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Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire

Chapter 11

WebSurveyor, discussed at the beginning of your textbook chapter on designing questionnaires, is

an example of:
a. an electronic sampling program
b. an electronic questionnaire design and delivery software program
c. a new process for designing proper and error-free questionnaires
d. software that makes the best use of CATI programs
e. None of the above

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (easy) Page: 299


Which one of the following is NOT a function of a questionnaire?

a. standardizes questions and response categories
b. translates the research objectives into specific questions
c. serves as a permanent record of the research
d. fosters cooperation with respondents
e. creates alpha levels to be used in conducting tests of statistical significance

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 300


Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the importance of the questionnaire
in the research process?
Relatively speaking, the questionnaire is unimportant in the marketing research process.
The questionnaire is tied with the written report as being the top two most important items in
the marketing research process.
Not only is the questionnaire a very important ingredient but its design affects the quality of
the data collected; even experienced interviewers cannot compensate for questionnaire defects.
Not only is the questionnaire a very important ingredient but its design affects the quality of
the data collected though experienced interviewers often compensate for questionnaire defects.
Questionnaire design is THE most important step in the marketing research process.

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 300


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Which of the following statements is most accurate in terms of the questionnaire development
a. There is no process; a questionnaire is simply prepared based upon the research objectives.
b. The process consists of several steps but is an iterative process meaning that revisions occur
often during the process.
c. The process is undertaken by the researcher and the client does not view the questionnaire until
after the collection of data to avoid biased questions.
d. Once the process begins, there is no changing it.
e. None of the above

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 300


Which is the best interpretation of question bias?

a. the ability of a question's wording or format to influence respondents' answers
b. the ability of a question's wording to change a research project's objectives
c. questions being developed that have neither neutral nor positive positions
d. when a respondent is biased against a particular question
e. when a respondent is biased against a certain type of scale

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 300


What happens immediately following client approval during the questionnaire development
a. Data is gathered.
b. Questions are formulated for the next section of the questionnaire.
c. A pretest is conducted.
d. The questionnaire is revised.
e. The questionnaire is finalized.

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 301


Which of the following statements is most accurate in terms of the questionnaire development
a. Clients typically work with researchers on the initial drafts.
b. Clients do not get involved with the questionnaire because it is the domain of the professional
c. Clients will not be involved until there has been considerable development and evaluation by
the researcher.
d. Clients typically devise questionnaires by themselves because they are closest to the research
e. Clients design each question, and then send it to the researcher for approval.

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 301


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Regarding client approval of a questionnaire:

a. it serves as a check that the researcher is still in tune with the survey's objectives
b. it serves to let the client understand the technical aspects of the research
c. when signed by the client, it means that the questionnaire should not be changed for any reason
even if it performs poorly in the pretest
d. client approval of the questionnaire is carried out at the original signing of the agreement to
conduct research; it merely gives the researcher approval to use a questionnaire, as clients
should not be involved in approving the final questionnaire developed by expert researchers
e. client approval is merely a legal requirement and researchers do not even encourage clients to
review a questionnaire prior to its approval

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 301


Which of the following is true and should be remembered when developing questions?
a. Once the client and researcher agree on what needs to be asked, wording a question is easy.
b. A single word can make a difference in how respondents respond to a question.
c. As long as the question contains words we commonly use in speaking, there will be no bias.
d. Respondents will not use literal interpretations to answer questions.
e. The word anybody is always safe to use in question development.

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 302


In terms of developing questions, your text identified several "shoulds" of question wording. Which
of the following is NOT a "should"?
a. The question should be focused on a single issue or topic.
b. The question should be brief.
c. The question should be grammatically simple.
d. The question should attempt to cover as many topics as possible in order to reduce the
questionnaire's length.
e. The questions should be crystal clear.

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Pages: 303305


Which of the following is the wrong way to ask if someone has viewed an episode of Lost?
a. Have you ever seen Lost?
b. Do you always watch Lost?
c. Have you never watched Lost?
d. Have you ever watched and recorded an episode of Lost?
e. All of the above should be avoided.

Answer: (e) Difficulty: Moderate) Page: 303


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire

12. Which of the following best represents what your author has to say about guidelines for developing
a questionnaire in a foreign language?
never attempt it
always form a strategic alliance with another firm in the appropriate foreign country
you should follow a process of designing the questionnaire in your language, having it
translated into the target language, and then "back-translated" by independent translators into
your language, then revise and pretest
you should follow a process of designing the questionnaire in the foreign language, then have
it translated back into English so you can evaluate each question's wording before releasing
the questionnaire
you should follow a process of designing the questionnaire in your language, having it
translated into three or more foreign languages, and then pretest the questionnaires to
determine which language you will use for the final version
Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 305

Which of the following is NOT a leading question?

a. As a Cadillac owner, you are satisfied with your car, aren't you?
b. Have you heard about the satellite radio system everyone is talking about?
c. Don't you see any problems with using your credit card for online purchases?
d. Wouldn't you like to purchase one of the new video games?
e. Do you see any problems with carrying cash while on vacation?

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306


A leading question is one that:

a. is used to begin the questionnaire and must be carefully worded for ease of response and also
for interest
b. is used to begin the questionnaire and should address the key issue of the research project in
case respondents refuse to answer further questions
c. is worded in such a way that gives the respondent a clue as to how to answer and should be
d. is worded in such a way that gives the respondent a clue as to how to answer and should be used
to help the researcher achieve the desired results
e. All of the above

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306


The question "Don't you see any problem with using your credit card online?" is a:
clear and focused question
leading question
loaded question
"double-barreled" question
compound question

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


A loaded question is a question that:

a. asks the same thing over and over
b. places undue emphasis on some aspect of the topic
c. is two different questions posed as one
d. has buried word elements that make references to universal beliefs
e. uses words that most respondents would not understand

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306

17. The question: "Because the Founding Fathers of the United States provided citizens the right to keep
and bear arms in the Bill of Rights, shouldn't you be against gun control legislation?" is:
a. a loaded question
b. a question that will trigger confusion
c. a double-barreled question
d. appropriate if you are "for" gun control legislation
e. appropriate if you are "against" gun control legislation
Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306

Which of the following is an overstated question?

a. How much would you pay for sunglasses that will protect your eyes?
b. How much do you think you would pay for a car with features that would save your life and
possibly the lives of your family members, if you were in a car accident?
c. How much would you pay for shoes with a cushioning gel in them?
d. How much would you pay for a child's swimsuit that had a built-in flotation device?
e. How much would you pay for a PDA that also provided Internet access?

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 307


An overstated question is one that:

a. asks the same thing over and over
b. places undue emphasis on some aspect of the topic
c. is two different questions posed as one
d. cues the respondent how to answer
e. uses words that most respondents would not understand

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 307


A double-barreled question is one that:

a. achieves two objectives efficiently
b. has two subjects and two verbs
c. poses two different questions in one question and should be avoided
d. poses two different questions in one question and should be used whenever possible to save
e. feels like an attack on the respondent

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Pages: 306-307


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


In question development, face validity means:

a. the respondent can put a face on the interviewer
b. the interviewer can see the respondent to determine if the respondent is telling the truth
c. whether or not the question looks right
d. that the respondent will answer the same way repeatedly
e. that the question gives the respondent a bad feeling

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 308


Questionnaire organization refers to:

a. the way questionnaires are organized in a filing system
b. the sequence of statements and questions that make up a questionnaire
c. organizations whose main job is to construct questionnaires
d. determining if the question looks right
e. the clarity of a question

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 308


Questionnaire organization has the potential to:

a. affect the quality of the information gathered
b. motivate respondents to be conscientious
c. discourage respondents
d. cause respondents to stop answering questions
e. All of the above

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 308


The major reason to disguise a survey is:

a. to encourage response; if respondents don't think they are participating in a survey they are
more likely to participate
b. dependent upon the research objectives; the identity of the sponsor may bias the results
c. that it takes time and respondents do not care
d. to violate the "Do not call" rule
e. to avoid providing incentives

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 309


Which of the following is NOT included in the introduction part of the questionnaire?
a. identification of the sponsor/researcher
b. the purpose of the survey
c. explanation of how the respondent was selected
d. demographic questions
e. request for participation

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 310


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


An incentive that may be used to encourage respondent participation, that means that the
respondent's name is known by the researcher but will not be divulged to a third party, namely the
client, is:
a. respondent/client indemnity
b. anonymity
c. confidentiality
d. the "ghost respondent agreement"
e. respondent protection

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 310


Screening questions are used to:

a. determine whether or not a potential respondent qualifies to take part in a survey based on
certain selection criteria the researcher has deemed essential
b. increase reliability by screening out respondents with inconsistent answers
c. shield the true purpose of a question from a respondent
d. increase response rates by screening out unlikely respondents
e. ensure that certain results will be achieved by choosing your respondents

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 311


In terms of locating types of questions on the questionnaire, which of the following is true?
a. warm-ups come first, followed by screens, followed by classification questions
b. warm-ups are first, transitions are second, and classification questions are last
c. screens are first, warm-ups second, and classification questions are last
d. complicated and difficult to answer questions must be avoided altogether
e. demographic questions should be avoided because they might offend respondents

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 312


Classification questions are:

a. usually put in the middle of the questionnaire and are used to classify respondents into various
groups for purposes of analysis
b. usually put at the beginning of the questionnaire and are used to classify respondents into
various groups for purposes of analysis
c. usually put at the end of the questionnaire and are used to classify respondents into various
groups for purposes of analysis
d. usually put at the end of the questionnaire and are used to classify the questions themselves so
that report writing is made easier after data collection and analysis are complete
e. usually put at the beginning of the questionnaire and are used to classify the questions
themselves so that report writing is made easier after data collection and analysis are complete

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Pages: 313-314


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Which approach to organizing the flow of questions would order questions from general to specific
or from wide to narrow?
a. the inductive approach
b. the deductive approach
c. the funnel approach
d. the work approach
e. the sections approach

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 315


Which is true regarding questionnaire design and computer technology?

a. There has been little progress toward integrating questionnaire design and new computer
technology; the only advance has been achieved through word processing programs.
b. Some companies have bridged the gap between basic word processing and the finished,
polished questionnaire; their products are referred to as computer-assisted questionnaire design
c. The field is very advanced; no one designs questionnaires any longer without the aid of
computer software designed for this purpose.
d. Very few computer-assisted questionnaire design programs allow for publication to the Internet.
e. Computer-assisted questionnaire design is difficult and time consuming.

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 316


Which of the following is the name of the computer-assisted questionnaire design system illustrated
in the textbook?
a. WebSurveyor
b. Surveys with Confidence
c. SPSQutility
d. SurveyDesigner
e. E-Z Surveys

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 316


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as the name of a feature or window in the
computer-assisted questionnaire design program WebSurveyor?
a. question menu window
b. question editor feature
c. preview feature
d. data correction window
e. All of the above are mentioned.

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Difficult) Pages: 317-318


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


A typical computer-assisted questionnaire design program will assist the designer by offering
computerized menus for design issues such as:
a. the type of question format
b. the number of response categories
c. whether multiple responses are to be used
d. if skip questions are to be used
e. All of the above features are typically offered.

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 317


Coding questions refers to:

a. predetermining the responses; this makes report writing easier because the report may be started
early although it is recognized that it will have to be modified once the true results are reported
b. placing numbers on the questionnaire to facilitate data entry after the survey has been conducted
c. coding is no longer used; it has been replaced totally by automated, computerized interviewing
d. analysis methods for scaled-response questions only
e. conducting a dry run of the survey to see which questions "work"

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 319


The only time coding is not fairly straightforward is when:

a. there are many questions on the questionnaire
b. any time scaled-response questions are used
c. closed-ended questions are used
d. there are questions for which there may be multiple responses
e. both open-ended and closed-ended questions are used

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 321


"All that apply" questions are questions that:

a. ask respondents to pick more than one item from a list of possible responses
b. allow respondents to respond in any way they wish
c. ask respondents to apply ideas
d. encourage respondents to find connections between concepts
e. ask respondents to pick one item from a list of possible responses

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 321


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Which of the following is most accurate regarding the pretest of the questionnaire?
a. The client should always be present for the pretest.
b. At least five pretests should be conducted.
c. The pretest should be conducted on a small sample.
d. The pretest should be conducted on a small and representative sample.
e. As many respondents as possible should be used in a pretest.

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 321


One means of conducting online survey research is to use computer-assisted questionnaire design
software such as WebSurveyor.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 299


One of the functions of the questionnaire is that it serves as the tool for standardizing questions and
response choices so that every respondent responds to identical stimuli.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 300


Research has demonstrated that questionnaire design is so important that it directly affects the
quality of the data collected.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 300


Questionnaire design is really a process of several interrelated steps.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 300


Question bias is defined as wording questions in such a way that they influence the responses.
Researchers should try to maximize question bias in order to achieve the results desired by clients.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 300


To maintain objectivity, clients should not be involved in the questionnaire design process. Once the
research objectives are defined, it is up to the researcher to next provide the final research report.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 301


Gaining the client's approval signature for the questionnaire design is not done until after the pretest.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 301


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Question development refers to the practice of selecting appropriate response formats and wording
questions that are understandable, unambiguous, and unbiased.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 302


Even a single word can alter the responses to a question on a survey.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 302


Certain words such as all, every, and never should be avoided in question development for
questionnaire design.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 303


Because there are many meanings for most words and phrases, questionnaire questions are usually
very long enabling them to properly define the words contained in the question.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 303


You should always use the word always in designing questions so that you place a specific time
parameter around an event.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 303


"Would you say you never think about the warranty when buying a major electronic device?" is a
properly worded question for a marketing research questionnaire.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 303


To keep respondents from having to respond to long questionnaires and to reduce respondent
fatigue, it is okay to introduce several topics in one question.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 303


When developing a questionnaire in a foreign language, the questionnaire should be created first in
the foreign language rather than in the researcher's native language.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 305


There is nothing wrong with the following question: "As a BMW owner, you are satisfied with your
car, aren't you?"

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


There is nothing wrong with the following question: "Do you believe Nichols Seafood Restaurant
has good prices and service?"

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 306


There is nothing wrong with the following question: "Should people be allowed to protect
themselves from harm by using mace as a self-defense?"

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 307


There is nothing wrong with the following question: "How much do you think you would pay for a
pair of sunglasses that will protect your eyes from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, which are
known to cause blindness?"

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 307

58. The organization of a questionnaire can cause respondents to stop answering questions.
Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 308

In a mail survey, the introduction is normally provided in the "cover letter."

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 308


In a personal interview the introduction is normally provided in the opening comments.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 308


One reason to disguise the true sponsor of a survey is to prevent alerting competitors to the survey.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 309


Under conditions of anonymity the researcher assures the respondent that his name will never be
associated with his responses.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 310


Screening questions are used to screen out questions that are deemed to be too difficult or
ambiguous for respondents.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 311


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Warm-up questions are simple and easy-to-answer questions that may or may not pertain to the
research objectives.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 312


Transition questions include "skip" questions that determine which question, or set of questions,
will be asked next.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 312


Screening questions should be asked at the very end of the questionnaire.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Pages: 312313


Complicated and difficult to answer questions should be asked at the very beginning of the
questionnaire before the respondent becomes fatigued.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Pages: 312313


The "sections approach" to questionnaire design organizes question flow from specific-to-general

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 315


In determining approaches to question organization on a questionnaire, the most important guiding

principle to keep in mind is how researchers will later be able to analyze the questions.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 315


WebSurveyor is a computer-assisted questionnaire design program that was discussed in the


Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 316

71. Computer-assisted questionnaire design programs try to ease the researcher's task in designing
questionnaires and often include "question libraries," which contain standard questions for
constructs often measured in marketing research studies such as importance, satisfaction, or usage.
Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 316


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


Although computer-assisted questionnaire design programs allow for the development of

questionnaires, only data analysisdedicated software programs allow for the data to be analyzed.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 318


Coding refers to placing numbers on the questionnaire to facilitate data entry after the survey is

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 319


If a question has multiple possible answers, such as a question that asks a respondent to "indicate all
that apply," it requires special consideration in terms of coding.

Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 321


Pretests of questionnaires for a study on toy buying by young parents can be done on colleagues in
the research firm as long as the colleagues are objective and have not been involved in the
development of the questionnaire.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 321


Pretests should involve at least one hundred and preferably up to five hundred trial interviews.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 321


Pretests should include as many interviews as possible.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 321


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


J. J. Yarbrough works for a marketing research firm in Los Angeles and one of her clients is a
multinational firm with interests in 12 countries. J. J.'s client's next research project involves
surveying household members in Germany. J. J. speaks English and Korean but does not speak any
German. She is responsible for designing the questionnaire. Which of the following best represents
the procedure J. J. should use in developing a questionnaire in a foreign language?
a. Create the questionnaire in the universal language of English, then have it translated into the
target audience's language, that is German.
b. Create the questionnaire in the universal language of English, then have it translated into the
target audience's language, that is, German, then have it translated by independent translators
back into English.
c. Create the questionnaire in the universal language of English, then have it translated into the
target audience's language, that is, German, then have it translated by independent translators
back into English, then have it translated back into the target language after revisions are made.
d. Create the questionnaire in the universal language of English, then have it translated into the
target audience's language, that is, German, then have it translated by independent translators
back into English, then have it translated back into the target language after revisions are made,
and finally, conduct pretests using persons who speak the target language, that is, German.
e. Never attempt to create a questionnaire in a language other than one's own native language; it is
wise to not accept such research projects and to refer the client to a marketing research firm in
the country in which the research is to be conducted.

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 305


Tommy Cole was reviewing a new employee's work at MAXIM Research. Tommy had several
years of experience in research and was regarded as the company expert in designing
questionnaires. As Tommy read the questionnaire proposed by the new employee, he found the
following question, which had been drafted to measure the occupational status of respondents:
"Check one of the following categories which describes your occupational status?"
___ Full-time employment
___ Full-time student
___ Part-time student
___ Unemployed
___ Retired
Which of the following best describes the appropriate action Tommy should take regarding this
approve it; this is a perfectly good question
approve it but break "retired" into categories such as "retired military," "retired government
employee," and so on
disapprove it; the question is "leading" in that it assumes all occupations are either full-time or
disapprove it; the question is "loaded" in that it assumes everyone should either be employed
or a student
disapprove it; the question is "double-barreled" in that someone could be retired and a fulltime student

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 307


Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire


The research design includes randomly surveying consumers who are likely to take the medication
(those older than 65 who have arthritis pains). Patrick views the questionnaire proposed by the
research firm. Two of the questions are: 1. Are you older than 65? If "yes," continue to Question 2.
2. Do you experience pain from arthritis? If "yes," continue to Question 3. Questions 1 and 2 are
considered to be:

disguised questions
skip questions
screening questions
undisguised questions
classification questions

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 311


Patrick Strubel is a young attorney who is reviewing a proposed research survey to be used in an
upcoming trial. The case involves potential deceptive advertising claims made in a TV commercial
advertising over-the-counter (i.e., nonprescription) medicine by the defendant firm. Patrick is
commissioning research to determine consumers' understanding of the claims after they have
watched the TV commercial. Patrick wants to separate respondents into two categories: a. those
who recall having actually seen the TV commercial and b. those who do not recall having seen it.
For those who do not recall having seen the commercial, they will be asked to view the commercial
before asking questions about their beliefs of the claims made. Patrick views the questionnaire
proposed by the research firm. One of the questions is: 3. Do you recall having watched a TV
commercial featuring XYZ, a pain reliever for arthritis? If "yes," continue. If "no," go to Question
12. This question would be considered a(n):
a. disguised question
b. skip question
c. screening question
d. undisguised question
e. classification question

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 312


Diane Dowdy is an assistant project director at ABC Research. Diane has completed designing a
questionnaire to be given to college students for a client and she is now in the process of coding the
questionnaire. Two of the questions are:
"What is your classification?" ___ Freshman ___ Sophomore ___ Junior ___ Senior
"Which on-campus activities would you say are your 'favorites?' (Check all that apply)
___ Varsity sports ___ Greek life ___ Stand-up comedy ___ Campus concerts
How should Diane code the above two questions?
a. 0,1; 14
b. 14; and 0,1 for each activity
c. 1,2,3,4; and 14 for each activity
d. a,b,c,d; and v,g,s,c
e. None of the above, because coding should be done only AFTER data are collected

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Difficult) Pages: 320321


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