Craik Lockhart 1972
Craik Lockhart 1972
Craik Lockhart 1972
Preparation of this article was facilitated by grants to both authors from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada. The authors are grateful to Janinc Jennings lor helpful library
research. Requests for reprints should he addressed to Robert S. Lockhart. Department of Psychology,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. Canada MSS IA1.
distinction between short-term and long-term memory. That is simply nol ihe ease;
in fact, we argued for the retention of the distinction, albeit in a somewhat different
form (p. 676). Thus, a second purpose of the present paper is to clarify the arguments
surrounding such misconceptions.
In such a retrospective analysis it is important to place the ideas expressed in the
original paper against the background of ihe theoretical views prevailing at the time.
Ihe general conceptualization of memory that we sought to displace was the idea
(a) that memory could be understood in terms of elements ("items") held in structural
entities called memory stores, (b) that the fate of an item so stored was determined
by the properties or parameters of this store, and (c) that a theory of memory consisted
of refining our understanding of the number and properties of these stores. We sought
to replace this structuralist style of theory with one thai was more proccdurally oriented.
Our principal objection to the concept of stores was that their major properties
capacity, coding characteristics, and forgetting rales were quite variable from
one experimental paradigm to the next. Some theorists appeared to be dealing with
this situation by the simple expedient of postulating new stores for each new set
of experimental findings, but such reactions did not seem profitable to us. Instead,
we advocated scrapping the whole notion of memory stores and suggested, rather,
that theorists should look directly at the relations between different encoding
operations and subsequent memory performance. What in essence did we propose?
We endorsed the existing views of some theorists in the areas of attention and
perception (e.g., Sutherland, 1968; Treisman, 1964) that the cognitive system is
organized hierarchically and that incoming stimuli are processed to different levels
of analysis, with the products of early (or shallow) sensory analyses serving as the
input to later (or deeper) semantic analyses. Treisman, in particular, had argued
that early sensory analyses arc carried out in a relatively automatic fashion, whereas
deeper analyses depend on a combination of signal strength (d' factors) and contextual
probabilities, recent use, and importance (0 factors) for their effective execution.
In general, deeper analyses require more altentional resources unless the stimuli are
expected or are very common, like the person's own name. We suggested that the
memory trace could be thought of simply as the record of those analyses that had
been carried out primarily for the purposes of perception and comprehension and
that deeper, more semantic, analyses yielded records that were more durable.
Two further ideas suggested in the Craik and Lockhart (1972) article were first
that rehearsal could usefully be broken down into Iwo main types: Type 1 processing
(or maintenance rehearsal) maintained processing at the same level of analysis,
whereas Type II processing (or claboralive rehearsal) involved deeper or more
extensive processing of the stimulus. If memory performance is a function of the
deepest level of analysis achieved, only Ihe second type of rehearsal should lead
to an improvement in memory. The second idea was that the concept of primary
memory should be retained, but it was seen as continued processing activity, not
as a separate mechanism or structure.
Before proceeding with a discussion of criticisms and later developments of levels
of processing, it may be helpful to outline the underlying principles on which it is
based. Underpinning our entire argument was the claim that the memory trace should
be understood, not as the result of a specialized memory-encoding process, but rather
as a by-product or record of normal cognitive processes such as comprehension,
categorization, or discrimination. Successful remembering is a function of many
variables, most of which have been the subject of intensive experimental study.
In the late 1960s the variables receiving greatest attention were such things as
presentation rates, scaled properties of stimuli, serial position, or the form of the
memory test. The common sense starting point of levels of processing was the
observation that when all these traditional and much-studied determinants of memory
were held constant, major effects on remembering could be obtained merely by
influencing the form of perceptual or conceptual analysis that the subject performed
on the material to be remembered, and that, futhcrmore, such variation in conceptual
analysis is precisely what characterizes everyday goal-directed cognition.
There are many cognitive operations and functions, but, we argued, among these
various processes there is nothing that corresponds to committing to memory. There
is no distinct process of memorizing that can take its place alongside other cognitive
operations. We argued that the traditional intentional instructions that exhort subjects
to "try to remember" amount to the experimenter's request that subjects engage
in whatever processing they think will best lead to successful remembering.
Depending on the nature of the materials and their meta-memory skills, subjects
may (among other possibilities) repeat the items to themselves verbatim, extract gist,
attempt to organize the material into coherent structures, or form visual images.
Such various forms of processing will have differential consequences for any
subsequent demand to remember the material so processed, but no one of them enjoys
any special status as the basic process of committing to memory. We drew a number
of immediate implications from this position.
Preference for Incidental Orienting Tasks: We argued that intentional instructions
represent a loss of experimental control over processing operations, confounding
as they do the subject's choice of processing strategy on the one hand, with the
differential consequences (for subsequent tests of memory) of that particular form
of processing on the other. Orienting task instructions provide better, if not perfect,
experimental control over input processing. Such tasks provide an independent
variable that can be operationally defined, described in functional processing terms,
and, through monitoring subjects' responses during the orienting task, can provide
some check that the designated processing is being performed. Another virtue of
incidental instructions lies in their capacity to model the cognitive operations that
occur in everyday cognition (Lockharl, 1978). Thus an ecologically valid approach
to the study of memory does not demand the abandonment of laboratory experimentation. Rather, it imposes the requirement that laboratory paradigms capture and
preserve those features of remembering that are important to everyday adaptive
cognitive functioning.
Memory as Retrieval: A second implication of the view that the memory trace is
the by-product of perceptual/conceptual analysis, rather than the consequence of a
special memory-encoding process, is that the only cognitive operation that can
legitimately be referred to as "remembering" is that of retrieval. Hence, rather
than downplaying retrieval as some have claimed, levels of processing places it firmly
at the centre of memory research; it is retrieval that is the memory area's focal
Memory Structures and Systems: The third implication is that memory structures
and systems should not be defined in terms of their retention characteristics. The
prototypical memory structure (store) so defined is short-term memory. But if the
persistence or durability of a memory trace is determined by the form of the initial
processing (other conditions being held constant), then retention characteristics may
vary over a continuous range; hence discrete, temporally defined, memory systems
become unnecessary constructs. The subject of short-term memory is discussed in
greater detail below in relation to working memory, which we consider to be a
theoretically very different construct.
Memory and General Cognition: The fourth implication is that an adequate theory
of memory can be constructed only within the context of a general theory of cognition.
If the major determinants of remembering are processes serving the goals of cognition
in general, then memory cannot be treated as a self-contained cognitive module.
A central requirement of any theory of memory would be to formulate the principles
underlying the relationship between remembering and the range of processing that
constitutes the entire scope of cognition. Only then would it be possible to explain
in a systematic way the differential effects on remembering of various forms of
processing. We attempted to capture Ihcse principles in the concept of depth of
processing; what we meant by this term and how our understanding of it has developed
since 1972 is discussed more fully below.
Critical Assessments of levels of Processing
The levels of processing framework attracted attention for a number of reasons; but,
to a large extent, its appeal reflected the extent to which researchers were dissatisfied
with the structural limitations of memory stores and were therefore receptive to an
alternative conceptualization in terms of cognitive activities and processes. The ideas
also very properly attracted criticism (Baddeley, 1978; Eysenck, 1978; T.O. Nelson,
1977). The criticisms fall into two broad groups; the first is concerned with conceptual
and methodological issues or with the appropriate ways in which theories should
be constructed; the second is concerned more with empirical issues experimental
support (or the lack of it) for hypotheses suggested by the levels of processing
In the first group of criticisms, the danger of circular reasoning was pointed out
the tendency to define depth in terms of the memory outcome. That is, Craik and
Lockhart postulated that deeper processing was associated with long-lasting memory
traces; but, in the absence of an independent index of depth, there is a tendency
to conclude that well-remembered events must theretbre have been deeply processed.
The second major criticism is incorporated in the first the lack of an independent
index. Third, Baddeley (1978) vigorously questioned the value of seeking to formulate
general functional principles as a strategy likely to lead to a fuller understanding
of what memory is and how it works; he argued, instead, for specifying mechanisms
that can be explored experimentally and ultimately identified with brain structures
and processes. Baddclcy also questioned the reasonableness of assuming one linear
sequence of levels of processing and pointed to the lack of evidence for further levels
within the semantic domain. The most general criticism of this type was thai the
ideas were not falsifiablc by experiment and were therefore not properly scientific
(T.O. Nelson, 1977). Another general criticism was that our ideas were vague; so
vague, indeed, that this same critic suggested (quoting Wittgenstein as support) that
we should have remained silent. Clarity, of course, is a noble goal; but in a developing
science, it is rarely achieved through silence or by appeals to authority.
In the group of empirical criticisms, both T.O. Nelson (1977) and Baddelcy (1978)
questioned the evidence for two types of rehearsal; in particular, whether maintenance
processing had no effect in strengthening memory for the rehearsed material.
Baddeley also pointed out that whereas the Craik and Lockhart position was that
sensory information should be lost rapidly, there was growing evidence for longlasting sensory traces under certain circumstances. Finally, evidence from neuropsychologieal studies seems often at odds with the levels of processing ideas. For
example, amnesic patients can comprehend conversations and other everyday
happenings perfectly well, that is, they can clearly process deeply, yet their memory
for such information is demonstrably poor or nonexistent.
We do not pretend to have answers to all of these criticisms. In the almost 20
years since the original article was written, we have conceded some points and
changed our own views as the relevant evidence has accrued. We have also
commented previously on at least some of the arguments cited (Lockhart & Craik,
1978; Lockhart, Craik, & Jacoby, 1976). However, in this retrospective assessment
we felt that it might be of interest to provide brief commentaries on some of these
critical points.
Circularity and the Need for an Independent Index of Depth
Perhaps the most frequent and persistent criticisms of levels of processing has
been the lack of an independent index of depth. The usual claim is that without an
independent index the logic is circular, in that depth must be defined in terms of
its alleged effects. It has been claimed that such circularity makes levels of processing
unfalsitlable and thus scientifically meaningless (T.O. Nelson, 1977).
This criticism supposes that an ideal state of affairs would be one in which the
concept of depth could be operationally defined so that hypotheses relating depth
to memory performance could be tested and potentially falsified. We discussed this
matter some time ago (Lockhart & Craik, 1978), but it is worth updating the
discussion since the criticism is still alive. It raises a number of issues that arc
important, not only in (he narrow context of levels of processing, but for the
development of theories of memory generally.
The first thing to notice is that the accusation of circularity is at most only partially
justified. The distinction of qualitatively different domains of processing, such as
semantic versus phonemic, can be made quite independently of any effects such
processing might have on memory performance; the hypothesis that processing to
a semantic level yields better free recall than processing to a phonemic level is
quite falsifiablc. Craik and Tulving (1975), for example, specified the level of
processing of their orienting tasks quite independently of the subsequently observed
memory performance. There are many other examples of experiments in which the
level of processing of an orienting task has been specified by an a priori analysis
of the processes involved in performing the task, and in these cases there can be
no question of circularity. Rather, the accusation of circularity arises in relation to
within-domain differences such as those obtained between items that warrant "yes"
and " n o " answers to orienting questions, both of which obviously entail semanticlevel analysis, or to differences between qualitatively distinct orienting tasks, say
between evaluating synonymity of adjectives and evaluating those same adjectives
as self-descriptors. In these cases, there appears to be no index of depth other than
through the post hoc observation of their differential effects on memory performance.
What would an independent index look like? One possibility is that measures such
as processing time, processing effort, or some neurophysiological measure might
provide such an index. But how might this index be validated? Surely not through
establishing that it has a monotonic relation to memory performance; apart from being
doomed to almost certain failure, such a simplistic strategy would certainly embody
the circularity of which we have been accused. In fact, it was never envisaged that
depth could be thought of as a unidimensional continuum, simply measured, with
a monotonic relation to memory performance - a kind of updated synonym for
strength. It is unfortunate in many ways that the literal interpretation of our spatial
metaphor lends itself so readily lo the idea of simple unidimensional measurement.
However, an independent index, were it to exist, would be an integral part of a general
theory of cognitive functioning. A measure of the depth of processing involved in
performing some task would be the numerical output from some function applied
lo an explicit model of the processes involved in performing that task. For example,
a numerical index of the depth of processing involved in deciding that the word dog
refers to an animal could only be obtained from an explicit model of the operations
on semantic memory needed to answer questions of category membership. Hence
a complete definition and quantification of terms such as depth or level is appropriately
thought of as the end product of research, not the starting point. In this sense, our
original use of these terms was a tentative label lo characterize processes that require
further explication and specification through ongoing research.
There are many examples of this ongoing development and refinement, some of
which will be discussed below. For present purposes the ease of self-reference.
orienting tasks provides a good example of the sense in which depth of processing
is a general concept needing to be explicated, rather than a well-defined explanatory
construct. The self-reference phenomenon first reported by Rogers, Kuiper, and
Kirker (1977) is interesting for several reasons. In the first place the high level of
performance produced by this incidental orienting task, relative either to intentional
instructions or to other semantic orienting tasks, illustrates the point that the relation
between memory performance and various forms of semantic-level processing is
not a simple one. It clearly represents little advancement in explanatory understanding
to stale that the superiority of the self-reference orienting task is a consequence of
it requiring deeper levels of processing; it is scarcely better than saying lhat it yields
a stronger trace or that it increases the probability of the item entering a particular
model of how the cognitive system achieves a particular level of processing. It is likely
that an adequate model will comprise complex interactions between top-down and
bottom-up processes, and that processing at different levels will be temporally parallel
or partially overlapping. What is important to our position is not the sequencing of
different stages of processing but the pattern of analyses finally achieved.
Types of Rehearsal
In our original article we suggested that the concept of rehearsal could be usefully
broken down into the maintenance of a level of processing already achieved and
further elaboration of the stimulus. We further argued that only the second type
of rehearsal would be associated with an increase in subsequent retention. This
formulation was at odds with the claims of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) whose model
predicted that mere residence in the rehearsal buffer served to transfer information
across to the long-term store. The implausible suggestion that maintenance processing
does not lead to an improvement in memory received empirical support from studies
by Craik and Watkins (1973) and by Woodward, Bjork, and Jongeward (1973).
However, the latter study showed that maintenance rehearsal was associated with
an increase in subsequent recognition of the rehearsed items. A further complication
was pointed out by T.O. Nelson (1977) who demonstrated that when subjects were
required to process twice at a phonemic level, recall was superior to performance
following one phoncmically processed presentation.
In his thoughtful review of work in the area, Greene (1987) concluded that pure
maintenance rehearsal does lead to small increases in subsequent recall, although
the data arc inconsistent. The evidence for an increase in recognition memory is
clcarcut. One possibility here (discussed by Greene, 1987, and by Navch-Benjamin
& Jonides, 1984) is that recall depends primarily on intcritem elaboration, whereas
recognition is incremented by intraitem integration (Mandler, 1979); if maintenance
rehearsal leads to little intcritem processing, the observed result would be expected.
Naveh-Benjamin and Jonides make the further interesting suggestion that maintenance
rehearsal is a two-stage activity. The first stage consists of assembling the items
and setting up an articulatory programme; the second stage requires comparatively
little effort and involves repetitive execution of the rehearsal programme. The
suggestion is that memory is enhanced only at the first stage.
In addition, the more recent work surveyed by Greene (1987) makes it clear that
a distinction must be drawn between repetition of items which does lead to a clear
increase in memory (T.O. Nelson, 1977) and role maintenance which is associated
with much weaker changes. It is also reasonably clear (and clearly reasonable!) that
maintenance rehearsal of linguistic items is associated with an enhancement of the
acoustic/articulatory properties of the material (Elmcs & Bjork, 1975; Gcisclman
& Bjork, 1980). The Gciselman and Bjork study also demonstrated that the
effectiveness of particular retrieval information depended on the qualitative type of
rehearsal activity initially performed.
In summary, the situation regarding the relations between types of rehearsal and
subsequent memory performance are considerably more complex than envisaged
by Craik and Lockhart in 1972. Nonetheless, we would argue thai our original
suggestions were along the right lines, slressing as they did qualitative types of
rehearsal. The fact that our original proposals were loo simplistic is much less
important than the gains in understanding that have arisen from 15 years of research
in rehearsal processes. Rather than abandon the problem because the approach is
based on "false assumptions" as Baddeley (1978) seems to advocate, it has been
quite fruitful to pursue it and attempt lo resolve empirical inconsistencies. One
interesting footnote in this connection is that Ihe second stage of maintenance rehearsal
as suggested by Navch-Benjamin and Jonides (1984) - the execution of a relatively
automatic articulatory programme bears a very close resemblance to the articulatory loop subsystem in Baddeley's working memory model. As we understand
Baddelcy's model, there is little reason for expecting learning to occur as a function
of maintenance in the articulatory loop.
Domains and Levels Wirhin Domains
One of Baddeley's (1978) criticisms of the levels of processing framework was
that it was not at all clear how levels within the broad domains of phonemic and
semantic coding might be specified. This criticism seems reasonable to us. In fact,
Lockhart ct al. (1976) had suggested that the original notion of depth might refer to
two rather different concepts: the first pertaining to qualitatively different domains,
with analysis in shallow sensory domains typically preceding analysis in semantic
domains; the second pertaining lo further analyses within a domain, and here we
conceded that elaboration might capture the essence of the argument better than
notions of depth. However, as in the other empirical areas surveyed in this article,
many useful studies on the relations between types of processing and subsequent
retention have been carried out in the last 15-20 years, and again we would argue
that our framework provided the theoretical motivation for much of this research.
In the domain of semantic processing, there is general agreement that further
analysis of the stimulus is associated with higher levels of retention. Thus, greater
enrichment or elaboration of encoding is associated with enhanced memory performance (Anderson & Reder, 1979; Craik & Tulving, 1975). Greater amounts of
processing in this sense have been specified operationally in terms of the number
of semantic decisions made in connection with a word (e.g., Johnson-Laird, Gibbs,
& de Mowbray, 1978; Ross, 1981). A related idea is the amount of effort involved
in the enccxling process (Tyler, Hcrtel, McCallum, & Ellis, 1979), although we would
argue that memory performance depends on the qualitative type of encoding achieved,
not time or effort as such. Some types of elaboration are likely to be more beneficial
than others; for example, Hashtroudi (1983) has shown that nouns encoded in the
context of core-meaning adjectives were recalled better than nouns encoded in the
context of adjectives whose meanings were peripheral to the central meaning of the
A second line of argument relating lo further semantic processing suggests that
distinctiveness of encoding is the key concept associated with good retention. For
example, Frase and Kamman (1974) showed lhat words categorized in terms of their
general properties (e.g., foods) were less well recalled than words categorized in
more specific ways (e.g., vegetables). In a similar demonstration, K. Klein and
Saltz (1976) suggested that distinctiveness might provide the mechanism underlying
the depth-of-processing effects. Also, Moscovilch and Craik (1976) showed that
uniqueness of encoding conferred a potential benefit to later retrieval and suggested
that the compatibility of retrieval information determined the extent to which the
potential was realized. The notion of distinctiveness has been developed further by
Bransford, Stein, and their collaborators in terms of precision of encoding, the
relationship of encoding to existing knowledge, and the availability of appropriate
cues at the time of retrieval (Bransford, Franks, Morris, & Stein, 1979; Stein, 1978).
Finally, I).I.. Nelson (1979) again stressed the concepts of distinctiveness and
interactiveness (the compatibility of encoded events with each other, and with
preexisting knowledge), observing that depth was an unnecessary construct once
these other two concepts were taken into account.
So, in this instance, we tend to agree with Baddeley that the original notion of
depth is too simple a formulation to provide an adequate analysis of situations
involving further processing within a given domain, except perhaps in the sense that
such further, more elaborate analyses often require more effort and more processing
resources. Nonetheless, the many studies relating differences in types of encoding
to subsequent retention that were stimulated (or provoked perhaps!) by the levels
of processing framework have undoubtedly added to the richness and precision of
our knowledge of memory processes.
Lon^-Tenn Retention of Sensory Features
One central idea of the original levels of processing formulation was that shallow
(typically sensory) processing is associated with the formation of very transitory
memory traces. This concept was, of course, in line with the concept of sensory
registers or stores, whose contents were rapidly lost through passive decay or
overwriting by further stimuli in the same modality. Since 1972, however, a number
of results have been reported in which sensory information persists for hours,
minutes, and even months. Kirsner and Dunn (1985) summarize a number of
such findings and suggest that input modality may be retained in several forms,
varying from a literal perceptual record to a more abstract representation of surface
It seems clear at this point that our original suggestions were again too simple.
Surface information is often lost rapidly, but there arc also cases in which a record
of surface form clearly persists to affect later performance over long retention
intervals. We can offer a few comments from the perspective of levels of processing.
First, some of the cases involving the dramatically long-term retention of surface
form do not involve the explicit retrieval of surface information, but involve the
implicit use of such information to facilitate current performance. Kolcrs's (1979)
demonstrations of long-lasting information regarding transformed typographies fall
into this category. In general, it now seems that many perceptual memory (priming)
tasks are data-driven and are sensitive to modality-specific information (e.g.,
Roediger, Wcldon, & Challis, 1989). However, even if such modality-specific
information cannot be explicitly retrieved, it must be represented in some manner
to affect performance on implicit memory tasks, and such findings are incompatible
with our original statement.
A second point is that recall of input modality is recall in a rather different sense
from recall of a scene, or of a conversation, or of a word list. In these latter cases,
the subject must bring to mind highly specific information about the original event;
however, when recalling modality, the subject often simply chooses between visual
or auditory presentation modes, and the information recalled is of a much more
general type. Third, in some cases at least, the surface form may modulate its accompanying verbal information so that information about modality is preserved in the
abstract gist of the message; for example, an utterance by Speaker A may have quite
different implications from the same utterance spoken by Speaker B. A related case
is one in which surface information is transformed into deep information through the
gaining of expertise; for example, wine-tasting to the novice may consist simply of the
2 x 2 classification red/while X sweet/dry, whereas to the expert the same sensory
data may convey a wealth of meaningful information and evoke rich associations.
The term deep was never meant lo be restricted to linguistic meaningfulness.
Picture memory is clearly a case in which the stimulus can be processed rapidly
to a deep level and so be well retained (Craik & Lockhart, 1972, p. 676). Less easily
explained are the findings of Intraub and Nicklos (1985) who reported better memory
for pictures following physical than following semantic orienting questions. They
account for their results in terms of enhanced distinctiveness, a concept that Conway
and Gathercole (1987) also invoke to describe their findings of long-term retention
of input modality.
A final interesting situation in which long-term retention of surface information is obtained involves excellent verbatim memory for emotional utterances
(Keenan, MacWhinncy, & Mayhew, 1977). A satisfactory theoretical account still
has to be developed, but two suggestions arc, first, that such emotional events may
function as weaker versions of "flashbulb memories'" (Brown & Kulik, 1977),
and second, the involvement of the self in emotional utterances may evoke selfreferential processing which, as noted previously, typically yields excellent long-term
In any event, it is clear that sensory or surface aspects of stimuli are not always
lost rapidly as we claimed in 1972. Some contrary results may reflect the operation
of a somewhat different procedural memory system, and some may reflect deep
nonlinguistic processing. It seems clear in 1990 that more surface information is
retained than most people believed in 1972, but a satisfactory account of all the new
findings has still to emerge.
Depth, Elaboration, and Distinctiveness
The concept of depth of processing was an initial attempt to sketch a framework
for how qualitatively different forms of processing might be related to memory performance. The fundamental claim was that, in terms of their impact on remembering,
these perceptual/conceptual analyses could be organized at least to a first approximation in terms of the degree to which they entailed the extraction of meaning. It
was never intended that the notion of depth should be thought of as some fixed and
well-defined concept ready to take its place in a precise formalism. It was, as noted
above and as critics have pointed out, a largely common sense statement; however,
it captured an insight that we thought needed emphasis, and its obviousness is more
apparent in retrospect than it was in 1972. The Fundamental insight was well expressed
by William James: "The art ol remembering is the art of thinking . . . our conscious
effort should not be so much to impress or retain (knowledge) as to conned it with
something already there" (James, 1983, p. 87).
Early experimental work within the framework of levels of processing was
concerned to document the way in which different orienting tasks produced large
and predictable effects on subsequent memory performance. These orienting tasks
were chosen to serve as reference points that would mark in an obvious way different
levels of processing. Apart from this demonstrative function, they enjoyed no special
status. There has been a tendency for these particular orienting tasks (for example,
judging category membership, rhyme, or case) to acquire a privileged status as
defining different levels of processing and for levels to be thought of as an independent
variable with two or three values. Such a categorical orientation leads to criticisms
that arc rather beside the point, such as the claim made by D.L. Nelson (1979) that
particular orienting tasks are impure representations of their putative levels of
processing. The claim is no doubt true. The Slroop effect would suggest, for example,
that in reading common words there is inevitably some semantic processing, even
in a nominally phoncmic-lcvel task, and, as Treisman (1979) points out, it should
not be assumed that processing can optionally be stopped at any given level of
processing. But such a criticism would be relevant only if one were interested in
the precise influence of a particular cognitive operation (judging rhyme, say) for
its own sake.
These comments should not be taken as criticism of the use of these marker
orienting tasks in experiments designed to examine the relative sensitivity of different
forms of remembering to a wide range of levels of processing. It is, for example,
of great interest and a challenge to a comprehensive theory of memory that some
forms of implicit memory are unaffected by different orienting tasks, even though
the tasks vary over a wide range of levels of processing. In addressing research
questions such as these, the use of orienting tasks merely to represent a wide range
of processing levels is perfectly justified. Rather, our criticism is of the tendency
to treat levels as a small number of discrete (albeit ordered) classes and to regard
the processing within each class as equivalent. But as we saw in the discussion of
the alleged circularity of levels of processing, there is no such simple characterization of levels, and research aimed at explicating the concept of depth must not
stop with these demonstration orienting tasks.
An example of such explication is to be found in attempts to exploit the terms
elaboration and distinctiveness. The concept of elaboration was introduced by Craik
and Tulving (1975) in their interpretation of results from a series of experiments
carried out to illustrate levels of processing ideas. Their basic paradigm was one
in which a series of words was presented; each word was preceded by a question
that related to the case that the word was printed in, to the rhyming characteristics
of the word, or to its semantic nature. The answer to the question could be either
"yes" or " n o . " So, for example, the word BRUSH might be presented in capital
letters. Examples of possible preceding questions (and answers) would thus be:
" I s the word in small print?" (case-no); "Docs the word rhyme with cotton?"
(rhyme-no); " I s the word something used for cleaning?" (semantic-yes). The
preceding questions acted as orienting tasks that induced cither shallow processing
of the visual characteristics of each word (case questions), deeper phonemic
processing (rhyme questions), or even deeper semantic processing. In line with our
predictions, subsequent recall and recognition of the words was profoundly affected
by the nature of the initial question, with semantic processing being associated with
later performance levels that were two to six times higher than the levels associated
with surface processing.
However, one unexpected result was that questions leading to a " y e s " response
were associated with higher memory performance levels than questions leading to
a " n o " response. Craik and Tulving's (1975) suggestion was that the compatible
(positive) questions served to enrich or elaborate the encoded trace of the target word
in a way that the incompatible (negative) questions could not. Thus, even the simple
phrase "something used for cleaning" can specify and enrich the subjectively encoded
concept of BRUSH in a way that the incompatible phrase "something found in the
j u n g l e " cannot. The further suggestion, then, was that richly elaborated traces
supported better recall and recognition.
The ideas of encoding richness or elaboration thus suggest the metaphor spread
of encoding, and some writers have suggested that extensiveness of processing or
spread of encoding are better descriptions than depth of processing (e.g., Kolers,
1979; Murdock, 1974). Another version of this argument is that deeper levels of
processing (i.e., greater degrees of meaningfulness) simply give greater scope for
elaborativc processes, so that elaboration is the only concept necessary (Anderson
& Reder, 1979). We have taken the view that both depth and elaboration arc necessary
terms, with depth referring to qualitatively different types of processing and
elaboration referring to rich or impoverished processing within any one qualitative
domain (Lockhart et al., 1976).
Does elaboration have a greater effect at deeper levels? This question may not
be answerable because of great differences in the qualitative nalure of the encoding
processes in question. It is like asking whether an increase in the brilliance of a
diamond has a greater effect on its value than an increase in its size. The answer
is that both factors affect value, but it is not possible to compare them directly.
However, it may be sensible to suggest that greater degrees of knowledge and
expertise afford richer and more elaborate analyses and interpretations. To a nonArabic speaker, a written sentence in Arabic can only be interpreted as a visual
pattern; the nonword GI.ARION yields no clear interpretation, but it can be
pronounced and may be given some idiosyncratic meaning in terms of similarsounding words; finally, a nonword can become meaningful through usage (e.g.,
Gl.ASNOST) and thus yield rich images and associations. Is elaboration all that is
required then? We argue that both notions of depth and elaboration are necessary:
depth to talk about qualitative types of analysis and to capture the notion that some
types of processing (typically sensory analyses) precede others and require few
attentional resources to achieve them; elaboration to refer to richness or extensiveness
of processing within each qualitative type. The last point may be illustrated by
contrasting proof-reading and reading for gist; the former involves elaborate
processing of visual and lexical features wi(h little involvement of meaning, whereas
the latter involves relatively elaborate semantic processing with correspondingly slight
analysis of spelling patterns and the like.
This example may provoke the comment "Well, the former type of processing
may be better for later memory of type font or of specific wording, whereas the
latter type of processing may be better for later memory of meaning, but who is
to say that one type is generally superior to the other?" In essence, this was the
influential argument put forward by Morris, Bransford, and Franks (1977) under
the rubric of transfer appropriate processing. We strongly endorse the idea of transfer
appropriate processing (and the very similar notions of encoding specificity and
repetition of operations); in many cases, the argument may involve comparison of
apples and oranges, and we have no quarrel with the conclusion that for good applememory one should do apple-processing and for good orange-memory do orangeprocessing. But in many other cases there is some common measure by which different
types of processing can be legitimately compared how well a specific word or
event can be recalled or recognized, for example and in such cases it is surely
reasonable to compare the relative effectiveness of different types of initial processing.
It is worth noting, for example, that in the Morris et al. experiments whereas initial
rhyme processing was indeed superior to semantic processing for a subsequent
rhyming recognition test and semantic processing was superior to rhyme processing
for a standard (semantic?) recognition test, the two compatible conditions were by
no means equivalent. That is, the mean value for "rhyme-yes" processing followed
by a rhyming test was .40 (averaged over Exp. 1 and 2). whereas the mean value
for "semantic-yes" processing followed by a standard recognition in the same two
experiments was .68. When memory (in the ordinary sense of recall or recognition
of an event) is considered, some types of initial processing are superior to others,
and these types involve deeper, semantic types of analysis. We will return to the
concept of transfer appropriate processing in our discussion of retrieval.
The concept of elaboration has also been tied to the concept of distinctiveness of
the memory trace (Craik, 1977; Jacoby & Craik, 1979; Moscovitch & Craik, 1976).
The distinctivencss of traces as a determinant of their memorability has been discussed
by several previous writers (e.g., Murdock, I960), and the distinctiveness or
specificity of connections between cues and traces is the central explanatory notion
lying behind the phenomenon known variously as A-B, A C interference, cue
overload, the fan effect, and the category size and list length effects. In all of these
cases, a cue word or concept is more effective at retrieval when relatively few items
were associated with it, or nested under it, at the time of encoding. The benefit to
recognition and recall conferred by dislinctiveness of the memory trace points up
the similarities between remembering and perceiving. Just as a distinctive stimulus
stands out and is therefore readily identified against a background of different stimuli,
so a distinctive memory trace stands out and is therefore readily retrievable, especially
when the wanted trace can be contrasted to other dissimilar encoded events as part
of the retrieval process (Jacoby & Craik, 1979).
What is the mechanism that ties greater degrees of encoding elaboration to good
memory performance? The account favoured by Anderson (1976) is that encoding
an event in terms of some rich knowledge base allows the system to generate further
proceed in similar ways from one occasion to the next (that is, from predominantly
sensory analyses to predominantly conceptual analyses), but, as acknowledged
previously (Lockhart & Craik, 1978; Lockhart et al., 1976), it is undoubtedly too
simplistic to argue that all stimuli arc analyzed by one common cognitive hierarchy
or that all patterns are processed through the same sequence of levels of analysis.
levels of Processing, Short-Term, and Working Memory
Our criticism of short-term memory was directed towards its structural incarnation
in "box and arrow" models such as that of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). Such models
reify memory structures in a way that leads to unprofitable questions (because they
are unanswerable), such as the capacity of, or the rale of decay of items from, shortterm memory. We will consider these two examples in greater detail.
The Capacity of Short-Term Memory: Capacity is a strictly quantitative concept, and
so the first problem for any attempt to measure the capacity of short-term memory
is to specify the appropriate units of measurement. Attempts to use metrics based
on some function of the amount of information remembered (number of items, chunks,
bits, etc.) have never succeeded in establishing the universal constant sought after.
The reason for this failure is not difficult to find. Capacity, as measured in terms of
units of remembered material, is dependent on the processing skill or resources of
the subject interacting with properties of the material to be remembered (cf. Jenkins,
1979). For this reason, measured capacity can vary over an enormous range, either
within the individual across content domains, or across individuals for a single
Perhaps the most dramatic example of this point comes from recent research in
the learning of memory skills. In one of the best known examples Chase and Iiricsson
(1981, 1982) report one subject who acquired an immediate digit span of 80 by virtue
of extended practice of recoding digits into meaningful sequences. On the other hand,
such extended practice left the same subject's letter span unchanged. In order to
describe the capacity of short-term memory in terms of number of items that is
constant across content domains, it becomes necessary to redefine item as a function
of the processing operations applied to the material to be remembered. In the case
of Chase and Ericsson's subject, it would become necessary to define higher order
units (chunks) in terms of the knowledge base being used to structure the incoming
digits; but precisely how this is done to yield a measure of item capacity is anything
but clear. Hqually unclear is the theoretical value of such an exercise, even if it could
be successfully completed, since it would be nothing more than a measure derived
from more basic theoretical constructs. Our argument is that to claim that information
processing is constrained by the structural properties of a limited capacity shortterm memory is to confuse cause with effect and is a bad way of stating the case.
The apparent limited capacity of short-term memory is a consequence of limited
processing resources.
Posed in these terms, questions of capacity can be seen to confuse structure and
process; limited capacity turns out not to be an invariant structural property of a
memory system, but a limitation imposed by processing. Capacity, measured in terms
of quantity of material remembered, will be highly variable depending on the readily
modifiable skills of the rememberer in relation to the nature of the material to be
remembered. That is. if, as we have argued, memory is a function of the form of
processing, then insofar as it is neecssary to invoke a concept of limited capacity,
the appropriate units of measurement are not units of memory information but of
processing resource. Thus, rather than say that Chase and liricsson's subject increased
short-term memory capacity in any structural sense, it makes much more sense to
say that he has acquired processing skills that enable him to process deeply long
sequences of numbers with extraordinary rapidity. The advantage of this approach
is that it integrates memory encoding with theories of skilled performance (Chi,
Glaser, & Farr, 1988), with theories of attention, especially that of Kahneman (1973),
and, as we discuss in more detail below. Baddeley's working memory. In brief,
our advocated approach is an example of a putative structure of memory encoding
being integrated into general cognitive theory.
Rate of Decay or Loss From Short-Term Memory: A similar analysis can be made
of attempts to define short-term memory in terms of rate of decay. With little sense
of tautology, it was commonly claimed that a defining characteristic of short-term
memory was the rapid decay or expulsion to which its contents were subject.
This parametric approach to memory structures has a long tradition. Starting with
Bbbinghaus, there has been a quest for universal constants of forgetting. The modernday counterpart was the theoretical use made of data from the Brown-Peterson
paradigm as if the form of processing allowed by a particular combination of item
exposure times, items of a particular kind, subjects with particular processing skills,
and a particular form of processing instructions, would yield forgetting data of
universal significance. From the viewpoint of levels of processing, the claim is that,
with particular combinations of these various factors, it is possible to produce virtually
any forgetting function one could care to nominate and that there is nothing of special
theoretical significance with the particular conditions commonly employed cither
by Ebbinghaus or in the Brown-Peterson paradigm. Another way of stating this
position is that if memory structures are to be defined in terms of their forgetting
characteristics, then, so defined, there is a continuum of memory systems. Such
a conclusion suggests that cither the notion of memory systems should be discarded
or some other basis for defining them should be found. Such an alternative basis
is exemplified in Baddeley's working memory.
Working memory. Working memory is the set of processes and/or structures
concerned with the temporary holding, manipulation, and integration of various types
of information. Such a concept is thus largely orthogonal to the problems addressed
by levels of processing the relations between encoding processes and long-term
retention. Hence, we have no quarrel with the concept of working memory. Indeed
we believe that it is a necessary concept in some form and that it can coexist very
comfortably with levels of processing notions. Whereas it is widely believed that
one of the main purposes of our 1972 paper was to abolish the distinction between
short-term and long-term memory, such a claim is simply untrue, as a rereading
of the paper will show. We argued against the structural notion of memory stores,
and short-term store was the most obvious target. The bulk of the paper is concerned
with the relations between initial encoding operations and subsequent retention,
but we go on to say:
However, superimposed on this basic memory system there is a second way in which
stimuli can be retained
by recirculating information at one level of processing.
In our view, such descriptions as "continued attention to certain aspects of the
stimulus," "keeping (he items in consciousness," "holding the items in the rehearsal
buffer," and "retention of the items in primary memory" all refer to the same concept
of maintaining information at one level of processing. To preserve some measure
of continuity with existing terminology, we will use the term primary memory (PM)
to refer to this operation, although it should be noted that our usage is more restricted
than the usual one. ... The essential feature of I'M retention is that aspects of the
material are still being processed or attended to. Our notion of PM is, thus,
synonymous with that of James (1890) in that PM items are still in consciousness.
(Craik & Lockhart, 1972, p. 676)
The essential differences between this characterization of primary memory and the
concept of a short-term store are, first, that primary memory is a processing activity,
not a structure, and that the phenomenon of limited capacity is therefore a processing
limitation, a consequence of limited processing resources as discussed above, not
a limitation of "space." The second major difference is that primary memory is
not one "place" in the cognitive system, but. rather, represents the deployment
of processing resources to various parts of the system, thereby giving rise to
the phcnomenological experience of paying attention to various types of information phonological, pictorial, semantic, or whatever. By this view the puzzle of
what constitutes the short-term code (acoustic? artieulatory? visual? semantic?),
which occupied many researchers in the 1960s and 1970s, simply dissolves. The
qualitative contents of primary memory arc given by the particular processes that are
active at the time. A very similar set of views was put forward by Shiffrin (1976)
who argued that short-term store did not precede long-term store (as it did in the "iruxlal
model"), but was an active subset of long-term store. Further, "Short-term store is
assumed to recapitulate the structure of LTS, in which it is embedded" (p. 217).
Is the concept of working memory as proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
and developed by Baddeley (1986) analogous or identical to this view of primary
memory as an active processor? The concepts clearly share some features: Both
primary memory and working memory are processors as opposed to passive memory
stores, and both deal with various types of information. But whereas the Craik and
Lockhart concept of primary memory is a set of processing activities carried out
in various parts of the cognitive system, Baddelcy's working memory appears to
be more structural, located in one place, and receiving, integrating, and managing
different types of information. The core of Baddeley's working memory is the
Central Executive whose function is to co-ordinate the activities of such peripheral
slave systems as the articulatory loop and the visuospatial sketchpad. But what is
the nature of the Central Executive? Can its capacity or its managerial prowess be
independently measured? In the absence of satisfactory answers to such questions,
it is difficult to see how the concept escapes Baddeley's (1978) own criticisms of
levels of processing that the ideas are poorly defined, too general, and not easily
amenable to measurement.
The concept of a flexible primary memory within the levels of processing
framework has much more in common with the domain-specific view of working
memory put forward by Monsell (1984) and by Daneman and Tardif (1987). In their
version, working memory is not one thing, but is the collection of computational
abilities associated with many types of information. According to Monsell, working
memory " i s no more (or less) than a heterogeneous array of independent storage
capacities intrinsic to various subsystems specialized for processing in specific
domains" (p. 344). By this view then, working memory is an umbrella term for a
number of highly specific processing abilities. This characterization leaves the
important question of how the distributed system of processors is controlled and
directed. Monsell suggests that some higher order processors arc simply specialized
to monitor the activities of other processors and direct the flow of information among
them. The Craik and Lockhart version equates primary memory with attention paid
to a particular type of information; there is no reason why attention (or processing
resources) should not be directed at two or more types simultaneously, although
such a notion is admittedly vague. The executive control of working memory,
however conceptualized, remains something of a puzzle for all theorists at the present
To summarize our thoughts on short-term memory functioning: First, Craik and
Lockhart (1972) did not deny the usefulness of some form of distinction between
long-term and short-term memory; in fact, we endorsed the distinction, although
primary memory was seen as the flexible allocation of processing resources within
the cognitive system, not as a separate structure. Second, capacity limitations are
seen as processing limitations, not as structural limitations. Third, the concept of
working memory is perfectly compatible with the levels of processing framework,
although the notion of working memory as a collection of domain-specific processors
(Dancman & Tardif, 1987; Monsell, 1984) is more congenial to our way of thinking
than is Baddclcy's (1986) model.
Levels of Processing and
Another frequent criticism of levels of processing has been its neglect of retrieval.
Insofar as the criticism is one of incompleteness, it has some justification, although
the issue of retrieval was addressed by Lockhart et al. (1976). However, if the
criticism is that we considered retrieval processes unimportant or that most of the
variance in memory performance is to be accounted for by encoding factors alone,
then it is quite unfounded. As pointed out above, retrieval is the only process that
can be meaningfully labelled a distinctly memory process. Thus, rather than assigning
retrieval processes a secondary status, levels of processing assigns them a dominant
role in a theory of remembering.
However, there are a number of issues that cannot be sidestepped by this general
apology. The most important of these is the possibility that the concept of memory
performance being a function of depth of processing is wrong, even as a first
approximation, and that the typically observed superiority of semantic processing
is an artifact of retrieval conditions which, so it is claimed, are typically better matched
to semantic level processing. The argument is that sensory processing can be as well
remembered as semantically processed material, provided the retrieval conditions
are appropriate for that form of processing. An example of this kind of argument
is transfer appropriate processing (Morris ct al., 1977).
The first point to note is that the general principle that memory is determined by
the relationship or interaction between the form of processing at acquisition and at
retrieval is undoubtedly true. Apart from the evidence supporting transfer appropriate
processing, the entire body of research surrounding Tulving's encoding specificity
principle (Tulving, 1983) makes this claim incontrovertible. However, the critical
issue is not the existence of such encoding/retrieval interactions, but whether there
are also main effects determined by the form of encoding, Granted the relevance
of transfer appropriate processing, arc there levels effects even when the transfer
appropriateness of the initial processing is held constant? As pointed out in the earlier
discussion of elaboration, such a main effect does exist. However, in terms of retrieval
processes there are two possible ways that this effect might operate.
One is that relative to shallow encoding, deep processing dccontextualizcs retrieval.
That is, granted that retrieval is never totally independent of the retrieval context,
deep processing sustains retrieval over a wider range of retrieval conditions and
contexts: Retrieval becomes (relatively) robust against changes in the context and
form of the retrieval. If this is true, then an interesting research question is to establish
the degree to which various encoding operations render retrieval contextually robust.
Certain operations may make the retrieval highly dependent on the recapitulation
of the context, others may make retrieval independent of context. Such differences
in contextual robustness may exist quite apart from the level of performance: For
some encoding operations, retrieval may be uniformly low, regardless of the cuing
conditions for retrieval, or it may be uniformly high; for other operations, it may
be high if certain retrieval conditions hold, but poor otherwise.
The second possibility is that deep processing boosts retrieval, but such boosting
is highly dependent on retrieval context so that levels effects are greatly reduced
if retrieval conditions differ too markedly from what is appropriate relative to the
encoding. Put differently, transfer appropriate processing is correct; but if the form
of processing is deep, the increment in performance when it is also appropriate is
greater than the increment for shallow processing, even when it too is paired with
appropriate retrieval conditions. Fisher and Craik's (1977) finding that semantic
processing tested with semantic cues yields higher recall than rhyme processing tested
with rhyme cues supports this second possibility, allhough as suggested above, some
deep encoding operations may serve to make retrieval relatively context independent.
The Complementary and Interactive Roles of Data and Theory
Much of the debate surrounding levels of processing might have been more
productive had our original formulation made a more explicit statement about the
relationship between data and theory. A common misunderstanding of our paper
was to interpret it in a narrow hypothetico-deductive tradition a theory that could
immediately be subjected to crucial experimental test. This tradition of theory
construction is still strongly entrenched in many areas of psychology, bringing with it
the view that the only role of theory is to generate potentially falsifiable hypotheses,
and the only role of data is to evaluate those hypotheses. This view is probably
mistaken in any area of science, but in (he cognitive sciences, where theory
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