John Eggen
John Eggen
John Eggen
Colonel John Eggens prior assignment was to NHQ as the National
Governmental Affairs Officer. Col Eggen is actively involved in promoting the
objectives, and purpose of the Civil Air Patrol, establishment of Plans and
Programs, and as the Arizona Wing Commander strives to achieve the goals,
and objectives, established by the NHQ and the Region. As the National
Governmental Affairs Officer, he worked directly with the National Director of
Governmental Affairs, federal elected officials, and Civil Air Patrol National
Headquarters to effect and increase funding and Congressional support. As
the Arizona Wing Commander and Legislative Liaison Officer he continues to
work with in the state political system to develop and increase support and
funding for the Arizona Wing to give it the ability to effectively and safely
complete the missions assigned. He also works to ensure that agencies and
public through out the state are aware of what a critical and cost effective
asset the Civil Air Patrol is and how it supports, and insures, the security of the
State of Arizona, and our nation.
Col Eggen is a graduate of the Civil Air Patrol Senior Officer Course, Squadron Leadership School, Corporate Learning Course,
Unit Commander Course, Regional Staff College and National Staff College. He has served in operational and staff assignment
as Squadron Aerospace Education Officer, Assistant Public Affairs Officer, Squadron Reports Officers, Assistant Recruiting
Officer, Wing External Aerospace Education Officer, Squadron Commander, Group Commander and Staff member at National
Staff College.
Col Eggen holds a Commercial Pilot License with Airplane Single & Multi-Engine Land rating and Instrument rating with 760 hrs
as Pilot in Command. He is a CAP transport pilot, Mission and Counter Drug Observer and Scanner, Mission Radio Operator
and Red Cross Emergency First Responder. He holds a Master rating in Aerospace Education and has achieved Level V and
the Gill Robb Wilson Award #2460 in the Senior Member Professional Development program .
MILITARY SERVICE: United States Air Force 26 July 1962 to 25 July 1968 (Honorable Discharge)
EDUCATION: 1969-1971 attended Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona