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Identifying Themes, Part I

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The questions in this exercise ask about you. There are not right or wrong answers; only answers that give more or less
insight into who you are. Use these questions to learn about yourself and consider what your responses will teach others
about you. Answer these questions with as much information and detail as you can. The deeper your answers, the deeper
the understanding of who you are.

Step 1: You must know who you are as a student. Answer the questions below in as much detail as possible to think
about the student side of who you are.
1. Think about everything that is part of school - classes, teachers, friends, activities, homework, learning, etc.
a. What is your favorite part or parts- of school and why?
My favorite part is definitely math classes, spending time with my friends or theater in Spanish.
Im really good at maths, so I enjoy getting into that world and playing with all what I discover. I think I
have real people around me and that makes me feel comfortable, so I give them part of me and my time.
And theater, well, I love it, so when I have to do something in relation to the class, I participate in theater.
b. What is your least favorite part of school?
The starting hour (6:00 a.m.). I dont like waking up so early (5:00 a.m.) So, thats not really cool. I rather
sleeping more.

2. My grades are (choose one):


_X_Very good


__Not good


3. List the class, or classes, where you earned your highest grade(s): Maths, Economics, Spanish.
a. What do these classes have in common? Nothing but numbers.
b. Why did you do so well in these classes? I like to be responsible, even when I dont like something. I try
to enjoy all the possible fields.
4. List the class, or classes, where you earned your lowest grade(s): Chemistry and Physics.
a. What do these classes have in common? One is the next part of the other.
b. Why did you do poorly in these classes? Im not bad at it. Im really average in Physics and good at
Chemistry. I dont like Physics, I think its not something real and its boring. Chemistry is good. I like
that class, but the evaluation method is not always the best.
5. Of all your grades, high or low, pick the one grade are you most proud of and tell the story that explains why.
5.0 at Spanish. We had to read a book and organized a literacy center (centro literario) this is a cultural program
where all strudents show what they have inside of themselves. All the power and the creativity that involve us.
6. Forget about your grades, describe your favorite class, including why it is/was your favorite.
Maths. I was obsessed with it. Its like other world where you can find the answer for everything you are passing
through. I had a really bad teacher and it made my feelings fade away, buy I still like it.
7. Academically, what motivates you?
Rate the following motivators in order of importance with 1 being most important
_7__Getting good grades
_4__Getting accepted at a good university
_3__A love of learning
_1__Exploring new ideas and material
_5__Competing with friends and classmates
__6_Living up to expectations
_2__Discussing academic topics in depth
_10__I dont need motivation, school is easy
_8__Impressing teachers
__9_Making parent(s) happy
8. Look at your top 3 responses to question #7, what do they say about you as a student?
Im so much curious. YES, I do am.

9. How would your teachers describe your performance in the classroom? Not your grades, but what kind of student
you are: My maths teacher says Im honest and she likes it so much. Also, she says Im creative and really smart.
a. If you were a teacher, would you want a student like you in class? Yes, why not? I like to make the
spice to the class and Id love someone that tries to make a difference.
b. Why or why not?
10. In class, do you prefer to work alone or as part of a group?
a. Why?
b. When you work in a group, what role do you usually fill or what duties do you usually perform?
I definitely prefer to work alone. I dont like depending on my classmates. I feel good with my work.
A team leader, Im used to decide things as I like.
11. Describe, in as much detail as possible, how you learn. Think about how quickly you learn, how much you study,
what makes something stick in your mind, etc.
I dont like studying so much. I think its something strange because Im really good academically, but I dont use
too much time studying. Attending to classes is enough for me.
When I need to study, I do, if not, I dont.
I think Im really quick to learn.
12. When you encounter a difficult topic in class, what do you do to learn it?
Asking for the teacher or studying on my own.
13. When, where, and how do you study? Describe the environment in which you like to study.
My room, a library or something where there is NOT noise. I hate noise. I sometimes study at night.
14. Which tools do you use to learn? Which people, resources, or methods help you the most?
Rate the following tools based on their importance with 1 being most important
_2__Exploring topics on my own
_4__Text books
_6__Classmates or other students
_8__Parents or siblings
_3__Practicing or learning by doing
_7__Additional tutoring
15. Look at your top 3 responses to question #14, what do they say about you as a student?
I like making myself to effort.
16. Academically, what are your strengths? Good understanding, added value, curiosity
a. How did you discover these strengths? I discovered it with time. I like to put an extra point in
what I do.
b. How do you use them?
17. Academically, what are your weaknesses? Lazyness.
a. Have you been able to overcome them? More or less. Im still fighting against it.
b. If so, how?
18. Describe your greatest academic achievement.
I was something like a teacher.
When my teacher had to leave the school, I gave classes there.
19. Describe your greatest academic failure.
I havent discovered it yet.
20. Fill in the blanks with your highest test scores and answer the question about each test.
a. SAT: Critical Reading____ Math____
Have Not Taken__X_
b. My SAT score is
__below my target
__at my target
__above my target
c. ACT: Composite ____
Have Not Taken_X__


My ACT score is
TOEFL: Listening___
My TOEFL score is
IELTS: Listening___
My IELTS score is

__below my target
__at my target
Speaking___ Reading___ Writing___
__below my target
__at my target
Speaking___ Reading___ Writing___
__below my target
__at my target

__above my target
Have Not Taken_X__
__above my target
Have Not Taken__X_
__above my target

Step 2: Take a break. After your break, go back and read your answers to the questions above. As you are
reading, try to find themes within your answers. A theme is a common idea that is shared by different answers to
different questions. Themes can be anything and can be found anywhere, so look at your responses both broadly
and closely to find elements that they share.
Identify and describe at least three themes found in your responses.
Theme 1: Curiosity
In which questions did you see this theme? 1, 5, 7, 8, 14
How might this theme be important in your application process? Its really important. Curiosity is
a base to learn.
Theme 2: Creativity
In which questions did you see this theme? 1, 5, 9
How might this theme be important in your application process? You need creativity to reinvent
yourself. Its an every day topic.
Theme 3:_________________________________
In which questions did you see this theme?
How might this theme be important in your application process?
Step 3: You must also know who you are as a person. Answer the questions below in as much detail as possible
to think about the non-student side of who you are.
1. Think about your typical weekday, beginning with when you finish classes, and your typical weekend.
a. What do you do? Eating at home, swimming, sometimes I read or I study, watching the
Simpsons, sleeping.
b. Of all the things you do, which are your favorite things to do? Watching the Simpsons.
2. Outside of academics, what do you do the best? Sleeping, I love it, and maybe acting.
3. What is one thing you are passionate about? Theater.
a. How did this passion begin? At school. My school had a subject called theater.
b. How do you pursue this passion? Acting, with my daily life.
4. What are your non-academic talents? Singing (but my voice is not that good), acting.
a. How did you discover these talents? Living.
b. How do you use your talents? When I can do something about it, without any doubt I do it.
5. Think about the environment where you are most comfortable outside of school. Out of the city, where
there is no noise. Im completely in love and a lovely person when everything is quiet.

6. What is one group or team that you have been a part of outside of class? This could include sports,
employment, family, activities, etc.
Aiesec: team member.
Theater club: leader. (I loved it)
7. Think about your friends.
a. How would your best friend describe you (if you dont know, ask a friend)? As a really smart
b. What is one thing your friends rely on you for? A secret.
8. Think about your family.
a. How would your family describe you (if youre not sure, ask a family member)? As a good guy.
b. What is one thing your family relies on you for? The house.
9. How do you have fun? Reading, watching the Simpsons, sleeping, meeting out.
10. What responsibilities do you have outside of school? The responsibility of carry on with my life, being a
good son.
11. Think about when you are happiest.
a. What makes you happy? Ice cream, a cool weather
b. Describe a great day that you have had recently. I was in a comedy show. That was cool. I laugh a
lot and it makes me happy for a while.
12. Think about when you are unhappy.
a. What makes you sad or mad? Solitude, lies.
b. When you have a bad day, what do you do? Too much work. I was bad at university.
13. What is one non-academic goal you set for yourself?
a. Have you reached this goal? How?
b. If you have not reached this goal, how are you pursuing it?
14. Is there a character in a book, movie, play, television show, etc. that you identify with someone that
reminds you of yourself? Who is it? Yes: Daria from Daria.
a. How/why do you identify with that character? I have similar thinking.
b. Is there a character that you aspire to be? Who is it? A good character of myself.
15. Think about your most prized possession.
a. What is it? My mom.
b. Why is it so special to you? Because she is all I have unconditionally.
16. What are your personal (non-academic) strengths?
a. How did you discover your strengths?
b. How do you use these strengths?
17. What are your personal (non-academic) weaknesses?
a. How did you discover these weaknesses?
b. How have you addressed your personal weaknesses?
18. Describe your greatest achievement outside of the classroom.

19. Describe your greatest failure outside of the classroom.

20. In your opinion, what are the most important things in life?
Honesty, childhood, mom, freedom.
Step 4: Take a break. After your break, go back and read your answers to the questions above. As you are
reading, try to find themes within your answers. A theme is a common idea that is shared by different answers to
different questions. Themes can be anything and can be found anywhere, so look at your responses both broadly
and closely to find elements that they share.
Identify and describe at least three themes found in your responses.
Theme 1: Theater/ acting
In which questions did you see this theme? 2, 3, 4, 6
How might this theme be important in your application process? I like being an holistic person. I
enjoy all what I can.
Theme 2: Sleeping
In which questions did you see this theme? 1, 2, 9
How might this theme be important in your application process? Well. I think its not important,
but I have to sleep for filling my application, dont I?
Theme 3:______________________
In which questions did you see this theme?
How might this theme be important in your application process?
Step 5: Review the In School themes you identified in Step 2 and the Out of School themes you identified in
Step 4. Do these themes have anything in common? Can you identify any themes that are shared by both the in
school you and the out of school you? Identify and describe any shared themes.

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