0641 BlueGaffDeck
0641 BlueGaffDeck
0641 BlueGaffDeck
Pick up the first pile with the right hand, three face down cards on top of the ace
face up gaffed card squared.
Bring the right hand up to make a sort of throw deal, push off the top card with
the right fingers, and throw it face up on the table with a quick turn of the wrist.
Raise the hand again to throw deal the second card, but this time push out the
gaffed ace by throwing it ace side down next to the first card thrown. Continue
with the third and fourth cards. Proceed to do this with each packet to make the
aces vanish.
Now have the spectator remove his hand and turn over his cards, there are all
four aces.
On My Mind Again:
You will need the following cards for this one, the three blank face red back
cards, the three blank face blue backed cards and the Jack of Diamonds/Hearts
with red back and the Jack of Spades/Clubs with the blue back. This is very
similar to Parade of the Kings but with a different ending. Place the Spade/Club
jack face up in the face down red blank facers second up from the bottom. No
place the Diamond/Heart jack face up second from the bottom in the packet of
three face down blank face blue backs.
To perform, bring out both packets and place them side by side about 6 inches
apart in front of you on the table. Have a spectator name red or black, free
choice. Whichever she names, slide the packet with that color Jacks in it
towards her. Now have her name her favorite of the color she picked. Say she
picked black and you pushed the packet towards her with teh black Jacks in it.
Now she names say Spades. Spread the packet so that it shows the Jack she
Now ask her if she were to have selected red, which of those would she have
picked, heart or diamond? Whichever she names, spread the cards to the right of
left to reveal her selection again. Now explain that you are not done yet,
because the cards that she named actually came from the opposite piles, remove
the Jacks by pulling them out and turning them over to show different colored
backs as they come from each spread.
Mention that these two cards were really the only two on her mind, and pick up
each of the packets of the other three cards and spread them face up showing
that they are blank faced.
Princess Cards:
There are 4 red backed cards in your deck that have double court cards, Jack of
Hearts/Diamonds, Queen of Clubs/Spades, Queen of Diamonds/Hearts, and the
Jack of Spades/Clubs. You will also need a regular red backed King of
Diamonds from an old deck.
Place the King of Diamonds face up on top of the four face up double cards.
Spread to the right as you show the cards and have the spectator merely think of
one card. Close the fan, then turn the cards 180 degrees and spread them
facing you. Remove the King of Diamonds and place it in your pocket. Now hold
the remaining four cards with your thumb covering the pip in the bottom right
corner of the fan.
Ask the spectator to name their thought of card, you show the cards and sure
enough their card is not there.
You could have 4 regular cards to match the four seen behind the King in the
beginning so that when you show their card has vanished, you can reach into
your pocket and pull out the matching card.
Million Dollar Monte:
You get two sets of these cards in your deck, one set in blue and one set in red.
Each set consists of three cards, an Ace of Diamonds with a 2 of clubs index in
one corner. A Two of Clubs with an Ace of Diamonds index in one corner and a
regular 3 of Clubs. To set up: place the ace with the 2 index in the lower right
corner on the table, on top of this place the 2 with the Ace index in the lower right
corner, and on top of both place the 3 of clubs.
Show the cards by spreading them down and to the right concealing the corner
pips. Close the spread and turn them face down end for end from the top down,
now turn the cards over side to side. Spread the cards facing yourself and mix
them a bit returning them to the same order. Spread the cards towards yourself
and ask them to guess where the ace is. No matter what they answer, tilt the
cards forward to show it in the middle. Turn the cards face down and slide the
middle card out placing it face down on the table with the ace to the lower left.
Spread the two cards left in the hand slightly to show a 2 and 3 of clubs. Close
these cards, turn them top to bottom and side to side and spread wide to show
and ace and a 3, be careful not to expose the corner of the ace. Pick up the card
on the table with the right hand fingers on top and thumb sliding under to conceal
the corner pip when the card is shown.
Place it under the two in the hand and turn the packet top to bottom and side to
side again. Mix the cards again and bring them back to the original position and
repeat what you just did above. After you have done this twice and gathered the
cards up again, mix the cards with the 2 in the middle.
Tilt the cards down showing the 2 in the middle and then tilt up as you remove
the middle card and place it on the table with the 2 in the lower left corner. Show
the ace and 3 in the left hand and then close them together, turn the cards top to
bottom and side to side and spread wide showing the 2 and 3 in the hands. Pick
up the card on the table with the fingers on top and thumb going under to conceal
the 2 index as you turn the card over showing it is now the ace. Slide this card
under the other two and spread them again wide and down to the right showing
ace, 2, and 3 without exposing the index corners.
Card Wave:
Your three blue backed Jokers can be used with any of the four red backed
double enders from the Princess cards to make up a card wave.
Use the card with the 4 tens printed on it. The effect is that you mention that you
have a perfect hand the 5 tens, but wait a minute, there are only 4 tens in a
deck. You turn the spread face down and sure enough one of the cards has a
red back so you exchange it in your pocket for an ace. After a few bits of by play
the ace and 4 tens change into a royal flush. and the best part is the cards can
be handed out for examination at the end.
You will need from a blue backed deck the royal flush in spades (10, J, Q, K,
Ace). Place the King on the table face up, on top of it place the Queen face up,
then the jack face up the gimmicked card and then the 10 of spades face up on
top. Place the ace in the breast pocket and you are all set.
Remove the cards and spread the top ten to the right making it look like you have
5 tens. Close the cards together, and turn face down and spread. Seeing the
red card, you remove it keeping its face towards yourself as you place it in the
breast pocket and bring forth the ace. Drop the ace face down on top of the face
down packet. The face card is the regular 10. After a few gags, you spread the
cards and turn them over one by one showing the perfect hand the Royal Flush.
You will use the red backed half and half card showing a half 5 of hearts and half
7 of clubs on its face. You will also need a red deck and some roughing spray.
Spray the face of the half and half card, and the back of a single card from the
deck. Now holding the deck face up, place the rough backed card on the face
and then place the rough face half and half on top of it. When you hold the deck
up you should be facing the half and half card and behind it is the rough back
card. Put this deck in its case and you are set.
Remove the deck keeping the faces towards yourself. Spread the cards in a fan
and remove the two regular cards from the deck that matches the half and half ,
the seven of clubs and the 5 of hearts, place them face down on the table and
have a spectator place their hand over them so they cannot move. Now holding
the deck face down in the right hand hindu shuffle off the top of the deck into the
left hand palm a few cards at a time until a spectator says stop. When they say
stop tilt up showing the face of the pack still in the right hand but slide the fingers
so they cover one half of the card showing. Have them remember that card, then
slide that packet under the ones in the left hand once again setting the gaffed
cards back in the same order at the face of the deck. Now turn the deck end for
end face down as you have a second spectator tell you to stop as you hindu
shuffle again. Repeat the same procedure this time covering the half the first
spectator saw and showing the other half to the second spectator.
Once again slide this packet under the packet in the left hand. Now you will just
shuffle the cards from the right hand into the left hand reversing them and
allowing the last two to reverse bringing the rough surfaces together.
Cut the deck in half and complete the cut placing this paired set of cards in the
Now ask them both to announce their selected cards, and ribbon spread the
cards face up. Their cards are gone.
Have the first person move their hand and turn over the two cards you placed
face down before the trick began. They match, a perfect miracle.
Card in Plastic Plates:
Here is where you will use one of the two cards you are supplied that have a
blank back. You have a King of Spades with a blank back and a 10 of Hearts
with a blank back. You will use only one of these cards, and you will also need
two pieces of plexi glass 1/8th. in. thick measuring 4 x 5 inches, a few wide
rubber bands and two pieces of white cardboard.
If you place the blank backed card in between the two clear plexi pieces, you
want to band it on all four sides so the band covers the edge of the card on all
four sides. If you were to place this down against a piece of white cardboard, the
card vanishes and the plexi pieces look empty, sort of a black art effect but white
instead of black.
Let us say you have the king in the plexi, turn it over so the white side is
uppermost, and place it on top of the one piece of white cardboard. Now you
want to force the King of Spades by your favorite method on the spectator. After
forcing the card, shuffle it back into the deck. Show the plexi banded pieces and
cover the two pieces that are banded with the second piece of white cardboard.
Turn the whole thing over end for end as you are putting the assembly on the
table of into a spectators hand.
Riffle the cards towards the assembly then remove the top cardboard piece
revealing the card is sealed inside the two plexi pieces. The bands can be
removed and the card can be taken out of the plexi pieces and shown, just be
that the 9's have now changed to Queens, as you drop the Queens one by one
onto the table face up. The last card, which is the real Queen, can be casually
shown front and back as you point to the face down 9's on the table.
Take the Queen and slide her under and of the cards on the table, then turn it
over a couple of times and snap the fingers and spread a card in each hand and
turn them both over as you drop one onto the pile of four double facers that are
Queen side showing. You repeat this with each card one by one as you change
those four face down cards into Queens. A suggestion is to take the last pair and
have a spectator hold them while you snap your fingers and allow the spectator
to separate and turn over the cards, that way the miracle happens in their hands.
Monkey with a Kick:
In this version of the Monkey in the Middle trick, you will use the gaffed card
that is blue and red on the back with the red card slightly off to one side. This
cards face is a 5 of Spades. You will also need a blue-backed 5 of Clubs and a
red backed deck. Place the gaffed card face down on top followed by the 5 of
Clubs on top of that.
Pick up the deck and slightly spread the top two cards to show only the blue
backs, Pick up both cards and tilt them up to show the faces. Both cards are
now placed on the table squared. Pick up the red deck and have a card freely
selected and it can even be signed. Have it returned and control it to the top of
the deck. Now snap your fingers over the deck and the two cards on the table.
Spread the two cards on the table slightly to show a red card in between the
two blue cards. As soon as you do this ask the spectator what card he selected,
as he says his card, you get a little finger break under the top card (his card).
Pick up the two cards which look like three and drop them on top of the deck,
then lift all three cards above the break and drop them face up on the table
spreading them so they separate into three individual card one next to the other.
You can hand the signed card to the spectator to keep.
The Open Prediction:
This trick uses the double face card that shows a 7 of Spades on each side.
You will need a 7 of Spades with an odd back and a deck of cards. Place the
double facer against the face of the odd backed card and slip them both in the
pocket. You also need a glass that will allow say three cards to stand upright in
Place the glass on the table, reach into your pocket and remove both cards as
one and place them as one in the glass reminding them that this 7 of Spades is a
prediction. Now spread the deck face down on the table and have a spectator
slide one card forward without looking at its face, this card is placed in the glass
in front of the double facer so its back is facing the spectator. You then turn the
glass around so they see the odd backed card, you draw that card up and out of
the glass and they see the 7 of Spades in the glass which is their selection and
you turn the odd backed 7 of Spades around showing they both match.
Pocket to Pocket:
There are two very unique cards in this deck; they have bicycle backs on one
side and Tally-Ho on the other. You will be using just one card for this trick say
the Blue Tally-Ho/Red Bicycle. You will also need a Blue Tally-Ho Ace of
Spades and Red Bicycle King of Diamonds. Place the double backed card in
your pocket with the bicycle side facing away from you. Have the two regular
cards in a wallet or envelope.
Remove the two cards and show them calling attention to the fact that they
are very easy to tell apart since the backs are very different from each other.
Place both cards in a spectators jacket pocket with the king closest to his body.
Explain that you are going to do an observation test, reach into his pocket and
remove the ace by showing just the Tally- Ho back as it comes out, place it in
your pocket off to the side.
Now ask what card they have left, naturally they will answer the King. Have
him remove the card and sure enough he is right. Now tell him that you are
going to do this again. Have him put the king back in his pocket.
You now reach into your pocket and bring forth the double backer with the
blue tally ho side showing. Place this is his pocket with the king. Now tell him
ready? Reach into his pocket and remove the double backer with the red side
showing so he sees the red back and place it in your own pocket. Ask which he
has left, he will answer the blue backed ace. Let him reach into his pocket
and he now finds the Red backed King. You reach into your own pocket and
bring out the Blue backed Tally-Ho ace and both cards can now be examined.
Thought Transpo:
This uses the gaff with the four cards printed on it. You will need a deck of
cards to match the gaff (red back) and four Jokers. Place three Jokers on the
table then the gaffed card face up and last the fourth Joker face up on top. From
the deck remove the four cards that match the gaff cards the 2 of Spades-6 of
diamonds-7 of Clubs and the 10 of Hearts. Place these in your pocket with the 2
closest to the body.
Pick up the packet of cards and slide the joker down enough to give a display
of 5 cards with the joker being at the face. Have a spectator merely think of one
of the cards, but tell them not to think of the Joker, as that is too obvious a card.
Now close the spread and say that you will remove 1 card. Reach up and fan the
cards removing the gaffed card keeping its back to the spectator as you place the
gaffed card in your pocket but lay it sideways to the stacked set of four in there
already. Ask them what the card was they were thinking of, they name it and you
reach into your pocket and withdraw their card by simply counting from the body
out to the card they named.
This card is brought forth and placed on the table, and then you say that its a
good thing that is the card they thought of, because the alternative would have
been a joke, so saying turn each of the Jokers over one at a time and drop them
on the table. All 5 cards can be examined.
For this you will use the four Jacks with different backs and the double back
red/blue bicycle card. Place the double back card on the table red side up, and
then place the four Jacks face up on top, the order does not matter.
Holding the cards in the right hand palm down, thumb to the back and fingers
to the front, the left hand comes over and with the left thumb draws the top face
up jack into the left hand. This is repeated with each jack and lastly the last jack,
which is actually two cards held as one are dropped on top of the others and
squared. You have shown four jacks.
This is repeated the same way showing the second card is face down, the next
count; the last card is face down. Twice more and you are back to four face up
jacks. Three will be in the left hand and the fourth will be in the right hand with
the double backer held two as one. Now reverse the order of the cards shifting
the two as one first then the other three jacks. Now lift the packet held in the
same position and show that the backs have changed by tilting the hand upright
for them to see the back. The right hand turns down and a jack is taken off the
top, the turning is repeated Twice again and then the last card is dropped on top
two as one.
The whole packet is turned face down and they see another design back. The
left fingers slides the bottom card out and into the left hand. Then the next two
are counted from the right into the left hand from the top. The last two as one go
on top and you have a spread of 4 different colored backs.
Turn the whole packet over face up and do the same, slide the bottom card out
into the left hand then the two single cards off the top and last the two held as
one, showing that they are still jacks.
2008 Magic Makers, Inc.