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5.a Conceptual Framework For Smart Grid

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A Conceptual Framework for Smart Grid

Chengbing Wei
Department of Electronic Engineering
Qingdao University
[email protected]
AbstractSmart grid is a relatively new term that refers to the
application of information technology to power systems. Due to
the complexity of such systems,the possibilities have yet to be
clearly defined. In this paper, it gives the structure of the smart
grid and summarizes five features for the smart grid such as selfhealing, interactive, optimization, compatibility, integration and
the differences between smart grid and traditional grid. It finally
concludes that smart grid is the inevitable result for the
economical and technological development. China should speed
up the research and development for smart grid.







As the world enters a new era of energy consciousness,

utilities face unprecedented challenges.Stringent regulations,
environmental concerns, growing demand for high-quality,
reliable electricity, and rising customer expectations are
forcing utilities to rethink electricity generation and delivery
from the bottom up. Internally, utilities are struggling with
aging assets, departing expertise and a lack of information
about their customers and the state of the grid.
At the same time, a plethora of new opportunities are
open to those utilities that are dynamic, innovative and
ambitious enough to take advantage of them. The availability
of low cost computing and telecommunications technologies,
new generation options, and scalable, modular automation
systems are changing the name of the game.
Driven by the dynamics of the new energy environment,
leading utilities, technology vendors and
government organizations have created a vision of the next
generation of energy delivery systems:the Smart Grid.



The function of an Electrical grid is not a single entity but

an aggregate of multiple networks and multiple power
generation companies with multiple operators employing
varying levels of communication and coordination, most of
which is manually controlled. Smart grids increase the
connectivity, automation and coordination between these
suppliers, consumers and networks that perform either long
distance transmission or local distribution tasks.

Transmission networks move electricity in bulk over medium

to long distances, are actively managed, and generally operate
from 345kV to 800kV over AC and DC lines. Local networks
traditionally moved power in one direction, "distributing" the
bulk power to consumers and businesses via lines operating at
132kV and lower.
This paradigm is changing as businesses and homes
begin generating more wind and solar electricity, enabling
them to sell surplus energy back to their utilities.
Modernization is necessary for energy consumption
efficiency, real time management of power flows and to
provide the bi-directional metering needed to compensate
local producers of power. Although transmission networks are
already controlled in real time, many in the US and European
countries are antiquated by world standards, and unable to
handle modern challenges such as those posed by the
intermittent nature of alternative electricity generation, or
continental scale bulk energy transmission.


Environmental and economic sustainability are essential

variables in the 21st centurys energy equation. But existing
infrastructure and systems lack the flexibility to evolve to
meet higher demands for efficiency and reliability.
The Smart Grid will return balance to this cost-benefit
paradigm by introducing intelligent response into the
interaction between supply availability and demand. With the
help of markets and real-time system information, utilities will
be able to work in unison with consumers to produce the most
cost-effective and efficient supply mix. But before we look at
the benefits inherent to the Smart Grid, we need to first
understand its underlying structure, components and
A. An Interactive Grid
Similar to the internet (a dynamic network), the Smart
Grid will be interactive for both power generation sources and
power consumption sinks (loads). Soon, utilities will enable
end-users to produce their own electricity and participate in
demand-side management (DSM) programs. Supported by a
high-speed, two-way communication infrastructure, intelligent
metering and electronic control technologies represent the
gateway for access to the grid of the future. Already, utilities
are investing an enormous amount of money in Smart Meters
and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in the first step

978-1-4244-4813-5/10/$25.00 2010 IEEE

towards implementing the Smart Grid. At the utility level,

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and
business process integration will be valuable tools in the realtime management of the value chain across suppliers, active
networks, meters, customers and corporate systems.
The transmission and distribution infrastructure of the
Smart Grid will be a web-like network of interconnected
nodes with no beginning or end. Consumers and
generators of all sizes will be tied together with new grid
components, such as energy storage units and intermittent
renewable supplies. Like a living organism, the grid will
control energy flow to dynamically balance changes in supply
and demand. IT and automation systems will act as the central
nervous system by collecting and processing the massive
amounts of sensory data coming in from the extremities and
control system elements.
Refer to Figure 1 for a visual representation of the Smart
Grid structure.

devices can shut down during times of peak demand.

Phasor measurement units: High speed sensors called
PMUs distributed throughout their network can be
used to monitor power quality and in some cases
respond automatically to them. Phasors are
representations of the waveforms of alternating
current, which ideally in real-time, are identical
everywhere on the network and conform to the most
desirable shape. In the 1980s, it was realized that the
clock pulses from global positioning system (GPS)
satellites could be used for very precise time
measurements in the grid. With large numbers of
PMUs and the ability to compare shapes from
alternating current readings everywhere on the grid,
research suggests that automated systems will be able
to revolutionize the management of power systems by
responding to system conditions in a rapid, dynamic

networks based on fiber-optics, microwave, infrared,
power line carrier (PLC),and/or wireless radio
networks such as GSM and CDMA, transfer massive
amounts of data.Some communications are up to date,
but are not uniform because they have been developed
in an incremental fashion and not fully integrated. In
most cases, data is being collected via modem rather
than direct network connection. Areas for
improvement include: substation automation, demand
response, distribution automation, supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA), energy management
systems, wireless mesh networks and other
technologies, power-line carrier communications, and
fiber-optics. Integrated communications will allow for
real-time control, information and data exchange to
optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and

Automation and IT Backend: Power system automation

enables rapid diagnosis of and precise solutions to
specific grid disruptions or outages. These
technologies rely on and contribute to each of the other
four key areas. Three technology categories for
advanced control methods are: distributed intelligent
agents (control systems), analytical tools (software
algorithms and high-speed computers), and operational
applications (SCADA, substation automation, demand
response, etc). The Voltage Stability Monitoring &
Control (VSMC) software uses a sensitivity-based
successive linear programming method to reliably
determine the optimal control solution

Advanced Analytic: Advanced applications with

increased functionality and versatility allow grid
operators, project managers and business executives to
analyze and extract useful information from the
grid.Information systems that reduce complexity so
that operators and managers have tools to effectively
and efficiently operate a grid with an increasing
visualization techniques that reduce large quantities of
data into easily understood visual formats, software

Figure1 smart grid structure
B. Smart Grid Components: At the physical level, the Smart
Grid is comprised of five fundamental components:
New Grid Components:. Distributed Generation (DG),
such as residential-scale CCHP (Combined Cycle Heat
and Power) units, PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles), micro-turbines, solar photovoltaic cells,
wind turbines, and grid energy storage units enable
increased bi-directional power flow between power
distributors and end-users

Sensing and Control Devices: Core duties are

evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring
equipment health, energy theft prevention, and control
strategies support. Technologies include: advanced
microprocessor meters (smart meter) and meter reading
equipment, wide-area monitoring systems, dynamic
line rating (typically based on online readings by
Distributed temperature sensing combined with Real
time thermal rating (RTTR) systems), electromagnetic
signature measurement/analysis, time-of-use and realtime pricing tools, advanced switches and cables,
backscatter radio technology, and Digital protective
relays. Smart meters: A smart grid replaces analog
mechanical meters with digital meters that record
usage in real time. Smart meters are similar to
Advanced Metering Infrastructure meters and provide
a communication path extending from generation
plants to electrical outlets (smart socket) and other
smart grid-enabled devices. By customer option, such

systems that provide multiple options when systems

operator actions are required, and simulators for
operational training and what-if analysis.

C. Interaction with Consumers

The Smart Grid will motivate end-users to actively
manage their energy consumption. For instance, price signals
and DSM programs (also known as Demand Response) will
encourage consumers to modify consumption based the
electric systems capacity to meet their demands. New costsaving, energy efficiency products will plug consumers back
into the network and make them active participants in the grid.

Figure 2 SmartDGridDComponents


With an understanding of the five components listed above,

consider the following characteristics of the Smart Grid:
A. National Integration
The national integration of all levels of the transmission
and distribution network will be one of thegreatest engineering
projects of this century. Once geographically dislocated,
electric power grids arenow being expanded and transformed
into millions of interconnected nodes. Grid integration
enablesutilities to deliver a highly secure and efficient
electricity supply with reduced environmental impactby
allowing for interregional power transactions, added capacity,
and network redundancy.
B. Self Healing and Adaptive
The Smart Grid will perform continuous self assessments
to monitor and analyze its operationalstatus. For problems that
are too large and too fast for human intervention, it will
automatically restore grid components or network sections
after abnormal events via self-healing mechanisms. The
Smart Grid will also be capable of predicting potential failures
and future outages by mining data from past events.
The self-healing grid will employ modern technologies to
minimize disruption of service by acquiring data, executing
decision-support algorithms, averting or limiting interruptions,
and dynamically controlling the flow of power. For example,
probabilistic risk assessments based on historical data will
identify the equipment, power plants and lines most likely to
fail. Likewise, realtime contingency analyses will determine
overall grid health and trigger early warnings of trends that
could result in grid failure. Communications with local and
remote devices will help analyze faults, low voltage, poor
power quality, overloads and other undesirable system
conditions. Acting as an immune system, the grids ability
to intelligently monitor, diagnose and repair itself will help
increase the overall reliability, security, affordability, power
quality and efficiency of the network.

Figure 3 smart home

D. Enhanced Cyber Security
Society is increasingly aware of the criticality of energy
delivery infrastructure and the need for defense against
malicious attack and disruption. For this reason, enhanced
security is an essential characteristic of the Smart Grid. Built
into its architecture from conception, the Smart Grids
integrated security systems will reduce physical and cyber
vulnerabilities and improve the speed of recovery from
disruptions and security breaches. Smart Grid security
protocols will contain elements of deterrence, prevention,
detection, response and mitigation, and a mature Smart Grid
will be capable of thwarting multiple, coordinated attacks over
a span of time. Enhanced security will reduce the impact of
bnormal events on grid stability and integrity, ensuring the
safety of society and the economy.
E. Improved Quality of Power
Designed and constructed over a half a century ago,
existing grid infrastructure cannot meet the demands of
todays digital economy for reliable, high quality electric
power. As part of the Smart Grid, new power quality standards
will enable utilities to balance load sensitivity with power
quality, and consumers will have the option of purchasing
varying grades of power quality at different prices.
Additionally, power quality events that originate at the
transmission and distribution level of the grid will be
minimized, and irregularities caused by certain consumer
loads will be buffered to prevent propagation.
F. Integration of a Wide Variety of Generation Options
The Smart Grid will accommodate a diverse range of
generation and storage options. Residential and commercial

users will increasingly adopt distributed energy resources such

as roof-top solar panels and advanced batteries as
economically viable options for meeting on-site energy needs,
and reducing their carbon footprint as good stewards of the
environment. Improved grid-tie standards will enable
interconnection at all voltage levels. And improved
communications protocols and grid intelligence will allow
distributed generation resources to seamlessly integrate with
the grid in a plug-and-play fashion, where users can sell
excess power back to the grid at peak-hours based on real-time
market pricing. At the same time, large central power plants,
including environmentally-friendly sources such as wind
farms and advanced nuclear plants will continue to play a
major role in the grid of the future.
G. Interaction with Energy Markets
The Smart Grid will enable energy markets to flourish,
exposing and mitigating resource allocation inefficiencies. For
instance, parameters such as total energy, capacity,
congestion, and environmental impact may be most efficiently
managed through the supply and demand interactions of
markets. Market participation will be encouraged through
increased transmission paths, aggregated demand response
initiatives and the rise of distributed energy resources as
discussed above. And, by reducing congestion, the Smart Grid
also expands markets by bringing more buyers and sellers
together. Realtime pricing will allow consumers to respond
dynamically to price increases, spurring lower-cost solutions
and technology development. For consumers wishing to
reduce their carbon footprint, they will have the option to
purchase new, clean energy products from a mix of renewable
H. Increased Grid Visibility
The Smart Grids ubiquitous sensing infrastructure and
backbone communications network will enable network
operators to have greater grid observability into the grids
operational status, particularly with respect to the historically
blind spots of the distribution networks. Aided by advanced
visualization tools, operators will be able to quickly and
accurately identify critical information, allowing them to
provide essential human oversight to automated processes.

Optimized Asset and Resource Management

Increased asset life and optimized operations are a major
objective for the Smart Grid. Advanced information
technologies will provide a vast amount of data and
information to be integrated with existing enterprise-wide
systems, giving utilities the power to significantly enhance

their operations and maintenance processes. This same

information will allow engineers to improve equipment
design, and give network planners the data they need to
improve their processes.


The collaboration of intelligently networked smart houses

with the smart grid can increase the overall energy systems
efficiency. The concepts presented in the paper will
demonstrate how energy suppliers or other service providers
can integrate functionalities provided by the smart meter
situated in the smart house into its own business processes
through web services. With an overall infrastructure that
enables smart houses to collaborate based on web services, the
existing generating capacity and the available power from
renewable sources can be utilized more efficiently as in the
current energy system in which (smart) houses are treated as
isolated and passive individual units.








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