Edexcel National Certificate/Diploma Principles and Applications of Fluid Mechanics Unit 13 NQF Level 3 Outcome 4 - Dynamic Fluid Systems Tutorial 1 - Model Testing
Edexcel National Certificate/Diploma Principles and Applications of Fluid Mechanics Unit 13 NQF Level 3 Outcome 4 - Dynamic Fluid Systems Tutorial 1 - Model Testing
Edexcel National Certificate/Diploma Principles and Applications of Fluid Mechanics Unit 13 NQF Level 3 Outcome 4 - Dynamic Fluid Systems Tutorial 1 - Model Testing
Be able to determine the parameters of dynamic fluid systems
Model testing: wind-tunnel testing e.g. laminar and turbulent flow, flow around bluff
bodies, dynamic pressure, theoretical and measured drag force, drag coefficient,
application of Reynolds number, operation and use of the Pitot-static tube; test data e.g.
measured drag force, model dimensions, air density, Pitot-static tube reading, density of
manometer fluid
Aerodynamic systems: aerofoil applications e.g. aircraft lift surfaces, helicopter rotor
blades, formula 1 racing cars; system parameters e.g. span, chord, angle of attack, plan
area of lift surfaces, pressure distribution, stalled condition, lift force, drag force, lift and
drag coefficients, airspeed, propeller efficiency, engine power requirements for an aircraft
in level flight
The subject of model testing in wind tunnels and drag on a surface requires very advanced
studies of fluid mechanics so the contents of this tutorial are necessarily over simplified and
only serves as a general introduction. You can find more advanced material on the web site
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Dynamic pressure has been covered previously in this unit along with the theory of pitot
static tubes and repeated here for revision.
Consider a stream of air moving at velocity v m/s and with pressure p 1. If the stream is
interrupted by any body, it will be diverted around it but at some point on the body the air is
brought entirely to a stop and this point is called the stagnation point. The velocity of the air
is converted into pressure. At this level we will treat the air as having a constant density.
(This becomes less true at higher velocities).
Applying Bernoulli between the air stream and the stagnation point we have:
v 2
v 2
p1 1 p 2 2 but since v2 = 0 this reduces to:
2p 2 p1
v 2
or p 2 p1 1
p1 1 p 2
p2 - p1 is the indication on the pressure gauge if the air stream is the surrounding atmosphere.
is the term called the dynamic pressure which results from converting velocity into
Pitot static tubes used for measuring the velocity of air streams.
These days electronic pressure sensors are used to measure the
dynamic pressure as shown in the picture below. Pitot tubes come
in many forms and sizes. The one shown uses a tube inside another
tube that is pointed into an air stream. The pressure difference is
measured at the points shown. Usually a simple hollow needle with
a hole in the side is sufficient and the stream pressure p1 is taken
from the atmosphere. You will see pitot tubes on the leading edges
of aircraft to measure the air speed. They are also used in wind
tunnels for measuring the stream velocity at a given point.
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The syllabus mentions manometers because these can be used as simple pressure measuring
The pressure tapings are connected to the manometer and produces
a difference in the level of the fluid. For measuring air stream
velocities the fluid in the manometer is light oil manufactured with
an accurately known density. This is much better than water. To
calculate the pressure difference we use p = o g h
o is the density of the manometer fluid.
The velocity of the air stream is hence:
2p 2 p1
The pressure difference is often very small and to obtain accurate measurements one leg of
the manometer is inclined and the other made into a reservoir. The value of h is often given
on the sloping scale in mm of water or the scale might be calibrated to give the velocity.
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When a fluid flows around the outside of a body, it produces a force that tends to drag the
body in the direction of the flow. The drag acting on a moving object such as a ship or an
aeroplane must be overcome by the propulsion system. Drag takes two forms, skin friction
drag and form drag.
Skin friction drag is due to the viscous shearing that takes place between the surface and the
layer of fluid immediately above it. This is the main source of drag on surfaces of objects
that are long in the direction of flow compared to their height. Such bodies are called
STREAMLINED. A thin flat plate is an example of a streamlined object. Consider a stream
passing over a long thin plate as shown.
The stream is undisturbed at a point some distance from the surface but near the surface the
fluid is slowed down in a region called the boundary layer. The slowing down occurs
because of the viscosity of the fluid. The layer next to the surface becomes attached to it (it
wets the surface). This is called the no slip condition. The layers of fluid close to the
surface are moving so there must be shearing taking place between the layers of the fluid.
The shear stress acting between the wall and the first moving layer next to it is called the
wall shear stress and denoted w.
We often need to use a dimensionless parameter called the Reynolds number. For these cases
it is defined as:
L is the length parallel with the stream. At low Reynolds numbers, the fluid in the boundary
layer may be laminar throughout the entire thickness. At higher Reynolds numbers, it is
turbulent and full of eddies starting at a critical distance from the leading edge.
The skin drag is due to the wall shear stress w and this acts on the surface area (wetted
The drag force is hence: R = w x wetted area = w A.
v 2
The dynamic pressure defined earlier is:
In this work it is convenient to use the idea of the drag coefficient. This is defined as:
Drag force
2 w
Using this requires a lot of knowledge and much of the work is based on experimental data.
For example, for a smooth surface, it can be shown that CDf = 0.074 (Re)x-1/5
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6 x 106
C Df 0.074 x (6 x10 6 )
v 2 800 x 302
360 kPa
x dynamic pressure 0.00326 x 360 x 103 1173.6 Pa
Dynamic pressure
w C Df
Practical objects are not normally thin flat sheets but wider objects like ships hulls or
aeroplane wings. The skin friction is still important but another form of drag starts to take
over. You need to understand that a surface at an angle to the stream will produce different
On a small area the skin drag is dR = w dA. If the body
is not a thin plate and has an area inclined at an angle
to the flow direction, the drag force in the direction of
flow is w dA cos.
The drag force acting on the entire surface area is found by integrating over the entire area.
R w cos dA . Solving this equation is beyond the scope of this unit.
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Drag force
dynamic pressure x projected area v x projected area
If we could find a way of working out the pressure p at any point on the surface at angle to
the direction of the stream, the total pressure drag would be given by:
R pcos dA
Again, solving this is well beyond the
scope of this tutorial. The next diagram
illustrates a symmetrical bluff object. In
this case the fluid sticks to the surface
for a certain length exerting skin drag
and then it breaks away where the
vacuum sucks in fluid to form vortices
and produces form drag. The total drag is
the sum of the two. The degree of each
depends upon the shape of the body.
Solving this would be difficult.
It has been explained that a body usually experiences both skin friction drag and form drag.
The total drag is the sum of both. This applies to aeroplanes and ships as well as bluff
objects such as cylinders and spheres. The drag force on a body is very hard to predict by
purely theoretical methods. Much of the data about drag force is based on experimental data
and the concept of a drag coefficient is widely used.
The DRAG COEFFICIENT is denoted CD and is defined by the following expression.
Resistance force
Dynamic pressure x projected Area v x projected Area
The projected area is the area normal to flow direction.
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Data on the drag coefficient for many bodies has been found by researchers and the diagram
below shows the data for cylinders and spheres plotted against Reynolds number.
Dynamic pressure x projected Area 100 x 0.016
R = 30 N
u x projected Area
Projected area
0.04 2
1.2566 x 10-3 m 2
0.136 N
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D.J.Dunn www.freestudy.co.uk
Another simple explanation of lift is that the air flowing over the top has to travel further
from the front to the back than the air underneath so it must speed up. Bernoulli tells us this
will cause a drop in pressure. Conversely the air on the bottom slows down so we get a rise
in pressure. The pressure difference generates the lift. Aerofoils are often made
unsymmetrical as shown in the next diagram.
The angle of attack can be varied to increase or decrease the lift acting on the wing. An
increase in lift often results in an increase in drag.
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We define a lift coefficient CL in a similar form to the drag coefficient. The projected area is
based on the chord length and wing span. If the angle of attack is , the chord length C and
the span S then the projected area is C S cos .
Lift force
Dynamic pressure x projected Area v C S cos
The drag coefficient for an aerofoil is also based on the same projected area parallel to the
steam and not the projected area normal to the stream which is used for other objects such as
cylinders. The Drag coefficient is:
Drag force
Dynamic pressure x projected Area v C S cos
D.J.Dunn www.freestudy.co.uk
When an aeroplane is in level flight, the engine must deliver sufficient power to overcome
the drag. Mechanical power is simply defined as P = Force x Velocity so the minimum
engine power must be the product of drag force and stream velocity. This must be the
powered delivered by the propulsion system. The actual power supplied to the engine in the
form of fuel will be much larger as this must take into account the thermal and mechanical
efficiency of the engine.
If the aeroplane is climbing or descending, the power requirements are affected because
gravity is either being opposed or used to assist motion.
When the engine is propeller driven, the power input to the shaft is greater than the
minimum power because the propeller is not 100% efficient at turning the shaft power into
propulsive power. The efficiency depends on the shape and pitch of the propeller. The shaft
power is:
R is the drag force, v the flight speed and the propeller efficiency.
25 864 N/m
For a 3 m span this is 77 592 N
Dynamic pressure x projected Area v C S cos
1 427 N/m
For a 3 m span this is 4 281 N
Power = R v/ = 4281 x 150/0.7 = 917 357 Watts
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D.J.Dunn www.freestudy.co.uk