Proceedings of NCPCE-12
Proceedings of NCPCE-12
Proceedings of NCPCE-12
AbstractReactive power control through the static compensator (STATCOM) has gained wide attentions due to its
outstanding performance. But for a STATCOM with traditional
control strategies, unbalanced utility voltages will greatly affect
the performance of the STATCOM and, in severe cases, may even
cause the shutdown of the STATCOM for overcurrent protection.
This paper proposes novel control strategies to ensure normal
operation of STATCOM in three-phase three-wire systems when
severe system voltage unbalance occurs and, furthermore, to
mitigate voltage unbalance at the point of common coupling
(PCC) whether it is caused by the utility or load. The control laws,
operation principles, compensation characteristics, and operating
point optimization of the proposed control strategies are analyzed
and compared in detail. The power flow in the STATCOM and
corresponding dc-side voltage-control schemes for these control
strategies are also introduced. It is shown that the proposed
voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) strategy and modified
voltage-controlled voltage source strategy are valid for voltage
unbalance compensation, especially the VCCS strategy for low
rating under the same performance. Finally, the simulation and
experimental investigations were carried out with these three
parameter-optimized control strategies, respectively, for light and
heavy load conditions. The results verified that the current passing
through the STATCOM is under control and the voltage at the
PCC is more balanced than before compensation. The compensation performance of the STATCOM is thus proven satisfactory.
Index TermsControl strategy, point of common coupling
(PCC), static compensator (STATCOM), voltage-controlled current source (VCCS), voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS),
voltage unbalance.
TATIC COMPENSATOR (STATCOM) is an advanced reactive power compensator that has attracted more attention
in recent years [1][5]. It can be used to control power factor,
regulate voltage, stabilize power flow, and improve the dynamic
performance of power systems. STATCOM can also provide additional functions, such as harmonics compensator and load balancer, as a potential trend during the past decade [6].
In practical operation, one problem that STATCOM has to
deal with in utilities is system voltage unbalance [7][12],
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, Shaanxi, China 710049 (e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]).
compensation. But the model-based control algorithm is easily
influenced by system parameters and the control scheme is
rather complicated.
In this paper, STATCOM is operated to control reactive
power under normal situations. When severe supply voltage
unbalance occurs, STATCOM will be switched from reactive
power control to the voltage unbalance compensation function.
It can also be switched to compensate the asymmetrical current
of the load according to practical requirements. In this way,
the functions of the STATCOM are extended, which is also a
tendency in these years [6], [14][18]. This paper discusses
in detail how to mitigate the supply voltage unbalance at the
The configuration of the STATCOM is first introduced.
With this configuration, three control strategies for voltage
unbalance compensation are proposed: voltage-controlled
current source (VCCS) strategy, voltage-controlled voltage
source (VCVS) strategy, and modified VCVS strategy. For
each control strategy, the principle for unbalanced voltage
mitigation is analyzed in detail. To achieve the optimal performance, the parameter relationships are also investigated. With
the characteristic curves, the optimal operation point can be
located. At this point, the unbalanced voltages at the PCC and
the capacity of the STATCOM reach the smallest value at the
same time. Moreover, the power flow between the STATCOM
and the utility grid is also presented. And the control scheme to
keep the dc bus voltage constant is put forward. Finally, simulation and experiment tests under unbalanced supply voltages,
respectively, for resistive and diode rectifier load conditions
are shown. It is verified that the overcurrent phenomenon of
the STATCOM does not occur any more and the unbalanced
voltage at the PCC is greatly reduced than that before compensation. The compensation behavior of the STATCOM on the
system voltage unbalance is satisfactory.
Fig. 2. Single-phase equivalent circuit for the distribution system with VCCScontrolled STATCOM.
These signals are sent into a digital signal processor (DSP) control unit. In this paper, the control strategy is fully digitally implemented based on a TMS320F2812 DSP. And it does not require any additional analog-todigital or digital-to-analog conversion chips. The cost of the whole control system is very low,
but the reliability is comparatively high. Simultaneously, a touch
panel is introduced in the control system, and it is very convenient to operate the STATCOM and monitor the system status.
In three-phase three-wire systems, the line-to-line voltage
at the PCC does not contains any zero-sequence components.
Therefore, only the negative-sequence voltage is considered for
unbalance compensation. In this paper, all of the negative- and
positive-sequence quantities are denoted by subscripts and ,
respectively, and the formulation is based on phasor analysis.
A. VCCS Voltage Unbalance Mitigation Strategy and
Operating Point Optimization
In the VCCS voltage unbalance mitigation strategy, the
single-phase equivalent circuit of the power system is shown
, respectively, denote the fundamental
in Fig. 2.
positive- and negative-sequence voltage components of the
represent the current and voltage of
power supply.
is the voltage at the PCC.
Fig. 3. Single-phase equivalent circuit of the distribution system with a VCVScontrolled STATCOM.
Because there is no positive-sequence current flowing
through the STATCOM, the equivalent current is derived as
If the load
is not considered
, the unbalanced
voltage at the PCC after compensation becomes
So for the VCCS voltage unbalance mitigation strategy, the
rating of the STATCOM is
Fig. 4. Relationship between U , I , S and rotating angel with three control strategies. (a) VCCS control strategy (k = 2). (b) VCVS control strategy
(k = 2:5, Z = 0:9 p.u.). (c) Modified VCVS control strategy (k = 1:5, Z = 0:2 p.u.).
Fig. 5. Characteristic comparison between the VCCS strategy and the VCVS strategy. (a) The relationship between I and U
U and U
. (c) The relationship between S and U .
in a general way,
Unlike the VCCS control approach, here not only negative-sequence current, but also positive-sequence current flows
through the STATCOM. They are, respectively, as follows:
In the same way, the capacity of the STATCOM can be evaluated according to
The relationships between
, , and are shown in
Fig. 3(b). If is purely inductive, it can be obtained that
is the optimum value because
, and are minimum at
the same time.
The condition is
Fig. 5 shows the characteristics comparison between the
VCCS strategy and the VCVS strategy with
as a variable
parameter. The equivalent current of the STATCOM with the
VCCS control is much smaller than that with the VCVS control. The equivalent voltage, however, is not the case. Thus, the
rating of the STATCOM becomes different under the same unbalanced voltage level. It is obvious that the VCCS mitigation
strategy is more favorable, as shown in Fig. 5(c).
C. Modified VCVS Voltage Unbalance Mitigation Strategy
In fact, the output voltage of the STATCOM in the VCVS
control scheme is only composed of the fundamental negative-sequence component, as shown in (16). Therefore, the
STATCOM is a short circuit for the positive-sequence voltage.
In order to prohibit the resulting large current from flowing
Fig. 6. Characteristic comparison between the VCCS strategy and the modified VCVS strategy. (a) The relationship between I and U
between U and U . (c) The relationship between S and U .
into the STATCOM and to ensure the PCC voltages at a permitted level, the inductance of the linking reactor between
the STATCOM and the grid must be very high, for example,
. On one hand, it makes the cost and volume
of the system increase greatly. On the other hand, the high
inductance deteriorates the unbalance mitigation capability of
the STATCOM. To solve this contradiction and to improve the
system performance in a reasonable manner, a modified VCVS
control strategy is proposed.
The control law for the modified VCVS strategy is as follows:
represents the fundamental positive-sequence
voltage at the PCC. The output positive-sequence voltage can
cancel with the positive-sequence voltage at the PCC; therefore,
it can eliminate the positive-sequence current flowing into the
STATCOM. Theoretically, the positive-sequence current of the
STATCOM will be
Since the negative-sequence component is the same as that in the
previous VCVS strategy, the unbalance compensation performance of the STATCOM is unchanged too. The only difference
is that the STATCOM outputs the positive-sequence voltage, besides the negative-sequence voltage. So the equivalent voltage
without the load becomes
Therefore, the rating of the STATCOM is
According to (1)
, , and are shown
The relationships between
is purely inductive,
is also the
in Fig. 4(c). If
, and
are minimum at
optimum value because
the same time.
Fig. 8. Simulation results with the VCCS control strategy (L = 0:3 mH). (a) Resistive load. (b) Diode rectifier load.
Fig. 9. Simulation results with the VCVS control strategy (L = 40 mH). (a) Resistive load. (b) Diode rectifier load.
Fig. 10. Simulation results with the modified VCCS control strategy (L = 0:3 mH). (a) Resistive load. (b) Diode rectifier load.
Fig. 11. Experiment waveforms under the VCCS strategy with rectifier load (f = 3:2 kHz). (a) Unbalanced PCC voltages without the STATCOM (t: 5 ms/div
u: 150 V/div). (b) Nearly balanced PCC voltages with the STATCOM (t: 5 ms/div u: 150 V/div). (c) Unbalanced load current without the STATCOM (t: 5 ms/div
i: 20 A/div). (d) Nearly balanced load current with the STATCOM (t: 5 ms/div i: 20 A/div).
Fig. 12. Experiment waveforms with the STATCOM under rectifier load (f = 3:2 kHz). (a) Nearly balanced PCC voltages with the VCVS control strategy. (b)
Nearly balanced PCC voltages with the modified VCVS control strategy. (a) t: 5 ms/div u: 150 V/div; (b) t: 5 ms/div u: 150 V/div.
modified VCVS control. It is verified by the simulation waveforms that undoubtedly the two strategies can mitigate the unbalanced voltages at the PCC under any load condition.
Furthermore, experiment investigations have been carried
out on an established reduced scale prototype STATCOM with
3.2-kHz switching frequency. The prototype is rated at 380
V/50 kVA. The unbalanced supply voltage is obtained through
a programmable ac source Chroma 6590, where
. Fig. 11 shows the PCC voltage and load
current waveforms before and after compensation. It is seen in
Fig. 11(a) that the voltage at the PCC is little distorted but highly
unbalanced originally. After the STATCOM is put into operation, the three-phase PCC voltage becomes almost balanced
as shown in Fig. 11(b). It means that the negative-sequence
voltage was almost fully compensated by the STATCOM with
the proposed VCCS control strategy. Fig. 11(c) and (d) are the
load current waveforms before and after the STATCOM works.
Fig. 12(a) is the voltage waveforms at the PCC with the
VCVS control strategy. Compared with Fig. 11(b), it is clearly
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