White Paper Geo Engg.
White Paper Geo Engg.
White Paper Geo Engg.
Krishna R. Reddy
University of Illinois at Chicago
[email protected]
Toxic heavy metals and organic compounds coexist at numerous contaminated sites, and the
technologies to remediate such sites are very limited and they are ineffective and/or
inefficient. Development of new and robust technologies to remediate mixed waste sites
(including radionuclides at some sites) is needed. Integrated technologies that combine
different standard technologies may be required to address mixed waste contamination.
applications when the site contains both organic and inorganic contaminants and when lowpermeability and heterogeneous soils are present. An increased knowledge of the dynamics
of remediation processes specific to nanoscale materials in natural systems can improve
understanding and lead to development of innovative remedial approaches for contaminated
soils and groundwater.
Fentons reagent is an advanced oxidation process that has been studied by numerous
researchers for the treatment of organic contaminants in aqueous streams, soils, and
groundwater. However, implementation of such in-situ chemical oxidation in an innovative
manner utilizing H2O2 in the presence of native iron in soil has potential to rapidly degrade a
variety of organic compounds to the non-toxic end product under different soil compositional
environments. Compared to currently used technologies, the process offers advantages
related to simplicity, cost, and range of effectiveness. However, applying Fenton's chemistry
in the field to treat soil and groundwater contamination has challenges because of varying
site geochemistry and delivery issues.
Some of the following nontraditional emerging technologies have great potential, but they
have not been explored adequately:
o Remediation of groundwater using waves: This technology is based on wave
propagation due to abrupt pressure changes. The unique significance of introducing
pressure waves into aquifer is the inexpensive cleanup of groundwater at localized
site; mobilize trapped contaminants; and guide the motion of a contaminant plume by
controlling the intensity and direction of the applied pressure.
o High-energy electron beam irradiation technology: This low-temperature method can
destroy complex mixtures of hazardous organic chemicals in contaminated soils and
groundwater. Use of X-rays for the decontamination of soils is also considered as it
can penetrate up to 20 cm within the soil and can be an emerging tool for the
treatment of soil.
o Solar photocatalytic oxidation: Although the potential of solar radiation for
disinfection and environmental migration has been known for years, only recently has
this technology been scientifically recognized to treat groundwater.
o Ultrasound technology: Ultrasound is periodic sound waves that are produced at
frequencies greater than 20 kHz. When generated in a solution, the sound waves
produce cavitation bubbles or gas bubbles that form in the water and collapse. During
this process, a great deal of heat is generated, which can assist in remediating
contaminated soils and groundwater.
fundamental aspects of these technologies. Attention should also be paid on cost effectiveness as
well as regulatory and public policy considerations. A life cycle approach may also be used to
select a comprehensive remedial strategy. Recently, regulations have been made flexible to
encourage innovation so that innovative technologies could be developed and implemented.