911 Encyclopedia

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The key takeaways are that this book aims to provide an unbiased research tool for investigating the events of 9/11 by compiling information from a variety of sources in an alphabetical index. It questions the official narrative around 9/11 and argues that revealing the truth about 9/11 is necessary to stop further wars and violence.

The purpose of compiling this book is to provide an unbiased research tool for investigating the events of 9/11 by compiling information from a variety of sources in an alphabetical index. It aims to serve as an investigative handbook, an impeachment tool, or a tool for spurring political change.

Readers should start wherever they like in the book, check cross-references, archive useful contacts, analyze 'smoking gun' coincidences, support independent investigations into 9/11, distribute suppressed stories, check all sources, and come to their own conclusions.

Global Free Press: Peircing The Veil Of Censorship http://globalfreepress.com/ewing2001/www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzer...

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Then there was the Formosan bartender named Taiwan-On.

"911Skeptics Unite! -the encyclopedia"

Dedicated to the 911 victims

"911Skeptics Unite!" is an alphabetical index of information related to the Sep11th attack, the pretext for the attack, details of a possible blueprint and the
political aftermath.

Instead of a traditional introduction, I have provided a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as is popular on the internet:

0) Isn't the release of this book "too late"?

That's a philosophical rather than a historical question.

What constiutes, "too late?". The ultimate truth will never come out.

This is not a pacifist, antiwar or leftist book, it's not for humanists, activists or idealists, it's addressed for everyone.

When this book was planned, its purpose was to reveal the lies regarding Sep11th and more naively, to stop a gigantic expansion of war hositlities against
Iraq (which, in any case had never ceased from the time of the 1990 Persian Gulf war) possibliy leading to a copycat/domino effect and WW3 (North-South
Korea, Egypt-Yemen, Jordan-Egypt, New Zealand-Australia, India-Pakistan, Israel-Palestine etc...).

At the time you will read this book, you will know more about how things have transpired than I know now as I am writing.

However, is it really too late for the truth and a political change?
This book might hopefully help you decide to change the political situation in your environment and demand a complete disclosure of the Sep11th- and

1) What's the purpose of " another 911-book"?

Rather than trying to tell a new story, the idea of compiling this handbook, is to provide an unbiased research tool for netizens, investigators, progressives,
left wingers, right wingers, truth seekers, activists, patriots, strategists, independent media supporters, idealists, lawyers, artists, producers, filmmakers,
engineers, scientists, warmongers, chickenhawks, oil specialists, terror analysts, journalists, "becoming the media", smoking gun + bombshell snoopers,
philosophers, psychoanalysts, open source and copyleft supporters, human beings, anti-wackos, basically everyone of this planet.

As usual, a handbook can never tell the "real" chronological story, therefore this index is strictly alphabetically organized to avoid hierarchism or "labels" as
much as possible.

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Please try to arrange the alphabetical index in your own order.

At the end "911Skeptics Unite!" might turn into the book you prefer:

an investigative handbook, an impeachment tool, a political weapon, a geopolitical research encyclopedia, a progressive dictionary, a history book, an
analysis of paradigm change, a pretext for a peaceful revolution or anything else.

"The only way to stop the war against Iraq is to reveal the truth on Sep11th-
the only way to reveal the truth on Sep11th is to stop the war against Iraq"
ewing2001, December 2002

How should I work with this book?

Start wherever you like, check out the cross-references (arrows), archive your favorite contacts, analyse all "smoking gun coincidences", become the
media, support the independent 911-citizen commission (-> 911pi.com), distribute suppressed stories, check out all sources, learn more details, tolerate some
language barriers of international weblog members (which we couldn't fix in time).

For some readers this book might help to spur a nationwide impeachment campaign against the Bush-administration, CIA- and Pentagon officials, or an
investigation within right wing (or "left wing" think tanks and their related oil- and military industry). It's on you, which way you will go?

While reading this book, however many people still might feel offended or just decide to continue ignoring the facts.

These facts are systematically ignored or blocked by the US Administration or international Media, which both is controlled by military companies.

You will find the names of these companies in this book.

Please come to your own conclusion and don't blame the messengers for it.

Most important abbreviations:

-> =keyword has own cross reference/keyword in this book

--> =keywords listed before have cross references
-> , -> =keyword cross reference list
-> -> =keyword cross reference refers to additional info, not alphabetically listed
Sep11th =September 11th, 2001
Source = Original Source includes printed quote
".." without source = quoted from some internet weblogs or other websites
URL only = Original Source includes printed info
NOTE =personal note of author
COMPARE = related website and additional info on the keyword

Who is the "author" of this book?

There is no single author. However, this book was basically compiled with the help of results of members of GROUND ZERO Forum NYC (->) , with other
members of an investigative thinktank in the 911-folder at democraticunderground.com (->), with members of globalfreepress.com (->) and the team of
Shadowgovernment TV.

One of these members was ewing2001 aka Testpod69 aka ?, who is an investigative journalist, programmer and media analyst. His investigative results had
already been mirrored worldwide on the internet since Sep11th, 2001, 8:53 AM, when he started to dig on the facts.

His decision to use a nickname, is a regular procedure on any weblog or discussion board and his real identity is the name of the guy, who just presented this
introduction for you and knows, how to work with media- since the 70s and how to work on the internet -since 1993.

This alphabetical "index" is based on results of many other different investigative- + strategy mailing lists, progressive websites, investigative 911-sites and a
huge amount of "mainstream articles", while the same media obviously decided to continue to ignore combining their own dots and facts and discredit
everyone, who decided otherwise.

This book has tried to avoid listing endless speculations or polemic essays.
The goal has been to collect investigative facts and attempt to validate their conclusions.

At the few parts, where some people decided to speculate -- this speculation is clearly indicated especially when no source is given.

Please come to your own conclusions.

I however have already come to a general conclusion, which is not based on any political, humanistic, pacifist, idealistic or anything else's decision- it's just
an instinct.

This book IS able to prove the lies regarding 911, anthrax + Co. and you will be able to prove this as well.

I will try to continue to help everyone out who just want to receive answers or need to know more about the questions. This process of revelation could
spring from a real independent 911-commission -- certainly not the one you might have heard about (the Kissinger, now Kean commission).

The 911-victims and a pending movement outside the box is already waiting for this independent 911-commission since Sep11th. They want no Kissingers,
Keans, Carlyles, Exxons, Neros, Hitlers, Iran-Contras, Watergates, Nixons or whoever you want to call them. They don't want a corrupt manipulation of the


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What's the premise of this book?

See Point 5

Is this book anti-american?

This book is definitely anti-terrorism, pro-american, pro New York, pro "truth" and pro-world.
While traditional investigation in intelligence and media got "hijacked" or corrupted, this book tried to do the opposite and work against this disturbing

"911Skeptics unite!" doesn't support any special disinformation or distraction, ideology or websites, who see the aftermath, irregularities and oddities
regarding the Sep11th-story as an opportunity to abuse it for their own propaganda, paranoia, racism, mystification or evangelisation of life.

But this book should help you to find, to avoid or to challenge them.

Consequently, this book has tried to mention all of these possibility and in addition analyzes how so many different people have tried to comprehend the
"official" Sep11th story.
Some might describe this as "circus", some as unlucky, some as disturbing, i call it democracy.

A few of them, in the meantime, have become my friends, but i'm sure i will lose a few of them after the release of this book. Perhaps I will gain some new
friends or just get isolated.

I have tried to consider all these possibilities, i have tried not to risk to reveal everyone's identity or other sources and i will promise to do so in the future.

But many might be hyper-sensitive or have other reasons to be concerned to be mentioned in this book either for personal or political decisions.

I respect their opinion, but in the most cases, it was necessary in order to credibly investigate or what some "suspects" depend, a logical decision to mention
To all those I've left out or forgotten to cite, my apologies, it was done to protect the innocent.

"911Skeptics unite!" mentions many respectful, brave and patriotic people, who basically risked everything including their live to find out, what really "went
wrong" or if the so called "incompetence" is just bogus, but this book tried to mention every activist project, who decided not to lump around or turn into a
cynical, pessimist or never ending rant.

This book has tried to work scientifically on every possible detail, every angle and all findable facts, though many people and users of this book might wish,
it should have been done in a different way.

But this is the premise. It's on you, your partner, your friends, your boss, your family and your environment to decide what should happen in the future.

If you think this book might not help you, it's just crap or "too late anyway", please throw it immediately in the garbage can.

If you think, it is important to discuss the purpose of this book in public, then please do so and contact any of the people who were mentioned .
This could be one media guy, or a "nobody", "this guy i once heard about it", your Congressman or just someone who might be on your page, your spirit, your
groove or someone who could become part of your team.

One more thing: We all live in a paradigm change and many people who helped creating this book for months, are already balanced enough to find a way to
present their facts, wishes and goals.

Few of them wished to go back to their old stuff, i'm maybe one of them as well.

But many gave up or got discouraged, some have even already left their "homeland".

This book however supports a growing "911Skepticism movement", which combines or addresses politically aware people who are worried about the
aftermath, the US constitution, the first amendment and diminishing prospects for peace.

"911Skeptics Unite" should help to work with all US- and any other nation's citizens, in a world, which doesn't even really consist of "nations" anymore.

It became the bizarro world and augmented reality of corporate identity and their staged and fabricated way of life, which has neither to do with capitalism
or socialism.

Some of you might call it Big Brother, 1984, Network, Matrix, Fahrenheit 451, New World Order, Conspiracy, fascism, evil, greedy, but even "just right" or
just dumb- i call it simply "your life".

But for the very first time ever in history, this "way" of life has affected every one of us and has manipulated our way of life. It's on us whether to let this
manipulation continue and let a minority decide how the evolution should continue.

While i was working on this book, i spoke with many 911-victims, NYPD policemen, firefighters, lawyers, Con-Edison workers, politicians, journalists,
activists, construction workers, businessmen and even former "terrorists".

At the end, everyone of them agreed: The current world has changed and is staged. September 11th wasn't what they told you and "everyone knows that".

So how many (shutdown?) websites, (silenced?) books or (ignored?) lawsuits do we need more to "find that out"?

Well, it's not on the author of this book to give you the answer on that, i would prefer to watch a good TV show or sports match in between, but i hope that
the one or other who got mentioned in this book will write his own book as well, many of them have the skills to do it.

By the way:
If anything might look different in the future with the author of THIS book, then there might be a simple explanation:

He got manipulated, screwed up, corrupted or just gave up.

My best friends however have assured me, this won't happen.

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PS: If you want to discredit this book, check out the index.

Nico Haupt, NYC

Pt. 1
1-9, A-Z

US Citizens want their own 911-commission (->)

2-Bit Terrorism
On March 21st, 2002 a car bomb in Peru shocked the peruvian nation.

Obviously organised by a leftist guerrilla group, as a protest against a pending visit of President Bush
in Lima at that time, Bush cynically described it as "2-Bit-Terrorism" only and
started a strong criticism in the peruvian media on his "double standard" views:

"Two-bit terrorists aren't going to prevent me from doing what we need to do, and that is to promote our friendship in the hemisphere," Bush said. "Our
neighborhood is important to us. Peru is an important country."

A couple of weeks later U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (->) claimed, that there is "a bit of a problem with al-Qaida itself and some
Hezbollah (->) elements" in Ecuador's remote jungle region near the borders with Peru and Colombia.

Peru is targeted since 1994 by the former state oil company in Argentina, YPF, who bought in 1995 Dallas- based Maxus Energy.
Peru and Argentina have historically friendly relations which began to spill over into the oil industry during the military dictatorships in both countries in the

(-> Ecuador)
(-> DynCorp, Peru)
(-> Oil)

(-> Kroll)
(-> Greenberg, Maurice R.)
(-> Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation/WHISC)
(-> Armitage, Richard)

An engineer by the nickname of 2much BS.
Was one of the first independent skeptic investigators of the Twin Towers collapse.

Supported by other specialists including ENDIMION (->), Plaguepuppy (->), which met at the messageboard of democraticunderground.com (known as
DU ->) in the "911-terrorism"-folder.

In this folder, 2MuchBS was continuely attacked by other members like DocPaulie, Vincent_Vega, LARED, bolobuffin or anablep (->) aka Sarah Roberts.

In September 2002, 2MuchBS was banned at democraticunderground.com for unknown reasons, but remained in contact with the collapse- and aviation

Eric Hufschmid (->), Dulce Decorum, Dick Eastman (->) or Gerard Holmgren (->) are popular supporters of the possibility of a controlled demolition of
both the Pentagon and the WTC-collapse.

(-> Collapse, Pentagon)

(-> Collapse, crash)
(-> Collapse, Twin Towers)
(-> Hufschmid, Eric)
(-> Plaguepuppy)
(-> Wellstone, Paul)

20th Hijacker
A title, which was shared by five arrested muslims, until December 2001,
when Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested and made bigger headlines and is now referred as the "20th hijacker".

The other five, most of them in the meantime plead unguilty are:

Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, Ayub Ali Khan, Nabil al-Marabh and Agus Budiman and Ramsi Binalshib (-->)

On September 11th, 2001 rumours circulated around, that another "5th plane" was hijacked, too.

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This was reported by Cat Lazaroff of Lycos News and the BBC:

"...Rumors flew regarding a fifth hijacked plane, which was alternately reported as missing, as circling Dulles Airport outside Washington DC, or as making
an emergency landing in Ohio after an onboard bomb threat...."


"...Suicide hijackers may have been on board a fifth American transcontinental plane on the day of the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center,
sources close to the FBI investigation reported.

One source told The Chicago Tribune that the FBI was searching for a number of passengers who were due to fly on American Airlines Flight 43 from
Boston, which was grounded due to a mechanical problem.
This plane, scheduled to take off at 0810 local time, just 25 minutes after American Airlines Flight 11, which struck New York's World Trade Center.

One of the sources told the newspaper that the FBI was "very interested" in people whose names appeared on the passenger lists of several other American
flights which were in the air when the first attacks occurred.

Those planes were then prematurely landed under the orders of air traffic controllers in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the

(Tuesday, 18 September, 2001, 17:04 GMT 18:04 UK )

(-> Ohio-connection)

Synonym for the Sep11th attack.

Many 911Skeptics associate "911" with the anthrax-attacks of October 2001,

as a result or part of the "original terror script".

(-> Anthrax attack)

One of many websites, which was created on September 11th, 2001,
but focused already on investigative and political aspects only.

9112001.net is hosted by Loveearth, which is supported by one of the most active independent netizen investigators and authors, Mark Elsis (->)

LoveEarth created:

AttackOnAmerica.net: More Than 500 Great Articles
CarlyleGroup.net: Bush, bin Laden, And War Profits
Georgewalkerbush.net (created in April 2002)
Lovearth.net: Brings You 23 Informative Websites On 911
Misinformation.net (side project)
MyCountryRightOrWrong.net: Questioning September 11th
OilCompanies.net: The History Of Oil And War
peaceandlove.net (side project)

and many more

(Full list at most of these links or http://www.peaceandlove.net/ )

Expression grown from 911Skeptics (->), who supported many different public events, workshops,
rallies, protests, media projects and more.

UK based website, very comprehensive on 9-11 stuff.

They cooperated with www.alternativeanswer.co.uk , showing Alex Jones's (->) "911 The Road To Tyranny (www.infowars.com/tyranny.htm) in
Bournemouth, England.
Supporter of www.stopwar.org.uk, John Pilger (->) , Barry Zwicker (->), Mike Ruppert (->),
Global Outlook (->), Christopher Bollyn / American Free Press (->)and many other independent 911-investigators.

9-11.co.uk cooperates with an own section introducing Barbara Hartwell, who was a survivor of the CIA MK ULTRA (->) and PHOENIX Project, trained
and utilized by CIA as a deep cover operative and professional CIA asset, under mind control programming, which the perpetrators of this mind control
believed was "guaranteed under National Security"

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On September 20th 2002, a few weeks after the new 911 hearings (->) started, President Bush said, he would finally support establishing an independent
commission to investigate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
His decision was described in the US Media as a "reversing course".

He later signed a commission bill.


The families of 9 / 11 Victims (->) protested on many different members of this commission.

Some of them wanted an independent commission.

Others just suggested Warren Rudman (->) on this Panel:

Friday, 6 December, 2002

"...Families of Sept. 11 victims fear that the White House will block their effort to get former Sen. Warren Rudman of New Hampshire on the new
commission investigating the attacks.

They consider Rudman the only well-qualified Republican sufficiently independent of his party and the White House to do a thorough job on the commission,
Stephen Push (->) , a spokesman for the families, said Friday.

``At issue is whether this commission is going to have any teeth,'' he said. ``Having one independent Republican will make all the difference.''

Push said the families believe Rudman is being blocked because of opposition from the White House.

``For some reason the administration has been fighting this (the commission) ... from day one. I assume they're worried about criticism they didn't heed those
earlier warnings'' of an attack, he said..."


While Watch Groups like JudicialWatch.org (->) or

911pi.com (->) (who started to organise an own citizens commission since mid 2002) and even the 911-victim groups (->) still protested a US-Gov
controlled 911-commission and demanded an independent commission, the official committee ignored their opinions and added controversial people like
John Lehman or Tom Kean (->) with his Bin Laden connections to the 911panel.


The other members:

Gov. Jim Thompson
Corporate Directorships:
FMC Corp, Hollinger International (->), Director at Orbital Sciences

Fred Fielding
Former Counsel to the President of the United States 1981-1986, Bush-Cheney Presidential Transition, Tribunal on US-UK Air Treaty Dispute 1989-1994

John Lehman
Former secretary of the navy and an author.

("Heroic Men, Great Ships, and Epic Battles of the American Navy" /The Free Press, 2001)

Current Chairman of JF Lehman + Co. (->). Former Chairman of Sperry Marine, Inc. from 1993 to 1996.

John Lehman is Chairman of and a director of a number of other companies. He served for six years as Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan
administration, and was for twenty-five years a naval aviator in the selected reserves, where he saw active duty in Vietnam. He received his graduate
degrees in law and international relations from Cambridge University and the University of Pennsylvania.

He was a staff member to Henry Kissinger on the National Security Council, a delegate to the Force Reductions Negotiations in Vienna, and Deputy
Director to the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

He has written numerous books, including "Command of the seas" and "Making War:
The 200-year Old Battle Between the President and Congress over How America Goes to War".


Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash
Lawyer in the seattle firm of Preston Gates and Ellis.

Among their clients: Delta Air Lines, Boeing Employees' Credit Union, Wells Fargo Bank, Microsoft Corporation, MSNBC Interactive, PepsiCo Foods and
Beverages, Baxter Healthcare Corporation (->), Johnson & Johnson, City of Portland, State of Washington, Iridium China (Hong Kong) Ltd.

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Rep. Lee Hamiliton, D.Ind.
Former Chairman of intelligence committees in the House of Representatives

Sen. Max Cleland
Vietnam Veteran, served on the Senate Armed Services Committee

Rep. Timothy Roemer, D-Ind
Member of the House Select Intelligene Committee, was one of the most vocal proponents of an independent inquiry.
(-> McKinney, Cynthia)

Richard Ben-Veniste
Chief of the Watergate Task Force

(-> Hufmann Aviation)

Jamie Gorelick
Vice Chairwoman of Fannie Mae and deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration.
Member of the National Security Advisory Panel of the CIA.

(-> Rudman, Warren)

(-> Kissinger, Henry)
(-> Oil)

Investigative website by Ian Henshall, who also runs dumpblair.co.uk, who accused Tony Blair <->) of having ties with "italian mafia" and Berlusconi, as
found out by the respected investigative journalist Anthony Barnett

The first 911-Hearings began on June 4th, 2002 with FBI Director Robert S. Mueller (->),
CIA Director George J. Tenet (->) and whistle-blower FBI-agent Colleen Rowley (->).

Rowley wrote a memo accusing FBI headquarters of obstructing efforts by the Minneapolis office to investigate Zacarias Moussaoui (->), who the Justice
Department contends was to have been the 20th hijacker on Sept. 11.

Among other witnesses:

Richard A. Clarke (->), CSG, President Bush's adviser on cyberspace security, who was coordinator of anti-terrorism efforts during 2001.

911-Hearings Staff director Eleanor Hill was negotiating with the Department of Justice officials on potential evidence for the Moussaoui trial.

One of the supporters was Bob Graham (->) , but he was more interested "what lessons are to be learned from this and how can we apply these lessons to
reduce the chance of another September 11"

Graham later urged the CIA to declassify some files.

Graham's role regarding September 11th is controversial as well.

He was in a meeting with Senate Intelligence Member Porter Goss and former Pakistan Secret Service (ISI ->)- chief Massoud on September 11th in

In October 2002 the second 911-hearings started, which results got mostly ignored by the mainstream media. One of the biggest transcript archives is located
at the website project of JohnHorne (->)

(-> 911-investigation)
(-> Breitwieser, Kristen)
(-> Bush Knew)
(-> early warnings)
(-> Lawsuits)
(-> Phoenix-Memo)
(-> Push, Stephen)
(-> Roemer, Tim)
(-> Watson, Dale)
(-> Williams, Kenneth)


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Coincindentally three different groups that include firefighters, 911-victims and independent investigators, all working on a independent commission run by
the public.

But not until a rally in Washington on June 10th, 2002 did these groups become aware of each other similar interests.

Among them nearly 100 parents, widows, children and other relatives or their lawyers.

"Nine months later, we are still overwhelmed with despair and disbelief and ask, 'How could this happen?'" said Kristen Breitweiser (-> Lawsuits), of
Middletown, N.J., who lost her husband, Ronald, in Tower 2.


The protestors got support by a press conference of UnansweredQuestions.org (->) at the National Press Center in Washington.

In December 2002, the 911 victims disagreed with another "final report":

Findings of the Final Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Joint Inquiry into the
Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001


Recommendations of the Final Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Joint
Inquiry into the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001


Additional Views of Senator Richard C. Shelby (->),

Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, September 11
and the Imperative of Reform in the U.S. Intelligence Community

Video Project of nine independent producers,
who produced short films, inspired by the Sep11th attacks.
Organised by the Independent Television Service (ITVS).

Among the Producers: artist Daniel Bergin, emmy-winner Lena Carr,

PBS-producer Hector Galan.
Documentary Producer Sam Pollard orTermite TV Collective.

ITVS is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (http://www.cpb.org).


First try to establish a 911-Truth Commission (->).
Originally signed by Ed Asner, Harry Belafonte, Howard Zinn etc...

911 people's commission

(-> 911pi.com)

911pi.com was created by Mark Nemeth in October 2002 in San Francisco.

911pi.com or "The People's Investigation of 9/11" is an assemblage of international researchers and activists.
Task-based functional groups work there together on various projects, including research topics and volunteer efforts, in unison with other 9/11
evidence-finding efforts.
"Until a legitimate independent citizen's committee is funded and recognized by the U.S. government or a world political body or court, it is left up to the
citizens of the world to investigate and share what they know with others."

Paul Bernadino, a supporter of 911pi.com started to plan a huge "911-conference" for 2003, which is supported by different 911pi-related mailing lists (->
911 strategy lists).

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Douglas, William)

(-> Brouillet, Carol)
(-> Unanswered Questions)

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(-> 911-Truth commission)

In October 2001 GROUND ZERO Forum NYC (->) organised the so called "invisible" (911-)Skepticism Ring on their delphiforum at the ourDNA.org

The idea was to inform every 911-related and 911-investigative website on each other's existance.

In May 2002, finally all contacts of this "Skepticism ring" supported a three-day 911-skepticism panel and live stream in Chashama Theatre on Times
Square, New York.

The event was surrounded by other projects by many different peace activists and artists, organised by video mixing artist Missy Galore of

One of the panelists was Sterling of democraticunderground.com (DU->) , Beetwasher (DU), Alex Jones (->), Guerrilla News Network (->) and Oscar Le
Winter (->).

The most effective result out of this event was the idea of creating ShadowGovernment TV (->).

The expression 911Skepticism was later picked up by Osamaskidneys.com (->) and many other 911-related websites, activists or anti-bushitas.

911Skepticism later became title for a progressive "movement" against the political aftermath of the Sep11th attack (PATRIOT->, TIPS ->, TIA -> etc..)
with difficult interests or names, but everyone had similar goals:

Stop the war (->Anti-War protest)

Impeach Bush (->)
Investigate Sep11th in an indepedent 911commission (->)

On September 12th 2002, J.K. Dineen of the San Francisco Examiner

wrote the first mainstream article about "911-Skeptics":

"...you wanna know what really happened on 9/11?

While different groups are obsessed with different aspects of 9/11, there are some that seem to pop up everywhere. One is the CIA-Mohammad Atta
connection. That theory focuses on the fact that the head of Pakistani intelligence, who happened to wire head hijacker Mohammad Atta $100,000, was in
Washington on Sept. 11 having breakfast with the head of the House Intelligence Oversight Committee.

Others point to the fact that the hijacked planes were not intercepted, and that the extended Bin Laden family, who have strong connections to former
President George Bush, were whisked out of the country right after the attacks. Another point theorists would like to see investigated is the proliferation of
airline stocks that were "shorted" right before the attacks. Some say they have evidence proving that seven of the hijackers actually are still alive and that
another one was actually dead a year before 9/11...
....Claudia Hernandez, who is part of a group called the All People's Coalition, said investigators need to follow the money.

"The United States government had oil interests in the area. There's a clear connection between the oil economy, the Bush administration and the war. The
connections are out there. People need to connect the dots."


The article was the result of an interview with Carol Brouillet (->) from San Francisco (which name was quoted wrong!), who is working on
"Understanding/Exposing 9-11" since Sep11th and worked on “Bush Did It!” rallies, marches and workshops, which promote the book of Nafeez Mosaddeq
Ahmed (->), "War on Freedom" (->) or guest appearances by Mike Ruppert (->) or John Judge (->).

On the anniversary day of the Sep11th attacks, many 911Skeptics organised protests, like Brouillet did with a March and Rally in front of the Federal
Building in Oakland.

On January 16th, 2003 Brouillet organised another Rally which supported the "impeach-Bush"- campaign by Prof. Francis Boyle.


Many 911Skeptics turned into 911activists (->), supporting public events.

911 strategy-lists
The so called 911-strategy lists had been created in mid-2002.

Their purpose was to discuss different "conservative" strategies, how to reveal the truth on Sep11th to the US Nation in public and support an independent
citizen's 911-commission without being conclusive in public.
("Bush Knew" ->, "Bush did it").

Most popular lists at the end of 2002:

[email protected]
[email protected] (Research-list)
[email protected] (Organizing the formation of a citizen's 911-commission)
[email protected] (Truth Alliance, NYC-Strategy list by Dan Halper around SGTV ->)

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[email protected] (Rarely used, called for an independent investigation in mid-2002)

[email protected] (new 9/11 truth movement-list, started in December 2002, compiling news and updates only)

Contact :
Adam Hurter (->), [email protected]

More infos at:


In December 2002, the 911commission-list (with support of the other lists including a committee of the 911 Truth Alliance) released a letter on the UQ (->)
website, demanding a Citizens' Investigation into the events of Sept.11th, 2001.

The letter was endorsed by globalfreepress.com (->), tomflocco.com (->), The Peoples' Investigation (www.911pi.com ->), Community Currency
(www.communitycurrency.org ->), Cooperative Research (www.cooperativeresearch.org ->), 9/11 Skeptics Unite (www.osamaskidneys.com ->), Fallout
Shelter News (www.falloutshelternews.com ->),
Ground Zero Forum (www.lebensaspekte.de and www.ourDNA.org ->) and many others, who upgraded this list.

In the same month the 9/11 TRUTH ALLIANCE (a loose association, with a vague mandate)
decided to morph into the STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL CITIZENS' COMMISSION of the 9/11 TRUTH ALLIANCE (a clearly defined,
multi-layered, national body with various regional and local chapters).

In January 2003, the "steering commitee" decided to continue their working at 911pi.com (->).

Political and investigative 911-related website by Jerry Russell, a supporter and contributor to various charitable, environmental and antiwar causes since
Also supporting www.regena.com.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Timeline)

(-> Thompson, Paul)

(-> Ground Zero Forum)
(-> Anthrax Timeline)
(-> Ruppert, Mike)

(-> 911timeline.net)

Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911
by Mark Elsis (->MyCountryRightOrWrong.net )
Later he promoted the more extensive timeline of Paul Thompson (->).

Contact: [email protected], Lovearth.net

911-Truth Alliance
911truthalliance.org, 911truthalliance.net (-> 911-Strategy lists)

911-Truth Commission
Independent project,which was established by members of the 911-Strategy lists (->), a loose association of citizens, researchers, and activists is assembling
a 9–11 Truth Alliance
and their committee to form a commission independent of the "Tom Kean"-911 commission.


(-> falloutshelternews.com)
(-> unansweredquestions.org)


In February 2003, already various investigative and progressive projects endorsed the committee of the 9/11 Truth Alliance, calling for the creation of a
national citizens' coalition.

Among them:
Catherine Austin Fitts, Peter Dale Scott, Ph.d., Mark Crispin Miller, Professor, Kevin Danaher (Global Exchange), Chris Sanders (sandersresearch.com),
Daniel Hopsicker, John Paul Leonard (Tree of Life Press/Publisher of The War on Freedom), Roy Harvey (Documentary filmmaker), David Ratcliffe,
Meria Heller, Bernard von Nuthaus (norfed.org) and Greens/Green Party USA -- NYC [per Mitchell Cohen]

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Early Endorsements:
Premilla Dixit Women's International League for Peace & Freedom-NY Metro Branch (wilpfnymetro.org/index_911.html), Kyle F. Hence Co-founder,
Tom Flocco Co-founder, UnansweredQuestions.org (tomflocco.com), Mark Nemeth The Peoples' 9/11 Investigation (www.911pi.com), Carol Brouillet
Community Currency (communitycurrency.org),
Derek Mitchell Center for Cooperative Research (cooperativeresearch.org), Nikos Levis 9/11 Skeptics Unite (osamakidneys.com), Carol Schiffler Fallout
Shelter News, Brian Salter (questionsquestions.net),
Robert Ptak Global Free Press/Shadow Government, Nico Haupt Ground Zero Forum/ourDNA.org.



What was the purpose of the meeting between the CIA and General Mahmud Ahmad (ex-ISI/Pakistan Secret Service) during the week of Sep6th-Sep11th,
2001 in Washington?

Abbot, Don
(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)

Abdi, Mohammed
One of many innocent victims, who got arrested in odd connections with the Sep11th attack.

In January 2002, the Washington Post reported, that for four months, authorities jailed Mohamed Abdi and pressed him to explain why they found his name
and phone number in a car left behind by the Sept. 11 hijackers.

When investigators examined an ADC map found inside a Toyota registered to Dulles Airport hijacker Nawaf Alhazmi, they noticed the name "Mohumed"
and a Virginia phone number written on the cover in yellow highlighter. The number was Abdi's.

But Abdi was found unguilty. The judge couldn't find any hard evidence of contacts between Abdi and the Sep11th attack.
The FBI never explained, what "went wrong".

Abdullah, Abdullah
(-> Northern Alliance)

ABM Treaty
On December 11, 2001 President Bush decided to give Russia notice that the United States will withdraw from the 1972 nuclear treaty that bans testing of
missile defense systems.

Administration officials have said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had assured Bush during their October 2001 talks in Washington and Crawford,
Texas, that U.S.-Russian relations would not suffer even if Bush pulled out of the treaty.

Another reason for this announcement had been increased revelations on the internet on the use of illegal mini nuke systems, and a new weapon system,
called Thermobarics. (->)

(-> Armitage, Richard)

(-> Small Nukes)
(-> ToraBora)

Abdel-Rahman, Mohammad Omar

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(-> Al-Quaeda)

Abdullah Taha Bakhsh

Business associate of BCCI (->).
In 1987, saudi arabian company Abdullah Taha Bakhsh, Khalid bin Mahfouz's (->) representative in the US, acquired an 11.5% stake at Harken (->) in
which GW.Bush was a shareholder, director and adviser.

Khalid Bin Mahfouz is the brother-in-law of Bin Laden.

(-> Arbusto)
(-> Bush-Clan)
(-> Harken Energy)
(-> Mahfouz, Khalid bin )


Abu Ghaith, Sulaiman

(-> Al-Quaeda website)

Abu Hafs
Abu Hafs the Mauritanian is described as one Al-Quaeda leader,as reported, he was killed in the American bombing of Afghanistan.
His other nicknames are Mahfouz Ould al-Walid or Khaled Al-Shanqiti.

He blamed the CIA and FBI on the Sep11th attacks, in an interview with Yussef Al Shuli Al-Jazeera on November 30, 2001:

"In the U.S. [administration] there are [agencies] legally responsible for safeguarding the security of America and the Americans. It is they who should be
held accountable. The biggest budget of all the intelligence apparatuses in the world is spent on American intelligence. The FBI, with offices everywhere
and dozens of other apparatuses, is entrusted with safeguarding America's security, on which the Americans spend billions of dollars of their tax money and
their private funds so they will ensure their security.

Where were these apparatuses when these things occurred? These apparatuses have satellites, ground stations, millions of spies, and huge budgets. It is said
that they know what is happening in the bedrooms, that they know the shoe sizes of the wanted [men]. How did a group of people manage to stay for years,
to train inside the U.S., and to plan this operation?"
...Although we did not carry them out, these blows coincided with our interests, and their results were significant for us...Regarding what happened on
September 11, and what was said and written about the killing of innocents and so on, I have a clarification. First, as I said, we are not responsible for this
act and therefore we are not responsible for [issuing] religious explanations for it..."


(-> Al-Quaeda)
(-> Al-Quaeda-Financeers)
(-> Al-Jazeera bombing)

Abu Iljaf
Abu Iljaf is connected with the Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export-Company,
which accounts had been frozen after the Sep11th attacks.

(-> Al-Quaida-"connections")
(-> Darkazanli, Mamoun)

Abu Sayyaf
More unbiased reports on Abu Sayyaf described them as an disorganized
group of bandits, who are terrorizing the southern Philippines since the early 1990s.

However in February 2002, the United States sent 600 special operations troops to the Philippines to help hunting members of Abu Sayyaf, because they
suspected them having ties with Al-Quaeda.

Many phillipino residents wondered, why Abu Sayyaf merits so much attention from the United States and its military.
"We need only 300 dedicated soldiers to defeat them," says the Rev. Cirilo Nacorda, a parish priest here on Basilan who was taken hostage by Abu Sayyaf
in 1994. "We don't need thousands."

Two Abu Sayyaf-factions are known.

One is on basilan island, the other operates in the Sulu island chain under a leader called "Commander Robot."

The two groups are believed to have well under 1,000 fighters;
the Basilan branch, perhaps only 70 or 80.


It looked, that the real reason for a war against terrorism in the Phillipines was once again to protect the oil (->).

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Active in the Phillipines is Pancontinental Oil & Gas (http://www.pancon.com.au) ,

who operates in Australia, New Zealand and Kenya (21,433 square of oil fields) .

African and Mediterranean projects are in joint venture with London-based company,
AFREX Ltd, which "will have a 60% equity in projects".

(-> Al-Quaeda-Financeers)

Abu Zubaydah
(-> Zubaydah, Abu)

ACLANT or SACLNT is short for Allied Command Atlantic.

Their Area of Responsibility (AOR) extends from the North Pole to the Tropic of Cancer and from the East Coast of North America to the West Coast of
Africa and Europe (including Portugal, but not the English Channel, the British Isles or the Canary Islands).

NATO is an Atlantic Alliance, dependent on vital sea lines for economic well-being in peacetime and survival in war.
In November 2002 the Pentagon started to think about completely re-conceptualizing the operational command "which will have the entire AOR, from
Europe all the way to off the shores of the United States and Canada, and the addition, or the replacement"


In November 2002, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) called on President Bush to disavow "Total Information Awareness, (->)" a new
cyber-snoop system being developed at the Pentagon that would be able to track every American's activities.

ACLU.com was created in 1991 by the ACLU Department of Public Education in New York.

(-> McKinney, Cynthia)

AdoptCynthiaMcKinney.com was created in June 2002 by JP Leonard in Joshua Tree, California

Adorna, Renee
In April 2002, investigative netzine MadcowProd.com (->) found out , that one "eyewitness", waitress Renee Adorna saw two of the official
Sep11th-hijackers, Mohammad Atta and Al-Shehhi in July/August 2001, but the FBI ignored talking with her.

"Less than six weeks before the September 11th attack Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi engaged in a fist-pounding shouting match, according to
eyewitnesses, at The Pelican Alley restaurant in Venice Florida.

""I only recognized one of them, Atta," Renee continues. "He barely spoke a word to me. But he had a really mean expression on his face. He seemed very
unhappy. The other guy—the heavy-set guy, did all the talking and was very friendly and outgoing."

"Atta and the big guy were arguing. And it was the big guy that was yelling at Atta, saying ‘we’re talking $200,000! We’ve got to answer to the Family!’"
she recalls."

From various timelines (->) we learned, that in August 2001, Mohammad Atta received $100000 from an "unknown source" at the Pakistan Secret Service
ISI (->ISI/Atta).

(-> Madcow Prod)

A&M University
CIA connected University, which runs an own cloning program.
President since May 2002, Robert M. Gates served as director of the CIA from 6 November 1991 until 20 January 1993. Gates joined the CIA in 1966 and
spent nearly 27 years as an intelligence professional, serving six presidents.
Gates is member of the board of directors of TRW, Inc. (->), NACCO Industries, Inc., and Parker Drilling Company, Inc.

(-> ANSER -> Aaron Cohen, Jay C Davis)

(-> FEMA-Task Forces)
(-> Texas Connection)

AFB Andrews
AFB Andrews became one of the targets of independent aviation netizen investigators of the Sep11th attack. The question remained, why AFB Andrews
wasn't able to send fighters in time to intercept Flight 77 (->), who was on its way to the Pentagon.

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The facts:

Andrews AFB is located in the Southeast corner of the Washington Capitol Beltway.

The Air National Guard Readiness Center develops, manages and directs Air National Guard programs... to ensure combat readiness of ANG units.
These ANG-Units in Washington are:

113th Wing (DCANG)

-flies the F-16C Fighting Falcon
Training for air combat and operational airlift for national defense is the 113th's primary mission.

Naval Air Facility, Washington, D.C.

-flies the F/A-18 Hornets
NAF's mission is carried out by 451 active duty members...

Marine Aircraft Group 49, Det. A

-flies the sophisticated F/A-18 Hornet
In the best tradition of the Marine Corps, a "few good men and women" support two combat-ready reserve units at Andrews AFB.

Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 49, Detachment A, provides maintenance and supply functions necessary to maintain a force in readiness.


Other sources:

Questioning the 9/11 attacks...


As Paul Thompson (->) clearly pointed out:

1. Several planes from Andrews were flying over North Carolina when the attacks happened. They were ordered back to base. Two were low on fuel. One
was not, so it immediately took off again to defend Washington, but just too late to beat the hijacked plane. Had it flown straight to Washington, it would

2. These planes were ordered back from North Carolina relatively late. Had they been ordered back to Washington shortly after the first WTC hit, they
could have reached Washington about 40 minutes before Flight 77 did!

3. At least two planes were known to have been hijacked by 8:43 - clearly a national emergency. But the order to beging to get fighters ready at Andrews
for scrambling didn't come until after 9:03 - at least 20 minutes later. Again, if not for the delay, the planes would have scrambled in time.

Afghanistan Foundation
The Afghanistan Foundation was established in 1996 with support from Zbigniew Brzezinski (->) and Brent Scowcroft (->) and worked to shape thinking in
Washington about what could be done in Afghanistan.

The original address, www.afghanistanfoundation.org didn't work during 2002.

A reproduction is located at:


(-> JohnHorne)

Afroz, Mohammad
Mohammad Afroz is, what indian papers called, Indias "Moussaoui" (->).
Afroz was arrested by the Mumbai police from a hotel in August 2001.

The Mumbai police declared Afroz a terrorist in a formal case registered in December 2001.
He was described as being part of a suicide squad of the Al-Qaeda (->).

"While the others of Al-Qaeda targeted the World Trade Center", police say that Afroz had been trained to destroy the British Parliament, the Rialto Towers
in Sydney and Indian Parliament.

Police claimed that Afroz had trained to be a pilot at the Tylor International School of Aviation in Texas. Afroz, it said, was the son of a Trombay tailor and
could not afford the flight-training fees of Rs 36 lakh. Police said that Afroz had been financed by an uncle in London who was part of the Al-Qaeda
terrorist network.

His story was ignored by US- and british papers, but picked up again in April 2002 by Indiareacts.com, when his trial started.

Indias Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) refused to pursue the case after the Mumbai police failed to prosecute Afroz. CBI officials reported that the
entire case had been "cooked up".
Indiareacts came to the conclusion, that "either Afroz is a terrorist who Mumbai police was fool enough not to be able to convict. Or he is an innocent
framed by Chhagan Bhujbal & Co. Somebody must pay for this blunder...."


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(-> Flight Schools)

Ahmad, General Mahmud

Lt. Mahmud Ahmad was former head of the Pakistan Secret Service ISI (->), until he "resigned" on October 6th, 2001. Only a few hours later the war
against the Taliban started.

According to a October 12th, 2001-story in the Times of India," the Pakistani intelligence service, ISI, Washington's close ally in the 'infinite war' against
terror, was intimately involved with the
9-11 hijackers.

This might have been the real reason, why Ahmad quit his job:

"The US authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad
Umar Sheikh (->) at the instance of Gen Mahmud."

(NOTE: Ahmad Umar Sheikh is also known as Sheikh Saeed)

General Mahmud Ahmad was obviously deep involved in the planning of a war against the Taliban since 1997/1998 and even worked together with the
Northern Alliance:

During a May 2001 visit to Dusseldorf, Germany, the "...Northern Alliance led by ousted Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani and his military
commander Ahmed Shah Masood have mustered Western support".


Only 8 weeks later, (due to the indictment against "hijacker 20", Zacarias Moussaoui), "on or about August 1 and 3, 2001, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, using the
name "Ahad Sabet," wired approximately $14,000 in money orders to Moussaoui (->)in Oklahoma from train stations in Dusseldorf and Hamburg,
Germany." (Point 67, Source: findlaw.com) .
On September 5th, 2001 Binalshib traveled from Dusseldorf,to Madrid, Spain, and did not return to Germany. (Point 89)

From parts of an original article by GROUND ZERO Forum at Scoop (->):

The ISI once founded the Taliban (->) with help of the CIA.

This is no secret, even US Military cheerleader Janes Defense Weekly (->) confirms that "half of Taliban manpower and equipment originate(d) in Pakistan
under the ISI".

It is therefore a big mystery, that the ISI, with all their insider information, was the only secret service that didn't warn about an attack on America in the
lead up to 911. (-> early warnings)

Even more disturbing, is that the visit of General Mahmood in Washington between September 4th and 15th, 2001 is so resolutely ignored in the history books
in Washington.

It has emerged, that even questions about this visit have been altered in official White House transcripts.

In the course of Condoleezza Rice's (->) May 16, 2002 press conference (which took place barely a few hours after the publication of the "Bush Knew"
headlines in The New York Post), an accredited Indian journalist asked a question on the role of General Mahmoud Ahmad:

Q: Dr. Rice?
Ms RICE: Yes?
Q: Are you aware of the reports at the time that the ISI chief was in Washington on September 11th, and on September 10th $100,000 was wired from
Pakistan to these groups here in this area? And why was he here? Was he meeting with you or anybody in the Administration?

Ms RICE: I have not seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting with me.

Although there is no official confirmation, in all likelihood General Mahmoud Ahmad met Dr. Rice during the course of his official visit.

The word "ISI Chief" was later erased from the transcript and replaced with "inaudible".

This event didn't “officially” happen in Washington, but there are various reports about it.

Here is one from September 9th, 2001, 2 days before the attack:

September 9th, 2001

"...ISI Chief Lt-Gen Mahmood's week-long presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon
and National Security Council. Officially, State Department sources say he is on a routine visit in return to CIA Director George Tenet's earlier visit to
Islamabad. Official sources confirm that he met Tenet this week.

He also held long parleys with unspecified officials at the White House and the Pentagon. But the most important meeting was with Mark Grossman, US
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. US sources would not furnish any details beyond saying that the two discussed 'matters of mutual interests.'

What those matters could be is a matter of pure conjecture. One can safely guess that the discussions must have centred around Afghanistan, relations with
India and China, disarmament of civilian outfits, country's nuclear and missiles programme and, of course, Osama Bin Laden..."


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On the morning of Sept 11th (Mahmoud) met Senate Joint Intelligence Co-Chairman Bob Graham (->) (D-FL) and his House Intelligence Co-Chairman and
former CIA operative Porter Goss (->)(R-FL), who both had prior knowledge about an attack, "with planes", since August 6th 2001, as they both confirmed
to the Washington Post.

He later met, after September 11th, with Senator Joseph Biden, chairman of the powerful Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.

(Before Sep11th, Mahmoud had meetings with UnderSecretary Marc Gossmann.

-More about this meeting at http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0207/S00119.htm )

As Richard Clarke (->) already knew in July 2001, the ambassador of Pakistan met suddenly with the ambassador of the Taliban in Karachi to discuss the
rumours about warnings of a possible Al-Quaeda attack on America.

But more disturbing, as Times of India wrote various times, Mahmood later sought retirement after the U.S. attacks - confirmed by top sources in India,
because of evidence produced by India showing his links to Mohammed Atta, the terrorist hijacking leader.

The Times said that, "U.S. authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 was wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan
by Ahmad Umar Sheikh on the instructions of ISI Lt. General Ahmad."


(-> Sheik Saeed)

(-> Armitage, Richard)
(-> ISI, Atta)
(-> ISI-Meeting in Washington)
(-> ISI-911 ties)
(-> Shelton, Henry H.)
(-> War was planned)

Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq

Author of "The War on Freedom", challenging the official version of Sep11th.

Thomas Fasi, Italian publisher of "The War on Freedom" reported in October 2002,
that they "already sold out two editions of the book, for a total of 10.000 copies, and are currently printing a third edition of another 10.000 copies".

US Author Gore Vidal (->) published a full-page article in the italian best-selling national daily, La Repubblica, praising over and over again the book and
basically basing his own whole analysis on Nafeez Ahmed's.

(-> Al Ittihad al-Islami)

AIG Insurance
(-> Greenberg, Maurice -> Kroll Associates -> CIA)
(-> Kroll Associates, Inc.)

AirForce 1-Lie

"...The White House has been caught in a lie about the alleged terrorist threat against Air Force One which it had cited as the reason for President Bush’s
absence from Washington for most of September 11. According to reports by CBS News and the Washington Post, White House officials have stated that the
Secret Service never received a phone call warning of a direct threat to the president’s airplane.
The government’s reversal has gone largely unreported in the media."

Whether this info was connected to the confirmed early warnings of the FAA (->) about an terrorist attack during 2001, another info circulated on some
websites, that on June 23, 2001 the Airline News Wire (AirlineBiz.com) reported, that "the U.S. State Department is expected to issue a travel advisory
shortly warning
Americans traveling overseas to be on their guard."

On the same day, the BBC reported on the same US Department of State warning.
("US Gulf forces on high alert")

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1403383.stm

A mirrored article of the Airbiz-Info in late 2001 mentioned an early terrorist plan, named Project Bojinka (->) by Ramzi Ahmed Yousef (->) , the alleged
mastermind of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Airline.Biz was created in 1998 by Airjet in Washington.


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(-> RedSock)

Akin Gump
The influential law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld has represented three wealthy Saudi businessmen - Khalid bin Mahfouz (->) , Mohammed
Hussein Al- Amoudi (->) and Salah Idris - who have been scrutinized by U.S. authorities for possible involvement in financing Osama bin Laden and his
"terrorist network".


AkinGump was founded by Ambassador Robert S. Strauss and is currently led by Chairman R. Bruce McLean.

Strauss is a trustee of the Presidential Library Foundation


Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld is part of the US-Saudi Business Council

Al-Amoudi, Mohammed Hussein

Business partner of the family of Khaled bin Mahfouz (->) and owner of Corral Petroleum.
The closeness of the two clans is underlined by their joint oil venture, Delta-Nimir, as well as by their partnership in the Saudi firm The Marei Bin Mahfouz
& Ahmed Al Amoudi Group of Companies & Factories.

Al-Amoudi is represented by Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld (->)

On November 28th, 2001 a car bomb destroyed a hotel in Kenya.
Another missile was fired on an israeli Boeing.

A previously unknown group, The Government of Universal Palestine in Exile, The Army of Palestine, claimed responsibility for the hotel attack, which
killed at least 12.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a Yasser Arafat-linked militia that has carried out numerous similar attacks, said it was behind the polling-place raid.

However Kenyan and Israeli officials said the hotel attack was carried out by agents linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.

Al-Arian, Sami
Former computer engineering professor at the University of South Florida, who had been under investigation by the FBI for at least six years at the time of
the June 2001 briefing for a Muslim organization.

In February 2003, Al-Arian was indicted"as a terrorist leader".

As the Washington Post revealed on February 23rd, 2003, Al-Arian attended a 2001 group meeting in the White House complex with President Bush's senior
adviser, Karl Rove (->).

But Al-Arian was also in touch with George Bush.


(-> Detainees)

Al-Bayoumi, Omar
During November 2002, law-enforcement authorities renewed accusations on Omar al-Bayoumi, one of two Saudi nationals who indirectly received
thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa al-Faisal, wife of Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan, as the major contact for terrorists operating out of "sleeper
cells" in San Diego.

The FBI was furthermore investigating checks written on Princess Haifa's bank account to Majida Ibrahim Ahmad, wife of Saudi national Osama Basnan, a
close confidant of al-Bayoumi. The checks included monthly payments of $2,000 between November 1999 and May 2002 and at least one for $15,000 in
April 1998.

As reported, the cash was to help defray the cost of treatment for a thyroid condition, but several of the checks were endorsed to Basnan and later diverted
to an account maintained by al-Bayoumi, authorities said. The checks began before the arrival in California of two September 11 hijackers, Khalid
Almihdhar (->) and Nawaf Alhazmi (->), identified as being aboard American Airlines Flight 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon (->).


Princess Haifa al-Faisal is sister of former intelligence head, Prince Turki al-Faisal (->).

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"...Who is al-Bayoumi? At various times, the affable father of four told people that he was getting his doctorate at San Diego State, though the school has no
record he ever attended. He told others that he was a pilot for the Saudi national airline.

He worked for Dallah Avco (->), an aviation-services company with extensive contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, headed by Prince
Sultan, the father of the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar..."


(-> Saudi Arabia)

Alex Brown Deutsche Bank

BT Alex Brown is subsidiary of Bankers Trust Corporation.
Alex Brown is subsidiary of Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc since 1999.


Investigative journalist Tom Flocco (->) accused Alex Brown to have been involved in an insider trading (-> Insider-Trading 911-CIA) regarding Sep11th.
His story was mirrored worldwide.

(-> early warnings)

(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)
(-> Transcentive)

Nothing to do with Alex Jones (->), who runs infowars.com (->)

Al-Faghi, Saad
Due to an interview with Kenneth Timmermann in July 1998, Saad al-Faghi,
a Saudi dissident living in London, was well informed about Bin Laden's activities and his "group":

"They believe they belong to the jihad, not by command but by faith. They are very dangerous."
(originally in Reader's Digest and in the Wall Street Journal).

But after Sep11th, according to Matthias Broeckers (->), he made jokes on the influence of Al-Quaeda and claimed in an interview with PBS Frontline, that
the so called Al-Quaeda group was in fact a list of every visitor of Bin Laden's "living room".


Alghamdi, Saeed
In one of the best analyses by Paul Thompson (->) on Saeed Alghamdi, one of the official hijackers, he obviously existed in various fake- or scripted
identities and only one of them was the real Alghamdi:

"The original, and to my mind still the best, Saeed Alghamdi grew up in Saudi Arabia with his boyhood friends, brothers Wael and Waleed Alshehri, two
boys who would also grow up to be terrorists.

He went on to train as a pilot.

He is still very much alive, and works for Tunis Air.


Obviously, at some point his identity was stolen.

It is very interesting to note, to quote the Telegraph article, that:
"The FBI had published his personal details but with a photograph of somebody else, presumably a hijacker who had 'stolen' his identity. CNN, however,
showed a picture of the real Mr Al-Ghamdi."

It makes you really wonder how this type of confusion could have occurred, but the fact there are two photos clearly proves that identity theft had occurred.

Alghamdi thinks that "CNN got the picture from the Flight Safety flying school he attended in Florida."
He had studied in Florida from 1998 to 1999 and then returned home and worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines.

In August 2000, he returned to the U.S. for further training. The striking thing, and something that is of the utmost importance in our understanding what is
going on here, is that he grew up with two boys whose identities were stolen, and at least one of them, Waleed Alshehri, became a pilot and is still alive.

In other words, the intelligence agency who stole the identities knew enough to steal identities from people who grew up together in Saudi Arabia, and later
went on to train as pilots, taking some training in the United States. This would be excellent evidence that the hijackers were the original Saeed and Waleed,
except we know both of these people are still alive.

I have to tip my hat to whoever created these identities, as they knew enough to pick exactly the right identities to steal, and had to have unbelievable Saudi
intelligence (->) sources to do this.

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These people are good at what they do.

The most intriguing Saeed Alghamdi may have been a student at the Defense Language Institute (->) in Monterey, California.


This is a U. S. government school used to train the military in languages. It used to be called the Monterey Language School, and it is possible but a matter of
some debate that no less than Lee Harvey Oswald attended there (we can't be sure as Oswald's military records were 'lost').

My guess is that the actor who played Saeed Alghamdi went to this school as part of his usual military training. As foreign students of countries who were
allies of the United States could be invited to go there, it may have even been intended to leave the option open to depict Alghamdi as working for some
Middle Eastern country if they needed an excuse to blame some government there.

The most telling thing about the school is that the fellow who recently made the headlines for daring to criticize Bush for 9-11 was vice chancellor for
student affairs there (-> Butler, Steve).

In other words, this isn't just some guy in the military with an opinion, this is a guy with special knowledge about people like Saeed Alghamdi. If he wondered
publicly about Bush's role in 9-11, we have to take his words very seriously.

Someone called Saeed Alghamdi was living in Patterson, New Jersey in the apartment of Hani Hanjour (->).

In 1992 (too early for the real Alghamdi), someone named Saeed Alghamdi used the Social Security number of a Vermont woman who had been dead for
almost 30 years.

A Saeed Alghamdi lived in the Delray Beach, Florida area with Ahmed Alnami and Hamza Alghamdi (on one account from late 1992 on, although it is
impossible or very unlikely that the real Saeed Alghamdi could have lived there that far back as he is too young).

In an amazing coincidence, the wife of the editor of the Sun tabloid, where one employee died from anthrax (-> Stevens, Bob), found the apartment for
Saeed Alghamdi and Marwan Al-Shehhi.

(but note that another report says the apartment was found for Marwan Al-Shehhi and Hamza Alghamdi).

Saeed Alghamdi lived in December 1996 in Chino Hills http://www.www.californiacrimetimes.com/topstory.shtml in Orange County, California.

Saeed Alghamdi may have trained at a school operated by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (->) (this may very well be the real Saeed Alghamdi as
we know he took training in the United States).

Saeed Alghamdi lived in San Antonio Texas, and, ever the linguist, may have graduated from the Defense Language Institute at Lackland Air Force Base.

Saeed Alghamdi lived from 1988 to 1991 in Florham Park, New Jersey.
At that time, he had a wife and children, and was working for a pharmaceutical company. When he left the apartment, he told his landlord he'd been
transferred to the midwest. This could not be the real Saeed Alghamdi, who is just 26 or 27 years old and is an airline pilot.


Saeed Alghamdi lived in Pensacola, Florida and listed his address as 10 Radford Blvd. on Pensacola NAS, a base road on which residences for foreign-
military flight trainees are located.

(The Pensacola News Journal article states that the Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity, which administers training of foreign
aviation students for the Navy, is headquartered in Pensacola and that fifteen percent of aviation students on any given day are foreign nationals.)

Saeed Alghamdi and fellow terrorist Ahmed Alghamdi are listed as living in housing for foreign military trainees at Pensacola Naval Air Station.

Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmad Alnami and Ahmed Alghamdi all may have trained in Pensacola.

While any one terrorist's name associated with an institution may be a coincidence and refer to another man, can three terrorist's names training at the same
U. S. military training center be a coincidence?

Saeed Alghamdi in fact may have lived at two addresses near Pensacola Regional Airport , one a few miles north of the airport and another a few hundred
feet away.

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Saeed Alghamdi was associated with suspected terrorist Raed Hijazi (http://www.spynews.net/September11Hijackers.html ), a former Boston cab driver
convicted in Jordan for a plot to kill Americans and other tourists in Jordan on Jan. 1, 2000.

(Hijazi may have been in charge of training the terrorists responsible for the attack on the USS Cole, too).

Saeed Alghamdi may have lived in the Boston (-> Boston connection) area.

Saeed Alghamdi lived in Vero Beach, Florida.


Saeed Alghamdi worked at Tyndall Air Force Base near Tallahassee, Fla.

(-> Florida Connection)

(-> Hijackers, alive)
(-> Hijackers not on Passenger list)
(-> Hijackers- US Air Base connections)

Ali, Tariq
Pakistani scholar, filmmaker, editor, author ("Book of Saladin", "The Clash of Fundamentalisms") and Leftist.
In late 2001, Tariq Ali spoke at Columbia with author Edward Said (edwardsaid.org) on the Sep11th attack.

Ali accused the US State involvement for their blatant colonialism and their "solipism of the American State."

His implication is that Islamic terrorists simply weren't smart enough to pull this stunt off in secret, a theory shared by some of the less confident Islamic
proles in the streets of Lahore that Ali interviewed. "But Bahgi, we are not smart enough to do this."

The American state is a nexus for global hegemon, but not the monad for all the world's evil, which is why comparative polisci folk scoff at notions of state
involvement is 9/11.

Tariq Ali appeared in the "Left Business Observer" No. #98, October 2001.

Another popular interview with Ali, that Doug Henwood conducted on his radio show ("Behind the News," Thursdays 5-6 PM Eastern time, WBAI
http://www.wbai.org/ 99.5 FM New York) was on September 20, 2001.

On July 8th, 2002 Ali gave an interview to Counterpunch (->).

("How the Bush Used 9/11 to Remap the World")


Filmmaker Tariq Ali was born in Lahore (and is the nephew of a former chief of Pakistani intelligence), but has lived in Britain since the 1960s.


Alibek, Dr. Ken

Dr. Ken Alibek aka Kanatjan Alibekov, in 2002 still director of Hadron Advanced Biosystems (->),
is one of the Top BioWeapon specialists worldwide, who once worked for the soviet union at the BIOPREPARAT program.

Biopreparat was an organisation established in Russia in 1973 which was ostensibly a state-owned pharmaceutical facility developing drugs and vaccines,
but in fact was a front for the USSR's secret offensive bio weapons programme.

In 1987, when he was only 37, Alibek went to Moscow to become chief scientist and first deputy director of Biopreparat. During this time he supervised the
development and production of an 'improved' smallpox weapon.

Alibek began to have grave doubts on his project following an inspection visit to the US in 1991 in which, contrary to his expectations, he saw no evidence of
an active biowarfare programme. The visit lasted from December to January 1992.
While he was away, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as President and the Soviet Union became 15 independent republics. After his return to Russia Alibek
resigned from Biopreparat and returned to Kazakhstan. He was asked by the new Kazakhstani government to establish a bio-weapons programme but
refused. He went to the US in October 1992 and spent most of the next year being debriefed by the CIA.

Alibek was one of the first supporters of a "scientific" Homeland Security (->),
long time before Sep11th.
Already established by ANSER (->) in 1999, he testified in May 2001:

"...a determined organization could obtain virulent strains of microorganisms from their natural reservoirs (such as soil or animals), from culture libraries
that provide such organisms for research purposes, or by stealing cultures from legitimate laboratories."

(Testimony delivered to the House Armed Services Committee ) - 23 May 2001

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"...In many cases, the same equipment and knowledge that can be used to produce biological weapons can also be used to produce legitimate
biotechnological products such as vaccines and antibiotics..."
(Testimony delivered to the House Armed Services Committee ) - 20 Oct 1999

Alibek worked together with USAMRIID (->)-specialists like William C. "Bill" Patrick III, at Battelle (->), with Robert C. Myers, DVM, Chief Operating
Officer of BioPort (->), with Aventis Pharma (headquarters of the company not far from Trenton, NJ (->) in Bridgewater), the PhRMA (->) and his former
boss, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik (-> death cases), who died under strange circumstances in late 2001.

Many independent 911-investigators concluded, that Alibek might have been involved in the anthrax attacks during October 2001.

(-> Anthrax)
(-> Batelle)
(-> Monath, Thomas)
(-> Hatfill, Stephen)
(-> Tetrahedron.org )
(-> West Nile Mystery)

Alibekov, Kanatjan
(-> Alibek, Ken)

Ali-Khan, Ayub
One of the former four "20th hijackers".

(-> Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, Nabil al-Marabh and Zacarias Moussaoui, Agus Budiman)

Al Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI)

"Al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI), [a] radical Islamic group was operating in Somalia and constituted the
driving force behind that country's Transitional National Government
(TNG), the pro-government Walta Information Centre.."


(-> Al-Quaeda-Financeers)

Middle East TV Station, based in Quatar, which cooperates with CNN.
In 2001-2002 they showed authentic or controversial video- and audio material of Bin Laden and his supporters.

(-> Al-Jazeera Bombing)

(-> Al-Quaeda)
(-> Binalshibh, Ramzi)
(-> Bin Laden, Osama)
(-> early warnings)
(-> Kenya)
(-> Rohrabacher, Dana)

Al-Jazeera Bombing
Many journalists suggested in November 2001, that the bombing on the afghan offices of the
TV Station Al-Jazeera was on purpose.

Few knew, that it almost killed BBC World Service correspondent William Reeve,
who was working on that day in the same Kabul office.

Nik Gowing, a presenter on BBC World said about this incident:

"It seems to me that a very clear message needs to go out that this must not be allowed to continue."

Al-Jazeera's chief editor, Ibrahim Hilal, said he believed that its Kabul office had been on the Pentagon's list of targets since the beginning of the conflict.


Al-Jazeera US-Website shutdown

On Sep7th 2001, only 4 days before Sep11th, the US mirror of Al-Jazeera was shut down for unknown reasons by the North Texas Terrorism Task Force of
the FBI :

"An 80-member FBI terrorism task force on Wednesday and Thursday raided the offices of InfoCom Corporation, a Texas-based company that hosts a
broad array of Arab Web sites, including the Arab world's leading news channel.

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The FBI said the action was part of a two-year investigation by the North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force, but declined to give specific reasons for the


Infocom is based in Richardson, Texas and launched their Internet Services Division in 1995.
They provided computer services for both the Islamic Association for Palestine and for the Holy Land Foundation (-> Holy Land Foundation Affair)

The story of the North Texas Electronic Task Force on Sep7th is much longer:
As the Guardian revealed on September 10th, 2001 it was in reality "Five hundred websites - many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection" - crashed,
when the anti-terrorism taskforce already raided InfoCom Corporation in Texas on Sep5th!

"The 80-strong taskforce that descended upon the IT company included FBI agents, Secret Service agents, Diplomatic Security agents, tax inspectors,
immigration officials, customs officials, department of commerce officials and computer experts."

Three days later, they were still busy inside the building.
As reported, they copied every hard disc they could find.
InfoCom hosts websites for numerous clients in the Middle East, including (the satellite TV station), al-Sharq (a daily newspaper in Qatar), and Birzeit (the
Palestinian university on the West Bank).

In addition, InfoCom is the registered owner of ".iq" - the internet country code for Iraq.

Several Muslim groups have linked the raid to an article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on August 13th, 2001.

Written by Daniel Pipes (->), director of the foreign policy research institute in Philadelphia, it called on the US to "support Israel in rolling back the forces
of terror" by shutting down websites belonging to the Islamic Association for Palestine and the Holy Land Foundation.

Just across the road from InfoCom's offices, in Richardson on the outskirts of Dallas, is the headquarters of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Apart from
their physical proximity, InfoCom and HLF are intimately connected through two brothers: Ghassan and Bayan Elashi. The Elashis are of Palestinian origin
and of a religious disposition. Ghassan is chairman of HLF and vice-president (marketing) of InfoCom.


Already on July 8, 2001 , the business news portal Aiwagulf reported, that Arab Wide Web (AWW), the Dubai (->) based Internet portal and InfoCom
Corporation, Texas (USA) an Internet services company have announced a strategic alliance to provide innovative hosting and e-commerce solutions in the
Middle East.


Daniel Pipes continued to point on "suspicious" US-citizens in 2002 and founded campuswatch.org (->)

Al-Kadi, Yassin
In 2001-2002, saudi arabian businessman Yassin Al-Kadi (also spelled Yasin al-Qadi) has repeatedly denied any connection to bin Laden, but he was
already on the U.S. government's "dirty dozen" list of leading terror financiers who are being investigated by the CIA.

Al-Kadi's accounts have been frozen by the United States, as shown at the executive order 13224:

AL-QADI, Yasin
(a.k.a. KADI, Shaykh Yassin Abdullah; a.k.a. KAHDI, Yasin),
Jeddah (->), Saudi Arabia (->) (individual) 10-12-01

Kadi made news again in December 2002, when he was linked as the secret owner of the computer company Ptech (->) from Boston.

Kadi has served as a director of Global Mining Resources, based in Nevada, since December 1998.
He is Chairman of Saudi National Consulting Center and Qordoba Real Estate Co. based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of Caravan Co. based in
Turkey, board member of Himont Chemical based in Pakistan and Cariba Bank based in Kazakhstan and on the Board of Directors as the nominee of New
Diamond Holdings Limited.


Kadi, who co-owns the Karavan Construction company and heads the Saudi-based Muwafaq charity foundation, is on the 12 October (2001) U.S.
government list of individuals and organizations suspected of having terrorist links."


Another name for the Muwafaq charity foundation is "Blessed Relief", which was registered in the Channel Islands in 1992 and run from Jeddah (->), Saudi

This was already found out in the 911-lawsuit (->) against Saudi Arabia at point 1068 ff.

The charity was endowed by Defendant Khalid bin Mahfouz (->), another official al Qaeda banker, and run by Yassin al-Kadi.

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Khalid bin Mahfouz’s son, Abdulrahman bin Mahfouz, is a director of the Muwafeq charity.
Mahfouz indirectly investigated in President George Bush's first company Arbusto (->),
with the help of his financeer James R Bath (-> Bath, ->BCCI).

Point 1070 of the 911 Saudi-indictment says:

"Yassin Al-Kadi ran the charity from 1992 until around 1997 with $15 million to $20 million of his own money along with contributions from other wealthy
associates. Millions of dollars have been transferred to Osama bin Laden through Blessed Relief. An audit of the Defendant National Commercial Bank of
Saudi Arabia in the mid-1990s, which was then run by Khalid bin Salim bin Mahfouz, reveals the transfer of $3 million for Osama bin Laden that traveled
from the accounts of wealthy Saudi businessmen to Blessed Relief."

Point 1075:
"Yassin Abdullah al-Kadi is the Vice President of the Saudi Arabian company M.M. Badkook Co. for Catering & Trading, owned by his partner in Blessed
Relief, Talal Mohammed Badkook. Talal Badkook is a member of the Al-Mustaqbal group along with Saleh Mohamed bin Laden, son of Mohammed bin
Laden, and Abdullah Saleh Kamel, son of Saleh Kamel, who is the chairman of the Dallah al-Baraka."

Point 1076:
Yassin al-Kadi is the Chairman of the National Management Consultancy Center (NMCC) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. NMCC lists the address PO Box 214,
Jeddah, which is the same address listed on Muwafaq’s Delaware corporate records. Yassin al-Kadi’s address is P.O. Box 214, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21411.


(-> lawsuits)

Albaugh, Joe
Joe M. Albaugh was director of the FEMA (->) during 2001-2002,
who announced in December 2002 to resign in March 2003.

(-> Hauer, Jerome)

Al-Hawsawi, Mustapha Ahmad aka Shaikh Saeed

(-> Al Quaeda)
(-> Shaikh Saeed)

Almarabh, Nabil
Former Boston cab driver, once identified by authorities as a major terrorism suspect and co-conspirator of Sep11th (as Ayub Ali Khan->, Mohammed
Jaweed Azmath->, Agus Budiman -> and Zacarias Moussaoui->), was kept in solitary confinement for more than eight months without seeing a judge or
being assigned a lawyer.

Nabil Almarabh (al-Marabh), was taken into custody Sept. 18, 2001.

After routine detention proceedings, court records show, he was not brought before a federal magistrate to face charges until May 22, 2002.

In June 2002, authorities transferred Almarabh from the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn to a Buffalo courtroom.

In October 2001, The New York Times reported, that the CIA knew " and 's connection with bin Laden, but was allowed to continue to move freely
throughout the country".

The Toronto Sun reported, that al-Marabh is suspected of making phony I.D. documents used in the Sept. 11th attacks.


Al-Marabh worked for Boston Cab Co., where an associate of suspected terror chief Osama bin Laden worked, too.

The FBI linked Al-Marabh to Raed Hijazi, another cabdriver, in 2002 still jailed in Jordan on charges that he planned to blow up a hotel filled with
Americans and Israelis on New Year's Day 2000...."


Already on June 27th, 2001 Al-Marabh was arrested by United States officials at the Canadian border. He is caught trying to enter America, hiding in the
back of a trailer, carrying false papers.
However on July 10th, 2001 the Canadian courts release Al-Marabh back onto the streets of Canada


As Startribune revealed, Al Marabh was on reality charged with making false statements describing his association with two other hijackers, Nawaf
Alhazmi (->) and Khalid Almihdhar (->).

As Newsweek revealed on November 22nd 2002, these are the same official hijackers, who received money from Saudi Arabia (->), "possibly via two

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Saudi students living in the United States who had obtained them from an account in the name of Princess Haifa al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi ambassador to


When this story came out, in an convenient coincidence, new Bin Laden recordings had been found in a Bali house, obvioulsy to distract from the story.


But already known, disturbingly Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, got observed by the CIA and the FBI. (-> CIA, observations).

It appears that anti terror specialist John O'Neill (->) was responsible for this observation.

He died in the Twin Towers, after he started a security job with the help of former OEM-director Jerome Hauer (->), now director of the federal Office of
Public Health Preparedness.

Newsweek furthermore reported in November 2002, that the FBI had found a steady stream of payments to the family of one of the students, Omar
al-Bayoumi (->), beginning early in 2000. It said Bayoumi had befriended the hijackers in San Diego several months earlier.

At the end of November 2002 it wasn't sure if the cab driver Al-Marabh was framed as a scapegoat.
Law enforcement officials say there is no evidence either man had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 plot. Two other defendants in the same case--Ahmad
al-Khalialah and Louay al-Sakkah, a Syrian national--were given 15 years hard labor.

(-> Al-Quaeda)
(-> Boston -connection)
(-> Hijacker ID-confusion)

al-Marri, Ali Saleh Kahlah

On December 24th, 2002, the NY Post reported, that Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri who researched Web sites about deadly chemicals - while earmarking
almanac pages on major U.S. dams, reservoirs and railroads - was charged with lying about phone calls he allegedly made to a suspected financier of 9/11.

Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, agents learned that Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, 37, of Qatar, had telephoned the United Arab Emirates several times
between September and November of that year.

The phone number was used by Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, who has been accused of transferring thousands of dollars to the hijackers before the attacks,
authorities said.

Al-Hawsawi has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a pending indictment against Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called "20th hijacker."

When the FBI interviewed al-Marri later at his Peoria, Ill., home, he "falsely denied knowing al-Hawasi and ever calling the telephone number," prosecutors

Al-Marri is accused of falsely denying that he had been in the United States between 1991 and Sept. 10, 2001.


NOTE: Al-Hasawi's other alias is Sheikh Saeed (->), arrested in 2002 for the kidnapping of Daniel Pearl, Wall Street Journal.

In a column of his website, Al Martin explained in early 2002,
how "we created "Osama bin Laden" and now we're doing it again".

Al Martin is author of the book "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider", in which he revealed how little it had "to do with fighting Communism
and a lot to do with siphoning spectacular amounts of wealth to a small circle of powerful insiders"
(David Guyatt, author "The Secret Gold Treaty")

Alexander S. Martin was born in 1954 in Oberammergau, West Germany

with mixed German and American parentage.

On his website he released various articles on the Sep11th attacks.

In his column, "Behind the Scenes of the Beltway", he covered the "Bush-Harken-Energy Fraud".

Another famous column in 2001-2002, was the "Whistleblower Gazette".

In 2001-2002 Martin appeared as a guest on many talk shows, including Joey Reynolds, Bill Boshears, Jeff Rense (->), Gary Nolan, Armstrong Williams,
Geoff Metcalf, Richard Syrett, Bert Lee, Sam Greenfield, Kathleen Keating, and Bill Brumbaugh.

Almartinraw.com was created in 2000 in Pray, MT.

Administrative Contact is Uri Dowbenko (->) from New Improved Entertainment Corp.,
who writes for AlMartinRaw.com.


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According to Bin Laden specialist Saad Al-Faghi (->), "Al-Quaeda" (or al-quaida) was only a list if visitors of Bin Laden's "living room".

The CIA and Pentagon claimed during 2001-2002, that "al-Quaeda" was responsible for almost every terrorist attack worldwide, including crimes in the
United Staetes with their "sleeping cells".

The US government still blame the Sep11th attack on Bin Laden and his organisation, but didn't provide any logistic evidence.
At the end of 2002, the Pentagon started to promote a "second generation" of Al-Quaeda.

The official "members" of Al-Quaeda (a name chosen by the CIA out of one some messages of Bin laden, he himself never mentioned any name of an
"organisation", but spoke always on "jihad or "holy war"), due to the US Government, have been:

Osama Bin Laden (->)

Since September 11th, 2001 missing.

Ayman al-Zawahri and Mohammed Atef are believed to have known about the Sep11th attacks in advance, "by virtue of their rank in Al Qaeda".
Al-Zawahri's family was killed by a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan. It is not known where al-Zawahiri is.

Mohammed Atef
Atef, one of a few brother-in-laws of Osama bin Laden.
U.S. officials have said that Atef was believed to have died in a CIA airstrike in November 2001 and had principal responsibility for supervising the training
of al-Qaida members. Atef was indicted in connection with the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Atef had a "martyrdom video" of one of the so-called "20th hijackers"

- the ones who never made it on a plane - at his house: Ramzi Binalshibh (->) .
Binalshibh was unable to enter the United States in 2001.

On this proganda video, the Pentagon identified Abd Al-Rahim, Muhammad Sa'id Ali Hasan,
Khalid Ibn Muhammad Al-Juhani and Ramzi Binalshibh. The fifth man was unidentified.

It was reported, that Binalshibh was captured in September 2002,

a few days after the final release of this video on Al-Jazeera.

Mullah Mohammed Omar

Supreme leader of the Taliban militant government in Afghanistan from 1996-2001.

Ibn Al-Shaykh al-Libi

Captured in late Dec 2001 by Northern Alliance. Turned over to US in early Jan 2002.

Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi

Many investigators believed he is al Qaeda’s finance chief and primary source of funding to the Sept 11th hijackers.
Some US officials believe he may be the same man as Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad, alias Shaykh Saiid, who is a top bin Laden financial lieutenant included
on the list of alleged terrorists whose assets have been frozen by the United States. (-> Sheik Saaed)


Tawfiq Attash Khallad

Another "bin Laden lieutenant", who is suspected of playing a planning role.
As reported, he met with future hijackers Khalid Almihdhar (->) and Nawaf Alhazmi (->) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in January 2000, just before
Almihdhar and Alhazmi entered the United States, then already monitored by the CIA.

Other Al-Quaeda members, as reported, got killed:

Abu Hafs the Mauritanian (->), who gave an interview in late November 2001 on Al-Jazeera)
"Provided some of the scholarly justification for Al Qaeda's terrorist attacks".

Abu Salah al-Yemeni

"Identified" as senior logistics coordinator.

Tariq Anwar al-Sayyid Ahmad and Muhammad Salah

Two Egyptians involved in executing terrorist attacks.

Mohammad Omar Abdel-Rahman

There have been unconfirmed reports that Abdel-Rahman,
son of a blind Egyptian sheik convicted of leading a bombing conspiracy in New York in the mid-1990s, was killed, but U.S. authorities believe he remains at

As reported, he once was captured by anti-Taliban forces.

He is considered a midlevel Al Qaeda official and a liaison to his father's Egypt-based terrorist organization, al-Gamaa al-Islamiya. Rahmans status is
therefore still unclear.
Yassir Al-Jazeeri
In March 2003, Pakistan Authorities arrested "suspected al-Qaida operative", Yassir Al-Jazeeri and claimed, he was one of the most important leaders.

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Captured Members (until end of 2002):

Ibn Al-Shaykh al-Libi and

Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, who commanded some of bin Laden's Afghan training camps, as reported by some media.

Mamdouh Mahmud Salim

Officially co-founder of al Qaeda.
He is charged with attempted murder in the stabbing of a jail guard November 1, 2000, while awaiting trial with four other defendants for the 1998 bombings
of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people and injured more than 4,000 others.

Salim was born in Sudan and grew up in Iraq. According to prosecutors, he was in charge of al Qaeda's financial affairs when the group was based in Sudan
in the early 1990s. He is accused of managing Wadi Aqiq, bin Laden's umbrella company that procured communications equipment and conventional
weapons for the organization.
Salim was known among al Qaeda members as "Abu Hajer al Iraqi" and was considered a religious scholar. According to the embassy bombings indictment,
Salim taught followers that U.N. forces deployed in Somalia in 1993 represented a U.S. plan to attack Muslims.

Enaam Arnaout
Director of the Illinois-based charity Benevolence International Foundation (BIF), who was arrested on 30-Apr-2002 and charged with lying about links to
Osama bin Laden and international terrorism.
The organization itself was charged with perjury.

The Treasury Department froze the BIF's assets in December 2001 because the government claimed the group had ties to al Qaeda, bin Laden's
international terrorist organization. In a 35-page criminal complaint, the government says the BIF supported terrorist groups and individuals and had "direct
dealings" with Chechen guerrillas and Hezb e Islami -- identified by the government as a military group operating in Afghanistan and Azerbaijan.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (->), a Kuwaiti lieutenant of Usama bin Laden, was described as "the likely mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks", a senior
U.S. counterterrorism official said in August 2002.
His aliases include Ashraf Refaat Nabith Henin, Khalid Abdul Wadood, Salem Ali and Fahd Bin Abdallah Bin Khalid.

Mohammed is accused of working with Ramzi Yousef in the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.
Yousef, serving a life sentence in the United States, is believed to have planned to crash a plane into CIA headquarters.

Abu Zubaydah (->)

Another "high rank" Al Qaeda leader in U.S. custody, as stated by US officiala.

Officially captured in Pakistan in March 2002, is said to have told U.S. interrogators that the hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was destined for the
White House, suggesting he knew of the planning.
Some of the hijackers trained at Abu Zubaydah's Khalden camp in Afghanistan, one counterterrorism official claimed.

Hashim bin Abas

Arrested Dec 2001 as prime suspect in plot to attack American targets in Singapore

John Walker (->)

20-year old American citizen from California, found fighting for the Taliban / Al-Queda in the city of Konduz.

David Hicks
Young Australian national found fighting for Al-Queda in Afghanistan.

Mokhtar Haouari
An Algerian living in Canada was convicted by U.S. Civil Court for participation in the failed Millienium bombing plot targeting the Los Angeles
International Airport and sentenced (16-JAN-02) to 24 years in prison, the maximum penalty possible.

Wadih El-Hage
Now serving a life sentence in a maximum-security prison for conspiracy to commit terrorism in the August 1998 bombings of two American Embassies in
East Africa. Within Al Qaeda, El-Hage was nicknamed “the Manager,” according to federal prosecutors. For several years during the 1990s, the U.S.
government alleges, El-Hage performed nefarious chores for his terrorist boss, like purchasing a jet plane in order to deliver Stinger missiles (El-Hage
personally handed the keys to bin Laden at a dinner party).

Jose Padilla
Jose Padilla, also known as Abdullah Al Muhajir, is in the custody of the U.S. military and being treated as an enemy combatant (-> Dirty Bomber).

Padilla was officially arrested May 8, 2002 as he flew into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport from Pakistan, but John Ashcroft announced his
arrestment a couple of weeks later in Moscow.

This announcement happened on the same weekend, when unansweredquestions.org (->) organised their press conference with the 911-victims in
Washington and judicialwatch (->) announced their lawsuit against the US Government regarding prior knowledge of the anthrax attack.

After Ashcrofts announcement, C|Span decided to cancel the live broadcast of the UQ-conference.

Benjamin Ahmed Mohammed, had been taken into custody in Pakistan and was implicated in a bomb plot.

Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef

Former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan

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Mullah Ubai Dullah

Former Taliban Minister of Defense
Surrendered to Alliance forces on Jan 8, 2002. Subsequently release under a general amnestry.

Mullah Turabi
Former Taliban Minister of Justice
Surrendered to Alliance forces on Jan 8, 2002. Subsequently release under a general amnestry.

Mullah Saadudin
Former Taliban Minister of Mines and Industry
Surrendered to Alliance forces on Jan 8, 2002. Subsequently release under a general amnestry.

Mullah Haqani
Former Taliban Ambassador to Pakistan
Surrendered to Alliance forces on Jan 8, 2002.

Abdul Hayee Motmain

Former Head of the Taliban Information Department and senior spokesman.
Surrendered to Alliance forces on Jan 8, 2002.

Other Al-Quaeda-"connections" (as stated in 2001-2002):

Abdel Karim al-Nasser * Al-Qaida operative

Abu Iljaf (->) , Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export-Company
Ahmed Khfaklan Ghailani * Al-Qaida operative
Anwar Saleh, known as Sheik Salah (Soldiers of Allah , Peshawar Connection)
Ben Khemais
Ghaleb Kimmat , Al Taqwa Management Organisation in Lugano
Luis José Galán González (spanish connection)
Mazen al Najjar (helped raise money for the anti-Israel and anti-U.S. groups)
Mehdi Kammoun
Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil, * Al-Qaida operative. Implicated in 1998 Embassy bombings
Sami Ben Khemais, a 33-year-old Tunisian
Sheikh Ahmed Salim * Al-Qaida operative
Zakariya Essabar (-> El Motassadeq, Mounir)

In Summer 2002 the FBI claimed, that the so called "Buffalo-New York- Terror cell"
belonged to Al-Quaeda.

(-> detainees)

Al-Quaeda-Dog Tapes
In August 2002, CNN obtained the so called Al-Quaeda-Dog Gas-Tapes.
What wasn't examined on their authencity and origin, was supported by Dr. Rohan Gunaratna.
CNN broadcasted these tapes only 3 weeks before the 1-year anniversary of the Sep11th attacks.

Dr. Rohan Gunaratna, the so called "specialist" of Al-Quaeda is omni present since September 2001.
He works for one of the only "terrorist study centres" in United Kingdom, which is supported by the States.

It is the "Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence" and was founded in 1996.

Among the Honorary Research Associates we find Dr. Bruce Hoffmann from the US ThinkTank RAND (->), who promoted a controversial article about a
possible attack against Egypt or the "enemy" Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Rohan Gunaratna is one of the few "prophets", who was asked already on October 2nd, 2001, about a possible "threat of chemical or biological
terrorism or just something from the minds of conspiracy theorists?", which he expected.

3 days later Bob Stevens (->) died from anthrax.

Nic Robertson from CNN, who obtained these dog tapes and some older Bin laden tapes,
reported on Sep11th- already from Kabul:
"5:58pm and Nic Robertson is reporting "heavy air detonations" in kabul, afghanistan"


He "covered the U.S. air strikes on Baghdad in 1998, refugee exodus from Kosovo in Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia and was on one of the
helicopters carrying the first wave of NATO troops entering Kosovo in June 1999, and on the road with British Paratroopers all the way to Pristina, Kosovo"


Robertson did the daily videophone reports from Kabul and later interviewed the Northern Alliance.
Robertson was in Afghanistan during the Taliban takeover of Kabul in 1996 and organised the first live satellite links out of Iran and Iraq.

About the dog tapes:

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"...Frederick R. Sidell, a chemical weapons expert who worked at the Army Medical Institute of Chemical Defense, said he doubted that sarin or cyanide
was used. He called the video unsettling, but said it was not clear that the dogs had died...
...Asked why the C.I.A. failed to obtain the archive before CNN, Bill Harlow, the agency's spokesman, replied, "There are more of them in Afghanistan than
there are of us, and they are paid better."

CNN's contributor Garrick Utley ("Meet the Press") is regular guest at the CFR (->),
who was a big supporter of a war against the Iraq.

His last visits at the CFR had been on May 2 , 2002 " The News About the News " and
January 9 , 2002:
" Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagon Ethos "

On August 21st, 2002 it was revealed, that both CNN and CBS paid money for
the "dog tapes" .
CNN paid $30,000 and CBS a "very nominal, very standard" fee for its tapes, said Marcy McGinnis, senior vice president of news coverage.


Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz criticized CNN as having "gone a little bit overboard in hyping these tapes."

FOX news supported Kurtz with a newspaper ad criticizing CNN for changing its story on paying for al-Qaida videotapes.
"CNN ... Caught?'' said the full-page ad in one edition of The New York Times.

CNN had been protested in November 2002, for their Pro-Iraq war coverage.

Al-Quaeda Escape-Flights
In late 2001, for odd and still unexplained reasons, the US Government and the CIA allowed to fly many Taliban- and Al-Quaeda "members" out of
afghanistan with an own chartered plane.

The story was finally confirmed on January, 21st 2002 by the New Yorker and Times UK:

"The United States secretly approved rescue flights by Pakistan into Kunduz that let Taleban leaders and al-Qaeda fighters escape from the besieged
northern Afghan city before its fall last year, New Yorker magazine reports today. US intelligence officials and military officers said that the Bush
Administration approved the flights and ordered US Central Command to set up a special air corridor to ensure their safety to allow evacuation of Pakistani
soldiers and intelligence men stranded by Northern Alliance victories...
...Mysterious flights into Kunduz were reported by Northern Alliance officials in mid-November, but US and Pakistani officials denied an evacuation was
under way."


While the official version was, that originally only Bin Laden sponsored Al-Quaeda and the attack on america, other independent investigators later
speculated, that the Weapon- and Oilindustry and some right wing thinktanks had been silently behind the Sep11th attack.

Their conclusion: Some saudi arabian credit institutes orchestrated the financial transaction of this "military operation", with or without prior knowledge,
what exactly would happen.

Others speculated, that indirectly these companies sponsored the "masterplan" itself:

Saudi Arabian intelligence (->) and their oil ties, Pakistans Secret Service ISI (->),
parts of the Pentagon and CIA, ENRON (->), Carlyle (->), Halliburton (->), BinLadin Group Inc.,
UNOCAL Pakistan (->), Kissinger Associates Inc (->), SG Asia Project Finance,
Northrop Grumman (->), Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) etc...

Officially this guy had been on the list:

Sheikh Saeed (->), also known as Mustafa Mohamed Ahmad

aka Mustapha Ahmad Al-Hawsawi (Saudi Arabia).

Sheikh Sayyid el Masry aka Mustafa Mohamed Ahmad was already mentioned in a public transcript of the trial on the Kenia Embassy Bombings from 1998,
which was online since February 2001.

Officially closed accounts in September/October 2001:

• Abu Hafs the Mauritanian (aka Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, Khalid Al-Shanqiti) (->)
• Abu Sayyaf Group (->)
• Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (-> AIAI)
• Al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
• Al-Qaida/Islamic Army
• Armed Islamic Group
• Asbat al-Ansar
• Harakat ul-Mujahidin

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• Ibn Al-Shaykh al-Libi

• Islamic Army of Aden
• Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
• Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
• Muhammad Atif (aka Subhi Abu Sitta, Abu Hafs Al Masri)
• Osama bin Laden
• Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)
• Sayf al-Adl
• Shaykh Saiid (aka Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad)

Other companies: Wafa Humanitarian Organization with offices in

Jordan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE; Al Rashid Trust
(a.k.a. Al-Rasheed Trust) with offices in several cities in Pakistan
and Afghanistan and operations in Kosovo and Chechnya; and Mamoun
Darkazanli (->)Import-Export Company in Hamburg, Germany.

Individuals added to the list are: Shaykh Sai'id (a.k.a. Mustafa

Muhammad Ahmad); Abu Hafs the Mauritanian (a.k.a. Mahfouz Ould
Al-Walid, Khalid Al-Shanqiti, Mafouz Walad Al-Walid, Mahamedou Ouid
Slahi); Ibn Al-Shaykh Al-Libi; Abd Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi (a.k.a. Abu
Abdallah, Abdal Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi); Thirwat Salah Shihata (a.k.a.
Tarwat Salah Abdallah, Salah Shihata Thirwat, Shahata Thirwat); Tariq
Anwar Al-Sayyid Ahmad (a.k.a. Hamdi Ahmad Farag, Amr Al-Fatih Fathi);
Muhammad Salah (a.k.a. Nasr Fahmi Nasr Hasanayn); and Makhtab
Al-Khidamat/Al Kifah.

(->Saudi Arabia)

Updates on the "real financeers" in late 2002:

Sunday October 20th, 2002


"...The United States has identified the sources of Al Qaida funding and found they were fewer in number than earlier estimated.

Officials said U.S. intelligence has determined that Al Qaida is supported by 12 financiers, most of them Saudis. They said the Bush administration is sharing
the findings with Washington's allies in NATO and the European Union...."

LA Times on the 911-Saudi connection:


Saudis Must Stem Cash for Terror, Report Says

By Sebastian Rotella, Times Staff Writer

(2002-12-24) BARCELONA, Spain -- Despite a crackdown on terrorism financing after the Sept. 11 attacks, Saudi Arabia still must dismantle a system that
has permitted hundreds of millions of dollars to flow to Islamic extremists through businesses and charities, according to a report submitted to the U.N.
Prominent Saudi donors, companies and charities whose funds have been traced to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network by investigators around the world
are still doing business, the French investigator who wrote the report said in an interview Monday. The problem stems in part from a blurring of religion and
finance in Saudi society that impedes reform, according to the report.

"Al Qaeda was able to receive between $300 [million] and $500 million over the last 10 years from wealthy businessmen and bankers, whose fortunes
represent about 20% of the Saudi GNP, through a web of charities and companies acting as fronts," said Jean-Charles Brisard, the investigator. "Most of this
financial backbone is still at large and able to support fundamentalist institutions."

The 34-page report was submitted by Brisard last week at the request of the Colombian ambassador to the United Nations, the current president of the
Security Council.

Al-Quaeda mock cell

In early December 2002, palestine officials claimed, that the Israeli intelligence Shin-Beth started to pose as Al-Quaeda. The purpose for this operation was
not explained.

"Over the past nine months, we've been investigating eight cases in which Israeli intelligence posing as Al-Qaeda operatives recruited Palestinians in the
Gaza Strip," said Abu Shbak (head of preventive security Rashid Abu Shbak), referring to a series of e-mails and phone call conversations.

He added that three Palestinians had been detained.

The security chief said his services had traced back to Israel cellphone calls and e-mails in which Palestinians were asked to join Al-Qaeda.

"The Shin Beth - Israeli internal intelligence - has the means to do whatever it wants."

Abu Shbak's revelations came two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and in
Lebanon, raising fears of an intensification of Israeli military operations.


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The story was picked up at BBC on December 8th, 2002:

"Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas."

"We are sure that Israel is behind this and that there are absolutely no groups such as al-Qaeda operating here," Colonel Abu-Shbak said.

American media reported, that al-Qaeda has set up a branch to help Palestinian militant groups fight Israel, according to a website US officials believe is
linked to the organisation.


(-> Al-Quaeda website)

Al-Quaeda website
In April 2002, the US Government started to claim, that there is a new official Al-Quaeda website,
created by Sulaiman Abu Ghaith (->) on alneda.

The website was originally located at http://

It had however nothing to do with their supporter-site and fanboard at

http://www.al-neda.com, which was later incorrectly quoted as "the official alquaeda website".

Al-neda.com was created in March 2002 by Jon David and TheWetlands.com, Inc in Berlin, Maryland

However another supportive website of Bin Laden, http://www.maktabah.net, never picked up the information on Abu Ghaith, as a "new chief" of islamic

In November 2002, some US officials claimed, they found new connections between Palestines and Al-Quaeda, as reported on another propaganda website,

Reuters reported on December 8th 2002, that Sulaiman Abu Ghaith claimed in an audio statement responsibility for November 2002 attacks on an Israeli
airliner and a hotel in Kenya.

Jehad.net was already created on December 7th, 2001

by Ahmad Ali and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriva in Kuwait.

Al-Shehhi, Marwan
Official pilot of UA175 (South Tower WTC) and accomplice of Mohammad Atta.

(-> Adorna, Renee)

(-> Atta, Mohammed)
(-> Atta, ISI)
(-> Atta No.3)
(-> Alghamdi, Saeed)
(-> Bryant, Johnelle)
(-> Darkanzali, Mahmoun)
(-> Flight 175)
(-> Florida-Connection)
(-> Hijackers alive)
(-> Huffman Aviation)
(-> Motassadeq, Mounir Al)
(-> Moussaoui Indictment)
(-> Passenger list)
(-> Visa/Al-shehhi)
(-> Visa/Atta)

(-> MadCowProd.com)
(-> Pentagon Crash)

al-Zawahiri, Ayman
Former Top-Officer of Bin Laden. Officially he was still alive at the end of 2002.
(-> Al-Quaeda)

Alternet.org is an independent news portal, which released various articles on the Sep11th attack.

In early 2003, they compiled the most important stories at:


In March 2002 they released their book

"After 9/11: Solutions for a Saner World- a new book from AlterNet":

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"...After September 11, we are faced with a different world. Our national security, our civil liberties, our economy, our view of ourselves and the rest of the
world have all been transformed. This book collects articles by some of today's most insightful writers, to help readers grasp the full depth and breadth of the
sea of change. The authors explore both the causes and the effects of 9/11, as well as how we can forge solutions for a saner and safer future..."

Among their contributors:

Barbara Lee (-> Celebs against War), Sharon Lerner, Tai Moses, Bill Moyers, Geov Parrish, Robert Reich, Tom Robbins, Joel Rogers and many more.

In late October 2002, staff author Michael I. Niman demanded an "open and acccountable independent investigation into the death of (Senator) Paul
Wellstone (->)".

Alternet supports the Independent Media Institute (http://www.independentmedia.org/) , who produces the magazine WireTap
(http://www.independentmedia.org/)http://www.wiretapmag.org/ ) and the Strategic Press Information Network (
http://www.independentmedia.org/)http://www.wiretapmag.org/http://www.spinproject.org/ )

Alternet.org was created in 1994 by the Institute for Alternative Journalism in San Francisco.

Contact: [email protected]

Amalgam Virgo was a joint-service, cruise-missile defense exercise at Tyndall AFB in early June 2001.

A powerpoint presentation of that event included the following notes:

(Link at -> Terror-Scenarios -> 9)

Seads Concept Proposal Amalgam Virgo 01

Scenario : Counter Terrorism 1-2 June 2001
Joint Vision Document 'prepare now for uncertain future'
*Focus on a realistic current threat
*Increase the Realism and Fidelity of our NORAD/SEADS Live-Fly
*"Train like we're going to fight"

Terrorist group aquires CM's/UAV's

Potential Gomex Attack
Warning -Seads Unit's
Notified of possible recall
(Daytime) attack on Tyndall Imminent
-Norad/Seads units recalled -Norad
First Line of Defense Pending JTF
Terrorist ATTACK
1800 21 24 03 0600 09 12
*Phoenix Air (surrogate UAVs)



June 18, 2001

"Mine Warfare Sailors take Force Protection seriously"
GOMEX 01-2 tests Force Protection Readiness

"... Next time, however, the attack could be for real. But with the training ships participating
in Gulf of Mexico Exercise (GOMEX) 01-2 are receiving for the first...
..."I think it’s important that we’re finally realizing in the Navy that a terrorist threat can happen anywhere and we need to be prepared for it. Force
protection is a key part of that," explained Dallas-native, Lt. Chris Rawley, Commanding Officer, Inshore Boat Unit 15. "An attack could happen anywhere.
It could be in Corpus Christi, Oklahoma City or in the Arabian Gulf. We have to be ready anywhere, any time."


CM=Cruise Missiles
GOMEX ATTACK=Gulf of Mexico Exercise
NORAD= North American Aerospace Defense Command

Phoenix Air Flight School or Synonym for "Phoenix"

TGT= target
UAV=Unmanned Air Vehicles
SEADS= Southeast Air Defense Sector



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Tyndall was involved in the Payne Stewart (->) incident, too.

The Amalgam (->) story. mirrored at http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/4877.html#
was later picked up by indymedia at

(-> Global Security)

(-> NORAD)
(-> Terror-Scenarios)

Amber Alert
(-> Digital Angel)

(-> Controlled Cleanup)

Amerada Hess
Owned by the head of the 911commission, Tom Kean (->). Khaled bin Mahfouz (->), brother-in-law of Bin Laden, has stakes in it.
Partner of Exxon.On February 21st, 2003, a fire broke out at one of their oil refineries on the edge of Staten Island, New York and killed two employees. It
wasn't immediately clear how the fire started.The explosion occurred when a barge of Bouchard Transportation containing 100,000 barrels of unleaded
gasoline was being offloaded at the 200-acre storage facility.
Bouchard Transportation, a family-owned firm based in Hicksville, L.I., has racked up millions of dollars in fines and legal settlements over the last decade.
Bouchard cooperates with Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. , a military contractor. Source: http://www.bollingershipyards.com/Bouchard.htm
(-> Baker + Botts)
(-> Kean, Tom)
(-> Zapata)
(-> 911-commisson)

From supportive fans described as "La Rouche meets Alex Jones",
AFP has its own charming and unique profile,
which started first as a print magazine only.

American Free Press brought many various investigative stories on 911,

sometimes a bit speculative, but very helpful as an archive for ignored details.

One of their editors, Christopher Bollyn, became a famous and respected journalist among 911Skeptics, his articles circulated a lot in many different mailing
lists or websites during 2002.

AFP believes, that the mainstream media is "corrupt, being controlled, and it is not only not doing its job but actually invigorating the destructive and
disintegrative forces in our national life"
AFP is organizer of the yearly "International Conference on Authentic History & the First Amendment" in Washington (June 14th-16th, 2002).

In August 2001, AFP and HEB inc. created their website in Washington DC.


Contact: [email protected]

Not to be confused with AmericanFreePress.net (->).

Liberal anti-bushita website, which regularly covers articles on the "stolen election"
or Sep11th related stuff and its political aftermath.

AHH is run by W. David Jenkins III (http://wdjiii.tripod.com), Jackson Thoreau (http://wdjiii.tripod.com),http://www.geocities.com/jacksonthor) and RB
Ham (http://wdjiii.tripod.com),http://www.geocities.com/jacksonthor)http://members.shaw.ca/rbham/),
a member of democraticunderground.com (->)


Contact: [email protected]

American Enterprise Institute

Described as one of the most respected think tanks on US Policy,
the AEI tried to manipulate the public during 2001-2002 with columns like "Post Saddam-Iraq" and books of their connected authors like Goldwin/Kaufman,
Richard Helms (->) or Hubbard/Skinner.

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AEI was already found in 1943 and is located in Washington, D.C..

Among their various board members is William S. Stavropoulos (Dow Chemical) or
Raymond V. Gilmartin (Merck + Co.) .

One of their academic advisors is Professor Eliot A. Cohen of the Johns Hopkins University (->)

One of the resident fellows of the American Enterprise Institute was Richard Perle (->).


American International Group


American Hospital Dubai

As Radio France International 1 (-> Labevierre, Richard) broadcasted in October 2001, (which was later picked up by Le Figaro, BBC,
intelligenceonline.fr (->), ananova.com, yahoo singapore etc...), but ignored by US media, Bin Laden visited the American Hospital in Dubai in June 2001
for a kidney operation.

Furthermore he had been visited, due to different sources of RF1, by CIA agent Larry Mitchell,
Al-Zawahiri (->Al-Quaeda) and Saudi Prince al Turki (->) (at that time still head of the Saudi Intelligence (->).

Within hours after the release of this report, Bernard Koval,

the CEO of American Hospital in Dubai, denied in conflicting reports the visit of Bin Laden.

In one version he couldn't recall, in another one, he asked his employees.

The CIA denied this story 48 hours later.

The American Hospital in Dubai is the first Hospital in the Middle East
which was awarded Accreditation by JCI of America.

This stands for Junior Chamber International, who is located in Coral Gables, Florida.

Their world headquarters are only five miles away from the Miami International Airport.

(-> Miami connection)

(-> Dubai connection)

American Patriot Friends Network

American Patriot Friends Network (APFN) a/k/a American Patriot Fax Network was founded Feb. 21, 1993.

They started with faxing daily reports from the Weaver-Harris trials.
Then on Feb. 28 1993, The BATF launched Operation Showtime - "The Siege on the Branch Davidians".

From this point, APFN reported on the Death of Vince Foster, the Oklahoma Bombing, TWA-800, The Train Deaths, Bio-War and other ignored topics at
the mainstream press.

APFN describe themselves as "not anti-government", but "anti-corrupt-government".

APFN is not connected with AFP (American Free Press->).

APFN.org was created in February 2000 in Glendale, AZ by MCAC.

Their mailing lists included a lot of Sep11th related stories.


Contact: [email protected]

American Type Culture Collection

The American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), a non-profit bioresource center, is a confirmed anthrax supplier, which supplied most of their anthrax
globally for research and biological weapons development.

They supplied Saddam Hussein with 19 shipments of anthrax in the years leading up to the Gulf War. Their V.P., Nancy Wysocki, reported working closely
with the FBI on their investigation.

Dr. Joshua Lederberg (->), in contact with Bioport (->), their consultants, and Clinton administration officials regarding anthrax and smallpox risks and
vaccine policies and purchases, was ATCC's director during the time anthrax was shipped to Iraq.

Lederberg is the bioterrorism study group leader for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR ->) and President emeritus of Rockefeller University.

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Source: Leonard G. Horowitz (->)

ATCC was established in 1925 and is located in Manassas, VA.

Among their distributors are Cryosite (New Zealand), LGC Promochem (Europe) or Union Biotech Inc. (Taiwan).

ATCC cooperates with Johns Hopkins Institute (->).


America Radio Network

America Radio Network produces and distributes weekday topical and current event shows
and served in 2002 nearly 100 stations, from Florida to Alaska.

They are headquartered in Detroit.

One of their most famous shows is the "Mike Malloy RadioShow" (-> Mikemalloy.com),
which covered a lot of Sep11th related stories and had guests like Al Martin or Greg Palast.

On their link page, ARN supports websites of Bushwatch, Buzzflash, Commondreams, DemocraticUnderground.com, Democrats.com, FAIR, gwbush.com,
Hutchinson Report or MotherJones.


American Taliban
(-> Walker, John/ Hamdi, Esam)

Amerikadansk is investigative member of democraticunderground.com (->),
who digged on the first background stories on Westfield (->) and ex-FBI agent John O'Neill (->).

Amerikadansk, former US citizen, is living in Japan.

In 2001-2002, Amigaphil aka Philippe Duchenne from Belgium, became one of the Top-Sources for Pentagon related sources, photo- or video material.

Amigaphil is a supporter of free speech.


Contact: [email protected]

Analex Corporation
Formerly known as Hadron (->), renamed in July 2002.

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)
(-> Virginia-Connection)

Anarchist Yellow Pages

The Anarchist Yellow Pages is more an activist- than a research tool,
who gives helpful informations about "Anarchists and Troublemakers".

Anarchist Yellow Pages had been registered at blackened.net.

At the end of 2002, the AYP was located at


Contact: [email protected]

During 2002, Sarah Roberts aka Anablep (of the 911 section at Democraticunderground.com ->)
promoted her conclusion, that AA77 definetely crashed the Pentagon, though she still continued to ignore many other disturbing details.

(i.e. the carefully poured out paper or the cable poured out from the circular hole, which was officially hit by only "one turbine"). (-> Pentagon crash)

Anablep was supported by "wannabee disinfo agents" like LARED, Vincent_Vega or Bolobuffin.
(Quote: DU).


Anableps website was shut down in December 2002,

but her old analysis and images on some "well placed wreckage"
(Quote: Supporters of Missile-possibility) had been mirrored at RENSE (->rense.com).

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"Wreckage Inside The Pentagon"


However the question remained, where this "wreckage" really did come from. (->TWA 800)

Andersen Consulting
Auditor of ENRON (->), consultant of HomelandHealth.com (->), auditor of the Savollah Group (->), in connection with Samuel A. DiPiazza, CEO of
PricewaterhouseCoopers (he was auditor of "russians ENRON", oil company Gazprom (-> oil).

Andersen Consulting is represented by James Woolsey's (->) law company Shea + Gardner (->)

During 2002 it came out, that Andersen Consulting shreddered some FBI-Files:

"...The company Arthur Andersen LLP employed to do most of its document shredding last year has shredded papers for the FBI, jurors hearing evidence in
the firm's obstruction of justice trial almost learned.
Michael Patrick Chase, general manager of Shred It, testified Thursday that his company has a lot of clients in downtown Houston."


(-> Cheney, Richard "Dick")

(-> Death Cases)

-> Burningbush.netfirms.com
-> CorporateSleuth

Andersen Consulting suicide


"..Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - a body discovered in a van in Pike National Forest was identified Monday as a missing 59-year-old Jefferson County man.

James Watkins, has been missing since Nov. 13.

Jacki Tallman, a spokeswoman for the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, stated, he had committed suicide.

"It appears he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound," Tallman said.

Watkins' wife of 33 years, Pat, could not be reached for comment Monday.

Watkins' van was spotted about 6 p.m. Saturday by a snowmobile rider who recognized it from media reports about the missing engineering consultant.

The Douglas County coroner's office on Monday had not completed autopsy, toxicology and forensic work, but "no foul play is suspected at this time," said
Wes Riber, deputy coroner.

A weapon and a note were found at the scene, Tallman said. Contents of the note were not disclosed.

Watkins, employed at Arthur Andersen consultants, was last seen by co-workers at his downtown Denver office. At the time of his disappearance, he was
preparing for a business trip to China..."

Active member of democraticunderground.com and SGTV (->).
Angry White Democrat is host of an own radio show.

http://beta.stationdirectory.com/ (RadioFreeCanton link, listed as GawkersAndPedestrians)

Ansar al-Islam
Due to various sources, Ansar al-islam was supported by Saddam Hussein to keep the kurds under control and oppose a revolution against him.
This includes two other groups, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK, lead by Jalal Talibani) and the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP).

It looked therefore absurde, that this group had been undermined by Bin Laden supporters.

Mala Kreker was a former member of a Kurdish Islamic party who joined Ansar al-Islam after its formation in September 2001. Kreker replaced Abu
Abdullah Shafae – an Iraqi Kurd.
Since the so called Sept. 23, 2001-ambush, peshmerga have pushed Ansar al-Islam back toward the Iranian border where they retain a stronghold in the
town of Biara and surrounding villages.

Another of the group's leaders, Abu Abdul Rahman - who, the Kurds claim, was sent to northern Iraq by bin Laden - was killed in fighting in October 2001.
Barhim Salih, a PUK leader, says a second group affiliated with Ansar al-Islam is working from the Baghdad-controlled city of Mosul.

The Kurdish sources say Hussein's involvement in any mission to destabilize their autonomous ministate would not surprise them. Since 1991, Baghdad has
been unable to control the north, because of the no-fly zone created by the US and England and enforced by the US military from a base in Turkey (->).
In February 2003, a secret plan, as found out by ABC News, Ansar-al-Islam planned to attack U.S. Special Forces in Northern Iraq.
Source: http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/2020/iraq030221_ansar.html
There is another group, called Ansar al-Islam, who was already established in 1907- by Kamal al-Din Muhammad Tukur in Nigeria.

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In March 2002, journalist Jeffrey Goldberg claimed in "The Great Terror," in the March 25, 2002, issue of The New Yorker, that Ansar al-Islams
organization "has received funds directly from Al Qaeda; that the intelligence service of Saddam Hussein has joint control, with Al Qaeda operatives, over
Ansar al-Islam; that Saddam Hussein hosted a senior leader of Al Qaeda in Baghdad in 1992; that a number of Al Qaeda members fleeing Afghanistan have
been secretly brought into territory controlled by Ansar al-Islam; and that Iraqi intelligence agents smuggled conventional weapons, and possibly even
chemical and biological weapons, into Afghanistan."

In an interview with the New Yorker, Goldberg however explained:

"I'm making no conclusions; I'm just reporting what I've heard."

In August 2002, Ansar-al islam was linked to a chemical weapons operation, as reported by CNN.

Unexplainably, in November 2002, when the UN Inspectors arrived in Iraq, this "operation" wasn't put on the priority list.

ANSER (http://www.anser.org) is a public-service research institute, an independent, not-for-profit corporation chartered in California with the assistance
of the RAND Corporation (->) founded in 1958.

In October 1998, Dr. Ruth David (former Director for Science and Technology at the CIA) became president and chief executive officer of ANSER.

David and ANSER started to work on the idea of a Homeland Security (->) already in 1998.

Between 1998 and 1999 she already pushed the CIA to forge new partnerships with the private sector and helped creating In-Q-Tel (->).

"Ruth David and her Deputy, Joanne Isham, were the first senior Agency officials to understand that the information revolution required the CIA to forge
new partnerships with the private sector and design a proposal for radical change."


In November 1999, Dr. David initiated ANSER's Homeland Defense (->) Strategic Thrust to address the growing national concern of multi-dimensional,
asymmetric threats from rogue nations, sub-state terrorist groups, and domestic terrorists.

In May 2001, the ANSER Institute of Homeland Security finished their final concept, still a few months ahead before the Sep11th attack took place and Tom
Ridge (->) became famous.

Dr. David served in several leadership positions at the Sandia National Laboratories (->), where she began her professional career in 1975.

Mr. Aaron Cohen received a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University in 1952 and an M.S. degree in applied mathematics from
Stevens Institute of Technology in 1958

A&M is connected with the CIA.

In May 2002 Texas A&M regents "named former CIA director Robert Gates on Saturday as the sole finalist for university president. Five of the seven
regents who attended the special meeting voted for Gates, 58, who served as CIA director from 1991-93.

Another Chairman on the Board of Advisors of ANSER is Dr. Jay C. Davis

For the three years prior to rejoining Livermore in July of 2001, he served as the founding Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the
Department of Defense.
From 1969 to 1971, he was an Atomic Energy Commission Postdoctoral Fellow in nuclear physics at the University of Wisconsin.

In the 1970s, he was principal scientist and project manager for the design and construction of the Rotating Target Neutron Source–II Project, building the
most intense 14-million-electron-volt neutron sources in existence, used for nine years by the United States and Japan for fusion materials testing. In the
1980s he became the founding Director of the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, building the most versatile and productive accelerator mass
spectrometry lab in the world.

Dr. Davis played a major role in the application of accelerator mass spectrometry to the biosciences, particularly in low-level toxicology and in dose
reconstruction from events such as Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl. In 1994, he was asked to merge several research organizations at Livermore to
create the Earth and Environmental Sciences Directorate. In 1998, he became the first Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency
(http://www.dtra.mil/ ), integrating DoD’s technical and operational activities to deal with weapons of mass destruction.

At the DTRA they developed the thermobarics (->), which they later used in ToraBora:


Davis is on advisory bodies for the CIA and the National Nuclear Security Administration.
He has served as a visiting professor at Texas A&M (chemistry) and Angelo State University (government).
He is on the Board of Directors of the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation.

Dr. Davis participated in two UN inspections of Iraq in the summer of 1991, having major operational and scientific responsibilities in the inspection process.

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He was selected as the only non-UN member of the team that briefed the UN Security Council after the confrontation at Fallujah on June 28, 1991, that
produced the conclusive evidence of Iraqi evasion of the inspection process and violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Excerpts from an article by GROUND ZERO Forum (->), originally released at Scoop:

"Officially ANSER describes itself as a public-service research institute, an independent, not-for-profit corporation chartered in California with the
assistance of the RAND Corporation in 1958.

This organisation, with one base close to the Pentagon, was founded to help them respond on a day-to-day basis to identified needs for unbiased studies and

If this is indeed a day-to-day basis, then ANSER must have known about all warnings about an attack and the advice to the Pentagon of Sept 10th, that their
employees should not take a plane the following day.
ANSER has its home office in Arlington, VA and other offices in Colorado Springs, CO; Newport News, VA; Stoneham, MA; and Fairmont, WV.

Current President and Chief Executive Officer of ANSER is Dr. Ruth David. In November 1999, she initiated ANSER's Homeland Defense Strategic Thrust.
From September 1995 to September 1998, Dr. David was Deputy Director for Science and Technology at the CIA.

She served in several leadership positions at the Sandia National Laboratories, where she began her professional career.

Sandia is one of the institutes, which is working on new thermo-nuclear or microwave weapons.
From 1991 to 1994, Dr. David was Director of the Development Testing Center that developed and operated a broad spectrum of full-scale engineering test

Dr. David is a former adjunct professor at the University of New Mexico and has technical experience in digital and microprocessor-based system design,
digital signal analysis, adaptive signal analysis, and system integration.

In June 2001 ANSER sponsored a BioTerror Scenario called DARK WINTER (->), which included role playing, but didn't inform the public.

Participants included Jerome Hauer (->) (ex-OEM New York),

James Woolsey (->) (ex-CIA director) and many others.

Another executive of ANSER is General Hatch, who has held numerous positions on the staffs at Headquarters Strategic Air Command (SAC), Offutt Air
Force Base (->); at Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, DC; and in the Office of the Secretary of Defense

Nothing is known on Hatch's whereabouts on September 11th.

Miriam E. John, another ANSER executive, is Vice President of Sandia’s California Division. (->)

At least 3 other ANSER executives worked for the CIA, too or still have ties to the Intelligence Agency or the Pentagon.

One example is H.B. Zachry, who held several positions leading to his appointment as Manager of the Command and Service Module in the Apollo
Spacecraft Program Office.

Another is Dr. Mignogna:


He has served on high-level Air Force and DOD study efforts such as the Strategic Bomber Penetration Assessment Group and the Strategic Penetration
Mignogna is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the American University and a member of the AIAA Weapon Systems Effectiveness Technical Committee.

Dr. John Gannon, who works at ANSERs Homeland Security, served as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (1997-2001) after serving for two
years (1995-1997) as the Deputy Director for Intelligence, CIA.

Mr. Gannon earned a Ph.D. and an M.A. in history from Washington University in Saint Louis and a B.A. in psychology from Holy Cross College in 1966."


Other ANSER connections, partners or Homeland Security connected projects:

14th Air Division, Beale Air Force Base

A&M University
Advanced Information Technologies
Air Force
Air Force Association
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System (PAS III)
American Astronautical Society (AAS)
American Defense Preparedness Association

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American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Analytical Computing Service, Inc
Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
AT&T Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, NJ
Biological Weapons Convention
Caspar Weinberger (-> Iran Contra)
Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.
CIA (->)
College of Aeronautics (New York)
Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism
Corvey Engineering Company
Defense Science Board
Department of Defense Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Technology Area Review and Assessment panel
DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency)
Earth and Environmental Sciences Directorate
Eta Kappa Nu
Falcon Foundation (U.S. Air Force Academy)
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) (->)
Headquarters Strategic Air Command (SAC)
Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Intellibridge Corporation (->)
Johns Hopkins University (->)
Lockheed Martin Corporation (->)
Madansky and Associates
National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
National Academy of Science
National Nuclear Security Administration
Natural Gas Pipeline Company
Naval Academy Sailing Squadron
New York University College of Engineering
(Shell models, Arima-Horie models, Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superfluids)
NSA (->)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Naval Studies Board
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Offutt Air Force Base (->)
Operations Research Society of America
PCR (Post-Conflict Reconstruction)
RAND Corporation (->)
Rockwell’s Systems Development Center
Rotating Target Neutron Source-II Project
Royal United Services Institute
Sandia Labs Federal Credit Union (->)
Sandia National Laboratories/Sandia’s Chemical and Biological Defense Program
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Technical Advisory Group
Shea & Gardner (->)
Sigma Gamma Tau
Sigma Xi
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals
Strategic Defense Initiative Advisory Council
Tau Beta Pi
U.S. Army and Air Force chemical and biological warfare protection program
UN Security Council
US Army War College
Wendy Gramm (-> ENRON)
West Point (->)
Williams & Connolly LLP


The Anser Institute


The Anser Institute of Homeland Security

http://elitewatch.netfirms.com/ANSER_homeland.html (->Elitewatch.Netfirms.com)

(-> Alibek, Dr. Ken)

(-> BENS)
(-> Building 7)
(-> CFR)
(-> Controlled Cleanup, AMEC, Robert W. Lucky)
(-> DoD)
(-> Embry-Riddle, Dr. Ron Turner)
(-> Hauer, Jerome)

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(-> HomelandHealth.com)
(-> National ID)
(-> SETUP)
(-> Shadow Government)
(-> Silent Vector)
(-> Terror-Scenarios)
(-> Virginia-Connection)
(-> Woolsey, James)

On October 24th, 2001, the New Scientist (->) was the first paper who found out, that the anthrax bacteria is likely to be a US military strain.


Bob Stevens died as the first victim on October 5th, 2001 (->).

The FBI reported in early october 2001, that the anthrax scare was in some level connected to the hijackers' attack.

The attack was described as a "military operation" by the Pentagon.

The oddities of the anthrax chronology:

In 1998 four different teams started a pattern of impacting events:

The Department of Defense (DoD->) started to plan the war (->) against afghanistan.
ANSER (->) and other related scientific thinktanks developed the idea of a Homeland Security.
The consulate in Jeddah (which was secretly run by the CIA, confirmed by former employee J. Michael Springman ->) let the first "hijackers" into the
They were being monitored after a while.
The pharmaceutical company Bioport (->) received a 3-year contract by the DoD to develop vaccines against anthrax.

The FBI's biggest anthrax suspect, Stephen Hatfill, in 2002, was connected with Sep11th related individuals and companies like Battelle, Jerome Hauer,
Porton Down, USAMRIID and Dr. Thomas Inglesby (Johns Hopkins Institute) , who claimed, that in June 2001 one of the hijackers was infected with
cutaneous anthrax.
In May 2002, Inglesby released a memo on the infection, which was based on a undocumented diagnosis by Dr. Tsonas, Holy Cross Hospital in Fort

In October 2001, the FBI showed up at Tsonas with some photographs and a prescription of an antibiotic, they claimed, it was traced back to him.

Tsonas then identified Ahmed Alhaznawi (who officially died on Flight 93), but denied this later.

As reported, Alhaznawi and other hijackers lived and attended a flight school near the Boca Raton headquarters of American Media Inc., where the first
anthrax case surfaced.

Alhazmi and Siad Jarrah (who still received a FAA newsletter in 2002, according to the landlord,
Charles Lisa) lived in the same apartment together.

-Another bizarre coincidence is, that Hamza Alghamdi ("WTC-south tower") rented in August 2001 unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club, 755 Dotterel Rd,
which originally was owned by Gloria Irish, the wife of Editor Michael Irish of the Sentinel Sun, where first anthrax victim Bob Stevens worked.
Once again, the apartment's landlord was Charles Lisa.

One might think, it was just a copycat:

Someone with advanced knowledge of the Sep11th attacks knew about the whereabouts of the hijackers and tried to blame the anthrax attack on them.

However the question remains open, how it was possible to organise the apartments for them, which seemed to be so strongly connected to first anthrax
victim Bob Stevens.

And who exactly had prior knowledge, even on date and time of the attack?

Was that the same connection, who told the White House on Sep11th to take the anthrax vaccine CIPRO?

Larry Klayman of judicial watch (->) seems to believe this:

"We believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an anthrax attack was imminent or under way," Klayman said. "We want to know what
the government knew, and when they knew it."

When the New Scientist-article traced the spores back to Fort Detrick (->) and its content became more popular in late October 2001, the
hijacker-connection was immediately and dramatically altered by both FBI and the US government (and still repeated in May 2002 by FBI Director John

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This brought many 911 Skeptics to the conclusion, that both attacks had been part of the same original blueprint, only "something went wrong".

However in this scenario, the muslim terror connection around Bin Laden, no longer made sense.

In October 2001, the CIA and many other authorities like Jerome Hauer (->), James Woolsey (->), Richard Perle (->) suddenly speculated on an anthrax
terror-connection to Iraq, which didn't really fit, as already found out by the FBI. (instead they started to interrogate some employees at Battelle->).

Perle, who is director of Hollinger Inc., obviously leaked his opinion to the Daily Telegraph UK, connected with Hollinger, at the same time, when other
european and asian papers reported on a money transfer connection between Mohammad Atta and the ISI (->).

Other fabricated stories tried to confuse Silica with Bentonite.

Both are substances that keep tiny anthrax particles floating in the air by preventing them from sticking together - making them more easily inhaled.
CIA sources told ABC, that Bentonite was used in Iraq, while other sources found out, that both substances are homegrown as well and in fact Silica was
used only.

Other US Media wrote on possible bioweapons in Afghanistan to distract from the possibility, that the anthrax attack was orchestrated with the help of Fort
Detrick, CIA-contractors and biopharmacy companies.

In late November 2001, Barbara Hatch Rosenberg (->) (of the Federation of American Scientists) released a list of possible suspects, who might have
produced and distributed the anthrax.

Neither iraqi scientists or Bin Laden and any hijackers had been on this list, but many US Companies and institutes.

(-> Rosenberg, Barbara)

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)

The so called "Anthrax-911-Gate" expression is based on the possibility,
that many US Biopharmacy companies knew about the Anthrax-spores of Fort Detrick, had contact with the CIA as a contractor, maybe even prior
knowledge of the Sep11th attack and tried to profit from a staged anthrax attack on the United States to receive more government budget for research,
drugs, gene + nano technology or BioDefense vaccines.

The results of an investigation on all companies, who profited from the Anthrax attack was first reported at "Anthrax911Gate- Never ending evidence
without breakthrough?"


The companies or institutes are:

• Acambis Plc (formerly known as Oravax)

A British-owned firm, which was already working on a new smallpox vaccine,
and accelerating the effort in order to deliver the vaccine in 2002 instead of 2004.
The company is under contract to provide 40 million doses to the CDC.

(-> Hauer, Jerome)

(-> Monath, Thomas)

• Battelle Memorial Institute (->)

Received a huge budget to develop bioweapon vaccines.
The federal government is expected to spend $75.5 billion on R&D in 2002, which is a 4.7 percent increase over the prior year.

(However the FBI investigated at least 4 times at Battelle since October 2001 and interrogated Michael P. Failey and former employee Stephen Hatfill
(ex-SAIC->) .

• Bayer (->)
Sold Anthrax-Vaccines in October 2001.

• BioPort (->)
Received already in 1998 a 3-year contract by the Department of Defense (DoD), to develop Vaccines, got later some problems with the FDA (->) and
received finally an okay in early 2002 to distribute their anthrax vaccines.
On March 16, 1999, Robert C. Myers, the Chief Operating Officer of BioPort Corporation testified on the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.

(-> CIPRO)

• Bristol-Myers Squibb (->)

Former NYC-FBI director Thomas Pickard (->) started a job as top security chief at BMS in January 2002.

• Centers of Disease Control (CDC ->)

Promoter and Distributor of anthrax and smallpox vaccines.

• Cepheid (->)
Received a new bioDefense Budget in late 2001.
Cepheid develop testing products for genetic profiling or DNA purification.
Partners of Cepheid are USAMRIID (->), Battelle (->) or Intellitec.

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David Relman, who is on Cepheid's Scientific Advisory Board of Cepheid, has served on advisory panels for the Infectious Diseases Society of America,
National Institute of Health (NIH), Food + Drug Administration (FDA), American Society for Microbiology, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA)->, and the Department of Defense (DoD->)

• DynCorp (->)
Received a new contract to improve network systems.

• DynPort Vaccine Company (DVC)

Join Venture between Porton Down UK (->) and DynCorp.
Prime Systems Contractor (PSC) of DoD and their Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP ->).
DynPort (->) produce the Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) Vaccine.

• FDA (->)

• Hadron (->)
Renamed in July 2002 to Analex Corporation.
Hadron bought the following companies since 1997/8:
Analex Corporation, Advanced Biosystems (ABS) (biological warfare treatments) , Avenue Technologies, Inc (information warfare) and SyCom Services
(real-time embedded radar systems).
Hadron, an analyst of Bio-Warfare, develop Pharmaceuticals used against Biological Warfare Agents and Bio-Terrorism Threats.

On October 2, 2001, just two days before the first anthrax case was reported in Boca Raton, Florida and a week and a half before the first anthrax was sent
through the mail to NBC News in New York,
Advanced Biosystems received an $800,000 grant from NIH to focus on very specific defenses against anthrax:
(-> Hatfill, Stephen)

• HomelandHealth.com (->)
Joint Venture between U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) , which has basically joined with the pharmaceutical industry to develop
defenses against biological threats.
This project was started by the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
on October 30th, 2001, already 3 weeks after the first anthrax attacks.

HomelandHealth.com is backed by ANSER (->) and led by Dr. Michael Friedman, former Head of FDA and Veteran of The Public Health Service, who is
on the board of Pharmacia Upjohn Monsanto Corporation (->).
HomelandHealth.com has ties to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (->), Don C Wiley (->) and Frank Carlucci (Carlyle Group->), who is a member of
Pharmacia’s board.
HomelandHealth's consultant is Arthur Andersen, LLP. (->)

• Intellitec
On June 14th, 2002, Intellitec merged with Marion Composites, Lincoln Composites and Lunn Industries (all former part of Advanced Technical Products
Inc.) to General Dynamics Armament (->) and Technical Products, an operating unit of the General Dynamics Corporation (DoD and Boeing Aerospace
Lunn Industries has a supplier agreement with Northrop Grumman (->) since November 2000.

• Ion Beam Applications

• Motorola Life Sciences

• Nanosphere
Already with one of their Top Scientists, Robert Letsinger, a pioneer in creating the solid support concept for organic synthesis and in developing the rapid
and efficient method for chemical synthesis of DNA used throughout the world today.
Vice President Vijaya Vasista was former Vice President, Global Marketing at Baxter International (->)

• U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

• U.S. Public Health Service

• Versar
Versar (Springfield, Virginia) is a publicly-held, international professional services firm that applies technology, science, and management skills to enhance
its customers' performance.
Versar provides equipment for chemical and biological warfare defense programs.
Versar has an own architecture department and supports the Homeland Security (->). At the end of 2002 Versar awarded another $6.5 Million Navy

(-> Anthrax)
(-> Tetrahedron.org)

(-> Wagner, Clayton Lee)


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Created in January 2002 by The Fake Detective aka Edward Lake in Racine, WI

Contact: [email protected]

In December 2002, Barbara Hatch Rosenberg (->) of the FAS (->) released a list of almost 20 companies or CIA contractors, who had been able to obtain
the Anthrax spores, which was based from Fort Detrick.

At the end of 2002 the FBI still didn't present an individual, who dried, pulverized or distributed the anthrax in October 2001.

However it seems to be, that the 2002-suspect Stephen Hatfill, a former SAIC and CIA contractor was still under investigation.

Speculations on the blueprint of the anthrax attack pointed to the CIA, Battelle (->), Porton Down (->) , Bioport or Hadron (->).


Did the Government Okay the Anthrax Attacks?
Michelle Mairesse

The evidence is overwhelming that the FBI has consistently shied away from pursuing the anthrax investigation

When the domestic roots of the attack became glaringly public, suddenly the FBI switched to a theory the attacks were the work of a 'lone wolf' working in

Anthrax-Lawsuit Judicial Watch- CIA is protecting suspects

Larry Klayman, chairman of Judicial Watch (->), said administration officials said last fall that some White House staff members had begun taking the
antibiotic Cipro on Sept. 11, weeks before the anthrax attacks were made public. "We believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an
anthrax attack was imminent or underway," Klayman said. "We want to know what the government knew and when they knew it."

Was "it" done to get the Patriot act passed?



(-> FAS.org)
(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)
(-> Anthrax-Timeline)
(-> NewScientist)

First established by "ewing2001" and mirrored at rense.com, DU (->),
Guerrilla News Network and many other websites.

This timeline implied, that some military companies obviously had been involved in the Anthrax-attacks of October 2001, and that both Sep11th attacks and
the Anthrax-attacks had been part of the same "blueprint" and not a copy cat only (->Anthrax-911-gate).


On February 26th, 2002 an individual suspect of USAMRIID (->) was mentioned the first time:
"..Sources told the Times that the chief suspect is believed to have worked at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
at Fort Derrick, Md.

(-> Hatfill, Stephen)

Anti Bushita
Opposition against the Bush-Clan ( ->).

Antini, Nicole
Due to investigative journalist Barry Hopsicker (->), Rudi Dekkers' (Huffman Aviation ->) assistant Nicole Antini, who later sued her boss because of
sexual harrasment, was the one who filled out Mohammad Atta's visa applications, not Atta himself.

She even spelt his name wrong: "Mohomed Atta".

The original document is located at Court TV's split project smokinggun.com

(-> Visa/Atta )

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In September 2002, Antiterroristas published an interview with American intellectual Noam Chomsky (->), who criticized his country for using the term
"terrorism" only for acts of violence committed against the United States.

Anti-War Movement
The Anti-War Movement (Anti-Iraq, Anti-War on Terrorism, Anti-War on oil, Anti-Fascism etc..) got major support by the 911-Skeptic Movement in
October 2002, when they distributed 100.000 flyers by William Gibson (->) (including a link list) at the Washington Protest plus books ("War on freedom"),
the "NY 911-Booklets", videos by ShadowGovernment TV (->)
or leaflets by bushknew.info.

Top organisers of the Anti-War Movement at the end of 2002 in the United States had been NotinourName.net and internationalanswer.org

The most important supporters of the Anti-War Movement:

http://www.antiwar.com (Justin Raimondo)
http://www.uptownpj.org (Uptown Youth for Peace and Justice)

Al Endorsers of International Answer:


United For Peace

is working on additional coordinated activity and
announced a call for a week of action around the Martin Luther
King, Jr. holiday weekend in January 2003.
Plans are being developed for a
national mobilization in New York City of February 15th, the same date
that demonstrations will be held in European capitals. Discussions are
underway for coordinated educational campaigns and other joint


Endorsing unitedforpeace.org:

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

American Friends Service Committee
Americans for Social Justice
An Absurd Response to an Absurd War
Anti-Capitalist Convergence
Black Radical Congress
Brockport Students Against War (BSAW)
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
Campus Greens
Center for Community Change
Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment
Central Nebraska Peace Workers
Change the Game
Citizens for Participation in Political Action (CPPAX)

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Citizen Works
Code Pink for Peace
Committee to Free Pedro Pacheco
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Social Justice
The Connected Collective
Democracy Rising
East End Women in Black
Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC)
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Georgetown Peace Action
Global Exchange
Grassroots International
Green Party of the United States
House of The Goddess Center for Pagan Wombyn
Houston Coalition for Justice Not War
Independent Progressive Politics Network
International Socialist Organization
Institute for Policy Studies, Peace Working Group
Iraq Pledge of Resistance
A Jewish Voice for Peace
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
Lamorinda Peace and Justice Group
Left Turn
Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives
Middle East Children’s Alliance
Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)
Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)
Mobilize New York
National Coalition for Peace and Justice
National Council of Churches
National Network to End the War Against Iraq
NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Not In Our Name
Nowar Collective
Pax Christi USA
Peace Action
Peace and Justice Task Force, Rocky Mountain Conference, United Church of Christ
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
People Against Oppression and War
Peoples NonViolent Response Coalition (PNVRC)
Psychologists for Social Responsibility
Raging Grannies (Peninsula, CA chapter)
Ruckus Society
San Miguel Peacewalkers
September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Shalom Center
Shobak.Org (Outsider Asian Voices)
SOA Watch
Socialist Action
Strategic Pastoral Action
Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC)
Student Peace Action Network (SPAN)
Students Take Action for New Directions (STAND)
Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations (STARC)
Taking Aim
Texans for Peace
The Thomas Paine Project
TransAfrica Forum
United for Justice with Peace
United Students Against Sweatsops (USAS)
University of Maryland, College Park Peace Forum (UMCP Peace Forum)
US Peace Council
United Students Against Sweatshops
Veterans for Peace
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
War Resisters League West
War Times
Washington Peace Center
West Sonoma County Women’s Peace Group
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Western States Legal Foundation
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section
Working Assets
Z Magazine and ZNET


Work to have your city, church, school, or union pass a resolution against war:

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On February 15th, unitedforpeace.org organised the biggest

peace protest in the United States ever.
On the same weekend, almost 20-30 million people protested worldwide against the war.

During February and March 2003, anti-war protest increased:

-the pope visited the Iraq

-thousands marched against the war in all 5 continents
-antiwar activists chained themselves together in front of an
interstate tunnel in New York
-British unions announced that they may block war supplies
-the Human Shield (->) action in Iraq started
-former Senator John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, came out forcefully against the BushWar in Iraq
-baringwitness.com protested nude in Central Park, NYC
-Village Voice (->) released a special article against the war
-Germany and France developed a peace plan, supported by Russia, China and Mexico.
-CIA veteran warned on Iraq war
http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20030209-020607-8252r -Non-Aligned Movement opposed to Iraq war "...A declaration prepared for a
Non-Aligned Movement summit also said that if Iraq continued to co-operate with UN inspectors in eliminating weapons of mass destruction, the debilitating
sanctions imposed on Baghdad since the 1991 Gulf War should be lifted ... Leaders of the movement's 114 nations were expected to approve the declaration
at their summit starting Monday. The movement, comprising mostly developing nations, represents 55 per cent of the world's population and nearly two-thirds
of UN members..." http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20030222.wnona0222/BNStory/International
White House advisers against Iraq-war http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_1796.shtml

(-> Celebs against the war)

Anti-War Resolution
Since September 2002,anti-war resolutions have been approved by more than 125 IS-cities including Los Angeles; Kalamazoo, Mich.; Chicago; Portland,
Maine; and Milwaukee.
On March, 12th, 2003, the City Council of New York approved a resolution opposing war with Iraq except as a last resort.

The Anti-Whistleblower bill, which is on silencing potential whistleblowers, was introduced in 2002.

(-> Whistleblower)

(-> American Patriot Friends Network )

Arab-American Institute
(-> 911 Insider Trading/FBI)
(-> Zogby, James)
(-> CFR)
(-> Elgindy, Tony -> Elgindy, Khaled)

Aramark, a food service company, headed by Tom Kean (-> 911commission),
is connected with KPMG (->), with United Airlines, the Pentagon (->) and soft money to the republicans.

Fast food comes to the Pentagon


American AND United Airlines uniforms, cleaned by Aramark:


Aramark-Soft money to Republicans


Ara-penta biometrics

Both ARAMARK and ServiceMaster's contracts were begun

with Houston ISD under the administration of Dr. Rod
Paige. (-> Booker Elementary)

"He has since left his position as HISD

Superintendent, to serve as the Secretary of Education
under President George W. Bush, and we feel that his
legacy of inequity should leave as well."

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Aramark, which operated a food court on top of Tower No. 2 at the World Trade Center as well as concessions and a tour of the observation deck, has
reported, that seven of its employees are missing as a result of the September 11 terrorist attack. A total of 37 Aramark personnel were in the Twin Towers
or the complex's lower mall during the attack.

The company operated five cafeterias and a Children's World Learning Center at The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. All Aramark employees and the
children they served were evacuated safely.


According to The Wall Street Journal, Aramark has links to organized crime.

As reported, Aramark paid an ex-FBI agent-and former ARA employee - $167,000 plus lawyers' fees out of court not to discuss his deposition, which
highlights the dining service corporation's organized crime connections.

Sources: Passing the Bucks: The Contracting Out of Public Services

(AFSCME), The Wall Street Journal.
By Patrick Burkart, Travis Donoho, and Paul Odekirk

mirrored i.e. at

(-> BAe)
(-> 911 commission, Tom Kean)

According to a 1976 trust agreement, the history behind George W. Bush's first company Arbusto,
started with Salem bin Laden, who appointed James Bath (->) as his business representative in Houston.

Later Bath helped to fund Arbusto.

In the same year former US president George Herbert Walker Bush served as director of the CIA.

Revelation about Bath‚ his relationship with the bin Laden financial
empire and the CIA was made public in 1992 by Bill White,
a former real estate business partner with Bath.

James R. Bath guided money to Houston from Saudi investors, i.e. Sheik Khalid bin Mahfouz (->)and other wealthy Saudis, who wanted to influence US
policy under the Reagan and Bush administrations.
Among the investments made by Bath with Mahfouz's money was the Houston Gulf Airport.

Mahfouz was one of the largest stockholders in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI ->).

BCCI was actually an international crime syndicate providing banking

services to the Medellin drug cartel, Pamama dictator Manuel Noriega,
Saddam Hussein, terrorist mastermind Abu Nidal, and Khun Sa, the heroin kingpin in Asia's Golden Triangle.

Tax documents and personal financial records show that James Bath invested $ 50,000 in the limited partnerships and had a 5 percent interest in Arbusto '79
Ltd., and Arbusto '80 Ltd., limited partnerships controlled by George W. Bush.

The word Arbusto means 'bush' in Spanish.

George W. Bush later changed the name of Arbusto into Bush Exploration Co., general partner in the limited partnerships, went through several mergers i.e.
with Spectrum 7 Energy Corporation in 1984, eventually evolving into Harken Energy Corp. (->), a suburban Dallas-based company.

Bush said that to his knowledge, Bath's investment came from personal funds, and no Saudi money was invested in Arbusto. Bath, 55, a former U.S. Air
Force pilot, always declined to comment for the record. Spokesmen for FinCEN (->) and the FBI declined to comment.

Bath was sole director of Skyway Airlines Leasing Ltd., a Houston company owned by Khaled bin Mahfouz (->). Bin Mahfouz had been a major
shareholder in BCCI, which had been accused of using Mideast oil money to seek ties to political leaders in other countries throughout the 1970's and 1980s

When BCCI and Mahfouz was investigated, the chief of the Justice Department's criminal division under former President Bush was Robert Mueller. Many
critics accused Mueller that time of "botching the

On June 20, 1990, George W. Bush sold his Harken stock for $848,000.
Shortly after Bush sold his stock, Harken's fortunes nose-dived when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.

Stephens Inc., the well connected brokerage firm owned

by Jack Stephens, donated $100,000 to a Bush campaign fundraising dinner in 1991.

Stephens and Abdullah Taha Bakhsh, a wealthy and well-connected

Saudi real estate investor, once signed another financial transaction for Bush Jr.
In September 2001, a few days before September 11th, Robert Mueller was appointed by President George W. Bush as the new Director of the FBI,
replacing Louis Freeh (->).

Here are only a few of many cross references on Arbusto:

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Phoenix, FBI Kenneth Williams (->)
Phoenix, Hani Hajour (lived there)
Scottsdale, CRM Flt School (Hanjour 96 training)
Tucson, United Airlines/Mileage Plus

Northern Arizona State University (-> Anthrax Suspects)

(-> FEMA Task Forces)

(-> Hijacker ID-confusion)
(-> Intelligence Senate Members, Jon Kyl)
(-> Moussaoui Indictment)

John McCain of Arizona questioned the White House's policy toward Saudi Arabia.

Arkeh, Walid
Walid Arkeh, a Jordanian citizen, claimed in a January 2002 interview with the Orlando Sentinel, that he became friendly in a British prison "with three
alleged al Qaeda militants" accused of plotting the 1998 bombings at two American embassies in Africa.

Arkeh was convicted in Florida in 2000 of dealing in stolen goods and slapping his daughter. To escape deportation, he fled to England, where he was
picked up and held in prison for 10 months before being sent back to the United States in July, the Sentinel reported.

In August, he got word to the FBI that he had information on a planned terror attack.

But when two FBI agents showed up at the Seminole County jail to interview him Aug. 21, 2001 he said he would tell what he knew only if he was freed
from prison, given asylum in the United States and offered the kind of security granted by the witness-protection program.
Arkeh said one of the agents told him, "Is that all you have?"
The FBI never returned.

(-> early warnings)

Armed Pilots banned before Sep11th

"A 40-year-old Federal Aviation Administration rule that allowed commercial airline pilots to be armed was inexplicably rescinded two months before the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, leading aviation security experts to lay at least some of the blame for the tragedy at the feet of airlines, none of which took
advantage of the privilege while it was in effect.


Armitage, Richard
From an 2002 GROUND ZERO-Forum (->)- article at Scoop (->)

"What we are desirous of is for our Pakistani friends to try and develop a relationship about Pakistan"
- Richard Armitage, June 18th 2001


Born in 1945, Mr. Richard Lee Armitage, who has been nominated by President George Bush as Deputy Secretary of State under Gen.Colin Powell,
graduated in 1967 from the U.S. Naval Academy and was commissioned as an ensign.

He served on a destroyer stationed on the Vietnam coastline and subsequently did three combat tours with the advisor forces in Vietnam. He became fluent
in Vietnamese.

Mr. Armitage left active duty in 1973 and joined the U.S. Defense Attache's Office in Saigon. Before the fall of Saigon, he organized the evacuation of the
Vietnamese naval assets and personnel who had collaborated with the US, from that country.

In May 1975 Mr. Armitage joined the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Washington as a consultant and was posted in Tehran, Iran, until November
1976, when he resigned from government service and joined the private sector.

It is generally believed that Mr.Armitage actually served in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) till 1978 and from 1976, after a cover resignation from
the CIA, worked for some private companies of the CIA, which were being used by it for covert actions in Indo-China.

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His critics had alleged in the past that he was the author of the idea of using heroin to weaken the fighting capability of the communists in Indo-China and
then in Afghanistan though the late Le Comte de Marenches, the head of the French External Intelligence Agency under Presidents George Pompidou and
Giscard d'Estaing, had claimed that it was he who had given this idea to the Americans with specific reference to Afghanistan.
(Aside: Previous attempts to rule the world
http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/MODAFRCA/SCRAMBLE.HTM )

In 1978, he joined the staff of Senator Robert Dole of Kansas as Administrative Assistant. During the 1980 presidential campaign of President Ronald
Reagan, Mr. Armitage served as senior advisor to Mr. Reagan's Interim Foreign Policy Advisory Board. After becoming President in January,1981, Mr.
Reagan appointed him Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs.

In June 1983, he was elevated to Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, in which post he continued till May,1989.
In that capacity, he was responsible for developing politico-military relationships and initiatives throughout the world; the U.S. Pacific security policy,
including the U.S.-Japan and the U.S.-China security relationships; all DoD Security Assistance programs, and oversight of policies relating to the law of the
sea; U.S. special operations forces; and counter-terrorism.

He played a leading role in Middle East security policies.

Between 1989 and 1992, Mr. Armitage served as Presidential Special Negotiator for the Philippines Military Bases Agreement and as Special Mediator for
Water in the Middle East.
President Bush (Sr) sent him as a Special Emissary to Jordan's King Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War.
From March 1992 until his departure from public service in May 1993, Mr. Armitage (with the personal rank of Ambassador) directed U.S. assistance to the
new independent states (NIS) of the former Soviet Union.

In May 1993, he floated an organization called the Armitage Associates L. C., with himself as its President, to provide consultancy services to US
government departments and business companies on a wide range of subjects relating to international relations and security.

Other positions held by him since leaving public service in 1993 include membership on the Board of Directors of the General Dynamics (->) Electric
Systems, Inc.; membership on the Board of Visitors of the United States Naval Academy; holder of the Brig.Gen. H. L. Oppenheimer Chair of Warfighting
Strategy at the Marine Corps University; membership on the National Defense Panel; membership of the Board of Directors of the Roy F. Weston, Inc., and
of the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce; Chairman of the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University, membership on the Secretary Navy
Committee on Women in the Navy and Marine Corps; membership on the Board of Visitors of the Naval War College and of the Advisory Board of the
ManTech International Corporation; and Chairman of the Honor Review Committee for the United States Naval Academy.

He is reputed to be one of the most highly decorated officers of the US public service. He has received numerous military decorations from the governments
of Thailand, Republic of Korea, Bahrain, and Pakistan. He has been awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service four times,
the Presidential Citizens' Medal, presented by the President to citizens who have performed exemplary deeds of service, and the Department of State
Distinguished Honor Award.

In July 2000,a Commission on America's National Interests, established by a group of Americans with the help of well-known US think-tanks such as
Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, the Nixon Center, the RAND (->) and the Hauser Foundation released a report identifying
the US national interests that should receive the attention of the new US Administration coming to office in January, 2001.

The Commission was jointly chaired by Mr. Robert Ellsworth of the Hamilton Technology Ventures, L. P., Mr.Andrew Goodpaster of the Eisenhower World
Affairs Institute and Ms. Rita Hauser of the Hauser Foundation and included, amongst its members, Mr.Armitage, Ms.Condoleezza Rice (->) , Mr.Bush's
National Security Adviser, and Mr. Brent Scowcroft (->) , National Security Adviser under Mr.George Bush (Sr), whom Ms. Rice once described as
amongst her mentors.

Though this Commission was not set up by the Republican Party, considering the active role played in it by these three prominent personalities as well as
many others close to the Republican Party, its report warrants close study by our policy-makers and analysts.

In October 2000 Armitage renamed the US Defense Program to Allied Missile Defense to better reflect its new scope.

The ties between Richard Armitage (part of the so called "Wolfowitz Cabal" around Paul Wolfowitz (->) , Richard Perle (->) and James Woolsey ->), and
a possible manipulated Sept 11th-attack are well known:

In May 2001 Richard Armitage, a career covert operative and former Navy Seal, traveled to India on a publicized tour while CIA Director George Tenet
made a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader General Pervez Musharraf (->).

We can assume, that Armitage received the same warning reports about an attack as many other persons did: George Tenet (CIA), Richard Clarke (CSG),
Thomas Pickard (FBI), Dale Watson (FBIHQ) or Henry H. Shelton (DOD). (-->)

Clarke informed Armitage about war plans against the Taliban.

In January 2001 Clarke sent the first official memo to Condoleezza Rice, that something was in planning.

Even CNN confirmed in the meantime, that in April 2001 Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and
Deputy National Security Council Adviser Stephen Hadley, met "to discuss U.S. policy against al Qaeda, approve "immediate actions" against al Qaeda"

Obviously these official meetings had been only a cover up for what was really going on in the Pentagon. It's in the meantime very silly to believe, that these
war plans had not been synchronized with the warnings about an attack the CIA received.

Armitage had the best ties to both Pentagon and CIA. He has long and deep Pakistani intelligence connections and he is the recipient of the highest civil
decoration awarded by Pakistan.

It would be reasonable to assume that "while he was in May 2001 in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as 'an unusually long meeting,' met with his
Pakistani counterpart, Lt. General Mahmud Ahmad (->), head of the ISI" to discuss the war plans against the Taliban.

(Source: The Indian SAPRA news agency, May 22, 2001.)

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Another interview in June 2001 with the Indian magazine "IndiaTogether" revealed, what Armitage really planned last year:

"...We believe India will be having a global view again...there are several nations in the world who really truly have a global view and we think India is
about to have that...On the question of actual missile defense, the fourth element is one on which we didn't get an immediate endorsement because the
Government of India said they hoped we would not do this unilaterally -- that means break out of the ABM treaty (->) - but they expressed a great deal of
understanding of the need...

...we had a great relationship with Pakistan but it was in a way a false relationship because in the first instance, it was built against the India-Soviet Union
axis and then latterly, it was against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan...

...what we are desirous of is for our Pakistani friends to try and develop a relationship about Pakistan.. as you probably are aware, Pakistan's Foreign
Minister Sattar is coming, we look forward to discussions with him ..."

The Hindu - June 18, 2001
Isn't it another ironic coincidence that the attack against America helped Armitage to achieve a new friendship with Pakistan?

Does it not really makes more sense, that Armitage had prior knowledge about a war against the Taliban and was therefore helpful to arrange all these
meetings with India and Pakistan?
Actually later the United States decided on Pakistan as an ally and stopped the ABM treaty in December 2001.

But why was Armitage already 3 months before the attack on America so sure, that the relationship between Pakistan and the Taliban would change as
"I don't want to see Pakistan only through the lens or the prism of Osama Bin Laden...
...We want to look at Pakistan and see what Pakistan thinks about Pakistan's future...obviously Osama, the Taliban, the refugee problem...We are developing
it, we are in the process of working it out, in my view, for the first time, a relationship with Pakistan... “

While Armitage was concerned about the Taliban that time, it obviously doesn't matter for him anymore today.

Already on 10 December 2001 the Taliban founded a new party in Pakistan, but this was ignored by Armitage, White House + Co. The party is called the
Khudamul Furqan Jamiat (KFJ ->) or Association of the Servants of Koran.

It seeks to establish an Islamic republic in Afghanistan. KFJ is led by an Afghan spiritual leader Ahmed Amin Mujaddadi. Its other members include the
former Taliban ambassador to the UN and Pakistan, Abdul Hakim Mujahid, ex-deputy information minister, Abdur Rehman Ahmed Hotak, former deputy
minister for higher education Maulavi Arsalan Rehmani, the former deputy chief of the Supreme Court, Maulavi Abdul Sattar Siddiqi, and the former charge
d’ affairs to Saudi Arabia, Qazi Habibullah Fauzi.

But this doesn't really matter for Armitage anymore. In mid 2001 it was more important to get allies for a war against the Taliban. Armitage did all this.

He had already dealt with China, too:

"...it was not appropriate that I go to China given the state of our relationship at the time for missile defense consultations...but we didn't overlook China. Mr.
Kelley (James Kelley, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs), my colleague here, did go to Beijing and have discussions there..."

Armitage was in Japan and Korea in mid-May 2001: Tokyo and Seoul.

At the same time, Paul D. Wolfowitz, (Deputy Defense Secretary), made a swing through Europe that included a visit to Russia, the other major power on
China's border.


At the same time, a new RAND (->) study was released, written by former UNOCAL consultant Zalmay Khalilzad (->), at that time senior director at the
National Security Council, today active for Bush in Afghanistan as well.

This study magically already envisioned "a coalition of U.S. Asian allies, including Australia and the Philippines, acting jointly to quell any regional conflict.
It also suggests the U.S. promote a balance of power between Russia, China, and India so that none emerges as dominant."

Unfortunately this study didn't include the interesting twist, that Khalizad once worked for UNOCAL (->) in Afghanistan to get a huge pipeline running, as
part of the CentGas Consortium (->).

This pipeline might be one of many reasons to plan this war.

Armitage had enough reasons to let the attack happen on purpose.
He is a warhawk, too.

He once served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security under the Reagan Administration. At that time he seemed to be very interested
in shady weapon deals.

As later came out he was involved in the Iran-Contra (->) arms smuggling scandal and worked closely together with mastermind Oliver North (->.

But there is a current conflict of interest. His undersecretary of State, Charlotte Beers is lobbied by Bristol Myers Squibb (->) , General Motors, Texaco,
Verizon and media mogul Disney to enforce intellectual property agreements.

Beers owns $100,001 - $250,000 of Exxon-Mobil stocks.

Charlotte Beers was hired by the US Administration to work on special PR initiatives like the Rendon Group (->) around the former Office of Strategic
Influence (OSI->) did and still does.

Armitage owns at least $250,001 to $500,000 in stocks of Electronic Data Systems, the 49th largest defense contractor, which lobbies the Defense Dept.
over various appropriations issues.

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And Armitage even owns a huge amount of General Electric stocks as well and was lobbied by Merck over the Biological Weapons Convention
implementation protocol.

Armitage is a strong supporter of old ideas by Zbigniew Brzezinski (->)("The grand chessboard") and Samuel Huntington.

As part of the Wolfowitz Cabal, Armitage was later on the National Defense Panel under Philip A. Odeen (->).

Armitage is supporter of the current Defense Policy Board (with many ties to England or Israel) who have supported a war against the Iraq for years.

Members of the Defense Policy Board: Henry Kissinger (->) , James Woolsey (->) , Newt Gingrich, former Admiral David Jeremiah, Dan Quayle, James
Schlesinger (->), Elliot Abrams (Iran-Contra) or former minister of defense under Carter Harold Brown. But nothing happened as the DPB wanted.

Perhaps they needed some moles in the government, or a person who would let this attack happen in order to facilitate another one?
Did Armitage let the attack happen on purpose to get this war? "

(-> National Defense Panel)

(-> Hollinger Inc.)
(-> Virginia-Connection)
(-> Hauer, Jerome)
(-> Hoover Institute)
(-> Perle, Richard)
(-> CFR)
(-> Defense Policy Board)

Arnold, Gen. Larry K.

(-> NORAD)

Arquila, John
John Arquilla is an information warfare and Special Operations expert at the Naval Postgraduate School, told The Monterey Herald on 7/18/02:
"The idea of such an attack (like 9-11) was well known. It had been wargamed as a possibility in exercises (->)before Sept. 11, 2001."

(-> Bell, Art)

(-> Andersen Consulting)

Artists United To Win Without War

On December 10th 2002, more than 100 celebrities, including Kim Basinger, Matt Damon, Ethan Hawke, Samuel L. Jackson and Jessica Lange, have urged
President Bush to avoid a war with Iraq in a letter.

The letter, also signed by a retired admiral and a former U.S. envoy to Iraq, was co-founded by the group called "Artists United To Win Without War."

In addition to the celebrities, the letter was signed by retired admiral Eugene Carroll Jr and Former U.S. ambassador to Iraq Edward Peck.

The anti-war letter followed a similar message put together by Farrell against a plan to bury nuclear waste at Nevada's Yucca Mountain.

Stars including Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Barbra Streisand and Harry Belafonte signed that letter.


(-> Celebs against War)

(-> Winwithoutwar.us)

Ashcroft, John
During 2001-2002 Attorney General Ashcroft, who is spelled
"John A$hKKKroft" on many political websites, became one of the top suspects of 911Skeptics of having advanced knowledge of the Sep11th attack, which
he never confirmed.

In April 2002, attorney Barbara Olshansky of the CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) announced to file a lawsuit against Ashcroft because of his "Terror
Database" and charged widespread abuse of Middle Eastern men detained on immigration violations after Sept. 11.(-> Detainees, missing)

During 2002, Ashcroft was still involved in another ongoing grand jury investigation of some undisclosed payments of Exxon and BP Amoco.


"Two grand juries have been investigating allegations that ExxonMobil, the world's largest corporation, and BP Amoco paid cash bribes to the president of

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Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and his oil minister, Nurlan Balgymbayev, and that Mobil engaged in an illegal oil swap of Kazakh oil through Iran in

Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force - now the center of a constitutional battle over the release of its records - was meeting representatives of
both companies after the grand juries had been empanelled as a result of information received from a Middle Eastern source in 1997 and inquiries from
Swiss banks in 1999.

ExxonMobil was the single largest oil and gas contributor to Ashcroft's 2000 Senate race, donating $11,650 - $4,140 more than Enron - as disclosed by
documents obtained from the Center for Responsive Politics. Other oil industry donors to Ashcroft's campaign which are heavily invested in Kazakhstan, or
which represent firms that are, include Chevron ($7,500), Enron ($7,499), The Independent Petroleum Association of America ($5,000), BP Amoco
($4,000) and Halliburton ($3,500).

Thus, the total reported corporate donations to Ashcroft's campaign, from firms with known vested interests in opening Kazakh oil fields, totals $39,149.
Taken together, these contributions (which exclude soft money donations reported only to the Republican Senatorial Committee) would rank second only to
Enterprise Rent-a-Car as Ashcroft's biggest 2000 contributor."

Source: copvcia.com (->)

The role of John Ashcroft regarding the Sep11th attacks and possible prior knowledge and even "ignored warnings on purpose" (-> Wright, Robert) was
topic of many 911-investigative websites during 2001-2002.

Based on the so called "Ashcroft Flying High"- story (->), it was implied, that Ashcroft knew about pending attacks, but was obviously coherced to ignore

On September 11th, 2001 John Ashcroft was in Milwaukee, at Sen. Arnold, R. Wright.

One day before, senior Pentagon members were not allowed to fly the following day.

But Colin Powell was allowed to fly to Chile and Ashcroft took his plane to Milwaukee.

On August 19th, 2002 JSonline reported, that U.S. Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner said he'll play hardball with Attorney General John Ashcroft over a
congressional demand for detailed information about the Patriot Act, the post-Sept. 11 law giving the government broad powers to investigate terrorism.

50 written questions about the act raised by the House Judiciary Committee in June.

If the committee still doesn't have the answers by then, Sensenbrenner said, he may take the unusual step of issuing a subpoena to Ashcroft to force him to
testify before the Judiciary Committee, which Sensenbrenner heads.

The 50 questions about the Patriot Act from both Republican and Democratic committee members include how many times the Justice Department has
obtained wiretaps and other devices that can track a suspect's phone calls and e-mails.

At the end of 2002, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), Alliance of Iranian-Americans (AIA), Council on American Islamic
Relations (CAIR), and the National
Council of Pakistani-Americans (NCPA) filed a class action
lawsuit against Ashcroft and the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).

The lead attorneys in this case are Peter A. Schey and Carlos R.
Holguin of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law.

(-> Detainees)

In early 2003, Ashcroft continued to support more surveillance of Americans:

A new proposed law, “would radically expand law enforcement and intelligence gathering authorities, reduce or eliminate judicial oversight over
surveillance, authorize secret arrests, create a DNA database based on unchecked executive ‘suspicion,’ create new death penalties, and even {b}seek to
take American citizenship away from persons who belong to or support disfavored political groups.”

Ashcroft Flying High

On July 26th, 2001, CBS released their story "Ashcroft Flying High", which is still described as one of the biggest evidence on prior knowledge about the
Sep11th attack:

"Fishing rod in hand, Attorney General John Ashcroft left on a weekend trip to Missouri Thursday afternoon aboard a chartered government jet, reports CBS
News Correspondent Jim Stewart.

In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice
Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his


But John Ashcroft was aware of a pending attack on america!

A few weeks earlier, on May 9, 2001, he testified in a Joint Hearing on U.S. Federal Efforts to Combat Terrorism:
"...It is clear that American citizens are the target of choice of international terrorists...

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...As relates to terrorist acts directed against U.S. interests overseas, the Department of Justice works closely with a number of other federal agencies,
including the Departments of State, Defense, and the CIA...
...By making effective use of intelligence information, we seek to involve the FBI in the investigation of terrorist plots as early in the chain of conspiratorial
events as possible..."


At the same time Ashcroft ignored telephone calls by David Schippers (->), who was in contact with FBI-agent Robert Wright (->), who had infomations on
an attack on america.

Ashcroft-watch.org was created by author Charles Sheehan-Miles in reaction to the frightening actions, led by Attorney General John Ashcroft, aimed at
destroying the liberties twelve generations of American veterans have fought to protect.
Ashcroft-watch.org was created in December 2002.

Asia Foundation

Homepage of the first "Hunt the Boeing"- investigations

(-> Hunt the Boeing)

(-> Pentagon-Crash)

Astaneh, Hassan
Hassan Astaneh, a professor of mechanical engineering at Cal Berkeley, was the first engineer, who claimed, that the Twin Tower collapse was forced by
melting of steel and testified in March 2002 on Capitol Hill.

However only a few months later the original explanation was outdated.
Another 2 year -investigation was announced in late 2002.

Atef, Mohammed
(-> Al-Quaeda)

On December 24th, 2002, as the NY Times reported, Senior American officials decided to single out Hezbollah (->) as the "A team" of terrorism, more
menacing than Al Qaeda.

(-> 2-Bit Terrorism)
(-> Al-Quaeda)

Atta, Mohammad
Officially described as the "ringleader" of the Sep11th attack.

His father claimed in many different interviews, Atta was a victim of a secret service plot and is still alive.

"...The father of Mohammed Atta, the alleged ringleader of the September 11 attacks, said in an interview published yesterday that his son was still alive.
"He is hiding in a secret place so as not to be murdered by the US secret services."

(-> Adorna, Renee)

(-> Ahmad, General Mahmud)
(-> Al-Shehhi, Marwan)
(-> Atta, GPS)
(-> Atta, ISI)
(-> Atta No.2)
(-> Atta No.3)
(-> Atta No.4)
(-> Atta-Alomari at Portland)
(-> Binalshibh, Ramzi)
(-> Bin Laden Video)
(-> Budiman, Agus)
(-> Bryant, Johnelle)
(-> Darkanzali, Marmoun)
(-> Djerba attack)
(-> early warnings)
(-> FBI-watchlist)

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(-> Flight 11)

(-> Florida-Connection)
(-> Hijackers alive)
(-> Hijacker-connections)
(-> Hijackers parents)
(-> Hijackers- US Air Base connections)
(-> Huffman Aviation)
(-> ISI-911 ties)
(-> Keller, Amanda)
(-> Maine-Connection)
(-> Maxwell Air Force Base)
(-> Motassadeq, Mounir A)
(-> Moussaoui, Habib Zacarias)
(-> Moussaoui Indictment)
(-> Noman, Abdullah, Glenn A. Fine)
(-> Norman connection)
(-> NSA)
(-> Oklahoma-Connection)
(-> Oklahoma Attack-911 Ties
(-> Passenger list)
(-> Portland-Connection)
(-> Spain connection)
(-> Visa/Atta)
(-> Woolsey, James)
(-> FinCen)

(-> 911-Skeptics)
(-> Honegger, Barbara)
(-> MadCowProd.com)
(-> Pentagon Crash)
(-> Plane relocate speculation)
(-> Public-Action.org)
(-> Remote Control, FANS)
(-> Timeline)
(-> YellowTimes.org)

Atta, GPS
In May 2002, some US papers promoted the idea, that Mohammad Atta might have used a small GPS device to crash the plane into the Twin Towers.

The device, which was described, i.e. in the New York Post, points to the handheld Garmin GPS II o III, which can provide resolutions down to 1 metre,
with a positional error down to 4m.

The paper claimed, that Atta did a test in New York before Sep11th.

However, due to FBI investigations, Atta was the last time in New York City "in June 2000, when he stayed in Park Slope, Brooklyn".

From an indictment at the Moussaoui (->) trial it was reported, that "on or about August 22, 2001, in Miami, Florida, Ziad Jarrah (#93) purchased an antenna
for a Global Positioning System ("GPS"), other GPS related equipment, and schematics for 757 cockpit instrument diagrams."


Disturbingly, only a few weeks after the attack, it came out, that Pakistan's secret service obviously allowed some payments to Mohammed Atta with the help
of saudi arabian credit institutes.

The story was ignored in US media, but later even covered by CNN but twisted:

"As much as $100,000 was wired in the past year from Pakistan to Mohamed Atta, the suspected leader of the terrorist hijackings, CNN has been told by law
enforcement sources.
These funds could have been provided to Atta by Al Qaida but through Harakat-ul-Mujahideen.

Sources said the wire transfers from Pakistan were sent to Atta through two banks in Florida. Then, Atta allegedly would obtain money orders -- a few
thousand dollars at a time -- to distribute to others involved in the plot in the months before the hijackings.

Meanwhile, sources in the Middle East confirm that Atta and two other men wired more than $15,000 back to the United Arab Emirates just before the
attacks -- what may have been leftover cash from the terrorism funds.

The money went to a man who flew out of Dubai for Karachi, Pakistan, on September 11 -- the day of the attack.
Atta sent $5,000, according to the sources. His Florida roommate, Marwan Al-shehhi, wired $5,400.
A third man, Waleed Alshehri, sent slightly more than $5,200.

Officials in the United Arab Emirates have identified the recipient of those wire transfers as Mustapha Ahmad Al-Hawsawi (->).

(NOTE: Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, a/k/a "Mustafa Ahmed," was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on August 5, 1968.
He was described as "Moussaoui's Supporting Conspirator"
a/k/a "Shaqil," a/k/a "Abu Khalid al Sahrai" in an indictment of December 11th, 2002.

http://www.usembassy.it/file2001_12/alia/a1121106.htm )

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Due to some confusion (on purpose?) in US Media, it was ignored for a long time, that Ahmed al-Hawsawi (->) was just another alias for Shaikh Saeed
(->), who had indeed strong ties to the ISI and was later framed for the killing of Daniel Pearl (->).

On May 23rd, 2002 (in the meantime the Atta-ISI-story became worldwide famous on the internet), the U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday started
"vehemently" to deny a U.N. report that "Mohamed Atta, one of the terrorists involved in the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center, received a transfer
of funds into his U.S. account which was flagged by his bank.

According to Wednesday's U.N. report, the bank filed a "suspicious transaction report" with the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (FinCen ->) "which was not noticed quickly enough because the report was just one of a very large number and was not distinguishable from those
related to other financial crimes."

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network said in a statement Thursday that it wanted "to unequivocally deny that any suspicious activity report was filed
prior to the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001 on terrorist Mohamed Atta."


At that time all Atta-Transfers had been already made public.

In the Moussaoui-indictment (->), in a lawsuit (->) by many 911-victims against Saudi Arabia (->) and Prince Turki al-Faisal (->), former chief of Saudi

Atta-Alomari at Portland
For strange reasons, only one day before the Sep11th-attack, Mohammad Atta decided to fly to Portland. This time not with his "buddy" Marwan al-Shehhi,
but with Abdul Aziz Al-Omari.

This disturbing detail in the timeline includes another oddity,

that the flight from Portland to Boston was delayed for 40 minutes on that morning.
How could they know?
And why did they need only 12 minutes from their hotel until they passed through airport security?

From the timeline:

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

5:33 am ATTA and AL-OMARI checked out of the Comfort Inn.

5:40 am The 2001 blue Nissan Altima rental car, bearing Massachusetts license 3335VI, entered Portland International Jetport Airport parking lot. It was
parked on the first floor directly across from the airport entrance.
5:43 am ATTA and AL-OMARI checked in at US AIRWAYS counter.
5:45 am ATTA and AL-OMARI passed through airport security.
6:00 am ATTA and AL-OMARI departed on Colgan Air en route to Boston, Massachusetts.

Atta No.2
On September 17th, 2001 the Air Force confirmed, that Mohammed Atta trained at a US Air Base.
Or was that Mohammad Atta No.2?:

"...Air Force spokesman Col. Ken McClellan said a man named Mohamed Atta -- which the FBI has identified as one of the five hijackers of American
Airlines Flight 11 -- had once attended the International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, Ala."


McClellan later denied his own report and came to the conclusion, that this Atta just shared the same name.

Atta No.3
Almost one year later after the attack, the following article turned into a lie:

Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, who piloted a second hijacked jet into the other tower, met on Sep 8th at Harry's Bar at the Helmsley Hotel in
Manhattan (East 42nd Street),
a law enforcement official said, "speaking on condition of anonymity".
They sat with two other men and stayed for several hours..."

In reality, this Atta was another Dr. Mohammad Atta, a kidney specialist.
This makes sense, because on September 9th another Atta returned a rental car in Pompono Beach, Florida.

Atta No.4
It was in fact in April 1986, when Jordanian native and naturalized U.S. citizen Mahmoud Atta (not Mohammad!) threw a firebomb at a bus in the West
Mahmoud Atta was deported to the U.S. where he was arrested by the FBI. Three years later Atta was extradited to Israel where he was convicted and
sentenced to life imprisonment.

Mohammed Atta, was Egyptian and thirteen years younger than Mahmoud Atta.

Speculation, if Mohammad Atta was "chosen" as the "ringleader, because of his last name.

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Atta= Attack.

Maybe one of the earliest 911Skeptic site, who was created on Sep11th.

Hosted by Loveearth and Mark Elsis (->)

Attack on America-Websites
During September 2001 until the end if the year, many people distributed a hoax, that some websites, which included the expression "attack on america", had
been created before Sep11th.

A "whois"-double-check at networksolutions.com proved different.

The hoax was later debunked at Snopes or urbanlegends.com.

The most famous websites, who covered or archived the attack on that day-
some of them almost in real time:




http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/in_depth/ americas/2001/america_attacked/
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/in_depth/ world/2001/war_on_terror/


http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC.htm (->)
http://www.attackonamerica.net/ (->)


http://www.computerworld.com/news/special/ pages/0,10911,1446,00.html





http://www.pak.gov.pk/terrorist-attacke-america/ Terrorist-attack-against-America.htm

(with a huge collection of original Sep11th front page covers and PDFS of the articles)


http://www.sfgate.com/news/special/ pages/2001/attackonamerica/




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http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ nation/specials/attacked/



GROUND ZERO Forum, at that time still hosted without any name
at ourDNA.org (a delphi-forum was planned for control systems and high tech), started to cover and investigate the attack immediately on Sep11th at 8:53
AM and stopped their coverage almost 22 hours later at 5AM in the morning at Big Brother Fanclub, TV Clubhouse.

The coverage was mirrored 1 day later at the forum of ourDNA.org.

Only 2 days later the name was born. The analysis continued at GROUND ZERO Forum.

The original coverage (by ewing 2001) from Sep11th is still on the forum and mirrored at http://www.lebensaspekte.de

Compare with September 11th (->)

Check out web.archive.org (->)

Atef, Mohamad
Taliban officer.
Officially described as Al-Quaeda-member, later officially killed by bombs.

(-> Al Quaeda)

(-> Georgia Connection)

Atlanta Journal Constitution

On April 14th, 2002 a poll on Bush's possible prior knowledge was manipulated and censored on the website of Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Four weeks later Bush confirmed, what 52% of the Atlanta Journal already had believed.

(-> McKinney, Cynthia)

Awadallah, Osama
On September 13th , 2002, the NY Post reported, that californian student Osama Awadallah (Jordania) who was indicted for allegedly lying about his links to
a Sept. 11 hijacker is now suing the feds, claiming he was falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted.

His lawyer said the 21-year-old has a strong case, due to a ruling in May 2002 by a New York federal judge who found that Awadallah was detained

The probe began after a scrap of paper with the words "Osama 589 5316" - Awadallah's phone number - was found inside a car left by one of the hijackers
in Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.

A search of his apartment turned up photos of Osama bin Laden, and a boxcutter was found in his car.

(-> Global Hawk)

(-> Chickenhawks)


Axis of evil
The "Axis of evil", as mentioned in President Bush's state to the union (2002),
is Iraq, Iran and North Korea (->).
The same three countries are mentioned, before Bush was elected,
in articles by Richard Perle (->) or the RAND Institute (->).

Axis of weasel
Born on January 24th, 2003.
The NY POST nicknamed Germany and France (Donald Rumsfeld: "old europe") "Axis of Weasel", after they demanded a new resolution before US starts
a war against Iraq

Aziz, Mohammad
Gen. Mohammad Aziz, former Head of the ISI (->) during the mid 90s.

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Helped creating the Taliban (->).

Azmath, Mohammad
It took 3 months, before the title of "hijacker No.20" was taken over by Zacarias Moussaoui (->), but originally belonged to Mohammed Azmath and Syed
Gul Mohammad Shah, who both got arrested on an amtrak train on Sep12th.

Almost one year later, former material witness, Mohammed Azmath,

was relased free and found unguilty in any connection with the Sep11th attacks.
Azmath's story was reported in Village Voice:

"...Seized last September 12 on an Amtrak train in Texas and then investigated for terrorist ties, Mohammed Azmath hardly measured up to the hype when
he appeared at his sentencing hearing in Manhattan last week.
...The crime he had copped to in a plea agreement with federal prosecutors—one count of credit-card fraud—also seemed to fall short of the
Indeed, he could have received up to 14 months more in jail, but U.S. District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin let him off with time served.

She said, "There's no question that the 12 months he's been in custody in this country have been under unusually harsh conditions." Azmath was in solitary
confinement from September 14, 2001, when he arrived at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, until he was transferred to the jail's general
population sometime this August. He was assigned a lawyer only after he was charged with the credit-card crime, in December."

(September 25 - October 1, 2002)

A few weeks later, on January 3rd, 2003, the NY Post reported on Syed Gul Mohammad Shahon, free and found unguilty, but already deported to
Hyderabad, India:

"In an interview at his home, after he was deported from the United States upon conviction of credit card fraud, Shah said he had been kept in solitary
confinement for 12 months and been subjected to psychological torture at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn."

(-> Blue Triangle)

(-> Detainees)

Aztlan.Net or La Voz de Aztlan was created in 1997 by Hector Carreon and the Aztlan Internet Services in Whittier CA. Many articles in 2001-2002
covered Mexican-American relationships and articles about "Zionist Terrorism".

Carreon covered the terrorist attack on the Mexican Congress "by two Israelis" on October 10, 2001.

Aztlan.net circulated a report on the idea, that the Anthrax letters had been sent by "Zionists" and blamed it on the "jewish microbiologist Dr. Philip M.
Zack", who worked at the U.S. Army's Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick, Md.

The case against Dr. Phillip M. Zack began when Egyptian-born scientist Dr. Ayaad Assaad, a U.S. citizen, was called in by the FBI for an interview on
October 2, 2001. The FBI had received an unsigned letter falsely accusing Dr. Assaad of being responsible for mailing the anthrax tainted letters.

The letter stated, among other things, "Dr. Assaad is a potential biological terrorist," and "I have worked with Dr. Assaad, and I heard him say that he has a
vendetta against the U.S. government and that if anything happens to him, he told his sons to carry on."

This story however wasn't updated again since February 2002.

The FBI concentrated later on suspects from Battelle or the SAIC.


(-> Anthrax)
(-> Hatfill, Stephen)


The endless ties from Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz (->): From Bush over BCCI to Bin Laden

BAe Systems is a global systems company, as a prime contractor and systems integrator in the air, land, sea and space. They develop and distribute naval
platforms, military aircraft, electronics, systems integration and other technologies.

BAe was created in 1999 after the merge of British Aerospace plc and Marconi Electronic Systems (a subsidiary of General Electric).

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One of their partners are manufacturers such as Boeing, Carlyle Group (->), Lockheed Martin (->), and Raytheon (->).

BAe has a contract with Bombardier Aerospace Defence Services, who themselves try to provide services in support of NATO Flying Training in Canada

Bombardier, in turn, has contracts with Raytheon Aircraft Company, CAE Inc. of Montreal, ATCO-Frontec Corporation of Edmonton, SERCO Aviation
Services Inc. of Ottawa and Aramark (->, Tom Kean ->) Canada Ltd. of Toronto.

Chairman of BAe is Sir Richard Harry Evans, former Military Aircraft Division of British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) and Warton Division of British
Aerospace, responsible for the Division's activities in Saudi Arabia (->).

In January 2002, the Moscow Times reported, that British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a visit to India and Pakistan in an attempt to calm ethnic tensions
between the two.

In reality, Blair, who is Chairman of Carlyle Europe (->), was pushing the sale of a lucrative deal with arms merchant BAE Systems.
The Russian newspaper stated 'Blair's minions are putting the squeeze on India to accept a $1.4 billion deal with arms merchant BAE Systems for 60 new jet

The BBC even reported, that these BAE-India negotiations could be traced back to August 2001, only a few weeks before the Sep11th attacks.


BAe was accused by independent investigators of being involved in shady business deals with Saudi Arabia, family members of Bin Laden and the Saudi

(-> BAE Laden-saudi connection)

(-> Lawsuits)


In October 2002, BAE Systems created a new solution for chemical warfare.

In December 2002, BAE Systems started officially to develop vehicle management system for Boeing X-45B unmanned combat air vehicle. (-> Global

(-> Death Cases)

(-> Hadron-PROMIS connection)
(-> Japan/weapon deals)
(-> Maryland-Connection)
(-> New Jersey Connection)
(-> Pentagon crash)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)
(-> Saudi Intelligence)

BAE Laden-Saudi connection

(-> Saudi Intelligence)

Baer, Robert
In March 2002, former CIA agent Robert Baer, who was in Iraq during the failed uprising in 1995, revealed on the BBC show "Hardtalk" early
911-warnings, which had been "ignored".

The highlights of this interview included that he himself heard "..in last August (2001)
...about warnings about an attack...non specific warnings.."

Baer sent this warnings to his Officials, but because he was an "outsider",
they told him to "go away with your names".

Baer knew about 500 names in a list, he had 10 of them.

His accquisation against CIA had been, that "..it's a cultural problem, not only CIA.."

CIA field officer Robert Baer served on the front lines in the war against terrorism during the 1980s and 1990s, risking his life in some of the world's most
dangerous places.

In his 2001 book, "See No Evil", Baer made alarming charges about deficiencies in U.S. intelligence that he believes were precursors to the Sept. 11 terrorist


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Baer demanded "an investigation into every part of the government responsible for terrorism to determine whether there was a failure on the part of the

Chat Transcript with Baer on ABC:


Baghdad Snapshot Action

On February 13, 2003, teams of artists and activists postered New York City with thousands of copies of snapshots from Baghdad. Quiet and casual, the
snapshots show a part of Baghdad we rarely see: the part with people in it. Emilie Clark and writer Lytle Shaw were arrested for posting them.

The snapshots were taken by a friend of Baghdad Snapshot Action who visited Baghdad working with the Iraq Peace Team (www.iraqpeaceteam.org).

Contact: [email protected]

Bakarbashat, Omar
Omer Bakarbashat is one of the many examples of innocent arrested detainees, who first had been blamed to have been involved in the Sep11th attacks, but
found unguilty many months later:

In August 2002, Randall B. Hamud, an attorney for some of the detainees,

said, "This is all guilt by association." He said that the detentions amount to a witch hunt of Middle Easterners, and he characterized his clients' arrests as
"Gestapo-like tactics."


(-> Detainees)
(-> hijackers)
(-> Nazis in US Government and Republicans)

Baker Institute, James

The James Baker Institute at Rice University funded a study called "Strategic Energy Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century." The author of that report is
Matt Simmons, president of Simmons and Company Investment Bankers and member of the Board of Directors of Kerr-McGee (US/Western Sahara) .
It helps the cause of Kerr-McGee that Baker's former spokesperson at the Departments of State and Treasury and close personal friend, Margaret Tutwiler,
serves as the U.S. ambassador to Morocco.

One of Tutwilers best friends is former White House Communications Director and close Bush confidant Karen Hughes (->).

The Western Saharans are claiming the deals between Morocco and TotalFinaElf and Kerr-McGee are in violation of international law and previous UN
resolutions. The Sahrawi President, Mohammed Abdelaziz, condemned the oil deals as an illegal "provocation." The Sahrawi cause is supported by a
number of NGOs, former French First Lady Danielle Mitterand, and East Timor's leadership, which knows all too well about being held hostage by oil
interests and brutal occupying dictatorships allied with the West. But the oil companies and the Baker-Bush team still holds the trump card. If the Sahrawis,
out of desperation, break the cease-fire and go to war with Morocco, the anti-terrorism measures undertaken by the United States may seal their fate.


(-> Oil)

Baker III, James A.

James Addison Baker, III served in three president's administrations beginning in
1975 when he served under Ford as under secretary of commerce. In
Reagan's administration he first served as chief of staff from 1981-1985
and then became secretary of the treasury during ReaganUs second term.

Baker actually ran the campaigns of both BushUS campaigns and ReaganUS 1984 re-election.

Baker currently practices law with the firm Baker & Botts (->) with
offices in Houston and Washington, D.C and is Senior Counselor of the Carlyle Group (->).

On August 25th, 2002 James Baker, former Secretary of State during the Gulf War, said a unilateral US attack on Saddam Hussein would be "economically
and politically perilous".

Baker supported almost the entire war cabinet of Mr Bush Sr, with one - Lawrence Eagleburger, a former Secretary of State - bluntly denouncing
pro-invasion hawks as dangerous and “devious”.

It echoed a similar warning from Brent Scowcroft (->) , Mr Bush Sr’s National Security Adviser and Henry Kissinger (->).

Norman Schwarzkopf, the retired US general who was allied commander in the Gulf War, warned the President against “going it alone".


Baker + Botts

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Global energy and technology firm, run by James Baker III (->) with offices in New York and London, as well as Houston, Washington, Baku and Riyadh.

Baker Botts has more than 600 lawyers worldwide.

This includes legal services for major integrated oil and gas companies.

They represent Amerada Hess (->), BP, ExxonMobil, Conoco, Enterprise Oil, Boeing, Novartis.

BakerBotts has a strategic alliance with Afridi & Angell, a law firm of Nicholas B. Angell, with offices in U.A.E. at Abu Dhabi, Dubai (->) and Sharjah, as
well as in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Angell is member of the Arab Bankers Association of North America (ABANA).


(-> Oil)
(-> 911 Commission)


Bakhsh, Sheik Abdullah Taha

(-> Abdullah Taha Bakhsh)

Bakri Mohammed, Sheik Omar

In late 2001, Bakri Muhammed, a London based extremist, was accused of having ties with Bin Laden supporters.

In an interview with David Hardacre in London for PM on australian ABC TV, Bakri didn't confirm any involvement in the attack, but made jokes about it:

DAVID HARDAKER: One of Britain's extreme clerics, Sheik Omar Bakri Muhammed, urging on a gathering of young English Muslims to wage Holy war.

SHEIK OMAR BAKRI MUHAMMED: I'm ask you brother, can you say they become doctors in the west? Pilot. Who's [inaudible] they want to become
pilot [laughter]. [inaudible] they become terrorists [inaudible] pilots.

DAVID HARDAKER: Joking about September 11 goes down well here. A group of the young men who hang off the Sheik's words told me later they'd be
more than happy to sign up as suicide pilots - all for the fundamentalist cause.

(October 31, 2001)


(-> Williams, Kenneth)

Baldwin, Alec
On March 2002, actor Alec Baldwin "raised eyebrows" at the '21' Club" in Florida, when he compared the Sept. 11 attacks to President Bush's victory,
referring to the election results as "the other catastrophic event that happened in this country."

Baldwin said, that he believed that the White House and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld hope the war in Afghanistan continues indefinitely because
of the political benefits.

Baldwin made news with this statement and was therefore invited at the only
remaining US-Gov criticising TV show of Bill Maher ("Politically Incorrect"),
which was later cancelled in Summer 2002.


Baldwin, Charles
In 2002, Charles "Chuck" Baldwin sent out on an article on an email list called 'The Republican,' and was entitled "Bush Government Out of Control."

Mr. Baldwin lamented the passage of the Homeland Security (->) legislation and the establishment of the "outrageously Orwellian 'Total Information
Awareness' database".

"This database, run by convicted felon John Poindexter (->) of Iran/Contra (->) fame, will collect personal data on your purchases - including guns - along
with school grades, websites visited, and trips taken. In one paragraph, Mr. Baldwin asks a powerful question: "Does that mean one must leave the
Republican Party in order to fight for liberty? Maybe so."

Baraka, Amiri

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Amiri Baraka, also known as LeRoi Jones and Imamu Amiri Baraka, is one of the leaders and inspirations of the Black Artist Movement. He was founder of
the Black Arts Repertory Theatre/School in the 60s.

When Malcom X was assasinated in 1965, Baraka moved to Harlem, divorced his white wife, changed his name and adapted a Black nationalist view.
Baraka then married Amina Baraka, formerly known as Sylvia Robinson, and founded Spirithouse in Newark, NJ.

In October 2001 he forced controversial discussion after reading a poem in New Jersey, which addressed irregularities of the official Sep11th-story, which
was reported in the mainstream press.

He insisted, that "President Bush, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and many United States allies, knew of the pending terrorist attacks…"

(-> early warnings)

As protest singer Billy Bragg pointed out, Barry Crimmins, a political satirist, "uses his sharp sense of irony as a political weapon. In his hands, the subversive
joke is the first small act of resistance."

On his website, Crimmins supports Narconews , FAIR, Howard Zinn (->), Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair from counterpunch.org, Project
Censored (http://www.projectcensored.org) , Zmag.org, Adbusters.org, Ted Rall, cursor.org, Bartcop.org, mediawhoresonline.com, Tom Tomorrow and
many other critical voices on the US government. (-->)

Crimmins started his own website in August 2002 in Troupsburg, NY as a reponse on the increasing disturbing behavior of the US government.

In June 2002 he wrote a "message to Court-appointed Prez: We Will Get Answers" at http://www.barrycrimmins.com/wletter.html:

"It's time for Congress to drop the pretense and stop paying lip service to the idea that current inquiries into 9-11 intelligence failures will not be used to
assess blame.
You are already exploiting this polite lie, aren't you, Georgie?"

Contact: [email protected]

Maybe one of the most popular political, activist- and investigative 911-websites of 2001-2002 with many sources and an own forum at bartcopnation.com.
In March 2002, owner Marc Perkel was arrested from the Springfield Missouri Police Department in a trespassing charge for a trespass he supposedly
committed three days earlier.
Perkel then filed a complaint against Officer Kevin Hollie for false arrest.


Basson, Gert
Filmmaker, Rings Of Stone Productions, who started to work at the end of 2002 on an anti-iraq-war documentation, trying to contact Retired Rear Adm.
Eugene Carroll, Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Edward Peck, Vietnam and Gulf War veterans, Family of 9/11 victims and
Children from war-torn regions all over the world.

Contact: [email protected]

Battelle, connected with The Battelle Memorial Institute, (according to William Broad and Judith Miller in the New York Times, Thursday, Dec. 13)
provides services as "a military contractor in [West Jefferson] Ohio," and "has experience making powdered germs. . . .

Battelle participated in a secret CIA program, code-named Clear Vision that began in 1997, that used allegedly benign substances similar to anthrax.

Battelle, as a CIA contractor, partnered with Bioport (->) for America's sole anthrax vaccine production.

Bioport-largely owned by Britain's top secret biowarfare consortium Porton Down (->), bin Laden family associate Faud El Hibri, Admiral William J.
Crowe, Jr., a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others (including, according to some investigators, the multinational investment firm and
defense contractor, the Carlyle (->) Management Group, that managed bin Laden family millions prior to 9-11, directed by past CIA director Frank
Carlucci, James Baker III (->), and Past President George H.W. Bush);

"Project Jefferson" was ongoing around the same time American anthrax ace William C. Patrick III (USAMRIID ->), was contracted by Battelle Memorial
Institute to develop a report on the ramifications of mailing powdered anthrax, much the same as what occurred in the wake of the October anthrax

...William C. Patrick III and Russian defector Kanatjan Alibekov (alias, "Ken Alibek" ->)-the world's two leading anthrax experts-were very "close
friends!" Both men held classified consulting contracts with the CIA and Battelle, Alibekov was on the CIA's payroll at that time, according to Preston, and
he was fully employed by the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI).

...Thus, the government "contractor" for whom anthrax expert William C. Patrick III wrote his mailed anthrax aerosol dispersal assessment could have only
been Battelle for whom "Ken Alibek" worked; Robert Myers, Bioport's Chief Operating Officer affiliated; and Jerome Hauer (->) in New York's
emergency management helped facilitate tests

In addition to Batelle's voluminous research, development, and testing activities, this private institute co-manages America's most secret enterprises including
the DoE's Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oak Ridge Laboratory, and fully manages several others including the
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory .

Their two biological level-3 "Aerosol Engineering & Biological Sciences Facilities" in West Jefferson, Ohio appear in photographs on a Federal Emergency

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Management Agency (FEMA ->) promotions slide at http://www.nrel.gov/surviving disaster/fema2000/Cbiac/sld016.htm



Michael P. Failey of Battelle obviously was twice framed for the October 2001 anthrax (->) attack.


(-> Alibek, Dr. Ken)

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)
(-> Anthrax-Suspects)
(-> Aztlan.net)
(-> Cepheid)
(-> FAS.org)
(-> Hadron)
(-> Hatfill, Stephen)
(-> Hauer, Jerome)
(-> Inglesby, Dr. Thomas)
(-> Kallstrom, James)
(-> Ohio-Connection)
(-> Rosenberg, Barbara)
(-> Smallpox Vaccines)
(-> Thompson, Tommy )

Bath, James
(-> Arbusto)

Baudrillard, Jean
On November 2nd, 2001, french author and philosoph Brillard ("The Year 2000 did not happen") responded on the so called war against terrorism in a new
essay in LeMonde, later translated and mirrored at cryptome:

"...It is almost they who did it, but we who wanted it. If one does not take that into account, the event lost all symbolic dimension to become a pure accident.
...Terrorists know that in their symbolic strategy they can count on this unavowable complicity.
...One must recognize the birth of a new terrorism, a new form of action that enters the game and appropriate its rules, the better to confuse it. Not only do
these people not fight with equal arms, as they produce their own deaths, to which there is no possible response..."

Baxter International
Baxter, a global health care company, is the leading maker of intravenous (IV) supplies and solutions via its Medication Delivery unit, which brings in almost
40% of sales.

Baxter is the leading U.S. provider of cardiovascular, kidney dialysis, and intravenous products to the healthcare market.

"Blood goes in, blood goes out, and Baxter International is there. Through its BioScience segment, the company not only makes equipment to collect and
separate blood and blood components, but also develops plasma protein therapies for such blood-related disorders as hemophilia"


In 1979 Baxter introduced the first automated blood-cell separator, the CS-3000 system.
In 1985 they acquired American Hospital Supply Corporation.
In 1995 Nextran became a wholly owned affiliate of Baxter, focusing on research in xenotransplantation, or animal-to-human transplants.
In 1997 Baxter acquired Immuno International AG, an international leader in infectious disease research and the development of blood products, related
biologics and vaccines.
In the same year, Baxter, Becton Dickinson and Johns Hopkins University (->) filed together a lawsuit on a stem cell patent by CellPro, Inc.

Baxter is behind Global Healthcare Exchange, an independent, Internet-based company that facilitates the exchange of information related to buying,
selling and distributing medical equipment, devices and healthcare products and related services worldwide.

To improve their research on blood related products, their subsidiary Baxter Healthcare supports cruel experiments on animals, too. One of these financed
tortures are the so called AHA Experiments on 2 days to 8 weeks old dogs, in which they are subjected to hosting a chronic indwelling catheter for 30 days.
Two pain medications are being delivered through these catheters to assess their toxicological effects. The experiments take place at the University of
Arizona, Tucson.

Source: http://

In late 2001, Baxter announced that it would participate in the production of approximately 155 million doses of smallpox vaccine (->) , in conjunction with
Acambis Inc (->, former Oravax).

Source: http://www.baxter.com/investors/profile/history/index.html

Complete leadership list of Baxter:


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(-> 911-Anthrax Gate, Nanosphere)

(-> Smallpox Vaccines)

(-> death cases)

Baxter, John Clifford

Former ENRON (->) employee, who officially committed suicide.

Baxter was connected to Jeff Skilling - who had replaced Kenneth Lay as Enron’s CEO in February 2001.

But Skilling abruptly stepped down in August 2001, just weeks after FERC’s price controls began to wreak.
As reported, Baxter feuded with then-Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling over the propriety of off-balance sheet transactions that hid billions in debt
and ultimately triggered the once-mighty Houston company's spiral into the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

``Cliff Baxter complained mightily to Skilling and all who would listen about the inappropriateness of our transactions with LJM,'' Enron whistle-blower (->)
Sherron Watkins wrote to Chairman and CEO Ken Lay, in an Aug. 14th 2001.

Because of Baxters deep connections between the US government and ENRON, his suicide was questioned by many investigative websites on the internet.

This included Dan Rather (CBS Evening News),

who was openly skeptical of the claim that this was a suicide.

Baxters body was discovered on January 25th, 2002, about 2:20 a.m. in the driver's seat of his Mercedes-Benz, parked in the 5800 block of Palm Royale
Sgt. Truman Body from the Sugar Land Police (->) found him "inside his Mercedes with a suicide note and revolver at his side".
He had been shot once in the head and a .38-caliber revolver was found inside the locked car, investigators said.

Another new autopsy in late January 2002 by "Medical Examiner Joyce Carter (->), who conducted an autopsy on Baxter's body Friday, said the cause of
death was suicide by "a penetrating gunshot to the head."
But as investigative members of democraticunderground.com (->) found out, Carter had a controversy past.

These results had been picked up by New York's weekly paper VillageVoice (->)
"Fueled by a report on Democraticunderground.com, skeptics are homing in on the Harris County coroner, Joye M. Carter.

Carter has had her share of controversy. In 1998, Harris County paid a former employee in the medical examiner's office $375,000, after a jury agreed
Carter fired her for reporting potentially illegal cover-ups. Then a federal court awarded another whistleblower $250,000 after she was fired for reporting
that an unlicensed physician had performed autopsies. In 2000, writes The Houston Chronicle, a Harris County commissioner asked the county to hire an
outside law firm to review Carter's hiring and firing practices."


Friends of Baxter told some papers, that he "loved yachting and had recently traded in his 72-foot boat for one with a larger engine so he could travel to
Florida in two days."

Baxter was looking for a bodyguard, as one anonymous source told the NY Times.

"..Detective Billy Baugh is retracing Baxter's movements in the days prior to his death. In addition, he is checking the car for blood splatters and fingerprints
and running ballistic tests on the gun that was found in Baxter's hand.

Baxters role at Enron was primarily in mergers and acquisitions.

He helped engineer the purchases to build up Enron's failed water venture, Azurix Corp., and of Oregon utility Portland General.

More oddities:
Due to http://www.dallasnews.com/latestnews/enron_012502early.d61e0.html
the car was "closed".

A family friend told the New York Post that Baxter's wife says he was home in bed just hours before his body was found at 2:23 a.m. on Friday, January 25.
"His wife couldn't believe he could get out of bed without her knowing it," said the friend..."

In February 2002 madcowprod.com (->) reported, that

"...contrary to the statements of the Sugar Land Police Department, it was not two Sugar Land police officers but one of Hal Werlein's Deputy Constables
who discovered the former Enron executive."

As whatreallyhappened.com (->) found out in the same month:

The original autopsy report, which can be ordered for $25 by the Medical Examiner of Harris County, Texas, said Baxter was found in his car in the 5200
block of Palm Royale Boulevard.

We learn for the first time here, though, that his home was at 5211 Palm Royale Boulevard. He was less than a block from home, and could have been in
front of his own house.

His dress, workout pants and a t-shirt, are most consistent with his having just ventured out from his house rather than his having been out in some public

Then in March 2002, National Enquirer (->) still insisted, that Baxter was murdered.

"He knew where all the Enron bodies were buried and he was apparently ready to talk," former congressman John LeBoutillier, who attended Harvard

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Business School with former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling, told the ENQUIRER.

They picked up the past of Medical Examiner Joyce Carter:

In February 2001, Carter was fined $1,000 and narrowly escaped being fired for allowing an unlicensed pathologist to perform roughly 200 autopsies in the
Houston area.
Nine days after Baxter's death, police still hadn't publicly supported the suicide verdict."

In March 2002, CBS investigated:

"(Baxter) just agreed to testify to Congress in the Enron case. A congressional source tells CBS News that Baxter wasn't a target in the probe, he was to
provide evidence against others.

The gun and other evidence were moved before photos were taken. The body was moved as well.

The experts found several things highly unusual. First the peculiar ammunition: not regular bullets but something called "rat-shot".
"This kind of ammunition cannot be easily or readily traced back to the gun from which it was fired," explained (independent coroner Cyril) Wecht.

"It's not as frequently used by people for any reason. It's not the type of ammunition one finds in guns - it has a specific purpose: shooting at snakes and
rodents in order to get a distribution pattern of the small pellets contained within the nose portion of the bullet. It's not something that a person is likely to have
and to use if they intended to kill themselves," said Wecht.

Other unanswered questions include mysterious wounds on one hand and unexplained shards of glass in Baxter's shirt. All reasons to look deeper to rule out


Finally in April 2002 Baxters "suicide note", addressed to his wife Carol,
was released, but disturbingly, it contained some oddities,
as recognised by DU(->) member Doug Decker:
"At the bottom of the page (far below his printed name, his wife name appears.

His name is typed/centered in the middle of the page (including his initial)
"If a formal note (with typing) wouldn't it have a formal signature... If an informal note - why would the name be typed?.."
The Carol twice could indicate that the paper was folder over, with Carol written as an address (i.e. To Carol). "
The note was signed, "Cliff." instead of "your Clifford"

Other observations:
1) If you fold his letter, the second "Carol" appears still on the same side, which makes no sense.
2) Writing in rude, capitol letters, more impersonal style, is strange
2) The handwriting still looks very dynamic at the end, not depressive. The two FF's still go up.
3) The uppercase letter i for the pronoun I is indeed different from the other uppercase i letters
4) The "L"s look different
5) It's hard to explain, why his suicide note didn't start with something like "dear carol"
6) a bold number on the Top could not be explained:
02000599 can't be an evidence number, it would destroy the evidence. It looks like his handwriting.
7) Why was this note released so late and what was so personal anyway in this note?
8) If you look carefully at the word "try" at "Please try to forgive me." you will see a very small typed "1" under the "T".
What is this about?
9) What does the dot mean in the middle of the lines between 02000599 and the first Carol.
Just a smear?

Mirror at:

More was revealed on Joyce Carter:

"A federal jury awarded $250,000 Friday to a former Harris County pathologist who said she was fired in 1998 for blowing the whistle on what she
considered illegal activity in the medical examiner's office."


In June 2002, Baxters original story was upgraded with another bizarre twist.
"A cop in the neighborhood said he saw Baxter driving alone. About two minutes later, the same officer found Baxter shot in the locked car"


At the end of 2002, most independent investigators on the internet still believed , that Baxter was killed.

The phrase" baxterised" became a synonym for a political murder and was used, when Senator Paul Wellstone (->)died in a plane crash, just one week
before the US election.

BCCI, renamed in 2001 into BBBBCI (Barclays Bank-Bush-Bin Connection International), stands for Bank of Credit and Commerce International.

During the late 80s, the BCCI was well known laundering money to and from drug dealers, terrorists, spies and blackmailers and was renowned for having
set off the largest banking scandal in world history.

BCCI, was founded and directed by many of the same people (allegedly including former CIA director Richard Helms (->) who created Australias's Nugan
Hand Bank and then ran into the ground, BCCI went belly-up in the late 1980s (billion of dollars in debt, with $20 billion more that's never been located) and

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its treasurer was convicted on charges of laundering drug-trafficking money.

In 1986, BCCI started to cooperate with Kissinger Associates (->), which represented at that time Brent Scowcroft (->), Lawrence Eagleburger or and
investment bank T. Jefferson Cunningham III.
In 1998/99, the Bank of England started to investigate on the BCCI.
At the end of this investigation it came out, that BCCI was deeply involved in Pakistan's nuclear program, with Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, syrian
terrorist Monzer Al-Kassar, in arms sales to Iran (->Iran-Contra) and contacts with international criminal financier Marc Rich.
Furthermore BCCI had extensive activity in China, and the Chinese government allegedly lost $500 million when BCCI closed, mostly from government

One of the largest stockholders of the BCCI was Sheik Khalid bin Mahfouz (->), who helped funding George Bush's company Arbusto (->) or the Houston
Gulf Airport.

Devon Jackson (Vanity Fair, NY Times, Rolling Stone, Village Voice)
Fas.org etc...


(-> Abdullah Taha Bakhsh)

(-> Al-Kadi, Yassin)
(-> Bush-Clan)
(-> Harken Energy)
(-> Mujahedeen)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)

Becker, Silvan
Due to the book "Bin Laden- the Forbidden Truth" by Brisard and Dasquié , (->) in 1994, Bin Laden was accused by Libya of being behind the killing of two
german intelligent agents Silvan Becker and his wife.
At that time, as reported, Bin Laden supported a fundamentalist group called al-Muqatila, made up of Libyans who had fought with him against the Soviets in
According to the former MI5 agent David Shayler (-> Shaylergate),
al-Muqatila tried to kill to assassinate Libyas leader Al-Gadafy in November 1996.

Belafonte, Harry
In October 2002, Harry Belafonte criticised National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice and Secretary of State Colin Powell for being ''house slaves'' doing
the bidding of President Bush.

He repeated his criticism in November 2002.

Benevolence International Foundation

In April 2002, Enaam Arnaout, Executive Director of the Charity Organisation Benevolence International Foundation (BIF) in Illinois,was accused of
having "direct links to Osama bin Laden".
Arnaout denied these conenctions.

On May 1st, 2002 Arnaout was arrested.

The foundation's assets, as well as those of another Chicago-area Islamic charity, Global Relief Foundation, were already frozen Dec. 14, 2001 on suspicion
of supporting terrorism.

Both groups have sued the government, denying they have anything to do with terrorism and asking that their assets be released.
According to the affidavit, the foundation sponsored the visa for a visit to Bosnia for bin Laden associate Mamdouh Salim.

In May 2002, FBI agent Robert Walker testified on a letter found in March 2002 at the charity's office in Bosnia, addressed to someone named Abu
Mahmood and signed Abu Al-Qaaqaa, which the agent testified were aliases used by Arnaout and bin Laden.

Defense attorneys said, however, that who signed the letters was in doubt.

In February 2003, Enaam Arnaout, finally pleaded guilty only to funneling money to Muslim fighters in Chechnya and Bosnia after reaching a deal with
"This plea agreement shows that this defendant and this charity had nothing to do with al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden," Arnaout's lawyer Joseph Duffy said.

Infos on BIF at:


(-> Al-Quaeda)

Business Executives for National Security (BENS) is a nationwide, non-partisan organization and primary channel through which senior business executives
can affect national security policy.

BENS is located in front of the White House.

(1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20570)

Chairman Stanley A. Weiss is a member of the Advisory Board of RAND's (->) Center for Middle East Public Policy and a member of the CFR (->).
In November 2002, Weiss released his pro-war article "Axis of Hope: Iraq, Turkey, Israel".

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President General Charles G. Boyd, formerly US Air Force, served before at the CFR, as a commander of Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base (->,
Mohammad Atta ->), as strategy consultant to then Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

In July 1998, he became executive director of the Hart-Rudman National Security Commission (->), "which already foresaw the growing terrorist threat to
the United States well before the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Larry K Smith, Chief Operating Officer is with BENS since 1992.

He was Counselor to Secretaries of Defense Les Aspin and William Perry in 1993 and 1994 and served as Chief-of-Staff for Senator Gary Hart (->) from
1978 to 1982, who received an early warning (->) on an attack in September 2001 and informed Condoleeza Rice (->) on this info, who ignored it.
(-> early warnings)

Members of BENS are Norman R. Augustine (Director

Lockheed Martin ->), David S. Browning (Vice President of Schlumberger ->), Daniel H. Case, III (Chase), Rudy de Leon (Senior VP, Boeing), Victor
Ganzi (The Hearst Corporation), Richard Grasso (New York Stock Exchange), Frank W. Jenkins (SAIC ->), Paul V. Lombardi (President and CEO of
DynCorp ->), Stephen T. McClellan (Merryl Lynch), Philip A. Odeen (->, TRW ->), Peter G. Peterson (->) and Stephen A. Schwarzman (->Blackstone
Group), Stanley A. Weiss (Chairman and Founder Business Executives for National Security, Washington DC) and Laurence F. Whittemore (Brown
Brothers Harriman & Co., which was Prescott Bush -> first company, established with the help the Dulles Brothers, Nazi company IG Farben and the

On February 28th, 2002, Josh S. Weston, Honorary Chairman of BENS, testified, that in early 2001, Warren Rudman and he delivered and discussed their
"Tail-Tooth Call to Action with each of the incoming new service secretaries and their deputies. Starting with Donald Rumsfeld and Pete Aldridge (->
thermobarics), each of them enthusiastically endorsed our blueprints for action. Secretary Rumsfeld indicated so as recently as last September 10th."

The Tail-Tooth Call to Action was a blueprint "to redirect unnecessary and wasteful overhead resources", which had been already used before Sep11th.

Assistant President of the Tail-to-Tooth Commission Commission is Paul E. Taibl, a retired Air Force officer and former command pilot, airlift planner and
senior fellow in the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University.

Vice President of the TTT commission, which tried to "change Pentagon business practices" before Sep11th is Kenneth D. Beeks, another retired Navy test
pilot who joined the BENS staff in June 2000.

2 months earlier, BENS was joined by Michael W. Doubleday

Vice President for Communications, former deputy spokesman for the Pentagon from 1995 to July 1999 and part of the military public affairs operation in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (->) during the Gulf War.
Eric Fanning from CBS National News joined in March 2001 as Vice President for Strategic Development.

BENS currently partners with New Jersey Homeland Security (->).

Linda Millis from the NSA and CIA joined one month earlier, in February 2001 as Vice President for "New Threats".

From 1994-96, Millis was the Assistant Director on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Her expertise at the NSA was in intelligence
programs management, arms control and Russian military and political affairs.

During early 2001, Millis was working as the Deputy Chief of Cryptologic Services Group of the CIA, where she briefed the Deputy Director of
Intelligence daily and contributed to Presidents Bush's Daily Brief.
Millis holds a Master in Public Policy from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (->).

Millis resides in Vienna, Virginia, the same city, where official hijackers Saled Alghamdi and Waleed M. Alshehri lived.


Vienna is furthermore home of CIA officers CIA agents Noel E. Firth and James H. Noren and FinCen (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) (-> James
Fl. Sloan ->)

In May 2002, FinCen started "vehemently" to deny a U.N. report that "Mohamed Atta, one of the terrorists involved in the Sept. 11 attack on the World
Trade Center, received a transfer of funds into his U.S. account which was flagged by his bank", while it was already reported different in the official
indictment against Zacarias Moussaoui.



(-> Intellibridge)


BENS-NSA-Linda Millis-Hijacker connection


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(-> BENS)

Bell, Art
Though Art Bell concentrates on the UFO/Fake-UFO Phenomena,
he gave the analysis on Sep11th a chance.

In late October 2002 Bell, "the radio personality famous for his spontaneous and compelling conversations about all things unexplained", announced his
retirement on the radio program of CoastToCoastAM.com.

Coast to Coast AM, the most listened to overnight radio program in the country, was created by Bell in 1993 and aired in 2002 on 525 stations nationwide live
from 1-6 a.m. ET.

Bell, "plagued with ongoing back problems", named regular guest host George Noory as his successor.

Artbell.com was established in 1997 by himself in Pahrump, Nevada.

Contact: [email protected], [email protected]

As reported wrong by ABC and other media agencies,
Bentonite was not an anthrax indicator for Iraq only.

Iraq was falsly accused by ABC News and their "four well-placed and separate sources" to be the only country to use Bentonite and writes wrong, that the
spores had been indicated with bentonite.

(-> Anthrax)

Berger, Sandy
Sandy Berger was former Clinton National Advisor, who warned of a pending terrorist attack in 2001.

The incoming Bush administration in 2001 ignored dire warnings from Berger that Al Qaeda was the major security threat facing the U.S.

Instead, the new administration focused on the war on drugs and even funneled "humanitarian" aid to Taliban-run Afghanistan as a reward for the
fundamentalists' eradication of an opium crop.

However, behind closed doors, as Berger said, that at least one report included a warning that they'd spend a lot of time on Al Qaeda.

Bernadino, Paul
(-> 911pi.com)

Bernhard, Sandra
In March 2002, author Bernhard expressed her opinion that 'Bush is amateurish and self-serving and, frankly, it's disgusting.'

'Everybody is covering their asses with the Enron scandal and it was very convenient that September 11 came along to deflect the fact that they should never
have been in the White House in the first place. What happened at the [presidential] election was completely corrupt.'


Bilderberg Group
The "Bilderberg Meeting" is held every year since 1954, when it was founded in Oosterbeek, Holland's Bilderberg Hotel, by Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands and Joseph Retinger, a 33rd degree Freemason and Jesuit priest, this highly secretive three-day-gathering of Europe and America's most
infuental politicos and wealthiest business leaders consists of networking and meetings on how to run the world better.

Some Bilderberg members had been:

George Soros (->), David Rockefeller, The Queens of the Netherlands and Spain, fomer US Secretary of Defense William Perry (->), former Clinton
adviser George Stephanopoulos, former US Senator Sam Nunn (->), William F. Buckely, Henry Kissinger (->) , World Bank president James Wolfenson,
Jimmy Carter (->), former german chancellor Helmut Kohl, former british prime minister Lord Hume, editors and publishers of Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek,
The Economist, Le Monde, Die ZEIT, TIME, Washington Post, and the New York Times.

A few weeks before Sep11th, 2001 some of the new participants had been:

Lewis, Bernard - Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University (USA)
Nashashibi, Mohammed - Former Roving Ambassador of the Arab League; Finance Minister for Palestine Authority; Author (ISR)
Robertson, George - Secretary General, NATO (INT)
Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman & C.E.O., Novartis AG (->)(Pharmaceuticals) (CH)
Dam, Kenneth S. (->) - Deputy Secretary designate at US Department of the Treasury, New York (USA)

A website, which is not connected to the Bilderberg Group, brings updates about these meetings at

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Website, which is exposing infos about the Bilderberg Members (->) and their annual meetings.

Bilderberg.org was created in 1999 in Bristol, VA, but operates from Virginia.

Billboarding Bush Knew

In November 2002, the canadian activist group Sigacanada, created an electronic billboard, which included the slogan "Bush knew" (->) and mentioned
some 911Skeptic websites incl. globalresearch.ca, unansweredquestions.org and 911pi.com.

The sign was put up on the corner of 9th Ave. and 5th Street in South West Calgary on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 and removed Thursday, November
SIGA was designed to be a network of Christian activists working for peace and fighting the New World Order.


In an unrelated action, some New York activists rolled a fabric shrim "John Ashcroft is watching you" from a house at Broadway/Houston Street.


Bill of Rights Defense Commitee

The Bill of Rights Defense Committee, based in Florence, MA
was inspired by an activist idea of filmmaker Michael Moore (->).
Since Summer 2002, BORDC tried to turn the idea of Homeland Security into a farce, with "turning your town into a Civil Liberties Safe Zone".
At the end of 2002, already 21 US-cities and towns have passed the safe-zone resolutions.

The website was created by Christopher Frankonis.


[email protected]

Binalshibh, Ramzi
Officially Ramzi Binalshibh arranged money transfers to "cell leaders of the Sep11th attack" and lived together with Mohammed Atta at the same address in
Marienstraße 54 in Hamburg.

It was reported, that he tried to get a visa in August 2000 to start a flight license.
After Sep11th he was put on an international watch list.

Binalshibh was arrested almost exactly one year after the attack in Pakistan on September 11th, 2002, which appeared to have been planned.
No new pictures of his face had been released.
Binalshibh was captured at an undisclosed place in the United States.

Instead of this, literally a few hours (!) before the confirmation of the arrest, Al-Jazeera (->)showed an older propaganda video with Binalshibh, rendered
in front of the burning Twin Towers.

In the translation of this video, it was claimed, Binalshibh confirmed the White House as the fifth target, but was mentioning a different code name of the
Building, than the NSA used in their translations.

In fact Binalshibh, was captured at an unknown time, before Sep11th 2002 in Karachi, Pakistan.

A second prisoner "of interest" to U.S intelligence, Umar al-Gharib, was captured in the Karachi raid as well.

Al-Gharib is the brother of an al Qaeda leader named Khallad Tawfiq al-Attash -- one of the suspects in the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in
Yemen (->), which killed 17 U.S. sailors.

(-> Al Quaeda, Mohammad Atef)

(-> Djerba attack)
(-> early warnings)
(-> El Motassadeq, Mounir)
(-> FBI-watchlist)
(-> Moussaoui Indictment)

Bin Laden, Abdullah

(-> World Assembly of Muslim Youth/WAMY)

The Sunday Mirror interviewed a 18-year old son of Bin Laden with this name, who believed in October 2001, that his father was still alive.

Abdullah Bin Laden, son of Bin Laden's fifth wife Sabiha, said his father still insisted he "was not involved in the 11 September mass murder at the World
Trade Centre and the Pentagon"

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Bin Laden, Ahmad

Half-Brother of Osama Bin Laden, who said in an interview with CNN-"20/20", that he is convinced,
that his brother had nothing to do with the Sep11th attacks.

Bin Laden, Ali Ghanem

Mother of Osama Bin Laden.
Ali Ghanem expressed in a march 2002 interview with Herald Sun, that she is convinced he was not responsible for the events of September 11.
The Syrian-born fourth wife of Saudi businessman Mohammed bin Laden lives in a villa in a middle-class suburb of Jeddah (->).

Bin Laden, AS
In February/March 2002, some articles reported on Bin Laden's current wife with the initials "AS", who had lived with bin Laden in Afghanistan, according
to the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper.
The magazine published a photograph of the wife's identity card.
In an interview at an undisclosed place, Bin Laden's "wife" revealed that bin Laden had disagreements with Mullah Mohammed Omar (->), the leader of the
Taliban regime that hosted him in Afghanistan, and feared the Taliban.
On his kidney problems, she said, that "he used to complain of pains in his kidneys and once .. told (her) he was going to Pakistan for treatment," nearly two
months before September 11.

A.S. could stand for "Sabiha", Bin Ladens fifth wife.

Bin Laden, Carmen

Osama's Sister-in-Law, who married one of Osama's 23 brothers, Yeslam (->).
In March 2002, she said in an interview on Bin Laden, "I knew he was religious because he was the only brother who would refuse to see me,"
Carmen Bin Laden said, she had no contact with the bin Laden family in 11 years. By the mid-1980s, Carmen became estranged from her husband.

Bin Laden, Mohammad

Father of Osama Bin Laden, married with Ali Ghanem.
(-> Bin Laden, Ali Ghanem).
Founder of Bin Laden Inc.(->)

Bin Laden, Osama (Usama)

Official Mastermind of the Sep11th attacks.

On September 16th, 2001, Bin Laden said in an interview with Al-Jazeera:

"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation"

In another suppressed interview on Friday, 28 September 2001

with Urdu magazine Ummat, Bin Laden said:

"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States.
As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other
humans as an appreciable act.
Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people.
Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle..."

Bin Laden has denied the involvement on at least one other occasion:
Jamal Ismail, a Palestinian journalist, has said "a bin Laden aide called him after Tuesday's attack" to say bin Laden denied being involved but "thanked
almighty Allah and bowed before him when he heard this news."

Bin Laden did not only give interviews to Ummat and Dawn during the week of Sep11th to Sep 16th, 2001, he faxed a statement to Afghan Islamic Press
(AIP), too. In all three press releases he always denied any involvement in the attack. None of the three interviews had ever been released in any american
media publication.

Since October 2001, nothing is really known about Bin Ladens whereabouts.

In December 2002, Bin Laden was still either dead or alive, sighted at several places worldwide or released his "last will".

Bin Ladens ties with the CIA had been still denied by the agency.


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Bin Laden, Sabiha

Bin Laden's 5th wife.
Maybe connected with "A.S." Bin Laden (->).
As James Woolsey (->) testified in 1998, it is powerful financier Khalid bin Mahfouz' (->) younger sister , who is married to Osama bin Laden.

Khaled bin Mahfouz, brother-in-law of Bin Laden. (-> Arbusto)

(Sources:US Senate, Senate Judiciary

Committee, Federal News Service, 3 Sept. 1998, See also Wayne
Madsen, Questionable Ties, In These Times,12 Nov. 2001 )

Bin Laden, Saleh

Involved in business deals with BAe Systems (->).


Bin Laden, Wafah

Bin Ladens niece, who lived during the Sep11th attack on Spring Street,
in Soho, New York, only some blocks away from the Twin Towers.

On Sep11th, she was on vacation in Switzerland, as reported in the NY Post.

Due to DER SPIEGEL (March 16th, 2003), she moved to London and tried to start a career as a popstar.
Bin Ladin, Yeslam
One of Usama bin Laden's half brothers, who forced the book "Forbidden Truth" (->) to be banned in Switzerland, as his lawyer, Jurg Brand, said in
October 2002.

Binladin is claiming 20 million Swiss francs ($23.73 million) in damages for defamation from the co-authors, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie
(->), and the publishers of the book, Guy Birenbaum and Olivier Rubinstein of Denoel publishing house.

He claims the book falsely says, he "was closely linked to the man blamed by the United States for the September 11 attacks" on New York and Washington.

The German translation of the book, which was due to be published in Switzerland, has been banned at the end of 2002.

Binladin has lived in Switzerland for about 20 years and has held a Swiss passport since 2001.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,3514962%5E15574,00.html

Bin Laden Audiotape

In November 2002, an audio tape with Bin Laden circulated in some media.
Only a few weeks later, BBC reported on some
researchers in Switzerland, who had questioned the authenticity of an audio recording attributed to Osama Bin Laden.

A team from the Lausanne-based Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence, Idiap, said it was 95% certain the tape does not feature the
voice of Bin Laden and is not authentic.


(-> Bin Laden- Home Video)

Bin Laden- Home Video

Osama Bin Laden's famous home video, which was "found" in December 2001, was used for an "evidence" on the Sep11th attack and was originally
translated with the help of "independent" translators.

This seemed to be untrue.

They all had government or military connections (-> Monterey) and got even criticised for their "superficial" job.

This included Christopher Ross, a US Department of State consultant, who admitted, that the English translation was "not accurate confirming that he
replayed the tape fifty times for translation".

MiddleEastWire pointed out, that the congratulating expressions that came in the tape, indicate Bin Ladin was getting a congratulating by the marriage of his
child by Aiman Al-Zawaheri ’s child that completed since four years.

Many other sources speculated about a stand-in for Bin Laden.


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While the Tape seemed to be not fabricated, the translation was obviously wrong.

Pretty odd the reaction of Donald Rumsfeld, who confirmed that the tape was found only "a few weeks ago", which was exactly at the time, when neither
the Northern Alliance nor the US Troops had been arrived yet in Kandahar (where it was officially found) or in Jahlalabad (where it was officially

"...It took some time, and we believe it was done carefully, but we do not stand behind it.
It is not our tape. It is not our translation.
We did the best we could..."
"..Q: What do you mean, you do not stand behind the tape?
Rumsfeld: It is not for me -- I don't speak Arabic..."

" Q:..was it found by U.S. military, the tape?
Rumsfeld: I've said I don't care to get into the subject anymore..."

Noted Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz said "the vile video of Osama bin laden does not necessarily prove the master terrorist's guilt".

The UK Observer asked:

Why had bin Laden broken his tight security to talk?
Why had he not used one of his normally favoured media outlets?
Was the tape genuine? Was this indeed bin Laden at all?

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/september11/story/0,11209,619188,00.html

From an early analysis at Ground Zero Forum (->):

Another speculation circulated, that parts of the conversation on this tape had been based on a conversation from June 2001 on the attack on the USS Cole
and just had been resampled, rearranged and reedited.

Middle East Magazine Markazdawa pointed out, that the use of "We asked" "We expected" and "We calculated" are in fact not the words used as he
actually says "They asked" "They said" "They calculated"..."

Source: http://www.markazdawa.org/English/200112/15-a-inin.htm#2

It was wrong, that Mohammad Atta's last name was mentioned in the video, as many tabloid papers tried to fabricate.

Atta's last name wasn't mentioned in the originally transcript,

which was released worldwide.

In fact, it looked that Bin Laden, as usually, was talking about his favourite prophet, named "Mohammed" (correctly spelled with an "e" in the transcript).

Another point:
If Bin Laden said, "when you hear a breaking news announcement on the radio, kneel immediately, and that means they have hit the World Trade Center",
then it wouldn't fit, once again, with his original description of that day:

First he said:
"...We had finished our work that day and had the radio on.
It was 5:30 p.m. our time..."

This would have been before 8AM in New York Time, and 45 minutes before the first crash into the WTC.

Does that mean that they waited or just listened to the radio?
Keep in mind, that a live broadcast on the radio was impossible.

No radio station or TV was able to show the first crash live,

but later they showed the 2nd crash live.
Another question is unanswered: which radio station did they listen at all in Afghanistan?

Now Bin Laden says:

"..I was sitting with Dr. Ahmad Abu-al.
Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had hit the World Trade Center..."
So this doesn't make sense at that time.

But then he said:

"..We turned the radio station to the news from Washington. The news continued and no mention of the attack until the end.
At the end of the newscast, they reported that a plane just hit the World Trade Center..."

It was well known, that the Taliban has banned every international TV and radio stations.
Which radio station did Bin Laden listen to?

Finally on December 20th 2002, German TV Magazine MONITOR

(Host: Klaus Bednarz/ARD TV)
and two notarised arab speaking specialists incl. Abdel El M. Husseini and orient expert Gernot Ritter came to the conclusion, that the following parts have
been manipulated:

"..We calculated in advance the number of casualties who would be killed.."
The ORIGINAL was however:

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"..We calculated the number of casualties.."

That means the words "in advance" didn't appear in the original and have been added in the text translation transcript

"..We had notification since the previous Thursday that the event would take place that day.."
The ORIGINAL was however:
"..We had notification since Thursday.."
"previous" didn't appear on the original tape.

"..we asked each of them to go to America.."
The ORIGINAL was however:
"..they have been forced..(rest was inaudible!!)
The TV Magazin came to the conclusion, that with the "new correct translation" the tape is no evidence anymore.

The Tape is useless and was manipulated in the translation.
The TV Magazine didn't analyse, if the conversation was overdubbed or sampled.
They didn't investigate the original tape,
which includes a digital timestamp.

The official production date was on November 9th 2001.

A request by hacker magazine 2600.com to analyse this timestamp,

was denied by the Pentagon.
MONITOR received a copy of the original tape by the US-Government


Only 6 hours after an article on MONITOR was released, the Pentagon decided to release "new" parts of the Bin laden video, which then included some
disturbing ties to Saudi Arabia (->).

New Bin Laden Videos appeared during 2002, with even less credibility.

Bin Laden relatives

Only a few days after Sep11th, the FBI allowed some Bin Laden relatives to leave the United States with a plane, missing the opportunity to interrogate them
on Osama.
(-> Palast, Greg)

This oddity was mentioned by Frank Rich of the NY Times, almost 15 months later, when he criticised Bob Woodward's (->) new book "Bush at War":

"...The Saudis are remarkably minor figures. 'We need to know whoever is giving money and deal with them,' says President Bush, who vows to personally
contact the leader of any nation reluctant to cooperate with the crackdown.

But the Saudis' continued resistance to these entreaties goes unreported.

Even odder is that Mr. Woodward's book, for all its you-are-there theatrics in recounting the days after 9/11, makes no mention at all of what happened on
9/18: the administration's collaboration with the Saudis in flying bin Laden family members out of America.

What old/oil boy network pulled those strings in the White House? Why did the F.B.I. not verify whether the fleeing bin Ladens were both personally and
financially estranged from Osama? Neither the Americans nor the Saudis have yet lifted the veil on this dead-of-night exodus..."


Bin Laden Tape 2003

After the announcement of a new peace plan of Germany and France, only a few days later,
on February 11th, 2003, all for a sudden, a new audio tape by Bin Laden was aired by the Qatar-based TV station al-Jazeera.
First the station denied that it had such a bin Laden message and said that it was a rumor that has been circulating for several weeks. Then they confirmed
and broacasted it.
One day later it was reported, that there was yet another video.
On February 13th, the Guardian reported, that the US knew about the latest bin Laden tape five days before it was broadcast.
This may clear up the mystery of how Colin Powell, the US secretary of state, had access to a transcript of the tape long before staff at al-Jazeera even
became aware of its existence. Early on Tuesday Mr Powell told a Senate panel that the tape provided evidence of Bin Laden's "partnership with Iraq" and
would be shown by the Arab channel later that day.
A MSNBC article was scrubbed to clear this message.

BinLadin Group
Construction company by the Bin Laden Family with many ties to the oil- and military industry.
Profits from the "war on terrorism" as a partner of the Carlyle Group (->).
Osama is one of more than 50 children of Mohammed bin Laden (->), who built the family's $5 billion business, Saudi Binladin Group, largely with
construction contracts from the Saudi government.

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After the 1996 truck bombing in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that killed 19 U.S. servicemen, Saudi Binladin Group built military barracks and airfields for U.S.

Source: Wall Street Journal


The BinLadin Group (BLG) partnered with the Iridium/Motorola Satellite Project.

Another partner of BLG was Bredero-Shaw (->), which is a Halliburton company, former CEO of Halliburton was Vice-President Dick Cheney.
Yet another link to Halliburton is pipeline constructor H. C. Price, who built both pipelines together for the Bin Laden Group or ENRON (->).


bin Mahfouz, Khaled

(-> Mahfouz, Khaled Bin)

Bio Attacks
In February 2002, Cuba accused the United States of Bio Attacks.

In October 2001, the anthrax attack was officially explained as the first Bio- Terror Attack on US-Citizens.

(-> Anthrax)
(-> Dark Winter)
(-> Silent Vector)
(-> Terror Exercices)

BioPort, a BioScience company, is located in Lansing, Michigan.

Formerly "Michigan Biologics Products Institute MBPI", Bioport was founded by Fuad al-Hibri (Ex-Porton International UK), who had many saudi arabian
(->) business contacts and Admiral William Crowe (->), 76, former military chief under President Ronald Reagan.

The purpose of Bioport was to develop anti bio agents.

BioPort signed a contract with the Department of Defense (->DoD) in 1998 to develop vaccines against anthrax in the "next 3 years".

The vaccines should have been available in 2001.

Bioport received a $50 million contract for developing AVA

(Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed) for 2.5 million US Soldiers.

According to ABC News reporter Howard L. Rosenberg,

"BioPort Corp. was created solely to take over the assets of Michigan Biologic Products Institute by Admiral Crowe, his partners in a company called
Intervac L.L.C. and a group of former managers of the Michigan-based institute."

It is Intervac that has the most interesting history here. According to Crowe’s associate and spokesman, Jay Coupe, Crowe owns 22.5 percent of Intervac
shares, although he hasn’t "invested a penny" in the venture.

Another 30 percent of Intervac shares are owned by Nancy El-Hibri, a mother and homemaker in suburban Maryland and the rest of the company is in the
hands of "I&F Holdings," a company directed by Nancy El-Hibri’s father-in-law, Ibrahim El-Hibri, a Venezuelan citizen, and her husband, Fuad El-Hibri, a
German citizen of Lebanese descent.

According to Coupe, when Crowe returned from England in 1997, he was approached by Fuad El-Hibri’s father, Ibrahim El-Hibri. The elder El-Hibri,
whom the admiral had met a decade before, invited Crowe to serve on the board of Intervac."

A stockholder of BioPort Corp., is the Bin Laden Group, some 24

family members of which were whisked out of the U.S., on "safety" reasons
by the secret political police, the FBI, following the September 11, 2001

From a testimony in December 2001 by Henry J. Hyde, Chairman Committee on International Relations -U.S. House of Representatives
(From 1985 to 1991, Hyde served as the ranking Republican on the House Select Committee on Intelligence):

"...By a process reminiscent of Haydon-Baillie’s creation of Porton International, in 1998 Ibrahim and Fuad El-Hibri and Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., who
had just returned from a posting as ambassador to the United Kingdom, created BioPort Corporation, which acquired the State of Michigan’s Biological
Products Laboratory, the principal function of which was the production of anthrax vaccine for the U.S. Department of Defense..."


According to an original story published on December 1, 2001 by the Pakistan News Service, documents originating from the US Defense Department that
referred to Bioport, Inc. were found in the possession of Bin Laden related associates in Kabul, Afghanistan.

According to Bioport spokeswoman Kim Brennen Root, "the document was a report on the environmental impact of renovations to our Lansing, Michigan
plant, not a 'how-to' manual on making the vaccine."

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On January 17th, 2002, it was reported, that Bioport was finally cleared to Make Anthrax Vaccine, almost 3 months after the attacks.

In October 2001, instead of Bioport, BAYER (->) distributed their anthrax vaccine Cipro (->)


(-> Alibek, Ken)

(-> American Type Culture Collection)
(-> Anthrax)
(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)
(-> Anthrax-Suspects)
(-> Battelle)
(-> Hatfill, Stephen)
(-> HomelandHealth.com)
(-> IG Farben)
(-> PMCs)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)
(-> Tetrahedron.org
(-> Thompson, Tommy)

(-> Alibek, Ken)

BioTerror Scenarios
While the US government still claimed in late 2002, that September 11th was the result of "incompetence", they never reported on their competent 10-12
(Bio)-Terror-Scenarios, which took place between 2000 and 2001.
The most succesful one was Dark Winter (->).

(-> Terror Scenarios)

Bio Weapon Convention

Due to the Bio Weapon Convention and Carnegie Endowment for interational peace, the United States ignored two years in a row, since their "war on
terrorism" started, that they still have biological stockpiles.

Bishop, Charles
On January 5th 2002, 15 year old Charles Bishop crashed with his Cessna into the Bank of America in Tampa, Florida, officially to support his alleged “idol”
Osama Bin Laden.

Investigative journalist Joe Vialls (->) thinks, that "Bishop was probably dead long before his aircraft hit the Bank of America.

A Coastguard helicopter patrolling in the local area actually flew alongside the Cessna in an attempt to force the pilot to land, but without success. In the
words of the helicopter pilot: “He [Bishop] sat motionless at the controls. He would not look at the helicopter, nor would he respond to radio or hand signals
telling him to land his aircraft”.

Vialls conclusion was, that this Cessna was remote controlled.

The only purpose of this flight was to promote "suicide missions" for Bin Laden.

Black, Lord Conrad

Owner of Hollinger Inc. (->)

Lord Black currently serves as the Chairman and as a Director of Telegraph Group Limited, London, U.K., and as a Director of the Jerusalem Post, The
Spectator (London); of Brascan Limited and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, both of which are public reporting companies in Canada, and as a
director of Sotheby's Holdings, Inc. Conrad Black is Chairman of the Advisory Board of The National Interest (Washington) and a member of the
International Advisory Board of The Council on Foreign Relations (-> CFR New York).

His wife Barbara Amiel has served as Vice President, Editorial since September 1995 and as a Director since February 1996. After an extensive career in
both on and off-camera television production, Mrs. Black was the editor of The Toronto Sun from 1983 to 1985, a columnist of The Times and senior
political columnist of The Sunday Times of London from 1986 to 1994 and The Telegraph from 1994 to 1998.

Black Boxes
Officially all Black Boxes from the planes of the Sep11th-attack had been destroyed.
However in some conflicting articles, 2 Black Boxes had been found and classified.


(-> Lawsuits)
(-> tomflocco.com )

Black Hole

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The so called "black hole" refers to a picture, which shows a hole outside the attacked North Twin Tower, where one can recognise, that the fire didn't burn
anymore. This points on the fact, that there wasn't enough oxygen to increase the fire.

This official photo didn't appear again in the media, but circulated heavily on the internet.


(-> Twin Towers, attack)

(-> Melting Steel)

Blackopradio.com is a radio show, hosted by Anita Langley and Len Osanic.
Their topics involve disclosing oppressed facts on the US-Government.
In 2002, they brought reports on Henry Kissinger, the arrestment of photographer Mike Maginnis (->) in front of Dick Cheney's house, War protest
coverage, the investigation on anthrax-suspect Steven J. Hatfill (->) and the petition regarding 911 by Lori Price (->).

Contact: [email protected]

Blackstone Group
The Blackstone Group, a private investment bank, was founded in 1985 by Peter G. Peterson (->) and Stephen A. Schwarzman and is specialised in real
estate, mergers and aquisitions or investing marketing.
Blackstone has many international ties to various governments and military companies, i.e in London.
They're involved in thinktanks advising the US Government.

Peterson is chairman of the CFR (->), Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, founding Chairman of the Institute for International Economics
(Washington, D.C.) and founding President of The Concord Coalition (->).

Prior to founding Blackstone, Mr. Peterson was Chairman and

CEO of Lehman Brothers (1973–1977) and later the
Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc.
Prior to joining Lehman Brothers, Mr. Peterson served as
Ambassador and Personal Representative to President
Richard Nixon.

Schwarzman, President, CEO and Co-Founder of The Blackstone Group, is member of the CFR and on the boards of the New York Public Library, the JP
Morgan Chase National Advisory Board and the New York City Partnership Board of Directors.

In 1978 he was elected Managing Director for Lehman Brothers at the age of 31.

In October 2002, Blackstone was joined by former Credit Suisse First Boston Hamilton E. James.

(-> Philip A. Odeen)

In late 2002, Robert L. Friedman of the Blackstone Group, was involved in a school book publisher deal with Houghton Mifflin (Vivendi Universal).

The Blackstone Group is a subsidiary of TRW (->).

In November 2002, Blackstone bought the automative business by TRW, which formerly belonged to Northrop Grumman (->).

Since October 2000, Blackstone had the mortgage on Building 7 (->), which collapsed on Sep11th, 2001.
It destroyed offices of the DoD and the CIA.


The Blackstone Group

(-> BENS)
(-> Carlyle Group)
(-> Controlled Collapse)
(-> Mawn, Barry)
(-> PMCs)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)
(-> TWA 800)

Blair, Tony
Tony Blair, President Bush's most important ally in the "war on terrorism",
is Chairman of Carlyle Europe (->).
During his partnership with Bush he tried to downplay some private conflicts with Indian steel tycoon Lakshmi N Mittal.


In March 2003, Blair reached a new climax of criticism. A parliament member, Clare Short warned him, that she will quit the cabinet if there is no second
UN resolution on a war in Iraq.
In case of an "illegal war", Blair should resign, as many parliament members claimed.

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The "Public Interest Lawyers" announced a lawsuit against Blair, if he would support a beginning of the war against Iraq.
(-> Iraq)
(-> Bustani, Jose)

Blix, Hans
In late 2002, Hans Blix was appointed as chief UN inspector in Iraq,
instead of the fanatic Rolf Efeus.

On December 6th, 2002, Hans Blix, urged the United States to share secret intelligence to help in the search for Iraqi arms sites.

He noted, in comments to reporters, that only the inspectors had the authority to look inside potential Iraqi arms facilities, and he appealed to Washington to
give him better information about where to look.

In late December 2002 Blix received a list of 500 iraqi scientists for interviews.

Instead of Bush's opinion, Blix claimed, he thinks, that a war against Iraq was not inevitable.

In January 2003, some papers wrote, that Blix was involved in a pedophelia investigation.
Leftwingers suggested, this was part of a smear campaign.

Blockbush.com is part of the "New York Coalition against the Bush Agenda", who is opposing the "extreme conservative agenda".

Blockbush.com is supporting moveon.org, democrats.com, democracymarch.org, legitgov.org (Citizens For Legitimate Government) , International Action
Center (-> ANSWER) and many other activist groups.

Blockbush.com was created in June 2001 by Morrigan, Inc. in Fallsburg, New York.

Contact: [email protected]

Blogspot is an independent webspace project, which is cooperating with many different Open Source Projects.

During 2001-2002, they hosted many progressive and investigative articles and websites on Sep11th.

Most famous in that context became

http://www.xymphora.blogspot.com (->Xymphora)

Blogspot mirrored LIHOP (->)-articles at

http://deinonychus.blogspot.com/2002_10_01_deinonychus_archive.html ,

Bushita-websites at http://bush-treason.blogspot.com/ or
Political analysis at http://occamstoothbrush.blogspot.com/

(-> Cultdeadcow.com)

Bloomberg, Michael
Michael Bloomberg became mayor of New York in 2002.

In May 2002, he said, that "it’s unfair to blame President Bush for not passing on information about a possible terrorist strike".
Instead of analysing the role of the airport of Newark, where some of the official hijackers departed, he concentrated on Boston only:
"we should not have had the security lapses at the Boston airport"

Bloomberg was the boss of Paul Wolfowitz (->) at Johns Hopkins Institute (->).

Wolfowitz in an interview in May 2002:

"When I was a Dean at Johns Hopkins University he was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees"

Bloomberg made the absurd claim, that the structural steel from the WTC, wasn't needed as evidence in an investigation, because "these days it can all be
done with computer models".

(-> Brzezinski, Zbigniew)
(-> CFR)
(-> Collapse, Twin Towers)
(-> Embry-Riddle)
(-> Johns Hopkins Institute)
(-> Northwoods)
(-> Pentagon-Crash)
(-> PNAC )
(-> War was planned)

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Blue Triangle
Blue Triangle is a civil rights group, which is based in Dearborn, Michigan.

The purpose of Blue Triangle is to to defend the violated human rights and constitutional rights of many muslims, who got arrested since Sep11th, 2001. Their
website informs on secret hearings, FBI's tracking program and secret deportation hearings.


Contact: [email protected]

(-> Detainees, Missing)

Bodine, Barbara
In 2001-2002, Barbara Bodine was US ambassador to Yemen.

It is confirmed, that in 2001, she forbade former FBI Anti-Terror specialist John O'Neill (->) and his team of "so- called Rambos" (as the Yemeni authorities
called them) from reentering Yemen to investigate on terror ties.

In August 2001, O'Neill resigned in frustration and took up a new job as head of security at the World Trade Centre. He died in the September 11th attack.

Member of the "big 4" besides Sandia (->), Raytheon (->) and TRW.
(-> Boeing Integrated Defense Systems)

Boeing Integrated Defense Systems

Boeing Integrate Defense Systems (IDS) is the military program of Boeing.
Their headquarter is located in St. Louis, Missouri.


The IDS is organised by Jim Albaugh, president and chief executive officer, who shares the last name of Joe Albaugh, director of the FEMA (->), who once
replaced James Lee Witt.

The IDS is developer of the Joint Tactical Radio Systems (->) and distributor of other products or services like the 737-700 Airborne Early Warning &
Control System, Airborne Laser, Boeing Satellite Systems, F-15 Eagles, F-22 Raptors (partnering with Lockheed), the GPS System, the International Space
Station for the NASA, the Space Shuttle, unmanned Combat Air Vehicles or the V-22 Osprey aircraft.

Among other partners of the IDS is the SAIC (->) and DARPA.

(->Project Bojinka)

Speculative website from Denmark on a missile nearby the Twin Towers on Sep11th.
Furthermore they complie informations on a possible controlled collapse.
Due to one of the most valuable specialists on the Twin Towers collapse, Plaguepuppy (->),
he came to the conclusion, that it was "a total bust. Most of it was just rubbish, hand-held camera shots of books and magazines about conspiracy stuff while
(author) talks in Danish. The few actual video clips were taken with a video camera pointed at a TV, and all of it was shots that are available elsewhere."

(-> Controlled Collapse, Twin Towers)
(-> Denmark)

Booker Elementary
Booker Elementary is the name of the school, where President Bush was sitting at the morning of Sep11th and "doing nothing" for 25 minutes.

In late 2001, GROUND ZERO Forum (->) found the original footage of this event, filmed and edited by someone of the school itself, on their website.

GZ mirrored this video on its server and promoted it worldwide.

Other websites followed this example and turned the Booker Elementary into a "Zapruder 2001-2002".

In Summer 2002, GZ and SGTV (ShadowGovernment TV ->) worked on an idea to synchronise this video together with a french documentation on the
events in New York, based on a timeline.

SGTV produced NO.1 and added some other reports into it, i.e. from the UQ-press conference in June or samples from an interview with Peter Dale Scott,
produced by Guerrilla News Network (->).

Almost at the same time, Symbolman (->) had the same idea using the Booker Elementary footage and turn it into a flash animation.

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President Bush claimed after the attack, that he saw the first plane crash live on TV, which was impossible.
Even without this statement, it was already proven, that he knew on the first attack, before he even arrived at the school.

Instead of cancelling this event, he decided to enter the classroom.

He didn't react after Andrew Card told him about the second crash.

Bush later confirmed in May 2002, he had prior knowledge on an attack on america.
Implying this knowledge, why didn't he react and give sudden decisions?


Mostly unknown- the official reason to visit Booker Elementary on that day, to announce a new reading initiative, is based on wrong facts.

Some weeks earlier, as told by the minister of education, Rod Paige,

Bush visited with Paige already the Griegos Elementary School to support this iniative.

(-> 911-commission)

On September 4th 2001, Paige didn't know about further visits:


(-> Bush knew)

(-> early warnings)

Video of Booker Elementary event and the remastered version:


http://globalfreepress.com/movs/911/DUTV-BUSHWTC.small.mov - 19.4mb

http://globalfreepress.com/movs/911/DUTV-BUSHWTC.small.mov.gz - 17.7mb

(17mb/12 frames/sec) -new version
(17mb/12 frames/sec) -new version

Original link as quicktime:




Two Minutes, Ten Seconds


Another good face- and time analysis is at


Latest remakes :


Mirror Relaunch:

Booz, Allen & Hamilton

Booz Allen, a global leader in strategy and technology consulting, is a private company with corporate headquarters in McLean, Virginia.
Dr. Ralph Shrader is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company.

On August 15th 2002, Dale Watson, former FBIHQ started a job with Booz Allen Hamilton, to join his friend Woolsey (ex-CIA-director).

R. James Woolsey (->) joined Booz Allen already as Vice President on July 15th, 2002.


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"Woolsey's expertise will enhance the firm's Global Strategic Security practice."


(-> Magic Lantern)

(-> Bill of Rights Defense Committee )

Boren, David L.
David L. Boren, former CIA, is currently working at the University of Norman, Oklahoma (->).

Boren and Tenet (->) spent a breakfast together at the morning of Sep11th.

The pair met in St. Regis Hotel, three blocks from the White House and had a "leisurely breakfast" together on the morning of 9/11, when Tenet received the
phone call about the attack.
"Their omelettes had just arrived when Tenet's security detail descended with a cell phone"

Not much is known, if they met already during the evening of Sep10th.

For odd reasons, Boren lives in the same city, where Zacarias Moussaoui (->) took some flight lessons.

(-> Oklahoma/911-Ties)

Boston played an important logistic role in the Sep11th attacks and combined some odd coincidences.
More at (->) Massachussetts-Connection.

Here are some of the Boston-ties,

which had been originally released on Ground Zero Forum NYC in June 2002:

Boston Logan is connected to Westfield (->), who finished a lease with the Twin Towers a few weeks before the attack.

There is another connection between the other owner of the Twin Towers, (Larry Silverstein Properties was one of them) and Westfield America and the
airports from which the planes originated.

Financial Times Limited, September 14, 2001:

"The owners of the demolished World Trade Center in lower Manhattan acquired the buildings just two months ago under a 99-year lease allowing them to
walk away from their investment in the event of 'an act of terrorism.'

The owners, Silverstein Properties and Westfield America - a shopping mall specialist - purchased the buildings from the Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey for $3.2bn in July and completed the financing just two weeks ago ..."

Westfield managed the retail concessions at Boston-Logan International Airport, Newark International Airport, Orlando International Airport, Ronald
Reagan Washington National Airport, San Antonio International Airport, and Washington Dulles International Airport.

This means, Westfield was connected with all four "hijacker" departments!

flight 11 BOSTON, MA, TO LOS
flight 175 BOSTON, MA, TO LOS

flight 93 NEWARK, NJ, TO SAN
FRANCISCO, CA ===>Pennsylvannia

VA, TO LOS ANGELES, CA ===>Pentagon

The airport statistics on the Westpoint Properties:

Boston-Logan International Airport
Leasable Retail Space 16,000 square feet

Newark International Airport

Leasable Retail Space 100,000 square feet

Washington Dulles International Airport

Leasable Retail Space 23,000 square feet

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"Supervisory Special Agent David Frasca (->)" (SSA),
the same guy, who ignored FBI agents Kenneth Williams' (->) memo,
shares his last name with the lawyer company Frasca Associates of Massport (Boston).

Barry Mawn (->), who classified the passpord in the rubble by Satam Al Suquami, tried to get a job at Massport. He later resigned in March 2002.

Finally a report in June 2002 by NandoTimes revealed, that the report on security at Boston was altered.

Report on security at Boston airport was altered, newspaper says
The Associated Press

BOSTON (June 18, 2002 10:40 a.m. EDT) -

"...A consultant hired to independently evaluate Logan Airport security procedures leading up to Sept. 11 reportedly removed tough criticism of the
Massachusetts Port Authority after a three-hour meeting with the agency's general counsel.
The Boston Globe reported the change in its Tuesday edition.
An initial report addressed whether airport and agency officials were sufficiently responsive to warnings about possible lapses in security procedures. That
report blamed bureaucratic infighting for delays in installing security improvements.

The Globe had reported in March that the consultant, Counter Technology Inc., significantly watered down its initial report before making its final
submission to Massport, which runs the Logan Airport. Massport said in a statement that at no time did it require CTI to "either reach or avoid certain

But paperwork submitted to Logan for payment of CTI's chief investigator, Michael Beairsto, indicates he changed his report after meeting Nov. 7 with the
airport's general counsel, billing the agency for "revisions."

A Boston Globe report revealed a story on an unidentified muslim on Saturday, Sept. 8, who visited the Logan Airport tower for 15 minutes, three days
before two flights from Logan were hijacked.
He identified himself to controllers as an airline pilot with family in Afghanistan and lived in Havervill, Massachusetts.
Furthermore, on the same day, four other men, all described by an official familiar with the incident as ''Middle Eastern,'' approached another controller and
inquired about getting a tour of the tower.

In May 2002 Whitley Strieber, an UFO author (Coming Global Superstorm, UFO Briefing Document) reported on a "witness" and friend, who told him, that
he "had been staying at the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston on the nights of September 10 and 11 told (him) that the FBI had cleared the hotel on the morning of
Monday, September 10, at about four AM, and had searched it".

Nabil Al-Marabh (->) (Boston-connection)

FOX TV reported on some Oklahoma Bombing-Boston-911-Ties.

(-> Oklahoma-911-Ties)

Boucher, Richard
(-> Noman, Abdullah)

Boyle, Francis Professor

Professor Francis Boyle became the first time interesting for the 911Skeptics in early 2002, when he continued to support Barbara Rosenberg (->) of the
Federation of American Scientists, proving that the anthrax of October 2001 was homegrown and the attacks had been a military operation.

Boyle is human rights lawyer and a professor of law at the University of Illinois.
He is the author of "The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence", in 2001 published by Clarity Press.

He studied many different biowarfare contracts, which "safety levels were atrocious" .

In April 2002, he released the article "BioWarfare, Terror Weapons and the US Home Brew?" on Counterpunch.

October 11, 2002 :

"George W. Bush was never elected President by the People of the
United States of America. Instead, he was anointed for that Office by
five Justices of the United States Supreme Court who themselves had
been appointed by Republican Presidents. Bush Jr.'s installation was
an act of judicial usurpation of the American Constitution that was
unprecedented in the history of the American Republic"

Boyle often claimed that President George W. Bush

and Attorney General John Ashcroft are

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attempting to transform the United States into a police state.

On November, 2nd 2002, he started the campaign "Impeach President George W. Bush", which included Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft.
on http://globalresearch.ca/articles/BOY211A.html , only a few days before the election day.

"...we are trying to get one MOC who voted against war to support introducing our Bill of Impeachment against Bush et al into the House in order to prevent
this war of aggression against Iraq..."

His committee is supported by Cynthia McKinney (->).

In January 2003, the Impeachment Campaign was promoted in some media:


(Interview with Professor Boyle)

Bracken, Len
Novelist, biographer, amateur historian, translator, and underground essayist.

In its September 4th-10th issue, the Village Voice reviewed his 2002 book "Shadow Government" (http://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com), in which he
explains, "why Bush White House and Pentagon officials plotted to kill thousands in an "indirect defense attack" on September 11—and how they plan to
profit off such monstrous self-sabotage:

"a potential $15 billion in insider stock trades, the expected construction of a lucrative, Houston-sponsored pipeline across Afghanistan; and the passage of
pro-policing bills like the USA Patriot Act, among other nefarious objectives."



Patriotic and critical website, which analyses the systematic "brainwash methods" of Washington.
In December 2002 they supported the Freedom Information Act, to release the original document of Project Northwoods (->).

Brainwashington.com was created by Maple Fink.

Bramford, James
Author and journalist, who reported on "Operation Northwoods" (->) and released parts of it in his book "Body of Secrets".

This website is run by the Rebel Intelligence Unit (RIU) of the Resistance.
Most interested in adopting a symbol for the Resistance.

Breakyourchains.org was created in February 2002 by Stephen Devoy in Austin, TX.

Contact: [email protected]

Bredaro-Shaw Group
In 1996, Dresser Industries and Shaw Industries merged their pipecoating businesses to form Bredaro-Shaw Group. H.C. Price, a major builder of pipelines,
and one of Saudi Binladen's joint venture partners, became part of Bredaro-Shaw.
Halliburton acquired Dresser in 1998. George H.W. Bush's father, Prescott, was the managing director of Brown Brothers Harriman, which previously
owned Dresser.
Dresser Industries gave George H.W. Bush his first job in 1948.
Dick Cheney orchestrated the Dresser and Bredaro-Shaw acquisitions.

Both Halliburton, and its subsidiary Brown & Root, have deep ties to the CIA and the military.
The company has been involved in US military conflicts in Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Chechnya, Pakistan, Colombia and Rwanda. Brown &
Root builds oil rigs, pipelines, wells, and nuclear reactors. It does not appear to be a simple case of coincidence that Saudi Binladin, a long time business
partner with the Bush family, has a partnership with a Dick Cheney-affiliated Halliburton that works with Enron (->).

Breitwieser, Kristen
One of the first 911victims, who filed a lawsuit against the US government regarding the Sep11th attacks.
She became famous worldwide, when she was interviewed by Phil Donahue (->).

Breitwieser appeared at the second 911-hearings (->) and gave various interviews, which had been hidden in US-Papers.
She supported an independent 911-commission (->)

In October 2002, the NY Post released a letter of her to the editor:

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"In fact, to limit the scope and duration of a commission so that it cannot thoroughly examine fault, to limit its subpoena power so that information and
answers are not forthcoming, and to insist upon having the president nominate the chairman, who will control the commission's agenda, smacks of "paralysis
and politics."

The Sept. 11 families and this country deserve nothing less than the unfettered truth.
After Sept. 11, the preservation of life should supplant politics."

After Henry Kissinger (->) resigned in December 2002 as head of the 911-commission, she reaffirmed her "belief that the commission needs to be pure,
transparent and purely independent."


Brisard + Dasquie
(-> Brisard, Jean-Charles)

Brisard, Jean-Charles
Jean-Charles Brisard is one of the two co-authors of "Forbidden Truth", which basically claimed, that the War against the Taliban was already planned since
1998 to get an oilpipeline.

The other author is Guillaume Dasquie. Both insist, that their research is based on facts.
Forbidden Truth includes an interview with FBI anti-terror specialist John O'Neill, which took place only a few weeks before he died in the Twin Towers.
His death was ignored by US Media.
For odd reasons, he wasn't mentioned as a "hero".

The book contains statements of John O' Neill, that he felt sabotaged by the FBIHQ, which would have been Dale Watson and James Chiaradio, and his own
boss, Louis Feeh, which was later replaced by Thomas Pickard.

On April 29th, Brisard gave an interview to democrats.com:

"...In an exclusive interview with Democrats.com, French intelligence analyst Jean-Charles Brisard, co-author with Guillaume Dasquie of Bin Laden: The
Hidden Truth said they stand by their version of events first published last November, that the September 11 attacks followed the breakdown of secret
negotiations between the U.S. and the Taliban.


Brisard's book, "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth," made headlines in France, alleging that the Bush and Clinton administrations put oil and politics before
security in the months preceding the attacks.

Niaz Naik, a member of the Pakistani delegation to the U.N. talks is the one source claiming a threat was made to the Taliban.

On August 13th, 2002, Phil Donahue (->)(MSNBC) interviewed the authors in his show.

Bristol Myers-Squibb
"America's worldwide pusher of synthetic drugs, baby formula, beauty products, and household cleaners, from Bufferin and Excedrin to Clairol, Drano, and
Enfamil infant formula, which has earned B-MS the enmity of many a mom:

Boycotted for the way it's pushed its baby formula on poor mothers, in 1998 Bristol-Myers settled a class-action lawsuit (with two other companies) after
being accused of price-fixing their Enfamil formula (though they were not found guilty).

During WWII , Bristol-Myers Squibb supplied Penicillin and Morphine to the troops.

In the 1990s, the company developed the AIDS drug DDI, one of the AIDS cocktails.

CEO Richard Gelb and his brother, company president Bruce Gelb, are both staunch Republican and close friend of George Bush Sr.

Bruce left Bristol-Myers in 1989 to head the US Information Agency and later served as ambassador to Belgium during the Bush Sr. administration.
The Gelb brothers founded Clairol, and both attended the exclusive Philips Academy with Bush and later Yale as well (where Bush and Richard graduated
the same class, 1948-leading to the likelihood that Dick Gelb was a member of the Skull + Bones secret society)"

Bristol-Myers was one of the companies, who profited from the Anthrax-"Attacks" and got a big percentage of the "$3 billion on biodefense".

(In 2000) Bristol-Myers "has contributed just under $650,000 in soft money, PAC and individual contributions to federal parties and candidates, 78 percent to
Republicans. The latest installment: a $250,000 check the company contributed to the NRSC on Oct. 22-just days after the Senate approved its version of the


In February 2002, Thomas Pickard (ex-FBI) started to work for Bristol Meyers Squibb.

Britannia Aviation
(-> Huffmann Aviation)

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Brouillet, Carol
Living in San Francisco, Brouillet was maybe the very first real "911-Activist" of the 911-Skepticism Movement.

Already on January 8th, 2002 Brouillet organized a public march delegation to their Senator’s office of Diane Feinstein to demand an inquiry of 9-11.

This continued the discussion on the irregularities of the Sep11th attack and a demand on an independent and public 911-commission.

The San Francoisco 911Skeptic scene is one of the biggest in the United States.

Among their supporters are many people, who run their own websites or support public events.
i.e. : Larry Chin, Bonnie Faulkner, Don Paul, Kellia Remares, Ed Rippy, Eric Salter, Maya Shone and many more.

Brouillet is well respected among the 911Skeptic movement.

In Autumn 2002, Carol Brouillet started to support 911pi.com (->) and some 911-strategy lists.

She had been active at the January 18th, 2002 protest in San Francisco.

Matthias Broeckers (author at Telepolis.de) is one of the few german-born specialists,
who tried to challenge the official version of Sep11th.

Besides him, only Medienanalyse-international.com and Andreas v. Bulow made some headlines.

However Broeckers is the only one, who even wrote a book, which became a best seller.

His weekly colums became already popular on telepolis.de.

Finally, in Summer 2002, "Verschwörungen, Verschwörungstheorien und das Geheimnis des 11.9. " was released (Verlag Zweitausendeins).

"Verschwoerungen" (conspiracies) included parts of the Top500 FAQ by ewing2001 (->)


Broeckers.com was created in October 2001 by Mathias Broeckers in Berlin, Germany.

In late 2002, Broeckers started to think about a cooperation with medienanalyse.org

At the end of 2002, Broeckers book was already sold 125.000x

Broeckers, Matthias
(-> Broeckers.com)

Brookings Institute

Brown, Harold
(-> Armitage, Richard)
(-> Defense Policy Board)
(-> Hauer, Jerome -> "Independent Task Force on America's Response to Terrorism" at the CFR)
(-> Virginia-Connection -> RAND Corporation)
(-> Perle, Richard -> Hollinger -> Daily Telegraph)

Brown, John
Second US State Department Official, within two weeks in March 2003, who resigned, as a protest on the pending war plans against Iraq.
John Brown, a diplomat-in-residence at Georgetown University in Washington, submitted his resignation, effective immediately, in a letter to Secretary of
State Colin Powell, State Department spokeswoman Anne Marks said. ``It is my understanding that Mr. Brown has left the State Department because of
differences with the administration's policy in Iraq,'' Marks said.

Brown, Mayor Willie

Mayor Brown was called eight hours before the attack and was
warned that "Americans should be cautious in their travel."
He cancelled his flights.

From an article on September 12, 2001:

"For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a
full eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist attacks -- advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel."

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Bruni, Frank
In 2002, New York Times writer Frank Bruni released the book "Ambling Through History", an account of Bush's 2000 presidential campaign, which begins
with an account of a memorial service Bush attended for seven people killed in a church shooting in 1999.

Brugruiere, Jean-Louis
(-> Moussaoui, Habib Zacarias)

Bryant, Johnelle
In Mid 2002, some US-papers promoted a story on Johnelle Bryant, officially an employee of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Johnelle Bryant claimed in this story, she was "face to face with Mohamed Atta". (original wrong spelling!)

As investigated by Ground Zero Forum NYC (->) she claimed, that she is "a formal manager at, for a farm service agency. It's a agency, part of the United
States Department of Agriculture.
And my office is located in Homestead, Florida. But my servicing area includes: Dade County, Broward County, and Palm Beach County, and, and Monroe


Fact is, that Homestead is responsible for these counties, but Bryant is not working there and never worked there in the last few years.
Responsible for this are Steve Berk, David Legg, Gregory Caruthers and Jerome Harris.

This website was edited with a very old editor:

Microsoft FrontPage =4.0
It looked, like it wasn't updated in a long time.

However Johnelle Bryant works in Washington.


She can be found at

This website was last updated on: Tuesday, July 6, 1999

Bryant is listed there under the

Current Advisory Council Members

1400 Independence Ave., SW

Room 5434
Washington, DC 20250

On June 8th, 2002, Ground Zero Forum NYC called her up and heard this message on her mailbox:
"...i'm ...currently ...relocating to Florida... and can be reached under 203 xxx..."

This number was registered for Qemal Rexhepi, in Beacon Falls, CT 06403 ,
a supporter of the so called Presheva Movement, Kosovo/Yugoslawia.

Presheva.com was created in June 2001 by Gezim Selimi in 415 CENTRAL PARK, New York

Bryant claimed, she met Mohammad Atta "between the end of April, around the third week of April to the third week of May of 2000."

That's another lie.

Due to all FBI reports, Atta received his visa on May, 18th 2001
and entered the States on June 3rd, 2001.


And "according to travel records obtained by The Herald, shortly after the attacks, the hijackers first entered the country on multiple-entry tourist visas --
al-Shehhi on May 29, 2000, and Atta on June 3, 2000."


Richard M. Smith of ComputerBytesMan.com wrote on June 19, 2002, that something is very fishy with Johnelle Bryant's story:

"...all other time lines that I have seen show Mohammed Atta arriving in the US for the first time on June 3, 2000. Here's one example for the US Department
of Justice:
The Immigration and Naturalization Service's
Contacts With Two September 11 Terrorists

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A. Atta's first entry - June 3, 2000, Newark, New Jersey

According to INS records, Atta first entered the United States

on June 3, 2000, at Newark International Airport


Bryants story made some press for a while, but her name was never mentioned again.

Bryce, Robert
At the end of 2002, Robert Bryce released his extraordinary book on ENRON: "Pipe dreams".

The Guardian UK described it as "the heady mix of greed, sex and arrogance that produced America's most spectacular financial scandal".
Many independent investigators came to the conclusion, that ENRON's role of sponsoring the campaign of President Bush was important for the time
schedule of the Sep11th attack.

(-> ENRON)

Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Former US president Jimmy Carter's national security advisor and George Bush Sr.'s campaign advisor.

- Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS ->)

- Professor of American Foreign Policy, Johns Hopkins University (->)
- National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter (1977-81)
- Trustee and founder of the Trilateral Commission (->)
- International advisor of several major US/Global corporations
- Associate of Henry Kissinger (->)
- Under Ronald Reagan – member of NSC-Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy
- Under Ronald Reagan – member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
- Past member, Board of Directors, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->)
- 1988 – Co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force.

In 1973, Brzezinski was asked by "Insider" David Rockefeller , to put together an organization of the top political and business leaders from around the

The Result was TC (Trilateral Commission ->), an elitist worldwide organization of "concerned" corporate leaders formed under the guise of fostering
international relations and encouraging the trilateral economic linkage among Japan, Europe and North America.

In his book 'Between Two Ages' Brzezinkski explains that,

‘National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept’, and that ‘Marxism represents a further vital, and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal
vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man, and a victory of reason over belief...’

A majority of 911Skeptics believe, that in case, 911 was a setup (->), it was based on a blueprint by Brzezinsky's most famous book "The Grand
Chessboard", a strategic analysis of Eurasia and its importance to America's drive for global hegemony.

Budiman, Agus
In late November 2001, Agus Budiman, an indonesian driver for a food delivery service, was officially charged for helping another man, Mohammad Bin
Nasser Belfas (->), obtaining a false Virginia driver's license.

FBI special agent Jesus Gomez linked Budiman to three of the hijackers, including suspected ringleader Mohammed Atta, and two others believed to have
close ties to the terrorists.

Budiman's defense attorney, Mark Thrash, characterized the government's case as "smoke and mirrors," saying Budiman had only a passing acquaintance
with the hijackers through a Hamburg mosque. He said there was no evidence that Budiman had shared the hijackers' views about the United States or
known of their plot.

Gomez testified that hijacker Ziad Samir Jarrah (->), who was the official hijacker-pilot of Flight93 (->) used Budiman's name to get into the United States,
and Ramsi Binalshibh (->), a Muslim cleric from Hamburg, twice unsuccessfully tried to use Budiman's name to get into the country.
The FBI says Binalshibh was supposed to be the 20th hijacker on Sept. 11.


From the indictment US v Budiman:

"On or about November 4, 2000, the defendant agreed to assist an unindicted coconspirator to obtain a Virginia identification card from the Virginia
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) by fraudulent means..."
On the same day, Budiman "received a Virginia identification card from agents of the Virginia DMV"


During 2002, it was almost impossible to find updates on Budimans case in the mainstream press, especially on the connection of Virginia DMV and the
strange death of "witness" Katherine Smith (->), who was another employee of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

The only chance was to translate articles on Budiman of http://www.tempo.co.id, who covered his story in 2002 for a couple of months.

Finally in September 2002, Straitstimes revealed, that Budiman was indeed 7 months unguilty in prison and had been cleared of involvement in the terror

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Meanwhile deported to Indonesia, Budiman's lawyer, Mr Wirawan Adnan, said his client was a victim of guilt by association.
US authorities say they had reason to be suspicious of Mr Budiman "because he knew Muhammad Atta" (->).


The US Media described Budiman once as "contact person for Osama bin Laden" and said, that Budiman allowed hijacker Ziad Jarrah to use his address on
his visa application.


The "food service", Budiman was illegally working for, was Takeout Taxi,
"a food delivery service in suburban Washington.
Belfas frequently accompanied him as he drove."

Takeout Taxi is one of those services which delivers for a number of restaurants."


(-> Visa, helping hands)

(-> Boston connection)
(-> Detainees, missing)

Buddy, Buddy
(-> DelCanton)

Buffet, Warren
(-> Offutt-Case)

Building 7
In October 2000, Peter Peterson (chairman, CFR ->) of the Blackstone Group (->), L.P., a military arm of the Carlyle Group (->) and partner of Kissinger
Associates(->) or TRW (->), announced the "mortgage secured by 7 World Trade Center, a commercial office complex controlled by real estate developer
Larry Silverstein (->)"


Building 7 collapsed under strange circumstances at around 5:30 PM in the evening of Sep11th.
Some weeks later, it was revealed that the CIA had an office in the Building.

(-> Blackstone Group)

(-> Collapse, Building 7)
(-> Controlled Cleanup)

Bukhari, Adnan
In the first hours after the attack on the WTC, the FBI accused the wrong guy to be on the passenger list (->), as one of the official hijackers.

His name was Adnan Bukhari, who was still alive and visited the FBI a short time after the attack.
CNN, who reported on his confused identity, released later a correction on their website at

"...Adnan Bukhari's attorney says the identities of a client and his brother may have been stolen by conspirators."

If Bukharis ID had been stolen, why did the FBI not update this possibility on all other 19 hijackers as well?

On September 14, 2001, CNN released their story on Bukhari:

"... Saudi flight engineer Adnan Bukhari ... Federal sources initially identified Bukhari and Ameer Bukhari as possible hijackers who boarded one of the
planes that originated in Boston. The two men were first identified as brothers, but Adnan Bukhari said that was not the case.

Their names had been tied to a car found at an airport in Portland, Maine, but Adnan Bukhari's attorney said it appeared their identifications were stolen and
said Bukhari had no role in the hijackings. A federal law enforcement official said Bukhari passed an FBI polygraph test and is not considered a suspect.

Ameer Bukhari died in a small plane crash in Florida last year, said Adnan Bukhari's attorney..."



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"Planes, Hijackers and Automobiles- Proof of lies and evidence fabrication against the Hijacker suspects of 9-11. "

(-> Bukhari-Mystery)
(-> Tracking all hijackers)

On September 13th, 2001, CNN released this "correction":

"..We would like to correct a report that appeared on CNN. Based on information from multiple law enforcement sources, CNN reported, that Adnan
Bukhari and Ameer Bukhari of Vero Beach Florida, were suspected to be two of the pilots who crashed planes into the World Trade Center. CNN later
learned that Adnan Bukhari is still in Florida, where he was questioned by the FBI.

We are sorry for the misinformation. A federal law enforcement source now tells CNN that Bukhari passed an FBI polygraph and is not considered a
suspect. Through his attorney, Bukhari says that he is helping authorities. Ameer Bukhari died in a small plane crash last year..."


(->Bukhari, Adnan)

Burgess, Jeremy
Former Director of the Bin Ladin Group.

The captain of AA77 (-> Flight 77) was a Navy pilot and anti-terrorist commander,
as reported in the Washington Post on September 16, 2001.

"At Dulles Airport, Capt. Charles Burlingame, who had been a Navy F-4 pilot and once worked on anti-terrorism strategies in the Pentagon, was steering his
757, American Airlines Flight 77, down the runway for the long flight to Los Angeles. Plenty of empty seats in his cabin, like several other cross-country
trips at that hour."

Burns, John
Just two days before the Sep11th-attack, the NY Times published a lengthy and chilling article about Osama Bin Laden by reporter John Burns.

But some time after 9-11, the Times scrubbed this article, replacing it with a completely different article that Burns wrote on 9-12. Both articles discuss a
2-hour videotape by Bin Laden that intelligence agencies first saw in June 2001, but ignored until September 2001.

The article was originally published here:


The original article was mirrored on various websites and included this line:

"Intelligence officials who have analyzed the tape now say it features the fullest exposition yet of Mr. bin Laden's views, as well as his terrorist strategy, and
thus provides a rough road map of where his organization, Al-Qaeda, is headed.

...Vincent Cannistraro, former head of counterterrorist operations for the Central Intelligence Agency, who reviewed the tape, said Mr. bin Laden's
warnings of new attacks should be taken seriously..."

Bush, Barbara
Barbara Bush was Barbara Pierce, when she married George Bush in 1945; he was 20, she was 19.

They had six children:

George W., Robin, John (known as Jeb), Neil, Marvin, and Dorothy.

Robert Koch is an ex-aide to then-Majority Leader Dick Gephardt and

then-Democratic whip Tony Coehlo, who once chaired Al Gore’s (->) campaign.

Bush, Barney
(-> Bush's dog prior knowledge on Bin Laden)

Bush, Dorothy
Dorothy Bush Koch is married to Robert Koch.


Bush, George
Before President Bush became President of the United States, he was more famous for his drug escapades and his company Arbusto (->), which was
established with some help of his father and his ties to saudi arabian oil business and the Carlyle Group (->).

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(-> Arbusto)
(-> Bush Clan)
(-> Harken)

As investigative journalist Greg Palast, BBC (->) found out, the whole election campaign in 2000, including the electronic results in Florida seems to have
been rigged, with the help of the computer company DBT Online (->) and some manipulated voting machines.

Many other people think, that the rigged election and its sponsor, ENRON, was part of the blueprint for the Sep11th attack.

(-> ES+S)
(-> Election, rigged)
(-> ENRON)
(-> Voting Fraud)

Palast was working on his book, "How much money democracy can buy?", when the Sep11th attack happened.

During his research, he already found out before Sep11th, that Bush instructed to stop a FBI- investigation on the Bin Laden Family and their ties to the
Carlyle Group.

President Bush almost agreed to a beginning of the war against the Taliban -already a few days before the attack.

As later came out, and reported in TIME magazine, the whole war was already planned since 1998.

President Bush gave some disturbing statements after Sep11th.

He claimed, he watched the first crash live on TV, which was


In these two transcripts he stated, he thought the first crash was

caused by a "bad pilot".

President Bush finally confirmed on May 16th, 2002,

that he had prior knowledge about an attack with planes.

This revelation created the famous slogan "bush knew" (->)

NOTE: President Bush is mentioned too often in this book,

as that we could refer to every cross reference.

Here are the most important:

(-> 2-Bit Terrorism)

(-> 911-commission)
(-> 911-hearings
(-> 911-Skeptics)
(-> ABM Treaty)
(-> Abdullah Taha Bakhsh)
(-> ACLU)
(-> AirForce 1-Lie)
(-> Ali, Tariq)
(-> Al-Kadi, Yassin)
(-> Al-Quaeda Rescue-Flights)
(-> Anti-War movement)
(-> Aramark)
(-> Arbusto)
(-> Axis of evil)
(-> BCCI)
(-> BENS)
(-> Berger, Sandy)
(-> Billboarding Bush Knew)
(-> Blair, Tony)
(-> Booker Elementary School)
(-> Boyle, Professor Francis)
(-> Brisard, Jean-Charles
(-> Bruni, Frank)
(-> Bush, George Herbert Walker
(-> Bush, Jeb)
(-> Bush, Prescott)
(-> Bush administration)
(-> Bush-clan)
(-> Bush1-Carlyle-Bin laden-ties)
(-> Bush2 from September 10th to September 11th)
(-> Bush vacation Crawford)
(-> Bush's dog prior knowledge on Bin Laden)
(-> Bush Knew)
(-> Butler, Colonel Steve)
(-> Campus-watch.org)
(-> CFR)
(-> Cheney, Dick)
(-> Chomsky, Noam)
(-> Comedy)
(-> Commando Central photos on Sep11th)

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(-> DoD)
(-> early warnings)
(-> ENRON)
(-> First Plane Crash "live" on TV)
(-> G8 Summit)
(-> Harken Energy)
(-> Hitler-comparison)
(-> Hit the Trifecta)
(-> Howard, John)
(-> Hughes, Karen)
(-> Impeach Bush)
(-> Investigations, blocked)
(-> Iran-Contra)
(-> Iraq)
(-> JudicialWatch.org)
(-> Khalilzad, Zalmay )
(-> Kissinger, Henry)
(-> Lawsuits)
(-> Limit 911-Probes)
(-> Lockheed)
(-> Longboat Key)
(-> Mahfouz, Khalid bin )
(-> Martial Law/Jeb Bush)
(-> McFarlane, Robert)
(-> McKinney, Cynthia)
(-> Memos)
(-> Miers, Harriet)
(-> Military pre-911 studies on attacks)
(-> Military Tribunal)
(-> Musharraf, Pervez)
(-> Muttawakil, Ahmed)
(-> Myers, Richard B.)
(-> PATRIOT Act)
(-> Pelosi, Alexandra)
(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)
(-> Perle, Richard)
(-> PMCs)
(-> PNAC)
(-> Pointdexter, John M.)
(-> Polling)
(-> Prince Saudi Turki al Faisal)
(-> Reading-Initiative)
(-> Reagan-Files)
(-> Rice, Condoleeza)
(-> Rohrabacher, Dana)
(-> Rove, Karl)
(-> Saudi Arabia)
(-> Schmitz, John)
(-> Scowcroft, Brent)
(-> Shadow Government)
(-> Shelton, Henry H.)
(-> Skulls + Bones)
(-> Sliney, Ben)
(-> Smallpox vaccination policy)
(-> Smoking Guns)
(-> Taiwangate)
(-> Tenet,George)
(-> ToraBora)
(-> TSI communications)
(-> Vacation)
(-> Vaccinations, forced)
(-> Venezuela Plot)
(-> Warplans almost signed)
(-> War was planned)
(-> Watson, Dale)
(-> Williams, Kenneth)
(-> Wolfowitz, Paul)
(-> World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)
(-> Yemen/Oil)
(-> Zapata)
(-> Zippergate)
(-> Zoellick, Robert)


Various other journalists on Bush, Bush-specialists- or anti-Bushita websites you will find in this encyclopedia.

Bush, George Herbert Walker

President from 1989 to January 1993, served as CIA Director for 13 months from 1976-77.
He is now a paid consultant to the Carlyle Group (->), the 11th largest defense contractor in the nation, which shares joint investments with the bin Laden

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George H. W. Bush was in the White House on

September 11th, as confirmed by an NBC report.
(-> Bush1 in White House Sep10th/11th)

The question is, if the FAA or any F16s or F15s forced the hijackers on
the plane of AA77, not to crash into the White House or if this plan was just cancelled,
before the planes departed from Boston, Washington or New York.

(-> NSA)

To give cross-references on George H. Walker Bush would fill another book.

Please start reading at Carlyle Group (->), Saudi Arabia (->) or Zapata (->).

Various other journalists on Bush1, Bush-specialist- or anti-Bushita websites you will find in this encyclopedia.

Bush, Jeb
The most important story on Jeb Bush regarding a possible prior knowledge on Sep1th is his upgrade on Martial law Upgrade (->) on Sep 7th, 2001:

Here is the original upgrade, which is based on another martial law from April 2002:


Section 1.
Based upon the foregoing, I hereby find that the public welfare requires that the Florida National Guard train to support law-enforcement personnel and
emergency-management personnel in the event of civil disturbances or natural disasters and to provide training support to law-enforcement personnel and
community-based organizations relating to counter drug operations.

This Executive Order shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of its revocation or June 30, 2003.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the Great Seal of the State of Florida to be affixed at Tallahassee, the Capitol,
this 7th day of September 2001."


(-> Bush2 from September 10th to September 11th)

(-> early warnings)
(-> Martial law/Jeb Bush)
(-> Noman, Abdullah -> Savollah Group)
(-> PNAC)

(-> Palast, Greg)

Bush, Laura
In February 2002, Laura Bush revealed,
where she had been on September 11th:

"A false alarm prompted frantic Secret Service agents to rush President Bush and his wife into a bunker deep beneath the White House the night of the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks"


Asked on the revelations on President Bush's prior knowledge, she responded, that victims of Sept. 11 are being "preyed upon" by those who question
whether President Bush was negligent to terrorist intelligence last summer.
She gently reminded Democrats that the war is still on and they should be working with her husband, not criticizing him. "I know my husband. And all
Americans know how he has acted in Afghanistan and in the war with terror. I think really, we need to put this in perspective and I think it's sad to prey upon
the emotions of people as if there were something we could have done to stop" the Sept. 11 suicide hijackings"


Bush, Marvin
One of the brothers of President Bush.
Marvin Bush tries to work as an independent businessman.
His declared holdings are at Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. and
HCC Insurance Holdings Inc.


Marvin Bush was involved in some ENRON-transactions, together with his brother Neil.

He was a principal at Securacom, now named Stratesec, Inc., a company that provided security at the World Trade Center, Washington D.C.'s Dulles
International Airport and United Airlines between 1995 and 2001. Securacom was backed by a private Kuwaiti-American investment firm whose records

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were not open to full public disclosure.


Bush is no longer on the board. Other members are Bruce Mones and Mishal al Sabah.

(-> Lay, Kenneth)

(-> ENRON)

Bush, Neil
Neil Bush is Founder, Chairman and CEO of Ignite!, Inc., a web-based developer of educational software that targets children with learning disabilities.
Prior to founding Ignite!, Bush was chairman and co-founder of Interlink Management Corporation, a merchant banking firm.

Neil Bush was involved in some ENRON-transactions, together with his brother Marvin.

(-> Lay, Kenneth)

(-> ENRON)

Bush, Prescott
Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman in 1942.

On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City, which were being conducted by Prescott

Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director.

The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland "Bunny '' Harriman,
three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush.

(-> BAYER)
(-> BENS)
(-> CIA)
(-> Hitler-comparison)
(-> Nazis in the Rebulican Party and USA)


Bush1-Carlyle-Bin laden-ties
Google "bush carlyle bin laden" and you will find in the meantime more websites on these results than on Britney Spears.

The strong ties between former President George H.W. Bush and the Carlyle Group, who worked together with the Bin Laden family, are comfirmed and

Their ties are downplayed in the US Media for political reasons.

One famous story, which took place before Sep11th, you will find all over the place:

"George H.W. Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S. While there he
meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family."

Source: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27, 2001

Bush1 met members of the Bin Laden Group, together with the Carlyle Group and James Baker III (->) on the day of September 11th.
(-> Carlucci, Frank)

(-> Saudi Arabia)
(-> Timeline)

Bush1 in White House Sep10th/11th

Not a rumour or hoax. The story of George Bush in the White House on Tuesday Morning of Sep11th is true.

While it was never confirmed, if he slept over and for what reason he was in the white house, NBC was the first who reported on this bizarre coincidence:

"...NBC's Tim Russert, on the role former President Bush might be playing: "Ironically, former President Bush was in the White House on Tuesday morning
when this attack occurred.
He happened to be visiting there in town. He did not go to the situation room and become part of the negotiations or discussions, but he... left the White
House. But he is someone that the current president loves and respects, and those are two pretty good qualities to have in any adviser.

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During the situation when our plane was forced to land in China, former President Bush was an invaluable adviser. And I would think that this president will
utilize his knowledge, and his thoughts, and his experiences, and I think most Americans would understand that; in fact, encourage it"

(Source: NBC's "Today," Sept. 13).

Bush2 from September 10th to September 11th

On the night of September 10th to September 11th, President Bush was in Florida and met his brother Jeb Bush (->) , former governor Bob Martinez and
other state Republicans.

Governor Martinez was once appointed by President Bush to be the director of the National Campaign Against Use of Drugs. He now operates an
international business consulting firm in his hometown of Tampa.


President Bush later left the meeting with Martinez and stayed at Longboat Key.

On 6:30 AM in the morning of Sep11th, he went already for a four-mile run around the golf course at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat

At 8:30 AM his motorcade left for Booker Elementary School (->).

Bush then learned before he entered the school, that a plane had attacked the Twin Towers, but decided not to cancel his schedule.

Bush claims, when Andrew Card told him about the second trade center attack, he was thinking: "I made up my mind at that moment that we were going to

But we knew, that a while before, his adviser Karl Rove brought him the news about the first plane, "saying it appeared to be an accident involving a small,
twin-engine plane".


If Bush had prior knowledge on a terrorist attack, it would explain,

why he wasn't shocked, when he heard about the second crash, but it can't explain, why he then still continued his schedule for almost 20 more minutes.

Bush lied here more than once:

He later confirmed that he was thinking about an accident only,
but furthermore claims, he saw the first plane crash live on TV:

"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower - the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well,
there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident."


The Washington Post however writes it a little bit different:

"This is pilot error," the president recalled saying. "It's unbelievable that somebody would do this." Conferring with Andrew H. Card Jr., his White House
chief of staff, Bush said, "The guy must have had a heart attack."


(-> Bush knew)

(-> Timeline)

Cartoon page. Created in December 2000.
Contact: [email protected]

(-> Comedy)

Parody Page on Bush politics.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Comedy)

The Bush-Clan is described as the "collection" of President Bush's relatives (-> Jeb, Marvin, Dorothy etc..) and various business- and political ties with the
help of his father, former CIA-director Herbert Walker Bush, who worked as a director of BioPharmacy company Eli Lily.

The "Bush-clan" contains a huge list of sponsors and employees of his former company Arbusto (->), which later merged to Spectrum7 which was absorbed
by Harken Energy (->).

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Harken was later sold to a new investment group headed by New York attorney Alan G. Quasha, a partner in the firm of Quasha, Wessely & Schneider.
Quasha's father, a powerful attorney in the Philippines, had been a staunch supporter of then-president Ferdinand Marcos. William Quasha had given legal
advice to two top officials of the notorious Nugan Hand Bank in Australia, a CIA operation.

Other important "members" of the Bush-clan had been Jackson Stephens of Stephens, Inc., Ghaith Pharoan of BCCI, Khalid Bin Mahfouz (->), James R.
Bath (->) , Sheikh Khalifah- the prime minister of Bahrain, Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh (business associate of BCCI ->), Talat Othman (Harken Energy), Brent
Scowcroft (->), Henry Kissinger (->), Robert Bass, William DeWitt, Mercer Reynolds and many others.

The Bush-clan is supported by the "Team 100," a group of 249 wealthy individuals, who have contributed at least $100,000 each to the GOP's
presidential-campaign committee.

One of the best analysts of the Bush Clan is Stephen Pizzo, author of
"Inside Job: The Looting of America's Savings and Loans"


(-> Nazis in the Rebulican Party and USA)

(-> Hitler-Comparison)

Bush Clock
Popular tool on many liberal websites, who decided to "wait until 2004".

Bushdidit.org was created in July 2002 by "All Peeps" in Oakland, CA.
The website promoted some investigative Sep11th-related events like "Unanswered Questions About September 11th" with Carol Brouillet (->) and reported
on Community Activists in Oakland and somewhere else, but later didn't update anymore.

Bush's dog prior knowledge on Bin Laden

Sept 11th, 2001 - 10:37AM aboard Air Force One:
"After President Bush learned that his wife, Laura, and his two daughters were safe, he asked jokingly how Barney the family dog was doing.
"Nipping at the heels of Osama Bin Laden" - Chief of Staff Andy Card kidded him. - "
Source: Der Spiegel

Many skeptics asked already at that time, "how did they know then it was OBL's men?"

(-> Air Force 1-Lie)

Bush Knew
Famous slogan of the 911Skepticism- and Anti-War movement, based on the fact, that President Bush confirmed prior knowledge on May 15th 2002, about
possible attacks on the United States, when he received a CIA memo on August 6th 2001.

On that day Bush received a briefing report with the heading, ``Bin Laden Determined to Strike the United States.'' The report discussed the possibility of
traditional airline hijackings.

But the White House later claimed, they put all "terror meetings" on hold, which was a lie.
``To say that the principals never talked about it before Sept. 4 is wrong,'' another official said. ``There were lots of conversations on the margins at
meetings or informal meetings.


Instead of investigating Bush's prior knowledge, the US government tried to turn his confirmation into a "red herring" (->). Only 24 hours later Vice
President Cheney even reacted with new warnings on new threats on the United States.

The slogan "Bush Knew" is associated with Bush's "non"-reaction on Sep11th at Booker Elementary School (->), where he didn't react for 25-30 minutes,
especially after the 2nd plane crash.

Many 911Skeptics think, that people around Bush forced him to confirm prior knowledge, because there had been already too many independent
investigations around on the Internet.

The US Government silenced or sabotaged discussions on public 911-hearings and independent commissions.


(-> bushknew.info)
(-> Shadow Government TV

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(-> bushknew.com)
(-> 911-commission)

Bush-Knew Bumpersticker:

Bushknew.com was made possible by a grant of the "Church of Jesus CrackHead"/www.wackycrackheads.com and "Absolute World Domination" provided
by Cult of the Dead Cow.

(-> blogspot)

Bushknew.info is a supportive site of shadowgovernment.info (->),
which later merged with globalfreepress.com (->)

bushknew.info was created in September 2002 by Dan Halper in New York.

Contact: [email protected]

Bushnews.com is a political newsletter, which challenged the official Sep11th version.
Bushnews.com was created in January 1999 by Bush Button News in Austin TX.
They mirror articles of bushwatch.com/bushwatch.net (->)

BushOccupation.com was created in November 2000 by "Impeach GW Bush Gulliver Foyle" in Cambridge, MA, one of the first impeachment projects.

In 2001-2002, BO basically mirrored many articles by MikeHersh.com (->)

Contact: [email protected]

Bush vacation Crawford

Nothing is known about the real reasons for Bush's vacation during August 2001, in which he was warned on a pending attack on america.

The media on Bush's vacation o Aug3rd, 2001:

"...For the next 30 days, it will be home on the ranch for President Bush...
..Since taking office 196 days ago, Bush has spent plenty of leisurely days away from Washington, including 23 at his Crawford ranch, 36 at the Camp David
presidential retreat in Maryland and a four-day weekend at his family's compound in Kennebunkport, Maine...

White House press secretary Ari Fleischer about Bush contacts with the CIA:

"...It's going to be a working vacation - it's going to include parts work and parts vacation," he said, noting that Bush would receive daily intelligence
briefings, except on Sundays"


Bush's vacation ended on August 30th, 2001:

"President Bush today wrapped up a nearly monthlong vacation, saying his "batteries are charged" to battle Congress over his legislative agenda.


What happened during Bush's vacation?

Sometime between August 3rd and August 30th, russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government - in the strongest
possible terms - of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings.
[Source: MSNBC interview with Putin, September 15.]

Zacarias Moussaoui (->), the so called "20th hijacker" (->) received more money transactions from an account in Dusseldorf and Hamburg, Germany and
paid his flight lessons in cash for a flight simulator. After his arrestment on August 16th in Monnesota, the french intelligence warned on him.

August 2nd, 2001:

Christina Rocca, the director of Asian affairs at the State Department, met the Taliban ambassador in Islamabad. Ms Rocca was previously in charge of
contacts with Islamist guerrilla groups at the CIA, where in the 1980s, she oversaw the delivery of Stinger missiles to Afghan mujaheddin.

On August 6th, 2001, Bush received a CIA memo on a possible attack on america. Copies of that memo went to Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, Andrew
Card, Bob Graham (->), Porter Goss (->) and Nancy Pelosi (->).

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August 7, 2001:
"..He talked by phone with Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser, about Macedonia, and to his chief of staff, Andrew H. Card Jr. And he met with
four staff members.."

(-> Timeline)

Bush Watch is a daily political internet magazine with various authors, based in Austin, Texas,
a non-advocacy site paid for and edited by Politex, a non-affiliated U.S. citizen.
"Bush Watch" and "Politex," © 1998-2002 by Jerry Politex

Contact: [email protected]

Bushwatch.com was created in November 1998 by Small Mobile Entities in Austin, TX.

(->bushwatch.com )

Bustani, Jose
In April 2002, the United States fulfilled their so called "chemical convention coup" against brazilian ambassador Jose Bustani.

The United States had led the campaign against Jose Bustani of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), accusing him of
mismanagement and taking politically motivated initiatives against the wishes of most members.

At a special sunday meeting on April 21st, 2002, in The Hague, voted by 48-6, with 43 abstentions, Bustani was removed from office.

Bustani's supporters said, but Washington denied, that the real motive was to stop Bustani from persuading Iraq (->) to join the chemical weapons
convention, which could weaken the case for a U.S. attack to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

"What the Americans are doing," Bustani says, "is a coup d'etat. They are using brute force to amend the convention and unseat the director-general."


The Guardian claimed in another article, that states like Micronesia had been bribed to fail to appear at the important voting meeting for or against Bustani.
In another coup in the same week, Dr. Robert Watson, chief of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was removed.

Watson had been pressing member nations to take the threat of global warming seriously, to the annoyance of the oil company ExxonMobil.

Watson was replaced by Indian scientist Rajendra Pachauri, who fought in 2001 against a bid by the Indian government to investigate "a gigantic financial
boondoggle" at the controversial Dabhol Power Plant, Rediff.com of India.


Dabhol was built by Enron (->) .

In yet another planned plot in the same week, Paul Wolfowitz (->) renewed to ask the CIA to look into former Iraq-UN-inspector Hans Blix's (->) record
when he was head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) between 1981 and 1997.


Butler, Colonel Steve

On June 4th, 2002, Bayarea released a story on Lt. Col. Steve Butler of Monterey (->), who accused President Bush in a public letter in the Monterey
Herald, that Bush did let the attack hapen on purpose (-> LIHOP).

Lt. Col. Steve Butler was serving as vice chancellor for student affairs at the Defense Language Institute when he wrote the letter, which was originally
published in The Herald on May 26th, 2002, only 2 weeks after Bush confirmed prior knowledge. (-> Bush knew)

The letter accused Bush of allowing the attacks to occur for political reasons:

"Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. His
daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama"

Butlers story was mentioned in the BBC.

His full letter was later mirrored at democrats.com (->).


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Butler, Richard
Former chairman of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq and current CFR-member (->).
Butler was accused to be a spy of the CIA.

Another former UN-inspector Scott Ritter (->) blamed Butler to be a liar on his reports on Iraq (->).

Butler was the "mastermind" behind the "Indefinite Extension Of The Non Proliferation Treaty",
which led to a nuclear armed Indian sub-continent.

Progressive newszine, who covered a lot of investigative and political stories on Sep11th.
In their World Media Watch-section, Gloria R. Lalumia collects a daily sumup of the most interesting news reports of the day, which got ignored by US

Buzzflash was created in February 2000 by Buzz Flash and Diane McClelland in Chicago, Illinois.

Contact: [email protected]


Taliban, ENRON, CentGas and the Pipelines (-> Caspian Oil Pipeline)

Byrd, Robert C.
Opposed as one of a few Democrats, against the War Resolution. (-> Donahue, Phil) In February 2003, he supported a resolution by Senator Kennedy:
Senator Kennedy introduced his Resolution No. 32 in the U.S. Senate on January 29, 2003, which expressed the sense of the Senate with respect to the
actions the U.S. President should take before any use of military force against Iraq without the broad support of the international community. S. Res. 32 has
been co-sponsored by Senator Byrd and referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Both got support by six Congress members -- Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL), Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Rep. Sheila Jackson
Lee (D- TX), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) -- a group of U.S. soldiers and parents of soldiers, filed a lawsuit in federal
court seeking to stop President Bush from launching a war against Iraq without a declaration of war from Congress.

On September 11th, some witnesses at the Pentagon claimed,
that they recognised a C-130, while the Boeing seems to have crashed into the Pentagon.

The related sources are compiled at:

Sludge Report #129 – Great Pics, But No Flight 77


For the first report from Sludge on this controversy see...


#127 - The Hunt For Flight 77


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Original URL:

Attempts to show profiles of planes overlayed over security camera images…

C-130 related information:

Lockheed Martin (->) Signs Contract For Hurricane Hunters


Lockheed Martin delivers first C-130J to U.S. Air Force Reserve http://www.lmasc.com/jnews/jun99/c130j.html

First WC-130J delivered to Air Force

Lockheed Martin hands over first of new "Hurricane Hunters"


(-> Pentagon crash)

Cafe Arabica is a supporter of the arab-american community and the Arab American Institute[AAI].The A.A.I, have writen various articles that are used
for promotion by Cafe Arabica.

The AAI is connected to the FBI 911-insider trading story (->).

In June 2002, Amr "Tony"Elgindy and 2 FBI agents had been arrested.
His brother Khaled Elgindy is working for the arab american institute (-> Zogby, James), which is advising the White House.


In November,5 2002 CafeArabica ,supported various articles on the "chickenhawks" (->) and released their
"Top 10 Reasons why Not to Vote Republican.

CafeArabica.com was created in 1996 by Mazin Abu-Ghazalah of the Digital Society, Inc. in New York.

Ghazalah wrote his own anecdotal dictionary of "rules" :

Terrorism: (n.) Any act of resistance by the Palestinians.

Self-defense: Any act of violence by Israelis.

(-> Detainees)

(-> Alghamdi, Saeed -> Defense Language Institute (->)
in Monterey, California -> apartment in Chino Hills )

(-> ANSER -> Davis, Jay C. -> Livermore, LLNL/UC Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry)
(-> Awadallah, Osama)

(-> Controlled Cleanup ->AMEC -> Travis Air Force Base)

(-> Dallah Avco -> Omar Al Bayoumi -> Madinah al Munawarah -> San Diego)

(-> de Grand Pre, Coronel Donn -> Edwards Air Force Base )
(-> DoD -> CAMS)
(-> DoD -> General Atomics, San Diego)
(-> Early warnings, Bob Gipson -> El Dorado County)
(-> ES +S -> Williams Energy)
(-> FEMA)
(-> FEMA Task Forces)

(-> First Plane Crash "live" on TV)

(-> Global Hawk -> Herbert Homer)

(-> Hijacker ID-confusion -> FBI-Bill Gore)
(-> Holy Land Foundation Affair )

(-> IG Farben -> Malathion)

(-> In-Q-Tel)
(-> Insider Trading FBI -> Pacific Equity Investigations, San Diego)

(-> Intelligence Senate Members -> Dianne Feinstein)

(-> Missouri Task Force 1 (MO-TF1) -> USAR Teams)
(-> Monterey Language Institute)

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(-> Moussaoui Indictment #78, 79, 80, 85)

(-> Northrop Grumman, Los Angeles)
(-> Oil -> Chevron HQ)

(-> PMCs -> Surgical Shooting Inc. )

(-> Prior Knowledge, confirmed -> California Rep. Nancy Pelosi)
(-> Ptech -> Southern California Edison)
(-> Quantas-Code Sharing -> Edwards AFB, California)
(-> Raytheon, El Segundo, Raytheon E-Systems (HAARP)

(-> SAIC, San Diego)

(-> Sandia, Livermore)
(-> Saudi Arabia -> Standard Oil Company of California )
(-> Secret Weapons exposed)
(-> Springman, J. Michael -> Visa applications)
(-> Stich, Robert -> malfeasance)

(-> UCLA -> Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Los Angeles)

(-> UNOCAL-> Union Oil Company of California, Los Angeles)
(-> Watson, Dale -> Anacapa Sciences Incorporated)

(-> Walker, John)

Cambone, Dr. Stephen A.

Stephen Cambone, who entered the US Administration as Douglas Feith's (->) deputy,
and is now in charge of evaluating weapons systems (Program Analysis and Evaluation) and other Pentagon programs (Joint Warfare Simulation).
Member of CSIS (->). Former director of the commission to assess the ballistic missile threat.

(-> ABM treaty)

Camp X-Ray
Name of the Camp in Cuba, which was built for detainees from Afghanistan.
Images of blindfolded prisoners kneeling shackled by wire cages at Guantanamo Bay (->) have ignited international controversy.


There are speculations around, that these pictures had been exposed to distract and discredit the civil right movement incl. Amnesty International.

(-> Kellogg Root & Brown)

(-> Fairgofordavid.org)

Resource site about the legal action to end the unlawful detention of those held at
Camp, X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay.

In 2002, Daniel Pipes (-> Muslim Websites plugged) founded Campus Watch (http://www.Campus-Watch.org ), a project to "monitor, assess and improve
Middle East studies" in North America.

The purpose was to keep an eye on teachers or professors, who criticised the US Government.

Campus-Watch is supported by the following "experts":

Ziad Abdelnour (Lebanon, Middle East Christians, Hizbullah), Mitchell G. Bard

(Israel-U.S. cooperation, Arab-Israel conflict, Peace Process), Patrick Clawson
(Iran, Middle East economics), Khalid Durán
(Islam, Pakistan, Sudan, American Muslims
Director, Council on Middle Eastern Affairs), Joseph Farah
(Arab-Americans, Arab-Israel conflict), William Kristol
(U.S. policy in the Middle East), Judith Miller
(Militant Islam, Biological warfare), Daniel Pipes
(Islam, Arab-Israel conflict, Syria, American Muslims), Michael Rubin
Iran, Iraq (Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise Institute ->) and many others.

Daniel Pipes on the idea of Campus Watch:

"...AMERICANS broadly agree on two facts about the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq: its brutality and the danger it poses to themselves, especially the
danger of nuclear attack. Disagreement arises primarily over what to do: Take out the regime now? Give Baghdad another chance? Follow the United
Nations' lead?

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Visit an American university, however, and you'll often enter a topsy-turvy world in which professors consider the United States (not Iraq) the problem and
oil (not nukes) the issue.

Here's a typical sampling of opinion:

Noam Chomsky (->) , professor of linguistics at MIT and far-left luminary, insists that President Bush and his advisers oppose Saddam not because of his
many crimes or his reach for nuclear weapons. "We all know . . . what they're aiming at," Chomsky said in a recent interview, "Iraq has the second-largest
oil reserves in the world."
...The time has come for adult supervision of the faculty and administrators at many American campuses. Especially as we are at war, the goal must be for
universities to resume their civic responsibilities.

This can be achieved if outsiders (alumni, state legislators, non-university specialists, parents of students and others) take steps to create a politically
balanced atmosphere, critique failed scholarship, establish standards for media statements by faculty and broaden the range of campus discourse...."


Campus-watch.org was created in June 2002

by the Middle East Forum in Philadelphia, PA.

Cannistraro, Vincent
Former head of counterterrorist operations for the CIA,
who regularly was asked on his opinion during 2001-2002.
Former deputy station chief in Jeddah (->) from the mid-to late-1970s.

(-> Noman, Abdullah)

(-> NSA)

Cantor Fitzgerald
Though Cantor had lost 680 of its 1,000 employees in New York on Sep11th,
a few had luck to survive.

Beth Arner was one of them.

Fortunately, Beth Arner of CO2e.com (formed by Cantor Fitzgerald with

PricewaterhouseCoopers) - who many in the efficiency
community know from her work under Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary and
Assistant Secretary Dan Reicher - , had transferred a few weeks before Sep11th from the World
Trade Center to their Alexandria, Virginia office, where she was on September 11.


Capricorn Holdings
Capricorn Holdings became more popular during 2002, when independent investigators digged more on Herbert S. Pug Winokur, a director of ENRON (->)
and former DynCorp (->).
Winokur has served as a Director of Capricorn Holdings since 1998.
He is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Capricorn Holdings, Inc., a private investment company.

More on Winokur, ENRON and their obscure DynCorp-ties, a DoD and CIA-contractor, at:



Card, Andrew
Andrew Card is George Bush Chief of Staff, who informed the President at Booker Elementary School (->) on Sep11th on the second attack on the Twin
Towers, however Bush continued to listen to the children.

Card was present at the July 5th, 2001-meeting with Richard Clarke (->CSG) and received a copy of the CIA-memo (->) on August 6th, 2002.

From 1992 until 1993, Andrew Card served as the 11th U.S. Secretary of Transportation under President George Bush. In August 1992, at the request of
President Bush, Secretary Card coordinated the Administration's disaster relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Andrew.

Card served in President Reagan's administration as Special Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs.

From 1993 to 1998, Card was General Motors' Vice President of Government Relations.
Since 1999 President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA), the trade association whose members
were Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation.

(-> Muttawakil, Ahmed)

(-> Bush2 from September 10th to September 11th)
(-> Commando Central photos on Sep11th)
(-> Memo)

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(-> Early warnings)

Carlucci, Frank
Former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, is most famous worldwide for his responsibility with the Carlyle Group (->) and their "never ending ties to the
Bin Laden Family" (->).

On Sep11th, 2001 , he was involved in another meeting with Bin Laden Inc.:

"...Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III (->), and representatives of the bin Laden family.
This was not some underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the
plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the Carlyle Group. And
since September 11, this little-known company has become unexpectedly important..."


Rumour has it, that the father of President Bush (->) was at Ritz-Carlton, too
after he left the White House on the morning of Sep11th. (NBC)

From a former article by GROUND ZERO Forum (->) at Scoop (->) on Frank Carlucci:

"United Defense, a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group has become one of the most important contractors of the "war against terrorism" since Sept 11th.

The Carlyle Group received a BioDefense Budget in late November 2001.

Carlyle has counted George Soros (CFR->), Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, and Osama bin Laden's estranged family
among its high-profile clientele.
The bin Laden family were shareholders in Carlyle until shortly after 911.

Yet the connection between the Carlyle Group, the Bush family and the bin Laden family is still downplayed in the media.

How much advanced knowledge about an attack did Carlucci have?

Did he let the attack happen on purpose?" (-> LIHOP)

Carlyle Group
The Carlyle Group, headquartered in Washington DC and established in 1987,
specializes in seizing control of aerospace and defense contractors and then
strong-arming, contracts out of the Department of Defense (i.e. United Defense Industries).

Carlyle describe themselves as "a private global investment firm".

Most famous investor in the Carlyle Group has been George Herbert Walker Bush (->).

The Carlyle Group includes former cabinet members of the Elder Bush
White House and other oil monopolists, such as James A. Baker III (->),
once Secretary of State.
Chairman of Carlyle is Frank Carlucci (->), co-chair of the RAND Center (->).

Source: http://www.rand.org/nsrd/cmepp/advisory.html,

Carlucci was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sears World Trade, Inc. and former Deputy Director of the CIA.

Managing Director of Carlyle is Jonathan E. Colby,

who was a General Partner of The Blackstone Group (->) (1989 to 1996).

Colby served in the Nixon Administration as Staff Assistant (Foreign Affairs) on the National Security Council under the direction of Dr. Henry A.
Kissinger. (->)

On January 8th, 2002, business magazine Red Herring revealed, that on September 11th 2001, Frank Carlucci, James Baker III, and representatives of the
bin Laden family met in Hotel Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., without being interrogated by the FBI.

"Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and representatives of the bin Laden family."


In March 2002, United Defense, Carlyle's subsidiary, received over $470 million by Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defese to continue development on
the "problem-riddled" Crusaders.


On August 23rd 2002, the Blackstone Group (->) and the Carlyle Group, have joined forces to bid for TRW's (-> Peter G. Peterson) automotive parts

The deal joined the $7bn sale of QwestDex to Carlyle and Welsh Carson as one of the largest buy-out deals of all time.


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In late 2002, it was announced that IBM's Louis v. Gerstner will replace Carlucci in 2003:

"...Louis V. Gerstner, IBM Corp.'s outgoing chairman, will take the helm of The Carlyle Group, the politically connected investment league whose rarefied
leadership and investor roster ranges from former president George Bush to the Saudi family of Osama bin Laden.

Gerstner will become chairman of the Washington, D.C.-based Carlyle on Jan. 7, replacing Frank Carlucci, who was defense secretary during the Reagan


Thecarlylegroup.com was created in 1996 in Washington DC.

More detailed and investigative details on Carlyle are located at:

http://forums.delphiforums.com/carlylegroup/ (by Knoten)

Carlyle's way
Carlyle's Portfolio
Carlyle's tentacles stretch far

More here:

With the sniffer program "Carnivore", the FBI can order an Internet Service Provider to place a special monitoring computer called Carnivore (now
renamed "Data Collection System 1000") on its network servers. The FBI can then select the e-mail of surveillance targets for capture and storage.

Companies like Top Layer Networks, Inc. of Westboro, Massachusetts, are developing ways for FBI to install surveillance systems at a few key Internet
hubs which would allow federal agents to remotely flip a switch and pound a few keys to begin monitoring the e-mail or web-based mail of any targeted
group or individual.

The higher gigabit intercept equipment would be placed at major Internet backbone hubs in strategic locations like Washington, DC, the San Francisco Bay
Area, Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles.

The large defense and intelligence consulting and engineering firm Booz, Allen & Hamilton (->) has not only developed the FBI's Carnivore capability but it
has assisted the bureau in ensuring that all telecommunications companies engineer their systems to ensure they are "wiretap friendly."

(-> Cointelpro)
(-> Booz, Allen & Hamilton )

Carpet of bombs/Carpet of gold

Famous quote from "Forbidden Truth" (->).

In July 2001, U.S. State Department officials, Karl Inderfurth, Tom Simmons and Lee Coldren traveled to Berlin in a meeting with Taliban-officials to tell
them, that if they don't cooperate with the U.S. government, they would bury them "either in a carpet of carpet of gold or carpet of bombs".

(-> Naik, Niaz)

(-> War was planned)

Carter, Chris
Amazingly Chris Carter, producer of the "X-Files" and "The Lone Gunmen",
was able to predict the Sep11th attack in the pilot of his series "The Lone Gunmen".

The Info:
Lone Gunmen: 1AEB79 Pilot
(4th March 2001)

Written by Chris Carter, Vince Gilligan, John Shiban & Frank Spotnitz.
Directed by Rob Bowman.
After a mysterious and beautiful interloper thwarts their heist,
the Gunmen unravel a conspiracy that hits closer to home.

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The "Lone Gunmen" Pilot is about a commercial jet that is programmed to crash into the "World Trade Center Towers".


Carter, Jimmy
Former US-President, CFR (->) member and winner of Peace Noble Price in 2002.
On December 12th, 2002, Carter repeated his warnings of the "catastrophic consequences of
a preventative war strategy in Iraq".


(-> Armitage, Richard)

(-> Bilderberg Group)
(-> Brzezinski, Zbigniew)
(-> Defense Policy Board)
(-> Disinformation, -> OSI)
(-> Honegger, Barbara)
(-> Perle, Richard -> Krauthammer, Charles)
(-> Scowcroft, Brent)

Carter, Joyce
(-> Baxter, Clifford)

Casey, William
Former CIA-director under Ronald Reagan, who supported a March 1987 rocket attack against villages in the USSR's republic of Tajikistan. He increased
support to the ISI (->) program (under General Zia-al Huq->) to recruit radical Muslims, especially Arabs, to come to Pakistan to fight with the mujaheddin
(->) in Afghanistan.

One year later Mikhail Gorbachev announced a phased withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
Casey later committed direct CIA involvement in the drug trade during the Contra War years


Caspian Oil Pipeline

The caspian oil pipeline was one of the most important reasons to start a war against the Taliban,
which was planned since 1997/98.

In November 2001, parts of the pipeline had been opened in Russia:

"..A new pipeline which will pump around 600,000 barrels of oil to the west from Central Asia each day will be officially opened on Tuesday.
The $2.6 billion Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) project runs from the Tengiz oilfield in western Kazakhstan to Russia.

U.S. companies have invested around $700 million in the pipeline, and U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham has travelled to Russia for the official
opening in the southern region of Novorossiisk.

The CPC was established in 1992 by Russia, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Sultanate of Oman to run a 1,580 kilometre crude oil pipeline to a Black Sea
terminal near Novorossiisk.
Construction began in 1999 and full completion is expected early next year.
The project promises estimates of around $20 billion in tax revenues for Russia and $8.2 billion for Kazakhstan.

David O'Reilly, chairman and CEO of Chevron/Texaco,

which has a 15 percent interest in the project, said it was "world class."
He told CNN: "The first capacity of this pipeline is about 600,000 barrels a day..."


(-> CentGas)
(-> Oil)

Casualities, Afghanistan
(-> Herold, Marc)

Component of Carlyle Group (->).

Cato Institute
The Cato Institute was founded in 1977 by Edward H. Crane.
It is a non-profit public policy research foundation headquartered in Washington, D.C and publisher of the Inquiry magazine.

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On the board of the self-described liberal Cato thinktank are David H. Koch (-> Bush, Dorothy) or Peter Ackerman, Managing Director (Rockport
Financial Ltd).
In 1997 Cato created an interactive Web site on Social Security (www.socialsecurity.org) with a calculator that showed how much better off one would be
in a private system.
In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed members to the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security. The commission includes a former Cato
vice president and a Cato fellow.
Financial Times once described Cato as the "least whorish and most intellectually honest of Washington's think tanks."


Cayman Islands
Connected with some interesting patterns like:

(-> Cayman Islands warning)

(-> 911commission -> Kean, Tom -> bin Mahfouz, Khalid -> Hess-Delta)
(-> Oil -> Gazprom -> PricewaterhouseCoopers)

Cayman Islands warning

(-> early warnings)

CDC (Centers for DiseaseControl)

The agency, which analysed all 5 deadly anthrax cases (3 inhaled cases without any envelope involved),
"..was founded in 1946 as the Communicable Disease Center (name changed in 1993).

The CDC is studying chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS and other diseases.
In 1978, Wolf Szmunes, the National Institutes of Health and the CDC experimenated on more than 1000 nonmonogamous men with vaccines, designed by
Merck and other pharmacy companies.

Between 1985 and 1989, the CDC was responsible for most of the shipments of lethal American-produced Biochemical Warfare agents that were sold to
The National Institutes of Health "ran a massive experimental virus inoculation program and in 1971 under Nixon a Viral Cancer Program.."

Devon Jackson (New York Times, Village Voice, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair).

On February 22nd, 2002, CDC Chief Dr. Jeffrey Koplan resigned as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At the end of 2002, Koplan still worked for the Woodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory University.
Emory University is positioned along the Clifton Corridor in Atlanta, Georgia, which includes the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the
American Cancer Society.

In an interesting twist, the CDC confirmed, that they knew the first anthrx victim Bob Stevens (->) "personally":

In an October 4th, 2001 meeting, the CDC's chief of meningitis and special pathogens, Dr. Brad Perkins Perkins took his team to the American Media
building, where Stevens had worked for The Sun Sentinel:
"...That was a fairly dramatic moment because we were sitting in a room with people who had known him," Perkins said. "This was a universally loved guy.
Everyone was just in utter disbelief."

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)

Ceiberweiber is one of the few german speaking political- and investigative online magazines, which promoted 911related-articles (besides broeckers.com
-> and medienanalyse-international.de -> ).

In 2001-2002, they supported or mirrored articles by globalresearch.ca/Michel Chossudovsky, questionsquestions.net, commondreams, guerrillanews,
fromthewilderness.com (-->) and promoted the book by former German Green party speaker Jutta Ditfurth, who described, how the CIA once tried to
contact her:
"Without the USA they would have never been the Green Party".

A overview about all 911-related articles is located at


Ceiberweiber.at was created in 2001 by Ceiberweiber-Mountain Unlimited and Alexandra Bader

in Wien, Australia.

Contact: [email protected]

Celebs against War

During 2002, in many different statements, various Celebs protested individually against the War:

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Barbra Streisand, Barbara Lee, Sean Penn (->), Harry Belafonte,

Marisa Tomei, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Harold Pinter, Martin Sheen (US-President in West Wing ->)

On December 10th, 2002, the Police arrested more than 100 people, including one of the protest's organizers, the Rev. Herbert Daughtry, ice cream
magnate Ben Cohen and Pentagon Papers source Daniel Ellsberg, during one of several demonstrations around the country against a possible U.S. war with
Iraq (Ellsberg leaked to reporters the extensive history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam that became known as the Pentagon Papers).

In December 2002, the "Artists United to win without war" signed a letter against the War against Iraq.

Among the supporters:

Gillian Anderson, Edward Asner, Rene Auberjonois, David Bale, Kim Basinger, Ed Begley Jr., Theo Bikel, Barbara Bosson, Jackson Browne, Peter Buck,
Diahann Carroll, Eugen Carroll (retired Rear Adm, deputy director of the Center of Defense Information), Kathleen Chalfant, Don Cheadle, Jill Clayburgh,
Jack Coleman, Peter Coyote, Lindsay Crouse, Suzanne Cryer, Matt Damon, Dana Daurey, Jonathan Dean (Ambassador, US Rep. to NATO-Warsaw Pact),
Vincent D'Onofrio, David Duchovny, Olympia Dukakis, Charles S. Dutton, Hector Elizond, Cary Elwes, Shelly Fabares, Mike Farrell, Mia Farrow,
Laurence Fishburne, Sean Patrick Flanery, Bonnie Franklin, John Fugelsang, Jeananne Garafalo, Larry Gelbart, Melissa Gilbert, Danny Glover, Elliot
Gould, Samaria Garham, Robert Greenwald, Robert Guillaume, Paul Haggis, Robert David Hall, Ethan Hawke, Ken Howard, Helen Hunt, Anjelica
Houston, LaTanya Richardson Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson, Jane Kaczmarek, Melina Kanakaredes, Casey Kasem, Mimi Kennedy, Jessica Lange, Tea
Leoni, Wendie Malick, Camryn Manheim, Marsha Mason, Richard Masur, Dave Matthews, Kent McCord, Robert Duncan, McNeill, Mike Mills, Jane
Maloney, Esai Morales, Ed O'Neill, Chris Noth, Peter Onorati, Alexandra Paul, Edward Peck (former US-Ambassador to Iraq), Seth Peterson, CCH
Pounder, David Rabe, Alan Rachins, Bonnie Raitt, Carl Reiner, Tim Robbins, Steve Robinson (Sgt, retired. National Gulf War ResourceCenter), Mitch Ryan,
Susan Sarandon, Tony Shalhoub, Jack Shanahan (Retired Vice Adm, US Navy), William Schallert, Martin Sheen, Armin Shimerman, Gloria Steinem (->),
Marcia Strassmann, Michael Stipe, Susan Sullivan, Loretta Swit, Studs Terkel, Lily Tomlin, Blair Underwood, Dennis Weaver, Bradley Whitford, James
Whitmore, James Whitmore Jr., Alfred Woodard, Noah Wyle, Peter Yarrow, Howard Zinn (->)


Cellar, Richard
Ex-head of UNOCAL Pakistan during 2001-2002 (->).

Cell Phone Analysis

(-> Olsen, Barbara)
The original CentGas project, also known as the Central Asian Gas Pipeline Consortium, was made up of Unocal (U.S., 47% share), Delta Oil (Saudi Arabia,
15%), Government of Turkmenistan (7%), Itochu Oil Exploration (Japan, 6.5%), Indonesia Petroleum [INPEX] (Japan, 6.5%), Hyundai Engineering and
Construction (5%), and the Crescent Group (Pakistan, 3.5%) .

Source: MediaChannel.org

(-> bin Mahfouz, Khalid/Delta Oil -> Kean,Tom)

(-> Oil, ->UNOCAL)
(-> Caspian Oil Pipeline)

(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)

(-> GID -> Saudi Intelligence)
(-> Saudi Arabia)

Centre for Global Energy Studies

The Centre for Global Energy Studies was founded in 1990 by Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Saudi Arabia
In their latest study they analysed the damage of the Saudi-US relationship for the "most important oil producing country" and "Oil as a weapon".

(-> Oil)

Centre for Security Policy


Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments


Alternative news portal, which promoted articles by Al Martin, Mike Ruppert, Skousen,
Gordon Thomas, Antiwar.com, NewsMax.com or WorldNetDaily (-->).


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[email protected]

One of a few BioPharmacy companies, who profited most of the anthrax attack in October 2001
(-> Anthrax-911-Gate).

Cepheid, which was founded in early 1996, received a new bioDefense Budget in late 2001.
Cepheid develops Rapid Analysis Techniques.
These are testing products for genetic profiling, DNA purification, the detection of food and water contaminants, and other applications.

The Smart Cycler, its flagship product, is a DNA amplification (rapid duplication) and detection system for life science research.
Partners Fischer Scientific, Eurogentec, and Takara Shuzo sell the system in select markets in North America, Europe, and Asia, respectively.

Another important project of Cepheid is GeneXpert®, a system designed to extract and examine DNA from blood samples.

Other US Government partners of Cepheid are:

USAMRMC (DNA analysis systems)


USAMRIID (->) (GeneExpert, Dec.2001)


Furthermore the Johns Hopkins's (->) Bloomberg School of Public Health, Intellitec (DeLand, FL), Battelle (->), MIT's Lincoln Laboratory and Cepheid are
working together on an air sniffer system for worrisome pathogens.


David Relman, who is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Cepheid, has served on advisory panels for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, NIH,
FDA, American Society for Microbiology, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)->, and the Department of Defense (DoD->)


Council on Foreign Relations, US think tank.

Some CFR critics say, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the civil rights movement were all arranged and approved by the CFR and the Insiders- and
that each one has played on a kind of mass reverse psychology: the more societal unrest there is, the more people will turn its government for control,
eventually becoming so desperate for order that they grant their government more and more power over every citizen's private life.

Chairman of the Board of the CFR is Peter G. Peterson (->), who is executive of the military company Blackstone Group (->) , a subsidiary of TRW (->),
who merged in Summer 2002 with Raytheon (->).

Maurice R. Greenberg (->) is Chairman of the Board.

Among the other board members are Leslie H. Gelb, Michael P. Peters, Charles G. Boyd,
or David Kellogg. Some of their directors hold important positions in many other worldwide connected companies or government related institutions:

John Deutch, Richard C. Holbrooke, Theodore C. Sorensen, George Soros or David Rockefeller.


On many 911-related websites or discussion groups the idea is heavily circulating, that some of the members of the CFR , with the help of other related
thinktanks, scripted the blueprint for the Sep11th attack, based on thoughts of Brzezinsky (->) and Project Northwoods (->).

Cfr.org was created in July 1993 by the Council on Foreign Relations in New York (58 E 68th St.).

From an older GROUND ZERO Forum (->) article at Scoop:

"There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father - a phrase his father used I think only once, and it
hasn’t been used since - and that is a new world order," CFR member Senator Gary Hart, September 11th.

It's time to demistify the CFR and focus strongly on their influence on the current US Government.
It's obvious that with all their connections to the Pentagon, CIA, many intelligence panels and even the media, they must have heard about all these warnings
during 2001 and they knew about the war plans against the Taliban at the same time.

We know for example, that CFR members Gary Hart and George Shultz received a warning about an attack a few days before Sept 11th.

The CFR had at least a lot of prior knowledge and needed a reason to start a war against Iraq.
Afghanistan was therefore helpful as a warm-up.

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The CFR supported the election campaign of George Bush and gave proposals for the team around Bush.
It's interesting how their background later was helpful for the schedule in Afghanistan.

But already in 1998 the CFR helped to establish another think tank, called ANSER (http://www.anser.org)
This organisation already established the Homeland Security plan and included almost 30 members with a hugely experienced scientific and military

...The CFR helped set up the GATT and NAFTA and was and is pushing for the Mulitilateral Agreement of Investments (MIA).

CFR members Joseph S. Nye and Gary Hart were two of the first people after the attack to offer suggestions for the new Office of Homeland Defense.

Only three days after the attack, the CFR convened a meeting in Washington organized around the U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st
Century. The Commission, which was a joint creation of former President Bill Clinton (CFR) and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (CFR), was co-chaired by
former senators Gary Hart (CFR) and Warren Rudman (CFR).

How big is the influence of the CFR on the US Admininstration?

What's the role of CFR MEMBER Dr. John Hamre, President & CEO since 2000 and formerly Deputy Secretary of Defense?

How big is the influence of other CFR-represantatives like David Rockefeller (Honorary Chairman), Vanessa Pokorny (Research Associate, Terrorism
Task Force), Theodore C. Sorensen, George Soros, Richard C. Holbrooke or Peter G. Peterson (Chairmen of the Board)?

What exactly did CFR member James J. Zogby know about a possible attack?

Zogby is President of the American Arab institute, which is sponsored by the White House.
At the American Arab Institute works Khaled Elgindy (US Commission in International Religious Freedom), whose brother Amr Ibrahim Elgindy is No.1
suspect in an 911-insider trading (->) plot, another connection which is totally ignored by the National Media.

Elgindy worked together with ex-FBI agents Jeffrey A. Royer and Lynn Wingate, who obviously had advanced knowledge on the attack on America.
The indictment is at: http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/fbi/uselgindy502ind.pdf

Another arrested suspect was Derrick M Cleveland, who short sold some stock of Nuclear Solutions Inc. after the attack.

Nuclear Solutions merged this year with RTS. On Feb 28, 2002 the company entered into a support contract with Los Alamos National Laboratory to support
the company's development of photonuclear transmutation technologies."

The Los Alamos had a downplayed scandal in 2002:

In March 2002, Glenn Walp, a former chief of the Arizona Capitol police hired by the laboratory, wrote a memorandum to Los Alamos administrators
outlining more than $3 million worth of equipment that got lost from October 1998 to September 2001.

An investigation found credit card abuses. (-> Resignments)


The CFR compiles their own war on terrorism websites at


The CFR Magazine is published at:


Americans Have a Right to Know About The Council on Foreign Relations
by John F. McManus

Initial List of Council on Foreign Relations Members



Chamberlain, Wendy
On October 10, 2001, only 3 days after the War against the Taliban started, Pakistani newspaper The Frontier Post reported, that U.S. Ambassador Wendy
Chamberlain has paid a call on the Pakistani oil minister. A previously abandoned Unocal (->) pipeline from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to the
Pakistani coast, for the purpose of selling oil (->) and gas to China, is now back on the table in view of recent geopolitical developments.

Chamish, Barry
Barry Chamish, a regular Rense-columnist (->), is an Israeli journalist who has done a great deal of research into corruption of Israel's government--from
outside forces and from within.


Contact: [email protected]

Chemical Convention Coup

(-> Bustani, Jose)

Cheney, Richard "Dick"


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During the election campaign for George Bush, in August 2000, Vice President Dick Cheney stepped down as CEO of Halliburton Root and Brown (->), but
still had a considerable shareholding in the conglomerate.

Halliburton worked together with UNOCAL (->), who had big interests in the Afghanistan region.

Richard Celler, former director of "UNOCAL Pakistan Ltd" once said:

"...UNOCAL controlled is best contacts, into US-government circle around US-vice president Cheney, that at a project office to the line plan involved. In
addition assured "UNOCAL...() the cooperation of influential lobbyist as well as Ex-Foreign Minister Kissinger (->) , the earlier US-ambassador in Pakistan,
Robert Oakley, and the former colleague of the UN-Sondermission in Afghanistan, Charlie Santos, also US-American.."

In 1996, Unocal (advisor at that time was Henry Kissinger ->) signed an agreement with the Taliban and the Afghan Northern Alliance (->) giving Unocal
the go-ahead to build a south-bound pipeline through Afghansitan to Pakistan and the expanding Asain market.

Halliburton was UNOCALs construction partner.

In 1997, a multinational consortium was evaluating construction of a Central Asia Gas (CentGas ->) pipeline between Turkmenistan and Pakistan. Part of
this pipeline would have crossed western Afghanistan. However, Unocal pulled out of the consortium in 1998 and the pipeline was never constructed.

From the original Ground Zero Forum archive:

"In June 2001, Cheney asked Indian opposition leader Sonia Gandhi about a multimillion-dollar debt owed to Enron from a major energy project in India.
A Cheney aide said, the vice president has had three meetings with Indian officials since the Bush administration took office.

The $64 million Enron debt has come up just once, in the June 27th meeting with the opposition leader.
Halliburton, in the same time finished new deals with the US Defence.

In 2001 the "Fasttrax consortium team" [US/UK] provided tank transporter service to British Army include Oshkosh Truck Corporation and Deutsche Bank.

Local partners of FastTrax include King Trailers Limited, who produce "Disaster Recovery Vehicles" for the middle east region. King Consortium is a
subsidiary of the Haliburton Company.


In August 2001, King Trailers finished another deal with MechTool Engineering,
a pioneer "in the design of fire, blast and acoustic protection".

Based in Darlington, the company has an international presence through agents and alliances in the Far East, Middle East, Australia, Canada and Norway.
King Trailers is a consortium member of Fasttrax, who signed contracts in £300m Army Contract.

MechTool has many "alliances in the Far East [and] Middle East".

In March 2000, Military Magazine Janes (->) already reported, that "seven consortia were invited to submit outline proposals for the Heavy Equipment
Transporter (HET)
service and eventually two companies, Defence Heavy Equipment (Serco Military teamed with MAN truck) and FastTrax (Brown & Root teamed with
Oshkosh Truck), went through to the final stage.
The official endorsement of the preferred bidder due later this year."


The BBC confirmed in December 2001 the August 2001 deal,

which took place only a few weeks before the Sep11th attack.

"A private consortium called FastTrax headed by Brown and Root (->), a subsidiary of US oil services giant Halliburton, has become the preferred bidder
for a £300m contract to provide the British Army's new tank transporters."

On December 3rd, 2001, BBC said, that "Britain's contribution to the ongoing struggle in Afghanistan" could be worth" about £13bn over a number of years".

Cheney always played the mystery man.

During Summer 2001, Cheney was working on a "top secret" Energy Development Task Force.

Immediately after the Sep11th attack, Cheney (who had four heart attacks in the last few years) vanished for various times from the political landscape. In
fact his whereabouts had been questioned various times until he suddenly announce a trip to the Middle East.

In late 2002, he was responsible for the arrestment of a photographer.

In the meantime, various US Congress Members like Sam Donaldson asked for an investigation of Halliburton + Dick Cheney, later supported by watch
group Judicial Watch and even the GAO (->).
Donaldson pointed out:

"A company that, in one year, changed its accounting rules to count $100 million of cost
overence (ph) as revenue without telling their investors for more than
a year. This was on the advice of Arthur Andersen. The company's Halliburton.

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The man who made that decision as CEO was Dick Cheney.

(-> Maginnis, Mike)

Cheney, Lynne
Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney,
was on Lockheed Martin's Board of Directors from 1994 until January 2001.

(-> Lockheed)

Cheney, vacation
Not only President Bush was on vacation during August 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney as well:

"Vice President Dick Cheney took time off from his month-long working vacation Monday to outline his plans for August in Jackson Hole and to reflect on
"an amazing year."...
...Cheney, who will live at his Teton Pines home about six miles west of Jackson until Labor Day, defended his energy policy, supported a local decision to
limit drilling around the Gros Ventre Wilderness, recalled a life of service in Washington and said his health problems are not affecting his ability to fish for
trout on his favorite Western waters..."


Oil company with deep connections to Kazakhstan, which was connected with Condoleeza Rice (->).
Rice was a director of Chevron throughout the 1990s.

On February 19th, 2003, David O'Reilly, chairman and chief executive of Chevron Texaco complained there "was a view among some sections of the public
that the conflict was about
nothing but oil and that was not a good enough reason to go to war."

(-> Ashcroft, John)

(-> California-Connection)
(-> Caspian Oil Pipeline)
(-> Oil)
(-> Scowcroft, Brent)


Chiaradio, Robert J.
Former head of the FBIHQ during the Sep11th attack.

In November 1989, he was ordered to FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

In May 1996, Mr. Chiaradio was ordered to the Tampa Field Office to serve as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge.

After the terrorist events that occurred on September 11, 2001, Mr. Chiaradio was asked to report back to FBI Headquarters for a temporary assignment as
Director Mueller's assistant.

Robert J. Chiaradio left the FBIHQ in 2002:

"...On July 8th, 2002 Chiaradio was named by KPMG Consulting (->), one of the world’s largest business consulting and systems integration firms, as
managing director and lead advisor on homeland security...."

(-> Controlled Cleanup ->AMEC)

(-> early warnings)
(-> Kean, Tom ->Aramark)
(-> Williams, Kenneth)

(-> Brisard, Jean-Charles)

Until 1995, ex-FBI anti-terror specialist John O'Neill had an office in Chicago and investigated on possible links of muslim citizens.

Ex-FBI agent Robert Wright (->) was based in Chicago, who had accused the FBI of shutting down his 1998 criminal probe into alleged terrorist-training
camps in Chicago and Kansas City, which he linked to Hamas. He once was allowed as the only FBI agent to seize terrorist funds.
One source of the funds was Yassin Kadi (-> Al-Kadi, Yassin), a Saudi businessman,
who was a financier of Osama bin Laden (->), as stated by the FBI.

In 2000, Robert McFarlane (->, former national security adviser in the Reagan administration) was hired by two wealthy Chicago commodity speculators,
Joseph and James Ritchie, to assist them in recruiting and organizing anti-Taliban guerrillas among Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

On February 7, 2001 (due to his indictment) Zacarias Moussaoui (->) flew out of Karachi to London from where he flew to Chicago carrying $35,000.


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On or about February 23, 2001, Moussaoui flew from London, England to Chicago, Illinois, declaring at least $35,000 cash on his Customs declaration, and
then from Chicago to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

In Summer 2001, Chicago attorney David Schippers (->), former Clinton prosecutor was warned by various FBI agents from Chicago on a terror attack on

On September 11th, 2001, one source told the Chicago Tribune that the FBI was searching for a number of passengers who were due to fly on American
Airlines Flight 43 from Boston, which was grounded due to a mechanical problem. This plane was rumoured as the so called "fifth plane" (->) of the


Turner Constructions, one of the 4 companies, who had been responsible for the clean-up of Ground Zero, once built the BP Amoco Oil Building in Chicago.
(-> Controlled cleanup)


After September 11th, 2001, the United States assets included the al Baraka Bancorp Inc. in Chicago, Illinois, and al Baraka Bancorp Inc. in Houston, Texas.
Al Baraka Bank (which means "the plan"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Dallah Albaraka Group (->), is based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (->).

Global Relief Foundation (->), a benefit organisation, accused of supporting terrorism,

is based in the Chicago-area.

Laila I. Gomaa, mother of 911-insider trading suspect Amr I. "Tony" Elgindy (together with FBI agents Lynn Wingate and Jeffrey Royer) works as a
pediatrician in Chicago.
Elgindy ("Mad Max of Wall Street", WIRED Magazine) was accused of having advanced knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

In May 2000, it was revealed that he worked as an informant for the SEC,
FBI and other government agencies, as he was sentenced to four months in
prison after pleading guilty to insurance fraud.
In 1992, his own mother accused Elgindy and his AMR Securities Inc. of making unauthorized trades in her pension account.
El Gindy's brother Khaled El Gindy works for the White House supported Arab American Institute (->).
(-> Insider trading, FBI)

Suspect Jose Padilla (->)was arrested May 8, 2002 as he flew into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport from Pakistan.
Padilla was a former Chicago street gang member who served time in prison in the 1990s, then converted to Islam.

NORAD Air Sector's area of responsibility covers Chicago.

The Chicago Sun Times is owned by Conrad Blacks company Hollinger Inc. (->),
which is directed by Richard Perle (->).

Inspired by Robert Mason's memoirs "Chickenhawk and an increasing discussion on PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder", the following list compiled a
chickenhawk database:


During 2002, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), George Bush and even Vice President Dick Cheney, had been
widely referred to as the "chickenhawks."


On September 13, 2001 after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts China became a member of the World Trade Organization, 48 hours after the September
11th attack.
[Source: The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2001.]

(-> Oil)

Chomsky, Noam
Professor and prominent social critic Noam Chomsky teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is the author of more than 70 books, including
"Rogue State: The Rule of Force in World Affairs".

In late 2001, Noam Chomsky released his book "9-11", in which he reminded, that "we should recognize that in much of the world the U.S. is regarded as a
leading terrorist state, and with good reason."


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Review at

In an interview in March 2002, Noam Chomsky pointed out, that what drives the so called "War on Terrorism", "has nothing to do with terrorism. What
drives it is control over resources, and that’s important. It’s not just oil. For example, another major resource, which people don’t pay enough attention to, is
water. "


"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."

In April 2002, Chomsky started to publish a new print magazine called http://www.war-times.org/

On December 6th, 2002 Chomsky "analysed the Bushies" in an interview with Anthony DiMaggio (http://indy.pabn.org/):

"Regaining control over Iraq’s oil resources (not access, but control; a very different matter) is longstanding. 9/11 provided a pretext for the resort to force,
not only by the US: also Russia, China, Indonesia, Israel, many others.
...Bush is probably irrelevant. But the people around him have a record: They are recycled Reaganites.
...It’s interesting to read the archives of Nazi Germany, fascist Japan, the Soviet Union. The leaders are acting from the highest imaginable motives, and
probably believed it."


In late 2002, Chomsky was put on a "watch list" by Daniel Pipes (->) and campuswatch.org (->)

Chossudovsky, Michel
Michel Chossudovsky is the author of "War and Globalisation, The Truth behind September 11".
He is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) and runs Global Outlook.

(-> Globalresearch.ca)
(-> Global Outlook)

Chuckman, John
Yellow Times and Rense.com columnist.

Contact: [email protected]

The history of the CIA began with a plan of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was concerned about American intelligence deficiencies. He asked New York
lawyer William J. Donovan to draft a plan for an intelligence service. The Office of Strategic Services was established in June 1942.

(Due to some historicans, the early OSS was in reality created with some nazi money.
Compare: -> Nazis in the Rebulican Party and USA -> "Shadow of the Swastika")

In October 1945, the OSS was abolished and its functions transferred to the State and War Departments.
After some debate, on how a secret intelligence should be seperated from the work of the FBI, in 1946 President Harry S. Truman established the Central
Intelligence Group with Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers as the first director.

Under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (which became effective on 18 September 1947) the National Security Council (NSC) and the
Central Intelligence Agency were established.

In January 1952, CIA's intelligence functions were grouped under the Directorate for Intelligence (DDI).
Many new sub divisions had been created, i.e. the the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI ->), which engaged in basic scientific research; and the Office
of Current Intelligence (OCI), which provided current political research.

During the late 90s, former CIA-members had been involved in the development of the Homeland Security, a long time before Sep11th, at ANSER (->) or

The evidence, that the CIA had prior knowledge on Sep11th can be located in various references.

Their long list of informants, moles and confirmed contacts with the official hijackers, their downplayed teamwork with other intelligence services (Yemen,
Malaysia, Spain, France, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia) and the ignored warnings of others (Israel, UK, Russia, Germany etc...) point on the strong possibility, that
the CIA knew or observed all 19 (20) hijackers before Sep11th and was forced by their "contacts" in weapon- and oil industry, to let the attack happen on
purpose (->LIHOP).

To search for political criticism on the CIA would turn into a never ending study.

On November 7th, 2002, Green MP Keith Locke was calling for the CIA to be classified a terrorist group after destroying a car carrying six al Qaeda
members in Yemen.

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The cross reference links (and moles?) of the CIA would fill another book.

Here are the most important:

(-> 911 hearings, General Mahmud Ahmad, AIG, Al-Quaeda, Al-Quaeda Escape-Flights, American Hospital Dubai, A+M, ANSER, Anthrax, Richard
Armitage, Robert Baer, Battelle, BCCI, BENS, Bin Laden, BoozAllen, David L Boren, Building 7, George HW Bush, Bush Knew, Richard Butler, Vincent
Cannistraro, Carlyle Group, CIA-cable, CIA directors, CIA-moles, CIA-observation, Richard Clarke, Mamound Darkanzali, Defense Policy Board, John
Deutch, Disinformation, DoD, David Doherty, DynCorp, Early warnings, ENRON, Global Hawk, Gold/Twin Towers, Gray Fox, Bob Graham, Maurice
Greenberg, Hadron, Stephen Hatfill, Jerome Hauer, Laila Helms, Hijacker-ID confusion, Huffman Aviation, Informants, In-Q-Tel, Insider-Trading
911-CIA, Intellibridge, Iran-Contra, ISI, Jeddah, Johns Hopkins Institute, Karachi-connection, Henry Kissinger, Kroll Associates, Wally Krongard, Magic
Lantern, Maxwell Air Force Base, Mediafilter.org, Memo, Military pre-911 studies on attacks, MK-Ultra, Mujahadeen, Ahmed Muttawakil, Niaz Naik,
National ID, New Jersey Connection, Abdullah Noman, Norman/Oklahoma, Northwoods, Oil, Pentagon/simulated crash, Pharmacia, Richard Perle, PMCs,
Prince Turki al-Faisal, PROMIS, Rendon Group, Christina Rocca, Dana Rohrabacher, Shea+ Gardner, SAIS, Silent Vector, Julie Sirrs, Smallpox Vaccines,
SSI, Standard Chartered Bank, Stanford Technology Trading Group, SYTEX, Taiwangate, Taliban, George Tenet, Terror-Scenarios, ToraBora, Venezuela,
Virginia-Connection, John Walker Lindh, War was planned, Washington-connection, Dale Watson, West Nile Mystery, James Woolsey, Yemen/Oil, Zapata
Oil, Abu Zubaydah)

Most important Sep11th related articles:

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden


Bin Laden Met with the CIA in July 2001 and Walked Away

CIA declassified files (shrubbed after October 5th, 2001):


Intelligence data pulled from websites


CIA related database:


CIA building strike on Sep11th

On the morning of September 11th 2001, John. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response
issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day.
Information is the most powerful tool available in the homeland security effort.
At the core of every initiative currently underway to protect our country and its citizens is the challenge of getting the right information to the right people at
the right time. How can so much information from around the world be captured and processed in meaningful and timely ways?
Mr. Fulton shares his insights into the intelligence community, and shares a vision of how today's information systems will be developed into even better
counter-terrorism tools of tomorrow.

About John Fulton:

John Fulton’s 25 years in the intelligence community has contributed to his recognition as an expert in risk & threat response analysis, scenario gaming, and
strategic planning. He is on staff for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), currently serving as Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National
Reconnaissance Office, and as a member of U.S. Joint Forces Command's Project Alpha - a prestigious "think tank" for advanced concepts related to such
issues as homeland security.
He formerly served as the mission director for our nation's satellite imagery program as well as replacing Army Astronaut Same Gemar as the Director of
the National Security Space Master Plan for the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Space Communities under the auspices of the Deputy
UnderSecretary of Defense (Space).


(-> Terror Exercises)

The CIA monitored two of the officially hijackers, Khaled Al-Midhar and and Nawaq Alhazmi and wrote a "cable" on them August 23rd 2001. (->

At that time, FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley's was already in contact with the NSLU and FBIHQ,
which was finished on August 28th.

Noone ever asked:

What really happened within these 5 days?

CIA-directors (since 1966)

1966-1972 Richard Helms (ex-OSS, Helms was member of Operation "Bay of Pigs")

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1972-1973 James Schlesinger (ex-RAND director)

1973-1976 William Colby (ex-DCI, ex-PHOENIX program )
1976-1977 George H.W. Bush (ex- Eli Lily)
1977-1981 Adm. Stansfield Turner (ex-Navy)
1981-1987 William Casey (ex- OSS, ex-Chairman of the SEC)
1987-1991 William Webster (ex-director of FBI)
1991-1993 Robert Gates (William Casey's DDCI in the Iran-Contra affair)
1993-1995 James Woolsey
1995-1196 John M. Deutch
1997- George Tenet

Deputy Directors:
1965-1966 Richard Helms
1969-1971 Rufus Taylor
1969-1971 Robert Cushman
1972-1976 Vernon Walters
1976-1977 Enno Henry Knoche
1977-1978 John F Blake
1978-1981 Frank C. Carlucci
1981-1982 Bobby Ray Inman
1982-1986 John N. McNahon
1986-1989 Robert Gates
1989-1992 Richard J. Kerr
1992-1995 Adm. William O. Studeman
1995-1997 George Tenet


CIA-license to kill
Described by Village Voice's Nat Henthoff (->) as "shadow Constitution".
Since 2002, the CIA is officially authorized to kill, if capture is impractical and civilian casualties can be minimized.
In December 2002, the CIA fired a Hellfire antitank missile" at a car in a remote region of Yemen, killing six, including an "Al Qaeda leader", Salim Sinan
al-Harethi, and "one suspected al-Qaeda operative with United States citizenship."
That dead American passenger was Kamal Derwish, who, according to the Bush administration, was the leader of an alleged cell of Al Qaeda sleepers in
Lackawanna, a Buffalo, New York, suburb.

(-> memo)

Due to a June 2002 article by the NY Daily News, a former CIA "mole" of middle east related "terror groups", warned about an Al Qaeda training camp, a
couple of months before Sep11th:


U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda

June 4, 2002

"U.S. intelligence overheard al-Qaeda operatives discussing a major pending terrorist attack in the weeks prior to Sept. 11 and had agents inside the terror
group, but the intercepts and field reports didn't specify where or when a strike might occur, according to U.S. officials. The disclosures add to a growing
body of evidence to be examined in congressional hearings that open today into how the CIA, FBI and other agencies failed to seize on intelligence pointing
to the deadliest terror attack in U.S. history."


In December 2001, the Washington Post reported, that "the CIA recruited and paid a team of 15 Afghan agents to track Osama bin Laden 's movements in

The team, whose code name is still classified, operated from early 1998 to this Sept. 11, the Post said."

As already known shortly after Sep11th, the CIA observed two of the official hijackers,
Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, since early 2000:


In January 2000, Khalid al-Midhar is observed by the CIA in Malaysia.

He is later the suspected hijacker aboard American Airlines Flight 77,
which crashed into the Pentagon. The CIA officially "lost" his track later.

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Almost unknown, the FBI observed al-Midhar and Khalid Nawaq Alhazmi, too, however "someone" cancelled their investigation in August 2000 for
unexplained reasons.


"...Newsweek said the information was held at the CIA's Counterterrorism Center, the base camp for the agency's war on bin Laden. The magazine said that
when Almihdhar's visa expired, the State Department, not knowing any better, issued him a new one in July 2001, even though the CIA had linked him to one
of the suspected bombers of the USS Cole (news - web sites) in Yemen in October 2000.

On May 24th 2002, US Media released the famous whisteblower-letter of Colleen Rowley:

"When, in a desperate eleventh-hour measure to bypass the FBI HQ roadblock, the Minneapolis division undertook to directly notify the CIA's
counterterrorist center, FBI HQ personnel chastised the Minneapolis agents for making the direct notification without their approval."

Source : http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/134460617_moussaoui24.html

Now, one should recognise this:

"Newsweek said FBI officials have prepared a detailed chart showing how agents could have uncovered the terrorist plot if they had learned about
Almihdhar and Alhazmi sooner, given their contacts with at least five of the other hijackers."

So : the CIA's Counterterrorism Center had information on Almihdhar and Alhazmi -- as Al Qaeda operatives -- and was directly notified about Zacarias
Moussaoui (by desperate agents in Minneapolis). Furthermore, since the Minneapolis agents were reprimanded by their superiors after talking to this office,
it's pretty clear that someone there was talking to higher-ups at the FBI.

We know that Coleen Rowleys memo to the FBIHQ and her own contacts with the NSLU had been finally ignored on August 28th.


That was 5 days after the CIA released their urgent memo ("cable" ->), including to the FBI!!!


"...The CIA tracked two suspected terrorists to a Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000, then looked on as they re-entered America and began
preparations for September 11. Inside what may be the worst intelligence failure of all...

Center for International Policy

In July 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) endorsed as a treatment for anthrax (then largely unknown to the public as a threat) an antibiotic
produced by the Bayer Corporation (->).
The drug was Cipro.

As Tethrahedron (->) reported, "after September 11, 2001, the drug became the one-of-choice for treating anthrax in the wave of attacks that terrified the
United States.
However other well-established drugs are far less expensive and proven to be just as effective.

Broadcasters such as Peter Jennings on the ABC Nightly News featured the antibiotic Cipro, without mention of far less costly and risky alternatives to mass
population prophylaxis.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advanced Cipro for anthrax along with a "Model State
Emergency Health Powers Act" for generic bioterrorism response including forced drugging and certain vaccinations for anthrax and smallpox.

Due to the panic and official endorsements, Cipro sales skyrocketed more than 1000%. At a single consumer prescription cost of $700 for a mere sixty-day
supply, the resulting revenue helped rescue Bayer from the brink of bankruptcy.

Then, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy Thompson rushed to spend millions more on a "special" Cipro contract in further
defense of the nation's health.By November 2001, in the wake of the anthrax mailings, more than 30,000 panicked people in the United States were taking


Source: http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/anthrax/anthrax_espionage.html

Cipro on Sep11th
On the night of the Sept. 11 attacks, the White House Medical Office dispensed Cipro to staff accompanying Vice President Dick Cheney as he was
secreted off to the safety of Camp David, and told them it was a precaution, according to one person directly involved..."

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A national coalition of local officials and concerned citizens working to express the will of their communities through civic resolutions regarding the
proposed war in Iraq.
In February 2003, more than 80 US cities had passed resolutions in opposition to war with Iraq.

Citiesforpeace.org was created in November 2002 in California.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Anti-War Movement)

(-> Deutch, John)
(-> Narconews -> Banamex, a subsidiary of Citigroup)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal al Suad -> Fuad el Hibri/Bioport)
(-> Winokur, Herbert/DynCorp ->Dudley Mecum)

Citizens For Legitimate Government™

Citizens For Legitimate Government™
is a pro-democracy activist group, which was basically established to expose the "Bush coup d'etat" and to oppose the "Bush occupation" in all of its
Their activities and articles can be found at http://legitgov.org/

CLG created a 911-section at http://www.legitgov.org/9_1_1_oddities.html,

where they released articles by CLG Founder and Chair Michael Rectenwald,
Falloutshelter News (->) or Macethemaccountable.com (->).

Legitgov was created on New Years Eve 2001 by Michael D. Rectenwald

in Pittsburgh.

Civil rights movement

(-> ACLU)
(-> CIA)

Clark, Ramsey
Ramsey Clarke, head behind internationalanswer.org (->) ,
which was one of the strongest anti-war-supporters during 2002.

Clark did not only get positive support by peace activists. He was criticized for his positive opinion on former serb leader Milosevic and for the stalinist ties

In 2002, Clarke released his book "Iraq: The Fire This Time" (info: http://www.leftbooks.com ), which was described by the NY Times as "a strong
indictment of the war and especially of the
needless deaths of civilians caused by bombing."

In late 2002, Clark organised one of many other impeachment campaigns against Bush.
(-> Impeach Bush)

Clarke, Richard
Richard Clarke, head of the CSG and Cyber Security Task Force
knew about all the warnings to FBI and CIA and the plans of a war against the Taliban.

From a GROUND ZERO Forum aticle, originally released at Scoop:


"Something spectacular is going to happen."

July 5th, 2001 Richard Clarke in a White House meeting


If anyone knew most about warnings and war plans at the same time, it was Richard Clarke.
Richard Clarke was connected with John O'Neill (->), who died in the World Trade Center.

This is what the New Yorker wrote about their relationship:

"On a Sunday morning in February, 1995, Clarke went to his office to review intelligence cables that had come in over the weekend. One of the cables
reported, that Ramzi Yousef, the suspected mastermind behind the first World Trade Center bombing, two years earlier, had been spotted in Pakistan.

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Clarke immediately called the F.B.I. A man whose voice was unfamiliar to him answered the phone. "O'Neill," he growled. "Who are you?" Clarke said. "I'm
John O'Neill," the man replied. "Who the hell are you?" O'Neill had just been appointed chief of the F.B.I.'s counter-terrorism section, in Washington.
He was forty-two years old, and had been transferred from the bureau's Chicago office. After driving all night, he had gone directly to headquarters that
Sunday morning without dropping off his bags.

When he heard Clarke's report about Yousef, O'Neill entered the F.B.I.'s Strategic Information Operations Center (SIOC) and telephoned Thomas Pickard
(->), the head of the bureau's National Security Division in New York. Pickard then called Mary Jo White, the United States Attorney for the Southern
District of New York, who had indicted Yousef in the bombing case.

One of O'Neill's new responsibilities was to put together a team to bring the suspect home. It was composed of agents who were working on the case, a State
Department representative, a medical doctor, a hostage-rescue team. In Washington, O'Neill became part of a close-knit group of counter-terrorism experts
which formed around Richard Clarke.

The members of this inner circle, which was known as the Counter-terrorism Security Group (C.S.G.), were drawn mainly from the C.I.A., the National
Security Council, and the upper tiers of the Defense Department, the Justice Department, and the State Department.

They met every week in the White House Situation Room. "John could lead a discussion at that level," R. P. Eddy, who was an N.S.C. director at the time,
told me. "He was not just the guy you turned to for a situation report. He was the guy who would say the thing that everybody in the room wishes he had

During 2001 Richard Clarke worked almost 24/7 in the CSG and was exposed to a great deal of information about a possible terrorist threat. On April 20,
when the group transmitted a 12-page discussion draft for the first time to their superiors, they were proposing a plan of "significant action to permanently
erode what is now a robust terrorist organization."


Intelligence had been streaming in concerning a likely Al Qaeda attack. "It all came together in the third week in June," Clarke said. "The C.I.A.'s view was
that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks."

As MSNBC confirmed, on May 23rd 2002 Richard Clarke reacted first: "...As a precaution, however, the National Security Council's counterterrorism
coordinator, Richard Clarke, advised the FAA to issue a warning about the hijacking threat, which resulted in the June 22 warning, officials said...."

On June 29, 2002 U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan William B. Milam, who heard about all the warnings of a, "major attack on U.S. interests", tried to get in
touch with the Taliban Ambassador Abdul Salam Zaeef in Pakistan. Richard Clarke heard about this planned meeting by telephone, "conveyed the same
message to intermediaries in the United Arab Emirates".


"On July 5th, 2001 Richard Clarke convened a White House meeting of the Counterterrorism Security Group; then met with Rice and Bush Chief of Staff
Andrew Card; then met again with CSG plus, Federal Aviation Administration, FBI and Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Clarke told them: "something spectacular is going to happen."

http://www.npr.org/programs/morning/features/2002/may/timeline/ (National Press Review)

From then on Richard Clarke met daily with his team.

Clarke supervised the cyberspace security and was already counterterrorism coordinator for President Clinton.

He coordinated the unmanned Predator test flights, which had been later used in Afghanistan.
Instead of conflicting reports, USA TODAY found out, that "officials ...have said unarmed Predators flew reconnaissance missions over Afghanistan before

This means, a war against the Taliban was long in the planning.

Clarke confirmed, that a "mud complex was built in the deserts of the United States to simulate bin Laden's headquarters, and then struck by a Hellfire
missile fired by a Predator...."
Clarke is member of the Homeland Security Council and the Critical Infrastructure Protection
http://www.state.gov/g/stas/8580.htm http://www.state.gov/g/stas/8580.htmhttp://www.state.gov/g/stas/8580.htm

And Clarke was a warhawk as well.

"...In October 1998, Richard Clarke continued the policy of US officials announcing confusing assessments, even including nuclear weapons in one single
In his remarks at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, he observed that, "Twenty-two countries, however, do possess them, if you consider
biological weapons, chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons to be weapons of mass destruction."

After Clarke’s White House meeting on July 5th, 2002 he was updated about every new involvement:
July 6 - The Counterterrorism Security Group meets again in the White House; learns that targets for attack are located in Paris, Rome and Turkey (->).

July 10 - Phoenix FBI agent Kenneth Williams sends electronic memo to FBI headquarters, urging investigation of possible terrorists connected to bin Laden
enrolled in American flight schools.
July 18 - FAA warns airlines to exercise the highest level of caution. Mid-July CIA disrupts attacks in Paris, Rome and Turkey (->).
July 20-23 - High Alert when President Bush attends G-8 summit in Genoa, Italy.

July 31 - The FAA issues another warning to airlines: terrorists are planning and training for hijackings.
Aug. 6 - CIA's Tenet briefs President Bush in Crawford, Texas, on a generalized terror threat, including Osama bin Laden and hijackings.
Aug. 17 - The INS detains Zacarias Moussaoui for suspicious activity at a Minnesota flight school.

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Sept. 4 - Robert Mueller becomes FBI director. A week before the Sept. 11 attack, FBI investigators told the Federal Aviation Administration that
student-pilot Zacarias Moussaoui had been arrested and was under investigation as a potential terrorist with a particular interest in flying Boeing 747s. But
the agency decided against warning U.S. airlines to increase security.

Clarke always had the same information as the FBI and CIA, however, MSNBC claimed: "...The FBI didn't inform Mr. Clarke or other White House officials
about the Moussaoui arrest prior to Sept. 11, officials said..."

At the same time CFR members George Shultz and Gary Hart received a warning and Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco.

During the last weeks before Sep. 11th, the CIA received still more warnings from the intelligence services of Italy, France, Jordan, Egypt, Russia,
Germany, UK, Morocco, and Israel. The latter warned them twice.

The only secret service which didn't warn the US, was Pakistan’s ISI, even with all their good connections to the Taliban and therefore information about
Bin Laden. But their chief General Massoud visited Washington between Sep. 4th and Sep. 15th.

Nothing is known about this meeting, but he met Richard Clarke’s friend Richard Armitage and James Woolsey of the CIA. From all these reports it is pretty
obvious that some high ranking officials in Pentagon and CIA allowed the attack to happen to justify war against the Taliban..."

On January 31st, 2002, Richard Clarke resigned as the director of Cyber Security.
He dismissed reports that his bureaucratic opponents had blocked him from being offered a senior post in the new Department of Homeland Security.
Clarke left with criticism: "When we sacrifice our civil liberties and privacy rights, the terrorists win because they have gotten us to change the nature of our
Source: http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_1682.shtml

Clarke, Veronica
Veronica Clarke is spokeswoman for the Pentagon and Pentagon officials.

In an interview with Greta Van Susteren of Fox News, Clarke told Susteren,
how they reacted on the attack and didn't decide to evacuate the building:

"...we were talking about some incredibly tricky issue that we were going to have to address that day on Macedonia, and somebody points to the TV screens
in the room and says, well, this is the story of the day. And that was when the first plane hit the World Trade Center. And then, all the operations --

...Secretary Rumsfeld was still in his office, he was getting a briefing on another matter, he was going to be joining us. And we're in a room with no windows,
we've got tons of screens up with different agencies, all the different networks, and felt this enormous thump and a big noise...
...I said, it must be a car bomb. And somebody else said, it's a bomb of some kind..."


All international banking transactions are monitored and electronically recorded by three "clearing" companies.

They are based in Luxemburg (Clearstream) and in Brussels (Euroclear and Swift).

French journalist Denis Robert has made a long inquiry and wrote a book about the "Clearstream" system. His enquiry revealed that that half of the
Clearstream accounts weren't published.

Robert managed to obtain some April 2000 microfiles. He explains in his book that on one of those microfiles, is the "Bahrain International Bank", one of the
8 banks mentioned by President Bush as being a party to Bin Laden's transactions.

Several European non-governmental organisations have been asking for years, that these international finance "black boxes" should be controlled by
governments, rather than just by banks.
They're asking that these companies should be under public control.

Via the 3 companies, all financial transactions are traceable via these microfiles.
Clearstream International was formed in January 2000 through the merger of Cedel International and Deutsche Boerse Clearing.


In an May 2001 interview with Denis Robert, he explained, that one originator of this file system died under strange circumstances on Corsica in 1983. His
name was Gerard Soisson.
He was in vacancy in a Mediterranean club with his 4 children. He broke down on the terrace of his hotel, heart failure, natural death concluded the


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There are speculations around, that with the help of some "clearance computer programs", a few of the saudi arabic accounts, which had been frozen after
Sep11th, had not been disabled.

(-> Controlled Cleanup)

CLG News
(-> Citizens For Legitimate Government™ )
(-> Legitgov.org)

Clinton, Bill
During 2002, many republicans tried to blame the Sep11th-attack on the "failed policy" of Bill Clinton,
though he once even tried to kill Bin Laden.

As twisted in some reports, it was in fact General Pervez Musharraf (->),

who halted this attack on Bin Laden in 1999, not Clinton.

During his second period, Bill Clinton okayed various decisions on a strategy against Bio threads and might have known on a planned war against the

He co-created the Rudman-Hart commission, together with House Speaker Newt Gingrich (CFR), which was co-chaired by former senators Gary Hart and
Warren Rudman (both CFR ->).

(-> Berger, Sandy )

(-> Brisard, Jean-Charles)
(-> Clarke, Richard)
(-> Hauer, Jerome)
(-> HomelandHealth.com)
(-> Inderfurth, Karl)
(-> Inglesby, Dr. Thomas)
(-> National Enquirer)
(-> Noman, Abdullah)
(-> Ritter, Scott)
(-> Rocca, Christina)
(-> Trilaterals)
(-> TSI Communications -> William C Brooks)
(-> War was planned)
(-> West Nile Mystery)
(-> Wright, Robert)

Clinton-Bin Laden attack

(-> Clinton, Bill)
(-> Inderfurth, Karl)

Center for Nonproliferation Studies

(-> Monterey)

Cohen, Mitchel
Mitchel Cohen is editor of “Green Politix,” the national newspaper of the Green Party USA.
Cohen is founder of the No Spray Coalition and furthermore investigative journalist and involved in some 911-strategy-lists (->).

In 2002, Cohen released some political articles on Jerome Hauer and his vaccination policy.

(-> NOspray.org)
(-> Vaccinations, forced)

Cohen, William
Former CIA director.
On September 10th, 2001 he said in an interview:
"Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans may soon have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection"

(-> Hauer, Jerome)

(-> National Defense Panel)
(-> Odeen, Phillip A.)
(-> Terror-Scenarios)
(-> USS Cole)
(-> Yemen/Oil)

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In the 1960s and 70s, the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program, known as COINTELPRO, was used to gather personal details on the lives and habits of a wide
array of activists ranging from public figures like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., actress Jane Fonda and noted pediatrician Benjamin Spock, to members of
local anti-war and civil rights groups. This information was used to disrupt lawful organizing and protest activities.

Many civil liberty groups argued in 2001-2002, that the "Re-Hooverisation" of the FBI and Homeland Security Bill is nothing more than a relaunch of

(-> Carnivore)
(-> TIPS)
(-> Homeland Security)
(-> ANSER)


Colden, Lee
Lee Coldren was former US State Department expert on South Asia.

Collapse, Building 7
Almost forgotten or unknown, Building 7 collapsed on September 11th, but at around 5:30 PM.

The most important and disturbing facts on Building 7 (Questions 5-11 compiled by "ENDIMION"):

Both DoD and CIA had an office in Building 7 on the 25th floor.

On the 26th and 27th floor was the office of Standard Chartered Bank (->).
Due to the official indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui (->), the official 20th hijacker (->), it was a dubai account of Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi from
Standard Chartered, which transfered money to Moussaoui.

The FBI has linked Hasawi aka Mustafa Muhmmad Ahmed , via joint credit card accounts, to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (->), one of the accused
masterminds of the Sep11th attack.
As we learned later, another alias of Shaikh Mohammed is Saeed Sheikh (also spelled Shaykh Saiid).
Actually, CNN reported in October 2001, that "investigators have now determined that Saeed and Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad are the same person."
Sources: CNN, 10/6/01, Washington Post, 12/13/01
Saeed was later accused of being one of the killers of Daniel Pearl (->).

There is no official testimony on the collapse on Building 7, only a study, which doesn't come to any single conclusion, why B7 collapsed.
In September 2002, Con Edison therefore decided to sue Building 7.

The former footprints of Building 7 can not be visited by tourists, it's the only side, which was still closed at the end of 2002. Federals watching the outside of
the former building.

Blackstone Group, a subsidiary of military company TRW, obtained a mortgage on Building 7 in October 2000.

34 km north of WTC, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University registered a 0.6 Richter earthquake at the begining of collapse.
-Isn't it a bit strange to register it 20 km far away? In the beginning of the fall?

The building fell down in an ALMOST PERFECT free fall.
As it was 174 m high it's free fall would be 5.956 s. It fell in 6 s.
That is difference of 0.05 s!
-It is maybe the most promising physical fact that has to be considered!
Simple equation says it.
t= sqrt(2h/g)
And look how it violently starts to sink! Without any tensity or cracking of the facade.

It fell DIRECTLY in its own footprint. The debris was spread only a bit more than 10m around.
The pile of debris was less than 15m high.
Normally, it should TILT and destroy a block, or another building, like Verizon, or US Post Office. It should collapse slowly. And the pile would consist of
many big pieces of floors-none found. There were only few "big" pieces of facade maybe 3-4 floors big. Everything else was MUSHED.
It is extremelly dumb to even think that EVERYTHING would be broken. Simple collapses (like when we just sewer the building's foundations) should be
pretty caotic (even more for a LOCAL fire).

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It was burning (not so vigorously as media says ,I saw the pictures) for 7 hours. Those fires were local, spread on 2 floors.
Not AS CLOSE as the First Interstate Bank in 1988 L.A.
(it's FOUR floors were burning for 18 HOURS! The fires were great).
Someone at other forum mentioned diesel explosions. I ask you: Do you think that diesel fuel (oily and heavy) could EXPLODE and throw of balance a
STEEL tower?
I think no. Neither car gas could. Diesel doesn't create so much flamable steam that could get into a proper mix with O2. And there have to be good
conditions. Car gas is volatile and it would explode, but NOT with such vigourosity as for example TNT. No way.

It's penthouse sinked first, meaning that the center of the building was destroyed first. I think the center was mushed, then the facade broke down while

Chain squibs are visible going on ~10 floors. Did you see them on your video that you posted a link to?
Again mushing. I wonder sometimes why would the bad guys that did this plant SO MUCH detonators inside-it is useless. There could be less of it.

First steel-framed building in history that fell cause of fires.


Another video of the collapse of WTC 7.
And another video of the collapse of WTC 7. http://ontario.indymedia.org/local/webcast/uploads/wtc-7_collapse.mpg
And yet another video of the collapse of WTC 7. http://www.indymedia.org/local/webcast/uploads/wtc-7_cbs.mpg

ENDIMION's (->) full analysis on Building 7:


(-> Eric Hufschmid)

Collapse, Pentagon
(-> Pentagon)

Collapse, Twin Towers

Many circulated video clips of the "collapse" showed some physical evidence on controlled demolition, as shown on the cover photo from "The War on
Freedom" (->)


As independent researcher Plaguepuppy (->) observed, at the start of the collapse, the south tower begins to lean to the south, away from us in this view, so
there should be no significant compression (and possibly some traction, if the core has any resistance) on the side closeset to us. This means that there is no
way from the action of gravity to generate the high pressures it would take to pulverize and eject material in the manner seen.

On Plaguepuppy's website is a collection of footage on the collapse.


His "Spirepage" shows interesting videos of other parts which started to drop almost straight down and then turned into dust in place, as seen in one

Plaguepuppy on the fire:

"As someone who does not believe that the plane damage and fires alone can explain the way the towers collapsed, my biggest problem with the fires is that
they got air almost exclusively from around the edges, yet are claimed to have generated enough heat to severely soften the core columns. There were fire
shutters on each floor to keep the elevator and utility shafts of the core from acting as air vents or chimnies, so the oxygen and most of the heat generated
would be around the edges, far from the core."

Christopher Bollyn of American Free Press (->) came to the following conclusion:

"Impacts of the magnitude of those that occurred on September 11 were considered by the designers of the twin towers and the towers were designed to
survive them.
The possibility of a jet-fuel fires the size of those that occurred on September 11 were considered by the designers of the twin towers and the towers were
designed to survive them.
In order to explain why the towers collapsed, where other steel framed buildings would have survived, the WTC conspirators invented the "truss theory".

The "truss theory" is seriously flawed. It cannot explain how the perimeter wall transmits wind loading to the central core.

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The "truss theory", if accepted, leads to a 33 percent underestimate of the amount of steel in the towers. That is, the "truss theory" does not account for the
whereabouts of 32,000 tons of steel (of 96,000 tons) used in the construction of each of the towers.

The "truss theory" is a lie that has been spun to convince a gullible public, that what appeared to be the controlled demolitions of three of the World Trade
Center buildings, were actually natural consequents of the aircraft strikes and not controlled demolitions at all.
There are photos showing large steel girders positioned where the "official" line states that only (double) trusses should be.

In all, one has to conclude that the "truss theory" is false and that those who push it are part of a large conspiracy to deceive the American people.

Design architecture for the World Trade Center was provided by Minoru Yamasaki & Associates. Emery Roth & Sons served as the architect of record.
Since these people have nothing to hide, they should provide the architectural plans of the World Trade Center, for all to see. This will enable any
misunderstandings regarding the facts of the collapse to be established and corrected. In fact, Minoru Yamasaki & Associates, Roth & Sons, or their
descendent companies, should put the entire set of architectural plans on the internet.

Other sources:

German analysis of possible bombs in WTC http://www.bunkahle.com/Aktuelles/Politik/World_Trade_Center.html


Collapse investigation:

Unanswered questions about the WTC collapse


As yet STILL unanswered questions about the WTC collapse (locked)


As yet STILL unanswered questions about the WTC collapse


Unanswered questions about the WTC collapse: Part 4


Pt.5 (opened January 2003)


The penultimate WTC collapse thread (February 2003)


Collins, Aukai
Aukai Collins was a paid FBI informant, who told ABCNEWS, that three years before Sept. 11, he began providing the FBI with information about a young
Saudi who later flew a hijacked passenger plane into the Pentagon.

Aukai Collins, the informant, said he worked for the FBI for four years in Phoenix (1996-2000), monitoring the Arab and Islamic communities there. Hani
Hanjour was the hijacker Collins claimed to have told the FBI about while Hanjour was in flight training in Phoenix.

http://www.salon.com/books/review/2002/ 07/17/myjihad/index1.html

Aukai Collins released later his book "My Jihad" (Lyons Press), which was reviewed at Salon.com:

"Collins offers a grunt's-eye view of the underground world of the mujahedin: the training camps, the motley platoons fighting away in various global hot
spots, the smooth-talking organizers gathering fighters, funds and arms in Western cities. Then there's the FBI and the CIA; finally repelled by Islamist
terrorism, Collins wound up working for both agencies for several years during which they earned his implacable contempt.

In 1993, Collins trained at the Khalid Bin Whalid camp just over the Pakistani border in Afghanistan. The camp was sponsored by Osama bin Laden, among
others, and was leveled by U.S. cruise missiles in 1998, in retaliation for the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa. Collins never met bin Laden, but he
had an invitation to do so when he was working for the CIA and the agency forbade him to do it."


(-> Informants)

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Color Code System

Part of the Homeland Security Advisory System. Includes 5 different colors.

During the early aftermath of the Sep11th attack and later, when Big Brother projects like TIPS had been established, "comedians" and parody websites
helped to critizise the US government in a more subtle way.

The highlights:

King Kong on Twin Towers, "In the perfect world" (elastic towers):

Bert is evil, October 2001:

"..Sesame Workshop issued a statement saying it was very unhappy with the sudden connection between a lovable character with a penchant for pigeons
and bottlecaps and the most wanted man in the world.

Bin Laden dark Humour


Bin Ladens Homepage


Bin Laden Shooter



Bin Press Conference


Blah Animations
Blah3.com was created in April 1999 by Don Waller in Miller Place, NY

Bush Book at Booker


Bush Hats
Political strikes- Political Humour

ENRON on Star Trek

ENRON Voicebox

Japanese UFO
(maybe based on original ship from:

Leader of the free world


New Grounds- political humor


Outraged Comics

Patriot and Non-Terrorist Registration


Royal Canadian Air Farce/Bin Laden Watch


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Taliban Answering Machine - shockwave

Taliban Singles Online

Ted Rall (->)

The Humour Source

Tom Tomorrow (->)


Tourist Guy comes around



Your Taliban Prisoner


Weekly World News

Weekly World News- Bin Laden's Killer Mosquitoes

We shell not
We fuck the world


On US Cable, the Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central, became
the most popular comedy show, proving subtle humour on current US policy.


On January 18th, 2002, on Saturday Night Live: a stunning skit actually 'suggested' that high level Wall St. investment advisors knew 9/11 was to happen and
advised investment in defense industries prior to 9/11.

Many comedians decided to protest against the political regime and the war, among them Sarah Silverman, who later suported www.comics4peace.org (->).

Anti-War comedy show with Sarah Silverman, David Koechner, Bob Odenkirk, David Cross, Patton Oswalt, Jerry Minor and more...

Commanders of the U.S. Armed Forces

Helpful Bios and interesting summaries on Lt. Gen. Charles F. Wald, Lt. Gen. Paul T. Mikolashek, Vice Adm. Charles W. Moore Jr., Marine Lt. Gen.
Michael P. DeLong and Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks are located at


Commando Central photos on Sep11th

There are different thoughts on the commando central photos, which ironically had been released only 48 hours before President Bush had to confirm prior

Here are a few of them:


"...OK, let’s stretch our imagination and just pretend it is 9:25am. Who is he talking to on the phone? According to the official 9/11 timeline Bush speaks to
Condolezza Rice on the phone at about 9am and meets with her at 9:30. Where is Condolezza Rice in the photo?...:

Thanks to Guy Williams for this, read his full analysis at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Propaganda_Matrix/message/1396

The woman standing behind Bush in the first photo (in beige, on a phone) is Deborah Loewer - who is "Director of White House Situation Room, National
Security Council" - who is also a Navy Captain.
This is confirmed by the Whitehouse's own site:

and this is her version of events that morning:

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Here are Captain Loewer's (two) versions of what Bush knew:

From the first link
Shortly before 9 a.m., Loewer got a call telling her that "an aircraft had impacted the World Trade Center."

Loewer said that when she arrived at the school, she ran hard and fast to the president.
"It's a very good thing the Secret Service know who I am," Loewer said.
Loewer told the president and his chief of staff, Andrew Card, that an aircraft had hit the World Trade Center.
"This is all we know," she told them.

Like most Americans, Loewer was watching television when the second plane struck the second tower.
"I tell you, I was so stunned, as I'm sure many of you were," Loewer recalled. "Well, it took me about 30 seconds to realize that this was terrorism."
She relayed that thought to Card, who then whispered to the president, "Capt. Loewer says it's terrorism."
From the second link:
...Captain Loewer traveled to Florida with President Bush on Sept. 11 to visit a school. She received the message from her deputy in the White House
Situation Room about the plane crashing into the first tower, and she described running from her car in the motorcade to the president's car to pass along the

Once they reached the school, they watched events unfold on television, along with others in America. A short time later, she recognized the attacks for
what they were and reported, "Mr. President, I think it's terrorism."

Different colors of the jackets:

My conclusion was that some photos had been staged (including the clocks).
However the different colors from the school video and the photo with Andrew Card seem to come from an encoding light or general overexposed lighting
Later he could have changed his jacket.

Breaking news for the progressive community.
Founded in 1997, Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization
Contact: [email protected]

cc.org released a huge catalogue of questions on Sep11th at

http://www.communitycurrency.org/9-11.html including the analysis of Malcontent X(->) at

Both articles became later the activist information backbone for Carol Brouillet (->).

Brouillet started to protest on oddities around in Sep11th already a couple of weeks later and with a huge protest in january 2002 in front of the office of US
Congress Member Diane Feinstein.
In October 2002 Brouillet started to organized the weekly "Listening for Peace" events in downtown Palo Alto at Lytton Plaza.

They asked the public three questions-

What do you think of the events of September 11th and the U.S. government's response?
How could we defuse terrorism?
How could we create a "safer," better, world for our children and all children?

Communitycurrency.org was created in June 1998 by QuikWeb in Atherton CA,

administrative Contact is Jeremy Kassis at the Stanford University MedNet Web Project in Los Altos, CA

Contact: [email protected]

Complacent.org described themselves like this:

"A journey somewhere between apathy and inspiration.

A poignant little reminder about our lost civil liberties. The concept is a look back at 1984,
George Orwell's premonition were war is endless and Big Brother watches all."


Complacent was already created in 1999 by complacent.org in New York.

They created www.ashcroftiswatchingyou.com.

A huge transparent of an ashcroft-image was part of an activist art protest on

Houston Street in New York at the end of 2002.

Contact: [email protected]

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One of the few german websites, who collected some critical articles,
who challenged the official version of Sep11th, i.e. by Clara Thümmler, Boris Kagarlitzky, Barry Grey, Rainer Rupp, Cora Simon, Michael C. Ruppert,
Alexandra Bader, Daniel Schulz, Andreas von Bülow, Mumia Abu-Jamal etc.. and translated parts of them into german language.


Concord Coalition
The Concord Coalition is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization advocating fiscal responsibility while ensuring Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are
secure for all generations. The Concord Coalition was founded in 1992 by the late former Senator Paul Tsongas (D-Mass.), former Senator Warren Rudman
(R-N.H.), and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson (->).

Former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-Ne.) was named a co-chair of the Concord Coalition in January 2002

Peter Peterson is chairman of the CFR and executive at the Blackstone Group,
a subsidiary of TRW (mergered in 2002 with Raytheon) .

On September 6th, 2001 the Concord Coalition suggested a radical reform of the Social Security System:
Robert Bixby, Executive Director of The Concord Coalition at a public hearing of the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security in San Diego:


"For over 60 years Social Security has provided a vital floor of protection. Its broad range of retirement, disability, and survivors’ benefits for millions of
Americans makes it an important issue for people of all ages. But changing demographics render the current pay-as-you-go system fiscally unsustainable
and generationally inequitable over the long-term. Reversing this trend will require facing up to some hard choices and making far-sighted decisions.

"Now is the time to begin preparing for the aging of America by designing a retirement system that is both more secure for the old and less burdensome for
the young. Demographic and economic circumstances will never again be so favorable for Social Security reform."
13 months later, on October 1st, 2002 the CC placed a full-page advertisement
in the Sunday's New York Times offering voters hard facts and five questions to ask the candidates about Social Security reform.

The ad was signed by Concord Coalition Co-Chairs, former Senators

Warren B. Rudman (R-N.H.) and Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), and Concord
Coalition President Peter G. Peterson, former Secretary of

The full text of the ad, including five charts, is

available on Concord's web site at http://www.concordcoalition.org/new.html

Another member of the Concord Coalition is Stephen Friedman, a former co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, the investment firm (who replaced Lawrence B.
Lindsey in December 2002 as chairman of the White House's National Economic Council)

Online publication since 1995, when it was started as the "Internet's first investigative magazine".

Consortiumnews.com was created in May 1998 by the Consortium for Independent Journalism
in Arlington VA.

Contact: [email protected]

Based on the greek word "conspirare", which means "breath together".
Extreme thinking people argue, that everything is run by the same big conspiracy,
while more realistically, many different small conspiracies in fact compete with each other.

It's on investigative journalists and progressive media, to seperate speculations from facts, while sociologists try to analyse conflicting theories from

In 2001-2002, results of investigative research got hijacked by censorship and oppression.

The idea of a conspiracy influenced many other, less investigative, but more speculative websites like conspiracyarchive.com and others.

Conspiracy-corp.tripod.com is a collection of Sep11th-related headlines, which didn't make big news in the US Mainstream press.

Contact: [email protected]

Investigative website, who was concentrating in 2002 on the DynCorp-Government Connection,
"Beltway Bandits & the US Shadow Government" or the Enron-Bush Connection.
Conspiracydigest.com is promoting books by Al Martin-Raw and Uri Dowbenko (->).

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Conspiracyplanet.com was created by Uri Dowbenko (->) and New Improved Entertainment Corp.
in Pray, MT.

Contact: [email protected]

Described themselves as alternative news and history network.
Supported some 911-investigative articles.


conspiracyplanet.com was created by Uri Dowbenko (->) and New Improved Entertainment Corp.
in Pray, MT.

Construction Numbers
American 011 Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the World Trade Center
- Aircraft = B767-223ER - N334AA

American 077 Washington Dulles to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon
- Aircraft = B757-223 - N644AA

United 093 Newark to San Francisco, crashed near Sommerset, PA

- Aircraft = B757-222 - N591UA

United 175 Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the World Trade Center
- Aircraft = B767-222 - N612UA

Controlled Cleanup
From an older article, which had been mirored first at DU (->)


"...Immediately after September 11th,

four companies started to clean up the rubble in New York + at the Pentagon.

They are:

AMEC Construction Management, Inc.; Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc.; Tully
Construction Co., Inc.; and Turner/Plaza Construction Joint Venture.

Here are some background profiles:


AMEC is a leading international provider of

specialised services and engineering solutions for
clients in manufacturing, commercial, infrastructure
and process industries, based in London.
AMEC was the only construction company, who was
working at both disaster sites in New York and at the
Pentagon, Washington.

In an interesting coincindence, AMEC already

worked for the Pentagon in 2001, completing a
renovation of the same section of the Pentagon, Wedge
1 ($150 million costs), which was later officially hit
by AA77.


AMEC worked together with the oil industry. (-> Oil)

In 1999 BP Amoco awarded AMEC Process and Energy a
major support services contract.

During the same period BP Amoco already supported the

election campaign of George Bush.
Totally they spent $2,989,073 between 1995 and 2000.
They had been not alone. Exxon spent $3,280,216 ,
Occidental Petroleum $1,544,774 and Texaco Inc.

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Us Congress member Don Young (R-AK), an Arctic

Refuge drilling advocate, received $119,708 for his
1998 election, $133,850 for 2000, and so far $27,750
for his upcoming race in 2002.

"It was Young, incidentally, who suggested that

environmentalists may have been responsible for the
airplane crashes into New York's World Trade Center
and the Pentagon on September 11. Attorney General
John Ashcroft received $151,149 from the oil and gas
industry for his failed Senate race in 2000..."

AMEC is specialised in cleanups of fuel tanker

rollovers, their latest big job was a cleanup in New Mexico.

Other clients include PharmaChem- or rail services.

AMEC invented AFMS (Automated Frequency

Management Services), which "advises clients all over
the world on matters of radio regulations development,
communication policy, spectrum planning, and
computer-based frequency management and radio station

Part of AFMS is SPECTROCAN, which is a member of the

International Telecommunication Union, concentrating
on monitoring the radio spectrum for governments and
regulatory agencies around the world.
AFMS is a very popular akronym, therefore easy to be confused.
(i.e. Air Force Manpower Standard, Automatic Flight Management
System,Automated forms System etc...)

The AMEC-AFMS was involved in the analysis of the

malfunction of handheld radios which complicated the
rescue efforts of firefighters at the World Trade
It has been reported, that an evacuation order
broadcast by Fire Chief Joseph Callan was not received
by some of the firefighters.

In an analysis by Prof. Donald A Lund from April 2002,

Lund came to the conclusion, that currently "there is
a lack of available radio frequencies for
emergency responders and public safety officials
to use. As a result, existing frequency
spectrums are crowded."
It would be interesting to hear the conclusion from
Currently are conflicting reports around, if maybe the
GE-Ericsson 800 megahertz radio system should be
standardized nationwide for emergency cases.


AMEC works together with the SAIC, i.e. Kyle Cook (SAIC ->)
and Chris Stransky (AMEC) in the County Project "Clean Water"
in San Diego.
The SAIC, on the other hand, is a mega tech specialist,
which develop different communication standards.

One of their various companies is Telcordia.

Telcordia Technologies is specialised in Lazer Technologies or Space Imaging and a subsidiary of the SAIC.

Hatfill worked together with Jerome Hauer at the SAIC in 1999,

who later directed the OEM and built the emergency center, known as "the bunker" on the 23rd floor of Building 7.

Hauer organised the security job for former FBI terror

specialist John O'Neill, who died in the Twin Towers.
Corporate Vice President of Applied Research
Telcordia (formerly Bellcore Communications Research) is Robert W. Lucky, a specialist in "correcting distortion in telephone signals".

Lucky is on the Board of Trustees of ANSER (->), who established the Homeland Security in 1999.

Both ANSER and AMEC are prime contractors of the Pentagon.


Chief Executive of AMEC is Sir Peter Mason, former

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executive director of BICC plc, a huge Cable Company.

Among AMECs analysts and brokers are Deutsche Bank,
Merrill Lynch or UBS Warburg.
Their auditor is KPMG Audit Plc. (->)

KPMG is in the meantime represented by former

FBI-HQ Robert J. Chiaradio, who once ignored various
warnings about a possible terrorist attack and obscure
flight school trainings in the United States.

Chiaradio works since July 2002 at KPMG as "managing

director and lead advisor on homeland security".
AMEC received another contract by the US Department of
Defense on 13 December 2001 to "to provide
environmental engineering, professional, technical and
remediation services for the Air National Guard. The
Department announced that the contract has a total
potential value of up to US$598 million over ten

"...The new services contract closely follows AMEC’s

selection by the Department of Defense to extend its
provision of construction management and support
services at the Pentagon building following the
terrorist attacks of September 11. AMEC’s Construction
Management division had previously completed
renovations to Wedge 1 of the Pentagon and is
currently providing emergency repair and restoration
of the impacted sections. Specific contract details
have not been disclosed..."

On January 2002 AMEC received another contract about

$1.4 billion International Air Terminal to "complete"
John F. Kennedy International Airport.

AMEC is represented in the States by New York-based

Construction Management and has other contracts
with airports like Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood
International, San Francisco International,
Hopkins International, construction contracts with
the New York Stock Exchange and the renovation work at
the Pentagon.

AMEC Construction Management is led by Mitchell Becker

and John Babieracki, a "a 30-year veteran in the
construction industry", who "built 50-story
skyscrapers that grace New York City’s skyline".

In May 2002 AMEC was joined by Homeland security and

environmental risk scientist Laurel H. Pye

In the last couple of months AMEC had been joined by wildlife biologists, ecologists, physicians or Air Force Engineering Expert Col. Scott E. Streifert (US
Airforce/August 20, 2002).

Col. Streifert recently retired from the Air Force as

Support Group Commander at Travis Air Force Base in
His past activities with the Air Force have included
environmental compliance at the the Pentagon or
environmental management at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base in Ohio.

Bovis Lend Lease

Bovis Lend Lease is based in London.

They have clients in the telecommunications-, health
care-, microelectronics- or pharmaceutical companis
and the british government.
They work for the U.S. Department of Defence or with
the Department of Defence in Australia.
Other clients are Johns Hopkins Medicine,
Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States,
Nokia, Lucent, Ericsson, Cisco, Nortel Networks, AT&T,
Telstra, IBM, the European Space Agency

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or Schering-Plough, an American pharmaceutical company.

On August 26th, BLL announced a contract with Japans

3G mobile phone network.
Bovis Lend Lease is partner of British Pretoleum
(BP) "Global Alliance".


Since January 2002 Roger Mabey of BP Global Alliance

is member of the board of Bovis Lend Lease.

On October 30, 2001 Bovis announced their division of

Bovis Lend Lease Pharmaceutical, a new company focused
on providing solutions to its global customers in the
pharmaceutical and allied industries.

Bovis had worked for the Pentagon before.

They built the Pentagon City Mall, Pentagon City's
Washington Tower office building and The Ritz-Carlton
hotel in 1990.

In early 2002 New York City's Department of Design and

Construction confirmed, that they hired "a private
company, Bovis Lend Lease, as the primary manager of
the World Trade Center site"

Turner Construction

The Turner Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of

HOCHTIEF AG since 1999.
Hochtief, headquarter in Essen, Germany
HOCHTIEF is continuously expanding its range of services: Airport Management, Project Development, Software, Environmental Technology and Facility
Management now feature more and more strongly in the framework of its business.

Turner have their US office on Hudson Street, New York.

They work in in Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America,
and The Middle East.
Turner provides a complete range of construction and
program management services.
During 2001, The Turner Corporation completed $6.3
billion of construction for the United States.

Chief Executive Officer is Thomas C. Leppert, who was once involved in a golf course controversy at his company Lana'i in 1994.
In 1996 however he earned the Pacific Award of Hawaii.


President and Chief Operating Officer of Turner is Robert E. Fee.

Robert E. Fee was personally involved in the removal of the debris of Ground Zero.
"It's still considered a crime scene, so we can't bring in the
front-end loaders. We are looking for evidence, and hopefully,
survivors." (9/24/01)


The city's Dept. of Design and Construction had split the site into rough quadrants with cleanup work in each managed by the four companies, one quadrant
was for Turner.

Turner has various clients in the oil and pharmaceutical industry.

They once built the BP Amoco Oil Building in Chicago.

A very impressive Flash animation about their "Turner city"-project and all their clients is located at:

Tully Construction

When contacted by the American Free Press (AFPN) and asked,

if they ever had seen concrete pulverized as it was in the WTC,

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they said: "No-never".

"Tully said, that there were hot spots where he observed 'literally molten steel'...Everything that was above grade -above the 6th and 7th floor
-disintegrated...it was like an explosion"

"We had 75 trucks leaving a day during the first few days," says

Tully Construction of Flushing, NY is the only american-owned company who was hired for the "cleanup of Sep11th".

Earlier this year Tully received a contract by the MTA/New York City Transit Subway System in a joint venture with .J. Pegno of Flushing, N.Y., the
project's general contractor.

Work includes 1,200 ft. of complete tunnel replacement, tunnel

lighting and track and signal work.
At Ground Zero Tully built concrete plugs to prevent dust and debris from further contaminating the entire line.
"We used supersuckers in there to clean up the dust and debris. The plugs have since been removed," President Peter Tully noted.

Tully has been under a special monitoring arrangement with New York City since 1996; prior to that, it was banned from doing business with the city.
Among conflicts it became embroiled in were complaints that it performed a shoddy job fixing up Brooklyn homes after a water
main break.

Tully retained Controlled Demolition Inc.,Phoenix, Md, who had

been involved once in the demolition of the bombed Murrah Building in Oklahoma in 1995.
Controlled Demolition is specialised in implosions of big
towers, like i.e. the Landmark Hotel Tower* in Las Vegas or the
Columbus Homes Housing Projects in Newark, New Jersey.

Controlled Demolition had their first implosions in the 70s and

worked several times for the US or local governments.

In 1991 they imploded the Old Orlando City Hall in Orlando, Florida.
In 1995 they imploded the Mendes Caldeira Building
São Paulo Brazil(361 feet tall), as they say on their website, the "tallest standing concrete building ever felled with explosives".
In 1998 they imploded a 439 feet, the "tallest structural steel
building ever imploded"

Controlled Demolition claims to have "a very small number of
employees" and not much known is about their business profile.
They work together with the The Loizeaux Family.

In February 2000, a federal grand jury indicted Mark Loizeaux,

Douglas Loizeaux and Controlled Demolition, Inc. on charges of
falsely reporting campaign contributions to the campaign of Rep.
Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.).

The Baltimore Sun reported, that the illegal contributions allegedly occurred between 1996 and 1998. The Loizeaux brothers and CDI were acquitted in
September 2000.

On the internet, houndred of websites speculate since September 2001 about a possible controlled demolition inside the Twin Towers with bombs.
J. McMichael was one of the first dozen engineers,
who tried to wonder about the collapse.

A very impressive and intense discussion currently continues at


Loizeauxs buildings, with controlled demolition, usually "drop like a tree".

In 2000 the 1,000-ton National Gettysburg Battlefield Tower,
but no public access was allowed that time.

But the collapse of the Twin Towers remains a logical mystery.

The official testimony was postponed for various times,
the melting theory wasn't updated again.
Another testimony for the collapse of Building 7 never even took
Only a study without conclusion is around.

But even possible conventional bombs might not explain the

pulverisation of the whole Twin Towers Buildings.

Maybe the answer is somewhere else, some "miles" away?

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The DoD started this year with test bombings of a new laser
microweapon system called thermobarics, which they officially tested in Nevada and later used in ToraBora, Afghanistan.

The thermobaric bomb releases and then detonates a fine cloud of

high-explosive chemicals, creating devastating shock waves that
destroy everything -- and everyone -- inside a cave, bunker or

Using a device called a Viper -- a portable laser range finder,

digital map display and Global Positioning System receiver they can point on many different positions.

The term thermobaric is derived from the effects of temperature -- the Greek word for heat is "therme" -- and air pressure -- the Greek word for pressure
is "baros" -- on the target.

The CIA and DoD had both an office on the 24th floor in Building 7, but nothing is known about their purpose.

In October 2000, Peter Peterson (chairman, CFR ->) of the Blackstone Group, L.P., a military arm of the Carlyle Group and partner of Kissinger Associates
or TRW, announced the "mortgage secured by 7 World Trade Center, a commercial office complex controlled by real estate developer Larry Silverstein"

The ties of Controlled Demolition, Inc. with the DoD are very old.
In November 1978 through January 1979 CDI used both conventional and implosion methods to destroy former Soviet military’s Large Phased Array Radar
Facility in Skrunda,Latvia, under the direction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Transatlantic Programs Center.

Already in the 50s the father of the Loizeauz Brothers, Jack

Loizeaux, "was blasting tree stumps for the U.S. Forestry Service in Georgia." He later would found Controlled Demolition.

About the vertically, rather than falling over collapse of the Twin Towers,
his son Mark Loizeaux once answered:
"I don't have a clue".

Control Systems High Tech

Between October and November 2001, the media pushed various reports on new
control systems like improved surveillance camera systems, Opinion Mining, Wireless Biometry, Nanosatellites, Face Recognition, Chat- and Boardsniffer,
Brain Scans, the National ID, The Pentagon Smart ID, the VeriChip or other Tracking Tools.
Other special magazines revealed news about "Skin color spectrum monitor programs" or Nanobarcodes.

Convar (Pirmasens, Germany) was mentioned as the german computer company, who tried to recover the data from all destroyed computers in the Twin

Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert at the company, said illegal transfers of more than $100 million might have been made immediately before and
during the disaster.
"There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100
million," Wagner said. "They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed."

Since December 2001, not much was heard about this story anymore.


One reason might be that Convars department in England, Ontrack had Kroll (->) as one of their investors, a subsidiary of risk consulting company Kroll
O'Gara (former Kroll Associates, Inc), who is responsible for the security of all US-presidents since 1945.
One of Krolls former employees was Jerome Hauer. (->)
In June 2002 Kroll Inc. acquired Ontrack and formed a new wholly-owned subsidiary of Kroll named Kroll Ontrack

The data of the Twin Tower computers might be classified.



Conyers, John
In March 2003, Democratic Congressman John Conyers, assembled more than two-dozen prominent liberal attorneys and legal scholars mull over articles of
impeachment drafted against President Bush.
During the March 15th, 2003-protests, Democratic Congressman John Conyers, told the Washington rally:
"We need a regime change in the United States."

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(-> Impeach Bush)

Cooley, John
(-> Unholy Wars)

Cooper, William
Cooper, a famous "conspiracy"-analyst was one of the earliest authors,
who picked up the oddities of the Sep11th attack but was killed in an accident by a police officer in October 2001.
Many Cooper-fans think, that this wasn't a coincidence.

William Cooper was reared in an Air Force family. As a child he lived in many different countries, graduating from Yamato High School in Japan. Since he
has traveled through or lived in many different foreign countries Mr. Cooper has a world view much different than most Americans.

William served with the Strategic Air Command, United States Air Force. He held a secret clearance working on B-52 bombers, KC-135 refueling aircraft,
and Minuteman missiles. William received his Honorable Discharge from the United States Air Force in 1965.

Cooper was a member of the Office of Naval Security and Intelligence serving as a Harbor and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha
River Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam.
He produced several documentaries covering subjects such as the Kennedy assassination and secret black projects area51.htm that have built flying disk
shaped craft. William is an internationally acclaimed radio personality broadcasting the Hour Of The Time hott.htm on WBCQ worldwide short-wave 7.415
MHz from 10 PM until 11 PM Eastern Standard Time (0300 to 0400 UTC) Monday through Thursday nights.

William Cooper was the author of "Behold A Pale Horse". The book has become the best selling underground book of all time. It is read and promoted by
word of mouth by People of all races, religions, and nationalities.

Shortly after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building Rush Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his broadcast which named
William Cooper, "...the most dangerous radio host in America".

His early and late work was located at the end of 2001 at

Who Benefits?
The question no one dares to ask!

William Cooper already predicted in January 2001, that "indicators point to a major Middle East war erupting in the very near future"

Cooper was shot and killed by an Apache County Sheriff around 12:15 AM Tuesday November 6th, 2001 while serving of an arrest warrant on a local issue.
A sheriff was also wounded.

The original story:


Militia leader killed, deputy wounded during attemped arrest

Associated Press/The Arizona Republic

Nov. 06, 2001 12:20:00
"A national leader of the militia movement has been killed and an Apache County sheriff's deputy wounded in a shootout, authorities said.
"..William Milton Cooper, 58, of Eager, had hosted a talk show broadcast on the Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville, which receives it via phone
from his home in St. Johns. He had millions of listeners worldwide, including Timothy McVeigh.
The deputy, whose name was being withheld by authorities, was shot twice in the head while trying to arrest Cooper, a state Department of Public Safety
spokesman said today. Cooper was killed by another officer.
Several deputies were attempting to arrest Cooper, who was armed with a handgun, said Officer Steve Volden, a spokesman for the DPS, which was
investigating the shooting..."

(-> Timeline)

CopvCia.com, also known as "From the Wilderness" is one of the most popular Sep11th-investigative websites, which has been hacked various times and had
at the end of 2002 six mirror pages.

Their video "Truth and Lies of 9-11" became a bestseller, the name CopVCia became a synonym for bumperstickers and questioning the official story of
This video had special appearances by Reps. Cynthia McKinney (->), Ron Paul and Barbara Lee.

On November 28th 2001, Mike Ruppert, editor of copvcia, already had an audience of estimated 1,000 people, who came from as far away as Seattle and
San Francisco to see him at Portland State University.

Only two skeptical websites immediately reacted within minutes to investigate on the Sep11th attack.
CopvCia.com was the one, who started it all and influenced many 911Skeptics worldwide,

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not only to speculate, but to investigate on facts.

The other website was ourDNA.org/Ground Zero Forum, who reacted on a posting
"Please put on your TV on: A plane crashed into the WTC building" at 8:53 AM with
GZ: "Oh my god, thanks" (full story there ->) and created the folder "investigation continues...",
without knowing, that it would become a never ending story.

Mike Ruppert was already known as a specialist of "CIA-drugs" and related money laundering business.
While September 11th happened, he investigated on Maurice Greenberg (->).

At the end of 2002, Ruppert, meanwhile becoming a respected specialist on the background of oil business, was working on his book book "Across the
Rubicon", suggesting massive national boycotts of all products associated with AOL/Time Warner, Lockheed, Citigroup, ABC, Disney, Microsoft, Viacom,
The New York Times, The Tribune Company, The Washington Post, General Electric, Halliburton, and the pharmaceutical companies.

CopvCia is worldwide famous for the investigative work of Tom Flocco (->), who later started his own website and the timeline of Ruppert, named "Lucy",
which later inspired GZ's "ultimate timeline", 911timeline.net and Paul Thompson (->), who turned it into a scientific research.

Ruppert was guest at many other projects like Unansweredquestions.org, GNN, INN TV/New York or the Rense Radio Show.

Contact: [email protected]

Corn, David
The only "theory", which officially was allowed by the US Admin, is the "incompetence theory" (->),
which came to the conclusion, that CIA and FBI lacked of incompetence on September 11th.

One of the strongest supporters of this theory is David Corn.

Supported by Richard Perle (->) or James Woolsey (->),
who both haven't even been in charge on Sep11th.

David Corn’s extreme portrayal is contradicted by a report in the Washington Post in May 2001 which observed that the two specialised U.S. intelligence
agencies the FBI and the CIA have “in recent years” developed a very close “working relationship".

Corn tried to attack various 911Skeptics and had been therefore analysed in War on Freedom himself, while arguing that “… anyone with the most basic
understanding of how government functions (or, does not function) realizes that the various bureaucracies of Washington - particularly those of the national
security ‘community’ - do not work well together.”

Corn fails entirely, however, to specify exactly in what respect(s) this is the case.
Unlike Stratfor, he does not clarify the nature of particular structural discontinuities between different bureaucratic and intelligence agencies and in what
way they have problems integrating..."
"A cursory analysis of relevant facts certainly strongly suggests that the hijackers had some sort of high-level U.S. military connection.
According to reports in Newsweek, the Washington Post and the New York Times, after September 11, U.S. military officials gave the FBI information
“suggesting that five of the alleged hijackers received training in the 1990s at secure U.S. military installations..."

(-> Hijackers/US Military Base connection)

During 2002, CorporateSleuth was a news group on YahooGroups, which was specialised in digging into corporations.
The Carlyle Group. The Blackstone Group. Accenture. Andersen. Global Crossing. Clear Channel.
Private equity investment firms. Mergers. Buyouts.

Before the great JohnHorne (-> , UK) started his own website at elitegroups, he participated at CorporateSleuth with a lot of valuable research results,
supported by TomTully, Tennessee Gal or cosmicdot.

CorporateSleuth started in May 2002 and was located at the end of 2002 at

Corpwatch ("Holding Corporates accountable") was a very helpful tool for the investigative
911Skeptic Scene in 2001-2002.

Corpwatch is located in San Francisco and was established in 1996.

Council on Foreign Relations

(->CFR, cfr.org)

One of the Top 10 independent political magazines, which contributed a lot of background informations to Sep11th - and Homeland Security related articles.

Counterpunch.org was created by Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn in 1998 in Washington,
who are the editors of this politzine.
It's described as a "bi-weekly muckraking newsletter" , who "bring our readers the stories that the corporate press never prints" as a project of the Institute
for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity

In September 2002 both released their book

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"Counterpunch: The Journalism That Rediscovers America".

Regular guest authors at counterpunch in 2002 are

Professor Francis Boyle, Robert Fisk, Chris Floyd, William Hughes, Jason Leopold and many more.


Contact: [email protected]

CDC had no official opinion on the Sep11th attacks, but reacted in a progressive way on Homeland Security + Co.

CDC describe themselves as "paramedia" and has a famous cult status in the hacker scene since 1984 (DefCon, H2K etc...), who developed the remote
administration tool Back Orifice.

CDC is a collective of freethinkers and malcontents, who has structured their activities on a set of principles involving personal liberty, security, and
availability of access.

The CDC is dedicated to protecting the online privacy rights of all Internet users.
Their website is hosted since 1997 and was originally based in Lubbock, Texas.

The hacker- and open source community has a special interest in Homeland Security or FBI's Magic Lantern (->) program and therefore reacted with their
own research or programs like the anonymizer Camera/Shy or hacktivismo.com (Laird Brown, Toronto), which is advised by the Electronic Frontier

They support website compilations like blogspot.com (->),

where the great Xymphora compiled his 911-analysis.

Blogspot was created in San Francisco in 2000 by Pyra.com Ltd. (Evan Williams)

Crash, Flight 93
(-> Flight 93)

Crash, Pentagon
(-> Collapse, Pentagon)

(-> Bush vacation Crawford)

Crowe, Admiral William

Co-Founder of BioPort (->)

Cryptome is an archive of spatial and geographic documents on privacy, cryptography, dual-use technologies, national security and intelligence, therefore a
good source for 911-related material, like indictments, testimonies, contracts, interviews, WTC maps etc...

Cryptome always concentrated on secret government programs like Echelon.

They welcome documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy,
cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and blast protection -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those.
Cryptome exists since 1999.
Their partnersite cartome.org is specialised on the Homeland Security issues.

Administrator is Architect John Young from New York.

Contact: [email protected]

CSG is short for Cyber Security Task Force.
(->Clarke, Richard)

History of conspiracies.
For newbies and specialists. Interesting CIA-Drugs connection special.

(-> Media Transparency)


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More spiritual anti-new world order website, influenced by the work of David Icke (->).

Source of obscure analysis of Zionism (->).

Cyberspaceorbit.com was created in 1999 by Kent Steadman in Seattle, WA.
New Age background. Picked up some 911related stories.

From a January 2003-article by DALNetizen, official ezine of the DALnet IRC Network:
"It's no secret that DALnet has suffered massive attacks recently, far greater than anything we've seen before. We've been ravaged by DDoS attacks in the
gbps range, attacks which are not just crippling our IRC servers, but causing disruption to the providers who host those servers."
(-> Pointdexter, John)

In January 2003, a worm, called "slammer" attacked the internet.


Deception Dollar (->) -follow the money!

Thedailybrew.com is an editorial/opinion column, which analysed some Sep11th related stories.
Contact: [email protected]

Dallah Avco
During 2001-2002, the FBI was silently investigating possible ties between Dallah AVCO and the "Al Qaeda network".

Asked about these ties by Newsweek, Dallah AVCO's owner, Saudi Billionaire Saleh Abdullah Kamel, responded, ``This is not true at all.'' U.S. intelligence
suspects that wealthy Saudis are funding Islamic extremist groups.") (October 22, 2001)

The Newsweek story of the "Saudi-Money trail" and Dallah AVCO's Omar al-Bayoumi was released at

"...Who is al-Bayoumi? At various times, the affable father of four told people that he was getting his doctorate at San Diego State, though the school has no
record he ever attended. He told others that he was a pilot for the Saudi national airline. He worked for Dallah Avco, an aviation-services company with
extensive contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, headed by Prince Sultan, the father of the Saudi ambassador to the United States,
Prince Bandar..."

In 1982, Dallah/Avco in 1982 released a book in Jeddah (->), Saudi Arabia, called "Management Control of Computer Systems"


Omar al-Bayoumi (->) was accused of having financial ties with two of the official hijackers.

More on Dallah/Acvo and some Hamas-ties, compiled by Jimmy LynnVerner, Jr.:

LynnVerner, Jr is Dallas attorney who is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law and in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He is admitted to
practice law in New Mexico.

He analysed the 911-Lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, which results had been obviously leaked to Newsweek:


"A Guide to the 9-11 Lawsuit

Part 1: Background
Overview of the Suit
On August 15, 2002, the families of many of the 9-11 terrorist attack victims filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia..."

...Dallah Albaraka portfolio includes a wholly owned subsidiary specializing in aviation-services, Dallah Avco Trans-Arabia Co Ltd. The company was
formed in 1975 and is based in Jeddah.

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Al Baraka Investment & Development Corporation (or “al Baraka”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Dallah Albaraka Group, is based in Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia. Its investments include 43 subsidiaries, mainly banks in Arab and Islamic countries. Most of them are known as or registered as “al Baraka Bank.”

United States assets include al Baraka Bancorp Inc. in Chicago, Illinois, and al Baraka Bancorp Inc. in Houston, Texas.

...Al Baraka Bank provided Osama bin Laden with financial infrastructures in Sudan beginning in 1983. For example, the use of al Baraka Bank by
al-Haramain was confirmed by a statement from al-Haramain chairman, Aqueel al-Aqueel, who declared that the charity maintained accounts at Al Baraka
bank in Saudi Arabia.

Omar al Bayoumi was Assistant to the Director of Finance for Dallah Avco, reference he gave in an application for admission to a doctoral program at Case
Western Reserve University in Cleveland in 1998.

From the indictment:

916. On May 5, 1998, Omar Al Bayoumi registered a fictious company name called Masjed al Madinah al Munawarah (Masjid al Madinah al Munawarah)
based in San Diego, California.
917. In March 25, 1999 a mosque was registered in the state of Pennsylvania under the name of Masjid al Madinah al Munawwarah Inc.
918. Dallah Albaraka financial arm is al Baraka Investment & Development (or “ABID”), a wholly owned subsidiary based in Jeddah (->).

919. Saleh Abdullah Kamel, Chairman of Dallah al Baraka and al Baraka Bank was one of the three founding members of al Shamal Islamic Bank in 1983,
along with a Sudanese company, al Shamal for Investment and Development and the Government of Northern State, then controlled by Governor Mutasin
Abdel-Rahim, representative of Hassan al-Turabi.
920. The involvement of Dallah Albaraka Group and al Baraka Bank in providing financial support and assistance to terrorist organizations is also revealed
in the financing of the HAMAS terrorist group.

921. In 1998, al Aqsa Islamic Bank was established with $20 million in capital. Its main shareholders were Dallah al Baraka and the Jordan Islamic Bank.
Jordan Islamic Bank, a Dallah al-Baraka subsidiary, owns 14 percent of al-Aqsa. Saleh Abdullah Kamel acknowledged that Dallah al-Baraka owns another
12 percent directly.
922. Since 1998, Israel had refused to approve the bank, citing its obvious ties with HAMAS. At the beginning of 2001, several antiterrorist authorities from
that country even visited Citibank’s headquarters in New York to warn its directors of the nature of the bank’s activities.

Creditreport on Dallah/Avco August 2002:



Building Dallah Tower, 8th floor Street Palestine Road
Area PO Box 430
Town Jeddah 21411 Postcode
Country Saudi Arabia Report Date 12 August 2002

Interview with 911-Saudi Lawsuit attorney and one 911victim

Aired November 25, 2002 - 20:00 ET :

Ron, I'm told that you have just returned from Kabul, that your investigators were there looking into links
between the hijackers and the Taliban and al Qaeda. Were they able to find any link to the Saudi royal family?
RON MOTLEY, ATTORNEY FOR 9/11 VICTIMS AND RELATIVES: Yes, ma'am. We were able to establish, by sworn testimony, the act of participation
of Prince Turki in the facilitation of the funding of al Qaeda directly in Afghanistan.

CHUNG: Are you saying that Prince Turki, with whom I just spoke and who claims no one in the royal family is in any way connected to or funding al
Qaeda, are you saying that he is indeed not only a funder, but a facilitator for al Qaeda?
MOTLEY: There is absolutely no question about it. We spoke with senior Taliban officials who were in the room when he indeed did facilitate the transfer
of large sums of money directly to al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

(-> Prince Turki al-Faisal)

(-> Saudi Arabia)
(-> Al-Kadi, Yassin)
(-> Al-Quaeda)

Dam, Kenneth S.
(-> Bilderberg Group)

Darkanzali, Mamoun
Mamoun Darkazanli, a Syrian-born executive in Germany who German authorities suspect may be a link between the hijackers and Islamic extremists in

Darkazanli has been included on a list of 27 individuals and organizations whose assets were frozen by the United States on suspicion that they provided
money to bin Laden's group, al Qaeda.

Mamoun Darkanzali visited with Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, the same Hamburg mosque, Al Quds and knew all tenants of Atta's
home address, 54 Marienstr., one of them Ramzi Binalshibh (->).

Darkanzali was on a watch list of the CIA since at least 1999 and, due to a Chicago Tribune report,
they tried to hire him as an informant:

"Early two years before the Sept. 11 hijackings, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency began persistent efforts to recruit as an informer a Syrian-born

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Hamburg businessman with links to Al Qaeda and the key hijackers, the Tribune has learned.

The CIA's attempts to enlist Mamoun Darkazanli were initiated in late 1999...

Darkazanli, 44, has acknowledged knowing the three pilots, Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, with whom he attended the same radical
Hamburg mosque, Al Quds, and shared several friends in this city's sizable but insular Muslim community.

...the disclosure that the CIA was seeking to turn Darkazanli into a spy during the time the initial hijacking plans were being laid represents the earliest and
deepest set of U.S. intelligence footprints outside the hijackers' window.


One possible reason for the observation of Darkanzali, which included Mohammad Atta (->),
was that Darkanzali had been in contact with two bin Ladin's associates in Sudan,
Wadih El-Hage (Manbaa Al Anhar Trading, Dubai) and Mamdouh Mahmud Salim,
who is imprisoned on terrorism conspiracy charges for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, already arrested since September

In Sudan, Salim once ran Wadi Aqiq, bin Laden's umbrella company.

Wadih El-Hage was bin Laden's personal secretary when his organization was based in Sudan and later became a key facilitator of his East Africa cell,
living in Nairobi from 1994 to 1997.

One el Hage business card, for his "Anhar Trading Co.," listed two addresses -- his former home address in Arlington, Texas, and a second address in
Hamburg, Germany, which matches the home address of Marmoun Darkazanli, who has lived in Germany since 1985.

Anhar Trading is specialised in Building & Construction Material Trading


Darkanzali's Import-Export company had ties in Spain.

As reported, in January 2000, Atta and Shehhi flew to Madrid, Spain where they met Imad Eddin Barakat Yarbas, otherwise known as 'Abu Dahdah', a
Palestinian with Spanish citizenship and connections with Bin Laden associates.

Spanish intelligence had tapped Yarbas' telephone since 1997.

In November 2001, Yarbas and seven other suspects had been arrested in Spain.

It is said, they had ties to three other suspects of an european cell,

already arrested in September 2001 and June 2002.
One of them, Mohamed Bensakhria aka Meliani, an alleged aide to bin Laden, was arrested in Spain.


Bensakhria used to live in Frankfurt, germany, where he was in contact with some asociates of the milan base of the algerian based Salafist Group for Call
and Combat (GSPC).

The GSPC was on a watchlist since years.

Haydar Abu Doha, a London-based Algerian known as "the Doctor", was one of the leaders, helping recruiting members.

One of their plans was to blow up markets at the G-8 summit in Genoa in 2001, but US officials had been able to save the city.

Abu Doha was connected to Ahmed Ressam, the Algerian convicted for trying to attack Los Angeles International Airport during the millennium

(-> Informants)
(-> Spanish connection)
(-> Tracking all hijackers)

Dark Winter
BioTerror Scenario, which took place between June 22-23, 2001.

On July 14th, 2001 the testimony on DARK WINTER was released:

CSIS president and CEO John Hamre and former senator Sam Nunn, CSIS board chairman, outlined the results of the "war game that simulated a biological
attack on American soil" in testimony before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations.

This testimony took place a couple of weeks after the german secret service, BND, warned in June 2001 the CIA and Israel "that Middle Eastern terrorists
are 'planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture.'


The war game involved senior-level officials, including Gov. Frank Keating of Oklahoma, former adviser to the president David Gergen, and former
director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey (->).

Other participants: Dr. Inglesby (->, Johns Hopkins) and Jerome Hauer (->, ex-SAIC, OEM, Building 7, John Hopkins, CFR, Kroll etc..) and many more.

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A sequel of Dark Winter, named Silent Vector (->), took place in October 2002.

DARPA was created as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which became DARPA in 1972. DARPA intervented the Internet, formerly
known as Milnet or Arpanet.

Since the 90s, DARPA is concentrating on new monitoring technologies, most of them are classified.

Most known is DEPSCoR,Global Hawk,Vail Project (of Hadron), DARPA Information Awareness Office (led by John M. Pointdexter ->), FDonScene (->
Pentagon, simulated crash), Joint Tactical Radio Systems (-> Boeing Integrated Defense Systems) and some speech recognition programs.

Other R+D Projects are Biosensor systems (TIGER),Global Eye, Global Positioing Experiments (GPX), Immune Building Program, ISAT Radar Technology
or the RF Mems Improvement Program.

DARPA is involved in the ECHELON system (->).


Dashty, Faheem
(-> Massoud, Gen. Ahmed)

Dasquie, Guillaume
(-> Brisard, Jean-Charles)

Data Collection System 1000

(-> Carnivore)

Davesweb describe themselves as "disinformation-free news and commentary" and renamed the CIA-acronym into "Center for an Informed America".

Davesweb concentrates on parallels between the Third Reich, Fascism

and the changes in the United States after Sep11th.
Their newsletters are on the "Police State".

In 2002, they analysed the Washington Sniper Case (->) and the controversial accident of Senator Paul Wellstone (->).

Dave McGowan is photographer.

His website is hosted at cnhost from Canada, which exists since 1996.

Contact: [email protected]

"Anti-media" with a huge resource catalogue on Sep11th related articles, compiled by Nic Lewis.

DavidCogswell.com was created in January 2001 by David Cogswell in New Jersey.

David Icke, originally a religious preacher, was one of the earliest critics of the Sep11th version.
In 2002 he released his book "Alice in Wonderland and the
World Trade Center Disaster" (Bridge of Love Publications) in which he described
the official Sep11th story as a "monumental lie".

Icke was born in Leicester, England in 1952.

In the late 80s he became a national spokesman for the British Green Party, but lost interest after a few years and started to interest in "healing" and
"medical research".

On his website and radio show Icke promoted some 911-related stories and articles about the New World Order, Skulls + Bones, Watchtower, Masons & the
Moore Murders or anti-reports on Pat Robertson, a "friend and supporter" of George Bush.

He promoted the "unauthorised biography of Bush" by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin.

(Infos at http://www.bridgeoflove.com/bookstore/bol/alice.html )

Icke is less interested in investigative and political results, but spiritual response.

Contact: [email protected], [email protected] )

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Davis, Jay C.
Military Scientist, who influenced the DoD, ANSER and Homeland Security during the late 90s.

Davis is a National Security Fellow at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

This is the laboratory, where he developed a weapon system, which was later made famous in Tora Bora, Afghanistan: thermobarics (->).

For the three years prior to rejoining Livermore in July of 2001, he served as the founding Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the United
States Department of Defense, where he started to develop these weapons.

Dr. Davis received his BA in Physics from the University of Texas in 1963, his MA in Physics from the University of Texas in 1964, and his Ph.D. in Physics
from the University of Wisconsin in 1969. From 1969 to 1971, he was an Atomic Energy Commission Postdoctoral Fellow in nuclear physics at the University
of Wisconsin.

At Livermore since 1971, he has worked as a research scientist and as an engineering manager, having led the design and construction of several unique
accelerator facilities used for basic and applied research.

In the 1970's, he was principal scientist and project manager for the design and construction of the Rotating Target Neutron Source-II Project, building the
most intense 14 MeV neutron sources in existence, used for nine years by the US and Japan for fusion materials testing.
In the 1980's he became the founding Director the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS), building the most versatile and productive AMS lab
in the world.

CAMS is used by all nine campuses of the University of California and several hundred international users. He played a major role in the application of
AMS to the biosciences, particularly in low-level toxicology and in dose reconstruction from events such as Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.

In 1994, Davis was asked to merge several research organizations at Livermore to create the Earth and Environmental Sciences Directorate. In 1998, he
became the first Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, integrating DoD's technical and operational activities to deal with Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMDs).

Davis has numerous publications on research in nuclear physics, nuclear instrumentation, plasma physics, accelerator design and technology, nuclear
analytical techniques and analytical methods, and treaty verification technologies. He holds patents on spectrometer technologies and methods for low-level
dosimetry of carcinogens and mutagens, and for the study of metabolic processes.

He has been a scientific advisor to the UN Secretariat, several US agencies, and has served on advisory committees for the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, and the Institute for Nuclear and Geologic Sciences of New Zealand.

Davis participated in two UN inspections of Iraq (->) in the summer of 1991, and was selected as the only non-UN member of the team that briefed the UN
Security Council after the confrontation at Fallujah on June 28, 1991 that produced the conclusive evidence of Iraqi evasion of the inspection process and
violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Davis was Phi Beta Kappa and a Junior Fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at Texas. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and was one
of its Centennial Lecturers in its Hundredth Anniversary Year. For his contributions to national security during his tenure at DTRA (->), he was twice
awarded the Distinguished Public Service Medal, DoD's highest civilian award.

His current interests are homeland defense, nuclear and biological forensics, applications of accelerator technologies to multi-disciplinary research, and
strategic planning and management of change in organizations.

Davis is on advisory bodies for the CIA and the National Nuclear Security Administration.
He has served as a visiting professor at Texas A&M (-> chemistry) and Angelo State University (Government). He is on the Board of Directors of the
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation.

Jay C. Davis worked on future weapons.

At the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS) at LLNL he developed a wide range of isotopic and ion-beam analytical tools for use in basic
research and technology development.

Their research on Tokamak Plasma Spectroscopy at LLNL ( http://www-phys.llnl.gov/Research/Tokamak/

http://www-phys.llnl.gov/Research/Tokamak/http://www-phys.llnl.gov/Research/Tokamak/>) helped to develop the thermobarics, whicH are able to destroy
buried bio-and chemical weapon stocks.

Basically these weapons work with a device which uses electric or magnetic fields to increase the speed (and thus the energy) of charged particles.
In magnetic fusion, neutral beam heating is used on present tokamaks to heat the plasma to fusion-relevant temperatures

The third generation tokamak was developed a while ago by General Atomics in San Diego, California, the largest operational tokamak in the United States.
In the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) they worked on a test reactor based on the tokamak concept.

One method of producing nuclear fusion by compressing a pellet of fuel using a laser, particle beam, or other external driver.

If the compression produces a high enough density rapidly enough while heating the fuel to a sufficiently high temperature, economically attractive amounts
of fusion energy can be produced.
The resulting confinement is called “inertial” because it depends on the inertia of the fuel itself to maintain the high densities and temperatures to burn the
fuel before it rebounds and flies apart.
Another method is containing a plasma or charged particles in a finite region using magnetic fields. This is called magnetic confinement.

Basically the concept of beam weapons is very old.

In the 50s the Russian scientists Sakharov and Tamm proposed an idea for a controlled thermonuclear fusion reactor, the TOKAMAK (abbreviated from the
Russian phrase for Toroidal Chamber with Magnetic Coil).

In the 90s the strategic Defense System Phase II ground-Based Laser (GBL) System Concept described "techniques of beam handling and emittance control
for high current beams in advanced accelerators"

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During the 90s various laboratories worked on different concepts. In the scientific archives you can find "Laser Plasma Interactions" (Livermore National
Laboratory, 95), "Megawatt-Class Free Electron Laser Concept for Shipboard Self-Defense" (97).

In 1994 the Defense Technology Plan worked on 19 (!) different areas to use this technology for battlespace environments or electronic warfare and
directed energy weapons.
In the same year Wright/Patterson in Dayton, Ohio started to develop directed-energy weapons which can be divided into three branches, namely:

(1) laser weapons, which can destroy or destabilize targets by using electromagnetic radiation energy beams with a wavelength of less than 1 millimeter;
(2) radio-frequency weapons, which can destroy or destabilize targets with radiated electromagnetic energy within the radio spectrum range (the
wavelength is more than 1 millimeter and radio frequency less than 300 gigahertz);
(3) particle beam weapons, which are capable of destroying or destabilizing targets with neutral high-energy atomic particle beams (usually hydrogen,
deuterium and tritium) or charged high-energy atomic or subatomic particle beams.

In 1995, the USAF Scientific Advisory Board proclaimed that "directed energy weapons, both lasers and microwaves, will have widespread application over
the next few decades"
Thermobarics are part of the microwave weapons.
Another definition can be find at

"...The Thermobaric Demonstration will develop a weapon concept that is based on a new class of thermobarics. Thermobarics include a broad range of
high-energy density materials that are capable of producing high temperatures ("thermo") and high pressures (“barics”) for extended periods of time.
This technology develops the potential for producing sustained, distributed damage in hard targets. The weapon could be used against certain type of tunnel
targets for a maximum functional kill of the tunnels. Prototype weapons will be tested under operational conditions for their performance, and leave-behinds
will be delivered to the customer...

Seven programs are currently planned for the future:

the Second Counterproliferation (CP2) Counterforce ACTD, the Agent Denial Demonstration (a proposed ACTD), the Biological Characterization Testbed,
a classified program, the Hard Target Defeat (HTD) C3I Demonstration, the Thermobaric Demonstration (a proposed ACTD), and the CP Analysis and
Planning System (CAPS).

Again, the USAF had no chance to use some of them, until September 11th, 2001!

(-> ANSER)
(-> DoD)

Conservative Middle East Source.

On December 13th, 2002, editor Timothy Garton Ash tried to write against on the real reasons for a war on "terrorism":

"I have heard, from Americans, all the claims made by anti-American or supposedly anti-American Europeans. That Bush is doing it to distract attention
from economic problems at home. (A prominent Democratic senator, John Kerry, recently raised this charge.) That it's for oil. That he's completing
unfinished business from the first Bush administration's Gulf war. That it's George Bush's personal grudge-fight to topple "the guy who tried to kill my dad".
That they're going after Saddam because they can't find Osama bin Laden. That it's a war for Sharon's Israel as much as for the United States. That it's about
winning the next presidential election, as well as the mid-term elections last month, where it produced a resounding victory for the Republicans...

... No one in the administration wants to say this publicly, but there is a clear logic that leads from the democratization of Iraq to that of Saudi Arabia. If you
want to get rid of the mosquitoes, you must drain the swap. And so people are talking here about a Wilsonian project for reshaping the whole Middle East,
comparable in its ambition only to those for Europe in 1919 and 1949."


Daily Mirror
The Daily Mirror was the most progressive tabloid from England during 2002.
On December 20th, 2002, they reached a new climax with a full page1-article on Bush: "Stop him!"



DCANG Mission
(-> NORAD)

Death Cases
The list of unsolved death cases, which might be connected to a possible Sep11th setup, prior knowledge, coverup and whitewash:

September 9th, 2001:

Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud (->), Afghanistan is killed on September 9,
just two days before the attacks on New York and Washington

Officially: 2 belgish reporter, suicide attack

Speculation: The ISI (->) was behind.

September 11th, 2001:

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John O'Neill (->), former deputy director of the FBI (investigations into Osama bin Laden's network),

Officially: killed in Twin Towers

Speculation: put in charge with prior knowledge of attacks

on the same day various employees from raytheon, one from BAe and many high tech representatives had been killed in three of the four planes (Flight 93
had no high tech representatives aboard)

October 4th, 2001

"..A commercial jetliner traveling from Israel to Novosibirsk, Siberia was shot down over the Black Sea by an "errant" Ukrainian surface-to-air missile,
killing all on board. The missile was over 100 miles off-course. Despite early news stories reporting it as a charter, the flight, Air Sibir 1812, was a regularly
scheduled flight.

According to several press reports, including a Dec. 5 article by Barry Chamish and one on Jan. 13 by Jim Rarey (both available at www.rense.com), the
plane is believed by many in Israel to have had as many as five passengers who were microbiologists. Both Israel and Novosibirsk are homes for
cutting-edge microbiological research. Novosibirsk is known as the scientific capital of Siberia, and home to over 50 research facilities and 13 full
universities for a population of only 2.5 million people.

October 5th, 2001

Bob Stevens (-> Anthrax), photo auditor starting a series of 5 killed people by anthrax

November 2001
Talk show radio host William Cooper (->) killed by
a County Sheriff during an attempted arrest

November 12th, 2001

Dr. Benito Que, a cell biologist working on infectious diseases like HIV, who was found dead outside his laboratory at the Miami Medical School. Police say
his death was possibly the result of a mugging.
The Miami Herald reported, that:
"The incident, whatever it may have been, occurred on Monday afternoon as the scientist left his job at University of Miami's School of Medicine. He
headed for his car, a white Ford Explorer parked on Northwest 10th Avenue. The word among his friends is that four men armed with a baseball bat
attacked him at his car."

November 14th, 2001 - December 20th, 2001

Don C. Wiley (->), MicroBiologist, disappeared in Memphis.

His dead body was found 40 days later, 300 miles away, on December 20th at around 10 AM
in the area of a at military hydroelectric plant in Vidalia, across from Natchez, Mississippi.
The latest official version was, that his body was "snagged on a tree" near this plant.

No new autopsy yet. All friends and his family relatives claim, that he didn't commit suicide.
UPDATE: On January 14th, two months later, the official version of suicide was changed into accident.

November 23rd, 2001

The New York Times reported on the death, two days earlier, of BioWeapon Specialist
Vladimir Pasechnik in England, former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations, a component of the Soviet biowarfare establishment,
Biopreparat (->).
Nothing is known about the circumstances of his death.

November 24th, 2001

On Nov. 24 th, 2001, a Swissair flight from Berlin to Zurich crashed on its landing approach. Of the 33 persons on board, 24 were killed, including the head
of the hematology department at Israel's Ichilov Hospital, as well as directors of the Tel Aviv Public Health Department and Hebrew University School of
Medicine. They were the only Israelis on the flight. The names of those killed, as reported in a subsequent Israeli news story but not matched to their job
titles, were Avishai Berkman, Amiramp Eldor and Yaacov Matzner.

~November 24th, 2001

John Mike Spann, CIA agent was killed by an unknown person,
officially by a prisoner revolt near Mazar-e-Sharif.
His wife Kathryn "Cissy" King died 5 weeks later in January 2002 from Cancer.

December 4th, 2001

A body discovered in a van in Pike National Forest was identified as missing 59-year-old Jefferson County James Watkins (Andersen Consulting).

Watkins, had been missing since Nov. 13.

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Jacki Tallman, a spokeswoman for the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, stated, he had committed suicide.

December 8th, 2001

BioTech + Database Scientist Robert M. Schwartz was killed by three young occult fans,
who have been all arrested.

December 14th, 2001

Set Van Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant who had worked at the facility for 15 years, a microbiologist was killed at the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation's animal diseases facility in Geelong, Australia.
(Same facility that, as the journal Nature announced in January this year:
"Australian scientists, Dr Ron Jackson and Dr Ian Ramshaw, accidentally created an astonishingly virulent strain of mousepox, a cousin of smallpox, among
laboratory mice)

"Victoria Police said Set Van Nguyen, 44, appeared to have died yesterday morning [=December 11th] after entering an airlock into a storage laboratory
filled with nitrogen.

Police said he did not know the room was full of deadly gas which had leaked from a liquid nitrogen cooling system. Unable to breathe, he collapsed and

An odd coincidence: Van Nguyen has almost the same last name as Vietnam Immigrant Kathy Nguyen, who died in late December of Anthrax, but no
envelope was involved.

January 1st, 2002

Nancy Sonnenfeld, wife of official FEMA-WTC cameraman Kurt Sonnenfeld (->), was shot by her husband in the chest around 1:40 a.m. at their home in
east Denver and died later that morning at Denver Health Medical Center.

January 25th, 2001

Former Enron executive Clifford Baxter (->) who resigned in May 2001 was found shot to death in a car in an apparent suicide.

February 12th, 2002


"..A driver's license examiner charged in a scheme with five men to sell fraudulent licenses died in a fiery car crash the day before her first court
appearance, a crash the prosecutor called "most unusual and suspicious"

As Katherine Smith failed to appear in court Monday, the FBI disclosed that it is investigating whether her five co-defendants have terrorist ties, with
Prosecutor Tim DiScenza citing "connections" to the Sept. 11 attacks.

Smith, 49, was killed after the 1992 Acura Legend she was driving ran off the road early Sunday and struck a utility pole on U.S. 72 just north of the
Mississippi state line, Highway Patrol Lt. Col. Mark Fagan said Tuesday.

Her car "was immediately engulfed in flames" but authorities don't know whether the fire started before or after the crash, he said. The body was so badly
burned it took authorities until Tuesday to verify Smith's identity.

February 13th, 2002

Only one day, after the Pentagon and FBI released a new terror alert about possible attacks in Yemen or the United States, a yemeni man killed himself by
accident. It is said, that he was member of Al-Quaeda. The official story:

A Yemeni man suspected of belonging to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network has blown himself up by accident while trying to escape security forces in
the capital Sanaa, a Yemeni security official has said.

The official told Reuters on Wednesday that security forces had besieged the hideout of Samir Ahmed Mohammad al-Hada, 25, to question him about his
links to the al Qaeda group, blamed by Washington for the September 11 attacks on the United States.

February 14th, 2002

Mystery Death Of Yet Another Top Microbiologist
The body of Ian Langford, 40, a senior Fellow at the University of East Angliaís Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, was
discovered on Monday night by police and ambulancemen. The body was naked from the waist down and partly wedged under a chair. It is understood that
doors to the terraced house were locked.

January 23rd-February 21st

Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl got killed.
Speculation: The ISI killed Pearl and blamed it on Sheikh Saeed to get him out of radar after it came out, that one of his aliases was behind one of the
payments to Moussaoui (->).

February 26th

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BioScientist Dr. Tanya Holzmayer killed by her husband.

March 26, 2002

Disease Specialist Steven Mostow died
"...Denver car dealer Kent Rickenbaugh, his wife, Caroline, and their son Bart were killed Sunday in a plane crash near Centennial Airport. Pilot Dr. Steven
Mostow also died.
Kent Rickenbaugh, 64, owned two car dealerships in the Denver area. Caroline Rickenbaugh, 62, was known for her involvement in the community. Bart
Rickenbaugh, 35, lived in Bozeman, Mont.
Mostow, 63, was one of the country's leading infectious disease experts and was associate dean at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
The plane was headed to Centennial from Gunnison when Mostow reported engine trouble around 4:30 p.m., Federal Aviation Administration spokesman
Jerry Snyder said.
The plane crashed near mile marker 190 in unincorporated Douglas County.

March 27th, 2002

Bio Scientists, Dr, David Wynn-Williams, an Antarctic astrobiology project leader at the British Antarctic Survey was killed after he was involved in a crash
forced by two cars near his home in Cambridge.
Wynn-Williams studied the way microbes survive in harsh conditions as a model for how life might exist on other planets.
He was jogging when the crash happened.

May 22nd, 2002

One week after Bush's confirmation on prior knowledge (which was followed by a "new" Bin Laden video!), all for a sudden, after she was was missing one
Sandra Chevys dead body was found.
Chevy had an affair with US Congressman Gary Condit.

(-> Fort Bragg)
(-> Helicopter Crashes, ->DynCorp)
(-> Washington Sniper)
(-> Marc Herold)
(-> Wellstone, Paul)
(-> messagecycle.com, -> Faking Terror )

Debka.com was created by DEBKAfile Ltd. in Jerusalem.
DEBKA describe themselves as "a self-supporting Internet publication devoted to independent, investigative reporting and forward analysis in the fields of
international terrorism, intelligence, international conflict, Islam, military affairs, security and politics".

Connected with DEBKA is the Haaretz Magazine

Giora Shamis is Chief Editor and CEO; Diane Shalem, English Editor and Head of Research.

The Deception Dollar was created by Blaine Machan of Calgary, Alberta Canada.
The bills were printed by activists in the US. Thousands of Deception Dollars have been distributed until February 2003. First printed in October 2002.
Includes a lot of investigative and progressive website-links.


(-> Graham, Bob)

Daily News for Pentagon/Department of Defense (DoD) Updates and Press Briefings.

Most important for first hand news like on Section 907 to the FSA (the Freedom Support Act) which imposed an embargo on Azerbaijan (December 2001)
or the redesignation of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) as the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) (January 2002).

Their press briefings embarass the officials. Later, mostly press articles don't mention these details from the briefings. Helpful source to compare.

Defense Policy Board

The idea of the Defense Policy Board was to influence (or manipulate) US Media,
or inflitrating them with neoconservative ideas.

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Chairman of the Defense Policy Board is Richard Perle(->), former Reagan Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, now based at
the neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute (->).

Perle was the joint initiator with neo-con William Kristol of the Rupert Murdoch-funded Weekly Standard.

The United States allowed this board to force changes in U.S. policy through an "outside-inside" operation. The heads are basically described as NeoCons

Other members of this board are former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger (->), who is a member of Hollinger's (->) International Advisory Board;
former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; former CIA-Director R. James Woolsey (->); former Deputy Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. David E.
Jeremiah; former Vice President Dan Quayle; former Defense and Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger (->); and former President Carter's Defense
Secretary Harold Brown.

The Defense Policy Board is connected with the so called "Wolfowitz Cabal" (->), a term for friends around Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, James Woolsey,
Richard Armitage and Paul Zoellick.

On Oct. 7th 2001, the day the Afghanistan bombings began, this cabal again attempted to provoke a rift between the United States and members of the UN
Security Council, especially Russia and China, by altering the text of a letter from U.S. Ambassador to the UN John D. Negroponte (->), which provoked an
argument between Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz, who was responsible for the manipulation of this letter.

(-> Armitage, Richard)

(-> Hoover Institute ->Kiron Skinner)
(-> National Defense Board)
(-> PNAC)
(-> RAND)

de Grand Pré, Coronel Donn

A retired Army colonel and author of "A Window on America, Confessions of an Arms Peddler and his latest, Barbarians Inside the Gates".

From his report "The enemy is inside the gates", which circulated on the internet since October 2001:

"A group of military and civilian US pilots, under the chairmanship of Colonel Donn de Grand, after deliberating non-stop for 72 hours, has concluded that
the flight crews of the four passenger airliners, involved in the September 11th tragedy, had no control over their aircraft.

Captain Kent Hill (retd.) of the US Air Force, and friend of Chic Burlingame, the pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, stated that the US had on
several occasions flown an unmanned aircraft, similar in size to a Boeing 737, across the Pacific from Edwards Air Force base in California to South
Australia. According to Hill it had flown on a pre programmed flight path under the control of a pilot in an outside station.

During the press conference Captain Hill maintained that the four airliners must have been choreographed by an Airborne Warning and Control System

"If there was an AWACS on station over the targeted area, did it have a Global Hawk capability? I mean, could it convert the commercial jets to robotic
flying missiles? "

Colonel Donn de Grand said that if President Bush is lying it would not be the first time that the American people had been mislead by its government. He
cited the recently published official government archives describing President Roosevelt’s duplicity in deceiving Americans about the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbour, which triggered the US entry into WWll."


http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/engt.htm (11/4/01 )
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/911inquiry.txt (01/08/02)

Dekkers, Rudi
(-> Huffmann Aviation)

Music activist shop, who released the track "Buddy, Buddy" by Kane + Salem,
which was inspired by reports from unansweredquestions.org (->) and GNN (->).

(-> Kane + Salem)

Created in 2000 by David Allen aka Skinner and David Allsop aka EarlG (both from
onlineworkshop.com) and Democraticunderground LLC (=DU) in Washington DC.

DU was founded on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2001, to protest the illegitimate presidency of George W. Bush.

One of their most famous members is William Rivers Pitt (->).

During 2001-2002, DU's "911/Terrorism-forum folder" was melting point for investigative, scientific and progressive talents like Jack Riddler, Ajw18,
Ewing2001, DulceDecorum, Paul Thompson, Medienanalyse, ENDIMION, 2MuchBS, JohnHorne, Coppertop, JackieO and many more.

They all became more or less friends or turned into a thinktank, but got ignored by more liberal and pragmatic members of DU from the other folders,
especially the "general discussion".

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What was early called a "progressive" forum, concluded since mid-2002 into some diversions and less progressive, but orwell-like censorship, "orchestrated
by the DNC" and some of their moles.

On October 16th, 2001, three weeks before the election, a fight on a news thread on a Hillary Clinton-protest led finally to a ban of many members, among
them Sterling (->), ewing2001 (->) and 2MuchBS (->).

This night became later famous as "Night of the long knifes" and was the beginning for a more progressive forum at globalfreepress.com (->).

DU was however one of the most important strategy- and investigative meeting points for an independent 911-investigation and therefore wrote internet

DN is a national, listener-sponsored public radio and TV show,
"pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the country".

They air Monday-Friday on over 120 stations including Pacifica radio stations, Pacifica affiliates, WBIX.org, public access TV stations, Free Speech TV
(DishNetwork Channel 9415),
and Shortwave Radio (Radio for Peace International).

In 2001-2002, DN covered many independent 911-related investigations and regular correspondent Greg Palast (->), who reported basically on the
"Bush-Saudi-Enron-Argentina Connection" and election background infos.

In November 2002, they broadcasted a report by Jeremy Scahill, how in 1991 former President Bush and Secretary of State James Baker had committed
billions of taxpayer dollars to assist Saddam Hussein

Democracynow.org was created by Samuel Hennessy in 1999 in Washington DC.

Due to questionsquestions.net, Radio Pacifica, Democracy Now and Deep Dish TV are controlled by George Soros (->) , the Carnegie Society, Ford
Corporation and Kaplan (The Nation).

Democracyrising.org was created by Theresa Amato in June 2001 in Portland, Oregon.
The organization was founded by Ralph Nader (Green Party) as a "means to educate and empower citizens throughout the country".

Created in June 2000 in Washington DC.
Democrats.com became in 2001-2002 a popular and valuable archive for investigative and political research without becoming a lobby for the democrat
party only.

Denko Mechanical
The original story on Denko Mechanical began with the arrestment of Sakher "Rocky" Hammad in 2001, who was carrying a WTC pass for Sept 5th 2001.
He told police that he had been working on the sprinkler system. He showed them his business card: Magic Plumbing and Heating.

Hammad was later involved in a trial on drivers license fraud, which was interrupted with the bizarre death of witness Katherine Smith (->).

The following results are based on an independent investigation by DU (->) member Rebecky:

"Rocky was released on $250,000 bail. The nature of the work was not specified. The Port Authority of New York claimed no knowledge of hiring a Denko
Mechanical and said Denko must have been hired by a tenant.

Denko Mechanical Ltd's address and phone is the residential Manhattan apartment and phone of Mr. Sergei Davidenko. Mr. Davidenko obtained a business
license in Feb, 2000. Denko is not listed in any yellow pages or in any type of NY contractor list.

Denko simply could not be the sprinkler system contractor for the WTC. Not only would the Port Authority have had records, but companies that install and
maintain sprinkler systems for large buildings are heavily regulated major operations with civil engineers, inspectors, warehouses full of
delicate equipment and highly trained specialty crews.

A Feb 8, 2000, business entity license issued for a Denko Mechanical Ltd, 232 E 26th St. in Manhattan (ph 212-481-8226) which, on reverse trace, is the
Manhattan residence and phone of Mr. Sergei Davidenko; it's an apartment building. As noted above, the letter verifying Hammad's WTC employment was
signed by a Sergei Denko.

In addition to the WTC 9/5 pass, found in Mr. Hammad's wallet at the time of arrest: two video rental cards, a credit card, a membership card for the New
York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, a card for Detectives Endowment Association of New York with a commemoration for 9/11 victims on it, and
a charter membership card to Team Ford Racing.

In a February 2002 interview, a rep of the Port Authority, Alan Hicks stated that the PA took care of its own sprinkler system and had no records of Mr.
Hammad hired to work on it.

The letter exonerating Mr. Hammad's employment was from a company Denko Mechanical signed by its owner Sergei Denko -- does not exist in NY except
as a 2 y.o. business license registered to a Mr. Sergei Davidenko of 232 E 26th St., Manhattan. Another residential apartment (again using Skipease reverse

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A co-defendant in the Memphis trial was Hammad's cousin, also in the WTC on 9/5, Mr. Abdelmuhsen Mahmid Hammad. Other defendants were the
Memphis ringleader Khaled Odtllah of Jerusalem, immigrated to the US in 1989, and Mr. Mostafa Said Abou-Shahi and Mr. Mohammed Fares, and a
juvenile obtaining a 20 y.o. false ID, Mr. Omar Khayata.

Denko Mechanical was one of a few sponsors for a trade show at "opportunity knocks"


In November 2002, a conflict between Russia and Denmark increased,
when Denmark not immediately delivered the arrested Achmed Sakajew, which was suspected by Moscow to be involved in a mass terror attack in a
musical theatre in October 2002, which was later stopped with a gas substance.
The attack by some "czech rebels" occured, when Russia still denied to support the United States in the War against Iraq.

Department of Justice
During 2001, the US Department of Justice received various warnings on an attack on america.
One of them received Attorney General John Ashcroft personally (->Ashcroft flying high).

The US Department never explained, why it ignored various phone calls on prior knowledge by David Schippers (->), who represented FBI-whistleblower
Robert Wright (->).

Below Ashcroft is Deputy Attorney General Larry D. Thompson.

He was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on May 10, 2001.

Previously, Mr. Thompson was a partner in the Atlanta, Georgia law firm of King & Spalding.
Some of their clients are ExxonMobil, Lehman Brothers, Coca-Cola Company, General Electric,
ChevronTexaco, GlaxoSmithKline, Lockheed Martin, Credit Suisse First Boston, Delta Air Lines, Jefferson-Pilot Corporation, Dow Chemical and JPMorgan
Chase. (-->)


Project by an anonymous Justice Department whistleblower supporting NSEERS (National Security Entry-Exit Registration System

Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research.

DEPSCoR is administered cooperatively with The Department of Defense (DoD), the Army Research Office (ARO), the Office of Naval Research (ONR),
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA ->).

DEPSCoR is designed to improve the capabilities of U.S. universities, in the "NSF EPSCoR states" to conduct research and to educate scientists and engineers
in areas important to national defense.
The Department of Defense awarded already in early 2001 $18.7 million to 29 academic institutions in 18 states including Puerto Rico following a FY 2001
DEPSCoR included such programs like "Control and Dynamics of Interacting Spins in Nanoscale Metamaterials", "Random Noise Monopulse Radar
Technique for Covert Tracking of Missiles in Flight" or "Cluster-Assembled Soft Magnets for Power Electronics Applications".

Detainees, missing
Thousands of detainees being held secretly by the government or wiretaps on prisoners' conversations with their lawyers.

Only a few of the stories, which started a public debate, increased on the advisability of using torture to make suspects.

Even the NY Times reported in November 2001, that "it is time the White House stepped in"

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/10/opinion/10SAT2.html

Various cases had been hidden in some reports in US papers, the rest had been made public on many progressive websites only.

Finally in April 2002, the Washington Post was one of the first papers, who revealed one of the most controversial cases:

"Anser Mehmood, 42, a Pakistani immigrant, said that shortly after his arrival at MDC, prison guards shoved his face into the wall, bloodying his lip, and
threatened to kill him if he spoke.
After he was strip-searched, Mehmood said, a guard asked him: "Do you know why you're here?"

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"Yes. I overstayed my visa," Mehmood said he replied.

"No," the guard told him. "You are a World Trade Center suspect."
Mehmood said he was held for 123 days in the Special Housing Unit before being cleared by the FBI and moved into the general population, a transition he
described as "going from hell to heaven. When I came out, it was like I was a human being again."


But Mehmood was only the tip of the iceberg.

The Village Voice released one of the letters of detainee Said Hammouda (January 30, 2002 from a federal prison in Brooklyn):

"I am now in solitary confinement for the past three months and a half...By Allah, if it wasn't for the Qu'ran and the Salat I may lose my mind or have a
nervous breakdown. This is the picture of the situation that I am in . . . extreme pressure . . . and killer stillness. By Allah dear Ahmed, if suicide was not
forbidden religiously, I would have done it a long time ago."

Not only disgusting, but odd is the story of Lotfi Raissi, former material witness of the Sep11th attack and the official teacher of Pentagon pilot Hani Hanjour,
Lotfi Raissi (->), who was innocent in jail for 4 months.

If he was indeed unguilty, then who was the teacher of Hanjour or better: who was the real "pilot"
of the plane?

More bizarre, the former so called "20th hijacker" (before Moussaoui took over this title),
Mohammed Azmath (->) was innocent in prison for 1 year (!).
He told his story to New Yorks' Village Voice, after he was released.

Same to Agus Budiman (->), Osama Awadallah (->), Anser Mehmood, Shakir Baloch, Mohammed Azmath (->) and Syed Gul Mohammad Shah, who (or
their friends) leaked their stories to the press.

Many cases of innocent arrested muslims are listed at

http://www.bluetriangle.net (->BlueTriangle)

On December 2002, Counterpunch reported on a new mass arest of (2500) muslim immigrants in america.

This "incident" made small news, but turned into a lawsuit, announced by the

Deutch, John
John Deutch is CIA Director from the Clinton Administration who currently sits on the board at Citigroup, the nation’s second largest bank, which has been
repeatedly and overtly involved in the documented laundering of drug money. This includes Citigroup’s 2001 purchase of a Mexican bank known to launder
drug money, Banamex.

Another retired CIA Executive Director, Nora Slatkin sits on Citibank’s board.

Dewdney, Professor A.K.

(-> Olsen, Ted)

DGSE is the name of French Secret Service
(-> early warnings)

Diplomat e-mails
In August 2002, it was revealed, that some U.S. diplomats got criticised of Colin Powell, who were using emails which deemed disrespectful to President
Bush and certain members of Congress.

One email memo, written by the U.S. Consul General Charles Keil, the ranking U.S. official in Italy, was sent to Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage
(->), among other officials, likened portions of Mr.
Bush's war on terrorism to a "witch hunt" that "smacks of the days of Senator Joseph McCarthy."

State Department employee Columbia A. Barrosse responded

that the White House would appoint a "neo-nazi" to replace
former Assistant Secretary of State Mary Ryan, who recently retired
because of the department's negligence in the issuance of U.S. visas,
including as many as 15 visas (->)to the terrorist hijackers of September 11...

Dirty Nuke Bomber

(-> Padilla, Jose)

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Manual to discredit this book:

1) Claim, author is crazy, construct fabricated stories on ties to bizarre sex stories, claim author is on drugs, knows radical muslims, lived in
"terrorist-germany"/axis of weasel etc..
2) criticize that some links are outdated
3) look for zionist references and claim, he's antisemitic
4) write only, as always on the Pentagon Crash and let him look stupid
5) mention the saudi arabian ties, but leave out the CIA-applications
6) downsize the impact as "an alphabetical collection of wild theories"
7) just ignore the book
8) blame author as anti-american and not patriotic
9) arrest him
10) harrass him in criticising him to make money out of a catastrophe

(-> Straw Man)

In June 2002, disinfo.com released one of the most important books for the 911Skeptics,
named "Everything You Know Is Wrong" , which included an excellent section
("September 11, 2001: No Surprise") about the most unanswered questions and oddities around the Sep11th attack and offered "a huge amount of evidence
indicating that the upper levels of the US government knew what was coming".

"Everything..." was edited by author Russ Kick and published by The Disinformation Company.

Kick supports a side project named (-> TheMemoryHole.com) with interesting tapes.


Launched on September 13, 1996, Disinformation was designed to be the search service of choice for individuals looking for information on current affairs,
politics, new science and the 'hidden information,' that seldom seems to slip through the cracks of the corporate-owned media conglomerates. Ironically, it
was funded by one of the largest media companies in the world (TeleCommunications, Inc. (TCI), now part of AT&T), who paid for placement on
Netscape's then ubiquitous search page.

Disinfo.com was created in 1997 by the The Disinformation Company Ltd. in New York.

On February 19th, 2002 the Pentagon confirmed, that it is developing plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to foreign media organizations as
part of a new effort to influence public sentiment and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries.

It confirmed the existence of the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI->),

headed by Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden of the Air Force and funded with $US10 billion of emergency funds.
Worden twice served in the executive office of the president, in the Bush administration's National Space Council and as as deputy director for requirements
at Headquarters Air Force Space Command.

The OSI has hired the Rendon Group (->), a Washington-based international consulting firm run by John W. Rendon Jr., a former campaign aide to
President Jimmy Carter (->).

The company, which was being paid about $100,000 a month, has done extensive work for the CIA,
the Kuwaiti royal family and the Iraqi National Congress (INC), the opposition group seeking to oust President Saddam Hussein.
After harsh criticism, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld only one week later claimed on February 26th, that this office was finally shut down.


(-> OSI)
(-> Rendon Group)
(-> Kelly, Jack)

In April 2002 Roberto J. Gonzalez (assistant professor in the

Department of Anthropology at San Jose State University)
explained in the San Francisco Chronicle, what's going on in the US Media:

"Recent mergers between media corporations have

homogenized news, especially television news. AOL/Time
Warner, Viacom, News Corporation, Disney and GE own
CNN, CBS News, Fox News, ABC News and NBC, respectively.
...George Orwell once noted that in free societies,
censorship is more sophisticated and thorough than in
dictatorships because 'unpopular ideas can be
silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without
any need for an official ban.'


Distance Calculator

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Helpful tool for investigative calculations on distance between 2 addresses.

Compare: Yahoo Maps

Djerba attack
In April 2002, a truck bombing at a Tunisian synagoguein Dejerba killed 15 people, most of them Germans. German federals later came to the conclusion,
that this attack was planned by Al-Quaeda,
but tunesian police linked this attack to al-Tawhid group around jordanian Abu Katadah.

The London-based Arab daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi said it had received a claim of responsibility for the Djerba explosion said to have been left by a truck
driver, identified as Nizar Nawar.

German magazine DER SPIEGEL promoted the story, that two german residents, Michael Christian G. and Karim M. received a phone call 1 hour before
the attack.

They reported, that a telephone number of Sep11th suspect Mohammad Atta (->) was found in the apartment of suspect Michael Christian G. (Mulheim,
germany) and Karim M. (Duisburg, germany) was in possession of the number of Ramzi Binalshibh (->), who was at that time still on the FBI most wanted
This part of the story was never picked up again.

In April 2002, Germany still refused to support the United States for a war against Iraq.

(-> Darkanzali, Mamoun)

On July 12th, 2002 the NY Times reported, that disturbingly of the 2,823 people believed killed in the terrorist attack, 1,229 victims -- fewer than half --
have been identified, 519 by DNA alone.
The rest seemed to have been pulverized.

Dr. Robert Shaler, the city medical examiner's chief of forensic biology, said in an interview that the medical examiner's office will exhaust all available
forensic technology in an undertaking expected to last until the end of 2002.


Active member of DU (->) in both Pentagon- and WTC-collapse threads.
His own website stand77.com (->) was once a meeting point for discussions on Y2K.
Ironically he later defended the official version of "flight77", which had nothing to do with the name of his website, which includes some critical articles on
the Sep11th story.

Stand77.com was already registered in July 1999 by DocPaulie and Stand77 in Las Vegas, NV.

During the mid- and late 90s, a paradigm change began at the US Department of Defense (DoD).

The Pentagon increased their business with private military contractors (PMCs) and became fresh advise by analysts like RAND (->), BENS (->) or ANSER
(->), especially by Jay C. Davis (->) and Dr. Ruth David.

From an older GROUND ZERO Forum (->) article at Scoop:

"...As learned in the Washington Post, only 8 days after the attack on America, Ronald M. Sega, who directs research and engineering at the Pentagon,
called a dozen defense technology officials together to work on a schedule in Afghanistan.


Then, during a couple of weeks dozens of government scientists and engineers at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) "finished" their work of
years and okayed the official first use of a new microwave weapon system, thermobarics.

Sega was nominated for the staff of Bush only a few weeks before the Sept 11th attack, on June 7, 2001 He was already appointed on August 3, 2001 and
started to refine his skills.


Sega was the perfect man for thermobarics. He's a former astronaut, who had a master of science degree in Physics.

From 1979 to 1982 he was on the faculty of the U.S. Air Force Academy in the Department of Physics where he designed and constructed a laboratory
facility to investigate microwave fields using infrared techniques while pursuing a doctorate in Electrical Engineering.
Dr. Sega has logged over 420 hours in space.

He left NASA on July 1, 1996 to become Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

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On the same day, when Sega was nominated for the US government, John Paul Stenbit was nominated for the Department of Defense, too.
Confirmed by the Senate on August 3rd, 2001, he is a supporter of airspace and microwave weapons.


Already from 1973-77, he served in the Department of Defense for four years, two of which were spent as principal deputy director of telecommunications
and command and control systems.
In 1968, Mr. Stenbit joined TRW (->) and was responsible for the planning and analysis of advanced satellite surveillance systems. He retired as an
executive vice president of TRW on 1 May 2001.

TRW, led by Phillip A. Odeen (->) as executive vice president and general manager, just merged in June 2001 with Northrop Grumman (->), a principal
member of the Lockheed Martin JSF (->) team.

Stenbit served as chairman of the Science and Technology Advisory Panel to the director of the CIA and was a member of the Science Advisory Group to
the directors of Naval Intelligence and the Defense Communications Agency.

A perfect combination for future weapons, pushed by the "Big 4": Sandia National Laboratories (->Missiles and Fire Control/Dallas, TX , Orlando/FL) ,
Boeing (->), Raytheon (->) and TRW.
These four corporations, which have been receiving 60 percent of government missile defense contract basically control this country and profited from the

"Our government is being bribed by these corporations pushing for Star Wars" - Alice Slater, president of the New York-based Global Resource Action
Center for the Environment (GRACE).
Just days before Rumsfeld was named Pentagon chief, the Space Commission issued a report championing Star Wars.

The Bush administration is intimately linked with the corporate interests behind the missile defense program. Vice President Cheney is a former member of
the board of TRW. His wife, Lynn Cheney, was a longtime member of the Lockheed Martin board, stepping down only as her husband prepared to take

Bush's appointee as deputy director of the National Security Council -- whom he has also assigned to travel the world to promote the U.S. missile defense
program - is Stephen J. Hadley, previously a partner in Shea & Gardner (->), the Washington law firm of Lockheed Martin.

Another Partner of Shea &Gardner is James Woolsey (->), ex CIA director.

They all had been former supporters of the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) program, aka Reagan’s Star Wars.

Other Bush administration officials drawn from the aerospace industry include Albert Smith, a Lockheed Martin vice president, appointed undersecretary of
the Air Force; Gordon England, vice president of General Dynamics (->), named Navy secretary; and James G. Roche, retired president of a
Northrop-Grumman division, appointed as Air Force secretary.

The question is, who of the real executives of the US Administration had a special interest to let this attack happen to enable a war "against terrorism"?

And who else is working in the Department of Defense and might have had some interest to start finally the use of future weapons and the relaunch of a

Some information about the DoD staff:

Stephen A. Cambone, Thomas P. Christie, Jack Dyer Crouch, Douglas Jay Feith, Diane K. Morales, Peter W. Rodman, Joseph E. Schmitz and Michael W.
Source: http://www.leadershipdirectories.com/fmfyb6.htm

Stephen A. Cambone was Fellow in Political-Military Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) from 1993 to 1998 and a Staff
Member in the Office of the Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1982 to 1986. Since July 2002 he is director of the Office of Program Analysis
and Evaluation

Thomas P. Christie erved for nine years as director of the Operational Evaluation Division (OED) at the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), a federally
funded research and development center. Christie was responsible for independent analyses of more than 200 major DoD test and evaluation programs.

Jack Dyer Crouch, II was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy from 1990 to 1992. From 1985 to 1986, he served at the
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as an advisor for the U.S. Delegation to the Nuclear and Space Arms Talks.

Douglas Jay Feith was Special Counsel to Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle 1982-1984.
Feith is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->). Before Mr. Feith transferred to the Pentagon from the National Security Council at the White
House, where he worked from 1981 to 1982 as a Middle East specialist.

Like Paul Wolfowitz he is a pro-Israel advisor and founded the law firm Feith and Zell (->).
Feith and Zell is part of FANDZ international law group with headquarter in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Washington, D.C. and Moscow

Wolfowitz is one of the strongest supporters for a war against Iraq.

Diane K. Morales was the president of DMS, a management services firm that focuses on defense and commercial logistics. She was already Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Secretary of Defense for Logistics, 1990-93 and served in this capacity during Operation Desert Storm Morales was
vice president of the S.A.F.E. (Safeguarding America For Everyone) Foundation, Inc.

SAFE is a pro cyber-warfare supporter including Congressman Curt Weldon, former Steely Dan and Doobie Brothers guitarist Jeff Baxter, who acted in an
advisory capacity for Congressmen Curt Weldon and Dana Rohrabacher (-> R-CA), both members of the House Science Committee, and has participated in
numerous war games for the Pentagon.

Mr. Baxter was invited to serve on the Laser Advisory Board at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and has lectured at the University of Manitoba
School of Political Science on the topic of regional conflict and missile defense.

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Peter W. Rodman served already During the Reagan and first Bush administration. During the Nixon and Ford administration, Mr. Rodman was a member of
the NSC staff and Special Assistant to Dr. Henry Kissinger (1969-1977). Mr. Rodman was a scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
(CSIS ->) and at the Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute.

Joseph E Schmitz, Inspector General Department of Defense worked as a partner at the law firm at PATTON BOGGS LLP. As we learn from their
website, they are specialised in Middle Eastern governments "to recover assets removed by a former head of state"

Between 1995 and 2001, he served in senior leadership positions in the Naval Reserve, culminating in service as the Deputy Senior Inspector for the Naval
Reserve Intelligence Program, responsible for Command Inspections/Audits, Investigations, and Intelligence Oversight of more than 4,000 Naval Reservists

Finally Michael W. Wynne. He retired as senior vice president from General Dynamics, where his role was in international development and strategy. He
spent 23 years with General Dynamics in various senior positions with aircraft (F-16), main battle tanks (M1A2), and space launch vehicles (Atlas and
Centaur). Wynne spent three years with Lockheed Martin and became the general manager of the Space Launch Systems segment. Wynne served in the
Air Force for seven years.

In December 2001 the Pentagon confirmed, that they dropped thermobarics on Tora Bora.
The term thermobaric is derived from the effects of temperature -- the Greek word for heat is "therme" -- and air pressure -- the Greek word for pressure
is "baros" -- on the target..."

DoD-2001 Contracts

Doherty, David
In 2001-2002, David Doherty was the current Vice President of the New York Stock Exchange for enforcement and retired General Counsel of the CIA.

Domino Report
Classified State of Department-report, which was leaked to LA Times in March 2003.
This report expressed deep skepticism that installing a new regime in Iraq will foster the spread of democracy in the Middle East, a claim President Bush has
made in trying to build support for a war.

Donahue, Phil
MSNBC-host, who promoted some topics of 911:
He reported on "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth" (->) and invited Kristen Breitwieser (->).
Another guest on his show: Senator Byrd.

Other guests: Michael Moore (->) or Jean Charles Brisard (->)


Doran, Jamie
(->War Crimes)

Douglas, William
Active member of the 911-strategy lists.
Producer of 100.000 911Skeptic flyers during the October 2001 anti-war protest in Washington.

Dowbenko, Uri
CIA specialist, journalist and author of "Bushwacked", which includes many secrets of the Bush Family.

Dowbenko runs Conspiracydigest.com, conspiracyplanet.com and works as a freelance journalist for Etherzone, which released some articles on ENRON
and Kenneth Lay.

Dowbenko is Chairman and CEO of New Improved Entertainment, which is most famous for Al Martin (-> AlMartinraw.com).

Contact: [email protected]

Downing, Wayne A.

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(-> Tenet, George)

Drudgereport tried to "hijack" many 911Skeptics or Anti-Bushitas with many staged article announcements, right wing propaganda or just fake news. While
Matt Drudges website remained as a source for "last breaking news", he ignored criticism on the official Sep11th version. However he promoted "secret
government or military projects" during 2001-2002.

Druge became famous in the late 90s, when he reported 24/7 about the Bill Clinton scandal with Monica Lewinsky. The most famous parody website on
Drudge is the Sludgereport.com

His website was established in 1997 in Hollywood, California.

Webzine on background stories between drugs and related intelligence plots.
One of their columns promote authors like Mike Ruppert (->), Catherine Austin Fitts (->),
or editor Preston Peet.

Drugwar.com was created in November 1996 by Dan Russell in Camden, NY.

Contact: [email protected]

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has nine bases worldwide:
Albuquerque, Frankfurt (Germany), Moscow, Kiev & Almaty (former Soviet Union), Nevada,
San Francisco,Washington, D.C. and Yokota in Japan.
While the DTRA claims, it works on a Chem-Bio defense, they got involved in the production, which is from need to produce vaccines or anti-weapons.
One of them are the thermobarics (->), a mini-thermonuclear-system, which can destroy buried Bioweapon stocks.

The DTRA cooperates with Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), CIA, DIA, NSA, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) , Nevada Test Site, Pantex, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), DARPA and the Yucca
Mountain Site.

Abbreviation for depleted uranium, and for the forum of democraticunderground.com (->)

On July 14, 2000, french daily newspaper Le Figaro reported, that Osama bin Laden had met with "a high level CIA official (Larry Mitchell) in a Dubai
hospital (->American Hospital) .

The newspaper stated: "the meeting was held in bin Laden's private suite in the hospital."
The report was originally based on a radio report by France International 1 and later picked up by frenchintelligence.com.

In the same month, when it was claimed that the CIA met Bin Laden, another terrorist was arrested in the same town.

This was Djamel Beghal, just returned from Paris, he was heading for London, where he was to emerge as a key figure in recruiting young Muslims for the
so called Jihad.

Bin Laden was very often in Dubai between 1996-1998.

He had not only a bank account there, but drove his own Mercedes.

Ducros, Francoise
Canadian prime minister, who Called Bush 'Moron'

Only a few days later Jean Chretien had to resign:

Nov 26, 2002

"A top aide to Prime Minister Jean Chretien resigned Tuesday over the controversy caused by her private comment last week that U.S. President George W.
Bush was a moron. Francoise Ducros, who initially offered to quit but was kept on by Chretien, is leaving the prime minister's office after all, said a
statement issued by Chretien's chief of staff. "

DulceDecorum aka Naserian

DulceDecorum, is one of the most active investigative members at the 911-section of democraticunderground.com (->).

He released his results partly at DU or worked independent with many other 911-investigators. Dulce is one of the best collapse specialists.

Dulce Decorum decided to remain anonymous.

Dulles Airport Controller Protocol

(AA 11=WTC 1, UA 175 + WTC 2, AA 77 =Pentagon, UA 93 = PA)

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0813: AA 11: Takes off from Logan to Los Angeles

0814: UA 175: Takes off from Logan to Los Angeles
0814.33 AA 11: Last routine radio comm., deviates from flight plan. ATC
considers him NORDO
0820(?) AA 77: Takes off from Dulles to Los Angeles
0824.38 AA 11: Hijackers voices are heard, causes confusion

0825 AA 11: Control tower notifies several air traffic control centers that a
hijack is in progress.
0833.59 AA 11: Hijackers voices heard (transcripts show NEADS notified)
0840 AA 11: Time NEADS shows notification from FAA
0841.32 UA 175: last routine comm., deviates from flight plan
0842 UA 93: Takes off from Newark

0843 UA 175: NEADS receives notification from FAA

0846 NEADS: Fighter scramble order from NEADS 2xF-15 from Otis ANGB
0846.18 UA 175: transponder signal lost
0847 AA 11: crashes into north tower of WTC (fighters not yet airborne, 153
miles away
0850.51 AA 77: last routine radio comm

0852 NEADS: 2 F-15s from Otis airborne, scrambled to UA 175

0853.23 UA 175: Controller: “ . . . we may have a hijack, we have some problems
over here right now.”
0856 AA 77: Transponder contact lost, deviates from flight plan
0856.32 AA 77: Controller calls aircraft repeatedly
0900.02 UA 175: Last radar reading is 18,000 ft, 480 kts

0902.17 AA 77: On a second call to American Airlines, the controller says, “We
lost track control of the guy he’s in coast track but we haven’t-
we don’t really know where his target is and we can’t get a hold
of him.”
0903 UA 175: Crashes into south tower of WTC, F-15’s approx 8 minutes/ 71
miles away.

0924 AA 77: FAA notification to NEADS. Fighter scramble order for 2xF-16
from Langley
0925 AA 77: Controller observes plane moving towards Washington.
0928.19 UA 93 First audible signs of problems in background cockpit noise
Approx NEADS: Had established an open line of communication with FAA
discussing AA 77 & UA 93
0929 UA 93 Last comm.(abnormal)

0930 NEADS: F-16s airborne

0933 AA 77: Controller informs Operational Supervisor, whom in turn the
US Secret Service. The aircraft is observed completing a right
360 degree turn, just south of the Pentagon.
0936 National Airport instructs a military C130 (Golfer06) that had
just departed Andrews Air Force base to intercept and identify
it. Golfer06 reports it is a B767, moving low and very fast.

0936.31 UA 93: Plane turns off course

0938 AA 77: Crashes into Pentagon, F-16s approx 12 min/105 miles, Fighters
establish Cap over Wash DC
0956 UA 93: Last transponder code observed
0957.19 UA 93: Last radar return

1006 UA 93: Reported down in PA, fighters (from DC CAP) approx 11

min/100 miles

NORAD’S Response Times

Tracking the Flights


(-> NORAD)

Dulles, Allen
(-> CIA)

Dulles, John Foster

Former IG Farben (->), brother of Allen Dulles and co-founder of the OSS,
which later became the CIA (->)

(-> Nazis in the Republican Party and USA)

Dunham, Richard S.

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On May 20th, 2002, journalist Richard S. Dunham asked 5 questions in the Business Week.
Two of them had been unanswered at the end of 2002:

"Why, if Attorney General John Ashcroft (->)stopped flying on commercial aircraft over the summer, did Justice not issue sterner warnings to airlines and
the public about threats to commercial aviation?
Why did the Administration decide not to tell the public of the information it knew until the story leaked to the press?"


Founded in 1946, DynCorp is among the largest company-owned technology and services companies in the United States, providing IT, outsourcing and
technical solutions for public and private sectors worldwide. DynCorp's clients include the Defense and State Departments, and the Environmental
Protection, among others. Capricorn (->) distributed 70% of its DynCorp investment to its partners in early 1997.

DynCorp was one of the lead contractors for the War on Drugs in South America called "Plan Colombia".
DynCorp helped clients such as the U.S. Army’s Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S.
Postal Service.

On the list of DynCorp clients from the public sector :

U.S. Postal Service (USPS), Centers for Disease Control, Department of Defense etc..

DynCorp is responsible for the crashes of the helicopters in Afghanistan, as

confirmed by tech mag insight, reported by investigative reporter Kelly Patricia O'Meara .

1) ENRON (->) executive Herbert S. "Pug" Winokur was on the board of DynCorp from 1988 to 1997, Winokur was the Chairman and CEO of DynCorp.
It was said, that ENRON worked with 20 CIA agents to bribe business deals.
DynCorp is one of the lead contractors for the new phony War on Drugs in South America called "Plan Colombia".

2) James Woolsey, former CIA director and friend of Pentagon advisor Richard Perle
(Hollinger Inc.= Daily Telegraph, Jerusalem Post etc..)
was director of DynCorp.

3) DynCorp is connected with the CIA as the nation's twenty-second largest defense contractor with 1998 U.S. Government contract revenues of $475
million. DynCorp, which currently has between 300-600 contracted employees in Colombia, is performing functions like crop eradication (using defoliants -
like Vietnam), to sophisticated aerial reconnaissance, to combat advisory roles training military and possibly even paramilitary forces.

4) On Nov. 12, 2001, DynCorp, major government contractor for data processing, military operations and intelligence work, was awarded a $322 million
contract to develop, produce and store vaccines for the Department of Defense
(DynPort Vaccine Company — A joint venture of DynCorp and Porton International Ltd. ->)

5) DynCorp and Hadron (->), both defense contractors connected to classified research programs on communicable diseases, have been linked to a
software program known as PROMIS (->).
Source: http://www.copvcia.com/free/ww3/02_14_02_microbio.html

6) From the list of DynCorp clients from the public sector:

Centers for Disease Control

Department of Defense
Bureau of Census
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
U.S. Air Force (USAF)
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Postal Service (USPS)

Source: http://www.dyncorp.com/world/public.htm

7) Back to ENRONs Herbert "Pug" Winokur (->) and a report from Etherzone (Uri Dowbenko->):

"Pug" Winokur has been such a permanent fixture in the Washington Old Boy Network that he's even mentioned in a 1978 book by Daniel Guttman called
"The Shadow Government."..
Historically Winokur's Capricorn Holdings was used as an investment vehicle in NHP, an apartment management firm headed by Roderick Heller III.

In turn, NHP's assets included oft-purloined and defaulted HUD Section 8 subsidy housing, a notorious and well-known vehicle for fraud and money
Winokur was on the Board of Directors of Harvard Endowment Fund, which purchased 50 percent of NHP, making the prestigious Harvard a prototypical,
but very low-profile, slum landlord.

(See Bushwhacked: HUD Fraud, Spooks and the Slumlords of Harvard" http://www.conspiracydigest.com/bushwhacked1.html )

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It should be noted that George Bush Jr. attended Harvard Business School. Later, after Bush joined Harken Energy Corp and became a director, the largest
stock position and seat on the board was acquired by Harvard Management Co.
Since DynCorp had a contract from the Department of Justice, Winokur would have profited from the DoJ Asset Seizure Program, as well as HUD's
Operation Safe Home seizures which targeted low-income tenants and mortgage holders in the inner cities.

ENRONs help by the CIA

Enron dealmaker Frank Wisner, Jr. muscled the company into lucrative overseas contracts, most notably in India and the Philipines.
Enron's deal to manage a power plant in the Philippines was due largely to Wisner's efforts. Based in Subic Bay, a former US military outpost, the power
planet was taken over by Enron in 1993, two months after the last US troops left the base.

Wisner is credited with helping Enron win a $2.8 billion deal in India, building a power plant near Bombay. Now the project is under heavy fire for being
over-priced, and the deal continues to simmer with allegations of bribery.
Wisner Jr. must have learned his tradecraft from his father Frank Wisner Sr., one of the CIA's prime operatives.

Wisner Sr., who worked at CIA from 1947 until just before his "suicide" in 1965, was involved in 1) the 1954 CIA coup in Guatemala, toppling the
goverment of Jacobo Arbenz for United Fruit Company, 2) the 1953 overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq, and 3) the secret
operations against Indonesian President Sukarno.
Unlike his spooky father, Frank Wisner Jr., however, was a former Pentagon official before his job at Enron.

May 25, 2001
"..The name of Dyncorp surfaced once more in connection with the shoot down of the missionary plane in Peru. Early news reports identified the American
"spotters" who fed the Peruvian pilots the targets as under contract to the CIA. It turns out they were actually contracted by Dyncorp which may or may not
have had a contract with the CIA. Dyncorp "employees" are involved in the "defoliating" campaign in Peru and Columbia reminiscent of the Agent Orange
debacle in Vietnam.

Dyncorp is only one of a number of government "fronts" or "proprietaries" involved as surrogates around the world. Almost allof its $1.4 billion in 1999
revenue came from the U.S. Government.

May 23, 2001
"..Corpwatch has acquired a copy of a $600 million dollar contract between DynCorp and the U.S. State Department. The company carries crop fumigation
and eradication against coca farmers in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. In Colombia it is involved in drug interdiction, transport, reconnaissance, search and
rescue missions, medical evacuation and aircraft maintenance, among other operations.."

DynCorp-State Department Contract


"...The information below is from CIABASE files on Death Squads supported by the CIA.
Also given below are details on Watch Lists prepared by the CIA to facilitate the actions of Death Squads.
After Sep11th, another major client of DynCorp became the FBI. DynCorp promised to do a $51 million upgrade of the FBI network for the information
technology and transport network components of its Trilogy program, a $300 million, three-year initiative to update the FBI backbone network.



Harvard Corp:
("Pug" Winkour )


DynCorp has best contacts to the most important military and intelligence scientists.
From June 2-3rd, 1998, Dr. Joe Furman, DynCorp supported a workshop on "Medical Surveillance" regarding possible bio-/nuclear attacks.

The workshop was organised by the US Department of Energy and was furthermore supported by Argonne National Laboratory, Lockheed Martin (->),
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Battelle-Pantex and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (-->)


DynCorp is responsible for the security of afghan leader Karzai.


On December 13, 2002, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and DynCorp announced they have entered into a merger agreement providing for the
acquisition of DynCorp by CSC.

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)
(-> BENS)
(-> Capricorn Holdings )
(-> CIA)
(-> Citigroup)
(-> DynMcDermott)
(-> DynPort)
(-> Hatfill, Stephen)
(-> Helicopter crashes)

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(-> In Q-Tel)
(-> National Center for Simulation
(-> PMCs)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)
(-> Smallpox Vaccines)
(-> Virginia-Connection)
(-> Woolsey, James)

Specialist-website on DynCorp (->).

DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations Company of New Orleans, has won the Energy Department's competition and will continue operating the
government's emergency oil stockpile for at least until 2008.
DynMcDermott received an estimated $120 million a year to maintain the readiness of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve's four crude oil storage facilities in
Louisiana and Texas. The anticipated contract has provisions for an additional five-year extension.
The new contract took effect on April 1, 2003. DynMcDermott is a 650-employee company formed solely to operate the Strategic Reserve. It is jointly
owned by DynCorp, Reston, VA; McDermott International Inc., New Orleans; Jacobs Engineering, Pasadena, CA; and International-Matex Tank Terminals,
New Orleans.


Dynport is a joint venture between Porton Down (->) and DynCorp (->).

Right after the September 11th attacks, DynCorp, major government contractor for data processing, military operations and intelligence work, was awarded
a $322 million contract to develop, produce and store vaccines for the Department of Defense.

DynCorp and Hadron, both defense contractors connected to classified research programs on communicable diseases, have been linked to a software
program known as PROMIS.


They knew -what the Pentagon don't want to tell you (-> early warnings -> 39)

Eagleburger, Lawrence
(-> Baker III, James A.)
(-> BCCI)
(-> Kissinger,Henry)

Early warnings
Many 911-related websites, including the GROUND ZERO Forum (->lebensaspekte.de, ourDNA.org) compiled several early warning lists about a pending
attack in 2000/1 including the last 24 hours before Sep11th.

CopvCia.com by Mike Ruppert (->) was one of the first websites, who had a huge list of oversea intelligence warnings, grabbed from mainstream articles.

Finally in Summer 2002, Paul Thompson compiled the most detailed list at

Which countries exactly warned of the secret service intelligence and foreign governments? :

Afghanistan: Taliban-Minister warned US State Department (->Muttawakil, Ahmed)

Egypt: President Mubarak
France: DGSE , French Secret Service
Germany: BND
Israel: Efraim Halevy , Director of Mossad
Italy: Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini
Jordan: Intelligence
Morroco: Intelligence
Russia: Igor Ivanov (Russian Foreign Minister), Vladimir Putin (Russian President)
United Kingdom: MI5

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Many early warnings had been confirmed various times in some newspapers, but got still ignored by US Government.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon authorised the leak of sensitive documents which reveal America's spy agencies were warned about a terrorist strike
weeks before September 11.

As late as August 24, less than two weeks before the attacks, a Mossad (->) warning, confirmed by German intelligence, BND, said that "terrorists plan to
hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture."
The warning alert was passed to the CIA.

The warning was passed to MI6. Israel warned later a second time.

Jordan, beyond a doubt, and Morocco, with some certainty, advised US and allied intelligence that "Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorists were preparing
airborne terrorist operations in the continental United States".

Britain gave President Bush a categorical warning to expect multiple airline hijackings by the al-Qaeda network a month before the September 11 attacks.

Egyptian intelligence warned American officials about a week before Sept. 11 that Osama bin Laden's network was in the advance stages of executing a
significant operation against an American target, President Hosni Mubarak said.

In an interview with Le Figaro, Mr Mubarak said:

"We had communicated to the Americans certain information from the video made by bin Laden on June 13.
It spoke of assassinating President Bush and other heads of state in Rome.
It was a question of an airplane stuffed with explosives.


The National Security Agency (->NSA) received information on September 10th that "something big" was coming.

June 21, 2002:

"Recent news that the National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted two messages the day before the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks -- messages
that indicated imminent action -- obliges us to reconsider whether the airliner hijackings that led to 3,000 lost lives and $20 billion in property damage could
have been foiled."

Sources tell NEWSWEEK, a "tested" undercover "asset" who
had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego on
terrorism cases related to Hamas.

American intelligence agencies received many more reports of terrorists plotting to use planes as weapons before Sept. 11 than the U.S. government has
previously acknowledged, a congressional investigator said. The intelligence agencies warned senior U.S. officials in July 2001 — just two months before
the attacks.

In August 1998, U.S. intelligence learned that a "group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosive-laden plane from a foreign country into the World
Trade Center.

On September 7th, 2001, former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz (CFR->), received "a little-noticed State Department memo that was issued a week
ago and warned that Americans "may be the target of a terrorist threat."

David Welna, NPR:
"I spoke with Congressman Ike Skelton(->) (CFR)--a Democrat from Missouri and a member of the Armed Services Committee--who said that just recently
the Director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack--an imminent attack--on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected."
To hear this audio in MP3 format (or as streaming Real Audio), head to:

The Taliban Warning:
Talibans minister Muttawakil (->) warned the US Embassy in Pakistan, who alerted the US State Department.
"Weeks before the terrorist attacks on 11 September, the United States and the United Nations ignored warnings from a secret Taliban emissary that Osama
bin Laden was planning a huge attack on American soil."

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(The US) had picked up reports of threats about attacks planned for inside the United States and of using airplanes as weapons.

Sep17th 2002 at the second 911-hearings:
33 (!) Indices confirmed by Staff Director Eleanor Hill, Joint Inquiry Staff .

"...Hill also said that between May and July 2001, the National Security Agency reported at least 33 communications indicating a possible, imminent terrorist

The hearings compiled a list of 50-60 warnings including classified documents.

(-> http://9-11congress.netfirms.com
Hill: http://9-11congress.netfirms.com/Hill_7.html

Tenet: http://9-11congress.netfirms.com/Tenet.html
Hayden: http://9-11congress.netfirms.com/Hayden.html etc...)

Moussaouis (->) own warning ignored:
An FBI supervisor, sounding a prophetic pre-Sept. 11 alarm, warned FBI headquarters that student pilot Zacarias Moussaoui was so dangerous he might
"take control of a plane and fly it into the World Trade Center," a congressional investigator said in a report.

FBI agent Colleen Rowley (->) took this warning and evidence serious, bot got ignored by FBIHQ, FISA and the NSLU.
Pan AM and the FAA (->), confirmed by Minnesota Rep. Jim Oberstar, knew about Moussaoui:

"After his arrest, Pan Am learned that Moussaoui had flown 57 hours in a Cessna 152 in Oklahoma but never soloed, an accomplishment usually achieved
after 20 hours."

French anti-terrorism Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere, in charge of the investigation, opened his inquiry into the alleged embassy plot Sept. 10 -- a day before
the catastrophic attacks in New York and Washington.

The French Intelligence warned of a terrorist attack, when they learned on Moussaoui.

They confirmed, that the CIA ignored a visit by Bin Laden in a Dubai Hospital (->) in June 2001:

"French Intelligence sources say that another CIA agent was present; and that Bin Laden was visited by Prince Turki al Faisal (->), then head of Saudi
intelligence (->), who had long had links with the Taliban, and Bin Laden."

Kenneth Williams (->) warning ignored
"A Minnesota FBI agent investigating Zacarias Moussaoui testified yesterday that he notified the Secret Service weeks before Sept. 11 that a terror team
might hijack a plane and "hit the nation's capital."
Williams released the Phoenix-memo (->), which included a warning on muslim students in US flight schools.

Between Sep6th and 7th, 2001, put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) totaling 4,744 are purchased on United Air Lines stock, as opposed to
only 396 call options (speculation that the stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the United puts are
purchased through Deutschebank/A.B. Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current executive director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. (Source:
The Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT), http://www.ict.org.il ) (-> Insider Trading, CIA , -> Insider Trading, FBI )

The New York Times reported the findings of Ernest Welteke (German Bundesbank) that "there have been fundamental movements in these markets
(airline stocks) and the oil price rise just ahead of the attacks is otherwise inexplicable."

Mayo Shattuck III, the head of the Alex Brown unit of Deutschebank -- which had its offices in the WTC -- suddenly resigned from a $30 million,
three-year contract on Sept. 12, as reported by the New York Times and other papers.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported, that Mayor Brown (->) was called eight hours before the attack and warned that "Americans should be cautious in
their travel." (I consider this a general warning only since none of the planes involved were on the West Coast).

Author Salman Rushdie (who has written anti-Islamic works) was warned by the FAA on Sept. 3 not to fly to Canada and the US, according to the London
He was scheduled to be on Minnesota Public Radio's book club "Talking Volumes" on September 11th.

The Defense Language Institute in Monterey (->) was put on alert prior to the attacks, as well as some overseas embassies and military bases.
Monterey Officer Steve Butler (->) later accused President Bush of letting the attack happen on purpose.

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Project Bojinka (->) was well known to the CIA, an older terror plan to crash planes into buildings

Former FBI agent Robert Wright (->) (and 9 unidentified other agents) contacted former Top Prosecutor David Schippers (->) and warned of an attack.
Schippers tried to reach John Ashcroft, without success.

Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing, confirmed that workers in Odigo's research and development and international sales office in Israel
received a warning from another Odigo (->) user approximately two hours prior to the first attack.
(-> Holinger Inc.)

Warning of member at TV Clubhouse:
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 03:32 pm
"I heard earlier today they knew this was coming ... I have a brother who lives and works close to the Wright/Patterson Air Force base in Dayton (->) ...The
company he works for said the officials at W/P advised them to send home all employees... stating W/P was to be target number 6 and they have known this
since last night"
The company was later identified as Reynolds + Reynolds, a subsidiary of TRW/Raytheon. (->)
The responsible executive was Philip A. Odeen (->)

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), quoting unnamed German intelligence sources, said that the Echelon (->) spy network was being used to collect
information about the terrorist threats, and that U.K. intelligence services had advance warning.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini spoke on Italian television of parallels between the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and
warnings received before the Genoa meeting.
"Many people joked about the Italian Intelligence Force," Mr Fini said. "But actually they had information that in Genoa
there was the hypothesis of an attack on the American President with the use of an airplane.
That is why we closed the air space above Genoa and installed anti-aircraft missiles.

At the Genoa Summit, the security measures had been increased:

"...Up to 20,000 police and military personnel are involved in the security operation"

Former Top Anti-Terror FBI-agent John O'Neill (->) warned about an attack:
Under the influence of U.S. oil companies, the government of George W. Bush initially blocked U.S. secret service investigations on terrorism, while it
bargained with the Taliban the delivery of Osama bin Laden...
..the Federal Bureau of Investigation's deputy director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over the obstruction."

Pakistan knew about threats and the planning of the war- at the same time:
"A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's
Niaz Naik (->), a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go
ahead by the middle of October (2001)"

Jeb Bush (->) signed Emergency Executive Order 01-261 on Friday September 7th, 2001, but didn't disclose, why.

(->Butler, Steve)

George Bush, George Tenet, Andrew Card, Condoleeza Rice, Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Bob Graham, Porter Goss, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney received a
memo (->) on August 6th, 2001 about a warning on an attack with planes.

Condoleeza Rice (->) not only knew about the Ashroft warning and received the CIA-memo
(http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2002/5/28/231650 ) ,
she received two more warnings within the same week before Sep11th, by Gary Hart and Dana Rohrabacher.
Five days before Sept. 11, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was warned that a terrorist attack inside the United States was imminent.

Walid Arkehs warning:
A Florida inmate claimed he warned the FBI last summer that al Qaeda was planning a terror attack on New York - but his words were ignored.
"I told them something big was going to happen in New York City," Walid Arkeh, 35, said in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel.
In August, he got word to the FBI that he had information on a planned terror attack.

But when two FBI agents showed up at the to interview him Aug. 21, he said he would tell what he knew only if he was freed from prison, given asylum in
the United States and offered the kind of security granted by the witness-protection program.

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Arkeh said one of the agents told him, "Is that all you have?"

The FBI never returned until the afternoon of Sept. 11, when agents showed up again to speak to him.

Cayman Islands warning:
As the Los Angeles Times revealed: “Two weeks before the hijackings, an anonymous letter sent to a Cayman Islands radio station warned that the three
might be involved with bin Laden in preparing 'a major terrorist act against the US via an airline or airlines.'”

Meanwhile, the Ottawa Citizen reported, that “a man in the Cayman Islands was said to have contacted American authorities in late August saying he
overheard three Afghan men in a bar discussing planned attacks on the US.” There's no way to know if this man and the letter-writer are the same person,
or whether these three men are the same ones mentioned in the letter, but either way at least one person knew what was going to happen and warned the
authorities and the media."

Twin Towers on high alert:
"Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual..:

...Ben Fountain, 42, a financial analyst with Fireman's Fund, was coming out of the Chambers Street Station, headed for his office on the 47th floor of the
south tower.

How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I
think they had an inkling something was going on."

CounterPunch has learned from two sources that a) three weeks before the attack of September 11 security at the World Trade Center was abruptly
heightened and that b) six weeks before the attack a US army base in New Jersey was placed on top security alert.

Portland eyewitness report (by Maine Mary, DU):
"On August 11th, I brought my daughter to Maine's Portland airport to send her off for a visit with her father in Arizona. I'm very familiar with that particular
airport and nothing seemed any different. As usual, I was able to walk right through the baggage check area with her and to the Gate she would leave from.

But everthing was suddenly different when I came to pick her up on August 26th. The most notable was the fact that no one was allowed to wait at the
Gate(s). Only people coming from, or going on a flight were allowed through the baggage check area right up to the gate(s). I had never seen Portland do
that before and furthermore, it isn't set up well to have so many people say hello or goodbye to their loved ones in the small area we were allowed in."

John Ashcroft was warned:

July 26th, 2001:

"In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice
Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his
"There was a threat assessment and there are guidelines. He is acting under the guidelines," an FBI spokesman said. Neither the FBI nor the Justice
Department, however, would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it.

(->Ashcroft, Flying High)

Al-Jazeera US-Website mirror was shutdown by FBI 4 days before Sep11th:

Sep 7th, 2001:

"An 80-member FBI terrorism task force on Wednesday and Thursday raided the offices of InfoCom Corporation, a Texas-based company that hosts a
broad array of Arab Web sites, including the Arab world's leading news channel.
The FBI said the action was part of a two-year investigation by the North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force, but declined to give specific reasons for the
(-> Al Jazeera website shutdown)

Bob Gipson warning:
"Bob Gipson of El Dorado County, California, wrote his congressman expressing his fear that the U.S. government would orchestrate a terrorist attack on
"certain" U.S. cities and blame the attacks on "Islamic terrorists." Gipson told Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-Ca) he thought the "operation" would be a platform
for declaring martial law in the U.S."

US Congress Member Dana Rohrabacher (->) tried to warn the US Department and arranged an appointment a few days before Sep11th.

Former naval intelligence officer Delmart Vreeland (->)claimed, he tried to warn the US Intelligence with a letter, while he was in prison.

The Pentagon was warned on September 10th:
On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of
security concerns.

The idea that authorities had no idea the Pentagon could be a target is laughable, according to information in the Daily Telegraph. “For years, staff at the

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Pentagon joked that they worked at 'Ground Zero', the spot at which an incoming nuclear missile aimed at America's defenses would explode. There is even
a snack bar of that name in the central courtyard of the five-sided building, America's most obvious military bullseye.

In October 2000 the Pentagon built a miniature Pentagon and crashed some planes into it.

(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)

Tommy Franks and Jeffery Starr on "high alert" ?:
British newspaper The Guardian: According to it, a U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January, and U.S. Rangers
were training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. The head of the current Afghan war, General Tommy Franks, visited Dushanbe on May 16, 2001, calling
Tajikistan "a strategically significant country."

The FAA (->) issued 6 warnings or bulletins on possible attacks between January 2001 and August 2001 but ignored the Moussaoui-warning in a public

However, FAA Administrator Jane Garvey and other agency officials did not order any new security measures.
Airlines and airports said they received no detailed warnings from the federal government that would have prepared them for the Sept. 11 attacks.
Official statements had been made by Delta spokeswoman Peggy Estes, Barbara Platt, spokeswoman for Massachusetts Port Authority, which runs Boston’s
Logan Airport

Own US Congress-Reports ignored:
In December 2000, a committee appointed by Congress – the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of
Mass Destruction – released their second annual report. It flatly stated: “We are impelled by the stark realization that a terrorist attack on some level inside
our borders is inevitable"
On September 10, 2001, the Congressional Research Service issued a report titled “Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors.” This prescient
report stated: “Signs continue to point to... a rise in the scope of threat posed by the independent network of exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden....
Osama bin Laden's network, which is independently financed and enjoys safe haven in Afghanistan, poses an increasingly significant threat to US interests
in the Near East and perhaps elsewhere.”
On September 18th, the second 911-panel confirmed, that a "plan to attack WTC was among warnings that preceded 9/11."

On September 7, 2001, the State Department issued a “worldwide caution” which said: “American citizens may be the target of a terrorist threat from
extremist groups with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization.”

Former US Secretary of State George Schultz said he was “startled” by the State Department's memo. “I have no idea what intelligence lies behind the
warning, but they put this out because they had some sort of intelligence,” he said. “They had some sort of rumbling of something, even if they didn't pinpoint
it in the right direction.... Something was cooking.”

Airline News Warning:
“US Airlines May Be a Terror Risk Over Next 3 Days,” read the headline of a story from Airjet Airline World News. Dated June 23, 2001, the news
release is worth quoting at length:

“With US Gulf forces already on high alert, the US State Department is expected to issue a travel advisory shortly warning Americans traveling overseas to
be on their guard."

Suspicious Observations ignored
In June 2001, Federal Protective Service officers in New York arrested three Middle Eastern men who were engaged in photographic reconnaissance of
federal buildings in New York City. In another stunning display of incompetence, after the FBI and INS interrogated the men, they were let go, according to
the New York Post.

Atta (->) was under surveillance:
From January to May 2000, Mohamed Atta – considered the ringleader of the hijacking teams – lived in Frankfurt, Germany, where the CIA had him under
surveillance. (According to the German news magazine Focus, the agents didn't tell German authorities about Atta, who came to the US in June 2000 to take
flying lessons.) This is in stark contrast to the statements of authorities, who claim that as of Atta's entry into the US in January 2001, they had no idea he was
involved in terrorist activity.
On a related note, German security officials say they had been observing Said Bahaji – a prime suspect under warrant for the 911 attacks – at some point
before Sept. 11.

Atta was under surveillance by the Mossad, too.

"Just a month before the deadly attacks, the paper said, Mossad handed over to the Americans a detailed report naming several suspects they believe were
preparing an attack on the United States.
The ring was reportedly hard on the heels of at least four members of the hijack gang, including its leader Mohammed Atta.
The paper also claims that the CIA failed to inform the German authorities that Ramzi Binalshibh, a key logistics man for the attacks, had attended a high
level meeting of al-Qaeda activists in Malaysia over 18 months before 11 September.

Without that information the Germans could not prevent him re-entering the country and contacting the Hamburg cell that was planning the hijackings. "


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Iraq (->) was on high alert:
Two weeks before the attacks, Saddam Hussein put his military on its highest state of alert, something he hadn't done since the Gulf War a decade earlier.
He hid in his network of bunkers and moved his wives out of their palatial residence in Baghdad.

What makes this so suspicious is that Hussein had no apparent reason for declaring a red alert and going into hiding. A US intelligence official commented:
“He was clearly expecting a massive attack and it leads you to wonder why.”

Russias President Putin warned Bush personally of an attack during the Summer of 2001, same to the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.

Already during the summer of 2001, Russian media were abuzz with talks of some kind of “attack” against the US that would destabilize and perhaps topple
the economy. Russian citizens were urged to convert their dollar to rubles.

On July 12, Pravda ran a page-one article headlined, “The Dollar and America Will Fall Down on August 19".

Iranian prisoner warning:
An Iranian man being held in Hanover warned US intelligence officials of an attack that was to take place in America the week of September 10. After
pleading with his captors to let him talk to authorities in America, he was allowed to call (at least one of those he called was the Secret Service). However,
US officials hung up on him when he said that he was awaiting deportation from Germany. Mere hours before the 911 attacks commenced, the 29-year-old
begged to fax a letter to President Bush. He was denied the chance.

Ex-FBI Officials Admit of Knowledge of the Coming Attacks:

"Rusty Capps, a retired FBI counterterrorism chief: “We've had indications this was coming for some years.” (Knight Ridder News Service 27 Sept 2001)

Michael Cherkasky, former New York City prosecutor who worked on the 1993 WTC bombing investigation and currently the head of Kroll, Inc., a
well-known security company: “I believe that we had sufficient, specific information to say we were at enormous risk during the year 2000, 2001 of having
a very, very serious incident here.” (“Warning Signs.” NBC News 23 Sept 2001)

Jerry Bremer, a former State Department terrorism expert and the chair of a national commission on terrorism in 2000: “We all predicted this. We had
strategic warning. This is not something the analysts missed. (Boston Globe 15 Sept 2001)

Warning was passed to US Army Medical Corps and NSC:
In August 2001, Drs Garth Nicholoson and Nancy Nicholson, two of the world's most distinguished Mycoplasma researchers on Gulf War Syndrome,
informed Pentagon officials that they had "confirmed intelligence that on September 11, 2001, a terrorist strike against the Pentagon would be made." They
cited their sources as including "individuals in key intelligence positions and one high-level African diplomat." Their information was passed to the Inspector
General of the U.S. Army Medical Corps and the National Security Council. "Unfortunately it was ignored," says Dr Garth Nicholson.

As learned from the second 911hearings (->) in September 2002, in July 2001, the DCI’s CTC was aware of an individual who had recently been in
Afghanistan who had reported, “Everyone is talking about an impending attack.” The Intelligence Community was also aware that Bin Ladin had stepped up
his propaganda efforts in the preceding months.

On August 23, 2001, the Intelligence Community requested that two individuals, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawafal-Hazmi, who had first come to the attention
of the Intelligence Community in 1999 as possible associates of Usama Bin Ladin’s terrorist network, be added to the U.S. Department of State’s watchlist
for denying visas to individuals attempting to enter the United States.

A briefing prepared for senior government officials at the beginning of July 2001 contained the following language: “Based on a review of all-source
reporting over the last five months, we believe that LJBL will launch a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in the coming weeks.
The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests.

In August 2001, based on information it had in its possession at the time, the CIA sent a message to the FAA asking the FAA to advise corporate security
directors of U.S. air carriers of the following information: “A group of six Pakistanis currently based in La Paz, Bolivia may be planning to conduct a
hijacking, or possibly a bombing or an act of sabotage against a commercial airliner.

In late summer 2001, the Intelligence Community obtained information that an individual associated with al-Qa’ida was considering mounting terrorist
operations in the United States.


As learned from an interview between FEMA spokesman Tom Kennedy and CBS Dan Rather on Sep12th, 2001, one team from FEMA was apparently in
New York on "monday evening",
September 10th.

FEMA was able to install in time one of their emergency softwares, a new trial upgrade of
FDonScene (->), which was installed on September 11th,
confirmed by Skip Trudo of NJ Field Communications.
(-> Abbott, Tom)
(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)


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The CIA knew what was going on and already confirmed it:
On April 12, 2002, James Pavitt, Deputy Director of CIA Operations, speaking at the Duke University Law School Conference, said, "We had very, very
good intelligence of the general structure and strategies of the al Qaeda terrorist organization. We knew and we warned that al Qaeda was planning a major

The FBI confirmed on Sep24th, that they "knew that several associates of Osama bin Laden had trained at U.S. flight schools, but believed the al Qaeda
leader needed pilots to transport goods in Afghanistan"

But noone of any officials was fired. Without any further public notice, however FBIHQ-Officers Dale Watson and Robert J. Chiaradio quit their job in
2002, another CIA-officer Cofer Black quit his job without any further explanation.

It has been standard FAA procedure for more than 25 years to scramble U.S. fighters to intercept -- not shoot down -- any errant or non-responsive aircraft
under FAA control.

At the end of 2002 the US Government still defined Sep11th as the result of "incompetence" or "intelligence failure".

(-> FAA-Warnings)

(-> Thompson, Paul)

Eastman, Dick
Pentagon-crash specialist from Yakuma, Washington.
(-> Pentagon, crash)
His analysis is located at http://www.apfn.org/apfn/77_deastman1.htm http://www.apfn.org/apfn/77_deastman1.htm

Global surveillance system, which was developed by the NSA and DARPA.
Initially forged in 1948 and known back then as the UKUSA agreement,
it wasn't officially confirmed before the late 90s.

Confirmed coordinates of Echelon-bases:

Ayios Nikolaos, Zypern (32 O, 35 N)" since ?
Bad Aibling, Germany (12 O, 47 N) since 1952
Buckley Field, USA, Denver Colorado (104 W, 40 N) since 1972
Fort Gordon, USA (81 W, 31 N) since ?
Fort Mead, USA (76 W, 39 N) since ? (Headquarter of the NSA)
Geraldton, Australien (114 O, 28 S) since early 90s
Guam, Pazifik (144 O, 13 S) since 1998
Hong Kong (22 N, 114 O) since late 70s
Kunia, Hawai (158 W, 21 N) since 1993
Leitrim, Kanada (75 W, 45 N) since 1985
Medina Annex, USA Texas (98 W, 29 N) since 1993
Menwith Hill, England (2 W, 53 N) since 1956
Misawa, Japan (141 O, 40 N) since 1948
Morwenstow, England (4 W, 51 N) since early 70s
Pine Gap, Australia (133 O, 23 S) since 1966
Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico (66 W, 18 N) since 1995
Shoal Bay, Australien (134 O, 13 S) since ?
Sugar Grove, USA (80 W, 39 N) since late 70s
Waihopai, New Zealand (173 O, 41 S) since 1989
Yakima, USA (120 W, 46 N) since 1970


Echelon 2:

(-> Carnivore)
(-> TIPS)
(-> Total Information Awareness)

Ecologic Group
ECOlogic is using address-standardization software to bring the data into conformance with USPS Publication.
Using an internally developed string correlation algorithm and a rule-based filter, ECOlogic determined whether records from different sources were
referring to the same customer site. ECOlogic then recommended a site address correction when data sources disagreed. In addition, ECOlogic tagged each
record with the rule applied and a confidence level.

Their grid data base, is an important part for the GPS-based Global Hawk-technology (->) or unmanned vehicles (-> UAVs)

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Geospatial Data and Decision Support Solutions


(-> Passenger list -> Herbert Homer)

In April 2002, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (->) claimed, that there is "a bit of a problem with al-Qaida itself and some Hezbollah
elements" in Ecuador's remote jungle region near the borders with Peru and Colombia.

Foreign Minister Heinz Moeller immediately responded, that Ecuador knew nothing about the U.S. claims.
Ecuador is the second largest producer of oil in Latin America, after Venezuela.
Fifty percent of Ecuador's national budget is funded by oil earnings (primarily the U.S. company Texaco and Ecuador's state-run company Petroecuador).

Several tribes and environmental groups are still suing the U.S. oil company, Texaco, for $1.5 billion in damages.

In Ecuador, drinking, bathing, and fishing water contain toxins much higher than the safety limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Due to many reports, oil companies that drilled in the rain forest were responsible for "felling thousands of acres of trees, dynamiting the earth, spilling vast
amounts of oil, destroying habitats, and fouling rivers."

Another fight is between the Indians and Dallas- based Maxus Energy Corporation, who was constructing an underground pipeline that will pass through the
territory of the Huaorani and Quichua tribes and the Yasuni Park in the Oriente.

Indigenous groups are calling for a 15-year moratorium on oil drilling, which would include repairing the environment.

Sources and all important cases here:


Collection of Sep11th questions.

Edwardjayepstein.com was created in May 2000 by Edward Epstein in New York.

Abbreviation for Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Supported in 2001-2002 all discussions on electronic civil issues.

Regarding results, forced by 911, they informed on the "Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act",
former Senator Joseph Biden's "Anticounterfeiting Amendments of 2002" , developed updates on the NACDL spy files, P2P ,CBDTPA/ SSSCA, DMCA,
UCITA/ UCC2B, Elcomsoft/Sklyarov Johansen-DVD/ DeCSS/ 2600- Case etc...

Based in San Francisco, EFF is a donor-supported membership organization working to protect fundamental rights regardless of technology; to educate the
press, policymakers and the general public about civil liberties issues related to technology; and to act as a defender of those liberties.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation was founded in July of 1990 in response to a basic threat to speech. They support one of the pioneers of electronic
communities called the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link' (or WELL.com, one of the pioneers of the internet)

Sep11th-related collection.

Created in April 1993 by Oregon Public Networking in Eugene OR

In April 2002, egyptian Prime Minister Dr. Atef Obeid said, his country would go
to war with Israel, if Arab countries stumped up 100 billion dollars to pay for the confrontration.

December 2001:
Egypt's concerns are echoed in Jordan, the only other Arab nation to have signed a peace treaty with Israel. A commentary in the Jordan Times warns of
catastrophic dangers if Sharon succeeds in toppling Arafat.

(-> Al-Quaeda)
(-> early warnings ->Thomas, Gordon)
(-> Higazy, Abdallah)
(-> Japan/weapon deals)
(-> Oil)
(-> RAND -> Laurent Murawiec)
(-> Ritter, Scott)
(-> Rohrabacher, Dana)
(-> Shelton, Henry H.)
(-> USAID -> Mark Ward)

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(-> Virginia-Connection
(-> War was planned)
(-> WW3)

Eisenberg, Lewis
Port Authority Chairman at the time of Sep11th attack, who was responsible for privatizing those buildings and turning them over to the private ownership.

In early 2002 Eisenberg became the Financial Chairman for the Republican National Committee.

Elad Riptech
CIA company. Amit Yoran. * 1998

Election 2000
(-> election, rigged)
(-> Palast, Greg)

Electronic Frontier Foundation

(-> eff.org)


Electronic Iraq is a news portal on the US-Iraq crisis published by veteran antiwar campaigners Voices in the Wilderness (->)
and respected Middle East supplementary news publishers, the Electronic Intifada.

Electronic Iraq was launched on 8 February 2003 as the U.S. government made clear its determination to go to war against Iraq. Based firmly on
humanitarian foundations, the Electronic Iraq online magazine offers News & Analysis, Opinion/Editorial, Iraq Diaries, International Law, Aid &
Development, Fact Sheets, and Action & Activism.

Electroniciraq.net was created on January 22nd, 2003 by Nigelparry.Net in Chicago, IL.

Electronic Task Force

(-> Al-Jazeera website shutdown)

ElGindy, Hossam
Hossam ElGindy, University of Newcastle (Australia), is Professor of Computer Science,
who is working on programmable gate arrays, algorithms, computational geometry,
adaptive computing systems and programmable logic devices.

Appointments 1996 University of Washington, Seatle, Visiting Fellow

2000 University of Karlsruhe, Visiting Fellow

(During 2002 it was speculated, if he might be related to Amr + Khaled Elgindy.

One article on both brothers stated, their father is a professor)

Elgindy, Khaled
Brother of 911-Insider Trading suspect, who works for the White House-related Arab American Institute (->)

Elgindy, Tony
Elgindy has been an informant for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the FBI and other federal agencies.

The informant deal was made public in May 2000 as he was sentenced to four months in prison after pleading guilty to insurance fraud.

Only 1.5 years later he made news again, when he was involved in a 911-insider trading story, which was ignored by the mainstream news.

According to an indictment handed up by a New York grand jury, Elgindy and his associates, including one former and one current FBI agent, used
confidential material from FBI files to shake down companies under federal scrutiny or to profit by betting their stock prices would fall.

(-> Insider Trading, FBI).

Moreover, Assistant U.S. Atty. Ken Breen said at a May 24, 2002 bail hearing in federal court in San Diego that Elgindy might have had advance warning of
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Source: New York Times


Tony Elgindy's brother, Khaled Elgindy works for a White House organisation, the Arab American Institute. (-> Elgindy, Khaled)

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Both have a professor as their father.

Tony Elgindy's controversial careers started already years ago, when he was the defendant in a securities arbitration claim filed by his own mother.
Due to Mike Ruppert (->), Tony Elgindy was a "colleague of Iran-Contra (->) figure Adnan Khashoggi".

El-Hibry, Fuad
Co-Founder of BioPort (->) in 1996.

In Mid 2002, "Elitewatch" started to complie a list of members of large companies, "think tanks", lobby groups and other organisations which promotes right
wing and `military-industrial complex' ideologies.
This list was setup by intense 911-investigator JohneHorne from UK.

He transcripted a lot of 911 hearings and is specialised in profiling companies and interest groups, who had special interests in allowing the Sep11th attack.

A must to visit for researchers on Henry Kissinger, the TRW/Blackstone Group,

the Anser Institute, CFR, CSIS, Raytheon or the Rumsfeld Commissions. (-->)

JohnHorne mirrored similar lists at


JohnHorne participated at DU, Globalfreepress, groups.yahoo.com/group/corporatesleuth/ and 911pi.com

His own website is hosted at the international webhosting service provider netfirms.com,
founded in September 1998.

El Motassadeq, Mounir
(-> Motassadeq, Mounir El)

Elsis, Mark
Mark Elsis essay "My country right or wrong" became cult status among the 911Skeptics.
In a very detailed analysis he noted very early, that former US Government "strategic thinker" Zbigniew Brzezinski (->) once claimed, that controlling
Caspian Oil was imperative to US interests and would require a war which would only be supported by citiizens of the US after a Pearl-Harbor-like attack
on the USA.

In December 2002, Mark Elsis' server at loveearth.net had been hacked and his websites defaced.

(-> Standdown.net)

El-Zawahiri, Abdel Moez Ayman

Dr. Abdel Moez Ayman El-Zawahiri, also known as Abu Muhammed, Abu Fatima or Abu Abdallah.
(-> Al Quaeda)

(-> Tenc.net)

Energy Development Task Force

In the spring or summer of 2001, several articles appeared on Cheney's "super top secret" Energy Development Task Force.

(-> Cheney, Dick)

Former energy giant ENRON made big news worldwide, only a few weeks after the Sep11th attack, when many journalists came to the conclusion, that the
US government knew already in August 2001 on the pending bancrupcy.

On November 8th, 2001, the company disclosed that it had overstated earnings dating back to 1997 by almost $600 million. That same day, an e-mail
("Importance: High"), whose sender and recipient are blacked out, warned, "President Bush cannot talk about Dabhol as was already mentioned."

The memo said, that Bush economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey could not discuss Enron either.
Lindsey had been an Enron consultant.

This started a long debate on the connections between ENRON and the US Government,

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the "rigged election" of President Bush, the ties to UNOCAL(->), military business, deals with India, CIA connections, many small hidden scandals and even
a Taliban connection.

More on President Bush-ENRON ties at:


The Guardian UK became one of the few mainstream specialists of the complete ENRON story.

They reported, that ENRON's testosterone-fuelled traders were fixtures in Houston's strip clubs.

"One division of the company spent $2m a year on flowers alone. And its executives used the firm's corporate jets as taxis."

Another specialist, Robert Bryce (->) described in a 2002 book on ENRON "the heady mix of greed, sex and arrogance that produced America's most
spectacular financial scandal"


"When Enron needed cash, the company's chief financial officer had just the answer: a web of companies that would keep the firm's liabilities off its books -
and make him rich."


In the final extract of his book, Robert Bryce described how the firm bought its way into Washington's corridors of power.


(-> Bryce, Robert)

One of ENRONs most important executives, was Herbert "Pug" Winokur, who is on the board of DynCorp (->):

DynCorp is a CIA sponsored company, once directed by ex-CIA director James Woolsey
(-> Wolfowitz Cabal)

In 1997, Enron announced plans to link Dabhol, India to the Hazira terminal of the of the so called HBJ pipeline.
Enron said they were going to add to about 1500 miles to the HBJ pipeline.
Costs: $300 million and $900 million, respectively.

Enron had a $3 billion investment in the Dabhol power plant, near Bombay on India's west coast. The project began in 1992, and the liquefied natural gas-
powered plant was supposed to supply energy- hungry India with about one-fifth of its energy needs by 1997.

It was one of Enron's largest development projects ever (and the single largest direct foreign investment in India's history). The company owned 65 percent
of Dabhol; the other partners were Bechtel, General Electric and State Electricity Board.

In March 2002, Raghu Dhar of Zee TV, business editor of India’s largest television network confirmed in the CBS - "60 Minutes"-show, how "Enron offered
to pay him $1 million a year to be its corporate communications chief in an effort to silence his criticism of its plan to build a $3 billion power plant there."
(-> Bustani, Jose)

"...The plant would run on liquefied natural gas shipped by tanker from the Middle East, a prospect many considered odd because India has lots of coal, a
much cheaper and common fuel it has traditionally used to generate electricity. It turns out Enron was going to buy the natural gas from one of its own
subsidiaries. Moreover, the central Indian government would assume essentially all risks in the venture, assuring Enron a 25 percent return on its


Another website, http://www.altindia.net/enron described precisely the indian Enron deal, an agreement between the Maharashtra State Electricity Board
(MSEB) and the Dabhol Power Company (DPC), an Indian subsidiary of the U.S. based Multinational, Enron Corporation.

(-> ENRON-Military/Government Ties)

On January 5th, 2003, CBS showed their own movie on ENRON (prod. by Robert Greenwald),
leaving out the more interesting aspects.


(-> ENRON-Taliban ties)

ENRON-Military/Government Ties
Robert Zoellick -- U.S. trade representative
• Served on Advisory Council of Enron Corp.

Lawrence Lindsey -- White House economic adviser

• Served on Enron board in 2000/1

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Deily, Linnet Deputy -- U.S. Trade Representative Enron

• Owned Enron Stocks, $15,001- $50,000

Thomas White -- Secretary of the Navy

• Enron executive for 10 years

Rumsfeld, Donald -- Secretary of Defense Enron

• Owned Enron Stocks, $1,001- $15,000

Rove, Karl Senior -- Adviser to the President

• Owned Enron Stocks $100,001 - $250,000 Stock

Sources including all other Bush officials with ties to ENRON:


In June 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney asked Indian opposition leader Sonia Gandhi about a multimillion-dollar debt owed to Enron from a major energy
project in India.

In January 2002, officials confirmed to CNN, that this subject came up for only a moment at a meeting at the White House, and that no one at Enron asked
Cheney to raise the issue. Cheney met with Gandhi to discuss general diplomatic issues affecting the U.S. and India.


Senator Phil Gramm and his wife Wendy Gramm had been accused on corruption regarding Gramm's past at ENRON.

Wendy Gramm was on the board of Enron Corporation, which has given almost $35,000 to Phil Gramm over the last few years. Wendy Gramm was named
to the company's board, just five weeks after stepping down from the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), which around the same time,
exempted Enron and a group of other oil and gas companies from federal regulation on some of their commodities trading. The move was a big financial
boon to Enron.

Due to a PBS-report, Enron paid Wendy Gramm $22,000 a year for her service on its board, plus $1,250 for every meeting she attended. The CEO of
Enron, Kenneth Lay, was regional chair of the Gramm for President Campaign.

Robert Scheer wrote in the Los Angeles Times, that Wendy Gramm was mentioned in a bank lawsuit alleging insider trading as having sold $276,912 in
Enron stock in November 1998. Her response is that she sold the stock to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, given that her husband was
chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.


ENRON had military ties in some deals with Global Crossing (->) and Thomas White (->).

The most ignored fact on ENRON in the US media is their connection to the Taliban.
(-> ENRON-Taliban connection)

ENRON-Taliban connection
In March 2002, National Enquirer revealed, that
"...Atul Davda, who worked as a senior director for Enron's International Division until the company's collapse, confirmed to The ENQUIRER that "Enron
had intimate contact with Taliban officials.
Building the pipeline was one of the corporation's prime objectives."

The ENQUIRER revealed already earlier in 2002, that "Enron secretly employed Taliban", due to one CIA source.

Furthermore an FBI source told The ENQUIRER that "Enron and Unocal dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Afghanistan and the Taliban. The
pipeline would relieve our dependence on Saudi Arabia -- and Enron would make billions."

Another source revealed, that "after the Taliban came to power in 1996, Taliban leaders were invited to Sugar Land (->), Texas, by Unocal (->) and Enron

It was well known, that ENRON had many connections to the CIA.
Executive Herbert Winokur, formerly DynCorp (->), who was once directed by James Woolsey (ex-CIA director) was an indirect source.

ENQUIRER claimed, that ENRON had contact with at least 20 "secretly employed CIA agents to carry out its nefarious dealings".

Former ENRON employer Janice Holloway told the National Enquirer, that
ENRON was "a "sin city" of greed, adultery and corruption where top executives lived the high life"

National Enquirer had many personal reasons to investigate controversial ties of the US Government.
In early 2001 they got criticised after an article on Dick Cheney's daughter and her drug experiences.

In October 2001 their building (AME) was attacked by anthrax (->).

Bob Stevens died as the first official victim of a possible related terrorist attack.

ENRON had its own telecommunication subsidiary in Afghanistan, TSI Communications (->),
who had another contract with the Taliban.

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Former federal war crimes prosecutor John Loftus (-> john-loftus.com) already claims knowledge of paperwork confirming secret dealings between Enron
and the Taliban. According to Loftus an al-Qaeda document on this subject was discovered in 1998 by FBI counter-terrorism chief, John O'Neill (->),
following the US embassy bombings in Africa.


The revelations on ENRON, the Taliban and their common CIA connections had never been mentioned by the US government.

Electronic Privacy Information Center.

EPIC was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional

In 2001-2002, Marc Rotenberg, director of EPIC, supported a lot of articles criticising new laws on the privacy of netizens including the Homeland Security
Act, DARPA (->) and the modification or "hooverisation" of the FBI:
"This could be the perfect storm for civil liberties in America"

On January 2nd, 2003, Newsday reported, that the Office of Homeland Security lost the first round in a legal fight against EPIC.
U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly issued a decision permitting EPIC to pursue discovery concerning the "nature of the authority" delegated to the
Office of Homeland Security (OHS) and its Director, Tom Ridge.

The ruling comes in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by EPIC after OHS took the position that it is not subject to the open government
David Sobel, attorney for the privacy group, called the ruling an intermediate victory over Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge.


Contact: [email protected]

Equipment turned off on Sep11th

XPDRS were reportedly turned off.

(-> FAA)
(-> Norad)
(-> Timeline)

Election Systems & Software.
One of the companies, who got involved in the US 2000 election.

One major shareholder is Michael R. McCarthy, who runs the McCarthy Group.
The McCarthy Group has been a primary owner of Election Systems & Software, including its predecessor, American Information Systems for more than a

Michael R. McCarthy is the current campaign Treasurer for Republican senator Chuck Hagel.
Prior to his election, Republican Senator Hagel was president of McCarthy & Company.

Election Systems & Software was formed by a merger of American Information Systems (AIS), a huge election company featuring several Republican
owners, and Business Records Corp., part of Cronus Industries, in turn partially owned by a member of the Hunt oil family of Texas.

World Companies, Inc is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Omaha World-Herald.

It is a holding company with substantial ownership in Election Systems & Software, and it controls World Marketing Inc., which operates gigantic databases
and mammoth direct marketing companies.

Furthermore Election Systems & Software is involved in voter registration services, and no one has questioned whether there is a conflict of interest with
voter registration activity and access to the nation's largest databases containing race, political affiliations and other demographics.

One person with shares in the World Companies Inc. is Harold W. Andersen, who is on the board of directors for The Williams Companies who was
exposed in 2002 by CBS for creating a sham energy crisis in California.


On October, 10, 2002 Bev Harris, author of the upcoming "Black Box Voting: Ballot-Tampering" in the 21st Century, revealed that Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel has ties to the largest voting machine company, Election Systems & Software (ES&S).

She reported, that he was an owner, Chairman and CEO of Election Systems & Software (called American Information Systems until name change filed in
1997). ES&S was the ONLY company whose machines counted Hagel's votes when he ran for election in 1996 and 2002. The Hill, a Washington D.C.
newspaper that covers the U.S. national political scene, confirmed her findings today and uncovered more details.

(-> Talion)

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(-> Votewatch.us)
(-> Voting Fraud)

Embry-Riddle is connected in many different ties with the Sep11th-story.

Due to the Washington Post, it was reported, that one of the official hijackers,
Saeed Alghamdi (->), may have trained at a school operated by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Ahmed Alghamdi's apartment complex was nearby Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Waleed M. Alshehri lived in Daytona Beach, Fla., to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and graduated in 1997.


Embry-Riddle is connected with the blueprinters of the Homeland Security, ANSER,

operating in a Center for International Aerospace Cooperation (Dr. Ron Turner)


"...Embry-Riddle, in partnership with airlines and corporations, provides nondegree customized flight training that qualifies candidates for first-officer
positions in transport-category aircraft. Embry-Riddle also offers nondegree training through its maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) program that
leads to an FAA airframe and powerplant certificate..."

More Infos at

(-> Flight Schools)

(-> Monterey Language Institute)

Famous radio host on BTR, who invited many different guests,
who challenged the official Sep11th story.

Among the guests: Kyle Hence, ewing2001 and many others.


One of the most puzzling questions regarding the oddities had been,
why neither the Pentagon or the South Tower had been evacuated.

(-> Bush Knew)

(-> early warnings)

Evacuation Offutt
(-> Offutt case)

Investigative Netizen and 911Skeptic. Administrator of GROUND ZERO Forum NYC (->).
Member of Globalfreepress.com, Guerrilla News, 911pi.com, former member of democraticunderground.com (->).
Responsible for the Top500 FAQ (-) and LIHOP Pt.1 + 2. (->) and many other articles or investigative reports.
Ewing2001 worked under the alias Testpod69 (->), too.

Over the past few years in the 90s, elaborate multi-agency planning exercises with flashy names such as "Red Ex" and "Dark Winter" focused
overwhelmingly on biological and chemical threats while experts urging preparations for a simpler, more conventional attack found it difficult to be heard.


(-> Terror-Scenarios)

(-> Arquila, John)
(-> Dark Winter)
(-> FAA)
(-> Global Hawk)
(-> Hauer, Jerome)
(-> Inglesby, Dr. Thomas)
(-> ISI-Terrorist and Sniper Camps)

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(-> Missouri Task Force 1/MO-TF1 -> FEMA)

(-> MKV-Program)
(-> National Center for Simulation)
(-> NORAD)
(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)
(-> Pentagon Mass Casuality Exercise)
(-> Silent Vector)
(-> St.Louis Connection)
(-> Terror Scenarios)
(-> Twin Towers evacuations)
(-> Wargames rigged)
(-> Woolsey, James)

The Expert Witness Radio show promoted during 2001-2002 the facts, that the FBI and CIA had evidence of both attacks on the World Trade Center long
before they happened and "due to a long covered-up - and mind-boggling ineptitude - were unable to move to protect us. "

Michael Levine, called "America´s top undercover cop for 25 years" by 60 Minutes, is the host of "THE EXPERT WITNESS RADIO SHOW" heard in
New York City on 99.5 FM and Los Angeles on 90.7 FM.

Levine is a veteran of 25 years of covert and deep cover operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration and one of its most highly decorated officers.

As an author, Levine´s books include the New York Times best-seller Deep Cover; national best-seller The Big White Lie; fact-based fiction Triangle of
Death and the community anti-drug plan Fight Back.

Mike Levine has served as consultant and on-air expert for various national television programs in both Spanish and English, including 60 Minutes, Crossfire,
MacNeil Lehrer News Hour, Good Morning America, the Crier Report, Twentieth Century, Rivera Live and Contrapunto and Mike Wallace´s Twentieth
Century production Losing the Drug War seen on the History Channel.

In 2002, Levine signed on with Aaron Spelling Productions as a Technical Advisor to a forthcoming television series KINGPIN.


Contact: [email protected]

Exxon Mobile
(-> Oil)
(-> Armitage, Richard)
(-> Ashcroft, John)
(-> Bustani, Jose)
(-> AMEC, Controlled Cleanup)
(-> Scowcroft, Brent)

Eyespymag, a british spyzine, is specialised in background stories on international intelligence.
In 2002, they started to distribute their US-print magazine,
supported by ex-US-Gov related- Alan Simpson and his intelbriefing.com -Project (->).

Eyespymag.com was created in January 2001 by Eye Spy Magazine in York North Yorkshire (UK).


Bush's real B-team: Feith (->), Wurmser, Perle + Co. (the secret papers)

F 15/F 16
"The F-15 Eagle is an all-weather, extremely maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the Air Force to gain and maintain air superiority in aerial
combat." This plane can reach a maximum astounding speed of 1,875 mph."
(from Air Force Fact Sheet)

F-16/Fighting Falcon:
"The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multi-role fighter aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface
attack his highly maneuverable aircraft." The craft can go from zero to 500 mph in about 2 minutes. It's top speed is about 1,500 mph, while its typical
cruising speed is nearly 600 mph."
(from USAF Fact Sheet)

"An F-15 strike eagle flies at 1850+ nmps. That is Mach 2.5+ A sidewinder with heat seeking infrared guidance, has a range of 18 miles. This aircraft,
according to the USAF's own website, goes from "scramble order" to 29000 feet in 2.5 minutes. New York City is 71 miles from McGuire AFB in NJ and 147
from Westover AFB in MA.
At Mach 2, this plane could travel from the ground in NJ to NYC, in under 7 minutes."

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On August 13th, 2002, FAA-Whistleblower (->) Michael McCormick confirmed, that
"for 11 agonizing minutes on Sept. 11, New York air-traffic controllers knew that a second hijacked plane was going to hit the World Trade Center but were
helpless to do anything about it, aviation officials said".


Disturbingly, the FAA was warned various times during 2001 on an attack with planes, sent out their own warnings and knew about the arrestment of
Zacarias Moussaoui (->).
The question remained, what exactly went "wrong" on Sep11th and why did Ben Sliney of the FAA give a stand-down order?

(-> FAA warnings)

(-> Stand down -> Ben Sliney)

Maria Schiavo on the FAA-September 11th- "incompetence":

(Maria Schiavo is Esq. FAA/Airline Accountability, and lawyer for 32 passengers' families from all 9/11 hijacked planes.
Former Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Transportation '90-'96.
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney; Author, "Flying Blind, Flying Safe")

"...in the wake of September 11, 2001, when we heard the carriers and governments alike saying, "Oh, no one could have foreseen this. No one knew that
this was coming. No one knew that there was any risk like this in the world," is absolutely false...."

http://www.unansweredquestions.org/transcript.php (->)

Dick Cheney confirmed in an interview with Tim Russert (Meet the Press) that "the Secret Service has an arrangement with the F.A.A. They had open lines
after the World Trade Center was hit"
However, all airlines claimed, they haven't been warned before Sep11th.

New York Air National Guard Col. Robert Marr, commander of the Northeast Defense Sector in Rome, N.Y., told the British Broadcasting Corp. that he had
unarmed jets flying training missions when it became clear the terrorists intended to crash airliners into buildings.

"If you had to stop an aircraft, sometimes the only way to stop an aircraft is with your own aircraft if you don't have any weapons," Marr said in an interview
on the BBC program, "Clear the Skies."
"It was very possible that would have been asked to give their lives themselves to try to prevent further attacks if need be."

Marr said that on the morning of the attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, only 14 armed planes were available to defend the U.S. mainland.
Only four of those planes were patrolling the Northeast..."


In June 2002 Col. Robert Marr received the "Conspicuous Service Medal", the second highest military award presented by the State of New York.


(-> Moussaoui, Zacarias)

(-> O'Brien, Danielle)
(-> FAA-Newsletter)
(-> FAA-Warnings)
(-> Huffman Aviation)
(-> Judge, John)
(-> MITRE Corporation)
(-> Schiavo, Maria)
(-> Stand-down story after 1 year)
(-> Stich, Robert)
(-> Virginia-connection)
(-> Whistleblowers)
(-> Wolfowitz, Paul)

In April 2002 it came out, that the official pilot and hijacker of Flight93, Ziad Jarrah,
still received some newsletters by the FAA.

Kathleen Bergen, an FAA (->) spokeswoman in Atlanta, said that she did not know why Ziad Samir Jarrah's name had not been removed from the mailing
list earlier.

The incident came to light just weeks after it was disclosed that the Immigration and Naturalization Service sent official notice to a Florida flight school six
weeks after the attacks that two of the other hijackers had been approved for student visas.

The FAA newsletter was mentioned by Charles Lisa (->), a landlord, who was already involved in another hijacker-connected "coincidence".

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(-> Flight 93)

(-> Flight 587)

(-> Flight 11-Mystery)
(-> Lewin, Daniel)

At least 6 FAA-warnings during 2001 had been confirmed:

January 2001:
As confirmed in an AP-report (John Solomon) from May 2002, the FAA received a personal warning by the manager of the JetTech flight school in Phoenix
on Hani Hanjour.

Peggy Chevrette, the JetTech manager, called the FAA (->) inspector John Anthony, who oversaw her school three times in January and February 2001 to
express her concerns about Hanjour.

"I couldn't believe he had a commercial license of any kind with the skills that he had," she said.

Jet Tech was closed in September 2001.

It was owned by the Pan Am International Flight Academy.

John Anthony "did observe Hani's limited knowledge of flying" and "did check his flight credentials. He did tell Marilyn Ladner, a vice president for the Pan
Am International Flight Academy , they were valid, so he did follow up on our concern," she said.

Chevrette, the flight school manager, said she told Anthony she believed Hanjour could not write or speak English fluently as required to get a U.S.
commercial pilot's license.
Chevrette said she was surprised when FAA official Anthony suggested the school might consider getting a translator to help Hanjour. In May 2002 John
Anthony refused to be interviewed on that detail.

Hanjour did not finish his studies at JetTech and left the school.
His last flight license was already expired in 1996.
Later the FBI claimed, that it was algerian pilot Lotfi Raissi (->), who helped Hani Hanjour flying Jets.
But this was debunked as false. Raissi was plead unguilty in March 2002.

June 22nd 2001

The FAA issued a bulletin that had concerns about terrorism.

July 2nd 2001

The FAA told the airlines the man involved in the millennium plot had intention of using explosives in terminal buildings.

July 18th 2001

The FAA issued a bulletin that said there are terrorist threats and we urge you to use caution.

July 31 2001
The FAA issued a bulletin that there are going to be terror groups planning and training for hijacking and used caution.

August 16th 2001

Disguised weapons on board and an alert for aug 28 to nov 30.


Unexplained, the FAA security took no action against another alert at a flight school in August 2001.

It was yet another Pan Am school in Minnesota, who contacted the FBI about a different Arab student who raised concerns by seeking jetliner training. That
student, Zacarias Moussaoui (->), was immediately arrested in August 2001. He trained at a flight school in Norman, Oklahoma (->).

One employee, a whistleblower of the FAA, James Hopkins, was fired after he told his supervisors that an airport security trainee might be linked to a Sept.
11 hijacker.
He was reassigned at the end of May 2002.


(-> Dulles Airport Controller Protocol)

(-> early warnings)
(-> Embry-Riddle )
(-> Flight Schools)
(-> Informants)
(-> Clarke, Richard)

Fabricated threats
(-> Fake threats)

Face Recognition

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ANSER (->) Face Recognition System for identifying missing children
Testimony 1999 by Dr. Helena Wisniewski


(-> Amber Alert)

Fact Sheets
Many Sep11th related websites compiled some fact sheets on Sep11th without any comments.
These are so called official- , government- or media source collections.

Most of them had been very helpful to anlayse the attack, political background details etc...

Some examples:
http://freepint.com/gary/91101.html (by Gary Price, MLIS)

Fahrenheit 451
Based on the original book by Ray Bradbury and movie by Francois Truffaut, the synonym "Fahrenheit 451" is used in comparison with John Ashcroft and
one of his idea to introduce a monitor list of public libraries.

In the science-fiction book "Fahrenheit 451" noone on earth is allowed to read any book.
The mission of firefighters was to burn every book.

"You can’t argue with a televisor. Why? The televisor is real. It is immediate. It has dimension. It tells you what to think and blasts it in. It must be right. It
seems so right. It rushes you on so quickly to it’s own conclusions, your mind hasn’t time to protest, ‘What nonsense!’”
--Faber and Montag, “Fahrenheit 451”

Project to support David Hicks, the australian prisoner at Guantanamo Bay (->).

(-> Camp X-Ray)

Fair is a national media watch group, which has been offered
"well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship" since 1986.

They work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public
interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints.

Fair.org was created in December 1994 by Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting in New York.

FAIR.org is controlled by the Schumann-PBS Group (Bill Moyers), the Ford Group,
the MacArthur-Group (The Nation) and has some ties to the Rockefeller Group.

Source: Questionsquestions.net

Contact: [email protected]

Fake evidence on Iraq

In February/March 2003, many different papers called the "evidence on Iraq" fake, among them Washington Post and BBC.
DER SPIEGEL described these methods as "Tonkin lie", ABC as "Questionable Evidence" and CNN argued, that the Fake Iraq documents are "embarrasing
for U.S." .
In March, 2003, a group of retired CIA-officers started to question the evidence on Iraq as well. One of them, Ray McGovern, a 27-year CIA veteran who
briefed top Reagan administration security officials before retiring in 1990, told AP:
"It's been cooked to a recipe, and the recipe is high policy...That's why a lot of my former colleagues are holding their noses these days." Sources:

In March 2003, on a request by Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the FBI announced, that they are looking into the forgery of a key piece of evidence
linking Iraq to a nuclear weapons program, including the possibility that a foreign government is using a deception campaign to foster support for military
action against Iraq. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A17888-2003Mar12.html
(-> Kamel, Hussein)
(-> Kucinich, Dennis)
(-> Fake threats)
(-> Scripted Terror Alerts)

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Fake threats
In February 2003, AP reported for the first time on some scripted terror alerts.

(-> FBI alert on 19 new suspects in Dec 2002)

(-> Scripting Terror Alerts)

Falloutshelter is a grassroot magazine, which challenges the official story of Sep11th.

The founder, Carol Schiffler, Florida, is a Systems Analyst, primarily a writer on Bartcop,
Onlinejournal and Yellow Times

In 2002 Schiffler organized a busload of Floridians to go to DC as an ANSWER coordinator for the Tampa area, and a Nov 3rd, 2002 rally at MacDill Air
Force Base in Tampa, where she worked with a group called the Florida Alliance for Peace and Social Justice.

Schifler is active member of the Gilf Coast Women in Black.

Falloutshelter is connected with activist Lori Price, who organised a petition to investigate all oddities regarding Sep11th, which was started in early 2002.

(-> Price, Lori)

(-> Global Hawk)

Independent Newszine.
Created in September 2001 by Drew Curtis in Frankfort, KY.

Farrakhan, Louis
Supporter of Black Nation of Islam, who thinks that President Bush is "off course":
In October 2002 he said:

"If you look at what the man said, and find truth, then you’ll find very little truth but a whole lot of “half truths,” “outright lies,” “assumptions,” “maybes,”
“possiblys,” and “ifs.” No nation should commit its resources to war on assumptions, maybes and ifs without actual facts to support a conclusion that will lead
to the loss of tens of thousands of Americans lives, the loss of lives of the Iraqi people and others.
...With 112 billion barrels of oil in reserve and Saddam Hussein weak and unable to stop America, America now wants to take that nation, set up a new
regime, control the oil and dictate the direction of that area of the world."


(-> Finalcall.com)

Fasal, Haifa al
(-> Saudi Arabia)

FAS.org (=Federation of American Scientists) is a progressive archive of scientific articles.

FAS.org was created in 1995 by the Federation of American Scientists in Washington DC.
In 2001-2002, they informed very precisely about the american weapons of mass destruction including new nuclear system and their anthrax program.

President of FAS is Henry C. Kelly. FAS is sponsored by dozens of independent scientists and others.

One of their members, Barbara Rosenberg (Biological Weapons Verification) became famous in 2001-2002, when she compiled a list of possible suspects
of the anthrax attack.
She was later accused to having promoted the name of Stephen Hatfill, which she denied.

In fact, she released a list of 15 to 20 institutions:

USArmy Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (Ft. Detrick, MD)#*
Dugway Proving Ground (Utah)#*
Naval Research Medical Center and associated military labs (MD)#
Battelle Memorial Institute (Ohio; plus laboratories in many other locations)#*
Duke University Medical School, Clinical Microbiology Lab. (NC)
VA Medical Center, Durham (NC)
USDA laboratory and Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames (Iowa)

LSU College of Veterinary Medicine*

Northern Arizona State University (Arizona)*

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Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IL)

University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque (NM)*
Institute for Genomic Research (MD)

Chemical and Biological Defense Establishment, Porton Down (UK)*

Center for Applied Microbiology and Research, Porton (UK)*
Defense Research Establishment, Suffield (CA)*
In addition, CDC, NIH, and Los Alamos

Barbara Rosenberg (->) described the suspect as an "Insider in US biodefense, doctoral degree in a relevant branch of biology.
Middle-aged American
Experienced and skilled in working with hazardous pathogens, including anthrax, and avoiding contamination.
Works for a CIA contractor in Washington, DC area.
Has up-to-date vaccination with anthrax vaccine.
Has clearance for access to classified information.
Worked in USAMRIID laboratory in the past, in some capacity, and has access now.
Knows Bill Patrick (->) and has learned a thing or two about weaponization from him, informally.
Has had training or experience in covering evidence
May have had an UNSCOM connection.
Has had a dispute with a government agency."

(->Anthrax Timeline)

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State
itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power."

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was created in 1908 by the Justice Department.
One of their most controversial parts of their history was, when J. Edgar Hoover (1924-1972) tried to turn the FBI into an orwellian database, when he
okayed COINTELPRO (->) in the late 60s.

Former G-Men George Wackenhut created Wackenhut Securities, which included a lot of former FBI-agents.
Since the late 90s the FBI was corrupted by new concepts as in their "Division5", "National Police Force" and now as an arm of the Homeland Security.

The FBI claimed, that it was incompetence of their office, who led to Sep11th.

It speaks for the FBI that one of their agents, John O'Neill was almost able to prevent the attack, but his story had never really been told for the public. O'
Neill knew since 1998 about an ENRON-Taliban business deal.

The majority of 911Skeptics think, that the FBI was corrupted, sabotaged and manipulated by the CIA during the last 3 years.


(-> FBI agents died in WTC)

(-> FBI alert on 19 new suspects in Dec 2002)
(-> FBIHQ)
(-> FBI-watchlist)

Most important other cross referrences:

(-> 5th plane, 911-Hearings, Renee Adorna, Omar Al-Bayoumi, Saeed Alghamdi, Al-Jazeera US-Website shutdown, Nabil Almarabh, Mustafa Ahmed
al-Hawsawi aka Sheikh Saeed, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Andersen Consulting, Anthrax, Anthrax-911 Gate, Arab-American Institute,
Aramark,Walid Arkeh, John Ashcroft, Atta, Benevolence International Foundation (Robert Walker), Bin Laden relatives,Barbara Bodine, BoozAllen &
Hamilton (Dale Watson), Boston-connection, Bristol Meyers Squibb (Thomas Pickard), Agus Budiman (Jesus Gomez), Adnan Bukhari, George
Bush,Carnivore, Chicago-Connection, CIA-cable, Richard Clarke, Aukai Collins (Andres Sanchez), Dallah Avco, Death Cases, Department of Justice,
Dyncorp, Early warnings, ENRON-Taliban-connection, FAA-warnings, Flight 93-investigation (Wally Miller ->Konformist.com), Magic Lantern, David
Frasca, Dark Winter, Stephen Hatfill, Jerome Hauer, Abdallah Higazi (Michael Templeton, Ronald Ferry), Hijacker ID-confusion (Bill Gore),Hijackers
Gas,Hijackers- US Air Base connections, Informants, Dr. Thomas Inglesby/Dr. Tsonas,Insider-Trading 911-FBI/Christy Sarkey, Blocked Investigations,
Jarrahs ticket ignored, Johns Hopkins Institute (FBI-John Collingwood), KPMG Consulting (Robert J. Chiaradio, James Kallstrom) , Michael Kennedy
(Phoenixmemo), Lawsuits (Flight 93/Bill Crowley),Khalid Bin-Mahfouz,Barry Mawn,MBNA Corp (Lewis Schiliro, Louis Feeh), Monterey Language
Institute (Ali al-Ahmed), Moussaoui (FBI Yazid Sufaat report), Moving Systems, Richard Mueller, New Jersey Connection, New Zealand, Abdullah
Noman/Glenn A Fine/Henry Falkowsky, Phoenix-memo, Thomas Pickard, Tyrone Powers, Ptech, Lotfi Raissi, Dave Rapp, Resignments, RISSNET, Dana
Rohrabacher, Collen Rowley, Saudi Arabia, David Schippers, Scripting Terror Alerts,Katherine Smith/J. Suzanne Nash,SSI,Yazit Sufaat,USS Cole,Virginia
Connection,WAMY, War was planned,Dale Watson,Westin Hotel,Don C Wiley, Kenneth Williams, Robert Wright,Abu Zubaydah)

FBI agents died in WTC

Not only former anti-terrorist FBI agent John O'Neill (->) died in the Twin Towers,
but, rarely reported, another terror specialist, former FBI agent Leonard Hatton


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Hatton, 45, had investigated 800 bank robbery cases in his 15-year FBI career. Colleagues say he was a bomb expert and evidence-recovery expert who
helped gather evidence in the terrorist bombings of the Trade Center in 1993 and of U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998.

Source: AP

FBI alert on 19 new suspects in Dec 2002

On December 29th 2002, the FBI issued a new terror alert on 19 suspects, which illegally entered the US borders and released a list of 5 names:
Abid Noraiz Ali, Iftikhar Khozmai Ali, Mustafa Khan Owasi, Adil Pervez and Akbar Jamal.

Only a few days later, a pakistani man said, that he was pictured in the alert, but is innocent.

An AP photograph of Mohammed Asghar taken at his shop in Lahore on Wednesday was a near-perfect match for the one included on the FBI list under the
name Mustafa Khan Owasi, down to the prominent mole on Asghar's left cheek.

Asghar, 30, told AP that he was surprised to open a local newspaper and see his picture with another man's name beneath it.

Asghar said his only attempt at traveling abroad was frustrated when police in the United Arab Emirates discovered he had a forged visa. He suggested that
the document forgers he once patronized could have used his picture to create false travel documents for another man.
He acknowledged that two months ago he tried to travel to Britain on forged documents. But he said that immigration officials at the airport in Dubai, in the
United Arab Emirates, detected the falsification, questioned him for nine hours, arrested him and deported him back to Pakistan.

Asked if the forgers were responsible for switching the photos, Asghar said "I don't know who misused my travel documents. I don't know how my picture
reached the hands of the FBI." Asghar refused to say where, or from whom, he bought the forged documents.


On January 2nd, 2003, canadian officials denied, that 5 of the FBI-suspects had ever been in Canada.
The FBI claimed, they got the tip on the terror crew by a canadian prisoner named Michael John Hamdani, who was selling phony passports in Queens, New

Then, on January 6th, 2002, only 2 days, after Deepak Paradkar, the lawyer for alleged "informant" John Hamdani said, his client will not oppose extradition
(NY POST) and 1 day after WorldNetDaily and CapitolBlueHill.com broke the news about fabricated threads (->), orchestrated by the White House, the
FBI confirmed, that the story on the 19 terrorists from Canada was a hoax.

FBI alert for five men based on hoax - ABC News


WASHINGTON, Jan 6 (Reuters) -

"...The FBI has concluded the information that led to a hunt for five men thought to have entered the United States illegally on Christmas Eve was

Headquarter of the FBI, who ignored at least 2 early warnings of Kenneth Williams (->) , Colleen Rowley (->), and by Robert Wright (->).
The FBI observed a few of the hijackers and had confirmed informants.

Former CIA, Dale Watson (->) left the FBIHQ in 2002, same to Robert J. Chiaradio (->).

For bizarre reasons, all 19 hijackers still had been on a watchlist of October 2001

The list was originally located at

11 October 01



19 AlHazmi Nawaf
19 AlHazmi Nawaf M S
19 AlHazmi Nawaf M
19 AlHazmi Nawaf
20 AlHazmi Salem
401 AlHazmi Bandar A

Not only them:

The Alomaris, the AlGhamdis, Mohammad Atta (!!), EVERYONE OF THE 19 HIJACKERS, was listed there.

"...The NIPC wishes to advise recipients that the FBI is seeking the following individuals who may have information related to the ongoing investigation of
the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and Pentagon complex..."

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Every suspect was listed with a so called SID-number:

Atta, Mohamad (55), AlHazmi, Nawaf (19), Moqed Majed (90?),
AlDin, Khayr (2), Aledreesi, Ali M (395?)

Abu Zubaydah was already on that list as No. 275,

Binalshib, Ramzi (187), Mousaqui, Zacarias shared with Moussaoui, Zacarias No. 93

It's getting more bizarre:

Abdullah Al Mujahir aka Jose Padilla seems to have been there in a different spelling as well :
Abdulqadir Mujahid (No.87), but this is a speculation of myself.

This list was linked from the Virginia Rural Water Association.

*Thx to Jesuschrist, http://www.osamakidneys.com), who found more infos on the VRWA.

The VRWA is the Virginia Rurual Water Association.


It reproduced an FBI watchlist, distributed by NIPC, of "individuals who may have information related to the ongoing investigation of the 11 September 2001
terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and Pentagon complex" can be seen at


The list was sent to water authorities, warning them to guard against employees or visitors with these names as possible threats to the water supply. The same
list is presented in a different and more detailed format on the New Jersey water authority's site, where however it lacks the "SID numbers" specified for
each individual of interest in the VRWA version:


The list of 345 potential suspects includes ALL of the 9/11 hijacker names in many different spellings and variations. This implies that as of Oct. 11, 2001,
the FBI had no clue about whether the identities used in the 9/11 operation were the actual men on the planes (or if there even *were* such men on the
planes, of course). Not quite an admission of total ignorance, this can be chalked up to "thoroughness" since the whole issue of identities is vague.

After all, the Pentagon did admit that men with the same names as the hijackers were trained at U.S. bases (saying these were no doubt different men, ahem,
move along and don't ask questions).

The watchlist was issued by NIPC, the "National Infrastructure Protection Center," possibly the leading warning-and-threat disseminator of the last year.
Check out their website for a whole wealth of advisories to infrastructure authorities, especially with regard to software and e-threats:


"At any rate, I am satisfied that this list is not a hoax. As of Oct. 11, the FBI was seeking a man named Mohamad Atta, Mohamed G. Atta, Mohammed Atta
or M. Attar in connection with the 9/11 attacks. In addition to the 19 alleged 9/11 hijackers, each in several variations, the list also includes the men on the
FBI's Top 22 Most Wanted Terrorists (including Ramzi Binalshibh), and a number of names that do not sound like Arabs (Juan Poncho Bennett, Mel Burks)."

After this list circulated in October/November 2002 on some 911-investigative websites,

the FBI released this statement:

FBI loses control over "watch list" - private sector obtains list"

Good to see the FBI performing its functions so well


U.S. watch list has 'taken on life of its own, FBI says Versions of watch list distributed to private sector

From Kelli Arena CNN Wednesday, November 20, 2002 Posted: 1:00 AM EST (0600 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) --

"FBI officials said Tuesday they have "lost control" of an agency-created watch list of people wanted for questioning following the September 11 terrorist
attacks. Additionally, agency officials acknowledged that the list, which has gone through several manifestations, has "taken on a life of its own." and has
shown up on several Web sites and contains names of people who have been cleared of any possible connection to last year's attacks. The FBI said the list
was not a list of suspects, but people who agents wanted to talk to."

In 1907, after 25 years of public agitation over harmful food adulteration and misbranding, the Bureau of Chemistry, precursor of the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), was officially put in charge of policing the food supply
The FDA examine therapeutic agents of biological origin and had been responsible for the investigations at Bioport (->).

(-> Firefighters)

(-> Abbott, Don)

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Feinstein, Diane
(-> Feinstein-Sabotage)

In Summer 2001, Sen. Feinstein discussed the lack of protection against terrorist attacks against targets within the US with the staff of VP Dick Cheney.
She strongly requested more protection for the US.
On September 10th 2001, she finally was told by the Cheney staffer it would have to wait at least six months.

Source: CNN Inside Politics

In an interesting twist, Feinstein once included accelerated environmental clean up at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and McClellan Air Force Base, a new
barracks complex at the Monterey Language Institute (->), which was connected with some of the hijackers, according to some mainstream articles.


In early 2002, Feinstein was protested by Carol Brouillet (->).

Feith, Douglas Jay

Douglas Jay Feith was Special Counsel to Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle 1982-1984.
Feith is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->).

In 1996, he was member of a 18-member committee, who passed around a document called
"A clean break: a new strategy for securing the ralm".

According to British journalist Brian Whitaker, this blueprint was written for Binyamin Netanyahu, prepared by the Institute for Advanced Strategic and
Political Studies (IASPS),
a right-wing Israeli think tank.

Content was a remodelled Middle East. One important item in the strategy, the paper strongly implied, would be getting Saddam Hussein out of power in
Head of the committee was Richard Perle (->).

Another member of the committee was David Wurmser, who is now a senior adviser to John Bolton, the Under-Secretary for Arms Control and
International Security, and the State Department's most hawkish senior official. In 1999, Wurmser published a book (with a foreword by Richard Perle)
called "Tyranny's Ally: America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein." It provides a detailed description of a dramatically improved Middle East, from the
hawk point of view, after regime change in Iraq.

The other members: James Colbert (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), Charles Fairbanks, Jr.(Johns Hopkins University/SAIS -->), Robert
Loewenberg (President IASPS), David Wurmser (IASPS), and Meyrav Wurmser (Johns Hopkins University), Jonathan Torop (The Washington Institute for
Near East Policy) and others.

The committee and this document later inspired PNAC (->) for another blueprint of a regime change in Iraq.

http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/4424663.htm (Fedwa Wazwaz)
Strategy paper on oil, August 2001:

Turkey: The key to oil and gas (IASPS report, August 2001):

"...A recent study by CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies ->) in Washington, D. C., foresees that by 2020, 50 percent of estimated total
global oil demand will be met by countries posing a high risk of internal instability. Crises in the world⤙s key energy-producing countries are highly
likely for the next two decades. There is little likelihood that such crises will bring to power rulers friendlier to America than the current ones, since 65.3 of
the recoverable oil reserves of the world (683.6 billion barrels) are in the unstable and largely anti-American Middle East region. Saudi Arabia produces a
25.3 percent share, while Iraq puts out 10.8 percent and Iran 8.6 percent...
...The U.S. is 50 percent dependent on oil imports; Turkey and Israel are almost totally dependent on outside oil and gas...the importance of Caspian
hydrocarbons will greatly increase...
Some major European, Asian and Russian oil companies (TotalfinaElf, Shell, ENI and others) are taking advantage of anti-Americanism generated by U.S.
sanctions toward Iran and Iraq by investing there, free of U.S. competition. Therefore it is questionable whether the U.S. will be able or willing to secure
Europe⤙s (and Asia⤙s) Middle Eastern oil supplies...
...Some national oil companies around the Caspian tend to exaggerate their unexplored (potential) reserves to attract foreign investors. On the other hand,
some major oil companies try to play down those reserves, either to receive better terms in the Production Sharing Agreements or to delay major investments
like main export pipelines, as we now are observing in the decision process of the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline from the Caspian..."
Mirror: http://www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzero/strat_turkey.pdf

(-> DoD)
(-> Perle, Richard)
(-> Washington DC Connection -> Feith and Zell)

(-> PNAC)

Payments of Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies

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(-> Oil)

Federal Emergency Management Agency.

In an interview with Dan Rather (CBS), FEMA spokesman Tom Kennedy

said, that the FEMA already arrived in New York "on monday evening",
so one day before Tuesday, September 11th.
Rather didn't react on this statement and an official explanation had never been found.

On November 20th, 2002, credible democraticunderground-member "BeHereNow" reported from a conversation with some FEMA-employees, he met at a
dinner in a "large city in Southern California", who just came back from a "training":

"The gist of the conversation was this:

"-Our government know we will be attacked once the invasion of

Iraq begins. Think infrastructure in metropolitan, high profile cities
-They FULLY expect widescale disasters, simultaneously in retaliation.
-THEY DON"T CARE, and we are woefully unprepared for what
is about to ensue on our soil, and these emergency rescue guys know it
and feel absolutely guilty that the citizens in this country are not
being warned or prepared for the impending chaos; our
government is NOT telling us what they know."

(-> Sonnenfeld, Kurt)

FEMA-Task Forces
In 2001, a list of FEMA Task Forces included:

AZ-TF1 Phoenix Fire Department
City Fire Department CA-TF2
L.A. County Fire Department http://fire.co.la.ca.us/
CA-TF3 http://catf3.usar.org/
Menlo Park Fire Protection District <http://www.menlofire.org
CA-TF4 Oakland Fire Services Agency
CA-TF5 http://www.catf5.org
Orange County Fire Authority
CA-TF6 Riverside Multi-Agency
CA-TF7 Sacramento Fire Department
CA-TF8 http://www.firesafe.com/sdfd_usar.html
San Diego Fire Department CO-TF1 http://www.frii.com/~sbfire/cotf_1.htm
Denver Fire Department Florida FL-TF1
Metro-Dade Fire / Rescue FL-TF2 http://www.fema.gov/r-n-r/usr/fltf2.htm
City of Miami Fire Department IN-TF1

Marion County Fire Department MD-TF1 http://www.co.mo.md.us/dfrs/mdtf1/
Maryland :
Montgomery County Fire / Rescue MA-TF1 http://www.fema.gov/r-n-r/matf1.htm
City of Beverly MO-TF1 http://www.bcfdmo.com/BCFPD/MO-TF1/mo-tf1.html (->MO-TF1)

Boone County Fire District Nebraska NE-TF1 http://www.ci.lincoln.ne.us/city/fire/usar/ City of Lincoln Fire Department
Nevada NV-TF1 http://www.co.clark.nv.us/firedept/fema.htm Clark County Fire Department
New Mexico NM-TF1 State of New Mexico New York NY-TF1 NYC Office of Emergency Management http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/oem/
Ohio OH-TF1 http://www.ohtf1.com/
Miami Valley Emergency Management Authority Pennsylvania PA-TF1 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tennessee TN-TF1
Memphis / Shelby County Emergency Management Agency Texas TX-A&M Texas A&M University Utah UT-TF1 State of Utah Virginia VA-TF1
Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department
http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/fire/ VATF2
Virginia Beach Fire Department http://www.virginia-beach.va.us/dept/fire/vbfire.htm

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Washington WA-TF1 http://www.fema.gov/r-n-r/watf1.htm

Puget Sound


2001 FEMA US&R Task Force Rotation Schedule


Fightingdemocrat.com, an independent and liberal discussion board,
was set up by James Mellicant in Ellicott City, MD on 24-Nov-2002.

Supportive magazine of the Black Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan (->)

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
James F. Sloan was sworn in as the Director of the FinCEN on April 12, 1999.

One of the few german speaking forums, who discussed or mirrored some Sep11th related articles and independent investigations.

Excellent Source for Sep11th related indictments.

All terrorist cases at


It includes i.e.: United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui aka Shaqil, aka Abu Khalid al Sahraw

Order Re: Request For Videotape Nov. 5, 2002

Motion Re: Telephonic Communications and Visits Oct. 17, 2002
Order Delaying Trial Sept. 30, 2002
Order Acknowledging Security Breach Sept. 26, 2002
Order Denying Motion Sept. 26, 2002
Standby Counsel's Reply Sept. 25, 2002
Government's Submission Regarding Relevance of Cockpit Voice Recorders Sept. 24, 2002
New York Times Company's Motion for Leave to Intervene Sept. 24, 2002
Moussaoui Motion Re: Defense Counsel Sept. 19, 2002
Government's Response to Defendant's Motion to Strike Surplusage (PDF) Sept. 5, 2002
Government's Response Re: Missing Email Sept. 4, 2002

News at:


Totally ignored by the US media, many of the NY-firefighters doubted the official story of the Sep11th attack and demanded an independent investigation of
the Twin Towers collapse, which was
ignored. (-> Firefighter Tape)

In autumn 2002, as reported in the NY Post, many firefighters had still problems with depressions.

On September 26th 2002, one of them, Gary Celentani, a member of Squad 288, which lost 8 members at the WTC, committed suicide with a gun in front of
a makeshift shrine he built to friends and colleagues lost in the terror attack.
He released a suicide note, in which Celentani said, a "recent breakup with his girlfriend" drove him to kill himself.


In November 2002, the NY Firefighters still had been part of downplayed local news.
Eight firefighters, busted while protesting plans to cut the number of Bravest recovering human remains at Ground Zero, started to sue the city for false

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The firemen in the lawsuit are Michael Carter, Sal Civitillo, Michael Destefano, Victor Fiorella, Matthew James, Thomas Manley, Sean Nealon and Michael
The city Legal Department and NYPD declined comment on the suit.

Firefighter-Reports from Sep11th:


On September 9th, 2002 the NY Times reported, that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey's analysis of its 78-minute tape of firefighter
communications from Sept. 11 flatly contradicts the city's version of what went wrong. It raises questions about the thoroughness of the city's investigations
into the worst loss of life any fire department has ever experienced - 343 men.

At several points in the tape, fire commanders can be heard speaking with urgency. A commander alerts a colleague that he needs more companies to
handle what he is facing in the south tower. The chiefs discuss the need to get more elevators into service, to carry firefighters up and to transport the
injured back down.

But nowhere on the tape is there any indication that firefighters had the slightest indication that the tower had become unstable or that it could fall.

Video-Collection of Sep11th.
Created in 1998 by Cygnus Publishing College Park, MD

(-> fact sheets)

First Amendment
Due to many US Civil right groups and lawyers, the first amendment of the United States died during 2002.
In early 2003, a lawyer was arrested, while wearing an anti-war T-Shirt, and two High School Teachers had been Suspended Over Anti-War Signs.
In Hollywood, rumours circulated on a new pending "black list", similar to a black list during the 50s-area of McCarthy.
First Plane Crash "live" on TV
As already proven from various timelines (->), President Bush knew already before he even entered the school (and not the classroom only), that a plane
had attacked the World Trade Center.

Instead of taking care of already one tragic national desaster, he decided not to cancel his schedule, as journalist Peter Jennings found out:

JOHN COCHRAN reporting:

"Peter, as you know, the president's down in Florida talking about education. He got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave, reporters saw the
White House chief of staff, Andy Card, whisper into his ear. The reporter said to the president, 'Do you know what's going on in New York?' He said he did,
and he said he will have something about it later. His first event is about half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida."

President Bush continued with this lie and two possible freudian statements:

On December 4th, 2001 at a meeting with Displaced Workers in Town Hall and at another Town Hall Forum on Economy in California on Jan. 5th 2002.

He claimed he saw the first plane crash live on TV, which was impossible. No TV Station showed it live and there even did exist only one video- by two
french filmmakers (->)

Q What was the first thing that went through your head when you heard that a plane crashed into the first building?
THE PRESIDENT: Yes. Well, I was sitting in a schoolhouse in Florida. I had gone down to tell my little brother what to do, and -- just kidding, Jeb.
(Laughter.) And -- it's the mother in me. (Laughter.) Anyway, I was in the midst of learning about a reading program that works. I'm a big believer in basic
education, and it starts with making sure every child learns to read. And therefore, we need to focus on the science of reading, not what may feel good or
sound good when it comes to teaching children to read. (Applause.) I'm just getting a plug in for my reading initiative.

Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building.
There was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake. And something was
wrong with the plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said, "America is under attack."

And in the meantime, this teacher was going on about the curriculum, and I was thinking about what it meant for America to be under attack. It was an
amazing thought. But I made up my mind that if America was under attack, we'd get them. (Applause.) I wasn't interested in lawyers, I wasn't interested in a
bunch of debate. I was interested in finding out who did it and bringing them to justice. I also knew that they would try to hide, and anybody who provided
haven, help, food, would be held accountable by the United States of America. (Applause.)
Anyway, it was an interesting day.


Q One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country. And another thing is that, how did you feel when you heard
about the terrorist attack? (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida.
And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to

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go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on.
And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident.

But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting
over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."


On September 12th, 2002 the NY POST altered the original story,

as proven already on video and from the local live broadcast:

"...at Emma E. Booker Elementary School, teacher Sandra Daniels recalled yesterday how she and her class learned of the terror attacks- when a Secret
Service agent rushed into the room to inform the president of United States.
President Bush had been presiding over her reading class last 9/11, when a Secret Service agent interrupted the lesson and asked, "where can we get a

This lie increased a new angry storm among the 911skeptics and increased the internet mirrors of the original school video and a remastered version in the
first episode of ShadowGovernment TV (->).

Even the name of the teacher was incorrect, in fact the reading lesson took place in KAY Daniel's classroom---many other children were already gathered
in the MEDIA room, where Junior was scheduled to speak about education following the reading demonstration/photo op in Kay Daniel's classroom.

Another good face- and time analysis is at


(-> Shadowgovernment TV)

(-> Bush knew)

Foreign Intelliegence Surveillance Act.

The most important stories on the disturbing background of FISA

regarding the Moussaoui-"investigation" (->):

Access Denied?

FISA warrants FBI/Ashcroft refused to grant, could have been prevented 9-11:

The (SkipFox)-Top 5 Questions on FISA:

Rowley's FISA request for Moussaoui AND Robert Wright

1. A number of sources claim that the FISA request made it to the Justice Department.

2. The number of FISA warrants prior to Sept. 2001 were far below those of the previous years. (Why?? Were we going easy on Middle Eastern aliens
while the administration played footsie with the Taliban for a pipeline deal?)

3. Was Ashcroft pouting after FISA were questioned by Judge Lambreth?

4. Is Ashcroft incompetent?

5. Will the FBI "take the fall for Ashcroft's correption or ineptitude or corruption?

Frequently Asked Questions on FISA

(-> eff.org)
(-> Honegger, Barbara)

Fisk, Robert
One of the last journalists, who had the chance to interview Bin Laden for the US media.
He later wondered, if it was not America, "which was turning Mr bin Laden into the face of "world terror?''.

Fisk criticised the "War on Terrorism" and US Media including CNN (Walter Isaacson) and Fox (Geraldo Rivera):

"Air campaign"? "Coalition forces"? "War on terror"?

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How much longer must we go on enduring these lies?"

On October 2002, Fisk released his article "What the US President wants us to forget".


Fitts, Catherine Austin

Catherine Austin Fitts' (Hickory Valley, Tennessee) most important and popular job for the 911Skeptic Movement was, when she opened a speech on June
10 2002, at the National Press Club in Washington and explained the ideas on unansweredproject.org (->),
which was co-founded by Kyle Hence (->) from Rhode Island.

Fitts was already in contact with Hence, investigative journalist Tom Flocco and had read some of the stuff of Malcontent X ("unanswered questions").

So she said: "You know, what we need is a way to really collect up and aggregate and start really putting some weight behind the different questions that are
going unanswered."

The idea of unansweredquestions was born.

Fitts is freelance author at many websites and runs her own website, solari.com, "an open decentralized network for place based transparency of data about
“how the money works.”

Fleischer, Ari
White House press secretary of President Bush.

Fleischer served as press secretary for Senator Pete Dominici from 1989-1994 and later as spokesman for the House Ways and Means Committee. Prior to
joining the campaign of then-Governor Bush in the fall of 1999, he served as communications director for Elizabeth Dole's presidential campaign.

(->Bush vacation Crawford)

(->McKinney, Cynthia)

Flight 11
Disturbingly, the official hijackers had not been mentioned on the first official passenger manifest,
which included only 80 names.

Here are the "missing names":

Names not on every published list of AA11:

81. Aoyama, Seima 48 Culver City, CA

82. Perkins, Berinthia "Berry" Berenson 53 Los Angeles, CA
83. Lasden, Natalie Janis 46 Peabody, MA
84. Booms, Kelly Ann 24 Brookline, MA
85. Hayes, Robert Jay 38 Amesbury, MA
86. Iskandar, Waleed Joseph 34 London, England
87. Vamsikrishna, Pendyala 30 Los Angeles, CA
88. Hennessy Jr., Edward R. "Ted" 35 Belmont, MA
89. Hashem, Peter 40, Tewksbury, MA

90. Satam Al Suqami
91. Waleed M. Alshehri
92. Wail Alshehri
93. Mohamed Atta
94. Abdulaziz Alomari


95. Adnan Bukhari (FBI reports on Sept 12/13 that name is on manifest)
96. Ameer Abbas Burkari (FBI reports on Sept 12/13 that name is on manifest)

Sweeney ______ (listed by Newsday; different than crew member Sweeney; there was a Sweeney on UA175; probably it is Brian Sweeney)

Roux, James M. 43 Portland, ME

(listed on memorialquilt.com as being on AA11; media lists put him on UA175, but United Airlines does not list him on its 9/12 list)

Weems, William 46 Marblehead, MA (memorialquilt.com lists him for AA11; appears to be an error and he was actually on UA175

Yuen, Elkin 32 (memorialquilt lists him for AA11; apparently died at WTC, occupant)

(*thx to RedSock aka ajw18)

Flight 11-Mystery

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Due to conflicting reports and one FAA-protocol, one crew member on Flight 11, Madeline Amy Sweeney, (purportedly) was able to place a cell phone call
to her ground manager during the hijacking.

The assembled FBI transcript of this (recorded) call, was reviewed by the LA times and published on September 20th.

A close examination of this transcript, however, proves to be very perplexing for a number of reasons: In it, Ms. Sweeney claims that the hijackers had
stabbed two flight attendants and slit the throat of a business-class passenger, killing him. In addition, according to a released FAA memo produced on
9/11/01 (5:31 PM), one passenger is even mentioned as being shot.

Another story implies, that there was a problem with the plane about 15 minutes after departure.

In another related story, it was reported, that the passenger, who "was shot" by shot by passenger Satam Al Suqami, was Daniel Lewin from Akamai.
Suqamis passpord was later found in the rubble from the Twin Towers. (-> passpord in the rubble)

As Equire reported, he was working for Shin Beth. (->)


http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/redux.html (by David L. Graham)

Flight 43
(-> 5th plane)

Flight 77
Disturbingly, on Flight 77 the official hijackers didn't appear on the official passenger list.
Here are the missing names:

Names not on every media list:

54. Steuerle, Norma Lang 54 Alexandria, VA (sometimes listed as “Norma Langsteuerle”)
55. Teague, Sandra 31 Fairfax, VA (not listed by CNN)
56. Yang, Shuyin 61 Beijing, China
57. Yuguang, Zheng 65 Beijing, China (CNN lists passenger “Yuguang Zheng”; memorialquilt lists both names (one must be a dupe)
58. Cooper, Zandra ? Annandale WV
59. McCallum, Robert (only on memorialquilt)
60. Ploger, Robert R. 59 Annandale, VA (only on memorialquilt and Newsday)
61. Ploger, Zandra Cooper 48 Annandale, VA (only on memorialquilt and Newsday)

62. Khalid Al-Midhar
63. Majed Moqed
64. Nawaq Alhamzi
65. Salem Alhamzi
66. Hani Hanjour

Note: There should only be 64 passengers. There are two extra people on this flight.

(*thx to Red Sock)

Flight 77 Timeline

Hunt the Boeing


Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon?


Where is the plane, Flight 77?


Did Flight 77 strike the Pentagon?

Gerard Holmgren - August 29, 2002


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(lots of links)

APFN - Where is the Plane, Flight 77?


The Human Underground - Independent Flight 77 - Pentagon Event Investigation



Questioning the 9/11 attacks...


Democratic Underground - Post Your Pentagon Crash QUESTIONS Here!!!!

(Part 1) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/4566.html
(Part 2) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5067.html
(Part 3) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5103.html
(Part 4) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5290.html
(Part 5) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5368.html
(Part 6) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5394.html
(Part 7) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5585.html

Flight 93
Flight 93 was delayed for 41 minutes on the runway in Newark, finally taking off at 8:42

As NEWSWEEK reorted, on the morning of Sep11th, Vice President Dick Cheney "gave an order to shoot down a hijacked civilian airliner that didn't exist a
phantom created by panic and garbled communications."

"..B747 wideboy Debris field now appears to be 6 miles long, not exactly high level break up, Pan Am was about 90 miles long..." (**Pan AM=Bomb )
"..Second debris site was shown about 6 hours, the story is on CNN.."


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- "..In the moments after it became apparent that the United States was under attack Tuesday, President Bush authorized the
military to shoot down any unauthorized civilian aircraft that might have been heading toward the White House or the Capitol, Vice President Dick Cheney
said Sunday.

Flight 93-Air traffic Controller audio

Disturbingly, on Flight 93 the official hijackers didn't appear on the original passenger manifest:


32. Rivera, Waleska Martinez 38 Jersey City, NJ (All lists except Newsday.com list her as “Waleska Martinez”)
33. Snyder, Christine Anne 32 Kailua, HI (not on United Airlines 9/12 list)
34. Gould White, Olga Kristin 65 New York, NY (not listed by CNN or AP 9/13; AP 9/25 and memorialquilt.com has “Kristin Gould”; Newsday.com has full
name; wikipedia.com has “Kristin Gould White”)
35. Marcin, Hilda 79 Budd Lake, NJ (not on United Airlines 9/12 list, CNN, or AP 9/13)
36. Nacke, Louis J. 42 New Hope, PA (not listed by CNN or AP 9/13)
37. Peterson, Donald Arthur 66 Spring Lake, NJ (not listed by CNN or AP 9/13)
38. Peterson, Jean Hoadley 55 Spring Lake, NJ (not listed by CNN or AP 9/13; also not on United list of 9/12)
39. Cushing, Patricia 69 Bayonne, NJ (not listed by CNN, AP 9/13, AP 9/25, United Airlines list of 9/12, or memorialquilt)
40. Folger, Jane C. 73 Bayonne, NJ (not listed by CNN, AP 9/13, AP 9/25 or memorialquilt)

The missing persons:

41. Saeed Alghamdi
42. Ahmed Alhaznawi
43. Ahmed Alnami
44. Ziad Jarrahi

This passenger list could be correct -- with no extra or missing passengers.

* September 12, 2001: The number of passengers onboard United Flight 93 was corrected to 37 after United learned that one passenger had purchased two
tickets. This led the airline initially to report that there were 38 passengers onboard the flight, when there were, in fact, 37 passengers onboard. It is not
known in whose name the two tickets were purchased.

(*thx to RedSock ->)

Todd Beamer (Cranbury, NJ) was on Flight 93.

Officially he and some other passengers tried to storm the cockpit with the famous slogan "let's roll."


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Top Flight93-Website, who analysed the timeline and oddities regarding the Flight 93 crash.

They pointed out, that "a second debris field was around Indian Lake about 3 miles from the crash scene. Some debris was in the lake and some was
adjacent to the lake."


Then in Summer 2002, the Guardian UK "confirmed" that flight 93 was shut down.

"..U.S. fighters were flying to intercept it, and possibly

shoot it down, when it crashed.."

Paul Wolfowitz (->) claimed: "In fact we were already tracking in on that plane that crashed in

In Late 2002, flight93crash.com concentrated on disturbing new timegaps on the flight recorder tape and new seismic results (-> Seismic Events).

One strong concern was based on a new Daily News investigation who has found there is a roughly three-minute gap between the time the tape goes silent
— according to government-prepared transcripts — and the time that top scientists have pinpointed for the crash.


flight93crash.com was registered in 2001 and includes an own discussion board.

[email protected]

(-> FBI)

Flight 175
Disturbingly, on Flight 175 the official hijackers didn't appear on the official passenger list.
Here are the missing names:

Names not on every media list:

46. Homer, Herbert Wilson 48 Milford, MA (not on AP list of 9/13, memorialquilt or wikipedia) -- Worked for Raytheon Co.
47. Jalbert, Robert Adrien 61 Swampscott, MA (not on memorialquilt.com; portland.com says he was on AA11)
48. LeBlanc, Robert George 70 Lee, NH (not on memorialquilt.com)
49. Shearer, Mary Kathleen 61 Dover, NH (some lists use middle and last names only)
50. Shearer, Robert Michael 63 Dover, NH (some lists use middle and last names only)
51. Weems, William Michael 46 Marblehead, MA (not on memorialquilt.com)
52. Hartono, Eric Samadikan 20 Boston, MA (not on United Airlines 9/12 list)
53. Mariani, Louis Neil 59 Derry, NH (not on United Airlines 9/12 list)
54. Gamboa, Ronald 33 Los Angeles, CA (not on United Airlines 9/12 list)
55. Grogan, Francis Edward 76 Easton, MA (not on United Airlines 9/12 list)
56. Rimmele III, Frederick Charles 32 Marblehead, MA (not on United Airlines 9/12 list)
57. Roux, James M. 43 Portland, ME (not on United Airlines 9/12 list or memorialquilt.com)
58. Goodrich, Peter Morgan 33 Sudbury, MA (not on United Airlines 9/12 list; CNN, AP list of 9/13 or wikipedia.com; appears also on AP 9/25 list and
Newsday) (also listed as 42 yo)
59. Gowell, Douglas Alan 52 Methuen , MA (not on United Airlines 9/12 list; only on Newsday list)
60. Saracini, Victor J. 51 (not on United Airlines 9/12 list; only on Newsday list)
61. Eric Hartono (on CNNlist)
62. Gloria Debarrera (on CNNlist)
63. Amer Kenfer (see note below*)
64. Amir Bokhari (see note below*; FBI said he was on AA11)

65. Marwan Al-Shehhi
66. Fayez Ahmed
67. Ahmed Alghamdi
68. Hamza Alghamdi
69. Mohald Alshehri

If the passenger list (complete with hijackers) are correct, then there are 4 extra names on the list.

* ewing2001 posted on 4/20/02 at GZ: An official at Saudi Airlines announced that Amer Kenfer, a Saudi aviation engineer whose name appeared on the list
of passengers on board the United Airlines flight, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, is currently in Saudi Arabia.
Kenfer called Saudi Airlines from his home in Mecca once he heard his name announced as one of the passengers on the United flight, confirming that
another passenger had used Kenfer's name.
The official Saudi source added that another Saudi suspect whose name was also included on the list of passengers who boarded the same United flight --
Amir Bokhari, a Saudi Airlines pilot -- had died two years ago during aviation training exercises.

Even if these two names are removed, there is still 2 extra people listed for this flight.

(*thx to Red Sock->)

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Flight 587
On November 11th, 2001 Flight 587, an American Airlines jetliner on its way to the Dominican Republic crashed moments after takeoff in a residential
neighborhood of Long Island/New York five miles from Kennedy Airport, authorities said.

On the same day the final data from the media consortium's recount of the state of FL presidential results had been released: the NORC results (National
Opinion Research Center) (->election, rigged).
Bill Schumann of the Federal Aviation Administration said there was no immediate indication of what caused the crash, which came two months after the
attack on the Twin Towers.
Witnesses on the ground saw an explosion in one of the engines then the plane nose dived.
The White House claimed, that it was no terrorist attack.

Others speculated on a sabotage and fake accident.

Initial reports said the plane was an American Airlines Boeing 767, however, the FAA later confirmed the plane was an Airbus A300.

The FAA has already warned in August 2000, that the CF6-8 Engine by General Electric (->),
used in that plane, has to be fixed, after it blew apart during a maintenance check in Philadelphia.
The crash, the first in the United States of an Airbus, is unusual because big jets seldom break up in the air.

Before the plane was delivered in 1988, the composite material in one of the six fittings holding the tail in place was found to be delaminating, meaning its
layers were coming apart. It was fixed by adding layers and inserting rivets, and the manufacturer decided that no extra inspections were required

On November 17th, 2001 Newsmax reported on a video, which "showed a puff of smoke in the sky seconds after it crashed outside New York's JFK
Airport", lending credence to eyewitnesses who say the jetliner exploded before slamming into the Queens, N.Y., neighborhood.

Another "unnamed aviation expert", quoted in New York's Newsday, said one likely explanation for Flight 587's breakup was a bomb exploding on board.

More relatives demanded an investigation:

Tom Lynch, 59, a retired firefighter, said he had spoken to 18 other people who saw the Airbus A300 flying on fire before it crashed into houses in Belle
Harbor, Queens

The witnesses said they were surprised NTSB Chairwoman Marion Blakey was able to say, only hours after the crash, that all indications pointed to an
accident, rather than a terrorist attack.
Another witness not involved with Lynch's group, Michael Benjamin, said he saw a huge orange fire engulfing the front third of the plane's right side while
he was driving along Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn with his wife and two children.

In February 2002 investigators claimed, the crash of Flight 587 may be linked to an illegal trade in sub-standard jet parts.


On February 20th, 2002, CNN reported on the released tapes of Flight 587:
"American 587 heavy, I'm not receiving your transponder," one controller said.


On June 5th, 2002 the NY Post reported, that "more than half of the witnesses to November's Flight 587 crash in the Rockaways told National Transportation
Safety Board probers they saw a fire while the plane was in the air".

The board released a summary of the 349 eyewitness accounts it has received during its investigation of the American Airlines crash.

Another group of pilots has submitted a petition with 230 signatures to American, asking for regular inspections of the composite tail "to guarantee the
continued structural integrity of the A300-600 fleet."
And the Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations, which includes the American pilots union, has asked FAA Administrator Jane Garvey to order detailed
inspections of the Airbus tails, including ultrasound.

On October 30th 2002, the official version changed again.

Now it was "the co-pilot's aggressive handling of the rudder", who may have contributed to the crash.


Flight 679
Possibly "planned" as the "fifth plane" (->), due to some speculations.
On Sept 12th 2001, two Indian men, Mohamed Jaweed Azmath (->) and Syed Gul Mohamed Shah (also known as Ayub Ali Khan) were detained as part of
the investigation into the terrorist attacks of Sept 11th.
They were in the air on TWA Flight 679.
from Newark to San Antonio at the same time as the other attacks were being carried out.


Their flight was forced to land in St. Louis, Missouri, when the Federal Aviation Administration closed the skies after the hijackings.

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They continued their journey on an Amtrak train. They were arrested outside Forth Worth, Texas, during a routine drug inspection of the train.

A couple of months later it came out, that both "suspects" had nothing to do with the attack.

Flight Colgan Air

On September 11th, Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari board a Colgan Air flight from Portland, Maine to Boston. They are filmed going through security in
Portland. This is the only footage of the hijackers in airports on 9/11, and it's not even one of the suicide flights. the timestamp on the released photos shows
5:53. If the hotel manager is correct, Atta (and Alomari?) needed only 23 minutes until they checked in and passed this camera.

After the plane departed, a man has an argument with five Middle Eastern men over a parking space in the parking lot of Boston's Logan Airport. Later in
the day he reports the event, and the car is discovered to have been rented by Atta.

Flight manuals
As reported wrong, only the flight manuals for the 767's, 747's, 737's, and 777's operated by Japanese airlines are available in Japanese (Kanji), except for
non/untranslatable words,
which are printed in English.
All other official manuals are only available in english language, but not arabic.


Flight Routes
Infos and animation on the flight routes of Sep11th:

Flight Path:

Flight Schools
Air Force Base Lackland in San Antonio (Alpha Tango Flight School), Texas
Air Force's Aeronautical Systems Center, Dayton/Ohio
Air War College in Montgomery, Ala
Airman Flight School in Norman, Okla.
Alpha Tango Flying Services in San Antonio
Advanced Aviation next to Briscoe Field, an Atlanta suburban airport (for twin-engine planes for Atta)
Coastal Aviation of New Bern, N.C.
Ed Boardman Aviation School in Fort Worth
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach (al-Shewi, but studied only there)
Flight Safety Academy in Vero Beach (Simulator)
Huffman Aviation
International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base (->) in Montgomery, Alabama (11)
Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio (where Albadar Alhazmi worked in a hospital only)
Marcel Bernard at Freeway Airport, Maryland (Hani Hanjour)
Monterey Language Institute
Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,”
Norfolk Naval Air Station
Opa-Locka Airport (where Atta damaged some minor parts of a plane)
Richmor Aviation of Schenectady, N.Y.
Sawyer School of Aviation's simulator club (Hanjour)

Federal authorities have been aware for years that suspected terrorists with ties to Osama bin Laden were receiving flight training at schools


Military training records


San Antonio Rental agent said, he recognised one hijacker, Siad Jarrah

Three hijacker names (and 3 more names) linked to San Antonio.

Saeed Alghamdi (Hijacker suspect on flight 93) and Ahmed Alghamdi (Flight 175)
(by Frank Levi)
Dr Al-Badr Al-Hazmi who works (or worked) at the U.T. Health Science Center

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which is located close to Lackland Airforce Base, San Antonio (http://www.time.com/time/nation/printout/0,8816,176069,00.html).

Al-Hazmi's credit card was used by two of the hijackers to buy their plane tickets.
Dr Al Hazmi was held from Sept 12th to 24th without access to counsel and his detention location was kept secret.
The FBI stated that Dr Al-Hazmi had used the alias Khalid Al Midhar (Hijacker on flight 77)
Is this the reason the FBI now think the real Khalid Al Midhar is still alive?

The names, the coincidences and the apparent lack of interest in key areas would indicate another cover-up.

It should be mentioned, that Abdul Hakim Murad, who was convicted several years ago of a plot to crash a suicide plane into CIA headquarters, trained at
Alpha Tango, too.

Air War College in Montgomery, Ala


http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/team4/1055798/detail.html (Atta, Moussaoui)
Marwan al-Shehhi, visited Airman Flight School, staying overnight

Advanced Aviation


Between on or about February 1, 2001, and on or about February 15, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) and Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) took a flight check ride
around Decatur, Georgia (-> Moussaoui-Indictment)

Huffman Aviation (->)

Charlie Voss, one of the teachers, identified the hijackers as "Amanullah Atta Mohammed and Marwan Alshehhi".

Flight Safety Academy in Vero Beach

Saeed Alghambi lived at the dormitory of the Flight Safety Academy in Vero Beach

Mohammad Atta took lessons in Monterey

(as first confirmed by Air Force spokesman Col. Ken McClellan)

Ed Boardman Aviation School in Fort Worth

Essam al-Ridi, one of Osama bin Laden's personal pilots and a government witness in the U.S. embassies-bombing trial, testified that he had taken classes
and taught at the now-defunct Ed Boardman Aviation School at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport.
Al-Ridi learned in Norman, Oklahoma (->), too.

Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.-known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation”


Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmad Alnami


Richmor Aviation (Murrad)


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Flocco, Tom
Independent Investigative Journalist
Scoop.co.nz, WorldNetDaily.com, From the Wilderness Publications (copvcia.com), NewsMax.com, NarcoNews.com, JudicialWatch.org.
Most famous and respected in the 911Skeptic-movement for his investigative articles on 911-Insider Trading (->), Harken Energy and reports on all

Co-Founder of UnansweredQuestions.org

(-> Lawsuits)
(-> Tomflocco.com)
(-> Unansweredquestions.org)

[email protected]

Boca Raton, AME Building (Sun Sentinel, National Enquirer)
Daytona Beach - Enbry Riddle Aeronautical University (Al-Shehhi
studied there)
Ft Lauderdale, Holy Cross Hospital ("Al-hazmadi and Ziad al-Jahra"/June
01, Christos Tsonas)

Lantana, Palm Beach Airport Flight School [Bob Stevens? ->]

Opaloka/ Miami, Miami Airport - Atta at Institute
Pensacola, Pensacola Naval Air Station
Pensacola, Saeed and Ahmed Alghamdi listed as foreign-military flight trainees
Palm Beach - Bob Stevens, Sun/Sentinel

Tampa, Raytheon Airport Services

Venice, Huffman Aviation
Vero Beach, Sarasota Bradentown Intl Airport [Jones Aviation]
Vero Beach, Flight Safety Academy
Vero Beach, Abdul Aziz Alomari lived there

Non-profit news wire by Jonathan Mark with a huge section and updates on 911.
Contact: [email protected]

Flying Pickets
On November 15, 2002, for the second time in a row, a new group calling itself the Flying Pickets protested at the studios of Minnesota Public Radio (MPR)/
National Public Radio (NPR) in St. Paul.
The actions have been called to bring attention to and protest the continual barrage of pro-war reporting by major media outlets, including MPR.

Similar actions have been occurring in St. Paul/Minneapolis with regular frequency following horrible media coverage of the historic October 26th anti-war
protest that drew more than 10,000 people to the St. Paul Capitol building.

Folding Dollar Notes

In a bizarre and freaky coincidence, various ways of folding new US-Dollar bills contain hidden "images" of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.
In fact these pictures seems to create the burning Twin Towers or explosion in the Pentagon.


Foraker, Sgt. Ryan

On Sep24th 2002, Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Foraker, a National Guardsman of Guantanamo Bay (->)vanished under strange circumstances.

He was last seen on the base with a flashlight in hand.

Later authorities later found his clothes, wallet and Army ID neatly folded in a rock crevice
on a 20-foot cliff overlooking the water. The 31-year-old Persian Gulf War veteran was gone.
The Pentagon said, he died accidentally. His family remained skeptical.

As Columbus local paper reported, Foraker worked for Miller Pipeline Corp.
in the Columbus suburb of Hilliard.


"Miller is a world leader in the development and installation of specialty pipeline rehabilitation products and services.
Founded in 1953, the firm was established as a gas distribution pipeline contractor covering the state of Ohio..."


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On 09/18/02 Tengasco announced a joint venture with Miller.

President of Tengasco is Jeffrey L. Bailey, a former manager of Halliburton (->).


Forbidden Truth
One of the most succesful books on a possible Sep11th-pretext,
by Jean-Charles Brisard (->) and Guillaume Dasquie.

(-> Forbiddentruth.net )

Website with the latest updates on the book "forbidden truth" by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, which was later banned in Switzerland by one
of the brothers of Bin Laden (->).

ForbiddenTruth.net was created in July 2002 by Avalon Publishing Group in New York.

Contact: [email protected]

Fort Benning
(-> Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation =WHISC)
(-> Venezuela Plot, -> Soav.org)

Fort Bragg Killings

In July 2002, reports increased on strange killings and suicide series in Fort Bragg.
Four soldiers at Fort Bragg, home of the elite U.S. Special Forces Command, have been accused of murdering their wives within six weeks.

June 11
Sgt. 1st Class Rigoberto Nieves shot himself and his wife, Teresa, in the bedroom of their home near the base -
just two days after he returned from Afghanistan.

June 29
Master Sgt. William Wright of the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion was accused of murdering his wife, Jennifer, and then hiding her body.
Wright had been home from Afghanistan for about a month, had moved out of the couple's home, and was living at the Fort Bragg barracks.
Family members reported, that the couple discussed a divorce.

July 19
Sgt. 1st Class Brandon Floyd
a member of the elite anti-terrorism unit Delta Force, shot himself and his wife, Andrea, to death at their home near the base.
Floyd had been home from Afghanistan since January.
(On the same day Sgt. William Wright led investigators to the dead body of his wife)

July 9
Army Sgt. Cedric Griffin has been charged with stabbing his wife Marylin to death on July 9 and setting fire to their home. The couple's two children
managed to escape the fire, police said
Soldiers at Fort Bragg said they are well aware of mental problems linked to the anti-malaria drug Lariam, which include aggression, depression, paranoia,
hallucinations and suicidal thinking


Lariam is produced by Hoffman La Roche.

(-> Venezuela Plot -> US Special Operations Command)

Fort Detrick
(-> Anthrax)

Vials of Infectious Bacteria at Detrick (April, 2002)


Fortean Times
Journal of strange phenomena since 1973, who jumped on the bandwagon after the anthrax attacks.
Fortean promoted the NewScientist (->) article on Anthrax.


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August 2002:

"...France is the latest country to warn the U.S. to exercise restraint with Iraq,
while an Iraqi official says the U.S. knows an attempt to topple Saddam Hussein won't work.

In February 2003, France worked on a peace plan on Iraq, together with germany and belgium, supported by russia and china.

(-> Oil)

Created in January 2000 by Eric Olson in Frederick , MD

Franks, Tommy
Tommy Franks is Commander in chief of Central Command.

Franks was deeply involved in the planning of a war against the Taliban since 1997/98
and had probably prior knowledge on an attack on america.

On May 16, 2001 Franks visited Dushanbe in the former Soviet Union,
calling Tajikistan "a strategically significant country."
(Source: Guardian)

(-> Shelton, Henry H.)

(-> early warnings)

Frasca, Dave
Dave Frasca is the manager at FBI Headquarters, whom Minneapolis FBI Agent and Legal Adviser Coleen Rowley named in her 13-page letter to FBI
Director Robert Mueller.

"....(FBI agent Colleen) Rowley (->) basically fingers a mid-level FBI supervisory agent in the Hoover Building (in Washington) named Dave Frasca, head
of the task force on religious fanatics. After the Minneapolis office took flight student and hijacker-wannabe Zacarias Moussaoui into custody and obtained
intelligence from the French indicating that he had terrorist ties, alert Minnesota agents didn’t just passively push the case up the chain of command.

They became, in Rowley’s words, “desperate to search his computer laptop.” So desperate that they risked the wrath of higher-ups by committing a real
pre-9/11 no-no - contacting the CIA.

....Because Frasca’s not commenting publicly, we haven’t heard the other side of the story. But as anyone who has ever worked in an office knows, HQ
always has its own take on events, and sometimes it’s even right..."


Dave Frasca shares his last name with

Frasca Associates, who are connected with Massport, Boston Logan Airport (->).

Frasca & Associates:

Contact, Doreen Frasca. Address, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC

Doreen Frasca is connected with Thomas Mead,

who was working at the Heritage Foundation (->).

(*Thx to Keinah)

Frasca-Aviation pattern
"...SAA member, Rudy Frasca, of Urbana, Illinois has
offered his private airport to SAA for this
gathering. He has a beautiful east/west 4000’x
57’concrete runway, with a parallel sod runway
and a north/south sod runway of 2853’. There is
camping on site and motels in the area.The listing
is Urbana, Illinois -Frasca Field -C-16.

Rudy is well known worldwide for the Frasca

aircraft simulators, the factory being located on
his airport.
He also has an air museum on the
field. Son, Tom Frasca, is the Airport Manager..."



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(-> Frasca, Dave)

Frasca & Associates

(-> Frasca, Dave)

Conservative Christians, who organised an Anti-Homeland Security Expo in February 2003 in Phoenix and Dallas.

Guest speakers:
Anthony J. Hilder (Illuminazi 9-11), Michael Coffman (The Birth of World Government), Dr. Cass Ingram (Eat Right – Live Longer), Alex Jones (->)
(Marching Towards a Police State in America) , Joan Veon (The U.N. Plan for America), Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips (Mind Control in America), John
Trochmann (9-11 - The Sting) and many others.
Freemamerican.com was created in 1997 by Free American Group Trust in Maingham NM.

Freedomdomain.com was created in November 1997 by Josh Bempechat in Van Nuys, CA

Freedom-Files had been released in 2001-2002 on
ed.shawcable.net/Shaw Cablesystems (Calgary, Alabama)

The Freedom-Files concentrated on articles about War on Terrorism, "Unfolding World Government", on Zionism (->) and in their belief, "Illuminati
Organisations" like the CFR (->, the Trilateral Commission (->) and the Bilderberg Group (->).

The Freedom Files are supporter of David Icke (->) and one Impeachment campaign of President Bush.
FF had been located at the end of 2002 at:


Freeh, Louis
FBI Director 1993-2001.
Suspected of having sabotaged ex-FBI terror specialist John O'Neill (->).

Supporter of FreeRepublic.com (->)

Right-wing online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web.
FreeRepublic.com runs a popular discussion board and tried to find simplified explanations for the oddities around Sep11th. They support the idea, that
Sep11th was just the result of disorganisation, lack of focus, translation blunders and a lack of collaboration between agencies.

Ignoring that Sep11th might have been a setup, they promoted stories, if Pearl Harbour or the election in 2000 was a setup.

FreeRepublic.com was created in September 1996 by FreeRepublic.LLC and Jim Robinson in Fresno, CA.

Freespeech.org exists on the internet since 1998 and is based in Colorado.
They created Freespeech TV, who is working with activists and artists.
Launched in 1995, FSTV reached in 2002 more than seven million US homes, airing full-time via direct broadcast satellite on DISH Network (Channel
9415) and part-time via a network of community access cable stations across the country.
Administrator is John Schwartz.

Contact of Freespeech TV: [email protected]

(-> Walker Lindh, John)

Radical 911Skepticism website-project around Anthony J. Hilder (->),
which concentrates on other manipulative phenomenas and aspects of the New World Order.

In February 2001, he posted an one-page advertisement in New York's Village Voice (->), promoting his video "Illuminazi 9-11- Who's really behind the
Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center?"

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Contact: [email protected]

Friedman, Stephen
Stephen Friedman is former co-chairman of Goldman Sachs.

Not to confuse with the activist group "Voices from the Wilderness" (->).

Furtado, Celso
On September 14th, 2001, brazilian economist and "close buddy of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso" (they roomed together in Paris for awhile in the
said in an interview with Folha OnLine, that the "Sep 11th attacks may have been carried out by the 'American Rightwing' seeking world domination, in a
'Reichstag fire' replay".

Source: Folha OnLine, Sept 14; "Anti-Americanism in Brazil,"

by Kenneth Maxwell, in Spring 2002 issue (#9).

Kenneth Maxwell of the CFR (->) responded on this accusation,

in their "International Review of Culture and Society":

Maxwell claimed, Brazilians such as Celso Furtado are

"blaming the victim," when Furtado "suggested in one of Brazil's
most influential newspapers that...a more plausible explanation...
for this disaster was a provocation carried out
by the American far right to justify a takeover,"
in an act comparable "to the burning of the Reichstag in 1933
and the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany."

Source: http://www.rumormillnews.net/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=18234

Future World Order

(-> NWO /New World Order)


How much did Maurice Greenberg (->) (AIG, CFR) know?

Gaith, Sulaiman Abu

(-> Al Quaeda, Website)
(-> Al Quaeda, financeers)

In February 2002, the GAO announced, that it will file a lawsuit against Dick Cheney and the White House

Lawmakers investigating the Enron debacle want to know how much influence the energy conglomerate had on the final draft, which included 105
recommendations and was released on May 17th 2002.
The White House has acknowledged that Enron had six meetings with Cheney's task force to discuss the proposals.

Cheney's hard line sets up an unprecedented confrontation between Congress and the White House.
Some conservative legal groups, including Judicial Watch, have already sided with Congress.

G8 Summit
In July 2001, at the G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, US President George W. Bush was himself the suspected target of a terrorist plot to crash a hijacked
commercial plane into a building.

"Italian officials took the reports seriously enough to prompt extraordinary precautions during the July summit of the Group of 8 nations, including closing the
airspace over Genoa and stationing antiaircraft guns at the city’s airport."

New York Newsday, Sept 19, 2001 and LA Times, Sept. 29, 2001, http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-092701genoa.story

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Galati, Rocco
(-> Vreeland)

GCN Radio
Home for host Leonard Horowitz (-> Tethrahedron.com), who has there a daily show.

General Dynamics
General Dynamics has leading market positions in business aviation and aircraft services, land and amphibious combat systems, mission-critical information
systems and technologies, and shipbuilding and marine systems.

Their four top business segments are: Aerospace, Combat Systems, Information Systems and Technology, and Marine Systems.

General Dynamics' board of directors include former US Navy-, Army- and Marine Officers and Paul G. Kaminski (former U.S. Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition and Technology).

Among General Dynamics products are the Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, the Gulfstream V® business jets, satellite ground stations, C-4
Systems (gdc4s.com), Advanced Information Systems and Bath Iron Works.

General Dynamics agreed in 2002 to to acquire General Motors Defense (->) for $1.1 billion in cash, which is a business unit of General Motors
Corporation of Detroit, Michigan. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the first quarter of 2003.


(-> Anthrax-911-Gate, Intellitec)

(-> Armitage, Richard)
(-> DoD, Albert Smith)
(-> DoD, Michael W. Wynne)
(-> Taiwangate, Carl Ford)

General Electric
GE is a diversified technology and services and products company-- from aircraft engines and power generation to financial services, medical imaging,
television programming and plastics, GE operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 300,000 people worldwide.

Jeffrey R. Immelt is Chairman of the Board and CEO. Director since 2000.
Other directors: Sam Nunn, Ann M. Fudge, Dennis D. Dammerman or Ralph S. Larsen.

In February 2003, GE was accused of terrorist ties.


William Thompson, the city's comptroller, filed a shareholders' resolution demanding that GE's board of directors create a committee to review the
company's business operations in Iran, which has been classified as a "sponsor of terrorism" by the U.S. federal government.

General Motors Defense

(-> General Dynamics)

Many independent investigators or 911Skeptics had no chance to host an own website or participate in a discussion group, but placed their results (->) on

A lot of valuable results had been shrubbed until the end of 2002, but many websites had been recovered with some tricks of the research (->) netizens.

German connection
(-> Atta, Mohammad)
(-> Hijackers)

September 1st, 2002:
Gerhard Schröder, the German chancellor, believes that the Bush administration is making a terrible mistake in planning a war against Iraq, and he is not
afraid to say so.

In February 2003, Germany started to form a peace-alliance with Belgium, France, Russia and France.

Hitler-comparison (->)
Richard Perle (->)

Gertz, Bill
Bill Gertz is the most obvious "disinfo agent",

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who released obscure photo material on the WTC attack.

It included one photo which morphed the twin towers into one,
implying that one Tower was already on fire,
before it was hit by the second plane.

Gertz was "convinced", that China was behind 911.

The Gertz-Files achieved some attention in late October/November 2001 and circulated around,
but later had been generally dissed by the 911Skeptic Community.

In 2002, Bill Gertz released his book "Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to 9/11"

George, Henry
Pilot of Huffman Aviation (->).

CDC/U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta (->)
U.S. Forestry Service -> Loizeauz Brothers -> Controlled Demolition
King & Spalding (Atlanta)-> Larry D. Thompson -> (US) Department of Justice
Brisco Field Sawyer School of Aviation Simulator Club -> Flightschools
Fort Benning (->), SOA (->soaw.org)
McKinney, Cynthia
Atta's "flight check" on Feb1st/Feb 15th, 2001 in Decatur, Georgia ->Moussaoui Indictment
Cleland, Senator Max/Myers, Richard on morning Sep11th

(-> Gertz, Bill)

UK Government Communications Headquarters of Intelligence.
On 31 January 2003, David Pepper has been named as the new Director of GCHQ.
He will take over from Sir Francis Richards in April 2003.

As announced in February 2003, the "Global Early Warning Information System," (GEWIS) is being built by the National Communications System (NCS), a
Defense agency established in 1962 to ensure that the government has access to adequate communications systems during national emergencies. It is
unrelated to the Total Information Awareness (->)program, a planned Defense Department program that would actively mine databases worldwide to
uncover terrorist and other threats.

Ghaith, Sulaiman Abu

(-> Al-Quaeda website)

Ghanem, Ali
On December 30th, 2001, the Herald Sun released an interview with Osama Bin Ladens mother,
Alia Ghanem Bin Laden (->) , who said, she is convinced he was not responsible for the events of September 11, but fears he "will be cleared only after his


Ghanem was the fourth wife of Saudi businessman Mohammed bin Laden (->),
and still lived during 2002 in Jeddah (->), Saudi Arabia.
The original interview was by Khalid Batarfi, of Saudi Arabian newspaper Al Medina.

(-> Bin Laden, Ali Ghanem)

(-> Saudi Intelligence)

Gilson de Lemos, Michael

In March 2002, author Michael Gilson de Lemos released his popular Sep11th-related article
"Wherdy Go?", in which he asked many different questions like:

"...where’s the plane debris, especially at the Pentagon, as a French best seller is asking? Why the black-out on the Flight 93 black-box? Why has the
government remained silent on the replaced FAA controllers with NORAD persons - while in Congressional testimony NORAD still has no non-conflicting
explanation of what its people were doing on that day?..."

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His article was mirrored at democraticunderground.com and originally at Anti-State.com, which described themselves as "the center of the market anarchist
movement...with the purpose of informing and entertaining anarcho-capitalists and facilitating contact and the exchange of ideas between them."

In January 2003, deLemos released another popular piece of "sarcasm meets rant":
9-11: Guess Where Bin Laden Was?


Editor in chief & webmaster is Jeremy Sapienza.


Global Crossing
On July 9, 2001, Global Crossing Government Markets, a unit of Global Crossing Ltd. ,announced that it has been selected by the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) to provide advanced wide area network services for its Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN).

The contract had a three-year base with seven one-year options and wass valued at $137 million with the potential to exceed $400 million over the contract


Global Crossing had some deals with Thomas White, formerly ENRON.

Global Crossing filed chapter 11 in January 2001.

Created in early 2002, hosted by bpilgrim, DU (->).
Merged with SGTV, lihop.net in late September 2002.

Globalfreepress is designed and operated to provide a platform from which today's important views and issues may be presented and discussed. The goal is
to provide inspiration and enlightenment, on topics that deserve their attention, but give the readership a forum where they can also participate. All stories
will allow their readers to comment and elaborate on them.

Contact: [email protected]

Canadian website, which mirrored the Bush at Booker Elementary-video
and the Bush-flash-animation by "Symbolman" at

Contact: [email protected]

Globalhowler was created by Jim Macdonald.

Contact: [email protected]

Global Hawk
Global Hawk is complemented by the DarkStar system, a UAV (->) with low-observable characteristics. DarkStar is for use in high- threat environments
where ensured, survivable coverage is more important than range and endurance. The complementary nature of the two systems provides a flexible,
cost-effective mix for military commanders.

The Global Hawk program is funded by the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) and managed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA ->) and the US Air Force.

Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical is the prime contractor for the Global Hawk.
Raytheon E-Systems (->) is developing the advanced sensor payload. The ground mission control segment is being developed by Hughes Aircraft, and the
communications system is being developed by Lockheed Martin Communications Systems (->).

Ryan Aeronautical Centre is another contractor.

The principal suppliers for Global Hawk include Raytheon Systems (sensors), Allison (turbofan engine), Boeing North American (carbon fibre wing) and
L3 Communications (communications system).

"..Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk is a high-altitude, long-endurance, unmanned aerial reconnaissance system designed to provide military field
commanders with high resolution, near-real-time imagery of large geographic areas..."

http:// (Feb. 20, 1997, DoD)

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"..Vought was selected by Northrop Grumman in July 2001 to manufacture the wing for Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP).
The contract is for two wings with an option for the next four aircraft on the schedule.."


The Air Force and the CIA collect additional intelligence from unmanned Predator and Global Hawk drones. They have low-profile reconnaissance assets
that look like transport planes and operate under such code names as ARL-Low, Keen Sage, Scathe View and Senior Scout.

Source: William M. Arkin, a military affairs analyst

Oddities around Global Hawk regarding Sep11th attack:

At least two passengers of the Sep11th planes had indirect connections to "Global Hawk"
and two more worked for Raytheon, one of the developers of Global Hawk

1) Herbert Homer was on United Airlines Flight 175, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California.

Herbert Homer, as described "..worked for Raytheon Co." was the DCE CACO under DCMC Commander - Col. Bryon Young of the RSC Corporate
Management (Raytheon)
Source: http://www.acq-ref.navy.mil/reflib/raytheon.pdf

Raytheon developed Global Hawk, which is a "..high altitude, long endurance unmanned aerial
reconnaissance system.." and includes "..Raytheon Systems (sensors)"
Source: http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/global/

2) Charles S. Falkenberg

Falkenberg was on AA 77 American Airlines Flight 77, from

Washington to Los Angeles, which crashed into the Pentagon with 64 people aboard

Falkenberg was a "..director of research at ECOlogic Corp., a software engineering firm.

He worked on data systems for NASA.."

In 1997, Renu Chaudhry (Ecologic Corp) gave a workshop about EOS Data for the NASA.

"..The first phase of DataBlade development will ingest HDF-EOS Grid data.
Metadata will be in the file and Grid info in data objects in the database.
The image will also be a binary object in the database..."


"...EOS-WEBSTER (a WEB based System for Terrestrial Ecosystem Research) is a digital library of
Earth Science data serving the needs of both the Earth System Science community and the general public..."

"EOS Webster" is a mapping system which provides Landsat Images, which are part of the mapping system for the Global Hawk technology
(Global Hawk Integrated Sensor Suite Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) -
The Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS),a Daedalus AADS-1268 scanner, an airborne Modis Simulator)

Charles Falkenberg worked on this program.

He is mentioned in the team of EOS Webster:

"..The Federation GIS Services Cluster:.. We are very saddened to learn of the passing of
Charles Falkenberg, an active member of this Cluster since its inception..."

3) Kenneth Waldie (AA11), 46, of Methuen, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co. senior quality control engineer for electronic systems in Tewksbury,
He had worked for Raytheon for 17 years.

4) Peter Gay (AA11), 54, of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co. vice president of operations for electronic systems based in Andover,
He had worked for Raytheon for more than 28 years.

Historical Highlights of Global Hawk:

Friday, 18 Jun 1999:

Global Hawk - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle stays airborne for more than 27 hours.."

Global Hawk successfully completed a military utility assessment in June 2000,

carried out at Eglin Air Force base, Florida.

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In June 2000, Global Hawks 116-foot wingspan was greater than a Boeing 737 airliner's,
and its maximum weight tops 25,000 pounds.

In March 2001, the US Department of Defense awarded Northrop Grumman a contract for the
engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase of the program, to last until March 2003 and in June 2001 a contract for two low rate initial
production UAV’s.

January 2002:
AeroVironment has partnered with the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and United Defense to develop a Gun Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(GLUAV)that could be built in calibres ranging from 81mm to 155m for applications including reconnaissance, target acquisition and identification, and
battle-damage assessment.
Series of wargames entitled Global Engagement at the Air War College,
Maxwell Air Force Base (->), Alabama including GH-technology.
Jane's International Defense Review - 23 January 2002

In February 2002 Northrop Grumman continued to negotiate on merger talks with TRW (->)
Global Hawk, their technology for unmanned vehicles is able to be remote controlled for 36 hours.

More on Global Hawk:

Boeing 757 F-22 Testbed technology


50 confirmed Global Hawk Tests since May 2000

May 2000

"..The Air Force's Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle excelled during two missions flown last week in support of its first international joint military
force exercise, Linked Seas '00.
Winging its way toward Europe for the first time, Global Hawk Air Vehicle No. 4 took off from Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., May 8, and flew non-stop to
Portugal, carried out some radar imagery tasks, and then returned to Eglin some 28 hours later.

"While over Portugal, Global Hawk took classified radar imagery of targets in Portugal and the Madeira Islands, disseminating these images via Royal Air
Force station Molesworth, U.K., to SOUTHLANT, regional command for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Supreme Allied Command Atlantic,".said
Lt. Col. Mike Trundy, deployment commander, Global Hawk Office, Reconnaissance Systems Program Office, Aeronautical Systems Center here, which is
developing the new UAV for future Department of Defense applications.

"The images were provided to regional commanders as intelligence data for amphibious (exercise) landings planned later in the week."
This was the 50th successful mission for the Global Hawk Test and Demonstration Program with several "firsts," according to Trundy..."


Vought, Boeing and Rolls Royce:

Vought, one of Northrop Grunmens contractor is

producing special empennage, aft body section and wing spoilers for the 757.

Release No. 00-01-05

January 27, 2000
Air Force F-22 Raptor and Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle announcement
LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. -- The Air Force made two modernization program announcements today involving the F-22 Raptor and the Global
Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle.
Langley Air Force Base, Va., is the preferred alternative for the location of the first operational F-22 wing.

Rolls Royce is building the engines for Global Hawk.

What they confirmed :

The Rolls-Royce RB211-535E4 engine, powers all Boeing 757-300s delivered or ordered to date are powered by Rolls-Royce and 80 per cent of all Boeing
757 operators have selected Rolls-Royce engines. The -535 powers Russia's Tupolev Tu204 aircraft.
A significant military application for the AE 3007 is the Global Hawk high altitude uninhabited aerial surveillance vehicle (UAV)..


17 June 2001
".. The introduction of 24 new aircraft types in
this sector in the last five years has been made possible largely by modern
engines such as the AE 3007, BR710 and Williams-Rolls FJ44.

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Is AWACS the answer? by Joe Vialls (->)

Is Global Hawk + GPS just a distraction, if FANS already can help out?

FANS (thx to one member of DU*):

"...What you are after is FANS or the Future Air Navigation System which is fitted to both the 757 and 767 as standard.

FANS is a system that is intergrated into the FMCS or Flight Managment Computer System (basically an incredibly advanced autopilot that can fly the
aircraft from immediately after take off until and landing). FANS is a system that allows air traffic control to make adjustments to an aircraft's flight path
(such as heading, altitude etc) without pilot input via remote radio data links.

Forget Global Hawk!

Talking about Global Hawk as being what was used to take over the aircraft is like saying "F-16 Falcon" was used to take over the aircraft. Global Hawk is
the name of a specific remotely piloted semi-autonomus unmanned reconnaisance drone and nothing more.
Just like Predator is the name of another drone aircraft.

That name has nothing whatsoever to do with remote piloting technology except in that it refers to a type of remotely piloted aircraft!

Here is a good start for you:

The 757-200 flight deck, designed for two-crew member operation, pioneered the use of digital electronics and advanced displays.

A fully integrated flight management computer system (FMCS) provides for automatic guidance and control of the 757-200 from immediately after takeoff
to final approach and landing.
The precision of global positioning satellite (GPS) system navigation, automated air traffic control functions, and advanced guidance and communications
features are now available as part of the new Future Air Navigation System (FANS) flight management computer.

(-> Passenger list)

(-> Raytheon)

Boeing: Products-AWACS home

E-3 Sentry (AWACS) - Military Aircraft


Anti-NWO site, based on illuminati- and bible-paranoia.

Globalresearch or Centre for Research on Globalisation was founded by Michel Chossudovsky (->).
One of the most important sources for 911-research since 2001.

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is an independent research and media group of progressive writers, scholars and activists committed to
curbing the tide of "globalisation" and "disarming" the New World Order.

Global Research released a print magazine "GlobalOutlook" and promoted articles by

Francis Boyle, Greg Palast, Larry Chin, Michael C. Ruppert, Michel Chossudovsky (CRG editor), Robert Fisk, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Carol Brouillet,
Tetrahedron, Nico Haupt, Scott Ritter, Alex Jones, FAIR, Sunshine Project (Jan v. Aken etc..), Gore Vidal, Stan Goff, Barrie Zwicker, Chaim Kupferberg,
Patrick Martin, Paul Thompson, Jacob Levich and many many more. (-->)

Therefore Globalresearch is an important tool for investigative newbies.

GR analysed interviews with Zbigniew Brzezinski (->), who was described as the "blueprinter" of 911 or basically "inspired the real people behind 911".

Contact: [email protected]

Global Outlook
Print magazine of Globalresearch.ca (->)

Global Relief Foundation

(-> Benevolence International Foundation)
(-> Chicago-Connection)


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(-> Amalgam)

(-> Guerrilla News Network)

(-> Guerrilla News Network)

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come
back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is
understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a
democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the
leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
to danger. It works the same in any country."
– Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg Trials (Commander of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Police Gestapo, Hitler's 2nd man
in the Third Reich & Marshal of the German Empire)

Goff, Stan
Stan Goff, (Rtd.) U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant, Tactics Instructor at the U.S. Army Jungle Operations Training Center in Panama, Lecturer in
Military Science and Doctrine at the U.S. Army West Point Military Academy; involved in operations in eight designated conflict areas from Vietnam to

Furthermore Goff is writer and organizer, North Carolina Network for Popular Democracy, Raleigh, North Carolina.

For the book, "war on freedom", Goff explained the Capital-Liquidation effect:

"...This is just part of a historical evolution that is at some point inevitable and I think it’s about to happen. I think what they’re doing now is not something
they’re doing out of a position of strength but out of a position of desperation and panic...

...I think historically we can go back and see that when big capital gets in trouble and the market’s not working for them anymore they have to find a way,
cause right now there is a worldwide production over-capacity that’s created a recession that’s about to go deep and about to go long and one of the ways
that they’ve traditionally gotten themselves out of that is to liquidate a bunch of that capital and the best way to liquidate capital real fast is war. That’s the
way they correct the problem they use non-market mechanisms to correct for a fallen rate of profit within a market economy...."

(-> War on Freedom)

Gold, Twin Towers

Described as a rumour, Recovery workers at the World Trade Centre indeed found a cache of gold.

Due to some british papers, more than £137 million in gold and silver had been buried under the twin towers when they collapsed.
The vault was owned by the Bank of Nova Scotia, which held the gold and silver as security for trading international currencies in New York.
The gold was being taken to a location guarded by security firm Brinks (Irving, Texas).

(Brinks protect some of the world's most valued treasures, including:

-The first rock samples brought home from the moon by the astronauts.
-United States Declaration of Independence)

The vaults below the complex that was the World Trade Center were a vast and secret place. Not only did they hold some of the world's largest gold
depositories, but they were home to stashes belonging to the CIA and secret service.

Seventy feet below ground is an array of goods that includes bricks of cocaine, fake taxi cabs used for covert operations, bomb-proof state cars and security
files meant for the eyes of the CIA only - nice booty for potential looters.

Removing the debris has been controversial. The police said that some scrap metal has been diverted to mob-controlled businesses rather than the dump
where investigators are examining rubble for clues and human remains.



Goldberg, Bernard
In January 2002, Bernard Goldberg released his book

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"CBS Insider exposes how the media distort the news",

which includes an analysis on media manipulations during war.

(->Thomas, Gordon)

Gore, Al
On September 26th, 2002 Democrat Al Gore, criticized President Bush and accused the administration of an "attack on civil liberties" and ignoring signs that
Osama bin Laden had been planning a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Hope of many democrats, Al Gore announced in December 2002, not to run for a
president campaign in 2004.

Gore, Bill
(-> Hijacker ID-confusion)

Goss, Porter
Florida GOP Rep. Porter Goss is the House Intelligence Committee chairman, who received a copy of the "CIA"-memo on August 6th, 2001. Since then, this
memo is classified.

Goss, a Florida Republican, on Intelligence in late September 2001:

"...It will be a little bit like the Kennedy assassination, I'm sure," said Mr. Goss, himself a former C.I.A. clandestine case officer. "It'll go on forever and ever
because we are never going to be totally certain, I think, about who did what to whom.."

(-> Graham, Bob)

(-> 911-hearings)

Website, which compiles Sep11th related articles, which challenged the official story.


GPS-Signal Hack January 2002

Dorothy E. Denning and Peter F. MacDoran wrote a article on the subject which was published in Computer Fraud & Security in February of 1996.
GPS-Hacks in stealing TV signals are possible, but it seems pretty impossible to hijack military devices

Graham, Bob
Bob Graham was one of the few members of the Intelligence Committee, who received a copy of the CIA-memo to Bush on August 6th, 2001.

Since then his strategy seems undefined.

In October 2002, he said, he is seeking to declassify "the most important information" obtained in a congressional probe of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Howeveer Graham didn't tell the public, that he was in a meeting with former Pakistan Secret Service Boss Massoud on the morning of Sep11th and didn't
talk about it yet.

Almost unknown, Graham was already in Pakistan a few weeks before that meeting.

Graham, Porter Goss (R) and Senator John Kyl (R) traveled to Pakistan and met with President Musharraf. They discussed various security issues, including
the possible extradition of bin Laden. They also met with Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan. According to a local press account at the
time, "Zaeef assured the delegation that the Taliban government wanted to settle the issue through negotiations."

In early 2003, Graham, whose sister-in-law, Katherine Graham once owned the Washington Post, announced he would run for 2004, but planned his final
decision for april 2003.

Graham continued to give his opinion on some classified 911files:

"Frankly, there is a piece of information which is still classified which I consider to be the most important information that's come to the attention of the joint
committee," Graham said on CBS's "Face the Nation."


(-> Declassification)

Gramm, Phil
Phil Gramm (Ex-ENRON-> )

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Grand Chessboard
(-> Brzezinski, Zbigniew)

Grassley, Charles E.
One of a few US Congress Members (R-Iowa), who supported an independent 911-investigation (->).

Gray Fox
Low-profile eavesdropping planes, which fly without military markings.
Working closely with Special Forces and the CIA, Gray Fox places operatives inside hostile territory.

In and around Afghanistan, Gray Fox was part of a secret sphere that included the CIA's paramilitary Special Activities Division and the Pentagon's Joint
Special Operations Command.

Greenberg, Maurice
Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, once floated as a possible CIA Director in 1995, is the CEO of AIG insurance (->), manager of the third largest capital
investment pool in the world.

Maurice Raymond Greenberg (AIG, Kroll, CFR) was born in New York City May 4, 1925, the son of Jacob Greenberg and Ada (Rheingold) Greenberg.
The young man adopted the nickname “Hank” to make people think of a popular American baseball player with the name, Hank Greenberg.

Greenberg served in the U.S. Army in the Korea conflict. He joined the insurance firm, Continental Casualty Co., in 1952. Continental executive J. Milburn
Smith recommended Greenberg to the C.V. Starr insurance/spy organization, which made Greenberg its vice president in 1960, its president and CEO in
1967, and its chairman, succeeding Starr, in 1969.

Maurice Greenberg was deeply involved in chinese trade in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger (->) was one of his representatives.
In the China trade, Greenberg became very close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent
for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military.

From 1988 to 1995, Greenberg was a director of the New York Federal Reserve bank - this branch of the system is the main instrument through which
Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of England traditionally execute their U.S. political-economic policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New
York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995.

In 1993, Maurice Greenberg’s American International Group (AIG ->), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates (->), as a result of
rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion.
Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the “CIA of Wall Street” due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British
Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations.

During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (-> CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence, which
published “Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence.” This report mostly served to exhibit Greenberg’s access to the intelligence
community; but he parlayed it into a nomination by Senator Arlen Specter and others, for Greenberg to be Director of the CIA (->).

Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to
shape a unique personal empire.

Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg’s Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner’s father
was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet masterspy Kim Philby.

Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from Peru over nationalization
of Enron operations).

In the early 1990s, Miami-based private investigator Lou Polumbo joined Kroll Associates. According to sources in the industry, Polumbo brought with him a
personal history of involvement with the Medallin and other South American narcotics cartels; his business included helping relocate some of the capabilities
of these cartels out of Colombia.

The deal to bring Polumbo into Kroll was worked out by Avram Shalom, the former head of Israel’s Shin Beth secret police. Shalom went to work for Kroll;
he had been fired as Shin Beth boss due to a scandalous massacre of Palestinians in the Israel-occupied territories by his Shin Beth agents.

AIG's long connection to CIA drug trafficking and covert operations was mentioned in a two-part series of copvcia.com (->), that was interrupted just prior
to the attacks of September 11.
AIG’s stock has bounced back remarkably well since the attacks.


(-> Kroll O'Gara )

Green Party
(-> 911 Truth commission)
(-> Cohen, Mitchel)

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(-> Palast, Greg)

New Chat- and Discussion Board Sniffer program, first mentioned in October 2001.

Griffin, G. Edward
Released "The Grand Deception - Part One
A Second Look at the War on Terrorism"
at http://www.freedom-force.org/granddeception.htm

GroundZero Forum
The idea of GROUND ZERO Forum was born on September 11th, 2001 at 8:53 AM EST, when ewing2001, a netizen member of canadian TV Clubhouse,
was contacted during a live feed transcript session on the TV show "Big Brother" (CBS) via discussion board, and had been informed that one of the Twin
Towers had been attacked by a plane.

At that time in Brooklyn, New York, ewing2001 repeated with the words "oh my god, thx" and started to report live from New York on updates and first
investigative background stories.

The first report took almost 22 hours in a row until the next morning, when ewing2001 already started another topic called "Investigation continues...".

The result of this Sep11th report reached an entry in the historical reviews on Sep11th at web.archive.org and another european media history archive at

Later described as "Dan Rather from TV Clubhouse", ewing2001 decided to mirror his live report and investigative topic on his own delphi-board at
ourDNA.org (lebensaspekte.de).

The board was originally planned for news and updates on (Bio-)science, high tech and control systems and wasn't yet customized.

In the same week, the name GROUND ZERO Forum had been invented and almost 12 further sections had been added to analyse the Sep11th attack from
a media-, science-, terror- or secret service perspective.

In October 2001 ewing2001 aka testpod69 aka ? started an own chat room on the IRC with friends of Josh Harris' Big Brother art project
"weliveinpublic.com", where he updated on the AnthraxAttacks or first rumours and beginning of the War against the Taliban.

In the same month, GROUND ZERO Forum contacted almost 80-100 other Sep11th-related website projects, who tried to challenge the official version of
Sep11th, including Barry Zwicker of Vision TV, Canada.

The "invisible 911-Skepticism ring" informed every web admin from each other's existence and started to respond to GROUND ZERO.

In the meantime, GROUND ZERO Forum had already international members or was visited by netizens from Canada, United States, Europe, Australia,
New Zealand and China!

In November 2001, ewing2001 started to promote his investigative results in an own newsletter and mirrored the highlights on guerrillanews.com.

In the same month, the "ultimate timeline" was released, a document, which was 20 pages long and started in the 60s, and gave detailled background on the
years 1998 until Sep11th including disturbing ties to the anthrax attack.

This timeline became popular worldwide and was mostly promoted together with Mike Rupperts Timeline "lucy", until fortunately, a much better and
scientifically professionalised timeline by master investigator Paul Thompson was released in Summer 2002 at cooperativeresearch.com.

GZ promoted Thompsons timeline idea at Jeff Rense, who immediately decided to mirror Thompsons complete timeline.
UQ and Scoop followed this decision.

In December 2001, ewing2001 decided to reach a political level.

He signed in at democraticunderground.com (DU) and promoted his investigative results in the "911-section", where he cooperated with talents like Ajw18,
JohnHorne and 2muchBS or in PM sessions with jackriddler (osamaskidneys.com).

In the same month, ewing2001's alter ego started with his first public lectures on the Sep11th-oddities and geopolitical background at Joe's Gallery in east
village, New York.

GZ found the original video of President Bush's visit at Booker Elementary on their website and decided to mirror and promote it worldwide.

The cooperation between GZ Forum, ewing2001 and DU became succesful.

GZ started to promote DU worldwide and contacted or invited new investigative or scientific talents like Paul Thompson, Medienanalyse, Eric Hufschmidt,
ENDIMION or Plaguepupy to DU.

In January 2002 Ground Zero Forum released their "Top 500 FAQ",
an immense list of unanswered questions for a 911-commission, which was later mirrored at rense.com and improved at DU with the help of some members.

Major sections of these questions later appeared in the german book and bestseller "...Secrets of 911" by matthias broeckers (telepolis.de, another forum,
which was supported by ewing2001 and had co-authors like Stanislaw Lem or Sherry Turkle).

Between February and March 2002, GROUND ZERO Forum sent the Top500 FAQ in a continuing spam mail action to every member of the US Congress,
including Tom Daschle in personal emails.

In March 2002 GROUND ZERO Forum tried to contact Cynthia McKinney to inform her about the massive support of challenging the official story of

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Sep11th. At least her emails didn't bounce back.

In April 2002 GROUND ZERO Forum was 16 folders strong, but still continued to analyse more speculative angles in a teamwork and investigative
thinktank at DU, before they finally appeared as an improved conclusion at GZ.

GZ developed therefore the so called LIHOP-media strategy to seperate more speculative and "tinfoilish" perspectives on a SETUP by CIA, oil- and
weapon industry.

LIHOP stands for "let it happen on purpose" and means that the US Government and related right wing think tanks found out of the pending attacks and
allowed them to start in reality to start a war on oil and other resources -instead of a war on terrorism.

The LIHOP strategy, which tried originally to leak credible facts into mainstream media, became succesful. (At the end of 2002 a google-result showed,
that all LIHOP-related topics appeared on 150-200 other websites worldwide)

William Rivers Pitt, a more pragmatic member of DU reported on LIHOP in a truthout.org -article, german magazine DER SPIEGEL interviewed
GROUND ZERO Forum, but decided to discredit the admin of GZ.

Medienanalyse-international.de responded on the SPIEGEL-article in a positive analysis.

Part 2 of "LIHOP-the Top 20 Suspects" reached 40000 hits during a few days at Scoop and became the most succesful article of GZ Forum worldwide and
was mirrored by disinfo.org, rense.com and various other websites.

Parts of the 911Skeptic section at GZ Forum, including older articles on a miniature model of the Pentagon in October 2000 became new interest and had
been picked up by mediawhores.com, democrats.com smirkingchimp.com and the photo of a military server became one of the most popular pending
smoking guns.

In May 2002 Ground Zero Forum organised a 3-Day 911-Skepticism Forum at Chashama Theatre on Times Square, New York and invited many different

Alex Jones, Mike Ruppert, Barry Zwicker or Barbara Rosenberg all had no time, Uri Dowbenko from almartinraw.com had to cancel on the last minute,
Guerrillanews promised to appear in time, but due to some technical problems they had to leave again, before the panel finally could start.

DU-Members Sterling and Beetwasher agreed to support the event on that afternoon, which was in the meantime part of a huge art- and activist event,
organised by MissyGalore from feedbuckgalore.com.

In a live-video stream, the event was supported via telephone conference including Oswald Le Winter from Portugal.

The most succesful part of the event was however not the panel itself, but the hallway, which was plastered with various printouts and photos and supported
with the booklets "i hit the trifecta" of Sterling Rainbolt.

The partner- and friendship between sterling and ewing2001 turned into Rainbolts idea to create Shadowgovernment TV, which was later hosted at
shadowgovernment.info and merged in October 2002 in a progressive coup with globalfreepress.com, bushknew.info and lihop.net.

Only a few days after the 911Skepticism Event in May 2002, all supporters of this event, guerrillanews, democraticunderground and ourDNA.org had been
hacked or attacked.

The website of ourDNA.org was furthermore defaced and in an unconcentrated moment, while the anti-trojan was disabled, the "wininit" of the home
station was erased and the network infected with a worm.

After one day, the system was finally able to start in a 16-bit mode.

GroundZero-Forum, independent from ourDNA.org continued to operate during this incident, but was strongly handicapped.

Then, only a few days later, on May 15th 2002, President Bush confirmed, that he had prior knowledge on the Sep11th attack.

At almost the same time, GZ contacted Kyle Hence to suggest a media activist cooperation.

Hence was working on a press conference in Washington with 911-victims, which was supported by investigative journalist Tom Flocco and Catherine

Hence decided to launch unansweredquestions.org in June 2001.

The public cooperation between ShadowGovernment TV, GZ Forum and UQ continued for a while, when Hence decided to concentrate on an initiative for
a citizens commission on 911.

SG TV released their first show in August 2002, which included a remastered and synchronised version (with the attacks in NY City) of the Booker
Elementary Video, which GZ originally hosted on their server, until the traffic became too immense and had to be removed again.

During the anniversary event of the Sep11th attack, GZ Forum met with their oversea- and european contacts in New York.

This cooperation turned into the idea by osamaskidneys.com to create a new NYC-911-strategy group and mailing list.

On October 16th, 2002, a conflict between many progressive members and more pragmatic, hopefully democrat party supporters of DU turned in the
famous "september skinner coup" or "night of the long knives" (-> DU), as many speculated, "orchestrated by the DNC".

It was one "insulting" news topic on an anti-Hillary Clinton protest, which was used by DU-admin Skinner as a reason to ban various members of the board,
including the leftist IndianaGreen, Sterling, 2muchBS and - ewing2001.

Only 3 weeks before the election, Sterling and ewing2001, already active in public on many different other events, decided to support DU-member
BPilgrim's private portal globalfreepress.com (GFP) and turn it into an independent and progressive media project.

Almost over night, many former and current DU-members protested Skinners decision and decided to support ewing2001 and Sterling at GFP.

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GFP got more members, when the democratic party lost the senate election in October 2002.

SGTV and bushknew.info had their own "table" at the Washington Anti-war protest on October 26th, 2002 and distributed their booklets, videos, leaflets and
flyers by William Gibson (->), which promoted waronfreedom.com (->) or adoptcynthiamckinney.com (->).

Finally SGTV met Cynthia McKinney in person in the same month.

Ewing2001, in the meantime, delivered personally his "911-Files", Sterlings booklets and the SG TV- videos into the United Nations, to Martin Luther King
III (at a peace vigil in NYC), Spookie, Nina Hagen or Ralph Nader of the Green Party and was invited by Erskine into his radio show at businessradio.com

Since October 2002, GZ Forum visited the weekly internationalanswer.org meetings to promote the 911-files and impeachment campaigns, and continued to
contact other independent media- and peace activists.

In November 2002, GZ Forum started to work on the book "911Skeptics Unite! -the encyclopedia", while SGTV was at the same time already working on
SGTV 3 and interviewed by freerepublic.com.

During December 2002, globalfreepress.com released teasers of the 911Skeptics- book and GFP, SGTV and GZ continued to cooperate with many different
media actvist groups or progresive and investigative projects and contacted worldwide guests or supporters of different websites.

GTCR Golden Rauner

(-> TSI Communications)

Guantanamo Bay
A January 2003-story in the Los Angeles Times reported, that at least 10 percent of the 625 war prisoners captured in Afghanistan and now held at the
notorious US naval base prison in Guantanamo Bay have “no meaningful connection” with the Taliban (->) or Al Qaeda (->).

(-> Camp X-Ray)

Compare: http://www.campxray.org

"Guardian" has nothing to do with the british paper.
Sterling Beck, the host of Guardian, compiled a lot of Sep11th-related articles on the nerdcities-webhosting service.

Beck concentrated on the crashes at the Pentagon and WTC.

His collection was located at the end of 2002 at


Guerrilla News Network

GNN was one of the most popular sources including an own forum on their discussion board with Sep11th related topics challenging the official version,
"State of Emergency: The Aftermath of Black Tuesday".

Many independent 911-investigators participated on the forum or just mirrored new results or unanswered questions like Jack Riddler (->) or ewing 2001

One of the most active "911"-members on GNN had been Vihad or Anthony (Lappe),.

GNN was contacted by Unanswered Questions (->) organizers of the eponymous June 10, 2002 press conference at the National Press Club in Washinton,
D.C.. During that initial conversation, it was reasoned that the independent media should counter the imminent onslaught of government sponsored
(retaliatory) propaganda with a strong investigative piece that did not detract from or compound further the pain and suffering of the nation.

Hence, the birth of an association that led to GNN's unique memorial for that dark day and the victims of its uncertain architects, AfterMath: "Unanswered
Questions from 9/11", a video serious, whic is available online.

With AfterMath, GNN has asked nine (9) people, eleven (11) of the most pressing questions that emanate from the terrible and, as yet, unexplained, events
of that day.

Featuring George Soros, Nafeez Ahmad, Michel Chossudovsky, Mary Schiavo and Michael Ruppert.

GNN continued their co-operation series of After Math during 2002 and early 2003.

Guerrilla News Network is an underground news organization with headquarters in New York City and production facilities in Berkeley, California. Their
mission is to expose people to important global issues through guerrilla programming on the web and on television.

In 2002 GNN won a price at the Sundance Film Festival.

GNN was co-founded by Stephen Marshall and Josh Shore in the summer of 2000. The partners first joined forces at MTV (Josh had brought Stephen in to
consult on some radical television ideas for the station) when they finally realized that the mainstream networks would never allow their hi-impact brand of
television content and design to reach prime time.

GNN's inaugural project was a NewsVideo called The Diamond Life (http://www.guerrillanews.com/diamondlife/index.htm).

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Completed in the fall of 2000, the video features the music of Peter Gabriel and was produced in conjunction with his non-profit organization, WITNESS

One of GNN's editors is Anthony Lappé (Executive Editor)

Lappe is a writer and television producer who has written for more than twenty magazines and newspapers and has produced television news programming
that has aired around the world. He has written for Black Book (where he was National Affairs Editor), Details, Gear, New York, The New York Times
(City, Styles and Magazine sections), Houston Chronicle, and Salon.com, among many others. In television, he worked as a correspondent for The New
York Times Video News International (now NYT-TV), the world pioneer in small-format video-journalism.

(-> Guerrilla News Network)

Gul, Hameed
Gen. Hameed Gul led Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI->) during the
war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Gul served as an adviser to Pakistan's extremist religious political parties, which
oppose their government's decision to support the United States in
any action against Afghanistan's Taliban regime.

In 2002 Gul contended, bin Laden had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks on New York and
Washington, saying instead that they were the work of the Mossad (->),
the Israeli intelligence service.
Gul said, that Bin Laden "doesn't have the means for such a sophisticated operation".
(Source: UPI)

Gunaratna, Dr. Rohan

(-> Al-Quaeda-Dog Tapes)

Gurney, Ian
Investigative Journalist.

Anti-Bushita Website.
In April 2002, GW Bush.com started their first Anti-Bush radio spots.


How deep are the ties between Jerome Hauer (Building 7, Smallpox Policy, OEM) and former Anthrax-No.1-suspect Stephen Hatfill?


OSD,FAA,Space&Nav+co. hack-fake or real?:

Open Source Community, who reported on censorship on the internet.

Profited from the October 2001 Anthrax attacks with new US-Budgets or contracts
(-> Anthrax-911-Gate).

Hadron was created when XONICS got into trouble with SEC.

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In July 2002 Hadron became Analex Corporation.

Hadron bought these companies since 1997/8:
Analex Corporation, Advanced Biosystems (ABS) (biological warfare treatments) , Avenue Technologies, Inc (information warfare) and SyCom Services
(real-time embedded radar systems)

Hadron developed Pharmaceuticals used against Biological Warfare Agents, Analysis of Bio-Warfare and Bio-Terrorism Threats.

In 1998, John D. Sanders, one of their directors completed the acquisition of Vail Research and Technology Corporation ("Vail"), a privately-held
information technology firm based in Northern Virginia, for approximately $1.6 million.
Vail provides a comprehensive range of superior-quality professional and technical services to clients — including the U.S. Navy, Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA ->), U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Special Operations Command, NASA, Department of Transportation, Department
of Commerce, Department of Energy as well as private-sector firms.

In May 1999 Hadron was supported with a new director and Chief Scientist, Ken Alibek (former Battelle -> and Biopreparat, Russia ->).


In June 1999 Sycom, a subsidiary of Hadron, put Shawn McCoy as a new president in charge.
McCoy formerly worked with Betac Corporation, Lockheed Martin (->) and Martin Marietta Corporation, and serviced as an intelligence officer in the U.S.
Jon M. Stout, another Hadron-president, was former president of his own company DPC Technologies, Inc., a military intelligence IT company he had
founded with his wife in 1988, and sold later to Northrop
Grumman (->).

Gerald R. "Mac" McNichols, Sc.D., another director came from the Air Force.
Gerald Young was management consultant with DPC Technologies until 1999 when DPC was acquired by Northrop Grumann Logicon.

Scott Reuter was former TRW (->) and BTG.

Other partners of Hadron are The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) or USAMRIID (->).

George Tonn, another Hadron-director was former director of Raytheon's Director of the Advanced Battle Management Systems.
He worked with Hughes Aircraft (acquired by Raytheon), SAIC (->) and IBM Federal Systems.
In 1983 Dominic Laiti, Chairman of HADRON, INC. wanted to buy Inslaw Corp (distributor of spy program PROMIS).

On June 14th, 2001, one week before the BioTerror Exercise, Operation Dark Winter (->) took place (June 22-23, 2001, Andrews AFB, Johns Hopkins
Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies), Hadron announced that the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command "has awarded a Hadron
subsidiary, Advanced Biosystems, Inc., a $1.7 million increase in the total amount of its existing one-year contract to develop new medical defenses for
anthrax. Hadron was awarded the original $2.6 million contract in March 2001."


Dark Winter simulated a complex smallpox biowarfare scenario. In this "Dark Winter" simulation, 16,000 people in the United States would have contracted
smallpox within two weeks.
Among the observers, participants and exercise staff of Dark Winter had been members of Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, ANSER
Institute for Homeland Security, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, FBI, House Armed Services Committee, CSIS, Oklahoma City National
Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc.


In May 2002, Hadron/Analex had been awarded the Expendable Launch Vehicle Integrated Support (ELVIS) contract by The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA).

http://www.hadron.com/html/press/elviswin.shtml 1

(-> HADRON -PROMIS connection)

HADRON -PROMIS connection

Due to author Orlin Grabbe the Inslaw software (PROMIS) was "marketed around the world by Earl Brian, one-time owner of Financial News Network
(sold to NBC), UPI, and the Hadron Corporation.

Brian was a friend of Ronald Reagan's Attorney General Ed Meese:

According to Ari Ben-Menasche, Brian marketed the PROMIS software to Israel in conjunction with Robert McFarlane, Reagan's National Security

In a meeting that took place in December 1982 in Mr. Eitan's office in the Kirya in Tel Aviv, Israel, Mr. Eitan told Grabbe that he had received earlier that
year in the United States, from Mr. Earl W. Brian and Mr. Robert McFarlane, PROMIS computer software for the limited use of the IDF's Signals
Intelligence Unit for intelligence purposes only.."

Source: http://www.orlingrabbe.com/part12.htm

But Hadron with their many CIA and Pentagon ties,

has other unknown military connections, too.

A document, which is in the meantime classified again ,

http://www.msiac.dmso.mil/ia_documents/Sessions> synopsis.doc
revealed, that one of Hadrons presidents, George W. Tonn was involved in a meeting with " Carl Byer (Original Sim). John Illgen (Illgen Simulation

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Technologies, Inc.). George Tonn (EADTB-Raytheon). George Kralovek (Boeing Sales / AF DMT Program Sales).."
(AF DMT Program =Air Flight Distributed Missions Training)

Illgen Simulation ( http://www.illgen.com/> ) works since years on interactive simulations on computer-generated Air Bases.

In 2002 their Washington Office awarded a SETA II contract to BAE Systems which encompasses a wide arena of safety programs for the Federal
Aviation Administration (-> FAA).

Illgen is one of the dozens GPS specialist -members of the british

Royal Institute of Navigation

The Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center (MSIAC) -website was removed in 2001-2002.

The MSIAC is specialised in Flight Experimentation, Operations Other Than War (OOTW) and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

They work together with the Homeland Security:


Their cooperation website was initiated on 4 October, 2001, but is currently under construction.

(-> 911 Insider Trading, CIA)

Hagman, Larry
In February 2002, actor Larry Hagman, who played the "oil baron"
J.R. Ewing in the 80s series "Dallas", said in an interview with E-News:
"On 'Dallas' I played a Texas Oil man who was a mean, heartless, lying, scumbag of a human being. In reality, George Bush makes J.R. Ewing look like a
(Source: E News Daily, Larry Hagman promoting his new book, "Hello Darlin'")

Former construction company of Vice President Dick Cheney.
Halliburton was partner of UNOCAL (->), until they had to cancel an oil-pipeline contract with the Taliban in 1998.

Halliburton's most important subsidiary is Kellogg Brown & Root (->).

In February 2003, Halliburton, General Electric (->) and Conoco had been accused of terrorist ties.

Halliburton would profit from the war against Iraq. In February 2003,they received a contract to resurrect the Iraqi oilfields and "rebuild Iraq", together
with Bechtel, the Fluor Corporation, and the Louis Berger Group. Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,911943,00.html
(-> Oil)

Halliburton-Cuba contract
In July 2002 Commondream reprinted a Reuters report, that former Dick Cheney's company Halliburton awarded a contract with Guantanamo Bay to build
cells (David J. Lesar, Halliburton).

Another political side twist, ignored by the mainstream media, was the report,
that KRB used 400 illegal flippinos for that:

"...It took only two weeks to "clear" the workers after a "discreet and thorough screening" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and its counterpart, the
National Bureau of Investigation, according to sources at the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
The 400 workers left on March 22 for Los Angeles on a plane chartered by the Brown and Root International on their way to Guantanamo, DFA sources

More disturbingly, the fact was ignored, that this contract was already an upgrade of
an older contract from 2000:

"Halliburton Co. has been awarded a $9.7 million contract to build an additional 204-cell detention camp at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to
hold additional suspected al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners, the Pentagon said on Friday."

The full contract:

Contract was filed in February 2001, but awarded in June 2000

(Thx to targetpractice, DU)

"Brown & Root Services, a division of Kellogg Brown & Root, Arlington, Va., was awarded today a $16,000,000 task order under a previously awarded cost
reimbursement, indefinite-delivery and indefinite-quantity construction contract for construction of a 408-unit detention camp at the Radio Range area of
U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Units will be of modular steel construction. Each unit measures 6 feet 8 inches by 8 feet and includes a bed, a
toilet, and a hand basin with running water. "

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The CSIS meeting clearing contracts with Cuba in July 2001:

WASHINGTON, July 05, 2001 — CSIS will host a discussion on U.S. sanctions policy featuring Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.) at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday,
July 10, in 2255 Rayburn House Office Building.
....The panelists will review the first five years of ILSA, assess the impact of its August reauthorization, and explore the broader sanctions debate, which is
intensifying following recent efforts to relax the trade embargo on Cuba..."

The original contract, where Cuba is not mentioned yet, but hidden as one of
many "worldwide locations":

No.N62470-00-D-0005 :
"..Work will be performed at worldwide locations, to be determined, when task orders are awarded. Work is expected to be complete by June 2001.."

United States Department of Defense

June 29, 2000
Brown & Root Services, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a maximum estimated $75,000,000 cost-plus-award-fee, indefinite-quantity/indefinite-delivery
order contract with a guaranteed minimum of $100,000 for emergency construction capabilities. The total contract amount is not to exceed $300,000,000
(base year plus four option years).

Work will be performed at worldwide locations, to be determined, when task orders are awarded. Work is expected to be complete by June 2001. Contract
funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with 44 proposals solicited and three offers received. The
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-00-D-0005).

Mirrored at:
http://www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzero/hallicontract_june 29_2000.html

(-> Kellog Root and Brown)

Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyya or short the Hamas (a word meaning courage and bravery) is a radical Islamic organization which became active in
the early stages of the Intifada, operating primarily in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.

The Hamas has played a major role in violent fundamentalist subversion and radical terrorist operations against both Israelis and Arabs. In its initial period,
the movement was headed primarily by people identified with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in the Territories.

ICT (The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), located in Herzlia, Israel)

In 2001-2002 many independent investigators suggested, that some of the official hijackers or their contacts, especially in the Boston (->)- area, had ties to
the Hamas Group.

In late 2002, Israel tried to tie Hamas to Al-Queada.

(-> Al Quaeda Mock cell)

(-> Hijackers)

Hamdi, Yasser Esam

Esam Hamdi was the second arrested "american Taliban", which was finally confirmed in April 2002.
The detainee's parents were Saudi nationals employed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where Hamdi was born, some officials said.

The family moved back to Saudi Arabia when the detainee was a toddler.
Hamdi was captured after a November 2001 prison uprising in the northern Afghanistan city of Mazar-e-Sharif.

Hamdi was among the 300 suspected Taliban or al-Qaida members being held at Guantanamo Bay.

In January 2003, a federal appeals court ruled the government can hold U.S. citizens as enemy combatants during wartime without the constitutional
protections afforded Americans in criminal prosecutions.

"In overturning a lower-court ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., said the status of 22-year-old Yaser Esam Hamdi as a citizen
did not change the fact he was captured in Afghanistan while fighting alongside Taliban and al Qaeda fighters."

Hammad, Sakhera
(-> Smith, Katherine)

Harakat Jihad-e-Islami
Militant Group in Pakistan. They demand that Kashmir, divided between India and Pakistan, be reunited and either be given independence or be allowed to
join Islamic Pakistan.

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In December 2002, Pakistani police arrested three men and seized about 250 sacks of ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer used in explosives. They said, the men
planned to ram an explosives-laden Volkswagen into a car carrying U.S. diplomats in Karachi.

One of the suspects, Asif Zaheer, was linked to a May 2002 suicide bombing outside a hotel in Karachi that killed 14 people, including 11 French engineers.
The police speculated on ties of the group with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, blamed for the June 2002 consulate bombing, the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen Al-Almi
extremist group or connections with "Al-Quaeda".

Hardison, Dian
In May 2002, it was leaked to some independent media sources, that former NASA employee Dian Hardison, who was fired at the end of 2001, was later
suddenly accused as a terrorist, for accidentally getting foot powder on her January 2002 water bill to the City of Cocoa, Florida.

As democrats.com (->) found out, with the help of her friend Warren Gammel, Hardison was in reality innocent and fired for writing a non-favorable email
about President Bush.

Only a few days after the democrats.com story became famous on the internet and mirrored i.e. on Indymedia, Hardison was emerged from jail.
At that time, already an upgraded version of her story was planted in "Florida Today" (Floridaytoday.com), a publication associated with NASA, and thus
controlled by the Bush administration, still accusing her as the "blonde terrorist".

Another FOX article printed the false story, that Hardison sent an envelope filled with foot powder.
But according to her friend Warren Gammel (Ocala, Florida), it was an accidental sprinkling and the envelope had even a return address, falsely repeated
by FOX News, who ignored her former employment at the NASA.

On May 30th he released a new email of her:

"To Warren:
Out on $5000 bond, court date for June 28, after nine hours sitting on a concrete floor in 45 F air conditioning".
Gammel continued to write updates on Hardison and later got in touch with the Meria Hellrr Radio show.


In Hardisons biography, released during a 1999 Nasa Quest chat and later removed on November 27th, 2002, one can learn, that Hardison was NASA
engineer at Kennedy Space Center, with a degree in Materials Science, a kind of cross of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Hardison explained, that she was an engineering specialist of kind of metal, steel or plastic.
Whether it involves cars or airplanes, trains or spacecraft, computers or buildings, if there was a problem to be solved she was working on it.

Finally The Meria Heller (->) Radioshow and MediaMonitors.Net picked up her case.
In a July 9th, 2002 essay of Meria Heller she described Hardisons case in a new America,
and came to the conclusion "that we are no longer a two party government.
Hardisons story never made big press during 2002.

Hardtruth.Topcities.com and their rubrique "wake up america"
was a compilation of Sep11th related articles and questions.
The website vanished in late 2002

Harken Energy
Based in Houston, Texas, Harken Energy Corporation ("Harken") is an oil and gas exploration and production company whose corporate strategy calls for
concentrating its resources on exploration and development of its domestic properties in the Gulf Coast regions of Texas and Louisiana..."

Famoustexas.com described the history of Harken and George Bush:


"..In the West Texas energy business, George W. Bush started out researching who owned mineral rights. He later traded mineral and royalty interests and
invested in drilling prospects. He had started his own oil and gas company by 1978, taking $17,000 from his education trust fund to set up Arbusto Energy
(->) (arbusto means Bush in Spanish). The company fell on hard times when oil prices fell.
He made several attempts to revive the business, first by changing the company's name and later by merging with other companies.

In 1983, Bush’s company was rescued from failure when Spectrum 7 Energy Corporation, a small oil firm owned by William DeWitt and Mercer Reynolds,
bought it. Bush became chief executive officer.
Harken Energy Corporation acquired Spectrum 7 in 1986, after Spectrum had lost $400,000. In the buyout deal, Bush and his partners were given more than
$2 million worth of Harken stock for the 180-well operation. Bush became a director and was hired as a "consultant" to Harken.
He received another $600,000 of Harken stock, and has been paid between $42,000 and $120,000 a year.

By the spring of 1987, Harken was in need of cash. So Bush and his fellow Harken officials met with Jackson Stephens, head of Stephens, Inc., an
investment bank in Little Rock, Arkansas (Stephens contributed $100,000 to the Reagan-Bush campaign in 1980 and gave another $100,000 to the Bush
dinner committee in 1990.)

Stephens arranged for Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) to provide $25 million to Bush’s company in return for a stock interest in Harken.
As part of the deal, Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh, a Saudi real estate tycoon and financier, joined Harken's board as a major investor.

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Stephens, UBS, and Bakhsh each had ties to the infamous, scandal-ridden Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).
In 1990, Bush sold his remaining stock options and left the oil business.
Writer Jack Colhoun revealed some details of that stock sale, referring to Bush by his childhood nickname “Junior”:

On June 22, 1990, George Jr. sold two-thirds of his Harken stock for $848,560-a cool 200 percent profit. The move was well timed.
One week after Junior sold his stock, Harken announced a $23.2 million loss in quarterly earnings and Harken stock dropped sharply,
losing 60 percent of its value over the next six months. On August 2, 1990, Iraqi troops moved into Kuwait and 541,000 U.S. forces were deployed to the


On October 9th 2002 Reuters reported, that President Bush 's former oil firm Harken has formed a partnership with Harvard University that concealed the
company's financial woes and may have misled investors, a student and alumni group said in a report .

HarvardWatch, an independent group of students and alumni that monitors the school's investments, said the partnership raised troubling questions about the
university's involvement in Harken when Bush was a board member.

Boston Globe found memo: Harken-Board told before Bush stock sale
Board was told of risks before Bush stock sale
"The memo, a copy of which was obtained by the Globe, does not say directly whether Bush would face legal problems if he sold his stock. But it does lay
out the potential for insider-trading violations by Bush and other members of the Harken board, and its existence raises questions about how thoroughly the
SEC investigated Bush's unloading of $848,000 of his Harken stake to a buyer whose name has not been made public..."

More on Bush-Harken connections here:



SkipFox (->) :

Harper's Magazine
Popular Print Magazine, with many critical articles on George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Harper's Magazine made its debut in June 1850, the brainchild of the prominent New York book-publishing firm Harper & Brothers.

Harpers.org was created in 1996 by Harpers Magazine Foundation in New York.

Harris, Larry Wayne

Larry Wayne Harris is a microbiologist from Ohio.
Experimentated with anthrax in the 90s.

Hart, Gary
CFR-member and commissioner of the National Security/21st Century-commission aka
Hart-Rudman Commission.

Hart is Counsel of Coudert Brothers and has a lot of insider infos.

Only a few days before Sep11th, 2001 he warned Codoleeza Rice on a pending attack on america.
On the day of the attack, Hart repeated his old wish:

"There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father... a phrase his father used .. I think only once.. and
hasn't been used since.. and that is a New World Order".
Hart seems to think, that Smallpox is part of this "order" as well:

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"What will happen sooner rather than later is probably a biological attack on multiple targets in the center of this country. Probably smallpox in Denver,
Cleveland, and Dallas."


In January 2003, Hart decided to run for 2004.


Hart, Nicholas
Former Director of the Bin Ladin Group.

Hart-Rudman Commission
Aka Commission on National Security/21st Century


(-> BENS)
(-> Hart, Gary)
(-> Raytheon -> Rudman, Warren)

Harvard Corporation

"The will of the people vs. the never-elected president".
Hated.com site offers links to sites that are set up to defend and promote democracy, liberty, freedom and human rights.
Promoting Bartcop.com, reclaimdemocracy.org, americalivefree.org, americanfreepress.net, politicalstrikes.com, damnedbigdifference.org,
ez-websites.com/grudge, whitehouse.org, democratswithspine.com, bear-left.com, thedubyareport.com, turnyourbackonbush.com, GWBush.com,
oreilly-sucks.com, evilgopbastards.com, linkcrusader.com and many others.

Hatfield, Jim
Wrote about the Genoa-warning.
(-> early warnings)

Hatfield, J.M.
(-> Soft Skull)
Hatfill, Stephen
During 2002, Stephen Hatfill (former USAMRIID, SAIC and Battelle -->) was one of the suspects of the FBI regarding the October 2001 anthrax attacks.

From a former GROUND ZERO Forum article, released at Scoop:

"For years, he had loudly complained the United States wasn’t doing enough to prepare for a potential bioterror attack, and feared that his warnings weren’t
being heeded.
Appearing on a cable TV news show, he warned that anthrax could be sent through the mail."

Newsweek about Stephen Hatfill, Aug. 12, 2002


A list dating to December 2001 contains the names of 15 to 20 institutes that worked with the Ames strain of anthrax, which has been scientifically proven as
the strain used in the anthrax attacks of autumn 2001.

Microbiologist Paul Keim helped the authorities compare the genetic fingerprint of the mailed anthrax. Every indication was that it derived "at least
indirectly from the mother lode of the military strain, kept at Fort Detrick, Md."

Battelle was mentioned as one of the suspicious locations; another location was Porton Down in Britain, who has strong ties to Bioport (-> one of the anthrax
vaccine developers) and Dynport, a cooperation between DynCorp (->) and Porton Down (->).

It was William Patrick III from Fort Detrick (->), who started the first experiments with a modified anthrax strain at the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick (Maryland).

In July 2000, Colonel Edward M. Eitzen, became Commander of USAMRIID. He served in Operation Desert Storm as the DCCS and Surgeon of the 62nd
Medical Group.

On October 11th, 2001, Eitzen testified as follows:

"...I mentioned at the start of my statement, that potential biological terrorism is really a spectrum of possible events - from a letter with an inert powder and
a threat in it...."

The FBI stopped reporting about their anthrax investigation in December 2001. But after a couple of months, the pressure on them and Fort Detrick became
stronger again. It looked far too strange that their investigation started to stall just as the Rosenberg list of suspicious institutes was released. Rosenberg

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claimed that the FBI already knew the name of a prime individual suspect in October 2001.

It took 8 months, however, before in June 2001 the FBI leaked for the first time the name of a suspect, who was believed to be either the man behind the
attack or was being orchestrated by someone else: Stephen Hatfill, who once worked for Battelle.

Hatfill worked at USAMRIID/Fort Detrick and knew William Patrick III. In 1999, he left USAMRIID for a job at SAIC (Scientific Applications
International Corp.), a huge defense contractor where he did work detailing the risks of biological and chemical attacks. In 2001, the CIA rejected him for a
job and the Pentagon suspended his existing security clearance...

...By the first week of October 2001, the media had already been speculating for weeks about a possible anthrax attack. A "back story" had been established
to suggest possible ties between the Sept. 11th hijackers and an as-yet unconsummated biological aftermath. And then the anthrax attacks materialized.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reports that on October 2, 2001 - just two days before the first anthrax case was reported in Boca Raton, Florida and
a week and a half before the first anthrax was sent through the mail to NBC News in New York - Advanced Biosystems received an $800,000 grant from
NIH to focus on very specific defenses against anthrax:

It looks now that a lot of different people had insider knowledge about a possible anthrax attack.
It appears that the anthrax was produced and even sent before Sept. 11th, with prior knowledge about this attack as well.
Whether the idea was to work as a copycat effect or more, the obvious goal was definitely not to kill many people.

It could be, that two people had been behind the anthrax mailings: the "supplier" and the "refiner/mailer".
If Hatfill was the supplier, then who was the mailer?

And why did they use two different refinements, one for the media and a more refined anthrax for the Senators?

Why didn't the FBI interview other former USAMRIID scientists, e.g. Thomas Monath from Acambis, former Oravax (->)?

The FBI said that the anthrax spores sent to Tom Brokaw, the New York Post and American media were not as highly refined as those sent to Senators
Daschle and Leahy. This indicates that some refining of the spores was done between the mailings.

Another oddity is that someone told FBI agent Barry Mawn to stop the investigation on Tom Brokaw. It later came out, that Mawn already complained, that
the anthrax might have come from the States.
Mawn later retired from the FBI in March 2002.

The same agent, who classified the famous "passport in the rubble" (by Satam Al Suqami) was obviously part of a plot. Nothing is known about his current
Mawn was replaced by Kevin P. Donovan.

Mawn tried to get a job at Massport (->), Logan Airport, but decided to do something else.
In the same month, FBI's assistant director Van Harp said in an CNN interview: "This anthrax, we do not believe, was made up in a garage or a bathtub."

Ignored by the mainstream media, Battelle (->)was already an early suspect in October 2001 as well.
First it was Michael P. Failey, a former Battelle employee, who was arrested twice.
But who else had knowledge about possible suspects?
Or better, who knew too much?

On November 12th 2001, famous BioScientist Don C Wiley (->) vanished in Memphis. His dead body was found six weeks later, 200 miles away, next to the
Mississippi river.
His death started a series about strange circumstances of suddenly killed BioScientists.
Is it a coincidence, that only 2 days after Wiley vanished, Stephen Hatfill (Batelle) took a plane to England?

And what about the strange death of Vladimir Pasechnik on November 21st, former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations
(BioPrep), who produced Anthrax as well?

In December 2001 Battelle Memorial Institute confirmed, that the federal government is expected to spend with them $75.5 billion on R&D in 2002, a 4.7
percent increase over the prior year.

In the meantime, as Newsweek found out, Fort Detrick cleared his records, and Hatfill started a job at Louisiana State University. He still claims to be
innocent, but didn't offer any new explanations yet.

On August 11th 2002, Hatfill gave a public statement, that he is innocent. His lawyer Victor M. Glasberg (Glasberg & Associates), who defended a Ku-Klux
clan member in September 2001, accused "lunatics on the Internet" of promoting the wrong guy.

"...An Alexandria lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union yesterday defended a Ku Klux Klan member's right to wear a hood in public. Saying that
the "ACLU has no love for the Ku Klux Klan, but does for the First Amendment," Victor M. Glasberg argued"

The FBI said that Hatfill is one of “around 20” people they are looking at. Who else?
How much did Hatfill know? Is he just a scapegoat?

What did Hatfill work on at the SAIC in 1999?

What did Jerome Hauer work on at the SAIC in the same year? Did they work together?
http://www.saic.com/news/nov99/news11-30a-99.html (Hauer)
http://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/455218p-3643441c.html (Hatfill)

(Note: More at "Anthrax911-gate" ->)

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http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4731&forum=DCForumID43 )

(-> Ocala)

Hauer, Jerome
In May 2002, Tommy G. Thompson named Jerome M. Hauer as new director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP).
Hauer replaced D.A. Henderson, who will continue to serve as principal science advisor to the secretary for public health preparedness and chairman of
the Secretary's Council on Public Health Preparedness

From a former GROUND ZERO Forum article, released at Scoop:

"Very few cities at this point in time are prepared to manage the consequences of bio-terrorist attack."
Jerry Hauer in an interview with Eyewitness News, October 1, 2001

On May 5th 2002, Jerome Hauer became director of the federal Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP), succeeding Dr. D. A. Henderson from
Johns Hopkins Institute...

...Hauer is controversial among those who are able to connect the dots between his person and shady business deals in biopharmacy since 1998.
More interesting, he seems to have had prior knowledge about both so called terrorist-attacks: September 11th and Anthrax.

But many private investigators claim since months, he let the attacks happen on purpose to continue his career.
Is Hauer LIHOP (->)suspect No.1?

He started to work for the NIH under Tommy Thompson on September 10, 2001 as an adviser on national security. On September 11th, he told the White
House to take Cipro, the antibiotic that works against the anthrax virus, without bothering to reveal his warning to the American nation.

The watchdog group JudicialWatch (->) decided to file a lawsuit against the NIH, the FBI, CDC and the White House, for the same reason: Prior
It is not known how long Hauer worked at the NIH before Sept. 11, but we can confirm that he was working on Sept. 10.

But things get really interesting when we consider that in August 2001, Jerome Hauer arranged a new job for John O'Neill (->) - the resigning chief of the
FBI Terror Task Force - as head of security at the World Trade Center.

How did Hauer know that the Twin Towers would be so important?

We would like to ask John O' Neill, but there is one problem:
O'Neill died in the towers on September 11th, one day after he started his job officially, according to the New Yorker.
Disturbingly, O'Neill has never been received the same hero status in the mass media as has been accorded to the fallen New York firefighters and police
officers. His death has gone without the same fanfare. For 11 months his story went untold, with two big exceptions.

The two French intelligence specialists Brisard (->) and Dasquie (see: http://intelligenceonline.fr) published an interview with O'Neill taken before his death
in their book, "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth." And articles on O'Neill were published in the New Yorker and New York Magazine.
...TIME magazine tried to remember him, but left out the most important angles.
This should change immediately.

There is a lot which has been hidden from us, but for what reason?
This might have something to do with the FBI HQ (O'Neill complained about them), but also with Jerome Hauer - who is a friend of the current prime
anthrax suspect, Stephen Hatfill, who was working for the military anthrax program USAMRIID at Fort Detrick and Battelle, a huge pharmacy company
with many ties to the CIA.

Hauer and Hatfill worked together at the SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis in 1999. The SAIC (Scientific Applications
International Corp) later received a huge BioDefense budget in autumn 2001.
http://www.saic.com/news/nov99/news11-30a-99.html - (Hauer)
http://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/455218p-3643441c.html - (Hatfill)

But first, more about Hauer:

In 1983, Hauer joined IBM where he was responsible for the company's Hazardous Materials Response and Crisis Management and Fire Safety programs.
Hauer produced a series of hazardous materials training videos that earned him the International Film andTV Critics of New York Bronze award in 1986.

In the early 1990s, Hauer got his first contacts to military and biodefense.
Hauer received a master's degree in emergency medical services from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Then he became member
of the Johns Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense, where he wrote various articles about a possible bioterrorist attack.

In 1998, he started working at the OEM (Office for Emergency Management) in New York.
In the same year, Hauer and anthrax suspect Hatfill both supported the CFR as experts in their respective fields. The CFR (->) is an acronym for Council on
Foreign Relations, one of the most important think-tanks advising the US government, as well as many other governments abroad.
CFR members include the Pentagon's top advisers, Richard Perle, Henry Kissinger, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, ex-CIA chief James
Woolsey, biosciences specialist Joshua Lederberg, and many others. (-->)

On May 28, 1998, Hatfill and Hauer spoke together at the same CFR meeting about "Building a 'Biobomb': Terrorist Challenge"

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Hatfill was at that time Senior Research Associate at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (=USAMRIID ->).

Hauer seems to specialize in the art of holding down several different jobs at the same time. While he started to work for the NIH in September 2001, he
remained a Managing Director at Kroll Associates (->) - the official security and bodyguard company for all American presidents since World War II!

With Hauer's many sources of insider information (e.g. Kroll/President bodyguards) , it makes sense that he knew about the CIA briefing for George Bush
on August 6, 2001, about warnings of an imminent terrorist "attack with planes."

Hauer is still trying to save the world.

On November 6th, 2001 he participated in the "Independent Task Force on America's Response to Terrorism" at the CFR. Participants there included James
J. Zogby (President of the Arab American Institute and Central Asian Enterprise Fund), Newton L. Gingrich (Chief Executive Officer, The Gingrich
Group), Harold Brown (former secretary of defense and counselor at CSIS: the Center for Strategic and International Studies), Henry A. Kissinger (Senior
Fellow in National Security and European Affairs), Richard C. Holbrooke (Counselor, CFR and Vice Chairman of Perseus, LLC) and Philip A. Odeen
(Executive Vice President, Washington Operations of TRW, Inc. and CEO of Reynolds + Reynolds, Dayton). (-->)

Their agenda, eight weeks after the attack of Sept. 11, was strange indeed:

"....Release a White Paper explaining our goals and rationale for the war in Afghanistan, and outlining the evidence that the al-Qa'eda network was
responsible for the 9/11 attacks....
...Disseminate stories of particular victims to convey the range of people killed in the 9/11 attacks-stress range of religions, races, income levels, etc...
...counteract myth that Mossad was behind the attacks by showing Jews killed, etc...
...Routinely monitor the regional press in real time to enable prompt responses..."

(*Note: As other sources pointed out, parts of this text had been based on ideas of George Soros ->)

Hauer's deep connection to disinformation circles for his own purpose are well known. In 1998, he convinced New York Mayor Rudi Guilliani to develop a
vaccine against the West Nile virus - almost one year before this virus broke out in New York.

To this end, Hauer introduced Col. Thomas Monath of Oravax (now Accambis) to Guliani and organised a business deal.

Hauer continued giving bioterror lectures and writing terror scenario scripts. He organized a July 26, 1999, conference in New York for journalists and
"thought leaders," on bioterrorism and "Reporting on Weapons of Mass Destruction - Responsibility, Reliability, Readiness." At the same time, he was
heading the West Nile spray operation in NYC.

Bioterrorism and vaccines - a perfect payroll combination for Hauer?

Among the participants at this 1999 conference was Brigadier General Bruce Lawlor of the U.S. Army and the former FBI assistant director, Lewis Schiliro

General Lawlor has in the meantime become the Senior Director for Protection and Prevention at the Office of Homeland Security:

Lawlor was the first commanding general of Joint Task Force - Civil Support (JTF-CS), located in Fort Monroe, Virginia. JTF-CS is a standing joint task
force assigned to U.S. Joint Forces Command. Lawlor has taught at the U.S. Army War College and served as a consultant to the Defense Science Board.
Nothing is known about his further influence in preventing attacks on America.

However, as FBI assistant director, Schiliro supervised several counterterrorism investigations, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the
1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
But Schiliro gave up supporting Hauer in February 2000, too.

He left the FBI to move to credit card giant MBNA Corp.

And Schiliro wasn't the only one.
His close friend Louis Freeh - who was replaced in the FBI in August 2001 by Thomas Pickard as the acting head of the Bureau - started a new job as a
Senior Vice Chairman at MBNA Corp in early September 2001 and began to collect shares.

The background of the MBNA (->) is very interesting. They helped the FBI in tracing the hijackers' credit card transactions, and had a lot of prominent
helping hands. Among them was James Kallstrom, the former head of Special Operations, FBI.

MBNA has a controversial status among civil right groups. Since 1996, MBNA CORP has unleashed various bulldozers, dump-trucks and explosives in a
savage attack on the Ducktrap Deeryard (major coastal wildlife area on Penobscot Bay, Maine USA) or continued with "dull roar of corporate jet noise".

Then, in April 2001, MBNA had to deal with check fraud. Involved was Intelligent Finance, a Halifax-backed Internet bank and a bogus account for a guy
named Vindel.

Interesting is the bio of another director of the MBNA Corporation: Bernadine P. Healy. She serves as a trustee of the Battelle Memorial Institute and is
President and CEO of the American Red Cross.

On May 10, 2001, a few months before Sept. 11, she testified on "human challenges that we will face during a WMD attack":

The Red Cross and the OEM under Jerome Hauer worked very closely together.
Hauer's connections and insider information seem to be intriguing!
He helped with the construction of the New York OEM headquarters known as "the bunker," on the 23rd floor of 7 World Trade Center.

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The CIA later confirmed that they had an office in that building, next to the Department of Defense and the INS. For unknown reasons, 7 World Trade
Center was the third skyscraper to collapse on Sept. 11. Officially, it began burning after debris from the Twin Tower collapses caused an illegal diesel-fuel
tank inside the building to explode.

The presence of this large gas tank - on the 23rd floor, too - with thousands of gallons of fuel far above ground, in violation of the fire code, was confirmed
some weeks after Sept. 11th. There has never been an official verdict on the reasons for the collapse of WTC 7. A FEMA study failed to reach a clear

While the collapse of WTC 7 remains a mystery, it cannot be said that the deaths caused by the bio-attack a couple of weeks later were similarly due to
incompetence. On the contrary, Hauer had a huge team behind him, and had already warned the White House. Why didn't he leak all his information in

In May 2000, the Johns Hopkins Center, in collaboration with the ANSER Institute for Homeland Defense, the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
and the Oklahoma Memorial Institute for the Study of Terrorism held a bioterrorism exercise at Andrews Air Force Base. Former Senator Sam Nunn played
the President.

David Gergen played the National Security Advisor. Governor Frank Keating played himself, Frank Wisner was Secretary of State, ex-CIA director James
Woolsey (ironically) played CIA Director, John White played Defense Secretary, and Dr. Margaret Hamburg was HHS Secretary. The Attorney General
was played by George Terwilliger, William Sessions was FBI Director, and Jerome Hauer played FEMA Director.

"One of the striking observations of this exercise was the unfamiliarity of these distinguished and experienced professionals with the basic decisions and
trade-offs associated with managing the response to the epidemic."

Observing was Tara O'Toole, MD, MPH Senior Fellow, Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies and at that time Deputy Director of Johns Hopkins Institute.
This started a series of different "war games."

On June 22-23, 2001, the same crew organised their last big scenario before Sep11th. They called it DARK WINTER. It was about a possible smallpox
attack. Hauer participated as well, this time "playing" the director of the FBI.

The whole list is still mirrored at:


Among the other participants once again:

James Woolsey, ex-CIA director
Hon. Sam Nunn
George Terwilliger etc.
Observing, among many others, Thomas Inglesby, at that time Senior Fellow Johns Hopkins Institute

Hauer ignored one report by Barbara Rosenberg (on possible anthrax suspects), but he certainly knew who she was. He first met her on April 10, 1998, at a
"roundtable on genetic engineering and biological weapons" under President Clinton. The small group of outside experts and cabinet members present there

William Cohen (at the time Secretary of Defense), CIA boss George Tenet, Craig Ventner (Celera), Joshua Lederberg (Rockefeller University, Defense
Science Board), Thomas Monath (Oravax/Acambis, former CDC and USAMRIID), Hauer, and Barbara Rosenberg.
In November 2001, Hauer was still ignoring the investigations by Barbara Rosenberg, who had already worked out a list of possible anthrax suspects,
scientists who would have been able to gain access to the original Ames strain from USAMRIID, Fort Detrick.


Among the suspects on this list were Battelle and the Battelle Memorial Institute administrators, who supplied the Dugway anthrax proving facility in Utah,
where the only virtually identical Ames strain of silica-impregnated hyper-weaponized anthrax was found:

Meanwhile, Hauer in November started an initiative known as "De-Mystifying the Biological Weapons Debate," and as a member of this group he claimed
at the time that the suspects for the anthrax attacks included "Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda network and sympathizers to US right wing extremists"

Is Hauer in any conflicts of interest?

What was his coordination with FEMA?
Can Hauer confirm, if a FEMA team was already dispatched to New York on September 10, as spokesman Tom Kennedy said in an interview with Dan
Rather (CBS, shortly after the attack)?
(INFO: An interview with FEMA director Joe Allbaugh took place on September 12th on CBS at 7:40:20 accirding to the CBS transcript)
http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:WsMptQzZzY8C:tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/010912cb.html+&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 )

On May 8, 2001, Bush announced a new Office of National Preparedness for Terrorism at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. At the same time,
he proposed to cut FEMA's budget by $200 million. Bush said that day that Cheney would direct a government-wide review on managing the consequences
of a domestic attack...

http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A8734-2002 Jan19

...Hauer not only knew former CIA director James Woolsey, but also Milt Bearden, who was station commander and had managed America’s covert war in
Afghanistan, helping the Moujaheddin drive out the Soviets between 1986-1989. Both spoke at the Nassau Community College (NYC) on October 22, 2001:

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Hauer's connections to the CDC, Johns Hopkins and the CIA (James Woolsey) are well-established. What role did Jerome Hauer really play?
Why was the distribution of Cipro to White House staff on Sept. 11 classified for such a long time (AP)?


What exactly does Hauer know about Stephen Hatfill and his former USAMRIID colleague, Thomas Monath?
What was his concern in organizing a security job for John O'Neill at the Twin Towers?
What exactly did Hauer organise on Sep11th? Is it true that his office ordered thousands of employees "back to their desks" after the first plane hit, causing
hundreds of unnecessary deaths?"

Journalist Mitchel Cohen wrote another story on Hauer in November 2002 (-> Vaccinations, forced)

Haupt, Nico
Producer of this book. Ex-Member of democraticunderground.com in the 911-folder, banned in October 2002.
Administrator of ourDNA.org/www.lebensaspekte.de,
Ground Zero Forum (->).
Net-Artist and Journalist since 1993.
Worked for Josh Harris (Pseudo TV, weliveinpublic.com),
interviewed by WIRED.

Member of Guerrilla News Forum, 911pi.com and other forums.

Founding Member of the Committee to establish a 911 people's commission (-> 911 Truth Comission).
Moderator of GlobalFreePress.com.
Staff-Member ShadowGovernment TV.

Interviewed by DER SPIEGEL on the LIHOP-thesis (->).

This interview was analysed at

Author of many investigative and technological articles for www.telepolis.de, www.de-bug.de.

Author of 911-related articles, based on own investigations.

Author of "Top500 FAQ" (->), mirrored on 100s of websites.
i.e. http://www.sobs.org/msgboard/messages/4744.html

Author of the LIHOP (->) articles.

Pt.2 originally released at

In 1998, Haupt supported german artist Christoph Schlingensieff with his party, "Chance 2000", which was on the list of german election.
Chance 2000 was an art experiment, opposing both left- and -right wing systems.

Before, Haupt his own radioshow, "Netzkraut", for 10 years.



Anthrax-911 Timeline

Los Alamos Directors Resign - Lab Had Ties To 911?


Hawsawi, Mustapha Ahmad

(-> Al-Hawsawi, Mustapha Ahmad aka Shaikh Saeed ->)

Helicopter crashes
In January 2002, two U.S. Marines got killed in Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan

The background story:


(-> DynCorp)

Helms, Laila
Due to the research of author Jean-Charles Brisard, Laila Helms, the niece of former CIA director Richard Helms (->), brought Sayed Rahmatullah

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Hashimi, an adviser to Mullah Omar, to Washington for five days in March 2001 - after the Taliban had destroyed the ancient Buddhas of Bamiyan.

Hashimi met the directorate of Central Intelligence at the CIA and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the State Department.

Helms lived with her husband in afghanistan.


Helms, Richard
Ex-CIA director and former US ambassador to Tehran, who died in October 2002.
Richard Helms began working in intelligence during World War II and was director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973.


His niece Laila Helms (->) lived in Afghanistan in the late 90s.

(-> BCCI)
(-> Kissinger, Henry)

Hence, Kyle
Co-Founder of unansweredquestions.org (->)

Hentoff, Nat
(-> Village Voice)

Informative website with background details on the Carlyle Group, Enron, John O'Neill,
the RAND Corporation and an own 911-section at

Hereinreality.com was created in November 2001 in Independence, Montana

Contact: [email protected]

Heritage Foundation

Hermes Press supported Sep11th challenging investigations with an own section at
http://hermes-press.com/keys9_11.htm ,
which is introduced with an article by Michelle Mairesse (Keys to 9/11)

Hermes-Press.com was created in October 2000 by Norman D. Livergood in Vista, CA.

Heroin War Afghanistan

(-> Opium War Afghanistan)

Herold, Marc
In January 2002, the Guardian UK released an article on Marc Herold, a US economics professor at the University of New Hampshire.

Based on corroborated reports from aid agencies, the UN, eyewitnesses, TV stations, newspapers and news agencies around the world, Herold estimated
that at least 3,767 civilians were killed by US bombs between October 7 and December 10, 2001.


In May 2002 the Guardian updated the story, after they investigated on their own. They came to the result, that already "as many as 20,000 Afghans may
have lost their lives as an indirect consequence of the US intervention".


Hersh, Seymour

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Investigative Journalist for the NEWYORKER. Worked in 2002-03 on stories on Neil Bush (->), Sheikh Saeed (and his connections with the ISI), the
official killer of WSJ-correspondent Daniel Pearl (->).
On March 17th, 2003, Hersh relased a story on Pentagon-advisor Richard Perle and his meeting with weapon dealer Adnan Khashoggi.
He accused Perle of profiting from a war against Iraq with his company Trireme Partners L.P. Perle reacted with a lawsuit against Hersh and insulted Hersh
as a terrorist.
http://www.buzzflash.com/buzzscripts/buzz.dll/sub http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0303/09/le.00.html

Taliban hosts. Both are preferable public enemies to Hezbollah or Hussein in both the eyes of the west and those of more moderate Islamic regimes.

(-> A-Terrorism)

Higazy, Abdallah
In March 2002 Abdallah Higazy was arrested as the so called "Radio Bomber"
November 26, 2002 --

"...The FBI agents who obtained a false confession from an Egyptian student initially suspected as a 9/11 terrorist have been cleared of any wrongdoing.
Abdallah Higazy, 31, had claimed he had confessed because the polygrapher threatened his relatives in Egypt..."

His lawyer, Robert Dunn, said he wanted to know how investigators came to believe that the handheld radio was found in a safe in Higazy's room at the
Millennium Hilton Hotel when it actually belonged to someone staying one floor below his client.

On February 28th, 2002 the NY Post reported, that the hotel security guard admitted he lied about finding an aviation radio in a guest's room - a false
accusation that left Higazy sitting in jail for a month.
Ronald Ferry, a 48-year-old ex-cop, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in a case that grabbed national headlines before investigators discovered the truth and
freed Abdallah Higazy.

On December 13th, 2002 the NY Post reported, that Higazy filed a $20 million lawsuit for being falsely charged.
Higazy claimed his constitutional rights were violated by FBI agent Michael Templeton when he was interrogated and coerced into falsely confessing, that
he was falsely arrested and imprisoned, and was maliciously prosecuted.

He claims the hotel was negligent in supervising the security guards, who gave false information that led to his arrest.
The arrest came after hotel security guard Robert Ferry told the FBI he found an aviation radio in Hizagy's room.

Higazy is suing FBI agent Michael Templeton, who administered a disputed lie detector test that was central to the aborted prosecution.
The other defendants are Ronald Ferry, the former hotel security guard who framed Higazy by claiming to find a pilot's radio in the safe in his room; the
Millennium hotel, across the street from the World Trade Center, where Higazy stayed on the 51st floor; the hotel's chief of security, Stuart Yule; and the
Hilton Hotels Corporation, which manages the Millennium.

Hightower, Jim
National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author of If the Gods had Meant us to Vote They Would Have Given us Candidates, Jim Hightower
has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be - consumers, working families, environmentalists, small
businesses, and just-plain-folks.

Twice elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Hightower believes that the true political spectrum is not right to left but top to bottom, and he has become a
leading national voice for the 80 percent of the public who no longer find themselves within shouting distance of the Washington and Wall Street powers at
the top.

Hightower Radio, America¹s longest-running progressive radio program, marked its 10th anniversary on Monday, February 18, 2003.

Contact: [email protected]

Mohamed Atta - Egyptian. Ziad Samir Jarrah - Lebanese, Fayez Ahmed Rashid, Marwan Al-Shehhi - both Citizen of UAR, Khalid Al-Midhar, Nawaf
Al-Hamzi, Salem Al-Hamzi, Majed Moqed, Hani Hasan Hanjour, Satam Al-Suqami, Waleed Al-Shehri, Wael Al-Shehri, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Ahmed
Al-Ghamdi, Hamza Saleh Al-Ghamdi, Mohand Al-Shehri, Saeed Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al-Haznawi, Ahmed Abdullah Al-Nami.

(-> Tracking all hijackers)

Hijackers alive

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At least one Arabic newspaper, the Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awsat, said it had found two
of the Saudis named on the list, Abdelaziz al-Omari and Said Hussein Gharamallah al-Ghamdi,
alive and well..." (Sept 20)


1) Ahmed Alnami is still alive and working as an administrative supervisor with Saudi Arabian Airlines, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He had never lost his
passport and found it "very worrying" that his identity appeared to have been stolen. However, there is another Ahmed Alnami who is ten years younger,
and appears to be dead, according to his father.

2) Saeed Alghamdi is alive and flying airplanes in Tunisia. He says he studied flight training in a Florida flight schools for parts of the years, 1998, 1999,
2000, and 2001.

3) Salem Alhazmi is alive and working at a petrochemical plant in Yanbou, Saudi Arabia. He says his passport was stolen by a pickpocket in Cairo three
years ago and that pictures and details such as date of birth are of him.

4 and 5) The brothers Waleed M. Alshehri and Wail Alshehri are alive. A Saudi spokesman said, "This is a respectable family. I know his sons, and they're
both alive." The father is a diplomat who has been stationed in the US and Bombay, India. There is a second pair of Saudi brothers named Wail and Waleed
M. who may have been the real hijackers.
Their father says they've been missing since December 2000. The still living Waleed M. Alshehri is a pilot with Saudi Airlines, studying in Morocco. He
acknowledges that he attended flight training school at Dayton Beach in the United States. He was interviewed by US officials in Morocco, and cleared of
all charges against him (though the FBI photos are still of him!).
Still alive, another Wail Alshehri is a pilot, too.

6) Abdulaziz Alomari is alive and working as a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines. He claims that his passport was stolen in 1995 while he was living in
Denver, Colorado. "They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. I am here. I am alive."

7) On September 19, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. distributes a "special alert" to its member banks asking for information about the attackers. The list
includes "Al-Midhar, Khalid. Alive." The Justice Department later calls this a "typo." The BBC says: "There are suggestions that another suspect, Khalid
Almihdhar, may also be alive." The Guardian says Almihdhar is believed to be alive, but investigators are looking into three possibilities. Either his name was
stolen for a hijacker alias, or he allowed his name to be used so that US officials would think he died, or he died in the crash. Almihdhar is wanted for other
terrorist acts, so it's not surprising he's still hard to find. There are three official pictures of Almihdhar - one of them doesn't look at all like the other two.

8) Marwan Alshehhi may be alive in Morocco.

Family and neighbors don't believe he took part in the attacks.

9) Atta's father says he spoke to his son on the phone on September 12, 2001.

10) No one claims that Hamza Alghamdi is still alive, but his family says the FBI photo "has no resemblance to him at all" (on the other hand, Ahmed
Alnami's family says his FBI picture is correct).

11) Majed Moqed was last seen by a friend in Saudi Arabia in 2000. This friend claims the FBI picture doesn't look like Moqed. There are three official
pictures of Majed Moqed - one of them doesn't look at all like the other two.

12) The Saudi government has claimed Mohand Alshehri is alive and was not in the US on 9/11, but no more details are known.

13) There is compelling evidence that Ziad Jarrah was in two locations at the same time on more than one occasion.

Source, from mainstream articles compiled by Paul Thompson, at:


More here:
(-> Passenger list)


A DOCTOR in his final year of a five-year residency in San Antonio, Texas, he may prove to be one of the best sources of information if he talks. He is one
of four being held as firm suspects, so-called material witnesses.


THEY were pulled off a train in Texas heading towards San Antonio the day after the terrorist attacks.


HE IS believed to be a Yemeni and was arrested in San Diego. He is being held as one of the four material witnesses and has been linked to three hijackers
- Nawaf Al-Hamzi, Hani Hanjour and Khalid Al-Midhar.


HE WAS detained in California on suspicion of being linked to a hijacker

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HE IS a flight engineer who lived at the same Florida home as a suspected hijacker


HE WAS arrested at Heathrow Airport hours after the attacks. He has ties to Moussaoui


THEY were arrested one week after the attacks when FBI agents raided a residence in Detroit looking for Nabil Al-Marabh, one of the nearly 200
witnesses being sought.

AN ANTIQUES peddler in Florida, he was detained after using the same Internet log-on as Mohamed Atta.

Indian man whom the authorities want to find because he made flight reservations for himself and hijacker Mohammed Atta.

Imad Eddin Barakat Tarkas aka Abu Dahdah.

His telephone number was found in the Hamburg apartment of Mohammad Atta, spain connection.


(-> Binalshib, Ramzi)

(-> Detainees)
(-> Hijackers- US Air Base connections)

Hijacker ID-confusion
Comparing all articles on the hijackers very carefully, it seems, that they jumped from city to city, state to state without any concept, without any ID, though
the FBI claims, they had to organise new IDs.

Why then, as many 911Skeptics asked, they didn't do that in one state only?

As reported by some US papers, two hijackers Almihdhar and Nawaq Alhamzi rented a room for a few weeks from Abdussattar Shaikh, a retired English
professor at San Diego State University and co-founder of San Diego's Islamic Center.

Disturbingly Shaikh was later confirmed as a FBI informant (->),

while the CIA had Almihdhar and Nawaq Alhamzi still on their watch list:

"The CIA was first alerted to them in January 2000, when the two Saudi nationals showed up at a Qaeda “summit” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...

...In September 2000, the two moved into the home of a Muslim man who had befriended them at the local Islamic Center. The landlord regularly prayed
with them and even helped one open a bank account. He was also, sources tell NEWSWEEK, a “tested” undercover “asset” who had been working closely
with the FBI office in San Diego (San Diego FBI chief is Bill Gore) on terrorism cases related to Hamas.


What odd is, that some stories on the patterns of both informant and hijackers looked the same:

"...He converts to Islam, goes overseas to fight for the fundamentalists, returns to the USA, becomes an FBI informant, and coincidentily, has two of the
hijackers involved in 9/11 room with him in his building."

“They kept me in their arms a long time,” Shaikh said. “They made me feel like I was wanted.”
Al-Midhar stayed about six weeks, telling Shaikh he was going home to see his baby daughter. Alhazmi left in December 2000, saying he was moving to San
Jose. He later called Shaikh and told him he was in Arizona taking lessons to be a pilot.


The FBI agent, who was in charge with the observation was Bill Gore (Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory=RCFL) who played a special role in the
investigation of the San Diego 911-suspects.

It was on November 14th 2000, when former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh (->)
offered him this position at the "first multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional entity responsible for acquiring, archiving, and analyzing digital evidence in support of
criminal investigations".

Before William D. Gore, his full name, was in charge of a "massive two and one-half year investigation code-named "Sure Buck", which was about health
care fraud of 23 individuals from Mexico and Southern California.


More interesting, in April 2001 Bill Gore was involved in the investigation of a recovery of three U. S. citizens held hostage in Nairobi, Kenya Embassy.
This was the same embassy, which was bombed, what was blamed on Bin Laden that time.


Totally ignored by the mainstream papers is the story of Egyptian immigrant Mohamed El-Atriss,
who was suspected of selling a fake ID card to Khalid Almihdhar, who later officilaly had been on the plane, which crashed into the Pentagon.

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El-Atriss was finally arrested on July 31st 2002


Now it was claimed that he sold an ID to Abdul Aziz Alomari.

But from an earlier trial against Herbert Villalobous, we learned, that it was Villalobous,
who arranged these ID's. He was in jail for a couple of months, but is free again.
Villalobos' attorney, Patrick Anderson said on court,
that his client was kept in isolation for almost the entire time he was detained


According to early FBI documents filed in Alexandria federal court Sept. 22, 2001, one lawyer, who wasn't named but worked in the Arlington, Virginia
area, signed papers that allowed Abdul Aziz Al Omari and Ahmed Saleh Al Ghamdi to obtain ID cards.
The cards listed false addresses for the two men.

Alomari, who listed his original address as Jeddah (->), Saudi Arabia, lived at that time in Hollywood, Fla. with his wife and four school-age children in a
rented house in Vero Beach, Fla., later moving out on Sept. 3, telling his landlord he was returning home.


Another "unidentified witness" in the FBI papers said she received $80 for taking Al Omari and Al Ghamdi to the lawyer's office. She stated that she had
"provided this service to approximately 100 people during the past four months and (received) approximately $100 per individual."

One of Villaloubos helping hands was Victor M. Lopez-Flores, who pleaded guilty on February 1st 2002, to falsely certifying that hijackers Abdul Aziz
Alomari and Ahmed Alghamdi were Virginia residents" and received a 27-month prison sentence from U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee.

Coincidence or not, but Flores' attorney, Alan Yamamoto is one of the lawyers of "Hijacker No. 20", Zacarias Moussaoui (->):

On June 27th, 2002 "Judge Brinkema appointed Alexandria lawyer Alan Yamamoto as a standby lawyer to assist Moussaoui."


11 days after Lopez-Flores plead guilty, on February 11th 2002, this "witness" was invited again for the trial.

Now for the first name the name of the "unidentified witness" of the FBI in the Villaloubos-case had been revealed:

Her name was Katherine Smith, another employee of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, who was accused of accomplicing Villaloubos.
But now the story became a bizarre twist.

Instead of "charged in a scheme with five men" (ABC now mentioned 5 men!),
she was suddenly killed "in a fiery car crash the day before her first court appearance,
a crash the prosecutor called "most unusual and suspicious"

Paul Thompson (->) continued to analyse the role of Alhazmi and Almidhar at
and has a tracking analysis on Saeed Alghamdi (->).

Hijackers Gas
During the anniversary of Sep11th, the FBI changed the story of the original Sep11th-hijack.
In the update, the official hijackers used gas to subdue the passengers and crew.
In this case, however, the cell phone story and many other details would make no sense anymore.


Hijackers Identity and Tracking

(--> GZ

Hijackers not on Passenger list

(-> Passenger list)


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Hijackers parents
Some of the hijackers parents had been interviewed by international media.
Almost none of them believed, that their sons had something to do with the attacks.

Mohammad Atta's father even claimed, that he spoke with his son one day after Sep11th
and believed, that the attack was planned by another government instead of Bin Laden.

In an 20/20-interview with Barbara Walters Mohammad Alsheri, a fine art teacher,

said in this interview, Waleed and his brother had no flying experience.

Waleed left his native town for a trip to Medina.

His father said, he had a strong sense of humour, was live loving, in contact with his father and called him in January 2001, 8 months before 911, he would
be "on his way home".
He never called back.

His father never got an official visit by the FBI and learned from his son's death from the news and local newspapers (one week later).
Saudi Authrities told him, that they had no hard evidence, that his sons had been involved in the hijack.
Alsheri claims, his son Waleed wasn't more religious than everyone else.

Another father of the hijackers, Abdullah Alnahmi said his son left home -
for the first time in his life — six months before the attacks, and believes, he is innocent.
Alnahmi was on the way to "mecca".
He called only once, in March 2001.
His father claimed, his son never heard about Al-Quaeda and didn't notice any change in Alnamis behavior.

Hijacker, "20th"
Ayub Ali Khan (possible hijackers)
Mohammed Jaweed Azmath (->) (possible hijackers)

(-> Hijacker-"connections")

Hijackers "Relationship Map"

compiled by Valdis Krebs


Hijackers screened
As Policetalk.com reported in March 2002, nine of the 19 hijackers were searched before boarding, as claimed in this article:
"Nine of the 19 terrorists who hijacked four jetliners on Sept. 11 had been singled out for special scrutiny that morning under aviation-security guidelines,
government officials said today, as they looked back sadly at what might have been. But because their baggage contained no explosives, the hijackers were
allowed to board."


The unanswered questions are:

Why is there no airport security footage of them? How did they (allegedly) get on board with knives, guns, AND electronic guidance systems, while being
searched, but avoiding security cameras and not being on the passenger lists?
What aliases were they alleged to be using when they were searched, and if they were not using aliases, why are they not on the passenger lists?

Hijackers- US Air Base connections

In a bizarre twist, the Air Force confirmed on September 16th, "that three people named by the FBI as suspects in the hijackings have names similar to three
non-Americans who attended U.S. military schools. The names are Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari and Saeed Alghamdi, the Air Force said. It added,
however, that discrepancies in their biographical information, such as birthdates, make it unlikely that they are the same three named by the FBI.
One of the three attended the Defense Language Institute at Monterey (->), Calif., and the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.; one attended
just the language institute, and one the Aerospace Medical School, the Air Force said..."


Already on September 11th, Air Force spokesman Col. Ken McClellan said "that a man named Mohamed Atta, which the FBI had already identified as one
of the five hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11, had once attended the International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery,

But McClellan later denied his own report!

However Witnesses from the Base claimed, that they remember Mohammad Atta from his moustache.

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But this report didn't go away for one week.

NEWSWEEK found out four days later on September 15th, that "five of the alleged hijackers of the planes... received training at secure U.S. military
installations" in Florida, Texas and Alabama.

Three of the alleged hijackers listed their address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as the “Cradle
of U.S. Navy Aviation,” according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source.

"Another of the alleged hijackers may have been trained in strategy and tactics at the Air War College in Montgomery, Ala., said another high-ranking
Pentagon official" in the same article.
The fifth man may have received language instruction at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas..."

As Newsweek revealed, Military records showed that Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmad Alnami and Ahmed Alghamdi used as their address 10 Radford Boulevard,
a base roadway on which residences for foreign-military flight trainees are located.

Then again, 3 days later, in another article of pressconects on September 17th, it was found out, that Saeed Alghamdi was the man, who attended
"California's Defense Language Institute in Presidio of Monterey, California."

On September 16th 2001, detnews suddenly reported:

"...The Air Force, meanwhile, confirmed that three people named by the FBI as suspects in the hijackings have names similar to three non-Americans who
attended U.S. military schools. The names are Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari and Saeed Alghamdi, the Air Force said. It added, however, that
discrepancies in their biographical information, such as birthdates, make it unlikely that they are the same three named by the FBI.

One of the three attended the Defense Language Institute at Monterey, Calif., and the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.; one attended just
the language institute, and one the Aerospace Medical School, the Air Force said..."


Then all for a sudden, all these stories disappeared from the media landscape.

(-> Flightschools)

Hijazi, Raed
(-> Al-Marabh, Nabil)

Hilder, Anthony J.
On May 25 and 26, 2002 (Memorial Day weekend) Hilder organised a huge 911Skeptic conference " in at Santa Clara Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara,
The speakers had been:
Col. Bo Gritz, Nick Begich, Norio Hayakawa, Ted L. Gunderson, Anthony J. Hilder, Walter Bowart, Eustace Mullins and Eric Phelps.

Hill, Eleanor
(-> 911-hearings)

Hilliard, Wallace J.
(-> Learyet)

Hilton, Stanley
(-> Lawsuits)

Between the end of 2001 and 2002, the comparisons between President Bush and Adolf Hitler dramatically increased, if one took a look on many political
discussion boards on the internet,
same to results on google or a lot of news articles.

Many websites described the Sep11th attack in reality as a coup like the "Reichstagsbrand" to start a war on the left oil (->) resources worldwide.

Various photoshop images, originated in the United States, showed President Bush with a Hitler moustache, in the counterfeit as the former Reichskanzler, or
mirrored even original photos of Bush, coincidentally imitating the famous Hitler greeting ("Hitler-Gruss") with the right hand.

Some other examples:

On March 27th, 2002, US Congress member Pete Stark compared the US Congress with the german Reichstag, "denying a chance for debate and open
discussion of a budget. It does smack of fascism"


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On June 8, 2002, CNN picked up Fidel Castros comparisons of the United States with the early "Nazideutschland" and accusing President Bush of spreading
'Nazi concepts'

In September 2001 german minister Hertha-Daeubler Gmelin compared Bush with Adolf Hitler, but later denied having made the remarks.

Justice Minister Herta Daeubler-Gmelin told a small group of labor union members on Wednesday that Bush was going after Iraq to divert attention from
domestic problems. "That's a popular method. Even Hitler did that," the German newspaper, Schwaebisches Tagblatt, quoted her as saying.

Gmelin was responsible for controlling the german 911-terrorist files.

After this scandal occured only 48 hours before the german election, she had to resign.

The US Government reacted with an own Hitler-comparison campaign against Saddam Hussein,
and tried to criticise Europe as "anti-semite".

Many independent authors or websites however concentrated on George Bush:

The Nazification of America


Fake Terror - The Road To Dictatorship


Nazis and the Republican Party


The reign of George Caesar Bush


Could Bush Become another Hitler? (by Henry Makow Ph.D.)


How close is America to outright dictatorship?

Online Journal Contributing Writer Arnow, November 14, 2002:
"Most people think America is a democracy, but the evidence is readily available that shows fascist elements in the highest levels of corporate and
government offices are determined to overthrow the Constitution and our precious democracy."

Cartoon from The Arab News, Saudi English language daily online version, September 21, 2002, shows a belligerent President George W. Bush yelling at
Kofi Annan, the U.N Secretary General, while morphing into Adolf Hitler.

Ignored by mainstream media, the Bush family has ties to the original Nazi Regime.

Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush (->) and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942.

George Bush himself liked the idea of being a dictator:

On December 18th, 2000 he said :

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier --
just so long as I'm the dictator."

(-> Nazis in the Republican Party and USA)

Hit the Trifecta

How Bush Hit the 'Trifecta' on 9/11--and the Public Lost Big-Time
Journalist Brad Carlton wrote:

"Bush, in the weeks before September 11, pledged to honor the sanctity of the Social Security lockbox except in the event of recession, war, or a national
emergency. But after "everything changed" on 9/11, he gloated to his budget director, Mitch Daniels, "Lucky me--I hit the trifecta!"

At the time, this comment (a variation of which is being recycled for laughs at current GOP fundraisers) seemed merely offensive.

But in light of revelations that Bush's August 6 briefing memo was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.," Bush's "luck" and weird prescience are worth
more than passing scrutiny.
Whenever someone is suspected of a crime, investigators look for a motive in addition to actual proof of guilt to determine, a posteriori, whether there was
malice aforethought. In cases of criminal negligence, motive must also be deduced, a priori, to answer the question: were preventive failures due to
craftiness or mere cluelessness?

The serial apologists of the Bush Is Not Stupid crowd are rather incongruously opting for the latter, this in the wake of the scandal about pre-9/11 failures to
issue precisely the kinds of public warnings and security directives that accompanied the also "non-specific" Y2K threats. For now, it is difficult to say who
knew what when because the administration is not exactly being forthcoming, preferring instead to use the scandal as an excuse to broaden the FBI's snoop
powers. However: there was a potential motive for the administration to sit on perceived terrorist threats."

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FeedBack by David Neiwert , MSNBC:

Bush’s favorite joke about 9/11 is a lie

The most aggressive 911-Hoaxes circulated around between September and December 2001 and had been debunked as nonsense at:

Disturbingly Snopes was still a stubborn supporter of the official Sep11th version and came to superficial conclusions on many different 911-angles
(Collapse etc...)

Terror Hoax Cases are located at:


United States v. Steven Chin Leung (Faking death on Sept. 11th), Adam Ray Elliott (Bomb + Jihad threats), Joseph A. Faryniarz, Fred C. Forcellina, Dionicio
Garcia, Robert T. Gibson, Cathy Gene Lester, Paul W. Munson, Terry Olson, Clayton Lee Waagner, Joseph Moody Younce, Jr, Amy Wood, Erin Creighton,
Ronnie Lamar Williams, Dale Trythall, Sheppard, Nixon B. Saldanha, Michael Robert Rhyne (all BioTerrorHoaxes), Timothy Scott McNeill (Northwest
Airlines threat), Cheryl Yvonne Shears (bomb threat), Roger Ryan (Flight 205-Sears Towers threat)

Hoffmann, Bruce
(-> RAND)
(-> Al-Quaeda-Dog Tapes, Honorary Research Associates)

Hollinger International Inc.

Most important Connections of Hollinger International Inc.:
UK Daily Telegraph, Jerusalem Post, Sunday Times, Chase Manhattan Bank, AT&T,
Ronald Reagan, Henry A. Kissinger, American Express, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co,
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Hasbro, Israeli Yellow Pages.

Hollinger invested in Onset Technology in August 2000

who work in a cooperation with Comverse Technology, Inc since October 2000
Comverse owns another communication company Odigo since January 2001.

Comverse Technology was used in connection with an Israeli spyring which was arrested last year in the United States (FOX TV/
http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j121701.html )
and Odigo Messenger User have been warned two hours before the attack on the Twin Towers happened, which was confirmed by Alex Diamandis, vice
president of sales and marketing

Mr. Burt has served as one of the Hollinger-Director since September 1994. Mr. Burt has served as Chairman of IEP Advisors L.L.P., an emerging markets
investment banking and advisory services firm, since 1994. He was a partner with McKinsey & Company, Inc. from 1991 to 1994. Mr. Burt has served as
Chief Negotiator in Strategic Arms Reduction Talks from 1989 to 1991 and as the United States Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany from 1985
to 1989.

Another director of Hollinger Inc. is Richard N. Perle (->) , Robert S. Strauss (AkinGump->), Henry Kissinger (->), Hon. Richard Burt, Raymond G.
Chambers, Shmuel Meitar, Lord Weidenfeld or Leslie H. Wexner.

Holmgren, Gerard
In late October 2002, independent Pentagon-resaercher Gerard Holmgren released another popular Pentagon crash analysis:


(Part 1) http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/10/1538136.php
(Part 2) http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/10/1538137.php
(Part 3) http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/10/1538140.php

mirrored at :

Holtzknecht, Estrella
In March 2002, "Estrella Holtzknecht"/Berosini released her popular 3 page-article

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at http://hometown.aol.com/estrellaberosini/page1Analysis911Facts.html and
which basic ideas had been upgraded later by many other specialists.

Holzknecht-Berosini concentrated in her article on the oddities around the flight path from Sep11th.
Later she released other articles on the Election Fraud 2000 and the fourth banch of government, as "we the people", supported by votermarch.org

Contact: [email protected]

Holy Cross Hospitals

The Holy Cross Hospitals had been connected to various angles of an independent 911-investigation by GROUND ZERO Forum NYC (->).

The results:

-Holy Cross Hospital was treating at least five D.C. postal workers for possible inhalation anthrax and confirmed the death of two of them
(they worked at Washington's Brentwood postal facility near Capitol Hill)
Source: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/10/23/145955.shtml

-as claimed by the FBI in October 2001 after an interrogation with Dr. Christos Tsonas (->) and later confirmed by Dr. Thomas Inglesby (->), two men
identified themselves as pilots (one of them Ahmed Alhaznawi) came to an emergency room of Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale in Summer 2001.
In a bizarre twist, this hospital has a full-service 587 bed health care facility, a number which is associated with the crash of Flight 587 (->)

-Holy Cross financial services are arranged by the Pentagon Federal Credit Union

-the Holy Cross Hospitals are connected to Johns Hopkins (->) Hospital

-in April 2001 Holy Cross Health and Adventist Healthcare formed a joint venture
Source: http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2001/04/30/newscolumn5.html

-Holy Cross Health is connected to Trinity Health, who consolidated together.

During the Civil War, Holy Cross Sisters helped staff military hospitals, caring for the wounded of both the North and the South.

Holy Land Foundation Affair

Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF)
is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity organization. HLF was founded in 1987 in Los Angeles, California as the Occupied Land Fund to raise funds
for what it viewed as Muslim victims of the Palestinian uprising, by its President and CEO, Shukri A. Baker. In 1991, it changed its name to HLF, and it
moved to Richardson, Texas in 1993.

The HLF has been active in raising funds for Palestinian Muslims in Israel, Lebanon, and the Palestinian Authority. In recent years it diverted some of its
attention to other parts of the world such as Chechnya, Kosovo and Turkey (->), sending missions and collecting donations. HLF calls itself the nation's
largest Islamic charity. In addition to its Texas headquarters, it operates several offices California, Illinois, and New Jersey.

Holzmayer, Tanya
One of many BioScientists, who got killed under strange circumstances on Feb 27th, 2002.
Holzmayer was a Russian-born genomic scientist who had co-invented a tool that has helped find hundreds of molecular targets to combat cancer and HIV.

Guyang ``Matthew'' Huang took the chance to shot her head, when a pizza delivery guy visited Holzmayer.
Later a jogger found Huang's body off a path near the San Mateo Bridge.
A cell phone was in Huang's pocket and a .380-caliber handgun lay near his hand.

(-> death cases)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has basically joined with the pharmaceutical industry to develop defenses against biological threats.
This project was started by the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
on October 30th, 2001

In July 2002 Pfizer (Viagra, Celebrex/Arthritis etc..) has agreed to buy Pharmacia for $60 billion.

We learned already that the NIH was involved in BioPharmarcy Business deals.
In 1998 the OraVax company (Bioweapon Vaccines) had been likewise linked to shady backroom dealings with the NIH for a yet to be tested West Nile
Virus vaccine.
Among the guests of this meeting Jerome "Jerry" Hauer.
the background story of HomelandHealth?

Actually HomelandHealth, backed by http://www.anser.org is lead by Dr. Michael Friedman, former Head of FDA and Veteran of The Public Health
Service and on the board of Pharmacia Corporation.
Due to their own website, we find magically another old friend of the never ending 911-saga:
HomelandHealth's consultant is Arthur Andersen, LLP.
As investigative journalist Jim Rarey found out,

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Friedman was the FDA official who gave the Department of Defense the go ahead to use the anthrax vaccine in the Gulf war even though the FDA had not
found it to be safe or effective against inhalation anthrax.

Pharmacia Corporation is basically Pharmacia and Upjohn Laboratories, which acquired Monsanto (chemical) Company. The combined companies have a
pipeline of new drugs, a $2 billion research and development budget and a leading sales force in the U.S. market
Source: http://www.strike-the-root.com/columns/Rarey/rarey1.html

"...The current Chairman of the Board and CEO of Pharmacia is a Pakistani named Fred Hassan. Hassan was President of Pharmacia-Upjohn at the time of
the merger with Monsanto, and moved into his current position after Monsanto’s CEO had served an interim 18-month period as head of the combined

And we find other interesting names:

"...William Ruckelshaus is a Harvard-trained lawyer who came out of the Justice Department to become the first administrator of the new Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. He served another three-year term as EPA administrator during the Reagan administration. Ruckelshaus is currently a
principal in the Madrona Investment Group.
Michael (Mickey) Kantor is a close confidante of Bill Clinton and served in his administration first as the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
Kantor took over as Commerce Secretary following the controversial death of Ron Brown. Kantor was one of the point men involved in blunting some of the
Clinton personal scandals, including the Kathleen Willey affair.
Dr. Philip Leder, although a virtual unknown outside of medical circles, has impressive credentials. He is Chairman of the Department of Genetics at
Harvard Medical School and a Senior Investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).
He was a contemporary of Dr. Don C. Wiley at Harvard..."
We know this name. Don C Wiley who had made a breakthrough in genetic research in BioScience (x-ray cristallines etc..) was one of a few BioScientists
who died under strange circumstances last year.

Wiley was funded as an investigator by HHMI.

For some bizarre coincidences the HHMI management likes loactions next to airports:

"...They wanted the (Alexandria) center to be an hour's drive from headquarters in Chevy Chase, on a site at least 100 acres and no more than an hour's
drive to an airport.."

"...The Janelia Farm site, on the other hand, is eight miles from Dulles International Airport..."
On Janelia we will find Celera (Craig Venter), another huge pharmacy company, who is proud to be happen as one of the first companies, who recognised
the human DNA.

"...Perhaps the most controversial member of Pharmacia’s board is Frank Carlucci. Carlucci is Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Carlyle Group, which
describes itself as a "merchant bank." However, its portfolio ranks it as one of the major defense contractors in the country..."
When Carlucci was Secretary of Defense, he worked closely with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William Crowe.
Crowe later founded in 1997 (with the help of ex-Porton Down al-hibry) BIOPORT, who later in 1998 got a three-year contract by the DoD to develop
The HHMI story
What was "Dark Winter", a terrorist scenario by ANSER really about?
New York -base Pfizer (Viagra, Celebrex/Arthritis etc..) has agreed to buy Pharmacia Upjohn(former Monsanto) for $60 billion.
Source: WSJ

Homeland Security
Almost unknown, the first plans to establish the Homeland Security had already planned and finished between 1998 and 1999, two years before the Sep11th

It was the military scientific think tank ANSER (http://www.asner.org),

who created the Institute of Homeland Security in 1999.

Another directive, dated 13 February 2001, was formally approved for

release by the National Security Council staff on 13 March 2001.

"Proliferation, Counterproliferation, and Homeland Defense

(by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs)"

National Security Presidential Directives - NSPD-1 - Dated: Feb. 13, 2001

The Membership of the National Security Council discussed at that time,

what authority gives them approval power over Congress and/or Judiciary?

The full subject of the Homeland Security was:

"Organization of the National Security Council System

This document is the first in a series of National Security Presidential
Directives. National Security Presidential Directives shall replace both
Presidential Decision Directives and Presidential Review Directives as an

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instrument for communicating presidential decisions about the national

security policies of the United States."

Other people or institutions, who had been involved in the Homeland Security before Sep11th:

Ken Alibek (->), Dr. Ruth David (former Director for Science and Technology at the CIA, later at ANSER ->),BENS (->), CFR (->), Embry-Riddle or
Johns Hopkins Institute.

Immediately after the attack on Sep11th, 2001 President Bush announced Governor Tom Ridge to head "homeland security".

Only 8 months later, in May 2002, Tom Ridge lost credibility in the US Congress and they continued to work on a new Homeland Security Bill.

In the same month, Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a civil-liberties group,
announced a lawsuit against the Homeland Security.

David Sobel, the general counsel for the privacy group, said it's unclear whether Homeland Security is more analogous to the National Security Council or to
other offices within the White House that have been ruled to fall under the freedom of information law, such as the Office of Management and Budget or
Office of National Drug Control Policy

However the Justice Department argued, that the U.S. Office of Homeland Security is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act because it technically
isn't an ``agency'' and doesn't exercise substantial authority apart from President Bush.

In November 2002 both democrats and republicans supported a new bill on the Institute of Homeland Security.

Senator Byrd, one of the strongest critics on the Homeland Security Bill on November 19th 2002:

"This legislation is not going to be worth a continental dime if it happens tonight, tomorrow, a month from tomorrow; it is not going to be worth a dime. There
are people out there working now to secure this country and the people. They are the same people who are already on the payroll. They are doing their duty
right now to secure this country.

This is a hoax. This is a hoax. To tell the American people they are going to be safer when we pass this is to hoax. We ought to tell the people the truth. They
are not going to be any safer with that. That is not the truth. I was one of the first in the Senate to say we need a new Department of Homeland Security. I
meant that.

But I didn't mean this particular hoax that this administration is trying to pander off to the American people, telling them this is homeland security. That is not
homeland security. Mr. President, the Attorney General and Director of Homeland Security have told Americans repeatedly there is an imminent risk of
another terrorist attack.

Just within the past day, or few hours, the FBI has put hospitals in the Washington area, Houston, San Francisco, and Chicago on notice of a possible terrorist
This bill does nothing--not a thing--to make our citizens more secure today or tomorrow. This bill does not even go into effect for up to 12 months. It will be
12 months before this goes into effect. The bill just moves around on an organizational chart. That is what it does--moves around on an organizational chart."


Currently involved in the logistics of Homeland Security are Andersen Consulting, Versar, Richard Clarke, KPMG, MSIAC (-> Hadron/Promis), General
Bruce Lawyor, HomelandHealth.com, INS, MPRI, CSIS, John Pointdexter and ANSER (-> full list there).


(-> BENS)

Homeland Security of Michael Moore

On June 7th, 2002 Michael Moore (->) opened his own office of Homeland Security.

As he announced in a public letter, this Office will, each day, "issue the necessary warnings to the American people (and to the other freaked-out
inhabitants of this planet) about what precautions and action you and they will need to take. Though not yet a cabinet-level department (this would first
require removing the squatters at 1600 Penn. Ave.), Mike's Office of Homeland Security will act as THE one-stop shopping and command center charged
with monitoring the movements
of the doers of true evil."

Honegger, Barbara
In November 2002 Barbara Honegger released her article
"The U.S. Government, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks",
which was mirrored at 911pi.com (->).

Honegger criticised in some points the official version of Sep11th:

"Military aircraft had more than enough time - nearly three quarters of an hour -- to respond to and intercept the 9-11 Pentagon plane after all key decision
makers were 100% certain the Twin Tower hits had been terrorist attacks and that Flight 77 had also been hijacked, but didn't do so 'in time'."

Honegger mentioned the CIA-exercise from Sep11th:

"Top US Intelligence Agency was to simulate plane crash into gov't bldg. on September 11, 2001. U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last
Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. Full story at: http://www.airdisaster.com/news/0802/22/news.shtml

She explained, "why the leak of the exact wording (not the fact of, which had already been reported in the Washington Times two weeks after 9-11) of a
Sept. 10, 2001 NSA intercept so worried and infuriated Vice President Cheney that he demanded an FBI investigation of members of the House and Senate
Intel Committee Joint 9-11 investigation to determine who might have leaked it.

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That key intercept between the leader of the the 9-11 hijackers, Mohammad Atta, and the 'mastermind' of the 9-11 plot, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, said:
"The Match is about to begin. Tomorrow (i.e. 9-11) is zero hour." "Match", of course, is what you would expect if the speaker were referring to his
discovery of the date that the U.S. Gov't had selected to conduct its counter-terror simulation/exercise on the scenario of plane(s) crashing into gov't
buildings - one that was about to turn very real when the terrorists 'piggybacked' their long-planned plot onto it."

"...This also explains the choice of date for the attack, which was the date chosen for the 'emergency' preparedness exercise. 9-11 is U.S. abbreviation for
'emergency', and that's precisely the kind of code name the military and intel communities like to give their 'exercises'. "
Honeggers conclusion was that Bin al Shibh, Atta, and Mohammad didn't 'choose the date'. The U.S. Government did. She suggested a public 911-commission
and declassification of some CIA-files

Barbara Honegger's article was mirrored on various independent 911-related websites.

She is author of the book "October Surprise".

Honegger is a former member of the Reagan administration who held several sensitive positions. Before she was working as a researcher at the Hoover

After becoming disillusionised by Reagan, she started to leak her insights abouty the Iran-Contra-affair in mid-1987 after it had become a household word.
October Surprise" refers to the evidence that the Reagan campaign cut a secret (and treasonous) deal with Iran to delay the release of the American
hostages, in order to keep President Carter from arranging a surprise release in October and winning the November election.

Honegger investigated very early on the September 11th attacks.

She sent an “Extreme Alert” memo to Ashcroft on September 19, 2001, insisting that Judge Royce Lamberth , who is chief judge in the secret Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA) , be investigated.
The memo went to Thomas Picard, the FBI agent in charge of the September 11 investigation. Her memo informed Ashcroft and Picard that Judge Lamberth
“may have himself been acting with and on behalf of Islamic extremists.”

Honegger explained, that this same Chief FISA Court Judge Royce Lamberth shut down "up to 20" FISA wiretaps of Al Qaeda-related suspects linked to the
near-simultaneous -- "twin" -- 1998 Africa U.S. embassy bombings. These 20 may well be, or significantly overlap with, the 20 9-11 hijackers -- 19 plus
suspected "20th hijacker," Zacarias Moussaoui.

Lamberth was judge in some cases of the liberty watch group Judicial Watch (->), too.

Hoover Institute
The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace within Stanford University is a public policy research center devoted to advanced study of politics,
economics, and political economy—both domestic and foreign—as well as international affairs.
Founded in 1919 by Herbert Hoover, who later became the thirty-first president of the United States, the Institution originated as a specialized collection of
documents on the causes and consequences of World War I.

Some of the many "Hoover fellows" are William Perry (->) (former United States secretary of defense, serving from February 1994 to January 1997),
William Ratliff , Condoleeza Rice, George P. Shultz
(former secretary of state until January 1989 and currently member of the board of directors of Bechtel Group), Edward Teller (chairman of the first
Nuclear Reaction Safeguard Committee and supporter of the first nuclear Bomb), Robert Zoelnick (->) , Newt Gingrich, Ronald Reagan (-> Reagan-Files),
Alexander Solzhenitsyn or Margaret Thatcher.

In 2001 Foreign Policy Expert Kiron Skinner was named to U.S. Defense Policy Board
fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. She is a fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations. Skinner earned her doctor's degree at Harvard
University in 1994.


(-> Johns Hopkins Institute)
(-> Memo)

Hopsicker, Daniel
Author of "Barry & 'the boys:The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History"
(-> MadCowProd)
(-> Huffman Aviation)

Horowitz, Leonard G
(-> Tetrahedron.org)

Howard, John
Australians Minister John Howard, one of the strongest supporters of President Bush worldwide,
was booked for AA77 -the Pentagon machine on September 11th:

"...On September 7, a call from the Australian Embassy in Washington informed me that on the 10th. of September 2001...my wife and I were invited to fly
to Washington the next day to be guests of our Embassy...
...on that Monday at a wonderful Naval ceremony it all happened, both the President and our PM were gracious enough to mention me in their speeces...
...All quite wonderful, the next day it all hit the fan. We then found out we were originally booked to come home on American Airlines flight 77 from Dulles
to LA, at the last moment we were rebooked so we could join the PM and Mrs Howard on their visit to Arlington.
We got out of Washington on the first flight from Dulles to LA on the next Saturday, very happy to be home...


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Canberra vet lives to tell the tale

October 01, 2001

"...It's September 10 in Washington, USA, as survivor of the sunken HMAS Canberra, Mackenzie Gregory, turns to Australian Prime Minister John Howard
and says "See you tomorrow at Arlington".
Unbeknown to Mr Gregory, he is about to survive another event of historical significance - the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington the following

Furthermore, Mr Gregory may also have the Prime Minister to thank for his good fortune after he was originally booked on Flight 77 that crashed into the
Pentagon on September 11.
Staff from the Australian Embassy cancelled the booking from Flight 77 and re-scheduled his flight to coincide with the Prime Minister's attendance at a
wreath-laying ceremony in Arlington.
As one of the few survivors from the sinking of HMAS Canberra on August 9, 1942, Mr Gregory was in Washington for a ceremony handing over the bell
from USS Canberra to the Australian Government.
Three US warships sunk that night following an attack by a Japanese surface force, with the then US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, decreeing that a
replacement ship be named after HMAS Canberra.

At the time, Mr Gregory was a sub-lieutenant before he retired from the RAN in 1954 as a lieutenant commander.
In 1964, USS Canberra came to Melbourne with Mr Gregory able to have his son baptised on board, utilising the ship's bell as a font.
Then in 1981-82, USS Canberra was dismantled and the bell kept in storage in Virginia until Australia's ambassador to the US heard of the bell's link to Mr

"My wife and I were invited to attend the ceremony on Monday the 10th," Mr Gregory told Navy News.
"It was a wonderful day set in the idyllic surrounds of the White House."
President George W Bush even broke ranks to personally meet Mr Gregory, with Mr Bush ordering a three-star marine general to photograph himself with
Mr Gregory, his wife and Prime Minister John Howard.

"We chatted briefly and Mr Bush said, 'It's an honour to meet you, sir'."
The next morning Flight 77 was flown into the nearby Pentagon, with Mr Gregory and his wife taken to a hotel opposite the Australian Embassy shortly after.
"We were stuck in Washington until the 15th when we were able to get the first flight to Australia out of Los Angeles.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Don C Wiley (->) was a researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, which is connected with Battelle (->).

Dr. Philip Leder (HomelandHealth.com ->), although a virtual unknown outside of medical circles, has impressive credentials.
He is Chairman of the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and a Senior Investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).

He was a contemporary of Dr. Don C. Wiley at Harvard..."

Part of the HHMI (Northern Virginia) is the Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon and they currently working on a new plant in Ashburn, which is
supported by Battelle:

February 12, 2001


"Northern Virginia has always been trying to get their toehold in biotech," said Walt Plosila, vice president with Battelle Memorial Institute in Cleveland, and
former director of the High Technology Council of Maryland. "This certainly would be a major anchor for them."

For some reasons the HHMI management likes loactions next to airports:

"...They wanted the (Alexandria) center to be an hour's drive from headquarters in Chevy Chase, on a site at least 100 acres and no more than an hour's
drive to an airport.."

"...The Janelia Farm site, on the other hand, is eight miles from Dulles International Airport..."

On Janelia we will find Celera (Craig Venter), another huge pharmacy company, who is proud to be happen as one of the first companies, who recognised
the human DNA.

Actually since September 2001 they have another, not really controversial job: They have to identify all victims of the Twin Towers.

Right now they had to confirm, that 1/3 of all victims had been totally pulverised and no DNA can be identified, which never happened before in the history
of criminology.


"... For Chevy Chase, MD-based Howard Hughes, which announced the site selection in February 2001, Janelia Farm offers the perfect mix of rural solitude
and urban access. Just eight miles north of Dulles Airport and within 30 miles of most government agencies, the Loudoun County site was once to be the U.S.
headquarters of Dutch software developer Baan Companies, which had already started constructing three office buildings there ...

...In all, Maryland now has about 270 biotech companies, including high-profile big hitters like Celera, Gene Logic, Human Genome Sciences and
MedImmune. Most are in DC suburbs, although Baltimore has snagged a few, thanks to Johns Hopkins University...."

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More here:
The HHMI story

Name based on "Brazil": Archibald "Harry" Tuttle, Rogue HVAC Repairman
"I came into this game for adventure".
Head of pirate video, a progressive video project.


Huffman Aviation
Charlie Voss, a former employee at the Huffman Aviation flight training school in Venice, Florida where some of the terrorists trained, said "two students --
Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi" -- had arrived from Germany in July 2000.


As investigative journalist Barry Hopsicker (->madcowprod.com) found out in late 2001, the official hijacker flight school, owned by Rudi Dekkers, had ties
to the CIA:

"The CIA's links to Dekkers surfaced when an unknown company called Britannia Aviation was mysteriously awarded a five-year contract to run a large
regional maintenance facility at the Lynchburg Virginia Regional Airport.

At the time of the award virtually nothing was known about Britannia except that the company worked out of a hangar at Rudi Dekker's Huffman Aviation at
the Venice, Florida airport.

But when Britannia was chosen over a respected and successful Lynchburg company boasting a multi-million dollar balance sheet and more than 40
employees, aviation executives there began voicing concerns to reporters at the local newspaper... "

Later it was discovered that Britannia Aviation is a company with virtually no assets, employees, or corporate history. Moreover, the company did not even
possess the necessary FAA license to perform the aircraft maintenance services for which it had just been contracted by the city of Lynchburg.

Source: http://www.madcowprod.com/

The report about Huffman was picked up by Online Journal


(-> Antini, Nicole)

Hopsicker continued with his investigation on Huffman Aviation and Rudi Dekkers.

Britannia executive Marten reassured those in attendance that at Huffman's hangar at the Venice Airport they had for some time been successfully
providing aviation maintenance services for Caribe Air, a Caribbean carrier.

Today Caribe Air is controlled by an offshore bank located on the Caribbean island of Dominica, Banc Caribe, a private bank

In March 2002, Rudi Dekkers changed his original story.

The chief flight instructor at neighboring Jones Aviation in Sarasota, where Atta and Marwan trained for six weeks, insisted in an exclusive interview with
the MadCowMorningNews that Dekkers was flat out wrong when he told reporters that Mohamed Atta already had a private pilot's license when he entered
the U.S.

Dekkers now said, that Atta and Marwan didn't start flight training until August 30th, 2001 at the earliest, seven weeks later than he stated in the aftermath of
That would mean, Atta had now only 10 days time left to learn how to crash his plane into the Twin Towers.

As Hopsicker reported:
"Left out of most news accounts is is the fact Siad Al-Jarrah learned to fly next door to Dekker’s operation at a second flight school, that of Arne Kruithof,
like Dekker's a native of the Netherlands.

Hopsicker revealed that in fact it was Dekkers assistant Nicole Antini, who filled out Attas and Marwan Al-Shehis visa requests.

Furthermore Antini was being sexually harassed by Rudi Dekkers, "according to a lawsuit for sexual harassment which Dekker's was forced to settle
recently for an undisclosed sum".

What speaks for Hopsicker is the fact, that he released the story on the Visas and Antini already months before it was published in some mainstream papers.

Onlinejournal reported already in October 2001:

"...Two weeks before the World Trade Center attack she filed suit to force him to enforce the settlement of a sexual harassment charge. Dekkers agreed to
settle for $15,000.."

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Hopsicker speculated, if Rudi Dekkers and Arne Kruithof worked for the CIA as well.

In March 2002, INS Commissioner James Ziglar, Huffman Aviation President Rudi Dekkers, Tom Blodgett, Managing Director of Business Process Solutions
at Affiliated Computer Services; and Mr. Michael Cutler, INS Special Agent testified on the visa story of Atta. (Atta, Visa ->)

In early March 2002, Huffman Aviation International received notice from the INS that the student visa applications from known 9/11 terrorists Mohammed
Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi had been approved.

This embarrassing incident raises many troubling questions about INS management and whether the INS is up to the challenge of both processing
immigration applications as well as fulfilling its border security responsibilities.
Hopsicker continued with his investigation.

He found out, that Dekkers had a business partner named Richard Boehlke.
Hopsicker stated that Boehlke stands accused of participating in a fraud using $25 million to build a condominium project which actually cost only $12.5

It appeared that Boehlke is linked to a firm called Capital Consultants, which is headed by Jeff Grayson. Grayson disappeared in 2000 after $355 MILLION
went missing from Capital's investment fund.
Aside from Boehlke, there is another man connected to Capital Consultants: Alvin Malnik.

Alvin has been called Meyer Lansky's heir in the organized crime biz.
As Hopsicker found out, Alvin's son "is married to the daughter of a leading Prince of the Middle Eastern kingdom's founding family."
This was based on an report by Herb Mallard of
National Press, the Palm Beach Post and picked up at

"Alvin Malnik, the man once regarded as the heir apparent to mobster Meyer Lansky, ... described by federal authorities as a top associate of organized
crime figures ... Among his friends, Malnik counts Saudi royalty. His son once married a princess descended from the Middle Eastern kingdom's founding
family. Malnik runs a national chain of loan stores...

...In 1962, Malnik was listed as a director of the Bank of World Commerce, a Bahamas-based institution that involved 'some of the nations' top gangsters,' ...
In 1978, a Bahamian company named Appolonia Investment Limited paid $3.35 million to buy the property just north of Malnik's Ranch.

Malnik and the prince -- a son of King Abdul Aziz, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia -- once lived in neighboring condos in the Cricket Club.
Malnik's son ... would later change his name from Mark to Shareef and marry into the royal Saud family.
Meyer Lansky was known as the treasurer of the US Mafia.

Furthermore, the Washington Post reported already years ago: "There are other signs, though, that (Bin Ladens) network (was) ...backed by tens of millions
of dollars in funds from members of the Saudi elite. U.S. Treasury Department and CIA officials recently went to Dubai to investigate reports that a bank
there was funneling millions of dollars to bin Laden through Arab companies in London.

Independent Paper Regena supported Hopsickers revelations on Huffman Aviation in March 2002:

"Caribe Air, in turn, has a long history of association with CIA drug-running operations out of Mena, Arkansas, and is also allegedly linked to fraudulent
Enron-funded offshore investment partnerships.

According to reports from Newsweek, three alleged terrorist pilots trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida, while Knight Ridder stated that
suspects Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari, and Saeed Alghamdi had attended various other prestigious military exchange officer's training programs.
These reports were never categorically denied by US government sources.


Hopsickers reports later revealed more bizarre details.

Hopsicker claimed, that one name on Atta's email list, for example, "apparently worked at a Canadian company called Virtual Prototypes, whose website
touts the fact that the firm helped prototype the avionics instruments in the F-15 jet fighter, the F-22 Raptor, the B2 bomber and the Apache Longbow, among

Another address on the list, [email protected], appears to refer to, or perhaps even to be, a female suicide bomber in Chechnya.

The discovery of Atta's emails came about when a local avionics salesman at Eastern Avionics sold a headset to Marwan Al-Shehhi, authorities said, after
which his email address was added to a list kept by the terrorist duo, apparently sharing a single email account.

The owner of the flight school in Venice, Wallace J. Hilliard, was in business with a key figure in the Whitewater scandal, Truman Arnold, a Bill Clinton
crony from Arkansas who had been the finance chairman of the Democratic Party.

Arnold's attorney in Whitewater was longtime Washington figure Richard Ben-Veniste, who was just named to sit on the 9-11 investigation panel.

Hopsicker said, that he sat down with two Southern lawmen, a current sheriff and his immediate predecessor. These two guys looked him "dead in the eye
and said that, based on what they have seen with a lot of CIA-connected covert operations in the area, the CIA was somehow involved in, if not responsible
for, the World Trade Center attacks."

Dekkers charged in fraud case (January 2003):

"According to a Venice police PCA, Dekkers, acting as president of Dekkers Aviation Group Inc., entered into a loan agreement with Kenneth Jossart on
Oct. 17, 2001.

The deal was brokered by a mutual business partner, Wallace Hilliard. Dekkers obtained $200,000 from Jossart and signed a promissory note indicating that
this amount was due and payable on Jan. 15, 2002.

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To secure the loan, Dekkers, still acting as president of Dekkers Aviation Group, entered into a mortgage agreement on property at 220 E. Airport Ave.,
Venice. The mortgage indicated that Dekkers Aviation Group is the mortgagor and Jossart is the mortgagee.

In August 2002, Dekkers sold the building at 220 E. Airport Ave. to Triple Diamond Enterprises. As of Oct. 2, 2002, the date the PCA was signed by
investigators, Dekkers had not repaid the loan to Jossart. Jossart did not received any proceeds from the sale despite having a security interest in the property
under the mortgage executed by Dekkers."


Dekkers story developed in 2002-2003:

Reported by the Herald Tribune:

Owner of flight school where terrorists studied charged with fraud


State files charges against flight school owner


On January 24th, 2003, Rudi Dekkers survived a chopper crash


On February 5th, 2003, Hopsicker revealed in a new article, that four additional 9/11 terrorist suspects trained at the flight school owned by Rudi Dekkers.
They fled the U.S. in haste just days before the attack, according to sources working at the school at the time.

Three of the fleeing students were Saudi, say sources, while the fourth, 22-year old Marwan Mohammed Shemina, told school officials his father worked
for the United Nations in Rome.

Dekkers already mentioned a "NATO"-guy in October 2001:

"... I had at the moment of a week before September 11, I had one student there with a Muslim background who broke his course a week before September
11, stated to us that he wanted to go to Boston because he was doing a cruise or something, and he just stopped his course. He came from England when he
attended the flight course in Naples, but he lives in Italy. His father works for the NATO...

Then there was money wired to the flight school from an official address like it had to do with the NATO or something, we didn't understand it, so this was a
weird situation, then the person left a week prior finishing his course to Boston and a week prior to September 11, all these things together is too many
coincidences and we don't believe in coincidence any more, so I reported this to the FBI and the FBI is looking into it and the boy's name did not appear on
the list of hijackers or the 19 or 21 suspects total, but he is not home yet, so it is kind of strange, very strange." (Australian Broadcasting Corp. 10/21/01)

The first new terrorist suspect who had trained with Dekkers, Turki M. Almasri, 22, a Saudi national, was named in a story in a January 2003 Washington
Post article

In an exclusive interview with the MadCowMorningNews, Danielle Clark, a former executive at the school, disclosed that school officials told the FBI about
three more Arab student pilots, including one abruptly ceased training and disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the days immediately preceding
the Sept. 11 attack.

The three include two Saudis, Kamran Hussain, traveling on a UK passport; and Ahmad Badri, who had a Swedish passport; and Marwaan Shemisi, with
passports from both Italy and Libya.

In point of fact the revelation of the four additional terror suspects brings the current total of 9/11 cadre terrorists known to have been enrolled at flight
schools owned by Dutch nationals Rudi Dekkers and Arne Kruithof to eight.

According to Yellow Cab driver Bob Simpson and other witnesses, MadCowProd found out, that Mohammad Atta and Rudi Dekkers had a good relationship
to each other. "They were going to a nightclub in Sarasota, talking and very sociable with each other. He and Atta were friends, you could tell.” Mohamed
Atta was twice seen with flight school owner Rudi Dekkers in Venice, FL. during September 2001.
On September 10th 2002, Rep. Richard Shelby already said about the flight school in Florida. "there is explosive information that has not been publicly
released. I think there are some more bombs out there.....I know that."

(-> Tracking all hijackers)
(-> Informants)

Hufschmid, Eric

Erichufschmid.net was created in January 2002 by Eric Hufschmid in Goleta, CA.

Hughes, Karen
One of President Bush's most important personal advisors, who announced her resignment only a few weeks before Bush confirmed prior knowledge on

(-> James Baker Institute)

Human Shield

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A group of volunteers headed for Iraq on 25th January 2003, to act as human shields to try to prevent the outbreak of war which the United States and
Britain have said will take place if Saddam Hussein fails to disarm. The 'human shields' campaign is the brainchild of Ken Nichols O'Keefe, a former US



Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]

http://www.electroniciraq.net (->)

Hunt the Boeing

Investigation by the Chair of the Réseau Voltaire into the September 11 attacks,
"examining the Bin Laden networks and American secret service involvement".

Includes photographs who show the undamaged lawn in front of the damaged building
reseauvoltaire.net was created in February 1998 by Reseau Voltaire and Meyssan Raphael
in Saint-Denis, FR

In the book, "L'Effroyable Imposture," or "The Horrifying Fraud," Thierry Meyssan challenges the entire official version of the Sept. 11 attacks.

He claims the Pentagon was not hit by a plane, but by a guided missile fired on orders of far right-wingers inside the United States government. Further, he
says, the planes that struck the World Trade Center were not flown by associates of Osama bin Laden ( news - web sites), but were programmed by the
same government people to fly into the twin towers.

Hurter, Adam
Adam Hurter and Joe Brown worked together to bring
Mike Ruppert to speak at Wesleyan in fall 2002, and they co-founded a student
media-activism group on campus.
They supported the 9-11TruthorLies-Mailing List, too.

Contact: [email protected]

Hussein, Saddam
(-> Iraq)


The untold story: 911-Insider Trading of the FBI

IAO Mission: The DARPA Information Awareness Office (IAO) will imagine, develop, apply, integrate, demonstrate and transition information
technologies, components and prototype, closed-loop, information systems that will counter assymetric threats by achieving total information awareness
useful for preemption; national secjurity warning; and national security decision making.


Ibrahim, Youssef M.

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On November 1st, 2002, CFR(->)-senior fellow Youssef M. Ibrahim revealed, what the rest of the Council always tried to downplay:
"The upcoming war against Iraq has nothing to do with the war against terror", it's "a misguided temptation to get more oil out of the Middle East by turning a
''friendly" Iraq into a private American oil pumping station."
Furthermore Ibrahim described afghanistan's leader Harmid Karzai as "puppet president", "now guarded by U.S. special forces because he cannot trust his
life to his own people."


NOTE: Dyncorp (->) is responsible for the security of Karzai since late 2002.

Icke, David
(-> DavidIcke.org)
Contact: [email protected]

Ididnotknowthat.com was created in October 2001 by I Did Not Know in Dallas TX.

International Energy Agency, founded in 1974 as an alternative to OPEC.
Based in Paris, IEA is an autonomous agency linked with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The IEA Oil Market Report is the only regular short-term oil industry analysis based on information obtained from the IEA's extensive network of contacts
with governments and industry.
In their December 2002 summary, they reported on the results on the "strike in Venezuela" (->).
(Note: Insiders of Pro-Chavez supporters found out, that the demonstrations on the streets had been partly orchestrated by the SAIC -> and reported this to
International Answer ->)

The summary concluded, that the global demand growth has been raised by 260 kb/d for the third quarter and 370 kb/d for the fourth quarter, lifting the 2002
growth forecast up
by 130 kb/d to 330 kb/d. China is expected to account for nearly 80% of
the gain. The growth forecast for 2003 remains unchanged at 1.04 mb/d.


(-> Oil)

(-> America Radio Network)

IG Farben
A huge Nazi Germany chemical cartel, Intersen Gemeinschaft Farben, who manufactured Zyklon B
(the lethal gas used in the concentration camps and for the Holocaust).
Their scientists invented Malathion, the deadly gas later used to spray urban Southern California.

David Rockefeller's Standard Oil provided Farben with its crucial synthetic rubber patents, and American automobile tycoon Henry Ford merged his motor
company assets to Farben's in 1928.
Farben worked with early computer programs by IBM (Holorith Machines).
In 1939, Farben received vast amounts of experience and technology from Dow and Alcoa.
It manufactured Sarin and Soman, a fluorinated (Fluoride-based) nerve gas.

After WW2, IG Farben was liquidated and companies like Bayer, Hoechst, and BASFtook its place.

The rest of IG Farben signed deals with Nestle and Procter + Gamble.

In 1967, Farben, accoring to conspiranoiac author Alex Constantine, teamed up with Monsanto to develop Biochemical Warfare agents.

In October 2002 Bayer insisted on its patent of anthrax vaccine ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) and distributed it instead of Bioport (->), who had some problems
with the US Food and Drug Administration.
(-> Nazis in the Rebulican Party and USA)

Indian Secret Service

As usual, when corruption, crime and cover-ups happen, many people blame it on the Illuminati Cult.
Representing this opinion, among many others, is illuminato.com, which was created in May 2002 in Central HK.


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[email protected]

International Monetary Found, an organization of 184 member countries.
Between July 1-22, 1944 the IMF and World Bank are formulated at the International Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, New
Hampshire, USA.

Highlights since the mid80s:

In December 1985, IMF Managing Director de Larosière and World Bank President A. W. Clausen expressed broad support for the debt initiative proposed
by U.S. Treasury Secretary James A. Baker (->)

In May 1992, the Executive Board approves membership of countries of the former Soviet Union.

On June 7th, 2001, current director Horst Kohler announced appointments of Anne O Krueger
(Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institute) as as First Deputy Managing Director.

On December 7th, 2001, the IMF approved a three-year arrangement for Pakistan totaling SDR 1.034 billion (about US$1.33 billion) to stabilize their Water
and Power Development Authority and Karachi Electricity Supply Corporation.


(-> Joelskousen.com)
(-> SageMaker)

Impeach Bush
At the end of 2002, already dozens of various websites supported an Impeachment of President Bush.

One of the strongest supporter at the end of 2002, was Professor Francis Boyle (->), Illinois,
who announced his own impeachment statement at globalresearch.ca (->), http://www.counterpunch.org/boyle01172003.html

In late 2002, International Answer (->) supported an own impeachment campaign at VoteToImpeach.org

In February 2003, the Impeachment campaigns became support by the "Kennedy"-Resolution.

U.S. senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) have
pointed out that Republican President George W. Bush has failed to
make a compelling case to Congress, the American people and the
United Nations for the U.S. military invasion and occupation of Iraq.
S. Res. 32 has been co-sponsored by Senator
Byrd and referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

On March 6th, 2003, NationalReview reported on the Impeachment Campaigns by Professor Francis Boyle (->) and Ramsey Clarke and how it finally
reached discussion in the US-House of Representatives:
Rep. Danny K. Davis, a Chicago Democrat who has discussed impeachment with his colleagues in the congressional black and progressive caucuses, said a
resolution probably would be introduced in the event of "a full-fledged military effort" that occurs without new congressional war resolutions.

The most popular and individual impeachment campaigns (by left and right wing supporters) had been located at:

http://www.VoteToImpeach.org (-> ANSWER/Ramsey Clarke)

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The Supreme Court can declare a law enacted by Congress or an action by the President unconstitutional; and Congress can impeach the President and
Federal court justices and judges.

Impeachment appears six times in the U.S. Constitution.


(-> Last Minute websites)

(-> Recall Bush)

Incompetence Theory
Basically created by David Korn and James Woolsey, supported by Richard Perle, Ken Adelman and Frank Gaffney
Against this "theory" stand 10-12 conventional or bioterror exercises (->) between 2000 and 2001.

(-> War on Freedom)

Maybe one of the few british papers, who criticised the lies on the "war on terrorism".
In April 2002 Raymond Whitaker and James Palmer "unraveled the West's war of lies and propaganda":
"Downing Street said al-Qa'ida was using chemical weapons: it was wrong. The Pentagon said Saddam Hussein was to blame for the anthrax attacks on the
US: it was wrong.

...Truth is already a casualty in the war against terror, but as the campaign against Iraq hots up, distinguishing facts from propaganda may become even

Independent Media Center

(-> Indymedia)

Inderfurth, Karl
Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs)
On February 3 1999, Assistant Secretary of State Karl E. Inderfurth and State Department counterterrorism chief Michael Sheehan traveled to Islamabad,
Pakistan, to meet the Taliban’s deputy foreign to meet the Taliban’s deputy foreign minister, Abdul Jalil.

They warned him that the US would hold the government of Afghanistan responsible for any further terrorist acts by bin Laden.
According to a report in the Washington Post (October 3, 2001), the Clinton administration and Nawaz Sharif, then prime minister of Pakistan, agreed on a
joint covert operation to kill Osama bin Laden in 1999.
The US would supply satellite intelligence, air support and financing, while Pakistan supplied the Pushtun-speaking operatives who would penetrate southern
Afghanistan and carry out the actual killing.

The Pakistani commando team was up and running and ready to strike by October 1999, the Post reported. One former official told the newspaper, “It was
an enterprise. It was proceeding.” Clinton aides were delighted at the prospect of a successful assassination, with one declaring, “It was like Christmas.”
The attack was aborted on October 12, 1999, when Sharif was overthrown in a military coup by General Pervez Musharraf, who halted the proposed covert

The Clinton administration had to settle for a UN Security Council resolution that demanded the Taliban turn over bin Laden to “appropriate authorities,” but
did not require he be handed over to the United States.

Indigo Net
Indigo Publications was founded in 1981 and specialised in seeking out and publishing hard-to-find confidential news for a specialized readership.
Their website indigo-net.com, established in 1995 in Paris, supports articles of Intelligence Online.com (->Brisard, Jean-Charles/ Dasquie, Guillaume) and
africaintelligence.com, which are paid by users at similar rates to those of the hard-copy edition.

In late 2001-2002 Intelligence Online became famous for the 911Skeptic movement, when they released their book "The forbidden truth", which included
an interview with ex-FBI terror specialist agent John O'Neill. The book illustrated the original oil pipeline maps in Afghanistan.
"The forbidden truth" was later published in the United States in August 2001, but banned in Switzerland.
American Media tried to ignore the book and manipulated a confusion with another "french book" by Therry Meissian (-> Hunt the Boeing)

International coverage of life, politics and protest.
Partner of http://www.protest.net (Contact: [email protected])

The Independent Media Center (www.indymedia.org), was established by various independent and alternative media organizations and activists in 1999 for
the purpose of providing grassroots coverage of the World Trade Organization (WTO) protests in Seattle. The center acted as a clearinghouse of
information for journalists, and provided up-to-the-minute reports, photos, audio and video footage through its website. Using the collected footage, the
Seattle Independent Media Center (seattle.indymedia.org) produced a series of five documentaries, uplinked every day to satellite and distributed throughout

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the United States to public access stations.

The center also produced its own newspaper, distributed throughout Seattle and to other cities via the internet, as well as hundreds of audio segments,
transmitted through the web and Studio X, a 24-hour micro and internet radio station based in Seattle. The site, which uses a democratic open-publishing
system, logged more than 2 million hits, and was featured on America Online, Yahoo, CNN, BBC Online, and numerous other sites. Through a decentralized
and autonomous network, hundreds of media activists setup independent media centers in London, Canada, Mexico City, Prague, Belgium, France, and Italy
over the next year. IMCs have since been established on every continent, with more to come.


Iraqi national congress

(-> Iraq)

Inderfurth, Karl
Former assistant secretary of state for South Asian Affairs from August 1997 to January 2001,
now senior advisor to the Nuclear Threat Reduction Campaign (NTRC).
The NTRC is a project of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and The Justice Project.
In 1999, Inderfurth met Taliban's New York representative, Abdul Hakeem Mujahid to get more information on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. After
this meeting Mujahid claimed, that they don't know where he is, but religious scholars from the Taliban, who met with bin Laden two weeks earlier told him
he could no longer use Afghanistan for political or military operations.

As Niaz Naik(->), former Pakistani minister for foreign affairs, told in some interviews with French television and the BBC, Inderfurth was in a mid-July
2001 meeting in Berlin, together with senior Americans, Russians, Iranians and Pakistanis.
On the American side was Tom Simons, a former US ambassador to Pakistan, and Lee Coldren, who headed the office of Pakistan, Afghan and Bangladesh
affairs in the State Department until 1997.

Naik claimed that Tom Simons issued a stern ultimatum that impressed upon him the significance of this meeting and the end of the negotiations route. Naik
quotes Simons as having said, “in case the Taliban does not behave and in case Pakistan doesn't help us to influence the Taliban, then the United States would
be left with no option but to take an overt action against Afghanistan."
The military action would then start in October 2001.

In early 2002, a new conflict between India and Pakistan almost increased to a potential nuclear conflict. Both countries obtain nuclear weapons.

To follow the news on Pakistan and India and their both secret services ISI or IIS,
the following news sources had been always a more informative source than US- or european media:


Indian Point
(-> Kallstrom, James)


Based on the information of german intelligence files, Mamoun Darkanzali (->), was one of the first few informants of the CIA, who was connected with
the hijackers, since 1998.

After Sep11th, Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export Company (Hamburg, Germany) was put on the frozen account list.

German authorities interrogated Darkazanli (->), but after a while they concluded that he wasn't involved in the attacks.

(-> Spanish connection)

One might speculate, if "some of the former 'informants' just later turned into 'hijackers'?"

Other informants:

Atif Ahmed

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September 25, 2002
Case of the Missing Terrorist Solved...Not!

"...But the FT story may raise more questions than it answers.

...Atif Ahmed, you'll recall, was nabbed by Scotland Yard detectives in

November, 2002, after the FBI said it found evidence suggesting he was a
co-conspirator with accused "20th hijacker" Zacarias Moussaoui.

In subsequent months, Moussaoui has repeatedly and insistently

identified Ahmed as a key player in the 9/11 conspiracy -- and as a British mole
within Al Qaeda. Yet the mainstream press declined to investigate, and
the elusive Ahmed vanished from the public record in what felt eerily like
a press blackout.

CIA-moles (->)
June 06, 2002
U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda

Aukai Collins (->)

from his book "My Jihad":

"The little scrawny guy was taking flight lessons in Scottsdale, right up the road from my house. I'd known some of his roommates before Ghareeb had
starting talking to him and was good friends with one of them. They were all taking flying lessons, and my friend was already rated for twin-engine aircraft.
<...> I was still working for the Bureau at this time and reporting to Andy <*his FBI contact - Andres Sanchez*> regularly.

Both the FBI and Andy were fully aware of all the Arabs whom Ghareeb and I had contact with, including the scrawny little guy whose name is widely now
known: Hani Hanjoor. Hani Hanjoor would get his pilots license in 1999 and would fly an American Airlines plane into the Pentagon. They were hardly
"deep cover sleepers" as the FBI is calling them now. They lived very openly, and although I had no idea what some of them would eventually do, they made
no secrets about what they thought or believed."

("My Jihad, p213-4)

Introduction to the book:


Aukai Collins claimed, he observed Hani Hanjour, which was denied by the FBI some months ago:

FBI Was Warned of Sep 11 Hijacker
May 23

"...A paid FBI informant told ABCNEWS that three years before Sept. 11, he began providing the FBI with information about a young Saudi who later flew a
hijacked passenger plane into the Pentagon..."

Aukai Collins, the informant, said he worked for the FBI for four years in Phoenix, monitoring the Arab and Islamic communities there. Hani Hanjour was
the hijacker Collins claimed to have told the FBI about while Hanjour was in flight training in Phoenix.
Twenty hours after ABCNEWS first requested a response, the FBI issued an "emphatic denial" that Collins had told the agency anything about Hanjour,
though FBI sources acknowledged that Collins had worked for them..."

Aukai Collins -the book


Randy Glass
Early August 2001: Randy Glass, a former jewel thief turned government informant, later claims that he contacts the staff of Senator Bob Graham and
Representative Robert Wexler and warns them of a plan to attack the WTC, but his warnings are ignored. Glass was a key informant in a sting operation
involving ISI agents trying to illegally purchase sophisticated US military weaponry in return for cash and heroin (see June 12, 2001). Glass claims that
before the sting operation ended in June 2001, one Pakistani operative named R. G. Abbas made three references to imminent plans to attack the WTC. In
one meeting held in New York City in 1999, Abbas pointed to the WTC and said, "Those towers are coming down." Glass caught this meeting on tape (see
July 14, 1999). In October 2002, Glass testifies under oath before a private session of the Congressional 9/11 inquiry. He states, "I told I have specific
evidence, and I can document it."

Abdussattar Shaikh (->):


The landlord regularly prayed with Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi and even helped one open a bank account. He was also, sources tell
NEWSWEEK, a “tested” undercover “asset” who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego on terrorism cases related to Hamas. A senior
law-enforcement official told NEWSWEEK the informant never provided the bureau with the names of his two houseguests from Saudi Arabia.


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->GZ (passive)

Anarchist and Protest Webzine.
Endorsed by WOMBLES (white overalls movement building libertarian effective struggles)
and the No Subject Collective (Connecticut).

Created in 1998 by Mid-Atlantic Infoshop in College Park MD.

A black bloc is a collection of anarchists and anarchist affinity groups that organize together for a particular protest action.

Created in April 2000 by Syed Adeeb in Alexandria, VA

On their link list they support What Really Happened,

CounterPunch, International Action Center, Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER)
Stop State Terrorism, Palestine Chronicle,
Yellow Times, John Pilger or Common Dreams.

(-> Jones, Alex)
Created by Reed Exhibition Companies (renewed in 2000) in Norwalk, CT.

Inglesby, Dr. Thomas

From an article of GROUND ZERO Forum, originally released at Scoop:

"We have to realize that this is a long-term project, and it is one that we are just beginning to address." Dr. Inglesby, April 26, 2002

Dr. Inglesby became Deputy Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies in early October 2001.

He received his B.A. from Georgetown University in 1988 and his M.D. at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1992. He
completed his internal medicine residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
In 1996-7, he was an Assistant Chief of Service in the Department of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He completed specialty training in
Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
In a testimony on April 18, 2002 he explained that "the anthrax attacks of the fall were just the prologue to the bigger story of bioweapons."

In the meantime, however, it looks more than obvious that these attacks were based on a cynical BioDefense calculation, orchestrated by ties between
unknown members of the CIA and/or selected biopharmacy corporations.

Why is Inglesby still sure that these attacks were produced by terrorists?

Even the FBI has concentrated its investigations on pharmacy corporations, like Battelle (->), and paid at least one visit to Porton Down (->) in England,
although it has yet to arrest anyone in connection with the anthrax attacks.

One suspect, as has been leaked to the press, is Stephen Hatfill of Battelle. It looks like he was able to produce deadly anthrax, which came from the military
project USAMRIID at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
There was a time when USAMRIID (->) tried to warn the White House about possible terrorist attacks, but this never really impressed the U.S. Presidents
enough to push for billions in funding.
Did they therefore stage the attacks to achieve a higher biodefense budget?

Fort Detrick (->) and Johns Hopkins Institute combine a history of shared knowledge and emergency programs.
Dr. Thomas Inglesby, Dr. Tara Toole and Dr. D.A. Henderson are among the favorite specialists of Fort Detrick, the CDC and NIH.

O' Toole was nominated by President Clinton to be assistant Secretary of Energy for Environment Safety and Health, and served in this position until 1997.
Like his colleague Jerome Hauer, Inglesby wrote bioterror scenarios for the John Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense.
His first popular one was released in July 1999 under the title, "Anthrax: A Possible Case History":

On May 25-27, 1999 Inglesby organised a joint conference for biological vaccines at Fort Detrick.
From his statements:
"..the DOD involvement in ongoing medical research also is important and instrumental to helping cities prepare for such emergencies... the Fort Detrick
institute is the most important component of ongoing research and development of effective defenses and treatment.."
Fort Detrick, which was officially the origin of the anthrax spore, spoke at that time already about anthrax as one of the "most treacherous enemies."

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Inglesby applied his influence in persuading the U.S. Congress and Department of Justice to fund and arrange a May 2000 exercise that involved key
emergency management personnel. The result was named "TOPOFF" - because of the engagement of top U.S. government officials.

The $3 million TOPOFF drill tested the preparedness of top government officials in responding to three simulated terrorist attacks against the United States: a
chemical weapons assault in Portsmouth, NH, a nuclear terrorism event in the greater Washington, D.C. area, and a bioweapons attack in Denver, CO. In
the fictional scenario, an aerosol of pneumonic plague has previously been released at the Denver Performing Arts Center. The release has gone
undetected, so the exercise starts with a hypothetical, unconfirmed attack.

In June and July 2000, Inglesby organised other bioterrorism scenarios in Atlanta and St.Louis:

In three storyboards by the "CDC," they "confirmed" the bio agent Yersinia pestis (the black plague).
On November 28, 2000 Inglesby participated at the Second National Symposium on Bioterrorism. Other guests included Jerry Hauer, Tara O'Toole,
Margaret Hamburg, Michael Osterholm and Laurie Garrett.
Inglesby's biggest project, however, was DARK WINTER (->).
He was the principal designer, author and facilitator of the BioTerror Exercise of June 2001.

Inglesby was a firm supporter of a higher BioDefense budget. Only a few days after the Sept. 11 attack, he complained in the pages of the Washington Post,
September 28:
"..the Pentagon spent $264 billion to deter regional conflicts, $28 billion to protect against a 'peer' nuclear attack and $3 billion on all other biological,
chemical, cyber and nuclear assaults. Of that, he said, $250 million went to public health systems. 'It would be a mistake not to change the funding patterns of
the past.'

Did Inglesby have prior knowledge of the anthrax attacks?

Why did Inglesby claim to the FBI that the Sep11th hijackers may have been involved in the anthrax attacks?

In a March 2002 article in the New York Times, Inglesby claimed that a June 2001 diagnosis of Dr. Tsonas from the Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale
could have been anthrax, and therefore Inglesby circulated a memorandum to the FBI:

The only problem is: Dr. Tsonas never informed the CDC about an anthrax case.
Dr. Tsonas was already visited by the FBI in October 2001. He claimed the FBI found the antibiotic Keflex in one of the hijackers bags, and showed him
photos. Then Tsonas believed to recognise Ahmed Alhaznawi again, one of the official hijackers from the Pennsylvania plane.
But Inglesby's memorandum never appeared in the media again. What was the real purpose of this memo?

As reported, Al Haznawi and other hijackers lived and attended flight school near the Boca Raton headquarters of American Media Inc., where the first
anthrax case surfaced. Al Haznawi entered the United States on June 8, records show. Sometime that month, he moved into an apartment in
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea (Delray Beach) with another suspected hijacker, Ziad Samir Jarrah, according to statements last fall by the building's landlord,
Charles Lisa (->).

Charles Lisa later informed the FBI, that the presumed-deceased Jarrah was still receiving his FAA newsletter:

Why did the FBI officially immediately ignore the strong ties between the Sep11th and anthrax attacks? The locations of the hijackers and the first anthrax
victim Bob Stevens (->) can't be a coincidence.

If the anthrax attackers had prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, did they have knowledge of the whereabouts of the hijackers, so that they could blame
them for the anthrax attacks, too?

Was it in any way scripted, before Sept. 11, that the anthrax attack would be tied to a possible attack with planes on America? And if so, by whom? Was this
plan later changed because the scientific evidence demonstrated that there was no such connection between the presumed hijackers and the anthrax

And if this speculation does include CIA involvement as well, the question has to be asked again: How many hijackers did the CIA really monitor before
Sept. 11th? How many of those who lived in Florida?
Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi was one of 10 to 15 hijackers who received their visa from the CIA-connected consulate at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
In November 2001 the FBI already arrested one suspect of Jeddah, who was responsible for this: Abdullah Noman. (->)

Was Haznawi on a Jeddah watch list?

And what about his roommate, Ziad Jarrah? More than seven months before the Sept. 11 hijackings, authorities in Dubai detained and questioned Jarrah at
the request of the U.S. government - before allowing him to continue his journey from Afghanistan to Florida, according to a United Arab Emirates official.

Who are the possible CIA members, who used the attack for a possible "911Pharmagate" and let it happen on purpose?

How much did Inglesby know about a possible attack - and if so, did he let it happen on purpose to achieve a higher biodefense budget?"

Ingram, Kevin
June 12, 2001: Kevin Ingram and Walter Kapij are arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on charges of money laundering. Also arrested are Diaa Mohsen
and Mohammed R. Malik, who are accused of attempting to buy Stinger missiles, nuclear weapon components and other sophisticated military weaponry for
the Pakistani ISI.

On August 28, 2001, 14 days before the Trade Center attacks,

former Deutschebank senior bond investment trader
Kevin Ingram, pled guilty in a $2.2 million dollar money laundering conspiracy,
resulting from a government sting operation investigating the illegal sale of night vision goggles,
Beretta machine pistols, M-16 machine guns with silencers, rocket-propelled grenade launchers,

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mortars, surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), TOW anti-tank missiles, and Stinger missiles,
according to court papers examined by the New York Post.

(-> Radiofreeamerica.tv)

In-Q-Tel is a private, non-profit enterprise funded by the CIA. Their mission is to identify and invest in cutting-edge information technology (IT) solutions
that serve U.S. national security interests.
In-Q-Tel operates bi-coastally with offices in northern Virginia and Silicon Valley.

In 1998 the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) called on private sector industry executives—led by former Lockheed (->) Martin CEO Norman
Augustine—to create and launch this new venture.
In-Q-Tel was chartered in February 1999 under the leadership of the DCI and the Directorate of Science and Technology and with the support of the U.S.

In 2002 In-Q-Tel included a 45-person staff and two strategic business teams, Technical and Venture, with a bi-coastal presence in Arlington, Virginia and
Menlo Park, California.
Rick E. Yannuzzi (Senior Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Strategic and Nuclear Programs in the National Intelligence Council/NIC) wrote in
Winter 2000:

"The origins of the concept that has become In-Q-Tel are traceable to Dr. Ruth David (->ANSER), a former CIA Deputy Director for Science and
Technology. She and her Deputy, Joanne Isham, were the first senior Agency officials to understand that the information revolution required the CIA to
forge new partnerships with the private sector and design a proposal for radical change."


Daniel D. Gupont wrote in August 2001 for Scientific American, that In-Q-Tel was now able to
"tracking less visible technologies" and "it monitors what it call deal flows".

In-Q-Tel 's venture arrangement with a small company called Safe Web brought PricacyMatrix,
"a 128-bit Internet encryption system, for the agency's use".
In-Q-Tel has provided funds to bigger government contractors like SAIC (->)

In-Q-Tels leadership includes:

Gilman Louie:
-developer of Falcon, F-16 flight simulator, and Tetris (Upgrade of the soviet original)
-former Hasbro Interactive's chief creative officer and general manager of the Games.com group
-executive at Nexa Corporation, Sphere, Inc., Spectrum HoloByte, Inc., and MicroProse, Inc., which was sold to Hasbro in 1998.
-his company Nexa was partly founded by British media baron Robert Maxwell, who died under unsolved circumstances in 1991.

Michael Griffin:
-led NASA teams during the redesign of the International Space Station
-pioneering research and development of complex weapons systems
-former Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Magellan Systems Division of Orbital Sciences Corporation
-served as the Deputy for Technology of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization at the Pentagon
-developing space missions at the Johns Hopkins (->) Applied Physics Laboratory, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Computer Science Corporation (CSC)
-served as an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University

Stephen Mendel:
-ex vice chairman of Knowledge Revolution, CEO and president of AXS, CEO and president of Ithaca Software, executive vice president of Maxwell
Communication Corporation-West, executive vice president of Spectrum-Holobyte, Inc. and executive vice president of MDL Information Systems.
-served as a member of the board of directors of AXS, Ithaca Software, Spectrum-Holobyte, Molecular Design, Opt4 Derivatives, Simmedia, Verso,
Futurize Now, Knowledge Revolution, Intl.com, MarketScience and Site Technologies.

In-Q-Tel invested so far in companies like Attensity (text extraction technology into tabular data), Browse 3D (3-D Internet Browsers, located in Dulles),
Graviton (wireless sensor platforms, funded i.e by Royal Dutch/Shell or Global Crossing) , Intelliseek (Search and Discovery solutions), MetaCarta
(Geographic Text Search, fundings in 1999 from DARP), Mohomine (document classification), Qynergy (electrical energy devices, founded in 2001 in
Albuquerque, New Mexico at Sandia ->), SafeWeb (security and privacy technologies), Stratify (unstructured data management software), SRD (software
applications to combat fraud, theft, and collusion. Originally developed for the casino gaming industry),
Tacit Knowledge Systems (Enterprise Expertise Automation, KnowledgeMail™ or MGM Mirage),
Traction Software (hypertext systems) and Zaplet (creator of the Zaplet Appmail System™).

DoD, Eli Lilly (->) or Northrop Grumman (->).


CIA executive director Krongard said on August 1, 2001:

"I think In-Q-Tel’s a wonderful model...in accessing the capabilities of the private sector."

Krongard is top suspect of an independent 911-insider trading investigation by Tom Flocco (->).

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(-> Insider Trading, 911 CIA)

(-> Insider Trading, 911 FBI)

In a bizarre twist, former Pentagon employee Clark G. Fiester (Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Technology) and a personal friend
of William Perry (former Secretary of State to Defense, who is listed on the board of In-Q-Tel), was aboard a C-21 Lear Jet which was either shot down or
sabotaged near Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, on April 17th, 1995, or just two days before the attack on the A.P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.

Immigration and Naturalization Service.
In March 2002, the US Government suggested a new identification system for foreign nationals
under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security instead of the INS.

(-> Insider-Trading 911-CIA)
(-> Insider-Trading 911-FBI)

Insider-Trading 911-CIA
Top-Investigator Tom Flocco reported on copvcia.com in 2001-2002 (and later on his own website
tomflocco.com) about the insider trading connected to the 9-11 attacks.

"According to a 10-19-2001 Wall Street Journal report, an unnamed investor purchased 2,000 United Airlines (UAL) put option contracts through Deutsche
Bank-Alex Brown on September 6 --
betting the stock would shortly plummet. And USA Today reported, that an individual purchased 810 UAL puts on August 6."

Actually there was later an arrest, which wasn't connected to Flocco's top suspect, former Deutschebank-Alex Brown CEO Wally A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard
(CIA) and the use of the spy program PROMIS.

On October 16, 2001, Fox News reported, that, according to sources, accused Russian spy and FBI agent Robert Hanssen sold high-tech PROMIS software
to Russia, and that Osama bin Laden allegedly purchased it from Russian organized crime source.

Flocco accused the SEC to block the investigation.


(-> Tomflocco.com )

Insider-Trading 911-FBI
On May 23rd, 2002, a few days after Bush confirmed prior knowledge on Sep11th (-> Bush knew),
federal prosecutors charged FBI agents Lynn Wingate of Albuquerque, N.M., and Jeffrey Royer, a former Oklahoma City agent who resigned in 2001, in
an indictment.

Analyst Amr "Tony" Elgindy, who allegedly used the inside FBI information to make money on the market, was among those charged.

Amr I. (Anthony) Elgindy, already an internationally known short-seller, appeared in U.S. District Court in San Diego on multiple charges of stock
manipulation, extortion, misuse of confidential law enforcement information..."

From a silconinvestor board:


Prosecutors charged agent Lynn Wingate and Jeffrey Royer, a former agent who quit in December, with lifting damaging information on public companies
from confidential FBI databases and giving it to trader Amr "Tony" Elgindy.

In the heyday of late 1990s online chat rooms, Mr Elgindy was legendary, best known among traders for his scathing company commentaries.

According to CNBC, Elgindy paid Jeffrey Royer, one of the FBI agents, $30,000 for stolen info from FBI files, then gave Royer a job on the
Anthony@Pacific -web site after Royer left the FBI..."

"...Anthony Elgindy refers to a Khashoggi's front that is known as Genesis Intermedia.

The NY Times report:

Stock Adviser Knew About 9/11 Attacks, U.S. Suggests

"...San Diego stock adviser who is accused of bribing an F.B.I. agent to give him confidential government information may have had prior knowledge of the
Sept. 11 attacks, a federal prosecutor said yesterday."



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- against - Cr. No.
(T. 15, U.S.C., §§
AMR I. ELGINDY, 78j(b) and 78ff;
also known as “Tony Elgindy” T. 18, U.S.C., §§
and “Anthony Pacific,” 371, 1503, 1951(a),
JEFFREY A. ROYER, 1962(d), 1963, 2 and
DERRICK W. CLEVELAND, 3551 et seq.)
defendant AMR I. ELGINDY, also known as Tony
Elgindy and Anthony Pacific,


Elgindy was involved in insider trading already in 1996 and 1997:

"...In May 2000, he was sentenced to four months in federal prison and three years of probation for fraudulently collecting disability payments between May
1994 and February 1995 while he continued to work as a stockbroker at Bear Stearns.
"...His father's a professor..."


ElGindy's family:

Elgindy's brother works in the White House


"...His wife is present in court, as she usually is, Mary Faith Elgindy, who was born in Louisiana. They have three beautiful sons ... His mother is a
pediatrician in Chicago. His father's a professor. He has brothers -- a brother that works in the White House. All of his family are professionals."

Mary Faith Elgindy is the spouse of Elgindy and she controlled at least one account with an investment dealer in British Columbia.


Pacific Equity Investigations, a business based in San Diego California, operated a public investment website, a subscription based e-mail newsletter and
subscription based investment website. Elgindy founded and at material times controlled the business.

Anthony Elgindy was chief equity analyst at Key West securities and worked for Jyra.
(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)

ElGindy's website Insidetruth.com was last updated December 3rd, 2002, while he was still in prison.
It was created by Pacific Tony ElGindy in March 2000 in Encinitas, CA.


Insider Trading on Sep10th, 2001:

"...Amr I. "Tony" Elgindy telephoned his broker on Sept. 10 and asked him to liquidate his children's $300,000 trust account, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken
Breen told a federal judge at Elgindy's detention hearing. "He made a comment predicting the market would drop to 3,000" at a time when the Dow Jones
stock index was at 9,600, Breen said. "Perhaps Mr. Elgindy had pre-knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks.

ElGindy's brother once worked for Cynthia McKinney (->)


"...Khaled Elgindy is National Coordinator for Political Action at the Arab American Institute in Washington, DC. Khaled represents AAI on a number of
national coalitions, including the National Iraq Network, and is responsible for mobilizing Arab-American action on various legislative issues.
In May 1998, he joined a delegation of Arab-American activists on a humanitarian mission to Iraq and to observe the effects of sanctions first hand. Khaled
previously served as Press Secretary to Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA).."

Classified informations:

"...Wingate, who is out on $100,000 bond, is on administrative leave as a special agent. Royer also is free but must wear an electronic monitoring bracelet..."

Feds: Ex-Agent Had Key Data

Stock scam charges have eerie link
May 29, 2002

"...In a criminal case with a specter of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, prosecutors disclosed yesterday that classified information
had been found during a search of possessions of a former FBI agent allegedly part of an insider trading conspiracy.
The tantalizing revelation was made by Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth Breen in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn during the arraignment of Lynn Wingate..."

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Elgindy No.3:

His name is Hossam Elgindy. (->)

His is a big specialist in Computer Science and inaugural algorythms.

911-Insider Trading Suspect met in July 2002 his ex-girlfriend


New York Post; New York; Jul 19, 2002; KATI CORNELL SMITH

"...Jeffrey Royer - who'd been tossed in the slammer by a Brooklyn judge on charges of contacting other witnesses in his case - was free on bail less than a
day June 18 when he penned a mushy letter to Christy Sarkey.
Sarkey, an ex-support staffer in the Oklahoma City FBI office, also told authorities that two other FBI agents invested with Royer.."

From the print issue:

Friday July 19th , 2002

"...Royer "was jailed again in NY yesterday for contacting a witness in the case- an ex-girlfriend, who'd taken investment tipd from him.
Christy Sarkey, an Oklahoma Cop, reported to the Feds that old flame and ex-G-man Jeffrey ROyer repeatedly tried to contact her...
...Royer allegedly leaked information from securities-fraud probes to TV financial commentator Amr "Tony" Elgindy- who's jailed awaiting trial on charges
of manipulating the market in ashort-selling scheme..."

"....The $500,000 bail of Jeffrey Royer was revoked by federal judge Raymond Dearie in Brooklyn after prosecutors disclosed Royer called and wrote a
letter to ex-girlfriend Christy Sarkey.
In granting bail to Royer last month, Dearie warned him about contacting any possible witnesses in the case.

The day he was freed by Dearie in June, Royer wrote a letter to Sarkey in which he apologized to her and said, "I don't know what life has in store for me,"
according to documents unsealed in the case. Royer also tried to call Sarkey, who worked as a support staffer in the FBI Oklahoma City office, the records

Sarkey identified the two agents investing with Royer as Charles Ruiz, who works in New York, and Todd Temple in San Diego, according to the interview



Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS)

(-> Feith, Douglas Jay)

(-> Simpson, Alan)
(-> Eyespymag.com)

Intelligence Senate Members

During 2001-2002, the members of the Senate Intelligence Panel had been:


Bob Graham (->), Florida (Chairman) ,got CIA briefing on Aug 6th
Carl Levin, Michigan
John D. Rockefeller, West Virginia
Dianne Feinstein (-> Brouillet, Carol), California (member of CFR->)
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Richard J. Durbin, Illinois
Evan Bayh, Indiana
John Edwards, North Carolina
Barbara Mikulski, Maryland


Richard C. Shelby (->), Alabama (Vice Chairman), got CIA briefing on Aug 6th
Jon Kyl, Arizona
James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Mike DeWine, Ohio
Fred Thompson, Tennessee
Richard Lugar, Indiana

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(-> Philip A. Odeen -> TRW -> Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Program)
(-> Feinstein-sabotage)

Intellibridge is a Washington, D.C.-based company that provides open source intelligence and decision-support systems, proprietary analysis and custom
content to corporations and branches of the military.
The lead investor was Hudson Venture Partners, a New York City-based investment fund with over $170 million under management.

The other members of the syndicate were technology-focused Liberty View Equity Partners; Marketing 1 to 1 Ventures, which brings expertise in customer
relationship management; and the Lorentzen Group (represented by Tyburn LTD and Northern Navigation International LTD) whose holdings span from
Brazil to Scandinavia.
London-based CDIB Young Associates Capital Partners, LP invested in the company.

Intellibridge's chairman and chief executive officer David Rothkopf, and former U.S. National Security.

Intellibridge Corporation was founded in January 1998 under the moniker The Newmarket Company by former Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce
David Rothkopf and advisor Anthony Lake, who both brought together officials from the CIA, NSA and defense community.

David Rothkopf was Former Deputy Under-Secretary of Commerce and former Managing Director, Kissinger Associates (->).

On March 29th, 2001, Intellibridge completed a $9.9 Million Equity Round.

Rothkopf and Intellibridge created HomelandSecurityMonitor on 19-Oct-2001 in Washington.



Intellibridge & In-Q-Tel



CIA funds new ventures with In-Q-Tel"


"Business Versus Terror"


In early 1999, In-Q-Tel was a response to a growing in-house perception

that the agency had been tardy in entering the information age.

"The Report of the Independent Panel on the CIA In-Q-Tel Venture" http://www.bens.org/highlights_InQTel.html


Intelligence and Security Agencies worldwide

Compare USA, France, Luxemburg, Russia, Sudan, Israel etc. at


French Intelligence Magazine.
Created in February 1999 by Indigo Publications in Paris, France.

(-> War on Freedom)

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)

Intentional Mistakes
The idea, that the so called "incompetence" (->) of Sep11th was in reality based on Intentional Mistakes, was picked up by some democrats in May 2002, but
later downplayed again:

Mayor Daley: Dems wrong to hit Bush on 9/11

(-> LIHOP)

International Action Center

Created in 1996 by the International Action Center in NYC.

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(-> International Answer)

International Answer

[email protected]

(-> Anti-War movement)


Authoritarian Opportunists Who Cozy Up To Genocidal Dictators - for Peace

(International A.O.W.C.U.T.G.D.F.P.)
Please come to DC on Jan 18 to help stop Bush's unilateral war on Iraq
Every person counts --
make January 18 a massive gathering for peace

BUT FIRST learn a little about the group organizing the protest:

International A.N.S.W.E.R. is a post-9/11 creation of the International Action Center, one of many front groups for the Workers World Party.

The Workers World Party:

» supported the Chinese government's 1989 Tienanmen Square massacre
» supports the "socialist" North Korean dictatorship of Kim Jong Il
» and views Iraq's Saddam Hussein as a beacon of anti-imperialist resistance
» defends the genocidal Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic

Registered by InternationalRESPONSE on January 10th, 2003 in New York

(-> Anti-War Movement)

International Consortium of Investigative Journalism

Headquartered in Washington DC, already in December 2001, Phillip Knightley
of the ICIJ explained:

"The way wars are reported in the western media follows a depressingly predictable pattern: stage one, the crisis; stage two, the demonisation of the enemy's
leader; stage three, the demonisation of the enemy as individuals; and stage four, atrocities"

One year later their website promoted their 11part series "The Business of War".
The ICIJ found out, that the US government governments have turned increasingly to private military companies (PMCs->).

Activist project specializing in the creation and distribution of radical t-shirts and buttons. From the tried but true anarchy symbol to feminist and queer
slogans with panache, anti-racism, animal rights and revolutionary ideas. Has Bush as "terrorist" on their website.
On February 19th, 2003, Bretton Barber, a sixteen year old high school student in Dearborn Heights (outside Detroit), was sent home after he refused to
remove one of the "International Terrorist t-shirts".
Internationalterrorist.com was created in November 2001 by Karl Levesque in Kersplebedeb, CP (Canada).
Contact: [email protected]

Faked, staged or provoked attacks between Summer and Winter of 2002 led many critics
to the assumption, that many military interest groups continued to control the Internet or partly shut it down.
A denial of serial attack at the end of October 2002 was "traced back" to North Korea, while it was an obvious coincidence, that in the same weeks North
Korea confirmed to develop and obtain nuclear weapons.

Into the Buzzsaw

Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press.
Supporting the book "Into the buzzsaw" by Kristina Borjesson with a foreword by Gore Vidal (->).

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Investigations, blocked
In November 2001, Greg Palast (BBC) released the famous article
"Has someone been sitting on the FBI?", in which he revealed,
how the FBI was sabotaged while investigating the BinLadin family:

"I received a phone call from a high-placed member of a US intelligence agency. He tells me that while there's always been constraints on investigating
Saudis, under George Bush it's gotten much worse. After the elections, the agencies were told to "back off" investigating the Bin Ladens and Saudi royals,
and that angered agents. I'm told that since September 11th the policy has been reversed. FBI headquarters told us they could not comment on our findings. A
spokesman said: "There are lots of things that only the intelligence community knows and that no-one else ought to know."

(-> World Assembly of Muslim Youth)


Ion Beam Applications

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)

IRAAP stands for Independent Researchers' Association for Anomalous Phenomena,
which included writers like John A. Quinn, formerly of NewsHawk Inc.
IRAAP supported reports of TopView (->) or Mike Hallowell
(Twilight Worlds Paranormal Research Society), http://www.twilightworlds.org

IRAAP.org was created in 1999 by Angela Moravero in Schenectady, NY


IRAAP is hosted at the services of mybizznet (BiznessOnline.com/veranetsolutions.com),

who are located in Albany, NY.
Established in 1994, VeraNet Solutions has grown to become one of the Northeast's leading Internet solutions companies.

Contact: [email protected]

On August 13th, 2002, Mohammad Khatami of Iran struck out at President Bush and other senior American officials at a news conference here today,
saying they had "misused" the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States "to create an atmosphere of violence and war" across the world

During 2002, Iran was accused of being part of the "axis of evil", supporting the Taliban, smuggling weapons to Palestines. In December 2001, an iranian oil
tanker was bombed by the US Navy.

On February 19th, Iran made again twice headlines.

A military plane carrying 280 passengers -- all
members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard -- crashed in southeastern
Iran, while at the same time, at least 200 of the iranian Shia Muslim soldiers had begun
moving troops into Iraq.

In October and November 1986, two secret U.S. Government operations were publicly exposed, potentially implicating Reagan Administration officials in
illegal activities. These operations were the provision of assistance to the military activities of the Nicaraguan contra rebels during an October 1984 to
October 1986 prohibition on such aid, and the sale of U.S. arms to Iran in contravention of stated U.S. policy and in possible violation of arms-export

In late November 1986, Reagan Administration officials announced that some of the proceeds from the sale of U.S. arms to Iran had been diverted to the
contras with the help of Oliver North (->), who was later convicted of altering and destroying documents.

The Iran operations were carried out with the knowledge of, among others, President Ronald Reagan, Vice President George Bush, Secretary of State
George P. Shultz (->), Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey (->), and national security advisers
Robert C. McFarlane and John M. Poindexter (->)

Source: http://www.webcom.com/pinknoiz/covert/icsummary.html

Only 15 years, some of the former Iran-Contra key persons, had been given jobs in the current Bush administration:


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Reagan national security adviser during Iran-Contra, the retired admiral is director of the Pentagon's Information Awareness Office. Created after the Sept.
11 terror attacks, the office uses computer technology to detect and analyze new kinds of military threats, including those from terrorist organizations.
Poindexter was convicted in 1990 on five felony counts of conspiracy, making false statements to Congress and obstructing congressional inquiries. In 1991,
an appellate court overturned the convictions and similar ones against former White House aide Oliver North. The court held that the government had
improperly used immunized congressional testimony against them.

A former assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, Abrams was hired by Bush in 2001 as special White House assistant for democracy
and human rights. Abrams pleaded guilty to withholding Iran-Contra information from Congress and was among six Iran-Contra figures pardoned on Dec.
24, 1992, by the first President Bush.

His nomination as assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, the top post for Latin America, was predicted to draw the most congressional
fire. Reich was head of the now-defunct Office for Public Diplomacy (OPD), which the House Committee on Foreign Affairs censured for "prohibited,
covert propaganda activities" (Washington Post, 10/11/87).

In January 2003, Reich was appointed to a top White House position.

The move, announced by White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, keeps Reich in government, working out of the National Security Council and reporting to
national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.

(-> Venezuela Plot)

In another interesting twist, former Iran-Contra Top prosecutor James Bosnahan became
the lawyer of the so called shoebomber (->) .

Compare some other biographies:

"IRAN-CONTRA Trading Cards"

Already in October 2000, before President Bush was even confirmed as a president of the United States, thinktank PNAC (->) around Richard Perle and
Charles Krauthammer planned a regime change in Iraq.

This plan was renewed on September 20th, 2001, signed by the same 42 people.

On October 13th, 2002, Neil MacKay wrote in the Sunday Herald, that the CIA admitted that the only reason Saddam would use WMDs (Weapons of Mass
destruction), against the United States was if he was backed into a corner and therefore warned of a war.

While the United States always claimed, they would attack Iraq because of a threat of WMD, the media started to doubt this.

In January 2003, a poll in TIME magazine showed, that 76% of the readers think,
the real reason is about oil.
DER SPIEGEL responded with a cover: "Blood for Oil".


In January 2002, UN-Inspectors came to the conclusion, that there is no "smoking gun" in Iraq, but Bush continued with sending more troops into the gulf,
while the CIA still desperately tried to tie Iraq with Al-Quaeda.

Jean-Louis Bruguire, France's leading terrorist investigator, came to the conclusion, that there is no link between al-Qaeda and Iraq. "Not a trace".

Already in December 2001, the UK Observer revealed a plan to attack Iraq, opposed by Tony Blair and other European Union leaders, threatens to blow
apart the increasingly shaky international consensus behind the US-led 'war on terrorism'.

Almost one year later, it was once again Richard Perle, who was sure, the war would start in 2003:

"...George Bush's top security adviser last night admitted the US would attack Iraq even if UN inspectors fail to find weapons.
Dr Richard Perle stunned MPs by insisting a "clean bill of health" from UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix would not halt America's war machine.
"Perle says the Americans would be satisfied with such claims even if no real evidence was produced."


(-> PNAC)


At the beginning of December 2002 the Bush administration appeared to be positioning itself to declare Iraq in "Material Breach" of U.N. Security Council
Resolution 1441.

As Marc Ash from truthout.org pointed out in an article, two days before another deadline:
1. The candor of the White House's own disclosures on Iraq have effectively been called into question;
2. Iraqi oil production facilities clearly appear to be an objective of the US mission.

Also known was, that though legal, leading US oil service companies
such as Halliburton (->) , Baker Hughes, Schlumberger,
Flowserve, Fisher-Rosemount and others, have used

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subsidiaries and joint venture companies for this

lucrative business, so as to avoid straining relations
with Washington and jeopardising their ties with
President Saddam Hussein's government in Baghdad...."


On September 2nd, 2002 AP reported, that

"...President Saddam Hussein gave his own explanation ... of why the United States was insisting on removing him from power — because Iraq was
preventing it from controlling Middle East oil. "America thinks it must control the world," he was quoted as saying to an envoy from Belarus. "America thinks
if it controls the oil of the Middle East then it will control the world," said Saddam, whose comments were carried by the official Iraqi News Agency..."


On September 21st, 2002 Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., said President Bush’s plans to invade Iraq are a conscious effort to distract public attention from
growing problems at home.
“This administration, all of a sudden, wants to go to war with Iraq,” Byrd said. “The polls are dropping, the domestic situation has problems.... So all of a
sudden we have this war talk, war fervor, the bugles of war, drums of war, clouds of war.

“Don’t tell me that things suddenly went wrong. Back in August, the president had no plans.... Then all of a sudden this country is going to war,” Byrd told
the Senate.

The US Gov-Oil connection:

According to oil industry executives and confidential United Nations records, however, Halliburton held stakes in two firms that signed contracts to sell more
than $73 million in oil production equipment and spare parts to Iraq while Cheney was chairman and chief executive officer of the Dallas-based company.

MCINTYRE: Well, let me take you back about 20 years ago. The date, I believe, was December 20th, 1983, you were meeting with Saddam Hussein. I
think we have some video of that, of that meeting.
...aided Saddam Hussein in his chemical weapons program

In late 2002, due to investigative journalist Marc Zumdeil, it came out, that almost 20 US companies aided Iraq with nuclear equipment.

Among them, the Boca Raton, Florida firm PIT- just prior to Gulf War I -- with full knowledge of the United States Government."

Tom Flocco (->)

PIT is only one block away from the AME building, where Bob Williams, the first anthrax victim worked.
(-> Anthrax)

Iraq on September 11th:

Iraq thinks, that the United States planned the Sep11th attack themselves:

"...Iraqi TV has commented on the first anniversary of the 11 September attacks in two special reports.
State media said that the US itself planned last year's attacks on New York and Washington to justify its war against terror."

(Wednesday, 11 September, 2002, 14:22 GMT 15:22 UK)

Iraq-Al Quaeda ties

(-> Bin Laden Tape 2003)
(-> Ansar al-Islam)

IRE.org stands for Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc.,
a grassroots nonprofit organization "dedicated to improving the quality of investigative reporting".
Though IRE was not concentrating on challenging the official Sep11-version, some
stories had been focused "on the fallout from the Sept. 11 terror attacks and was valuable for archiving the complete PATRIOT Act.

Among their board members of 2002 had been Shawn McIntosh of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution or David Boardman of The Seattle Times.
IRE began in 1975 and created their website in 1995 in Columbia, MO.

Matt Carroll of the Boston Globe poses a key question:

How were the Sept. 11 hijackers able to skip through security at Logan International Airport to commandeer not one, but two airplanes?

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IRNA is the Iranian News Agency.

On January 18th, 2002 they released a statement by one of an northeast iranian province leader Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Farzaneh, who said, that the
"September 11-U.S. terrorist
incidents were designed and carried out by the U.S. secret agencies
in order to assure exertion of America's full hegemony over the whole world."

Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Farzaneh argued, that is the way the

"free-minded intellectuals" think today around the globe.

In 2002 Iran was declared as part of the "axis of evil" by George Bush.

Isaacson, Robert
Former CNN boss, who ordered censorship in an internal memo in October 2001:

"It seems perverse to focus too much on the casualties or hardship in Afghanistan," Isaacson said in a memo ordering his staff to accompany any images of
Afghan civilian suffering with rhetoric that U.S. bombing is retaliation for the Taliban's harboring terrorists. As if the American public may be too
feeble-minded to remember Sept. 11, the CNN chief explained, "You want to make sure that when they see civilian suffering there, it's in the context of a
terrorist attack that caused enormous suffering in the United States."

On January 13th, 2002, Isaacson resigned as the boss of CNN.

Short for Inter-Service Intelligence, the Pakistan Secret Service.
According to Abdel Monam Saidali, of the Al-aram Center for Strategic Studies in Cairo, bin Laden and the "Afghan Arabs" had been imparted "with very
sophisticated types of training that was allowed to them by the CIA and ISI".

The ISI, founded after WW2, was a helpful organisation during the so called Golden Crescent drug trade, which was being used to finance and equip the
Bosnian Muslim Army (starting in the early 1990s) and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

As John Cooley reports in Unholy Wars: “By 1981, when CIA chief Casey and his Saudi associates, Kamal Adhan and Prince Turki (->), were casting
around for new sources of secret financing for the Afghan campaign, the bin Laden enterprises were all on a short list of possibly helpful families.” In 1986,
the CIA commissioned bin Laden to help build a huge tunnel complex in Khost, under the mountains near the border with Pakistan.

The CIA’s aim was to provide its Afghan killers with a major arms storage depot, training facility and medical center. It was here that bin Laden decided to
set up his own training camp for “Arab Afghans.” He later recounted that his “volunteers were trained by Pakistani and American officers. The weapons
were supplied by the Americans, the money by the Saudis”
On February 20th, 2003, Pakistan's Air Force Chief, Marshal Mushaf Ali Mir (who had ties to the ISI), was killed in a plane crash. (-> ToraBora)

ISI-Atta connection
In August 2001, Mohammad Atta, as reported, received $100000 from an "unknown source" at the Pakistan Secret Service ISI.
This was the reason, why former chief Massoud later had to resign.
On the same day the United States started their retaliation against Iraq.

As later was revealed, the unknown source used at least two aliases:
Mustapha Ahmad Al-Hawsawi aka Shaikh Saeed (->).

One of the earliest versions of this story was released on September 30, 2001, by Brian Ross reporting on information conveyed to him by the FBI, ABC

Less than two weeks later, the findings of the FBI were confirmed by
Agence France Presse (AFP) and the Times of India, quoting an official
Indian intelligence report (which had been dispatched to Washington).

According to these two reports, the money used to finance the 9-11
attacks had allegedly been "wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, at the instance of [ISI Chief] General
Mahmoud [Ahmad]."
According to the AFP (quoting the intelligence source):

"The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range

and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some
misplaced act of terrorism."

The Times of India, Delhi, 9 October 2001
AFP, 10 October 2001

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(->Adorna, Renee ->$200.000)

ISI-meeting in Washington
General Mahmoud Ahmad of the ISI (->), was in Washington for one week from September 6th- September 15th, 2001.

Ahmad had in fact arrived in the U.S. on the 4th of September, a full week before the attacks.
The purpose of his meeting at the State Department on the 13th was only made public "after" the September 11 terrorist attacks, when the Bush
Administration took the decision to formally seek the "cooperation" of Pakistan in its "campaign against international terrorism."

Ahmad had two meetings with Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, respectively on the 12th and 13th. After September 11, he met Senator Joseph
Biden, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.
Confirmed by several press reports, he had "a regular visit of consultations" with U.S. officials during the week prior to September 11, --i.e. meetings with
his U.S. counterparts at the CIA and the Pentagon. This included US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Marc Grossman.

During Ahmads visit, on the 9th of September, the leader of the Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Masood was assassinated.

The reason for Ahmads' visit wasn't made public.

Later even his name was altered (changed into "inaudible") in a trabscript on questions during a Pentagon-press conference. (-> Ahmad, General Mahmud)

Only 1 day before Sep11th, Paknews speculated, that "one can safely guess that the discussions must have centred around Afghanistan, relations with India
and China, disarmament of civilian outfits, country's nuclear and missiles programme and, of course, Osama Bin Laden."

Times of India

ISI-911 ties
During 2001 and 2002, many independent investigators came to the conclusion, that the Pakistan Secret Sevice ISI might have been heavily involved in the
planning of the war against the Taliban, and had prior knowledge of the Sep11th attacks, possibly okayed a SETUP (->) with the help of the CIA, to profit
from new business arrangements.

Other speculations are around, that the ISI killed General Massoud of the Northern Alliance, used the "War against Terrorism" to plot against India,
attacked the indian government, sent Shoebomber Richard Reid (->) to Paris and killed Daniel Pearl (->), of the WSJ.

Though best ties to the Taliban, the ISI was one of the few secret services, who DID NOT warn the CIA about a possible attack on america (-> early

ISI-Terrorist and Sniper Camps

By 1992, the ISI was operating 13 permanent, 18 temporary, and 8 joint training camps for Kashmiris in Pakistan Azad Kashmir alone. Some 3,700 Kashmiri
fighters were located in those camps by the summer of 1992, including terrorists who crossover from Indian Kashmir.

Thus, in the spring of summer of 1992, the ISI established new training camps for Islamist terrorists where they are trained on the latest weapons. The
Director of this effort is ISI Brig. Javed, a veteran of the Afghan support effort. A special research council of Islamabad, including military and ISI officers,
determines which groups and individuals are eligible to receive assistance, what type, and to what extent:

“Curriculum in Training Camps” -Elementary Training for 7 to 10 days

1. Introduction to AK-47 Rifles, Chinese Pistols, Rocket Launchers/LMG’s Explosives

2. Art of Ambushes with minimum firing practice on AK-47 Rifles and pistols plus live
demonstration of Explosives

3. Lectures and practical demonstrations in concealment, camouflage, reconnaissance, and

intelligence gathering

4. Others sent for “battle inocculation in Afghan Mujahideen War”

5. Training in sabotage and subversive operations

6. Indoctrination for armed struggle through lectures and video films

Extended Training Courses 2 to 12 weeks

1. Handling of sophisticated/heavy weapons, including Rocket Launchers, MMG’s/LMG’s,


2. MI/Sniper rifles, Mortars, Remote Control devices

3. Anti-personnel/tank mines and explosives, including IED’s

4. Finer aspects of Ambushes/Raids, operation of walkie-talkie sets

5. Use of anti-Aircraft guns and Heavy Machine Guns

6. Rock climbing/Mountaineering, Jungle survival, Mock exercise for border crossing

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7. First aid/para-medical training

8. Audio-Visual education on commando operations

9. After initial arms training, some terrorists are imparted Wireless communication training
(Morse and computer-based data mode) for ensuring direct link of terrorists with Pakistan

10. Specialised training in new weapons including SVD, Dragunov sniper rifles, 12.7 mm Heavy
machine guns and 82 mm Mortars


Israel, Jared
(-> tenc.net)

Israel: War on Terrorism

Started officially in October 2001. Since then, suicide bombers of Hamas and military attacks,
ordered by Prime Minister Sharon increased a new middle east conflict.
In late 2002, Sharon claimed new evidence for ties between Hamas and Al-Quaeda.

(-> Al-Quaeda mock cell)

Ivanov, Igor
Igor Ivanov, Russian Foreign Minister, warned in May 2000,
that Russia might launch air strikes against Afghanistan.
The United States stopped this plan without explaining why.


Why did "Hijacker" Siad Jarrah get away with a ticket?

Jackson, Maynard
Maynard H. Jackson, black activist and former Atlanta mayor who lost out to Terry McAuliffe for chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee in
2000, wrote Mr. McAuliffe demanding a meeting of the party's executive committee to discuss the midterm election "horror show" and "correct our course

Jacksons nickname is mcaucliffe.

Jaeger, Karl Gebhard

Former Director of the Bin Ladin Group.

Jalil, Abdul Malik Pahlavan

Taliban's former deputy foreign minister, who met former US Ambassador Karl Inderfurth (->) in 1999.

Jamaat el-Islami (JI)

Founded by Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmed.
This pakistani opposition group was later described as "connected to terrorists".

In 1988 Zia-ul-Haq, as a former Prime Minister, inducted a large number of JI mullahs into the Education Department as Arabic teachers.

Later pakistan secret service ISI had persuaded Nawaz Sharif's (former prime minister) Pakistan Muslim League (PML) and Qazi's JI to come together in
the Islamic Democratic Front (IDF) to counter the PPP (Pakistan's Peoples Party).


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Jamaat ul-Fuqra
Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF) or "community of the impoverished", a terrorist outfit operating in Pakistan and North America, was formed by a Pakistani cleric,
Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, in New York in 1980, on his first visit to the US. Mubarak Gilani's intention in forming the outfit was to 'purify' Islam through
Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, who calls himself the sixth Sultan Ul Faqr, is the chief of JF.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra is headquartered in Hancock, New York.

A media report has indicated that the JF is being probed for links with Richard Reid (->), a Briton, accused of trying to use explosives in his shoes to blow up
a Paris-to-Miami jetliner on December 22, 2001.
Gilani was later under investigation for money laundering from the US into Pakistan and vice versa.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating connections between a small black Muslim community in California's Sierra Nevada valley,
called Baladullah and the JF.


Gilani was interrogated regarding the killing of Daniel Pearl.

He could confirm, that Pearl was on his way to interview him, when he was kidnapped.

It is assumed, even by US intelligence, that Jamaat ul-Fuqra and/or Pearls killers have strong ties to ties Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence Directorate

Al Fuqra, which used to be known as Jamaat-ul-Fuqra, "is a splinter group of the extremist Army of Muhammad, a jihadi organization recently banned by
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. It has had long-standing connections with senior ISI officials, State Department analysts said.
The links are so clear, said former CIA chief of counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro (->),
that "Gilani has some former senior ISI official sitting on the board of his organization."

Al Fuqra has close ties with another Pakistani extremist group, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, which, significantly, was left off Musharraf's Jan. 12 list of banned

Daniel Pearl, former head of the Wall Street Journal's bureau in Bombay, India, was officially investigating on Richard Reid.

Janes Magazine
Already established in 1898, the first edition of Jane's All the World's Fighting Ships (later shortened to Jane's Fighting Ships) was released and almost
immediately became an authoritative guide to ship recognition and naval intelligence.

In 2002 Jane's Defence Weekly, Jane's Fighting Ships and Jane's All the World's Aircraft, included weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual information
products on military business worldwide.

On September 11th, 2002, Alfred Rolington, Managing Director asked:

"Regardless of whoever was behind the 9/11 attacks, there were certain aspects of that day and the preceding ones that were known. The hijackers were, in
part, known to be on some wanted lists.
It had been known for some time that Al-Qaeda was training pilots.
Why, therefore, was there nothing clearly done to disrupt this attack?"

Jane's reported heavily between June and August 2001 on Bin Laden,
known to be "training individuals as commercial pilots".

James Baker Institute

(-> Baker Institute, James)

Japan/weapon deals
In an June 1st interview with AP, Pentagon's No. 2 official Paul Wolfowitz (->) claimed,
that "...Islamic terrorists "have Asia in their sights..."
"...Asia must take seriously the threat of Muslim militants who, he said, want to impose "a medieval, intolerant and tyrannical way of life."

Only one day before this interview, the Republic of China (Taiwan) had "obtained support from the US Department of Defense for its proposed acquisition
of 30 AH-64D Apache Longbow..."

Due to Janes Magazine, already in December 2001, North Korea has agreed to sell Egypt two dozen Rodong long-range missiles and related technology.

The same source confirmed that the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) accepted in May 2002 its first of 20 AH-64D Apache Longbow attack
helicopters during a 17 May ceremony at Boeing's..."

May 2002 was "succesful" for South Korea, who upgraded its nine Chang Bogo (Type 209)-class diesel-electric patrol submarines.

Other reports of Janes confirmed british military sales to Pakistan and deals between US-BAe (->)
and India.

Jarrah, Siad
Aysel Senguen was for five years — almost from the day they met in Germany in the spring of 1996 — in love with Ziad Jarrah.

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( January 27, 2003)

Jarrahs Ticket ignored

In January 2002, Maryland police released their "hijacker traffic stop"- video of Jarrah.

Ziad S. Jarrah, one of the official hijackers,

was stopped for speeding shortly after midnight September 9- only two days before the attack:

"..Maryland State Police released a videotape Tuesday of a traffic stop involving hijacker Ziad S. Jarrah two days before the September 11 terrorist attacks
on the United States.

The state trooper's dashboard-mounted camera did not capture any images of Jarrah, one of the hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 93. But the officer
was wearing a wireless microphone, and the audio track captured the driver giving simple "yes" and "no" answers to the trooper's questions.

Trooper 1st Class Joseph Catalano stopped Jarrah for speeding on northbound Interstate 95 shortly after midnight on September 9. The policeman can be
seen approaching the car, obtaining the driver's license and registration, and returning to the patrol car for a radio check of the credentials."


The CIA claimed, that Jarrah (pilot of the jetliner that crashed in Pennsylvania) was not on a terrorist watch list, but according to motel records, a man by
that name used a credit card to pay for a late August 2001 stay at the Pin Del motel in Laurel, Md., where Nawaq Alhamzi stayed in September.
Alhamzi was on the CIA watch list.


CNN reported in February 2002 on Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley, who said:
"Local law enforcement officials should have been told by the FBI that Jarrah was on a CIA watch list"

(-> Springman, J. Michael)
(-> Visa applications)

(-> Al-Kadi, Yassin -> Blessed Relief -> National Management Consultancy Center)
(-> Bin Laden, Ali Ghanem)
(-> Cannistraro, Vincent)
(-> Chicago-Connection -> Al Baraka Bank)
(-> Dallah/Avco, Dallah Avco Trans-Arabia Co Ltd, ABID)
(-> Hijacker ID-confusion -> Abdulaziz Alomari)
(-> Noman, Abdullah -> Nevada-Connection)
(-> Noman, Abdullah -> Glenn A. Fine -> FinCen)
(-> Savolah Group)
(-> Springman, J. Michael)

(-> Jack Riddler, OsamaKidneys, NL/Nikos Levis)

Jet Tech
(-> FAA warnings -> Pan AM International Flight Academy)
(->Pan AM)

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a San Francisco Bay Area grassroots organization dedicated to the human, civil and economic rights of Jews, Palestinians,
and all peoples in the Middle East.
Beyond their focus on the Middle East, JVP aims to build a community of activists working together on issues of social and economic justice.


JF Lehman + Co.
J.F. Lehman & Co. is a private equity firm formed in 1992.
They have transatlantic resources and capabilities and maintain offices in New York, London and Washington.

Since 1992, J.F. Lehman & Co. has invested in nine companies with an aggregate transaction value of approximately $750 million:

Accudyne Corporation & Kilgore Corporation

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Elgar Electronics Corporation

McCormick Selph, Incorporated
OAO Technology Solutions, Incorporated
Racal Instruments Group
Redleaf Group, LLC.
Special Devices, Incorporated
Sperry Marine

One of the limited partners of Lehman is Oliver C. Boileau, Jr. (former Boeing, General Dynamics and President of the Grumman Corporation, a subsidiary
of Northrop Grumman ->).
Boileau is member of the National Security Advisory Panel of Sandia National Laboratories (->).

Randy H. Brinkley is currently President of Boeing Satellite Systems Inc.

From 1990 to 1992 he worked at McDonnell Douglas Corporation.

Tig H. Krekel is former President of Boeing Satellite Systems and former President and Chief Executive Officer of Hughes Space and Communications, the
world's largest manufacturer of commercial communications satellites.

Krekel spent five years as a Naval Officer holding various assignments including nuclear engineering duty on the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, and aide
in the office of the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.


Frequent used word, explained directly or subtlely, to mean "holy war".
As a matter of fact the term "holy war" was coined in Europe during the Crusades, meaning the war against Muslims.
It does not have a counterpart in Islamic glossary, and Jihad is certainly not its translation.
The word Jihad means "striving".

Jimhightower.com, a political website, was created in 1997 by Saddle-Burr Productions, Inc. in Austin TX.

(-> Hightower, Jim)

Joel Skousen (Orem, Utah) is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is a designer of high
security residences and retreats.
Skousen was raised in Oregon and later served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam era. During the 80's he took a leave of absence
to serve as the Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC.

Skoulsen published a newsletter entitled, the WORLD AFFAIRS BRIEF, and served as a Senior Editor of "Cogitations" a quarterly journal on law and
government .
Skoulsen analysed the ideas of a New World Order.

His articles had been supported in 2002 by CentrExNews.com , which posts a column by Skousen each week at:

Skoulsen describes a battle between the United States and Europe.

He thinks, that the half of the european 12 strategic objectives are focused on bringing the powerful independent globalist organs (IMF ->, World Bank, BIS,
and WTO) under direct UN control.

JoelSkousen.com was created in 1999 in Orem, Utah by Joel Skousen Designs.

(-> burningbush.netfirms.com or elitegroups.netfirms.com)

Contact: [email protected]

Johns Hopkins Institute

In March 2002, the Johns Hopkins Institute released a memo, which came to the conclusion,
that in June 2001, two of the official Sep11th-hijackers had cutaneous anthrax.

This story was picked up in the NY Times at


The Hopkins-memo was based on another story, which was already released in October 2001:
The director of the Holy Cross Hospital/Ft. Lauderdale (Florida), Dr. Christos Tsonas,
was interrogated by the FBI in October 2001, but pointed out that he didn't recognise the case as anthrax.

He said, he "recognised a dark lesion on the patients leg,

but thought "the injury was curious, cleaned it,
prescribed an antibiotic for infection and sent the men away".

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Officially the Sep11th attack and the anthrax attack had been seperated by both US Gov and FBI.

FBI Director John Collingwood in early 2002:

``This was fully investigated and widely vetted among multiple agencies several months ago,'' he said in a written statement. ``Exhaustive testing did not
support that anthrax was present anywhere the hijackers had been. While we always welcome new information, nothing new has, in fact, developed.''
However it disturbingly looks, that both cases in fact belonged together and had been part of an original blueprint.

Then in November 2001, because of the cleverness of many american scientists (FAS ->), who realised, that the anthrax attack could have been an idea of
government related biopharmacy- and Bioweapon companies with prior knowledge of the Sep11th attacks, it appears that this "plan" was changed and
blamed on "right wing nuts".

Later this was updated again: The anthrax came indeed from Fort Detrick (->) and at least two USAMRIID (->)-related suspects had been interrogated or
arrested, one of them Stephen Hatfill. (->)

If the idea is correct, that both Anthrax and Sep11th attacks would have been part of one and the same plan and no copy-cat "project", it would explain the
bizarre coincidence, why Hamza Alghamdi ("WTC-south tower") rented in August 2001 an unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club, 755 Dotterel Rd, which
originally was owned by Gloria Irish, the wife of Editor Michael Irish of the Sentinel Sun, where first anthrax victim Bob Stevens worked, too.

This was confirmed in their paper on October 13th 2001.

Was it part of the plan to blame the anthrax attack on the "hijackers" and who exactly had prior knowledge of the Sep11th attack?

The anthrax-hijacker "connection" by the Johns Hopkins Institute was supported by Dr. Thomas Inglesby, which role looked a little bit too much suspicious
and was therefore part of an article named
"Top 20 LIHOP Suspects", Dr. Thomas Inglesby (->), which was mirrored or mentioned on at least 150 websites worldwide in 2002, including in the
stocktalks at siliconinvestor.com. (LIHOP->)

The CIA ignored the Hopkins memo, it seems, they did that on purpose, as reported in the NY Times:
"A senior intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said CIA Director George Tenet had received the Johns Hopkins memo and that
government officials were looking into it. ``No one is dismissive of it,'' the official said. ``No one's ruling anything out.''

The John Hopkins Institute combines various institutions or projects, i.e Johns Hopkins University (founded in 1876), the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
the SAIS-Novartis (->) International Journalism Awards, The Johns Hopkins University in Bologna, Italy, the Hopkins Nanjing University in China
or The Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS, Massachusetts Avenue, N.W) .

The SAIS (->) was established during World War II by "a group of statesmen who sought new methods of preparing men and women to cope with the
international responsibilities that would be thrust upon the United States in the postwar world".

SAIS became a division of The Johns Hopkins University (http://www.jhu.edu/ ) in 1950.

The Johns Hopkins Institute created a "Center for Strategic Education",

who compiled an own Sep11th-related link-page at:


Jhu.edu was already created in 1987 by the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, at that time only accessible via FTP-, Telnet-, Gopher- or

(-> Memo)

Jones, Alex
Alex Jones from infowars.com released one of the most popular videos among the 911Skeptics,
named "911- The road to Tyranny", his eighth documentary movie for Infowars.

This movie included the famous interview with Top Prosecutor David Schippers (->), who had prior knowledge on a pending attack on america and
unsuccesfully tried to reach John Ashcroft (->) to warn him.

Jones later supported videos by GNN (->) or UnansweredQuestions.org (->) and received cult status
with his entertaining style in his own radio show.


Watch the Entire Film Online:


At the end of 2002 Jones released his book "911: DESCENT INTO TYRANNY".

Alexjones.com was created in 2000 by Alexander Jones in Austin, TX .


As a Justice Department prosecutor, John Loftus once held some of the highest security clearances in the world, with special access to NATO Cosmic, CIA
codeword, and Top Secret Nuclear files.
As a private attorney, he works without charge to help hundreds of intelligence agents obtain lawful permission to declassify and publish the hidden secrets
of our times. He is the author of four history books, three of which have been made into films, two were international best sellers, and one was nominated

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for the Pulitzer Prize.

On his website, John Loftus covers the Bush-Harriman business, Iraq, Enron and 911 and the Saudis:

"As a combined result of two blocks against an investigation between Saudi Arabia and terrorist ties,
the Saudis were able to fund middle eastern terrorists in complete secrecy during the 1990’s through a network of Muslim charities in Virginia, Tampa and

The Saudi funding conduit has now been exposed and shut down by means of a private lawsuit, Loftus vs. Sami Al Arian, which is currently pending in
Hillsborough County, Florida. The lawsuit, filed on March 20, 2002, influenced the government into raiding the Saudi charities in Herndon, Virginia, a few
hours later.
After filing the Al-Arian lawsuit, Attorney Loftus began to receive very detailed documents and information about a third block: a prohibition on
investigations concerning the Taliban.

In the early 1990’s, a consortium of American oil companies (lead by Unocal ->) had hired Enron to determine the profitability of building an oil and gas
pipeline across Afghanistan so that America could have access to the Caspian Sea Basin, holding 1/8th of the worlds energy supplies.

Loftus confirmed on his website, that it was former FBI anti-terror specialist John O’Neill (->),
who originally discovered the Al Qaida pipeline memo after the Embassy bombings in Africa.

John-Loftus.com was renewed in March 2002 by John Loftus in St. Petersburg in Florida.

Contact: [email protected]

Joint Tactical Radio Systems

(-> Boeing Defense Integrated Systems)
(-> New Jersey Connection)

Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program

(-> Anthrax-911-Gate)

Jones, Terry
In April 2002, actor and former Monthy Python's member Terry Jones,
criticised the US Gov with the words:

"Since its ground-breaking experiments in vote-counting in Florida two years ago, the US has been universally recognised as the chief innovator in the field
of democratic principles. Therefore, one of the factors that must surely confer legitimacy on any democracy would be approval by the US... It is also no
good imagining that landslide victories are any guide to legitimacy."


Jordan, Vernon
Close friend and adviser of President Clinton, who was accused
of aiding in a cover-up of the President's affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Subject of investigations by Daniel Hopsicker (->).

Jost, Alant
Key member of some 911-strategy lists (->)


JP Morgan Stanley/Chase
Many people speculated on a prior knowledge of JP Morgan on Sep11th.
JP Morgan occupied floors 43-46 and 59-74 of the south tower, which was struck across floors 82-93, and "lost only 4-5 employees", most of which were

Compared with Cantor Fitzgerald (->), who lost 700 employees, Morgan Stanley had much luck.

Cantor occupied floors 101-103 and 105 of the north tower, which was struck across floors 95-103.

Here is the "connection pattern" of Morgan Stanley:

(-> Aramark)
(-> BENS -> Daniel H. Case, III /Chase)
(-> Blackstone Group -> Stephen A. Schwarzman -> Morgan Chase National Advisory Board )
(-> CFR -> David Rockefeller -> Chase Manhattan)
(-> Department of Justice -> Larry D. Thompson -> King & Spalding)
(-> Hollinger International Inc.)
(-> Kissinger, Henry)

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(-> Sage Maker)

(-> Trilateral Commission -> Morgan Guaranty -> Alan Greenspan)

Judge, John
Author, historian, and researcher, who has spent the past twenty-seven years
examining the hidden history of the Cold War, US intelligence agencies.

As an avid investigator into the Kennedy Assassination, John Judge found links between the characters, assassins, funding and operations in the subsequent
murders of Robert F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and numerous other public figures and eye witnesses to the killings.

At a press conference of unansweredquestions.org (->), John Judge, who literally grew up in the Pentagon, explained that the Pentagon is "an airspace that
when I grew up here in DC I have seen, and friends of mine have seen, commercial aircraft stray into this airspace and be confronted by interceptors that
came up from local military bases or other points in the city and wagged back out of that airspace. This is an airspace that's under constant surveillance,....

...They have interceptors that go up to find out what's happening, why it's off course, if communication to the tower is broken, and that these are procedures
that don't need any order from the President. They don't need any order from the Pentagon or anything else. These are standard FAA (->) and NORAD (->)

...the planes should have been, and could have intercepted the plane at least, wagged at it, tried to indicate it or turn it in a particular direction. They have
procedures that they follow..."

Source: UQ-transcripts

John Judge has an own website at Ratical.org (->)


Already in February 2002, civil watch group judicialwatch established a poll with the question:

"Should President Bush hold people accountable in his administration for the most egregious failure of national security in American history?"

The answer had been:

Yes 84%
No 15%

On June 14th, 2002, JudicialWatch announced a lawsuit against the

FBI, CDC, White House, NIH and a few others
regarding prior knowledge on the anthrax attacks.

On the same weekend John Ashcroft announced

in Russia, that they had arrested the "dirty nuke bomber"
suspect Jose Padilla (->).

During this announcement C|Span decided to

cancel a live broadcast from the 911 victims
conference in Washington, organised by
unansweredquestions.org (-> Fitts, Catherine)

During 2002, Judicial Watch kept the progressive media busy.

They demanded a public release of Dick Cheney's energy-files.


In a lawsuit filed in July 2002, self-described government watchdog group Judicial Watch accused Halliburton of using a change in accounting practices to
overstate revenue by $445 million from 1999 through 2001.

On November 27th, 2002, as reported in the Washington Post, a federal judge again rejected Bush administration efforts to protect as confidential documents
from Vice President Dick Cheney's energy committee.

The 36-page ruling was the latest step in a lengthy procedural dispute between the White House and Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the Federal District Court
for the District of Columbia.

Nothing of substance was resolved in the ruling. The White House had ignored Judge Sullivan's rulings, going over his head by asking a higher court to
exempt Mr. Cheney from having to comply with the judge's orders over the last five months to turn over the documents.

The judge set Dec. 12, 2002 as the next time for the administration to meet back in court with the two groups, the Sierra Club and Judicial Watch, that
brought the case.

Furthermore, as revealed on Sep27th ” judicial watch filed Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) requests to uncover the names of those U.S. government
officials responsible for the intelligence failures that contributed to the attacks of September 11th. A 30-page interim report by Congressional Joint
Intelligence Committee Staff Director Eleanor Hill, that was released to the public on September 18, 2002, failed to hold any individuals accountable, or
specifically identify any U.S. government officials for failing to perform their duty in protecting the United States.

Judicial Watch will pursue accountability for the American people through the courts, if necessary.

Staff Director Hill’s report is a “whitewash” that talks about intelligence indicators, but fails to identify the specific persons, staffs and agencies who failed
the American public."

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In December 2002, Judicial Watch continued to support an independent 911-comission.


On January 10th, 2003, JW repeated, that the Bush administration has failed to provide a complete and accurate response to a Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request concerning the decision to place White House staff on a regimen of the powerful antibiotic, Cipro, the same day as the terrorist attacks on
September 11, 2001.


Contact: [email protected]


What is the role of James Kallstrom and MBNA Corp?

Kallstrom, James
Former Director, Office of Public Security for State of New York and TWA800 (->) Investigator James Kallstrom held various important positions in

He is Senior Executive Vice President of the MBNA Bank (->) and Assistant Director in charge of the New York FBI.

With the help of MBNA Corp, the FBI tried to trace the hijackers credit cards.

Almost at the same time, former FBIHQ Thomas Pickard (->) started a new job at MBNA (Wilmington, Delaware) as well, as a Senior Vice Chairman -
right after Sep11th, 2001 and only a few weeks after he and Louis J. Freeh forced FBI Anti-Terror specialist John O'Neill out of his job.

Louis J. Freeh started a job at MBNA in September 2001, too, supporting yet another ex-FBI agent, Lewis Schiliro, who supervised several counterterrorism
investigations, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania and BioTerror conferences by Jerome
Hauer * (->), who organised the security job at the Twin Towers for John O' Neill (->).

* This conference was on July 26, 1999, conference in New York for journalists and "thought leaders," on bioterrorism and "Reporting on Weapons of Mass
Destruction - Responsibility, Reliability, Readiness."
Among participants at this 1999 conference Schiliro and Brigadier General Bruce Lawlor of the U.S. Army (consultant to the Defense Science Board), who
is today, unsurprisingly Senior Director for Protection and Prevention, Office of Homeland Security.


The story of MBNA and Kallstrom is rather obscure.

In April 2001, MBNA had to deal with check fraud. Involved was Intelligent Finance,
a Halifax-backed Internet bank and a bogus account for a guy named Vindel.

Interesting is the bio of another director of the MBNA Corporation: Bernadine P. Healy.
She serves as a trustee of the Battelle Memorial Institute (->) and is President and CEO of the American Red Cross.

On May 10, 2001, a few months before Sept. 11, she testified on "human challenges that we will face during a WMD attack":

Thanks to OBM Watch (who is keeping a list of information removed from government websites) we learned, that on "January 17, 2002, James K.
Kallstrom, Director of the Office of Public Security and James G. Natoli, Director of the Office of State Operations in New York, issued a confidential
memo to agency heads and commissioners on "agency sensitive information."

The memo instructs agencies to review all "sensitive" information held by the agency and what information is made publicly accessible via the Internet,
freedom of information, or other ways. Sensitive information should no longer be made available to the public except where specifically required by law.
Logs over the past year of who has accessed sensitive information should be made available to the Office of Public Security and the Office of State
Operations. All of this was to be accomplished by February 17 and certified by agency heads through a confidential report..."


More disturbingly, Kallstrom became Head of the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the federal Office of Homeland Defense, the U.S. Coast Guard,
and Entergy officials at Indian Point (Tinfoil Alert? ->) to assess the long-term security needs at the nuclear plant Indian Point.

(-> Pentagon-Crash)
(-> Anablep)
(-> Hauer, Jerome)


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Kamel, Hussein
According to Newsweek, ”Hussein Kamel, the highest-ranking Iraqi official ever to defect from Saddam Hussein’s inner circle, told CIA and British
intelligence officers and U.N. inspectors in the summer of 1995 that after the gulf war, Iraq destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the
missiles to deliver them. Kamel’s revelations about the destruction of Iraq’s WMD stocks were hushed up by the U.N. inspectors, sources say, for two
reasons. Saddam did not know how much Kamel had revealed, and the inspectors hoped to bluff Saddam into disclosing still more.”
Source: http://www.msnbc.com/news/752664.asp?0cv=CB20

Kamfar, Amer
Already at 10:53 AM on Sep11th, IBS/Click10 TV, reported about an arrestment in Vero Beach, Florida.
As later came out, Amer Kamfar or Amer Taiybkamfar, a flight engineer, was the neighbour of Hani Hanjour. He listed his address as a Saudi Airlines post
office box.


Kane+ Salem
Music activist duo from New York from C-Supreme Studios in NY.
In late 2002 they created a hip-hop-rock song dealing with the unanswered questions concerning the Sept. 11 attacks. The song is based on info gleaned
from www.unansweredquestions.org and www.gnn.tv.

Their track was first promoted on delcanton.com (->).

From the lyrics:

"Ahmed is buddy-buddy with George Tenet,
He's buddy-buddy with Mohammed Atta (x4)
At 8:28 A.M. Flight 11 makes an unplanned 100 degree turn to the south.
At 9:04 our commander&chief is told "A second plane has hit, America is under attack."
He is in an elementary school and continues to read about goats for the next 20 minutes or so ...
Meanwhile, the director of the CIA, George Tenet is having breakfast with Mahmoud Ahmed, head of the Pakistani ISI who had authorized a $100,000 wire
transfer to Mohammed Atta, the alleged ringleader of the 9-11 attacks. There must have been a military order..."


Contact: [email protected]

Karachi is the headquarter of rabid anti-Shia sectarian outfits like Sipah-e-Saheba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

Intelligence agencies have tracked down Moussaoui's (->) first flight to Karachi on December 9, 2000.

He remained in Pakistan till February 7, 2001 after which he flew out of Karachi to London from where he flew to Chicago carrying $35,000.
What he did while in Karachi is still a mystery.

One of Moussaoui's associates and co-conspirator was Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, the (official) key financier of the WTC attack. Al-Hawsawi first
opened a bank account in a Standard Chartered Bank (->) branch in Dubai, UAE with a cash deposit.

On the same day, another of his friends, Fayez Rashid AH Alqadi Bamihammad too opened an account in the same bank. Less than a month later,
Bamihammad gave a power of attorney to Hawsawi to operate his accounts. Hawsawi picked up Bamihammad's Visa and ATM cards from the Dubai
branch and shipped them to Florida between July 18 and August 1, 2001.

Investigations have since then revealed that Hawsawi transferred $375,000 to the terrorists involved in the attack through various channels, including some
banks in Karachi.

On September 11, 2001, al-Hawsawi flew from Dubai to Karachi to take shelter.

Mir Amal Kansi, convicted of the 1993 shooting outside CIA headquarters in Langley, was picked up in Pakistan. He had fled to Karachi after killing two
CIA agents.

The hijackers of IC-814 had taken a PIA flight-PK806-from Karachi to Kathmandu from where they were allowed to board the Indian Airlines flight
without the mandatory security check in December 1999.

Karachi happens to be the city where President Pervez Musharraf's family first came to settle after the Partition.


Kean, Tom
As Michel Chossudovsky (Global Outlook ->) reported in late December 2002, there are direct links between Tom Kean (new head of 911-commission
since 12/2001 ->) and Osama Bin Laden's Brother-in -law Khalid bin Mahfouz (->).

Former UNOCAL's (->) partner Delta Oil is owned by the bin Mahfouz (->) and Al-Amoudi (->) clans, who is involved in the Hess-Delta joint of Kean's
Amerada Hess Corporation.

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Hess-Delta is registered in the Cayman Islands (->).

'There's no reason why this should be public information,'
a Hess spokesman says.'
-(Energy Compass, 15 Nov. 2002)


On January 22nd, 2003, Fortune, as the first mainstream magazine, finally broke the story on Tom Kean's links to Bin Laden as well, the Moscow Times and
Counterpunch followed on January 31st.

Kean, who replaced Henry Kissinger as a new head of the 911commission in December 2002,
is advisor to That Medieval Thing and Alpha Phi Omega (the national service fraternity).

He was once appointed by Clinton Advisory Board to the President's Initiative on Race and as Chair of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

He is on the board of the World Wildlife Found (as Bush 1!) and Chairman of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

(-> Jeddah)

More here:


"...Kean's most recent venture into politics was to direct Doug Forrester's Senate campaign. Forrester, you may remember, was the poor shnook who ran
New Jersey Senator Robert Torricelli out of the race and then lost to my man Fightin' Frank Lautenberg..."

Kean is director of petroleum giant Amerada Hess,

which is represented by Baker + Botts (->).
He's director from Aramark (->), the food-services company, and Pepsi Bottling Group.

Aramark is represented by law company Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett (STB), who represents the Carlyle Group, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan, Banc of
America LLC, Credit Suisse First Boston, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Amgen Inc, Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Inc., General Electric or Ingersoll-Rand
Co, a subsidiary of Halliburton, who once sold during 1997 to the summer of 2000
material to Iraq worth $73 million through two French affiliates,
while vice-president Dick Cheney was Director.


STB exist since 1884 and is specialised in merger transactions.

http://www.stblaw.com/FSL5CS/news/news1415.asp (Carlyle)
http://www.stblaw.com/FSL5CS/news/news871.asp (Aramark)

Aramark's independent Accountant is KPMG (->).

KPMG is led by Robert J. Chiaradio , ex FBIHQ (->),

who once oversaw early Sep11th warnings by Robert Wright (->), Kenneth Williams (->) and Colleen Rowley (->).

KPMG is auditor of one of the four companies, who (control-) cleaned the rubble from Ground Zero and the Pentagon, where they already renovated the
same wing (Wedge1), which was later hit by AA77:
AMEC. (->Controlled Cleanup)

KPMG is partner of Standard Chartered Bank (->)


Due to the FBI, one of Moussaouis "co-conspirators" was Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, who first opened a bank account in a Standard Chartered Bank
branch in Dubai, UAE with a cash deposit.


(-> Karachi-connection)
(-> Moussaoui)

Amerada Hess, Keans other company, is a U.S. oil company with gas stations throughout the Eastern US and owns 25% of Premier.

Premier Oil, a British company, has a major gas pipeline operation in Burma.
They created a militarized zone in the pipeline region resulting in mass human rights violations and supplied the military dictatorship with a continuous
stream of hard currency in gas revenue.

One of the 2000- payments the regime received for gas was spent immediately on Russian MIG fighter jets.


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Amerada Hess Corporation ...partner, Petroleos de Venezuela SA (-> Venezuela Plot), own and operates one of the world's largest refineries in the United
States Virgin Islands through the HOVENSA joint venture


Amerada Hess is famous for their toy trucks, "large HESS EXPRESS stores provide food service such as Godfathers Pizza, Blimpies and TCBY yogurt, as
well as our proprietary Mountain Top coffee, fountain service and convenience items."


Amerada Hess operates in Central Asia, next to the caspian sea in Ural-Volga or Azerbaijan and in South East Asia in Indonesia, Malysia etc...



More on Kean's official "downsized" bio at:


(-> Rudman, Warren)

(-> Kissinger, Henry)
(-> Oil)

Keller, Amanda
As Barry Hopsicker revealed, Amanda Keller was Mohamed Atta's former live-in girlfriend.

She revealed that supposed "Islamic fundamentalist" Mohamed Atta and his closest associates in Venice were habitual cocaine users.

"They were always drinking," Keller told us. "Always. Beer or wine, or sometimes rum. Once I had met everyone there (at a ' safe house' located in an
condominium owned by Rudi Dekkers across the street from the Venice Airport) they felt comfortable with me and pulled out the coke."

"These guys had money flowing out their ass," Keller stated. "They never seemed to run out of money. They had massive supplies of cocaine. Whenever
they’d run out, they’d go over to the flight school. I followed them one day with Sabrina (a German friend of Atta's) to see where they were going, and saw
them go into Florida Flight Training."

The Florida Flight Training Center is owned by Arne Kruithof, one of the two 'Magic Dutch Boys' who run flight schools at the Venice Airport."

(-> madcowprod.com)

Kellogg Brown & Root

Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton (->) that provides infrastructure and logistics support around the world to customers ranging from oil
companies to the Pentagon.

KBR's ties to Guantanamo Bay before Sep11th:

United States Department of Defense



June 29, 2000

Brown & Root Services, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a maximum estimated $75,000,000 cost-plus-award-fee, indefinite-quantity/indefinite-delivery
order contract with a guaranteed minimum of $100,000 for emergency construction capabilities.


One week, after Dick Cheney resigned from Halliburton Root and Brown, the subsidiary signed a contract with the Pentagon about constructions in various
The contract was later upgraded into "a 408-unit detention camp at the Radio Range area of U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba"

As later came out, the contract was for building cells, among them: Guantanamo Bay. Coincidence?

Kelly, Jack
On September 11th, 2001, already at 8:56 AM (as proven from some weblogs), a few minutes after the first attack on the Twin Towers, an older article of
Jack Kelly was repromoted on USA Today, claiming that "terror groups hide behind Web encryption". The article was later picked up by ABC.

The original website was edited as -binladen.htm.

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Neither USA Today or Kelly explained, where their prior knowledge did come from, to repost this article, even before the second plane crash occured.

The article included an info about Ramzi Yousef, the convicted mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, "who used encrypted files to hide
details of a plot to destroy 11 U.S. airliners".

Kelly runs the website idefense.com (Director: Ben Venzke), served with the U.S. government where he managed sever"al significant programs for the
information warfare and intelligence commun"it"ies.

His articles are mirrored in the NY Post, as the "opinion" of the NY Post.

Kelly suggested in 2002, that some websites should be banned and "good ones" marked with a "golden star", an idea, which was based on the DEA.

Kennedy, Michael
FBI agent, who didn't prioritize the so called Phoenix-memo (->) by Kenneth Williams (->)

"Kennedy"-Resolution No. 32
(-> Impeach Bush)

Kenny, John
Major John Kenny was Commander at Wright Patterson Air Base, Dayton on September 11th.

On August 7th, 1998, two bombs attacked the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 224 people and injured thousands.
Bin Laden, denied in an interview shortly after the attcak, that he was behind the embassy bombings but said he admired the people who carried out those
attacks and two deadly bombings in Saudi Arabia that have killed 24 Americans since 1995.

"I have high regard and respect for those men who erased the disgrace from the forehead of our nation," bin Laden said.
Washington suspected bin Laden of financing the June 1996 Khobar bombing of a U.S. military complex in the Saudi city of Dhahran which killed 19
American servicemen, another charge he denied.

In an al-Jazeera interview, bin Laden lauded those responsible for the Khobar bombing and other attacks on U.S. targets. ``I look with much praise and
respect to these great men for they have lifted the humiliation from the heads of our nation''

Kerry, John F.
Senator Kerry became one of the first official nominees for the democrats in 2004,
after Al Gore (->) declared in December 2002, he won't run again.
Kerry criticised the war in afghanistan as "not succesful"
and implied, that the War against Iraq is on oil.

Kerry was former spokesperson for the Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
In 1985 he became member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Kerrys is described as progressive, but his past is controversial.
He was educated at Yale and belonged to the secretive Skull and Bones Society(->).

Kerry supported the Iraq resolution.

(-> ToraBora)
(-> Dawn.com)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)

Keystonereport.com was created in February 2000 by Tom Kohler in Warren, PA


The KFJ became the new Taliban party in December 2001 in Pakistan:

"..On Sunday, it brought together discredited Taliban functionaries into a new political party. The party is called the Khudamul Furqan Jamiat (KFJ) or
Association of the Servants of Koran. It seeks to establish an Islamic republic in Afghanistan.

KFJ is led by an Afghan spiritual leader Ahmed Amin Mujaddadi. Its other members include the former Taliban ambassador to the UN and Pakistan, Abdul
Hakim Mujahid, ex-deputy information minister, Abdur Rehman Ahmed Hotak, former deputy minister for higher education Maulavi Arsalan Rehmani, the
former deputy chief of the Supreme Court, Maulavi Abdul Sattar Siddiqi, and the former charge d’affairs to Saudi Arabia, Qazi Habibullah Fauzi."


Khaksar, Mullah Mohammed

Former Taliban intelligence chief and then Afghan deputy interior minister, who said he met with U.S. diplomats Gregory Marchese and J. Peter McIllwain

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in Peshawar, Pakistan, in April 1999 and told them he wanted to oust Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar because of his support for Osama
bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network.

Khalilzad, Zalmay

Afghanistan Foundation paper



Bin Laden knew of war from UNOCAL-Khalilzad:

Zalmay Khalilzad (ex-UNOCAL/Afghan Gov since 12/31/01) would soon be 'calling the shots' in Afghanistan before the 'war on terra' actually started.

Khalizad had last Interview with Bin Laden!


Pipeline police in Afghanistan

"In February 1998, Unocol Corporation testified to a House Committee of American Congress that "The Taliban government is an obstacle to having a gas
pipeline from the Caspian region to the Indian ocean -- that is, through Afghanistan".

American military power removed this "obstacle" in November last year in the name of war against terrorism. Events of September 11 provided an
opportunity to America for attacking Afghanistan and establishing military bases there. I am the last journalist, who interviewed Osama bin Laden after
September 11 in Afghanistan. After the interview, while we were sipping Arabian tea in his hideout near Kabul, he asked me a question about Zalmay
Khalilzad. I showed ignorance about the person.

He informed me that they are going to vacate big cities of Afghanistan in coming days for a long guerrilla war and after that Zalmay Khalilzad will play the
shots in Kabul, Northern Alliance will get nothing. After few days of "conquering" Afghanistan, President Bush appointed Zalmay Khalilzad as the special
envoy for Afghanistan. This appointment simply means oil for America. Zalmay Khalilzad was an adviser for Unocol in the mid-1990's. He even met a
Taliban delegation in Boston five years ago as a Unocol official. It is worth mentioning that Bush family has a strong oil background. So are some of his top

Khallad, Tawfiq Attash

(-> USS Cole, Khalid Almihdhar (->) and Nawaf Alhazmi (->)

Khan, Omar Asghar Khan

Pakistan's former federal Minister for Environment, Local Government, Rural
Development, Labor, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis, who was murdered by
his enemies in Karachi, Pakistan, on June 25, 2002.

Khan's dead body was found hanging from a ceiling fan of a

bedroom in the Karachi home of his brother-in-law.

Ironically, the corrupt, tyrannical and political Sindh Police

officials have done their job by illegally and fraudulently labeling
the brutal murder of Omar Asghar Khan as a suicide.

On June 26, 2002, the BBC reported, that Naim Sarwar Khan,
a spokesman for the Omar Asghar Khan family, told them that "there were
signs that Mr. Khan's hands had been tied up, and one leg was still
supported on a chair when he was found."

One day later the Balochistanpost reported:

"Although Omar Asghar Khan never acknowledged that he had resigned

from the cabinet of General [Pervez] Musharraf because of differences
with Musharraf, the fact that the NAB [illegal and unconstitutional
National Accountability Bureau] was asked by the self-appointed
President to find stuff against Omar Asghar Khan indicates that his
relations with the military government were strained."


Khobar Towers
On June 25th, 1996, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia had been attacked.

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The attack was officially blamed on Bin Laden.

Kick, Russ
(-> Disinfo.com)
(-> TheMemoryHole.com)

Kiesling, J. Brady
In February 2003, veteran U.S. diplomat J. Brady Kiesling, resigned to protest President George W. Bush policies on Iraq and was followed by other
resignements (-> John Brown).
In a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell, Kiesling said he had left the diplomatic service because of his disagreement over the Bush administration's
"fervent pursuit of war."

Picture collection of WTC and Pentagon crash

Questioning the 9/11 attacks


One member, called killtown, later promoted some of the killtown sites, at 911pi.com.

King, Jeff
(-> Plagepuppy)

Kissinger, Henry
Henry Kissinger seems to be involved in the most important business deals in the last 10 years and more. In 2001, he released his book "Does America need
a foreign policy?"

Dr. Kissinger has served as a director of Hollinger Inc. (->), as Chairman of Kissinger Associates Inc., an international consulting firm, since 1982.

Kissinger Associates’ clients have included Union Carbide, Coca-Cola, American Express, ITT Lockheed, Arco, UNOCAL and HSBC

Kissinger served as the 56th Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977.

He served as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1969 to 1975 and as a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Board from 1984 to 1990.

Kissinger served as a director of American Express Company from 1986 to 1996 and as a director of Revlon Inc. and Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
until 1999.

In 2001-2002, Dr. Kissinger served as Advisor to the Board of Directors of American Express Company, Counselor to the J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and as a
member of its International Advisory Committee, Chairman of the International Advisory Board of American International Group, Inc. Director of
Freeport-McMoran Copper and Gold Inc. all of which are United States public reporting companies and ContiGroup Companies, Inc.

Dr. Kissinger served as a Senior Advisor on the Company's International Advisory Board.

Furthermore Kissinger is on the board at the CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies ) (->) together with former CIA Director R. James
Woolsey (->) , James R. Schlesinger (->) ,Zbigniew Brzezinski (->) or Robert S. Strauss, (Emeritus) (Director of Hollinger/Richard Perle)

Other involvements from the past:

-regular guest at the Bilderberg(->) Meetings

-put forth the idea of a "winnable" nuclear war under Nixon and set in gear the 1969-1973 carpet-bombing of Cambodia, killing 750.000 Cambodians.
-involved in Project Paperclip in World War 2 in the US Counter intelligence Corps. This was about smuggling Nazi scientists and engineers to the West (to
work on missiles, rockets and other high tech projects)

-gave the go-ahead for the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975.
Over 200,000 people were killed as a result.
-responsible for souring relations between Turkey (->), Greece and Cyprus

-former member of Banco Nazionale del Lavro,

when the same bank expedited loans to Saddam Hussein.

-worked on various boards like of Coca Cola, ABC, CBS, ITT and one of his business asociates was Japanese Fascist Ryoichi Sasakawa.

-During the Nixon Administration in the US, when Dr.Henry Kissinger was the National Security Adviser (NSC), the intelligence community of the US and

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the ISI worked in tandem in guiding and assisting the so-called Khalistan movement in the Punjab

-Kissinger gave full backing and military assistance to the Pinochet coup in Chile, later sanctioning the murder of Orlando Letelier in Washington in 1976.

-Kissinger backed the Pakistani government in opposing Bangladeshi indpendence

-Henry Kissinger was political consultant

of UNOCAL, who was working on a pipeline in Afghanistan in 1997/8
Source: http://www.saag.org/papers4/paper323.html

Kissingers connections with the Pakistan Secret Service ISI (->)

Source: http://www.saag.org/papers3/paper287.html

-In July 2001 moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Kissinger discussed ways to boost contacts between Moscow and the American business circles

-On September 11th, Kissinger said in an interview, that the attack"appears to have the earmarks of a bin Laden-type operation".

-China Offshore Oil Company hired Kissinger in October 2001 to head its international advisory board

-in February 2002 parts of his telephone transcripts during the time of war in Vietnam-area under Nixon had been made public.

-in April 2002 Kissinger was heavily protested at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

In the same month victims of the Chilean military's 17-year dictatorship started to press legal actions in both Chilean and American courts against Henry A.
Kissinger and other Nixon administration officials including former CIA director Richard Helms (->) who supported plots to overthrow Salvador Allende
Gossens, the Socialist president, in the early 1970's.

The trial didn't start yet. Helms died in late 2002.

Kissinger later criticised a possible war against Iraq.
He received support by Scowcroft (->)and Brzezinski (->).

In 1991 Kissinger created the famous quote:

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order.
Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat
from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights
will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." -

Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

Source: www.bilderberg.org

In October 2002, the movie "The trials of Henry Kissinger" (USA / UK 2002) had been released"
Directed by Eugene Jarecki, produced by Alex Gibney and Eugene Jarecki, narrated by Brian Cox.

Review at http://www.filmforum.com/kissingerlatimes.html
Inspired by the 2001 book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" by Christopher Hitchens.

More Infos:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentaries/ features/feature_kissinger.shtml


Kissinger, Head of 911-commission

Appointed on November 28th, 2001, together with George Mitchell as co-head.

Both resigned after only two weeks, when their controversial background became too popular on the internet and even reached some mainstream articles.

On George Mitchell:

Special Counsel at the law firm of Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand since 1995. Appointed to the United States Senate in 1980, Senator
Mitchell served until he left the Senate in 1995 as Majority Leader, a position he had held since January 1989.

Senator Mitchell is a Director of The Walt Disney Company, FedEx Corporation, UNUM/Provident Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Casella Waste Systems,
Inc., Starwood Hotels and Resorts, MPS Group and Unilever.



Do we really know George Mitchell?


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On Henry Kissinger:


"Because Henry Kissinger is a liar and a criminal, he will criminally

lie about the 9-11 attacks to hide the secret identities of real
hijackers and to cover up the high crimes committed by unknown
terrorists on 11 September 2001. Henry Kissinger is known as
Henry Kanger in South Asia. Ask anyone from Pakistan, India, or
Bangladesh, who speaks the Punjabi or Urdu language, to tell you
what 'Kanger' means in Punjabi or Urdu. In September 2000 at The
Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, Kissinger held a top secret meeting
with 'Pakistani' General Pervez Musharraf, a corrupt tyrant, military
dictator and human rights abuser illegally imposed on the 150 million-
strong Pakistani nation by the Clinton-Bush regimes. After this Mush-
Kanger clandestine meeting, Musharraf became the Grand Kanger of
Pakistan and many 'Pakistani' judges, bureaucrats and politicians
became his whores (kangerian)."--HRF.

The nation responded:

"Asking Henry Kissinger to investigate government malfeasance or nonfeasance is akin to asking Slobodan Milosevic to investigate war crimes"






"If killing hundreds of thousands of innocent peasants by dropping
million of tons of bombs on undefended civilian targets is not a war
crime, then there are no war crimes. If Kissinger is not responsible
for these crimes, then there are no war criminals."--(Fred Branfman
in Salon).


Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11
27 November 2002
Christopher Hitchens
"the cynicism of the decision and the gross insult to democracy and to the families of the victims that it represents has to be analyzed to be believed."

The Kissinger Bombshell
An Open Letter to 9/11 Skeptics and Doubters
By Jack Riddler
http://www.osamaskidneys.com (->)



Only another few days after the decision on Kissinger as the head of the 911-commission,
the Maureen Dowd New York Sunday Times reported on December 1st, who mentioned Kissingers "illegal bombing of Cambodia; backing Chile's
murderous Pinochet; playing Iago to President Richard Nixon" .
Furthermore Dowd expressed, that "Mr. Bush, after all, worked very hard to suppress any investigation of 9/11. He had to cave to the victims' families, who
were hellbent to hear what the president learned in his August 2001 briefing about Al Qaeda plans, and what wires were crossed at the C.I.A., F.B.I. and
"Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney are in tune with Mr. Kissinger's principles: that the greatest enemy of U.S. policy is the U.S. media, that American diplomacy may
be happily indifferent to American public opinion, that the great unwashed masses of our democracy are just a big old drag on the elites who know what's
best, and that corporate pals are a help, not a hindrance, in government work. For this administration, outside the box is inside the box."


On November 30th, 2001 the Green Party harshly criticized the Bush administration for appointing Kissinger to head the government investigation into
September 11th, saying that if was reprehensible to appoint someone widely regarded worldwide as a war criminal to oversee an inquiry into how 3,000
Americans were murdered.


Writer David Corn in The Nation magazine:

"A fellow who has coddled state-sponsored terrorism has been put in charge of this terrorism investigation. A proven liar has been assigned the task of

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finding the truth."

Henry Kissinger has been a Unocal consultant since 1995

On December 3rd 2002, Robert Scheer wrote in the LA Times:

"The president clearly does not want to know the truth about Sept. 11. Otherwise he would not have appointed Henry Kissinger to head an inquiry into the
origins of arguably the most successful terrorist attack in history.

For example, Kissinger Associates (->), the former secretary of State's ultra-connected consulting firm, has had dealings in the past with Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait -- the two nations most closely linked with the 9/11 hijackers -- and was the subject of a congressional investigation for its role in the $4-billion
bankrolling of Saddam Hussein in the late 1980s by the Atlanta office of Italy's BNL bank. Kissinger Associates then included Brent Scowcroft, who became
national security advisor for President George H.W. Bush, and Lawrence Eagleburger, secretary of State in that administration.".

Would the monstrous new homeland security (->) bureaucracy really have protected us from a few box-cutter-wielding nuts? How difficult, after all, is it to
prevent people already on a terrorist wanted list from entering the country to attend U.S. flight schools (->)? How hard is it for the president of the United
States to get the FBI and the CIA to talk to each other?
And why are we apparently going to war with Iraq (->), which had nothing to do with Sept. 11, instead of with Saudi Arabia (->), which did?

On December 13th, 2002, ABC reported at 5:20 PM,

that Henry Kissinger resigned from the 911-Commission.

After a worldwide protest Kissinger said, he was stepping down from the appointment to remove any questions about even the appearance of a conflict of
interest regarding his ties to several organizations and public figures. (->Kissinger Associates).

It was the second resignation from the commission within two days.
On December 11th, 2002, former Sen. George Mitchell announced he was stepping down as vice chairman of the independent board.

In his letter, Mitchell cited potential conflicts of interest.

He said he didn't want to sever ties with his law firm.
At the end of this embarrasment, Kissinger did unintentionally promotion for 911-investigative and progressive websites.

At google, Kissinger was mentioned together with "911" i.e. at:


Kissinger Associates Inc.

Kissinger Associates / Kissinger McLarty

(-> Kissinger, Henry)


Klayman, Larry
(-> JudicialWatch.org)

Source for many progressive and investigative articles.
Robert Sterling is the editor of The Konformist.

In one article, he wondered about the oddities of the death certificates of Flight 93 (->):

"Wally Miller, the local coroner in what used to be a forgotten corner of rural Pennsylvania, was the man charged by law with collecting the human remains
and establishing the causes of death. "I issued the death certificates," says Miller, who is also the local undertaker. "I put down 'murdered' for the 40
passengers and crew; 'suicide' for the four terrorists."

Miller, who worked closely with the FBI during the 13 days that they investigated the crash site, admits that, in the end, he cannot prove what happened; he
can only infer it. Neither he nor anybody else knows what exactly caused Flight 93 to go down and, as Miller puts it, "bring the world's troubles crashing
down on our doorstep". Or, if there are people who do know, they are not telling."


(-> Killtown)

Kornukov, Anatoli
Russian Air Force -in-chief, Anatoli Kornukov, says official 9/11 story is impossible:

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Koval, Bernhard
Bernard Koval, CEO American Hospital, had to response on the story on Bin Laden,
who appeared to have visited his hospital in June 2001.

(-> Dubai)

KPFA-Radio interviewed Cynthia McKinney (->) in March 2002 and became worldwide
famous for this show.


Kpfk.org/KPFK Radio
Home for Pacifica Radio (->), located in North Hollywood, CA.
Contact: [email protected]

KPMG LLP is one of the leading providers of assurance, tax and legal, and financial advisory services.
On July 8th, 2002 Robert J. Chiaradio (former FBIHQ) was named by KPMG Consulting (->), as managing director and lead advisor on homeland security.

KPMG is connected with Aramark (->) as their independent Accountant.

Aramark is one of the companies of Tom Kean, who became new head of the 911-commission in December 2002.

KPMG is auditor of AMEC, one of the four companies, who cleaned the rubble from both Pentagon and WTC, but already worked before Sep11th at the
same wing, which was officially hit by AA77.

(-> Controlled cleanup)

KPMG is partner of Standard Chartered Bank (->)

Standard Chartered was used as one of the hijacker-connected accounts.

Kristol, William
(-> Campus-watch.org)
(-> Defense Policy Board)
-> NeoCons)
(-> PNAC)
(-> Project for the New American Century)

Kroll Associates, Inc.

Kroll Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001,
started in New York City in 1972.

In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car manufacturer O’Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company.

O'Gara is responsible for the security of all US-Presidents since 1945.

However the background of Kroll is very interesting, too:

In 1993, Maurice Greenberg’s American International Group (AIG ->), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, as a result of
rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion.
Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the “CIA of Wall Street” due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British
Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations.
(-> Greenberg, Maurice)

Maurice Greenberg was deeply involved in chinese trade in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger was one of his representatives.
In the China trade, Greenberg became very close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent
for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military.

Maurice Raymond Greenberg was born in New York City May 4, 1925, the son of Jacob Greenberg and Ada (Rheingold) Greenberg. The young man
adopted the nickname “Hank” to make people think of a popular American baseball player with the name, Hank Greenberg.

Greenberg served in the U.S. Army in the Korea conflict. He joined the insurance firm, Continental Casualty Co., in 1952. Continental executive J. Milburn
Smith recommended Greenberg to the C.V. Starr insurance/spy organization, which made Greenberg its vice president in 1960, its president and CEO in
1967, and its chairman, succeeding Starr, in 1969.

From 1988 to 1995, Greenberg was a director of the New York Federal Reserve bank – this branch of the system is the main instrument through which
Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of England traditionally execute their U.S. political-economic policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New
York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995.

During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (-> CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence, which

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published “Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence.” This report mostly served to exhibit Greenberg’s access to the intelligence
community; but he parlayed it into a nomination by Senator Arlen Specter and others, for Greenberg to be Director of the CIA (->).

Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to
shape a unique personal empire.

Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg’s Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner’s father
was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet masterspy Kim Philby.
Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from Peru over nationalization
of Enron operations).

In the early 1990s, Miami-based private investigator Lou Polumbo joined Kroll Associates.
According to sources in the industry, Polumbo brought with him a personal history of involvement with the Medallin and other South American narcotics
cartels; his business included helping relocate some of the capabilities of these cartels out of Colombia.

The deal to bring Polumbo into Kroll was worked out by Avram Shalom, the former head of Israel’s Shin Beth secret police. Shalom went to work for Kroll;
he had been fired as Shin Beth boss due to a scandalous massacre of Palestinians in the Israel-occupied territories by his Shin Beth agents.

Krongard, Wally
A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard is the current Executive Director of the CIA, former Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown (->) and former Vice Chairman
of Banker’s Trust.
Investigative journalist Tom Flocco (->) reported, that he might have been involved in an insider trading regarding the Sep11th attacks.

Krongard said just 5 weeks before the Trade Center attacks:

"I think In-Q-Tel's a wonderful model...in accessing the capabilities of the private sector."
Q-Tel is part of the real time spy trade monitoring software PROMIS.

(-> In Q-Tel)
(-> Insider Trading)


The untold lawsuit (->): 911victims against Mahfouz (Bush-Bin Laden Ties) and al Turki (ex-Saudi Intelligence) -picture from the indictment

(-> Sheikh Omar Saeed)

Kucinich, Dennis
One of the rare statements of democrats, that the war against Iraq is about oil, came in February 2003 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio:
"Why is the U.S. going it alone? I say it's about oil...An overwhelming amount of evidence points to an interest in oil, but scant evidence points to terrorism
and weapons of mass destruction."

L3 Communications
(-> Global Hawk)

Labevierre, Richard
Author of "Les Dollars dela Terreur" (Terror dollars, 2000).
Director of Radio France 1, who reported on Bin Laden's visit at an american hospital in Dubai, based on information by frenchintelligence.com (->).


This report on Bin Laden and other visitors (Larry Mitchell, CIA and Saudi Prince al Turki, Saudi Intelligence) was picked up on the same day by LeMonde.

Labevierre dug up some stuff with Clearstream (->) and Swift, too.

(-> Dubai)

Laden Family

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(-> Bin Laden, Abdullah)
(-> Bin Laden, Osama /Usama)
(-> Bin Laden Inc.)

Lamberth, Royce
(-> Honegger, Barbara)

(->LaRouche Report)

LaRouche Report
During 2001-2002, Lyndon LaRouche, the Democratic Party pre-Presidential candidate for 2004, warned that a staged terrorist incident against a U.S.
target--whether orchestrated by Israel Premier Sharon "or by Sharon-allied covert networks inside the U.S. military/intelligence apparatus" might occur.

According to his sources, former Mossad European operations director and Jonathan Jay Pollard spy master, Rafi Eytan, has been assigned by Sharon to set
in place a "mega-terror" operation inside the U.S.A.
LaRouche is founder of the LaRouche Report.

Larouchepub.com was created in 1996 by EIR News Service, Inc. in LEESBURG VA

LastAmericanWarriors supported some 911-reports until the end of 2002,
which had been originally located at:

They relocated to http://www.thelawparty.org/ ,

which was already created in June 2001 by Jeffrey Chelton in Seattle, WA.

Chelton created the "law party", which believes,

"that the Constitution no longer exists" and fights for the second amendment.

Contact: [email protected]

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

(-> Davis, Jay C.)
(-> DoD)
(-> DTRA)
(-> DynCorp)
(-> North Korea)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Laser weapons/technology)

Starting in early 2002, the first two cases (of later almost 10!)
had been made public in some smaller press releases.

In April 2002, one husband of one of the victims of the World Trade Center disaster on 11 September - who is not entitled to payment from the US Victims
Compensation Fund - has decided to sue American Airlines for damages.


In May 2002, Attorney Stanley Hilton (Sen. Bob Dole's former aide, San Francisco) announced a lawsuit against the US Government, representing other
victim families.

On June 3rd, 2002, Hilton filed a $7 billion lawsuit in U.S. District Court against President Bush and other government officials for "allowing" the terrorist
attacks to occur (-> LIHOP).

Among Hilton's allegations: Bush conspired to create the Sept. 11 attacks for his own political gain and has been using Osama bin Laden as a scapegoat.
"I hope it will expose the fact that there are numbers of people in the government, including Bush and his top assistants, who wanted this to happen," Hilton

His class-action suit named 10 defendants, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld, and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

Hilton repeated in early 2003, that the 9-11 Hijackers were funded by the US Government. He claimed, that he interviewed an ex-wife of one of the 9-11
hijackers, who revealed that she "met Mohammed Atta and his younger brother and that this group were double-agents operating in a series of cells that
were aided and abetted by the US government".
Hilton said he represents the families of 14 victims and that 400 plaintiffs are involved nationwide.

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He demands Bush's impeachment (-> Impeach Bush) and believes the truth will come out in trial.


In the same month, Judicial Watch (->) announced a lawsuit against the White House and various US Agencies, accusing them of having prior knowlegde
of the anthrax (->) attacks.

The agencies named include: the FBI, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID ->) and the U.S. Postal Service.

The documents were requested under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA.
Larry Klayman, chairman of Judicial Watch, noted administration officials said last fall, that some White House staff had begun taking the antibiotic Cipro
on Sept. 11, weeks before the anthrax attacks were made public.

"We believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an anthrax attack was imminent or under way," Klayman said. "We want to know what
the government knew, and when they knew it."



Lawsuit against Port Authority:

Lawyers, including Sanford Rubenstein, who represents about 30 families, filed a class-action lawsuit against the authority seeking to extend the one-year

Lawsuit against Irak:


"...A lawsuit filed Wednesday claims Iraq knew Osama bin Laden was targeting the Pentagon and New York City prior to Sept. 11 and that it sponsored
terrorists for a decade to avenge its defeat in the Gulf War."

Kreindler & Kreindler represent the lawsuit against Flight 587,

which crashed over Long Island/NYC last year http://www.kriendler.com/news/amer587.htm
Con Edison's Lawsuit against Building 7 (->)


Following almost all lawsuits very carefully, investigative journalist Tom Flocco (->) released in November 2002 a summary of his interviews with the most
important participants:

-Douglas A. Latto (attorney at New York’s Baumeister & Samuels firm. Baumeister and Samuels represents in excess of 60 families)

-Michel F. Baumeister (a 30-year aviation accident trial lawyer, same firm)

-Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein (Judge of the Lotto/Baumeister lawyers)

-Michael Thompson (chief engineer in the CVR/FDR division of Allied Signal-Honeywell Corporation, http://www.ssfdr.com/record.html in Redmond,

-Mark Larson, Thompsons counsel

(When asked Thompson, if he was the person in charge of flight data recovery in the 9/11 investigation, since Honeywell manufactured the data recorders
in operation on all four Boeing jets involved in the September 11 crashes. “I cannot answer that under advice from legal counsel,” he said.

-Mary Schiavo (->, lead 9/11 counsel for Los Angeles-based Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, Guilford & Schiavo, representing some 40 victim family clients
related to passengers on all four planes) including Julie Sweeney (->). Both supported a press conference in June 2002 by Unansweredquestions.org (->)

-Paul J. Hedlund (Co-Counsel of Schiavo. Veteran LA air disaster attorney who concentrates on the outcome of the 9/11 World Trade Center litigation. He
said in the interview with Flocco, that “in a typical air disaster, the NTSB pays for the reasonable expenses for recovery of the remains with the aircraft
company reimbursing normal and reasonable expenses.)

-Ellen Mariani (of Mariani vs. United Airlines, brought by Schiavo and Hedlund on behalf of Mariani’s husband Neil, who was killed when his United 175
jet crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
Mariani wants to know, why Senator Graham and Congressmen Goss had breakfast together the morning of the attacks with the Pakistani Intelligence leader

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"who was writing checks to support the hijackers’ living expenses in the United States?,”
“It was even reported, that Secretary of State Powell and CIA Director Tenet met with the terrorist sponsor”

-James Kreindler (lead 9/11 counsel at New York’s Kreindler and Kreindler firm.
The Kreindler firm has filed a civil lawsuit on behalf of over 1,400 victims of the attacks, seeking $1 trillion in damages from Al Qaeda, Iraq and other
unknown 9/11 terrorist sponsors.

The Kreindler firm includes in its client roster two of the most outspoken activists among all the victim families: Sally Regenhard and Monica Gabrielle. Both
have attended congressional hearings and are leaders in the Skyscraper Safety Campaign.)

-Michael Elsner (associate attorney at Ronald Motley’s Ness, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, representing houndreds of victim families in a civil action
primarily against members of the Saudi royal family and other prominent Saudi businessmen)

Ron Motley, Attorney on November 25th, 2002:

"We were able to establish, by sworn testimony, the act of participation of Prince Turki in the facilitation of the funding of al Qaeda directly in Afghanistan.

We spoke with senior Taliban officials who were in the room when he indeed did facilitate the transfer of large sums of money directly to al Qaeda in
Prince Turki hasn't appeared in the suit yet. But when he does, if he does, we will be able to take his testimony under oath.

But Prince Turki was in Afghanistan on numerous occasions facilitating the transfer of funds and equipment to al Qaeda. And the people who gave us these
sworn statements were in the room when it occurred. And these were senior Taliban, former Taliban officials.

-Deena Burnett (lead 9/11 client of Elsner)

-Bill Crowley (FBI agent, who investigated the crash scene of Flight 93 (->) in Shanksville, Pennsylvannia)

-Ted Lopatkiewicz, spokesman for the NTSB.


Doubting the official version of Sep11th, another 911victim,

Kristin Breitwieser became famous in an interview with Phil Donahue.

Breitwieser later testified in new 911-hearings, together with Stephen Push, who lost his wife Lisa on Flight 77 (->), which crashed into the Pentagon.

Lay, Kenneth
Enron Founder and Chairman Kenneth Lay worked in the Pentagon for the Nixon administration during the Vietnam War.
Lay is a close friend of George Bush, Sr.
In fact, his Houston home in River Oaks is near the Tanglewood residence of the former President and CIA Director.

Although there have been no published reports of Bush Sr. doing favors for Lay, three of the "Bush Boys" have used their father's name to get contracts for
According to an article by Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker, Neil and Marvin Bush tried to influence government officials for an Enron bid to rebuild
Shuaiba North power plant in Kuwait.

Ironically this power plant was destroyed in George Bush's Persian Gulf War.
Enron abandoned the bid in 2000.

In 1988, then Texas governor George Bush Jr., telephoned Rodolfo Terragno, Argentina's Public Works Minister, to ask him to award Enron a contract to
build a pipeline from Chile to Argentina.

"He assumed that the fact he was the son of the president would exert influence. I felt pressured. It was not proper for him to make that kind of call,"
Terragno told The Nation.

Finally, when Carlos Menem, another Bush Sr. crony, became president of Argentina, Enron won the bid.
Neil Bush, director of the failed Denver-based Silverado Savings and Loan, created a subsidiary of his oil company to conduct business in Argentina in

Argentina finally got so fed up with the Bush Clan (->),

they formally had a parliamentary investigation regarding their so-called "business dealings.


Etherzone/Uri Dowbenko (->).

Uri Dowbenko is a free-lance writer and a frequent columnist for Ether Zone.

Furthermore Dowbenko is Chairman and CEO of New Improved Entertainment.

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Leahy, Patrick
One of the few US Congress Members (D-Vt.), who supported an independent 911-investigation (->).

A Learjet belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both (official) terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Center was seized
with more than 30 pounds of heroin onboard by Federal Agents in July of 2000 at the Orlando Executive Airport.

Authorities at the time called it the biggest seizure of heroin ever found in central Florida.
The seized plane belonged to 70-year old Wallace J. Hilliard of Naples, FL., multi-millionaire businessman, self-styled Mormon Bishop, and the
newly-discovered secret owner of Huffman Aviation at the Venice Airport since its purchase in 1999, just months before terrorists began arriving in force
in Southwest Florida.

Hilliard was already well-known in aviation circles as the 'money man' and deep-pocketed financial backer of Rudi Dekkers, according to local aviation
observers like chief flight instructor Tom Hammersly, who taught at the Venice Airport while the two flight schools there experienced a flood of Arab
student pilots.

(-> ourDNA.org)

Lederberg, Joshua
President Emeritus and Sackler-Foundation Scholar, Rockefeller University.

(-> American Type Culture Collection)

(-> Anthrax)

In November 2002, netizen LeftBehind tried to work on a strategy,

"First, realize that there will soon be a flood of information on the internet to explain why the 'official story' is a lie.
Second, realize that as those of us scramble to read, analyze, and digest the tantalizing and scandalizing news we alone are clever enough to appreciate
(while the sheeple chew the TV news cud) -- close to a full week will go by.

A full week in which the only opposition to the NWO, namely you and I, regardless of our differing opinions, will be virtually paralyzed in front of our
computer screens.
This scenario has worked before.
After the week of e-mail one-upmanship, all of us again will be re-programmed into our comfortable couch-potato-freedom-lover mindset.
Do you realize this, too, is mind control?
We don't have too many days left. But can individuals amongst us begin to formulate NOW the ways in which, 'next time' (which is coming all too soon) we
will not fall into this trap?
We must not "REACT".
We must have a strategy of our own.

There are 1,000 to 5,000 people who potentially will read this posting.
Question: How can we prevent or disrupt the flow of propaganda they are getting ready to spew all over us again when the "sXXXX hits the fan?" How can
we interrupt the falling dominoes? What joker can we put in the deck, each of us, in our own small way.
Again, what I'm trying to get at, and I need help in putting my own mind to this.... We must not just "REACT" again.
For that is how we are manipulated.
And that is what makes us impotent.

http://www.rumormillnews.net/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=25720 (12 November 2002)

(-> Citizens for Legitimate Government)

Contact: [email protected]

Lehman Brothers
(-> JF Lehman + Co.)

Lemke, Siglinde
Published on Monday, November 25, 2002 by the Chicago Tribune U.S, Sieglinde Lemke, a university sociologist who teaches a course called "Americans in
Berlin", says she can't cope with the avalanche of disdain for President Bush and the United States:
"There has been so much press and so much criticism of the U.S. and of Bush, I don't know what to pick out, where to begin," said Lemke, who is preparing
a final lecture on how the United States is presented in the Berlin news media. "There is just too much material."

Leno, Jay

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"...What did Bush know and when did Dick Cheney explain it to him...?"
(Jay Leno on his show, May 2002)

L. Your 90% ratings are down to 53%!

L. If you invade Iraq, will you call this Gulf War II?
B. No, it's the Texaco/ExxonMobil war.

L. The economy is in shambles. Why are we going to war?

B. Can we go back to the original question?

L. Saddam got a "B" from the U.N. Is that good?

B. Anyone who can get a "B" must be cheating.

(Bush-Impersonator at Jay Leno, January 27th, 2003)

Leopold, Jason
Jason Leopold was shafted by the NY Times in October 2002, after he nearly for one year,
have been investigating Army Secretary Thomas White's role in Enron's demise.

He was later supported by Mike Malloy and Global Outlook (->).

“Jason Leopold - Shafted By The New York Times”.

Levich, Jacob
Progressive and Investigative journalist (Counterpunch etc...),
who digged on background details of one Sep11th-informant (->), "a British mole
within Al Qaeda", Atif Ahmed (->).


Levitt, Arthur
SEC chairman and Senior Advisor of the Carlyle Group (->).
Former Chairman of the American Stock Exchange (1978-89).

LeWinter, Oswald Swift

In early 2002, former CIA agent Oswald Le Winter, who is currently living in Portugal and
not allowed to enter the United States anymore, released his book "Desmantel America",
which describes the "manipulation of the president campaign of George Bush in Florida by the CIA and possible ties by the CIA to 911".

Oswald Le Winter was telephone guest at the 3 day-911Skepticism Event

in New York/Chashama Theatre (Times Square) in May 2002.

LeWinter's books are supported by many different websites, who are in touch with him,
i.e rumourmillnews.net (->) or ceiberweiber.at (->)

(-> 911Skeptics)

Liberal Slant

LIHOP stands for "let it happen on purpose" and was first described on GROUND ZERO Forum and in the 911-folder of democraticunderground.com in a
posting named "Final Dots Pt.1".

One definition is:

( let it happen on purpose) people in the government, people associated with the government, or people employed by the government, let it happen on

Final Dots Pt.1 was first mirrored at


Der SPIEGEL interviewed the author of the article at:


Andreas Hauß of Medienanalyse-International.de responded on this article at:

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LIHOP was mentioned in Japan, too:



LIHOP Pt.2 was released at


Some other website links, which mirrored LIHOP-articles during 2002:

http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/opweb/> 2002_08_01_archive.html
http://www.questionsquestions.net/topics/qq_911.html - 24k - Nov. 9, 2002

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http://www.tribes-2.de/forum/> newreply.php?action=newreply&threadid=2725

On 20 June, 2002, William Rivers Pitt wrote an article on LIHOP for truthout.org:

All Along the Watchtower


"Targeted" or quoted at:


LIHOP was described as a journalistic strategy to seperate it from the possibility of being the final part of a (->SETUP).

The strategy worked, at least at google.

The idea of a LIHOP inspired other supporters to create other abbreviations:

MIHOP: ( made it happen on purpose) people in the government, people associated with the government, or people employed by the government, did it on
CI: Criminal Incompetence, no one in, or associated with the government new what was coming, BUT there was plenty of warning, and definately it could
have been prevented.

Created in sep2002 , later merged with globalfreepress.com (->)

Limit 911-Probes
In January 2002, President Bush asked Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle to limit
the congressional investigation into the events of September 11th, congressional and White House sources told CNN.

Lindh, John Walker

(-> Walker, John)

Anti-Bushita website. Most extreme collection of anti-bushita websites.

Linkcrusader.com was created in March 2002 by Eric Martindell in Albuquerque, NM.


(-> Hated.com)

Formerly known as PROMIS (->).

Lisa, Charles
Witness and possible FBI-informant (->), who is connected with Bob Stevens, first deadly victim of the Anthrax-attack (->) in October 2001.

Landlord of an apartment in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea (Delray Beach), which is connected to suspected hijacker, Ziad Samir Jarrah and Al Haznawi

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(-> Anthrax)
(-> FAA-Newsletter)
(->Inglesby, Dr. Thomas)

Livergood, Dr. Norman D.

Hermes-Press- and Rense.com columnist


(-> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

(-> Huffman Aviation)

Lockheed is one of the Top4 military companies of the United States and a military Contractor of the DoD (->).

Lynne Cheney, was on Lockheed Martin's Board of Directors from 1994 until January 2001.
In addition, Lockheed Martin VP Bruce Jackson was a finance chair of the Bush for President campaign.


Longboat Key
(-> Bush from September 10th to September 11th)

(-> Visas, helping hands)

Lost money pentagon

According to a CBS News story from Jan. 29, 2002, the US Department of Defense cannot account for $2.3 trillion of taxpayer money, which got lost at the
"We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

Barksdale, AFB - Bush was there on 9/11 - CNN confirmed 1:54pm
Baton Rouge -home of the parents of Esam Hamdi,the second arrested "american Taliban".
Vidalia, where the dead Body of Don C Wiley (->) was found, next to a military Power Plant (12/20/02)

(-> Harken -> domestic properties)

(-> Hatfill, Stephen -> Louisiana State University)
(-> Insider Trading, FBI -> Tony Elgindy -> mother Mary Faith Elgindy born in Louisiana)

Political and progressive webzine.
Supporter of the 6th annual National Conference on Organized Resistance
(Washington Jan 25-26, 2002).

Lumpen.com was created in march 1995 by Lumpen Magazine/Lumpen Media Group in Chicago, IL

Lumsden, Philip
One of the former directors of the Bin Ladin Group.

Lutnick, Howard
Another major change at Cantor (->) is the perception of Mr. Lutnick.
Before September 11, he had been regarded as insensitive, and insiders thought of the company as a bully, though a respected one.
Mr. Lutnick's reputation as cold stemmed from the way he wrested control of the firm from the dying Bernie Cantor in 1996, two days after the company
founder was placed on life support.

The image of Cantor and Chief Executive Howard Lutnick has gone up and down since Sept. 11. Lutnick's sobbing on TV while mourning lost staffers,
including his brother Gary, epitomized a stunned Wall Street.
But the firm came under fire from widows and widowers for cutting off paychecks only four days after the attacks. Lutnick does not appear in the ads.

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Ignored by the media: The motions of Zacarias Moussaoui (->).

Did the FBI observe him before his arrestment?

Also known as MadCowMorningNews.

The editor, Barry Hopsicker, became famous in 2001-2002, for his background investigations on Huffmann Aviation (->) and details on Mohammad Atta
(his girlfriend etc...),
which had been ignored by US Media:

"Credible local eyewitnesses report that Atta and his sidekick Marwan Al-Shehhi were in a restaurant a block from Atta’s former rented home six weeks
before the attack, on the phone from Venice on a Fort Lauderdale rent-a-car company's Caller ID three weeks before, and, just one week before the attack,
ordering submarine sandwiches in the deli of a Venice, Florida supermarket."

(->Adorna, Renee)

A third visit to Venice by Atta and Marwan was confirmed by the owner of a rental agency in Fort Lauderdale, near Miami on Florida’s other (east) coast…
During the first week of August Atta and Al-Shehhi rented a white Ford Escort from Warrick's Rent-a-Car, in Pompano Beach.

"He rented two cars over three contracts for a total of five weeks," owner Bradley Warrick told us. "He wanted it (his second rental) for two weeks, he told
me, to go over to the west coast of Florida."


(-> Antini, Nicole)

(-> Keller, Amanda)

Produced a new video in February 2003, which music video insiders say could be the "most shocking anti-war, anti-Bush statement yet to come from show

Madsen, Wayne
On April 8th 2002, investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen released his popular article
"Anthrax and the Agency-Thinking the Unthinkable" at Counterpunch.com,
where he pointed out, that it "...is time for Americans to think the unthinkable:

that the FBI has never been keen to identify the perpetrator because that perpetrator may, in fact,
be the U.S. Government itself.
Evidence is mounting that the source of the anthrax (->) was a top secret U.S. Army laboratory in Maryland and that the perpetrators involve high-level
officials in the U.S. military and intelligence infrastructure..."

Madsen mentioned the strange accident of BioScientist Dr. Don C. Wiley and more unsolved deaths of other scientists like Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, a former
scientist for Biopreparat (->), the Soviet Union's biological weapons production factory or Dr. Benito Que, a Miami Medical School cellular biologist
specializing in infectious diseases, who died in a violent attack.


On April 15th 2002, Madsen gave an interview at Fox News, "Fox Hannity and Comes Show",
in which he was attacked for his statements.

In the same show he supported Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney,

who worked with him for three years.

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McKinney accused the Bush administration of knowing in advance of the Sep11th attacks, because he or his father would benefit because of The Carlyle
Madsen pointed out, that the United States received "warnings from French intelligence, Israeli, to the United States, FBI and to the CIA".

4 weeks after this interview President Bush finally confirmed prior knowledge.

Wayne Madsen is based in Washington, DC.

Contact: [email protected]

Magic Lantern
It was law company Booz Allen & Hamilton (->), which has helped develop a system code-named Magic Lantern, which permits a virus containing a key
logging program to be secretly transmitted to a recipient. After installing itself on the target's computer, any time the target types in a password to decrypt a
message, that same password is immediately picked up by Magic Lantern and transmitted to the FBI.

A companion program to Magic Lantern, code named Cyber Knight, is a relational database system that compares and matches information from e-mail,
Internet relay chats, instant messages, and Internet voice communications.

The CIA has been extremely active in developing software than can dig deep within the Internet to harvest information. The CIA has relied heavily on its
wholly-owned and operated proprietary Silicon Valley company, IN-Q-TEL (->), to fund research and development for Internet snooping software,
supported by Larry Ellison of Oracle (->).

Maginnis, Mike
Photographer, who was arrested in December 2002 for simply taking pictures of buildings in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing. Maginnis
told his story "Off The Hook".
After being brought to the District 1 police station on Decatur Street, Maginnis was made to wait alone in an interrogation room. Two hours later, a Secret
Service agent arrived, who identified himself as Special Agent "Willse."

The agent told Maginnis that his "suspicious activities" made him a threat to national security, and that he would be charged as a terrorist under the
USA-PATRIOT act. The Secret Service agent tried to make Maginnis admit that he was taking the photographs to analyze weaknesses in the Vice
President's security entourage and "cause terror and mayhem."


Mahmoud, General
(-> Ahmad, General Mahmud)

Mahfouz, Khalid bin

Endower of the Muwafaq charity foundation also known as
"Blessed Relief".
Run by Yassin al-Kadi, both are suspects of sponsoring
(with or without further knowlege) terror investments.

In December 2002, it was revealed, that Mahfouz' partner Yassin al-Kadi was the secret owner of computer company Ptech (->), which was already
known to the FBI since at least October 2001.

Khalid bin Mahfouz was one of the investors of President Bush's first company Arbusto (->),
with the help of James R. Bath (->).

Bath originally made his fortune by investing money for Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz and another BCCI connected Saudi Sheikh bin Laden, allegedly the
father of none other than Osama bin Laden.

Mahfouz is represented by the influential law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, who represent Mohammed Hussein Al- Amoudi (->) and Salah
Idris, two other saudi arabian terror finance suspects.

Mahfouz is connected via James R. Bath to President Bush, and via Sheikh Adbullah Bakhsh, who once was on the board of Harken (->) and organised
deals with Stephens Inc. and Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS).

Mahfouz became the brother-in-law of Osama Bin Laden, when his sister married him.

(-> Akin Gump)

(-> Al-Quaeda-Financeers)
(-> Kean, Tom)
(-> Prince Saudi al Turki)

Mahjoub, Mohamed Zeki

Officially linked to a canadian terrorist connection, formerly from sudan.
His lawyer, Rocco Galati, argued against his deportation.

Rocco Galati represented Abdellah Ouzghar and, in an interesting twist,

former Naval Intelligence Officer Delmart Vreeland (->).

Mailer, Norman

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In February 2002, famous author Norman Mailer complained, that "..the right wing benefited so much from Sept. 11 that, if I were still a conspiratorialist, I
would believe they'd done it.."


Lexington, Raytheon Community
Portland, Airport (Atta + Jarrah, Sep11th)
Portland, Comfort Inn (Atta + Jarrah)

(-> Bukhari, Adnan)

(-> Bush vacation -> Kennebunkport, Maine)
(-> Hauer, Jerome -> MBNA -> Penobscot Bay, Maine)

Popular 911-Website and news portal by Carolyn Kay.
Member of the "Anti-Dubya Webring".
http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=antibush;id=**SITE ID***;action=home

Makethemaccountable released the earliest and most important investigative- and progressive 911articles in 2001-2002.

Most popular for their Bush-questions at


Contact: [email protected]

Makow, Henry
In November 2001, Henry Makow released his article "Could Bush Become another Hitler?" :
at http://www.savethemales.ca/111102.html

"If evil powers wanted to impose a dictatorship on the United States, would they candidly announce their goal?
They would do exactly as they are doing now: They would invent a foreign menace like Muslim terrorism, and stage a dramatic attack like 9-11. This is why
Bush has blocked an independent investigation of the WTC attack.
They would rely on the "sheeple" to vote for their own enslavement, i.e. the "Patriot Act," increased military expenditures, and the Department of
"Homeland Security."

Henry Makow, a Rense (->) columnist, is the inventor of the board game Scruples,
and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date".

His articles on feminism, zionism and the New World Order are archived at his web site http://www.savethemales.ca

He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto.

He supports Edward Griffin's Freedom Force International (www.freedom-force.org/activism.htm ), the John Birch Society (www.jbs.org) and. Bob Schulz's
We the People! (www.givemeliberty.org).

Contact: [email protected]

One of the earliest Top10 911-investigators in September/October 2001.

His famous article "Unanswered Questions" (first mirrored at http://www.communitycurrency.org) inspired Kyle Hence of unansweredquestions.org (->) to
give his website the same name.

MalcontentX went deep into every oddities, irregularities and details

of Sep11th itself and asked and analysed so important questions like:

Why did the Pentagon and NORAD not use planes at Andrew’s AFB to defend Washington?
Why was Flight 11 in the air for twenty-four minutes, off-course, without transponder or radio contact, before fighters were ordered to intercept it?
Why was Flight 77, (hijack-suspected) allowed to stay in the air for thirty-five minutes after the first attack on the World Trade Center had been confirmed
-without a single plane able to intercept it?

MalcontentX articles had been officially mirrored at Scoop Media, New Zealand and dozens of other websites.

In Autumn 2002 Malcontent X started to support the 911 Truth Alliance (->),
founded in New York, and 911pi.com (->)

MalcontentX mirrored his early articles on the websites of University of Wesleyan,

which is a private university of liberal arts and sciences in Middletown, Connecticut.


Unanswered Questions, (Part 1) is mirrored at,

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and numerous other sites.

MalcontentX later became member and key person of the committee to establish a citizens' 911-commission (->).

Marian, Ellen
In December 2002, Ellen Mariani of Derry, New Hampshire was the first 911victim,
who started a Sep11th-attack related lawsuit- against United Airlines, charging the carrier failed to provide adequate security.

Her husband, Louis Mariani, 58, was a passenger on United Flight 175, the second plane to hit the Trade Center.
Her attorney Don Nolan had already represented plaintiffs in other disasters, including US Air Flight 42, which crashed outside Pittsburgh in 1994; TWA
Flight 800, which exploded off New York's Long Island in 1996; and the 2000 crash of Singapore Air Flight 006 in Taiwan.
Nolan was pursuing legal action against Airbus and American for the November 19 crash of the American Airlines jet in Queens, New York (Flight 587->)

(Lawsuits ->)

Marrs, Jim
Jim Marrs most popular article among 911Skeptics was
"Who's Truly Behind The Attack On America?"

Jim Marrs, a "JFK assasination"- specialist, is a regular guest on the Jeff Rense Radio Show (->).


Jimmarrs.com was created in September 1999 by Jim Marrs in Springtown, Texas.

Contact: [email protected]

Martial Law/Jeb Bush

On September 7th, 2001, Jeb Bush (->) signed an Executive Order allowing him to declare martial law in Florida:

"Based on the potential massive damage to life and property that may result from an act of terrorism at a Florida port, the necessity to protect life and
property from such acts of terrorism..."

Baltimore, Northrop Grumman
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Institute
Bethesda, NIH
Bethesda, Lockheed Martin Corporation HQ

Bowie, Freeway Airport (Flight Simulator, Hani Hanjour)

Frederick, Fort Detrick/USAMRIID
Fort Meade, NSA
(five of the hijackers lived in a motel right outside the gates of the NSA.
Early on the morning of 11 September, when Hani Hanjour and his four accomplices left the Valencia Motel on US route 1 on their way to Washington's
Dulles airport, they joined the stream of NSA employees heading to work. )

Greenbelt, Gold's Gym (Meeting Hani Hanjour, Khalid Al-Midhar, Nawaq Alhamzi and Salem Alhamzi)
Laurel, Majed Moqed (ATM machine)

Rockville, MD - FDA HQ
Rockville, BAe Systems HQ

Silver Springs, Holy Cross Health

Martin, Patrick
Martin was one of the most insistent journalists in 2001-2002, who analysed the question,
if the "US government was alerted to September 11 attack"? (January 2002).
His articles had been mirrored worldwide.
He summed up, how the war against the Taliban was long planned before Sep11th.


Massachussetts- connection
Boston, Logan Airport/Massport (->)
Boston, Westin Hotel

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Cambridge, MIT
Cambridge, Acambis (->), formerly Oravax [Hauer] [WNV/SPV]

Lexington, Raytheon (->)

Quincy, Ptech (->)

(-> Boston connection)

Massoud, Gen. Ahmed

On September 9th, 2001, Northern Alliance (->) -Commander General Ahmed Massoud was killed by two suicide journalists with the help of a bomb.
Rumours continued during 2001-2002, that this attack had been orchestrated by the Pakistan Secret Service ISI (->), who knew about pending war plans
against the Taliban, and about the Sep11th attack.

In May 2002, the story of the killing was altered again- with a grotesque update.
As AP reported, New Yorks Staten Island postal worker Ahmed Sattar was behind the killing of Massoud.

Investigators claimed now, that Sattar helped a London co-conspirator writing a "letter of introduction" that allowed assassins to get close enough to kill
The London suspect, Yassir al-Sirri (head of the Islamic Observation Center),
was already charged with the Massoud killing.

The final version included the original story:

Massoud's executioners, two Arab men posing as Belgian journalists, hid a bomb inside a camera and detonated it during an interview in Massoud's office.
Sattar, who was a former friend of Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman (->),
WTC bombing suspect of 1993, had denied any involvement in terrorism.


Faheem Dashty, Journalist of the independent agency Ariana, based in the north of Afghanistan, is one of the two survivors of the explosion which cost the
life to the commander Massoud.

Severely burned at the hands, Dashty arrived in France in, with the assistance of "Reporters without borders" and of the Afghanistan embassy in Paris.
Shortly after that he gave an interview to leparisien.fr on the attack, "his opinion of the American intervention and his vision of the future":

What are your memories of this 9 September?

Faheem Dashty : " It was the morning. I was in the house where are placed the guests of Massoud when i was warned that the two Arab " journalists " who
wished to meet him had left for the center command. I wanted to film the interview, as I have done it since I work for Massoud, for ten years. They returned
little afterwards with their interpreter because they had to wait until the commander was ready. About midday, someone said to us that we could go there.
When we returned, Massoud was there with the Afghan ambassador in India, Massoud Khalili (note: second survivor of the attack). Before beginning the
interview, Massoud asked them to announce their questions.

The " journalist " started to read, the second to prepare his camera and to film. I placed myself behind them, as I usually did, to be facing Massoud. I
realized that his face was in back-light and I bent down to change angle and to fix my camera. Perhaps fifteen seconds afterwards, I heard an explosion. On
the blow, that did not seem to me very loud. I believed that I had a problem with my camera, I felt a burn and I left the room very quickly. I requested from
the first person that I saw to take me along to the hospital.

I returned to the room and I saw that all was destroyed. After that, I fainted. I awoke at the hospital. Twelve days later, I learned that Massoud had died, as
a martyr "
How do you explain that Massoud and his entourage were not wary of these two men whose papers and recommendations seem, a posteriori, very suspect
(read below) ?

"It is true that the security around Massoud was not very good. Personally, I did not perceive anything else with those people but the behavior of men who
wished to make their job. I believe especially that they were professionals, perfectly prepared to do such an act. If these terrorists are able to succeed of the
so strong attacks in the United States, in Afghanistan, for them, it is very simple "

Who is, according to you, the sleeping partner of this assassination: Taliban, Oussama Ben Laden or Pakistani secret service , the ISI? "

Afghanistan under Taliban occupation is a center of international terrorism. It is used as a base for Oussama Ben Laden and his network as with the
extremists groups : tchetchenes, Chinese, ouzbeks, birmans or Sudanese.
It is used as support to the fundamentalist Pakistani religious and part of the Pakistani army.
The services of the ISI coordinate all these movements. Massoud was the biggest obstacle with their interests, his assassination was organized by them. Two
days later, there were the attacks in the United States. The link between the two events seems obvious to me "

Remarks collected by Pascale Égré (with Mehrnoushe Soluki, interpret)


On Faza-ul Rehman Khalili, the second survivor of this attack :

On Sept 11, after the attacks on NY and Washington were carried out, Khalili went in to hiding, of course on ISI's request. Watch, at the end it shall be
proven that Khalili organized the attacks, Osama and ISI give him their blessings each before those attacks were carried out.
Assassination of the Commander Massoud of the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan was planned and carried out at ISI's request, by the same group,
Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, a state sponsored terrorist group.
Why is Gen. Musharaf of Pakistan committed to help the US in its war against terrorism?

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He is not. He is playing a game and he is trying to protect Taliban, Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Tuaiba and other such groups which ISI created.
Musharaf may agree to give up on Al Qaida in order to protect the rest, but in essence, they are all the same.


Boston Logan Airport.

During 2002, Antonin Scalia's son was going to be representing Massport in any future litigation.

(-> Boston connection)

(-> Mawn, Barry)

Antonin Scalia (born in Trenton, New Jersey)

MasterNewMedia is a free Alternative and Independent News on New Media Technologies,
Tools and Methods.
They archived a huge section on 911-related material at

The founder, Luigi Canali supported articles by Greg Palast or Jared Israel (->).

Masternewmedia.com was created in 1999 in Rome, Italy by Luigi Canali-De-Rossi.

Contact: [email protected]

Mawn, Barry
One of the few friends of ex-FBI terror specialist John O'Neill (->), who supported him,
even after it came out, that he should be fired because of a "lost briefcase" and increased trouble with Thomas Pickard (->) and Louis J. Freeh (->).

Mawn was involved in the "dirty Boston FBI office"-case


The EgyptAir investigation

"...FBI special agent Barry Mawn continued the claim that there was no evidence of criminal activity. He said that a Flight 990 hotline had received 85 calls
but none were significant.

Mawn, O'Neill's former boss, dismissed his lost briefcase as "nothing,", something that O'Neill would have received a verbal reprimand for. O'Neill, he said,
wanted to stay on with the FBI and clear his name, but he'd already decided to retire and enter the private sector...."

It appears, that Mawn was later either part of a plot or had something to hide.

He was the one, who had to classify the famous "passpord in the rubble" (->) on September 16th 2001, which was found in front of Building 7, Vesey Street.

A building which was under control by military company Blackstone (->), the CIA and DoD,
who had both offices in that building:

"FBI Assistant Director Barry Mawn did not disclose the name on the passport or other details, but the discovery prompted an intensive search for

As later revealed by ABC, the passpord belonged to one of the officiall hijackers, Satam Al Suqami.

Mawn was in charge of the New York Anthrax cases:

Due to a November 11th, 2001 press conference with Tom Ridge of the Homeland Security (->),
Mawn protested during the investigation, that the original source was based on US -Military:

"Q: Barry Mawn, of the New York FBI is quoted in today's Boston Globe as saying it was produced in the U.S. He said, "It was made here." Is that
GOVERNOR RIDGE: Well, he may have a suspicion that it was made here. But, clearly, in talking with the FBI Director and other individuals involved in
the FBI, there is no credible evidence that points specifically..."


Mawn was then forced to put the Anthrax-NBC investigation on hold:

"...Although the F.B.I. was notified on Sept. 25 about suspicious letters sent to NBC, neither the letters, nor the powder residue inside them were tested until
nearly two weeks later, and then only because a private doctor notified city public health officials about a troubling skin condition in the news assistant who

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had handled the mail, officials acknowledged yesterday.


Only a few months later, on March 22nd, 2002, Mawn resigned at the FBI.

Mawn almost started a job as Boston airport's security company Massport (->) as a security chief
"...Robinson said hiring a CEO will allow Massport to then turn its attention to hiring a new director of security. A number of candidates are interested in the
job - reportedly including retired FBI supervisor Barry Mawn..."

Mawn later appeared in a John O'Neill-documentation by PBS.

Mawn, as late as Nov 2001, was being considered for a move up the ladder,
as reported in TIME magazine:

"...FBI director Bob Mueller is about to announce radical changes in the way the FBI looks and operates. The recently announced retirements of two top
officials — deputy director Tom Pickard and assistant director Neil Gallagher — are only the beginning.
...Mueller hasn't said who will replace them, but word around the bureau is that he is considering bringing back the concept of William Webster's top
management triumvirate...
But which three? Smart money says Mueller will elevate Assistant Director Dale Watson, currently head of counter-terrorism, to the
counterterrorism/national security slot. The task of overseeing criminal investigations — most of the bureau's work — could go to current Assistant Director
Reuben Garcia, Assistant Director Barry Mawn, now head of the flagship New York Office, Bruce Gephardt, the special agent in charge in San Francisco,
with whom Mueller bonded when he was U.S. Attorney there — or another field commander..."


Maxwell Air Force Base

The Maxwell Air Force Base is located in Montgomery, Alabama.

As reported, Mohammad Atta took some flight lessons there.

At the airport is a trapez by the Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus, a school which owner Kenneth Feld (according to a salon story) hired
former top CIA honcho Clair George to torment a hapless freelance writer for eight years because she wanted to write a book about his family.
This Clair George "..ran Latin America for the Agency under then-Vice President Bush during the period of Iran Contra during the '80’s."

Daniel Hopsicker at http://www.madcowprod.com/

"..Air Force spokesman Col. Ken McClellan said a man named Mohamed Atta --
which the FBI has identified as one of the five hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11 --
had once attended the International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, Ala..."


Ken McClellan is indeed still spokesman of the Air Force and furthermore "..official spokesman for the office of the secretary of defense.."

He declared on October 24th, 2001, that the closure of Bad Aibling (am ECHELON base ->) has to be postponed for two more years:

"..The closure was postponed for two years to help fight America’s newest war, according to military officials in the United States.
"We basically couldn’t get it done in time..." (Lt. Col. Ken McClellan)

The Air Force has begun a series of wargames entitled Global Engagement at the Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

These wargames are intended to illuminate the capability of joint air and space power..."
These "wargames" include Network Centric Warfare:
"..Future sensor grids will feature a variety of new imaging and signals intelligence sensors,
currently in advanced stages of development, deployed aboard the Global Hawk, DarkStar, and Predator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as well as new
space-based sensor grids,
like the high and low orbit elements of the Space-Based InfraRed System (SBIRS).


(-> Flight Schools)

Mazar-i-Sharif, which means " The Noble Grave", became one of the key cities during the attack on the Taliban in late 2001 with the help of the Northern

Since then, Amnesty International demanded an investigation of the storm on Mazar-i Sharif?


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(-> Kallstrom, James -> Lewis Schiliro, Louis Freeh ->)

McFarlane, Robert
Robert McFarlane was former national security adviser in the Reagan administration.

In 2000, McFarlane was hired by two wealthy Chicago commodity speculators, Joseph and James Ritchie, to assist them in recruiting and organizing
anti-Taliban guerrillas among Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

Their principal Afghan contact was Abdul Haq, the former mujahedin leader who was executed by the Taliban in October 2001 (?) after an unsuccessful
attempt to spark a revolt in his home province.

McFarlane held meetings with Abdul Haq and other former mujahedin in the course of the fall and winter of 2000. After the Bush administration took office,
McFarlane parlayed his Republican connections into a series of meetings with State Department, Pentagon and even White House officials. All encouraged
the preparation of an anti-Taliban military campaign.

During the summer, long before the United States launched airstrikes on the Taliban, James Ritchie traveled to Tajikistan with Abdul Haq and Peter Tomsen,
who had been the US special envoy to the Afghan opposition during the first Bush administration. There they met with Ahmed Shah Massoud, the leader of
the Northern Alliance, with the goal of coordinating their Pakistan-based attacks with the only military force still offering resistance to the Taliban.

Finally, according to McFarlane, Abdul Haq “decided in mid-August to go ahead and launch operations in Afghanistan. He returned to Peshawar, Pakistan,
to make final preparations.”
In other words, this phase of the anti-Taliban war was under way well before September 11.

McGowan, David
In April 2002, political essayist and author David McGowan
("Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don't Want You to See", 2000)
released his article "America Through The Looking Glass" on swans.com (->),
where he promoted Mike Ruppert's website copvcia.com (->) and questioned,
"how are we to account for an allegedly thriving 'alternative' press that takes at face value the official version of the events of September 11 -- pretending
not to notice the gaping holes in the story?"

Source: http://www.swans.com/library/art8/dmg001.html

McKinney, Cynthia
It was around March 20th, 2002, when an email circulated on the internet on afro-american Rep. McKinney, describing her "as a hero in the demand for
inquiry into 9-11".

Congresswoman Cynthia Ann McKinney from Georgia demanded, that the Bush/Bin Laden connection and "the bizarre fabrications making up the official
story around the 9-11",
should be fully investigated.

Ground Zero Forum NYC (->) immediately started to promote her case worldwide , including a background coverage on her on
democraticunderground.com and provided her with the so called Top 500 FAQ (->), already compiled in January 2002.

Within days McKinney received various support from many other investigative 911-websites or progressive web projects and was provided with additional
new informations by Mike Ruppert (->).
McKinney released a written essay.

Her commentary on the "war against terrorism" and September 11th attack had been broadcasted in the famous interview with Dennis Bernstein on
Flashpoints, Pacifica Radio on 3/25/02, but her demand continued being ignored by US Mainstream Media.
http://www.flashpoints.net/realaudio/fp20020325.ram (Minute 30)

In McKinney's essay she mentioned "the fact that Henry Kissinger (->) and the current new US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad (->), both
once lobbied Washington, DC on behalf of a US oil company, Unocal (->), and a softer policy toward the Taliban (->)".

McKinney mentioned the "phony" felony list of the US President election to "scrub" from the state's voter roles and the proven fact, that "most of the people
on that list were innocent of crimes".
"We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, delivered one such warning. Those
engaged in unusual stock trades immediately before September 11 knew enough to make millions of dollars from United and American airlines, certain
insurance and brokerage firms' stocks. What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11? "

In the following interview McKinney mentioned, that the Pentagon "has lost 2.3 trillion dollars" and noone knows where to find that money:

Once again she mentioned other early warnings as "from people in Germany to people in the Cayman Islands to people even, now we learn about the
owners of the pilot school".
"...But instead of requesting that Congress investigate what went wrong and why, we had president Bush (painful for me to say that, but) we had president
Bush placing a call to Majority Leader Senator Tom Daschle asking him NOT to investigate the events of September 11.
My question is, What do they have to hide?

And then the other issue that saddens me is the fact that the former President, president Bush's daddy, sits on the board of the Carlyle Group (->)."

In some media reports, Carlyle Group spokesman Chris Ullman and White House press secretary Ari Fleischer dismissed McKinneys allegation as a
"baseless conspiracy theory".

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"All I can tell you is the congresswoman must be running for the Hall of Fame of the Grassy Knoll Society," Fleischer said.

But McKinney became a hero among the 911Skeptics.

In just five years, Cynthia Ann McKinney, Georgia's first African-American Congresswoman was the only woman serving in the state's congressional
delegation, who has emerged as an internationally renowned advocate for voting rights, human rights and the strengthening of business ties between Africa
and the United States. She was known as a passionate, intelligent, charismatic and effective member of the House of Representatives.

On April 12th, 2002, the Washington Post finally reported, that McKinney wants to have a full investigation of 911 regarding possible advanced knowledge
of President George Bush, but attacked McKinney together with AP and the NY Times.
On April 14th, 2002, a Poll at Atlanta Journal, which showed that at least 50% believed that US officials knew of 911-attacks in advance, was mysteriously

DU-members (->) noticed another manipulation:

Apr-13-02, 05:10 PM (ET) :

"...the poll is being freeped, +600 votes in just minutes
I had just looked at the poll results a few
minutes ago, but since those few minutes have passed
the "YES" votes have suddenly added about 600
votes, while the "NO" votes have added about
But prior to this it was 49% to 49%
now its 55% to 44%..."
But Newsmax reported on the results of the online poll of Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the "underground"-success of McKinney continued.
Various supportive articles on her circulated on indepedent media portals like Buzzflash, Bartcop, democrats.com, finalcall.com, truthout.org or

Her hate mail started getting overruled by positive support mail, but the Democratic Party including former House Minority leader Dick Gephardy disagreed
with her and failed to support McKinney until George Bush finally had to confirm prior knowledge in May 2002 (-> Bush Knew).
During these 4 weeks, false accusations against McKinney had been made, including requests of sanctions against her.

But as listed on Opensecrets.org, some random (and not rejected!) donations of $1000 by someone named Abdurahman Alamoudi (founder and former
executive director of the American Muslim Council) to McKinney, paid similar amounts to George Bush on September 11th, 2001.
While McKinney profited among progressive fans of her since the "Bush-knew"-confirmation in May 2002, her own party continued to dump her.

McKinney claimed she has been vindicated for accusing the Bush administration of not warning "the innocent people of New York, who were needlessly
murdered" in order to benefit the Carlyle Group and other defense-oriented companies.

Later McKinney lost to represent Georgia for the US Election.

A few weeks before the US Election, the Green Party asked her if she might leave her party and become a candidate for the Greens as a US President in
McKinney started to support some public green party events and was speaker on various anti-war protests, including the Washington Protest in October

She still wonders, why noone insists to investigate Bush and ask on PNAC (->):

"President Bush was warned that terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft and crash them into buildings in the US... in the weeks prior to
September 11, 24-hour fighter cover was placed over the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas"


McMichael, J.
In 2001, J McMichael wrote the famous article "911: Govt-Media Suspends Laws of Physics".

It was first mirrored at

and later on various other websites.
This was one of the first articles, who inspired many independent investigators to analyse the oddities of the collapses from Sep11th:

"Using jet fuel to melt steel is an amazing discovery, really. It is

also amazing that until now, no one had been able to get it to work...
Ironworkers fool with acetylene torches, bottled oxygen, electric arcs from
generators, electric furnaces, and other elaborate tricks, but what
did these brilliant terrorists use? Jet fuel, costing maybe 80 cents
a gallon on the open market...

In the 20th Century, steel melted at 1538 degrees Celsius (2800 F, see
but in the 21st Century, it melts at 800 degrees C (1472 F)..."
Fact is, at one time one of the towers didn't burn anymore on one floor, as one, censored picture was able to prove (-> Black Hole).

Fact is :
The official testimony on the Collapse of the Twin Towers later changed the official
explanation. The melting steel theory was wrong and outdated at the end of 2002.
A new investigation started therefore in October 2002 (for 2 years) and was already officially described as classified.

(-> Collapse, Twin Towers)

McNiven-Polygram -Studies

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Circulated on the internet:

Polygraph Exam Results

John Weller, President
TELEPHONE: (604) 669 5945
FACSCIMILE: (604) 682 6738
27 June 2002
Mr. Timothy S. McNiven,
114 Grand Avenue, No. 202,
98225 1465

Dear Sir:
You attended my office on 27 June 02 and were identified as Timothy Stuart McNiven, Date of Birth 1 Nov 53, Social Security Number 537-56-87[41]. The
purpose of the visit was for you to take a polygraph examination in order to support the fact that you were a member of a group assembled as part of the C
Battery, 2/81st Field Artillery US Army stationed on Strassburg Kaserine, Idar Oberstein, West Germany for the purpose of developing defensive strategies
against attacks by hijacked aircraft. The discussions covered the possibility of aircraft being taken over by dissidents and used to attack important buildings
in the United States of America.
Regarding the study that took place McNiven was a member of C Battery 2/81st FA in Idar Oberstein, West Germany in the 1970's..."


The MCNiven- story raised some attention among a few 911Skeptics, but never turned into a real smoking gun. The origin of the document seemed a little bit
too outdated.

SIGA was designed to be a network of Christian activists working for peace and fighting the "New World Order".
The organization was created in response to the "terrorist" attacks of September 11, 2001 and the so called "War on Terror" which has followed.

In November 2002, SIGA finished their mediabanner "bush knew".

This sign was put up on the corner of 9th Ave. and 5th Street in South West Calgary (Canada)
on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 and removed Thursday, November 21.


"These are photographs of an actual sign.

The images have not been manipulated or "doctored" in any way."

Contact: [email protected]

MediaChannel is a global network of more than 900 media-issues groups.
They supported votermarch.org, Media Workers Against War or youthmedia.org.zm

Danny Schechter, Executive Producerand Executive Editor of MediaChannel,

covered Sep11th related topics.

In December 2002, editor Byron Christopher criticised the new slang of journalism:
"Unless it’s a direct quote or otherwise attributable to a third party, there are no “terrorist attacks,” just “attacks.”
There are no “freedom fighters” and no one is “martyred.”
It’s not the “war on terrorism,” but the “attack on Afghanistan.”


MediaChannel is located at 56 Walker Street in Tribeca, New York.

In May 2002, Schechter released his book "News At ATime of Terror" about the "Media War".

Anchorman Dan Rather (CBS) about Schechter's book:

"Limiting access, limiting information to cover the backsides of those who are in charge of the war, is extremely dangerous and cannot and should not be
Source: BBC News Night, May 16, 2002

MediaChannel.org was created in 1998 in New York by The Global Center.

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Contact: [email protected]

Mediafilter supports many criticial articles on the US Government, especially since Sep11th.

One of their many different writers is Philip Agee (from the partner website covertaction.org),
who worked for the CIA from 1957 to 1968, when he resigned.

In 1974, he published the first detailed account of day-to-day activities of the clandestine services of the CIA. In 1978, he was one of the founders of Covert
Action Information Bulletin.

One of the other famous writers for Mediafilter is the imprisoned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, Richard Becker of internationalanswer.org, Ramsey Clark
(an international lawyer and human rights advocate, based in New York City), Michel Chossudovsky (Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa)
or Rosemari Mealy, a radio producer-activist and host on WBAI-FM in New York City and on its Pacifica Network.

Mediafilter.org was created in 1995 in New York.

Contact: [email protected]

Media Transparency
Cursor, Inc. is a charity that educates the public on the relationship between media and society through two free Web sites, Cursor.org, and

Contact: [email protected]

Media Whores Online takes an unbiased, in-depth look at the vast myriad of whores who call themselves "journalists."

Contact: [email protected]

Media Workers against War

Mwaw.org is run by a small number of volunteers working in all types of media. Although volunteers at MWAW have different political ideologies they are
an independent organisation that is not linked to any political institution.

MWAW was orginally formed at the time of the Gulf War and reformed in September 2001.
Initial supporters include: John Pilger, Paul Foot, Hilary Wainwright, Henderson Mullin, Tim Gopsill, Miles Barter, Jack Tan, Rob Steen and many others.

Mwaw.org released various articles on the Sep11th attack.

In March 2002, they started to promote the documentary "Notinmyname".


Mwaw.org was created oin September25th, 2001 by Fred Backman and Lateral Net Ltd. in London, UK.

Contact: [email protected]

Investigative Member of DU (-> medienanalyse-international.de , ->DU)

One of the few german news portals, who challenged the official Sep11th-version in impressive columns. Very good archive.


Editor Andreas Hauss became member of the investigative 911-forum at democraticunderground.com, after ewing2001 (->) contacted him about the
popularity of medienanalyse on DU.

Created in Karlsruhe, Germany

Contact: [email protected]

Megspace.com, home for many independent projects, was created in 2000 by David Engel in Miami, Florida.

Model Emergency Health Powers Act

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"Be worried about new MEHPA anti-terrorism bill", by P.Weyrich and other related articles at:

Melting Steel
For almost one year, the official explanation for the collapse of the Twin Towers was "melted steel".
Then yet another investigation for 2 years was started.

U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 details an apparatus for tunneling by melting.

In part it describes "a machine and method for drilling bore holes and tunnels by melting in which a housing is provided for supporting a heat source and a
heated end portion and in which the necessary melting heat is delivered to the walls of the end portion at a rate sufficient to melt rock and during operation
of which the molten material may be disposed adjacent the boring zone in cracks in the rock and as a vitreous wall lining of the tunnel so formed.”

(-> Collapse, Twin Towers)

(-> McMichael, J.)

"Memes are Mind Viruses. One needs to be aware of the power, incestutous, and insidious nature of ideas, icons, concepts, and theory. There is a reason
why, in mediaspeak, the format of broadcasting is called programming". Memes.org are entirely suseptible to the influence of others. They are
"community-dwellers" and as such, they have a natural tendency to be part of a hive.

Memes is specialised of reporting on weapon systems and secret government projects.

Articles on 9-11:

The word "memo" was one of the most popular words of 2002 of the 911Skeptics.

Basically it stood either for the Rowley-memo (May 2002) or for the CIA-memo (-> Bush knew) from August 2001, but there are other important memos,
which had been mentioned in independent Sep11th investigations:

CIA-cable (->)
From August 22nd, 2001. This at a time, when Colleen Rowley (->) still tried to convince the FBIHQ and NSLU to examine the computer of Zacarias
Moussaoui. She gave up on August 28th.
Ignored by US Media and US Congress are these 6 days, which undermine the "incompetence theory".
The FBI was warned during these six days on 2 other muslim suspects, which had been on their watch list as well. (-> FISA)

Most famous memo in 2001 was from August 6th, 2001.
Still classified at the end of 2002. Bob Graham (->) asked to declassify this memo and other files.
It was called "Laden determined to strike in the US', in which Bush was warned that the Saudi-born terrorist hoped to 'bring the fight to America' in
retaliation for missile strikes on al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan in 1998 and "domestic targets were considered at risk"


Copies of this memo went to Condoleeza Rice, Andrew Card, Dick Cheney, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Nancy Pelosi, Bob Graham. (-->)
(-> early warnings, -> Prior Knowledge, confirmed)

Richard Clarke's official memo to Condoleezza Rice, that "something was in planning" (-> Richard Armitage, -> Richard Clarke)

ENRON-Dabhol-Lawrence Lindsey-memo
Issued on November 8th, 2001.
On overstated earnings dating back to 1997 by almost $600 million.
(-> ENRON)

FAA-memos during 2001

(-> FAA)

FBI-memo on FISA-mistakes

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(-> FISA, -> NSLU)

Found by Boston Globe in October 2002. (-> Harken)

Honegger-"Extreme Alert"-memo
Sent to John Ashcroft (->) and Thomas Pickard (->) on Sep19th, 2001 on Judge Royce Lamberth and oddities and irregularities regarding the official
(-> Honegger, Barbara)

or "Hopkins Memo". (-> Anthrax, Thomas Inglesby)

On "agency sensitive information" via the internet.
(-> James Kallstrom)

Phoenix-Memo (->)
Memo of FBI agent Kenneth Williams.
(-> Boston connection, -> early warnings, -> Michael Kennedy)

Described by TIME as the "bombshell memo".
(-> Rowley, Coleen, -> CIA-observation)

State of Department-Memo
Issued on Sep7th, 2001, which warned that Americans "may be the target of a terrorist threat." (-> early watnings)

Woolsey-Memo regarding Dark Winter

(-> ANSER)

(-> Goldberg, Bernard ->CBS Insider exposes how the media distort the news)
(-> Isaacson, Robert -> CNN memo)
(-> Cooper, William -> White House memo)
(-> Diplomat emails -> Memo by U.S. Consul General Charles Keil)
(-> John-Loftus.com -> John O'Neill -> Al Qaida pipeline memo)
(-> Los Alamos -> Glenn Wald Los Alamos Memo )
(-> Messagecycle.com )

Meria Heller is MMN (http://www.mediamonitors.net) 's columnist and one of the most popular web-caster on the Internet. She hosts an international
web-cast (http://www.mediamonitors.net)http://www.Meria.net) heard in over sixty countries since 2000.
In 2001-2002, Heller was one of the most supportive hosts for investigative 911-related details, which got ignored by the mainstream press.

(-> 911 Truth Commission)

On October 10th 2002, Craig Hanley released an analysis on his website "messagecycle" on his views on "Operation Chaos" and "Faking Terror":

"Projects RESISTANCE and MERRIMAC and the FBI’s COINTELPRO? Agents bragged in memos that anti-war activists were “arrested on every possible
charge until they could no longer make bail.”
Post-war investigators reviled the agencies as webs of “deception, misinformation, lies and illegalities”

Messagecycle.com was created in january 2000 by Craig Hanley in Dallas, Texas

Contact: [email protected]

Meta Carta
CIA email animation sniffer, developed by John Frank.
(-> In Q tel)

On April 8th 2002, "Hunt the Boeing"- author Meyssan started to promote his book "L'Effroyable Imposture-The appalling fraud" at a press conference at
the arab league in Abu Dhabi.

At this event, Meyssan pointed out that "it is obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 can escape during 500 kilometers from the civil radars, the military
radars, the fighters launched to its continuation, and with the satellites of observation which had been just activated.

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It is also impossible that a Boeing 757 enters the airspace of the Pentagon without being destroyed by the five batteries of missiles which protect the
building.... "


Though controversial in his way of analysis, Meyssan influenced many 911Skeptics to take a deeper look at the crash, collapse and obscure pictures of the
Pentagon (->).

As Independent UK reported on May 18th, 2002, the "shoebomber" Richard Reid (->) had been on a watch list by the MI5:

Bush was given hijack warning by British intelligence

Americans were told of attack threat, say MI5 and MI6, as Marines begin new operation against al-Qa'ida

"...President Bush's CIA briefing last August about possible attacks on US targets by al-Qa'ida – the focus of the current "what did he know and when did he
know it" furore – was based on British intelligence reports, officials on both sides of the Atlantic said.

Intelligence sources in London confirmed yesterday that both MI5 and MI6 had sent reports to the United States in the run-up to 11 September, suggesting
that America was under threat.


(->Moore, Michael)

Michaels, C. William
C. William Michaels is an attorney and writer in Baltimore, Maryland.
His book, "No Greater Threat: America After September 11 and the Rise of a National Security State" (Algora Publishing NYC, 2002) contains a review
and analysis of the entire USA PATRIOT Act. The book is available from Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com. For more about the book and the author, go to

Nogreaterthreat was created in June 2002 by Tin Roof Designs in Lititz, PA

Miers, Harriet
Bush's personal attorney, Harriet Miers, co-managing partner of Locke Liddell & Sapp, a major Dallas law firm. Bush once appreciatively referred to
Miers, the first woman president of the Texas Bar Association, as "a pit bull in size-6 shoes." Until she chose to step down last May, she was chairwoman of
the Texas Lottery Commission, appointed by Bush.

(-> LIHOP)

(-> bushoccupation.com)

Reporting on the "Murderous Lies And Sickening Incompetence Of The Bush Crime Family".

Milano Crash
MilanoCrash- Sabotage, Suicide, accident? [21] Apr-23

Military.com, the largest online military destination, offers free resources to serve, connect, and inform the 30 million Americans with military affinity:
active duty personnel, retirees, veterans, reservists, guard members, defense workers, family members, and those considering military careers.


Military Operation
According to the Pentagon on Sep11th 2001, they described the attack as a perfect planned "military operation". That seems to be true.

Famous underground author William Cooper (->) wrote about this statement
in one of his last manifests at Point 7 and 8:

7. According to news accounts the perpetrators planned the attack as long ago as 5 years, trained to carry out the attack, pulled it off without a hitch, and no
information regarding the attack was ever leaked to anyone.

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8. Reference #7. Now someone wants us to believe that these were a bunch of drunken fools who shot pistols in their homes, braggarts, who spoke of
impending violence and bloodshed to everyone they met and left incriminating evidence everywhere. We are supposed to believe that by some incredible
miracle they escaped the notice of every law enforcement and intelligence agency in the entire world. Now read #7 again.

Military pre-911 studies on attacks

An expert panel commissioned by the Pentagon discusses how an airplane could be used to bomb national landmarks. ... "Targets such as the World Trade
Center not only provide the requisite casualties but, because of their symbolic nature, provide more bang for the buck. In order to maximize their odds for
success, terrorist groups will likely consider mounting multiple, simultaneous operations with the aim of overtaxing a government's ability to respond, as well
as demonstrating their professionalism and reach." [Washington Post, 10/2/01]

September, 1999:
A report prepared for US intelligence entitled the "Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism" is completed. It states: "Al-Qaeda's expected retaliation for the
US cruise missile attack ... could take several forms of terrorist attack in the nation's capital. ... Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaeda's Martyrdom
Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and Semtex) into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), or the White House. " The report is by the National Intelligence Council, which advises the President and US intelligence on emerging threats. [AP,
4/18/02] The Bush administration later claims to have never heard of the report until May 2002, despite the fact that it was publicly posted on the web in
1999, and "widely shared within the government" according to the New York Times. [CNN, 5/18/02, New York Times, 5/18/02]

October 24-26, 2000:

Pentagon officials carry out a "detailed" emergency drill based upon the crashing of a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon. [MDW News Service, 11/3/00,
Mirror, 5/24/02] The Pentagon is such an obvious target that, "For years, staff at the Pentagon joked that they worked at "Ground Zero", the spot at which an
incoming nuclear missile aimed at America's defenses would explode. There is even a snack bar of that name in the central courtyard of the five-sided
building, America's most obvious military bullseye." [Telegraph, 9/16/01]

Military Tribunal
In November 2001, Oliver North (Iran-Contra->) criticised the Military Tribunal:
"We're not at war. Even though U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are fighting what certainly looks like a war, it's not. Even though we have yet to
recover all the bodies from the savage Sept. 11 attack and even though our attackers have proclaimed an "unending war" against us, Congress refused to
declare war on them. And because no war has been declared, what President Bush has ordered, and what Attorney General John Ashcroft is carrying out,
may well redound to our ultimate disadvantage. "

Miller, Mark Crispin

Mark is the author of "The Bush Dyslexicon", which basically described "Observations on a National Disorder".
The Bush Dyslexicon is a funny, razor-sharp critique of George W. Bush and his treatment by an increasingly superficial and conservative newsmedia.
Published in hardback in summer 2001, The Bush Dyslexicon has been released in paperback in 2002 and has been substatially updated to include new
developments since 9/11.

Mark is a professor of media ecology at New York University, where he directs the Project on Media Ownership (PrOMO). He is well known for his
writings on all aspects of the media and for his activism on behalf of democratic media reform. His books include Boxed In: The Culture of TV and Seeing
Through Movies.

In January 2003, Crispin endorsed the 911Truth for alliance (->), who started to organise a citizens commission opposing the official 911-commission (->)

Millis, Linda
(-> BENS)

Mini Nukes
(-> Small Nukes)

Missouri Task Force 1 (MO-TF1)

As Brother Spicci (FEMA?) reported on the independent website http://www.lambdazeta.com/spiccistory.html , he was in charge at the MO-TF1 on
September 12th and confirmed the "powdered concrete of the Twin Towers", without having any explanation for it.

Here is what he had to say:

"....I was in St. Louis at a professional meeting the morning of September 11, 2001. While I was helping to set up for a session, I learned that two planes had
hit the Twin Towers via my USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) pager.

...When the first tower collapsed, I knew that an activation of Missouri Task Force 1 (MO-TF1) was likely.
This is what our task force had trained for; this is what I had been prepared for. For over five years, I had been volunteering for MO-TF1 (since the
inception of the team) and I knew it was my duty to go.
...I arrived for check-in at the USAR team headquarters. Within a few hours we were en-route to New York City. Our team and equipment were in three
C-130 military transport planes. We were ‘escorted’ by pairs of fighter planes the entire route. Most of our team was excited that we garnered that much
respect; I kept silent and did not tell them that they were there to shoot us down if we deviated from our course. We arrived at McGuire AFB in New Jersey
along with three other USAR teams from California in the early hours of September 12.
...On the morning of September 12 we began the trip to NYC. It took 8 busses and 8 tractor-trailer units loaded with equipment to move the four USAR
teams. About 40 New Jersey Troopers ran escort for us, shutting down the New Jersey Turnpike to get us there quickly.
...Soon, we arrived in the area of the World Trade Center. As we came around the block on Church Street, the scene was bathed in light. A light snow was
falling. Well, it was not really snow. It was powdered concrete. It was not all that noticeable against the night sky, but when you looked at the tower lights,

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you could see if falling down.

...The ‘snow’ made everything very surreal. I quickly noticed why. There were no visible signs of solid concrete. It was all gone. There was a significant
amount of powdered concrete, none of which was bigger that a grape and most of which was in the air.
..Instead, there were piles of lain out steel, some twisted, some looking brand new with construction makings. Sheet metal was also present. But there wasn’t
any furniture or nick-knacks from offices.
.... We entered at WTC Building 6. This was the U.S. Customs House. We worked our way through to the levels of underground garages where fire had
destroyed some cars, but had left others alone. It was strange to see some perfectly fine cars in between those that had melted from a fire.


More on MO-TF1:

August 15th, 2001

Missouri Task Force One
A Federal Emergency Management Agency Urban Search and Rescue Task Force
Operation CARE 1998, Camp Gruber, Oklahoma
Operation CARE 1999, St. Louis, Missouri


Missy Galore
Missy has created events and environments for clients ranging from designer Tod Oldham to the Warhol Museum. She has organized her own theme-driven
happenings. Among these is T3 4Pe@ce (http://TeleTwinTowers.org/), a three-day, non-stop town meeting of art, music, performance and political forums
including over 150 participants.
T34Pe@ce included the 911Skepticism Forum, compiled by GROUND ZERO Forum NYC (->).
Missy Galore is one half of Feedbuck Galore (feedbuckgalore.com), a New York City-based video art group she co-founded in 1993 with Jon Buckley.
At the end of 2002, Galore co-founded waterwater.org, with Angela Alston, a filmmaker.
Waterwater.org is a loosely organized coalition of individuals and organizations, growing every day. They share a concern in protecting this precious
(-> Oil)

loosely organized coalition of individuals and organizations, growing every day. We share a concern in protecting this precious resource

Mitchell, George
Former co-chairman of an "indepedent" 911-commission.
(-> Kissinger, head of 911-commission)

Mitchell, Larry
(-> CIA)
(-> Dubai)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud)

MITRE Corporation
MITRE is a not-for-profit national resource that provides systems engineering, research and development, and information technology support to the
government, operates federally funded research and development centers for the DOD, the FAA, and the IRS, with principal locations in Bedford,
Massachusetts, and Northern Virginia.

MITRE was one of the business partners of computer company Ptech (->), when it came out i December 2002, that Ptech (Quincy, Massachuseets) was
secretly owned by terror finance suspect Qassin al-Kadi (->), one of 12 Saudi businessmen accused of funneling millions of dollars to terror organisations
run by Bin Laden.

Part of the CIA-program MK-Naomi (including MK-Artichoke and MK-Bluebird), which started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation,
secure courier duties, and reducing fatigue.

The Mind-control program was still active in the 1970s with the emergence of 'Brain Washing' as a common term (Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery).
Drugs as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine had been used for MK Ultra.
Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD,
sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s
recipe for mind control.

In the late 80s, the MK-Ultra program was renamed to the Stargate-Program and included
the sub-programs Chatter, Often, Derbyhat, 3rd Chance, Chikwit, MK-Delta or QK Hilltop.
Ely Lily, under director George Bush delivered a lot of drugs for the CIA-program, other companies have been Hofmann LaRoche or the Public Health
Service and Bureau of Narcotics.

In the first gulf war, an important part of these programs was to experimentate with the drug Pyridostigmine Bromide (man-break series) , produced by

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Other experimental drug programs included Aspartame, which was once approved, while Donald Rumsfeld (->) was CEO of Searle.

US City Ocala made news in the 80s for the domestic Monsanto experiments (as it looks today, together with the CIA) -with Aspartame.

Anthrax-suspect Stephen Hatfill (->) has an apartment in Ocala,

the CIA their departments CFIIA and CISA.

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/08/ 10/national/main518283.shtml

One of the aspartame-victims, Shannon Roth, blinded in one eye by aspartame, later started "Aspartame Victims and Their Friends of Ocala, Florida".

Another editor, Nancy Markle, found out that the Aspartame disease is partially the "cause to what is behind some of the mystery of the Dessert Storm health


Monsanto later became Upjohn, which mergered with PharmaCIA, who was bought in 2002 by Pfizer.
Pfizer Pharmacia Upjohn initialized HomelandHealth.com (->),
a government joint venture initiative with the PharmaIndustry-on October 30th 2001.

Ocala is connected with the story of Dian Hardison (->).

The following guidelines apply to proposals for the Miniature Kill Vehicle (MKV) program with a one-time submission opportunity of Not Later Than 31
August 2001.
The government plans to exercise selected MKV Options on the basis of the Not To Exceed cost and maximum fee described above and to definitize such
Options as expeditiously as possible after exercise.

After performance under the MKV Options is completed, the government anticipates a stand-alone competitive acquisition to select a single contractor to
implement a prototype development, integration, and flight test program for the selected MKV technology.
Point of contact for the MKV Program portion of this BAA is Noel Paschal.


Money Movement on Sep11th

September 11, 2001
Other issues demanding immediate ATSC attention included:
Treasury Dept. movement of funds. Because nobody knew whether more large-scale attacks were imminent and where they might occur, Treasury officials
requested approval for 200 flights to distribute about $25 billion in cash among major financial institutions.


The ALBION MONITOR newspaper covers "The News You're Missing" -- important stories not appearing in the mainstream American media.
Articles are selected from both the mainstream press in the U.S. and abroad, as well as the best of alternative press.


Monitor.net was created in 1995 by Monitor Publishing in Sebastopol CA.

The "Montauk Project" is the covert government's clandestine electromagnetic/ radio frequency mind control project carried out in a documented
subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force Station.


Monterey Language Institute

The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in Monterey, founded in 1946 as the Military Intelligence Service Language School, provides
foreign language services to Department of Defense, government agencies and foreign governments.
This U. S. government school used to train the military in languages, including Bin Laden's dialect, Urdu.


Monterey combines more than only one smoking gun regarding the Sep11th attack:

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Due to some sources, Monterey Language Institute was on high alert on September 10th, 2001.

Early reports circulated around September 2001 and later had been picked up by copvcia.com and CentrexNews.


Colonel William M. Dietrick is Commander Defense Language Institute in Garrison, Monterey

Monterey Institute of International Studies:

Ibrahim Marashi is a Research Associate at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. His research
focuses on the diffusion of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and missile technologies in the Middle East, particularly Iraq and Iran.

Prior to joining CNS, Marashi worked with the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University on a project classifying captured Iraqi state
documents. He was a researcher on Iran-Iraq affairs at the US State Department, Congressional Research Service, and National Defense University.

The Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) of the Monterey Institute of International Studies is the world's largest non-governmental organization
devoted to combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction. With a full-time staff of more than 50 specialists located in Monterey, Washington DC,
and Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Center's five research programs examine all aspects of nonproliferation, publish online databases, and train graduate students.

At least two of the three Bin Laden Video (->) translators, Ali al-Ahmed,
Dr. Kassem M. Wahba (Johns Hopkins University ->) and George Michael (Diplomatic Language Services), had been organised by Monterey and their
translation was released on their website at


Another name of a fourth translator was classified.

On the website of the Diplomatic Language Institute one can find out,
that most of their clients are members of the US Government personnel.
They are able to learn 30 languages there, incl. Bin Laden's dialect Urdu.

The language institute is led by Andrew G. Ratliff, who took on December 28th, 1998 navigator lessons as a pilot at Randolph Air Base in Texas.

In another bizarre twist, the third translator, Ali al-Ahmed was already involved in the early investigations of the FBI.

Ali ah-Ahmed is director of the Saudi Institute, an independent human rights watchdog group,
that has researched the hijackers' identities.

Ali ah-Ahmed said, Abdulaziz Alomari, who was identified by the FBI as one of the hijackers who crashed into the World Trade Centre, "used someone
else's passport".


More disturbing, at least one of the official hijackers Saeed Alghamdi may have been a student at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California.


As reported, the same Saeed Alghamdi trained at a school operated by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (->).


Other reports mention Mohammad Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omarim at Monterey.


In June 2001, Officer Col. Steve Butler (->) of the Monterey Language Institute wrote a public letter, in which he affirmed that President Bush did nothing to
warn the American people because he "needed this war on terrorism".

Butlers military assignment brought him into contact with at least one of the alleged hijackers.
Butler was a leading officer overseeing students. It can be assumed, that he may well know considerably more than he is saying about US
military-intelligence apparatus involvement in the September 11 events.

Moore, Michael
Moore was maybe the first popular "mainstream" 911-Skeptic,
when he began to promote his book "Stupid White Men" in early 2002, which became a bestseller in the United States.

In March 2002, he started a succesful promotion tour in Los Angeles and revealed on the Daily Show infos about the UNOCAL-Afghanistan Pipeline
connection, the Halliburton Ties with the Taliban plus the fact, that Bin Laden relatives had been able to leave the country after Sep11th.

In October 2002, he released his movie "Bowling for Columbine", another popular project.

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In November 2002, Moore opened his own messageboard on his website at

, which started immediately in the first few weeks with 600 members and growing.

One of the first members had been Chief Moose, Chuck, Collateral Damage, Doctor Whale, Free, geekjive, joolz, Just Bill, koz-ivan, Mongoose Charlie,
Mrs Peel, neko, Oljim, Saoirse, Toxoplasma, Vanna, wayne rooney and Zone Dancer.

Moore's website Michaelmoore.com was created in 1995 in New York by his company "Dog Eat Dog Films".

(-> Homeland Security)

Satirist and cartoonist. Most popular on democrats.com (->).

Contact: [email protected]

[email protected]
In September 2001, a german hacker group hacked the Ayna list, a muslim mailing list, which was mentioned by the FBI.

The hacker then found someone named [email protected], who apparently was based in Boston.

The story had no further legs.

Though an immense campaign of a couple of websites, which tried to blame the Sep11th attack on the Mossad or even a "secret zionist group", only the
same 4-5 stories suggested some "influence".

At the end of 2002, it was still clear, though the Mossad had prior knowledge of the attacks and warned the United States and the MI5 and sent a spy ring to
the States to observe some Hamas activities in Boston and muslim students at military flight schools, nothing more could be found.

No ties or evidence for logistic, military or financial acomplicement.

This compared to the many financial ties to Saudi Arabia, the military plans of both DoD and ISI, the observations by the CIA, the mistakes by the FBI and
the irregularities of the official story within the timeline.

Zionism (->)

(-> early warnings, -> Whatreallyhappened.com)

(-> Al Quaeda mock cell)

(-> white vans)

(-> Urban Moving)
(-> spy ring)

Motassadeq, Mounir Al
Mounir El Motassadeq quickly fell under suspicion when German authorities discovered that he had power of attorney over a bank account in the name of
Marwan Al-Shehhi, another former Hamburg student, who was officially aboard the second plane that struck the World Trade Center.

Motassadeq had been registered as a student at Hamburg's Technical University,

where Mohammad Atta and al-Shehhi studied. He was interrogated in October 2001, but denied having anything to do with Atta or with terrorism.

German authorities had issued arrest warrants for three other men thought to have provided logistical help to the hijackers. They are 26-year-old German
citizen Said Bahaji, 29-year-old Ramsi Binalshibh (->) of Yemen and 24-year-old Zakariya Essabar of Morocco. All three are believed to have fled
Germany before or soon after Sept. 11.

In October 2002 a trial against Motassadeq started in germany.

The prosecutor of this trial is Key Nehm

The indictment charging El Motassadeq (Hamburg) with belonging to a terror group

Germany has issued international warrants for three other cell members, fugitives Ramzi Binalshibh (->), seen in Malaysia in June 2001, Said Bahaji, who
left Germany eight days before the attacks, and Zakariya Essabar.

In a coincidence, Binalshibh was arrested by US officials, one month before the german trial started, but the US Government refused to allow german
authorities to interrogate him.

(-> Binalshibh, Ramsi)

Surprisingly, on February 19th, 2003, Motassadeq received the maximum 15-year sentence "for helping the hijackers". This was first conviction anywhere
of a suspect in the terror plot against the United States. Motassadeq always insisted he had no idea of a plot.


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(-> Missouri Task Force 1)

Independent nonprofit whose roots lie in a commitment to social justice implemented through first rate investigative reporting.
Mother Jones Magazine and Motherjones.com are made possible, in large part, by the support of the Foundation for National Progress.


Contact: [email protected]

Motorola Life Sciences

(-> Anthrax-911 Gate)

Moussaoui, Habib Zacarias

Zacarias Moussaoui, the so called 20th hijacker, originally from France, was already arrested in August 2001, while learning how to fly planes "without

The FAA (->) received a report on him, but decided against a public warning.

FBI agents around Colleen Rowley (->) tried to examine his computer, which was denied by the FBIHQ and NSLU.

As CBS revealed in May 2002, the FBI agents in Minnesota took the radical step of contacting the CIA for help, an FBI whistleblower said.
But nothing happened.


Therefore Moussaoui was only charged for immigration fraud, while at the same time, the French Intelligence Service and Jean-Louis Brugruiere, a French
judge and terrorist hunter, warned the United States on Moussaoui, that he might be connected with "islamic terrorists".

While french and european media continued to write about Moussaoui after the Sep11th-attack, the United States ignored his case until December 2001,
when he officially became the "20th hijacker",
a title which was originally obtained by two other detainees
(->Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, -> Ayub Ali-Khan).

A 2002 US-indictment later charged Moussaoui with "being part of an al-Qaeda conspiracy to kill Americans".

Moussaoui was accused to have been in contact with Ramzi Binalshibh (->),
a Yemeni cleric and official associate of Mohammad Atta.

In January 2002, Jack Kelly (USA Today) claimed, that one USA Today reporter obtained an FBI report, which said, that Moussaoui got money for flight
training in the USA from Yazid Sufaat (->), an alleged al-Qaeda operative in Malaysia.

Sufaat agreed to pay Moussaoui $2,500 a month and $35,000 up front, U.S. authorities said.

Moussaoui arrived in the USA in February 2001 and deposited $32,000 in a bank in Norman, Oklahoma.

He attended flight schools in Norman (->) and Minnesota, before he was arrested on immigration charges in August 2001.

Law enforcement officials alleged that Sufaat gave Moussaoui papers identifying Moussaoui as a "marketing consultant" for Infocus Tech, a Malaysian
The papers were signed by "Yazid Sufaat, Managing Director."
(Infocus Tech officials say Moussaoui never worked for the company.)


July 2002:

Zacarias Moussaoui said, he wants to reveal how the FBI had him and the 19 hijackers under surveillance before the attacks.

The US government denies Moussaoui's accusations that they knew about the terror attacks before they took place.

Moussaoui said the US government "cynically allowed September 11 in order to destroy Afghanistan." (->LIHOP)


(-> Moussaoui Indictment)

(-> Moussaoui Motions)
(-> Moussaoui's Brother)

Moussaoui's Brother

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The brother of Zacarias Moussaoui wrote a book, which is supposed to be released in the United States in June 2003 (Seven Stories).
In February 2003, the NY Times translated one chapter of his book.

Moussaoui Indictment
The most important points from Zacarias Moussaouis indictment (since June 2000):

21. On or about June 29, 2000, $4,790 was wired from the United Arab Emirates ("UAE") to Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) in Manhattan.
22. On or about July 19, 2000, $9,985 was wired from UAE into a Florida SunTrust bank account in the names of Mohammed Atta (#11) and MarIwan
al-Shehhi (#175).
23. On or about July 26, 2000, in Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh wired money to Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) in Florida.
24. On or about August 7, 2000, $9,485 was wired from UAE into a Florida SunTrust bank acc of Mohammed Atta (#11) and Marwan al-Shehhi (#175).
26. On or about September 18, 2000, $69,985 was wired from UAE into a Florida SunTrust bank account in the names of Mohamed Atta (#11) and Marwan
al-Shehhi (#175).
Jarrah (#93) Attempts to Enroll Bin al-Shibh in Flight Training Courses
27. In or about August 2000, Ziad Jarrah (#93) attempted to enroll Ramzi Bin al-Shibh in a flight school in Florida.

28. On or about May 17, 2000, in Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh applied for a visa to travel to the United States, listing a German telephone number
("German Telephone #1"). This visa application was denied.
29. On or about June 15, 2000, in Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh applied for a visa to travel to the United States. This visa application was denied.
30. On or about August 14, 2000, in Yemen, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh arranged to wire money from his account in Germany to the account of a flight training
school in Florida.
31. On or about September 15, 2000, in Yemen, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh applied for a visa to travel to the United States, listing a residence in Hamburg,
Germany. This visa application was denied in September 2000.

32. On or about October 25, 2000, in Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh applied for a visa to travel to the United States. This visa application was denied.
Bin al-Shibh Sends Money to al-Shehhi (#175)
33. On or about September 25, 2000, in Hamburg, Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh sent money via wire transfer to Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) in Florida.
MOUSSAOUI Inquires About Flight Training
34. On or about September 29, 2000, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI contacted Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma using an e-mail account he set up on
September 6 with an internet service provider in Malaysia.

35. In or about October 2000, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI received letters from Infocus Tech, a Malaysian company, stating that MOUSSAOUI was
appointed Infocus Tech's marketing consultant in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe, and that he would receive, among other things, an
allowance of $2500 per month.
Atta (#11) Purchases Flight Training Equipment
36. On or about November 5, 2000, Mohammed Atta (#11) purchased flight deck videos for the Boeing 747 Model 200, Boeing 757 Model 200, and other
items from a pilot store in Ohio ("Ohio Pilot Store").
Bin al-Shibh Travels to London
37. Between on or about December 2 and December 9, 2000, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh traveled from Hamburg, Germany to London, England.
MOUSSAOUI Travels from London to Pakistan
38. On or about December 9, 2000, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI flew from London, England to Pakistan.
Atta (#11) Purchases More Flight Training Equipment
39. On or about December 11, 2000, Mohammed Atta (#11) purchased flight deck videos for the Boeing 767 Model 300ER and the Airbus A320 Model 200
from the Ohio Pilot Store.
Flight Training and Exercise

40. Between in or about January 2001 and March 2001, Hani Hanjour (#77) attended pilot training courses in Phoenix, Arizona, including at Pan Am
International Flight Academy.
41. Between on or about February 1, 2001, and on or about February 15, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) and Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) took a flight check ride
around Decatur, Georgia.
42. In or about February 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) and Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) attended a health club in Decatur, Georgia.
MOUSSAOUI Comes to the United States
43. On or about February 7, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI flew from Pakistan to London, England.
44. On or about February 23, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI flew from London, England to Chicago, Illinois, declaring at least $35,000 cash on his
Customs declaration, and then from Chicago to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
45. On or about February 26, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI opened a bank account in Norman, Oklahoma, depositing approximately $32,000 cash.

46. Between on or about February 26, 2001, and on or about May 29, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI attended the Airman Flight School in Norman,
Oklahoma, ending his classes early.
Nawaf al-Hazmi (#77) Purchases Flight Training Equipment
47. On or about March 19, 2001, Nawaf al-Hazmi (#77) purchased flight deck videos for the Boeing 747 Model 400, the Boeing 747 Model 200 and the
Boeing 777 Model 200, and another video from the Ohio Pilot Store.

48. In or about March 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI joined a gym in Norman, Oklahoma.
Hijackers Travel to and Within the United States
49. On or about April 1, 2001, Nawaf al-Hazmi (#77) was in Oklahoma.
50. Between on or about April 23, 2001, and on or about June 29, 2001, Satam al-Suqami (#11), Waleed al-Shehri (#11), Ahmed al-Ghamdi (#175), Majed
Moqed (#77), Marwan al-Shehhi (#175), Mohammed Atta (#11), Ahmed al-Nami (#93), Hamza al-Ghamdi (#175), Mohald al-Shehri (#175), Wail
al-Shehri (#11), Ahmed al-Haznawi (#93), Fayez Ahmed (#175), and Salem al-Hazmi (#77)- traveled from various points in the world to the United
States.MOUSSAOUI Contacts a Commercial Flight School

51. On or about May 23, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI contacted an office of the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Miami, Florida via e-mail.
Hijackers Open Bank Accounts
52. In Summer 2001, Fayez Ahmed (#175), Saeed al-Ghamdi (#93), Hamza al-Ghamdi (#175), Waleed al-Shehri (#11), Ziad Jarrah (#93), Satam al-Suqami
(#11), Mohald al-Shehri (#175), Ahmed al-Nami (# 93), and Ahmed al-Haznawi (#93) each opened a Florida SunTrust bank account with a cash deposit.
MOUSSAOUI Inquires About Aerial Application of Pesticides

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53. In or about June 2001, in Norman, Oklahoma, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI made inquiries about starting a crop dusting company.
Other Hijackers Attend Gym Training
54. Between May and July 2001, in Florida, Ziad Jarrah (#93) joined a gym and took martial arts lessons, which included instruction in kickboxing and knife
55. In or about June 2001, in Florida, Waleed al-Shehri (#11), Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) and Satam al-Suqami (#11) joined a gym.
MOUSSAOUI Purchases Flight Training Equipment

56. On or about June 20, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI purchased flight deck videos for the Boeing 747 Model 400 and the Boeing 747 Model 200 from
the Ohio Pilot Store.
Al-Hawsawi and Fayez Ahmed (#175) Open UAE Bank Accounts
57. On June 25, 2001, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi used a cash deposit to open a checking account at a Standard Chartered Bank branch in Dubai, UAE.
58. On June 25, 2001, at the same Standard Chartered Bank branch in Dubai, UAE, Fayez Ahmed (#175) used a cash deposit to open a savings account and
also opened a checking account.
Atta (#11) and al-Shehhi (#175) Purchase a Knife
59. On or about July 8, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) purchased a knife in Zurich, Switzerland. MOUSSAOUI Pays for Flight Lessons
60. On or about July 10 and July 11, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI made credit card payments to the Pan Am International Flight Academy for a
simulator course in commercial flight training.
Fayez Ahmed (#175) Gives Al-Hawsawi Control Over UAE Account

61. On July 18, 2001, Fayez Ahmed (#175) gave power of attorney to Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi for Fayez Ahmed's Standard Chartered Bank accounts in
62. On July 18, 2001, using his power of attorney, Al-Hawsawi picked up Fayez Ahmed's VISA and ATM cards in UAE.
63. Between July 18 and August 1, 2001, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi caused Fayez Ahmed's VISA and ATM cards to be shipped from UAE to Fayez
Ahmed in Florida. (The VISA card was then used for the first time on August 1, 2001, in Florida.)
Jarrah (#93) Travels to Germany
64. On or about July 25, 2001, Ziad Jarrah (#93) traveled from the United States to Germany.
Bin al-Shibh Moves Money to MOUSSAOUI from UAE
65. Between on or about July 29 and August 2, 2001, in Norman, Oklahoma, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI made several telephone calls from public
telephones to a number in Duesseldorf, Germany ("German Telephone # 2").

66. On or about July 30 and 31, 2001, in Hamburg, Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, using the name "Ahad Sabet," received two wire transfers, totaling
approximately $15,000, from "Hashim Abdulrahman" in UAE.
67. On or about August 1 and 3, 2001, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, using the name "Ahad Sabet," wired approximately $14,000 in money orders to ZACARIAS
MOUSSAOUI in Oklahoma from train stations in Dusseldorf and Hamburg, Germany.
MOUSSAOUI Purchases Knives
68. On or about August 3, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI purchased two knives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Jarrah (#93) Returns to the United States from Germany
69. On or about August 4, 2001, Ziad Jarrah (#93) traveled from Germany to the United States.
MOUSSAOUI Travels from Oklahoma to Minnesota
70. On or about August 9 and August 10, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI was driven from Oklahoma to Minnesota. MOUSSAOUI Takes Commercial
Flying Lessons in Minnesota

71. On or about August 10, 2001, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI paid approximately $6,300 in cash to the Pan Am International
Flight Academy.
72. Between August 13 and August 15, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI attended the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for
simulator training on the Boeing 747 Model 400.
MOUSSAOUI Possesses Knives and Other Items
73. On or about August 16, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI possessed, among other things:
-- two knives;
-- a pair of binoculars;
-- flight manuals for the Boeing 747 Model 400;
-- a flight simulator computer program;
-- fighting gloves and shin guards;
-- a piece of paper referring to a handheld Global Positioning System receiver and a camcorder;
-- software that could be used to re view pilot procedures for the Boeing 747 Model 400;
-- a notebook listing German Telephone #1, German Telephone #2, and the name "Ahad Sabet;"
-- letters indicating that MOUSSAOUI is a marketing consultant in the United States for Infocus Tech;
-- a computer disk containing information related to the aerial application of pesticides; and
-- a hand-held aviation radio.

MOUSSAOUI Lies to Federal Agents

74. On or about August 17, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI, while being interviewed by federal agents in Minneapolis, attempted to explain his presence in
the United States by falsely stating that he was simply interested in learning to fly.
Jarrah (#93) Undertakes "Check Ride" At Flight School
75. On or about August 17, 2001, Ziad Jarrah (#93) undertook a "check ride" at a flight school in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Final Preparations for the Coordinated Air Attack

76. On or about August 22, 2001, Fayez Ahmed (#175) used his VISA card in Florida to obtain approximately $4,900 cash, which had been deposited into his
Standard Chartered Bank account in UAE the day before.
77. On or about August 22, 2001, in Miami, Florida, Ziad Jarrah (#93) purchased an antenna for a Global Positioning System ("GPS"), other GPS related
equipment, and schematics for 757 cockpit instrument diagrams. (GPS allows an individual to navigate to a position using coordinates pre-programmed into
the GPS unit.)

78. On or about August 25, 2001, Khalid al-Midhar and Majed Moqed purchased with cash tickets for American Airlines Flight 77, from Virginia to Los
Angeles, California, scheduled for September 11, 2001.
79. On or about August 26, 2001, Waleed al-Shehri and Wail al-Shehri made reservations on American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston, Massachusetts, to
Los Angeles, California, scheduled for September 11, 2001, listing a telephone number in Florida ("Florida Telephone #1") as a contact number.
80. On or about August 27, 2001, reservations for electronic, one-way tickets were made for Fayez Ahmed and Mohald al-Shehri, for United Airlines Flight
175, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, scheduled for September 11, 2001, listing Florida Telephone Number #1 as a contact number.

81. On or about August 27, 2001, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Salem al-Hazmi booked flights on American Airlines Flight 77.
82. On or about August 28, 2001, Satam al-Suqami purchased a ticket with cash for American Airlines Flight 11. 83. On or about August 28, 2001,
Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari reserved two seats on American Airlines Flight 11, listing Florida Telephone #1 as a contact number.

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84. On or about August 29, 2001, Ahmed al-Ghamdi and Hamza al-Ghamdi reserved electronic, one-way tickets for United Airlines Flight 175.
85. On or about August 29, 2001, Ahmed al-Haznawi purchased a ticket on United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco,
California, scheduled for September 11, 2001.
86. On or about August 30, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) purchased a utility tool that contained a knife.
87. On or about September 3, 2001, in Hamburg, Germany, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, using the name "Ahad Sabet," received approximately $1500 by wire
transfer from "Hashim Ahmed" in UAE.
88. On or about September 4, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) sent a FedEx package from Florida to UAE.

89. On or about September 5, 2001, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh traveled from Dusseldorf, Germany, to Madrid, Spain, and did not return to Germany.
90. On or about September 6, 2001, Satam al-Suqami (#11) and Abdulaziz Alomari (#11) flew from Florida to Boston.
The Hijackers Return ExcessMoney to Al-Hawsawi in UAE91.On or about September 6, 2001, approximately $8,055 was wired from Fayez Ahmed's
(#175) Florida SunTrust account to the Standard Chartered Bank account over which Al-Hawsawi had power of attorney.

92. On or about September 8, 2001, an Arab male retrieved the package from Mohammed Atta (#11) at FedEx in Dubai, UAE.
93. On September 8, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) wired $2,860 to "Mustafa Ahmed" in UAE.
94. On September 8, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) wired $5,000 to "Mustafa Ahmed" in UAE.
95. On September 9, 2001, Waleed M. al-Shehri (#11) wired $5,000 to "Ahamad Mustafa" in UAE.
96. On September 10, 2001, Marwan al-Shehhi (#175) wired $5,400 to "Mustafa Ahmad" in UAE.
97. On September 11, 2001, in UAE, approximately $16,348 was deposited into Al-Hawsawi's Standard Chartered Bank account.
98. On September 11, 2001, in UAE, at about 9:22 a.m. local time (the early morning hours of Eastern Daylight Time), Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi moved
approximately $6,534 from the $8,055 in Fayez Ahmed's (#175) Standard Chartered Bank account into his own account, using a check dated September 10,
2001 and signed by Fayez Ahmed; Al-Hawsawi then withdrew approximately $1,361, nearly all the remaining balance in Ahmed's account, by ATM cash
99. On September 11, 2001, in UAE, approximately $40,871 was prepaid to a VISA card connected to Al-Hawsawi's Standard Chartered Bank account.
The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
100. On or about September 11, 2001, the hijackers possessed a handwritten set of final instructions for a martyrdom operation on an airplane using knives.

101. On or about September 11, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) and Abdulaziz Alomari (#11) flew from Portland, Maine to Boston, Massachusetts.
102. On or about September 11, 2001, Mohammed Atta (#11) possessed operating manuals for the Boeing 757 and 767, pepper spray, knives, and German
travel visas.
103. On or about September 11, 2001, Ziad Jarrah (#93) possessed flight manuals for Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft.
104. On or about September 11, 2001, Mohammed Atta, Abdul Aziz Alomari, Satam al-Suqami, Waleed M. al-Shehri, and Waleed al-Shehri hijacked
American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, which had departed Boston at approximately 7:55 a.m. They flew Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World
Trade Center in Manhattan at approximately 8:45 a.m., causing the collapse of the tower and the deaths of thousands of persons.
105. On or about September 11, 2001, Hamza al-Ghamdi, Fayez Ahmed, Mohald al-Shehri, Ahmed al-Ghamdi, and Marwan al-Shehhi hijacked United
Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767, which had departed from Boston at approximately 8:15 a.m. They flew Flight 175 into the South Tower of the World Trade
Center in Manhattan at approximately 9:05 a.m., causing the collapse of the tower and the deaths of thousands of persons.

106. On or about September 11, 2001, Khalid al-Midhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Salem al-Hazmi, and Hani Hanjour hijacked American Airlines
Flight 77, a Boeing 757, which had departed from Virginia bound for Los Angeles, at approximately 8:10 a.m. They flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon in
Virginia at approximately 9:40 a.m., causing the deaths of 189 persons.
107. On or about September 11, 2001, Saeed al-Ghamdi, Ahmed al -- Nami, Ahmed al-Haznawi, and Ziad Jarrah hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, a
Boeing 757, which had departed from Newark, New Jersey bound for San Francisco at approximately 8:00 a.m. After resistance by the passengers, Flight
93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania at approximately 10:10 a.m., killing all on board.
Al-Hawsawi Flees the U.A.E. for Pakistan
108. On September 11, 2001, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi left the U.A.E. for Pakistan.
109. On September 13, 2001, the VISA card connected to Al-Hawsawi's account was used to make six ATM withdrawals in Karachi, Pakistan.
A Co-Conspirator Calls On Muslims To Fight The United States
110. On or about October 7, 2001, in Afghanistan, Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Muslims to join the battle against the United States.
Bin Laden Praises The September 11 Attack And Threatens More Attacks

111. On or about October 7, 2001, in Afghanistan, Usama Bin Laden praised the September 11 attack, and vowed that the United States would not "enjoy
security" before "infidel armies leave" the Saudi Gulf.
A Co-Conspirator Solicits Violence Against United States Nationals
112. On or about October 10, 2001, Sulieman Abu Ghaith announced, on behalf of al Qaeda, that all Muslims had a duty to attack United States targets
around the world.

(Source: findlaw.com)

Moussaoui Motions
Ignored by the media, Moussaoui accused the FBI of having him monitored a long time,
before he was arrested, same to all 19 hijackers:

Transcription of Handwritten Motions by Zacarias Moussaoui


Moussaoui tried to marry in Norman, Oklahoma:


Moussaoui accused the FBI, that all 19 hijackers had been observed

(-> MoveOnPAC.org)

MoveOn.org formed a Political Action Committee (PAC) so that like-minded, concerned citizens can influence the outcome of congressional elections, and
in turn, the balance of power in Washington, D.C.

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During 2002, they promoted "Regime Change Begins at Home".

In January 2003, MoveOn released their remake of the 1964 "Daisy" ad, warning that a war against Iraq could spark nuclear Armageddon. Like the
original, the 30-second ad by MoveOn.org depicts a girl plucking petals from a daisy — along with a missile launch countdown and a nuclear mushroom

MoveOnPAC.org was created in January 2002 by MoveOn.org PAC in Berkeley, CA

Contact: [email protected]

Moving Systems
Planted as a story on purpose or not?

This story circulated a lot on the web to blame the Mossad on prior knowledge of Sep11th,
who warned the United States twice before Sep11th on an attack.

The original story of "Urban Moving Systems"was based on this report:

On September 13th, 2002, the NY Post reported, that "three men who celebrated as the
Twin Towers crumbled are facing deportation.

The men, described as illegal immigrants from the Middle East, were arrested Tuesday afternoon in
a white Chevy van (-> White Vans) near the Meadowlands based on a tip from witnesses who saw them "cheering" and "jumping up and down" in Liberty
State Park after the attack, a source said......the van... had the words "Urban Moving Systems" painted on it.


Due to sources of rumourmillnews (->) someone found out the names of the immigrants:
Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.
The case was turned over to the FBI's Foreign Counterintelligence Section because the FBI believed Urban Moving Systems was a “cover for an Israeli
intelligence operation,” ABC reported.

In May 2002, the State Division of Consumer Affairs filed a lawsuit in Hudson County Superior Court against Urban Moving Systems and its owner
Dominick Suter alleging violations of both the State's Consumer Fraud Act and regulations set forth in the Public Movers and Warehousing Licensing Act.

Under company names such as Urban Moving Systems, Moving Systems, Inc.,
Advance Moving System, AAA Van Lines, State to State Van Lines,
America's Best Movers, and Quality Moving Storage companies allegedly defrauded
innocent families during this summer with the help of Moshe "Moses" Elmakias.

The stories of Moving Systems, the arrestment of a jewish "spy ring" (->), ties of Boston Logan Airports security company ICTS to Israel, some parts of the
Richard Reid (->) story and other minor details led many people to the suggestion, that the Mossad had been involved in the Sep11th attacks as well.

Mowbray, Joel
(-> Springman, J. Michael)

Moyers, Bill
On August 11th, 2002, PBS (Bill Moyers) asked the following question:

"What does it mean for America to have a president with the freedom to do what he wants in the world and the power with which to do it? Writing in the
WASHINGTON POST this week, one conservative ally of the president said the world should get ready for "The Doctrine of the Big Enchilada." NOW
looks at this question with guests Samantha Power and Simon Schama."


Model State Emergency Health Powers Act.
(-> Porton Down)

Mueller, Richard
On July 5th, 2001, President Bush announced that he was nominating Justice Department veteran Robert S. Mueller to head the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) to succeed retired FBI Director Louis B. Freeh (->).
Mueller became the sixth director of the FBI and started his job on September 4th, 2001, one week before the attack in Sep11th.
Before he was U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California.
Under the first President Bush, Mueller was Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department's criminal division. In that post, Mueller
supervised the prosecutions of Panamanian President Manuel Noriega and U.S. Organized Crime chieftain John Gotti as well as heading up the
investigations of the BCCI (->) banking scandal and the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Mueller was assistant to Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and was a federal prosecutor in Boston and California, where he investigated and
prosecuted major financial fraud, narcotics, terrorist and public corruption cases. During the Vietnam War, Mueller served in the U.S. Marine Corps for a
year overseas and was awarded several battle citations.
When Colleen Rowley released her memo about the blocked investigations on Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001, Mueller testified on the situation in the

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FBI instead of Louis Freeh.

Mueller is a big supporter of reorganising the FBI and tried to influence other foreign agencies, too.

In March 2002, it was reported, that he had a secret meeting in New Zealand.

Afghani "freedom fighters" in the 80s, who battled the Soviet Union for control of their own land, the Mujahadeen were armed by the CIA and supplied with
funds scammed through the BCCI (->) and the CIA's Cali-Medellin Cocaine Cartels drug sales and Contra money-laundering operations.

The Muhjahedeen had nothing to do with the Taliban (->).

Mulgrew, Ian
In February 2002, journalist Ian Mulgrew released his article "The truth is out there ... right?" in the canadian Vancouver Sun.

He started his article with a quote by Norman Mailer (->) and argued later, that
"President George W. Bush and his right-hand man, Vice President Dick Cheney, have taken the unprecedented step of trying to restrict those investigations,
pouring fuel on the simmering conspiracy theories being propagated in alternative publications, on wingnut Web sites and among some serious media outlets.
In Germany, a former minister of technology, Andreas von Buelow, made headlines when in an interview he dismissed the U.S. government's explanation
that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network is responsible for the attacks. His own explanation implicated the White House..."

Mulgrew mentioned the undisclosed death of FBI agent John O'Neill (->):
"Fox Mulder, was that you? Is that why they cancelled the series?"

Mulgrew supported the website of Mike Rupperts website and suggested to "follow the money".


Mundorf, Patricia
Mirrored on many new age-related websites, Patricia Mundorf stated that "the FBI was advised three weeks ago by Her that something would Happen in
World Trade Center in New York between the10th and 12th in September".
Prophetic Voice or cover-up?

Source: http://www.greatdreams.com/trade.htm

Murawiec, Laurent
(-> RAND)

Musharraf, Pervez
General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan, in late 2002 called "Busharraf".
While indian papers continued to complain, that Musharraf and his secret service, ISI, support terrorists, the United States decided to continue to work with
Musharraf as one of their most important allies in their "war on terrorism".

On August 4th, 2002, Musharraf said in an interview for the Aug. 12 edition of the New Yorker magazine, that he is not convinced that Osama bin Laden
was the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks:

"I don't think he has the intelligence or the minute planning. The planner was someone else"

(-> ISI)

Muslim Websites plugged

(-> Al Jazeera website shutdown)

Muttawakil, Ahmed
On September 7th, 2002 the UK Independent revealed, that only a few weeks before the attacks on 11 September, the United States and the United Nations
ignored warnings from a secret Taliban emissary that Osama bin Laden was planning a huge attack on American soil.

The warnings were delivered by an aide of Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil,

the Taliban Foreign Minister at the time.

(NOTE: This close "aide" could have been:

-Khairula Khairkhwa, the former Taliban governor of the western province of Herat
-Sharqawi Abdu Ali al-Hajj, described as an al Qaeda "facilitator"
-former Taliban Information Ministry official Abdul Henan Himet
-Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of the Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper
-Taliban official, Amir Khan Muttaqi
-Maulvi Abdul Kabir, former Taliban deputy prime minister
-Fazul Rabi Said-Rahman, who was a Taleban corps commander
-Amir Khan Muttaqi,Taliban official

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-Obeidullah, an assistant to the intelligence chief, Qari Ahmadullah and former top-ranker in Kabul,
who escaped to Pakistan
-Abdul Salam Zaeef, The Taliban's ambassador to Pakistan


Head of intelligence under the Taliban, Qari Ahmadullah was killed on January 1st, 2002, confirmed by Abdullah Tawheedi, a deputy head of intelligence
in the interim administration.

"...Taliban Foreign Minister Mullah Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil met officials from the CIA and Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency. ('US officials... appear to
have dismissed the proposal. Instead they are hoping to engineer a split within the Taliban leadership.') (Guardian, 17 Oct., p. 1) ..."

Muttawakil was in american custody in 2002,when this important detail made news.
The emissary went first to the Americans, travelling across the border to meet the consul general, David Katz, in the Pakistani border town of Peshawar, in
the third week of July 2001. They met in a safehouse belonging to an old mujahedin leader who has confirmed to The Independent that the meeting took
Another US official was present, possibly from the intelligence services.
Mr Katz, who now works at the American embassy in Eritrea, declined to talk about the meeting...."

Due to the list of the Pakistan US Embassy Officials, the following people might have known about this warning:

Ambassador--William B. Milam
Deputy Chief of Mission--Michele J. Sison
Defense Attache--Col. Herb Stoddard
Defense Representative--Col. Tod Wilson

Already confirmed:
Principal Officer, Peshawar--David Katz

Muttawakil was in deep contact with US Congress-member Dana Rohrabacher (->), who learned on some warnings.
After he heard that the Northern Alliance Commander Massoud (->) was killed, he tried to get an appointment with the US State Department, but they
postponed a meeting until Sep11th, 2001, 2 PM.


Muttawakil, was a close ally of the Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar (->)

The U.S. State Department confirmed, that they issued an alert in June 2001, which was reported by AP:

"...A close aide to Osama bin Laden denied that followers of the suspected terrorist plan strikes against U.S. and Israeli interests in the coming weeks, the
Taliban news agency said Monday.

Bin Laden deputy Abu Hafas told the Bakhtar news agency that no remarks on imminent attacks were made by bin Laden's aides and that no attacks were
planned as a media report over the weekend stated...
...Two days earlier, the U.S. State Department issued an alert, saying that American citizens may be the target of a terrorist threat from extremist groups
with links to bin Laden and his Al-Qaida organization. .."


National Security Council's counterterrorism coordinator in June 2001 was Richard Clarke,
who only said some weeks later after the Taliban warning during a White House meeting:

"something spectacular is going to happen."


Clarke was chief of the CSG (Counter-terrorism Security Group),

who knew about all warnings about an attack AND the war plans on the Taliban!

The met in 2001 every week in the White House Situation Room, then since July 2001 daily!

Intelligence had been streaming in concerning a likely Al Qaeda attack. "It all came together in the third week in June," Clarke said. "The C.I.A.'s view was
that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks."


As MSNBC confirmed, on May 23rd 2001, Richard Clarke reacted first: "...As a precaution, however, the National Security Council's counterterrorism
coordinator, Richard Clarke, advised the FAA to issue a warning about the hijacking threat, which resulted in the June 22 warning, officials said...."

On June 29, 2001, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan William B. Milam, who heard about all the warnings of a "major attack on U.S. interests", tried[b] to get in
touch with the Taliban Ambassador Abdul Salam Zaeef[/b] in Pakistan. Richard Clarke heard about this planned meeting by telephone, "conveyed the same
message to intermediaries in the United Arab Emirates".

"On July 5th, 2001 Richard Clarke convened a White House meeting of the Counterterrorism Security Group; then met with Rice and Bush Chief of Staff
Andrew Card; then met again with CSG plus, Federal Aviation Administration, FBI and Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Clarke told them: "something spectacular is going to happen."
http://www.npr.org/programs/morning/features/2002/may/timeline/ (National Press Review)

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During the anniversary week of Sep11th, the unknown AP-"Taliban-warning" from June 2001 was apparently leaked to the press again, but downplayed and
overshadowed by other events:

"...A State Department official, asked about the newspaper story, reiterated previous government statements that the United States last summer was aware of
reports that al Qaeda might be preparing an attack.

"We took all warnings very seriously," issuing public announcements, travel warnings and cautions during that period that attempted to alert the public to
these threats, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity..."


The BBC picked up the story:

Taleban 'warned US of huge attack'

BBC, 9/7/02

"...He went first to the American consulate in Peshawar in Pakistan, then to the United Nations.
But neither warning was heeded.

One US official explained why:

"We were hearing a lot of that kind of stuff," he said..."

"That kind of stuff" was repeated by 10 other secret service agencies during June and September 2001.
The US government claims, the Sep11th attack happened because of "incompetence">

(-> early warnings)

Muwafaq Charity foundation

(-> Mahfouz, Khalid bin)
(-> Al-Kadi, Yassin)

No1. local source during the afghanistan war.

MyCountryRightOrWrong.net was created in October 2001 by
LOVEARTH.net and Mark Elsis (->) in Siesta Key, FL

Contact: [email protected]

Myers, Richard B.
Less than three weeks after Bush received his "CIA-memo" (->) of August 6, 2001,
Richard B. Myers was named by Bush to the top post in the U.S. military:
Chairman of Joints Chief of Staff.

This is what a non-American news source (Pravda) had to say about that appointment:

"Gen. Myers was chosen for the job precisely because his views are shared by both of his bosses, President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld. He is considered an active advocate of deploying the National Missile Defense program. He told a news conference that he would be
working on the materialization of the idea “relentlessly” and “with his sleeves rolled up.”


Myriad Genetics
Myriad Genetics, a major BioPharmacy group, was responsible for the identification of the DNA of the pulverized bodies of the World Trade Center.

Myriad has two wholly owned subsidiaries – Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc., which develops and intends to market therapeutic compounds, and Myriad
Genetic Laboratories, Inc., which develops and markets proprietary predictive medicine products. The Company has established strategic alliances with
Abbott, Bayer, DuPont, Eli Lilly, Hitachi, Pharmacia, Novartis, Oracle, Roche, Schering AG, Schering-Plough and Syngenta.


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Why did Moussaoui live 3 minutes away from ex-CIA David Boren in Norman, Oklahoma?

Naik, Niaz
On September 18th, 2001, the BBC revealed, that the War against The Taliban
was long planned before September 11th:

US 'planned attack on Taleban'

-The wider objective was to oust the Taleban

BBC's George Arney reported:

"..A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's

Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead
by the middle of October.
Bin Laden would have been "killed or captured".
George Arney reported on the same day, that American officials had told former Pakistani Foreign Secretary Niaz Naik in mid-July of plans for military
action against the Taliban regime:
"Mr. Naik said US officials told him of the plan at a UN-sponsored international contact group on Afghanistan which took place in Berlin.
"Mr. Naik told the BBC that at the meeting the US representatives told him that unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly America would take military
action to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar.


(-> Anthrax-911 Gate)

Al Giordano is the publisher of The Narco News Bulletin, a specialist of South American politics,
war on drugs and oil business affairs.
Giordano started as a volunteer at Blackout Books, the late anarchist bookstore on New York's Lower East Side.
Later he became a political reporter for the Boston Phoenix.
Giordano has written for The Nation, The Washington Post, American Journalism Review,
Evergreen Review, IndyMedia, and scores of other periodicals.
He is a veteran radio, TV, and Internet journalist.

In 2001, Giordano, Narco News, and Mexican journalist Mario Menendez, won a precedent-setting decision from the New York Supreme Court, after they
were sued by the National Bank of Mexico (Banamex, a subsidiary of Citigroup) for publishing photos and evidence of cocaine trafficking by the bank's

NarcoNews reported from Venezuela (->), which has a well organised independent media structure, i.e. http://www.aporrea.org/ or
http://www.aporrea.org/http://www.vheadline.com , who tried to reveal lies of biased journalists like "freelance mercenary" Phil Gunson, who writes as a
south american correspondent for Newsweek/MSNBC, the Christian Science Monitor and the Miami Herald.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> theNation.com)

National Center for Simulation

The National Center for Simulation (NCS) was formed in early 1994, and is composed of governmental agencies, defense contractors and educational
The NCS, based in Orlando, Florida, is home to 140+ simulation and training companies, the Institute for Simulation and Training at the University of Central
Florida, and two major military simulation and training commands and the Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation (AFAMS).

Due to their website, the FAA (->) is using a display program, developed by Apple Designs Inc.,
which shares security information on passengers.

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One of their systems is installed at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

The NCS is working together with ICT,

which developed simulation programs incl. shooters for the US Military and FEMA.
Another partner of the NCS is the Environmental Tectonics Corporation, which created the Advanced Disaster Management Simulator for terrorist attacks.

Other members of the NCS are the Air Force Research Laboratory (http://www.afrl.af.mil), Booz Allen Hamilton
(http://www.afrl.af.mil),http://www.boozallen.com ->), Camber Corporation (->), CSC, DoD (->), DynCorp (->), Florida Center for Electronic
Communication at FAU (http://www.afrl.af.mil),http://www.boozallen.comhttp://www.animasters.com),
Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences (http://www.fhchs.edu/),
Illgen Simulation Technologies, Inc. (http://www.illgen.com/), Lockheed Martin (->), Modeling & Simulation Information Analysis Center
(MSIAC)(http://www.illgen.com/),http://www.msiac.dmso.mil/journal), NASA,
National Terrorism Preparedness Institute, St. Petersburg College (http://terrorism.spjc.cc.fl.us/),
Northrop Grumman (->), Raytheon (->), Riptide Software Orlando, SAIC (Orlando),
Space Imaging LLC, TRW Data Technologies Division (Orlando), or USAMRIID (->).

On the board of directors of the NCS is Bill Jorgensen

from the Camber Corporation and Jay Hixson from Lockheed Martin.



National Defense Board

Richard N. Perle (->), a top Pentagon official under former President Ronald Reagan,
is the board's chairman.
Other members of the Defense Policy Board include George Shultz, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan and former Speaker of the House of Representatives
Thomas Foley, former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (->) and former CIA-Director
Jim Woolsey (->).

National Defense Panel

In 1997, Secretary William Cohen's choice to chair the NDP is Mr. Phil Odeen (->) ,
president of BDM International, a defense consulting and research firm.

Other NDP members are: Richard Armitage (->), former assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs; Richard Hearney, former assistant
commandant of the Marine Corps; David Jeremiah, former vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff; Robert M. Kimmitt, managing director of Lehman
Brothers (->), an investment banking firm; Andrew Krepinevich, director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; James P. McCarthy,
former deputy commander-in-chief, U.S. European Command; Janne Nolan, senior fellow, Brookings Institution Foreign Policy Studies program; and Robert
R. RisCassi, former commander of U.S. forces in Korea.

National Enquirer
On March 4th, 2002, tabloid National Enquirer revealed some insights on ENRON and their ties to the Taliban and CIA:

"...Atul Davda, who worked as a senior director for Enron's International Division until the company's collapse, confirmed to The ENQUIRER: "Enron had
intimate contact with Taliban officials.
Building the pipeline was one of the corporation's prime objectives."

As The ENQUIRER revealed two weeks ago, Enron secretly employed Taliban," said the CIA source.
...Shockingly, Enron's wooing of the Taliban continued even after Al Qaeda agents bombed two American embassies in Africa in 1998, and the U.S.
retaliated with missile attacks on suspected Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and Sudan.

"The U.S. was shooting missiles into Afghanistan, and it was clear that the Taliban were enabling Bin Laden and Al Qaeda," terrorist expert Jeffrey
Steinberg, editor of the Executive Intelligence Review,
told The ENQUIRER.
"Nonetheless the oil companies continued to work behind the scenes to complete the pipeline deal."
The pipeline project was originally proposed by Unocal Corporation.
And an FBI source told The ENQUIRER: "Enron and Unocal dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Afghanistan and the Taliban. The pipeline would
relieve our dependence on Saudi Arabia -- and Enron would make billions.

"When Clinton was bombing Bin Laden camps in Afghanistan in 1998, Enron was making payoffs to Taliban and Bin Laden operatives to keep the pipeline
project alive. And there's no way that anyone could NOT have known of the Taliban and Bin Laden connection at that time, especially Enron who had CIA
agents on its payroll!"

Source :

National ID
The idea of a national ID was first supported by Larry Ellison of Oracle and later developed by many oher companies, including Schlumberger (->Oil).

Assisting the government in its goals to gather massive amounts of personal information on citizens and non-citizens, Oracle, Inc. Chairman Larry Ellison
has offered in the late 90s, to provide to the government free of charge the database software required to establish an interactive national ID card system.
Oracle got its start when the CIA gave Ellison a contract in the 1970s to design a system to enable the agency to store and retrieve massive amounts if
information in databases. Not coincidentally, the code name of that CIA project was "Oracle."

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The rush by the government to increase monitoring the Internet in 2001-2002 has the backing of a group of federal contract research facilities that have
pounded out report after report warning about the threat of cyberspace to national security. These "think tanks" include Rand Corporation (->) and
Analytical Services Corporation (ANSER->), who helped establishing the Institute of Homeland Security (->) already in 1998/99.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen (->) reported, that Mary Schiavo (->), the Transportation Department's former Inspector General and outspoken
critic of lax airline security pointed out immediately after Sep11th, 2001:
"(the) United States already had laws to prevent what happened on September 11th . . . they weren't being enforced."

National Review
(-> Springman, J. Michael -> Mowbray, Joel)

National Security Council

(-> Woolsey, James)
(-> 911-commission)

Naudet, Jules and Gedeon

French filmmakers, who filmed the first plane crashing into the Twin Towers, while producing a documentary on FDNY's Engine 7, Ladder 1.
The scene was later sold to a video service and then widely broadcasted.
shown on National TV. President Bush however claimed, he saw this attack already live on TV,
which was impossible (->Booker Elementary).

A routine call in the morning, forced Firefighter Chief Pfeifer to examine a gully, a couple of blocks away. Gedeon Naudet went with them and suddenly
saw the plane.
Jules Naudet was in the north tower when the south tower collapsed.
The english version was first shown on March 10th, 2002, on CBS, hosted by Robert De Niro.

The brothers brokered the deal with CBS through friends at Vanity Fair magazine and its editor,
Graydon Carter, who contacted CBS President Leslie Moonves.
The documentary included footage from inside the complex after the planes slammed into it, showing firefighters using the elevator and walkie-talkies.
It was the second high-profile TV documentary about September 11.

HBO had a deal with former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to air a documentary about the attacks and their aftermath seen from his perspective.
It was shown on May 26th 2002 and included a short scene of the unexplained collapse of Building 7 (->).

Nazis in the Rebulican Party and USA

The booklet "Shadow of the Swastika" (Elkhorn Manifesto), which was formerly released as an "Open Letter to All Americans" by R. William Davis and
became popular again on the internet during 2002, is one of the most impressive sources, which described how neonazis inflitrated the US-Republicans and
US-Companies since the 1940s- until now.

(i.e. mirrored at http://www.sumeria.net/politics/shadv3.html )

It provides "important documented evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance between the U.S. Corporate "Establishment" and the Nazis. It shows
how this alliance was formed before World War II and, more importantly, how it continued during and after the War into the Nixon and Bush presidencies
and beyond."

Davis' book includes the original story of the founding of the CIA (OSS) with help of the Dulles-Brothers, Reinhard Gehlen and nazi money of the National
Cash Register in Italy (Hugh Angleton).

"Shadow of the Swastika" brings background stories on DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon), IG Farben, Fritz Thyssen, Ford
Motor Company, ITT, Richard Milhouse Nixon,
George HW Bush, W.A. Harriman-Schroeder Rock & Company, Union Banking Corporation and
Nelson Rockefeller.



(-> Hitler comparison)

Nemeth, Mark
(-> 911pi.com )

(-> Perle, Richard)

Neohawks was created as an expression describing members of the democratic party supporting the war.

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In the October 30th, 2002 issue of the Village Voice, Richard Goldstein described the "Leftists Who Love the War Too Much".

"....Christopher Hitchens, the ex-socialist who has found an occasion in 9-11 to revise his ideological profile, Greil Marcus, a discerning radical humanist,
dissing leftist intellectuals for their skepticism about the war on terror".


The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act (NESARA), supposedly was passed secretly into law on March 9, 2000. Evidentally, it was to be
announced on September 11th, 2001.

The bill allegedly eliminates federal income taxes, reduces mortgage and personal debt and changes various banking laws.

More info:

Nesara-related Claim

"The Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a law named the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) which was
passed secretly on March 9, 2000.
Again, secrecy was maintained by revising the official records; details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and
revised again more recently.

Members of Congress have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to “deny” the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by
death; some members of Congress have been charged with “obstruction” and threatened with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend
that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices’ gag order.

The “National Economic Security And Reformation Act” – NESARA - provides major benefits to American citizens including:

1) end of income taxes;

2) forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds;
3) U.S. Treasury Bank system which absorbs the Federal Reserve and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4) restoration of Constitutional Law;
5) requires resignations of Bush and Cheney to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates;
6) requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" and ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately and much more.

Many bank presidents and senior stockbrokers have privately confirmed to close personal friends that they have been briefed about the U.S. Treasury bank

In June 2000, news of the secret NESARA law passage came from U.S. naval intelligence contacts,
some of the White Knights who have assisted the Justices in activities involving NESARA.

Many powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law which provides major financial improvements for
Americans. After 18 months of clearing interference, the Justices had the current Congress pass resolutions “approving” NESARA on September 9, 2001.

NESARA was to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001. Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep
NESARA from being announced. The current Bush regime has caused continuous interference with the NESARA announcement and implementation
process on many fronts."

Virtual Activist website. Comprehensive Guide to Internet Outreach and Advocacy.
Netaction was created in 1996 by netaction.org in San Francisco, CA.

In June 2002, The American Senate has agreed with a Bill that, under conditions, would authorize a military intervention in The Netherlands. Violence could
be used to free American prisoners from the International Criminal Court, that will be located in The Hague.

(-> Offutt-Case)
(-> Buffett, William)

Las Vegas, arrestment Abdullah Noman/Jeddah (->)
Reno, Microsoft office received anthrax letter from Malaysia

No Cities mentioned:

Al-Quadi, Yasin -> Global Mining Resources ->

Artists United To Win Without War -> Yucca Mountain ->
Thermobarics -> Desert in Nevada
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)->

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FEMA Task Force -> NV-TF1

PMCs -> Sayeret Group

New Jersey Connection

Caldwell, Majed Moqed (lived there)

Fort Dix, McGuire Air Force Base/305 Air Mobility Wing (Falcon Lane)

Fort Lee, Salem Alhamzi (lived there) (Note: Fort Lee exists in Virginia, too)
Fort Lee, Joint Tactical Radio System/JTRS (Boeing, BAe, TRW, Harris Corporation)


Fort Lee, CIA/Projection Co . -1956 video experiments)

Newark, Newark Airport

Newark, Saudi Flight Ops (Abdul Aziz Alomari worked there)

Trenton, Anthrax envelopes

Peapack, Pharmacia Upjohn (Monsanto)/ Frank Carlucci (Carlyle, ex-CIA)

Wayne, Salem Alhamzi (lived there)


In December 2002, the FBI suddenly announced that "none of the hijackers possessed New Jersey identification, real or counterfeit, which was announced
by U.S. Rep. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., chairman of the House Democratic Task Force on Homeland Security.

The day after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, Maine Gov. Angus S. King Jr. said two of the airline hijackers apparently used New
Jersey driver's licenses when they flew to Boston from Portland.
The report has been cited by Gov. James E. McGreevey and his administration in seeking support for a $200 million overhaul of the state Division of Motor


Progressive and interactive Newszine.
There is a #newsfrombabylon channel on the EFnet IRC network, started by a reader of newsfrombabylon.com This chat room is not officially condoned or
sponsored by this website.

In May 2002, the scientific magazine NewScientist repeated again, that one of the strains that appear identical to the anthrax attack (->) strain most likely
originated at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick (USAMRIID ->), Maryland.

Three other strains came from a freezer at Porton Down (->), which in turn had got it from USAMRIID. Another was a culture that came directly from
USAMRIID, and the last was from the US Army's Dugway proving ground in Utah.


Daily source for under-reported news and analysis.

Reported on some 911-"smoking Guns" (->), as in their article

"The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush" by Cheryl Seal.

Contact : [email protected]

Independent News Portal.

Newsmakingnews.com was created in 1999 by newsmakingnews in San Francisco.

Contact: [email protected]

New World Order

(-> NWO)
(-> Hart, Gary)

New York connection

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With respect to the 911-victims from NY City, we decided to leave this category out.
All New York-references are located at their entries in this index.

New Zealand
What did FBI-Robert Mueller (->) secretly discuss in New Zealand in March 2002?

In March 2002 New Zealand paper Herald found out, that "America's top policeman was at the head of an international security summit held under
extraordinary secrecy in Queenstown.
The summit's cover was blown only when United States Federal Bureau of Investigations director Robert S. Mueller III was seen boarding an unmarked
Gulfstream 5 jet for Australia... at Queenstown Airport.

The Prime Minister refused to comment on the summit, but a Government official ...confirmed Mr Mueller had been in Queenstown as part of a conference
of English-speaking security chiefs...
...The FBI director was one of about 20 guests, including security chiefs understood to be from the US, Britain and Australia, who stayed at Millbrook Resort
near Arrowtown.


NZL- Prime Minister Helen Clark later confirmed this secret meeting.

Name of the Gas Station, which had security cam videos of September 11th.
They are located next to the Pentagon.
Nexcomm is owned by CITGO (-> Venezuela).

More specialised on parascience news, they supported some Sep11th related articles, i.e. the strange deaths of BioScientists.

Nichol, John
On September 27th, 2002 former Persian Gulf War POW, John Nichol accused the United States and Britain of being hypocritical about Saddam Hussein:

"Many countries have shown a degree of hypocrisy. But Britain and America are particularly bad. We trained Iraqi armed forces. Our special forces were
in Baghdad training their special forces. We trained pilots in the Royal Air Force to fly aircraft and drop bombs. We gave Saddam Hussein the technology
and the material to produce his weapons of mass destruction, and it’s simply not good enough to say: “Well, we have changed our mind about this.”


Niftythings.org, who includes a huge sep11th-related video material collection, was created in Colorado Springs, CO, May 2001.


NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife

Located in Trenton (->). They helped in June 2000 examining an animal anthrax case.

(-> Michaels, C. William)

Noman, Abdullah
From a former GROUND ZERO Forum article, released at Scoop:

"...about 50 to 100 visas were improperly issued by Noman..."

(ABC NEWS November 2001)

Abdullah Noman was working for the US Consulate in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia -->), where he filed 10-15 visas for the Sep11th-hijackers in the so called visa
express program.
Noman was later arrested in a sting by the FBI in Las Vegas in November 2001.

Michael Springman, the former chief of the visa section at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah already confirmed in various international interviews (incl. Greg
Palast/BBC), that Jeddah is a CIA connected consulate. He protested about superiors who ordered him to issue visas to unqualified applicants and later
resigned from this position.

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It looks now that the CIA okayed the visas for most of the 911-hijackers and used employee Abdullah Noman to file visas for:

Abdulaziz Alomari, Banihammad Fayez, Ahmed al-Ghamdi, Hamza al-Ghamdi, Saaed al-Ghamdi, Salem al-Hamzi, Ahmed al-Haznawi, Majed Moqed,
Ahmed al-Nami, Waled al-Shehri, Wail al-Shehri, Mohald al-Shehri, and Satam al-Suqami...."

None of them was pilot of any of the four Sept 11th-planes.

Two more hijackers (which brings us to a total of 15) may have received their visas from Jeddah as well:
"...Abdul Alomari, on Flight 11...listing his address as Jeddah , Saudi Arabia, according to FAA records...
...In December 2000, (Hani Hanjour) obtained a visa from the American consulate in Jeddah and arrived in the United States, according to US officials...”

Vince Cannistraro (->), former head of the CIA's counter-terrorism office and deputy station chief in Jeddah from the mid-to late-1970s, said that the
Southwest was the nexus of recruitment for the Saudi hijackers.
Why Noman's story didn't make more news play, is pretty unclear. It could be the Saudi-Arabian connection, the CIA-connection or both.

Springman gave various interviews and confirmed his statements on a press conference in the National Press Office in Washington, organised by
http://unansweredquestions.org http://unansweredquestions.orghttp://unansweredquestions.org

"...I used to be in charge of the Visa Section at the CIA's consulate at Jeddah, the principle city of the Hejahs in Western Saudi Arabia. There, for a year and
a half, I issued visas to terrorists recruited by the CIA and its asset, Osama Bin Laden. At the time I thought it was basically visa fraud. Somebody was
paying $2500 bribes to State Department officials. I was ordered by these same high State Department officials to issue the visas, to shut up, to do my job and
ask no questions...

...I asked a few more questions and I said, "No. Visa denied. You haven't proved to me that you're going to come to the United States, accomplish your
business and then return home."
Well a few minutes later I had a phone call from a CIA case officer assigned to the commercial section. "Issue the visas." I said, "No." He said, "Well, it's
important they get a visa." And I said, "No." And a few minutes later he was over talking to the chief of the consular section, reversed me, issued the visas
and these guys took off. And this was typical....

....this went on for a year and a half. I had people, not every day perhaps, but every week. And I estimate as many as 100 people got visas through me
getting overruled on my analysis of their ability to go to the United states and then return.
....And I protested this. I protested to the Counsel for Consular Affairs in Riad. I protested to the Bureau of Consular Affairs in Washington
( http://travel.state.gov/index.html ).
I protested to the State Department's Inspector General.
( http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/ http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/ )

( I protested to the State Department's Office of Diplomatic Security.

http://ds.state.gov/ http://ds.state.gov/http://ds.state.gov/ )
I talked about this to the FBI, to the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility
( http://www.usdoj.gov/opr/index.html )
, and I went to a couple of Congressional Committees. And by and large I was told, "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. This is a difference
of opinion. You don't know what you're doing...."
Some information about some of the offices Springman contacted.

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is headed by Glenn A. Fine since since August 2000 ( http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/

In testimony of October 2001 he confirmed, that "Historically, the OIG has played an important role in attempting to combat one aspect of immigration
He mentions the Visa Waiver progam but ignored the Visa Express Program from Jeddah.
In a conclusion, he urged, "the INS and the FBI to ensure that their databases share information, both with each other and with other government agencies."

The same Glenn A Fine later testified on the INS-investigation of Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi, who didn't get their visas from Jeddah. His only
conclusion was to support a new student tracking system called Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).
http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/sevis http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/sevishttp://www.ins.usdoj.gov/sevis

The OIG work strongly together with the Department of Justice under John Ashcroft (->).

Glenn Fine reported on the FBI's handling of documents related to Timothy McVeigh on request of Attorney General John Ashcroft.

In another testimony of June 20th, 2001, Fine pointed out, that the "Congress gave the Attorney General the authority to readjust the jurisdiction of the OIG"
(See § 9(a)(2) of the IG Act)

Fine explains the problems:

"Under this Order, the OIG may undertake investigations in the FBI and the DEA only when the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General specifically
authorizes us to do so in a particular case".
Fine was invited to the 911 hearings in June 2002. The content is classified.

The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) reports directly to the Attorney General John Ashcroft (under Clinton it was Janet Reno, who now tries to
run for governor of Florida).

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FOIA (Freedom of Information Act ) Robert B. Lyon, Jr., Counsel for Professional Responsibility, DOJ. is H. Marshall Jarrett.
He has former served as Criminal Chief, US Attorney's Office, DC; Deputy Chief of the Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, DOJ
In July 2002 the express visa program was finally stopped without explaining the deeper reasons.

The first complaints can be find here (incl. criticism of State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher):

From November 14th-17th, 2001 Abdullah Noman was a participant at the International Association of Amusement Parks in Atlanta, GA, organised by the
U.S. Department of Commerce who work on various trade shows held by Saudi Arabia in the United States.
We can assume that the FBI used this chance to try to get in touch with Noman:

"...Industry Theme: SPT, TOY Dates of Event: November 14 - 17, 2001

Type of Event: IBP Post Recruiter/Control Officer: Jeddah - Abdullah Noman (966 2) 606-2479 x 205..."
He worked the last few years at these trade shows, another confirmation about 1998 you can find here:

"...Dates of Event: November 17-21, 1998 Type of Event: Reverse Trade Mission Post Recruiter/Control Officer: Jeddah - Abdullah Noman, (966 2)
698-3779 x 205..."
It looks as if Noman was arrested before he was able to arrive in Atlanta: November 30th, 2001 - "...he was arrested on Nov. 1, said Assistant U. S. Attorney
Lee Vilker..”

But Las Vegas Review claims, it was on a Sunday, which was Nov 4th: "....The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports a U.S. Dept. of Commerce employee
Abdulla Noman was arrested Sunday in Las Vegas, NV..."
http://www.letsgojeffs.com/article/articleview/835/1/9/> - 11/06/2001

But they wrote in another article that Noman was "arrested Thursday in a Las Vegas Strip hotel room" (=November 1st)

There are a couple of other articles about the arrestment of Noman in Las Vegas, for instance freelance editor Michelle Malkin mentioned it at:
http://www.usbc.org/profiles/1101visasforsale.htm http://www.usbc.org/profiles/1101visasforsale.htmhttp://www.usbc.org/profiles/1101visasforsale.htm (U.S.
Border Control) or

ABC News wrote that "about 50 to 100 visas were improperly issued by Noman from September 1996 until last November (2001)". Noman said he got bribes
worth thousands of dollars for making it appear.

Noman is being held in a secluded cell at the Passaic County Jail (New Jersey) after being attacked by inmates during his confinement in Las Vegas.
His attorney is Kim Otis of Princeton, New Jersey. Nomans indictment is at:
Noman was arrested with the help of FBI agent Henry Falkowsky.
About the FBI-"plot": According to the criminal complaint against Noman, an informant allegedly paid Noman 12,000 riyals (about $3,100) for a visa in

Agents in Newark later recorded several phone calls between the two that led to Noman's arrest in a Las Vegas hotel after he allegedly accepted
half-payment of $4,000 for a second visa, the complaint said.

Tuesday, November 6th 2001 - "...Assistant U.S. Attorney Howard Zlotnick told U.S. Magistrate Robert Johnston that the FBI has tape-recorded and
videotaped evidence that the consulate employee, Abdulla Noman, arranged the sale of visas to people entering the United States from Saudi Arabia..."

In which 'strip' hotel Noman was arrested and on which day (November 1st or 4th)?
Is there any connection to Mohammad Attas trip to Las Vegas from June 29 to July 1 (2001), according to a registration slip at the Econo Lodge, an
inexpensive motel on the Las Vegas Strip?

And what about the story about him in a "meeting" with Nawaq Alhamzi and Hani Hanjour?
Was this story true?
Or was the Las Vegas connection based on misinformation?
And who leaked this information in the same week that Noman was arrested?

November 6th, 2001 - "...Since the first reports that five terrorists visited Las Vegas earlier this year, there has been speculation that the group was in the
valley to complete plans for the Sept. 11 East Coast attacks.

Abdulla Noman, 52, was moved on November 30th 2001 from Nevada to New Jersey , ‘where the FBI recorded calls in which he allegedly demanded
$8,000 from an informant to arrange a U.S. visa for a Saudi citizen’.

The visa consulate-website in Jeddah is located at


Created in October 2000 by Jon Rappoport (->) in Cardiff, CA.

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North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has become important part of many investigations due to its navigational background.

On September 11th, 2001, NORAD wasn't in charge- for the first time in US Aviation history.

This is why many 911 Skeptics are still concentrating on NORAD only:

"...Note the oddities:

8:01: United Airline Flight 93, a Boeing 757, bound for San Francisco, is delayed for 40 minutes on run way, with 45 people on Board
Why was this flight delayed?

"Normally, NORAD escort aircraft will take the
required action. However, for the purpose of these
procedures, the term "escort aircraft" applies to any
military aircraft assigned to the escort mission. "
--FAA Order 7610.4J 7-1-2 (9)

"A NORAD spokesman says its fighters routinely intercept aircraft. When planes are intercepted, they typically are handled with a graduated response. The
approaching fighter may rock its wingtips to attract the pilot's attention, or make a pass in front of the aircraft. Eventually, it can fire tracer rounds in the
airplane's path, or, under certain circumstances, down it with a missile." [Boston Globe, 9/15/01]

On September 11, 2001, there are only 4 fighters on ready status in the Northeastern US, and only 14 fighters on ready status in the entire US. [BBC,

In the Eastern U.S., NORAD has at its disposal, several Air Force Bases from which F-16s and F-15s can be scrambled at a moment's notice. Among these
bases are Otis AFB in Cape Cod, Mass, Griffis AFB in Rome, NY, Andrews AFB just outside D.C., and Langley AFB in Eastern Virginia. NORAD's mission
statement on its website states:

"The Northeast Air Defense Air Sector's area of responsibility covers more than one-half million square miles of airspace including that over New York
City; Washington, D.C.; Chicago and other major metropolitan areas."

On September 11th 2001, the FAA reported on the hijackings and other threats to NORAD's First Air Force Commander, who is based in Tyndall, FLA.
On Sept. 11, this was Gen. Larry K. Arnold.Mp B: The First Air Force Commander then relays this info to The Commander in Chief (CINC) of NORAD.
On 9/11, this was Gen. Ralph "Ed" Eberhardt.

The fact that NORAD was well aware that a major attack was a possibility is made obvious by the command's planning, well before Sept. 11, for a major
exercise, slated for June 4, 2002. This is from a NORAD announcement:

"On June 4, 2002, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will sponsor a multi-agency, bi-national exercise, Amalgam Virgo 02,
involving an airborne terrorism scenario over the United States and Canada. The exercise, which was planned prior to the events of Sept. 11, is designed to
allow many U.S. and Canadian agencies to test, improve and validate their coordination and operational procedures."

In fact, AMALGAM (->) had already its first exercise in 2001, before September 11th



And it says:
“Training for air combat and operational airlift for national defense is the 113th's primary mission. However, as part of its dual mission,
the 113th provides capable and ready response forces for the District of Columbia in the event of a natural disaster or civil emergency.
Members assist local and federal law enforcement agencies in combating drug trafficking in the District of Columbia.”


To provide combat units in the highest

possible state of readiness. We will support
the Air Force and other DOD agencies.
We will provide operational support to our
local communities whenever possible.

To be the premier organization in the Air
National Guard recognized as the
benchmark for fulfilling our federal, state,
and community missions.

or in the Tenc-Archive (->)

We cannot say *exactly* when the Mission Statement was removed.

We can only say with certainty that it was between April 19 and September 13, 2001.
Here's a step-by-step guide to access the Mission Statement:

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1) Go to http://www.archive.org
2) You will see their logo, 'WAYBACK MACHINE.'
Just below the logo is a search box.
After "http://" paste-in the following url:

3) Hit "enter." You will be taken to the index of backups for DCANG.
4) Click the hyperlink for "April 19, 2001."
5) This will take you to the DCANG website as it looked April 19th.

Other responsible individuals on September 11th had been:

Air Force Lt. Col. Vic Warzinski

Maj. Gen. Richard A. Mentemeyer Commander, 305th Air Mobility Wing, McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey
Lieutenant Colonel Brad O. Buchanan, commander of the 459th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Andrews AFB
Col. Ken McClellan, Air Force spokesman
Ben Sliney (->), FAA (responsible for the stand down order)

Peterson, Peterson in Colorado (CO) :

AFB/ NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command )

Sep11th air protocol from Mark Elsis (->):

8:13:31: American Airlines Flight 11 (AA11) last transmission with Boston Air Traffic Control (ATC).
8:13:32 to 8:20: AA11 goes off course and is hijacked.
8:20: AA 11 transponder signal stops.
8:36: NORAD spokesman, Major Mike Snyder, confirmed that the FAA notified NORAD of AA 11 hijacking.
8:38: Boston ATC notifies NORAD that AA11 has been hijacked.
8:39: AA11 flies directly over our # 1 terrorist target, Indian Point nuclear stations.
8:40: FAA notifies NORAD that AA11 has been hijacked.
8:43: FAA notifies NORAD that United Airlines Flight 175 (UA175) has been hijacked.
8:46:26: AA11 impacts the North Tower of the WTC between the 94th and 98th floors.
8:46: NORAD finally orders Otis to scramble two F-15's. NORAD has held on to this vital information for at least 6, 8 or 10 minutes, and probably up to 26 or
32 minutes.
8:52: Two F-15's from Otis are airborne.
9:02:54: UA175 impacts the South Tower of the WTC between the 78th and 84th floors. NORAD says the F-15's from Otis are still 71 miles away. This
means their average flight speed was only 23.9% of their top speed in trying to intercept UA 175. Otis is 153 miles from WTC - F-15's have a top speed of
1875 MPH. Minus 71 miles from 153 miles = 82 miles covered in 11 minutes from 8:52 to 9:03 -
60 minutes divided by 11 minutes = 5.45 x 82 miles = 447.3 MPH divided by 1875 MPH = 23.9%.
9:30: Three F-16's from Langley are airborne.
9:37: American Airlines Flight 77 hits the Pentagon. NORAD says the F-16's from Langley were still 105 miles and 12 minutes away.
9:49: It takes the F-16's from Langley 19 minutes to reach Washington. This means their average flight speed was only 27.4% of their top speed in trying to
protect our nations capital. Langley is 130 miles from the Pentagon - F-16's have a top speed of 1500 MPH - 60 minutes divided by 19 minutes = 3.16 x 130
miles = 410.5 MPH divided by 1500 MPH = 27.4%.
Andrews Air Force Base has two fighter wings that are 10 miles from the Pentagon, yet they inconceivably waited till after all of the attacks were over to
finally get airborne.


NORAD in charge on Sep9th, 2001, on a russian exercise:

"The North American Aerospace Defense Command shall deploy fighter aircraft as necessary to Forward Operating Locations (FOLS) in Alaska and
Northern Canada to monitor a Russian air force exercise in the Russian arctic and North Pacific ocean.
“NORAD is the eyes and ears of North America and it is our mission to ensure that our air sovereignty is maintained,” said Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie,
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of NORAD. “Although it is highly unlikely that Russian aircraft would purposely violate Canadian or American airspace, our
mission of vigilance must be sustained.”
http://www.norad.mil/pressreleaseshtml/NORADRelease090901.htm (Release No. 09-09-01)

Norman, Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma is not only the city, where Zacarias Moussaoui (->) officially deposited $32,000 in an account of Standard Chartered (->), and attended
Airman Flight School, before he was arrested on immigration charges in August 2001.

Airman Flight is the same school, where bin Ladin's personal pilot, Ihab Ali, had earned his license.

More coincidences:
Norman is birth- and workplace of former CIA director David Boren, who met with George Tenet (->) on September 10th-11th, 2001 in a Hotel in
Washington, when Tenet got contacted by a phone call on the attack during a breakfast.

Boren was described by Tenet as his mentor.

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North, Gary
Gary North was one of the first 911Skeptic, who was puzzled by the Passenger list (->) and wrote an article about it, which still was mirrored at the end of
"The Perplexing Puzzle of the Published Passenger Lists"


Contact: [email protected]

North, Oliver
(-> Iran-Contra)

Northern Alliance
(-> CIA)
(-> Taliban)
(-> Masood, Ahmed)
(-> Mazer-e-sharif)

Northern Alliance-Germany link

"...Northern Alliance led by ousted Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani and his military commander Ahmed Shah Masood (->) have mustered Western
support during a May 2001 visit to Dusseldorf, Germany..."


North Korea
In early 2002, President Bush declared North Korea as part of the so called axis of evil (->).

But only a few weeks later, on April 3rd 2002, the US Government announced that it will release $95m to North Korea as part of an agreement to replace
the country's own nuclear programme, which the US suspected was being misused.

Supporter of this deal was ABB, who won in March 2002 a US$ 22 million contract to build an IT platform for Korea Power Exchange.
Profiting from this deal was Donald Rumsfeld (->), who serves as a member of the boards of directors of ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) Ltd. (Zurich,

On the board of ABB was Agostino Rocca, president of the Buenos Aires-headquartered Techint group.


Rocca died in a plane accident on April 29th, 2002.

His Cessna 15-seater plane, was carrying two crew and eight passengers.
It had left Don Torcuato, north of Buenos Aires, on an early morning flight when it crashed in countryside some 120 miles southwest of Buenos Aires.
Authorities say the plane was found in cattle and farming country outside the capital, the scene of recent flooding.
With him died German Sopena, a prestigious journalist and editor at La Nacion.

On October 19th, 2002, it was revealed, that the White House withheld North Korea's admission about a nuclear weapons program from key Democrats
until after Congress had passed its resolution authorizing war with Iraq.

Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) said he learned about the weapons program from newspaper articles the next morning, and Senate
Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) said he was told about two hours ahead of the press.

In fact there was a 12-day gap between the admission by North Korea and the administration's disclosure. During that time, Congress passed the Iraq
resolution, and President Bush signed it hours before the 7 p.m. disclosure about North Korea.

....The CIA briefed selected lawmakers from both parties about nuclear intelligence that Kelly planned to take to North Korean officials. When Kelly
confronted the North Koreans with the intelligence, they admitted the activity on Oct. 4.
Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) said he first learned about North Korea's admission during an Oct. 9 conversation with Deputy Secretary of State Richard

Then, on November 24th, 2002, it came out, that Americas ally, Pakistan has used "its American-built air fleet to carry ballistic missile parts as part of a
bartering operation with North Korea".


In February 2003, the Washington Post revealed another lie and Cover-up of the US Government.
Already in November 2001, intelligence analysts at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (->) completed a highly classified report and sent it to
Washington. The report concluded that North Korea had begun construction of a plant to enrich uranium that could be used in nuclear weapons, according
to administration and congressional sources.

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Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems is one of the US Military companies (in 2002 merged with TRW), that profits most of the "war on terrorism".

Headquartered in Baltimore, Md., Northrop Grumman is a world leader in the design, development and manufacture of defense electronics systems
including airborne radar systems, navigation systems, electronic warfare systems, precision weapons, airspace management systems, air defense systems,
communications systems, space systems, marine systems, oceanic and naval systems, logistics systems, and automation and information systems.

Kent Kresa is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.


Northrop is specialised in Remote Control Vehicles (RCV).

In January 2003, their subsidiary Remotec UK, received a contract by the UK Ministry of Defence, as a member of a BAE SYSTEMS-led consortium.

(-> Al-Quaeda-Financeers)
(-> Anthrax-911 Gate -> Intellitec)
(-> Blackstone Group)
(-> DoD)
(-> Global Hawk)
(-> Hadron -> DPC Technologies)
(-> In-Q-Tel)
(-> Maryland-Connection)
(-> National Center for Simulation)
(-> Odeen, Phillip A.)
(-> Ohio-Connection)
(-> PMCs -> Logicon)
(-> Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud -> BAe)
(-> TRW)
(-> Washington DC-connection)

Operation Northwoods is described as the "blueprint" of the Sep11th hijacks.

The original story of Northwoods started in 1962, when the Pentagon and the CIA were "desperate for a war with Cuba".

In a TV-documentation by media critic Barry Zwicker (->), Vision TV, he analysed this plan:

"Desperate enough to plan attacks against American bases, equipment and personnel. Desperate enough to dress up American trained Cubans as
Communists to make the attacks on American bases. Desperate enough to manufacture an airplane that looked like a Russian MiG to shoot down an
American airliner.

“The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a
rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.”

As ABC reported on May 1st, 2001 on Operation Northwoods in this article "Friendly Fire":
"..In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create
public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high
seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader,
communist Fidel Castro.

America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame
Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

Details of the plans are described in Body of Secrets (Doubleday), a new book by investigative reporter James Bamford about the history of America's
largest spy agency, the National Security Agency. However, the plans were not connected to the agency, he notes.

The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were presented to President Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert McNamara (->),
in March 1962.
But they apparently were rejected by the civilian leadership and have gone undisclosed for nearly 40 years."

The original document, in 2001-2002 mirrored on various websites, including copvcia.com (->) as one of the first, included "a series of well cordinated

(1) start rumours (many) Use clandestine radio.

(2) Land friendly cubans in uniform "over the fence" to stage attack on the base
(3) Capture Cubans (friendly) saboteurs inside the base
(4) Start riots near the base main gate (friendly cubans)
(5) Blow up ammuniation inside the base, start fires
(6) Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage)

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(10) Sabotage ship in harbor; large fires --naphtalene

(11) Sink Ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funerals for mock victims
a) We could blow up a US ship in Guantamo Bay and blame Cuba
b) We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere the Cuban Waters.
4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area,
in other Florida cities and even in Washington
7. Hijacking attempts against civil air craft should appear to continue as harrassing
measures condoned by the government of Cuba.
8. It is possible to create an incide..shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from
the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela...
The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday..
b) On such flight, a pre-briefed pilot ..under an alias, would resume his proper
identity and return to his normal place of business.
The pilot and aircraft would then have disappeared.

Northwoods document:


In 2002, Norway was the world's biggest operator of submarine gas pipelines and the world's second biggest exporter of oil. Norway tries to cooperate with
Yemen (->).

They already cooperate since years with Russia on the northern Barents Sea.
The North Sea became a third major oil producer in the world.

Norway is member of the International Energy Agency (IEA), but not of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Opec.

Norwegian oil companies include Norsk Hydro, the 51%-state-owned hydroelectric concern.
Norsk Hydro has an american subsidiary with corporate head office is in Tampa, Florida.

Sources: http://www.americas.hydro.com/

Statoil, which owns 20% of SagaOil.

In May 1999, France's Elf Aquitaine announced a $2.2 billion cash bid on Saga.
In 1990 Statoil and BP formed an alliance for international operations.
On June 18th, 2001 Statoil started to list on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Source: http://www.statoil.com/

Norway supported the so called War on Terrorism, too.

In 2001-2002, they deployed 162 personnel to support operations in Afghanistan.

Norwegian Hydrema 910 mine clearing vehicles and personnel have been responsible for clearing more than 750,000 square meters of terrain on Qandahar
and Bagram airfields and surrounding areas since their deployment on Jan 1, 2002. A total of 1,600 - 1,700 mines and approximately 7,000 pieces of
unexploded ordnance (UXO) have been cleared from both airfields.

Norwegian Air Force C-130 aircraft was providing intra-theater tactical airlift support and support to OEF, operating from Manas airbase.
As a result of the Tokyo Donation Conference, Norway has donated $30 million to support the rebuilding effort in Afghanistan.


On August 22nd, 2002 it was reported, that Kurdish-born Mullah Krekar,

with family and residence permit in Norway, was suspected of being involved in the production of chemical weapons.
Mullah is officially the head of the group Ansar-al Islam (->), operating in Northern Iraq.


On February 1st, 2003, Krekar told in an AFP report:

"I have in my possession irrefutable evidence against the Americans and I am prepared to supply it ... if (the United States) tries to implicate me in an affair
linked to terrorism," Mullah Krekar, who is believed to front Ansar al-Islam, told Al-Hayat newspaper.

He dismissed as "fabrications" reports linking his group to Al-Qaeda, saying they were designed to justify a strike against Iraq.


Nospray.org is a watch project, describing pharmaceutical companies, which are making a fortune of the torments of biological scares (West Nile, Anthrax,
Small Pox).
One of their authors, Mitchell Cohen (->), tried to see a connection between the Sep11th attack and the anthrax attack.

In December 2002, Cohen released an article on Jerome Hauer, one of the strongest supporters of an aggressive smallpox vaccination policy.

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Nospray.org was created in March 2000 by Beso Entertainment in NYC.

[email protected]
[email protected]

=Notices to Airmans (-> Stand down)

Notinmyname shared a similar name of an anti-war organisation,
and the title of a documentary, released in March 2002.

Narrated by Jeremy Hardy, the film presents powerful evidence, that the US attack on Afghanistan has not helped defeat terrorism - in fact, the film
suggests, the US-led military actions have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians and made the world a much more dangerous place.

The documentary was promoted in 2002 by mwaw.org (Media Workers against War ->).
The film is available on video cassette directly from TV Choice.

Not In My Name is a predominantly, though not exclusively Jewish group, based in Chicago, which is opposed the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian


Anti-War Group, which was established in 2002, with the help of supporters like Mos Def, John Edgar Wideman, Barbara Kingsolver, Ossie Davis, Noam
Chomsky, Eve Ensler, Tony Kushner, Edward Said, Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker and Howard Zinn, who all signed in June 2002 the Statement of
Conscience at

At the end of 2002, their list included over 30.000 names.

Notinourname organised two anti-war protests in Washington Square Park
and Central Park, New York


(-> Douglas, William)

NRO Strategic Gaming Division

Division of the CIA.
Chief is John Fulton, who was responsible for a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to
strike a building of the CIA. The exercise was planned for the morning of Sep11th. (-> Terror Scenarios)


Right after Sep11th, 2001, the NSA (headquartered in Fort Meade) claimed, that they have intercepted a phone call from some muslim suspects on Sep10th,
but had no chance to translate it until Sep12th.
It was downplayed by the White House and immediately vanished from the mainstream papers.

The original story was altered various times.

Once it was Bin Laden, who spoke with his mother (who later even turned out to be his step-mother only), then it was new "financial mastermind" Sulaiman
Abu Ghaith, who was speaking with Mohammad Atta.

One of the earliest versions had been reported by ABC:

"Shortly before Sept. 11, NSA intercepts detected multiple phone calls from Abu Zubaida, bin Laden's chief of operations, to the United States. The
intercepts were never passed on."


The NSA was not involved in any investigation and didn't make news for several months after Sep11th until they released some nazi-looking like
advertisments for the US Navy and US Army, which looked like mock-ups on the 30s.

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Compare this to

On June 20th, 2002, suddenly the NSA-story was leaked again.

However, this time the White House complained that "a House-Senate probe into the Sept. 11 attacks" had released sensitive information about the NSA

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer publicly complained about the leaks to the media of two messages intercepted Sept. 10 by the National Security
Agency, while Vice President Dick Cheney called leaders of the congressional 9/11 probe to express his fear that national security could be put at risk.

The Cheney reaction, reinforced by President Bush, surprised some government officials who said the central information in the broadcast and newspaper
reports has been public knowledge for months. "This basic story has been around a long time," one senior government official said.

On August 24th, 2002, AP reported, that the FBI asked for information on any contact those senators had with reporters between noon on June 18 to 3:15
p.m. on June 19th 2002.

That is when CNN reported on the details of two Arabic-language messages the National Security Agency intercepted Sept. 10 making vague references to
an impending attack on the United States. Other news organizations reported on the messages, too.

Already shortly after the attack, the NSA decided to erase sensitive data:

"...Analysts at the super-secret National Security Agency, acting on advice from the organization's lawyers, have been destroying data collected on
Americans or US companies since the Sept. 11 attacks - angering other intelligence agencies seeking leads in the antiterrorist probe, according to two
people with close intelligence ties.

...people familiar with the NSA, including some who have worked for it, dismiss the idea that the agency needed to destroy the information immediately.
Although that's been the NSA's practice in the past, they believe the NSA's own rules allow it to change that practice in the face of the threat of terrorism.

They believe the real reason behind the agency's stance is its longstanding distaste for sharing raw data with other intelligence organizations.
''There are some people in law enforcement who are very unhappy about it, because they need investigative leads,'' said Vincent Cannistraro, former
director of counterterrorism at the CIA."


NSA spies on United Nations

On March 2nd, 2003, the UK Observer released a rewritten memo, which pointed on a secret document how to bug phones and emails of key Security
Council members to get their vote on Iraq.
Dated 31 January 2003, the memo was circulated four days after the UN's chief weapons inspector Hans Blix (->) produced his interim report on Iraqi
compliance with UN resolution 1441.
It was sent by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the 'Regional Targets' section of the NSA, which spies on countries that are viewed as strategically important for
United States interests. Koza specifies that the information will be used for the US's 'QRC' - Quick Response Capability - 'against' the key delegations. Source:

National Security Law Unit of the FBI.

FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ->)

FBI Memo on "FISA Mistakes"

(-> Memo)

Key to Acronyms:

ELSUR - Electronic Surveillance

ITOS - International Terrorism Operations Section
OIPR - Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (DOJ)
UBL - Presumably "Usama bin Laden" (consistent with U.S. gov't designation)

President Bush's description on nuclear weapons.

Null, Gary
Host of garynull.com

Nunn, Andrew
Former Director of the Bin Ladin Group.

Nunn, Sam
(-> Bilderberg Group)
(-> Concord Coalition)

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(-> Dark Winter)

(-> General Electric)
(-> Silent Vector)
(-> Terror-Scenarios)
(-> TRW -> Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Program )

The words, "New World Order," were first mentioned in the contemporary context by the American president George Bush in 1990, when he exulted over
the West's supposed victory in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. His words offered hope ("new") for a better life ("world") ahead; one which would be
based on (law and) "order," rather than on raw exercise of power, which the Kremlin's "East Side Gang" used in its spheres of influence and control.

The "New World Order" is confused with an ideology, based on the science fiction novel by Robert Anton Wilson, who described the cult "illuminati", which
actually doesn't exist any longer.
Other try to distract from New World Order to Zionism or any other paranoic construction.
The New World Order is even not new. Based on the knowledge, that oil and water is running out, it looks like an old wish to get rid of some ideologies or
religions, which seem to be counterproductive for business plans.

The idea of a New World Order was picked up again on Sep11th, by Gary Hart (->) of the CFR (->).

In February 2003, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a hardliner in Bush's inner sanctum, has left no one in doubt that France and Germany, by their
peace actions, risk being sidelined in a "future world order".

NYEnvirolaw.org investigated on the Air Quality and Health Hazards resulting from the massive evironmental effects of the September 11, 2001, World
Trade Center Destruction.

The New York Environmental Law & Justice Project (a New York State non-profit organization) established by Joel Kupferman, Esq., has been central in
the lawsuits and court fights against mass insecticide spraying and other forms of environmental warfare and dereliction on the part of governmental and
corporate predators and profiteers.

A "must visit" for everyone concerned with environmental health and human survival issues in and New York
Compare: (-> Bushknew.info)


The ignored FBI-anti terror hero: John O' Neill (->)

Oberstar, Jim
Minnesota Rep. Jim Oberstar, was mentioned in an article on the "20th hijacker",
Zacarias Moussaoui (->):

"After his arrest, Pan AM learned that Moussaoui had flown 57 hours in a Cessna 152 in Oklahoma but never soloed, an accomplishment usually achieved
after 20 hours."
"Do you realize how serious this is?" the instructor asked an FBI agent. "This man wants training on a 747. A 747 fully loaded with fuel could be used as a

The still-unidentified flight instructor became wary of Moussaoui immediately, according to Oberstar.
According to Oberstar, PAN AM listed two of the other hijackers in their schools, too:
Hani Hanjour, who couldn't speak english and Mohammad Atta, who sent an inquiry, but them decided to learn in Venice, Florida.

O'Brien, Danielle
Danielle O'Brien, air traffic controller in Dulles.

September 11th, 2001 ~8:18 AM:

Airport air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien (Dulles) handled the routine,
on-time departure of American Flight 77:
I slid over to the controller on my left, Tom Howell, and I asked him, 'Do you see an unidentified plane near southwest of Dulles?''' she remembered.

"And his response was, 'Yes. Oh, my gosh, yes, look how fast he is.'"
In the room, it was almost a sense of relief," O'Brien said. "This must be a fighter. This must be one of our guys sent in, scrambled to patrol our capital, and to
protect our president."
O'Brien had already handed Flight 77 off to a different air traffic control center.

"And we waited. And we waited," O'Brien recalled. "And your heart is just beating out of your chest. And then the Washington National Airport controllers
came over our speakers in our room and said, 'Dulles, hold all of our inbound traffic.
The Pentagon's been hit.

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9:06 AM:

NY Police broadcast:
" 'This was a terrorist attack. Notify the Pentagon.'"
('Daily News' (New York) 12 September 2001 ).

The Pentagon didn't react.

O'Brien explained, that the craft that hit the Pentagon had the speed and maneuverability of a "military plane". Her account was published on the ABCnews
site and used
on the National Air Traffic Controllers Association site:

« I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of

Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed . I had literally a blip and nothing more. »

« And it went 'six, five, four', And I had it in my

mouth to say, three, and all of a sudden the
plane turned away. In the room, it was almost a
sense of relief. This must be a fighter. This must
be one of our guys sent in, scrambled to patrol
our capital, and to protect our president, and we
sat back in our chairs and breathed for just a
second », says O'Brien.

(-> Pentagon, attack)

(-> Hatfill, Stephen -> Aspartame)
(-> Hardison, Dian -> Warren Gammel)
(-> MK-Ultra -> Donald Rumsfeld -> Searle)

Odeen, Phillip A.
From a GROUND ZERO Forum article by ewing2001, originally released at Scoop:

"...Noone knows Philip A Odeen yet, but he has one of the rare privileges to have a safe government job until 2010.
His ties to the Sept 11th-story have been revealed on the same day, when someone on a public message board at TV Clubhouse wrote these disturbing notes,
even without mentioning Odeen’s name:

"....I heard earlier today they knew this was coming ... I have a brother who lives and works close to the Wright/Patterson Air Force base in Dayton...The
company he works for said the officials at W/P advised them to send home all employees... stating W/P was to be target number 6 and they have known this
since last night..."

After this member was asked, what she was talking about, she explained:
"...they shut down a national company with 10,000 Dayton employees for it.. I lived in Dayton for 10 years and I know they had night-flights and missions but
it was a rep from W/P asking to shut down the company and giving them the information not just someone off the streets..."

Her reaction seemed pretty credible, because she didn't imply much, but maybe everyone should come to their own conclusion.
Here she reveals the name of this company:

"...I do know Reynolds and Reynolds pretty well I worked there for 10 years and I know they wouldn’t close the doors on hearsay... I haven’t brought it up
until now when just because I knew the reaction would be just exactly what it is... that is why I waited until it was already brought up here..."
While this discussion member remained unknown, her story about Reynolds & Reynolds and Wright/Patterson is still untold in the public media.

President of R&R is Philip A. Odeen, who was at that time CEO and President of BDM International (Chairman of the Board is former Defense Secretary
Frank Carlucci/Carlyle ->).
Odeen is still Executive Vice President, Washington Operations of TRW (->), which was bought by Northrop Grumman (->) in July 2002.

Northrop is in the meantime well known for their Global Hawk unmanned surveillance planes, which were used in Afghanistan.

TRW mergered in 1998 with Lockheed Martin Corp to becoming the nation's second-largest defense contractor. Reynolds & Reynolds is one of the
contractors of TRW...

...Some weeks before Sept 11th Reynolds & Reynolds sold its information solutions group to the Carlyle Group of Washington, D.C and formed
http://www.relizon.com http://www.relizon.comhttp://www.relizon.com.

....In December 2001, General Motors designated Reynolds & Reynolds Co. as one of its preferred services marketing vendors.
R& R CEO Philip A. Odeen is well known at the CFR, who supported the National Security Council in the 70s, therefore he has many ties with the military
Did a friend warn him on September 10th?

As Director of Program Analysis for the National Security Council, Odeen provided staff support to Dr. Henry Kissinger (->) from 1971 to 1973 on a wide
range of defense and foreign policy issues including arms control, nuclear strategy and military force structure issues.
In 1995-96, he chaired the Defense Science Board Privatization and Outsourcing Task Force.

He served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in Systems Analysis and worked closely with the Secretary of Defense and other senior DOD
leaders on defense planning and programming issues.

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In February 1997, Odeen was named by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen to chair the National Defense Panel.

At that time he was already lobbied by Lockheed Martin and McDonnell Douglas, but other members like Richard D. Hearney Gen., USMC (McDonnell
Douglas), David E. Jeremiah Adm., USN (Technology Strategies), Robert M. Kimmitt Brig. Gen. (Lehman Brothers ->, a large investment banking firm
involved with defense contractor financing, for example the merger of Lockheed Martin and Loral in 1996) or Robert W. RisCassi Gen, worked for
Lockheed Martin at the same time as well.
Did this panel already spin the ideology for the next 4-20 years?

In December 1997, the NDP provided an assesment of alternative force structures for the US military through the year 2010 to the Secretary and the

Furthermore Odeen is director of the Washington Gas Light Company.

More about his bio can be learned at:


Past Chairman, Board on Army Science and Technology, National Research Council; New York Council on Foreign Relations; Member, Board of
Governors, Institute of European Studies; Past Chairman, Professional Services Council; Panel Member, DOE Nuclear Weapons Safety Study; Past
Chairman, Board of Directors, World Affairs Council, Washington, D.C.
Publications: "Thinking About Defense Spending" (with Gregory Treverton), Critical Issues series by the New York Council on Foreign Relations, 1989
On their website we learn more about the credit profile of Odeen’s company Reynolds & Reynolds.
They share the services of Credit Suisse First Boston

Odeen wrote once in his Quadrennial Defense Review, which was supported by the Honorable Richard L. Armitage (->).
He shared the same ideas about Joint 2020 as Henry H. Shelton (->):

"...our intention is to stimulate a wider debate on our defense priorities and the need for a transformation to meet the challenges of 2020. Such a debate will
be critical in building the necessary support of the Congress and American people for the extensive changes that must be made...If we achieve that, we will
have fulfilled our mission and our commitment to you, the Congress, and the American people.
Philip A. Odeen.."
Source: http://www.fas.org/man/docs/ndp/front.htm

More interesting, we find this information in another section of the Quadrennial Defense Review:
"...The first National Defense Panel under section 184 of title 10, United States Code (as added by subsection (a)), shall be established in 2004..."
http://www.cdi.org/issues/qdr/NDP.html#membership904 http://www.cdi.org/issues/qdr/NDP.html#membership904http://www.cdi.org/issues/qdr/NDP.html

What kind of "transformation" is Odeen was talking about, and what exactly is planned for 2004?

In a Testimony from January 28, 1998 Odeen mentions, "adversaries including terrorists" :
"...the future we face in 2020 will be very different. A whole host of new challenges and opportunities are emerging. While we may find ourselves facing
enemies on traditional battlegrounds, it is far more likely that we will face very different adversaries and that our conflicts will include locations in space,
throughout our information networks, in highly urbanized areas, within the undeveloped and developing world and, perhaps even on our own soil. Our
adversaries will include not just the armed forces of nations, but also international criminals and terrorist groups..."

...Odeens' National Defense Industrial Association conference is always held in Monterey (->).

Odeen, as chairman of the Defense Science Board, which advises the Pentagon, had a lot of influence over the last 4 years to decide in which direction the
Pentagon should think.

...One example:
The Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Program was designed to increase training of potential first responders to WMD terrorist incidents
within the United States. By the end of 1998, 40 U.S. cities had received training, with training ongoing in an additional 80.
As part of this program, each designated city receives $300,000 from DOD for personal protection, decontamination, and detection equipment.

This information is taken from The Monterey Institute of International Studies, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Chemical and Biological Weapons
Resource Page, "United States response to CBW terrorism and domestic preparedness"

Office of Strategic Influence

(-> OSI)

Located in Bellevue, Nebraska AFB.
Offut is part of some interesting angles of the Sep11th attack.

By coincidence, some WTC executes "evacuated" to Offutt Air Force Base just prior to Sep 11event:

"On the morning of Sept. 11, (CEO) Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity
event hosted by Warren Buffett.

She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower.
"There on the screen, I saw the second plane crash into my office," Tatlock recalled.

...so the supposed event these business leaders were attending, at an Air Force base of all places, was a "charity" event organized by Warren Buffet of "The
terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming" fame.

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Tatlock is a high CEO in the Franklin Funds group, a group that had offices in the World Trade Center. The cover story in this article for her presence at
Offutt was a charity event."


Some fighters of Netjets are owned by Warren Buffett,

tried to intercept Flight 93 (->), as confirmed in August 2002, during the Massaoui-lawsuit (->):

"An official for NetJets, a company that sells shares in private business aircraft, confirmed that the plane tracking Flight 93 belonged to the company.
The official, who asked not to be identified by name, said the company was asked not to comment on the Sept. 11 flight but would not say who made the


The background of Netjets:

Netjets is based in Woodbridge, NJ.

Raynor B. Reavis joined NetJets Inc. in September 1998 as Senior Vice President of Sales.
In this position, he is responsible for the sales of the NetJets ® fractional ownership program in the U.S. Prior to joining Executive Jet, Mr. Reavis was Vice
President of Marketing and Sales Support at Gulfstream Aircraft, Inc.

Before joining Gulfstream, he was Senior Vice President of Sales at Raytheon Aircraft (->) and British Aerospace, where he was responsible for worldwide
sales of the Hawker 800 and 1000 aircraft.
Earlier in his career, he served as Vice President of Sales for Simuflight Training International, which provides advanced simulator-based training to pilots
and maintenance technicians for business jet aircraft.

Reavis is a former United States Marine fighter pilot who served in Vietnam and on both the East and West Coast in active duty fighter squadrons. He is a
graduate of Baylor University with a Bachelor's degree in business administration and economics.."


Dayton, Wright Patterson Air Base (Major John Kenny)
Dayton, Air Force's Aeronautical Systems Center (Global Hawk System/ Northrop Grumman)
Dayton, Reynols + Reynolds (Philip A Odeen)

Columbus, Battelle

Alphabetical index/cities not mentioned:

(-> 5th plane -> landing in Ohio)

(-> Battelle -> West Jefferson/FEMA photographs)
(-> Controlled Cleanup, AMEC)
(-> DoD, Wright Patterson)
(-> FAS.org -> Battelle Memorial Hospital)
(-> FEMA-Task Forces -> OH-TF1)
(-> Flight schools -> Air Force's Aeronautical Systems Center, Dayton/Ohio )
(-> Foraker, Sgt. Ryan -> Miller Pipeline Corp., Hilliard)
(-> Global Hawk)
(-> Harris, Larry Wayne)
(-> Intelligence Senate Members, Mike deVine)
(-> Moussaoui, Zacarias ->Ohio Pilot Store)
(-> Shelton, Henry H.)

"The purpose of U.S. engagement, as espoused in the NSS, is to protect the United States' vital interest in the region - uninterrupted, secure U.S./Allied
access to Gulf oil."
Pentagon, US Government


"We're hostage to oil, that's as simple as you can put it.

We have let the economic considerations take precedence"
Larry Johnson, former CIA officer

"Al-Quaeda is always there, where the oil is, even in Asia or South America"
Anonymous Netizen

From 1949 to 1972, the demand for oil increased by five and a half times in the USA,
by 15 times in Western Europe and by 137 times in Japan.

The hydrocarbon society was born and developed through the 50s, 60s and 70s.

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The petrochemicals industry converts the oil molecule into clothes, food and fertilisers, added to the value of oil as a raw material of importance for energy
and trade strategies.
In 1971, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Opec, was established.
Two years later, came the world's first oil boycott, as a part of the so-called Yom-Kippur war between Israel and Egypt in October 1973.
The signal to the world was a clear one. Oil was cast into power politics and it is still there as a global power in itself.

To understand, why the so called "war on terrorism" is in reality a war on oil, which needed an official startup (Sep11th), one has to examine the different
positions of ChevronTexaco, BP Amoco, SOCAR, Exxon Mobil, British Gas, Agip, ConocoPhillips/Phillips Petroleum the Norwegian Statoil, TotalFinaElf,
Russia LukOil/LukArco, GasProm of Ex-Premier Tschernomyrdin, KazMunaiGaz in Kazakhstan, Mitsui of Japan and a few more.

1,200 oil Investment companies and manufacturers of oil equipment are competing on the oil of the Middle East, the Norwayan-Russian North Sea, the
Caspian Sea and other worldwide sea parts.

Very important is the history of russia since 1996 or better the story of Chalva Tchigirinksi,
who is one of the directors of Sibir Energy plc, which has its headquarter in Moscow.
( http://www.sibirenergy.com/corporate/directory/)

Mr. Tchigirinski is the representative of the largest shareholder in Sibir. In this capacity he is a Director of Yugraneft, a Director of both Evikhon and
Salym Petroleum Development NV.

He is President of both Moscow Oil Company and Central Fuel Company (which controls the Moscow refinery) neither of which are in competition with

His interests in the sector include a key role in British Petroleum’s impressive fuel retail network in Moscow.

Sibir Energy is a UK independent oil and gas production company that produces about 3 million barrels of oil annually and has development plans for
oilfields with reserves of almost a billion barrels of oil.

Sibir Energy plc was formed in 1996 by its parent, Pentex Energy plc, a UK independent oil and gas company.

Founded in 1996 with the specific aim of acquiring substantial and inexpensive reserves of Russian oil in the ground, Sibir had amassed 2.2 billion barrels of
recoverable oil by the beginning of 2001.
Among the directors of Sibir are Tchigirinskis brother Alexander, Mr. Alexander Betsky (three years of accounting and audit experience with Ernst &
Young), Urs J. Haener, Non-Executive Director (and former President and CEO of Credit Suisse-Moscow), Henry O. Cameron, William L. S. Guinness and
a few others.
Sibirs auditor is Ernst & Young.

In December 2001, a few weeks after the opening of a new pipeline in Uzbekistan, Sibir tried to to merge with the Central Fuel Company that owns a
refinery and a big retail network in Moscow region.
They announced, that they had acquired a further 20 per cent stake in Yugraneft from Gazprom.

Gazprom later had major problems.

On March 06, 2002 the Energy News Portal Gas+Oil wrote in their issue, that Gazprom became the "russian ENRON":
"...As financial scandals go, this one has everything. A Big Five accounting firm accused of overlooking wildly improper deals in its probes of a client's
books. A client that's one of the country's biggest energy firms, and yet is now a symbol for the evils of crony capitalism. The amounts involved? Billions and
billions. There's more: Leaked documents, infuriated shareholders, threatened lawsuits. Even the President of the country is angry...:"
(Source: http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/company/cnr21050.htm )

Auditor of Gazprom was US-company PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world's largest accounting firm, who signed a new CEO, Samuel A. DiPiazza, on
January 1st 2002.

DiPiazza is contributor of the Beta Alpha Psi Society and in connections with Ernst + Young and ArthurAndersen.
Source: http://www2.uic.edu/stud_orgs/prof/bap/links.html
"...PwC has been signing off on Gazprom's books since 1996, and fed-up shareholders say it is high time to give the job to someone else.."
PwC, with over 150,000 people in more than 150 countries incl. Cayman Islands (->)

Back to Sibir:

In June 2000 Sibir completed already the acquisition of an additional 62% of Russian oil and gas producing company Evikhon and the first 23.551% from
And Sibneft, in an joint venture with Sibir Energy, hooked up in March 2002 with former Dick Cheney's company Halliburton (->):

Sibir was part of PSG International, which became the leader of the Transcaspian gas pipeline project consortium in February 1999.

(Source: http://www.eurasianet.org/resource/turkmenistan/hypermail/200009/0025.html

Later, the consortium was joined by the British-Dutch Shell company which took over 50 per cent sponsorship of the project,as well as responsibility for
providing the pipeline with Turkmen raw gas.

The story of Sibir developed successfully in 2002.

Tatneft, the country's number six producer, bought 33% astake in London-listed Sibir Energy.
In July 2002 the UK-based Sibir Energy and russian Lukoil together with the Latsis Group of Greece, Rosneft and Sibneft (Russia) bought stakes in Croatia´s
INA Industrija Nafte.

Oil-barrel.com reported in August 2002, that "Sibir took a large step forward in becoming a fully integrated Russian oil and gas company earlier this year
when it finalised downstream arrangements, which will complement the company’s substantial, but as yet unexploited upstream reserves.

Two Russian groups Tatneft and Corus Holdings announced they were investing in Sibir. Initially they were to lend US$120 million to Sibir and subsequently
subscribe for ordinary shares in Sibir to the value of US$240 million (£166 million) at 22.8p a share.
Sibir decided to concentrate on Russia over two years ago (2000) when a series of deals with Mr Chalva Tchigirinski, a well known Russia business man,
saw him injecting assets including Priobskoye into Sibir and ending up with 51 per cent of the company’s capital. Sibir has some production through its

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Yuzknoye and Orekhovskoye fields but the amounts are modest.

...The Russian major Sibneft has a 40 per cent interest in Priobskoye and will be the developer. This is a long-term venture. In the Salym project there is a
50/50 per cent joint venture with Shell, essentially to develop two thirds of the Salym field.

...While these mega deals were going on, Sibir, with loans due, found it was running out of cash. Accordingly Sibir has sold its Pentex group of assets
onshore the UK. The price received was US$36 million. Some US$15 million was ringed fenced in a loan to the Bank of Scotland.
...The deals with Tatneft and Corus mean between them these two companies will hold 33 per cent of Sibir.
Source: http://www.oil-barrel.com/archives/news_archive/2002/aug-2002/sibir120802.htm

At the end of 2002 it was more than obvious, that the whole "war on terrorism" was in reality a "war on oil" and a battle between US-/UK-, russian
(Lukoil->) and french oil (TotalFina ->) industries.

Russia and France resisted for many months against the US plans to invade Iraq, who had already oil contracts with Lukoil and TotalFina.

It was well known, that Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Flowserve, Fisher-Rosemount had used subsidiaries and joint venture companies to deal
with iraqi oil companies.


China (China OGP, http://www.chinaogp-online.com/ ) didn't participate in the oil on war yet, because it reaches its mid-1990s OECD level of energy/GDP
by 2050.
Due to a study, The World Oil Supply 1990-2030, which was completed in late 1995 by the prestigious Geneva, Switzerland- based group Petroconsultants
and a second report, prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Office of Transportation Technology of the U.S. Department of Energy, the world
is running out of "cheap oil".

By 2050, the 1994 report said, world oil production would drop to 17.5 million barrels a day, or slightly more than it was in the 1950s.
"The problem of gradually tightening world oil supplies is exacerbated by a growing concentration of remaining reserves in the Persian Gulf. All other
producing countries but the five Persian Gulf states (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates) will peak before 2000"
Source: http://www.awea.org/wew/684-1.html
In 2000, the CIA released their paper "Global Trends 2015", in which they described a "cooperation between governments and private organizations and to
the growing reach of international criminal and terrorist networks" and a "rising demand for OPEC oil".
"The responsibilities of once "semiautonomous" government agencies increasingly will intersect because of the transnational nature of national security
priorities and because of the clear requirement for interdisciplinary policy responses."
"The potential for conflict will arise from rivalries in Asia, ranging from India-Pakistan to China-Taiwan, as well as among the antagonists in the Middle
"By 2015, only one-tenth of Persian Gulf oil will be directed to Western markets; three-quarters will go to Asia."
"The Persian Gulf region-absent a major war-will see large increases in oil production capacity...Russia and the Middle East account for three-quarters of
known gas reserves."
"Developments in Afghanistan and Pakistan will threaten regional stability."

Source: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/globaltrends2015/

In January 2001 socialist paper "Wsws" speculated,

that "oil and gas pipelines to China from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan could be extended to link into the pipeline networks of both Russia and Iran".
( Source: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/jan2001/oil-j03.shtml )

In 1998, US oil company UNOCAL stopped their negotiations with the Taliban to start working on a huge pipeline project.
After the war against the Taliban started in late December 2001, one of the former UNOCAL advisors, Zalmay Khalilzad (->), a senior strategist at Rand
(->), became a key National Security Council adviser on Afghanistan.
French paper LeMonde claimed, that Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan worked for UNOCAL, too, as a consultant.
It was never proven, if Le Mondes informations had been based on a confusion with Khalilzad,
however the ties between him and UNOCAL are true.

As the Guardian reported, gas reserves in afghanistan could be 576 trillion cubic feet.
The afghanistan pipeline project was once part of the Cent Gas Consortium in the Mid90s,
at that time supported by ENRON, Conoco, Halliburton, UNOCAL (all US), PSG International Ltd. (a UK-based con-sortium of US companies General
Electric and Bechtel), and Shell (UK/The Netherlands).

On November 26th, 2001, CNN reported, that a new pipeline will pump around 600,000 barrels of oil to the west from Central Asia each day.

The $2.6 billion Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) project runs from the Tengiz oilfield in western Kazakhstan to Russia

In February 2002, "...Pakistani President, Gen Pervez Musharraf, and the Afghan interim leader, Mr Hamid Karzai, agreed ... that their two countries should
develop "mutual brotherly relations" and co-operate "in all spheres of activity" - including a proposed gas pipeline from Central Asia to Pakistan via
"We have agreed unanimously ... on working together to develop strong brotherly co-operation, brotherly relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan in all
spheres of activity," Gen Musharraf said after their talks..."
(Source: http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/world/2002/0209/448097021FR09KARZAI.html

In November 2000, former CIA director James Woolsey (->) already explained, that
"during the Gulf War, Iraq came close to controlling half the world's oil.
This could happen again, he warned."


In an January 2003 interview with DER SPIEGEL, Woolsey confirmed, that the war against Iraq is about oil:
Q: Also geht es auch diesmal um Öl ...

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Woolsey: ... aber nicht nur um Amerikas Abhängigkeit vom Öl, sondern um die der ganzen Welt. Auf kurze Sicht liegt unsere grundlegende
Verwundbarkeit darin, dass die Saudis die Fördermenge schnell drosseln oder steigern können, weil sie über die Hälfte der weltweiten "swing capacity",
insgesamt vier Millionen Barrel, verfügen. Damit haben die Saudis entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Ölpreis. Wir müssen dem Nahen Osten die Ölwaffe


(-> Truth on oil strategy)

Oil Price
Helpful indicator during the US-Iraq-"crisis", to find out, what the war is really about.
After a "Iraq warhead find" in January 2002, it drove the oil prices "to 2-year high".

Oil-Minister crashed
On Februar 24th, 2003, Afghan Minister for Petroleum and Mines, Juma Mohammad Mohammadi, died in a crash of a Chessna. Others aboard the aircraft
included an official of Pakistan's foreign ministry and Sun Chang Feng, chief executive of MCC Resource Development Co., a Chinese pipeline firm.
Only 4 days earlier, the commander of Pakistan's air force, Air Chief Marshal Mushaf Ali Mir, his wife and 15 other people were killed in a plane crash.

Oil-Top 100 companies


For oil investigators:

Marketplaces to the Energy Industry by Marketplace Name

Batavia, Sporty's Pilot Shop
(Mohammad Atta and Zacarias Moussaoui bought "the same videos" there)

Norman, Airman Flight School (Flight school of Moussaoui)

Norman, Home of David L. Boren, President of the University of Oklahoma
(ex- CIA, "mentor" of George Tenet)

From the Indictment US vs Moussaoui:

"On or about February 26, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI opened a bank account in Norman, Oklahoma, depositing approximately $32,000 cash.
Between on or about February 26, 2001, and on or about May 29, 2001, ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI attended the Airman Flight School in Norman,
Oklahoma, ending his classes early. (-> Moussaoui Indictment)

"On or about August 1 and 3, 2001, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, using the name "Ahad Sabet," wired approximately $14,000 in money orders to Moussaoui (->)in
Oklahoma from train stations in Dusseldorf and Hamburg, Germany."

911-Insider Trading- FBI

Christy Sarkey, an Oklahoma Cop, was a girlfriend of one of the suspects, Jeffrey Roger.

FEMA Operation CARE 1998, Camp Gruber, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, ANSER and CSIS were behind a Bioterror Excercise, called Dark Winter (->).

Zapata -> PennzEnergy bought by Devon Energy -> Oklahoma City

The Moussaoui-Atta connection:

JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2002
The Terrorist Motel
The I-40 connection between Zacarias Moussaoui and Mohamed Atta
The motel co-owner, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the incident occurred around August 1, 2001, just six weeks before 9/11.

"They came in around 10 or 11 a.m. and started talking to my desk clerk," he said. Even though he was working about 10 feet away from the trio, the owner
didn't really pay any attention at first. "They were asking my clerk, who no longer works here, about a weekly rate for our rooms."
(The former clerk could not be reached for comment.)
The motel, explained the owner, sets aside some rooms with small kitchenettes to rent on a weekly basis. "But they were all taken." He said the clerk
explained the situation, but the visitors were persistent. "Finally, my clerk asked me to talk to them."

The motel owner said that Moussaoui and a man who appeared to be Marwan al-Shehhi -- who helped crash a jetliner into the south tower of the World
Trade Center -- were friendly and said a few things, but Atta was clearly the leader. "He did most of the talking and seemed very serious," said the owner,
adding, "I was standing face to face, about two feet away from Atta, and talked to the three of them for about 10 minutes. Atta asked if he could rent one of
the other rooms at a weekly rate, and I told him no.

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"I asked him what they were doing here in the area. And Atta told me they were going to flight school. I thought he meant [Federal Aviation Administration]
training in Oklahoma City.
But Atta told me no, they were taking flight training in Norman (->).

The motel owner was debriefed by an FBI agent and by Oklahoma City Police Sergeant Jerry Flowers.

Oklahoma Bombing-911 Ties

Larry Johnson, the former deputy director of the State Department's office on counterterrorism,
told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly in May 2002, that the paths of 9-11 hijackers Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Zacarias Moussaoui crossed on
more than one occasion with that of John Doe No. 2, the name given to the man witnesses say helped Timothy McVeigh carry out the Oklahoma City

The FBI was so convinced of the importance of John Doe No. 2 that it even distributed police sketches in an effort to track him down.

"He was seen with Timothy McVeigh three days before the bombing, the morning of the bombing, and he was seen by one of the witnesses getting out of the
Ryder truck after it pulled up in front of the Murrah building," the ex-State Department official explained.

Johnson, along with a growing contingent of independent probers, believes that John Doe No. 2 is actually Hussain Hashim Alhussaini, a former member of
Iraq's elite Republican Guard.

"The thing that really concerns me relative to 9-11 [is that] when he left Oklahoma around 1996 and 1997, he went to work at Logan Airport in Boston (->
Boston) ," Johnson told O'Reilly. "We don't know where he is now."

As bizarre as the Logan Airport tie-in may seem, the coincidences don't end there, according to Johnson.

"The motel in Oklahoma City where the April [1995] bombing was planned and executed - that same motel figures in [the travel of] two of the 9-11
hijackers and Zacarias Moussaoui," he told O'Reilly.

The al-Qaeda trio stayed at the 1995 bombers' motel just five weeks before the 9-11 attacks, Johnson said.

"I've spoken to the owner of the motel," the anti-terror prober said. "After the 9-11 attacks he called the FBI, the FBI came out and interviewed him - and he
identified Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Zacarias Moussauoi."

Atta, Al-Shehhi and Moussauoi said they were planning on enrolling in a local flight school, the motel owner told the one-time State Department prober.


More at (-> Oklahoma-Connection)

Olsen, Barbara
Due to the official story, CNN reporter Barbara Olsen, did make two phone calls from Flight 77 (->) to her husband Ted Olsen (->),
But later Ted Olsen changed the original story.

Olsen, Ted
Ted Olson reportedly contacted CNN (less than 12 hours after the alleged crash in which his wife perished), to tell them about the "phone call" from his wife
Barbara Olsen.

Mr. Olson was not personally quoted in the news accounts of the alleged phone call.

From an independent analysis:

"What's even more curious is that Mr. Olson is said to have told CNN that his wife made the call from a phone attached to the back of a seat on the aircraft.
She supposedly used that phone because she didn't have her cell phone, because it was in her purse, and she didn't have her purse with her, in the back of the
aircraft (which is where she supposedly was, along with everyone else on board FL 77, except for the terrorist(s) "flying the B757).

The phone she is said to have used, would have required a credit card to be swiped to make the phone operable. Thus, she would have had to borrow
someone else's credit card in order to make a phone call. Ted supposedly told CNN that she called him collect. However; once a credit card is swiped, you
can begin using the phone to make calls. So, no collect call would have been made.

If there are records reflecting a call to the Justice Department (where Ted was on the morning of 9-11), and a charge on a credit card for use of a phone
aboard FL 77, that would be strong evidence that the "call" story is true.

If no such phone call was made, then much of the official story line about 9-11 events is subject to even more doubt."

Due to AA, this is how the telephone system works on their planes:

"To Place a Call:

Slide your credit card through the side of the phone and then dial 00 + country code + area or city code + number followed by the # key. Rates for satellite
calls are $5.00 to connect and $10.00 per minute. Billing begins when a call is answered. Partial minutes are rounded up and billed as a full minute. "


Dan Hawkes, head of avionics at the AA's Safety Regulation Group, says, "A cell phone emits more power the further it is from base station. So as an
aircraft climbs, the mobile signal increases in power, boosting the interference level at a critical time in flight.”

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Nokia, for example, has this warning in its user manual, which accompanies all cell-phone purchases: "Switch off on aircraft. Do not use phones on
airplanes as this can cause interference with the navigational equipment. Also, the use of phones on airplanes is illegal."

Professor A.K. Dewdney, author of "Ghost Riders in the Sky"" http://feralnews.com/issues/911/dewdney/project_achilles_report_2_030225.html On Tuesday
25th February 2003, Dewdney chartered a light plane and flew up into the airspace above London Ontario an area extensively serviced with cellphone
stations. His goal was to test the essential feasibility of the claim that cellphone calls could have been made from planes at high altitude.

Olympic Games
Aganist all concerns, "Al-Quaida" was too incompetent to sabotage or terrorize in any way the Olympic Games in February 2002. The so called "sleeper
cells" in the United States slept.
Nothing happened.

Omar, Mullah Muhammad

Former Taliban ruler Mullah Muhammad Omar, officially escaped with a motorbike in late 2001.

Various media sources reported, that Omar was still alive at the end of 2002.
In a May 2002 interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, a sister publication of Arab News,
Omar insisted that Osama Bin Laden is still alive.
The authenticy of his statements had never been proved.

Omar Sheikh
(-> Pearl, Daniel)

O'Neill, John
Former FBI-anti terror specialist, who died in the Twin Towers on Sep11th.
His story and background never made big news, he never was described as a "hero".
The reason, why he started a new job in the Towers, had never been exposed to the public.
The NewYorker Magazine was one of the few publications, who gave some insights.

In Summer 2002, ewing2001 (->) started to promote the background story of Jerome Hauer,
who organised the security job for John O'Neill.

"...On September 10th, (2001)O'Neill called (Professor) Robert Tucker, a friend and security-company executive, and arranged to get together that evening
to talk about security issues at the Trade Center. Tucker met O'Neill in the lobby of the north tower, and the two men rode the elevator up to O'Neill's new
office, on the thirty-fourth floor. "He was incredibly proud of what he was doing"



Newsday reporter Laurie Garrett quotes Jerome Hauer and his connection to O'Neill:

"John O'Neill was head of the FBI's counterterrorism branch in Washington," Hauer told me privately. "He led every important investigation you can name
--- the USS Cole, Tanzania, Kenya bombings. He retired three weeks ago. I helped him get the job as head of security for the World Trade Center"


(Laurie Garrett is the only writer ever to have been awarded all three of the Big "Ps" of journalism:
The Peabody, The Polk (twice), and The Pulitzer.
Garrett is author of "BETRAYAL OF TRUST: The Collapse of Global Public Health.")

John O'Neill and his lost briefcase:

O'Neill lost his briefcase on Aug. 19th 2001, in a Miami conference room.
The briefcase was returned in a few hours, nothing was missing.

In an interview with french authors Brisard + Dasquie (--> Forbidden Truth),

he complained about the sabotage within the FBI and implied a plot against him by FBI-director Thomas Pickard or Louis Freeh (->)

Report of PBS on O'Neill in October 2002:


Online Watch:

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More links on O'Neill:


Here is an archive of all of The New Yorker's 911 stories:


Long Feature on John O'Neill (Jan 14, 2002)




O'Neill, Paul
Former Secretary of the Treasury.

(-> Snow, John)

(-> Baker III, James A.)

Progressive news magazine, established in 1998, reportws on many investigative stories regarding Sep11th.
On January 23rd, 2002, Joyce Linn, Onlinejournal wrote on the "calls for Bush's impeachment for 9–11"

Onlinejournal.com was created in August 2000 by Ben Conover and the OnlineJournal in Silver Springs, Florida

Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]

Openflows is a valuable collection of essays, thoughts and articles about the political economy of culture and technology. Furthermore they concentrate on
technical "disturbances" like the National ID Card, implanted Chips or Microsofts Palladium Platform.

Openflows post items from popular and relevant e-mail lists such as Nettime, Politech, or Cypherpunks.
Openflows had no official statements on the official version of 911 during 2002.

Openflows was created in 2000 in Toronto and is located at

http://www.openflows.org or http://www.openflows.orghttp://hacktivism.openflows.org

Together with theyrule.net, opensecrets.org is a valuable source for research on business connections and background details.

Opensecrets.org was created in March 1997 by the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington DC.

Operation Garden Plot

The Army's code name for military plans to put down civil disturbances.

It was activated during the 1992 riots in Los Angeles, the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle, the 2000 Philadelphia Republican National Convention, and the
2000 Democratic National Convention in L.A.
Many critics are concerned, that this program includes the so called modern "concentration camps", named REX84 program and upgraded since the Sep11th

Operation Green Quest

Created by the Treasury Department on Oct. 25, 2001 and announced by Deputy Treasury Secretary Kenneth Dam, Assistant Attorney General Michael
Chertoff, Treasury Undersecretary of Enforcement Jimmy Gurule, and U.S. Customs Service Commissioner Robert C. Bonner.

Operation Green Quest is a multi-agency financial enforcement initiative intended "to augment existing counter-terrorist efforts by bringing the full scope of
the government's financial expertise to bear against systems, individuals, and organizations that serve as sources of terrorist funding."

The director of Operation Green Quest is a senior special agent from U.S. Customs and the deputy director is a senior special agent from the IRS.

Operation Green Quest has a dedicated field unit in New York City. The field unit is comprised of experienced financial investigators from the
long-standing "El Dorado" Task Force, which is led by U.S. Customs and IRS.


In December 2002, Operation Green Quest made news again, when they investigated at the network company Ptech (->)

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Operation Northwoods
(-> Northwoods)

Operations Other than War

Operations Other than War" or OOTW, classified as Non Lethal Defense (NLD) initiatives or Military OOTW.
Including mind-control weapons and behavious modification technology.
Currently combines knowledge of high powered microwaves and radio frequency devices or tools from Nanotechnology and Brain Science.
Under a sub dependance it includes such things as peacekeeping, humanitarian relief, covert operations, and hostage rescue. These levels of
OOTW-weapons must be able to stop a person effectively without causing death or permanent damage.

(-> Weather Weapons)

Opium War Afghanistan

According to the United Nations Drug Control Programme, the Taliban produced an enormous 4600 metric tonnes of opium in 1999, and 3276 tonnes in
2000. Being as they understand supply and demand in the only true free market on the planet, narcotics, they withheld supply in order not to deflate the

Then in May 2001, Colin Powell, gave the regime $43 million in an open bribe to thank them for what has now been revealed as one of the most successful
‘wars on drugs‘ ever seen.

The Taliban did indeed reduce their cultivation of opium, by an enormous 91%. Production of opium in Afghanistan fell from 3276 tonnes in 2000 to 185
tonnes in 2001 (UNDCP). This happened because the ‘evil’ Mullah Omar ordered a ban (as reported by U.S. State Department), in order to gain some
international acceptance. The 185 tonnes produced were, in fact, mainly produced by the so-called ‘Northern Alliance‘ (->), another loose collection of
right wing thugs and maniacs.

Source: Adam Porter, Guerrilla News Network

On March 28th, 2002 the Bush administration decided not to destroy the opium crop in Afghanistan. President Bush, who formerly linked the Afghan drug
trade directly to terrorism, okayed the opium poppy fields who started blooming and ready for harvest.
U.S. forces could destroy the crops using aerial spraying techniques, but no such actions had been planned.
"The war in Afghanistan will be decided within the next six weeks based on whether or not the poppy crops go to market," stated a U.S. intelligence official
who returned in March 2002 from Afghanistan.


"Poppy Fields, Killing Fields and Druglords" from: "Unholy Wars:
Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism" by John K. Cooley (November 2000)

BioPharmacy company, which was later renamed to Acambis.
Involved in some business deals with former USAMRIID (->) scientist Thomas Monath. (-> Hauer, Jerome)

Osama is a bush
Popular slogan of the 911activism-scene and title of one of the booklet series by ShadowGovernment TV (->).

Investigative Website run by Nic aka Jack Riddler.

At the end of 2002, he was working on the book "The Open Questions of September 11t" and became member of some 911-strategy-lists (->), who tried to
form a 911-citizens commission (->).

His first collection of questions became popular at


(->Office of Strategic Influence )

Office of Strategic Influence” is the U.S. Army’s Psychological Operations Command (PSYOPS).

Ostrovski, Victor
Former Israeli Mossad agent and best-selling author.
Ostrovski became internationally famous in 1990, when he published his first book "By Way of Deception", which documented the outrages committed by
the Israeli secret service.

"They obtain vast sums of money from the United States, only to use it to buy politicians - and not just in the United States, it happens everywhere."
...The former governments of Israel created a monster in the diaspora [dispersed Jews who haven't returned to the Jewish state]"

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911Skepticism website, mirrored at lebensaspekte.de.
Originally planned to investigate on BioPharmacy, High Tech and corrupted business connections.
On September 11th, their board wasn't customized yet.

A few days later, some investigative results of TV Clubhouse, compiled by ewing2001 (->) had been mirrored at ourDNA.org and started the GROUND
ZERO Forum NYC (->).

OurDNA.org was created in 2000 by Nico Haupt in NYC, New York.

"Campaign for america's future", Washington.
CAD is challenging the big money corporate agenda by encouraging Americans to speak up.
Co-director Robert Borosage He has served as an issues advisor to progressive political campaigns, including those of Senators Carol Moseley-Braun,
Barbara Boxer, and Paul Wellstone.

Ourfuture.org was created in 1997 by CTSG in Eugene, OR.

Contact: [email protected]

Owens, Major R.
One of the few US Congress-members in 2002 (D-NY), who supported an independent 911-commission. Owens later voted against the War on Iraq.
(-> McKinney, Cynthia)


Incompetence, Ignorance or intention?

-the simulated plane crash into the Pentagon in October 2000. (-> Pentagon, simulated crash)

(-> Democracynow.org)
(-> McKinney, Cynthia)
(-> Mediafilter.org)
(-> Soros, George)

Pacino, Al
In October 2001, theatre play "The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui",
a political parable about Hitler's rise to power by Bertold Brecht, started on Broadway, New York.
Al Pacino played Arturo Ui.

Director Simon McBurney was inspired by the career of George Bush, as

german critic Bernd Sucher pointed out that McBurney's Ui on occasion suggests George W. Bush.
It inspired an article by Warren Leming: "The Resistible Rise of George Bush".
Another article on another cast was by nytheatre.com review:

"With their riveting revival of Brecht's The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, Fovea Floods theatre company once again reminds us what theatre is for. Led by
director Josh Chambers, they've crafted a production that amplifies and illuminates the themes of this cautionary tale inspired by the rise to power of Adolph
Hitler; they've also found ways to make the piece timely and resonant in the era of Osama bin-Laden and George W. Bush..."

(Martin Denton · August 16, 2002)

Padilla, Jose
Jose Padilla aka Abdullah Al Muhajir.

Officially captured on May 8th 2002, as he flew from Pakistan into O'Hare International

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Airport in Chicago, Illinois.

This was reported one month later, in June 2002.

Earlier, on the same weekend, Judicial Watch announced a lawsuit against some US Government agencies.
On the same weekend many 911victim groups, organised by unansweredquestions.org had a
press conference in Washington, which should be originally broadcasted by C|Span.

The Channel cancelled the broadcast after John Ashcroft announced the arrestment of Padilla.
Only 2 months later noone talked about this case anymore. It was said, that Padilla had never
been a threat to the United States and his story was based on some misinformations.

Padmnabhan, General
General Padmnabhan, India.
Visited Washington in April 2002, to discuss the Pakistan-India crisis.

(-> Hufschmid, Eric)

Contact: [email protected]

Palast, Greg
Journalist (BBC), author ("How much money democracy can buy") and co-producer of the documentary "Counting on Democracy".
Greg Palast became a specialist of the Florida election 2000 and investigated on the political situation in Venezuelea.

While working on his book in 2001, Palast found out, that President Bush asked the FBI to stop investigating on the Bin Laden Family. Palast was able to
prove, that the election was rigged, with the help of the company DBT Online and manipulated voting lists.

In an March 2002, Interview with Buzzflash.com, Palast answered on some questions:

BUZZFLASH: Is there any doubt in your mind that Gov. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris, removed 57,000 African-American voters from the registries
because they knew that George W. Bush needed to carry Florida to "win" the presidency?

GREG PALAST: Well, golly gee, are you telling me a politician doesn't know what happens in a state where every vote is fought over, and they were
wondering what would happen when they could just erase 57,708 votes with the flick of a computer button. Did that happen by accident? My God,
politicians look at every single vote. 57,000 votes is not just something that they lost track of.


One of the biggest supporters of Palast are filmmakers Richard Ray Pérez and Joan Sekler,
who runs www.unprecedented.org, which documented "the battle for the Presidency in Florida".
Unprecedented.org relocates to a section of the website of Palast, which is gregpalast.com.

[email protected]
[email protected]

(-> early warnings)
(-> FAA warnings -> Jet Tech)
(-> Moussaoui, Indictment)
(-> Moussaoui, Motions)
(-> Oberstar, Jim
(-> Sufaat, Yazid)

(-> Mueller, Richard -> PAN AM/Lockerbie bombing 1988)

"Pan am" is military synonym for bomb.

Parallel-youniversity.com is a weekly peace newsletter from England, including a few articles which tried to challenge the official story of Sep11th.

Parallel-youniversity.com was created in West Hampstead, London by Parallel Youniversity.

Popular rapper, who put his criticism on the political aftermath of Sep11th into the first real 911Skepticism underground hit.

Lyrics at:

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The cover of his April 2003 album "Sonic Jihad" depicts a commercial jetliner headed for the White House, evoking the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon.

In the planning stages for a protest on March 15, 2003, in Washington D.C. "to take back our Constitution, Bill of Rights and to fight complacency and apathy
by 'We The People'"


Contact: [email protected]

Pasechnik, Vladimir
On November 23rd, 2001 Vladimir Pasechnik, former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations, a component of the Soviet biowarfare
establishment, Biopreparat (->), died officially from a stroke. His death led to many different speculations.

(-> Alibek, Ken)

(-> Anthrax)
(-> death cases)

Passenger list
None of the official hijackers of the Sep11th-attack appeared on the original manifest of the passenger list.


Original manifests mirrored at:


Here are the official infos about these "hijackers". Many of the real identities are still alive.
The FBI ignored these facts during 2001-2002 and never updated their suspect list.

"Official Pilots":

Waleed Alshehri, AA11, North Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.
Believed to be a pilot, though first reports said, his brother might have been a pilot, too.
CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on him:
Possible confused identity with the son of a Saudi Arabian diplomat

Father Mohammad Alsheri said in a "20-20"- interview, Waleed had no flying experience.
Then he left for the first time in his live his town for a trip to Medina.
His father said, he had a strong sense of humour, was live loving, in contact with his father and called him in January 2001, 8 months before 911, he would
be "on his way home". He never called back.
His father never got an official visit by the FBI and learned from his son's death from the news and local newspapers.
Saudi Authrities told him, that they had no hard evidence, that his son was involved in the hijack.

Mohammad Atta, AA11, North Tower WTC
Name not on passenger list.
Believed to be the pilot of that plane.
Instead of thinking about committing suicide only, he officially applied for a student visa,
together with Marwan Al-Shehhi.
These visas arrived after a "bureaucratic backlog" in March 2001 at Al-Shehhis flight school Huffmann Aviation by Rudi Dekkers.

Author Daniel Hopsinker linked Huffmann Aviation to the CIA connected company
For odd reasons an AP story said, "On the form, filled out by a Huffman assistant, Atta's name is spelled "Mohomed."
Due to local reports Dekkers assistant who filled these visas out, Nicole Antini, was just then being sexually harassed by Rudi Dekkers, her beefy
middle-aged boss, according to a lawsuit for sexual harassment which Dekker’s was forced to settle recently for an undisclosed sum.

In 2001, the Mossad observed various muslim students, who trained at military flight schools, including Mohammad Atta and warned the CIA twice of a
possible terrorist attack.

Leaked to the european press in late 2002, early 2003, it came out, that Mohammad Atta was even observed since 1998 by german intelligence, regarding
his contacts (-> Darkanzali, Mamoun).

This fits with other articles on Darkanzali, who was in contact with some spanish suspects, which telephone had been tapped.

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In another article it was reported, that the CIA tried to hire Darkanzali as an informant.

Hani Hanjour, AA77, Pentagon
Name not on passenger list.
Believed to be the pilot of that plane. It was said, he held a commercial pilot's license that expired in October, 1999. It was stated, that Lotfi Raissi was his
flying teacher.
But Raissi,who was arrested in September 2001 in United Kingdom, was plead unguilty in February 2002 and is free again.

Marwan Al-Shehhi, UA 175, South Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.
Believed to be the pilot of that plane.
Instead of thinking about committing suicide only, he officially applied for a student visa.
These visas arrived after a "bureaucratic backlog" in March 2001 at Al-Shehhis flight school Huffmann Aviation.
Author Daniel Hopsicker linked Huffmann Aviation (->) to a CIA connected company

The accomplices:

Saeed Alghamdi, UA93, Pennsylvannia
Name not on passenger list.

CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on him:

"Identity is disputed"
The real Saeed Alghamdi said to newspaper Asharq Al Awsat,
he is still alive and pilot for Saudi Airlines.
Saudi Airlines said once it was considering legal action against the FBI for seriously damaging its reputation and that of its pilots.

Ahmad Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi, UA93, Pennsylvannia
Name not on passenger list.

Ahmed Alnami UA93, Pennsylvannia
Name not on passenger list.
Father Abdullah Alnami said to "20/20" (Barbara Walters) his son left home -
for the first time in his life — six months before the attacks, and believes, he is
Another Abdullah Alnami said (before the photos had been released!), he is administrative supervisor with Saudi Arabian Airlines and was in Riyadh when
the terrorists struck.

Ziad Samir Jarrah, UA93, Pennsylvannia
Name not on passenger list.
Believed to be the pilot of that plane.

Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad, UA 175, South Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.

Wail M. Alshehri, , AA11, North Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.

CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on him:

Possible confused identity with the son of a Saudi Arabian diplomat

Father thinks, he and his brother are innocent.

Satam M.A. Al Suqami, AA11, North Tower WTC
Name not on passenger list.

Abdulaziz Alomari, AA11, North Tower WTC
Name not on passenger list.

CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on Alomari:

"Identity is in dispute"

The real Abdulaziz Alomari is alive and an engineer with Saudi Telecoms and claims,
his passport was once stolen in Denver.
Another Abdulaziz Al Omari is pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines.

Khalid Almihdhar, AA77, Pentagon
Name not on passenger list.

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CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on him:

"May be an assumed name; there are reports he is still alive"

The real Khalid Al Midhar in fact said, he is alive.

Majed Moqed, AA77, Pentagon
Name not on passenger list.

Nawaf Alhazmi,AA77, Pentagon
Name not on passenger list.

Salem Alhazmi, AA77, Pentagon
Name not on passenger list.

CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on him:

"May be a a stolen identity"

The real Al-Hamzi is 26. In September 2001 he had just returned to work at a petrochemical complex in the industrial eastern city of Yanbou.

Ahmed Alghamdi, UA 175, South Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.

CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on him:

"Lost his driver's license in 1995 for failing to pay a traffic fine, ...Bought plane ticket on August 29 through the Internet using a Mailboxes Etc. address"

Hamza Alghamdi, UA 175, South Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.

Mohand Alshehri, UA 175, South Tower WTC.
Name not on passenger list.

CNN reported (-> Hijackers, alive) on Alsheri:

"Saudi Embassy has named Alshehri as a victim of mistaken identity"

It is claimed, that he communicated with other hijack plotters.

He once asked to use the Internet at a public library in Delray Beach, Florida.

ABC, 20/20

Passpord in the rubble

Sunday, September 16, 2001:

"...FBI Assistant Director Barry Mawn (->) did not disclose the name on the passport or other details, but the discovery prompted an intensive search for
evidence blocks from the towers that were brought down in Tuesday's terrorist attacks by two hijacked planes..."


ABC later revealed the owner of the passpord on Vesey Street,

which was located between the Twin Towers and Building 7.
It belonged to one of the official hijackers, Satam M. A. Al Suqami.
His name was not on the passenger list (->)


Due to some rumours, many people still believe, that the passpord belonged to Mohammad Atta.
This info was based on disinformation. However, many other people believe, that the passpord story was either fabricated or "well prepared".

The USA PATRIOT ACT stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism." It

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was enacted by Congress virtually without significant debate, without detailed committee reports, without a conference committee, and with little floor
commentary. Submitted just several days after the September 11 (2001) attacks, it was rushed through Congress at lightning speed for a statute of its size and

It passed the House on October 24, 2001 by a vote of 357 to 66, and passed the Senate the next day, October 25, 2002, by a vote of 98 to 1. It was signed into
law by President Bush the following day, October 26, and is now the law of the land.

(-> vanBergen, Jennifer, ->nogreaterthreat.com ,-> Michaels, C. William)

“On what legal meat does this our Caesar feed?” wrote New York Times Columnist William Safire as he blasted President Bush’s November 13 emergency
order permitting noncitizens the government has “reason to believe” are terrorists to be tried - inside the U.S - by military tribunals (->).

These trials may be held in secret and the prosecutors do not have to produce evidence if it is “in the interests of national security.” And the condemned may
then be executed “even if a third of the officers disagree.”

Safire categorized this as a “dictatorial power to jail or execute aliens.” Bush’s proclamation is a nullification of the 6th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
At the same time that Caesar Bush was announcing this edict the Justice Department was announcing – as reported in the AP on November 15 – that it will
not disclose the identities or status of more than 1,100 people arrested or detained since September 11th, nor will it continue to release a running tally of
those detained.

During 2002, over 25 US cities revolted against the US Patriot Act:

the Massachusetts cities of Cambridge, Northampton and Amherst and the township of Leverett, as well as the town of Carrboro, N.C., all passed resolutions
that call the USA Patriot Act a threat to the civil rights of the residents of their communities. In January 2003, San Francisco followed this initiative, which
was supported by Filmmaker Michael Moore (->), too.

Many independent investigators argue, that the Anthrax attack on the US Congress was synchronised with the debate on the Patriot Act to eliminate the
UPSP-way and a decision on the act.

The timing and targeting of the letters, the anthrax letters, suggests that the motivation of the perpetrators was to promote legislation, which was the USA
Patriot Act.

In 2002, a campaign against the PATRIOT ACT reached many US-Cities. In January 2003, The San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday passed a
resolution opposing the Patriot Act on the grounds it violates civil rights.
In March 2003, Union City, CA, became the 65th city to denounce the act.
PATRIOT 2-hidden draft

On February 7, 2003 the Center for Public Integrity, a non-partisan public interest think-tank in DC, revealed the full text of the Domestic Security
Enhancement Act of 2003 (Patriot Act II).
Whereas the First Patriot Act only gutted the First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and seriously damaged the Seventh and the Tenth, the Second Patriot
Act reorganizes the entire Federal government as well as many areas of state government under the dictatorial control of the Justice Department, the Office
of Homeland Security and the FEMA NORTHCOM military command. The Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, also known as the Second Patriot
Act is by its very structure the definition of dictatorship.

Created in August 2000 by Greater Things Ministry in Manti, UT.


Pavitt, James
James Pavitt is head of the CIA's clandestine service.

After german media revealed in January 2003, that german intelligence was observing Mohammad Atta and his "fellows" since 1998, he still insisted, that
they could not have prevented the hijacked plane strikes "that day":

"The fact is despite everything we did, we and the rest of our government were unable to uncover the tactical information -- the who, the where, the how,
and the when -- that might have given us a clearer picture of this deadly conspiracy"

(-> early warnings)

(->Abbott, Don)

Peaceful Tomorrows
Most popular group of the 911-Victims (->), supported by Stephen Push.
In January 2003, some of the members of Peaceful Tomorrows, arrived in Iraq to protest a possible war on "helpless residents".

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Pearl, Daniel
Investigative journalist of Wall Street Journal, who was killed in Pakistan in 2001.
(-> )
As many independent journalists found out, Saeed Sheikh (->), who was arrested, had ties to the ISI (->), Pakistan's secret service.
They all got support on February 21st, 2003, by Seymour Hersh, respected journalist on Bill Moyers NOW, when Hersh said: "There's no question he has
some connection. There's no question he had some deep standing-- long standing connection to Pakistani intelligence".
Source: http://www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcript_hersh.html

Pelosi, Alexandra
In March 2002, filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi released a documentary, which "followed Bush on the campaign trail for one of the American networks".

Pelosi claimed, that "the White House initially tried to rubbish her film and her methods - falsely claiming she had told the Bush team her footage was for
private use only - but changed tack when they realised the attendant publicity would serve only to increase public curiosity."


Her documentary "Journeys with George" includes footage of a 18-month trip around the United States as part of the press corps following George W. Bush:

"One summer afternoon we flew from Austin to New York City. Bush spoke at a radio talk-show convention and I took a cab to my apartment to get new
clothes. Bush finished his speech early and the motorcade left midtown without me. I was stuck in traffic on the West Side Highway and Bush's plane was
leaving JFK in 15 minutes. I pulled over, ran up the highway, jumped in a helicopter, and asked the pilot to fly to JFK. The airspace around Bush's plane was
closed and the Secret Service was on the ground waving at us to fly away. The pilot told me he was being warned not to land."


Pelosi, Nancy
Mother of Alexandra Pelosi and new House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, since Dick Gephardt resigned after the 2002 election.
Received a copy of the CIA memo to George Bush on August 6th, 2001.

(-> Bush knew)

Pelton, Robert Young

Author of "The World's Most Dangerous Places," accusing the United States of killing "thousands and thousands" of people in Afghanistan.
Pelton who "discovered" John Walker (->), also known as American Taliban, handed him over to the US forces, but doubted that Al-Qaeda ever existed or
was as big terrorist organization as the US government and media describe it.

He made these observations during an interview with Mark Scheffler which was published by salon.com.

Pelton said, “we created a bogeyman called al-Qaida, which is sort of similar to the term "Mafia," sort of an all-encompassing term.
Pelton suggested that the United States should fight against Pakistan and Saudi Arabia where the people and the governments are helping the terrorists

Penn, Sean
Popular filmstar, who decided to visit Iraq to stop the war.
In October 2002, Penn released a full page-advertisment in the Washington Post.
In December 2003, Penn visited Iraq for 3 days:

"...Actor Sean Penn on Friday weighed in on the international debate over a possible war with Iraq, paying for a $56,000 advertisement in the Washington
Post accusing U.S. President George W. Bush of stifling debate and threatening civil liberties.

In an open letter to Bush taking up most of a page in the top section of the daily newspaper, the Oscar-nominated star of "I Am Sam" and "Dead Man
Walking," urged the president to stop a cycle where "bombing is answered by bombing, mutilation by mutilation, killing by killing."
"I beg you, help save America before yours is a legacy of shame and horror," Penn wrote, echoing voices of caution from around the world that have called
for a measured response to allegations Iraq is developing weapons of mass destruction.
The letter was signed "Sincerely, Sean Penn, San Francisco, California." A spokesman for the Washington Post confirmed that it was placed by the
Hollywood celebrity, who has starred in more than 40 movies.

Quoting Bush's declaration that the world was either "with us or against us" in the war on terrorism launched after the September 11, 2001, attacks, Penn, 42,
said Bush was marginalizing critics, manipulating the media and promoting fear.
Those actions and "your administration's deconstruction of civil liberties all contradict the very core of the patriotism you claim," wrote Penn.
"Sacrificing American soldiers or innocent civilians in an unprecedented preemptive attack on a separate sovereign nation may well prove itself a most
temporary medicine," he said..."

Sean Penn takes on Bush over Iraq (Friday, October 18, 2002)

On December 13th, 2002, Sean Penn started a 3-day trip in Baghdad,

which was organized by the Institute of Public Accuracy.

"I would hope that all Americans will embrace information available to them outside conventional channels," the 42-year-old actor said in a statement.

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"As a father, an actor, a filmmaker and a patriot, my visit to Iraq is for me a natural extension of my obligation to find my own voice on matters of

The State Department refused to comment on Penn's trip.


Centerport, Kissinger Associates, http://www.kissingerassoc.com
New Baltimore/ ? , Flt 93 debris (two)
Schenksville/Somerset, Flt 93 debris (one)

(-> Flight93.com)

The Pentagon—a building, institution, and symbol—was conceived at the request of Brigadier General Brehon B. Sommervell, Chief of the Construction
Division of the Office of the Quartermaster General, on a weekend in mid-July 1941.
The groundbreaking ceremony took place on September 11, 1941.
The first occupants moved in 29 April 1942.

Height of building (ft.) 77' 3.5"


The Pentagon was one of the safest buildings in the world for 60 years until it was attacked on September 11th, 2001 at exactly the same part, which was just

(-> Controlled Cleanup)

There was no explanation as why the building wasn't evacuated, when the Twin Towers got hit and 2 planes still got hijacked.

(-> Clarke, Veronica)


All Pentagon-links on attack of Sep11th


'Black Boxes' Found at Pentagon Crash Site


Alleged Terrorist Airliner Attack Targets Pentagon


Myers and Sept. 11: "We Hadn't Thought About This"


(-> Pentagon, simulated Crash)

(-> Tricare Exercise)

(-> Pentagon-Collapse)
(-> Pentagon-Crash)
(-> Pentagon-Hole)

(-> Pentagon, missing money)

Pentagon-Warning Sep10th

The Pentagon attack included a crash, a collapse, some unexplained holes in the Building, many different oddities, irregularities and coincidences in the
official story, which didn't point on incompetence:

1) AMEC (same company, who renovated same wing, which was later hit, got in charge for cleanup)
2) ARAMARK-connections to Pentagon
3) A pentagon miniature building which was part of a terror exercise in October 2000
4) Tricare exercise in May 2001 (same team was first at Pentagon, too)
5) Lotfi Raissi wasn't the flight teacher of Hani Hanjour, Hanjour was on a CIA watch-list and observed by FBI informant (and ex-CIA muhjahadeen
fighter) Aukai Collins
6) No real DNA-results on any victim, all came into crematorium
7) Irregularities in the story of Ted Olsen on the phone call of Barbara Olsen
8) The 360 degrees maneouvre by the pilot of the Pentagon plane
9) No evacuation at the Pentagon, instead of intercepting the plane a stand-down order etc..
10) Staged pictures of one part of debris, which "moved" to different spots
11) Sec camera shows different colors of flame, shooting time to fast

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The biggest and most popular supporter, that not a real AA77 hit the Pentagon.
(but a missile or a plane working as a missile or both)

Eric Bart
Dick Eastman (->)
Hunt the Boeing
Painful Questions
Silent But Deadly
(-> Plane Relocate Speculation)

Biggest Anti-Supporter (or Disinfo agents on purpose) of No-AA77 possibility:

LARED, Vincent Vega, Sarah Roberts aka Anablep, Mike Rivero,
Brian Quig, Bolobuffin, John Judge, Ron Harvey.

The September 11th Attack on the Pentagon (Pictures, links etc...)

Following specialists contributed to a summary on the collapse of the crash and collapse of the Pentagon:

Dick Eastman (->), Eric Hufschmidt (->), Gerard Holmgren (->) , ENDIMION, Plaguepuppy (->) and some unmentioned sources for various reasons.
(Please check out the references to them for further analysis)

Possible Conclusions:
1) Other than AA77 hit the building
2) remote-controlled plane hit the building
3) missile hit the building
4) collapse forced by other than plane
5) passengers "killed" somewhere else

(-> Olsen, Barbara)

The supporters of the Non-Crash at the Pentagon analysed the possibility, that Flight 77 was rerouted and landed at Reagan International, while a fighter with
a small missile hit the Pentagon.

Reagan Airport is less than two miles away from the Pentagon.

In case of a crash into the Pentagon, Flight 77 would most likely have missed the target.
It was a proven fact, that control tower people remarked that the
performance of the blip they were following was that of a jet fighter.

Another fact is, that early photos before the "collapse" like of Emmanuel Ratier (Le Monde) showed that the the lawn was not dusty or any light poles or
light bulbs had been destroyed.

The best analysis sources on the Pentagon Crash:

Investigative updates from APFN (->).


Democratic Underground (DU)- 911-Terrorist Folder:

Democratic Underground - Post Your Pentagon Crash QUESTIONS Here!!!!

(Part 1) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/4566.html
(Part 2) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5067.html
(Part 3) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5103.html
(Part 4) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5290.html
(Part 5) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5368.html

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(Part 6) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5394.html
(Part 7) http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID43/5585.html

"This french book":

In early 2002, a french book and website at asile.org (->)

failed to win his mission to "hunt the boeing".
Many 911Skeptics discussed, if the author was even manipulated by US-disinfo agents to distract the 911Skeptic scene.

Gerard Holmgren and his analysis on the eye-witnesses

Finally, a much deeper and more convincing analysis by Gerard Holmgren (->) in October 2002 helped to combine the final dots on the Pentagon Crash.

The official version made no sense anymore.

The Pentagon-crash analysts located a few fake pictures or staged photos, which are listed at:

http://www.geocities.com/killtown/ http://www.geocities.com/killtown/http://amigaphil.planetinternet.be/PentagonCrash.html
http://www2.hawaii.edu/~julianr. "A government hack, but nice site". http://www2.hawaii.edu/~julianr.http://www.bosankoe.btinternet.co.uk/

Other sources:

Many victims from AA77 had direct or indirect military connections:

Calley, Suzanne (CISCO)

Flagg, Wilson "Bud" (retired Navy admiral and retired American Airlines pilot)
Hall, Stanley (director of program management with Raytheon Co.)
Jack, Bryan (senior executive at the Defense Department)
Jacoby, Steven D. "Jake" (Metrocall Inc., a wireless data and messaging company)
Keller, Chandler Raymond "Chad" (Project Manager with Boeing Satellite Systems)
Robert Penniger, BAE (connected with Saudi/Bin Laden brother accounts)
Ploger III, Robert R (software architect with Lockheed Martin Corp. )
Raines, Lisa J. (a Lobbyist for Genzyme, a biotechnology company)
Ruben Ornedo, 39, of Los Angeles (propulsion engineer with Boeing Co. )
Taylor, Leonard (technical manager at XonTech, a research and development firm specializing in sensor technologies for defense and industry)
Yamnicky, John D. (worked on the development of the F/A-18 fighter jet)
Yancey, Vicki ( former naval electronics technician, worked for a defense contracting company)

Inside the Pentagon "only" nine employees of defense agencies died.
Three army contractors worked for Booz-Allen (->) :

Furthermore, Ernie Willche worked for the Army General Counsel.

Terry Lynch worked more than 15 years for Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.)

Full list of Pentagon victims:


More sources on Flight Data and Cockpit Voice Recorder:

"...searchers found the flight data and cockpit voice recorders in the wreckage of the plane that hit the Pentagon on Tuesday, Sep. 11. The recorders are in
the possession of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The National Transportation Safety Board is providing technical assistance in reading the data on the
recorders, which are currently at the NTSB laboratory in Washington, D.C.

Devils Advocate NZL, DU analysis on Time Discrepancies of Attack and Security Cam Video:
"The plane was moving at 1.25 miles per second, that's over 400 feet per frame of video capture at a given 15 frames per second. The time of the video tape
is off probably for the same reasons.
The images cover a span of four one-hundredths of a second.

That can't be right! At that rate, the security camera would be taking 125 frames per second! Movies are 24 frames per second and TV is 30 frames per
second. Why the hell would a security camera have a framerate of 4-5 times that of movie and television?
They must mean that each image itself covers a span of 4/100ths of a second, giving a total 2/10ths of a second for the entire sequence.

If the captions document the date and time it was catalogued, why does the clock part read:
(1) 17:37:19
(2) 17:37:19
(3) 17:37:21
(4) 17:37:22
(5) 17:37:23

Officials could not immediately explain why the date typed near the bottom of each photograph is Sept. 12 and the time is written as 5:37 p.m. The attack
happened at about 9:37 a.m. on Sept. 11. Officials said it was possible that the date and time were added the day after the attack when they may have been

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catalogued for investigative purposes..."

CNN wrote that "at 9:43 a.m., a hijacked Boeing 757 slammed into part of the 29-acre complex used by uniformed and civilian employees of the U.S.
military", while Associated Press wrote it was about 9:37 a.m.

The Pentagon was renovated at exactly the same wing, which was hit. Just a "coincidence"?
(-> Controlled Cleanup)

Where did the Debris go?

Mr. Walker Lee Evey, Pentagon renovation program manager
(Thursday, March 7, 2002 - 11:02 a.m. EST):

Q: Where did all that debris go?

Evey: It went to a landfill in King George County. We went to King George County and talked to them, outlined our program, described what we were
doing, why we needed to do it and what was involved in the recovery effort. King George County, Virginia

The aircraft approached the building from the west side at very low altitude, just skimming across the heliport side of the building, entered Wedge One
adjacent to Radial Corridor 4, traveled at about a 45 degree angle through the building toward Radial Corridor 5, and it went through the areas underneath
Rings E, D and C.
That we've undertaken to repair the building is first what we called the Phoenix Project. The Phoenix Project is that portion of the building that had to be
demolished and then rebuilt, reconstructed. And that area is fairly large in size. It turned out ultimately to be about 400,000 square feet of building that we
had to demolish.
Q: What were you doing for the Air Force?
Evey: My background is contracting. I was a contracts person in the Air Force.

Pentagon lied first on Security Cam on Sep11th:

"....The Pentagon confirmed in September 2001, that their security camera didn't capture the crash.
So which camera did shoot the pictures, which had been released two weeks ago?
It wasn't the camera from the hotel close to the Pentagon.
http://www.gertzfile.com/ring092101.html ..."

September 21, 200

"..A security camera atop a hotel close to the Pentagon may have captured dramatic footage of the hijacked Boeing 757 airliner as it slammed into the
western wall of the Pentagon. Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video as part of its

The NEXCOMM camera captured the Pentagon crash:

"...Security cameras at a NEXCOM-operated gas station recorded the Sept. 11 crash of a hijacked passenger airliner into the Pentagon, Navy sources have
The security tape, which sources said clearly shows the American Airlines jet ploughing into the building and exploding, was turned over to the FBI.
The gas station is located on a hill south of the Pentagon. Its security camera is aimed to record cars coming and going from the gas pumps. The angle of the
camera gives a clear view of the side of the Pentagon where the 757 jet hit, sources said.
The tape’s existence has not been discussed publicly by military officials or federal investigators...."

This Nexcom gas station , owned by venezuelan Citgo, pumps since May 2000 compressed natural gas and E-85, an ethanol-gasoline mixture.
Sherri Wasserman Goodman, deputy undersecretary of defense for environmental security

The second security cam:


The undestroyed stool in the destroyed wing:


The artistic 360 degree turn:


Hani Hanjour-the official Pentagon-hijacker pilot:

"...by August 2001 he was still "unable to fly solo". Marcel Bernard the chief flight instructor at the Bowie's Maryland Freeway Airport, said that though 600
hours of flying was listed in Hanjour's logbook, they were surprised that he couldn't fly better despite his experience. Yet this is the same man the FBI would
have us believe has flown a Boeing 757 "with extraordinary skill" and crash it into the Pentagon less than a month later..."
(-> Hani Hanjour)
(-> Raissi, Lotfi)

2MuchBS' thoughts on different colors in the Pentagon video:

"The first explosion in these pics has a bright yellow color, and the rest of the shots show a orange color more relative to a jet fuel explosion? The first shot
of this explosive flash would be difficult for an explosives expert to refer to as a jet fuel explosion. Bright yellow color is the result of a well balanced
oxidation process. Also notice that a few pieces of debris were reflected away from the crash, but were super heated. And their momentum was quickly
dissipated. How come the peices of plane weve been shown had no heat damage?"

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And another good compilation of Pentagon info:


Steve Riskus Pentagon pictures from Sep11th:

10:42 AM (2 pictures), 10:43 AM (14 pictures)
Steve Riskus (->) Website was created on September 10th, 2001 and originally planned as a skater-website.

Amigaphils Questions:

Some of the unanswered questions:

Why was the grass near the pentagon impact, in near perfect shape, when the
GIF shows it had touched the ground several hundred feet before impact
with the pentagon?

How did the craft get around the huge electrical wire spools that were directly in
its path, and in front of the pentagon face?
Why was there a bright yellow flash upon impact, followed by a typical Jet fuel
fire of the appropriate orange color?
What piece of wrecked aircraft could have caused the clean hole deep in the
inner rings of the pentagon?
If this piece was an engine, why not 2 holes?
Are there large weapons on top of the Pentagon poised to shoot down hostile
aircraft? Or not?

Gerard Holmgrens (->) research on all "witnesses":


Reference to Operation Northwoods (->):

"...On one such flight, a pre-briefed pilot would fly tail-end Charley at considerable interval between aircraft. While near the Cuban Island this pilot would
broadcast that he had been jumpedby MIGs and was going down. No other calls would be made. The pilot would then fly directly west at extremely low
altitude and land at a secure base, an Elgin auxiliary. The aircraft would be met by the proper people, quickly stored and given a new tail number. The pilot
who had performed the mission under an alias, would resume his proper identity and return to his normal place of business. The pilot and aircraft would then
have disappeared..."

Hoaxbuster's speculation:
Did the Pentagon just "add" two attacks (Flight 93 shutdown, Flight 77 Relocate and Missile into the Pentagon) while having prior knowlegde or the blueprint
at all?

Other sources:

The very first photo, before any fireman arrived on the lawn:

Emmanuel Ratier’s Letter of Confidential Information - Faits & Documents - undertook a special investigation into the official version of the attack against
the Pentagon on 11 September 2001. It was published on 1 March, eight days before the publication of Thierry Meyssan’s book, 11 September 2001.
L’effroyable imposture [translated as The Big Lie in the English edition], which sold more than 170,000 copies in three weeks and which was recently
reviewed by us
(Resurrection no 16, April 2002, p. 24-26).

Emmanuel Ratier published a document on the Internet on 18 October, one month after the attacks. On 21 March, it was in fact to him that Le Monde and
Actualité juive gave first prize for this incredible news, illustrated with a series of photographs entitled: No plane crashed into the Pentagon. As surprises go,
it was indeed a surprise! Incredible? One has only to examine the AFP photo, above, to understand that it is the pure and simple truth: it stares one in the
The photograph was taken in the first minutes of the fire. Firetrucks are on the scene, but as yet these vehicles have not gone into action. Moreover, the
upper floors of the building are yet to collapse.

Now, there is no trace of significant debris, no engine, no black box, no undercarriage. Nothing! And yet, according to the official version, a Boeing
757-200, an air freighter with a wingspan of 38.05 m, a length of 47.30 m, a height of 13 m and a weight of 100 tons, struck the ground and first floors of the
front of the building, hedge-hopping as it approached, flying just a few metres above the ground at a minimum speed of 400 km per hour, without knocking
down a single streetlamp or even causing any damage to the magnificent lawn in the foreground, the car park, or the helipad.

Was Ratiers picture "photoshopped"?

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Official Pentagon-Pilot Hani Hanjour ignored in a Top 20

"Web of Terror"-Graphic,
while Atta, Jarrah and Al-Shehhi is "No.8-10".

The Pentagon investigation, though still sensitive and systematically interrupted by disinfo wannabee agents, continued at DU.
Between September 2002 and December 2002 Pt.3-5.

New analysis by Gerard Holmgren (->) • Friday October 25, 2002



Eric Hufschmidt (->)

Martin Doutre
and demodewd regard this hole as
merely the portion of the facade which was unfinished at the time
of the attack.

Bolobuffin, DU on Limestones:
"...Look at these pictures of the current renovation work at the Pentagon.
The first limestone in the new facade was placed on February 25, 2002.
The facade is listed as 80% complete on May 14, THREE MONTHS LATER..."

Disinfo-"agents" on Pentagon-Collapse?:
Anablep (->) aka Sarah Roberts, LARED (ex-Mediawhores), Vincent Vega, Bolobuffin

From an DU(->) Pentagon-discussion thread:

"...Astaneh-Asl has uncovered pieces of structural steel that bear gouge marks - material removed as the Boeing 767s tore through the buildings. One
column shows the impact of what Astaneh-Asl believes to be AN AIRPLANE WING SLICING THROUGH THE STEEL; another, the curve of a plane's
(One estimate clocked the impact speed of the jetliners at 300 miles/480 kilometers per hour.)

Asteneh-Asl’s examination of the debris found that steel flanges, once an inch thick, became paper-thin after the disaster. He reportedly found PIECES OF
TO HAVE BEEN SLICED BY AN AIRPLANE WING, and another by the plane's nose. Asteneh-Asl is also part of a team assembled by the American
Society of Civil Engineers to investigate the trade center site and reconstruct the failure of the buildings
Professor of Civil Engineering
The University of California at Berkeley
http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/News/News1-0112.html ..."

Demodewd Questions:
"...What happens to the fuselage/nose after it intersects the floor column between the two floors? Which floor is it actually on?
Does it grind its way through the floor/ceiling?
How does the nose sustain structural integrity through 3 buildings and a assortment of columns?
How does the nose find its way through the back wall of the first floor of the C ring?
Why is there no observable burned area at the far left corner of the E-Ring blast area and yet there is evident blast destruction?
Why is there a blasted out hole in the recessed area where the right wing of a 757 supposedly hit and yet the wing could have hit only the projected
Why is there profound damage at the more extreme right wing end and none closer in above the second floor column?
Why is the blast so obviously devastating in the left wing section as to being so apparently weaker in the right wing area?
Wouldn't the observable buckled columns attain that status because of the increased weight put on them from those columns that have been eliminated?
Why is the left wing of the plane graphic that displays its immediate approach to the building disproportionately high?
Wouldn't the engine actually be scraping the ground?
Where is the rubble? Is there facade rubble observable?
Wouldn't I see rubble splattered on the cars in front of the far left side of the blasted out area?
If this was a 757 was it remotely controlled?
Is it humanly possible to navigate a 757 in this manner when you are a commercial jet flying novice?
Why would the hijackers elect to fly in such a dangerous and unpredictable manner?
Why would they choose to crash into the West Wing?...the most up to date fortified section of the entire building?
Why wouldn't the pilot just nose dive into the center of the Pentagon...what a logistical nightmare that would have been!"

Witness accounts of debris on Ron Harvey's website- the "moving debris": http://www.dragonslair.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/77/ffdd.html

"...The Infamous piece of debris that supposedly comes from the letter C or A from the AA logo is about 5 feet long, the painted part of which is less than
half of that, yet the lettering of AA logos on their 757s are just over 4 feet wide. Care to explain how this can be possible? Did AA paint smaller lettering on
this one plane or is it a case of, Honey, I shrunk the Airliner?
The pictures from airliner.net allow for a much better comparison of the relative sizes. Taking the door on the plane to be 6', it a screen rez of 1024*768, it
measures approx. 36mm high by 18mm wide the letter n measures approx. 17mm by 17mm, which is approx. 50% of the height of the door. So if the lettering
is approx. 3' wide the size still doesnt match up to the piece of wreckage.

Military photographer from the Pentagon:

Navy Lt. Commander David Tarantino

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Lt. Kevin Schaeffer from the Navy Command Center

ARFF Captain Michael Defina
Rep. Ted Tiahrt
LTC Victor Correa

CM Sgt. John Monaccio's report:

"I was in room 1B461. Firefighters Carlton Burkhammer and Brian Moravitz "spotted an intact seat from the plane’s cockpit with a chunk of the floor still
attached." Burkhammer also "spotted lime-green pieces from the interior of the plane" within the building.

The fireball analysis of Montalk:

There is security camera footage which shows the fireball develop, but not the plane. The claim is that the four frames cover 4/100s of a second which is not
what one would expect from any normal type of video equipment, and would be especially silly for a security camera.
This site thinks it's wrong too:

Holes in the building:

From an DU-analysis on the mysterious hole:

"...Then you have a picture of a wall with a circular hole in it. There is smoke damage on the top of the hole. Yet and still there appears to be paper and
other flamables carefully poured out of that orifice. They are not wet. The heat in that general area was supposedly so intense as to burn all the paint off the
aircraft debris, leaving only the green primer.

The cables within the cavity are pulled OUT of the hole.
Yet the aircraft is supposed to have gone INTO that hole with considerable force..."

Army press release noted back on 26 September 2001,

one engine of the aircraft punched a 12-foot hole through the wall of the second ring:

"...On the inside wall of the second ring of the Pentagon, a nearly circular hole, about 12-feet wide, allows light to pour into the building from an internal
service alley. An aircraft engine punched the hole out on its last flight after being broken loose from its moorings on the plane. The result became a huge
vent for the subsequent explosion and fire. Signs of fire and black smoke now ring the outside of the jagged-edged hole.


Plaguepuppy's (->) reponse:

"I'm not surprised that they would claim that an engine had made those holes but neither an engine or the nose of the plane would be dense enough to
penetrate two entire buildings. A number of pictures show cleanly punched out holes, ~12' in dia., passing completely through the B and C rings, but ending
between C and D. Not to bore you with calculations but the needed density (the kinetic energy is proportional to velocity squared x mass) is far beyond that
of the plane or an engine. But a large depleted uranium warhead, the type used in "bunker buster" devices, would do the job nicely."

Demodewd's Missile conclusion (DU->):

"...The missile comes in at a 45 degree angle through the first floor and penetrates three rings blowing out numerous columns on the north side of the crash
area. The F-16 comes in (crashing into the second floor) at a smaller angle loaded with explosives and a jet fuel fire splatters the Pentagon facade and

Dick Eastmans (->) thoughts on Reagan Airport:

On October 12th, 2001, Rumsfeld mentioned "a missile" right after the attack:

"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar
(inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center."


Pentagon Mass Casuality Exercise

(-> Pentagon, simulated crash)
(-> Terror Exercises)

(-> National Center for Simulation)

Pentagon, missing money

In early 2002, "a report came off the wires informing us that the Department of Defense was unable to account for $2.3 trillion dollars - or fully one-quarter
of its budget(this past decade). This would be "unable to account for" as in "gone," "missing," "misplaced."

...And this has been going on for years. The military routinely loses weapons and supplies the way most of us civilians lose socks in the dryer. In June of
1999, for example, Defense Week reported that, "at last count the Navy had no record of receiving nearly $1 billion worth of 'ammunition, arms and

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explosives that the service knew had been shipped.'" $112 million of same had apparently been "in transit" for over six months..."

Where did the money go?
Carol Schiffler

In an interesting coincidence, in December 2002 NewsMax reported, that the War against Iraq will cost $2 trillion, due to a study by American Academy of
Arts and Sciences

Pentagon, simulated crash

(Originally released on Ground Zero Forum NYC-> in 2002)

The Pentagon was worried, since at least seven years, that they would be target of a terrorist attack,
therefore the incompetence theory (->) seemed to be bogus.

In a 1993 study they compiled a panel of 41 intelligence/security experts that included former ranking CIA, FBI, State Department and Rand Corporation
officials, as well as an ex-KGB general and Israeli intelligence agent.

Then in November 2000, they finally simulated a crash with some planes on a miniature model of the Pentagon.



On this website you can read the following info:

"...The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight.
Army medics, nurses and doctors scramble to organize aid. An Arlington Fire Department chief dispatches his equipment to the affected areas.

Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon was a model and the "plane
crash" was a simulated one...."
Don Abbott is responsible for Emergency Response Training at the efilmgroup who who works on emergency videos and produced "ICS" (=Incident
Command System) .

Efilmgroup is also known as Institute of Makers of Explosives and Emergency Film Group.
"I.C.S." is a 25-minute program designed for law enforcement, firefighters, emergency managers, emergency medical personnel, government agencies, the
military, security, and facility management personnel who may respond to incidents or be involved in joint response operations
One of their committee members was New Yorks Fire Department Chief Donald Burns, who later tragically died in the Twin Towers.

Other specialists included Tom Abbott, Tempe Fire Dept. ("Anthrax Threats"), Manny Aljazireh, Refinery Fire Chief (Bomb Threat), Bob Andrews,
Industrial Emergency Services (Petroleum Storage Tanks) , Maria Duazo (Fun With Chemistry), Rick Emery (Anthrax Threats) or Jerry Grey, HazTech
Systems (Hazardous Waste, Inorganic Oxidizers etc..) and many many more.

Don Abbott used the FEMA and CERT-softwares FDonScene and PDonScene by Fieldsoft.

CERT training revolves around "Abbottville", a 12-foot by 18-foot training tool that is an HO scale diorama, built by Division Chief (retired) Don Abbot.

The tabletop town is used to teach fire, law enforcement, emergency medical, and other emergency response personnel. Actual fire, smoke, chemicals, and
background noise are used during training exercises (->) to simulate as closely as possible, real life situations and distractions faced by emergency response
personnel and incident commanders.

Division Chief Abbott and Bev Abbott planned to use FDonScene to monitor exercise events real time and prompt students to take key actions pertaining to
strategy mode evaluation and responder accountability
Basically, FDonScene is an automated COTS tool (commercial off-the-shelf software) that actively facilitates control and coordination of people,
procedures, events, and other resources with the touch of a finger.

Coincidentally, a new trial software of FDonScene was installed in time on the morning of September 11th.
In a report on the Fieldsoft website, you can read, how it was used:
"...Over 700 victims passed through the Atlantic Highlands Ferry Port in New Jersey following the September 11, 2001 WTC attack. Two fire departments,
three local police departments, as well as representatives from county, state, and federal agencies were on hand to assess and assist the victims as they
embarked. Emergency units on the scene included 40 ambulances, an FD communications unit, a decontamination unit, and 10 pieces of fire apparatus. A
communications unit member on scene at the Port, who had seen a ninety minute demonstration of the software a few days earlier, brought a trial copy of
FDonScene on line and used it to track people, resources, and events. A second person watched how the software was being used, and took over operation
of it a few hours later. Overall, the software was operated successfully for 14 hours....."

President Bush was familiar with FdonScene because it was first endorsed by the Texas Fire Chiefs Association while he was governor (1998). And, as the
FieldSoft brochure mentions, "FieldSoft has engineered software necessary to integrate FDonScene with a consequence management system under

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development by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)." So this is definitely a program well known to and used by the military, too.

Skip Trudo of NJ Field Communications, an Emergency Vehicles company explained on their website, how FDonScene came into action on September 11th:

"In the Comm Unit, we were joined by Firefighter Eric Tantarelli, who had left his civilian job to see if he could help. He was assigned to maintain the
incident log. We had an evaluation copy of Fieldsoft's FDonScene, an ICS personnel accountability software product, which proved to be a great asset.
Eric recorded everything for the next 14 hours, taking only one (forced) dinner break! We eventually had 19 single-spaced pages of time-stamped,
chronological log."
If this operation was only a lucky coincidence for the important development of this program has to be found out.

However it is strange, that FEMA (->) spokesman Tom Kennedy confirmed in an interview with Dan Rather (CBS) that they already arrived on monday,
which means September 10th.
This irritating detail was never investigated again. Did the FEMA arrive in time because of prior knowledge?
And what about the Pentagon, who was on High Alert on September 10th as well and told their employees not to take any planes on the next day?

Fieldsoft was founded by Mark Bouchard in 1997 to develop simulation software for Biological Warfare, Dept. of Defense , DARPA and "tactical

Bouchard is connected with the META Group, too.

"Before joining META Group in June 1996, Mr. Bouchard was the plant electrical engineer at General Chemical and served as an officer in the U.S. Navy
for five years. Mr. Bouchard has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"

One of the members of the board of the MetaGroup is Harry S. Gruner, who worked until 1992 at Alex Brown's (->) Information Technology Group, a
company which is specialized in advising software and information services companies, and connected to Alex Brown Deutsche Bank.

Gruner is executive at Transcentive, a stock plan management software


Another META-member is Joseph R. Hardiman, who served as the president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Securities Dealers,
Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., from September 1987 through January 1997.
Hardiman joined Alex Brown in 1975 and holds a BS degree in computer science from the State University of New York at Albany.

META Group knew 911 insider trader Tony Elgindy (-> Insider Trading).
Elgindy wrote in a report of 1997, when he was chief equity analyst at Key West securities,
which included a "warning" for Jyra Research, Key West has initiated JYRA
with a "Manipulated and Overvalued" sell recommendation.

At that time, so the report, JYRA had "over 6.2 million shares outstanding, revenues almost
non-existent; and apparent Internet fraud running rampant in the
stock, coupled along with the company's inability to justify a
market capitalization of over 200 million"
As reported by Bloomberg and mentioned in the Key West Research
Report, JYRA continued to deceive the public through false
statements and trickery, and recent reports allegedly written by
seemingly credible analysts and research houses are, in fact,

Then on August 20th of the same year, Jyra Research Inc. shares
fell 24 percent "after the computer research firm Meta Group Inc.
said it didn't write a report that Jyra touted"

At that time Meta Executive Vice President Joe Gottlieb told

Bloomberg News the report was produced by another company and
distributed by Meta.

The story about Don Abbott, the simulated Pentagon crash in late 2000 and the connection of to the Sep11th attacks had been never picked up by any
mainstream papers.

Parts of this story from May 19th from 2:16 a.m

had been picked up at mediawhoresonline.com and indymedia-sites.
and mirrored here:

Pentagon, Tricare Exercise

(-> Tricare Exercise)

Pentagon-Warning Sep10th
"On Sept. 10, (2001) NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because
of security concerns."


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PENTTBOM is an technical effort, which was established in late September 2001 by the FBI, the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC).
NIPC director Ronald Dick told a group of House lawmakers Sept. 26, 2001:

"During the past two weeks, the NIPC has provided detailed information used to brief the National Command Authority about how the terrorist cells of Sept.
11 used technology to further their murderous activities".

President Clinton established the NIPC in 1998 to coordinate response to and investigation of cyberattacks and other security incidents across federal, state,
local and private-sector groups. The center's Special Technologies and Applications Unit, which usually provides technical expertise to track computer
intrusions, is providing that assistance for the PENTTBOM team through a newly established Cyber Crisis Action Team.

Earlier in 2001, the NIPC created its Interagency Coordination Cell, which helps resolve conflicts between the many federal agencies involved in cyber

People Zapper
Secret US Weapon (->).

Perle, Richard
From an older GROUND ZERO Forum article, originally released at Scoop:

"It was only a matter of time before we could expect the events of last week.."
Richard Perle, September 2001

Richard Perle had one big reason to let the Sep11th attack happen: A war against Iraq.

The war against the Taliban was only a warmup to achieve this goal as it now seems to be.
There has been no single day, when he didn't promote this anti-Iraq plan since Sept 11th, and he used every possibility to promote his ideas long time before
Sept 11th.

Perle is currently Head of the Defense Policy Board, Department of Defense which advises the Pentagon.
He was promoting the famous "axis of evil" long time before Bush did:

On August 6th, 2001 Perle said:

"...We're concerned about Saddam Hussein, we're concerned about the North Koreans, about some future Iranian government that may have the weapon
they're now trying so hard to acquire - we're in a unique position as the sole super power.."

Richard Perle’s career started when at the age of 25, when he worked for Sen. Henry (Scoop) Jackson under Richard Nixon. Later he worked for the
Israeli weapons firm Soltam.
Perle is manipulating the media and was one of the first, who supported the October Anthrax-Iraq theory.

He learned his first skills as assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration.
Richard Perle then became a represantative of the so called NeoCons.
"...’Neoconservatives’ are mostly former leftists/liberals who converted to conservatism during the '70's and when Ronald Reagan became President. In
domestic policy they tend to be moderate ‘welfare’ Republicans. However, their major concern is foreign policy. They strongly favor US military
interventions overseas and becoming the world’s policeman. They promoted the first Iraq War and are constantly the instigators for more confrontation with
Iraq, Iran, the Sudan, and other Moslem states. They were among the chief instigators of the Kosovo War. In Washington ‘neocon’ views dominate the
major networks' Sunday talk shows.”

They are specifically represented by Richard Perle, Bill Kristol & Richard Brooks (WEEKLY STANDARD), Paul Wolfowitz, Fred Barnes, Morton
Kondracke, Charles Krauthammer, Frank Gaffney (former aid to Richard Perle and WASHINGTON TIMES columnist), Robert Kagan (Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace), columnist Cal Thomas, a dispensationalist, and many others.
Neoconservatives are the dominant force over establishment Republicans in Congress.

Their top base among think tanks is the AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE ( a policy paper in January, 2001, urged American attacks on Iran, Iraq,
Libya, Syria, and Gaza.

Perle has always had complex interests. Perle is known as the "Prince of Darkness", a "master of disinformation who helped win the Cold War".

In 1985, Perle and Paul Wolfowitz had been suspected of supporting the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard selling documents to Russia.

In 1995, Mr. Perle teamed with current undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith (former attorney with the Washington firm of Feith and Zell ->) to
represent the Bosnian government. According to Richard Holbrooke, the principal U.S. negotiator at the 1995 Dayton peace talks, Mr. Perle and Mr. Feith
worked for and advised the Bosnians during the talks.

Perle is Director of Hollinger Inc (->), a subsidiary of which Hollinger Digital.

They own Onset Technology, which cooperates with spy messenger software of Comverse and Odigo.
Hollinger Inc. owns more than 400 newspapers worldwide and controls almost 50% of the Canadian press. They are the third largest newspaper chain in the
Western world, after Gannett and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

Chairman and CEO of Hollinger is Conrad Black who controls about 78% of Hollinger through a private holding company.

Furthermore Hollinger owns the Sydney Morning Herald, the Chicago Sun Times and the Daily Telegraph.
On the board of Daily Telegraph is Henry Kissinger (->), ex-CIA-Director James Woolsey (->), Newt Gingrich, former Admiral David Jeremiah, Dan
Quayle, former US-ministers James Schlesinger and Harold Brown.
On 26th of October, 2001, Daily Telegraph tried to promote the Iraq-October-anthrax theory:

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Hollinger and their board members, including Henry Kissinger, have connections to Sunday Times, Chase Manhattan Bank, AT&T, American Express, J.P.
Morgan Chase & Co, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Hasbro and Israeli Yellow Pages.
Hollinger owns the Jerusalem Post, too.

It's very convenient to follow Richard Perle’s strategy, supported by his friends James Woolsey, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Armitage.
Already on September 20th, four days after the attack Perle tried to blame the attack on Iraq.
In a meeting with the Wolfowitz Cabal they discussed a strategy and finally sent a letter to Bush with 41 signatures to continue their strategy.

One of the supporters of this letter was Charles Krauthammer, who once did psychiatric research for the Carter Administration.
He was a speech writer to Vice President Walter Mondale in 1980.
Krauthammer once said: "...The end of the Cold War has brought about a new world order (->). The United States is the predominant power.." (7/5/01)

Already in 1998, a similar letter was addressed to President Clinton. Paul Wolfowitz was one of the signatories. The current secretary of defense, Donald
Rumsfeld signed the letter.
Perle’s biggest aim was always to get Saddam Hussein. "The only way to eliminate Saddam Hussein's governance is by organizing a coup d'etat against
http://www.fas.org/news/iraq/1998/10/981019-in.htm (October 1998)
"There can be no victory in the war against terrorism if, at the end of it, Saddam Hussein is still in power."
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/gunning/etc/script.html (November 2001)

About ABM Treaty: "...ABM treaty. No - it's a relic of the cold war..."

Cynically, Perle said after the Sep11th attack: "..I don't want to sound callous, because I was among those who thought we weren't doing enough and that it
was only a matter of time before we could expect the events of last week.."

It is very naive to think, that President Bush wants this war. In reality people behind him use him as a puppet and plot against people, who are not radical
enough to follow their own strategy. Colin Powell might be one of them.
How much influence did Perle really have before the attacks?
Was he one of the few, who forced the Sep11th attack to let it happen?"

In November 2002, Perle still insisted:
'Inspections Or Not, We'll Attack Iraq' (Daily Mirror UK)
"Because Saddam is so hated in Iraq, it would be easy to find someone to say they witnessed weapons building.
Perle said, the Americans would be satisfied with such claims even if no real evidence was produced: "That's a terrifying prospect."

People's investigation conference call

Organised by Adam Hurter (->), 911Strategy-lists (->).


During the first protests against President Bush in 2002, witnesses reported on pepperspray against peaceful demonstrants. One member of DU (->),
AngryWhiteDemocrat, even reported on spray into a baby's face.
On February 15th, 2003, indymedia.org filmed more violations and sent their footage to FOX TV.

Newsday later reported, that "police officers ...squirted pepper spray into the eyes of penned-in protesters and backed kicking horses into crowds of people,
according to video footage aired Tuesday by the rally’s organizers (-> United for Peace).
“That makes you feel good, doesn’t it?” one officer yelled during the pepper-spraying, as demonstrators who seemed to be trapped between crowds of
people on one side and metal barricades on the other screamed, “I can’t breathe!” and “My eyes!”

Peru Bombing
(-> 2-Bit Terrorism)

Peterson, Peter G.
Peter G. Peterson is Chairman and Co-Founder of
The Blackstone Group (->).

He is Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,

Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->), founding Chairman of the Institute for International Economics (Washington, D.C.) and founding
President of The Concord Coalition (->).

Prior to founding Blackstone, Mr. Peterson was Chairman

and CEO of Lehman Brothers (1973–1977) and later the
Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc.

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Prior to joining Lehman Brothers (->), Mr. Peterson served as

Ambassador and Personal Representative to President
Richard Nixon. He was named Secretary of Commerce by
President Nixon in 1972. At that time he assumed the
Chairmanship of President Nixon's National Commission on
Productivity and was appointed U.S. Chairman of the
U.S.–Soviet Commercial Commission that negotiated
comprehensive trade, EX-IM credits, arbitration, copyright and lend-lease agreements.

Before entering the Nixon White House, Mr. Peterson was CEO of Bell & Howell.

Mr. Peterson is currently a Director of Sony Corporation and Sirius Satellite Radio, and was formerly a Director of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Company, Federated Department Stores, Black & Decker Manufacturing Company, General Foods Corporation, RCA, The Continental Group, and such
companies as Cities Service.

Mr. Peterson is a Trustee of the Committee for Economic Development, the Japan Society and the Museum of Modern Art, Director of the National Bureau
of Economic Research, the Public Agenda Foundation and The Nixon Center.

Mr. Peterson is the author of several books, including Gray Dawn: How The Coming Age Wave Will Transform America-And The World; Will America
Grow Up Before It Grows Old?; and Facing Up: How to Rescue the Economy from Crushing Debt and Restore the American Dream.

He has been awarded honorary PhD degrees by Colgate University,

Georgetown University, George Washington University, Northwestern University, the University of Rochester, and by Southampton College of Long Island




(-> Building 7)

The Peter Werbe Show airs weekdays on the i.e.America Radio Network, noon-3pm, (EST) and is rebroadcast 6pm-9pm. The show can be heard on the
Internet by visiting the i.e.America Network website.

The Peter Werbe Show is one of only two nationally syndicated radio talk shows that features news and analysis from the perspective of the Left (the other
being Peter's colleague on i.e.America, Mike Malloy) .

During 2001-2002, Peterwerbe.com turned into a valuable activist project, supporting many progressive articles and events.

Visit the Peter Werbe Show Archives courtesy of GlobalFreePress.com (->)


The Peter Werbe Show is produced and co-hosted by Juline Jordan.

Petition to impeach Bush

(-> Impeach Bush)

Petition to investigate 911-oddities

(-> Price, Lori)

Petition to maintain civil liberties

Started in December 2001.


In November 2002, they had 213,554 signatures.

PharmaCIA Corporation
(-> HumanHealth.com)

Phi Beta Kappa


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All members of social fraternities and sororities learn that the origin of today's organizations is Phi Beta Kappa, now an honorary scholastic fraternity. It was
conceived as a social organization in 1776.
Phi Beta Kappa elects over 15,000 new members a year from 262 chapters across the United States.

Some of the Kappas, who participate or advise the US Government:

Robert Zoellick, Jay C Davis (ANSER/ Institute of Homeland Security) and Condoleeza Rice.


Phillipines became part of the war on terrorism, while many people speculated, it was in reality about oil, too.
Here are Offshore oil industry and related organisations in Philippines:
Anglo-Philippines Oil and Mining Corporation,
Oriental Petroleum and Minerals Corporation,
Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC),
Renewable Energy Association of the Philippines.
In February 2003, the United States decided to send more than 1,700 troops to the Philippines. The operation officially started "to disrupt and destroy" the
estimated 250 members of the extremist group Abu Sayyaf, one official said.
(-> Abu Sayyaf)

Phillips, Peter
Peter Phillips is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored (->).

Phillips released in November 2002 an article, in which he expressed,

that neither Sep11th was an intelligence failure or Paul Wellstone (->) died of an accident:
"...We don't need macro-conspiracy theories to understand that powerful people sit in rooms and plan for global change with private advantage in mind.

...Many people no longer trust the corporate media to provide the full truth. This opens people's susceptibilities to believing in conspiracies and plots to
explain unanswered questions. Cynicism has deterred voting for many. How can we free ourselves from this dilemma? First off, We can think of
conspiracies as actions by small groups of individuals instead of massive collective plots by governments and corporations.
Small groups can be dangerous, especially when the individuals have significant power in huge public and private bureaucracies, but they can not possibly
be interlinked in a macro way bridging the gaps between thousand of corporations and government bureaucracies. Micro-plots may well be the answer to
some of the conspiracies floating in our circles of cynicism. However, without accurate through investigations we only stew in our distrust and experience
widening alienation from our democratic process..."

Source: http://www.projectcensored.org (->)

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Arizona Connection)

Between May and September 2002, the complete story of FBI whistleblower Kenneth Williams was totally ignored by US Congress:

On September 23rd, 2002 he spoke at the 911-hearings hidden by a screen,

but his identity was leaked again to the press.

"Williams wanted to prevent suspicious student pilot Zacarias Moussaoui (->) from flying a plane into the World Trade Center, a congressional investigator
testified Tuesday...
...The Phoenix-based agent, Kenneth Williams, wrote a memo to his superiors in Washington two months before the attacks, suggesting that terrorists might
be learning to fly commercial jetliners at U.S. flight schools."


More absurde, on Sep24th 2002 Reuters confirmed, that FBI officials in New York knew that several associates of Osama bin Laden had trained at U.S.
flight schools, but believed the al Qaeda leader needed pilots to transport goods in Afghanistan, a congressional investigator said.


At least three FBI agents in New York saw the Phoenix memo, but told the joint inquiry they were aware that Middle Eastern men frequently came to the
United States for flight training because it was considered the best and most reasonably priced.
...Two FBI agents from Oklahoma (->) visited Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma on Aug. 23, 2001, less than a month before the attacks to ask
about Zacarias Moussaou (->).


(-> Memos)

May 20, 2002

"...The memorandum was sent to counterterrorism offices in two cities — one copy went to John O'Neill (->), then the top counterterrorism agent in the
F.B.I.'s New York office.

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"...Months before an FBI agent here warned of extremists attending U.S. flight schools, anti-terrorism efforts in the Phoenix office had virtually ground to a
halt when a surveillance unit was disbanded and agents assigned to counter-terrorism were diverted to an arson case, according to current and former FBI

"If people only knew," said one agent who spoke on condition of anonymity. "They think are really out there making progress, but they are not being allowed
to do what they need to do."....


(-> Alibek, Ken)
(-> Washington-connection)

Picciotto, Richard
Richard Picciotto, firefighter, was inside the North Tower of the World Trade Center when it collapsed on the morning of September 11. An FDNY battalion
commander, he was on a stairwell between the sixth and seventh floors, along with a handful of rescue personnel and one civilian, when the building
collapsed around them.

Picciotto released in 2002 his book "Last Man Down"

Pickard, Thomas
From a GROUND ZERO Forum article, originally released at Scoop:

"...Thomas Pickard took over the job of FBI Director Louis J. Freeh in August 2001, but held this position only for a couple of weeks before Richard Mueller
became Director.
Just as he did for FBIHQ Dale Watson, former Terror Task Force chief John O'Neill (->) complained about sabotage by Pickard.
But because O'Neill’s story was never discussed in public, Pickard was never asked about this point.

What exactly "went wrong,” causing Pickard to ignore the various warnings about a possible terrorist attack and the memos from Williams about the flying
lessons by Muslims and the arrest of Zacarias Moussaoui?

We should take a look at Pickard’s career to find a possible answer on this.

Pickard started his career as an agent in the FBI's New York office in 1975 and went on to work on a number of high-profile cases.

Pickard went undercover and offered congressmen bribes as part of the 1979 Abscam probe and supervised the FBI's role in trials in the first World Trade
Center attack and the arrest of Ramzi Youssef, charged with plotting to blow up U.S. airliners.
He helped oversee the investigation into the explosion of TWA Flight 800, the espionage investigation of former FBI agent Earl Edwin Pitts and the capture
in Pakistan of Mir Aimal Kasi, who was convicted of killing CIA workers at a traffic light outside the agency's headquarters.

Now this specialist Pickard claims he never heard about the memos by Williams and Rowley.
Even with all these connections?
The Washington Post seemed to believe this too:
"The Phoenix memo was circulated only among counterterrorism divisions in New York and at Washington headquarters. It was not shown to then-acting
director Thomas J. Pickard or other senior FBI managers, officials said."

But the question is why these memos were not shown to Pickard?
In November 2001 Pickard retired and started a job at Bristol Myers Squibb as new Head Of Corporate Security in January 2002.

Did Pickard let the attack happen on purpose?

If so, under whose influence?
Did he know about a possible anthrax attack?
Is that the reason he later started a job in the pharmacy?..."

Pieczenik, Steve
Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker. He is a Member of the Council on
Foreign Relations

On April 24th, 2002, Steve R. Pieczenik gave an interview in the Alex Jones (->) Show about densitizements on purpose within Delta Force before Sep11th:

"...AJ: I’ve got to stop you for a second. This is intriguing. I have seen it reported that then in the military build-up before the strike, that they employed the
psychological technique of having the Delta Force and others do raids in and out of the area, touch down for six months, to de-sensitize them, so when the
real attack came that they wouldn’t respond with
SP: That’s correct. I can’t confirm or deny it but I can say yes.
(laughs) That’s exactly true..."


Pilger, John

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In the November 2002 issue of "the Progressive", journalist John Pilger said,
that "The Bush Administration is out of control:

"It contains some truly dangerous people. The danger for all of us is not in Baghdad but in Washington...
...The censorship is such on television in the U.S. that films like mine don't stand a chance...

The attack on Iraq has been long planned. There just hasn't been an excuse for it."

Pilger interviewed Richard Perle (->) in the 80s,

who was at that time Assistant Secretary of Defense in Reagan's Pentagon:
"I interviewed Perle when he was buzzing around the Reagan Administration in the 1980s, and I was struck by how truly fanatical this man was. He was
then voicing the views of total war."

Pilger expressed, that the former journalist essentials "Impartiality" and "objectivity" now mean the establishment point of view.
Pilger writes for the british Mirror since the early 80s.

For his reporting, Pilger won twice the highest award in British journalism.
In 2002, he released "The New Rulers of the World" (Verso).
His political films include "Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq, Death of a Nation: East Timor, The New Rulers of the World, and Palestine Is Still
the Issue."



Pipes, Daniel
(-> Muslim Websites plugged)
(-> Campuswatch.org )
(-> Holy Land Foundation )

Independent Database Project, who archived CIA-individuals and basically illustrates business/social relationships.


Pitt, William Rivers

William Rivers Pitt, author, teacher and most pragmatic member of democraticunderground.com jumped over his shadow, when he wrote a supportive
article about LIHOP (->) ,which was released on truthout.org (->)

William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times bestselling author of two books - "War On Iraq" (with Scott Ritter->) available from Context Books, and "The
Greatest Sedition is Silence," available in May 2003.

The San Francisco Chronicle on his book:


"...Former United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter will be featured in an "instant" book that strongly opposes going to war against Iraq."


Contact: [email protected]

Plaguepuppy's real name is Jeff King, who hosts a website at

King is maybe one of the real Top5 "Collapse-specialists", who is able to

analyse the physical oddities of the WTC-collapse.
Together with 2muchBS (->) or Eric Hufschmidt (->), they got quoted or paraphrased on many different websites, mailing lists or discussion groups.

In 2001-2002, Plaguepuppy participated at Ground Zero Forum (->) and very intense at the 911-Section at democraticunderground.com (->) with the help
of ENDIMION etc...

His own website PlaguePuppy's Cafe‚ is a brilliant collection of analysis of anomalies and photos of the collapses, one of his regular visitors is Christopher
Bollyn of American Free Press.
It includes an interview with Evan Fairbank, who shot the 2nd plane collision and WTC-2 collapse.

Plaguepuppy's website is hosted at the homepage service of attbi.com,

a subsidiary of AT&T Corp., New York.

Contact: [email protected]


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Plane relocate speculation

Based on the idea of Operation Northwoods (->), one member of Sobs.org,
named "Bob" came to the following conclusion on Apr 16, 2002:

What happened on September 11th was very likely something close to this:
"...Three planes had been made ready by operatives from the U.S. Air Force or NORAD, capable of being controlled remotely, with no-one on board:
A business jet loaded with high explosives.
An F-16 jet fighter armed with a missile.
A Boeing 767, painted up to look like a United Airlines jet (call this "Pseudo Flight 175").
Early on the morning of September 11th Mohammad Atta and some other Arabs board American Airlines and United Airlines planes under instructions from
their CIA handlers.

Atta and others, some recorded by airport security cameras, will later be declared to be "the hijackers".

The four civilian jet airliners take off:

AA Flight 11, a Boeing 767, leaves Boston at 7:59 a.m. headed for Los Angeles, with between 76 and 81 passengers (about 39% of capacity) and 11 crew
members aboard. (This is the jet which, according to the official story, hit the North Tower.)
AA Flight 77, a Boeing 757, takes off from Dulles Airport in northern Virginia at 8:10 a.m bound for Los Angeles, with between 50 and 58 passengers
(about 27% of capacity) and six crew members aboard. (This is the jet which allegedly hit the Pentagon.)
UA Flight 175, a Boeing 767, departs from Boston with between 47 and 56 passengers (about 26% of capacity) and nine crew members aboard. (This is the
jet which allegedly hit the South Tower.)
UA Flight 93, a Boeing 757, scheduled to leave Newark Airport at 8:01 a.m. for San Francisco, is late and does not depart until 8:41 a.m., taking off with
between 26 and 38 passengers (about 16% of capacity) and seven crew members on board. (This is the jet which crashed in Pennsylvania.)

Pseudo Flight 175 takes off from its military base, flying under remote control, and flies so as to intercept the flight path of UA Flight 175. Radar operators
tracking UA Flight 175 see the two blips merge.
A half-hour or so after taking off the pilots of the four civilian airliners are informed by radio that the U.S. is under attack by terrorists and that they are to
shut down their transponders and land their planes at a military base in some north-eastern U.S. state (directions to the base are given).

The pilots obey this order and change course accordingly.

Pseudo Flight 175 changes course toward New York. To radar operators it appears as if UA Flight 175 is now flying toward Manhattan.

The passengers on UA Flight 93 are led to believe that the plane has been hijacked, and are instructed to use their cell phones to tell this to their relatives
(thus planting fake evidence which will later be used in the official story).

The business jet takes off under remote control and (perhaps after intercepting the flight path of AA Flight 11 to confuse the radar operators) crashes into
the North Tower at 8:45 a.m.
The event is captured on "the fireman's video", in which a small impact is first seen in the center of the tower (consistent with an impact by a business jet, not
a Boeing 767), followed by a huge explosion.

Pseudo Flight 175 approaches Manhattan under remote control and crashes into the South Tower at 9:03 a.m. Its controllers, not used to remote control of
such a heavy machine, almost miss the tower, but manage to hit it at an angle, toward one corner. Most of the jet fuel passes through the corner of the tower
and explodes in a huge fireball outside the building. The approach of the Boeing 767 and the impact and fireball are recorded by several cameras.

U.S. Air Force planes are finally scrambled at 9:30 a.m., over an hour after the first of the commercial jets has gone off course.
The F-16 jet fighter (see 1. above), under remote control, flies at high speed toward Washington D.C. (perhaps after intercepting the flight path of AA Flight
77), descends to near ground level, makes a horizontal approach to the Pentagon, fires a missile which produces a huge explosion at the outer wall of the
Pentagon, then itself crashes into the building (at about 9:40 a.m.).
The event is recorded by a security camera.

Meanwhile (by about 9:30 a.m.) all four AA and UA jets have landed at the military base to which they were directed. The 199 (later listed) passengers and
crew from AA Flight 77, AA Flight 11 and UA Flight 175 are herded onto UA Flight 93, where they join the 33 (later listed) passengers and crew, for a total
of 232 people. Explosives are loaded on board.

The South Tower collapses (at 9:50 a.m.) by means of a controlled demolition, 47 minutes after impact.

UA Flight 93 takes off from the military base (either under remote control or under the control of a military pilot unaware of his fate) and flies toward
Washington in a fake "terrorist attack".
The North Tower collapses (at 10:29 a.m.) also in a controlled demolition, 1 hour and 44 minutes after impact.

Either explosives on board UA Flight 93 are detonated, or the jet is blown apart by a missile fired by a U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jet, over Pennsylvania (at
10:37 a.m., just over two hours after it took off from Newark Airport).

Pennsylvania state police officials said on Thursday debris from the plane had been found up to 8 miles away (from the crash site) in a residential
community where local media have quoted residents as speaking of a second plane in the area and burning debris falling from the sky. — Reuters, Sept. 13,
as quoted in Troubling Questions in Troubling Times
All passengers and crew from all four "hijacked" planes, other than those 34 (later unlisted) passengers (including Mohammad Atta) who are part of the
operation, are in this way eliminated..."


Sobs.org was created in July 1998 by the The Site of

Big Shoulders in Chicago, Illinois.

Armaggedon-Supporter of Physicist James McCanney ("Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes") who is interested in "how the earth might have changed".

Supporter from davidicke.com (->), another new age skeptic, less investigative.

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planetx2003.com was created in March 2002 by Bertron M. Conant II (BMCdesigns.com) in DeBary,FL.

[email protected]


PMCs is short for private military companies.

Most popular PMCs are the Carlyle Group, MPRI or Kellog Root and Brown.
But the list is much longer than to concentrate only these three.

A nearly two-year investigation by the Center for Public Integrity’s International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (->) has identified at least 90 such
companies, operating worldwide in 110 countries.

Their October 2002-report included stories on individual representatives like Victor Bout, who sold weapons to the Taliban (as Kevin Ingram stock traded
on them at the same time), Leonid Minin (Ukrainian arms dealer) and Jacques Monsieur (Belgian arms dealer), two other "criminals", who all got arrested,
and listed companies and their connections to CIA or Pentagon, which still act legally.

In September 2000, Monsieur, told a French judge of having been contacted in Brussels by the CIA and, with the blessing of the French civilian intelligence
agency, of having sent tens of millions of dollars in weapons to Croatia.

"...According to numerous court cases, statements by former officials and press exposés in France, the now-defunct French state oil (->) company, Elf
Aquitaine, financing the purchase of weapons and hedging its bets in Congo-Brazzaville and Angola by supporting and helping arm both sides.
Another private, Oregon-based company, International Charter Incorporated of Oregon (ICI) (http://www.icioregon.com), managed in part by former U.S.
Special Forces operatives.

ICI is one of several companies contracted by the State Department to go into danger zones that are too risky or unsavory to commit conventional U.S.
Since 1994, the U.S. Defense Department has entered into 3,061 contracts with 12 of the 24 U.S.-based PMCs identified by ICIJ, a review of government
documents showed. Pentagon records valued those contracts was more than $300 billion.
More than 2,700 of those contracts were held by just two companies:
Kellogg Brown & Root (->) and Booz Allen Hamilton (->).

Virginia-based military construction company Vinnell Corp. (http://www.vinnell.com) once won a $77 million contract to train the Saudi Arabian National
Guard to protect oil fields.
In 1992, the Pentagon, then headed by Defense Secretary Dick Cheney (->), paid Brown & Root Services $3.9 million to produce a classified report
detailing how private companies could help provide logistics for American troops in potential war zones.

Brown & Root (now called Kellogg Brown & Root, or KBR) is a subsidiary of Halliburton Corporation (->) (http://www.halliburton.com), which Cheney, the
U.S. vice president, headed as CEO from 1995 to 1999.

In December 2001 KBR received a 10-year contract to provide base-support work overseas under its Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, or LOGCAP.
Kellogg Brown & Root has built camps in Guantanamo Bay (->), based on a contract by the DoD, which already was signed in June 2000!


Frank Carlucci (->), who served as defense secretary in the waning years of the Reagan administration, was chairman of BDM when it acquired Vinnell; he
is still chairman of the Carlyle Group (->), a merchant banking firm that owns BDM with ties to George Bush Sr. , James Baker, Richard Darman and even
the BinLadin Family (->).

L-3 Communications, which has nearly $2 billion in annual revenue, was formed in April 1997 with the purchase of business units that were spun off after
Loral Corporation and Lockheed Martin (->) (client of Booz Hamilton) merged in 1996.
L-3 Communications bought Military Professional Resources Incorporated (MPRI), which consulted for and trained armed forces around the world, in July
MPRI (->) is located in northern Virginia, home to the Pentagon.

Among MPRI’s founders are President Carl Vuono, who served as army chief of staff from 1987 to 1991 and oversaw the U.S. invasion of Panama and the
Gulf War; Harry E. “Ed” Soyster, who was the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); and Crosbie Saint, who was the former commander
of U.S. Army Europe.

MPRI was founded in 1988 as a military training consultancy and later responsible for training Bosnian soldiers.

MPRI says it is supporting the Homeland Security (->) in the United States and hopes to be hired to train the newly constituted Afghan army.
Other fastest growing PMCs since 1999, mentioned in that report are Wackenhut Corp or Armor Holdings, a Florida-based conglomerate.

In August 2001, Armor Holdings acquired Kroll O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt Armoring Company (->), the world’s largest armored transport provider.
O'Gara was once home for Jerome Hauer (->), BioTerror specialist, who later organised the security chief job for ex-FBI terror specialist John O'Neill (->).
Kroll is led by Maurice Greenberg.

Kissinger was once his representative at Greenbergs C.V. Starr/American International Group.
In 1993, Greenberg’s American International Group became co-owner of the private spy agency, Kroll Associates.

In 1996 Greenberg became chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (->CFR).

Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member on Kroll O'Gara, and is currently Greenberg’s Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner’s
father was a founder of the CIA.
Frank Wisner, Jr. was a director of Enron (->).

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The ICIJ-report mentioned other important PMCs, too:

The Nevada-based Sayeret Group (http://www.sayeretgroup.com), who has tactical teams that can deploy to anywhere in the world in support of security,
protection and direct action operations.
Pistris Inc. (http://www.pistris.com), a Massachusetts-based maritime security company which maintains its own fleet of vessels, claims it can provide fully
equipped, mobile protection teams to provide waterborne security of oil fields, ports and vessels throughout the world.

Trojan Securities International (http://www.trojansecurities.com), a company established by former British military and American law enforcement,
maintains training centers in Arkansas, where the company is based, as well in Ecuador to accommodate the company's work in Latin America.
London-based TASK International, which trains military and police forces, and holding an office in Miami and currently training special forces of the
United Arab Emirates or the jamaican police.

Several other PMCs have received new, multimillion-dollar contracts from the U.S. government since Sept. 11:

Blackwater Lodge of North Carolina (http://www.blackwaterusa.com), Surgical Shooting Inc.

(http://www.blackwaterusa.com),http://www.surgicalshooting.com) of California and Automation Precision Training of Virginia were awarded contracts
worth more than $60 million by the U.S. Navy in September 2002 for military training.

Ground Zero U.S.A., based in Marion, Alabama, lists an international training schedule for 2002 that includes programs in England, Scotland, Ireland,
Mexico, Canada and Norway, and Sayeret can provide a mobile training team to travel to any location in the world at the client’s request, according to
Sayeret Group President Duke Piper.

In 2002, Ground Zero USA worked with Philippine law enforcement personnel.
"PMCs can sell their services abroad through the Defense Department’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, which does not require any licensing by
State. Under FMS, the Pentagon pays the contractor for services offered to a foreign government, which in turn reimburses the Pentagon. "

In the Balkans, agencies responsible for PMC-contracts include the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Europe, Defense Contract Management Agency,
Defense Contract Audit Agency and Army Task Force Commanders.

In Quatar, which is an important military ally of the United States, US Military agencies hired DynCorp (->) to provide security guard services for U.S.
Army installations.

DynCorp created another BioChemistry-subsidiary DynPort (->)(a joint venture with Porton Down UK (->), which former executive Fuad Al Hibri once
founded BioPort in 1997, later contracted for 3 years by the DoD in 1998 to produce anthrax vaccines)

The list of PMCs might be longer by now, other global players in the meantime are Betac Corp., Logicon and Cubic Corp.

Betac lobbied on Capitol Hill for intelligence authorization bills, Logicon on outsourcing of government programs and Armor Holdings on “foreign relations
for export of products.”
In Afghanistan, contractors from Northrop Grumman (in 2002 mergered with TRW/Blackstone ->)were hired by the Air Force to man Global Hawk (->),
an unmanned surveillance plane.
Even smaller companies like ICI of Oregon (with only 5 employees) are important.

The company was incorporated in 1994 by Brian Boquist, a Special Forces lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve.
Boquist (http://www.boquist2002.com), is a former executive of a subsidiary of Evergreen International Aviation, a private air freight company based in
Oregon that has taken on sensitive missions for the U.S. government.

ICIs pilots fly in Russian helicopters and use Russian crew and developed a medical training program under U.S.-government auspices in southern Sudan.
At the end of 2002 the Senate Armed Services Committee has begun a review of the oversight of defense contractors in deployment missions worldwide.
That report is due out in mid-2003.

(-> Ingram, Kevin)

(-> Wally Krongaard)

At the Center for Public Integrity one can use a database to search for individual companies or regions.
I.e. at "colombia", you can find 10 PMCs, which are active there.
Among them US originated companies like Eagle Aviation Services & Technology, Inc., AirScan, Inc., Aviation Development Corporation or DynCorp,


All US or US-connected PMCs (status):

Active GlobalOptions, LLC Washington, United States Active

AirScan, Inc. Rockledge, United States Active
ArmorGroup Services, Ltd. London, United Kingdom Active
Aviation Development Corporation Montgomery, United States Defunct
Betac Corporation Alexandria, United States Defunct
Booz Allen Hamilton McLean, United States Active
Cubic Corporation San Diego, United States Active
DynCorp, Inc. Reston, United States Active
Eagle Aviation Services & Technology, Inc. Patrick Air Force Base, United States Active
Executive Outcome, Inc. Mt. Clemens, United States Active
Global Studies Group, Inc. Huntington Beach, United States
Gormly International Chula Vista, United States Active
Hart Group, Ltd. Hamilton, Bermuda Active
International Charter Incorporated of Oregon Salem, United States Active
Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. Houston, United States Active
Logicon, Inc. Herndon, United States Active
Military Professional Resources Incorporated Alexandria, United States Active

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Northbridge Services Group, Ltd. London, United Kingdom Active

Pacific Architects & Engineers, Inc. Los Angeles, United States Active
Pistris, Inc. Boston, United States Active
Sakina Security Services, Ltd. United Kingdom
Sayeret Group, Inc. Reno, United States Active
Spearhead Ltd. Tel Aviv, Israel Undetermined
Special Ops Associates Deerfield Beach, United States Active
The Golan Group Israel Active
THULE Global Security International London, United Kingdom Active
Trojan Securities International Fayetteville, United States Active
U.S. Defense Systems, Inc. Washington, United States Active
Vinnell Corporation Fairfax, United States Active
Wackenhut Corporation Palm Beach Gardens, United States Active


On October 13th, 2002 the NY Times reported on some of these PMCs:

"...Motivated as much by profits as politics, these companies — about 35 all told in the United States — need the government's permission to be in business. A
few are somewhat familiar names, like Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of the Halliburton Company that operates for the government in Cuba and
Central Asia. Others have more cryptic names, like DynCorp; Vinnell, a subsidiary of TRW; SAIC; ICI of Oregon; and Logicon, a unit of Northrop
Grumman. One of the best known, MPRI, boasts of having "more generals per square foot than in the Pentagon."


PNAC (Project for the New American Century) is a neoCon thinktank, who scripted a regime change of Saddam Hussein already in 2000 and before
George Bush was elected as president of the United States.

The same "crew" wrote a "letter of 41" on Sep20th, 2001 to George Bush, urging him to start a war against Saddam Hussein. Among them Pentagon advisor
Richard Perle, one of the strongest supporter of the war against Iraq.

The full list of PNAC:


Elliott Abrams Gary Bauer William J. Bennett Jeb Bush(->)

Dick Cheney (->) Eliot A. Cohen Midge Decter Paula Dobriansky Steve Forbes

Aaron Friedberg Francis Fukuyama Frank Gaffney Fred C. Ikle

Donald Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad (->) I. Lewis Libby Norman Podhoretz

Dan Quayle Peter W. Rodman Stephen P. Rosen Henry S. Rowen

Donald Rumsfeld Vin Weber George Weigel Paul Wolfowitz

Members of this list, who are working within the current Bush-administration:
Richard B. Cheney, Lewis Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Dundes, Peter W. Rodman, John Bolton, Richard Armitage, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Zalmay
Robert Zoellick, not officially PNAC, signed the 1998 letter on Iraq.
Articles on PNAC:

Bush cabinet planned Iraq April 2001


"...President Bush's Cabinet agreed in April 2001 that 'Iraq remains a destabilising
influence to the flow of oil to international markets from the Middle East' and
because this is an unacceptable risk to the US 'military intervention' is necessary..."


"...On September 4th, 2002, CBS reported, "that barely five hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq — even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks..."


Project for the New American Century (PNAC): Cheney's Monstrous Scheme
"In September 2000, the PNAC updated and refined Cheney's original version into a new report entitled: "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces,
and Resources for a New Century" calling for unprecedented hikes in military spending, American military bases in Central Asia and Middle East, toppling
of non-complying regimes, abrogation of international treaties, control of the world's energy sources, militarization of outer space, total control of
cyberspace, and the willingness to use nuclear weapons to achieve "American" goals.

This plan by the neo-conservative or neo-con think tank, PNAC, shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control whether or not Saddam Hussein was
in power and says the U.S. for decades has sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security, revealing that a premeditated attack on Iraq to
secure a regime change was planned even before Bush took power in January, 2001. The lengthy blueprint for U.S. global domination can be accessed at

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http://cryptome.org/rad.htm. ..."


Info on the PNAC:


PNAC members, who signed the "letter of 41" on September 20th, 2001:

William Kristol
Gary Bauer
Jeffrey Bell
William J. Bennett
Jeffrey Bergner
Eliot Cohen
Seth Cropsey
Midge Decter
Thomas Donnelly
Aaron Friedberg
Hillel Fradkin
Francis Fukuyama
Frank Gaffney
Jeffrey Gedmin
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Charles Hill
Bruce P. Jackson
Eli S. Jacobs
Michael Joyce
Donald Kagan
Robert Kagan
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Charles Krauthammer
John Lehman
Clifford May
Richard Perle
Martin Peretz
Norman Podhoretz
Randy Scheunemann
Gary Schmitt
William Schneider, Jr.
Richard H. Shultz
Henry Sokolski
Stephen J. Solarz
Vin Weber
Leon Wieseltier
Marshall Wittmann


Another supporter of this letter was Charles Krauthammer,

who once did psychiatric research for the Carter Administration.

Compare: Jason Leopold (->) on PNAC

IASPS -> Feith, Douglas J.)

Pointdexter, John M.
John M. Pointdexter joined the Bush Administration in February 2002 as head of the Office of Information Awareness at the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA ->).

FOX News reported on November 21st, 2002, that Pointdexter was put in charge of a new system called Total Information Awareness (TIAP ->), which
would permit the military to spy on the civilian population of the United States without search warrants by scanning personal information such as email,
credit-card statements, banking and medical records, and travel documents for patterns that suggest criminal or terrorist activities.



TIA is supported by DARPA, who once developed the Internet,

when it just was called DARPANET OR MILNET.

DARPA will be in charge of trying to make the system work technically.

Rear Adm. John Poindexter, former national security adviser to President Reagan, is developing the database under the Total Information Awareness
Program, which funds had been blocked in January 2003 by the Senate.

Poindexter was once convicted on five counts of misleading Congress and making false statements during the Iran-Contra (->) investigation.

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Those convictions were later overturned, but critics note that his is a dubious resume for someone entrusted with so sensitive a task.

In December 2002, Pointdexter was victim of a prank, when John and Linda Poindexter's private telephone number appeared on 100 different websites,
when Matt Smith, a columnist for SF Weekly, printed the material
Cryptome (->), a popular website of privacy-issues, posted satellite photos (http://cryptome.org/tia-eyeball.htm) of his house.


Poisoning the Well

In March 2002, many independent 911 investigators and 911-Skeptics realised,
that some (dis-) informations, leaving out other important details,
might have been planted on purpose to discredit them.
The first famous case was Hunt the Boeing (->).

The only purpose was to turn "bombshell" into "red herrings".

This phenomena was described as "Poisoining the well", an old secret service trick.

Police State
Many different websites analyse since years the role between the police,
tracking software and new monitoring laws (Cointelpro, PATRIOT -> etc...).
Here are some of the most important ones of 2001-2002:

http://www.prisonplanet.com/ (Alex Jones ->)
http://www.propagandamatrix.com/ (->)

As revealed by Washington Monthly in April 2002, responsible for analysing or manipulating polls for George Bush is Jan van Lohuizen, and his
"focus-group guru", Fred Steeper.
Bush's principal pollsters received $346,000 in direct payments in 2001.

The US administration regularly employed for specialized and targeted polls close to $1 million.
Fred Steeper was the pollster for George Bush Sr. both during his campaign and his four-year term and later for George W. Bush's campaign.


The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, a branch of the "Committee of 300",
is in charge of “contriving” all survey statistics.

Port Authority
(-> Boston-Connection)
(-> Denko Mechanical)
(-> early warnings -> 41)
(-> Eisenberg, Lewis)
(-> Firefigher-tape)
(-> Lawsuits)
(-> Westfield)

On September 10th, 2001 Atta and hijacker Abdulaziz Alomari checked into a Portland, Maine motel.
Investigators believe "there has to be some important reason that he went to Portland," one official said..."


(-> Maine Connection)

Portland General Electric

Formerly owned by ENRON (->), not connected with General Electric.

Porton Down

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Porton Down is one of the anthrax-suspects on the list by Barbara Rosenberg, FAS (->).
In addition of a possible use of the Ames Strain from Fort Detrick (->), in the 1940s Porton Down was working on BTX, the botulin toxins. Botulism,
generally appears as a particularly virulent form of food poisoning, with an average mortality rate of 60%. It can appear as "wound botulism" -- a rare
complication that occurs when a puncture wound becomes infected with botulinum spores and heals partially, creating an anaerobic chamber the organism
can live in.

London Telegraph reported, that Rosenbergs list was carefully analysed.

From former 15-20 suspects, only five laboratories, including the defence science and technology laboratories at Porton Down, Salisbury, have been found
to have spores of anthrax identical to the bacteria sent through the post .
In 1998, Bioport (->), co-founded by ex-Porton Down Fuad al-Hibri, received a 3-year contract to work on Anthrax-vaccines.
The watch group Judicial Watch (->) thinks, the US government had prior knowledge on the anthrax attacks and filed a lawsuit.

It appears, that the anthrax- and Sep11th attack had been scripted together and radically seperated in October 2002, though many hijackers had ties to
related details of the anthrax stories (-> Anthrax-suspects) .
why would the US government do such a thing?
"To maintain fear in the wake of the September 11 atrocity. To coerce control. To act as a catalyst for the horrific Model State Emergency Health Powers
Act (http://www.publichealthlaw.net/MSEHPA/MSEHPA.pdf ) - which mandates quarantine, execution, seizure of property, food and means of transport in
the event of a smallpox attack.
A smallpox attack blamed on CIA funded 'arab terrorists' will be the perfect pretext for martial law."

A Newsnight investigation raised the possibility that there was a secret CIA project to investigate methods of sending anthrax through the mail which went
madly out of control. Scientist in charge: William Capers Patrick III.
Patrick was surprised the FBI didn't come to him straight after the attacks, simply because of his expertise. He acknowledges it was only logical to consider
him a suspect.


Hauer, Jerome (->), Smallpox Vaccination Policy (->), 911Anthrax-Gate (->),

Hatfill, Stephen (->), Battelle (->)

Prisoners of War.
Many Taliban prisoners, obviously are not connected to any terrorist group at all,
had been described as prisoner of war, but it took months, until the US Government decided to send them home again.

Photos taken inside a military C-130 (->) transporting POW's:


Powell, Colin
Colin Powell, Secretary of State.
Described as an instructor ("slave") of the US Government and not involved in their secrets,
possibly blackmailed.
On September 11th, during a week of a new climax of warnings about a terrorist attack,
Powell was in Chile.

In early 2003, Powell started to rally for a war against Iraq.

Powell's $43 Millions to Taliban

As reported widely in the press, Secretary of State Colin Powell, gave $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime, purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are
starving since the destruction of their opium crop in January on orders of the Taliban regime.

Source: The Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001

(-> Opium War Afghanistan)

Right wing radioshow, who challenged the official story of Sep11th.

Powers, Dr. Tyrone

In May 2002, Dr. Tyrone Powers, former FBI agent and terrorism expert,
stated the White House could have thwarted the 911 attacks.

In an interview with host Amy Holmes of BET, he said:

"Let me be clear on this, I believe that enough information reached the WH, where the WH could have thwarted that particular attack by hardening the
target at the airport."
Powers was a respected veteran of the Maryland State Police, spent nine years as an FBI agent, with posting in Cincinnati and Detroit. He resigned in August

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In his accusations Powers described "sheet -clad students at the FBI Academy impersonating Ku Klux Klansmen".
White agents according to Powers' narrative, urinated on photographs of President Bill Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore.

Powers provided eyewitness evidence of the agency's extra- legal harassment of African American Mayors Coleman Young (Detroit) , Marion Berry (
Washington, DC) and Harold Washington (Chicago).
Source: BET

In Summer 2002, Practicalradical.net, a political website started to produce and distribute
their buttons with famous slogans like:
"Bush knew", "Coward", "Patriotism Isn't Blind" or "Axis of Weasels"


Price, Lori
Lori Price established and created the first and most famous petition to investigate the 911-oddities at the beginning of January 2002 and reached 10000s of
signatures until the end of 2002.

Everyone who signed, was able to leave a short message or some research links, which mirrored the "real public opinion" of the United States, who had
been opressed by the Corporate US media.

In late 2001, Price established the falloutshelternews.com.

On September 29th, 2002, Ct Now reported on her petition at:


She's Sure `Bush Knew'

A Quiet Internet Activist With An Online Petition Wants Congress To Investigate `Oddities' About 9/11

[email protected]

Prince Turki al Faisal Al Saud

Former head of the Saudi Intelligence Service (->), who was replaced 10 days prior to Sep11th with Prince Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, who accompanied
Deputy Prime Minister and Commander of the National Guard Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdulaziz on his official trips overseas.

Al Faisal became then Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Faisal is connected to Unocal (->) through the Saudi Arabian Delta oil company.
On September 5th, 2001 he visited Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri, "to whom he also conveyed messages from the Saudi leadership concerning the
latest developments in the Middle East".

On September 8th, 2001 al Faisal assigned to implement an "arab duty-free zone". The proposed duty-free zone covered Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. A final meeting was already scheduled for
September 12-13th.


Turki al Faisal is primary target in one of many 911victim- lawsuits (->) to have been one of the sponsors and founders of the Sep11th attack.

On 8 November 2001, in a rare television interview with Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC), Prince Turki Al-Faisal described how "Crown Prince
Abdullah sent a letter to President George W Bush before 11 September, in which he stated that relations between the two countries were at a crossroads."

Fifteen of the 19 suspects believed responsible for the attacks on the US are reported to have come from Saudi Arabia.


Indeed, as the CIA confirmed on October 20th 2002,

"Al Qaida is supported by 12 financiers, most of them Saudis"

As Ron Motley, one of the attorneys confirmed, Faisal participated in the facilitation of the funding of "Al Qaeda":

Motleys law company "spoke with senior Taliban officials who were in the room when he indeed did facilitate the transfer of large sums of money directly
to al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
And the people who gave us these sworn statements were in the room when it occurred. And these were senior Taliban, former Taliban officials."

On December 11th, 2002, while mentioning the lawsuit, Sen. Bob Graham (->), D-Miami Lakes, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Sen.
Richard Shelby, R-Ala., the vice chairman, said the information on Saudi Arabia should be made public to inform citizens about a continued source of
support for anti-American terror groups.


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Prince Saudi Turki al Faisal has a long tradition of friendship with the US government and US Congress members.

One of his friends, Bin Laden’s cousin Sheikh Suhail Ibn Mustahil Ibn Salim , by 1979, together with James R. Bath (->) and Khaled bin Mafhuz (->), had
become a business partner of former Texas Governor George W. Bush, in the family's Zapata Oil and Arbusto Ltd.

Bin Laden's family had invested in the Carlyle Group (->Blackstone), specializing in buyouts of defense and aerospace companies, in which George Bush
Sr. holds the position of Consultant.
According to business magazine Forbes, the father of Khaled bin Mafhuz (->BCCI, ->Harken), who has the 251 fortune of the world, estimated in thousand
900 million dollars, had founded the main Saudi bank, the Commercial National Bank, that created diverse companies in collaboration with the Sico, Swiss
society of the Bin Laden Group.
The sister of Mahfouz was married to Osama bin Laden.

In December 2002, it was revealed, that Mahfouz' main business partner Yassin al-Kadi (->) was the secret owner of US-computer company Ptech (->),
among their customers are Applied Materials, Booz Allen Hamilton (->), which is run by former CIA director James Woolsey (->), FAA (->), FBI, IBM
Global Services, IRS, The MITRE Corporation (->), MetLife, Motorola, NATO, NAVAIR, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Sprint or the US Air Force.

Kadi was accused by the FBI to be a financial supporter of Bin Laden, but put their knowledge on Ptech on hold since October 2001.
The same policy happened to Bin Laden Inc.

Immediately after the US Election in 2000, the intelligence agencies were told to "back off" from investigating the bin Laden family, who was in connection
with Saudi Arabia.

The Bin Laden Group, together with Carlyle, held stocks in the BioPharmacy company Bioport (->), which was co-founded by former Bin Laden's business
partner Fuad-el Hibri from Intervac LLC (ex-Porton Down, ->DynPort) and Admiral William Crowe (ex-CIA).

El-Hibri once worked as a merger and acquisitions manager for the Rockefeller-linked Citigroup in New York and arranged various deals for the Bin
Laden Family, at that time close friends to Saudi Arabia.
Bioport is distributing Anthrax-vaccines with the help of Avant Immunootherapeutics Inc., a contractor of Dynport Vaccine Company LLC, a joint venture
between Dyncorp(->) and Porton Down.

Prince Turki Al Faisal had confirmed meetings with the Bin Laden Group and Osama bin Laden himself, several times in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan before
he was stripped of his Saudi citizenship in 1994.

In July 1998, as the lawsuit said, Al Faisal met Taliban leaders in Kandahar, Afghanistan and reached agreement on fresh aid from Riyad.

"Prince Turki also promised to provide oil and generous financial assistance to both the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. After the meeting, 400 new
pick-up trucks arrived in Kandahar for the Taliban, still bearing Saudi Arabia license plates.


The Saudi Intelligence is one of the contractors of British Aerospace (BAe), which is in business with Saleh Bin Laden.

In 2002, John Weston resigned from BAe Systems.

There are speulations around, that this had to do with bribery.

In the meantime BAe is under control by Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin.
In April 2002, Insiders of BAe leaked a document to Cryptome (->), which proved that "there has been considerable reporting elsewhere alleging that the
former Head of Saudi Intelligence, Turqi Al Faisal, was a major conduit of material and financial support to Osama, and that indeed that Osama was sent to
Afghanistan essentially as an agent of Saudi Intelligence."

Al-Faisal met Bin Laden in June 2001 in a hospital in Dubai, together with CIA agent Larry Mitchell, as reported by Radio France International 1,
frenchintelligenceOnline.com and the Guardian UK.


During an increased crisis between Washington and Saudi Arabia on January 12th 2002, al-Faisal met with Senator and current democratic candidate for
US president, John Kerry (->) and members of a delegation from the U.S. House of Representatives, headed by Congressman David Price.

On January 17th, 2002 he met with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs William Burns.
In February 2002, Faisal visited Washington, DC, to attend a series of lectures and discussion groups on Saudi-U.S. relations. The eight-person delegation,
which included three female university professors, attended events sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS ->), the Center for
Policy Analysis on Palestine, the Middle East Institute and Middle East Insight magazine.

When the Lawsuit against Saudi Arabia started in August 2002, George Bush decided to meet Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar Bin Sultan on his ranch.
Not much was revealed on the content, officially it was described as a meeting on the "middle east crisis".

Prior Knowledge, confirmed

Confirmed reports about shorter copies of the CIA-briefing from August 6th, 2002 about a pending attack on america, went to George Tenet (CIA) ,
Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, Andy Card, Senator Richard Shelby, Sen. Bob Graham (->), Porter Goss (the House Intelligence Committee chairman) and
Nancy Pelosi.

Condoleeza Rice (->), briefed on August 6th, 2002 (->).

Altogether she was warned by 3 (!) people on a terrorist attack:
George Tenet, Gary Hart and Dana Rohrabacher.

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(Source: Washington Post)

Between June and July 26th, John Ashcroft was warned on a possible terrorist attack on planes.
(-> Ashcroft flying high)

Prior Knowledge, unconfirmed

(-> 911 Insider Trading)
(-> Silverstein, Larry)
(-> CFR)
(-> Pentagon)
(-> ISI)
(-> CIA)
(-> Mossad)
(-> early warnings)

Project Bojinka
It was never confirmed, if this plan really existed, but the idea of Project Bojinka was in reality described by an anonymous source:

"Sometimes in January 1995, when Philippine Police authorities captured Ramsey Youssef in Manila, I was asked, because of my affiliation with the NBI,
to help decode and decipher the hard drives of the computers found in Youssef's possession.
This is where we found most of the evidence of the projects that were being funded by Osama Bin Laden in the Philippines.

The first plan was to assassinate Pope John Paul II who was then scheduled to visit the Philippines.
The second was Project Bojinka, which called for the hijacking of US bound commercial airliners from the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan,
Honking(sic -ed) and Singapore, and then crash them into key structures in the United States.
The World Trade Center, the White House, the Pentagon, the Transamerica Tower, and the Sears Tower were among prominent structures that had been
identified in the plans that we had decoded.
A dry-run was even conducted on a Tokyo bound Philippine Airlines flight, which fortunately was aborted by our security personnel..."

In 2001-2002, Project Bojinka made news in various newspapers and at the 911 hearings.

The original idea of repromoting Bojinka, might have been based on a disinformation coup.
The purpose of it was to distract from Operation Northwoods (->) or a public 911-commission.

Projectcensored.org organised in 2002 the "Top 25 Censored Stories of 2001-2002",
which has been released as a book.

Political analyst/author Michael Parenti and cartoonist Dan Perkins, aka Tom Tomorrow (->), creator of This Modern World, gave a keynote of Project
Censored's annual release of top 25 news stories that were undercovered by mainstream media. Davey D of KPFA Hardknock Radio was MC, and a host of
media activist luminaries such as: Norman Solomon, Greg Palast (->), Jeremy Rifkin, and

Jim Hightower were honored at the Project Censored Annual Top 25 Countdown/Award Ceremony/Book Release Celebration.

In their Top 25 are two Sep11th related stories:

#4: Bush Administration Hampered FBI Investigation 46 into Bin Laden Family Before 9-11
#11: Bush Appoints Former Criminals to Key Government Roles

The Primary Objective of Project Censored is to explore and publicize the extent of censorship in our society by locating stories about significant issues of
which the public should be aware, but is not, for one reason or another.

Director of ProjectCensored.org is Peter Phillips Ph.D.(->) , who wrote about Sep11th related articles and mirrored articles by michaelmoore.com, Mike
Ruppert, or Michel Chossudovsky.

Projectcensored.org was created in 1999 in Rohnert Park CA by Project Censored.

Project for the New American Century

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC ->) is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American
leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership requires military strength.
Established in the spring of 1997, PNAC is an initiative of the New Citizenship Project (501c3); the New Citizenship Project's chairman is William Kristol and
its president is Gary Schmitt.
In October 2000, PNAC wrote a scenario for a regime change in Iraq.
Among them Richard Perle (->) and Charles Krauthammer, both old Bush/Reagan supporters.

Project Northwoods

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PROMIS was originally designed by Herb Graham (Graphic Computer Solutions, Inc.) and Michael Riconosciuto.
Graham, former Executive Director of the National Center for Prosecution Management (NCPM) , developed PROMIS (Prosecutor's Management
Information System) for the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) as a criminal information system for the U.S. Department of Justice.


PROMIS architect Michael Riconosciuto about the software .

"...the PROMIS software has properties and applications to military and industrial skullduggery that surpass the threats it seems to pose to hackers,
conspiracy students, and the other riffraff who populate the cybersphere..."

PROMIS was later renamed. One of the new names had been LIONS:


Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: United States Attorneys Offices
Minor Organization Subdivision: Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Name of Unit: Case Management, Washington DC

ABSTRACT: The LIONS system is a database with on-line capabilities which permits the USAOs and EOUSA to compile, maintain and track information
relating to defendants, crimes, criminal charges, court events, and witnesses.

PURPOSE: LIONS was established and is maintained to track cases and matters which are presented to and/or pursued by the USAOs. LIONS serves as a
day to day management tool as well as a litigation aid and a review tool.

ACCESS CONSTRAINTS: The magnetic tapes and discs which LIONS information is stored on are maintained in a secure vault at the Metropolitan Police
Department Computer Center. In addition to the physical security safeguards, there is a twenty four hour patrol.


As Citizen.org wrote in April 2001, "since the introduction of PROMIS, each United States Attorneys' office has undergone subsequent generations of new
case management systems.
Thus, in the Western District of Kentucky it appears that between 1990 and the
present, that office has used at least three completely different case
management systems with several different hardware or network computer
systems: the PCUSACTS case management system on standalone PCs until 1991;
the TALONS system on EAGLE network computer system from 1991 to November
1996; the TALONS system on the Phoenix network from November 1996 to July
1997; and, since July 1997, the LIONS system (with all open cases and three
years of historical data from the TALONS systems converted on to LIONS).
(Declaration of Carol Uebelhoer).

No explanation is provided for whether the PCUSACTS

system was converted to the subsequent TALONS systems, and then reconverted
to LIONS, or whether it remains on an on-line system or has otherwise been
archived. The only explanation provided about Kentucky's USACTS records
is that the extract tapes for that system have been destroyed. "

Citizen.org refered these destructions to Carol Uebelhoer,

described as "shredding of records in 1997"


The destruction in two district offices -- the Western District of Kentucky and the District of Minnesota is described in a lawsuit against Janet Reno in 2002,
reported at Citizen.org on November 23rd, 2002:
"The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) obtained evidence from affidavits submitted by employees of these two offices that electronic
records "were shredded during the normal course of business" and that there is no adequate records maintenance program to safeguard against further loss
or destruction. See Declaration of Carol Uebelhoer (Systems Manager for the computerized case management system in the Western District of Kentucky)
and Declaration of Verlyn Bryant."

(Compare: -> Johnelle Bryant)

The CIA was monitoring in "real-time," pre-September 11, stock option trading activity within United States borders using such software as the Prosecutor‘s
Management Information System (PROMIS).
PROMIS has been extensively reported as being used throughout the world’s financial markets because of its "backdoor " system, a versatility in facilitating
international transactions.

On October 24th 2001, Justice Department spokesperson Loren Pfeifle confirmed to investigative journalist Mike Ruppert (->) "that the DOJ has
discontinued use of the program." , but declined to answer any questions about where, when, or how PROMIS had been used.

(-> 911Insider Trading, CIA)

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One of the best written and investigative 911Skeptics websites.
Very detailed in the Sep11th - and anthrax analysis, and political aftermath.
Created on September 13th, 2001, in Sheffield, Great Britain by Paul J. Watson.

Contact: [email protected]

Analysing a possible "NWO-cabal". (-> NWO)
Created in March 1998 by A Working Knowledge in Milwaukie, OR.
Contact: [email protected]

The purpose of Psycom.net, who founded the Institute for the advanced study of Information watrfare (IASIW) is to facilitate an understanding of
information warfare with reference to both military and civilian life.
Psycom compiles a huge collection of helpful links, articles, tools and a glossary of terms.
Created in October 1995 by Ivan Goldberg in New York

Contact: [email protected]

On November 6th, 2002 the FBI raided a Boston-area computer software firm looking for evidence that the company, which does business with key
government agencies, might have links to Osama bin Laden's terror network. This company was Ptech from Quincy, Massachusetts.

The investigation was part of a broader Customs-led program known as "Operation Green Quest",
a multiagency task force that has served 114 search warrants since Sep11th, which has resulted in 50 arrests, 28 indictments and the seizure of about $27.4
million until the end of 2002.

(-> Boston-connection, ->Massachusetts-connection)

Ptech's customers are:

AAA Michigan, ABN AMRO, Aetna, Allegheny Energy Supply, Applied Materials, Booz Allen Hamilton (->), Edward Jones, FAA (->), FBI, Fleet
Securities, IBM Global Services, IRS, Meijer, The MITRE Corporation (->), MetLife, Motorola, NATO, NAVAIR, OneBeacon Insurance Group,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Southern California Edison, Sprint, SYSCO, WSIB, US Air Force, US Department of Energy, US Department of Education, US
Department of Veteran Affairs, US House of Representatives, USDA Forest Service, US Postal Service, and Weyerhaeuser


Ignored from the mainstream press are background details on this company.
The so called "secret owner", Yassin al-Kadi (->), one of 12 Saudi businessmen accused of funneling millions of dollars to al Qaeda, was well known in
investigative circles.
The Washington Post reported later, that public documents filed in Massachusetts showed that Ptech leased much of its office and computer equipment using
financing provided by BMI Finance and Investment, a firm that was partly financed by al-Qadi and which shared office space in New Jersey with Kadi

BMI was financed by Marzook (a US Designated Terrorist); Yassin Kadi, financier of HAMAS terrorist Mohammad Salah, and two siblings of Osama bin
Laden. BMI has developed property in Indianapolis, IN, Baltimore, MD and other locations. The development schemes parallel those of QLI and Golden
Marble, Inc. (above)."


Ignored from mainstream media and US Congress it was known, that a whistleblower told the FBI already on Ptechs connections to Yasin al-Qadi in October


But already in 1998 ex-FBI agent Robert Wright (->) was sabotaged on investigations on Yassin Kadi.
Chicago-based special agent Robert Wright had accused the FBI of shutting down his 1998 criminal probe into alleged terrorist-training camps in Chicago
and Kansas City, which he linked to Hamas (->) that time.


"Wright is the only FBI agent to seize terrorist funds (over $1.4 million) from U.S.-based Middle Eastern terrorists using federal civil forfeiture statutes, prior
to the September 11th attacks. The original source of the funds was Yassin Kadi, a Saudi businessman, who is reportedly a financier of Osama bin Laden."


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Public Access Channels

Full list at http://www.openchannel.se/

Many 911Skeptics didn't share the radical views of Carol A. Valentine's website, but it was the opener of a vidal discussion on the possibility of Global Hawk
or general remote control systems on some of the flights of Sep11th.
Valentine however was described as anti-semitic. ("Mr. Atta sounds like a Jewish lawyer").

The early analysis of Valentine was mirrored on various websites and inspired a lot of 911-investigators, who didn't focus on politicial or ideological

Valentine established Public Action in Burke, Virginia in 1996.

Their Hostmaster is based in Boca Raton, Florida.

Independent, nonprofit research center that studies antidemocratic, authoritarian, and other oppressive movements, institutions, and trends.
Created in August 1995 by Political Research Associates in Somerville, MA.

Pumphrey, George
Organisator of a US-Europe peace activist cooperation, supported by Alant Jost (->).

Push, Stephen
(-> 911-hearings)

(-> Insider Trading)

Putin, Vladimir
(-> early warnings)


What was the real purpose of sharing aviation codes with Quantas?

Quantas-Code Sharing
Agreement of Washington with New Zealand on sharing aviation codes.

As it was revealed in 2002, all Sep11th-planes were codeshare.

Under code-sharing, one airline offers service in its own name to a particular destination, but some or all of the transportation is provided by another carrier
which carries its partner’s designator code. This practice allows carriers to provide more convenient and often seamless service to travelers.

"The agreement, reached ... after two days of talks in Washington, allows carriers from each country to enter into code-sharing agreements with each other
without limit, effective immediately. It also allows carriers of each country to enter code-sharing arrangements with third-country carriers. Two
third-country code-sharing arrangements may begin immediately, and one such arrangement may be added on both April 1, 2002 and April 1, 2003."


Codeshare Partners for US Carriers


American Airlines Flight 11 [QANTAS CODESHARE]

Boston (BOS) to Los Angeles (LAX)

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92 passengers and crew aboard.

Crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center.

United Flight 175, a single aircraft, [AIR NEW ZEALAND CODESHARE]

Boston(BOS) to Los Angeles (LAX)
65 passengers and crew aboard.
Crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Both buildings subsequently collapsed.

American Airlines, Flight 77, [QANTAS CODESHARE]

Washington, D.C. (IAD) to Los Angeles (LAX)
64 passengers and crew aboard.
Crashed into the Pentagon.

United Airlines, Flight 93

Newark (EWR) to San Francisco (SFO)
United Flight 93, a single aircraft, [AIR CANADA CODESHARE]
45 passengers and crew aboard.
Crashed near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

Qantas and Air New Zealand have confirmed that the flights used in the wave of terrorist attacks in the US overnight were involved with code-share
arrangements with the local carriers.
Qantas said that it believed six US residents were flying as Qantas codeshare on American Airlines Flight 77 from Washington Dulles to Los Angeles which
was deliberately crashed into the US defence headquarters, the Pentagon, just before midnight AEST.

Qantas said, that one of its US-based staff members was travelling on company business aboard American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles,
which crashed into the World Trade Centre (WTC) in New York.
No passengers or crew are believed to have survived either crash.
In a statement released this morning Air NZ said United Airlines flight UA175 from Boston to Los Angeles, which is believed to have crashed into the WTC,
was a code-share flight with Air New Zealand operating as NZ9051.
"Initial investigations have revealed that Air New Zealand has no record of any of our ticketed passengers being onboard this flight," the company said.
12 September 2001

The Australian government asked Qantas to step in on Monday after Air New Zealand made clear it was considering getting rid of its Australian carrier, the
country's second biggest airline. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1537011.stm

It is interesting to note that Ansett (the Australian branch of Air New Zealand) was experiencing considerable difficulties with its fleet of Boeing 767s and
had been forced to ground them at least twice.

Three planes were headed towards Los Angeles.

Three buildings were hit.
These three planes are directly linked to Qantas.

One plane was headed to San Fransisco.

This plane was an Air Canada codeshare.
It did NOT hit a building.

One should recall, though, that Australia is an ally of the United States.

Australia and the United States are collaborating to evaluate and further develop Global Hawk (->) as an airborne surveillance system. On 22 April 2001,
Global Hawk (ship AV-05) flew non-stop from Edwards AFB, California to Edinburgh RAAF Base, South Australia, where it was based for nearly two
months undergoing a series of demonstration flights.
Global Hawk, AV-05, returned to Edwards Air Force Base, California on 7 June 2001.

No hard feelings.

Review of alternative theories on current events.
Intense collection on Sep11th stories and investigative results.

Questionsquestions.net was created in February 2002 by Brian Edmund Salter in Carmichael, CA.
Contact: [email protected]

Q33NY, a well placed hoax in September 2001, as reported,
wasn't the flight number of one of the terrorist planes (Wingdings Hoax).
It was AA 077, AA 011, UA 093 and UA 175.

The correct registration numbers (->):

N644AA (# AA 077)
N334AA (# AA 011)
N591UA (# UA 093)
N612UA (# UA 175)

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"Wingdings" was designed by Bigelow and Holmes, an outside vendor.

They denied that Microsoft intentionally designed the secret message.

Prof. Charles Bigelow confirmed that his company provided the symbols, but insisted that Microsoft made the final "mapping" decisions assigning his symbols
to specific keys on the keyboard.

He's Professor of Digital Typography at Stanford for several years. With partner Kris Holmes he runs the Bigelow & Holmes studio. Their most significant
work is the Lucida font family, perhaps the first serious attempt to make type look good on low-resolution output. Lucida’s accompanying pi font, Wingdings,
has long been included with Windows.


What happened before the collapse of the Pentagon?

Rabbani, Burhanuddin
In a rare interview granted to the Russian daily Izvestia on April 14, 2002 and published in May 2002 in english language, the leader of the anti-Taliban
Northern Alliance, Burhanuddin Rabbani, dismissed Osama bin Laden as a "small fish," who could not possibly have organized the attack, and called for a
major investigation of the events of Sept. 11.
"All who knew him spoke of him as a simple field commander"

Source: Russian Daily Izvestia, reposted at

Impressive Collection of media- and US congress links and contacts.

Independent Radio project.
Reporting on Voices in the Wilderness, which initiated an “Iraq Peace Team” plan.
Since September 2002, seasoned nonviolent activists have been on the ground in Iraq standing in solidarity with the people of Iraq while at the same time
working to prevent a US attack.

Radio4all.net was created in May 1998 by Radio4all: The Radio Project in Waterloo, NY

Independent TV streaming project, cooperating in New York with walkerstage.com
(-> INN TV)

Anti-Rush, Anti-GOP Antidote.
Supporter of www.populist.com, www.onlinejournal.com and www.warpradio.com

Rahman, Sheikh Omar Abdel

On April 9, 2002, four US Citizens, including an attorney and a translator for blind cleric Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, were indicted for providing material
support and resources to a radical Egyptian group.

Rahman is serving a life sentence for planning to blow up five New York landmarks in the 1990s, including the 1993 plot to blow up the World Trade
The indictment charged that the unlawful communications with Abdel-Rahman occurred during prison visits and telephone calls involving Lynne Stewart,

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who was one of Abdel-Rahman's lawyers.

Furthermore, the indictment included Ahmed Sattar, a paralegal for the sheikh, Yassir Al-Sirri and Mohammed Yousry, who is an Arabic translator.

Rainbolt, Sterling
(-> ShadowGovernment TV)

Raissi, Lotfi
The FBI claimed, that Lotfi Raissi (Algeria) was Hani Hanjour's official flying teacher.

Raissi was in fact Flight Trainer and flight instructor

at the Sawyer School of Aviation. He was arrested in October 2001.

However in February 2001, at his trial in United Kingdom, he was spoken unguilty.

It was proved, that he never met Hanjour or tought him any single lesson.
One of Raissi's lawyers, Hugo Keith, told the court: "The Americans now seem unwilling to withdraw from their initial position and accept on this occasion
they pursued the wrong person."

Raissi's French wife, Sonia, said outside court: "From the beginning we said Lotfi has nothing to do with all this.
Raissi's brother Mohamed added: "The FBI said to the world that he was a big terrorist and they have to now say to the world that this man is innocent.


Raissi himself in an interview on February 16th, 2002:

"I am not a terrorist. I abhor terrorism, and my family in Algeria has fought terrorism and been the victims of it for a decade"

In May 2002, Raissi demanded a public apology from the United States government.
and announced to sue the US government, in case they would not respond.
"it is very important to restore the name of my family"

At the end of 2002 the United States still didn't respond to Raissi's case.

However, if Raissi wasn't Hanjour's teacher (whose pilot license expired in 1996) and Hanjour wasn't on the official passenger list (->), then who was the
pilot of AA77 (->) , which officiallly crashed into the Pentagon on Sep11th, 2001 (-> Pentagon crash)?

Rall, Ted
(-> Tedrall.com)

A 24-slide presentation given by Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec on July 10, 2002, to the Defense Policy Board, a committee of foreign policy wonks
and former government officials that advises the Pentagon on defense issues. Murawiec's PowerPoint scenario, which is reproduced for the first time below,
makes him sound like an aspiring Dr. Strangelove.

According to Newsday, Defense Policy Board Chairman Richard N. Perle, a former Pentagon official and full-time invade-Iraq hawk, invited Murawiec to
brief the group
The last slide in the deck, titled "Grand strategy for the Middle East," abandons the outrageous for the incomprehensible.

It reads:
Iraq is the tactical pivot
Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot
Egypt the prize
Egypt the prize?

Laurent Murawiec:
George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs' Web site lists him as a faculty member, but it lists no current or future classes by him.
The site's biographical page adds that he's a graduate of the Sorbonne University, that he worked as "A foreign correspondent for a major French business
weekly in Germany"
He wrote an article titled "The Wacky World of French Intellectuals" in the Middle East Quarterly, co-edited a Rand Corp. book, and made these comments
at a Nautilus Institute conference.
(-> Zalmay Khalilzad)

On September 7th, 2002 the NY POST reported, that "A Rand Corp. (->) researcher who made critical comments to Pentagon advisers about Saudi Arabia is
out of a job.
Laurent Murawiec said he had quit the elite think tank but insisted he wasn't fired - despite demands for his ouster.

"Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our friends," Murawiec reportedly told the panel, which includes former senior U.S. officials, in July.
He urged the Bush administration to tell Saudi officials that the U.S. would seize their oil fields and overseas financial assets if the Riyadh government didn't
join the war on terror..."


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Rapp, Dave
FBI-agent, who supported Coleen Rowley (->) to investigate the computer files of Zacarias Moussaoui (->)

Rappoport, Jon
Jon Rappoport works as a free-lance investigative reporter for 20 years. He has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly,
Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.

His website is at: http://www.stratiawire.com

(-> nomorefakenews.com)

Rashid, Ahmed
Author of "Taleban" (2000, Yale University Press), which basically described the strong ties
between the Pakistan Secret Service ISI (->) and the Taliban.

Ratcliffe, David T.
(-> Ratical.org)

Rath, Mathias
On February 28th, 2003, the NY Times included a paid advertisment by Matthias Rath, M.D. targeting the Bush war agenda in general and the
pharmaceutical industry in specific. The full page ad highlights in text boxes w/ pics two events: 9.11 attacks, and the burning of the Reichstag in 1933.
Rath is member of the New York Academy of Sciences. The full text was released at http://www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org

Ratical.Org is a political magazine by David T. Ratcliffe, who released a lot of Sep11th-related articles including of Francis A. Boyle (->), John Judge (->)
or Carol Brouillet (->), who was demanding a "Congressional Inquiry of 9/11" since the end of 2001.

Ratical.org pointed out that the "evidence, as presented to the world, claiming Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9-11 bombings would not stand up
in a court of law"
Ratical.org was created by "rat haus 501" in 1998 in Santa Cruz, CA.



Ratier, Emmanuel
Shot some of the earliest photos of the Pentagon, before it collapsed.
Some claim, his photos had been "photoshopped". He won a price for them at LeMonde, France.

(-> Collapse, Pentagon)

(-> Ratical.org)

One of america's biggest defense and aerospace systems supplier.
Daniel P. Burnham, Chairman of the Board of Directors Raytheon.

January 2003:
Raytheon named Warren Rudman as defense's lead director of board.
This announcement came only one day after shares of the Raytheon Company fell sharply after the military contractor disclosed that federal regulators had
begun an informal investigation into accounting practices at its commuter aircraft business.

(-> Global Hawk)


Bush visits the Crawford Elementary School in Crawford, Texas, on Aug. 23 2001 and claimed, the purpose of it was to announce a new reading initiative.
However this wasn't true. Together with Minister of education, Rod Paige (->), both already visited another school before.

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Many journalists argued, that President Bush used the aftermath of the Sep11th attack to hide historic White House documents of the Reagan administration.
Reagan issued an order in 1989 that called for disclosure of most of his official papers 12 years after he left office (68,000 pages of confidential messages
between Reagan and his advisers).

Until 1978, American presidents had complete control over the release of their internal communications.
Reagan's records were supposed to be released in January 2001, and historians were eagerly awaiting them. But because of delays ordered by White House
counsel Albert R. Gonzales, researchers and the public still had been waiting for a complete disclosure at the end of 2002.
The most interesting stuff would be about the Iran-Contra (->) scandal of the late 1980s in which Reagan's aides sold arms covertly to Iran and used the
proceeds to illegally fund the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

In April 2002, the New York Post claimed, that they obtained a log of these files:
"The log indicates the concealed papers have nothing to do with Bush's father, the Iran-Contra scandal, or current members of the Bush administration.
George W. Bush's order, made about six months ago, allows the sitting president or a former president to block the release of documents that were set to
become public 12 years after a president leaves office..."

Source: http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/46185.htm

Recall Bush
Initiative request that President George W. Bush be recalled from office and a recall election be prepared. This petition to The US Congress and The
Supreme Court was written by Tim Ryberg
Contact: [email protected]


Red Cross Bombing

While the Pentagon claimed, that the second Bombing on the Red Cross (October 29th 2001) in Afghanistan, was based on "wrong database" information
and "hit on purpose because it was seized by the Taliban", Red Cross spokesman Christoph Luedi said in December 2001:

"This we can confirm is not correct because we started four days before the bombardment to distribute food out of these warehouses to disabled-headed
a distribution which started on Tuesday and should have been ongoing until Sunday.

This distribution was notified to the Americans especially in light of, because we distributed to different districts and this leads to a massing
of people and we wanted to keep them [the Americans] informed that the massing people was linked to our distributions."

Red Herring
(-> Poisoining the well)

RedSock is Allan Wood. Independent 911-investigator, who is specialised in analysing the Sep11th timeline, passenger manifests, oddities around that day
and many other angles.
Works at democraticunderground.com in the 911-section and 911pi.org.
Formerly known as ajw18.

Helped later Paul Thompson (->) updating his impressive timeline.


Regime Change

Reich, Otto
(-> Iran/Contra)
(-> Venezuela plot)

Reid, Richard
Name of the so called "shoebomber", who was arrested for a bomb threat with his shoes.
The official version changed very often. Sometimes he used C4, then Pentex or even bigger shoes, but still no detonator.
Richard Reid was suspected of having ties with the Pakistan Secret Service ISI, which they denied.

Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl started to investigate on the irregularities of the story.

Security firm warned of shoe bomb suspect

"..A security firm at the Paris airport told French authorities on two different days that the shoe bomb suspect should be screened further, the president of the
firm told CNN Tuesday.

Lior Zucker, president and CEO of the security firm ICTS, said his security officers recommended Friday and Saturday that French authorities take a closer
look at the suspect now identified as Richard C. Reid, 28. ICTS does security screening for American Airlines in France and in other European countries...

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"Lior Zouker, who began his career as a sky marshal for El Al Israeli Airlines and was one of the chief architects in designing the security features at Tel
Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport, is now CEO of ICTS (http://www.icts-int.com ) , one of the world's largest aviation security firms, based in

Source: http://www.travel-scope.com/AirTravel/

In February 2003, Reid was sentenced for 14 years.


(-> Plane relocate speculation)

Rememberjohn.com is an investigative tribute to ex-FBI anti-terror chief John O'Neill,
who died in the Twin Towers on September 11th.
His story was never really exposed to the media.

Rememberjohn.com tries to bring the most important background details and investigative updates on him.

Rememberjohn.com was created in January 2002 by "That Organization" in Atlanta, GA.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> O'Neill, John)

(-> Hauer, Jerome)

Remote Control
(-> Global Hawk -> FANS)

Rendon Group
The Rendon Group (TRG) is a Global Strategic Communications Consultancy providing products and services to both public and private sector clients.
TRG's expertise includes strategic communications consultation, planning and evaluation; information strategy and operations; public and media relations
planning and implementation; crisis management; news collection and analysis; information mapping; survey research; media production; and tactical
communications team deployment.

Among their clients:

Department of Defense, The United Nations, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
Air Intelligence Agency (AIA), CIA, USAID (->), the Government of Kuwait, Monsanto Chemical Company, and the official trade agencies of countries
including Bulgaria, Russia, and Uzbekistan


In the early 1990s Rendon supported the Kuwaiti government, as part of a multi-million-dollar PR campaign, denouncing Iraq's 1990 invasion and mobilizing
public support for Operation Desert Storm.

ClandestineRadio.com, a website which monitors underground and anti-government radio stations in countries throughout the world, credits the Rendon
Group with "designing and supervising" the Iraqi Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) and Radio Hurriah, which began broadcasting Iraqi opposition propaganda
in January 1992 from a US government transmitter in Kuwait.

The Wall Street Journal reported on November 8, 2001, that the Army's "4th Psychological Operations (Psyops) group" designed leaflets and radio
broadcasts inside Afghanistan "to persuade enemy fighters to quit, and to convince civilians that U.S. bombs raining down on their country will result in a
better future for their families."

In December 2002, O'Dwyer's PR Daily reported, that the Rendon Group had re-launched their website, "after a seven-month hiatus".

Already hired by the Pentagon to a $100K a-month contract following Sept. 11, they started to work in Iraq again, spreading radio propaganda and helping
to distribute leaflets.


Rendon links:

Rick Rendon

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Rendon Group had TWA800 tape:

Hill & Knowlton


The Fake Translations:

"...twice a week, for US$3,000 a month, the Iraqi student says, under condition of anonymity, that he took a taxi from his campus apartment to a Boston-area
recording studio rented by the Rendon Group, a DC-based public relations firm with close ties to the US government. His job: translate and dub spoofed
Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for broadcast throughout Iraq...."



Rense.com was maybe the most popular "source" for 911Skeptics or -newbies
between 2001 and 2002, though many, more sophisticated supporters denied their visits at Rense.

In reality, Jeff Rense is however open minded for every kind of article,
which is risking censorship or ignorance on major mainstream press.

Rense archived or mirrored the most popular 911Skeptics articles on his server and was therefore a very valuable and important source for many different
angles of the Sep11th attack.

Jeff Rense is host of his own radio show and invited a lot of important 911Skeptics like Mike Ruppert.

Rense mirrored the famous 911-timeline by Paul Thompson (-> cooperativeresearch.org) as one of the first websites and made him popular worldwide. He
mirrored the Top 500 FAQs by "ewing2001" and his complete anthrax-timeline and many critical articles on the "police state".

His website was created in 1999 in Central Point, Oregon and achieved in 2002 seven Million Hits A Month.

Rense, Jeff
(-> Rense.com)

Initiative against a "corrupted" media.
Representativemedia was created in April 2001 by Thomas Murphy in New York.

[email protected]

Most important tools:
Google.com (click on "cache")
Wayback Machine (http://web.archive.org , unveiled in October 2001),
Search only ".mil" and ".gov" sites: www.google.com/unclesam
http://www.defenselink.mil and many other websites mentioned in this book.

(-> Meyssan, Thierry)
(-> Asile.org)

Author of two Sep11th books, basically concentrating on the Pentagon Crash (->).

~ 1997: Rocca, Christina (CIA)
August 1998: Ritter, Scott (UN inspection team)
June 2000: Cheney, Dick (Halliburton Kellog Root and Brown)
~ 2001: Royer, Jeffrey (FBI, 911-Insider Trading)
March 2001: Bashiruddin Mehmood (Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood), Abdul Majeed A.Q.Khan (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for alleged links
with Bin Laden)
May 2001: Baxter, Clifford (ENRON)
August 2001: O' Neill, John (FBI)
August 2001: Louis J. Freeh(FBI, replaced by Thomas Pickard)
Summer 2001: Sirrs, Julie (DIA)

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2001: Thomas Pickard (FBI, went to Bristol Myers Squibb)

2001: Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Intelligence, replaced by Prince Nawaf bin Abdulaziz)
September 2001: Abu Abdullah Shafae (Abu Abdullah Shafae , replaced by Mala Kreker)
September 12th, 2001: Mayo Shattuck III (Alex Brown, resigned from a $30 million, three-year contract)
October 1st, 2001: Henry H. Shelton (DoD)
October 6th, 2001: Ahmad, General Mahmud (ISI)
early 2002: John Weston (BAe)
February 22nd, 2002: Dr. Jeffrey Koplan (Chief of CDC)
March 2002: Mawn, Barry (FBI, replaced by Kevin P. Donovan)
April 11th, 2002: Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, who came back
April 2002: Jose Bustani (Chemical Convention)
April 2002: Dr. Robert Watson (chief of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
May 2002: Hughes, Karen (Bush-advisor)
May 2002: D.A. Henderson (Office of Public Health Preparedness /OPHP, replaced by Jerome Hauer)
May 31st, 2002 Joseph P. Nolan (GTCR, replaced by William C. Brooks)
2002: Black, Cofer (CIA)
2002: Watson, Dale (FBIHQ, went to Booz Allen)
September 7th, 2002: Laurent Murawiec (RAND researcher)
September 2002: Jay Stephens (US State Department -> became senior vice president Raytheon)
2002: Robert J. Chiaradio (FBIHQ, went to KPMG)
2002: Mary Ryan (Assistant Secretary of State
November 2002: Sherron Watkins (whistleblower at Worldcom)
December 2002: George Mitchell (911-commission)
December 2002: Kissinger, Henry (head of 911-commission)
December 2002: Lawrence B. Lindsey (National Economic Council, replaced by Stephen Friedman, former co-chairman of Goldman Sachs)
January 3rd, 2003: John C. Browne, director of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico
January 3rd, 2003: Joseph Salgado, Deputy Director of Los Alamos
January 31st, 2003: Richard Clarke, Director of CyberSecurity

March 2003: Albaugh, Joe (FEMA- announced in 12/02)

September 2001: Herta Daeubler-Gmelin (german government, for criticising Bush)
November 2002: Dr. Jeffrey Koplan (canadian Government, for criticising Bush)

Rice, Condoleeza
Condoleeza Rice is the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
At Stanford, she has been a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control, a Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and
a Fellow (by courtesy) of the Hoover Institution (->).

From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the first Bush Administration as
Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations (-> CFR) , she served as Special Assistant to the
Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Rice was a member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the
University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan, The Rand Corporation (->) , the National Council for Soviet and East
European Studies and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors.

Condoleeza Rice was warned by Senator Gary Hart (CFR) five days before Sept. 11 on a possible terrorist attack.
She received the copy of George Tenet's CIA-memo on a warning about an attack on August 6th, 2001 (-> Prior knowledge).

Furthermore, US Congress-member Dana Rohrabacher (->) warned her a couple of days before the attack and tried to get an appointment with the US State
of Department.

Therefore, Rice was the only confirmed member of the US Government,

who was warned by three individual persons a couple of weeks before Sep11th.

Rice lied more than twice, i.e. in this press conference:


She claimed that they couldn't have thought up planes as weapons,

when they'd done just that in Genoa a few months before.

Correction on CNN:
"...An earlier version of this article incorrectly quoted national security adviser Condoleezza Rice's Thursday comments on intelligence reports last summer
that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network might attempt to hijack a U.S. airliner.

Rice said, "But the fact is this in retrospect even looks hard to put together. At the time, we were looking at something very different. To the degree that
hijacking was an issue, it was traditional hijacking."


Comment by DU-member, JeffC :

"...Ms. Rice wants it both ways. She wants to say that there was nothing specific in the reports given to the president, she wants to say that only a traditional
hijacking threat was being considered, to "take over an airliner, holding passengers and demand the release of one of their operatives," Rice said of the

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report's reference to al-Qaida."

But at the same time, "She said the terrorists wanted to hijack a plane and demand the freedom of the "blind sheik" — Omar Abdel-Rahman, the Egyptian
cleric imprisoned for a plot to bomb targets in New York in the early 1990s."

Ridge, Tom
Homeland Security (->) Chief

(-> ANSER)

Ridley, Yvonne
In February 2002 British journalist Yvonne Ridley, who was captured for 10 days by the Taliban in September 2001, claimed, that her own government tried
to convince Taliban officials that she was a spy. Yvonne Ridley, who worked for the Sunday Express UK, has written a book (In the hands of the Taliban)
about her ordeal, said that her death would have been a public relations success for the British government in the face of anti-war critics.

However, according to Ridley, she was treated relatively well, with "respect" and "courtesy."
She said, "The Taliban never harmed me physically".
Ridley thinks, that the British intelligence tried to kill her.
The British Foreign Office denied Ridley's version of events.

Ridley was not the only journalist, who was captured by the Taliban.

In October 2001, french journalist Michel Peyrard, was arrested by the Taleban after illegally entering Afghanistan dressed as a woman but told the BBC he
was being treated well.

Peyrard, who worked for Paris Match magazine, and two Pakistani journalists travelling with him have been charged with spying, an offence which carried
a death penalty.

Another french journalist who was arrested was freed in October 2001, Aziz Zemouri, from Le Figaro magazine, later and handed over to Pakistani
authorities in the border city of Peshawar.

Author Thierry Meyssan (-> Hunt the Boeing) claimed on a press conference in December 2001 in Saudi Arabia, that Michel Peyrard told him how Osama
Ben Laden lived openly in Jalalabad, in November 2001, "while the USA bombarded other areas of the country"


Rigged Election
(-> Florida)
(-> Palast, Greg)
(-> ES&S)



Radio Internet Story Exchange, run by Kellia Remares.

Contact: [email protected]

RISSNET, or Regional Information Sharing System Network, founded before the September 11th attacks, got a boost when Congress authorized additional
money for it in the USA PATRIOT Act (->) in October 2001.

RISSNET is a secure intranet that connects 5,700 law enforcement agencies in all 50 US-states, as well as agencies in Ontario and Quebec, the District of
Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Australia.

According to sources close to the Washington Metropolitan Police, data on targeted local groups such as the Alliance for Global Justice, the anti-World
Bank/International Monetary Fund activist organization, has been shared with other jurisdictions through RISSNET.

RISSNET has been used to coordinate the monitoring of the activities of anti-globalization protestors in Seattle, Quebec City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles,
Washington DC and Genoa. For example, when the FBI seized network server logs from Independent Media Center (IMC->) in Seattle during the April
2001 anti-free trade protests in Quebec City, RISSNET was used to coordinate activities across jurisdictional boundaries.

All RISS intelligence is archived by an Orwellian-sounding entity called MAGLOCLEN or "Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law
Enforcement Network
Headquartered in Newtown, Pennsylvania, MAGLOCLEN distributes political intelligence to all police departments hooked up to RISSNET.

(-> Cointelpro)

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Ritter, Scott
Former U.S. Marine intelligence officer, resigned from the U.N. inspection team in August 1998 after several years as a member. He left denouncing the
Clinton administration for having withdrawn support for the U.N. agency and undermining weapons inspections.

In many different interviews and the William Rivers Pitt (->) book "War on Iraq", Ritter "debunked the key arguments for war," notably Iraq's alleged
nuclear capabilities.

Ritter in July 2002:

"There is a good chance that a domino effect will come into play. We could see Saudi Arabia fall, Kuwait fall, Jordan fall, Egypt fall and the entire region
being swept up in a sea of anti-Western, Islamic fundamentalism. Vast numbers of ordinary Arabs will swing behind the aims of al-Qa'ida. The invasion of
Iraq is the quickest path to losing the war on terror and giving legitimacy to the criminal who attacked the US and the entire freedom of the world on 11

Robbins, Alexandra
Author of "Secrets of the Tomb" on Bush's secret society, Skulls and Bones.

Robertson, George
George Robertson, Secretary General, NATO.

Rocca, Christina
Christina Rocca, a veteran of the CIA's Operations Directorate since 1982, was nominated in April 2001, as the Secretary of State for South Asia in place
Karl Inderfurth (->).
Rocca resigned from the CIA in 1997 and started working as an advisor of republican Senator Sam Brownback in Kansas.
In early 2001, Brownback had moved two amendments, adopted by the US Senate in 1999, vesting powers with the President to lift sanctions against India
and Pakistan.

On August 2nd, 2001, as revealed by many different sources and documented in "Forbidden Truth" (->), Christina Rocca, the director of Asian affairs at the
State Department,
met the Taliban ambassador, Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, in Islamabad and his assistant, Sohail Shaheen.

Ms Rocca was previously in charge of contacts with Islamist guerrilla groups at the CIA, where in the 1980s, she oversaw the delivery of Stinger missiles to
Afghan mujaheddin.

It is believed that she was closely involved in the operations of the CIA against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s. She visited India and Pakistan
under her real name.

In the early 1990s, Rocca monitored the implementation of a plan for the buy-back by the CIA from the Afghan Mujahideen (->) groups and the
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI ->) of Pakistan the unused Stinger missiles supplied by the CIA, free of cost during the 1980s, for use against the Soviet

Lt.Gen.Javed Nasir, the Director-General of the ISI during Mr.Nawaz Sharif's first tenure as the Prime Minister (1990-93), did not co-operate with the CIA
in the implementation of this buy-back scheme. It was on the recommendation of Rocca that Mr.Clinton placed Pakistan in the so-called watch list of
suspected State-sponsors of international terrorism in January, 1993, and demanded that Mr. Nawaz Sharif should remove from the ISI.

Rocca supported the Steering Group-study on Iran-Iraq.

Members of this group had been Senator Brownback, James Woolsey (-> former Director of the CIA) and former Congressman Stephen Solarz, both
reputed to be good friends of India .
Rocca is well known to have varied interests in South Asia as well as the Middle East

http://www.saag.org/papers3/paper230.html (->Saag)

In October 2002, Rocca was in Karachi discussing security arrangements for US diplomats and ways of increasing security for the now secret US Consulate
in Karachi.
She met Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to discuss "bilateral issues".


Roche, James G.
Dr. James G. Roche was Secretary of the Air Force on September 11th.

Roemer, Tim
Tim Roemer basically helped Cynthia McKinney (->) to establish some independent 911-hearings
with his Roemer-Commission.

His patriotic duty however ended at the vote for a war against Iraq. He voted pro.
In December 2002, he became one of the 10 members of a new 911-commission,
led by Tom Kean (->).

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Rohrabacher, Dana
In April 2001, the CIA received a warning by former Northern Alliance Commander Ahmed Shah Massoud, when former Muhjahadeen fighter and
US-Congress member Dana Rohrabacher started to refresh his contacts with the Taliban.

On April 5, 2001 Massoud had a message for Bush at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France:
"If President Bush doesn't help us," he replied in Persian, according to a recording of his remarks translated by Afghan allies, "then these terrorists will
damage the United States and Europe very soon, and it will be too late."


A few weeks later, some unknown CIA officers travelled into northern Afghanistan and gave Massoud cash and supplies in small amounts in exchange for
intelligence on al Qaeda.

At basically the same time, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher "conducted secret and illegal negotiations with the Taliban while on a trip paid for
by Islamic and Egyptian support organizations", charged his Democratic challenger, Gerrie Schipske.

“Rohrabacher traveled to the United Arab Emirate of Qatar and conducted secret, unauthorized negotiations with Osama bin Laden’s protégé - Taliban
Foreign Minister Walid Ahmad Mutawakel in April 2001,” said Schipske.

The Arab news media reports that Rohrabacher pressured the Government of Qatar to set up a private meeting between him and the Taliban’s Foreign
“Rohrabacher met with Mutawakel and gave him a document that outlined his own ‘personal peace plan’ and told Mutawakel to take it back to the Taliban,”
Schipske explains. “It is simply outrageous that this rogue Congressman engaged in negotiations with the Taliban. He needs to explain why he tried to cut a
deal on his own and what he promised the Taliban during the meeting.”
Schipske urged Rohrabacher to release whatever documents he handed to the Taliban leader.

Rohrabacher’s secret dealings came to light after his 2001 Financial Disclosure was released in late July 2002 showing a trip to Qatar paid for by both the
Egypt International Forum and the Islamic Institute.

Rohrabacher and George Tenet have known each other for years. They both worked in 1998 together on a satellite controversy with the Intelligence

Rohrabacher is member of the Afghanistan - America Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan, independent organization located in Washington, D.C., a few
blocks from the U.S. Capitol building.
This Foundation is honored to have as its National Honorary Co-Chairmen two former White House National Security Advisors, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski
(->) and Gen. Brent Scowcroft (->).

Closely advising and working with the Foundation are Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND Corp.;
Dr. Tom Gouttierre, Director of the Center for Afghanistan Studies, University of Nebraska, Omaha, and Vice-President of the Afghanistan - America
Dr. Frederick Starr, former President of Oberlin College and now Chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the School for Advanced International
Studies (SAIS ->) of Johns Hopkins University; and Dr. Barnett Rubin, Council on Foreign Relations, serve on the Foundation's White Paper Task Force.

Afghanistanfoundation.org was created by Gal Moran in Tel Aviv.


McKinney-Rohrabacher Amendment

JANUARY 4 - 19, 2000
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher led a CODEL on behalf of the House International Relations Committee to the Asia-Pacific region from January 4 though
19, 2000. He was accompanied by his Special Assistant, Al Santoli, a national security and Asia-Pacific expert, and Jeffrey Baxter [traveling on private
resources], an advisor on anti-ballistic missile systems and a special reserve officer with the Los Angeles Police Department Anti-Terrorism Unit. In Manila,
the CODEL was joined by Paul Berkowitz, a professional staff member of the Committee. The delegation investigated national security, international crime
and drug trafficking, and human rights issues in Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and in the Golden Triangle of the Thai-Burma border.

On July 12, 2000, (at a U.S. Congressional Committee Mtg) Rep. Dana Rohrabacher bitterly "charged the U.S. State Department with pretending to oppose
bin Laden and the Taliban while actually secretly supporting them." (ibid, see tenc.com "Congressman").

In September 2002, Rohrabacher had been part of an investigation, possibly because of this comment one year earlier and the Taliban warning of
Muttawakil (->) :

"...behind the Taliban is and was Saudi Arabia. During the war against the Russians, the Saudis provided the Afghan resistance with hundreds of millions of
....I met with the head of Saudi intelligence, the man responsible for providing that money to the Afghans during the war, the $200 million or so, or whatever
it was that the Saudis provided to the Afghans. His name was General Turkey."

About his appointment:

"The day before the attack on the world trade towers and the Pentagon, there was an attempt to kill Commander Massoud. Many of us thought he was dead,
he was reported dead, but he struggled for life for another 5 days and just died 2 days ago.

However, the attack on Commander Massoud; and I knew him, I had met him in Afghanistan. By the way, I will just say that I have been in and out of
Afghanistan several times in these last few years.

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The last time I went in was to see Commander Massoud. The attack on the commander told me something terrible was about to happen, something terrible
was about to happen, because Massoud was someone that bin Laden understood that if he did something that would make the United States or someone else
very angry at him, that Massoud was someone that would be turned to immediately by our side to ally with.

So before the attack on the World Trade Towers and on the Pentagon, bin Laden and his terrorists attacked Commander Massoud and, unfortunately,
succeeded in killing him and eliminating Commander Massoud from the equation today.

I was so concerned about this, understanding that this was telling us that something horrible was going to happen, that I made an appointment to see the top
officials in the White House in the National Security Council.
My appointment with the National Security Council at the White House was to warn them that this attack on Massoud obviously meant something big was
about to happen. My appointment was for 2:30 that afternoon. Unfortunately, at 8:45 that morning, the first plane slammed into the World Trade Center..."


According the Reuters News (9-24-2001), U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) met with the Taliban leader Muttawakil on Tuesday, April 10. “The
meeting was purely unofficial and was organized at the insistence of the U.S. congressman,” said a Qatari diplomat.
Moreover, Doha-based Al-Jazeera satellite television said “the two sides also discussed Osama bin Laden and the situation of women and public freedom.”

Curiously, besides Rohrabacher, Qatar’s Al-Raya News agency specifically reported that “the controversial Taliban meeting [with Osama bin Laden’s
associate] was also attended by other U.S. congressmen in Doha, [Qatar ] for a conference.” That other U.S. legislators besides Rohrabacher met with the
Taliban leader was reported by the Associated Press and Agence France Presse.

Tom Flocco

On Sep11th, 2001, Rohrabacher, who was once fighting with the mujahedin (->), described the attack as "the result of a deal between Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, and, unfortunately, the United States."

...I was thwarted by our own State Department. NGOs with aid for Afghans who were in areas that were controlled by the Taliban, on the other hand, had
no trouble with our government.
and more disturbing:
Several years ago during the Clinton administration contacted the CIA to let them know that I had an informant who knew exactly where bin Laden was, that
he was out of Afghanistan, and that he was willing to pinpoint bin Laden for them. I gave them my contact's phone number. They never called. After a
week, I called my friend back and said, Did the CIA get with you? No.

I went to the CIA again and explained that this person had impeccable credentials of knowing what was going on in Afghanistan. They would get to him, but
they did not. A week later they still had not called. Then I went and complained to the chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the
gentleman from Florida (Mr. Goss), whom I respect; and I told him what happened.
The next day he had a meeting in this building with representatives of the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI. It was the bin Laden task force.

I told them what had happened and that my friend could pinpoint bin Laden, and that he had been ignored for 2 weeks. They would get to it.
Guess what, a week later my friend still had not been contacted. By then the trail was cold. But when I went to the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Goss), it got
action and my friend was called.
He said it was a lackadaisical call. It looked like it was a pro forma call.


I know of a situation at the Defense Intelligence Agency where a young analyst felt there was a lack of information about Afghanistan and that lack of
information was threatening to our national security. She wanted to get the information. She wanted to go up to Massoud's territory and find out what was
going on because we did not know what was happening in Afghanistan. She was denied, and she had the gall on her own time, on her own vacation time, to
go there to Massoud's stronghold to try to get that information. I think someone like that should get a medal.
Instead, she was fired.

(-> Julie Sirrs)

Again on Massoud:

After I had gotten myself together after his death, I knew that it must be because they are going to attack the United States. That is why the Taliban killed
him, so we could not have anyone to turn to, to rally behind in our counterattack. So the next day I called the White House. I asked to speak to Condoleezza
Rice, and I wanted a meeting with her and the National Security Council because there was an attack that would soon befall the United States of America.

They got back to me, and said, Congressman, we take your opinions on Afghanistan and elsewhere very seriously, but we are very busy. Can you come
tomorrow? The earliest we can fit you in is 2:00 tomorrow. I woke up on 9-11 expecting to have a meeting with Condoleezza Rice and the National Security
Council at the White House to warn them that there was an imminent attack planned on the United States and to take seriously any possible threat that they
(Rice had now 3 warnings, by CIA, Gary Hart and Rohrabacher!)

Investigation was cancelled, on October 15th 2002, he profound condolences to the family of Steve 'Webby' Webster, who lost his life "at the hands of
terrorists in Indonesia".


Rohrabachers strange dark past and Robert Kennedy connection:

"...Rohrabacher, then a young conservative Republican, was at the Ambassador Hotel on June 5, 1968 the night that RFK was assassinated and was
interviewed by LAPD. That murder led to the eventual election of Richard Nixon and the prolongation of the Vietnam War for another seven painful,
profitable years..."


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(-> DoD)
(-> Muttawakil, Ahmed)
(-> Prior Knowledge, confirmed)

Rosenberg, Barbara
Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, director of the Federation of American Scientists' (FAS) Chemical and Biological Weapons Program and a research professor of
environmental science at the State University of New York at Purchase.
On December 10th, 2001, she released her popular report on possible anthrax suspects, which had been widely ignored by the media.

USArmy Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (Ft. Detrick, MD)#*
Dugway Proving Ground (Utah)#*
Naval Research Medical Center and associated military labs (MD)#
Battelle Memorial Institute (Ohio; plus laboratories in many other locations)#*
Duke University Medical School, Clinical Microbiology Lab. (NC)
VA Medical Center, Durham (NC)
USDA laboratory and Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames (Iowa)
LSU College of Veterinary Medicine*
Northern Arizona State University (Arizona)*
Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IL)
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque (NM)*
Institute for Genomic Research (MD)
Chemical and Biological Defense Establishment, Porton Down (UK)*
Center for Applied Microbiology and Research, Porton (UK)*
Defense Research Establishment, Suffield (CA)*
In addition, CDC, NIH, and Los Alamos

Possible Portrait of the Anthrax Perpetrator:

"Insider in US biodefense, doctoral degree in a relevant branch of biology Middle-aged American Experienced and skilled in working with hazardous
pathogens, including anthrax, and avoiding contamination Works for a CIA contractor in Washington, DC area Has up-to-date vaccination with anthrax
vaccine Has clearance for access to classified information Worked in USAMRIID laboratory in the past, in some capacity, and has access now.

Knows Bill Patrick and has learned a thing or two about weaponization from him, informally Has had training or experience in covering evidence May have
had an UNSCOM connection Has had a dispute with a government agency Has a private location where the materials for the attack were accumulated and
prepared Worked on the letters alone or with peripheral encouragement and assistance Fits FBI profile Has the necessary expertise, access and a past
history indicating appropriate capabilities and temperament Has been questioned by FBI".

On December14th, 2001 Alan Simpson (->) suggested at spiescafe.com, that the "DC Anthrax appears to come "from an illegal CIA funded project", and is
100% home grown"

(-> FAS.org)

Rothkopf, David
(-> Intellibridge)

In November 2001, Rotten.com responded on an article of the BBC, which described a fund in Kabul, Afghanistan: forgotten manuals, live hand grenades,
and hats with the new al-Qaeda logo on them, furthermore a piece of paper with the word "ricin" on it, and plans for a thermonuclear device!
Rotten.com found out, that the "plans" had been in reality based on a well-known parody:
""Theory of Operation...The device basically works when..."
"Plutonium (PU), atomic number...and is similar to..."
Scary words indeed; the keys to nuclear destruction, just laying out here on this forgotten desk! How could these well-guarded secrets have leaked to the
Well, this is where it gets a little funny. You see, those words appear on a semi-famous document that has made the rounds on the Internet since the late
1980's. It's a reprint of a scientific parody called "How to Build an Atom Bomb" from a humor newsletter called The Annals of Improbable Research
At the time this document was originally written (1979!), the newsletter was called the "Journal of Irreproducible Results"."
The NY Times was impressed from the conclusions of Rotten.com and released an article on it.

Rove, Karl
Karl Rove, who served as chief strategist for President Bush 's presidential campaign, manages the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Public Liaison,
and the Office of Strategic Initiatives at the White House.

Before joining the campaign, he was president of Karl Rove and Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm.
Former Consultant to U.S. Senators Phil Gramm (->ENRON) and chief lobbyist for General Motors.


Rove, who once was lobbied by Boeing over the sale of F-15 fighter jets,
was the official messenger, who informed President Bush on the first attack on the Twin Towers, before he arrived at the school. Later, while sitting in the

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school, it was Andrew Card (->), who whispered him into his ear about the second crash.

(-> Safire, Wiliam)

(-> Bush2 from September 10th to September 11th)
(-> Booker Elementary)

Rowley, Coleen
Coleen Rowley, an FBI-agent, tried to examine the computer of muslim student Zacarias Moussaoui (->), after he was arrested in a flight school on
suspicious behavior.

Since August 22nd, 2001, Rowley was already in e-mail contact with an unknown attorney at the National Security Law Unit (NSLU), when the FBI for 5
days ignored either an "urgent cable" by the CIA (CIA cable->) and Rowley herself.
Responsible for this: Dale Watson (->) and David Frasca (->) .
On August 28th, 2001 FBI agent and famous whistleblower Colleen Rowley was still unsuccesfully in contact with Minneapolis and the FBIHQ.

In May 2002, Rowley wrote a letter to FBI director Richard Mueller and decided to whistleblow.

Her letter was released at TIME in an edited version:




Roy, Arundhati
On September 29th, 2002, indian author Arundhati Roy criticised the pending war plans of the United States against the Taliban and mentioned a Sep20th
statement by the FBI, who had doubts about the identities of some of the hijackers. On the same day President George Bush said, "We know exactly who
these people are and which governments are supporting them."
She asked, why the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon - were chosen as the targets of the attacks. Why not the Statue of Liberty?

Roy explained the role of the CIA and ISI in Afghanistan and how the Taliban was funded by both of them:
"Someone recently said that if Osama bin Laden didn't exist, America would have had to invent him. But, in a way, America did invent him. He was among
the jihadis who moved to Afghanistan in 1979 when the CIA commenced its operations there. Bin Laden has the distinction of being created by the CIA and
wanted by the FBI. From all accounts, it will be impossible to produce evidence (of the sort that would stand scrutiny in a court of law) to link Bin Laden to
the September 11 attacks.
...What is Osama bin Laden? He's America's family secret. He is the American president's dark doppelganger."

For quoting Roy's words, german TV-anchorman Ulrich Wickert (Tagesthemen) was almost fired and started a controversial discussion on media


Progressive artist and activist site.
Rtmark.com was created in April 1998 by rtmark in San Francisco and is hosted by thing.net in New York.

Ruckus Society
The Ruckus Society is located at ruckus.org.
They basically analysed the question, how "Dubya and the U.S. Administration justify attacking Iraq and killing innocent people to promote American values
of peace, justice and democracy?"

Ruckus supported activist groups like AmazonWatch, Acorn, Ocean Song.org, or

earthtobush.com, who unfurled a huge banner over the East River, when President Bush visited the United Nations in Autum 2002, to promote his war
against Iraq.

Other projects, the Ruckus Society promoted in 2002, are globalexchange.org,

truemajority.org, moveon.org, nonviolence.org/vitw/ (Voices of the Wilderness), veteransforpeace.org or the American Arab Anti-Discrimination

Ruckus.org was created in 1997 in Berkeley CA by the Ruckus Society.

Ruddy, Christopher
Ruddy and his partner Carl Limbacher tried to profit from the new
anti-Clintonisms during 2002 and published therefore on on September 11, 2002
a new book called "Catastrophe: Clinton’s Role in America’s Worst Disaster",
which was heavily promoted by Newsmax.

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Catastrophe begins on January 20, 1993, when William Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office as the 42nd president of the United States of America.
Clinton swore to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” from enemies both foreign and domestic.

It includes the claim, that the West Nile virus was the first bioweapon used by Iraq,
FEMAs secret plan to build emergency cities that could house millions of Americans and
and China’s hidden ties with the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Newsmax promoted their 911-collection at


Rudman, Warren B.
Co-Chairman of the Hart-Rudman commission (-> Hart, Gary)
Partner of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison.
Rudman became one of the directors of Raytheon (->) in early 2003.

(-> BENS)

Source for speculative and second hand infos or first hand investigative articles.

Rumourmills.net was created in December 2001 by POPULAR ENTERPRISES, L.L.C. and Rayelan Allen of Rumormillnews in Knoxville, TN

Rumsfeld, Donald
Donald Rumsfeld, current Defense secretary, is still busy in private business as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABB (Asea Brown Boveri, -> North
Korea) Ltd. (Zurich, Switzerland), Gilead Sciences, Inc., Amylin Pharmaceuticals, and Tribune Company.

He is Chairman of the Salomon Smith Barney International Advisory Board and advisor to a number of other companies, including Investor AB of Sweden.
Furthermore, he is Chairman of the U.S. Commission to Assess National Security Space Management and Organization.
Rumsfeld was former CEO of BioPharmacy firm Searl (later became part of Monsanto).

Rumsfeld is one of the strongest supporters of a war against Terrorism and Iraq.
On progressive websites he is described as a puppet of a weapon- and oil industry.


On September 23rd, 2002, MSNBC released their article "How the U.S. Helped Create Saddam Hussein", which revealed new video protocols on Donald
Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein:

"...America helped make a monster. What to do with him-and what

happens after he's gone-has haunted us for a quarter century.

The last time Donald Rumsfeld saw Saddam Hussein, he gave him a cordial handshake. The date was almost 20 years ago, Dec. 20, 1983; an official Iraqi
television crew recorded the historic moment. ..."


Rumsfeld Commissions I & II (on a relaunched Star Wars/SDI program):

(-> MK Ultra -> Searle)

Veterans (AGWVA) call for Rumsfeld resignation:

Ruppert, Mike
(-> copvcia.com)

Rushdie, Salman
A few weeks before Sep11th, the U.S. Federal Aviation Authority in Washington issued an emergency directive banning author Mr. Rushdie from all flights
in and out of the United States, reflecting a heightened state of alert.
The FAA never explains why such directives are issued.

"As a result of security measures imposed by civil-aviation authorities on any flight on which you hold a reservation, the implementation of which would
likely cause considerable disruption to our operations and great inconvenience to our passengers, we regret to inform you that Air Canada cannot accept
you as a passenger on its flights or that of its regional carriers," said an Air Canada document obtained by The Globe and Mail.


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(-> Oil)

Russia-Iraq connection
On August 20th, 2002, the Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that it agreed with Iraq about a 10-year trade, which envisions new cooperation in oil,
irrigation, agriculture, transportation, railroads and electrical energy. Iraq's ambassador to Russia, Abbas Khalaf, said the agreement was worth $40 billion,
but Moscow would not confirm that figure. (->Oil)


It is well known, that Russia's Lukoil had a contract with Iraq.

When Iraq felt with its back to the wall, it cancelled this contract in December 2002, to blackmail new support by Russia.

Russian Air Force

(-> Kornukov, Anatoli)


Stand-down Sep11th: Who hired Ben Sliney (->), FAA?

South Asia Analysis Group. Specialised in analysing terror groups.
Created in July 1998 by Dr. S. Chandrasekharan and South Asia Analysis Group
in Paharganj, New Delhi

Safire, Wiliam
In late September 2001, author William Safire claimed, that one of his "sources" (one of whom, he admits, is Karl Rove) have indicated that the terrorists
knew lots of secret stuff about Air Force One and White House procedures, which can only mean one thing...a "mole" in the White House, or Secret
Service, or the FBI, CIA, etc...

Source: The Boggionis,


Serves as a portal site for the energy and chemicals industry; also provides -Enterprise Information.

SageMaker offers vertically oriented solutions to the financial services,

insurance, oil and gas, pharmaceutical and biotechnology, power and telecommunications industries, and has partnered with noted names in the world of
business content, creating and maintaining more than 9,000 XML connectors to their content.

Its 450 global clients include Dynegy Inc., JPMorgan Chase, Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Cos., IMF World Bank, Barclays Capital, Unocal, Alberta Energy
Co. or Williams Energy.

SAIC is the nation's largest employee-owned research and engineering company, providing information technology, systems integration and eBusiness
products and services to commercial and government customers. SAIC engineers and scientists work to solve complex technical problems in
telecommunications, national security, health care, transportation, energy, the environment and financial services. With annual revenues of $5.9 billion,
SAIC and its subsidiaries, including Telcordia Technologies, have more than 41,000 employees at offices in more than 150 cities worldwide

Both Anthrax Suspect Stephen Hatfill (->) and former OEM-Director Jerome Hauer (->) worked at the SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology and
Analysis in 1999.

http://www.saic.com/news/nov99/news11-30a-99.html (November 1999, Hauer)

http://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/455218p-3643441c.html (Hatfill)

They both supported a common presentation in November 1999 at the CFR (->).

"...Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) today announced that Jerome M. Hauer is joining SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology
and Analysis (CCTA) as assistant vice president and associate director..."

INTESA, a subsidiary of the SAIC operates in Venezuela (->).

INTESA is a joint venture with Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).

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INTESA provides information technology and outsourcing services to PDVSA, a worldwide oil industry leader, as well as other companies in the Latin
American region.

SAIC has over 35 companies, subsidiaries and equity partners, i.e. Bechtel, Danet, Saudi SAI, DigiLens or VeriSign.

The Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS, Massachusetts Avenue, N.W).

The SAIS (www.sais-jhu.edu) support various ideas of people like James Schlesinger (former secretary of Defense and CIA director), Bernard L. Shwartz
Professor Francis Fukuyama (President's Council on Bioethics, appointed by President Bush on January 16th 2002, and Professor of International Political
Economy at SAIS), David Owen (House of Lords member and former foreign secretary of the United Kingdom), Daniel Hamilton (director of the SAIS
Center for Transatlantic Relations), David Rockefeller (CFR-director, author of "Memoirs: The Rockefeller Family in International Affairs" and former
chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank), Carla Hills (vice chairman of the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations ->), SAIS Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski
(->), Ruth Wedgwood (director of the SAIS International Law and Organization Program), James D. Wolfensohn (President of The World Bank Group),
Eliot Cohen (director of the Strategic Studies Program SAIS and author of "Soldiers, Statesmen and Leadership in Wartime"), Ilham Aliyev (first vice
president of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan/SOCAR), Ashraf Jehangir Qazi (ambassador of Pakistan to the United States and former Pakistan's
ambassador to the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China and India), Christopher Meyer (ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United
States) , Herman T. Franssen (director of Petroleum Economics Ltd), Al Hegburg (a senior adviser at the Scowcroft Group (->) and former AMOCO (->)
executive), Frank Verrastro (a senior policy adviser at Vinson & Elkins and former senior vice president at Pennzoil), Richard Holbrooke ( CFR (->) board
member and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations) and many others.

The SAIS and The Nixon Center invited guest speakers at their events like Wolf Blitzer (CNN) or Zalmay Khalilzad (->), special presidential envoy for
Afghanistan and former UNOCAL (->) consultant.
New Yorks Mayor Bloomberg worked at Johns Hopkins Institute, under him Paul Wolfowitz (->).

(-> Johns Hopkins Institute)

(-> Oil)

SALTS (Saudi Logistics And Technical)


SAMS stands for School for Advanced Military Studies, based in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
The mission of the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) is to educate officers at the graduate level in military art and science in order to produce
leaders with the flexibility to solve complex problems in peace, conflict, and war.

President of SAMS is Kenneth (Ken) Weinbrecht.

The SAMS is located in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Already a few days after the Sep11th attack many people recalled and redistributed a story about some SAMS officers, who said: 'Wildcard. Ruthless and
cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'" ("US troops would enforce peace under Army study," Washington
Times, Sept.. 10, 2001, pg. A1, 9.) .
Just 24 hours after this story appeared, the Pentagon was hit and muslim "terrorists", led by Bin Laden were being blamed.

Sanchez, Loretta
Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) was one of the few democrats, who supported an independent investigation
of the Sep11th attacks (-> McKinney, Cynthia)

Sanders Research Associates Limited in March 1999 in Hertfordshire, UK.
Bringing you the tools with which to navigate the shoals of the international political economy as safely as possible. Very detailed background sketches about
the connections between ENRON, DynCorp, Lockheed, Harvard Corporation.

Since 1949, Sandia National Laboratories has developed science-based technologies that support the national security of the United States.
Through science and technology, people, infrastructure, and partnerships, Sandia's mission is to meet national needs in four key areas:

* Nuclear weapons * Nonproliferation and materials control

* Energy and critical infrastructure
* Emerging threats — addressing new threats to national security

Sandia is a government-owned/contractor operated (GOCO) facility. Lockheed Martin (->) manages Sandia for the U.S. Department of Energy's National
Nuclear Security Administration.

In 1998, Jim Lee of Sandia, spent 2 months in Iraq "looking for ominous signs of life in Iraq's aborted nuclear weapons program".

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Special british military elite, who already had been in Afghanistan in Summer 2001.
They later helped the US Troops to start the war against the Taliban.

Satellite Images
During the war against the Taliban, the US Gov blocked all Afghan SatPics.

Saudi Arabia
The role of Saudi Arabia, a former business partner of the United States, regarding the Sep11th attacks, was very simple to describe: Oil (->) , Money and

Saudi Aramco, the national company owned by the government, which was created by nationalizing the interests of Exxon, Chevron, Mobil and Texaco in
the 1970s, still has estimated oil reserves of 260 billion barrel.

(Compare: Russia 48 billion, Iraq 113-250 est., Iran 90, Kuweit 97, Kasachstan 8)
In 2002, Saudi Arabia had 26 per cent of the world’s oil reserves.

15 of the 19 official hijackers received a visa at the Consolate in Jeddah (->), Saudi Arabia.

While the role of Saudi Arabia was downplayed for almost one year after Sep11th,
some journalists tried to find out, if it really was just "incompetence",
which happened in Saudi Arabia or the beginning of a smart plot of a foreign secret service.

Finally Joel Mowbray of National Review found the original visa applications and stumbled about the oddities.

The myth on the so called incompetence in Jeddah, was already debunked as false,
by former Jeddah-Consulate Employee J. Michael Springman (->).

He gave various interviews to RAI or BBC (Greg Palast ->) and basically confirmed , that Jeddah was a CIA controlled consulate and okayed 100s of visas
in the last 5 years before 2001.

Springman didn't support that, protested at various US Offices and later resigned.

Springman repeated his accusations at the Press Conference of UnansweredQuestions.org (->) in June 2001, which was taped and distributed worldwide.

However the US Government never responded on these disturbing facts.

It looked now like a political strategy to either blackmail or start a war against Saudi Arabia.

As Newsweek reported, payments reached the hijackers, possibly via two Saudi students living in the United States who had obtained them from an account
in the name of Princess Haifa al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi ambassador to Washington.
An aide to Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, foreign policy adviser Adel al-Jubeir, made the round of Sunday talk shows to deny the princess intended to fund
the hijackers with the $2,000-a-month payments.

The possible money trail from the Saudi government was confirmed to two of the hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who already got
observed by the CIA in 2000, and by the FBI.
(-> CIA, observations)

Newsweek said, the FBI had found a steady stream of payments to the family of one of the students, Omar al-Bayoumi, beginning early in 2000.
Bayoumi had befriended the hijackers in San Diego several months earlier.

The Saudi spokesman acknowledged Princess Haifa gave money to the family of Osama Basnan to help defray medical costs. Bayoumi was a friend of

Sen. Bob Graham (->) of Florida, then leading Democrat on the intelligence panel, asked whether ``only two of the 19 hijackers received this kind of
Graham was fighting for a declassification of some Sep11th related CIA-files.

Sources described the saudi financial records as “explosive” and said the information has spurred an intense, behind-the-scenes battle between
congressional leaders and the Bush administration over whether evidence highly embarrassing to the Saudi government should be publicly disclosed.

The FBI has uncovered financial records showing a steady stream of payments to the family of one of the students, Omar Al Bayoumi. The money moved
into the family’s bank account beginning in early 2000, just a few months after hijackers Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi arrived in Los Angeles from
an Al Qaeda planning summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, according to the sources.

Within days of the terrorists’ arrival in the United State, Al Bayoumi befriended the two men who would eventually hijack American Flight 77, throwing
them a welcoming party in San Diego and guaranteeing their lease on an apartment next door to his own.

Al Bayoumi paid $1,500 to cover the first two months of rent for Al Midhar and Alhazmi, although officials said it is possible that the hijackers later repaid
the money.

Sources familiar with the evidence say the payments—amounting to about $3,500 a month—came from an account at Washington’s Riggs Bank in the name
of Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, the wife of Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and the daughter of the late Saudi King Faisal.

With U.S. investigations of the allegations ongoing, Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut criticized the Bush administration for not investigating
the matter more fully. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona questioned the White House's policy toward Saudi Arabia, and Sen. Charles Schumer, a

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New York Democrat, demanded an independent investigation by the Justice Department's inspector general.

Already known are George Bush's ties with Saudi Arabia.

In April, 2002 Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia met with Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, officially to discuss a Palestine-Israel Peace plan.

Saudi Arabia, as a monarchy under King Abd-el-Aziz, started to dig on oil in 1923 with the support of United Kingdom. In 1933 Standard Oil Company of
California started to drill in Saudi Arabia

In December 2002, Saudi Arabia's Interior Minister Prince Naif Ibn Abdul Aziz made
the following remarks in the Arabic-language Kuwaiti daily newspaper Al Siyasa:

"We know that the Jews have manipulated the Sept. 11 incidents and
turned American public opinion against Arabs and Muslims,"
Prince Naif was quoted as saying in the Arabic text, while Ain-Al-Yaqeen's
English version referred to "Zionists" instead of "Jews."


(-> Saudi Intelligence Service)

(-> Prince Turki Al-Faisal )

Saudi Intelligence Service

Also known as GIS.

Saudi Arabian Intelligence Service, formerly held by Director, Prince Turki Al-Faisal (->), who started to support the Taliban in 1995 with pick-ups from
Japan and telecommunication tools.

In 1996, Mohammad Mullah Omar (->) and the Taliban occupied Kabul, Afghanistan and killed former president Najibullah in an UN-building, where he
tried to escape.

The GID has close business ties to oil company Ningharco, who tried to make business with argentinian oil company Bridas, after they got tricked out by
UNOCAL (->), who became member of the CentGas Consortium (->) in the Mid90s.

Unocal Corp. of the United States and Bridas of Argentina were competing for the right to build a $2.5 billion, 1,300-kilometer natural gas pipeline from
Turkmenistan to Pakistan; it would cross southern Afghanistan (Far Eastern Economic Review, 1997). The Unocal proposal was favored by Turkmenistan
and Pakistan, and Bridas's was backed by the Taliban of Afghanistan. Unocal was unlikely to secure the financing required for the project until the ethnic
fighting ends.

Unocal and its Saudi partner, Delta Oil (-> Aramark, -> Kean, Tom), planned to start construction by the end of 1997, even though the Taliban refused to
give Unocal permission to build the pipeline across their territory. Turkmenistan was to sell natural gas to the consortium at the border. Bridas was prepared
to go ahead with the project without external funding from major banks.

Bridas set up the TAP Pipeline, a 50-50 partnership with Ningharco.

Bin Laden knew on a pending attack against Afghanistan regarding the old UNOCAL pipeline plans.

Former chairman of the Saudi intelligence, Prince Turkey al-Faisal, once has stated that Osama Bin Laden has changed into a radical person after Saudi
Arabia had invited the American forces to end the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

Saudi-Prince died
As reported in some media at the end of July 2002, one Saudi Prince died of strange circumstances:

"Prince Fahd Salman, one of the world's leading owners and breeders, died suddenly of a heart attack in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday night. He was 46.
The nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Fahd, Prince Fahd was part of the Saudi ruling family that has made an indelible mark on the Thoroughbred world. He
was the older brother of The Thoroughbred Corporation owner Ahmed Salman, and the son-in-law of Khalid Abdullah, the owner of Juddmonte Farms.

Salman first came to the notice of American racegoers in 1992 when Cole shipped Zoman to Laurel to win the 1992 Washington D.C. International. Other
big winners trained for the Prince by Cole included Bint Pasha, Knight's Baroness, and Riyadian. More recently, Salman had 1999 European 3-year-old filly
champion Ramruma with Henry Cecil

Prince Ahmed bin Salman owned a horse. The Saudi royal family's offered to give families of the 9/11 victims this million-dollar horse on the anniversary of
the attacks."


Collection of articles by Henry Makow, who thinks, that September11th was perpetrated by the CIA and Mossad.
Savethemales.ca is the inventor of the board game Scruples.

Savolah Group

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The SAVOLAH Group was established as a Saudi joint-stock company in 1977.

The company manufactures and markets vegetable oils and fat. SAVOLAH Group has shares in some companies which produce and market vegetable oils,
diary, light food, packaging, agricultural products and Supermarkets. The company has 8 affiliates and 9 sister companies.
Company head office is in Jeddah (->). The company merged with "Al-Azizia Panda United" on October 1, 1998 by exchanging 1:6 shares.


The Savolah Group has strong ties with the Dabbagh Group.
Amr Dabbagh - born in 1966 – is the President & CEO of the Dabbagh Group (and) ...member of the Board of Savolah Group.

"... He is the Vice President of The Wildlife Conservation Foundation of Tanzania which is co-chaired by President George Bush senior and President
Valery Giscard D’Estaing..."


This acronym stands for Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids.
This plan was originally developed in the 1960's and authorizes NORAD (->), the FAA (->), and the FCC to impose flight restrictions in order to clear the
skies of all non-essential air traffic and shut down all navigation aids. The implementation of this system allows the air defense network to identify aircraft
tracks and have only mission essential aircraft airborne.

On 11 Sep 2001, the SCATANA implementation showed no error, as reported on a US Coast Guard bulletin board and quoted on the official pilot discussion
group at pprune.org.

Scenario 12=D
(-> Carter, Chris)

Schaeffer, Kevin
Kevin Schaeffer is the only Pentagon-attack-victim, who survived in the building, who filed a lawsuit (->) against the US Government.

On November 25th, 2002, he said in an interview with CNN:

"Speaking on behalf of the families who Mr. Motley represents and those of us who have filed this suit, that the last thing we're seeking in this fight is a
monetary reward.
And what, indeed, all of us are seeking is the facts and the truth. We certainly know and are realists that money makes the world go round. And this
financial network, as shadowy as it, actually supports and enables global terrorism to happen, and specifically September 11.
Those individuals were funded by someone. And that's what we're seeking to prove."

Schiavo, Maria
Lawyer for 32 passengers' families from all 9/11 hijacked planes.
Former Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Transportation ('90-'96) .
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney; Author of "Flying Blind, Flying Safe".

At a June 2002-press conference of unansweredquestions.org (->), Schiavo supported an independent investigation.

She found out, "that the airlines approached members of Congress and the Senate to get their bailout and their immunity and their protection starting on 9/11.
They sent their first lobbyist up to the Hill on 9/11...

...In the last thirty years we have had 682 hijackings. 682. Here's an interesting statistic.

When we had the United States saying, "Oh, we couldn't have known this." And even when passengers were getting calls out to their family what
information went back to them? Guess what, of those 682 hijackings in the last thirty years, 101 times passengers fought to defend themselves and took down
the hijackers..."


Schiliro, Lewis
(-> Kallstrom, James)

Schippers, David
Former Top prosecutor of Bill Clinton. Schippers heard of a pending terrorist attack before September 11th and tried to get in touch with John Ashcroft, who
ignored his warnings and didn't call him back.

Alex Jones (->) in an October 10th, 2001-Interview with David Schippers:

AJ: Now later you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there was going to an attack on lower Manhattan.
DS: Yea - and that's what started me calling. I started calling out there.

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First of all, I tried to see if I could get a Congressman to go to bat for me and at least bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them information
and nobody cared.

It was always, "We'll get back to you", "we'll get back to you", "we'll get back to you." Then I reached out and tried to get to the Attorney General, when
finally we got an attorney general in there that I would be willing to talk to. And, again, I used people who were personal friends of John Ashcroft to try to
get him. One of them called me back and said, "Alright I have talked to him. He will call you tomorrow morning." This was like a month before the bombing.
The next morning I got a call. It wasn't from Ashcroft. It was from somebody in the Justice Dept.
AJ: One of his handlers.
DS: Yea, and I started telling him the situation and he said, "You know we don't start our investigations at the top." I said I would like to talk to the Attorney
General because this is vital. He said, "We don't start our investigations at the top. Let me look into this and I will get back to you." As I sit here today, I have
never heard from him.

(-> Wright, Robert )

(-> Judicial Watch )
(-> Early Warnings)

Schmitz, John
John P. Schmitz was George H. W. Bush's former Deputy Counsel during the elder's vice presidency and presidency, who became a key player regarding
the 9/11 probe and President Bush.

During the Iran Contra (->) Investigation, when the Office of the Independent Counsel reported that each witness interviewed regarding document
production complied except for Schmitz who asserted that his documents were privileged work product.

Schmitz, fluent in German and a partner in the global law firm, Meyer, Brown and Platt, has clients that include Bayer AG, the German maker of the
antibiotic, Cipro, which fights anthrax....

Popular progressive and protest website in England.
Contact: [email protected]

Schoenman, Ralph
Ralph Schoenman was one of the first afro-american activists, who doubted the official version of the Sep11th attacks.

In November 2001, the New York Amsterdam News wrote about him:
"...with the present crisis revolving the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Ralph Schoenman, a veteran human rights activist and
critic of US covert manipulation of events in the Middle East and South Africa finds himself
among those analysts who believe that others might have been responsible for the tragic events -other than the usual suspects..."
Source: Elombe Brath , The New York Amsterdam News (Nov. 22-28, 2001)

Since the 1960s, Schoenman, an activist for over 45 years in support of international movements for liberation, peace and social justice movements, has
traveled the world as a lecturer, activist and participant in revolutionary struggles.
He supported Patrice Lumumba when the United State, Belgium, France and Britain cosnpired to overthrow the legendary Prime Minister of the Congo, met
Malcolm X when they both were in London and was arrested in Bolivia for being in regular contact with Che Guevara during Che's struggle to assist
revolutionairies in the Andean country.

In fact, Schoenman was imprisoned in Bolivia for his contacts with Guevara.
In the early 70s Schoenman was director of the "Who killed Kennedy Commitee".
Schoenman is the author of "Iraq and Kuwait: A history suppressed".

He is one of the few survivors of the Nazi holocaust in Hungary,

in which seventy-five members of his group were killed.

Schwarzman, Stephen A.
(-> Blackstone Group)

Science and Technology Advisory Panel, CIA

(-> DoD -> John Paul Stenbit )

Scoop is a Wellington based Internet news agency accredited to the New Zealand Parliament Press Gallery. It specialises in providing news and
commentary **raw and fast** and is made up largely of what Scoop likes to call "disintermediated" news - that is news without a spin put on it by a
Scoop is different from most internet based news services - the majority of which are based on feeds of news from the old - real-world - media.
Scoop believes in the power of information to transform lives. It believes in the power of the internet to resolve conflict (by breaking down walls and letting
the love in). And it believes in the power of compelling ideas to propel themselves into political consciousness if they are able to get exposure and be

Scoop's mission is to be an agent of this change. A friend to freedom of information, expression, and of love. A source and testing bed for new ideas, and a
forum for (a very wide and eclectic range of) hopes of a better future for all.

Scoop was the first popular news portal, who published LIHOP (->) Pt.2 by GROUND ZERO Forum's ewing2001.

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Global Free Press: Peircing The Veil Of Censorship http://globalfreepress.com/ewing2001/www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzer...

The article was downloaded 40.000 in the first few days.

Contact: [email protected]

Scott, Peter Dale

Peter Dale Scott, historian and author of "Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina".

Supporter of Guerrilla News Network (->) in 2001-2002:

"...it's a fact and not a speculation that the United States had some forewarning of this
because they did send out an advisory to V.I.P.'s - one of them was Mayor Willie Brown
of San Francisco - not to travel by airplane..."

Peter Dale Scott appeared on the GNN/UQ UnansweredQuestions- video and on the first show
of ShadowGovernment TV (->) and started later to support 911pi.com (->) and the 911 people's commission.

He compiles his own articles at http://www.socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/q.html

Scowcroft, Brent
In November 2001, a high-level presidential commission plans to recommend that the Pentagon's three largest intelligence-collection agencies be transferred
to the director of central intelligence in a major restructuring of the intelligence community, according to sources familiar with the panel's findings.

Leader of that proposal was Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, the new chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Bush created the panel in
May 2001, when he charged CIA Director George J. Tenet (->) with conducting a comprehensive review of the intelligence system. The panel was asked
to produce plans for a reorganization of the system to meet the challenges of new threats and technologies.


Brent Scowcroft was formerly President Bush's father's National Security Advisor.

In 1998, he supported an alliance of Amoco, British Petroleum, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil and Unocal, leading a multi-billion dollar contract to extract oil
reserves from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, the three countries that surround the Caspian together with Russia and Iran.

Profiting from that oil deal was Azerbaijan president Heydar Aliyev, former Communist Party Secretary and KGB chief in Baku; Turkmenistan president
Saparmurat Niyazov, the former chairman of the Supreme Soviet in Ashkhabad; Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev, a former member of Soviet
Politburo; as well as Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, former Soviet foreign minister and Politburo member.

Other dealmakers in that year had been James Baker (->, former Secretary of State), Dick Cheney (at that time chief executive of UNOCAL-contractor
Halliburton ->), John Sununu (former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser, Secretary of Defense), Lloyd Bentsen (former Treasury Secretary
under President Clinton and shareholder in Frontera Resources, an oil services company working in Azerbaijan), Zbigniew Brzezinski (->, former National
Security Adviser under President Carter and that time consultant to Amoco), Tim Eggar (former British Energy Minister and chief executive of Monument
Oil) and Malcolm Rifkind (former British Foreign Minister under the Conservatives and on the board of Ramco Oil).

Brent Scowcroft earned US$130,000 dollars for advising Pennzoil and the multinational Azerbaijan consortium.

In Summer 2002, Scowcroft, Henry Kissinger (->) and Brzezinsky criticised President Bush on his war plans against Iraq.

(-> Stand down)

Scripting Terror Alerts

On January 5th, 2003, some FBI agents leaked for the first time the confirmation to Capitolhillblue.com and WoldNetDaily, that most terror alerts in the
media had been "scripted by the White House":

"Intelligence pros say the White House is manufacturing terrorist alerts to keep the issue alive in the minds of voters and to keep President Bush's approval
ratings high"


(-> messagecycle.com, -> Faking Terror )

(-> Rumsfeld, Donald)
(-> Space Shuttle Accident)

Seat Numbers, Flight 11

On Friday 21 September, 2001, 12:24 GMT 13:24 UK, an article started some speculations about the real story on Flight 11:

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"...A flight attendant's desperate telephone call has provided new details of the last moments of Flight 11 before it hit the World Trade Center.
According to the FBI transcript, part of which was published in the Los Angeles Times, Madeline Amy Sweeney described how hijackers stabbed
passengers and then diverted the plane...
..The FBI has named five hijackers on board Flight 11, whereas Ms Sweeney spotted only four.
Also, the seat numbers she gave were different from those registered in the hijackers' names..."

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1556000/1556096.stm

(-> Flight 11-Mystery)

Secret Service Link List


Secret Weapons exposed

In October/November 2002, british papers exposed twice, that the United States is developing a new generation of weapons that undermine and possibly
violate international treaties on biological and chemical warfare.

Julian Borger reported for the Guardian UK in October 2002.

The Pentagon, with the help of the British military, is working on "non-lethal" weapons similar to the narcotic gas used by Russian forces to end a October
2002 siege in Moscow.
Malcolm Dando, professor of international security at the University of Bradford, and Mark Wheelis, a lecturer in microbiology at the University of
California, say that the US is encouraging a breakdown in arms control by its research into biological cluster bombs, anthrax and non-lethal weapons for use
against hostile crowds, and by the secrecy under which these programmes are being conducted.

In November 2002, the Observer reported on the so-called non-lethal weapons, including lasers that blind the enemy and microwave systems that cook the
skin of human targets.

The Observer had established that British and US military leaders met at the Ministry of Defence HQ in London to discuss the operational benefits of such
technology when used as a 'persuasive tool' against people from enemy regimes.
Documents obtained under the US Freedom of Information Act detail talks about battlefield uses of the weapons and whether they could be used to back up
economic sanctions against target countries.
British personnel at the secret meeting with the US military included Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham and Dr Martin Hubbard, who heads the non-lethal
weapons research programme at Porton Down (->), Wiltshire.

US officers included Major General Bice, deputy commander of the US Marines in Europe, and Brigadier-General Richard Zilmer, deputy director of US
operations at European Command Headquarters.

The documents reveal the full scope of the new weapons programmes that the US military is developing. The first was high-power microwave technology
that cooks an enemy's skin. Its military name is the Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System (V-Mads), but it has already been nicknamed the People Zapper.
It works by harnessing electromagnetic power to fire an invisible pulse of energy at light speed towards a target. The beam causes the water molecules
under the skin to vibrate violently, producing heat and discomfort. Scientists believe the system could heat a person's skin to about 130 degrees in two

Sept. 11 commission
It took 14 months until November 15th 2002, when the House of Representatives finally approved a measure to create an independent commission to look
into the Sept. 11 attacks and why the government failed to prevent them.

(-> 911-commission)

Seismic Events
Scientific website, which analysed the seismic data of the Flight93-crash event.

From this website:

"...released a letter by a NASA researcher:

I was able to retrieve the SSPA data. Bottom line, I don't think what this seismograph measured on 9/11/2001 in Pennsylvania is a sonic boom.
First, for reference, see: http://www.galcit.caltech.edu/SonicBoom/f-18 especially the last plot.
This is a known sonic boom, from a known aircraft, hitting a seismograph.

1) Notice that in all three directions, U(p), N(orth), and E(ast), the first downward peak happens simultaneously. It also shows the ground initially moving
down, south, and east, which is consistent with the direction of the sonic boom from the F-18.

2) The time difference between the first downward peak and the first maximum peak is on the order of 0.15 seconds. This is consistent with the first plot of
the website above showing 0.13 seconds for a pressure measurement of the sonic boom. The pressure plot is the same shape as the initial part of the
seismograph displacement plot, just flipped vertically.

3) Prior to the sonic boom, the seismograph data is very flat, and there is oscillations after the boom that dampen out in a few seconds.
Now referring to the SSPA data, I looked at the three axes of displacement of the earth. Plots are attached to this email.

1) In the closeup plot, sspa20sec.gif, the event does not happen simultaneously in all three axes. The Z axis on the bottom plot has the event occuring a full
second after the north and east axes events, which is an eternity as far as a sonic boom is concerned.

2) The duration of the event is much greater than one would expect of a sonic boom. The shape of the event is not consistent with the "N" shape of a sonic

3) In the plot sspa2min.gif, ere is a considerable amount of oscillations before the event in question.

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I don't know what caused these wiggles, but it doesn't look like a sonic boom to me.
Ed Haering

Seismicevent was created in mid2002 by Robb Magley, who later became member at democraticunderground-member (->).


Contact: [email protected]

September 11th
By only typing the words "September 11th" at the end of 2002, google brought the following most popular results:

http://cimc.education.wisc.edu/ref/resources/ webliographies/sept_11_tragedy.html
http://visalia.k12.ca.us/library/collaboration/ september11th.htm
http://www.lovearth.net/ (Elsis, Mark ->)
http://www.mcdougallittell.com/disciplines/ _social_studies/911_websites.cfm
http://www.mycountryrightorwrong.net/ 23informativewebsiteson911.htm (->)
http://www.ssrc.org/sept11/essays/teaching_resource/ tr_links.htm
http://www.tgorski.com/Terrorism/ impact_of_september_11th_on_manhatten.htm

(-> Attack on america)

One of many Sep11th-related websites, which are hosted by Loveearth and Mark Elsis (->).
Loveearth was created in March 1999.

September11-Info is a newsgroup on yahoo, which is specialised on the World Trade Center and Pentagon Attack.

Founded in September 2001, they later lacked on new members and discussions at the beginning of 2002.

Their archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sept11info/

Serendipity.magnet, based in Switzerland, was one of the most popular german speaking 911-Skeptic Portal during 2001-2002.

Their articles concentrated on the WTC Demolition, the CIA and Censorship.
Serendipity is hosted by Peter Meyer
and mirrored in austria at http://serendipity.cia.com.au/


Contact: [email protected]


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One of the possible summaries for a 911-SETUP, which circulated around, have been:

"The September 11th attacks had been orchestrated, planned, supervised and organised from forces behind or connected with the US Government and
Military, a corrupted CIA, BioWeapon Institutes, Weapon- and Oilindustry.

The idea of a 911-SETUP was scripted by Brzezinski (->), Kissinger (->), and still unknown members of RAND (->), CSIS(->), CFR(->), ANSER(->),
BENS (->) , Hoover Institute(->),
Project Northwoods(->) etc..."


-controlling the global resources on the earth (Gas, water, oil etc..)
-Creating a new enemy and reason for future technology and future weapons

-Increasing a culture of war and control system.

-Improving classified technologies i.e. BioPharmacy, NanoTechnology, FaceRecognition Programs and Trecking Chip Devices (implanted, GPS etc...),
Weather Weapons
-controlling US-Petro dollars instead of Euro-Petro-Dollars

A setup-"light" is LIHOP (->), which general idea is to allow a provoked attack and monitor their "accomplices" to let it happen on purpose.

LIHOP without the irregularities of the Twin Tower Collapse, Building7 Collapse, the Stand down Order, the Pentagon attack and Flight93 would need no
script, so something must have added with prior knowledge, what and when exactly something would happen.

SG Asia Project Finance

SG Asia Project Finance was a middle east consortium with Mitsubishi, Unocal, Petronas and Illinova.

Abbreviation for ShadowGovernment TV (->).

Shadow Government
On March 1st, 2002 President Bush confirmed a shadow government, which was for years known as "Majestic 12", but discredited as a "conspiracy theory".

Some people think, that the following individuals or groups could be part of this Shadow Government:

George Herbert Walker Bush, Richard Perle, James Woolsey, CFR, Heritage Foundation, CSIS, ANSER, RAND, Trilaterals, Bilderbergs etc...

Shadowgovernment.info was created in May 2002 by Aristoteles Dreher in East Islip, NY
(-> ShadowGovernment TV)

ShadowGovernment TV
SGTV was first located at shadowgovernment.info and later merged with
globalfreepress.com (->) in October 2002.

The idea of SGTV was born in May 2002 by Sterling Rainbolt, as a guest at the 3 day 911-Skepticism Event at Chashama Theatre on Times Square, New

This event was hosted by the Ground Zero Forum NYC (->) and part of an activist- and artist party, organised by Missy Galore (->), of

SGTV is a potent mix of news, music and political

satire. Their first show “Wat Tyler’s Revenge”
takes on issues too incendiary to be covered in
the lame-stream corporate media such as the
government cover up of the events of 9-11, sensible
drug policy and the real motives behind aggressive
American foreign policy.

SGTV is produced by the Global Free Press online

community and can be previewed at

Contact: [email protected]

Shadowpress is an underground fanzine in New York. Editors are Chris Flash and A. Kronstadt.

Shadowpress.org was reestablished in May 2000 by SHADOW Press in NYC.

During 2001-2002, they picked various articles on September 11th and its political aftermath.

Available at:

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Contact: [email protected]

Shaikh Mohammed, Khalid

Accused as financial mastermind of the Sep11th attack.
The CIA claimed on March 1st, 2003, that they finallly arrested him, but left out the disturbing background details on him.
Due to an Asian Times report from October 2001, Shaikh Mohammed died in a FBI October 2001-raid:
Robert Fisk questioned arrestment of ISI-Shaikh Mohammed, too:
...At one point, according to documents obtained by The Times, Qatar told the U.S. that it feared Mohammed was constructing an explosive device. They
said, he possessed more than 20 different passports; still, they delayed granting the U.S. permission to arrest him

As Paul Thompson (->) found out, in December 1997, CIA agent Robert Baer (->), newly retired from the CIA and working as a terrorism consultant, meets
a former police chief from the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar. Baer learns how Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was sheltered from the FBI by Qatari Interior
Minister Abdallah bin Khalid al-Thani.
He passes this information to the CIA in early 1998, but the CIA takes no action against Qatar's "al-Qaeda patrons".

By 1999 he is living in Germany and visiting with the hijackers there.

US and German officials say a number of sources place Mohammed at Atta's Hamburg apartment.
German intelligence surveil the apartment in 1999 but apparently don't notice Mohammed.
US investigators have been searching for Mohammed since 1996, but apparently never tell the Germans what they know about him.

Around Summer 2001, the NSA (->) intercepts telephone conversations between 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Atta, but does not share
the information with any other agencies.


(-> ISI)
(-> Timeline)
(-> Tracking all hijackers)
(-> Al-Quaeda)

(-> Watson, Paul Joseph)
(-> Becker, Silvan)

Contact: [email protected]

Shea + Gardener
Law company in Washington and one of the partners of James Woolsey (->).

Shea & Gardner was founded in 1947 by Francis M. Shea and Warner W. Gardner,
both of whom had served with distinction in the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations.

Among their clients are Bank of America, Boeing Company, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, CSX, Dana Corporation, Ernst & Young, General
Electric, ITT Industries, Janus, Lockheed Martin (->), Rockwell Automation, SAKS, United States Aviation Underwriters and Verizon.

(-> Andersen Consulting)

(-> ANSER)
(-> CIA)
(-> DoD -> Stephen J. Hadley)
(-> Washington DC-connection)

Almost ignored by US media, 3300 unknown prisoners, including many Taliban fighters, had been
held in an Afghanistan-camp in Shebarghan during 2001-2002.

Then, in February 2002, the Physicians for Human Rights revealed appalling conditions at this Prison.

Nothing was made public, how the Pentagon or CIA was able to seperate "suspects" to Cuba (->Guantanamo Bay) from "innocent" Taliban fighters, who just
fought against the "retaliation".

Sheikh Mohammed, Khalid

( -> Shaikh Mohammed, Khalid)

Sheikh Omar Saeed

Officially the mastermind behind the killing of Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl.
Omar Saeed Sheikh is widely believed in Pakistan to be an experienced ISI "asset" with a history of operations in Kashmir.

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But Sheikh is also known as Mustafa Mohamed Ahmad aka Mustapha Ahmad Al-Hawsawi (->) and was already mentioned in a public transcript of the trial
on the Kenia Embassy Bombings from 1998, which was online since February 2001.

Under his alias Al-Hawsawi, as mentioned in the indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui (->, he wired $100.000 to the official ringleader of the Sep11th attack,
Mohammad Atta from an saudi arabian account of Standard Chartered Bank (->).

This was okayed by the ISI (->) and was one of the reason, why former head of intelligence, Massoud, had to resign on October 6th, 2001.

If Saeed really was behind the killing of Pearl or just had been used as a scapegoat to whitewash the Atta-story wasn't investigated yet.

Fact is, that Saeed wasn't the top suspect.

First it was reported, that Jamat Al-Fuqra around Syed Mubarak Jilani or Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI) headed by Qari Saifullah Akhtar, both close to
the ISI,
had been behind his kidnapping ([email protected]).

Then, three other suspects had been arrested: Fahad Naseem, former policeman Sheikh Mohammed Adeel and Salman Saquib.

Added to that list: Mansur Hasnain aka Sunny Ahmed Qazi alias 'Burger', who is believed to have orchestrated the December 1999 hijacking of Indian
Airlines plane, IC-814 from Kathmandu to Kandahar.
But Mohammad 'Burger' was among the attackers on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001 and has been subsequently killed.
During early 2002, it became clear, that Sheikh Saeed tried to whistleblow on his prior knowledge on Sep11th.

This was obviously the reason, why he was already detained, before the dead body of Daniel Pearl was found, on February 5th, 2002.


Due to Richard Baer, Pearls real interest of his story was never Richard Reid, Pearl wanted to meet Saeed.

Pearl met Khalid Khawaja, an aging former Pakistani intelligence official who counts himself a close friend and confidant of Osama bin Laden. Khawaja
served as a source for Pearl.

He found out too much, maybe even a handful of truth around Sep11th and therefore had to die.
Sheikh claimed in a march 2002 interrogation, that he had personally met Mohammad Atta, during one of his visits to Kandahar and knew of the plans for
the September 11 strikes. He had told Lt.Gen. Ehsanul-Haq, the present DG of the ISI, who was then a Corps Commander at Peshawar, and Gen. Aziz Khan
about it.



"Police also believe that another man, Omar Sheikh, who is British, trained the terrorists in hijacking techniques.

Sheikh was at Forest School in Snaresbrook, north-east London, with Nasser Hussain, the England cricket captain. Now 27, Sheikh was caught after
kidnapping in 1994 but freed three years later in exchange for 154 hostages on an Indian aircraft."

Terrorists means the 9/11 hijackers, in the context of the article.


Paul Thompson on "arrestment" of Shaikh Mohammed
Pakistan Accused of Staging Bin Laden Aide Arrest

Sheikh, Ahmad Umar

Not to be confused with Mustapha Ahmad Al-Hawsawi aka Omar Shaikh Saeed (->)

Shelby, Richard C.
(-> 911-investigation)

Shelby County Regional Forensic Center

(->Smith, Katherine)

Shelton, Henry H.
Henry H. Shelton was former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until October 1st, 2001.

From an older GROUND ZERO Forum article, first released at Scoop:

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"We had started looking at options for a military campaign."

Henry H. Shelton about a war against the Taliban before Sept 11th

Supporters of the Sept 11th "incompetence theory" have never read statements of General Henry H. Shelton.
He was definitely one of the few, who wanted to start a war against the Taliban.
He knew about the problems from former Northern Alliance Commander Ahmed Shah Massoud.

It was even well known in the US Congress, when Massoud proclaimed a message for Bush on April 5, 2001 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg,
"If President Bush doesn't help us," he replied in Persian, according to a recording of his remarks translated by Afghan allies, "then these terrorists will
damage the United States and Europe very soon, and it will be too late."

The war however was already planned since 1997/8, at a time, when oil company UNOCAL struggled in negotiations with the Taliban.
Shelton knew all this. They had to work on a plan to get rid of the Taliban again.

In May 2001, some unknown CIA officers traveled into northern Afghanistan to silence Massoud with cash and supplies in small amounts in exchange for
intelligence on Al Qaeda.
At the same time the attack on America was in its final phase.

As the Washington Post wrote in January 2002, summer 2001 brought, "a storm of intelligence warnings that blew longer and harder even than those of the
millennium. Through June and July, one foreign interlocutor said, CIA Director George J. Tenet worked himself ‘nearly frantic’ with concern.”

At Langley, Tenet was nearly ready. His proposed assistance to the Northern Alliance rebels ranged between $125 million to $200 million and included
money, battlefield intelligence, and non-lethal equipment such as body armor and winter clothing"

Henry H. Shelton supported George Tenet and liked his plan to back anti-Taliban rebels.
He even almost confirmed in public that he was personally involved in the war plans:
Talking about Sept 4th, when Massoud was still alive, he said,
"We had started looking at options", for a military campaign before that, he said. But, "we had really not leaned into going into Afghanistan against al Qaeda
in the manner we did, or against the Taliban almost at all, until September 11th."

However he was in India on May 31, but the press could find "no specific details" for this meeting.
Later it came out, that during his visit, General Shelton would be calling on Defence Minister Jaswant Singh and the three service chiefs - Navy chief
Admiral Sushil Kumar, Army chief General S Padmanabhan and Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal AY Tipnis.

In the military newsletter "Military News" we find another conclusion, which resulted from this meeting:

SLUG: 5-50073 US Troops to Asia DATE: NOTE NUMBER:

"...The United States is considering moving American troops from Europe to Asia to meet changing conditions. V-O-A's Ed Warner asked some analysts
how this would affect U-S global strategy and how other nations in both Europe and Asia might react..."

Shelton was one of the Chiefs, who moved all the troops to the Middle-East.

On June 28, 2001, he explained his visions: "...Within civilian industry, the replacement, restoration or modernization of physical plant assets is accomplished
in roughly a 50-year cycle...
Joint Vision 2020 - “...Our future force must be a seamless joint force and our roadmap for achieving this joint force is detailed in Joint Vision 2020 (JV

The early September weeks showed us a very significant countdown of this war and the Bush family knew, that something would happen very soon:

September 1-10, 2001

25,000 British troops and the largest British Armada since the Falkland Islands War, part of Operation 'Essential Harvest,' planned to be pre-positioned in
Oman, the closest point on the Arabian Peninsula to Pakistan.

At the same time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast. Also at the same time, some 17,000 U.S.
troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation 'Bright Star.' The forces are in place before the first plane hits the World Trade Center.
(Sources: The Guardian, CNN, FOX, The Observer, International Law Professor Francis Boyle, the University of Illinois.)

September 6th, 2001

"I have repeatedly said the only time to use Social Security money is in times of war, times of recession, or times of severe emergency. And I mean that. I
mean that." (Transcript of Remarks by Presidents Bush and Fox on Departure to Toledo, Ohio -- U.S. Newswire, Inc, 2001)

September 6th, 2001

ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad visited Washington for one week from September 6th- September 15th, 2001 and met George Tenet, Richard Armitage, Porter
Goss and Bob Graham

September 7th, 2001

Jeb Bush upgraded Martial Law In Florida.
His proclamation says: "...the Florida National Guard must conduct such training in active service of the state, as defined by Section 250.27, Florida Statutes
(known as active military service and state active duty) for members of the Florida National Guard to be covered by Section 250.34, Florida Statutes; and:
WHEREAS, as Governor, I may delegate the authority contained in Section 250.06(4), Florida Statutes, to order training to help respond to civil
disturbances, natural disasters, and counter drug operations to The Adjutant General of the State of Florida..."

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September 9th, 2001

Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud is killed on September 9, as Times of India claimed,
with the help by Pakistan Secret Service ISI.

September 9th, 2001

Al Qaeda 'Game Plan' on Bush's Desk Sept. 9 - NBC
"...Only two days before the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, President Bush was given a ''detailed war plan'' to dismantle Osama bin Laden's
al Qaeda network, NBC News reported..."

September 10th, 2001

Many air bases are on high alert, including the Pentagon (MSNBC).
One article claims that The Defense Language Institute in Monterey was put on alert.

The same institute later organised two of the "independent translators" for the bin Laden video. Some articles claim, that two of the official hijackers even
worked at Monterey as well.

...One of (Sheltons) last actions was to appear in a meeting with George Tenet. It even made the news pages in the Washington Post and was later analysed
in "workers world":

"..On Saturday, Sept. 15, (2001), after a series of previous morning meetings of the "war cabinet," Tenet showed up, "with a briefcase stuffed with
top-secret documents and plans, in many respects the culmination of four years of work. Tenet flipped past the cover to the first page, which read 'Initial
Hook: Destroying Al Qaeda, Closing the Safe Haven.' The haven was Afghanistan.

Tenet said the CIA had begun working with a number of tribal leaders in the south the previous year. ... Some would try to play both sides but once the war
began, they could be enticed by money, food, ammunition and supplies to join the U.S. - led campaign."

The Post described how, at the Camp David meeting, "Tenet then turned to another top secret document, called 'Worldwide Attack Matrix,' which described
covert operations in 80 countries that were either under way or that he was now recommending.

"The final presentation of the morning came from Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who had also brought a big brief case to
Camp David."
In other words, Tenet and Shelton described a long-planned, ground and air campaign in all its precision, including the battle of Mazar-e-Sharif--which later
took place, prompting a great massacre carried out by the Northern Alliance.

When the smoke cleared after the initial big offensive in Afghanistan, the Pentagon had new military bases in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgizstan. It has
the dominant position in the oil rich region of the Caspian Sea...."
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011

However Shelton wasn't able to support this war any longer.

He retired on October 1st, 2001 and was replaced by General Richard B. Myers who became the fifteenth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Did someone try to take him off the radar as well?

It is interesting to know how many members of the Bush Administration hadn't been around on Sept 11th. Though they had all these major warnings about an
attack with planes. One warning was even about Sept 4th and on Sept 10th the Pentagon told their employees not to take some planes on the following day.

Shelton wasn't in the Pentagon on Sept 11th, but he wasn't in the States at all. He was halfway across the Atlantic on the way to Europe.

He later said on the same day: "I will tell you up front, I have no intentions of discussing today what comes next, but make no mistake about it, your armed
forces are ready."

What happened with Shelton after October 2001?

He completely retired from the army.

It would be interesting to grill him on a commission again, but there might be a problem:
Shelton had an accident on March 2002:

March 27, 2002

"...The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Gen. Henry H. Shelton, is being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for a spinal injury
suffered March 23 when he reportedly fell off a ladder at his home in northern Virginia.
Shelton initially experienced partial paralysis..."

How much did Shelton know and what is he not allowed to say anymore?
Was he one of the few, who let the Sept 11th attack happen on purpose?..."

Shin Beth
Israeli counter-intelligence and internal security service, who is believed to have three operational departments and five support departments.

The Arab Affairs Department, known as Henza is believed of having observed some Hamas-related suspects in the Boston Area during 2001.

Another group was maybe responsible for observing the muslim students at the flight school and reporting to the Mossad, who then warned the United States
twice on a possible attack and informed the MI6, too.
There is a speculation around, that Daniel Lewin (Flight 11 ->) was working for Shin Beth (->), observing other hijackers, without knowing of being a victim
of an attack.

Actually in an early FAA report (->), he was even shot on that flight.

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(->early warnings)

(-> Reid, Richard)

Shultz, George P.
George P. Shultz is former Secretary of State.
Member of the Hoover Institute (->) and CFR (->).
A few days before Sep11th, Shultz received a warning by the US State Department on a pending attack on america.

(-> Early warnings)

(-> National Defense Board)

(-> Mediafilter.org)

Signals intelligence
(-> Thermobarics)

Silent Vector
October 18, 2002:
CSIS (->) president and CEO John Hamre, CSIS Homeland Security Initiatives Director Phil Anderson, and ANSER (->) Institute Director Randy Larsen,
will outline the initial results of a recent simulation exercise of the pre-attack phase of a credible threat to the U.S. energy infrastructure from 12:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M. on Monday, Oct. 21, at CSIS, 1800 K Street, NW, B-1 conference level, room A.

Silent Vector, which was patterned after the 2001 Dark Winter (->) simulated bioterrorist attack, was designed to reveal some of the most pressing issues
and vulnerabilities that would arise if the nation were faced with a highly credible, but ambiguous, threat of a terrorist attack on American soil.

This two-day exercise employed a simulated National Security Council of senior policymakers, with former Senator Sam Nunn acting as president. Through
the course of the game, participants, largely former senior-level government officials, were given increasingly credible and specific intelligence of a
large-scale attack on the nation's critical energy infrastructure.

Silent Vector was developed and produced by CSIS in partnership with the ANSER Institute and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the
Prevention of Terrorism.


Post Excercise Overview for Silent Vector:


Nuclear Energy Institute's report:


Silverman, Sarah
(-> Comedy)

Simpson, Alan
Global broadcaster, and worldwide respected journalist.
He gained his insights from world travels, working in over 65 countries, and meeting world leaders, diplomats and celebrities.
His analyses and history reviews of many different secret services on his websites at spiescafe.com or intelbriefing.com helped to understand the
intelligence logistics, when the war against the Taliban started.

(-> Intelbriefing.com)
(-> Spiescafe.com)

Simmons, Tom
Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan).

Sirrs, Julie
On February 2nd, 2002 Julie Sirrs, former DIA-agent doubted, that Sep11th was the result of a small "failure" :

"I would disagree with that not only because just the fact that it happened indicates that it was a failure, unless it was something that we wanted, which I
certainly don't believe."
She confirmed, that the official statement of the CIA was, that they "had bin Laden under control; `In a box' , was one of the phrases used".

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Sirrs is able to understand Pashtun, a little bit of persian.

After she came back from a 2001 trip from Afghanistan, she tried to explain the CIA, "how closely linked bin Laden was with the Taliban", but "US policy
seemed to prefer to treat them as two separate issues".

Sirrs criticised the Pakistan Secret Service ISI (->).

In 2001, Julie Sirrs travelled twice to Afghanistan. She claimed, DIA officials knew in advance about both trips.
Sirrs saw a terrorist training center there, and met with Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Massoud (->), who was later assassinated on September 9th, 2001.

On her second trip she returned with what she later claimed, "a treasure trove of information",
including evidence that bin Laden is planning to assassinate Massoud.

However, upon returning, a security officer met her flight and confiscated her material.

The DIA and the FBI started to investigate her.

Sirrs claimed, no higher-ups wanted to hear what she had learned in Afghanistan.

Ultimately, Sirrs' security clearance was pulled and she resigned.

She eventually quit the DIA in frustration.

Source: ABC News, 2/18/02

Transcript at rememberjohn.com (->)

Mirrored at:

Skollnick, Sherman
(-> Skollnicks Report)

Skollnicks Report
Sherman Skollnick is one of the many correspondents of Jeff Rense (->)

Skolnicksreport.com was created in July 1999 by Sherman S. Skolnick in Chicago IL


Contact: [email protected]

Skulls + Bones
Skulls and Bones is the world's most powerful secret society.
George Herbert Walker Bush (ex-Director of CIA, -US Ambassador to the UN, and former President of the United States), George W. Bush, current
president, are the most famous members of this society.

Sliney, Ben
Ben Sliney was the National Operations Manager for the FAA on Sept 11 and Sept 11 was his FIRST day on the job.
Sliney seems to be the guy who initially gave the order to ground ALL planes stateside.



From an report by David R. Henderson, Monterey:

"I teach at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey (->), meaning that I instruct young military officers who are generally smart, hard working and

On Aug. 27, I realized that I might well have one of the best jobs in America. That afternoon, the school's guest speaker was President Bush's White House
counsel, Alberto Gonzalez, widely believed to be on the short list for the next Supreme Court appointment. What happened spoke volumes, not just about
Gonzalez and his likely positions on the Constitution, but also about the students at the Naval Postgraduate School.

Let me explain. I went to the talk prepared to ask Gonzalez how he could justify the president's making war without a congressional declaration, and took
my pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution in case he needed reminding of the its words. Unfortunately, he did. Fortunately, I didn't need to be the one to remind
him: The students did the job and much more.

In his speech, Gonzalez tried to justify not just war without a congressional declaration, but the government's decision to imprison U.S. citizens such as Jose
Padilla, the alleged "dirty bomber," without charging them with a crime or allowing them a lawyer. Padilla is now in a military prison in South Carolina.

Bush needed power to make quick decisions, Gonzalez said, and Congress would take too long. Among the examples he cited was the Sept. 11 decision to
close down U.S. airspace and force commercial and private planes to land or remain grounded. But that example was, to put it mildly, a reach. The person
who made that decision, and who didn't need even Bush's consent to do so, was Ben Sliney, the FAA's national operations manager."

In addition to his duties at the Naval Postgraduate School, David R. Henderson is a research fellow with the Hoover (->) Institution and author of "The Joy
of Freedom: An Economist's Odyssey" (Prentice Hall, 2002).

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(-> Stand down)

Small Nukes
On December 5th, 2001, Michel Chossudovsky (->),
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, released his article
"Tactical Nuclear Weapons" against Afghanistan? , in which he proved, that the United States used GBU-28 "bunker buster bombs" capable of creating
large scale underground explosions.

While the Pentagon's "Big Ones" are classified as "conventional weapons", the official statements fail to mention that the same "bunker buster bombs"
launched from a B-52, a B-2 stealth bomber or an F-16 aircraft can be equipped with a nuclear device. The B61-11 is the " nuclear version" of its
"conventional" BLU-113 counterpart.

Only one week, after Chossudovskys article became more popular on the internet, Bush announced to withdraw from the ABM Treaty (->), on the same
day, when the Reagan-Files supposed to had been released.

“Mininukes” and low-yield weapons:

"..Future new design work will likely center on low-yield weapons in the five kilotons or below range (including so-called “mini-nukes”). These weapons
would inherently be more dangerous because they are more likely to be used. The Warner-Allard provision of the FY 2001 Senate Defense Authorization
Bill required DOE to undertake mini-nuke research and development, a direction that has been legislatively barred since 1994 (funding for that provision
was not appropriated in House/Senate conference).

How a mini nuke can be used:


(-> Thermobarics)

Smallpox attack
There are many voices around of those, who think, that the same US- military-biochemists, who advise the US government and planned the Anthrax attack,
scheduled already a second Bio Attack, this time with Smallpox (or Botulinum).

These people are very flexible, so it can happen at any time and any place.
However other people had to do their homework first:

-production of enough smallpox vaccines (->)

-increasing the pro-Iraq war propaganda
-infiltrate the peace movement and distract them from too much criticism on challenging the Sep11th story or impeachment strategies against the US
Government (ANSWER, Stanley Clarke, stalinist and russian oil interest ties)
-profile or arrest new islamic suspects in the United States
-plan the war and put enough troops in place
-finish a BioTerror Exercise (happened in October 2002 with "Silent Vector", the sequel of "Dark Winter"/June 2001)
-find enough evidence to blame Smallpox attack on Iraq
-make promotion for some suspects (i.e. 19 new FBI suspects from Canada/Pakistan, AP December 2002)
-let it happen on purpose =LIHOP Pt.2)

In this scenario, another follow up is possible:

Introduction of a new martial law and smallpox vaccination per law.

Blame the smallpox attack first on some muslim suspects (i.e the 19 men from Canada/Pakistan) and tie them immediately to Iraq.

Copycat the US-Iraq war for other subWW3 scenarios:
Pakistan-India war, Saudi Arabia-Yemen, Egypt-Jordan, Israel-Palestine, Northkorea-SouthKorea, Russia-some other ex-soviet states etc....

Postpone all further elections in case of WW3.

Smallpox Iraq
On December 3rd, 2002, ABC News "revealed" , that the CIA are investigating whether a Russian scientist transferred a particularly lethal strain of
smallpox to the government of Iraq in the 1990s.
The allegations involve a smallpox strain stored at the Research Institute for Viral Preparations in Moscow.

Intelligence officials (said) an informant has reported the institute's late director, virologist Nelja Maltseva, moved the smallpox on a trip to Iraq in 1990.

The information was leaked to the press by Dr. Alan Selikoff, a scientist at the Sandia National Laboratories (->) in Albuquerque, N.M.

During the next three weeks, President Bush was still searching for a plausible reason to invade iraq.
At the end of 2002, the FBI released an alert on 19 new muslim suspects, who have "entered" the United States.

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As later came out, this alert was based on a hoax.

Smallpox Vaccines
Confirmed companies linked to smallpox vaccine production include Baxter International (->), Aventis Pasteur (Hoechst-Rhone Poulenc subsidiary)
Acambis PLC (-> former OraVax), Wyeth (Dryvax) and Fort Dodge Animal Health.

Another private military and CIA-contractor (PMCs- >), DynCorp (->) was the major military and intelligence provider awarded $322 million to develop,
produce, and store anthrax and smallpox vaccines for the nation.

BMI (-> Battelle), a leading defense and energy industry contractor, directed the US military's Joint Vaccine Acquisitions Program.

Smallpox vaccination policy

In March 2002, President Bush ordered 150M Smallpox Vaccines for the US Military.
In the wake of 9.11, with bioterrorism on people's minds, the CDC (->) is considering reversing this recommendation, and has announced that it will have
286 million vaccination doses ready by 2003 -- one for every U.S. citizen.

One of the biggest supporters for a new smallpox policy is Jerome Hauer (->)

In December 2002, President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld announced, that they would get vaccinated.

"President Bush said that any civilian who wanted it could have it. I think that was a mistake, frankly," Dr. Vincent A. Fulginiti said.
"This is not a safe vaccine for the general public because of all the complications," Fulginiti said during an interview before his lecture. "This is not the
measles vaccine."


In 1961, Fulginiti joined renowned pediatrician Dr. Henry Kempe at Colorado General Hospital in Denver, now known as University of Colorado Hospital.

Kempe, who died in 1984, pioneered treatments for the vaccine's sometimes-fatal side effects. In the 1950s, he developed what is still the main defense
against vaccine-induced disease: vaccinia immune globulin, which is made from the blood of recently vaccinated people.

As stated, President Bush took the smallpox vaccine on December 21st, 2002.

In February 2003, Bush's plan to vaccinate 500,000 health care workers against smallpox is getting off to an unexpectedly slow start as hundreds of hospitals
and thousands of nurses across the country say that they will not participate.
The CDC said that only 687 volunteers in 16 states had been vaccinated since the program began two weeks ago, though it has shipped 250,000 doses of
vaccine to 41 states.

Anti -Bushita website.
Smirkingchimp.com was created in December 2000 by the graphic design company Tiedrich.com in New York.

Smith, Katherine
Katherine Smith's case was one of the many cases,
which was never really disclosed to the US Nation,
however she was connected with the early Sep11th attack investigation of the FBI.

In February 2002, some news papers reported, that Smith, who had been charged "in a scheme with five men to sell fraudulent licenses...died in a fiery car
crash the day before her first court appearance, a crash the prosecutor called "most unusual and suspicious"

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20020212_991.html

Katherine Smith sold IDs to five of the hijackers was "smothered with gasoline and "firebombed" in her car one day before she was scheduled to testify.

Source: Kansas City Star, 02/16/02

FBI agent J. Suzanne Nash said authorities were trying to determine what caused the car to burn. The gas tank did not explode and the car was only slightly
dented from the crash.
"Her death was not the result of the crash itself," said THP Capt. Jimmy Erwin. "Her death was by other means." (March 6th 2002)

Source : http://www.gomemphis.com/mca/local_news/article/0,1426,MCA_437_1016243,00.html

As investigative journalist Wayne Madsen (->) reported in an article at counterpunch, Katherine Smith mysterious death was examined at the same institute
who examined Don C Wiley (->), the MicroBiologist, who died under strange circumstances in 2001.
(Source: http://www.counterpunch.org/madsenanthrax.html )

And "...in yet another strange twist, on March 14 (2002), a bomb and two smaller explosive devices were found at the Shelby County Regional Forensic
Center, which houses the morgue and Medical Examiner's Office that conducted Wiley's autopsy. Dr. O.C, Smith, the medical examiner, told Memphis'
Commercial Appeal, "We have done several high-profile cases from Dr. Wiley to Katherine Smith (a Department of Motor Vehicles employee mysteriously
found burned to death in her car after being charged in a federal probe with conspiracy to obtain fraudulent drivers' licenses for men of Middle East origin)
but there has been no indication that we offended anyone . . . we just don't know if we were the attended target or not."

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Two of the five men, connected with the Katherine Smith case and fraudulent licenses had been Khaled Odtllah and Sakhera Hammad (Denko

When Hammad was arrested, investigators found a visitor's pass for the World Trade Center, dated Sept. 5, 2001, in his wallet. He told authorities he was a
plumber who worked on the center's sprinkler system.

Smith, Dr. O.C.

(-> Smith, Katherine)

Smoking Guns
During 2001-2002, many "smoking guns" had been revealed,
but many still remained unknown.

In fact, this book contains still some sleeping smoking guns,

which should have been revealed already in 2001-2002.

Many different "Top10" of Smoking Guns exist,

these are a few of them:

1) George Bush strange "non"-reaction at Booker Elementary

as proven for 25 minutes on an existing tape
2) Pentagon was on High Alert on September 10th and
didn't allow their employees to fly the following day
3) Tape interview with Tom Kennedy of FEMA and
Dan Rather of CBS, who claimed that FEMA was already in NYC on September
4) Unanswered Question, why Jerome Hauer, member of the John Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense and former SAIC and OEM, organized
a job for former Terrorist Task Force
chief John O'Neill in the Twin Towers
5) Former FBI agent Robert Wright, who already testified live on C-Span, accusing John
Ashcroft of sabotaging his early warnings.

6) In the 5 days and prior to Aug.23rd and Aug.28th the CIA received 8 to 10 confirmed warnings by different secret services of the world, which were
confirmed by the
world press for months and have been reconfirmed twice. Another warning was by the Taliban itself, which was confirmed by the Department of State and
Embassy in Pakistan.
7) 40-60 early warnings between the last
weeks before September 11th plus various reports about high alerts in
many Air Force bases on September 10th.
8) Unanswered Question, why Major Brown of LA was warned on the day
before September 11th not to fly, and why Condoleeza
Rice, who already received a short memo on a warning on an attack on August 6th 2001, didn't react on a warning by Senator Hart (CFR) , who warned her
five days before Sep11th of an "attack".
9) Unanswered Question, why Jerome Hauer, a bio-terrorism expert, started
to work on September 10th, or possibly earlier, for Thommy Thompson of
the National Health Institute and then the NIH told the White House to take the
anthrax vaccine CIPRO on September 11th.
10) Unanswered Question, why ISI (Pakistan Secret
Service) chief Mahmoud visited Washington during September 5th and 14th
and what was his reason for meeting with the Marc Grossmann, the CIA, Richard Armitage
and members of the Senate Intelligence Committee Bob Graham and Porter Goss?

11) Unanswered Question, why the US Nation doesn't know anything about an indictment against 2 FBI agents and 3 other persons who organised insider
trading (->) in knowing of the
attacks, which was already reported by the NY TIMES or CNN Money and confirmed by
prosecutors and lawyers incl. U.S. Attorney Ken Breen.
12) Unanswered Question, on three photos of November 2000
from a military website, where a miniature model of the Pentagon was
attacked by a plane.
13) all 19 hijackers connected with CIA, or other intelligence services.
Mohammad Atta on watchlist since 1998.

At the end of 2002, DU (->) started a new survey on the most compelling and oppressed smoking guns:

What do you consider the Top Ten 9-11 Smoking Guns ?:


Parody on Drudgereport. Covered some Sep11th related stories.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Washington Sniper)
(-> ISI Terrorist and Sniper camps)

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Snow, John
Former government transportation official, who replaced Paul O'Neill in December 2002
John Snow as treasury secretary.

Watch Group of the School of Americans (Fort Benning->).
Very reliable source.

Social Security money

(-> Shelton, Henry H.)

Soft Skull Press is fearless, progressive, independently minded literature,
from political nonfiction to pop culture, intrepid fiction to innovative new poetry.
Based in downtown Brooklyn, New York.

One of their most popular authors are Stan Goff or J.H. Hatfield (Fortunate Son, a controversial biography of George W. Bush, with a foreword by Mark
Crispin Miller ->), who was found dead of an apparent suicide in a hotel room in July 2001.

(-> Fitts, Catherine Austin)

Sollog's real name is John Patrick Ennis.
Bills himself as the Nostradamus of the 90s. Claims he predicted everything from the Oklahoma bombing and the TWA crash to the death of Diana.

Sollog (=Son of Light, Light of God) claimed, that the WTC attack had been described in the work of Nostradamus, which was later debunked as false.

The author Ennis participated in some chat rooms during September 2001 and claimed, that he predicted the Sep11th attack.

Members of the same chat room later established a timeline protocol to prove, that Ennis appeared there after Sep11th.

Sollog's nostradamus propaganda is supported at sollog.com which was created in 1998 in Coral Springs, Florida and at http://theeunderground.net/sollog ,
another website from Coral Springs, Florida, created in 1997, administrated by "4613 University Dr Number 311".

Sollog aka Ennis was gossip for the mainstream papers.

Howard Altman wrote about him at Citypaper.Net


Sollog.com was created in September 1998 by ASI in Lighthouse Point, FL

Sonnenfeld, Kurt
Kurt Sonnenfeld was the only videographer, who was allowed to film at Ground Zero in New York.
He was working for the FEMA.
On New Years Eve 2002, he was arrested for having killed his wife.

The story didn't make big headlines in the news, but started some speculations and rumours on the internet.

On June 14, 2002, prosecutors dismissed first-degree murder charges against Sonnenfeld in the early New Year's morning shooting death of his wife.

Nancy Sonnenfeld, 36, died of a gunshot wound in the head after she and her husband had celebrated New Year's Eve together. Kurt Sonnenfeld told police
that his wife committed suicide.

Prosecutors wouldn't comment on specific reasons for the dismissal, but the defense investigation found a note written by Nancy Sonnenfeld which police
had not taken into evidence, said public defender Carrie Thompson.

"Our investigators found a letter written in Nancy's own hand consistent with a suicide letter, although it was very cryptic," Thompson said.

She said the letter said, "What is more beautiful than love and death?" with the word "love" scratched out. "Kurt, please get help." The letter was found
behind a framed photograph of Kurt Sonnenfeld.

...Nancy Sonnenfeld's sister, Amy Leek, said the family knew this was coming but would have no comment on the news.
...Kurt Sonnenfeld was a videographer who documented disaster sites for FEMA, including the Sept 11 attacks in New York. Nancy Sonnenfeld was a
manager for BSA Advertising.


FEMA’s Denver-based Region 8 Deputy Public Affairs Officer Jim Chestnutt and Public Affairs Officer Kurt Sonnenfeld used Canon XL1 digital video

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cameras with Mini DV disks through 16- to 18-hour days, shooting Ground Zero, the Pile (the mass of debris at the center of the disaster) and the arduous
rescue and cleanup operations. They carried the cameras through the streets, over the mounds of debris, and underground for three weeks.

Photographers Andrea Booher and Michael Rieger shot the still photos using Olympus E20 and Nikon D1X digital cameras.
The four cameramen passed the Mini DV disk footage to CNN.


On March 13th, 2002, Jim Chestnutts office in North Dakota

received $2 Million for an anti-flooding program, officially to construct a new lift station


Andrea Boohers and Mike Riegers photos are located at


Sonntag, Susan
In December 2001, the New Yorker released an interview with author Susan Sonntag:

"Let's by all means grieve together. But let's not be stupid together. A few shreds of historical awareness might help us understand what has just happened,
and what may continue to happen. "Our country is strong," we are told again and again. I for one don't find this entirely consoling. Who doubts that America
is strong? But that's not all America has to be..."

Soros, George
Leading Figure of the CFR (->), the World Economic Forum, and Human Rights Watch (HWR).
Inspired by ideas of his philosophical guru, Sir Karl Popper, in 1994, Soros started to investigate in Central and Eastern European Communications.
Close to Henry Kissinger (->), Vaclav Havel and Poland's General Wojcech Jaruzelski.

During the World Economic Forum in 2002, Soros supported an "Open Society" panel with Zbigniew Brzezinski (->), Samuel Huntington, Francis Fukuyama
and others.

Pretending to be open minded for the left wing, Soros basically runs a smart double strategy, using the Human Rights Watch as a cover for his Open Society
Fund and the OSI (->).

It was Soros, who save George Bush in a crisis with Harken (->), when Soros bought rapidly depreciating stocks.
Soros is partner in the Carlyle Group (->), founder of the East and Central Europe Program of the New School for Social Research in New York, Otpor, a
yugoslawian organization or the International Crisis Group with Richard Allen, former US National Security Adviser.

Shortly after September 11th, George Soros developed a strategy how to manipulate messages within the media:

"Routinely monitor the regional press in real time to enable prompt responses...
Stress references to the victims (and ideally, named victims to personalize them) whenever we discuss our cause and goals).

"Improving the Public diplomacy campaign in the war against terrorism", CFR (November 6th, 2001)


Space Shuttle Accident

After the second Space Shuttle Accident in February 2003,
the US Government immediately tried to profit from the tragedy:
Bush proposed a budget increase for NASA, including his renewed Star Wars program by Ronald Reagan (-> Rumsfeld, Donald) and continued to rally for
his war against Iraq.

Professor Andre Balogh, of London's Imperial College, said the NASA knew,
Columbia was doomed from moment of lift-off.

Suddenly it came out, that seven scientists, who tried to warn on a catastrophe, had been fired in 2001.

Another scientist, Don A. Nelson, who resigned in 1999, after harsh criticism on the NSA, tried even to urge the White House to a Moritorium and wrote a
letter on August 25th, 2002.

He got ignored in an answer on December 12th, 2002.


Even the NASA released an internal memo, 2 days before the disaster,
which expressed their concern about a pending catastrophe.

In a bizarre coincidence, one of the astronauts came from Israel and former F16 fighter in the first Gulf War in Iraq, who destroyed bionuclear plants.
More "freaky", parts of the Columbia debris landed on Palestine, Texas.

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Spain connection
One of the few connections, which suggested a possible link between spanish terror cells and associates of Bin Laden.

One of them is Abu Qatada.

Abu Qatada and his family is secretly moved to a safe house by the British government where he is being lodged, fed and clothed by the government, and is
still there. "The deal is that Abu Qatada is deprived of contact with extremists in London and Europe but can't be arrested or expelled because no one
officially knows where he is," says a source, whose claims were corroborated by French authorities. The British are doing this to avoid a "hot potato" trial.
[Time, 7/7/02]

A British official says "we wouldn't give an awful lot of credence" to the story. [Guardian, 7/8/02] Qatada has already been sentenced to death in abstentia
in Jordan, and is wanted in the US, Spain, France and Algeria as well. [Guardian, 2/14/02]

In November (2002), while Qatada was still living openly in Britain, a Spanish judge expressed disbelief that Qatada hadn't been arrested already. Qatada
has been connected to a Spanish al-Qaeda cell that may have met with Atta (see July 8-19, 2001). [Observer, 11/25/01]


Abu Qatada in an June 2002 interview with CBS Canada:

In Canada we have many Algerians. I'm told that many Algerians consider you to be the spiritual father of the Armed Islamic Group GIA from Algeria.
Why would they say that?

Abu Qatada:
This accusation is being repeated. I was told that I am the spiritual father for Algeria and then for Al Qaeda. It looks like this accusation of being the
spiritual father is a new accusation practiced by the security systems because they do not have any tangible or organizational links between any of these
organizations and me.
...First of all, there is no group that belongs to me. I am a Muslim who deals with all Muslims and there is no organization between me and any other group.
But I think that the future will produce to the Western nations people and Muslims who are more violent than the ones existing now.

The West will lament us because we were more tolerant in our dealing with them. It is in the best interest of the West if such generation didn't come to being
because of unjust and coercive practices.

We spoke earlier about your hatred to America. What was your reaction to the events of 9/11?
Did you think America got what was coming to them?

Abu Qatada:
I was surprised by this action, and I don't think, until now, that a Muslim did it; therefore we cannot judge an absent person. We should bring the person who
carried out this act and judge him after asking him about what he did. Until now, America did not ask itself "why is this happening to us?"

Speicher, Michael
In March 2002, the case of former US-Pilot Michael Speicher was refreshed in the US media.
Officially he was shot down by an iraqi missile on Jan 17, 1991.

On the same day it was Dick Cheney, who released a statement about the original status of Michael Speicher.

Sources of the MI5 claimed in 2002 , that Michael Speicher is still alive.
Cyndi A. Laquidara, attorney of the familiy of Michael Speicher is representing a case.
"..Cindy Laquidara is Chief Deputy General Counsel and head of the Government Operations and Commercial Law Department of the Office of General

Already issued on January 11th, 2001, the Press Release reads: "Secretary of the Navy Richard Danzig has changed the status of Cmdr. Michael Scott
Speicher from Killed in Action/Body Not Recovered (KIA/BNR)to Missing in Action (MIA).
During 2002, the case of Speicher was used to put new pressure on Iraq.

Spertzel, Richard
Former UN inspecteur of Iraq, who told ABC in November 2001, that
"he knows only five scientists in the USA who would be in the situation to produce such a fine,
highly developed spore material.."

Other side projct of Alan Simpson (-> Intelbriefing.com) of the National Press Building in Washington, DC. Created in May 1999.

Spire expires
(-> Collapse, Twin Towers)
(-> Plaguepuppy)

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Springman, J. Michael
J. Michael Springmann, formerly chief of the visa section at the U.S. Embassy in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, explained in various interviews with european and
canadian media, that he rejected hundreds of suspicious visa applications in the late 90s, but the C.I.A. officers overruled him and ordered the visas to be

Springmann protested to the State Department, the Office of Diplomatic Security, the F.B.I., the Justice Department and congressional committees, but was
told to shut up. Springmann observed that 15 of the 19 people who allegedly flew airplanes into buildings in the United States got their visas from the same
CIA-dominated consulate in Jeddah.

It all continued in Mid 2001:

"The U.S. Embassy in Riyadh is proud to announce the implementation of its new U.S. VISA EXPRESS service for expediting nonimmigrant visa applications
throughout Saudi Arabia," the embassy in Riyadh and U.S. consulate in Jeddah announced to Saudi citizens on June 25, 2001,
a posting printed in Arabic obtained by this column..."

Springman later supported a press conference by unansweredquestions.org (->),

supported by many different 911victim families.

Joel Mowbray of National Review, who obtained the original visa-application forms released them at NationalReview.com on October 28th, 2002:
"Only one of the 15 provided an actual address - and that was only because his first application was refused. The rest listed such not-so-specific locations as
"California," "New York," "Hotel D.C.," and "Hotel."

One terrorist amazingly listed his U.S. destination as simply "No." But he still got a visa.

Nikolai Wenzel, one of the former consular officers who analyzed the forms, declares that State's issuance of the visas "amounts to criminal negligence.
The law is clear: "Every alien shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application
for a visa, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant ."
State's Deputy Press Secretary Phil Reeker remarks that 214(b) is "quite a threshold to overcome" - it just wasn't for Saudi applicants..."

Hani Hanjour, 1997 (~167k file)

Hani Hanjour, 2000 (a) (~205k file)
Hani Hanjour, 2000 (b) (~169k file)
Waleed al-Sherhi, 2000 (~169k file)
Wail al-Sherhi, 2000 (~206k file)
Abdulaziz Alomari, 2001 (~259k file)

Mirrored at:


(-> Noman, Abdullah)

(-> http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0208/S00068.htm#s )
(-> Visa/Atta)
(-> Visa/Alshehi)
(-> Visa, helping hands)

Sprinkler Systems, WTC

As some papers reported, "...Sakher "Rocky" Hammad, was carrying a WTC pass for Sept 5.
He told police that he had been working on the sprinkler system. He showed them his business card: Magic Plumbing and Heating..."

(-> Smith, Katherine)

(-> Simpson, Alan)

A January 23, 2002, Houston Chronicle report revealed that ENRON corporation's top security team, including four former CIA officers and an ex-FBI
agent left the company to form a private firm, Secure Solutions International, or SSI, while continuing with ENRON via a consulting contract.

Team member and former CIA agent David Cromley's business biography at ENRON listed him as ENRON's Director of Business Analysis, the Chronicle
reported, that Cromley gave ENRON executives "detailed and unique information" allowing them to make "investments, sales of assets, joint ventures and

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financial products."

Hand selected database of provocative articles dealing with the tragedy
and aftermath of the 9-11-2001 Terrorist Attacks on America.
Formerly a website, which was specialised in "sensible Y2K news".

Created by Stand77 and Doc Paulie (->) of democraticunderground.com (->) in July 1999 in Las Vegas NV.


Contact: [email protected]

Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered is the world's leading emerging markets bank headquartered in London.

The Standard Chartered Bank had an office in Building 7

(26th and 27th floor, -> Collapse, Building 7), one floor above the CIA, DOD and INS.

Their Hongkong Section is well known for cooperations with the CIA:

April 25th, 2002, Hongkong Section

"We have received some feedback from candidates indicating that they would like to attend some CIA exam preparation courses....
...Please encourage your colleagues to help in the development of our Profession. Encourage your staff to work for the CIA qualification."


Due to the official indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui (->), the official 20th hijacker (->), it was a dubai account of Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi (->) from
Standard Chartered, which transfered money to Moussaoui (starting on June 25, 2001, last transfer Sep11th, 9:22 AM).
As later came out, al-Hasawi was an alias for Sheikh Saeed, since 2002 imprisoned in Pakistan.

KPMG, a partner of Standard Chartered Bank, is auditor of one of the 4 companies, who (control-) cleaned the rubble from Ground Zero and the Pentagon,
where they already renovated the same wing (Wedge1), which was later hit by AA77: AMEC. (->Controlled Cleanup)


Since July 2002, managing director of KPMG is Robert J. Chiaradio , ex FBIHQ (->), who once oversaw early Sep11th warnings by Robert Wright (->),
Kenneth Williams (->) and Colleen Rowley (->).

Standard Chartered is named after two banks which merged in 1969. They were originally known as the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.
Of the two banks, the Chartered Bank is the older having been founded in 1853 following the grant of a Royal Charter from Queen Victoria.
With the opening of branches in Macau and Taiwan in 1983 and 1985 plus a representative office in Laos (1996), Standard Chartered has an office in every
country in the Asia Pacific Region with the exception of North Korea.

In 1999, Standard Chartered acquired the global trade finance business of Union Bank of Switzerland. This acquisition makes Standard Chartered one of the
leading clearers of dollar payments in the USA.

Sir Patrick Gillam, Chairman of Standard Chartered, was appointed Chairman of Royal & SunAlliance in 1997 following the merger of the Royal with Sun
Alliance in 1996.
Sir Patrick will be retiring from both positions in 2003 upon reaching the age of 70. He is a former Managing Director of The British Petroleum Company
and a former Chairman of Asda Group Limited.

Scrambling of fighter aircraft at the first sign of trouble is a routine phenomenon.
Between September 11th, 2001 and June 2002, jets were scrambled after aircraft 462 times.
The same time period the year before, fighters were still scrambled 67 times.

Source: AP, 8/13/02


As Rosenbaum/Craiglist (->) questioned, "I know from my own experience as a former Air Force officer assigned to the North American Air Defense
Command (NORAD ->) working within the Cheyenne-Mt-Complex in Colorado Springs, Co. that the Air Defense Operations Center (ADOC) the
centralized command and control center for all air-defense units protecting the continental U.S. has the authority to employ the use of air national guard
interceptor aircraft of all 50 states to augment the capabilities of the regular air force coastal air defense assets (e.g. Otis AFB, Maguire AFB etc.).

I know for a fact that this operational infrastructure has been in place since the mid 1960s. The question that I have in my mind regarding Mr. Vidal's (->)
assumption is why there was such a huge delay regarding the Air Force's response; why were there no air guard interceptors from PA, NY, MD, or VA not
scrambled at least to investigate the abrupt course changes of the 9/11 hijacked aircraft. These guard units were set up to protect the air-space over each

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respective state.

I know for a fact that the ADOC uses FAA tracking facilities and other resources to help monitor the overall airspace over North America and would have
had direct communications with the Air Traffic control centers involved and could have immediately coordinated an intercept over the area in question
using the pertinent air guard asset. What Happened?"

Many sources already revealed after Sep11th, that they have learned about a stand down order,
but their friends, working as F15 fighters had been worried to talk in public.

TopView (->) investigated immediately after Sep11th and reported, that Air Force spokesmen confirmed that AFTER the alerts and requests for
INTERCEPTS of the aircraft were received from FAA/ATC, orders from the HIGHEST LEVEL of the executive branch of the federal government were
received, demanding that the Air Force stand down and NOT follow through with ESTABLISHED scramble/intercept procedures that morning until further

On September 14th 2001, TIME magazine reported on the early events of Sep11th:


At 9:25, Garvey, in an historic and admirable step, and almost certainly after getting an okay from the White House, initiated a national ground stop, which
forbids takeoffs and requires planes in the air to get down as soon as reasonable.

The order, which has never been implemented since flying was invented in 1903, applied to virtually every single kind of machine that can takeoff - civilian,
military, or law enforcement.
The Herndon command center coordinated the phone call to all major FAA sites, the airline reps in the room contacted all airlines, and so-called NOTAMS
—notices to airmen — were also sent out.
The FAA had stopped the world.

Five minutes later, FAA's few staffers who had stayed to set up the emergency operations center accomplished their mission and the center was up and
running by 9:30.

FAA chief spokesman Scott Brenner gave immediate orders to his press corps: hit the vending machines on the floors below and bring back all the candy
you could carry.
Throughout the day, a hardcore group of public affairs staffers grabbed slices of pizza, scarfed chocolate donuts and swigged water and coffee.
But cellphones were virtually unusable because of the overloads, and FAA staffers in the emergency op center couldn't reach their in-house experts only a
few floors below on the sidewalk. Minutes later, the Pentagon was hit.
<...> Ten minutes later, at 10.31, the FAA allowed all military and law enforcement flights to resume. (and some flights that the FAA can't reveal that were
already airborne)."

The guy who was responsible for the stand down order, was Ben Sliney (->)

As Paul Thompson (->) already pointed out in his 9/11 timeline, it is known that after the second WTC crash at 9:03, many base commanders called NORAD
and volunteered to put fighters into the air ASAP. So NORAD only has to fob them off for about 20 minutes with excuses, and then at 9:25 they're in the
clear to make sure that none of the hijacked planes will be tracked or stopped.

This site shows where we had fighters "on alert" - that is fueled, armed and pilots ready to go:

For all the U.S., there were only 7 locations with 2 planes each. But note that there were 2 planes at Otis and two at Langley which NORAD data indicates
as being scrambled within minutes of notification. The problem is that the notification is way too late per standard operating procedures. Fighters should be
scrambled whenever a plane is off course and not responding. SOP doesn't say to wait until they are declared or even suspected to be hijacked.

Check the total timelines in this link

For Flight 11 and Flight 77, look at how much time passes between the indications that each of these planes is suspected to be hijacked and NORAD is
notified. It's about 20 to 25 minutes in both cases. It should be zero minutes.

What Langley was saying before they "cleaned up"

During a normal day's flying operation at Langley, the wing will launch about 90 fighter training missions in air-to-air combat, aerial gunnery and air
defense intercepts. Most flying operations are conducted in dedicated air space over the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia and North Carolina coasts.

In a normal flying day, the 71st Fighter Squadron will launch approximately 25 sorties to fly training missions in air-to-air combat, aerial gunnery, and air
defense intercepts.


Use of military jets jumps since 9/11. Associated Press Aug 13 2002.
CBS News. Scrambling to prevent another 9/11 Aug 14 2002
Preventing another 9/11 Military.com
ABC News Jets on high Alert. Aug 13 2002.
Military now notified immediately of unusual air traffic events. Fox news Aug 12 2002

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911Specialist site by Mark Elsis (->), Lovearth.net, January 8, 2002.
With a minute-by-minute chronology from 7:59 a.m. till 10:06:05 a.m., this article will dismantle the Wednesday September 18, 2001 North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Press Release.
(-> Timeline)

Stand-down/Scrambling story after one year

Almost synchronised with the anniversary of the Sep11th attacks, the Scrambling story became yet another new twist:

From an MSNBC Transcript Aug. 19 , 2002

‘Ashleigh Banfield: On Location’

"...meet the first two men scrambled into the sky, racing toward the World Trade Center to try to stop the terrorists...
...Within minutes after terrorists hijacked the first passenger planes out of Boston, the FAA alerted NORAD. Air Force fighter jets were scrambled but too
late to intercept the suicide hijackers who flew into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
...COMMANDER DAVE FEATON, NORAD: We’re looking for space and missile launches throughout the world.
...COL. CORKY VON KESSEL, NORAD: Right. We’ve sanitized, covered up all of our classifieds so that you all can come in.

We had about 50 or 60 folks in here, and as you can imagine, we ran the gamut of different feelings in here. We-whenever we saw the first sighting of the
first aircraft going into the World Trade Center, there was a dead silence in here, and you could hear a pin drop. People were thinking, they were thinking
what’s going on? You know, how could this happen?

BANFIELD (MSNBC) : This colonel and this major, whose names can’t be released, were the two pilots on alert at Otis National Air Base (ph) on
September 11th. They were charged with protecting the skies above the northeast that fateful morning.
What was supposed to be just another routine shift, would turn out to be a day they would never forget.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Came in here and started to do some-you know, my normal every day scheduling work. And sometime after 8:30, we got a phone
call, I guess first went to the control tower and then to our command post about a possible hijacking. We get a lot of false alarms, but I’ve only been here
two years, never heard the word hijack thrown around before, so we thought it was the real thing.


Stanford Technology Trading Group

Once named ISS (founded by iranian Albert Hakim), STTG is home for Gen. Secord,
CIA's T. Shackley, and T. Clines.


Promoting articles by Uri Dowbenko (->).
Created in December 1999 by New Improved Media in Pray, MT.

Steinbach, Udo
Udo Steinbach is director of the german orient-institute.
He is skeptical of the official version of Sep11th.
Steinbach argued, that the "war on terrorism" is in reality on oil.

Medienanalyse (->) , Broeckers.com,
Spiegel Online 02/26/02

Stephens, Jay
In September 2002, the Department of Justice announced that their "No.3", Jay Stephens, the agency's associate attorney general, is resigning from the third
highest DOJ position,
which he has held for less than a year.
Stephens, who was appointed to his DOJ position in November 2001, oversaw divisions dealing with civil cases, antitrust matters, taxes and environmental
and natural resources issues. He became senior vice president and general counsel at defense contractor Raytheon Corp (->)Oct. 7., 2002.


Organization Chart DOJ

Stephens Inc.
(-> Arbusto -> Jack Stephens)
(-> Mahfouz, Khalid bin)

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(-> Shadow Government TV)

Stewart, Payne
The story of golfer Payne Stewart is told among 91Skeptics, when people need answers on the stand-down order of Setember 11th.

Stewart died, when his private plane crashed, after careering across much of the US in an uncontrolled fashion. It is believed that everyone in the plane had
died on board, as a result of internal pressurisation failure. Stewart's plane was intercepted and accompanied for much of this flight by jet fighters,once it
was known that there was a problem.


Payne Stewart's Lear jet (->) went off course:

"First, a fighter jet from Tyndall, Fla., was diverted
from a routine training flight to check out the Learjet.
Two F-16s from another Florida base then picked up
the chase, later handing it over to two Air National
Guard F-16s from Oklahoma, which handed it over to
two F-16s from Fargo, North Dakota."
--'ABC News,' 25 October 1999 (10)

(-> Stand down)

Stich, Robert
Author of three safety books (Three revised editions of Unfriendly Skies, three revised editions of Defrauding America, and Drugging America--A Trojan

Defraudingamerica.com reveals the culture of malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance, and corruption that made possible the September 11 terrorist
hijackings, many prior fatal hijackings, and many prior air disasters.

While Stich was an FAA air safety inspector, among his many reports and recommendations, he reported on the dangers of hijackings and the two
common-sense steps that would have prevented almost every hijacking that subsequently occurred, including the hijackings of September 11, 2001.

In a letter to Sen. Arlen Specter, Stich wrote on his insights on weapon smuggle:

"...The agent, concerned about the consequences of commercial airliners being shot down with these missiles, then contacted another CIA employee at CIA
headquarters, who then tried to force a response from high CIA officials. This latest action forced CIA officials to finally respond.
Negotiations then commenced, which involved, among others, the former CIA agent who headed a major CIA proprietary in Hawaii; a CIA attorney in the
Los Angeles area; an Afghani located in California; and an Afghani rebel general in Afghanistan (who had previously turned over 20 Stinger missiles to the
United States).
The general agreed to turn over the missiles without cost to the United States, and simply requested the release of an Afghani being held in federal prison on
a drug charge arising from a possible KGB setup...

Nine days after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the agents swooped in to arrest Ana Belen Montes
(Cuba-spy), fearing that she represented an overriding security risk..."



(-> FAA)
(-> NORAD)

St.Louis Connection
St. Louis was host for the 1999 FEMA (->) -"Operation Care" and is home for Paul Czysz, professor emeritus of aerospace engineering, who is advising the
NTSB in the Wellstone Crash (->) investigation.

On June 15th, 2000, Dr. Thomas Inglesby (->) of Johns Hopkins Institute (->), organised a Bio-terror hearing in St.Louis, which included a script of an
exercise paper.

St. Louis is home for Boeing Integrated Defense Systems (->), which is located on Banshee Rd. (MO 63135)

Strauss, Robert S.
(-> Akin Gump)

Straw man
Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad.
Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect
of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while
actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

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From "25 Ways To Suppress The Truth",


(-> Discrediting)

Strieber, Whitley
(-> Boston)

Subversive Terrorist Network

Basically every kind of public protest, independent investigation on Sep11th,
or sources like from this book could be described as the "Subversive Terrorist Network".

In November 2002, italian police arrested 42 activists in southern Italy on the charge of "subversive association" and "political conspiracy to disturb
government activity through subversive propaganda against the economic order".
This is possible under article 270, which is part of Italy’s new anti terrorist law which has come into force since September 11.

PATRIOT Act (->) in the United States is able to do the same.

(-> Fahrenheit 451)

Sufaat, Yazid
One inofficial FBI report claimed in January 2002,
that Yazid Sufaat was one of the financiers of Zacarias Moussaoui (->).

Officials said they had found evidence that Mr. Sufaat provided Mr. Moussaoui with at least $35,000 in meetings near Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital,
in September and October of 2000.

Sufaat, 37, was arrested Dec. 9, 2001 as he returned to Kuala Lumpur from Afghanistan,
where authorities said he fought against the U.S.-led coalition.

Sufaat was in contact with Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi, a demolitions expert for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a separatist group seeking to create an
Islamic state in the southern Philippines.
Sufaat bought some explosives through a company he owned called Green Laboratory Medicine, according to law enforcement sources.

Ghozi was arrested Jan. 15, 2002 in Manila by Philippine immigration officials acting on a tip from police in Singapore.

In November 2002, the NY Times picked up Yazid Sufaats story again.

In the meantime he turned into "a Malaysian businessman and former army captain" with a "U.S. degree in biochemistry", who was captured in a malysian
Due to the NY Times story, "Sufaat is suspected of providing employment documents to Zacarias Moussaoui so he could get a U.S. Visa".

"Yazid was first spotted by police in January 2000 meeting al-Midhar and al-Hazmi, and is said to have met with Moussaoui in September and October that
year. The information was shared with U.S. security agencies at that time. He was finally picked up in December (2001) while returning to Malaysia via
Thailand from Afghanistan. He is being held at Kamunting detention camp under the Internal Security Act, which allows detention without trial".

Sufaat was allowed to contact a lawyer (Saiful Izham Ramli) at the camp while the FBI questioned him who was either present during the questioning or
briefed about it after.


As TV3 Malaysia later found out, the FBI never sent a report to Malaysia:
"Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Zainal Abidin Zin, said the ministry is supposed to have received the report last week, through the Inspector-General of
Police, Tan Sri Norian Mai.
"The FBI have not conveyed any information to us as of last week. They should have given us a report as promised, as part of the cooperation given by the
Home Ministry and Yazid Sufaat."

Sufaats story, his connection with Moussaoui and the observation was never mentioned again or made any big news at all.

In July 2002, Moussaoui accused the FBI that they observed everyone of the 19 hijackers and that the FBI "knew about the terror attacks before they took
"They arrested me and not Hanjour who was a few week before me at Pan Am Flight School (and has been reported to be a danger) because they knew that
I was not with the 19 hijackers and therefore they will not be alerted... by my arrest"

Moussaoui believes, that the US government "cynically allowed September 11 in order to destroy Afghanistan."


(-> Informants)
(-> Detainees)
(-> Pan AM -> Jet Tech)
(-> LIHOP)

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Sugar Land Police

(-> Baxter, John Clifford -> Sgt. Truman Body)
(-> ENRON-Taliban connection)
(-> Zippergate)

Collection of Sep11th-smoking guns.


Created in January 2002 by NCC in Albuquerque NM

Swans described their own philosophy:

"In a time of revisionism, faux-semblant, spinning news and skewed information, Swans is about thinking, questioning, observing and providing a forum for
ideas that is lacking in the mainstream media."

Swans had an own 911-section in 2001-2002 at


(->McGowan, David)

Swans.com was created in 1996 in Menlo Park, CA by GMA Associates and Gilles d’Aymery .

Sweenie, Madeline Amy

(-> Flight 11 mystery)

Sweenie, Julie
During the 911victims conference at the unansweredquestions.org (->) event in June 2002,
Julie Sweeney dramatically explained, how she felt:

She "can't accept money from our government under the façade of goodness and generosity when on the flip side they have capped the funds available to be
recovered and they've limited the liability of the airlines for the approximately 271 people on these four planes. They literally changed laws overnight in
secret without us knowing that they were doing it.

And it's the only time in the history of any hijackings that they've ever done this to us. And to me immediately that just flagged, "We're hiding something." And
like I said, they're presenting this as, "Look at how wonderful we are. Look at the good we're trying to do for you." And I didn't believe that for an instant..."

Put emphasis on analysing the "International Christian Zionists' Plan".
Sweetliberty.com was created by the Council on Domestic Relations in 1996 in Bryant, Michigan.

Swinton, John
During an increased media censorship in 2001-2002, former New York Times John Swinton's words from 1880, (!) became popular on the internet again:

"There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly
for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be
so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper,
before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race
for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and
our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."


Flash Animation Price Winner, who promoted some investigative 911-details.

Symbolman, who runs the site, created a shockwave animation of George Bush at the Booker Elementary School, synchronised with the attacks in New


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In February 2003, Symbolman appeared on the O'reilly show on FOX.


Symbolman.com was created in March 2000 by Mike Stinson in Carpinteria, CA.

Contact: [email protected]

(-> Timeline)
(-> Shadow Government TV)


Created in February 1998 by Idiosyntactix in Toronto, Canada.

SYTEX is a business management, logistics and systems engineering firm with the goal of providing broad-scope management and technical services,
integrated systems and systems support to Government agencies and industry.

In 1999 it came out, as Daily News reported, that Sytex is the company, "that trains OSI (->), CIA and NSA personnel on preventing computer crime."

Anti-Terrorism planning and program management:

(-> In-Q-tel)


Dozens of terror scenarios before Sep11th and still "incompetence"? : Dark Winter

Tail-to-Tooth Commission
(-> BENS)

At the end of March 2002, US Politics and Media started to ignore a taiwanese government secret
"slush fund", naming two Bush appointees as receiving money from this fund for services, including convincing Bush to agree to $4 billion worth of
sophisticated arms sales to Taiwan..."


Carl Ford, appointed by GWBush to assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and research, and James Kelly, appointed by GWBush to assistant
secretary of state for East Asia, are the American officials named as being "paid off" to covertly influence U.S. politics.

The "slush fund" was set up by Taiwan's ex-president Lee Teng-hui through the Taiwan National Security Bureau.

Carl Ford was ex-CIA official and a former prominent defense official in the Reagan/Bush Sr. administrations, and a lobbyist for General Dynamics (->).

In April 2002, Taiwan reacted with a proposed Laws of Organization and Exercise of Power of the Legislative and Judicial Intelligence Committee, forming
a legislative intelligence committee to oversee the nation's intelligence operations and institutionalize and legalize the supervisory bodies.

After this political decision, "Taiwangate" vanished from the international press.

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Contact: [email protected]

One of 100s of anti-bushita websites, which became popular during 2001-2002.
Including some Sep11th sections.


Contact: [email protected]

Due to B. Raman of the South Asia Analysis Group (saag.org), the CIA and General Pervez Musharraf (Pakistan) are the creators and "the creation of the

At the instance of the US and on the orders of Mrs.Benazir Bhutto, the then Prime Minister, and Maj.Gen.(retd) Nasirullah Babar, her Interior Minister, he
and Lt.Gen.Mohammad Aziz, the then Deputy Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), created the Taliban in 1994--95 and helped it
overrun 90 per cent of Afghanistan.

B. Raman is additional Secretary (retired), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, and was in 2001-2002 Director of the Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai.


Officially the Taliban movement was formed in Kandahar in 1994 by Islamic students who took a radical approach to interpreting Islam.
The Taliban captured Kabul in September 1996 from Mujaheedin regime.
The government of Burhan-ul Din Rabani ousted.

The USA, much to its disbelief and dismay, discovered in 1993 that many of its past Afghan policies had started to boomerang against the US interests.

Many of the Mujahideen, including the Americans' own favourites and proteges like Gulbuddin. Hekmatyar, had turned Afghanistan into a breeding ground
for terrorists.
The Afghan War veterans, also known as "Afghanis" numbering in thousands, had officially got involved in anti-Western terrorist acts.

The increasing menace of terrorist threat to the West, originating from Afghanistan since 1993, led to intense debate in the US.
The concern began after the pipebomb explosions at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, the loss of 230 lives on board TWA Flight 800 in 1996, the bomb
explosion at the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, the killing of CIA officials in Karachi, and the abduction of six Europeans by the Al-Faran in Kashmir.

The Group of Seven Anti-Terrorism Conference was held in July 1996, in Paris, to initiate a global, coordinated effort to identify and locate thousands of
veterans of the US-backed 1979-89 Afghan War against the Soviets.

It was in this backdrop of the American commitment to combat the terrorist network, based in Afghanistan, that Washington provided a clear-cut incentive
for the introduction of the Taliban movement that emerged on the Afghan political scene in October 1994.

The US saw a strategic interest in the Taliban, as the latter promised to work towards, disarming of armed guerillas; driving out international terrorists from
Afghanistan or fighting against Islamic fundamentalism.

The Taliban victory over Kabul, operated by financial support of the Saudi Intelligence BID (->), therefore, was welcomed by the USA.

Ex Afghan government leader Burahn-ul Din Rabani always insisted the Taliban are the operatives of the ISI, Pakistan' secrete service agency, through
which the United States and its allies funneled huge money and arms to Afghan Mujaheedin groups.

On October 10, 1999, the United State government declared political and economical sanction against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan because of holding
and supporting Saudi billionaire Ben Laden.

October 25, 1999, Taliban offered talks between Afghanistan and the US Government including the future of Osma bin Laden.


IA worked in tandem with Pak to create Taliban

"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) worked in tandem with Pakistan to create the “monster” that is today Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban, a leading US
expert on South Asia said here. “I warned them that we were creating a monster,” Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for
Scholars said at the conference here last week on ‘Terrorism and Regional Security: Managing the Challenges in Asia.”

Creating a Frankenstein...


Taliban Rescue Planes

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As reported by the BBC, almost 5,000 members of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban were rescued in some "secret airlifts" during the war against via cargo planes
as Kunduz fell to the Northern Alliance in November 2001.


Taliban warning on Sep11th

(-> early warnings)
(-> Muttawakil, Ahmed)

On November 5th 2002, many different websites reported very exclusively about possible voter fraud on election day.

One of them was Talion.com by Bev Harris.

She gave very detailled background information about Election Systems & Software (ES&S ->),
the electronic vote-counting company, who was responsible for the votes in Florida on that day.

Talion gives an excellent summary about the Florida Election 2000 and Sandra Mortham, the state's top elections official from 1995 to 1999 and a lobbyist
for both Election Systems & Software and the Florida Association of Counties.

She promoted articles by Ronnie Dugger, an author on the history of voting and Greg Palast,
who proved that 50,000 votes disappeared in election 2000 in his book "The best Democracymoney can buy".

Bev Harris owns Talion.com, a publicity firm, and has been a professional writer for 10 years.
She is the author of "How to Unbezzle a Fortune", a free online report with tips on how to identify accounting fraud and recover embezzled funds, a report
that has become an underground hit among business owners who have been victimized.

Talion.com was created in 1997 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Content: "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" by Webster Griffin Tarpley.
Created in September 1997 in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Tarpley's entire book is located at


Contact: [email protected]

Ted Rall, America's hardest-hitting editorial cartoonist for Universal Press Syndicate and an award-winning commentator, who works as an illustrator,
columnist, and radio commentator, was one of the most popular cartoonists in 2001-2002, with his political illustrations, partly released in New York's free
paper villagevoice.com.

Ted Rall addressed the Homeland Security, Ashcroft and Cheney, and some democrats.

Rall released some Sep11th-related articles and the book "To Afghanistan and Back".

In an April 2002 article he pointed out, that Donald Rumsfeld already

"had been planning an Afghan invasion back in July 2001 ring true to many Central Asia watchers".


TedRall.com was created in 1999 in New York by Ted Rall Features.

Contact: [email protected]

Tenc.net or emperors-clothes.com (->) became most popular among 911Skeptics for the article
"Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers", by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel, 14 Nov 2001.


Tenc.Net was created in January 2000 by Jared Israel in Newton, MA.

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Contact: [email protected]

Tenet, George
From an older GROUND ZERO Forum article, originally released at Scoop:

"Osama bin Laden and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat"
George Tenet, June 2001

There are more quotes about George Tenet’s wish to start a war against the Taliban than one think. Tenet has had at least two different plans how to support
a war against the Taliban for years.
One plan was in the form of a National Security Presidential Directive, the other part of a 80 country attack plan, called "worldwide attack matrix"

This is even no big secret. In January 2001 the Washington Post wrote about this plan.
It includes "propaganda operations, support for internal police and foreign intelligence services, and lethal covert action against terrorist groups or

Only a few days after the attack on America, Tenet, who was in deep contact with DoD commander in chief, Henry H. Shelton met again and discussed
again their "long-planned, ground and air campaign in all its precision, including the battle of Mazar-e-Sharif.

Tenet’s "Worldwide Attack Matrix" included already a war against Iraq.

An important key player for the war against Iraq was Gen. Wayne A. Downing, the deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism, who has a
large and expanding staff within the White House.

Downing, a former commander of U.S. Special Operations forces, and the CIA are trying to identify individuals or groups that might fill a leadership
vacuum if Hussein is toppled, sources said.
Tenet was one of the strongest promoters for a war against the Taliban, which was already planned for October, long time before the Sep11th attacks.

George Tenet in June 2001:

"Worldwide Threat 2001 terrorists are seeking out ‘softer’ targets that provide opportunities for mass casualties. Employing increasingly advanced devices
and using strategies such as simultaneous attacks...
...Osama bin Laden and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat...let me assure you that the
Intelligence Community has designed a robust counterterrorism program that has pre-empted, disrupted, and defeated international terrorists and their
activities what we have in Afghanistan is a stark example of the potential dangers of allowing states-even those far from the U.S.-to fail..."

Many papers show what is going on in the White House right now and try to explain the information between the lines:
"Members of the congressional committees investigating the pre-Sept. 11 warnings said ... that there is far more damaging information that has not yet been
disclosed about the government's knowledge of and inaction over events leading up to Sept. 11."

NBC too wrote about this war plan:

"The plan dealt with all aspects of a war against al-Qaida, ranging from diplomatic initiatives to military operations in Afghanistan."

The question that arises out of this is very simple:

If the U.S. government had information, even of a general nature, before September 11 about al-Qaeda plans for an attack in the U.S., why didn't they
reveal what they knew?
Doesn't this show that actual evidence is irrelevant to the U.S. government, that their war actions are based not on justice, as they claim, but on the predatory
aims and interests of their global empire?

James Woolsey, former CIA director and friend of George Tenet, pointed his finger at "state sponsorship," implying the complicity of one or more foreign

Can we analyse this as yet another freudian slip?

Who is really the "state" behind the attack?
How much did George Tenet know?

Congressman Ike Skelton (CFR), a Democrat from Missouri and a member of the Armed Services Committee, claimed that Tenet warned before Sep11th,
that there could be an attack, an imminent attack, on the United States of this nature.
Skeltons statements can be heard at http://www.thememoryhole.org/tenet-911.htm

Tenet received at least 8-10 warnings from foreign intelligence services about an attack and hasn’t even denied this.

What exactly was the reason for a nightly meeting and a breakfast with his former mentor, David A. Boren (ex-CIA director) between September 10th and
September 11th?
The pair met in St. Regis Hotel, three blocks from the White House and had a "leisurely breakfast" together on the morning of 9/11, when Tenet received the
phone call about the attack.
"Their omelettes had just arrived when Tenet's security detail descended with a cell phone"

Boren said in an interview with PBS, that both haven't been surprised of the attack:
"The former head of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday he and CIA Director George Tenet were not ‘totally shocked’”

Boren already had Bin Laden and Iraq on the same afternoon "on the suspect list".
David L. Boren currently serves as the thirteenth President of the University of Oklahoma.

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He served as Governor of Oklahoma from 1975-1979, was Senator from Oklahoma (1979-1994) and is the longest-serving chairman of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence

Moussaoui spent several months in Boren's own community of Norman, Oklahoma (a few miles away from Oklahoma City), where he had attended the
Airman Flight School for three months in the spring of 2001.

Another interesting coincidence, or did someone not do his homework?

One might ask, why choose a city with the omni presence of a CIA-VIP?

Boren had named Tenet to be chief of staff for the Intelligence Committee in 1987, when Tenet was 34. Further, it is known that when the younger President
Bush was entering office, Boren called him and urged that Tenet remain as CIA director.

Tenet did his homework. Actually the CIA traced officially at least three of the 19 hijackers before Sept 11th.
In January 2001, the CIA suspected Ziad Jarrah had been in Afghanistan and wanted him questioned because of "his suspected involvement in terrorist

The CIA knew many of the 10-15 hijackers who got their visas from the CIA consulate in Jeddah.

At least Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar have been confirmed as being on the CIA watch list.
And the war plans by the Pentagon against the Taliban had been supported by the CIA as well:
In April 2001 the CIA received a warning by former Northern Alliance Commander Ahmed Shah Massoud.

On April 5, 2001 he had a message for Bush at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France:
"If President Bush doesn't help us," he replied in Persian, according to a recording of his remarks translated by Afghan allies, "then these terrorists will
damage the United States and Europe very soon, and it will be too late."

A few weeks later, some unknown CIA officers travelled into northern Afghanistan and gave Massoud cash and supplies in small amounts in exchange for
intelligence on al Qaeda.

At basically the same time, ... also Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher "conducted secret and illegal negotiations with the Taliban while on a trip
paid for by Islamic and Egyptian support organizations", charged his Democratic challenger, Gerrie Schipske.

“Rohrabacher traveled to the United Arab Emirate of Qatar and conducted secret, unauthorized negotiations with Osama bin Laden’s protégé - Taliban
Foreign Minister Walid Ahmad Mutawakel in April 2001,” said Schipske.

The Arab news media reports that Rohrabacher pressured the Government of Qatar to set up a private meeting between him and the Taliban’s Foreign
“Rohrabacher met with Mutawakel and gave him a document that outlined his own ‘personal peace plan’ and told Mutawakel to take it back to the Taliban,”
Schipske explains. “It is simply outrageous that this rogue Congressman engaged in negotiations with the Taliban. He needs to explain why he tried to cut a
deal on his own and what he promised the Taliban during the meeting.” Schipske urged Rohrabacher to release whatever documents he handed to the
Taliban leader.

Rohrabacher’s secret dealings came to light after his 2001 Financial Disclosure was released in late July 2002 showing a trip to Qatar paid for by both the
Egypt International Forum and the Islamic Institute.

Rohrabacher and George Tenet have known each other for years. They both worked in 1998 together on a satellite controversy with the Intelligence

Rohrabacher is member of the Afghanistan - America Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan, independent organization located in Washington, D.C., a few
blocks from the U.S. Capitol building.
This Foundation is honored to have as its National Honorary Co-Chairmen two former White House National Security Advisors, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski
and Gen. Brent Scowcroft.

Closely advising and working with the Foundation are Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND Corp.; Dr. Tom Gouttierre, Director of the Center for Afghanistan
Studies, University of Nebraska, Omaha, and Vice-President of the Afghanistan - America Foundation.

Dr. Frederick Starr, former President of Oberlin College and now Chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the School for Advanced International
Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University; and Dr. Barnett Rubin, Council on Foreign Relations, serve on the Foundation's White Paper Task Force.

But back to Tenet. Through June and July 2001, as the Washington Post described, CIA Director George J. Tenet worked himself "nearly frantic" with
"At Langley, Tenet was nearly ready. His proposed assistance to the Northern Alliance rebels ranged from $125 million to $200 million and included money,
battlefield intelligence, nonlethal equipment such as body armor and winter clothing."

Tenlinks.com collect technical information related to the attack on the United States on Sep 11, 2001 and the recovery.
Tenlinks was created in January 1999 by Roopinder Tara in Novato CA


Terror Exercises

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(-> Terror-Scenarios)

The DOD definition of terrorism is "the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate
governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological."
The Terrorism Research Center (TRC) says, that Terrorist groups that are not supported by a government usually create a support structure of sympathizers
and people who have been coerced into helping them.

(-> saag.org)

Terrorist Threat Integration Center

Announced in late January 2003, the Terrorist Threat Integration Center will assess intelligence gathered by the CIA, Justice Department, Pentagon and
Department of Homeland Security and provide "seamless" analysis of the information to the president and other senior policymakers.

While the US government still claimed in late 2002, that September 11th was the result of "incompetence", they never reported on their competent
BioTerror-Scenarios, which took place between 2000 and 2001. The most succesful one was Dark Winter (->)

(-> Exercises)

During 2000-2001 the US Government organised various exercises regarding possible terrorist attacks:

On Jan. 22, 2000 James Woolsey, ex-CIA director participated in a CFR Project run as a war-game simulation at its Manhattan headquarters.
For the simulation, the CFR enlisted 75 people, including bankers, former Treasury Secretaries, and former State Department officials.
Participants were divided into four teams, sent into four rooms, with the ability to communicate with each other and with a command headquarters through
the computers.

In May 2000 James Woolsey participated in a bioterrorism exercise at Andrews Air Force Base.
The Johns Hopkins Center, already in collaboration with the ANSER Institute for Homeland Defense, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and
the Oklahoma Memorial Institute for the Study of Terrorism organised this event.
Former Senator Sam Nunn played the President.
David Gergen played the National Security Advisor. Governor Frank Keating played himself, Frank Wisner was Secretary of State, ex-CIA director James
Woolsey (ironically) played CIA Director, John White played Defense Secretary, and Dr. Margaret Hamburg was HHS Secretary. The Attorney General
was played by George Terwilliger, William Sessions was FBI Director, and Jerome Hauer played FEMA Director.

"One of the striking observations of this exercise was the unfamiliarity of these distinguished and experienced professionals with the basic decisions and
trade-offs associated with managing the response to the epidemic."
Observant was Tara O'Toole, MD, MPH Senior Fellow, Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies and at that time Deputy Director of Johns Hopkins Institute.
This started a series of different "war games."

The May 2000 exercise involved key emergency management personnel.

The result was named "TOPOFF" - because of the engagement of top U.S. government officials.

The $3 million TOPOFF drill tested the preparedness of top government officials in responding to three simulated terrorist attacks against the United States: a
chemical weapons assault in Portsmouth, NH, a nuclear terrorism event in the greater Washington, D.C. area, and a bioweapons attack in Denver, CO. In
the fictional scenario, an aerosol of pneumonic plague has previously been released at the Denver Performing Arts Center. The release has gone
undetected, so the exercise starts with a hypothetical, unconfirmed attack.

From July 12-13, 2000 Woolsey was part of yet another CFR "conference" called "The Next Financial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact"
This was played out before a high-powered audience of 250 people, comprised largely of bankers, investors, corporation officials, and policymakers, mostly
from the United States, a few from Europe, of the possibility that the U.S. stock market, and potentially the world financial system would undergo a melt

In June and July 2000, Dr. Thomas Inglesby of Johns Hopkins Institute organised other bioterrorism scenarios in Atlanta and St.Louis:
In three storyboards by the "CDC," they "confirmed" the bio agent Yersinia pestis
(the black plague).

On Nov 3, 2000, Don Abbott (Command Emergency Response Training, eFilms) organised a simulated crash on the Pentagon with miniature planes and a
model of the Pentagon.
Washington, D.C., Nov. 3, 2000 —
"...The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight.
Army medics, nurses and doctors scramble to organize aid. An Arlington Fire Department chief dispatches his equipment to the affected areas.
Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon was a model and the "plane

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crash" was a simulated one....

On November 28, 2000 Dr. Inglesby (Hopkins) participated at the Second National Symposium on Bioterrorism. Other guests included Jerry Hauer, Tara
O'Toole, Margaret Hamburg, Michael Osterholm and Laurie Garrett.
Inglesby's biggest project, however, was DARK WINTER. He was the principal designer, author and facilitator of the BioTerror Exercise of June 2001.

On June 22-23, 2001, the US GOV organised their last big scenario before Sep11th : DARK WINTER.
It was about a possible smallpox attack. Jerome Hauer (ex-OEM) participated as well, this time "playing" the director of the FBI.

The whole list is still mirrored at


Among the other participants once again:

James Woolsey, ex-CIA director
Hon. Sam Nunn
George Terwilliger etc.
Observing, among many others:
Thomas Inglesby, at that time Senior Fellow Johns Hopkins Institute
On July 14th, 2001 the testimony on DARK WINTER was released:

"Terrorist" exercise AMALGAM (->) at the Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., June 1-4, 2001.

"...Amalgam Virgo (was) a joint-service, cruise-missile defense exercise at Tyndall AFB about "Fast, low-flying cruise missiles".
...Participants had been "members of the 513th Air Control Group deployed to Florida for the "Amalgam Virgo" cruise missile defense exercise. The
multi-service exercise tested the defense and response capabilities to a cruise missile attack on Tyndall Air Force Base...

...Contributing to the air picture was the Navy Aegis cruiser, USS Yorktown, in the Gulf of Mexico. Equipped with a high-powered radar capable of
tracking more than 100 targets simultaneously, the Yorktown also played a role in the multi-layered defense used to shoot down a cruise missile...
"What was perhaps a bit different about this exercise was that it involved U.S. homeland defense and practicing to merge a variety of sister services'
capabilities to create a uniform picture and response....
...The Coast Guard, Navy and U.S. Southern Command, took the lead in detecting, identifying and prosecuting the surrogate terrorist vessel that "launched"
the cruise missiles for the exercise...
...During the June 2001 exercise Amalgam Virgo, ANZUS, Inc. demonstrated the Rosetta LINK-16 / Link-11 gateway functionality. Tracks and data were
forwarded between both links in both directions in real-time. This demonstration served as the pre-certification contractor test which was scheduled for
October 2001 at JITC. Additionally, ANZUS demonstrated the JMMTIDS JICO toolset capabilities developed to support the Joint Interface Control Officer
in managing a complex combined interface architecture..."

This is a possible document of a slideshow about this event.

The document is authentic. It came from the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) and is from a committee Powerpoint Slide Show in June 2001.

It includes some disturbing highlights about a possible "terrorist attack" on the USA and mentions for odd reason the Phoenix Flight School (where the FBI
monitored some of the hijackers) and includes quotes by former DoD Henry H. Shelton and William Cohen:


More here:

CIA terrorist exercise by John Fulton on Sep11th, 2001
"One U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings"

On John Fulton:

He is on staff for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), currently serving as Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National Reconnaissance
Office, and as a member of U.S. Joint Forces Command's Project Alpha - a prestigious "think tank" for advanced concepts related to such issues as homeland
security. He formerly served as the mission director for our nation's satellite imagery program as well as replacing Army Astronaut Same Gemar as the
Director of the National Security Space Master Plan for the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Space Communities under the auspices of the
Deputy UnderSecretary of Defense (Space).

Tricare Exercise (->)

The DynCorp-Lockheed-Los Alamos-Battelle-Terror Attack Scenario

June 2-3, 1998:

Dr. Joe Furman, DynCorp (->) supported a workshop on "Medical Surveillance" regarding possible bio attacks.
The Workshop was organised by the US Department of Energy and furthermore supported by the Argonne National Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Battelle-Pantex, Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory


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Tesla, Nicola
(-> Thermobarics)

Another alias of netizen ewing2001 (->), used in an own chat room on Sep11th and the first anthrax attacks, between September and December 2001.

Testpod69 became worldwide famous in some big brother art projects by ex-PSEUDO TV Josh Harris (weliveinpublic.com, luvvyplex). In September 2001,
Testpod69's ourDNA.org turned into an investigative board of the Sep11th events.

Popular Political Cartoon website.

Contact: [email protected]

During 2001-2002, Tetrahedron specialised in articles on the Anthrax attacks in October 2001.

Tetrahedron reported in late October 2001, "that the Secretary of the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), Tommy Thompson, and other Bush cabinet members have been meeting secretly (that is, illegally) with officials of the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to develop plans for their Emergency Preparedness Task Force".

Tetrahedron, LLC is a non-profit educational corporation that produces some of the world’s most revealing books and tapes in the health science and
government cover-up genre.
Editor of Tetrahedron is Dr. Leonard G Horowitz, who released the book "
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare".

Dr. Len Horowitz is one of healthcare's most captivating motivational speakers.

He received his doctorate from Tufts University in 1977, and then was awarded a fellowship in behavioral research at the University of Rochester.

In September 2002, Horowitz suggested that Kanatjan Alibekov, alias "Ken Alibek,"
the President of Hadron Advanced Biosystems, should be re-interrogated by the FBI.
Alibek (->) is one of the executives of Hadron Advanced Biosystems (->).

Horowitz investigated in the second leading BMI and CIA anthrax contractor,
and close personal friend of Dr. Alibekov, Dr. William C. Patrick, III (USAMRIID).
"Suspiciously, Dr. Alibekov and BMI had contracted with this anthrax ace in the Spring of 1998 to predict the dispersal and damage capability of mailing
such a hyper-weaponized germ much like the one sent to select members of the media and legislators on Capitol Hill."
BMI, a leading defense and energy industry contractor, directed the US military's Joint Vaccine Acquisitions Program.

Bioport, LLC (->) became a leading beneficiary.

In a bizarre twist, Horowitz already first hand delivered an investigative memo to his regional F.B.I. office on October 1, 2001, almost two weeks before the
first anthrax letter was sent from Trenton,
New Jersey to the American media building in Boca Raton, Florida.

Contact: [email protected]

Commerce, A&M (J. Robert Collins, ex Raytheon E-Systems/HAARP)
Crawford, President Bush's farm
Dallas, Voughtaircraft.com/prodprog/military_nasa/globalhawk.htm

Ft Worth, Boardman Aviation School

Houston, Enron HQ
Houston, Halliburton, Kellogg, Root and Brown HQ
Houston, Harken

San Antonio, Coastal Aviation Lackland AFB [Al Hazmi/Hospital]

San Antonio, Saeed Alghamdi
? , Richmore Aviation Alpha Tango Aviation Service

Alphabetical cross-references:

(-> Afroz, Mohammad -> Tylor International School of Aviation)

(-> Al-Jazeera Website shutdown -> InfoCom Corporation -> North Texas Terrorism Task Force)
(-> Chicago-connection -> al Baraka Bancorp Inc., Houston)
(-> Darkanzali, Mamoun -> Wadih El-Hage ->Anhar Trading Co.)
(-> Hijacker-"connections" -> Albadar al-Hamzi)
(-> Holy Land Foundation Affair -> Richardson)
(-> Zippergate -> Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City)


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Anti-Bushita website.
The Dubya Report was born on December 13, 2000, the day after the Supreme Court awarded the 2000 Presidential Election to George W. Bush. The
Dubya Report casts a critical eye over George W. Bush's record, statements and actions, the 2000 election , his family, roots, and contributors. While many
sites have chosen lampoon and ridicule as their principal tools of political expression, they have chosen a more traditional discourse.
The Dubya Report do offer a selection of choice "Bushisms" and political humor.

The Memory Hole is a side project by Russ Kick of disinfo.com (->).

They released a bunch of original "smoking gun" tapes on their website, i.e. :

-the sound clip of air traffic control receiving communications from Flight 93 on the morning of 9/11
-the Interview of NPR's (National Public Radio) Congressional correspondent David Welna with Congressman Ike Skelton (Missouri) and a member of the
Armed Services Committee, who said that the Director of the CIA, George Tenet, warned him during Summer 2001, "that there could be an attack-an
imminent attack-on the United States of this nature"


TheMemoryHole was the first 911Skeptic- website, who picked up an unknown story on a planned CIA-exercise from Sep11th. (-> Terror-Scenarios ->10)

Russ Kick is editor of the books "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (2002) or "You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion,
Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths" (2001).

TheMemoryHole.com was created in June 2002 by Russ Kick in Cookeville, TN.

Contact: [email protected]

Sensational Disaster website, commercialized.
Theeunderground.com was created in May 1999 by ASI in Lighthouse Point, FL

Political website, which covers Operation Northwoods (->) , Pearl Harbour, Iraq, Gulf of Tonkin,
9-11 topics, The Burning of the Reichstag, collapsing buildings and "weired coincidences".

Contact: [email protected] [Frank Levin]

The Nation will not be the organ of any party, sect, or body. It will, on the contrary, make an earnest effort to bring to the discussion of political and social
questions a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and misrepresentation by which so much of the political writing
of the day is marred.
(from The Nation's founding prospectus, 1865)
Articles like "Bush Lies, Media Swallows" by John Pilger, made the Nation to a popular critical voice
of the political aftermath of 911.

On August 1st 2001, the DTRA (->) released an official paper on a new microwave weapon system called thermobarics, which had been mirored at
http://cryptome.org/tbw-paper.htm (-> Cryptome):

August 1, 2001
SUBJECT: Thermobaric (TB) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD)

OPERATIONAL NEED: Improved operational capability to defeat critical mission equipment in complex tunnel targets. This ACTD is responding to
requirements derived from the following:
Special CINC and Joint Staff requests for a tunnel defeat weapon.
Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) for "Hard and Deeply Buried Target Defeat" (HDBTD) approved by the JROC Jan 01 and signed by the
USFK Mission Need Statement.

ACC-USSTRATCOM Mission Need Statement (CAF 317-92).

Joint Warfighter’s Capability Objective of the Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan
OPERATIONAL SPONSOR: US Forces Korea is the proposed CINC sponsor for this ACTD.
TECHNICAL MANAGER: DTRA TDSH is the proposed technical manager for this ACTD.
SERVICE SPONSOR: The USAF is the proposed service sponsor for the TB weapon system. The program will be closely coordinated with Navy explosive
payload development activities.
ACTD OBJECTIVE: The objective of the TB ACTD is to leverage existing concepts and work in energetic payloads technology to weaponize, demonstrate,
and deliver within three years an improved weapon system for the functional defeat of tunnel targets.

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December 21nd, 10 AM :

Pete Aldridge, under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, confirms a new BioDefense Budget, included in the QDR and talks about
the UAVs [Unmanned Aerial Vehicles] over Afghanistan and the signals intelligence [SIGINT] platform on the Global Hawk.
He confirms the thermobaric weapons which had been used in ToraBora (->).
"...we skipped a laser-guided bomb into a tunnel and exploded it with a delay fuse.."


The thermobaric warhead, 2.5 meters in length, is attached to a laser guidance system.

The bombs release two explosions: the first blast scatters solid-fuel particles throughout the underground labyrinth. Then, a delayed fuse ignites the explosive
mixture. Temperatures can reach as high as 1600 °C (more than twice the temperature of conventional explosives), turning air into fire.

The fireball travels at supersonic speeds and produces huge pressure impulses, which propagate for quite a time. Thus, to a greater degree than more
conventional ordnance, thermobaric weapons are designed to spread their lethal effects throughout the length and breadth of an underground cave and
more effectively kill or immobilize enemy soldiers within, without destroying the structure itself. Forces may then search cave dwellings or bunkers for the
remains of sought-after human targets.

Destroying bio agents by thermobarics:

The possibility that thermobaric explosives might end up spewing toxins into the atmosphere is another worry. Because of it, alternatives are being assessed.
To avoid contamination of the area, other weapons can be deployed, for example "high-power microwaves that fry the electronics pumping energy to an
[underground] weapons facility," said Michael Vickers, director of strategic studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Washington,


"....The thermobaric bomb releases and then detonates a fine cloud of high-explosive chemicals, creating devastating shock waves that destroy everything --
and everyone -- inside a cave, bunker or building.

Using a device called a Viper -- a portable laser range finder, digital map display and Global Positioning System receiver..."


"Nuclear weapons have a unique ability" to destroy WMD targets, compared to the limited options available now.

Development of a new, low-yield nuclear weapon for this purpose is an option because such a weapon could "achieve the needed neutralization" of WMD
agents with fewer "weapon-produced collateral effects" than would be unleashed by using existing nuclear weapons not designed to destroy WMD targets,
it adds.


Pete Albridge confirmed, that they "tested one out in Nevada just recently, where we skipped a laser-guided bomb into a tunnel and exploded it with a delay
fuse, and experienced a significant growth in overpressure for the tunnel and temperature. It's something that we clearly have a need for in Afghanistan,
and they're on their way over there..."

In fact the thermobarics system included a similar technique to that used by the BLU-82 bomb, the “daisy cutter,” which the Pentagon has dropped several
times over al-Qaida or Taliban targets.
“Thermobarics” or vacuum bombs, the munitions release fuel vapor that spreads throughout a tunnel before it is ignited, sucking out oxygen and creating
extreme pressure under ignition. (MSNBC)

Already in Summer 2001, military scientists of Nuclear Watch of New Mexico and Albuquerque News speculated about the use of new mini nukes, when
they monitored highly increased radiation at some US Military Bases.

In reality ToraBora and the mini nuke system thermobarics violated the ABM Treaty of 1972.

One day before the Pentagon conducted its 15th subcritical nuclear test at an underground test site in Nevada, President Bush decided to give Russia notice
that the United States will withdraw from the 1972 nuclear treaty that bans testing of missile defense systems.

Suddenly Bin Laden released a new video, showing him in front of a fabric tent, officially produced at the beginning of the bombings on ToraBora.

Spiritual website, which picked up some investigative Sep11th-stories.
Contact: [email protected]

On September 22, 1998, "The Story Behind The Story" was launched on radio station KSUB-AM, co-hosted by a former daily newspaper editor and a radio
station program director who shared common concerns over lunch and agreed that important news stories were ignored, overlooked or censored by
"corporate media bias," while other stories were released by Spin doctors to shape and mold public opinion. Meanwhile, "The Story Behind The Story" has
become a weekly 90 minute multiple award winning radio program. Between 2001-2002 TSBTS picked up some censored Sep11th-stories.

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Yet another anti-bushita website.
"The Truth About George" is a project of the National Organization for Women.
Contact: [email protected]

Thomas, Gordon
Gordon Thomas is author of over fifty books and released his most important articles on Globe-Intel at gordonthomas.ie.

One of his 2001-2002 releases had been "Mindfield", which exposed

secrets behind the CIA MKULTRA mindcontrol experiments and included "documentary evidence that links US Vice-President Dick Cheney and Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to the cover-up of the death of top CIA scientist, Frank Olson".

Another one was "Seeds of Fire: China And The Story Behind the Attack on America".

Thomas, who lives in Ireland, received two Mark Twain Society Awards for Reporting Excellence.
In the 40s he wrote about the Suez Canal Crisis.

His father-in-law was a professional intelligence officer who worked for MI5 and ran a network in East Germany. He introduced him to many intelligence
agents including William Buckley, the CIA station chief murdered in Beirut.

In one of his earliest articles after Sep11th, Thomas reveiled that,

"eight days before the September 11 attack, Egypt’s senior intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, informed the CIA station chief in Cairo that “credible
sources” had told him that Osama bin-Laden’s network was “in the advanced stages of executing a significant operation against an American target.”

Prior to that, FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley had revealed,

there was a similar warning from French intelligence.
Both warnings, Globe-Intel has established, originally came from Mossad..."

Source: "Could U.S. Intelligence Failure to Act..."


Contact: [email protected]

Thomas, Helen
Famous US-journalist, haunting President Bush with criticism on his Iraq-policy. In January 2003, Helen Thomas said:
“This is the worst president ever, ...He is the worst president in all of American history.”
Thomas, William
In early 2002 author William Thomas released his book "All fall down", in which the Bush administration "long-standing connections to drug, oil and arms
profiteering are fully detailed".
The U.S. “shadow government” agencies and operatives are named in this book.

Thomas insisted, that Flight 93 (->) was shot down over Pennsylvania.

Other contents:
None of the alleged hijackers named by the FBI appear on the passenger lists of the four hijacked aircraft.
One has been dead for two years. Two others still fly for Arabian airlines.

A FEMA emergency response team arrived in NYC on the night of Sept. 10 and
was the first rescue team to go into action the following morning.

"We didn’t ask why the CIA met with an ailing Osama bin Laden in an American hospital as the biggest British battle fleet since the Falklands sailed for
waters off Afghanistan, why Washington gave the Taliban $43 millions in May, or why the FBI and Attorney General of the United States repeatedly
ignored warnings and blocked investigations into the impending attacks."

“I believe that people everywhere are fed up with official lies and manipulations,” Thomas says.
“We are through with politicians who will not answer us or look us in the eye.”

William Thomas lives in Heron Rocks, BC Canada.

Source: http://www.island.net/~lbnews/9_11/AFD.html

Island.Net, who promoted his book, was created in 1994 by Island Internet Inc. in Nanaimo, BC Canada.

Thompson, Paul
(-> CooperativeResearch.com)
(-> Timeline)

Thompson, Tommy
On Oct 04, 2002, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson was suddenly assuring Americans that photo editor Bob Stevens (->) may have
caught anthrax while traveling in the North Carolina countryside, but some CDC experts were arguing that mail facilities could be contaminated.

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But Thommy Thompson lied. On September 11th, 2001 he was under the impression, that an possible anthrax attack could occur from a terrorist attack. This
was the day, when the White House took CIPRO.

From an older Ground Zero Forum article, originally released at Scoop:

"Events related to Tommy Thompson and the coordination between the NIH and CDC give rise to a huge mountain of questions.

It's still a mystery, for example, why Tommy Thompson decided to hire Jerome Hauer, former Office of Emergency Center on September 10th (or maybe
some days earlier) and then decided to distribute CIPRO for the White House on the evening of September 11th.

And why is this info widely ignored in the public...?


...Thompson already okayed, in early October, a long time before the first attack was known,
a sudden cooperation with BioPharmacy companies.

The German edition of financial times already criticised in the same month, that the US Government works together with BioPharmacy companies who have
had a bad reputation for years.

BIOPORT (->) had problems with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in early 1998, when they were criticised over the quality of their vaccines. Now
they have their license back.

Bioport was founded by William Crowe and Fuad El-Hibri (ex-Porton Down ->),
which is still on the suspect list of the FAS.

Then we have Dynport, a subsidiary of DynCorp (and partner of Porton Down UK),who got a contract in 2001 to develop a new vaccine against anthrax.

Another contractor is Acambis (former Oravax since 1993), which was founded by Thomas Monath, who is a good friend of Jerome Hauer and another
anthrax suspect Stephen Hatfill (former USAMRIID and former Battelle).

In the meantime Hauer replaced Donald Henderson (Johns Hopkins Institute) as the Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP), a
division of the NIH.
Thompson created the OPHP last October to develop and coordinate HHS's bioterrorism preparedness efforts.

Hauer is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins School (->) of Public Health in Baltimore and was a student of Henderson's when Henderson was Dean there.

Hauer called Henderson his, "longtime friend and mentor," according to the HHS release.
Henderson led the World Health Organization's successful campaign to eradicate smallpox in the 1970s. He is the founder of the Johns Hopkins Center for
Civilian Biodefense Strategies and was its director before he took the OPHP position.

Thompson was well known for Wisconsin Works, or "W-2," the state's landmark welfare-to-work legislation, which served as a national model for welfare
As Governor, Thompson created FamilyCare, designed to help elderly and disabled citizens, and allow them to receive care in their homes for as long as

Thompson seems to have either a huge intuition, or advance knowledge about a possible anthrax attack.
Though the NIH profited from a new BioDefense budget, they are not the only ones to benefit from the emergence of bio-terror on the US mainland.
Cepheid, FDA, Hadron, Intellitec, Ion Beam Applications, Motorola Life Sciences, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
(USAMRIID), U.S. Public Health Service, Versar and DynPort all got new budgets too.

Thompson was a supporter of a project called HomelandHealth.com (->).

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had basically joined with the pharmaceutical industry to develop defenses against biological

But this project was already started by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) on October 30th, 2001, while the
investigation on the anthrax attack was still going on..."

(-> Total Information Awareness Program)

The most respected 911-Timeline is by Paul Thompson.
The Complete 9/11 Timeline will be released as a book in 2003.


Mike Ruppert (Oh, Lucy)


(-> Anthrax-Timeline)

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http://www.1-logo.com/America/Research/ precise_911_timeline.htm

Minute by Minute Breaking News:


(-> Ground Zero Forum)

Tinfoil Paranoia
While independent investigative journalists always try to bring facts, fade out their own opinion and try to be as less conclusive as possible, Tinfoils are
allowed to speculate.

The most popular speculations between 2001-early 2003 about a possible real reason for a story had been on:

AMTRAK accident, Flight 587, Martha Stewart, Dead body Chandra Levvy, ENRON, Worldcom, Sniper/Peace protests, Child Molestering Bishops/Catholic
church, Pledge distraction, terror story fabrications, staged terror by CIA or hired rebels, TWA 800 (refreshed), Plane crashes in Russia, Helicoppter
Crashes in Afghanistan/Pakistan, Paul Wellstone, House election/ES&S, DU/DLC, Jay Master Jay/ Run DMC, Jose Padilla/Profiling, Shutdown of
internet-propaganda, Space Shuttle Accident

Nat Henthoff, Village Voice summed up on August 2nd, 2002:

Operation TIPS--The Terrorism Information and Prevention System--is a scheme that Joseph Stalin would have appreciated. Plans for its pilot phase, to start
in August, have Operation TIPS recruiting a million letter carriers, meter readers, cable technicians, and other workers with access to private homes as
informants to report to the Justice Department any activities they think suspicious."

"By July 16, 2002, that government Web site had removed the listing of specific kinds of worker-informants who would be watching us, but it noted that all
the tipsters had to do was "use their common sense and knowledge of their work environment to identify suspicious or unusual activity." There was no
definition of "suspicious" or "unusual." The president endorsed Operation TIPS, as did Homeland Security's Tom Ridge and Senate Republican Minority
Leader Trent Lott.

The ACLU, of course, opposed Operation TIPS. As usual, there was no word of alarm from Tom Daschle or Dick Gephardt. But Democratic congressman
Dennis Kucinich, ranking Democrat on the Government Oversight Committee's National Security Oversight Subcommittee, told Bill Berkowitz in The
Progressive: "It appears we are being transformed from an information society to an informant society."


In August 2002 the Department of Justice was forwarding incoming Operation TIPS calls
to the Fox-owned "America's Most Wanted" television series.



During March 2002, it was revealed that some US Tobacco Firms smuggled their products into Iraq.

Todaysalternativenews.com concentrates basically on news around the Israel-Palestine conflict.
They supported a poem by Amiri Baraka (->) ,who criticised the "lies being told to the world by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft".

TAN was established in 2000 in San Marcos, California.

Their technical hostmaster is located in Boca Raton, Florida.

(-> 911 Insider Trading, CIA)
(-> Flocco, Tom)
(-> Unansweredquestions.org)

TomPaine.com is a public interest journal inspired by patriot Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense and The Rights of Man.
TomPaine.com seeks to enrich the national debate on controversial public issues by featuring the ideas, opinions, and analyses overlooked by the mainstream
They publish these in their regular advertisements on the Op-Ed Page of The New York Times, in other publications, and on their Web site.
TomPaine.com was created in September 1998 by John Moyers and the Florence & John Schumann Foundation in Washington,

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Contact: [email protected]

Toole, Tara O'

Tara O'Toole is a physician and bioterrorism expert at Johns Hopkins University.
Had been involved in some studies with Dr. Thomas Inglesby (->)


Top500 FAQ
In January 2001, Netizen "ewing2001" collected a list of almost 500 unanswered questions on the Sep11th attacks and a timeline, which included the years
before Sep11th.
This list plus the article of MalcontentX ("Unanswered Questions") inspired Kyle Hence for his project unansweredquestions.org (->), which was
established in June 2001.

The Top 500-List was later mirrored at http://www.rense.com/general24/t500.htm and many other websites worldwide, then upgraded and resorted with the
help of some investigative members of democraticunderground.com

The general idea was not to answer these questions, but to let them answer by the US Government and analyse in a public 911-commission.

Many questions of this list inspired various 911-investigators and journalists to focus on different and unpopular angles of the Sep11th attack.

In February 2002, the Top500 FAQ list was sent to CynthiaMc Kinney (->), Tom Daschle and many other US Congress members.
But only McKinney showed interest.

Parts of the Top500 FAQ had been released in the german book "Verschwoerungen, Verschwoerungstheorien und die Geheimnisse des 11.9." by Matthias
Broeckers (->).

The "Top500 FAQ" are mirrored worldwide, from Japan to Scandinavia, i.e:
http://hem.fyristorg.com/yrsa/politiken/1000fragor.htm (Uppsala, Sweden)

"...In May 2000, at the direction of Congress, and in collaboration with FEMA, the Office conducted TOPOFF, which stands for "Top Officials" the largest
WMD terrorism exercise ever in the United States, and the first national exercise that involved top Federal and state government officials.

TOPOFF was a congressionally-mandated no-notice exercise designed to test the government's response to a large scale, domestic weapon of mass
destruction crisis.

The exercise, which included participation by officials in federal, state and local government, involved a biological consequence management scenario in
Denver, Colorado, a chemical crisis response effort, involving the military, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and a radiological weapon attack in the National
Capital Region, which comprises Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. The Capital Region scenario focused primarily on consequence management
and was treated as an adjunct to the TOPOFF exercise..."

Joint Hearing on U.S. Federal Efforts to Combat Terrorism (May 9, 2001)

(-> Terror exercises)

TopView reports
TopView reports come from a variety of sources, including TopView, WorldNetDaily, Conspiracy Journal, rense.com (Jeff Rense's Sightings website),
YOWUSA.com (Your Own World USA), APFN (American Patriot Friends Network ->), as well as other print and online news sources from around the
Their reports had been mirrored on various websites, i.e freeworldalliance.org (->)

TopView was established by John Quinn and Bob Anderson.

They analysed many Aircraft Incidents and the Montauk/Phoenix Project (electromagnetic/radio frequency mind control project based at a documented
subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force Station).

TopView relocated their reports.

One of their supporters of TopView in 2001-2002 had been IRAAP (->)

Contact: [email protected]

ToraBora, a cave system in afghanistan, was bombed during the War against the Taliban.
The official reason was to kill Bin Laden.

This looked rather odd, because his father built ToraBora together with Bin Ladin Inc. and
the help of the CIA in the late 80s.

In 1999, with help of former muhjadeen Abdul Wakil Baidar, the place was still largely deserted,
but had been refurbished again.

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Both Bin Laden and the CIA still had the maps of ToraBora. Many people wondered:
Why would he hide there at all?

As later revealed, the Pentagon just tested their microwave system thermobarics (->).

On Dec. 21, Pete Aldridge, the under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics had to explain this technology, which was mentioned in
the last Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).

On January 8th 2002, the US military moved from Tora Bora to Zwahir Kili, another cave system.
Admiral Stufflebeem on this decision at a DoD press briefing:
"Well, I don't mean to confuse you. What we've been talking about in terms of the Zhawar Kili area, of late, is the facility and what we have found in this
location. Tora Bora was of interest some time ago because it was where al Qaeda was. And so we went after Tora Bora because that's where we knew al
Qaeda forces to be, and they were in some concentration; the numbers I don't know, but they were in some concentration. So we went after al Qaeda where
we knew it to be at. Once we were able to get in there, we did exactly the same thing there as we're doing in Zhawar Kili now."

Q: Can I ask you a quick follow-up on that? I've asked you this before, about the thermobaric bomb that was announced back in December. Has that been
used in the Zhawar Kili complex?
Stufflebeem: No. And the reason why is -- I mean, to go back and take a look at what we're doing, or have been doing since last Wednesday in Zhawar Kili
is that we're knocking down these above- ground facilities and we're closing cave entrances. Now, a thermobaric weapon is more closely like a fuel-air
explosive. It goes inside to create an overpressure to get what's inside there.


Zhawar Kills, also called Wolf's hole, was target of an armed CIA drone, which scored a direct hit February 4th 2002 on a group suspected to be top al
Qaeda officials
On June 24th 2002, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said the war in Afghanistan was only partly a military success because of the "enormous mistake" of sending
Afghan forces into the mountains after entrenched al-Qaida fighters rather than using tested U.S. troops.

Cartoon Website on Bush + Co.
Created in March 2000 by Dave Counts in Brookline, MA.

Contact: [email protected]

TotalFina Elf
(-> Oil)


Total Information Awareness Program

US Citizen Monitoring program by the US-Government, organised by John Pointdexter (->)

In early 2003, the falling popularity of Surveillance Projects started to influence TIAW:

"Saying they feared government snooping against ordinary Americans, U.S. senators voted on January 23, 2003, to block funding for a Pentagon computer
project that would scour databases for terrorist threats.

By a voice vote, the Senate voted to ban funding for the Total Information Awareness program, under former national security adviser John Poindexter, until
the Pentagon explains the program and assesses its impact on civil liberties."


(-> Iran-Contra)
(-> Pointdexter, John)
(-> ACLU)

(-> GEWIS)
(-> Clarke, Richard)

Totse is a text file compilation, that discuss politics; democratic, right wing, left wing, libertarian, communist, and everything in between including Sep11th
related stories, but it is generally not a political web site.

Totse.com was created in December 1997.

Toxics in New York

(-> NYenvirolaw.org)

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Tracking all hijackers

From a GlobalFreePress analysis by ewing2001:

"...During the end of 2002, it appeared that all 19 hijackers, the official 20th hijacker, Zacarias
Moussaoui (->) and almost all informants had been simultaneously tracked by CIA, FBI or any other intelligence agency who shared this information before

Many hijackers even lived next to CIA operatives, which operated at these places, before the hijackers decided to "join" them. It looked therefore, that this
was manipulated, staged or scripted.

1) Mohammad Atta
Intelligence reports, surveillance logs and transcripts of intercepted telephone calls by Germany's domestic intelligence service (BND), show, that while the
BND was observing criminal suspects like Mahmoud Darkanzali, they monitored Mohammad Atta, too- since 1998.

Atta was attending the same Hamburg mosque as Darkanzali, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah and Ramzi Binalshibh.

Darkanzali was on a watch list, because of his connections with bin Ladin's associates in Sudan, Wadih El-Hage (Manbaa Al Anhar Trading, Dubai) and
Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, who is imprisoned on terrorism conspiracy charges for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, already
arrested since September 1998.

In Sudan, Salim once ran Wadi Aqiq, bin Laden's umbrella company.
One el Hage business card, for his "Anhar Trading Co.," listed two addresses -- his former home address in Arlington, Texas, and a second address in
Hamburg, Germany, which matches the home address of Marmoun Darkazanli, who has lived in Germany since 1985.

The CIA later tried to turn Darkazanli into a CIA spy, as confirmed and reported in german DER SPIEGEL, Chicago Tribune and NY Times.

Furthermore, Mohammad Atta's telephone calls between him and a suspect of spanish intelligence, Imad Eddin Barakat Yarbas had been intercepted.
Yarbas is otherwise known as 'Abu Dahdah', a Palestinian with Spanish citizenship and connections with Bin Laden associates.

Yarbas phone was tapped since 1997.

As later came out, not only spanish police, but spanish intelligence okayed the bugs.

He was tied with other arrested suspects before and after Sep11th, who got connections to the Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC), which is on a
watch list of italian and british intelligence and in at least one case on the watch list of the CIA:

Haydar Abu Doha, a London-based Algerian known as "the Doctor", and one of the leaders of GSPC, was recruiting members and well known.

One of the most popular plans of GSPC was to blow up markets at the G-8 summit in Genoa in 2001.
Abu Doha was also connected to Ahmed Ressam, the Algerian convicted for trying to attack Los Angeles International Airport during the millennium


Already observed by german intelligence, Atta was visited by CIA-watchlist suspect Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (->), who by 1999 was living in Germany
and visited him.

Meanwhile, since 2002, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is described as financial mastermind of the Sep11th attack, working together with ISI-connected
al-Hawsawi (->) aka Sheikh Saeed (->).

If the Indictment against Moussaoui is based on real money transactions, then Standard Chartered Bank should become one of the top suspects, who okayed
the transfers.

Standard Chartered had an office in Building 7, one floor above the CIA, DoD and INS.

Building 7
- a building, which collapsed under strange circumstances on Sep11th
- a building, which was under military control since October 2000, when Blackstone/TRW, a military and CIA-contractor, took over the mortgage.

In 2001, Mohammad Atta started to learn at Huffmann Aviation, a school, which is strongly connected to the CIA as well, meanwhile this can't be
considered as a coincidence anymore.

The CIA is already on the case of many other muslim students.

Finally, in July 2001, while observing Atta as well, the Mossad warned the CIA and the MI6 on highest level and later a second time on a possible terrorist

2) Marwan Al-Shehhi (-> observed together with Mohammad Atta).

Marwan al-Shehhi, as stated, visited on one day Mohammad Atta at the Airman Flight School in Norman (home of ex-CIA David Boren), staying overnight.

This was the same flight school of Zacarias Massouai, who officially never met Mohammad Atta.

3) Ziad Jarrah (-> observed together with Mohammad Atta)

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In early 2002, newer research on his profile became more interesting.

The CIA still claims, that Jarrah (pilot of the jetliner that crashed in Pennsylvania) was not on a terrorist watch list, but according to motel records, a man by
that name used a credit card to pay for a late August 2001 stay at the Pin Del motel in Laurel, Md., where Nawaq Alhamzi stayed in September.

Alhamzi was on the CIA watch list.


Therefore it can be assumed, that Jarrah was observed as well.

Another important detail:

Ziad Jarrahs uncle Nazem Jarrah worked for east germany intelligence service,
and as an agent for the Libyan services.


It is well known, that the CIA obtained a copy of all Stasi agents of east germany and they have also an idea of what's going on in Libya.

So how many informants did the CIA have on Siad Jarrah?:

Another witness claimed, Jarrah (Flight 93) was "among a large group of Middle Eastern men" using an apartment near Lackland Air Force Base (San
Antonio, Texas) in the summer of 2001 (http://www.reporternews.com/2001/texas/agent0922.html).

Jarrah has another apartment in New York, the FBI ignores in their profile on Jarrah.


Furthermore ignored, Jarrah decided to marry and left his apartment a few days before the attack to see his girlfriend, who was waiting for him in Bochum,

This brings us to two possible conclusions:

It was indeed the real Ziad Jarrah on the plane, but he wasn't involved in the hijack. The numbers reported in the phone calls on flight 93 do not match the
number of suspects.
Links to the other hijackers have been embellished by the press.

Ziad Jarrah did not die on the plane - there was someone else using his identity (or he wasn't even on the manifest anyway and it's been made up)


What almost everyone ignores is however the fact, that none of the 19 hijackers ever appeared on the original passenger manifest and 8-10 original
identities claimed to be still alive.

However the FBI never changed their suspect list.

CNN reported in February 2002, that Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley has said "local law enforcement officials should have been told by the FBI that
Jarrah was on a CIA watch list".

4) Hani Hanjour (on a watch list since 1996).

Due to a former muhjahadeen fighter of the CIA and former informant of the FBI, Aukai Collins, Hanjour was observed by the FBI since 1996.
http://www.salon.com/books/review/2002/ 07/17/myjihad/index1.html

Collins, was asked by the Phoenix FBI-bureau to listen out for information about young Arabs taking flying lessons.
As reported, Collins stopped working for the FBI in 2000.

Obviously at the same time the CIA "took over".

A consulate employee in Jeddah, which was Abdullah Noman (arrested in November 2001),
flagged Hanjour's first application (address: "elscenter melbourne florida"), noting that Hanjour wanted to "visit" for three years, although the legal limit is


When Hanjour returned two weeks later, he simply changed the form to read "one year".

Visa approved.

The Els Center in Florida is a language centre and was founded by scientists from the American Space Program, which was basically developed between
the NASA and the CIA.


But Hanjour wasn't able to learn english language, even not under the best scientific and "military conditions", one might assume.

Stamped on September 10th, 2000, Hani Hanjour listed on his third visa application as a "tourest" his address at 3510 Mountain Boulevard, Oakland, CA

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http://www.nationalreview.com/document/document100902 c.asp

Coincidentally this address is only 30 minutes away (28.5 miles) from the military laboratory of Sandia in Livermore, and on the route of CA-13 North


Sandia is connected with the CIA, and helped creating the Homeland Security (Ruth David, executive of ANSER, who helped establishing a private
contractor of the CIA, In-Q-Tel), both a long time before Sep11th, 2001.

5) Waleed M. Alshehri (UA11)

6) Saeed Alghamdi (UA93)
7) Ahmed Alghamdi (UA93)
8) Ahmed Alhaznawi (UA93)

Waleed M. Alshehri's "career" in the United States is one of the most interesting ones.

He graduated in 1997 at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach (Fla.), which was once claimed on Saeed Alghamdi, but then even the
story changed to the much deeper military connected Defense Language Institute in Presidio of Monterey, California.

Meanwhile Waleed M. Alshehri came back with another visa, approved on October 24th, 2000.

But instead of being aware of english language now,

his application listed "wasawton" as his address in the United States.

Same did his brother Wail.

As CNN reported, Saeed Alghamdi lived now in Delray Beach, Florida,

same to his "buddy", Ahmed Alhaznawi.

Another official hijacker, Ahmed Alghamdi, had his apartment complex nearby Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.


Embry-Riddle is connected with the blueprinters for the Homeland Security, ANSER, which are operating in their Center for International Aerospace
Cooperation (Dr. Ron Turner).


Saaed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi and 4 other hijacker names had been linked to the San Antonio Base at the Alpha Tango Air schools, which once had
been linked to Abdul Hakim Murad, who trained there and who was convicted several years ago of a plot to crash a suicide plane into CIA headquarters.

In February 2000, the INS conducted an enforcement action at Randolph Air Force Base, in which 40 Indian national computer programmers on H-1B visas
were taken from the site in handcuffs and detained. The individuals were all on valid H-1B visas filed by employers located in Houston, but the INS alleged
that amended petitions had not been filed to reflect their temporary assignment as computer programmers at the air force base in San Antonio.

Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmad Alnami both had been mentioned in military records at Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla
Due to other military records, Ahmed Alghamdi may have trained ar the Naval Air Station in

Back to Waleed Alshehri.

He later moved to Vienna, Virginia, which is home for CIA agents Noel E. Firth and James H. Noren, and for FinCen (Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network) , who testified on the money transfers of Mohammad Atta (or better, they later denied them, when the ties to Pakistans Secret Service and Saudi
Arabian Credit Institutes became too political).

Furthermore Vienna is home for Linda Millis, former NSA, who was working as the Deputy Chief of Cryptologic Services Group of the CIA, where she
briefed the Deputy Director of Intelligence and contributed to Presidents Bush's Daily Brief -until February 2001.

Then she started at BENS (->), a nationwide, non-partisan organization, who advises the Pentagon and CIA on national security policy.

9) Salem Alhamzi (AA77)

Salem Alhamzi had been observed by the CIA and FBI,

together with Khalid Al-Midhar, which became one of the most well-known stories,which is still blamed on just "incompetence".

But due to a FBI report, which was already released on September 14th, 2001, Salem Alhamzi lived in two small New Jersey cities,
Wayne and Fort Lee, which might have been very risky for him.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/ graphics/attack/hijackers.html

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Fort Lee is well known for their military ties, and for the obscure CIA experiments in the 50s, when they operated from there in a video studio, working on
subliminal experiments for commercials.

Meanwhile, Fort Lee is home for DoD and CIA-contractor Boeing, who is working together with BAe and the Harris Cooperation on the Joint Tactical
Radio System (JTRS), a project of the Boeing Integrate Defense Systems (IDS) , who developed or co-distributed the 737-700 Airborne Early Warning &
Control System, the Airborne Laser, Boeing Satellite Systems, F-15 Eagles, F-22 Raptors (partnering with Lockheed), the GPS System, the International
Space Station for the NASA, the Space Shuttle, unmanned Combat Air Vehicles and the V-22 Osprey aircraft.

Among other partners of the IDS is the SAIC (->) and DARPA.

Then we have another Salem Alhazmi, who is alive and in Saudi Arabia.

The photo published by the FBI is of the living Salem Alhazmi, who has never been to the US.
So there was a guy who looked just like him using the name Satam M. A. Al Suqami living in Spanish Trace apartments. Did someone alter their appearance
to look like the Saudi Salem Alhazmi although using Suqami's name? Clear as mud.

Source: http://www.the-movement.com/Hijackers/Agents.htm

10) Khalid Al-Midhar

Khalid Al-Midhar, already confirmed, was observed by the CIA and FBI, and lived in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Al Mihdhar, who officially helped crash the plane into the Pentagon, simply listed "Hotel" as his U.S. destination on his visa— no name, no city, no state —
but no problem getting a visa.

Odd enough, al Midhar decided then to stay in the same city, which was home to the mosque of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, who is in prison for the 1993
bombing of the World Trade Center.


Even more disturbingly, al-Midhar lived together with Nawaq Alhamzi in San Diego, a center for various military projects, where he was observed with the
help of FBI-informant Abdussattar Shaikh, a retired English professor at San Diego State University and co-founder of San Diego's Islamic Center.
Still he had no problem to plan the attack or have been involved without knowing what's going on?


San Diego FBI chief of this observation was Bill Gore.

On November 14th 2000, former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh (->)

offered him this position at the "first multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional entity responsible for acquiring, archiving, and analyzing digital evidence in support of
criminal investigations".

Noone ever asked Gore, how he could explain this "mess".

11) Nawaq Alhamzi

As reported, Nawaq Alhamzi lived for a while in CIA-connected Vienna, Virginia, and in San Diego and Los Angeles.

(-> BENS, Linda Millis)

The FBI claims, Alhamzi lived at Omar al-Bayoumi in San Diego, who once worked for Dallah Avco (->), an aviation-services company with extensive
contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, headed by Prince Sultan, the father of the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar.

Their headquarter is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, all objects under heavy radar by the CIA.


As the lawyers for the 911victimes in the meantime found out, al-Bayoumi once founded a fictious company name called Masjed al Madinah al Munawarah
(Masjid al Madinah al Munawarah), which is based in San Diego.

The 911victims furthermore accuse Prince Turki al Faisal (->), former Saudi Intelligence, of having ties to al-Bayoumi and been involved in the financial
planning of the Sep11th attack.

San Diego is home for the Corporate Headquarters of DoD-contractor SAIC (->), and former employee for Anthrax suspect Stephen Hatfill and ex-OEM
director Jerome Hauer (who helped constructing the Commando Bunker in Building 7), and organised a security job in the Twin Towers for ex-anti terror
specialist, FBI John O' Neill, where O' Neill died on Sep11th.

Another military project, based in San Diego,

is the Tokamak-production by General Atomics.

Furthermore the Global Hawk air vehicles are built at the Northrop Grumman Aeronautical facility in San Diego, yet another important private military
contractor, the Cubic Corporation operates from San Diego as well.

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(-> San Diego Connection)

12) Abdulaziz Alomari

Stamped on June 18th, 2001, only a few weeks before Sep11th,

Alomaris visa application named "JKK Whyndham HTL" as an address.

This is interesting.
Whydham is in reality just a hotel.
But Alomari even provided no proof for this information, as required by law.

Alomari did not even fill out the spaces naming his nationality and sex.

As journalist Joel Mowbray already complained, who obtained the original visa applications, "at least 15 of the 19 "dots" should have been denied visas" with
addresses like that.

He suggested therefore, the 911victims should file a lawsuit against the US State Department.

When NewsMax sought to interview a State Department appointee on another matter, a news contact warned them to be careful not to get the appointed
person in trouble because "Bush appointees over there are carefully watched,” and the appointee’s phone might be tapped.

"...Alomari listed his home address as the "ALQUDOS HTL JED" (a hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia).
Alomari didn't even bother filling in the fields asking for his nationality and gender, apparently realizing that he didn't need to list much more than his name to
get a visa to the United States. As it turns out, he didn't. He got his visa...."


Was Alomari really part of a professional "military operation"?

How did Alomari get a job at Newark Airport?

What kind of connections did he have to Saudi Flight Ops?

Saudi Flight Ops handles maintenance for Saudi Arabian Airlines.

Why was it so easy for him to get a visa in Jeddah?

But more strange, was he really so irresponsible against his wife and four school-aged children?

Why did he really move out of his apartment in Vero Beach, Fla on Sep3rd, 2001 and left his family alome?

As J. Michael Springman, former employee of the consulate already confirmed in interviews with european media and at the June 2001-press conference in
Washington, de facto Jeddah was a CIA consulate, who allowed all 15 (of 19) visas from there, without any explanation.

Springman reported from houndreds of other obscure visa applications in the late 90s and protested.

Downplayed by the media, top suspect (or "patsy"?) Abdullah Noman, who was responsible for the "transactions" in Jeddah, was already silently arrested in
November 2001.

13) Majed Moqed (AA77)

Why would someone, who is planning a military operation or even just moving to the United States, moving to a city like Caldwell, New Jersey?
http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/america_under_attack/ terror/team3_right.html

Was it his respect (or dislike?) of the 22nd and 24th President of the United States, Grover Cleveland, who came from there?

Was it the Wonder Aviation Club with his only little cute Cessna?

Or was it the 1 hour 15 minutes distance to McGuire Air Force Base (305 Air Mobility Wing) in Fort Lee (23801) in Virginia, where Salem Alhamzi lived,
which is base of the Joint Tactical Radio System of Boeing Integrate Defense Systems?

Why did the FBI not release any information on Moqed?

Who leaked the information on Moqed and Caldwell to the press?

Was he really between Sept. 2 and Sept. 6, in Gold's Gym in Greenbelt, NJ

as did Khalid Al-Midhar, Nawaq Alhamzi, Salem Al Hamzi and Hani Hanjour?

Khalid Al-Midhar, who was observed by the CIA and FBI, lived in Jersey City for a while, that is 34 mins minutes away.

14) Satam Al Suqami (AA11)

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Nothing is known about the address of Sataam Al Suqami, who officially took the same plane as Atta, but for odd reasons it was Suqamis passpord, which
was found in the rubble of New York on Vesey Street in front of Building 7.

Building 7 was home for offices of the DoD and CIA, and furthermore a building, which was controlled by the military since October 2000, when the
Blackstone Group, a subsidiary of TRW took over the mortgage!



15) Wail Alshehri (AA11)

Lived in Hollywood, Florida, and Newton, Massachusetts

But his visa, stamped on October 24th, 2002, mentioned "wasantwn", which might mean Washington, his alleged employer and school was listed as "South
City", which made no sense at all.

Why did he risk to live in Washington DC, which is full of agency feds all over the place?


16) Fayez Ahmed (UA175)

17) Hamza Alghamdi (UA175)
18) Mohald Alshehri (UA175)
19) Ahmed Alnami

All four lived in Delray Beach, Florida and checked into the internet from there, due to librarian Kathleen Hensman.

The connection between Florida, drug cartels and the CIA is not only just a speculation or a myth, it's almost the way of life in Florida.

20) Zacarias Moussaoui

Moussaoui was under confirmed surveillance by british intelligence MI5 since late 2000.

From his indictment and his motions we learn, that he was under surveillance by the FBI,
before he was arrested.

Moussaoui claims, they did that on purpose, instead of arresting Hani Hanjour.

Moussaoui officially trained at Airman Flight School in Noman, Oklahoma.

More disturbing, Bin Laden's private pilot, Ihab Ali, learned at the same flight school in Noman.

This city, a few miles away from Oklahoma City, is home of former CIA David Boren, once described by George Tenet as his "mentor".

Moussaoui claims, that all hijackers had been observed.

His address, 209 Waldsack, is only 3 mins away from the University of Boren.

Due to an AP story, four of the official hijackers met all on September 10th in Valencia Motel, Laurel, MD.
That is just 11 minutes away from Fort Meade, the headquarter of the NSA.

Too many coincidences. Period.

The connections between all hijackers, the FBI informants (->) and the CIA (Norman, Fort Lee, Vienna etc...) seem to be triple-proved.

15 hijackers had their visa from the CIA connected consolate in Jeddah (->), Saudi Arabia.
8 hijackers trained at CIA connected flight schools (-> Huffman Aviation, -> Kruithaus, Arne)
Almost every 19 hijackers got linked to a visit of a military flight school (-> Hijackers, US

Maybe some actors pretended to be the hijackers or their identity had been stolen by someone else (-> Hijackers still alive).

It would make sense, that some tracks of the hijackers had been scripted.

So many questions are open on the hijackers and their "connections".

Here are only a few of them:

Why did Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas allow three muslim students to train at their base: Saeed Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi and an
unrelated suspect, Fayez Ahmed?

More bizarre, Fayez Ahmed had the same address in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as Ahmed Al-Ghamdi.

What happened with Hadi Omar Jr, an antiques peddler in Fort Smith/Florida, who was detained after using the same Internet log-on as Mohammed Atta?

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Or Anand Shah from India, who made flight reservations for himself and Atta.

More bizarre, the story on Attas last day changed,

when it came out, that the Bukharis from an early FBI-suspect list had been still alive:

In the original version, the two Bukharis hired a Nissan Altima at Logan airport and drove it to Portland Maine the day before the attacks.

Then the story was scrubbed and refreshed a while later:

Now Atta and Alomari were the ones who rented the car at Logan, drove to Portland and got the connecting flight to Boston. This story doesn't' really make
sense anyway because a White Mitsubishi left at Logan was supposedly hired by Atta.
Why would you rent a car, leave it in Logan airport, rent another car and leave that one in Portland?

Maybe the FBI should better not answer on this, but some oil-corrupted CIA-members,
who scripted all this..."

Transcentive is the leading solutions provider for stock plan and global entity management.
On their Board of Directors:

Michael Brody, Chairman and Founder, Transcentive

Leslie S. Trachtman, President and CEO, Transcentive
Harry S. Gruner, General Partner, JMI Inc.
Joseph R. Hardiman
Robert J. Sywolski, CEO, Blackbaud, Inc.
John C. Furlong, Senior Vice President, UBS PaineWebber
Dan Roccato, Director, Equity Plan Services, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc

Harry Gruner joined JMI in 1992, after seven years in Alex Brown's (->) Information Technology Group as a principal, specializing in advising software
and information services companies.
Gruner is on the boards of META Group, Inc. (OTC, subscription-based information services);

Joseph R. Hardiman served as the president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. and its wholly owned
subsidiary, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., from September 1987 through January 1997.

Hardiman joined Alex Brown in 1975. He became a general partner of Alex Brown in 1976 and, upon its incorporation, a managing director, chief
operating officer and member of the Board of Directors until September 1987.
Furthermore member of the METASeS (Internet security services) .

He holds a BS degree in computer science from the State University of New York at Albany.


Trenton, New Jersey

Connected to many different cases:

In October 2001, some anthrax envelopes had been poststamped in Trenton.

Todd Beamer (died on Flkight 93->), who began his career with Oracle Corp. selling systems applications and database software, lived in Cranbury, N.J., 15
miles from Trenton

The NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, which examined a real anthrax case in June 2000 (->) is located in Trenton.

In September 2002, the two "washington Snipers" (->) were in Trenton, New Jersey, where they purchased for $250 the Chevrolet Caprice authorities claim
was used in the Washington-area shootings.
The headquarters of pharmacy company Aventis is not far from Trenton.

Tricare Exercise
In May 2001, the DiLorenzo clinic’s tri-service staff participated in a simulation exercise for
the possibility crash of a Boeing 757 airliner into the U.S. military’s headquarters.

Among the first medical personnel at the scene, they were involved in life-saving rescues and treatment. With support from teams from nearby military
treatment facilities and civilian emergency workers, they quickly established triage and casualty treatment centers and ensured the availability of
appropriate equipment and supplies.

Navy Rear Adm. John Mateczun of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told U.S. Medicine, “I stand in awe of the work that went on, particularly by the men and
women of the DiLorenzo clinic.”


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(-> Terror Exercises)

In fact the first medical personnel at the pentagon scene on September 11th, came mostly from the Army's TriCare clinic on the ground level of the
Pentagon's North.
Air Force Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Paul K. Carlton, who had been in the Pentagon for an Air Force Chief of Staff's conference...told U.S. MEDICINE that
his team had run an exercise in May with a scenario in which a 757 crashes into the Pentagon. "We had worked out what would happen [and] what was
needed," he said."


Trilateral Commission
In 1973, Insider David Rockefeller asked Zbigniew Brzezinski, erstwhile national security advisor to Richard Nixon, to put together an organization of the
top political and business leaders from around the world. The result?

The TC, which today persists as an elitist, worldwide Establishment organization of "concerned" corporate leaders formed under the guise of fostering
international relations and encouraging the trilateral economic linkage among Japan, Europe, and Northern America.

In actuality, their goal is to rule the world-just listen to the late Barry Goldwater.
In his book "With no apologies", he called the comission "David Rockefeller's newest cabal" and said, "It is intended to be vehicle for Multinational
consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States."

The TC is linked to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->),

the Bilderbergers, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and IRS.

One member of he TC is Alan Greenspan, formerly employed at Morgan Guaranty,

George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton

Source: Devon Jackson (NY Times, Village Voice, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair)

The Trilateral Commission on TC:

"The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world, the Council on Foreign Relations does that!"

http://elitewatch.netfirms.com/ (Trilaterals)

(-> Trilateral Commission)

An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people.
Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people.
To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction.

Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise).

Some people -- particularly those who have been online for years -- are not upset by trolls and consider them an inevitable hazard of using the net. As the
saying goes, "You can't have a picnic without ants."


In 2001-2002, many trolls tried to disturb many investigative and progressive websites with disinformations or absurde arguments. Another popular variation
is impersonation.

Activist website with lots of bumper stickers.
Truth-now.com was created in March 2000 by Truth-Now.com in Oakland, CA.

Contact: [email protected]

Truth on oil strategy

In this possible scenario, Russia and United States, by then a strong team, will confirm,
that the war against terrorism is in fact on oil, but still orchestrated by "terrorists" like Hussein,
who want to destroy estimated 250 trillion barrel in Iraq.

A coup d'etat would be a regime change without a war. Hussein could be exchanged by INC (->) leader Ahmed Chalabi, who is cousin of Dr Fadhil Chalabi

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, Executive Director of the The Centre for Global Energy Studies (->).

This "diplomatic" strategy is already supported by ex-CIA James Woolsey (->),

the Rendon Group (->) or Lawrence Lindsey:

“When there is a regime change in Iraq, you could add three million to five million barrels of production to world supply” each day, Mr. Lindsey estimated.
“The successful prosecution of the war would be good for the economy.”

(Wall Street Journal, Sep16th, 2002)

In December 2002, Iraq, with its back to the wall, cancelled an important oil contract with russians oil company Lukoil.

Since then, Russias only "desperate counterstrategy" was to reach a regime change without war,
and offered Saddam Hussein exile in Russia, Syria, Egypt or even China.

Russia still tries to get in an independent business with help of their 4 most important oil companies Lukoil (Wagit Alekperow), Jukos (Michail
Chodorkowski), Tjumen Oil and Sibneft, who work on a pipeline to Murmansk, which should be finished in 2007.

Another russian oil company, Sarubeschneft (led by ex-soviet secret service Nikolai Tokarew),
is still in business with Iraq since 1967.

There are plausible speculations around, Russia's best "chess move" at the end of 2002,
had been to orchestrate North Korea into a new fake crisis with the United States, to distract from Iraq and even sponsored the US-peace movement around
International Answer (->) to stop the war.

The CIA, still trying to play the better chess, answered in the same period with a report on a russian virologist Nelja Maltseva from the Research Institute for
Viral Preparations in Moscow,
who "moved some smallpox strains on a trip to Iraq in 1990".

This information was leaked to the press by Dr. Alan Selikoff, a scientist at the Sandia National Laboratories (->) in Albuquerque, N.M.

3 weeks after this article came out, the FBI released a new terrort alert on 19 muslim suspects
(-> FBI alerts).

One of them was Mohammed Asghar from Dubai, Saudi Arabia,

former meeting point of CIA-Bin Laden informant Larry Stevens.

"Unfortunately" Ashgar appeared to be still living somewhere else.

Only one week later the whole story was even debunked as a hoax.

The countdown scenario between Russia and United States on Iraq continued...

(-> Russia-Iraq connection)

(-> Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinsky)

Popular newsfanzine on political aftermath of Sep11th and more.
Truthout.org was created on September 10th, 2001 in Los Angeles, CA

Contact: [email protected]

TSI Communications
Former Partner of Enron Broadband, who had been in business with the Taliban since 1997/1998
and partner in a consortium (plus Savvis) of WebFN, a 24/7 worldwide financial news and information station on the Web, streaming live and on-demand

Janice Conklin ([email protected]) was contact person for TSI Communications and SAVVIS.
Her contact at Enron was Shelly Mansfield.
(Enron Broadband Services, [email protected])

In September 1998, TSI announced a $240 million contract with the Taliban to establish a network of satellite-call centers in Afghanistan's major cities and a
30,000-line wireless phone system in Kabul.
Eighty percent of profits would be retained by TSI with the rest accruing to the Taliban.

In September 2000, Telephone Systems International (TSI) announced a $240 million contract with the Taliban to establish a network of satellite-call centers
in Afghanistan's major cities and a 30,000-line wireless phone system in Kabul.
Eighty percent of profits would be retained by TSI with the rest accruing to the Taliban

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The contacts between ENRON Broadband and the Taliban continued even during 2001.

In April 2001, TSI signed a GSM supply contract with the Taliban government, although this has been delayed due to American sanctions, but the magazine
"cellular-news" was informed in January that service may be available in Kabul from June this year.
The Minister did say that handheld satellite phones would be provided shortly however."

Indeed, even during the war against the Taliban, as a Chicago Tribune article revealed, " the phones have been ringing. Businessmen in Mazar-e Sharif,
about 220 miles northwest of Kabul, are renting them in their stores on a per-call basis. Because of the border closure, payment for the Uzbek phone service
is routed through banks in the United Arab Emirates."

Shelly Mansfield was still updating old press releases of ENRON Broadband,
the last one in February 2002:
"...This press release may contain forward-looking statements relating to future events or future financial performance that involve risks and uncertainties.."

"I would highly recommend TSI to anyone".

John T. Woodruff, Tax Attorney Unocal (->) Corporation Houston, Texas.


TSI, a former unit of Verizon, was bought on January 11th, 2002

by investment company GTCR Golder Rauner for $800 million.

GTCR Golden Rauner is a Pentagon and US-Government contractor.

On May 31st, 2002 William C. Brooks replaced Joseph P. Nolan (GTCR) as a Director of the Lason-Corporation, associated with GTCR.

Brooks "served as a member of the Social Security Advisory Board, having been appointed by President Bill Clinton as one of three presidential appointees
to the Board. In addition, he served as Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Employment Standards Administration, the largest agency in the Department of
President George Bush appointed Mr. Brooks to the position.

Mr. Brooks is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and a retired Vice President of General Motors Corporation.
He is a graduate of Long Island University and holds an MBA from the University of Oklahoma.
He has completed the Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program."


On December 6th, 2002, only one week after a huge anti-war protest in Turkey and a few hours after the OK of germany to let Turkey participate in the
european union, the State Department issued a "terror alert" for Turkey.

With Turkey's vague decision whether or not to offer a military base in case of a war against Iraq and sending their own troops into the kurdish area, the
CIA obviously setup another staged, scripted or provoked attack....


In February 2002, Turkey decided to allow a base for the USA.

Only a few days later, kurdish leader Gen. Shavkat Haji Mushir was killed.

Turley, Jonathan
A Jonathan Turley column in the national edition of the August 14, 2002 Los Angeles Times
("Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision") called for the resignment of John Ashcroft.

"Attorney General John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be 'enemy combatants' has moved him from merely being a
political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace."

Two American citizens--Yaser Esam Hamdi and Jose Padilla--are currently locked up in military brigs as "enemy combatants."

As Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe said on ABC's Nightline (August 12, 2002):

"It bothers me that the executive branch is taking the amazing position that just on the president's say-so, any American citizen can be picked up, not just in
Afghanistan, but at O'Hare Airport or on the streets of any city in this country, and locked up without access to a lawyer or court just because the
government says he's connected somehow with the Taliban or Al Qaeda. That's not the American way. It's not the constitutional way. . .
Jonathan Turley is a professor of constitutional and public-interest law at George Washington University Law School in D.C

(->REX 84)

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http://web.archive.org/web/20011030174111/www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/camps.html )

Turner, Ted
In February 2003, former AOL Time Warner vice-chairman Ted Turner, criticized the growing likelihood of a U.S. attack on Baghdad and suggesting that
military action is a ridiculous way to bring down Iraqi President Saddam Hussein:

"We got all the bombs and they don't have very much but a few guns. It's the high-tech wealthy Western nation against the Third World country; it's kind of a
foregone conclusion that we'll win. It's a question of how many civilians get killed over there -- that's what worries me," Mr. Turner said. "We're trying to get
one man, right? And we're going to kill tens of thousands of people to get him. It seems like a pretty inefficient way to do things."


TWA 800
In 2001-2002, many different investigative netizens started to speculate, if the TWA800-crash is in any way related to the background details of Flight 93
(->) and Flight 77 (->).

One speculation is about the possible shutdown of Flight 93, another on the same strange part of wreckage, which was found at different places in front of
the Pentagon.

Maybe the answer on the wreckage still lies in the hangar in Calverton, Long Island, where in 1996/67 an investigation team put together the 92-foot long
midsection of the TWA 800 jet, at that time in thousands of pieces.

According to James Sanders, all fabric containing the red residue has been removed from the seats in rows 17-19 which are being stored at FBI
headquarters in Long Island, NY.

Sanders acquired the samples from lead TWA investigator Terrel Stacey, who removed the residue from seats within the reconstruction at the Calverton
Hangar in Long Island.

The Hangar was built on the Northrup Grumman (in late 2002 mergered with TRW/Blackstone ->) Land.

The land was never made public again for other industry.

Chief criminal investigator James Kallstrom (->) said after the TWA800- Disaster:
"The law enforcement team is not ruling out a bomb or a missile," said.

But Kallstrom changed his mind.

Kallstrom later started a new job at MBNA (->).


"...Each recovered piece was trucked to a hangar, where the Boeing 747 is being meticulously put back together. A wing, a row of seats, an engine, the
mangled remnants of the cockpit -- "a mass of spaghetti," the head investigator called it.
...A document circulating on e-mail -- source unknown -- said the plane was the victim of "friendly fire" -- accidentally shot down by a Navy warship. The
media didn't take it seriously until Pierre Salinger, a former ABC News correspondent and President John Kennedy aide, reported it.

The FBI called the document "absolute, pure, utter nonsense," but Salinger stuck to his guns.
"The law enforcement team is not ruling out a bomb or a missile," chief criminal investigator James Kallstrom said.

Lacking a piece of definitive proof, investigators hope the answer lies in the hangar in Calverton, Long Island. It will take months more to put together the
92-foot long midsection of the jet, now in thousands of pieces.

According to James Sanders, all fabric containing the red residue has been removed from the seats in rows 17-19 which are being stored at FBI
headquarters in Long Island, NY.

Sanders acquired the samples from lead TWA investigator Terrel Stacey, who removed the residue from seats within the reconstruction at the Calverton
Hangar in Long Island.

Twin Towers attack

The Twin Towers had been built by Minoru Yamasaki, 1966 to 1977 and was destroyed on Sep11th, 2001.

General statistics on the Twin Towers:

Pictures + Video collection

World Trade Center - History:


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Twin Towers collapse

(-> Collapse, WTC)

Twin Towers crash

(-> Collapse, WTC)

Twin Towers evacuations

At least two reports from eye-witnesses confirmed,
that the evacuation tests in the Twin Towers increased rapidly in the
last few weeks before September 11th for unknown reasons.

Financial analyst Ben Fountain with Fireman's Fund:
"Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual.
I think they had an inkling something was going on."

"...CounterPunch has learned from two sources that a) three weeks before the attack of September 11 security at the World Trade Center was abruptly
heightened and that b) six weeks before the attack a US army base in New Jersey was placed on top security alert...."

Twin Towers people alive after 1 year

In a bizarre twist, almost 1 year after the Twin Tower Collapse, three people have been found alive, but not among the rubble, but at undisclosed places.

NY Post reported on this strange story of one homeless person,

who was for almost one year in a hospital.

On December 14th, 2002, the NY Post followed with another story on a third person,
who was taken from the death toll list.

Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the city medical examiner, identified the three as Jeffrey Montgomery, of St. Joseph, Mo.; William Yemele, of
Gaithersburg, Md.; and Oliva Khemrat, of Jersey City, N.J.

But Khemrat's mother insisted that her daughter is still missing and said she was not informed of the change to the list.
"They can't just take my child's name off without telling the family," Meena Bhiro said.

Khemrat said her daughter's correct full name is Olivia Bhowanie Devi Khemraj and she was last seen leaving for a job interview at the trade center Sept.


It wasn't reported, which company had an interview appointment with Khemraj.

Tyler, Wat
(-> Shadowgovernment TV)


Homegrown Anthrax: Fort Detrick-USAMRIID (->) and the classified files.

UAVs are unmanned air vehicles, which are iN production since the mid 90s.

One of many succesful unmanned X-37 and X-40 (a NASA project) tests at Edwards AFB, CA, are mentioned at SchaferCorp in one of their customers
letters at:

The letter was sent on August 8th, 2001.

Brian A. Arnold, Lieutenant General writes, that he "knew a group from SMC [which] had played a large part in the success of this testing..."

"..Through the two-months and seven tests they ran, are paving the way for the first flight of the larger, unpiloted X-37 from a B-52 aircraft next year.

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For a multi-million dollar and multi-agency program with involvement from NASA, Boeing and the US Air Force, it is imperative we send our best to get the
job done in record time and without delays.."

"The X-37, a reusable launch vehicle, is designed to operate in both the orbital and reentry phases of flight. The robotic space plane will play a key role in
NASA’s effort to dramatically reduce the cost of putting payloads into space."


An early variation of UAVs are described in the Global Hawk (->) Project.

ul-Haq, Zia Mohammad Abdul

(-> Jamaat el-Islami (JI)
(-> McFarlane, Robert)

'Old school'- Conspiracy-Archive, which included a 911-section at

Supporter of conspiracy-net.com, conspiracy.com or conspire.com.

Ultimateconspiracy.com was created in June 2001 by Thomas Wheat in Santa Rose, CA

Contact: [email protected]

Ummah Tameer-e-Nau
Ummah Tameer-e-Nau is a Taliban-friendly organisation,
founded by Nuclear Scientist Sultan Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood.
On the ban list of the United States since December 2001.

As reported in IndiaReacts.com in early 2002, "some weeks ago Pakistan detained two nuclear scientists Bashiruddin Mehmood (Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood)
and Abdul Majeed who had retired from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for alleged links with the Al-Qaeda. There is suspicion about the
Bin Laden links of a third scientist, the so-called “Father of the Pakistani bomb”, A.Q.Khan, who resigned from the nuclear establishment in March 2001..."

On the website of Sultan Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood you learn more about him and Ummah Tameer-e-Nau. He brings a personal view of the history of the


Saturday, December 22, 2001

"...Mehmood quit the PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission )in 1998 to protest against the likelihood of Pakistan signing the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty and started a non-government organisation (NGO) called Ummah Tameer-e-Nau (UTeN) affiliated to the AL-Rasheed trust now banned by the US
for links with Al-Qaeda. Abdul Majeed who was PAEC’s chief engineer followed Mehmood to UTeN last year.

There should have been an alert in US intelligence as soon as it was discovered that Mehmood had formed an NGO that was working in Afghanistan. UTeN
was not an innocuous NGO. It had vowed to rebuild Afghanistan, its members were mostly nuclear scientists and Pakistan military officers, and Mehmood’s
religious extremism was loudly proclaimed."

UnAnsweredQuestions.org is an on-line community of concerned citizens, researchers, independent investigators and journalists asking and exploring
unanswered questions on Sep11th.
Unanswered Questions was launched on June 10, 2002 at the National Press Club in Washington with the help of co-founder Kyle F. Hence, webadmin
Miles Thompson and Catherine Austin Fitts (->) , host of a panel including Tom Flocco (->), Mike Ruppert via telephone (->), John Judge (->), Michael J.
Springman (-> Jeddah) or ex-FAA Maria Schiavo (->), who supports a lawsuit (->) regarding Sep11th.


UQ invited a huge number of 911-victims (->) including Julie Sweeney , who asked their questions, which almost had been broadcasted live on C|Span.

However C|Span decided to cancel the broadcast (-> Dirty Bomber).

But even without TV, this (video-)event reached a new breaking point among the 911Skeptics, made big history and turned UQ immediately to the most
popular Sep11th-related websites on the net.

Since Autumn 2002, UQ is listed at Yahoo's "War on Terrorism-Coverage"-links.

UQ's team members supported many public events, had their own table in Washington at the war protest and support different 911 strategy lists (->) and
911pi.com (->).

UQ is an active supporter of the 911 people's commission and member of various 911-strategy lists.

Unansweredquestions.org was created in May 2002 by Miles Thompson in New York.

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Contact: [email protected]

Unholy Wars
In his populistic book "Unholy Wars", John Esposito systematically addresses the political antecedents to the 9/11 attacks on the US.
One of his reporters is John Cooley.

Organised the biggest US-anti-war protest in history on February 15th, 2003.
(-> Anti-War Movement)


Unknownnews.net believe in freedom of speech, as more than merely a cliché.
They appreciate the Bill of Rights, and other great works of fiction. UNN have "no patience for the status quo of bipartisan duplicity, hypocrisy, graft, and
They are disgusted with the Democratic and Republican parties, whose policies and politicians are responsible for most of America's problems (and more
and more of the world's).

Unknownnews.net was created n May 2001 by Stephanie Webb in Racine, WI.

Contact: [email protected]

In 1995, Unocal (formerly Union Oil Company of California) signed a contract to export $8 billion worth of natural gas through a $3 billion pipeline which
would go from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan.

Richard Cellar, boss of "UNOCAL Pakistan Ltd" in 1998:

"..UNOCAL controlled is best contacts, into US-government circle around US-vice president Cheney, that at a project office to the line plan involved. In
addition assured "UNOCAL...() the cooperation of influential lobbyist as well as Ex-Foreign Minister Kissinger (->), the earlier US-ambassador in Pakistan,
Robert Oakley, and the former colleague of the UN-Sondermission in Afghanistan, Charlie Santos, also US-American.."

In March, 1996, prominent US Senator Hank Brown, a vocal supporter of the Unocal project, visited Kabul and met Taliban leaders.
In the same month, the US government put pressure on Pakistan government to back the American company and distance away from the Argentinean rival

The next month, US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, Robin Raphel, visited Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia for the same purpose.
As Ahmed Rashid in his famous book on the Taliban has documented, the Unocal invited some of the leaders of the Taliban to Houston.
The delegation, headed by the one-eyed Mulla Mohammed Ghous, reached there in November, 1997.

They were lodged in a five-star hotel, visited the zoo, supermarkets and the NASA space centre.
They had dinner at the home of Marty Miller, a senior company executive, where they admired his swimming pool and the large, comfortable house.


(-> Oil)

Urban Moving Systems

(-> Moving Systems)

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) .
On July 2nd, 2002, Mark S. Ward was sworn in as Mission Director for Pakistan at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Headquarters
in Washington, D.C. by Administrator Andrew S. Natsios.

USAID closed its Mission to Pakistan in 1995 pursuant to legislation barring foreign aid.
Mark Ward served in Pakistan from 1991 to 1994 as a regional legal advisor and helped close down what had been one of USAID's largest bilateral
programs, assisting agricultural and rural development, heath, nutrition, education, and the construction of infrastructure.

Ward had been with USAID for more than 15 years, most recently as Director of the Office of Procurement at USAID headquarters in Washington. He
joined the Foreign Service in 1986 and has served in Egypt, Pakistan, the Philippines and Russia. His last overseas post was Moscow, where he served as
Deputy Mission Director from 1998 to 2000.

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Ward began his overseas career as the Headmaster of a girls' high school from 1977-79 in rural Kenya.

USAID was the same organisation, which distributed 30.000 radios in Afghanistan during 2001-2002.

United States Army Medical Research Institute for infectious diseases.
(-> Fort Detrick)

USS Cole
On October 12th, 2000 the US Navy Ship USS Cole was attacked by an explosion that tore a hole in the side of the warship when it apparently was rammed
by an unidentified rubber boat while the destroyer was in Aden, Yemen (Arabian/Persian Gulf) for a refueling stop.
This incident has major political impact on Yemen and put further oil business of Yemen on hold. (->Yemen, oil)

Four U.S. sailors were killed in the incident.

Defense Secretary William Cohen (->) told reporters at the Pentagon on October 12, 2000, that the cause of the explosion was not certain, but his Chief of
Naval Operations, Admiral Vern Clark, said the USS Cole was "apparently attacked by terrorists in a small boat".
The president of Yemen first said the incident was not a deliberate act, it was not terrorism,
it was an accident, but later officially changed his mind.

On October 16th, 2000 Admiral Vern Clark was supported by National Security Advisor Sandy Berger (->), who spoke of a "quite clear" terrorist act.
The USS Cole is a type of the DDG-51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, equipped with various radar systems, almost 10 different exterior communication
systems, 10 other Navigational Equipments and a Damage Stability, 15% length of hit criterion.


As later came out, one the morning of the USS Cole attack, a harbor pilot was on the bridge of the Cole, a Yemeni officer, helping to steer the ship to its

In the beginning, the official time of the attack was reported wrong.

As the Pentagon confirmed on October 20th, 2000, the "attack" occurred nearly an hour earlier than originally thought, according to Navy officials. The
officials said Oct 20 that the ship's records place the terrorist bomb blast at 11:18 a.m. rather than 12:15 p.m., as the Navy reported.
Yemeni time is seven hours ahead of New York.
The officials said the Cole completed mooring operations at 9:30 a.m. Refueling started at 10:30 a.m. and was ongoing at the time of the attack.

In November 2000, the United States and Yemen signed a document called the "Guidelines for Joint Investigation" on the USS Cole.
It was signed in Aden by Ambassador Barbara Bodine for the United States and by Rasheed Ahmed Al-Gholom, the Deputy Secretary of Interior for Police
Affairs, on behalf of Yemen.

The attack was later linked to the Islamic Army of Aden, then finally blamed on Bin Laden.
When FBI anti-terror specialist John O'Neill (->) tried to investigate ties between possible plans of attacks on the United States and a yemen connection, he
was sabotaged by U.S. Ambassador Barbara Bodine (->) in 2001.

In early 2000, the FBI already observed two suspects Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi in the United States, but later got an unknown order to stop this
The CIA later confirmed, that they observed in January 2000 both Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhamzi in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

One year later, on Aug. 23, 2001 an urgent CIA "cable" bored the names of al-Midhar and Alhamzy, who met with some USS Cole suspects.

The CIA claimed, that Al-Midhar had been videotaped months earlier meeting with a suspect in the bombing of the USS Cole, and the CIA advisory was "not
a routine matter," an official familiar with the events said. The meeting was officially hosted by someone named Yazid Sufaat (->).
Washington Post, September 24, 2001; Page A01

Already on August 6th, 2001, President Bush was told in a CIA memo, that aircraft hijackings might be a goal of Al Qaeda. On August 13, 2001, Zacarias
Moussaoui (->) was nabbed on immigration charges, while learning in a flight school.
Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi officially later died in the attack on the Pentagon.

The State Department renewed al-Midhars visa in June 2001, with the ok of the CIA.
In April 2002, after an 18-month investigation involving the Yemeni authorities, the FBI, the State Department and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service,
Yemen was holding at least six people who played a role in attacking the Cole.

The Yemenis have refused to allow the suspects to be extradited to the United States for trial.
They want to prosecute those responsible in their own courts.
In late October 2001, one Cole Suspect was turned Over By Pakistan.

In February 2002, after a visit of Robert Mueller (FBI), Yemen still claimed,
there was no evidence that Bin Laden was behind the attack on the USS Cole.


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15 Visa aplications (->) from CIA-consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and no further investigation?

Not only President Bush was on vacation during August 2001, Vice President Cheney as well.
(-> Bush, vacation)
(-> Cheney, vacation)

Vaccinations, forced
October 25, 2001 :
Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Tommy Thompson asked Congress for another $500 million to produce enough of
Acambis's smallpox vaccine "so every American will be assured there is a dose with his or her name on it if it is needed"

In November 2002, journalist Mitchel Cohen (->) summed up his investigations on the "forced vaccinations":

"Under legislation submitted to states throughout the US, medical providers will be required to administer smallpox vaccines to the population whether people
want it or not.

According to the sample forms in a legislation from late 2002, there are four different experimental vaccines. With a declaration of public health
“emergency” the vaccines will be mandatory; several types will be genetically engineered and previously untested on human beings; and the state will
establish what amount to internment or quarantine camps for those who have contracted smallpox (either through exposure or by reaction to the vaccine
itself), or who refuse to allow themselves to be vaccinated.

New York's version, which is similar to that introduced in legislatures across the country, establishes a Public Health Authority that may “isolate or
quarantine … any person whose refusal of medical examination or testing results in uncertainty regarding whether such person has been exposed to or is
infected with a contagious or possibly contagious disease, or otherwise poses a danger to public health.” The Bill goes on to say: “The Public Health
Authority may isolate or quarantine … persons who are unable or unwilling for reasons of health, religion or conscience to undergo vaccination … or

As Mitchel Cohen found out, "the author of that policy is Jerome Hauer (->), "former head of the Office of Emergency Management in New York City
which oversaw the entire pesticide spray program from ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani's now destroyed “bunker” on the 23rd floor of #7 World Trade Center -- a
building which, unbeknownst to most of us, housed the largest CIA offices outside of Langley, Virginia.

(-> Building 7)

After a stint with Kroll Associates, Inc (->). as coordinator of security for the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks in 2001, Hauer, with long ties to
the US military’s secret biological warfare development programs, now heads the new federal Office of Public Health Preparedness, created in October
2001 to get these involuntary programs in place under the auspices of developing and coordinating federal plans to counter bioterrorist attacks and manage
public health crises."

Source: http://www.nospray.org

December 03, 2002

Vaccination for 1 million in US
From Roland Watson in Washington and Charles Bremner in Paris

"...A MILLION Americans will be given smallpox vaccinations under the first wave of a mass inoculation order being prepared by President Bush.

The initial stage of the decision would see 500,000 military personnel and 510,000 civilian medical workers receive the jab..."


The American Academy of Pediatrics said the nation's smallpox plan should involve limited vaccinations if a case occurs, not universal inoculations before
there's even an attack.
Potential side effects are too severe.

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(-> Smallpox vaccination policy)

vanAken, Jan
Bio-weapon-expert Jan van Aken (Sunshine Project) pointed out in 2001:

"..To dry the bacteria and to pulverize very finely, without that they die at the same time, is not so simple to organise. And the powder carrier substance
belongs to the best watched secrets of national Bioweapon-programs.."
Source: Financial Times Germany


Contact: [email protected]

vanBergen, Jennifer
One of the editors of (->Truthout.org, specialised in articles on ->PATRIOT)

VanBergen is graduate of Cardozo School of Law in NY and on the faculty of the New School University in New York. Her six part article series for
"truthout", "Repeat the PATRIOT Act" in April-June 2002 was one of the first widely distributed and detailed public commentaries on the statute.

Contact: [email protected]

During Christmas 2002, the media finally started to cover the Vatikan's opinion on the war against Iraq.

The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, headlined its Christmas editions: "Humanity can win the 'battle' of peace."

"While the clouds of war lengthen, the minds and hearts of men in all continents are drawn to Christmas," the newspaper wrote in a front-page article.

It was the latest in a chorus of Vatican voices coming out against a war in Iraq, which the United States says is hoarding weapons of mass destruction.

Top Vatican officials have said a "preventive" war against Iraq had no legal justification and could spark an anti-Christian campaign in the Muslim world.

During 2002, Vatican officials have been increasingly speaking out against the prospect of war, drawing a sharp difference between a strike against Iraq
and what Church officials had said was a "just war" against terrorism following the Sept. 11 attacks.

Archbishop Renato Martino, the prefect of the Council for Justice and Peace and the Vatican's former U.N. envoy, told reporters that a preventive war was
a "war of aggression" and therefore not a "just war."

The Vatican's foreign minister, Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, warned of the consequences a war on Iraq could ignite in the Islamic world.

"A type of anti-Christian, anti-Western crusade could be incited because some ignorant masses mix everything together," the Rome daily La Repubblica
quoted Tauran as saying.

The pope himself has recently decried all the conflicts engulfing the world, mentioning the "forgotten" wars and the one between Israel and the Palestinians
and its effects on the Holy Land.


On February 10th, 2002, the pope dispatched a personal peace envoy to Baghdad to urge President Saddam Hussein to co-operate fully with United Nations
weapons inspectors.

Venezuela Plot
Falsely described as a homegrown "coup" on April 13th 2002, many different european papers, indepedent media sources on the internet and some
investigative members of democraticunderground.com had been able to give the correct background details of this plot,
which had been planned by military elements within the US Government.

On this weekend in April 2002, The honor guard of suddenly ousted Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, some 1,000 soldiers strong, had taken control of
Miraflores, the presidential palace and Chavez was flown to the venezuelan island La Orchil, where he was imprisoned.

But Venezuelan residents protested in 10000s, so interim President Pedro Carmona's Cabinet inauguration was postponed.

Outside the presidential palace, police used tear gas to push back hundreds of Chavez supporters rallying outside the palace, chanting, "Chavez will be
back!" and "Democracy, not dictatorship."

Only one day later on April 14th, Venezuela's interim president, Carmona, resigned again, and the former deputy Diosdado Cabello of ousted President
Hugo Chavez took over his place until he returned later that day.
Already at that time, stories circulated on the internet about the deep connections between UNOCAL (->) and Venezuela, No. 3 oil supplier to the United

UNOCAL work with CITGO, a refiner, transporter and marketer of transportation fuels, lubricants, petrochemicals, refined waxes, asphalt and other
industrial products. It is owned by PDV America, Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A., the national oil company of the
Republic of Venezuela.
Source: http://www.unocal.com/uclnews/2001news/050101.htm

In March 1997, UNOCAL and PDV America, Inc., a unit of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) started their negotiations relating to the restructuring of
The UNO-VEN Company.
Source: http://www.unocal.com/uclnews/97news/031097.htm

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As intelbriefing.com revealed, on April 5th PDV shut down the 135,000 barrel-per-day El Palito refinery and was severely disrupting both oil and gas
production, refining and export operations in Venezuela.

Barry Crimmins (->), NarcoNews (->) and investigative journalist Greg Palast (->) already predicted the plot some weeks earlier in February 2002.

In one article, Professor James Petras of the State University of New York, correspondent for the Spanish magazine, Rebelión, believed that the United
States has been leading a campaign to destabilize Venezuela.
Chavez's government had angered U.S. officials by building close ties with Cuban President Fidel Castro and criticizing the U.S.-led military campaign in
The latest in a series of anti-Chavez actions before April 2002, was lead by two men, Air Force Col. Pedro Soto and National Guard Capt. Pedro Flores
Rivero, who held a small rally to accuse the government of being 'non-democratic' and asked that Chavez resign.

Independent Paper Dawn reported already on April 13th on accusations by Cuba, that the so called Coup was in reality a staged plot by the United States.

On the same weekend, first speculations on an involvement of the CIA circulated by voxfux (->) and intelbriefing.com (->), who analysed the deployment
of US Special Forces and the CIA, which have long been involved in Venezualan internal affairs.
The Venezuelan Plot followed in almost the same week of Iraq's decision to suspend oil exports for a month.

It looks, like NSA's Spanish-language linguists and signals interception operators in Key West; Sabana Seca on Puerto Rico and the Regional Security
Operating Centre (RSOC) in Medina, Texas assisted in providing communications intelligence to US military and national command authorities on the
progress of the coup d'etat.

As Wayne Madsen(->) reported for Intelbriefing , for its part, the CIA provided Special Operations Group personnel, headed by a lieutenant colonel on
loan from the US Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg (->), North Carolina, to help organize the coup against Chavez.

They had been in the country since the summer of 2001 and consisting of US Special Operations Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) personnel.
The group made contact with senior, pro-US military officers, including armed forces chief Gen. Lucas Rincon, Deputy Security minister Gen. Luis
Camacho Kairuz, and business and union leaders, especially those with the state-owned oil company, PDVSA, and the Venezuelan Workers' Confederation

Independent Investigators continued to ignore the mainstream press final reports.
Soaw.org reported, that Army Commander in Chief Efrain Vasquez and General Ramirez Poveda, two of the major military backers of the transitional
government, received training at the notorious US Army School of the Americas (SOA).
(-> Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHISC)

Vasquez attended the school from January 23rd to December 2nd, 1988, taking a course called “Command and General Staff Officer Training”. General
Ramirez took a course called “Auto Maintenance Officer Training” from May 8th to August 11th, 1972..."

Soaw.org got support of democraticunderground.com, who mirrored their story, and got in touch with a live witness and member from Venezuela, Pescao,
who continued to reporting live from Venezuela, exlusive for democraticunderground.com.

Zmag reported on an eye-witness report, that some snipers during the plot, were members of an extreme opposition party, known as Bandera Roja.
Once again, the mysterious plane was part of the independent investigation.

Ireland.com reported on April 18th, that an unknown US military attache was with the planners of last week's aborted coup.

On the same day, theage.com found out, that this US military attache was at the armed forces inspector general's office at Fort Tiuna," Caracas's military
base, "during the preparation for and up until the coup" overnight April 11 to 12, their source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The US Embassy responded within hours on the Fort Tiuna accusation and CNN released statements, that no US official had been involved in the "coup".

On April 20st, 2002, theage.com from Australia, who found out the name of the US Army Lieutenant, who had been involved in the plot and an aide to the
US military attache:
Colonel James Rodgers.

On the same day, Venezuela's air force chief General Luis Acevedo, died in an uninvestigated helicopter crash.

On April 21st, 2002 the Guardian UK reported on diplomatic sources, who confirmed that John Negroponte (Ambassador to the United Nations, who was
Reagan's ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985) had been 'informed that there might be some movement in Venezuela on Chavez' at the beginning of
the year.

Another photo in an article by venezuelan Notiexpress.com of Colonel James Rodgers was showing him with an unknown man, but reported on a meeting
with the attaché of Security John Ross (CIA)

On french AOL websites, some news circulated, that according to the source close to the investigation, which required anonymity, James Rodgers, assistant
of the military attaché of the American embassy in Venezuela for the terrorist businesses, "was with the putschists on the 5th floor of the general command
of ground of local Thursday evening about midnight until Saturday towards 17h00 (21h00 GMT), and remained in permanent contact with them".

Finally on April 22th, the name of the US Atache was revealed- by newage.com:
A source close to the official investigation named Ronald MacCammon.

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Suddenly a Pentagon spokesman acknowledged MacCammon, the US army attaché in Caracas, and his deputy James Rodgers, had offices at Fort Tiuna, the
military headquarters, but denied they had anything to do with the failed overthrow.

Infos on MacGammon exist on

http://www.dean.usma.edu/socs/Alumni/Alumni%20Roster%20M-P.htm and is listed on

The White House continued to ignore the background details on the Plot and sent Colin Powell to deny any involvements.
Powell is an old friend of John Negroponte. He made him his deputy national security advisor in the Reagan administration after the diplomat's Honduran
stint, presumably having found nothing disqualifying in his background at the time.
Source: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/0325-03.htm

On April 23rd, Reuters reported, that Venezuelan Legislator Rondon insisted that the U.S. was involved in the Coup.

"Rondon also accused U.S. Ambassador Charles Shapiro of

involvement in the coup, saying he had met with
businessman Pedro Carmona, the interim president who
briefly replaced Chavez, at the Miraflores presidential
palace April 12."

"We saw him leaving Miraflores Palace, all smiles and

embraces, with the dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga,"
Rondon told reporters.

On April 24th, 2002 the Times UK reported, that Isaac Pérez Recao, a reputed arms-dealer and heir to a Venezuelan oil fortune played a highly visible role
in the April 12-13 coup, armed with some bodyguards.
As the coup unraveled, Recao is said to have jumped into a private helicopter and escaped to the Caribbean island of Aruba.

He and his brother and business partner, Vicente Pérez Recao, were seen later in Miami, where they own properties. They did not return telephone calls to
their $500,000 beachfront flat in Key Biscayne, a wealthy island suburb of Miami.

On April 26th, Vheadline.com reported from "a source close to Washington, that "Shapiro, already compiled, that Washington was behind the most violent
aspects of the coup"
On April 29th, the Guardian UK picked up the story of Wayne Madsen
At the end of April 2002, Conoco, which was set to merge with Phillips Petroleum Co. (P) later this year, holds a 50 percent stake in the venezuelan
Corocoro field and is the operator. AGIP, a unit of Italian oil company ENI (ENI), holds a 40 percent stake..."

On May 13th, Greg Palast reported on his website, that Chavez confirmed some early 2002 warnings from the OPEC. Chavez pledged that Venezuela would
never join, nor tolerate, a renewed oil embargo. But Chavez had already incurred America's wrath by slashing Venezuelan oil output and rebuilding OPEC,
causing oil prices to nearly double to over $20 a barrel.
The American government's panic over the looming calls for an oil embargo, made public by Iraq and Libya on April 8 and 9, explained the US State
Department's ill-concealed and clumsy support for the coup attempt.

In December 2002, Venezuela signed an agreement to start developing a $2.7 billion natural gas project, which was initiated by state -run Petroleus de
Venezuela, Royal Dutch/Shell and the Mithsubishi Corporation, while the US State Department urged the government and the opposition to negotiate an
agreement for new elections.

Venezuela, Dec. 6, 2002 -- A four-day-old general strike called to push President Hugo Chavez from office disrupted Venezuela's vital oil industry today,
and the streets of Caracas filled with rival partisan crowds, leading Chavez to warn of an imminent coup attempt and urge supporters to stand by his

The president's warning came after the captains of seven tankers that belong to the national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela, dropped anchor and
joined the strike -- a defiant threat to the government's main source of revenue. The tankers represent more than half of the company's fleet and about 25
percent of its total shipping capacity.

In February 2003, the strike of the oil workers still continued.
Sources near to International Answer (->) claim, that the strikes are partly orchestrated by US Military Contractor SAIC (->).

Vidal, Gore
On October 27th, 2002, author Gore Vidal released his popular article
"Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace", in which he accused the "Bush Junta" complicit in 911.

"...Vidal argues that the real motive for the Afghanistan war was to control
the gateway to Eurasia and Central Asia's energy riches. He quotes
extensively from a 1997 analysis of the region by Zgibniew Brzezinski,
formerly national security adviser to President Carter, in support of
this theory. But, Vidal argues, US administrations, both Democrat and
Republican, were aware that the American public would resist any war in
Afghanistan without a truly massive and widely perceived external
Vidal asks why Bush, as Commander-in-Chief, stayed in a Florida
classroom as news of the attacks broke: 'The behaviour of President Bush
on 11 September certainly gives rise to not unnatural suspicions.'
He attacks the 'nonchalance' of General Richard B Myers, acting Joint
Chief of Staff, in failing to respond until the planes had crashed into

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the twin towers..."



Video collection Sep11th

(-> NiftyThings.org)

Vialls, John
Joe Vialls is one of the 911Skeptic journalists, who specialised in investigations on oddities of the stories around the flights from Sep11th.

One of them is the cell phone story on Barbara Olsen (American Airlines Flight 77).
Vialls supported the possibility, that some of the Sep11th planes had been manipulated by remote control technolgy. Vialls investigation was inspired by a
statement by former german Secretary of Defense Andreas v Bulow (->).

Vialls believes, that the suicide of Charles Bishop (->) was manipulated.

Vialls website originally covered three major investigations conducted since 1992. The first is an independent investigation into the murder of policewoman
Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan Embassy in London during 1984, and links to the CIA and Israeli Mossad.

The second is an investigation into the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland during 1988, and the trial of the two accused Libyans at Camp
Zeist (Kamp Zeist) in Holland. Once again with links to the CIA and Mossad. The third and last investigation takes a long hard look at the Port Arthur
Massacre in Tasmania, Australia, a crime for which intellectually impaired Martin Bryant was convicted without trial.

Vialls is a former member of the Society of Licenced Aeronautical Engineers and Technologists, London.

Vialls website is located at



Contact: [email protected]

One of the few liberal local and free papers in New York, who released many critical articles on
John Ashcroft, the Patriot Act or TIPS during 2002.
VillageVoice released cartoons by Ted Rall and promoted books by Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Greg Palast.

Most popular is editor Nat Henthof (->).

Some examples of articles:

• U.S. Ignored Warnings From French Intelligence by James Ridgeway


• Nat Hentoff: Ashcroft Can Get Inside Your Computer


• Bush Spent Terror Week Smiling for the Camera by James Ridgeway

• White House Flack Pins Official Warnings on 9-11 Memogate by Geoffrey Gray

• Army Chief Thomas White Scrubs Enron From His Résumé by Russ Kick (disinfo.org)

• The American Way of Torture


• Secret Draft of Sequel to USA Patriot Act


Villalobos, Herbert
(-> Visas, helping hands)

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Alexandria, Analex (formerly Hadron)/Ken Alibeck
Alexandria, Moussaoui trial
Alexandria, DiMuro, Ginsberg & Lieberman- Villalobos lawyer + trial
Alexandria, Agus Budimann (suspect ID Fraud, lived there before arrestment)

Alexandria (COe2.com -Assistant Secretary Dan Reicher had been transferred a few weeks before Sep11th from the World
Trade Center to their Alexandria, Virginia office, where she was on
September 11.

Arlington, Anser.org, founder of Institute of Homeland Security, already in 1999

Arlington, RAND Corp. (Harold Brown, Frank Carlucci, Arthur Levitt)

Arlington-McLean, Booz, Allen & Hamilton (Dale Watson, ex FBI HQ, Vice Prez James Woolsey, ex-CIA, Fernando Napolitano/U.S.-Egypt Presidents'
Council, Thomas Moorman/ex Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, Richard Saunders/participant DARK WINTER

Arlington, Department of Motor Vehicles (Herbert Villalobos, ID Fraud arrestment)

Arlington (one lawyer, who wasn't named but worked in the Arlington, Virginia area, signed papers that allowed Abdul Aziz Al Omari and Ahmed Saleh Al
Ghamdi to obtain ID cards)

Arlington (Katherine Smith, another employee of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. Killed in a car accident before she was able to witness on the
ID-Fraud regarding the 911-investigation)

Fort Monroe, Joint Task Force - Civil Support (JTF-CS)

(Brigadier General Bruce Lawlor of the U.S. Army was the first commanding general of JTF-CS, who participated in a 1999 BioTerror-conference, led by
Jerome Hauer (->).
General Lawlor has in the meantime become the Senior Director for Protection and Prevention at the Office of Homeland Security:
http://ksgnotes1.harvard.edu/bcsia/esdp.nsf/bios/lawlorbruce )

Hurricane, West-Virginia Rural Water Association, who mirrored the FBI watch list in October 2001

Langley - Office of the CIA

Lynchburg, Brittania Aviation (CIA contractor/Huffman Aviation)

Norfolk, departure 1:44 USS Geo Washington and USS JFK (aircraft
carriers) as well as other ships

Reston, Dulles International Airport

Reston, Dyncorp

Utah (Home of the FEMA Task Force UT-TF1 State http://www.vatf1.org

Vienna, Saled Alghamdi and Waleed M. Alshehri lived there

Vienna, CIA office, CIA agents Noel E. Firth and James H. Noren
Vienna, FinCen= Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (James Fl. Sloan)

In-Q-Tel, a private, non-profit enterprise funded by the CIA operates bi-coastally with offices in northern Virginia and Silicon Valley.

John D. Rockefeller lives in West Virginia.

On or about August 25, 2001, Khalid al-Midhar and Majed Moqed purchased with cash tickets for American Airlines Flight 77, from Virginia to Los
Angeles, California, scheduled for September 11, 2001.

On or about September 11, 2001, Khalid al-Midhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Salem al-Hazmi, and Hani Hanjour hijacked American Airlines Flight
77, a Boeing 757, which had departed from Virginia bound for Los Angeles, at approximately 8:10 a.m.

MITRE, a not-for-profit national resource that provides systems engineering, research and development, and information technology support to the
government, operates federally funded research and development centers for the DOD, the FAA, and the IRS, with principal locations in Bedford,
Massachusetts, and Northern Virginia.

Langley AFB is in Eastern Virginia

The rubble from the Pentagon went to King George County, Virginia


On March 27, 2002, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Gen. Henry H. Shelton, was being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical
Center for a spinal injury suffered March 23 when he reportedly fell off a ladder at his home in northern Virginia.


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(Shelton was involved in the war planning against the Taliban between 1999 and 2001. He was replaced on October 1st by General Myers.)

BioScientist Don Wiley's dead body was found on the property of the
of the military Murray Hydroelectric Station
This power plant is part of the Catalyst Vidalia Corp., a subsidiary of Catalyst Energy, with the help of general partner with Dominion Capital Inc., an
affiliate of Virginia Power, as a limited partner.
Source: http://www.dom.com/news/archive/TempPress/fc.html

Visa applications
(-> Springman, J. Michael)

In 2002, TheSmokingGun obtained Mohammad Atta's original approval, which looked rather fishy:

"It looks like it was submitted August 29, 2000 and approved on July 17, 2001. There is a signature on the approval box (Manuel C. A______). Plus there is
handwriting in the upper left hand corner that says it was issued October 1, 2001."

Investigative journalist Barry Hopsicker (->madcowprod.com) found out, that

"when Atta and Al-Shehhi showed up at Huffman Aviation on July 1, 2000,
they were holding tourist visas.
Huffman (->) enrolled both, charging Al-Shehhi $20,000 and Atta, who had a private pilot’s license, $18,700.

Huffman regularly trained foreign students (a lucrative business for flying schools), so the two raised no suspicions.
A month later, the school’s student coordinator, Nicole Antini, helped Atta and Al-Shehhi file the appropriately bureaucratic form,
the Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status for Vocational Students,
to change their visa status from tourist to student. These applications joined about 7.3 million other such annual filings for status changes.
The INS approved both visas about a year later-Atta’s on July 17, 2001, and Al-Shehhi’s on Aug. 9, 2001.
They promptly received formal notices from the INS. By then, of course, both students had finished their training;
Huffman had been under no legal obligation to wait for INS approval before enrolling them.
No background check had been required, and even if it had been, neither Atta nor Al-Shehhi was in the FBI or CIA databases as a suspected al-Qaeda


Alshehis last visa was approved on August 9, 2001, but issued October 1, 2001.

Visa, helping hands

List of helping hands:

Agus Budiman
(falsifying documents to help his friend, Mohammad Belfas getting a Virginia driver's license)
Mohammad Belfas (friend of Budiman)
Victor Lopez-Flores (organised IDs)
Herbert Villalobos (organised IDs)

Bensayah Belkacem (Bosnian Muslim - Fake Identity Merchant, go between - fake passports, international driver's licenses and other identification papers)

Vision TV
(-> Zwicker, Barry)

Vodjanakova, Alexandra
Miss Germany 2003, who visited in February 2001 Iraq, to "meet Saddam Hissein about the peace", she said. von Bulow, Andreas
Andreas von Bulow was former German Secretary of Defence, who is convinced
of foul play regarding the Sep11th attacks.

In von Bulow's interview with the German daily "Tagesspiegel" on January 13th 2002,
he made the following statement:
"There is also the theory of one British flight engineer: According to this, the steering of the planes was perhaps taken out of the pilots' hands, from outside.
The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s, whereby they could rescue hijacked planes by intervening into the computer piloting [automatic pilot
system]. This theory says, this technique was abused in this case..."

Older Interview with Andreas von Bulow who links WTC Attacks to the CIA:


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("Im Namen des Staates".)

"There are 26 secret services in the USA with an estimate of 30 billion dollars...
More than the German defence budget...
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington
Translated at

Speech in January 2002:


vonKleist, Dave
Dave vonKleist is specialised in articles about the Attack of the Pentagon.
His articles had been later mirrored at http://www.thepowerhour.com


Contact: [email protected]

Website, which is specialised in possible election fraud.

Contact: [email protected]

Voting Fraud
(-> Votewatch.us)
(-> Talion.com)
(-> Palast, Greg)
(-> ES+S)

Contact: [email protected]

911Skeptic-website with doomsday editorials.
After a FBI raid in December 2002 it turned out, that owner Lance Schotten was more amused than convinced from what he wrote.

VoxNYC.com, mirrored at VoxFux.com never really cooperated with other 911Skeptic-sites and worked very isolated, but with an own messageboard.

Guerrillanews revealed some background infos on Lance Schotten and VoxNYC in January 2003:

"The Truth About Vox"


VoxNYC.com was created in July 1999 by Chris Broder and V Information Sciences in Brooklyn, NY.

(-> VoxNyc.com)

Vreeland, Delmart Edward Joseph Michael "Mike"

The story of Mike Vreeland has many interesting twists and inspired Mike Ruppert of copvia.com to a deeper investigation.

Apparently Vreeland was a former naval intelligence officer and in jail on September 11th,
but claimed, that he tried to warn the United States of an pending attack.

He said, while in prison, he smuggled out an envelope including a piece of paper with some notes,
which included the words "world trade center" and "let one thing happen, stop the rest...".

Whether he was innocent in jail or not, has to be analysed somewhere else.

When Vreeland was free again, he was popular enough to get an interview for the Jeff Rense (->) Show.

Vreelands laywer was Rocco Galati, who represented Abdellah Ouzghar (associated with "millennium bomb plotter" Ahmed Ressam) , who was fighting
extradition to France where he was convicted in absentia in April 2001 of providing forged identity documents to a European-based terrorist network
responsible for murder, armed robberies, a subway bombing and a plot to blow up the Los Angeles Airport.

In June 2002, Vreelands lawyer claimed, that his food was poisoned.

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While many supporters of Vreeland, including a satire Vreeland fanboard, which admin impostered him, thought his story might be relevant of disclosing
some truth on the Sep11th attack, it was in reality only valuable for the prove of "prior knowledge" on Sep11th and nothing more.

It was never really proven, if Vreelands letter really left the jail before September 11th or if Vreeland only tried to prove his innocence with some
constructed stories.

However his case proved, that many people had in fact prior knowledge of Sep11th.

Vreeland was an oil business specialist (->Oil), too.

Among his notes on his letter and envelope, authentic or not, one find the notes: "ulista petrovka and Chalva Tchigirinski".

This info was the most interesting part of his story, because later President Bush confirmed prior knowledge anyway. The Vreeland story turned finally into
a no-leg.

While "ulista petrovka" is an adress in moscow, on which the Marriott Royal Hotel is located, Chalva
Tchigirinksi is one of the directors of Sibir Energy plc, which has its moscow office a few streets away on 5 Nikitsky.


More on Vreeland:



War was planned (->)

w13rdo is the distributive and organizational arm for the w13rdo collective. Practical applications for emerging technologies.

w13rdo.com was created in September 1997 by w13rdo productions in St. Louis, MO.

Wagner, Clayton Lee

Arrested in late 2001.
Clayton Lee Wagner was no anthrax suspect, but officially arrested for his anthrax hoax letters.


Wald, Charles F.
(-> Commanders of the U.S. Armed Forces)

Walker, Alice
(-> Notinourname.net)
(-> Celebs against war)

Walker Lindh, John

On Dec 7th 2001, spiescafe.com/intelbriefing.com speculated, that "..Walker the captured US Taliban soldier is rumored to have been recruited long ago by
the CIA.

There is a cute embarrassment that he is still alive. "He wasn't supposed to live".
So much for a long line of people promised the Earth, then buried in it, by the CIA.
Favorite drink tonight ..."Philip" Walker on the Rocks!.."

More odd, John Walker's lawyer was James Brosnahan, former lead prosecutor in the
Iran-Contra (->) Affair (U.S. v. Caspar Weinberger, October-December 1992).

Brosnahan works for Morrison & Foerster LLP, which is one of the world's largest law firms with 1,000 lawyers in 18 offices worldwide.

The case John Walker is updated at http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/issues/issue_walker.htm

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In late 2002, Walker was sentenced 20 years.

In January 2003, Walker has been transferred to a federal prison in Victorville, a desert community northeast of Los Angeles.
Victorville is home for George Air Force Base, which was former environment for ex-CIA agent and left-wing activist, Philip Agee.

There is a support website for John Walker at www.freejohnwalker.net

Contact: [email protected]

Wall Street Journal

In January 2002, Wall Street Journal claimed, that they had obtained two Al-Quaeda computers containing hundreds of files, including plans to launch a
chemical and biological weapons program, which had been found in Kabul.

A Wall Street Journal reporter bought the computers for $2163.

Text and video files dating back to early 1997.

According to the computer's internal records, it was used in May 2001, to type a letter to anti-Taliban leader Ahmed Shah Massoud (->) of the Northern
In a mentioned interview within the letter Massoud mentioned "one of our best journalists
Karim Touzani."

Massoud was killed by a bomb on September 9, 2001 while being interviewed by two men posing as journalists, one carrying a passport in the name of
Karim Touzani.
Another letter was addressed to Bin Laden's lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahri.

A June 1999 memo on the hard drive was addressed to “Abu Hafs” (->), Mohamed Atef’s alias.
Wall Street Journal didn't explain, which computer system or if arabic key fonts had been used.
It was unknown, who did the translation.

Wall Street Journal tried later to examine the role of the Pakistan Secret Service ISI and their terror ties in connection with the Sep11th attacks.
A couple of months later Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl (->) was kidnapped and killed in Pakistan.

(->World Assembly of Muslim Youth)

Wanta, Leo Emil

Arrested by Swiss authorities on July 7, 1993, in Geneva, Switzerland for Money Laundering .
Wanta was held for four months, then extradited to Wisconsin to stand trial for state taxes owed for the years 1982 and 1988.
One story says, that while Leo Wanta was appointed Ambassador of Somalia for Switzerland and Canada in March 1993, In July 1993, Wanta had been in
Switzerland to make $250,000,000 available for the Children's Defense Fund at the request of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster.

Wantas story circulated for some strange reasons in connection with Delmart Vreeland (->) and looked as a disinformation or distraction on purpose.
Wantas full story was analysed at:


War Crimes
The US State Department reacted upset on a documentary on German television alleging that US soldiers were involved in war crimes in Afghanistan.

The film, Massacre in Afghanistan--Did the Americans Look On?,

was produced by Irish filmmaker Jamie Doran.

It was shown December 18th, 2002, on one of the German public channels--ARD.
The 45-minute documentary had its premiere on British Channel 5 and the Italian station RAI.

Prior to the German broadcast, a spokesman for the US State

Department, Larry Schwartz, declared: "It is a mystery to us why a
respected television channel is showing a documentary in which the
facts are completely wrong and which unfairly depicts the US mission
in Afghanistan."

In fact, the allegations in Doran's film have been public for over
half a year and the US government has refused to make any statement
or advance any argument to refute its detailed evidence of complicity
by US soldiers in of POWs...

....Massacre in Afghanistan postulates that the 90-minute video offered

to Quairishi was stolen on the orders of General Dostum, who is
holding the footage in order to protect himself from possible
prosecution. Should any attempt be made to implicate Dostum, the
video would clearly indicate the close collaboration of American

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military forces in the killings....

...the Pentagon issued a statement June 13 denying the

allegations of US complicity in the torture and murder of POWs. The
US State Department followed with a formal denial on June 14..."


In February 2003, Afghan Massacre—Convoy of Death, premiered in the United States.


U.S. Cluster Bombs Killed Civilians in Afghanistan
New Report Illustrates Dangers for Iraq

Criminals of Afghanistan

Bush's race to war puts world at risk


More Evidence of U.S. War Crimes in Afghanistan: Taliban POWs

Suffocated Inside Cargo Containers

Detainees from Bush War on Afghans Should be Released or Tried


A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of


Who Will Count the Dead?

U.S. Slave Media Fail to Report Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan

Interview With Jamie Doran, Director of Massacre at Mazar


(-> Shebarghan)
(-> Mazar-i-Sharif)

Ward, Mike
In December 2002, Mike Ward compiled at popmatters some of the most oppressed 911-stories of the investigative 911Skeptic scene.

Contact: [email protected]

Wargames rigged
"...The biggest war game in US military history, staged this month at a cost of L165m with 13,000 troops, was rigged to ensure that the
Americans beat their "Middle Eastern" adversaries, according to one of
the participants..."
General Paul Van Riper, a retired marine lieutenant-general, told the Army Times that the sprawling three-week millennium challenge exercises, were
"almost entirely scripted to ensure a [US] win".


War on Freedom
The most popular book of 2001-2002 of the 911Skeptic scene.
Written by Nafeez M. Ahmed, who challenged the official story of Sep11th.
In The War on Freedom, he calls for a full, independent investigation of all the evidence pointing to - a high-level military intelligence plot behind the
destruction of 9/11.
War on Freedom was immediately supported by various websites.
One of the earliest summary is located at

Analysis of War on Freedom (June 28, 2002)

On October 1, 2002 Thomas Fasi, Italian publisher of The War on Freedom wrote to UQ:

"...We have already sold out two editions of the book, for a total of 10.000 copies, and are currently printing a third edition of another 10.000 copies...

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...also, Gore Vidal (->) a couple of days ago published a full-page article in the best-selling national daily overe here, La Repubblica, praising over and over
again the book and basically basing his whole analysis on Nafeez Ahmed's book "war on freedom".

Waronfreedom.org was created in October 2002 in New York.

Contact: [email protected]

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WaronFreedom (started in May 2002).

(-> War on Freedom)

Warplans almost signed

Already before Sep11th 2001, Bush almost signed war plans against the Taliban:

"..on Sept. 4. it called for phased escalation of pressure against Taliban leaders.."
"..It had not reached Bush's desk by Sept. 11.."

(-> PNAC)
(-> War was planned)

War was planned

The story of the war against the Taliban began already in 1997, when Zbigniew Brzezinski (->) and the CFR (->) put their war Plans in a Book, which was
described as “A Blueprint for World Dictatorship”:

"Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East
and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling
the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan."
(Quote: "Blueprint...")

Other indicators:

On November 6, 2002, Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D. a former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred
Woerner told Mike Ruppert (->) from FTW, that “the interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission – founded by
Brzezinski for David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the
next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.”

In 2000 Russia tried to attack Afghanistan, but was blocked by the United States:
"After the militant incursion in 2000, the United States sent military equipment for Kyrgyz border guards as part of a comprehensive US equipment and
training support package—a $3-million allocation.43 US Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright articulated the initial aid promise during an April 2000
visit to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Albright also pledged similar support for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
At the same time, leaders from the FBI and CIA visited this region. CIA Director George J. Tenet met with his Uzbek counterpart in Tashkent to "discuss
American aid with satellite intelligence information and other special equipment to combat terrorism.."

Major Gregory R. Sarafian, US Army

Long before 9/11, the White House debated taking the fight to al-Qaeda.

"...One such meeting took place in the White House situation room during the first week of January 2001. The session was part of a program designed by Bill
Clinton's National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, who wanted the transition between the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations to run as smoothly as
possible. With some bitterness, Berger remembered how little he and his colleagues had been helped by the first Bush Administration in 1992-93. Eager to
avoid a repeat of that experience, he had set up a series of 10 briefings by his team for his successor, Condoleezza Rice, and her deputy, Stephen Hadley....


March 15th, 2001 :
British-based Jane's International Security reports, that the new American administration was working with India, Iran and Russia "in a concerted front
against Afghanistan's Taliban regime."

In May 2002 Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (->), a career covert operative and former Navy Seal, traveled to India on a publicized tour
while CIA Director George Tenet made a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader General Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has long and deep
Pakistani intelligence connections and he is the recipient of the highest civil decoration awarded by Pakistan. It would be reasonable to assume that while in
Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as 'an unusually long meeting,' also met with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. General Mahmud Ahmad, head of the


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July 2001:
Three American officials, Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian
affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia), meet with Taliban representatives in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning
military strikes against Afghanistan in October. Also present are Russian and German intelligence officers who confirm the threat.
[Source: The Guardian, September 22, 2001; the BBC, September 18, 2001.]

Summer 2001 - According to a Sept. 26 story in Britain s The Guardian, correspondent David Leigh reported that, "U.S. department of defense official, Dr.
Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January." The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence established that US Rangers were also training special troops in Kyrgyzstan.
There were unconfirmed reports that Tajik and Uzbek special troops were training in Alaska and Montana.

September 1-10, 2001 - 25,000 British troops and the largest British Armada since the Falkland Islands War, part of Operation 'Essential Harvest,' are
pre-positioned in Oman, the closest point on the Arabian Peninsula to Pakistan. At the same time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of
Arabia just off the Pakistani coast. At the same time, some 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation 'Bright Star.' All of
these forces are in place before the first plane hits the World Trade Center.

The Guardian, CNN, FOX, The Observer,
International Law Professor Francis Boyle (->), University of Illinois.

(Naik, Niaz ->)

(McFarlane, Robert ->)

US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11
By Patrick Martin
20 November 2001

"..Insider accounts published in the British, French and Indian media have revealed that US officials threatened war against Afghanistan during the summer
of 2001. These reports include the prediction, made in July, that “if the military action went ahead, it would take place before the snows started falling in
Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.” The Bush administration began its bombing strikes on the hapless, poverty-stricken country October 7,
and ground attacks by US Special Forces began October 19.


In February 2002, Paul Bremer, former U.S. ambassador for counterterrorism during the Reagan administration confirmed in an USA Today article, that
"the U.S. government has been planning for bin Laden's capture since 1996, according to two U.S. intelligence officials who say they helped draw up the
plans. A CIA spokesman declined to comment."

Donald Rumsfeld confirmed in an interview with TIME magazine, that a war was in planning:

"..It was sometime between the period when I agreed to do the job and February..we did not run around saying things that we would not do. That is to say, to
announce publicly that we're going to use air power but not ground forces..."
".. it was discussed, it was agreed to, it was put in place, and it involved putting pressure on the Taliban and the al Qaeda...
..The short answer is that Tommy Franks, the general, the combatant commander, proposed a plan, it was discussed, it was agreed to, it was put in place, and
it involved putting pressure on the Taliban and the al Qaeda and recognizing that some of what was going on would be visible, some would not be visible,
and that we needed to be patient and that it would take some time, and that the world was expecting an explosion of cruise missiles on television and that they
would have to have, that we would have to manage those expectations down..."


Sometime in early spring 2001, according to an account reconstructed by Condoleeza Rice from her own memory and from those of others present, Bush
expressed impatience with the pace of progress against bin Laden.

After being briefed in the Oval Office about recent threat warnings, with Cheney and White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. in the room, Bush is
said to have replied: "I'm tired of swatting flies. I'm tired of playing defense. I want to play offense. I want to take the fight to the terrorists."


Many skeptics came to the conclusion, that Bush knew much more before Sep11th, than he claims.
Maybe not much, but a lot about political changes.

For instance, we have this "Indonesia" mystery:

"Just eight days after the attacks in New York and Washington on 11 September 2001, the Indonesian president Megawati Sukarnoputri kept a previously
scheduled appointment with President Bush. In the short meeting, Bush promised to lift the embargo on commercial sales of non-lethal military items.

Indonesian military officials and much of the Indonesian press thought that Megawati had scored a victory in restoring military ties. Many speculated that
Bush was offering Megawati a recruitment bonus to join his coalition against terrorism.

But in an off-the-record conversation, a White House official explained that the package Bush presented to Megawati was completed on September 10th,
and not a word was changed after the events of the next day. Much of what Bush promised Megawati was from the administration's review of
US-Indonesian military ties policy that had taken place over the northern summer."



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Al Qaeda 'Game Plan' on Bush's Desk Sept. 9 - NBC


(-> Naik, Niaz)

(-> PNAC -> Iraq war was planned)

Warnings on Sep11th attack

(-> early warnings)

Washington DC-connection
Hotel Ritz Carlton (Carlyle Meeting with Bin Laden Inc., Sep11th)

White House - Bush Sr was in White House Sep11th

U.S. Department of State (http://www.state.gov/ ) Richard Boucher, Christina Rocca (Asian affairs)

Office of Public Health and Science (Jerome Hauer)

OIPR (Office of Intelligence Policy and Review), Department of Justice

(James A. Baker), advising the Attorney General

Arab American Institute

Andrews Air Force Base, home of Air Force One and 89th Airlift Wing
(few miles southeast of Washington, D.C.)

TRW/Northrop Grumman (Merger in june 2001)

Shea + Gardner (Partner James Woolsey, ex-CIA)

Counter-terrorism Security Group (C.S.G., Richard Clarke )

Feith and Zell (Douglas Jay Feith , DoD)

U. S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General


Other DC-connections:
PHRMA (Pharmacy Manufacturers Association), Carlyle Group, Vought (HQ),
SEC, FAA, FBI HQ, CSIS, FEMA, FDA, CIA, Pentagon etc...

Washington Sniper
Evidence in the Washington-area sniper shootings case pointed to teenager John Lee Malvo as the triggerman in most if not all of the shootings.

That could complicate prosecutors' efforts to get a death sentence for the older suspect, John Muhammad. "There is not much pointing to Muhammad, and
that is going to make it really hard to show that he was the triggerman," one senior law enforcement official involved in the case told The New York Times.

On November 2002, the NY Post revealed, that NY Con Peter John Gianquinto, 53, was being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on
passport-fraud charges.

Gianquinto and sniper suspect John Muhammad were together on the Caribbean island of Antigua in 2001, authorities of Antigua claim.

Muhammad and Gianquinto were "scam artists," selling TVs and VCRs bought with bad checks,
an Antiguan investigator said.


There are speculations around, which see the Snipers connected with a CoOp-action.

Watson, Dale
Dale Watson, former CIA and former FBIHQ,
warned the CIA months before Sep11th about an attack.
However, only a few weeks before Sep11th, he decided to ignored warnings by two experienced and respected FBI-agents Kenneth Williams (->) and
Colleen Rowley (->):


In late 2002, Watson resigned from the FBI and started a job at Booz Allen Hamilton (->).

From an original GROUND ZERO article, originally released at Scoop:

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"During the past several years, the FBI and CIA have developed a closer working relationship." - Dale Watson, 1998
http://www.fbi.gov/congress/wtc.htm http://www.fbi.gov/congress/wtc.htmhttp://www.fbi.gov/congress/wtc.htm

Since Sep. 11th the official explanation as to why the events of Sep. 11th happened is based on the so- called "incompetence theory", supported by ex-CIA
director James Woolsey, Pentagon Top Advisor Richard Perle and columnist David Corn.

The 911-commission didn't even get underway before the current US Government tried to kill the 911-hearings and dismiss any skepticism or accuse every
skeptic of treason.
This is nonsense.

If you carefully analyze the timeline of September 11th and the preceding days, not to mention weeks and months, you have to come to the conclusion that
someone let the attack happen.
The motives are a just a war against the Taliban and an oil pipeline system in that region.

Both had been planned for years. This is well-documented in many articles.
One of the most recent was in Newsweek.
But no one has analyzed the role of the FBI Headquarters and whether or not they were either sabotaged or bribed to let the attack happen. To start finding
the correct answers, we should therefore start at the top: Dale Watson.

Watson ignored at least 4 different FBI agents’ warnings including the "urgent cable" of the CIA from August 23rd about Almihdhar and Alhazmi.

The first known warning was FBI agent Robert Wright. He tried to warn his superiors three months before September 11th that Americans were in danger
of terrorist attacks at home. No one listened to Wright and he finally blew the whistle a few months ago in March 2002, but didn't make much news coverage
even then.

Wright spoke out again at a press conference in Washington, D.C. in May. He accused the FBI of intentionally thwarting investigations of known terrorists.
But instead of making national news, Wright’s story was downplayed in the media. More disturbingly the FBI tried to block his new book, "Fatal Betrayals of
the Intelligence Mission". Why?

What does the FBI have to hide? Or who told them to do so? Wright brought a lawsuit against the FBI, claiming they violated his First Amendment rights by
prohibiting him from making his complaints public. Chicago attorney David Schippers, who was the House Republican's counsel during Clinton's
impeachment hearing, and Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, who was one of the independent prosecutors, represent Wright.

Wright said, in tears, live on C-Span, that he was threatened by John Ashcroft for months to shut up his mouth.
http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020529/dcw021_1.html http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020529/dcw021_1.htmlhttp://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020529/dcw021_1.html

Schippers tried to reach John Ashcroft for weeks, but finally gave up a couple of days before September 11th. Noone called him back. The regular answer
on the phone: "we don't start investigations at the top" or "we will get back to you". Schippers gave several interviews after Sep. 11th and explained his

Once a famous attorney, he was now called a crackpot or a traitor.

...Why did Watson ignore Wright?

Why did the manager of the FBI Headquarters, David Frasca (Radical Fundamentalist Unit) ignore the two warnings of FBI agents Kenneth Williams (early
July) and Coleen Rowley (August)?

"...He is one of the sharpest agents I have ever met," said former FBI agent Ronald Myers, a constable in Maricopa County, Ariz. "He's a superstar. ...
Anyone in FBI management who wouldn't take what Ken Williams said seriously is a fool."

As Senator Arlen Specter, Charles Grassley and Patrick Leahy pointed out in a joint letter to Robert Mueller, "it has been noted that Supervisory Special
Agent Dave Frasca in the Radical Fundamentalist Unit (RFU) may have been involved in handling the Phoenix memorandum and the Moussaoui
investigation at FBI headquarters..."

But Mueller never responded in public regarding Frasca. More strange is that Watson even sent a warning to the CIA before Watson, Wright and Rowley's
In a secret FBI report he warned CIA director George Tenet, months before Sept. 11, "of a significant terror threat from the Middle East, and said the
bureau did not have the resources to combat it", the NY Times reported.

Contra Costa Times wrote about yet another internal memo from Aug. 22, 2000, then , to Thomas Pickard, the deputy director in charge of counterterrorism
at the time, "acknowledged the FBI's lack of coherent prevention strategy".

(Watson) worked in the FBI Headquarters as Chief of the Iran Unit, Counter-terrorism Section, NSD, from November 1991 through April 1994.

In June 1996, Mr. Watson was named Deputy Chief of the CIA at the Counter-terrorist Center.
In July 1998, Mr. Watson was appointed Inspector Deputy Assistant Director of the National Security Division (NSD), FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C
Following an internal reorganization at FBI Headquarters, on December 6, 1999, the Attorney General appointed Mr. Watson the Assistant.

No one has subpoenaed Watson about what exactly "went wrong" during August 2001,
especially when they had already arrested Zacarias Moussaoui.

TIME reported, that Kenneth Williams’ memo was never forwarded by Watson – and not even to Mike Rolince, chief of the international-terrorism section

"Do you think," says a White House antiterrorism official, "that if Dick Clarke had known that the FBI had in custody a foreigner who couldn't speak English,
who was trying to fly a plane in midair, he wouldn't have done something?"

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Even 5 days after the CIA send their urgent cable to the FBI, another FBI agent, Colleen Rowley, was still in contact with the NSLU, a law division within
the FBIHQ. On August 28th she finally gave up: No permission was granted to search the hard drive of Mr. Moussaoui's computer under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The incompetence theory doesn’t work any more, especially for Dale Watson.
He was a specialist and he ignored other specialists like Kenneth Williams.

If we look at Watson's past, this makes no sense at all. 5 years after the first bombing on the WTC, Dale Watson testified about an old plan, called Project
Bojinka, which originally was about "simultaneously plant devices on flights"
February 24, 1998 - "The terrorists of tomorrow will have an even more dizzying array of weapons and technologies available to them..."

Watson was concerned about "chemical, biological, and nuclear materials within the criminal and terrorist communities. These weapons of mass destruction
represent perhaps the most serious potential threat facing the United States today..."

But Watson was convinced of a perfect working relationship between the FBI and the CIA:
"...During the past several years, the FBI and CIA have developed a closer working relationship.

This has strengthened the ability of each agency to respond to terrorist threats, and has improved the ability of the U.S. government to respond to terrorist
attacks that do occur..."
"To improve response capabilities on a national scale, the FBI is working closely with five other federal agencies - the Department of Defense, the
Department of Energy, the Public Health Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency -
...Due to the measures I've discussed and several other initiatives, we are much better prepared to address the international terrorist threat than we were five
years ago...”

Watson praised various computer warning systems like E.G. NLETS.

NLETS is controlled by state law enforcement agencies whereas the NCIC is controlled by the Department of Justice through the FBI. "...more than 35
federal agencies involved in the U.S. government's counterterrorism effort receive information via secure teletype through this system.

The messages are transmitted to all 56 FBI field offices and 33 foreign liaison posts."
Then the FBI used the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU), a "private, federally-funded network of computerized files", which was so successful
that the ACLU tried to file a lawsuit against its use:

LEIU was developed by the California-based Anacapa Sciences Incorporated. Later the FBI developed two other programs, the National Infrastructure and
Computer Intrusion Program (NIPCIP) and Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR). The FBI improved the National Threat Warning
System (NTWS), which had already been implemented in 1989.
Sixty federal agencies and their departments received NTWS - information via secure teletype as well. The messages are transmitted to all 56 FBI field
offices and 44 legal attaches. This basically works like a news ticker.

...Also unknown is the fact that the FBI also used data of the AAMVA (Amercian Association Motor Vehicle Administration) and worked on a new transfair
system in real time.
Who else in the FBIHQ can answer these questions about Rowley, Wright and Williams?
What do Ruben Garcia Jr. (Domestic Terrorism specialist), Kathleen McChesney (master's degree in Public Administration) have to say?

Why did the (first) 911 hearings die so fast?

Was Bush's Confirmation of prior knowledge a strategy to get rid of these hearings?
What can another FBI Headquarters employee of that time, Robert J. Chiaradio tell us?
Maybe not much. He doesn't work there anymore.
On July 8th, 2002 Chiaradio was named by KPMG Consulting, one of the world’s largest business consulting and systems integration firms, as managing
director and lead advisor on homeland security.
Were the rats leaving the sinking ship?
Did the FBIHQ let the attack happen on purpose?..."

Watson, Paul Joseph

Writer and researcher based in Sheffield, England. Watson is the webmaster at both PropagandaMatrix.com (->) and PrisonPlanet.com .
Watson's new book Order Out of Chaos - published by Dandelion - will be released in 2003.
Watson reported on censored stories on ties between MI6 Deals with bin Laden and Iraq.
This regards the case of former MI5 officer David Shayler, who has evidence to prove MI6 gave £100,000 to bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, arms to Iraq and
had prior knowledge of several terrorist attacks on London in the 1990's.

(-> Shaylergate)

Mission: Restore the Republic.
Contact: [email protected]

Since September 11th, the US Military increased their research and development on weather manipulations and weather weapons.

A good collection of credible sources is located at:


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In November 2002, Michel Chossudovsky (->) described HAARP (->) as a weapon of mass destruction.

HAARP, a weather modification program, is "a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in
the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet."

Nick Begich "Angel's Don't Play this HAARP" http://peopleawakening.com/bio.html
http://www.earthpulse.com/haarp/biohazards.html Biohazards of Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) by Dr. Nick Begich

http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99991101 August 01, 2001

Peter Cordani, who runs Dyn-O-Mat (http://www.dynomat.com ),..."In the case of a huge hurricane, we ...would do is break it up and reduce its strength and
killing potential.

HAARP links:
http://www.guerrillanews.com/government/doc288.htmlhttp://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO201A.html GWEN links
http://educate-yourself.org/gwentowersbybyronweeks.html Space weapon empire link
http://educate-yourself.org/gwentowersbybyronweeks.htmlhttp://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/VAL206A.html Project Starfish:
Project Starfish (1962)


SPS Military Implications (1978)

Russian Weather Weapons: Particle Beams & Cosmospheres. 1998

SIPAPU PROJECT http://anomalous-images.com/text/FIRESK1.TXT

GWEN Ground Wave Emergency Network


December 1998:
"...The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) provides survivable connectivity to designated bomber and tanker bases. The system is in sustainment.
GWEN is designed as an ultra-high powered VLF (150-175 kHz) network intended to survive massive broadband destructive interference produced by
nuclear EMP, and recovering quickly from the changes imposed on radiowave propagation by EMP-ion damage to the upper atmosphere.

Webster, William H.
Former CIA and FBI-director. In 2002, Partner of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley + McCloy

Wellstone, Paul
Senator Paul Wellstone died in an airplane accident in Minnesota on October 25th, 2002, one week before the house election in 2002.


The lawyers who successfully handled Minnesota's landmark lawsuit against the tobacco industry have begun investigating the plane crash that killed Sen.
Paul Wellstone.

Sam Kaplan, legal adviser to Mark and David Wellstone, confirmed ... that Mike Ciresi and Roberta Walburn have been retained by the Wellstone family to
consider possible legal action in connection with the Oct. 25 charter airplane crash in Eveleth that killed wife Sheila Wellstone, daughter Marcia Markuson,
a DFL Party official, two Wellstone campaign workers and the plane's two pilots.

Richard Conry, a convicted felon who exaggerated his flying experience when he was hired in April 2001, was the chief pilot on the flight that killed
Wellstone, the two pilots and five others.


1) The Top 5 oddities of that case:

1. There were no calls from the pilot as to any mechanical trouble.

2. Twin engine planes can fly on one engine.
4. Planes with no power can 'crash' land with survivors.
5. Weather is reported as 5 miles visibility, drizzle and light snow, no storms or severe weather.
5. Pilots were 'experienced'.

2) VoxNyc.com about Wellstone's death:


3) The missing link?:

The machine was built by Raytheon.

4) The Weather lie:

Weather radar shows Deluth clear of any storm activity.

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5) The 2MuchBS- analysis (Ex-DU):

"...These stories of massive chunks of ice weighting

the plane down are pure garbage. I have been part of many studies on the problem.

What most don't realize is that ice "may" form a smooth new boundary, but as the thickness of the airfoil section increases due to ice, the lift production
increases. I have read many posts claiming that when ice forms on a wing the plane just falls out of the sky, ABSOLUTELY false.

What "could" be possible is a collection of ice that impedes control movement, but this should not force a small plane to ditch into the woods. As a matter of
fact most pilots would radio in and explain the situation, and inform of an increased landing velocity, as flaps "could" possibly not be deployed.

The chances that large ice formation would limit movement of all control surfaces at precisely the same moment are null. Keep in mind they all operate in a
seperate pressure gradient from one another. Apparently the pilot squawked, "all is well" just a few miles out.
Unless they were flying in New York where physics appear quite different from the rest of the world, there is no way they could have developed control
limitation in such a narrow space of time, through ice buildup, within the atmosphere they were flying.

And as to the weight problem, I assume they had burned off fuel volumes. Most aircraft do, unless in New York or course. The plane could carry ice with
no problem.

If the craft had become heavy and lazy the pilots would have let
someone know. I am curious how many other planes went down in that area? Answer: none...

...(to claim, that) you can build ice over an airfoil at 70 degrees F. ... (is) such a ridiculous spin..."

(-> 2MuchBS)

6) Paul Wellstone's last interview with ABC News


Cochran: You voted against the president. There are about half a dozen really close races and the White House is interested in all of those because of
control of the Senate. Given the fact that you voted against the president, do you think this race is particularly meaningful to the White House?

Wellstone: I think the race is definitely particularly meaningful to the White House. I think the president has been here four times, the vice president has
been here once and Karl Rove is coming out this weekend and they're saying the president might come back again. But look, maybe the president will come
campaign for me. That could happen -- you never know.

7) McDonnell-Douglas-Professor:

On December 17th, 2002, the NTSB said specialists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., are working with the safety board to
determine the icing conditions that existed along the flight's route.

Paul Czysz, professor emeritus of aerospace engineering at St. Louis University, said it only takes an eighth of an inch of ice on the wing's leading edge to
disrupt the flow of air. That can cause the wing to lose its lift and the plane to suddenly change course.

Paul A. Czysz, Professor Emeritus MDC Fellow, is a military hardliner.

Formerly McDonnell-Douglas and ex-security director at Northwest Airlines, he analysed the 2000-Osprey crashes (quoted in the April 19, 2001 USA
Today about problems with the military's V-22 Osprey program. The Osprey was involved in two fatal crashes in 2000)


Other articles on Wellstone:

Freedom Calling
By Marc Ash

"Murder perpetrated by a ruthless regime capable?"

Mike Ruppert

Suspicious plane crash 11 days before Election

Published: November 1, 2002 Author: Christopher Bollyn
Source: American Free Press
mirrored at:

Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?

By Michael I. Niman, AlterNet
October 28, 2002

Ciresi's law firm looking into Wellstone plane crash

Tony Kennedy and Paul McEnroe
Star Tribune
Published Nov. 14, 2002 SUIT14

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Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC)

Also known as the School of the Americas, located in Fort Benning, Georgia.

Among its alumni are many of Latin America’s most notorious torturers,
mass murderers and dictators.

They include:
Roberto D’Aubuisson, identified as the United Nations truth commission on El Salvador as leader of the deaths squads there.
Argentina’s dictators Roberto Viola and Leopoldo Galtieri;
Panama’s Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos;
Peru’s Juan Velasco Alvarado;
Ecuador’s Guillermo Rodriguez; the leader of the Grupo Colina death squad in Fujimori’s Peru and many more.

WHISC was accused to have been involved in the Venezuela Plot (->).

In May 2002, Otto Reich (->) has been named to the Board of Visitors at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.

Reich had a controversial past.

As a US ambassador to Venezuela, Reich used his office to help Orlando Bosch, a known terrorist, get into the US. Bosch was convicted of firing a bazooka
at a freighter in Miami, and accused of bombing a Cuban jet, killing 73 people.

More infos on the WHISC at soaw.org (->).

Almost unknown, not only Larry Silverstein, but Westfield had aquired the Twin Towers, too, shortly before Sep11th:

"...The Australian property group Westfield Holdings had recently signed a $US3.2 billion, 99-year
lease on the centre’s shopping precinct..."

Financial Times reported on Sep14th, 2002, that "the owners of the demolished World Trade Center in lower Manhattan acquired the buildings just (in July
2001) under a 99-year lease allowing them to walk away from their investment in the event of 'an act of terrorism.'

The owners, Silverstein Properties and Westfield America - a shopping mall specialist - purchased the buildings from the Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey for $3.2bn in July and completed the financing just two weeks ago ... It is understood that the buildings are insured for more than $3bn, enough
to cover rebuilding costs."

http://www.poynter.org/Terrorism/PDF/SydneyMorningHeraldW.pdf (September 12th, 2001)

Westfield America is a subsidiary of Westfield Group.

Furthermore Westfield is connected with all airports, where the hijackers officially departed on Sep11th 2001.

(-> Boston connection)

Westin Hotel
Name of the hotel in Boston in Copley Plaza, which was stormed on September 12th, 2001
by the FBI and Swat teams.

The Boston Globe reported on its website, that three people were taken into custody at the hotel. The Globe said the three were linked to a credit card used
to buy tickets on the flights that crashed into the World Trade Center. It cited an anonymous source close to the investigation.

A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity told The Associated Press that while no one was arrested in the hijackings, a Boston search
turned up a link to a name on the manifest of one of the hijacked flights.


The Boston-raid is connected with some investigative oddities:

The FBI later seized a car containing flight manuals and an instruction book on how to fly a Boeing 767.

Furthermore the authorities seized luggage of Mohammad Atta, which did not make the connection when Atta arrived on a flight to Boston from Portland in

It contained instructional videos and manuals on operating Boeing 767s, overalls like those worn by airport ramp workers, a Holy Quran and a
fuel-consumption calculator.

Other oddities or irregularities:

1) Official flight Manuals exist only in english, french or one japanese dialect.
Every professional pilot has to learn english aviation abbreviations.

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2) The Portland flight was already postponed for a couple of minutes. The luggage had enough time to pass the connection. However for bizarre reasons,
Atta and Alomari came on the last minute and therefore "in time", so that this part of the puzzle would even make sense.
But what happened with Alomaris luggage?

(-> Atta, Portland)

(-> Boston connection)
(-> Passenger list)

Photo coverage of the Boston Hotel Raid

West Nile Mystery

In April, 1998, OraVax/Acambis (->) Vice President, Dr. Thomas Monath (->) met with President Clinton, New York's Emergency Management Director,
Jerry Hauer (->), Rockefeller University president emeritus and American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) curator, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, CIA Director
John Deutsch, and government biological weapons expert William C. Patrick, III, to discuss/negotiate the first of several multimillion dollar anthrax,
smallpox and West Nile virus vaccine contracts.

According to New York Times reporters William Broad and Judith Miller, (31) "seven scientists endorsed the stockpile.." These included "two men who
stood to gain financially from the decision. . . ." These men included Dr. Monath and Dr. J. Craig Venter, president of The Institute for Genomic Research
near Washington working on anthrax genetics.

One year later in 1999, the first official West Nile Virus was located in New York City.

Popular US-TV show on the White House staff and the President of the United States.
The show "smuggled in" some ironic details on the "war on terrorism".

Aaron Sorkin is creator of this television show.

In March 2002, Sorkin said in an interview, "...it's absolutely right that we are all laying off the Bush bubblehead jokes. But that's a far cry from what the
New York Times and CNN and others on whom we rely on for unvarnished objectivity are telling us, which is that "My God, on September 12 he woke up
as Teddy Roosevelt".

In October 2002, actor Martin Sheen, who plays the President in "WestWing", criticised the War against Iraq at a protest in Central Park, NYC (20000
In February 2003, Sheen headlined a TV ad debuting in Los Angeles and the nation's capital urging Americans to join a Feb. 26, 2003 "virtual march" on
Washington to oppose a war with Iraq.

WRH by Michael Rivero was, besides Rense.com, the most visited website for 911-related material.

While many visitors not always agreed with Michael Rivero's personal style of commenting articles, they appreciated his service and huge archive of
developing stories on oddities around the Sep11th attacks, political aftermath and activist events.

Therefore WRH, at the end of 2002, WRH was still an important source for "last breaking news".
Their propaganda-style became a bit quieter, when WRH started to support the anti-war movement in Summer 2002.

WRH, which was criticised for an "anti-semetic style" during 2001-2002, was later mirrored at www.whatreallyhappened.tk.

WRH is supported by bankindex.com, a "financial resource authority", who mirrored some of their articles.

WRH's most popular story was the "Israeli spy and phone tapping scandal".

WRH was one of the first websites, which promoted the original video of Bush at Booker Elementary School

At the end of 2002, WRH continued to support articles about "Zionism" in mirroring a 4-part article by Dr. Albert D Pastore Phd ("Stranger than Fiction").

WRH was created in October 1999 in Barnstead, New Hampshire by Matt Rivero

Contact: [email protected]

For a paradigm shift in our thinking.
Whatareweswallowing.com was created in March 2001 by Steven Ransom in Uckfield, East Sussex, United Kingdom.

Contact: [email protected]

Satire website on the White House.
whitehouse.org was created in September 1995 by Satire On-line and Mark Pace in Scotts Valley CA

Contact: [email protected]

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Williams, Kenneth
(-> Phoenix-Memo)
(-> Memo)

(->Pitt, William Rivers)

2002 was the year of whistleblowers:
Thomas Hopkins/FAA (->), Robert White (->), Aukai Collins (->), Coleen Rowley (->), Kenneth Williams (->) and a few other unknown identities.

In December 2002, TIME Magazine's editors chose Coleen Rowley, Cynthia Cooper and Sherron Watkins "for believing — really believing — that the truth
is one thing that must not be moved off the books, and for stepping in to make sure that it wasn't."

Rowley, 48, wrote a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller in May 2002 criticizing the agency for ignoring evidence before Sept. 11, 2001, that hinted of an
attack. She later told the Senate that the FBI was mired in bureaucracy and "careerism."

Cooper, 38, a WorldCom internal auditor, alerted the company's board in June 2002 to $3.8 billion in accounting irregularities. A month later, the
telecommunications giant declared the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

Watkins, 43, sent memos in August 2001 warning Enron (->) chairman Kenneth Lay that improper accounting could cause the company to collapse. The
company later filed for bankruptcy, and Watkins resigned as a vice president in November 2002.

White, Thomas E.
Thomas White was Secretary of the US Army in 2001-2002.

During the summer of 2002 it was revealed, that Thomas E. White (former vice chairman of Enron->) was deeply involved in crooked accounting deals at
the energy giant.

Source: http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0210/S00052.htm

In October 2002, White sold off half his holdings, about $3.08 million in stock

White, graduated from West Point in 1967 and went on to become a brigadier general. Along the way, he became a close friend of Colin Powell, former
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and now secretary of State. Powell recommended White for Army secretary.
After he retired from the Army in 1990, White joined Enron.

On March 10th, 2002, the New York Times revealed, that Defense Department inspectors are examining changes in bid requirements that helped the Enron
Corporation win a $25 million Army contract to run the utility systems at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, according to federal investigators.


White had admitted having 84 phone calls or meetings with Enron officials after he became Army secretary in May 2001, most of them around the time of
Enron's collapse.

On July 18th, 2002, Newsday quoted Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who said she planned to question White about his role at Enron Energy Services, which
had a contract to run the power systems at a military base in New York City.

During Spring 2002, the Pentagon downplayed the dubious problems of White.

Instead, in April 2002, the Pentagon started to investigate on an inane case:

White used a military plane for a trip to Colorado during which he finalized the sale of an Aspen home.
White made $12 million from selling ENRON shares.

White House

White Vans
The hystery on white vans or fabricated stories on White vans regarding possible terrorist attacks, started right after September 11th, when it was reported,
that "more than 30 Ryder, U-Haul, and Verizon trucks have been reported stolen across the country".

This story turned out to be a hoax.


However a true story was on the arrestment of a spy Ring from Israel, which used a white van from time to time, which had not necessarily something to do
with the Sep11th attack.

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This spy ring was responsible to monitor some muslims, who had been allowed to learn in some flight schools, including at military bases, as resported in
some mainstream papers.

The Mossad, who claimed to be unconnected to this spy ring, later warned the United States twice on a possible attack, but the CIA ignored these warnings.

In October 2002, when the "washington sniper" terrorised DC, many eye-witnesses claimed, that a white van had been involved.

Great research tool on many VIPs and government related individuals.
Who2.com was created in may 2001 by Ryan F. Holznagel in Belmont, Ma.

We hold these truths.org (Whtt) describe themselves as "exposing the traceable links between the behind-the-scenes power groups, and the critical political
events of the day".

WHTT started as an unincorporated association in April of 1996, by six like-minded American Citizens, "all business and professional men and followers of

WHTT analysed some 911-related stories, but put emphasis on the Israel-Palestine Conflict.

Whtt.org was created in 1996 in Scottsdale, AZ.

Contact: [email protected]

Wiley, Don C.
Don C Wiley was John L. Loeb Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Harvard's Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and examined
dangerous viruses including AIDS, Ebola, Herpes Simplex and Influenza, and was widely known for his work in X-ray crystallography.

When Wiley vanished on November 16th 2001, he was one of the most famous specialists of Structural Biology of Viruses and the Human Immune System.

However the FBI didn't examine his case on possible terrorist links or a hijack.
Later, the Memphis Police found Wiley's car on a bridge and came to the conclusion,
that he committed suicide.

This explanation was immediately denied by his friend Philipp Marrack, a professor of immunology, supported by Wiley's friend and scientist James Davis,
Wiley's brother Greg Wiley, Wiley's sister-in-law Susan Wiley, Wiley's father Bill Wiley, even the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, but this was all hidden
in Memphis local newspapers only.

Wiley planned a vacation to Iceland with his wife Katrin Valgeirsdottir and started therefore to learn icelandic language.

Ms. Valgeirsdottir was at Logan International Airport in Boston on Nov. 16 2001, heading with her children to Memphis, where her husband had arranged to
pick them up at the airport later that day. She received a cellphone call telling her that his rental car had been found at 4 a.m. on the Hernando DeSoto
Bridge, which connects Memphis with Arkansas. The keys were still in the ignition, the gas tank was full, and the car, a white Mitsubishi Galant, was
blocking truck traffic.

Don C Wiley was professor at Harvard, and conducted research at the Chevy Chase, Maryland Howard Hughes Medical Center, which does work for the
National Institutes of Health.

On October 1, 2001, just three days before the first reported anthrax case in Florida, the Hughes Center announced that a joint Harvard-Hughes team had
identified a mouse gene that made mice resistant to anthrax bacteria.

Professor Wiley had been in Memphis attending the annual meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. One the day
when he vanished, he had been at a banquet for the board at the Peabody Hotel, a short drive from the bridge, where his car was found.

The speculations on Wiley, if he was murdered, became louder on many internet discussion groups until December 2001, when his dead body was suddenly
found on December 22nd 2001.

Once again, his case was not publicly discussed in the mainstream media.
More odd, his body was found, snagged on a tree, nearby a miltary hydroelectric plant in Vidalia, La., about 300 miles south of Memphis.
The Shelby County medical examiner identified the body (-> Smith, O.C).

All for a sudden, the FBI started now to investigate the case.

Then, almost three months later, on January 14th 2002, they changed the official explanation to an "accident", based on some obscure paint, then found on
his car: "yellow paint marks on Wiley's car door indicated that he may have hit a construction sign".
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20020114_789.html

Wiley's case contained more oddities:

It took him only 40 days to "swim" in the missisippi river (with its many curves) and then already has been found.
But he swam very slow, 7.5 miles a day.
However due to geomorphological statistics, the Missisippi River streams with an avarage tempo of 260-280 stream miles.

Source : http://www.vulcanmat.com/southern/web_maps/riveryards_map.htm

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So it's plausible, that a dead body needs only 2 days from Memphis to Vidalia.

Natchez Democrat reported, that his dead body was found by workers of the military Murray Hydroelectric Station.
This power plant is part of the Catalyst Vidalia Corp., a subsidiary of Catalyst Energy, with the help of general partner with Dominion Capital Inc., an
affiliate of Virginia Power, as a limited partner.
Source: http://www.dom.com/news/archive/TempPress/fc.html

The plant was supported by the US Government, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and by the Military and the US Army Corps of Engineers.

It was built with the help of Raytheon (->) Engineers & Constructors, a big national weapon company.

Conflicting articles reported, that Wiley was found in a trash rack of this Power Plant.
When Wiley's story became more famous on the internet, Ian Gurney (->) reported as one of the first journalists at www.caspro.com, that already 5
BioScientists died under strange circumstances. Other listed later until 10-13 different cases.

Among them Dr. Benito Que (->), Dr. Don C Wiley, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik(->), a former microbiologist for Biopreparat(->), the Soviet
biological-weapons production facility, Dr. Robert M. Schwartz (->) and Set Van Nguyen (->).

Williams, Kenneth
In July 2001, FBI agent Kenneth Williams released the so called "Phoenix-Memo", in which he warned about suspicious activities by Middle Eastern men at
an Arizona flight school.

But this memo wasn't made public and classified until early May 2002.

Then it came out, that another FBI agent, Michael Kennedy did not prioritize this memo and was ignored by FBIHQ leader Dale Watson (-> ex-CIA),
Robert J. Chiaradio and the manager of the office, Dave Frasca (->), who ignored another warning by FBI agent Coleen Rowley (->), too.


Another email, forwarded to FBI-terror specialist John O' Neill (->) didn't help avoiding the attack, too.

O' Neill was forced to leave the FBI and started a new job as security chief in the Twin Towers. where he died on September 1th.

On May 14th, 2002, it was revealed that the memo cited Osama bin Laden by name and suggested that his followers could use the schools to train for terror
This "bombshell" led to the confession of President Bush, that he had prior knowledge on an attack since at least August 6th, 2002 (-> Bush knew).

Williams case opened a series of independent articles, which basically proved, that the US government let the Sep11th- attack happen on purpose (->

On September 20th, 2002, Williams repeated his accusations against former FBIHQ-boss Dale Watson.

Though hidden by a screen in new 911-hearings, his identity was leaked to the press.

In these second 911-hearings, Williams revealed, that he knew thirteen days before Sep11th on August 29th, 2002, that "someone Will Die".
This info circulated in an e-mail in which he accused the NSLU:

"...Thirteen days before the Sept. 11 attacks, a frustrated FBI agent warned headquarters that "someday, someone will die" after he was denied permission to
pursue a man who would become one of the hijackers. Let’s hope the [FBI’s] National Security Law Unit will stand behind their decisions then, especially
since the biggest threat to us now, UBL, is getting the most ‘protection"

Williams spoke about Khalid al-Mihdhar (->), that "we had talked about for three months"

After Williams accusations on Sep21st 2002, only three days later Reuters reported on a bizarre detail:
"FBI officials in New York knew that several associates of Osama bin Laden had trained at U.S. flight schools, but believed the al Qaeda leader needed
pilots to transport goods in Afghanistan, a congressional investigator said on Tuesday.."

'Superstar' FBI Agent Ignored

"He is one of the sharpest agents I have ever met," said former FBI agent Ronald Myers, a constable in Maricopa County, Ariz. "He's a superstar. ... Anyone
in FBI management who wouldn't take what Ken Williams said seriously is a fool."

Williams is a former San Diego beat cop who joined the FBI about 10 years ago.

"He was a great cop," said retired FBI agent Roger Browning, one of Williams' first FBI supervisors.

Williams served under Browning for about five years on the FBI's SWAT team in Phoenix, and showed the brains as well as the brawn for being a topnotch
agent. "He was very understanding and very savvy and almost a mentor to the younger agents on the SWAT team," Browning said.

"...Ken Williams, was concerned by the students' affiliation with Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed's group because the sheik had been involved with a fatwa —

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an Islamic call to action — that suggested airports as one of several legitimate attack targets in the United States, officials told The Associated Press..."


Wilson, Robert Anton

Author and social philosopher (The Universe Contains A Maybe).
Supporter of political power to the people by way of the Internet.

Asked on his opinion on the war on terrorism, he responded:

The people who are running it, they're not trying to win. They know they can't win; they just want to keep the war going because it makes money for

Wilson criticises, that more and more people lost their attention span
or have no standard to judge anymore:
"So they judge by whomever they heard speak most recently!
“Oh that must be the truth, I just heard it five minutes ago.”

Wilson is convinced, that there are thousands and thousands of conspiracies fighting with each other
and can't get along with far-Left and far-Right theories about one big conspiracy that runs everything.

Wilson believes, since the amount of information doubles yearly, society goes through a tremendous transformation.

(From "Disinformation: The Interviews" by Richard Metzger -> disinfo.com)

The CIA and DoD must have been fans of Robert Anton Wilson, because they constructed their gas-tank in Building 7 (->) on the 23rd floor.

Wingdings Hoax
(-> Q33NY)

Winokur, Herbert "Pug"

Herbert "Pug" Winokur, a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->) , is a veteran Washington and Wall Street insider, intimately tied to
military and intelligence hawks, wealthy elites and the Bush oligarchy.

In addition to his key facilitator/enforcer role at Enron, Winokur is the CEO of the private Capricorn Holdings. Capricorn is the lead investor of DynCorp
(->), and Winokur (who was the chairman of DynCorp's board of directors from 1987 to 1997) remains a DynCorp board member and chair of its
compensation committee.."

Winokur has the ability and the means to coordinate money flows in and out of offshore slush funds with little or no public supervision—as chairman and
CEO of Capricorn Holdings, Inc., a "private investment company" and managing general partner of three Capricorn Investors Limited Partnerships
"concentrating on investments in restructure situations." That's code for "bottom feeding" on so-called "distressed" properties.

As far as DynCorp is concerned, though, there's Winokur's pal, Dudley Mecum, DynCorp director since 1988, who just happens to be the managing director
of Winokur's Capricorn Holdings Inc., as well as CitiGroup, the New York banking conglomerate, convicted of serial money laundering and other criminal

Herbert "Pug" Winokur (ENRON, DynCorp, Capricorn Holdings)

Created in January 2003, endorsed by 100 hollywood actors, former US officials and war veterans.
Contact: [email protected]

(-> Artists against war)

Wisner Jr., Frank

(-> DynCorp)
(-> Greenberg, Maurice)
(-> Kroll)
(-> Hauer, Jerome -> Dark Winter)
(-> Terror-Scenarios

WMD- destruction witness

(-> Kamel, Hussein)

Wolfenson, James
(-> World bank)

Wolman, Carol Dr.


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On October 2nd, 2002, Counterpunch (->) released an article by Dr. Carol Wolman,
who described the US president as "nuts".

Diagnosing "Dubya", she came to the conclusion that he suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple
Personality Disorder) , Narcissistic personality disorder and as a "puppet", Dependent Personality Disorder, "difficulty making everyday decisions without an
excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others"

Dr. Carol Wolman is a board certified psychiatrist, in practice for 30 years.

Wolfowitz, Paul
Paul D. Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense.
He's one of Bush's national security campaign advisers and the dean of Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies in Washington.
Wolfowitz served as Defense undersecretary in charge of national security strategy and policy when Dick Cheney ran the Pentagon.

On December 7th, 2002, two activists, Saul Kanowitz and Anne Sadler, organizers with the Int'l ANSWER Coalition (->) unfurled a banner reading, "Stop
the War on Iraq." They chanted, "Stop the war against Iraq, No Blood for Oil." Seven other people stood in silence, protesting Wolfowitz, wearing T-shirts
with anti-war slogans.

From an original GROUND ZERO Forum article, originally released at Scoop:

"You can't wait until you have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that somebody did something in the past"
- Wolfowitz interview with the San Francisco Chron. Thursday, 28 February 2002, 1:38 pm

If anything needs no evidence, than it is the fact, that Wolfowitz wants to replace Donald Rumsfeld, he's even already in discussion.

Without any discussion it's a fact, that Wolfowitz wants a war against Iraq.

Wolfowitz is much louder than other supporters like Richard Perle or James Woolsey and was even in Turkey (->) working on new allies for this plan.

If this is so obvious, then when why not speculate about the possibility that he wanted a war against the Taliban before Sept 11th as well?

Wolfowitz is currently Deputy Secretary of Defense, therefore the number two man at the Pentagon since 2000 .

For the last eight years, Dr. Wolfowitz has served as Dean and Professor of International Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International
Studies (SAIS) of The Johns Hopkins University.

Paul Wolfowitz is a good friend of current NYC's mayor Bloomberg, who was his boss for a while when he was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of

From 1989 to 1993, Dr. Wolfowitz served as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy in charge of the 700-person defense policy team that was responsible to
Secretary Dick Cheney for matters concerning strategy, plans, and policy. During this period Secretary Wolfowitz and his staff had major responsibilities
for the reshaping of strategy and force posture at the end of the Cold War.

For four years (1973-77) he was in the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, working on the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and a number of nuclear
nonproliferation issues.

There is not much known about where Paul Wolfowitz was between September 10th and 11th,
but he was in touch with Dick Cheney who gave the okay to shoot-down Flight 93.

Wolfowitz: "in fact we were already tracking in on that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania"

The question is whether he was in touch with Donald Rumsfeld that day too.
According to Veronica Clarke, spokesman of the Pentagon, Rumsfeld was "on the phone" with someone after they saw on TV how the second plane hit the
World Trade Center.
But no-one started the command to evacuate the Pentagon - why?

It is still an open question if he was in contact with General Myers and/or the commanding officer of NORAD that day, General Ralph Eberhart.

Army Gen. Henry Shelton, was "somewhere over the Atlantic" en route to Europe when the attacks occurred, and Myers wasn't in the Pentagon, too.
"...Myers said he was on Capitol Hill that morning in the offices of Georgia Sen. Max Cleland to discuss his confirmation hearing to become chairman. While
in an outer office, he said, he saw a television report that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.
"They thought it was a small plane or something like that," Myers said.
So the two men went ahead with the office call.

Meanwhile, the second World Trade Center tower was hit by another jet. "Nobody informed us of that," Myers said. "But when we came out, that was
obvious. Then, right at that time, somebody said the Pentagon had been hit."

Somebody thrust a cell phone in Myers's hand. Gen. Ralph Eberhart, commander of U.S. Space Command and the North American Aerospace Defense
Command, was on the other end of the line "talking about what was happening and the actions he was going to take."

What did Rumsfeld, Myers and Wolfowitz say to each other and at which time?
On 9/13, General Richard Myers appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee for his confirmation hearing as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. He was asked some pointed questions regarding the military response (or lack there of) on 9/11.

He contradicted himself several times, indicating that in two days time, he really couldn’t account for the military’s performance. Either this or he was

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The Senate Committee Chair (Carl Levin, D-MI) offered more than once to take Myers testimony during the closed-door portion of the hearing, evidently in
an effort to keep the General from embarrassing himself any further. Myers appointment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs breezed right on through.

General Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s commanding officer on 911, testified before the same committee on 10/25/01. By this time the military officials were all
pretty much following the same line – the incompetence theory.

They also, however, should have been able to answer one simple question:
“At what time did the FAA notify you that there was a problem?”
Eberhart said he didn’t know and passed the buck to the FAA.

What was Wolfowitz’s role on Sep11th?

How much did he know on September 10th and how far did he plan the war in Afghanistan before Sept 11th, together with Shelton and Woolsey?"
"...assumptions that went into military plans on September 10th just don't apply any more.."

As Newsweek found out, the Pentagon, was on high alert on September 10th and told their employees not to take the plane on the following day.

But the Pentagon had enough time for the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, who gathered in Pentagon Conference Room 5C1042.
This civilian advisory committee, whose members have the protocol status of three-star generals, monitors the concerns of women in uniform.

And what was the topic of discussion on the eve of the worst attack in U. S. history?
"After briefings from representatives of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard, DACOWITS, as the committee is known, issued a
formal request for more information on what they deemed a matter of paramount military significance: breast-feeding."

On the next day the first hijack was already known at around 8 AM. It's very strange, that this information didn't reach the Air Force in time.

What did Wolfowitz do that time? Why was NORAD not activated?

From the standard line about NORAD:

“The mission of NORAD had been to look for enemies from without, assuming that any aircraft taking off from the U.S. is friendly in origin.”

Wolfowitz, a native of New York and a graduate of Cornell University, immediately said after the attack in a BBC Interview, to "end" states sponsoring or
harbouring militants but was speaking about Iraq.
"This is not an Islamic act that was conducted. If I'm not wrong, there are only two significant figures in the Muslim world who have praised this attack,
Saddam Hussein being one and the leader of Hamas being the other" .

Wolfowitz didn't care much about the official version, he created his own one, which still exists:
that there are ties between bin Laden and Iraq.

Wolfowitz manipulates official statements by Washington and in one case,

Colin Powell was very angry about it.

On October 7th, 2001, when the war against the Taliban started, Wolfowitz manipulated a letter of UN-Ambassador John Negroponte (who was involved in
the Iran-Contra affair) and added, that other strikes against Iraq, Syria or Sudan might be possible.

Did Wolfowitz let the attack happen on purpose?

Wolfowitz Cabal
Group around Paul Wolfowitz (->) , James Woolsey (->) , Richard Armitage (->) , Richard Perle (->) , Robert Zoellick (->).

Woods, James
Actor James Woods, who was a friend of FBI anti terror specialist O'Neill (->) , claimed in September 2001, that he saw "some strange muslims on a flight
the week before 911 and "...after the terrorist attacks, the FBI met with Woods."


In 2002, Woods was offered to play NY-Mayor Guiliani in a TV movie production.

Woodward, Bob
Watergate-journalist, who ignored to investigate Sep11th.

In November 2002, Woodward released his book "Bush At War", which included some interviews with President Bush.

Woolsey, James
From an GROUND ZERO Forum article, originally released at Scoop:

"Recruit spies inside terrorist organizations if you can't recruit people with some kind of a violent past.."
James Woolsey, September 11th

Many people claim, that ex-CIA director Woolsey had so much insider information, that it seems very unrealistic to claim he wasn't able to connect the dots
of all these early warnings before Sep. 11th and didn't warn the highest levels of Pentagon and the White House to prevent the attacks.
Some even think, he is member of the so-called shadow government, "to ensure survival of federal rule after catastrophic attack", the existence of which

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was confirmed by Bush on March 1st, 2002.


But what are the goals of this shadow government? Did Woolsey have personal interest in letting the attacks happen on purpose?

Woolsey has a long experience with the US government. He is a close friend of Richard Armitage, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, a group called the
“Wolfowitz Cabal” under Reagan and Bush I. Woolsey has a lot of conflicts of interest.

R. James Woolsey was the director of Central Intelligence from 1993-95. He served as an ambassador and United States representative to the Negotiation
on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Vienna from 1989-91.

Woolsey served as the undersecretary of the Navy from 1977-79, and was general counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services from 1970-73.
In addition, he was an advisor to the U.S. delegation for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I) in Helsinki and Vienna, an analyst with the Office of
the Secretary of Defense and National Security Council staff, and a captain in the U.S. Army.

Woolsey was a delegate at large at the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and Space Arms Talks (NST).

In the private sector, he has served as director of Martin Marietta, as well as British Aerospace, Fairchild Industries, Titan Corporation, USF&G, Sun
Healthcare Group Inc., Yurie Systems Inc and DynCorp, where ENRON executive Herbert S. "Pug" Winokur is on the board as well.

DynCorp, according to Alex Cockburn and Jeff St. Clair, is the nation's twenty-second largest defense contractor with 1998 U.S. Government contract
revenues of $475 million. DynCorp, which currently has between 300-600 contracted employees in Colombia, is performing functions like crop eradication
(using defoliants – similar to those used in Vietnam), to sophisticated aerial reconnaissance, to combat advisory roles training military and possibly even
paramilitary forces.

As noted by highly credible writers such as Peter Dale Scott, Col. Fletcher Prouty and even the legendary "retired" CIA executive Ted Shackley in his book
The Third Option, the use of private corporations, whether directly owned by CIA as "proprietaries" or not, is a common practice for the extension of U.S.
military and diplomatic power.

James Woolsey, who now describes himself as a "private citizen," is the man who was very early on entrusted with investigating Iraqi involvement in the
September 11 attacks and anthrax outbreaks.
He perpetuated the incompetence theory of the Sep. 11th attacks. Does that implicate him as well? That seems very unrealistic.

Woolsey is a master strategist. It is well known that he wanted a war against the Taliban for years, but was even more interested in a war against Iraq. The
Iraqi National Congress, the exiled group that opposes Saddam Hussein, said in October 2001 that it held meetings in London with Mr Woolsey.

Administration sources have said his trip was funded and approved by Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy Defense secretary. But Woolsey made no comment about
the exact nature of his brief. He told The Telegraph: "I was in London and that's it."

Woolsey supported the story, that Mohammad Atta met an Iraqi diplomat in Prague.
This was obviously based on rigged information.
However Woolsey said, "I doubt very seriously if this was simply a social relationship or that they liked to drink Czech beer together." and expressed this in
Pentagon's Top Advisor Richard Perle’s paper Daily Telegraph, owned by Perle’s company Hollinger Inc.

Woolsey participated in various Terror Scenario war games (->).

On Jan. 22, 2000 he participated in a CFR Project run as a war-game simulation at its Manhattan headquarters. For the simulation, the CFR enlisted 75
people, including bankers, former Treasury Secretaries, and former State Department officials.

Participants were divided into four teams, sent into four rooms, with the ability to communicate with each other and with a command headquarters through
the computers.

In May 2000, Woolsey participated in a bioterrorism exercise at Andrews Air Force Base.
He played the CIA director. This event was organised by the Hopkins Center, in collaboration with the ANSER Institute for Homeland Defense, the Center
for Strategic and International Studies and the Oklahoma Memorial Institute for the Study of Terrorism.

From July 12-13, 2000 he was part of yet another CFR "conference" called "The Next Financial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact".

This was played out before a high-powered audience of 250 people, comprised largely of bankers, investors, corporation officials, and policymakers, mostly
from the United States, or from Europe, and revolved around the possibility that the U.S. stock market, and potentially the world financial system would
undergo a melt down.

Woolsey knew about the Bio Terror Scenarios organized by Dr. Inglesby (Johns Hopkins Institute) almost simultaneously, in St. Louis and Atlanta (June 15
and 16, June 26 and 27, 2000).

Finally Woolsey particpated in the biggest Terror Scenario, called Dark Winter, once again developed by Dr. Inglesby (John Hopkins), which took place on
June 22-23rd 2001
In Dark Winter Woolsey "played" the director of the FBI.

Woolsey knew exactly, what the United States could expect very soon. He still had enough contacts at the CIA. But maybe it was a conflict of interest which
stopped him from doing anything.
Wooolsey is partner of the law firm Shea and Gardner, which represents Arthur Andersen LLP, Ernst & Young, General Electric and Lockheed-Martin,
two more corporates with a huge interest in a "war against terrorism".

Shea & Gardner (->) was founded in 1947 by Francis M. Shea and Warner W. Gardner, both of whom had served with distinction in the Roosevelt and
Truman Administrations. http://www.sheagardner.com/FSL5CS/Custom/home.asp
Woolsey is a Warhawk.

Woolsey was once appointed by President Reagan as Delegate at Large to the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and Nuclear and Space
Arms Talks (NST). Woolsey is presently still a member of the boards of directors, or boards of managers, of: Linsang Partners, LLC; BC International

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Corporation; Fibersense Technology Corporation; Invicta Networks, Inc.; DIANA, LLC; Agorics, Inc.; and Sun HealthCare Group, Inc. Member of the
Board of Governors of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange.

But with all his connections, his only response in a PBS interview on September 11th was: "Well, they may well have had some kind of indication that
something was going to happen." http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/terroristattack/intelligence2.html

...this seems to be bogus. In the same interview he said something else rather strange:
"...in terrorist groups, there isn't anybody except people who want to be terrorists. So it cuts back on your ability to recruit spies inside terrorist organizations
if you can't recruit people with some kind of a violent past.."

How does this fit with the history of the Taliban, which was created with the help of the CIA and ISI?
It seems like a Freudian slip , when the CIA confirms something like this: "U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda ...the terror group, but the intercepts and field
reports didn't specify where or when a strike might occur.."

Woolsey definitely knew about these CIA moles.

Did he let the attack happen on purpose?
If so, under whose direction or influence?"

World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)

Due to many investigators, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) based in Riyadh,
was linked to Abdullah Bin Laden (->), one of the relatives of Usama Bin Laden.

The FBI had reason to suspect WAMY for international terrorism. President Bush ordered the FBI to back off from investigating Abdullah or WAMY or the
other members of the Bin Laden family during 2001.


As Greg Palast (->Investigations, blocked) revealed,

"Newsnight has obtained evidence that the FBI was on the trail of other members of the Bin Laden family for links to terrorist organisations before and after
September 11th.

This document is marked "Secret". Case ID - 199-Eye WF 213 589. 199 is FBI code for case type. 9 would be murder. 65 would be espionage. 199 means
national security. WF indicates Washington field office special agents were investigating ABL - because of it's relationship with the World Assembly of
Muslim Youth, WAMY - a suspected terrorist organisation. ABL is Abdullah Bin Laden, president and treasurer of WAMY..."


World Bank Group

The World Bank Group, with the help of the World Bank Institute, is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. In fiscal year 2002, the
institution provided more than US$19.5 billion in loans to its client countries.

The institutions that comprise the World Bank Group are IBRD (http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/backgrd/ibrd/ ), IDA
(http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/backgrd/ibrd/http://www.worldbank.org/ida/ ),
IFC (http://www.ifc.org/ ), MIGA (http://www.ifc.org/http://www.miga.org/ ) and ICSID
(http://www.ifc.org/http://www.miga.org/http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/ ).

In late 2002, the World Bank released a book called "The Right to Tell - The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development"
(http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/righttotell.html ),
which explained, how a "free press can reduce poverty and boost economic development in poor countries but the success of newspapers, radio and TV
stations in spurring development depends on their independence, quality, and their ability to reach a wide audience."

In 1999, the World Bank's Economic Development Institute, the Bank's external training arm which was founded in 1955, merged with the Bank's Learning
and Leadership Center thereby adding to its work program the training of Bank staff. A year later the Institute's name was changed to the World Bank
Institute (WBI).

WBI programs were offered in 149 countries in 2000.

The Institute's head office is in Washington, D.C. WBI has field offices in China and the Russian Federation.

Collection of Sep11th-related material.

Worldwide Attack Matrix

(-> Shelton, Henry H.)
(-> Tenet, George)

Wright, Robert
In Fall 2001, ex-FBI agent Robert Wright started to accuse the US Justice Department,
that they had blocked his early warnings (->) on a pending attack on the United States.

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Already in Summer 2001, Wright asked former Top Prosecutor David Schippers (Chicago attorney who was the House Republicans' counsel during
President Bill Clinton's impeachment) for help,
who himself tried to reach John Ashcroft (->) for weeks- without any success.

In March 2002, Robert Wright, in the meantime supported by watchgroup Judicial Watch (->),
gave a press conference on C|Span, announcing a lawsuit.


However his case had been ignored in the US Congress and Mainstream Press.

Finally, in May 2002, when other early warnings of FBI agents became popular (Phoenix-Memo, Kenneth Williams ->, Colleen Rowley->), the Washington
Post wrote about Wrights lawsuit against the FBI.

Wright accused the FBI of violating his First Amendment rights by prohibiting him from making his complaints public.

He had written a 500-page manuscript titled "Fatal Betrayals of the Intelligence Mission",
which he tried to release as a book in October 2001.

The FBI blocked the release of this book.

Special Agent Wright was already taken off a Hamas investigation in August 1999.

Wright's lawsuit was filed one day after the FBI was chastised by US Congress for failing to more aggressively look into a July 2001 recommendation from
its Phoenix field office that U.S. aviation schools should be canvassed for Middle Eastern men seeking flight training.

Schippers, his lawyer, later leaked to the press, that Wright was even one of 10 FBI agents,
who knew time and place of the pending attacks on Twin Towers and Pentagon.

On September 11th, 2002, Judicial Watch released updates on the case of Robert Wright.

Now it was reported, that Wright was the only FBI agent to seize terrorist funds (over $1.4 million) from U.S.-based Middle Eastern terrorists using federal
civil forfeiture statutes, prior to the September 11th attacks.

The original source of the funds was Yassin Kadi (->), a Saudi businessman,
who was reportedly a financier of Osama bin Laden.

Wright pointed to recent misconduct and falsifications of wiretap warrant applications by FBI agents (signed-off by the former FBI Director, Louis Freeh
->) to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court.

Prior to September 11th, SA Wright alleged FBI intelligence agents lied and hid vital records from criminal agents for the purpose of obstructing his criminal
investigation of the terrorists in order to protect their “subjects,” and prolong their intelligence operations.

Wrights accusations sounded similar like of John O'Neill (->), who dramatically died im the Twin Towers, after he resigned from his job at the FBI only a
few weeks before.

Wright continued to claim, that ITU’s (International Terrorism Unit) incompetence and repeated failures to support criminal investigations contributed
directly to the "deaths of five Americans".
The FBI continued to illegally refuse the release of SA Wright’s 500 page manuscript, Fatal Betrayals of the Intelligence Mission.

In fact, the FBI refused to turn the manuscript over to Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Vice Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Commitee, charged with investigating
the FBI’s intelligence failures.


Judicial Watch released parts of Wrights book in "Fatal Neglect - A Judicial Watch Publication"

FOX TV on Wright:
Only on Fox News’ “Fox Wire” with Rita Cosby 10:00 p.m. ET, Saturday, June 1st

"FBI Whistleblower, Special Agent Robert Wright reveals rampant FBI negligence and obstruction of counter terrorism criminal investigations involving
Hamas & al-Qaida that could have prevented the September 11th terrorist attacks"

In March 2003,NY POST-columnist Daniel Pipes (->) wrote on on Robert Wright and his sabotaged investigation on Gamal Abdel-Hafiz (BMI Inc.) and
asked: "When will the FBI permit Wright to speak freely about these matters?"
WSWS stands for World Socialist Web Site.
They supported the 911Skeptic Scene with mirrored articles like
"Was the US government alerted to September 11 attack?" by Patrick Martin (->)

WSWS later supported the Anti-Iraq war movement

("Political strategy to oppose war against Iraq")
The website of WSWS was established in 1998 in Oak Park, Michigan by Mehring Books.

(-> Hufschmid, Eric)
(-> Plaguepuppy)

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(-> 2Much BS)

(-> Twin Topwers)


WTC-Cleaner died
WTC Cleanup Worker Died (February 2002)

(-> Collapse, Twin Towers)

Many websites had been influenced by photos, who implied that an unidentified object on Sep11th at the WTC was an extraterrestrial object.
Others claimed, it was a missile.

A few supported the possibilities, that the "missile" was in fact the mircowave weapon system "thermobarics", shot out of the Building 7,which later collapsed
under strange circumstances.

While many photos based on photo manipulations (japanese UFO-animation),

many websites continued to insist on a extraterrestrial or military object.

D.E. Alexander claimed, that there had been an UFO already on July 24th 2000.

Realufos was established in May 2002 in Coral Springs, Florida.

Alexander was a supporter of Sollog.com, who was outed as a fraud.
Sollog was created in 1998 in Coral Springs, Florida
Sollog is in reality disinfo and hoax specialist

Wurmser, David
(-> Feith, Douglas Jay)

World War Three. Many think, that Sep11th was a pretext for WW3 and compared this event with the Reichstagsbrand of the Nazis.

(-> Anti-War Movement)


How many detainees in Camp X -Ray came from Al-Quaeda?

On September 11th, 2001 the XPDRS were reportedly turned off.

** XPDRS= expanded Deficiency Reporting System (or Diagnostic/Retrieval Systems Inc?)

Also known as Deficiency Reporting System.

(-> Camp X-Ray)
(-> Guantanamo Bay)

(-> Blogspot.com )
(-> Cultdeadcow.com)


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Attack on USS Cole- what's the oil connection of Yemen (->)?

In March 2002, YellowTimes columnist John Chuckman released his article
"'Footprints in the dust: signs of connections between CIA and WTC attack'',
in which he mentioned his "strong suspicion that the flight school in Florida where one of the terrorists, Mr. Mohamed Atta, trained likely had connections to
the CIA."

YellowTimes released many different Sep11th-related articles in 2001-2002.

YellowTimes is an online news/opinion publication,

which includes the "Power and Interest News Report".

It was created by publisher Erich Marquardt, in October 2000, "with the goal of opening another window onto the world".

YT has an own Middle East Editor, Gabriel Ash.


YellowTimes.org was created in June 2001 in Glenview, Illinois by Erich Marquardt.

Yemen connection
On September 11th, 2002, Yemen's oiltanker Limburg (with ties to France) exploded.
It was expected to have great impact on Yemen's economy as well as its territorial seawaters

(-> USS Cole)

(-> Yemen/Oil)

Due to Yementimes from October 27th 2002, Yemen (which borders Israel)
has large quantities of oil and gas and therefore great oil exploration potential across the republic.

Oil Deputy Minister Abdulmalik Alama explained in an interview, that the September 11th 2002 eplosion of the oil tanker Limburg gave insurance
companies chances to raise prices and therefore Yemen will not be able find buyers for the oil.

Alama participated in the autumn "Conference of the North", which included 1,200 oil Investment companies and manufacturers of oil equipment.

Yemen talked especially with Norway Oil Organizations.

(In 2002, Norway was the world's biggest operator of submarine gas pipelines and the world's second biggest exporter of oil. ->Norway)

In August 2000, Mou Shuling, Vice President of China's Petrochemical Corporation (= SINOPEC, established in July 1998) met already with ranking Yemeni
officials and discussed with them ways of boosting bilateral cooperation between Yemen and China.

Already in contact since 10 years, in April 1999 SINOPEC began with test drills in Yemen.

The first well drilled at Sea Block 53 for Dove Energy was an immediate success testing about 5,000 barrels of crude oil per day.


On October 12th, 2000 the US Navy Ship USS Cole was attacked by an explosion that tore a hole in the side of the warship when it apparently was rammed
by an unidentified rubber boat while the destroyer was in Aden, Yemen (Arabian/Persian Gulf) for a refueling stop.

Four U.S. sailors were killed in the incident.

This incident put further oil business of Yemen on hold. (->USS Cole)

(-> O'Neill, John)

Youssef, Ramsey
Ramsey Youssef was officially convicted for the first WTC bombing in 1993,
together with Wali Khan.

(-> Bojinka)


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Is the real Abu Zubaydah still alive?

Zack, Philip
(-> Aztlan.Net)

Zaeef, Abdul Salam

Former ambassador of the Talibans in Islamabad in 2001.
In an October 2001 interview, he said to journalists in Lahore,
that " Neither Osama nor the Talibans have nuclear weapons.
If we had , we would not have waited to use them against the enemies who caused such a destruction of mass against our people".

Source: www.skynet.be

Zapata was George Bush Sr.'s oil company, who was supported heavily in the CIA's early covert operations aimed at toppling Cuba's Fidel Castro.

Bush supplied two Zapata Oil exploration ships--the Zapata and the Barbara J.--for the CIA's abortive 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

George Bush Sr. made millions during the '50s and '60s Texas oil boom, and he made many friends, most notably James Baker, who became Bush's company
lawyer in 1963 after Zapata merged with Penn to become Pennzoil.

Pennzoil has ties with Halliburton (->) from 1994, as Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist based in Washington, found out:


"..pumping the oil from the Caspian Sea's Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli fields would not have been possible without the help of Kellogg Brown & Root (->), a
subsidiary of Halliburton that provides infrastructure and logistics support around the world to customers ranging from oil companies to the Pentagon.
Indeed, some of Ramco's top officials are veterans of Halliburton and close Cheney associates--such as Senior Executive Vice President Dan Stover,
Halliburton's former vice president for global operations under Cheney.

In 1994, Ramco partnered in the Azerbaijan operation with Pennzoil, a company that was created when South Penn Oil Company was bought by Dubya's
daddy's Zapata Petroleum Company (which itself had been launched with the help of a $50,000 investment from James Gammell).

In 1999, PennzEnergy company--the new incarnation of Pennzoil--was bought by Devon Energy of Oklahoma City. Although Ramco has sold its
concessions in Azerbaijan to Amerada Hess (directors of which have included Bush I Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady), Devon continues to play an
important role in oil production in the Caspian fields..."

Zero Hour
(-> Honegger, Barbara)
(-> NSA)

Zhawar Kills
(-> ToraBora)

Zinn, Howard
Howard Zinn (Corruption of Democracy and the War on Afghanistan), author and activist since the 60s.
Former bombardier in World War Two.

During 2001-2003, supporting the anti-war movement (->).


Contact: [email protected]

There are two different kinds of Zionism-Paranoia.
One group think, it might be anti-semitic to investigate about possible ties between the Sep11th attack and interests of Israel.
The other think, that it was a setup by Mossad, Shin-Beth or another unknown shadow organisation, the zionist conspiracy.

But the ties between Israel and the Sep11th story could only prove prior knowledge, nothing more.

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The Mossad already confirmed very early, that they warned the CIA and MI5 twice on an attack.

It can be assumed, that the classified story on the arrested spyring (Fox TV, Carl Cameron, frenchintelligence.com) only proved, that some agents observed
many hijackers and wondered, why they had been "allowed" to train at US-Air bases, military- and CIA related flight schools (-> Huffmann Aviation).

However, other minor stories had been indeed "hijacked" for anti-semitism and obvious Zionism-paranoia, but others tried to criticise Sharon only, accusing
him being a terrorist.

While ties of Lewis Eisenberg, Maurice Greenberg, Kroll Associates, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and a few others to Israeli government or even
Shin-Beth can't be denied, the other stories (ICTS/Boston Logan,Daniel Lewin/Flight 11, Odigo-Warning, Jerusalem Post report on Sep11th, Philip Zack and
Urban Moving Systems ->) had no legs, made even no sense in that context or just had been based on wrong facts.

The best summary gave the paranoiamagazine:


(Urban Moving Systems, arrested spyring, Daniel Levin, ICTS, Odigo, "4000 israelis")

(-> Al-Quaeda mock cell)

Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)

Zionism is described as a strategy to distract from an independent 911-commission in the United States.

One of the strongest supporters of a zionist conspiracy is Dr. Albert D Pastore Phd.

But other think different:

"Sharon "lacks the guts and the grace of the true Kamikaze".
He also "was not in charge when this operation began with the planting of "sleepers" around the US flight schools 5 or 6 years ago."


American Zionism The Real Problem- By Edward Said:

"This is the first article in a series on the misunderstood and misjudged role of American Zionism in the question of Palestine. In my opinion, the role of
organised Zionist groups and activities in the United States has not been sufficiently addressed during the period of the "peace process," a neglect that I find
absolutely astonishing, given that Palestinian policy has been essentially to throw our fate as a people in the lap of the United States without any strategic
awareness of how US policy is in effect dominated, if not completely controlled, by a small minority of people whose views about Middle East peace are in
some way more extreme than even those of the Israeli Likud."


At the end of 2002. Bush was not only attacked by various impeachment initiatives or lawsuits regarding Sep11th, but with a private case by Margie
Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas, too.

On December 2, 2002, she filed a lawsuit against him and stated, "on or about, October 26, 2000, an attempt was made to abduct Plaintiff (Schoedinger) by
three unknown assailants.

Because of the actions of these assailants, Sugar Land police officers were dispatched to the scene. In the end, no report was taken. The assailants were
treated respectfully and allowed to go free while Plaintiff (Schoedinger) was repeatedly and aggressively questioned."


The Bush Rape Story
Is the Media Ignoring Zippergate 2?

Z Magazine
(-> zmag.org)

Zmag.org was created in December 1997 by Z Magazine in Woods Hole MA
Connected to Noam Chomsky (->)

Zoellick, Robert

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Robert Zoellick and Stephen Halliday,
(all of whom served in senior national security posts in the Reagan and Bush administrations)

U.S. trade representative.

• Served on Advisory Council of Enron Corp, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Swarthmore College
Zoellick was a close associate of James Baker (->) , the former secretary of state and Treasury

Letter from AFL-CIO Director of Public Policy David Smith, to US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick concerning PhRMA's 301 Submission
March 2, 2001

(-> Wolfowitz Cabal)

Zogby, James
Dr. James J. Zogby is founder and president of the Arab American Institute (AAI ->), a Washington, D.C.-based organization which serves as the political
and policy research arm of the Arab American community. Since 1985, Dr. Zogby and AAI have led Arab American efforts to secure political
empowerment in the U.S.
Through voter registration, education and mobilization, AAI has moved Arab Americans into the political mainstream.

For the past three decades, Dr. Zogby has been involved in a full range of Arab American issues. A co-founder and chairman of the Palestine Human Rights
Campaign in the late 1970s, he later co-founded and served as the Executive Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

In 1982, he co-founded Save Lebanon, Inc., a private non-profit, humanitarian and non-sectarian relief organization which funds health care for Palestinian
and Lebanese victims of war, and other social welfare projects in Lebanon. In 1985, Zogby founded AAI.

In 1993, following the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian peace accord in Washington, he was asked by Vice President Al Gore to lead Builders for Peace, a
private sector committee to promote U.S. business investment in the West Bank and Gaza. In his capacity as co-president of Builders, Zogby frequently
traveled to the Middle East with delegations led by Vice President Gore and late Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown.

In 1994, with former U.S. Congressman Mel Levine, his colleague as co-president of Builders, Zogby led a U.S. delegation to the signing of the
Israeli-Palestinian agreement in Cairo.
Zogby chaired a forum on the Palestinian economy at the Casablanca Economic Summit in 1994. After 1994, through Builders, Zogby worked with a number
of US agencies to promote and support Palestinian economic development, including AID, OPIC, USTDA, and the Departments of State and Commerce.

Dr. Zogby is active in U.S. politics for many years.

Zogby was elected a co-convener of the National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Committee (NDECC), an umbrella organization of Democratic Party
leaders of European and Mediterranean descent. On September 24, 1999, the NDECC elected Dr. James Zogby as its representative to the DNC's Executive

A lecturer and scholar on Middle East issues, U.S.-Arab relations, and the history of the Arab American community, Dr. Zogby appears frequently on
television and radio. He has appeared as a regular guest on all the major network news programs. After hosting the popular "A Capital View" on the Arab
Network of America for several years, he now hosts "Viewpoint with James Zogby on Abu Dhabi Television, which can be seen Friday afternoons from
2:00-3:00pm EST.

Since 1992, Dr. Zogby has written a weekly column on U.S. politics for the major newspapers of the Arab world. The column, Washington Watch, is
currently published in 14 Arab countries. He has authored a number of books including two recent publications, "What Ethnic Americans Really Think" and
"Arabs: What They Believe and What They Value Most."

Dr. Zogby has testified before U.S. House and Senate committees, has been guest speaker on a number of occasions in the Secretary's Open Forum at the
U.S. Department of State, and has addressed the United Nations and other international forums. He recently received a Distinguished Public Service Award
from the U.S. Department of State "in recognition of outstanding contributions to national and international affairs."

Dr. Zogby is active professionally beyond his involvement with the Arab American community. He is a board member of the human rights organization
Middle East Watch and currently serves as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR->).


One of the employees of Zogby's Arab American Institute is Khaled Elgindy.

His brother is involved in the FBI-Insider trading (->) arrestments.

Zubaydah, Abu
Abu Zoubeida aka Abu Zubaydah, was named on the FBI's list of most wanted bin Laden lieutenants
(Beghal-C) before the CIA finally captured him at the end of March 2002 and started interrogatong him at an undisclosed location.

Many 911Skeptics thought in 2002, that his whole personality is based on fabrications and doesn't exist or died a long while ago.

"Zubaydah", while captured, confirmed that "the hijackers of Flight 93, the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, intended to slam the plane into the
White House.

But in conflicting reports he "denied any knowledge of the attacks, telling his interrogators:
"We don't kill innocent people...."

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When Zubaydah was arrested in Summer 2002, a few Indian papers pointed as a "supporter of Bin laden", might be not the real Abu Zubaydah.

South Asia Analysis Group (-> saag.org) came to the same conclusion:

"...Pakistani intelligence officials, while not disputing the US identification, continue to say that they are not 100 per cent certain. According to them, the man
identified by the US as Abu Zubaida also resembled Abu Hasham alias Abdul Latif alias Abu Amer Hashim, a Syrian..."

For bizarre reasons, Abu-Zubaydah (almost dead), later "warned" the FBI of an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC and confirmed a connection between
Ramsi Binalshib (->) and some of the hijackers.

At the time of this confirmation and the release of a new video including Binalshib, the NSA confirmed for the first time, that they translated another
telephone call on September 11th, which revealed information about a possible 5th plane (->) and a crash into the White House.

The code name of the White House had a different name from what was told in the "Binalshib"- video.

Zwicker, Barry
Barry Zwicker produced the first 911Skeptic film ever released on a public TV Channel,
named "Insight MediaFile" on Vision TV Monday, January 28 2002.

His Six-Part Series included a close-up of George Bush at Booker Elementary School (from the original video copy of the local broadcast), where one
exactly can see, how George Bush was just nodding 3, 4 times, when he heard about the 2nd attack on the World Trade Center.

This close-up version, which includes the disturbing nodding, was never shown again on National US TV.

Zwicker basically asked in his reports, "What Happened on 9/11 and why aren't the mainstream media asking that question?"

Media Critic Zwicker dared to suggest in his weekly commentary that the CIA, Pentagon and White House may be complicit in the horrendous events of
Sept. 11th, 2001.
That commentary was the first in a series on MediaFile, which was therefore the first current affairs TV program in Canada to raise this possibility.




Special Props to Sterling, BPilgrim, Cuiller, "Jack Riddler", JohnHorne, Extirpator, Dan Halper, Paul Thompson, Medienanalyse, Larry Shea, Red Sock aka
Ajw18, Matthias Broeckers,
Kyle Hence, Dulce_Decorum aka NASER, Tom Flocco, Carol Brouillet, Mark Elsis and Cynthia McKinney.

Special Respect to Kirsten Breitwieser, Julie Sweeney and Stephen Push.

Special personal thanks to DJ Charmaine, Courtney, Dana and Jaqueline.

Many thanks to JohnHorne, Anne (NYC), Sophia4Truth, KC, Wonk, De:bug, Cuiller, Theron, Joe, Missy Galore, Buck, Martin K., Jeff Rense, Erskine
(Business Talk Radio), my IRC chat room of JoeTampa, Cuiller, Joe NYC, Bob of 2600.com science group meetings, Eric Hufschmidt, my mom and many

Thanks to Amerikadansk, 2Much BS, Keinah, Plaguepuppy, Kephra (LBN-Section DU),

Devils Advocate NZL, Oblomov, William Pitt, NYC, "HansMeiser", many members of DU,
Dr. Khan, Marc Lab, Cosmicdot, HTuttle -and Rebecca

Props to Lenny of INN TV.

Greetings to Extirpator, Cuiller, Steefeb, Tanker, and many ex-WLIP chatters,

members of bigbrotherfanclub.com (TV Clubhouse)
In Memorium Rudy Jordache, "Rich men, poor men".

Quotes :
"Dostojewski of 911-Skepticism" (ENDIMION)
"smoking coincidences" (Lenny, INN TV)
"skepticlopedia" (S.W.)
"boring" (GF)
"Ewing2001 and Paul Thompson know maybe more about Sep11th than the CIA" (RedSock)


(Weblogs, News Portals, Uncensored News, "thinking outside the box",

activist-, progressive and investigative websites, anti-bushitas etc...:


478 of 481 3/18/03 1:01 PM

Global Free Press: Peircing The Veil Of Censorship http://globalfreepress.com/ewing2001/www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzer...

http://www.elfterseptember.info/ (Dr. Christian Guthart, Contact: [email protected])
http://www.garlicandgrass.org (Tony Brasunas, Bush Caught in a Lie About 9-11)
http://www.garlicandgrass.org/issue3/Bush_Lie_1.shtml (Contact: [email protected])

Tributes to the victims:



The "Dostojewsky of 911Skepticism" in an exclusive pre-release at GlobalfreePress.com:

"911Skeptics Unite -the encyclopedia" by Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 aka Testpod69 aka ?(Globalfreepress.com)
48 hours after the release, the financial mastermind of Sep11th, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, was "arrested".
(Shaikh Mohammed died in FBI October 2001-raid: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/DJ30Df01.html Robert Fisk questioned arrestment of
ISI-Shaikh Mohammed:
Read about Mohammeds disturbing ties to Standard Chartered Bank (Building 7/Dubai), Skeikh Saeed and the Pakistan Secret Service ISI.
Read, why the NSA will continue to spy on everyone to start the war against Iraq.
"911Skeptics Unite" is the ultimate alphabetical collection on smoking guns regarding Sep11th, evidence on the bogus war on terrorism, a handbook for
investigative, progressive and activistic proud americans and worldwide citizens.

You heard of some suspects and strange details, but forgot their name and context? You wonder about some new US-organisations and abbreviations, but
lost the info? You don't trust some members of the US-government, but forgot the link? You search for an investigative website? You wanna support a
pro-american peace-activist site, a pro-american impeachment site, you wanna fight for the first amendment? You wanna have a peaceful revolution?

"911Skeptics" can help out.

With 850 pages of keywords on Sep11th and its political aftermath, it is the biggest print collection ever on this topic.

"911Skeptics Unite" compiles every detail of the irregularities of the official story, obvious lies and fabrications (even confirmed by FBI and CIA) and
presents the most important key persons and projects of an investigative and progressive movement, who wants to have their old america back and tried to
stop the war on resources and regulating the energy prices.

"911Skeptics unite" is not only challenging the official story on the Sep11th- and anthrax attack,
it shows, how both originally had been connected with each other, facts the US Government and some corrupted CIA-members are refused to say.

But it's not only an alphabetical index, it is already the evidence for a growing movement against the WhiteHouse doctrin.

"911Skeptics Unite" quotes critical and patriotic voices out of the FBI, CIA and Pentagon against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Rice and their "advisors"

479 of 481 3/18/03 1:01 PM

Global Free Press: Peircing The Veil Of Censorship http://globalfreepress.com/ewing2001/www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzer...

Richard Perle or Jerome Hauer.

It compiles alphabetically every individual author, activist and website,

who was investigating on Sep11th so far and it refers to an endless collection of links from patriotic citizens who are scared of their own US-Congress,
which seemed to be controlled by one and the same party-no difference between democrats and republicans is allowed.

"911Skeptics Unite" presents a glossary of the political aftermath and possible pretext for Sep11th, which will show the corruption and lies of both democrats
and republicans.

It presents US Citizens, who want to have a peaceful revolution in their own country, stop racism, stop spying on their own citizens and declare peace with
the Middle East.

It brings short biographies, never revealed facts and documents, oppressed and disturbing insider details of leaders of corporate identity, oil-biopharmacy
and weapon industry, who really run the United States.

"911Skeptics unite" shows, how many thinktanks scripted parts of a possible Sep11th-scenario, before it occured, it lists all terror-exercises and early
warnings before Sep11th.

One conclusion is definitive: The "incompetence theory" is a big lie, the evidence against it too strong, the suporters so overwhelming, but ignored by the US
media, which is manipulated by US Military and self-brainwashed, ignoring impeachment- and peace movements of their own US-citizens and worldwide.

911Skeptics unite is based on the results and research of GROUND ZERO FORUM NYC,
established on Sep11th, 2001 at 8:53 AM.

-Key member ewing2001 of GZ was

banned at democraticunderground.com by the admin

-hacked in May 2002 shortlv after their 911Skeptics-forum in NYC,

a few days before Bush confirmed "prior knowledge" on Sep11th

-founding father of the 911 people's commission

-founding staff member of ShadowGovernment TV, New York, which merged in October 2002 with globalfreepress.com

-the results of the most important investigative files of GZ had been personally delivered to the United Nations, ShadowGovernment TV, Martin Luther King
III, Cynthia McKinney and various right- and leftwing projects or media (FreeRepublic.com, DER SPIEGEL, Green Party/Ralph Nader, FDNY, ConEdison,
various 911victims, Japanese TV, Norway TV, Business Talk Radio, Scoop NZL, Matthias Broeckers, Telepolis, CNN and many more...)


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