Artículo Analogo (BCTP)
Artículo Analogo (BCTP)
Artículo Analogo (BCTP)
Doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12019
Metabolic syndrome, syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome has been the focus of attention during the past 80 years
[1]. Its importance lies in its multiple, interrelated risk factors
for metabolic origin, which can lead to the development of
diseases such as atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
dyslipidaemia, high blood pressure, elevated plasma glucose,
prothrombotic state and pro-inflammatory state [2]. Other factors associated with metabolic syndrome are abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) [3].
The main causes for the increase in the disease are obesity
and diabetes mellitus among populations with a sedentary life
pattern [4,5].
L-carnitine is synthesized by mammals as a result of the
synthesis of amino acids such as lysine or methionine and is
also obtained from the diet [6,7]. Carnitine is an essential factor in transporting the long-chain fatty acids (acyl CoA) from
the cytoplasm into the mitochondria where the beta-oxidation
takes place [8]. A large body of evidence suggests that carnitine and its derivatives acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine
enhance glucose utilization by stimulating the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex [9], which is a key enzymatic
complex in glucose oxidation, because intramitochondrial
acetyl-CoA can be converted with carnitine into acetylL-carnitine (ALC) via the carnitine acetyltransferase that is
then transported out of the mitochondria [10]. L-Carnitine is
an amine key substrate in a family of carnitine acyltransferases, transferred reversibly between active units of acyl carnitine and co-enzyme A to preserve homoeostasis for a wide
range of traffic that are crucial for acyl intermediary metabolism and cellular regulation [11].
Various analogues of L-carnitine have been synthesized to
study their mode of action and the structural features of their
binding sites [12,13]. The phosphorus analogues of naturally
occurring amino acids, which are produced by certain organisms, are of great interest in bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. The replacement of the carboxylic acid functional
group in biologically important molecules by phosphonic
acids continues to attract much interest in these fields [14
16]. Much of the progress in this area has been associated
with the phosphorus analogues of amino acids. These compounds have a tetrahedral configuration due to the presence
of the phosphorus atom, so they serve as stable analogues of
the unstable tetrahedral intermediate formed in enzymatic
processes. In a previous work [17], we evaluated the efficacy
and safety of two analogues of L-carnitine in insulin-resistant
Wistar rats with a high fructose diet. That study demonstrated that both analogues maintained the pharmacological
properties of L-carnitine and could improve the alterations
present in insulin-resistant treats; however and according to
the results, they varied in potency, effectiveness and toxicity.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of bhydroxy phosphonate analogue of L-carnitine under different
parameters involved with metabolic syndrome in obese Zucker rats.
Materials and Methods
Chemical synthesis of L-carnitine analogue. The starting material was
b-hydroxyphosphonate 4, obtained by modifying the method reported
by Ordez et al. [18]. The b-hydroxyphosphonate 4 was used in the
next reactions directly without isolation as a diastereomeric mixture.
MeOH, 37-40 C
MeOH, 37-39 C
I- +NMe
-hydroxyphosphonate 3
(Analog of L-carnitine)
I- +NMe
Body-weight gain and food consumption of obese Zucker rats.
The obese Zucker fa/fa rats were characterized by weight gain
and an increase in liver and serum triglyceride and cholesterol
levels throughout the period of the experiment (data not
shown). Body-weight gain and food consumption for both the
control and the obese groups are shown in fig. 2. After
5 weeks, obese Zucker fa/fa rats had gained 239 9.8 g
(fig. 2A), an increase in 84% compared with lean rats
(p < 0.05). At the end of treatment, animals treated with L-carnitine
and the analogue (100 and 250 mg/kg) had gained 245 18,
245 20 and 230 17 g in each case, 7788% when compared with lean rats (p < 0.05); no significant differences were
found between the experimental groups. All animals had a
gradual increase in body-weight, as can be seen in fig. 2A,
even though food amounts remained constant throughout
entire study and regardless of treatment.
Biochemical findings in obese Zucker rats.
Figure 3A shows the serum and liver glucose levels in obese
Zucker rats treated with carnitine and the analogue. No changes
in glucose levels were observed in serum from animals treated
with carnitine and analogue at 100 mg/kg. However, a significant increase (14%) was observed in animals receiving the analogue in 250 mg/kg doses. As we can see, obese animals
tended to increase their hepatic glucose levels, but this was not
statistically significant. Obese animals treated with L-carnitine
for 5 weeks did not show significant changes in liver glucose
levels when compared with obese rats. A reduction in liver glucose was nevertheless observed in obese animals treated with
100 mg/kg (30%) of the analogue (p < 0.05). Figure 3B shows
the results of the analysis of liver glycogen content. As shown,
the amount of liver glycogen changed in obese rats, resulting
in a 3.4 times increase when compared with the control group
(p < 0.05). Animals treated with L-carnitine showed an
increase in 48.3% in liver glycogen (p < 0.05), while animals
Fig. 2. Effect of the analogue on weight gain and food intake. (A) Corporal weight was quantified every week during 5 weeks. (B) Food consumption was monitored every day during 5 weeks. All groups
consisted of six animals. A100 = analogue at 100 mg/kg; A250 = analogue at 250 mg/kg. *p < 0.05: statistically significantly different from
the control group; #p < 0.05: statistically significantly different from
obese rats.
Obese + Car
g/100 g
mg/dl/g of protein
Obese + Car
Obese + A100
Obese + A250
Fig. 3. Pharmacological effects of the analogue on glucose and glycogen from obese Zucker rats. (A) Hepatic and serum levels of glucose.
(B) Hepatic glycogen content. Each bar represents the mean S.E.M.
in experiments performed in duplicate. All groups consisted of six animals. For abbreviations, see fig. 2. *p < 0.05: statistically significantly
different from the control group; #p < 0.05: statistically significantly
different from obese rats. &p < 0.05: statistically significantly different
from L-carnitine group.
treated with 100 and 250 mg/kg of the analogue also showed a
49.3% and 48% increase in glycogen liver content when compared with obese rats (p < 0.05).
To know the effect of treatment on oral glucose tolerance,
we administered a bolus of 3 g/kg of glucose to animals and
quantified the plasma glucose concentrations. As can be seen
in fig. 4, obese animals had high concentrations of glucose,
remaining almost constant between 15 and 120 min., when
compared with the control group (AUC 54926 3547 versus
8751 987) (p < 0.05). On the other hand, animals treated
with L-carnitine showed a similar pattern to that observed in
the control group (AUC 6711 1890 versus 8751 987),
and there was a reduction in 88% in AUC when compared
with obese rats (p < 0.05). The patterns shown by analoguetreated animals, however, depended on the dose. Those treated
with 100 mg/kg had a pattern similar to that of the control
group (AUC 6892 2100 versus 8751 987) and a reduction
in 87.5% in AUC was observed in comparison with obese rats
(p < 0.05). The pattern of those treated with 250 mg/kg, on
the other hand, was very similar to that of the obese rats
(AUC 48791 4598 versus 54926 3547).
Figure 5 shows the insulin and leptin levels found in all
animals. As we can see, the insulin levels in obese animals
showed an important increase (20 times) (p < 0.05). Animals
treated with L-carnitine did not show any changes when compared with obese rats. Animals treated with 100 or 250 mg/kg
of the analogue tended to reduce slightly the insulin levels;
however, they were not significant. On the other hand, the leptin levels in obese animals showed also an important increase
(13 times) (p < 0.05); however, neither L-carnitine nor analogue modified the leptin levels.
Figure 6A shows that cholesterol serum levels increased by
62% in obese rats when compared with the control group.
However, obese animals treated with L-carnitine and 100 or
250 mg/kg of the analogue did not show significant changes
Fig. 7. Effects of the analogue on hepatic and serum triglycerides levels in obese Zucker rats. Each bar represents the mean S.E.M. in
experiments performed in duplicate. All groups consisted of six animals. For abbreviations, see fig. 2. *p < 0.05: statistically significantly
different from the control group; #p < 0.05: statistically significantly
different from obese rats. &p < 0.05: statistically significantly different
from L-carnitine group.
Fig. 8. Effect of the analogue on liver slices histopathology. (A) Lean rat, (B) Obese rat, (C) Obese + carnitine, (D) Obese + A100 and (E)
Obese + A250. Liver slices were taken after 5 weeks of treatment. Arrows means microvesicular fatty infiltration; asterisk means the presence of
inflammatory cells. Haematoxilin and Eosin stain, magnification 9250.
Metabolic syndrome has been recognized in medical literature
for over 80 years. It does not constitute a single illness.
Instead, it can be defined as a group of health problems
caused by genetic and environmental factors and the common,
fundamental pathogenic component of which is insulin resistance. These problems may occur simultaneously or one by
one, but their joint appearance in a single individual is significant given that these patients are more prone to CVD in general and to coronary disease in particular [21,22].
L-carnitine, a constituent of plasma and tissues, is biosynthesized from lysine and methionine in the liver [6]. It plays an
essential role in the transportation of free fatty acids into the
mitochondrial matrix for subsequent b-oxidation [6]. L-carnitine
occurs naturally in food items, especially red meat and fish.
The amounts ingested in a normal diet are, however, insufficient to meet the requirements of the entire body [8]. A biosynthetic pathway for L-carnitine has already been identified in
mammals, including human beings. Our study evaluated a
b-hydroxyphosphonate analogue of L-carnitine to identify its
pharmacological effects on certain parameters of metabolic
Genetically, obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats have proven being a
useful model for the study of metabolic syndrome because
they display several metabolic alterations, including obesity,
impaired glucose tolerance and liver steatosis [2325]. The
present study showed that obese rats suffered an increase in
triglycerides and cholesterol (in both serum and liver) as well
as liver glycogen and fatty liver and that L-carnitine treatment
improved liver cholesterol, serum TG, glucogen and oral glucose tolerance in this model. The present results demonstrated
that the b-hydroxyphosphonate analogue improved the phar-