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Accenture - Future of HR Digital

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Trends Reshaping the Future of HR

Digital Radically Disrupts HR

By Tim Good, Catherine Farley, Himanshu Tambe, and Susan Cantrell

Digital technology is continuing to evolve at

breakneck speed, and it permeates nearly every
aspect of our working lives. In the coming years,
digital will empower people to take significantly
more responsibility for talent management and HR
activities. As digital enables talent management to
become less of a centralized HR activity and more
of an activity that is embedded in the fabric of
everyday business, it will fundamentally change
HR as we know it.

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The Trend: Digital Advances Promise

to Reshape Work as We Know It
Digital is fundamentally changing the way
businesses and governments operatefrom
how they interact with customers, citizens
and suppliers, to how they manage their
employees. New digital technologies
enable not only greater integration and
flexibility than ever before, but also the
ability for employees to have a greater
share of voice and ability to participate
in defining and even creating their
own work experiences. Digital is thus
poised to radically disrupt HR as usual
and redefine the future of the human
resources function in the next decade.
Eventually, HR and talent processes and
the technology that enables them will no
longer constitute their own domain or
even be primarily performed by a central
HR function. Rather, many aspects of
HR and talent management will become
fully embedded in how work gets done
throughout an organization, thereby
becoming an everyday part of doing
business. HR departments that ignore this
transformation could face obsolescence.

In this point of view, we explore five

recent digital developments that we
believe will conspire to transform HR:
Data and integration will be king.
Digital will give powerand people
managementto the people.
Consumer applications will find a home
in the enterprise.
Digital will enable customized talent
Cloud computing will enable new
flexibility and agility.
Data and Integration Will Be King.
Analyticsthe use of data to produce
business-relevant insights that lead to
actionhas been heralded as the new step
change for HR. Yet few HR organizations
have a robust analytic capability.
Collecting data on employees (such
as engagement rates) can be expensive
and time consuming; new technologies
like Cultureamps Murmur promise
to make this easier by enabling HR
professionals to offer different employees
a ten minute or less online pulse" survey
every day to provide a real-time view
of engagement that is not possible with
traditional, annual surveys.

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Moreover, companies have found it

difficult to gather clean, consistent and
integrated data. But service-oriented
architecture, data analytics, master
data management (MDM) of HR data
technology, and industry consolidation
will help companies surmount these
challenges. Such developments can unify
talent management applications and
enable companies to integrate data from
transactional systems with business data
and HR data in a single database. In
addition, data on contingent workers can
now also be more easily integrated into
a single system to give employers
a more complete view of all of the
workersemployees and contingent
workers alikewho are working to create
value for an organization. With these
changes, and as analytic capabilities
increasingly get embedded into software,
the dream of a data-driven HR function
may finally become a realityif HR
professionals can keep pace.

Eventually, the lines between business

and people management systems may
blur, wiping away functional silos
within HR and even the silo of HR
itself. For example, better integration
may fundamentally change the role of
professionals in HR Centers of Excellence.
Typically, professionals in these roles are
organizationally divided by functions
such as recruiting, compensation and
benefits, training and development, and
career development. But when information
systems help enable talent management to
become truly integrated across processes,
rigid functional boundaries between talent
management processes may no longer
continue to make sense.
And it wont stop there. As mobility
applications develop and people spend
more of their work and personal time on
technology platforms, they will leave an
ever larger digital trail of information
that can be tracked, integrated, and
analyzed as well. Already, enterprises like
Google Inc. are analyzing a wide array of
data on peoples lives (such as whether
someone has set a world record or what

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magazines someone subscribes to) to

create statistically valid predictors of
performance at work.1 For example, Google
has determined through quantitative
analysis that ability to take initiative is a
far better predictor of high performance on
the job than stellar academic records from
prestigious schools.2 SuccessFactors, an
SAP company, tracks employees searches
of external blogs or podcasts to show
executives how and what employees
are learning.3 And it is now possible for
benefits information to be provided to
individuals based on their physical location
as determined from the GPS system
embedded in a persons mobile device.
In the future, companies will integrate
traditional business and talent data with
Big Data obtained from social and local
data sourcestweets, blog posts, RSS feeds,
customer service feedback, GPS coordinates
and moreto get a complete picture of
their workforces abilities, wants and needs.
Data and the insights it yields may
eventually trump processes in terms
of relative importance. The ability to
statistically determine the key drivers of
performance and productivity for particular
workforce micro-segments based on hard
data, for example, may become much
more important than generalized rewards,
development, or learning processes

designed to support the entire employee

population. Imagine a world, for example,
in which an organization could:
Simulate talent requirements based on
fluctuations in business demand.
Automatically identify talent gaps and
determine how best to close them (for
example, through build, buy or make).
Offer suggestions for advancement based
on a persons digital work trail.
Identify top-performing individuals and
teams key characteristics and then
mine data on passive candidates found
in digitized global talent pools to find
people with similar characteristics.
Combine data on worker productivity
with data on variables such as time an
employee spends in and out of the office,
vacation time taken, or medical costs
to identify employees at risk for health
problems or burnout.
Analytics could make HR the strategic
powerhouse it was meant to beby
positioning it to move from historical
analysis (understanding what happened)
to predictive analysis (forecasting
whats going to happen and what talent
levers HR must pull to improve business
performance). But to make this move, HR
practitioners will need to develop robust
analytics skills. They will also have to
learn the language of business so they can
integrate HR data with other business data
to produce actionable insights. New roles
and groups within HR may arise, such as
talent data analysts or people insight units.

Digital Will Give Powerand

People Managementto the People.
As digital technology advances, its
helping companies embed talent
management into the fabric of everyday
business and into employees work and
personal lives. Technology advances
are enabling HR to put the human back
into human resources, and helping give
people management back to the people.
Were not talking about the traditional
notion of self-service here, or the ability
for employees to perform mundane
administrative HR activities themselves,
like updating their address or viewing
a paycheck without HRs intervention.
Instead, were talking about involving
employees and managers in high-impact
talent processesincluding recruiting,
hiring, succession planning, learning and
shaping career paths. All this will happen
thanks to an emerging class of social and
market-based tools that will let employees
manage almost every aspect of their
professional lives digitally.
For example, in the section above, we saw
how talent management practices and data
are becoming more integrated with general
business practices and business data to
drive strategic decisions about talent. As
this development unfolds, line managers
will be more likely to engage in critical
talent processes like workforce planning
using data to determine gaps between
workforce projections and available supply
of staff, and modeling different scenarios
that could be used to close any gaps.
In addition, managers and employees
will shoulder more talent management

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responsibilities. Take salesforce.coms

work.com, an information system that
lets workers and managers give feedback
and recognition for jobs well done on an
ongoing basis. Work.com is integrated
with salesforce.coms CRM solution, so a
salesperson looking at accounts in the CRM
system could send performance feedback to
a customer service representative without
having to change applicationsthereby
enabling users to fluidly interact with the
tool where they do work every day.4
Likewise, as mobility applications designed
for tablets and smart phones become
ever more user-friendly, and as intuitive
user interfaces finally permeate talent
management software following the
success of consumer-oriented technologies,
employees will be more inclined to
adopt IT-enabled talent processes as
well. Consider TouchBase, for example,
a wall-dockable tablet that takes a
digital photo of each worker to verify
the workers identity instead of requiring
workers to punch in to time clocks. Or
consider new technology that is being
developed that will let workers open
a talent management application on a
laptop and then work seamlessly in that
same application throughout the day on
other devices. Although mobile HR and
talent management applications have well
permeated recruiting, time and attendance,
employee relations, and learning areas,
mobile applications are being developed

and rapidly adopted for nearly every

process to make it easier to perform
these activities anywhere, anytime, and
on any deviceincluding talent analytics,
performance management, and leadership
development. Technology companies like
SAP are now designing apps with a "mobile
first" approach, promising to make mobility
far easier than ever before for nearly every
talent and HR practice.

it combines gaming, analytics, and the

application of behavioral insights from
science. (For more on gaming, see sidebar
on page 8: Changing the HR Game:
How Serious Games and Gamification
Are Disrupting Human Resources). We
expect innovations to keep arising in
this space, as start-ups take off and as
talent management software companies
continue to layer social and gaming
functionality onto their existing offerings.
Eventually, new social, gaming and mobile
capabilities may replace traditional
talent management practices, as well as
time-honored HR tools such as employee
surveys and e-mail communications.

Finally, the infusion of all things social

into talent managementand the infusion
of principles derived from gaming as well
will further weave talent management into
the very fabric of employees everyday work
lives. Already, employees can learn together
through corporate versions of Facebook or
Eventually, advances in digital will not
YouTube in addition to centrally mandated
only empower the line to take much more
training curricula. Companies can also
responsibility for talent management,
use technology to draw on an employees
but they may even shift the locus of
social networks to target and recruit new
information and decision making from a
hires with the right skills for an open
central group like HR or a small group of
position. Moreover, workers can use social
top leaders to employees themselves. Social
media to advise career counselors how
media could take HR as a middleman out
best to counsel them, instead of having HR of the picture, for example, by enabling
provide this advice. Sites like Mixtent, GILD, the following:
and TrueOffice can also help companies
transform everything from recruiting to
Employees to define their own
performance appraisals to learning into a
compensation in reverse talent auctions.
game. New site Knack, for example, uses
Employees to negotiate scheduling
a game format to help workers discover
changes with one another on shifttheir "knack"their unique combination
swapping sites.
of strengths, talents, abilities, personality
Benefits choices to be determined
traits, likes and preferences. The site can
by consensus through analysis of
be used by companies to help identify
corporate social media sites revealing
high performers for recruiting purposes;
which benefits are important to which
employee populations.
Managers to analyze Big Data from
sources like blogs, social networking sites
and other online forums to determine
what employees need and want and
to find new employees.

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Talent exchanges where workers and

hiring managers can find each other
without the help of an intermediary
through matching of open opportunities
with an analysis of individuals skills or
past performance and interest profiles;
or exchanges that act like stock markets,
where the value of each individual
worker is determined by the crowd
in a quantifiable and searchable way
for sourcing purposes.
Workers to define their own career
paths by seeing each others customized
career paths (through sites that mine
transfer and promotion histories) and
network with them.
New leaders or successors to be selected
in part through opinion polling by those
most affected by the decision.
In this future, the administrative burden
that HR departments currently carry
may lighten up considerably. Not only
will technology continue to automate
transactional HR processes like benefits
administration, but it will continue to
enable more strategic practices like many
of those described above to be performed
by employees. Technology could then
free HR professionals so they can focus
on other work such as analytics. As a
result, the group primarily responsible
for HR processes and transactions
whether a shared services organization, a
business services group or an outsourcing
partnermay shrink to a fraction of
what it is today. Employees may even
manage their own data, and HR data
and transactions may become the sole
responsibility of the business with the

support of IT. Whats more, HR may shift

its mission and mandate to concentrate
on building a culture where people can
use talent management tools to enhance
their own job performance. New roles and
responsibilities for HR professionals may
ensue accordingly.
Consumer Applications Will Find a Home
in the Enterprise. Closely linked to the
advent of cloud computing is the rise of
businesses like LinkedIn and BranchOutTM,
where talent management systems live
on the web and are shared by companies.
Today, for example, employees and job
candidates can input the equivalent of
their resumes and skills on such sites. By
doing so, they may circumvent the need
for internal talent profile databases that
aggregate individuals skills, job history,
education, competencies and more. Other
sites, like GILDTM and TalentBin, even let
organizations build talent profiles by
mining the social exhaust from sites
like Facebook, Twitter, MeetupTM and
Quora to build searchable talent profiles
about peoples professional interests, skills,
passions, and accomplishments. With
the advent of companies like these that
support more user-friendly processes, such
as searching for people with particular
skill sets in particular geographies
and interviewing them through video,

processes like staffing can be shifted to

line managers instead of being performed
by HR. Market-based mechanisms could
motivate people to use external systems
for internal purposes. For example, if
employees dont input their skills into a
site like LinkedIn, they risk missing out
on opportunities (such as projects and
new job assignments) that might have
benefited from their skills.
Already, some organizations are drawing
more on such external, public sites and
integrating data from these sites into their
own HR information systems. Although
doing so may require some work matching
data definitions used in external sites to
data definitions used in internal systems,
some companies are successfully blurring
the line between internal and external
applications. We expect use of public
sites to accelerateespecially if the sites
can ensure that data is accurate and
qualified. We may even see the equivalent
of electronic medical records for people
arise. In this scenario, organizations wont
maintain their own talent management
records on employees, training histories,
performance reviews, salary information
and so forth. Instead, such records will
be shared in a standardized format across
companies on a public site, and they
wont be lost when an individual leaves

an organization. Shared solutions such

as these will be particularly valuable as
people more rapidly move from employer
to employer or strike out on their own
as independent freelancers. (See: Trends
Reshaping the Future of HR: The Rise of
the Extended Workforce). With this change,
HR organizations may become primarily
coaches and educators for line managers
explaining how they can get the best value
from such shared applications and data.
IT Will Enable Customized Talent
Management. Technology transformed
marketing by enabling customization
of products, services and marketing
messages. (See: Trends Reshaping the
Future of HR: Managing Your People
as a Workforce of One). Likewise, it
can transform HR by empowering
it to offer highly customized talent
practices that optimize each employees
performance. Most organizations have
already achieved maximum cost savings
by using information technology to
standardize and harmonize their people
practices across their global operations.
But HR professionals can now leverage
that standardized framework to tailor
employment practices to every worker
(see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Evolution of talent management

Yesterday's practice
Workforce of many

People are treated

differently, but with little
structure, control or good
business reasons

Today's practice

Tomorrow's practice

Workforce as a single monolithic entity

Workforce of one

More standardized systems that

treat everyone the same and
enhance control and efficiency

Systems become more flexible and

tailored to meet individual needs and
achieve business value while retaining
control and structure

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Changing the HR Game: How Serious Games and

Gamification are Disrupting Human Resources
Manish Mehta and Alex Kass, Accenture Technology Labs

Since the first Nintendo sets arrived in

homes in the mid-1980s, the workforce
has become increasingly populated
with employees who have grown up
with computer games. For many people
entering the workforce now, such games
including Massively Multi-Player Online
Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs)are
more than just an occasional pastime.
Games form the very backdrop of their
lives. These individuals do much of their
socializing through computer games and
use the vocabulary of gaming [leveling
up, "epic win," GG (good game)] even
in conversations that have nothing to
do with games. With gaming concepts
and terminology gaining prominence
among young employees, its probably not
surprising that companies eager to attract,
engage, incentivize and retain members of
this generation have been taking games
seriously. Gaming concepts have begun
working their way into key HR processes
in two distinct forms, often called serious
games and gamification. Whereas serious
games are actual games used in the
workplace whose purpose is beyond merely
providing entertainment, gamification is
the weaving of game mechanics such as
virtual currency, leaderboards (boards that
display leaders in a competition), badges,
or leveling up (progression to the next level
in a game) into existing work activities or
processes without the development of a
full-fledged actual game.

Why now?
The idea that gaming elements can be
useful in the workplace is not new. For
example, sales groups have long used
leaderboards and other gamification-like
mechanisms to foster friendly competition.
And organizations as serious as the
military have used war games and their
civilian equivalents to train soldiers and
leaders. What is new is that more and
more workers are familiar with and enjoy
gaming. In addition, the commercial
platforms that have industrialized the
development of games and gamification
are more widely available to organizations.
These factors have made it much more
affordable for enterprises to create serious
games and to incorporate gamification
into business processes. For example, some
serious games leverage general-purpose
game engines (such as Unreal Engine
from Epic Games, or Unity Technologies
platform)which provide graphics,
game editors and artificial intelligence
functionsto achieve high levels of
sophistication and create simulated
characters. Likewise, vendors such as
Bunchball and Badgeville have created
cloud-based gamification engines, which
deliver key gamification functions as web
services. This greatly reduces the cost and
complexity of incorporating gamification
into enterprise web applications. These
developments have given rise to a varied
set of applications that have transformed
various HR processes.

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HR processes and gaming applications

HR process

Gaming application examples


America's Army (AA) comprises serious games and was developed as an element of the U.S. Armys recruiting
program. AA strongly resembles battlefield entertainment games. The simulation-based game conveys the
challenges involved in common Army missions, making the soldiers role appealing to the Armys target audience.


Stone City is a serious game commissioned by Cold Stone Creamery Inc. The purpose of the game is to help
employees learn correct portioning behavior for ice cream and understand its effect on profitability and
customer satisfaction. A viscosity model simulates the way in which various flavors scoop differently. Success in
the game requires speed and skill, which makes the simulation fun and effective.
Americas Army has been extended to include training components in addition to recruiting. Training modules
enable players to try out various types of weapons, vehicles and military procedures. The game environment allows
safe trial-and-error learning of job functions that are dangerous in real life.


TopCoder is a programming community site that, among other things, uses gamification to help companies
identify strong programmers for contract work or permanent hire. Software projects are divided up into small
competitions. Participants can earn royalties for winning results that are licensed for sale. However, the reputation
a programmer earns by doing well in the competitions is often more important to participants. TopCoder
maintains programmer reputations and makes them accessible to potential employers.

Performance Management

Work.comTM, from salesforce.com, Inc., uses gamification mechanisms to provide timely feedback to employees
and to recognize high performers. Employees can recognize colleagues with customized badges that reflect their
companys culture and values. Any recognition employees receive becomes part of their social profiles, making
their reputation visible throughout the enterprise.
ContestBuilder, by LevelEleven, LLC, enables sales managers to gamify any aspect of the sales metrics tracked in
salesforce.coms customer relationship management (CRM) system. Managers can design contests to incentivize
creating, responding to or converting leads or closing deals. The contests motivate salespeople to achieve, thus
boosting their productivity. Companies can create customized contests and change the contests to reflect shifts in
their sales pipeline, making this an agile approach to performance management.
Achievers provides companies with a stand-alone, branded social recognition portal, through which employees can
recognize each other with endorsements and virtual currency points. Recognition is broadcast in a social newsfeed
and on the platforms dashboard, fostering a sense of accomplishment and friendly competition. Recognition
points can become a source of pride for employees and can be redeemed for merchandise.

The road ahead

Gamification of HR is still in its early days.
Still, games and gamification have begun
to alter the way HR professionals and
employees experience various HR processes.
Some of the changes are incremental.
Others could prove disruptive, such as

Work.comTMs use of gamification to replace

occasional, private top-down feedback with
real-time, public 360-degree feedback.
Were just beginning to understand which
game-related transformations are most
beneficial to organizations and how to
estimate the degree to which workers
may embrace these changes. As games

9 | Accenture Strategy | Copyright 2015 Accenture. All rights reserved.

and gamificationalong with insights into

how they can help organizations generate
valuable business outcomescontinue to
improve, this trend will likely become more
important. We may never get to the point
where the experience of going to work is
as exciting and engaging as a great game.
But high-performance enterprises will likely
push the boundaries to see just how close
they can get.

As we explain in our book Workforce of

One: Revolutionizing Talent Management
through Customization (Harvard Business
Press, 2010), such tailoring need not be
a hodgepodge of one-off deals between
managers and employees. Thats not
scalable, controllable or fair. Rather,
customization can be built on standards
that exist on top of a common process and
information system platformstandards
that allow for flexibility rather than
sameness. For example, companies can
simply offer a greater variety of standard
practicessuch as different compensation,
development or performance appraisal
processes tailored to different employee
segments. Or, they could let employees
choose from a menu of predefined,
standard options.
It is only due to advances in technology
in the past few years that customization
of people practices in such ways is now
even possible. Consider, for example, how
technology can now help an organization
better know individual employees
through data that is captured and mined
on everything from demographics and
behaviors to communication or e-mail
patterns to determine customized offerings.
For example, by mining employees e-mail
and other electronic communications,
companies can now segment employees
into networking typescentral connectors,
peripheral players, boundary spanners,
and information brokers. Companies can
identify who is critical to collaboration and

executing the business strategy as well as

model the impact of losing specific people
in a network in order to target tailored
retention practices.
Consider also how technology can
enable organizations to break down
information on things like learning content,
performance appraisal criteria, benefits,
or even job activities into smaller chunks,
keep track of it, and modularly configure
it to create a custom offering. For example,
some companies use internal temporary
staffing agencies to allow employees to
mass configure their jobs by choosing
specific assignments best suited to them.
Such internal agencies can draw on
skills databases that send only relevant
assignment choices to employees based
on their skill and interest profiles. Or take
learning. Learners at the news service
Reuters can custom configure learning on
the fly, based on their individual needs
and preferences, by choosing among a vast
array of ten- to twenty-minute bite-size
learning components.5 Companies today
can create small components like short
videos, simulations, games, traditional
e-learning, podcasts, virtual classrooms,
and more to be delivered on an employees
platform of choice.
Digital can also now be used to push
out customized offerings, including
learning and job opportunities, targeted,
personalized messages, or personalized
information based on an analysis of an
individuals social media digital trail and
artificial intelligence that predict what an
individual needs and values based on their
unique employee segment. For example,
to help people forge customized career
paths, technology can now provide a few

10 | Accenture Strategy | Copyright 2015 Accenture. All rights reserved.

well-defined options regarding possible

next positionsboth lateral and vertical
that each employee may consider based
on competencies and experience, and
compute the persons readiness for each
To support such a customized model,
HR may need to evolve to look more like
the marketing department next door.
That is, it may have to become employeecentric just as marketing organizations
have become customer-centric. HR might
also need to create altogether new roles
(such as those focused on understanding
and supporting specific segments of
the workforce), new activities (including
collecting and mining data to determine
employee segments or preferences) and
new organizational models (for example,
integration of talent solutions that work
together to suit specific employees needs).
(See: Trends Reshaping the Future of HR:
Managing Your People as a Workforce
of One).
Cloud Computing Will Enable New
Flexibility and Agility. Increasingly,
organizations are accessing shared
resources, software and information over
the Internet on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Whereas the traditional big, siloed,
industrial HR application that spanned

multiple areas of functionality was

created precisely because connecting
disparate systems from different vendors
was quite difficult (and usually involved
expensive systems integration experts on
the back-end), today big ERP vendors
like Oracle and SAP are offering these
systems over the Internet in the form of
software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Likewise,
new cloud-based platforms like those
from Workday and Salesforce.com are
being built from the ground up with
web-services-based connectors, open
architecture, and an orientation toward
data analytics and integration. This may
make it increasingly easy and inexpensive
for newer cloud-based solutions to connect
with one another.
We thus imagine a future in which
faster-moving, loosely collaborative
cloud-based HR applications tied together
in an integrated network may replace
existing systems altogether. Unencumbered
by legacy code, mindsets or business
models, newer cloud-based players may
also be able to more nimbly capture
market share through building successful
businesses by (for example) charging 10
people within a single client organization
a subscription fee rather than relying on
licensing fees based on thousands of users
per organization.
This cloud computing approach will give
HR more flexibility to support the business.
With the advent of software-as-a-service,
for example, companies can now update
and introduce the latest innovations

enabled through software every 3-6

months instead of every few years. In
addition, organizations can more quickly
scale their computing power up or down
and switch vendors as their needs change.
Although fewer organizations have adopted
platform-as-a-service (PaaS), we expect
more of them to in the future. Thats
because PaaS will enable HR organizations
to more easily tailor software applications
to their unique requirements and processes.
How? PaaS will let HR build an ecosystem
of extension applications from a variety of
vendors based on business needswithout
requiring an army of IT support to handle
messy customizations and integration with
other systems. The result is that software
can be readily configured to meet the
needs of users in an individual group,
business unit, department or geography.
The platform involved may take the form
of a hub-and-spoke model comprising
multiple plug-and-play applications that
tie into a central data system.
Thanks to SaaS, technology updates,
flexible configurations and applications
integration are easier than they have
been in the past. But they still require
some work from organizations, including
the conversion of data so that it maps to
vendors data structure or the restructuring
of a companys IT environment. But in
the future, such conversion efforts could
disappear if vendors adopt consistent or
compatible data structures. Of course, this
may be a long way off, as there is currently
no commitment by vendors to do so. But if
that ever happens, managers may be able
to easily download HR applications from an
app store and integrate them with core
HR systems as handily as consumers
download apps to their mobile phones
or tablets today.

11 | Accenture Strategy | Copyright 2015 Accenture. All rights reserved.

In the consumer world, people are

becoming accustomed to smaller, singleuse applications available for iPhones and
iPads. By using similar kinds of applications
in the enterprise, organizations can provide
employees with the functionality they
need and can avoid costly seldom-used
features. With smaller cloud-based apps,
companies can implement and change HR
apps swiftly as their business demands
shift. The resulting flexibility could reduce
costs and the number of IT and HR staff
needed in organizations. Organizations like
Accenture are now developing their own
internal app stores, offering extensions of
existing internal apps and third-party apps
to their employees.
To make the shift to SaaS, HR will need to
work closely with IT to regularly evaluate
new software innovations and functionality,
assess current people management
processes and determine how emerging
software may change those processes. New
roles may arise within the HR function to
perform these evaluations in conjunction
with IT professionals. And as SaaS becomes
increasingly user-friendly and intuitive, HR
professionals might be able to configure
software on their own without the help
of IT at all. The move toward SaaS will
be one of many factors contributing to
a future of HR in which the HR function
integrates other disciplines or relies heavily
on spanning boundaries between itself and
other functions such as IT.

Impact on
the Business
As we have discussed in the context of
each of the five IT developments, digital
advances will have significant implications
on employees, managers, and leaders alike.
The most important implications include:

Impact on HR
As digital infuses nearly every aspect of
talent management and work itself, it will
transform how HR organizations operate
and how they serve the business. It will
impact HR in the following ways:

Structure and size of the HR function.

The HR function may become smaller
Talent management will become an
as digital more efficiently enables
everyday activity for each employee
transactional processes and as line
and manager.
managers and employees adopt
The locus of information and decision
consumer-like applications to handle HR
making will shift to employeesand
processes themselves. What remains in
away from a central group like HR
HR may become more project-oriented
or a small group of top leaders.
and aimed at improving organizational
Digital will knock down silos and blur
effectivenesssuch as helping to
boundariesbetween HR and business
integrate a new acquisition. In addition,
lines, between consumer applications and
new organizational structures may arise
enterprise applications, between layers
to help HR professionals collaborate
in the organizational hierarchy, between
closely with the business and other
business processes and HR processes,
functions such as IT.
and between work and personal life.
Core activities of the HR function.
Talent management processes will
HR may start acting like a marketing
better serve the businessbecause
organization, by analyzing employee
theyre customized to an organizations
data to mine it for insights; creating
changing needs and to the employees
customized talent offerings; and
that work to make the business a success,
marketing, branding and educating
and are able to more flexibly adapt to
employees about talent and HR processes.
changing business conditions.
Already, in some leading companies, HR
Talent practices will become more
analytics groups have been established
integral to the businesss strategic
whose mission is to analyze data
capabilitybecause they are datato determine drivers of workforce
driven, and because talent data is
performance. HR professionals will also
better integrated with an organizations
likely take on more of a coaching role,
business data.
helping to design cultures, incentives
and educational programs to support
employees as they engage in IT-enabled
talent processes.
HR information management
and technology roles. As the line
continues to blur between internal and
external applications, the role of HR

12 | Accenture Strategy | Copyright 2015 Accenture. All rights reserved.

information management and technology

professionals could change. Instead
of implementing internal applications,
information technologists specializing
in HR and talent management may be
more involved with evaluating external
applications and building interfaces
between them and an organizations own
data and systems. In addition, new roles
associated with constantly evaluating
new cloud-based software and the
impact the software might may have on
the business may arise. And as software
becomes increasingly user-friendly and
intuitive, HR professionals may configure
packaged software instead of IT experts.
Eventually, software and the manipulation
of data may become so user-friendly that
employees themselves may even be able to
manage their own data, with only limited
involvement from the IT or HR function.

Bottom Line
For years, the human resources
function has shouldered much of the
responsibility for managing people, in a
largely segregated operation. Technology
advances will change all this, by
integrating talent management into
the fabric of everyday business. HR IT
will thus become a vital component
of organizational performance in an
increasingly competitive and fast-changing
world. As HR heads toward a future
characterized by Big Data, integration,
mobility, social media, gamification,
and cloud computing, the ability for
organizations to manage their people will
grow more flexible, agile and customized.

About the Authors

About Our Research

Tim Good is a managing director in

Accenture Strategy and the lead for Talent
& Organization in Austria, Germany and
Switzerland. He is based in Heidelberg.
[email protected]

The primary objective of the Accenture

Future of HR research initiative is to
develop insights that can be useful to both
HR and business executives as they seek
to maximize the role of HR as a critical
function within the organization. We are
exploring how current business trends
might reshape the nature of the function
in terms of HRs mission and mandate, the
key activities HR performs, the skill set
necessary for HR professionals, the metrics
on which to evaluate HRs performance,
and the organization and governance
models and roles that will most effectively
help HR maximize its value to the
business. We also are examining current
best practices in HR, as well as some of
the obstacles HR is facing and how those
obstacles can be overcome in the future.

Catherine Farley is an Accenture managing

director in Communications, Media
and Technology, Talent & Organization.
She is based in Seattle.
[email protected]
Himanshu Tambe is a managing director in
Accenture Strategy, Talent & Organization.
He is based in Gurgaon.
[email protected]
Susan M. Cantrell is a research fellow
at the Accenture Institute for High
Performance. She is based in Portland.
[email protected]

13 | Accenture Strategy | Copyright 2015 Accenture. All rights reserved.


About Accenture

1. Google Answer to Filling Jobs Is an

Algorithm, by Saul Hansell, New York
Times, January 3, 2007.

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consulting, technology services and
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revenues of US$30.0 billion for the fiscal
year ended Aug. 31, 2014. Its home page is

2. Competing on Talent Analytics, by

Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne Harris, and
Jeremy Shapiro, Harvard Business Review,
October, 2010.
3. Your Co-Worker, Your Teacher:
Collaborative Technology Speeds Peer-Peer
Learning, by Ed Frauenheim, Workforce
Management, January 29, 2007. Plateau
Systems, mentioned in the article, was
bought by Successfactors.
4. Salesforce.com Rolls out Rypple,
Revamps Website-Builder Tools, by Chris
Kanaracus, March 15, 2012: http://www.
5. Kay Baldwin-Evans and Charles Jennings,
Taking a Bold Approach to Organizational
Learning, Strategic HR Review 6, no. 5
(2007): 28.
6. Erik Berggren and Jason Corsello,
Talent Management 2017, SuccessFactors
Research Report, http://www.successfactors.

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