Economics of Money and Banking
Economics of Money and Banking
Economics of Money and Banking
Big Picture:
This course builds on my own background in the history of monetary economics and financial
economics, as developed in my first two books, The Money Interest and the Public Interest,
American Monetary Thought 1920-1970 and Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of
Finance. I locate myself in the distinctly American tradition of monetary thought that stretches
from AllynYoung to Alvin Hansen, Ed Shaw, and Hyman Minsky, all of whom engage in one
way or another with the great tradition of British central banking thought that stretches from
Walter Bagehot to Ralph Hawtrey, Richard Sidney Sayers, and Charles Goodhart. I have
included the writings of some of them in the reading list to introduce you to these traditions.
But this course is not about that past development. It is quite emphatically a course about the
present, and indeed about the emerging future. It is a course about money in a world of financial
globalization. The history of monetary and financial thought is a story about how each
generation had to rethink the underlying issues for themselves in order to make sense of the
conditions of their own time. So do we today. Our task is to work out the implications of
financial globalization for how we understand money, banking, and central banking.
To do that we start not so much with the tools of economics but rather with the testimony of
practical bankers themselves, whose business requires them to work out the implications of a
changing world for their own practice. One thing that my historical studies have taught me is
that the origins of monetary thought lie in concrete banking practice. There have always been
some practitioners who respond to an inner urge to write down what they know in the form of a
manual to teach others. Today these people can be found at central banks, the BIS and IMF, and
also inside the global banking system that comprises the infrastructure of financial globalization.
We will be reading and taking seriously these voices, but always with an idea to extract from
them some nuggets of wisdom we can translate into economics.
Micro means Fisher diagrammicro story about real interest rate, slope of budget
It is possible to teach money and banking as a course in applied macro, or applied micro.
Applied economic theory emphasis:
--micro, banks as firms, intermediation because of asymmetric info
--macro, foundations of the LM curve, money demand and supply
--monetary policy, credit channel and money channel
We will not however be making much explicit use of these analytical constructs until the end of
the course. As I say, we will be listening to bankers, trying to build up our own sense of the
system inductively.
The analytical backbone of the course is an accounting model, both micro and macro. For now it
is sufficient to start with micro, and thinking of every agent in the economy as a kind of bank, in
the sense that every agent needs to be attending to the daily inflow and outflow of cash balances.
Every agent has to worry about this, but only actual banks make a business out of worrying about
it. What is a bank?
Cash Reserves
Deposit Accounts
Other borrowing
Net Worth
Mortgage Backed Security Tranche
Interest Rate Swap
Credit Default Swap
Shadow Bank
Money Market Borrowing
Repurchase agreement
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Auction Rate Securities
Eurodollar Borrowing
Syllabus overview
A course in banking phenomena, not banks as legally defined institutions.
Four functions of banking
Clearing, market making, advance clearing, intermediation
I believe that understanding the payments system is the best starting place for understanding the
phenomenon of liquidity. Once we understand the phenomenon of liquid assets we are ready to
consider the phenomenon of liquid markets. Thus clearing and market making are the two
central functions that we will be concerned about before the midterm.
Four prices of money
Pardifferent types of money (currency, deposits) today
Interestfuture money (fed funds, Eurodollars, repo) future
Exchange rateforeign money
Price levelcommodities
Next week:
Lectures 2 and 3: Natural hierarchy, Monetary history
Reading: Young, prof at Harvard, American institutionalist, chapters in an encyclopedia written
in 1920s, new Fed, end of Sterling hegemony. Read it once over the weekend and then again
after next week lectures and discussion section.
Mehrling 9/14/2009
In such a world gold is the ultimate money because it is the ultimate international means of
payment. National currencies are a form of credit in the sense that they are promises to pay
gold. National currencies may be backed by gold, in the sense that the issuer of currency
holds some gold on hand, but that doesnt mean that these currencies represent gold or are at the
same hierarchical level as gold. When a currency is backed by gold reserves, it is still a promise
to pay, just a more credible promise to pay because the presence of reserves makes it more likely
that the issuer of currency can fulfill on the promise if called upon to do so. 2
Farther down the hierarchy, bank deposits are promises to pay currency on demand, so they are
twice removed promises to pay the ultimate money, and securities are promises to pay currency
over some time horizon in the future, so they are even more attenuated promises to pay. The
credibility of these promises is an issue here, just as in the case of national currencies, and here
as well reserves of the various instruments that lie higher up in the hierarchy can help to enhance
Mehrling 9/14/2009
In this hierarchy, where is the dividing line between money and credit? It is tempting to draw
the line between currency (and everything above it) as money, and deposits (and everything
below it) as credit. The source of this temptation is the institutional fact that currency is the final
means of settlement for domestic payments. Just so, for a bank settling its accounts at the end of
the day, currency or high-powered money is certainly the means of settlement.
But things look different farther down the hierarchy. For ordinary people like ourselves, bank
deposits are the means of settlement. Hence we might be inclined to view deposits (and
everything above them) as money, and securities as credit. This is more or less what most
modern textbooks mean when they speak of the money supply, although even here there is some
ambiguity which is reflected in the various definitions of money: M1, M2, M3 and so forth.
And things look different farther up the hierarchy as well. For a country settling its accounts at
the end of the day, national currency is of limited value. What other countries want is their own
currency, or the international means of settlement, which means gold in the case of a gold
standard, perhaps SDRs (Special Drawing Rights at the IMF) in the modern case. (The US is an
exception because of the international role of the dollar.)
The point to hold on to here is that what counts as money and what counts as credit depends on
your point of view, which is to say it depends on where in the hierarchy you are standing. Are
you thinking of the problem of international settlement, of bank settlement, of retail settlement,
or what? Best therefore not to reify the concepts of money and credit, and to rest instead with
the more general idea that the system is hierarchical in character.
That point established, I need to remind you that, even with four layers, the hierarchy weve been
talking about is much simpler than that in the real world. In the real world we see many more
layers, and finer gradations in the hierarchy. Just so, a minute ago I used currency and highpowered money as synonyms (four paragraphs up), but they are not actually the same thing.
(High powered money includes not only currency but also deposits at the central bank.) I also
treated the category of bank deposits as homogeneous but it is not--there are different kinds of
deposits, and also some deposit-like things (MMMF accounts) that are not the liability of any
bank at all. The category of securities is, if anything, even more heterogeneous, encompassing
promises of various maturities, credit quality, and so forth. All this just reinforces the point that
we want to avoid sterile debates about what is money and what is credit, and stand instead on the
point that the system is hierarchical in character.
So far we have been thinking about the hierarchy as a matter of the qualitative difference
between various financial instruments. It is illuminating to shift now and see the hierarchy from
the standpoint of the various financial institutions that issue the instruments.
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Central Bank
Private Sector
To keep things simple, I have noted only the instruments we have already been talking about, so
there are important entries missing: government debt as the most important asset of the central
bank, loans as an asset of the banking system, and securities as an asset of the private sector. For
present purposes, the important point to appreciate is that all of the instruments except gold
appear as both assets and liabilities. They are thus clearly all forms of credit. If we were to
consolidate all three balance sheets in order to treat the economy as a single aggregate entity, all
forms of credit would appear as both assets and liabilities, and hence cancel. Only gold would
remain because only gold is an asset that is no ones liability.
More generally, the difference between gold and other forms of money is the difference between
outside money and inside money, an analytical distinction first proposed by Gurley and
Shaw in their seminal 1960 Money in a Theory of Finance. Actually, Gurley and Shaw treated
currency as outside money and deposits as inside money because they aggregated only over the
private economy, not including the government sector. So from their point of view currency as
well as gold appears to be an asset that has no liability counterpart. In this course, by contrast,
we will typically be thinking about the entire economy, even the entire world economy, so all
financial assets will be inside, including currency. Once again, what counts as money and what
counts as credit depends on your point of view. In this course we are taking a global view.
To consolidate the idea of an inside asset, it may help to visualize the hierarchy as a symmetric
pyramid rising on a credit-to-money axis from a line centered on zero, so that net outstanding
credit at any level is zero. I place the peak of the pyramid at zero even though there is a positive
quantity of gold, simply to emphasize that that quantity is vanishingly small compared to the vast
edifice of credit below. From the point of view of the system as a whole, every liability is
someone elses asset. These credit forms cancel if we consolidate, but such consolidation misses
the entire point. Macroeconomic variables like interest rates and GDP are affected not by the
outstanding gross quantity of inside credit, and also by who is issuing it, who is holding it, and
where that credit lies in the larger money-credit hierarchy. (Standard macro models simplify by
focusing entirely on some measure of the outstanding quantity of money, which they usually
treat as an outside asset.) inside asset is pretty much everything except gold, because almost everything is someone's liability
Mehrling 9/14/2009
If we focus our attention on the hierarchy for any period of time, one thing becomes immediately
clear, which is that the hierarchy is dynamic. At almost any time scale you care to examine, it is
a system in motion. Focus your attention on daily clearing and settlement, on the business cycle
frequency, or on the longer term secular scale, and youll see constant flux: daylight overdrafts,
credit cycles, wars and depressions. At every time scale, we see expansion and contraction of
the hierarchy. As it expands, the hierarchy flattens and the qualitative difference between credit
and money becomes attenuated, but then the system contracts and the hierarchy reasserts itself.
At the business cycle frequency, the phenomena surrounding this contraction and reassertion are
grouped under the headings irrational exuberance in the expansion phase and financial crisis
in the contraction phase.
We can distinguish two sources of this fluctuation. First, and most simple, is the expansion and
contraction of the quantity of credit, which takes place at all levels of the system. Second, and
more subtle, is the fluctuation of the moneyness of any given type of credit. In this respect, the
quality of credit tends to increase during an expansion, and to decrease during a contraction. To
some extent we can observe this qualitative fluctuation directly as fluctuation in the availability
of credit to marginal borrowers. (More generally we observe fluctuating credit spreads between
the rates charged to qualitatively different borrowers, i.e. price.)
Mehrling 9/14/2009
Whatever the underlying cause of fluctuation, we can usefully think of it as involving a swing
from scarcity to elasticity and back again. At all times, the monetary system can be
characterized by the balance between these two dimensions.
The history of monetary theory is to a large extent comprised of a dialogue between two points
of view, often distinguished as the Currency School versus the Banking School, which
emphasize respectively the importance of scarcity and the importance of elasticity. From the
point of view I have been developing, both have part of the truth but neither has it all. Thus,
liquidity is at the same time both naturally scarce and naturally elastic. How can this be so?
The Scarcity of (ultimate) Money
The Elasticity of (derivative) Credit
Currency Principle
Banking Principle
The natural scarcity comes from the fact that agents at any particular level in the hierarchy
cannot by their own actions increase the quantity of the forms of money at a higher level than
themselves. Just so, governments cannot increase the quantity of gold, and banks cannot
increase the quantity of government currency. The availability of money thus serves as a
constraint that holds the system back in its attempts to expand.
The natural elasticity comes from the fact that agents at any particular level in the hierarchy can,
by their own actions, increase the quantity of forms of credit at their own level, and possibly also
below them. If you and I want to make a trade and you are willing to accept an IOU from me,
then we can trade and what makes the trade possible is an expansion of credit. The elasticity of
credit thus serves as an element of freedom that facilitates breaking loose from any constraint
that may be standing in the way of expansion.
Mehrling 9/14/2009
This natural elasticity applies to banks as well. By trading among themselves, banks can and do
break loose of the constraint of central bank reserves. The important point is that the system
involves at all times a balance between discipline and elasticity, with sometimes one and
sometimes the other serving as the more dominant feature.
I have used the word natural in my title, and now I want to explain why. I use it to emphasize
that the hierarchical character of the system, and its dynamic character over time, are deep
features of the system. The institutional organization of the monetary system is hierarchical
because of this underlying feature, not vice versa. That is to say, the hierarchy is not something
imposed from the top down, e.g. by the government or the central bank. Monetary systems are
naturally hierarchical, from the ground up. This is probably a controversial point of view, so I
had best be careful to explain what I mean. (I do not mean to suggest that the monetary system
is self-organizing in the sense meant by some Austrian thinkers, as Menger).
Rather I think of the institutional organization of the monetary system as inherently involving a
system of market makers at different levels of the natural hierarchy. The term market-maker
may be familiar to you from finance since a security dealer is a kind of market maker. A security
dealer stands ready to buy or sell a security at a given price (actually two prices, the buy-sell
spread) in terms of money. He does this by holding an inventory of both securities and money
(actually an inventory of credit instruments that provide access to inventories of securities and
deposits held elsewhere, i.e. repos and reverse repos).
I propose to think of banks as a special kind of security dealer that stands ready to buy or sell a
deposit at a given price (now only one price) in terms of currency. And I propose to extend the
idea also to the central bank which, under a gold standard, stands ready to buy or sell currency in
terms of gold. Both banks and central banks are thus like specialized types of security dealers.
Well develop this point in much more detail later on in the course.
For now, thinking of our simple hierarchy of money, the point is that there is a simple hierarchy
of market makers to go along with the hierarchy of instruments. And for each market maker,
there is an associated price of money. The prices in the simple hierarchy are three: the exchange
rate (the price of currency in terms of gold), par (the price of deposits in terms of currency), and
the rate of interest (the price of securities in terms of deposits or currency, assuming par). These
prices are the quantitative link between layers of qualitatively differentiated assets. At any
moment in time, markets makers are straddling two layers of the system, with one leg in one
layer and the other in another. More accurately, the two legs are the two sides of the marketmakers balance sheet.
Mehrling 9/14/2009
Market Maker
Central Bank
Exchange Rate
Banking System
Security Dealers
Interest Rate
If the market makers do their job well, we will observe continuous markets at the various prices
of money. In other words, the qualitatively differentiated hierarchy will appear as merely a
quantitative difference between various financial assets. It is this transformation from quality to
quantity that makes it possible to construct theories of economics and finance that abstract from
the hierarchical character of the system (as most do). But the hierarchical character remains, and
shows itself from time to time, especially when the market makers are not doing their job well,
such as during periods of financial crisis or under the extreme stress of war finance.
Even in less extreme times, fluctuation in the natural hierarchy shows up as strain on the market
making institutions. A narrowing of the hierarchy means an increased qualitative differentiation
between credit and money, and in the course of that differentiation there is bound to be pressure
on the quantitative price of credit in terms of money. Just so, interest rates can and do change to
reflect that stress, but that quantitative change is not necessarily equilibrating, and might just
make the strain worse. Further, the whole point of par is that it is a price that does not change,
and under a fixed exchange rate system the same is true internationally. The banking system
thus comes under stress as the natural hierarchy fluctuates because it is bound to defend the fixed
price between different layers of the hierarchy. Reserves are the first line of defense but, as we
shall see, not at all the only line of defense.
So far, I have been talking about market makers as a reactive bunch who respond to fluctuations
in the natural hierarchy that are outside their control. I have also been implicitly assuming that
their behavior is driven by the dictates of profit maximization. The whole idea of monetary
policy however is to intervene actively with some objective in mind other than profit
maximization. We can understand monetary policy as an attempt to manage the natural
fluctuation of the system for the general good, rather than for the profit of the central bank.
So for example at a time when the natural hierarchy is flattening, instead of waiting for a
financial crisis to reassert the scarcity of money, the monetary authorities might try themselves to
reassert the scarcity by raising the Fed Funds rate (taking away the punch bowl in the immortal
words of William McChesney Martin). Or, at a time when the natural hierarchy is very steep,
the monetary authorities might try to reassert elasticity by lowering the Fed Funds rate (pushing
on a string in the immortal words of John Maynard Keynes).
Mehrling 9/14/2009
Note here that the main policy instrument of the central bank is the overnight borrowing rate.
There can be considerable slippage between that rate and the longer term interest rates on which
important investment and spending decisions depend. One of the purposes of this course will be
get a better sense of the sources of that slippage.
Ive said that the central bank intervenes for the general good. What does it mean, the general
good? In this regard the ambitions of the monetary authority have shifted over time. The very
first central banks focused their attention simply on managing the hierarchy to protect par and
the exchange rate. If ordinary banks were having difficulty defending par, the central bank could
help them out by providing additional reservesthis is the essence of the classic lender of last
resort function. On the other hand, if the central bank itself was having difficulty defending the
exchange rate, it could raise the interest rate in order to attract international reserves (gold).
Clearly both of these interventions are natural objectives for a market maker that conceives of
itself as safeguarding the monetary system.
Modern central banks have larger ambitions. They are typically concerned with managing the
economy. But their actions still have their impact only to the extent that they succeed in
influencing the natural hierarchy. Modern central banks are perhaps not so much concerned with
the shape of the hierarchy per se as they are with how that hierarchy articulates with the real
economy, specifically aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Thats fine, but it is vital not to
lose sight of the underlying mechanisms of money and credit. As you might expect, the attempt
to use monetary policy for non-monetary purposes can put strain on both par and the exchange
rate, and more generally on the institutions charged with maintaining quantitative equivalence
between qualitatively different levels of the hierarchy. Standard analytical frameworks in
macroeconomics (such as IS-LM) tend to abstract from such strains, and hence from the limits of
monetary policy. In this course, we will not be abstracting from such effects, but rather bringing
them up to the center of our attention.
Mehrling 9/12/2012
Greenback Era
currency principle, scarce money
banking principle, elastic credit
During wartime, the problem of any government is to raise as much money as it can, first through
taxation and then by borrowing in anticipation of future tax receipts. Borrowing means selling
new government bonds to the private sector. The way this happens is as follows:
+deposits, G
Private Sector
-deposits, PS
Banking Sector
-deposits, PS
+deposits, G
Here I am showing the private sector buying bonds from the government by writing a check on
their bank accounts. The effect of that check is to transfer the deposit account from the private
sector to the government, so that at the end of the day the government has more money to spend
for the war. Note how every entry in the table appears twice. The new bonds enter as a new
For details see Wesley C. Mitchell, The Greenbacks; and Allyn Young, Chaps. 31-34 in Commerce: The
Marketplace of the World, 1924. Reprinted as pp. 265-321 in Mehrling and Sandilands, ed. Money and Growth,
Routledge 1999.
Mehrling 9/12/2012
liability of the government and a new asset of the private sector. Deposits are similarly an asset
of the government or private sector and a liability of the banking sector, so payment for the bonds
enters as a reduction in both private sector assets and banking sector liabilities, and as an increase
in both government assets and banking sector liabilities. In the banking sector, total deposit
liabilities remain unchanged; all that has happened is the bank now owes the government what it
used to owe the private sector.
That is how things work when the government is able to issue bonds and sell them to the
private sector. But in war time, that might not be enough. The private sector may simply refuse
to lend, or lend only at an unacceptably high rate. In that case, the temptation is always to sell
the bonds directly to the bank, bypassing the private sector entirely. After all, what the
government needs is a bank deposit, so why not simply swap IOUs with the banking system as
+deposits, G
Private Sector
Banking Sector
+deposits, G
In this case the banking sector is directly funding the government, not just transferring funds it is
holding for the private sector. And it is funding the government by expanding the supply of
money. How so? When the banking system swaps IOUs with the government, it expands both
sides of its balance sheet, so total deposit liabilities increase.
The story of Civil War finance begins with just such an operation. The overriding theme
of Youngs discussion is the maximal use of existing money and credit institutions in order to
finance pressing war needs, so testing the limits of those institutions. The resulting stress proved
too much, with the result that the entire banking system broke free of gold and only returned 17
years later in 1878. One way to understand the economics involved is to follow closely the
moves made by Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury.
Act 1: War and Aftermath. First, in August 1861, he took out a big bank loan and then
withdrew the proceeds, hence gaining control of the banking systems gold for his own war
purposes (see p. 281). This allowed the North to buy needed material from abroad, while the
South was forced to rely on barter for cotton exports. But it also forced suspension of specie
payments domestically. Lets see how that worked.
The Loan
+Loan, $150
Banking System
+Deposit, $150
+Deposit, $150
+Loan, $150
Note here how the government loan is made initially by expanding the bank balance sheet on
both sides, and the government balance sheet as well. I like to call this swapping IOUs, and
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consider such a swap to be the essence of banking, at the heart of the apparently alchemical
ability of banking to create money from thin air.
What Salmon P. Chase did next was not to spend the deposit, which would merely have
transferred it to someone else, but rather to withdraw it in gold.
The Withdrawal
Banking System
Note that when the government withdraws the deposit, the banking system loses its accumulated
gold. Once the banking system has no more gold, its promises to pay gold (its deposits) lose
their credibility, and banks accordingly suspend convertibility. Deposits are no longer
promises to pay gold, so what are they?
The answer comes in Salmon Chases next move; bank deposits become promises to pay
government issued legal tender. In 1862, because of the weak market for government bonds (on
account of risk, possibly overestimated, but then the banks had been burned once already), the
government decided not to try to issue marketable bonds but rather to rely on legal tender note
+war goods
tenders, $400
-war goods
+legal tenders
-legal tenders,
Banking System
tenders, $100
Essentially what the government did was to insert legal tenders between gold and bank
deposits in the hierarchy of money. At the same time it broke the connection between the dollar
and gold, since the legal tenders were not a promise to pay any specific quantity of gold. Over
I am deliberately using the term legal tender rather than fiat money in order to
emphasize that the notes were liabilities that were expected to be redeemable at some future date
in gold. The economics of the Greenback Era was analyzed by Wesley Clair Mitchell in his
famous book A History of the Greenbacks (1903). Mitchell was a student of Laughlin, friend of
Young, prof at Columbia where he taught a famous course Types of Economic Theory.
Mehrling 9/12/2012
the course of the war, the legal tenders depreciated against gold.3 That means it took more and
more dollars to buy the same quantity of gold, and hence also more and more dollars to buy goldpriced imports. At the same time, inside the US, it took more and more dollars to buy the same
quantity of domestic goods (inflation). Legal tender money lost value not only against the better
gold money, but also against non-money commodities.
Even after the war was over, it was many years before resumption of the gold standard.
Eventually the North possessed the creditworthiness required to float bonds. Once it did, bonds
could be issued to buy gold, and that gold was used to retire legal tenders. The retirement of
legal tenders brought the dollar back to its prewar gold parity, and also deflated domestic prices
to prewar levels.
Young makes a big point of how expensive it was to finance the war in this way. The
legal tenders bought only 50 cents worth of gold during the war but were redeemed at par
afterward. It would have been much cheaper if we could have financed the war by issuing bonds.
(We also could have avoided the politically and economically damaging effects of shifts of
wealth between creditors and debtors caused by inflation and then deflation.) In this respect,
civil war finance compares unfavorably to the finance of WWI and WWII. In each case, the
government once again used the money and credit system maximally to finance its operations,
but in each succeeding case the system was more developed than in the last. Thus in each
succeeding case the system not only provided more finance but also did so without so much
Act 2: National Banking. Here the theme is the stress caused by seasonal expansion and
contraction of private credit on a fixed note basis.
The National Banking System was established in 1863 during the Civil War as another of
Chases attempts to secure wartime finance. The overriding idea was to strengthen the market
for government bonds. But the lasting effect was to fix the money supply.4
Chases idea was to issue a special class of bonds that could be used to back the bank
note issue, while at the same time putting in place measures (taxes) that eliminated other
potentially competitive note issues. Lets see how that worked in detail. The initial bond issue
can be thought of simply as a swap of IOUs with the banking system. This time however it
would do no good to withdraw deposits because the banking system has no gold reserves left.
Instead the banks were given the right to issue bank notes. Here is the initial swap.
+2% Bond
Banking System
+2% Bond
You might wonder why the banking system would willingly engage in this swap, since it is
getting only 2% interest, well below the market rate. The answer is that it has the right to issue
bank note liabilities that pay 0% interest, so the difference is profit. Now, when government
Mitchell explains this depreciation as a matter of market expectations about the probability of future return to
convertibility, expectations that shifted whenever the North won or lost a battle.
Historians have found that note issue never reached the level of outstanding bonds, so in principle it would have
been possible for banks to issue more notes as needed. The point is that they didnt, so inelasticity was the problem.
Mehrling 9/12/2012
pays out the deposits, the bank has the right to pay using bank notes that are its own liability.
The bank would of course prefer to back its notes with even higher yielding bonds, but the
government took care of that by imposing a tax on all note issues that were backed by anything
other than these special 2% bonds.
Banking System
2% Bond
+Bank Notes
Private Sector
-war goods
+bank notes
2% Bond
+war goods
The balance sheets show the end result. This third strategy for government purchase of war
goods is financed by an expansion of private money (the bank notes), which are promises to pay
the new standard money (legal tenders) not gold.
I want to now focus on the unintended consequence of this operation, once the war was
over and legal tenders were retired, which was a very inelastic money issue because the collection
of bonds that could be used to back notes was not increased except by special measure. There
was also very inelastic reserves, indeed perversely elastic because of the reserve requirements,
25% for central city all in cash, 25% for middling cities partly in central city reserves, and 15%
for country partly in central city reserves. Already in 1873 the country experienced the first of a
series of financial crises, all of which followed a similar pattern.5
In slack times the farm banks would find themselves with excess funds for which they
could find no local outlet. They might use them to buy a security (bond) but they had always to
keep in mind that they would need the funds come fall. So they tended to deposit the funds in
New York where they could earn interest. New York banks would therefore find themselves
with excess funds, which they also knew were only seasonal, so they wanted a short term
investment. They would buy liquid securities or make short term loans. Of particular interest is
the phenomenon of the call loan made to stock market speculators. Thus in slack periods (late
winter) we might find something like what Young shows (p. 302), where country banks have
excess reserves. He mentions the number 50 million as the withdrawal at harvest time, which
note is pretty close to the excess 2% reserves. At harvest time there is a cash drain from the
system, and that means a cash drain from New York, which New York seeks to remedy by
calling in loans and raising reserves from abroad.
Thus the cash drain spread into the stock market, causing selling by those who were using
call loans to finance their speculative positions. And it spread to the international money
market, pulling in gold from London. The consequence was a very definite seasonal pattern in
interest rates, as the harvest expansion of credit took place on a fixed reserve basis. The result
was not only a seasonal interest rate but also periodic financial crises, caused whenever banks
had to make cash payments but lacked the cash to do so. Young makes the correct point that the
problem was the inelasticity of reserves. If somehow reserves could be reduced in slack times
The classic reference is OMW Sprague History of Crises under the National Banking System (1910).
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and expanded in tight times, the problem could be solved. How to make reserves elastic? The
answer was to make reserves a form of credit.
Act 3: Federal Reserve System. What the banking system needed in times of tight money was
a temporary increase in reserves (for the farm banks) and a temporary increase in cash (for
circulation purposes). Under the National Banking System, typically some kind of stopgap
measure would be worked out, involving an expansion of quasi-cash in the form of clearinghouse
certificates issued by a consortium of New York banks. If banks agree to accept these certificates
among themselves, then for practical purposes these certificates are reserves. The effect was
therefore to free up cash for general circulation. After the crisis of 1907, the Aldrich Vreeland
Act of 1908 created the legal basis for these ad hoc measures, but more was needed.
The Federal Reserve system routinized the private solution to both problems. Under the
national banking system, the quantity of cash was fixed. Under the Federal Reserve System it
became elastic. The way it was supposed to work was that banks could take certain kinds of
loans (so-called real bills) to their local Federal Reserve bank and discount them for Federal
Reserve bank notes that could be used in circulation. The various reserve banks could also
discount at the Fed itself to get Federal Reserve notes which were legal as well as economic
reserve. Shifts in demand as between deposits and cash could thus raise no problems; also cash
drains into circulation would raise no problems; and total reserves could also fluctuate elastically.
Member Bank
+FR deposit
FR bank notes
+FR deposit
+FR notes
Federal Reserve
The key to all this was supposed to be the discount mechanism, and hence also the
discount rate. The idea was that member banks could always get whatever reserves they needed
simply by presenting one of their eligible loans to the local FRB for discount. In turn the FRB
could itself always rediscount for Federal Reserve notes. If the amount of new discounts
exceeded the repayment of existing discounts, then total reserves would expand. If repayment
exceeded new discounts, then reserves could shrink. No longer would the system spend half the
time with too much reserve (fuelling speculation) and half the time with too little (risking
financial crisis). Reserves would always be just right.
But WWI intervened. Instead of real bills, the central bank got stuffed with government paper.
In fact, the Fed served as prime dealer for distributing government bonds, taking onto its own
balance sheet whatever the private banking system and private bondholders would not absorb.
After the war, instead of the planned elasticity driven by demand for discount of private credit,
Mehrling 9/12/2012
the Fed used open market operations, outright purchase and sale of government securities, to
adjust money supply to money demand.
Conclusion. The monetary system is a hybrid system, comprised of both private money (bank
deposits) and public money (currency). The central bank is also a hybrid entity, both bankers
bank and government bank. It is possible in principle to build a monetary theory around either
one of these dimensions, focusing on either the private dimension or the state dimension, and
treating the other as subsidiary. But any such theory is only partial since it misses the true hybrid
character of the system.
The story of American monetary history is a story of getting the public/private balance right. It
took a while, and indeed is still ongoing. The story of the development of monetary thought is
similarly a story of getting the balance between these two dimensions right in order to capture the
true dynamics of the system at any point in time. Sometimes the state dimension is dominant
(war time) and sometimes the private dimension is dominant, but all the time both dimensions
are present.
Note however that another way of organizing our interaction is with credit or
promises to pay. I buy your goods by giving you an IOU and you buy my goods by
giving me an IOU of your own, or giving me back one of my own, so there is only net
indebtedness between us. Note that the promise to pay is never actually paid, only offset
by other promises, so there is no real need for money as such. We could organize the
whole thing by promising to pay some abstract unit of account with no physical
existence. In some ways this pure credit payment system is more flexible than the pure
money payment system, since we are not limited by the total money supply, only by
mutually agreed credit limits. Observe that in this system, unlike the money system, the
quantity of outstanding IOUs fluctuates over time.
Now consider yet a third way we might organize our interaction. Suppose neither
of us trusts one another sufficiently to extend bilateral credit, so the bilateral credit limit
is zero. But we both trust some third party, and that third party also trusts each one of us.
In this case we can organize our exchange by issuing IOUs to and accepting IOUs from
the third party. It seems reasonable to call these third party IOUs money, and to call
the third party a bank. Then the relevant balance sheet entries are as follows:
Note how the quantity of bank money fluctuates over time, as bank credit expands and
contracts in order to facilitate the time pattern of trade. It is of course this third system
that most resembles the institutions of the modern developed economy.
just puts off the day of reckoning, so it only works if there is a date when receipts are
expected to be greater than expenditures.
Cash Flow Cash Commitment 0
Sources and Uses accounts can help us to understand all this in more detail. Every
transaction can be captured as a simultaneous 4-part entry (at least) in this system of
Goods and Services
Financial Assets
Financial Debts
This set of accounts differs from the T-accounts of last lecture in that all entries are
flows, not stocks.
You can see the hierarchy of money below the line, and real expenditures above
the line. (Note that I have a separate entry for Financial Assets and Financial Debts, in
order to capture the feature that individuals are responsible for their gross debts, not just
their net debts.) We could subdivide even more finely to take account of the different
kinds of money and the different kinds of credit. Just so, if this were a bank, we would
want money to refer to reserves. If this is an individual, we might want money also to
refer to deposit accounts.
Two rules structure the accounts:
Rule 1: For each agent, every use has a corresponding source, and vice versa.
Rule 2: Each agents use is some other agents source, and vice versa.
Example 1: Money. Buy a cup of coffee from Orens Daily Roast for $2 cash
Expenditure, coffee
Java City
Dishoarding, $2
Hoarding, $2
Receipt, coffee
Example 2a: Credit. Buy dinner at Vareli for $20 using credit card
This example shows the intimate connection between cash and credit in the payments
system. Observe the enormous amount of action below the line that is necessary in
order to make goods and services transactions above the line possible. Observe further
the way that credit provides elasticity, expanding to facilitate transactions, while money
provides discipline, the requirement to contract credit back down again after a certain
Cash Flow
Cash Commitment
The point to emphasize is that at any moment in time there are agents in the economy
who fit into each of these cases, and all of them meet in the money market. The ones
with current mismatch are necessitous borrowersthey have to borrow no matter what it
costs. The ones with future mismatch may enter the money market today in order to
avoid future problems, or they may decide to wait. The ones with current liquidity may
decide to help the others out, or they may decide to do something else. The result of all
this pushing and pulling is the money rate of interest.
The economy thus comes to appear as a system of interlocking balance sheets in
which individuals depend on one anothers promises to pay (financial assets), and build
these promises into their own projections of future cash flows. In the economy as a
whole there is a pattern of cash flows emerging from the real side, production and
consumption and trade. And there is a pattern of cash commitments more or less explicit
in the financial structure. At any moment there is a balance between the two, which
shows up as a price (interest rate). If there is mismatch, then someone in the economy
must be persuaded to give up current cash for a mere promise of future cash, and the
relative price of these two is the rate of interest. It is for this reason that problems of
mismatch between cash flows and cash commitments show up as upward pressure
on the short term money market rate of interest.
Flow Balance
At the most basic level, the mismatch between cash commitments and cash flows
is something that we see in the current pattern of payments. However that current pattern
reflects also a forward-looking view since people can and do anticipate problems they
may face in satisfying the survival constraint in the future. If they can move a future
problem into the present where it is easier to handle, they do so. This rearrangement can
put current pressure on the money market today even though there is no problem making
current payments. In this sense, the state of the money market is an indication of how
well or how poorly the structure of financial commitments matches the pattern of cash
flows, not just today but also looking forward.
Financial Liabilities
Net Worth
Every agent has a balance sheet like this, so we can conceptualize the economy as a set
of interlocking balance sheets, in which the financial liabilities of one agent are the
financial assets of another. These liabilities are promises to pay, usually promises to
make a specific series of payments at specific times in the future.
In standard accounting practice, there is a lot of attention paid to the matter of solvency:
Value of Total Assets-Value of Total Liabilities = net worth > 0
To make this assessment, we need to value the assets and liabilities. Standard finance
theory approaches this problem of valuation as a matter of finding the present value of
future cash flows. We want to include not just financial assets but also real assets, since
they presumably also involve future cash flows. From a financial point of view, a factory
is nothing more than a particular kind of bond.1
For example, a factory that is expected to produce an annual net cash flow of $10
in perpetuity has a present value of $200 if the interest rate is 5% and expected to remain
Net Cash Flow = {10, 10, 10, 10, ..}
Present Value CF = {10/(1+R), 10/(1+R)2, 10/(1+R)3, .}
Capital Value CF = tCFt = 10/R = $200.
Some such calculation gives us the value of financial assets, and the value of financial
liabilities. The value of money is of course much easier because the face value is the
present value.
For our purposes the question of solvency is interesting mainly as an outer bound
on the credit limit facing each agent. Intuitively it makes sense that that credit limit will
be somehow related to the net worth. Solvent agents have unused borrowing power on
their balance sheets which they can potentially mobilize to make payments. Thus we can
see how asset price fluctuations can cause fluctuations in borrowing power, which might
have consequences for immediate liquidity. Solvency problems can easily become
liquidity problems.
Bank B
Overdraft Deposit account
Overdraft Deposit account
This innovation has a somewhat startling implication. Note that if makes a payment to , that
involves an expansion of both sides of the banks balance sheet, in effect an expansion of credit.
Contrariwise, if makes a payment to , that involves a contraction of both sides of the banks
balance sheet, in effect a contraction of credit. The use of bank credit as a means of payment
thus involves a certain elasticity in the quantity of money.1
Note in passing that this way of thinking about the payments system raises deep questions about how properly to
measure the money supply. Consider three possibilities:
(1) deposits, but this measures only those with positive balances
(2) (deposits overdrafts)
(3) (deposits-credit limits)
Let us tally up the effect of different payment flows on the size of the balance sheet of Bank B.
Multiple Banks
But of course there isnt just one bank, and that causes problems. To see the problem,
think of a world with two banks.
Bank A
Bank B
Deposit account
Deposit account
Deposit account
Deposit account
The problem occurs when someone with an account in Bank A wants to make a payment to
someone in Bank B. One way for this to happen is for Bank A to transfer reserves to Bank B.
The effect is to shrink the balance sheet of A and expand the balance sheet of B. But if this is
how payment actually takes place, we lose almost all the advantages of banking. Its almost as if
people are making payments with the gold reserve. There is a better way.
Instead of transferring reserves for each order of payment, suppose that each day each
bank collects due tos and due froms with respect to every other bank.
Bank A
Due from A Due to A
Due from B Due to B
Due from C Due to C
Due from D Due to D
Net to B
Net to C
Net to D
At the end of the day, each bank nets the payments to each other bank and pays only the net in
gold. Call this bilateral intraday netting. This clearly involves less gold transfer than the first
system, but there is a better way yet.
Suppose, for example, that over time net payments to B tend to average out. Then it
makes no sense to move gold every day that is just going to move back. Instead it is more
The ambiguity about how to measure money in such a world led Fischer Black to propose that we not try. See Black
Banking in a World without money (1971)
+deposit at B
+deposit at A
Bank B
+deposit from A
Then we use debits and credits to these accounts as a way of making the interbank transfers
involved in payment between customers of Bank A and Bank B. Logically there are two
Case 1: Correspondent Balances held at B are debited
Bank A
-Retail Deposits
-Deposit at B
Bank B
+Retail Deposits
-Deposit from A
Bank B
+Retail Deposits
+Deposit at A
In the first case total deposits (including interbank balances) fall, while in the latter case total
deposits (including interbank balances) rise.
In practice, the choice between Case 1 and Case 2 is always resolved so that the more
central bank accepts deposits from the less central. In the US case it was country banks holding
deposits with city banks. These reserve cities survive as the cities with one of the twelve Federal
Reserve Banks.
The invention of correspondent banking amounts to moving from a money payment
system to a credit payment system between banks. Note that, since the correspondent system is a
credit system, we are not constrained by the quantity of gold, only by the various bi-lateral credit
limits. One can imagine an entire banking system using these book entries to clear bi-lateral net
payments at the end of the day. But there is an even better way.
In a system of bilateral bank payments, any individual bank may at the same time be making
payments to one bank while receiving payments from another. Obviously it would advantageous
to devise a system where the bank only had to pay the net across all its correspondents. One
simple way that kind of system develops is when all banks hold correspondent balances in only
one bank, and use those balances to clear. You can see how that goes some way toward creating
a one-bank payment system. The problem arises when any member bank runs his balance to
zero. Elasticity of the payments system requires the correspondent to extend an overdraft, but he
might not want to, especially if the demand for overdrafts comes from more than one bank at
A better system is the clearinghouse, in which banks of approximately equal stature in the
hierarchy come together to form a mutual organization, owned by their members in proportion to
capital subscribed. Just so, the New York Clearinghouse Association (now CHIPS). Capital is
subscribed in gold or other legal reserve, and determines initial holdings of clearinghouse
certificates. Subsequently, members treat all sums due to or from other members as due to or
from the clearinghouse. During the day all members net payments multilaterally with all other
members, building up intraday credit or debit balances against the clearinghouse. At the end of
the day each member makes or receives only a net payment, depending on whether the net is
negative or positive. Settlement involves transfer of clearinghouse certificates, which may
require prior bi-lateral borrowing between deficit banks and surplus banks.
Gold (Security)
The advantage of the clearinghouse is that all members guarantee all payments. The
entire capital is available to make good on the negative clearing of a member in case the member
itself cannot. If A cannot pay, then all the members pay in proportion to their capital
subscription. Of course no one wants this. The clearinghouse policy committee therefore tends
to be given wide powers to help individual banks, lending from the CH or coordinating
accommodation through other banks.
Of particular interest is what happens in a financial crisis, when all member banks find
themselves short of gold, because of outflows into circulation or abroad. Then there is no chance
of solving the problem by arranging for weak banks to borrow temporarily from strong banks.
Instead, weak banks borrow from the clearinghouse, which creates additional reserves from thin
air simply expanding both sides of the balance sheet.
Gold (Security)
Member loans (6%)
Clearinghouse Certificates
CH Loan Certificates (6%)
In effect, what happens is that intraday deficits and surpluses are not paid but rather put off to
another day. Typically these member loans are highly overcollateralized, and pay interest of 6%.
Similarly the CH loan certificates pay interest of 6%. The loan certificates are not gold, and so
are not strictly speaking legal reserves, but in a crisis they come to be treated as similar to the
clearinghouse certificates which are gold and are legal reserves. After the crisis they are
Central Banking
Central banking can be understood as nothing more than one step beyond the clearinghouse, a
kind of regularization and strengthening of the clearinghouse system that goes the extra step of
obliterating the difference between clearinghouse certificates and clearinghouse loan certificates.
As we will see next time, the correspondent balance system was replaced by the Fed Funds
market in which deficit banks could borrow from surplus banks anywhere in the system, not just
their correspondents.
Clearinghouses can be broken by any individual member who insists on redeeming
clearinghouse notes for gold. Central banks by contrast cannot be broken by internal forces
because their own liabilities are the member banks reserves. In effect, the central bank makes
the system of banks operate as though it were a single bank because they all have clearing
accounts at a single bank. All payments from someone within the system to someone else within
the system net out. There is however still the problem of managing relations with the rest of the
system and this problem is the origin of the Art of Central Banking
Two kinds of problem arise. It may be that the bank customers demand payment, so
reserves flow out of the banking system into circulation as customers demand currency. This is
called an internal drain. A more difficult problem is an external drain, where foreigners demand
payment in gold.
Bank A
+due from A
Bank B
+reserves B
This expansion of reserves is an expansion of credit on the balance sheet of the Fed, an
expansion that at its maximum typically exceeds the size of the rather small required reserves.1
Indeed, it is not stretching the truth much to say that these daylight temporary reserves, not the
overnight required reserves, are the actual ultimate means of payment. The payment system is
much closer to an ideal credit payment system than it is to an ideal money payment system.
The credit element in the payment system is not just on the (public) balance sheet of the
Fed but also on the (private) balance sheet of CHIPS, the Clearinghouse Interbank Payments
System. Every morning, member banks make payments to the Clearinghouse to open their
Coleman, Stacy. The Evolution of the Federal Reserves Intraday Credit Policies. Federal
Reserve Bulletin (February 2002): 67-84.
settlement accounts, but during the day they can and do run negative balances. The survival
constraint kicks in at the end of the day, when they must bring their accounts back to zero, i.e.
repay any daylight overdrafts. Here is the balance sheet relationship in the middle of the day:
Bank A
+due to
+due from A
+due to B
Bank B
+due from
Both the Fed and CHIPS are concerned to make sure that the daylight loans are paid back at the
end of the day. To ensure this there are, in both institutions, controls over how much you can
borrow (credit limits), and requirements to post collateral as guarantee. At the Fed there is the
additional requirement to pay interest on your average daylight overdraft, but if you look at the
details (Figure 12.6 p. 527) that requirement is not very onerous, and in fact the interest actually
paid is quite small. Notably, interest is paid on the average daylight overdraft over the whole
day, so peak overdrafts for an hour are diluted in the calculation. Also, banks are allowed to
borrow a certain amount, proportional to their capital, without paying interest.
Once we appreciate the credit character of the payments system, it is clear that every
dollar owed as an overdraft by one bank is an extra dollar in the reserve account of some other
bank. To get the credit off the balance sheet of the Fed at the end of the day thus requires
cancellation of both the negative accounts and the extra positive accounts. The simplest way to
do that is for the banks with extra positive accounts to lend their extra to the banks with negative
accounts, which then use the loan proceeds to pay off their overdraft. In fact, the bank with extra
reserves should want to make the loan since reserves dont pay interest whereas the loan will.
The Fed Funds market is where that interbank borrowing and lending takes place for domestic
banks (see below). The equivalent interbank market for CHIPS is the Eurodollar market which
we will talk about next week.
Suppose this doesnt work, that deficit banks are unable to find surplus banks to lend to
them. If a bank is unable to pay back its overdraft at the clearinghouse, then all the members of
the clearinghouse are jointly responsible for the loan. If a bank is unable to pay back its overdraft
at the Fed, the Fed is willing to extend the loan overnight by lending at the discount window, at
the penalty rate of 100 basis points over the Fed Funds target. (Bernanke has lowered the
discount rate to 50 points over, but probably that is just temporary.) So banks generally prefer to
borrow in the Fed Funds market. And they dont wait until the end of the day; they spend a lot of
energy tracking their payment flows and trading in the Fed Funds market during the day.
deposits at the Fed. Call these loans credit. Until recently, the underlying deposits paid no
interest, but the interbank loan does, and that interest rate is the Fed Funds rate.
To see exactly what is going on consider the following transaction between Bank A (the
borrower or buyer of money) and Bank B (the lender or seller of money). Compare the example
of Stigum (Table 12.2, p. 495).
Bank A
+10 reserves
+10 Fed Funds
The Fed
+10 Deposit A
-10 Deposit B
Bank B
-10 reserves
+10 Fed Funds
You can see how the transaction amounts to a loan between A and B, which means that the
lender has to worry about whether the borrower will be able to repay.2 After lending Fed Funds
to Bank A, Bank B has gotten rid of his excess reserve position held at the Fed. After borrowing
Fed Funds from Bank B, Bank A has gotten rid of his deficit reserve position at the Fed. Like
daylight overdrafts, Fed Funds are a credit element that lends elasticity to the payment system.
But Fed Funds are overnight credit not daylight credit, and interbank credit not Fed credit.
Stigum makes a point that some banks are natural sellers of funds and others are natural
buyers. Put another way, the regular business of some banks causes their daily cash inflow to
exceed their daily cash outflow, and for some other banks it is just the reverse. Concretely, it
seems that the former are small banks in isolated areas that dont face much demand for loans,
while the latter are large city banks that can lend out all their deposits plus more. So the Fed
Funds market channels excess funds from the country banks to the city banks. Viewed in this
way, we can think of the Fed Funds market as analogous to the older pattern of correspondent
banking. This country-city flow was largely intra-regional in the past, and so it remains today.
(The regional character of correspondent banking is reflected in the location of the 12 Federal
Reserve Banks.)
It is important to emphasize that a Fed Funds transaction involves an immediate flow of
reserves between the banks. There is no waiting for the end of the day, no netting of inflows and
outflows, like at a clearinghouse. Thus, once A has bought the money, she can go out and sell it.
Transactions like this happen throughout the day, and so the quantity of Fed Funds contracts
increases throughout the day. They are all of course cancelled when they are repaid the next day,
but by the end of the day outstanding Fed Funds credit can be several times as large as the
outstanding deposits at the Fed. What is the point of that?
Payment versus Funding
At a higher level in the system, money center banks trade Fed Funds among themselves
as a way of managing intraday cash flow fluctuations. Just so, suppose that Citibank makes a
mortgage loan to me to purchase a house from you. On the day of the closing, Citibank has to
make a large payment to the sellers bank. In general, there is no reason to suppose that Citibank
This is what Stigums discussion about line problems is about. Banks have FF credit lines with one another in
order to limit their exposure. Brokers need to fine-tune quotes because it matters who is selling and who is buying.
has adequate reserves at the moment, so to make the payment it has to raise them in the money
market. The transaction then takes place as follows:
Citibank (my bank)
+deposit (me)
+FF loan
-deposit (me)
+FF loan
+ reserves
+FF loan
+deposit (you)
+FF loan
The first line shows the mortgage loan, which involves a swap of IOUs between me and my
bank. (I dont show my own balance sheet, but you can imagine what it looks like.) The second
line shows the immediate funding of the loan by buying money from HSBC in the Fed Funds
market. The third line shows the payment that finalizes the transaction, which involves transfer
of reserves from Citi to Chase, as well as debit of my account and credit of your account.
After all this is done, Citibank has a mortgage loan asset that is funded by overnight
money. Clearly this is not ideal funding, and the bank has some more work to do, but we leave
that aside for the moment to concentrate on the payment rather than the ultimate funding. Note
also that Chase now has a large reserve position that pays no interest, so it also has some more
work to do. Maybe it will sell in the Fed Funds market, maybe to HSBC? If so, then the
ultimate source of funds that Citibank used to pay Chase is from Chase itself! I show this
possibility on the fourth line. Note that HSBC is now back to zero in its reserve position at the
HSBC has in effect acted as an intermediary for interbank borrowing between Citi and
Chase. In fact HSBC has acted as a dealer in the wholesale money market.
Broker versus Dealer
Some of Fed Funds transactions are directthe trader at Bank A calls the trader at Bank
Bbut a substantial number are brokered. Indeed, the real price discovery action (which is to
say the determination of the effective Funds rate) happens at brokers and dealers, and the
distinction between them will be critical later on in the course, so I introduce it now.
A broker just puts together potential buyers and sellers from his sheet, much in the way
that real estate brokers do with their listing sheets and client listings. Brokers keep lists of the
prices bid by potential buyers, and offered by potential sellers, and they look for matches. There
is an extra twist in the Fed Funds market that comes from the fact that sellers are also financing
the sale, so that bids need to be fine-tuned to take account of credit lines.
Dealers, by contrast, take positions themselves. Read the chapter carefully and youll
find a number of references to dealer activities. What do they do? They buy funds at a low price
and sell them at a high price. This sometimes means bridging different segments of the market--
small versus large tiering, unsophisticated versus sophisticated, domestic versus offshore (Euro).
And it sometimes means bridging across time--intraday positions, cross-day positions. From one
point of view, dealers are doing arbitrage, picking up nickels on the street and so creating a single
price. From another point of view, they are making markets, and that is one big difference from
brokers. This latter dimension well be talking a lot about two weeks from now. For now, I just
want to note that it is there and move on. For present purposes, the important point is that
dealing activity expands the balance sheet of the dealer, while simple brokering does not, thus:
Bank A
+FF loan
FF Broker
Bank B
+FF loan
Bank A
+FF loan
FF Dealer
+FF loan
Bank B
+FF loan
+FF loan
D. L. Thornton has generated a debate about the liquidity effect(p. 507) which we can understand better using the
balance sheet approach.
The Fed does these daily adds usually by lending to security dealers in the repo market. We will
be talking about the repo market next time. For now, suffice it to say that repos are loans, so the
reserve add can be pictured as follows:
Security Dealers
The Fed
+RP loan
+RP loan
If the Security Dealer lends these extra reserves out, that amounts to an additional supply of
credit in the Fed Funds market, which puts downward pressure on the Fed Funds rate.
The Wednesday afternoon settlement to which Stigum refers is about meeting this reserve
requirement, not the regular daily settlement of payment balances. Note especially how the Fed
intervenes to provide the reserves demanded at the targeted FF rate. As Sternlight says (p. 506)
If you want to hang your hat on something, hang it on the average effective funds rate over the
settlement period.
When I was at the Board of Governors in summer 1986, there was much discussion about
daylight overdrafts on Fedwire. Fedwire is a Real Time Gross Settlement system where a
payment from bank A to bank B is immediately good funds that bank B can use to make a
payment of its own. The problem is that banks were making more payments than they had
reserves during the day, with the plan that they would be receiving more payments at the end of
the day. So there was in effect an intraday expansion of reserves that was not under the control
of the Fed. The Fed got concerned about the apparent credit element entering here, partly
because it put them in the position of lending without control, partly also because they think of
reserves as money and they want the credit element to happen somewhere else in the system.
They clamped down initially by establishing credit limits, tailored to individual bank
needs. Then in 1994 they started charging interest on average daily overdrafts (now 36 basis
points). This has not been that effective in reducing overdrafts, and not effective at all in
reducing peak aggregate overdrafts (which come late in the day and are driven by security
transactions). One thought is that maybe the price is not high enough? Maybe so, but be
careful. The relevant alternative to overdrafts on Fedwire are overdrafts on other payments
systems, which typically cost less, even zero. (Here again we hear echoes of the Strong Rule:
use the amount of credit on the Fed balance sheet to monitor and control credit more generally.)
For example, CHIPs is an alternative payment system with an even stronger credit
element because payments are not good funds until net settlement at the end of the day. One way
to think about what happens is that banks do business on CHIPS, taking great care to keep track
of their net position and to accumulate what FF they need to clear that position at the end of the
day. Note that Oct 1, 1981 Fed required that CHIPs go to same-day settlement, which in effect
tightened up on the credit element here as well. And there has been periodic tightening of the
collateral requirements for overdrafts on CHIPs. The idea has been to push the credit element
out of the payments system into the repo market which well talk about next time.
Security Dealers
In practice a security dealer is on the other side of most repo transactions. He is either borrowing
money by using his securities as collateral or lending money by taking in securities as collateral.
Think of the security dealers as a kind of bank. Stigum says that corporations and pension funds
invest in repo (make overnight secured loans to security dealers) as a way of earning interest on
their money balances, and banks repo their security holdings because it is often the cheapest way
to finance them. Figure 13.9 (p. 562) shows the stylized balance sheet of a security dealer,
treating borrowing of money as a liability and lending of money as an asset. This will be our
convention in this course; I call it following the money. 1 Here is a version of that figure that
includes the balance sheet of the ultimate borrower (corporation A) and the ultimate lender
(corporation B). Concretely we might think of corporation A as a bank that funds its security
holdings with overnight repo, and corporation B as a pension fund that uses overnight repo to
hold its money balances.
Corporation A
+repo loan
Pension Fund
Corporation B
+repo loan
As these transactions take place, collateral flows from left to right, from the bank through the
dealer to the pension fund. And money flows from right to left, from the pension fund to the
dealer to the bank. Note that I call repo a reverse when it is an asset of the dealer, in line with
reporting conventions (see below). But it is important to emphasize that it is the exact same
instrument, just the opposite side of the exact same instrument.
Since the person borrowing money is also in effect lending securities, in principle you might think of that person as
acquiring an asset, but we dont do that. Our convention is suggested by the hierarchical character of the moneycredit system.
Using this balance sheet, compare the repo market to the Fed Funds market we talked
about last time. We saw how Fed Funds can be understood as interbank borrowing, and can be
used to channel funds from banks that have cash inflow greater than outflow (surplus banks) to
banks that have cash inflow less than cash outflow (deficit banks). It should be clear now that
the repo market does much the same thing as the Fed Funds market but for a much wider class of
economic agents, a class that includes just about anybody that owns eligible collateral. Repo can
be thus be understood as inter-corporate borrowing, and thought of as channeling funds from
corporations that have cash inflow greater than outflow (Corporation B, the surplus corporation)
to corporations that have cash inflow less than outflow (Corporation A, the deficit corporation).
Whereas the Fed Funds market is largely a direct or brokered market, the repo market is
largely a dealer market, and the most important dealers are the primary security dealers whose
balance sheets are monitored by the Fed. Why are dealers so much more important in the repo
market? By serving as the counterparty for most RP transactions, they serve to make a unified
and relatively homogeneous market out of what would otherwise be extremely fragmented and
heterogeneous (various counterparties, various collaterals, various maturities.) Like Fed Funds
dealers, RP dealers can be thought of as market makers.
The Nitty Gritty
The legal construction as paired security transactions is important because it means that the
transaction is more symmetric than an ordinary collateralized loan would be. Think of a house
mortgage for comparison. The house itself is security for the money loan, but the lender of
money has no right to deliver the house to anybody else, nor even to sell it when the borrower
defaults without a lengthy foreclosure process. For repo, by contrast, the lender of money does
often have the right to sell the securities (or something pretty close, such as the right of
rehypothecation). The legal niceties of the contract are an attempt to establish that symmetry.
(They have to get around existing law that gives bankruptcy protection to borrowers and so
prevents lenders from selling collateral to recover except after a lengthy legal proceeding.)
But the transaction is not completely symmetric because the price at which the security is
transferred is lower than its market price. This means that the money lender gets control over
more securities than a clean purchase would allow. Stigum refers to that difference as margin.
She talks a bit about the question of margin, and suggests that it is not clear as a matter of
principle who should be paying the margin, the borrower or the lender. The problem is that the
price of the security could go up or down, so giving incentive for default to either the money
lender or the money borrower, respectively. Stigum concludes however, traditionally on a repo
transaction, the lender of money, because it is lending the more liquid asset, receives margin (p.
535). In other words, the asymmetry is a symptom of the money-credit hierarchy.
The way that margin works is that the price of a security that is used as repo collateral is
less than its market price by an amount called the haircut. In the book there is an example (p.
533, Figure 13.1), in which a 10 year Treasury Bond trading at 100-29/32 plus accrued interest is
used as collateral for an overnight repo. The haircut is 2%, so the borrower gets only 99.228 for
his collateral. The agreed overnight interest rate is 4.92%, which means that the borrower has to
pay 99.2280*(1+.0492/360)=99.2416 the next day in order to repurchase his securities. The
overnight interest on an approximately million dollar loan is about $135.
(Note that money market convention treats the year as having only 360 days. Also by
convention, interest is not compounded, so a 3 day repo would pay back [1+.0492*(3/360)], not
In fact the net outright holdings can be a very misleading indication of exposure because it does not include any
exposure that comes from futures and other derivatives which can be substantial. Perhaps we can assume that
dealers are making the same bets in their off-balance sheet portfolio as they are in their on-balance sheet portfolio?
Ive added in entries for net assets financed and net worth as a gesture toward the entire balance
sheet, but lets focus on the RP entries for now. Security dealers have 2.5 trillion dollars of
overnight borrowing, which we can consider analogous to bank deposits. You cant spend an
RP, but you can certainly spend the next day proceeds, and corporate treasurers use that feature
heavily. Compared to those liabilities, their assets are noticeably longer term, even if we just
look at the money market portion of the portfolio. Apparently security dealers borrow short and
lend long, providing liquidity to the market in much the same way that banks do.
The Fed in the repo market, with security dealers
As economists, we are used to thinking of the Fed as engaged in open market operations,
buying Tbills when it wants to increase the supply of reserves, and selling when it wants to
contract. In the course of a business cycle, it may be doing both. Secularly however it is a buyer
since the economy is growing and so the supply of reserves grows. Whether secularly or
cyclically, these open market operations are made at most a couple times a year.
On a daily basis, the Fed is involved in ensuring elasticity of reserves by standing ready to
soak up excess and meet temporary demand. Operating factors that might require Fed
intervention include changes in Treasury balances (since Treasury balances are held at the Fed,
an increase in balances drains reserves from the banking system), changes in cash holdings of the
public (increased cash holding is a reserve drain). The Fed intervenes to adjust for operating
factors by engaging in repo. It does repo (buys Tbills for resale, lends money) like everyone else
when it wants to temporarily increase reserves. But when it want to decrease reserves, it does
MSP (matched sale purchase).
MSP is like a reverse, but since a reverse is understood as borrowing money, the Fed
wants to make it more symmetric. An MSP is legally two distinct sales. The new edition of
Stigum suggests that the Fed is now more willing to do outright reverses, but the evidence is that
it doesnt do much. The reverses that are on the Feds balance sheet are almost all done as part
of the Feds repo pool for foreign central banks. Thus foreign central banks get interest at the
repo rate on their balances at the Fed, whereas normal reserve balances pay no interest.
Figure 13.10 (p. 569) shows an example of the Feds overnight repo operations. The Fed
tells the primary dealers that it wants to do repo, and asks them to submit collateral and bid for
the money. It accepts the best bids and does the repo. The effect is to increase reserves as
Thus by expanding its own balance sheet, the Fed expands the balance sheet of dealers and banks
as well.
More recent examples are posted daily on the website of the New York Fed, The annual Open Market Operations report
at has a wealth of summary information about
these operations. One important fact is that the Desk arranged short term RPs on all but 8
business days in 2006. Basically before the crisis the Fed was in the market every day, and the
size of its daily RP was large relative to total bank reserves.
All that changed with the crisis. Nowadays the Fed intervenes in this way only rarely, in
the last few months mostly to test its ability to do reverse repo with the dealers, as a way of
shrinking its balance sheet eventually. Here is the balance sheet describing that:
+reverse repo
+reverse repo
You can see that the reverse works to shift its liabilities from reserves (which are high powered
money) to repo (which is less high powered, especially if it is term repo), and to shift the Feds
counterparty from banks to dealers. Whether or not this is such a big deal is something we can
talk about; the point right now to emphasize is understanding exactly how it all works.
Stigum says that in general the overnight repo rate is a bit lower than the overnight Fed
Funds rate, and a bit higher than the three month Treasury bill rate. Why should this be? She
suggests two reasons for this, but neither is convincing. First, she observes that repo is secured
credit whereas Fed Funds is unsecured, and concludes that 5-10 basis point differential is
compensation for the higher risk involved in Fed Funds. I dont buy it. In the Fed Funds market,
control of credit lines is the way that banks avoid credit risk, and they set these lines in order to
ensure that they face essentially zero risk of default. No one lends 1MM overnight to gain only
about $100 interest if they have any concern at all about default. It would be better simply to
forego the interest, and it is easy to do that simply by foregoing the loan.
The second reason given is that there are many economic entities that cannot invest in
Fed Funds but can invest in repo, and they might tend to push rates on repo below Fed Funds. I
dont buy this one either. There are plenty of agents who can borrow at the repo rate and lend at
the Fed Funds rateyour typical bank for exampleso the question is why this arbitrage does
not close the gap.
In my view, we are closer to the institutional facts of the matter if we think of the Fed
Funds target as a kind of penalty discount rate that dealers have to pay if they are unable to meet
their survival constraint by borrowing at the repo rate. 3 Dealers expand their balance sheets to
the extent possible on very thin capitalization while holding essentially no cash reserves,
depending instead on the repo market to raise cash as needed. If they run into trouble, (which is
to say if they find themselves with insufficient collateral for additional repo borrowing) they rely
in the first instance on their clearing banks for a dealer loan, which is priced over Fed Funds
since the bank depends on the Fed Funds market to fund the loan. But thats just for the
In this respect, the modern US system is very much like the classic British system of the nineteenth century that has
been analyzed by Bagehot and Sayers. See my Monetary Policy Implementation: A Microstructure Approach
(October 2006) for detailed argument from which the following is summarized.
occasional last minute mistake. More fundamentally, and more routinely, dealers can rely on the
Fed itself for a repo loan priced at the Fed Funds rate, since that is the rate that the Fed is trying
to establish with its daily intervention.
Think of it this way. At the morning auction, dealers bid for the money. Bids that are
below the Fed Funds rate will not be attractive to the Fed. It wants to supply needed reserves,
but also to retain discipline in the market by keeping reserves scarce. It does that by accepting
bids that are at or above the Fed Funds rate. For their part, dealers are willing to bid above the
market repo rate, even if they think they will be financing most of their needs at the market repo
rate, so long as they face any probability of having to ask for a dealer loan from their bank, which
charges typically FF+50bp. So long as they get the money from the Fed for less than they could
get it at their clearing bank, they are happy. The end result is the pattern we see, that the Fed
funds rate tends to be above the repo rate.
Observe how thinking about the balance sheet relationships helps us make sense of the
typical price relationships. We observe how the institutional mechanism of the daily auction
serves to establish a premium on the best money in the system, and that premium provides an
incentive for agents throughout the system to try to meet their obligations at the clearing rather
than roll them over to another day. That premium shows up in the slight premium of fed funds
over repo, and it also shows up in the typical premium of overnight money over longer term
money, such as the three month bill. The answer to the otherwise puzzling pattern of interest
rates in the money market is nothing more than the natural hierarchy of money and credit.
Again all this is changed since the crisis. Currently repo is higher than Fed Funds, which
definitely shows that the difference is not a premium for default risk. Above I argued that a
situation of repo<FF could be understood as a particular balance between elasticity and
discipline, with the Fed keeping the better money (FF) at a premium in order to establish some
discipline. Analogously, it seems we could think of the opposite situation of repo>FF as the
opposite balance, with the Fed keeping the better money at a discount in order to establish some
elasticity. In effect the market rate of interest is the repo rate, and the official rate is the Fed
Funds rate. The Fed is trying to set up incentives for banks to borrow at the Fed Funds rate and
lend at the repo rate, so supporting short term credit markets more generally. The fact that the
gap stands now at 15 basis points suggests that this strategy is not working very wellthat is a
large gap in money market terms, even if it seems small to us.
Chase NY
Citi NY
+ 10 Citi
Citi London
+10 Citi
Because Citibank London has no account at the NY Fed, it holds instead an account at
Citi NY which it uses to make and receive dollar payments. It accepts the deposit from
Exxon by crediting its New York account (so expanding its balance sheet), and Citi NY
accepts that deposit by expanding its holding of reserves at the New York Fed. When we
talk about Eurodollars, we are talking about the balance sheet of Citi London.
Stigum makes a big deal of the point that in the process of creating Eurodollars no
dollars leave the country. The balance sheets make clear that she is talking narrowly
about reserve balances. From the point of view of the New York Fed, all that has
happened is a debit from the account of Chase NY and a credit to the account of Citi NY,
which leaves total reserve balances in the system unchanged. From another point of view
however, the transaction does give rise to dollar balances held outside the country that
used to be held inside. If the bank accepting the deposit was Credit Lyonnais rather than
a branch of Citibank, we might see the point more clearly
-10 Chase
+ 10
Chase NY
Citi NY
Credit Lyonnais
+ 10
+10 Citi
If we confine our attention to the US, we see that there has been an expansion of the
balance sheet of Citi NY but an exactly equal contraction of the balance sheet of Chase
NY. However outside the US there has been an expansion of the balance sheet of Credit
Lyonnais and no corresponding contraction. From a global perspective, there has been an
expansion of credit.
And that is just the beginning. Since Credit Lyonnais has reserves in NY, it can
now proceed to do dollar denominated banking business, both lending and deposit taking,
outside the country.
Dollar loan
Money Dealer
Dollar loan
Apparently even now there is some advantage in having the institutions of the
international dollar separate from the institutions of the domestic dollar. In fact, the
overnight Eurodollar market has recently been larger in volume than the overnight Fed
Funds market. (Not true during current credit crisis.) Which is the tail and which is the
dog? Today, it is still the domestic dollar that dominates, but stay tuned (p. 860).
One issue to flag right away here is the question of monetary policy. The Fed is
concerned about employment and inflation within the United States, and monetary policy
is an attempt to influence those conditions. To do this, the Fed focuses attention on the
domestic money supply and domestic interest rates, leaving largely out of consideration
the international money supply in the Eurodollar market. The idea is that these balances
are held by foreigners and so may influence their behavior, not by domestic consumers
and businesses. Increasingly this is a difficult abstraction to defend, since important
entities are global.
Eurodollar as interbank market
The fundamental reason for the Eurodollar market seems to be that foreign banks
have customers who wish to hold dollar balances or take out dollar loans from them.
This customer-led demand causes some of the banks to have a natural surplus position
(more dollar deposits than loans) and other banks to have a natural deficit position (more
dollar loans than deposits). They could each resolve the imbalance by doing business
with some US bank, but it seems easier all around for them to do business with each
other, with the surplus banks lending to the deficit banks. Thats what is happening in the
interbank market, and the London Interbank Offer Rate, or LIBOR, is the rate of interest
charged in that market. Just so:
Deficit agent
Citi London
US$ customer
deposit, Credit
Surplus agent
Credit Lyonnais
US$ customer
deposit, Citi
Both Citi and Credit seek matched book, which means that their dollar liabilities are
the same as their dollar assets, since that protects them from any change in the value of
the dollar. Because their natural customer positions offset, they can achieve matched
book by trading with each other in the interbank market. This is an unsecured interbank
borrowing like Fed Funds, and like in the Fed Funds market banks control the
counterparty risk by controlling their credit lines to one another. (Tiering of prices is
apparently not about credit risk, but more about market organization.)
It is not enough however simply to match total assets and total liabilities.
Especially so when we have in mind the special vulnerability of the Eurodollar market to
liquidity problems because of its lack of access to the Feds balance sheet. The liquidity
of the Eurodollar market ultimately depends on the ability and willingness of the New
York banks to provide liquidity as needed by taking the problems of the Eurodollar
market onto their own balance sheets. Uncertainty about that ability and willingness
makes the Eurodollar banks take care to line up the time pattern of cash inflows and cash
outflows, in order to minimize their need to use reserves. Thats the reason that
Eurodollar deposits are made to specific dates, with no early withdrawal permitted (and
no negotiability of the deposit either). The bank wants to know precisely when the cash
outflow will happen, in order to prepare to meet it. But what if those dates dont line up?
Balance Sheet Approach to FRA
The most important instrument for that purpose is the Forward Rate Agreement,
which I will now proceed to explain. It is an off-balance sheet instrument, essentially a
side bet on the value of LIBOR at some date in the future, but we understand its
importance better if we imagine what it would look like as an on-balance sheet
instrument. This mode of analysis, which well be using for all derivatives, is presented
here for the first time, so it is worth your while to master it.
Suppose that two months from now Bank X expects to be making a 3-month US$
loan, and two months from now Bank Y expects to be receiving a 3-month US$ deposit.
(Perhaps these expectations arise from existing loans and deposits that expire in two
months but which the customer is likely to renew, see p. 832). They can help each other
line up cash flows in time by swapping IOUs today as follows:
Bank X (forward borrower)
2 month
deposit, F%
5 month
deposit, F%
5 month
deposit, F%
2 month
deposit, F%
At the moment, suppose these two IOUs have exactly the same value, so no money
changes hands. Also, over the next two months the interest rate is the same, so again no
money changes hands. But two months from now one deposit matures, which involves a
cash flow from Bank Y to Bank X. X uses it to make a loan, Y uses it to invest a deposit.
Five months from now the other deposit matures, which involves a cash flow from Bank
X to Bank Y.
Observe that this pattern of cash flows is exactly what the banks need in order to
hedge their natural positions. Two months from now Bank Y gets a customer deposit,
and pays it to Bank X, which uses it to make a customer loan. Five months from now the
customer repays the loan to Bank X, which sends the money to Bank Y. At the end of
the day, it is the three month deposit that funds the 3 month loan, but the on-balance sheet
IOUs allowed the banks to set it up ahead of time.
Bank X
3 month loan
3 month
deposit, F%
Bank Y
3 month
deposit, F%
3 month deposit,
So we could do all of this with an explicit swap of IOUs on balance sheet, but we
dont. Banks are always looking to economize on balance sheet capacity, and there is a
more efficient way to get the same job done. For a while banks did something almost
like a swap of IOUs, called a forward forward, where Bank Y agreed in advance to place
a 3 month deposit in Bank X at rate F% two months from now. Clearly, this forward
forward structure just nets out the first two months of our ideal on-balance sheet swap of
The Forward Rate Agreement goes even farther by netting out the principal that is
paid from Y to X in two months, and back again the other way in five months. Instead
what is paid is the difference between LIBOR and F% two months from now. (See p.
832 for a worked example.) It is because these principal payments have been eliminated
that FRA agreements can be off-balance sheet agreements. Bank X plans to fund the loan
by borrowing at LIBOR, and Bank Y plans to invest its deposit by lending at LIBOR.
But by engaging in a FRA that pays the difference between LIBOR and F%, they both
manage to lock in an interest rate of F% for the funds in question. Bank X doesnt care
how high LIBOR might go, and Bank Y doesnt care how low LIBOR might go, just so
long as the liquidity is there so they can raise and invest the principal amounts as needed.
(I underline this last bit, since it is a key assumption, almost always satisfied but likely to
fail when you need it most.)
Bank X
3 month loan
Bank Y
3 mo deposit,
3 mo deposit,
3 mo deposit,
3 mo deposit,
3 mo deposit
[1+R(0,N)][1+F(N,T)] = [1+R(0,T)]
The notation is that R(0,N) is the rate of interest on a deposit extending from now to N (2
months in our example), R(0,T) is the rate of interest on a deposit extending from now to
T (5 months in our example) and F(N,T) is the implied forward rate on a three month
deposit two months from now. 1
FIP is an arbitrage condition. What that means is that if the actual forward rate
on a FRA were any different from the implied forward rate, there would be opportunities
for riskless profit by lending at the higher rate and borrowing at the lower rate. Because
of this, in practice the market forward rate tends to be very close to the implied forward
rate. This is the rate that will be chosen for our interbank transaction.
I follow G. Poitras.
that gives rise to the foreign exchange swap, which permits banks to trade out of any
currency mismatch they may have.
The book talks about a Euroyen swap. Let us think about what that swap would
look like as an on-balance sheet operation, and use that to help us understand what is
going on. Suppose a bank commits to lend 6-month Euroyen and now needs to fund that
loan (p. 855). Suppose that funds are available in 6-month Eurodollars, so now the bank
has a problem of currency mismatch. Six months from now it will be receiving yen
(from the loan) and paying out dollars (on the deposit). How can it fix that mismatch?
It can solve that problem with the following balance sheet operation:
6 month loan,
6 month
deposit, R
6 month deposit
6 month
deposit, R*
6 month
deposit, R*
6 month
deposit, R
Observe that this balance sheet operation leaves our bank with completely matched book,
both over time and across currencies. Six months from now it will be receiving yen
(from the loan) and paying out yen (on the swap), and receiving dollars (on the swap) and
paying dollars (on the deposit).
Let us now suppose that this swap of IOUs has zero value at inception and
investigate the details that would make it so. First step is to open accounts that have the
same current value according to the current exchange rate, say 115 yen for every dollar,
S(0). (Note well that I am defining the exchange rate as yen/dollar, so a rise in S is an
appreciation of the dollar and a depreciation of the yen.) Six months from now well
close the accounts and there will be a different exchange rate, but we can fix a notional
rate F(T) today that makes the present value of the two accounts exactly the same.
Heres how.
Today there is some prevailing interest rate for Euroyen, R*, and some prevailing
interest rate for Eurodollars, R. So if we open a Euroyen account with 115 yen it will
grow by the rate R*, and our $1 Eurodollar account will grow by the rate R. These
accounts would have the same value six months from now if the exchange rate changed
by exactly the right amount to counter the interest rate differential. The future exchange
rate that makes these two accounts have the same value today is the exchange rate F(T)
that satisfies Covered Interest Parity
[1+R*(0,T)]S(0) = [1+R(0,T)]F(T)
The left hand side is the yen value of the yen account at maturity, and the right hand side
is the yen value of the dollar account at maturity. Like FIP, CIP is an arbitrage condition,
so we expect the actual market forward exchange rate to be very close to the forward
exchange rate that is implied by this formula, and it usually is.
The cash flows involved in our notional swap of IOUs are as follows:
Time 0:
$1 from Bank to counterparty, S(0) yen from counterparty to bank
Time T:
[1+R*]S(0) yen from bank to counterparty, [1+R] dollars from
counterparty to bank
If the actual exchange rate S(T) = F(T) [=(1+R*)S(0)/(1+R)] then the cash flows at time
T are exactly offsetting in value terms. But if S(T) > F(T) then a dollar buys more yen,
so the cash inflow to the bank (from the swap) is worth more than the cash outflow (from
the swap). And if S(T) < F(T) then a dollar buys less yen, so the cash inflow to the bank
is worth less than the cash outflow.
Now we can see how to do the same thing more efficiently with a swap. A swap
contract is nothing more than an off balance sheet way of achieving the exact same net
cash flows as the on-balance sheet swap of IOUs. At time 0, the two parties swap yen for
dollars at S(0) and agree to swap back again at F(T). (In the case of the FX swap, these
principal payments cannot be netted because they are in different currencies, and that is
different from the forward interest swap.)
The effect of the FX swap is to shield the bank from any fluctuation in the yen
exchange rate. If the yen falls in value, he loses on his Euroyen loan but gains on the
offsetting swap. If the yen rises in value, he gains on his Euroyen loan but loses on the
offsetting swap. The bank does not care what happens to the yen exchange rate.
EH and UIPTwo relationships that you might think should be true but
The Expectations Hypothesis of the term structure suggests that the forward rate should
be equal to the expected future spot rate, and this sounds like a reasonable theory. In
practice however there tends to be an inequality.
F(N,T) = ER(N,T)
Violation of EH:
What this means is that Bank X typically would have done better by not engaging in the
FRA and simply borrowing funds as needed in the spot market. That Bank X is willing
to lose this money tells us that it is paying for insurance. Note that it is the borrower of
money who pays, not the lender. This violation of EH is another symptom of the
hierarchy of money and credit.
Similarly, since the forward exchange rate can be locked in today, we might
expect it to bear some relationship to the expected future exchange rate. Uncovered
Interest Parity suggests that they should be equal, and this sounds eminently reasonable.
Suppose R*<R, so the yen is a relatively low yielding currency. UIP says that we must
expect the dollar to depreciate against the yen (yen to appreciate against the dollar) by
just enough to make both currencies have the same yield, at least ex ante.
Nice theory, but unfortunately it seems not to hold up very well in the real world.
Study after study finds
Violation of UIP:
That is to say, usually the low yielding currency does not appreciate by enough to give it
the same yield as the high yielding currency. (In fact, typically the low yielding currency
actually depreciates, contrary to UIP prediction that it will appreciate.)
We see the tension between these two principles in the simultaneous elasticity of credit
and inelasticity of money. We see the tension also in institutions like continuous real time gross
settlement and control over daylight overdrafts on Fedwire, limits on overdrafts and daily net
settlement on CHIPS, combined with looser limits in the repo and Eurodollar markets. The
effect is to protect the core of the payments system from potential credit problems (excess
elasticity), and to protect the core of the credit system from potential money shortage problems
(excess discipline).
In terms of our four prices of money, we have so far been emphasizing one, par, which is
the price of deposit money in terms of currency (or reserve money). We have referred to the
interest rate as the price of delaying settlement, but we havent talked very much about what
determines that rate. In our discussion, the clearinghouse was presumed to receive no interest on
its assets (gold) and pay none on its standing liabilities (CH certificates). In times of crisis, the
clearinghouse was presumed to charge an exceptionally high rate of interest (6%) on loans to
members, and to pass that high rate of interest on to members who were willing to hold
clearinghouse loan certificates. We see here a primitive kind of lender of last resort function
emerging organically from business practice. But such a rate of interest bears no close relation to
the rate of interest in normal times.
The next section of the course approaches the money market from a new point of view.
Instead of thinking of credit instruments as forms of delayed payment (different times), we think
of them as securities that have a current price quoted in terms of money (different prices). The
price we will focus most of our attention on is the rate of interest, which is the price of money
today in terms of money tomorrow. Furthermore, instead of focusing on the various credit
instruments themselves (Fed Funds, repo, Eurodollars), we focus now on the institutions that
make liquid markets in these instruments. The most significant idea will be that banks are a
kind of security dealer, a market maker in money. We wont be able to understand that idea
fully until next lecture, since first we have to understand what is meant by a security dealer, but it
will help you to understand where we are going with this.
In a way, we are reversing the emphasis of Stigum. She says: the dealer takes in
securities on one side at one rate and hangs them out on the other side at a slightly more
favorable (lower) rate; or to put it the other way around, the dealer borrows money from his repo
customers at one rate and lends it to his reverse customers as a slightly higher rate. In doing so,
the dealer is acting like a bank, and dealers know this well (432). She emphasizes that dealers
are like banks, meaning they are a kind of financial intermediary between ultimate borrowers and
lenders. I want to emphasize that banks are like dealers, meaning a kind of market maker. And
not only are individual banks like dealers, but also the central bank is like a dealer.
These hierarchical layers of market making knit together the layers of the hierarchy of
money. The ordinary market participants impression that the difference between instruments is
a matter of quantity (price) not quality (moneyness) is created by this system of market makers.
The hierarchy is still there behind the scenes, and occasionally springs out onto the stage during
crises, but most of the time we dont see it.
In this next section of the course, we will be focusing on the money rate of interest as the
price of money. This new focus means that we now approach the emergence of central banking
also from another angle. We think of banks as directly managing the relationship between
payment and promises to pay, which is to say the relationship between money today and money
tomorrow, which is to say the rate of interest. Just as in the last few lectures we pursued an
analogy between a central bank and a clearinghouse, now we pursue a different analogy between
a central bank and a security dealer. We begin with 19th century British banking where that
analogy can be seen in a simpler form than in modern banking.
+bill of exch.
Firm B
+bill of exch.
-bill of exch.
+bill of exch.
Note what has happened. The balance sheet of Firm A has expanded on both sides, while Firm B
and the Bank have merely changed the form in which they hold their assets. If all goes well,
Firm A manages to sell the goods retail, receiving notes in return which he then uses to pay back
what he owes to the bank, so shrinking his balance sheet again.
Firm B
-bill of exch.
-bill of exch.
discount means sale at a price less than face value. Historically banks also accepted bills without discounting
them, which means they guaranteed payment. This acceptance is a kind of credit default swap, which we will talk
about in a later lecture.
So the balance sheet of Firm A shrinks back down again, and the note reserve of the bank is
restored. (For simplicity in the balance sheets, I abstract from any profit firm A might have
earned, as well as from the interest the bank has earned by holding the bill to maturity. In fact
the notes paid in are more than the notes paid out, by the rate of interest.) Firm A financed its
purchase by borrowing first from Firm B, who passed on the promise to the Bank. The result
was that Firm B got paid for the goods before Firm A made the payment.
The way we did the balance sheets, that payment came from notes that the Bank held in reserve.
I did it the way I did in order to make clear the cost to the Bank of helping Firm B receive a
payment before Firm A makes a payment, namely a reduction in reserves relative to total assets,
and hence increased vulnerability to demands for payment. The bank opens itself to that
vulnerability in order to earn interest on the bill it discounts. This vulnerability is what we mean
by liquidity risk. Concretely, with fewer notes on hand, the bank is more vulnerable to an
unexpected withdrawal of its deposit liabilities.
Alternatively, the bank could discount by expanding its deposits. This too increases liquidity
vulnerability since the new deposits may well be withdrawn, but probably less so than paying out
notes right away.
Firm B
One other possibility is also worth noting, which is that the firm does not discount the bill but
rather only accepts it, which means committing to pay the bill at maturity in case Firm A does
not pay. Acceptance is thus a kind of guarantee, a contingent liability of the Bank and a
contingent asset of Firm B. Firm B pays for this guarantee, but in return gets an interest bearing
asset that he can more readily liquidate if it turns out he needs cash before maturity.
Firm A
Firm B
Both of these mechanisms operate to economize on scarce notes (money). In the first, the bank
finds a way to discount without paying out notes. In the second, the Firm finds a way to ensure
access to future cash without demanding any present cash.
The Discount Rate
Now suppose that the bank is doing business not just with Firm A and B but with lots of other
firms, and suppose there are lots of other banks too. On any given day it is both extending new
discount loans, and receiving payment from maturing discount loans, so notes are flowing in and
out. The whole secret of successful banking of this type is to match these inflows and outflows
while keeping (non-earning) note balances as low as possible.
In order to do this, the one thing the bank can control is the discount rate. If it finds that
requests for discount are exceeding its available note capacity, it can lower the price it is willing
to pay (which means raising the discount interest rate). The effect should be to discourage new
discounts relative to repayment of old ones, and hence a shift toward net inflow of notes.
r discourages discount, contraction of credit at given bank
r encourages discount, expansion of credit at given bank
Every bank is doing this. Each one is moving its own discount rate up and down in order to
achieve the desired net flow of paying assets. If any bank finds itself with too many notes, it may
lower the discount rate in order to attract new discounts. If it finds itself with too few notes, it
may raise the discount rate in order to discourage new discounts. In the system as a whole
multiple rates encourage holders of bills to seek out one bank or another.
Also, banks themselves may borrow and lend notes to and from one another by using
rediscount. A bank finding itself with too many discounts and too few notes can rediscount some
of the excess to another bank in the opposite position. The significant point about this, for our
purposes, is that the discount banks are acting in effect as dealers, quoting a two-way market for
bills of exchange and meeting the resulting flow of demand and supply by altering their own
inventories and balance sheets. Individual dealers set their own prices, with a view to managing
their own inventories, maximizing profits and controlling exposure to liquidity risk. But
competition and arbitrage ensures that the multiple rates are coordinated around a single
rate well call the market rate of interest.
Given what weve said about how banks adjust their discount rates, it follows that the
marketwide rate of interest fluctuates depending on the marketwide balance between cash
inflows from maturing bills and cash outflows from new discounts. When discount pressure is
high, or when firms are having difficulty repaying, the market rate of interest rises.
Bank Rate
Now let us think about the role of the central bank. Ever since Peels Act, the Bank of England
was divided into two departments:
Issue Department
Government Debt
Banking Department
Bank of England
The effect of this division was to fix the note issue in aggregate, which is a source of discipline.
The elasticity in the system comes from the willingness of the Bank of England to hold more
note reserves than it really needs, and to make them available to other banks through the discount
mechanism. A further source is the elasticity of deposits, which other banks are able to use as
reserves when notes are particularly scarce.
So far we have been implicitly thinking of the banking problem as merely involving allocation of
a fixed quantity of notes. Fluctuating market rates create a profit incentive for the banking
system to expand and contract its overall balance sheet, by holding fewer notes when credit
demand is higher. But it also creates a profit incentive for whoever issues the notes to change the
quantity. So a profit-seeking central bank would respond to a period of general credit expansion
as follows:
Banking System
Central Bank
Just as the individual banks were encouraged to take on liquidity risk by the prospect of profit, so
too would be a profit-seeking central bank. As in the system with a fixed quantity of notes, there
will be a tendency for all discount rates to converge on a single rate.
But notice that whenever there is scarcity of note reserve (i.e. money is tight), the central bank
is in a position to affect the interest rate as a matter of its own policy. It may take the view that
there are sufficient notes outstanding already, and set its rate sufficiently high that net demand for
rediscount is minimal. Or it may set a lower rate, and allow its balance sheet to expand. In fact
it may use the rediscount rate to control the rate of that expansion. Contrariwise, it may take the
view that there are excessive notes outstanding, and set its rate so high that net demand for
rediscount is negative, so contracting its balance sheet, and it may use its discount rate to control
the rate of contraction.
Bank rate thus moves as a policy variable, while the market rate moves as a market price.
This is the economics of Walter Bagehot, focusing on the discount rate as defense of the rate of
exchange under the gold standard. When the Bank of England tights, it contracts not only its
own balance sheet but also the balance sheets of all other banks below it, which tightens credit in
the entire country. Thus, to some extent, it could be said that domestic credit policy was
subordinated to the dictates of the gold standard, at least whenever those dictates were binding.
This distinction between external drain and internal drain is thus an early attempt to find the
appropriate balance between discipline (external) and elasticity (internal). The distinction makes
a certain practical sense in a gold standard world since if the central bank does not defend the
gold parity it is not clear who else would. But from a larger analytical perspective, the distinction
is a lot muddier than it appears on first sight. If we take the perspective of the world as a whole,
then gold flows between countries have no more effect on the aggregate world gold stock than
internal flows have on the domestic gold stock. If we accommodate the latter, then why dont we
accommodate the former?
Practically of course the reason is that such accommodation would require cooperation between
central banksthe French central bank would have to lend back the gold that was flowing out of
England. But that is only a practical problem, and it is conceivable that evolution of central
banking would provide an institutional solution. There is no necessity for the scarcity of gold to
constrain the system as a whole. The system does however require some overall disciplining
Consider an example (inspired by Hicks, Market Theory of Money). When I pass the Westside
market in the morning there is almost no one in the store, but the shelves are all stocked. When I
pass the Westside market in the evening the whole world seems to be in there, and the shelves
are in some places seriously depleted. And yet, despite these intraday fluctuations in the flow of
demand, the price of the various goods remains the same, and we would be seriously surprised if
it did not. The prices of goods fluctuate over time, across days and weeks and years, but not
within the day. The Westside market is a liquid market.
My concern at the moment is not so much with why merchants find it useful and profitmaximizing to make liquid markets, as with how merchants manage to do it. A moment's
thought reveals that the secret is inventories. Merchants take delivery of a large quantity of a
particular good, set the price so as to ensure a profit on the load, and then proceed to supply
individual demanders from the inventory until it runs sufficiently low that they make another
The answer is simple, but it is also deep, because when you think a little more you realize that
Westside chooses its inventories on the assumption that it can get resupply and that resupply
depends on inventories somewhere else in the system, and so forth all the way back to the factory
or the original producer. The continuity of the market price for a particular good thus seems to
depend on a hierarchical structure of inventories. Even so-called "just-in-time" production is
best viewed as a very careful adjustment of the flow of ultimate supply to ultimate demand in
order to minimize inventories. We are amazed at the Japanese just-in-time inventory system
because this is really very difficult to do, but it does not eliminate inventories. Rather it pushes
the ultimate inventory back before production into inventories of the parts and components held
by suppliers.
Security Dealers and Market Makers
A security dealer is somewhat like Westside market, more so than might first appear. A security
dealer who acts as an agent in a primary issue of corporate securities buys the securities from the
corporate clients at one price and then sells them at a higher price to its retail clients. Thats
exactly what Westside market does. More generally, however, we are interested in two-sided
dealers, who offer to sell retail but also to buy retail. Security dealers quote two prices--a lower
bid (to buy) and a higher ask or offer (to sell). (In many markets prices are quoted as yields, so
the bid is a higher number than the ask.) It is as if the Westside market was willing to buy or sell
mangoes to retail customers.
In the securities market both bid and ask prices are retail prices, and wholesale
(interdealer) prices are within the bid-ask spread. The one sided dealer (like Westside) only
sells, so it only needs an inventory of the good that it sells. The two sided dealer also buys, and
so it also needs an inventory of cash. We begin therefore by thinking of the dealer holding
inventories of both cash and securities in order to be prepared to fulfill when bids are hit and
offers are lifted.
Hypothetical Dealer Balance Sheet (showing inventories)
| capital
The consequence from the point of view of retail trade is a liquid market, meaning the ability to
buy or sell without moving the price. My hypothetical dealer has inventories of cash and
securities, and uses those inventories to absorb fluctuations in demand and supply. Any increase
in one inventory is matched by a decrease in another. The result is that imbalances in the time
pattern of demand and supply show up as balance sheet changes, not price changes.
One way to appreciate what dealers do is to think about what would happen without them.
Imbalances in supply and demand would cause prices to jump around, or force ultimate suppliers
and demanders to wait for the opposite side. The security market would be like the housing
market in which individual buyers have to find individual sellers and negotiate individual deals.
Instead, in the securities market, buyers and sellers only have to find a dealer, and the
dealer takes the opposite side of their trade. The dealer makes liquid markets by buying when
there is excess selling pressure, and selling when there is excess buying pressure. So he is buying
at a price higher than would otherwise be (higher than if excess supply had to drive prices down
far enough to attract demand), and selling at a price lower than would otherwise be (lower than if
excess demand had to drive prices up far enough to attract supply). He has to pay attention to
these prices if he is going to survive, and make sure that he is not paying too much or selling for
too little. Dealers thus operate to smooth prices as well as to make continuous markets out of
discontinuous order flow.
Here the offer (or ask, or selling price) is above the bid (buying price), and the spread means that
the dealer is always buying low and selling high. The level of both prices also changes with the
inventory. By lowering the price at which he is willing to add to a large long position, he
protects himself from the risk that price may fall. By raising the price at which he is willing to
add to a large short position, he protects himself from the risk that price may rise.
Three key pieces make up this model. First, the position limits of the dealer. He has
limited capital and limited credit (from his clearing bank) and perhaps also limited taste for risk.
We capture all these in the position limits, max long and max short. Second, the outside
spread, which is the price at which value based traders (the ultimate suppliers and demanders)
are willing to buy and sell. This is a wide spread, maybe 20% below and 20% above
fundamental value as estimated by the value based trader. When the dealer hits his position
limits, the VBT becomes market maker of last resort. Third, the volatility of price and the
prevalence of adverse selection risk.
We can think of the dealer as supplying liquidity because he is offering the option to
trade. If you want to trade he is willing to trade at the quoted prices, either way, but if you dont
want to trade thats okay too. Its up to you, not the dealer. He supplies liquidity and you
demand it, whether you want to sell or buy.1
In fact, anyone who offers to trade, by placing a limit order is supplying liquidity to the market. Anyone can be a
dealer in this respect, although it takes a lot of work and attention to make money at it. (Amateur day traders often
supply liquidity until they run out of money.) This way of conceptualizing liquidity is developed in more detail in
Larry Harris, Trading and Exchanges: Market Microstructure for Practitioners (2003).
Actual dealers differ from my hypothetical dealer in one important respect. They actually
hold almost no inventories of either cash or securities. (The balance sheet I showed you is
actually more like the balance sheet of a value based trader who makes the outside spread.)
Competition among dealers forces them to offer a very tight inside spread, so the profit on any
one trade is very small. They compensate for this with leverage. One step toward greater
leverage is to reduce cash inventories to a bare minimum and rely instead on borrowing, so the
dealers balance sheet looks like this:
A dealer that looked like this would experience fluctuation in the size of his balance sheet as he
bought more securities to absorb selling pressure, and then sold them off to absorb buying
pressure. But a balance sheet like this is always net long securities and net short cash, and that
involves risk exposure (to falling security prices) that is not necessary to the market making
business. Ideally, the dealers would like to reduce inventories to zero, so they eliminate
inventory risk, and they can do this only if they hold as many short positions as long positions.
Typically real world dealers wind up net long, but they move as close as they can to the following
ideal balance sheet:
Outside the dealer balance sheet there are other people holding inventories of securities and cash.
The dealer accesses the inventory of securities using reverse and the inventory of cash using repo.
We can think of the repo as borrowing money to finance the dealers long security positions, and
reverse as lending money (borrowing collateral) to finance the dealers short positions.2
In effect, the dealers have very good access to cash (repo market) and to securities
(reverse market) when they need them, so they can behave as though they do have inventories
even though the inventories are actually out in the market some place. In effect, dealers operate a
just-in-time inventory system.
In a crisis, as we will see later, it matters where the inventories are. Ultimately access to
cash comes from higher up in the hierarchy, from banks, and access to securities comes from
lower down in the hierarchy, from security holders. So the dealer is in effect straddling layers of
I remind you that I construct these balance sheets by following the money. Thus, what I have
on the liability side is a money debt, a promise to pay money at a later date that is secured by
security collateral. And what I have on the asset side is a money loan. This makes sense of the
accounts, but you have to see the security flows as well in order to see what is happening as
knitting together the layers of the hierarchy. The money debt is a security sold and repurchased
later, and the money asset is a security purchased and resold later. See Stigum Table 10.1 (p.
434) for actual data on the balance sheets of security dealers.
the monetary hierarchy. Sometimes they get into trouble when they have to come up with
securities they have reversed in and then sold. The more significant troubles come when the
dealer has to come up with money they have repoed in and then spent.3 They are dependent on
banks for refinance. Meanwhile, in normal times, the dealers make the market between cash and
securities, standing ready to take the opposite side of trades that others may wish to make.
The business of making markets is sufficiently competitive that profits are hard to come by. The
real profit in the business comes from trading on the information one gets from knowing the state
of the market better than anyone else, and from having privileged access to both money and
securities in the repo and reverse markets which means the ability to put on a position more
cheaply than anyone else.
Dealers take positions, which means they speculate on how prices will change in the
future. They deliberately mismatch their book in the direction they think will be profitable. They
may be net long securities if they are bullish on security prices, but mostly the trades are more
subtle than that. They may be net long some class of securities and short another class, betting
on the relative price between them. Sometimes this means betting on what the Fed will do, since
the Fed influences the price of money in Fed Funds and all other markets key off that.
Sometimes this means betting what the market will do, since spreads can change.
Example: yield spread arbitrage, in which the dealer identifies apparent mispricing at one
segment of the yield curve, takes a position but hedges overall interest rate exposure by taking an
opposite position at another segment of the yield curve. The initial distortion in asset prices that
the dealer identified as offering an arbitrage opportunity can be understood as a (temporary)
fluctuation in demand or supply. By taking advantage of the distortion, the dealer in effect
spreads its impact into other markets, so reducing its impact, indeed counteracting the distortion.
(Dealers engaged in arbitrage are acting as porters of liquidity from one market to another.)
This kind of arbitrage is important. The consequence is that markets for individual
securities are in fact not separate, each with its own flow of supply and demand that causes price
to fluctuate. Speculators are joining the separate markets into a single market, and in doing so
they bring about a result that is no part of their intention, namely liquidity. Arbitrage and
liquidity are in this sense two sides of the same coin.4
In this recent crisis, dealers have had problems of both kinds. So-called fails, meaning failure to receive back
collateral that had been used to secure a loan, became so widespread that the Fed intervened using its Term
Securities Lending Facility, lending its own inventory of Treasury securities to dealers. Also, access to cash became
a problem as the repo market collapsed, so the Fed opened its Primary Dealer Credit Facility, essentially a lender of
last resort facility for dealers.
A philosophical question: What is the relation between liquidity and asset prices? The
modern theory of finance is built on the assumption of perfect liquidity, so that prices can be
fully efficient. It is supposed to be arbitrage that creates perfect liquidity by entering to take
advantage of even the smallest deviation. To say that liquidity is perfect is to say that liquidity is
a free good.
But in a fully efficient market, arbitrage would not be profitable since all bets would be
fair bets. So position takers would not make money. And if position takers do not make money,
they will not compete so much for the market-making business. This seems to imply that
In financial theory, it is common practice to assume perfect arbitrage, and hence also
complete liquidity. Assets are assumed to trade at their fundamental value since any other price
would create an arbitrage profit opportunity. In effect, the world that the finance theorists
imagine is a world in which the VBT outside spread is very very narrow, so there is no room and
no need for dealers. In the real world, the outside spread is quite wide, dealers offer prices inside
that spread but the prices can deviate very far from fundamental value. That is the world Fischer
Black was talking about in his infamous presidential address to the American Finance
Association when he said that he thought markets were efficient, meaning price was usually
within a factor of two of true value.
We can understand what Black is saying by referring back to the Treynor model.
Suppose that fundamental value is the price that dealers would quote if their inventories were
exactly zero, so they are not exposed to any price risk. The Treynor model then shows how
market making by dealers pushes price away from fundamental value, on one side or another, by
more or less depending on the size of the outside spread and the dealers maximum long and
short position limits. Standard asset price theory abstracts from this effect, in effect treating the
outside spread as collapsed around fundamental value, so there is no need for dealers. Some
markets are close approximations to this, but others are not; some times are close approximations
to this, but others are not.
markets would be less liquid--wider bid-ask and more volatile prices. Thus, in practice it seems
that we must expect liquidity to enter into asset prices.
Last time we introduced the concept of a continuous or liquid market, and argued that the
institution of a dealer is key to achieving a liquid market. The dealer supplies market liquidity by
quoting prices to buy and sell, and absorbing the resulting order flow onto his balance sheet. The
consequent positions, long and/or short, have to be financed somehow, which means that the
dealer is a demander of funding liquidity.
Today we ascend the hierarchy and consider banks as dealers. Way back at the beginning of the
course, I said we would be thinking of the banking system as making markets by being prepared
to trade currency for deposits and vice versa, at a fixed price par. When we try to apply the
Treynor model directly to banks in this sense, we immediately confront a puzzle. This is clearly
a limiting case, in which the spread is zero and the price is fixed, and from what we know about
dealers this kind of restriction makes such dealing both impossible and unprofitable.
Instead of confronting this puzzle head-on, lets start from what we already understand. Lets
start by thinking of security dealers as banks.
The Treynor model focuses attention on the net position of the dealer, because he is mostly
concerned about price risk. However, if we want to understand banking, we need to bring into
the picture the gross position as well, which is an order of magnitude larger. Here is a stylized
balance sheet, dividing the dealers balance sheet into two pieces.
Securities in, 100
Net financing,
Securities Out,
The matched book part is comprised, in principle, of equal and opposite long and short positions,
so that fluctuation in security prices have exactly offsetting effects. Only the speculative book is
exposed to price movement, and it is an order of magnitude smaller than the matched book. I am
showing the dealer as net long, and funding this net long position with loans. The data for
primary dealers in the US shows their outright position, but not necessarily their actual exposure
since it does not include derivative positions, so we cannot exactly translate between the
conceptual distinction and the data.
Security Dealers as Money Dealers, Term Rates
The data does however show in some detail how all these positions are financed, and it is
instructive to look at closely. The data below is from October 3, 2012, Table 4 in the dealer
854 overnight reverse
1253 term reverse
515 net financing
1796 overnight repo
826 term repo
Note that I have added net financing as a balancing item, since borrowing is greater than lending.
Net financing is not the same as the outright positions shown in Table 3 (which add to about
270), and one reason is the way that mortgage backed security positions are treated. We dont
have to worry about that, since we are trying to understand concepts.
I have made the point before that security dealers operate somewhat like banks, insofar as they
are borrowing short term and lending long term, which you can see in the data. Now I want to go
farther using our idea of matched book. Suppose that the term of reverse lending and reverse
borrowing are exactly the same. Then we can rewrite the dealer balance sheet as follows
854 overnight reverse
826 term reverse
427 term reverse
515 net financing
854 overnight repo
826 term reverse
942 overnight repo
In fact we can go farther still, by distinguishing two different kinds of price risk on the
speculative dealer side. Just add 515 term repo on the liability side and 515 term reverse on the
asset side
854 overnight reverse
826 term reverse
942 term reverse
515 net financing
854 overnight repo
826 term reverse
942 overnight repo
515 term repo
So the dealer has 515 exposure to security price risk, and is funding that exposure using term
repo. Thats the risk we talked about last time. But he also has 942 exposure to liquidity risk,
borrowing short and lending long in the money market. That is new, but we can adapt the
Treynor model to handle it.
Since here we are talking about the money market, prices are quoted as yields, so the bid is
higher than the offer and the dealer quote curves slope up rather than down. But the same idea
applies, that the dealer is willing to take on more risk, in this case liquidity risk, only if
compensated by higher expected return, in this case the difference between the term rate and the
overnight rate. (I label the vertical axis as discount rate to remind us of our discussion of the
world that Bagehot knew, where the discount rate was a term rate. For now think of the
overnight rate as fixed by the Feds official Fed Funds target.)
The point to emphasize here is that the security dealer chooses not only how much price risk to
take (and chooses price quotes to achieve that) but also how much liquidity risk to take (and
chooses yield quotes to achieve that). The balance sheets show clearly that, if the dealer wanted
to, he could take either less or more liquidity risk than price riskthe two numbers do not have
to be the same.
Now lets translate all this into banking language. Overnight repo is analogous to a demand
deposit account, and term repo is analogous to a short term loan. So our Treynor diagram is not
just about the determination of term repo rates, but also about bank term rates as well. Banks
make money, in part, by issuing money as their liability and investing the funds they receiving in
interest bearing securities. That is exactly what the dealers are doing as well.
additional funds in the money market. If deposits exceed lending, then they must find profitable
outlets for excess funds, typically some money market asset or longer term security.1
This traditional view sees banks as intermediaries between savers (household depositors)
and investors (corporations). All the money market does is to move those deposits from banks
with excess to banks with deficit, so in the aggregate what is happening is that deposits are
funding loans. Banks are intermediaries that facilitate that movement, and also intermediaries in
the sense that borrowers and lenders both face the bank, not each other. In this traditional view,
banks are important mainly because of their role in fostering capital accumulation.
Banking System
This is a pretty good picture of what things looked like in the fifties. One thing it leaves out is
that government securities were a large portion of bank portfolios, so that much expansion of
lending was replacing government securities with private loans. (As you read you will note a lot
of ways in which government securities are given privileged legal status. The government in
time of war uses the banking system to support the market in its debt.)
Things have however changed. Stigum talks about the Death of loans--top corporate
customers have access to open market credit, particularly commercial paper, where they can
borrow more cheaply than banks. Banks have adjusted to the loss of this business by instead
providing backup lines of credit to commercial paper issues.
The second big change I would call the Death of deposits. Reg Q worked to provide banks
with low cost funds by limiting interest payment on deposits, but this eroded over time. Rise of
money market mutual funds as competitors. So-called disintermediation as ultimate borrowers
and lenders began to take interest rate risk, without the bank standing between them.
Finance Companies
Commercial Paper
Commercial Paper
MMMF shares
There is also the matter of managing interest rate risk and liquidity risk. See Stigum and Branch Managing Bank
Assets and Liabilities; Strategies for risk control and profit (1983).
As Stigum was writing, banks were losing their core business, but at the same time being
prevented from going into any others. The Securities Industry Association (SIA) resists bank
attempts to get into underwriting non-exempt securities. The Fed imposes capital adequacy
regulations on banks that are not imposed on others. This accelerates the tendency to strip the
balance sheet, to go for off-balance sheet exposure, substituting FRA for deposits, futures for
actuals, etc....
This apparent discrimination against the banks was also in part motivated by concerns
about safety and soundness of the payment system. Also the fact that banks, unlike their
competitors, have privileged access to the Fed, and the Fed wants to keep use of that access to a
In the last ten years or so we have seen a further development of this parallel banking system,
into what now people call the shadow banking system. Essentially we seem to be moving from a
system of bank credit to a system of capital market credit. Corporations pioneered in this shift,
but the latest development has notoriously been more about household credit, namely mortgage
Shadow Bank
MM funding
The shadow banking system faces the same problems of liquidity and solvency risk that the
traditional banking system faced, but without the government backstops (mainly Fed LOLR and
FDIC deposit insurance). Instead the shadow banking system relies on the market for both, the
wholesale money market and the CDS market mainly. 2 We will focus on liquidity risk and hence
the wholesale money market.
The lender of last resort to the shadow banking system is the traditional banking system,
operating through various lines of credit and liquidity support commitment.
interest on reserves, in particular, it imagines will be 75 basis points below the target. And
before the crisis, discount rate was 100 basis points above the target. At the moment the
effective funds rate is actually below IOER rate (16 bp vs. 25 bp), but that is because there are
some lenders in the market who are not eligible to receive interest on reserves, and there are lots
of excess reserves, so they have to take what they can get. In a way, we should think of the
effective FF rate as 25, not 16, and that helps us a bit to understand why repo rates are higher
than FF. A lot of distortion in the system right now.
That said, we can use the Treynor diagram to understand what is happening:
In this situation clearly the Fed can just establish the FF rate as IOER. In the future however, it
intends just to set the outside spread and then perhaps influence the level by trading. Just so,
recall how temporary open market operations work:
Here I am showing the dealer using the Feds loan to pay off bank loan. (Before I showed it used
to accumulate a deposit.) The result is that the Banking system as a whole now has more
reserves, which should ease some of the need to borrow reserves and hence lower the effective
funds rate. The point is to keep the FF rate near the target by intervening daily. The outside
spread is intended only for anomalous situations for individual banks.
So now we can return to the puzzle we started withhow do banks manage to make markets in
currency and deposits at a zero bid-ask spread and a price that is fixed at par, and how do they
make profit doing so? The answer is that they are also in a complementary business, the business
of bearing liquidity risk by issuing demand liabilities and investing the funds at term, and this
business is highly profitable. They cannot change the price of deposits in terms of currency, but
they can expand and contract the quantity of deposits because deposits are their own liability, and
they can expand and contract the quantity of currency because of their access to the discount
window at the fed. Security dealers are stuck with the quantity of securities out there, and stuck
also with the quantity of cash out there. Banks are not stuck with the quantity of deposits or
currency, so although they have less flexibility on price, they have more flexibility on quantity.
We can see the consequence for the Feds balance sheet:
In the earlier 3rd edition, Stigum made clear that standard economic theory has no very good
answer to the question of how the Fed gets leverage over the real economy. Thus: from long
experience, Fed technicians knew that the Fed could not control money supply with the precision
envisioned in textbooks (395); Goodharts Law (400). Her general thrust is non-monetarist:
Much of the macro theory that links money supply to the price level depends on concepts that
have little relevance to the workings of a modern financial system, but at least such a theory
exists and has even earned a Nobel prize. No comparable macroeconomic theory for credit
aggregates yet exists. (412) She is talking here about the quantity theory of money:
which suggests that control of the quantity of money (left side) gives control over the price level
and aggregate output (right side).
Leaving theory aside, and focusing on practice, Stigum further suggests that the talk about
reserves (free reserves, borrowed reserves, non-borrowed reserves) is a cover for what the Fed is
actually doing, which is targeting interest rates. Post 1951 it targeted free reserves, then
explicitly interest rates. Volckers 1979 Saturday Night Special switched to non borrowed
reserves, then in 1983 to borrowed reserves. Since 1987 there has been a more or less explicit
targeting of the fed funds rate.
Free Reserves
Interest Rates
Nonborrowed Reserves
Borrowed Reserves
Fed Funds Rate
Quantity or Price?
Throughout all of these regimes, one constant is the Feds idea that its job is to attend to the
balance of elasticity and discipline in the monetary system as a way of controlling the flow
of credit. Too rapid credit growth requires more discipline; too slow credit growth requires
more elasticity. Operational practice changes, but the underlying goal is the same.
From these equations, you can see that targeting excess reserves amounts to
accommodation of changes in required reserves, and targeting borrowed reserves amounts to
accommodation of changes in non-borrowed reserves. So these quantity targets are not the
kind of strict quantity control favored by the Currency School and modern monetarists. They
involve accommodation in terms of quantities, but maybe not in terms of price. To maintain
constant excess reserves, for example, the Fed may have to allow interest rates to change. In fact
the idea of these policies was to use the quantity target to exert pressure on the market, since
banks dont like to be borrowing from the Fed, but to allow the market to determine the rate of
Even the remaining quantity regime, the Volcker regime of nonborrowed reserves, might be
viewed as a stealth interest rate target. Crandall is good on this.
Modern Money Management1
Today, we are no longer on the gold standard, and central banks are not required to
control the exchange rate. Instead they tend to focus on internal stabilization. They do not want
to accommodate domestic credit expansions and contractions, but rather to counteract them in
order to smooth business fluctuations. Modern money management looks not at gold flows but
rather at movements of the price level as an indication of incipient imbalance between the pattern
of cash flows and cash commitments.
Central banks typically follow some version of the so-called Taylor Rule, which Ill write
as follows:
R = + e + (e *) + (Y YF)
The first three terms of this equation express the idea of the Fisher Effect, which says that the
private negotiations between borrowers and lenders tend to produce a nominal rate of interest
that takes account of the expected rate of inflation (so R = + e where is the real rate of
interest and is the rate of inflation). This is what the private markets tend to do on their own.
Fisher himself thought that private markets tend to have money illusion, so they systematically
underestimate future inflation, and hence mistake merely nominal interest rate changes for real
interest rate fluctuations. In his view, monetary policy was mainly about correcting for these
systematic mistakes.
In modern treatments, we tend to assume rational expectations which means that the
private forecast is as good as can be achieved from available information. In modern treatments,
the problem is not that people make mistakes, but that their adjustments of the nominal rate to
expected inflation do nothing to bring inflation under controlthey merely accommodate it. The
role of the central bank is to do more than that, by raising interest rates even more when inflation
exceeds the target, and lowering even more when inflation falls below the target. (That means
that >1.) Translated into our language, the central bank imposes discipline when prices are
rising too fast, and tries to instill some additional elasticity when prices are not rising fast
In the current crisis, this inflation targeting framework has come under some question.
Many people think that the central bank played a role in causing the credit bubble by keeping
interest rates too low for too long, and that it did so because it was watching inflation not asset
prices (housing prices). So expect to see some evolution in thinking about money management,
but that evolution will be about finding a more appropriate way to achieve balance between
Unlike previous years, I skip over all the developments between Bagehot and Taylor. Thus
there is nothing about the Strong Rule of the 1920s, or Monetary Walrasianism of 1960s and
1970s (both Keynesian and monetarist), which represented stages of the intellectual evolution
from one to the other. All these stages can be interpreted as different ways of understanding the
source of imbalance between cash flows and cash commitments, and hence different approaches
to managing the balance of elasticity and discipline.
elasticity and discipline. Maybe we will be seeing a return to Hawtrey, with his emphasis on the
inherent instability of credit, operating through the effect of lending on collateral valuation.
These are the three diagrams from last time. We can think of the leftmost as describing how the
Fed controls the FF rate; the rightmost is about how the market determines the price of long term
bonds. And the middle diagram shows how both of these two influences come together to
determine the term rate of interest.
If the Fed wants to tighten, it raises FF target. That immediately lowers the profitability of the
liquidity spread in the middle diagram unless the term interest rate rises by the full amount (and
perhaps a bit more to compensate for anticipated future tightening as well). This is funding cost
for bond dealers, so they are willing to hold existing bond inventories only at a lower price,
hence higher expected profit.
This chain of events I propose to you as a sketch of the monetary transmission mechanism in the
modern economy. Note it all goes through the price of money and the price of securities. This
chain of events is just for normal times. What about crisis?
Thus dealers swap IOUs with the bank, and the effect is to increase the means of payment; this
increase is what the dealers use to pay the households. The households get the trade they want
because the dealer system is prepared to take the opposite side of the trade.
Why are they willing to do so? In order for dealers and banks to participate in this kind of action,
they have to have an expectation of making money. Thus, dealers buy securities below
equilibrium price, banks make loans above equilibrium price, and the distance from equilibrium
is determined by the amount of risk they think they are taking. (You can think of this price
change as determined by their inventory change, following the dealer model.) They will not be
willing to do any of this unless they see a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of eventual return
to equilibrium prices.
From this point of view, two important things happen during crises. First, the dealer system
buys time by letting the private sector think that accounts are settling rather than being delayed;
the private sector gets cash today instead of a promise of cash tomorrow. Of course accounts are
not actually settling--the cash is new cash created for the purposebut it is the same as old cash
from the perspective of the private sector. Second, during that extended delay, prices are pushed
away from equilibrium, and the disequilibrium prices put pressure on the system to actually
settle rather than delay; just so, higher interest rates raise the cost of delaying payment. So
although actual settlement is delayed, incentives are put in place to encourage more rapid
settlement in the future.
In the course of normal economic interaction, there are many times when the marketmakers face
trouble of this kind and turn to the banks for refinance, and the banks are able to meet the need
without trouble, harvesting a nice return for doing so. That is to say, there are many cases where
liquidity crises for market makers do not turn into banking crises. These are cases of "normal
crisis" where the liquidity constraint is doing its job of ensuring continued coherence in the
Just as the dealer system could take the problem off the hands (the balance sheet) of the
households, so too can the Fed take the problem off the hands (the balance sheet) of the dealer
system. It does so by expanding its own balance sheet.
In such a circumstance, Fed lending can put bounds on the fluctuation of interest rates and so
prevent the problem from spiraling out of control. If the Fed is willing to lend at 10%, then
interest rates will not go higher than 10%, and that provides a lower bound to asset prices as well.
[This diagram is not exactly right. The Feds discount rate, shown as Fed lending, is the
interest rate paid by banks, usually 100 basis points over the Fed Funds target. The interest rate
charged by banks will be a markup over their cost of funds, not the same as the Fed lending rate.
But this is a refinement. The important point is that the Feds willingness to lend to the banks as
a rate lower than they would lend to each other makes it possible for the banks to lend to the
dealers at a rate lower than they would otherwise charge. Putting a ceiling on the money rate of
interest thus indirectly puts a floor on asset prices. In the recent crisis this transmission broke
down and the Fed moved to put a floor on asset prices directly by buying them, not just financing
their purchase by dealers.]
Why can the Fed help? When the Fed helps the banks, what it does is to expand reserves.
Hence the money supply expands. We have seen that the market makers are long securities and
short cash. What the Fed does is to backstop those short positions by shorting cash itself. The
advantage the Fed has is that it prints the stuff, and so there can be no short squeeze on the Fed.
(Actually, this is strictly true only domestically. Internationally the Fed itself faces a reserve
constraint. This international constraint becomes an issue only if the problem is so large that it
cannot be solved within one country.)
Why does the Fed help banks in a liquidity crisis? Partly because that is its job. But that job
assignment is backed up by a very real threat. If the Fed does not help the banks, what happens?
Why intervene (why elasticity)?
(1) Government Bank. Consider this. Your book makes the point that banks meet the demands
of dealers, first by expanding up to their reserve constraint, and then by replacing security
holdings with loans. In effect a liquidity crisis in any market tends eventually to get funneled
into a demand for bank lending, and if that demand is high enough banks will eventually try to
meet it by dumping their holdings of securities. Note well that the securities banks hold are
overwhelmingly government securities. What this means is that, if the Fed does not help, there is
always danger that liquidity problems in any market get translated into liquidity problems in the
government securities market--and that cannot be tolerated. Government securities trade at a
premium not only because they are default free, but also because of the liquidity of the markets.
A Fed that failed to maintain the market for government debt would be a Fed soon under direct
Congressional control. A Fed that ensures liquid markets for government debt in effect ensures
liquid markets for other debts as well.
(2) Bankers Bank. Actually this problem of potential dumping of government securities is just
one dimension of a larger potential problem. Sharp moves of security prices and interest rates
can disrupt balance sheets, especially leveraged balance sheets, all over the economy and force
emergency liquidation. If your security holdings fall in value, you cant borrow as much using
the securities as collateral, and if you cant finance your holdings then you might be forced to
sell. As more securities get thrown upon the market, the initial dislocation (consumers want
money rather than securities) gets larger rather than smaller. Bank liquidation of security
holdings is only one example of this more general phenomenon. The point is that such
liquidation makes the problem worse not better, and drives security prices and interest rates even
farther from their equilibrium levels. From time immemorial, the lead banker in the system has
stepped in to play a stabilizing role in a crisis, even from self-interest.
(3) Stabilization Policy. Allowing liquidation to take its course can have even more profound
effects through macroeconomic channels. One way for borrowers to raise needed cash is simply
by reducing their spending. But their spending is the income for other agents in the economy,
and reduction in their income receipts may thus spread the debt repayment problem throughout
the economy. Something like this is what happened during the debt deflation of the Great
Depression. In fact, the attempt to liquidate holdings of commodities also drove down the price
level, which increased the burden of nominal debt and so made it harder to repay. Once again the
important point is that the natural mechanisms of the economy may make the problem worse
rather than better.
So far so good. It looks like the Fed can solve any liquidity crisis simply by providing the needed
liquidity. So why doesnt it just go ahead and do so? Because the crisis is typically a symptom
of some underlying deeper problem. What the Fed wants to do is to buy time for adjustment,
but not so much time that people lose the incentive to make an adjustment. Then the problem of
the Fed is to ensure enough price movement to put pressure on the system but not so much as to
make the problem worse.
will show up somewhere else, as for example in inflation (or exchange crisis). A summary way
of saying this is that if the Fed does not succeed in imposing discipline, then its offer of
elasticity means that the problem shows up somewhere else. This is a crude statement of a
deeper truth--that masking the symptoms of the underlying problem does not resolve the
Thus the Fed faces a dilemma. If it proves too ready to provide liquidity, it prevents necessary
adjustment. If it does not prove ready enough, then adjustment may prove fatal to the system, or
at least be more costly than need be. It is a fine line. From this point of view we can understand
the job of the Fed better. It can paper over problems in times of crisis, but needs to be careful
that in doing so it contributes to their solution not to a delay of their solution.
Shadow Bank
+ loan
Fin CP/
Fin CP/
This set of balance sheets shows more or less the anatomy of a normal crisis, and thats what
everyone thought this was when it started. The Fed did not involve its own balance sheet, but it
did try to encourage banks to involve their own balance sheets, by cutting the Fed Funds rate
from 5% to 2%. But it wasnt enough.
The banks and more generally the dealer system, having taken on responsibility for financing the
shadow banks, now began to run into problems themselves, and that required more serious Fed
intervention. The cornerstone of the domestic intervention was various forms of term lending to
banks and dealers. The cornerstone of international intervention was liquidity swaps with
foreign central banks that then made term loans to their own banking system. Here is the
domestic story:
US Banks/Dealers
+term loan
+term loan
-Treasury bill
+Treasury bill
+liquidity +liquidity +Treasury +Treasury +Tbill
The domestic story caused the Fed to liquidate about half of its holdings of Treasury bills. The
international story caused the Fed to expand both sides of its balance sheet.
You might ask why the Fed got involved in supporting foreign banks. One reason is that they
wanted to stop foreign banks from liquidating their holdings of RMBS, hence driving down the
price and adding to the liquidity spiral. Another reason was the pressure that foreign banks were
putting on domestic banks through the correspondent banking system. That pressure showed up
in the spread between the Eurodollar rate and the term Fed Funds rate that we talked about back
in Lecture 8.
Here is the correspondent pressure story:
In practice the first line of liquidity defense for the Eurodollar system flows through domestic
banks, call it lender of first resort. Remember that the Eurodollar system uses correspondent
balances in New York as its reserves. So even before the British Bank goes to the Bank of
England, it will go to its New York correspondent. That New York correspondent can then go to
the Fed Funds market. If the Fed is committed to a particular rate in the Fed Funds market, it has
no choice but to supply the needed funds. In this case the lender of last resort operation works as
British Bank
Federal Reserve
In the first step, the New York correspondent lends at the Eurodollar rate to the British bank,
using daylight overdraft at the Fed as its source of funds. It then enters the Fed Funds market to
look for reserves needed to meet end of day clearing, and that tends to push up the Fed Funds
rate. The Fed, committed to keeping Fed Funds at target, intervenes in the market to provide the
funds itself.
The spread between Eurodollar and OIS is the incentive for New York correspondents to do this
business, so allowing foreign banks indirectly to tap the Fed. The liquidity swap channel took off
this pressure by channeling funds instead through official central bank channels.
Under a gold standard, the extension of our analysis would be straightforward. Gold is the
ultimate international money, an asset that is no ones liability. Under a gold standard, each
currency has its own mint par, and the exchange rate is determined by the ratio of mint pars. In
this view of the world, the multiple national (state) systems relate to one another not directly
(money to money) but only indirectly (credit to credit) through the international (private) system.
Each national currency has an exchange rate with the international money and it is that pattern of
exchange rates that sets up a pattern of exchange rates between national currencies.
Dollar = x ounces of gold
Pound = y ounces of gold
Dollar = x/y Pounds [S(1/x)=(1/y)]
Y oz.
From this point of view, the central bank is a bankers bank, holding international reserves that
keep the national payment system in more or less connection with the international system.
This mint par ratio idea does not work exactly in practice because of the cost of shipping gold
around; sometimes the currency trades higher and sometimes lower. This idea can be
rationalized within the metallist frame by using the covered Interest Parity relationship.
[1+R*(0,T)]S(0) = [1+R(0,T)]F(T)
where we think of the cost of shipping gold as putting lower and upper bounds on S:
X/Y < S(0) < X/Y +
Spot rates, and even moreso forward rates, can move away from mint par, and so can foreign and
domestic interest rates diverge a bit, all within the limits provided by the gold points. You
probably feel an application of the Treynor model behind the scenes here, and that is exactly
what well do but not yet. The prior question is whether this line of analysis is useful at all in the
modern world, since we are not on a gold standard. Lets look at the world, and the facts that
any adequate theory would need to explain.
The Facts
Figure 1 maps current arrangements, in which the dollar serves as world reserve currency.
According to the most recent BIS numbers, 51 percent of the volume of foreign exchange trading
involves only a few major currenciesthe dollar, euro, yen, and sterlingand fully 84.9 percent
of trading volume has the dollar as one leg of the trade. This latter institutional fact has led one
participant-observer to opine that the foreign exchange market is largely the price of the dollar
(DeRosa 2011, p. 4). But it is important to appreciate that the dollar in question is substantially
the international private dollar, which is to say bank money not state money.
Figure 1
Domestic Dollar
Pound Sterling,
Swiss Franc
Further, the hierarchical character of the FX market is more than the special role of the dollar
relative to everything else. The finer texture of the hierarchy is reflected in the language of
trading, which distinguishes majors from minors. The majors are high volume, liquid
markets, with tight bid-ask spreads, and all majors have the dollar as one leg: EUR/USD,
GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF. So-called cross-currency pairs
have no dollar leg, but euro-crosses have a euro leg.1 The minors trade as cross-currency pairs
with some major as the other leg. With only a few exceptions, minor cross-currency pairs do not
The hierarchical organization of spot FX markets carries over also into FX derivatives markets:
forwards, futures, and options. Most derivative trades have the dollar as one leg, and most also
involve other majors, not minors. By volume, the derivative market is larger than the spot
market. Of the $4 trillion a day of FX trades, $1.5 trillion are spot transactions while $1.8 trillion
are FX swaps, and the remainder are outright forwards ($.5 trillion), options and exotics ($.2
trillion), and currency swaps ($43 billion). The overwhelming majority of the market is short
term; the FX market is fundamentally a money market, not a capital market.
These are the facts, but how shall we understand them? In particular, how do we understand the
value of a currency that is not convertible into any metal, and how do we understand the relative
price of two such currencies. The mint-par anchor of the gold standard system is nowhere to be
seen, and we find ourselves intellectually adrift.
I have stated the problem as if it were a new one, arising from the breakdown of the gold
standard, but in fact it is ancient. Joseph A. Schumpeter, in his magisterial History of Economic
Analysis (1954), identifies two traditions in monetary thought that he calls chartalism and
metallism. Chartalism proceeds analytically by thinking of money as a creation of the state, or
the king. The quintessential form of money is fiat currency, a piece of paper with the kings
image on it that costs essentially nothing to produce. By contrast, Metallism proceeds
analytically by thinking of money as a creation of private business. In this tradition, the
quintessential form of money is some precious metal, not the liability of anyone, and all lesser
monies are promises to pay that ultimate money.
Why are there these two traditions? Both trace their origins to the distant past when in
fact there were two parallel monetary systems operating at the same time. 2 Within nations, the
hand-to-hand currency used by the common people was the kings money (and its credit
derivatives); the chartalist tradition grew up to explain how that money worked. Between
nations, the money used to facilitate international wholesale trade between businesses was a
metallic currency (and its credit derivatives); the metallist tradition grew up to explain how that
money worked.
Before the current Euro crisis, some people thought that the Euro might emerge as a challenger to the dollar, and as
a consequence certain euro-crosses were for a while considered majors.
See Fernand Braudel, Wheels of Commerce, and especially Boyer-Xambeau, Deleplace, and Gillard Private
Money and Public Currencies: The 16th Century Challenge (1994).
Kings Money (Base)
Domestic credit
International Money (Gold)
International credit
The exchange rate was fundamentally a relative price between domestic and international
currency, both of which circulated side by side. There was no mint par to anchor the value of
domestic currency, and yet it had value. Why so? Further, the value of the kings money
seemed secularly to fall relative to the international money. Why?
Historically, domestic coinage was the kings prerogative and, given the undeveloped tax
system, kings frequently used that prerogative as a source of funds to finance state projects.
(Similarly, in more recent history, domestic coinage has been the prerogative of the state, and we
have seen in the Young reading how the Civil War was financed in part by greenback issue.)
From a chartalist standpoint, the central bank is just a creature of government finance; it is a
government bank. By monopolizing the issue of currency, the government monopolizes the
cheapest source of finance in the nation.
Authority, especially
taxing authority
Tbills 5%
Government Bank
Tbills 5%
Currency 0%
The government also gains access to a further possible source of finance, which arises
from depreciation of the value of the currency, depreciation which diminishes the value of both
currency and any debt denominated in that currency that might be outstanding. The central bank
is just a way of issuing zero-interest debt, debt that can furthermore be repudiated over time as
need be by the simple stratagem of inflation.
For drawing out the full implications of this point of view, it is helpful to take advantage of a
certain affinity between the chartalist view of the money standard and the quantity theory of
The quantity theory does not question that the government has the power to assert what is
money, but it points out certain limits to that power. If the government issues more money than
people can use, any excess just depreciates the value of money. Just so, if we think of the
volume of transactions T as determined by the patterns of real trade, and velocity of money V as
determined by monetary institutions, then an overissue of money on the left hand side can only
show up as an increase in the price level on the right hand side. From this point of view,
In this way of thinking, exchange rates reflect differential scarcity of two fiat monies, and
changes in exchange rates reflect differential inflation rates, which are understood as arising
from differential money growth rates. This is one way of looking at the problem of exchange
rates, and it makes a certain amount of sense in a world of fiat currency.
This is a coherent theoretical structure, to be sure, but it doesnt seem to describe real economies
very well, at least in the short run. There is a lot of slippage between M and P in the quantitity
equation, and even more in the purchasing power parity equation. One way to think about the
problem is to observe that price levels move very slowly but exchange rates and monetary
quantities fluctuate rapidly. Advocates of the chartalist theoretical tradition therefore argue that
the theory is about the long run tendency of the system. But in the long run doubts arise about
the direction of causation. Money and prices move together, to be sure, but maybe prices drive
money rather than vice versa, especially under modern conditions where most money is actually
credit? And maybe exchange rate movements drive domestic prices, rather than vice versa?
I mention these doubts not so much as decisive criticisms, but merely to suggest that we
keep our minds open about alternative theoretical possibilities. As further motivation, I want to
observe that PPP thinks of the exchange rate as the relative price of goods, whereas CIP
The assumption that V and T are independent of monetary expansion leaves out reaction of the money holding
public to hold less money (in real terms) if they are expecting inflation. It also leaves out the reaction of issuers of
private credit promises to pay the kings money, which promises may serve a close substitutes for money.
thinks of the exchange rate as the relative price of assets. This is the economics view versus
the finance view. But neither thinks of the exchange rate as the relative price of money, which
is the money view. To get that into the picture, we need to adopt a payments and marketmaking
A Money View
We start with what Minsky (1952) called the survival constraint, which for our purposes might
better be called the reserve constraint since it focuses attention on the end-of-day clearing in a
multilateral payments system. Every day payments go in and out, but at the end of the day net
payments must be settled. If a country has sold more than it has bought, it is a surplus country; if
a country has bought more than it has sold, it is a deficit country. The survival constraint is the
requirement that deficit countries find a way to settle with surplus countries.
In present conditions, the world reserve currency is generally the dollar so, without loss of
generality, we can say that the deficit country needs to acquire dollars. Possibly it has a small
reserve holding but more generally it will need to acquire dollars in world foreign exchange
markets. Either way, the point to emphasize is how this need to acquire dollars disciplines the
behavior of the deficit country. If it cannot acquire the necessary dollars, it will be unable to
complete its purchases, and some of its transactions will have to be reversed.
Figure 1 shows a stylized example of how a deficit country might acquire dollars by relying
entirely on the private FX dealing system. This is only the starting point; the role of central
banks will be introduced later.
Figure 1
Surplus Country
$10 due from
-$10 due from
+$10 spot
FX Dealers
$10 due to
+10S FX spot
+$10 spot
-$10S FX
-$10 due to
+$10 term
+$10S FX
+$10 term
+$10S FX
The first row shows the net positions of the two countries before settlement.
The second row shows how the FX dealer system facilitates settlement by creating credit,
specifically a spot dollar liability which we suppose the deficit country buys from the dealer at
the spot exchange rate using local currency, and then transfers to the surplus country. The
consequence is expansion of the dealers balance sheet on both sides, expansion that exposes the
dealer to exchange risk, namely the risk that the dollar price of its new FX asset might fall.
As a hedge against this price risk, the second line further shows the dealer entering into an
offsetting forward exchange contract by borrowing term FX and lending term dollars, taking its
cue from the Covered Interest Parity condition. (Taking our own cue from CIP, we adopt the
convention of booking forward transactions as a pair of term credits, lending in one currency and
borrowing in another.) At the end of the day our FX dealer has matched bookif the dollar
price of its new FX spot asset falls, then so also will the dollar value of its new FX term liability.
It does however still face liquidity risk since maintaining the hedge requires rolling over its spot
dollar liability position until maturity of its term dollar asset position.
The third row shows the position of a second speculative dealer who provides the forward
hedge to the first dealer. This second dealer does not have matched book and so faces exposure
to exchange risk, but in the forward market not the spot market. (In practice he might himself
hedge with a futures position, or an FX options position, but that doesnt eliminate the risk, only
shift it to someone else.) In effect this second speculative dealer is engaged in a carry trade,
paying the dollar interest rate and receiving the FX interest rate. If the realized spot rate is
different from the forward rate, this speculation will make a profit or a loss.
I have been treating these two dealers as private agents, but in fact they might be central banks,
and in general both private dealers and central banks are involved. In major currencies, the
action is mostly with private dealers. In minor currencies it is mostly with central banks. We
will expand on this point in future lectures.
here parallel money systems, although it could be said that the private gold money is better, i.e.
higher in the hierarchy.
Prewar Parallel Banking Systems
Government Bank
Treasury bills
Domestic Currency
Now consider what happens when the government borrows from the private bank and takes
payment in gold.
+State Loan
Private Bank
Now consider what happens when the government repays the loan in currency and bills (not
repayment really, just refinancing), holding onto gold as the international reserves but requiring
banks to use its own currency as domestic reserves.
Treasury bills
Central Bank
+Treasury bills
Private Bank
In return for financing the kings war the bankers gain the right to issue forms of money that
compete with the kings money. It is a win-win. In the pre-war parallel system, domestic credit
was tied to the inferior kings money, and so repressed, with bad economic effects. International
credit was tied to the superior international money, but inaccessible to most people. The hybrid
structure brings more credit to the king for war, and then more credit to the economy for
peacetime expansion.
We have seen in Lecture 2 how Civil War finance created the national banking system,
but not yet any national central bank. Indeed what passed for central banking took place in the
New York Clearinghouse, a private bankers bank. So the hierarchy remained with the private
money on top and the public money below. The establishment of the Federal Reserve system in
1913 switched that hierarchy, putting public money on top in the domestic banking system. That
proved enormously useful for the war finance that followed, but it stored up problems once the
war was over because the Federal Reserve System left private money on top in the international
gold standard banking system. This was a contradiction that would take another hundred years
to work out, and it is not completely worked out even today.
International Money
National Money
Add to this structural deflationary tendency some mismanagement by the Fed, and you
got the ingredients for a real disaster. Mundell identifies the key mistake in 1931: Instead of
pumping liquidity into the system, it chose to defend the gold standard (p. 330) by raising the
rediscount rate from 1 to 3 percent. Thus the Fed compounded the secular deflationary
tendency with explicitly deflationary policy.
In terms of our hierarchy, we can think of the Fed as defending the position of the dollar
relative to the better international money gold. This was the wrong thing to do on two accounts.
First, the whole point of raising the rediscount rate was to attract gold, but that just increased the
upward pressure on the price of gold, which means the downward pressure on prices generally,
and on other currencies. In the event the pressure was too much for the weaker currencies to
stand, and they simply abandoned gold, as did the United States itself eventually, and the end
result was the collapse of the international monetary system, and along with it much of
international commerce.
Second, by defending the dollar against gold, the Fed was in effect leaving domestic
banks on their own to defend the par value of bank deposits against the national dollar. Falling
agricultural prices meant widespread loan default, and tight central bank policy added liquidity
pressure. The result was widespread domestic bank failure, which added a further impulse to
domestic deflation.1 On both accounts, Mundell suggests that the right policy would have been
instead to engineer a worldwide revaluation of gold, which means a worldwide depreciation of
currencies against gold. Had the price of gold been raised in the late 1920s, or, alternatively,
had the major central banks pursued policies of price stability instead of adhering to the gold
standard, there would have been no Great Depression, no Nazi revolution, and no World War II.
Act 2 (1934-1971): Contradiction between Keynesian national management and the
Bretton Woods fixed rate system
At the end of WWII, at the famous Bretton Woods conference, gold was once again in
the US, and the international system once again involved a collection of national currencies that
were not convertible into any higher international money. This time, unlike WWI, there was no
thought of trying to return to the gold standard. Instead there were several proposals for
fundamental reform, most notably Keynes bancor plan which would have created an elastic
international money.2
See Irving Fisher, The Debt Deflation Theory of great depressions (1933)
Also noteworthy, the proposal for replacing gold with a basket of commodities. See Benjamin Graham, World
Commodities and World Currencies, 1944.
Deficit countries
Bancor loans
International Bank
Bancor loans Bancor
Surplus Countries
A key feature of this plan was an attempt to create symmetry between the deficit and
surplus countries, which means weakening the discipline of the survival constraint which binds
on the deficit countries but not the surplus countries. Countries with large and persistent
surpluses were to be penalized, and so provided with incentives for spending the surpluses (on
goods or capital from the deficit countries) rather than save them. At the time, the US was
obviously going to be the only surplus country, as everyone else rebuilt from wartime damage,
so the US did not like this feature and instead put forward a plan that fixed the quantity of
international money once and for all.
International Monetary Fund
+National Currencies +SDR
This rather harsh discipline at the international level might have caused problems (similar
to those caused by the inelasticity of money under the National Banking System in the US, see
Lec 3) but in fact there was an element of elasticity added lower down. The dollar was
convertible into gold, and all other currencies were convertible into the dollar, the so-called
anchored dollar system, and the quantity of dollars was, in principle, elastic because in effect
the US (the entire US, not just the Fed) was the worlds bank. This point is not so much
emphasized by Mundell, but was a constant theme in the work of his teacher, Charles
United States
Long term bonds
Gold reserves
Rest of World
Short term $ deposits
Short term $ deposits
Long term Bonds
In these balance sheets we see an expansion of dollar reserves for the rest of the world
that does NOT require the US to be running a trade deficit. Instead they are just the liability
counterparts of gross capital outflows to finance the redevelopment of the rest of the world. So
long as the rest of the world accepts dollar deposits as if they were gold, the system works fine.
But it comes under unsustainable pressure if gold comes to be undervalued, so that holders of
dollars ask for the promised convertibility. Over time, in the 1960s, this started to happen with
increased frequency.
Gold Anchor
Depres, Emile, Charles P. Kindleberger, and Walter S. Salant. The dollar and world liquidity The Economist
(Feburary 5, 1966): 526-29.
International Money
National Money
Dollar ($35/oz.)
Dollar Pound DM
One way we might have fixed the problem would have been to revalue gold; Mundell
says that Arthur Burns was trying to get Nixon to do that. Another way was to increase the
supply of gold, or rather of SDR (Special Drawing Rights) fiduciary issue of paper gold by the
IMF. This was attempted in 1967 but it was too little too late. Mundell suggests that if more
had been issued, so that central banks could have substituted SDRs for gold reserves, that would
have reduced worldwide demand for gold, so lowering its price relative to the dollar, and taking
the pressure off. Instead, the pressure continued and in 1971 the US simply went off gold.
(Recall that one response to the present global financial crisis was to have the IMF issue
additional SDRs.)
Dollar Pound DM FF
Some economists (most notably Milton Friedman) persuaded themselves that flexible
rates would actually work better, on the grounds that market prices tend to work better than
administered prices.4 Perhaps he thought that price stability domestically would inevitably
result in exchange rate stability internationally, through the mechanism of Purchasing Power
Parity. The result however did not bear out these hopes.
The result was inflation and stagnation simultaneously until the 1980s when we began to
get some discipline into the system again, and ordering around a few key currencies. The
discipline came from commitment by central banks to a regime of inflation targeting
domestically, even absent any international disciplining device (such as gold convertibility).
Such regimes were very successful in producing price stability. But internal price stability did
not translate into international exchange stability, not at all. Volatility of major ratesdollar,
euro, yencontinued even after reduced inflation in each area.
One important legacy of the period of disorder was the rise of currency futures markets
for hedging exchange rate risk, and these markets remain to this day extremely important. We
will be talking at length about these markets next week. Notwithstanding these markets, the
It is clear that Mundell does not agree with Friedman on this point. Mundell talks in a number of places about the
advantages of fixed exchange rates. Just as par clearing is an important institution for knitting together the farflung
states of the United States, so too fixed exchange is an important institution for knitting together the farflung
countries of the world.
continuing problem was persistent volatility of exchange rates as well as continuing lack of any
truly global currency.
Mundell doesnt talk much about speculative currency markets, maybe because he sees
them as eventually being replaced by a fixed exchange system. For him, the great example of
success, in this regard, is the emergence of the Euro in 1999, which eliminated exchange rate
volatility in a large portion of the system, leaving the system organized around three main
currencies: dollar, Euro, yen. Volatility however remained between these currencies.
International Money
Key Currencies
National Currencies
Ten years later, we see that his optimism seems misplaced. One of the things he misses
is that the three-currency picture he paints is not so symmetric. The world funding market is
basically a dollar funding market, not euro or yen. The dollar is very much the dominant player,
as we saw in the recent global financial crisis.
Act IV: Global Financial Crisis
During the financial crisis, one of the big problems was a shortage of dollar funding for dollar
assets held outside the US. When the system was working, there was a kind of unregulated
international dollar market that worked like this:
MM Funding
When the crisis happened, the Money Market funding all dried up as MMMF refused to roll their
loans to the shadow banks, and demanded instead high quality money market assets such as
Treasury bills. In the aftermath of Lehman and AIG, the funding problem was fixed temporarily
by means of a liquidity swap between central banks: the Fed lent dollars to foreign central
banks, which then lent them on to the shadow banks located in their countries. Thus the central
bank network substituted for the collapsing money markets.
Here is a stylized picture of the operation in its full glory, using the European Central Bank as
my example:
Shadow Bank
+$ dep. +Tbill
So you can see how ultimately it is still deposits at the MMMF that fund the Shadow Bank
holding of Mortgage Backed Securities. But now there is no direct lending from MMMF to the
Shadow Bank. Rather the MMMF lends to Treasury, which lends to Fed, which lends to ECB,
which lends to the Shadow Bank.
That was how we managed lender of last resort internationally in the heat of the crisis. In the
aftermath, all this temporary construction got dismantled, essentially by taking MBS back to the
US where it was easier to cobble together dollar funding directly. It is no accident that there is
now over a trillion MBS on the balance sheet of the Fed.
Deposits or
other funding
Deposits or
other funding
Today and next time, we pursue an adaptation of our dealer model to the foreign exchange
market under a gold standard. In lecture 10 The World that Bagehot Knew we talked about a
world of bills of exchange, discounting banks, and the central bank as liquidity backstop. We
start our discussion of international money there, by specifying that the firms issuing and
accepting bills are both outside England, while the discounting banks and the central bank are
Surplus Firm/Country
Deficit Firm/Country
Im showing here the surplus firm discounting bills for sterling pound notes (closer to reality
would be deposits, but intuition is sharper with notes), and by assumption that is not his own
domestic currency. Similarly, I am showing the deficit firm paying off the bill with sterling
pound notes, and by assumption that is not his domestic currency either. So weve got the
surplus firm with sterling it has to exchange for domestic currency, and the deficit firm with
domestic currency it has to exchange for sterling. These are two different currencies, and the
exchanges happen at two different times.
This is a job for a foreign exchange dealer who makes two-way markets in the various
currencies, by quoting prices and absorbing the resulting order flow on his own balance sheet.
Here are the two dealers, and I am also showing the Bank of England:
Surplus Dealer/Bank
Bank of England
Deficit Dealer/Bank
At the inception of the trade, the surplus dealer is creating domestic currency and building up
inventories of international reserves. At maturity, the deficit dealer is destroying domestic
currency and drawing down inventories of international reserves. And at any point in between,
either dealer may decide hed rather hold reserves in gold, or the other way around, and go to the
Bank of England for that purpose. So we have three markets here.
Dealer Model
So long as we are on a gold standard, the analysis is fairly straightforward.
There is a mint par, defined as a quantity of gold that private agents can take to the mint and get
pounds. But, because there is some cost of transporting gold abroad, the exchange rate for
pounds can move a bit away from the mint par, on either side, without creating incentive to
convert pounds into gold. These gold points are the outside spread, established by the central
bank, within which the private dealers make markets, establishing the inside spread.
I remind you of the notation introduced in Lecture 16:
Dollar = x oz. of gold, mint par
Pound = y oz. of gold, mint par
Exchange rate S = /$ = x/y, ratio of mint pars, so actual exchange rate fluctuates between gold
x/y < S < x/y +
In a world like this, dealers are willing to add to their inventories of foreign exchange if they can
get them at a good (cheap) price, but once that price falls to the gold point they are unwilling to
add any more. At that point, anyone who wants to sell foreign exchange must sell it not to the
private dealers but rather to the central bank who pays gold (mint par) for them.
In the diagram I am showing the economics of a dealer who is taking on liquidity risk by
shedding international reserves (pounds) and holding instead dollars. This is a position like our
deficit dealer. He is willing to bear a certain amount of liquidity risk, but when it gets too much,
so exchange rate falls to the gold points, he stops and the central bank steps in.
Central Bank defense
In a world like this, consider how a central bank that is committed to maintaining a fixed
exchange rate would actually do it. Upward pressure on the currency can be met by issuing the
currency to buy foreign reserves. No problem. But downward pressure (same as upward
pressure on the price of gold) must be met by buying currency. Big problem.
There are three basic channels toward this end.
First, the central bank can buy in domestic currency with its holding of international reserves.
Note, this is exactly what the deficit dealer was doing.
-$100 gold reserves
+100 currency
-100 currency
-100 currency
The net effect is a contraction of the balance sheet, since the currency purchased is the central
banks own liabilities. But this works only so long as the bank has reserves.
Second, he could sell some assets, presumably the most liquid ones, i.e. the public debt. In this
case defending the currency looks like this.
-$100 domestic credit (Tbills)
+100 dollars
-100 dollars
-100 dollars
Now we have contraction of the balance sheet, but also possible downward pressure on Tbill
price, hence upward pressure on interest rates, perhaps very large upward pressure if speculators
fear devaluation. We often hear loose talk about central banks defending their currency by
raising interest rates, and now we understand better what really happens; central banks offer
interest bearing securities in exchange for currency, in the hope that the interest will prove
sufficient incentive to prevent asset holders from demanding payment in international reserves.
Third, if the central bank has no more reserves and is unwilling to push interest rates higher, one
further possibility is to rely on lines of credit with other central banks, (or with the IMF which, in
this respect, operates somewhat like an international central bank). These borrowed reserves
then are sold for dollars.
+100 reserves
+100 borrowed reserves
-100 reserves
+100 dollars
-100 dollars
In the end, this third channel amounts to a portfolio adjustment on the liability side; the balance
sheet stays the same but some of the money base in private hands shifts to other central banks.
More generally, the point of these examples is to make clear in what sense contraction of the
money supply supports the international value of the dollar. The most straightforward way of
understanding what happens is that the central bank enters the market as a buyer of dollars, but
since dollars are its own liability, its purchase of dollars is in effect a contraction of its balance
As always it is the deficit entity that is forced to adjust, but the deficit entity is not necessarily
below the Bank of England in the hierarchy. In some cases, the deficit entity could be the Bank
of England itself, if the pound drops to the gold points (or equivalently, in our dealer diagram,
the dollar rises to the point where gold flows from the Bank of England in defense of its mint
par). Lets explore that possibility for a while.
City of London and Bank of England Defense
Put yourself in the shoes of the City of London banks. Their global discount business involves
daily note outflow, and also note inflow as discounts reach maturity. Each individual bank is
watching the balance between outflow and inflow, and adjusting its discount rate in order to
bring them into line. Higher rate discourages new discount, so stemming outflow for a while
until inflow restores liquidity. All banks are doing this, and competition between them
establishes the market rate of interest, which fluctuates over time depending on the aggregate
note outflow and inflow between the banking system and the rest of the world.
We have seen in previous lectures how to understand this discount system using the dealer
model. Banks are willing to take on additional liquidity risk, by continuing to discount even
when note reserves are falling, if they get compensated by a higher interest rate. But at some
point, they have enough, market rates rise to bank rate (the discount rate quoted by the Bank of
England) and the Bank of England takes over. It may discount (or rediscount) bills and pay out
notes, just like the private banks. But it may also discount bills by creating deposits, which are
promises to pay notes, insofar as banks are willing to accept deposits as substitutes for notes.
Bank of England: Banking Department
We have seen in previous lectures how this kind of lender of last resort activitylending freely
but at a high rate against good securitycan stem an internal drain, meaning a net outflow of
notes from the banking system into circulation. The important point to emphasize now is the
limits on such activity when the problem is an external drain, meaning a net outflow of notes
to the rest of the world. The rest of the world doesnt want notes, it wants gold, so if it finds
itself with excess notes it just takes them to the issue department of the Bank and exchanges
You can see from the balance sheets that the Bank of England now faces exactly the same
problem that our deficit country central bank faces. It can pay out gold for a while, but reserves
inevitably fall short. The next steps are
--raising Bank Rate, so discouraging the world from bringing bills to London for discount, and
allowing repayment of maturing bills to restore gold reserves. The problem with this policy is
that it inevitably raises domestic interest rates as well, even though domestic credit was not the
source of the problem.
--borrowing from other central banks, who may have larger gold reserves
--suspending specie payments.
This latter is the nuclear option but the Bank of England historically was forced to resort to it
on numerous occasions. Obviously once the Bank of England suspends gold payments, the gold
point story about determination of exchange rates no longer operates. So what is the story then?
That will be our question for next time. You will see then why I have been putting so much
emphasis on Covered Interest Parity
[1+R*(0,T)]S(0) = [1+R(0,T)]F(T)
Meanwhile, in summary, observe how important central banks are for the operation of the gold
standard. They establish two critical outside spreads that provide bounds on the system within
which profit maximizing dealers can operate to make markets. One bound is on the exchange
rate, i.e. the gold points. The other is on the interest rate, i.e. Bank Rate, which is a term interest
rate. In modern exchange rate systems, neither of these bounds is effective. Nonetheless, as we
will see next time, the analysis we have just been through can be adapted to explain how things
In closing, I refer you to a passage from Keynes (1924) Tract on Monetary Reform, where he
refers to the gold standard as a barbarous relic, and emphasizes the role of Ministers of
Finance in discovering how to operate national currencies without the discipline of gold. He
urges them to focus their efforts on stabilizing domestic pricing, hoping that such stability will
also (through purchasing power parity) stabilize exchange rates. We know now, from our own
experience, that price stability is not enough, as Mundell emphasizes. That means that we need a
theory of exchange that does not come from purchasing power parity, but rather from somewhere
else, i.e. CIP.
In both cases we are treating the pound as the world reserve currency, and quote exchange rates as
pounds per dollar, so lower exchange means depreciation of the dollar against the pound. The bank
rate we discussed was the Bank of Englands bank rate at the center of the system.
Today we build on that analysis to develop a more general theory of exchange rate determination
without a gold standard anchor.
In the first lecture of this series, I contrasted metallist and chartalist explanations, and suggested
that the money view involves a third approach that somewhat melds the two, but goes beyond
them. Figure 1 shows the stylized example I used then of how a deficit country might acquire
dollars by relying entirely on the private FX dealing system. This is only the starting point; the
role of central banks will be introduced later.
Figure 1
Surplus Country
$10 due from
-$10 due from
+$10 spot
FX Dealers
$10 due to
+10S FX spot
+$10 spot
-$10S FX
-$10 due to
+$10 term R
+$10S FX
term R*
+$10 term R
+$10S FX
term R*
The first row shows the net positions of the two countries before settlement.
The second row shows how the FX dealer system facilitates settlement by creating credit,
specifically a spot dollar liability which we suppose the deficit country buys from the dealer at
the spot exchange rate using local currency, and then transfers to the surplus country. The
consequence is expansion of the dealers balance sheet on both sides, expansion that exposes the
dealer to exchange risk, namely the risk that the dollar price of its new FX asset might fall. Note
that we are quoting exchange rates as units of FX per dollar, so that a lower number means dollar
depreciation or FX appreciation, and that R* is the interest rate on FX term deposits.
As a hedge against this price risk, the second line further shows the dealer entering into an
offsetting forward exchange contract by borrowing term FX and lending term dollars, taking its
cue from the Covered Interest Parity condition.
[1+R*(0,T)]S(0) = [1+R(0,T)]F(T)
Taking our own cue from CIP, we adopt the convention of booking forward transactions as a pair
of term credits, lending in one currency and borrowing in another. At the end of the day our FX
dealer has matched bookif the dollar price of its new FX spot asset falls, then so also will
the dollar value of its new FX term liability. It does however still face liquidity risk since
maintaining the hedge requires rolling over its spot dollar liability position until maturity of its
term dollar asset position.
The third row shows the position of a second speculative dealer who provides the forward
hedge to the first dealer. This second dealer does not have matched book and so faces exposure
to exchange risk, but in the forward market not the spot market. (In practice he might himself
hedge with a futures position, or an FX options position, but that doesnt eliminate the risk, only
shift it to someone else.) In effect this second speculative dealer is engaged in a carry trade,
paying the dollar interest rate and receiving the FX interest rate. If the realized spot rate is
different from the forward rate, this speculation will make a profit or a loss.
Economics of the Dealer Function
Now think about the economics of the dealer function, and lets start with the speculative dealer.
He is concerned about price risk. He will be willing to shoulder more only if the forward rate for
FX depreciates relative to expected spot, so he has a larger expected profit. I am showing this
depreciation as a downward sloping forward curve (quoting FX forward as 1/F, and FX spot as
Notice how the economics of the speculative dealer function require violation of UIP, Uncovered
Interest Parity. The expected profit that lures the dealer into a naked forward position is entirely
about deviation between forward and expected spot.
Notice also how the expected spot plays the role, in a flexible exchange rate system, that the mint
par ratio plays in a gold standard system. Deviations from mint par create opportunities for
dealer profit, so long as there is some expectation that the system will at some time return to mint
parmint par is a kind of long run expected spot. In a flexible exchange rate system, there is
not so much of a long run anchor for expected spot. Indeed, if people believe UIP then they
believe that forward rates are unbiased forecasts of future spot rates, so depreciation of forward
rates which arises to encourage dealers to absorb imbalances can easily be interpreted instead as
a sign that future spot rates will also involve depreciation. This is a source of potential volatility
in the flexible exchange rate system.
The matched book dealer faces dollar liquidity risk; the larger his book, the larger the risk. He is
buying FX spot and selling FX forward. He is willing to enlarge his book, and hence his
liquidity exposure, but will insist on buying spot relatively more cheaply than forward, so F/S
increases with the size of the book. (S goes up, but F goes up more; spot depreciates but forward
depreciates more.)
The first thing to notice now, by contrast to the gold standard case, is that the outside spread is
not set by the central bank, at least not directly. Modern central banks typically operate on the
overnight interest rate, not the term rate. Supposing the US and foreign country maintain
constant overnight interest rates, that still leaves scope for payments pressure to move around
term rates. But by CIP, F/S=(1+R*)/(1+R), so as positions build up term interest rates have to
move apart as well. Assuming that the dollar rate is unaffected, that means FX term rates rise.
Central banks are involved indirectly because of the expectations hypothesis of the term
structure, which states that term rates should be the same as the expected result from rolling over
a series of short term deposits. EH fails empirically, of course, but that is because the implied
arbitrage (borrowing short and lending long) exposes to liquidity risk. Our FX dealer is
borrowing short and lending long in dollars, hence exposed to liquidity risk, and will be willing
to do more of it only if he is compensated. One way to compensate him is to keep overnight
rates low even as term rates rise.
Aside: Note that we have here a story that makes sense of the failure of EH and UIP both.
They are both a consequence of the need to offer dealers expected profit in order to make
liquid markets.
Private Citizen
$10 due from
Deficit Country
$10 due to
-10Sg FX spot
+$10 spot
Central Bank
+$10 spot
-$10 spot
+$10 spot
-$10 spot, CB
+$10 spot, PC
-$10 spot
+10Sg FX spot
-$10 spot
+10Sg FX term
-$10 due to
+$10 term, Rg
+10Sg FX spot
The first point to emphasize here is that, at the end of the day, the deficit country central bank is
borrowing dollars term and lending FX term, which is essentially a naked forward position
analogous to the position our speculative private dealer was induced to take by the expectation of
private profit (compare Figure 1). But the central bank need not, and probably does not, expect
to profit from its speculation. For one, the interest rate at which it borrowed from the surplus
central bank need not, and probably does not, match the term funding rate in private credit
markets. And the spot rate at which it sold dollars to its own citizen need not, and probably does
not, match the spot rate in private FX markets. These are both, at least potentially, policy rates
and as such can be expected to reflect the non-commercial relationship between one central bank
and another internationally, and the non-commercial relationship between the central bank and
the needy private citizen domestically.
The second point to emphasize is that, at the end of the day, the surplus country central bank is
lending dollars term to a foreign central bank, instead of to its parent government. This is very
unlikely to be a move about which the parent government is neutral, hence our characterization
of it as a limiting case. But other counterparties, other than the surplus country central bank,
would also work. There are sources of reserves other than the Fed, sources such as regional
liquidity pooling arrangements or the International Monetary Fund which do not depend on the
goodwill of the surplus countrys government.
Even more, once it is recognized that deficit country dealer of last resort essentially involves
willingness to take on a naked forward position when no one else will, it becomes clear that the
whole operation need not involve another central bank as counterparty at all. The deficit country
central bank could, if it so chose, instead facilitate private matched-book dealing by serving as
the speculative dealer to enable forward hedging of spot exposures. Or it could go even farther,
facilitating the term dollar borrowing of its own private citizens by directly offering them
forward hedges, so taking their exchange risk onto its own balance sheet. Again, all of this is
policy, so pricing of these forward contracts need not be, and probably will not be, on
commercial terms. The limiting case along these lines comes when central banks offer forward
cover to all comers at the same rate as current spot exchange, in effect fixing the exchange rate
as a matter of policy.
The danger, of course, whenever you offer to trade with all comers at non-commercial prices, is
that in doing so you offer arbitrage opportunities for speculators.1 The positive case for doing so
must therefore rest on an argument that commercial prices are in some sense wrong. We have
seen (in section II) that one consequence of the view that the exchange rate is the relative price of
money is to draw attention to the way that order flow can push prices around for reasons that are
not fundamental. The potential problem is that private agents take these distorted prices as
parametric for their economic decisions, and so make distorted decisions.
There is thus potentially an argument for central bank intervention, certainly in extremis to
prevent breakdown of the payments system, but also in less extreme situations where, for one
reason or another, private markets are not making markets at all, or only reluctantly doing so at
Just so, DeRosa (2009, p. 80): all these crises were preceded by the accumulation of substantial at-risk
positions that were short the U.S. dollar and long local currency. When the crises occurred, the entire market, not
counting the central bank, had to buy dollars and sell the local currency immediately in order to hedge.
the cost of substantial price distortion. But it is an argument that applies only under specific
conditions, not universally. The exchange rate is not a free variable left open for state choice,
but neither is it a market price that always fully reflects fundamental valuation.
McCauley reports on the state of play in terms of the internationalization of the renminbi. China
has very strict controls over most of its money and credit system (track one) with some periphery
allowed to price competitively (track three). What is happening now is a third track, basically
centered in Hong Kong, both money markets and capital markets. It is clear that McCauley has
in mind as an analogy the evolution of the Eurodollar market, which took the US authorities by
surprise when it happened, but then they allowed it. Today world funding markets are dollar
funding markets.
Thats a long way away for the renminbi probably. The first thing will be breaking down the
barriers between track three and track two, and then also track one. Central bank control will in
the course of this shift from a gold-standard like price setting function to a modern price
backstopping function.
The concern in all of this is exchange rate instability. The key player in everything is the
speculative dealer who is willing to take a position only if the forward rate is lower than the
expected spot. But what anchors expectations about expected spot? Depreciation of forward
looks like a forecast of future spot, and if that forecast leaks into expectations of actual future
spot, then the whole system can get unhinged.
Primary lender
We can see in the first line the money market, and in the second line the capital market.
Households of course buy bonds and equities by transferring their bank deposits to business,
which spends them on investments. But for the most part banks did not buy bonds or equities;
they were thought to be inappropriate assets for banks because they were not self-liquidating.
Economic historians argue whether British excellence in money markets held back the capital
development of the nation by emphasizing short term finance at the expense of long term
finance. I dont have a developed view on the matter. But I do observe that in the U.S., which
was a developing country compared to Britain, the pressing need for long term finance caused the
banking system regularly to hold long term bonds, and even some of the purported short term
loans were really long term, since they were intended simply to roll over at maturity. As a
consequence, banks did not have regular cash inflows to provide liquidity and they had to devise
another means. (They also did not have a central bank to provide rediscount, and so they had to
devise other means for that as well.)
Instead of self-liquidating short term assets, they held substantial cash reserves, including
correspondent balances, and devised elaborate mechanisms of secured interbank borrowing using
their bond holdings as collateral.
The New World
Deficit bank
Bankers balances
Surplus Bank
Bankers balances
-Cash Reserves
-Bankers balances
+Cash Reserves
-Bankers balances
+Interbank borrowing
+Interbank Borrowing
By the way, this explains why the US was the first to have bond rating services. A bank in need
of funds needed to sell some of its bond holding to another bank, or put it up as collateral (early
repo), and no one had time or interest in investigating the fundamental value of the bond. So
they relied on rating agencies to tell them, and the rating agencies focused on the question of
whether there was likely to be a default in the next year. Default means that the coupon would
not be paid, although possibly it was only delayed. You can see how the importance of the
timing of cash flows enters the American system, but in a different way.
In the American system, liquidity was all about shiftability, meaning salability. The word was
first used by Harold Moulton (JPE 1918), who was worrying that the new Fed discounting policy
might interfere with capital accumulation. Shiftability means market liquidity, the ability to buy
and sell. The net effect of this system was to mobilize bank deposits as a source of funding for
long term capital finance, by using the repo market, not the real bills discount mechanism, as a
source of liquidity. However the founders of the Fed saw this shiftability system as a source of
instability and tried to replace it with proper real bills discount banking.
One way of understanding the banking collapse of the 1930s is that it was a run on the shadow
banking system of the time, namely this system of private funding liquidity using repo on nonTreasury security. The Fed refused to support it, so it collapsed. The consequence was that the
government had to take on responsibility for long term lending itself through various
mechanisms, most famously the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. This mistake was not,
thankfully, repeated in 2007-8!
The larger lesson to draw is that, in the United States, securities markets and money markets
have always been intertwined, going back even before the Fed. In previous lectures, I have told a
story about monetary transmission, using central bank control over funding liquidity to affect
market liquidity in securities markets, and hence asset prices. I think that is not recent, but in fact
ancient (at least in the United States), although understanding how it works is not so ancient.
The Alchemy of Banking and Development Finance
One person who did understand the importance of banking for development finance was
Schumpeter, whose experience was with the Continental banking system, not the British. As
early as his PhD thesis he insisted on the importance of bank deposit creation as a mechanism for
development finance, a way of giving purchasing power to entrepreneurs who do not have it,
without requiring any individual saver to cough up saved funds.
Development Bank
+capital loan
Weve got to be careful here. It is very easy to go astray, and most of those you will find posing
as monetary alchemists are in fact monetary cranks. The ability to create money from nothing is
not the same as the ability to create bread from nothing. So important has it sometimes seemed
to banish the unsound reasoning of monetary cranks, that economics has sometimes come close
to adopting as a kind of Creed, there aint no such thing as a free lunch. But there is.
Adam Smith, back in 1776, urged the adoption of a paper money system as a way of
economizing on the use of gold. We could trade the gold for real capital assets, which is a trade
of a sterile commodity for a productive resource. In a way that is what we have been doing ever
since, moving toward a pure credit economy. I mention Adam Smith to establish the bona fides
of the search for a monetary free lunch, but in fact the main source lies elsewhere than
substituting inside money for outside money.
The key is the use of banking to mobilize unused resources. If entrepreneurs use their new
deposits to buy things that otherwise would have been unsold, they dont raise prices, they
increase economic activity. Schumpeter emphasized technological change. Others have
emphasized other margins of mobilizationsee Lewis model on economic development and the
role of banks in mobilizing underemployed labor, moving it from the traditional subsistence
sector to modern manufacturing sector.
Payment versus Funding
The problem comes clearest if we think of the primary borrower as a corporation borrowing in
order to purchase some physical capital asset such as a machine or a building. This involves the
corporation in current expenditures far in excess of current receipts, and it is only over the long
lifetime of the capital asset that the corporation expects to reverse that imbalance. Societys
problem thus is to find someone to hold that illiquid asset over its entire productive lifetime.
More concretely, the issue is the distinction between payment versus funding. When we were
adopting a banking point of view, we always emphasized the way that expansion of balance
sheets by swapping IOUs creates elasticity in the payments system. Just so, a corporation can
acquire means of payment simply by swapping its own IOU with that of a bank. And that, more
or less, was where we stopped (except for wrinkles about whether the quantity of IOUs is limited
by the quantity of reserves, or only the price). Now we go the next step, and think of the
corporation as using that means of payment to acquire a physical asset from society. Then the
question arises whether society as a whole is happy with the asset portfolio implied by the swap.
Is society happy holding money rather than the physical asset?
Initial Payment Point of View (Money Mkt)
Corp as Borrower
+100 deposit +100 bank loan
- 100 deposit
+ machine
+100 loan +100 deposit
Society as Lender
+100 deposit
If the answer is yes, then we are done for the moment and the new capital is funded by an
increase in outstanding money balances. But this is a tricky matter because money is a promise
to pay on demand, while the capital asset cannot be turned into payment except over a long time.
So there is significant mismatch between commitments and cash flows, which (as we have seen)
can be a cause for crisis. So a safer form of finance will be when the financing matches better
the characteristics of the asset being financed. This is the funding problem.
If society is not happy acquiring additional money balances, then the recipients will attempt to
use those balances to buy a different financial asset. (Note that we are ruling out by assumption
any attempt to spend the balances on goods. We assume that savings equals investment. The
only imbalance at issue is a portfolio imbalance.) This will drive up the price of alternatives to
money and so provide an incentive to issue such alternatives.
One way this all can work out is the following. Suppose that the bank loan was only bridge
financing until the capital asset is up and running. Once its ability to produce revenue is proven,
the corporation can pursue permanent financing in the form of bonds. The proceeds of that bond
offering are then used to pay off the bank loan, and in effect society swaps the deposits it doesnt
want to hold for a bond that it does want to hold.
Permanent Funding Point of View (Capital Mkt)
Corp as Borrower
-100 bank loan
+100 bond
Society as Lender
-100 deposit
+100 bond
Note that the bridge financing by deposit expansion is a kind of indirect finance, while the
takeout financing by bond issue is a kind of direct finance. The Gurley and Shaw point of view
emphasized the use of intermediaries as sources of indirect finance for the capital development of
the nation.
What is an intermediary?
The word itself gives us a clue. It is a financial institution that mediates between the primary
borrower and primary lender of funds, holding as assets the liabilities that the borrower issues,
and issuing as its own liabilities the assets that the creditor holds. Standard banking texts (such
as Mishkin) make a big point about the empirical importance of such indirect finance by
contrast with direct finance in which borrower and lender meet directly, as by the direct issue
and holding of stocks and bonds.
Primary Borrower
Direct Finance
Indirect Finance
Primary Lender
Direct Finance
Indirect Finance
Gurley and Shaw, in their classic Money in a Theory of Finance (1960), made a big point about
the theoretical importance of such financial intermediation, along the following lines. They
argued that intermediaries help to facilitate economic growth by bridging any potential mismatch
between the kind of liabilities that borrowers want to issue and the kind of assets that creditors
want to hold. It is by changes in the quantity of indirect finance that capital markets equilibrate,
and channel funds from savers to investors.
They overdid it. Modern finance, by contrast, emphasizes that no risk is eliminated in the
process of intermediation, only transferred, and sometimes quite opaquely. Thus it is by changes
in price that capital markets equilibrate. Attempts to avoid this by indirect finance only create
arbitrage opportunities that over time have transformed the system.
Paradigmatic Intermediaries: Insurance and Pension
In idealized form, we can think of these intermediaries as holding the following balance sheets:
bonds | policies
stocks | pension plan
shares have exactly the same risk properties as the underlying pool of bonds or stocks. There is
some benefit for the mutual fund shareholder from diversification, also management services.
There is also some liquidity benefit perhaps, because open end funds typically promise to buy
back shares at NAV. But that just means that mutual funds have to keep cash or lines of credit
for the purpose, both of which will lower the return and hence are paid for by shareholders. Thus
final glance confirms initial glance.
Basically bond funds have replaced the saving component of whole life insurance policies, and
also bank time deposits, as fixed income saving instruments. And stock funds have replaced
defined benefit plans as retirement income savings instruments. This change reduces the degree
of transformation in financial intermediation. Nowadays, mismatch between the preferences of
borrowers and the preferences of lenders is increasingly resolved by price changes rather than by
traditional intermediation.
Banks as Intermediaries
So far in this course we have been emphasizing the special role of banks in the liquidity
hierarchy on account of the fact that their liabilities (bank deposits) are means of payment. Thus
banks are able to turn private debts into purchasing power by accepting them, in effect swapping
As it happens, individual households and firms in the economy not only want to make payments
(flow), they also want to hold means of payment (stock). This makes room for the banking
system as a whole to issue a permanent short position in cash. The role of banks as
intermediaries comes from their use of this short position to fund long positions in non-cash
You might think that the liquidity of bank liabilities requires liquidity of their assets, but this is
true only at the margin. To achieve liquidity on the margin, it is sufficient that the banking
system hold some cash reserves, and have the ability to replenish those reserves. For this latter
purpose, individual banks depend on access to the FF market and discount loans at the Fed, and
on holding of some easily sold secondary reserve assets. (Here we see the distinction between
liquid asset and liquid market again.)
The important point is that, after liquidity needs are taken care of, there will be some fraction of
total deposits left over which can be invested in less liquid assets.
Cash reserves
Secondary reserves
Net Worth
Because bank deposits are substitutes for currency, and because currency typically pays no
interest, deposits typically pay zero or low interest as well. This makes it profitable for banks to
make loans at relatively attractive rates. Not surprising, there is considerable competition to get
access to this cheap money. Historically, the biggest player in this competition is the
government. In times of war, we always see bank balance sheets fill up with loans to the
government or to government-favored enterprises. Similarly, for countries trying to jumpstart a
development process, it is very tempting to begin by trying to mobilize idle balances on the
balance sheets of domestic banks.
In the United States, politics has resulted in a division of the spoils of this cheap source of funds
during peacetime. Until recently, the central bank has invested almost entirely in government
debt. Commercial banks historically specialize in making commercial and industrial loans,
though they do other things as well. Savings and loans historically specialize in mortgage
lending and they issue "shares" which have come to look more and more like deposits. You can
find data at , L.108 Monetary
Authority, L.109 Commercial Banks, L.114 Savings Institutions, L.121 Money Market Mutual
Central Bank
Commercial Bank
Treasury secs High-powered C&I loans
Building on the discussion from last time, it should be clear that even if we grant that a certain
portion of deposits are permanent, there are still considerable risks involved in using those
deposits to fund C&I loans, and mortgages. Liquidity risk is one of them. But once we turn our
attention to intermediation, solvency risk becomes the main focus. Main sources of solvency
risk are interest rate risk and credit risk. Again the financial revolution has transformed banking,
most dramatically in the transformation from Jimmy Stewart banks to shadow banking.
The Shadow Banking System as Intermediation
This development needs to be understood as part of the challenge of finance. From a finance
point of view, an intermediary that offers liabilities with different risk characteristics than its
assets must itself be bearing the risk of that transformation. But this means that its stockholders
(or the government), presumably primary lenders, must be bearing that risk, so the transformation
of risk is illusory. Risk is just getting moved around, not eliminated.
From the finance point of view, the illusion that risk is being eliminated comes from the fact that
risk is not being (directly) priced. The answer is to strip out every risk exposure and price it
separately. From the finance point of view, any mismatch between the kind of liabilities that
borrowers want to issue and the kind of assets that creditors want to hold is equilibrated not by
changes in quantity but by changes in price. Creditors bid up the price of assets they like, and bid
down the price of assets they dont like, until the price exactly compensates for the risk.
That is one way of understanding what shadow banking does. Thus, a modern course in banking
has to understand the various swaps that are used to strip out the risk exposure and price it
separately. Thats what we will be doing in the next lectures.
6 month loan
3 month deposit
We have seen in a previous lecture that the swap of IOUs will have zero present value if the
deposit and the loan both pay the forward rate of interest F[3,6] defined by forward interest
(1+R[0,3])(1+F[3,6]) = (1+R[0,6])
We have also seen that, because of the failure of the expectations hypothesis, in general
F[3,6] > E0R[3,6]
This empirical regularity provides incentive for the bank to enter into the forward contract. The
forward loan is more profitable on average than the spot loan.
This swap of IOUs solves the problem of the firm, but creates a problem for the bank, since in
three months the bank will have to come up with the money to lend to the firm, and at that
moment it is entirely possible that R[3,6] will be greater than F[3,6], so leaving the bank with a
loss. Ideally the bank (or the banking system as a whole) has another client with exactly
offsetting needs, i.e. a firm that wants to lock in a lending rate by engaging in a forward contract
as follows.
Firm B
6 month deposit
3 month loan
3 month loan
6 month deposit
You can see how these two contracts exactly offset each other on the balance sheet of the bank.
The bank is borrowing and lending for 3 months, and borrowing and lending for 6 months. So
the bank has no net exposure. The important point to notice is that this combination of forward
contracts have essentially cleared today a future payment from Firm B (the ultimate lender) to
Firm A (the ultimate borrower). Thats the sense in which the forward market can be considered
to be about advance clearing. There will be cash flows in three months between surplus and
deficit firms, but they are all pre-arranged today.
Now in general there is no reason to expect that forward contracts all net out in this way on the
balance sheet of any single bank. Even when banks trade their forward exposure with one
another (using FRAs) there is no reason to expect that forward contracts all net out in the
banking system as a whole. That means that the banking system will be left with a net exposure
to the risk that the future spot rate of interest will be higher than the current forward rate. Banks
will not hold this risk unless they are compensated by an expectation of profit. The source of
this profit is movement in the forward rate away from expected spot.
As we have seen repeatedly in this course, this is one possible explanation for the empirical
failure of the expectations theory of the term structure. The difference between the current
forward rate and the current expectation of the future spot rate is just the expected profit from an
unhedged forward exposure. The point is that the imbalance between future cash flows and cash
commitments shows up as distortion of the current forward interest rate away from the expected
future spot interest rate.
There is more to it than this. If the forward imbalance is large, then the current price distortion
will be large, and that means that the expected profit from an unhedged forward exposure will be
large. This expected profit can be expected to attract speculators in the larger economy, outside
the banking system, to hold the exposure that the banks cannot or are unwilling to bear.
Conceptually we will think of the futures market as the place where the banking system sells off
its excess forward exposure to speculators in the outside economy. Futures are forwards that are
marked to market daily, with any changes in value settled daily. Distortions that affect forward
rates will also affect futures rates, and hence current cash flows..
Chain of Hedges
Forward contract
Banking System
Futures Exch.
We know from the failure of EH that forward interest rates tend to be upward biased forecasts of
future spot rates. The bias is often thought of as a kind of liquidity premium, but people have
had a hard time explaining just what risk that premium is compensating for. More generally we
observe the following pattern
Forward rate > futures rate > expected spot
This pattern gives everyone a profit incentive to enter into the trade. To understand these effects,
we now backtrack and build up a somewhat more formal account of forwards and futures, now
using the more typical language of finance.
Start with forwards. Forward contracts are promises to deliver goods at future time T at a given
price K. The classic example is that of the wheat farmer who has a natural long position in
wheat and the baker who has a natural short position. Both face price risk. If they can arrange a
forward contract, however, they can lock in the future price of wheat, and both can be made
better off. We say they each hedge their natural forward exposure by taking an opposite position
in a formal forward contract.
When the time comes to settle, the spot price of wheat is likely to be different from the
contracted delivery price. In this sense one side wins ex post. In fact, we can track these
winnings over the life of the contract as the value of the contract changes. But in forward
contracts these winnings are only notional. No matter what happens to the spot price, at delivery
date the short delivers the contracted good to the long, and the long delivers the contracted price
to the short in money.
For our purpose we want to think about the case where the underlying is not a physical
commodity like wheat but a financial instrument like a Treasury bond. (Or a bank time deposit,
such as a Eurodollar deposit.) Its easiest to think about the case where the underlying is a zero
coupon riskless bond that yields no cash income and has no carrying cost. We can write our
Forward Interest Parity condition in price terms as follows:
[1/1+F(3,6)] = [1/1+R(0,6)][1+R(0,3)]
where the first term is the forward delivery price, the second is the current spot price, and the
third the interest rate between now and the forward date.
Now think about how the forward price changes over time. The equation above is the forward
rate at time zero. At time 1, 2, 3 we have the following
[1/1+F1(3,6)] = [1/1+R(1,6)][1+R(1,3)]
[1/1+F2(3,6)] = [1/1+R(2,6)][1+R(2,3)]
[1/1+F3(3,6)] = [1/1+R(3,6)]
There is no reason at all to expect that these forward rates are the same as the period zero
forward rate. That means that the forward contract established at time zero will change in value
throughout time. To help us think about that change, and to connect this discussion up with
standard finance treatments, it will be useful to recast the discussion in continuous time by
introducing some new notation:
At time 0 when the contract is written, we have the following formula relating the forward
delivery price K to the current spot price S0:
K = S0erT.
Dont let this equation scare you. It is nothing more than a version of our familiar forward
interest parity condition. Think of the forward price K as 1/(1+F[3,6]), the spot price S0 as
1/(1+R[0,6]) and the interest rate term erT as (1+R[0,3]).
To see how this is an arbitrage condition, think about how you would make money if the
condition does not hold:
K > S0erT, buy the bond spot and sell it forward. In this way you lock in a rate of
return greater than the rate of interest r at which you can borrow money to finance the trade.
K < S0erT, sell the bond spot and buy it forward. In this way you lock in a
borrowing rate lower than the rate of interest r at which you can lend the money you receive
from selling the bond.
The important point to emphasize is that, for forward contracts, the delivery price K is
fixed for the life of the contract. Hence, over the life of the contract, the value of the forward
contract will change,
ft = St - Ke-r(T-t),
Note that there is a time subscript on both f and S, but K is fixed. At t=0, we have S0 = Ke-rT, so
f0=0 when the forward contract is signed. At t=T, we have fT = ST K. This is the notional
winning we talked about above. In between time 0 and time T, the value of the forward contract
fluctuates, depending mainly on the fluctuating spot price of the underlying zero coupon bond.
In most forward contracts, at the final date the long side pays the short side the agreed price K
and receives the agreed underlying, which is worth ST. In interest rate forward contracts
however, cash settlement is the rule. Instead of delivering the bond for K, the short side
delivers the current spot price of the bond in return for the payment K. This means net cash
payment of the final value fT=ST-K from short to long if positive and from long to short if
negative. In cash settlement, the notional winnings become real cash flows at time T.
A futures contract is like a forward except that all changes in the value of the contract ft
are instead absorbed in changes in the delivery price, which is therefore called the futures price,
Ft. Ft is reset every day so that ft is zero. In other words, the futures price is that price at
which the analogous forward contract has a current value of zero.
0 = St - Fte-r(T-t)
Ft = Ster(T-t)
This equation is sometimes called future-spot parity.1 Notice that at origination the futures
price is equal to the contract price in a forward contract. (Compare equation [3] and equation
[1]). And at expiry the futures price is equal to the spot price. In algebra this means that at t=0,
Ft=K, and at t=T, FT=ST.
The big difference between forwards and futures is that the daily winnings that come
from changing spot prices are not at all notional. In fact they are actually paid out daily over the
life of the contract. In a forward contract, the only payment flow is at the end, and the amount of
that payment is fixed by the contract from the very beginning. In a futures contract, payments
I am abstracting from interest paid or received on the fluctuating balances as the futures price changes. That is one
reason my formula may be a bit simpler than the formula you may have learned in a previous finance course.
are being made all along the life of the contract, whenever the futures price changes. This is
called mark to market.
Concretely, these payments involve additions and subtractions from margin accounts
held at the futures clearinghouse. It is significant that both the long and short side have to put
up margin, because at the moment the contract is entered, both are in a sense equally likely to
lose and so equally likely to have to make a payment to the other side. You can think of these
margin accounts as similar to bank deposits, but in fact the clearinghouse will accept securities
for the purpose. They have to be liquid securities however, and at the end of the day the
securities are repriced to reflect any change during the day. Thus the collateral underlying the
futures contract as well as the futures contract itself are both marked to market every day.
The cumulative payment on the futures is the same as the final payment on the forward, but for
the futures the cash flows come about every day during the life of the contract. This is a very
concrete way in which views about the future are settled today.
Monetary Issues
Stigum (718-722) talks about a trade involving spot 6 month bills, the 3 month ahead futures
contract on the bills, and the 3 month riskfree repo rate. It starts with buying the 6 month bill
for spot price S0 using money borrowed at the repo rate r. Borrowing short term in order to lend
long term however exposes you to price risk, since you dont know the rate at which you will be
able to finance the second three months of the bill. To hedge that price risk, you short 3 month
Treasury bill futures at the futures price Ft. Then, whatever happens to the Tbill price is exactly
countered by whatever happens to the futures price. In this way you hedge all price risk. The
question then is, given that you have hedged all price risk, why would you ever expect to profit
from this trade, and hence why would anyone do it?
Here is a diagram showing the trade in question:
One way to understand this trade is that the trader is long a forward contract (the combo of the
Tbill and repo) and short the corresponding futures contract. This way of putting the matter
makes it even more puzzling why the trade would ever make a profit. To see why such a trade
might be profitable, lets return to the relationship between futures and current spot prices that
we talked about previously, under the name futures-spot parity. The same relationship Stigum
calls full carry pricing. Deviations from full carry pricing offer opportunities for arbitrage
profit, as below:
Ft = Ster(T-t)
Ft > Ster(T-t)
Ft < Ster(T-t)
Stigum uses a somewhat different language when she talks about the difference between an
implied repo rate and the actual repo rate, but she is talking about exactly the same thing. We
understand what the actual repo rate isit is the rate paid on the short term repo (the carry part
of the trade) that is used to purchase the Treasury bill (the cash part of the trade). The implied
repo rate is the short term return that is locked in by the combination of the cash bill and the
short futures position. Observe that we know the price at which we can buy the bill, and we
know the price at which we can sell the bill (i.e. the futures price).
Define the implied repo rate by the equation
Ft = Ste(T-t)
The implied repo rate is thus the borrowing rate that would have to hold in order for futures
prices to satisfy full carry pricing. Now we can express the arbitrage opportunities as a deviation
of the implied repo rate from the actual repo rate:
The arbitrage profit in the cash and carry trade arises from the fact that you can borrow at a
lower rate than you can lend. Put that way, it is astonishing that such a relationship would ever
hold for more than an instant. Why doesnt everyone do it, and in volume sufficient to eliminate
the arb?
The cash and carry arbitrage is long forward and short futures. What is the risk in that
position that might command a premium for bearing it? If the forward rate is typically greater
than the expected spot, that means we can expect to gain by borrowing short and lending long.
Our long forward interest rate position should be increasing in value. But at the same time our
short futures interest rate position should be decreasing in value. These two positions more or
less net out in terms of value, but not in terms of cash flow. Futures are marked to market
whereas forwards are not. This means that the cash and carry trade typically involves
negative cash flows throughout the life of the contract, plus a large positive cash flow at
maturity. The profit comes from the fact that the positive cash flow is larger than all the
negative flows added up, but the fact remains that the timing is inconvenient.
In order to get the positive cash flow, we have to hold the position for three months, and
that means surviving a series of negative cash flows. Not only that, but these negative cash
flows might all come at once. Thus the volatility of the spot price of the underlying bill creates
liquidity risk for the cash and carry trade.
The fact that markets typically violate the expectations hypothesis is well-known, even if
not well-understood. The profitability of the cash and carry trade is not well-known, but perhaps
we can understand it as a reward for bearing liquidity risk. What I suggest is that these two
anomalies have the same origin, namely a mismatch in the natural forward interest rate positions
emerging from the real economy.2
A former TA in this course, Daniel Neilson, has done important work showing how deviations between forward
and futures rates serve as an observable proxy for unobservable deviations between forward rates and expected spot
rates. This is a kind of test of the liquidity premium theory of the term structure.
Buyer of swap
Long swap
Payor of Fixed
In the parallel loan arrangement AA still pays its original creditor a fixed rate over the life of its
original loan, and BBB still pays its original creditor a floating rate over the life of its original
loan. The swap of IOUs between AA and BBB means that AA receives a fixed rate payment
from BBB, while BBB receives a floating rate payment from AA; these receipts match the
promised payments on their original loans. In this way, AA achieves floating rate financing
while BBB achieves fixed rate financing.
The parallel loan structure solves the problem for the two companies, but it does so by
expanding both balance sheets, and so the apparent leverage and counterparty risk exposure.
Since money is going both ways, it is natural to net the two payments and pay only the net, from
AA to BBB or from BBB to AA, whichever is larger. (In most cases, BBB will be paying AA
because the short term interest rate is lower than the long term interest rate.) This netting goes
some way toward reducing counterparty risk. The swap contract goes even farther by netting the
principal payments as well, both at the beginning and at the end of the contract. The net payment
flows on a swap contract are the same as in the parallel loan structure, but now everything is offbalance sheet.
In the swap arrangement, note well the market lingo convention. A long swap position
pays fixed and receives flex, and a short swap position is just the opposite. (One way to
remember this is to observe that the long swap position increases in value when the floating rate
of interest rises; another is to think of the swap as a kind of insurance contract that hedges
floating rate risk, so a liability for insurer and an asset for the insured.) In deference to the
market lingo, Ill treat long swap positions as assets and short swap positions as liabilities when
we put them on the balance sheet. This should cause no confusion as long as we remember the
parallel loan interpretation.
Swaps and Other parallel loans
To help link the swap idea to other things we already know, it might be helpful to think of
selling a swap, or taking a short swap position, as like buying a five-year fixed rate bond and
financing the position by borrowing short term, using the bond as collateral for the loan. From
this point of view, we see the swap as similar to a repo. The difference is that with swaps we are
dealing with corporate liabilities not governments, and also with much longer maturities both of
the bond (say five years rather than 3 month Tbill) and of the financing (say 6 month LIBOR
rather than overnight repo).
Further, it is common in the finance literature to analyze the swap as a strip of forward
interest rate contracts, one for every time-dated payment on the underlying notional fixed rate
loan. (Note: forward not futures contracts, because payments are periodic, not marked to
market.) BBB is in effect locking in the a future borrowing rate, and AA is in effect locking in a
future lending rate. WARNING: being long a swap is like being short a portfolio of forwards, so
you hedge a long swap with long futures, which is rather counterintuitive (to say the least!)
As always, keeping in mind the parallel loan interpretation will allay any confusion.
When we were talking about interest rate forwards, we saw how a forward can be understood as a
parallel loan as follows:
Long forward
6 month loan R(0,6)
3 month deposit
Short forward
3 month deposit
6 month loan R(0,6)
If we compare this to the parallel loan interpretation of the interest rate swap, we see that
exposure on the first payment of the short swap is just like the long forward. The later swap
payments are analogously like more distant forwards.
Why swap? Comparative advantage
In Stigums example (p. 874), BBB borrows floating and AA borrows fixed, then they swap.
The reason they do this is that by assumption BBB can borrow relatively more cheaply in
floating, and AA can borrow relatively more cheaply in fixed (though absolutely more cheaply in
all markets). Each however would like to be borrowing in the market that is relatively more
expensive. Here is the structure of rates Stigum assumes:
12.5 bp
47.5 bp
There are 35 bp to play with (47.5-12.5). In Stigums example (Table 19-1, p. 875) AA gets 25
of them and so achieves LIBOR 1/8 (original floating 25 bp), and BBB gets 10 and so
achieves 5.75 Eurobond (original fixed 10 bp). We can understand this better by putting her
numbers into our parallel loan interpretation, as follows:
[5 year fixed, 5.50
5 yr bond, 5.375
5 year fixed, 5.50]
Why does this apparent free lunch exist? One reason is market imperfection. Stigum
tells the story about British capital controls that were evaded by parallel loans which were in
effect currency swaps. Something like this might be happening, if Triple B is for some reason
locked out of the Eurobond market. Stigum notes also that US interest rate swaps have their
origin in 1981, in the midst of the Volcker tight money period, when some lesser credits would
have been locked out of certain markets completely.
But another possible reason for this structure of rates is counterparty risk, and that
suggests that the lunch might not be so free. A bank may be willing to lend short term to Triple
B because it thinks it can reassess the situation every 6 months, perhaps raising the markup over
LIBOR if BBB gets into trouble. The higher markup for longer term lending compensates for the
fact that there is a lot more that can go wrong in five years than in six months. The swap gives
Triple B long term financing, but leaves AA holding the credit risk. If things go bad for Triple B,
it will roll over its term loan at higher and higher markups over LIBOR, but it is receiving only
LIBOR flat. It will have to pay its bank and also Fuji. Possibility of default to both the bank and
to AA.
AA swap
Investment Bank
AA swap
BBB swap
BBB swap
In general dealers will not be able to match longs and shorts perfectly with the business that
naturally comes to them, so they must resort to imperfect hedging. The kind of position that
works as a hedge gives us further insight into the nature of the swap contract.
Stigum likes to say that a swap is a synthetic corporate bond (p. 906). What she means is
that a short position in interest rate swaps is similar to a long bond position financed by repo.
Looked at in this way, it is clear that such a position can be hedged with a short bond position.
Treasuries or Euros are the most liquid instruments, so one might look for a hedge there, either in
the cash market or the futures markets. It is important however to recognize that such a hedge
involves continued exposure to basis risk because the swap rate is a corporate not a government
rate. Also, the dealer faces counterparty risk on both sides. Other hedges will be necessary to
shelter from basis and counterparty risk.
Supposing that the position can be hedged satisfactorily, we can see the swap dealer as
doing essentially the same thing as a government security dealer, but in corporate bonds
instead of governments. There is a term structure in swaps, as a markup over Treasuries. Just
as we found it useful to distinguish private repo from Fed Funds, international Eurodollar futures
from Treasury futures, so also we have the private swap term structure versus the Treasury term
structure. At every maturity there is a rate of interest determined in the private credit markets
and there is one determined in the government credit market. We can think of the swap term
structure as a markup on Treasuries, or the Treasury term structure as a discount from the swap
term structure. Speculators on the spread at various maturities keep the markets in touch.
The swap market is huge, now larger than the bond market itself (as measured by size of
notional swap principal). The deep question raised by the enormous success of this market is
whether in some sense it is coming to replace the government market. In good times, it seems
there is just as much liquidity in swaps as in governments, but in bad times (tight liquidity) the
hierarchical structure is restored. Swap dealers are apparently market makers at a lower level in
the hierarchy of money than government bond dealers, who are themselves below the banks that
make markets in money, who are themselves below central banks.
[1 year fixed
1 yr deposit
Swap at 4.44
3 mo floating
[1 year fixed
Swap at 4.47
You can see the first swap between AA and Morgan (I show the implicit parallel loan in brackets
above the swap), and then the second swap between LBO and Morgan. (Ive left off the futures
hedge which is there only temporarily in the time between doing the first swap and doing the
second.) Basically AA is borrowing fixed but wants to borrow flex, and LBO is borrowing flex
but wants to borrow fixed. Instead of doing a swap with each other, they each separately do a
swap with Morgan. Morgan winds up with equal and opposite swap exposures, i.e. matched
How does Morgan make money if it is short a swap at 4.47 and long a swap at 4.44?
Here the parallel loan interpretation makes everything clear. Morgan is paying Libor and
receiving Libor, so these flows net out. But on its long swap it is paying 4.44 fixed and on its
short swap it is receiving 4.47 fixed. This is a 3 bp net profit.
What is going on here? In the marketplace as a whole, there are a range of borrowers and
lenders, each with its own preferences about maturity (and currency), and each with its own
market access. What is happening in the swap market is that they are each finding lowest cost
financing by matching up their needs with the market as a whole.
The effect of the swap market is to spread stresses in one place and at one time, across the
system and across time, and to unite the individual markets into one big market. In this way, any
imperfections in the markets caused by regulation or intervention can be evaded. If central banks
raise short rates in one area, making it unattractive for short term lending, then borrowing can
happen elsewhere and swap into the desired currency.
There is a very significant passage on p. 900:
Money market swaps occur in what could rightly be called arbitrage land. Traders arbitrage
swaps against futures, swaps against cash, swaps against FRAs, FRAs against futures, and so
on. Arbitrage opportunities keep arising because these related markets are constantly affected
by many different events. Maybe an Asian bank does a big cash-and-swap arbitrage, which
drives up the swap market; this creates profit in the swap-FRA arbitrage, so someone does the
swap-FRA arbitrage, which drives up FRAs; this creates profit in the FRA-futures arbitrage, so
someone does the FRA-futures arbitrage, which drives up futures. An event that moves one rate
causes a rate ripple that creates some basis points for every play except may the futures player if
he is an unhedged spec. Clearly, someone loses, usually the spec player in the futures pit.
Note the hierarchical structure of the sequence of trades portrayed here: swap market
(OTC) to FRA (interbank forward) to futures. We have already seen that the flexibility of this
system depends on ability to hedge immediately in highly liquid futures markets. Now we see
also that, although in one sense the system works to spread stresses, in another sense it
concentrates stresses. Everything comes back to futures.
Buyer of Insurance
Long Swap
Short Credit Risk
Corporate bond
[Treasury bond
[Treasury bill
Credit default swap
Interest rate swap
Corporate bond]
Treasury bond]
Seller of Insurance
Short Swap
Long Credit Risk
[Corporate bond
[Treasury bond
Treasury bond]
Treasury bill]
Credit default swap
Interest rate swap
In brackets I am showing the parallel loan constructionone side promises to make the
same payments the corporation makes (and to miss the same payments the corporation
misses), while the other side promises to make the same payments that the Treasury
makes on a bond of the same maturity. So long as the corporate bond does not default,
this swap of IOUs involves a net cash flow from the long swap to the short swap, simply
because the coupon on the corporate bond is larger than the coupon on the Treasury. In
the event the corporate bond defaults, however, there is a large cash flow in the opposite
direction; in effect the long swap delivers the defaulted bond to the short swap, and
receives in return a perfectly good Treasury bond.
Corporate Bonds
Conceptually, it is easiest to introduce the basic ideas while thinking of the underlying as
a corporate bond. Such bonds are often complicated instruments, because of the various
warrants attached (call provisions and protection), but well abstract from that and think
of them as simply promises to pay a certain coupon at regular intervals over the life of
the bond, and the face value upon maturity. Standard valuation considerations suggest
that the price of such a bond can be thought of in present value terms as
P(0) = tCt + TFT
where C is the coupon, F is the face value, and is a discount factor that we can think of
as (1/1+R) where R is some risk-adjusted interest rate. You can see from the formula that
there is an inverse relationship between R and P. Fluctuations in the price of the bond
after issue can be thought of as fluctuations in the risk-adjusted interest rate.
One reason for those fluctuations is fluctuation in the risk-free interest rate, but weve
already talked about that in previous lectures. Here we want to focus on fluctuations that
come from
(1) changes in the price of credit risk and
(2) changes in the quantity of credit risk.
Bonds are typically rated by one of the various rating agencies, such as Fitch. Ratings go
from AAA to B-, to NR. Lower rated bonds sell at a discount, which means that the riskadjusted interest rate is higher. Usually however there is an attempt to set the coupon at
a level that counteracts this effect so that, at least when the bond is issued, bonds of
various ratings all sell near par.
At any moment in time there is a pattern of credit spreads over Treasuries, or
perhaps over the swap rate, small spreads for AAA and larger spreads for lower ratings.
The important point to realize is that these spreads fluctuate over time, which is one
source of risk (price), and that individual bond ratings can also change over time, which
is a second source of risk (quantity). The basic idea of credit derivatives is to create an
instrument that will allow these sources of risk to be carved off of the bond and priced
(maybe even sold) separately.
Why do the spreads move as they do? In the industry, most of the attention
focuses on default. As a matter of fact there is considerable dispute about what exactly
constitutes default, but well put that aside. The point to hold on to is that the lower rated
bonds tend to have higher default risk. Thus, instead of getting 10 years of coupons
followed by the face value, you might only get 3 years of coupons, and the liquidation
value of the bond. Thats the risk for someone who owns the bond. Credit default swaps
are a way to sell off that risk while retaining ownership of the bond.
CDS Pricing
Suppose that I own a bond that promises to pay a constant coupon C for 10 years.1
Suppose further that I buy an interest rate swap in which I pay fixed and receive LIBOR.
In effect, my combined portfolio now pays LIBOR + S%, where S is the credit spread
over the fixed rate on the swap. Now were ready to think about selling off the credit
Corporate Bond (LIBOR + S%)
If no default:
If default:
[Face value of Bond, F
Liquidation Price of Bond, P]
This example is inspired by Duffie and Singleton, p. 180, though they dont do the full
parallel loan analysis.
pay simply LIBOR as long as the issuer keeps up his payments, and the full face value of
the bond in the event of default. Thus on net I am paying U until default, and then
receiving the difference between the full face value of the bond and its liquidation value.
Here are the net cash flows from the swap of IOUs, assuming default at period 5:
Im paying a small amount for four periods in order to receive a possibly big amount in
period 5.
What is U? U is a number that makes the present value of the small payments exactly
equal to the present value of the large payment, so that at inception the swap is a zero
value instrument, i.e. a swap of IOUs that have the same exact value. In the finance
view, we think of that U as a kind of insurance premium. So long as I pay U, I am
insured against the risk of default on the bond I hold. Why so? If there is default, then
the liquidation value of my bond is P(5), but my swap of IOUs pays F-P(5), so on net I
recover F, the full face value of the bond.
At inception the CDS is a zero value instrument, but not after. Any change in the
credit spread S%, whether market-wide or idiosyncratic to the specific bond, will change
the value of the CDS. In theory, the value moves inversely to the value of the underlying
bond. In this way, CDS is not so much insurance against eventual default as it is
insurance against change in the credit spread.
Market making
Now lets think about the same transaction from the point of view of the seller of
insurance, who might be a bank or an investment bank. The seller receives a stream of
small payments but faces the possibility of having to make a single large payment in the
event of default. It is possible to create portfolios of such swaps, which pool the
idiosyncratic default risk so that the risk of the pool is less than the risk of any
component. (This depends crucially on the correlation of the individual risks. The less
correlation, the better, and the law of large numbers can help us out.) This pooling then
allows the seller of the swap to charge a lower spread to the buyer.
Buyer of Insurance
Risky Bond
CDS on
index CDX
Seller of Insurance
CDS on
Index CDX
This pooling is very important. In a sense we can say that the incentive to create a
swap comes from mis-pricing of credit risk in the original corporate bond, and so we
should expect that the creation of a flourishing swap market will reduce the price of
credit risk overall. That is exactly what happened.
Diversification reduces risk, but does not eliminate it. If the seller seeks matched
book, this pool of OTC swaps might then be hedged against a general bond index,
perhaps by trading an exchange traded swap such as CDX with a hedge fund. (In the
case of subprime mortgages, the swaps on the ABX index were key.)
UBS Example: Market Making and Liquidity Risk
In fact, if U<S, then the buyer of the swap can swap out the credit risk and wind
up with an investment that pays a small spread (S-U) over LIBOR. That is what UBS
was doing in its most important risk arbitrage trade, as follows
AAA CDO tranche, floating rate
Credit default swap (AIG)
Money Market Funding (ABCP, RP)
UBS was doing something it called a Negative Basis Trade in which it paid AIG
11 bp for 100% credit protection on a supersenior CDO tranche, and financed its holding
of that tranche in the wholesale money market. In its report to shareholders2, to explain f
why it lost so much of their money, it states that this trade netted an apparently riskfree
arbitrage profit of 20 bp. Because it was apparently riskfree, they did massive amounts
of it. The risk turned out to be liquidity risk, when money market funding dried up and
they could not sell their AAA tranche. Their CDS hedge did them no good since they
could not use it to raise funding. (To make matters worse, the CDS hedge was typically
only against the first 2% loss, leaving UBS exposed for everything more than that.)
Goldman Sachs Example: Hedging CDS with CDS
The recent SIGTARP report on AIG3 explains the relationship between Goldman and
AIG, which I translate into our balance sheet language as follows
Goldman Sachs
CDS, clients
Goldman Sachs was in effect acting as a CDS dealer, selling protection to clients but
buying protection from AIG. AIG was a naked seller of protection. When the referenced
risky asset started to fall in price, the value of the insurance rose. This is a liability of
AIG, so it cut into their capital buffer (AIG had no dedicated reserves against these CDS
because it thought they were essentially riskfree). Not only that, but AIG had agreed to
post collateral, and mark the CDS to market, so these losses were not just book losses but
involved payments into a segregated account that Goldman Sachs controlled, about 30
billion at the time AIG failed.
AIG failed because it was no longer able to meet these collateral calls; instead the
government took over, lending 85 billion. There has been a lot of loose talk about how
the government paid off Goldman at par instead of forcing Goldman to take a loss. This
is not exactly what happened. Rather, because the CDS was marked to market, Goldman
already had possession of the collateral, it had already been paid. The government
money was used to acquire the referenced securities at liquidation value in order to end
the swap. In terms of our algebraic example, AIG had already paid F-P(5); what the
government did was to lend AIG money to pay P(5) for the bond which the government
then took onto its own (the Feds) balance sheet as Maiden Lane 2 and 3.
Goldman Abacus example: Synthetic CDO as Collateral Prepayment
Paulson, the hedge fund manager, paid Goldman to help him bet against subprime, and
the way he did it was by establishing a so-called synthetic CDO.4 (The very first CDS
was established in this way for JP Morgan to hedge tail risk its portfolio of corporate
loans. See Gillian Tett, Fools Gold.) Here is a simplified version of the balance sheets:
T bills
CDO tranche
CDO tranche
CDS on
CDS on
Abacus is a synthetic CDO, not a cash CDO, because its exposure to credit risk comes
from its CDS position, not from any actual holdings of RMBS (residential mortgage
backed securities). It sells that exposure to IKB in the form of bonds (CDO tranche), and
invests the proceeds in Treasury bills. (The point is that the combination of long riskfree
securities and short CDS is equivalent to an outright position in the referenced risky
security. Refer back to the arbitrage relation I mentioned at the beginning of lecture.)
How was this supposed to work? So long as the RMBS was not in default, Paulsen paid
a regular premium to Abacus, which added that premium to the Tbill return to pay
interest to IKB on its bond holding. Once the RMBS was in default, however, Abacus
paid Paulsen by delivering its holding of Treasury bills, while Paulsen delivered the
underlying RMBS which he bought at liquidation value. The difference between face
value and liquidation value is absorbed in the value of the CDO tranche bonds owned by
For this class the important point is that, in effect, the Abacus arrangement went one step
farther than the AIG mark to market CDS. In the AIG case, falling value of the
referenced securities forced collateral payments to Goldman Sachs. In the Abacus case,
the collateral payments were all made at the very inception of the contract when IKB
bought the bonds, so IKB did not have to come up with any additional collateral (which it
could have refused). Instead, the falling value of the referenced securities merely caused
a transfer of the collateral, already collected, from Abacus to Paulsen.
Darell Duffie and Ken Singleton, Credit Risk: Pricing, Measure, and Management.
Princeton UP, 2003
David Lando, Credit Risk Modeling, Theory and Applications. Princeton UP, 2004.
Gunter Meissner, Credit Derivatives, Application, Pricing, and Risk Management.
Blackwell 2005.
What is a Bank?
1. Shadow Banking as .
Market-based Credit
Shadow Bank
Hi tranche
Hi tranche
Mid tranche
Lo tranche
Traditional Bank
FRB backstop
FDIC backstop
Shadow Bank
Hi tranche
Hi tranche
Mid tranche Liquidity
Lo tranche put
Traditional Bank
FRB backstop
Liquidity put
FDIC backstop
Invest. Bank
Hi Tranche
Mid Tranche
Lo Tranche
Shadow Bank
Hedge Fund
Hi Tranche
MM Funding
Mid Tranche
Lo Tranche
Global Bank
Dollar Bank
FX swaps
$ reserves
Shadow Bank
Hi tranche
Mid tranche
Lo tranche
Hi tranche
3. Shadow Banking as .
Modern Finance
Modern Asset Management
Financial Globalization and Securitization
Capital Markets and Money/Derivatives Markets
Shadow Bank
Asset Manager
Other definitions
Received views
Gorton and Metrick (2011) Regulating the Shadow Banking System;
Adrian and Ashcraft (Oct 2012) Shadow Banking: A Review of the
Literature; FSB (Nov 2012) Strengthening Oversight and Regulation
of Shadow Banking
Making Markets,
Money and Risk
Capital Funding Bank Global Money Dealer Asset Manager
Derivative Dealer
We abstract from
Backstopping Market-making
Global Bank (funding)
MM funding
Liquidity put
Liquidity put
Liquidity put
Liquidity put
$1.0 [TBill
1.6 [Tbond
.3 [Risky Secs
6.4? TOTAL
A Bagehot Moment
Treynor, 1987
$1.0 [TBill
1.6 [Tbond
.3 [Risky Secs
6.4? TOTAL
MM 100
Deposit 100
Deposit 100
Capital 100
MM 100
Deposit 100
Deposit 100
Capital 90
MM 100
Deposit 100
Deposit 100
Capital 90
Making Markets,
Money and Risk
Capital Funding Bank Global Money Dealer Asset Manager
Derivative Dealer
Liquidity Reserves
Capital Reserves
In the economics view, by contrast, we are typically looking at a world where the past
determines the present in the sense that the current flow of goods being produced is the
consequence of capital investments made over many generations in the past. The sale of
those goods is the source of current income, most of which is consumed but some of
which is saved in the form of additions to the capital stock available for future
Y=F(K,L) Production
Kt = Kt-1 + It Capital Accumulation
Most of the debate in economics, during the last twenty years, has been not about the
contrast between the economics view and money view, but rather about the contrast
between the economics view and the finance view, which is diametrically opposite. In
finance, the future determines the present in the sense that current capital values are a
consequence of ideas about future income flows, which we discount back to the present.
Changing ideas cannot change the physical quantity of capital currently in existence, but
they can very easily change the valuation of that capital, as well as the valuation of
capital investments not yet made. Mere ideas thus change the current world by drawing a
path that links it with some possible future world.
Economics View
Past determines present
Capital stock, K
Money View
Present determines present
Cash Flow
Survival Constraint
Finance View
Future determines present
Capital valuation, pk
PK = E0(1/1+r)tCt
The economics view and the finance view meet each other in the present, but the present
is the realm of the money view. Cash flows emerging from past production meet cash
commitments engaged with an eye on future production, and the balance or imbalance
between the two poses the problem that is solved every day by the monetary apparatus.
Most of the history of monetary thought is about the conversation between the money
view, which emerges organically from experience with the monetary system, and the
economics view in the academy. But the last few decades have been an exception.
Some thirty years ago, when I was starting out in monetary economics, the most
significant intellectual challenge to monetary economics came from finance.
Actually finance challenged economics mainly, and the big story of the last thirty years
has been economics vs. finance, now more or less resolved (albeit with remaining unease
on both sides) with the acceptance of finance as a proper subfield of economics. My
own interest has been the challenge of finance to the money view, and my career has
been all about building up the money view is a response to that early challenge.
To get a flavor of that challenge, listen to Fischer Black in his 1976 manifesto What a
Non-monetarist Thinks:
I believe that in a country like the US, with a smoothly working financial
system, the government does not, cannot, and should not control the
money stock in any significant way. The government does, can only, and
should simply respond passively to shifts in the private sectors demand
for money. Monetary policy is passive, can only be passive, and should be
passive. The pronouncements and actions of the Federal Reserve Board on
monetary policy are a charade. The Boards monetary actions have almost
no effect on output, employment, or inflation.
Strong words, so strong that we might be inclined to dismiss them out of hand as the
ravings of the uninformed. Today I propose to resist that natural inclination, and instead
try to understand the conception of the world in which such words might make sense.
Nothing is said about money. Indeed nothing is said about the price level either.
Into this silence on the matter of money and prices enters the quantity equation, which we
can write as
MV = PQ, or MV = paqa + poqo
The right hand side tells the value of goods sold, and the left hand side tells how money
turnover facilitated that sale. The equation as stated is an identity really, but economists
have always been tempted to read causality into it. One story is that the quantity of
money determines the price levelthis is reading the equation left to right, which gives
us the quantity theory of the price level. Another story is that the scale of transactions
determines the scale of money flow (including elastic credit substitutes)this is reading
the equation right to left. We leave this debate aside, and pursue other matters for the
Most economists, following Frank Hahn (e.g. Money and Inflation 1982), see
the absence of money as a weakness of the general equilibrium theory. The theory
doesnt have anything to say about the monetary phenomena and institutions that are
apparently so important in the real world. The response of economists has been to try to
In the 20th century, the great Irving Fisher moved debate in a more constructive
direction by expanding the idea of exchange to include intertemporal exchange. Consider
thus the familiar one-good two-period equilibrium. Here we also have production
possibilities and consumer preferences jointly determining the relative price of two
goods. What is new here is the conception of the rate of interest as the relative price of
goods between two different time periods. That rate of interest, notice, has nothing to do
with money. Denoting production by {C1, C2}, the wealth of the representative consumer
can be written
W = p1C1 + [p2/(1+r)]C2.
In equilibrium, the price ratio p1/[p2/(1+r)] will be equal to the marginal rate of
substitution for each consumer, and also the marginal rate of transformation for each
develop models in which markets are less perfect, so there is a place for money. Three
approaches can be distinguished:
1) Overlapping generations, money as a store of value
(Wallace The Overlapping Generations Model of Fiat Money1980)
2) Search and matching models
(Kiyotaki and Wright On Money as a Medium of Exchange 1989)
3) Walrasian GE with transactions costs
(Starr Monetary General Equilibrium with Transactions Costs 2005)
All of these take as their problem the exchange of commodities in a world without any
financial assets except money (i.e. an extension of our first model), and they show that
money plays a role. The problem is that, quite generally, these results do not generalize
to a world with financial assets because money, paying no interest, is a dominated asset.
Again nothing is said about money or the price level, and we are tempted to try to insert
some version of the quantity equation into the vacuum. But we have a problem. Future
consumption is not really exchanged today, so we cant really put it on the right hand side
along with present consumption. Fishers brilliant innovation was to realize that the
market for securities is a current market with current prices where claims for
future consumption are exchanged. How so?
To make room for loans (credit) we assume that there are two kinds of people in
this world, both with the same production possibilities, but one that prefers consumption
today and one that prefers consumption tomorrow. In equilibrium, both kinds of people
produce the current and future consumption goods in the same proportions, but the
present-oriented consume more of the present good and the future-oriented consume
more of the future good.
As before, the relative price of goods today and goods tomorrow includes the rate
of interest, which looks like the pure price of time. However, instead of thinking of the
two consumers as trading goods across time, we think about what happens in period 1
separate from what happens in period 2. In period 1, the present-oriented consumer A
consumes more of the present good than he produces, and in period 2 the future-oriented
consumer B consumes more of the future good than he produces. How is this achieved?
By borrowing and lending at the rate of interest. We might imagine this being facilitated
by some financial intermediary. The quantity of outstanding credit then depends on the
difference between people. Maybe people use these credit balances to make payments,
but there is nothing about that use that affects prices.
So now we know how to expand the quantity theory to an intertemporal equilibrium, but
we still have a problem, no money.
One way to proceed would be simply to add securities transactions and the prices
at which they are made to the commodity transactions and the prices at which they are
made. Irving Fishers transactions version of the quantity theory did just that:
MV = PT = pcC + (1/1+r)F
where F is financial transactions.
Again there is temptation to read this identity as a causal equation, and there is dispute
about whether causation flows from left to right or right to left. For our purposes the
important point is that the left to right view suggests that monetary manipulation by the
central bank affects not only the price level (price of goods) but also the price of assets,
PK, and hence also the rate of interest r. This is the origin of the idea expressed in the
Hicks-Samuelson IS-LM model that the monetary authority can affect the real economy
by pushing around the money supply
It is this story about money that Fischer Black was attacking so emphatically back in
1976. What did he think was wrong with it?
Imagine a World without Money: Risk
Fischer Black always started from the world of securities, not commodities, and from the
Capital Asset Pricing Model. Here we have the finance view in its purest form. (We
can think of Irving Fisher as a transitional figure between the economics view and the
finance view.) We can think of CAPM by comparison to the Fisher model as involving
the introduction of risk. In standard general equilibrium theory, we do this by
distinguishing future states of the world and treating goods produced in each possible
future state as different goods with different prices.2 From a financial point of view, the
important point is that the relative price of goods today and goods tomorrow includes not
just the price of time but also the price of risk. The great achievement of the Capital
Asset Pricing Model was to allow us to separate out these two prices and talk about them
Imagine a world of capital assets, each of which we characterize by the mean and
variance of its return over a short interval of time, and consider the set of expected
returns and variances that can be achieved by holding a portfolio of these assets. To
make the equilibrium interesting, we assume that there are two kinds of people in this
world, one quite risk tolerant and the other not so risk tolerant. In equilibrium, everyone
holds the same portfolio of the risky capital assets, but the risk tolerant hold more and the
less tolerant hold less. This allocation is achieved by having the more tolerant borrow
from the less tolerant, at the riskfree rate of interest. The interaction of these two types
determines jointly our two prices, the risk free rate Rf, and the price of risk ERm- Rf,
which is the expected return on the market portfolio minus the riskfree rate. In
equilibrium we get the famous CAPM equation
ERi = Rf +( ERm-Rf)i
Starting from CAPM, Fischer Black proposes that we think of banks first of all as
essentially intermediaries between the risk tolerant and the less risk tolerant. As a first
approximation, bank assets are the loans to the risk tolerant, and bank liabilities are the
assets of the less tolerant. Thus, if each has wealth of 100, the tolerant borrow 50 in
order to invest 150 in the risky portfolio, and the less tolerant lend 50 in order to invest
50 in the risky portfolio. The important point is that the outstanding quantity of bank
assets and liabilities is determined by private supply and demand, and the same is
true of the interest rate. In a CAPM world, monetary policy determines neither the
quantity of money nor the price of money. Both are endogenous variables determined by
private borrowing and lending behavior.
Rubinstein has a nice paper sorting out the relationship between Arrow Debreu and CAPM.
If we think about this through the lens of the quantity equation, the point is that financial
equilibrium requires us to think of the causation passing from right (PT) to left (MV).
Think about what happens if the price of the market rises. Risk tolerant wants to borrow
to buy more, risk averse wants to sell to lend more, so both loans and deposits change
whenever the stock market changes.
Risk Tolerant
150 Market
50 Loan
50 loan
50 deposit
Risk Averse
50 Market
50 Deposit
That is the sense in which Fed monetary announcement is a charade, as Fischer Black
asserts. From his point of view, the quantity of money (bank deposits) must be allowed
to fluctuate freely to allow people to adjust their risk exposure as stock prices fluctuate.
Similarly, the price of money (rate of interest) must be allowed to fluctuate freely to
allow the market for riskless borrowing and lending to clear. In both respects there is no
place for money or monetary policy.
In this world there is no role for government policy to control the money supply.
(Black likes to say that there is nothing that we can call the quantity of money, and hence
nothing to control.) It is equally true that there is no role for government policy to
control the rate of interest. Of course the government has, historically, tried to control
both of these things (p. 13-17). Blacks position seems to be that such efforts produce
inefficiency at the very least. In a financially developed economy, they dont even do
that, since there will be multiple ways to evade control. This is the intuition behind the
audacious quotation with which we started the lecture.4
The Education of Fischer Black
What Black observes is that, in this CAPM world, once people are using banks as
their source of riskfree borrowing and lending for investment purposes, it is inevitable
that they would use them as means of payment as well (p. 12). People who need to make
payments to one another do so simply by making book entries in the banking system.
What is more, payments from a negative account (loan) seem just as possible as
payments from a positive account (deposit). Such patterns of payments will affect the
quantity of bank assets and liabilities, but not their price because the payments system is
so efficient.
Just so, if a holder of a positive account in one bank makes a payment to a holder
of a positive account in another bank, the quantity of outstanding bank credit does not
The economics profession has attempted to respond to the challenge of finance. To date the most
successful account is Mike Woodfords Interest and Prices, which synthesizes the current consensus around
some kind of Taylor Rule oriented toward inflation targeting. The focus however is entirely on inflation of
goods prices, and not at all on asset prices. What remains to be done for the modern model is what Irving
Fisher did for the 19th century model, i.e. expand it to asset prices by linking to finance. Thats the step I
am trying to point toward in this course.
assumes that all securities can be bought and sold in perfectly liquid markets, but this
would be true only if the outside spread, established by the value trader, was as tight as
the inside spread, established by the dealer. This realization represents a first step in
bringing the finance view into contact with the money view, and Fischer clearly took this
step. When he died however, he was still thinking of the constraint on market liquidity as
deriving fundamentally from dealer capital, not dealing funding.
The collapse of LTCM in 1998 taught a second lesson, or should have. Fischer Black
died in 1995, but presciently warned about the risk involved in the relative value
investment strategy that LTCM was using. In retrospect we recognize that their strategy
was loading up on liquidity risk, and when liquidity dried up they could not refinance
their position.
Lesson 2: The ability of dealers to provide market liquidity depends on their own
funding liquidity.
But what does funding liquidity depend on? Here we find the final link in the chain that
brings the finance view into contact with the money view.
Lesson 3: The ultimate source of funding liquidity is the central bank, for the simple
reason the ultimate means of payment is the liability of that bank which it can expand or
By the time he died, the education of Fischer Black had proceeded through Lesson 2, but
not yet Lesson 3. That is my extrapolation, and I wish Fischer had lived so I could
suggest it to him. Because the implication of Lesson 3 is that monetary policy is not a
charade. The answer to the challenge of finance is the money view.
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Course Outline
Jan 25-27
Thornton, Henry (1802) An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of
Great Britain.
Wood, Elmer (1939) English Theories of Central Banking Control: 1810-1858.
Tooke, Thomas (1844) An Inquiry into the Currency Principle
Fetter, Frank W. (1965) The Development of British monetary orthodoxy, 1797-1875.
*Bagehot, Walter (1873) Lombard Street, A Description of the Money Market.
Wicksell, Knut (1898) Interest and Prices, A Study of the Causes Regulating the Value
of Money.
Hawtrey, Ralph (1919) Currency and Credit
*Tenth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board Covering Operations for the Year
Feb 1-3
Skaggs, Neil T. (2003) H.D. McLeod and the Origins of the Theory of Finance in
Economic Development History of Political Economy
Schumpeter, Joseph (1934 [1912]) The Theory of Economic Development
*Moulton, Harold (1918) Commercial Banking and Capital Formation Journal of
Political Economy
Lewis, W. Arthur (1954) Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor
Manchester School
[Radcliffe] Committee on the Working of the Monetary System (1959) Report
*Gurley, John G. and Edward S. Shaw (1960) Money in a Theory of Finance
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Feb 8-10
Feb 15-17
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Feb 22-24
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Monetary Walrasianism
Hicks, John (1935) A Suggestion for Simplifying the Theory of Money Economica
Marschak, Jacob (1938) Money and the Theory of Assets Econometrica
Modigliani, Franco (1944) Liquidity Preference and the Theory of Interest and Money,
Patinkin, Don (1956) Money, Interest and Prices: An Integration of Monetary and Value
Tobin, James (1958) Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk Review of
Economic Studies 25(2)
Hahn, Frank (1965) Some Problems of Proving the Existence of Equilibrium in a
Monetary Economy
*Tobin, James (1969) A general equilibrium approach to monetary theory Journal of
Money, Credit, and Banking 1(1)
*Ando, Albert and Franco Modigliani (1969) Econometric Analysis of Stabilization
Policies American Economic Review 59(2)
Louca, Francisco (2007) The Years of High Econometrics: a short history of the
generation that reinvented economics.
Mar 1-3
*Simons, Henry C. (1934) A Positive Program for Laissez Faire: Some Proposals for a
Liberal Economic Policy
Hart, Albert (1935) The Chicago Plan of Banking Reform Review of Economic
Studies 2(2)
*Friedman, Milton (1948) A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability
American Economic Review
Friedman, Milton (1956) Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money
Friedman, Milton (1969) The Optimum Quantity of Money
Mehrling, P. (1995) Note on the Optimum Quantity of Money Journal of Mathematical
Economics 24
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Brunner, Karl and Allan H. Meltzer (1993) Money and the Economy, Issues in Monetary
Rabin, Alan A. (2004) Monetary Theory
Mar 8-10
Financial Instability
*Sprague, O.M.W. (1910) History of Crises under the National Banking System
Hawtrey, Ralph. (1932) The Art of Central Banking
Fisher, Irving. (1933) The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions Econometrica
1 No. 3: 337-57
Keynes, John Maynard (1936) The State of Long-term Expectations in The General
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
*Minsky, Hyman (1982) Can It Happen Again?: Essays on instability and finance.
Kindleberger, Charles (1978) Manias, Panics, and Crashes: a History of Financial Crises
Mar 17-19
Mar 22-23
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Mar 29-31
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Building Blocks
Apr 5-7
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Mandelbrot, Benoit (1971) When Can Price be Arbitraged Efficiently? A Limit to the
Validity of the Random Walk and Martingale Model Review of Economics and
Statistics 53 (No. 3, August): 225-236.
Black, Fischer (1986) Noise Journal of Finance
Apr 12-14
CAPM Equilibrium
April 19-21
Thorp, Edward O. and Sheen T. Kassouf (1967) Beat the Market; a scientific stock
market system Random House
Merton, Robert C. (1973) Theory of Rational Option Pricing Bell Journal of
Economics and Management Science
*Black, Fischer and Myron Scholes (1973) The Pricing of Options and Corporate
Liabilities Journal of Political Economy
ECO BC3270
Spring 2010
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Apr 26-28
Student Papers
May 3
Student Papers