Pipeline Tow Method
Pipeline Tow Method
Pipeline Tow Method
ir. M.L,
nr: 1 3 7 9 0 2 0 2
By: M . L .
Department of C i v i l
Tow techniques for marine pipelines frequently offer competitive and commercially
attactive solutions over other installation methods and, on occasion, may represent
the only alternative to traditional techniques. An assessment is also made of where
each tow method is applicable and technically feasible.
Tow methods for marine pipeline installation are technically feasible and
economically competitive with other installation procedures, and in some circumstances may represent the only alternative to conventional techniques. The four tow
methods discussed in this paper each require the support of tow vessels such as seagoing tugs, as shown in Figure 1. The methods may be listed as follows:
Bottom tow
Off-bottom tow
Surface tow
Constant tow depth (CTD) or sub-surface tow
Regardless of which of these methods is employed, their main feature or restriction
is the limited length of pipe that can be towed. However, the increasing use of
subsea completions, the continuing development of deepwater fields, and the
growing utilization of early production systems - all of which require the
installation of relatively short-length marine pipelines - are effective in promoting
the adoption of tow techniques. For towing and maneuvering operations, the tow
forces are constrained by the performance capabilities of existing equipment.
Typically, tow vessels are limited to less than 2000 kN (220 Tons) ballard pull,
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and tow. speeds to between 2 and 6 knots (1 to 3 m/s). Where winch barges or
onshore pull winches are employed, then pull speeds are further restricted, but pull
forces can be increased up to 8000 k N (880 Tons.) at pull speeds of 5 to 15 m / m l n .
Large diameter and heavy pipe can be installed, as can bundled or otherwise
d i f f i c u l t pipe configurations. These designs would be slow or impossible to
install by lay barge.
If first or second end ( i . e . leading and trailing end) connections are feasible,
preferably using mechanical connectors, then significant reductions in construction
time and cost can be achieved relative to traditional t i e - i n methods. These
connection methods do not require spool pieces or sophisticated procedures, nor
they involve large t i e - i n spreads. Apart from the pipelines, tow vessel and
over 1500 mm
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For a marine pipeline system, the main objective is to be able to install and
operate the line w i t h the minimum of risk. Pipeline installation by one of the tow
methods requires a different sequence of design and construction phases than conventional installation. The basic phases which must be individually checked to
ensure successful performance comprise f a b r i c a t i o n , tow, connection, and operating
- Phase 1) Onshore fabrication:
launchway, and the line may frequently be fabricated as a series of long strings
which are welded together when the pipe is launched into the water. If possible
however, the line should be fabricated as a single string, enabling the entire
system to be hydrotested onshore and launched more q u i c k l y . During handling and
launching of the p i p e l i n e , its weight out of the water is considerably greater
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small tolerances during fabrication. This is because both the negative buoyancy
and the tow forces are sensitive to variations In w e i g h t . The use of correct
launchway design and construction procedures is
Is needed to enable selection of the tow method and/or route which w i l l ensure
safe levels of pipe stress during towing, with limited bending of the pipe string
and acceptable tension levels. Where the route passes through deep water,
For the second, or trailing end connection, an accurate seabed survey and
precise positioning of the connection point are required when determining p i p e line length. If the pipeline is too long, the pipe may be overstressed; and if
too short, i t may be d i f f i c u l t to execute the connection.
A careful analysis and accurate calculation are needed to minimize the risks
inherent in incorrect design of pipeline length, especially when contrasted
against reliable but more expensive conventional t i e - i n methods. In general i t is
feasible to attain the main advantages of second end connection, namely speed
of completion, reduced costs, and an acceptable degree of r e l i a b i l i t y .
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t i e - i n , is recommended.
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The bottom pull method has been extensively employed on marine pipeline projects,
and has established an excellent
winches at fixed locations such as onshore, on anchored barges and, more recently,
on platforms where i t has been used to perform t i e - i n s . In the near future, i t w i l l
also be used on ice platforms for instal ling offshore pipelines in the A r c t i c .
With the bottom tow method, as shown in Figure 1 , a p i p e l i n e is towed along the
seabed by a tug to which i t is attached by a long c a b l e . The line may be a
single pipe or a bundle of pipes, as illustrated in Figure 2 . From vertical and
horizontal equilibrium, the maximum length of pipeline that can be towed using
available tow vessels, may be estimated by assuming: firstly that the pipe bottom
is in direct and continuous contact with the seabed, with no spans being present;
secondly that the system has a uniform negative buoyancy along its entire length;
and t h i r d l y , that the coefficients of f r i c t i o n between the pipe and the tow route
are known, based on reliable data concerning the seabed soils configuration and
the pipe characteristics.
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The formulae for evaluation of skin friction coefficients for cohesive and noncohesive soils have been developed and documented by Potyondy [ 7 ] . In the case
of submarine pipelines, other factors contributing to determination of the f r i c t i o n
coefficients are:
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Pipe Stability
To maximize the pipeline length and/or optimize the tow speeds and forces for
long distance bottom tow by tugs, the negative buoyancy of the system must be
minimized. The negative buoyancy and stability of the line are determined by risk
analysis rather than by standard stability c r i t e r i a . To quantify the risks, the
f o l l o w i n g factors may be taken into consideration:
- The expected maximum bottom current velocities during tow-out and operation of
the l i n e .
- The possible use of a holdback tension vessel during t o w - o u t , or a holdback
anchor when stationary, to enhance s t a b i l i t y .
For weight-coated pipes, the spoilage, abrasion and water absorption of the
The probable need for a more reliable survey when weight-coated pipe is being
Strict control of weight and dimensional tolerances during pipe manufacture and the
application of protective or weight coatings, is recommended. The negative
buoyancy, and hence also pipe stability and t o w - o u t , are very sensitive to small
changes in w e i g h t . For an accurate estimate of the negative buoyancy obtained
during installation, every item which contributes to the weight must be considered
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and checked. This operation, which is in addition to the strict control of weight
during f a b r i c a t i o n , should Include:
- Seawater density and temperature, to f a c i l i t a t e evaluation of positive buoyancy
Field joints, i . e .
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As identified in Figure 3, tow parameters such as the l i f t - o f f distance ' Y ' ; the
tensions at points ' 1 ' and ' 2 ' ; and the maximum stresses at section ' 2 ' - ' 3 ' , may,
w i t h some assumptions, be obtained from the equilibrium equations f the system
and by use of the f o l l o w i n g procedures:
Normal catenary equations for the link cable over section ' 1 ' - ' 2 ' .
- Equations derived from elastic beam theory and small deflections for section
'2' - ' 3 ' of the suspended pipe: these are solved for boundary conditions where
the pipeline is horizontal on the seabed from touchdown point ' 3 ' ; and where
there are no bending moments at ' 3 ' or at the pipe end ' 2 ' . (For further d e t a i l s ,
see analysis of the constant tow depth method).
The operational differences between the 'conventional' and 'modified' bottom tow
methods, may be summarized as follows:
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- Continuous application of tension is required for safety reasons, while the pipe
is lifted off the sea bottom.
Pay-out of the cable and changes in tension are necessary when concluding the
tow, and to ensure safe lay-down of the lead-end of the pipe on the seabed.
Monitoring charts listing tow parameters such as a schedule of tensions and cable
lengths, are required with the modified bottom tow method for use during
i n i t i a t i o n and termination of towing.
With careful planning and supervision, it should be possible to achieve the same
levels of r e l i a b i l i t y with the two methods.
Installation Stresses
The stresses used for design purposes are those induced by the forces acting on the
p i p e l i n e . They are mainly functions of;
- Maximum water depth since i t determines external hydrostatic pressure
The stress-strain limits and associated safety factors are derived from the appropriate
design codes and related c r i t e r i a . For maximum combined stresses, the total stress
may be calculated as a function of longitudinal and circumferential stresses as
formulated, for example, by the Huber-Hencky-von Mises expression.
The longitudinal stress is a function of tow conditions, water depths, pipe geometry
and seabed configuration. For practical purposes, only the extreme conditions are
assessed. From an analysis of the Von Mises formula, i t may be seen that the
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For design purposes, one possibly conservative approach which may be adopted is
as follows:
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Introduce air or gas to the pipeline at a pressure sufficient to reduce the effects
of the hydrostatic head without significantly increasing the negative buoyancy.
The degree of Internal pressurization may be based on the criteria for buckle
initiation pressure as presented by Mesloh et al [10] . As per this reference,
the theoretical collapse pressure for a long, straight and perfectly round pipe
subjected to external pressure may be calculated using standard elasticity theory.
- Calculate the minimum bending radius for the pipeline which avoids b u c k l i n g ,
using Ikedo's empirical expression [ 1 0 , 111 . As per these references, which
relate only to bending and external pressure, the theoretial collapse bending
moment at atmospheric pressure may be determined using standard elasticity
The off-bottom tow technique as shown in Figure 1 , may be considered as a
variation of the bottom tow method. The main distinguished feature is
that the
pipeline is floating at a uniform height off the seabed. Negative buoyancy and
stability are introduced by means of chains, and positive buoyancy or l i f t force
may be provided by the buoyancy of the pipeline itself, or by pontoons or floats
attached to the l i n e , as illustrated in Figure 2 . Following installation of the l i n e ,
the floats may be released to the water surface, of flooded on the. seabed.
Provision for this operation is made beforehand, during f a b r i c a t i o n .
The length and weight of the chains are a function firstly of the lateral stability
analysis w i t h the iine at rest, and secondly of the tow speed. In the static case,
the negative buoyancy and lateral stability of the system are determined by the
weight and length of the chains. During tow, the longitudinal drag forces on the chains
reduce the length of chain which is in contact with the seabed. To confirm that the
chains w i l l maintain the pipeline at a set height above the seabed,it Is recommended
that a stability analysis of the system is made, during tow.
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Smaller tow forces at the start and during towing may be expected because of: a) Lighter pipe and probable lower negative buoyancy of the system, after risk
and stability analysis
b) Soil friction forces relate only to the lengths of chain in contact with the
seabed, and even this contact is reduced during tow as a result of the drag
forces on the chains.
c) The lack of contact of the pipeline with the seabed, resulting in an absence
of adhesion or skin friction forces.
- With the system floating off the bottom, there are less risks of damage or
abrasion to the pipeline from contact with the seabed, or from impacts.
With this method a p i p e l i n e , buoyed with floats or pontoons as shown in Figure 1,
is towed on or near the sea surface to the location where i t is to be installed.
Taking into consideration the influences of the environment, the pipe characteristics
and the installation equipment, the line may be lowered to the seabed in one of
the f o l l o w i n g ways:
a) By coordinated release of the floafs or pontoons, a procedure which can only be
used in shallow water depths - probably less than 20 m - where l i t t l e tension Is
required to ensure safe lowering of the buoyant p i p e l i n e . The tension needed
for lowering, control and alignment of the pipe may be applied by the tow
vessel and/or a holdback w i n c h , possibly onshore. This procedure has been extensively employed, an early example being in the 190s in the Persian G u l f when
a string of several kilometres length was installed by this means; more recently,
the method was u t i l i z e d in the swamp areas south of M e x i c o . To analyse the
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suspended pipe and program the release of the floats, simple beam theory may
be used In view of the relatively small deflections Involved. A l t e r n a t i v e l y ,
The surface tow method differs from the other tow procedures in that i t is also a
laying procedure. Its main disadvantage is the sensitivity of the buoyant pipeline
to weather conditions. Wind and waves can greatly disturb not only the tow, but
also the welding and laying operations. Where other tow methods are feasible, the
surface tow technique may be uncompetitive because of its need for a lay barge.
This method may also be rendered too expensive when i t is used in conjunction
with first and second end connection of the p i p e . With the tow-out floats removed,
the line w i l l become heavier and d i f f i c u l t to maneuver on the seabed, thus
entailing the additional cost of f i t t i n g new floats specially for this purpose. A
further disadvantage can be the d i f f i c u l t y involved in handling pipeline bundles
for welding on the barge.
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Conversely, where there is l i t t l e risk of bod weather, surface tow can offer an
attractive solution: for example, in shallow protected waters, method 'a'
requires only a small surface spread to perform the coordinated release of the
buoyancy pontoons, is particularly appropriate.
be relatively l i g h t , the required tension levels are quite h i g h . However, they are
probably lower than the tow forces for a system in contact with the seabed, and
ensure safe maneuverability and low longitudinal stresses during transportation.
The r e l i a b i l i t y of the CTD method was recently and successfully confirmed during
installation of some pipelines in the UK Sector of the North Sea. The technique is
ideal for deepwater installations and long distance towing and, in addition to
offering a l l the advantages of the off-bottom tow method, also provides the benefits
The entire system of pipeline and chains is lifted off the seabed, totally freeing
i t of the problems related to the bottom configuration and potential obstructions
such as ship wrecks,
- Selection of the tow route is easier, and a less rigorous and probably less
expensive survey is necessary before and during transportation than for the bottom
tow method.
- Smaller tow forces are required than for tow methods where the pipeline is in
contact with the seabed: also, smaller longitudinal stresses can be guaranteed.
It has been demonstrated by, among others, Reid [14] in 1951, and Brando and
jected to a large axial tension, the stiffness of the line may be neglected,
enabling i t to be treated as a catenary. Acceptable limits for the v a l i d i t y of
catenary equations with a suspended pipeline have been established as a function
of pipe stiffness, length, tension and negative buoyancy.
For the purposes of formulation, the pipeline and link cables may be considered as
combined catenaries, symmetrical about the mid-point of the p i p e . For a given tow
speed, the increased drag force of the suspended system is added to the cable
tension at the tow vessel. The bending stresses in the pipe may be determined
from the curvature of the l i n e .
To prepare tow procedures and monitor the tow-out and pipeline installation,
parameters are calculated listing pipe geometry, the position of the line relative
to the seabed, and tow and holdback cable lengths for different tow speed and
tension forces at the tow and holdback vessels. Results observed during actual
Installation by the CTD method have been found to be comparable to forecast data
using the catenary approach.
Finite element techniques or rod theories [13] may be used for analysis of
undesirable or extreme conditions as regards insufficient tension, too heavy a
p i p e l i n e , or exessive bending. If the r e l i a b i l i t y of the catenary analysis in safeguarding the integrity of the pipeline is accepted then, when using the CTD method
installation, a more general formulation
The second end, or trailing end connection technique may be employed with single
or bundled pipelines where there is a relatively short distance between the two
structures to be connected, such as between a wellhead and/or platform, SPM or
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To perform first and second end connection, i t is preferable to have a light and
f l e x i b l e pipeline system to assist in minimizing pipe pull forces and bending loads
By virtue of their use of a stable system, elevated off the seabed and In
contact w i t h the bottom v i a chains uniformly distributed along the length of the
p i p e , the CTD and off-bottom tow methods boHi offer these benefits during the
connection phase. By contrast, the other tow techniques require costly in-place
For t o w - o u t , submersibles and diving support are helpful in providing route
selection and survey data: for first and second end connections, the assistance of
such equipment is invaluable. Here, their functions may include:
- A s - b u i l t survey and inspection of the pipeline before, during and after connection.
- Subsea installation of rigging needed for connection of the l i n e , and attachment
and disconnection of t o w / p u l l cables.
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in its second-end connection configuration as these can interact with the prior
design phases.
A theoretical analysis can assist in identifying the optimum construction procedures,
and in specifying the types of equipment needed to perform the t o w / p u l l - i n
connections of the pipe ends. The advantages of this method have already been
The four tow techniques are each technically feasible. For a given location,
selection of the installation method to be used should be based on a thorough
evaluation of the l i k e l y alternative construction procedures. As outlined in this
paper, each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the best solution
may be found when these are related to the known boundary conditions of the
particular installation. A technical assessment and cost estimate w i l l indicate the
feasibility of, and risks attaching t o , each of the tow techniques, and in some
instances w i l l identify positive reasons promoting a particular method.
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