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User Guide


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Patent information
Schlumberger ECLIPSE reservoir simulation software is protected by US Patents 6,018,497, 6,078,869 and 6,106,561, and UK Patents
GB 2,326,747 B and GB 2,336,008 B. Patents pending. Schlumberger FrontSim reservoir simulation software is protected by US Patent

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Finder, FloGeo, FloGrid, FloViz, FrontSim, GeoFrame, GRAF, GRID, GridSim, Nodal, NWM, Open-ECLIPSE, PetraGrid, PIPESIM,
PIPESIM FPT, PIPESIM GOAL, PlanOpt, Prodman, Pseudo, PVTi, RTView, SCAL, Schedule, SimOpt, VFPi, Weltest 200.

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Welcome to Schedule, a petroleum engineering software application from ECLIPSE Suite.
Schedule is an interactive program for preparing, validating and integrating production and
completion data for use in a reservoir simulator. The software helps the engineer translate the
real-world information into a format that can be readily used by simulators. It is an integrated
application for Windows and UNIX platforms.

Schedule User Guide

Table of Contents
List of Figures ..... ...................................................................................................................................................................6
List of Tables ...... ...................................................................................................................................................................8

Chapter 1 - Developments................................................................................................................ 9
Developments ..... ...................................................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 2 - Introduction ..................................................................................................................11

Overview ............. .................................................................................................................................................................11
Features.............. .................................................................................................................................................................13

Chapter 3 - Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 15

Starting Schedule .................................................................................................................................................................15

Chapter 4 - Tutorials ....................................................................................................................... 17

Introduction ......... .................................................................................................................................................................17
Creating a basic Schedule project ........................................................................................................................................21
Interactive data editing and validation...................................................................................................................................41
3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation .................................................................................................82
Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder ..............................................................................................................116
Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files .................................................................................................128
Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model............................................................................................135

Chapter 5 - Reference Section..................................................................................................... 165

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................165
Main window ....... ...............................................................................................................................................................167
Item list window... ...............................................................................................................................................................174
Control network window......................................................................................................................................................176
Alias list window.. ...............................................................................................................................................................181
Layer table window .............................................................................................................................................................182
Generate Framework Dates window...................................................................................................................................183
Time framework window XYZ .............................................................................................................................................184
Simulation options window..................................................................................................................................................186
Events viewer window.........................................................................................................................................................189
Production history graph window ........................................................................................................................................192
Menu options ...... ...............................................................................................................................................................195
Standard graph panels .......................................................................................................................................................200
Configuration (ECL.CFG)....................................................................................................................................................210
Production history table window .........................................................................................................................................213
Completion diagram window...............................................................................................................................................214
Multi-segment well window .................................................................................................................................................217
Extract data panel ...............................................................................................................................................................220
3D viewer ............ ...............................................................................................................................................................225
Editing in the 3D Viewer......................................................................................................................................................269
Trajectory definition window................................................................................................................................................271
Trajectory viewer/editor.......................................................................................................................................................272
Input file list window ............................................................................................................................................................274

Chapter 6 - Technical Description ............................................................................................... 275

Calculation of Kh and connection factor .............................................................................................................................275
Grid intersection with deviation survey ...............................................................................................................................280

Schedule User Guide

Table of Contents

Appendix A - Production Data File Formats............................................................................... 285

Production data .. ...............................................................................................................................................................285
Keywords ............ ...............................................................................................................................................................288
Data handling in Schedule..................................................................................................................................................302

Appendix B - Event File Formats................................................................................................. 305

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................305
Event file UNITS keywords .................................................................................................................................................307
Well event file format ..........................................................................................................................................................309

Appendix C - Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files ...................... 315
Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................315
What is a well trajectory?....................................................................................................................................................316
Well geometry data from deviation survey data file ............................................................................................................321
Grid file format and contents ..............................................................................................................................................328
Tubing description file format..............................................................................................................................................333

Appendix D - SCHEDULE Section File........................................................................................ 335

Exporting SCHEDULE section files ....................................................................................................................................335

Appendix E - ECLIPSE Import ..................................................................................................... 353

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................353

Appendix F - Schedule Advisory Messages............................................................................... 355

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................355
Error messages .. ...............................................................................................................................................................356
Warning messages .............................................................................................................................................................357
Comments .......... ...............................................................................................................................................................359

Appendix G - Configuring Schedule ........................................................................................... 361

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................361
SECTION FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................................................................363
SECTION DISPLAY ...........................................................................................................................................................364
SECTION FRAMEDRAW ...................................................................................................................................................365
SECTION SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................................................366

Appendix H - Converting 98B projects to 99A ........................................................................... 371

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................371
New features in Schedule 99A ...........................................................................................................................................372
New features in Schedule 98B ...........................................................................................................................................373
Converting 96A projects to 98B ..........................................................................................................................................374

Appendix I - History of Developments ........................................................................................ 375

History ................ ...............................................................................................................................................................375

Appendix J - Index ........................................................................................................................ 379

Schedule User Guide

Table of Contents

List of Figures
Figure 4.1 ...........
Figure 4.2 ...........
Figure 4.3 ...........
Figure 4.4 ...........
Figure 4.5 ...........
Figure 4.6 ...........
Figure 4.7 ...........
Figure 4.8 ...........
Figure 4.9 ...........
Figure 4.10 .........
Figure 4.11 .........
Figure 4.12 .........
Figure 4.13 .........
Figure 4.14 .........
Figure 4.15 .........
Figure 4.16 .........
Figure 4.17 .........
Figure 4.18 .........
Figure 4.19 .........
Figure 4.20 .........
Figure 4.21 .........
Figure 4.22 .........
Figure 4.23 .........
Figure 4.24 .........
Figure 4.25 .........
Figure 5.1 ...........
Figure 5.2 ...........
Figure 5.3 ...........
Figure 5.4 ...........
Figure 5.5 ...........
Figure 5.6 ...........
Figure 5.7 ...........
Figure 5.8 ...........
Figure 5.9 ...........
Figure 5.10 .........
Figure 5.11 .........
Figure 5.12 .........
Figure 5.13 .........
Figure 5.14 .........
Figure 5.15 .........
Figure 5.16 .........
Figure 5.17 .........
Figure 5.18 .........
Figure 5.19 .........
Figure 5.20 .........
Figure 5.21 .........
Figure 5.22 .........
Figure 5.23 .........
Figure 5.24 .........
Figure 5.25 .........
Figure 5.26 .........
Figure 5.27 .........
Figure 5.28 .........
Figure 5.29 .........

The Item List window ..............................................................................................................................24

The Completion/Event graph for well P2 ................................................................................................26
Default 3D well display............................................................................................................................33
Incompatible grouping structure in the Control Network window ............................................................44
Splitting the Control Network and hiding part of the hierarchy ................................................................46
Production data graph of oil, water and gas rates ..................................................................................55
Averages superimposed on the production data graph ..........................................................................56
Cumulatives plotted on the production data graph .................................................................................57
Overlaid production data.........................................................................................................................59
Interaction between production data graph & table (detail). ..................................................................61
Edit well trajectory on 3D Viewer ............................................................................................................65
Alias list window......................................................................................................................................78
3D Well Viewer window displaying well completions. .............................................................................85
3D Well Viewer window displaying a well connection .............................................................................88
3D Well Viewer window displaying well deviations .................................................................................89
Example using Schedule for quality control ............................................................................................92
Control network for prediction run...........................................................................................................96
Control network for examples ...............................................................................................................100
A Definition Data file .............................................................................................................................122
Well trajectory on 3D Viewer.................................................................................................................141
Time framework settings. ......................................................................................................................144
Well connections on 3D Viewer ............................................................................................................145
Schematic of the complex multi-segment well ......................................................................................157
Control Network of ECLIPSE wells .......................................................................................................158
Multi-segment wells in the 3D Viewer ...................................................................................................161
Example plot .........................................................................................................................................192
PostScript panel....................................................................................................................................225
Write Image panel.................................................................................................................................227
Well Bores panel ...................................................................................................................................229
Edit Table..............................................................................................................................................229
Edit Boundaries panel...........................................................................................................................231
Object Appearance panel .....................................................................................................................236
The Animate Time panel.......................................................................................................................238
The timestep control buttons.................................................................................................................238
The Animate Time Options panel .........................................................................................................239
Normalization panel .............................................................................................................................239
Object Rotation panel ...........................................................................................................................242
Lighting panel........................................................................................................................................242
Stereo Panel .........................................................................................................................................243
Property Display panel..........................................................................................................................245
Cell Probe panel ...................................................................................................................................246
Integer Threshold panel ........................................................................................................................247
Real Threshold panel............................................................................................................................248
Control buttons......................................................................................................................................249
IJK Slicer panel .....................................................................................................................................250
VOI Grid Cells panel .............................................................................................................................251
VOI Domain Selection panel.................................................................................................................252
Create VOI From Boundary panel ........................................................................................................253
The Cell Face Selection panel ..............................................................................................................254
Wells panel ...........................................................................................................................................255
Ternary legend......................................................................................................................................256
Color legend..........................................................................................................................................256
Edit Titles panel ....................................................................................................................................260
Axes panel ............................................................................................................................................262

Schedule User Guide

List of Figures

Figure 5.30 ........

Figure 6.1 ..........
Figure 6.2 ..........
Figure 6.3 ..........
Figure 6.4 ..........
Figure C.1 ..........
Figure C.2 ..........
Figure D.1 ..........
Figure D.2 ..........

The Z Plane/Segment Pick panel ........................................................................................................264

A bilinear surface ..................................................................................................................................280
Simple shift of three events to layer Sand_1 ........................................................................................282
Relative shift of two events to layer Sand_1.........................................................................................282
Linear scaling shift of three events to layer Sand_1 .............................................................................283
Meanings of the MAPAXES keyword entries........................................................................................329
Meanings of default values of MAPAXES keyword ..............................................................................330
Default Eclipse Options settings ...........................................................................................................336
Well position leading to a perforation percentage greater than 100% ..................................................338

Schedule User Guide

List of Figures

List of Tables
Table 4.1
Table 4.2
Table 4.3
Table 5.1
Table 5.2
Table 5.3
Table 5.4
Table 5.5
Table 5.6
Table A.1
Table A.2
Table A.3
Table A.4
Table A.5
Table A.6
Table A.7
Table A.8
Table B.1
Table B.2
Table B.3
Table B.4
Table D.1
Table G.1
Table G.2

Functionality covered by the tutorials.......................................................................................................18

Simulation Time Framework panel with the date added ..........................................................................53
FIELD KEYWORDS list .........................................................................................................................105
Multi-segment data table contents .........................................................................................................217
Configuration file settings.......................................................................................................................227
Open Inventor settings ...........................................................................................................................267
OIFloViz settings ....................................................................................................................................268
GeoFrame settings ................................................................................................................................268
RTView settings .....................................................................................................................................268
Special keywords ...................................................................................................................................288
Definition keywords ................................................................................................................................292
Data type keywords ...............................................................................................................................293
Production field keywords ......................................................................................................................297
Oil injection field keywords.....................................................................................................................299
Gas injection field keywords ..................................................................................................................300
Water injection field keywords ...............................................................................................................300
Rate units used by the Metric and Field unit sets ..................................................................................302
Event file UNITS keywords ....................................................................................................................307
Recognized event file length UNITS (units) ...........................................................................................307
Recognized event file pressure UNITS (units) .......................................................................................308
Event names and associated event related data ...................................................................................309
Possible combinations of CF, kh and Skin.............................................................................................341
SUBSECT GS keywords........................................................................................................................365
SUBSECT VG keywords........................................................................................................................365

Schedule User Guide

List of Tables

Chapter 1

Continued maintenance.

Schedule User Guide




Schedule User Guide

Chapter 2

Schedule is an interactive program for preparing, validating and integrating production and
completion data for use in a reservoir simulator.
Schedule imports production data from ASCII files (including Production Analyst and
OilField Manager format, and the Finder Schedule-Loader files). You can, also, easily create
this format from any database or spreadsheet. Schedule uses this data to generate production
control keywords for the simulator.
The program has graphic display features which simplify the validating and averaging of
production data. In addition, Schedule automatically calculates correctly averaged production
volumes for models with regular or irregular time steps. You may select these time steps or they
can be read in from a file describing reservoir events.
Schedule handles all the main categories of production data necessary for simulation
Schedule. These may take the form of well deviation surveys, historical production and
injection volumes, and completion data, such as those obtained from workover operations. The
software helps translate the real-world information into a format that can be readily used by
ECLIPSE and other simulators.
Schedule reduces the time needed to generate simulation model input files. You can now enter,
in a matter of hours, information about a field's history, which used to take days to prepare. In
addition, if a model is re-gridded, or a new time step sequence is selected, Schedule can easily
calculate the new production rates and well connection data.

Schedule User Guide



Flexible time step selection

Simulation well rates can be calculated from imported oil, water and gas production volumes
based on any user-defined timestep framework. This framework can be generated from a
combination of specific events and regularly spaced time steps, rules for which can be varied
throughout the run. For example, you can opt to model the early production, when data quality
may be poor, using 6 monthly time steps. More recent production history may then be modeled
monthly. You can also generate additional timestep to model specific well operations, such as
workovers. This can help to reduce the simulation run time and ensure that specific events are
modeled more accurately.

Automatic calculation of well completion data

Schedule input data is typically in the form of deviation surveys and completion data which are
specified in terms of measured depth. Schedule combines this information with grid geometry
and property data to calculate parameters defining how well completions are connected to the
grid. Schedule calculates cell intersections with each deviation survey as a function of
measured depth.
Once this information is calculated, you can specify or import events, such as perforations and
workovers in terms of measured depth. Schedule maps these events to the appropriate grid cell
and generate the connection parameters for the simulator. In the process, Schedule takes into
account corrections for partial penetrations and well deviation, and allows for damage skin. If a
well has multiple perforations within a single grid cell, Schedule generates a single equivalent
perforation for that cell.

On-screen selection of data groups

Schedule offers advanced point-and-click data grouping facilities. You can interactively
construct hierarchical groups of wells and sub-groups. Schedule automatically calculates an
aggregate view of production data for one well, a single group, or the entire field. In addition,
you have at your disposal the full range of graphical handling features of Schedule that make
data display and editing extremely simple. Data can be superimposed, for comparison, by
clicking and dragging, and calculated properties such as GORs and watercuts are available for
any level in the data hierarchy. A range of layout and hard-copy output facilities are also

Support for prediction cases

Schedule supports the creation of new wells and groups, the switching of wells between groups
and the placing of wells in a grid based on their IJK location. Powerful macro facilities exist to
facilitate entering prediction control information where controls may need to be duplicated or
shared between multiple wells or groups.



Schedule User Guide


Schedule User Guide

Cross-platform support - from UNIX/Motif work stations, to PCs running Windows, NT

and Windows 95.

Link to Finder for production data, well events and well deviation data.

Link to Production Analyst and OilField Manager for production data.

Creates complete SCHEDULE section for reservoir simulators (such as the ECLIPSE
family of reservoir simulators). The Schedule keyword classes are designed in such a way
that they can be replaced by keyword classes for different simulators.

Graphical creation of group hierarchies from imported well data.

Graphical and tabular display of well data for any level of the hierarchy.

Zooming, panning, and editing operations on multiple simultaneous graphical and tabular
displays, and superimposition of additional data by dragging and dropping.

Graph of GOR and water cut available for any level of the hierarchy.

Simulation well rates can be calculated based on any user-defined flexible time step

Time step framework can be generated from specific events and/or flexible intervals which
can vary with time.

Extensive event modeling capability, such as workovers and acid treatments.

Events specified in actual depths, with Schedule calculating the IJK location required in
the simulation grid.

Events can be ordered on a well-by-well basis.

User events to allow new keywords to be entered directly. This means that you can enter
and store all keywords in Schedule, even those which have yet to be fully modeled.

Connection factors are calculated accurately within Schedule for deviated and partially
penetrating wells, and multiple perforations within a given cell.

Peaceman's formulation is solved in 3 orthogonal directions, along the perforated interval,

to more accurately describe the well connection to the grid.

Optional specification of formation layer for each perforation event.

Used to ensure calculated connections honor any formation information.

Easy checking of errors in production data including - incorrect downtimes, missing events,
incorrect perforations or deviation data, and erroneous recording of production volumes.

Combining of well data into groups in the hierarchy for tabular and graphical display.

Well information is easily fitted into any simulation grid, with transfer between grids
carried out both quickly and easily. Local grid refinements (LGRs) and unstructured grids
(PEBI grids) are also supported.

Interactive creation of well trajectories for prediction wells.

Creation and editing of all SCHEDULE section keywords.

A keyword macro mechanism which simplifies the task of specifying prediction

information for multiple wells in the control network.

A keyword template mechanism which allows the user to specify default values for
internally generated keywords.




Date macros, Initial and Final, which automatically track the first and last dates of
production history and events.

3D viewing of the well with perforations and connections to the grid animated through

Calculation of the depth values for the COMPVE keyword.

Automatic aliasing of long well names to acceptable ECLIPSE names.

Support for multiple completions with separate flow history and shared well trajectories.

Support for the generation of multi-segment well keywords from descriptions of tubing and
locations of chokes, packers and inflow controls.


Schedule User Guide

Getting Started
Chapter 3

Starting Schedule
Using the ECLIPSE Suite Simulation Software
This is available on the Windows NT platform. After successful installation of an ECLIPSE
Suite program, a program icon or short-cut is installed on the machine.

To start the ECLIPSE Suite Simulation Software Launcher select the program short-cut
from the task bar or double-click on the icon.

To start the Schedule program click on the Schedule button on the Launcher, select a
start-up directory when the Schedule Launcher panel appears by browsing through the
directory tree, and click on the Run button.

Using command prompts

PC platforms

Type $schedule command at the prompt in a DOS window on PC platforms.

Unix platforms

Schedule User Guide

Type @schedule command at the prompt in the selected start-up directory on UNIX
platforms to run the start-up macro.

Getting Started
Starting Schedule



Getting Started
Starting Schedule

Schedule User Guide

Chapter 4

The aim of this section is to familiarize you with the main program functionality and to
demonstrate the workflow through the program. Schedule provides data import and export
interfaces to both Schlumberger and other applications, on condition that the data file formats
are consistent with the Schedule data file specifications. Schlumberger applications are used as
examples within these tutorials.
The first tutorial aims to give an overview of a typical Schedule project. Subsequent tutorials
highlight further areas of Schedule program functionality and build on procedures demonstrated
in previous tutorials. We therefore recommend that you perform the tutorials in the order found
in this manual. However, if you want to examine a specific feature, select from the list of
tutorials and the table below.

Available tutorials

"Creating a basic Schedule project" on page 21

This tutorial is aimed at first-time users of the program and demonstrates how to work
through a complete project. All input files have been prepared in a Schedule-readable

"Interactive data editing and validation" on page 41

This tutorial demonstrates the interactive data editing and data validating facilities of
Schedule. The tutorial also demonstrates the nearly complete interactive building of a

Schedule User Guide

"3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation" on page 82



This tutorial demonstrates some of the main new features of Schedule. The first part deals
with 3D well visualization capabilities. The second part covers the new template, macros
and ECLIPSE keyword definition facilities, thus focusing on the use of the program for
simulation prediction projects. It also covers the interactive definition of hypothetical infill

"Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder" on page 116

An example is provided to show how production/injection data can be transferred from
OilField Manager into Schedule.

"Converting 98B projects to 99A" on page 371

This tutorial discusses the procedure for converting old Schedule projects (98B and older)
to Schedule 99A projects. If you feel some of the figures shown in tutorials 1, 2 and 3 are
slightly different from those shown in your current Schedule version, please refer to this
tutorial to find the new features in Schedule 99A.

"Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files" on page 128

This tutorial discusses reading existing ECLIPSE data files, viewing and editing, as well as
extracting data and extending the existing project.

"Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model" on page 135

This tutorial shows how to use Schedule to build a multi-lateral multi-segment well model.
It includes step-by-step instructions for using the 3D Well Editor, Trajectory Editing
table, and Editing Segment panel, as well as for creating a tubing file.

Functionality covered by the tutorials

Tutorials 1 to 3 and 7 cover a complete Schedule project, starting with importing data, followed
by visualization, editing, and finally generating a SCHEDULE section file for inclusion in an
ECLIPSE run. Each of these tutorials covers specific areas of the program functionality. Table
4.1 should help you quickly find the appropriate tutorial when you are looking for more details
on a specific feature.
Table 4.1

Functionality covered by the tutorials


Tabular editing

3D Editor

2D visualization,
data validation

3D visualization

ECLIPSE keywords,
macros, templates





OilField Manager and Finder link

Converting 98B projects
Reading ECLIPSE data

Schedule User Guide

How to interact with the 3D Viewer


For the 2004A release we switched the underlying graphics libraries to OpenInventor,
giving greatly improved graphics performance. We took this opportunity to adopt the
OpenInventor standard mouse interactions, giving us consistency with other
OpenInventor applications such as Petrel.

The 3D Viewer has 2 distinct modes of operation: 'viewing' and 'picking'. The 3D Viewer is by
default in 'view' mode (the default cursor is a hand
), which means that you can use the
mouse buttons to rotate, translate and zoom the display. To pick on objects in the display you
must select the 'pick' mode (the cursor changes to an arrow
). In pick mode you cannot
change the orientation of the display, just pick on objects in the display.
To change mode you can either:

use the hand

and arrow

button on the top left toolbar,

use the '' (pick) and 'V' (view) keys,

or use the <Esc> key to toggle between modes.

View mode
When in 'view' mode, interaction is as follows:

Press the left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate about the model.

Press the middle mouse button and move the mouse to pan from side to side.

Press both the Ctrl key and the middle mouse button (or left and middle mouse buttons
simultaneously) and move the mouse to zoom the display.

Note that the 3D Viewer displays a Perspective view by default.

Other buttons of interest on the left hand toolbar are:

Seek to Point


Schedule User Guide

Returns the model to the middle of the window.

Select this button and then click on a point on the model. The 3D
Viewer zooms to the selected point. The S key provides a short
cut to this button.
Toggles between Perspective and Orthogonal views of the



User View
Set View



Returns the view to its orientation prior to a fixed view being set
(with the Set View buttons below).
These 6 buttons align the view with each of the primary axes.

Schedule User Guide

Creating a basic Schedule project

This tutorial is aimed at first-time users of the Schedule program. It demonstrates how to work
through a simple Schedule project.
This tutorial guides you through the main features of Schedule, from loading data through data
visualization and editing, to the production of an ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section.
The input data files required have been created in a Schedule-readable format. Although this is
the recommended method of using the Schedule program, almost all of the input data can be
entered interactively into a Schedule project. Interactive data input, data visualization and data
editing is addressed in more detail in Tutorial 2, "Importing the grid and property files" on
page 42.
The geometrical block model and well description data, used in this example, have deliberately
been simplified to allow you to concentrate on the program functionality. In this example, the
simulation grid required as input for Schedule has been created using the GRID program. A grid
and a trajectory interface file for Schedule have been exported from GRID in a Schedulereadable format.

The tutorial is divided into the following stages:

"Creating a new Schedule project" on page 22

"Importing data" on page 22

"Defining simulation timing" on page 31

"Visualizing, validating and editing data" on page 32

"Saving the project to disk" on page 35

"Defining Schedule reporting" on page 35

"Exporting the interface file for the simulator" on page 36

"Inspecting the interface file" on page 37

"Using the File menu to exit from current project" on page 38

"Running ECLIPSE" on page 38

"SCHEDULE standard symbols" on page 39

"Discussion" on page 40

Getting started
The tutorial data files are included with your Schedule installation. They can be found in the
following directory: schedule/tutorial/ex1/.

Schedule User Guide

Copy all the tutorial data files to your current working directory.

Creating a basic Schedule project


To start Schedule type @schedule in your working directory or run it from the ECLIPSE
Simulation Software Launcher on your PC.

Creating a new Schedule project

A Schedule project contains all the information you have loaded, entered or calculated. You can
save a project file at any time, which allows you to restart Schedule at a later date and continue
working on the project from the point at which it was saved.

When you create a new project, the existing project (and all associated data) is cleared
from memory. If you have made changes in the existing project, you are asked if you
want to save these changes before the new project is created.

When you start Schedule, a new project is created and the main window is displayed.

If you are already running a project and you want to create a new project, select File |

Save this new project and name it EX1.PRJ.


File | Save As.

In the Write Schedule Project box, enter EX1.PRJ as the project name and save it.

Importing data
This section explains how to import data into Schedule. For a complete Schedule project you
need the following data:

Production data (*.VOL, *.vol).

Well event data (*.EV, *.ev).

(for example well perforations, well squeezes, plugs, etc.)

Well geometry data (*.TRJ, *.trj; *.CNT, *.cnt; *.NET, *.net;

*.LYR, *lyr).

GRID data (*.*GR*, *.*gr*).

Property information (*.*IN*, *.*in*).

The Import menu in the Schedule window provides options for importing each of the required
data files. Schedule uses standard file extensions (shown above, in parentheses) for file import


If your import files have non-standard suffixes, they do not appear in the list of files
available for import. In this case, you must enter the complete file names to read in the

Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Specifying the units being used in the project

Before importing data, specify the project/display units to be used in the current project.

Setup | Units | Field

This sets the project/display units to FIELD units.
The selected project/display units determine:

The units used for data display on windows and panels

The units that are applied on data imported from files if the UNITS keyword is not
placed in the header of the data file

The units used in exported data (like in the SCHEDULE Section).


To make sure that the data are imported with the correct units, we recommend that you
always include the UNITS keyword in the headers of data files. If the units are not
specified in the data file, Schedule assumes that the data is in project units. If the units
specified in the file are different from the project/display units, Schedule converts the
data to project/display units. With some files, for example GRID files, the program
prompts for the units during import.

You may need to edit the SCHEDULE section of your configuration file to change the
default setting of the map units from METRES to FEET for importing a grid file in a field
application. For details see "Importing a grid" on page 27.

Importing production data

Processing large amounts of production data to generate control keywords that can be
understood by the simulator can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Schedule provides you
with a powerful production data reader that understands various production/injection data and
file formats. These file formats include:

Production Analyst ASCII files

OilField Manager report files

Finder load files

Production data files created in many other databases or spreadsheets can be imported by adding
a few descriptive keywords to the start of the file. See "Production Data File Formats" on
page 285 for more details.
In this tutorial you will import a file that is already in Schedule-readable format.

Import | Production History | Replace.

The Replace option is used when importing data for the first time or whenever you want
to delete existing data and replace it with a new set.


Schedule User Guide

If you have additional data to import (for example, if you have well production data
stored in different files) use the Merge option.

Creating a basic Schedule project



If you started the program from somewhere other than your working directory, you
need to go to the directory containing your data files.

Select EX1.VOL.

When Schedule is importing the production data, a progress indicator is displayed briefly. This
window disappears after successful completion of the operation. If any errors occur during the
operation, the progress indicator displays the error and you must close the window by clicking
on OK.

Data | Item List

The well names of the imported production data are now listed in the Item List window, as
shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 The Item List window

Click on well P1:01 in the Item List window with the right mouse button.
A pop-up menu appears.

Select Table History.

The imported production data for the selected well is displayed in the Production History


You can also edit the production data using this table. Details can be found in "Entering
and editing tabular production data" on page 48 and in the "Reference Section" on
page 165.


To see the same production data in graphical form, select Graph History from the popup menu. This opens a graphical display window showing the production data for the
selected well.


Close the Production History table (and the graph window if it is open).

Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Importing events data

Data from well events such as perforations, squeezes and well tests are combined with
geometrical well and grid information to calculate connection factors for well to grid

Import | Events | Replace

Select EX1.EV from the file browser.


If you have well event data stored in several different files (for example, separated by
wells or by event types) then choose Import | Events | Merge instead of Replace
during import.

Click, with the right mouse button, on well P1:02 in the Item List window.

Choose Show Events from the pop-up menu.

This opens the well Events window, which allows you to view all of the events for the
selected well that are currently defined in Schedule.
The left side of the Events window shows the list of events for the selected well. Further
details concerning the currently selected event are displayed on the right side of the
window. You can click on any of the events on the left to display its details.

Close the Events window.

Click, with the right mouse button, on well P2 in the Item List window.

Choose Graph Completions from the pop-up menu.

This displays a Completion/Event graph similar to Figure 4.2. This graph shows the event
history for the well P2 on a graph of the measured depth, MD, in the y-axis versus time (xaxis).

Schedule User Guide

Creating a basic Schedule project


Figure 4.2 The Completion/Event graph for well P2

The top of each event is marked by a small yellow square. You can read the event MD and
the date at which the events occurred while the mouse is on the yellow square of an event.

Click on View in the Completion/Event graph window, and choose Flow Diagram
from the pop-up menu to show the plot of production history at the bottom of the graph.


Double clicking on a yellow square representing an event opens the Events window
for that event.

Close the Completion/Event window.

Importing control network

With Schedule, you can create a well and group control network that represents group
production and injection. A control network in Schedule does not have to represent a physical
grouping structure; it can be a control hierarchy for a simulation run, hence the name control
network. A hierarchy of groups with assigned wells can either be built interactively within a
project or imported from a file.You can view the control hierarchy on the Control Network

Data | Control Network.

This displays the current control network (the well/group hierachy information).

Import | Control Network.

This allows you to import the control network from a file.


Select EX1.NET.

Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide


A small square appears next to each well on the Item List. This indicates that the well
is now assigned to a group.

The Control Network window then displays the loaded hierarchy information. EX1.NET
is an example of a three-level hierarchy. The field occupies the highest level, level 0.
PLAT-A and PLAT-B are node groups at level 1. The groups at level 2 are all well groups
(SAT-1, SAT-2, SAT-3) containing wells only. When these wells are included, the
hierarchy has three levels in total.

You can also build hierarchies, interactively, within a project by defining groups and
assigning wells to it. This is addressed in detail in "Interactive data editing and
validation" on page 41.

Importing a grid
Schedule calculates connections of wells with a simulation grid based on geometrical grid and
well information.

Import | Grid | Single Porosity

This allows you to import a grid file in single porosity (for example those generated by a
gridding application such as the GRID or FloGrid programs or by ECLIPSE). For more
details on grid file sources, see "Grid, property and well geometry file sources, and
combinations" on page 318.


Schedule can read and manage a grid file in dual porosity, and set the wells in dual
porosity case. The process on the dual porosity case is similar to running a single
porosity case except that you must select Import | Grid | Dual Porosity and import
a dual-porosity grid file instead. The tutorials in this manual all describe use of single

Select the grid file named EX1.FGRID.

This grid file was produced by the GRID program.


If the grid has not been exported using map coordinates, Schedule does not know
the map units, and it sets the units to the default setting specified in the
SCHEDULE section of the configuration file (usually METRES).

The file EX1.FGRID was not exported using map coordinates, but the map units were FEET.
When Schedule was importing the grid it may have displayed a message in the log window
stating Map units from config. file set to METRES. If this is the case then
do not continue working with these map units.
You need to edit the SCHEDULE Section of your configuration file to change the default setting
of the map units from METRES to FEET and re-import the grid file.

Schedule User Guide

File | Save

Exit Schedule.

Creating a basic Schedule project


Open your configuration file in a text editor (either the local ECL.CFG file if you copied
the master to you working directory, or the master CONFIG.ECL file in the
/ecl/macros directory).

Go to the section beginning SECTION SCHEDULE, uncomment MAPUNITS FEET;

Or enter a new line with this text, comment MAPUNITS METRES and save the
configuration file.

Restart Schedule.
This loads the changed configuration file.


If you have edited the CONFIG.ECL file rather than the local ECL.CFG file, you
should not load the existing local configuration file. Instead, the master
configuration file should be copied to the current directory. In this case, you will
see this message
Local config file ECL.CFG exists, OK to use (n
deletes local file) (y/n)?
You should type n.

Open your Schedule project and re-import the grid.

This replaces the existing grid.
Schedule reports Map units from config file set to FEET in the Log


The grid and property information (GRID and INIT files) are not stored with the
project. This uses less disk space and allows Schedule to work faster. Schedule only
saves the path and file names of the GRID and INIT files, then re-reads the files
whenever it opens the project. If you have changed the location of the GRID and/or
INIT file or if you have moved the project file, you are prompted for the new location
of both files.

Defining well trajectories

A well trajectory describes the path of the wells through the simulation grid as well as the initial
permeability and Net To Gross (NTG) properties for the grid blocks through which the well
Schedule uses the well trajectory data to map the measured depth information for well events
onto the simulation grid block. The combination of well trajectory and perforation information
allows Schedule to calculate well connection factors for a simulation run.
There are three ways of defining well trajectories in Schedule:

Importing well deviation survey data and calculating well

You can import the deviation data file into Schedule (in the GRID format) and Schedule uses it
together with the grid file and the properties file to calculate the trajectory.


Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Schedule can load the grid block property information from an ECLIPSE INIT file. The
ECLIPSE INIT data file can be produced with an ECLIPSE no simulation (NOSIM) data set,
run with the INIT keyword in the GRID section and the NOSIM keyword in the RUNSPEC
section. The NOSIM keyword performs data checking with no simulation.
When calculating the well trajectory in Schedule, ensure you perform the following steps:

Load the grid file (the GRID file can be from ECLIPSE or the GRID program or another
gridding application).

Read the property file (ECLIPSE INIT file).

Import the deviation survey data (by importing the proper control *.CNT file).


The file reading sequence is not important as long as a grid file is available before you
read in the deviation data.

At this point you have imported the GRID file but not the property file. You now need the
properties (permeabilities and NTG values) for the trajectory calculation.

Import | Properties
This allows you to load the property information from the ECLIPSE INIT file.

Select EX1.FINIT from the File menu.

Import | Well Locations | Deviation Survey

This allows you to load the well deviation data.

Select EX1.CNT.
EX1.CNT is the control file that contains file names and data file format for the well
deviation information. The well deviation information for this example is held in the
deviation file named EX1.DEV. This deviation file is called by the control file during the
loading procedure.
The well trajectories have not been calculated, yet. Schedule automatically calculates the
trajectories if you perform one of the following actions:

Display well(s) in a 3D view.

View the well trajectory table for well(s).

Export the SCHEDULE section.

Select Data | Recalculate Trajectories.

Select Data | Recalculate Trajectories.

The well deviation data is not stored with the project. Schedule only stores the calculated
well trajectories. If you save and exit the project before calculating the well trajectories, the
deviation data must be re-imported to allow Schedule to calculate the well trajectories.
Once you have calculated the trajectories and saved the project, the deviation data does not
have to be stored.


Schedule User Guide

For the purpose of editing a well by means of the 3D Viewer, or of viewing the well
deviations graphically later on, we suggest you save the new deviation data by
exporting deviations in the Schedule main window before you save or exit the project.

Creating a basic Schedule project



If your deviation data changes and you re import the data into the project, you must
select Data | Recalculate Trajectories to update the trajectories. Existing data is
replaced on a per well bore basis. You must also recalculate the trajectories if your grid
properties or dimensions have changed.

Importing a well trajectory file

These files are produced by a gridding application like the GRID or FloGrid programs
If you have the well geometry information already loaded in, for example, the GRID program,
you can calculate the well trajectory in GRID and export a trajectory file for use in Schedule.
This is done by selecting the Output of well connections option in GRID. As block
properties are already defined for the block model, the trajectory file contains permeabilities and
NTG values for the grid blocks that are intersected by the wells.
At this point, since you have already calculated the trajectory internally based on imported well
deviation survey data, importing trajectory files replaces the existing trajectories.

Import | Well Locations | Trajectory File

From the file browser select EX1.TRJ.

View a Well Trajectory table by clicking on a well on the Control Network window with
the right mouse button and selecting Edit Trajectory from the pop-up menu.


Another way to view and edit the well trajectory information will be addressed in
"Visualizing, validating and editing data" on page 32.


If you import both the trajectory file from the GRID program (or another gridding
application) and the deviation data, you may import redundant well geometry
information. In this case, the information in the trajectory file has a higher priority than
the deviation information, unless you recalculate your trajectories whilst having the
deviation survey information loaded. Then the trajectory is updated based on the
imported well deviation information.

Interactively defining a well trajectory

If you do not have a trajectory file or a deviation survey available for a well, you can define the
trajectory manually by editing the trajectory table or by digitizing the well graphically in a 3D
Viewer. Both are easy ways in Schedule to specify drilling scenarios for new wells during a
prediction run. This is addressed in "Defining well trajectories interactively" on page 61.


Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Importing geological layer information

In a simulation model, geological units are represented by one or more grid layers. As the
geometry of the grid does not always model exactly the corresponding geological layering, a
well-to-grid connection is sometimes placed in the wrong simulation flow unit. For example, a
producing geological layer may be intersected by a well at a top depth of 1000 feet. On the other
hand the simulation block representing the geological flow unit may have been assigned an
average top depth value over its horizontal extents of 1005 feet. If a perforation is placed from
a depth of 1000 feet downwards it will not only intersect the current grid block starting at 1005
feet, it is also placed in the simulation block representing the geological unit above (for the
interval between 1000 and 1005 feet). This may not be an active flow unit.
To avoid placement of well events in incorrect simulation grid layers, Schedule provides a
facility for placing well connections based not just on the measured depth information but also
on geological layer assignment.
You can define the geological flow units in a Layer Table where they are associated with
specific simulation grid layers. If the depth approximation of a grid layer is different from the
real position of the geological layer where a well event is assigned to, Schedule automatically
shifts the well event to the correct geological layer. For more details on layer shifting, see
"Defining well events" on page 67 and "Configuring simulation options" on page 336.

Import | Layer Table.

This allows you to load the layer table.

From the file browser select EX1.LYR.

Data | Layer Table

This allows you to view and edit the Layer Table window.

Defining simulation timing

Schedule allows complete flexibility in the choice of time step lengths. Overall time steps can
be chosen on a daily, monthly or yearly basis. Time step size can also vary during your
simulation run. You can have very short simulator time steps during periods of special interest,
and long ones during periods of less interest. Additional time steps can also be defined for
specific well or group events. For more details on declaring individual events to force additional
time steps, see "Entering simulation time framework data" on page 51.
Schedule calculates average production rates based on the time steps you have
defined. If you decide to use a different time step size for another simulation run,
Schedule will automatically recalculate the average production rates accordingly.
In the current example you will define monthly time steps with additional time steps for well

Schedule User Guide

Setup | Time Framework

Creating a basic Schedule project


You can change the simulation timing by clicking the time step button on the Simulation
Time Framework window and selecting either Year, Month or Day from the drop-down
menu. You can add more time steps or more lines for events. The Event Shifts column
allows you to choose when Schedule adds additional time steps if certain events occur. The
date format allows real dates (for example 01 Jan 1970), symbolic dates (for example SOH
indicating Start of History) and relative dates (for example SOH + 1 month). You can enter
extra user specified dates in the Time Framework Date List panel, which is accessed from
the Dates button. (See "Time framework window XYZ" on page 184.)

Click on OK.
This accepts the default settings in the Simulation Time Framework panel (monthly time
steps, event shifts ignored).

Visualizing, validating and editing data

Data visualization, validation and editing is addressed in greater detail in "Interactive data
editing and validation" on page 41. You may have had a look at the imported tabular data when
following the loading instructions in the previous sections. The next stage of this tutorial covers
the three-dimensional display feature of Schedule.

3D visualization of well to grid connections

Once you have loaded or calculated your well trajectory, you can inspect a three-dimensional
view of the wells.

Click with the right mouse button on well G1 in the Control Network window.

Select View 3D Well.

The program calculates the well connections over the defined simulation time based on the
specified grid, well geometry, events and simulation timing information and displays the
well in the 3D Well Viewer window. By default Schedule displays a picture similar to that
shown in Figure 4.3. The actual view may differ slightly due to the default settings, so axes
and a bounding box for the entire grid may be present. These can be removed in the
Display|Axes menu options.


Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Figure 4.3 Default 3D well display


You can select several contiguous or non-contiguous wells within a group from the
Well list with a combination of the mouse and the SHIFT or CTRL keys.
To add more wells to a 3D Viewer that is already open, drag and drop the selected
wells to the open 3D Viewer window. If you wish to view the selected wells in a
different 3D Viewer, click on the 3D Viewer button

Viewing the well completion state at the initial time step


If the cell outlines are not switched on, select 3D Well Viewer: Scene | Grid | Show |
This displays the model grid as an outline around the well trajectories, making the wells
easier to visualize. Alternatively, you can click on the outline button.


You can also select:

Cells only
Both Cells and Outline
Both Cells and Transparency (setting grid transparency to 0.5)

3D Well Viewer: Scene| Grid | Property | PORO.

This displays porosity, one of the initial properties imported, in colored grid cells.

Schedule User Guide

Creating a basic Schedule project



Select other initial properties for various views.

3D Well Viewer: View | Timesteps

This allows you to step through the completion history of this well.


You can also use the Timestep toolbar

of the panel.

at the top right side

Viewing well connections


3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Connections


You can modify the displayed size of completion decorations and well radii by
selecting the menu option 3D Well Viewer: Scene | Wells | Level of Detail.

The 3D Well Viewer is an excellent tool for detecting badly-modeled wells. Examples of bad
models include wells with a large offset from the grid block center caused by inappropriate
positioning of grid cells or two wells intersecting the same grid block. This is an important
consideration if your project contains highly deviated or horizontal wells.

3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Deviation

This allows you to view the imported well path.

3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Full Grid

This allows you to see the well positions within the whole model grid.


If you need to visualize another well, click, with the right mouse button on the well
name in the Control Network window and select View 3D Well from the pop-up
menu. If you have more than one well in your 3D display, the Wells menu on the 3D
Visualization window allows you to switch wells ON or OFF by selecting individual
well or Multiple SelectorYou can normalize the view by selecting AutoNormalize
from the Display menu or by clicking the AutoNormalize button
in the top left
of the 3D Viewer window.

The visualization can be customized in a number of ways, see "Functionality covered by the
tutorials" on page 18 for further information. The Schedule 3D visualization facilities is
addressed in more detail in "3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation" on
page 82.

Close the 3D Well Viewer window.

Viewing the well geometry data


Reopen the 3D Well Viewer window with well G1.

Select 3D Well Viewer: Scene | Grid | Show | Outlines,

(if this is not already

switched on.) You will also need to click on the Cells button
to switch off the Cells
display function so that only the Cell Outlines are active. You see, clearly, a well with three
colors in a well completion status.


Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Select 3D Well Viewer: Controls | Well Show Table.


You can also do this by clicking the Well Show Table button,

, on the top

Click on the central part of the green area on the well to open the Events Table for G1.

View and close the table.

Click the Well Show Table button again, and this time click the central part of the blue and
gray area.
This opens the Trajectory table for G1.

View and click on the OK button to close the table.

Select 3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Deviation

This shows well deviation with a violet color.

Select 3D Well Viewer: Controls | Well Edit Deviation

10 Click on the central part of the well. You will see a message on Edit Well Bore: Confirm
edit of Well Bore: G1.
11 Click the OK button.
This opens the G1 Edit Table, and shows the deviation points on the well bore.
12 Try changing a value on the table, for example the value of X in point 3 to 8000, and then
click Update View. Watch what happens.
13 Click the Close button. The table will now close.

Click the Set View buttons on the left side of the window to set the view in different

14 Select 3D Well Viewer: Edit | Cancel Edit

15 Close the 3D Well Viewer window.

Saving the project to disk

Once you have edited the data imported into your current project, you should save your project
to disk. To do so, select

File | Save.

Remember to export your deviation survey if you have not already done so, as they are not
saved with the project. Save it as Ex1.cnt.

Defining Schedule reporting

Schedule allows report files to be created at designated times during the simulation. This section
demonstrates how to define report steps for your simulation run.
Schedule reports are defined for the whole field; it is therefore handled as a FIELD event.

Schedule User Guide

Creating a basic Schedule project


Click with the right mouse button on the FIELD in your Control Network window.

Select Show Events

Select Events: New | Schedule Report Style to define your report frequency and

To switch the properties to be reported on or off, press the appropriate selection buttons
(initially they only have a * in the middle) until either ON or OFF appears.

Switch reporting ON for:

from the pop-up menu.

grid block pressures

grid block oil saturation

grid block water saturation

grid block gas saturation

For a full description of each of the options and their associated values, refer to the
"ECLIPSE Reference Manual".
The report frequency and reporting times are defaulted to quarterly reports from the Initial
until Final data step of your simulation. You can change any reporting time between the
Initial and Final data step. You can also change the reporting frequency to daily, monthly
or yearly, with reports at any nth step.

Change the final report time from UNDEFINED to Final or EOS (End Of Simulation).

Change the report frequency to once per year.

Click on Apply to register the changes and close the panel.

Additional time steps are placed in the simulation model at those dates where Schedule
reports are specified. Schedule inserts the ECLIPSE keyword RPTSCHED at the defined
intervals in the exported SCHEDULE section and ECLIPSE writes the Schedule reports at
the defined intervals to the print file.


You can specify further Schedule reports with different frequencies and contents by
defining another SCHEDULE section report.


You can use the Simulation Options window to control how Schedule generates the
SCHEDULE section. Please refer to "Simulation options window" on page 186.

Exporting the interface file for the simulator


Export | Schedule Section, to create the SCHEDULE section file for inclusion in the
ECLIPSE data file.



We recommend that you place your SCHEDULE section file in the same directory as
your data files.

Save the file with the name EX1.SCH.

Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide


You can also export the subsections listed on the Export menu. Remember to use the
standard suffix as shown in the Filter column when exporting files. The default
standard file suffixes are used for file import and export dialogs.

Click on OK.
The program displays a panel that indicates the progress of the current keyword generation
and save operation.
Schedule first creates the simulation model, by converting all the Schedule information into
simulator keywords, the progress of which is indicated by the Schedule status window
named Building Simulation Model.
Schedule, then, writes the interface file for the simulator, the progress of which is indicated
by the Schedule status window named Writing Schedule section.

At the end of the run, you will get this error message:
3 Errors were detected during output.
Click on OK to complete the exporting process.


You can also export your SCHEDULE section for selected wells, or for groups only.
Click on the desired well or group on the Control Network window, then select
Control Network: Export | Selected Schedule.

File | Save.

Inspecting the interface file


Open the SCHEDULE section file EX1.SCH with a text editor.

This file is an interface file to ECLIPSE. It is the SCHEDULE section of the ECLIPSE
DATA file. You can include this file in the ECLIPSE DATA file by using the INCLUDE
keyword, as detailed in the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual".
The SCHEDULE section file consists of ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section keywords with
associated data, as well as information messages from Schedule which give you a better
understanding of the form and content of the data set.

Check the error message using the find function in a text editor.
Schedule gives the following ERROR message in the exported file:


: G4 Acidise


8100.00 Bot:

8150.00 Skin: -13.00


: >> -- Acidising upper most perforation

-- ERROR: COMPDAT Cell 10 2 2 At least one CF component is negative


: G4 Connection 10

2 Perf. Len

52.45 ( 61.3%)


WARN: G4 Connection 10


cant calculate CF

The errors are for the problem cells on well G4. At least one CF component is negative and
you will find that this happens due to the well acidifying or stimulation event.

Schedule User Guide

Creating a basic Schedule project



Schedule deals with the problem cells with errors by suppressing the cell connection
from the well.

If you continue to check the events on well G4, you find the skin factors are in large
negative values in the acidifying and stimulating events, which cause the connection factors
(CF) to become negative.

ECLIPSE does not allow a negative CF. You can re-edit the events to fit the criteria, or
leave the problem cells out of the well connections.

Schedule writes keywords and associated data only when changes occur in the data. If a
keyword with associated data has been written at a defined date, it is valid until redefined.

For example, the COMPDAT keyword in the SCHEDULE section file is written when an
event takes place on a well for the first time. It defines completion data of wells and
reflects well events at that specific date. When a well is perforated, the COMPDAT
keyword is written for that well, and the new data is valid until the keyword is written
again, when another event occurs.

In this tutorial example, well G1 was perforated at the initial state of the simulation, which
is shown when the COMPDAT keyword is first written. These data are valid until January
15, when a layer of well G1 was squeezed. The COMPDAT keyword is again written by
Schedule to make these changes occur in the simulator.

For further details on the SCHEDULE section of the simulator input DATA file, please
refer to the"ECLIPSE Reference Manual" and to "SCHEDULE Section File" on
page 335.

Using the File menu to exit from current project


To close Schedule, select File | Exit.

Schedule prompts you to save the current project if it contains any unsaved data. If you do not
want to save the changes, click on the Continue button, or the Exit button to exit from the
current project. Otherwise, click on the Cancel button and save the current project.

After you exit from the current project, whether or not you have changed anything, the
data files remain unchanged unless you have exported the updated data file(s) to a
file(s) of the same name(s).

An ECLIPSE DATA file has been created for this tutorial. It runs the simulator using the
SCHEDULE section file you have exported from Schedule.


Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Before running the simulator, make sure that the directory where you run ECLIPSE contains the
SCHEDULE section file (EX1.SCH), the GRID file (EX1.GRDECL), and the data file
(EX1.DATA). Also ensure that both EX1.SCH and EX1.GRDECL have been correctly
included in the data file using the ECLIPSE INCLUDE keyword.

Run the simulator.

(By typing @eclipse on a UNIX platform, clicking on the ECLIPSE Simulation
Software Launcher on a PC, or using ECLIPSE Office)

Specify the EX1.DATA file as the data file.

When the run finishes, look at the simulation results.


If you want to look at the production and pressure data for wells, they have been
written to the summary file (EX1.RSM).

You can use the Result Viewer of ECLIPSE Office to visualize your simulator results. As
uniform output has been chosen in the ECLIPSE data file (by specifying the keyword UNIFOUT
in the RUNSPEC section of the ECLIPSE data set), both unified summary and restart files are
written by the simulator.
The files written by ECLIPSE are:

Initial and solution data

Grid data

Summary specification file

Unified restart file

Print file

Unified summary file

Resume file

SCHEDULE standard symbols

The standard symbols recognized by Schedule are as follows:

Schedule import/export file suffixes

The file extensions (suffixes) may be either in UPPER or in lower case.

Schedule User Guide


Production file


Well event file

Creating a basic Schedule project



Well trajectory data


Well deviation control file


Well deviation data file


Control network file


Geological layer file


Well name alias file


Well tubing description file


Time FrameWork file


GRID file


Property file




Summary file

*.*UNRST,*.X*, *.F*

Restart file


ECLIPSE data file

Symbolic simulation date


Start of simulation (can not be used in Simulation Time Frame work)


End of simulation can not be used in Simulation Time Frame work)


First date of production history


Last date of production history


Start date of simulation on production history


End date of simulation on production history


Start date of simulation on production prediction


End date of simulation on production prediction

This tutorial demonstrated how to start a new project, load data into your project, view data, and
export the SCHEDULE section file for the simulator. While working through this tutorial you
learned what data is required by Schedule to create the simulator interface file.
You then ran ECLIPSE to see how Schedule interacts with the simulator, and you may have
viewed the simulation results.
For more details on tabular and graphical data editing, work through Tutorial 2, "Interactive
data editing and validation" on page 41.
This tutorial focused on converting field data accumulated during the history of an oil field into
a SCHEDULE section keyword file, in an ECLIPSE-readable format. Schedule can also create
the simulator SCHEDULE section for a prediction run. Schedule can define any SCHEDULE
section keyword for the FIELD, groups and wells with associated data that is then recognized
by the simulator. You can also define templates that fill in default data in your keywords or
macros that automatically create keywords with associated data. You can apply keywords,
templates, and macros to individual wells, several wells, well groups or the entire field. These
features are addressed in "3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation" on
page 82.


Creating a basic Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation

The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the interactive data editing and data validating
facilities of Schedule.

If you do not have all of the input data required for a Schedule project available in a
format that is readable by Schedule, the interactive data editing facilities of the
program help you to input your data correctly. You can create a complete project within
Schedule, by having available a grid and property file created in another program, and
then specifying the rest of the required input interactively on panels and windows
generated in Schedule.

If you have already loaded your data from existing input files, the same facilities allow you to
visualize and check your data for accuracy and completeness, and edit the data where necessary.
Also, if you are not sure about the input data file format, you can enter the data interactively on
a panel, export the data using one of the Schedule data export options, and then continue editing
the data on the exported file which is now in the right format. You can then re-import the file
into your project after you have finished editing the data file.
This tutorial demonstrates the main editing and visualization features of Schedule. In addition,
it guides you through a complete typical Schedule project.

The tutorial stages are as follows:

"Creating a new project" on page 42

"Importing the grid and property files" on page 42

"Creating a control network of wells and groups of wells" on page 43

"Entering, editing and analyzing well production and injection data" on page 48

"Defining well trajectories interactively" on page 61

"Entering geological layer data" on page 66

"Defining well events" on page 67

"Inspecting the completion diagram" on page 73

"Configuring simulation options" on page 74

"Exporting SCHEDULE section for use in ECLIPSE" on page 74

"Using Schedule for a history match run" on page 79

"Discussion" on page 80

Getting started
The tutorial data files are included with your Schedule installation. They can be found in the
following directory: schedule/tutorial/ex2/.
Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


Copy all the tutorial data files to your current working directory.

To start Schedule type @schedule in your working directory, or run it from the ECLIPSE
Simulation Software Launcher on your PC.

Creating a new project

When you start Schedule, a new project opens automatically and the main Schedule window
appears on the screen. If you already have a Schedule project running, save it before starting a
new one, as discussed in "Creating a new Schedule project" on page 22.

File | Save As
This opens the Save Project window, which allows you to enter a project name.

Enter EX2.PRJ as the project name and save it.

There are two other windows you work with most of the time during a Schedule project: the
Control Network and the Item List windows.

To open these windows, select:

Data | Item List

Data | Control Network


You may need to resize or move the various windows to make them fit neatly on the
screen. This makes it easier when entering and editing the data.

Importing the grid and property files

To build a new Schedule project you need the grid and property files, available from other
programs. For this tutorial both input files have been created with the ECLIPSE simulator. For
other sources of grid and property files, see "Sources and combinations of grid, property and
well data files" on page 315.

To load the grid information into your current project, select Import | Grid | Single

Select the GRID file named EX2.FGRID from the file browser.

To load the properties information into Schedule, select Import | Properties

Select the property file named EX2.FINIT from the file browser.
During data import, Schedule briefly displays a progress indicator. This window disappears
after successful completion of the operation. If any errors occur during the operation, the
progress indicator displays the error.

Close the window by clicking on OK.



The grid and property files can be either formatted or unformatted: if formatted, they
must have the extensions *.FGRID and *.FINIT; if unformatted, the extensions
*.GRID and *.INIT. Both upper and lower case are accepted by the reader.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Creating a control network of wells and groups of

The Control Network window allows you to interactively create a network (or hierarchy) of
groups and wells. Although there is an option to import a control network from an ASCII file,
you will find it convenient most of the time to create the control network interactively in a
Schedule project.
As mentioned in the previous tutorial, the control network does not necessarily have to represent
a physical grouping of wells in the field. You can group the wells together for any specific
purpose, for example to allow you to apply economic or physical flow constraints on the wells
or to sum up production/injection volumes.

Adding groups and wells to a control network

The top level of the hierarchy in the control network is called FIELD, which is consistent with
the ECLIPSE grouping structure requirement. First, add three groups to the existing FIELD.
(Wells can only belong to groups and not directly to FIELD. This constraint is imposed by
Groups can be added to FIELD (or to other groups, for that matter) in three ways:

Click with the right mouse button on FIELD and select Create Group from the pop-up
menu. This allows you to key in a name for the group you want to add.

Name the group Group_1.

Click on FIELD with the left mouse button (this changes the fill color to red) then click on
the plus button
on the tool bar at the top of the Control Network window. The same
pop-up window appears.

Name the group Group_2.

Click on FIELD with the left mouse button then select Edit | New Group from the Control
Network menu bar. Again, the same pop-up window appears.

Name the group Group_3.

Now add a sub-group Group_3.1 to Group_3.


To rename a group click on the GROUP name with the right mouse button and select
Rename Group from the pop-up menu. Enter your new name.

Similarly, you can now add wells to the groups you just created:

Click on Group_1 with the right mouse button and select Create Well from the pop down

Name the well Well_1 and click on OK.


After you have imported production and/or events data from a file, you have the well
names available on the Item List window, and you can add wells to different groups
by dragging and dropping them from the Item List window.

10 Add another three wells to the first group and name them Well_2, Well_3 and Well_4.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


While you were defining the new wells in the Control Network window, the well names
appear, also, on the Item List window. They cannot now be removed from the Item List.

Groups can contain either wells or other groups, but not groups and wells on the same
hierarchical level because this is incompatible with the ECLIPSE grouping structure;
for example Group_1 should not contain another group in addition to wells Well_1
to Well_4. Figure 4.4 shows an example of an incompatible grouping structure.

Figure 4.4 Incompatible grouping structure in the Control Network window

There are two methods of removing wells or groups from the control network:
11 First select the items to be deleted in the Control Network window, Click on Well_3 and
Well_4 from Group_1, then, click on the Dustbin button

at the top right of the

Control Network window. (This is not a drag and drop operation.)


Several contiguous or non-contiguous wells within a group can be selected from the
control network with a combination of the mouse and the Shift or Ctrl keys.
Multiple selections can only be made within one group on the control network

12 Alternatively select the items to be removed first, click on Well_3 and Well_4 from
Group_1 and, then select, Edit | Remove Items.
The wells disappear from the Control Network, however, they remain on the Item List but
now do not have a black square beside them. This shows they are no longer active in this


Only wells that are assigned to groups in the control network are active and are
considered when a SCHEDULE section is generated. Active wells are indicated by a
black square by the side of the wellname in the Item List. Removing wells from the
control network does not delete related well information; the wells are only made
inactive in the current project. The same applies when a group is deleted from the
control network; all the wells assigned to that group are removed, but they are still
available for selection and reassignment to another group.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide


Any new well(s) created can not use same name(s) as the existing well(s) on the Item

Assigning wells
You can assign wells to the control network in two ways:
By selecting the wellnames on the Item List window and dragging them over to the
required group.

Click on Well_3 on the Item List.

Drag the well to Group_1 in the Control Network and then release the mouse.
Or, by using the small text entry box on the Item List window to select inactive well names
that match a defined pattern. The special characters "*" and "?" are used as wild cards in
the text pattern string. The "?" character stands for any single character, the "*" character
stands for any number of characters. If you then click on the + button above the text entry
box, the required wells are highlighted and you can drag them onto the control network.

Type Well_? in the text entry box and click on the plus button

above the box.

Well_4 is now highlighted.


Drag the well to Group_1.

Reassigning wells/groups in a control network

You can reassign wells to other groups by clicking on them and dragging them to another group.

Schedule User Guide

Click on Well_2 then drag it to Group_2.

Click and drag Well_3 and Well_4 into Group_3.1.


When you drag a well/group the mouse cursor changes shape to a no entry sign. This
indicates that you cannot place the well in the current position. The cursor changes to
a cross hair when a valid destination for the well has been reached.


If there are a large number of wells and groups in the control network, you may have
to scroll through the Control Network window to view all the network items. When
re-assigning wells, there may be instances when you are not able to view both the well
you wish to move and its destination, at the same time. In this case, we recommend
splitting the Control Network window into two panes. Along the bottom of the
Control Network window there is a black bar. Drag this bar to split the Control
Network display area into two windows and view different areas of the control
network at the same time. You can now reassign wells by dragging them from one
screen to the other. To remove the split drag the bar back to the bottom of the screen.


Alternatively, you can collapse part of the network on the Control Network window
by double-clicking on the box next to a group name. The wells assigned to that group
disappear, and the box has a "+" marker inside it to indicate that there are hidden
features. Double-clicking again on the box expands the group once more.

Interactive data editing and validation


Figure 4.5 Splitting the Control Network and hiding part of the hierarchy

Time-dependent control network

When you start to build your control network, Schedule assigns the time SOS (indicating Start
Of Simulation) to the network. This is indicated by an arrow at the top left of the Control
Network window next to the symbol SOS. This means the current control network is valid for
this SOS time.
If your control network changes with time, you can reflect this in the project using the Schedule
time-dependent grouping structure. A time-dependent control network allows you to re-assign
wells between groups during a simulation run. This may be helpful for applying different group
production or injection constraints within the history match and prediction period of a
simulation run. Wells that change from producers to injectors could also be re-assigned to
injection groups and common injection constraints applied.

To add another time to the control network to create a time-dependent grouping structure
select Edit | Add Time
A pop-up panel appears with a text box for entering a new time.

Enter 01.01.1972.
This new date appears at the bottom left corner of the window.


You can also enter 1.1.1972, 1/1/1972, 1 Jan 1972 or similar, but you must enter a 4digit year (that is 1972 rather than 72). The date displayed on the window will be

Make the new date active by clicking on it.

Note the control network at the previous time has been copied to the new time.


Re-assign Well_4 to Group_2 and delete Group_3.1.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide


If you now switch between the different times by clicking on each date in turn you will
note the changes in the control network. Each network is valid for that particular time.

To remove a date and its network first select the time to be removed. Select 01.01.1972

Then, Edit | Delete Time

Importing import control network files from Schedule projects

You can import control network files that have been exported from previous Schedule projects.

Import | Control Network

Select EX2.NET from the pop-up file browser

This replaces the existing network.


If you import a time-dependent control network from a control network file and if there
is a control network already present in the project, only those parts of the existing
control network are replaced where the dates in the file and in the project match. The
other dates merge into the project network.

The control network file uses three keywords:

Schedule User Guide

*GROUPNODE - This describes the group structure

*LEAFNODE - This describes how the wells link to the groups

*DATE - Indicates the start date when the control network is valid

Interactive data editing and validation


The first item in the lines under *GROUPNODE and *LEAFNODE represents the child and the
second item the parent. The current control network exported to a file looks like this:
'Group_1' 'FIELD'
'Group_2' 'FIELD'
'Group_3' 'FIELD'
'Group_3.1' 'Group_3'
'Well_1' 'Group_1'
'Well_2' 'Group_2'
'Well_3' 'Group_3.1'
'Well_4' 'Group_3.1'
*DATE 01 Jan 1972
'Group_1' 'FIELD'
'Group_3' 'FIELD'
'Well_1' 'Group_1'
'Well_2' 'Group_1'
'Well_3' 'Group_1'
'Well_4' 'Group_3'

Entering, editing and analyzing well production

and injection data
The recommended way to load production data into Schedule is to prepare and import a proper
production data file, with keywords in its header, that describes your data and file format.
You can also import files prepared in other applications, such as Finder, OilField Manager and
Production Analyst, directly into Schedule.
Alternatively, you can define your production data interactively. This option is discussed below.

Entering and editing tabular production data

This section describes how to define production data by entering it into tables, and how to edit
existing imported data. This is done in a production data table which you open by:

Clicking on a well in the Control Network window with the left mouse button (square turns
red) then clicking on the View production data table button

on the tool bar at the top

of the window.


By clicking on a well, with the right mouse button, and selecting Table History from the
pop-up menu.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

For this tutorial you will use the first method. Ensure that SOS is still active.

Click on Well_1 then click on the View production data table


This opens an empty production table panel.


Switch on the columns for oil, water and gas production:

Production History: Columns | Oil

Production History: Columns | Water

Production History: Columns | Gas

Three columns have now been added to the table. You will now create rows in the table and
enter production rates.

Adding production dates

There are two ways to do this:

Production History: Edit | Add Date

Enter the dates 01 Jan 1997, 1/2/1997, and 1.3.1997 in the pop-up text box.

Alternatively, clicking on the plus button

to the right of the column headings brings

up the same text box. Enter the date 1.Apr.1997.

Entering production rates

You can now input some production rates into the boxes for each date.

Enter the data as follows:

Sample Date


Water (STB/DAY)


01 Jan 1997



01 Feb 1997




01 Mar 1997




01 Apr 1997





You can only enter and display daily production and injection rates in this table. If you
import data from a file which contains anything other than daily rates, Schedule
converts them to daily rates during import. The units of the displayed data are
dependent on the specified project units which were setup using Setup | Units on the
main window at the start of the project.

Close the table.

Open the table again.

You will see that the entry for 01 Mar 1997 has been deleted.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation



Schedule displays the dates in which changes in production data occurs. This means
that if the production or injection rates for all phases stay the same for some time, then
Schedule displays the first date when the well started to produce or inject at this rate.
The next line of production data appears when a change in the rate has occurred. This
avoids the occurrence of many lines of zeros being displayed if a well has been off
production for long periods during its production history.

Deleting production data


Click on any entry box in the line for the first date, then select Production History: Edit |
Delete Date.

Click on any entry box for a date lower down in the table and use Production History: Edit
| Delete Date to remove that intermediate line.

To commit the data, either click on the Close button (this applies the changes and closes
the panel), or if you want to leave the input window open, click on the Apply button.

Copying production history

You can copy and name the production history of different phases for individual wells, allowing
you to produce versions of the production history.

To make a new version of production history select Data | Control network.

Open the production data table for Well_1.

Production History: Data | Create Version

This opens a panel with a defaulted * character in the box.


If you click on the OK button at this point, the program creates a new version of all of
the entered data. That is, you can use * alone but not as part of a text string.
To create a new version of both Oil and Gas you must select Create Version twice
and enter Oil the first time and Gas the second time.

Enter Oil into the box then click on the OK button.

The current version (named Oil) is duplicated and named Oil.v0.

Production History: Columns | Oil.v0.

This activates Oil.v0 version on the table, edit the data in the Oil column.


Schedule uses the version named Oil for all operations; this is the version you should
edit. The original data is saved as Oil.v0. If you create another version the version
named Oil is duplicated and saved under the name Oil.v1. Again the current version is
named Oil and this is the version you should edit.

To restore the original data you should revert to version 0, select Production history: Data
| Revert to

Enter 0 into the box and then click on the OK button.

The Oil column now shows the original data.


Click on Close to close the Production table.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Importing production data

There is a prepared production data file for this example which you can import.

Select Import | Production History | Replace

Select the file called EX2.VOL.

When the imported file contains data for an existing well, any existing production history for
that well is over-written. If you now inspect the Production Data table, you should find that
the entries you made have been replaced with the data from the file.

Analyzing and reporting production history


To analyze the production history for all wells, select Data | Analyse Production History
in the main Schedule panel.
This starts a run and generates a panel displaying the production history report. This shows
all the periods where flow occurs, and the phase cumulative values for all wells. At the this
point no values are reported because there is not a connection to the grid.

Analyzing the production history for individual well


Select a well on the control network.

Data | Check Production History

This generates a report of production history for this well, in the same way as above.


You can create a new version of the production history for an individual well, in which
the flow can be shifted into periods where a connection to the grid does exist. To do
this, use Data | Fix Production History

Entering simulation time framework data

By default, Schedule sets the time steps of your project to monthly between the SOP (Start Of
Prediction) and EOP (End Of Prediction) if there are no production data, or between the SOH
(Start Of History) and EOH (End Of History) if the production data have been already imported.

Schedule sets the Start and End time to the earliest and latest times Schedule can find
in the project from events or production data, if you have imported valid production
data. If you a running a prediction only, you must set a real date for the simulations;
otherwise the simulation starts at 1 Feb 1900, by default.

To define the simulation time step frequency, select Setup | Time Framework.
The Simulation Time Framework window opens.

In this window you can define a flexible simulation time step framework that best suits your
simulation requirements. The overall time step size can be Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s). You can
change this by clicking on the step size button (at present showing Month(s)) and selecting from
the drop down menu.
You can use the Step By entry box to define different simulation times, for example you could
set up a half-yearly simulation period by selecting a Monthly overall step size and a Step By
entry of 6.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


You can use the To entry box to place the time boundaries on arbitrary days of the month/year.
For example:

keep To empty if Step By setting is Day(s);

Step By








Event Shifts


set up the fifth of February with a To entry of 5/2 if the Step By setting is Year(s).
Step By




set up the fifth day of every simulation month with a To entry of 5 if the Step By setting
is Month(s);
Step By

Event Shifts





Event Shifts



You can vary the step size by dividing the simulation period into shorter periods and
using a different time step size for each period. You will define three periods in this

Set the initial time step size to 5 Days.

This time step size applies in the first simulation period from SOH to the start of the next

Insert a new simulation period by clicking on New.

Set the date at the start of this second period to 1.3.1970.

Set the time step size for this period to 1 Month with the time boundary set at the 5th of
each month.

Define the last simulation period which starts at 1.4.1971 and goes up to the end of
history (EOH).

Set the time step size for this period to 3 Months with the time boundary set at the 1st of
each month.
You may wish to compare your display with Table 4.2 at this point.

By using the Event Shifts on the Simulation Time Framework window you can also choose
whether all or some events are shifted to simulation time boundaries (this means that no
additional simulator time steps are created for the dates when events take place) or whether
Schedule should create additional time steps for all or part of the events.

To ignore event shifting options for all events within the first simulation period, select
Simulation Time Framework: Event Shifts | Ignore
This ignores the event shifts and creates additional time steps for all events as required.



Setting Event Shifts to Ignore may result in lots of small simulator time steps
during your simulation run and may reduce overall performance.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

To apply event shifting options for all events within the second period select Simulation
Time Framework: Event Shifts | Apply
This gives you an option to select whether or not you want to shift and if so, how to shift
each individual event to a simulator target time step in the Event panel.

If you only want to add extra time steps for certain events, such as well tests that require accurate
modeling in time, while optionally selecting the remaining events as simulator target time steps,
Schedule allows you to customize the events shifting.
10 To customize the simulator time steps for individual events in the last period, select
Simulation Time Framework: Event Shifts | Custom
The Custom Event Shifting window opens. This lists all the available events for any well
and allows you to either ignore or apply shifting to each set of events.
11 Click on the button to the right of the event to choose either Ignore or Apply. Leave
Weltest, Stimulate and Frac as Ignore and change all the other events to Apply.
Table 4.2

Simulation Time Framework panel with the date added

Simulation Time FrameWork
Step By





Event Shifts
















First Production

(SPH) =

01 Jan 1970

Last Production


01 Dec 1975

History Start

(SOH) =


History End



Prediction Start

(SOP) =


Prediction End








12 Click on OK to close the Custom Event Shifting window.

13 Click on OK to close the Simulation Time Framework panel.
This input results in target simulator time steps which are very small at the beginning of the
simulation (5-day steps for two months), followed by longer (monthly) time steps and the 5th
day of each month as the time boundary for the succeeding 13 months. Then, quarterly time
steps with the first day of the month as the time boundary for the rest of the simulation.

If you use apply the event shifting options, then you can use Shift Direction on the
Events panel for each well/group to set how the event will be shifted (either to an
Earlier or to a Later timestep). See "Defining well events" on page 67 in this tutorial.

Defining Schedule reports

Schedule reports are specified as so-called FIELD events. Additional time steps will be placed
at those dates where you have specified Schedule reports.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


You can open the Events for FIELD window from the Control Network panel in two ways:

Click on FIELD, with the left mouse button, (square turns red) then click on the Event
Table button

in the toolbar at the top left of the window.

Close the Events for FIELD window.

Clicking on FIELD, with the right mouse button, and select Show Events from the popup menu.
This opens the Events for FIELD window again.

To select the style of your report select Events for FIELD: New | Schedule Report Style
The right side of the Events for FIELD window now allows you to customize your report.
The frequency of your reports can be either Day(s), Month(s), Quarter(s) or Year(s). You
can also choose from a list of options for inclusion in the report by clicking on the buttons
next to the options to toggle them ON or OFF, or leave them as 'Dont care' (or '*').

Change UNDEFINED to EOS in the To box.

Set the report frequency to quarterly.

Turn Grid Block Pressures, Oil Saturation, Water Saturation and Gas Saturation on.

Click on Close.
This applies the desired Schedule reporting options to the project and closes the window. If
you want to leave the window open just click on Apply.

Displaying production data on production data

You can inspect the production data graph for a well in any one of three ways:

Click on the well with the left mouse button in the control network, then click on the View
Production Data Graph button


on the tool bar of the Control Network window.

Click on the well with the right mouse button in the Control Network window, then select
Graph History from the pop-up menu.

Click on the well with the right mouse button in the Item List window, then select Graph
History from the pop-up menu.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Figure 4.6 Production data graph of oil, water and gas rates


The SUMMARY file from an ECLIPSE run can be read in by using Schedule: Import
| Summary File. The results for a single case can then be displayed with production
history plots.

Open the production data graph for Well_1 using any of the methods outlined above.

Display the average production/injection rate by selecting Well_1: Plots | Averages

The rate averages, in a thicker dashed line, are now superimposed on the graph (Figure 4.7).


Schedule User Guide

The plotted average reflect the Simulation Time Framework settings; that is, the
values plotted are production rates averaged over the defined time step size(s). Also,
the number of values plotted is a function of the Schedule report frequency and the
Event Shifts settings.

Select any of the options in the Plots menu to inspect them on the graph. Click a second
time to remove the option.

To view production on a specific range of date; double click on the date axis to bring up the
Axis Property Editing panel.

Click on the Range tab and set the visible data from 01/01/1970 to 01/10/1975. This
displays the specified production history period. You can also edit Labels, Plots, Ticks and
Style of plots.

Interactive data editing and validation


Press OK to commit the changes and close the panel.

Figure 4.7 Averages superimposed on the production data graph

To see the cumulative production/injection history, from the Graph window, select
Well_1: Plots | Cumulative

The cumulative production data are now plotted along with flow rates and re-averaged rates
(Figure 4.8).


Close the Production Data Graph window.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Figure 4.8 Cumulatives plotted on the production data graph

The Graph window is able to display three different areas: the main display area, where you
can observe the production data; the navigation area, which you can use to alter your view in
the main window; and the Legend.
The appearance of the Production Data Graph window can be configured.

Open the Production Data Graph for Well_1.

10 Open the Configuration panel of the graph by selecting Well_1: Options| Add/Remove
The Configure panel opens with various options available that you can toggle on/off by
selecting the option and clicking on the Show/Hide buttons respectively. This moves the
component to appropriate window and you should see the component appear in/disappear
from the Graph panel
11 Make the Navigation Graph and Legend window visible.

Layout tab
The Layout tab has the following components:

Legend see "Legend" on page 58 in this tutorial.

Navigation graph see "Navigation area" on page 58 in this tutorial.

Window tab
The Window tab has the following components:

Schedule User Guide

Resize bars

Interactive data editing and validation


Status bars

Tool bars

Copy to Clipboard/Bitmap file

Print options

Zoom properties

Mouse modes

Close menu option


Graph margins


Color Inversion menu option

Refresh menu option

Title Settings menu

Graph Dialog menu options

Navigation area
This gives a view of all the data associated with the selected well. Note that there is a red
rectangular border with small squares in each corner around one of the graphs in the Navigation
window. You can use these to gain a more detailed display of a specific area of the graph.

Click and drag one of the squares and note how the main view changes, displaying only the
area within the red rectangle.
The other displayed graphs are also changed to the same scale.

You can also zoom into any portion of the data on the main display by first clicking on
either the Zoom In
or the Zoom Out
button, then dragging a window around
the area to be investigated with the mouse. Note that the rectangle in the Navigation area
alters proportionately to the area on the main display.

This display is the key to the plots shown in the main display area. You will note that one of the
plots is highlighted in yellow. This corresponds to the plot inside the red rectangle in the
Navigation window. Click once on a line in the Legend to highlight the selected plot, and the
rectangle moves to the appropriate display in the Navigation window.
Double-clicking on a line in the Legend opens another window from which you can customize
the plots in the main display. This is the Plot Style panel. You can customize the color, thickness
and style of the plot lines. To apply the format, click on Apply.

Double-click on Oil in the Legend.

This opens the Default Data Style Property Editing panel.

Increase the width of the line by moving the slider at the top right of the window.

Click on the Apply button.

The changes immediately become effective on the production data graph. Leave the panel


Double-click on Gas in the Legend area.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

The Plot Style panel updates and displays the properties for the Gas Rates.

Change the color of the line to green and click on Apply.

Click on the Cancel button to close the Plot Style panel.

Overlaying production data for wells

Schedule allows you to overlay the production data for any number of wells or groups on the
same display.

Select other wells or groups from the Control Network window and drag them onto the
open production data graph one by one.
The window updates with the additional information, by overlaying the graphs already


Overlaying more than two or three plots at a time can lead to a crowded display with
difficulty in distinguishing between plots.

When you overlay plots in this way an additional menu called Items is added to the Production
Data Graph menu bar. It contains the names of all the wells and groups displayed. You can use
this menu to switch any of these plots OFF. This menu option disappears when you switch off
all but one production data plot. See Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.9 Overlaid production data

Schedule User Guide

Close the Production Data Graph.

Interactive data editing and validation


Displaying production data for groups of wells and for

If you select a group of wells or the FIELD in the Control Network window for subsequent
display in a Production data graph, Schedule plots the sum of the production/injection data of
all the wells within the selected group.

Select FIELD in the Control Network window and display the FIELD production data
The plots in this display now represent the total production/injection for the FIELD.

Close the production data graph.

Quality control and editing

You can check the data for the project visually in the Production Data Graph window and
correct any obvious errors in the data table.

Open the Production Data Graph for Well_1.

To open the Production data table, on the production data graph select Well_1: Plots |
The Production Data table opens.


You can position the table and graph windows so they are both accessible.
The graph and table views are linked together and any change made in the table is
reflected in the graph.

As you move the cursor over the graph the co-ordinates are indicated in the centre of the status
bar at the bottom.

Change to set current point mode by selecting Options | Current.


You can only update the graph in this mode. There are no editing facilities for the graph

Click on a point on one of the graphs. The current point on the graph is marked with a small
circle. The date and value at that point are displayed on the bottom left status bar and the
corresponding point on the data table is highlighted.

Edit the highlighted number in the table.

Click on Apply on the Table panel.

This updates the graph.



The averaged production data display is not linked to the table; we recommend,
therefore, you switch off this display when editing the graph by using the graph to table

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Figure 4.10 Interaction between production data graph & table (detail).

Current point on graph

Defining well trajectories interactively

When you create history match simulation projects you normally have the well trajectory files
available (either directly from gridding applications or calculated from well deviation survey
data) for import into Schedule, as explained in "Creating a basic Schedule project" on page 21.
On the other hand, trajectory files are not available for future wells that you need to model in
prediction runs. This is a typical case when you would use the interactive well positioning
facility in Schedule. The facility allows you to place hypothetical wells at any point in the
simulation grid model. The grid geometry and property information will then be automatically
processed by the program, and the well trajectories calculated for the new wells.
You have two ways to build a new well trajectory:

By using a well trajectory table, or

By using the well editor on the 3D Well Viewer window.

Defining trajectories in a well trajectory table


Select Well_1 on the Control Network window and click on the View Well Trajectory

The Trajectory window opens, but because neither a trajectory file nor a deviation survey
has been loaded there is no well geometry information available for this well yet. However,
as you loaded the grid previously, the global grid dimensions and local dimension of local
grid refinements (LGR) are available and displayed at the top left corner of the window.
If you are in the prediction phase of a study you might want to look at the 3D view of the existing
wells and the global grid to decide where to place an additional well.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


Open the 3D Well Viewer by selecting one of the wells and clicking on the 3D Well
Viewer button

on the Control Network window.

As there is no trajectory information available for the wells so far, Schedule displays the
full grid instead.

It is always useful to switch the display style to Outlines in order to see how the well
intersects the grid blocks.
on the tool bar in the 3D Well Viewer window.

Click on the Outlines button

Now place a well right in the top left corner of the grid. Type I=3, J=3 in the FIRST and
the LAST rows of the Trajectory window.

Leave everything else defaulted and click on Create.


The program produces a warning message if you enter illegal grid coordinates.

Schedule calculates a well trajectory through the grid based on the input data and displays
the calculated trajectory in a table. Because you have previously imported a property file
(INIT), the Trajectory table contains values for both permeability and NTG as shown
Trajectory - Well_1

Cell I Cell J Cell K MD Entry MD Exit Perm X Perm Y Perm Z

NTG Entry X

Entry Y

















































Note that Schedule automatically continued the trajectory to the bottom layer of the grid by
adding four more intersections. The program can create vertical wells very easily from just
I and J input by creating a well intersection at each layer of the grid. This also applies to
arbitrarily-shaped wells. As long as you do not specify a perforation at the extended
location, the additional intersections at the end of the well will not result in a connection
with the grid.
If you do not have the properties file available when you calculate the trajectories, Schedule
will enter -1 in all the property columns. To update the properties simply import the INIT
file when available and the Trajectory table is updated automatically.

Close the Trajectory window.

Select Well_1 on the Control Network window and then click on the 3D well
viewer button

to see the well on the 3D well display.

You can now add the data for the other wells.


Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Repeat steps 1 to 7 for Well_2 but define an arbitrary path through the grid as shown below:

Trajectory - Well_2







Click on the Add Segment button to enter new lines in the table.
As this well is not intersecting an LGR, the last column in the table remains empty.

10 Repeat steps 1 to 5 for Well_3, but this time define the wells path as going through the
local LGR LGR1. (See table below.)
Both the local IJK grid coordinates and the name of the LGR for each intersection have to
be specified in the Trajectory window, for that part of the trajectory that passes the LGR.
The required information for the local coordinates of the LGR1 and global IJK dimensions
are provided at the top of the Trajectory window.
Trajectory - Well_3








11 Click on Create
Schedule has now created a trajectory table with coarse grid intersections from layers 1 to 6.
Note at the left of the table there is a column called Edit LGR with a button for a drop-down
menu for LGR1.
12 Click on the drop down menu button to the right of the LGR name to open the trajectory
table for the fine grid intersections.
Schedule has created a trajectory through the LGR from fine grid layer 1 to 15 as shown in
the following table:

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


13 To return to the coarse layer table click on Exit LGR.

14 To close the Trajectory window click on OK.

Defining well trajectories using 3D well editor


Open the 3D Well Viewer on Well_1, Well_2, Well_3 and Well_4.


Select one of the wells and click on the 3D Well Viewer button
on the Control
Network window. Then drag the other wells to the open 3D Well Viewer window.

Select 3D View | Full Grid

Click on the Outlines button


You can use 3D Well Viewer | Grid | Display | Transparency to adjust the grid
transparency or de-activate the cells to get a better display of the well intersection.

Click on the Top View button

You will see the positions of well heads.

Now we can start to create Well_4.

Before editing the well, you may need to look at Front View
to make sure the
grid layers are clearly distinguishable and editable. You can also stretch out the vertical
direction by clicking on the Vertical Stretch button
on the tool bar of the 3D
Well Viewer window.

3D Well Viewer: Edit | Wells | Edit Wells

This opens a panel with a List of Wells: select Well_4 and click OK. Another panel opens
listing all well bores for this well name. In this case there is only one.


When only one well is in the 3D viewer the panel showing the List of Wells is omitted
and the Well Bores panel opens directly.

Select Well_4 and click on Edit.

This opens Well_4 Edit Table. You can position the Table and the 3D Well Viewer
window so that they are both accessible. The 3D Well Viewer and Table are linked
together and any change made in one is reflected in the other.

Place a well head in the center of the cell on I=6 from left, J=6 from the top of the grid by
clicking once on the point you want.
A small white square appears on the cell. The corresponding data on this reference point
(first point of the stem) are displayed on the top part of the table.

3D Well Viewer: Wells

De-activate Well _1 and Well_2 to make the view clearer.

10 Click on the Left View button


Interactive data editing and validation

on the tool bar in the 3D Well Viewer window.

Schedule User Guide

You will see a cross section of J-K on the grid with J increasing from left to right and K
increasing from top to bottom.
11 Click 7 more points to build the well trajectory as shown in Figure 4.11.
Figure 4.11 Edit well trajectory on 3D Viewer

12 Edit the data as follows:

Reference point (First point of the Stem)









MD =


Subsequent points below...


X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)






















13 Click on the Update View button on the Well_4 Edit Table panel. You will see the updated
well trajectory on the 3D Well Viewer.
14 Close the Table panel.
15 3D Well Viewer: Edit | Commit Edit
This commits the well trajectory data to the project.
Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


16 Select Well_4 on the Control Network window and click on the View Well Trajectory

The Trajectory window opens and you can view the well trajectory data.

The 3D Well Editor display shows map units, while the trajectory uses grid units. It is
possible, as shown in this example for Well_4, for the display of entry data to differ
between the 3D Well Editor display and the Trajectory table.


The starting point of well measured depth (MD) entry is 0, if you edited it in the 3D
Editor; and is the top depth of the top grid if you edited it in the Trajectory table. This
does not affect the simulation results. You can reset the MD value in the reference point
to any value you want. Refer to the tutorial "Creating and editing a multi-lateral multisegment well model" on page 135 for details.

Export the well deviation data for future viewing and editing of the well deviation using the 3D
Well Viewer.
17 Export | Deviations
18 Save the data file as EX2.CNT.
This creates a control file which contains a deviation file named EX2.DEV.
There is a trajectory file in your working directory called EX2.TRJ which has been produced
within Schedule in the way described above, and exported from Schedule.
Import this file now into your project.
19 Select Import | Well Locations | Trajectory File
20 From the file browser select the file EX2.TRJ
This updates the data for your trajectories on a per-well basis and provides the information
necessary for following the remaining steps of this tutorial.

Entering geological layer data

As discussed in the previous tutorial ("Importing geological layer information" on page 31),
Schedule allows events to be shifted to correct geological layers if a Layer Table has been
Schedule contains several options for layer shifting.

Setup | Options
This opens the ECLIPSE Options panel.

Go to the Layer Shifting box.

You have the following options of Linear Scaling, Relative Shift and Simple Shift. The
mechanism which shifts events into a named grid layer can maintain the relative positions
and sizes of the events. For more details please refer to "Configuring simulation options"
on page 336.


Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide


If you are not certain which layer shifting option you should use we recommend
using the default, Simple Shift, in which Schedule shifts each event to its
designated layer. Any portion of the event which extends outside the layer is then

Layer information can either be specified in a file and imported into Schedule using the Import
| Layer Table option, or it can be entered interactively into the Layer Table.

To enter layer information interactively, open the Layer Table by selecting Data | Layer
The Layer Table List opens.
Note that Schedule has entered one dummy line by default. Assume that the simulation grid
layers 2 to 3 represent the geological flow unit called Sand_1 and layers 4 to 6, flow unit

Edit the table as follows:

Layer Name

Top Layer

Bottom Layer




To enter a new line click on the + button at the top right corner of the table.


To delete a line, position the cursor on the line to be deleted and key the CTRL and D
keys together.

Close the Layer Table List by clicking on OK.

Defining well events

Although it is very easy to import events into Schedule via an event data file, you may find it
more useful at times to enter your well events interactively using the Events window.
This section describes how to input events interactively into your project. It assumes the
following historical scenario for well Well_1:

Two perforations in the productive zones

Welltest and bottom hole pressure measurement

Hydraulic fracture to improve productivity of well

Excessive water coning in the well, workover and squeeze part of lower perforation

Bottom hole pressure measurement

Well has reached economic limit and is plugged off

Before entering the events data

First ensure you have set a correct project unit.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


Setup | Units | Field

This sets the project units to FIELD as needed for this tutorial.

Data | Layer Table and check the layer definition.

Check the simulation time framework which you have set before, as shown in Table 4.2 by
selecting Setup | Time Framework.

Building events for a well

Now we start to build the events for Well_1.

To define a perforation interactively for Well_1 open the Events window by selecting
Well_1 on the Control Network window and clicking on the Events button

Place two perforations in the productive zones by selecting Event: New | Perforation.
The Events window changes to allow you to specify a new perforation event; the event
type is entered in the events list at the left side of the panel, and the data entry fields are
displayed in the right side of the panel. The default date for the first event placed on a well
is SOS, which means the earliest time that can be found currently in the project (the SOS
date can be checked on the Simulation Time Framework panel).

Type in the following data in the entry boxes on the Events window:


01 Jan 1970

(this field is optional and only effective if Layer
information is specified)

Sand 1

Top Depth

8015 FEET

Bottom Depth

8055 FEET




0.708 FEET


Perforation in upper productive zone

Shift Direction


You can enter either the Layer or the Top and Bottom Depth values to define the events. In the
case where both the layer and the depths are entered (as in this case) the following rules apply:

The Layer setting overrules the Top and Bottom Depths settings.
For example, if you set the event in layer Sand_1 (layers 2-3), and the depth settings
correspond to layers 4-5, Schedule will reset the events to be in layers 2-3 in the
exported Schedule section.

The minimum number of grid layers is applied.

For example, if you set the event in layer Sand_2 (layers 4-6), and the depth settings
correspond to layers 2-3, Schedule will set the events in layers 4-5 rather than 4-6.

If you have set the event shift to Apply (or Apply in Custom) on the Time Framework you
can apply the Shift Direction box on the Events panel to set as


Earlier, in which case the event is moved back to the preceding time step, or

None, in which case the actual timing of the events is added in the simulation, or

Later, in which case the event is moved forward to the next time step.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide


In fact the measured depth information for the first perforation event in Sand_1
geological layer is slightly outside the simulation grid layers 2-3 (this can be seen by
comparing the data in the Events, Layer and Trajectory SCHEDULE section). In this
case Schedule shifts the perforation to match the layer information provided and place
an appropriate warning message in the exported SCHEDULE section.


Although Schedule checks if perforation and well trajectory match, and if production
on the well is specified only for a well that has a connection, it is helpful at this stage
to open the trajectory and production history table for the actual well and check
visually the match of the data.

For the second perforation, again select Event: New | Perforation.

Type in the following data for the second perforation:


12 Feb 1970

(this field is optional and only effective if Layer
information is specified)


Top Depth

8065 FEET

Bottom Depth

8080 FEET




0.708 FEET


Perforation in lower productive zone

Shift Direction


The Layer sets 4 to 6 and the Top and Bottom Depths cover layers 4 and 5. The actual
simulation layers will be in 4 and 5.
The Shift Direction sets Earlier as default. However, since the Time Framework will set
the Event Shift as Ignore during this time, the additional time steps for the perforation are
added during your simulation run.

Schedule User Guide


The sequence of entering events is not important: Schedule re-orders the events based
on the date of occurrence.


Any text entered in the Comment field will appear as comment in the exported
SCHEDULE section file.

To enter the welltest event data select, Event: New | Welltest

Type in the data as follows:


03 Jan 1970





Shift Direction


Interactive data editing and validation


A Kh (permeability thickness product) of a welltest event is specified for the well but not for
individual perforations. Schedule calculates cell connection factors based on cell property, cell
geometry and completion information. A welltest event causes these cell connection factors to
be modified. Kh will be scaled to all the individual cell connections of the well, based on the
values of the original cell connection factors.

To enter the bottom hole pressure measurement select Event: New | BHP

Enter the following data:


03 Jan 1970


3550 PSIA


1st bottom hole pressure measurement

Shift Direction


A BHP event allows recorded bottom hole pressures to be placed in the output WCONHIST
statements (refer to "ECLIPSE Reference Manual") which can later be plotted against the
simulated BHPs.
10 To input the hydraulic fracture data for improving the productivity of well select Event:
New | Stimulate.
11 Enter the following data for the stimulation event:

05 Jan 1970

(this field is optional and only effective if Layer
information is specified)

Sand 1

Top Depth

8030 FEET

Bottom Depth

8050 FEET




Hydraulic fracture in upper productive zone

Shift Direction


A large negative Skin number may result in a negative Connection Factor (CF) which
causes an error entry and deleting of the active cell, as shown in "Creating a basic Schedule
project" on page 21.
12 Workover and squeeze part of the lower perforation due to excessive water coning in the
well, select Event: New | Squeeze.
13 Enter the following data for the squeeze event:



01 Jan 1973

(this field is optional and only effective if Layer
information is specified)

Sand 2

Top Depth

8030 FEET

Bottom Depth

8050 FEET


Squeezing excessive water producing zone

Shift Direction


Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

The Shift Direction is set as Later. Since the Squeeze date is the same as the time step setting
on Time Framework this date is applied.

Take care when using layer shifting in a well with several perforation or squeeze
events. Schedule shifts each event to its designated layer; any portion of the event
which extends outside of the layer is then removed. In these cases, it is best to use
the layer shifting option that maintains the relative position and size of the events
(See "Layer shifting" on page 186)

14 Another BHP measurement took place, select Event: New | BHP.

15 Enter the following data:

15 Jun 1972


2990 PSIA


2nd bottom hole pressure measurement

Shift Direction


The Shift Direction is set as Earlier. Since the Time Framework sets the Event Shifts on
Custom and BHP on Apply at this time, this date will be shifted to 1 June in the simulation run.

This BHP event took place before the squeeze event. The sequence of entering events
is not important: Schedule re-orders the events based on the date of occurrence.

16 Well reached economic limit and is plugged off, select Event: New | Plug
17 Enter the following data for the plug:

01 Sep 1975

(this field is optional and only effective if Layer
information is specified)


Top Depth

8030 FEET


Plugging off the well

Shift Direction



The Event Shift for Plug has been set as Apply on Time Framework, and the Shift
Direction is Later on the Event panel. This shifts Plug to the defined time step on 01
Oct 1975.

A User event allows insertion of arbitrary text in the SCHEDULE section. The text associated
with the user event is inserted directly into the SCHEDULE section on the date specified by the
user event.
18 Now place a User event by selecting Event: New | User:

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


19 Type in the following data:





Shift Direction



There is a text box available for entering data. When you insert a comment here it must
have two dashes -- in front of it; otherwise it causes an ECLIPSE error.

If you have defined additional time steps to be inserted for user events on the Simulation Time
Framework panel, this User event results in an additional simulator time step. This allows usercontrolled positioning of additional time steps.
For this tutorial there is an event file containing exactly the same information for Well_1 as you
have been asked to enter, but it also contains events for the other wells in your project. It is in
your working directory and is called EX2.EV.
20 Import this file now by selecting Import | Events | Replace
21 From the file browser select the file EX2.EV
There is also a second events file containing some more bottom hole pressure measurements for
22 Import this file but this time merge it with the existing events by selecting Import | Events
| Merge
23 From the file browser select the file EX2a.EV.
If you look at the Events window now for Well_1 you will see that additional events have been
listed on the table. You can display a graph of bottom hole pressure versus time now, on the
production data graph.
24 To see these data, open the production data graph for Well_1 and select Well_1: Plots |
You can also define additional simulator time steps for when a well changes operation from
production to injection. In this project Well_2 and Well_4 both change their status from
producer to injector.
25 From the main window select Data | Generate Framework Dates.
26 Check Production/Injection Changes and click on OK.
This places a simulation time step at the time when the wells change from production to
An appropriate message is written to the log of the main window.

These time steps can be edited or regenerated but are otherwise fixed.

27 Open the Setup | Time Framework, and select the Dates button to show the
TimeFramework Date List.
Note that Prod/In. Change time steps exist in the list at the time when the well started to


Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Inspecting the completion diagram

Once you have entered data for well events into Schedule, either by importing it from a file or
entering it on the Events window, you can inspect the completion diagram.

Select a well on the Control Network and then click on the Completions button

Alternatively, click with the right mouse button on a well in the Control Network
window or in the Item List window, and select Graph Completions from the pop-up

The Completion/Events window opens and the completion state of the well is displayed
as colored boxes. Perforations are shown as cyan and squeezes as magenta-colored
rectangles across the window, showing their changes with time. Grid connections are
displayed as colored vertical lines drawn at the date the connection is changed. Open
connections are drawn in green and closed connections are drawn in red. Small yellow
boxes, called event markers, are displayed to indicate the time and top measured depth (MD)
of various events. If the event does not have a MD (like a BHP measurement) the box is
drawn at the top of the wellbore.
The data can be viewed to display the well connections to the grid, or the well perforations
through time.

Select Completion/Events: View | Perforations

The y-axis now shows the measured depth information for the well and the progress of the
perforations with time.

Select Completion/Events: View | Connection

The y-axis now shows the IJK grid indices and well connections with the grid. The different
layers are shown as horizontal lines.

You can also view the flow diagram as well as the completion.

Select Completion/Events: View | Flow Diagram

This gives a view of production/injection rate with time.


There must be enough data available in the project for the connections display to be
generated: well trajectories, property information and perforations data are all needed.

Ensure that the Connections option is switched on by going to Completion/Events: View

| Connection.

The IJK labeling you see on the y-axis relates to global coordinates if the well is connected to
global grid cells, and to local coordinates if the well is connected in a local grid refinement
(LGR). The horizontal lines on the display that represent the horizontal grid block boundaries
are shown in red if local coordinates are displayed. Also, take a look at the completion diagram
for Well_3 as an example for a well connected in an LGR.
After you have exported a SCHEDULE section, you can also display the so-called internal events
on this window by selecting View | Internal Events. This data is not yet available, but we will
discuss this issue later on in the tutorial.
Pointing with the mouse at one of the events markers will display details on the event in the
status bar across the bottom left of the Completion/Events window. The Completion window
is linked with the Events window.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation



To open the Events window, just double-click on one of the events markers. The
chosen event will be highlighted on the Events window and related data displayed.


The positioning of the connection markers on the time axis (x-axis) reflects your
simulation Time Framework settings. If you specified additional simulation time
steps for an event, colored lines representing a connection appear on the x-axis at the
date you entered the event. If you decided to move events to overall simulator time
steps, they will appear at the simulator time steps.

Close the Completion/Events window.

Configuring simulation options

Before you export the SCHEDULE section file to ECLIPSE, you should inspect the ECLIPSE
Options panel and change the settings where necessary.

Open the ECLIPSE Options panel by selecting Setup | Options

The options available on this panel determine how Schedule generates the SCHEDULE
section. The default settings should be acceptable for most of your projects. We will use the
defaults for the current example. For more details please refer to "Configuring simulation
options" on page 336.

Exporting SCHEDULE section for use in ECLIPSE

In your current Schedule project you have so far specified data for historical production, well
events, well geometry, and grid geometry, as well as imported properties and layer information.
You built a control network of groups and wells, and inspected and verified the specified data
on tables and graphs. Also, you set up the proposed simulation time framework for ECLIPSE
and specified special simulation options. This is all you need before exporting a SCHEDULE
section file for an ECLIPSE history match run. For more information on creating SCHEDULE
sections for ECLIPSE prediction runs please refer to "3D visualization and predictive
SCHEDULE file generation" on page 82.
There are two ways to export a SCHEDULE section file:

Exporting a SCHEDULE section for the whole project using the Export | Schedule
Section menu option on the main Schedule window.

Exporting a selected SCHEDULE section for one or more wells or group(s) of wells by
selecting the well(s)/group(s) on the Control Network window and using the Export |
Selected Schedule on the Control Network window.

Before exporting a SCHEDULE section file, set the display/project units (the exported file will
be generated in the units used for the display):

Check that units is set to field. Setup | Units | Field

The SCHEDULE section file will now be generated in FIELD units.


Select Export | Schedule Section on the main Schedule window.

In the pop-up file browser name the SCHEDULE section file EX2.SCH and click on OK.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Schedule now builds a simulation model schedule section based on your input data and
writes the appropriate ECLIPSE control keywords to the include file. This may take some
time if your project is large; a progress indicator appears on the screen.

Now export a SCHEDULE section for Well_1 only, by clicking on Well_1 on the Control
Network window.

Control Network: Export | Selected Schedule

Name the file EX2a.SCH and click on OK.


You can only export selected SCHEDULE sections for wells within one group because
multiple selections can only be made within groups.

Now export a SCHEDULE section for Group_2 and Group_3 and name the file
Use the Ctrl key for selecting the second group.

You can now open the EX2.SCH, EX2a.SCH and EX2b.SCH files with any text editor and
inspect them. For an explanation of the content of these files please refer to "Content of a typical
SCHEDULE section file" on page 337 in this manual, and for details about the generated
keywords refer to the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual".
Schedule converts all the information from the current project into control keywords that can be
understood by ECLIPSE. As soon as you have the SCHEDULE section exported, these control
keywords and related data are also available in the Schedule project for inspection and editing
if necessary. We will refer to these control keywords as internal keywords.

Run an ECLIPSE simulation run using the data file called EX2.DATA from your working
This contains the generated SCHEDULE section file EX2.SCH as an include file.

Check if the include file name in the SCHEDULE section of the ECLIPSE data file matches
with the name of the file generated by Schedule before running the simulator.

Inspecting and editing internal events


Open the Events window for Well_1 from the Control Network window.
The left side of the panel shows a time-ordered list of events. The contents of the list are
controlled by the View menu options

Event: View | Completion:

If the view is ON (which is indicated by a small check mark on the menu option),
completion events are listed.

Event: View | Keywords:

If the view is ON, keywords introduced with the New | Keyword menu option in this
panel are displayed.

Event: View | Internal:

If the view is ON, internally generated keywords are displayed. Internal events can only be
displayed, though, if the SCHEDULE section file has been previously exported (which
means that the simulation model has been generated by Schedule).


Schedule User Guide

By default completion events are displayed.

Interactive data editing and validation


In Schedule, we distinguish between three types of event:

Completion event:
Well events like perforations, squeezes etc. which are imported from the events file or
created on the Events window using the New menu options (except New |

Internal event:
Generated by Schedule during export of the SCHEDULE section, for example
WELSPECS and COMPDAT keywords. They are not stored with the project unless
edited by the user.

Keyword event:
Introduced with the Event: New | Keyword menu option or any internal event that
has been edited by the user (for more details please refer to "3D visualization and
predictive SCHEDULE file generation" on page 82.

Switch the display of internal keywords on by selecting Events: View | Internal

All keywords generated for Well_1 during the export of the SCHEDULE section are now
displayed on the list of events on the left side of the Events window. You can either display
the keyword name itself or the descriptions of the internal and keyword events.


To toggle between showing the keyword name or a short description in the event list
select, Event: View | Descriptions.


Internal keywords are not stored with the project. If you save and exit the project and
load it again, the internal events are no longer available. Obviously, they can be quickly
generated by exporting the SCHEDULE section again.

Select the first COMPDAT event on the events list and change the connection factor to 1.5.
If you edit an internal event on the Events window, it changes its status and becomes a
keyword event, which is then stored with the project. You might use this facility to edit, for
example, the internally calculated connection factor on the Internal COMPDAT event. When
you export the SCHEDULE section next time (which means generating the internal
keywords again), Schedule will realize that there is already a keyword event corresponding
to the internal event to be generated (Schedule checks a few keyword-dependent entries
like date or IJK). In this case the keyword event takes precedence over the internal event
and a proper message is placed in the SCHEDULE section file. This is valid for any keyword

Click the Apply button. This leaves the panel open.

The COMPDAT event has now changed its status and become a Keyword event.

Switch off the view of internal events with View | Internal option.
COMPDAT remains on the Events list.

Export the SCHEDULE section again (using Export | SCHEDULE section) as EX2.SCH.
The display on the Events window is updated automatically. Schedule gives the following
warning message in the exported file:

--: Well_1 Connection 3 2 2 Perf. Len 20.00 (100.0%)

-- WARN: Well_1 COMPDAT may be inconsistent, existing event took
precedence over generated


Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

10 Undo the edit on the COMPDAT event by selecting Events: Edit | Undo Edits
This opens the Edit History panel for COMPDAT which contains the list of edits. Select
those edits you want to undo (there is only one for the COMPDAT event in this tutorial) by
clicking on it with the mouse
11 Click on the Undo Selected button.
12 Close the Edit History panel.
If you edited lots of events, you can use the Undo To Selected button to undo all edits
from the top of the list down to your selected line. Try to use this option, but first perform
some more edits on COMPDAT to have a reasonable history of edits on the event.
13 Delete now the COMPDAT user event by selecting Events: Edit | Delete.
14 Close the Events window.
Internal events are also included in the production data and completion graphs.
15 Export the SCHEDULE section again (using Export | SCHEDULE section) as EX2.SCH.
16 Use the Completions button

to open the Completion/Events window for Well_1

and select Completion/Events: View | Internal Events.

The display is updated and all internal events displayed.

Remember that this window is linked with the Events window; double-clicking on the
events marker (the yellow square at the top of the event) opens the Events window for
the well, and highlights the selected event and associated data. If you are doubleclicking for example on an internal event (like WCONHIST) on the Completion
window and you want to see the associated data on the Events window, you must also
switch the internal events display ON on the Events window.

17 Close the Completion/Events window.

18 Use

to open the production data graph for Well_1.

19 Select Well_1: Plots | Events.

The internal and completion events are now indicated on the graph by small crosses. A click
on one of these event indicators opens the Event window.
20 Close the Graph window.

Inspecting and editing the alias list

If well or group names that are not recognized by ECLIPSE have been used in the Schedule
project, an alias is used instead of the original name when the SCHEDULE section is created.
When you exported the SCHEDULE section file, Schedule creates an alias list for well and group

Open the Alias List panel using Data | Alias List.

This opens the Alias List window with the original names in the left column and the aliases
in the right as shown in Figure 4.12. You can edit these aliases and the edited names are
used the next time that you export the SCHEDULE section.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


Figure 4.12 Alias list window


This panel is empty until the SCHEDULE section has been exported.


Schedule aliases all the lowercase well names to uppercase as required by ECLIPSE.


Schedule, also, aliases all the well names that have more than eight characters to eight
characters or less, as required by ECLIPSE.

Group_3.1 is recognized as an illegal group name by Schedule (because it has more than eight
characters) and the alias GRUP0001 has been used instead. Also a message was written during
the first export of the SCHEDULE section both to the main window and to the SCHEDULE
section file.

Edit this alias and call it G_3.1 and click on Apply.

Export the SCHEDULE section again; the edited alias will now be used.
It will be stored with the project.

Close the Alias List panel by clicking on OK.

Inspecting input file list


To inspect the input file list select Data | Input Files.

This opens the Input File List window showing the names of the files read into the project
as well as the data type and the date when the files were read. This information is also
exported to the SCHEDULE section file and appears there in the header. This is helpful for
finding the resource files of the project again.


Close the Input File List panel.

Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

Using Schedule for a history match run

Schedule not only helps you to prepare, validate and integrate production and completion data
in a very efficient way, it also reduces significantly the time spent on updating simulation
models during a history match run.
Below are a few examples of how Schedule can help you quickly update the simulation model
during a history match run.

Changing grid properties or grid geometry during a

history match run
Let us assume that you change simulation grid properties in the gridding application during a
history match run. Then if the changes occur also in the grid blocks that have well connections,
this effects the Connection Factor calculations for the COMPDAT keyword in the ECLIPSE
SCHEDULE section. Using Schedule, INIT files can be quickly reloaded and trajectories
recalculated using the Data | Recalculate Trajectories menu option on the main window. This
will update the properties in the well trajectories, and the new SCHEDULE section can be
exported to ECLIPSE. This can be repeated until a match is achieved with the observed well
As an alternative to recalculating the trajectories every time you make a change, you can set the
simulation option Use Trajectory Perms in the ECLIPSE Options panel to NO (Setup |
Options). This forces Schedule to use the properties from the property file (INIT file) for
calculating the cell Connection Factors instead of those from the trajectories. Thus you have
only to import the updated property file before exporting the new SCHEDULE section file for
use in the simulation run. Refer to "Grid, property and well geometry file sources, and
combinations" on page 318.
When you looked at the well connections on the Schedule 3D Well Viewer, you may have
observed that the grid geometry does not always model the wells accurately. You can easily
update the grid geometry in the gridding application and send the changed grid and property file
to Schedule again for recalculating the well trajectories and updating the well connections on
the changed grid.

If your grid geometry has changed and you have loaded a new grid file, you need to
update properties as well.

Editing properties on the trajectory table

Schedule gives an easy and fast way to edit the permeabilities on the trajectory table itself which
result in modified Connection Factors for the well equations. If you edited the trajectory table,
it is then recommended that you export the changed trajectory file using the Export |
Trajectories option in the main window (you can re-import it at any time into your current
project or any other project). Otherwise you may lose your changes if you recalculate the
trajectories by accident.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


Editing well trajectories on the trajectory table

If necessary any well trajectory calculated in Schedule or any imported trajectory file from a
gridding package can be edited on the trajectory table. This allows you to change IJK values on
the trajectory table to connect the well to another grid cell which better represents the location
of the well in the model, although this is not recommended.
If you do move the well in this way, you should also update the properties that apply to the new
IJK location (permeabilities and NTG) in the trajectory table. Otherwise Schedule will calculate
Connection Factors based on the wrong cell property information.
Also, if the original cell and the cell to which you moved the well intersection are of different
size and/or shape, then the entry and exit coordinates, and MD information, will have to be
updated. Otherwise Schedule will calculate the Connection Factor based on the grid cell
geometry information of the block you move the intersection to, but it will still have the entry
and exit coordinates and MD information from the original block intersection.

Editing well trajectories on the 3D viewer

A well can be created graphically in a 3D Viewer and exported in GRID compatible deviation
survey format, so that a well created in Schedule can be read in GRID and FloGrid. The well
trajectory can be edited on the 3D Viewer if you have already saved a deviation file. The
changes will be updated automatically in the corresponding well trajectory table.

Editing internal COMPDAT keywords on events window

After you have exported a SCHEDULE section, you can edit the internal events on the Events
window for each well. This is also true for the calculated Connection Factors (COMPDAT
keyword). This method of modifying internal events has been described earlier in this tutorial.
This is a very efficient and safe way of editing data, because Schedule stores the edits made on
the event (keyword) and you can undo the edits at any time.

Editing overall target simulator time steps

Schedule automatically calculates averaged production volumes for the time steps you have
specified in the Simulation Time Framework window. If you require additional time steps in
order to more accurately model the reservoir behavior, then all you have to do is to change your
overall target simulator time steps in Schedule and export a new SCHEDULE section file.
Schedule automatically updates the averaged production rates to the new time framework.

We demonstrated in this tutorial the interactive data editing and data validating facilities of
Schedule. We showed that it is possible to create a complete project interactively within
Schedule, by importing a grid and property file created in another program and specifying the
rest of the required input interactively in the Schedule windows.
Also we guided you through a complete typical Schedule project, starting with defining all input
data required for a complete project, continuing with inputting the correct settings for the
simulation model, and ending with exporting the SCHEDULE section file for ECLIPSE.
Lastly we described how Schedule can be used in an efficient way to support you in making a
history match in your project by varying grid geometry and well inflow parameters.


Interactive data editing and validation

Schedule User Guide

We recommend that you now continue with "3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file
generation" on page 82, which focuses on using Schedule for prediction runs and on 3D well
connection visualization facilities.

Schedule User Guide

Interactive data editing and validation


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file

The aim of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to create a SCHEDULE file for prediction runs and
to show how the Schedule 3D well visualization capabilities aid in the process.
The example prediction project involves introducing hypothetical wells and defining target
production/injection rates for both existing and future wells/groups.

The tutorial stages are as follows:

"Building a project from historical data" on page 83

"3D visualization of well connections" on page 85

"Using the 3D well viewer for quality control" on page 91

"Using the 3D well viewer for editing the well trajectory" on page 92

"Defining and visualizing hypothetical wells for prediction" on page 95

"Using templates, macros and keywords for predictions" on page 99

"Defining production targets for prediction run" on page 104

"Generating SCHEDULE section for specified period" on page 112

"Discussion" on page 115

Getting started
The tutorial data files are included with your Schedule installation. They can be found in the
following directory: schedule/tutorial/ex3/.

Copy all the tutorial data files to your current working directory.
ASCII Schedule files containing grid geometry, grid properties, historical production, well
events, well geometry and control network data have been prepared for this tutorial.

Before importing these files ensure that your configuration file is right for running



Our tutorials use feet as the map unit. Before you start Schedule you need to edit the
SCHEDULE section of your configuration file to change the default setting of the map
units from METRES to FEET.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide


This must be done before importing the GRID file, otherwise you will not have any
intersections of the wells with the grid.

Open your configuration file in a text editor (either the local ECL.CFG file if you copied
the master to your working directory, or the master CONFIG.ECL file in the
/ecl/macros directory).

Go to the section beginning SECTION SCHEDULE. Uncomment MAPUNITS FEET (or

enter a new line with this text), comment MAPUNITS METRES and save the configuration

Start Schedule.
This loads the changed configuration file.
Schedule will now report Map units from config file set to FEET in the
Log window when a grid file is imported.

Building a project from historical data

Importing data files
To build a new Schedule project, you need to import the corresponding data files.

Open a new project and change the units to FIELD with Setup | Units | Field.

Now use the following menu options to import data and select the appropriate data files
from your working directory:

Import | Grid | Single Porosity (EX3.FGRID)

Import | Properties (EX3.FINIT)

Import | Production History | Replace (EX3.VOL)

Import | Events | Replace (EX3a.EV)

Import | Events | Merge (EX3b.EV)

Import | Well Locations | Deviation Survey (EX3.CNT)

Import | Control Network (EX3.NET)

Save your current project using the File | Save As option and call it EX3.PRJ.

Opening the control network and the item list windows


Data | Control Network

Data | Item List

Configuring simulation time framework and report

Setting up the simulation time framework

Schedule User Guide

Setup | Time Framework

Specify overall target simulator time steps of the first day in every two months (in Step By
enter 2 and in To enter 1) between the SOH and EOH dates.
3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Change the Event Shifts to Custom

On the pop-up window leave all the time steps as Ignore except for BHP, change this to

Click on OK.

Click on OK on the Simulation Time Framework window.


This is important, because the previous events file that you loaded, EX3b.EV, contains
monthly BHP values. Adding additional time steps for these BHP events would change
the overall time step frequency to monthly, despite the time step size being set to two
months in the Simulation Time Framework window.


The event shifted cannot replace the one originally set. For example, if you set BHP as
4970 psia on 1 Mar 1970 and 4700 psia on 1 Apr 1970 originally and event shift applies
to shift the BHP from 1 April to 1 March, Schedule retains the original data for 1 March
(4970 psia) and does not replace it with the 1 April data. On the other hand, if there is
no BHP data on 1 Mar 1970, the above shift will result in BHP of 4700 psia on 1 March.

Setting up a Schedule report


Click on FIELD and then on the Event button

This opens the Events window for the FIELD.


Events: New | Schedule Report Style.

This opens the Schedule report.

Specify yearly reports on pressure and phase saturations at time SOS to EOS: change
UNDEFINED to EOS and Quarter(s) to Year(s).

Set switches 1 to 4 ON (Grid Block Pressures, and Grid Block Oil, Water and Gas
saturation) by clicking on the select boxes until ON appears.

Close the Events for FIELD window.

Closing the window automatically applies the input data. The project has now been set to
give yearly reports for pressure and phase saturations.

Displaying historical data

By using the buttons at the top left of the Control Network window you can now inspect the
production data tables and graphs, the completion and trajectory graphs or table, the Events
window, and well 3D view, as well.


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

3D visualization of well connections

Visualization is one of the best methods for data quality control. Schedule allows you to inspect
three-dimensional views of well deviations, well completions and well connections using the
3D Well Viewer facility. This helps you understand your well model, and quickly detect wells
that are poorly modeled in your simulation grid. When you are in the prediction phase of a
simulation project, inspecting the simulation grid model and the existing wells on the 3D Well
Viewer may help you to decide where, when and how to place hypothetical wells. These can
then be introduced in Schedule.
It is not our intention to teach well modeling in this tutorial; we will only demonstrate how
Schedule can help you to efficiently improve your simulation model.

Adding wells to the 3D well viewer


Click on SLANTW1 either on the Control Network or on the Item List window with the
right mouse button and select View 3D Well from the pop up menu.

Alternatively, select the well you want to visualize on the Control Network by
clicking on it with the left mouse button, and then clicking on the 3D Well Viewer

This will display a 3D view of the well through the grid which should be similar to Figure

If you have got a full grid display now without any well displayed on it, you probably
did not change the MAPUNITS in the configuration file to FEET. Please refer to the
second list item of the section "Getting started" on page 82.

Figure 4.13 3D Well Viewer window displaying well completions.

Schedule User Guide

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation



To open the 3D Well Viewer for more than one well within a group, select the wells
on the Control Network window with the mouse by holding down the Shift key for
multiple contiguous selections and the Ctrl key for non-contiguous selections. Click
on the 3D Well Viewer button
To add wells to an existing display from a different group, select them on the Control
Network panel, then drag and drop onto the open 3D Well Viewer. Using the right
mouse button option you can only add one well at a time to the viewer. If you wish to
view the selected wells in a different 3D viewer then click on the 3D Viewer button

Add SLANTW1a to the 3D Well Viewer.

If you have several wells displayed on the 3D Well Viewer, you may end up with a very
crowded viewer display. To switch wells OFF in the display, click on the Wells drop-down
menu which contains a list of the currently displayed wells.

3D Well Viewer: Wells | SLANTW1a

This switches the display of well SLANTW1a off.

Displaying grid property

By default, when opening the 3D Well Viewer, colored cells are displayed, together with a color
legend on active cell as shown in Figure 4.13 if you have already imported the grid property file
You can choose to view other grid properties.

3D Well Viewer: Scene | Grid | Property

This opens a Property Display panel with a number of initial properties. Currently
ActiveCell is in application.

Select grid depth by highlighting DEPTH.

This changes the cell color and legend to corresponding depth.

Click Close to close the panel.

Resetting the property threshold region

You can reset the property threshold within the limits of imported values.

3D Well Viewer: Scene | Grid | Threshold

This opens the Threshold panel. You can set the new display range by either moving the
slider bar or editing the value field.

Set the depth region Min 1100 and Max 1200.

Set Auto Apply on in the Threshold panel using the right mouse button.

Move Threshold window using the arrow button.

This allows you to limit the cells displayed to those that have depths that are inside the
given range.

Reset All and click on Close.

Editing the color legend

You can edit the color legend.


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

3D Well Viewer: Scene | Color Legend | Color Legend Editor

This opens the Color Legend Editor panel.

Make some changes and note the effects.

Close the panel.

Switching off the color legend display

You can switch off the color legend display on the 3D Viewer window.

3D Well Viewer: Scene | Color Legend | Show Color Legend

The color legend disappears from the window.

Click on Show Color Legend again, the color legend displays again.

Configuring the 3D well viewer

By default, when the 3D Well Viewer is opened, colored cells are displayed with their borders
(outlined cells).

Change the cell display style from cells to outlines by clicking on the Display Simulation
Grid Cells button

on the toolbar to turn off the display of cell faces.

Normalize the view by clicking on the Normalize View button

at the top of the

button toolbar on the left side of the window or 3D Well Viewer: View | Normalize...

You should normalize the view when you add or remove wells from the display, or
when you lose your view.

For further information on manipulating the image see "Functionality covered by the tutorials"
on page 18:

Changing the well display


3D Well Viewer: Scene | Wells

Change the size of the Well Width and/or Height by either moving the slider bar or editing
the value field. If not checked, check the Connections item so that connections to the grid
cells will be indicated by spheres as well as values.

Change the display of the well name and status by selecting the options under the Display
and Level of Details.

Click on Apply to make the changes effective, or right click on the Apply button to turn
AutoApply on to apply the changes whilst you are making them so that you can see what
is happening.

If the grid blocks intersected by the well have low relief, use the Vertical Stretch


Schedule User Guide

to exaggerate the vertical relief. 3D Well Viewer: View | XYZ Exaggerate

Before you use Vertical Stretch, you must ensure that AutoNormalize

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

is not


Displaying well completions, deviation and

connections in time
By default, Schedule displays well completions on the 3D Well Viewer. Completions like
perforations and squeezes appear as colored decorations around the well: perforations are
displayed in green, squeezes in red.

To display cell connections, 3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Connections

Schedule displays the calculated well to grid cell connections. Whenever a connection is
present in a cell, this is indicated by a green cube. The calculated connection factor is
displayed near the well connection in the 3D Well Viewer. When a perforation is squeezed
off, this is indicated by a red colored cube with a connection factor of zero displayed.

Figure 4.14 3D Well Viewer window displaying a well connection

If the radius of the decoration is set too large, this may mask the displayed connection
factors. Adjust the radius settings if necessary. If you rotate the image, the connection
factors may be hidden behind the model.

If you cannot see well completions or connections for a well, open the Events window
for that well and check that the well was perforated before the time step you are
currently displaying. You might also examine the trajectory panel for the well to see
if the grid properties such as permeability and NTG are available and have values
greater than zero. If property data is not available, this is shown as -1.00 entries in the
permeability and NTG entry boxes. If only the connection spheres are missing check
that the connections are checked for viewing in the Grid | Wells display panel, item
22 above.

To change to well deviation display select 3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Deviation

Schedule displays the well geometry loaded from the deviation survey data file (Figure


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Figure 4.15 3D Well Viewer window displaying well deviations


Deviation survey data is only available for display if data is loaded into the project with
the Import | Well Locations | Deviation Survey menu option on the main window.
If you loaded a trajectory file from the gridding application using the Import | Well
Locations | Trajectory File menu option, the deviation data is not available for


Well deviation data is not stored with the project because it is not required once the
trajectories have been calculated. If you save and exit the project, and then open it
again, the deviation data is no longer available for display. You may want to save your
deviation file before closing the project.

To view the full simulation grid select 3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Full Grid

Click on the Normalize View button

to adjust the displayed full grid image to fit the


Use the mouse and keyboard key combinations as described on page -18 to move, rotate
and resize the image.


Schedule User Guide

By selecting the various 3D View options from the menu you can change the well
display style from Completion to Connection to Deviation whilst displaying the full
grid. To switch the full grid display OFF, select 3D View | Full Grid option again.

Change the view back to connections.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation



If you first open the 3D Well Viewer with a well that does not have trajectory
information, Schedule opens the 3D Well Viewer with a display of the full grid.
Adding another well with trajectory information changes the view to that for the newly
added well.

The 3D Well Viewer allows you to inspect changes of completions and cell connections
with time.

Use the Timestep

button, found on the top right of the 3D Well Viewer window to

either step through time, return to the earliest view, jump to the latest time step or animate
through time.
The initial and final time and the intermediate time steps are determined by the earliest and
latest date in your current project as well as by the settings in the Simulation Time
Framework panel.

Open the Simulation Time Framework panel to inspect your current settings, Setup |
Time Framework
When you open the 3D Well Viewer window for a well or when you add another well to
the existing 3D view, Schedule calculates the Simulation Model for the selected well(s),
that is to say it calculates well connections with the grid for every target simulator time step
specified in the Simulation Time Framework panel. Additional time steps will be
calculated for those events where you indicated time steps were to be added. This may take
quite some time if your current project contains a lot of history data and short time step
intervals. A progress window appears indicating the progress of the current operation.

Open the Timesteps window using 3D Well Viewer: View | Timesteps

This allows you to inspect the time steps and settings for your current project. There is one
time step every second month with additional time steps for all events except BHP events.

10 Select a specific date by clicking on it with the mouse.

This displays the completion or connection state of the displayed well(s) at this date in the
viewer. You can also progress through time on this window using the Timestep


11 Return to the Simulation Time Framework panel and change the settings.
12 Set the target simulator time steps to once every two months as before, but now set all well
event dates to Apply in the Event Shifts.

Setting Apply to Event Shifts on the Time Framework does not mean that the events
will automatically all be shifted to the target simulator time steps. It depends on the
settings of the Shift Direction on the Events panel. If the setting of the Shift Direction
is None, then the event are not shifted.

13 Click on Apply.


At the same time that you applied the changes to the simulator time step settings, the
Refresh button
on the button tool bar of the 3D Well Viewer became active.
This indicates that the 3D Well Viewer display is out of date because of a data change.
Other edits can cause the display to be out of date, such as changes in well events or
trajectories from either editing on one of the panels or importing another data file.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

14 Click on the Refresh button.

Schedule re-calculates the simulation model and updates the 3D Well Viewer display and the
Timesteps panel.
15 Change the simulation time framework settings back to their previous settings (one
simulator time step every second month and ignore all event shifts except BHP events).
16 Close the 3D Well Viewer window and the Simulation Time Framework panel.

Using the 3D well viewer for quality control

The 3D Well Viewer is a powerful tool for quality control of well models. If your simulation
grid model uses large grid blocks around a well or if the well is highly deviated or horizontal in
a coarse grid, inaccurate modeling of the well can result in connections being placed far from
the actual well path. Model inaccuracies like this can easily be detected in the 3D Well Viewer
as soon as a well intersects and is perforated in an active grid block, Schedule places a cell
connection in that grid block and allows you to view the connection.

An example of using the 3D well viewer for quality control


Open the 3D Well Viewer for well SLANTW1.

Alter the display to Outlines

SLANTW1 is a slanted well intersecting a slanting, sloping fault.


Animate the model in time by using the Timestep

button on the toolbar.

Display the well completions and deviation, then the cell connections.
Comparing the Completion/Deviation views and the Connection view shows that the
large grid blocks do not accurately model this slanted well.

Another well called SLANTW1a with a similar location to SLANTW1 is included in this
tutorial. This second well has had the simulation grid model resolution around the well
improved by placing three amalgamated local grid refinements (LGRs) along the well path.

Add SLANTW1a to the 3D Well Viewer display.

Switch the SLANTW1 display OFF and Normalize.

3D Well Viewer: View | XYZ Exaggerate

Change the x value to 2, and the z value to 4.

3D Well Viewer: View | Set View | Front

The screen should now be similar to the one shown in Figure 4.16. You can see, from the
well completions and connections, how the greater grid resolution improves the model
quality for this highly deviated well.

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3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Figure 4.16 Example using Schedule for quality control

Similar examples are the well pairs VW4 - VW3 and VW5 - VW6.
10 Investigate those on the 3D Well Viewer now.
Well VW1 is an example of how Schedule places well connections in a radial LGR. If a well
intersects a coarse grid block containing a radial LGR and the well perforates the block,
Schedule connects the well either with the innermost ring of a two dimensional radial LGR or
with the four sectors of the innermost ring of a three dimensional radial LGR, thus shifting the
connection to the center of the radial LGR. This is apparent in the seventh fine grid layers of the
radial LGR that is intersected by well VW1.
11 Display the Deviation to see where the well deviates from the LGR, then view the
Connections of well VW1.
12 Animate the model with the Timestep buttons until you can see the connection placed
in the seventh fine grid layers.

When exporting well trajectory files from the GRID program for subsequent import
into Schedule, you are prompted during data export about shifting wells located in
radial LGRs to the center of the radial LGR, select YES.
This results in well connections in only the innermost ring of the radial LGR, which
matches the assumptions made in Schedule.
If you select NO the wells may be connected elsewhere than the innermost ring,
Schedule cannot then use the well trajectory through the radial LGRs.

Using the 3D well viewer for editing the well



Open well SLANTW1 as an example, 3D Well Viewer: Wells | SLANTW1

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide


This option can be used to (De)activate wells displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Remove SLANTW1a from the display. 3D Well Viewer: Wells | SLANTW1a.

3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Completions

3D Well Viewer: Controls | Well Show Table

Click on the well bore center.

This will open the Well Trajectory Table on well SLANTW1 and allow you to view and
edit the well.

Click on OK on the Trajectory Table to close it.

Viewing and editing a well deviation

There are two methods of viewing and editing a well deviation.

You can not view and edit a well deviation until you have imported a well deviation
file. As mentioned before, well deviation data is not stored with the project. Currently,
we suggest you export the deviation file (Export | Deviations) after you created a well
deviation graphically in a 3D Viewer before you save and exit the project. A warning
message will appear on the Schedule Log window if you are not doing so.

First method

3D Well Viewer: Edit | Wells | Edit Wells

This opens the List of Wells panel.

Select well SLANTW1 and then click Edit.

This opens Edit Table panel. The pointed well deviation is shown on the 3D Well Viewer

Close the Edit Table panel.

Second method

3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Deviation

3D Well Viewer: Controls | Well Edit Deviation

Click on the well bore center.

This displays a message panel.

Click on OK to confirm editing well bore.

The SLANTW1 Edit Table panel opens. The pointed well deviation will show on the 3D
Well Viewer window.

3D Well Viewer: View | Set View

View the well deviation in different directions.

Using the edit table

You can edit the deviation data on the Edit Table:

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3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Click on one box of the table. The number in the box changes to blue. Then click on + on
the top right corner of the lower table.
This adds one row below the current row.

Change the data on the table panel and then click on Update View.

Right click on the table and select Undo from the pop-up menu.
This undoes your last change.

Right click on a selected point in the table and select Delete... from the pop-up menu.


You can use this to delete data that you do not want.

Click on Update View.

The updated well deviation shows on the 3D Well Viewer window.

Editing the deviation data in the 3D viewer window

You can edit the deviation data directly on the 3D Well Viewer window:
When you open the 3D Editor, Edit | Edit On and Edit | Select/Move

are defaulted to


Click on any square point to highlight it in the 3D Well Viewer.

You can then move this point to the position you want and the corresponding values on
the Edit Table also change.

If you select Edit | Digitize

you can continue to edit your well deviation from the

last point from which you exited.

If you select Edit | Delete

you can delete any point on the deviation path by

clicking on the point. The deviation makes a straight line between the points on either
side of the point deleted.

If you click on Edit | Edit On

again, it toggles to its inactive state. The deviation

points disappear and you see a normal 3D well view. Click again on Edit | Edit On to
make it active again.

Edit | Clear Edit

clears the table and all points on window.

Edit | Reset Edit

recovers the original deviation.

Edit | Cancel Edit

Edit | Commit Edit



cancels the editing without saving any updated data.

commits the updated data, which then replaces the old.

Double clicking on the 3D Viewer window acts as Commit Edit. Take care not
to lose your original data by doing it.

Practice the above processes but do not click on Commit Edit.

Edit | Cancel Edit

to cancel the whole edit.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

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For more information see "Editing in the 3D Viewer" on page 269

3D Well Viewer: File | Close

If you have not cancelled the edit before closing the 3D Viewer. A message panel asks you
whether you want to commit the edits you have done. Click on No to close the 3D Well
Viewer window.

Defining and visualizing hypothetical wells for

We assume that a history match has been done for the current example and that the simulation
model correctly represents the reservoir behavior. We now use this simulation model for a
prediction run for a period of two years from 01 Apr 1974, the end of historical production date,
to 01 Apr 1976.
As common production/injection targets for groups of wells will be applied and hypothetical
wells introduced, it will help to re-group the wells on the control network for the prediction
period of this example.
Introduce a new start time for the changed control network on the Control Network window

Control Network: Edit | Add Time

Enter the date to start as 01 April1974 and make the date 01 Apr 1974 active on the
Control Network window by clicking on it.


All changes to the control network for the current selected date on the Control
Network window only affect the control network on the active date.

Move well VW5 to group G_1 and VW7 to group G_2.2 by dragging with the mouse.

Defining hypothetical wells for prediction period

After assessing the recovery from the reservoir with the existing producing wells and realizing
that it is generally low, we decided that four new wells could be drilled in the future. To
investigate the effect on the overall recovery, those hypothetical wells are drilled and perforated
in the current Schedule project. This is done at the beginning of the prediction period.
The 3D Well Viewer is used to decide the locations of the new wells.

Open 3D Well Viewer now by selecting one or more wells on the Control Network
window and clicking on the 3D Well Viewer button

Add all historical wells to the 3D display (at this point in the tutorial this should be all of
the wells).

Normalize the view to fit the whole picture into the display window, and view the wells
from the top by clicking on the Top View

Schedule User Guide

on the toolbar.


Toggle the Full Grid display ON.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation



It should be mentioned at this point that the simulation grid used in this tutorial is a
generic one. It has been generated in that way to better demonstrate Schedule well
visualization and quality control features.

After inspecting existing well positions and displaying solution data such as phase saturations
from the history match in a post processor 3D display, we decided to place four hypothetical
wells in the reservoir as described below.

Adding prediction wells to the control network


To add the new wells return to the Control Network window.

Click on G-3 in the Control Network window with the right mouse button

From the drop-down menu choose Create Well

Add wells horw2 and horw3.

Then to group G_4 add horw4 and vw9


Use lowercase well names for hypothetical wells to help you visually distinguish them
from historical, existing wells. However, as ECLIPSE requires, Schedule
automatically aliases all the lowercases in a well to uppercase when exporting a
SCHEDULE section.

Your control network at the beginning of the prediction phase (01 April 1974) should look
similar to Figure 4.17:
Figure 4.17 Control network for prediction run


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide


Well names are case sensitive within Schedule. Therefore, the case used for well names
on the control network, the events, well geometry and production data must be the
same. Schedule does not allow two wells to have exactly the same name in a project,
but allows two wells to use the same name in different cases. In which case Schedule
aliases the second well entered into a new name. A warning massage is printed in the
Log window to record this change.

Interactively defining the well trajectory through the grid

Now use the Schedule internal well trajectory definition facility to introduce new well paths
through the grid.

If your are familiar with this process, import the well trajectory file called
EX3_PRED.TRJ for the prediction wells using Import | Well Locations |
Trajectory File. The file was exported from Schedule after introduction of the well
data as described below. Importing the file will merge the trajectories with the existing

Open the Trajectory panel for horw2 by selecting the well on the Control Network
window and clicking on the Trajectory


Schedule User Guide

button on the toolbar.

You may have to resize the panel in order to see all the information including the
buttons at the bottom.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Define the path of the hypothetical horizontal and vertical wells through the grid by
entering the data as shown in the following tables:

Trajectory table for horw2:





Trajectory table for horw3:











Trajectory for horw4:

Trajectory table for vw9:

When a well is introduced by interactively defining its path through the grid, Schedule
automatically extends the well intersections to the bottom of the grid. This option makes the
introduction of vertical wells easier, by defining the I and J location of the well for First and
Last and letting Schedule insert the well from the top to the bottom of the grid. This option
means that intersections for deviated or horizontal wells are also extended to the bottom of the
grid. This is a visual effect, as no perforations are defined in the extended well path and no
connections are placed in the extended well path.

Perforating the prediction wells

An event file has been prepared for you that contains perforation information for the introduced
prediction wells.


Merge these events to the existing ones by importing the events files using, Import |
Events | Merge

Select the EX3_PRED.EV file from the pop-up file browser.

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Schedule User Guide

Visualizing prediction wells

If you had your 3D Well Viewer open when importing the prediction well events, the

button is active in the toolbar.

Click on it to update the display.

Add the new prediction wells to the 3D Well Viewer display.

You can now investigate the new wells together with the historical wells with and without
full grid display.
Alternatively you can switch the display for historical wells OFF and investigate the
completions and connections for the prediction wells in more detail.


Make sure that you are looking at a time step where the new wells have already been
perforated (that is after 01 April 1974). Use either the Timestep button or the
Timesteps panel (which is opened using Grid | Timesteps) to move to the
appropriate time step. Ensure that the Prediction period is included in your Simulation
Time Framework (For example, if you wish to have both a History and a Prediction
period then set the time frame from SOH to EOP)

You can also view the new well connections individually to inspect the new calculated well
connection factors. The numbers are displayed along the well path for each cell connection.

Using templates, macros and keywords for

After you have created the history match for a project you can go on to make predictions with
the simulation model by defining production and injection targets for a well, group of wells or
the field. Schedule helps you rapidly and accurately set up your prediction run. For example,

Well, group, FIELD phase production rates, water cut, GOR, liquid rates and well bottom
hole pressure history can be viewed on the production data graph, which can then be used
to decide future production targets.

Any well, group or general keyword to be used in an ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section can be
interactively specified within Schedule. Thus a complete SCHEDULE section for both the
historical and prediction phase of a simulation study can be produced.

Macros on groups of wells and on the FIELD can be specified to generate keywords for
groups within the control network.

Templates for groups of wells and for the FIELD can be specified to fill in defaulted entries
in any keyword.


It is recommended that you read the following section before proceeding with the rest
of the tutorial.

Keywords, templates and macros

Keywords, templates and macros are introduced as events for wells, groups or the FIELD.
You can place these special events by using the following menu options on the Event window:

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Events: New | Keyword

Events: New | Template

Events: New | Macro...

The following section explains the meaning of keyword, macro and template events and their
effects on the content of the exported SCHEDULE section with examples using the following
control network:
Figure 4.18 Control network for examples

Within the Schedule and ECLIPSE programs the FIELD is treated similarly to a group. The
statements made below for groups will therefore also be valid for the FIELD, that is group
can also be taken to mean group and/or FIELD.

Keyword event
A keyword event is introduced with the Event: New | Keyword menu option on a group or
well Events window, and defines an ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section keyword with related
entries. The defined ECLIPSE keyword and entries are written to the SCHEDULE section file at
the date specified during export. Well keywords are available on the Well Events window,
group keywords on the Group Events window, both group and general keywords on the FIELD
Events window.

Example 1
GCONPROD specified as a keyword event on the FIELD Events window will result in the
GCONPROD keyword being written in the SCHEDULE section file for FIELD at the date
'FIELD' 'ORAT' 70000.000 12* /


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Example 2
GCONPROD specified as a keyword event for Group1 on the Group Events window will result
in GCONPROD being written in the SCHEDULE section file for Group1 at the date specified.
'Group1' 'ORAT' 10000.000 12* /

Example 3
WCONPROD specified as a keyword event for Well1 on the Well Events window results in
WCONPROD being written to the SCHEDULE section file for Well1 at the date specified.
'Well1' 'OPEN' 'ORAT'

3000.000 4* 500.000 3* /

Macro event
A macro event is introduced with the Event: New | Macro menu option on a group or FIELD
Events window. This generates ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section keywords for either wells or
If a well keyword (a keyword beginning with the letter w) is specified as a Macro event for a
group, this keyword is generated for all wells belonging to that group and to all its sub-groups.

Example 1
WCONPROD specified as a macro event on group Group2 results in WCONPROD being written
to the SCHEDULE section file for all wells under the sub-groups of Group2 at the specified
'Well2.1.1' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 2500.000 3* /
'Well2.1.2' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 2500.000 3* /
'Well2.2.1' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 2500.000 3* /
'Well2.2.1' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 2500.000 3* /

If a group keyword (a keyword beginning with the letter g) is specified as a Macro event, this
keyword is generated for all next-level groups belonging to the group for which the keyword
was defined.
Example 2
GECON specified as a macro on group FIELD results in GECON being written to the SCHEDULE
section file for all lower groups on the next level under the group FIELD at the specified date:

2000.000 1* 0.900 10.000 1* 'NONE' 'YES' 1* /


2000.000 1* 0.900 10.000 1* 'NONE' 'YES' 1* /

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3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


If a keyword, to be generated by a macro event, already exists when the macro is applied, and
the existing keyword entries match the macro, then the existing keyword and its entries will
apply. If there are no existing keyword entries and they have been defaulted, but these entries
are available in the macro event, the macro entries are applied to the keyword.
Example 3
If a COMPDAT macro event is defined for a group with the same IJK location as the Schedule
internally-calculated COMPDAT keyword with the same event date, then for those wells in the
group the generation of COMPDAT is suppressed.
Macros applied at a lower level in the control network have priority over macros applied at a
higher level of the control network if applied at the same date.
A WCONPROD macro specified for FIELD with a target oil rate of 4000 STB/DAY and another
WCONPROD macro specified for Group2.2 with a target oil rate of 2000 STB/DAY results in the
following entries:


'ORAT' 4000.000 8* /



'ORAT 4000.000 8* /



'ORAT' 4000.000 8* /



'ORAT' 4000.000 8* /



'ORAT' 2000.000 8* /



'ORAT' 2000.000 8* /

Template event
A template event is introduced with the Event: New | Template menu option on a group or
FIELD Events window. A template contains a well or group keyword and specified values for
the keywords associated entries. Once applied, the template entries replace the defaulted entries
of keywords found on lower levels in the control network. This allows you to quickly define
keyword entries that would have otherwise been defaulted if the data is unavailable within the
Schedule project. The template is applied during the export of the SCHEDULE section.

Example 1
The COMPDAT keyword is internally generated by Schedule based on well and grid geometry,
properties and well event information. Some historical data information is unavailable such as
saturation table number or D-factor and is therefore defaulted in the SCHEDULE section file, for
example, for wells under group Group2:
















20.000 1* 'X' /







5.000 1* 'Z' /







5.000 1* 'Z' /







5.000 1* 'Z' /


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Defining a template for COMPDAT for group Group2 in the example Control Network in
Figure 4.18 and specifying saturation table number equal to 3 and a D-factor of 0.001
changes the COMPDAT entries to:






20.000 0.001 'X'






5.000 0.001 'Z' /











K1 K2









5.000 0.001 'Z' /

5.000 0.001 'Z' /

Template entries are only applied to defaulted entries. Data already available in keywords for
which a template is applied have priority over entries defined in templates.
Example 2
An entry for wellbore diameter (DIAM) in a COMPDAT template for Group2 does not have any
effect, because this entry is derived internally for the well events data and is therefore already
defined when the template is applied.
Templates cannot be applied to keywords generated with a Macro event.
Example 3
If WCONPROD keywords are generated for wells using a macro, entries such as rate or pressure
constraints that have been defaulted in the macro cannot be filled in using a WCONPROD
template, and therefore are not written to the WCONPROD keywords for the wells.
Templates applied at a lower level in the Control Network have priority over templates applied
at a higher level of the Control Network.
Example 4
A COMPDAT template specified for Group2 with saturation table number of 3 and another
COMPDAT template specified for Group2.2 with saturation table number of 4 results in the
following entries:

K1 K2











5.000 0.001 'Z' /






5.000 0.001 'Z' /






5.000 0.001 'Z' /




0.656 26944.387




20.000 0.001 'X' /


Schedule User Guide

A particularly important use of templates is to specify data for wells (WELSPECS/L).

Schedule has a defaulted template on WELSPECS/L for field events where the
preferred phase for the well is set as OIL. However, you have to add template(s) to
handle the defaults for water injection wells or gas wells. An example of this case is
found in "Creating a basic Schedule project" on page 21.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Name pattern
Templates and macros have name patterns which restrict the application of the template, or
creation of the keyword, to those wells or groups matching the pattern.

Example 1
A COMPDAT template specified for Group2 with saturation table number of 3 and another
COMPDAT template specified for the same group, Group2, with saturation table number of 4
and name pattern of Well2.2* results in the following entries:



K1 K2








5.000 0.001 'Z' /






5.000 0.001 'Z' /






5.000 0.001 'Z' /




0.656 26944.387




20.000 0.001 'X' /

You may now continue with the tutorial, which illustrates how to use keywords, macros and
templates in more detail.

Defining production targets for prediction run


Open the Events window for the FIELD by selecting the FIELD on the Control Network
window and clicking on the Events


After inspecting the production data graph for the FIELD and taking into account the additional
production from the introduced prediction wells, you decide to set a target FIELD oil
production rate of 70,000 STB/DAY at the beginning of the prediction run (01 April 1974). To
do this define the GCONPROD keyword for the FIELD, which sets the production rate target
using the guide rate method of group control.


Now specify GCONPROD as a keyword event on the FIELD Events window by using
Events for FIELD: New | Keyword...

Select GCONPROD from the FIELD KEYWORDS list.

If you are still using the default display units METRIC, switch now to FIELD using the
Setup | Units | Field menu option.

Close and re-open the Events window to update the displayed units. Alternatively, you can
change the input units individually for each entry field on the Events window using the
units drop-down menu.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide


To alter the default display units edit the SCHEDULE section of the configuration file
and comment either UNITS METRIC or UNITS FIELD.

Table 4.3













































































The target oil rate applies at the beginning of the prediction phase.

Enter the following data in the text entry boxes of the GCONPROD keyword event window:



Control Mode


Oil Rate

70000 STB/DAY

Or exceeding max.

Hierarchy Control

Guide Type

Excess Water Response

Excess Gas Response

Excess Liquid Response

Shift Direction


Leave everything else defaulted and click on Apply.

This keyword event with its related entries will result in the following text being written to
the SCHEDULE section during export:


'ORAT' 70000.000 12* /

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3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


We assume that all wells in the current project should meet the same economic constraints in
the future. Economic limits are specified for wells using the WECON keyword. As this keyword
is applied for all wells under the FIELD, specify a macro event at the FIELD level, which then
generates the keyword with the specified entries for all the wells at lower levels in the control

Events for FIELD: New | Macro

This opens the WELL/GROUPS Macros list.

Select WECON from the list.

This adds a WECON macro to the events list on the left side of the Events window.


A letter (M) appears in front of WECON which indicates that this event was specified
as macro event.

10 Enter the following data into the text entry boxes of the WECON macro event window:


Maximum water cut




End Run if all shut



Secondary Workover

Name Patten


Shift Direction


The WECON macro applied at the FIELD level will cause the following text to be written in the
SCHEDULE section file on 01 Apr 1974 during export:
VW5 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW1 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW2 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW3 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW4 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW7 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW6 2*


10.000 1*



5* /

VW8 2*


10.000 1*



5* /


Since the VW* was entered into the Name Pattern box, the macro is applied only
to wells named VW. Note that it is case sensitive, that is the well vw9 is not
recognized by VW*.

When the target field production specified with GCONPROD can no longer be maintained by
the current production wells it will be necessary to open more wells. To do this use the keyword
QDRILL. This keyword puts the prediction wells horw2, horw3, horw4 and vw9 into a drilling
queue and opens them automatically in sequence.


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

QDRILL is a text keyword, which means it has only text as entries. For this type of keyword,
Schedule provides the option of entering them as User events on the Events window.
11 Select Events for FIELD: New | User
12 Enter the date 01 Apr 74.
13 Enter the data for QDRILL as shown below::

01 Apr 1974



Shift Direction



14 Apply the edits and close the FIELD Events window.


All the applied well names entered on the User panel must be in uppercase, no
matter how they are defined in the control network. This is because Schedule
aliases all the well names on the Control Network or Item List to the uppercase
for the ECLIPSE run, but it cannot alias the well names in the User events.

You must now specify the wells in the drilling queue specified as shut producers. You can use
the WCONPROD keyword to define wells as SHUT and to specify the target oil rates when
15 Open the Events window for horw2.
16 Events for horw2: New | Keyword...
17 On the Events window for horw2, select the WCONPROD keyword from the WELL
KEYWORDS list and enter the following data:

01 Apr 1974

Open Flag


Control Mode


Oil Rate

5000 STB/DAY


500 PSIA

Shift Direction


18 Leave everything else defaulted with no entries in the other fields.

19 Apply the changes and close the window.
20 Specify WCONPROD for the other wells in the drilling queue on their respective Events
windows with the same entries as horw2 above but with the oil rates listed below.
Do not insert BHP limits in the WCONPROD keyword for these wells because later we want to
show how a WCONPROD macro interacts with the keyword events.

10000 STB/DAY

Schedule User Guide


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


7000 STB/DAY

4500 STB/DAY


When you are entering new events or keywords in the Events window, click on the
event in the list which precedes the new event you are introducing. This copies the date
from the highlighted event to the newly introduced event.

If a prediction period is specified, Schedule terminates production and injection for all wells at
the next time step after the end of the history match period by setting well rates to zero in the
WCONHIST and WCONPROD keywords. New production/injection keywords for all wells,
therefore, must be specified at the beginning of the prediction period.

If only historical data is exported these zero rate entries do not appear in the exported

The wells in the current project have historical production data until 01 Mar 1974, with the rates
defined on 01 March 1974 valid for the whole month of March. Time steps every two months
have been specified.
Example 1
If no prediction data is specified and you export the SCHEDULE section for a start date of Initial
and an end date of Final, the last time step that models the rate entry from 01 Mar 1974 would
have ended at 01 May 1974 at the same rates, with the following output to the SCHEDULE
section file:
1 MAR 1974/
SLSNTW1 OPEN ORAT 1850.000 375.000 38000.000 1* 1* 1* 0.000 /
VW8 OPEN ORAT 415.000 128.000 13880.00 1* 1* 1* 1* /
1 MAY 1974/


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Example 2
With a prediction period specified on the Simulation Time Framework panel, for example an
end date of 01 Jul 1974, but no prediction keywords defined, another two month period are
therefore added to the SCHEDULE section file with a WCONHIST keyword setting the phase
productions to zero:
1 'MAR' 1974/
1* 1* 0.000 /



375.000 38000.000 1*

1* 1* /




128.000 13880.000 1* 1*

1 'MAY' 1974/
1* 1* 1* /





0.000 1*

1* 1* 1* 1* /






1 'JULY' 1974/

Schedule User Guide

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Example 3
For the current tutorial, prediction keywords have been specified at 01 Apr 1974, which results
in another time step being generated at this date. As this is the next time step after the last
historical production data, Schedule writes the WCONHIST keyword with zero entries for all
phases at this time step, thus terminating the production for all wells just before the prediction
keywords appear:
1 'MAR' 1974/
1* 1* 0.000 /



375.000 38000.000 1*




128.000 13880.000 1*



1* 1* 1* /
1 /
1 'APR' 1974/
1* 1* 1* 1* /







1* 1* 1* 1* /



We will now continue with the tutorial. At this point, the historical wells need to be brought back
on production under FIELD target rate control (remember, the FIELD target rate has been set
using the GCONPROD keyword for the FIELD).

Specifying a keyword macro

Specify a WCONPROD Macro for the FIELD at 01 Apr 1974.


Events for FIELD: New | Macro and enter the data as follows:


01 Apr 1974

Open Flag


Control Mode


200 PSIA

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Name Pattern

Shift Direction


The WCONPROD keyword events have already been specified before for the prediction wells at
the same date. Schedule merges the Macro and Keyword events with the Keyword event having
higher priority, and writes the following to the SCHEDULE section during export:

'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /


'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /

1* /


'ORAT' 10000.000 1* 1* 1* 1*

1* 1* /




4000.000 1* 1* 1* 1*

'OPEN' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

500.000 1* 1*
200.000 1*

200.000 1* 1* 1* /

1* 1* /



7000.000 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1*

1* 1* /



4500.000 1* 1* 1* 1*

200.000 1*

Note that the BHP limit of 200 psia defined at the WCONPROD FIELD Macro has been applied
to the WCONPROD keyword for the prediction wells horw3, horw4 and vw9, where the BHP
limit was allowed to be defaulted. The BHP limit has been specified for horw2 as 500 psia when
the WCONPROD keyword was introduced for this well- this entry remains unchanged.
After setting up production targets for all wells at the beginning of the prediction period, you
can export a SCHEDULE section file and perform an ECLIPSE simulator run.

Specifying restart file output at end of history match

In order to start a prediction run from a restart file after the end of the history match period, you
must specify a RPTRST keyword in the FIELD Events window.

Open the Events window for the FIELD and select Events for FIELD: New | Keyword

Select RPTRST from the FIELD Keywords list.

Enter a Restart File Frequency of -1 and ensure that the Date is set to 01 Mar 1974.
A restart is written at the next time step that follows 01 Mar 1974.

Schedule User Guide

Apply and Close the panel.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Generating SCHEDULE section for specified

The simulation period over which the generated SCHEDULE section applies is specified in the
Simulation Time Framework panel.

Before proceeding, check your settings on the Simulation Time Framework panel. You
may have changed the settings when you performed the 3D visualization part of this

Ensure that the overall simulator target time steps are defined once every two months and
that additional simulator time steps are created for all events except BHP measurements.
Refer to "Configuring simulation time framework and report frequency" on page 83.

Exporting single SCHEDULE section file for history

match and prediction period
To export a SCHEDULE section file for both the history match and prediction period, the final
date for creating the simulation model has to be modified.

Make the following time settings on the Simulation Time Framework panel:

From: SOH

To: 01 Apr 1976

Alternatively, you can enter 1.4.1976 into the EOP box and set:

From: SOH


These settings result in the export of a simulation model with time steps created from 01
Jan 1970, the date of history start (SOH) until 01 April 1976 during export, thus including
the four years of history and two years for prediction.

Export the complete SCHEDULE section using Export | SCHEDULE section

Call the exported file EX3_ALL.SCH.

Open the file with a text editor and go to the date 01 Apr 1974, when the prediction period
starts, to inspect the entries made by Schedule.
You will find that the DATES keyword has been written for the first day of every second
month as well as when events other than bottom hole pressure measurements have taken
place. The last date in the file is 01 Apr 1976 in keeping with your Simulation Time
Framework panel settings.

Run ECLIPSE with this SCHEDULE section file.

The ECLIPSE data file called EX3.DATA is located in your working directory. Before
running ECLIPSE, open the data file with a text editor, go to the end of the file, and check
if the include file name in the SCHEDULE section is EX3_ALL.SCH.
If you have any problems in running ECLIPSE, a base file called BASE_ALL.SCH which
matches the instructions in this tutorial has been included for comparison. The simulation
run may last a few minutes.


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Exporting SCHEDULE section file for history match

period only
If your project contains only historical data and keywords for the history match period, it is
sufficient to use the default dates SOH to EOH on the panel as start and end date for the
exported SCHEDULE section.
Initially, when your project contains only historical data, they represent the earliest and latest
dates in the events and production history records. On exporting, Schedule writes the DATE
keywords starting from the date shown as SOH on the panel until the date shown as EOH.
For our example with monthly time steps in the last period, the last DATE keyword exported
will be 31 March 1974, because the defaulted definition of EOH is EOH = SOP 1 DAY = EPH + 1 MONTH - 1 DAY in order to capture all the flow for the last month.
If your project also contains settings for a prediction period, you must specify the Final date for
the export of the history match SCHEDULE section; otherwise, prediction settings may be
picked up in the extra time step written to complete the historical flow, as discussed above, and
the restart might be written at the wrong date. This is the case for the current tutorial, where
prediction keywords have already been introduced and a restart is defined at the end of the
history match period.

To export a SCHEDULE section file for the history match period only, open the Simulation
Time Framework panel and edit the range of the date settings as follows:





Step By

2 Month(s)

To: (Event Shifts)

Events Shifts


History Start (SOH)


History End (EOH)


Prediction Start (SOP)


Prediction End (EOP)

01 Apr 1976

Export | SCHEDULE section

Name the exported SCHEDULE section file EX3_HIST.SCH.

Examine the exported file in a text editor.

Note that the last DATE written to the file is the date which has been entered as the To date
on the Simulation Time Framework panel.
If you want, you can compare the file youve produced with the BASE_HIST.SCH base
file in your working directory, which has been created following the instructions in this
The next DATE that appears after the RPTRST keyword at the end of the exported
SCHEDULE section file is 31 Mar 1974, the date when the RESTART file will be written
during the history match simulation run.

Schedule User Guide

Open the ECLIPSE DATA file called EX3.DATA, which is in your working directory, go
to the end of the file and change the include file name in the SCHEDULE section to


3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


The simulation run may last a few minutes. ECLIPSE creates a RESTART file called
EX3.FUNRST in your working directory at 31 Mar 1974, the last day specified at the
history match run. We will use this RESTART file for a further prediction period run, as
described below.

Exporting SCHEDULE section file for prediction period

To export a SCHEDULE section file for the prediction period only, both the Initial and Final
dates for creating the simulation model have to be modified. The last date specified during the
history match run was 31 Mar 1974. This was also the restart date.

Enter the following time settings on the Simulation Time Framework panel for exporting
the prediction SCHEDULE section file:

From: 01 Apr 1974

To: 01 Apr 1976


From: SOP


These settings result in an exported simulation model created from 01 Apr 1974, the start
of the prediction period, until 01 April 1976, thus exporting the prediction period only. A
restart file was written for 31 Mar 1974. A simulation starting from a restart must start later
than the restart date.

Open the ECLIPSE Options panel using Setup | Options.

Set the Suppress History option to YES.

This suppresses all historical production data during export, preventing production data
from the last historical time step being picked up and included in the exported file.

Export the SCHEDULE section for the prediction period using Export | SCHEDULE

Call the exported file EX3_PRED.SCH.

Open the file with any text editor.


If you export a SCHEDULE section file with a start date later than the First Production
date (SPH), Schedule summarizes the completion history of all wells as a comment at
the top of the exported SCHEDULE section file and writes the latest valid completion
keywords (WELSPECS(L), COMPDAT(M) at the beginning of the SCHEDULE section
file. This tells ECLIPSE about the completion state of the wells at the beginning of the
simulation run. This output is not compulsory for ECLIPSE, as the information is
available in the restart file.

Inspect the completion summary at the top of the EX3_PRED.SCH file.

The ECLIPSE RESTART data file, EX3_PRED.DATA, for a FULL restart from the end of the
history match period is located in your working directory.


Open the data file with a text editor, go straight to the end and ensure that the include file
name in the SCHEDULE section is EX3_PRED.SCH.

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation

Schedule User Guide

Check also if the RESTART keyword has been included in the SOLUTION section:

EX3 41

This entry means FULL restart from a unified restart file. The sequence number of the restart
file (here 41) must be the same as written in the print file, EX3.PRT. If you are in doubt,
open the print file and compare the numbers.
If you have any problems in running ECLIPSE with your files, a base file called
BASE_PRED.SCH is provided for comparison. This file was created following the instructions
given in this tutorial.

Exporting a SCHEDULE section for any period

If you want to generate a SCHEDULE section for a specific portion of the history match (or
prediction) period, you only need to define the start and end dates of the period of interest in the
Simulation Time Framework panel and export the Schedule section as normal.

We have explained in this tutorial how to effectively use Schedule for quality control of model
well connections using the 3D well visualization facility. We also explained how to use macros
and templates in the example for preparing prediction SCHEDULE sections. Note that you can
use macros and templates at any time in a Schedule project, not just in the prediction phase.
Schedule combines all your historical well geometry, grid and production information and
converts it into a simulator-readable keyword file. It also allows you to insert any ECLIPSE
SCHEDULE section keyword and associated entries in your project at any time, which will then
be written to the exported file. Finally, SCHEDULE section files can be created for any arbitrary
period of the simulation run, just by specifying the start and end dates.

Schedule User Guide

3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation


Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

The purpose of this tutorial is to describe how to import production, injection and other data
from OilField Manager and Finder into Schedule.


"Importing data from OilField Manager" on page 116

"Exporting from OilField Manager" on page 120

"Import to Schedule" on page 121

"Importing data from Finder" on page 124

Additional information provided includes:

"Notes on Finder production data load files" on page 124

"Notes on Finder deviation survey data load file" on page 126

Importing data from OilField Manager

This section of the tutorial describes how to transfer production/injection, deviation survey and
well event data from OilField Manager to Schedule. The procedure is straightforward, and data
files that were initially created for or by OilField Manager can be used. Sometimes minor edits
on the files are required.
Schedule can directly import production/injection, well deviation survey, and well event
ASCII format data files exported from OilField Manager 3.0. In earlier versions of OilField
Manager (version 2) only production/injection data files, together with an external definition
file, could be transferred directly to Schedule.

Transferring production/injection, well deviation survey

and well event data from OilField Manager 3.0 to Schedule
In OilField Manager 3.0 you can export data from your project in a format suitable for direct
import into Schedule. During the export procedure you are asked to perform a data type
mapping of the OilField Manager table data for use in Schedule.

To export data from OilField Manager to Schedule select File | Export | To Schedule
This opens the Schedule Export Option panel, which contains the Setup folder for
setting the data types to be exported, as well as the output file prefix for the exported data


Click on the Setup tab to make it active.

Set the prefix for the exported files by clicking on Output File Prefix

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

Schedule User Guide

This opens a file browser dialog where you can navigate through the directories to find the
target directory for the exported files and then type in the export file prefix.

The export file suffix is added automatically by the program and the full names of the
files are shown on the Setup option tab:

.dev for the file containing the well position (deviation survey) with a corresponding
external header file with a suffix .cnt

.vol for production and injection data

.ev for well event data files.

Click on Save.

The next step is to decide which data to export to ASCII files for use in Schedule.

Put check marks against the data types you want to export.
Obviously your choice will depend on which data you have available in your OilField
Manager 3.0 project.

Once you have decided on the data types to export, select the corresponding tabs on the top
of the Schedule Export Option panel one by one, in order to perform the data type
mapping between OilField Manager 3.0 and Schedule.


To perform the data type mapping for monthly production data, click on the Monthly
Production tab on the Schedule Export Option panel.

Perform the mapping of the Schedule data types with the data available in your OilField
Manager 3.0 project by selecting the appropriate OilField Manager table names from the
drop down menu.


If you click on the drop-down menu and then type in the first character of the table
name to select, the first table name in the list beginning with that character will be
highlighted and thus made available for selection. Keep typing in the same character
until the required table name is active.


If you use tables in your mapping which do not contain valid data for the export in the
Schedule format, an empty file is generated on export.

The units of your OilField Manager 3.0 data are accounted for and translated into appropriate
units keywords which are included in the header of the exported files. Schedule reads those units
during the data file import and assign them to the data.
To import data files that have been previously exported from an OilField Manager 3.0 project
in the way described above, use the following Schedule menu options:

Production/injection data
Import | Production History | Replace (or Merge)

Well event data (such as perforations, squeezes, welltests etc.):

Import | Events | Replace (or Merge)

Schedule User Guide

Well position trajectory data:

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder


Import | Well Locations | Deviation Survey


The external header file with the extension .cnt must be selected on the import of the
deviation survey, which itself points to the location of the deviation survey data file
with the extension .dev. Do not use the Import | Well Locations | Trajectory menu
option for import of well deviation survey data exported from OilField Manager 3.0,
because this menu option only allows importing of the so called trajectory file
generated in a special exchange format in one of the Schlumberger gridding
applications, such as FloGrid or GRID.

Transferring production/injection data from OilField

Manager (version 2) to Schedule
A definition file, supplied from OilField Manager and describing the keywords and units etc. in
the production and injection files, is also understood by Schedule. It is used in conjunction with
the production or injection data files during the import of production data into Schedule. The
keywords used by the individual OilField Manager user to describe his OilField Manager
production/injection data can vary from case to case. This variation is reflected in both the
interface files exported from OilField Manager (production/injection and definition file).
You may have to edit the content of the definition and/or production/injection data file for
import into Schedule, if the keyword nomenclature used in OilField Manager is not compatible
with that used within Schedule. During the import procedure, the reader accepts the userdefined OilField Manager production/injection data keywords, even if they are not compatible
with the Schedule nomenclature, and the data can be displayed on the well production data table
and well production data graph.

To make sure that the data has been recognized as production/injection data, display
them on the well production data table and/or graph, and check that the columns on the
production data table or View menu items on the production data graph are those listed
in "Production Data File Formats" on page 285. Example: Production data must be Oil,
Water, Gas.

Example 1
OilField Manager production data file header


Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

Schedule User Guide

OilField Manager definition file content (section describing gas production data used as an


*pn "Monthly Gas Days On"



*pn "Monthly Gas Volume"

*pa "Red" "Solid

" "None

" 4

Schedule imports data under *GAS_DAYS *GAS_VOLUME *OIL_DAYS *OIL_VOLUME

*WATER_DAYS *WATER_VOLUME for display, but does not recognize them as production
data because these keywords are not compatible with the production data reader internal
So you have to tell the Schedule production data reader what the keywords mean, in terms
of Schedule production data keywords. You can do this by using an alias in the definition
file as shown below (changes to the original file contents are in bold):


*alias GIDAY
*pn "Monthly Gas Days On"


*alias GAS
*pn "Monthly Gas Volume"
*pa "Red" "Solid

" "None

" 4

The changes in the definition file have to be made only in the sections which are describing the
production/injection data of the imported file. Schedule searches for these sections and ignore
the rest.
Example 2
For a header in the OilField Manager production data file *TABLENAME MONTHLY_PROD
Schedule will search for the appropriate section in the definition file named *TABLENAME
MONTHLY_PROD and read it. Edits that are required before the import have to be made only in
this section of the definition file.

Schedule User Guide

Schedule reads by default the first four characters of a production data keyword. If
several keywords are present in your data which are longer than four characters and
these four characters are identical, Schedule produces an error message during import
and the reader stops. If this occurs, place the *KEYLENGTH keyword in the header of
the production data file.

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder


Example 3
VOLUME_GAS and VOLUME_WATER are recognized as being the same keyword, because the
two expressions have identical first four characters. Place *KEYLENGTH nn in the header of
the production/injection data file, so that the entire keywords will be read:
*Keylength 12

You must specify an alias for these two keywords in the definition file, as explained above.
For more information on what type of keywords are recognized by the Schedule reader, please
refer to "Production Data File Formats" on page 285.
For this tutorial and the procedure in general of transferring data from OilField Manager to
Schedule, two files are required, the production or injection data file (daily, monthly, sporadic,
etc) and a definition file.
The tutorial data files are included with your Schedule installation. They can be found in the
directory schedule/tutorial/ex4/.

Before proceeding with the tutorial, copy all the files from this directory to your current
working directory.
There are two files in the sub-directory ex4: EX4.VOL (production file) and EX4.DEF
(definition file).

Exporting from OilField Manager


To export the production data file, go to the main OilField Manager project window and
select File | Export | Table Data.
The Table To Export menu appears with options which represent the available tables for
the currently loaded definition file.

Select the type of file required and click OK.

This opens a file browser, which allows you to specify a file to save to. The default
extension is *.dat, although you can choose your own extension.
You will need to import the file you exported into Schedule later, so put it in an accessible

Click on OK after naming the file to save to.

You can find an example of an exported data file in the Schedule directory: ex4/EX4.VOL

An ASCII file has now been exported containing the type of data selected (production or
injection, daily or monthly, etc.). This file resides in the directory you named and is ready for
import into Schedule.
Before you can run Schedule, however, you also need to export the definition file that describes
the content of this file.


To do this, select File | Export | Table Definition.

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

Schedule User Guide

This opens a file browser, which allows you to specify a file to save to. The default
extension is *.def, although you choose your own extension.
When you have exported this file you will need to know where it is, as it is required by

Click OK after naming the file to save to.

An example of an exported definition file is in the Schedule directory: ex4/EX4.DEF


For most cases, Schedule can read the definition file. However, one known exception
exists: In the current version of the production data reader a calculated or imputed
variable that has a logical or represented by a single bar (|) like in
OIL|GAS|WATER, cause a calculation failure in Schedule, as Schedule uses the
C/C++/Java convention for logical or of two vertical bars (||).
If you have a calculation with logical or you will need to edit it. Refer to Figure 4.19
which illustrates a Definition file. Under the section ON you can see the edited entry:

You are now ready to import these files into Schedule and you may now exit OilField Manager.
For this tutorial we will use the two files provided in the sub-directory, ex4. For practice you
may like to create your own files to use.

Import to Schedule

Start Schedule either by typing @schedule in your UNIX working directory or by

running it from the ECLIPSE Simulation Software Launcher on your PC.

To import the production data file that was saved from the OilField Manager project, select
Import | Production History | Replace.
A file browser is displayed with the request Read Production History.

Select the EX4.VOL production file and click OK.

The progress monitor is displayed. However, as Schedule recognizes that this is an OilField
Manager file, importing is halted and Schedule returns to the file browser to show it is
waiting for the definition file associated with the *Tablename keywords in the data file.
Schedule needs to read the definition file in order to process the data, so it displays on
screen the request Specify Definition Data File.

Select the file ex4/EX4.DEF

Schedule processes this file, then continues to read in the production data.

An example from the definition file is shown below. Schedule will process the information
given under *Tablename Monthlyprod Monthly. This defines the keywords used in the
associated production data file, their type, units and any input multipliers. The Daily production
and injection data tables are similar.

Schedule User Guide

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder


Figure 4.19 A Definition Data file


*pn "Producing Days"
*pa "Black" "Solid

" "None

" 4

*u "days"
*mu "1" "1"
*id 0
*ma Yes None
*da 0 0 -9999
*rh "" "Producing" "Days"
*rf 10 0 Right
*pn "Monthly Oil"




*pa "Gray" "Solid



" "None

" 4

In versions prior to 99A, Schedule interprets the line in the above definition file:
*da 0 0 -9999
as specifying the minimum for this data is 0, and the maximum is 0. Schedule
resets the values of the data read in to lie within this range, so it is all zero,
therefore no data appears in the production tables. Schedule would accept the
*da * * -9999
to mean defaulted values.
Alternatively the *da should not be output. A work-around is to delete any *da
keywords of this form from the .def file, or to edit them into the form *da *
* * or similar.

In Schedule 99A and subsequent versions, Schedule ignores the line *da 0 0 9999. The production data can then be correctly loaded in without further editing by
the user.

Schedule offers you the option to Replace or Merge data. Therefore, if you want to add extra
data to Schedule, repeat the same import procedure but instead of replacing, do a merge.
Once all the data has been transferred into Schedule, you can view it using the Item List or
Control Network. The Item List provides you with a list of all the wells that were encountered
on importing the data file. However, as you have only imported production data, no control
network is set up. You can easily create one and assign the wells to groups. (Refer to "Creating
a basic Schedule project" on page 21 for more details on the use of the Control Network and
Item List.)


Open the Item List window, Data | Item List.

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

Schedule User Guide

Click the right mouse button on one of the wells and choose to view a table of the imported
data for that well.


Schedule defaults to show production data only. Other data read in can be displayed at
any time, by selecting Columns on the Production data table menu bar.

Now open the production data graph for one of the wells.


Selecting View on the Production data graph menu bar and choosing from the dropdown menu allows you to visualize all available data on the graph.


In Figure 4.19, the keyword *TABLENAME MONTHLYPROD was specified as

Monthly. Notice that Schedule has moved any data that was specified on a date other
than the first of the month, to the first of the month. To prevent this happening the
keyword must be defined as Sporadic instead of Monthly.

Advanced use
Sporadic data
In the above exercise, when you imported the monthly data it was noted that Schedule moved
all the data to the first of the month. However, in the example file EX4.VOL the data had been
collected on the 15th of each month. Schedule translated this into data for the first of each month.
To overcome this behavior the monthly data must be specified as sporadic and the units should
be changed from bbl to bbl/month (as the rate can now no longer be inferred from the periodicity
of the data). So, in the above definition file to represent the data accurately, you should have:







*mu 1 1

Missing data
If there is no data supplied for one of the months, Schedule, by default, assumes that the
previous months data applies, and carry it through to the next month. This may be the desired
result. If this is not what was required you can prevent this by inserting a special keyword into
the data file: *ZERO_MISSING. A full listing of the keywords and file definitions is given in
"Keywords" on page 288.

The *ZERO_MISSING keyword has no effect on sporadic data, which has no defined
interval with which to check for missing data.

Alternatively you can set up the configuration file so that Schedule will assume zero for missing
data. Refer to "SECTION SCHEDULE" on page 366

Schedule User Guide

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder


This section of the tutorial has demonstrated how to transfer data from OilField Manager to
Schedule. Only a few alterations have to be made to the production or injection files or the
definition file exported from OilField Manager for import into Schedule.
The procedure was straightforward, first making the files from OilField Manager available by
exporting both the production/injection data and the definition file as ASCII files, and then
saving them to your specified directory.
Once both files were stored, you imported them into Schedule.
When importing the production or injection data file Schedule asked you to specify the location
of the definition file before Schedule then imported all the data. You were then able to view the
data as a production data table or data graph.

Importing data from Finder

This section of the tutorial describes how to import data from Finder into Schedule. There are
no example data files attached to this part of the tutorial. You may wish to use your own data.
You can export well production, well events, and well deviation survey data from Finder using
the Schedule Unloader. This makes the following files available for import into Schedule
(proposed Schedule file extensions are used):

Production data file (*.VOL) containing both production and injection data. This file is
imported using Import | Production History | Replace

Well events file (*.EV) containing well events like perforations, squeezes, welltests, etc.
This file is imported using Import | Events | Replace

Deviation survey data file (*.DEV) containing the well path information in terms of X, Y,
TVD and MD for all wells.

Control file (*.CNT) which is an external header file in the so-called GRID style
describing the format of the deviation survey data file (*.DEV).
The deviation survey data file (*.DEV) is imported using Import | Well Locations |
Deviation Survey and selecting the control file (*.CNT) for import. The name of the well
deviation survey data file is specified at the bottom of the control file and its content will
be read into the project when the control file is selected on import.

Once you have successfully loaded the available data from Finder into your project, you can
continue to work on your project as usual (importing grid and property files, setting up a
simulation time framework, etc.). Refer to "Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder"
on page 116, "Interactive data editing and validation" on page 41 and "3D visualization and
predictive SCHEDULE file generation" on page 82 for more details.

Notes on Finder production data load files



Schedule can load production data files generated by Finder 8.5 Schedule Unloader.
Sometimes modifications to the production data files exported from old versions of
Finder using the Schedule Unloader are necessary. The header of the file may
contain production data keywords which are not consistent with the Schedule
production data reader.

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

Schedule User Guide

Example 1












7984.2383 0



7923.7666 0

OIL_INJ and WATER_INJ (and also a possible GAS_INJ) are keywords which are not
recognized by the Schedule reader. They have to be replaced by OINJ, WINJ and GINJ in the
header of the production data file (changes to be made in the example files above and below are
in bold):












7984.2383 0



7923.7666 0





Duplicate production data may appear in the load file from Finder.

Example 2



















The production data reader stops with an error message at the lines that have duplicate dates,
and indicates the line number. The reader expects only one entry per month for MONTHLY
production data. In the example above the reader cannot decide which production data entry for
February it should accept, and so it stops reading.

Schedule User Guide

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder


If the reader stops during the import of the Finder production data file on a duplicate date entry,
open the file with a text editor, decide which entry is the correct one, and delete the duplicate
line or comment it out (by inserting two dashes at the start of the lines to be ignored). You may
have to repeat this procedure several times.




















Notes on Finder deviation survey data load file


Well names in the deviation survey data file (*.DEV) exported from Finder may be
different from those names in the exported production (*.VOL) and/or well events
(*.EV) data files loaded from Finder.

Schedule recognizes well names such as the examples below.

In the example deviation survey data file below, which has been exported from Finder, 110 is
used as name of the well:



583785. 4621935.













In the example production data load file and events file from Finder 110:WCOMP_110a and
110:WCOMP_110b are used as names of the wells:





110:WCOMP_110a 01/03/88





7984.2383 0

7000.7666 0



110:WCOMP_110b 01/03/88


Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder

Schedule User Guide


perforation 1000





perforation 1150

1200 4.5


Schedule treats those wells as independent wells with the same well trajectory/deviation survey
data; that is, the wells have the same location and trajectory but the flow is independent and they
have their own production rate and events. A similar example will be found for wells P1:01 and
P1:02 in "Creating a basic Schedule project" on page 21.
In the other cases, the well names in the deviation survey data file may have to be edited so that
they match the names used in the production and events file. Otherwise, the well deviation
surveys are not available within the project, for display on the 3D Viewer or calculating well
connections with a grid. They are only visually unavailable, because the names of wells used in
a Schedule project are derived from the production data and/or events files, but not from the
deviation survey data information. So they have to be the same.

Schedule User Guide

Importing data from OilField Manager and Finder


Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files

Schedule can read the SCHEDULE section from an existing ECLIPSE DATA file. This can be
very useful if you already have a SCHEDULE section created for a project without using
Schedule before, and you want to continue with the project in Schedule.
In this tutorial we show the procedure for reading the ECLIPSE data file, visualizing the
historical production data, editing keywords, and exporting the updated Schedule project
information to a new SCHEDULE section file.

The tutorial stages are as follows:

"Importing an ECLIPSE data file" on page 128

"Extracting data from ECLIPSE keywords" on page 129

"Viewing and editing imported data" on page 131

"Discarding the keywords" on page 132

"Editing well connection data" on page 132

"Defining the simulation time framework" on page 133

"Exporting data files and SCHEDULE section file" on page 134

Getting started
The tutorial data files are included with your Schedule installation. They can be found in the
following directory: schedule/tutorial/ex5/.

Copy all the tutorial data files to your current working directory.

To start Schedule type @schedule in your working directory or run it from the ECLIPSE
Simulation Software Launcher on your PC.

Importing an ECLIPSE data file


Import the ECLIPSE DATA file from your working directory using Import | Schedule

In the file browser, select the file EX5.DATA



Because Schedule understands the INCLUDE keyword, it is sufficient to include the

SCHEDULE section file in the ECLIPSE data file; the contents of the SCHEDULE
section need not be in the data file itself.

Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files

Schedule User Guide

Schedule reads some parts of the RUNSPEC section such as UNITS and START date of the
simulation. Then it searches for the SCHEDULE section and reads all keywords and entries
within it.
Alternatively, you can read the SCHEDULE section from the INCLUDE file directly.

Import | Schedule Section

In the file browser select the file BASE.SCH

A panel opens which asks you to enter ECLIPSE START date.

Enter 1.1.1970 and click OK.



If you do not enter a date Schedule defaults the START date of the simulation to
01 Jan 1900 and the units to project units.

A detailed list of ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section keywords that are understood by

Schedule is given in the appendix "ECLIPSE Import" on page 353. Those keywords
and entries that are not recognized by Schedule are treated as User keywords and are
still imported correctly into the project. For more details refer to the appendix
"ECLIPSE Import" on page 353.

Extracting data from ECLIPSE keywords

Create grid files by an ECLIPSE data set run (NOSIM)
Before extracting the data imported from the ECLIPSE DATA file, you need to import the grid
and property files. To generate the grid and property files, run a no-simulation ECLIPSE data
set (NOSIM). The NOSIM keyword performs data checking with no simulation.


Add the NOSIM keyword to the RUNSPEC section


This creates the GRID file EX5.FGRID and property file EX5.FINIT.


If you are going to run your own ECLIPSE data set, ensure that the coordinates
(MAPAXES) and the units (GRIDUNIT) are defined in the GRID section of the data
file. Please refer to "Relationship between grid and map coordinate systems" on
page 328.

Importing the Grid files


Import | Grid | Single Porosity | EX5.FGRID

Import | Properties | EX5.FINIT


Schedule User Guide

Schedule needs to import the GRID file before extracting the well trajectory data.

Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files


Extract imported data

Trajectory, deviation, production history and event data can be derived from an existing
ECLIPSE data set. Schedule extracts the data from imported keywords that are in Schedule
style. Perforation and Squeezes are extracted from the COMPDAT/M/L keywords.

Data | Extract Data from Keywords

Press Cancel on the message.

This opens the Extract Data from Keywords panel.
The top right box entry is defaulted to Extract Data for All Wells. You can also specify the
well name here for extracting individual well data.

Click on the Extract Trajectory button.

This opens a panel called Extract Trajectory for All Wells. There are options for the
determination of the measured depth (MD).

Leave the options as defaulted.

Click on the Build Trajectory button.

This builds the well trajectories.

Close the Extract Trajectory panel.

Click on the Build Deviation button.

This opens a panel called Build Deviation for All Wells.

Keep all options as defaulted.

Click on the Build Deviation button.

This builds the deviations.

10 Close the Build Deviation panel.

11 Click on the Extract Events button.
This opens a panel called Extract Events for All Wells.
12 Leave the default Use COMPDAT Skin Value option active.
13 Click on the Extract Events button.
This extracts the events.
14 Close the Extract Events panel.
15 Press the Extract Production Data button
This opens a panel called Extract Production Data for All Wells.
16 Keep the defaulted active keywords and click on the WELTARG Rates button to activate
17 Click on Extract Production Data.
This extracts the production data.
18 Close the Extract Production Data panel.


Do not discard the keywords at this point. In the next section, you will view the
imported data. Discarding the keywords now prevents you from viewing some of
the imported well events.

Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files

Schedule User Guide

19 Close the Extract Data from Keywords panel.

Viewing and editing imported data


Open the Control Network and Item List windows.

The wells in the imported SCHEDULE section file are listed on the Item List window and
are displayed on the Control Network window. The control network is derived from the
GRUPTREE and WELSPECS(L) information in the imported SCHEDULE section file.
There are special considerations when editing the control network and exporting a new
SCHEDULE section file before discarding the extracted keywords.

You can edit the imported control network in the Control Network window but
changes are only effective for edits made on the group level (for example, making
group SAT-2 a subgroup of FIELD instead of PLAT-A). Assigning wells to groups
other than those originally defined in the imported SCHEDULE section has no effect
because the imported WELSPECS(L) keyword and entries (which contain the
information about the group dependency of wells) are not modified when exporting a
new SCHEDULE section file, and therefore remain unchanged.

To change group dependencies of wells you must edit the WELSPEC(L) keyword on
the well Event window. You can view and edit all the imported keywords and entries
on the Events window for the FIELD, groups and/or wells. The original content and
the edits are stored with the project.

Open the Events window for well G1.

To edit keyword entries, highlight the keyword on the events list on the left side of the
Events window and edit the event details displayed on the right side of the window.

To add new keywords, use the options under the New menu on the Events windows.
Macros and templates are available at group and field levels.

To delete keywords, highlight the keyword and use Edit | Delete on the Events

All keywords found in the imported SCHEDULE section file for a particular well are listed on
the Events List on the left side of the window. All of them have the status of a keyword event,
that is they are treated in the same way as if they had have been introduced using the New |
Keyword menu option on the Events window. Refer to "Using templates, macros and
keywords for predictions" on page 99 for explanations of the different types of events.

Take note of the events included in the list at this point.

Discarding the extracted keywords later removes some of these events.


Schedule User Guide

All edits made on any keyword in the Events window are stored and can be reversed
using the Edit | Undo Edits menu option.

Open the Events window for FIELD and a GROUP and inspect the listed keywords.

Open the production data graph and table for a well to view the imported data.

Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files


Again, you have to be careful when editing the production data and exporting a new
SCHEDULE section file before discarding the extracted keywords. Specifically, you need
to edit the production data from the well Events window. Edits done on the production data
table are not applied in the exported SCHEDULE section. This is because the imported
production data keywords are treated as Keyword events and have precedence over those
keywords which might be created as Internal events during the export of a new SCHEDULE

If you cannot view the production graph properly, or you find the production time
region on the graph is incorrect, check the Simulation Time Framework. Reset the
date if necessary. Refer to the section on "Defining the simulation time framework" on
page 133.

Discarding the keywords

Discard the extracted keywords.

Data | Extract Data from Keywords | Extract Events

Click on Discard Connection Keywords.

Close the Extract Events panel.

Data | Extract Data from Keywords | Extract Production Data

Click on the Discard Production Keywords button.

Close the Extract Production Data panel.

Alternatively you can discard all the keywords as follows:

Data | Extract Data from Keywords...

Press the Discard All Keywords button.

Close the Extract Data from Keywords panel.

This will remove all the well production data keywords leaving just the keywords for
engineering events such as perforations, squeezes, etc.

Open the Events panel for a well.

You will see only Schedule events are displayed on the panel. You can view and edit the
schedule now as a standard Schedule project.

Discarding the keywords not only cleans up the Events panel for wells, but also allows
Schedule to regenerate the well connection data based on the imported information. This adjusts
the well head locations, updates the Transmissibility factor for connection (CF) and the
Effective Kh value of the connection (KH) on COMPDAT, and so on. In general, after the data
has been extracted, the exported SCHEDULE section cannot be exactly the same as the imported

Editing well connection data

Schedule extracts only simple top and bottom perforation and squeeze data from
COMPDAT/L/M, COMPVE and WELSPECS/L, etc. You need to input the rest of the keyword
entries manually.


Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files

Schedule User Guide


Extraction of full connection information with the intention of regenerating the

connection model from an ECLIPSE data set cannot currently be done.

Open the Events window for Group SAT-3, select New | Template

Select keyword WELSPECS under Define Wells, Groups & Connections option.

Select WATER as the Phase from the drop-down menu.

Apply and Close the Event panel.

This supplies the missing entry from the WELSPECS keyword for water injection wells.

Defining the simulation time framework


Setup | Time Framework

SPH and EPH have been defined from the extracted production history.

Click on the Dates button.

Schedule has created the Time Framework Date List from the DATES keywords in the
imported ECLIPSE file.

Close the Time Framework Date List window by clicking on OK.

Set the time step length to 3 months (Step By: 3 Months) and change Event Shifts to
Apply. Click on OK in the Time Framework window.

Export | Schedule Section and name the file test.sch.

Open test.sch in a text editor and examine the file.


The production data is still being reported monthly, sometimes even more frequently.
The time step size is thus smaller than the 3 months that was specified in the Time
Framework window. This is because the keywords (corresponding not only to
production data and but also to other events) that have been read from the imported
SCHEDULE section were assigned dates in the original SCHEDULE section file, and
these dates are not affected by the settings on the Simulation Time Framework panel.

The imported keywords are treated as keyword events, that is, they are of the same type as
those introduced interactively on the Events window using the New | Keyword menu
option. These keyword events always generate a timestep at the date they were assigned,
and they are not moved to overall timestep boundaries when other events are moved.

Change the Time Framework settings back to the original values (Step By: 1 Month,
Event Shifts to Ignore).


Schedule User Guide

You cannot apply time steps larger than those used in the original SCHEDULE section
but you can use smaller time steps. Also, you may use any time step size for simulation
periods that occur after the time period covered in the imported SCHEDULE file. You
can, for example, extend the simulation period to include a prediction section; and, you
can apply any time step size to this extended period.

Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files


Exporting data files and SCHEDULE section file

Exporting data files
The data derived from the imported keywords can be exported to ASCII text files. This may
prove useful if the ECLIPSE DATA file is your only source of data and you want to use the data
in another Schedule project or another program. To export the data files, use:

Export | Events
Events, perforation and squeezes with geometrical well and grid information are extracted
from corresponding keywords and exported to the designated file.

Export | Production History

Daily rates are reported monthly in the exported file.

Export | Trajectories

Export | Deviations
The exported file allows you to edit the well deviation in the 3D Viewer at a later time.

Export | Layer Table

Export | Control Network

Exporting a SCHEDULE section file


To export a new SCHEDULE section file, use Export | Schedule section

Save the file as EX5.SCH

Open the file in a text editor and compare it with BASE.SCH.

This tutorial has explained how to import SCHEDULE section data from ECLIPSE data files.
We have described how a limited but useful amount of Schedule data can be extracted from the
imported ECLIPSE keywords, and how this data can be viewed and edited as well as how the
editing affects the keywords. We then explained how to set up the simulation time framework
and finally, how to export the data again for use in other projects.


Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well

The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to build a typical multi-lateral well, and how to
define the well bore segments in a multi-segment well model in Schedule.

Before working on this tutorial, you should first complete tutorial 1, "Creating a basic
Schedule project" on page 21, tutorial 2, "Interactive data editing and validation" on
page 41, and tutorial 3, "3D visualization and predictive SCHEDULE file generation"
on page 82.

The Multi-segment well option in ECLIPSE gives you increased accuracy and flexibility in
modeling fluid flow within the well bore; especially, in multi-lateral wells. In a multi-segment
well model the well bore is divided into a number of segments. Each segment has its own set of
four independent variables: the local fluid pressure, the total flow rate and the flowing fractions
of water and gas.

If you are not confident about working with the interactive data editing facilities,
please read and complete tutorial 2, "Interactive data editing and validation" on
page 41, before you start this tutorial.

The tutorial stages are as follows:

"Creating a new project" on page 136

"Building a multi-lateral well" on page 136

"Building a multi-segment well model" on page 146

"Adding more well components" on page 153

"Running ECLIPSE" on page 162

"Discussion" on page 163

Getting started
The tutorial data files are included with your Schedule installation. They can be found in the
following directory: schedule/tutorials/ex6/.

Schedule User Guide

Copy all the tutorial data files to your current working directory.

Ensure your configuration file is right for running Schedule.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


This tutorial uses feet as the map unit. Before you start Schedule you may need to edit the
SCHEDULE section of your configuration file CONFIG.ECL in the macros directory to
change the default setting of the map units from METRES to FEET.

To start Schedule type @schedule in your working directory or run it from the ECLIPSE
Simulation Software Launcher on your PC.

Creating a new project

When you start Schedule, a new project opens automatically and the main Schedule window
appears on the screen.
Save your new project:

File | Save As

Name the project MULTSEG.PRJ

Setup | Units | Field

Importing the grid and property files

ASCII Schedule files containing grid geometry, grid properties, historical production, well
events, and control network data have been prepared for this tutorial. To build a new Schedule
project, you need to import the corresponding data files.

Import | Grid | Single Porosity (EX6.FGRID)

Import | Properties (EX6.FINIT)

Import | Control Network (EX6a.NET)

Data | Control Network

There are two wells under the group named G, one production well named PROD and one
water injection well named WINJ.

Building a multi-lateral well

As with unilateral wells, there are two ways to build the trajectory of a multi-lateral well in

using the well editor on the 3D Well Viewer window, or

using a Well Trajectory table.

Creating and editing multi-lateral wells on 3D viewer


Select the well PROD and click on the 3D well viewer button
Network window.

on the Control

You will see a full grid display without any wells displayed in it.


It is always useful to switch the display style to outlines

well intersects the grid blocks.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

in order to see how the

Schedule User Guide


Before editing the well, you may need to look at the front view
to make sure the
grid layers are clearly distinguishable and editable. You can stretch them in the vertical
direction by clicking on the Vertical Stretch button

Building the main stem

on the tool bar of the 3D Well Viewer window.

Click on the Top View button

3D Well Viewer | Edit | Wells | Edit Wells

This opens a panel displaying the List of Wells.

Highlight PROD and click on the Edit button.

This opens PROD: Edit Table.


You can position the Table and the 3D Well Viewer window so that they are both

The 3D Well Viewer and Table are linked, and any change made in one of them is seen in
the other.

The origin of the grid in this example is at bottom left. You can confirm this by switching
on the Axis. 3D Well Viewer: Scene | Axes

Check the Axes and Tick Marks buttons.

Position the axes to the bottom, left and front of the image.
You should see that the X-axes values increase from left to right and the Y-axes values
increase from the bottom to top.


You can adjust the Axes scale by changing the Tick Marks options in the Axes panel.

Ensure that the Digitize mode is switched on, 3D Well Viewer: Editor | Digitize.

Place the well head in the center of the top left cell, (I=1 from the left, J=5 from the bottom
of the grid) by clicking once on the cell.
A white square appears on the selected cell, and the corresponding data is shown as
reference point (first point of the stem) in the Edit Table panel.


The coordinates of the mouse cursor is continuously reported in the status bar at
bottom right of the 3D Well Viewer. This aids in the accurate placement of wells.

If you did not place the point in the exact position that you wanted, you may delete the point
and re-digitize. To delete the current point (in white) press delete. Reposition the point by
clicking again on the desired cell.

10 Edit the data point in the Edit table panel, change the entries to X = 50 ft, Y = 950 ft and
press Update View.
11 Click on the Front View button

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


You will see a cross section of I-K on the grid with I increasing from left to right and K
increasing negatively from top to bottom.
12 Complete the main stem of the well by clicking on the centre of the cell at K=9.
13 Edit the entries on the Edit Table as follows:
Reference point (First point of the stem).

50 ft

950 ft

7000 ft


0 ft

Subsequent points below...


X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)

Dist. (ft)






You can change any values in the table and click on the Update View button to update
the data entry and the corresponding well view. You can also cancel the current edit by
selecting Editor | Cancel Edit on the 3D Well Viewer.


You can edit the value of MD on the Edit Table panel. This is particularly useful if you
want to set the starting MD to correspond to the actual top depth rather than zero.

14 Change the MD in the first point of the stem from 0 to 7000.

15 Click on Update View.
The Edit Table now contains the following values:

Reference point (First point of the stem)











Subsequent points below...


X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)

Dist.Offset (ft)





16 Close the Edit Table panel.

17 3D Well Viewer: Editor | Commit Edit.


This updates the 3D view to display a well completed through the grid; only the active
grid blocks intersected by the well are displayed on the 3D Viewer window.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

Building the well branches


3D Well Viewer: Editor | Wells | Edit Wells.

Highlight PROD and click on Add Lateral button.

This opens a panel where you can enter a well branch name.

Enter Branch1 in the box and click on OK.

This creates a branch well named PROD%Branch1 and opens the Branch1: Edit Table


You can specify a branch on a well, by appending a '%' character to the well name
followed by the name of the branch. You only need to enter the branch name, and
Schedule creates a full name of the well branch for you. If you create a sub-branch to
the main branch in the same way, it is specified as wellname%branchname%subname.
You should use these complete names in deviation surveys, trajectory files and event

Click on the Front View button

3D View | Full Grid.

You will see a cross section of I-K of the full grid.


Setting the full grid display on can help you easily select the well trajectory points that
you want.

Switch on Digitize mode, and click on the center of the main stem at cell K=2.
This sets the first point of Branch1 connected to the main stem of the well PROD.


When setting the first point of a branch, you can click anywhere in the grid block where
you want to set the point and Schedule places the first point exactly on the main stem,
in line with the point you clicked.

Click on the center of cell I=5, K=2 to make a horizontal branch.

The Edit Table panel should now look similar to:

Branch 1: Edit Table

Reference point (First point of the stem)










(The parent of 'Branch 1' extends from 7000ft to 7250 ft in measured depth.)
Subsequent points below...

X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)

Dist.Offset (ft)





Schedule User Guide

Edit the data and update view if necessary then close the Edit Table panel.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


3D Well Viewer: Editor | Commit Edit.

10 Repeat the same procedure to create Branch2, which is connected to the main stem at the
center of the cell in layer K=5, as follows:
Connection point on parent
The parent of 'Branch 2' extends from 7000ft to 7250 ft in measured depth.

50 ft

950 ft

7170 ft


7170 ft

Subsequent points below


X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)

Dist.Offset (ft)









This horizontal branch, Branch2, has a well trajectory in both the X and Y directions at
layer K=5.

The first point in the subsequent points is at I=1 from the left and J=2 from the bottom.

The second point in the subsequent points is at I=4 from the left and J=2 from the

11 Create a branch named Branch3 connected to the main stem at the center of the cell in
layer K=7, as follows:
Connection point on parent
The parent of 'Branch 3' extends from 7000ft to 7250 ft in measured depth.

50 ft

950 ft

7210 ft


7210 ft

Subsequent points below



X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)

Dist.Offset (ft)





















Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

This horizontal branch, Branch3, has a well trajectory both in X and Y directions starting
at the layer K=7 and extending to layer K=8.

The first point in the subsequent points is at I=3 from the left and J=5 from the bottom.

The second point in the subsequent points is at I=4 from the left, J=5 from the bottom
and K=8 from the top.

The third point in the subsequent points is at I=5 from the left and J=5 from the bottom.

The fourth point in the subsequent points is at I=6 from the left and J=5 from the

The fifth point in the subsequent points is at I=6 from the left and J=4 from the bottom.

You have now created a multi-lateral well with one vertical main stem and three horizontal
branches. You can edit/delete the wellbore or any of its branches by highlighting the well name,
and then clicking on the Edit/Delete button. You can add more branches in the main stem or in
any of the existing branches by highlighting the well name, and then clicking on the Add
Lateral button in the Well Bores panel. If you click on Delete, a warning panel opens. Click
on OK to confirm or Cancel to leave the well as it is.
Figure 4.20 displays the well completions of PROD on the 3D Well Viewer window in User

12 You may need to refresh the 3D Viewer at this point, 3D Well Viewer | Controls |

The grid has an inactive grid block in layer 3. Schedule displays the well bore in that
grid block with a thin well diameter to distinguish it from the sections in active grid

Figure 4.20 Well trajectory on 3D Viewer

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


You can edit the well, again, by opening the Edit Table by Editor | Wells | Edit Wells You
may also edit the deviation in a different way:
13 3D View | Deviation to operate on the well deviation display.
The well path is shown in purple.
14 Select Controls | Well Edit Deviation
15 Click on the center of the well bore you want to edit.
This opens a confirm panel.
16 Click on the OK button to confirm edit of well bore.
This opens the Edit Table.
17 Close the 3D Well Viewer and press No to editing message.

Creating and editing multi-lateral wells on

trajectory table
You can create Multi-lateral wells using the Well Trajectory table. Again, you first need to
build the main stem of the well.

Building the main stem


Select well WINJ on the Control Network.

Click on the View well trajectory button

This opens a table for you to enter the trajectory data.


Enter the first row I, J, K values as 10, 5 and 9; and the last row I, J, K values as 10, 5, 10.

Click on the Create button.

Schedule calculates a well trajectory through the grid from the top to the bottom of the grid
blocks based on the input data; and, displays the calculated trajectory in a table, as follows:

Edit LGR Cell I Cell J Cell K MD Entry MD Exit Perm X Perm Y Perm Z

NTG Entry X Entry Y



















































































Building a well branch

Branch wells can be created on the Trajectory Table panel.


Trajectory-WINJ: Well Deviations | Add

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

This opens a panel for you to enter the branch well name.
Enter well branch name in j1 and click on OK.

This opens a Trajectory Table similar to the one you used to create the main stem.

Enter the first row I, J, K values as 10, 5 and 10, and the last row I, J, K values as 5, 5, 10.

Click on the Create button.

Display the Inj1 trajectory. Well Deviations | WINJ%Inj1

The branch well WINJ%Inj1 gives a Trajectory Table as follows:

Edit LGR Cell I Cell J Cell K MD Entry MD Exit Perm X Perm Y Perm Z

NTG Entry X Entry Y
























































This horizontal branch extends the main stem in the X direction in the bottom of the grid
block (Z=10 layer).

Use the scroll bar to inspect the rest of the data.


You can add more branches to the main stem or to any existing branches by opening
the trajectory window of the main stem or branch, and selecting Well Deviations |


You can delete any wells or branches you do not want by opening the Trajectory
window of the well, then selecting Well Deviations | Delete. You can also select Edit
| Re-specify to re-edit the well trajectory.

Saving the well deviation data

You have now built a set of multi-lateral wells:

A production well PROD with three horizontal branches.

Top branch PROD%Branch1 in layer 2.
Middle branch PROD%Branch2 in layer 5.
Bottom branch PROD%Branch3 in layers 7 and 8.

A water injection well WINJ with one horizontal branch

WINJ%Inj1 in layer 10.

To save the deviation survey data, select Export | Deviations

Save the control file as TEST.CNT.

Schedule also automatically creates a deviation survey data file named TEST.DEV.

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model



It is important to save a deviation file from your well deviation survey data so that
you can view and edit the well deviations in the 3D Well Viewer window at a later
time. You should do it before you exit this project, otherwise you will lose the
deviation data.

To save a well trajectory file for the above wells, select | Export | Trajectories

Save the file as TEST.TRJ.

For this tutorial the deviation data file (control file EX6.CNT and deviation survey file
EX6.DEV) and the well trajectory file (EX6.TRJ) are supplied.

Open both data files and compare them with your exported TEST.DEV and TEST.TRJ.

If the data files you have created are different from the ones supplied, import the standard data
files now before continuing with the tutorial.

Import | Well Locations | Deviation Survey

Select the file EX6.CNT from the pop-up file browser.

Import | Well Locations | Trajectory File

From the file browser select the file EX6.TRJ.

Importing the rest of the data files


Import | Production History | Replace (EX6a.VOL)

Import | Events | Replace (EX6a.EV)

We need also to set up the simulation time framework.


Setup | Time Framework

Input the following entries:

(Note: you need to click on New to add another line in the top half of the frame).

Figure 4.21 Time framework settings.


Click on OK to apply and close the Time Framework panel.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

Viewing the multi-lateral well model


To view the wells on 3D Well Viewer, highlight the wells PROD and WINJ (hold down
the Shift key to select both wells).

Select View 3D Well

This open the 3D Well Viewer window.


3D Well Viewer: 3D View | Connections

Select AutoNormalize

Select only Outlines

to get a better view.

Figure 4.22 shows the well perforations on the 3D multi-lateral wells.

Figure 4.22 Well connections on 3D Viewer

Exporting a schedule section

Schedule User Guide

File | Save.

Export | Schedule Section

Save the file as TEST.SCH.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Building a multi-segment well model

In order to generate a multi-segment well model you must read in a description of the tubing for
the well. This description includes information about casing/liner diameters and roughness;
internal tubing locations, diameters and roughness; and, locations of packers, chokes and inflow
control devices. It is not necessary to put all of the features in one model. In most cases, you
only need to specify the wells with multi-segment casing features.
The basic format for the tubing input file is described below.

Tubing description file format

The basic tubing description file holds information about the casing or lining for wells.

To specify the type of units used in the file use the UNITS keyword.
Choices following the UNITS keyword are FIELD or METRIC.
For example UNITS FIELD

To specify a casing/liner on the well (or a well branch) use the CASING keyword.
The CASING keyword is followed by the well (or branch) name on the same line. For

On the lines following the CASING keyword and name, the characteristics for the casing
are specified. Each line contains, in order:

a measured depth point on the casing

the internal diameter of the casing starting at the previous MD

the internal roughness of the casing starting at the previous MD.

For example:


-- MD






The first line should specify the MD of the start of the casing (0 for the main stem).

A new line specifies when the diameter or the roughness changes.

The last line should contain only the measured depth at the end of the casing.

Creating a basic tubing file


Open a blank text editor window.


Type the following casing information for the main stem of the well PROD.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

You need to set the casing MD as specified in the deviation survey of the well.






which gives the well PROD a starting MD = 0, an internal diameter = 0.5 feet,
and an effective absolute roughness of the tubing = 1 throughout. The MD at the end of the
casing is 7250.00 feet.

Add casing information for the top branch of the well PROD:





which gives the top branch of well named PROD%Branch1 a starting MD = 7030.00, an
internal diameter = 0.45 feet, and an effective absolute roughness of the tubing =
1 throughout. The MD at the end of the casing is 7430.00 feet.

Repeat the above procedure for the middle branch of the well PROD by typing:





For the bottom branch of the well PROD, type:










Add casing information for the water injection well WINJ:











Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Save the tubing file as TESTa.TUB.

There is an example tubing file in this tutorial named EX6a.TUB, which contains similar

Open EX6a.TUB and compare it with TESTa.TUB.

Generating the multi-segment well model


Import | Tubing.

From the file browser select the file EX6a.TUB or use TESTa.TUB that you have just

Click, with the right mouse button, on the well PROD in the Control Network window, and
select the Edit Segments option.
This opens an Editor window for generating a multi-segment well model for well PROD.
Alternatively, click on the View multi segment well model button

on the tool bar of

the Control Network window.


Click on the Build button.

This creates a multi-segment well model from the tubing description and the perforation

Resize the Table window to view the full data as shown in the following table.
If you have imported the standard installation deviation survey data then your table should
be similar to the one below.



(1) PROD

(1) PROD

















Branch Inflow

(1) PROD







Branch Inflow

(1) PROD


(1) PROD







Branch Inflow


























































Out-let MD

Rough- Area

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide



Out-let MD



Rough- Area





































































































Tubing Change





















This table includes information on segment number, branch name, measured depth (MD), true
depth, and well bore data. The Type column also includes the reason for creating the segment
which aids in editing segments.

Editing segments
Once the multi-segmented well model has been built you can edit it.
Entering a value in the Minimum Segment Length field reorganizes segments to ensure no
segment has a shorter length than the supplied value. This removes perforation segments if they
are shorter than the value entered and are adjacent to another perforation segment

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Enter 100 in the Min. Segment Length box.

Click on the Build button.

The minimum segment length is now limited to 100 feet. Perforation locations that would result
in a segment length less than this threshold are ignored, as shown in the next table:
Min. Segment Length


Zero Tubing MD





Max. Segment Length





Dia- Roughmete ness

















Branch Inflow








Branch Inflow








Branch Inflow


























































Tubing Change











Entering a value in the Maximum Segment Length field adds extra segments to ensure no
segment has greater length than the supplied value. Segment nodes are inserted between any two
nodes which exceed the value entered. This only affects the operation of the algorithm which
inserts segments for perforations.

Enter 200 in the Max. Segment Length box.

Click on the Build button.

The maximum segment length is now limited to 200 feet. One extra segment is inserted in
Min. Segment Length


Zero Tubing MD







Max. Segment Length



Rough-ness Area






Out-let MD












Branch Inflow Perf







Branch Inflow Perf

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide








Branch Inflow Perf


























































Tubing Change



















Splitting segments

Click on the arrow button at the left end of Segment 10.

Click on Split Segment.

This generates a new segment with a nodal depth midway between the previous and current

Deleting segments

Click on the arrow button on Segment 3.

Click on Delete Segment.

This deletes the segment. Segment numbers and outflow relationships are recalculated
when a segment is split or deleted. Note the resulting changes to the above table.

Reverting to the original segments


Click on the Build button to reverse split segments and restore deleted segments.

Editing segment data


Change the MD and Depth on Segment 2 to 7100 and the Roughness on Segment 3
to 0.002.

Click on the Calculate button.

This recalculates the volume for the modified segments. Compare the values to those in the
above table.


Clicking on Build again removes the changes.

Changing the data back to the initial data


Delete the values in Min. Segment Length and Max. Segment Length field.

Click on the Build button.

This re-creates the 23 Segments originally calculated.

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Setting the zero tubing point

In the ECLIPSE Multi-segment well model option, the zero tubing length reference point from
which all the tubing length values are measured is unlikely to be set at the point of the ECLIPSE
tubing head (MD = 0). It is always somewhere close to the top segment.
Schedule adds an entry field to the Multi-segment Edit dialog that allows you to specify the
measured depth, which should be taken as zero for tubing lengths.

Viewing the tubing table

By default the multi-segment well table shows MD, but there is an option to show the modified
tubing values instead.

Click on View in the Edit Segments panel and select Tubing Depth from the drop-down
This replaces the measured depth (MD) column with the tubing depth (TD) column in
the table.


If the entry field for tubing zero MD is left blank or set to 0, the zero tubing length
reference point will be at MD = 0. The TD column is exactly the same as the MD column
in this case.

Setting the tubing length reference point


Enter 6980 in the Zero Tubing MD box.

Click on the Build button.

This resets the tubing depth (if you switch the view to the measured depth you will see that
the MD column does not change). The tubing zero point for this well now starts the casing
at MD = 6980 feet. Since the nodal point of the top segment is at 7000 feet, the Zero tubing
length reference point from, which all the tubing length values are measured, is 20 feet
above the nodal point of the top segment.


The Zero Tubing MD cannot be set greater than the top depth. The zero tubing
length reference point cannot be below the nodal point of the top segment (the
BHP reference point).

Click on the Close button to close the Multi-segment table window.

Generating a multi-segment well model for well



Click, with the right mouse button, on well WINJ in the Control Network window and
select Edit Segments from the pop-up menu.

Set Zero Tubing MD to 7220.

Click on the Build button in the Editor window.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

The Multi-segment Tubing table should resemble the following table:

Min. Segment Length


Zero Tubing MD











(1) WINJ



(2) WINJ%Inj1


(2) WINJ%Inj1

(2) WINJ%Inj1



(1) WINJ

(1) WINJ

Out-let TD

Max. Segment Length

Rough-ness Area














Branch Inflow







150.00 7270






250.00 7270






(2) WINJ%Inj1

350.00 7270






(2) WINJ%Inj1

450.00 7270






(2) WINJ%Inj1

525.00 7270






The zero tubing length reference point from, which all the tubing length values are
measured, is at the same level as the nodal point of the top segment.

Close the Multi-segment Table window.

Saving the project and exporting a schedule


To save the project File | Save As

Save with the project name TESTa.PRJ.

Export | Schedule Section

Save the file as TESTa.SCH.

Compare TESTa.SCH with the previously created TEST.SCH.


When the SCHEDULE section is created, any well which has a segmental model will
have appropriate WELSEGS, COMPSEGS and/or COMPSEGL keywords with entries
generated using the tubing lengths.

Adding more well components

This part of the tutorial explains how to generate a more complex well. The examples use the
well PROD.

Building a new Schedule project

Schedule User Guide

Import | Production History | Replace (EX6b.VOL)

Import | Events | Replace (EX6b.EV)

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Import | Control Network (EX6b.NET)

Save your current project using the File | Save As option and call it TESTb.PRJ.

Data | Control Network

Handling multiple completion multi-lateral wells

Schedule can handle multiple completion multi-lateral wells if you supply descriptions of the
casing and tubing. Multiple completion wells are specified by appending a ":" and the
completion identifier to the well name. For an example, a well with multiple completions was
used in the first tutorial, "Creating a basic Schedule project" on page 21.
The deviation survey or trajectory of a multiple completion well is input in the same way as for
a corresponding single completion well. But the production data and well events could depend
on the individual completions of the well.

The well structure

In the current example, the structure of well PROD is similar to the previous one except it has
two completion intervals (equivalent to two ECLIPSE wells). The well could be specified as:

PROD, flow from the annulus of the well stem.

PROD:01, flow from one internal tubing.

The tubing description contains a field that allows you to specify which stem/tubing is involved
in providing flow to the individual completions.

Open EX6a.TUB or TESTa.TUB that you have just created.

To specify the location and characteristics of internal tubing, use the TUBING keyword and
enter the following information:









The above defines an internal tubing named PROD:01 for branch 2, flowing to surface through
internal tubing.
The TUBING keyword is followed (on the same line) by:

The name of the tubing (this should be unique across all wells)

The name of the branch the tubing starts in.

The name of the branch the tubing ends in.

The name of the completion the tubing is providing flow to. (This should be left blank if
the tubing does not flow to the surface. If this field is blank the tubing flows to the first MD
point in the branch in which the tubing starts.)

On lines following the TUBING keyword the characteristics for the tubing are specified. Each
line contains, in order:


A measured depth point

The internal diameter of the tubing starting at the previous MD

The internal roughness of the tubing starting at the previous MD

The external diameter of the tubing starting at the previous MD

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

The external roughness of the tubing starting at the previous MD (this defaults to the same
value as the internal roughness if not specified).
The first line should specify the MD of the start of the tubing (0 for tubing which flows to
the wellhead) and a new line specified when the diameter or the roughness changes. The
last line should contain only the measured depth of the end of the tubing.

Save the current tubing description file as TESTb.TUB.

Adding packers, chokes and inflow control

The tubing description file can include information about the locations of packers, chokes and
inflow controls.
To specify the location of a packer use the PACKER keyword. The PACKER keyword is
followed, on the same line, by:

The name of the packer.

The name of the branch where the packer is located.

The measured depth of the packer.

You may enter any number of lines of records to specify different packers.



You may need to view the Trajectory table and the Events perforations on
PROD%Branch2 to determine the locations of the parkers.

Specify a series of packers in well PROD, Branch2. After the TUBING description in
TESTb.TUB, enter the following information:

PACKER Packer1 PROD%Branch2


PACKER Packer2 PROD%Branch2


PACKER Packer3 PROD%Branch2


PACKER Packer4 PROD%Branch2


To specify the location of an inflow control device/valve on an inner tubing use the INFLOW
keyword. The INFLOW keyword is followed, on the same line, by:

Schedule User Guide

The name of the inflow control device/valve

The tubing on which the device/value is located (this must be an interval tubing)

The measured depth of the device/valve.

You may enter any number of lines of records to specify different inflow control
devices/valves on an inner tubing.


We recommend you set at least one inflow control device/valve between two packers.


You may need to view the PACKER description in TESTb.TUB to determine the
locations of the inflow control devices/valves.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Specify inflow control devices/valves on inner tubing Tubing1; after the PACKER
description in TESTb.TUB, enter the following information:


Tubing1 7242


Tubing1 7413


Tubing1 7612


Tubing1 7737

Schedule creates special, very short segments to model the inflow control device. This segment
is given a name which is derived from the name of the inflow control device and the name of
the surrounding casing.
To specify the location of a choke use the CHOKE keyword. The CHOKE keyword is followed,
on the same line, by:

The name of the choke

The name of the branch where the choke is located

The measured depth of the choke.

You may enter any number of lines of records to specify different chokes in the well bores.

You may need to view the Trajectory table on PROD%Branch1 to determine the
locations of the chokes.

Specify a choke in Branch1; after the INFLOW description in TESTb.TUB, enter the
following information:



PROD%Branch1 7030

This creates two segment nodes which result in a very short segment.

The intention is that you use the table to identify the segment node number, and use the
ECLIPSE multi-segment keywords to define the properties of the short segment to
model the actions of the choke. For example, to set a pressure drop across the choke.
In future releases we will look at adding automatic methods/events to control the choke
behavior without user intervention. You are expected to use the same method to model
the activities of inflow control valves/devices.

Save the TESTb.TUB file and compare it with the file named EX6b.TUB.

Summary of well components

We have completed a more complex well named PROD with


A multi-lateral well in three horizontal branches.

Multi-segment well model covers all branches.

Multiple completion well with internal tubing Tubing1 for branch 2 flowing to surface.

Four packers on branch 2 to protect flow from the annulus of the well stem of branch 2.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

Four inflow control devices on interval tubing Tubing1.

A choke on branch 1 to restrict flow into the main well stem.

A schematic of the well PROD (two ECLIPSE wells PROD and PROD:01) is shown in Figure
Figure 4.23 Schematic of the complex multi-segment well





Inflow Control




Generating a multiple-completion multi-lateral

multi-segment well model

Import | Tubing (EX6b.TUB)

Data | Control Network

This shows three ECLIPSE wells as in Figure 4.24.

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Figure 4.24 Control Network of ECLIPSE wells

Editing segments
Well PROD:01

Select well PROD:01 and open Edit Segments.

Click on the Build button.

This generates an Edit Well Segments table for well PROD:01 similar to the following

Min. Segment Length


Zero Tubing MD




(1) Tubing1

(1) Tubing1











(1) Tubing1



(1) Tubing1


(1) Tubing1

(1) Tubing1

Max. Segment





0.096211 686.948



0.096211 9.81355

Annulus Inflow



0.096211 16.4521

Annulus Inflow




0.096211 19.146

Annulus Inflow





0.096211 12.0264

Annulus Inflow





0.096211 3.17497

Tubing End

(2) Ic1 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2





0.048596 2.29375


(2) Ic1 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2





0.048596 0.0097193

Inflow Control

(3) Ic1 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2.lower





0.048596 1.20519



(4) Ic2 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2






0.048596 2.57561



Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

Min. Segment Length


Zero Tubing MD

Max. Segment




(4) Ic2 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2






0.048596 2.09937



(4) Ic2 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2





0.048596 0.0097193

Inflow Control


(5) Ic2 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2.lower






0.048596 2.5659



(6) Ic3 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2






0.048596 2.62421



(6) Ic3 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2






0.048596 2.05077



(6) Ic3 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2





0.048596 0.0097193

Inflow Control


(7) Ic3 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2.lower






0.048596 2.61449



(8) Ic4 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2






0.048596 1.03025



(8) Ic4 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2





0.048596 0.0097193

Inflow Control


(9) Ic4 Tubing1<PROD%Branch2.lower






0.048596 0.379053



(10) PROD%Branch2






0.048596 1.4093



(10) PROD%Branch2





0.048596 1.21491



You can widen the Branch or the Type column to view the full description of the

Set Zero Tubing MD as 7140 and click on the Build button.

Select View | Tubing Depth to view the Tubing Depth table.

In the above table, for well PROD:01, Schedule generates a segments branch for the
annulus inflow of internal tubing Tubing1. Schedule creates a number of very short
segments to model the inflow control devices. The total segments are 22 in 10 branches.


Schedule User Guide

Schedule calculates the roughness of tubing in the inflow control region to be the
average of the corresponding internal roughness of the casing and external roughness
of the tubing.

Close the Edit Segment table.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model



Repeat the above processes.

Select well PROD from the Control Network and open Edit Segments.

Set Zero Tubing MD as 6980.

Click on the Build button


If you continued this work from the last data set you worked on in the project, the
segment editing table on PROD may still display the data at the last setting. You need
to click on the Build button to update the data.

View the tubing depth by selecting View | Tubing Depth

You will see an Edit Segments table on well PROD as shown below:
Min. Segment Length


Zero Tubing MD
Out-let TD







(1) PROD




(1) PROD




(1) PROD




(1) PROD



(1) PROD



(2) PROD%Branch1 2


(2) PROD%Branch1 6


Max. Segment
Rough- Area







0.0015 0.0859029


Branch Inflow

0.0015 0.0859029


Branch Inflow





Branch Inflow



















(2) PROD%Branch1 7








(2) PROD%Branch1 8









(2) PROD%Branch1 9









(2) PROD%Branch1 10









(4) PROD%Branch3 4









(4) PROD%Branch3 12









(4) PROD%Branch3 13


7212.5 0.45






(4) PROD%Branch3 14


7213.9 0.45




Tubing Change


(4) PROD%Branch3 15









(4) PROD%Branch3 16








In the above table on well PROD, Schedule generates segments for Branch inflow. Schedule
creates very short segments in the entry area of Branch2 to place a choke control.

Close the Edit Segment table for PROD.

To view the multi-segment well model on a 3D Well Viewer window, open the 3D


on wells PROD and PROD:01.

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide


Since the wells PROD and PROD:01 have the same well trajectory, only one well
bore (the major well PROD) is shown. However, if you choose to view a single well
(PROD or PROD:01), the 3D Well Viewer shows the different completions or
connections depending on the well events and tubing description.

Select Outline

and resize the window to obtain a better view as shown in Figure 4.25.

Figure 4.25 Multi-segment wells in the 3D Viewer

The 3D Well Viewer shows that there are more well segments added in branch 2 for inflow
control modeling, and one more segment added in the entry of branch 1 for choke control.

Close the 3D Well Viewer window.

Segment diameter and area calculations

The segment diameter and area in a multiple completion well are calculated using the following

The annulus segment area is the area of the casing minus any area taken up by tubing

The diameter for the segment (hydraulic diameter) is

4 times the annulus area / wetted perimeter

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


For example, a node in the annulus of PROD:01 is given here with the following tubing

Casing Internal Diameter = 0.45 ft

Tubing External Diameter = 0.375 ft

Segment area = Casing Area - Tubing Area

Casing Area = 0.1590431
Tubing Area = 0.1104466
Segment Area = 0.0485965
Segment Diameter (WELSEGS Tubing internal diameter) = 4 times the Segment area /
wetted perimeter
Wetted perimeter = Casing internal circumference + Tubing external circumference =
PI*0.45 + PI*0.375 = 2.5918139
Segment Diameter = 4 * 0.0485965 / 2.5918139 = 0.075

Generating a SCHEDULE section


File | Save

Setup | Time Framework

Make sure the Time Framework screen is filled in as in the table below.

Simulation Time Framework

Step by


Event shifts



Month(s) 1



01 Apr 1990

Month(s) 1




FIrst Production (SPH) = 01 Jan 1990

Last Production (EPH) =

01 Jan 1997

History Start: (SOH) =


History End: (EOH) =


Prediction Start (SOP) =

EPH + 1 MONTHS Prediction End (EOP) =


Export | Schedule Section

Enter file name TESTb.SCH and click on OK.

Compare TESTb.SCH with the previously created TESTa.SCH for a single completion
multi-segment well model.

An ECLIPSE DATA file, EX6.DATA has been created for this tutorial that runs the simulator
using the SCHEDULE section file you have exported from Schedule.


Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide


A multi-segment well model created by Schedule can be used on ECLIPSE. However,

you may need to enter additional keywords in the User events for the SCHEDULE
section to be fully compatible with ECLIPSE 300.

Summary of SCHEDULE sections

Four ECLIPSE SCHEDULE sections have been created in this tutorial:

Multi-lateral well model in two wells with horizontal branches.

Multi-lateral multi-segment well model in two wells with horizontal branches and

Multiple-completion multi-lateral multi-segment well model in three ECLIPSE wells
with horizontal branches, internal tubing, packers, choke, inflow control devices and

Made for the tutorial, similar to TESTb.SCH.

Before running the simulator make sure that the directory where you run ECLIPSE contains
the SCHEDULE section file you want, and the data file (EX6.DATA). Also ensure that the
Schedule section file name (TEST.SCH or whatever you have chosen) has been correctly
included in the data file, using the ECLIPSE INCLUDE keyword at the end of the data set

Run the simulator.

(By typing @eclipse on a UNIX platform or clicking on the ECLIPSE Simulation
Software Launcher on a PC)

Specify the EX6 file as the data file.

After the run finishes, look at the simulation results.


Files written by ECLIPSE contain the grid data file EX6.FGRID and the initial and
solution data file EX6.FINIT. It should be the same as the corresponding files
supplied with the tutorial. If you do not want to overwrite the original grid and property
files, change the data set name (for example, rename it TEST.DATA) before you run
the simulation.

We demonstrated in this tutorial the interactive data editing and data validating facilities of
Schedule on a multi-segment well model. It gives a good example of how Schedule performs
the more complex well modeling work. We showed that it is possible to create a complete
project interactively within Schedule, by importing a grid and property file created in another
program, and specifying the rest of the required input interactively in the Schedule windows.

Schedule User Guide

Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model


Also we guided you through a complete typical Schedule project, starting with building a basic
multi-lateral well, continuing with creating a tubing description file and generating a multisegment well model, and finally completing a more complex well model which handles
multiple-completion, multi-lateral, multi-segment description.


Creating and editing a multi-lateral multi-segment well model

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Chapter 5

This chapter provides useful reference material on each of the modules within Schedule. It is
organized into the following sections:

Schedule User Guide

"Main window" on page 167 - provides access to the main menu options and also contains
a log window.

"Item list window" on page 174 - shows a list of the wells or groups present in the current

"Control network window" on page 176 - allows you to view and edit the defined control
networks (GRUPTREE).

"Alias list window" on page 181 - shows the current list of group and well name aliases.

"Layer table window" on page 182 - shows the currently defined layer names and the grid
K range.

"Generate Framework Dates window" on page 183 - allows dates to be generated for the
Time Framework.

"Time framework window XYZ" on page 184 - defines the basic time framework for the
generated SCHEDULE section.

"Simulation options window" on page 186 - controls how Schedule generates the
SCHEDULE section.

"Events viewer window" on page 189 - allows you to edit, create and delete events or

"Production history graph window" on page 192 - shows a graph of well or group
production history.

"Production history table window" on page 213 - shows a table of the production and
injection history for a well.

"Completion diagram window" on page 214 - shows the perforations in a well against time
and/or the connections to the grid.

Reference Section



"Multi-segment well window" on page 217 - shows the current multi-segment well
information for a well.

"Extract data panel" on page 220 - selects which types of data should be extracted from
imported keywords.

"3D viewer" on page 225 - defaults to a view of the well trajectory with well flow controls
such as perforations, squeezes, barefoots and plugs displayed.

"Editing in the 3D Viewer" on page 269 - you can edit wells that exist or new ones created
on the Command Network in the 3D Viewer.

"Trajectory definition window" on page 271 - appears when you choose to edit a trajectory
for a well without an existing trajectory definition, or when you choose to re-specify a well
trajectory in the Trajectory Viewer/Editor.

"Trajectory viewer/editor" on page 272 - shows the path of the well through the grid.

"Input file list window" on page 274 - shows a list of all the files that have been read by

Reference Section

Schedule User Guide

Main window
This window provides access to the main menu options and also contains a log window. The
Log window displays messages that provide status reports and feedback on various operations.

File menu
This option creates a new project. Schedule prompts you to save the current project if it contains
any unsaved data.

This option opens an existing project file. Schedule prompts you to save the current project
before it is discarded.

This option saves the current project to disk. All data is saved except:

GRID section.
To prevent duplication, the path name to the original file, which contains the GRID section
is saved.

PROPS section.
To prevent duplication, the path name to the original file, which contains the properties is

Deviation survey data.

This is ignored.


This option is only available if Schedule knows what filename to use. You can save
new projects using the File | Save Asoption.

Save As
This option allows you to save the current project under a new name.

This option closes Schedule. You can save any unsaved changes in the project, if you wish.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Main window


Import menu
Production History
Use this option to replace existing production history with data stored in a file on a well by well
basis. Whenever a well name is found in the input file any existing production history for that
well is replaced. If a new well name is found in the input file, Schedule creates the well, and
inserts the imported data. This item has a + character following its name if data has been read
Use this option to merge data from a production history file with existing production history
data. The data in the input file overwrites or merges with existing data (that is, the data from the
input file replaces existing data with the same date and phase).

This option replaces all non-keyword events (for each well) in the current Schedule project with
data stored in the input file. This item has a + character following its name if data has been
read in.
This option merges all non-keyword events in the input file with the existing events in the
current Schedule project, and adds them to the events list.

This option imports a GRID file. Grid data already imported into the current Schedule project
is replaced. This item has a + character following its name if a grid has been read in.
Single Porosity
Use this option to read a single porosity grid.
Dual Porosity
Use this option to read a dual porosity grid.

Well Locations
Trajectory File
This option reads a trajectory data file (in the format output by the Schlumberger programs
GRID and FloGrid), and replaces existing data on a per wellbore basis or creates new wellbore
data if no prior data exists.
Deviation Survey
This option reads deviation survey data (see "Well geometry data from deviation survey data
file" on page 321). The new data for an existing deviation survey is read into the project or
replaces any existing deviation data.


Reference Section
Main window

Schedule User Guide

This option reads a tubing description file (see "Tubing description file format" on page 333).
This file contains information needed by Schedule to construct multi-segment well keywords
and contains information about casing and tubing diameters and roughness, as well as locations
of packers, chokes and inflow control devices.

Control Network
This option reads a network information file (see "Creating a control network of wells and
groups of wells" on page 43). Existing networks that have the same date as networks in the input
file are replaced with the data in the input file, and new networks are created to include any new
data. This item has a + character following its name if data has been read in.

Time Framework
This option replaces the Time Framework in the current Schedule project with data stored in
the input file. This item has a + character following its name if data has been read in.
This option merges the Time Framework in the input file with the existing Time Framework
in the current Schedule project. (See "Time framework window XYZ" on page 184.)

Alias List
This option replaces the Alias List (see "Inspecting and editing the alias list" on page 77) in the
current Schedule project with that in the input file. This item has a + character following its
name if data has been read in.
This option merges the Alias List in the input file with the existing Alias List in the current
Schedule project.

Layer Table
This option reads a layer information file ("Entering geological layer data" on page 66). The
new data is read in and any existing information is replaced. This item has a + character
following its name if a layer table has been read in.

This reads property data (.FINIT or .INIT files). The new data is read in and any existing
property data is discarded. This item has a + character following its name if data has been read
Schedule section
This option reads SCHEDULE section data. Event data is added to event data already defined in
the current Schedule project. Production history data is then extracted from the keywords and
stored as part of the production history for wells.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Main window


Summary file
This option reads ECLIPSE SUMMARY data. Oil, Water and Gas flow are extracted from the
summary data, and you can view them in the graphs with historical production data.

Restart file
This option reads ECLIPSE RESTART data. You can view the information in this file in the 3D

Plot layouts
This option reads a Schedule plot layout file.

Setup menu
Time Framework
This option edits the simulation time step model. The panel also allows you to choose whether
to shift events to time boundaries or to create new time steps at the event times. You can also
see the dates associated with the date macros Initial and Final. Extra user specific dates can be
added or generated using the Generate Framework Dates panel.

This option allows you to select various options governing how the SCHEDULE section is built
and output.

This option chooses the simulator for generation and reading of keywords. This option must be
set as the first action after starting Schedule or after selecting File | New as it controls the form
of keywords used for all subsequent operations. The default is to use the ECLIPSE keyword set
which is compatible with previous releases.

This option allows you to choose which algorithm is used to calculate connection factors. The
names indicate the algorithm that corresponds to the defaults of various simulators or to
specially developed algorithms (see also "Using non-default transmissibility options" on
page 350).

This option allows you to choose the unit set used for display and when outputting the
SCHEDULE section. This unit set also acts as the default unit set when importing files that do
not specify units.
This option specifies the use of ECLIPSE FIELD units.
This option specifies the use of ECLIPSE METRIC units.


Reference Section
Main window

Schedule User Guide

This option allows you to select the font used in the display. This font is saved as part of the

Data menu
Item List
This option displays a window showing the names of the wells and groups in the current
Schedule project. You can display data specific to a well or group by clicking on the name of
that well or group with the right mouse button, and selecting an option from the pop-up menu.

Control Network
This option allows you to view and edit the time varying control network. You can display data
specific to a well or group by clicking on the name of that well or group.

Alias List
This option allows you to view and edit the alias list. Refer to "Inspecting and editing the alias
list" on page 77

Layer Table
This option allows you to view and edit the layer table. Refer to "Entering geological layer data"
on page 66

Input Files
This option displays the names of files read into the current Schedule project.

Recalculate trajectories
Use this option to ask Schedule to recalculate trajectory data for any wells in the current project
which have deviation survey information. You can use this to rebuild the trajectory after
changing any of the following:

grid properties

the grid itself, or

the deviation survey for a well.

Generate Framework Dates

This option generates dates for the Time Framework for various user specified criteria. These
comprise percentage change in production, changes from production to injection or vice versa,
injection phase change, when a rate changes to or from zero and changes in BHP and THP if
imported as part of history data.

Analyse Production History

This option inspects the production history data and event data for all wells, and produces a
report showing the total production/injection as well as indicating potential problem times when
the well is producing or injecting; but it has no perforated intervals.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Main window


Extract Data from Keywords

This option extracts production history, well position and perforation information from
ECLIPSE keywords. You can use this option after importing existing ECLIPSE SCHEDULE
sections to help rebuild a production history model.

Export menu
Schedule Section
This option exports all the SCHEDULE section data. Schedule builds a simulation model from
the perforation and history data (and the grid, trajectory and property data) and exports it as a

This option exports events for all wells.

This option does not export keywords, only the events that can be imported using the
Import | Events menu option.

Production History
This option exports monthly production histories for each well.
This option exports the production histories for each well where a change occurs.
This option exports the production histories averaged onto the current settings for the Time

You can import this data by using Import | Production History

This option exports trajectory data for each well. You can import this data using Import |

This option exports deviation data for each well. You can import this data using Import |
Deviation Survey.

Layer Table
This option exports the layer table. You can import this data using Import | Layer Table.

Control Network
This option exports the control network data. You can import this data using
Import | Control Network.


Reference Section
Main window

Schedule User Guide

Time Framework
This option exports the Time Framework data. You can import this data using
Import | Time Framework.

Alias List
This option exports the Alias List. You can import this list using Import | Alias List.

Plot Layouts
This option exports the current plot layouts. You can import this data using Import | Plot

Utilities menu
Text Editor
This option opens a general text editor window.

Window menu
Minimize Children
This option minimizes all Schedule windows except the main window.

Restore Children
This option restores any minimized Schedule windows to their previous size and location.

Help menu
This option displays the on-line help for Schedule.

ToolTips Enabled
This option toggles the use of fly-by help when the mouse is at rest over a toolbar button.

This option displays the version and week number of Schedule.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Main window


Item list window

This window shows a list of the wells or groups present in the current project. You can use it to
select wells or groups and place them in the control network. Items can be selected using the
mouse or by typing a name (which can include wild card characters) in the text area and clicking
on the

button. Clicking on the

button deselects items.

You can add selected items to the control network (by dragging them onto a network group).
Items that have already been added to the current control network cannot be selected, and are
shown with a small black square to the left of their name. In this way, Schedule prevents you
from including the same well more than once in the control network. To select wells that are in
the current control network close the Control Network window. This removes the definition of
the current control network and makes all wells available for selection in the List window.

Clicking on any item with the right mouse button displays a context sensitive pop-up
menu providing access to data display panels.

The Item List | Export option allows you to export event and history data for selected wells.

View menu
This option displays a list of well names in the list window.

This option displays a list of group names in the list window.

Export menu
Export Events
This option exports the events for the selected items. Refer to "Defining well events" on
page 67.

Export History
This option exports a monthly production history file for the selected wells. Refer to "Entering,
editing and analyzing well production and injection data" on page 48.


Reference Section
Item list window

Schedule User Guide

Check Production History
This option checks the production and perforation history of the selected wells. A report is
generated in a separate window showing the total production and injection for each well, and
indicating potential problem time periods where production or injection is recorded but the well
has no perforations.

Fix Production History

This option performs the same check as the Check Production History option but will move
production and injection into time periods where a perforation exists if necessary. A new version
is automatically created for any fluid which is modified by this process. You can restore the old
version in the Production Table window.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Item list window


Control network window

This window allows you to view and edit the defined control networks (GRUPTREE). You can
also view the associated data for all of the items in the network.
The left portion of this window shows the times at which networks are defined. The times are
displayed from top to bottom with the oldest at the top. The current network is highlighted with
a blue triangle. A new network can be made current by clicking on the date with the mouse
The menu options (described below) allow you to add and delete networks by time.
The right side, of this window, shows the current network. The items in the network can be
reorganized by dragging them to their new position in the network. Several items can be selected
at once using the mouse:

toggles selection state.

selects all items between previous selection and the item under the mouse.

deselects others and selects this.

All of the selected items can be moved by dragging them to their new location. If a 3D Well
Viewer is open wells may also be dragged and dropped on it. This is the only way to add more
wells to an existing 3D view.

Context sensitive menus

Clicking on any item, with the right mouse button, displays a context sensitive pop-up menu.
This menu allows you to view and edit data and includes options that can create new members
of the network.

Field items
Show events
This option displays events for the field.

Graph completions
This option displays the completion display window with all of the wells available for viewing.

Graph history
This option displays a graph showing the summed production and injection history for all the
wells in the field

Create group
This option creates a new group attached to the field. You must enter the new groups name.


Reference Section
Control network window

Schedule User Guide

Group items
Show events
This option displays events for the group.

Graph completions
This option displays the completion display window with all of the groups wells available for

Graph history
This option displays a graph showing the summed production and injection history for all the
wells in the group.

Create group
This option creates a new group attached to the current group. You must enter the new groups

Rename group
This option allows you to change the current groups name.

Create well
This option creates a new well attached to the current group. You must enter a name for the new

Show events
This option displays events for the well.

Graph completions
This option displays the completion display window with the completion history for the current
well and the corresponding grid connections.

Graph history
This option displays a graph of the production and injection history for the current well.

Table history
This option displays a table of the production and injection history for this well.

Edit trajectory
This option displays the table of trajectory data for the current well. If trajectory data has not yet
been defined, you can enter the definition of a well path through the grid; Schedule then
calculates the trajectory. (You must have already read in the grid and properties.)

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Control network window


Edit segments
This option displays the Multi Segment Well Data Editor for the current well. This editor will
create multi-segment well data for the well (you must have already read in or created the grid,
trajectory, perforation and tubing data). It also allows editing of the multi-segment model. If you
create a multi-segment model in this editor Schedule generates the appropriate multi-segment
well ECLIPSE keywords.

View 3D well
This opens a new 3D display of the well and the surrounding grid and allows creation or
modification of the well path. This view can display the perforations, squeezes, connections in
the grid, etc. It is also possible to animate the well over time. To add more wells to the same 3D
display, use drag and drop from the network to the 3D Well Viewer.

Toolbar buttons
The toolbar at the top of the control network window provides an alternate way of accessing
data viewing and editing panels. Clicking on the toolbar buttons displays a viewer for any
selected well or group in the network.

View well events table

This button displays an event viewer for the selected items. If more than
one item is selected, Schedule displays an event viewer for each item.

View completions with well trajectory

This button displays a completion display graph for the selected items. If
more than one item is selected, Schedule displays a completion display
graph for each item.

View production data graph

This button displays a production history graph for the selected items. If
more than one item is selected, Schedule displays a production history
graph for each item.


Reference Section
Control network window

Schedule User Guide

View production data table

This button displays a production history table for the selected items. If
more than one item is selected, Schedule displays a production history
table for each item.

View well trajectory table

This button displays a trajectory table editor for the selected well. If more
than one item is selected, Schedule displays a well trajectory table for
each item.

Add a new group

This button adds a new group to the group or field that is currently

View completion with 3D viewer

This button opens a new 3D display viewer/editor for the wells that are
currently selected. This button has no effect if a group is selected.

View multi segment well data

This button displays the multi segment well data viewer/editor for the
wells that are currently selected. This button has no effect if a group is

Add time
This option allows you to enter a date and create a new control network at the new time. The
new control network is created as a duplicate of the previous control network.

Delete time
This option removes the control network at the currently selected time.

New group
This option creates a new group attached to the current group. You must enter the new groups

Remove items
This option removes the selected items from the control network. The items are not deleted but
they no longer appear in the control network. If these items do not appear in a control network
at a different time, they do not appear in the generated SCHEDULE section.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Control network window


Selected events
This option exports the events for the selected wells. Refer to "Defining well events" on
page 67.

Selected history
This option exports a monthly production history file for the selected wells. Refer to "Entering,
editing and analyzing well production and injection data" on page 48.

Selected schedule
This option generates the SCHEDULE section file for the selected wells or groups of wells.

Selected plots
This option produces hardcopy printouts (or postscript files for later printing) for the selected
wells. The files are named <wellname>_PH.ps.

Before using this option you should open a plot window for any well and set the print
file type. Refer to "Defining well trajectories interactively" on page 61

Selected deviations
This option exports deviation survey data files for the selected wells.

Check production history
This option checks the production history and perforation history of the selected wells. A report
is generated in a separate window showing the total production and injection for each well, and
indicating potential problem time periods where production or injection is recorded but the well
has no perforations.

Fix production history

This option performs the same check as the Check Production History option but moves
production and injection into time periods where a perforation exists if necessary. A new version
is automatically created for any fluid that is modified by this process. The old version can be
restored in the Production Table window.


Reference Section
Control network window

Schedule User Guide

Alias list window

This window shows the current list of group and well name aliases. The list is empty until you
export a SCHEDULE section. You can edit the aliases if necessary. Schedule uses the aliases
instead of the original names when generating the SCHEDULE section. Schedule generates
aliases of the same name as the original well or group name if they are acceptable to ECLIPSE;
otherwise it generates a legal ECLIPSE name as the alias.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Alias list window


Layer table window

This window shows the currently defined layer names and the grid K range which the layer
name defines. You can import layer definitions using the Import menu or entering them in this
To enter a new layer definition, left mouse click on the
button at the top right of the table;
this inserts a new table row. Enter the new layer name and the new K range to which this name
refers. The top layer number should be smaller than the bottom layer number. You can use the
layers to shift perforations, squeezes, etc up or down the wellbore so that they fall in the defined


Reference Section
Layer table window

Schedule User Guide

Generate Framework Dates window

This window comprises six check items allowing dates to be generated for the Time
Framework with different criteria:

Schedule User Guide

The first selection is for the percentage change in production or injection by the specified
amount excluding changes to or from zero.

The second selection is for changes in production to or from injection.

The third selection is for injection phase changes, this includes changes to or from zero
which are considered to be changes in the injected phase to or from nothing.

The fourth selection is for changes in the production flow to or from zero.

The fifth selection is for any changes in THB.

The sixth selection is for any changes in BHP.

Reference Section
Generate Framework Dates window


Time framework window XYZ

This window defines the basic time framework for the generated SCHEDULE section.
Each line in the table defines a starting date and the time interval for a simulation report time
step. You can add more time steps for events depending on the choices made in the Event Shifts
You can add more lines using the Insert Period button. The intervals and event time choices
range from the date specified on the new line until the date specified on the next line.
You may use symbolic dates in place of actual dates. The actual dates that will be substituted
for these macro dates are shown in the bottom half of the time framework window. These dates
represent the earliest and latest dates in the events and production history records.

Event shifts column

This column allows you to choose when Schedule will add additional time steps if certain events
If Apply is chosen, all the time shift criteria associated with the events are applied. This can add
time steps at the event time or have the event shifted to an earlier or later existing time step.
If Ignore is chosen, all the events create a time step at the event time.
If Custom is chosen, a new panel is displayed that allows you to determine the behavior based
on event type.

Panel buttons
This option inserts a new row in the time framework table.

This option removes the current row from the table.

Based on event type.

Panel date fields

First production history [SPH]
This field indicates the first data where production history occurs. It is not editable and is set as
the production history is imported.


Reference Section
Time framework window XYZ

Schedule User Guide

Last production history [EPH]

This field indicates the last data where production history occurs. It is not editable and is set as
the production history is imported.

History start [SOH]

This field allows you to define the date associated with the symbol SOH. By default it is set to
the start of production history [SPH].

History end [EOH]

This field allows you to define the date associated with the symbol EOH. By default it is set to
the start of the prediction period, minus 1 day.

Prediction start [SOP]

This field allows you to define the date associated with the symbol SOP. By default it is set to
the last date where production history is recorded, plus 1 month.

Prediction end [EOP]

This field allows you to define the date associated with the symbol EOP. By default it is set to
the start of the prediction period, plus 1 year.

You can use the acronyms in square brackets after each field wherever a date must be
entered in Schedule. For example, a Perf can be given the date SOH. You can, also,
use the acronyms in conjunction with a simple date offset expression. Date acronyms
and offsets have the following form: ACRONYM +/- NUMBER YEAR/MONTH/DAY


Two additional date acronyms are defined by the first and last rows of the time
framework table. They are SOS (start of simulation) and EOS (end of simulation).
You can, also, use these acronyms in the date fields.

At the bottom of the panel there are the usual OK, Apply, Cancel and Help buttons. Amongst
them there is the additional button DATES. This opens the Framework Dates panel.

Framework dates panel

This panel has a table listing additional time framework dates together with an associated
description string for each date. You can enter extra dates and descriptions with a mouse click
on the
button at the top right of the table; this inserts a new table row. These dates are added
to the dates generated by the Time Framework panel.
You can generate these additional dates automatically from the Generate Framework Dates
panel, obtained from the main menu with Data | Generate Framework Dates.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Time framework window XYZ


Simulation options window

You can use the Simulation Options window to control how Schedule generates the
SCHEDULE section.

Eclipse version
This option controls the way Schedule generates keywords. The keywords are generated for the
indicated ECLIPSE version. The ? choice means to use the most recent ECLIPSE version.

Layer shifting
This option controls how Schedule implements layer shifting. The three choices are:

Simple shift
Each event is shifted into its designated layer. Any portion of the event that extends outside of
the layer is then removed. The program makes no attempt to keep the relative positions of
different events.

Relative shift
All of the well events for the designated layer are examined before any event is shifted. The
lengths and relative positions of the events are then maintained when any event is shifted.

Linear scaling
All of the well events for the designated layer are examined and the total range is determined.
This range is then mapped on to the range of the layer and all events are scaled into the layer
range. This preserves the relative location of events but the length of the event may change.

Suppress CF
If this option is set to Yes, the connection factor is not included in COMPDAT* keywords.

Suppress skin
If this option is set to Yes, the pseudo skin (taking into account partial penetration, deviation
and mechanical skin) is not included in keywords.

Suppress history
If this option is set to Yes, no WCONHIST or WCONINJE keywords are generated.

Suppress history after SOP

If this option is set to Yes, no WCONHIST or WCONINJE keywords are generated after the Start
of Prediction (SOP) date.


Reference Section
Simulation options window

Schedule User Guide

Suppress connections
If this option is set to Yes, no COMPDAT* keywords are generated. It also suppresses error
messages that warn that a well has production flow but has no connections to the grid.

Suppress comments
If this option is set to Yes, comments are not generated in the output file.

Suppress warnings
If this option is set to Yes, warning messages are not generated in the output file. Warnings
result when data are modified (for example by layer shifting), or when some potentially
significant situation is detected.

Suppress errors
If this option is set to Yes, error messages are not generated in the output file. Errors are
considered to result from detecting a situation where ECLIPSE is unable to run with the
produced SCHEDULE section.

Use trajectory perms

If this option is set to Yes, the permeabilities for the connection factor are taken from the
trajectory data. If it is set to No, the permeabilities in the INIT properties are used.

If this option is set to Yes, the WEFAC keyword is generated and production rates are modified
If this option is set to No, WEFAC is not generated and the rates are the daily average for the
current time period.

Ignore NTG
If this option is set to Yes the NTG term is not used in calculating the connection factor; an NTG
of 1 is used instead.

Perf% threshold
If defined (0 < threshold 100), any perforation which is smaller than this percentage of block
size is ignored. A warning is generated in the output file when a perforation has been ignored.

Perforation length threshold

If defined, any perforation which is less than this length is ignored. A warning is generated in
the output file when a perforation has been ignored.

Generate COMPVE
If this option is set to Yes, the COMPVE keyword and associated data is generated. Refer to
"SCHEDULE section file using simulation option COMPVE" on page 348.
Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Simulation options window


COMPVE min. Z delta

COMPVE data is not generated for any connection that covers less than this Z distance. You can
use this setting to prevent Schedule generating COMPVE keywords for horizontal wells.


Reference Section
Simulation options window

Schedule User Guide

Events viewer window

This window displays the list of events and keywords associated with an item. It allows you to
edit, create and delete events or keywords.
The left side of this window shows a time-ordered list of events associated with the item. The
contents of this list are controlled with the View menu options (see "View menu" on page 190.
If you move the mouse over this portion of the window the status line (at the bottom of the
window) indicates the event name and the date.
A keyword name is preceded by a (T) if it is a template, or an (M) if it is a macro. Macros and
templates are described below.
Clicking on an event displays the event details in the right side of the window. The contents of
this panel vary depending on the event or keyword, but all allow entry of the date when the event
becomes active and all have a comment field that you can use to enter any explanatory data. The
comment field is included as an ECLIPSE comment in the generated SCHEDULE section.

Event status
The top line of each panel shows an event description and an indication of the status of the event
or keyword. Possible values for the status are:




Templates are keywords that are used to fill in any missing data for internally-generated
keywords. The FIELD item has default templates for several keywords. When a template is
created, you may enter as many or as few values as you wish. The Name Pattern field in the
template can be used to match the well names where the template applies. A wild card (the *
character) in the name pattern matches any sequence of one or more characters in the well name.

Macros are keywords that are propagated to items lower down the network. Entering a well
keyword as a macro in the FIELD item results in the keyword occurring in all wells on the date
specified. The Name Pattern field in the template can be used to match the well names where
the macro applies. A wild card (the * character) in the name pattern matches any sequence of
one or more characters in the well name.

This keyword is generated internally by Schedule. It is deleted and regenerated the next time the
SCHEDULE section is exported. Internal events are not saved with the project. If you edit an
internal event, it loses the internal status and becomes a normal keyword.

Schedule User Guide

This could generate a keyword conflict the next time the SCHEDULE section is

Reference Section
Events viewer window


New menu
The options available under this menu vary depending on the selected item type. In general this
menu allows you to create a new event or keyword. Completion events (perforations, squeezes,
etc.) appropriate to the type of item selected are listed here.
All events have a Shift Direction field with choices of Earlier, Later or None. This choice
controls the direction in which the event shifts if event shifting is applied in the Time
Framework panel. The None choice means that the event should not shift; a time step should
be created at the event time instead.
If the event has a Branch field the specific branch of a multi-lateral well that the event occurs
on may be specified. If the event occurs on the main stem leave this field blank. Enter only the
branch portion of the lateral. For example, if a perforation occurs on Well1%Branch1, enter only
Branch1 the part of the name referring to the stem is assumed.
The Top Depth or Bottom Depth fields in events may be defaulted (left blank). The default is
to use the point where the well enters and leaves the grid. If you specify a layer with the event,
the defaults are the minimum and maximum values for the layer.
The layer field may be specified as a name or as a grid cell K range. For example, the layer may
be either SAND_1 (where SAND_1 is defined in the layer table as 2-3) or as 2-3 - both would
restrict the event to lie in layers two to three inclusive.
If the Keyword choice is selected, a panel is displayed listing all of the available keywords for
the selected item.
If keywords for the FIELD item are being viewed the option to create a WLIST keyword will
be present. Selecting this option allows the selection of any of the well keywords and the
resulting Keyword Entry panel includes a field to allow the name of the WLIST which the
simulator should use with this keyword.
The User event is available for all types of items. Text entered as a user event is inserted
verbatim into the generated SCHEDULE section on the specified date. The user event has three

This field indicates when the text is copied to the output file.

This field defaults to User but may be changed to reflect the purpose of the event. The
new identifier is shown in the Event List in the left window.

This field is copied to the output file.

For the FIELD and groups, there are options to create both macros (see "Macro" on page 189)
and templates (see "Template" on page 189).

View menu
This option allows you to choose whether or not to display completion events (such as
perforations, squeezes, etc.) in the Event List.


Reference Section
Events viewer window

Schedule User Guide

This option allows you to choose whether or not to display keyword events (such as
WCONHIST, COMPDAT) in the Event List.

This option allows you to choose whether or not to display internally generated keywords in the
Event List.

This option allows you to choose between showing the keyword name or a short description in
the Event List.

Undo edits
This option tracks most events so that the changes can be undone. This menu option displays a
list of edits for the currently displayed event. Clicking on an unwanted edit and pressing the
Undo button undoes that edit. Clicking the Undo-To button undoes all edits more recent than
the one selected, and also the selected edit itself.

This option deletes the currently displayed event.

This option is only available if the current keyword has a list of associated keywords (for
example ACTION). Selecting this option allows you to enter and edit the associated keywords.

Event editor
This option displays on-line help for the Events Viewer window.

Current event
This option displays on-line help for events. If the currently displayed event is an ECLIPSE
keyword, online help is not displayed.

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Reference Section
Events viewer window


Production history graph window

This window shows a graph of well or group production history.
Figure 5.1 Example plot

Graph title

Menu Bar

Status line


Navigation graph

Tool bar

Main graph

Reference Section
Production history graph window

Resize bar

Legend: Plot

Schedule User Guide

Toolbars contain small buttons containing pictures that represent an operation, for example a
magnifying glass for zooming. A line of text describing the action of the button is displayed as
fly-by help on the bottom of the window containing the toolbar whenever the mouse passes over
the toolbar.
To use the toolbar, simply click on one of the toolbar buttons. Some buttons have an immediate,
once-only effect. Others put the graph into a specific mode, such as editing. In these cases the
button remains depressed until it is clicked on again. In one of these modes, when the mouse
enters an area of the screen where the mode has some meaning (for example over a graph when
in rubberband zoom mode) the cursor changes to indicate the mode. The cursor has a hotspot,
usually near the top left corner, that corresponds to the mouse position.
Toolbars are usually drawn along the top of the graphical area.

Graph attributes
You can control the properties of the graphical lines, text, axes etc. using various dialog panels
described later. These are invoked in various ways, for example by double-clicking on an item
in a legend to bring up the style panel for that data plot.

Status line
The status line has two fields where messages, mouse positions and the current plot mode are
reported. It is normally positioned at the bottom of the window.

Graph title
The graph title annotates the graph. You can edit the title by double-clicking on the title text.
This will display an edit text box containing the current title. To change the title, type the new
title into the text box and press Enter.

Navigation area
This graph shows the position of the zoomed data relative to the complete data range. You can
zoom, unzoom or pan the main graph using the navigation graph.

The legend indicates the active plot and labels it. A copy (clone) of the legend may be placed
on the graph by dragging the legend title and releasing the mouse in the required position. The
copy may then be moved, resized or deleted by dragging it to the dustbin. The copy keeps up to
date with the master legend. Also some main graphs may have a fixed legend between the title
and the grid area.

Active plot
Clicking on a legend item makes the corresponding plot the active plot. Double-click to display
a panel for changing various attributes such as line and plot style.

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Reference Section
Production history graph window


Resizing items
The main graph, navigation graph, legend, caption and small graphs are resizable using the grey
resize bars separating them. Mouse down on a bar, drag to the new position and release.

Deleting items
You can always use the dustbin to delete captions, legends navigation graphs, and small graphs.
Simply drag the item by its title to the dustbin and release. In fact this only removes these objects
from the display - they can be brought back into view via the Graph Configuration panel, if


Reference Section
Production history graph window

Schedule User Guide

Menu options
This section describes the standard menu functions. These appear under the File, Edit, View,
Graph or User menubars. The more frequently used functions also have associated toolbar
buttons, which are shown next to the functions.
Options that can result in changes to the data appear on the Edit menu. Options related to display
of data are on the View menu. The Graph menu has controls for interacting more generally with
a plot, and the User menu contains several user configuration options.
Menu items corresponding to a plot mode often have special cursors associated with them.
This gives a visual clue as to what functionality the plot is supporting. The current mode is also
displayed in the status line.

File menu
Most of the usual file control operations are performed from this menu item, the most important
of which are the various Print options.

Print Preview...
This opens a preview window showing approximately the final appearance of the printer output
using the current settings.

The Change Mode button selects one of two modes, one to print just the main workspace,
and the other to print all of the window.

The Edit Layout button opens the Print Layout panel.

The Print button starts print using the mode, layout, type and printer selected.

Print Setup... (PC only)

This is the standard Windows setup dialog, allowing selection of the default printer and also
paper orientation.

Print Layout...
This opens the Print Layout panel, which is used to specify various aspects of the print output,
especially the datestamp appearance. There are also controls for aspect ratio and scaling of
See "Print layout panel" on page 200.

Print Type...
This opens the Printer Drivers panel, which allows selection of the type of printer or driver the
graphics image is sent to. The various output options are specified in the ECL.CFG file.

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Reference Section
Menu options


See "Select Printer Type panel" on page 201.

Print Window
Print Window prints all the contents of the plot window, that is the main graph plus all
information windows and small graphs.

Print Graph
Print Graph prints just the contents of the main plot window.

Print Pictures
Print Pictures prints the contents of the main plot window and of each of the small graphs, on
separate sheets.

Save to Bitmap
On a PC, this copies the main workspace image to a bitmap file.

Active Graph
On a PC, this copies the active graph to a bitmap file. The active graph is the one highlighted
by a yellow border, if there is more than one graph in the main workspace. Often there is only
one graph.

Whole Picture
On a PC, this copies the whole of the graphics window to a bitmap file. Navigation graphs, small
graphs, legend and caption windows are included in the file.

Closes the graph viewer.

Edit menu
Copy to Clipboard
Main Graph
On a PC, this copies the main workspace image to the clipboard, and this can then be pasted into
any suitable application (for example Word, PowerPoint, etc).


Reference Section
Menu options

Schedule User Guide

Active Graph
On a PC, this copies the active graph to the clipboard. The active graph is the one usually
highlighted by a yellow border, if there is more than one graph in the main workspace. Often
there is only the one graph.

Whole Picture
On a PC, this copies the whole of the graphics window to the clipboard. Navigation graphs,
small graphs, legend and caption windows are included in the saved picture.

View menu
This menu contains options specific to the look of the current graph, such as zooming options.

Turns on and off the grid selected with the "Grid Property Editing panel" on page 206 selected
with the Options | Grid Settingsmenu item or by double-clicking on an axis.

Current point
Choose the current point - it is marked by a circle. Often used in conjunction with a table and
the grid setting of showing the current point. If a table is displayed at the same time then the
current point corresponds to the table row with focus. This is a useful way of quickly scrolling
a table to a particular data item.

Zoom in
Zooms in one step into the center of the plot area. The size of the zoom depends on the settings
in the Zoom Preferences panel. Plots may also be zoomed and panned using the zoom box on
the navigation graph.

Zoom out
Unzoom the complete plot area into a rectangular portion of the plot. The zoom goes out one
step for each time the button is pressed, or the menu item selected, the size of the step being
adjustable through the Zoom Preferences panel.

Rubberband zoom in
Zoom into the current plot using a dragged box. To use this, select the menu option, place the
cursor (which changes into a magnifying glass symbol) over the grid, click on one corner of
your desired zoomed area, and drag the mouse with the button held down to the opposite corner
of the area.

Unzoom completely
Completely unzoom the plot. This displays the complete data range on the main graph.

Zoom preferences...
This invokes the Zoom Preferences panel, from where the default zoom in and out behaviour
can be changed.

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Reference Section
Menu options


See "Zoom preferences panel" on page 208.

Forces a redraw of the window.

Inverts the color scheme of the graph window so that, for example, dark foreground graph colors
on a light background become light on a dark background.

Plots menu
The Plots menu lists all of the available quantities that can be displayed in the main graph.
Selecting a quantity will add it as the top plot in the main graph. If the quantity already has a
check mark beside it, selecting it removes it from the main graph.

Superimposes the cumulative production or injection over the selected quantities where

Superimposes a graph of the rates as they appear in the generated keywords, that is, the rates are
re-averaged to the simulation report time framework.

The choice Table is only available if the history for a well is in the graph. Selecting this choice
opens the tabular view of the well data.

Layout menu
The layout menu offers choices for saving and switching between user defined choices of the
quantities displayed in the graph and their color and style choices. As layouts are created they
are saved in the Schedule project. You can export them from the project using Export | Plot
Layouts, and you can then import them into other projects.

This choice saves the current selections for visible plots and the various color and style
selections under the current layout name (shown in brackets in the window title).

Save as
This choice saves the current selections for visible plots and the various color and style
selections under a new name.


Reference Section
Menu options

Schedule User Guide

The default selection for visible plots and styles. Various additional names appear here as the
Save As option is used to create more plots.

Add/Remove Components...
This invokes the Graph Configuration panel. From this, you can add or remove components,
such as toolbars and small plots from the window.

Main Title Settings...

This displays the Main Graph Title Settings panel for the main graph or workspace. The
attributes of the title bar font, size, background and foreground color are modified from here.
See "Title Settings panels" on page 208.

Small Title Settings...

This displays the Small Graph Title Settings panel for the rest of the frames on the window,
small graphs, captions, etc. As with the main settings, the title bar attributes are modified from

Modify graph title...

This brings up a simple panel in which you can edit the title of the main graph active at the time.
See "Graph title panel" on page 206.

Plot style settings...

This opens the Data Style panel for the currently active plot. Various style settings for the
appearance of the data (line, marker style and color) are modified through this panel.
See "Data Style panel" on page 204.

X/Y Axis Settings...

This opens the Axis Property Editing panel for the axis displaying the current active data,
either X or Y, depending on menu option chosen. The many axis style attributes are modified
from this panel.
See "Axis Property Editing panel" on page 201.

Grid Settings...
The Grid Property Editing panel is opened using this menu option. The grid has settings to turn
the grid on or off and change its color, and to turn the current point on or off and change its color,
if defined.
See "Grid Property Editing panel" on page 206.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Menu options


Standard graph panels

Many settings are available for the styles of plot data, axis, titles and labels. Most of the options
for such objects are set through various dialog panels, which have already been referred to
above. In this section the standard panels are described as well as some detail about how the
various settings affect the look of the graphs you see on the screen and in print. The method for
obtaining each of these panels is also described.

Print layout panel

This panel controls the font and datestamp used to label the hard-copy version of the plot. There
are also some other settings that control the overall look of the hard-copy output and font. Once
you have opened it, you will have to close this panel before being able to interact with the rest
of the application.
The settings are described below:

To select a font, click on the font name from the selection list in the top left corner of the Print
Layout panel. The currently-selected font name is in reverse video.

Datestamp position
A datestamp can be printed on the plot, at either the top or bottom of the page. The position,
usually defaulted to bottom, is selected with the switch at the top right corner of the panel.

Text sizing
Underneath the Datestamp control is the text sizing control.
This will affect sizing not of only the datestamp, but also the rest of the text in the hard-copy
version. This can be used if the default scaling is causing problems such as a text overlap.

To define the height, click in the Height text entry box and enter a value.

To define the width, click in the Width text entry box and enter a value.

Aspect ratio
This is another control that affects the look of the whole picture. The on-screen aspect ratio of
the graph or window can be preserved by checking the Preserve on Hardcopy option (the
default). However, if you would like the hard-copy output to fill the whole page, then de-select
the option to stretch the output to fit the page.

Margin size
The hard-copy output will have a margin around the actual material - its size can be set using
this text box.

The form of the datestamp is controlled by selections in the Datestamp selection lists which
appear at the bottom of the Print Layout Panel.
There are four selection lists. The current selection in each list is indicated by reversed text. An
example of the datestamp that will appear on the plot is displayed below the selection lists. Note
that any of the fields can be left blank by selecting None.


Reference Section
Standard graph panels

Schedule User Guide


No field can appear twice in the datestamp. Where duplicate fields are selected the leftmost occurrence takes precedence.

Obtaining the print layout panel

The panel can be invoked by selecting the Print Layout option in the File menu, or by its
equivalent tool bar short-cut (if displayed). It can also be obtained from the Print Preview
panel, by clicking on the Edit Layout button.

Select Printer Type panel

This panel allows you to select the type of printer you would like to send the output to. This can
be anything from directly to a Windows printer, if running under Windows, to a PostScript file
for various devices, or CGM file, also useful for importing into other packages.
Selection is made by clicking on the printer driver required, the selected driver being
highlighted by text inversion. The panel will not allow access to the rest of the application until
it is closed. Note that the exact properties of the printer driver can be altered through the
GRANULE section of the ECL.CFG file.

Obtaining the Select Printer Type panel

The menu option to invoke this panel is File | Print | Print Type... It can also be opened by
clicking on the Print Type icon in the tool bar, if displayed.

Axis Property Editing panel

The caption reports information of interest. A copy (clone) of the caption may be placed on the
graph by dragging the caption title and releasing the mouse in the required position. The copy
may then be moved, resized or deleted by dragging it to the dustbin. The copy keeps up to date
with the master caption.
This panel controls the look of axes. Each axis has its own set of properties which can be set
individually via one of these panels. There are many settings, separated onto five tabs, each
dealing with one aspect of the axis appearance. A sample axis, showing approximately what the
axis would look like with the current settings is present to the right of the tabs for vertical axes,
and below the tabs for horizontal axes.

Axis labels
There are six settings on this tab dealing with how the axis title and units appear.
The title of the axis can be changed by editing the text in this box.
A drop down list of possible units for the axis is available by clicking on the right hand box.
Selecting a different unit will change the units displayed on the axis, and transform the data to
be shown in this unit system.
Labels, show title
The display of the axis title can be switched on or off via this option.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Standard graph panels


Labels, show unit

As above, only for the Units.
Labels, axis sizes...
This option controls whether the sizing is entirely determined by this axis, or whether it is tied
to be the same as other axes on display.

Axis plots
This tab just displays the plots attached to the axis being edited. Another way to bring up the
Data Style panel for these plots is by selecting the required plot, and clicking on Edit Selected

Axis ticks
This tab controls the appearance of tick marks on the axis, and their associated labels at major
intervals. Note that the appearance of ticks also affects the appearance of the grid, if the grid
lines are visible. So, for example, switching the minor ticks off would also remove the closely
spaced grid lines associated with these ticks.
There are two versions of this tab, one for normal numerical data, and one for dates. The
common elements are described below, followed by the different settings for numeric and date
Label the ticks
This controls whether the major ticks are given numerical labels, or left blank.
Show major
This controls the appearance of the heavier ticks at larger intervals.
Show minor
This controls the appearance of the lighter ticks at smaller intervals.

All three of the above selections are usually defaulted to ON.

Elements seen only in numeric panels

Major spacing
The spacing of the major ticks is usually set automatically, but can be set to manual via this
option. Once manual mode has been set, a number can be entered into the text box. Only
sensible values will be accepted, for example, if the setting would result in too many tick marks,
it is rejected.
The appearance of the numbers labelling the ticks can be altered between normal and scientific
(that is including an exponent). Also the number of decimal places shown can be set via the up
and down buttons controlling the number. A sample format is shown below the option selection


Reference Section
Standard graph panels

Schedule User Guide

Elements seen in date panels

Time format
For times varying over less than a day, the time will be shown, and this controls its label
appearance. There is the possibility to control the display of seconds, and the separator used
between hours, minutes and seconds via a drop-down list, as with the units
Date format
The exact format of the date can be varied to a great degree via this set of drop-down selections.
The final format will be of the form xx:xx:xx where each of the xxs could be day, month or year
in several formats, and the separator can also be one of several options. Each field can also be
blank to allow shortened dates (for example 11/9, Sept, 99 or 1999). A sample date is shown
to help choose a format.

Axis range
This controls the range shown by the axis and some other related properties, such as its
linear/logarithmic setting. The complete data range of the plots attached to the axis is displayed
for information, and the various automatic ranging options can be over-ridden at any time by
explicitly typing the required range into the Visible Range text boxes.
The various settings are:
Round range
When set the range will be automatically rounded down at the bottom and up at the top rather
than being set at the exact data cut-off.
Limit range
When set, the range will never go beyond the data range (allowing for rounding if set). However,
if the data changes to include data points outside the original range, then the limit will also
change to match.
This switches the axis between log and linear display. In log display, data at or below zero is
The axis can be inverted from the usual left/right and bottom top orientation of increasing data.
This forces the axis range to allow a margin around the actual data range. When selected, the
Data Margin (%) box becomes available, and the required margin should be typed into this box.
It should be stressed that the ranging options only apply when you have not applied some other
ranging device to the plot, such as explicitly typing the range, or using one of the zoom options.
In order to get back to the automatic behavior, the Unzoom Completely under the View menu
must be applied.

Axis style
Various miscellaneous settings appear in this tab, the most important being the color. It is easy
to select the required color for the axis by clicking once on that color. This will affect all of the
elements of the axis - labels, title, tick marks.
The other options are rarely required, but are nevertheless described below:
Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Standard graph panels


Grid lines
This can be used to switch off grid lines in one direction if required, rather than the Grid Panel
setting, which switches off X and Y grid lines at once. Switching this off just removes the grid
lines associated with the ticks for this axis.
This controls whether to draw the axis line itself.
This allows control over the end of the axis line, which will probably only be seen if the major
ticks are off.
This draws a border round the complete axis.

Obtaining the axis panel

There are several ways to invoke this panel for a particular axis:

Double-click on the required axis.

Click on the axis with the Shift key held down.

Right-click on the axis, and choose the Show Edit Box option.

Use the X Axis Settings or Y Axis Settings under the Options or User menu option, if
available. This will bring up the appropriate axis panel for the active (highlighted) plot.

Data Style panel

This panel mostly controls the look of the plot trace on a graph. For each data trace, you can use
it to set the exact appearance of the line, data markers and general plot style. There are four tabs,
each of which controls a different aspect of the data style.

Line style
There are four attributes of the way the data line is plotted which can be set via this tab. The
current appearance will be illustrated in the highlighted Line Style box.
Line draw
This controls whether the line is drawn at all. For some data sets, it may be preferable just to
show the data as marked points. In this case, the line drawing can be switched off via this option.
Line thickness
A slider bar allows control over the desired line thickness.
Line style
There are currently three possible settings - solid, dotted or dashed. The required setting is
selected by clicking once on the illustration of the style, and will be highlighted by a red box.
Line color
A simple tablet of possible colors is given, the selected color being highlighted. Simply click
once on the required color to select.


Reference Section
Standard graph panels

Schedule User Guide

Marker style
This tab is similar to the Line Style except that it controls the appearance of the marker that is
drawn at each data point. The current appearance will be illustrated in the highlighted Marker
Style box.
Marker draw
This controls whether the marker is drawn at all. For some data sets, it may be preferable just to
show the data as a line with no marker. In this case, the markers can be switched off via this
Marker Fill
This controls whether the marker (if drawn) is filled.
Marker size
A slider bar allows control over the desired marker size.
Marker style
There are currently sixteen possible marker shapes, illustrated in the panel of options. The
required setting is selected by clicking once on the marker, and will be highlighted by a red box.
Marker color
A simple tablet of possible colors is given, the selected color being highlighted. Simply click
once on the required color to select.

Plot style
This allows control of the overall appearance of the plot.
Plot type
The method of connecting the data points can be selected from the usual simple straight line to
various histogram-like options. The options are illustrated in a tablet, and selected by clicking
on the required style.
By default, plots are not filled, but this option can be switched on by checking the Fill Graph
box. Note that the fill usually works by filling upwards from the X axis, but the zero point of
the fill can be moved via the Filled Y Val option in the Options menu, if available.
Fill Color
A simple tablet of possible colors is given, the selected color being highlighted. Simply click
once on the required color to select.
Fill Style
By default, if the plot is filled, a solid fill color is used, but this can be changed by selecting the
required fill pattern.
Fill style
Usually plots are not filled, but this option can be switched on by checking the Fill Graph box.
A selection of fill styles then becomes available, the current selection being highlighted in the
usual way. Note that the fill usually works by filling upwards from the X axis, but the zero point
of the fill can be moved via the Filled Y Val option in the Graph menu, if available.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Standard graph panels


This tab can be used to edit the legend text for the plot. The settings are separated into three
editable text fields, to reflect the default setting of Y title vs. X title. However, it is not necessary
to have text in all three of the fields. Note, the legend text is also editable from the Legend Text
panel. This tab also displays the X and Y data range for information.

Obtaining the data style panel

There are several different ways to invoke this panel:

Double-click on a data point.

Double-click on the name of the plot in a legend list.

Right-click on the legend list and choose Properties For...

Choose Plot Style Settings from the Options or User menu item - this brings up the panel
for the currently active plot.

Select the plot in the Plots tab on a connected Axis panel, then click on Edit Selected Plot.

Grid Property Editing panel

This panel controls the appearance of the grid for a particular plot or set of plots.
There are four attributes of that can be adjusted:
Draw grid
This controls whether the grid is actually visible or not.
Current point
This controls whether the current point will be highlighted. This is usually done with a red
circle. The current point can be selected using Current from the Graph menu, or via table
Select Grid Color
The required color is selected by clicking in the palette of colors, the currently selected one
being highlighted by a red box, and shown in the box below.
Search Radius for Points (pixels)
Relevant for finding the nearest point when you double click in the graph area - see below.

Obtaining the grid properties panel

This panel can be invoked in two ways:

Double-clicking on the grid at a point not close to any data points. The search radius will
be relevant for whether the grid or data style panel is shown.

Using the Grid Settings... option in the Options or User menu. This will give the panel
for the grid containing the active plot.

Graph title panel

This is a very simple panel allowing you to modify the graph title. There is just one text editing
box, which can be modified to the required title, including none. The rest of the application will
be unavailable until this panel is closed.


Reference Section
Standard graph panels

Schedule User Guide

Obtaining the graph title panel

This panel can be invoked in two ways:

Double clicking on the graph title to be modified.

Choosing the Modify Graph Title... option under the User menu. This will bring up the
edit panel for the currently active graph.

Legend text panel

This panel controls the content and font style of the legend that was used to invoke it.
There are three settings available via this panel:

Legend text
This is similar to the Data tab of the Data Style panel. You can type any text in here to replace
the default text, to distinguish the plot.

Font size
The size can be adjusted to one of four sizes defined in the ECL.CFG file.

Font type
This lists the font options available. Selection is via a simple button click, and a scroll bar is
provided to scan through the list.

Obtaining the legend text panel

There is only one way to invoke this panel for a particular legend. Right click in the text area of
the legend, and select the Edit Text... item in the popup menu.

Color selection panel

This panel is a generic color panel, and is used to control the color of such things as graph titles
and legend backgrounds. If invoked, it must be closed before any other interaction with the
application will be allowed.
To select a new color, simply click on the required color and then OK or Apply. Also, double
clicking on the color will select and close the panel in one action. The currently selected color
is highlighted with a red box, and also shown in the Selected Color region.

Obtaining the color selection panel

As stated above, this is a generic panel, used for different purposes depending on how it is
obtained. There are two major ways of invoking the panel:

Schedule User Guide

Double clicking on the non-title area of a Legend, Caption or Navigation graph. In this case
it will control the background color of the region.

Invoking one of the Title Settings panels from the Options or User menu item, then
clicking on Foreground or Background. In this case it will control the drawing of the

Reference Section
Standard graph panels


Title Settings panels

These panels control the appearance of the frame titles, both for the main graph and for any
small graphs, legends, etc, that may be part of the graph window layout. There is one set of
styles for the main graph, the Main Graph Title Settings panel, and one for all the others, the
Small Graph Title Settings panel. They look the same apart from their title.
There are four main settings for titles.
Text Position
The title text can appear at the left, right or in the middle of the title bar. A radio button selection
gives you control over this setting.
Font Selection
The standard sets of fonts are listed, and you may select any of them by a single click. The
currently selected font is highlighted in inverted text.
There are two colors to select: the foreground and the background for the text. Also, you may
choose to have no background using the check box. This is the default for the main graph.
Clicking on the foreground or background buttons will bring up a separate Color Selection
panel, which must be closed before continuing.
Font Size
There are five possible sizes to select for the title. Four of them are fixed in size, but relate to
the settings in the ECL.CFG file. The other setting is automatic. In this setting, the size will be
chosen appropriately to the overall size of the frame it is labeling.

Obtaining the title settings panels

The two possible panels are invoked from the User menu by choosing the Main Title
Settings... or Small Title Settings... option.

Zoom preferences panel

This panel controls the zooming behavior when Zoom In or Zoom Out is selected. It must be
closed before control is handed back to the main application. There are currently only two
settings for this panel.

Scope of zooms
Select one of the radio button options, they control how many of the plots are affected by a
particular zoom. This can vary from none, through just the axes attached to the currently active
graph, and right up to all the plots visible in the application at the time.

Zoom step size

The actual amount zoomed in or out can be adjusted, as a percentage of the total axis, via this
radio button selection

Obtaining the zoom preferences panel

This panel can be invoked using the Zoom Preferences option in the User menu, or by
clicking on its equivalent tool bar button, if available.


Reference Section
Standard graph panels

Schedule User Guide

Color legend panel

This panel allows a limited interaction with the properties of a color legend. Copies of the
legend title and units are provided for information, and the start and end values of the color
range can be adjusted by editing the Visible Range fields. Currently there is no way to change
any other properties of the color mapping, the choice of colors is fixed, and you can just adjust
the value range.

Obtaining the color legend panel

The panel is invoked either by double clicking on the legend itself, or by clicking the mouse
with the Shift key held down.

Graph configuration panel

This panel controls the overall look of the graph window, and which layout and behavior
components it contains.

Layout components are frames such as the main graph, small graphs, legends and
navigation graphs.

Behavior components mostly control whether the menu and tool bar options appear, but
also more fundamental parts of the window, such as the status bar.

There are two tabs to this panel, one for the layout (Layout Components) and one for the
behavior (Window Components).

Layout components
Small graphs, legends, navigation graphs etc. can be displayed or hidden via this tab. Simply
select the item that is going to be changed, and click on the appropriate Show or Hide button.
Note that multiple selection by Shift or Ctrl clicking is possible in the standard manner.
Changes are immediately reflected in the window layout without the need for applying the

Window components
Again a simple selection and Show/Hide mechanism is used to adjust the properties of the
window. The majority of the options control toolbar and menu options. Others include Cursors
which switches on the cursor changing shape behavior; Resize Bars which switches on the
bars between frames which can be adjusted by dragging, and also Status Bar and Toolbars
which can be used to switch these features on and off.

Obtaining the graph configuration panel

There is only one way to invoke this panel. This is via the Add/Remove Components...

Axis property panel

See "Axis Property Editing panel" on page 201.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Standard graph panels


Configuration (ECL.CFG)
The parts of the ECL.CFG file that are relevant for graph displays are the GRAPHICS2D and
GRANULE sections. The GRANULE part is mostly concerned with printer drivers, and should not
require many changes. The GRAPHICS2D section has more options that you may want to alter
to taste.


Reference Section
Configuration (ECL.CFG)

Schedule User Guide

Typical GRAPHICS2D settings










































Description of settings
There are essentially two main sub-sections, one dealing mostly with default font type and
sizing, and the other to do with the default print layout. Many of the settings can be adjusted
interactively when running the application, but the ECL.CFG settings affect the default options.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Configuration (ECL.CFG)


Font types
It is possible to have different settings of font type for different types of text seen in a graph
window. For example the graph titles can appear in a different font to the axis titles and graph
legends. The main fonts available are: HELVETICA, FIXED, TIMES, SYSTEM, ROMAN,
you can select from various text editing panels (for example Print Layout panel), and these too
can be used in the ECL.CONFIG file.

Font sizing
There are five settings for font sizes, and all text within the application will try to use one of
these sizes when writing text, depending on which one is most appropriate. For example, main
titles will usually try to use the Large setting, whereas axis titles will try to use Medium.
Depending on your machine, you may need to adjust these settings to create a well proportioned
font layout.
The FIXEDFONTS setting is a more general control over the way text is sized. With the
FIXEDFONTS setting TRUE, any text will try to stay at the appropriate size, and if necessary
and possible, it may force other components to resize in order to attain the required size. With
the FIXEDFONTS setting FALSE, text will change size (shrink or expand) to fill the space

Date and time format

The DATE and TIME settings provide a way of adjusting the default display of dates etc on axes.
With the setting shown above (DD/MM/YY) then the date will appear as in 20/7/99. However
reversal of day and month can be easily set, or more complex date display achieved by altering
this setting. For example, MMM DDTH, YYYY would give July 20th, 1999. A good way of
finding out what is available is by experimenting with the date and time settings in the Axis
Style panel for a date axis.

Hardcopy subsection
The controls here correspond exactly with the controls on the Print Layout panel, and set the
defaults for printing. These can be overridden at any time when printing a specific graph. See
the relevant dialog description for the meanings of all the settings.
The table and graph are linked so that clicking on a point in the graph will scroll the table to that
sample (this assumes that the graph menu choices for Set Curr Pt. and Show Curr Pt have
been set). This allows both identification of anomalous data points in the graph and accurate
correction in the table display


Reference Section
Configuration (ECL.CFG)

Schedule User Guide

Production history table window

This window shows a table of the production and injection history for a well. The dates for
history samples are shown in the left column. A new sample is shown for any date where there
is a change in one of the viewed phases. The default display shows oil, water and gas rates for
production wells and water and gas injection rates for injection wells. Schedule remembers the
types of data selected for viewing and subsequent attempts to display the production history
table display the same types of data. For example, if you choose not to display water data in the
table - subsequent production history tables open showing only oil and gas.

Add date
This option allows you to add a new date into the sample list. A new row will be inserted in the
table for the date entered. The new row will have the same history values as the previous date.

Delete date
This option deletes the current row (the row with the blinking cursor in one of the cells). All
samples on this date are discarded. The deletion happens immediately and is not reversible.

The options available in this menu depend on what data is available for the well. The menu lists
all phases for which there is historical data.

Create version
This option creates a version of a selected flow type. Creating a version copies the existing data
to a new name with a version number extension. This allows you to edit the data without losing
the original data.

Revert to
This option restores a previous version of the data.

Delete sample
This option deletes data types - you can use this option to delete versions of the data if you no
longer wish to keep them as part of the project.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Production history table window


Completion diagram window

This window shows the perforations in a well against time and/or the connections to the grid.
The X axis depicts time and the Y axis depicts MD in the well. The Y axis can be annotated with
either MD or with I, J, K grid indices.
The diagram shows the path trajectory through the grid for all branches if the well is a multilateral. The perforations and connections are only shown on the branch or branches associated
with the selected simulation well model.
The production history for the well is usually shown below the perforation diagram. The
production history indicates the total volume of oil, water and gas in the time period. Oil is
shown in black, water in blue and gas in red. If injection exists for the well, the production is
shown above the X axis and injection volumes below. The X axis is placed at the bottom of the
graph if no injection exists, and at the top if only injection exists.

There must be enough data present in the project to calculate grid connection
information, to make annotation of the Y axis using I, J, K grid indices possible.

Perforations are shown as cyan rectangles, squeezes as magenta rectangles.

Grid connections are displayed as colored vertical lines drawn at the date the connection is
changed. Open connections are drawn in green and closed connections are drawn in red. Small
yellow boxes are drawn to indicate the time and top MD of various events (if the event does not
have a top MD the box is drawn at the top of the wellbore). Clicking on the box displays the
event window for the chosen event.

Toolbar buttons
The toolbar on this window contains only one button,

, which may or may not be active. If

the parameters controlling the grid connection model are changed, this button becomes active
and turns green. Click on the button to trigger recalculation of the connection information for
the displayed well and refresh the graph with the new information.

File menu
Plot all
This option is only present if the completion display window has been opened for a group.
Choosing this option produces a plot file for each well in the group. The plot files are named


You should first set the print type using the Print | Print Type option

Reference Section
Completion diagram window

Schedule User Guide

Print preview
Shows a preview of the print.

Print layout
Allows text fonts and size to be altered.

Print setup
Allows the printer and paper to be altered.

There are three options:
Print window
Prints the all the window contents to the currently selected printing device or file.
Print graph
Prints the graph image in the window to the currently selected printing device or file.
Print type
Allows the output format to be changed. You can set this option to be a printer or to print to a
file. If a file type is selected then the Print menu option requests a filename using the standard
file dialog panel.

View menu
This option removes the connection information from the display, leaving only MD and
perforation information.

Choosing this option adds connection information to the display wherever possible. The Y axis
changes from MD to I, J, K and red/green lines are added to show connection locations in the

Internal events
This option allows you to choose whether or not to display times where internally generated
keywords occur. These internal events are displayed as small black rectangles on the graph.

Flow diagram
This option toggles a simple graph of well production and injection history below the
completion diagram. Oil (black), Water (blue) and Gas (red) are displayed in a bar graph that
shows the total volume of each component. Production occurs above a center line while
injection is drawn downwards from the line. The center line may be shifted if production or
injection is not present. All components are drawn in simple volume units so gas tends to
dominate the flow display. However, you can use the menu item Flow Diagram Factors to
multiply the oil, water and gas volumes in the display so as to make them comparable. You can
also use these to view only the oil, water or gas in the flow diagram.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Completion diagram window


This option triggers recalculation of the connection information for the currently displayed well.
The option is only available if the display is out of date with respect to other well information.
This can occur if an event is edited while the completion display is open.

Flow diagram factor

This option sets the multipliers for the oil, water and gas in the flow diagram. This allows oil,
water or gas to be displayed alone, or any combination of the three. You can use the gas
multiplier to reduce the gas volume in the display to a fraction nearer to reservoir conditions.

Wellbore menu
This option is only present if the completion display window has been opened for a group.
The menu consists of the well names in the group (and in subordinate groups). Selecting a well
name changes the display to show the completion diagram for that well. If more than 10 wells
are present, the menu item, More wells pops up a list of all the wells.


Reference Section
Completion diagram window

Schedule User Guide

Multi-segment well window

This window shows the current multi-segment well information for a well. It allows you to
create and edit the multi-segment well model data. If a well has multi-segment data available
when the SCHEDULE section is generated, WELSEGS and COMPSEGS keywords are written to
the SCHEDULE section.

There must be enough data present in the project to calculate the multi-segment data.
The required data are: tubing information, well trajectory data and perforation

When the Segment Create panel is first opened the table either contains previously built
segment data or is empty. To build the initial data click on the Build button in the top left corner,
Schedule examines the tubing, trajectory and perforation data and builds a default segment
model. You can edit this model by:

Inserting or deleting segments

Changing the measured depth of the segment nodes.

To insert or delete a segment click on the edit tab at the left of each table row. A small menu
appears that allows you to split a segment into two equal length segments or to delete the
segment. When a segment is inserted or deleted the characteristics of surrounding segments
are recalculated.

If you change the measured depth of a segment you can have the characteristics for the
segments recalculated by pressing the Calculate button. This results in the volumes for the
segments being updated to reflect the edit locations.

Pressing the Clear button in the top left corner deletes the segment data. Schedule no longer
generates WELSEGS or COMPSEGS keywords for this well if the data is cleared.

Reading the table columns

The multi-segment data table contains 10 data columns. They contain the following
Table 5.1

Schedule User Guide

Multi-segment data table contents


Column contents


Segment number for the segment node.


Branch number on which the segment number occurs and, a textual description of the
branch made up from the names of any inflow devices and tubings around the segment


Outlet segment node for this segment


Measured depth of the segment node (or the tubing depth if the tubing zero point has
been offset from the zero MD point)


True vertical depth of the segment node.


Hydraulic diameter of the segment - this is a function of the diameter of the outer tubing
and the diameters of any internal tubing.

Reference Section
Multi-segment well window


Table 5.1

Multi-segment data table contents (Continued)


Column contents


Roughness for the segment. This is a function of the inner roughness of outer tubing and
outer roughness of inner tubings.


Cross sectional area for the segment.


Volume of the segment


Information giving a reason why Schedule placed a segment node at this position. This
column can be blank for user-created segments and short segments created to model
chokes. The outflow node of a choke is not annotated.

Entry fields
There are three numeric data entry fields at the top of the window which condition how the
segment model is built. All three can be left blank if desired. The three fields are:

Min. segment length

This field controls the minimum segment length created by Schedule to honor perforation
locations. Segments shorter than this minimum may be created for other reasons, but segments
created to honor cell connections are amalgamated into longer segments.

Max. segment length

This field controls the maximum segment length in the model. After the default model is built
each segment (except the first BHP reference segment) is examined. If it is longer than the
maximum length entered here, the segment is split in two. This continues until all segments are
less than the maximum length.

Tubing zero MD
This field allows you to set the zero length tubing reference point with respect to the measured
depth system.

File menu
This closes the Segment Editor window.

View menu
Measured depth
The option displays the measured depth of each segment node.


Reference Section
Multi-segment well window

Schedule User Guide

Tubing depth
Select this option to display the tubing depth of each segment node in the table - it is a simple
offset from the measured depth.

Panel buttons
Click on this button to close the Segment Editor window.

Click on this button to bring up this page in the online help viewer.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Multi-segment well window


Extract data panel

This panel allows you to choose which types of data should be extracted from keywords
imported using the Import | Schedule Section menu choice. The panel contains one text entry
field and five buttons which determine the data extraction activities.

Extract data for field

This field allows you to select which wells are examined when data is extracted. The default is
to extract data for all wells, but you can enter a well name to extract the data for that well only.

Extraction buttons
Extract trajectory
This button opens the Trajectory Extraction Control panel.

Note that this button choice is only available if a grid has been imported. The title of
the window is the name of the well to extract.

The IJKs for the trajectory are obtained from the COMPDAT/M/L keywords. The Well top is
obtained from the WELSPECS/L keyword. As the order of keywords in a SCHEDULE section
is date order, the IJKs must be re-ordered in terms of depth. The grid is used to order the IJKs
by trying to locally minimize the length of the trajectory. This ordering may lead to ambiguities
and you should examine the trajectory in the 3D Viewer and in the Trajectory Editor to
confirm that the ordering is correct.
To correct errors, extract a deviation survey from the trajectory (see "Build deviations" on
page 221), and then edit it in the 3D Viewer. You can also edit the trajectory in the Trajectory
Editor table and the geometry re-calculated. As there are three methods that you can select to
perform the ordering, when a failure occurs you should try an alternative method. Different
wells may respond better to different methods.
Schedule initially extracts the trajectory as a faithful representation of the ECLIPSE data. Thus
the direction of the trajectory is entirely specified by the direction in the COMPDAT keyword.
You can then use this trajectory to extract the events (see "Extract events" on page 222). If you
then use these events to generate keywords, the COMPDATs should be the same, although the
connection factors may differ, as there is no attempt in this version to reproduce them.
Alternatively the trajectory may be smoothed
See "Generate new measured depths/Use previous measured depths" on page 220).

Generate new measured depths/Use previous measured depths

This toggle button allows the trajectory to be rebuilt or smoothed with or without recalculating
the measured depths stored in the trajectory. This may be useful if the trajectory is being altered
after the extraction of events (see below).


Reference Section
Extract data panel

Schedule User Guide

Measured depth zero at grid entry/Measure depth grid TVD at entry

This toggle button allows the specification of the initial measured depth reference point for the
case when the measured depths are being generated.

Measure depth offset

This is available when Measured depth grid TVD at entry is selected. This adds the specified
amount to the generated measured depths.

Ordering IJks
There are three options for the method that is used to order the IJKs as obtained from the
COMPDAT list to produce a trajectory.
Closest faces ordering method
The distance from the exit face of the cell to the entry face of the next cell is minimized to obtain
the next cell.
Centre distance ordering method
The distance from the center of the cell to the center of the next cell is minimized to obtain the
next cell.
Nearest IJK ordering method
The distance from the center of the cell to the center of the next cell, assuming a cubic grid with
unit cell length, is minimized to obtain the next cell.

Build trajectory
This button builds the trajectory. If measured depths are being calculated then these are the sums
of the lengths of the well segments within the grid cells.

The Re-Calculate Trajectory choice is not available unless a trajectory already


Re-calculate trajectory
This button may be used to re-calculates the entry and exit points from the grid cells for use in
the case when you have edited the trajectory in the Trajectory Edit panel.

The Smooth Trajectory choice is not available unless a trajectory already exists.

Smooth trajectory
This button applies a form of smoothing that only changes cell faces in cells that contact, so that
they exit from one cell on the same face that they enter the next. Cells that are more than one
cell apart are not changed. Cells that are ambiguous are not changed. Cells with NONE for a face
have that point set to the cell center.

Build deviations
This button opens the Build Deviation Control panel.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Extract data panel



Note that this choice is not available unless a trajectory exists, though not necessarily
one extracted from keywords. The title of the window is the name of the well to extract

Follow trajectory/Join centre points

This toggle button causes the build process below either to follow the path of the trajectory
exactly or to join the centers of the trajectory segments within the grid cells.

Note that the centers of the trajectory segments are not necessarily the same as the grid
cell centers if the trajectory has been smoothed or otherwise altered.

Interpolate measured depths from trajectory/New measured depths after

first trajectory point
This toggle button causes the measured depths of the deviation either to be those of the original
trajectory (which may be those previously calculated in the trajectory extraction process), or to
calculate from the distance travelled along the deviation taking the reference point as the first
point in the trajectory.

Build deviation
This button starts the build of the deviation.

Extract events
This button opens the Event Extraction Control panel.

This choice is not available unless a trajectory or grid is present. The title of the
window is the name of the well to extract. Schedule extracts only simple top and
bottom perforation and squeeze data from COMPDAT/L/M and COMPVE.


Extraction of full connection information with the intention of regenerating the

connection model in an ECLIPSE data set cannot currently be performed.

Use COMPDAT skin value

This toggle button causes the skin from the keyword to be used in the perforation event that is

Extract events
This starts the extraction.

Discard connection keywords

This discards all connection keywords. All the keywords that Schedule can use in the extraction
process are removed, other keywords that affect connections are left in place.


Reference Section
Extract data panel

Schedule User Guide

Remove old perfs and squeezes

This removes all perforations and squeezes encountered in the well before extracting new
perforations and squeezes. This prevents duplication if the extraction procedure is repeated.

Extraction from keywords

The extraction from the keywords is performed in the following way, where the format of the
COMPDAT keyword is:
COMPDAT/L/M Well-Name I J K1 K2 Flag Saturation-Table CF Diam KH

and the Flag = OPEN/SHUT/AUTO, and Dir = X/Y/Z

Then if Flag = OPEN, a perforation event is generated such that the top depth is at the top of
I,J,K1 for the grid and the bottom depth at the bottom of I,J,K2. The diameter is Diam and the
skin is either S, or zero dependent on the choice above for the Use COMPDAT skin value
If Flag = SHUT a squeeze is generated for the range of IJK, in a similar fashion to the
If Flag = AUTO there is no extraction.

Extract production data

This button opens a secondary panel that allows you to determine which keywords are inspected
to rebuild a production history for the chosen wells. The title of the window is the name of the
well to extract.

End of history date

This tells the extraction process when to stop. The End of History date in the panel specifies
the date in the ECLIPSE file at which to stop extracting rate information. This is to account for
the switch from history to prediction. The switch cannot always be automatically detected
because, while WCONHIST and WCONPROD separate into history and prediction, WCONINJE
and WELTARG do not, and may be used for both history and prediction.

WCONPROD is not extracted even if the date is set later than the first WCONPROD.

This extracts the rates on these keywords into the Schedule history data.

This extracts the rates on these keywords into the Schedule history data.

This extracts the rates on these keywords into the Schedule history data.

Extract production data

This starts extraction of the data from the selected keywords.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Extract data panel


Discard production keywords

This removes only those keywords that are used for rate extraction plus any WCONPROD
keywords. Other keywords that affect the flow rates are not removed.

Note that WEFAC is always processed.

Discard all keywords

This button removes all the keywords for the specified wells, but not the Schedule engineering
events such as perforation etc.


Reference Section
Extract data panel

Schedule User Guide

3D viewer
The 3D Viewer in Schedule defaults to a view of the well trajectory with well flow controls
such as perforations, squeezes, barefoots and plugs displayed. Only the grid cells that the well
trajectory passes through are displayed. You can animate this view throughout the history of the
well. You can also select a view of the well deviation data and the ECLIPSE connection.

File menu
Save Image
Creates a vector PostScript file of the current image.
Figure 5.2 PostScript panel

As well as allowing a choice between Landscape and Portrait and Color and Grayscale, you
can choose between Default Quality and High Quality. The difference between these options
is the way a decision is made to see if an object is in front of, or behind, another object.
The default quality option produces Postscript at the screen resolution, high quality at twice this.
The Width and Height may only be entered for encapsulated PostScript. For the other sizes,
these sliders are disabled and are used to show the page size selected.
When you click on Write Postscript File, a check is first made to see if the aspect ratio of the
3D window matches the aspect ratio of the output. If it does not match, you are presented with
three choices:

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
3D viewer


An attempt is made to reduce the 3D window to match the aspect ratio, or to increase the
3D window if the reduction would make it smaller than the minimum size. The output file is
then created.
No change of window size is made, and the output file is created.
The process is stopped and no output file is created.

The program may be unable to resize the window correctly if it is near to its minimum
size. If this occurs, you are asked to resize the window manually.

The next stage is to check if the directory entered here (or from the config.file) exists. If
not, you are asked if the current working directory should be substituted instead, in which case
the file is not written.
The last stage is to check if the requested filename already exists. You may either overwrite the
file or cancel the operation. If, however, the filename is the default filename, this check does not
take place.

If the aspect ratio of the 3D window and the PostScript output are not the same, the image
is centered on the page.

The center triangle of the ternary color legend is colored gray.

The appearance of cell outlines may not be the same as on screen, and may also differ from
one printer to another.

Transparency is a not a supported feature of PostScript, therefore all surfaces appear


Image File
This menu item allows the 3D image to be saved in various file formats.


Reference Section
3D viewer

Schedule User Guide

Figure 5.3 Write Image panel

The quality of the JPEG image can be changed; a higher quality (higher value) is likely to mean
larger file sizes. This parameter has no effect for the other formats.
When you click on the Write Image button, a check is made to see if the requested file name
already exists. You may either overwrite the file or cancel the operation. If, however, the
filename is the default filename, this check does not take place.
Table 5.2

Configuration file settings















FILENAME is the name of the file entered on the dialog panel (note that if a name is entered
without a suffix this is added automatically). The config. file name does not alter the
default file name.
FILETYPE determines the type of image selected. Choices are:

JPEG (JPG is also accepted)

TIFF (TIF is also accepted)

FILETYPE determines the 3-letter suffix that is automatically added to the file name.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
3D viewer


Choice of type of image

The advantage of JPEG over TIFF is the size of the files, due to the compression techniques
used. However JPEG is better suited to photographic images than to computer generated
images. TIFF files as generated here use the lossless run-length encoding method; the
compression used for JPEG is a lossy compression.

Hardcopy Colors
There is no dialog panel associated with this option.
This menu item switches colors between black and white for various objects, and is primarily
intended for switching between screen colors and hard copy.
If the menu option is selected (that is, hardcopy colors are requested), then the background color
is set to white and the foreground color is set to black. If the option is not selected (or screen
colors are selected) then the background color is set to black and the foreground color is set to
The various objects changed are as follows:

The background of the 3D window changes to the background color.

Cell outlines change to the foreground color.

Text used for Wells, Axes, Titles, Color Legend and 3D Text changes to the foreground

Play commands
A log of your operations is written to a command file with the suffix .CMDLOG. These files can
be replayed to restore the program to a previous state.
The file from the previous run is renamed to <application_name>_prev_run.CMD and
can be replayed using the Play Commands option. Alternatively, command log files can be
renamed as required with the suffix .CMD, and then replayed in future sessions. If a command
file is renamed <application_name>.startup, or appended to the command line with
the -play option, it is run automatically on startup.

Record 3D Position
This option writes commands containing details of the current 3D position of the object in the
view. The 3D position may be recorded in this way at any time.

Select this option to close the 3D Viewer window.

Edit menu
Edit Wells
Displays a panel listing the wells that are currently in the 3D Viewer.


Reference Section
3D viewer

Schedule User Guide

Select one of the wells and click on OK. The list box closes automatically, and the Well Bores
panel displays, giving the stem and lateral side track well bores, if any, that comprise the well.
If there is only one well currently in the viewer the Well Bores panel automatically opens.
Figure 5.4 Well Bores panel
Well Bores for [Q13]

Add Lateral







The Well Bores panel for the well comprises a list of the well bores, three buttons for
performing operations on the stem and laterals, and the usual Close and Help buttons.
The first well bore name listed is the stem that reaches the surface. The subsequent well bores
are laterals of this stem. They use the naming convention of the stem name, then a % symbol,
then the name of the lateral well bore. Thus Q13%Q18%Q29 would represent a lateral well bore
Q29, that is a side track from Q18, where Q18 is a lateral of the stem Q13. The button choices

Add Lateral requests a name for the lateral to be added then create that lateral and activate
the Editor on the new lateral.
For example, to add Q33 to Q13%Q18:

select Q13%Q18 in the list

click Add Lateral

enter Q33 as the name.

The well bore Q13%Q18%Q33 will be added to the list.

If the lateral Q33 was already attached to something within this well a pop-up message
requests whether to move that lateral here or create a new lateral.

If Q33 was the name of a stem of any well, not necessarily in the 3D view, a similar
choice to that for an existing lateral of this well is displayed.

Delete removes the selected lateral and all laterals attached to it.

Edit enters edit mode for the well bore highlighted.

Edit Table
The Edit Table is displayed for the well you are editing.
Figure 5.5 Edit Table
Q13: Edit Table
Reference Point (First point of the stem)

Schedule User Guide





Reference Section
3D viewer


Q13: Edit Table





Subsequent points below


X (ft)

Y (ft)

Z (ft)

Dist. Offset













Update View



It contains the Reference Point, which cannot be deleted, and which for a multilateral is fixed
to lie on the parent deviation. Subsequent points that are in the well are in the table, and you can
delete and move these freely. The fourth column in this table is the Distance offset along the
deviation from the Reference Point. It is not the actual measured depth associated with the
data unless this is a deviation being digitized for the first time.

If a point is subsequently inserted its Measured Depth (MD) is assumed to be that of

the next point down. The last point (or points if several have been inserted) no longer
have an MD associated with it. The MD is recalculated when you next click on the
Commit button.

The second section in the Editor menu contains the editing modes such as digitizing new points,
or moving and deleting existing ones. Once a well is selected for editing, the relevant edit modes
are enabled.
The third section of the Editor menu contains options that apply to all features and edit modes.
These options mainly serve to control the edit process.

Many of the edit modes and options are duplicated on a special toolbar which appears
during editing.

Boundaries are 2D polygons or rectangles that are used to define 3D volumes. This option
displays an editing panel, which lists the currently defined boundaries and allows boundaries to
be created, copied, edited or deleted.
Boundaries may be added to a variety of groups that are listed in the Boundary list. Different
groups are relevant to different Schlumberger applications and so the list varies from a single
item (all boundaries are added to this group) to many groups representing structural models,
structured grids, and unstructured grids. A boundary used for a specific kind of group, like
structural models, must be in the structural model list. A boundary from one group may be
copied into any other groups list.


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Figure 5.6 Edit Boundaries panel

Boundary list
The list of Boundary groups given by this list varies between applications. Some have just one
entry and so all boundaries are added to this one list. Other applications may have various lists
such as Structural Model Boundaries, Structured Gridder Boundaries, or Unstructured
Grid Boundaries. Each list has its own set of boundaries.
If any boundaries have been created for the chosen list, they are listed in the table below.

This opens the Create Boundary panel to allow you to create a new boundary.
Boundary name
This text box allows you to enter a name for the new boundary.
Boundary type
These radio buttons allow you to select the boundary type (polygon or rectangle).
Projection plane
These radio buttons allow you to set the orientation of the boundary.
Selecting OK puts the 3D Viewer into Edit mode allowing nodes to be digitized, moved and

This opens the Copy Boundary panel to allow you to select an existing boundary as a template
for the new boundary.
Boundary name
This text box allows you to enter a name for the new boundary.

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Boundary type
These radio buttons allow you to choose the boundary type (polygon or rectangle).
Projection plane
These radio buttons allow you to set the orientation of the boundary.

Copy From
This opens the Select Boundary to Copy panel and allows you to select both the boundary list
to copy from and the specific boundary to be copied.

This opens the Edit Boundary panel and allows you to edit a selected existing boundary. The
options on this panel are the same as for Create, and Copy above. The 3D Viewer changes to
Edit mode allowing nodes to be moved, deleted or added. See "Toolbar buttons" on page 178
for more information.

This option allows you to delete an existing boundary by highlighting it then clicking on

This option opens a file browser to allow you to import a boundary from a file.

This option opens a file browser to allow you to export a selected boundary to a specified file.

+ View
This option allows you to add a selected boundary to the 3D Viewer for viewing.

- View
This option allows you to remove a selected boundary from the 3D Viewer.
Copying and editing a boundary are similar to creating one, except that you must first highlight
the boundary to act on before choosing the Copy or Edit buttons. When the editor is enabled,
the existing polygon or rectangle appears, ready for editing.
It is not possible to change the plane in which the boundary is defined when copying or editing
a boundary. It is, however, possible to change the viewing direction and convert polygons into
rectangles and vice-versa.
When digitizing boundaries for structural models or grids, four corners, or major points, are
required. Major points are used to indicate corners and minor points are used for points on the
segments between them.
When it comes to gridding, the boundary is split into segments so that a boundary/boundary
intersection occurs a each corner. This ensures that the corner point is honored exactly. Minor
points along the boundary segments are not honored exactly.
Import and Export read and write boundary information from and to ASCII files.

Select this option to close the dialog.


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When an object is created, Digitize is the default mode. Points forming the object (or nodes) are
created by clicking on the left mouse button.

Digitizing major and minor points

Digitized points can be major or minor. Major points are points with special significance. For
example, when digitizing a structured grid boundary, major points are used to identify the four
corners of the boundary. Similarly, when digitizing a fault polygon, major points identify the
ends of upthrown and downthrown sections.
(Minor points, marked by smaller squares, are digitized by simply clicking the left mouse
button. Major points, marked by larger squares, are digitized by holding down Shift while
clicking on the left mouse button. It is not possible to commit an edit unless at least two major
points exist in a polygon.

When creating a polygon the first point digitized defaults to major, irrespective of the
Shift key position.


When the creation of an object does not require any distinction between major and
minor points (that is vertical fault traces, rectangular boundaries and so on) all
digitized points are visualized as major, displayed as larger squares.

Digitizing new points on an existing line or polygon

In order to digitize one or more new points on an existing line or polygon, you must first select
a line segment to which the new points are to be added. This is done by clicking with the middle
mouse button over the desired line segment. The selected segment is highlighted. Once a
segment is highlighted, further picks with the left mouse button digitize new points. Each time
a point is digitized, the display is updated to indicate the new active segment to which the next
digitized point is added.

Digitizing new points at the end of an existing line or open polygon

To extend an already digitized open line (that is to add a point past either end of an open line)
you must first select the end point to which new points are to be connected. This is done by
clicking with the middle button beyond the end of the line. The selected point is highlighted.
Once a point is highlighted, further picks with the left mouse button digitize new points. Each
time a point is digitized, the display is updated to mark the new point as the active point to which
the next digitized point is connected.

Z values of digitized points

If digitized points are added to an existing line or polygon, Z values for new points are
determined as follows:

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If the line or polygon was imported with Z values set, Z values for new intermediate points
are interpolated from the Z values of the selected line segment end points. Interpolation is
not done between different sides of a fault polygon. Similarly, Z values for new end points
are set to the Z value of the previous end point.

If the line or polygon is a fault and has been associated with a map, Z values of new points
are also computed from the map.

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Z values of moved points

Z values of any moved points are left unchanged unless the line or polygon is a fault and has
been associated with a map. In this case Z values of moved points are recomputed from the map
when the edit is committed.

Deleting points while digitizing

The Backspace (or Delete key) deletes the currently selected point. This can be done in and
out of Digitize mode.

As the most recently digitized point is typically highlighted, successive digitized

points can be deleted (undone) using Backspace or the Delete key.

When an edit session of a pre-existing object starts, this is the default mode.
Nodes and segments of an object can be repositioned by selecting and dragging the nodes or
segments with the mouse holding the left button down.

By dragging with the middle mouse button held down and the Ctrl key pressed, the
whole object being edited moves in a rigid translation.

When editing a rectangle, for example, the left mouse button selects either a corner of the
rectangle or a side. By dragging the mouse with the left button held down, the corner or side can
be moved. By dragging with the middle mouse button held down, the whole rectangle can be
moved and repositioned.

When the editor is in this mode, you can delete points by clicking on them with the left mouse
button. By holding down the Shift key as the mouse is clicked, all points between the last
deleted point and the current point are deleted.
When deleting points from a closed polygon, the choice of which points to delete when Shift
is used is ambiguous. This is because points could be deleted in the clockwise or anti-clockwise
directions. In this case, the section with the fewest points is deleted.

The Delete key (or Backspace) can be used to delete the currently selected point.

Set Major/Minor
When this mode is active, points can be toggled between major and minor by clicking on them
with the left mouse button. Minor points are marked by smaller squares. Major points are
marked by larger squares. Major points are points with special significance. It is not possible to
commit an edit unless at least two major points exist in a polygon.

Boundary major and minor points

When digitizing a structured grid or structural framework boundary, major points are used to
identify the four corners of the boundary.


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Select Pick Items

When creating or editing objects in Digitize mode, it may be useful to include points from other
objects in the new object. This can be done by selecting objects, known as pick items, which
are added to the display as pick guides when digitizing. Pick guides appear as small dots (pick
points), joined by white lines.
Boundaries, Fault Traces, Control Lines and Contour Lines (that is elements of Contour
Maps) can all be selected as pick items to create pick guides. The selection of objects to use as
pick items is made from the cascade menu Select Pick Items. Several objects (and of different
types) can be selected for an edit session.

A pick guide is not fully updated in the current 3D Viewer session. If the object which
formed the pick guide is edited, the pick guide still represents the original points of the
pick item. Deselecting and reselecting the object as pick items updates the XY values
of the pick guide. However, to correctly update the Z values of pick guides that
represent items with edited Z values, you must shut down and restart the 3D Viewer.

Pick Points
This is an option that can be used when in digitize mode. When active (checked entry) any point
digitized in the proximity of a point from a pickable object is snapped to that point.

Digitizing using multiple pick points

To insert consecutive points from a single pickable object, select the first pick point to be added
with the left mouse button and then the last point with Shift held down. This adds all the
selected pick points as minor points to the object being digitized.
Shift selection of pick points cannot be done across different pickable objects. To add pick
points from multiple pickable objects in a single operation, select or Shift select the desired
pick points from one pickable object, then select the first desired pick point on the next pickable
object, then Shift select the remaining desired pick points on the second pickable object (and
so on).

Setting major points when using pick points

If Ctrl is held down, the selected pick point is added as a major point. If the Ctrl and Shift
keys are held down, the last selected pick point is added as a major point.

Constrain Drag
Constrains the movement of a point in drag mode to one of the three principle axes.

Close Line
The option closes an open polygon. Alternatively, a polygon can be closed by double clicking
when adding a point.

Edit On
Once the editor has been enabled, this option allows to toggle between editing mode and normal
3D viewing.

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This allows the polygon or rectangle currently being edited to be exported to an ASCII file.
The Export Feature panel allows to export the file in one of two formats:

Export XY
This option opens a file browser that allows the file to be exported with only XY coordinates.

Export XYZ
This option opens a file browser that allows the file to be exported with XYZ coordinates using.

Clear Edit
This option removes all points from the current feature, including previously digitized and
saved points.

Reset Edit
This option resets the current feature to its state before editing began. The default edit mode,
Digitize, is reselected.

Cancel Edit
The current edit operation is cancelled, and the editor is disabled.

Commit Edit
The current edit operation is committed, and the editor is disabled.

View menu
Object Appearance
This opens the Object Appearance panel, which contains a list of all objects that have been
requested for display in the 3D Viewer. On this panel you can select which objects to view at
any one time.
Figure 5.7 Object Appearance panel

This column displays the names of the objects that have been sent to the viewer.

The drop-down menus in this column allow you to either Hide or Show the object.


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Render mode
The drop-down menus in this column allow you to select how the objects are visualized in the
viewer. The choices are dependent on the type of objects. Most objects have the following

Lines - This shows the objects as a framework of lines.

Surfaces - This shows the objects as solid surfaces.

Cell outlines - This shows the objects with the cell outlines superimposed on the surfaces.

Other objects have more specific options; for example, wells have the following:

Wells - This shows the wells without well labels.

Wells and labels - This shows both the wells and the well labels.

Level of detail
The drop-down menus in this column allow you to specify the level of detail required in the
viewer. If Level of Detail is not applicable for a given object, the entry only shows All.

View/Picking mode
These radio buttons reflect the current 3D Viewer mode of operation. With the Open Inventor
mouse buttons you can be in one of two modes - viewing or picking.

Selecting the arrow changes the view into pick mode.

Selecting the hand changes to viewing mode.


The mode can be toggled by pressing the <Esc> key, or by pressing the V key for view
mode or the P key for pick mode.

If you use any other mouse button settings (OIFloViz, RTView or GeoFrame, see the
Preferences | Mouse Buttons menu option), the View/Picking buttons simply reflect the
current viewer mode since view/pick mode is determined by which mouse button is depressed.


All timesteps for all time varying objects in the view are listed. It is therefore possible
to select a timestep for which there is no data for one of these objects. If this happens
you are warned and the objects closest previous timestep used.

Individual timesteps can be chosen to display from a list showing sequence number, timestep
and date. Animation of the timesteps is controlled with buttons similar to those on a video

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Figure 5.8 The Animate Time panel

The timesteps can also be chosen from the timestep buttons on the 3D Viewers toolbar.
The animation buttons let you single step forwards, single step backwards, stop the animation
and play the animation from current step to the end. Additional buttons on the 3D Viewers
toolbar let you snap directly to the first (rewind) or last (fast forward) timestep.
On the Animate Time panel it is possible to select timesteps directly from the list, so the panel
does not have the icons for first/last timestep.
The Circular Animation button sets the Play Mode to continuously loop. When Play is pressed
and the last step is reached we return to the first step where the animation starts again. By default
the loop is played 99 times before stopping automatically. This may be configured through the
use of the MAX_CONTINUOUS entry in the config file.
Figure 5.9 The timestep control buttons

First Timestep

Last Timestep

Previous Timestep

Next Timestep

Select Options to define the minimum and maximum timesteps, the timestep interval, and
the delay between timesteps.


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Figure 5.10 The Animate Time Options panel

The View | Normalize menu item opens a dialog allowing various parameters for
normalization to be entered.
Figure 5.11 Normalization panel

The first button Normalize View is a push-button and performs normalization (using the values
of the other parameters) once only.
AutoNormalize turns normalization on continuously. It can be useful when selecting individual
slices of a model to ensure each slice fills the 3D Viewer. With this option turned on, the
contents of the view are automatically scaled to fill the window. This happens every time the
contents of the view changes. With this option off, no rescaling takes place when the view
contents change.

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Rotation is always about the center of the screen.

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Seek to point
This option interactively zooms and centers the model on a point you pick. Click on the Seek
to point button (the cursor changes to a Target) and then click on a point of interest on the
model. The view interactively zooms by a factor of 2 so that the picked point is in the center of
the screen. You can repeatedly pick on the model during the zoom operation. Each time you pick
the zoom continues from the new pick point.

The S key provides a short cut to the Seek to point button


You must pick a point on the model for the seek mechanism to work. Streamlines can
be picked more easily by displaying them as Tubes (Scene | Streamlines |
Streamline Display, then refer to the Line Display section of the Attributes
folder). Picking on the viewer background will simply turn off the Seek to point

This option toggles the perspective projection on and off.

Set View
This option allows a choice from a list of six predefined viewpoints of the model.

The button colors correspond to the display colors of the axes.

This view is defined as the last view of the model defined by the mouse. The default is
30 degrees above the horizontal, 60 degrees to the left and with the model rotated 8 degrees
around the Z axis.

A view from above the model in the negative Z direction.

A view from below the model in the positive Z direction.

A view of the model from the front or positive Y direction.

A view of the model from the back or negative Y direction.

A view of the model in the left or positive X direction.


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A view of the model in the right or negative X direction.

Rubber Band Zoom

This option allows an area of the 3D Viewer to be "lassoed" with the mouse in order to zoom
in on a particular area.
When Rubber Band Zoom is invoked, the mouse cursor changes to a magnifying glass; you
define the first corner of the zoom box by clicking and holding the mouse down, and then
dragging the mouse to define the other corner. You can perform further rubber band zooms if
you wish. To exit rubber band zoom mode, click on the toolbar button again or re-select the
menu item Rubber Band Zoom.
Each zoom is stored in a list, and it is possible to undo the zooms one at a time click on the
second toolbar button, or select the Undo Rubber Band Zoom menu item or completely
click on the third toolbar button, or select the Reset Rubber Band Zoom menu item. The
Undo and Reset are available during a zoom, as well as when zoom mode has finished.
When in Rubber Band Zoom mode some functions are disabled, such as Cell picking, Set
View, Normalization, etc. However, rotation and translation are still possible.

Object Rotation
This panel allows the object to be rotated about the center of rotation in the 3D Viewer. The
buttons in the single step box allow for horizontal and vertical rotation by the rotation angle.
The buttons in the animation box rotate the object through 360 degrees, using the specified
number of iterations.

When one or more slave viewer is active, only the models in one viewer can be set in
continuous rotation (using the mouse) at any one time.

Object rotation is not the same as camera rotation performed with the camera rotation panel.
Firstly, object rotation is always about the center of rotation/zoom and not the center of the
object. Secondly, when an object is rotated it continues to be lit from the front.

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View | Object Rotation is not available with Windows 98.

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Figure 5.12 Object Rotation panel

Turns directional lights on or off. Lighting the model with several lights "shining" from different
directions produces highlights and shadows, creating a more realistic view and emphasizing
topological features such as faults. Ambient lighting is always on.

The use of lighting can increase the time taken to display the model. This decrease
in performance can be very significant when working with large models.

The Lighting panel controls the directional lights. The directional lights are arranged relative to
the viewing position at Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left and Bottom Right. Turning on for
example the Bottom Right light illuminates the bottom and right hand sides of the model, which
may help in viewing points of interest in that area.
The display becomes brighter as more lights are turned on.
Figure 5.13 Lighting panel


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XYZ Exaggerate
This option allows the application of a scale factor to the X, Y, and Z (height) directions. Vertical
exaggeration can be quickly applied to the model by clicking on the Vertical Stretch
Vertical Shrink


buttons in the toolbar.

This option opens a dialog panel with extra control over stereoscopic viewing parameters.
Figure 5.14 Stereo Panel

Checking the Stereo On box turns stereo mode on.

Various different stereo modes exist to suit the available hardware. To define the stereo mode,
set the OIV_STEREO_TYPE environment variable to the appropriate mode.

For Red/Green glasses:

Each view is rendered using the given colors.

For systems employing mirror glasses (that show one half of the screen to one eye and the
other half to the other eye):

For systems using light polarizing glasses. RAW uses OpenGL stereo and requires that your
graphics card support quad buffered stereo.

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The Balance control determines how much an object appears to protrude in front of the screen,
versus how much it appears behind the screen ("negative parallax"). At 1, the object should be
behind the screen, and at 0 (the default) it should be in front of the screen. The slider provides
a range from 0 to 2.
The Separation Offset controls how strong the stereo effect is. As the value gets higher, the
images appear farther apart. The default value is 1, and a value of 0 produces no stereo effect.
The slider allows a range from 0 to 4.
The stereo effect alternatively displays the left and right images. To view these it is necessary
to use a system such as StereoGraphics CrystalEyes. This consists of glasses containing LCD
shutters and an infra-red transmitter to synchronize the opening and closing of the individual
lenses with the image.

Refresh View
If the image does not rotate when it should or the screen goes black, select View | Refresh View
to update the image. This is to overcome problems with some Graphics cards and their drivers.
If problems continue please ensure the latest graphics drivers are installed on your machine.

Note that this command has no effect if VIEW FROZEN has been selected.

Hardcopy Colors
There is no dialog panel associated with this option.
This menu item switches colors between black and white for various objects, and is primarily
intended for switching between screen colors and hard copy.
If the menu option is selected (that is, hardcopy colors are requested), then the background color
is set to white and the foreground color is set to black. If the option is not selected (or screen
colors are selected) then the background color is set to black and the foreground color is set to
The various objects changed are as follows:

The background of the 3D window changes to the background color.

Cell outlines change to the foreground color.

Text used for Wells, Axes, Titles, Color Legend and 3D Text changes to the foreground

Flip Axis
This option reverses the X axis. It should only be used for non-ECLIPSE grids with a different


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This option reverses the Y axis. It should only be used for non-ECLIPSE grids with a different

Scene menu
This opens the Property Display panel, which is used to select the simulation property to color
the cells of the active grid. Initial and Recurrent properties are grouped into two families. Only
one of these is shown in the list at a time. If both are available, selection may be toggled from
one to the other by use of the radio buttons.
Figure 5.15 Property Display panel

If water, oil and gas saturations are available, a Ternary property is created. This property exists
at all timesteps where the three saturations are available. The Ternary property is found in the
list of Recurrent properties and is available for display just like any other property.

Cell Probe
The Cell Probe allows you to investigate a cells properties. The cell is selected by clicking on
it in the 3D Viewer with the left mouse button. If the Paint Cell option is on, the cell is painted
white. By default the I JK location of the cell, and the grid it belongs to, are reported.
To examine the cells property values select a property from the All Properties list and transfer
it to the Probe Properties by either double clicking on the property or by selecting the property
and clicking on the

button. The property name and the corresponding cell value are then

shown in the Cell Properties box. More properties may be selected in the same way.
To remove a property from the Probe Properties either double click on the property name in
the list or select it and click on the

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Figure 5.16 Cell Probe panel

The cell values update as you animate the simulation through time. Also note that the probe can
be used in sweep mode by holding the left mouse button down and moving the pointer over the
grid. The effect is to get a continuous trail of property values for the cells that have been swept
by the mouse cursor.
The Cell Geometry option displays the coordinates of the corners and the center of the
currently selected cell. The nodes are listed in an anti-clockwise direction, top face first
followed by the bottom face. For Cartesian cells we list from the top back left node, for radials
from the min. r - min. theta node.
The Always On Top option can be used to prevent the cell probe panel from being hidden by
the 3D Viewer if the two windows are overlapping.
The Print button prints the contents of the text window to your default printer.

The Threshold panel allows you to limit the cells displayed to those that have a property value
inside a given range. You can threshold on multiple properties, so that the cells displayed are
those whose property values are within the intersection of the supplied ranges. As you animate
through time different cells fall into and outside of this property range so giving a visual
indication of fluid flow.


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Figure 5.1 Threshold Properties

The list of properties featured in the All Properties list can be toggled between the Initial
and Recurrent property list by the buttons at the top of the panel.
Select properties for thresholding from the All Properties list either by double-clicking on
them, or by single-clicking them and then clicking on the
button. Selected properties are
then listed in the Active Properties list. The currently selected propertys details are listed on
the folder below. The layout of the folder differs for integer and real properties. The integer
thresholding folder allows multiple discrete ranges to be selected whereas the real threshold
folder allows just one floating point range to be set per property. Selecting a property from the
Active Properties list displays that propertys details on the folder below. Properties may be
removed from the Active Properties list (and have their threshold range reset) either by doubleclicking on it or by single-clicking it and clicking on the


The following two sections describe the different interfaces presented for integer and real

Integer properties
The Integer properties interface is as follows:
Figure 5.17 Integer Threshold panel

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Select values
The Select Values list allows multiple selection of integer values to be included in the
threshold range. The selected ranges are listed in the Edit Selection field below. This text list
may be edited directly. To select more than one individual integer from the list depress the Ctrl
key whilst selecting values with the mouse button; to select a continuous range select the first
in range with the mouse, scroll to the last in range and depress the Shift button whilst
selecting it with the mouse.
Move selection
This increments or decrements all selected values by the given amount. Selected values wrap
from the end of the list to the beginning and vice-versa.
Edit Selection
The complete selection is shown in this field. You may also edit it here.
When selected, this temporarily disables the selected propertys threshold range.
Resets the selected properties threshold ranges.

Real properties
The Real Properties panel is as follows:
Figure 5.18 Real Threshold panel

Threshold range
Allows selection of a Min and Max value that delimit the property values. Only cells with
property values within these limits are displayed.
Move range
Allows the Min and Max range values to be incremented or decremented by the given amount.
The buttons are only available when there is sufficient range to move the range values without
ending up outside of the property Min and Max values.
When selected, temporarily disables the selected propertys threshold range.


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Resets the selected properties threshold ranges.
The Control buttons act on all the properties in the panel:
Figure 5.19 Control buttons

Disable all
Disables all active threshold ranges.
Enable all
Enables all active threshold ranges.
Reset all
Resets all active threshold ranges.
Applies all changes made to the panel. Not available if AutoApply is on.
If AutoApply is on, then changes to the panel take place immediately; if AutoApply is off, then
changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the
Apply button is disabled (grayed out).
The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right
mouse button; releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply.
Closes this panel. You are asked whether you wish to Apply any unapplied changes.
Opens the online help pages.

IJK Slice

This option applies only to the grid selected in Set Active Grid.

The IJK Slicer panel allows you to view restricted slices or blocks of the grid based on the grids
IJK structure. Structured grids have a single global domain and domains for each LGR created.
LGRs can be sliced independently of the global cells.
Unstructured grids are made up from several domains around features like wells, faults and
boundaries. Each of these domains has its own IJK structure and can be sliced independently.
There is also a top level, or global domain that does not have an explicit IJK structure. It is an
internally constructed, virtual IJK grid that can be used to view the unstructured grid in a more
conventional manner.

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The Global domain is sliced by default. To slice a particular domain either select it from the
Select Domain drop-down list box or simply pick on the domain in the 3D Viewer with the
left mouse button. This automatically selects the chosen grid for slicing. Existing slicing of
other domains are remembered.
Figure 5.20 IJK Slicer panel


When slicing sub-domains, it may be useful to display only the cells in that particular
sub-domain. Use Grid | Volume of Interest | Domains to limit the domains viewed.

The effects of slicing are cumulative in that the global domain and any or all sub-domains can
be sliced at the same time. The union of the slices is displayed. The buttons Reset Domain and
Reset All Domains can be used to cancel slicing if this is not desired.
The rest of the IJK Slice panel provides three folders for controlling the slicing. The IJ Slicing
folder allows a selection of rows and columns to be displayed. These rows can be combined with
a selection of K layers set in the K Slicing folder. The Honor IJ Slicing check-box on the K
Slice folder toggles the combination between union and intersection with the IJ slices. The IJK
Extents folder allows the range of I,J and K cells displayed to be restricted to a smaller block.


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Several numbers in a row can be chosen by highlighting the first value then holding the Shift
key and highlighting the last value. All numbers in between are highlighted. Multiple IJK
numbers can be chosen by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting the appropriate numbers using the Ctrl key on an already selected row deselects it. The full combination of selected
rows is shown in the horizontal box in a short-hand form such as 1-7,13,15-20. This box can
be edited.
Use Every Nth to choose regularly spaced row or layer numbers.
If AutoApply is on, then changes take place immediately; if AutoApply is off then any changes
made in the panel are not applied until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply
button is disabled (grayed out).
The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right
mouse button - releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply.
The drop-down menu only changes the status of AutoApply on the currently selected folder, so
each folder can be set as required.

Volume of Interest

This option applies only to the grid selected in Set Active Grid.

Grid Cells
This option restricts the volume of the displayed model. Only cells in the new restricted range
will be available to the IJK Slicer. Volume of Interest may only be set on the global grid.
Changes made to the Volume of Interest panel are applied automatically. The AutoApply
option can be toggled off by pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the window and
clicking on AutoApply is On.
Figure 5.21 VOI Grid Cells panel

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Domain Selection
A domain is a named group of cells within the grid. Structured grids have a global domain and
a sub-domain for any available LGRs.
In unstructured grids, reservoir features such as wells, faults and regions are grouped into
individual domains. Each domain has an independent IJK numbering system. (This collection
of IJK numbers is mapped to a single, regular IJK grid for ECLIPSE internally by the
unstructured gridder.) There is also an unstructured global domain that does not have an explicit
IJK structure. It is a virtual IJK grid created by the unstructured gridder that allows the model
to be displayed and sliced in a more conventional manner.
From the Domain Selection window one or more domains can be chosen for display.
Choices made in Domain Selection are not applied until Apply is chosen. The AutoApply
option can be toggled on by pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the window and
clicking on AutoApply is Off.
Figure 5.22 VOI Domain Selection panel

Boundaries are used to define areal limits for structural models and grids. They can also be used
to assign properties and aquifers to particular sections of the grid. Boundaries can be created in
Edit | Boundaries. Boundary boxes may be displayed or removed from the viewer in Edit |
The window Create VOI From Boundary allows you to select cells inside or outside of a
boundary for display.


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Figure 5.23 Create VOI From Boundary panel

The Union and Intersection buttons display the union or intersection respectively of the cells
defined by the boundary with the cells currently selected in the 3D Viewer.
When assigning properties or creating aquifers in the 3D Viewer, this option offers a method to
define which cells are used for assigning the new property or aquifer.

This option allows the display of the cells to be toggled.
This option allows the display of the cell outlines to be toggled. Along with the Cells option
this enables four different display modes, from cells with outlines (good for checking
geometry), to no cells or outlines for viewing the wells.

Note that these buttons affect all grids in the display, not just the currently active one.
Use the Object Appearance panel to set the visual characteristics of individual grids.

This option opens the Cell Face Selection panel, which gives you control over which faces of
the cells are displayed or not. This is useful for visualizing the grid with the wells in situ, at the
same time, gaining insight into the fluid flow through the interior and viewing the exterior of
the model.

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Figure 5.24 The Cell Face Selection panel

You can turn the I, J and K + and - faces on or off using the check boxes.

The Clear button removes all selections and the Reset button selects all faces.


With all six faces selected, the model behaves as it does by default, by only displaying
the external faces of the model (since the interior faces are no longer visible).


Displaying many faces at once dramatically increases the number of polygons to

be displayed, and will therefore have a marked effect on the speed of your display.
It is unwise to display back-to-back faces at the same time.

Cell face selection can of course be used in conjunction with any other display option, but is
particularly effective when used with IJK slicing.

The Grid Transparency panel allows you to change the opacity of the displayed grid so that
you can see the wells in position. A value of 1.0 makes the grid fully transparent, a value of 0.0
fully opaque.

The Wells panel allows you to modify the appearance of the wells. The height of the well stem
and the well width may be changed using the Height and Width sliders. The Display radio
buttons toggle what is displayed between no wells, just the wells, and the wells and their labels.


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Figure 5.25 Wells panel

The Connections check-box toggles the display of the simulation to well connections. These
are represented by spheres at the center of cells that the well is connected to and may be green
(open) or red (closed) depending on their current status.
The Status check-box toggles the display of the wells status. This is represented by an icon that
appears at the top of the well stem. The icon is either:

An upwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently producing. The cone is colored

A downwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently being used as an injector. The
cone is colored according to the colors associated with the saturations by the
TERNARY_LEGEND ORDER config file entry (by default red for gas, green for oil, blue
for water).

Two opposing cones indicate that the well is closed.

A flat gray disk indicates the well is shut in.

The Show All Wells check-box toggles between displaying all wells and just those connected
to the currently displayed cells.
The Level Of Detail radio buttons allow selection of low, medium or high resolution. The
higher the level of detail the better the wells look, but they take longer to draw.

Changes in the Display state of the wells is reflected on the Object Appearance

The Connections check-box toggles the display of the simulation to well connections. These
are represented by spheres at the centers of cells that the well is connected to and may be green
(open) or red (closed) depending on their current status.

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Unless the ECLIPSE keyword COMPORD was set to INPUT, ECLIPSE computes the
order in which the connections occur along the well bore. This can generate strange
results culminating in the zig zagging of the wells in the 3D Viewer. If this occurs,
either rerun the simulation with COMPORD set to INPUT or set the CONFIG option

The Status check-box toggles the display of the wells status. This is represented by an icon that
appears at the top of the well stem. The icon is either:

An upwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently producing. The cone is colored

A downwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently being used as an injector. The
cone is colored according to the colors associated with the saturations by the
TERNARY_LEGEND ORDER config file entry (by default red for gas, green for oil, blue
for water).

Two opposing cones indicate that the well is closed.

A flat gray disk indicates the well is shut in.

Color Legend
These options control the appearance of the color legend. Switching between the normal
horizontal legend and the ternary legend is automatic as you choose the property to display.
Figure 5.26 Ternary legend

Figure 5.27 Color legend

Show Color Legend

This option toggles the color legend on or off.


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Color Legend Editor

The Color Legend Editor allows you to edit the position and size of the legend and also allows
access to the individual property Color Map Editors. These allow editing of the colors, markers
and method used to generate the colormap and are discussed in detail later.
Horizontal Position
Slider moves the color legend horizontally across the screen.
Vertical Position
Slider moves the color legend vertically across the screen.
Ternary Legend Size
Sets the size of the Ternary property legend.
Length of legend
Sets the length of the color legend on the screen.
The Color Map to Edit list allows selection of the property type color map to be edited. Simply
select the property type and then click on Edit

Click on the Color Legend in the 3D Viewer to display a pop-up menu. Select Edit
to open the current Property Types color map editor.

You are presented with one of the following editors depending on the property data type:

Integer color map editor

The Integer Color Map Editor provides controls for editing the color map used for a particular
integer property type. The color map may be continuous or discrete.
Min./Max. Override
Normally the minimum and maximum values for a property type are calculated over all objects
in the view and all timesteps containing the property. The Min./Max. Override allows these
values to be changed. If the minimum and/or maximum values are set inside the calculated
values, then a light gray color is used for the underflows (values less than the min. value set)
and a dark gray color is used for the overflows (values greater than the max. value set).
Overriding the Min./Max can be useful for:

Highlighting small property variations by reducing the coloration range to values close to
the variations.

Pinpointing data anomalies by reducing coloration range to show cells that are outside the
normal range for that property.

Identifying groups of cells that fall inside or outside a particular range of interest, especially
whilst animating that property through time.

Continuous Colormap
A continuous color map is shown as a smooth gradation of colors from the start to the end. The
Edit Colorbutton may be used to change the color for the start and/or end and the
interpolation method used to change the way the gradation occurs.

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RGB interpolation works by providing a smooth gradation between the red, green and blue
components of the Start and End colors. RGB interpolation is useful for providing color maps
from light to dark blue etc.
HSV interpolation works by providing a smooth gradation between the hue, saturation and
value components of the Start and End colors. HSV interpolation is useful for providing
rainbow color maps.
Discrete Colormap
Discrete color maps may have from 2 to 16 steps. If the integer property has 16 or fewer values,
the default color map is discrete.
The number of steps may be altered. If there are fewer steps than values, then several values will
be shown together. For example, if JINDEX ranges from 1 to 20 and four steps are chosen, then
the steps contain values of 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 respectively.
The color and bounds of each step may be altered. Clicking on the Edit Color button will
bring up a new panel with 48 predefined colors that may be used to change the color of the
selected step. The bounds may be altered using the Lower Bound and Upper Bound sliders,
and these automatically change the adjacent step.
Classifier Colormap
Classifier color maps allow coloring of the property by user defined classifications. You add
new classification rows to the table by clicking the Add Row button. You may then name the
classification, set the min and max range and select an associated color from the drop down list.
The Delete Row button removes the currently selected row from the table.

Real Color Map Editor

The Color Map Editor provides controls for editing the color map used for a particular floating
point property type. The color map may be continuous, discrete, logarithmic or reverse
Min./Max. Override
Normally the minimum and maximum values for a property type are calculated over all objects
in the view and all timesteps containing the property. The Min./Max. Override allows these
values to be changed. If the minimum and/or maximum values are set inside the calculated
values, then a light gray color are used for the underflows (values less than the minimum value
set) and a dark gray color are used for the overflows (values greater than the maximum value
set). Overriding the Min./Max can be useful for:

Highlighting small property variations by reducing the coloration range to values close to
the variations

Pinpointing data anomalies by reducing coloration range to show cells that are outside the
normal range for that property

Identifying groups of cells that fall inside or outside a particular range of interest, especially
whilst animating that property through time.

Continuous Colormap
A continuous color map is shown as a smooth graduation of colors from the start to the end. The
Edit Color button may be used to change the color for the Start and/or End, and the
interpolation method used to change the way the gradation occurs.


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RGB interpolation works by providing a smooth graduation between the red, green and blue
components of the start and end colors. RGB interpolation is useful for providing color maps
from light to dark blue, etc.
HSV interpolation works by providing a smooth graduation between the hue, saturation and
value components of the start and end colors. HSV interpolation is useful for providing rainbow
color maps.
Discrete Colormap
Discrete color maps may have from 2 to 16 steps. The number of steps, the color and the bounds
of each step may be altered.
Clicking on the Edit Color button opens a new panel with 48 predefined colors that may be
used to change the color of the selected step. The bounds may be altered using the Lower
Bound and Upper Bound sliders, and these automatically change the adjacent step.
Logarithmic Colormap
Selecting this option creates a discrete log10 color map with boundaries at decades. The decades
will overlap the property range at either end. If a property contains values <1e-5 they will be
colored grey. The number of steps will correspond to the number of decades the property range
encompasses and is fixed as are the step bounds. The color associated with each step may be
altered by clicking on the Edit Color button as for the "Discrete Colormap" on page 258.
Classifier Colormap
Classifier color maps allow coloring of the property by user defined classifications. You add
new classification rows to the table by clicking the Add Row button. You may then name the
classification, set the min and max range and select an associated color from the drop down list.
The Delete Row button removes the currently selected row from the table.

Ternary Color Map Editor

The Ternary Color Map Editor presents you with the three components and their Min./Max.
values that will be used to generate the Ternary diagram. Ternary cell colors are derived by
applying amounts of red, green and blue coloration according to the percentage of each
component within the cell. The first component (usually GasSat) is red, the second (usually
OilSat) is green and the third (usually WaterSat) is blue.
By default we override the components real Min./Max. and assume that each component
occupies 0 - 100% of a cell somewhere in the model, in other words that their Min./Max.
saturations are 0 to 1. This gives a balanced view of the percentage of each component within
each cell, but can make it hard to see small amounts of gas in the reservoir, for example. The
Override switch can therefore be used to toggle between this and using the Min./Max. of the
individual components.

Object for Color Legend

You may import many displayable objects into the 3D Viewer at once, several of which may
have color legends associated with them. This option allows you to select which objects color
legend to display.

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Click with the left mouse button on the Color Legend to display a pop up menu. This
menu lists all colorable objects in the display and allows you to select the object the
color legend represents.

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Show Titles
This option toggles the titles on or off.

Edit Titles
This option allows you to add titles and annotation to your 3D view. You may add as many titles
as you like by using the Add Title button. The currently selected title may also be removed by
pressing the Delete Title button.
The position, size and alignment to start position for the currently selected title may be changed
using the Position, Font and Align Text to Position sections respectively. The position sliders
have extents of -1.0 to 1.0. Fonts and text heights may be machine-dependent.
The Contents section displays the selected title text. The contents of the title may be edited by
simply typing into the text box. The drop-down list holds keywords that are translated on screen
to the value they represent. Select an entry point in the title text with the cursor and select a
keyword to add it to the title.
Titles may be defined in advance within the config file. See the section on configuring the
application for more details.
Figure 5.28 Edit Titles panel

If AutoApply is on, then changes take place immediately; if AutoApply is off then any changes
made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply
button is disabled (grayed out).
The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right
mouse button: release the button over the AutoApply option to change the state of AutoApply.


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Font Options
The Font Options panel is a generic panel used to tailor font representations for a variety of
text within the 3D Viewer.

Font family
Provides a list of fonts to choose from. The fonts available depend on the host computers
operating system.

Allows the font height to be set in pixels. The sizes available depend on the host computers
operating system.

This panel displays information about objects currently in the 3D Viewer in three folders:

This panel displays statistical information about the currently displayed property. Information
from the sum of the selected cells to the mean, median and standard deviation are given. All data
is for the current report step only.

Use the Scene | Grid | Property menu option to change the displayed property.


Information can be shown for the whole model or just for the currently selected cells
by selecting either the Whole Model or the Current Selection buttons.

This panel displays information about the numbers of selected grid cells.

With Whole Model selected the information displayed includes the global, LGR and
LGR host cells.


With Current Selection selected you can identify inactive cells by turning on the
Scene | Grid | Show | Inactive Cells option. The information then lists the number
of cells displayed (inactive + active) and the number of these that are active.

This panel displays information about the grid wells at the current date. Information includes
how many wells are connected to the selected cells and, of those open, which are producers and
which are injectors. The number of connections attached to the selected cells is also given.

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Information can be shown for the whole model or just for the currently selected cells
by selecting either the Whole Model or the Current Selection buttons.

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The Axes panel allows you to configure the display of model axes in the 3D Viewer.
The axes displayed around the model have their origin at (0,0,0) in the grid model coordinate
system. You can set the axes to be colored and labeled using the Axes check boxes. The axes
colors directly correspond to the colors on the View buttons found on the left side of the
3D Viewer, namely red for the X axis, green for the Y axis and blue for the Z axis. A full model
Bounding Box can be turned on, which fully contains the grid and axes.
Figure 5.29 Axes panel

The axes locations can be set to the Bounding Box limits with the Position radio buttons.
The Axes Extents option allows you to toggle the axes extents between that of the current
selection and the whole model. The axes update as the selected extent changes, for example by
changing threshold or slicer values.
Tick Marks and Tick Labels can be placed on the axes using the check boxes and tick mark
folders. Primary and Secondary Tick Marks can be set at defined intervals on each axis from
drop-down menus. Tick Labels can be displayed at regular intervals along the Primary Tick
Marks, set with the Label Every: drop-down menu. Control of the number of decimal places,
and whether to use scientific notation, is also possible.
The Primary Tick Marks can be extended to cover the full extent of the model by selecting
the Grid Lines box. Grid line color can be changed with the Grid Color option. The Grid
(and Primary Tick Marks) position are affected by the Position radio buttons.


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The Axes settings can be applied to the model view automatically. This can be set by clicking
anywhere within the Axes panel area with the right mouse button then releasing the mouse
button on the AutoApply is Off button. The Apply button is then grayed out and any edits in the
Axes panel are immediately reflected in the model view. To turn the automatic axes settings off,
click in the Axes panel area with the right mouse button then release the mouse button on the
AutoApply is On button.
Axes AutoApply options can be preset on or off at program startup by editing the 3D section
of the CONFIG.ECL configuration file, or its local copies ECL.CFG or ECL.CFA.

Wells menu
This menu provides a list of the wells in the current model. You can choose whether or not to
display a well by checking the menu item associated with that well. Wells currently displayed
have their menu item checked. After the last well name menu item is the item Multiple
Selector. This switches to More Wells if there are more than 10 wells the menu list. The
function of this is to pop up a box listing all the wells in the 3D Viewer. This allows a more
versatile selection of the wells that are to be displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Controls menu
Well Show Table
This option displays the table for the well object picked on, either a trajectory table or the event
table, that is, perforation, squeeze etc. If a connection is clicked on the IJK an LGR name is
listed in the 3D Viewer status display.

If there is no well trajectory at a pick point but there is a perforation or squeeze, as

might happen if there is a gap in the grid or the trajectory was extracted from keywords,
then the pick may give ambiguous results.

Well Edit Deviation

This option enters edit mode see "Editing in the 3D Viewer" on page 269.

Pick Segmentation
This option displays the Segmentation table, or first pops up a list of segments in a list near
the pick. The size of this list can be set below in the Radius/Height panel.

Refresh display is enabled if the model data in the 3D Viewer has been altered, and a refresh
of the display is required. This option is unavailable (grayed out) if the display is current and a
refresh is not required. The display may be out of date for several reasons including editing of
an event, recalculation of trajectories, alteration of a time framework, etc.
These are the timesteps as set in the Simulation Time Framework panel, which you can open
by selecting Data |Time Model.

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Z plane/Segment Pick
This option displays the Z Plane/Segment Pick panel, similar to that shown in Figure 5.30.
This allows you to change the height in true vertical depth of the Z clipping plane. The option
removes from the display any part of the well above the plane. Whenever this panel is opened
the clipping plane is removed; click Apply to re-apply the current settings or to introduce the
clipping plane for the first time.
A second slider specifies the Segment Threshold Pick Distance. As segments may be very
close together, this specifies the distance the segments may be from the pick that are listed
together in a pop-up list. A value of zero lists all the segments attached to a particular well bore.

The blue projection of the well above the grid is purely for visualization purposes. It is
not part of the trajectory, which can only exist in the grid. It is colored differently to
the body of the trajectory, which is gray to clarify this.

Figure 5.30 The Z Plane/Segment Pick panel

Toggle Cell Columns

This option displays the cells for all values of K for each cell the well goes through; that means
the grid cells from a curtain view along the well trajectory. This allows the properties above and
below the immediate cells that the well passes through to be viewed, which can be useful for
creating a well for sensitivity analysis. See "Editing in the 3D Viewer" on page 269.

Move well points to cell centers

This option is only available in edit mode. It moves cells in the edited deviation to the centre of
grid cells. See"Editing in the 3D Viewer" on page 269.

3D View menu
This menu allows you to control the various display options associated with well completions,
well connections and well deviation as well as the complete grid.


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This option displays wells with:

the well trajectory shown in grey

the top projection shown in light blue

perforations and barefoots on the well shown in green

squeezes and plugs displayed in red

if segmentation is available then segment nodes are shown as pale yellow discs


There is also a blue core within the well, which is not usually seen. This core is present
to show how disconnected sections of a wells trajectory are joined together.
Disconnected well trajectory sections can occur when there are gaps in the grid.

This option displays wells with:

the well trajectory displayed in grey

the top projection shown in light blue

well connections with a transmissibility greater than zero are spheres shown in green

well connections with a transmissibility of zero are spheres shown in red

but for coarsened cells:

well connections with a transmissibility greater than zero a tube through the region
shown in yellow and

well connections with a transmissibility of zero a tube in orange

The well is joined from cell center to cell center. The transmissibility values are shown as text
attached to the relevant cells.

This option displays the deviation survey data for the well in magenta. This is the actual well
track that can exist outside the grid therefore the top projection is not displayed. This option is
only available if deviation data have been read into the current project. The data is not saved
with the project.

View Segment
If segmentation has been calculated for the well then this option toggles it on or off in the

Branch Names
Names of branches for multilateral wells are placed at the end of the well bore. This option can
be used to toggle these names on or off.

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Perf Names
Names of the event type, perforate, squeeze, plug, etc that appear beside an event on the date
that it occurs can be toggled on or off.

Segment Names
The segment numbers of the segments are given beside the segments. These numbers can be
toggled on or off.

Full Grid
The default view is to show only the grid cells that connect with the wells. This option allows
you to display the full model.

Preferences menu
This option shows or hides the toolbars.

Graphics Option
There is a choice between two renderers:

The hardware renderer uses the workstation platforms native graphics libraries and
hardware to draw objects on the screen.

The software renderer implements its own graphics model, drawing objects into an X
Window System image.

In general, the hardware renderer is faster. However, the native graphics facilities on many
workstations do not support all rendering features. If the hardware renderer does not support a
rendering feature such as lights, switch to Software Renderer.
The software render may be slower to draw, but it implements more rendering features than all
but the most expensive color graphics workstations. On some platforms, such as a simple color
X terminal, the software renderer may be the only renderer available.

Rotation style
While you are translating, rotating and/or zooming objects in the 3D Viewer, you can use
different methods to display the object before the final display. The less the amount of
processing to be done during these operations, the faster they are executed.

All objects in the 3D Viewer are displayed and moved during translating, rotating and/or
zooming. No objects are hidden. Cell outlines are especially time-consuming to translate, rotate
and zoom in the Unchanged mode.


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Rather than displaying and moving all objects in the 3D Viewer, wire frames for each grid are
displayed during translation, rotation and zooming. Wells are displayed as simple lines without
well labels. Streamlines are displayed as lines. The Wire frame option is less demanding on the
software than the Unchanged mode.

Bounding Box
All objects are hidden from view during translation except for a bounding box around each grid.
This is the least demanding style.

Rotation Caching
When enabled, this option stores an image of the model in RAM during translation, rotation and
zooming. This provides much smoother movement of the model during manipulation in the 3D

Mouse buttons
The Mouse Buttons option allows you to select a mode of interaction with the 3D Viewer that
suits the way in which you work. Options are OpenInventor(default), OIFloViz,
GeoFrame and RTView. All are described in detail below. Primarily, these options just set
which mouse buttons control picking, rotation, translation and zooming. The one exception is
OpenInventor which has two distinct modes for picking and viewing.
Slave viewers use the same mode as the master viewer.
For continuous rotation, keep the mouse moving when releasing the appropriate mouse button.

A two button mouse is no longer supported.

The following tables give details of which mouse buttons do what in each mode.
Table 5.3

Open Inventor settings


Mouse / key combination

Select (Picking)

LEFT (only in pick mode)


LEFT (only in view mode)


MIDDLE (only in view mode)


<CTRL>MIDDLE (only in view


When in pick mode, the model cannot be moved. Only picking is available. To toggle between
modes, either use the buttons at the top left corner of the viewer (hand and arrow), select with
the P and V keys, or toggle using the <Esc> key.

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In viewing mode, left mouse button rotates the model, the middle button translates, and <Ctrl>
key with middle mouse button zooms.
Table 5.4

OIFloViz settings


Mouse / key combination

Select (Picking)



LEFT and move mouse





OIFloViz is similar to Open Inventor except that there is only one mode. A pick is registered by
a left mouse button click, if the mouse button is depressed and the mouse is moved, the pick
turns into a rotate. In this way, both modes are available at once using the mouse.
Table 5.5

GeoFrame settings
Mouse / key combination

Select (Picking)







LEFT and move mouse

A pick is registered by a left mouse button click, if the mouse button is depressed and the mouse
is moved, the pick turns into a zoom.
Table 5.6

RTView settings
Mouse / key combination

Select (Picking)








These settings are the same as the Schlumberger program RTView.

To zoom into an object (make it appear bigger), keep the appropriate button depressed and move
the mouse upwards or to the right.

Outline Control
When cell outlines are displayed, the lines are lifted slightly above the surface towards the
eyepoint to make them visible. If, however, the model contains very thin cells, some lines may
show through from the bottom surface. This option allows you to control a scale factor for the
lift. Using a smaller value will reduce the tendency for lines to show through, although the lines
may then appear dashed when viewed at an oblique angle.


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Editing in the 3D Viewer

You can edit wells that exist or new ones created on the Command Network in the 3D Viewer.
The wells are selected and viewed in the "3D viewer" on page 225 in the usual way.

Editing wells
To edit a well you may select the well in either of two ways:

If the well already exists, click on the Edit Well button

, then pick from the
3D Viewer the well you wish to edit. The 3D Viewer then goes directly into Edit mode.

Select Edit | Wells

This displays a list box of the wells in the 3D Viewer if there is more than one well. If you
wish to edit a new well, this is the only way to select that well for editing, as there is no
option to pick on an object that does not exist. Selecting a well from the list opens a second
panel, giving the stem and lateral side track well bores, if any, that comprise the well. See
Figure 5.4. The list box for all the wells in the view is automatically closed; if there is only
one well the panel opens without first going to the Well list. The Well Bores panel for the
well comprises a list of the well bores, three buttons for performing operations on the stem
and laterals, and the usual close and help buttons. The Editor can be entered from here. See
the full description of the menu items concerned in "Edit menu" on page 228 and following

Edit mode
When the window is in Edit Mode, a table of the points to edit appears, and the 3D Viewer is
initially in a view from above. If the well is a new well the Editor is in digitize mode, otherwise
it is in Select/Move mode.

This Z plane sits just above the grid. Once the points have been drawn, use Select/Move
to move the points and flip to one of the other views from the side, or rotate the view. You
can now drag the points down to the desired depth.


You must initially digitize the points for new wells on a Z edit plane.

During this procedure the table automatically updates with the edit.

You may type in this table, and the points snap to the new location.

There are some rudimentary tools to aid the drawing of wells within particular layers. You can
import INIT and RESTART properties, and select appropriate properties using the various cell
selection methods in the Scene | Grid | Properties menu.
The Vertical Columns button
displays the vertical column of cells, from the top of the
grid to the bottom, for the cells that have a digitized point whose X,Y lies within the XY
projection on the Z plane of that cell from the surface layer of grid cells.
Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Editing in the 3D Viewer



The effect of the Vertical Columns button

is slightly different from that outside
the Edit mode, where the columns of intersected cells are displayed.

The Horizontal wells button

moves horizontal wells into a particular grid layer. When
the button is first clicked, all the points starting from the end that occupy a grid cell to
themselves (as seen from the top in 2D) are shifted to the centers of the grid cells in which they
sit. If more than one point occupies a single cell then neither those points nor any points prior
to them in the direction of the head of the well is shifted. All points after them are shifted.
A second click moves these points to the layer below. Points in LGRs are moved to the middle
layer of the LGR.

To find out which layer the points have been moved to, position the cursor over the
button. The help message states the layer number.

Finally, you may commit the edit. If the Vertical Columns button
is on then switch it off
to return to the usual view. The view is now back to the ordinary Schedule 3D well view.



Immediately after the edit the well name is not shown, nor are the blue connection core
and blue well marker at the well head in the connection view. This allows you to
examine the result of the edit without these other items in place. To recover these, click
on the GO button
to update the view.


When a well edit is committed the measured depths for each of the points is
recalculated from the measured depth of the initial point. The old measured depths for
the well are therefore discarded, except for the first point. The new measured depths
are calculated as the sum of the lengths between the deviation survey points and are
shown in the Edit Table below.

Reference Section
Editing in the 3D Viewer

Schedule User Guide

Trajectory definition window

This window appears when you choose to edit a trajectory for a well without an existing
trajectory definition, or when you choose to re-specify a well trajectory in the Trajectory

You must import a grid before you can define the trajectory of a well.

The top portion of this window lists maximum I, J and K values for the grid and for any LGRs
in the grid. The table in the center of the window is used to enter a path through the grid from
cell center to cell center. Use the Add segment button to create new rows on the table. When
the path is complete, click on the Create button, just below the table, to construct the trajectory.
Once you have defined the trajectory, this window becomes the Trajectory Viewer window.
See "Trajectory viewer/editor" on page 272 for more information.

Schedule User Guide

A temporary deviation survey is constructed on a path that is extended upward from

the first cell to a point just outside the grid, through the center points of the cells listed
in the table and downward from the center point of the last cell to a point just outside
the grid. The trajectory that is created has a measured depth equal to the true vertical
depth at the entry to the first cell.

Reference Section
Trajectory definition window


Trajectory viewer/editor
This window shows the path of the well through the grid with:

An LGR name for an LGR which starts in this cell.

This column (Labelled Edit LGR) is not blank if an LGR starts in the cell described on the
row. Clicking on the button changes the table to show the LGR cells. A button at the bottom
of the window appears, which you can click on to switch the display back to the global cells.
This column is blank if no LGR starts in the cell, although an LGR starting in some other
cell may extend into the cell.

The cell intersected.

The measured depth where the well enters and exits the cell.

The permeabilities for the cell.

If any of these are negative they are all considered to be undefined in the trajectory and
permeabilities. from the initial properties are used. A simulation option can also be set to
ignore these permeabilities. (See "Simulation options window" on page 186 for more

The Net To Gross value for the cell.

If this value is negative the NTG from the initial properties are used.

Entry and Exit X,Y,Z locations.

These are used by Schedule to take account of a deviated well path in calculating the
connection factor.

The cell faces for entry and exit.

These are used by Schedule in conjunction with the cell geometry and the angle of the well
through the cell to pick the predominant direction for the well, X, Y or Z.

The LGR name of this cell.

If this is blank the cell is a global grid cell.

The values shown in the trajectory are used to determine which cells are affected when an event
such as a perforation is mapped onto the grid. The measured depth values for an event are used
to select the affected cells and the other fields are used to calculate the connection factor for the
perforation in the affected cells. Editing the values in the trajectory can change the connection
factor. See "Calculation of Kh and connection factor" on page 275 for details on how this value
is calculated.


Editing of the IJKs in a trajectory generated from an unstructured grid is not permitted
due to the complex nature of the IJK structure. This is caused by the need for a mapping
between the unstructured IJKs, which do not lie in a logical cubic IJK space as required
by ECLIPSE and the structured version of these, for ECLIPSE, which are the ones
shown in the Editor table.

Reference Section
Trajectory viewer/editor

Schedule User Guide

File menu
This choice closes the 3D Viewer panel.

Edit menu
This option deletes the existing trajectory and deviation survey for the well or branch, and
allows you to re-specify the location by defining a path through the grid. See "Trajectory
definition window" on page 271.

Well deviations menu

The menu allows you to switch the view to show the trajectories for the main stem or individual
well branches. The menu lists the known branches for the well; clicking on the branch name
changes the view to show the trajectory for that branch.
This menu also allows you to create or delete branches. Choosing Add from the menu opens a
dialog allowing you to name the new branch. It then changes the view to the Trajectory
Definition window to allow specification of the branch path. The branch is created as a branch
of the current trajectory. That is, it creates a branch if the current view is of the main stem, but
creates a sub-branch if the current view is of a branch.
The last choice on the menu allows you to delete branches from the well. The branch currently
viewed is deleted. If the branch has sub-branches these are deleted as well.

Panel buttons
This button applies any edits made in the Trajectory table. If other viewers are open which show
the trajectory, they update to reflect the modified trajectory information or provide and
indication that the view should be updated.

This button applies any edits made in the trajectory table and closes the Trajectory Viewer.

Exit LGR
This button only appears when LGR cells are displayed. It switches the display to the enclosing
grid, usually the global grid but possibly an enclosing LGR.

Schedule User Guide

Reference Section
Trajectory viewer/editor


Input file list window

This panel shows a list of all the files that have been read by Schedule, along with the type of
data read from the file and time the file was read.


Reference Section
Input file list window

Schedule User Guide

Technical Description
Chapter 6

Calculation of Kh and connection factor

Grid connections are affected by events, and the connections affected by a particular event are
determined by the measured depth of the event. When any event affects a completion, Schedule
calculates a connection factor.
The connection factor calculated by Schedule is based on a three-part Peaceman formula which
takes into account the following factors:

the orientationof the well

the permeabilities of the grid block

the portion of the grid block which is perforated

the effective wellbore diameter in each of the orthogonal X, Y and Z directions

In addition, you may specify damage skins.

This approach allows Schedule to accurately model situations, such as deviated wells, partially
penetrating wells, and multiple perforations within a given cell, by directly incorporating these
effects into the connection factor (due to the full vector representation). Many simulators just
model these effects by adjusting the skin value.
Cell entry and exit points are supplied through the well trajectory data. Schedule uses this
information to define a trajectory vector that represents the straight line between the entry and
exit points. The perforation length is defined in the event file, so the measured depth of the start
and end of the perforation are known. With these two pieces of information, the length of the
perforation within each grid block that lies along the trajectory vector is known.
The trajectory vector is split into its three components in the local X, Y, and Z directions, and
scaled to the measured perforation length. In effect, the local X, Y, and Z directions define the
directions in which the PERMX, PERMY and PERMZ arrays are to be interpreted.
There are three user options for setting the local X, Y, Z directions:

Schedule User Guide

Cell orthogonal: local x, y, z vectors are defined as described below such that the Z
direction is orthogonal to the bedding plane. This option is the default.

Technical Description
Calculation of Kh and connection factor


Horizontal-vertical: local x, y, z vectors are defined as described below such that the Z
direction is vertical.

Cell aligned: local x, y, z vectors are defined by lines joining the centre points of opposite
cell faces. In general, these vectors will not be orthogonal to each other and this option is
not recommended; it is preserved for back compatibility with releases of Schedule prior to
2003a_1 only.

The algorithm to calculate the local x, y, z unit vectors is as follows:

Let i and j be the vectors joining the centroids of opposing faces in the i and j directions local
to a cell. The z unit vector is then calculated as the normal to the plan defined by the i and j

If the PERMX direction is assumed to be vertical (option 2 above) then i and j are
projected on to the horizontal plane by setting iz=0 and jz=0.

We now want to calculate the x and y vectors as two orthogonal vectors in the plane given by i
and j that are as closely aligned with i and j as possible. When i and j are not orthogonal to each
other, as in general they are not, we want the resultant vectors to line up more closely with the
longer of i and j, this can be achieved by rotating one of the vectors through 90 degrees in the
plane defined by i and j and adding it to the other. This defines the first unit vector in the plane.
The second unit vector is orthogonal to this one.
Mathematically we can describe the above as:
z = ij

[EQ 6.1]

x = i + j z

[EQ 6.2]

y = j + i z

[EQ 6.3]

z = z z

[EQ 6.4]

Each of these vectors is then normalized to give unit vectors.

Using the above equations we can state the following properties for the x, y and z unit vectors.

x, y and z are guaranteed to be orthogonal.

If i and j are orthogonal then x = i and y = j

As i 0 then y j

As j 0 then x i

If i = j then the axis is equally displaced from i and j.

Thus, defining
h x as the magnitude of the perforation vector in the local x direction.
Dx as the magnitude of the local x vector.
Kh in the X direction becomes:
K h x = ( Ky Kz ) hx

[EQ 6.5]

and the Peaceman radius in the X direction is:


Technical Description
Calculation of Kh and connection factor

Schedule User Guide

D z2 -----y- + D y2 -----z-
r ox = 0.28 ------------------------------------------------------K y K z
---- 4 K - + 4 ----K

[EQ 6.6]

Similarly for the Y and Z directions.

cKh x
Tx = -------------------------r ox

ln ------- + S

[EQ 6.7]


is the connection transmissibility in the X direction

is the damage skin

equals 2

is 0.001127 in field units, 0.008527 in metric units

The cell connection factor (CCF, and Kh, that are output to the COMPDAT statement) are defined
Kh =

Tx2 + T y2 + T z2

Kh x + Kh y + Kh z

[EQ 6.8]

[EQ 6.9]

After calculating CCF and Kh, the pressure equivalent radius (ro) can be calculated using:
ro = ( e

( cKh ) ( CCF ) S

[EQ 6.10]

) rw

The net-to-gross term

The NTG term can be ignored (that is, assumed to be 1) by setting the Ignore NTG option in
the Setup Options panel. If the NTG term is not ignored, the way it is used by Schedule
depends on the Transmissibility Options chosen in the main Setup menu. The three choices


The net to gross value is used as a multiplier on the height of the grid block (Dz) and on the z
component of the well penetration vector through the cell (hz).


The net to gross value is used as a multiplier on the z component of the well penetration vector
(hz) through the cell but not on the grid block height.

Schedule User Guide

Technical Description
Calculation of Kh and connection factor


For scaled permeabilities

The net to gross value is used as a multiplier on the X and Y direction permeabilities.

Pseudo skin calculation

If the cell connection factor is suppressed (in the Simulation Options selections) Schedule
calculates a pseudo skin, which, when applied by ECLIPSE, results in the same CCF as would
have been calculated by Schedule.
Therefore knowing the CCF from [EQ 6.8], [EQ 6.9] we can use this to determine S:
cKh CCF = -----------------------r
ln ----o- + S

[EQ 6.11]


is obtained from the ECLIPSE default (that is the grid cell Kh).


is obtained from the grid cell dimensions in the direction of penetration listed.

equals 2

is 0.001127 in field units, 0.008527 in metric units.

Thus the pseudo skin contains all the information required for vector positioning of the
completion within the grid.
Suppressing the cell connection factor in the simulation options changes the values that are
inserted in the COMPDAT keyword. There are four different scenarios for generating the

Include both cell connection factor and skin

The cell connection factor is the one described in [EQ 6.8], the Kh is that described in [EQ 6.9]
and the skin is the mechanical skin for the perforation. (If more than one perforation occurs in
a single cell, the mechanical skin is the weighted average of the perforations.)

Suppress skin
As above but with the skin defaulted in the COMPDAT.

Suppress cell connection factor

The Kh is the ECLIPSE value (that is assuming full penetration of the cell along only one axis).
The skin is the pseudo skin described in "Pseudo skin calculation" on page 278. In this case only
is the direction of penetration selected by Schedule to output in the COMPDAT/M important.
Schedule selects the direction, as that with the longest projection of the well onto the grid cell
vectors. The entry face takes preference over the exit face. If they are opposite faces Schedule
only selects a different direction, if the total length of the well in the cell is greater than 1.5 the
grid cell height in that direction; effectively an angle slightly greater than 45 degrees. This
choice ensures that the pseudo skin is not, in general, negative, or at least large and negative.


Technical Description
Calculation of Kh and connection factor

Schedule User Guide

Suppress cell connection factor and skin

The Kh is also suppressed and ECLIPSE calculates all values assuming full penetration of the
cell along only one axis.

Welltest event
If the WELLTEST keyword is followed by a value greater than or equal to 0 this value is taken
as the Kh for the whole well (h = the sum of the lengths of all connections). Schedule scales the
Kh for each connection, and also their cell connection factors produced for the COMPDAT
keyword as shown below:
Kh w
Kh 1 = Kh 1 ------------------- ( Kh ) i

[EQ 6.12]

i = 1 to n

(n is the number of well connections)

Kh 1

is the Kh for completion interval 1

Kh w

is the Kh supplied by the welltest event

This is done instead of producing a WPIMULT keyword, so that non-Darcy flow is handled
correctly in ECLIPSE.
The ratio shown in [EQ 6.13] is inserted in the Schedule export file as a comment. A negative
number specified for the well test Kh results in no scaling; that is, it resets the Kh to that
calculated by Schedule from trajectory data.
Kh w
-------------------( Kh )i

[EQ 6.13]

Multiple perforations in a single cell

When there is more than one perforation in a single cell, Schedule calculates the connection
factors separately, taking into account the separate radius and skin for each one. Schedule, then,
sums the connection factor to give a single cell connection factor for the cell.
In calculating the pseudo skin Schedule uses this connection factor, together with the ECLIPSE
calculation, to give the result. The pseudo skin thus reflects the overall effect in the cell.
Schedule also outputs a weighted average of the well radii in the cell in the COMPDAT keyword.
This is only used by ECLIPSE if the connection factor is suppressed on export from Schedule.
When the connection factor and Kh are exported by Schedule in a COMPDAT keyword, the
mechanical skin for the cell is also exported. As the separate perforations may have different
skins, this export value is also a weighted average with respect to the length.

Schedule User Guide

Technical Description
Calculation of Kh and connection factor


Grid intersection with deviation survey

Cell surface covering
The intersection algorithm, within Schedule, selects points from the deviation survey and joins
them with a straight line. The measured depths associated with each point are imported with the
deviation data. This straight line can be regarded as being intersected by a bilinear surface
stretched between the four corners on the face of the grid cell.
Such a bilinear surface has the following properties:

The diagonals across the surface describe quadratic curves.

The average of the coordinates of the four corner points represent a point which lies on the

The surface lies within the tetrahedron formed with the four cell corners as its apexes.

The equations shown in [EQ 6.14] are for a bilinear surface with corners numbered as shown in
Figure 6.1.
x = x1 + ( x 2 x 1 ) + ( x 3 x 1 ) + ( x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 )
y = y1 + ( y 2 y 1 ) + ( y 3 y 1 ) + ( y 4 y 3 y 2 y 1 )

[EQ 6.14]

z = z 1 + ( z 2 z 1 ) + ( z 3 z1 ) + ( z 4 z 3 z2 z 1 )

is the x co-ordinate of corner 1 as shown in Figure 6.1.


have values between 0 to 1

x, y, z

are the coordinates of the point on the bilinear surface.

Figure 6.1 A bilinear surface

Measured length preservation

As the intersection point is a new point along the length of the deviation survey, it has no
measured depth intrinsically associated with it. The measured depth used for this point is a
weighted mean of the measured depth of the two points on the deviation survey that it lies
between. The weighting is in proportion to the distance of the new point from these end points.
Thus the measured length inside a grid block traversed by the deviation survey is preserved.


Technical Description
Grid intersection with deviation survey

Schedule User Guide

The trajectory data stored in Schedule is only the entry and exit points to the grid cell. The
direction of the well in the cell is fixed by these two points; changes in direction of the deviation
survey within the cell are not stored. However, as mentioned above, the measured length within
the grid cell is preserved.

Well crossing a fault

There are some useful properties in using bi-linear surfaces to cover the grid cells that do not
apply to a triangulation. Cells can move down relative to their neighbor, as in a fault, and it is
reasonable to assume that the surfaces are not flat, that is, the four points at the corners of the
touching grid cells do not lie on a plane. If a triangulation of the points is used there are gaps or
overlaps between the neighboring surfaces that should in reality be in contact. If a bilinear
surface is used this phenomenon is greatly reduced.
This can be appreciated from the fact that there exists at least one type of downward slide for a
bi-linear surface where (with the points arranged as above) contact is preserved between the
surfaces. In general any gaps or overlaps in Schedule are very small, as it uses bi-linear surfaces.
It is always the case that the gap/overlap is smaller than that in the equivalent triangulation.
Where a gap of this nature occurs between grid cells, it is neglected. Where an overlap occurs
it is replaced by the average of the two points. These effects are always expected to be very small
as most shifts are close to those that preserve full contact.

Layer shifting choices

Schedule offers three choices for shifting events from their described measured depth positions
into specific, named, grid layers.

Simple shift
Each event is shifted into its designated layer. Any portion of the event that extends outside of
the layer is then removed. No attempt is made to keep the relative positions of different events.
Each event is shifted independently of other events.

Relative shift
All of the well events for the designated layer are examined before any event is shifted. The
lengths and relative positions of the events are then maintained when any event is shifted.

Linear scaling
All of the well events for the designated layer are examined and the total range is determined.
This range is then mapped on to the range of the layer and all events are scaled into the layer
range. This preserves the relative location of events but the length of the event may change.
The three choices are illustrated below.

Schedule User Guide

Technical Description
Grid intersection with deviation survey


Figure 6.2 Simple shift of three events to layer Sand_1



Both events above Sand_1 shift to the top of the layer, and end up overlapping; the event below
the layer is shifted up to the bottom of the layer.
Figure 6.3 Relative shift of two events to layer Sand_1



The sizes and relative positions of the events are maintained.



If an event had been present below Sand_1 some events would have been lost as not
all could have been shifted into the layer with sizes and spacing intact.

Technical Description
Grid intersection with deviation survey

Schedule User Guide

Figure 6.4 Linear scaling shift of three events to layer Sand_1



The total range of the events to be shifted to Sand_1 has been used to scale and shift the events.
All events are represented, but the size and spacing changes.

Schedule User Guide

Technical Description
Grid intersection with deviation survey



Technical Description
Grid intersection with deviation survey

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats

Appendix A

Production data
You can enter well production and injection history data for oil, water and gas or you can import
from an ASCII file. You can view and edit the production data table, by clicking on the Table

on the tool bar in the Control Network window, or by clicking on a well with the

right mouse button, and selecting the menu item Table History.
Schedule supports a subset of the Production Analyst and OilField Manager input file format,
with extensions as described in "Production data format" on page 285. Production data files
generated with the Finder Schedule Unloader are supported.
You can easily convert data in other data base formats, or from spreadsheets, to the Production
Analyst format. Write the data to an ASCII file with the appropriate Free Format keywords
listed in "Keywords" on page 288, across the top of the data columns. You can add any other
special keywords you require above these using any text editor. Other methods exist for data
entry but these are not be described here. If required please consult Schlumberger Support.

Production data format

Schedule can read the Production Analyst and OilField Manager ASCII file format for input
data. It does not respond to alterations made to the Production Analyst file DBPRDDEF.STD
where the standard keywords and units may be redefined.
In OilField Manager, input variables are defined using monthly, daily or sporadic definition
tables. Schedule, also, recognizes yearly definition tables. Schedule makes no use of the master
table and has no static table data.
Schedule can only process one frequency for data at a time, therefore monthly production and
daily injection should not be put in the same input file.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats

Production data


Schedule does not read the OilField Manager multiplier table MULT.DEF. It uses the default
settings listed below, instead:




















0.000 001




0.000 000 001

Where an ambiguity exists for the multiplier (M), Schedule looks at the units of the quantity and
selects the appropriate factor from the table.
Schedule does not read the parser table, so functions cannot be defined. Calculated values can
be passed to Schedule, though, using the period tables.
Keywords are significant for the first four characters as in Production Analyst, though this can
be altered for non-special keywords. Schedule provides extensions to the Production Analyst
keyword list and some of these keywords may be the same as existing Production Analyst
keywords for the first four characters. In this case the whole Schedule keyword should be used.
If a keyword has an underscore (_) as the fourth character, the keyword is significant for the
first three characters only.
A comment line is indicated by /* at the start of the line, but Schedule recognizes -- at the
start of the line as a comment line in common with the ECLIPSE convention. Blank lines are
The production data is supplied in an ASCII file that can be either a free or a fixed format. A
fixed format is denoted by the use of the *FORMAT keyword set on a line by itself followed by
the list of keywords, which specify the format for the individual well data records, each set on
separate lines and the list then terminated by the *END_FORMAT keyword. A free format is
treated in a similar way. Refer to "Keywords" on page 288 below.
Some of the Production Analyst keywords for production and injection are defined by Schedule.
These are listed below:

These keywords must be used to input data into Schedule, although their characteristics may be
altered through the appropriate definition table entries. Other keywords include:

() indicates a Schedule extension.

There are two keywords in the Configuration file that affect Schedules default behavior for
missing and un-ordered data:
*ZERO_MISSING which can be set so that Schedule defaults any missing data to zero.
The default is to assume the previous months data.


Production Data File Formats

Production data

Schedule User Guide

*SKIPDUPLICATE which can be set so that the Schedule default is to ignore any rate data
that is out of date order. Cumulative data not in date order is always ignored. The default is
to re-order the rate data.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats

Production data


Special production data
These keywords belong to the set of special keywords that specify properties of the data (daily
records, metric units, etc.) rather than describing the type of data that is present in each record
(oil rate, gas rate, etc.).


Table A.1

Special keywords




Denotes that rates are provided in metric units, that is the Units specified in
units numerator is sm3 for liquid and gas.


Denotes that the rates are provided in field units, that is

Units specified in
the units numerator are STB for liquid and MSCF for gas. Schedule


Denotes that liquid volumes are provided in 1000 STB,

that is the input rates are multiplied by 1000. This
keyword may be used in conjunction with the *FIELD
keyword but not with *METRIC.



Denotes that gas volumes are provided in 1000 MSCF,

that is the input rates are multiplied by 1000. This
keyword may be used in conjunction with the *FIELD
keyword but not with *METRIC.



Denotes that all volumes are provided in 1000 sm3, that is sm3
the input rates are multiplied by 1000. This keyword may
be used in conjunction with the *METRIC keyword but
not with *FIELD This keyword also has a modifier that
allows just gas or just oil volumes to be considered as
provided in 1000sm3.


Gas volumes are provided in 1000sm3


Liquid volumes are provided in 1000sm3


Specifies daily production and injection rates, that is it

causes the units denominator to be days. This keyword
sets the frequency of the data samples. This is used
internally to error-check the input and to set periods of
missing data to zero production (or injection).



Specifies monthly production and injection rates (the

default). Similar to *DAILY above, this causes the units
denominator to be months. This keyword may not be
shortened, as this would conflict with *MONTH.



Specifies yearly production and injection rates. As with

*DAILY above, this causes the units denominator to be
years. This keyword may not be shortened as this would
conflict with *YEAR.


Production Data File Formats



Schedule User Guide

Table A.1

Special keywords (Continued)





Indicates that the time units for production and injection

Days in Month
keywords (*DAYS, *WIDAYS, etc.) are set to hours in the
day, that is the *DAYS, *WIDAYS, etc. keywords are
change to indicate the hours in the day rather than the days
on in the month.


Sets all uptime keywords (*DAYS, *OIDAY, etc.) to

months in years.


Sets all uptime keywords (*DAYS, *OIDAY, etc.) to

uptime fractions.


Changes all rate keywords (*OIL, *WINJ, etc.) to specify Not cumulative
cumulative volumes. Schedule converts these to daily
rates. RATE production data cannot be specified if this
keyword is used.


This causes the rates read in to Schedule to be multiplied Uncompensated

by the uptime to get the full time period daily rates. Thus Rates,
if the production for February is 28 bbl with an uptime of (*UUCRATES)
14 days (or 0.5), this means that the rate is 14 bbl/month or
0.5 bbl/day.


This causes the rates read in to Schedule to be converted

directly to the full time period daily rates. Thus if the
production for February is 28 bbl with an uptime of 14
days (or 0.5), this means that the rate is given as 28
bbl/month or 1 bbl/day.


This keyword begins the format block for data input in

fixed format data files. It is used in conjunction with
*END_FORMAT. Keywords within this block begin with
an asterisk (*) and beginning and ending column numbers
are required.


Ends the format block.


This keyword begins the format block for data input in

free format data files, and is used in conjunction with
*END_FORMAT. Keywords within this block begin with
an asterisk (*). This special keyword allows each keyword
in a free format file to be placed on a line by itself, thus
allowing easy conversion from fixed format to free format
input. Free format keywords are otherwise placed all on
the same line, if *FREE_FORMAT is not used.


This keyword can be used within both the production and

event data files to input data from other files at the same
time. It has the optional attachment, WELLNAME, which
attaches the wellname to the data contained in the file. In
the production data file only, this attachment can be
shortened to NAME, and is overwritten by any *NAME
keyword contained within the file.


This *FILE keyword must appear after the *FORMAT or

*FREE_FORMAT specifiers, and the files named must not
contain any keywords except *NAME.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats



Table A.1

Special keywords (Continued)



*ZERO_MISSING This keyword can be used to modify only the data

associated with the file in which it is included. However, if
included in the configuration file it affects all input data.
(See page -366)
*IGNORE_MISSI This keyword prevents the action of the
*ZERO_MISSING keyword if it is present in the
configuration files.
*REPORT_MISSI This keyword causes a message to be sent to the log
window whenever a record does not appear at an expected

Tells Schedule to ignore the following lines in the input

data file until the *READON keyword is encountered.


Tells Schedule to resumes reading lines stopped by the

*READOFF keyword.


Sets the number of characters recognized in a format block 4

keyword. In OilField Manager the whole keyword is read
unless this is set. To set the OilField Manager default,
change *KEYLENGTH to a very large number.


This is followed by the name of a definition table. When

Schedule encounters this name it opens a file dialog box
asking for the location of the file containing the definition
Schedule allows two extra keywords to follow
For INLINE Schedule reads the following lines up to the
keyword *END as being the appropriate table. The
INLINE keyword may be followed by the period
For FILE there should follow a file name for the location
of the definition file, then the name of the definition table.
Schedule reads the definition file automatically without
requesting a name.


If *METRIC is specified and the project units in Schedule are set to field, the data will be converted from metric
to field units.
If *FIELD is specified and the project units in Schedule are set to metric, the data will be converted from field
to metric units.

OilField manager definition file keywords

These keywords are used to control data input and to define the attributes (for example units) of
keyword variables (for example *OIL, *WINJ in OilField Manager.)


Production Data File Formats


Schedule User Guide

The variable should appear in the table after the *TABLENAME heading and should be followed
by its type: string x, int1,2 or 4; uint1,2 or 4; float; double; calculated*1,4 or 8. Schedule,
however, translates all types to float. Schedule does not import strings. Specifying the *2, *4 or
*8 has no effect in Schedule as it does not truncate the variables but reads them as they are. After
the TYPE keyword, the keywords specified in Table A.2 follow, possibly on a new line. For
DAYS float *U none
OIL float *U stb *MU M
WATER float *U scm

float *U stb/day

*DA 12.0 82.0 15.0

WCOMP calculate*4 WATER/DAYS *U stb

ON calculate*1 OIL|GAS|WATER
CUMULATE float *U stb

In this example the DAYS keyword has the units defined as none. This signifies that uptime
fractions are to be used. This is an alternative to using the *UPTIME_FRACTIONS keyword.
OilField Manager refers to calculated variables such as WCOMP in the example above as
Imputted variables. In Schedule there is no distinction between these and other variables once
they have been read in.
Schedule is strict in the way units are handled: units in the calculations must be consistent or all
the calculation fails, that is:

The units in part of a logical or must be the same.

Units that cannot be converted uniquely into MKS units are not allowed.

Thus, bbl/month is not allowed as there is no unique transform due to the changing number of
days in a month. These units can, however, be read into Schedule through the mechanism of
specifying monthly data. It is only calculations with them that are invalid.
It may be desired to display cumulative volumes in the table. If the rate data was DAILY there
would be no problem, but for monthly data Schedule divides by the number of days in a month.
To obtain the actual monthly volumes the CUMULATE calculation in the example above
multiplies the OIL rate by the number of days in a month, so that when Schedule converts this
to a rate the month cancels out. Schedule still reports this number as a rate in the table. (Later
versions of Schedule may address this issue.)
Schedule has an extension to the mathematical constants in the usual Calculator definitions
which may be used in calculations as in the example above, namely:
DAYS_IN_MONTH, the number of days in the month on which the data was specified.
DAYS_IN_YEAR, the number of days in the year on which the data was specified.
DAYS_FROM_LAST, the number of days to the current record from the last record. The dates
are those as altered by the setting of the DATARANGE keyword, (see below). The initial value
is determined from the setting of the period, days/months/years and is guaranteed not to be zero.
CURRENT_DAY, CURRENT_MONTH, CURRENT_YEAR of the current record date. The date is
that obtained from the DATARANGE keyword setting.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats



PREVIOUS_DAY, PREVIOUS_MONTH, PREVIOUS_YEAR to the current record date. The

date is that obtained from the DATARANGE keyword setting, (see below). The initial previous
date is determined from the setting of the period, days/months/years, and is guaranteed to be less
than and not equal to the current date.

Errors in calculations
On encountering an error in units or some other error in the calculation, such as a division by
zero (the most common user error), Schedule stops reading, indicates that the calculation has
failed and gives a line number. If the error occurs on the first line of data being read (so this is
the first time the calculation has been performed), then you should check the consistency of the
units of the calculation expressions and if the units are incompatible. For example, whether any
logical or or and expressions have mixed units.
If the calculation has progressed beyond this first line, the error cannot be in the units. The error
is therefore in the calculation that is being performed. You should look on the line indicated to
see if there has been a division by zero caused by the data. However, if the calculation is more
complex you may have to check it on a calculator to see where it has failed.

Definition file keywords

Table A.2 shows the keywords which are recognized by Schedule.


Table A.2

Definition keywords




Followed by the name of the table (not if INLINE is used).


Defines the minimum and maximum, and also the default value if the data is


Changes the date label from *DATE to *string


Indicates the input data is the specified multiple of the unit type. Schedule
does not use the output multiplier.


Specifies the units for the variable.


An alternative name for the quantity that may appear in the FORMAT block.


If the quantity is a rate or volume, the associated uptime can be specified for
this quantity so that Schedule can use this for the WEFAC keyword.


Specifies that this is the end of an INLINE block.


Any data left in the file after this keyword appears is not read.


Skips all the lines after this keyword until a *READON is encountered.


Resumes reading lines after this keyword when *READOFF has stopped
the input.

Production Data File Formats


Schedule User Guide

Data type keywords

The following keywords indicate the type of data (text or numeric) entered in the file and must
be entered across the record (line), unless the *FORMAT or *FREE_FORMAT keywords are
used, in which case each keyword must have a separate line. If *FORMAT is used, then each
keyword must be followed by two numbers that indicate the first and last columns in which the
data is stored. For example:

25 36

This indicates that the oil rate is to be found in columns 25 through 36 of the file. See the
examples in "Data handling in Schedule" on page 302.

Table A.3

Data type keywords






This indicates a well identifier that has an

optional completion extension after a colon
(:) However, Schedule ignores this. These
well completion names appear in the
well/group panel in Schedule. For example:


Required unless
*NAME is used

An alternative keyword for specifying the

well identifier. The well names must appear
after the keyword on a separate line; it
indicates that the following data applies to the
wells named. This keyword may occur on any
line throughout the data. As with *WELL,
there can be a completion extension but
Schedule ignores this.

Required unless
*WELL is used

This indicates the date the production record

applies. If a month value of 00 is entered it
defines the associated data as the starting
cumulative for the year. However, if this is
not the first record in a year an error is

Required unless
*YEAR and
*YY/MM are




Schedule is capable of reading the date

format in various ways: day/month/year, daymonth-year, day.month.year, where month
may be numeric or the first three letters of the
month name and the year may be YY or
YYYY, for example, 20/Aug/93 or
20/08/1993.The date may also be entered
numerically as indicated below.

Schedule User Guide

If YY then 1900
is added to the

This indicates the day digits for the

DD (numeric)
production record. The default date is 01 (1st
of the month)

Optional and
not if *DATE or

Production Data File Formats



Table A.3


Data type keywords (Continued)




This indicates the month digits for the

MM (numeric)
production record. If a month value of 00 is
used this defines the associated data as the
starting cumulative for the year. Schedule
ignores this unless it is not the first record in a
year, in this case an error is flagged

Required unless
*DATE or
*YY/MM are
used. Must be
accompanied by
the *YEAR


This indicates the year digits for the

production record

(Numeric) If YY
then 1900 is
added to the year.

Required unless
*DATE or
*YY/MM are


This indicates the year and month digits for

the production record with an embedded
slash separating the two sets of characters
(for example 93/01).

YY/MM or
(Numeric). If YY
then 1900 is
added to the year.

Required unless
*DATE or
*YEAR and
*MONTH are

Production Data File Formats




Schedule User Guide

Table A.3

Data type keywords (Continued)





where # or a series of # can represent any

character (for example 95.01 ..01 would
require YY #MM # #DD). All entries should
be in the same format and YY,MM,DD can be
specified in any order (for example

Required unless
one of the other
date specifiers
is used

This can be used to indicate the Year and

month and day digits for the production
record. MMM can also be used in which case
the month is assumed to be the first three
characters of the month name. JLY is also
acceptable for JUL. YYYY may also be used
instead of YY but if YY is used then 1900 is
added to the year. It is also permissible to
omit DD.

Skips over a numeric or text field.

Optional (only
used in free


This keyword tells Schedule when the rate or

cumulative volume was acquired for the
MONTHLY and YEARLY data. It can take
one of three modifiers: BEGIN, END, or


BEGIN- the sample was obtained at the

beginning of the period, END- obtained at the
end of the period, NULL- obtained on the
date indicated.
The default value for this keyword depends
on the type of data which is being read in. For
rate data the default is DATARANGE
BEGIN. This means that the rate applies
from the beginning of the specified period.
For cumulative volume the default is
DATARANGE END. This means that the
cumulative value specified includes
production to the end of the specified period.
See "Data range examples" on page 295.

Data range examples

If the monthly data gave a value for Feb. 1995 of 200 bbls this is interpreted as follows:

Example 1
The rate 200 starts to apply on 1st Feb. and if the rate datum for March was missing this rate
is carried over. The cumulative volume is calculated from 1st Feb., up to but not including 1st
March. Thus the rate, that Schedule calculates from this cumulative value, applies from 1st Feb.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats



Example 2
The rate 200 starts to apply on 1st Feb. and if the rate datum from March is missing the rate
is carried over. The cumulative volume is calculated from 1st Jan. up to but not including 1st
Feb. Thus the rate that Schedule calculates, from this cumulative value, applies from 1st Jan.

Example 3
The rate 200 starts to apply from 1st Feb. The cumulative volume is calculated from the date
specified in the previous record, up to but not including 1st Feb. The first date specified must
provide a starting cumulative value, usually zero. Thus the rate that Schedule calculates, from
this cumulative value, applies from the date specified in the previous record.


Production Data File Formats


Schedule User Guide

Production field keywords

The production keywords are used to indicate the volumes, rates, and production days per
month of the three phases gas, oil and water for a specified well at a particular date.
Table A.4

Schedule User Guide

Production field keywords






This indicates the number of days Numeric

on producing each month but can
be modified by the use of other
keywords. The default units are
days per month, that is the uptime
= producing days/ days in month
and the default value for producing
days is the number of days in the
month. If *HRS_IN_DAYS was
specified then the units for this
keyword are hours per day, that is
the uptime = producing hours/ 24
and the default value for producing
hours is the number of hours in a
day. If *YEARLY was specified
then this keyword means days on
producing in the year, and the
default is the number of days in the
year, that is uptime = producing
days/ days in year.

Days in
month (that is
the full time
period or
uptime = 1).


The uptime fraction for the current Numeric

time period as indicated above.
Only the first four characters are
significant unless KEYLENGTH is


Has to be used
with *DAYS

Production Data File Formats



Table A.4


Production field keywords (Continued)




This specifies the oil production

rate, default units stb/month, but
this can be changed by the use of
the keywords *DAILY,
If *CUMULATIVE is used this
keyword specifies the volume
accumulated up to the present date,
default units stb. Schedule converts
these to project units.


This specifies the gas production

rate, default units Mscf/month, but
can be changed by the use of the
keywords *DAILY, *MONTHLY,
*MSTB and *MSM3.
If *CUMULATIVE is used this
keyword specifies the volume
accumulated up to the present date,
default units Mscf. Schedule
converts these to project units.


This specifies the water production Numeric

rate, default units stb/month, but
can be changed by the use of the
keywords *DAILY, *MONTHLY,
*MSTB and *MSM3.
If *CUMULATIVE is used this
keyword specifies the volume
accumulated up to the present date,
default units stb. Schedule converts
these to project units.

Production Data File Formats





Schedule User Guide

Oil injection field keywords

The oil injection keywords are used to indicate the volumes, rates, and injection days per month
of the oil phase for a specified well at a particular date.
Table A.5

Oil injection field keywords






This specifies the days on oil injection

per month, default units are days per
If *HRS_IN_DAYS was specified then
this keyword means hours of oil
injecting per day.
If *YEARLY was specified then this
keyword means days on producing in
the year.
If this keyword is not specified, the
*DAYS field is used instead. If *DAYS
is also not specified then injection is
taken to be over the full period.


*DAYS field used

or full period.


This specifies the oil injection rate,

default units stb/month, but can be
changed by the use of the keywords
If *CUMULATIVE is used this keyword
specifies the volume accumulated up to
the present date, default units stb.
Schedule converts these to project units.

Gas injection field keywords

The gas injection keywords are used to indicate the volumes, rates, and injection days per month
of the gas phase for a specified well at a particular date.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats



Table A.6

Gas injection field keywords





This specifies the gas injection days per month. The

default units are days per month. If *HRS_IN_DAYS
was specified then this keyword means hours of gas
injecting per day.
If *YEARLY was specified then this keyword means
days on producing in the year. If this keyword is not
specified the *DAYS field is used instead. If *DAYS is
also not specified then injection is taken to be over the
full period.

*DAYS field
used or full


This specifies the gas injection rate, default units

Mscf/month, but can be changed by *DAILY,
and *MSM3 keywords. If *CUMULATIVE is used this
keyword specifies the volume accumulated to the
present date; default units Mscf. Schedule converts
these to project units.



Water injection field keywords

The water injection keywords are used to indicate the volumes, rates, and injection days per
month of the water phase for a specified well at a particular date.
Table A.7


Water injection field keywords






This specifies the water injection days per month;

default units are days per month.
If *HRS_IN_DAYS was specified then this keyword
means hours of water injecting per day.
If *YEARLY was specified then this keyword means
days on producing in the year.
If not specified, the *DAYS field is used instead. If
*DAYS is also not specified then injection is over the
full period.


*DAYS field
used or full


This specifies the water injection rate, default units

stb/month, but can be changed by *DAILY,
and *MSM3 keywords.
If *CUMULATIVE is used this keyword specifies the
volume accumulated to the present date, default units
stb. Schedule converts these to project units.


Production Data File Formats


Schedule User Guide

Unsupported production analyst keywords

Below is a list of production analyst keywords that are ignored by Schedule:

This is a list of Production Analyst keywords not defined in Schedule:


Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats



Data handling in Schedule

For each well, you must supply the cumulative volume data in chronological order, but the rate
data may by unordered. Rates and volumes are converted to daily rates in Schedule. These may
be in either metric or field units and their equivalence is shown in Table A.8:
Table A.8

Rate units used by the Metric and Field unit sets









Using OilField Manager definition tables, other units may be used.

By default Schedule reads data so that the rate data applies from the beginning of the specified
period. For example, a monthly rate is converted by Schedule to a daily rate effective from the
first of the month. Missing rate data is ignored and the rate carried forward to the next month.
Cumulative volume data is taken as the volume accumulated up to the end of the last day in the
specified period so for a cumulative volume sampled at monthly intervals Schedule converts
this to a daily rate effective from the first of the month. Missing cumulative data results in a zero
rate being inserted.
These behaviors can be overridden using the keywords: *DATARANGE, *ZERO_MISSING,
Events that are imported and have the same date as a rate apply before the rate so that, for
example, the perforation event and the well flowing can occur on the same day.
If in any period injection and production both take place, the uptimes for injection and
production are summed, and taken as the uptime for the well in that period.
All dates refer to the first possible moment of the date described (that is, 00.00hrs).
The last rate value applies to the end of the time model period in which it falls, as set in the
Schedule Time model. Subsequent periods up to the Final Time are set to a zero rate.
If only injection rates are given, and their uptimes are specified using *WIDAY, *GIDAY and
*OIDAY, then the uptime for the period is taken preferentially to be the injection uptime
specified in *WIDAY. If this is zero it is taken as that specified in *GIDAY. If this is also zero,
then it is that specified in *OIDAY. All dates refer to the first possible moment of the date
To describe a rate of 100 stb/day valid through the month of January and changing to 50
STB/day on the first of February the following dates and rates are used (for monthly production








Production Data File Formats

Data handling in Schedule

Schedule User Guide

Example 1
A sample production ASCII file using the *NAME keyword.
Here data for each well is introduced by the *NAME keyword, followed by the well name on the
same line. Rates are monthly rates as this is the default.







/* data
*name WELL_011








*name WELL_02








Example 2
A sample production ASCII file using the *Well keyword
Here the *WELL keyword is used and so the well name appears in each record (line). Rates are
daily as the use of the keyword *DAILY signifies. The Schedule keyword
*UPTIME_FRACTION is used (but as only four characters are significant *UPTIME is
sufficient) and the date has the Schedule format.









-- data










































Example 3
A sample production ASCII file using a Fixed Format.

Schedule User Guide

Production Data File Formats

Data handling in Schedule


Here the *FORMAT keyword is used. The meaning of the *DAYS keyword in this example is
altered by the use of *HRS_IN_DAYS to mean the number of hours on in a day (for example
in the first record this is 16 hours). The indentation after the *FORMAT keyword is optional and
only used to improve readability.




11 20


21 30


31 40


41 50


*NAME well3
04 01 90 100




05 01 90 100




06 01 90 100



Example 4
A sample production ASCII file using the *FILE keyword.
Here two files are loaded under the common header shown and a separate wellname associated
with each file.
*DATE 1 10
*OIL 11 20
*FILE file.name1 WELLNAME well.name1
*FILE file.name2 WELLNAME well.name2


Production Data File Formats

Data handling in Schedule

Schedule User Guide

Event File Formats

Appendix B

Well event data
Well event data has the following properties:

You can enter well events into the Events panel, or import them from an ASCII file, which
describes the events in terminology familiar to a reservoir engineer. Schedule maps the
events on to the appropriate ECLIPSE keywords and generates report timesteps for each

You can view the well events by either selecting a well on the control network and clicking
on the Event button,

, on the tool bar of the Control network window, or by selecting

a well with the right mouse button, and choosing Show Events from the pop-up menu.

Schedule User Guide

Keyword events are ECLIPSE keywords with their associated data. The date on which the
keyword is to be inserted into the SCHEDULE section must be supplied.

Schedule only stores keyword events are only stored in the project if you have edited or
created them.

Internal keyword events are keywords generated by Schedule on export. You can edit
these (in which case they become external events) and the SCHEDULE section is reexported.

You can also import keyword events from an ECLIPSE data set or a Schedule project.

Event File Formats




Well events that have associated measured depth to a layer name, are restricted to a defined
grid K range, by having their depths adjusted to lie within the range if necessary. First the
event is moved up or down the trajectory to try to fit the measured depths into the specified
range. If this is not successful, a portion of the measured length for the event is trimmed to
force the event to lie within the layer range. A warning is inserted in the Schedule output
file if this occurs. If no layer is defined with the event and a measured depth is found to lie
outside of the grid, then depths are trimmed to lie within the grid. A warning is again
inserted in the export file.

The welltest event causes all the completions within a well to have their Kh values scaled
such that their sum equals the given Kh value in the welltest event. This Kh holds until the
next welltest event for the well, even if the well is re-completed, plugged etc. Any changes
to the completion information are rescaled to the welltest Kh value. A welltest event is
made inactive by specifying another welltest event with a Kh=(-1) at a later date.
Schedule then uses the original Kh derived from cell properties and cell geometry again.

Event File Formats


Schedule User Guide

Event file UNITS keywords

Table B.1

Event file UNITS keywords


This keyword allows the events data to be input in FIELD units. These
units need not be the same as the units used within the project.


This keyword allows the events data to be input in METRIC units.

These units need not be the same as the units used within the project.


This keyword sets the input units for depth information. See
Table B.2 for recognized length units.


This keyword sets the input units for the well diameters. See Table

B.2 for recognized length units.


This keyword determines the input units for pressure information.

See Table B.3 for recognized pressure units.

If the UNITS are not specified for some or all data in the header of the event file, Schedule
assumes that these data are in project/display units, which can be setup using Setup | Units.
The UNITS DIAMETER and UNITS PRESSURE keywords take precedence over the UNITS
keyword. If UNITS DIAMETER and/or UNITS PRESSURE is not set, the units set with the
UNITS keyword (or project units if UNITS is not set) are applied to the data.

The use of upper and lowercase is important for the units symbol.

Table B.2

Schedule User Guide

Recognized event file length UNITS (units)

Recognized length

Conversion Factor from

units to metres

Name of length unit


























nautical mile













Event File Formats

Event file UNITS keywords



The use of upper and lowercase is important for the units symbol.

Table B.3


Recognized event file pressure UNITS (units)

Recognized pressure Conversion Factor from

units to Pa

Name of pressure unit






atmosphere absolute



atmosphere absolute



pounds per square inch



pounds per square inch absolute



pounds per square inch absolute





















bar absolute









inches of mercury



millimetre of mercury at zero

degrees Celsius



feet of water 4 degrees Celsius



kg per sq cm

Event File Formats

Event file UNITS keywords

Schedule User Guide

Well event file format

You can list well events in any date order within the input ASCII file. The file reader re-orders
the dates as necessary. Wells can also appear in any order in the input file. It is recommended
that the event data for each well is grouped together, and in date order, to make the ASCII file
more readable.
A group of events for a well is introduced by the WELLNAME keyword, which is followed by a
name for the well. The events for the well should follow the WELLNAME keyword with each
event specified on a single line. The format for the event specification is:



This format repeats for all events relating to the well. Blank lines are allowed at any point and
lines that have '--' as the first two characters are ignored. See "Example 1" on page 313 which
shows this format.
Well event names may be in either upper or lowercase (or mixed). However, if any entry has
been made for a layer (for example SAND_1) this name is case sensitive. Layer names must be
contained in brackets. See "Example 2" on page 313. Event related data must also be provided
in a specified order that is determined by the event name.
Event shifting in time can be specified in the file if the event shift direction is different from the
default. See "Time framework window XYZ" on page 184. The event time shift direction is
specified after the layer name within the brackets and has the form:
(LAYER shift=-) or (LAYER shift=0) or (LAYER shift=+),
the layer name LAYER may be omitted.
Event names that are recognized by Schedule, and the event related data, are shown in Table
Table B.4

Event names and associated event related data

Measured Measured
Kh Skin









Schedule User Guide



Event File Formats

Well event file format


Table B.4

Event names and associated event related data (Continued)

Measured Measured
Kh Skin




The following describes the action of the above events:

Perforation and barefoot

These both open connections and are required for an ECLIPSE COMPDAT statement to be
produced in the output SCHEDULE section.

Perforation opens connections within a certain specified measured depth range.

Barefoot opens up connections from a given measured depth to the bottom of the well

Acidise, stimulate, and frac

These all have the same effect. These modify the damage skin used in the connection factor
calculation over a specified measured depth.

This is similar, but also allows the wellbore diameter to be changed.

Plug and squeeze (cement squeeze)

These both act to close connections, with squeeze closing them over a specified range and plug
closing all connections below a given measured depth.

User, VFP and BHP

These events are not so intuitive.


Event File Formats

Well event file format

Schedule User Guide

User event
Allows insertion of arbitrary text in the SCHEDULE section. The text associated with the User
event will be inserted into the SCHEDULE section on the date specified by the User event. If the
text to be inserted in the SCHEDULE section is a comment, it must have two dashes (--) in
front of each line, otherwise it causes an ECLIPSE error. Other data included in the text field of
the User event such as Keywords do not require these two dashes.

VFP event
Allows you to change the VFP table number in use by a well, so that the simulated values can
be compared with those that have been observed. For details, please refer to the "ECLIPSE
Reference Manual".

BHP event
Allows recorded BHPs to be placed into the output WCONHIST statements that can later be
plotted against the simulated BHPs by using the ECLIPSE summary vector WBHPH.

Wag allows entry of alternating injection flow types for a prediction well. The data following
the event name and start date for the first injection time are:

End Date: final date for any injection

First injection type: one of WATER, OIL or GAS

First type duration: number of days to inject the first type

First flow rate: surface flow rate for injection

Second injection type: one of WATER, OIL or GAS

Second type duration: number of days to inject the second type

Second flow rate: surface flow rate for injection

The well starts injecting the first type on the date of the event. The first type is injected at the
first flow rate for the first duration number of the day. It then switches to the second type for the
second duration number of days. The cycle repeats until the end date is reached. You cannot
specify a layer restriction for this event.

This allows specification of a multiplier that is applied to the calculated connection factor and
Kh values. Use a second cf-multiplier event with a value of 1.0 to cancel a previous value. The
data following the event name and start date are:

Schedule User Guide

optional layer name

Top measured depth: the multiplier is only applied below this depth

Bottom measured depth: the multiplier is only applied above this depth

Multiplier: the value to use as a multiplier on the CF and Kh values

Event File Formats

Well event file format


If Schedule encounters any other event name that it does not recognize, the line containing the
unrecognized name is ignored and an error message generated in the log window.
For the welltest event, a Kh value of -1 indicates that Kh values calculated by Schedule should
be used.
The event file format is:
Column 1:

Date (day/month/year)

Column 2:

Well Name

Column 3:

Event Name (List above - not case sensitive)

Column 4:

Layer Name (Optional - case sensitive, in brackets e.g. (SAND))

Column 5:

Top-measured Depth for event (if required by event)

Column 6:

Bottom-measured Depth for event (if required)

Column 7:

Wellbore diameter for event (if required) or multiplier value for the cf-multiplier

Column 8:

Damage Skin value associated with event (if required)

The data format for the wag event is listed above.

The User event varies slightly from the above format. Items in columns 1, 2 and 3 are the same,
but the text associated with it must start on a new line, may run over many lines and must be
terminated by a # symbol, set at the beginning of a new line as illustrated below:



--This is a user comment, below is a WEFAC to be inserted.


The events file also contains data for TEMPLATE, MACRO and KEYWORD events. The format
for these events requires more than one line in the input file. The first line holds the date, the
type identifier (TEMPLATE, MACRO, KEYWORD), a wellname pattern if required, and any
comments associated with the events. The following line (or lines if required) hold the keyword
information in the same order as required by ECLIPSE.
Schedule can only read in TEMPLATE, MACRO and KEYWORD information that can be created
in the Event Viewer panels. An example of a TEMPLATE and a KEYWORD entry follows:
4* OIL 7*
YES 1.0. 2.0 3.0

Other points to consider are:


A User event can be used to insert text in the output, or to place an additional user defined
timestep in an exported SCHEDULE section.

You can generate DATES statements at the time of each event by requesting that Schedule
honors both a time framework and event times in generating the SCHEDULE section.

Event File Formats

Well event file format

Schedule User Guide

A further event, PROD/INJ, is generated internally when Schedule recognizes a well

changing from a producer to an injector. A User event with an associated timestep is created
when the well changes its status. This has to be forced by selecting Data | Add Prod/Inj
Change Events.

The BHP event does not effect the simulation as it is only used for comparing simulated
values with the values given in the event.

Example 1
-- This is a comment line
















-- undo the previous welltest Kh and let Schedule calculate

-- the kh









Example 2
-- Next line is also a comment line







perforation (SAND_1)







500 .5 0










Schedule User Guide

500 .55

Event File Formats

Well event file format



Event File Formats

Well event file format

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of

grid, property and well data files

Appendix C

Schedule needs information on grid geometry, grid property, well geometry and time-dependent
well events in order to calculate time-dependent well connections for a simulation run.
You can import grid, property and trajectory files generated by any gridding application or
simulator into Schedule as long as the format and content are consistent with the Schedule
requirements. In this appendix the GRID and the FloGrid programs are used as examples of a
gridding package, and ECLIPSE as an example of a simulator.
In the first part of this appendix, "What is a well trajectory?" on page 316, the sources for grid,
property and well geometry files are discussed together with various combinations of file
sources. Details of the generation of import files in related applications and input file formats
and import procedures are discussed. Also discussed in detail is how you can quickly update
well geometry and well connections in a project to reflect changed grid geometry and grid
The second part, "Well geometry data from deviation survey data file" on page 321 deals with
the sources of grid files, and "Grid file format and contents" on page 328 their required content
for proper use within Schedule.
The last part, "Tubing description file format" on page 333, describes the tubing description file
format needed to generate a multi-segment well model.
The contents and format requirements for event data files are discussed in "Well event file
format" on page 309.

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files



What is a well trajectory?

Within Schedule, well geometry data is defined in terms of so-called well trajectories. A well
trajectory contains geometrical information about how the wells intersect the simulation grid,
(that is, the grid block IJK, the entry and exit XYZ coordinates, and measured depth
information) as well as its properties, (the permeabilities and NTG) of the intersected grid
blocks, as shown below for a well trajectory through a cartesian grid:
-- Data for GLOBAL grid EX1


7979.05 14 2 1 8039.35 608.83 7979.05 Z- 8034.94 8039.35 608.83
8034.93 Z+ 106.964 90.393 32.520 .900
8034.94 14 2 2 8039.35 608.83 8034.93 Z- 8126.31 8039.35 608.83
8126.30 Z+ 106.964 90.393 32.520 .850
8126.31 14 2 3 8039.35 608.83 8126.30 Z- 8148.62 8039.35 608.83
8148.61 Z+ 5.000
3.000 4.000 .880
8148.62 14 2 4 8039.35 608.83 8148.61 Z- 8165.30 8039.35 608.83
8165.29 Z+ 106.964 90.393 32.520 .800
8165.30 14 2 5 8039.35 608.83 8165.29 Z- 8356.28 8039.35 608.83
8356.28 Z+ 106.964 90.393 32.520 .750
8356.28 14 2 6 8039.35 608.83 8356.28 Z- 8556.28 8039.35 608.83
8556.28 Z+ 106.964 90.393 32.520 .700





The file format allows multilateral wells to be constructed by encoding the relationship of the
well bores in the well name. The main stem well bore, being the well bore that runs up to the
well head, has the usual well name. Lateral side tracks attached to it have their name modified
by appending them to the name of the stem, a % symbol is used as a separator. Thus a
trajectory with its own name of branch1 that represents a side track off from a main stem called
stem0 would have the name stem0%branch1 in the file. There should be no spaces on either
side of the %. For a branch off from branch1 with name branch2 the name in the file would
be stem0%branch1%branch2.
A trajectory file for a well trajectory through an unstructured grid (for example PEBI grid) looks


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

What is a well trajectory?

Schedule User Guide

The well trajectory is generated by intersecting the well deviation survey with a simulation grid.
The well deviation survey itself contains the geometrical information about the path of the
wellbore in XY coordinates, true vertical depth (TVD) and measured depth (MD) as shown




8605.78 8548.83 7979.05 7979.05
8605.78 8548.83 8034.93 8034.94
8605.78 8548.83

8126.3 8126.31

8605.78 8548.83 8148.61 8148.62

8605.78 8548.83 8165.29


8605.78 8548.83 8356.28 8356.28

8605.78 8548.83 8556.28 8556.28

Once the well trajectory is available for a Schedule project, you can view and edit it by selecting
a well on the Control panel and clicking on the Trajectory button

on the tool bar. Or, by

selecting a well with the right mouse button and choosing Edit Trajectory from the pop-up
The trajectory table contains the following trajectory information about the wellbore through
the grid:

Measured Depth

Entry and exit X, Y and Z measured from the grid origin

Permeabilities in the I, J, K, directions and NTG values

Grid I, J, K values

These quantities may be edited if necessary.

If a well trajectory is available, Schedule then maps well events (that is, perforations, squeezes
or any other well event that affects the completion state of a well) on to the well trajectory, and
calculate the well Connection Factors and Kh (permeability porosity product) for each
intersected and completed cell. The well Connection Factor and Kh is included in the COMPDAT
keyword, which is generated during the export of a SCHEDULE section file, for inclusion in the
simulator data file.
The Kh and Connection Factor for every event that affects a completion are only calculated by
Schedule if trajectory and permeability data are present; otherwise, the values are set to the
simulator default calculation. To account for the time dependence in the completion status of
the well, Schedule creates time-dependent openings and closings for the wells that can be used
in the ECLIPSE simulation run.
There are three methods of specifying well trajectory data in a Schedule project:

Import of a well trajectory file produced by a gridding application

Input of a well deviation survey data and internal calculation of well trajectory

Interactively editing the trajectory table within a Schedule project

In this appendix we discuss methods 1 and 2. The third method is discussed in "Interactive data
editing and validation" on page 41.

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

What is a well trajectory?


Grid, property and well geometry file sources, and

There are different ways to define grid properties and well trajectory information in a Schedule
project; here we discuss some of the possibilities.

Grid and well trajectory file from gridding application

The simplest way of defining well geometry and grid information for a Schedule project is to
export a grid and well trajectory file directly from a gridding application, for example, from the
GRID or FloGrid program.

Grid and well trajectory files from the GRID program


To export a grid geometry file from GRID, use the menu option P.3.9.2 called Out grid

Type in the keyword GRID when prompted for a list of keywords.

To export a trajectory file from GRID in a Schedule-readable format, select the option
P.6.4.3 called Out grd conn


For this to work, well deviation survey data must have been loaded into GRID using
P.6.4.2 Input well trj and a model made available containing the grid to be
intersected by the wells.

Specify output for Schedule and include global grid data for wells connected in LGRs.

If the grid contains radial LGRs, select wells to be moved to the centre of the radial LGRs
during the export.

On selecting Schedule, a series of questions are asked to define the output, as in the table below:
Do you wish to output well exit data for grid blocks Y
Do you wish to output grid block permeability and NTG data Y
Current grid properties are
PERMX etc.
Enter property for I-direction permeability or RETURN for PERMX
Enter property for J-direction permeability or RETURN for PERMY
Enter property for Z-direction permeability or RETURN for PERMZ
Enter property for Net-to-Gross NTG
Do you wish to output well entry and exit faces Y
Output all connections (including inactive cells) Y/N: Y
Enter minimum connection length or RETURN for 0
Grid contains local refinements
Output options are A - write all data G - Global grid only
L - write all LGRs S - Select required grids
Enter output option (A/g/l/s) A
*Exclude Global grid data for wells connected to LGRs N


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

What is a well trajectory?

Schedule User Guide


For permeabilities and NTG to be output to the trajectory file, the properties must
already be defined in GRID.
Radial LGRs must be output with wells moved to grid block centres
as Schedule requires this and assumes it on reading the file. If Schedule is used to
calculate the trajectory from a well deviation survey, the well is always moved to grid
block centres for radial LGRs.

GRID then exports a .TRJ file that contains all the connection information for the defined wells.
You can, then, import this file into Schedule.

Grid and well trajectory files from the FloGrid program


To export a grid geometry file from FloGrids Unstructured Gridder, select Unstructured
Gridder: File | Export Grid Geometry

To export a trajectory file, select Unstructured Gridder: File | Export Trajectory

To generate a grid geometry file from the current version of FloGrids Structured Gridder,
export first the simulator grid keyword file using the Export panel, select Structured
Gridder: File | Export
You can then include this file in the GRID section of an ECLIPSE DATA file and a data set
run performed to generate the grid geometry file for Schedule.

Trajectory files cannot be generated with the current version of the FloGrids Structured
Gridder. The trajectory has to be generated within Schedule by loading the well deviation
survey data, grid and property files.

Import of grid and trajectory files into Schedule


You can import grid and trajectory files into Schedule, using Import | Well Locations |
Trajectory File

Import | Grid

The information from these two files is sufficient for calculating the well Connection Factors in
a Schedule project (subject to the events having been defined). This is because a well trajectory
file contains the path information of wells through the simulation grid as well as the properties
(permeabilities and NTG) of those grid blocks that are intersected by the wells. In this case, no
property file (that is an *.INIT file from ECLIPSE) is required.
If the grid geometry file from the gridding application is not available, but the grid geometry
has been defined in the simulator include file (that is the grid geometry keyword file is available
for inclusion in the GRID section of an ECLIPSE DATA file), then you must perform a simulator
data set run produce a grid geometry file for import into Schedule. In any case, it is mandatory
to have a grid file available in a Schedule project.

Updating SCHEDULE section files for changed grid geometry/properties

After the Schedule project has been completed, a SCHEDULE section file exported and a
simulator run performed, it may be necessary to update the properties and/or grid geometry, for
example during history match runs. Different actions must be done in Schedule to update the
well data, depending on whether the properties only or both the grid geometry and the properties
have been updated (for example during the history match procedure).
If only the grid properties have been edited you have two options for updating the well data in
the Schedule project, depending on where the properties have been changed:

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

What is a well trajectory?


If the properties have been updated in the gridding application itself, you can export a new
trajectory file from the gridding application, and import this file into the existing Schedule
project before generating a new SCHEDULE section file. No property file (INIT file) is
required in this case.

If the properties have been updated in the EDIT section of the simulator data file, then you
must perform an ECLIPSE data set run to create a new property file (INIT file) which
contains the updated properties.
Schedule allows you to use the properties from the property file instead of from the
trajectory file for calculating the Connection Factor during the export of the SCHEDULE
section file, even if the well trajectory file has been loaded and used before to generate a
SCHEDULE section file. This can prove useful if, after running the simulator and
investigating the simulation results, you decide to update the properties by editing them
directly on the simulator data file, instead of going back to the gridding application.
In that case you have to perform the following steps after the simulator data set run:

First import the new properties, Import | Properties

Then in order to force Schedule to use the properties from the imported property file instead
of those from the previously imported well trajectory file, you have to specify the proper
ECLIPSE simulation option

Setup | Options

Set Use Trajectory Perms to NO.

The main advantage behind this is that the well trajectories do not have to be updated using the
trajectory file every time the properties are changed.This would involve exporting the properties
from the gridding application every time the properties changed. Instead the well trajectories are
updated in the Connection Factor calculations when exporting a new SCHEDULE section file.
If the grid geometry has also been changed, for example if an attempt has been made to make a
history match, then we recommend that you export a new grid and well trajectory file from the
gridding application; then import the files into Schedule. This updates the well trajectories both
to the changed grid geometry and the property information).


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

What is a well trajectory?

Schedule User Guide

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file

You can define well geometry by importing a well deviation survey data file containing the path
information of the wells into Schedule so that it calculates the well trajectories. In this case, you
must provide both a grid and a property file for a complete Schedule project. The property file
is required to obtain the permeability and NTG information for those grid cells that are
intersected by the wells.
If the ECLIPSE simulator is used, a property file with the extension *.INIT can be produced
with a data set run by defining the NOSIM keyword (or no simulation) in the RUNSPEC section
and the INIT keyword in the GRID section of the simulator data file. The NOSIM keyword
performs data checking with no simulation. Grid geometry and property information must still
be available in the GRID section of the simulator data file when running the simulator.
If a property file created by a simulation run is imported into Schedule, we recommend you also
use the grid file that is produced at the same time during the simulation run, even if another grid
file is available from a gridding application. Using both the grid and property file produced by
the simulator avoids possible inconsistencies between the grid file from the gridding application
and the property file from a simulator run.

The grid file is produced by ECLIPSE when the GRIDFILE keyword is placed in the
RUNSPEC section. The GRIDFILE keyword must be set equal to two (extended
output) for generation of a proper grid file for Schedule.

To import grid and property files use:

Import | Grid

Import | Properties

Import of well deviation survey data

You can generate a well trajectory in Schedule instead of having to go through the gridding
application. You can import the well deviation data into Schedule, using Import | Well
Locations | Deviation Survey.
Schedule calculates the trajectories internally (if a grid is present) when you carry out an
operation that requires a trajectory. For example, displaying a well on the 3D Viewer or
exporting a SCHEDULE section.

The deviation data are not stored with the project, but the trajectory calculated from
them is stored and may be exported later if required. If you saved and exited the project
before calculating the trajectories, the data must be re-imported when you open the
project again.

Schedule automatically fills in the properties for the permeability and net-to-gross if you
imported properties. You may enter these properties manually if you prefer.

Schedule User Guide

Re-importing properties does not over-write the trajectory properties unless they have
been set to -1 in the Trajectory table.

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file


For Schedule to be able to read a deviation data file, you must have a CONTROL file containing
a description of the deviation data file format, and a list of the files this format belongs to. The
control file is of the same format as used in the GRID and FloGrid programs for importing well
deviation data. Schedule reads this control file, and then reads the deviation data files it refers to.
The following parameters are required in a deviation data file, and should be present in this

SINGLEWELL: each deviation survey data file contains data for one well
MULTIWELL: files may contain data for several wells, separated by markers or with
the number of data points specified for each well.


The null value used for data in the file (not usually required).
NULL numeric
The units used for X,Y position data (FEET or METRES).


YES if the X,Y positions in a deviation survey are offsets from the wellhead position
NO if the X, Y positions are absolute values.


In order to offset the internally calculated measured depths by the specified quantity,
if MD is not a defined attribute in the control file.


In order to offset the TVD attribute read from the input file. The alternative method is
to define a calculation. This method is faster if there are no other calculations.


The position of the first line of data (number of lines from top of file or from start of
current well).


For MULTIWELL files the end of data for a well must be indicated by a MARKER
value after the last valid data for the well, or by the number of points for the well
being given in the header data.


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file

Schedule User Guide


For MULTIWELL files, the name of the well is read from the file HEADER (you
specify LINE and ITEM position). For SINGLEWELL files, you may choose to enter
the well name associated with each file. If no well names are given, you can enter a
default name root, to be used to set up well names.
Multilateral wells can be constructed by encoding the relationship of the well bores
in the well name. The main stem well bore, being the well bore that runs up to the
well head, has the usual well name. Lateral side tracks attached to it have their name
modified by appending them to the name of the stem, with a % symbol used as a
separator. Thus a deviation with its own name of branch1 that represents a side
track off from a main stem called stem0 would have the name stem0%branch1 in
the file. There should be no spaces on either side of the %. For a branch off from
branch1 with name branch2 the name in the file is stem0%branch1%branch2.


X,Y positions of the wellhead. These may be read from the file HEADER, entered as
actual positions (for SINGLEWELL files), or defaulted to the first X,Y position read
from the file. These offset the well coordinates if XYOFFSET it YES.
TOPX numeric


Reference depth for depth values. This may be read from the file HEADER, or
defaulted to zero. You must specify your own calculations to use this; otherwise it
has no effect. If the units of the reference depth cannot be determined from its use in
a calculation, its units are set to the TVD units, or MD if not present.
REFDEPTH numeric


Reference value for use by the user in calculations. This is, either, read from the file
HEADER, or defaulted to zero. If the units of the reference depth cannot be
determined from its use in a calculation its units are set to the MD units.
REFVALUE numeric

Once these values are defined you should enter the names of the data attributes to be read, their
file positions, and the units used. By default the program expects four special attributes to define
the well trajectory: XPOS, YPOS, MD and TVD. These define the X,Y position, Measured Depth
and True Vertical Depth. If XYOFFSET is YES then XPOS/YPOS are offsets from the wellhead
X/Y position, if NO then they are the exact wellhead X/Y locations.
Other named attributes can also be read in for use in calculations. These attributes can be any
name which the numbers read from the trajectory file are associated. However, XPOS, YPOS,
MD, and TVD must be defined by calculation from these attributes. If no MD is supplied it is
calculated as the direct distance between the individual data points summed along the trajectory.

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file


You can also define the well trajectory in terms of three attributes: AZIMUTH, INCLINATION,
and MD. You can define angles as either DEGREES or RADIANS, with the INCLINATION of
each data point being defined as the bearing from the preceding point measured from the
vertical, and the AZIMUTH as the bearing from the preceding point measured from North. To
use this, you must specify the location of the well head using TOPX, TOPY and REFDEPTH. In
this case REFDEPTH is the TVD of the first point in the well. The MD of the first point is set to
be the same as REFDEPTH unless REFVALUE has been specified, then the MD of the first point
is taken to that value. If neither is specified the value is zero.

Attributes can be defined in the following manner:



The word CALCULATE may be omitted:



If an attribute is defined with no position in the data file, it can be defined

using a CALCULATE command. Variables used for calculation may include
input data attributes and also the keywords REFDEPTH and REFVALUE.
CALCULATE name BY expression
Finally, you must enter a list of the input files to be loaded. If these are
SINGLEWELL files they should all be in the same format. If not, the
WELLNAME, TOPX, TOPY or REFDEPTH values must be entered for each
well data file.

FILE name


Unsupported GRID control file features

The following GRID control keywords are ignored by Schedule:

STORAGE is not supported.

RECLEN is not required

FORMAT is not required

TOPX and TOPY or XPOS and YPOS for latitude and longitude are not supported.

Updating changed grid geometry/properties in SCHEDULE section files

After the Schedule project has been completed, a SCHEDULE section file exported and a
simulator run performed, it may be necessary to update the properties and/or grid geometry. See
the previous section,"Updating SCHEDULE section files for changed grid
geometry/properties" on page 319.


If the grid geometry has also been updated, both the grid and property file must be regenerated with a simulator data set run. You then import the files into Schedule, and
the trajectories are re-calculated. This updates the well trajectories, with both the
changed grid geometry and the property information.

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file

Schedule User Guide


If a changed grid file is imported into Schedule, an updated property file must be
imported to ensure consistency between the files. If not, the properties remain empty
when the trajectories are re-calculated, and no Connection Factors are calculated.

Interactive input of well positions

In some cases, well geometry data is not available either from a gridding application or from a
well deviation survey data file. This might be true for example when creating hypothetical wells
to be placed on a simulation grid during parametric studies. These wells can be defined
interactively within a Schedule project by specifying their path through the grid (IJKs of the
intersected grid cells) on the Trajectory table. Schedule then calculates the trajectory for those
wells, if grid and property information is supplied. See "Interactive data editing and validation"
on page 41 for more details.

Example 1
Control file
-- Well data file description


























-- Attributes in well data file
















-- Attribute calculations



-- List of input files for well data

FILE test.data

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file


Example 2
Trajectory file: test.data
-- Well trajectory information
WELL1 100.23 145.65

0.0 0.0


10.0 0.0 500


12.0 1.0 1000 990

40.0 8.0 2000 1950
WELL2 2500 3000

0.0 0.0



2.0 2000 2000

400.0 8.0 2500 2100


If necessary, XPOS and YPOS can be calculated from the input data instead of being loaded
directly. Data in (R, THETA) form can be processed where THETA takes an angular value using
the special units ANG_DEG (for degrees) or ANG_RAD (for radians).

Example 3
The following options can be used for the case where THETA is measured as an azimuthal angle
increasing clockwise from the X-axis:
-- Define X/Y position as offset from wellhead


-- Attributes in well data file












-- Calculations for XPOS, YPOS








Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file

Schedule User Guide

Example 4
The following options can be used for the case where the bearing of one point from the previous
is known, the first point is specified through the header information:
















-- Attributes in well data file










Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Well geometry data from deviation survey data file


Grid file format and contents

Schedule needs a grid geometry file for a complete project. The grid file can be formatted or
unformatted. If formatted, the first character of the file name extension must be f or F, for
example EX1.FGRID. This tells Schedule that the imported file is formatted. Any other
extension is treated as unformatted, for example EX1.GRID. If a formatted grid file has an
unformatted extension an error message is created when you import it. Upper and lowercase are
allowed, but note that interactive programs are case-sensitive for file names.

Relationship between grid and map coordinate

When well deviation survey data are imported for internal well trajectory calculations, Schedule
must know the relationship of the grid coordinates to the map coordinates. This allows it to
calculate the intersections of the wells with the grid.
When a simulation grid is generated in the gridding application, geological, geophysical and
possibly, well position data are loaded from maps. The coordinate system (UTM coordinates, for
example) of these maps is specified in the gridding application. When the grid is generated, it
is given its own coordinate system, which is usually different from the map coordinate system.
Schedule has to know about the relationship between both coordinate systems to be able to
calculate the intersections correctly.
Gridding applications like the GRID or FloGrid programs can include such information in their
exported files; they write the relationship between map and grid coordinate systems to a
keyword called MAPAXES.
The grid units are also very often different from the map units (for example, UTM maps in
METRES and the grid in FEET). Schedule has to know about this relationship in order to do the
The grid geometry file can be exported either directly from the gridding application or be
produced by a simulator run. In the latter case, a keyword file containing the geometrical
information is exported from the gridding application for inclusion in the simulator data file. It
has the extension *.GRDECL if exported from the GRID program and it contains the MAPAXES
keyword in its header:
-- Grid axes with respect to map coordinates
.0000000E+00 .0000000E+00




ECLIPSE reads this data during a simulation or no-simulation (NOSIM data set) run and writes
it to the GRID file:


6 'REAL'






Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Grid file format and contents


Schedule User Guide

If a GRID file is directly exported from the GRID program, you are asked if MAPAXES should
be included in the file. Say YES, because the information is required if the well trajectory is
calculated in Schedule from imported well deviation survey data. It is automatically included in
a FloGrid GRID file.
MAPAXES is not relevant if a trajectory file generated in the gridding application is used for
specifying the well geometry in Schedule.
The format of the MAPAXES keyword and entries is the same, regardless of whether they are
generated by the simulator or by the gridding application program. Following the MAPAXES
keyword line, there is a single record containing six items of data:
X1 Y1 The X and Y coordinates of one point of the grid Y-axis relative to the map
X2 Y2 The X and Y coordinates of the grid origin relative to the map origin
X3 Y3 The X and Y coordinates of one point of the grid X-axis relative to the map
Figure C.1 Meanings of the MAPAXES keyword entries
Grid Origin





Map Origin

The units of the MAPAXES entries are the same as the map units used in the gridding application.
Unfortunately, GRID files produced with the pre 99B versions of GRID and FloGrid do not
contain a unit flag for these units, so they are initially unknown to Schedule. As the units of the
map, and therefore the units of the MAPAXES keyword entries, are usually METRES, Schedule
assumes these units by default. However, if these units are different from the default ones, they
can be configured in the SCHEDULE section of the configuration file (CONFIG.ECL or
ECL.CFG). Refer to "Importing a grid" on page 27.
---------------------------------------SECTION SCHEDULE
---------------------------------------MAPUNITS METRES

Schedule displays a message in the Log window during the grid import stating defaulted
map units to METRES if the map units are not set in the
configuration file or Map units from config file set to
Otherwise the file containing the MAPUNITS keyword and the following message is displayed,
Map units from Grid file set to METRES/FEET

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Grid file format and contents


Schedule searches for the MAPAXES keyword during the importing of the grid file. If not
specified, default values are applied, which are:

6 'REAL'







Figure C.2 Meanings of default values of MAPAXES keyword


Grid Origin




Map Origin

The default MAPAXES values as shown in Figure C.2 mean that the grid is located with its
bottom left corner at the origin of the map, with the map y-coordinates increasing towards the
top (left-handed coordinate system). The x and y axes of both grid and map are parallel.
The grid coordinate system in this figure has its coordinate origin at the top left corner and ycoordinates increasing from top to bottom (right handed coordinate system).

The grid coordinates can also be left handed with the origin in the bottom left corner.
Schedule extracts this information from the MAPAXES entries in the grid file.

Well deviation survey data can be imported, using Import | Well Location | Deviation Survey
Schedule uses the MAPAXES information to map the location of the wells on to the simulation
grid, and calculates the well to grid connections.

If no connections of the wells with the grid are found, check whether the MAPAXES
keyword was included in the header of the grid file, or whether the correct map units
are specified in the configuration file.

If the map units are set incorrectly in the configuration file and a grid has already been loaded
into the project, save and close the project, exit the program. Then set the proper map units in
the configuration file (CONFIG.ECL or ECL.CFG). You can now restart Schedule and re-load
the grid into the existing project.
Well deviation survey data units can differ from the grid units and/or specified map units. As
long as the proper unit flag is placed in the header of the data files, Schedule recognizes the flag
and converts the data if necessary.


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Grid file format and contents

Schedule User Guide

The GRID file can also be prepared in any units, which are recognized by Schedule during
import if the proper units flag is placed:

' ' '

This is normally done automatically by the gridding application. If the units flag is unset, you
are prompted by the program during the import to specify them. The grid units can differ from
the well data map units.
If a grid file for Schedule is produced by specifying grid geometry data in the ECLIPSE
simulator data file rather than by using a gridding package and including a keyword file
exported from the gridding package to the simulator data file, ensure that the MAPAXES and the
GRIDUNIT keywords are defined in the GRID section of the data file as shown below:
-- Defining relationship between Grid and Map coordinate system
.0000000E+00 .0000000E+00
5000.000 /




-- Defining Grid units


You can export a grid file, also, in map coordinates from the GRID program by specifying MAP
when the GRID program asks for the units of the exported grid during the export procedure. The
following flag is set in the header of the GRID file:



In this case, MAPAXES is not relevant any more, because the grid geometry data are written in
the coordinates of the map itself. Schedule is now able to calculate the connections between
wells and the grid if the coordinate systems of the map used in GRID and the coordinate system
of the well deviation survey data are the same (for example if they are both in UTM

If well geometry data are specified by importing a well trajectory file from either the
GRID or FloGrid program instead of inputting the deviation survey data itself, then the
MAPAXES information in the grid file is not relevant. Schedule does not have to
calculate the intersections of the wells with the grid, as these have already been
calculated in the gridding application.

When a GRID file for Schedule is produced by an ECLIPSE simulator data set run, the
GRIDFILE keyword in the GRID section of the ECLIPSE data file has to be set equal to 2,
which means extended grid file output, as shown below:
-- Output of an Eclipse Grid file (extended output)
2 /

Schedule User Guide

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Grid file format and contents


If the extended GRID file output is not set, Schedule misses important information, and you are
warned during import that the GRID file cannot be read and needs to be re-created using the
extended output option.
If a grid contains local grid refinements, the extended GRID file output is defaulted by


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Grid file format and contents

Schedule User Guide

Tubing description file format

The tubing description file provides information about the characteristics of well casing and
tubing as well as locations of packers, chokes and inflow control devices. Schedule uses this
information, along with perforation data, to construct a multi-segment well description which
includes the volumes and roughness of various sections of the well.
The first line of the tubing file should specify the units used in the remainder of the file. This is
done with the UNITS keyword. Choices for units are FIELD or METRIC indicating a choice of
feet or meters for measured depth and other length measurements.
-- Specify length units

The next section of the tubing file should list the casings/linings for the well and various
branches. Use the CASING keyword to introduce the description and name the stem or
branches. The CASING keyword is followed by the well (or branch) name on the same line. On
lines following the CASING keyword the characteristics for the casing are specified. Each line
contains, in order:

A measured depth point on the casing.

The internal diameter of the casing starting at the MD.

The internal roughness of the casing starting at the MD.

The final line contains only the last measured depth for the casing. Specify a new line whenever
the diameter of the casing/lining changes or whenever the roughness changes.
-- Specify well casing characteristics




The next part of the tubing file should list any internal tubings. Use the TUBING keyword to
introduce each tubing description.
The TUBING keyword is followed, on the same line, by:

The name of the tubing

The casing in which the tubing starts

The casing in which the tubing ends

Optionally, the name of the simulation well that is used to model flow from this tubing. If
this field is blank the flow from this tubing drains into the starting casing.

On lines following the TUBING keyword the characteristics for the tubing are specified. Each
line contains, in order:

Schedule User Guide

A measured depth point for the tubing (the measured depth of a tubing is the same as the
measured depth of the surrounding casing)

The internal diameter of the tubing at the MD point

The internal roughness of the tubing at the MD point

Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Tubing description file format


The external diameter of the tubing at the MD point

The external roughness of the tubing at the MD point. If this is not specified it defaults to
the same value as the internal roughness:

-- Specify Tubing Characteristics

0 .16 .01 .20 .01

The last line of each tubing description should contain only the measured depth where the tubing
In the remainder of the tubing file the locations of packers, chokes and inflow control
devices/valves are specified.
To specify the location of a packer, use the PACKER keyword followed, on the same line, by the
name of the packer, the name of the casing in which the packer is placed and the measured depth
of the packer:
-- Specify Packer locations

To specify the location of a choke, use the CHOKE keyword followed, on the same line, by the
name of the choke, the casing in which the choke is placed and the measured depth of the choke:
-- Specify CHOKE locations

To specify the locations of inflow control valves/devices, use the INFLOW keyword followed,
on the same line, by the name of the inflow device, the tubing in which the device occurs and
the measured depth of the device:
-- Specify INFLOW locations
INFLOW ICD1 Internal1 6000
INFLOW ICD2 Internal1 7000


Sources and combinations of grid, property and well data files

Tubing description file format

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Appendix D

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

It is one of the main purposes of Schedule to produce the SCHEDULE section file for inclusion
in an input data file of ECLIPSE or another reservoir simulator. A SCHEDULE section file for
the whole control network, as shown on the Control Network panel, is exported using Export
| Schedule Section

The units of the exported SCHEDULE section file are defaulted to the project (or
display) units. To export the file in units different from those used in the project for
display, change these units before exporting the file using Setup | Units. Changing the
project units only effects the display of data on the panels and tables.

You can export a SCHEDULE section for selected well(s) or group(s) of wells only, by first
selecting the well(s) or group(s) of wells on the Control Network panel with the mouse (using
the Shift key for multiple selections and the Ctrl key for non-contiguous selections) and
then, selecting Control Network: Export | Selected Schedule.

Multiple well selections on the control network can only be made within one group.
Well(s) and group(s) cannot be selected together.

This generates the SCHEDULE section file only for the selected wells or wells in the selected
group. The recommended extension for a SCHEDULE section file is *.SCH. You can edit the
SCHEDULE section file, if necessary, and you can also import it into other Schedule sessions.

Specifying start and end date for generation of

SCHEDULE section file
SCHEDULE sections can be exported for any start and end date as set in the Simulation Time
Framework panel, Setup | Time Framework

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files


Exporting a SCHEDULE section between required start and end dates may prove useful if, for
example, you want to break up the history match data into intervals in order to make a history
match of only one period; or, if you want to export a SCHEDULE section for the prediction
period of a simulation project only.

Configuring simulation options

Before exporting the SCHEDULE section, make sure that the proper simulation options have
been set on the Eclipse Options panel, Setup | Options
Default settings for all the simulation options for generation of SCHEDULE section files exist.
These default settings are sufficient for most cases. The defaults are as follows:

Skin entry in the COMPDAT keyword will be suppressed (Suppress Skin = Yes), because
the skin is not required primarily by the simulator if the Connection Factor is specified.

Trajectory permeabilities will be used for Connection Factor calculations (Use Trajectory
Perms = YES) instead of those in the property file.

Compensated rates are entered in WCONHIST, that is no WEFAC used for historical
production data (Use WEFAC = NO).

COMPVE keywords not generated for completion data (Generate COMPVE = NO).

Production history keywords WCONHIST generated (Suppress History = NO).

Well connection keywords COMPDAT generated (Suppress Connections = NO).

Comments, warnings, errors not suppressed.

Threshold perforations length percentage under which connections should be suppressed in

a grid cell is defaulted to 5% (Perf.% Threshold = 5). You can specify an absolute
perforation length threshold value instead.

Figure D.1 Default Eclipse Options settings


SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

Content of a typical SCHEDULE section file

A SCHEDULE section file exported for the ECLIPSE reservoir simulator with the default
ECLIPSE Options settings, looks like the file shown below. The file has been split into sections
with explanatory notes in between.
-- FILE GENERATED ON 1 'SEP' 1997 8:48
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'GRID FILE' /ecl/tutorials/ex3/EX3.FGRID
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'GRID PROPERTIES' /ecl/tutorials/ex3/EX3.FINIT
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'PRODUCTION HISTORY' /ecl/tutorials/EX3.VOL
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'WELL EVENTS' /ecl/tutorials/ex3/EX3a.EV
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'WELL EVENTS' /ecl/tutorials/ex3/EX3b.EV
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'DEVIATION SURVEY' /ecl/tutorials/EX3.CNT
-- 30 Jun 1997: 'HIERARCHY FILE' /ecl/tutorials/ex3/EX3.NET
-- 01 Jul 1997: 'WELL TRAJECTORY' /ecl/tutorials/EX3_PRED.TRJ
-- 01 Jul 1997: 'WELL EVENTS' /ecl/tutorials/ex3/EX3_PRED.EV

The top of the file contains the date when the file was produced and a list of the files that have
been imported into the Schedule project with their original path and date of import. This might
help you to find the original sources of the data file if you want to edit the Schedule project at a
later date. This file list is also stored with the project and you can view it, using Data | Input
If an older data file has been replaced by importing a newer one into the project, another line is
added to the files list but the entry of the older file is not deleted. Thus the complete history of
imported data files is available.

: OUTPUT GENERATED BY SCHEDULE 97A - Week 9731, Build 320

Next in the example SCHEDULE section file is a comment that indicates the units in which the
SCHEDULE section was output. This is a reminder to check if the units in the RUNSPEC section
are the same.
The comment on the simulation start date reflects the initial (start) date set in the Simulation
Time Framework panel for starting to generate the exported SCHEDULE section file, which
you can view, using Setup | Time Framework

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files


This is a reminder to check if the simulation start date in the RUNSPEC section is the same. It
also helps to coordinate SCHEDULE section files if they are exported for distinct time periods
(for example if a history match has been broken up into intervals).

: SLANTW1 Perforation Top 1200.00 Bottom 1840.50 Damage Skin


: SLANTW1 Connection


5 10

: SLANTW1a Perforation


1 Perf. Len 640.50 ( 58.2%)

1841.00 Bottom

2400.00 Damage


: SLANTW1a Connection

2 Perf. Len 194.76 ( 64.0%)


: SLANTW1a Connection

3 Perf. Len 259.24 ( 87.6%)


: SLANTW1a Connection

4 Perf. Len

33.51 ( 11.7%)


: SLANTW1a Connection

4 Perf. Len

71.49 ( 24.9%)

Just after each DATE entry (and after the simulation start date), just before WELSPECS and
COMPDAT keywords appear, a list of comments, warnings and error messages (if any) are
written to the file.
The comments summarize the well events that occurred at this timestep and that affect the
completion data (for example, perforations, squeezes, welltests etc). As all the comment lines
start with a double dash, they are ignored by the simulator. Quantitative data are provided for
the connections that result from these events:

IJK of perforated block in global or local coordinates, depending on where the well is
completed (that is, either in a global or in an LGR block).

Perforation Length of the well in the block (in project units)

Percentage of the grid block being perforated in brackets. This is the length of the
perforation divided by the length of the grid cell measured in the major direction of the well
penetration, multiplied by 100.
It is the perforated percentage (PP), as calculated by [EQ D.1]:
hPP = 100

[EQ D.1]

and illustrated in Figure D.2.

This value can be greater than 100% if there is a highly deviated, fully perforated, well that
penetrates the grid block with entry and exit phase on opposite sides of the grid block.
Figure D.2 Well position leading to a perforation percentage greater than 100%


SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide


Error messages are written when Schedule encounters a situation that makes the resulting
SCHEDULE section invalid.

Warnings are generated to draw attention to potential problem situations.


When you have to deal with very large projects, it is useful to extract possible ERROR
messages from the exported SCHEDULE section files in order to get an overview. On
UNIX, you can use the command below to obtain a shortened list of error messages
sorted by well name:

grep ERROR SCHEDULE_FILE | sort +2 | uniq

sort +2 sorts the output by well names.

uniq extracts only those lines that are different from each other. Thus avoiding the
same error message appearing hundreds of times on the extracted list, as well as well
has flow but no grid connections that appears every time a production
rate is specified for a well that is not perforated.
A listing and explanations of Schedule advisory messages (errors and warnings) is given in
"Schedule Advisory Messages" on page 355 in this manual.




'OIL' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

1* /




'OIL' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* /




'OIL' 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* /

1* /

'G_1' 'LG1_SL1A'

1* 'OIL'







1* /

'G_1' 'LGR1_SL2'

1* 'OIL'







WELSPECS and WELSPECL keywords summarize well specification data. For details, please
refer to the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual".

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files



Item 6 in WELSPECS and item 7 in WELSPECL in the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual"

specify the preferred phase for the well. Within Schedule, it cannot be decided based
on the available production data, whether the produced/injected well phase is oil, water
or gas. Therefore, the preferred phase is defaulted to OIL by introducing a template for
WELSPECS/WELSPECL on the FIELD Events panel. You can alter this template, if
necessary, or reset for specific wells or groups of wells by introducing another template
on a lower level in the control hierarchy. For details of how to use a template, please
refer to "Using templates, macros and keywords for predictions" on page 99 of this
manual. If the default OIL is used, but it does not apply to the well, ECLIPSE resets it
during the simulation run, and gives a proper warning message.



17519.836 1* 1*
565.685 1*


K1 K2

'X' /
















5374.926 1* 1*

'X' /




7154.448 1* 1*

'X' /







'Z' /






'Z' /






'Z' /






'Z' /






'Z' /






'Z' /



COMPDAT/COMPDATM contain well completion specification data for wells completed in global
cells/LGRs. COMPDATM is also used for well connections to single LGRs, not only for those
connected to amalgamated LGRs. This is consistent with the ECLIPSE formal requirements.


In the above example, COMPDAT(M) the skin factor is suppressed (that means
defaulted). This is the Schedule default export option. Only entries for Connection
Factors (CF) and Kh are made in COMPDAT(M).

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

In ECLIPSE, the skin factor in COMPDAT(M) is not used for calculations, as the CF is present.
However, if not suppressed, the skin is a mechanical skin.
Export options can be changed on the Eclipse Options panel. You can open this by, selecting
Setup | Options
Schedule provides you with the simulation options to suppress Connection Factor (CF) and/or
Skin factor in COMPDAT(M). If the CF is suppressed but not skin, the value of skin is taken as a
pseudo skin.
The Kh values placed in COMPDAT(M) change depending on whether CF is suppressed or not:

If CF is not suppressed, an accurate Kh is written, which is a Kh taking into account effects

like partial penetration and the deviation of the well.

If CF is suppressed, an ECLIPSE type Kh is written, which is an ideal Kh that assumes full

penetration and ideal positioning of the well in the grid block. ECLIPSE uses the same
calculation as Schedule to obtain CF from Kh and Skin values, and wellbore diameter.


An ECLIPSE type Kh has to be written, because for CF suppressed a pseudo skin is

written. The CF is calculated from Kh and skin values, but only one of these two
variables is allowed to account for the effects like partial penetration, etc, for a correct
calculation of CF.

If both CF and Skin are suppressed in the ECLIPSE Simulation window, the Kh is also
suppressed. In this case ECLIPSE then applies a default calculation, based on grid geometry and
grid cell property information, to calculate a CF for the simulation run.
Below is a summary showing the possible combinations of CF, Kh and Skin using the ECLIPSE
Simulation Options and the type of entries made in the COMPDAT(M) in the SCHEDULE
section (1* means the field is suppressed via the Simulation Options, and therefore defaulted
in the COMPDAT(M)):
Table D.1

Schedule User Guide

Possible combinations of CF, kh and Skin




Peaceman Radius

















SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files


For more details of the CF, Kh and skin items of the COMPDAT(M) keyword and simulation
options, as well as of the nomenclature used, please refer to "Calculation of Kh and connection
factor" on page 275.
'G_1' 'FIELD' /
'G_2' 'FIELD' /
'G_3' 'FIELD' /
'G_4' 'FIELD' /
'G_2.1' 'G_2' /
'G_2.2' 'G_2' /

The GRUPTREE keyword describes the group hierarchy on the control network used in the
project. It contains the dependencies of groups to the FIELD or to other groups. Information
about dependencies of the wells to the groups are specified within the WELSPEC(L) keyword.
'SLANTW1' 'OPEN' 'ORAT' 0.000



2 1*


4974.591 /

'SLANTW2' 'OPEN' 'ORAT' 255.380



3 1*


5081.354 /

WCONHIST contains the historical observed production data of the oil, water and gas phases for
the wells. The data are loaded from ASCII files into Schedule, using Import | Production
History | Replace


SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

These are averaged depending on the overall time framework settings on the Simulation Time
Framework panel and report frequency specified on the Field Events panel (see below for
Schedule report output). Item 7 may contain the VFP table number and item 10 the observed
BHP if specified as event for that well. (See the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual".)
1 1 1 1/
-- 1.000000 days from start of simulation ( 1 'JAN' 1970 )
2 'JAN' 1970/

: SLANTW1 Perforation Top 3450.00 Bottom 3800.00 Damage Skin

-- WARN: SLANTW1 Perf interval 3531.850830 to 3696.000000 outside all

cells, discarded

: SLANTW1 Connection

5 10

1 Perf. Len 640.50 ( 58.2%)


: SLANTW1 Connection

5 10

4 Perf. Len

58.87 ( 15.6%)


: SLANTW1 Connection

6 10

4 Perf. Len

22.98 (


: SLANTW1 Connection

6 10

5 Perf. Len 104.00 ( 46.5%)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/

You can specify Schedule reports as events on the Field Events panel, by selecting Field
Event: New | Schedule Report Style

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files


For every report in a Schedule project, a start and end date as well as frequency of reporting can
be specified in addition to the content of the report. First Schedule writes the RPTSCHED
keyword to the exported file at the specified Initial date; this switches on the reporting of the
selected items. It then writes another RPTSCHED keyword with all items set to zero at the
following timestep; this switches off the reporting for the following timesteps. This is repeated
at the intervals specified (for example quarterly or yearly).
-- 4.000000 days from start of simulation ( 1 'JAN' 1970 )
5 'JAN' 1970/

: SLANTW1 Perforation Top 1900.00 Bottom 2400.00 Damage Skin


: SLANTW1 Squeeze


3000.00 Bottom


-- WARN: SLANTW1 Squeeze interval 3531.850830 3850.000000 Top changed

to 3696.000000

: SLANTW1 Connection

5 10

1 Perf. Len 640.50 ( 58.2%)


: SLANTW1 Connection

4 10

1 Perf. Len 500.00 ( 55.6%)


: SLANTW1a Squeeze


: SLANTW1a Connection

2 Perf. Len 194.76 ( 64.0%)


: SLANTW1a Connection

3 Perf. Len 259.24 ( 87.6%)


: SLANTW1a Connection

4 Perf. Len

33.51 ( 11.7%)


: SLANTW1a Connection

4 Perf. Len

71.49 ( 24.9%)


3000.00 Bottom


'SLANTW1a' 'SHUT' 1*


1* /
1* /


SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

If a change in the well completion state occurs (for example another perforation, squeeze etc),
Schedule closes first all connections for that well with the WELOPEN keyword as shown above
(the IJKs are defaulted, which means all open connections are SHUT). Then a new COMPDAT

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files


is written to account for the changes in the completion state (see below).














'OPEN' 1
'X' /


'OPEN' 1
'X' /













5374.926 1* 1*

'X' /

2 2

'OPEN' 1*


7154.448 1* 1*

'X' /

3 3

'OPEN' 1*


924.875 1* 1*

4 4

'OPEN' 1*


1967.406 1* 1*

4 4

'OPEN' 1*


'X' /
'X' /

-- 31.000000 days from start of simulation ( 1 'JAN' 1970 )
1 'FEB' 1970/

: VW8 Connection

1 Perf. Len 100.00 (100.0%)

-: VW8 Connection 5 1 1 Welltest Modified Kh 1088.94 (ECLIPSE

1088.94) CF
0.91 by test/calc 40000.00/6335.68

: VW8 Connection

2 Perf. Len 100.00 (100.0%)

-: VW8 Connection 5 1 2 Welltest Modified Kh 1088.94 (ECLIPSE

1088.94) CF
0.91 by test/calc 40000.00/6335.68

: VW8 Connection

3 Perf. Len 100.00 (100.0%)

-: VW8 Connection 5 1 3 Welltest Modified Kh 1088.94 (ECLIPSE

1088.94) CF
0.91 by test/calc 40000.00/6335.68

: VW8 Connection

4 Perf. Len 100.00 (100.0%)

-: VW8 Connection 5 1 4 Welltest Modified Kh 1088.94 (ECLIPSE

1088.94) CF
0.91 by test/calc 40000.00/6335.68

: VW8 Connection

1 Perf. Len 100.00 (100.0%)

-: VW8 Connection 7 2 1 Welltest Modified Kh 989.95 (ECLIPSE

989.95) CF
0.87 by test/calc 40000.00/6335.68

: VW8 Connection

2 Perf. Len 100.00 (100.0%)

-: VW8 Connection 7 2 2 Welltest Modified Kh 989.95 (ECLIPSE

989.95) CF
0.87 by test/calc 40000.00/6335.68
'VW8' 'SHUT' 1*


1* /


SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

A Kh product specified in a welltest event updates the COMPDAT(M) to reflect the welltest
results. For wells with multiple connections to grid blocks, the Kh(welltest) from the welltest is
scaled to the individual Kh of cells based on the Schedule internally-calculated Kh(accurate)
values. In the welltest example above, with K ( hwelltest ) = 40000 , the following scaling is done
on the individual connections:
KH ( welltest )KH ( iwt ) = KH ( i ) ---------------------------------KH ( i )

[EQ D.2]

KH ( i )

is the individual Kh as calculated internally by Schedule

KH ( iwt )

is the individual Kh scaled to account for the welltest event

KH ( welltest )

is the observed welltest Kh as imported from the events file or

specified on the Events panel.

All Kh values are accurate Kh, thus accounting for effects like partial penetration and
positioning of the well in the grid cell.
Using the internally calculated Kh entries from the previous COMPDAT(M), which are also
written in the comment lines for the cell connections at the occurrence date of the welltest, for
the summation

KH ( i ) = 4 1088.94 + 2 989.95 = 6335.66

[EQ D.3]

and Kh(welltest)=40000, then the individual Kh values for the cells are scaled to account for the
welltest event as follows. (The calculation shown are for connection 5/1/1 as an example.)
KH ( welltest -)
KH ( 511wt ) = KH ( i ) ---------------------------------= 1088.94 ------------------- = 6875.00
KH ( i )

[EQ D.4]

The updated COMPDATM entries for well VW8 that are generated for the welltest event are
shown below. The Connection Factors are also scaled by the same factors, as they are linearly
dependent on the Kh product.








'VW8' 'LG1_VW78'
6875.000 1* 1* 'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*



'VW8' 'LG1_VW78'
6875.000 1* 1* 'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*



'VW8' 'LG1_VW78'
6875.000 1* 1* 'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*



'VW8' 'LG1_VW78'
6875.000 1* 1* 'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*



'VW8' 'LG2_VW78'
6250.000 1* 1* 'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*



'VW8' 'LG2_VW78'
6250.000 1* 1* 'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*



Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files


SCHEDULE section file using simulation option WEFAC

The uptime compensated historical production rates are exported to the SCHEDULE section file
by default using the WCONHIST keyword.
For example a daily production rate valid for the month February of 100 bbl/day oil with an
uptime fraction of 0.5, results in the following WCONHIST entry in February when you use the
defaulted simulation option for production data.
'G1' 'OPEN' 'ORAT' 50.00






1* /

Remember to set the UCRATES keyword in the header of the production data file before
importing to account for the uptime fraction. Schedule assumes, by default, that the rates in the
input file are already compensated ones, that is they are already multiplied by the uptime
fraction (see "Keywords" on page 288 for more details).
However, this output can be changed to uncompensated rates in the WCONHIST entries and to
uptime compensation in the WEFAC keyword.
To change the simulation option for production data output, change the ECLIPSE option for
WEFAC on the ECLIPSE Options panel.

Setup | Options


This results in the following production data output in the SCHEDULE section for monthly
simulator timesteps:
'G1' 'OPEN' 'ORAT' 100.00






1* /

'G1' 0.500 /

SCHEDULE section file using simulation option COMPVE

By default, Schedule exports well completion data in the SCHEDULE section file for ECLIPSE
using the COMPDAT(M) keyword. You can also export well connection depth data using the
COMPVE(L) keyword. To do this use the Schedule Simulation option on the ECLIPSE
Options panel.


To open this panel, select Setup | Options.

Set Generate COMPVE = YES

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

An export SCHEDULE section file using the default simulation option for completion data is
illustrated below,
'G1' 14


'G1' 14
6.000 1*


'Z' /

'Z' /

'G1' 14
10.000 1*

'Z' /







'OPEN' 1*




'OPEN' 1*




'OPEN' 1*




changes to the following when you use the COMPVE option:


'G1' 14
6.000 1*

'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*




'G1' 14
6.000 1*

'Z' /

'OPEN' 1*




'OPEN' 1*



'G1' 14
10.000 1*

'Z' /









'G1' 14

1 1*
8034.933 /






'G1' 14

2 1*
8126.300 /






'G1' 14

4 1*
8165.294 /






COMPVE(L) is mainly used to reset the top and bottom depths of well connections to account
for partial well penetration within a grid block when calculating the phase relative permeability
at the connection. It also allows you to adjust the skin factor for partial penetration. This would
only be relevant if the Connection Factors or (pseudo)skin are not specified in COMPDAT (that
is defaulted), and ECLIPSE itself has to calculate them. ECLIPSE then assumes full penetration
of the grid block and an ideal location of the well.
As Schedule already considers these effects in the Connection Factor, these entries are not
relevant. Another important entry under the COMPVE keyword is CVEFRAC (item 7 in the
"ECLIPSE Reference Manual"), which determines the fraction of Vertical Equilibrium curves
to be used in calculating relative permeabilities for the connection. This information is not
available in Schedule, but can be specified using a template for COMPVE on a well group or at
the FIELD level, if common for several or all wells. This also applies when editing the
COMPVE keyword for a single well which has been internally generated, and displayed on the
Well Events panel, after exporting a SCHEDULE section with the simulation option Generate

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files



There is an ECLIPSE restriction on using COMPVE for highly deviated or horizontal

wells where DTOP and DBOT (items 12 and 13 under COMPVE in the "ECLIPSE
Reference Manual") are very close together. This makes ECLIPSE extremely sensitive
to fluid contact depths and can cause convergence difficulties during the simulation

For such cases, you can suppress the generation of COMPVE(L) by specifying a minimum
change in Z value between top and bottom depths of the connection, using the COMPVE Min.
Z Delta option on the ECLIPSE Options panel. The default threshold value is 5 meters.
For more details to the keyword itself please refer to the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual", for
details on specifying Keywords to "Keywords" on page 288, and for templates to "Using
templates, macros and keywords for predictions" on page 99.

Using non-default transmissibility options

When exporting a SCHEDULE section for one of the ECLIPSE family of reservoir simulators,
you must set the transmissibility calculation method to match the type of simulator used. The
default method in Schedule is that used by the ECLIPSE 100 reservoir simulator.
To change the default, use either the transmissibility setup menu, Setup | Transmissibility, or
set the preferred option in the SCHEDULE section of the configuration file (ECL.CFG or
CONFIG.ECL) before starting Schedule.
The transmissibility option determines the way the NTG is handled within the Schedule
Connection Factor (or transmissibility factor) calculation. The three choices are:

The Net-To-Gross value is used as a multiplier on the height of the grid block (Dz) and on
the z component of the well penetration vector through the cell (hz).

The Net-To-Gross value is used as a multiplier on the z component of the well penetration
vector (hz) through the cell but not on the grid block height.

Scaled Permeabilities
The Net-To-Gross value is used as a multiplier on the X and Y direction permeabilities.

Incomplete SCHEDULE sections

For generation of a complete SCHEDULE section file, grid, property, historical production data,
well geometry and well events data have to be specified. However, you can also use Schedule
as a tool for performing special operations in an incomplete project. You must build a control
network, of at least one group (that is an ECLIPSE requirement) with its assigned wells, on the
Control Network window. Two examples are given below.

Averaging and validating historical production data

You can import historical production data from a file. Then, before you export a SCHEDULE
section file you can display and verify the data, and finally build a control network of at least
one group, under the FIELD level with all wells assigned to this group.


SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

The exported file contains WCONHIST entries with the production data averaged according to
the target simulator timesteps specified on the Simulation Time Framework panel.
Error messages appear at every timestep for every well on production saying that the well has
flow but no grid connection. This is because no grid, property and well geometry were defined.
Select the appropriate option on the Eclipse Options panel to suppress the messages.
If production data are already in place in the project, you can use the simulation option
Suppress Connections - YES on the Eclipse Options panel to suppress completion data
in a generated SCHEDULE section file.

Calculating well Connection Factors only (no historical

production data)
To calculate well Connection Factors, Schedule needs grid, property, well geometry and events
When generating a SCHEDULE section file with completion data only, you need a control
network of at least one group under the FIELD level with all wells assigned to this group. Well
names for building a control network interactively are available from events data if events have
been imported from a file. Alternatively, you can import control network information that has
been specified on a file (*.NET file).
To avoid WCONHIST keywords with all entries equal to zero being written to an exported
SCHEDULE section file, you should suppress the production history by selecting the appropriate
option on the Eclipse Options panel.

Schedule User Guide

SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files



SCHEDULE Section File

Exporting SCHEDULE section files

Schedule User Guide

Appendix E

You can import an ECLIPSE data file into Schedule, using Import | Schedule Section.
Schedule, then, extracts information from the RUNSPEC section of the file and reads the
complete SCHEDULE section to determine the START date and the units. If no RUNSPEC
section is provided, Schedule asks you to enter a START date. The units are defaulted to the
current setting of the units option.
Schedule determines the groups from the GRUPTREE, WELSPECS and WELSPECL keywords.
This results in control networks being created on the START date and on each subsequent date
when alteration is made to the network by one of the above keywords.
Schedule also extracts the production rates from WCONHIST, WCONPROD, WCONINJ,
WCONINJE, WELTARG and WEFAC. These rates are for display purposes only. If you export a
SCHEDULE section after importing data, you should select the option to suppress history;
otherwise Schedule exports both the imported keywords and the internally-generated keywords
(for example WCONHIST and WEFAC) together, thus creating an inconsistency. This is because
Schedule cannot regenerate internal data (apart from the history and groups) from the imported

Schedule User Guide

Schedule uses the uptime from the WEFAC and multiplies this by the rates from the
RATE keywords such as WCONHIST on import.





Schedule User Guide

Schedule Advisory Messages

Appendix F

You can export a SCHEDULE section file for all wells and groups, as displayed in the Control
Network window, using Export | Schedule Section.
You can also export a SCHEDULE section file for selected well(s)/group(s) of wells, using
Control Network: Export | Selected Schedule.
Schedule generates an ASCII file of keywords with associated entries and so-called advisory
messages. Advisory messages are comments embedded in the export file; they can be error
messages, warnings and comments.

Error messages are written when Schedule encounters a situation that makes the resulting
SCHEDULE section invalid.

Warnings are generated to draw attention to potential problem situations.

Comments are written to better understand the SCHEDULE section content.

When you have to deal with very large projects, it is useful to extract possible ERROR messages
from the exported SCHEDULE section files in order to get an overview. On UNIX you can use
the following command to obtain a shortened list of error messages sorted by well name:
grep ERROR SCHEDULE_FILE | sort +2 | uniq

sort +2 sorts the output by well names.

uniq extracts only those lines which are different from each other, thus avoiding the same
error message appearing hundreds of times on the extracted list. An example is Well has
flow but no grid connections, which appears every time a production rate is
specified for a well that is not perforated.

Schedule User Guide

Schedule Advisory Messages



Error messages
Schedule generates error messages when it encounters a situation that makes the resulting
SCHEDULE section invalid:
<WELLNAME> is completed in both global and LGR cells
This is generated if Schedule attempts to complete the well in an LGR when the well is already
completed in a global cell, or vice versa.
More than one COMPDAT(L,M) for a cell
This is generated if Schedule attempts to create a COMPDAT keyword and finds an existing keyword for
the same cell as a user-created keyword event.
Multiple RPTSCHED keys in one time step
This is generated if Schedule attempts to create a RPTSCHED keyword and finds an existing keyword
for the same cell as a user-created keyword event
<WELLNAME> More than one COMPVE(L) for cell %d %d %d
This is generated if Schedule attempts to create a COMPVE keyword and finds an existing keyword for
the same cell as a user-created keyword event.
<WELLNAME> has flow but no grid connection
This is generated when Schedule creates a flow-governing keyword (WCONHIST, WCONINJE) and
discovers that the well has no grid connections (that it has never been perforated or all perforations have
been squeezed).
<WELLNAME> has deferred production but no grid connection
This is generated when Schedule creates a flow-governing keyword (WCONHIST, WCONINJE) and
discovers that the well has no grid connections (that it has never been perforated or all perforations have
been squeezed). The deferred production refers to a production volume which has been saved from a
previous time step in which the well has both production and injection volumes. As the well must be
either a producer or an injector, Schedule saves the smaller volume and attempts to place it in a
following time step.
<WELLNAME> Layer <LAYER NAME> one of K<LAYER TOP> or K<LAYER BOTTOM> not on trajectory
This is generated when Schedule tries to process an event that has a layer restriction, and one of the
layer ranges is not valid for the well.
<WELLNAME> <EVENT> ignored because well has no trajectory
This is generated when Schedule tries to process an event but there is no known path for the well
through the grid.
<WELLNAME> <EVENT> ignored, no top depth
This is generated when Schedule tries to process an event with a missing top depth.
<WELLNAME> <EVENT> ignored, no bottom depth
This is generated when Schedule tries to process an event with a missing bottom depth.
This is generated when Schedule tries to process an event and the interval between the top and bottom
depth appears wrong.


Schedule Advisory Messages

Error messages

Schedule User Guide

Warning messages
Schedule generates warning messages to draw attention to potential problem situations:
This is generated when a connection is suppressed as a result of one of the threshold options. The
comment includes the names of the option that caused the suppression.
Existing RPTSCHED overrides generated style
This is generated when Schedule finds a user keyword event for a RPTSCHED which could conflict
with an internally generated keyword. The user supplied keyword is used.
<WELLNAME> COMPVE suppressed, grid block <LGR NAME> <I> <J> <K> has no depth
This is generated when Schedule attempts to generate a COMPVE keyword for a cell with no depth.
<WELLNAME> COMPVE suppressed in <LGR NAME> <I> <J> <K>, depth change <ACTUAL Z DELTA> < <THRESHOLD
This is generated when an internally generated COMPVE is suppressed because of the threshold option.
<WELLNAME> COMPVE generated for horizontal well in <LGR NAME> <I> <J> <K>
This is generated when a COMPVE is generated and the well connection has an X or Y direction in the
COMPDAT keyword
Wellspecl can not get wellhead location for <WELLNAME>
This is generated when the wellhead I J K cannot be determined because the well has no path through
the grid.
<WELLNAME> <KEYWORD> may be inconsistent, existing event took precedence over generated
This is generated whenever Schedule tries to generate a keyword and finds an existing keyword at the
same time in the same period.
<WELLNAME> Injection value of%6.2f zeroed because uptime is <= zero
This is generated when Schedule encounters a situation where the uptime for a well in a period is less
than or equal to zero but the well has an injection volume. The volume is set to zero.
<WELLNAME> Production OWG of <OIL> <WATER> <GAS>
This is generated when Schedule encounters a situation where the uptime for a well in a period is less
than or equal to zero but the well has an production volume. The volume is set to zero.
<WELLNAME> WEFAC of <OLD VALUE> changed to 1
This is generated when Schedule encounters an illegal uptime value. The value is changed to 1.
This is generated when Schedule moves an event up or down to meet layer restrictions.
<WELLNAME> <EVENT NAME> ignored, diameter defaulted
This is generated when an event has a missing diameter. A default diameter is used instead.
<WELLNAME> <EVENT NAME> skin set to 0
This is generated when an event has a missing skin.
Layer <LAYER NAME> has no definition, ignored
This is generated when a layer definition (in the layer table) has a missing value for one or both ranges.
This is generated when a well drops out of the simulation (that is, it is removed from the control
<WELLNAME> <EVENT TYPE> interval <TOP> <BOTTOM> below grid

Schedule User Guide

Schedule Advisory Messages

Warning messages


This is generated when an interval is discarded because is falls below the grid bottom.
<WELLNAME> <EVENT TYPE> interval <TOP> to <BOTTOM> outside all cells, discarded
This is generated when an interval is discarded because is does not lie within any cells. The interval
could be above the grid or lie in a gap between cells.
A long perforation that lies over several cells and gaps results in several intervals being trimmed out,
corresponding to the locations of the gaps in the grid.
<WELLNAME> no connection for stimulation interval <TOP> <BOTTOM>, ignored
This is generated when a simulation (for example acidize) interval is discarded because is does refer to
an existing perforation.
<WELLNAME> Squeeze interval %f %f Top changed to %f
This is generated when a squeeze or plug interval is adjusted to meet a cell top. This can occur because
the squeeze starts above the grid or because there are gaps in the grid. The overall squeeze is treated as
a separate squeeze for each cell and gaps in the grid will result in the tops of some of these portions
being adjusted to the cell tops below the gaps.


Schedule Advisory Messages

Warning messages

Schedule User Guide

This is generated whenever a COMPDAT is generated.
<WELLNAME> Connection <I> <J> <K> Welltest Modified KH <#> (ECLIPSE <#>) CF <#> by test/calc
This is generated when the connection factor is adjusted to account for a welltest. The numbers indicate:


Schedule User Guide


the Schedule Kh for the cell (accounts for partial perforation)


the Kh which ECLIPSE would calculate for the cell


the Schedule calculated connection factor before adjustment for the welltest


the ratio used to adjust the connection factor where test is the input value
and calc is the internally calculated total Kh for the well.

Comment text associated with events is generated in this form.

Schedule Advisory Messages




Schedule Advisory Messages


Schedule User Guide

Configuring Schedule
Appendix G

The configuration file (CONFIG.ECL) is the primary method of passing configuration data to
the Schlumberger software programs. It is used to configure several aspects of a system for use
with Schedule, printers for example, and also as a means of passing other key data, such as
passwords. The master Configuration File is called CONFIG.ECL and resides in the
ecl/macros directory. However, Schedule actually reads a file called ECL.CFG, so the
program macros must copy the master Configuration File (CONFIG.ECL) into a file called
ECL.CFG in the current directory. An error is recorded if the configuration file is not present,
and the program run is terminated. On completion of the program run the program macro deletes
the local copy.
The auxiliary configuration files (ECL.CFA and ECL.CFU) are optional, and if present in the
local directory are processed in the same way as the main configuration file. These files allow
information that is run- or user-dependent to be passed to Schedule without having to alter the
master configuration file.
ECL.CFU is a user-specific configuration file, and should be stored in the users login directory.
If present in the users login directory, ECL.CFU is copied, by the macro, to the local working
directory. Any entries in ECL.CFU override those in ECL.CFG.
ECL.CFA is a local auxiliary configuration file that resides in the users working directory.
ECL.CFA will override both ECL.CFU and ECL.CFG.
The configuration file is divided into several sections, declared using the word SECTION, most
of which are specifically set for the type of installation required. Typically these are passwords,
monitor types, paths to various files, etc. However, some of the sections allow you to set the
fonts and other aspects of style to your own preference. These sections are: FRAMEWORK,

Schedule User Guide

Configuring Schedule


DISPLAY allows the menu fonts and panel colors to be more easily defined by the user.
Previously it was necessary to do this by making entries in the .Xdefaults file for each user.
Now the DISPLAY section allows different configuration settings for different X terminals on
the network. You can now create your own color scheme and text sizes by putting an ECL.CFU
file in your home directory, which contains a DISPLAY section listing your preferences and
working terminal.
A section has also been included in the configuration file for Schedule-specific commands
called SCHEDULE.


Configuring Schedule

Schedule User Guide

The following keywords, assigned by their subsections, are currently available in FRAMEWORK:


Sets typeface for panels.


Sets style used in panels.


Panel character size.


Schedule User Guide


Sets typeface for Log Window.


Sets style used in Log Window.


Log Window character size.

Configuring Schedule


The following keywords, assigned by their subsections, are currently available in DISPLAY:



Insert DISPLAY variable, for example sg-avs:0.0







Configuring Schedule

Schedule User Guide

The following keywords, assigned by their subsections, are currently available in FRAMEDRAW:

Table G.1

SUBSECT GS keywords







Tick mark font




Axis titles font




Hardware font 1





Hardware font 2





Software font 1





Software font 2





Use software font

if hardware font
does not fit




Table G.2

Schedule User Guide

SUBSECT VG keywords


Clipping flag





Masking flag





Keep aspect ratio

on hard copy




Configuring Schedule


The following keywords, assigned by their subsections, are currently available in Schedule:

If set to TRUE, any dates which have no rate information associated with them,
when inputting production data, will have their rates set equal to zero. This is not
relevant for CUMULATIVE data. The default is FALSE.


--Date Oil Water Gas
1/Jan/1995 2 1 0
1/Feb/1995 2 1 0
1/Apr/1995 2 1 0
This will result in the following within Schedule:
1/Jan/1995 2 1 0
1/Feb/1995 2 1 0
1/Mar/1995 0 0 0
1/Apr/1995 2 1 0
Note that Schedule will convert all information into a DAILY rate.

If set to TRUE any dates that are out of order, when importing production data,
results in the following unordered data being ignored. A warning is issued:
Unordered data ignored on line.... If set to FALSE (the default),
then the unordered data is re-ordered into date order. If two dates are the same
then this is always considered an error and the import is halted, as there is no way
to reorder the dates and give a reasonable result.


--Date Oil Water Gas
1/Jan/1995 10 0 0
2/Jan/1995 20 0 0
4/Jan/1995 40 0 0
3/Jan/1995 30 0 0
This will result in the following within Schedule:
1/Jan/1995 10 0 0
2/Jan/1995 20 0 0
4/Jan/1995 40 0 0
The value on 3/Jan is ignored, as it is not in date order, and the
value on 2/Jan will be carried through to 3/Jan instead.
This keyword can also be thought of as skip unordered.


Configuring Schedule

Schedule User Guide


This configuration keyword takes a positive real number to define the number of
minutes between each automatic save procedure. This facility saves the current
status of the Schedule session to a project file, which by default is named
SCHTMP.ASF. This project file is stored in the current working directory, that is,
the last directory accessed using the file selection dialog box. A value less than or
equal to 1 disables this auto-save facility.

This configuration keyword takes one of three options that determine the method
used to calculate the transmissibility (or connection factor) of the well to the grid
block. The options are: Eclipse 100, Eclipse 300 and
Scaled Perms. The only difference between these is in the way the
net-to-gross term is handled. The default is Eclipse 100.

The default project units that Schedule starts up with, used for display purposes
and for output from Schedule, can be entered here rather than within the project
itself. The default units are Metric.


This configuration keyword takes one of two options: METRES or FEET, which
determine the units that are used for the MAPAXES when reading in a grid. The
GRID file specifies the grid units but the units for the location of the grid on the
map are not specified. The default is METRES.

This configuration keyword takes one positive real number to define the default
value of the uptime production history properties. This default is used for the
production history value prior to the time when production began. Also, if there is
no defined average value (as when a well stopped producing and an average value
is need by Schedule over a period later than the date it stopped producing), then
this default value is used. The default value is one.

This configuration keyword takes one positive real number to define the default
value of the oil production history properties. This default is used for the
production history value prior to the time when production began. Also, if there is
no defined average value (as when a well stopped producing and an average value
is needed by Schedule over a period later than the date it stopped producing), then
this default value is used. The default value is zero.

This configuration keyword takes one positive real number to define the default
value of the water production history properties. This default is used for the
production history value prior to the time when production began. Also, if there is
no defined average value (as when a well stopped producing and an average value
is needed by Schedule over a period later than the date it stopped producing), then
this default value is used. The default value is zero.

This configuration keyword takes one positive real number to define the default
value of the gas production history properties. This default is used for the
production history value prior to the time when production began. Also, if there is
no defined average value (as when a well stopped producing and an average value
is needed by Schedule over a period later than the date it stopped producing), then
this default value is used. The default value is zero.

This configuration keyword takes one positive real number to define the default
value of the injection water production history properties. This default is used for
the production history value prior to the time when production began. Also, if
there is no defined average value (as when a well stopped producing and an
average value is needed by Schedule over a period later than the date it stopped
producing), then this default value is used. The default value is zero.

Schedule User Guide

Configuring Schedule


This configuration keyword takes one positive real number to define the default
value of the injection gas production history properties. This default is used for
the production history value prior to the time when production began. Also, if
there is no defined average value (as when a well stopped producing and an
average value is needed by Schedule over a period later than the date it stopped
producing), then this default value is used. The default value is zero.
This configuration keyword takes a positive real number to define the default
radius of the well (if one is not supplied in the perforation event data), followed
by the units of the radius value.
This configuration keyword takes a Boolean value of either "TRUE" or "FALSE".
It enables the application for considering inactive cells present in the model for
the intersection while creating a well trajectory from a deviation survey. If not
defined the default value for this keyword is considered as FALSE.


Configuring Schedule

Schedule User Guide

---------------------------------------SECTION SCHEDULE
-----------------------------------------Set ZEROMISSING to TRUE to insert zeros if data detected as missing
--Set ZERMISSING to FALSE to allow irregular sampling periods
--Set SKIPDUPLICATE to TRUE for duplicate dates or dates in wrong order


--Set AUTOSAVE to save project file SCHTMP.ASF every (value) minutes



-- choose method for calculating CF, number of spaces is important

CF_ALGORITHM Eclipse 100
--CF_ALGORITHM Eclipse 300
--CF_ALGORITHM Scaled Perms
-- choose units for display



-- specifies the units for MAPAXES when reading grid

-- Default values to use for production history, e.g value to return
-- for time before any production history, if the value is not set
-- here it defaults to zero so the only one really needed is Uptime







Schedule User Guide


.5 ft



Configuring Schedule



Configuring Schedule

Schedule User Guide

Converting 98B projects to 99A

Appendix H

Schedule 99A and later are backwards-compatible with 98B projects. There are three ways of
converting 98B projects into 99A projects:

If you have a 98B project file (*.PRJ), it can be opened by Schedule 99A directly,
File | Open

If you have the original data files, that were previously imported into a 98B project and
stored, then import these data files directly into Schedule 99A, use the Import option.

If you have the original ECLIPSE data sources stored, import these files directly into a 99A
project. Any data format and keywords suitable for import into 98B can also be imported
into 99A. The next tutorial, "Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files"
on page 128, shows you how to do this in detail, Import | Schedule Section.


There are no data files associated with this tutorial.

For cases 1 and 2 above, no information is lost during the conversion. For case 3, you may need
to edit the files. Refer to "Importing a SCHEDULE section from ECLIPSE data files" on
page 128.


Schedule User Guide

"New features in Schedule 99A" on page 372

"New features in Schedule 98B" on page 373

"Converting 96A projects to 98B" on page 374

Converting 98B projects to 99A



New features in Schedule 99A

The main new development in Schedule 99A is that Schedule now supports multi-lateral wells
and allows you to generate ECLIPSE multi-segment well models. Some of the differences will
be apparent by going through the conversion from a 98B project to 99A, detailed below.

Open a trajectory editing table for a well.

It displays three option menus: File, Edit and Well Deviations. In the Well Deviations
menu, you can select to view the trajectory data for any current well or branches, or add or
delete any well or branches you want.

Open an event table for a well.

There is a Branch box in the top of the table which allows you to enter a well branch name
(for example branch1) and to define the branch event. It is left blank if the corresponding
well does not have a branch.

Open the control panel of the 3D Well Editor for a well, 3D Well Viewer: Editor | Edit
There are three options:

Edit well

Add Lateral on a well or a branch

Delete a well or a branch

Import | Tubing allows you to read in a tubing description file for generating a multisegment well model.
In the Control Network panel you can select Edit-segment bar for a well to open the
segmental editor.

The details for using the above new features can be found in "Creating and editing a multilateral multi-segment well model" on page 135.


Converting 98B projects to 99A

New features in Schedule 99A

Schedule User Guide

New features in Schedule 98B

There are a number of new features on Schedule 98B compared to 97A. You can make a
comparison by looking at the User Guide 98B with that of 97A if you have one.
Some of the differences are apparent by going through the conversion from a 97A project to
98B, detailed below.

Schedule 98B is backwards-compatible with 97A projects. You can convert 97A projects
into 98B projects using the ways similar to those shown above on Schedule 99A.

Ensure that you have equivalent simulation time framework settings in the 98B project.

Open the Simulation Time Framework panel in 98B using Setup | Time Framework

Make the settings on the Simulation Time Framework panel of 98B equivalent to those
used in 97A.

The 98B option Event Shifts is similar to the 97A option Event Time on the Simulation
Time Framework panel.

The Ignore option on 98B is equal to Added in 97A.

The Apply option on 98B is similar to Moved in 97A; except that 98B also gives you an
option, Shift Direction, on the Event panel if Apply is selected on the Time Framework.

The date format has been extended to allow symbolic dates. Initial and Final on 97A may
change to SOH (Start Of History) and EOH (End Of History) respectively on 98B.

If you set the date entry to be Initial or Final somewhere except on the Simulation Time
Framework on 97A, it will change to SOS or EOS respectively on 98B. Remember SOS
and EOS cannot be entered in the Time Framework.

Schedule 98B makes uppercase aliases for lower/mixed case wellnames, which ECLIPSE
requires and Schedule 97A did not alias correctly. Ensure correct aliasing when opening a
97A project on 98B by:

exporting a SCHEDULE Section

checking if all wellnames exported are in uppercase

opening Data | Alias List

editing if necessary.

If you export a SCHEDULE section file in 98B and compare the COMPDAT entries with
those in the 97A SCHEDULE section file, please note that Schedule 98B writes out a
pressure equivalent radius, whereas Schedule 97A uses default.

10 Schedule 98B automatically checks the importing data and find out the error on well
connection. If an error happens for some reason (such as if a negative CF is calculated), the
SCHEDULE section file exported writes out an error message (if not suppressed in the
ECLIPSE option) and deletes the problem well connection from the corresponding grid

Schedule User Guide

Schedule 97A does not have this feature.

You might also find a slightly different exported file between 97A and 98B as shown
in "Creating a basic Schedule project" on page 21.

Converting 98B projects to 99A

New features in Schedule 98B


Converting 96A projects to 98B

Since the Schedule 97A version is not backwards-compatible with 96A projects, if your current
project files are in Schedule 96A you have to convert them into 98A. This can be done in two
simple ways.

You can use the Schedule 96A export options to export all data from a 96A project to
ASCII text files. These files can then be imported into a Schedule 98B project.

If you have the original data files that were previously imported into a 96A project, then
import these data files directly into Schedule 98B.



For details, refer the Schedule User Guide 97A.

Converting 98B projects to 99A

Converting 96A projects to 98B

Schedule User Guide

History of Developments
Appendix I

Continued maintenance.

Continued maintenance.

Continued maintenance.

The functions of Schedule will be integrated into a future version of ECLIPSE Office. No
development has therefore taken place for the 2001A release.
Maintenance of this application is continuing until further notice.

The following list details the new features and facilities that we incorporated into 2000A release
version of Schedule.

Schedule User Guide

History of Developments


All ECLIPSE simulator keywords are now supported and can be created in Schedule as
well as read from existing schedule data.

A mode has been added to control which simulator keywords are read/generated. See the
reference section under the menu choice Setup.

Support for the new WLIST keyword has been added.

A table of dates has been added to the Time Framework. These dates can be imported from
an ECLIPSE data set preserving a Schedule sections time framework. They can also be
generated from changes in the history data using the Generate Framework Dates option.

The Time Framework now has a file format and can be imported and exported.

The Alias List now also has a file format and can be imported and exported.

The export of production history has been extended to export all rates when a change occurs
or the rates sampled onto the Time Framework as well as the monthly option.

The following list details the new features and facilities that we incorporated into 99B release
version of Schedule.

The 2D history plotting window has been improved and the ability to define, save and
restore plot layouts has been added.

ECLIPSE keywords are now sorted by category in the Event Editor.

Multiple 3D Viewers are now supported. Dragging a well from the control network to the
3D Viewer window adds the well to the existing display. Selecting 3D viewing from the
menus opens a new 3D Viewer.

You can now suppress the generation of flow history keywords from the ECLIPSE output
after the start of the prediction date.

The completion diagram now allows for scaling of flow quantities to better show the
presence/absence of phases over time.

The following list details the new features and facilities that we incorporated into 99A release
version of Schedule.


Schedule now handles multi-lateral wells. Perforations and squeezes can occur on specific
branches of the main well stem.

Schedule can now generate WELSEGS and COMPSEGS keywords for multi-segment wells.
The segment node locations take into account varying characteristics of the well, and
locations of packers, chokes and inflow control devices. Internal tubings are modeled and
a multi-lateral well can have several distinct flows, each modeled by a different simulation

Multi-lateral wells can now be created in the 3D Well Viewer and the Trajectory Table

Trajectories of wells can now be deleted and recreated in the Trajectory Editor.

History of Developments

Schedule User Guide

The following list details the new features and facilities that we incorporated into 98B release
version of Schedule.

Schedule User Guide

A WAG prediction scenario has been added allowing the specification of injection of
alternating water and gas injection over a period of time.

Templates and macros now have name patterns which restrict the application of the
template, or creation of the keyword, to those wells or groups matching the pattern.

The time framework setup dialog has been redesigned for ease of use and time boundaries
can now be placed on arbitrary days of the month/year.

The date format has been extended to allow symbolic dates (for example, SOS indicating
Start of Simulation) and relative dates (for example SOS + 1 month).

Individual events can now be declared to force a timestep as well as groups of events.

Production history can be analyzed with perforation history. A report can be generated
showing all periods where flow occurs but there is no connection to the grid; alternately, a
new version of the production history can be created and the flow can be shifted into
periods where a connection to the grid does exist.

The completion history plot has been updated for improved readability and the production
history has been added to the plot.

The mechanism that shifts events into a named grid layer has been upgraded to maintain
relative position and size of the events. The specific behavior of the event shifting is now
set by user options.

Summary file results for a single case can now be read in and displayed with production
history plots.

Undulating wells are now handled. Wells can now intersect a single cell multiple times and
the multiple intersections are combined to form a composite connection for the cell.

Dual porosity grids are now recognized and connections are made to the correct portion of
the grid.

Cumulative production history can now be plotted along with flow rates and re-averaged

A connection factor multiplier has been added. This is similar to WPIMULT, but allows the
multiplier to be applied over a specific depth range.

It is now possible to have NTG ignored when calculating the connection factors.

A text editor can now be invoked from the main Schedule window.

Macro, template and keyword information can now be exported to and exported from an
event file.

A limited but useful amount of trajectory, deviation, production history and event data can
now be derived from existing ECLIPSE data sets. Perforations and squeezes will be
extracted from the COMPDAT/M/L keywords.

Wells can now be created graphically in a 3D Viewer, and exported in GRID compatible
deviation survey format, so that a well created in Schedule can be read in GRID and

Default file name extensions are now used for file import and export dialogs.

History of Developments



History of Developments

Schedule User Guide

Appendix J
*ALIAS Keyword . . . . . 292
*DAILY Keyword . . . . . 288
*DAS Keyword. . . . . . . . 292
*DATELABELS Keyword 292
*DAY Keyword. . . . . . . . 293
*DAYS Keyword. . . . . . . 297
*END Keyword. . . . . . . . 292
*END_FORMAT Keyword285 to 286,

*MUS Keyword . . . . . . . . 292

*NAME Keyword . . . . . . . 293
*OIDAY Keyword . . . . . . 299
*OIL Keyword . . . . . . . . 298
*OINJ Keyword . . . . . . . 299
*READOFF Keyword . . . . 292
*READON Keyword . 290, 292

3D Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . 225
3D Visualization . . . . . . . . 32
3D Well Viewer
Adding Wells . . . . . . 85
Configuring . . . . . . . 87

*SKIP Keyword . . . . . . . 295
*TABLENAME Keyword. . 290

Acidize Events . . . . . . . . 309

*EOF Keyword. . . . . . . . 292

*U Keyword . . . . . . . . . . 292

*FIELD Keyword . . . . . 288

*UCRATES Keyword . . . . 289

*FILE Keyword. . . 289, 304

*UPTIME Keyword . . . . . 292

*FORMAT Keyword285 to 286, 289


*FREE_FORMAT Keyword289


*GAS Keyword. . . . . . . . 298

*UUCRATES Keyword. . . 289

*GIDAY Keyword . . . . . 300

*WATER Keyword . . . . . . 298

Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Segments . . . . . . . . 161

*GINJ Keyword . . . . . . 300

*WELL Keyword . . . . . . . 293

Autonormalize . . . . . . . . 239

*HOURS_IN_DAYS Keyword289

*WIDAY Keyword . . . . . . 300

AUTOSAVE Keyword . . . 367


*WINJ Keyword . . . . . . . 300

Axes, configure . . . . . . . 262

*METRIC Keyword . . . . 288

*YEAR Keyword . . . . . . . 294

Axes, Flip X. . . . . 244 to 245

*MMSCF Keyword . . . . . 288

*YEARLY Keyword . . . . . 288

*MONTH Keyword . . . . . 294

*YY/MM Keyword .294 to 295

*MONTHLY Keyword . . . 288

*ZERO_MISSING Keyword286

Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Intersection . . . . . . . 280
Alias List . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Window . . . . . . . . . 181

*MSM3 Keyword. . . . . . . 288

Barefoot Events . . . . . . . 309

*MSTB Keyword. . . . . . . 288

BHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Schedule User Guide



Events . . . . 71, 309, 313

Volume of Interest . . .252

CONFIG.ECL . . . . . . . . . . 361

Major and minor points234

Configuring . . . . . . . . . . 336
3D Well Viewer . . . . . 87
Production Data Graph 57
Report Frequency. . . . 83
Schedule . . . . . . . . . 361
Simulation Options74, 336
Simulation Time Framework83

Bounding Box
Rotation . . . . . . . . . .267
Turning on . . . . . . . .262
Building . . . . . . . . . 136, 139
Multi Segment Wells .146
Wells . . . . . . . . . . . .153

Caching, Rotation. . . . . . .267

Configuration Files . . . . . 361

Connection Factor186, 275, 277, 320

NTG . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Suppress . . . . . . . . . 186
Connections . . 187, 215, 336
Suppress . . . . . 187, 336
Wells . . . . . . 32, 85, 88

Cell Connection Factors . .277

Calculation . . . . . . . .275

Context Sensitive Menus176 to 177

Field Items . . . . . . . 176
Group Items . . . . . . 177
Well . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Cell Display. . . . . . . . . . .253

Outline Control . . . . .268

Control. . . . . . . . . . 169, 176

Import. . . . . . . . . . . 169

Cell Face Display . . . . . . .253

Control Network . . 171 to 173

Groups . . . . 43, 45 to 46
Importing . . . . . . . . . 26
Wells . . . . . 43 to 45, 96
Window . . . . . . . . . 176

Cell connection factor . . . .279

Cell Probe . . . . . . . . . . . .245

Center of Rotation . . . . . .240
Creating . . . . . . . . . .155
Color Legend
Editing . . . . . . . . . . .257
Integer properties . . .257
Object for . . . . . . . . .259
Real properties . . . . .258
Ternary Display . . . .259
Hardcopy . . . . . 228, 244
Commands . . . . . . . . . . .228
Play Commands . . . .228
Recording the Current Position228
Comments . . . . . . . . 187, 359
Suppress. . . . . . . . . .187
COMPDAT Keyword . . . . .279
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Completion Diagram . . . .214
Plot All . . . . . . . . . .214
Window . . . . . . . . . .214
Completion Status . . . . . . .33
Diagrams . . . . . . . . . .73



Importing. . . . . . . . . . 22
Input Files . . . . . . . . 171
Item List . . . . . . . . . 171
Keywords . . . . . . . . 172
Layer Table . . . . . . . 171
OilField Manager . . . 116
Production . . 23, 48, 285
Production History171, 175, 180
Property. . . . . . . 42, 136
Recalculate Trajectories171
Simulation Time Framework51
Validating . . . . . . 32, 41
Visualizing. . . . . . . . . 32
Well Geometry . . . . . . 28

COMPVE Keyword187, 336, 348

Coordinate Systems
Grids . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Chokes . . . . . . . . . .
Inflow Control . . . . .
Packers . . . . . . . . . .
Wells . . . . . . . . . . .


Damage Skin . . . . . 275, 312
Data171 to 172, 175, 180, 213,
285 to 286, 302
Alias List . . . . . . . . 171
Check Production History175
Control Network . . . 171
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Events. . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Geological Layers . . . 31
Grid . . . . . . 27, 42, 136
Handling . . . . . . . . . 302

Points . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Deviation Surveys . . . . . . 280
Deviations172, 180, 221, 280, 321
Build . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Export . . . . . . . 172, 180
Surveys . . . . . . . . . . 280
Wells . . . . . . . . 143, 321
Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Digitize. . . . . . . . .233 to 235
3D viewer . . . . . . . . 235
Delete points . . . . . . 234
Main viewer . .233 to 234
Major points. . . . . . . 233
Minor points. . . . . . . 233
New points. . . . . . . . 233
Using multiple pick points235

ECL.CFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
ECL.CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
ECL.CFU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
ECLIPSE . . . . . . . . 162, 186
Data Files. . . . . . . . . 128
Running. . . . . . . 38, 162
Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Color Legend . . . . . . 257
Color Map . . .257 to 258
Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Editing . . . . . . . . . . 149, 158
Segments . . . . . . . . . 149
Wells . . . . 137, 139, 142

Schedule User Guide

Production . . . . . . . . 223
Trajectories . . . . . . . 220

Error Messages . . . . 187, 356

Suppress . . . . . . . . . 187
Events168, 172, 174, 184, 215, 222,
309 to 310, 312 to 313
Acidize . . . . . . . . . . 309
Barefoot . . . . . . . . . 309
BHP . . . . . 71, 309, 313
Defining . . . . . . . . . . 67
Export. . . . . . . . . . . 172
Extract . . . . . . . . . . 222
Frac . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Import. . . . . . . . . . . 168
Importing . . . . . . . . . 25
Internal74 to 75, 189, 215
Keywords . . . . 99 to 100
Macros . . . 99, 101, 189
Name . . . . . . . 309, 312
Perforations . . . . . . . . 68
Perforations Events . 309
Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Reworks . . . . . . . . . 309
Shifts . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Squeezes . . . . . . 70, 309
Status . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Stimulates . . . . . 70, 309
Templates . 99, 102, 189
User . . . . . . . . . 71, 309
VFP . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Viewer . . . . . . . . . . 189
Welltest. . . . . . . . . . 306
Welltests . . 69, 279, 309
Window . . . . . . . . . . 80
Export . 172 to 174, 180, 335
Control Network172 to 173
Deviations . . . . . . . . 172
Events. . . . . . . 172, 174
History . . . . . . . . . . 174
Layer Table . . . . . . . 172
Plot Layouts . . . . . . 173
Production History . . 172
SCHEDULE Section172, 180
Selected Deviations . 180
Selected Events . . . . 180
Selected History. . . . 180
Selected Plots . . . . . 180
Trajectories . . . . . . . 172
Export History . . . . . . . . 174
Interface Files . . . . . . 36
SCHEDULE Section36, 74, 134,
145, 153, 335
Extract . . . . . . . . . 222 to 223
Events. . . . . . . . . . . 222

Schedule User Guide

Extract Data . . . . . . . . . . 220

Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Buttons . . . . . . . . . . 220

Importing . . .27, 42, 136

Grid Geometry . . . . . . . . 136
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Importing . . . . . . . . 136
Grid Lines . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Grid menu . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
digitize . . . . .233 to 235
set major/minor234 to 235
Wells Crossing Faults 281
Features, In Schedule . . . . . 13
Field Items . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Field Units . . . . . . . . . . . 288
File Formats . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Data, Importing 116, 124
Fixed Format Production Data286

Grid Properties
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Importing . . . . . . . . 136
Grid Statistics. . . . . . . . . 261
Grids . . . . . . . . . . . .168, 328
Import . . . . . . . . . . 168
Group Items . . . . . . . . . . 177
Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Adding . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Control Network . .43, 45
Reassigning . . . . . . . 45
Time Dependent . . . . 46

Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . 215

Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Hardcopy Colors. . . .228, 244

Frac Events . . . . . . . . . . . 310

Fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Uptime . . . . . . . . . . 297
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
FRAMEWORK Section 361, 363
Free Format Production Data285

Hardware Renderer . . . . . 266

HCPRESASP Keyword . . 365
Historical Data
Displaying . . . . . . . . 84
Importing . . . . . . . . . 83
History . . . . 185 to 186, 336
Suppress . . . . . .186, 336
History End . . . . . . . . . . 185

Gas_DEFAULT Keyword 367
Generating . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Multi Segment Wells148, 152
SCHEDULE Section . 162
Geological Layers
Entering. . . . . . . . . . . 66
Importing Data . . . . . . 31
Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

History Matching . . . . . . . 79
History Start. . . . . . . . . . 185
HWFONT Keyword . . . . . 365
HWFONTSIZE1 Keyword 365
HWFONTSIZE2 Keyword 365
Hypothetical Wells . . . . . . 95

Legend . . . . . . . . . . . 58

IGas_DEFAULT Keyword367

Graph Title . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Image, Save As... . . . . . . 226

Graphical Attributes Editor193

Import . . . . . . . . . 168 to 170

Control . . . . . . . . . . 169
Events . . . . . . . . . . 168

Graphics Options . . . . . . . 266

Grid Data

IJK Slicer. . . . . . . . . . . . 249



Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
Layer Table . . . . . . .169
Plot Layouts . . . . . . .170
Production History . .168
Properties . . . . . . . . .169
Restart File . . . . . . . .170
SCHEDULE Section. .169
Summary . . . . . . . . .170
Tubing . . . . . . . . . . .169
Well Locations . . . . .168
Importing . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Control Network . . . . .26
Data . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 83
ECLIPSE Data Files .128
Events Data . . . . . . . .25
Finder Data. . . . . . . . 116
Geological Layer Data .31
Grid Data . . . 27, 42, 136
Grid Properties . . . . .136
OilField Manager Data116
Production Data . . . . .23
Property Data . . . 42, 136
SCHEDULE sections .128
Well Deviation Data . .30
Well Geometry Data . .28
Inflow Control
Creating . . . . . . . . . .155
Input File List . . . . . . . . .274
Displaying . . . . . . . . .78
Input Files . . . . . . . . . . . .171
Interface Files
Exporting . . . . . . . . . .36
Inspecting. . . . . . . . . .37

KEYLENGTH Keyword . . 290
Keyword Events . . . 99 to 100
Keywords172, 285 to 286, 288 to 290,
292 to 295, 297 to 300, 304,
307, 309, 335 to 336, 348,
350, 361, 363 to 366

Multi Lateral wells. . . . . . 136

Multi Segment Well . . . . . 217
Multi Segment Wells217 to 218
Building. . . . . . . . . . 146
Generating . . . . 148, 152
Table . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Multilateral wells . . . . . . . 316
Multiple Perforations . . . . 279

Kh . . . . . .275, 279, 306, 312

Name Events . . . . . . 309, 312

Layer Table . . . . . 171 to 172

Window . . . . 182 to 183

Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

Layers . . .169, 172, 186, 312

Entering . . . . . . . . . . 66
Import. . . . . . . . . . . 169
Importing . . . . . . . . . 31
Names . . . . . . . . . . 312
Shifting. . . . . . . . . . 186

Navigation Area. . . . . 58, 193

Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

NTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Net-to-Gross Term . . . . . . 277
Normalize . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Grid file creation . . . 129

Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Threshold . . . . . . . . 187
Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

Object Appearance. . . . . . 236

Object Rotation . . . . . . . . 241

Macro Events . . 99, 101, 189

OilField Manager
Data, Importing . . . . 116

Oil_DEFAULT Keyword 367

Internal Events . . . . . 189, 215

Editing . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Inspecting. . . . . 74 to 75

Main Window . . . . . . . . . 167

Intersection Algorithm . . .280

Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

Options . . . . . . 170, 336, 350

Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Simulation . . . . . . . . 336
Transmissibility . . . . 350

MAPUNITS Keyword . . . 367

Overlaying Production Data 61

Item List
Window . . . . . . . . . .174

Map Axes. . . . . . . . . . . . 262

Map Units . . . . . . . . 82, 136

Item list . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171

Context Sensitive . . . 176

Iwater_DEFAULT Keyword367

Metric Units . . . . . . . . . . 288

Mouse Buttons . . . . . . . . 267

JPEG, format . . . . . . . . . .227



3D Viewer. . . 234 to 235
Main Viewer . . . . . . 234

Creating. . . . . . . . . . 155

Multi Lateral Wells

Creating . . . . . 136, 142
Editing . . . . . . 136, 142
Multiple Completion Wells154
Viewing . . . . . . . . . 145

PBM, format . . . . . . . . . . 227

Panel Date Fields . . . . . . . 184

Peaceman Radius . . . . . . . 276
Peacemans Formula . . . . 275
Perforating Wells . . . . . . . . 98

Schedule User Guide

Perforation . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Length . . . . . . . . . . 187
Threshold . . . . . . . . 187
Perforations . . . . . . 215, 309
Events. . . . . . . . 68, 309
Multiple . . . . . . . . . 279
Permeabilities . . . . . . . . . 187
Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Pick Items
Select . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Pick points
3D Viewer. . . . . . . . 235
Digitize . . . . . . . . . . 235
Set major points . . . . 235
Picture Exaggeration . . . . 243
Play Commands . . . . . . . 228
Plot All . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Plot Layouts . . . . . . 170, 173
Import. . . . . . . . . . . 170
Plots . . . . . . . . . . . 180, 214
Plug Events . . . . . . . 71, 309
digitize . . . . . 233 to 235
set major/minor234 to 235

Production History168, 171 to 172,

175, 180, 184, 213
Analysis. . . . . . . . . . 171
Check . . . . . . . 175, 180
Columns . . . . . . . . . 213
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Export . . . . . . . . . . . 172
First. . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Fix . . . . . . . . . 175, 180
Graph Window . . . . . 192
History End . . . . . . . 185
History Start. . . . . . . 185
Import . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Last . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Predication End . . . . 185
Predication Start . . . . 185
Table Window . . . . . 213
Production Targets
Defining . . . . . . . . . 104
96A, Converting . . . . 374
Creating. . . . 22, 42, 136
Saving . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Predicting . . . . . . . . . . 82, 95

Properties . . . . . . . . 169, 245

Cell Probe . . . . . . . . 245
Display . . . . . . . . . . 245
Editing. . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Import . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Importing. . . . . . 42, 136
Thresholding . . . . . . 246

Prediction End . . . . . . . . 185

Property Statistics . . . . . . 261

Preferences menu . . . . . . 266

Pseudo Skin. . . . . . . . . . . 186

Suppress . . . . . . . . . 186

PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Predication . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Start . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Production Data . . . . . 61
Production . . 223, 285 to 286
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Extract . . . . . . . . . . 223
Production Analyst . . . . . 285
Keywords . . . . . . . . 286
Production Data
Displaying. . . . . . . . . 48
Displaying Groups . . . 61
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Entering . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fixed Format . . . . . . 286
Free Format. . . . . . . 285
Graph . . . . . . . . . 54, 57
Importing . . . . . . . . . 23
Keywords . . . . . . . . 288
Overlaying . . . . . . . . 61
Printing . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Schedule User Guide

Pseudo Skin Calculation . . 278

Quality Control . .60, 91 to 92

Defining . . . . . . . . . . 35
Frequency. . . . . . . . . 83
Restart File. . . . . . . . . . . 170
Import . . . . . . . . . . 170
Restart Files
Output . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Rework Events . . . . . . . . 309
Rotation Caching . . . . . . 267
Rotation Controls . . . . . . 267
Style. . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Rotation, Object . . . . . . . 241
Rubber Band Zoom. . . . . 241
Rubberband zoom in . . . . 197
Running ECLIPSE . . . . . 162

Save View
PostScript . . . . . . . . 225
Saving Projects. . . . . . . . . 35
Schedule Reports
Defining . . . . . . . . . . 53
SCHEDULE Section145, 169, 172, 180,
335, 337, 350
Export . . . . . . .172, 335
Exporting74, 112 to 115, 134, 153
Generating . . . . 112, 162
Import . . . . . . . . . . 169
Importing . . . . . . . . 128
Incomplete . . . . . . . 350
Typical Content . . . . 337
SCHEDULE Section Files
Exporting . . . . . . . . . 36
Screen items. . . . . . . . . . 192
SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

Recalculate Trajectories . . 171
Recording Position. . . . . . 228
Reference Section . . . . . . 165
Refresh View. . . . . . . . . . 244
Renderers, Graphics . . . . . 266

Seek to point . . . . . . . . . 240

Segments . 149, 158, 161, 218
Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Diameter. . . . . . . . . 161
Editing . . . . . . .149, 158
Measured Depth . . . 218
Segment Length217 to 218
3D Viewer . . . . . . . 235



Main Viewer. . . . . . .234

Pick items - Main Viewer235
Selected Deviations . . . . .180
Selected Events
Export . . . . . . . . . . .180
Selected History
Export . . . . . . . . . . .180
Selected Plots. . . . . . . . . .180
Set View . . . . . . . . . . . . .240
Setup. . . . . . . . . . 170 to 171
Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . .171
Options . . . . . . . . . .170
Time FrameWork . . .170
Units . . . . . . . . . . . .170

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Import. . . . . . . . . . . 170
Suppress. . . . . . . . . 187, 336
Connections . . . . . . 336
History . . . . . . . . . . 336
Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Surveys . . . . . . . . . 280, 321
Deviations. . . . . . . . 280
Wells . . . . . . . . . . . 321
SWCLIP Keyword . . . . . 365
SWFONT Keyword . . . . . 365
SWFONTSIZE1 Keyword 365

Simulation Options
Configuring . . . . 74, 336
Window . . . . . . . . . .186
Simulation Time Framework
Configuring . . . . . . . .83
Defining . . . . 31, 51, 133

Text Editor . . . . . . . . . . . 173

SIZETOFIT Keyword . . .365

Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . 278, 312
Damage . . . . . . . . . .312
Pseudo Skin Calculation278
Suppressing . . . . . . .278

Trouble Shooting . .356 to 357

Tubing . . . . . . . . . . 169, 218
Import . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Reference Point . . . . 218
Tubing Description . . . . . 146
Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Available . . . . . . . . . . 17
Functionality Covered . 18

TABLENAME Keyword, Keywords292

Simulator Timesteps
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . .80

Transparency . . . . . . . . . . 254

SWMASK Keyword . . . . . 365

Shrink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243
Simulation Grid . . . . . . . . .89

Transmissibility . . . . . . . . 350
Options . . . . . . . . . . 350

SWFONTSIZE2 Keyword 365

Show Titles . . . . . . . . . . .260

Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . .186

Trajectory Table. . . . . . . . . 79

Template Events 99, 102, 189

Ternary Display . . . . . . . 259
Perforation . . . . . . . 187
Thresholding Properties . . 246
TIFF, format . . . . . . . . . . 227
Time Animation . . . . . . . 237
Time Dependent Groups . . 46
Time Framework. . . . . . . 170
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . 170

UNITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Units. . . . . . . . . . . . 170, 288
Field . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Maps . . . . . . 27, 82, 136
Metric . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
UNITS Keyword . . . . . . . 307
Unzoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Uptime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Fraction . . . . . . . . . . 297
Uptime_DEFAULT Keyword367
User Events . . . . . . . . 71, 309
Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173


Time Model Window. . . . 184

Software Renderer . . . . . .266

Titles, Edit . . . . . . . . . . . 260

Events . . . . . . . . 70, 309

Titles, Show . . . . . . . . . . 260

Validating Data . . . . . . 32, 41

Toolbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Buttons . . . . . . . . . . 178

VFP Events . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Starting Schedule . . . . . . . .15

Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
Property . . . . . . . . . .261
Well . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
Status Line. . . . . . . . . . . .193
Stereo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243
Stimulate Events . . . . 70, 309
SUBSECT GS . . . . . . . . . 365

Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Trajectories171 to 172, 187, 220, 272,
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Export. . . . . . . . . . . 172
Extract . . . . . . . . . . 220
Recalculate . . . . . . . 171
Viewer . . . . . . . . . . 272
Wells . . . . . . . . . . . 306

SUBSECT VG . . . . . . . . . 365

Well . . . . . . . . . . . . 316


Trajectory Definition Window271



View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Groups. . . . . . . . . . . 174
Refresh . . . . . . . . . . 244
Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Wellbores. . . . . . . . . 174
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Volume of Interest
Boundaries. . . . . . . . 252
Grid Cells . . . . . . . . 251
Selecting Domains . . 252

Schedule User Guide

Warning Messages . 187, 357
Water_DEFAULT Keyword367
WEFAC Keyword. . . . . . . 187
Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing . . . . . . . . . .
Geometry . . . . . . . .
Trajectory . . . . . . . .


Well Statistics . . . . . . . . . 261

Well Trajectories
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Well trajectory . . . . . . . . 316
Wellbores . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
WELLNAME Keyword . . . 309
Wells136, 177, 217 to 218, 281, 306,
321, 325
Adding . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Appearance of . . . . . 254
Building . . . . . . . . . 153
Completion Status . . . 33
Completions . . . . . . . 88

Schedule User Guide

Connections . . 32, 85, 88

Control Network43 to 45, 96
Creating. . . . . . 136, 142
Crossing Faults. . . . . 281
Defining28, 61, 95, 97, 271
Deviation . . . . . . . 30, 88
Deviation Data . . . . . 143
Deviation Survey . . . 321
Displaying . . . . . . . . . 85
Editing. . . 136, 139, 142
Entering Positions. . . 325
Geometry. . . . . . . . . . 28
Hypothetical. . . . . . . . 95
Import . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Importing. . . . . . . . . . 30
Multi Lateral . . 136, 142
Multi Segment . 146, 148
Multi Segment Wells 152,
217 to 218
Multi-lateral . . . . . . . 145
Multilateral . . . . . . . 316
Perforating . . . . . . . . . 98
Reassigning . . . . . . . . 45
Removing . . . . . . . . . 44
Trajectories61, 97, 271, 306
Viewing . . . . . . . . . . 145

Visualizing . . . . . . . . 99
Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Welltest Events69, 279, 306, 309
WELLTEST Keyword . . . 279
Wire Frame . . . . . . . . . . 267
WPIMULT Keyword . . . . 279

XYZ Exaggeration . . . . . 243

Zoom out . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Zoom, Rubber Band . . . . 241
Digitized points . . . . 233
Moved points . . . . . 234





Schedule User Guide

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