The Little Book of Clarity
The Little Book of Clarity
The Little Book of Clarity
Diederik Vemer
Published by Diederik Vemer
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Little Book
of Clarity
Diederik Vemer
4. You Creator.
7. Onwards.
It’s about time we knew the answer to our questions about Life, The
Universe, and Everything.
The information shared here does not come from me, it rather comes
through me, it is the distillation of insights gained from many writings,
shared over time by the people of the world - each one on a winding path
back to truth. It arises from moments of silent introspection, from
awareness within meditation, from sitting in the presence of Truth with
enlightened masters, from study of “A Course in Miracles” and from the
surrender of my own ideas.
What you will read over the next couple of pages is the precursor to the
more substantial book about this subject which is currently nearing
completion. That more substantial book, titled “The Lie you Believe”, will
expand upon the essential model which this small tome reveals.
Because this small book shares only the essential model it may well bring
up all sorts of questions and challenges. Please feel free to direct your
questions to me. Your feedback will help ensure that the book “The Lie you
Believe” rings clear, consistent and true. You will find all relevant contact
details under the Author’s Biography towards the end of this book.
Happy reading.
Diederik Vemer
We each come into the world and are cloaked by it. Within 48 months from
birth our vision is clouded by the stories that surround us and are absorbed by
our voracious, empty minds. We take on the spell of the world and lose our
innocence. Our connection to Source, which so charms the adults of the world
who gaze upon its reflection in our gurgling baby-god radiance, is put to sleep
by the recognition of separation and the cloak of fear formed by that
Thus the challenge for our lives is set: To learn how once again to become like
little children, unbinding ourselves from the spell of the world and
remembering our natural affinity with Source and our untarnished innocence.
It is a difficult challenge, made more so by the unrelenting assault of the story
of the world - it surrounds us constantly and we drown in it - sometimes
believing for an entire life that no reality other than this exists. Aligned with
fear we take up arms and fight for our right to live, to be, maybe even to
prosper. All the while in the silent gaps in the drama of the world a thrumming
knowing beckons us… something is missing… we know. But the guesses are
confused and misleading, the “Story of True” is mixed with the political will of
ego; fear and love are blended into a disharmony - the song of the world is out
of key.
May the words within this tiny tome weaken the bonds which bind you. May
the knowledge within these few lines drip into the hard mind of the world-
weary and begin to break the spell which renders you small and tight and fear-
filled. May you find the clues which help set you free. Only then can a new
world be born, one aligned with truth and populated by people filled with sure
confidence, a confidence which arises from the direct knowing once again of
who they really are, why they are here and who their real Daddy is.
In the film “The Matrix” Neo is offered a choice: he may take either the red pill
& see how deep the rabbit hole goes, or the blue pill & wake up in his bed and
believe whatever he wants to believe. Neo is given the opportunity to find out
what is really going on; who he really is and how he landed up within the world
in which he finds himself. He takes that opportunity - he swallows the Red Pill -
and the truth is revealed to him. The truth beyond the dream.
I was never sure it would be possible to get to the place of revelation Neo
reached within my own life experience. I set out on a quest to uncover the
context of the world at an early age and now, it seems, 45 years on, the veil
has lifted enough to get a glimpse. The revelation of the truth behind the
mechanism of the world you and I find ourselves in did not require that I take
a pill, but it did require the willingness to be shown. It did require surrender.
What I am about to share with you is the red pill, and this is no movie...
Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, because Kansas… She’s going bye-bye.
1. In Search of Meaning
“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then
better judge what to do, and how to do it.” - Abraham Lincoln
I do not think I am the only one who has stared out of the window of their
traffic-jammed motor-car, looking out at the sea of vehicles all going seemingly
nowhere and wondered “What is this all about?… Where’s the meaning in this?
… Why am I here?” Maybe you didn’t have that thought in a traffic-jam, maybe
it was on working day number 134 of year 38 on subway 12 at 8:45am -
somewhere between monthly salary number 222 and 223, or maybe it was at
3am, eyes and head heavy, stomach in a knot, 6 hours before you’re due to
write that exam, the one you’re still cramming for….
And we don’t have an answer. Well, we’re sort of given one by our church, but
it’s not very convincing and many of us put it aside in a quest for freedom from
all the guilt which came with ‘faith’. So we keep ourselves busy - find directions
which promise meaning - and keep heading out towards them. But the
meaning never stays, nothing seems to stick. It’s a horrible way to live - like a
bad dream in a sense. And it’s born from simply not knowing; from not being
shown the truth, and from not knowing how to find out.
Well - we’re lucky to be living in this current timespan - it seems that this is
the time of truth. That word “Revelation” has some eerie connotations due to it
appearing so often towards the end of the Big Book. But revelation is about
things being revealed, it’s about truth, and truth will set each of us right. Once
revealed it places each of us squarely back on our feet so we can see, and
sense, and choose in full consciousness, with complete awareness as to the
repercussions of our choices.
The truth gives you your power back, the power to broadly know the result of
each and every one of your actions and inactions. Your life becomes fully yours
again, and in that is freedom. What’s beautiful about that freedom is that it is
freedom within the context of clarity. So it is constructive freedom… the kind
which inspires creative action born from a solid sense of knowing who you are
and why you’re here, from knowing that you fit, why you fit and exactly where
you fit. It leads to the type of joyful creativity which arises from being
comfortable with the medium in which you’re working, from knowing how the
material of your life will respond when you do something in a certain way.
2. Correcting the Misdirected Search
“You don't have to go looking for love when it is where you come from.” - Werner
Our recent history (the last 500 years or so) has increasingly placed our focus
on our external world - the structure of the world that we can see, feel, touch
and physically interact with. Strangely enough this move away from God’s real
resting place within us was initiated by the church. The massive Catholic
Corporation stifled all belief and teachings that communion with God was as
natural as breath. It served the political will of the church that they held the
keys to God within their hand, and that only through the church could you be
saved. This political agenda granted the church unheard of power and wealth.
Suddenly Source was no longer something within us but in buildings of the
church, art, ritual and titles of “Chosen men”. We were led to believe that what
we needed was outside of us and this is where we placed our focus. As a result
great advances have been made in the evolution of physical stuff - the stuff
which surrounds us - but in the focus upon that external stuff we have
neglected the internal world within our psyche and even deeper, beyond the
psyche. We have lost our connection to Source.
It seems the time has come to test for true the structure upon which our world
rests. This is a good thing - a world re-centered within truth is a healthy world,
one which fosters a sense of security and peace. During this time of shift there
is deep comfort to be found in the fact that Truth supports itself. Shake
everything up and the only thing left standing will be Truth.
Within my own life experience I have learnt that in times of change all the
tools required to successfully navigate a shift are always available.
Luckily the Eastern and Indigenous cultures were not in such a hurry to drop
their internal world and they have played guardian to the knowledge pertaining
to our deeper spiritual nature whilst the culture of the West has been playing
with matter. They have kept safe within the rituals and myths of their cultures
precious knowledge of the context of the world; the bigger picture in which the
movie of life is being played, knowledge about what is real, what is beyond all
of this and what all of this is taking place in. This knowledge is the tool we will
use to bring our collective self back into balance.
As our current world destabilises (new ideas take root more easily in broken
soil) we will seek out the still centre of the storm; the unchanging place around
which all of this change will occur but which will remain untouched by it. And
that place will be Truth, and Truth does not rest within the world of form - it
rests beyond the world of form, in the zone in which form was made.
How do we access this zone which contains Truth? All you seek is within you.
“The kingdom of Heaven is within you”. Our quest for meaning will be
answered by going inwards - the opposite direction to where we have been
going for the last couple of centuries. This internal journey is the theme of the
era of correction and rebalance we are now entering.
3. The Inner Realm
“In this world there are two orders of being, the perishable and the imperishable. The
perishable is all that is visible. The imperishable is the invisible substance of all that is
visible.” - The Baghavad Gita
It may be that you have never really focussed upon what occurs beyond death;
the world you experience at present serves you well enough and you feel no
untoward sense of lack or discomfort. You’re enjoying the game and as a result
nothing as yet has driven you to seek beyond the game. Because of the deeply
immersive nature of “life on Earth” we make the basic mistake of centering our
entire existence upon our current viewpoint. We see this life, this mind within
this body, thinking these thoughts with this brain, as the foundation, the very
centre-point of all of existence. Yet it’s actually a side show, a symptom. The
phrase: “I am not a physical being having a spiritual experience, but a spiritual
being having a physical experience”, has come forth into our awareness
because it’s time we embraced this viewpoint.
When it is shared that God made you in his image, what image do you assume
that is?
Only our myopic arrogance would assume that means that God is a bloke like
us hanging out somewhere with the best bod, the biggest house and all the
toys. And your realization of how silly it is to think that God has a physical
form places you squarely on the path to clarity; your correction of the
“If God made me in his image and he is not in a physical body... Then what am
I doing here? Why am I in a body?”
This is a good question… the answer to which has been distorted by time and
ego to leave us more confused and blinded than had we not asked it at all. It’s
actually quite possible that the twisted, illogical response to that very
legitimate question inspired us to give up and head out in our quest for
meaning in the physical world, which at least seems logical and to some extent
comprehensible. At least in the world we could measure stuff and arrive at
some consistency. In comparison to what the priests were saying this appeared
more believable, more true. We ventured out into what we could see and
embraced the world as true; we made it the centre of our existence and we
dropped that question. It’s time we picked it up again:
“If God made me in his image and he is not in a physical body... Then what am
I doing here? Why am I in a body?”
“If God made me in His image then I must be like God: creative, eternal,
timeless and everywhere -beyond space and ‘place’. I must have the same
characteristics... But then why do I look upon myself as different to this? Why
do I see myself as ‘physical’ if I keep returning to ‘spiritual’ and why do I see
myself as limited ‘man’ when it looks like I should see myself as unlimited
‘God-like’ ?”
This leads us towards the door of Truth - we’re asking the questions which
begin to unravel the mystery and place the world in its proper context.
One God-like quality we seem to have kept relatively intact in our physical
form is ‘creativity’ - we seem to still do a lot of creating - and therein lies a
4. You Creator
"What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world."
- Albert Einstein
This was an interesting tree: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil contained
the valid notion of duality. It presented the idea that Light could have an
opposite: the absence of Light… Darkness. Entwined within the branches of
that tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a serpent and all the serpent told
was lies. And this serpent explained to Adam and Eve how they could utilise
the Knowledge of Good and Evil to become ruler of their own kingdom, with
full autonomy and jurisdiction over their OWN creation. The serpent shared
that a place could be created through the Denial of Light, and that this place
would be beyond the reach of God’s mind - beyond His will. It was here, in the
Darkness, that the serpent suggested you could build your own kingdom, one
outside the house of your Father, in a place where YOUR will would be done.
Like the prodigal son - they took their talents and left Home to make it on their
own. They were going to Create - just like Dad - their own kingdom, beyond
the walls of their Father.
And what was the mechanism by which the serpent said you could achieve
this? What was the fruit from the tree of knowledge of opposites which they
accepted from the serpent? It was a lie, a lie they believed, and it went like
this: To claim this power to create whatever you wanted, beyond the
jurisdiction of God, you had to ‘Walk out of God’s Mind’ out of the Light, and
you could do that by forgetting who you were. In a nutshell the deal was this:
you could have a place all of your own, with full autonomy, full creative licence,
in exchange for your idea of your true self - your soul. Sound familiar? Of
course it was a lie but the serpent was a clever talker and seduced Adam and
Eve with the concept of total freedom of will and the ability to create not only
what God’s will was, but anything beyond God’s mind too. They bought into the
idea… we bought into the idea. The moment you believed it you accepted and
ate the ‘fruit’ from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. At that moment
what you accepted as possible became real - it is through our beliefs that we
create our reality, whether it’s true or not. We traded our knowledge of
oneness with God in exchange for separation from our Source and the promise
of a space all our own in which we could do what we wanted, how we wanted.
We walked out of God’s mind into a world of our own creation.
And thus you were cast out of Heaven, not by your Father, but by your own
choice. And this place beyond God where we are separate from him and live
according to the law “Let MY will be done” is called ‘Earth’. The ruler of this
world you have created is formed from your desire to do it YOUR way and we
have given it the name ‘Ego’. It rules this kingdom and as long as you place
your focus in it, as long as you believe in it - it rules you too.
I call EARTH: Ego’s Attempted Response To Heaven.
The sad part about the whole deal was that you had to give up your true self.
You had to give up the knowing that you were created by your Father - whom
we have named God, the All from which we sprung. You had to give up the
truth that you are imbued with the spirit of your Creator and share His nature:
that you are eternal, infinite, effortless love. To make your own kingdom,
seemingly beyond the reach of Dad, you had to believe that you could be
separate from Him, not like Him. It is for this reason that you are blind in the
world. It is for this reason that you believe you can die. In believing you can
die you guarantee your autonomy - death is nowhere in God’s mind.
I wrote one day after meditation: “Diederik has discovered the secret of
Eternal Life... He's just not prepared to give up Mortality for it. How silly.”
This separation from your Source explains the underlying feelings you live with
whilst here… The one is your sense of being lost, which drives a deep seated
yearning to belong, to find love (your renounced essence), to be a part of
something solid and safe. The other is the guilt of having made such a massive
error. You deal with the guilt by projecting outwards into ‘other’; blaming them
for your lack of peace. And then there is the foundation of your creation: Fear -
the opposite of Love, of Light. Fear is the lack of Love.
Luckily the serpent was lying. Of course it’s not possible to be outside of
everything. All that you could do is forget where you are - all you could do is
give up your memory of true sense of self, your soul. Your entire present
creation is born from believing a lie. And your ego exists because you want to
believe the lie. So the choices Adam and Eve made are the choices you make
in each moment and the choice is always this: do I want to do it MY way… or
will I surrender control and allow God’s idea of me - Its Will - to reveal itself
again? Your own creation - ego - is born from a lie and it is therefore not aware
of the Truth. You cannot become something other than what Source made you
as. By the same token your ego cannot change into the truth; it cannot
become anything other than what you made it as. Ideas cannot leave their
source. Ego is born of the lie and will remain as such. Illusion cannot become
truth and truth cannot become illusion.
This simple law is your saving grace. It is why I, and our Creator, have the
utmost faith, born from Knowing, that you will find your way back Home. It
also explains why you cannot find everything you’re yearning for: peace,
belonging, love and deathlessness / fearlessness, by following the voice of ego.
As long as you listen to and believe in its story you remain in illusion, you keep
believing the lie, you keep yourself from Home. To find what you’re looking for,
to come Home to yourself and your Dad back in Heaven, you need to let go of
the lie, drop it, fall out of the dream and return to the solid peace and joy of
reality. That place where you just KNOW who you are, THAT you are.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you; beyond the story of the World playing
out in your mind and kept alive by ego. Beyond your willful and controlling
ways, beyond your desire to have it your way. At the very core of you is the
unalterable truth of who you are - still as God made you, steady and unaltered
in Its mind.
5. Change Your Mind
“The spiritual can never be attained, until the material has been extinguished.” -
Swami Vivekananda
And now, as you let this information settle within you, watch the world about
you as you go about your life. You may begin to notice that it makes so much
more sense than trying to pair the flawless loving nature of our Source to the
madness, the sorrow, the loneliness and the instability of this creation.
In accepting this corrected view the power is returned to you. There is no more
guilting, the fear of God dissolves and is replaced by love, as it should be; your
unconditionally and eternally loving Source will never, does never, and has
never judged you unworthy. Your Source cannot even relate to where you are:
pure eternal infinite love has absolutely no concept of fear... The one precludes
the other.
Fear is the foundation of your world as naturally as one who runs away from
home runs away from a sense of safety, security and belonging. You walked
out on the love which supported you and into fear; which is simply the absence
of love.
Your creation rests upon fear. No, this is not perfect... God did not make this.
And you're here to correct it. How? By correcting your thinking. It is from
within your mind, our minds, that we make it real. We make the thoughts that
we think matter, into matter. By believing them we make them true, and bring
them into form.
This is the creative force gifted to you by your Source. Through your mind you
created this, through your thinking you made this real, and it is in your mind
that you undo your creation. The pain and loneliness of the world will dissolve
as quickly as you let go of the idea that you are not One with your Source.
As you release your attachment to the world you begin to shift your focus from
your flawed creation, which occupies your mind constantly.
And as you surrender your idea, your creation, for God's idea, you re-enter
Heaven. As you give up the world, you return Home. Can you see why it would
be so difficult for a rich man, with all of his attachments to the stuff HE
created, to enter the kingdom of Heaven?
Now it also makes sense when the enlightened mystics across all spiritual
practices tell us that the world is illusion, that we're living in a dream. This
world was born from a lie - one that we willfully accepted so that we could
escape the will of God and play independently.
You may notice, as you apply this to what you experience in your days, that
this may be very different to what you were taught. And that this makes a lot
more sense. It does require a fundamental shift in your thinking, but the shift
is rewarded with the removal of confusion.
One thing I've noticed in my walk home is that everything I have accepted, I
have accepted, not on blind faith, but because it is all so clearly logical.
6. Beyond This Mind
“The Universe is the Will of the Soul; and from this will comes the law of Cause and
Effect.” - Mundaka Upanishad
The answer to your questions does not rest in the human mind. The human
mind is centred on the construction of the lie. The human mind is a thought of
separation which exists in the mind of your True Self. As long as you reach
outwards into the World you look to illusion for Truth. And as long as you look
for the answers within your human mind, you do the same.
While you focus on the thoughts in your human mind you do not know who
you truly are. Like a person lost in a book you’re no longer aware of the room
you’re sitting in.
I have also recognised that I reach this state of grace through the simple
practice of releasing all attachment to the thoughts of the human mind, the
ego. I notice that any attachment to thoughts about the world keeps me from
awareness of my true nature.
When I return to the goings-on of the world and the needs and requests of my
human mind and the body it rests in, none of this knowing is included in that
consciousness, it is like the two are worlds apart, and they are. You cannot
think two thoughts at the same time. And you cannot think or see God’s
thought - His Creation - if you’re focussed upon your own thought - your
Each time you are born into a life experience on planet Earth - your creation -
you re-enter your self-created idea of separation from God. You are born once
again into sin. The word ‘sin’ in Latin is “Pecatus” and it actually means
‘missing the mark’. There is no massive guilt here - that is the political
manipulation of the church. You’ve just re-entered the lie. When you’re living
in sin - you’re living in a misconceived idea of self. You will keep re-entering
the lie until you wake up and recognise it as such - and let it go consciously -
forgive it and release it.
This was the message of Jesus. A man who knew his house was not here, but
with his Creator in Heaven. A man who recognised the flaw in his thinking and
the flaw in ours. Jesus realised you cannot judge someone, who is
unconscious, for what they do - like you cannot judge a blind man for bumping
into things. It’s silly.
It is quite possible that you choose not to humbly concede that your thinking is
flawed. We are all aware that the path to correction can only begin with the
statement “I was wrong” and we are also aware of how difficult it is for
someone fully invested in ego to make such a confession. After all it goes
completely against the nature of ego to give up its own will - it was born from
the desire to have everything its way!
This is the crux of each of our lives: the choice to follow the willful way we
earlier embraced - the misconceived idea of the serpent: “The voice of Satan”,
or to release that idea and surrender to the will of God and align ourselves
with how Source sees us. In each incarnation back into our idea of a world
apart from God, ruled by ego, we have the opportunity to once again choose
“It is crucial to say first that this is a required course. Only the time you take it
is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you establish the curriculum. It
means only that you can elect what to take when. It is just because you are
not ready to do what you should elect to do that time exists at all.”
Your salvation is inevitable; Truth will prevail over illusion. Time will never
outlive Eternity.
And even though that’s not good news for your ego - for the lie you currently
embrace - it is good news for the You beyond the illusion of the World. The You
which lives beyond the lie.
You have never left God’s Mind, you are simply lost in a thought other than the
one of perfection your Creator thinks. God remains untouched by your ideas
and does not judge you for being asleep and dreaming any more than you
would judge a child caught in a bad dream. Let go of the guilt, it is unfounded.
7. Onwards
“There is no weapon more powerful in achieving the truth than acceptance of oneself.”
- Swami Prajnanpad.
Only when you accept yourself will you be willing to go inwards and honestly
appraise the beliefs upon which you have built your existence. Through
forgiveness of your own misjudgment you begin to release yourself and the
world from the grip of the lie you believed up until now.
This Earth you see and experience is the fruit of your original sin, your original
misconception. The only one that it affects over whom you have jurisdiction is
yourself - it’s your choice - it always has been.
This clarification also makes it clear to you why it is that embracing your
Godliness - embracing the idea once again that you are like God - returns you
to Heaven. Your world was created through the denial of your true nature. And
it will dissolve through the re-acceptance of it. Through remembering who you
Silence destroys ego. In stillness the story, the dream of the world, dissolves
into the nothingness it always was. When you let everything go - the only thing
left standing is Truth. In the Zen tradition they share this by teaching “Do
nothing, and it will be revealed to you.” Jesus put it this way: “Be still and
know that I am God.” Created by Him as a pure expression of Source, your
Essential Self, your essence, remains untouched by this lie you dream is real.
When you silence the world a gap is created in which Truth appears. When you
no longer believe the story of ego that you are weak and fragile and vulnerable
and limited, you are once again thinking God’s thoughts - which is your Truth,
your world of lies ends and Heaven replaces it.
This is how and why meditation enlightens you, this is why your salvation is an
act of surrender and release, this is why to return to Heaven you must first let
go of Earth, of your creation. You cannot stay outside your Father’s House and
go Home - that is impossible, you need to choose.
From here forward you may find yourself becoming aware of your choice to
either listen to your will and focus upon the world of your creation, or your
choice to be still, surrender your own will, and become aware of the thoughts
of God instead.
The prodigal children have their work cut out for them… Your will - or God’s
Will? Here or Home? Maybe one day…. In the last moment before time
disappears we will carve upon the tombstone of the World: “I did it my way….
and it was hell.”
Tool for Truth
Meditation - Purpose and Practice “The Snow-Globe”
The Purpose
In life, what traps you is your unawareness that there is some other aspect of
Self that you can attach to and identify with. You believe you are only this one
thing and that there is no other self identification possible. Meditation reveals
this not to be true by revealing the other to you that you have not been aware
of. Meditation gifts you an option.
As you can imagine this is deeply liberating and powerful. It reveals that you
never need to be stuck between a rock and a hard place - that there is
ALWAYS a way out, there is always an escape route out of a nightmare. The
even deeper gift of meditation is that this other which is revealed to you by
which you can identify yourself is the one you’ve always searched for! This
other innately possesses all the qualities you yearn for: love, peace, fulfillment,
security, abundance, capability, union, belonging and compassion.
Knowing this… is there any possible reason NOT to learn how to meditate so
that you can access the gift of discovering this optional, magical you? The
experience of heaven is only prevented by your inability to let go of hell.
The other we speak of is constantly present - you are simply unaware of them
because you are trapped within a thought, and attached to a belief that you
are only this one thing you are presently experiencing: this human being
struggling to survive on a planet called Earth, fighting and jostling with 6
billion others for a small piece of a limited pie whilst fighting off the constant
spectre of death and eternal annihilation. This may sound over-the -top, but it
is the premise on which all of human life is built.
As you are well aware, living out this ‘reality’ takes all of your focus and
energy. This idea is deeply gripping and mesmerizing: it is the ultimate movie.
In fact this movie is so good you’re totally absorbed by it and don’t even
realise there is something else besides it. THAT is why you are not even aware
that there is another self to identify with. This idea is so all encompassing and
pervasive that you are lost, completely and totally, in it. You believe it to be
utterly real, and it has therefore become your reality.
This idea - like all ideas, day dreams and fantasies, imaginings and concepts -
lives in your mind. And that is how meditation works its magic: it teaches you
to slow down the thought you have lost yourself in. As you slow down your
thinking human mind and as the thoughts which rush through your head every
second of every waking moment begin to come to rest a new view is revealed.
Like a picture shows up once the snowflakes in a snow-globe settle to the
ground - you gradually see something else beyond the swirling snowflakes,
something that was always there but could not be seen because of the storm
of snowflakes in the foreground which had your full attention. It is not that
something new was created, this was always there; you simply couldn’t see it.
This is how meditation works…
As you train your thoughts and learn not to attach your awareness to them
they begin to settle due to your non-attachment. And in settling, another
picture is revealed beyond the snowstorm. Your awareness focusses on
something you were, up until now, not aware of. You suddenly see what you
could not see before. The more you are able to keep a still mind the clearer
you can look at the picture because the snowflakes, the thoughts, no longer
obscure your vision. The longer you focus on this picture which is revealed,
which was always there, the stronger your attachment to it becomes and the
more deeply you realise that THIS is the constant which has always been and
will always be, NOT the snowstorm of thoughts and ideas which had 100
percent of your attention, your focus, all of this time, through all of this life,
and many, many lives before this one.
This, quite simply, is enlightenment. This simple thing, oddly, is what all the
sages and mystics, guides and masters have been trying to teach you all of
this time - they just didn’t have snow-globes to illustrate it with
Your full focus and attention on the super movie called “I am a human being
on a planet called Earth” means that much of your attention, much of your
creative force and energy, is focussed on the snowflakes and keeps the snow-
globe agitated. As you learn, through meditation, to withdraw your focus from
the thoughts which storm through your mind, you remove your energy from
them, you stop agitating the snow-globe; the snowflakes settle to reveal the
other you could never see, and were therefore not aware of.
This True Self does NOT live on a planet called Earth in a body separate from
others and prone to attack, sickness, decay and death. THAT was the
snowstorm. I do not want you to simply have faith that this is true - I want you
to learn how to stop agitating your snow-globe so that the constant landscape
beyond it - the True You - becomes visible, so that you can experience this true
self by once again placing your focus, your awareness, there. As you deepen in
your meditation practice and gaze upon the landscape which is revealed once
the snowflakes have settled, you will re-discover the qualities of this self:
That it is complete.
The longer you remain in meditation - the longer you are able to keep your
mind still through not attaching to, and giving energy to, even one snowflake -
the deeper and stronger your re-connection and communion with this constant
Self becomes. As you strengthen your sense of identity with this constant Self
rather than with the snowstorm, you re-embrace your true nature: peaceful,
eternal, fearless, loving & abundant. How can one NOT be happy when they
fully know themselves as this? Re-identifying yourself with your true nature -
made possible because you once again found the other to identify with through
meditation - is the goal of life.
The Practice
Meditation practice will begin with a choice to meditate: you will need to
choose to meditate every day. As you learn how to still your mind successfully
and begin to experience the peace and pleasure of that centred stillness, it
becomes easier and easier to make the choice to meditate, but you will
ALWAYS need to choose to meditate.
Your choice to meditate is your choice to put down your toys and listen out for
your Father’s thoughts. Your choice to meditate undoes the choice you made at
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and will eventually return you to
Heaven. It may seem like a tiny choice, but it’s just as powerful as the choice
you made as Adam or Eve at the beginning of time.
This is almost all you need to become adept at meditation. The choice to
meditate is the crux of your practice because it is your choice to see something
other than what entertains you and keeps your focus now. It is the choice to
put aside your will for a while and listen out for God’s idea of you. In that
choice rests the entire purpose of your life.
All you will be doing in meditation is learning how to let go of your attachment
to thoughts.
Take every single beautiful idea you’ve ever had about yourself, your friends,
lovers and family, your personal world and this planet… and toss them out of
the window. As long as you maintain focus on any of these ideas you are
agitating the snow-globe and will not be able to see the picture beyond the
This is why Zen practice says “Do nothing” and you will become enlightened.
Give the snow-globe zero energy, zero input, and all the flakes will drift to the
bottom and reveal what was always there but could not be seen.
Sit in a comfortable position, preferably upright to help you stay awake. If it’s
cool or cold, put on an extra layer; your body temperature will drop as you
relax. Choose a still space in which to practise, where you will not be
disturbed. Switch off phones and cellphones, TVs, radios, etc. Make the space
as quiet as possible - make it as easy as possible for you to forget the world
which you are so lost in normally.
What you will be doing is sitting in silence and becoming aware of something
other than your thoughts.
At first simply do this for 5 minutes. If you find this extremely difficult consider
using a guided meditation CD to help focus your mind and wind it down. The
“Healing Sand” meditation by Brandon Bays of “The Journey” was very helpful
for me. It is a 30 minute voice guided meditation orated by Brandon herself.
Brandon’s own centredness and ability to be still are helpful. Be aware that
many “guided visualisations” are not meditation: they are mind trips which
keep you in your mind; rather than working to quieten the mind they use your
mind’s imaginative abilities to visualise alternative realities and create a sense
of healing and happiness. What we’re doing is stopping all thought - thoughts
are the snowflakes which obscure the other self you are at present blind to.
If you find yourself falling asleep that’s OK. It’s a sign that your thoughts are
settling and because you have not learned how to detach from your thoughts -
your awareness, your focus, is settling along with them You will find it
difficult to remain awake if you meditate just after a meal and if you’re really
tired. It’s best to meditate in quiet restful time, like early morning, or after a
cup of coffee in the evening, when the kids have gone to bed and the house
has settled.
The practice of sitting cross-legged on the floor and watching your breath is
recommended for this simple reason: if you become used to sitting cross-
legged on the floor and watching your breath to meditate it gives you no
excuse not to meditate. There will always be a floor to sit on and you will
always have your breath with you What I have noticed as well is that the
action of sitting cross-legged to meditate over a period of time has now
become a ‘trigger’ - as I cross my legs my mind begins to quieten and centre,
the physical action has become synonymous with stillness.
As you consistently choose to meditate you will be rewarded with the gift of
stillness, of catching glimpses of this magical other You which you could not
see through the snowstorm in the snow-globe. Your practice periods will
become longer, you will gain access to peace and a deeper, wiser, less panicked
sense of Self; someone infinitely capable and strong. Beginning to know
yourself as this ‘other’ will gift you all of the things you have up until now
searched for in the snowstorm. It will be the greatest gift you have ever given
yourself and you will give it to yourself through practising meditation.
To support you in your choice to see something beyond your thinking mind and
inspire you to continue meditating feel free to visit my blog every now and
then. You will find short inspiring posts, access to new documentation as I
share it, access to supportive chants and links to further supportive
information and inspiring articles. You will find the blog address on the
“Author’s Biography” page.
Wishing you the indescribable joy and deep satisfaction of discovering your
enormous, indestructible, power, beauty and truth.
Diederik Vemer
Author’s Biography
Diederik Vemer was born in 1963 in Witbank, South Africa, under the sun
sign of Aquarius.
From a very early age his life was fuelled by the quest for the
unchangeable truth about the world and the context of its existence. He is not
a Buddhist although he likes them, nor is he a Catholic, although he was one
Stillness is his teacher and the place beyond the human mind is where he
finds his centre and support.
He currently lives in Cape Town, South Africa, but retreats into the Karoo
to write and grin.
He has a blog:
If you wish to be notified of the release of the main title: “The Lie you
Believe”, please send an e-mail through to the e-mail address listed above with
“Notify Me” in the title block. The title should be released as an eBook around
May of 2010 and in print a little after that.