The Star News March 19 2015

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March 19, 2015

Volume 142 + Number 12

Medford, Wisconsin

Rep. Sean Duffy holds listening session



Page 20

Saluting service

by News Editor Brian Wilson

Rib Lake schools

showcase talent

Ask Ed

Rib Lake School
Board candidates

Page 12

Vote yes on Rib Lake
school referendum


Area deaths
Obituaries start on
page 18 for:
Lillian Brunner
Ruth Jankee
Albert Meier
John Oleson
Daniel Potapenko

Dave Fleegel is a businessman, civic leader,

service club volunteer,
and community ambassador. It is for
those reasons he
was selected as
the 2015 Medford
Chamber of
the Year.
will be recognized at the
annual recognition banquet to
be held on SaturFleegel day, May 2 at the

Simek Recreation Center in Medford. Clem

Johnson will be recognized with the Lifetime
Achievement award.
Susie Doberstein of the Rural Mutual Insurance Company was selected by the committee to receive the Employee Excellence

of the whole, stated Pat Sullivan, Medford

school district administrator in a letter supporting Fleegels nomination.
Mr. Fleegel always, without a moment of hesitation,
will put what is best for the
students and what is best for
the Medford Area Public
School District and
Person of the
community at
the top of his
The Person of the
priority list.
Year award goes to
He always
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for the sake for his Lifetime Achievement during Tuesdays city council meeting.

See CHAMBER on page 4

Arsonist gets 20
years for crimes
David Johnson sentenced on state
charges including sexual assault,
child pornography and burglary
by Reporter Mark Berglund
David J. Johnson will spend at
least 20 years in federal and state
prison to resolve the remaining
cases against him. Johnson entered
guilty pleas on Monday morning
as part of a settlement agreement
reached between Johnson and his
attorney, Wright Laufenberg, and
federal prosecutors and Taylor
County District Attorney Kristi

Splish splash
David Johnson

See JOHNSON on page 3

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photo by Brian Wilson

Sam Klinner gets soaked during the annual Polar Plunge event held Saturday. Unsafe ice conditions on the Millpond resulted in a need to move the event to the fire
department where firefighters set up a mass decontamination station with multiple jets
of cold water spraying on participants. See page 10 in the second section for more

Healthcare When You Need It

Walk in without an appointment

Allergies, rashes, ear aches, sinus infections, sore throats,

urinary tract infections, immunizations and more.



Rib Lake boys cant

sustain sizzling start

Dave Fleegel is Person of the

Year, Clem Johnson honored
for Lifetime Achievement


Page 2


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Hi 47F
Lo 34F

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring break, a time for warm sun and cold-hearted scams

College students and families statewide are finalizing their spring break
plans and looking forward to some time
away. But all that travel opens up opportunities for scammers to target elderly
relatives back home with family emergency phone scams more commonly
known as the grandparent scam. To
help protect family members in your
absence, the Wisconsin Department of
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) asks travelers to have
a discussion with senior relatives about
these scams.
Its surprisingly easy for a crook to
gather enough online information to
impersonate a loved one, said Sandy
Chalmers, assistant deputy secretary.
This is a scam we hear about on a regular basis in Wisconsin, so make sure
your elderly friends and relatives know
what to do if they get this call.
Scammers target elderly victims by
impersonating a grandchild claiming
they need money for an emergency. The

grandparent is asked to keep the call a

secret from family members and authorities. The scammers typically request the
money by wire transfer.
Of course, the entire story is a hoax
but the threat of a loved one in need
clouds the victims judgment and makes
them eager to help in any way they can.
The scammer may already know some
basic facts about the grandchild they are
impersonating especially if the grandchild has a social media presence that
is open to the public. A second person
claiming to be a police officer, lawyer or
bondsman may also call the grandparent
to add legitimacy to the story.

DATCP offers these additional tips for

handling these scam calls:
Resist the pressure to act immediately.
Hang up and try to contact the
grandchild or another family member at
a number you know is accurate.
Do not wire money or provide your
bank or credit card account numbers.
Verify the callers identity by asking personal questions a stranger could
not answer.
If you cannot reach a family member and still are not sure what to do, call
the Bureau of Consumer Protection or
your local police on their non-emergency

RE/MAX New Horizons

associates honored
for 2014 achievements
RE/MAX New Horizons Realty had
four associates recognized for their
sales achievements in 2014 during the
RE/MAX INTEGRA Midwest regional
awards celebration on Feb. 11 in Minnesota.
The following RE/MAX New Horizons
Realty, LLC associates were recognized:
Jody DeLasky and Jason Bredemann,
100 Percent Club.
Coty Flessert and Michael Keller, Executive Club.
Were very proud to have such a
strong team representing RE/MAX in
northern Wisconsin and look forward to
each associates continued success, said
Wes DeLasky, broker/owner of RE/MAX
New Horizons Realty.

Community Calendar
Gamblers Anonymous Meetings
Call 715-297-5317 for dates, times and

Sunday, March 22
Alcoholics Anonymous Open 12
Step Study Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E.
Broadway, Medford.

Monday, March 23
Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)
1013 of Rib Lake Meeting Weigh-in
5:30 p.m. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Rib Lake Senior Citizens Center, Hwy 102 and Front
Street. Information: Mary 715-427-3593 or
Sandra 715-427-3408.
Alzheimers Support Group Meeting 1:30 p.m. Multi-purpose Building,
corner Hwy 13 and 64, Medford. Information: Taylor County Commission on Aging 715-748-1491.
(DAV) Jump River 31 Meeting 7:30

30 years of service

Photo by Brian Wilson

Acting Postmaster Le Baiher (right) presents postal clerk Dennis Quednow with a
30-year service pin and a letter of commendation. Your dedication, enthusiasm and
devotion to the job truly exemplify the good reputation the United States Postal Service enjoys through the loyalty demonstrated by our employees, and I am happy to
commend your contribution, stated Steven Wenzel, district manager with the Postal
p.m. Legion Clubhouse, 224 N. Powell,

Tuesday, March 24
Medford Rotary Club Meeting
Breakfast 6:45 a.m. Filling Station Cafe
& Bar, 884 W. Broadway Ave., Medford.
Information: 715-748-0370.
Al-Anon Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E.
Broadway, Medford. Information: 715427-3613.
Alcoholics Anonymous Open Topic
Meeting 7 p.m. Community United
Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting
7 p.m. Hwy 64 and Main Street, Medford.
Information: 715-512-0048.

64, Medford. Information: 715-785-7573.

Womens Empowerment Group
Meeting 6-7 p.m. Information: Stepping Stones 715-748-3795.

Thursday, March 26
Medford Kiwanis Club Meeting
Noon lunch. Frances L. Simek Memorial
Library, 400 N. Main St., Medford. Information: 715-748-3237.
Medford Association of Rocket Science (MARS) Club Meeting 6-9 p.m.
First Floor Conference Room, Taylor
County Courthouse, 224 S. Second St.,
Medford. Everyone welcome. Information: 715-748-9669.
Meeting 7 p.m. Community United
Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.

Wednesday, March 25
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
7 p.m. Senior Citizens Center, Hwy 102
and Front Street, Rib Lake. Information:
Arlene 715-427-3613.
Medford Lions Club Meeting Dinner 6:30 p.m. B.S. Bar & Grill, W4782 Hwy

Friday, March 27
Narcotics Anonymous Open Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church
of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford. Information: 715-965-1568.

7-Day Forecast for Medford, Wisconsin

Last weeks weather recorded at the Medford Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Weather forecast information from the National Weather Service in La Crosse

The weather is taken from 8 a.m. to 8 a.m. the following day. For example 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m. Wednesday.

Hi 52F
Lo 24F

Hi 39F
Lo 19F

Hi 37F
Lo 23F

Hi 39F
Lo 23F

Hi 47F
Lo 35F

snow and
Hi 49F
Lo 29F

Hi 48F
Lo 24F
Precip. 0

Hi 56F
Lo 21F
Precip. 0

Hi 53F
Lo 22F
Precip. 0

Hi 51F
Lo 32F
Precip. 0

Hi 60F
Lo 35F
Precip. 0

Hi 53F
Lo 26F
Precip. 0

Hi 58F
Lo 31F
Precip. 0



Thursday, March
2, 2014

Page 3

Putting a cap on
Forestry committee sets
$500,000 cap on funds
used for land purchases
by News Editor Brian Wilson
In a largely symbolic move last week,
members of the county forestry and recreation committee approved setting a
cap on the money being set aside for additional county forest land purchases.
When the county has timber sales
on sections of its approximately 19,000
acres of county forest land, the bulk of
the money from stumpage revenue goes
to the cost of managing the forest, with
the surplus going to the countys general
fund to reduce the property tax levy. A
small portion of the revenue goes to a
fund that is used to purchase additional
parcels of woodland in and around the
forest as they become available from
willing sellers.
There is currently more than $500,000
in that land purchase fund and with no
future purchases expected in the short
term, committee members voted to approve a policy that would cap the fund at
$500,000. Any extra funds would go into
the operational budget for the forestry
department and can be transferred to
other uses as the county board sees fit.
If, in the future, the county made a land
purchase, the fund would be allowed to
replenish itself over time to reach the
$500,000 level.
Committee member Dave Bizer
noted the county board could always
have tapped into the fund and that this
new action imposing a cap doesnt really change that. However, others on the
committee noted it was more the intent

to show fiscal responsibility and make it

easier to use the money. County code requires a 2/3 majority of the county board
to vote to use the land purchase money
for an different use. By having money
over the cap roll into the general operations account, it will be easier to use it to
supplement other portions of the budget.
The cap passed unanimously.
In other business, committee members:

Received an update on the gypsy

moth quarantine placed on Taylor County. Taylor County forestry/recreation
administrator Russ Aszmann said initially he was concerned about the impact
this would have on forest crops in the
county, but he noted the vast majority of
wood products harvested here go to the
north and east to places that are already
in quarantine zones. Gypsy moths are an
invasive species that has been spreading across the country. Since coming
into Wisconsin, the state has worked
to slow the spread through spraying of
pesticides and other methods. Aszmann
explained the quarantine will still allow forest products to be shipped to nonquarantine areas, but will require additional inspections of timber loads by
loggers and haulers for the presence of
egg masses or caterpillars.

Approved a resolution calling

for the restoration of the forest adminstraton grant program. This state grant
covers 50 percent of Aszmanns wages
and 40 percent of his benefits. It was
eliminated in the governors budget
proposal. Aszmann noted his state association was told it was done by accident
where the intent of the cut was to eliminate grant funding used to pay for association membership dues. If kept in the
budget, this would cost county taxpayers

Logging changes

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photo by Brian Wilson

Taylor County forestry/recreation administrator Russ Aszmann shows members of

the forestry committee a map of a logging project that was expanded because of the
presence of the Eastern Larch Beetle. The beetle infests tamarack and rather than a
smaller harvest in the area, a larger one was needed to try and prevent the infestation
from spreading.
an additional $40,000 a year.

Approved a resolution restoring

funding for land acquisitions for county
forests under the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship land acquisition grant program.
Stewardship funds currently can be
tapped into to reimburse the county for
up to half the cost of land acquisitions for
the county forest and parks. However, the
governors budget puts a freeze on spending any stewardship funds for more than

a decade. The counties are seeking an exemption to this to allow the counties to
continue to utilize the program.

Approved a resolution to increase the payment in lieu of taxes

amount for townships with county forestland from the 30 cents per acre set in
1989 to $1 per acre. This would increase
payments to the towns of Rib Lake and
Westboro by more than $12,250 each year.

Johnson receives sentences for state crimes, will serve 20 years prison
Continued from page 1
The remaining state cases against Johnson included
2014 charges where he pled guilty to felony possession
of child pornography and, while being a registered sex
offender, knowingly photographing a minor. One 2013
case was settled with a guilty plea to one count of misdemeanor sex with a child age 16 or older. Another case was
settled with a guilty plea to felony second degree sexual
assault of a child.
The plea agreement included the state reading into
the record and then dismissing seven felony counts of
possession of child pornography, four counts of exposing genitals to a child, burglary, misdemeanor sex with
a child age 16 or older, theft by written lease for less than
$2,500, fourth degree sexual assault, criminal damage to
property, and theft of movable property less than $2,500.
The agreement includes a state sentence of nine years
in prison to be served consecutively to the 11 years he

will serve in prison for a 2013 arson fire in downtown

Medford. A federal court has already sentenced him to
prison. Johnson will serve his federal time before the
state prison time begins. Johnsons federal and state sentences include extended supervision time, which could
mean up to eight additional years in prison if he fails to
comply with agreement terms in the future.
Johnson was sentenced for consecutive prison time
in one count and concurrently for the other guilty pleas.
Judges will usually sentence in such a manner to make
the total penalty served clearer.
Johnson, 38, did not speak for himself at the hearing.
The victims of the crime declined to make a statement at
the sentencing hearing.
Emilea Livermore, the mother of a child with Johnson, read a statement in support of Johnson. She described Johnson as a good father and a hard worker,
views she said differ from those who dont know him.
Society and people who dont know David think he is a

big monster, she said.

Wright Laufenberg said the nine year prison term is
the longest one he has ever stipulated to as a defense attorney. He said Johnsons decision to stop fighting the
prosecution saved the trial issues which would have
come. He saved the county and state countless amounts
of money. This could have gone on and on for days or
weeks in a trial, Laufenberg said. Twenty years of a life
is a long, long time.
Johnson is currently in the Sauk County Jail as he
waits for final placement in the federal prison system.
Johnson pled guilty to four charges which carry a total penalty of up to 100 years imprisonment and $310,000
in fines.
The 2014 case was related to the investigations which
led to the arson and other sex-crime charges against
Johnson in the spring of 2013. Mr. Johnson had several
cases, one after another. He was spiraling out of control,
Tlusty said.

Peoples Choice Credit Union holds annual meeting

The 74th annual meeting of Peoples Choice Credit
Union was held at Marilyns in Medford on Feb. 21 at
10:30 a.m. Lunch was served by the staff of Marilyns catering, following the meeting.
The meeting was conducted by Dave Miller. Elections were held by the membership for four board positions. Brian Wilson and Alli Ranum were re-elected.
Peoples Choice Credit Union and its members welcome
new board directors, James Stokes and Catherine Leifeld.
The organizational meeting of the board of directors
was held directly after the annual meeting. The following positions were appointed: Tom Judnic, chairman;
Dave Miller, vice-chairman; Brian Wilson, secretary;
and Scott Wildberg, treasurer. Directors include Alli

Ranum, James Stokes and Catherine Leifeld.

Members of the office staff are Mary Henrichs, CEO;
Greg Ellis, executive vice president; Kerry Ellenbecker,
vice president; Amy Ketterhagen, accounting/operations; Connie Kraegenbrink, loan processor; Katrina
Komanec, sales/marketing director; Edna Patrick and
Emily Mahner, tellers; Doreen Fierke and Rebecca Acker, part-time tellers; and Kathy Auberg, compliance.
Peoples Choice Credit Union membership is open to
anyone residing in or employed in Taylor County and
Clark County.
For a complete review of the annual meeting reports,
copies are available in the lobby at Peoples Choice Credit Union.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

at Medford Elementary School
1065 West Broadway Ave., Medford

Style Show at 1 pm
This event is happening during the Medford Home & Business Expo




Page 4

Thursday, March
2, 2015

Chamber recognizes Fleegel, Johnson, and Doberstein for service

Continued from page 1
loves. His selfless attitude and strong work ethic have
made him a well-known and respected businessman in
this community, Sullivan stated.
Selection committee member Laurie Peterson noted
it is not just that Fleegel, who owns Broadway Theatre,
has turned the movie theater into a destination location
in the community, but that he has opened the business
doors to so many other groups as a place to hold their
events and fundraisers.
It is also at the theater that Fleegel serves the role as
community ambassador, making those who are new to
the community feel welcome and following up on that
contact each time he sees them.
Fleegel has served on the Medford school board since
2006. He has been board president since 2013.
He is active as a volunteer with Medford Area Community Theatre, helping to build sets and fix things that
are needed for their productions.
Fleegel and his family have worked with the community Easter Egg Hunt for the past five years.
Fleegel has volunteered many hours with the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce.
He is a member of the Whittlesey Lions Club.
As a business owner, Fleegel faced the challenge of
being forced by Hollywood to transition to digital. Peterson noted she was impressed by how he faced that
challenge and sought alternatives to make the transition a success.

Lifetime Achievement
The Lifetime Achievement award is given to an individual who has devoted a lifetime to supporting Medford in its ever-changing and growing community by
his/her business and volunteerism.
Clem Johnson is the recipient of the 2015 Medford
Area Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement
Clem Johnson is one of the those guys that gives 100
percent no matter what he is involved in. . . . He is a
doer and he jumps in and works and works and doesnt
ask for recognition, wrote John Fales, city coordinator
and former Medford fire chief. Johnson was a longtime
member of the fire department, serving as an assistant
chief and any other role on the department he was asked
to do.
Even after his retirement from active duty on our
department, Clem continues to answer pagers and
comes to the fire hall just to see how he can help out,
Fales wrote. When you think of someone who deserves
the lifetime achievement award, you definitely think
of Clem Johnson. He has given so much to our community.
While there are some people who are content to go
through a never-ending series of meetings and never
accomplish anything, once Clem commits to a project, it will happen, stated Brian Wilson in support of
Johnsons nomination. Wilson served as a member of
the Riverwalk Bridge Committee with Johnson. There
are a lot of people out there who say Someone should
do something about that when they see a problem in
the community. Clem is the someone who solves the
problem whether it be spending hours on a cold winter morning screwing in deckboards over the river, or
running a fundraiser to help pay expenses. Clem does
things because of who he is. He does not seek nor want
the spotlight, yet he is one of those essential people who
make the community a better place just by being here,




Person of the year

Wilson stated.
Taylor Credit Union President/CEO Debbie Woods
also supported Johnsons recognition. Johnson served
on the board of directors for Taylor Credit Union for
30 years and was treasurer for more than half of that
time and helped the credit unions assets grow from $8
million to over $46 million. He saw changes from the
first computer system to the opening of the Abbotsford
If someone was to ask me to describe Clem, I would
say that he really understands credit unions and their
purpose of people helping people. He never forgot about
the members. Over the 30 years on the board, Clem volunteered over 1,500 hours of his time and attended over
500 meetings, Woods wrote.
Johnson is currently a member of the Medford City
Council, one of the several times he has served on the
His service to the fire department has included being
a firefighter, assistant chief, fire inspector and fire commission member.
He was is very active at St. Pauls Lutheran Church
serving on the church council, president of the Mens
Club, and was instrumental in the planning and construction of the Welcome Hall addition. Clem is the
first person at church and the last to leave. He knows
more about the building than anyone else and is always
available to lend a hand wherever it is needed, his
nomination materials stated.
He is a volunteer at the Kuse Nature Preserve, building benches and maintaining the preserve.
He has served the community as an emergency medical technician since the inception of the local service
and still continues to be a substitute driver and operates the ambulance at area events.
Those nominating Johnson described his as a person
who gives without any expectation of receiving anything in return.

Employee Excellence
The Employee Excellence award is awarded to an
area employee who continually goes out of their way to
serve their customers. Susie Doberstein of Rural Mutual Insurance Company is the 2015 recipient of the Employee Excellence award.
Doberstein has been employed with Rural Mutual for

Wildberg Chiropractic :%URDGZD\$YH0HGIRUG




Call to reps ot

photo by Matt Frey

Selection committee members congratulate Person of the Year Dave Fleegel on his recognition. They noted the
nominees were all well deserving and it was a challenging choice. Pictured are Kris OLeary (l. to r.) Angie Rothmeier, Dave Brandner, Fleegel, Laurie Peterson, and Jim Metz.



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Medford, Abbotsford & Phillips

State Certied Outpatient Treatment - Counseling
Alcohol, Drug & Mental Health Services

Rae Ann Wichlacz MS, LPC, CSAC - Director/Therapist

Gayle Pierce MS, LPC, CSAC, LCSW - Therapist/Counselor

Employee excellence
Susie Doberstein of Rural Mutual Insurance was recognized for employee excellence.
4.5 years. She is an agent assistant.
Her nomination form describes her as someone who
takes customer service to the next level and who has
honest care and compassion for everyone she comes in
contact with in person or on the phone. She is consistent in her delivery of the best customer services regardless of personal circumstances.
She recently went from being a part-time employee
to a full time licensed assistant and was praised for
passing a very difficult property and casualty license
test the first time she took it.
In her community service, she is a volunteer coach
for the Medford Archers Club, a volunteer for the Medford AquaFins and a former board member of Medford
Youth Football.
She was nominated by customer Jeannette Plude
who wrote When I enter Rural Mutual Insurance Companys door, I know full well that I shall be greeted with
the biggest smile and a warm Hello - How My I help you
today? . . . We may leave with hugs and take care wishes
where else can you get that care?

Milestone awards
In addition to the individual honors, the Medford
Area Chamber of Commerce is also recognizing the following businesses for achieving milestones of service to
the community:
Nicolet Bank 125 years
Peoples Choice Credit Union 75 years
Taylor County Historical Society 50 years
Boarders Inn and Suites
25 years
Creative Designs in Cabinetry 25 years
Simek Recreation Center 25 years
Hickory Nutz Sausage 25 years
Subway 25 years

City to study sewer ow at mobile home parks
Thursday, March
2, 2014

by News Editor Brian Wilson

When someone flushes the toilet in
Medford, the waste goes through the
sewer pipes to the wastewater treatment
facility. Through mechanical, chemical
and biological processes, the bad stuff is
removed and the solids become fertilizer
for a farm field and clean water is discharged into the Black River.
The system works smoothly when
everything is in balance. It is when it
gets out of balance that issues can happen. One way the system can get thrown
out of balance is through the addition of
storm water through inflow and infiltration. In sewer treatment plant jargon this
is called I and I and eliminating the addition of clear water in the system has
been a major goal of the city for decades.
Every gallon of water going through the
plant has a cost whether the water contains waste or is just rainwater.
The clear water enters the sewer system in a number of ways, floor drains in
leaky basements, cracked sewer mains,
or improper connections between homes
and laterals.
While the city closely watches its own
sewer pipe system, it will now be looking at the satellite systems connected to
it to determine where the clear water is
coming from. Between Mink Capital Terrace and Riverside Terrace there are 150
mobile homes in the city of Medford. The
sewer mains serving each park were installed and are maintained by the park
owners and, according to city coordinator John Fales, are not built to the same
specifications city-owned mains and laterals are.
At Tuesdays city council meeting,
aldermen approved hiring Ayres Associates for $15,700 to do a flow study on the
mobile home parks. The three-month
study will measure the amount of wastewater flowing out of each of the parks to
determine the flow during both wet and
dry periods.
Wastewater treatment plant manager
Ben Brooks told aldermen that after the
study is completed, they will bring recommendations to the council to deter-


mine a course of action. The information

will also be shared with the owners of the
parks to determine if anything needs to
be done to limit the clearwater from entering the system.
The flow study will also provide data
necessary for the new Department of Natural Resources capacity, management,
operation and maintenance (CMOM)
program which will be required as part
of future relicensing of the plant.
In other business, aldermen:

Approved awarding the road
construction bid for Taylor and Third
St. projects to Francis Melvin Company
of Abbotsford for a cost of $629,473.55.
Because the project is bid based on materials used, the final amount may vary
from what the bid amount is. The second
low bid came from A-1 Excavating at
$644,191 and Switlick and Sons had a bid
of $715,073 for the project.

Approved hiring Seal-It and
Striping of Dorchester for street striping
needs at a cost of $6,017.45. The company
was the low bidder of the seven bids received. We will give them one more
chance, said streets/water superintendent Pat Chariton. The company did the
work a few years ago, but had done such
a poor job the city did not choose them
for the work last year when they were
the low bidder by about $500. This year,
their bid was about $1,500 below the next
low bidder, Lake Asphalt Maintenance of
Medford. Lakes Asphalt bid was $7,584.
Chariton said he spoke at length with the
company about the issues they had with
the work done and he said it appears they
are making changes to improve their

Approved adopting a supplement to the code of ordinances which includes any new ordinances approved in
2014 as part of the city code books. This is
a routine action done each year.

Formally approved a zoning
change for a property at 741 E. Broadway Avenue. The home on the property
was torn down and in its place John and
Angela Mueller are building a business
office. Alderman Mike Bub noted The
horse is out of the barn on the vote since
the new building is about half built al-

Page 5

photo by Brian Wilson

Demolition underway

Crews took advantage of the warm weather last week to demolish the building at
741 Broadway Ave. in Medford. The house was removed to make way for a new ofce
building for a real estate agency. The new structure will use the existing foundation
and basement.
ready. It would have taken a supermajority of six alderman to overturn the planning commissions recommendation to
approve the zoning change. The rezoning
passed on an 8-0 vote.

Approved preliminary resolutions for levying special assessments
for the S. 3rd St. and Taylor St. projects
planned for this summer. The preliminary assessments are based on estimates
about what the project will cost and historically have been on average much
higher than the actual costs billed at the
end of the projects.

Approved delaying the reassessment of the commercial districts pending the outcome of the state budget. The
governors budget proposal calls for major changes to the assessment process to
have it done at the county rather than
the municipal level. Since cities would
be charged for their cost based on a base
year of 2015, doing extra work this year
could end up costing the city for years to

come. The delay will allow the city to see

what happens with the state proposal.

Approved a contract with
Krause Power Engineering to replace
the south substation transformer and
other electrical system work at a cost of
$40,000. The work will be done later this
summer and coordinated with nearby
industries to minimize the impact due to
power outage.

Approved a consulting agreement with the consulting firm Op2Myz
to do an optimization of the phosphorus
removal system at the wastewater treatment plant at a cost of $2,000.

Approved the purchase of a new
International plow truck from Mid State
Truck Service in Marshfield for a cost
of $91,573. The price includes a $55,000
trade-in on the existing truck.

Approved a six-month class B
beer license to Tee Hi Golf Course. This
is done annually to allow beer sales at the
golf course during the season.

Shake It Up

At The Home Show!

Stop by our booth to roll the dice
for a chance to win up to $6.00 OFF
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MASH blood drive


photo by Bryan Wegter

Chris Sekerka (right), of the Blood Center of North Central Wisconsin, prepares to
draw blood from Medford Area Senior High student Makayla Ludwig. Josie Brost (left)
is next in line to donate. The blood drive took place all day Wednesday in the Sands
area of the high school.

116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford




Page 6A

19, 2011

Star News

Vote yes on energy upgrades to Rib Lake school

Sometimes you have to spend money to save money.
That is the situation members of the Rib Lake School
Board face as they look at energy efficiency upgrades to
the school districts buildings and heating system.
The Rib Lake School District is asking voters to approve a $3.3 million referendum to complete energy upgrades. Because not all costs were firm when the question needed to be set for the ballot, the ballot question is
asking for authorization to spend up to $4 million an
amount no member of the board or administration intends to reach. The board has even made efforts to scale
back the scope of the work to only those things which
are absolutely necessary.
All the projects in the proposal have been identified
to have direct energy savings which will have payback
in reduced operational costs over the 10-year life of the
borrowing. When completed, they will pay back the investment for decades to come. They are common sense
upgrades, such as replacing the original single-pane
glass windows with energy efficient window systems, or
dealing with ventilation issues to prevent a recurrence
of the mold problems that proved costly for the district
last year.
The voters in the Rib Lake School District should
support this referendum and vote yes on April 7.
There are no whistles and bells in this referendum
question. The board is asking for voters to approve
needed projects to keep the buildings operational and
safe for students and faculty. In a different era of school
finances, these types of projects would have been built

into budgets and addressed over time. However, cutbacks in state aids, combined with tight revenue caps,
have pushed districts to put off projects to be able to
keep their doors open.
One of the big ticket items in the project is the replacement of the wood boiler system at the high school.
The biomass boiler, which burns wood chips the district gets from an area sawmill, has been a tremendous
money-saver for the district for decades while utilizing
a green and renewable resource.
However, the current boiler needs a lot of babysitting

by the custodians, taking staff time away from other

tasks. Yes, the current boiler could probably limp along
with constant repairs for a few more years. However,
with interest rates near the lowest they have ever been,
it makes solid financial sense to bundle it into this project and get it done now before the district faces a catastrophic failure in the future. While central boilers are
very efficient at heating large buildings in cold months,
historically they do not do as well in transition seasons,
such as spring and fall, where the outside temperature
fluctuates day to day or even hour to hour. During these
transition times, the district uses its backup natural gas
furnaces because of the ability to vary the temperatures
to meet conditions.
The new system will include the ability to vary the
output of the boiler so that on warm days the boiler does
not have to burn at the same rate it does in the coldest
months. This will save taxpayers money by avoiding the
need to use natural gas, and make for a more comfortable building for students and staff.
With interest rates expected to increase in the next
year from their current historic low level, there will be
no better time for financing for these projects. The cost
of the project is expected to be about $40 a year for a
$100,000 home. This upfront cost does not take into account the additional efficiencies that will save the district money every year.
Sometimes it makes sense to spend money to save
money. This is one of those times. Vote Yes on April 7.

A salute to those who compete

Winter in northern Wisconsin is cold,
dark and dreary.
It is a time when many people turn
inward and become isolated from their
friends and community.
High school level winter sports provide
a bright spot for people as they trudge
through winter in Wisconsin. Sports
brings the community together in a way
few other things are able to do.
Community members cheer successes,
such as the Rib Lake boys basketball team
breaking their long drought and winning the regional championship game, or
Medford wrestlers competing at the state
meet. There is a sense of ownership and
pride that extends far beyond the school
grounds. The teams are our teams, the
youth competing are our kids. The pride
is real.
The community also cheers on local
athletes who stand up to challenges and
try their hardest showing that the score at
the end of the game is only a small part
of what makes someone a winner. For student athletes, how you play the game is as
important as its outcome, and for the fans
watching it is a good reminder as to the
importance of dedication and hard work.

Star News

In sports people see the best of what

they can be. While talent counts for a lot,
hard work is essential for success.
Following local teams also gives families an affordable night out and a reason
to socialize or even leave their homes on
a cold winter night. Sitting in the bleachers cheering on the local team gives neighbors a chance to build connections. High
school athletics helps build communities,
especially in small districts or those, like
here in Taylor County, which encompass
large areas.
In a time when school budgets are being stretched tight, policy makers often
look to the extras in districts as a way
to cut costs. For some, sports are seen as
nothing more than another expense to be
cut. They see the dollar signs of uniforms,
buses and insurance and weigh them
against the intangible benefits sports give.
While the chances of a local basketball
player making it into the NBA or a hockey
player making to the NHL are exceedingly slim, the lessons they learn at practice and on the ice will prepare them for
the challenges they will face throughout
their lives. Life is a struggle, there will
always be bigger, stronger, better funded

Quote of the Week:

Weve been doing this meeting after meeting. In fact, one of my notes says, I think
this started in 2003.

Rib Lake Village President Wayne Tlusty expressing frustration with residents Ken
and Renee Norgaard over repeated complaints about village operations and board members.

and more talented adversaries. The lesson

of sports is how to face those challenges
without flinching.
With the end of the winter sports season, it is fitting to say thank you to all

those who did their best and competed

throughout the season. Your dedication is
an inspiration to all fans.

Members of The Star News editorial board include Publisher Carol OLeary, General Manager Kris
OLeary and News Editor Brian Wilson.

Write a Vox Pop: Vox Pops, from the Latin Vox Populi or Voice of the People, are
the opinions of our readers and reflect subjects of current interest. All letters must be signed
and contain the address and telephone number of the writer for verification of authorship
and should be the work of the writer. Letters will be edited. No election-related letters will be
run the week before the election. E-mail: [email protected].


19, 2015
22, 2011

Page 3

Brian Wilson

Rules to live by

Sharing the road

Buy this photo online at

photo by Brian Wilson

A vehicle waits to turn as an Amish horse and buggy turns onto Cedar St. Tuesday afternoon. As the weather gets
warmer, motorists are reminded to be aware and share the road with other motorized and non-motorized vehicles.

Vox Pop

Roupps say some things should be off limits in citizen comment

As my husband and I sat behind a front row table

listening to the years-long constant pebble in a shoe attempt by two people personally attacking members of
the village board, I remembered the words of a 13th century poet.
Hafetz said, The words you speak become the house
you live in. Clearly these people sole goal is to personally attack members of the board and staff and it has
been going on for a very long time. The house they live in
is, symbolically, their apparent need to bully and intimidate the members of the board.
Their payoff seems to be they are thinking they might
get the board to pay what these residents say is overpayment of back property taxes from many years past. If
they lived in Cook County where I grew up and lived
on the north shore of Chicago most of my life they
would long ago been escorted out of the assessors office
by those in authority.
This time they were apprised of their two-minute
limit and cut off as they launched into one more scur-

rilous personal attack on a board member.

So many others were there to present legitimate information, to thank the board for the work they do, a
Westboro organic farmer talking about a farmers market and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) buying farm shares, the school referendum on remediating
energy, mold, etc. issues at the high school and the ordinary business of the village board.
The irritants had left and we emptied our shoes and
boots of those pebbles rubbing our feet to make us able
to walk on the solid ground of the villages legitimate
business. There ought to be a time frame or rules about
what can be - and not be - covered in two-minute citizen
comments to any board. Personal attacks, innuendo or
fabrications are off limits.
We can respectfully agree to disagree or agree about
a topic at hand - sometimes we win, sometimes we lose,
but I agree with Hafetz, The words you speak become
the house you live in.
Sue and Al Roupp, Rib Lake

Vox Pop

Jaffke raises question of hypocrisy over Black lives matter

Black lives matter. How many times has that man- cated for the elimination of the black race. Sanger was
tra been chanted over the last six months? This letter is an admirer of Hitler and published numerous articles
not about the police shootings that gave rise to this say- by Ernest Rubin, the founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene. According to Sanger, Colored people are
ing, but the hypocrisy surrounding that saying.
If the protestors really cared about black lives, why like human weeds and are to be exterminated.
After WWII, to separate herself from Nazi atrocities,
are they not protesting in front of Planned Parenthood
abortion clinics? Do blacks in this country have a clue Sanger renamed her organization Planned Parenthood.
as to the devastation abortion is having on their race? Today, 62 percent of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are within walking distance of relatively high black
Where are the black politicians on this issue?
Black women are three times more likely to have an populations.
Yes, black lives definitely do matter. So do white, red,
abortion than white women. Black women are 12.6 peryellow and brown lives. Abortion has slaughtered 55 milcent of the population, yet they received 30 percent of
the 1.2 million abortions in 2008, killing 360,000 black lion babies of every race since 1973. For everyones sake,
babies at the rate of 1,000 per day. More recent statistics this carnage must stop. My people are destroyed for lack
from indicate 1,876 black babies are of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
Pamela Jaffke, Owen
aborted every day in the United States.
More than 16 million black unborn babies
have died from legalized
abortion. With a current
population of 39 million,
Whether it be
the black race would be
a third larger without
personal or commercial, large or small,
abortion. Abortion is the
leading cause of death for
African Americans, more
than all other causes com$BMMVTUPEBZBU
bined, including AIDS,
violent crimes, accidents,
cancer and heart disease.
Yet, if you know the
history of Planned Parenthood, these statistics
should not come as a surprise. Margaret Sanger,
the founder of Planned
called her organization
the American Birth Control League and placed her
first clinic in Harlem. She
was a eugenicist and advo-





For most people in the United States, the foundation

of what we define as good and bad is based on 10 rules
Moses carried down from Mount Sinai and shared with
the Israelites - who were busy at the time making a giant
gold bull. Anyone who has read Exodus knows how that
story ends.
The commandments are pretty straightforward, and
unlike some of the more obscure prohibitions found in
the reams and reams of Biblical laws, they have stood
up pretty well to the test of time.
Each flavor of Christianity has slight differences in
the wording and order of the commandments. This is
the thing that makes it so thorny when groups want to
display them on public property, since the version one
group uses may differ from another. Heck, the listing
found in Exodus differs slightly from that found in Deuteronomy even in the same Bible translations.
Those slight differences aside, the rules are pretty
basic and include a mandated day off each week, not
swearing, respecting your parents, not lying, not cheating on your spouse and not murdering people. All are
pretty standard things that are just best practices for
keeping a society functional. After all, things tend to get
out of hand in a hurry when people start stabbing their
neighbors and stealing their wives and livestock.
As grownups it is our job to pass along these rules to
our children. Most of us send our kids off to some sort
of religious education classes in an effort to pass the
buck a little bit and ensure they are getting a doctrinally sound version of things.
Religion, in general, has a preoccupation with procreation. Large sections of religious laws detail who can do
what to whom and when. The religious need for purity
and chastity aside, there are sound societal and biological reasons people should become masters of and not be
mastered by their raging hormones, especially during
the teenage years. That said, I am not certain that a coloring sheet is the best method to share these lessons.
A friend of mine shared with me her daughters coloring sheet on adultery. I began to cringe when she first
mentioned it and it was with some hesitation that I took
a look. The sheet featured a grinning guy in the bulky
robes all those Biblical types seem to wear, with two
laughing women on his lap and a third woman standing
in the doorway with her arms crossed in anger. The explanation included all sorts of references to the special
type of love that husbands and wives share and how
they should not share that special love with anyone who
isnt their spouse.
I give them points to trying to bring a concept like
infidelity down to a 10-year-olds level of understanding. But, I also have to wonder if that particular prohibition is as important as not stealing, not coveting your
neighbors stuff or needing to listen to your parents to
explain to that level of children. Sometimes it is better
to just know not to do something and get the full explanation about why later on when you are more capable
of understanding. Kind of like when I tell my 9-year-old
that he cant have the keys to my car or a ninja sword.
Sometimes just saying no is sufficient.
Other than making a roomful of grownups giggle
about it, I also have to wonder if coloring pages illustrating sins are the best method of sharing these basic
rules to live by. I cringe to think what the do not murder
sheet looks like. Images of a scene from Halloween
come to mind.
I also have to wonder how many different versions of
these were drawn before the final ones were picked to
include in the lesson plans. Then again, some things are
better left as a mystery.
Brian Wilson is News Editor at The Star News.

Follow us


Page 8A

19, 2011

Vox Pop

Writer supports Justice Bradley in supreme court race

Kiwanis donates iPad

submittd photo

Kiwanis of Medford donated an iPad for use by Alyssa

Willner who has Angelman Syndrome. The iPad along
with the PODD Communication app will help Alyssa
with her communication at school and home. Kiwanis
of Medford has a history of helping special needs children and families in the community with the purchase of
iPad technology. Pictured are Kiwanis president Randy
Juedes along with Alyssa and her parents Lori and Mark

Incumbent justice Ann Walsh Bradley faces challenger Rock County Circuit Court Judge James Daley
for a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat on April 7.
A Richland Center native, Justice Bradley taught
high school before earning a UW Law School degree.
Prior to election to the supreme court in 1995, she served
as a Marathon County Circuit Court judge. She and her
husband, Mark, raised four children in Wausau, where
they still live.
During Justice Bradleys nearly 30 years on the
bench, she has been recognized for her intelligence and
integrity, earning a reputation for being tough, fair, and
Justice Bradley is committed to keeping partisan
politics out of the judiciary. She believes courts must
remain free from out-of-state special interest influences in order to impartially fulfill their role in Americas
democratic system. Campaign finance records show
Daleys campaign received Republican Party funding
for staffing and research. Bradley has no such donations from either political party.
In response to Daleys claim that she is an activist
judge for writing opinions that ran counter to legislation advanced by Republican lawmakers and business
interests, Bradley cites retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor, who says that such labels get
used whenever people dont agree with a courts decision.

Over 170 judges endorse Bradley, with such comments as:

*Retired Rock County Circuit Court Judge James
Welker: Bradleys integrity is unmatched, as is her
dedication to keeping special interests and partisan
politics out of our courtrooms.
*Milwaukee Circuit Court Judge Mary Triggiano:
Bradley is a role model for attorneys and judges. Her
intellect is first-rate. Her writing is clear and concise.
She is fair and respectful of those appearing before her.
Bradley holds herself to the highest standards. She has
given back a great deal to the practice of law and our
courts through her volunteer work promoting the rule
of law.
Over 100 sheriffs and police chiefs endorse Bradley,
and many judges endorsing her hail from northern
Wisconsin, including Bayfield, Burnett, Clark, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Forest/Florence, Iron, Lincoln,
Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer,
St. Croix, and Taylor counties.
Listen to a Bradley-Daley debate on Wisconsin Public Television at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 27.
To ensure our courts remain a place where everyone
in Wisconsin always gets a fair shake, re-elect Justice
Ann Walsh Bradley to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on
April 7.
Jeanne Larson, Phillips

School corner

It is about time
What is more precious than gold, but
cannot be both, saved or sold. Time!
We have a problem . . . too much to do
and not enough time to get it done. We
create a school calendar that meets the
minimum of instructional hours to let
our teachers do what they do best, teach.
There are a lot of requests and demands
of that calendar. It seems to be pretty
universally agreed by students, parents
and teachers that going later into June
is not the answer. We already fill up the
first week of June. Schedule into the second week of June give me a show of

hands for that. I believe the end of the

school year is already well defined.
Then there is the
required accountability testing that
comes straight out
of teachers instructional hours.
These tests that
have been instituted over the last five
years add value to


John Underwoods Life of an Athlete event last week was a great opportunity to think about
creating a healthy environment for not just our youth, but the entire community. The Taylor County
Drug Opposition Partners (TCDOP) is thankful for the outstanding community participation in this
event. Planning the event was a successful collaboration from the three Taylor County school
districts and could not have been made possible without the efforts of Tom Tallier from Gilman,
Michelle Rhodes of the Rib Lake School District, Judd Hraby, and students Madelyn Brost and
Jared Wiese, from the Medford Area high school.
The Taylor County Drug Opposition Partner (TCDOP) coalition wants to extend their gratitude to
the event sponsors: Medford Area High School Student Council, Medford Kiwanis, Medford Rotary,
Gilman Lioness, and the Lions clubs from Gilman, Whittlesey, Medford, and Rib Lake. Aspirus
Medford Hospital and Clinics provided the major portion of the funding for the two day event that
included the six-hour Student Leadership Workshop for nearly 180 Taylor County students, and
additional students from surrounding areas. Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center provided
the venue for this event organized by Susan Sawdey of Strama Sport & Spine Physical Therapy.
Marty Petersen, retired University of Oshkosh volleyball coach was one of the featured speakers.
Additional thanks to K99 WKEB for airing creative promotional segments. These recordings featured
alumni from Gilman and Medford schools sharing personal experiences related to making choices
that paved the way for success in their lives. Matt Frey and Brian Wilson from The Star News did
an outstanding job of covering John Underwoods message and highlighting a commitment to make
good choices.
The presentations were recorded and will be available on the three school districts websites by the
end of the month. John Underwoods two manuals (Power Back Diet and the Sleep Manual) can be
located on his website:
John Underwoods principles of nutrition, sleep, training and avoiding alcohol and drugs are solid
guidelines for anyone wanting to improve health and performance in any area. His principles are
directed toward accountability and ensuring a healthy environment for our youth. Johns message
to policy makers at the dinner presentation was to make your decisions based on what is best for
youth in the community.
Students at the Leadership Workshop initiated plans to identify barriers and move forward with
implementation plans in their districts. Their enthusiasm is contagious and they will be seeking
adult support to spread the word and support their efforts. TCDOP is supporting this movement
and is committed to partnering within the community to reduce youth alcohol and drug use. We
invite anyone interested in our work to join us. Additional information can be located on the TCDOP
Facebook page and website

Jean Flood, Taylor County Drug Opposition Partners


our ability to assess our achievement in

education and compare to our peers. The
problem is, these testing protocols take at
least three full days per year away from
teaching time.
Days off during the school year are
traditional and popular, we can shuffle
them around a little bit, but there is not
much excitement about giving them up
for additional classroom time.
What about lengthening class time
and days? Preachers and teachers both
know the same thing go too long on that
teachable moment, minds wander, eyes
glaze and concentration evaporates. Adding a few minutes to each class does not
equate to more knowledge learned.
So what is left, when does the school
year start? We are currently not allowed

to start actual school before September 1.

Many school activities and sports are in
full swing before September. Consequently, many families are already around and
yes, many students are a little bored and
ready to get back and see their friends
again, so let them. Give us back the ability to add days early for the ones we lose to
testing and activities. Let us allow those
great teachers more time to do what they
do best, teach. How do we get back the
right to get our calendar to maximize our
educational opportunities? We call, we
write, we text, we tweet, we demand, and
we vote. Madison, are you listening? Its
about time.
Mark Temme is a school board
member for Medford Area Public

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Page 9



Thursday, March
2, 2015

Math winners
The top math scorers in each Holy Rosary grade are (l. to r.) Owen Nowak, Sam
Liske and Cooper Wild. A total of 698 tests were given to students at Medford Area
Middle School and Holy Rosary Catholic School for the Knights of Columbus knowledge tests. Top students went on to the diocesan contest on March 7 at Ladysmith.
Lucas Ortengren won the fth grade title and Brody Brunner won the seventh grade
title, while sixth grader Nara Shin was second and also advances to the state competition in Wisconsin Rapids. Ellie Blair was second in fth grade spelling and advanced
to state. County athletes did well in the athletic side as well, as three advanced to state
in the free throw contest. Gabriella Brunner won the 10-year-old girls competition. Allen Patrick of Lublin was rst in the 11-year-old boys competition. Logan Baumgartner
was second for 9-year-old boys and Cade Alexander was third in 14-year-old boys.

Spelling winners
The top spellers in each Holy Rosary grade are (l. to r.) Brook Meyer, Elijah Mahner
and Ephraim Ekwueme.

Spelling winners
The top spellers in each MAMS grade are (l. to r.) Ellie Blair, Jake Cipar, Cade Shipman and Lizze Noland.

Math winners
The top math scores in each MAMS grade are (l. to r.) Lucas Ortengren, Nara Shin
and Brody Brunner. Eighth grader Cade Alexander is not pictured.

Spelling place winners

Math place winners

The second and third place spellers at Holy Rosary are second place (l. to r.) Tyra
Wicke, Audrey Rhyner and Nicholas Husser, (back) Alica Venzke, Sam Liske and
Cooper Wild.

The second and third place math students at Holy Rosary are second place (l. to r.)
Caleb Christiansen, Elijah Mahner and Anthony Doucette, (back) Alicia Venzke, Brady
Hupf and Alexis Steger.

Spelling place winners

Math place winners
The second and third place math students at MAMS are second place (l. to r.) Ellie
Blair, Sterling Reilly, Garett Hill, (back) Carter Waldhart, Owen Wipf, Cade Shipman
and Grace Geiger. Sixth grader Nathan Retterrath (second) is not pictured.

The second and third place spellers at MAMS are second place (l. to r.) Lucas
Ortengren, Sterling Reilly and Noah Cipar, (back) Courtney Guerrero, Jack Tlusty,
Hannah Horenberger and Hank Lavigne. Sixth grader Nathan Retterrath (second) is
not pictured.

Page 10



Thursday, March
2, 2015

Simek Center hosts

annual sports show

Checking it out

Buy these photos online at

Kierra Mallien, 3, and Kyanna Mallien, 8, lounge on a oating dock during the
annual Sports Show held at the Simek Recreation Center last weekend. The show
featured new models of boats, campers and motorized vehicles from regional dealers.

Plenty to see
The annual Sports Show at the Simek Recreation Center had plenty to see including a line of MasterCart all terrain golf carts which can be customized to meet their
owners needs. Also displayed were popular models of UTVs.

Photos by Brian Wilson

Resting up

Kaedence Ecklund, 8, and Karson Ecklund, 4, of Medford, check out a daybed in

one of the fth-wheel campers in the Willies RV camper display during the annual
Sports Show on Saturday.

Gilman Village Board

High propane cost leads to natural gas discussion

by Reporter Kayla Peche
With high prices of residential propane use in Wisconsin averaging about $5 per gallon during colder months,
according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Sue Brenemen, Taylor County Board representative, looked into alternative forms to heat homes in the
Village of Gilman.
I have been working on this project for about two
months, Brenemen said, and we hope to do some serious brainstorming at this meeting.
At the March 9 regular Gilman Village Board meeting, the board scheduled an informational meeting April
13, at 1 p.m., at the Gilman Public Library, on obtaining
natural gas for the village.
Brenemen says along with herself attending, others
include representatives from WE Energies, the supplier
of natural gas; Sen. Jerry Petrowski; school officials;
school board officials; local town board members; village
board members; business owners; and a representative
from the Bureau of Public Lands. All will be available to
answer public concerns and express opinions on natural
Some of the key players at the table will be the owners of Gilman Cheese, Brenemen said, probably one of
the largest users of propane in the community.
The village will also mail a survey to community
members to determine what residents use for a heating
In new business, Russel Baker, village trustee, led
a discussion on the rising cost of Meadowbrook Cemeterys upkeep. The town of Ford is in charge of the cemetery, but a committee made up of representatives, includ-

ing Baker, from Ford, Gilman and Aurora meet to make

final decisions.
Candice Grunseth, village clerk, said the price of
mowing and upkeep has been around $600 since shes
been clerk, but last year prices started to rise.
The person who used to do it, did it fairly cheap,
Grunseth said. Then, they got someone else in the last
two years, and it pretty much doubled.
Grunseth says the person no longer wants to do it, so
the committee needed to hire a company, and estimates
costs at $250 every time work is done.
In October, the committee plans to present the board
with actual costs.
They just wanted to give us a fair warning that next
year its going to be more, Grunseth said.
Also during the meeting, the board approved a resolution letter, which will be sent to Gov. Scott Walker,
87th State Assembly District James W. Edming and Sen.
Jerry Petrowski, opposing Walkers proposed 2015-2017
state budget that shifts municipal assessment to county
assessment of property values for property tax purposes
by 2017.
The resolution requests the removal of this provision
from the fiscal year 2015-17 budget.
In other business, Judy Feldkamp, assistant village
clerk, will resign from her position effective March 27,
to move to the Fifield area. Because of this resignation,
the board approved allowing the personnel committee to
interview and hire a new part-time assistant.
In her resignation letter, Feldkamp wrote: Working
for the village of Gilman has been a great experience. I
could not ask for a better group of people to work for, and
withWhile I will miss my friends here in Gilman, I feel
that it is a time for new challenge and experience.

Sign changes

photo by Kayla Peche

The industrial park sign has been updated in the village of Gilman by public works director Rick Johnson.
After discussion at the Feb. 10 Gilman Village Board
meeting, the Gilman Lumber pencil sign on top, and
the Home of Gilman Forest Products sign at the bottom,
have been removed because these are no longer relevant.

Thursday, March
2, 2014

Rib Lake Village Board




Feud continues, board supporters rally

Residents speak in support of
village board as Norgaards
continue criticism of operations
by Reporter Sue Hady
Rib Lake residents Ken and Renee Norgaard made
another appearance before the Board of Trustees on
March 11, in order to air their list of grievances. Among
other issues, the Norgaards have had a long-running
dispute with the board concerning their claim of an
overpayment of personal property taxes to the village
over a period of several years. They are seeking reimbursement through the court system. A handful of other
citizens also attended the meeting in a show of support
for the board.
I would like to commend the board for doing the
good work that they do, said Sue Roupp. She said she
has a long history with Rib Lake including extended
family ties to the area. And I think what the board does
to keep the village going, with all the things that you
have to handleits phenomenally wonderful. Its not
easy to do all the things that need to be done to keep
a municipality going in the right direction, and I just
want to commend the board and say thank you for what
youre doing.
I also came to commend you all on your performance, commented Michael Head, who said he has
lived in the Rib Lake area for five years. We did our
homework. We moved here for what it was and were
very happy the way things are going.
Before allowing the Norgaards to address the board,
president Wayne Tlusty said, I sent, at her request to
Renee, a copy of the proceedings of how this is going to
take place. Weve been doing this meeting after meeting. In fact, one of my notes says, I think this started in
2003. Im sorry. Ill speak in the micand therefore I set
some conditions out. Tlusty said he had a list of seven
conditions for the Norgaards to follow when addressing
the board.
After a contentious exchange between the Norgaards
and the board at last months meeting, Tlusty said he
would have an officer present at future board meetings.
Chief of police Dan Kraschnewski made his presence
known by walking through the board room before the
meeting began, and his office door adjoining the boardroom remained open during most of the meeting.
Tlusty said to Ken Norgaard, You have two minutes.
Norgaard said he has a significant hearing impairment and asked Tlusty to either step forward or turn
up the volume. And I cannot hear at these meetings.
They have their PA system. This is the first time theyve
chosen to use it. Tlusty declined to step forward and
remained behind the dais while Norgaard spoke.
At the February board meeting, village president
Tlusty, along with trustees Schreiner, Carpenter and
Polacek would not allow me to make my citizen comments, which are legislated by Wisconsin law and the
United States Supreme Court, said Norgaard. Tlusty
and Schreiner have difficulties with the law, which will
be addressed over the next month as we move towards
the April election.
Norgaard acknowledged that the League of Municipalities open meeting compliance manual states citizen
participation at a municipal board meeting is a privilege and not a right, but added, The second paragraph
of the manual trumps the first paragraph. It explains
periods for public comments. As Renee correctly stated
at last months meeting, these periods of public comments are created by statute, both state and federal,
when citizen comments are added to the monthly meeting agenda. Last month the board violated my constitutional first amendment rights when they shut down my
attempts to speak. Ive said this before and Ill continue
to say it until this hall is swept clean. The Village of Rib
Lake deserves better.
Renee Norgaard then addressed the board. She said,
Given the illegal restrictions to my comments, Ill be
very brief and note that there are not personal attacks
in my comments. I want you to note that.
She continued, Several years ago I presented costsaving and efficiency suggestions to this board which
were vehemently rejected by president Tlusty and the
board. Interestingly enough, president Tlusty and that
same board implemented several of those suggestions,

Can you speak up

Keeping order

Holding a card explaining his hearing disability, Ken

Norgaard asked members of the Rib Lake Village Board
to speak up at last weeks meeting. They denied his request to move closer to the board members, instead limiting him to speaking from the back of the room.

Village president Wayne Tlusty noted the feud between the Norgaards and the village goes back at least
10 years. Tlusty is leaving the board at the end of his
term next month.

including board meetings once a month rather than

twice, reducing the number of full time village employees and supplementing some of the services they provided with contract workers. Also, reducing our police
officer position to part time.
Norgaard then said she had done some research on
the feasibility of hiring a village administrator or manager for less than $50,000, and was advocating for this in
order to replace the clerk-treasurer and several board
members. If this board doesnt take some action on
this tonight, here is what we are faced withthe village
will be forced to elect a president who has lied about his
business ownership and the fact that that business has
not paid its fair share of asset taxes over 10 years.
While she was in mid-sentence above, Tlusty interrupted Norgaard and would not allow her to continue
speaking beyond her two minute allotment. Wait.
Youve had your time, Renee. He instructed her to refrain from additional comments, and asked the board if
members had questions or wanted Renee Norgaard to
continue to speak.
No, said trustee Doug Polacek. Not when she
starts picking out different people.
Tlusty then moved on with the agenda.
Scott Everson presented information on the April
referendum concerning upgrades to the Rib Lake Public School facilities. Everson is a member of the board
of education. I want to just point out that the district is
not building or adding onto a school, but rather fixing
roofs, windows, and ventilation problems, sealants.
Everson said the cost for replacement of the current biomass boiler has gone down a hundred thousand dollars
from the original estimate. If it breaks down sometime
in the future, its going to cost a lot more than $375,000
to replace it. He said there will be another public informational session on March 24 with a building walkthrough at 6 p.m. and a presentation at 7 p.m. in the high
school commons.
Trustee Corky Tesch said he is a custodian for the
school district on the evening shift. He said there are
times when the custodial crew has to babysit the current biomass boiler. It would be good for the longest
time and all of a sudden we had problems. It keeps the
three custodians busy, plus doing their jobs theyre supposed to be doing.
Rebecca Zuleger from Westboro also addressed the
board stating she is starting an organic produce operation and intends to re-develop the Rib Lake farmers
market. She said she will be selling produce for 20 weeks
this summer. It might be worth letting your people
know that well be accepting the farmers market nutrition program certificate offered through the state, and
so were putting your location on the map for both the
WIC program and the aging commission, said Zuleger.

Under other business, Debbie Komarek came before

the board saying she was representing several area
snowmobile clubs. She said these clubs would like approval to change the snowmobile trail route to enable
sleds to cross the State Rd. bridge over Sheep Ranch
Creek. The board approved this request.
The board discussed a proposal from the Rib Lake
Fish and Game Association to construct a 365-foot walking path paved with red granite, within the village
right-of-way from the fishing pier to Maple St. Trustee
Bob Carpenter said the path would make Memorial
Park a little more accessible for shoreline fishing, and
would provide a scenic walking trail. The board agreed
to offer some assistance to the fish and game association
through the use of equipment and labor from the public
works department. The estimated cost of between $1,300
and $1,500 will be covered by the fish and game association. The board approved this request.
The board approved an agreement with MSA Professional Services, Inc. to do G.I.S. mapping in order to locate and map all underground utilities, such as water
turnoffs and storm sewer manholes, at a cost of $4,600.
Tlusty said the map has not been updated since 1996.
The board also approved the purchase of 40 new water
meters which include a remote reading capacity. Carpenter said, There is a payback in not having to take
those meters out and test them every 10 years. Its now
20. Carpenter claims this will reduce the time spent by
public works staff on this mandate.
The board discussed the need to search for a new
campground host who would be required to reside in
the campground and collect fees from campers. The
board also discussed the need to replace at least part, if
not the entire, village hall roof due to leaks. Polacek and
the public works director will develop the specifications
for a roofing proposal to be put out for bids.
The board authorized $1,000 from room tax funds to
be spent on Ice Age Days advertising. The board also
discussed a proposal from the Taylor County Treasurers Office to convey tax deed property to the village.
The property in question is a very narrow strip of land,
several feet wide, running perpendicular to McComb
Avenue next to an apartment building. The board declined the offer to purchase this land.
Bob Carpenter reported on extensive use of the Rib
Lake Public Library facility last year. He said this included a total of 26,598 circulations, 7,072 internet computer uses, and 924 ebooks taken out by patrons. Carpenter said there are 737 active resident users within
the village, and 1,035 non-resident users. He reported
funding for the library comes from the village of Rib
Lake, Taylor County, Price County, and from various
grants, donations, and fees.


Page 12

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Four seek seats on Rib Lake School Board

The Rib Lake School District divides
its school board seats by geographical areas, so its field of four candidates has only
one contested race on April 7. Incumbent
George Zondlo and newcomer Mary Anne
Roiger have filed for the at-large seat and
voters will make a choice between them.
Stacy Tlusty is the only candidate who
filed for an open seat representing Westboro. Incumbent Steve Martin is the only
candidate who filed for the seat representing the town of Rib Lake.
The Star News sent a request for biographical information and three specific
questions were sent to all four candidates
for the school board. Only Tlusty and
Roiger responded to the requests. These
are the questions asked of the candidates.
1.) Do you support the district referendum for energy efficiency upgrades?
What are the highest facility priorities for
the district?
2.) What are the most important elements of good school board decision making? Are all board members obligated to
support the district direction after it is
3.) Wisconsins political leadership
knows it wants kids tested, its just not
sure which test to use. What value do test
scores provide school boards in setting local direction, and what are the most important tools the board can provide staff
and students to prepare?

MaryAnne Roiger
My name is MaryAnne Roiger. I am
35-years-old and employed at Sierra Pacific Industries, Hurd Mfg. as a quality
control technician and also a member of
the Rib Lake Ambulance. I am a DNR certified instructor and assist in teaching
Snowmobile, ATV and Hunter Safety in
the Rib Lake area. I have one daughter
that is enrolled in the elementary school.
As a former graduate of Rib Lake, it is
very important to me that my daughter
has the same quality education in Rib
Lake that I received when I was a student.
1.) I am a strong supporter of the Rib
Lake referendum and energy upgrades.
Far too long has gone by without addressing the repairs that need to be done to our
schools. Some of the issues needing to be
addressed should have been done 20 years
ago when I was a student. Now we are to
the point where there are issues especially in the high school and middle school
that are long overdue and need to be done.
The highest priority right now is the
air quality issue in the high school. The
issue of having mold in the band room is
not acceptable. That is a real health concern that needs to be addressed no matter
how the referendum vote turns out.

Good decisions by the board are any

decisions that are for the best interest of
the children. Isnt that why we are really
there? Isnt that why anyone should be on
a school board? Dont get me wrong, the
board has to be careful with financial responsibilities and decisions in regards to
that, but there is a balance that needs to
be met. The children are the priority and
balancing the needs of the children with
the finances isnt always an easy task,
that I understand, but also not completely
2.) Do I feel all board members are obligated to support all district decisions?
No, I dont feel for one that obligated
is a great term to refer it as. Everyone
is entitled to their opinion, but I do feel
if a decision is passed by the entirety of
the board, it is up to the board members
to support it. Dont say, yes I agree with
that decision, then walk out of the board
room and the next day, undermine the decisions that you agreed upon. It causes the
public to lose faith in the board.
3.) I have very mixed feelings on state
test scores. It seems that testing our children and seeing how every school stacks
against each other has taken precedent
over everything else. I dont agree that
our staff has to groom the children to do
well on the test scores that could have
so many variables. I dont think that the
pressure of a state test is giving an accurate portrayal of how the children are
actually doing in school. Yes, it gives a
rough idea, but again, too many variables can affect how well each child does
on these tests. As adults, we have our off
days, so to think that our kids are going
to all have a perfect day and test the best
they can on these test days to give an accurate idea of how things are stacking up in
our school is ridiculous. After all, they are
still just kids. As a board, the kids have
the best tools to prepare, an excellent and
devoted teaching staff like we have in Rib
Lake. The best support we can give our
staff is listen to them and let them tell us
what they need. If it is something that can
be done, by all means, support and help
them anyway possible. We entrust them
to care for and teach our most important
assets. Every other profession out there
gets what they need to be successful at
their job, why do our teachers have to suffer and not deserve the same to teach our
kids and prepare them for the future?

Stacy Tlusty
Tlusty is a Rib Lake School Board candidate for the town of Westboro. She is
originally from Gilman and moved into
the Westboro area. Stacy is 35 and married to Patrick Tlusty. She has four chil-

No photo



Steve Martin


2015 Spring Election:

Rib Lake School

Board Candidates

dren, one in the elementary, two in high

school, and one at home. She is currently
a stay-at-home mom and working on starting her new business in equine massage
therapy. Tlusty attended classes and became certified in equine massage therapy in November 2014. She also attended
Chippewa Valley Technical College in
the marketing program. Tlusty enjoys the
outdoors. She is very involved with her
horses, attending numerous barrel racing
events with her daughters throughout the
summer. Tlusty and her family are active
members in national and international
barrel racing associations throughout
Wisconsin. Coming in as a new board
member, I am very excited to take on this
new challenge in life with the Rib Lake
School Board, Tlusty said.
1.) I do support the referendum. All of
the schools have areas that need general
maintenance, I believe getting the high
school HVAC system updated and proper
ventilation throughout the school is a
very high priority. By doing so this will
bring better air quality in the school. The
electrical systems need to be updated and
repaired to keep costs down and prevent

further damage to the schools.

2.) During the decision making good
elements consist of clearly defining responsibilities, good authority, and setting
specific goals and objectives to each matter. Also, keeping a good open mind to all
ideas. I dont believe board members are
obligated to support a decision. While
there will be decisions made that not everyone agrees upon, board members still
need to properly represent the decision
that was made in a positive manner.
3.) No matter what testing system is
used, testing students helps with many
things for the school board. Testing helps
on how well our academic program is set
within the schools. Testing also helps
with knowing if students are working at
their level of ability. Setting a good quality curriculum for staff members and students and being sure that staff members
are properly trained to give the testing
are important tools.
NOTE: Candidates George Zondlo and
Steve Martin did not respond to the questionnaires.



The School District of Gilman, along with Taylor County and

other agencies, will hold their 24th annual developmental
screening for children ages 2 years 8 months through age 4.
children in the School District of Gilman who willl
WHO: All
be at least three years of age by September 1, 2015,
but will not be five years old by September 1, 2015.
NOTE: Again, available this year is birth-to-three screeningg

116 S. Wisconsin Ave.



Appointments will be sent in the mail. If you do not receive

an appointment prior to March 16, please call the 4-K teacher,
Mrs. Syryczuk, 715-447-8776 ext. 257.


WHEN: Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:15pm-7:30pm

WHERE: Gilman Elementary School 4-K Room


by Reporter Mark Berglund

NOTE: If you are a new resident please call for an appointment



Thursday, March
2, 2014


Schools go on record
opposing state budget
by Reporter Mark Berglund
By the end of the week, two Taylor
County school boards could be on record
as formally opposing cuts and diversions
to public school funding proposed in Gov.
Scott Walkers state budget proposal. The
Gilman School Board approved a resolution at its meeting on Monday evening.
The Medford Area School Board will address a similar resolution when it meets
on March 19.
Both resolutions have similar language. They begin by spelling out the
local costs of the governors plan to decrease spending by $150 per pupil for the
2015-16 school year and freeze any inflationary-driven revenue cap increase. For
Medford, the base cut is $309,450. For Gilman, the base cut is $61,800.
The resolution says when factored
together (base cut, plus no inflationary
revenue cap increase) the overall results
in reductions in educational opportunities for public school students is compounded upward. Gilman estimates the
hit at $174,861. Medford estimates the hit
at $800,000.
Gilmans resolution also points out
the governors proposed plan undercuts
the local support voters provided in November when they passed a referendum
to exceed the revenue cap. The voters
for the School District of Gilman passed
a referendum in support of offering additional educational supports for the
students of the district, such as an additional teacher and a move to one-to-one

computing, and the proposed budget cuts

more than negates the referendum numbers, the resolution reads.
The resolutions go on to spell out the
statewide implications for public education if the state budget is passed as presented.
The Gilman School Board approved
the resolution on a voice vote before adding its individual signatures to it.
Medford district administrator Pat
Sullivan said Tuesday, the response he
has seen from other districts and superintendents is the state budget proposal
is unpopular around the state. Sullivan
said he has spoken with State Sen. Jerry
Petrowski about the concerns expressed
in the resolutions. He said Petrowski is
working on reducing the budget blow,
but he is unsure if any relief is coming.
There are a lot of maybes. We continue
to talk to our legislators, Sullivan said.
Rep. James Jimmy Boy Edming
said the final state budget approval is too
far out to intelligently predict how education will fare. He meets weekly with
a group of about a dozen legislators he
calls budget buddies to study the massive state budget.
The Rib Lake School Board did not
pass a resolution when it met on March
10, but district administrator Lori Manion gave members and the audience an
idea of how much the cuts would cost at
the local level. Its a teacher, she said
comparing the shortfall to the cost of a
staff position for the district.

Forward Financial

submitted photo

Forward Financial Bank Senior Vice President Dave Clark (right) presents a check
for $1,010.72 to Brian Wipf of First Baptist Church in Medford.

Forward Financial Bank

continues cycle of giving
The depositor-owners of Forward Financial Bank have been guiding the giving efforts for the past eight years through
the Charitable Money Market Account
(CMMA) program. With over $67,000 in
contributions delivered in January, the
total giving for the program tops $410,000
since inception. Over 120 different nonprofits, churches, and schools in the central Wisconsin area received donations
from Forward Financial Bank.
The board, management and staff at
Forward are dedicated to maintaining
strong and healthy communities through
charitable giving and volunteering. We
are continually impressed with the heart
that our customers show in supporting
the CMMA program. It is clear that they

see the important role that charitable organizations like the First Baptist Church
plays in our communities, said Dave
Clark, Forward Financial Bank senior
vice president.
To open and maintain a CMMA, all
the customer needs to do is open the account, designate a participating nonprofit organization, school, or church, and
keep a balance in their account throughout the year. The average balance in
their account is calculated at the end of
the calendar year, and the bank donates
a percentage of the customers average
balance to that organization. There are
no hidden fees, no minimum balance required, and the account accrues interest
at a competitive rate.

Karen Rusch donates family

quilt to the Rib Lake library


Quilt donation
Karen Rusch donated this quilt to the Rib Lake library.

submitted photo

Work Shop Live Play

new cotton cloth. My aunt cut all of the

squares and hand sewed them together
herself. After the backing was chosen,
the quilt was mounted on a frame. Then
Aunt Sophie was joined by others who
helped with the hand quilting of the
piece, Rusch said.
The 80-inch by 96-inch quilt was made
using pastel colors with a green backing
and can be seen hanging on the wall at
the Rib Lake Public Library.


Long time Rib Lake resident Karen

Rusch donated a handmade quilt to the
Rib Lake Public Library last month. The
quilt was made using a pattern called
Around the World and was entirely hand
quilted in the early 1950s. Rusch included
a picture of her sister, Jane Baumbach
Laswell, her aunt, Sophie Scott, and her
mother, Leona Margaret Baumbach,
working on the quilt.
My great-aunt Sophie Scott was the
principal quilt maker. All
of the material used was

County considers camping and boat landing fees

Page 14

by Reporter Mark Berglund

The Taylor County building and
grounds committee discussed adding
boat landing and camping fees in 2016
as a step to generate another revenue
stream for the county. The committee
took no action at its meeting on Tuesday
morning. The next committee meeting is
scheduled for May.
Since the fall, the county has looked
at a number of options for closing a
structural deficit in its budget, and new
or raised fees have been looked at by every oversight committee. Building and
grounds is considering new fees for using the county boat landings at Miller
Dam Flowage and possibly other waters,
and a nightly fee for camping at Wood
Lake and Camp 8. The committee discussed a $10 a night camping fee and a
boat landing fee in the neighborhood of
$2 to $5 per time. A yearly pass of $20 was
also discussed.
Ultimately, the committee decided to
hold off on the fees to prevent mid-season
confusion if the process was not ready in
time. The committee will also need to decide if the fees will be a county policy or
ordinance of the full county board. The
fees are not enforceable unless they are
a county ordinance.
Building and grounds administrator
Jeff Ludwig told the committee he asked
department employees about the possible boat landing fees. He described them
as avid fishermen who pay a fee at all the
other boat landings they use.
Ludwig estimated a boat landing fee
at Miller Dams two locations (the county
park and Lions park) could raise enough
revenue to pay for seal coating the parking lot. We wouldnt have to charge taxpayers for the expense, or at least use tax
levy money for it, Ludwig said.
As enthusiasm for the idea built to include locations like the county boat landing at Sackett Lake, committee member
Lester Lewis slowed the process. Sackett, OK, Ive got to put my two cents in,
Lewis said. Lewis said he fishes regionally and none of the boat landings he
uses charge a fee. He also questioned
whether the fee would be accepted different at a non-motorized lake like Sackett. Im not all that enthusiastic about a
boat landing fee, Lewis said.
The committee ultimately decided to
wait a year on the fees. If we do fees for
campgrounds and boat landings, lets do
notifications and start them next year,
Lewis said.
Campers could see a couple of changes this year. The committee gave Ludwig support to begin a campground host
program at Wood Lake. Ludwig said an
Athens couple who already camp extensively at the remote campground asked
him about serving in the role and he is
comfortable with them. The hosts would
also check on Camp 8 from time to time.
A change at Wood Lake the committee
previously approved is a self-registration
system to track who has camped in the
improved sites. Wood Lake Campground
is a small campground in the northeastern part of the county. It has no electricity or flush toilet system. Wood Lake is
on the edge of one of the states largest
wild areas. It features almost no signs
of human habitation in the surrounding
miles. The Ice Age National Scenic Trail
has a loop through the campground.
There is a boat landing and small beach
on the non-motorized lake.
Camp 8 offers a few rustic sites south
of Wood Lake which are popular with
trout fishermen and ATV users. Both
campgrounds are surrounded by large
tracts of Taylor County forest and wild

lands in nearby Lincoln County.

The committee did act to raise one fee.
Use of the community room and multipurpose building at the fairgrounds will
go from $25 to $35 for a half day and $50 to
$70 for the whole day.
The committee discussed, but did not
act on increasing the winter storage fee
at the fairgrounds. The county rents
space in two covered and locked buildings and the covered livestock barn for
those who want to store boats, campers
and other vehicles. It has even rented
space for a party who stored equipment
outdoors. The fee is standard for the first
20 feet of storage with extra expense as
the need exceeds the space.
Committee member Dan Makovsky
was anxious to increase the storage revenue stream. If someone will pay $75
for outside storage, wouldnt they gladly
pay $150 for indoor storage? I think we
should double the price inside. It should
be $150 to $175, he said.
In other fairground matters, the committee approved changes to the livestock
barn where swine are housed during
the county fair. New rules on swine confinement and disease control mean the
wooden pens and gravel base in the barn
are no longer adequate.
The committee approved removing
the wood pens and asphalting the pen
area. The move is contingent on fair officials providing temporary steel pens
during the show. The group is working
on securing its end of the improvements.
Ludwig estimated the asphalt work
would cost $5,000, but extra storage rentals would pay for the cost in about three

Shearer Lake
One boat landing the county wont be

spending more resources at is 23-acre

Shearer Lake landing in the town of
Chelsea. The committee approved an updated list of county parks which includes
Gerstberger Pines and omits references
to Shearer Lake. The county has provided minimal custodial efforts to the area
near the landing, but Ludwig discovered
this winter the county owns no property
at the lake. The 40 acres surrounding the
lake was purchased by a California man
in 2010. The Chelsea Conservation Club
has an easement for the public boat landing access.
Ludwig described the area maintained by the county as a grassy area.
He said there used to be a picnic table at
the site. For 30 years weve been taking
care of a park we didnt own. We cant
take private property and call it a park,
Ludwig said.
Ludwig said he thinks the countys
role in maintaining the landing area
began many years ago with a former department employee who also belonged to
the conservation club. He thinks there
may have been a gentlemans agreement
to do the upkeep at Shearer Lake when
the employee was in the area.

Winter sports area

The committee gave Ludwig complete
control over the operation of the Perkinstown Winter Sports Area. In the past,
the authority was split between his department and the county clerk.
Ludwig said when the idea came up a
couple of years ago, he was reluctant to
take on the administrative role, but he
now sees it as a way to move ideas forward. I had trouble suggesting ideas in
the past because of the question of authority, Ludwig said.

Thursday, March
2, 2015

Ludwig said the county took one step

forward in running the hill this year
with the development of a cash register
system for admission to the hill and in
the concession stand. In the past, record
keeping was haphazard, but the new system will allow the county to track inventory and trends better.
Usage of the winter sports area by
tubers and other seasonal sports varies
from season to season. The hill did not
open until Jan. 1 this year and the yearly
total is off. Ludwig told the committee
factors like weather or even Packers
playoff games affect how much usage
it receives. I dont think we are far off
from a year when we make a profit, even
though we dont have to make a profit,
Ludwig said.

Elevator roof shaft

The roof over the elevator shaft at the
courthouse failed this winter, causing a
$7,500 repair during the coldest weeks of
the winter. Ludwig said the repair is an
example of the tight budget constraints
county departments have worked under
the past decade. The budget line item for
repairs was frozen at $6,000 a decade ago
and has not increased.
Lewis suggested he take the matter
to the county finance committee to see if
it could find the funds to cover the onetime repair.

Generator concerns
The committee considered options for
a backup generator on the new communications tower, which will be constructed this spring near the county education
center. The committee decided to contact tower space renters first to see if any
would provide the backup system.

Benefit Solutions opens

Jon Olson of Benefit Solutions of Wisconsin cuts the ribbon marking the opening of his business in Stetsonville. The business is
geared toward helping companies make sound decisions on employee benefits and obligations. The ribbon cutting was attended
by members of the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce. The new business is located in the former Associated Bank building.


Case No. 15-CV-26
In the Matter of the Name
Change of Samantha AudreyJoyce Jenness
By (Petitioner): Maranda Lynn
By (Co-Petitioner): Steven
Carl Balciar
A petition was led asking to
change the name of the person
listed above:
From: Samantha AudreyJoyce Jenness
To: Samantha Audrey-Joyce
Birth Certicate: Samantha
Audrey-Joyce Jenness
This petition will be heard in
the Circuit Court of Taylor County, State of Wisconsin:
Judges Name: The Hon. Ann
N. Knox-Bauer
Place: Taylor County Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom,
224 South Second Street, Medford, WI 54451
Date: Thursday, April 9, 2015
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Notice of this hearing shall be
given by publication as a Class
3 notice for three (3) weeks in a
row prior to the date of the hearing in the Star News, a newspaper published in Taylor County,
State of Wisconsin.
If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability, in order to participate in the
court process, please call 715748-1425 at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled
court date. Please note that the
court does not provide transportation.
/s/ Douglas T. Fox
The Hon. Douglas T. Fox
Circuit Court Judge
Date: March 6, 2015
(1st ins. March 19,
3rd ins. April 2)

You are being sued as described below. If you wish to dispute this matter:
1. You must appear at the
time and place stated.
If you do not appear or answer, the plaintiff may win this
case and a judgment entered for
what the plaintiff is asking.
When to Appear/File an Answer:
Date: April 1, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place to Appear/File an Answer: Marathon County Courthouse, Branch 6, 500 Forest
Street, Wausau, WI 54403.
/s/ Shirley Lang, Clerk
Plaintiffs Demand:
The Plaintiff states the following claim against the
1. Plaintiff demands judgment
for return of property (replevin).
plus interest, costs, attorney
fees, if any, and such other relief
as the court deems proper.
2. Brief statement of dates
and facts: On August 1, 2014
Amie Kallas nanced a Newcastle queen mattress, Ashley queen sleigh bed, Ashley
dresser with mirror and two (2)
nightstands, Ashley bedding set.
Amie was sent a Right to Cure
December 15, 2014 and expired
December 31, 2014.
Under oath, I state that the
above complaint is true, except
as those matters stated upon information and belief, and as to
those matters, I believe them to
be true.
/s/ Christopher Fischer
Notary Public
State of Wisconsin
County of Marathon
Subscribed and sworn to before me on March 2, 2015.
/s/ Pam Engel, Deputy Clerk
(715) 359-2307
My commission expires January 7, 2019.
(One ins. March 19)



Town Board of the Town of Deer
Creek, on or after this date,
March 20, 2015 at 12:00 a.m.,
the weight limit of any class on
town roads in said town is limited to 7,000 pounds per axle.
This action is taken because of
spring breakup in roads. This
enforcement will continue until
further notice. Anyone driving on
said town roads during this period does so at his own risk.
Ray Sackmann, Town Chairman


Small Claims
Case No. 15SC422
Get It Now, LLC
1711 Schoeld Ave.
Weston, WI 54476
Amie Kallas
1219 Landall Ave.
Rib Lake, WI 54470
To the Defendant(s):


Thursday, March 19, 2015



Gravel Bids Wanted

Town of Pershing
The Town of Pershing is currently accepting bids for
3,000 yards, more or less, of gravel to be distributed
throughout the township. Bids will be accepted by mail to:
Kevin Webster, Chairman, N6087 Webster Ln., Gilman,
WI 54433 or in person at the Pershing Town Hall. Please
write gravel bid on the outside of the envelope. Bids
must be delivered by 7:00 p.m. on April 14, 2015.
If you have questions regarding this bid, please contact
Brian Stuner at 715-668-5415.

The Town of Pershing is accepting bids to mow the

town properties two small cemeteries, the grader shed
yard, and the town hall yard. Bids will be accepted by
mail to: Kevin Webster, Chairman, N6087 Webster Ln.,
Gilman, WI 54433 or in person at the Pershing Town Hall.
Please write mowing bid on the outside of the envelope.
Bids must be delivered by 7:00 p.m. on April 14, 2015.
If you have questions regarding this bid, please contact
Brian Stuner at 715-668-5415.


Wisconsins Business

is YOUR Business

To know more read the public notices

in todays newspaper or go to


A public service provided by this Newspaper and Wisconsin Newspaper Association

The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forests ofce in

Medford WI, is presently adjusting the times it will be open
for public walk-in services, due to a temporary reduction in
stafng. Starting March 30, 2015, the ofce will be open
Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. and will be
closed every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. You can also
reach the ofce by calling 715-748-4875. If you need assistance Monday, Tuesday or Friday you can call our Park
Falls ofce at 715-762-2461. Extended hours are expected to return to the Medford ofce in the coming months.
(1st ins. March 19, 2nd ins. March 26)



Sealed quotations will be received by the Taylor County

Highway Department until 11:00 a.m. on April 6, 2015 for:
want you to be aware of the following public notices
published the week of MARCH 10, 2015:
GENERAL: CCAP, circuit court records, March 12; Department of Transportation, EIS,
I30/90/94, March 15; Department of Transportation, EIS, I90/94, March 15; Fitchburg,
voting by absentee ballot, March 10; Meeting, Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities,
March 12; Emergency Rule, gypsy moth, March 16.
PUBLIC HEARING: Plan Commission, Fitchburg, Hamm Fam, March 10; Plan
Commission, Fitchburg, Sign, March 10; Public Safety, Basketball Hoop, Fitchburg.
DNR Air Permit Application Reviews: Goldn Plump Poultry, March 10; Inland Label
and Marketing, March 10; Waupaca Foundry, March 12; Ace Ethanol, March 13; Scot
Industries, March 14; Neenah Paper, Stevens Point, March 14; Green Bay Packaging
Coated Products, March 16; Neenah Paper, Appleton, March 16.
Search public notices from all state communities online at:

Hot Mix Asphalt Materials for CHID Project

CTH E (CTH O to CTH A) 3 miles
Approximately 7,000 tons 12 mm E-1 Surface
Specications are available at the Taylor County Highway Department, 208 N. 8th Street, P.O. Box 89, Medford,
Wisconsin. Quotations will be evaluated at the April meeting of the Highway Committee. The Highway Committee
reserves the right to reject any or all quotations or portions thereof, to accept any or all quotations or portions
thereof and to waive any technicalities in any quotation as
deemed most advantageous to the Highway Department.
Taylor County Highway Department
11-147525 is a public service made possible

by the members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

(1st ins. March 19, 2nd ins. March 26)


Advertisement For Bids

Request for Quotations
Sealed quotations will be received by the Taylor County
Highway Department until 11:00 a.m. on April 6, 2015 for:
Bituminous Materials
Hot Mix Asphalt
Crushed Aggregate Base Course
Sealcoat Aggregates
Washed Sand, Medford And Gilman
Culvert Pipes
Hot Pour Rubber Crackller
Specications are available at the Taylor County Highway Department, 208 N. 8th Street, P.O. Box 89, Medford,
Wisconsin. Quotations will be evaluated at the April meeting of the Highway Committee. The Highway Committee
reserves the right to reject any or all quotations or portions thereof, to accept any or all quotations or portions
thereof and to waive any technicalities in any quotation as
deemed most advantageous to the Highway Department.
Taylor County Highway Department

The ViIlage of Rib Lake is soliciting bids for overlaying

the existing SPF roof at the Village Hall, Library and Police
Station building. The facility is located at 655 Pearl St. The
project consists of scarifying the existing SPF roof to a
smooth substrate, installing additional insulation, all necessary wood blocking at perimeter for edge metal securement if required. All required ashing and terminations to
meet membrane manufacturers warranty requirements
to be included. Please include R-value of proposed insulation, thickness of waterproong membrane, unit price
per sq. ft. for replacing wet or damaged SPF foam, and
system warranty. Project size is approximately 11,600 sq
feet and may be broken out in phases to help in funding.
For more information or to visit the jobsite, please contact
Jerry Butler from the Village of Rib Lake Public Works at
715-427-5551. Bids will be accepted until Monday, April 6,
2015 at 4 p.m. The Village of Rib Lake reserves the right
to reject any or all bids that are deemed unsatisfactory
or insufcient to the Village of Rib Lake. Bids, if mailed,
should be sent to Village Hall, P.O. Box 205, Rib Lake, WI
54470 marked as Roof Bid.
(1st ins. March 19, 2nd ins. March 26)


(1st ins. March 19, 2nd ins. March 26)



Lawn Mowing Bids Wanted

Town of Pershing

Temporary Change in USDA

Forest Service Ofce Hours
Medford WI

Request for Quotations

CHID Project




Page 15

Bids Wanted
Town of Holway

Town of Greenwood
Gravel Bids Wanted
The Town of Greenwood, Taylor County is seeking
bids on the following item for the construction year of
2015 for the Town of Greenwood and for town residents.
7,500 yds., more or less, of 5/8 in. minus gravel with
Bidder will furnish the gravel with estimated delivery
dates. A minimum of seven trucks hauling gravel.
Gravel will be tested.
may send bids or ask for more information by contactLQJ 7RZQ &KDLU 'HQQLV )XFKV 1 &HQWHU 'ULYH
or refuse any and all bids. The Town Board reserve the
By the order of the Town Board.
Dennis Fuchs, Town Chair



Sealed bids are wanted for general maintenance by

the Town of Holway.
Gravel Bids: 10,000 yds, more or less, of crushed
gravel, and 500 yds, more or less, of pit run.
The crushed gravel must be taken off a completed
stockpile. The stockpile must be blended. Material must
be within DOT grade 3 limits. Material is to be delivered
in the township. The gravel must be delivered by August
1, 2015.
Other Bid Requests
Backhoe: Hourly rate with operator, machine size and
bucket size.
Dump Truck: Hourly rate with operator, capacity/yds.
Bids should be submitted to the Town Clerk by 6:00
p.m. Monday, April 13, 2015. The bids will be opened at
the regular meeting to be held April 13, 2015 in the Town
Hall on CTH A at 6:00 p.m. All bid items will be tied together. The board reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all bids.
By order of the Town Board.
Jenny Nehls
Town Clerk
N13141 CTY RD E
Medford, WI 54451
(1st ins. March 19, 2nd ins. March 26)



Page 16

Accident reports

Taylor County Law Enforcement

Two-vehicle accidents

Rosemary J. Heier and Debbi J. Roder

were involved in an accident on March 9
at 7:55 a.m. at the intersection of Perkins
St. and Whelen Ave. in the city of Medford. According to the accident report,
the Roder vehicle was westbound on
Perkins St. and making a left turn onto
Whelen Ave. when it was struck from
behind by the Heier vehicle, which was
unable to stop in time to prevent the accident. The Roder vehicle sustained severe damage to the rear end. The Heier
vehicle sustained moderate damage to
the front end.
Ashley L. Bucki and Donna M. Goodman were involved in an accident on
March 10 at 9:37 a.m. in the Cenex Gas
Station parking lot in the city of Medford. According to the accident report,
the Bucki vehicle was behind the Goodman vehicle in the parking lot when the
Goodman vehicle began backing up to
make room for a large semi pulling into
the parking lot and struck the Bucki vehicle. Bucki said she blew her vehicles
horn in an attempt to warn the Goodman

vehicle as it backed up, but to no effect.

The Bucki vehicles passenger side front
bumper area sustained scrapes. The
Goodman vehicles driver side rear bumper area sustained scrapes and scratches.
Roger L. Brandner and a vehicle
owned by Michael A. Johnson were involved in an accident on March 12 at
10:41 a.m. on E. Perkins St. in the city
of Medford. According to the accident
report, the Brandner vehicle was backing out of a driveway at 115 E. Perkins
St. when it struck the Johnson vehicle,
which was legally parked and unoccupied on Perkins St. The Brandner vehicle
sustained moderate damage to the rear
bumper passenger side. The Johnson vehicle sustained moderate damage to the
driver side quarter panel.

One-vehicle accidents

Wyatt D. Mallien was involved in an

accident on March 7 at 10:41 p.m. in the
County Market parking lot in the city of
Medford. According to the accident report, the Mallien vehicle was southbound
through the parking lot when the driver
momentarily looked into the back seat
upon hearing an object move, and the
vehicle struck a concrete stop sign post.
The vehicle sustained moderate damage
to the front.
Norma Prohaska was involved in an
accident reported on March 16 at 3:25 p.m.
According to the accident report, it is unknown if this was a hit-and-run accident
or if the driver had struck an unknown
object. The vehicle sustained damage to
the passenger side front bumper.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on March
16 at 4:10 p.m. at the intersection of Allman Ave. and CTH Q in the town of Med-

Two-vehicle accident
Leland R. Berry and Ember A. Schoenfeld were involved in an accident on March 5
at 7:56 a.m. on Hwy 64 in the city of Medford. According to the accident report, the
Berry vehicle was turning left onto Hwy 64 from the BP Gas Station driveway, and the
Schoenfeld vehicle was turning left onto Hwy 64 from the post office driveway when
the two vehicles collided. The Berry vehicle sustained moderate damage to the front
and front driver side. The Schoenfeld vehicle sustained moderate damage to the rear
driver side.
ford. According to the accident report, a
motorcycle was turning south onto CTH
Q from Allman Ave. when the operator
lost control on loose sand in the roadway.
The motorcycle entered the west ditch of
CTH Q and came to a stop on its left side.
The motorcycle sustained minor damage to its front. The driver was medically
transported for treatment. The driver
said she had just gotten her temporary
motorcycle permit that day.

Traffic court
Charge dismissed
A charge of issuing worthless checks
against Shawn A. Graumann, 35, Medford, was dismissed by a prosecutors
motion during an initial appearance.

Two-vehicle accident
Andrew J. Preuss and John E. Heser
were involved in an accident on March
6 at 2:10 p.m. on Whelen Ave. in the city
of Medford. According to the accident report, the Preuss vehicle was northbound
on Whelen Ave. and stopped for pedestrians crossing the street when it was
struck from behind by the Heser vehicle,
which failed to stop. The Preuss vehicle
sustained very severe to the rear, rear
passenger and driver side and undercarriage, and was towed from the scene. The
Heser vehicle sustained minor damage to
the front.

Pleas entered

The following made an initial appearance and entered pleas of not guilty:
Dorothy E. Anderson, 45, Withee, speeding 25-29 mph over the limit; Matthew
S. Hoffland, 43, Rib Lake, speeding 2024 mph over the limit; Holly L. Lettau,
53, North Fond du Lac, unlawful use of
phone to threaten harm; Wiitala Vozka
Logging Partnership, Westboro, violation of frozen road weight limit; Tevin
A. W. Wilkes, 20, Colby, operating without a valid license-second offense within
three years; Nicholas J. Williams, 18,
Westboro, speeding over 45 mph over the




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Thursday, March 19, 2015


Consumers look to
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Deer-related accidents

The following deer-related accidents

were reported: March 8 at 1:10 a.m. on
Elm Ave. in the town of Little Black;
March 14 at 8:05 p.m. on Hwy 64 in the
town of Medford; March 16 at 7 a.m. on
Hwy 64 in the town of Hammel; March
16 at 7:40 a.m. on Hwy 64 in the town of

Taylor County Circuit Court


$672.18: Gary A. Losiewicz, 62, Thorp,

highway weight limits violation.
$263.50: Bradley J. Anderson, 17, Abbotsford, minor possessing or purchasing
tobacco; Scott R. Labarge, 28, Rib lake,
disorderly conduct; Zachary T. Rick, 17,
Prentice, minor possessing or purchasing tobacco, and minor transporting intoxicants in motor vehicle ($263.50 each).
$250.90: Bradley J. Anderson, 17, Abbotsford, speeding 25-29 mph over the
limit (DOT license suspended).
$222.90: Jesse J. Novotny, 18, Tomahawk, hunting without license.
$200.50: Fernando Bautista-Bautista,
25, Medford, operating without a valid license-first offense; David Escober Jr., 19,
Stetsonville, operating while suspended;
Dustin M. Guski, 30, Medford, operating
while suspended; Caleb A. Kunze, 24,
Tripoli, possession of open intoxicants
in motor vehicle by passenger; Terry L.
G. Lukes, 32, Sheldon, operating a motor
vehicle without insurance; Jose G. Sanchezchavez, 22, Conrath, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, and operating without a valid license-first offense
($200.50 each); Bryan F. Solisarenivaz,
18, Rib Lake, operating without a valid
license-first offense; Roland H. Wiegel,
59, Rib Lake, operating a motor vehicle
without insurance; Cole R. Williams, 19,
Medford, operating while suspended;
Randi N. Woodrow, 30, Medford, operating while suspended.
$199: Jesse J. Cypher, 25, Medford,
operating an unregistered snowmobile;

Christopher Q. Huther, 39, Medford, operating an unregistered snowmobile

$182.70: Michael G. Ellenbecker, 22,
Athens, fishing with more than three
hooks/lines/baits (1-2 over).
$175.30: Vincent J. Bennett, 23, Abbotsford, non-registration of vehicle;
Dustin M. Guski, 30, Medford, operating
after revocation/suspension of registration; Cora L. Makovsky, 31, Withee, nonregistration of vehicle; John B. Nelson,
27, Dorchester, speeding 11-15 mph over
the limit; Julie M. Pearson, 45, Ogema,
speeding 11-15 mph over the limit; Travis J. Schilling, 36, Dorchester, vehicle
equipment violations, and operating
a motor vehicle without an adequate
muffler ($175.30 each); Bryan F. Solisarenivaz, 18, Rib Lake, non-registration of
vehicle; Bradley C. Weinzatl, 31, Unity,
non-registration of vehicle; Cole R. Williams, 19, Medford, speeding 11-15 mph
over the limit.
$169: Colten J. Rieck, 19, Medford, operating an unregistered snowmobile.
$162.70: John B. Nelson, 27, Dorchester, operating without a valid license because of expiration.
$18: Jeffrey L. Hartwig, 52, Medford,
vehicle operator failure to wear seatbelt.
$10 seatbelt violation: Gary G. Tlusty,
58, Chelsea.

In the sphere of the emotions it is very
useful to struggle with the habit of giving immediate expression to all ones unpleasant emotions.
Georges Gurdjieff

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Dispatch log
Gilman Police Department
March 5 Ambulance request at 115
S. 4th Ave. at 11:29 a.m.
March 11 Theft at 985 E. Main St.
at 2:51 p.m.

Medford Police Department

March 2 Juvenile problem; harassment at 114 S. Washington Ave. at 10:44
a.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at 1015 W. Broadway
Ave. at 3:24 p.m.; drugs; information at
312 E. Allman St. at 6:38 p.m.; request
for officer at 329 E. Pine St. at 7:49 p.m.;
request for officer at 862 E. Allman St. at
8:39 p.m.; fire alarm at 645 Jensen Dr. at
8:51 p.m.
March 3 Ambulance request at 507
S. Gibson St. at 3:48 p.m.; citizen assist at
1147 S. Eighth St. at 5:25 p.m.; disorderly
conduct at 1147 S. Eighth St. at 6:16 p.m.;
extra patrol at E. Broadway Ave. and N.
Seventh St. at 7:32 p.m.; disorderly conduct at 1147 S. Eighth St. at 9:01 p.m.;
lockout at 177 S. Eighth St. at 9:36 p.m.
March 4 Animal complaint at 512
N. Eighth St. at 7:19 a.m.; accident at E.

Taylor County Law Enforcement

Clark St. and S. Seventh St. at 7:47 a.m.;
ignition interlock device installation
at 312 N. Shattuck St. at 10:08 a.m.; ATF
notification at 1281 N. Eighth St. at 10:26
a.m.; extra patrol at 550 W. Conrad Dr. at
10:49 a.m.; identity theft at 636 Billings
Ave. at 10:52 a.m.; traffic complaint at S.
Gibson St. and Broadway Ave. at 11:01
a.m.; vehicle inspection at 1260 S. Eighth
St. at 3:01 p.m.; lockout at 230 S. Eighth
St. at 3:04 p.m.
March 5 Utility problem at S.
Eighth St. and E. Conrad Dr. at 4 a.m.;
agency assist at 112 S. Park Ave. at 10:21
a.m.; child sex crime (2).
March 6 Welfare check at 328 W.
Cedar St. at 7:15 a.m.; accident at W.
Broadway Ave. and S. Whelen at 7:56
a.m.; information at 1015 W. Broadway
Ave. at 9:45 a.m.; traffic complaint on
Hwy 13 in town of Westboro at 11:03 a.m.;
accident at 575 S. Whelen Ave. at 2:10
p.m.; fire alarm at 617 W. Cedar St. at 2:25
p.m.; harassment at Riverside Terrace at
4:54 p.m.
March 7 Ambulance request at
117 N. Eighth St. at 9:59 a.m.; escort at E.
Broadway Ave. and N. Fourth St. at 11:07

Sex offender faces felony charges

by News Editor Brian Wilson
A convicted sex offender is facing felony charges for not reporting her address
to law enforcement.
In April 2003, Sarah Dahl, 31, was convicted of child sexploitation and false
imprisonment in Marathon County. Sentence was withheld and she was places
on probation supervision for 12 years. As
a condition, she was placed on the sex offender registry with the requirement she
notify law enforcement of any change of
address within 10 days of moving.
In March 2014, a registration letter
was sent to her reported Lemke Dr. Medford residence with the letter logged into
the system verifying the address on April
1. On Aug. 28, Department of Corrections
Agent Tracy Tallier issued an apprehension request for Dahl for failing to report
to agent. In October 2014, the owner of

Court proceedings
Pleas entered

The following made initial appearances and entered pleas of not guilty:
Gerald L. Pearson, 37, Medford, contempt
of court-disobeying an order (repeater)
(two counts); Shannon G. Potocnik, 24,
Medford, possession of THC, and possession of drug paraphernalia; Rachel A.
Roe p.k.a. Rachel A. Hecker p.k.a. Rachel
A. Colwell, 37, Medford, disorderly conduct-domestic abuse; Zachary D. Dunn,
32, Medford, disorderly conduct, operating a firearm while intoxicated, and carrying a handgun where alcohol is sold or
consumed; Marlene K. Niznik, 60, Stetsonville, causing injury while operating
while under the influence-first offense
[prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC)
less than 0.15 percent], and causing injury while operating with a PAC-first offense (PAC less than 0.15 percent); Keith
R. Yeager, 29, Owen, disorderly conduct;
Steve J. Schueller, 43, Sheldon, batterydomestic abuse (inflection of physical
pain or injury), and disorderly conduct-

Page 17

the rental property reported Dahl had

been at the property the past week and
saw her belongings there, Dahl was not
On Oct. 31, Dahl left a voice mail message for Tallier at 6 :51 p.m. stating it was
her last day renting and she would have
to move, but she did not give a new address.
On Nov. 26, Tallier received information that Dahl had moved from her last
known address. The landlord also confirmed this.
District attorney Kristi Tlusty charged
Dahl with one count of sex offender registry violation. The class H felony carries
a penalty of up to six years in prison and
up to $10,000 in fines.
An arrest warrant was issued by Taylor County Circuit Court Judge Ann

a.m.; accident at Medford Plaza at 10:41

March 8 Noise complaint at 118 S.
Park Ave. at 3:59 a.m.; chapter 51 commitment; commercial alarm at 1015 W.
Broadway Ave. at 2:52 p.m.
March 9 Suspicious activity at 925
E. Perkins St. at 12:45 a.m.; accident at
W. Perkins St. and S. Whelen Ave. at 7:55
a.m.; drugs; vehicle theft at 127 E. Division St. at 12:24 a.m.; truancy (2) at 1015
W. Broadway Ave. at 2:30 p.m.; vehicle
inspection at N3907 Hwy 13 in town of
Medford at 2:45 p.m.; theft at 153 W. State
St. at 3:42 p.m.; intoxication at 135 S. Gibson St. at 8:59 p.m.
March 10 Traffic arrest on S.
Eighth St. at 2:37 a.m.; warrant arrest at
courthouse at 9:25 a.m.; accident at 340
S. Eighth St. at 9:37 a.m.; truancy; suspicious activity at 208 E. Perkins St. at
3:42 p.m.; citizen assist at Riverside Terrace at 3:48 p.m.; request for officer at 909
Casement Ct. at 4:10 p.m.; utility problem
at 333 N. Second St. at 7:44 p.m.; citizen
dispute at E. Allman St. and N. Second St.
at 9:10 p.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at 209 S. Park
Ave. at 11:29 p.m.
March 11 Noise complaint at 328
N. Main St. at 12:40 a.m.; extra patrol
at 344 N. Eighth St. at 12:17 p.m.; underage drinking; traffic complaint at Mink
Capital Terrace at 1:16 p.m.; K9 deployment at 509 E. Clark St. at 1:21 p.m.; K9
deployment at 1015 W. Broadway Ave. at
1:50 p.m.; utility problem at E. Allman St.
and N. Second St. at 1:56 p.m.; disorderly
conduct at 230 N. Eighth St. at 3:45 p.m.;
suspicious activity at 508 W. Maple St. at
5:08 p.m.
March 12 Commercial alarm at 352
N. Eighth St. at 4:47 a.m.; drugs; accident
at E. Perkins St. and S. Main St. at 10:41
a.m.; tenant fraud at 209 S. Park Ave. at
10:45 a.m.; drugs; escort at S. Gibson St.
and W. Broadway Ave. at 1:47 p.m.; harassment at 564 E. Taylor St. at 6:47 p.m.
March 13 Domestic at 649 Brehm
Dr. at 2:30 a.m.; theft at 509 E. Clark St.
at 8:55 a.m.; escort at N. Eighth St. and
E. Broadway at 11:21 a.m.; welfare check
at 153 W. State St. at 3:52 p.m.; lockout at
1037 W. Broadway Ave. at 5:43 p.m.; fire
alarm at 617 W. Cedar St. at 6:11 p.m.;
traffic complaint at Medford Plaza at 6:36
p.m.; lockout at 177 S. Eighth St. at 7:52
March 14 Domestic at 649 Brehm
Dr. at 3:53 a.m.; citizen assist at 101 Doyle
Pl. at 8:48 a.m.; welfare check at 204 E.
Broadway Ave. at 1:48 p.m.; ambulance

request at 505 W. Maple St. at 4:56 p.m.;

lockout at 215 S. Washington Ave. at 5:40

Taylor County
Sheriffs Department
March 2 Property damage at N3545
Eddy Ln. in town of Aurora at 8:32 a.m.;
juvenile problem; 9-1-1 hang up at N5724
County Line Rd. in town of Pershing at
11:26 a.m.; probation violation at courthouse at 2:31 p.m.; threats at N2753
Lemke Dr. in town of Goodrich at 3:45
p.m.; accident at Hwy 64 and Crane Dr. in
town of Medford at 4:59 p.m.; fire alarm at
600 W. Hickory St. at 11:36 p.m.
March 3 Trespassing at W13978
Hwy 64 in town of Ford at 6:44 a.m.; traffic complaint on Hwy 13 in town of Deer
Creek at 6:59 a.m.; harassment at N3962
Spring Dr. in town of Goodrich at 8:34
a.m.; identity theft at N6384 Hwy 13 in
town of Chelsea at 10:32 a.m.; identity
theft at N8159 Zondlo Dr. in town of Rib
Lake at 2:51 p.m.; ambulance request at
507 S. Gibson St. at 3:48 p.m.; disorderly
conduct at 1147 S. Eighth St. at 6:16 and
9:01 p.m.
March 4 Injury accident on CTH C
and Hwy 102 in town of Rib Lake at 7:38
a.m.; warrant arrest at courthouse at
1:49 p.m.; harassment at N3902 Shattuck
St. in town of Medford at 2:55 p.m.; identity theft at W5506 Fawn Ave. in town
of Westboro at 4:17 p.m.; child abuse in
town of Maplehurst at 8:04 p.m.
March 5 Harassment at N7385 Venus Ave. at 9:42 a.m.; accident at 9th Ave.
and Diamond Dr. in town of Roosevelt at
1:25 p.m.; accident at CTH C and Trout
Ave. in town of Greenwood at 11:41 p.m.
March 6 Agency assist at W2175
CTH M in town of Greenwood at 8:40
a.m.; trespassing at Hwy 64 and CTH O at
9:02 a.m.; deer tag request at CTH DD and
CTH A in town of Maplehurst at 9:38 a.m.;
traffic complaint on Hwy 13 in town of
Westboro at 11:03 a.m.; property damage
at N2027 Black Birch Dr. in town of Little
Black at 11:29 a.m.; non-sufficient funds
at 1003 Railroad St. in village of Rib Lake
at 11:55 a.m.; warrant arrest at 720 Hwy
102 in village of Rib Lake at 3:50 p.m.; accident on Hwy 64 in town of Maplehurst
at 5:29 p.m.
March 7 Trespassing at N7225
Fischer Creek Rd. in town of Westboro

See DISPATCH LOG on page 18

Taylor County Circuit Court

domestic abuse; Laura A. Leopold, 50,

Medford, disorderly conduct-domestic
abuse; Jacob A. Gouza, 18, Athens, bomb

Probation ordered

Pat Merrill, 42, Williston, N.D., pled

no contest to operating while under the
influence-third offense. He was sentence
to serve 220 days in jail and pay a forfeiture, fine and costs of $3,816. Sentence
was imposed and stayed and Merrill was
placed on probation for 24 months on the
condition he serve 50 days in jail; pay a
fine and costs of $1,535 and supervision
fees as ordered by the Department of Corrections; undergo an alcohol and drug
assessment and follow through with any
recommended treatment; attend the OWI
victim impact panel on April 2; and successfully complete the OWI treatment
court. Merrills drivers license was also
revoked for 24 months and an ignition
interlock device is to be installed on his
vehicle for 24 months.

Rib Lake man faces drug charges

by News Editor Brian Wilson
Andrew Eisner, 25, Rib Lake faces
drug charges following a Jan. 20 incident
in Rib Lake.
Eisner was charged with the following
Possession with the intent to deliver
marijuana in the amount of 200 hundred
grams or less This is a class I felony
and carries a penalty of up to three years,
six months in prison and up to $10,000
in fines, along with drivers license suspension for between six months and five
Possess an illegally obtained prescription drug This is a misdemeanor with
up to a $500 fine and six months in jail.
Possession of a controlled substance
According to the criminal complaint
Eisner had psilocybin. This is a hallucinogenic drug derived from certain types
of mushrooms. This is a misdemeanor

with up to a $5,000 fine and up to one year

in jail.
Possession of drug paraphernalia
According to the criminal complaint
Eisner had an orange and silver smoking
device and a brass smoking device. This
is a misdemeanor with up to a $500 fine
and 30 days in jail.
Possession of a controlled substance
According to the criminal complaint
Eisner had Vyvanse, a stimulant used to
treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and in children
who are at least 6 years old. This is a misdemeanor with up to a $500 fine and up to
30 days in jail.
A $5,000 signature bond was set with
the condition the defendant not possess
or consume any controlled substances
without a valid prescription. An initial
appearance is scheduled for 1 p.m. on
April 7 at the Taylor County Courthouse.

Page 18



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dispatch log
Continued from page 17
at 12:49 a.m.; OWI at Hwy 64 and CTH D
in town of Hammel at 1:54 a.m.; traffic
hazard at CTH V and CTH H in town of
McKinley at 6:02 a.m.; traffic hazard at
CTH E in town of Hammel at 6:49 a.m.;
structure fire at N1206 Church St. in village of Lublin at 9:11 a.m.; tobacco problem at 900 Fayette Ave. in village of Rib
Lake at 1:16 p.m.; domestic at N7124 Second St. in town of Chelsea at 4:23 p.m.;
lockout at W4273 Hills Ln. in town of
Westboro at 6 p.m.; commercial alarm
at N2539 Grahl Dr. in town of Browning
at 6:42 p.m.; accident at N4977 CTH M in
town of Grover at 7:46 p.m.
March 8 Accident at Castle Dr. and
Elm Ave. in town of Little Black at 1:15

Taylor County Law Enforcement

a.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at N1479 10th Ave. in

town of Roosevelt at 4:47 a.m.; animal
bite at W8956 CTH M in town of Molitor
at 9:46 a.m.; lockout at N3221 Hall Dr. in
town of Browning at 2:34 p.m.; animal
bite at N925 Sixth Ave. in town of Roosevelt at 3:54 p.m. property damage at
W717 Hwy 64 in town of Goodrich at 6:08
p.m.; accident at CTH E and Park Rd. in
town of Westboro at 7:20 p.m
March 9 Suspicious activity at 925
E. Perkins St. in town of Medford at 12:45
a.m.; agency assist at W4230 Hultman
Lake Rd. at 4:59 a.m.; accident at Oriole
Dr. and Brink Ave. in town of Medford
at 6:37 a.m.; accident at CTH M and Division Dr. in town of Hammel at 6:49 a.m.;
extra patrol at W7841 Deml Ln. in town
of Molitor at 10:10 a.m.; identity theft at

Youth conservation camp

opportunities available in June
Wisconsin and Michigan Upper Peninsula youth entering grades 6-8 are invited to attend the 10th annual Sand Lake
Conservation Camp at Camp Bird near
Crivitz in Marinette County June 24-26.
The fee includes room, board, and
all activities and programs. Visit www. (search for Sand
Lake or Conservation Camp) for
more information. Registration forms
are available online. Registrations are
not accepted after June 5 and are firstcome, first-served. Space is limited and
camp usually fills quickly. For more information or to have forms sent to you,
call Anne Bartels at 715-732-7784 or email
[email protected].
The Wisconsin Land & Water Youth
Conservation Camp for 9-12th grade is
June 22-26 at Trees for Tomorrow, a natural resources specialty school located
in Eagle River in Vilas County. Habitat
restoration projects, as well as daily field
trips and programs, provide an in-depth
look at natural resources management

and careers. The registration fee covers

all programs, meals, snacks, lodging, and
a t-shirt. For more information, contact
Carolyn Scholl, Vilas County Land Conservation Department, at 715-479-3682
or email [email protected]. Learn
more at
These camps provide fun outdoor experiences, help foster an appreciation
for nature, and introduce a variety of opportunities in natural resources and conservation careers. Natural resource professionals present programs on wildlife,
habitat, water quality, fisheries, and forestry. Engaging speakers and interesting
topics give campers an opportunity to
participate in hands-on activities, learn
outdoor skills, make friends, and enjoy
Wisconsins beautiful northwoods.
Contact your local county land and
water conservation department or UWExtension office for any available scholarships offered.

W4755 Elm Ave. in town of Deer Creek at

10:43 a.m.; extra patrol at W9931 Sawyer
Ave. in town of Hammel at 3:10 p.m.; 9-1-1
at W4849 CTH D in town of Westboro at
11:29 p.m.
March 10 Ignition interlock device installation at N3604 Shattuck St. in
town of Medford at 12 a.m.; information
at 128 Hwy 13 in village of Stetsonville at
12:23 a.m.; information at N3418 Hall Dr.
in town of Browning at 4:23 a.m.; animal
complaint at courthouse at 4:23 a.m.; deer
tag request at W6597 CTH O in town of
Little Black at 8:08 a.m.; welfare check at
731 S. Front St. in village of Rib Lake at
12:30 a.m.; identity theft at 930 E. Perkins
St. in city of Medford 3:23 p.m.; traffic
complaint at S. Eighth St. and CTH O at
3:40 p.m.; structure fire at N381 Clark Dr.
in town of Maplehurst at 9:07 p.m.; citizen dispute at E. Allman St. and N. Second St. at 9:10 p.m.; commercial alarm at
135 S. Gibson St. at 9:55 p.m.
March 11 Transport from jail to
Marshfield Dental at 6:52 a.m.; traffic
complaint at N4224 Hwy 13 in town of
Medford at 9:13 a.m.; non-sufficient funds
at 115 Hwy 13 in village of Stetsonville at
1:01 p.m.; K9 deployment at 509 E. Clark
St. at 1:21 p.m.; K9 deployment at 1015 W.
Broadway Ave. at 1:50 p.m.; information
at W4182 Brehm Ave. in town of Greenwood at 2:29 p.m.; traffic complaint at
N8847 Bus. Hwy 13 in town of Westboro
at 2:42 p.m.; traffic complaint at Hwy 13
wayside in town of Westboro at 2:59 p.m.;
traffic complaint on Hwy 13 in village
of Stetsonville at 6:18 p.m.; fire alarm at
630 Hwy 102 in village of Rib Lake at 7:43
p.m.; citizen assist at 630 Hwy 102 in village of Rib Lake at 10:38 p.m.; traffic complaint on State Rd. in village of Rib Lake
at 11:02 p.m.
March 12 Commercial alarm at 352
N. Eighth St. at 4:47 a.m.; accident at CTH
H and CTH F at 9:54 a.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at
711 Fayette Ave. in village of Rib Lake at
10:30 a.m.; theft at N3379 CTH E in town
of Hammel at 11:29 a.m.; domestic at
N5452 Division Dr. in town of Molitor at
12:18 p.m.; non-sufficient funds at N1220
CTH E in town of Little Black at 1:27 and
1:47 p.m.; threats at 827 Pearl St. in vil-

lage of Rib Lake at 1:37 p.m.; harassment

at W3658 Center Ave. in town of Browning at 8:27 p.m.; agency assist at W488
Willow Ave. in town of Goodrich at 10:45
p.m.; suspicious activity at W4721 CTH D
in town of Westboro at 11:13 p.m.
March 13 Injured animal at CTH O
and Hemlock Dr. in town of Little Black
at 5:20 a.m.; animal at large on Burma Dr.
and Clark Dr. in town of Maplehurst at
7:01 a.m.; transport from jail to human
services at 8:10 a.m.; drugs; ignition interlock device installation at W3197 Hwy
64 in town of Browning at 9:11 a.m.; trespassing at Hwy 64 and Sunset Rd. in town
of Medford at 10:25 a.m.; suspicious activity at N7494 Mielke Rd. in town of Rib
Lake at 2:23 p.m.; identity theft at W4119
CTH O in town of Deer Creek at 3:37 p.m.;
warrant arrest at W8424 Hwy 64 in town
of Hammel at 6:54 p.m.
March 14 Lockout at W5411 Pleasant Ave. in town of Medford at 2:16 a.m.;
OWI at N. Eighth St. and Anns Way at
2:31 a.m.; domestic at 649 Brehm Dr. at
3:53 a.m.; citizen assist at 101 Doyle Pl. at
8:48 a.m.; property damage at N6942 Wellington Lake Dr. in town of Greenwood
at 9:42 a.m.; domestic at N2022 Sunset Dr.
in town of Little Black at 9:59 a.m.; property damage on Wellington Lake Dr. in
town of Rib Lake at 10:45 a.m.; property
damage at W3982 Wellington Lake Dr. in
town of Greenwood at 12:07 p.m.; theft at
N9099 Zimmerman Rd. in town of Westboro at 6:23 p.m.; welfare check at 731 S.
Front St. in village of Rib Lake at 6:44
p.m.; suspicious activity at N2022 Sunset
Dr. in town of Little Black at 6:56 p.m.; accident at Hwy 64 and Sunset Dr. in town
of Medford at 8:08 p.m.; suicidal subject.
March 15 Citizen assist at W8287
Center Ave. in town of Hammel at 9:14
a.m.; threats at N1143 Meridian Dr. in
town of Taft at 11:44 a.m.; accident at
W7958 Hwy 64 in town of Hammel at 7
a.m.; accident at Hwy 64 and CTH D in
town of Hammel at 7:40 a.m.

Kidney care center

receives 5-Diamond
patient safety status
For the fourth year in a row, the Renal Network of the Upper Midwest recognized Aspirus Medford Hospitals Kidney Care Center as a 5-Diamond Patient
Safety Facility. This 5-Diamond status
is granted to dialysis centers that put
patients first by making sure staff and
patients know and use the principles of
patient safety at all times.
To maintain this 5-Diamond distinction, the kidney care center requires
staff and patients to complete a series of
lessons meant to improve awareness of
patient safety issues and to teach and/or
reinforce the safety techniques that protect patients.

ive here.


Round celebrations abound

Photo by Mark Berglund

Gilman Middle School students were among those who celebrated the one in a century milestone of having the date and local
time match the number pi to 10 digits for two brief seconds on the same day. Students got the math lesson, along with pie and
homemade ice cream, a day early with a Friday the 13th classroom event.

w or

k he


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lillian Brunner

Daniel Potapenko

Lillian M. Brunner, 89, town of Goodrich, died on
Sunday, March 15. Funeral services will be held on
Thursday, March 19 at 11 a.m. at St. Andrews Lutheran
Church in the town of Goodrich, with Rev. Joseph Dietrich officiating. Interment of her cremated remains will
take place at St. Andrews Lutheran Church Cemetery
in the town of Goodrich at a later date.
Hemer Funeral Homes of Medford and Rib Lake assisted the family with arrangements.
The former Lillian Wallace was born on May 5, 1925
in Chicago, Ill. She attended Chicago area schools.
In 1977 in Medford, she married Vincent M. Brunner Sr., who preceded her in death on July 26, 1995. She
worked as a farmhand and as a housekeeper.
She was a member of St. Andrews Lutheran Church
and a past member of its Ladies Aid.
She is survived by a son, Vincent Michael Brunner
Jr. of Medford.

Ruth Jankee

Ruth Jankee, age 95,

of Owen, passed away on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at
Clark County Health Care
A memorial service was
held on Saturday, March
14 at St. Peter Lutheran
Church in Dorchester.
Reverend Terry Schneider
ofciated. The MaurinaSchilling Funeral Home in
Owen assisted the family
with arrangements.
Ruth was born on August 2, 1919, the daughter of Edward and Amelia
(Netzel) Petke on the family farm in Withee.
Ruth was united in marriage to Arthur on July
19, 1947 at St. Johns Lutheran Church in Withee. Together they farmed in the township of Hoard for 30
years. Ruth wasnt afraid to get her hands dirty, she
helped with the chores in the barn, eld work, and remodeling homes. In her free time she enjoyed baking,
cooking and praying with her family, dancing with
her husband, or reading her Bible.
Ruth is survived by her three sons, Daniel (Patricia) Jankee of Cadott, David Jankee of Owen and
Emil Jankee of Owen; her daughter, Marlene (Tyler)
Turner of Owen; 22 grandchildren; and 10 greatgrandchildren. She is further survived by her sister,
Gertrude Rohland.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur; her parents; her daughter, Dorothy (Aaron)
Thorne; her sisters and brothers; and three grandchildren, Amanda, Andrea and Tyler Turner.
Family and friends may express condolences online at

Paid Obituary 11-147507

Medford Monument Co.

N3459 Hwy 13 North


Designers of Fine Memorials


Page 19



by mouse?


Daniel Paul Potapenko, age 64, of Burnsville,

Minn., passed away on
March 15, 2015. He was
born on March 7, 1951 to
Paul and Janice (Goebel)
Potapenko in Chippewa
Falls. He was raised in
Hammond, Ind. for several
years before moving with
his family to a farm near
Gilman. He graduated
from Gilman High School
in 1969 where he still holds
records for football running back stats. After high school, he worked in various sales and marketing positions. He also was a selftaught guitar player and was the lead guitar player
and vocalist in his band, The Silver Dollar Band.
He then moved to Colorado and worked for a solar
energy business selling and installing solar panels in
Daniel met Susan Tretbar, in Burnsville, and they

were married on November 3, 1986 in Watertown, S.D.

They resided and raised their family in Burnsville.
Daniel loved spending time with his family. He also
enjoyed shing, hunting, camping and of course, his
music - listening, singing and playing guitar. And,
as all of his friends know, he was a diehard Packers
fan. He loved telling jokes and was quick witted, leaving many of us laughing. He was a man of faith and
hope. He believed in the promise that we would live
with Him. (John 14:1-4).
Daniel is survived by wife, Susan; sons, Daniel
Jr. (Alyssa), Stephen and Adam (Heather); daughters, Carmen (Alhaji) Bah and Melissa Meider; six
grandchildren, Calvin Kloss, Karim Bah, Fatima
Bah, Olivia Potapenko, Maksim Potapenko and Karl
Pettersen; brothers, Donald (Sandy), David (Lee) and
Doug (Tammy); sisters, Kathy (Gary) Mallo and Annette Kerns; as well as many nieces and nephews.
Daniel was preceded in death by his parents. Funeral
services will be held on Thursday, March 19 at 11 a.m.
at White Funeral Home in Burnsville. Interment will
be in the Yellow River Cemetery near Gilman.
Paid Obituary 11-147555

Albert Meier

Albert Harold Meier,

age 81, was called to his
heavenly rest on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at his
home in Spirit. Albert
was born on December 19,
1933, in a log cabin in the
town of Spirit, to Carl and
Olga (nee Harrold) Meier.
Albert attended grade
school at Liberty School
in the town of Spirit and
graduated from Rib Lake
High School in 1951. In
1955, he enlisted in the
United States Army. He served three years, learning
Russian and translating intercepted Russian messages while attached to the National Security Agency
(NSA) in Fort Meade, Md.
After his service, Albert farmed with his father.
In 1977, he married Carol Schultz of Athens, continuing to farm until 1995. Albert was a dairy farmer who
took pride in his herd of Guernseys. As a young man,
he trapped furs and he logged throughout his life. He

also enjoyed hunting and shing.

Albert was a lifetime member of Zion Lutheran
Church in Spirit where he regularly worshipped his
Lord and served in various capacities. Through the
years he served on the boards of DHI, Badger Breeders and Morning Glory as well as serving as president of the Spirit 4-H Fair Committee for 25 years.
He was also a volunteer re warden for many years.
Albert was preceded in death by his parents and
his infant sister, Rosalie. He is survived by his wife;
his two children, Dorothy (Cody) Grivno of Slinger
and Albert Meier II of Jackson, Mich.; two grandchildren; one sister; three brothers; and many nieces and
Funeral services were held on Saturday, March 14
at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in the town of
Burial was at Hillcrest Cemetery in the town of
Spirit, with Rev. James Heffner ofciating.
Hemer Funeral Homes of Medford and Rib Lake
assisted the family with arrangements.
For online condolences, please visit
Paid Obituary 11-147509

John Oleson

John Jack Lee Oleson, 75, town of Little

Black, died on Thursday,
March 12 at his home,
surrounded by his loving family and under the
care of Hope Hospice. Funeral services were held
on Monday, March 16 at
Hemer Funeral Home in
Medford, with Dan Layhew, funeral director, ofciating. Interment was at
Stetsonville Public Cemetery. Pallbearers were his
grandsons, Kyle Cullen, Jeremy Cullen, Jacob Wicks,
Christopher Oleson, Cori Oleson, Coleton Raatz, Travis Hemmer, Drogun Oleson and Tyler Oleson.
John Oleson was born on May 30, 1939 in Medford
to the late Frank and Gladys (Markow) Oleson.
On May 31,1958 at St. Pauls Lutheran Church in
Medford, he married Bonnie Ruth Lekie, who survives. John worked as a milk deliverer, paper deliverer and mink farmer for a period of time. He then
worked for Fred Dahl at The Skelly Station. Jack and
his wife, Bonnie, owned J&B Mink Ranch. He also
worked at Weather Shield and Tombstone Pizza, both
in Medford, for a period of time. Jack also worked as
a security guard for J&J Security. After his retirement, he worked for the forestry at the campgrounds

until he became ill.

He enjoyed spending time with his family, shing,
hunting, music festivals, traveling, mowing the lawn
and was an avid Green Bay Packers fan.
In addition to his wife, survivors include ve children, Rondi (Ron) Hemmer of Owen, John (Dee Dee)
Oleson of Medford, Scott (Gail) Oleson of Holway, and
Shelly (Mark) Raatz and Vicki (Randy) Wicks, both of
Stetsonville; three siblings, Glenn (Jackie) Oleson of
Abbotsford, Linda Ryan of Milton, and Diane Cooper
of Moscow, Texas; four brothers-in-law, Vernon Brost
and Dick (Betti) Lekie, both of Medford, Don (Marty)
Lekie of Stetsonville, and Dave (Lynette) Lekie of
Las Vegas, Nev.; 15 grandchildren, Travis Hemmer,
Amber (Nate) Curtin, Tyler (Holly) Oleson, Shawna
Oleson, Drogun Oleson, Taylor Oleson, Dakota Oleson, Christopher Oleson and Cori Oleson, Coleton
Raatz and Kyle Neuman, Becca Peleschak, Kyle Cullen, Jeremy Cullen and Jacob Wicks; six great-grandchildren, Dominic, Allison, William, Erik, Autumn
and Lily; and many nieces, nephews and friends.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in
death by a sister, Myrna Brost; two sisters in infancy;
and two brothers-in-law, Jerry Ryan and David Cooper.
Memorials may be given to Jacks family to be designated at a later date.
For online condolences, please visit
Paid Obituary 11-147518

Page 20



Thursday, March
2, 2015

Duffy was among friends at Medford meeting

by News Editor Brian Wilson
Rep. Sean Duffy was in Medford on March 12 for a 7
a.m. town hall style meeting held at the Woodlands Inn
meeting room.
He spoke to an audience of about 20 area
residents, the majority of whom were Duffy
supporters. Duffy also
took questions from
those present. Questions ranged from the
need for immigration
reform to the implications proposed state
budget changes will
have to those currently
on Senior Care and who
may have to switch to
Medicare Part D plans.
Rep. Sean Duffy
county commission on
aging director, urged
Duffy to support reauthorization of the Older Americans Act rather than just stopgap continuation resolutions. Brown said this brings uncertainty to those who
provide services for the aging population.
Immigration was also a major point of discussion at
the session. Duffy spoke of the behind-the-scenes bipartisan efforts to get an immigration bill passed, but how
that was halted by President Obama's executive order.
He criticized the use of the executive orders and being
an overreach and taking power away from the legislative branch of government.
Duffy took a pragmatic approach to immigration reform. He called for the creation of a guest worker program to allow people to come to the United States, work
and pay taxes. He did not support a special pathway to
citizenship for those who entered the country illegally.
He said contrary to many peoples perceptions, the immigrants are hard working and gainfully employed in
jobs such as those in agriculture. We would not have a
dairy industry without immigrants, Duffy said of the
role immigrants play in agriculture.
Duffy explained that many in Congress fear what he
described as the overreaching power of the executive
branch in issuing executive orders in place of legislation. He said the executive order protecting people who
have immediate family members who are citizens, but
who themselves are illegal immigrants, from being deported is an example of that sort of overreach.
Duffy also answered questions about why he voted
in favor of house speaker John Boehner retaining his
position even though he actively sided with Democrats
on several occasions in order to get bills passed. "Paul
Ryan didn't put his hand up to be speaker," Duffy said,
noting his fellow Wisconsin congressman would have
been a popular choice. He said being the speaker is a
tough job and one that not many people want to have.
He noted the congressman who was the darling of the
conservative talk radio crowd only was able to get three
votes on the floor of the house with one of them being
the congressman voting for himself.

State and nation

State Rep. James Edming joined Rep. Sean Duffy at a
meeting held March 12 at Woodlands Inn in Medford.
Edming spoke about the state budget and the process to
get it approved.

Questions testing

photo by Brian Wilson

Gilman School District Administrator Georgia Kraus questioned the federal testing requirements for schools, noting they placed a burden on schools and reduced learning time in classrooms. Duffy said he understood her points,
but also defended testing, noting there needed to be accountability.
Duffy also recognized changes to eliminate earmarks
from bills have contributed to making bills harder to
pass. In the past, appropriations would be added to bills
in order to gain support from congressmen who were
on the fence. One of Duffy's first actions when gaining office four years ago was to call for a stop to that
practice. While it had the desired effect of eliminating
the earmarks, he said now people must vote on bills on
their merits and as a result it is harder to get legislation

Medford forensics team makes state

There were also questions about the federal student

testing requirements with Duffy saying he did not favor
teaching to test, but also recognizing there is a need for
quantifiable measures to determine if schools are succeeding.
Joining Duffy for a portion of the hour-long early
morning talk, was state Rep. James Jimmy Boy Edming. Both Edming and Duffy spoke favorably of Gov.
Scott Walker with Duffy vocally supporting Walkers efforts on the national level.

photo by Mark Berglund

Medford Area Senior High will be sending another strong contingent to the state forensics contest after advancing
through two qualifying levels. Those qualifying for the state competition include (in alphabetical order, not all team
members are pictured): Brad Acker, Taylor Adleman, Josie Brost, Madelyn Brost, Jay Czerniak, Giovani Faber, Bailey
Feddick, Joseph Frey, Mikayla Kelz, Trease Kroening, Delaney Laffan, Alyssa Loertscher, Morgan Mudgett, Maria
Neubauer, Amanda OToole, Andrew Reuter, Tara Weber, Tia Weber, Elizabeth Wilson and Tate Wrage.



team wins
Badger Region

March W

Inside this section:

Ask Ed 9-11

Living 13-14

Student news 15

Classifieds 17-19

Page 7


Redmen cant sustain their sizzling sectional start

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The Rib Lake Redmen couldnt have scripted the
start to their WIAA Division 5 boys basketball sectional
semifinal any better.
If the Redmen only could re-write Thursdays ending.
Making the schools first sectional appearance in 14
years, the Redmen werent rattled in the least at the
start, blistering the nets for 24 first-quarter points and
taking the McDonell Central Macks by surprise with
their inside game. The Redmen never trailed in the
games first 21 minutes, but McDonells up-tempo style
eventually did what it was designed to do, getting Rib
Lake out of its comfort zone just enough to escape with
a 60-56 win in front of a near-capacity crowd at ChetekWeyerhaeuser High School.
The game featured just one lead change when
McDonells Kendall Dorn made a left-handed layup with
2:49 left in the third quarter to put the Macks ahead 4039. Rib Lake kept it close into the final seconds but never regained the lead and saw its season end at 14-12.
McDonell Central (19-8) advanced to Saturdays sectional final against Washburn (25-2) at Spooner, which
it lost 85-70. Washburn will play Young Coggs Prep of
Milwaukee at 1:35 p.m. today, Thursday, in the opening
game of the state tournament in Madison.
Coach (Jason Wild) said they were an up-tempo
team, senior guard Joe Frombach said after playing
his final game with the Redmen. We had to play up
with them. We kept up with them. We just got a little
tired. We didnt quit. We gave it all we had.
It was a good battle. We have to take more vitamins
so we have more energy, Wild kidded.
While McDonells tempo was something Rib Lake
rarely experienced during the season, the sizable Macks
may not have been challenged inside this year like they
were on Thursday.
Living with the pick and roll, Frombach and Jordan
Blomberg were unstoppable early. Blomberg scored 10
points, all in the paint, in the opening quarter. Four assists came from Frombach. Another came from Jordan
Cardey. Frombach added five points in the quarter, including a three-point play, taking the ball coast-to-coast
after Blomberg blocked a shot by McDonells 6-7 post
Alex Ohde. Cardeys three-pointer from the left side
rolled around the rim and in with one second left, giving the Redmen a 24-15 lead.
Ohde was a non-factor in the quarter, while 6-5 senior James Bleskachek kept McDonell in it with 11 firstquarter points. Bleskachek, however, didnt stay hot as
the presence of Blomberg and Joe Scheithauer inside
had the Macks thinking with nearly every inside shot.
We did get more than we expected with their size,
6-7, 6-5, Scheithauer said. Thats kinda hard to do.
(Bleskachek) got a lot on us. But they missed a lot more
layups than we expected. JB got a few fouls. I only had
one that was from the inside. But we got a lot of blocked
shots against their couple of big guys.
Thats what we wanted to do, take it right to the
hole, just pick and roll because theyre out of position,
Wild said. Theyre way too aggressive. So wed just
pick and roll, pick and roll. If wed go to the post, wed
just backdoor cut. Thats all we wanted and it worked.
Dalton Strebigs driving score and Scheithauers
bucket gave Rib Lake its biggest lead at 28-17 with five
minutes left in the second quarter. After a timeout,
McDonell started chipping away, starting with Dorns

steal that turned into a three-point play for the 6-3 senior guard. The lead dwindled to 30-28 on a steal and
score by James Davis, but Frombach banked in a runner with 17 seconds left to put the Redmen up 32-28 at
It was a good start, Scheithauer said. We probably
got too comfortable, winning by 11. All of a sudden we
were up four going into the half. Their crowd got into it.
It was loud. A lot of turnovers didnt help.
Blomberg fed Scheithauer for the opening hoop of the
third quarter to push the lead back to six, but McDonell

Test drive

forced the games first tie just over a minute later when
Lance Schoch stole the ball in the backcourt and scored
to make it 34-34. Frombach put back his own miss and
later made a free throw. Cardey was in the right place at
the right time as the ball bounced to him in the lane for
a 5-foot shot and a 39-36 lead. But Blomberg then picked
up his fourth foul at the 3:22 mark and took a five-minute break. The Macks took advantage with Ohde scoring off a baseline inbound play and Dorn scoring the go-

See RIB LAKE on page 20

Buy this photo online at

Photo by Matt Frey

Rib Lake guard Joe Frombach tests McDonell Centrals Kendall Dorn to see how far he can get on this first-half
drive during Thursdays WIAA Division 5 sectional semifinal. Dorn cut Frombach off on this drive, but Frombach
had a big half with nine points and several assists. McDonell Central won the down-to-the-wire thriller 60-56.



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Page 22

March 19,
22, 2015

Public vs. non-public debate to heat up again next month

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
Competitive balance will be back on
the agenda at next months Wisconsin
Interscholastic Athletic Association
(WIAA) annual meeting, and this years
discussion figures to be even more interesting than last years deliberations on
the multiplier petition.
Last years petition for a 1.65 multiplier on the enrollment figures for nonpublic schools for divisional placement
purposes in WIAA tournaments never
reached a vote. The issue instead went to
an ad-hoc committee that shot down the
multiplier and instead, in the fall, introduced a success factor plan where athletic programs would accumulate points
in certain sports for post-season success.
Once they reach a point threshold over a
three-year period, teams would be moved
up a division under this plan.
The success factor concept doesnt
seem to be gaining a groundswell of support, and a new petition should make its
way to the table for the April 22 annual
meeting in Stevens Point.
Just like last year, the petition drive
started in rural public school districts in
southwestern Wisconsin. The new concept is known as the reducer. The idea is
to multiply the number of children in the
high school who are eligible for free and
reduced lunch by 40 percent, then take
that figure and subtract from the schools
total enrollment figure to come up with
an adjusted enrollment figure for tournament placement purposes.
However, said one of the driving forces behind the reducer, dont be surprised
if the multiplier is back on the table in

The sense Ive gotten from some
people is, we support looking at the
reducer because its the next best option, Belmont district administrator
Jim Siedenburg said last Thursday in
a telephone interview. Siedenburg and
Barneveld district administrator Kevin
Knudson led the push for the new petition, which, as of last week had been
signed by 66 school districts.
Ive heard from a surprising amount
of people, well maybe its not that surprising, but Ive talked to a lot of people
who think there is going to be a vote
on the multiplier, Siedenburg said. I
would like to see a vote on it.
Council discussed the pros and cons of
the success factor and reducer plans during its March 4 meeting. Head coaches
and school board members in attendance
leaned toward supporting the reducer
over the success factor.
Medford is one of the 66 school districts to have signed the petition. With
those 66 signatures, the petition has met
the 10 percent of the WIAA membership requirement to bring it to a vote at
the annual meeting. Other schools from
this area to sign it include Ashland,
Auburndale, Black River Falls, Cornell,
Owen-Withee, Spencer and Thorp.
The general consensus at Medfords
March 4 meeting was the success factor has the potential to penalize a group
of athletes who arent as talented as
the athletes that had the success that
pushed their team up a division. Plus it
would have little effect on the sectionals
Medford is in. If approved, the success


factor is only planned to be used in boys

and girls basketball, baseball and softball, girls volleyball and boys and girls
For example, softball coach Virgil
Berndt said three teams in his sectional
Rice Lake, Baldwin-Woodville and
Mosinee could be affected if the success factor was in place.
Theyd jump up, Berndt said. But
by the time theyd jump up, all the players are already gone so it really doesnt
It just penalizes that next group of
kids. Thats all it does, district administrator Pat Sullivan said.
Siedenburg said that is the main
reason members of the Six Rivers
Conference, which Belmont competes
in, decided to speak up and try again at
bringing a petition to the WIAA membership.
The success factor applies to different kids, he said. Of those Ive talked
to, nobody is in favor of it. Im not saying
there isnt support for it. But I havent
talked to anyone who does. I was actually
surprised that more large urban schools
didnt come out and show more support
for the reducer. That could have a big impact for them.
That impact is the potential to drop a
division, especially in basketball. If current WIAA tournament rules remained
with the reducer, it would drop Medfords
basketball programs from Division 2 to
Division 3.
In the WIAAs current five-division
basketball format, teams with enrollment figures above 1,200 are placed in
Division 1. Teams with enrollment figures between 600 and 1,200 are placed in
Division 2. The smallest 128 teams go into
Division 5. The rest of the teams are split
evenly between Divisions 3 and 4.

Medfords enrollment figures once

sat in the middle of Division 2 for basketball, but when the WIAA introduced
the five-division tournament format for
basketball in the 2010-11 season, Medford
became one of the smallest Division 2
schools. The Raiders now compete in
a sectional bracket that includes former Division 1 schools like La Crosse
Central, Merrill, Antigo, Rhinelander,
Wausau East, Rice Lake, River Falls and
I think when you look at the basketball issue for our boys and girls, I think
looking at this reducer and Im not saying we go ahead and vote for it in April
but looking at this reducer is definitely in our best interest, athletic director
Justin Hraby said at the March 4 meeting.
Instead of looking at possibly an Antigo,
a Rhinelander, Merrill, Wausau East or
Mosinee in our regional, we would now
be on the other end of it. Youd be looking
a Tomahawk, Wittenberg-Birnamwood,
maybe a Northland Pines.
The WIAAs ad-hoc committee studied
the reducer concept, but decided not to
pursue it. In its deliberations last summer and fall, the committee did study how
the enrollment figures for public schools
would be altered. The numbers showed
Medfords enrollment figure dropping
from 648 to 545. The estimate ranked
Medford as the 161st largest school under
the reducer plan. This year, there were
156 Division 1 and 2 boys and girls teams
in each basketball tournament.
The committee did not have the free
and reduced numbers for private schools
available, so Medfords 156th ranking in
that listing might not truly be accurate.
The reducer wouldnt affect the divisional status of Rib Lake (enrollment figure

See REDUCER on page 5




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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Page 3

Three Lady Redmen make All-Marawood North girls basketball lineup

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
After earning honorable mention
as a junior, Rib Lake forward Ciara
Scheithauer made the climb to second
team All-Marawood as a senior. Her fellow Lady Redmen, Katie Cardey and
Regan Dobbs, were named to the honorable mention team for their efforts this
Scheithauer, a senior, averaged 13.9
ppg to lead the Redmen in scoring this
year. She was the cornerstone of Rib
Lakes team on both ends of the floor and
proved capable of putting the team on
her back when needed. She led the team
in rebounds, assists, and steals with 4.8,
1.2, and 2.4, respectively.
The Redmen went 1-11 in the Marawood
North and 5-16 overall this season. In the
games Rib Lake did win, Scheithauer

Redmens Marawood Crossover game on
Feb. 20 against Northland Lutheran, she
scored a career-high 35 points and netted
the game-winning layup as time expired
to give Rib Lake the 46-45 win.
Ciara willed us to the win. It was a
tremendous individual effort, Redmen
head coach Mike Wudi said of the performance.
During Rib Lakes 59-45 win over
Butternut on Jan. 29, Scheithauer scored
22 points and grabbed eight rebounds.
She recorded a double-double on Jan. 20
in a 38-36 near-upset of Prentice by scoring 22 points and bringing in 11 rebounds,
in addition to seven steals. In another
near-upset, this time against Abbotsford
on Feb. 12, Scheithauer scored 17 and
grabbed 15 rebounds.
In total, she recorded seven double-

2014-15 All-Marawood North girls basketball teams

First Team
Second Team
Brooklyn Gunderson, Sr., Abbotsford
Elli Carpenter, Sr., Abbotsford
*Kyncaide Diedrich, Sr., Athens
Shelly Kneifl, Sr., Abbotsford
*Tiana Borchardt, Jr., Edgar
Savannah Janke, Sr., Athens
Macey Wirkus, So., Edgar
Makala Williams, Jr., Phillips
Shawnie Sarkkinen, Sr., Prentice
Ciara Scheithauer, Sr., Rib Lake
*-unanimous selections
Honorable Mention
Alyssa Waller, Sr., Abbotsford
MacKenzie Butt, Sr., Edgar
Aija Kopca, Sr., Abbotsford
Ellie Lochner, Jr., Phillips
Briana Lavikca, Jr., Athens
Morgan Edwards, So., Phillips
Vanessa Frahm, Sr., Athens
Alyson Nehls, Sr., Prentice
Alexi Canik, Sr., Chequamegon
Brianna Schellin, So., Prentice
Emily Ernest, Jr., Chequamegon
Katie Cardey, Fr., Rib Lake
Dana Heidmann, Jr., Edgar
Regan Dobbs, Jr., Rib Lake
Player of the Year: Kyncaide Diedrich, Athens
Coach of the Year: Angela Totzke, Athens

doubles this season.

She finished fourth
in the Marawood
North in scoring,
third in rebounding, and eighth in
steals. Scheithauer
improved her shooting efficiency this
season. As a junior,
she shot .280 from
but this year shot at
Second Team
a .387 clip.
Dobbs, a junior,
earned her second straight honorable
mention nod. Her scoring dropped, from
6.3 as a sophomore to 4.6 ppg this season,
but she became a more efficient shooter
and rebounder. Dobbs raised her shooting percentage from .342 to .407 this season and grabbed 57 rebounds, compared
to 53 last season. She also brought her
free throw percentage up to .778, compared to .667 last season.
Dobbs had her best game of the year
on Feb. 12 against Abbotsford when
she scored 16 points and pulled in 12 rebounds, while shooting .667 from the
floor. In Rib Lakes 53-13 win over Lake
Rib Lake

Rib Lake Sports

Medford Sports



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at Marshfield Boys Indoor Invitational, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 26
at Marshfield Girls Indoor Invitational, 4:30 p.m.


Thursday, April 2
Owen-Withee (H), 4:45 p.m.


Thursday, April 2
Gilman (H), V, 4:45 p.m.

Gilman Sports

Friday, March 27
at Poynette tournament, 5 p.m.
Saturday, March 28
at Poynette tournament, 9 a.m.


Thursday, April 2
at Rib Lake, 4:45 p.m.

Tuesday, March 24
at Marshfield Boys Indoor Invitational, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 26
at Wausau West Boys Indoor Invitational, 4:15
at Marshfield Girls Indoor Invitational, 4:30 p.m.

Regan Dobbs
Hon. Mention

Katie Cardey
Hon. Mention

Holcombe on Jan. 19 she scored eight

points, grabbed six rebounds, and had
five assists. In the Redmens 49-42 victory
over Tomahawk on Jan. 2 she scored a
season-high 19 points and pulled in nine
rebounds and had three steals. Dobbs averaged 5.2 rebounds and 1.2 steals.
Cardey, a freshman, excelled in her
first year at the varsity level. She quickly
emerged as the teams second scoring
threat behind Scheithauer. This year
she averaged 8.0 ppg, 5.2 rpg, and 1.5 spg.
Her scoring total placed her 18th in the
Marawood North. Cardey finished in a
tie with teammate Dobbs for 12th in the
conference rebounding this year. Her
shooting percentage of .407 was tops on
the squad this year.
She scored eight points and grabbed 10
rebounds on Feb. 17 as the Redmen lost
by four to Phillips. In Rib Lakes blowout
win over Lake Holcombe she scored 13
points and had seven rebounds, two assists, and two steals. In the teams 46-30
loss to Abbotsford on Jan. 9, she finished

See ALL-NORTH on page 5

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Page 4

March 19,
22, 2015

Two Medford seniors get hoops honorable mention nods

very balanced scoring, Stolp, a forward,
led the Raiders at 8.5 points per game in
league play and 8.2 points per game overall. By aggressively attacking the basket,
Stolp led Medford in free throw attempts
in conference play, making 28 of 48.
Performances that caught the attention of conference coaches included a
16-point outing at Lakeland on Dec. 19,
including 10 points during a late Medford
rally that fell just short in a 59-51 loss, 12
points in a 43-29 win at Northland Pines
on Jan. 6 and 11-point efforts in a 61-24
win over Tomahawk on Jan. 23, a 68-53
loss at Mosinee on Feb. 10 and in a 57-39
home win over Pines on Feb. 17.
Stolp also hit double figures in a 5942 win at Tomahawk on Dec. 5 with 10
points. She had 13 points in a 40-37 non-

by Sports Editor Matt Frey

Athletic accomplishments arent new
for Medford seniors Jennifer Stolp, a
track and field and volleyball standout,
and Abbie Bergman, a girls swim recordsetter.
But All-Great Northern Conference
honorable mention awards in girls basketball are new for both and they were
well-earned following the just-completed
2014-15 season.
Stolp and Bergman are Medfords lone
GNC award winners following a 4-8 season in conference play, good for a fifthplace tie with Northland Pines, who the
Raiders swept. The Raiders went 7-15
In a season where the Raiders got

2014-15 All-Great Northern Conference girls basketball teams

First Team
*Bailey Schultz, Jr., Mosinee
*Lexi Smith, So., Northland Pines
*Kylie Hunter, Sr., Rhinelander
Lilith Schuman, So., Lakeland
Clara Schroeder, Sr., Lakeland
*-unanimous selections
Abi Warren, Jr., Antigo
Laurissa Belott, So., Antigo
Jennifer Stolp, Sr., Medford
Abbie Bergman, Sr., Medford
Rochelle Koshalek, Sr., Mosinee

Second Team
Sarah Duff, Sr., Antigo
Mandy Petts, Jr., Antigo
Abby Schrom, Sr., Lakeland
Autumn Michlig, Sr., Mosinee
Brianna Gilbert, Sr., Rhinelander

Honorable Mention
Kate Mendham, Sr., Northland Pines
Kaly Kostrova, So., Rhinelander
Talyn Jones, Sr., Tomahawk
Haley Fau Fau, Sr., Tomahawk

Player of the Year: Bailey Schultz, Mosinee

Coach of the Year: Kellen Anderson, Lakeland


Abbie Bergman
Hon. Mention

conference loss at Ladysmith on Feb. 3.

Stolp and Bergman both were among
Medfords top rebounders in conference
play. Bergman averaged about 5.5 and
Stolp grabbed just over four rebounds
per contest. Medford led the conference
by averaging more than 32 rebounds per
game, just ahead of Northland Pines.
Bergman, a guard, provided an outside scoring threat along with her ability to rebound and defend. She averaged
5.2 points per game in GNC play and 6.0
points per game overall. She made free
throws at a 72 percent success rate in
GNC play (18 for 25) to rank among the
conferences top five shooters.
She hit the 14-point mark offensively
three times during the season, including
the conference opener against Antigo on
Dec. 2, a 52-41 loss. She hit two threes and
was four of four from the free throw line
in that game. She was six for six from the
foul line and scored 14 to lead Medford to
a 54-44 non-conference win over Wausau
East on Jan. 9 and scored 14 in Medfords
45-30 nonconference
Jan. 19.
closed out
the season

strong with a 12-point effort in Medfords

63-55 WIAA Division 2 regional loss at
Merrill on Feb. 24, sinking three threepointers. She had 11 in the teams 41-27
win over Nekoosa five days earlier. She
had nine-point games in GNC losses to
Rhinelander on Jan. 29 and Mosinee on
Feb. 10.
The Lakeland Thunderbirds won the
conference with an 11-1 mark and finished an impressive 21-3 overall. They
garnered two first-team selections with
senior Clara Schroeder and sophomore
Lilith Schuman and added a secondteam pick in senior Abby Schrom. Kellen
Anderson was named Coach of the Year.
Mosinee guard Bailey Schultz was
named the Player of the Year. She was
one of three unanimous first-team picks,
along with Rhinelanders senior power
forward Kylie Hunter and Northland
Pines super sophomore Lexi Smith.
Smith is the lone repeat first-team pick
from a year ago and was the GNCs leading scorer, averaging 18 points per league
game and its leading rebounder at 12.4
boards per game.
GNC runner-up Mosinee (9-3, 18-8),
who knocked off Lakeland 53-50 in a
WIAA Division 2 regional final, made
it all the way to a sectional final, losing 49-40 to River Falls in Marshfield on
March 7. The Indians upset third-ranked
Hortonville 64-56 in the sectional semifinal round.

Visit Us On T he Web


The Family of Theresa Trawicki

Jennifer Stolp
Hon. Mention


Thank you to all the kind people who were

instrumental in providing a memorable funeral service
for Theresa Trawicki. A special thanks to the choir at S.S.
Peter and Paul for providing music that Theresa loved to
sing and hear; S. S. Peter and Paul Sisters Rosary Society
for the prayer service; the Ladies Guild for setting up,
serving the food, and cleaning up; Gilman Market for
providing a very nice lunch; and the Gilman School for
allowing family and friends to use the cafeteria.
Thank you to Father Madanu Sleeva for ofciating
and delivering a personal service and Dan Plombon for
assisting the family with arrangements and other details.
For anyone that expressed their sympathy, sent prayers
our way, or helped in any way, we thank you.


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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Page 5

Championship dreams dashed, but Bullis savors Everests state run

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The statistics and scouting reports
said D.C. Everests girls basketball team
should force Divine Savior Holy Angels
to shoot from the outside in Saturdays
WIAA Division 1 state championship
That was about the only thing
that went wrong this season for the
Evergreens and their head coach, 1993
Rib Lake High School graduate Matt
I have coaching friends around
the state that I talk to, a lot of them are
from the Milwaukee area, Bullis said
Monday. They all said the game plan
has to be to make them beat you from the
Thats what the Dashers did, hitting
a Division 1 state tournament record tying 11 three-point shots in their 64-29 win
at the Resch Center in Green Bay. D.C.
Everests run at a perfect season ended
one game short at 27-1. Coming into the
state tournament, the Dashers (26-2)
were only shooting threes at a 28.9 percent success rate. They hit 11 of 16 threepoint attempts in Saturdays title game.
Wisconsins Miss Basketball, Arike
Ogunbowale, was four of five and scored
27 points. Grace Callen was three of four
and added 13 points.
Everest, on the other hand, made just

eight shots from the field overall (eight

of 42) and didnt score at all in the fourth
While not the way they wanted it to
end, Bullis said the state experience is
something he and his players, especially
the squads nine seniors, will always remember. Plus, its the ultimate motivator
for the young girls coming up through
the program.
It really is priceless when you think
about it, he said.
Pictures of the state tournament have
remained in Bullis mind since he followed Rib Lakes boys basketball teams
trip to the UW Fieldhouse in 1986. He was
in fifth grade at the time, watching the
Redmen fall to Oostburg in a state semifinal.
Since then I always wanted to get
back to the state tournament, he said. I
never got the chance to play in it, but now
I think its an ever greater feeling to get
there as a coach. You get to see how these
kids that youve helped out grow into a
state-caliber team. Its really special.
The roots to the state runner-up finish really took hold a couple of years
ago, Bullis said, when Everest went
17-7. Some of this years mainstays got
valuable varsity playing time that year,
which ended with a close 58-56 regional
final loss to Chippewa Falls. Last year,
the Evergreens took a huge leap, winning

Reducer petition circulated

Continued from page 2
would drop from 131 to 103) and Gilman
(113 to 86) because they are already in
the WIAAs smallest divisions. But, who
they play at tournament time could be affected.
The reducer petition is also known as
the Minnesota Plan because the concept
is being used in Minnesota. The 40 percent figure was chosen because studies
in Minnesota showed students in poverty participate in school activities at a
rate 40 percent lower than non-poverty
It has been reported, and it was repeated by Siedenburg, WIAA annual meeting
parliamentarian Chris Sadler responded
to an inquiry from Stanley-Boyd superintendent Jim Jones by saying the WIAAs
rule of not bringing a motion back to the
table only applies if a motion was rejected. Since there was no vote taken last
April on the 1.65 multiplier, it could resurface.
It is a rural versus urban issue,
Siedenburg said. Its not private versus
public. Money makes a difference.
Perceived recruiting also is not just a
private school debate anymore, as was

pointed out during Medfords Athletic

Improvement Council meeting.
Theres public schools that are doing
the same thing. Thats the reality now,
track and field head coach Mike Bub
said. The WIAA has said over and over,
if somebody knows of someone that is recruiting turn them in. Nobody ever gets
turned in.
While the threat of litigation is undoubtedly a key driving force behind the
WIAAs reluctance to put a multiplier in
place, Siedenburg said taking the multiplier to a vote would give the WIAA a
clear vision of where its members stand
on the competitive balance issue. He also
said he continues to hear from school officials who say they are willing to start
their own association if changes arent
In last weekends WIAA girls basketball state tournament, seven of the
20 teams were from non-public schools
and two, Divine Savior Holy Angels and
Milwaukee Pius XI, won championships.
In the this weekends boys tournament,
there are five non-public schools with
two in Division 5 and two in Division 4.

All-North girls selections

Continued from page 3
a perfect six of six at the free throw line
and scored a season-high 16 points and
grabbed nine rebounds.
The rest of the All-Marawood North
team featured two returning big guns
and several new faces. Athens Kyncaide
Diedrich was a unanimous selection to
the first team and was named conference
player of the year as the Blue Jays finished first in the North. The senior was
a unanimous first-team selection in 2014
as well. Shawnie Sarkkinen of Prentice
also made her second straight first team
appearance. Edgar had two first-teamers,
junior Tianna Borchardt and sophomore Macey Wirkus. Abbotsford guard
Brooklyn Gunderson was the final member of the first team.

Abbotsford had two players in the second team lineup. Forward Elli Carpenter
and point guard Shelly Kneifl were both
important as the Falcons finished third
in the North this year. Savannah Janke
(Athens), Makala Williams (Phillips),
and Scheithauer made up the rest of the
second team.
Athens was the last Marawood North
representative in the WIAA girls tournaments. Led by Coach of the Year
Angela Totzke, the Blue Jays advanced
to the sectional semifinals before they
were blown out by Cameron. Abbotsford
knocked off Northland Lutheran and
Newman Catholic before they fell to oneseed Loyal in their regional final.

the Wisconsin Valley Conference and a

Division 1 regional title. They lost a 50-46
heartbreaker to Superior in the sectional
semifinals, which would prove to be a
huge motivating factor for this season.
Last year, we had a great season,
he said. We were 22-3 and two of those
losses were to Superior, who wound up
winning the silver ball at state. We had
Superior beat in the sectional semifinal
and let them off the hook. They had some
good seniors and made some plays. Give
them credit. That game showed us we
could play with teams like that.
That was something we talked about
and the girls embraced it, Bullis added. In June, on our way to team camp
in Milwaukee, we stopped at the Resch
Center, took a picture outside of it pointing at the arena and had a five-minute
meeting and set the goal.
This year, Everest dominated the
Valley Conference behind 6-4 senior post
Taylor Hodell and three more secondteam All-WVC players. Defense and rebounding were the trademarks that led
to a 22-0 regular season. About a third
of the way into the season, D.C. Everest
climbed into the top spot in the state
rankings. The Evergreens handled that
target on their backs well, winning every
game by double digits until Marshfield
gave them a 54-49 scare in a sectional
semifinal at Chippewa Falls on March 5.
We were up by about 15, but
Marshfield has some great shooters,
Bullis said. They started bombing
away. They closed within four, but we
made a couple of plays down the stretch
and made some free throws. Our seniors
have been battling their seniors since
theyve been in fourth and fifth grade in
the Great Northwest League. They know
each other so well.
D.C. Everest beat Neenah 59-42 in
the sectional final to advance to state
and a semifinal game with Hartland
Arrowhead on Friday night. Bullis said
the two teams were familiar with each
other, having met a couple of times in
the summer. He and Arrowhead coach
Rick Witte agreed they had a tough act
to follow after Divine Savior Holy Angels
outlasted Middleton 86-76 in overtime behind Ogunbowales state-tournament record 55 points in the first semifinal.
We figured it was going to be a defensive game, Bullis said. I was talking

with coach Witte before the game and

we said the fans are probably going to
be bored after seeing the game before us.
They pressure you hard in the half-court.
We are good at pressuring full-court.
I said beforehand, this is going to be a
game where the first team to 50 wins. As
it turned out, neither of us got there.
Everest trailed 8-7 after one quarter
but used a 9-3 run in the second to go
up 16-11 at halftime. The Evergreens led
throughout the second half and won 4232, but a 28-18 lead with 5:44 left was whittled to 31-28 with 2:12 still to play before
Everest got a big score from Hodell with
1:52 left and free throws from Hodell,
Makayla Pagel and Hannah Tipple down
the stretch.
We average 11 to 12 turnovers a game
and we ended up with 27, Bullis said.
Their pressure affected us. It was a
physical game. The refs let us play.
In the championship, the Evergreens
were down just 12-6 after one quarter, but
the Dashers broke it open by outscoring
them 41-23 in the next 16 minutes.
We got second place at state, which
is great, Bullis said. To play against a
kid like Arike, whos a McDonalds AllAmerican and been on the Junior USA
team the last two years and is going to
Notre Dame is a neat experience. We
didnt play as well as we had hoped, but
to win our first 27 games is quite an accomplishment. It was an unbelievable
season. We talked about keeping it going
as long as we could. We played the maximum number of games as we could. We
just didnt win the last one.
Bullis said the support he got from his
home town was something hes grateful
for, especially during a week where the
Redmen faithful were not only watching
Bullis, they were following their boys
basketball team, which got to sectional
play for the first time in 14 years.
I heard from my high school coach,
middle school coaches, friends from back
home, he said. To see so much support,
whether it was on Facebook or people
who got my number from my family, was
pretty special. These people taught me so
many lessons that Im trying to bring to
my own players now.


Resch Center, Green Bay

March 20 Div. 1 semifinals

Stevens Point (25-1) vs. West Allis Central (14-12),
6:35 p.m.; Germantown (26-0) vs. Madison East
(20-6), approx. 8:15 p.m.


Kohl Center, Madison

March 13 Div. 1 semifinals

Divine Savior Holy Angels 86, Middleton (22-5) 76
(OT); D.C. Everest 42, Arrowhead (21-6) 32.

March 21 Div. 1 championship

Semifinal winners meet at approx. 8:15 p.m.

March 14 Div. 1 championship

Divine Savior Holy Angels (26-2) 64, D.C. Everest
(27-1) 29.

March 20 Div. 2 semifinals

Rice Lake (21-5) vs. Greendale (16-10), 1:35 p.m.;
West DePere (20-6) vs. Mount Horeb (21-5), approx. 3:15 p.m.

March 13 Div. 2 semifinals

Pius XI 55, Waunakee (15-13) 30; Cedarburg 51,
River Falls (15-12) 41.

March 21 Div. 2 championship

Semifinal winners meet at 6:35 p.m.

March 14 Div. 2 championship

Pius XI (28-0) 54, Cedarburg (24-3) 36.
March 13 Div. 3 semifinals
Whitewater 47, Kettle Moraine Lutheran (20-7)
30; Xavier 44, Hayward (24-3) 34.
March 14 Div. 3 championship
Whitewater (28-0) 49, Xavier (24-5) 43.
March 12 Div. 4 semifinals
Cuba City 62, St. Marys Springs (24-3) 56; Fall
Creek 56, Marathon (25-2) 51.
March 14 Div. 4 championship
Cuba City (28-0) 56, Fall Creek (25-3) 43.

March 20 Div. 3 semifinals

Prescott (25-1) vs. Brown Deer (23-4), 9:05 a.m.;
Xavier (23-3) vs. East Troy (18-7), approx. 10:45
March 21 Div. 3 championship
Semifinal winners meet at approx. 3 p.m.
March 19 Div. 4 semifinals
Eau Claire Regis (26-0) vs. Whitefish Bay Dominican (23-3), 6:35 p.m.; Auburndale (19-7) vs.
Mineral Point (26-0), approx. 8:15 p.m.
March 21 Div. 4 championship
Semifinal winners meet at approx. 1 p.m.

March 12 Div. 5 semifinals

Barneveld 66, Fall River (24-4) 34; Assumption 57,
South Shore (25-3) 43.

March 19 Div. 5 semifinals

Washburn (25-2) vs. Young Coggs Prep (21-5),
1:35 p.m.; Green Bay NEW Lutheran (16-11) vs.
Hillsboro (22-5), approx. 3:15 p.m.

March 14 Div. 5 championship

Barneveld (27-1) 59, Assumption (25-4) 43.

March 21 Div. 5 championship

Semifinal winners meet at 11:05 a.m.



Page 6

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Medford boys put three on basketball honorable mention list

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
While four seniors dominated the first
team, it seems some talented players
could keep boys basketball in the Great
Northern Conference quite competitive
in the next couple of years.
The Medford Raiders got three award
winners in this years vote for the AllGNC squad, all of whom earned honorable mention.
Junior Taylor Dunlap was honored
for the third straight year. He got honorable mention as a freshman and landed
on the second team last winter. Junior
Ty Wrage and sophomore Osy Ekwueme
earned their first GNC basketball honors.
The awards follow an unusual 2014-15
season that saw Medford go 4-8 in GNC
play and 10-12 overall.
Playing in eight of Medfords 12 conference games, Dunlap finished fourth
in the league with a 13.6 points per game
average. He led the GNC by averaging 2.9
steals per game, ranked second in assists
at 4.1 per game and was fifth in rebounding at 5.9 boards per contest.
Overall in 16 games, Dunlap averaged
14.6 points and 6.1 rebounds per game. He
added 58 assists, 41 steals and 10 blocked
Dunlap was especially strong in
December, pouring in 29 points in a pair
of non-conference games at Merrill and
Ashland. He had 29 more to go along with
six rebounds, five assists and four steals
in a 75-57 GNC win over Northland Pines
on Jan. 6. He had 18 points, seven assists,
six rebounds and three steals in one of
Medfords strongest late-season efforts,
a 62-59 loss at the buzzer at Mosinee.
Another strong GNC effort came on Dec.
5 against Tomahawk with 20 points, nine
rebounds, four assists, four steals and
two blocked shots.
Ekwueme grew as Medfords floor
leader as the season progressed and
should be a key piece of the teams future.
In 12 GNC games, Ekwueme ranked
second in the conference behind Dunlap
by averaging 2.2 steals per game and he
tied Mosinees Aaron Maas for fourth
in assists with 38, an average of 3.2 per
game. In league play, he shot 50 percent
on two-point shots (35 for 70) and made
15 of 23 free throws while averaging 7.2
points per game. He added nearly four
rebounds per game.
Northland Pines

Taylor Dunlap
Hon. Mention

Ty Wrage
Hon. Mention

Overall in 22 contests, Ekwueme averaged 7.8 points, 3.5 rebounds, 3.1 assists
and 2.4 steals per game. Among his performances that gained notice from conference coaches were a 17-point, eight-rebound, three-assist, three-steal effort in
a 47-36 win at Tomahawk on Jan. 23; an
eight-point, eight-rebound, seven-assist
effort in Medfords 41-37 near-upset of
Rhinelander on Jan. 30 and his 13-point
game at Northland Pines on Feb. 17, a
game the Raiders won 53-42 with a second-half rally.
Ekwueme helped turn around a Dec.
30 non-conference game against Phillips
with two key second-half steals and had
11 points in that 41-36 win.
Wrage was one of the conferences
most feared three-point shooters. He
ranked third in the conference by making 1.9 three-pointers per game (23 in 12
games). He hit 23 of 60 long-range shots
(38.3 percent) in league play and averaged 6.3 points per game.
Overall in 21 games played, Wrage averaged 6.8 points per game. He made 42
of 109 three-point shots (38.5 percent) and
had 18 rebounds, 15 assists and 10 steals.
In league play, Wrage finished with a
bang, drilling seven of 12 threes for 22
points in Medfords 49-42 loss at Antigo
on Feb. 26. He hit four threes and scored
14 points in Medfords hard-fought 4839 home loss to Lakeland on Dec. 19. He
equaled that point total while knocking
down four of five threes in a 75-57 home
win over Northland Pines on Jan. 6. He
had 12 points and was four of nine from
long range in the buzzer-beating loss at
Mosinee on Feb. 6.
He hit three-pointers, including a
go-ahead triple in the final minute of
Medfords 35-31 non-conference win over
Stanley-Boyd on Jan. 27.
Conference champion Rhinelander
put two players on the first team, led by
Player of the Year Kent Mathews. He led
the conference in scoring (16.0 ppg) and
blocked shots (1.3 per game) and was second in the rebounding (7.0 rpg). Junior
guard Brandon Reinthaler also made
the team. Mosinee senior guard Aaron
Maas and Lakelands Levi Herrick joined
Mathews as unanimous picks. Antigo
center Jack Lund rounded out the first

2014-15 All-Great Northern Conference boys basketball teams

First Team
*Levi Herrick, Sr., Lakeland
*Aaron Maas, Sr., Mosinee
*Kent Mathews, Sr., Rhinelander
Jack Lund, Sr., Antigo
Brandon Reinthaler, Jr., Rhinelander
*-unanimous selections
Tavian Doud, So., Lakeland
Jack Melms, Jr., Lakeland
Osy Ekwueme, So., Medford
Taylor Dunlap, Jr., Medford
Ty Wrage, Jr., Medford
Jordan Budnik, Jr., Mosinee

Second Team
Cameron Noskowiak, Sr., Antigo
Matt Arndt, So., Antigo
Andrew McGill, Jr., Lakeland
Matt Bolanda, Sr., Mosinee
Justin Jarvensivu, So., Tomahawk

Honorable Mention
Ben Fochs, Jr., Mosinee
Will Janklow, Sr., Northland Pines
Kevin Gauthier, Jr., Northland Pines
Trevor Young, Sr., Rhinelander
Devin Oleinik, Jr., Rhinelander
Jordan Roessler, Sr., Tomahawk

Player of the Year: Kent Mathews, Rhinelander

Coach of the Year: Derek Lemmens, Rhinelander

team, while Red

Matt Arndt led the
second team.
was named Coach
of the Year. The
Hodags were 11-1
Osy Ekwueme
and won the GNC
title for the third
Hon. Mention
straight year.
As for Medford,
the Raiders dealt with a mid-season
coaching change and constantly changing player personnel, yet gave most
every team they played a hard-fought
32-minute battle.
The perseverance and hard work of
all the kids in this program through ad-

versity was a highlight of the season,

head coach Ryan Brown said. There
were no excuses.
Brown pointed to a win at Tomahawk
despite not having four starters as a season highlight along with the seniors getting to start their final home game against
Nekoosa and holding the Papermakers
to one point in the first quarter. Brown
said near-wins over the leagues top two
teams, Rhinelander and Mosinee, showed
how close this team was.
Thank you to the parents, fans, administration, the Red Riot and the players
for all of their support this past season,
Brown said. Thank you to the seniors as
well as Ty Wrage (whose family is moving) and (exchange student) Nikola Babic
for all the hard work they have put in
during their basketball careers. Their
character and hard work will be missed.

Copenhaver nets honorable mention

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
A youthful Gilman Pirates boys basketball team had its share of struggles
this year, but James Copenhaver was the
one consistent game in and game out.
As the senior captain and top scorer
on the squad, Copenhaver was named to
the honorable mention list of the Eastern
Cloverbelt Conference. His average of
12.5 ppg was tops on the Pirates this year.
He served as the teams primary ball-handler and point guard, but still found ways
to get to the basket to generate points.
During one of Gilmans most successful stretches of the year, Copenhaver
took his game to a new level. In an eightgame stretch in January and February,
Copenhaver averaged 16.9 points per
game as the Pirates went 2-6. He scored
18 points in a 46-43 win over Flambeau on
Jan. 16 and 20 points in a 46-44 win over
Greenwood on Jan. 9. He scored a season-high 21 points in a 70-51 win against
Cornell on Dec. 7.
The Pirates finished with a 5-18 record
this season. They fell in their eighthplace Cloverbelt Crossover to Thorp 65-25
and were bounced from the WIAA tournament in the first round after losing to
Prentice 73-52 on March 3.
Spencers Bobby Pilz was named
East player of the year and was selected
to the first team squad. He was joined
Columbus Cath.

by Rockets teammate Mitchell Susa,

as well as senior
(Owen-Withee), senior Sam Neville
(Neillsville), sophomore
Hon. Mention
two more players on the secondteam. Senior Neal
Matson and junior Michael Dux were
joined by Evan Nikolai (Columbus
Catholic), Logan Johnson (Greenwood),
Riley Geiger (Loyal), and Nate Mercier
Spencer went 14-2 to take first in the
Cloverbelt East. The Rockets split the season series with second place Neillsville,
but the Warriors loss to Owen-Withee on
Jan. 15 was enough to keep them from tying Spencer for the conference crown.
Owen-Withee advanced the farthest of
Eastern teams in the WIAA tournament.
The one-seed Blackhawks beat Flambeau
and Thorp before they were upset by
Rib Lake in a Division 5 regional final.
Greenwood knocked off Loyal in the first
round but were pounded by Newman
Catholic in round two. Spencer beat
Stevens Point Pacelli 74-63 before they
were eliminated by Auburndale, 61-40.
Columbus Catholic started their tournament with a 58-48 overtime win over
Abbotsford before they lost to Pittsville
in the second round.
Western Cloverbelt champion Eau
Claire Regis is 26-0 and plays Whitefish
Bay Dominican today, Thursday, in the
Division 4 boys state tournament.

2014-15 All-Eastern Cloverbelt boys basketball teams

First Team
Hunter Schultz, So., Columbus Catholic
Cameron Brussow, So., Loyal
Sam Neville, Sr., Neillsville
Austin Milliren, Sr., Owen-Withee
Mitchell Susa, Sr., Spencer
Bobby Pilz, Jr., Spencer

Second Team
Neal Matson, Sr., Neillsville
Michael Dux, Jr., Neillsville
Evan Nikolai, Jr., Columbus Catholic
Logan Johnson, Sr., Greenwood
Riley Geiger, So., Loyal
Nate Mercier, Sr., Spencer

Honorable Mention
Ty Raatz, Jr., Colby
Booker Bredlau, Sr., Greenwood
Tyler Fuerlinger, So., Columbus Catholic Jake Kunze, Jr., Neillsville
James Copenhaver, Sr., Gilman
Kolton Kaduce, Sr., Owen-Withee
Max Opelt, Sr., Granton
Calvin Lenz, Jr., Spencer
Player of the Year: Bobby Pilz, Spencer



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Page 7

Best beam routine puts Brandner

on All-GNC gymnastics team
by Sports Editor Matt Frey
With a personal-best score of 8.2 on
the balance beam at the league meet,
Medford junior Hannah Brandner put
herself among the Great Northern
Conferences elite
gymnasts for the
2014-15 season.
MosineeMarathons Megan
Carlson for first
place in the event
during the Feb. 21
at Lakeland, giving her a spot on
the All-GNC Small
Division first team.
Brandner is the
First Team
first Raider to receive an individual
award since the
GNC formed a gymnastics conference
five seasons ago.
With their tie, Brandner and Carlson
shared first-team honors on the team,
while Chequamegons Cassie Riddiford
got honorable mention with her 8.175.
Riddiford and her teammate Hannah
Mader shared first-team honors in the

floor exercise with 7.9s.

Barabas was the first-team vaulter with
an 8.8 and Chequamegons Brooke Lustig
earned first-team honors on the uneven
bars with a 7.75.
With 32.075 all-around points, Carlson
was the Small Divisions top scorer at the
GNC meet and earned Gymnast of the
Year honors for the second straight year.
Chequamegon won the Small Division
team championship. The Screaming
Eagles tied Mosinee-Marathon for first
place during the dual-meet season by going 3-1 and then won the GNC meet with
119.825 points. Mosinee-Marathon scored
115.85 to just get by Medford, who had
an outstanding day with 115.4 points.
The Raiders went 1-3 in duals and tied
Rhinelander for third place overall in the
final conference standings.
Medford capped its highest-scoring
season in several years with a score of
118.55 at the WIAA Division 2 Antigo
sectional on Feb. 26. The GNCs Small
Division qualified a handful of gymnasts
for state from that sectional meet, including Mosinee-Marathon all-around
Hannah Nigh, Barabas (vault), Riddiford
(vault), Carlson (bars) and Rhinelanders
Alyssa Ellis (bars).

2014-15 All-GNC Small Division gymnastics teams

As determined at Feb. 21 GNC meet at Lakeland
First Team
Megan Carlson, M-M, AA, 32.075
Hannah Brandner, Medford, beam, 8.2
Megan Carlson, M-M, beam, 8.2
Mallorie Barabas, M-M, vault, 8.8
Hannah Mader, Cheq., floor, 7.9
Cassie Riddiford, Cheq., floor, 7.900
Brooke Lustig, Cheq, bars, 7.75
Hon. Mention
Hannah Mader, Cheq., AA, 31.025
Cassie Riddiford, Cheq., beam, 8.175
Megan Carlson, M-M, vault, 8.55
Haley Farrell, Lake., floor, 7.850

Balance beam
1. Chequamegon, 29.225
2. Medford, 29.1
3. Mosinee-Marathon, 27.75
4. Rhinelander, 27.225
5. Lakeland, 24.925

Second Team
Cassie Riddiford, Cheq., AA, 31.95
Cassie Riddiford, Cheq., vault, 8.700
Megan Carlson, M-M, bars, 7.6
Alyssa Ellis, Rhine., bars 7.6.
GNC meet team scores
1. Chequamegon, 119.825
2. Mosinee-Marathon, 115.85
3. Medford, 115.4
4. Rhinelander, 113.95
5. Lakeland, 112.075

GNC meet event scores

1. Chequamegon, 32.85
2. Rhinelander, 32.4
3. Medford, 31.75
4. Mosinee-Marathon, 31.525
5. Lakeland, 31.5

Floor exercise
1. Mosinee-Marathon, 29.875
2. Medford, 29.625
3. Lakeland, 28.95
4. Chequamegon, 28.875
5. Rhinelander, 28.475

Uneven bars
1. Chequamegon, 28.875
2. Mosinee-Marathon, 26.7
2. Lakeland, 26.7
4. Rhinelander, 25.85
5. Medford, 24.925

Gymnast of the Year: Megan Carlson, Mosinee-Marathon

Test drives help school; Dash 4 Cash returns

The Medford All-Sports Booster Club
is requesting your help in raising up to
$6,000, and you do not have to buy any
When attending the Medford Home
and Business Expo Friday, March 20
through Sunday, March 22, take a test
drive with Medford Motors, and the Ford
Motor Company will donate $20 for every
test drive.
A total of 300 test drives are needed
to reach the goal of $6,000. Only one test
drive per household will be valid to receive the donation from Ford. A wide
variety of new Ford vehicles and trucks
will be available for test drives.
All proceeds from the Drive 4 UR

School program will benefit Medford

Area Senior High athletic teams. The
money is used to buy equipment and upgrade facilities for the high school teams.
MASH students also can enter the
Dash 4 the Cash contest. To enter, students may go to the MASH office and get
an unlimited amount of tickets to hand
out to family, friends and neighbors to
get the word out about the Drive 4 UR
School program. Ticket holders turn
those tickets in when they take their test
drives. The student who has the most
tickets turned back in wins $50. All tickets turned in will be entered into a final
drawing for $100.

Rivals unite

Photo submitted by Mark Fuhr

Volleyball players from four different high schools have united to create the Medford
Storms 15-1s club team that won the Badger Region championship in Milwaukee
March 14-15, as well as two tournaments in Wisconsin Dells March 7 and 8. Team
members include (front l. to r.) Cecelia Fuhr, Courtney Shipley, Gracie Weinke, Joelle
Zenner, (back) Korrie Herbst, Kaitlyn Cardey, Lainey Brunner, Kayla Herbst and coach
Jordyn Anderson.

Storm 15-1s take down state

giants to win Badger Region title
The Medford Storm 15-1s club volleyball team earned an impressive achievement last weekend, claiming the Badger
Region championship at the Wisconsin
Center in Milwaukee.
The 15-1s, which feature eight freshman girls from Medford, Rib Lake,
Chequamegon and Phillips high schools,
were the 15th seed out of 62 teams participating in the girls 15 club division and
won a pool tiebreaker on Saturday to advance to the next round and stay alive in
the hunt for the tournament championship. Once they got there, they got on a
roll and went undefeated on Sunday.
The team is coached by Jordyn
Anderson of Rib Lake and includes Lainey
Brunner and Joelle Zenner of Medford,
Gracie Weinke and Kaitlyn Cardey of
Rib Lake, Courtney Shipley and Cecelia
Fuhr of Phillips and Kayla Herbst and
Korrie Herbst of Chequamegon.
The team entered the Badger Region
Championships having won four of
seven tournaments and finishing in the
top four in three others. The previous
weekend at Wisconsin Dells, the Storm
won the gold bracket in the Showboat
Spikefest on Saturday and won the gold
bracket in the Dells Center Invite.
In Milwaukee on Saturday, the Storm
was without Brunner, one of its top
middle hitters, but still managed to go
2-1 in its four-team pool. The team beat
the Wisconsin Volleyball Academy of the
Fox Cities 25-17, 25-18 and the Flair from
Jefferson 25-9, 24-26, 15-3. The Milwaukee
Rally won the final pool match 25-23, 1825, 15-8 to force a three-way tie for first
place. The Storm won the point ratio tiebreaker to advance to Sundays second
In its first three-team pool, the Storm,
with Brunner back in the lineup, swept
away the Mizuno Juniors from Racine
25-22, 25-18 and the Madison Capitals 2514, 25-11 to make it to the final 10-team
championship bracket. There, the team
had to go through the top three seeds to
win the championship.

The Storm beat the third-seeded

Racine Nationals 25-16, 26-24 in the quarterfinals and then took down the secondseeded Fox Cities Elite team 25-23, 25-18
to reach the championship match against
the top-seeded Wisconsin Volleyball
Academy Whites. The Storm swept them
25-12, 25-18.
Next up, the Storm travels to Kettle
Moraine High School this weekend to try
to qualify for the USA Volleyball Girls
Junior National Championships in New

Pistol League
Range Boys Club
.44-Cal.: Sparkys Sport Shop, 7-2; Main Street
Mini Storage, 6-3; Zvolena Masonry, 3.5-5.5; RZ
Builders, 1.5-7.5. High shooters: Mike Preisinger
130, Dustin Zvolena 129.
.38/.357-Cal.: 8th Street Saloon, 7-2; Hit & Miss,
6-3; Shell Shack, 6-3; Abegglen Landscape, 6-3;
Schnevers Sugarbush, 2-7; Lights - Out, 0-9. High
shooters: Scott Stamos 163, Jon Rulien 157, Tom
Neumann 157.
Division 1: Power Kleen, 8-1; BT Sureshots, 8-1;
Short Lane Ag Supply, 7-2; Sheldon Shooters, 4-5;
After Dark Taxidermy, 4-5; Mark III, 4-5; P-Town
Saloon, 3-6; Sparkys Sport Shop, 3-6; Clip Busters,
2-7; Mews Trucking, 2-7. High shooters: Mitch
Mews 170, Craig Oehmichen 170, Scott Anderson
Division 2: Lloyds Carpentry, 8-1; Rays Big Weiners, 6.5-2.5; Frane Auto Body, 6-3; Wild Things
Taxidermy, 6-3; Hunters Choice, 4-5; Halls
Angels, 3.5-5.5; Dummy Team, 3-6; Designer
Advertising, 3-6; RZ Builders, 3-6; Henrys Heros,
2-7. High shooters: Tom Neumann 167, Jim Farell
157, Mike Henline 152.
.22-Cal Couples: Short Lane Ag Supply, 8-1;
Dead Eye Duo, 6-3; Daart, 6-3; Hunters Choice,
5-4; Farm Boys, 4-5; Dummy Team, 4-5; Abegglen Landscape, 4-5; LaGranders Hilltop Dairy,
3.5-5.5; Kaat, 3.5-5.5; Points of Health, 2-7. High
shooters: Dan Hederer 159, Craig Oehmichen 153,
Al Tzynik 148.

Page 8


Scheithauer, Cardey, Blomberg on All-Marawood list

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
After a third-place finish in the Marawood North,
three Rib Lake Redmen boys were named to the AllMarawood basketball roster.
Do-everything forward Joe Scheithauer made the
second team, while guard Jordan Cardey and forward
Jordan Blomberg both got honorable mention.
Scheithauer formed one half of Rib Lakes interior
defense that served as the anchor for the team. The 6-1
junior got stronger as the Redmen went through their
most challenging part of the schedule. During the first
10 games of the season, Scheithauer averaged only 7.1
ppg. But from Jan. 16 onward,
he scored in single-digits only
twice as he averaged 12.6 ppg. He
scored a season-high 26 in an 83-50
win over Lake Holcombe on Feb.
9. Overall, he averaged 10.8 ppg.
Scheithauer was capable of controlling the game on both ends. He
averaged 12.4 rebounds, 0.7 blocks
and 2.2 steals and could find open
teammates for passes even when
playing inside, averaging 1.2 asJoe Scheithauer sists per game.
In conference play, he averSecond Team
aged 11.8 rebounds while shooting
an excellent .548 from the field.
Scheithauer was solid at the free throw line too as he
shot .538 there in conference play.
Joe has played great. Hes high energy and is all
over the place, Rib Lake head coach Jason Wild said of
Scheithauer late in the season.
Blomberg, a senior, proved to be an x-factor for the
Redmen this year. Using his 6-6 height, he was a strong
rebounder and shot-blocker. Though not as prolific as
Scheithauer, Blomberg was a capable scoring threat
in his own right. He scored a season-high 17 in a 41-38
loss to Edgar on Feb. 28. For the season, he averaged 9.4
points per game. In Marawood play, he averaged 6.2 rebounds per game. Blomberg also had a propensity for
getting his teammates open shots.
JB was passing really well. He was getting guys easy
looks, Wild said about Blombergs performance in the
Feb. 19 win against Athens. In conference games he shot
.534 from the floor and .640 at the free throw line.
Cardey, a senior, earned an honorable mention nod
for the second straight season. Working as one of the
teams primary ball-handlers, the 5-11 guard was the
cog that kept the offense running. He was a strong threepoint shooter and defender.
On Jan. 16, Cardey hit three three-pointers on his
way to scoring 20 points as the Redmen fell in overtime
to Athens. For the year, he averaged 7.5 points per game,
down from 9.4 in his junior season. He more than made
up for the decrease in scoring with defense tenacity.
Cardey was often tasked with guarding the opponents
best guard in man-to-man defense and was able to generate steals that yielded quick points for his teammates.

Phillips put
players on the
lineup. Coconference
player of the
year Danny
Baratka avJordan Cardey
eraged 17.0 Jordan Blomberg
ppg, 3.6 rpg,
Hon. Mention
Hon. Mention
2.2 apg, and
2.8 spg as
he made the
first-team for the second straight season. Sharpshooter
Cade Rose was the Loggers other first-team nomination.
Abbotsford junior Garrett Rau averaged 13.9 points
per game and was a unanimous selection for this years
first-team. Shane Wakefield, who split player of the year
honors with Baratka, averaged 18.3 points and 8.5 rebounds as Chequamegon tied Rib Lake for third in the
North. For Wakefield, it was his second straight inclusion on the first-team. Both times he was selected unanimously. Prentice sophomore Drew Rohde was the fifth
member of the first-team. Last season, he was named as
an honorable mention.
Joining Scheithauer on the second-team were Collin
Ellenbecker (Athens), Austin Borchardt (Edgar), Matt
Urmanski (Edgar), and Ryan Giannoni (Phillips).
Phillips and Rib Lake made it to the sectional semifinal round in their respective post-season tournaments.
The Loggers, a one-seed in Division 4, lost to defending sectional champion Unity 37-24 in Rice Lake on
Thursday. Phillips knocked off Athens and Hurley in
their two regional games. The Redmen, a two-seed in
Division 5, upset Owen-Withee to book their ticket to
sectionals, where they lost 60-56 to McDonell Central
Thursday in Chetek.

Gilmans Gunderson hits

292 at Sparta NASP shoot

Gilman seventh-grader Gabe Gunderson hit the 10spot 23 times out of 30 shots and earned a total score of
292 to be the top boys shooter at Saturdays NASP shoot
at Sparta.
The Pirate Archery Club won the team championship in the Middle School Division with 3,172 points,
beating nine other teams. Spring Hill Middle School of
Wisconsin Dells.
Gundersons score was the best of 239 boys overall,
122 middle schoolers (grades 6-8) and 42 seventh graders.
Coy Bowe of Cadott, an eighth grader, was the next middle school boy with a score of 287. Kaden Christenson of
Cadott was the next seventh grader with a 286.
Kylee Burton was the top sixth-grade girl, shooting a
283. She was second out of 117 middle-school girls, three
points behind Cornell eighth grader Jordan Shackelton.
Grant McFadden was the top sixth-grade boy with his
score of 282. He was the the sixth-ranked middle school
boy. Teammate Allen Patrick was second among sixth
Rib Lake
graders with a 273.
Filling out Gilmans middle school roster were
Amanda Wisocky (268), Conner Mravik (266), Hunter
Oberle (260), Ethan Grunseth (249) and Emma Benninger
March 12 WIAA Div. 5 sectional semifinal: McDonell Central
In the High School Division, ninth grader Citory
60, Rib Lake 56.
March 12 WIAA Div. 4 sectional semifinal: Unity 37, Phillips
Oberle was second out of 53 girls with a fine score of 284
with 18 10-point shots. She was third overall among 207
girls. The only high schooler to top her was ninth
2014-15 All-Marawood North boys basketball teams
grader Caitlin Larson of
Cadott (290).
First Team
Second Team
*Garrett Rau, Jr., Abbotsford
Collin Ellenbecker, Sr., Athens
School Division, Trevor
*Shane Wakefield, Sr., Chequamegon
Austin Borchardt, Jr., Edgar
Zawacki was the top fourth
*Danny Baratka, Sr., Phillips
Matt Urmanski, Jr., Edgar
grader in the tournament
Cade Rose, So., Phillips
Ryan Giannoni, Jr., Phillips
with a score of 273. He
Drew Rohde, So., Prentice
Joe Scheithauer, Jr., Rib Lake
ranked third out of 44 boys
*-unanimous selections
in the division. Also in
Honorable Mention
the division from Gilman
Treven Gorst, Jr., Abbotsford
Camden Heidmann, Sr., Edgar
were Zack Marion (250),
Dillon Novak, Sr., Abbotsford
Alex Olson, Sr., Phillips
Tony Thurs, Sr., Athens
Cody Esterholm, Sr., Prentice
Bowie Oberle (235), Nicole
Lane Tessmer, Sr., Athens
Jordan Blomberg, Sr., Rib Lake
Goodwin (219), Hanah Vlok
Alec Hafferman, So., Edgar
Jordan Cardey, Sr., Rib Lake
(212), Caleb Marion (195),
Co-Players of the Year: Shane Wakefield, Chequamegon; Danny Baratka, Phillips
Gordon Jensen (189) and
Coach of the Year: Trevor Raskie, Phillips
Tyler Schellhammer (147).

March 19,
22, 2015

The Sports Page
Businessmens League
Ann McNamar
Ann McNamar
Lori Zenner
Lori Zenner
Jerry Roberts
Jerry Roberts
Kurt Werner
Kurt Werner
March 5: Rural Insurance 35; Rockys Kozy Kitchen 31, PBRs Lounge
Around 9; Als Auto Dock 33, Turtle Club 7; Shell Shack 27.5, Sports
Page 12.5; Medford Motors 25.5, Haenels 14.5; Melvin Companies
23, Werner Sales & Service 17; VFW 26, Jensen & Son Asphalt 14.
Lori Zenner
Lori Zenner
Irene Bormann
Irene Bormann
Ron Ziemba
Steve Wibben
Steve Wibben
Ron Ziemba
March 12: Werner Sales & Service 35, Haenels 5; Shell Shack 38;
PBRs Lounge Around 23, Jensen & Son Asphalt 17; Turtle Club 29,
VFW 11; Rural Insurance 26, Rockys Cozy Kitchen 14; Medford Motors 36, Sports Page 4; Als Auto Dock 34, Melvin Companies 6.
Three-Man Major League
Shawn Trimner
Casey Nernberger
Bill Wagner
Bill Wagner
Casey Nernberger 279
Shawn Trimner
March 10: BBs Aquatic I 21, Klinner Insurance I 9; BBs Aquatic II
28, Klinner Insurance II 2; Rockys Cozy Kitchen 19, Cindys Bar &
Grill 11; Sports Page II 18, 8th Street Saloon 12; Nite Electric 22,
Country Gardens 8; Sports Page I 28, Krug Bus 2; KZ Electric 21,
Team Stihl 9.
Classy Ladies League
Nancy Ziehlke
Nancy Ziehlke
Theresa Helberg
Theresa Helberg
Bobbie Smith
Bobbie Smith
Flo Carlisle
Results: Tease Tanning Plus 7, J&B Custom Carpentry 0; The Flower
Shoppe 7; Klinner Insurance 5, Fidelity Bank 2; Als Auto Dock 4,
VFW 3; Paulines Hair Fashion 5, A&M Apartments 2; Rockys Cozy
Kitchen 4, Moosies Ice Cream 3.
Monday Mens City League
Shawn Trimner
Ron Ziemba
Adam Haenel
Pat Gunn
Ron Ziemba
Jess Haenel
March 9: Edgar Lanes 29, Sports Page 11; WTC 35, JR Construction 5; Taylor Credit Union 31, Mayer Accounting 9; Crossroads 26,
Fidelity Bank 14; Northwest Mutual 27, Klingbeil Lumber 13; T&C
Water 35, blind 5.
Blue Monday League
Carol Willman
Carol Willman
Judy Lang
Shirley Lemke
Shirley Lemke
Judy Lang
March 9: Strikes R Us 5, Big Birds Lodge 2; Holy Rollers 5, Heiers
Wreaths 2; Happy Joes 5, Bakers 2.
Wednesday Mid-Weekers League
Lisa Bub
Lisa Bub
Lucy Loertscher
Kathy Hana
Donna Werner
Mary Lou Anderson
March 11: Lounge Around 7, Medford Motors 0; Sports Page 7, Werner Sales & Service 0; Happy Joes 5, Mach Lock Locksmith 2.
Ball and Chain Nine-Pin Tap League
Justin Smith
Justin Smith
Jerry Frenzel
Casey Nernberger
Casey Nernberger 268
Al Waldhart
Lori Brandt
Lori Brandt
Karen Brandt
Karen Brandt
Linda Waldhart
Linda Waldhart
March 7: Whatchamacallit 20, Thunder Buddies 12; Pin Busters 29.5,
Mamas & Papas 2.5; B-Sers 23, Jr. Snowpushers 9; Alley Cats 29, Ray
& The Girls 3; Out Laws 29.
Tuesday Night Mixed League
Rick Acker
Rick Acker
Jay Jochimsen
Jay Jochimsen
Bob Schilling
Virgil Wysocki
March 10: High View II 36, Medford Co-op 4; High View I 36,
Riemer Builders 4; Liske Marine 27, Fuzzys Bar 13.
Tappers Bar (Dorchester)
Tuesday Seniors League
Don Clarkson
Don Clarkson
Ken Ellenbecker
Corlas Meier
Corlas Meier
Ken Ellenbacker
Dorothy Scheibe
Dorothy Scheibe
Kitty Rau
Linda Metz
Evie Clarkson
Ardis Meier
March 10: Maybees 3, Slow Starters 3, Slo Poks 3, Alley Cats 1,
Amigos 1.



For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

Polar Plunge
page 10

March 19, 2015 Page 9

This Weekend
Thursday, March 19
Live local music by Daniel Layhew from 6 to 9 p.m. at
The Filling Station.

Friday, March 20
2015 Home & Business Expo and Drive 4UR
School from 4 to 8 p.m. with Fish Fry Dinner from 4:30
to 8 p.m. at Simek Recreation Center.
Friday Fish Fry from 4 to 8 p.m. at St. Peter Lutheran
Church in Dorchester.
Sheepshead Tournament starting at 6 p.m. at
Centennial Community Center.
24th Annual Taylor County Tavern League 9-Pin
Tap Bowling Tournament starting at 6 and 9 p.m. at
The Sports Page.
Curtiss Lions Break and Scratch Enterprises 8
Ball Tournament starting at 7 p.m. at The Old School
House in Curtiss.
Brad Emanuel Music Done Fun starting at 9 p.m.
at The Turtle Club.
Lonie G DJ Karaoke from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at

Saturday, March 21

Sunday, March 22
Pancake Breakfast, Bake Sale and Raffle from 8
a.m. to 12 p.m. at Centennial Community Center.
Black River Art Gallery presents An Artisan Craft
Show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Brides & Grooms 101 Bridal Planning Event from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Medford Elementary School.
2015 Home & Business Expo and Drive 4UR
School from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Simek Recreation Center
and Outdoor Recreation Expo at Medford Elementary
2015 Medford Area Quilt Show from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. at Medford Senior High School.
24th Annual Taylor County Tavern League 9-Pin
Tap Bowling Tournament starting at 12 p.m. at The
Sports Page.
Spring Concerts 2015 by Central Chamber
Chorale starting at 3 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in

Chorale group to perform

submitted photo

The Central Chamber Chorale will perform the Central Wisconsin premiere of Dan Forrests Requiem for the
Living with chamber orchestra in Medford and Marshfield this weekend.

Chorale performs Central

Wisconsin premiere with orchestra
The Central Chamber Chorale will perform the
Central Wisconsin premiere of Dan Forrests Requiem
for the Living with chamber orchestra. The composer notes that the traditional Dies Irae has been
replaced by a biting essay on the vanity and pain of
existence. In that movement, Vanita Vanitatum the
thunderous organ accompaniment, will be performed
by chorale member, Kathy Biederwolf. The Forrest
Requiem also features three vocal solos, including
Janet Alekna, soprano, of Wisconsin Rapids; Khailyn
Schaefer, boy soprano, and Joe Saucerman, tenor,
Marshfield. The orchestra will be led by Timothy
McCollum, concert master, of Marshfield.
All of the music in the spring concert series is
accompanied. Silent Noon is a 21st century composition set to a beautiful poem from the 1800s by
Gabriel Rossetti. The Basket, by Cecil Effinger,
features a duet between the singers and oboe, played
by Mika Brunson, Associate Instructor of Music, UWMarshfield/Wood County. Other selections include
Bachs Sicut Locutus Est, the Appalachian folk song,

St. Pattys Day

Aspirus Medford Hospitals 3rd Annual Womens

Health Retreat from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Northcentral
Technical College.
Black River Art Gallery presents An Artisan Craft
Show from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
2015 Home & Business Expo and Drive 4UR
School from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Simek Recreation Center
and Outdoor Recreation Expo at Medford Elementary
2015 Medford Area Quilt Show from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. at Medford Senior High School.
Curtiss Lions Break and Scratch Enterprises 8
Ball Tournament starting at 10 a.m. at The Old School
House in Curtiss.
24th Annual Taylor County Tavern League 9-Pin
Tap Bowling Tournament starting at 12, 3 and 6 p.m. at
The Sports Page.
Luck of the Draw Cribbage starting at 1 p.m. at
Leukemia Benefit for Kevin Michetti starting at 5
p.m. at Centennial Community Center.
20th Annual Fundraiser Dance starting at 7 p.m.
with music by Frontier Band from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at
Dorchester Memorial Hall.
Spring Concerts 2015 by Central Chamber Chorale
starting at 7:30 p.m. at St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Medford.
Smoke Wagon Band from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at The
Roost Bar.
Music by Lonie G from 9 p.m. to close at DCs


Music Done Fun

Friday, March 20th at 9 p.m.

Wed. - Sun., Fri. & Sat.

Evening Salad Bar

Life is good at the club

Enjoy dinner & a cocktail

before the show

Every Night When the Sun Goes In with soprano soloist, Bonnie Brix, of Marshfield, and Aaron Coplands
Stomp Your Foot with piano duet accompaniment
featuring the chorales accompanists, Linda Feldt and
Kathy Biederwolf.
The performance is on Saturday, March 21 at 7:30
p.m. at St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church, 321 N.
Park Ave. in Medford and at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 22 at
Christ Lutheran Church, 1208 W. 14th St., Marshfield.
During these concerts, the 2015 Central Wisconsin
Choral Leadership Award will be presented to Marla
Hemke, of Medford, on behalf of David Hemke, deceased.
The concerts are open to the public without charge.
The chorale, under the direction of Greg Reierson,
choral director at Marshfield High School, is in its 44th
For more information about the Central Chamber
Chorale and its mission of keeping the Joy of Great
Choral Music Alive, visit www.centralchamberchorale.
org or on Facebook for concert updates.

LIV Thurs., March 19, 6-9pm
Daniel Layhew

Thurs., March 26, 6-9pm

Lakeside Dining
& Spirits

W7944 Perkinstown Ave.,

Medford, WI

Ryan Diegel





For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

Thursday, March 19, 2015 Page 10

No plunge,
but plenty of polar

Cold water

This adventurous youngster reacts as the cold water

sprays down on him during the Medford Polar Plunge
held Saturday. Due to unsafe ice conditions on the
Medford Millpond, the fire department improvised by
setting up a mass decontamination station with three
fire trucks spraying cold water. Plungers had to spend at
least 15 seconds in the icy spray. The event helps raise
funds for Stepping Stones Shelter which helps victims of
domestic abuse in the Medford area.

Too bold to feel the cold

Buy these photos online at

photos by Brian Wilson

Marty Higgins took his time while in the cold water of the spray during Saturdays Polar Plunge event held in

Three Sisters exhibition opens at

Perkins Place Art Gallery March 28

Perkins Place Art Gallery

132 E. Perkins St., Medford, WI Presents:
Three Sisters

Greta Longreen

Margot Longreen

Elise Thornton

Wildlife Photographer

Oil Painter

Basket Maker

Opening and Artist Reception

Saturday, March 28th 4pm-8pm Continuing through
Memorial Day, May 25th
Open: Thursday & Friday 10am - 5pm, Saturday 10am-2pm or by appointment
Visit us on Facebook, or call 715-748-3977


Perkins Place Art Gallery is delighted

to present the Three Sisters exhibition
opening on March 28. Three Sisters is
a long awaited exhibit featuring the
work of sisters, Elise Thornton, Margot
Longreen and Greta Longreen. Three
Sisters opens with an Artist Reception on
Saturday, March 28 from 4 to 8 p.m. with
the show continuing through Memorial
Day, May 25.
These three talented and inspiring
women, Elise, Margot and Greta, grew
up in Milwaukee with the arts playing
a strong role in their lives. Now, time
brings their art together at Perkins Place
Art Gallery for this exciting exhibition.
Elise Thornton has been a fiber artist
for over 40 years. She learned the art of
basketry in the late 1980s and in the 1990s
began making the rib-framed willow baskets which have been her focus for the
last 20 years. Over the last 10 years Elise
has studied with some great basket makers from around the country and plans to

work more with birch and willow bark.

Margot Longreen was a fine arts
major at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. Five years ago, a move to
Atlanta motivated her to resume drawing and oil painting, where joining fellow artists in classes, workshops and
painting groups became a life changing
Greta Longreen has been doing photography since 1970 when her brother-inlaw sold her a used SLR camera and gave
her a lesson in how to use it, then eight
years ago she was given a digital camera
and began taking pictures of the natural
world around her. Photographing wildlife has become one of the greatest joys
of her life.
Three Sisters will run March 28
through Memorial Day, May 25. Gallery
hours are Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or
by appointment 715-748-3977 or visit or facebook.

Rib Lake music takes the spotlight



For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

Thursday, March 19, 2015 Page 11

Making it flow
Choir selection
Choir members David Howard and Nick Starr and
others performed on Friday night. A variety of middle
school and high school acts highlighted the Rib Lake
Music Showcase.

Emcees Rick Boomer and Carter Hopkins did introductions of performances and let the crowd know who
won drawings during the Rib Lake Music Showcase on

Blowing her horn

Leukemia Benefit For

Trumpeter Taylor Schmidtfranz plays her part with a

small group on Friday.

Kevin Michetti


Saturday, March 21 ~ 5 pm
Centennial Community Center
in Stetsonville

Entertainment donated by Rowdy Boys

Large raffles including guns, Brewers tickets & more

Also~Kids Raffles
Sponsored by Twisted Threads Quilt Group

Saturday, March 21 10-4 &

Sunday, March 22 10-2
Medford Senior High School
1015 W. Broadway Ave., (Hwy. 64 West)
Next to the Medford Chamber of Commerce Home Show

Helping out

Polka selection

Ryan Patrick carries away a can after tables were

bussed at the Rib Lake Music Showcase.

Cassidy Kohls adds her musical skills to the schools

polka band as it performed on Friday.


NO ADMISSION FEE (Donations graciously accepted),
[email protected]
or call Laurie at 715-316-1318 10-146960

Tickets available at MASH ofce beginning Mon., March 16th

$8 in advance, $10 at door, Reserved Seating in Red White Theater
Ticket includes cheesecake & beverage

Music and treats

Buy these photos online at

photos by Mark Berglund

Band and choir members provided an evening of entertainment and the districts booster club group provided
the meal and door prizes on Friday evening at the Rib Lake Music Showcase. The event helps students hone their
efforts for upcoming state solo and ensemble competition, while the meal aids musical efforts and trips.

Directed by Cassandra Jablonsky & Jacob Hickey

Technical Director Rich Wirz



Page 12

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Disease sampling results provide current snapshot of CWD in Wisconsin

State wildlife officials sampled more than 5,400 deer
for chronic wasting disease statewide in 2014, finding
324 positive detections, primarily within the endemic
area in southern Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has
monitored trends in chronic wasting disease distribution and prevalence within Wisconsin since its discovery in 2002. In 2014, focus was placed upon deer population segments within locations deemed most likely to
harbor the disease.
Long-term monitoring of disease patterns is crucial
in understanding the dynamics of this CWD, and its also
important to make sure we keep the public informed,
said Tami Ryan, DNR wildlife health section chief.
Within the southwest Wisconsin monitoring area,
encompassing northwestern Dane and northeastern
Iowa counties, prevalence was found to be 25 percent
for adult (2.5+ years-old) male white-tailed deer, over
10 percent for adult female deer, roughly 8 percent in
yearling males and nearly 7 percent in yearling females.
According to Ryan, prevalence continues to increase
within the departments long-term monitoring area
in southwest Wisconsin, and remains higher in males
than females and higher in adults than yearlings.
Monitoring efforts also included ongoing surveillance within a 10-mile radius of each new positive found
in 2012 in Juneau, Adams and Portage counties in central Wisconsin. Four additional positives were found
in 2013 in Adams and Portage counties, while two additional positives were discovered in Adams County in
Surveillance was also conducted surrounding a
CWD-positive captive deer farm in Marathon County,
with no wild CWD deer detected.

Following the 2012 discovery of a CWD-positive adult

doe near Shell Lake, 2014 marked the third year of surveillance efforts in Washburn County in northwest
Wisconsin. Following recommendations from a local
community action team, local landowners and hunters helped the department sample more than 1,900 deer
in the area over the last three years. No new positives
have been detected. Based on three years of sampling,
all information has indicated CWD is not widespread in
the Washburn area, and occurs at a very low prevalence

Proposed trolling rule unlikely to be in effect for opener

A proposed rule to allow motor trolling on all inland
Wisconsin waters is unlikely to be in place for the opening of the regular fishing season on May 2, officials from
the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources said
The rule, which has been approved by Gov. Scott
Walker and the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board,
must still undergo legislative review. Currently, trolling is allowed on one or more waters in 63 counties
statewide and the proposed rule is meant to reduce confusion by extending the opportunity to all waters, said
Tim Simonson, a DNR fisheries management specialist.
Trolling means fishing by trailing any lure, bait or
similar device that may be used to attract or catch fish
from a boat propelled by means other than drifting or
rowing. Drifting or row trolling is allowed on all waters statewide.
In addition to simplifying the fishing regulations
and bringing more consistency to statewide waters,


An Outdoormans


Mark Walters sponsored by

Tuesday, March 10
High 58, Low 25
Here is the scenario. Last week I fished and camped
on the ice in Sheboygan harbor on Lake Michigan. I
kept two 31-inch northern pike and a 5-pound brown
trout. What bought me back to this same piece of ice one
week later is numerous stories from other fishermen
of trophy gators and brown trout and March being the
time to catch them.
Now here is the other part of the story. On Saturday
I went to the retirement celebration for my good buddy
Jeff Neitzel, who is about to complete a 33-year stint in
the Wisconsin Air National Guard.
Jeff is the chief enlisted manager at Volk Field and
has had one heck of a career, which was proven to many
people by the 90-minute ceremony honoring him.
I met Neitzel back in 1982 when I was in the Wisconsin
Air National Guard. We were both weapons loaders on
the A-10 Warthog. Let me tell you folks, we were a couple of wild critters. But in reality, we knew how to load
bombs, missiles, rockets and bullets, so that is all that
So my buddy, who unfortunately is very ill, at his ceremony expressed a strong interest to go to Sheboygan
with me. The only thing is that he is so sick, he cannot
even tell me until 3 oclock this morning if he is going.
My truck and trailer, which is fully loaded, is pulling
out of the driveway at 4 a.m.
We hit the harbor just as it was getting light out. I
drill six holes with my Jiffy Pro-4 and I am setting my
second tip-up when my first one pops up. I land a 27-inch
gator which I released and am thinking we are gonna
kick butt today.
I have no cares about how many fish I catch. My goal,
no matter what the species is, is always quality.

N1690 State Hwy 13
Ogema, WI 54459

Medford, WI 54451




Hello friends,
We have all witnessed the unusually warm weather
that hit our part of the world in early March. Generally,
March is when I spend a lot of time camping and fishing on Wisconsins frozen waters. The clock is ticking
at a very rapid pace on those opportunities. It kind of
looks like this is my second-to-last ice camping trip of
the season.

136 W. Broadway

Thirty-three years of fun

The department is very grateful for the cooperation
that hunters and landowners have provided over 13
years of sampling, Ryan said. They are helping monitor the health of Wisconsins deer herds and providing
information that is of interest to many.
For 2014 sampling and prevalence and more information regarding chronic wasting disease, search the DNR
website, for keyword CWD.

Fax: 715.767.5436
[email protected]


So our home for the night is going to be the floor of

my enclosed trailer, which is kind of on the ice. We have
34 hours to land the next state record. Despite some
groans and moans, Chief Master Sergeant Neitzel is
gonna make it.
Here is the real laugher. We have one hot hole and it
is the one I caught the 27-incher out of. Other than that,
no one is catching a fish.
My golden retriever Fire is also along. Her last pup
left four days earlier and it is very obvious Fire is happy
to be living the nomadic, outdoor lifestyle she has always lived.
Neitzel and I have bow hunted for deer and camped
on the Flambeau. Weve fished the frozen waters of
Winnibigoshish for seven days and literally not caught
a meal, then we caught 300 jumbo perch with our buddy
Jody Bigalke on the last day. Jeff has been my partner
in our annual muskie tournament, and after I taught
him how to fish, he caught his first musky (I thought
he would like that).
When we were in the guards together, l lived in New
Lisbon as did Jeff and another disruptive comrade
Dan Foxxy Fox. We used to drive down to guard drill
together and always stayed in motels. For some dumb
reason we would always wrestle and it was always the
two of them (New Lisbon) against me (Poynette). The
matches were insane, I always won and we would always laugh our heads off.
Today we caught five gators and Jeff caught an 18inch small mouth bass. We had the highest of hopes that
a super pig would be flopping on the ice, but that was
not the case.
Jeffs retirement from the guards has me reflecting
for weeks about how the clock is always ticking and you
had better enjoy the ride. The ride has been so much fun
that in an hour, the Chevy will be heading out the driveway, loaded with ice fishing gear and my canoe for what
will probably be about as crazy a trip as Poynette whopping up on New Lisbons butts back in the 80s.
Play like its your last game.

Simonson said the proposed rule would reduce confusion that may occur when a technique called position
fishing is used. Position fishing involves fishing from
a boat with a line that extends vertically into the water
while the boat is maneuvered with a motor.
Simonson said analysis of available data indicates
no difference between casting and trolling as measured
by the angling success or catch rate for muskellunge,
walleyes and northern pike. However, many anglers
have expressed interest in having the trolling option
more widely available.
The proposed rule, which includes a three-year sunset that expires on May 4, 2018, would allow anglers to
trail at least one sucker, minnow or other bait or lure
behind a moving motor boat, regardless of whether the
occupants are casting other lures. It also would provide
additional fishing opportunities for anglers who may
have difficulty fishing by other methods and would
eliminate the need for disabled anglers to apply for
trolling permits.
Citizens who would like to be notified of future fishing regulations changes, including possible implementation of the proposed trolling rule, are encouraged to
sign up for email updates by searching the DNR website,, for fishing regulations. Clicking the
mail icon on the right hand side of the page allows visitors to sign up for email updates on trolling and other
fishing regulation topics.

Otter Lake youth ice

fishing contest results
Due to the extreme cold on Feb. 14, the ninth annual
youth ice fishing contest sponsored by the Otter Lake
Booster Club on Otter Lake was changed to Feb. 28 allowing 107 youngsters to participate.
Prizes were awarded for the largest fish in each of
three categories: bluegills, crappies and perch. First
place trophies and medallions to second through fifth
places were presented to the winners in each of two
classes. Class 1 included ages 10 and under. Class 2 included ages 11-15.
Additionally, prizes (donated fishing gear) were
given to entrants for each fish caught. The 2015 contest
winners follow.

Class 1
Bluegills: 1. Mitchel Prosecky, Chippewa Falls, 0.38
pounds; 2. Ella Hagen, Sparta, 0.38; 3. Logan Burzynski,
Stanley, 0.36; 4. Noah Witt, Chippewa Falls,0.32; 5.
Amelia Kroeplin, Thorp, 0.31.
Crappies: 1. Connor Bruhn, Chippewa Falls, 0.67
pounds; 2. Carson Hodowanic, Stanley, 0.59; 3. Braydon
Miller, Stanley, 0.57; 4. Tanicle Ducommun, Gilman,
0.55; 5. Grady Endvick, Chippewa Falls, 0.52.
Perch: 1. Caleb Hagen, Sparta, 0.29 pounds; 2. Chaz
Nitz, Willard, 0 .19; 3. Kianna Rabuck, Gilman, 0.17; 4.
Aidan Tomrowiak, Cadott, 0.11; 5. Mitchel Prosecky,
Chippewa Falls, 0.09.

Class 2
Bluegills: 1. Grace Williams, Stanley, 0.54 pounds;
2. Ben Podolak, Stanley, 0.42; 3. Jasmine Najbrt,
Menomonie, 0.40; 4. Jessie Nielsen, Stanley, 0.33; 5.
Weston Milas, Stanley, 0.33.
Crappies: 1. Austin Sande, Cadott, 1 pound; 2. Gavin
Witt, Chippewa Falls, 0.68; 3. Westin Milas, Stanley,
0.56; 4. Gunner Harings, Chippewa Falls, 0.52; 5. Connor
Wagner, Chippewa Falls, 0.51.
Perch: 1. Grace Williams, Stanley, 0.24 pounds; 2.
Bronson Lewallen, Stanley,0.21; 3. Max Jacque, Thorp,
0.17; 4. Gavin Witt, Chippewa Falls, 0.16; 5. Paisley Kane,
Cadott, 0.15.

The Star News

Thursday, March 19, 2015 Page 13

Milestones, Memories, Births, Engagements, Weddings

Brett Milbrandt and Brougan Willingham of Rhinelander announce the birth of a son, Daxtin, born on
March 11 at Aspirus Wausau Hospital. He weighed

eight pounds, 13 ounces and was 20-1/2 inches long. His

grandparents are Jamison and Kimberly Willingham of

Dear Nutrition Nuts

With Kate Bromann, County Market Nutritionist

& Kim Mueller, Natural Foods Manager
Dear Nutrition Nuts,
Ive been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and I want
to avoid getting diabetes. Im not sure what I
should be eating.
Jim from Medford
Dear Jim,
Prediabetes is diagnosed when fasting blood
sugar is higher than normal but not quite high
enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Normally,
fasting blood sugar should be under 100.
Fasting blood sugars between 100-125 indicate
prediabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when fasting
blood sugars are 126 or higher. Many people may
frequently are no symptoms.
The good news is that early treatment can prevent
diabetes from progressing. What can you do?
Three things: eat less, move more & lose weight.
hungry. Cutting out some of the foods that are
high in calories and low in nutrients is a good start.
Foods that are high in sugars such as desserts,
things to go.
Instead, eat foods that are less processed, more
fresh or frozen fruits & vegetables, salads, lean
meats and proteins, low fat dairy, vegetable
sure your grain-based foods such as breads and
cereals are made with WHOLE grains listed as the

:HDUHDVNLQJ\RXWRVHQG\RXUTXHVWLRQVWRnutritionist@ with the subject Dear Nutrition Nuts
or call 715-748-8561 and leave a message for Kate with
as well.


Proud to be Community Owned


role not only in helping to regulate blood sugar
levels, but also provides satiety value. A high
you feel full) longer and will be digested and
giving you a less rapid rise in blood sugar levels
and a more sustained energy source.
A weight loss does not have to be drastic to have
sugars in the normal range.

Corie Boxrucker and Nicholas Peters


The parents of Corie Boxrucker and Nicholas Peters

announce their childrens wedding engagement. She is
the daughter of Jay and Karen Boxrucker of Medford.
He is the son of Mark and Annete Peters of Greenville.
The bride-to-be is a 2010 graduate of Medford Area
Senior High, and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with a Bachelor of Science degree in
nursing in 2014. She is a registered nurse case manager
at Dove Healthcare West.
The groom-elect graduated from Hortonville High
School in 2009, and in 2014 from UW-Eau Claire with a
bachelors degree in kinesiology. He is general manager
of Suppz.
The couple plans an Oct. 10 wedding at Trinity Lutheran Church in Medford.

Exercise is also important and has many

to start slowly and gradually build your activity
level. Small steps can add up to big results.
The important thing is to be consistent with your
activity. One of the best and easiest exercises
lower blood sugar levels, but will help you to lose
bone density as well.
for people with diabetes, prediabetes and also
those that help care for someone with diabetes,
called Eating Well with Diabetes. The goal of
this program is to teach people what and how
to eat to help achieve and maintain good blood
sugar alternatives and routine monitoring. This
ingredients given to class members as well as
nutrition labels. The cost is $25 per person
and class meets for two consecutive Thursday
of Eating Well with Diabetes will be: May
21 & 28, Aug. 6 & 13 and Nov. 12 & 19.
Preregistration is required. To sign up, call
Kate at 715-748-8561 or email: nutritionist@

RK Photography, Westboro

Michael Ecklund Jr.

and Crystal Frahmann


Robert and Rosemary Frahmann of Medford announce the engagement of their daughter, Crystal Marie Frahmann, to Michael Melvin Arthur Ecklund Jr.
He is the son of Mike Ecklund Sr. of Medford and Jeff
and Susan Peterson of Westboro.
The bride-to-be is a 2002 Medford Area Senior High
graduate. She received a diploma in the medical assistant program from North Central Technical College
in 2010. She is a certified medical assistant at Aspirus
Medford Clinic.
The groom-elect is a 2002 Medford Area Senior High
graduate. He is a diesel mechanic for John S. Olynick of
Jump River.
The couple plans a Sept. 26 wedding at St. Pauls Lutheran Church in Medford.



Page 14


From past les of The Star News

March 17, 2005

An unofficial recount of ballots from

the 2004 City of Medford general election confirmed an undercount of more
than 600 votes. The recount showed
little change in the margin of victories.
Diane Lowe, an election specialist
with the State Election Board, Taylor
County Clerk Bruce Strama and Medford City Clerk Virginia Brost conducted the unofficial count on Monday
at the Taylor County Courthouse. The
City of Medford ballots were unsealed
and counted mechanically with the
Taylor County scanner. While the results of Mondays recount are interesting, they have no impact on the vote
totals that were certified in November.
Essentially we are trying to figure
out what went wrong and keep it from
happening again, Lowe said.
The City of Medford problem has
been isolated to a software programming error by Election System and
Software (ES&S) prior to the fall election.

March 21, 1990

Several parents showed up at Monday nights Medford Area School Board

meeting to tell board members, Of
course we dont want to throw money
out the window, but on the other hand

you are 80 percent there [in addressing the overcrowding problem]. Dont
stop now and put down the bag, because
people in this community will never follow you again!
Parents and teachers were upset at
an administrative recommendation not
to hire an additional third grade teacher
for next year, despite projections that
third grade class sizes at Medford Area
Elementary School (MAES) will average
about 26 students (if Stetsonville (SES)
students currently attending MAES are
shifted back to SES). Last month, the
board did approve two additional second grade teaching positions and a sixth
grade position in order to lower class
sizes next year, but did not approve an
additional third grade teacher.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

storm of the winter swept across the

state. While Medford streets were fairly
open, roads in the rural part of the county drifted full making travel with automobiles or trucks practically impossible.
Because of the snowstorm mail carriers on the star routes to Perkinstown
and Goodrich were able to cover only
about one half their route. The Thursday
morning mail train was not delayed and
the star routes to Glidden and Spencer
were reported by John Ziehlke, assistant
postmaster, to be open.
Weather Observer Gordon Kuse reported a maximum temperature of 23
degrees on Wednesday and a minimum
of 14. Precipitation for that day was .83
with a snowfall of 9 inches.


March 17, 1915

Jacob Bischofberger and wife were

in the city Monday. He is the only manufacturer of limberger cheese in this
vicinity and has a ready sale for all he
can make.
Misses Ryan and Mauer entertained
the lady teachers of the public schools
at the home of the former last Saturday
evening. Early in the evening it was
announced that the gentlemen would
come later, but to the surprise of nearly every one it was only the pictures of
gentlemen that the hosts had in mind
and these were passed around so that
no one was slighted. A very pleasant

Remember When March 2005

March 18, 1965

Taylor County Electric Cooperative

has awarded bids totaling $123,284 for
the construction of its new headquarters
building in the town of Little Black south
of Medford on highway 13.
The warehouse and garage will measure 55x100 feet and will be of concrete
block construction. The 60x60 foot office
building, feature the accounting office
and directors room, will be of concrete
and steel construction with faced brick
and concrete decoration.
The attractive building will be located
on a 35-acre site partly cleared and partly
wooded. Taylor County Electric is now
located in a quonset type structure on
highway 13 between Clark and Ogden.

March 14, 1940
Taylor county residents burrowed
deeper into coat collars and began shoveling Wednesday as the worst snow-

Diane Lowe (l.) of the State Election Board, Taylor County Clerk Bruce Strama
and Medford City Clerk Virginia Brost monitor a recount of the 2004 City of Medford ballots at the Taylor County Courthouse on March 14. The unofcial recount
conrmed an undercount of more than 600 ballots in November.

Winter storm brings memories of Kaktovik

tory and culture. This includes subsistence hunting of
caribou, sheep and offshore seals and Bowhead whales.
And one time, I surprised Chris with a special treat
on our November wedding anniversary. Id arranged
a special honeymoon trip to Kaktovik by small plane.
I made arrangements with her employer and got some
warm clothing and other items packed. And then I
picked her up and we went to the airport.
Happy anniversary honey, I said, and get ready
for a nice trip to Kaktovik.
It took a while, but as we flew over the northern coast,
she got in the spirit of a Kaktovik adventure.
We arrived a little late on Friday (Arctic air schedules) where the owner of the small hotel picked us up.
Some of the elders kept asking me what we were doing
there. Not too often that folks would come to Kaktovik
from Barrow for the fun of it.
Had a nice meal at the hotel and then went to the carpentry shop at the school. A friend of mine showed us

American Legion Auxiliary holds March meeting

There were 11 members and one guest present when

the March 9 meeting of Boxrucker-Berry American Legion Auxiliary Unit 519 was called to order by president
Juanita Krug.
Roll call of officers was followed by the secretarys
report, which was approved as read. The treasurers report was approved as read and filed for audit.
Guest speaker Mike Lindau spoke about his experience as a guardian on the Never Forgotten Honor flight
last October and mentioned the mobile food pantry at
St. Pauls Lutheran Church in Medford on the third
Thursday of each month.
Judy Robida reported 65 members and dues may be
sent to her.
Krug reminded everyone to remember Sandra Doyle,
Estelle Laub and Audrey Wircks in their prayers.
Jill Pickreign reported sending 11 birthday cards to
residents at Aspirus Care & Rehab-Medford.
Motion made and seconded not to lend coffee pots,

griddles and fry pans to outside organizations.

Krug read the March department newsletter, stating
reports are due by April 15. The spring conference is
April 18 in Eagle River and Badger Girls State is June
21-26 in Oshkosh.
Thank you cards were received from the Frances L.
Simek Memorial Library for donation, and the Floyd
Neibacher family.
Leona Blasel showed 22 pairs of mittens she made to
sell at the pancake brreakfast March 22.
Motion made and seconded for Judy Robida to coordinate a brat fry at Stetsonville Oil.
The chaplain read St. Patricks Day and American
Legion birthday poems she wrote.
The next meeting will be April 13 at 1 p.m. at the Legion hall. Marleen Lindau, secretary

projects he was working on ---making various items.

The next day we organized a three-mile fun runwalkaround town and out to the airport. People from
10 to 70 participated.
And spent the rest of Saturday, walking around town
and visiting lots of folks.
Then Sunday there was the church service. And in
the afternoon a special song fest by a group of teenagers.
Then more visiting and warm meals at the hotel.
Monday around noon we had to leave (plane was late
But had lots of handshakes and hugs before we took
All and all, it was a great way to celebrate our anniversary.
Maybe some of you readers might want to try it.
Earl Finkler lives in Medford with his wife Chris
and his Greenland Husky Avu.

Happy Birthday



As March began, I was concerned to read about some

severe winter weather in the Arctic village of Kaktovik.
It is east of the Prudhoe Bay oil fields on the Beaufort
Sea, with a population of some 300 people.
And it got hit by severe hurricane-force winds, which
were sending heavy dumpsters bouncing down the
streets. Difficult to get exact weather information because that equipment broke down as well.
Turned out that many of the Inupiat Eskimo people
had to leave their chilly homes and move to the school,
which was the only warm place in town. In some cases,
the snow completely blocked doors and windows.
There are no roads to Kaktovik, but eventually the
storm calmed down and small planes were able to fly in
with assistance.
My wife, Chris, and I lived in Barrow to the west over
20 years, but have always had a special place in our
hearts for Kaktovik. The folks there are very friendly,
and always eager to share information about their his-

We Love you
Mom, Ray & Brianna



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Page 15

Local students graduate,

earn academic honors
Area students who received chancellors awards for the fall semester at the
University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie for earning a grade point average
of at least 3.5 include Lucas Feldkamp,
Cody Hodowanic and Jennifer Liegl of
Gilman; Jayd Bacha of Lublin; Tyler
Anderson, Cory Carstensen, Nicole Duvall, Kyler Emmerich, Katelyn Heier,
Christian Ludwig, Brent Mueller, Cole
Quednow, Austin Robida, Kurt Russell
and Denise Sawdey of Medford; Patrick
Fliehs of Rib Lake; and Kaitlyn Schreiner of Stetsonville.

Alyssa Linsmeyer of Medford received

a degree in criminal justice during commencement ceremonies on Dec. 13 at the
University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
Megan Strobach of Medford was
named to the deans list for the fall semester at the University of WisconsinEau Claires College of Business by earning a grade point average of at least 3.6.
Drew Goebel of Gilman has been
named to the presidents list for the fall
semester at Minnesota State CollegeSoutheast Technical in Winona by earning a grade point average of at least 3.5.
Local students who received degrees
during commencement exercises on Dec.
20 at the University of Wisconsin-Eau
Claire include Allison Curtis of Gilman,
bachelor of arts in mathematics; Bobbi

Easter services

The Star News will be publishing a

special listing of Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday and Easter Sunday services
and special programs for area churches
in the March 26 issue of the paper.
If you would like your churchs services and programs included in this listing, mail them to The Star News, P.O.
Box 180, Medford, WI 54451; fax them to
715-748-2699; email them to [email protected] or drop them off at our
office at 116 S. Wisconsin Ave.

Breneman and Haley Erl of Medford,

bachelor of science in nursing; Olivia Erl
of Medford, bachelor of arts in criminal
justice; Jessica Schrom of Medford, bachelor of business administration in business finance; Steven Voss of Medford,
master of business administration in
business administration; Rachael Bishop of Rib Lake, bachelor of social work
in social work; and Tabatha Moran of Rib
Lake, bachelor of arts in English.
Heather Reinhart of Stetsonville is
among the students named to the deans
list for the fall semester at the University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Area students named to the honor roll
for the fall semester at the University of
Wisconsin-Oshkosh by earning a grade
point average of at least 3.3 include Chelsea Polzin and Taylor Strama of Medford;
Kaitlyn Noland of Rib Lake; and Jessica
Zimmerman and Taylor Zimmerman of
Michelle Johnson of Gilman, Jessica Lindgren of Medford and Hannah
Schmidtfranz of Rib Lake were named to
the deans list with a GPA of at least 3.75.
Sarah Hendricks and Breanne Trawicki of Gilman, Shelley Nelson of Medford, and Rachel Heier of Withee were
named to the deans list for the fall semester at Viterbo University in La Crosse.
Kurt Zimmerman, son of Larry and
Sandy Zimmerman of Westboro, recently
graduated summa cum laude (4.0 GPA)
with a doctorate in molecular and cellular pathology from the University of
Alabama in Birmingham (UAB). During
his final year, Zimmerman was awarded
the most outstanding student in biological health sciences. Zimmerman has accepted a position as a MERIT Fellow at
UAB where he is focusing on biomedical
research and teaching.
Reid Matyka, son of Ken and Dawn
Matyka of Medford, has been named to
the presidents list for the fall semester
at Northcentral Technical College in
Wausau with a grade point average of at
least 3.75.

RE/MAX New Horizons honored for donation

RE/MAX New Horizons Realty in Phillips was honored by RE/MAX INTEGRA Midwest for 2014 contributions made to Childrens Miracle Network (CMN) hospitals.
The company contributed $3,275 (a portion of its 2014 commissions and fundraiser
dollars) to local CMN beneficiary, St. Josephs Hospital in Marshfield. Were proud to
be a part of such a meaningful cause benefiting those in our community, said broker/
owners Wes and Jody DeLasky. They accepted the award on behalf of sales associates
Jason Bredemann, Michael Keller, Coty Flessert and Samantha Schloskey.

Wisconsin Council of the Blind &

Visually Impaired scholarships available
Each year, the Wisconsin Council
of the Blind & Visually Impaired allocates funds to provide scholarships for
full and part-time, blind or visually impaired post-secondary students enrolled
or accepted in college and vocational/
community school programs. This year,
the council is offering 10 scholarships of
$2,000 each.
Applicants must be Wisconsin residents who are high school graduates or
returning students, carrying a full load
of classes as defined by the institution
they will attend, and have an accumulat-

ed GPA of at least 2.5. Part-time students

must verify their courses and schedules. All applicants must have identified
goals for the future, including eventual
employment, and they must meet other
scholarship requirements.
A scholarship application kit with
guidelines is available on the councils
web site at The deadline to submit all materials is April 10.
Scholarship recipients will be notified
by May 1, and an awards ceremony will
take place at a council event this spring
in Madison.



Mass: Saturday 4:15 p.m. Sunday 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Fr. Gerard Willger, Pastor
Deacon Joe Stefancin, Pastoral Assoc.
FIRST BAPTIST - 670 W. Broadway
Pastor Brian Wipf, Lead Pastor
Worship: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.
All Age Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Worship: 10:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study 8:30 a.m.
Kyochul Shin, Pastor
321 N. Park Ave. 715-748-4909
Worship: Sundays 8 & 10:15 a.m., Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m.
Brian Mundt, Pastor
1129 W. Broadway Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Jesse Roe, Pastor
510 E. Broadway - Nursery Care Provided
Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m.
Rev. Cathy Hinman, Pastor
Worship: Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Sun. 8 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Joshua Krieger, Pastor; James Krueger, Pastor
2 miles E. of the Taylor County Airport on Apple Ave.
Sunday School 10 a.m. - Service 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Ken Burisek
824 E. Perkins St. Church information: 715-748-9331
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m., Wednesday Worship 7 p.m.
Ron Schuenke, Pastor
407 N. Seventh St. Worship: 10 a.m.
Worship: Sun. 9:00 a.m.
Rev. Randal Jeppesen, Pastor

submitted photo



107 S. Oak 715-229-2775
Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m.




Worship: Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Rev. Randal Jeppesen, Pastor



Worship: 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Kris Bjerke-Ulliman, Pastor



175 S. Third St. - Worship: Saturday 7 p.m.
Kyochul Shin, Pastor



Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Communion every Sunday.
Howard & Bonnie Weber, Lay Ministers
THE ROCK CHURCH - Non-Denominational Church
230 W. Main St (Old Gilman Theatre) Pastor Larry Etten
Sunday: Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wed. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Sat. Free Movies 7 p.m.
Mass: Sunday 8:30 a.m. Fr. Madanu Sleeva Raju, Pastor
Pastor Aric Fenske
Sunday: Worship 9 a.m. with communion
Wed. Bible Study 10 a.m.
Wed. Pathlight 3:30 - 5:30 pm

Contact Donald Watson at The Star News for changes to this directory.


GOODRICH COMMUNITY 500 ft. N. of Hwy. 64 on Spring Rd.

Sunday 10 a.m. Adult Bible Study; 11 a.m. Worship
Wednesday 6 p.m. In Home Bible Study & Prayer
David Elleman, Pastor (715) 427-3696
Hwy. 64 & Lemke Dr. - Worship: 8:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of every month, worship time 10 a.m.
Joseph Dietrich, Pastor
Cell:(715) 798-7151, Home: (715) 748-4116



N5599 CTH C-Worship: 10 a.m. Joseph Dietrich, Pastor
Last Sunday of every month, worship time 8:30 a.m.
Cell:(715) 798-7151, Home: (715) 748-4116



Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Mid-Week Bible Study 7:30 p.m.
Daniel Habegger, Pastor
Cty. Hwy. M West of 73, Hannibal
Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m.
N6042 Hwy 73, Hannibal
For Service and times, call 715-512-1069



Mass: Sunday 10:30 a.m.Fr. Madanu Sleeva Raju, Pastor



Worship: 8:45 a.m. Rebecca Niese, Pastor



Worship 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Kris Bjerke-Ulliman, Pastor



Mass: Saturday 4 p.m. Fr. Madanu Sleeva Raju, Pastor
W14616 State Hwy. 73, Sheldon
Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.
Craig W. Lindgren, Pastor



Mass: Saturday 7 p.m. Fr. Madanu Sleeva Raju, Pastor
Worship Service: 1st & 3rd Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Vesper 1st & 3rd Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Fr. Ted Wojcik
Worship: 2nd & 4th Sat. of the month 10 a.m.
Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, the day
of worship services
Fr. Marion Talaga



Worship: 9:00 a.m. Christian Education 10:15 a.m.
The third Sunday of every month, the worship time is
11:00 a.m. & Christian Education is 9:30 a.m.
Rev. Dr. Bob Giese
ZION EV. LUTHERAN - N897 German Settlement Rd.
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Rev. James J. Heffner, Pastor

UNITED METHODIST - 1300 Church St.

Worship Service 8:15 a.m.
Kyochul Shin, Pastor
Worship: 8:30 a.m.
Rev. James J. Heffner, Pastor
Mass: Saturday 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Fr. Otto Bucher



Worship: Sunday 9:30 a.m. James LeMaster, Pastor
(Wisconsin Synod) 1 block off Hwy. 13 on CTH A
Sun. Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sun. School 10:30 a.m.
Thurs. Worship 7:00 p.m. James H. Babler, Pastor
Daily Mass 8:30 a.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 4 p.m.
Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m.
Fr. Lourdu Mandapati, Pastor


FIRST LUTHERAN - 715-767-5155

Worship: 10:30 a.m. Christian Education 9 a.m.
The third Sunday of every month, the worship time is 9
a.m. and Christian Education is 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Dr. Bob Giese
N8609 Business Hwy. 13, P.O. Box 10, Westboro
Sunday School: 9:00 a.m., Worship: 10:15 a.m.
Len Robinson - Interim Senior Pastor
Todd Henderson - Youth Pastor



W5409 Whittlesey Ave.
Mass: Sunday 8:00 a.m. Fr. Gerard Willger, Pastor
Deacon Joe Stefancin, Pastoral Assoc.



Page 16

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Town Watch

Regular Meeting
January 8, 2015
Town Watch items are a brief summary taken from town board meeting minutes. They include major discussion topics, action
items, major expenditures, board members in attendance and date of next meeting. For a complete copy of the minutes contact
your local township clerk. Meeting minutes remain unofficial until approved by the board at the next meeting and are subject
to correction and modification by the board. Some towns wait to send official minutes resulting in a delay before the meeting
appears in The Star News.


Little Black


Regular Meeting
Jan. 12, 2015

The request for an ATV/UTV route along

CTH O was denied. The request by the
town for the county to blacktop Airport
Road was also denied. The county stated
double seal coating was just fine.
Chuck Zenner explained the referendum that will allow people to decide on
what they want cut from the budget if
they dont want to exceed the state mandated budget allowance.
Bids/Purchases over $5,000:
Motion to purchase a patrol truck
from Freightliner at a cost of $110,000
was unanimously approved. Motion to
go with Casper for the underbody with
shoes at a cost of $82,000 was unanimously approved.
All board members were present.

All board members and one visitor
were present.

Regular Meeting
Jan. 11, 2015

Actions taken:
Motion that the board may meet on
the roads from time to time during the
next month was unanimously approved.
All board members were present.

Items considered:
Discussions were held regarding hiring a substitute grader operator, if there
was a check registered in the statements
last year for Inland Marine Insurance,
and that the check for the recycling attendant was not cashed for a month in
All board members were present.

Regular Meeting
Feb. 9, 2015
Items considered:
Items discussed included pre-pay propane balance and the status of outstanding checks from last year.
All board members, except Allen
Kurth, were present.

Little Black
Budget Hearing and
Board Meeting
Nov. 19, 2014
Items considered:
The large dairy planned in the town
was discussed
Recycling was discussed, along with
the report there will no longer be any agriculture bag collections.
Chairman Dan Hoffman reported on
his meeting with the county to approve
an ATV/UTV route on CTH A from
Swallow to Robin, which was approved.

Items considered:
Discussions were held regarding the
large dairy planned in the town, recycling and trying to track down the party
responsible for putting garbage in the
dumpster, and zoning issues.
All board members were present.

Budget Hearing
Nov. 19, 2014
Actions taken:
Motion to accept the 2015 proposed
budget as presented was unanimously

Special Meetings
Nov. 19, 2014
Actions taken:
Motion to adopt the towns 2015 budget
expenses of $136,201 was unanimously
Motion to adopt 2015 highway expenses of $82,435 was unanimously approved.
Motion to adopt the 2014 town levy of
$42,230 was unanimously approved.
All board members were present.

Regular Meeting
Nov. 19, 2014

Regular Meeting
Dec. 11, 2014
Items considered:
Supervisor Ray Soper brought up an
issue on the Implements of Husbandry
(IOH) law. The topic will be placed on the
January agenda for further discussion.
Actions taken:
Motion the board may meet on the
roads from time to time during the next
month was unanimously approved.
All board members were present.

Actions taken:
Motion for the town to follow the
states Implements of Husbandry (IOH)
rules was unanimously approved.
All board members were present.

Regular Meeting
Dec. 9, 2014
Actions taken:
Motion to adopt Option F of the Implement of Husbandry Laws of Wisconsin
Act 37 which requires a person to apply
for a hauling permit through the State
of Wisconsin and will require the town
board to approve the permit was unanimously approved.
Motion to accept Tammy Helmets
certified survey application as presented
was unanimously approved.
All board members and two other people were present.

Regular Meeting
Jan. 13, 2015
Actions taken:
Motion to re-appoint Brad Dahlvig,
Gary Czarnezki and Fred Ebert to the
plan commission board with Matt Tacke
and William Vach as alternative members was unanimously approved.
Motion to appoint Marilyn Metz as an
election inspector was unanimously approved.
Motion to approve the certified survey
application for Jean Thums with Outlot
1 and Outlot 2 as presented was unanimously approved.
All board members, except Stanley
Schmidt, and two other people were present.

Regular Meeting
March 10, 2015
Items considered:
Items discussed the new law change
that may allow testimony by telephone
for the board of review, and insurance
needs on the towns equipment.
All board members and three other
people were present.

Helping seniors
prevent falls

Medford FFA donates teddy bears to Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics

submitted photo

The Medford Area Senior High Future Farmers of America (FFA) club hosted a Teddy Bear Toss at a Feb. 19 basketball game
in recognition of National FFA Week. The club collected and donated over 150 stuffed animals to Aspirus Medford Hospital &
Clinics for the benefit of young patients receiving care at its clinic locations. Presenting the donation is FFA club member Samantha
Bowe (left) and FFA Advisor Lisa Kopp.

Stepping On, a free seven-week program aimed at helping senior citizens

prevent falls, will be offered in Medford
on Tuesdays, April 14 through May 26,
from 9-11 a.m., at Aspirus Medford Hospital.
Sponsored by Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics and the Taylor County
Commission on Aging, this free program
provides professional advice on how to
improve balance and strength, avoid
falls, choose safe footwear, eliminate fall
hazards from homes, and more.
This program is appropriate for people who have fallen as well as for people
who fear falling. Participants will increase strength, achieve better balance,
and experience a feeling of confidence
and independence as a result of performing various exercises and sharing fall experiences as a group.
Registration is required by calling the
Taylor County Commission on Aging at


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pay commensurate with experience

Group health & dental
Please reply to: Blind Ad #296
P.O. Box 180
Medford, WI 54451


Country Cooperative

is looking for a qualied candidate

to work in their Feed Division in Colby.
Candidate must have CDL and be able
to work well with others. Interested
candidates please call Colby Feed Mill at
1-888-231-1889 or 715-223-2329.

Owner Operators


Must be available evenings

and weekends.
Please email resume to:
[email protected]

Automotive Body Shop

Full Time ~ Paid Training
High Volume Dealership
Paid Vacation ~ 401K
Health & Dental Benefits
Must Have Valid Drivers License



Medford, Wisconsin

P.O. Box 405

Dorchester, WI 54425
or email resume to:
[email protected]




Equal Opportunity Employer




Email resume to
[email protected]
or stop in to fill out an application.

115 S. Hwy. 13, Stetsonville

Marathon Cheese Corporation, located in

Medford, Wisconsin, has several openings
for lineworkers and material handlers. These
positions provide packaging, inspection, raw
materials, and sanitation to MCCs high speed
cheese packaging machines. Pre-employment
and drug screening is required.
Marathon Cheese offers stable, predictable
Apply in person at 1000 Progressive Avenue,
Medford, Wisconsin. Applications are available
at our website: If you have
submitted an application in the last 6 months it
is not necessary to apply again.

Apply in person at:

574 West Center Avenue, Dorchester, WI
or mail resume to:


Stetsonville Oil Company Inc.,

Medford, Wisconsin
$15.67 - $16.65
2nd and 3rd Shift


Call Mike Closs at 800-268-3933

9,6,786 $33/<21/,1(ZZZ5DQGV7UXFNLQJFRP

or apply in person at:

Energetic, dependable, hard-working individual

needed to learn all systems, at a leading area
pharmacy. We provide challenging and interesting
work, complete training, excellent pay,
benefits, great hours and excellent working
conditions. Experience necessary; certification
preferred. Knowledge in billing and insurance
would be helpful.
Please send cover letter and resume to:
Medford Pharmacy
Attn: Office Manager
210 S. Main St.
Medford, WI 54451
(No telephone calls please)

has an immediate opening for a


W4266 CTH X, OWEN, WI 54460


We are seeking CARING AND DEPENDABLE individuals to work
in a nursing home setting. Full-time and part-time PM posi-

tions available.

Excellent wages
(Starting $13.38 per hour, with PM differential)

Retirement benets
PTO (Paid time off)
Health insurance available for eligible positions

Karen Simington, RN, MSN, DON

Clark County is an ADA/CRC/EEO employer.


Visit us at:


Tech Ed Teacher (1.0 FTE)


Beginning Date of Employment: August 2015

Application Directions:
Apply by:7XHVGD\0DUFK
More Information:
An Equal Opportunity Employer


UHVXPHWR Rands Trucking

3 Production Assembly Medford & Ladysmith
3 Plastics Assembly Medford & Phillips
3 Packagers Abbotsford, Colby & Stanley
3 Lumber Handlers - FT/PT and Summer Dorchester
3 General Labor Thorp & Withee
3 Food Production Abbotsford, Colby & Curtiss
3 Welders Prentice
3 CNC Operator Thorp & Prentice
3 Dry Blend Operator Owen

3 Electro-Mechanical Tech Medford & Prentice

3 Maintenance Lead Prentice
3 Traveling Technician Assistant Marshfield
Apply online:
or stop by the Medford ofce
to ll out an application


180 Medford Plaza, Medford, WI

715-748-6670 EOE


Part-Time Cashier




Stop in at our Agronomy Location in Unity

or call Kevin at 715-223-2308. 11-166448

OTR Drivers


is accepting applications for individuals to

ll seasonal positions in
our Agronomy Division
for the 2015 season. We
are seeking Custom Applicators and CDL Drivers. Current CDL
holders and/or Commercial Applicators License required or ability to get prior to April 1. We are also seeking someone to run
our Seed Treater and do other agronomy operations in yard.



Full Time Production Position



Page 17


Page 18




Thursday, March 19, 2015




871 Vega Ln.,


807 Impala Dr.,


W3964 Wellington Lake Dr.,

Rib Lake

317 W County Rd. A,


437 W Pine St.,


Large 4 bedroom, multi-level

home that features a 4-seasons
room with knotty pine walls,
master bed & bath, eldstone
replace, family room with wet
bar, ofce and more!

3 bedroom home with nished

lower level. Recently updated
bathroom & gas forced air furnace.
Use as a single family home
or a great commercial location
with 178 feet of frontage on N.
Highway 13.

3 bedroom, 1.5 bath ranch style

home with full poured basement,
updated kitchen, new roof &
windows, 1st oor laundry, new
solid oak 6 panel doors and a front
and back deck.

Newly sided 3 car attached

garage is a great addition to this 3
bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 story home.
Newer roof, spacious breezeway
& double lot make this one youll
want to see.

3 bedroom ranch with new

ooring, fresh paint throughout
& an attached 1 car garage. Home
features 6 cedar lap siding with
brick trim, screen room and a
storage shed.

#1301048..................$169,900 #1405173..................$114,500 #1406680..................$154,000 #1501231....................$58,000 #1501284....................$97,000

Dan Olson

Jodi Drost

Sue Anderson

Kelly Rau

Susan J. Thums



2013 570 RZR UTV, has top 3 lift

kit, gun rack, low hours. 715-7485783 or 715-560-0088, Mike.
ALMOST NEW: sofa, 17,
brown microfleece, recliner
on one end, lounge on other,
$1,000 OBO. 715-427-0485.
GET YOUR online subscription to The Star News and
you wont have to wait for it
to come in the mail. Its available Thursday morning by
10 a.m. Go to today to subscribe.

Kris OLeary
TP Printing, P.O. Box 677, Abbotsford, WI 54405

OVER 45,000 homes will read

your classified ad when its
placed in 7 area publications for
only $22 (20 words or less). It
will also go online at no additional charge. Call 715-748-2626,
or stop in at 116 S. Wisconsin
Ave., Medford, to place your ad.

TIME IS running out to buy a new

Classic outdoor wood furnace
from Central Boiler. Call today
for more information and special
pricing. Northern Renewable
Energy Systems, 715-532-1624.

BUY AREA newspapers at The
Star News office, 116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford. We have
The Star News, Tribune-Phonograph (Abbotsford, Colby, Curtiss, Dorchester, Milan, Unity),
The Record Review (Athens,
Edgar, Marathon, Stratford), Tribune Record Gleaner (Granton,
Greenwood, Loyal, Spencer),
and Courier Sentinel (Cornell,
Cadott, Lake Holcombe). Stop in
today to buy a copy or subscribe.


341 S. 8TH

Thursday, April 2nd




Terra Brost




Jon Roepke

BULK BUNDLE drop route
available. Edgar, Stratford, Abbotsford, Colby, Dorchester
and Medford areas. Weekly
profit of $312.50. Bundle pickup in Wausau, early mornings. Must have valid drivers
license and liability insurance
Jen at 800-967-2087 ext.
310 today for more details.
bartenders, full shifts, 1/2
shifts and on-call. Rural, family bar atmosphere. Country
Corporation is accepting applications for CNC machinists,
painters, press brake operator,
production welders and general
labor. Competitive wage, excellent fringe benefits. Normal work
week is four 10-hour days - Monday through Thursday. Apply
in person at Meyer Mfg. Corp.,
Hwy. A West, Dorchester, WI.
for private duty nurse, must
be RN, 2 positions for CNA
part time and full time,
needs to be close to Medford, committed, responsible,
organized and compassionate. Please call between 2
and 10 p.m. 715-748-5019.
person to work on beef/crop
farm or custom manure hauling crew, must have operating experience. 715-613-2118.

Every day at Aspirus Medford Hospital we take great pride in knowing that our
success is something that comes from within every one of our employees. It is
this sense of family, friendliness and warm community that makes us stronger and
brings us together. It is why our professionals stay and spend their careers with us.
We currently have the following RN openings in the Birthing Center:

Weekends Only
Part Time 16 hpw, Variable shifts

The weekend only program offers you the opportunity to work 24 hours
(2 12 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday) and receive full-time pay and

$15.67 to $16.65



The Record-Review, an award winning family owned weekly newspaper in

central Wisconsin, is looking for a reporter to cover local high school sports,
community events, village board and school board meetings.
Duties also include page design, photography, feature and
editorial writing. Web and social media skills a plus.
A bachelors degree in journalism or related humanities eld
is required. Investigative or enterprise reporting is encouraged.
Must have a valid drivers license, good driving record and
vehicle with proof of insurance. Benet package included.
Send cover letter, resume, and writing samples to:

Jamie Kleutsch

Please visit our website at[SHULHQFHWKHGLIIHUHQFHRI
working at Aspirus Medford Hospital. Applications are available on-line.


Aspirus Medford Hospital

135 S. Gibson Street
Medford, WI 54451


Thursday, March 19, 2015

1ST CROP, small square
bales. For more information
4TH CROP alfalfa bailage,
23.3% protein, 145 RFV. Also
dry cow and heifer hay. Delivery available. 715-409-1059.
BEAN STRAW, big bales, 3x8,
shedded, no rain. 715-965-5628.




your needs are available at
The Star News: raffle tickets,
business cards, envelopes, letterhead, invoices, statements,
promotional items, etc. Call or
stop by The Star News office to
place your order. 715-748-2626,
116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford.

SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with

your own bandmill- Cut lumber
any dimension. In Stock, ready
to ship! FREE Info/DVD: www. 1-800578-1363 Ext.300N (CNOW)
RNs up to $45/hr LPNs up to
$37.50/hr CNAs up to $22.50/
hr Free gas/ weekly pay $2,000
bonus AACO Nursing Agency

RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an applicant in over 179 Wisconsin
newspapers! Only $300/week.
Call this paper or 800-227-7636


homes available for rent at $625/
month or for sale at $22,900 in
Medford. Contact Pleasant Valley Properties at 715-879-5179.
Ask us about our rent special.

LARGE TWO bedroom upper unit, washer/dryer, sewer,

water, garbage included, $450
plus electric. 715-965-2152.


ONE BEDROOM apartment

with a big kitchen and pantry. Includes air conditioner,
heat, sewer. Snow plowing and lawn care included.
Large parking lot, only $375/
month. Call 715-965-3564.

5 BEDROOM, 2 bath home with 3

car garage in Stetsonville, $700.
Contact Ann at 715-643-2018.
One bedroom apartments for
those 62+. Rod Becker Villa, 645
Maple Court, Rib Lake. Owner
paid heat, water, sewer and
trash removal, community room,
laundry facilities, additional storage, indoor mail delivery and
off-street parking. Tenant pays
30% of adjusted income. Pet
friendly property For an application, contact Impact Seven Inc.,
855-316-8967 or 715-357-0011.

home on double lot in Westboro, $390 plus utilities and
11/15/14. Call 715-965-4688.

1997 DODGE single cab
Cummins turbo, runs good,

BASEMENT STUDIO apartment, $375 everything included,

in Medford, security deposit required, close to industrial park
and Riverwalk. 715-965-6772.

1998 TOYOTA Rav 4, four wheel

drive, standard shift, good runner, $2,100. 715-748-5713.

BUILDING FOR rent, 51x46,

located on Hwy 64 one
mile outside Medford, high
doors. Phone 715-465-0997.

2004 CHEVY 2500, 4x4,

dark green, extended cab,
leather seats, tonneau cover, towing package, southern truck, 150,000 miles.
$11,900 OBO. 715-574-4561.

160 ACRES hunting land within

Chequamegon National Forest. 4 enclosed heated stands,
trails throughout, area cleared
for cabin, 2 food plots, MFL
closed. Forest Rd. 1529, Jump
River, WI. $384,000. 715820-1546
[email protected].
$29,900, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, located in Riverside
Terrace, steel roof, hardwood
floors, newer windows. Any
questions, call 715-965-0172.
6.2 ACRE lot tested for holding tanks or mound to be sold
with home package, $19,000.
See Wausau Homes Medford
for home plans. Contact Jason at 715-829-4180 to view.
LAND FOR sale: 12 acre wooded country lot, 3 miles northwest
of Medford on blacktop road.
Contact Jason, 715-829-4180.

LOST: PLASTIC hood for my

Owen Hwy D and the Marshfield Dental Clinic in Medford.
If you have found it, I would
like it returned. Thank you for
your honesty. 715-965-2875.

Now is the time for Lyme and Lepto vaccines


2010 FORD Escape XLT, 60,000

miles. $10,250. 715-255-8958.

Self Help Evening Group for
Victims of Sexual Abuse. Tuesday & Wednesday evening
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Also Saturday Mens Group. For information write: Evening Group, P.O.
Box 366, Stratford, WI 54484.
(Meeting place not disclosed).

Sat., March 28, 9 am-1 pm

BE NOTICED. Make your classified ad stand out above

the rest with bold print for
only $5. Call The Star News
at 715-748-2626 or stop in
at 116 S. Wisconsin Ave.,
Medford, to place your ad.

Tick Season
is Here


(excludes Thorp Courier & West Central WI Shopper)

Auto, Misc. for Sale, Garage Sale, etc.)

Gentle Hearts
Boarding Kennel



Mail to: P.O. Box 180, Medford, WI 54451

Ph # ______________________________________________
Amount Enclosed $ ______________
Ad must be pre-paid. Please enclose check or call for credit or debit card payment.
One word on each line.


116 S. Wisconsin Ave.






Medford Ofce Hwy. 13 South
Luke Dixon, Jon Knoll,
Jesse Lukewich, George Zondlo



740 Venoske Road,

Construction to begin in Spring of



336 Vincent St., Medford

Spacious 4+ bed, 1.75 bath ranch home

bordering a park. Updated kitchen, 4
Finished basement with bonus room,
3/4 bath and a large family room.


211 N. Fourth St., Medford

Charming 3 bed, 2.5 bath city home on

/DUJHGHFNV\VWHPAttached garage and
36x28 detached garage with bonus room.

108 Pond St., Athens
Old world charm. 4 bed, 1.5 bath
bathroom, roof and windows.




Please check the paper(s) where you

want your ad to run and number of times
you would like it to run:
Weekly Price # Weeks
 Star News Shopper
Central WI Shopper
West Central WI Shopper
 The Star News
 Thorp Courier
 Tribune Record Gleaner
 Courier Sentinel
 TP & RR & TRG
Full Combo***:


*20 per word

+/-2.32 Acre wooded building

0HGIRUGExcellent building site
for your new home.





Crane Dr., Medford

Address _____________________________________City/Zip___________________

1/2 mile S. on Hwy. 13, Medford



Name ________________________________________________________________




BOLD AD: $5/publication per week


See Jason Wanke at their


WALK-IN Vaccination Clinic

2008 BUICK LaCrosse, 102,000

miles, excellent condition, dark
blue, power everything, $8,200
or best offer. 715-560-9050.


CHOOSE the TOTAL PACKAGE: Regional Runs Available,
CDL-A, 6 mos. Exp. Reqd.
EEOE/AAP 866-322-4039 www.

FOR LEASE: Large retail

office space, recently remodeled, 1,600 sq. ft. Call



K&C FIREWOOD Processing will come to you. I take

the sweat out of making firewood. Will cut loggers cords
into firewood. 715-748-4430.




stock out of registered herd. Bulls
can be registered for additional
fee. $1,950 each. 715-897-2619.


Page 19

**30 per word

***50 per word

N4478 Lake Ridge Dr.,
Schoolhouse Lake. 0DVWHUVXLWHPDLQ
deck with beautiful lake views.

748 Venoske Road,
to begin in the Spring of 2015.



Page 20

Sectional play

Rib Lake falls to Macks 60-56

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Buy these photos online at

Photos by Matt Frey

Above: The Rib Lake student section gets loud during the second half of Thursdays
WIAA Division 5 boys sectional semifinal game at Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High School.
Left: Guard Dalton Strebig beats McDonell Central defender Grayson Knowlton with
a dribble drive before shooting a pull-up jumper during the third quarter of Rib Lakes
60-56 loss.

Continued from page 1

ahead bucket. Dorn turned another steal
into a score. Strebig got an easy hoop off
a backcourt turnover by the Macks, but
Hayden Baughman drove through the
middle of the lane and scored to make it
44-41 at the end of three.
We got in a little bit of foul trouble,
and we were trying to put guys in to suck
up some time, Wild said. (JBs fourth)
was huge for us, especially in this matchup. (Blomberg and Scheithauer) were
standing their ground being post players. (The Macks) are finesse. They want
to go up and down the court. Thats what
we talked about. Even Joey (Frombach)
went and guarded (Bleskachek) for
awhile. He went and he battled the guy,
and he said theyre just letting me do
whatever. I push them off. That was
more of what we wanted. The guys were
just starting to lose steam. The transition
was beating us. They wore us down.
The teams traded points through
the first 4:30 of the fourth. Four times,
Rib Lake got within one. Four times,
McDonell answered. The big shot of the
quarter was a cold-blooded three-pointer
with 3:15 left by McDonells leading scorer, Ben Retzlaff, who had otherwise been
quiet. The Macks were running a weave
on the perimeter, when he just pulled up
and drilled the straight-on trey. It was
McDonells only made three-pointer of
the night.
Cardey answered with a three-pointer
of his own at the 2:45 mark to make it 5150. Frombach picked up his fourth and
fifth fouls in a 42-second span and was
done at the 1:50 mark. The offense sputtered on its next couple of possessions,
while the Macks started to widen the
gap from the free throw line. The lead
got to 58-50 with 33.3 seconds left. Cardey
drained two triples after that, the second
of which came with 11.4 seconds left to
make it a four-point game. The Macks
turned it over on the inbound pass, giving Rib Lake the ball with 10.8 seconds
left, but three shots missed the mark.
Cardey and Frombach scored 16 points
apiece and Blomberg finished with 12. A

fourth senior, Jared Hovde, had a tough

night with fouls and was held scoreless
as the quartet finished their prep basketball careers.
Were going to miss JB with the big
presence inside and he really came on at
the end of the year, Wild said. Joeys
another guy that just can fire. Hes quick.
Hes lightning. He makes great passes.
Thats going to be a hard one to fill. You
put those two together, thats why we run
that pick and roll offense.
Cardeys ability to hit shots in the
clutch will be missed as well, Wild said.
Hovdes return to the lineup was big after
he missed all of last season to injury.
Scheithauer and Strebig finished the
scoring for Rib Lake with six points
apiece. Rib Lake was eight of 10 from the
free throw line and made four threes, all
by Cardey.
We came in thinking we had nothing
to lose, Scheithauer said. We got our
(regional) plaque. We got our proof that
we were here this season. We got some
stuff done anyway.
Bleskacheks 15 points led the Macks.
Ohde finished with 14 and was six for
six from the free throw line. Dorn added
nine. The Macks struggled at the foul line
in the first three quarters, but went 11 of
15 in the fourth quarter to finish 12 of 23.
Though they came up short of their ultimate goal, Scheithauer said the teams
post-season run gives the Redmen something to build on.
Its a good start with the fans, getting
them to come to sectional, he said. We
had a lot of fans. Over half the gym was
ours. Hopefully this builds a good thing
to the start of next season. We have six
juniors coming, one or two could be off
the bench that may be a lot of help. Well
have a couple who are developing their
skills on the perimeter.
Were going to be different next
year, Wild said. The guys we have
coming up are more pass and cut to the
basket type of guys, so well look different. Well have Scheithauer, so well still
have some size.

Team defense
Rib Lakes (l. to r.) Jordan Cardey, Joe Scheithauer and Austin Ewan swarm McDonell
Centrals James Davis, forcing him to take
a difficult shot in the lane during the third
quarter of Thursdays sectional semifinal

Holway Sluggers signup night is Monday

Bean Bag
8th Street Winter League
March 12: Scott Jensen Team 4, Adam Wehe Team
0; Tom Judnic Team 3, Lance Leu Team 1.

The Holway Sluggers will hold their

sign-up night for this summers T-ball
and baseball teams on Monday, March
The session will take place from 5 to
7 p.m. at the Holway Town Hall.
For more information, call Shawn
Konieczny at 715-785-7906.

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