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Dowsing One Woman 101

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Dowsing - One Woman's 101

by Revenant on Thu Jul 17, 2008

4:20 pm
Dowsing - One Woman's 101
Author: Pauline. Pauline works with the Australian Dowser's Society
What is dowsing?
Quite simply, dowsing is a way of accessing one's intuition, or the
global consciousness, however you wish to see it, in order to receive
an answer to a clearly defined question.
Most dowsers initially use a 'read out' device of some sort, (usually a
pendulum or L-rods or V-rod) which amplifies the body's intrinsic
response to the question asked, so you can see the response more
clearly. The device has no power in itself, but it makes sense to work
with something that fits you and the task in hand. L-rods on a windy
day are difficult to use for example, as is a pendulum on rough
terrain, as is a V-rod for map work etc. I mention tools other than the
pendulum for those wishing to work in the field to find energy
lines/vortices/water veins for gifting purposes or whatever.
The 'read out' device gives a signal that is interpreted as a 'yes' or a
'no' which depends of course on the question asked, or what you are
looking for if it is a site (physically present) dowse. For the moment
we will concentrate on using a pendulum for more etheric (i.e. where
you are not physically present) work, but the principles are largely

the same.
To find your 'yes' response, place the pendulum into a swinging
motion back and forth in front of you, or to your side, whatever is
comfortable and do try to relax whilst doing so! (Yes, you are making
it move but that is not important, just overcoming inertia.) With your
pendulum swinging, ask: "is my name [insert name here] now?" (Yes,
you are not only making it move but also now talking to yourself.)
Presuming you have said your own name, you should receive a 'yes'
response, with the pendulum changing its orientation (maybe a
clockwise or anticlockwise spin) to indicate this. Practice with other,
simple, known 'yes questions' and once you have a clear 'yes'
response, place your pendulum into your 'yes' response and say "until
further notice, this is my "yes" response" and let it continue in this
manner until it stops of its own accord. There are three points to
note here: the use of 'now' in your questions places you in 'your time
now' for you can dowse in the past, the present and the future;
secondly, the act of putting your pendulum into your 'yes' position and
saying that sentence helps to programme the physical response into
both mind and body and thirdly, if you do get mixed or weak
responses, pick one you'd like for "yes" and programme yourself and
pendulum accordingly using that sentence.
Once you have your 'yes' firmly sorted, you can move on to 'no'
responses as you wish and you should get a different, sometimes
opposite, response. If not, guess what, you can pick a different
response and programme that in too. You are in charge here, not the

Now you are ready to apply dowsing to Life, The Universe and
Everything, a few more things that I have found useful:
I ask three questions before starting any dowsing session:
1. "Can I?" - checks that I am physically, mentally and emotionally
able to undertake a dowse
2. "May I?" - checks that I have the appropriate permission of the
Universe, or the object/subject of the dowse to undertake it
3. "Should I?" - checks that the dowse is in the best interests of all
concerned and something I should use my talents on.
All of these questions are used to 'set the scene' and ensure the
greatest accuracy. Should you get a 'no' to any of these you can, of
course, still dowse to find out why, but beware dowsing when tired,
your accuracy will be affected and it is probably better to desist. The
use of these questions is of course personal choice, not a mandate
from on high. You certainly can overrule the results if so inclined,
ignore boundaries and dowse when you're worn out for example, but
it is not recommended. Dowsing is most accurate with a genuine ?
need to know?, a dowser up to the task, a clear set of questions and
detachment from the results.
Which brings me on to.....clarity of question. Try to form your
questions in a way that you will get an unambiguous response - either
'yes', or 'no' unless you are working with charts, percentages or the
like. To start with, try simple, everyday questions to gain confidence
but those which you have an interest in, or a need to know about. Try

dowsing the fastest and safest route to work, which plumber to use
(available, professional, reasonable rates etc., set criteria carefully),
whether you need to read this book, whether that avocado will be
ripe to eat on Friday...whatever. If it helps, write the questions down
and tease them out one-by-one so you are clear what it is you are
trying to ascertain via dowsing. Make sure, if in unfamiliar territory,
you and your higher self know what you mean by all the words in your
question. Finally on this, if your pendulum just continues in the
'ready' back and forth mode after asking a question, I would review
the question as something is not quite right with it or your attention
is wandering and you're trying to tell yourself the same.
Detachment - if you really want an answer to be 'yes' for example,
you'll probably get just that unless you can work on 'detachment'.
Dowsing accurately for other people but not for yourself is usually a
detachment issue in my opinion. Dowsing the same question in the
hope of getting a different answer is also to be avoided. It seems to
me the Universe says "what you didn't like that answer, well try this
one", never good for accuracy. If you find you have a tendency to be
inaccurate or repetitive with questioning when dowsing for yourself,
may I suggest working on why you are trying to control the results,
explore what would happen if you didn't get the result you wanted
and how that makes you feel. Detachment does take practice and
sometimes a result can defy logic but then so does life. I have learnt
to go with a result, and continue to be surprised at how
circumstances rearrange themselves to produce just the original
dowsed result. When I do find that I am wrong, I trace back what
might have caused the slip: inattention, lack of detachment, piss
poor question, whatever - don't beat yourself up, we're not robots
and we do stuff up from time to time, dowsing is not a perfect

art....well not for me anyway. When the Stuff Up Fairy calls, the
answer is usually there if you look or dowse within, so please don't be
discouraged and place your pendulum (or yourself for that matter) in
the broom cupboard in disgust. Dowsing is an art that thrives on
practice. At first you may indeed play "Chopsticks" with your
pendulum but soon it will be whole symphonies, including the tricky
bits for the triangle and the base drum.
What is not important when dowsing?
Whether there is an 'r' in the month, whether you are wearing red
socks, the orientation of a special crystal to the earth grid, that it's
tuesday, or you can't dowse because you haven't got your special
pendulum etc. Please don't limit yourself with such nonsense- use
your arm hung loosely by your side, your car keys on the dog's lead
and try blue socks for a change.
Map Dowsing - so many targets, so little time
As many of you will know TPTCB have thoughtfully placed a lot of
their favourite toys on earth energy points of one form or another for
enhanced effect. That doesn?t make the big ones too difficult to spot
for rectification purposes. But what about finding out where you can
transmute the most DOR for your POR when targets aren't so evident
- in the countryside, city parks or when touring with (god forbid)
dwindling supplies and/or limited knowledge of the locality?
May I suggest some quick map dowsing might be of assistance?..
1. State your intention clearly, perhaps something along the lines of:-

?This map before me represents the area within which I intend to

place a [TB/HHG/earthpipe/orgonite device], if it is in the highest
and greatest good of all concerned {you can leave out the last bit if it
doesn?t fit with you }. My intent is to place the orgonite device at the
point of maximum beneficial effect for transmuting DOR to POR. I
intend to use dowsing to show me the position of that point.?
2. First ask whether there is such a place contained within the
boundaries of the map. You should get a ?yes? response but may not.
A ?no? response may indicate that this map?s area has already been
gifted sufficiently (yeh!) or that there is somewhere more deserving
on your journey and it?s over the page? If you get a ?no? or your
pendulum remains in the search position, may I suggest you use
dowsing to ask more questions until you understand what is needed.
3. With your pendulum in the search position state. I am searching for
the place of maximum benefit to place my
[TB/HHG/earthpipe/orgonite device] and run your index finger slowly
from the top left hand corner, down the Y-axis of the map. When you
are in a line with your point of maximum beneficial effect for
deployment, your pendulum will swing into your yes/positive
4. At the Y-axis point where the positive result occurs, stop and hold
your finger at that point. Place your pendulum back into the search
position and then move your finger horizontally across the map (the
X-axis) in line with the Y-axis point until you get another ?yes?
response. And hence where the two points intersect, ?X? marks the

If you have more than one gift to deploy, ask for the top [n] number
of places that would most benefit within your chosen area, where [n]
is your number of gifts. Start as before and when you get a result,
proceed from the Y-axis point you got to, no need to go right back to
the top of the Y-axis. Go slowly though, as you may find the site
needs more than one gift and your next point is very, very close. Of
course if you?re getting this type of response, or even before moving
to the next point, ask how many gifts this site will need to be fully ?
sorted?. If you are only travelling along a main road, use the road as
your guide and run your finger slowly along it on the map asking to be
told (by pendulum response) the place of maximum benefit to deploy
your gift(s). You can also use an L rod for this.
When you actually go to the places you have indicated on your map,
you will be surprised at the installations and other sites that you have
found by map dowsing, especially if the terrain is unfamiliar to you.
This will in turn give you confidence in your dowsing/intuitive
abilities. That said, some (subverted) energy vortices don?t have any
overt markers at all but remain equally worthy of our attention!
Above all trust the process, trust what feels right for you.
Obviously the scale of your map will indicate how accurately you can
get to the target. If the scale is small (not detailed), you may choose
to get a better map of that specific area (larger scale) and redowse
that to get closer. Failing that, aim to place yourself as close as you
can and then either dowse yourself to the position (?take me to the
exact position for placement now?), or watch for other signs that get
your attention and seem to shout ?over here!?. In my experience, Lrods tend to be better for field work, you only need to use one to
guide you. Point it straight in front and ask to be taken to the exact

position as marked on the map for placement now. Holding the rod
firmly, but not rigidly, just follow it as it weaves gently along. [There
is a good illustration of this at Ian Pegler's
sitehttp://web.ukonline.co.uk/ianto/Dowsing%20intro.htm under Lrods]
Before you ask, even if the point is behind you, the rod will turn you
all the way around to reflect that, usually in a gentle arc. At ?X?
marks the spot, the rod will either cross sharply in front of you or
swing out wide and you may get a sensation within your body too. All
depends on what your L-rod ?yes? response is. Ask to be shown it, if
you don't know. Watch for the effects of wind and rough terrain when
dowsing in the field with any device. A little practice makes working
with L-rods easy.
Other things to note. If your eye catches a particular point on the
map when you are dowsing, don?t be afraid to go with that place. If
you want, double check with your pendulum that it?s the most
appropriate one, but personally, I?d respect my intuition and go with
that position. If it ?calls? to you, it needs your assistance in my
opinion. When dowsing along roads on a map, a sticky feeling over a
spot can also alert you to a good place to gift if you're not using a
pendulum. Presuming of course you didn?t have jello for lunch.
Map dowsing can also be used to see if there?s anywhere you?ve
missed on a particular map.
This is only one way to dowse out/find suitable gifting positions.
Never be afraid to use your intuition straight without going through
the pendulum. If you are asking the right questions with your head

and heart, I believe your Higher Self or The Operators or whatever

you believe in will try and answer you irrespective of whether you
have a pendulum or not. Similarly, it can also be wise to ask/double
check where those answers are coming from using your heart as
cbswork has suggested.
Finally, when map dowsing, please be aware that for some people it
can be like spending time physically on that particular place. If you
use protection for physical work, then may I suggest you also utilise it
for map dowsing. Such ?tuning in? can also be turned to our
advantage. If there is some time to elapse between the map dowsing
and gifting, you might like to plonk your proposed orgonite gifts onto
the positions you have dowsed on the map with the intent that they
should start to do their stuff from now.
Dowsing for implants
One Method
Take one dowsing L-rod or pendulum, whatever dowsing device you
are comfortable using.
Facing a mirror, out about 4 ft away, place your dowsing device in the
search position.
State the following to set the scene, so to speak.
"My intention is to dowse to find any implants in my body, now."
Then ask the following:"Do I understand what the term implants means?" If you receive a 'no'
then explain to yourself according to the established literature on
this so you are familiar with the term and what it represents. I have
found that it is important that the dowsing system [you, your higher

self, Them Upstairs, whatever you connect to/with etc] understands

the terms you are using. Then redowse. If you receive a 'no' ask
questions around 'why' and also check that you are ready and able
etc., if you haven't used the 3 dowsing questions to start with. If you
received a 'yes', continue.
Place your dowsing device back in the search position. And ask:"Do I have any such implants in my body now?"
If 'no', Hallelujah! Take two neodymiums anyway and have a good lie
down. [Only joking]
If 'yes', then ask "How many implants do I have in my body now?"
Count slowly "1, 2, 3, etc" until you receive a response.
[Note: If you reach 1001 without a response you are either very
popular indeed with The Dark Side or have missed your response
somewhere along the way.....Suggest you start again and count
At this point, you might like to ask how many of the implants are
active/inactive and whether you have any 'other foreign devices' in
your body now. Experiment with your questions because, for
example, a nano-tech device that was inserted during a vaccination
might not be considered an implant; something you swallowed with
one, might not be considered an implant either depending upon your
understanding of these things. [Note: Those of you with silicone 'DD'
implants, you should have two more than the rest of us already. If
you only have one however, see your plastic surgeon soonest.]
OK, now you know how many there are, you just need to know where
they are. [Luckily, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle doesn't apply so
we can find both bits of info. Phew.]

Place your dowsing device back in the search position. And state:"Show me where my implants are now please".
Place the other hand, with fingers extended, on top of your head,
like you were giving yourself a pat.
Then stand on the opposite leg only and start hopping. NO! Sorry, just
my little joke, ignore the last line.
[I am sorry but in any deadly serious business, I always find a spoonful
of humour makes the dowsing go down better??]
With your device still in the search position, move your hand slowly
across your head and slowly down your face, just like you are
scanning yourself. The 'site identifier' for me is in a line with my
middle finger since this is the longest. [Note: Those of you with six
fingers will have to work it out for yourselves, er hang on a minute,
why are you even reading this?]
Keep going down your body - you will need to angle your hand
differently as you go down unless you are a contortionist - and when
you get level with an implant, your dowsing device will change into
your 'yes' response.
When this occurs, place your dowsing device back into the search
position and use your hand to scan across your body so you can get a
fix on the exact location. At this point you can just use one finger if
you prefer. Then mark spot "X" with a non-toxic, non-permanent
marker. If you think about it, this is a very similar technique to map
dowsing, but this time using the body as your ?map?.

Then, place your dowsing device back into the search position and
continue as before.
Found them all? No? Well better have a look at the back too.
Since scanning one's back in this manner is difficult for those of us
without the flexibility of a yoga master, all I do is tell myself that "for
the purposes of this dowsing exercise, my front is now my back" and
continue as before, scanning from top to bottom.
Similarly, you may find it necessary to scan your sides.
If you get to the end and find you are missing any, ask "Are there any
implants remaining on the front/back/sides/bottom of feet/top of
head/belly button/etc, now that I have not already located". You
know, check all those difficult-to-reach places that Mum told you to
keep clean, that you might have missed the first time around. I have
also found that sometimes there might be two close together, close
enough to be thought to be one on the scan.
You don't need a mirror to do this actually, but it does help one see
where one has got to compared to trying to look down, swing a
pendulum, move your hand and keep a straight face. Actually, you
don't even need to move your hand if you can use your eyes to slowly
scan yourself, using their focus on your body as the 'pointer'. And as
you can imagine, I rarely keep a straight face, so forget that bit too.
Another Method
Take the outline of a human body, place your name above it, explain
to yourself what it represents, make sure you understand about
implants, ask how many you have etc and then map dowse it for the
locations. Then repeat for the back/sides/belly button etc. You can

double check with your hand scanner and dowsing device once you've
done the map dowse if you wish, to get the exact position. Also
double checking with a zapchecker and meter will also help you to
hone your dowsing accuracy.

At the risk of becoming a 'dowsing bore', I have taken to dowsing for

implants because, if I rely on any gadget, one day it might not be
around for me to use when I need it most. That said, I cross check
with a meter to increase the accuracy of my technique, not only on
finding, but on disabling. Then I can be confident that I've got'em and
killed them all and I'm not fooling myself.
Deviceless dowsing
The good news is, that even if you can't dowse with a pendulum per
se for some physical reason, you can still dowse. Intuition, which is
all, I believe, you are accessing by dowsing, is not dependent upon
any device. I repeat, all the device is doing is letting you see your
'yes' or 'no' (or pointing to a graded response such as on a chart) more
clearly, there is no power in any dowsing tool, well according to me
anyway though to my absolute chagrin, an orgonite pendulum comes
With deviceless dowsing, all the caveats applied to device dowsing
still apply - the use of clear questions, detachment from the results
etc. In fact, even more so, because you are juggling a few things at
once in your head without the reassurance of seeing a device move in
front of you.

Deviceless dowsing for me is purely taking a moment to visualise a

pendulum in my head, asking a clearly formed question, and
'watching' the pendulum respond in my mind's eye. If it starts to spin
clockwise, that's a 'yes', if anti-clockwise, that's a 'no' but many
people have their own response angles and forms, so please take my
one as a guide only.
Anything you can do with a device you can do deviceless including
map dowsing. So for target acquisition use a finger to trace down the
axis and with what I call "detached concentration", mark wherever
you get a response from the pendulum-in-your-head. Repeat for the
next axis and where they cross you have "bingo!". You might wish to
write the question down in front of you so that you don't have too
many things to concentrate on; the very act of writing things down
tends to solidify them in one's mind and, also, any ambiguities in the
question are easier to spot and eradicate. Do remember that garbage
in, garbage out, also applies to dowsing.
Or you might have a well marked map with targets on it and be only
interested in which to select first given limited resources. In which
case, I would ask something along the lines of "all things on this map
being otherwise equal, show me the target that is #1 priority for my
gifting run of Thursday 21st April - is it this one? (pointing to it on the
map); this one?" etc until you get the desired response. Then you
might like to ask "how many TBs (or whatever) will I need to fully
orgonize this target?" etc. Again, visualising the pendulum in your
head, count "1? 2 ? 3? 4? until you get the desired 'yes' response. Then
ask for #2 priority target etc.
It is important to make sure you know what you mean by, for

example, "fully orgonize" or any other term that you choose to use.
Again, dowse this in your head. "Does my higher self (or whatever you
use) understand the term "fully orgonize" as it relates to a target?"
Ans: "No". So explain it to yourself as if you were explaining it to
another person and then redowse to check you've got it! Another way
to approach this is to grade each target out of 10 with 1/10 being a
low priority, 10/10 being your top priority. In that way you can just
put your finger over a Nasty, or Church or whatever and ask "all other
things being equal, with 1/10 being a low priority and 10/10 top
priority for my gifting, please rank this XYZ out of 10. Is it 1? 2? 3? 4?"
etc. Note that priorities can change after gifting work has been done
so it might be prudent to redowse.
Being a deviceless dowser does free you from some of the problems
associated with driving, dowsing with a rod and lobbing a TB at the
same time, but whether the tool is in your head or in your hand,
there is still no escaping the practice that makes perfect......
Finally, some online resources/books that I have found useful in my
dowsing journey:American Society of Dowsers' "Letter to Robin", a mini-course in
pendulum dowsing, downloadable free in
pdfhttp://www.lettertorobin.org . Or via the ASD
site http://www.dowsers.org . Many of their conferences are also
first class.

Raymon Grace's "Techniques that Work for me - a mini-course on

energy management" mainly via pendulum. Superb. US$9.95

via http://www.lifeenrichmentseminars.com/Raymon/ . If you also

want some inspiring reading from this world class dowser, get the
new version of "The Future is Yours - do something about it." in print
format, about A$20.
Finally for hard core dowsers, especially those wanting to work in
minerals or water and are interested in the history as well as many
applications of dowsing, may I suggest: "The Divining Hand" by
Christopher Bird GBP26 via British Society of
Dowsers http://www.britishdowsers.org . The Society also offers
interesting conferences and courses and an excellent quarterly
Thank you for wading through all this. I trust it has been helpful.
Happy dowsing & kind regards,

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