had failed (witnesses, documents, compurgation). However, it is clear
that by the time of King Liutprand (712-744), the king had lost confidence in the likelihood that the trial by battle (the camfio in the Lombard laws) would provide justice, but Liutprand continues that "on
account of the customs of the Lombards we are unable to abolish this
law" (Liutprand 71 and 118 in Drew, pp. 174 and 195).
Trial by battle seems to have been the preferred ordeal in William I's
Normandy in the case of disputes over property, although William's laws
for England provided that in the event of a dispute over property between an Englishman and a Norman, the English might choose the ordeal instead of trial by battle. In the past, trial by battle could be
interpreted as various forms of battle between two opponentson foot
with battle axes, swords, or other weapon, or on horseback with lance
and sword. In the eleventh century, a Frenchman would likely expect the
combat to be between two horsemen since that was the kind of combat
that the warrior class who participated in the conquest of England expected. The Englishman, even if a professional warrior, did not fight on
horseback. But social change was taking place rapidly in twelfth-century
England, and not every landholder became a horse warrior. Henry II
(1154-89) therefore had little trouble in getting the landed classes,
whether English or French by descent, to accept a recognition jury made
up of landed neighbors in place of ordeal (usually cold water by this time)
or trial by battle. However, trial by battle did not disappear with proof
by ordeal after the prohibition of ordeals in the decrees of the Lateran
Council of 1215. It continued in occasional use but as a special privilege
of aristocratic families. It did not finally disappear until the legal reforms
of the early nineteenth century.
William the Conqueror's introduction of trial by battle into England
caused a curious alteration in the nature of the ordeal. The usual ordeals
(hot or cold water, hot iron) were unitary proofsthat is, only one party
was put to the proof, usually the defendant but not necessarily. In trial
by battle, both parties, in effect, were put to the proof, for both parties
(or their representatives) fought until one was killed or otherwise completely overcome. So the better fighter (whether the party himself or his
or her champion) had the advantage, and a miracle from God was unlikely to influence the outcome.
Henry IPs legal reforms eliminated the use of ordeals in civil suits in
the common law courts (that is, the royal courts). In the case of crimi-
Appendix B
nal suits, Henry's reforms had the effect of substituting the presentment
or indictment jury for the personal appeal that had hitherto been necessary in order to get a suspected criminal before the court. But once an
individual had been indicted, the form of trial remained the same: the
ordeal. Henry's reforms as carried out by himself and by his sons Richard
and John did not look beyond the use of the ordeal to determine innocence or guilt in criminal suits, although in the case of notorious offenders they were required to leave the realm even if they "passed" the
ordeal. At any rate, as far as England was concerned, no one in 1215
seems to have contemplated doing away with the ordeal and replacing it
with a trial jury. However, responding to the decree of the Lateran Council of 1215, which outlawed the participation of the clergy in the ordeal,
the regency government under Henry III forbade the practice in the
common law courts in 1219. The government had nothing with which
it could immediately replace it, and it would be many years and much
experimentation before the modern trial jury was developed.
There had always been some skepticism in both secular and ecclesiastical quarters about the reliability of the answers given by the ordeal in
specific cases and, in England at least, other means had been devised for
use in noncriminal cases. But the move against any use of the ordeal does
not seem to have come primarily from secular sources, but from the intellectuals and the canon lawyers. Certainly not all churchmen embraced
the move since organizing and participating in ordeals represented a considerable portion of the Church's judicial power (and some income from
fees). From the canon lawyer's standpoint, there was inadequate scriptural basis for the ordeal, and from the theological standpoint, God could
not be manipulated into performing miracles at the behest of the court.
Innocent III (1198-1216) was both a canon lawyer and a theologian, and
he was also a very active pontiff. The Fourth Lateran Council met in
1215 with his agenda before it. Participation in ordeals by the clergy was
prohibited, and the Church never went back on this position. The use
of torture in canon law courts, especially by the Inquisition, is another
story entirely.
of until the debt had been paid. Or, in the case of a forest offense,
a man might be attached (designated by a forester) to appear before a forest court.
Bailiff: A minor officer serving as a lord's representative.
Baron: A very common word having many meanings. In the early medieval period it could be used to refer to any free man, but by the
eleventh century it had come to refer to a member of the landholding class. By the late Middle Ages, it had become the title of
the lowest ranking member of the nobility in England.
Bull: Originally the lead seal attached to a document to authenticate it.
In this volume refers to a papal document declaring Rome's position on a controversy. Papal bulls are known by their first one or
two words.
Burg (burh): A term used to denote the special fortified places that Alfred of Wessex and his successors built. They were intended to provide refuge from the Danes as well as to hold garrisons for
protection. In the long run, they became the nuclei of towns that
grew in response to the revival of trade.
Burgage tenure: A type of landholding that came to be associated with
towns (burgs, therefore burgage tenure, and the townsmen were
called burgers, burgesses). Burgage tenure differed from feudal
tenure in that the tenure was held for an annual fee and the holder
could mortgage or sell his property.
Canonize: A procedure in the Roman Catholic Church whereby an individual is recognized as a saint. By the eleventh and twelfth centuries, each case was carefully investigated by the papal court before
canonization was declared.
Cardinals: Priests and deacons who were assigned to churches in the Patrimony of St. Peter, the territory in which the city of Rome is located. The College of Cardinals was utilized by the eleventh-century
reformers as a means of providing election of the pope without secular interference.
Endowment: A gift of property the income from which supports someone or something.
Enfeoffment: The grant (sometimes called a fief) created by a lord when
he bestowed property on a loyal follower (sometimes called a vassal).
Enroll: Various bureaus of the English government began to keep records
by enrolling copies of documents. The enrollments were on long
sheets of parchment which were then rolled up, creating rolls.
Escheat: In general, any grant of land without an heir escheated (went
back) to the lord who made the grant. In particular, it applied to
large baronies in England in frontier areas where the power of the
lord was greater than normal because of his responsibility for defense of the area. When one of these escheated to the crown, it was
called an escheat (cf. Wallingford), a particular use of the word.
Estover of common: A provision giving a widow reasonable maintenance from her husband's estate until her dower (one-third of his
landed property) was turned over to her.
Exactions: Demands by a lord for goods or services beyond those customary.
Excommunicate: A n ecclesiastical penalty that cut an individual off
from communion with the Church. To die excommunicate was to
die without hope of salvation.
Expeditate: A method of maiming dogs owned by men whose holdings
were surrounded by a royal forest, done so that the dogs could not
chase the deer or other animals protected for the king's hunt. The
method of expeditating was to remove three claws of the front feet
but not the ball of the foot. The king's regarders (representatives)
were to check the dogs.
Eyre: From the Latin iter (journey). Refers to the travel circuits of the
royal justices to preside over the county courts, thus converting
them into royal courts where the common law applied.
had demonstrated that the man was innocent; if not, he was guilty.
See Appendix B.
Original and appellate jurisdiction: A legal term. If a court had original
jurisdiction, a case (plea, suit) could be initiated (originated,
brought, begun) there. If a court had appellant jurisdiction, it could
hear cases on appeal from lower courts.
Outlawed: A formal court penalty. If a court declared a person outlawed,
he was placed outside the protection of the law. This was usually
the equivalent of exile.
Pannage: A fee paid for allowing one's pigs to run in a forest in search
of food.
Papal curia (court): A collective term including the pope himself and
all the clergy associated with him in the government of the Church.
Peers: Equals. In Magna Carta, the term is used to assure men of baronial status that they would be judged by their social equals, not by
just a number of freemen from the community. Such judgment
would have to be in a proprietary court (i.e., a lord's private court)
or in the court of the king.
Petty serjeanty: A free holding owing a petty annual rent such as a knife,
arrow, or rose.
Plea: A legal suit or case.
Ploughs: Plows.
Port reeve: The lord's representative in a town, that is, an urban center
surrounded by a wall entered through a gate (port).
Possessory assizes: Chancery writs issued to initiate suits involving possession of some kind of property, not necessarily landed property.
See also Darrein presentment; Mort d'ancestor; Novel disseisin.
Praecipe: A writ (royal instruction) devised by Henry II to move disputes over land from feudal courts into a royal court. This writ is
denied in Magna Carta so as not to threaten the feudal (proprietary,
private) courts. However, the same thing was accomplished by the
possessory writs which were recognized in Magna Carta.
Present, presentment: A jury assembled for the purpose of answering
questions about criminal behavior in a community. It could offer a
presentment against (indict) an individual for a particular crime.
He would then be tried at the next court (by ordeal until 1215, after
which by experimental means until trial by jury was slowly developed).
Primogeniture: A rule of succession (inheritance) whereby the eldest son
Proprietary courts: Baronial courts presided over by the lord of the fief.
Such courts were very generalized. They were attended by lord's
men (vassals) whose functions could be advisory, ceremonial, or judicial.
Purpresture: A n unauthorized use of royal land.
Recognition jury: A jury available in a royal (common law) court
whereby a jury made up of members of the community could be
placed on oath and required to say what they knew about the rights
of the parties involved.
Recognitions: Civil suits that could be solved in a royal court by a recognition jury.
Reeve: A local representative of a lordcould be from any rank depending on circumstances.
Regarders: Men sent by the king to make regard in his forest, that is, to
view what was going on with regard to the maiming of dogs so that
they could not attack the king's venison, or to determine whether
the number of foresters was correct for the amount of forest they
Wales: Parts of northern Wales remained independent until the late thirteenth century when they were conquered by Edward I. Until that
time, they were governed by the law of Wales. The southeastern
part of Wales was held by Norman lords and their successors. Since
they held a very unruly frontier area (called the Welsh March), they
enjoyed greater powers than other tenants-in-chief of the king.
Suits there were settled according to the law of the March. The
barons there were called Marcher Lords.
Wapentake: A term equal to the English "hundred"applied in the
Ward: A person not legally competent either because he was under age,
she was an unmarried female, or either was mentally incompetent.
Warden: The officer who patrolled a river bank preserve.
Warrant: To guarantee, as to warrant the possession of land.
Warren: A preserve for small animals, usually rabbits. Kept by a warrener.
Waste: To reduce something in value. As a noun, the part of a landed
estate that was not under cultivation, or a part of a forest where
trees did not grow.
Writ: A brief written document developed at the Anglo-Saxon court and
adopted by the Norman rulers of England.
Writ of inquisition: A writ secured by a man facing a criminal charge
(in the hundred or county court where trial was by ordeal) that
claimed some unusual circumstance that justified removal into a
royal court where an inquest (inquisition) could be held into those
Davis, G.R.C. Magna Carta. London: The British Library, 1996. This is a brief
introduction to the copy of Magna Carta on display in the British Museum.
Holt, J. C. Magna Carta. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
This is the indispensable work for understanding the present state of
Magna Carta studies.
Annotated Bibliography
. Magna Carta and Medieval Government. London: Hambledon Press, 1985.
700th Commemoration (1915) during World War I
Maiden, Henry Elliot, ed. Magna Carta Commemoration Essays. London: Royal
Historical Society, 1917.
7 5 0 t h Commemoration (1965)
Ashley, Maurice. Magna Carta in the Seventeenth Century. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1965.
Howard, A. E. Dick. The Road from Runnymede: Magna Carta and Constitutionalism in America. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1968.
Stenton, Doris Mary. After Runnymede: Magna Carta in the Middle Ages. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1965.
T h o m e , Samuel E., William H. Dunham, Jr., Philip B. Kurland, and Sir Ivor
Jennings. The Great Charter: Four Essays on Magna Carta and the History
of our Liberty. New York: Pantheon Books, 1965.
As the titles of these works imply, the "popular" point of view still regards Magna
Carta as the "cradle of our liberties."
General Histories
Barlow, Frank. The Feudal Kingdom of England 1042-1216. 4th ed. London and
New York: Longman, 1988. This is an overview of the period beginning
with England in the reign of Edward the Confessor and continuing through
the reigns of the Norman and Angevin kings to the death of King John.
Bartlett, Robert. England under the Norman and Angevin Kings, 1075-1225. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. The most
up-to-date and intensive study of this period.
Bates, David, and A n n Curry. England and Normandy in the Middle Ages. London and Rio Grande, O H : Hambledon Press, 1994. This is a collection of
studies by current scholars on the relations of England and Normandy from
the establishment of Normandy in 911 to the final loss of Normandy in
the fifteenth century during the Hundred Years' War. Nonetheless, fourteen of the twenty-one articles deal with the relations between England
and Normandy to the loss of Normandy to Philip Augustus in 1204. Much
attention is given to monastic organization and architectural influences,
but also examined is the very difficult problem of how the English and
Annotated Bibliography
Norman branches of the aristocracy were closely or not so closely intertwined.
Brooke, Christopher. From Alfred to Henry III 871-1272. New York and London: W. W. Norton, 1961. A general introduction to this rather long period of time; written for the general public but generally reliable.
Crouch, David. The Image of Aristocracy in Britain, 1000-1300. London and New
York: Routledge, 1992.
. The Normans: The History of a Dynasty. London: Hambledon, 2002. A n
interesting survey of the Norman kings and the way in which the importance of a ruler's descent influenced succession.
Fleming, Robin. Kings and Lords in Conquest England. Cambridge and New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. A study in the shifts of power
in England caused by (1) Cnut's conquest, (2) the readjustments under
Edward the Confessor, and (3) the Norman conquest. Cnut's conquest
destroyed the old Wessex aristocracy and created a new one dominated
by three families, of which the most powerful, that of Earl Godwin of
Wessex, continued to dominate during the reign of Edward the Confessor. By this time there was already a considerable Norman presence in
England, and the resulting tensions provided a background to the conquest by William of Normandy. The power and influence of the old magnates and the new ones created by William are based on a careful study
of Domesday Book.
Harding, Alan. England in the Thirteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. This is primarily a socioeconomic history with a concluding section on the political history of the time.
Harper-Bill, Christopher, and Elisabeth van Houts, eds. A Companion to the
Anglo-Norman World. Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY: Boydell &
Brewer, 2003. A collection of articles by specialists on aspects of AngloNorman history but also including other parts of the Norman world in
southern Italy and Sicily and the Principality of Antioch in the eastern
Harvey, Barbara, ed. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. A collection of eight essays by current scholars focused
on the British Isles with the emphasis on England and its relationship to
the other parts.
Haskins, Charles Homer. Norman Institutions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1918. A n early work by a respected medievalist.
Hoyt, Robert S., and Stanley Chodorow. Europe in the Middle Ages. 3rd ed. New
York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976. A general text.
Kaeuper, Richard W. Chivalry and Violence in Medieval Europe. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1999. A study of chivalry from a nonromantic point of
view, stressing its violent side.
Liddiard, Robert, ed. Anglo-Norman Castles. Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester,
NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2002.
Lyon, Bryce. A Constitutional and Legal History of Medieval England. 2nd ed. New
York and London: Norton, 1980. A n excellent survey.
Poole, Austin Lane. From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087-1216. 2nd ed.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955. A solid study of all aspects of English government and life reflecting the status of scholarship at the time of publication.
Reynolds, Susan. Fiefs and Vassals, the Medieval Evidence Reinterpreted. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1994. Reynolds argues against the use of the terms
feudal and feudalism because the characteristics of the system vary so widely
with place and time.
Richardson, H. R., and G. O. Say les. The Governance of Mediaeval England from
the Conquest to Magna Carta. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
1963. This is an important but controversial work.
Roberts, Clayton, and David Roberts. A History of England. Vol. I, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991. A general textbook.
Sawyer, P. H. From Roman Britain to Norman England. London: Methuen & Co.,
1978. This book is for the general reader but is reliable.
Thompson, Faith. Magna Carta: Its Role in the Making of the English Constitution,
1300-1629. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1950. A detailed
study of the use of Magna Carta to support the royal position (as in the
reign of Elizabeth I) and later to support Parliament against the Stuart
Warren, W. L. The Governance of Norman and Angevin England, 1086-1272.
London: Edward Arnold, 1987. A rather brief survey of English government between the death of William I and that of Henry III, utilizing this
author's great familiarity with the reigns of Henry II and his sons. There
is also a very perceptive analysis of Magna Carta as a critique of Angevin
Annotated Bibliography
Common Law
The Sources of the Law
Attenborough, F L., ed. and trans. The Laws of the Earliest English Kings. New
York: Russell and Russell, 1963. Covers the laws from Ethelbehrt (about
597) to those of Athelstan (925-939).
Bates, David. Regesta regum Anglo-Normannorum: The Acts of William I,
1066-1087. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press,
1998. The Laws of William I.
Clanchy, M. T. The Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the Realm of England C
monly Called Glanvill. rev. ed. Oxford and New York: Oxford University
Press, 1993.
Douglas, David C , and George W. Greenaway, eds. English Historical Documen
1042-1189. 2nd ed. London: Eyre Methuen; New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Collected documents from this time period.
Downer, L. J., ed. and trans. Leges Henrici Primi. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 197
The Laws of Henry I.
Drew, K. F. The Lombard Laws. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
Annotated Bibliography
Hall, G.D.G., ed. and trans. The Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the Real
of England, Commonly Called Glanvill. London: Nelson, 1965.
Robertson, A. J., ed. and trans. The Laws of the Kings of England from Edmund
Henry 1. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 1925. This volume
not only contains the laws of the later Old English kings (including Cnut),
but also the various regulations attributed to William I plus the "Coronation Charter of Henry I," Henry I's "Decree Concerning the Coinage," his
"Decree Concerning the Hundred and County Courts," and his "London
Rothwell, Harry, ed. English Historical Documents 1189-1327. New York: Oxfo
University Press, 1975. Collected documents from this time period.
Stephenson, Carl, and Frederick George Marcham, eds. and trans. Sources o
English Constitutional History, A Selection of Documents from A.D. 600
the Present. New York and London: Harper, 1937. The Laws of William I.
Thorne, Samuel E., ed. and trans. Henry de Bracton s De Legibus et Consuetu
dinibus Angliae: On the Laws and Customs of England. 4 vols. Cambridg
UK: Published in Association with the Selden Society [by] the Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press, 1968-1977.
On the Qrowth of the Common Law
Bartlett, Robert. Trial by Fire and Water: The Medieval Judicial Ordeal. Oxfor
Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. This is a survey of the origins of the ordeal in Europe and the possible reasons for its
prohibition to the clergy by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215.
Brand, Paul. The Making of the Common Law. London and Rio Grande, OH:
Hambledon Press, 1992. A collection of articles by Brand on a number of
subjects related to the common lawcourts, lawyers, legal treatises, specific causesall in the thirteenth century.
. The Origins of the English Legal Profession. Oxford and Cambridge,
Blackwell, 1992. A survey of law and court procedure in the eleventh and
twelfth centuries, and the changes introduced in the thirteenth century
that allowed (or necessitated) the growth of a legal profession not associated with the universities.
Davies, Wendy, and Paul Foreacre, eds. The Settlement of Disputes in Early Me
dieval Europe. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press,
1986. This is a collection of articles by contemporary English medieval
historians about dispute settlement in premodern France, Ireland, Spain,
Italy, and England. For the most part, these scholars are using records other
than the laws: charters, records of dispute resolution, and chronicles. Their
common theme is the importance of having the ability to record a decision in writing.
Grant, Raymond. The Royal Forests of England. Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK:
Alan Sutton, 1991. A study of the forests in the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries primarily from the point of view of forest law and forest courts.
Hudson, John. The Formation of the English Common Law: Law and Society in England from the Norman Conquest to Magna Carta. London and New York:
Longman, 1996. This work approaches the growth of the common law on
the basis of court cases, not written laws.
. Land, Law, and Lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford and New
York: Oxford University Press 1994. This is a study of the development of
land law as it relates to feudal tenure in Anglo-Norman England.
Hyams, Paul R. King, Lords, and Peasants in Medieval England: The Common Law
of Villeinage in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Oxford and New York:
Oxford University Press, 1980. This work is one of the very few attempts
to generalize about the position of the peasant classes in medieval England. The result is somewhat confusing.
. Rancor and Reconciliation in Medieval England. Ithaca, NY, and London,
UK: Cornell University Press, 2003. Hyams argues that feud-like conditions similar to those on the Continent continued after the Norman Conquest through the thirteenth century, by which time the legal reforms of
Henry II and his sons provided the "little" man with some protection
against the "great."
Maitland, Frederic William, and Frederick Pollock. The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1895.
This is the classic study of the medieval English law which, though modified in some respects, is still the place to begin the study of the English law.
Milsom, S.F.C. Studies in the History of the Common Law. London and Ronceverte, WV: Hambledon Press, 1985. A n important work but extremely difficult to follow.
Palmer, Robert C. The County Courts of Medieval England, 1150-1350. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1982. A workmanlike study of the
role and procedure of the county courts during a period when the county
courts were declining as the jurisdiction of the royal common law courts
Stenton, Doris Mary. English Justice between the Norman Conquest and the Great
Charter, 1066-1215. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1964.
A series of lectures based primarily on Lady Stenton's extensive knowledge of the judicial records.
Turner, Ralph V The English Judiciary in the Age of Glanvill and Bracton, c.
1176-1239. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. A careful study
of the emergence of professional civil servants during the reigns of Henry
II and his sons and grandson, with attention to the gradual shift of their
duties from many types of administrative work to more professional jurists.
. Judges, Administrators and the Common Law in Angevin England. London
and Rio Grande, O H : Hambledon Press, 1994. A collection of Turner's
papers on the subjects listed in the title.
Van Caenegem, R. C. The Birth of the English Common Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973. A very generalized study not worthy of this
important author.
White, Stephen D. Customs, Kinship, and Gifts to Saints: The Laudatio Parentum
in Western France, 1050-1150. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1988. This work does not deal with the development of the English
common law, but it is set in part of the Angevin inheritance of Henry II.
It is cited here for those students who may be interested in socio-legal theory as it relates to the emerging law of property descent.
Young, Charles R. The Royal Forests of Medieval England. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979. A general study of a topic largely neglectedthe royal forests from the time of their establishment by William
I until their decline in the later Middle Ages. Attention is given to their
role in the baronial dispute with King John at the time of Magna Carta.
of Wessex
Abels, Richard P. Alfred the Great: War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England. London and New York: Longman, 1998. Abels is primarily a military
Annotated Bibliography
historian, but in this volume he gives balanced weight to the importance
of Alfred's predecessors and his own laws, administration, and cultural activities.
Keynes, Simon, and Michael Lapidge, trans. & introd. Alfred the Great: Assers Li
of Alfred and Other Contemporary Sources. Harmondsworth: Penguin Boo
1983. This is a translation of a contemporary biography of Alfred. Also included are a number of other contemporary sources, including extracts from
Alfred's laws, his will, and selections from some of Alfred's translations.
Peddie, John. Alfred the Warrior King. Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Sutton Pub
lishing, 1999. Primarily military history, lavishly illustrated with many
sketches of military sites.
Thomas Becket (St.
Kelly, Amy. Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1950. This is a fascinating biography, but bear in mind
that it is based on the chroniclers, many of whom relied on the romances
of the time.
Walker, Curtis Howe. Eleanor of Aquitaine. Durham: University of North Carolina Press, 1950. Another imaginative biography.
Wheeler, Bonnie, and John Carmi Parsons. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. A collection of papers based on recent research.
Abulafia, David. Frederick 11: A Medieval Emperor. London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1998. A n up-to-date study of Frederick's reign in Italy and
Sicily: his achievements in Sicily, his frustration in Germany and northern Italy. There is a brief chapter on the culture of the court.
Van Cleve, Thomas Curtis. The Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen.
Clarendon Press, 1972. A good scholarly study.
Henry II
Amt, Emilie. The Accession of Henry II in England: Royal Government Restored,
1149-1159. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, and Rochester, NY: Boydel Press,
1993. The subtitle of this work describes its content. Amt argues that by
1159, when Henry was foiled in his attempt to add Toulouse to his continental possessions, he had already created a kingdom that would support
him financially and militarily in his endeavors.
Appleby, John T. Henry II, the Vanquished King. London: Bell, 1962. This is a
popular biography but still useful. Appleby tends to overemphasize the
tragedy of the revolt of Henry's sons.
Gillingham, John. The Angevin Empire. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1984. This
is a very brief overview of the territories ruled by Henry II.
Warren, W. L. Henry 11. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. This
book is somewhat dated, but it is still the basic biography of Henry II.
White, Graeme J. Restoration and Reform, 1153-1165: Recovery from Civil War
in England. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
A detailed study of the reign of Stephen and Henry IPs first steps to restore the kingdom from the ravages of civil war.
Also see the volumes listed under Eleanor of Aquitaine, Richard I the Lionheart
and John.
Sons of Henry I I : Richard I the Lionheart and John
Brundage, James A. Richard Lion Heart. New York: Scribner, 1974. A n unusual
biography by a noted student of canon law.
Church, S. D. The Household Knights of King John. Cambridge and New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1999. Heavily slanted toward military history
but from a socioeconomic point of view.
, ed. King John: New Interpretations. Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester,
NY: Boydell & Brewer, 1999. A n interesting collection of essays on subjects relating to King John.
Gillingham, John. The Life and Times of Richard 1. London: Weidenfeld and
Nicolson, 1973. This is Gillingham's first biography of Richard I. It is a
popular work, almost a coffee table version, but it also indicates Gillingham's interest in Richard as a legendary figure and a military hero.
. Richard Coeur de Lion: Kingship, Chivalry and War in the Twelfth Century.
London and Rio Grande, OH: Hambledon Press, 1994. This is a more serious study than the one listed above, but Gillingham's interests are still
the same, with a little more attention given to Richard's actions as king.
. Richard 1. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999. This is Gillingham's third biography of Richard I and the most serious study. His themes
remain the same but are studied in greater depth, with numerous quotations from contemporary authors.
Painter, Sidney. The Reign of King John. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1949. A n early attempt to free John from his "evil" image.
Turner, Ralph V King John. London and New York: Longman, 1994. A balanced
work relying heavily on John's interest in the administration of justice.
Turner, Ralph V , and Richard R. Heiser. The Reign of Richard Lionheart. Harlow,
UK: Longman, 2000. Not as successful as Turner's King John.
Warren, W. L. King John. New York: W. W. Norton, 1961. Still very useful.
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Simon de Montfort
Harding, Alan. England in the Thirteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni
versity Press, 1993. See general histories.
Lyon, Bryce. Constitutional and Legal History of Medieval England. 2nd ed. N
York and London: Norton, 1980. See general histories.
Maddicott, J. R. Simon de Montfort. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1994. A lengthy and meticulous work.
Philip II Augustus
Baldwin, John W. The Government of Philip Augustus: Foundations of French R
Power in the Middle Ages. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986
The standard work on this subject.
Bradbury, Jim. Philip Augustus: King of France, 1180-1223. London and New
York: Longman, 1998. A serious study of the reigns of both Louis VII and
Philip II as relating to the consolidation of royal power in France.
Hallam, Elizabeth M. Capetian France. London and New York: Longman, 198
See also works listed under Innocent III, John, and Stephen Langton.
Hubert Walter
Cheney, B. F. Hubert Walter. London: Nelson, 1967. A biography by a wellknown church historian who is well informed on the relations between
England and the church.
Young, Charles R. Hubert Walter, Lord of Canterbury and Lord of England. Dur
NC: Duke University Press, 1968. A careful study of Hubert Walter.
See also books referred to under Richard I the Lionheart and John.
William the Conqueror
Barlow, Frank. William I and the Norman Conquest. New York: Collier, 1965.
Brief, readable, a good summary.
Bates, David. William the Conqueror. London: George Philip Ltd., 1989. A bri
but up-to-date biography by an active Anglo-Norman scholar.
Douglas, David C. William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact on England. Ber
ley: University of California Press, 1964. A solid biography covering both
pre-conquest England and Normandy as known at the time of his victory.
Stenton, F. M. William the Conqueror and the Rule of the Normans. Rev. New Y
Barnes & Noble, 1966. A long biography by the renowned Anglo-Saxon
Aachen, 68
Abbasid Caliphate, Bagdad, 121,
Acre, 1, 90, 160
Adela of Champagne, 111
Advowson, 145
Afforest, 135-36
Agister, 142
Aids, 9, 131
Aigues Mortes, 101
Alamanni, 68
Albigensian Crusade, 97, 108
Alcuin, 70
Aldermen, 19
Alexander II, 2
Alexander III, 65
Alexius I Comnenus, 156
Alfred of Wessex, 3, 15; biography,
Alphonse of Poitiers, 102, 109
Amerce, 132
Amicia, 108
Angevins, England, 29, 59 n. 3
Angevins, Sicily, 55, 84-85
Anglo-Saxons, 1-3, 11 n. 1, 15,
154, 163
Angouleme, 31
Anjou, 6, 29, 31, 74, 90, 122
Becket, Thomas, 6-8, 86-87, 101;
biography, 63-67
Benevento, 78
Berengaria of Navarre, 76-77, 89
Bernard of Clairvaux, 72
Beverley, 17
Blanche of Castile, 77, 101-2, 106,
Blois, 111
Blood feud, 161
Bohemund of Taranto, 156-57
Bologna, 37, 95
Boston, 17
Bouvines, 33, 94
Bracton, Henry de, 45
Bristol, 15
Britain, province, 13-14
Burgage tenure, 16, 46, 133, 144
Burgs, 15, 62
Burgundy, 22, 69
Byzantine Empire. See East Roman
(Byzantine) Empire
Calixtus II, 12 n. 2
Canon law, 42, 48 n. 1 , 6 4 , 9 5
Canterbury, 15
Canterbury, archbishopric, 3-5,
12 n. 5, 86; controversy over
Stephen Langton, 98, 99-101;
role in enforcing Confirmation
of the Charters, 154
Capetians, 86, 112
Caroline script, 70
Carolingian Empire, 1, 21-22, 69-71
Carolingians, 52, 78, 111
Carucage, 9
Castle-guard, 133, 143
Cathars, 97, 108
Celestine III, 95
Chalus, 91, 106
Champagne, 83
Constitutions of Clarendon, 66-67
Coronation Charter of Henry I, 33,
Council of Clermont, 156
County court, 38-39
Court of Common Pleas, 45
Court of Exchequer, 45
Court of King's Bench, 45
Criminal jurisdiction, 41
Crusades, 153-60
Crusading States of East, 21, 153-60
Cult of St. Thomas, 67
Curiales, 14
Curia Regis, 40
Damascus, 72
Damietta, 102
Danelaw, 38, 48 n. 2, 62
Danes, 2, 15, 61-62, 70
Darrein presentment, 44, 131, 142
Decretum, 65, 95
Dictatus, 4, 80
Disafforest, 147
Domesday Book, 17, 26, 43
Donation of Pepin, 52
Dover, 15
Dower, 126, 130, 141
East Anglia, 11, 16, 33
East Roman (Byzantine) Empire,
52, 78, 96, 153
Ecclesiastical reform, 3
Edessa, County of, 72, 157
Edington, 61
Edmund, son of Henry III, 53, 84
Edward I, 54-57, 111, 150, 160
Edward III, 57
Edward IV, 58
Edward V, 58
Edward the Confessor, 24, 38, 65,
Einhard, 78
Eleanor, sister of Henry III, 109-10
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 7, 31, 91; biography, 71-77; takes Berengaria to Sicily, 90; takes
William Marshal into service,
Eleanor of Provence, 51
Elizabeth I, 58
Emma, mother of Edward the Confessor, 24
Empire, Medieval Roman, 12,
12 n. 4, 22
English church, 1-11
Estover of common, 141
Ethelred, 24, 38
Eugenius III, 73
Evesham, 54, 111
Exarchate of Ravenna, 52, 78
Fairs, 16
Fatimite Califate, Cairo, 154, 156,
Fealty, 26
Fee-farm, 46, 133, 144
Felony, 6, 41, 133, 143
Feudal aids, 25
Feudal host, 27
Feudal incidents, 26, 122
Feudalism, English, 21, 26-27
Feudal tenure, 40
Fief, 28, 80, 130, 140, 144
Fiefs of papacy, 10, 82, 97-98
First Crusade, 121, 156-57
Flanders, 111, 123
Fontevrault, nunnery, 77, 92, 104
Foresters, 135, 148-49
Forest law, 29
Forest pleas, 149
Forests, 135-36, 147
Fourth Crusade, 96, 159
Fourth Lateran Council, 43, 73
Francis of Assisi, 97
Frankpledge, 46, 145
Franks, 67, 154
Frederick I Barbarossa, 65, 80, 83,
Frederick II, 96, 102, 160; biography, 77-85
Fulk V of Anjou, father of Geoffrey
of Anjou, 6, 29, 74
FulkNerra, 122
Fyrd, 23
Gascony, 50, 74, 88, 109
Genoa, 155, 160
Geoffrey, archbishop of York, bastard
son of Henry II, 90, 104, 118
Geoffrey, son of Henry II, 75, 88,
93, 103
Geoffrey of Anjou, father of Henry
II, 29, 74, 122
Glanville, Ranulf, 45, 89, 92, 118
Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lower
Lorraine, 156
Godwin of Wessex, earl, 24
Gratian, 64, 95
Gregorian reform, 2, 64
Gregory I the Great, 1
Gregory VII, 2, 4, 80
Gregory IX, 98
Gualo, 34, 107
Guild merchant, 16, 17
Guthrum, Treaty with, 62
Hapsburg, Rudolf of, 85
Harold, 2 - 3 , 23-24
Hastings, 3, 23, 123
Henry I of England, 5-6, 18, 29;
Charter of Liberties, 33, 100,
125-28; laws, 41-42; lay investiture, 80
Indictment jury, 166
Ingeborg of Denmark, 114
Innocent III (Lotario dei Conti of
Segna), 10, 51; biography,
95-98; dispute over Stephen
Langton, 32, 99-101; Fourth
Crusade, 159; Fourth Lateran
Council, 166; relations with
Frederick II, 81-82
Inquest, 42-43
Inquisitorial procedure, 38
Interdict, 10
Intestacy, 133
Invest, 4
Ipswich, 19
Ireland, 16, 74, 75
Isabel of Gloucester, 31, 89
Isabella of Hainault, 114
Isabelle of Angouleme, 31, 106,
110, 115
Islam, 154-55
Isle de France, 111-12
Itinerant justices, 42
lus commune, 37
James VI of Scotland, James I of
England, 59 n. 4
Jerusalem, 8-9, 83, 90, 96, 119,
Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom of,
Jews, 130-31, 139
Johannitsa of Bulgaria, 97
John: and the barons, 31-34; biography, 75-76, 86-94; and the
church, 9 - 1 1 ; and Philip II
Augustus, 114-17; and
Stephen Langton, 99-103
John of Gaunt, 59 n. 3
John of Salisbury, 66
Jury system, 43-45
Kenilworth, 110
Kent, 1, 11 n. 1,23
Kin group, 163
King's court, 40
King's Lynn, 17
King's peace, 41
Knight service, 25, 129, 133, 140,
Knight's fee, 131
Knights Hospitaller, 157
Knights Templar, 129, 157
Lancaster, 59 n. 3
Lancastrians, 58, 59 n. 3
Lanfranc of Bee, 4 - 5 , 28, 37
Langton, Stephen, archbishop of
Canterbury, 1 0 - 1 1 , 9 8 , 107,
116; biography, 99-101; and
Magna Carta, 33, 128, 136,
Languedoc, 160, 189
Lateran Council, 1215, 100-101,
Lateran councils, 48, n. 4
Latin Empire of Constantinople,
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem,
La Trinite, 121
Law merchant, 17
Lay fief, 143
Lay investiture, 4 - 5 , 80
Leicester, 17, 108-10
Leinster, 106
Leo III, 67
Leo IX, 2, 79
Les Andelys, 114
Lewes, 54
Lincoln, 17
Liutprand, 165
Lombard League, 80
Lombards, 52, 67, 69, 78, 154, 161,
London, 13, 15, 17-19, 61; and
Magna Carta, 33, 131, 141
Longchamp, William, 105
Longueville, 106
Lords, The, 57
Lordship, 163
Louis VI of France, 73, 112, 122
Louis VII, 71-73, 88, 103, 112
Louis VIII, 34, 77, 101, 107
Louis IX St. Louis, 54, 84, 109,
117-18; biography, 101-2; crusades, 160
Louis the Pious, 70, 78
Maine, 6, 28, 31, 74
Mainz, 83
Maltote on wool, 152
Manazkert, 121, 155
Marcher lords, 105
Marie of Champagne, 72
Markets, 16
Marriage, 5, 9, 26, 126, 130, 141
Marriage portion, 126, 130, 141
Marshal, John, father of William
Marshal, 102
Marshal, William, 33-34, 100; biography, 102-8; justiciar, 90;
serves young king, 92-93
Marshal, William, earl of Pembroke,
son of William Marshal, 109
Mary Stuart, 59 n. 4
Matilda, empress, 6, 18, 29-30,
73-74, 102
Matilda of Flanders, wife of William
I, 123
Matilda of Wessex, wife of Henry I, 38
Medieval Roman Empire, 77
Mercenaries, 27, 116
Merchant guild, 16, 17
Mercia, 3, 11, 15
Merovingians, 67-69
Model Parliament, 55
Montfort, Simon de, 53-54; biography, 108-11
Montfort, Simon de, the elder, 98,
Moors, 69
Mort d'ancestor, 44, 131, 142
Murder-fine, 127, 149
Muslims, 14-15, 22
Naples, 78, 85
Navarre, 89
Neustria, 69
Newcastle, 17
Nicaea, Kingdom of, 96
Nicholas II, 2
Normandy, 22, 25, 31, 120-21
Northampton, 15, 19
Northmen, 2, 15, 22, 122
Northumbria, 11, 23
Norwegians, 2, 15
Norwich, 5
Novel disseisin, 44, 131, 142
Nur al-Din, 158
Oathhelpers, 163
Odo, brother of William I, 121
Ommyiad Caliphate, Cordova, 154
Ordeal, 39, 43, 161-66
Original jurisdiction, 98
Otto I, Emperor, 79
Otto of Brunswick, Otto IV of German Empire, 32, 81-82, 94
Ottoman Turks, 153, 160
Outlawry, 32, 149
Oxford, 17, 38
Palermo, 85
Pandulf, 99, 128-29, 138
Papal curia, 95
Papal states, 52, 81-84, 96
Paris, 63, 95, 99, 111
Parliament, 49-58
Patriarch of Constantinople, 155
Patrick, earl of Salisbury, 103
Pavia, 4, 5, 37
Peers, 132, 135, 136, 144
Pembroke, 109
Pepin I of Francia, 67, 69
Pepinids, 68
Personality of law, 38
Peter of Aragon, 97, 108
Petty serjeanty, 46, 144
Philip II Augustus, 8, 31, 71; biography, 111-18; planned invasion of England, 32, 99; and
sons of Henry II, 88, 104;
Third Crusade, 90-91, 118, 158
Canterbury, 24
Rochester, 15
Rollo, 22, 25
Roman Empire, 14, 77, 154
Roman law, 4 - 5 , 37, 44-45, 116
Rome, 78, 95
Romney, 15
Royal forests, 29
Runnymede, 33, 139
William I, 120-21
II, Duke of Normandy, son
William I, 123, 156
II of France, 73
of Jumieges, archbishop of
St. Bartholomew, 17
St. Botolph, 17
St. Dominic, 97
St. Etienne, 121
St. Giles, 16
St. Ives, 16
St. Thomas, 101
St. Thomas, Cult of, 67
Sainte Chapelle, 101
Saladin, 8, 90, 118, 158
Saladin tithe, 8
Sandwich, 15
Santiago de Compostella, 71
Saracens, 22, 112, 154
Scotland, 51, 55, 74
Scutage, 9, 10, 27, 32, 131, 145
Second Crusade, 72, 158
Seljuk Turks, 121, 153
Sens, 65
Shire court, 38-39
Sicily, 80-81, 83-85, 91, 96, 97
Smithfield, 17
Socage, 46, 133, 144
Soissons, 68
Spoleto, 78
Stamford Bridge, 23
Statute of Marlborough, 54
Statutes of the Realm, 34
Stephen of Blois, king of England,
6, 29, 37, 64, 74, 102
Stephen of Hungary, 97
Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury,
3-4, 24, 37
Stuart kings, 58, 59 n. 4
Subinfeudation, 26
Suger of St. Denis, 73, 112
Sussex, 11
Swanimote, 148
Tancred, 156
Tenants-in-chief, 21, 129, 140
Testaments, 127
Thegns, 23
Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, 7, 37, 63-64
Third Crusade, 19, 31, 80-81, 105,
118, 158-59
Tithing group, 46
Torture, 162, 166
Touraine, 9, 31, 74
Treaty with Guthrum, 62
Trial by battle, 41, 164-65
Trial by hot water, 161, 164
William de Longchamp, 89
William of Tankerville, 103
William II of Sicily, 80
Winchester, 15, 17
Witan, 3, 24, 39
Writ, 44
Writ of inquisition, 133, 144
York, 15, 17, 70
York, archbishop, 24, 86, 90, 103,
118, 151
Yorkists, 58
Zara, 96, 159