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Case Study On Indian Agriculture

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Decision-Making Processes in India: The Case of the

Agriculture Negotiations
Shishir Priyadarshi
The problem in context

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India submitted a very detailed and comprehensive

proposal(1) as part of the ongoing negotiations on agriculture
in the WTO in January 2001. It covered all aspects of the
negotiations and remains one of the longest proposals ever
submitted by any member. This study examines the manner in
which this negotiating proposal was finalized, the
consultations that were undertaken and the actual decisionmaking process that led to the submission of the proposal. It
attempts to identify the main protagonists and the key
stakeholders, the role that each one played in the process
and the extent to which, in their view, they succeeded in
getting their concerns reflected in the proposal. Finally, the
study also tries to ascertain from the stakeholders their
perception of the WTO as an organization, including in the
context of the WTOs perceived influence on the process and
final outcome.
Agriculture has been, and perhaps will remain for some time,
a key issue in the WTO, with the power to influence
negotiations, packages and the outcomes of Ministerial
Conferences. It is equally sensitive, if not even more so, in
the Indian context. To understand these sensitivities fully,
including Indias emphasis on self-sufficiency, it is important
to keep in mind the extreme shortage of food grain that the
country faced in the 1950s and 1960s. It was only the success
of the Green Revolution that helped India overcome its
dependence on food aid. The criticality and sensitivity of the
Indian agriculture sector can be further gauged by the
following factors:

the share of agriculture in the national GDP is a huge


a little over 700 million people, that is about 69% of

the population, are dependent on the rural economy

* Counsellor, Development
Division, World Trade Organization.
The views expressed in this case
study do not reflect those of the
WTO or its members and are
purely an expression of the
authors assessment of decisionmaking processes in India in the
context of the agriculture
negotiations. The study is based on
a number of interviews that he
carried out in July-Aug. 2004. The
author wishes to thank all those
people who agreed to be
interviewed, without whose
valuable inputs and insight this
case study would not have been

a very large majority of this rural population survives

on an annual per capita income of US$175 as compared
with the current national per capita income of US$480;

nearly 70% of cultivable land, that is about 100 million

hectares out of 142 million hectares, continues to be
vulnerable to the vagaries of the monsoon; and

even though India is the second-largest agricultural

producer in the world, its yields are still very low when
compared with some of the other producers.

This would show why agriculture is such a key issue for India
in the WTO, and the constraints that were probably factored
in while finalizing the Indian proposal. Additionally, the rural
population in India, which is largely agro-based, has a
political mind of its own, and has the power (and often the
inclination) to prove the political pundits wrong. This was
amply demonstrated in the recently held elections in which
the ruling, and favoured, National Democratic Alliance was
voted out of power, largely because the rural population felt
neglected, and in fact somewhat bypassed, by the much
touted process of economic liberalization. This power which
the rural population wields makes the decision-making
process in agriculture even more sensitive and consequently
subject to even greater political scrutiny.

II. The local and external players and their roles

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The federal government
The main protagonists in the context of the agriculture
negotiations at the federal level in India are the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry (MOCI), the Ministry of Agriculture
(MOA) and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).
The MOCI is mandated with the primary responsibility for all
WTO-related issues. The government of India orders regarding
the allocation of business state that it is the MOCI which
handles all issues related to International trade and

commercial policy, including tariff and non-tariff barriers.(2)

Within the MOCI, the Trade Policy Division (TPD) is
responsible for the work relating to the WTO. It is headed by
a Special Secretary, who is assisted by two senior joint
secretaries and a team of nearly twenty middle-managementlevel officers. The Permanent Secretary of the MOCI is kept in
the loop but for most issues the final decision and the
negotiating positions are largely formulated in the TPD itself.
On the other hand, the MOA is the nodal ministry for all issues
relating to agriculture, including the work relating to the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO). However, the situation is somewhat ambiguous when it
comes to agriculture issues within the WTO. International
trade negotiations no doubt come within the ambit of the
MOCI, but the MOA feels that when it comes to trade
negotiations in agriculture then it should be the lead
protagonist. In fact, as a former official of the Agriculture
Ministry pointed out, the first step taken by the government,
which set the ball rolling on the agriculture negotiations, was
taken by the MOA and not by the MOCI, in the form of a
seminar organized in conjunction with the FAO in June 1999.
This ambiguity is compounded because the consultative
process between the two ministries is not institutionalized
and, in the past, largely depended on personal relationships
between the officials heading these divisions. Nonetheless, it
is clear from the feedback provided by various officials that
on issues related to agriculture the MOCI has been careful to
avoid finalizing positions before obtaining the explicit
approval of the MOA.
The role of the MEA as a stakeholder, especially in the
context of the agriculture negotiations, is less clear. Its
expertise in the negotiating process is not in doubt, since it
has negotiated most international agreements; what the
MOCI does doubt, however, is the MEAs expertise in the
substance of the negotiation and especially so in the case
of agriculture. This perhaps explains why the MEA does not
appear to have been involved in the consultative process to
any significant extent.(3)

The state governments

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The state governments were not regarded as significant

stakeholders during the Uruguay Round (UR) and their
involvement was minimal during the pre-UR consultations.
This is surprising, not only because are some of the Indian
states larger than many WTO members, but also because
agriculture is a state subject.(4) In fact, some state
governments had, soon after the conclusion of the UR, filed a
case in Indias Supreme Court on the grounds that the
government of India had no authority to accept obligations
arising out of the Agreement on Agriculture (AOA) because of
agricultures status as a state subject. The government of
West Bengal reiterated these concerns in May 2001, saying
that agriculture is a state subject, therefore all agreements,
legislations etc., are within the exclusive domain of the state
governments, and that it was unacceptable that the
government of India had signed the AOA. without first
arriving at a consensus among the state governments.(5) It is
clear that a number of state governments have significant
sensitivities regarding agriculture; these appear to have been
taken into account during the consultative process. At the
same time, it is also true that awareness of WTO-related
issues is very superficial in the states, including amongst the
state bureaucracy, and the positions taken by them are
largely political rather than being based on the likely
implications of the proposals. T. S. R. Subramanian said that
in most states, the WTO and its rules are regarded as a
distant entity without any immediate consequences for the
state government, and perceived as a largely esoteric


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There are two main industry associations in India. The first,

the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) was established as a
organization. It has been playing an increasingly active role in
putting forth the views and concerns of industry to the
government. Its membership extends to over 4, 800
companies from the private as well as public sectors.
According to N. Srinivasan, Director-General of the CII, it

provides a platform for sectoral consensus-building and

networking.(7) He categorized the CII as fulfilling two
functions, namely creating an awareness amongst its
members on key WTO issues and providing inputs to
government, based on the feedback received from industry.
The second industry association, the Federation of Indian
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), was established
in 1927, and according to Manab Majumdar, the associations
Project Leader (WTO), FICCI has been at the forefront of
analyzing the impact of events through a multi-disciplinary
approach involving representatives of business, academia,
policy-makers and foreign experts, and evolving problemsolving responses.(8)
These organizations do not seem to have been consulted
during the Uruguay Round. Srinivasan put it very aptly when
he said that for a long time the relationship between the
government and industry was based on a we-they
syndrome; the UR reflected the tenuousness of the
relationship, with the government taking most decisions on
its own. Today, the situation has changed dramatically and
these associations are not only consulted regularly, but also
provide critical inputs to government on trade issues.
Srinivasan felt that the turning point of this relationship was
the Seattle Ministerial Conference when, for the first time,
representatives from industry were formally a part of the
Indian delegation.

Academic institutions and think tanks

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During the UR, academic institutions and think tanks did not
feature in the consultative process at all. Since the UR they
have become much more involved, even though this
participation is still somewhat marginal because most of
them do not have the resources needed to conduct a
meaningful analysis. At times, they also lack the sectoral
expertise that the modern multilateral process requires,
something which is not uncommon amongst academic
institutions around the world. However, a number of
institutions and think tanks were consulted during the
drafting of the agriculture proposal. These included the
National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER), the

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), the Indian Council for

Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) and
the Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and
other Developing Countries (RIS). Dr Anil Sharma, a senior
economist in NCAER, said that our inputs were sought so that
MOCI could take informed positions on various issues and use
the analytical data that we provided to convince domestic
lobbies about the appropriateness of these positions.(9)
Biswajit Dhar of the IIFT said that even though the terms of
reference of the prescribed work were very broad, the actual
inputs sought by the ministry were invariably needs-based.
(10) A former official of the MOA stated that these
institutions provided valuable inputs, especially in analyzing
the micro-level impact of liberalization in agriculture, both
that had already been undertaken and that which was being

Civil society

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Civil society in India, in the same way, perhaps, as in any

other country, is extremely heterogeneous. It is not difficult
to find groups actively defending or opposing any point of
view in relation to a particular issue. This is not to belittle
their contribution to the overall debate, a fact which seems
to be well accepted. There is an increasing recognition in
most government circles that consultations with civil society
are very important. However, there is still a big question
mark as to which non-governmental organization (NGO) to
invite to the consultative process, as there are a very large
number of active NGOs to choose from. As Amrita Narlikar
said, the process of involving NGOs seems to be a selfaffirming process with the more critical ones being often
excluded from the inter-ministerial consultations; the checks
and balances, so necessary in such a process of consultation,
seem to be missing. Officials appeared to have somewhat
preconceived notions of the views of civil society. A former
official of the MOA said that the views expressed by the civil
society representatives are always protectionist in nature.
According to them, Indian agriculture is simply not tradedriven; their only objective is, therefore, to ensure that the
livelihood of the subsistence farmers is protected.

III. Challenges faced and the outcome

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Perhaps the most significant challenge that was faced in

arriving at an outcome (that is the final negotiating proposal)
was to put in place a process that would take into account
the very diverse views and positions of the various
stakeholders, while ensuring that a cohesive proposal could
be prepared. The process went through a number of different
phases: the initial identification of the key issues;
consultations with the non-governmental stakeholders,
including industry associations; the initial drafting of the
proposal; holding regional and inter-ministerial consultations;
and the final approval by the Cabinet.

Identification of key issues

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As a first step towards identifying the main issues that would

need to be addressed in the agriculture negotiations, the
MOCI and MOA asked the NCAER and IIFT to analyze the
experience of implementing the AOA and to make appropriate
recommendations on the critical issues facing Indian
agriculture. Interestingly, the basic approach to Indian
agriculture does not seem to be the same as far as these
institutions are concerned. For example, Dr Anil Sharma of
the NCAER feels that Indian agriculture is quite competitive
and India should adopt a more aggressive stand in the
negotiations. On the other hand, IIFT had a more
conservative approach and was more closely aligned to the
MOAs position on the need to protect the agriculture sector.
A former official of the TPD said that though their inputs
were very useful, they did not often factor in the political
sensitivities of the issues that they were analyzing. Giving
one such example, the official said that according to the
econometric analysis carried out by NCAER a somewhat lower
bound rate was proposed as being sufficient to take care of
probable import surges for a particular food security-sensitive
commodity, but since such a low bound rate was not
politically acceptable, it was modified while finalizing the

The ministries also contacted a number of well-known
agricultural scientists. Some very useful suggestions appear to
have come out of these interactions. For instance, M. S.
Swaminathan, one of the most renowned agricultural
economist in India, came up with the suggestion that India
should press for a livelihood box, in which all the countrys
concerns on rural development and poverty alleviation could
be aired.(11) This concept seems to have been taken on
board even though Indias final proposal talks of a food
security box rather than a livelihood box. At the same
time, the policy framers also had to factor in views such as
those expressed by Devinder Sharma, a trade and food policy
analyst who, at that time, wrote that
five years after the World Trade Organization came into
existence, the anticipated gains for India from the trade
liberalization process in agriculture are practically zero.
And yet, undaunted by the negative fallout from the
implementation of the WTOs Agreement on Agriculture,
the Ministry of Agriculture is aggressively pushing for
the second phase of reforms. The entire effort of the
free trade initiative is to destroy the foundations of
food self-sufficiency so assiduously built over the years.

Consultations with industry

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Indian industry representatives appear to have been involved

in the entire consultative process. Srinivasan stated that in
addition to providing feedback to MOCI, CII also lobbied and
presented the industrys view on key issues to people like Mr
Lamy and Mr Zoelick, whom we met on several occasions.
(13) Manab Majumdar said that FICCI had constituted an
agriculture task force, whose primary mandate was to
provide inputs to the government on agriculture issues.(14)
He, in fact, felt that it was not the government but the
industry associations which needed to do more, including by
apportioning more resources into their analysis of WTO issues.
However, one criticism levied at industry associations by
some of the stakeholders was that they tended to adopt

positions on policy issues that looked suspiciously similar to

those of the government and that they were rarely critical of
government. However, both the representatives of CII and
FICCI disagree: Srinivasan said that we did not hesitate to
criticize the government, although such views are often
expressed in private consultations, rather than in public
statements of disagreement. Majumdar was of the view that
we do have differences with the government but we tend
not to wash our dirty linen in public.

Inter-ministerial consultations

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Even though the two key ministries, the MOCI and the MOA,
appear to have initiated the process somewhat
independently, they do seem to have kept each other
involved and informed on developments. Subsequently, the
interaction between the two ministries increased even more
and culminated in what was practically a joint negotiating
proposal. But the path to the final common position was not
all that smooth. Officials from both ministries admitted that
there were at times serious differences on the position
the two ministries wanted to adopt on key issues. R. C. A.
Jain, in trying to explain the reasons for these differences,
said that MOCI, understandably, has a broader perspective
and sees agriculture as one of the sectors being negotiated,
whereas for MOA it was difficult to accept such an approach
as agriculture is a very sensitive sector in which compromises
cannot be made.(15) He also felt that differences arose
because MOCIs mandate was to increase Indias share of
global trade, while MOA wanted to ensure that domestic
production and the livelihood of small farmers was in no way
threatened. A former expert who was closely associated with
the drafting process said that the two ministries were like
the two sides of a convex lens; the inevitability of their
relationship being signified by the two joined ends of the
lens, while the differences amongst them on the approach to
key issues is illustrated by the bulging middle part of the

State-level consultations

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The central government organized very wide-ranging

consultations on WTO agriculture issues. In the JuneJuly
2000 issue of MOCIs monthly newsletter mention is made
that in the process of preparing Indias negotiating position
on agriculture, the government initiated regional
consultations at various places, besides national level
consultations, with a view to generating greater awareness of
the issues and to receive views and suggestions which would
facilitate a consensus regarding Indias position. However,
some people still feel that these consultations were more of
a formality rather than a process that led to significant
changes. T. S. R. Subramanian said that the discussions in
these state-level consultative meetings often remained
superficial because of a lack of in-depth knowledge of WTO
issues at the state level.(16) An official of the Ministry of
Agriculture said that rather than contributing to the
substantive aspects of the negotiating elements, these
discussions tended to largely reflect a fear psychosis of the
WTO, and views simply did not emanate in these
consultations that the agriculture negotiations should be seen
as an opportunity; instead, there was an overwhelming
feeling that this was a threat which had to be countered. A
former official of the MOA said that an attempt was made to
explain that the agriculture negotiations did not represent
the kind of threat people made it out to be, but it was very
difficult in view of the unidirectional nature of views that
were being expressed. The best we could do in these
circumstances was to build the negotiating proposal around
the objective of maintaining the status quo.(17)

Finalization of the proposal by the Cabinet

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All these meetings and consultations played an important role

in giving final shape to the Indian proposal. The Commerce
Ministrys website specifically mentions that
the Indian proposal jointly formulated by the
Department of Agriculture and Co-operation and
Department of Commerce, reflects the broad consensus
which was achieved through a series of regional-level

meetings, meetings with the state governments,

interaction with political parties, representatives of
farmers organizations, various autonomous institutions,
agricultural universities and eminent agricultural
As for the involvement of Indias WTO mission in Geneva, an
official said that the mission was always kept in the picture
and provided useful feedback, especially about the likely
reactions of possible/potential alliance partners to the
different elements of the proposal. The final draft was
submitted to the cabinet early in January 2001. While it was
not possible to consult the file on the cabinet note (all such
notes are secret), officials involved with the exercise
indicated that since most ministries had been consulted
beforehand practically no changes took place during the
examination by the cabinet. Once approved by the cabinet,
the proposal was transmitted to Geneva.
It was the culmination of this intense consultative process
that led to Indias negotiating proposal being submitted to
the Special Session on Agriculture in January 2001. As a very
detailed proposal, it broadly reflects the concerns and
attempts to address the issues that were raised during the
consultative process. While all three pillars of the
negotiations are covered, it starts with a detailed proposal on
food security in which it proposes the setting up of a food
security box which encompasses all the special and
differential treatment flexibilities. In the other sections,
there is an evident thrust on seeking adequate reduction of
tariffs, including tariff peaks, in developed countries, while
seeking flexibility not to reduce tariffs on its food security
crops. There is also a clear reference to the linkage between
an a priori reduction in trade distorting domestic support in
developed countries, and reductions in tariffs in developing
countries. It seeks the complete elimination of all export
subsidies. At the same time, it proposes that all measures
taken by developing countries for poverty alleviation, rural
development, rural employment and diversification of
agriculture should be exempted from any reduction

The perception of the WTOs role in the process

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The documented records and the oral interviews that were
conducted clearly show that the Indian proposal on
agriculture was finalized mainly through a bureaucratic
process based on consultations with stakeholders. Julius Sen
has pointed out, in relation to the proposals on WTO issues,
that Indias negotiating positions are almost without
exception recommended by Commerce Ministry officials,
examined by the Committee of Secretaries, and then
approved by the concerned Cabinet sub-committee.(18)
Clearly the process was bureaucratically driven and subject
to fairly wide-ranging domestic consultations. And yet, to
many, the WTO seems to have a significant influence, on both
the process and outcome. The general perception is that the
WTO is pushing the agenda for global economic reform and
that the agriculture negotiations are a part of this WTO-led
reform agenda. Feelings against the WTO are expressed even
more strongly in the context of reductions in tariffs,
especially on agriculture products, which many of the
stakeholders felt would open up domestic markets with
negative implications for rural employment and agriculture
production. The fact that the WTO does not have an
organizational mandate of the kind that the World Bank and
the IMF have, and that it is a completely member-driven
organization, where the agenda is set and executed by the
members on the basis of explicit consensus, does not seem to
be a well known, or an accepted fact. Instead, as Amrita
Narlikar said, the general public seems to have a very
opinionated view of the WTO, and even certain civil society
organizations and other institutions who would be expected
to have a better understanding of the WTO, more often than
not seem to have a negative perception of the organization.
(19) Biswajit Dhar, who writes for a number of newspapers,
also said that because of such a perception it is not always
very easy to take a pro-WTO line in public writings.
A number of reasons were put forward to explain this
perception. The Indian ambassador to the WTO felt that this
was because the general public still regards the WTO as a
developed country club, pushing the agenda at the behest of
the major players and global MNCs.(20) Another, perhaps
more historical, explanation was given by a former official of
the Commerce Ministry, who said that when India signed up

to the Uruguay Round Agreements the long-term implications

of many of the obligations it was undertaking were far from
clear. Later, when quantitative restrictions had to be lifted
and patent protections tightened, there was a public outcry.
At that stage it was convenient to attribute the responsibility
for these decisions to the WTO. The former Indian
ambassador to the WTO supported such an explanation, when
he said that the public at large has a very negative
perception of the TRIPS Agreement and there is a feeling that
developing countries, including India, were literally coerced
into accepting the agreement; a feeling that is still very
deeply entrenched in the Indian psyche and colours the
general perception of the WTO even today. These feelings
become even more pronounced in the context of agriculture.
A former official of the MOA said that self-sufficiency in
agriculture is still seen as the single most important
achievement after independence, and there is a feeling that
the WTO is out to undo this very achievement by its
insistence on liberalization, without acknowledging the
importance of self-sustainable domestic production.
Not that balanced views were not forthcoming. Srinivasan of
the CII said that their members understood that the WTO
only provides a platform for negotiations and it was up to
member countries to negotiate outcomes of interest to
them. Others too acknowledged that many positive things
had come about because of the WTO. For instance, Biswajit
Dhar said that the consumer in India today has a much wider
choice, mainly because of the removal of quantitative
restrictions. Subramanian said that there has been a vast
improvement in the efficiency and in the customer service of
the banking sector after foreign banks were allowed to open
up branches in the country. But these positive outcomes are
rarely acknowledged. Subramanian, in fact, equated the WTO
to the British Raj in India, which, according to him, got
blamed for things, but never got credit for the positive
changes it introduced.

IV. Lessons for others (the players views)

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It is not very easy to generalize, or to draw lessons from a

process which had so many protagonists, especially as their

contributions were spread out both geographically and
temporally. Some of the decision-making processes have
definitely been institutionalized and it would not be wrong to
assume that they would be followed whenever decisions are
being taken on other WTO-related issues. It is also clear that
the consultative process in India had come a long way,
especially as compared with the situation before the Uruguay
Round, and the debate on the various tenets of trade policy
had been thrown open to a much wider audience. As the
present analysis shows, very wide-ranging consultations,
spread out over more than two years, were held while
finalizing negotiating the proposal on agriculture. As obtained
from the records of the Commerce Ministry, in addition to a
very large number of informal consultations, a total of
fourteen formal consultative meetings were held with
stakeholders between 1999 and 2001.
The inclusiveness of the consultative process is also borne out
by the reactions of some of the key stakeholders. The
associations representing Indian industry appear to be largely
satisfied with the consultative process. The Director-General
of CII said that we were involved at all stages of the
process, and that the final proposal adequately reflects the
concerns that we brought to the governments attention.
Similarly, Manab Majumdar of FICCI said that the process of
consultations followed during the course of finalizing the
agriculture proposal reflects the exponential increase in
interaction between government and the industry
associations. However, the position is less clear as far as the
involvement of the actual agricultural producers is
concerned. Where rural agricultural worker unions exist,
their political priorities seem to limit their capacity to
organize themselves at the grass-roots level; they also appear
reluctant to go beyond their own immediate spheres of
interest. Clearly, therefore, the ability of agricultural
workers groups to influence the government still remains
very limited. To some extent their views were reflected in
the stance taken by the MOA, whose officials were generally
satisfied with the final proposal. Jain felt that this was
because of a clear understanding at the political level that
on issues of substance the views of MOA would prevail.(21)
There is also no denying that the process was kept very
transparent. Flyers were put out on the official website at

every stage, and comments appear to have been regularly

solicited from the various stakeholders. However, it also
appears that the political bosses preferred to play safe and
were more comfortable with a defensive strategy rather than
pushing aggressively for market reforms. As a former Cabinet
Secretary said, the politicians do not want to lose their
domestic support for events taking place in far away Geneva
and therefore tend to adopt an intransigent stand, especially
on an issue like agriculture, where that domestic
constituency is as large as 700 million people.(22)
It would, therefore, not be wrong to conclude that the Indian
position and policy approach to the agriculture negotiations
in the WTO were arrived at on the basis of some very
intensive cross-sectoral and inter-ministerial consultations,
and then adopted at the highest possible level in the
government. Apart from the officials in the ministries of
Commerce and Agriculture, representatives of various
autonomous institutions, agricultural universities and eminent
agricultural economists were also involved in the process. In
addition, inputs were sought from the state governments,
representatives of different political parties and civil society.
Clearly, therefore, this was a decision taken by the
government on the basis of expressed domestic concerns.
Such a decision-making process would seem to fit in with the
mandate and role of the WTO as a facilitator of an intergovernmental dialogue that leads, among other things, to
binding decisions on the governments involved. The WTO, as
is well known, though perhaps not well enough propagated, is
not an independent or self-contained entity with the
constitutional legitimacy to take decisions in the name of its
members. Rather, it is a vehicle for decision-making among
national governments vested with sovereign authority. The
present analysis strengthens this view, since clearly in the
formulation of Indias agriculture negotiating proposal there
is very little, if anything at all, that can be attributed to
extraneous factors, including the WTO. And yet the spectre of
the WTO, not as an institution mandated merely to facilitate
the negotiating process, but as an institution attempting to
influence domestic decision-making process, does not seem
to have completely disappeared. The WTO is still perceived
somewhat negatively. The general view seems to be that it is
an institution seeking to undermine domestic policy space.

There is clearly a lack of understanding about the WTOs

mandate and the member-driven nature of the organization.
The dichotomy between a decision-making process which was
no doubt completely domestic and clearly very democratic,
and the perception of the WTO as an organization attempting
to influence domestic decision-making processes, is perhaps
best summed up by excerpts from two different interviews
that the Union Agriculture Minister gave recently. While
speaking to the Financial Express, he said let me make it
amply clear that India will not succumb to any pressure. we
will take a pragmatic view on various issues. we will not
compromise on safeguarding the interests of the small and
marginal farmers(23) a statement that clearly emphasizes
the domestic imperatives of Indias position in the agriculture
negotiations. However, in another interview(24) given very
soon afterwards, he still referred to the threat from the
WTO, a threat whose only basis is perhaps a continuing,
though hopefully diminishing, legacy from the Uruguay
Round, when the responsibility of certain politically
uncomfortable decisions had been apportioned to the WTO.

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2.- Government of Indias allocation of business orders of
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3.- Unlike most foreign missions, that invariably lobby for
their governments position, there is very little evidence of
Indian embassies abroad performing similar lobbying in the
context of the agriculture negotiations. This could perhaps be
explained by the minimal involvement of the MEA in the
drafting of the agriculture proposal.
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4.- The government of India has designated certain subjects,
including agriculture, as state subjects, which are areas
where the basic and residual authority to legislate has been
delegated to the state governments. Areas such as external
affairs, defence and finance have been placed in the
corresponding list of areas falling within the competence of
the central government. Interestingly, there is also a
concurrent list on which both the central and state
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5.- Views expressed in a meeting of Chief Ministers convened

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6.- Interview with T. S. R. Subramanian, former Cabinet
Secretary, who normally, though not necessarily, is the most
senior civil servant in the country. back to text
7.- Interview with N. Srinivasan, Director-General, CII.
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8.- Interview with Manab Majumdar, Project Leader WTO
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9.- Interview with Dr Anil Sharma, Senior Economist, NCAER.
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10.- Interview with Biswajit Dhar, head of the WTO Unit, IIFT.
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11.- As quoted in the 3-16 Feb. 2001 issue of Frontline
Magazine, in which Dr Swaminathan is reported to have made
this suggestion in a convocation address given by him at the
Kerala Agriculture University on 29 Dec. 2000. back to text
12.- Devinder Sharma, WTO and Indian Agriculture: The End
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15.- Interview with R. C. A. Jain, former Secretary, Ministry
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16.- Interview with Subramanian, who earlier had also
worked as Joint Secretary in the Trade Policy Division (TPD)
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17.- Interview with R. Agarwal, former Director of the MOA.
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18.- Interview with Julius Sen, a former Indian administrative
service officer, now an Associate Director and Senior
Programme Adviser at Enterprise LSE, London School of
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19.- Interview with Amrita Narlikar, Lecturer in International
Relations at the Centre of International Studies, University of
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20.- Interview with K. M. Chandrasekhar, Indian ambassador
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23.- Interview with Sharad Pawar, Minister of Agriculture,
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24.- Interview with Pawar, India Today, 5 July 2004.
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