Application of Adaptive Backstepping For The Control of A Reusable Launch Vehicle
Application of Adaptive Backstepping For The Control of A Reusable Launch Vehicle
Application of Adaptive Backstepping For The Control of A Reusable Launch Vehicle
Launch Vehicle
Ashima. C. R
M.Tech Student
College of Engineering
Dr. S. Ushakumari.
College of Engineering
S. Geetha
In this paper, a nonlinear Lyapunov based controller is used for the stabilization of the lateral dynamics and longitudinal
dynamics of a Reusable Launch Vehicle during its descent phase, inorder to cope up with the nonlinearities and uncertainties
of the sytem which are araised due to huge variation in Mach numbers and aerodynamic profiles, the control strategy based
on adaptive state feedback and backstepping control is employed. The novelty is in the use of a robust controller for high
speed launch vehicles that ensures the stabilization and the asymptotical convergence of the angle tracking error and the
estimation error. Simulation studies are conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. From the simulation
results it is clear that the proposed controller works satisfactorily.
0.1. Introduction
The flight of a Reusable Launch Vehicle during its descent phase is subjected to a huge variation in Mach numbers and
adverse flight envelopes and the system must be stabilized in the midst of these uncertainties. In the literature, not many
non-linear control schemes have been proposed for the control of a Reusable Launch Vehicle. The inverted pendulum forms
a classical nonlinear and unstable system. Therefore the control of inverted pendulum [1] [2] has been studied to understand
the best control methodology for the control of a Reusable Launch Vehicle. In the recent years, the focus on methodologies
of control systems has shifted from linear to nonlinear systems. Though powerful linear design tools are available, nonlinear
design tools such as feedback linearization, gain scheduling, and backstepping can come up with accurate results retaining
useful nonlinearities.
The backstepping design procedure [3]is found to have a lot of advantages compared to feedback linearization and gain
scheduling techniques. But, the backstepping design methodology fails in the case of systems which cannot be converted to
either pure feedback forms or strict feedback forms and also in the presence of parameter uncertainties.
Benaskeur and Desbiens [1]proposed an adaptive two-loop cascade controller to overcome the fact that the system should
be written in a triangular or pure feedback form. The inner loop uses an adaptive backstepping control technique to regulate
the rod angle with regard for the cart motion and unknown rod length. Ebrahim et .al [2]proposed the same Adaptive
Backstepping Controller but treating every constant parameters in the system as unknowns such as mass of the pendulum,
mass of the cart, moment of inertia, gravitational constant and adaptation is given accordingly which would be a difficult task
for any linear control methods.
In [4], the autopilot design for reentry vehicle is carried out using an Adaptive Backstepping Control design technique. The
attitude equations are nonlinear and time dependent due to large variation of aerodynamic parameters and velocity profiles.
Apart from the traditional design methods which uses Euler angles as the state variables, here side slip angle and angle of
attack are selected as the state variables to avoid a non-minimum phase situation. Simulation studies conducted on a fully
nonlinear 6-DOF dynamic model produced satisfactory attitude control performance in conjunction with the optimization of
moment coefficients. Recently, researchers are also interested in Robust Adaptive Backstepping controller design methods [5]
which mitigates the problem of unmodelled dynamics, parameter drift and noise. Moreover the stability of a system may
be severly affected by some bounded disturbances and high rate of adaptation which can be overcome by incorporating a
continuous switching function in the parameter updation law.
In this paper, an Adaptive Backstepping Controller is used to stabilize the longitudinal and lateral dynamics of a Reusable
Launch Vehicle model by considering all the constant parameters in the system as unknowns.
This paper is organized as follows: section II deals with the modelling of a Reusable Launch Vehicle. Adaptive Backstepping Controller design is discussed in Section III and section IV gives a detailed description of the controller design for
the longitudinal dynamics of the system. Section V deals with the Adaptive Backstepping Controller design for the laretal
dynamics of the RLV which is followed by the simulation results and conclusions.
The elevon angle for pitch control is given by averaging the elevon deflections.
e =
eL + eR
The aileron angle for roll control is given by taking the average of the difference of the elevon deflections.
a =
eL eR
Similarly, the total rudder angle for yaw control is given by taking the average of the rudder deflections.
r =
rL + rR
The non-linear set of equations of which describes the motion of the vehicle is as follows [6]:
p =
((L + Lp p + Lr r + La a + Lr r)
Ix x
(M + Mq q + Me e + Mr r)
(N + Np p + Nr r + Na a + Nr r)
Iz z
q =
r =
sin g
+1 q
Yp p
1 r+
In the above set of equations [4-8] p, q and r are the roll rate, pitch rate and yaw rate respectively. Here, is the angle of
attack, is the side slip angle, and is the flight path angle. The equations are represented in terms of aerodynamic forces
and moments, where L is called the rolling moment, M the pitching moment and N is the yawing moment. Ixx , Iyy , Izz are
the moment of inertia in the x, y and z directions respectively. is the roll angle, g is the acceleration due to gravity and Vt
is the vehicle velocity. The coefficients Y and Z in the equations represents side force and downward force respectively. The
dependence of the aerodynamic forces on the angle-of-attack and the side slip angle is crucial to stability and control.
= f (x) + g(x)1
= f1 (x, 1 ) + g1 (x, 1 )2
= f2 (x, 1 , 2 ) + g2 (x, 1 , 2 )3
To show how to find a control Lyapunov function and a control law, a short design example is considered . The system
that is to be controlled is given below.
= f (x) + g(x)
= a(x, ) + b(x, )u
where x Rn and R are state variables and u R is the control input. First is regarded as a control input for the
x-subsystem. can be chosen in any way to make the x-subsystem globally asymptotically stable. The choice is denoted
des (x) and is called a virtual control law. For the x-subsystem a control Lyapunov function, V1 (x), can be chosen so that
with the virtual control law, the time derivative of Lyapunov function becomes negative definite.
V 1 (x) = V1x x = V1x (x)(f (x) + g(x) des (x)) < 0, x 6= 0
The system shown in equation (10) is then written in terms of these new variables
x =f (x) + g(x)( + des (x))
des (x)
(f (x) + g(x)( + des (x)))
For the system given above a control Lyapunov function is constructed from V1 (x) by adding a quadratic term which penalizes
des (x)
(f (x) + g(x)( + des (x)))}
Equation (15) can be rewritten in the following way if the variables that the functions depend on are omitted. To guarantee
stability V 2 has to be negative definite. This can be achieved by choosing the control input, u in (15) as
des (x)
(f + g( + des (x))) a V1 g k
If u is not the actual control input but a virtual control law consisting of state variables, then the system can be further
expanded by starting over again. Hence the backstepping design procedure is recursive.
1 2
1 2
x1 +
2 e
o = (x1 )x1
the derivative of the candidate Lyapunov function becomes negative defenite and is given by
V1 = k1 x21 < 0
V2 (x, z, e ) = V1 (x1 , e ) + z 2
By the proper selection of u, the overall Lyapunov function V2 , becomes negative defenite which implies that as x1 tends
to zero, then z also tends to zero asymptotically.
Z sin
(M sin + Mq q + Me sin e)
The state variables are selected as x1 = ; x2 = q. The control variable is u = e . The system of equations can now be
expressed as
x1 =
x2 =
Vt sinx1
+ x2
Iyy [M sinx1
+ Mq x2 + Me sinu]
The control law is to be designed such that the system stabilizes for whatever be the initial conditions. For applying the
Adaptive Backstepping Control design procedure, the system can now be expressed as
x1 = 1 sinx1 + x2
x2 = 2 sinx1 + 3 x2 + 4 sinu
where 1 , 2 , 4 are the unknown parameters in the system.
The first error variable is defined as
e = x1 sp
V1 =
1 2
and using the derivative of the Lyapunov function, the virtual control law can be formulated as
= 1 sinx1 + sp k1 e
where k1 > 0 and is a design parameter which guarentees V1 < 0. The second error variable is defined as
= x2 xdes
By augmenting the Lyapunov function V1 with the error variable and the unknown parameters in the system, we get
V2 =
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2 1 2
e + +
21 1e 22 2e 23 3e 24 4e
V 2 = ee + + 1o 1o + 2o 2o + 3o 3o +
4o 4o
+ee +
where 1e , 2e , 3e and 4e
for 1, 2, 3, 4. The variables 1o , 2o , 3o , and 4o are the parameter estimates with 1 , 2 , 3 , and4 as the adaptation gain
constants. With the control law
udes = 14o sin1
2o sinx1 3o x2 1o cosx1 k1 e sp k2
1o = 1 cosx1
2o = 2 sinx1
3o = 3 x2
4o = 4 sinu
The derivative of the augmented Lyapunov function becomes negative defenite
V 2 = k1 e2 k2 2 0
where k1 > 0, k2 > 0. Therefore by Laselles theorem, the system is globally asymptotically stable at the equilibrium point
of the system.
For the ABC design procedures, the state variables are selected as x1 = ; x2 = r and control variable is selected as u = r .
The resulting mathematical model of the lateral dynamics of RLV can be written as,
sinx1 x2
x2 = [N sinx1 + Nr sinu]
x1 =
x1 = 1 sinx1 x2
x2 = 2 sinx1 + 3 sinu
The first error varible is
e = x1 sp
1 2
The virtual control law to make the Lyapunov function V 1 to make negative defenite is given by
= k1 e + 1 sinx1 sp
= x2 xdes
1 2 1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
e + +
1e +
2e +
23 3e
where 1e , 2e , 3e are the parameter estimation errors of 1 , 2 , 3 where e = o and 1o , 2o , 3o , are the
parameter estimates with 1 , 2 , 3 , are the adaptation gain constants.
The first derivative of the augmented Lyapunov function can be made negative defenite by the application of the control
udes =
sin1 [3o sinx1 sp + 1o cosx1 + k1 e k2 ]
where k1 > 0, k2 > 0 along with the parameter update laws as given by
1o = 1 cosx1
2o = 2 sinx1
3o = 3 sinu
with [44] and [45], the derivative of the augmented Lyapunov function becomes
V 2 = k1 e2 k2 2
Figure 2 shows the variation of angle of attack with time in seconds for an initial value of 20 degrees and for different
values of k1 and k2 and figure 3 shows the variation of pitch rate for the same initial condition. The plant parameters are
perturbed by 50 and 150 percentage and the results are given in Figure 4. This clearly indicates that the longitudinal dynamics
of the system is stabilized by the controller.
Figure 5 shows the variation of side slip angle with time in seconds for an initial value of 20 degrees and different values
of k1 and k2 . Figure 6 shows the variation of yaw rate with respect to k1 and k2 . Figure 7 shows the rate of change of side slip
angle for the same initial conditions. From the simulation results it is clear that the lateral dynamics of the Reusable Launch
Vehicle is also stabilized.
0.7. Conclusions
The Adaptive Backstepping Controller design procedure has been implemented for the stabilization of longitudinal and
lateral dynamics of a X-38 Reusable Launch Vehicle. Apart from the Backstepping design procedure in which only nonlinearities had been taken care of, in the ABC design uncertainties associated with the constant parameters of the system is also
dealt with. Simulation results verify the fact that in the midst of non-linearities and uncertainties, the system asymptotically
converges to zero.
The relatively large estimation time and over-parametrization are the two disadvantages of this control scheme when
compared with the Backstepping design procedure. This can be reduced either by constrained adaptive backstepping method
or by incorporating a switching function with the parameter update law, which will be investigated as a part of the future
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