Influence Marketing
Influence Marketing
Influence Marketing
How to Create, Manage, and Measure Brand Influencers in Social
Media Marketing
-improve and satisfy the customer life cycle with your brand
The rise of social media has provided anyone who wants to be heard with
the tools and platforms to be heard. this has created an ecosystem of
various layers of influence.
Which influencers is the right one?
humans do not fall in love because someone tells them they have to fall
in love; it simply happens one the right emotional connection has been
-first level: awareness but not strong connection to the brand or its
-second level: emotional resonance = connection with the customer and
true advocacy.
There is no question social media has introduced some key factors into
todays business world - on dialogue, increased consumer awareness,
and accountability, for example - but the truth is, social media is still just
an added component to the bigger business picture. Businesses now
actually measure campaigns effectively and determine where their social
media expenditure is successful and where they can cut budgets for
weaker result. This integrated approach yields impressive result for the
brands that approach social media marketing holistically.
Fourth FollowersCollegues
4.3.1 Audience
You need an audience ready to receive your message. Paid media offers
the benefit of having others identify your audience (Google Pay Per Click
allows you to target by demographic, location), while Facebook Ads uses
its insights algorithm to identify how many people your ad will reach
based on the information you feed into its filter. With organic media the
audience needs to be found and cultivated (Klout, Kred, Peerindex, Ecairn
Conversation, and others offer specific services to help you identify your
4.3.2 Acceptance
You have your audience to accept your message, and once you succeed
in do it, it needs to trust the medium you are using. A generic ad can not
build trust, it may spark desire, but desire does not always lead to a
purchase. The influencers can increase the like hoof of a message being
4.3.3 Application
The message be planned until the last detail.
4.3.4 Amplification
Ensure the message cuts through the clutter and finds its way to the ears
and eyes of your target audience.
Creates a profile of you on its site, and then assigns a score to you
between 1 and 100 based on an algorithm. This score is made up of
several metrics: How active you are online, hoe much amplification you
have when it comes to having your message shared by others, and the
perceived influence of those with whom you are connected. The more
you have of each of those metrics, the higher your influence will be.
Klout initiates this process via your Twitter account and uses the
4.7 PeerIndex
Measures a persons influence by three core metrics: Activity, Audience,
and Authority. They avoid the kind of spam and gamed aspects of social
scoring. By choosing these metrics PeerIndex looks to concentrate more
on relevance and insights, which proponents of social influence, as well
as marketers, place more value on.
5.2 Gravity
We are humans in business and humans do not like change, yet our
markets, buyers and competitors are changing as we speak
Today, the media, business, and software vendors seem stuck on the
notion that social network amplification is an effective baseline for
influence marketing strategies.
5.6 Micro-Influencers
it is a businesss opportunity to exert true influence over the customers
decision-making process as opposed to macro-influencers who simply
broadcast to a wider, more general audience.
5.7 Geofencing
Is the influence marketing tactic of identifying where the prospective
customer is in the purchase life cycle, and the profiles and roles of microinfluencers who impact their decision-making process as filtered in
various situations and situational factors.
Often, attitudes are formed by the values and beliefs we learned from
childhood or shaped through interaction with our peers. Attitudes are
difficult to form and more difficult to alter.
6.3.4 Social Proof Disrupts Decision-Making Processes
The decisions may still be made emotionally, justification is now being
negotiated between social and logical connections. Turning to social
media references, recommendations, and peer reviews has become an
automatic step for most people when making a purchase decision.
6.3.5 Lifestyle Disrupts Decision-Making Processes
Is more easily recognised and menages through influence marketing.
Social classes do not tend to change frequently during the lifecycle of the
6.3.6 Perception Disrupts Decision-Making Processes
Can be swayed in different directions based on the combination of data
sources available or how they are organised by the consumer. The
challenge for marketers is that consumers selectively choose what they
pay attention to and the information they are willing to accept.
6.3.7 Family Influence Disrupts Decision-Making Processes
The family unit is where most people acquire the attitude and perception
that guides their purchase decisions when alone.
Reach the right person with the right message at the right time.
The social web has become so unmanageable that most businesses and
software just can not know which posts and users to prioritise, which
query should go to which campaign for best resolution, and so on.
Every campaign needs to start in the Tricke Phase. This is where the
message is first disseminated, and the direction the message takes from
here determines whether it is successful. This stage offers many
distractions and for this reason it could be useful segmenting the
personas into the three key segment of the influencer circle: decision
maker, micro-influencer, and extended community (followers, fans,
then we move to the Ripple Phase where the influencers community has
picked up the brands message and is now disseminating it through their
own communities, essentially creating a ripple of brand awareness and
promotional messaging.
Influence marketing is not about having the largest follower base to the
loudest voice; it is about making the customer the influencer and
working back from here, identifying the context behind their purchase
decisions. The first filter is to identify which influencer is right for your
- Demographic: age, sex, locale of your audience.
- Timescale: To run a truly effective influencer campaign, it needs to be a
constant part of your strategy.
- Platform: social media is ubiquitous (onnipresente).
- Reaction History: understanding the reaction history of your audience
ensures your messages is seeded at the tight time and with the right
- Influencer: Utilizing the right influencer from the start is the key.
Is driven by the goals a brand sets for the campaigns duration and
beyond, if an influencer relationship is to be continued for future
outreach and promotions. The biggest benefit is the increased likelihood
of the switch from brand influencer to brand advocate.
- Prouct: offer support, be clear and have enough excess amounts of your
product for the influencers community to receive and test a sample if
- Knowledge: the ability to check information and facts with the clock of a
mouse has made consumers savvier than ever before.
- Calendar: cultivate a longer-term vision and one that establishes the
influencer as a core part of a brands ongoing marketing efforts and
- Awareness
Blog posts about your campaign
Social shares and updates
News articles
Media interviews and pitches
Mentions of your company or product
- Reaction
- Action
9.7.2 Influencer
4D of Influence Marketing:
1. Make
2. Manage
3. Monitor
4. Measure
Platforms: (Make and Monitor)
- predict viral content (Make, Manage, Monitor, Measurement)
- identify macro- and micro- influencers
A Framework for Content Marketing & Influencer Strategy
Influencer Marketing Strategies and Templates
* Buddy Media
4 Tactics for Managing Your Army of Influencers
1. Create a one-page outline of your program objectives and key
performance indicators (KPIs).
2. Develop an easy tracking system for your influencers and their
3. Be meticulous about setting up simple processes and procedures at
the get-go.
* Have a one-page blog process flow document that describes the
necessary steps, from start to finish
* Have pre-written influencer outreach emails (dont forget to
personalize though!)
* Create an editorial style guide that you can distribute to your
influencers which includes the accurate and formal names and spellings
of your products, any necessary disclosures, key themes or highlights
you like to feature on your blog, best practices for social posts, etc.
* Create a calendar of activities that youd like to target for the year in
one simple timeline format.
4. Treat influencers like clients, not employees
Sponsored Content Disclosures
A Content Marketing Plan for Turning Your Influencers Into Partners
Includes email templates
How to Find Perfect Experts to Interview on Your Website
How to pitch bloggers
Stuff to analyze: