Keely Presentation3
Keely Presentation3
Keely Presentation3
( note C red )
(note D orange)
( note E yellow )
(note F green )
(note G blue )
(note A indigo)
The Pleiades
The cochlea inside the ear as sensitive to musical notes and sound
Fibonacci in music
In the eighteenth-century,
German scientist and musician
Ernst Chaladni, known as the
father of acoustics
demonstrated, in simple, visual
experiments, that sound affects
When he drew a violin bow
around the edge of a plate
covered with fine sand, the sand
formed various geometric
patterns, as shown.
Fig 2 PatternsFormed
on a Bowed Chaladni
Throughout the ages certain individuals have had the ability to see
musical notes as colours.
The Om
Whether we can hear sound or not, we can say that the unique
frequency of all objects can be interpreted as sound
Master Morya
The crystals that are formed when water is shown positive words
are simply beautiful. The response of water to words of love and
gratitude, are positive words which give spirit to the water.
Your gaze has a special energy of its own, and while a gaze of
good intentions will give courage , an evil gaze will take it away
(change the crystal formed) As described by Plato later
Whenever you sit in front of water and send out messages of love
and gratitude , someone somewhere in the world is being filled
with love and gratitude. You dont need to go anywhere. The water
right in front of you is linked to all the water in the world. The
water you are looking at will resonate with all water everywhere,
and your message of love will reach all the people of the world.
Your Cute
Lets do it
You Fool
Do it!
Water crystal
of Fujiwara
Dam before a
Shinto prayer
Water crystal of
Fujiwara Dam
after offering a
Environmental Effects
Chlorinated water
Secret Doctrine:Glossary
field we become
sympathetic, and a
tendency from the
abnormal to the normal
presents itself by an
evolution of a purely
sympathetic flow towards
its attractive centres. It is
only under these
conditions that
differentiation (discord)
can be broken up, and a
pure equation [harmony,
health, oneness, peace]
"The science of the future
will be based on
Sympathetic Vibrations."
Rudolph Steiner, 1913
Story of Atlin
"Those parts which you named 'hockey
pucks' are actuators and each of them is
composed of a three-part alloy of other
elements especially designed so that the
three metals in them can modify and
re-transmit the sonic energies into higher energy ranges.
This they do within the sphere,
and they are compatible with the
desired energies needed to cause the
dynasphere to rotate."
These Neutral Centers are the controlling medium of transforming chaotic states into
states of non-motion or harmony. They constitute a fulcrum about which relative
motion acts : Neutral Centre Dynamics
Blavatsky on Keely
Blavatsky on Keely
Blavatsky on Keely
Clara Bloomfield-Moore
Individuals born with such a capacity are not very rare. That
they are not heard of more frequently is due to the fact that
they live and die, in almost every case, in utter ignorance of
being possessed of abnormal powers at all. Mr. Keely
possesses powers which are called abnormal just
because they happen in our day to be as little known as
blood circulation was before Harveys time.
And so does that principle in man which can control and
guide etheric vibratory force. At any rate it exists in all
those mortals whose inner selves are primordially
connected, by reason of their direct descent, with that
group of Dhyan-Chohans who are called the first-born of
The coal mines of the world cannot long afford the increasing
drain made upon them. Steam has reached its utmost limits of
power, and does not fulfil the requirements of the age. It knows
that its days are numbered. Electricity holds back, with bated
breath, dependent upon the approach of her sister colleague.
Air ships are riding at anchor, as it were, waiting for the force
which is to make aerial navigation something more than a
dream. As easily as men communicate with their offices from
their homes by means of the telephone, so will the inhabitants
of separate continents talk across the ocean. Imagination is
palsied when seeking to foresee the grand results of this
marvellous discovery, when once it is applied to art and
mechanics. In taking the throne which it will force steam to
abdicate, dynaspheric force will rule the world with a power so
mighty in the interests of civilization, that no finite mind can
conjecture the results.
We say and maintain that Sound, for one thing, is a tremendous Occult
power; that it is a stupendous force, of which the electricity generated by
a million of Niagaras could never counteract the smallest potentiality
when directed with occult knowledge. Sound may be produced of such a
nature that the pyramid of Cheops would be raised in the air, or that a
dying man, nay, one at his last breath, would be revived and filled with
new energy and vigour.
For Sound generates, or rather attracts together, the elements that
produce an ozone.
Ozone In chemistry, is an allotropic form of oxygen, having a triatomic
instead of a diatomic molecule, and being more active chemically on
account of the ease with which the molecule parts with one of its atoms.
Blavatsky stated that sound generates an ozone such as cannot be made
by chemistry.
Vibration of a String:
One dimension LENGTH
Vibration of Drum:
Two dimensions LENGTH
Vibration of a Bell:
Three dimensions
If the spherical bell has its fundamental at middle C, then this tone
spha, will lie just above F-sharp.
Chart of Sinuses
Pineal & Pituitary sections of the brain, the Pituitary is connected to the
6th Chakra. This gland is connected to second sight or psychic abilities.
In the practice of Pranayama Yoga the breathing exercises using nasal
techniques stimulate the Prana in the body and the Pituitary gland.
Molecular Chart
Chart Defining the Arrangement of the different Atoms and Corpuscles of
Matter as contained in their respective Envelopes free of intensified Vibration
What Mr. Keely says of Sound and Colour is also correct from the Occult standpoint. Hear him talk as though he were the nursling of the Gods-revealers, and had
gazed all his life into the depths of Father-Mother Aether. (Blavatsky)
According to the Secret Doctrine the Himalayas are the heart chakra of the
world. And is extended by a belt around the world. This belt is on the same
latitude from the Himalayas to Houston where Alcea is based.
A number of dynaspheres are located around the globe, the next one will be in Africa
It flows around and animates her (mother earths) body. Its one end
issues from her head; it becomes foul at her feet (the Southern Pole). It
gets purified (on its return) to her heart which beats under the foot of
the sacred Shambalah, which then (in the beginnings) was not yet
born. For it is in the belt of mans dwelling (the earth) that lies
concealed the life and health of all that lives and breathes. During the
first and second (races) the belt was covered with the great waters.
(But) the great mother travailed under the waves and a new land was
joined to the first one which our wise men call the head-gear (the cap).
She travailed harder for the third (race) and her waist and navel
appeared above the water.
It was the belt, the sacred Himavat,(Himalaya), which stretches around
the world.* She broke toward the setting sun from her neck downward
(to the south west), into many lands and islands, but the eternal land
(the cap) broke not asunder.
Age of Aquarius
Master Morya
Master Morya
Master Morya
Adepts of Ether
As Uranus for the majority will have greater affinity with the pineal
gland than the Sun, the whole procedure of co-relating the ductless
glands of the physical etheric body will start with the head, and
descend into the subconscious by means of the fourth or Uranian
subdivision of the ether. When the subconscious mind has yielded up
all its secrets and is entirely under the control of the will, the lifeforce will become quickened and ascend through the third or
Jupiterian subdivision, and the future initiate will comprehend the
mystery of the dual sign Gemini and acquire the power to control the
cerebro-spinal system under the direction of his Master.'s a
(Secret Doctrine)
Encyclopaedia glossary