ATC Flight Plan
ATC Flight Plan
ATC Flight Plan
The above box is for the use of ATC and Communication Personnel. However, for the efficiency of
workflow of the ATC personnel at Chittagong Tower, we fill it up in accordance with the intended
flight that we are planning to fly.
Usually for Local Flights that we carry out mostly, we fill up the above box in the following manner:
Then you have to fill up the Originator box, which shall read the Tower to which the flight plan has
been submitted to:
Here you shall write either V for a VFR flight or I if an IFR flight is intended; and always write G
in the Type of Flight box.
Heres a quick reminder the VFR limits:
VMC visibility and distance from cloud minima are contained in the table below:
Altitude Band
The VMC minima in class A airspace are included for guidance to pilots and do not
imply acceptance of VFR flights in class A airspace.
Flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1500 m may be permitted for flight
Classes: A, B, C, D and E Airspace
VMC Minimum Flight Visibility and Distance from Cloud
Type of Aircraft box you shall write down the type of aircraft you intend to fly. For Cessna 152 write
down C-152 and for Cirrus SR 20 G3 write down SR-20. Note that there is a hyphen () in
between C and 152.
The Wake Turbulence Cat is always L for our training flights.
Item Number 10 (a,b): Equipment
Consult the following table for the meaning of the letters you shall write in the Equipment box.
The cruising speed shall start with N followed by 4 (Four) digits, like here for C-152 aircraft the
cruising speed is N0090. The altitude that you intend to maintain for the flight shall be written in 3
(Three) digits following the letter A. Those who will be flying routes in the Cirrus SR -20 aircraft
shall write down the desired Flight Level in 3 (Three) digits following the letter F like F060.
The route for local flights shall be VGEG-Local. When you shall fly Cross-country mission under VFR
conditions at low levels you shall write down the different legs and names of place with intended
track. For example, if you plan a cross-country mission starting from Chittagong to Chiringa, then to
Kutubdia, Bashkhali then back to Chittagong, you shall fill up the Route box as shown in the
following diagram:
When you shall file a flight plan for route flying it should be as follows. For a flight from VGEG to
VGHS at Flight Level 080 following the route G463:
Item number 16: Destination Aerodrome, Total EET, 1st/2nd ALTN Aerodrome
Item number 18: Other Information
Please consult the New ICAO flight plan format publication (Pg. 19-22). You can download a copy of
the said document at