In-House Banks Nothing New
In-House Banks Nothing New
In-House Banks Nothing New
China: Foreign
Currency Controls
What efforts to retain
foreign currency
mean for countrylevel treasury.
page 7
In-house banks
China: Foreign
Currency Controls
Part I: With the Chinese government eager to
prevent an outflow of foreign exchange, MNCs
have to work harder and smarter.
"If you understand the basic underlyin g philosophy that the Chinese authorities are adopting," says an MNC Asian regional treasurer,
" you can get around m a ny problems in
China ." The current philosophy concerns foreign exchange: How to keep as much of it in
China as possible without discouraging beneficial foreign investment.
To keep tabs on foreign exchange and control speculation on renminbi , Chinese authorities are discouraging foreign investors from
transacting in the local currency. Instead, they
require foreign MNCs to maintain a loc a l
account in non-RMB currency, which is debited or credited for local transactions. Beijing is
also requirin g investors to maintain specific
foreign currency reserves, which reduce working capital and increase funding requirements.
Reserve requirements are set on a case-bycase basis, largely in accordance with the perceived need/benefit of the investment project
in question. This is where understanding " the
philosophy" comes into play: it opens the
door for negotiation .
Treasurers backing beneficial projects (e.g.,
infrastructure) should press for lower reserve
allotments. All treasurers should seek flexibility in managing the reserves . Securing permission for the use of holding companies to transfer surplus/ deficit reserve positions between
subsidiaries/ JVs or to m a ke us e of intraChinese invoicing are two options.
In effect, FX reserve requirements are forced
loans to the Chinese government, helping its
own reserves while propping the RMB . Part II ,
appearing in the next issue, will look at some
techniques being used to manage China' s regulations, improve local treasury management,
and reduce country risk .
By Joseph Neu
The UK sugar and sweetener MNC uses a classic in-house bank structure as the nexus for all
its funding activities. It is run as a "service-driven" profit center.
Tate & Lyl e's group treasury function is divided into two parts: corporate finance and an
in-house bank. The in-house bank is a separate legal entity, Tate & Lyle International
Finance PLC, and serves as the center for all
group funding activities. It is used to achieve
eco nomies of scale with funding, repatriate
funds and manage debt tax-efficiently, and
deliver " free, " quality financial services to
group operating companies worldwide.
No Tax-Free
German Income
A German tax act
closes loopholes for
"dividend stripping."
page 3
The Currency
to Hedge
Functional currency
implications for US
hedge accounting.
A Country-level
Decision Matrix
How to avoid
unplanned investments in emerging
market economies.
page 6
Embedded Options
with Refinancings
Why a reader should
look at swaps and
page 8
Corporate financing
In addition to its role in money-market
and FX operations, the in-house bank
also serves as the " he art" of lon ge r
term corporate financings. If the Tate
& Lyle group wishes to borrow money
for a major capital spending project,
tax function . For one, in most jurisdictions, withholding tax rates for interest
payments are better than those for dividends .
More importantly perhaps is the fact
that the in-house bank is considered a
financial trader and taxed as such.
Ta xat ion of financial instruments
(while getting better) is complicated,
uncertain, and somewhat archaic for
UK corporates. Banks however enjoy
a more advantageous and straight forward regime.
A relatively small number of corporates, Tate & Lyle among them, have
made the case to the UK revenue
authority that their treasury operations should be recognized as a financial trader and taxed like a bank dealing at arm's-length.
This trader status is particularly important for a company that wishes to use
swaps and other financial instruments
to manage its debt portfolio .
For example, if the company were to
borrow fixed-rate money from a
Eurobond issue and swap it into floating rate debt as it did last Spring, both
the swap and the bond would be held
by the in-hou se bank. If treasury determin es that it is now more advantageous to have fixed-rate debt before
the bond expires it can terminate the
existing swap rather than changing the
terms of the underlying bonds .
By holding them in one place it can
record the profit or loss on the swap
with greater ease and with more tax
confidence than if the swap were held
In-house banks also help solve a
second UK tax problem: that of unrelieved advanced corporation tax (ACT)
credits. Companies in the UK often
face this problem when the profits
needed to cover their dividend payments come from overseas revenues.
The ACT credit problem arises from
the method used to withhold tax on
dividends and prevent double taxation. When a company declares a dividend in the UK it has to pay 20% of
that amount to the UK Revenue, disIn tern atio nal Treasurer/ September 5, 1994
A costly center?
Despite the numerous advantages, running an in-house bank can be costly. Tate
& Lyle's in-house bank is staffed with 12
people. A staff separate from the group
function s is needed to provide : the proper
controls, generate arm's- length contracts
(operations), maintain counterparty relationships (banking area), record financial
transactions (accounti ng), and most importantly keep systems up-to-date (systems
support) . " We learned from experience
that you cannot rely on the head office for
centra l services," notes Mr. Creed. This
creates sign ifi cant overhead- about 1
million per year.
To help justify these costs, treasury is run
as a profit center, but service is its first or ientation. Mr. Creed ta lks about treas ury as
a " service-driven" profit center. Profits are
merely a means to measure performance
agai nst the benchmark market rates- just
as service performance is measured w ith a
questionnaire . The profit object iv e is to
cover t h e over head cost of running
treasury-so the group gets treasury service
for free and not as he says " to make as
much money as we can-"
Cross-border payments
No Tax-Free
German Income?