HUI 216 - Midterm Package

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HUI 216
Midterm Package
Spring 2015
Giuseppe Costo

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PPT overview:
Italys geography: encouraged the growth of different cultures and
That diversity had been formed long before the Romans united the
peninsula politically in the first century BCE.
In history, though not in myth, early Rome was ruled by several
Etruscan kings, who were expelled at the end of the sixth century BCE.
The early republic managed to produce a capable ruling class, its
officials generally enjoying a reputation for high-mindedness and
incorruptibility. All male citizens, including the plebs, had a vote.
The wars within Italy seldom led to outright annexation. The defeated
foes were usually absorbed within the Roman sphere by a system of
treaties that turned them, sometimes willingly and sometimes not, into
allies or socii.
Romes requirement of its allies was a supply of troops, which they had
to raise and pay for, in times of war. However reluctant they may
sometimes have been, the allies remained loyal even at moments
when disloyalty might have led to the destruction of Rome. The
Carthaginian general Hannibal spent fifteen years in Italy, defeating
the legions, trying to persuade the socii to join him and finally sulking
in Calabria.
The ensuing Social War engulfed the peoples of the eastern center,
the Marsians and Picenes, and some in the south such as the Samnites
and Lucanians; but it did not involve the colonies of Magna Graecia or
the Etruscans and Umbrians in the north. The causes of the war are
still disputed, historians traditionally claiming that the rebels were
fighting for Roman citizenship while revisionist scholars argue that
launching a savage war was an odd way of pursuing such a goal.

The Coin:
Citizenship was also awarded to the Latins and other socii, most of
whom had again remained loyal, but those north of the Po received
only Latin rights until Caesar turned them into full citizens in 49 BCE.
All free Italians then received Roman citizenship. Two hundred and fifty
years later, the whole population of the empire was given the same
privilege by the Emperor Caracalla.
Rome had long been placing settlements in strategic areas, especially
the Po Valley

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Augustus: For him Italy was an administrative convenience not a

cohesive unit, and when he divided it into eleven regions he was
careful to preserve ethnic boundaries didnt really want a unified Italy
(Tota Italy) he only wanted for political means
Cicero: another who tried to unify (totius italiae) Augustus) must free
Italy from the tyranny of the drunk and corrupted Antony.
The Romans of the first century BCE were not nationalists and never
had been; apart from other considerations, much of their culture was
foreign Hellenic. Their Italy was essentially a land of city-states
running themselves under the biggest city-state of all.
Rome transformed itself from city-state to empire so rapidly that there
was no room for nationalism, no time for an ethnic Italian identity to
emerge. The crucial year was 260 BCE, when they decided to build a
navy from scratch with which to drive the Carthaginians out of Sicily.
This was the first Carthaginian War.
Sicily became peaceful and prosperous its wheat yields were higher
than in the twentieth century and provided wealth and a reliable
supply of grain for Rome.
The second Carthaginian war against Hannibal between 218 and 201
BC, gave Rome much of Iberia and control of the western
Mediterranean. It was followed by two Macedonian Wars, which gave it
Greece and supremacy in the eastern Mediterranean.
The third Carthaginian War, which expunged Carthage from the earth
and turned much of North Africa into a Roman province.
Even the great Constantine the first Christian emperor and the man
responsible for the Roman Empire becoming a Christian state ordered
the killings of his second wife and his eldest son, the Deputy Emperor
The empire collapsed in the fifth century for many reasons, both
internal and external, but nationalistic opposition to Roman hegemony
was not one of them.

PPT #1:
Mountains In the north Alps separate Italy from the rest of Europe:
Impact on culture and climate. Provide economic and industrial
The Apennines run north/south through central Italy, separating the
peninsula in east and west. Many rivers flowing down from mountains
in the north.

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The Po River is the largest river in Italy, and the Po Valley is Italys most
fertile region.
Italy does not have many natural resources
There are still dormant/alive volcanoes in Italy. Italy is more or less at
the same latitude of NY State, its climate is much milder
Flag - was first introduced during the Napoleonic wars, in 1797. The
colors are connected to the city of Milan red and white were in the
emblem of the commune of Milan, green was used for the uniforms of
the Milanese civic guards
Roman Empire collapsed in 476, various local communities, which
maintained limited contacts with one another, saw a resurgence of
local customs and dialects
The dual identity that was so common under the Romans was then
replaced by a single highly localized identity throughout the Middle
Cultural and political projects of unification born at the end of the
Middle Ages were put on hold for another three centuries.
That process of forced unification, imposed from the top, did not erase
the differences that existed in Italian society, simply masked them
In fact, the lack of consideration for local cultures made many Italians
angry at the new government, so citizens failed to identify and bond
with the new national government, only reinforcing their allegiance to
the small parcel of land and to the small community they grew in.
Often in social gatherings they introduce themselves as Tuscans or
Sicilians, or better yet as citizens of a single town or village, while at
the same time few reject the idea that they are also Italian
Hannibal was a Carthaginian (area where Tunisia is today) general who
fought against the Roman Republic in the 218 BCE. He departed from
Iberia (Spain) with this army and arrived in Italy in 212 BCE. He stayed
in the South for almost 15 years.
With his elephants across the Pyrenees and the Alps
Religion was a powerful unifying force inside Italian culture and
customs for many centuries
Italys current national language is called by linguists Standard or NeoStandard Italian
Various vernaculars or dialects, very different from each other, have
developed in time from Latin and from other Indo-European languages
(Greek, Umbrian, Ligurian, Sican, etc.), spoken locally before and after
the Romans
2000 years of civ in the Italian peninsula: Latin/Roman era, Middle
Ages, Renaissance & Modernity
Archeological excavations have confirmed that the Rome was founded
during the eighth century BCE

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Even under the Romans, Italy was not unified politically and
administratively until the beginning of the Empire
1th BC: Roman Empire is born; 5th Century : Roman Empire ends in Italy
and in West, 15thCwntury: the Byzantine (Roman) Empire ends in the
Collapse of Roman Empire and start of Euro Feudal system: King,
Noble, Knight, Peasant
Middle Ages (5thCent to 14thCent): One of the key characteristics of this
age is the fact that local communities survive virtually isolated from
one another
North Tuscany, South Naples
*Mannerism & Baroque: breaking from classical standards and
influence of France and Spain, then The Enlightenment: attrition of
Italian influence, then Romanticism & Risorgimento: individual linked to
political maturity
Before unification: South by Spain, North by Austrians and Central by
First War of Independence (1848): Sardinia Kingdom vs. AustriaHungary
Second War of Independence (1859)

PPT #2:

Many people enter Italy because easier access to other countries

7000BC Neolithic entered Italy living in isolated territories
Most recent arrival was Greek colonists in the south
Etruscans: other than Greek, most distinctive and advanced people
were Etruscans
Eventually Etruria was defeated and absorbed by the Romans
Greeks: 8th Century BC and created city states
Romanization of Italy: political and cultural ID but not ethnic,
Romans had no ID
Invasions with impact: Ostrogoth
More significant was the immigration of Albanians who in the later
Middle Ages built themselves villages along the Adriatic coast and
settled in Sicily, purest Albanians
There is no Italian race and there never has been one.

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PPT #3:

Origin of Rome: myth of Hercules saved lost calf

5th century BCE: Italia
**There was one sharp check to this progress. In 91 BCE some of
Romes socii (subservient allies) rebelled and set up a state in the
central Apennines called Italia, with a capital Corfinium (renamed
Italica), the insurgents even produced coins showing the bull of Italia
goring and about to rape the Roman wolf

Augustus first Roman emperor, divided into 11 districts. Then

Diocletian expanded it
One reason why the eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) lasted for a
thousand years longer than its western counterpart was that it was
much easier to defend.
Mediterranean seas made Italy even more vulnerable than its
mountains. With 4,500 miles of coastline, the peninsula and its islands
are almost impossible to patrol
Despite its closeness to Tuscany, Elba in the sixteenth century was so
frequently attacked by invaders from Africa. Sicily had a similar
problem, making it impossible for its inhabitants to control their
destiny for the last two and a half thousand years.
During the same nine centuries Italy was successfully invaded by
Angevins, Aragonese, Germans, French, Spanish, Turks, Austrians,
Russians, British and Americans. None of them was able to control the
whole of the peninsula.
Italy shortage of timber, fallen trees not re-generable b/c top soil
washed away
Alps vs. Apennines
o Alps=rich summer for animal vegetation even at high altitudes
with rivers & lakes
o Apennines=backbone, barrier of mountains, difficult to travel
through, created east/west divide, preserve ice at high altitudes,
preserve cultural identity
Po River most important. Tiber 2nd longest river in the country

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