Republic of The Philippines
Republic of The Philippines
Republic of The Philippines
legitimated by the
subsequent marriage of
their parents on December
22, 2008 at Baguio City.
The petition was found to be
sufficient in the form and
substance and was set for
initial hearing on April 24,
2015 at 9:00 oclock in the
morning on which date and
time, the petitioner shall be
allowed to substantiate her
petition, and any interested
person may show cause, if
there be any, why the
petition should not be
Let a copy of this Notice of
Initial Hearing, together with
a copy of the petition and its
annexes, be sent to the
Honorable Solicitor General,
Makati City, Metro Manila,
the City Prosecutor of Baguio
City, the respondent Local
Civil Registrar of Baguio City
as well as to the National
Statistics Office, Manila.
Also, furnish copies of this
notice to Noel Cid Mabutas
and the office of the Clerk of
Court for the publication,
and the petitioners, through
their counsel.
Also, let this notice of Initial
Hearing be published at the
expense of the petitioners,
once a week for three (3)
consecutive weeks in the
newspaper of general
circulation in the City of
Baguio and the whole
Cordillera Region, the last
publication of which shall not
be later than the date of
Initial Hearing.
The Process Server is hereby
directed to post copies of
this notice on the bulletin
boards of this Court, the
Justice Hall, the City Market
and the Post Office, all of
Baguio City
Acting Presiding Judge of this