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United States Patent [191

Remaly et al.



[451 July 16, 1974



Inventors: Robert F. Remaly, Olympia Fields; ,

Milton S. Nusbaum, Chicago;

Kenneth G. Johnson, Aurora;
Seymour Levine, Chicago, all of 111.
[73] Assignee: The United States of America as
represented by the Secretary of the

Air Force, Washington, DC.

[22] Filed:




Farmer ........................... .. 102/40 X

Harrell ..................... .. l02/D1G. l X
Quinlan et a1, ..................... .. 102/40
Daniels ........................ .. 102/40



Goldin . . , . .



Quinlan .............................. .. 102/38

. . . . ..



12/ 1 972

Quinlan et a1. .......... .. l02/D1G. l X

Primary Examiner-Benjamin A. Borchelt

Assistant Examiner-H. J. Tudor

Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Harry A. Herbert, Jr.;

Arsen Tashjian

Oct. 19, 1972

[21] Appl. No.: 298,977

[5 7]


U.S. Cl. ........................ .. 102/38 R, lO2/DIG. 1


Int. Cl. ............ ......................


Field of Search .................. .. 102/38,v40, DIG. l

[56] ,

F42b 5/02

References Cited


A combustible cartridge case for use with a fully tele

scoped round of ammunition wherein the case is of a

laminated type construction with a cylindrical molded

grain propellant sandwiched between a double wall
~ combustible case of felted nitrocellulose thereby add

ing considerable physical strength to the cartridge. A

supplementary cylindrical charge of molded propel




Maxim ..................... .. l02/D1G. 1 X

DeCaro et a1. ................. .. 102/38 X



Stadler et a1 ............. ..




Quinlan et a1. .....................




lant is positioned in the rear portion of the case sur

rounding the outer wall of the igniter located aft of the


Driscoll .................... .. 102/D1G. 1 X



2 Claims, 1 Drawing Figure ,






7 _:////:/



combustible material making up the duplex cartridge


case can be held at a constant weight while still allow

This invention relates to a duplex combustible car

tridge case for use with a fully telescoped round of am

munition and, more particularly, the invention is con

cerned with providing a combustible cartridge case
which is constructed of conventional gun propellant

sandwiched between felted nitrocellulose. By varying

the ratio of propellant to nitrocellulose, the cartridge
can be designed to meet a broad range of performance

requirements by taking advantage of the superior phys


ing the ballistic properties to be varied by changing the

ratio of propellant to felted nitrocellulose.
These and other objects, features and advantages will
become more apparent after considering the following
detailed description taken in conjunction with the an
nexed drawing and appended claims.

The drawing is a view in partial cross-section showing

the duplex combustible cartridge case with the propel

ical characteristics of the nitrocellulose material.

Caseless ammunition has long been recognized as the
most advantageous means for improving the ?repower

cording to the invention.

and performance of high speed automatic weapons.


lant sandwiched between the felted nitrocellulose ac

The elimination of the need for extraction and ejection

of spent cartridge cases makes the higher ?ring rates

Referring now to the drawing, the hereinafter dis
possible. Also, the caseless type ammunition is light in
closed duplex combustible cartridge case for use with
weight and easier to transport and the problem of dis 20 caseless ammunition includes a fully telescoped round
posing of spent cartridges is eliminated.
of ammunition wherein a projectile 13 is positioned in
One of the major problems in the development of
the axial bore 15 of a duplex cartridge case 17. A con
caseless ammunition has been the achievement of satis
ventional molded propellant 19, which can be made by
factory muzzle velocity/maximum pressure requirebonding and molding granular propellants such as, for
mentsin weapons which use this type of ammunition. 25 example, IMR_4996, is located in the wall of the car
This is primarily the result of the more or less ?xed bal
tridge case 17 between spaced layers of a felted mate
listic characteristics of the cartridge propellant. The
rial 21 such as nitrocellulose. The 'felted nitrocellulose
addition of more propellant only increases the peak
21 in combination with the propellant 19 can be varied

pressure and adds nothing to the improvement of per

to adjust interior'ballistics and physical properties of

formance of the weapon. In certain instances the peak

the cartridge case 17 as well as allowing effective con
pressure will be increased to a point where the weapon
trol of the peak pressures and muzzle velocity of the
is no longer capable of proper operation. Also, the con
round by simply changing the composition and/or ratio
ventional propellant used in the manufacture of com
of the two combustibles.
bustible cartridge cases is inherently weak as far as its
The projectile 13 is provided with a threaded axial
physical properties are concerned. Thus, it would be 35 recess (not shown) in the center of its base portion. A
most desirable and a step forward in the art to provide
set screw 23 is threaded into the axial recess and ex
acombustible cartridge case wherein the propellant
tends aft beyond the base of the projectile 13 to form
could be modi?ed to obtain a more jef?cient muzzle
a threaded boss thereon. A tubular igniter 25 of felted
velocity/maximum pressure ratio without adding
nitrocellulose is positioned in the rearwardmost part of
weight to the round or increasing the peak pressure.
the axial bore 15 and includes an internally threaded

This would be particularly advantageous if it could be

forward section which engages the threads on the set

accomplished while at the same time adding to the ,

screw 23. Within the bore of the tubular igniter 25 at

the base thereof, a shoulder 27 engages a primer 29,

physical strength of the caseless cartridge.

Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention

preferably of the combustible type, such that the
to provide a telescoped round of caseless ammunition
primer 29 is in a ?xed position and the action of the ?r
wherein the combustible case is constructed of two dif-'
ing pin (not shown) can effectively operate to crush it
ferent materials which can be included in different rela
on impact. Most of the forward section of the igniter
tive amounts so as to effectively control the physical
tube 25 is ?lled with a standoff igniter charge of 3FG
and ballistic properties of the round.
black powder. Surrounding the outer surface of the ig
Another object of the invention is to provide a pro 50 niter tube 25, there is positioned a molded propellant
pellant for use as a combustible cartridge case wherein
supplementary charge 31 of the same material as the

a cylindrical molded grain explosive is sandwiched be

propellant charge 19. The inner surface of the inner

tween a double wall combustible case of felted nitrocel

layer of felted nitrocellulose is in contact with the outer

55 surface of the supplementary charge 31 at the rearward
Still another object of the invention is to provide a
end of the case 17 in the igniter region. A ring of felted
duplex combustible cartridge case wherein a conven
nitrocellulose 33 is in position between the inner and
tional propellant and felted nitrocellulose are com
outer layers at the forward end of the case 17 forward

bined to produce a caseless cartridge capable of meet-.

ing a broad range of performance requirements. '

A further object of the invention is to provide a case

less cartridge wherein a conventional molded grain
propellant is located between inner and outer layers of

of the propellant 19.

When the telescoped round is assembled, the projec

tile 13 is inserted base downward into the axial bore 15

of the duplex cartridge case 17. A diametral flange 35
which is the rear shoulder of the rotating band on the
felted nitrocellulose. This arrangement permits 'the > projectile 13 engages a shoulder 37 on the internal sur
muzzle velocity to be increased without producing a 65 face of the duplex cartridge vcase 17 and stops further
corresponding increase in the peak pressure.
downward movement. The igniter tube 25 is then
A still further object of the invention is to provide a
threadably attached to the set screw 23 which had pre
telescoped round'of caseless ammunition wherein the
viously been ?xedly positioned on the base of the pro~


jectile 13. The igniter tube 25 is tightened in position

However, this arrangement complicates assembly by

by using a spanner-type wrench which ?ts into the

making it necessary to ?t each molded grain to both

inner and outer case components with proper clear-,

openings 39 in the base of the igniter tube 25. The

operation of turning the igniter tube 25 causes the di
ametral ?ange 35 of the projectile 13 to be drawn

ances allowed for the cement. It was found that equally

against the shoulder 37 while the base portion of the _

satisfactory ballistic effects could be achieved by as

sembling the case 21 without any cement, thereby

igniter tube is pressed against the shoulder 41 locking

greatly simplifying the manufacture and assembly of

all of the elements in position. This procedure effec

tively loads the central portion of the igniter 25 in ten

the duplex cartridge case.

sion and the forward section through the threads are

loaded in shear to produce a stress pattern which is well
able to withstand ramming. At the same time, quick

opening effects are achieved by the internal pressuriza

tion of the igniter tube 25 very early in the ballistic cy


Although the invention has been illustrated in terms

of a preferred embodiment thereof, the invention is not
limited to this embodiment or to the preferred con?gu
ration mentioned. For example, it will be apparent to
those skilled in the art that our invention can be prac

ticed by including a standoff igniter charge 41, prefera

bly 3FG black powder, disposed in the forward section


In accordance with the invention, the duplex car

of the igniter tube 25 to further enhance the ballistic

tridge case 17 can be prepared by boring out the inner

diameter of a combustible cartridge case composed of
a resin bonded ?ber structure consisting principally of
nitrocellulose and 4 percent silicone. A loose or
molded grain of conventional propellant such as IM
R-4996 is used to replace the bored out material.
When the resulting duplex cartridge case is used in am
munition, it was found that the increase in the ratio of
lMR propellant to the total combustible material pro 25
duced a substantial increase in muzzle velocity. This

benefit was achieved without any corresponding in

crease in peak pressure. Similarly, increasing the [MR
charge and holding the combustible material weight
constant increases the muzzle velocity. However, al 30

though peak pressure remains relatively stable, the exit

pressure tends to increase with increasing IMR propel

lant charge weight.

The resin bonded nitrocellulose ?ber parts are made
by felting on a form from a water slurry of nitrocellu 35
lose ?ber, acrylic ?ber, resins and stabilizer to make a

rough preform._ This preform is subsequently molded

properties of the ammunition round. Also, it should be

understood that various changes, alterations, modi?ca

tions and substitutions, particularly with respect to the
construction details can be made in the arrangement of

the several elements without departing from the true

spirit and scope of the appended claims.

Having thus described our invention, what we claim
and desire to secure by Letters Patent of the United
States is:

1. A duplex combustible cartridge case for a fully

telescoped round of ammunitionv comprising,

a laminated propellant charge of substantially cylin
drical con?guration composed of dissimilar materi
als and having an axial bore therethrough,

the laminations in said propellant charge being com

prised of a conventional propellant sandwiched be
tween layers of felted nitrocellulose,
a projectile positioned in the forward portion of the
bore of said propellant charge,
a tubular igniter positioned in the rearward portion
of said propellant charge immediately aft of said


under suitable conditions of temperature and pressure

in suitable molds and may be ?nished, if necessary, by

a molded propellant supplementary charge posi

trimming and/or machining. A typical ?nal composi

tioned around the igniter tube, the inner surface of

the inner layer of felted nitrocellulose being in

tion would fall within the following:

contact with the outer surface of said supplemen

Parts by Weight


Nitrocellulose (12.6% N2)



Acrylic Fiber




Silicone Resin(


tary charge,
means for threadably connecting said tubular igniter

said igniter,
the peak pressure of said propellant charges remain
ing substantially constant while the muzzle velocity
of the ammunition is increased by varying the ratio
by weight of propellant to nitrocellulose.
2.. The duplex combustible cartridge case de?ned in

American Cyunamid: Creslnn T-98 Fibrillatuble Fiber. Kraft ?her (cellulose) may
be Substituted for the acrylic in like amounts

B. F, Goodrich. Avon Lake, Ohio: Hycar 2600Xl86

"Dow Corning, Medland. Mich; Dow Corning B Silicone

claim 1 wherein a ring of felted nitrocellulose is posi

tioned between the inner and outer layers at the for

The duplex combustible cartridge case 17 can also be

fabricated by bonding molded grain propellant 19-to

to the base of said projectile, and

a primer disposed within the rearwardmost portion of

55 ward end of said case.

the combustible case 21 with nitrocellulose cement.




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