Voice of Freedom 101
Voice of Freedom 101
Voice of Freedom 101
Voice of 60p
08710 500 232
ISSUE No.100 The Newspaper of the British National Party 08710 500 233
RITISH JOBS are going to be at a premium over the
next two years as today’s financial crisis turns into
tomorrow’s economic recession.
We must safeguard all British jobs and ensure that they are
EUROPEAN only filled by British workers who are spending their wages in
the British economy supporting their families here. Not migrant
workers sending the money to dependents in Poland. 100th
All migrants workers should be sent back to their own
country and no more should be allowed in. But as long as ISSUE
ALL THE Britain stays in the European Union, there is nothing that
the Government can do to stop this influx of cheap labour
MIGRANT from Eastern Europe. That is why the British National Party
campaigns to take Britain out of the EU.
WORKERS We face hard times ahead and to feed and look after our people
we need to utilise all the resources we have at our disposal. We
PRODUCE must strive for self-sufficiency in the food we produce and that
means growing crops in our fields and not concreting them over
to build houses for unwanted immigrants. We must also take The fight back begins
WE NEED back the waters around our shores so that British fishermen
can once again provide fish for our tables rather than Spanish
(Page 5)
FOREIGN that we make the cars and the electrical goods ourselves
that we currently buy in from overseas.
IMPORTS This will create new jobs for OUR people and will provide
the wages that will keep families fed and warm during the
And what is equally criminal is that our trade unions have
stood by and allowed this haemorrhaging of work from Britain.
SHORE JOBS There has never been a more treacherous act than this from a
Labour Government and its trade union backers.
ONLY The British National Party will not allow one British job to be
sent overseas and firms that set up call-centres or factories in
INVEST IN other countries will lose their right to operate in Britain.
Trafalgar Club dinner
BRITISH The recession will hurt everyone and it’s the duty of a government
to look after its own people during such hardship - and here in
(Page 4)
INDUSTRY the UK that means safeguarding British jobs for British workers
and puting the interests of the British people first.
and much more
Bully Brown
targets BNP
To give the BNP
immediate help you
can donate now
by credit and debit
Call our fundraiser
08710 500 234
and during October it even extended Labour is next (227,532th - down 11,197)
its lead over the old gang parties. followed by the Lib-Dems (288,968th
According to the Alexa Web Traffic - down 54,009). But way down at the
Ranking, the BNP is in 57,906th place in bottom of the pile is UKIP in 863,813th
the league table of the world’s websites. place. Its website is in freefall in the pop-
That’s up 140 places on last month. ularity stakes, dropping 281,796 places
Of Britain’s other political parties, the in the last four weeks.
immigration in Croydon
gift as a reward for casting their vote. poll advertising.
FREEDOM - 100 up! by Bob Gertner Labour idea of granting an amnesty Mr Cameron rubbed his chin and
TOP TABLE: Nick and Jackie Griffin enjoy good food and interesting company.
B RITISH National Party coun-
cillor Chris Beverley, is leading
a campaign to end what appears to
children from ‘ethnic minorities’ who
qualify for the vaccination.
Councillor Beverley has taken this
policy, refuses to immunise our chil-
dren against this disease.
and educational couple
of days, attended by HE British National Party’s
Sid Chaney, who at 87 councillor for Maltby in South
is the Trafalgar Club’s Yorkshire, Will Blair, admitted to
oldest member. being ‘very proud’ when he was
asked to open an exhibition for
the former miner-turned-artist,
INTERESTING Stewart Platt.
CONVERSATION: Will has been a great supporter of
TC members enjoy Stewart’s efforts for recognition over
after dinner drinks and the years and he was delighted to be
discuss the political asked to do the honours on the most
issues of the day. important of days for the Maltby artist.
“He is a brilliant artist and his pictures
Euro Election 09
FREEDOM: An major expansion of freedom and
democracy to roll back the erosion of our tradi-
tional freedoms and truly reflect the wishes of the
people. The introduction of referenda and direct
The British National Party is on the verge of a major breakthrough into democracy.
mainstream politics. Last May, the BNP achieved another good set of
local election results and gained representation on the Greater London DEFENCE: An alternative defence strategy based on
Assembly. In June 2009, it’s the European Elections and it is vital that the principle of armed neutrality. No British blood
we continue to make progress. should be shed in conflicts which do not involve
But to win against the old gang parties in such a fiercely contested set of British interests. The restoration of the County Regi-
elections needs considerable funding and we are appealing for your help ment system and the reversal of defence cuts which
as the BNP makes this vital push for power in order to save our country. have weakened our Forces and cost jobs.
I enclose a donation to the BNP for £ . . . . . .
REMEMBER! It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with
NAME.................................................................... Tel No................................ us on every last policy. Like all the other democratic
ADDRESS.......................................................................................................... political parties, the British National Party includes
some members who disagree with one or two policies.
.............................................................................. Post Code......................... Just ask yourself whether you agree with more of our
Cheques/POs payable to British National Party or British Heritage policies than those of Labour, the Tories and the Lib-
P0 Box 14, Welshpool SY21 OWE Dems. Most people do, which is why we are the fastest
growing political party in Britain today.
Those making donations of £200 or over must be on the UK Electoral Register. Send SAE for receipts for amounts of £25 or under.
Righteous anger
& political action
BBC admits Islam bias
T HE Director General of the BBC has admit-
ted that the Corporation’s programme makers
City of Spires
Nor do we intend to encourage others country into a place where we often Jesus, Mary and God as deviant guests on Jerry Spring-
to feel such animosity, or believe that feel like strangers in our own land. er’s TV show, includes over 300 swear words.
OPERA: Jerry Springer.
to become
Can you imagine the BBC treating Islam in the same way?
recruit Bring our troops home from O City of Asylum
of its residents.
The home to scholars for more than
The Ministry of Defence has that can’t be defended in any other Central Asia.
back control of much of the south of ARENTS of children at Old
admitted that senior command- way. It is not to “spread democracy” After many brave British soldiers died
Afghanistan because the people there Palace School in Croydon are
ers are worried about “the risk to or impose our way of life on other on “Afghanistan’s bloody plains”, we
have turned away from the corrupt upset because they feel that the
operational effectiveness from an nations and cultures. learned a better way. We simply paid
regime of US puppet Hamid Karzai. interests of Muslims pupils are
over-reliance on personnel who In Afghanistan we do have two issues the tribal warlords who, then as now,
No British Government should be being put first.
are not British citizens.” which concern us. Firstly, we need to ruled the Pashtun lands of Southern
sending our soldiers, whose role is to Concerns were first raised after it
They have called for “Armed stop the large-scale growing of the Afghanistan, to police themselves and
defend Britain and the British people, was revealed that their children
Forces which are predominantly opium poppy, from which heroin is leave us alone.
to lay down their lives in a war that had for 8 years been unknowingly
British and whose members produced. Afghanistan is the ultimate Today, we need simply offer to pay the
they cannot win. eating ritually slaughtered meat for
reflect and share the culture and source of 90% of the heroin peddled Afghan warlords slightly more than
There is only one reason to fight a war. school dinners.
values of British society”. on British streets. they can each earn from selling their
To defend our own national interests The school has been serving Islamic
Secondly, we need to stop the country heroin poppy crop to global drug deal-
being used as a safe haven from which halal meat to ALL children just to
ers NOT to grow poppies. In effect,
Islamic terrorists can strike at Britain accommodate its Muslim pupils.
we’d give them “set-aside payments”
and other Western nations. Earlier this year plans for a fashion
on their fields.
Both these aims can be achieved more show were shelved because of lack
We would also put a massive bounty
reliably at less cost and without put- of interest after a ban on alcohol, in
on the heads of al-Qaeda leaders and
ting British soldiers at risk. order not to offend Muslim parents,
pay the warlords an additional subsidy
We must apply the lessons that we and now a ban on the sale of raffle
not to offer hospitality to al-Qaeda or
learned over 100 years ago after two tickets has also been applied because
anyone else using their lands as a base
earlier disastrous bloody failures of gambling is forbidden by Islam.
to attack Britain.
British armies in Afghanistan. Then Such a policy would safeguard
the issue was Afghans raiding over the essential British interests at far
border into British India and support- lower cost and without sacrificing
ing Russian imperial interventions in our servicemen.
Don’t forget
the slave trade Lost in translation can’t stand loo
and Windrush! T
by Steve Johnson Act request revealed their spend on £294,000, while the translation costs
HE National Health Service is interpreters had more than doubled of Health Service trusts in Cumbria,
having to waste more than £50 last year. Dorset and Herefordshire all tripled.
million a year, that could be used to The biggest spender was Manchester Languages for which NHS trusts
A NEW statue has been installed
in the Stockwell Memorial
Gardens in south London to remind
save the lives of sick British people,
on translators for the vast flood
Primary Care Trust, which spent £1.2
million on translation services last
had to fork out for interpreters
last year included Ethiopian tribal
of foreign immigrants who can’t year, more than double the previous dialects Oromo and Tigrinya, and
people of the Slave Trade. speak English. year’s figure. Three other trusts in Sorani, a form of Kurdish. Many
It’s London’s first public statue of an One in six of the 200 NHS trusts were the same city splashed out £1.5 mil- trusts, hospitals and GPs are forced
African-Caribbean woman and was recently forced to divulge the figure lion between them and eight trusts in to use Language Line, a phone
unveiled to coincide with the 60th after the Freedom of Information London poured £5.5 million down interpretation service that rips them
anniversary of the arrival of the Empire this particular drain. off at a rate of £1 a minute.
Windrush ship to Britain carrying 500
West Indian immigrants.
The 10f high bronzen statue was
Other trusts badly hit by mas-
sively growing translation
When British people are dying
every day because the NHS can’t T HE ladies and gentlemen’s toi-
lets at Manchester University
have been re-named as ‘toilets’ and
bills were Northamptonshire afford the drugs to treat them it is
designed by sculptor Ian Walters, Primary Care Trust, whose disgusting that these huge sums are ‘toilets with urinals’ so that transex-
who also created the Nelson Mandela costs rose by 82% in a year to being wasted on foreigners, most of ual and transgender students don’t
statue in Parliament Square in 2005. whom are not British or often even feel uncomfortable when using
Tanzeem Ahmed, a director of Olmec, EU passport holders. them.
the community investment foundation LANGUAGE LINE: The students’ union decided to make
Hospitals are forced to use This money should be used for the
which paid £84,000 for the monu- proper purpose of the NHS which its toilets ‘gender-neutral’ after trans-
ment, said it was was “a tribute to the a telephone interpretation gender students, who are biologically
service that rips them off at is to treat sick British people and
diverse communities that make up a rate of £1 a minute. save British lives. female but feel masculine, said that
British society.” they were made to feel inadequate
because they were “unable to stand
Labour’s support for EU Army n THE liberalisation of Britain's
drug laws has seen the number of
Now that will be news to British too frightened to walk the streets of
soldiers on the front line in Iraq and their own borough.
Afghanistan, who have seen nary a A local authority spokesman said that
glimpse of any Frenchmen fight- the service was implemented after a
n THE Government's community series of violent attacks on staff, with
ing alongside them. That’s because Labour’s new senior minister contin-
surveillance proposals to facilitate France has more sense than to send EU ARMY: Could be used to put pressure three mugged on their way home
ued by ruling out any idea of British on countries wanting to leave the EU. within a four-week period.
‘cohesion’ between the British its troops to die in America’s wars, independence. “Britain’s role in the
people and ethnic minorities includes
but leaving our troops to die on world is to be part of those alliances
doctoring the news to remove reports
that show immigrants in a bad light. their own in them is hardly the con- (e.g. the European Union). People who
In Berwick on Tweed, the local Crime duct of a “close military ally”. don’t understand that don’t understand
and Disorder Reduction Partnership The proposal that Hutton and his the nature of the modern world”.
openly boasts that it is, "working with Labour Government want us to sup- What Hutton and his ilk fail to rea-
the local press to vet stories involving port is the setting up of a military force, lise is that the British people don’t
migrant workers employed in the food created from troops drafted in from EU want our national independence
processing and agricultural sectors to member states, loyal to the European compromised by giving foreign
prevent stigmatisation." Union, with its own HQ and command bureaucrats, who already wield
n BRITISH Muslims are actively structure answerable to Brussels alone. great power over our country, access
supporting the Taliban in attacks Branding Britons who oppose our to their own private army to enforce
on coalition forces in Afghanistan. subjection to Brussels as “pathetic”, their decrees.
Taliban transmissions being broadcast
Trafalgar Day
up a stall in Plymouth city centre on
honour Nelson and his victory at Trafalgar.
Tuesday October 21st.
Lord Nelson was born at Burnham Thorpe and known locally
In addition to promoting the British as the Son of Norfolk, because of his courage and determina-
Gala Dinner
National Party, the activity was to remind tion to win at all costs. Guests raised their glasses after listen-
people about what day it was and special ing to an excellent speech by Tim Smithson about his life.
Day in the
leaflets were handed out informing them Funds were raised for Norfolk BNP and also for the Help for
of the significance of Trafalgar Day. Heroes charity which supports wounded British soldiers.
The event went down very well in the
“Home of the Royal Navy” and pro-
Home of the
vided a great advertisement for the Brit-
ish National Party in the South West.
One of those handing out leaflets, David
Moore, told Freedom:
Royal Navy
“The feedback from the general public
was fantastic. People were delighted to
see us on the streets campaigning, gain-
ing support and being prepared to stand
up for what we believe in.”
the launch
pad for BNP BNP committed to street
in Dewsbury
Dewsbury East Ward
activism in Bristol & Bath
by Mark Clutterbuck by a visit to Kingswood which in receiving a leaflet for the first time,
Thursday 16th October 2008
Cathy Scott (Lab)................... 1513
Dennis Hullock (Lib-Dem)...... 1405
T HE Bristol, Bath and District
Branch of the British National
Party took to the streets again
contrast is a traditional stronghold of
straight talking, white working folk.
On Saturday 25th, it was Bristol itself,
rather than just delivering a leaflet
through a letter box where the inter-
est of the recipient is not known.
Joe Barber (BNP).................. 690 during October, promoting a mes- and here as with the other two towns, What was particularly rewarding
Amelia Bolton (Con)............... 345 sage of hope to our native folk in the a locally produced Patriot leaflet was that given the many differences
Adrian Cruden (Green)........... 58 face of the increasing hardship due opposing the destruction of our green in income, environment and experi-
BNP Percentage: 17.2% to the failed globalist agenda. belt land was handed out along with ences of the people of the three areas,
T RASHING the Tories and JOE BARBER: “We must pull together.” On Saturday October 4th we visited the excellent new nationally produced the level of support for the BNP was
polling over 17% should have be able to contest the by-election, but Keynsham, a self contained market Enough is Enough leaflet. equally enthusiastic in each one.
been a cause for celebration for the thankfully local businessman Paul town between Bristol and Bath that These were used on both occasions This puts a lie to the old parties’ class
BNP, but Joe Barber and his election Cromie, stepped in to save the day and acts as a white flight haven for the to great effect and I have no doubt politics, which has really always been
workers in Dewsbury East weren’t funded the campaign. more affluent sections of our com- this will have a significant impact on just an attempt to divide and weaken
breaking open the champagne. “The result shows that there is still munity escaping more multi-cultural future support locally. We are com- our people by setting them against
Two years ago the British national a strong following for the BNP in Bristol. mitted to this sort of street activism as each other when we desperately need
Party were setting the political Dewsbury,” Joe Barber told Freedom. This was followed on Saturday 18th it draws in the many interested people to be working together.
agenda in Dewsbury but personality “We are hoping that this election will
clashes and internal divisions fuelled be the launch pad from which the BNP
by our opponents, all but wrecked can get back on track with people
the local branch and at one time it pulling together to work to return
looked unlikely that the Party would Dewsbury to a proud British town.”
Operation Outreach
on the Essex Coast
A CTIVISTS from North East
Essex BNP held ‘Operation
Outreach’ papersales and leafleting
Essex seaside towns, putting it down
to the fact that most residents in the
two towns had fled the enforced multi-
sessions in Walton-on-the-Naze and culturalism of London and the
Clacton-on-Sea. surrounding suburbs to look for a
The Colchester organiser Jim Taylor, more British way of life.
and Tendring contact Keith Beau- Jim Taylor was joined by eight mem-
mont, were both overwhelmed with bers, including Beverley Neames and
the response they got from these small Dave Green, his group fundraisers.
KEYNSHAM: Our sales team received an enthusiastic response in this affluent market town between Bristol and Bath.
Barnbrook speaks
in Amber Valley BNP holds its first ever
G REATER London Assembly
member Richard Barnbrook, papersale in Welshpool
was guest speaker at the October ELSHPOOL organiser Bryan
meeting of Amber Valley BNP. Greenway, held the first ever
He gave an account of his work in BNP paper sale in Welshpool town
the GLA and his run-ins with London centre in October.
WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE: Selling Freedom on the Essex Riviera under a palm tree. Mayor Boris Johnson, including Assisted by local BNP supporters and
the recent debate on the proposed Shrewsbury committee members Karl
“amnesty” for all illegal immigrants Foukles and Rayna Milner, the team
currently residing in London. dealt with a brisk trade of Saturday
He was the only London Assembly morning shoppers keen to find out more
member that spoke out against the about the British National Party.
motion, giving a humourous account This time the BNP were really there, German marching songs.
of the other parties’ horrified reaction unlike in a report printed in the New When challenged by the British National
to his opposition. Statesman in January 2004. It was then Party over the report, New Statesman
East Midlands Regional Organiser that journalist Jack Jameson claimed editor Peter Wilby was forced to admit
Geoff Dickens, chaired the meeting that after his car broke down he was that the whole story was made up just
and organiser Cllr Lewis Allsebrook, forced to stay a night in Welshpool for the purpose of smearing the BNP and
gave a Powerpoint presentation show- where the pubs were full of British that his journalist Jameson, had never
ing the progress made by the BNP in National Party members singing even been to Welshpool.
CLACTON-ON-SEA: There’s lots of interest in the BNP’s town centre stall. Amber Valley in recent elections.
HE BNP’s performance in
the East Wittering by-election
West Wittering Ward
Thursday 23rd October 2008
was the best that the Party has
Graeme Barrett (Con).................410
achieved in local elections for Chich- Mary Green (Lib-Dem)................364
ester Council over the past 5 years. Andrew Emerson (BNP)...........125
It was an excellent result with our vote Joe O’Sullivan (Lab)................... 69
exceeding that of Labour and UKIP Adrian Cruden (UKIP)................ 58
added together. BNP Percentage: 12.3%
At the first polling station where I
at Carlisle Meeting
Party.” It couldn’t have been a better
start to the day.
The number of postal votes was 255
and calculating from our observa-
S well as having two of the best BNP speakers on the circuit,
tions of the contents of each box as
they were opened it seemed that we the October meeting of Carlisle also enjoyed some fascinating
probably got about 14.5% of the votes contributions from the audience.
actually cast on the day. That’s a first GLA member Richard Barnbrook, and Durham school teacher Mark
BNP CANDIDATE: Dr Andrew Emerson. class result for us here. Walker, both received prolonged applause for their excellent speeches
which set a high standard of debate for the evening. This was continued by
a number of local members present who updated the meeting on the issues
supporters drum up
the way the evening went.
“Both Richard and Mark gave impressive addresses and they in turn said TOP: Mark Walker addresses the meeting.
interest in ‘Freedom’
how encouraging they found the involvement of people in the meeting and BOTTOM (centre): Richard Barnbrook.
the calibre of those who had made contributions on the local issues.” OTHERS: The members have their say.
CITY CENTRE: Manchester BNP launch their Operation Outreach campaign. Wednesfield North
Thursday 23rd October 2008
Neil Clarke (Con) ....................... 1295
David Jones (Lab) ..................... 1072
Dennis Organ (BNP) ................ 337
Ian Jenkins (Lib-Dem) ............... 156
BNP Percentage: 11.8%
Read Land & People’s The Countrysider Latest issue out NOW!
newsletter which comes out six times a FSID is the BNP’s monthly DVD
year. The latest issue is of special interest video magazine produced by BNPtv.
It features news bulletins, interviews,
to farmers in general and dairy livestock, and film of BNP meetings & activities.
sugar beet and pig farmers, in particular.
To receive the latest issue send
Subscription to The Countrysider is £3 for 6 issues from: £10.00 (inc post) to:
Land & People, PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN The Secretary, FSID,
(cheques payable to British Heritage) PO Box 3, Burnley,
Visit the website: www.bnp.org.uk/landandpeople FREEDOM - SECURITY - IDENTITY - DEMOCRACY
(Cheques made payable to FSID)
tion and contraception at every opportu-
So while the indigenous birthrate The Government’s incessant propa- FOUND it unbelievably sad watching a couple on Channel
nity. So it is no wonder that the birthrate
has been decimated by contraception ganda in favour of abortion and contra- 4 News as they tried to grapple with the fact that they were
amongst indigenous British women is
and abortion, the immigrant birthrate ception must be rejected, as it jeoparises about to have their house repossessed and lose their home.
so low - currently just 1.7 children per
is soaring, Now, nearly a quarter of the survival of the British people. Earlier on in the year the husband, who had worked in the construction
family, although a birthrate of at least
2.4 is needed just for the real British industry, had lost his job and now with the mortgage £4,000 in arrears
population to remain stable. they were about to lose the roof over their head as well.
This policy has two detrimental effects. From where they were standing you could see that they had lavished a
Firstly, our population is quickly lot of loving care on the house, but that was not enough to prevent them
ageing, and with insufficient numbers from being forced out as they were now trapped in negative equity. The
of indigenous children being born, man was at the end of his tether. As the traditional bread winner of the
the result will be that the British will
become an ever-declining minority in
family, the loss of his home had been just too much for him to bear.
their own country by 2060. Accord- Once upon a time they would have been able to fall back on the council
ing to the latest figures from the Office to rehouse them, but today this is not always an option as all the decent
of National Statistics (ONS) there are council housing stock has been sold off and there is much competition
now more pensioners than under 16’s for what remains, especially when competing with the immigrants who
in this country for the first time ever. usually get priority because of their larger families.
Secondly, Britain is being colonised by PRIORITY: To rediscover the fulfilment of family life. My own grandfather was a house builder and in those days he would
have assumed that he was building for his own people. It would never
have occurred to him that one day those from other lands would move
in and be occupying the houses, while many of our young are left to
Common Sense
social cohesion could be devastating.
It will have a similar effect on community cohesion as well,
when our people look around and see today that in our cities,
T ODAY we must mourn the loss and say ‘yes it was my fault’. inals in prison receive better treatment terrace after terrace and street after street are now occupied by
of a trusted life-long companion, Common Sense offered simple sound than their victims. those from other lands, and it is us, in our own country, that are
Common Sense. advice on finance - don’t spend more When a burglar enters your home you often left waiting for a decent roof over our heads.
With us from our earliest memory, than you earn, and simple understand- are not allowed to defend yourself or
Common Sense was there to instill in us
some basic ground rules for coping with
ing of the pecking order - it is adults,
not children, that are in charge.
your property because you could be
sued for assault. With Common Sense
The Foreign Secretary’s Agenda
the complexities of life. Knowing when Common Sense has been replaced by gone, we now live in a compensation
to come in out of the rain, for example politically correct Non Sense. The 6 culture where a woman failing to rea-
and why the early bird always gets the year-old boy, foe example, charged with lise that a steaming cup of coffee was
worm. It broke the hard news that life sexual harassment for kissing a class- hot, was awarded a huge settlement
wasn’t always fair and that sometimes mate; the pupils suspended from school when she spilled it on her lap.
it was the right thing to do and own up for using mouthwash after lunch; and Other fine traditional British traits have
the teacher fired for reprimanding an disappeared too, such as truth and trust,
unruly student, all undermined ground discretion, responsibility and reason.
rules we had been brought up on. Gone too is the stiff upper lip, so much
Parents now criticise teachers for the character of native Britons. Now
doing the job that they themselves everyone interviewed on TV is blub-
FLASH! have failed to do in disciplining their bing. Good news, bad news, it doesn’t
own children. Schools are required to really matter, it seems that now we are T WAS with deep unease that I watched our Foreign Secretary,
get parental consent to administer sun incapable of containing our emotions. the neocon David Milliband, strutting his stuff on the world
lotion or an aspirin to a student; yet Today, in politically correct Britain,
stage at Kiev.
aren’t allowed to inform parents when there are new ground rules for the
future generations: I Know My Rights, With his call for both Ukraine and Georgia to be allowed to join
their daughter becomes pregnant and
wants to have an abortion. I Want It Now, Someone Else Is To NATO, I just wondered whether the people of this country realised the
Our churches are closing down and Blame, and I’m A Victim. significance of this proposal and what it entails.
being replaced by mosques yet our Isn’t it a pity that we can’t just turn How many of us would wish to see ourselves, or our husbands, sons, or
clergy tell us to welcome Islam. Crim- the clock back? grandsons sacrifice their lives to defend Tablisi or Kiev?
That is however what David Milliband is proposing because an attack
on any member country of NATO is an attack on them all. Just look
back to World War II and recall how we were dragged into a war we
British National Party could ill afford due to an agreement we had made to come to the aid of
Poland, to see ourselves placed in the same position again.
SMS ALERTS For all his posturing one can’t help wondering who David Milliband
G ET our latest election results,
the BNP’s media appearance
dates and other BNP news flashes
speaks for. Does he really speak for the man in the street?
Let us not forget that the Russia we are dealing with today is not the
instantly texted to your mobile same USSR that crashed its way into Czechoslovakia in 1968. It was
phone. then determined to defend Communism, an ideology which from its
There is no subscription charge,
just text “BNP” to 83300 in order
inception has inflicted more death and misery on the world than any
to immediately join the service and other. Communism thankfully fell in a spectacular collapse and a more
“BNP OFF” to the same number to nationalist Russia has risen from the ashes. The world would do well
unsubscribe. to do business with it if it wishes to stay prosperous.
No text message will cost more
than £1.50 and will only be sent out
One can only hope that the neocons don’t use their influence to
for BNP election results and other prevent this: such influence helped to bring about the disastrous
important information. war in Iraq and any further meddling by them could bring on
Helpline 08710 500 232 “But if it’s so common, why is there so little of it?” something of Armageddon proportions.
Banking meltdown
is helping to save
our golden eagles
T HE collapse of the capital-
ist shares casino is bad news
for Britain’s biggest bankers, but
ably similar to a map of driven grouse
moors in Scotland”.
On these moors, the super-rich cli-
the Arab and Russian billionaires who
own almost all of the remainder, blast
away to rack up the biggest slaughter
it’s good news for one of Britain’s ents of the giant corporations who of red grouse to brag about to their
biggest birds. mostly own them, and the cronies of City chums.
That’s because the lack of big city Court cases involving illegal killing
bonuses will help rein in one of the of birds of prey reveal, that in order
nastier antics of the multinational to ensure an adequate supply of red
super-rich, which is the poisoning grouse, the City bosses bully their
of our golden eagles to protect their gamekeepers into setting illegal poison
grouse moors. baits for eagles and other birds of prey
This illegal killing is threatening Brit- such as red kites, on their moors.
ain’s most magnificent bird of prey. Last August, for example, the female
According to Scottish Natural Heri- of the last remaining pair of golden
tage, the illegal killing of this pro- eagles in the Scottish Borders fell
tected species is halting the eagles’ victim to the big bosses’ poisoners.
recovery in Scotland and thwarting its But now the billionaires, bank bosses
return to Northern England. and speculators are facing hard times.
As Stuart Housden, the Royal Society They can’t now afford to slaughter
for the Protection of Birds’ Director their way across Scotland’s moors
for Scotland, pointed out, “the map and several “shoots” are in financial
of ‘missing’ golden eagles is remark- trouble.
That’s welcome news for millions of
Which is more than can be said the
sordid spectacle of overpaid foreign
parasites shooting, swigging whisky
Protect our
B RITAIN’s ancient woodland
BNP launches
is being lost at an even greater
rate than that of the Amazon
According to research conducted by
the Woodland Trust, around 50% of
British Pride!
all woods in Britain that are more
than 400 years old have been felled
in the past 80 years. On top of that,
more than 600 ancient woods are now
under threat from housing estates,
The Voice of
ISSUE No.100
The Newspaper of the British National Party
a completely new meaning, actually factories in the UK and without his carefully orchestrated misleading
The Voice of
being black, and in the crowd scenes exception, the managing and financial of the public, to have the means to
there just happen to be black faces. directors were always Japanese. Put escape abroad. Unfortunately, the
And all of this is in Sixth Century very simply, if you control policy rest of have to sit and suffer while
Britain! and the money, then you control all our country is swamped and Gaunty
ISSUE No.98 The Newspaper of the British National Party
The multi-cultural lobby embed- that matters. carries on regardless criticising the
Freedom sells at 60p
ded within our media is clearly in Due to his bad management of our only political party pledged to do
overdrive rewriting and distorting economy over the past ten years, something about it.
our history, legend and heritage. Gordon Brown has put us in a very Rory Allanson, London
10 copies £3.50 + £4.00 p&p They are trying to make us believe weak financial position which will
25 copies £9.00 + £5.50 p&p that we were being ‘enriched’ even provide the European Union the
50 copies £18.00 + £10.00 p&p back then! opportunity they have been waiting Industry bail-out?
100 copies
150 copies
+ £12.00 p&p
+ £15.00 p&p
I suspect they have some other vital
tasks on the agenda such as revis-
iting the Bayeux Tapestry for a bit
for. Currently the pound is plummeting
on the foreign exchanges and the EU
will be seeking to persuade Brown to
I SEE that the credit crunch is
now spreading to the industrial
sector, with many bankruptcies
Groups and Branches please call of hasty needlework to reveal the surrender Sterling and replace it with predicted and lay-offs looming.
political prejudice
region, branches are in bold type, groups in plain and Contacts in
T HE moderator of the Christian italics. To Contact any of these, get in touch with the region. Where
Council of Britain and BNP there is no Contact listed, or if there’s no group in your area and
you would like details of how to start a new group, please write
vicar, the Reverend Robert West,
to: Administration Support at PO Box 2004, Bristol BS99 1WG or
has called for more honesty in the
media when discussing Islam.
He is worried that the growth of Islam
W HEN British National Party
councillor Colin Fribbens,
attended a recent meeting of his
the newspaper refused to carry my
advertisement,” Colin told Freedom.
“My politics and my work as a coun-
telephone 07974 094449.
EASTERN: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU
in Lincolnshire is being reported as local Chamber of Commerce, one cillor have nothing to do with my Tel: 01992 631677. Email: [email protected]
something beneficial to the region, of the speakers was promoting the business. I am a law abiding citizen Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Broxbourne, Castle Point,
when the reality is the opposite. Exeter Express & Echo. running a local business that helps Colchester, East Herts, Epping Forest, Fenland, Luton, Maldon
“Historically, there is no question that She was from the newspaper’s business communication and delivery between & Braintree, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, North Herts & Stevenage,
Islam has been responsible for much section and was there to try to encour- companies here in the South West, yet Peterborough, South Cambridgeshire, Southend, Suffolk,
religious bloodshed and it is difficult age local companies to advertise in the I have been discriminated against and Thurrock, Welwyn & Hatfield, West Herts.
to see how anyone can welcome this newspaper, and because of the difficult refused the opportunity to advertise in
aggressive creed into Lincolnshire. economic climate, the Express & Echo the newspaper because of my politics. EAST MIDLANDS: PO Box 8816, Coalville LE67 0BR
“It is a grave worry to Christians in were offering a special deal of a front “The British National Party is a legal Tel: 07795 000676. Email: [email protected]
this county as to what has been invited page advert for just £380. political party, compliant with all the Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Boston, Holbeach & Spalding, Broxtowe,
into our midst and the media is now Now Colin thought that this was criteria laid down by the Election Com- Charnwood, Derby, Derbyshire Dales & High Peaks, East LIndsey,
nurturing,” he said. an ideal opportunity to promote his mission in order to be registered as Grantham, Horncastle & Woodall Spa, Leicester, Lincoln, Long
courier firm, so filled in the form and such. It is totally wrong that individual Eaton & Stapleford, Melton Mowbray & Rutland, Newark & Sherwood,
sent off his cheque and photo, hoping editors can inflict their political preju- North Kesteven, Northants, Nottingham, South Derbyshire, Sleaford,
to be in the next day’s newspaper - dices on others to deny them the right Stamford, West LIndsey.
but that wasn’t to be the case. to make a living,” he said.
LONDON: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU
“I received a telephone call from the Colin has now written to the owners
Tel: 01992 631677. Email: [email protected]
lady concerned, informing me that of the Express & Echo and also put the
because of my political connections matter in the hands of his solicitor. Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Brent & Harrow, Bexley, Bromley
& Lewisham, Croydon & Sutton, East London, Enfield & Haringey,
Greenwich, Havering, Redbridge & Waltham Forest, Richmond &
Kingston, Wandsworth & Merton.
I T IS with great sadness that I
have to report the death of a loyal
member of Scarborough & Ryedale
MID-WEST: PO Box 3206, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0WU
Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email: [email protected]
BNP, David Clitheroe, who died Banes, Bristol & North Somerset, Calne & Chippenham, Mendip
suddenly on 11th October 2008. & North East Somerset, Sedgemoor & South Somerset, Swindon,
David lived in Pickering, although the Warminster, Wiltshire.
36-mile round trip to Scarborough
never prevented him from attending NORTH-EAST: PO Box 1132, Newcastle NE994YT
every meeting whatever the weather. Tel: 07957 777521. Email: [email protected]
As well as being a committed member Blyth Valley, Darlington, Easington, Hartlepool, North West Durham,
of the British National Party, he was Sedgefield & Wear Valley, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees,
also involved with several local soc- Sunderland, Sunderland South, Teesside, Tyneside.
ieties and had the honour of being
NORTH-WEST: PO Box 53, South Shore, Blackpool FY4 1FS
made a Freeman of the City of York.
A staunch nationalist, David was desper- Tel: 07719 030757. Email: [email protected]
ately upset by the damage being inflicted Allerdale, Alsager, Barrow & South Lakeland, Blackburn & Darwen,
on Britain by today’s politicians. Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Bury, Carlisle, Copeland, Hyndburn,
He was a gentle soul, blessed with a Isle of Man, Lancaster & Preston, Liverpool, Manchester North,
great sense of humour, and he will be Manchester South, Oldham, Pendle, Rossendale & Rochdale,
missed by those who knew him. Salford, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Vale Royale,
Trisha Scott Warrington & Halton, Wigan, Wirral.
COLIN FRIBBENS: Being discriminated against by a clique at his local newspaper.
SCOTLAND: PO Box 11815, Turriff AB53 8WB
Tel: 07526 125894 E-mail: [email protected]
Join the BNP today! Highlands & Islands, North-East, Central, Lothians, Mid Scotland &
Fife, South, Glasgow & West.
SOUTH-EAST: PO Box 4114, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9GF
Tel: 07926-831-855. Email: [email protected]
MEMBERSHIP FEES Abingdon, Arun, Chichester & Worthing, Aylesbury Vale,
Gold Membership Basingstoke, Bracknell & Wokingham, Brighton & Hove, Crawley
£60.00 & Horsham, Dover, Elmbridge, Farnborough, Folkestone, Hart,
Standard Membership Hastings, Bexhill & Rother, Havant, High Wycombe, Hythe,
£30.00 Maidstone, Medway, New Forest, North Downs, Oxfordshire,
Family Membership Portsmouth & Fareham, Reading, Slough, Southampton, Spelthorne,
£40.00 Thanet & East Kent, Tonbridge Wells, Waverley, West Berkshire, West
Senior Citizen/Unwaged/Student Kent, Wokingham.
£15.00 SOUTH-WEST: PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN
Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email: [email protected]
BY TELEPHONE: Call 08710 500 236 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm with your credit card. Bridport, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Devon North & West, Plymouth,
BY INTERNET: Log on to www.bnp.org.uk and click on the ‘JOIN’ button. South Devon, South Hams.
BY POST: Fill in the form below and send it to The Secretary, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 4AW. ULSTER: Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07788 526 487
Coleraine, Co. Down, Co Londonderry, Co. Antrim, Co Tyrone,
Co. Armagh, Co. Fermanagh.
WALES: PO Box 293, Cardiff CF24 0NP
Tel: 0845 - 4764162. Email: [email protected]
Anglesey, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Conwy, Denbighshire
& Flintshire, South Wales, Swansea, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham.
WEST MIDLANDS: PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS
Tel: 07077 820271. Email: [email protected]
Birmingham East, Birmingham North, Birmingham South, Black
Country, Burton-on-Trent, Cannock Chase, Coventry, Herefordshire,
Lichfield, Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Shropshire, North Warwickshire,
Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Shrewsbury, Solihull, South Shropshire
& Bridgnorth, Staffordshire Moorlands, Stratford-on-Avon, Stoke-on-
Trent, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire.
YORKSHIRE: PO Box 20, Halifax HX1 9JT
Tel: 07926 324331. Email: [email protected]
Barnsley, Bradford, Bridlington, Craven, Doncaster, Halifax,
Harrogate & District, Hull, Kirklees North, Kirklees South
(Huddersfield), Leeds, Rotherham, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Selby,
Sheffield, Wakefield, York.
Demo at count
election result for the British often the lone BNP voice.
The result
Herne Bay Ward National Party in Herne Bay will certainly provide an incentive
Thursday 9th October 2008 last month.
In a county council for the Party to now go on and grow
and that’s the hope of South East
Jean Law (Con)...................... 2474 by-election, the BNP candidate
Regional Organiser Andy McBride. HE count for the Herne Bay by-
Margaret Flaherty (Lib-Dem).. 1524 Dennis Whiting, polled a very election was disrupted by Labour
Michael Britton (Lab).............. 537 respectable 8% of the vote in what “Dennis ran a good campaign
organised at very short notice in a Party thugs who brought the count to
Dennis Whiting (BNP).......... 399 is a Tory dominated area of Kent. a halt by their shouting and swearing.
Brian MacDowall (UKIP)......... 252 It was especially pleasing for Dennis ward that has never had a BNP leaflet
before. Our 399 votes was a better- Chanting “Nazi scum” and “You are going
BNP Percentage: 7.7% Whiting because for many years he to f***ing die Whiting”, they held up plac-
has been the mainstay of the BNP in than-expected result and we now
have a foothold in yet another Tory- ards and abused security staff.
controlled part of Kent,” he said. The BNP candidate admitted to reporters
Growing enthusiasm
The combined BNP and UKIP vote that he had been upset by the attack.
would have been enough to take third “It was inappropriate and just indicates the
for papersales in
place off Labour, and with UKIP closed minds they have,” he said.
indicating that they are unlikely to “I don’t have a thick-skin but I’ve been in
contest the seat again, our strong the game long enough to know what to
South Birmingham
showing bodes well for the future. DENNIS WHITING: Boosted by vote. expect.”
helpers were on hand in better
IKE Witchell fought a strong
weather for a visit to Northfield
campaign for the British
and then more again seven days
National Party in the Pevensey
later for a sale in Billesley.
Ward by-election in Bognor Regis.
Once again a new mosque
He polled almost 16% of the vote,
was a big issue with residents
which surprised many as the ward is
revealing that a planning appli-
a keenly fought marginal between the
cation had been submitted for WELL DONE SIR!: Andy McBride congratulates Mike Witchell on his excellent vote.
three main parties.
a change of use for their old been put into the campaign from all
“There was a disappointing turnout to maintain the BNP’s high profile in
of barely twenty percent of those four candidates,” said the BNP’s Bognor Regis and he is now looking
entitled to vote which was quite South East organiser Andy McBride. to improve on his vote when the ward
surprising after so much effort had “But on the plus side, Mike managed is contested again next year.
Advertise in Freedom
from the North east and Cumbria through some wide-ranging tutorials.
managing lists as part of the course.
The subjects that were covered design and lay-out using the Micro- East and Cumbria.
included Excel file management, the soft Publisher programme. Martin Reynolds, head of BNP Secu-
ADVERTISING RATES: very complex preparation of mail Unlike many tutorials, those attend- rity, held a training day in a second
5 cms x 1 Column = £15.00 a month merges and canvas sheets, and leaflet ing actually worked with real data and venue for the security recruits. This
10 cms x 1 Column = £30.00 a month produced lists and leaflets covered all aspects of security includ-
5 cms x 2 Columns = £30.00 a month that were then printed out ing self defence lessons.
10 cms x 2 Columns = £60.00 a month to be used as master copies All-in-all it was a very productive
DISCOUNTS: for the instruction in mass day in helping to build a professional
An advert placed for 3 months will have a discount of 10% leaflet printing. Party structure for the future.
An advert placed for 6 months will have a discount of 20% Ken Booth then printed
EXAMPLE: the leaflets designed that
An advertisement of 10cms x 2 Columns for 6 months
would cost £360.00 less £72.00 = £288.00
day on one of the party’s
duplicators of which there Send us your branch
Please select the advertising option you require and send
your copy together with a cheque made payable to the
are now eight in the North and election news
‘British National Party’ to: Freedom Adverts, [email protected]
P.O.Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.
For any further inquiries please email [email protected]
Part of a day’s security
Remember a photograph
training in Spennymoor. makes for a better report
Leaflets to
attract new
mem bers
IT’S THE WAY HE TELLS THEM: Bill Murray, along with a record audience enjoy another joke from Dr Phil Edwards.
Racism A
Cuts Happy
Both Christmas &
“Only white people can be racist.”
How many times have you heard that in the media or from the ‘old
A Prosperous
gang’ political parties?
The Labour Government and the Tory and Lib-Dem opposition fall
over themselves in their rush to portray racism as just a one-way
New Year to
street. According to them, “if you’re White you must be responsible,
if you are from an ethnic minority you must be an innocent victim.”
Well now, the time has come to expose these blinkered journalists
and politicians and reveal the truth.
all our readers
The British National Party will no longer allow this myth to be
spread by the old gang political parties and their acolytes in the The next issue of Freedom will be
media. With your help we are taking decisive action to expose the out on January 3rd 2009
media lies and reveal the real victims of racism.
We are launching the ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways Initiative’ which
is the biggest and most ambitious project that the Party has ever
For the first time in our history, the BNP has the ability and skill to
go directly to the people with a huge ‘truth offensive’ against the
enemies of our people and our country.
Here is what we need to do the job and we will need your financial
help to do it:
n To print and distribute an initial run of 200,000 ‘Racism Cuts
Both Ways’ brochures.
n To use the Royal Mail to reach our carefully selected target
audience of young people.
n To staff and finance the ‘Truth Tour’ using our own ‘Truth
Truck’ advertising lorry, bought and paid for by our members.
n To film and broadcast our campaign across Britain - a huge
task that would cost millions if the BBC or ITV were doing it.
The impact that this major BNP direct action and media offensive
will have will be massive and impossible to ignore.
The British National Party, ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways Initiative’
will also send out a clear message to the anti-white racists and
enemies of our nation that our day is now dawning, and their
time is coming to an end!
Please call our Credit Card HOTLINE
................................................. Post Code.................
Tel No.................................. Date of Birth..................
Now that you have found out the truth about the British
PO Box 14, Welshpool SY21 0WE National Party please give this newspaper to a friend or
neighbour so that they can have their eyes opened too.
Printed by the British National Party and published by the British National Party in support of the British National Party, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.