Accounting Rules in Macedonia
Accounting Rules in Macedonia
Accounting Rules in Macedonia
European Union, including Macedonia. There have been made many changes in
IFRS implementation in the accounting system. As a result of economic
integration, the harmonization of financial reporting has become important for
our country. Different countries use different ways in preparing and reporting
accounting information. The recent trends are for unification of practices with
purpose of decreasing costs and increasing benefits for decision makers. Those
trends are addressed to International Accounting Standards (IAS) and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
In Macedonia the 1999 volume of IAS was translated and published in the Official
Gazette, and they were therefore endorsed as the national accounting standards.
Financial statements were prepared in accordance with a translated 1999 volume
of the IAS published in the Official Gazette. Because Macedonia has a written law
tradition, all IAS enacted after 1999 and all post-1999 amendments to existing
IAS were not applicable in Macedonia, as they were not published in the Official
Gazette. Therefore, financial statements prepared in conformity with the 1999
translation could not claim compliance with full IAS, as financial statements
should not be described as complying with IAS unless they comply with all the
requirements of each applicable Standard and each applicable Interpretation of
the Standing Interpretations Committee.
In Macedonia, the Trade Company Law requires the following companies to
prepare their annual/consolidated accounts in accordance with IFRS as published
in the Official Gazette of Macedonia: large companies, medium sized companies,
banks, insurance undertakings, companies listed on the Stock Exchange, and
companies being part of the consolidated accounts of some of the above
mentioned types of companies.
IAS/IFRS require retrospective accounting so that the correction of an error is
excluded from the determination of profit or loss for the period in which the error
is discovered. Such inconsistencies result in difficulties for preparers and
auditors, who may find themselves unable to comply with both domestic law and
international standards.
Implementation of IAS and IFRS is very a progressive step and challenge for
Macedonia and her financial system. Adopting the International Accounting
Standards as national standard was thought to be the best tool for building a
comparable and transparent financial reporting system that would help investors
make informed financial decisions.