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(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:

(45) Date of Patent:





(75) Inventor: Nobuaki Ito, Tokyo (JP)

3,953,182 A *


4,242,908 A

1/1981 Tombach

Roth ........................ .. 73/863.22


(73) Assignee: Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal

Corporation, Tokyo (JP)


*Nov. 12, 2013

References Cited


US 8,578,788 B2


to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35


U.S.C. 154(b) by 131 days.

50-74388 U
56-31618 A



This patent is subject to a terminal dis


Goossens et al., Wind tunnel and ?eld calibration of six aeolian dust

(21) Appl. No.:


samplers, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 34, 2000, pp. 1043 -1057.

(22) PCT Filed:

Apr. 1, 2010



PCT No.:


Primary Examiner * J eWel V Thompson

371 (0X1)
(2), (4) Date:

Sep. 23, 2011

Birch, LLP


(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Birch, Stewart, Kolasch &

PCT Pub. No.: WO2010/113520


PCT Pub. Date: Oct. 7, 2010


Prior Publication Data

US 2012/0031200 A1



Int. Cl.
G01F 1/34
US. Cl.


ceiling plate, a side Wall, and four or more partition plates; a

Feb. 9, 2012

Foreign Application Priority Data

Apr. 1, 2009

(JP) ............................. .. P2009-089493

suction pipe; a continuous dust amount measurement device

that continuously measures a dust amount per unit time; a
bloWer or a compressor; an exhaust port, Wherein the side
Wall is a plate that has a vertical center axis and has a side

surface With a substantially circular or polygonal truncated

cone shape Widened upWard, and Wherein the side Wall
includes a suction port Which is formed at the loWer end


..................................................... ..


A continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux measure

ment apparatus includes: a dust sampling port that includes a

thereof so as to be connected to the suction pipe and an


Field of Classi?cation Search

USPC ................. .. 73/28.04*28.06, 170.16, 863.22,

73/863.21, 863.52, 861.42

See application ?le for complete search history.

external air inlet Which has four or more openings disposed at

the same interval in the circumferential direction of the side
Wall at a constant height near the upper end thereof.

14 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets

US 8,578,788 B2
Page 2

References Cited
Scrudto .................... .. 73/863.52

9-210942 A



2001-50870 A



2002-82038 A



2002333396 A



2004444664 A

4,762,009 A *


5,040,424 A
5,224,059 A

8/1991 Marple @1211.

6/1993 Nitta @1211.


5,412,975 A *
5,607,497 A *

5/1995 Raabe 61:11. ............... .. 73/28.04

3/1997 Brown ..................... .. 73/864.71


2004/0038385 A1

2/2004 Langlo1s et al.

2004/0055362 A1

3/2004 Sh1noharaeta1.

Zoos/0279181 A1 *
2012/0024084 A1*

12/2005 Tmkumas et 31' """" " 73/863'22


116 ............................ .. 73/863.41






3574045 B2
2006-3090 A
2006-5083 A
2008304277 A



Harrison et a1. (editors), Atmospheric Particles, IUPAC Series on

Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, vol. 5,

1998, pp. 46-53 (17 pages total).
Japanese Standards Association, Low volume air sampler, JIS
Japanese Industrial Standard, JIS Z 8814-1994, Edition 1, 1994, pp.

1-12 (With English translation).


International Search Report for PCT/JP2010/002416, mailed on Jun.

22, 2010

* cited by examiner

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FYG, i

US 8,578,788 B2

US 8,578,788 B2

The ?ux of the dustfall, Which is a subject of the environ



mental problem, may be divided into a vertical ?ux and a

horizontal ?ux. In the vertical ?ux, the inspection plane is

horizontal, and is mainly concerned With the evaluation of the
deposition of the dustfall on the ground. In the horizontal ?ux,
the inspection plane is vertical, and is mainly concerned With


the evaluation of the adherence of the dustfall to a vertical

surface such as a Wall of a building. The atmospheric ?oW

The present invention relates to a continuous atmospheric

outside a building, that is, Wind may be regarded as having a

vector in the horizontal plane according to an average for a

horizontal dustfall ?ux measurement apparatus and a con

tinuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux measurement


long period of time. For this reason, the vertical ?ux is not
in?uenced by the Wind speed. On the contrary, the horizontal
?ux is a function of the Wind speed. More speci?cally, the ?ux

Priority is claimed on Japanese Patent Application No.

2009-089493, ?led on Apr. 1, 2009, the content of Which is

of the dustfall may be de?ned by the folloWing equation.

incorporated herein by reference.

[vertical ?ux of dustfall]:[concentration of dustfall]><

[falling speed of dustfall]


In the description of the related art and the description of

the invention beloW, the correlation betWeen the components

[horizontal ?ux of dustfall]:[concentration of dust

fall]><[Wind speed of component perpendicular to

inspection plane]

denoted by the same reference numerals does not indicate that

Likewise, in order to measure the horizontal dustfall ?ux,

the con?gurations and the functions thereof are the same as

each other, but merely indicates, for example, a partial corre

lation in function or general designation. Even When the
speci?c con?gurations or functions are different from each
other, the same reference numerals may be given thereto.
In dust produced With various production actions and con

there is a need to understand the Wind direction or the Wind

speed during measurement at all times. Furthermore, the


dustfall, such consideration is not needed, and the horizontal

sumption actions, large dust Which may freely fall in the

atmosphere and has a diameter of about more than or equal to
10 pm is called dustfall. Dustfall is regarded as a signi?cant

dustfall ?ux may be measured in a simpler manner. For this


form of environmental pollution, and there is a strong demand

sampling port 1 is formed in a trumpet shape Which is opened

environment and preparing countermeasures. In order to

upWard. The dustfall is collected in a manner such that the

understand the actual conditions of the dustfall, it is important


device. In particular, in the case of setting speci?c environ

mental countermeasures, it is effective to adopt a technique of

searching for a place causing a problem by the combination of

a speci?c Weather condition and a dustfall amount measure

ment value for a short time corresponding thereto. To perform

this method, there is a need to continuously measure the


dustfall falling and deposited on the inner surface of the dust

sampling port 1 is made to ?oW into a collection container 25
present beloW the dustfall sampling port 1 by rainWater or
Water used for collecting the collected dustfall.
Further, the horizontal dustfall ?ux may be formally trans
formed from the vertical ?ux in the folloWing equation.
[horizontal ?ux of dustfall]:[vertical ?ux of dustfall]><
[Wind speed of component perpendicular to

dustfall for a short period of one to ten minutes or less.

inspection plane]/ [vertical falling speed of dust

Among dust in an atmosphere, minute dust having a diam

eter of 10 pm or less and ?oating in the atmosphere substan

tially Without falling freely is called a suspended particulate

reason, in the public management of dustfall, a device solely

measuring the vertical ?ux, for example, a deposit gauge
shoWn in FIG. 1 has been used. In the deposit gauge, a dust

from society for understanding the actual conditions of the

to develop and manufacture an accurate dustfall measurement

measurement device needs to have a function of collecting the

?oW of the dustfall in the Wind direction at all times. On the
other hand, in the measurement of the vertical ?ux of the


Here, the Wind speed of the component perpendicular to

the inspection plane is de?ned as beloW. First, a virtual

matter (SPM). Since the SPM substantially moves in accor

dance With the ambient atmospheric ?oW, only the concen

inspection plane is perpendicularly installed at a point Which

tration of the SPM in the atmosphere may be considered as a

problem in the environmental in?uence evaluation of dust.

causes a problem. At this time, the Wind speed of the compo

nent perpendicular to the inspection plane is a component in

For this reason, in the case of measuring the actual state of the
SPM in the atmosphere, for example, a constant amount of

accordance With the direction perpendicular to the inspection

plane in the Wind speed at the point.

atmosphere is suctioned and ?ltered, Whereby the concentra

For this reason, even When the horizontal dustfall ?ux is

regarded as a problem, a simple evaluation using the mea
surement result of the vertical ?ux and the equation has been

tion of the dust in the atmosphere is calculated. On the other

hand, the larger dustfall does not move completely in accor
dance With the ambient atmospheric ?oW. The dustfall falls in
the atmosphere at a different speed in accordance With the


density or the size of the particle so as to be deposited on the

With time. For this reason, a large error occurs When calcu

ground. When there is a barrier in the atmosphere, the dustfall

collides With the barrier and adheres thereto. For this reason,
the environmental in?uence of the dustfall mainly occurs due
to contamination caused by the deposition or the adherence of
the dustfall to a speci?c material. Therefore, in order to evalu
ate the environmental in?uence of the dustfall, it is not su?i
cient to only measure the concentration of the dustfall in the
atmosphere, and there is a need to measure the amount of the

dustfall passing through a unit area of an inspection plane

?xed to a space per unit time, that is, the ?ux of the dustfall.

conducted. HoWever, in fact, it is di?icult to quantitatively

measure the falling speed of the dustfall variously changing
lating the horizontal ?ux of the dustfall on the basis of the

equation. Therefore, When the horizontal ?ux is a problem, it

is desirable to directly measure the horizontal ?ux from the

vieWpoint of measurement precision.

As a dustfall trapping device that directly measures a hori


zontal ?ux of dustfall, a device is disclosed Which naturally

circulates Wind inside a dust sampling port 1, traps dustfall by
collecting a portion of the dustfall introduced With the Wind
through inertial dust collection or gravitational dust collec
tion, and measures the horizontal ?ux of the dustfall accord

US 8,578,788 B2

ing to the result. Non-patent Document 1 discloses a plurality

thereof, and the dustfall needs to be introduced into a certain

continuous dust amount measurement device 6. In order to
exhibit such an effect, the dustfall in the atmosphere needs to

of particle trapping devices of this type.

As the representative type, a big spring number eight

be introduced into the dust sampling port 1 together With the

atmosphere, and air containing the dustfall inside the dust

(BSNE) is shoWn in FIGS. 2A and 2B. In the BSNE, an

atmosphere naturally ?owing from an external air inlet 10

into the dust sampling port 1 is decelerated inside the device
as the How passage is Widened. Subsequently, as depicted by
a How line of an atmospheric How 17 passing through the dust

sampling port 1 is suctioned so as to be introduced into the

continuous dust amount measurement device 6. During a time

in Which the dust is suctioned, the continuous dust amount

measurement device 6 continuously measures the dustfall
amount per unit time.
As described above, the dustfall does not completely move
in accordance With the How of the Wind. For this reason, for

sampling port, the atmosphere naturally ?oWs outWard from

an exhaust port 8, Which is a metallic mesh provided on the
top surface of the device. The Wind decelerates inside the dust
sampling port, so that the retention time of the dustfall inside

example, in the dust sampling port 1 of the dustfall amount

measurement device, the suction may be performed in the

the dust sampling port 1 increases, and the dustfall falls freely
by a long distance inside the dust sampling port in the mean

direction different from the Wind direction as shoWn in FIG.

3 or the suction may be performed at a speed different from
the Wind speed as shoWn in FIG. 4. In this case, suctioning of
the dustfall in the external air to the dust sampling port 1

Likewise, the portion inside the dust sampling port 1,

exhibiting an effect of reducing the Wind speed inside the dust
sampling port so as to be loWer than the Wind speed of the How
15 of the external air so as to increase the retention time of the

dustfall inside the dust sampling port 1 and increasing the


falling distance of the dustfall, is referred to as a Wind reduc

tion area 13 in the speci?cation.

The dustfall in the atmosphere falling in the Wind reduction

area 13 falls freely or collides With the Wall of the doWnstream

end of the device When passing through the inside of the

device as depicted by the How line of trapped dustfall 19.
Subsequently, the trapped dustfall 19 passes through a metal
lic mesh 33 disposed beloW the How passage and is trapped by
a particle trap 32.
A portion of the dust inside the dust sampling port 1 ?oWs
into the external air from the exhaust port 8 as depicted by the



flow line of dustfall 20 passing through the dust sampling

port. Further, the entire device is rotatable in the horizontal
direction, and the external air sampling port 10 is made to be
automatically directed toWard the upWard Wind direction at

provided in the device. Even though this device really has a

simple structure, the trapped dustfall is manually collected at

Further, in the BSNE, the dustfall trapping surface is long

Further, since the dust trapping ef?ciency is strongly in?u

increase the concentration of the dustfall. Further, it is di?i

cult to further provide a device highly precisely measuring the
dustfall amount, for example, the dustfall mass in the BSNE.
This is because the mass of the trapped dustfall is much
smaller than the mass of the BSNE body as the trapping


device. For this reason, it is essential to independently mea


speed, it is di?icult to highly precisely understand the outdoor

dust trapping e?iciency. For this reason, in the dust sampling
port 1 collecting the atmospheric dustfall in order to measure
the horizontal dustfall ?ux, there is a need to introduce an

sure only the mass of the dustfall after spatially separating and

concentrating the dustfall from the BSNE body.


atmosphere at substantially the same speed as the Wind speed

and the Wind direction of the external air.
In a dust trapping method of introducing an atmosphere
into the dust sampling port 1 at the same speed as the Wind
speed and the Wind direction of the external air, there is a
method called uniform suction. In the uniform suction, the
Wind speed of the external air is measured, and a suction ?oW
rate of a separate bloWer is controlled so that the atmosphere

introduction speed at the inlet of the dust sampling port 1

matches the Wind speed. This method is mainly applied to the

7A and 7B includes: a collection bottle With an external air


doWnWard Wind direction. The MWAC does not have a spe

cial mechanism that makes the external air inlet 10 of the dust

sampling port folloW the Wind direction.

concentrated at a narroW space area to increase the density

trapping ef?ciency of the particle having a diameter more

than 10 pm in this type of dust sampling port 1 is extremely
enced by the ambient measurement conditions such as a Wind

dif?cult to accumulate the dustfall in a narroW space area to

In order to continuously measure the horizontal ?ux of the

dustfall, as described above, the trapped dustfall needs to be

Further, the direction of disposing the external air inlet 10

is generally ?xed in many cases. Therefore, the normally
changing Wind direction of the external air is not generally
equal to the direction of the external air inlet 10. For this

small such as to be a several % or less.

and large along the Wind direction. For this reason, it is

inlet 10 Which is an L-shaped pipe having an opening pro

vided in the upWard Wind direction; and an exhaust port 8
Which is an L-shaped pipe having an opening provided in the

desirable as the dustfall collection method for measuring the

horizontal dustfall ?ux. Speci?cally, such a dustfall sampling
method is shoWn in Patent Documents 1, 2, and the like. In
these devices, since the external air suction speed is constant
in the external air inlet 10 at all times, the Wind speed of the
external air is generally not equal to the external air introduc

reason, as disclosed in Non-patent Document 4, the dust


trapping amount for a short period.

Non-patent Document 1 introduces a suspended sediment

trap (SUSTRA) or a Modi?ed Wilson & Cooke sampler
(MWAC) as the collector for the horizontal dustfall ?ux. The
collection principle of the SUSTRA is basically the same as
that of the BSNE. The MWAC dust sampler shoWn in FIGS.

of the bypassing dustfall is sensitively in?uenced by various

Weather conditions, characteristics of the dustfall, and the
shape of the device. For this reason, it is dif?cult to predict the
ratio of the bypassing dustfall.
Therefore, the suction type shoWn in FIGS. 3 and 4 is not

tion speed.

all times due to the action of a blade 23 and a rotary shaft 24

one time. For this reason, in the BSNE, it is dif?cult to

continuously measure the transition of the time- series dustfall

together With suctioned atmosphere 16 is not limited thereto.

As in the dustfall 18 in the external air of FIGS. 3 and 4, the
ratio of the dustfall bypassing the external air inlet 10 is large
to a degree Which may not be ignored. Furthermore, the ratio


case of measuring the ?ux of the dust inside a Wind tunnel of

Which the Wind direction is ?xed as shoWn in the example of
Non-patent Document 2. Patent Documents 4 and 5 disclose
a method of controlling the direction of the dust sampling port
1 so that the direction matches the Wind direction at all times
in accordance With the control of the Wind speed at the time of
applying the uniform suction to trap the dustfall outdoors for
the purpose of obtaining the horizontal ?ux of the dustfall.
Such a method is the most reliable method of trapping the

US 8,578,788 B2

dustfall concerned With the horizontal ?ux measurement.

from the inside of the dust sampling port increases. For this

However, in this case, a complex con?guration and a complex

reason, the dustfall trapping e?iciency is hardly in?uenced by

control are needed due to a ?oW rate control device or a

the Wind speed of the external air, and the vertical ?ux of the
dustfall may be suitably measured. HoWever, this device is

rotation mechanism of the dust sampling port, and the device

may easily become expensive and increase in siZe. For this

not suitable for the measurement of the horiZontal ?ux of the

dustfall. In the device, a failure may occur in the device When
suctioning raindrops in many cases. For this reason, gener
ally, this device includes a mechanism automatically cover

reason, this can not be considered a simple measurement

Further, Weather resistance is an important function for

continuously measuring the horiZontal ?ux of the dustfall for

a long period at an outdoor place. In particular, a problem

ing the opening of the dust sampling port 1 in the case of rain,
and does not perform the measurement in the case of rain.
Further, Patent Document 7 discloses a particle counter 11

such as a failure occurs in many continuous dust amount

measurement devices When raindrops intrude into a measure

ment unit in the case of rainfall. Therefore, there is a need to

Which is a light scattering type particle counter. This device is

operated in accordance With the principle in Which each dust
particle passing through a measurement unit is irradiated With

provide a structure capable of preventing raindrops from

intruding into the dust sampling port 1 or removing raindrops
intruding into the dust sampling port 1. In general, a manual

a laser beam and the re?ection and the intensity of the scat

simple dust trap such as the BSNE does not include a mecha

tered light are detected so as to determine the presence of dust

particles With a predetermined diameter or more. This device

nism of preventing raindrops from intruding into the external

may measure the number of dust particles in the suctioned

air inlet 10 or a mechanism of removing raindrops inside the



As a method of preventing raindrops from intruding into

the dust sampling port 1, there is knoWn a method of provid
ing a louver in the dust sampling port 1 or a method of Patent
Document 1. In the device of Patent Document 1, the dust
sampling port 1 has a structure shoWn in FIG. 4. In addition,

may be converted into the mass of dust.


an impactor is provided so as to remove dustfall or raindrop

With a diameter more than 10 um. HoWever, as for the prin

ciple of preventing raindrops from intruding into the dust

sampling port 1 of this method, the ?oW passage of the atmo

sphere ?oWing into the dust sampling port 1 is abruptly

atmosphere. HoWever, When a standard sample of dust is

separately provided and a relationship betWeen the number of
dust particles and the mass of dust is determined in advance,
the number of dust particles detected at the particle counter 1 1


Further, since there is no need to trap the dust in this device,

a ?lter need not be essentially provided. Furthermore, a
device is also available Which sprays sheath air corresponding
to clean air to the periphery of the suctioned external air in the
same axis as that of the ?oW of the external air. Accordingly,
dust or fog dip contained in the suctioned external air may be
collected inside a measurement ?oW passage. HoWever, there

changed to remove raindrops Which may not folloW the atmo

is a problem in that a failure occurs in the device When

spheric ?oW. For this reason, in this method, large dust such as
dustfall is removed together With the raindrops inside the dust

suctioning a large amount of raindrops as in the above-de

scribed other devices.
Further, Patent Document 8 discloses a light transmission
type particle concentration meter. In this device, dust suc
tioned together With atmosphere inside the device is irradi
ated With light. At this time, the light transmission amount of

sampling port 1. Therefore, this method is not suitable as a

method of trapping dustfall according to the object of the

Next, the continuous dust amount measurement device of
the related art Will be described. As the continuous dust
amount measurement device, various types are proposed. The
simplest method is a loW volume sampler shoWn in Non
patent Document 3. In this device, the dustfall in the suc
tioned atmosphere is ?ltered by a ?lter, and a variation in
Weight of the ?lter is measured off-line so as to calculate the
mass of the trapped dust. In the case of this device, the ?lter
needs to be replaced after a short period in order to perform
the continuous measurement. For this reason, this method is
not practical from the vieWpoint of burden of Work. Further
more, a device increasing the suctioned ?oW rate of the loW
volume sampler for the measurement at a short time is called

a high volume sampler. Therefore, the principle, the structure,

and the reliability of the high volume sampler are substan
tially the same as those of the loW volume sampler.
Further, Patent Document 6 discloses a continuous dust
amount measurement device shoWn in FIG. 5. In this device,
a trumpet-shaped dust sampling port 1 With an upWard open



Patent Documents


[Patent Document 1] Japanese Unexamined Patent Applica

tion, First Publication No. 2006-3090

[Patent Document 2] Japanese Patent Publication No.



[Patent Document 3] Japanese Unexamined Patent Applica

tion, First Publication No. 2004-144664

[Patent Document 4] Japanese Unexamined Utility Model

Application, First Publication No. H4-l3655l

ing is provided, so that the dustfall may be trapped and the

mass of the dust may be continuously and precisely measured
using a [3-line absorption type mass measurement device.
In this device, the atmosphere ?oWing into the dust sam

pling port largely and rapidly turns inside the dust sampling

the light attenuated due to the effect of the re?ection or

absorption of the dust is measured and converted into the
concentration of the dust. The Weather resistance is the same
as that of the particle counter 11.

[Patent Document 5] Japanese Unexamined Patent Applica

tion, First Publication No. H5-l87989

[Patent Document 6] Japanese Examined Patent Application,

Second Publication No. H6-02l848

[Patent Document 7] Japanese Unexamined Patent Applica


port, and most of the atmosphere advances along the ?oW

tion, First Publication No. 2002-82038

[Patent Document 8] Japanese Unexamined Patent Applica

passage 17 so as to ?oW to the outside of the system. When the

tion, First Publication No. Hl-3076l4

Wind speed of the external air increases, the amount of the

dustfall ?oWing into the dust sampling port 1 also increases,

but the turning ?oW speed inside the dust sampling port 1 also
increases in proportion to the Wind speed. As a result, the
amount of the dustfall ?oWing to the outside of the system

Non-Patent Documents

[Non-patent Document 1] Goossens, D., Offer, Z. Y.: Atmo

spheric Environment, vol. 34 (2000), pp. 1043-1057

US 8,578,788 B2

[Non-patent Document 2] Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS

is de?ned as ((representative Wind speed of external air)/ (free

falling speed of dustfall desired to be trapped))><(axial length
betWeen loWer surface of ceiling plate and loWer end of exter
nal air inlet), the length of the peak portion along the radial
direction of the ceiling plate may be smaller than the value of

Z 71 5 1

[Non-patent Document 3] Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS

Z 88 1 4

[Non-patent Document 4] R. M. Harrison, R. E. van Grieken:

Atmospheric Particles, John Wiley & Sons (England),

Equation (1).

1998, pp. 47-53

(3) In the continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux

measurement apparatus according to (1) or (2), the continu


ous dust amount measurement device and the bloWer or the

compressor may constitute a particle counter.

Problems to be Solved by the Invention

(4) In the continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux

measurement apparatus according to (1) or (2), the continu

As described above, in the horizontal dustfall ?ux mea

surement device of the related art, there are problems in that
measurement may not be continuously performed With a

ous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux measurement appa

ratus may further include: an aerovane that measures an aver

age Wind speed of external air per unit time; a calculation

device that receives the average Wind speed value measured

short cycle period, dustfall trapping e?iciency may be loW, an

increase in size of the device may be unavoidable, the struc
ture may be expensive and complex, and a rainfall counter

by the aerovane and the momentary dustfall amount measure

ment value measured by the continuous dust amount mea
surement device as an input value and calculates a momentary

measure may not be considered.

It is an object of the invention to provide an atmospheric

horizontal dustfall ?ux measurement device that has high


dustfall trapping e?iciency, has a small, simple, and cheap

mentary dustfall amount measurement value)/((average Wind

speed measurement value)><(effective opening area of exter

structure, and is capable of performing continuous measure

ment for a short period of one minute or so at an outdoor

place. It is an object of the invention to provide a device

nal air inlet)) . . . (2); and an output device that stores or


displays the momentary external air dustfall concentration

calculated by the calculation device.
(5) In the continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux
measurement apparatus according to (1) or (2), the length of
each partition plate along the axial direction of the side Wall


may be tWice or more the length of the external air inlet along
the axial direction of the side Wall.

capable of considering rainfall countermeasure.

Means for Solving the Problem
As a result of the inventors study for dustfall measure
ment, the solution is contrived as folloWs.

(1) According to one aspect of the invention, there is pro

vided a continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux mea

surement apparatus including: a dust sampling port that

includes a ceiling plate, a side Wall, and four or more partition
plates; a suction pipe; a continuous dust amount measurement
device that continuously measures a dust amount per unit



measurement device, the bloWer or the compressor, and the

exhaust port so that the suctioned air ?oWs in series, Wherein
the side Wall is a plate that has a vertical center axis and has a
side surface With a substantially circular or polygonal trun

cated cone shape Widened upWard, Wherein the side Wall

(6) In the continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux

measurement apparatus according to (1) or (2), the length of
each partition plate along the axial direction of the side Wall
may be 0.5 times the axial length of the dust sampling port.
(7) In the continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux
measurement apparatus according to (1) or (2), the bloWer or
the compressor may suction a part or all of dustfall ?oWing

time; a bloWer or a compressor; an exhaust port, Wherein a

How passage is formed by sequentially connecting the dust

sampling port, the suction pipe, the continuous dust amount

external air dustfall concentration on the basis of Equation (2)

beloW: (momentary external air dustfall concentration):(mo

into the dust sampling port along With air together With a part
of the air inside the dust sampling port, introduce the dustfall
and the air into the continuous dust amount measurement

device through the suction pipe from the suction port, and
discharge the suctioned air from the exhaust port.
(8) According to one aspect of the invention, there is pro

vided a continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux mea

includes a suction port Which is formed at the loWer end

surement method using the continuous atmospheric horizon

thereof so as to be connected to the suction pipe and an

tal dustfall ?ux measurement apparatus according to (1) or

(2), a value obtained by dividing the amount of the dustfall
trapped per unit time by the effective opening area of the
external air inlet may be calculated as the horizontal ?ux of
the dustfall.

external air inlet Which has four or more openings disposed at

the same interval in the circumferential direction of the side
Wall at a same height near the upper end thereof, Wherein the


ceiling plate has a substantial disk shape, the diameter thereof

is larger than the diameter of the horizontal cross-section of
the upper end of the side Wall, the center axis of the ceiling
plate matches the center axis of the side Wall, and the ceiling
plate is connected to the upper end of the side Wall so as to
come into contact thereWith, Wherein four or more partition
plates are four or more ?at plates Which are disposed in a
vertical plane so as to divide a space surrounded by the side
Wall into fan-shaped areas With the same size in the horizontal
cross-section, are connected to each other on the center axis,

Advantageous Effects of Invention


According to the invention, it is possible to continuously

measure a horizontal ?ux of dustfall With high precision for a
short period of one minute or so using a simple structure.


and have the same height, and Wherein the partition plates are
connected to the side Wall and to the ceiling plate Without any
gap therebetWeen.

Further, in addition to this, in one aspect of the invention, it is

possible to realize an all-Weather continuous atmospheric
horizontal dustfall ?ux measurement device capable of per
forming measurement Without any failure in the case of rain.

(2) In the continuous atmospheric horizontal dustfall ?ux

measurement apparatus according to (1), the ceiling plate

may include a peak portion that extends outWard in relation to

the upper end of the side Wall, and Wherein When Equation (1 )


FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the related art.

FIG. 2A is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of the related

US 8,578,788 B2

2B is a schematic plan vieW of the related art.

3 is a schematic diagram of the related art.
4 is a schematic diagram of the related art.
5 is a schematic diagram of the related art.
6A is a schematic plan vieW of the related art.
6B is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of the related

ment device 6, a bloWer or a compressor 7, and an exhaust

port 8. External air or dustfall in the external air ?oWs into the

dust sampling port. The dust sampling port 1 is connected to

the suction pipe 5 at the suction port 9. A part of an atmo
sphere and a part or all of the dustfall inside the dust sampling
port 1 are introduced into the continuous dust amount mea

surement device 6 through the suction pipe 5. The continuous


dust amount measurement device 6 continuously measures

the dustfall amount. The atmosphere and a part or all of the
dustfall passing through the measurement device are suc
tioned by the bloWer or the compressor 7 and are discharged

FIG. 7A is a schematic plan vieW of the related art.

FIG. 7B is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of the related

FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram of a device according to a

to the outside of the system from the exhaust port 8. When the

?rst embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 9A is a schematic side vieW of a particle sampling port
of the device.
FIG. 9B is a schematic plan vieW of the particle sampling
port of the device.
FIG. 9C is a schematic cross-sectional vieW taken along the

bloWer or the compressor 7 and the exhaust port 8 are not

connected to each other in series, an air pipe 26 may be

provided to connect the components to each other. Further,
When the continuous dust amount measurement device 6 or
the bloWer or the compressor 7 is not designed to have
Weather resistance, a casing 12 may be provided so as to
accommodate such a device therein.

plane A-A of the particle sampling port of the device.

FIG. 9D is a schematic cross-sectional vieW taken along the

plane B-B of the particle sampling port of the device.


FIGS. 9A to 9D and FIGS. 10A to 10C. The dust sampling

inside the particle sampling port.

FIG. 10B is a schematic cross-section vieW taken along the

plane A-A of the How ?eld inside the sampling port.

FIG. 10C is a schematic cross-sectional vieW taken along


the plane B-B of the How ?eld inside the sampling port.
FIG. 11 is a schematic vieW illustrating an operation of the
device according to the ?rst embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 12 is another schematic vieW illustrating the operation
of the device according to the ?rst embodiment of the inven


corresponding to a vertical line is formed as a plate. The

shapes of the upper and loWer bottoms of the truncated cone
may be a circular shape or a shape Which is similar to a

to a second embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 15 is a schematic vieW illustrating a device according

to a third embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 16 is a schematic vieW illustrating a device according

to a fourth embodiment of the invention.

port 1 includes a partition plate 4, a ceiling plate 3, and a side

Wall 2 provided With the external air inlet 10.
(Side Wall 2 of Dust Sampling Port 1)
The side Wall 2 is a substantially conical (trumpet-shaped)
plate of Which the upper and loWer ends are opened about the
center axis corresponding to the vertical direction. The side
Wall 2 has a shape Which is Widened upWard. Typically, the
side Wall 2 has a con?guration in Which a portion correspond
ing to a side surface of a truncated cone having a center axis

FIG. 13 is another schematic vieW illustrating the operation

of the device according to the ?rst embodiment of the inven
FIG. 14 is a schematic vieW illustrating a device according

(Dust Sampling Port 1)

The dust sampling port 1 Will be described by referring to

FIG. 10A is a schematic plan vieW illustrating a How ?eld


circular shape such as a regularpolygon having at least four or

more apexes. For example, When the upper and loWer bottoms
have a circular shape, the shape of the side Wall 2 becomes a
side surface of a circular truncated cone. Further, the horiZon
tal cross-section of an arbitrary height of a space surrounded
by the side Wall 2 is a circular shape or a shape similar to a

circular shape such as a regular polygon. Furthermore, the

center of the horiZontal cross-section or the centroid is posi


tioned on the same vertical line at all times. The cross-sec

Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the invention Will

be described in detail by referring to the accompanying draW


Furthermore, in the speci?cation and the draWings, the
same reference numerals Will be given to the components

having substantially the same functional con?gurations, and

the repetitive description thereof Will be omitted.
In the description of the above-described related art and the
description of the invention, the correlation betWeen the com
ponents denoted by the same reference numerals does not
indicate that the con?gurations and the functions thereof are
the same as each other, but merely indicates, for example, a


tional area of the horiZontal cross-section gradually increases

from the loWer end of the circular truncated cone toWard the
upper end thereof.
Furthermore, a protrusion (for example, a head of a ?xed
bolt) or an opening (for example, a port or the like) su?i
ciently smaller than the area of the plate may be present on the

plate surface.
It is desirable that the area of the opening or the protrusion
be, for example, the cross-sectional area less than 10% of the
area of the plate. Likewise, in the embodiment, since the
substantially conical side Wall 2 is employed, the dustfall


trapping ef?ciency of the dust sampling port 1 may be less

dependent on the direction of the Wind. From this vieWpoint,
it is desirable that the side Wall 2 have an axisymmetric shape.
HoWever, due to convenience in processing, the horiZontal
cross-section may be a shape similar to a circular shape such

partial correlation in function or general designation. Even

When the speci?c con?gurations or functions are different
from each other, the same reference numerals may not be

given thereto.

as a regular polygon or a shape in Which anisotropy Within a

horiZontal plane is comparatively small. For example, spe

First Embodiment

ci?cally, the horizontal cross-section may have a regular hex

agonal shape, a regular octagonal shape, a regular dodecago

Hereinafter, a ?rst embodiment of the invention Will be

described by referring to FIG. 8.

A continuous atmospheric horiZontal dustfall ?ux mea
surement device of the embodiment includes a dust sampling
port 1, a suction pipe 5, a continuous dust amount measure


nal shape, a hexadecagonal shape, or the like, and the

anisotropy decreases as the number of angles of the horiZontal
cross-section increases. The horiZontal cross-section of the
side Wall 2 may not be necessarily a regular polygonal shape

US 8,578,788 B2


as long as the shape may maintain loW anisotropy. For

at the same interval in the circumferential direction. The

example, the anisotropy may be limited to a constant range as

upper end of the external air inlet 1 0 may be equal to the upper
end of the side Wall 2 or may a position loWer than the upper
end of the side Wall 28. Since the height ofthe upper end of the
external air inlet 10 is derived from the limitation in height of
the loWer end of the external air inlet 10 and the limitation in
total area of the external air inlet 10 to be described later, the
height of the upper end of the external air inlet 10 may be
appropriately determined Within the limitation range. It is
desirable that the axial position of the loWer end of the exter
nal air inlet 10 be in the distance Within 1/5 of the height of the
side Wall 2 in the axial direction of the side Wall 2 at the upper
end of the side Wall 2 in order to improve the dustfall trapping
It is desirable that the shape of the external air inlet 10 be
symmetrical in the circumferential direction in order to

long as a shape is provided in Which the outer edge of the

horizontal cross-section is included in a circular ring With a
constant Width. For example, a circular ring is de?ned in
Which the minimal radius Rmin becomes 0.6><Max When the

maximal radius from the center point is denoted by Rmax,

and a shape may be provided in Which the outer edge of the
horizontal cross-section is included in the circular ring. Fur
ther, the shape of the outer edge of the horizontal cross
section may be de?ned by using the circular ring having the
minimal radius of 0.8><MR.
The open portion of the loWer end of the side Wall 2 is the
air port 9, and is connected to the air pipe 5. A part of the

dustfall ?oWing into the dust sampling port 1 sinks along the
slope of the side Wall 2, reaches the airport 9, and is suctioned
by the air pipe 5. It is desirable that the inclination of the side

reduce the dependence of the dustfall trapping e?iciency With

Wall 2 be at least 45 or more and desirably 65 or more With

respect to the direction of the Wind, and a shape such as a

respect to the horizontal plane. In this case, When the average

inclination of the air pipe 5 With respect to the horizontal
plane is suf?ciently large and dustfall sinks in the dust sam
pling port 1, most of the dustfall is suctioned to the air pipe 5
Without adhering to the side Wall 2. On the other hand, When
the inclination With respect to the horizontal plane is drasti

cally large, the axial length of the dust sampling port 1

becomes longer and the surface area increases, Which is
advantageous from the vieWpoint of the adherence of the
dustfall to the Wall surface. Thus, it is desirable that the
inclination of the side Wall 2 With respect to the horizontal
plane be 85 or less.
It is desirable that the thickness of the side Wall 2 be at least


external air inlets 10 need to be disposed at the same position

(that is, the same height) in the axial direction of the side Wall
2 and have the same shape in order to reduce the dependence

of the dustfall trapping e?iciency With respect to the direction




direction of drastically decreasing the dustfall trapping e?i


Wall 2 be smooth in order to suppress the adherence of the

dustfall. From this vieWpoint, When the material of the inner

surface treatment such as zinc plating or chrome plating,

copper, coppery alloy, magnesium alloy, titanium, titanium

absorption to the inner surface. When glass is used for the

inner surface of the side Wall 2, soda glass, lead glass, or silica
glass may be used.
Since the side Wall 2 receives strong Wind outdoors and is


mum value in the maximum area of the external air inlet 10

and the trappable dustfall amount increases as the total area
increases up to the maximum area. For this reason, the total
area of the external air inlet 10 may be set to a condition
approximate to the maximum area. It is desirable to chamfer
the outer end surface of the external air inlet 10 so as to reduce

separation of the introduced atmosphere.

(Ceiling Plate 3 of Dust Sampling Port 1)
The ceiling plate 3 is disposed so that the center axes of the
ceiling plate 3 and the side Wall 2 match each other. Further
more, the center axis of the ceiling plate 3 is de?ned as an axis


exposed to sunshine or rainfall, the side Wall 2 needs to have

strength and Weather resistance. From this vieWpoint, as the
structure material of the side Wall 2, metal such as steel, alloy

steel, aluminum, aluminum alloy, copper, copper alloy, mag

ciency. As the number of the external air inlets 10 increases,

the in?uence of the direction of the Wind reduces.
HoWever, as described beloW, there is a desirable maxi

a degradation of the dustfall sampling e?iciency due to the

alloy, and the like may be used. Further, When ceramics is

used for the inner surface of the side Wall 2, china or stone
Ware may be used in order to prevent the dustfall from adher
ing to the inner surface of the side Wall 2 due to moisture

For this reason, When the number of the external air inlets 10
is three or less, the angle formed betWeen the direction of the
Wind and the external air inlet 10 at a certain external air inlet
10 becomes 35 or more so that Wind may be generated in the

tricity. Further, it is desirable that the inner surface of the side

surface of the side Wall 2 is metal, stainless steel, aluminum,

aluminum alloy, steel subjected to a corrosion preventing

result of the examination performed by the inventor. When the

angle formed betWeen the direction of the Wind and the vector
projected to the horizontal plane of the vertical unit vector
With respect to the opening of the external air inlet 10 is 35 or

the thickness of the side Wall 2 be 0.3 mm or more. In this

case, it is possible to prevent a problem such as resonance

When the side Wall 2 is vibrated due to Wind.

It is desirable that the material of the inner surface of the
side Wall 2 be metal, glass, or ceramics in order to prevent the
dustfall from adhering to the Wall surface due to static elec

of the Wind.
The number of the external air inlets 10 needs to be four or
more and desirably eight to thirty-six. This is because of the

more, it is proved that the amount of the Wind ?owing into the
dust sampling port 1 at the same Wind speed drastically
decreases so that the dustfall trapping ef?ciency is degraded.

10 mm or less and desirably 3 mm or less. In this case, the air

passage resistance of the external air inlet 10 provided in the

side Wall 2 is small, and the external air suf?ciently ?oWs into
the dust sampling port 1. On the other hand, it is desirable that

circular shape, an oval shape, a rectangular shape, a trapezoid

shape, or an isosceles triangular shape may be used. The

passing through the center point of the ceiling plate 3 and

perpendicular to the ceiling plate 3. Further, the ceiling plate
3 is disposed so as to adhere to the upper end of the side Wall

2. The diameter of the ceiling plate 3 needs to be larger than

the diameter of the upper end of the side Wall 2. The outer

ceiling plate portion in relation to the upper end of the side

nesium alloy, titanium, or titanium alloy, ceramics such as

china or stoneWare, glass such as soda glass, lead glass, or

Wall 2 serves as a peak portion, and exhibits an effect of

silica glass, or rigid synthetic resin such as rigid vinyl chlo

port 1 in the case of rain. As the diameter of the ceiling plate

3 extending from the upper end of the side Wall 2 becomes

ride or acrylic may be used.

A plurality of the external air inlets 10 as openings of the
side Wall 2 is provided at a constant height near the upper end
of the side Wall 2 so as to have the same shape and be disposed

preventing raindrops from intruding into the dust sampling


larger, the effect of suppressing raindrops from intruding into

the dust sampling port 1 becomes higher. HoWever, the maxi
mal diameter of the dustfall ?oWing into the dust sampling

US 8,578,788 B2

port becomes smaller as the diameter of the ceiling plate
becomes larger. Therefore, the maximum value of the diam
eter of the ceiling plate needs to be determined on the basis of

(Partition Plate of Dust Sampling Port)

The partition plate 4 comes into contact With the upper

portion of the side Wall 2 including the ceiling plate 3 and the
upper end of the side Wall 2, and the partition plates are

the following equation.

disposed so that the end surfaces thereof come into contact

With each other at the center axis of the dust sampling port 1.
As a result, the upper portion inside the sampling port is
divided into small areas 27 each having a fan-shaped hori
zontal cross-section and having the external air inlet 10 and a
doWnWard opening. The partition plates 4 are installed so that
a plurality of the fan-shaped small areas 27 having the same

[radial length of peak portion of ceiling plate]<[repre

sentative Wind speed of external air]/ [free falling
speed of dustfall Which is desired to be trapped]><

[axial length between loWer surface of ceiling

plate and loWer end of external air inlet]

For example, When 200 um or less of dustfall is desired to

be trapped on the basis of the average Weather condition in
Japan, it is desirable that a difference betWeen the diameter of

cross-sectional shape is disposed in the circumferential direc

tion of the dust sampling port.
Here, When the number of the fan-shaped small areas 27 is
four or more, most of the atmosphere ?oWing from the
upstream external air inlet to the fan- shaped small area in the
Wind of the external air enters around the loWer end of the

the ceiling plate and the diameter of the upper end of the side
Wall (the length of the peak portion) be from 50 mm to 200
mm. For example, When the representative Wind speed of the
external air is 2 m/s or more, the free falling speed of the
dustfall designed to be trapped is 0.5 m/ s, and the axial length
betWeen the loWer surface of the ceiling plate and the loWer
end of the external air inlet is 0.01 m, if the equation is

partition plate 4 and passes through the Wind reduction area


13 as shoWn in FIGS. 10A to 10C. On the other hand, When

the number of the fan-shaped small areas 27 is three or less,
mo st of the introduced atmosphere directly ?oWs outWard
from the doWnstream external air inlet of the same fan-shaped
small area. As described above, since the atmospheric dustfall
is separated and condensed at the Wind reduction area, there is
a problem in that the ratio of the dustfall reaching the air port


9, that is, the dustfall trap ratio is loW When the number of the

Further, When the horizontal cross-section of the side Wall

2 has a shape other than a circular shape, for example, a

fan-shaped small areas 27 is three or less. On the other hand,

When the number of the fan-shaped small areas 27 is four or
more, mo st of the atmosphere introduced from the external air
inlet of the fan- shaped small area 27' Where the atmosphere is

applied, the length along the radial direction of the peak

portion of the ceiling plate may be set to 0.04 m, that is, the
difference betWeen the diameter of the ceiling plate and the
diameter of the upper end of the side Wall may be set to 80

regular polygonal shape, the diameter of the circumscribed

circle of the cross-section of the side Wall at the upper end of
the side Wall may be regarded as the diameter of the upper end

introduced enters around the loWer end of the partition plate 4,

passes through the Wind reduction area 13, and is discharged

of the side Wall 2. Furthermore, When the ceiling plate 3 has

a shape other than a circular shape, for example, a regular
polygonal shape, the diameter of the inscribed circle of the
ceiling plate 3 may be regarded as the diameter of the ceiling

to the atmosphere from the fan-shaped small area 27" differ

ent from the fan-shaped small area 27 or is suctioned to the

plate 3.

outWard ?oWing atmosphere and is suctioned to the air port 9

in the meantime, so that high dustfall trapping ef?ciency is
obtained. Therefore, the number of the fan-shaped small areas

The ceiling plate 3 needs to be a substantial disk in order to

reduce the dependency With respect to the direction of the
Wind. The substantial disk indicates a structure in Which the

ceiling plate Within the horizontal plane has small anisotropy


and is thin. Speci?cally, it is desirable that the ceiling plate 3

be a disk. HoWever, a shape similar to a circular shape such as
a regular polygon having at least four or more apexes may be

Further, one or more external air inlets needs to be essen


dome shape having a gentle inclination (that is, thin in the

vertical direction) in consideration of drainage performance
is 100 or less may be applied. In the case of a structure in



constant Width. Even in this case, the diameter of the

inscribed circle of the ceiling plate 3 may be regarded as the

ceiling plate may have an acute angle or a streamline shape in

order to reduce air resistance.

of the fan-shaped small areas, that is, the number of the

partition plates. As a result of the examination of the inventor,
it is desirable that the number of the fan-shaped small areas,
that is, the number of the partition plates be sixteen or less. It
is desirable that the axial length of the partition plate 4 be

nation of the inventor, the maximum horizontal Wind speed/


The material of the ceiling plate may be any type so long as

the material has strength capable of maintaining the structure

outdoors and does not permit the permeation of rainWater.
Speci?cally, the material applicable to the side Wall 2 may be
applied to the ceiling plate 3. Further, the end surface of the

increases as the number of the fan-shaped small areas

increases. As described beloW, since there is a maximum
value having a desirable range in the total area of the external
air inlet 10, there is a desirable maximum value in the number

tWice or more of the axial length of the external air inlet 10. In
this case, as shoWn in FIG. 12 Which is a result of the exami

3 may be de?ned so as to be included in a circular ring With a

diameter of the ceiling plate 3.

Since there is a minimum value in the desirable cross-sec

tional area of the external air inlet 10, the total area obtained

by adding the cross-sectional areas of all external air inlets 10

on the ceiling plate in the case of rainfall. For example, a

circular dome in Which the maximum inclination of the dome

Which the ceiling plate is thick in the vertical direction, it is

not desirable in that the air resistance of the ceiling plate
becomes larger so that the external air ?oWing into the dust
sampling port is disturbed.
Further, as in the description of the cross-sectional shape of
the side Wall 2, the shape of the outer edge of the ceiling plate

27 needs to be four or more, and in order to realize this, the

number of the partition plates needs to be four or more.

tially present at the fan- shaped small area 27 so that the

external air directly ?oWs into the fan- shaped small area.

employed When convenience in processing or the like is con

sidered. Further, the ceiling plate may be formed in a circular

suction port. The inventor found that mo st of the atmospheric

dustfall in the Wind reduction area 13 is separated from the

the average horizontal Wind speed on the center axis inside

the dust sampling port 1 is not largely more than 1. That is, no
bloWing occurs in the horizontal direction inside the dustfall

sampling port 1. Therefore, the dustfall trapping e?iciency is


Further, it is desirable that the axial length (height) of the

partition plate 4 be equal to each partition plate 4 and be 0.5
times or less the axial length of the dust sampling port 1. As

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