(Andrew Davidson & Co) An Implied Prepayment Model For MBS
(Andrew Davidson & Co) An Implied Prepayment Model For MBS
(Andrew Davidson & Co) An Implied Prepayment Model For MBS
January 2001
Eknath Belbase, PhD.
In this article we describe a market-implied prepayment model for
residential mortgage-backed securities. The methodology takes, as
given, the market prices of securities together with a yield curve
environment and produces a small set of parameters which describe
a prepayment model.
Table 1
FN6.0 and OAS at Curve in
Price 100% ADP Months Yield
FN8.0 OASs FN6 94.34 118 3 6.335
FN8 101.56 132 6 6.372
using three ADP
OAS at
speeds and 80% ADP 12 6.159
FN6 110 24 5.930
10/27/00 data FN8 140 60 5.785
The first analysis shows the OAS of the two bonds using an unadjusted
ADP model. When we decrease the prepayment speed by applying 80% of
ADP, the timing of principal is extended for both bonds. For the discount
this means a lower spread is required to match the same price, and for the
premium, a higher spread. In the final run, we apply 120% of ADP; this
shortens principal timing, increasing net present value for the discount and
decreasing it for the premium. Hence, this increases the OAS of the
discount and decreases the OAS of the premium. The values of the OAS
match almost exactly at 120% of ADP.
2 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
A General Portfolio of Bonds
In Figure 1 we plot the OASs of FN6-FN9 bonds under the three scalings
used earlier with the same yield curve and their market prices from that
Figure 1
FNMA Portfolio OASs
Portfolio with 180
Prices 120
FN6 FN6.5 FN7 FN7.5 FN8 FN8.5 FN9
With more than two bonds, it is not always possible to match all the OASs
using a simple scaling. While it is clear that the FN6.5 through FN8 bonds
have almost the same OAS using 120% of ADP, some more flexibility is
required to bring the OASs of the other bonds closer to some common
The Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc. prepayment model has additional tuning
features which give us this flexibility. The steepness tuning parameter
changes the shape of the refinancing incentive curve.1 This leads to faster
prepayments on premiums and slower speeds on discounts in one direction
and the reverse in the other direction. Figure 2 displays the same OAS
profile curves under 20% changes in this parameter.
Figure 2
FNMA Portfolio OASs
The Effect of the
Steep parameter
FN6 FN6.5 FN7 FN7.5 FN8 FN8.5 FN9
1 With the ratio between the gross rate and market rates on the x-axis and the refinancing incentive,
which can be thought of as the CPR due to refinancing, on the y-axis.
3 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
In contrast to Figure 1, where increasing the scale parameter seems to
rotate the OAS profile clockwise while keeping the center relatively
constant, the OAS profile moves up and down; in addition, the slopes of
different parts of the curve can be changed by different amounts. This
flexibility is useful when we try to equate the OASs of more than two
The slide parameter controls the ratio at which the refinancing incentive
curve is "at the money." Decreasing this parameter changes a slight
discount to a deeper discount while increasing it changes a discount to a
premium. Figure 3 shows the effect on the OAS profile curve.
Figure 3
FNMA Portfolio OASs
The Effect of the
Slide parameter
FN6 FN6.5 FN7 FN7.5 FN8 FN8.5 FN9
The burnout tuning dial tends to have the least impact on valuation: on
discounts it tends to have no impact at all, and on premiums, an impact that
is small relative to the first three tuning dials. This can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4
FNMA Portfolio OASs
The Effect of the
Burnout parameter
FN6 FN6.5 FN7 FN7.5 FN8 FN8.5 FN9
4 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
Minimizing OAS Dispersion
Because the bonds in the FNMA portfolio have the same credit quality, we
would expect their OASs to be the same under the market-implied
prepayment model.2 This is because the OAS is the total spread minus the
option cost; differences in prepayment risk have already been accounted
for in the option cost.
We can use the standard deviation of the OASs of the portfolio of bonds as
a measure of the dispersion of the OASs. Using this definition, the implied
prepayment model is, then, the prepayment model (defined implicitly
through the tuning parameters) which minimizes this measure of
dispersion.3 Figure 5 shows a 3-dimensional representation of a surface on
which we would search for the minimum if we were using only two tuning
Figure 5
A Surface
Using Two
2 Assuming there is no liquidity premium for some of the coupons. We will revisit this
assumption later.
3 It is also possible to use a target vector of OAS.
5 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
While the general optimization would be in 5 dimensions (with 4 tuning
parameters), this simpler case makes several things clear. First, it is
possible that the boundary of the acceptable-tuning parameter space will
be hit. There is no guarantee that the value of OASs for the portfolio at
such a point would make any sense. In addition, there appear to be several
regions where the standard deviation is fairly low; to choose between such
regions, it would be useful to have some sense of a preferred region and
some ability to distinguish between nonsensical OAS values and
reasonable OASs built into the model. Finally, to obtain a minimum to
within 5-10 bp, it is clear that a simple grid search would have to search
points no further apart than 0.1 in the space of tuning parameters.
A complete grid search of tuning parameters with a 0.1 spacing and each
tuning parameter ranging between 0.5 and 1.5 would force us to perform
over 14,000 portfolio OASs. This amounts to over an hour for each
instrument (assuming that we are dealing with TBAs and not CMOs) in
our portfolio. In addition, this method does not include any information
about preferred regions or output OAS values that are acceptable.
4 The algorithm is a subspace trust region method based on the inferior reflective Newton method.
6 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
discarding these higher coupons, we used weights on the different coupons.
This allows us to place different amounts of emphasis on the information
contained in the prices and OASs of different securities.5
Some Results
Figure 6
GN30 OAS Results FN 30 OAS Results
GN30 and
250 250
runs for
200 200
basis points
basis points
50 50
0 0
6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9
5 We can use weights that represent the amount of trading on those coupons which occurred
over a certain period, or the proportion of outstanding loans the coupons represent, etc.
6 The full set of WAC/WAM and volatility assumptions are available on our website at
www.ad-co.com under Quantitative Analysis.
7 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
The actual OAS and tuning values are displayed in Table 2.
Table 2
GN 30-Year FN 30-Year
GN30 and Untuned Tuned Untuned Tuned
Coupon OAS OAS Coupon OAS OAS
FN30 Before
6 104 117 6 118 136
and After 6.5 111 119 6.5 120 135
7 114 120 7 121 137
7.5 120 120 7.5 124 136
8 131 119 8 132 136
8.5 142 116 8.5 142 136
9 177 168 9 180 180
9.5 223 211 9.5 218 211
Scale 1 1.1358 Scale 1 1.1072
Steep 1 0.9270 Steep 1 0.9002
Slide 1 1.0798 Slide 1 1.0294
Burn 1 1.0385 Burn 1 1.0052
First, if we look at the standard deviation before and after optimization for
the whole portfolio, for the GN30s it decreases from 41 to 35bp and for
FN30s from 36 to 29bp. However, we weighted the 9 and 9.5 coupons
significantly less. If we look exclusively at the 6 through 8.5 coupons, for
GN30s the standard deviation decreased from 14 to 2bp and for FN30s
from 9 to less than 1 bp.
When the method weighed the higher coupons equally, it tended to lead to
absurd results. There are several explanations for this discrepancy. First,
the price data on the highest coupons is not as accurate as for the more
liquid ones. Secondly, there may be a liquidity premium for the higher
coupons. Finally, the market may be assigning a spread based on faster
prepayments than the base prepayment model for those coupons under
falling rates in a way that is not consistent with the structure of the model
for the lower coupons.
For both collateral types, the market seems to favor a slightly less steep refi
incentive curve than our base model combined with a speeding up overall.
In addition, the values of slide indicate that securities are becoming "in the
money" in the market model at slightly lower ratios than in our base
8 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
model. This is shown in Table 3, where we compare the base case (static
interest rate environment) WAL equivalent PSAs for the two collateral
types under the untuned prepayment model and under the market-implied
Table 3
Untuned Tuned Untuned Tuned
Equivalent Security Base PSA Base PSA Security Base PSA Base PSA
PSAs Before GN6 123 164 FN6 135 174
GN6.5 130 173 FN6.5 139 181
and After GN7 132 178 FN7 144 189
GN7.5 137 298 FN7.5 173 277
GN8 219 460 FN8 310 435
GN8.5 355 584 FN8.5 471 642
GN9 316 392 FN9 375 419
GN9.5 301 363 FN9.5 380 418
Finally, we look at the series of solutions over time. Figure 7 shows the
tuning parameters for the GN30 portfolio based on market close data from
the last Friday of each month between January and December 2000.
Figure 7
GN30 History Jan-Dec 2000
Parameter Value
The scale and burn parameters seem to be the most stable over time for
GN30s. Steep does seem to fluctuate over time, both above and below the
steepness of the base model. However, scale and slide are consistently
above 1, within a fairly small (5%) band.
9 Q U A N T I TAT I V E P E R S P E C T I V E S J A N U A RY 2 0 0 1
It is important to note that the results of the implied prepayment model do
not necessarily provide a forecasting model. Rather, the parameters specify
a prepayment model which reflects the market's assessment of risk in much
the same way that forward rates reflect the market's assessment of yield
curve movements, or implied volatilities from caps and swaptions reflect
the market's view of interest rate volatility. In all these cases, the implied
curve or set of parameters is a composite view based on the often divergent
views of different market participants.
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Contents set forth from sources deemed reliable, but Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc. does not guarantee its
accuracy. Our conclusions are general in nature and are not intended for use as specific trade recommendations.
Copyright 2001
Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc.