4 - The Forearm Joint

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The Forearm Joint

Christian Dumontier and Marc Soubeyrand

The forearm has three main functions: to allow
prono-supination and therefore appropriate hand
positioning, to transfer longitudinal loads between
the wrist and the elbow, and to serve as an attachment site for the muscles that move the wrist and
fingers. The forearm is made of two bones, the
radius and the ulna, which are joined at the proximal and distal radio-ulnar joints (PRUJ and
DRUJ, respectively). Both joints are located at
the ends of the forearm and are therefore often
considered either part of the elbow (PRUJ) or
wrist (DRUJ). The largest part of the forearm,
between the DRUJ and PRUJ, is composed of the
radial and ulnar shafts linked by the interosseous
membrane (IOM) and is classically viewed as a
transition segment between the elbow and wrist.
However anatomical works and biomechanical
studies have shown that both the PRUJ and DRUJ
are not independent of the forearm and cannot
function if the forearm is either locked, unstable
or destroyed and we introduced the three locker
concept in 2007 [60]. This also had led some
authors to consider the radial and ulnar shafts
C. Dumontier ()
Department of Hand and Plastic Surgery,
Hpital St Roch, 5 rue Pierre Devoluy,
BP 1319, 06006 Nice, France
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Soubeyrand
Service de Chirurgie Orthopdique,
Hpital du Kremlin-Bictre, 78 rue du gnral Leclerc,
94275 Le Kremlin-Bictre, France

linked by the IOM as an authentic joint, just as are

the scapulo-thoracic junction or subacromial
space. Because this joint is intercalated between
the PRUJ and DRUJ, an appropriate designation
is middle radio-ulnar joint (MRUJ), as suggested by LaStayo and Lee [27]. Comparison of
species have shown that the forearm joint (zeugopodium) has evolve differently among mammalian
species and is part of the evolution of primates for
whom prono-supination was useful to live in trees
[61]. Most of the muscles involved in prono-supination (i.e., pronator teres, brachial biceps, and
supinator) insert at the MRUJ. Studies focussed
on the IOM (and therefore the MRUJ) establish
that the IOM is not merely a fibrous band filling
the interosseous space, but instead a multicomponent ligamentous structure that has a complex
behaviour and plays an essential role in forearm
stability and physiology [2]. This also suggests
that the conventional description of the forearm as
a simple segment intercalated between the wrist
and the elbow may be outdated and that a more
relevant concept may be that of a tri-articular
complex in which the MRUJ plays a crucial role
[12, 16, 17]. Therefore it seems appropriate to
describe the forearm unit as the forearm joint to
better understand its pathology.

Anatomy and Biomechanics

Both the PRUJ and DRUJ have been widely
described and are well known. The stability of
the PRUJ is achieved by the annular ligament

G. Bentley (ed.), European Instructional Lectures, European Instructional Lectures 13,

DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-36149-4_14, EFORT 2013



C. Dumontier and M. Soubeyrand

Ann. lgt


Fig. 1 Three-quarters anterior view of the ligamentous

system that stabilizes the radial head. AL annular ligament, LC quadrate ligament of Denuc. The collateral
ligament is not represented (Redrawn from Soubeyrand
et al. [62])

attached to the anterior and posterior margin of

the radial notch of the ulna and which encircles
the radial head (Fig. 1). This ligament is tunnelshaped, with a smaller diameter in the distal
aspect than the proximal border. This condition
allows approximately 15 mm distal migration of
the radius and maintains radial head stability
through the entire range of motion. The annular
ligament has a close relationship with the lateral
radial collateral ligament and they are important
stabilizers acting against postero-lateral dislocation/instability. The quadrate ligament (of
Denuc) lies between the inferior margin of the
annular ligament and the ulna. The oblique ligament or Weitbrechts ligament extends from the
ulna below the radial notch and ends at the radius
below the biceps tuberosity. It becomes taut when
the radius is in supination.
The DRUJ is inherently unstable as the articular surface of the radius is flatter than that of
the ulna. This implies that rotation in the DRUJ
must include translation as well as rotation with
less than 10 % of surface in contact at extremes

of rotation. The TFCC is the most important

stabilizer of the DRUJ and has two main components (Fig. 2). The articular disc, a biconcave
fibrocartilage whose thickness is variable and
depends of the relative length of the ulna; Anterior
and posterior re-inforcements of the articular
disc are known as the radio-ulnar ligaments [66].
Recently, anatomical dissections have shown that
some people (about 40 %) have a thickening of
the distal part of the IOM called the distal oblique
bundle (DOB) [26, 44] (Fig. 3). The DOB is an
obvious thick fibre running within the distal IOM
that originates from the distal one-sixth of the
ulnar shaft and runs distally to insert on the inferior rim of the sigmoid notch of the radius. The
mean width is 4.4 mm (range, 26 mm) and mean
thickness is 1.5 mm (range, 0.52.6 mm). The
fibres blend into the capsular tissue of the DRUJ.
The DOB, when present, seems to be important
stabilizer of the DRUJ. Biomechanical studies
have shown that the DOB changed minimally
in length during forearm rotation; therefore, it
was suggested to be an isometric stabilizer of the
forearm. The presence of a DOB was also shown
to have a significant impact on DRUJ stability
(P < .05). The TFCC is the primary soft tissue
DRUJ stabilizer, and in normal situations, the
influence of the distal IOM on DRUJ stability is
relatively inconsequential. However, after TFCC
injury, ulnar head resection, or Sauv-Kapandji
procedure, it is likely that the distal IOM has a
more important role in the stability of the ulnar
head or ulnar stump [39].
The MRUJ is composed of the radial and
ulnar shafts linked by the IOM and oblique cord
(Fig. 4). While the ulnar shaft axis is almost linear, the radial shaft exhibits a supinator curvature and a pronator curvature that are essential
to prono-supination [32, 51]. IOM length is
10.6 cm- on average [73]. The interosseous
tubercle, where most of the fibres originate, is
on the ulnar aspect of the radius, approximately
8 cm from the elbow joint. Poitevin [49] calls
this tubercle the assemblage nucleus of the
IOM. The IOM is formed by two groups of
fibres [38, 49, 60]. Fibres of the first group
course proximally toward the ulna, while those
of the second group run proximally toward the

The Forearm Joint


Fig. 2 Schematic
representation of the TFCC
the main stabilizers of the
DRUJ (From Soubeyrand
et al. [62] with permission)



Axis of rotation









Fig. 3 The distal oblique bundle (DOB), which is a reinforcement of the distal interosseous membrane, is present in 40 % of cadaver dissections and is part of the
stabilizing system of the DRUJ. CB central band of the
IOM (Re-drawn from Moritomo et al. [38])

radius. The second group is the most important

in terms of thickness and function. It can be
separated into at least three parts according to
morphology and function. The most important
part is the middle part, known as the central
band, which is a strong coherent structure about


Fig. 4 Anatomical dissection of the forearm (posterior

view). One can see that the interosseous membrane has
variable thickness, the thickest and most important part
being the central band. Ass. nucleus: the assemblage
nucleus where all the fibres tend to insert


C. Dumontier and M. Soubeyrand

Center of the radial

Oblique cord

M. Soubeyrand

M. Soubeyrand

M. Soubeyrand






Load transfer: radioulnar

transfer through the

The IOM stabilises the

MRUJ (V) in it vertical
(Vv) and transverse (Vt)

Axis of

The axis of rotation of the

corresponds to the axis of
it joins the centre of the
radial head and the base of
the ulnar styloid process

Fig. 5 (a) Load transfer occurs mostly at the radio-capral

joint at the wrist, and at the ulno-humeral joint at the elbow
dus to load transmission through the IOM at the forearm.
(b) The IOM has two functions represented by two vectors: it contributes both to transverse and longitudinal

stability. (c) The axis of rotation of the PRUJ, MRUJ and

DRUJ corresponds to the axis of prono-supination: it joins
the centre of the radial head and the base of the ulnar styloid process (Re-drawn from Soubeyrand et al. [62])

17 mm long and 2 mm thick [19, 56] with

intermediate characteristics between a ligament
and a membrane with 84 % of collagen [33]. It
is inserted on the ulna at an angle of 21 on
average to the longitudinal axis of the ulna [56].
The central band fibres are the thickest fibres in
the IOM, whereas the distal fibres are the

The IOM plays an important role in the longitudinal and transverse stability of the forearm
[15], to which the PRUJ and DRUJ also contribute (Fig. 5). The transverse vector reflects the
role of the IOM in limiting interosseous space
expansion, like the annular ligament proximally
maintains the radial head in the lesser sigmoid
notch of the ulna and the TFCC distally prevents

The Forearm Joint


expansion of the space between the distal ulnar

and radial epiphyses.
The vertical vector limits the proximal migration of the radius and contributes to maintain the
distal radio-ulnar variance along with the joint
between the radial head and the capitellum, as
does the TFCC at the DRUJ [50, 53]. At the wrist,
longitudinal loads pass chiefly through the radiocarpal joint and to a lesser extent from the carpus
to the ulna [29, 30, 46, 47]. At the elbow, this ratio
is inverted, with most of the longitudinal loads
transmitted between the forearm and humerus
passing through the humero-ulnar joint. This ratio
difference implies that a load transfer occurs
between the radius and the ulna by the MRUJ via
the IOM and mostly the central band [2, 19, 29, 30,
36, 46, 48, 5355, 57, 68, 69] (Fig. 5).
The IOM also absorbs part of the loads protecting the proximal upper limb from the effects
of longitudinal impacts on the wrist such as occur,
for instance, during a fall on the outstretched
hand. An example is the Essex-Lopresti syndrome [8], in which the longitudinal stabilizers
(i.e., radial head, IOM, and TFCC) are injured
but the proximal upper limb is usually intact.
The specific movement of the forearm joint
is prono-supination, in which the radius rotates
around the ulna (Fig. 5c). This rotation occurs
around a constant axis that is independent of
elbow flexion and extension and joins the centre of the radial head and the base of the styloid
ulnar process at the insertion of the triangular
fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) [18, 37]. Fibre
tension is greatest in neutral rotation in the central

Table 1 The threelockers concept. Either

locker may be absent,
unstable or lock. Some
example of pathologies




band and in full supination in the distal fibres [38,

41, 42, 44]. As supination or pronation increases,
progressive recruitment of the distal or central
band fibres, respectively, occurs. Changes in the
positional relationship between this axis and the
IOM modify MRUJ kinematics, thereby inducing loss of prono-supination [74], as illustrated
by the contribution of IOM fibre retraction to the
loss of prono-supination in children with brachial plexus birth palsy, in whom IOM release is
required to restore passive rotation of the radius
[45, 52]. Thus, the stabilizing role of the various
IOM components depends on forearm position.

Pathophysiology: The Three Lockers

The PRUJ and the DRUJ share with the MRUJ the
above-described axis of rotation. We described
the forearm joint as the association of three lockers [61]: The PRUJ is the proximal locker, the
MRUJ the middle locker and the DRUJ the distal
one. All these lockers should be mobile and stable.
Any pathological condition can be seen either as a
locked, an unstable or an absent locker (Table 1).
With this conception, it is easy to understand
The range of motion of each joint in the triarticular complex of the forearm joint depends
directly on the range of motion of the other two
joints. Either a synostosis at any level between
the radius and ulna or stiffness involving the
PRUJ or DRUJ can lead to loss of pronation/

Radial head resection Proximal radio-ulnar
Severe ankylosis
Forearm fracture malunion
Middle forearm
IOM retraction (children)
Ulnar head resection DRUJ arthritis
(Darrachs and
Distal radio-ulnar

Postero-lateral instability
Monteggias fracture
Essex-Loprestis lesion
Leungs criss-cross injury
Essex-Loprestis lesion

Isolated DRUJ dislocation

Galeazzis fracture




Radial head
M. soubeyrand

supination of the entire forearm [24]. An example of forearm stiffness due to MRUJ disease is
angular or rotational mal-union of the radial or
ulnar shaft [32, 67]. MRUJ stiffness can also be
caused by IOM contracture in patients with
brachial plexus birth palsy [45, 52].
Absence of a single locker has little if any consequence on longitudinal stability. For example Darrachs procedure does not impair
prono-supination if the two others lockers are
intact [5]. However ulnar head resection can
lead to transverse instability with radio-ulnar
abutment. Radial head resection does not
impair prono-supination if the IOM is intact
[11, 21]. An intact IOM limits proximal migration of the radius; with long-term follow-up
only a 1.9 mm migration has been reported
after radial head resection [40]. Our anatomical dissections have shown that isolated section of the IOM has no influence on the
longitudinal stability. However, transverse
instability in more severe lesion can lead to
impairment of prono-supination. Examples of
transverse instability include radial head dislocation at the PRUJ, for instance in Monteggias
fracture [7], ulnar head dislocation at the
DRUJ, as in Galeazzis fracture [13], and isolated ulnar head dislocation. In these situations,
inadequate stabilization of either the PRUJ or
the DRUJ is sufficient to induce loss of pronosupination, even if the other forearm joints are
intact. Leung et al. [28] have described a pattern of lesion called criss-cross injury in
which both the PRUJ and the DRUJ are dislocated, whereas the MRUJ is intact (intact IOM,
radial shaft, and ulnar shaft). The dislocations
prevent forearm rotation.
When two lockers are unstable, the third cannot compensate: A radial head resection when
the IOM is disrupted will lead to a global destabilization of the forearm with progressive
proximal migration of the radius and a poor
clinical result [64]. A DRUJ dislocation
implies, experimentally, the disruption of the
IOM [14, 25, 72]. Longitudinal instability
occurs in the Essex-Lopresti syndrome [8], in
which all three forearm joints are damaged:
the PRUJ (radial head fracture), the MRUJ

C. Dumontier and M. Soubeyrand

Complete tear
of the IOM


Inversion of the
radioulnar variance
(proximal migration
of the radius)

Tear of the TFCC

Fig. 6 Schematic drawing of Essex-Loprestis lesion in

which all three radio-ulnar joint are disrupted (Re-drawn
from Soubeyrand et al. [62])

(tear of the IOM), and the DRUJ (TFCC tear

and inversion of the radioulnar variance with
ulnocarpal abutment) (Fig. 6).

How to Diagnose Traumatic Lesions

of the Forearm Joint?
Plain X-rays, and CT scan will help the
Orthopaedic surgeon to define the bony lesions
observed after trauma to the forearm and many
published classifications (Mason, AO,) will
help in deciding the choice of treatment. However
the most difficult is to understand whether or not
associated soft-tissue lesions (i.e. the IOM) will
modify the treatment plan.

The Forearm Joint

IOM disruptions are usually the consequences

of a longitudinal trauma, such as a fall on the outstretched hand with the wrist in extension, as
shown by cadaveric studies [35]. The injury is
usually severe, experimental studies showing a
peak load at 1,038 N [71]. Both the intensity of
the load and the rotational position of the forearm
explained the observed lesions [33]. In full supination, one will observe forearm fractures while
as rotation moves to pronation the fracture of the
radial head becomes more and more comminuted.
An Essex-Lopresti lesion is observed around
neutral or pronation [33].
To make the diagnosis of IOM disruption, the
surgeon will rely on clinical assessment, peroperative evaluation and imaging techniques.
Clinical Assessment: The mechanism of injury
is frequently not known by the patients.
However are signs of IOM lesions:
A painful wrist in association with a elbow
Complex fractures of the radial head as
they share the same mechanism;
Two injuries at the forearm i.e. bone
fracture + dislocation, as in Monteggia or,
Galeazzi fractures, should raise suspicion of an associated longitudinal tear of
the IOM [9];
Both DRUJ and PRUJ lesions in the same
patient are highly suspicious for a longitudinal injury of the IOM [8].
Per-operative evaluation:
During surgery, one can rely on stress
x-Rays, trying to move the radius up and
down. Smith et al. [58], described the
radius pull test; after radial head resection, one pulls the radius proximally. The
patient lays supine, shoulder abducted to
90 and internally rotated so that the
extremity lies flat on the table. The elbow is
flexed to 90, and the forearm and wrist are
placed in neutral rotation. A bone-reduction holder is then used to grasp the proximal part of the radius and a longitudinal
pull of approximately 20 lb is applied manually in line with the radius. Fluoroscopy is
used to measure ulnar variance and proximal radial migration. A proximal migration


over 6 mm is diagnostic of a disruption of

both the TFCC and IOM;
We also describe a simple clinical test to be
perform during radial head resection the
intra-operative radius joystick test. During
surgery, after radial head resection (or reconstruction) one places a clamp on the radius
neck and tries to pull on the radius. In full
pronation, it is impossible to move the radial
neck if the IOM is intact [63]. If the radius
can be pulled out, then the IOM is disrupted
(Fig. 7). Sensitivity of this test is 100 %
(95 % CI 97100), specificity 88 % (95 % CI
8193), positive predictive value 90 % (95 %
CI 8394), and negative predictive value
100 % (95 % CI 97100), respectively.
Imaging techniques
Plain X-rays are rarely informative but a
high index of suspicion must exist as a positive ulnar variance is associated with a
radial head fracture. To not miss such
lesions, facing a forearm injury six incidences must be made over the elbow, the
wrist and the forearm. A ulnar styloid fracture is evocative of a TFCC injury.
Sonography is a very promising technique.
The IOM appears as a hyperechoic band
between the two bones and its rupture can
be seen with an accuracy of 96 %, in cadavers [9, 10, 20, 31]. However static evaluation is sometimes difficult, especially in
the traumatized patient with haematoma of
the forearm. Soubeyrand described a
dynamic sonographic evaluation in which
the muscles of the posterior compartment
of the forearm are pushed anteriorly and
appear as a muscular hernia in the anterior compartment which indicates the IOM
disruption [59] (Fig. 8).
MRI is considered to be the gold standard
and sensibility and specificity over 90 %
have been reported. The IOM can be evaluated best by axial T2-weighted fast spin
echo images with fat suppression [10, 34, 42,
43, 65]. However in a traumatized forearm,
and in the presence of metallic devices, artifacts may limit its diagnostic potential and
we prefer to rely on sonography.


C. Dumontier and M. Soubeyrand




Fig. 7 The radius joystick pull test. During surgery,

with the forearm in full pronation, one cannot pull off the
radius which remains immobile under the humeral capitellum despite the lateral traction (asterisk in red arrow)

(Left). When the radius can displace laterally, the test is

positive and the interosseous membrane is disrupted
(Re-drawn from Soubeyrand et al. [63])

However the main explanation for missing

such lesions in the Emergency Room is the surgeon who focuses on the most easily seen lesion
(the radial head fracture for instance) and forgets
to make a thorough examination of the entire
forearm joint.

of a forearm complex injury with dislocation of

both the PRUJ and DRUJ, one case with, the
other without, a radial head injury. A literature
review shows that the Essex-Lopresti syndrome
is only part of the forearm joint instability
[15, 61]; Delayed diagnosis produces the worst
results; Surgical treatment of chronic injuries
often gives only average or poor results with both
wrist and elbow limitations.
In Essex-Lopresti lesions, all lockers
(PRUJ, DRUJ and MRUJ) are disrupted and
instability occurs both longitudinally (comminuted radial head fracture and positive ulnar
variance) and transversally (dislocation of the

The Essex-Lopresti Lesion as an

Example of a Forearm Joint Injury
The first description of an IOM lesion was made
by Curr and Coe in 1946 [4], a few years before
the description by Essex-Lopresti [8] of two cases

The Forearm Joint

Fig. 8 Dynamic sonography as proposed by Soubeyrand

et al. The device is placed on the dorsal side of the forearm
(upper left). If one presses on the anterior compartment, the
IOM will become slightly convex but the anterior muscles


are not seen herniating between the two bones (upper right).
When the IOM is torn, the muscles herniate between the
two bones when one presses on the anterior compartment
(Re-printed from Soubeyrand et al. [61] with permission)


DRUJ and/or the PRUJ). All should be repaired

but treatment differs in acute and chronic cases.
Although it may be easy to separate the components of the injury into a fractured radial head,
torn IOM, and disrupted DRUJ, it is essential to
consider the injury as a disruption of the forearm joint [6].
In acute cases, one should remember that
the radial head is the main stabilizer of the
forearm [19] and it should always be either
repaired or replaced to prevent proximal migration of the radius [70]. Prosthetic replacement
of the radial head is often necessary but may
lead to elbow pain and prosthesis subluxation,
because of the IOM tear. The radius is pulled
proximally by muscles such as the biceps.
When the IOM fails to ensure longitudinal stability, the radiocapitellar joint is exposed to
excessive loads that damage the capitellar cartilage [23]. This mechanism may explain the
development of elbow pain after prosthetic
replacement of a fractured radial head that is
actually one manifestation of missed EssexLopresti syndrome [22, 23].
At the wrist the DRUJ must be stabilized. As
the TFCC has a potential for healing, percutaneous pinning of the DRUJ in an anatomical
position is usually preferred, although some
authors have proposed a TFCC re-attachment.
IOM suture has been proposed [9] with poor
results and no one knows if the IOM has the
potential to heal. If both the PRUJ and DRUJ
are repaired it may not be necessary to do an
immediate ligamentoplasty. Rehabilitation of
elbow flexion-extension should be started immediately (the three elbow articular surfaces are
included in a single capsule) while rehabilitation
of prono-supination is delayed until TFCC healing (about 6 weeks).
In chronic cases, the longitudinal instability
will be responsible for a radio-capitellar abutment syndrome with pain, limitation of pronosupination and development of radio-capitellar
At the wrist, pain, limitation of mobility and
progressive posterior dislocation of the ulnar head
are observed. Often, deformities are fixed and

C. Dumontier and M. Soubeyrand

cannot be reduced without surgical debridement

of the joints. The combined damage to the PRUJ,
MRUJ, and DRUJ explains why most authors recommend treatment of all three joints and why several IOM ligamentoplasty techniques have been
developed [3, 15, 60, 61]. We believe that the most
important factor is to re-establish the appropriate
longitudinal relationship between the radius and
the ulna. The proximal and distal radio-ulnar
joints must be fully reduced in order to stabilize
the forearm. This may either be achieved by
replacement of the head of the radius, which corrects the proximal migration, and/or by shortening of the distal ulna.
At the elbow, reconstruction of the radial
head is mandatory as already pointed out by
Essex-Lopresti [8]. Radial head reconstruction
with radial head prosthesis is usually necessary.
However the prosthesis must be stabilized by
reconstruction of both the IOM and the annular
and lateral collateral ligaments, sometimes with
tendinous grafts. In a cadaver study, Pfaeffle et al.
[48] demonstrated that IOM ligamentoplasty
decreased the loads applied by the prosthesis to
the capitellum (Fig. 9).
At the wrist, it is sometimes necessary to perform an ulnar shortening to restore the radio-ulnar
variance. In cases of chronic ulnar head dislocation, removal of the fibrosis in the joint is necessary to obtain reduction. Stabilisation is performed
by reconstruction of the TFCC, mainly the radioulnar ligaments using either sutures or a ligamentoplasty [1]. The Sauve-Kapandji procedure may
be useful when the distal radio-ulnar joint remains
unstable, despite the restoration of normal radioulnar alignment [22].
IOM reconstruction is very difficult. Many
techniques have been described [6, 57, 69, 70].
They usually try to reproduce the central band
anatomy but loads are so high that they cannot
resist the normal stresses. We believe that a
good ligamentoplasty should be in the axis of
rotation of the forearm and we described such
a technique in 2007 [60] (Fig. 1). Our cadaveric experiments have shown that with this
ligamentoplasty, we obtained a complete axial
stabilisation. Our clinical experience has

The Forearm Joint


confirm our work but we had some failures in

the first cases, not addressing the DRUJ lesions.
We believe now that they must always be
addressed as even if the TFCC was not torn in

some cases, disruption of the distal oblique

bundle of the IOM as shown by Moritomo [39]
may explain some persisting DRUJ instability
in our patients.

Radial fixation

ECRL and ECRB Pronator teres


Radial pedicle



and ulunar
Anterior interosseous pedicle


Fig. 9 Surgical treatment of Essex-Loprestis lesion. (a)

Schematic drawing of our ligamentoplasty. (b) Severe
radial head fracture (motocross) with failure of osteosynthesis at 4 months. (c) Associated DRUJ lesion was

initially missed and proximal migration of the radius

occurred. (d) Surgical repair associated radial head prosthesis and a synthetic ligamentoplasty. (e) A TFCC repair
was also done (f)


C. Dumontier and M. Soubeyrand

Fig. 9 (continued)


The forearm joint, the three lockers concept, is one way to realize that all structures in the forearm contribute to the
prono-supination movement. If bony injuries
are well-known, soft-tissues lesions are most
difficult to diagnose and treat. This is especially true for the interosseous membrane
which is an important anatomical structure
whose injuries may lead to a global forearm
instability which will preclude normal rotation of the forearm.

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The Forearm Joint
















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