Romanian Composers Liana Alexandra and Serban Nichifor - Pioneers of The Visual Music (Video Music)
Romanian Composers Liana Alexandra and Serban Nichifor - Pioneers of The Visual Music (Video Music)
Romanian Composers Liana Alexandra and Serban Nichifor - Pioneers of The Visual Music (Video Music)
Born:May 27,1947,Bucharest,Romania
1965-1971- Ciprian Porumbescu University of Music, Bucharest,Composition
Department. Awarded the special scholarship George Enescu.
1974,1978,1980,1984 international courses of composition at Darmstadt,West
1983- an USIA stipendium in USA
PhD in Musicology
At present:
Master in music; Professor at the National University of Music from Bucharest
(teaching orchestration,musical analyses and composition).Member of the Union of
Romanian Composers,Member of GEMA(Germany),Member of Frau und
Musik(Germany),The First Vice-President of the Cultural Association RomaniaIsrael(ACPRI),Member of the Research Board of Advisors(American Biographical
Board(USA),Member of the International Council Research(IBC,England),
Member of LIVING MUSIC FOUNDATION Inc.(USA), Member of
ECPNM(European Conference of Promoters of New Music).
Compositions: she has composed several works (more than one hundred ),7
symphonies, 7 concertos for different instruments and orchestra, 3 operas, 4
cantatas, 1 oratorio, chamber music,choral music,music for children. Her
compositions were published at :Editura Muzicala (Bucharest),Edition Modern
(Mnchen),Edition Furore (Kassel), Score-on-Line (SUA). Its were played in
Cehia,Australia,Spain England a.s.o. Liana Alexandra is also the author of the
books:Musical creation an ineffable measure between the fantasy and the
arithmetical and geometrical rigour and Technics of Orchestrations.
Prizes and Awards:
1975,1979,1980,1982,1984,1987,1988 Prize of the Union of Romanian Composers
1979,1980 Gaudeamus Prize (Holland)
1979 First Prize Carl Maria von Weber, Dresden
1980 Prize of Romanian Academy
1982,1983 Diploma from Whos Who in the World Dictionary, USA
1986 Prize of Beer-Sheva, Israel
1989 Second Prize,Mannheim-Gedock, Germany
1991 Third Prize Fanny Mendelssohn,Dortmund-Unna,Germany
Liana Alexandra
Born in Bucharest (Romania), 25.08.1954. Studies: National University of Music Bucharest, Doctor in Musicology; University of Bucharest (Theology Faculty).
Internationals courses at Darmstadt, Weimar, Breukelen and Munchen; USIA
Stipendium (USA). At present: Professor at the National University of Music Bucharest (Chamber Music Department);Member of UCMR (Romania), SABAM
(Belgium), ECPMN (Holland); Vice-president of the ROMANIA-BELGIUM
Association; Cellist of the Duo INTERMEDIA and co-director, with Liana
FOUNDATION(USA). Composition prizes at: First Prize Gaudeamus-Amsterdam,
Tours, Athens, Urbana-Illinois, Evian, Toledo, Trento, Roma, Bydgoszcz, Kln,
Karlsruhe, Newtown-Wales, Birmingham-Alabama. Comandor of the "Merit
National Order". Works published at: Editura Muzicala (Bucharest), Edition Modern
(Munchen), "Pro musica Studium"(Roma), "Quadrivium Music Press" (New York),
"Mnemes" (Palermo). Principal works: "Postludium" per Org. (1975); "Sorcova" per
Coro Misto a capella (1995);Quartetto per Archi I - "Anamorphose" (1976);
"Constellations" for Orchestra (1977); Symphony I "Shadows" (1980); Cantata
"Sources" (1977); "Carols" per Trombone e Percussione (1978); Cantata "Gloria
Heroum Holocausti" (1978); Opera "Miss Christina" (libretto by Mircea
ELIADE,1981); "Canto di Speranza" per Fl., Vn, Vn, Vlc. e Pf. (1981);
"Onirophonie" per Fl., Vn.e Pf. (1982);"Chanson d'Antan" per Vn.e Pf.(1983);
"Aprite le porte di questo castel" per Coro Maschile (1984); "Carnyx" per Clarinetto
(1984); "Tango for Yvar" per Pf.(1984); Quartetto per Archi II - "Vallons de l'Oubli"
(1984); Symphony II "Via Lucis" (1985); "6 Melodies Irlandaises d'Amerique" per 2
Ob.,C.i. e 2 Fg. (1985); "Horn Call Rag" per Corno e Pf. (1986); "Czarna Rosa" per
Mezzo-Soprano e Pf. (1986); "7 Canti Rumeni di Natale" per 4 Tbe, 4 Tni ed Org.
(1986); Symphony III "American Symphony - I" (1986); Symphony IV "American
Symphony - II" (1987); Symphony V "Pro Patria" (1987); "AVE MARIA" per
Soprano ed Organo (1987); "Isola di Euthanasios" per Pianoforte (1988); Symphony
VI "Time Archways" (1988); Cantata "Remember" (1988); "Transgressio" per
Fl.,Ob. e Fg. (1989); "Battuta" per Percussione (1989); "Missa da Requiem" (1990);
Missa "Actio Gratiarum Oecumenica" per Coro Misto (1991); "NATALIS DOMINI"
per Coro Misto (1992); "Isihia" per Vlc. (1992); "Epiphania" per Cello e Pianoforte
(1993); "Musica Caelestis" treatise (1994); "Rorate Caeli" per Soprano ed
Orchestra (1994); Chamber-Opera "Talaria" (libretto by Etienne DE SADELEER,
1994); "Medium per Arpa" (1995); "Medium per Flauto" (1995); Cantata "Per
CHRISTUM" (1997); "Concerto GRIEGoriano" for Piano and Orchestra (1997); "3
Christmas German Chorals" for Organ (1997); "Hommage a DEBUSSY" per 2 Pf. ossia Pf. e Nastro Magnetico (1998; "La Nuit Obscure" per Orchestra da
Camera (1998); Chamber-Opera "Le Martyre de Saint Claude DEBUSSY" (libretto
Serban Nichifor
after Claude DEBUSSY and E.A.POE, 1999); "Turkish Bolero" for 4 Cellos and
Orchestra (2002), Symphony VII Cello-Memoirs (2003); "Introduction to
Computer Music" handbook.
SUNDAY TIMES (London, 18.08.1977) - "The First Prize went to a 22-year-old
Romanian Serban NICHIFOR, for his <Anamorphose>, played by the Gaudeamus
String Quartet in the smaller hall of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Its virtually silent
beginning, seemingly addressed to the eye rather than the ear, already hinted at a spatial
element which later furnished a valid and charming feature of its ending. The visual
gradually became audible, and the mosaic of sound soon acquired continuity as a few
folk-tune motifs were set in relief. This innocuous, inextravagant, musically and visually
direct essay in quartet-writing deserved recognition and won an ovation !" (Felix
DARMSTADTER ECHO (04.08.1980) - "Das absolute Gegenteil dazu wurde in der
Streichquartett-Komposition <Anamorphose> des Rumanen Serban NICHIFOR
geboten. Komplexe polyphone Schichtungen, vorwiegend mit wisperndern Spiel am Steg
und scharrenden Flageolett-Tone aufgebaut, zeugten von einer ausgesprochen
raffinierten Schreibweise..." (Jo TRILLIG)
thank you for the beautiful recordings of your Third and Fourth Symphonies, which I
recently received through the U.S.Information Agency. I appreciate your having
dedicated them <to the glory of America> and I am delighted to know that our cities have
inspired you in this uniquely creative way. The recordings have been donated to the
Library Of Congress so that they may be preserved for the people of the United States.
Your thoughtful gift will bring many hours of pleasure to all who come to enjoy them."
George BUSH, The President of the United States of America
LE JOURNAL DE ST-GERMAIN (24.09.1999) - "...C'est pour honorer la memoire de
Claude DEBUSSY que le compositeur Serban NICHIFOR a compose en 1999 , <Le
Martyre de Saint Claude DEBUSSY>, drame lyrique evoquant les dernieres annees du
musicien. Il vient d'adresser au Musee Claude DEBUSSY sa piece pour piano et bande
magnetique. Dans cette piece,on retrouvera tout l'univers debussyste: de la poesie
enchanteresse,a l'appel du lontain... Cet enregistrement vient enrichir le fonds du musee
(en cours de constitution) et devrait s'integrer au projet d'ecoutes musicales." (Jacques
LUXEMBURGER WORT (23.02.2000) - "...Finalement, c'est <La Nuit Obscure> de
Serban NICHIFOR qui nous impressionna le plus. Concue comme un veritable
<concerto pour percussion>,l'oeuvre surprend par son originalite et sa beaute
intrinseque, mais aussi par la virtuosite qu'elle exige du soliste. Pas de bavardage, pas de
fioriture, rien que de la tres belle musique, fracassante certes, mais tellement vraie !"
Serban NICHIFOR, Str.Principatele Unite Nr.2,Vila I, Ap.7, Sector 4, RO-040165
BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, Tel.(0040-1)336.13.99. and (0040-1)772.30.29,
Email [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected]