Brenner Implosions-Explosions Chapter 1
Brenner Implosions-Explosions Chapter 1
Brenner Implosions-Explosions Chapter 1
Urban Theory Without an Outside
Neil Brenner
Matthew Gandy
lvaro Sevilla-Buitrago
6 Travelling Warrior and
11 Planetary Urbanization
Henri Lefebvre
Christian Schmid
3 Cities or Urbanization?
David Harvey
Marcel Meili
Andy Merrifield
Christian Schmid
4 Networks, Borders, Differences:
13 Theses on urbanization
an Environmental Approach
Neil Brenner
19 Regional Urbanization
Christian Schmid
Edward W. Soja
14 Patterns and Pathways of Global Urbanization:
Expanding a Hypothesis
Christian Schmid
Terry G. McGee
Stefan Kipfer
15 The Country and The City
in the Urban Revolution
Kanishka Goonewardena
Christian Schmid
Henri Lefebvre
Nikos Katsikis
22 What Role For Social Science
Brendan Gleeson
David J. Madden
David Wachsmuth
Max Ajl
25 Whither Urban Studies?
Andy Merrifield
Neil Brenner
The urban question has long been a flashpoint for intense debate among researchers
concerned with the nature of cities and urbanization processes.1 Despite profound
differences of methodology, analytical focus and political orientation, the major twentieth
century approaches to this question have taken an entity commonly labeled as the city (or
some lexical variation thereof) as their primary unit of analysis and site of investigation.
This foundational epistemological focus was canonized in the 1925 mission-statement
of urban sociology by Chicago School founders Ernest Burgess and Robert Park,
laconically but confidently titled The City.2 It subsequently evolved into a basically selfevident presuppositionso obvious that it did not require explanation or justification
across diverse traditions and terrains of urban research. Indeed, despite their significant
epistemological, methodological and political differences from Chicago School urban
sociology, the major strands of mid- to late twentieth century urban studies have likewise
focused their analytical gaze primarily, if not exclusively, on city-like (nodal, relatively
large, densely populated and self-enclosed) sociospatial units. This generalization applies
to mainstream quantitative research on city-size distributions, central place systems and
urban hierarchies; to the periodizations of capitalist urban development by radical political
economists in the 1970s and 1980s; to the influential analyses of postfordist cities, global
city formation and megacity expansion in the 1990s; and to more recent research forays
on neoliberal cities, ordinary cities and postcolonial cities in the late 1990s and into the
early 2000s. Whatever their specific methodological orientations, explananda and politicotheoretical agendas, each of these influential approaches to the urban question has either (a)
documented the replication of city-like settlement types across larger territories; or (b) used
a modifying termmercantile, industrial, Fordist-Keynesian, post-Keynesian, postfordist,
global, mega, neoliberal, ordinary, postcolonial and so forthto demarcate its research
terrain as a subset of a putatively more general sociospatial form, the city.3
Of course, there have been many terms on offer for labeling the city-like unit in question
metropolis, conurbation, city-region, metropolitan area, megalopolis, megapolitan zone,
and so forthand these appropriately reflect the changing boundaries, morphologies
and scales of human settlement patterns.4 Concomitantly, across and within each of the
aforementioned research traditions, intense debates have long raged regarding the origins,
internal dynamics and consequences of city-building, and more generally, regarding the
functions of cities in relation to broader political-economic, sociocultural and demographic
transformations.5 But underneath the tumult of disagreement and the relentless series of
paradigm shifts that have animated urban theory and research during the last century, a
basic consensus has persisted: the urban problematique is thought to be embodied, at core,
in citiesconceived as settlement types characterized by certain indicative features (such
as largeness, density and social diversity) that make them qualitatively distinct from a noncity social world (suburban, rural and/or natural) located beyond or outside them.6
In effect, as Hillary Angelo and David Wachsmuth explain in their contribution to this
volume, the epistemology of urban studies has been characterized by a deeply entrenched
methodological cityism which entails an analytical privileging, isolation and [] naturalization
of the city in studies of urban processes where the non-city may also be significant.7
This book assembles a series of contributions to the urban question that push strongly
against the grain of that epistemology. Through diverse modes of engagement (conceptual,
methodological, historical, political-economic, representational) and analytical windows
(social scientific, cartographic, literary and cinematic), its chapters articulate the elements
of a radically different way of understanding the problematique of urban theory and research,
and more generally, of conceptualizing the imprint and operationality of urban processes
on the planetary landscape. In so doing, we aim to advance a hitherto largely subterranean
stream of urban research that has, since the mid-twentieth century, cast doubt upon
established understandings of the urban as a bounded, nodal and relatively self-enclosed
sociospatial condition in favor of more territorially differentiated, morphologically variable,
multiscalar and processual conceptualizations.8 Building upon various concepts, methods
and mappings derived from that work, especially Henri Lefebvres approach, this book
aspires to supersede the urban/non-urban divide that has long anchored the epistemology
of urban research, and on this basis, to develop a new vision of urban theory without an
Why should the urban/non-urban distinction be transcended, and why now? Clearly,
settlement space has long been differentiated by place names, and it seems intuitive to
demarcate the terrain of the urban, both historically and today, with reference to the names
of the worlds great citiesLondon, New York, Shenzhen, Mumbai, Lagos and so forth.
Even amidst the intense volatility associated with accelerated geoeconomic restructuring,
such places clearly do still exist, and in fact, their size and strategic economic importance
appear to be growing, not diminishing. But what, exactly, are these places, aside from names
on a map that have been institutionalized by governments and branded as investment
locations by growth coalitions? What distinguishes them qualitatively from other places
within and beyond, say, the South East of England and Western Europe; the US Northeast
and North America; the Pearl River Delta and East Asia; Maharashtra and South Asia;
or southern Nigeria and West Africa? Do they contain some special quality that makes
them uniquetheir size, perhaps, or their population density? Their infrastructural outlays?
Their strategic centrality in global flows of capital and labor? Or, on the other hand, have
the sociospatial relations of urbanism that were once apparently contained within these
units now exploded haphazardly beyond them, via the ever thickening commodity chains,
infrastructural circuits, migration streams and circulatory-logistical networks that today
crisscross the planet? But, if this is the case, can any erstwhile city, whatever its size, still be
said to have coherent boundaries? Have the everyday social relations, inter-firm networks,
labor markets, built environments, infrastructural corridors and socio-environmental
footprints associated with such densified clusters now been extended, thickened,
superimposed and interwoven to forge what Jean Gottmann once vividly described as an
irregularly colloidal mixture of rural and suburban landscapes on national, international,
continental and even global scales?10 And, to the degree that all this is indeed occurring,
in a world in which the city is everywhere and in everything, shouldnt the inherited
understanding of the urban as a distinctive settlement type be abandoned, or at least be
radically reconceptualized?11
This was, of course, precisely the position advanced by Lefebvre over four decades ago,
when he opened La rvolution urbaine with the provocative hypothesis that society has been
in which centers of agglomeration and their operational landscapes are woven together in
mutually transformative ways while being co-articulated into a worldwide capitalist system.16
In a provocative, widely discussed diagram presented in the opening chapter of La
rvolution urbaine, Lefebvre uses the notion of implosion-explosion to describe the broad
constellation of historical-geographical transformations that would, he believed, herald
the onset of complete urbanization on a world scalespecifically, urban concentration,
rural exodus, extension of the urban fabric, complete subordination of the agrarian to
the urban (see page 43). When this critical point is reached, Lefebvre suggests, the
condition of complete urbanization will no longer be hypotheticala mere virtual
object whose tendencies are selectively manifested in particular territories, whether in
Europe or elsewhere.17 It will, rather, have become a basic parameter for planetary social
and environmental relations, imposing new constraints upon the use and transformation of
the worldwide built environment, unleashing potentially catastrophic inequalities, conflicts
and dangers, but also harboring new opportunities for the democratic appropriation and
self-management of space at all scales. In the late 1980s, in one of his final texts, Lefebvre
suggested that the critical point of complete urbanization had actually been crossed, and
thus that a planetarization of the urban was now being realized in practice.18
The contributions to this book build upon and extend Lefebvres hypothesis and
subsequent analysis. They suggest various ways in which Lefebvres virtual object of
complete urbanization is today being actualized, albeit unevenly, on a worldwide scale,
as well as in specific territories, regions and places; and they explore some of the wideranging intellectual, social, political and environmental implications of this state of affairs.
As many chapters included here suggest, this newly consolidated, planetary formation
of urbanization has blurred, even exploded, long-entrenched sociospatial bordersnot
only between city and countryside, urban and rural, core and periphery, metropole and
colony, society and nature, but also between the urban, regional, national and global scales
themselvesthereby creating new formations of a thickly urbanized landscape whose
contours are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to theorize, much less to map, on
the basis of inherited approaches to urban studies. The present volume assembles some
conceptual, methodological, analytical and cartographic tools through which that challenge
might be productively confronted. The notion of implosion-explosion is useful in this
endeavor not because it offers a finished theory or a fully differentiated cartography of
our emergent global-urban moment, but simply because it begins to demarcate the vast,
unwieldy problematique that opens before us as the legacies of methodological cityism are
questioned and tendentially superseded.
In exploring this emergent agenda, our claim in this book is decidedly not, as some urbanists
have occasionally proposed, that cities (or, more precisely, zones of agglomeration) are
As Christian Schmid and I argue in Ch. 21 below, Davis mid-century definition is today
firmly institutionalized in the data collection systems that are still used by the United
Nations (UN) and other global organizations, and it is also still rigidly entrenched within
major strands of contemporary social science, urban planning, social policy and public
health.25 Indeed, it is precisely this empiricist, city-centric conceptualization of urbanization
that underpins the influential contemporary assertion that an urban age has recently
dawned due to the putative shift of the majority of the worlds population from the
countryside to the city. Aside from its empirical blind-spots, which are considerable
given the non-standardized definitions of settlement types that are intermixed within the
UNs data tables, such a proposition is a deeply misleading basis for understanding the
contemporary global urban condition. It presupposes a narrow, ahistorical and populationcentric concept of the city that does not adequately grasp the extraordinary scale and
diversity of agglomeration processes that are associated with contemporary forms of
urban development around the world. Just as importantly, the urban age concept fails to
illuminate the wide-ranging operations and impacts of urbanization processes beyond the
large centers of agglomeration, including in zones of resource extraction, agro-industrial
enclosure, logistics and communications infrastructure, tourism and waste disposal, which
often traverse peripheral, remote and apparently rural or natural locations.26
While such operational landscapes may not contain the population densities, settlement
properties, social fabric and infrastructural equipment that are commonly associated
with cities, they have long played strategically essential roles in supporting the latter,
whether by supplying raw materials, energy, water, food or labor, or through logistics,
communications or waste processing functions. More generally, as Marx recognized in
his classic analysis of original accumulation (ursprngliche Akkumulation) in volume 1 of
Capital, the enclosure, commodification and ongoing reorganization of such landscapes has
figured crucially throughout the history of capitalism in the dispossession, displacement
and proletarianization of the very populations that so often cluster within large urban
centers.27 The capitalist form of agglomeration thus presupposes the enclosure and
operationalization of large-scale territories located well beyond the city to support its
most basic socioeconomic activities, metabolic cycles and growth imperatives.28 Today, such
landscapes are being comprehensively produced, engineered or redesigned through a surge
of infrastructural investments, enclosures and large-scale territorial planning strategies
intended to support the accelerated growth and expansion of agglomerations around the
world. Their developmental rhythms are thus being linked ever more directly to those
of the major urban centers via worldwide spatial divisions of labor; and their continuing
commodification, enclosure and socio-ecological degradation is contributing to the forms
of mass dispossession and displacement that are uncritically catalogued or even celebrated
in contemporary urban age discourse under the rubric of rural-to-urban demographic
change.29 Consequently, if a global urban age is indeed currently dawning, this circumstance
cannot be understood adequately with reference to the formation of global cities or largescale mega-city regions, but requires systematic consideration of the tendential, if uneven,
This book does not provide a definitive statement of the agendas outlined above, but is
intended to assemble intellectual resources for elaborating them. The first word of its
subtitle, towards a study of planetary urbanization, is meant literally; such a study has
Methodological cityism
Unit of
the city as a settlement type that is contrasted to
other settlement types, usually within a national
Model of
Typological, binary:
territory is differentiated among distinct settlement
types, with cities contrasted to specific non-city
zonessuburbs, towns, villages, rural areas, the
countryside and natural areas
Processual, dialectical:
agglomerations (cities) relate dialectically to their
(non-city) operational landscapes, which are in turn
continually transformed through their roles in supporting
of territorial
growth of city populations relative to total
(national) population size
Model of
longue dure
Linear, universal:
specific cities may grow or decline, but the
phenomenon of cityness is increasingly
universalized as a settlement type around the
Discontinuous, uneven:
sociospatial configurations (including both
agglomerations and their operational landscapes)
are creatively destroyed through the crisis-tendencies
of capital (mediated through state institutions and
sociopolitical struggles), contributing to successive rounds
of territorial differentiation and redifferentiation at various
spatial scales
Classic and
(1970 to 2007)
Recent texts
Goonewardena, Ch. 15
Sevilla-Buitrago, Ch. 16
Kipfer, Ch. 20
Merrifield, Ch. 25
UTL-GSD, Ch. 28
Katsikis, Ch. 29
Ajl, Ch. 32
Friedmann, Ch. 33
yet to be conducted, but it may be productively informed through some of the concepts,
methods, cartographies and political orientations assembled in this book. As Figure 1.2
indicates, the chapters included here fall into three broad categories.
Classic and background texts. This book is not intended to offer a survey either of work on
urbanization in general or on the contemporary formation of this process. However, a
number of key texts from earlier periods of research on these topics acquire renewed
contemporary significance in the context of the wide-ranging intellectual agenda proposed
here. Accordingly, several earlier texts have been included that introduce essential analytical
tools for our work. The earliest among these is an excerpt from Henri Lefebvres La
rvolution urbaine (1970), but others range in publication date from the late 1980s to the
mid-2000s. They include one of Lefebvres last publicationsa short, rather gloomy essay
for Le Monde (1989); as well as Terry McGees pioneering explosion of the urban-rural
divide in relation to the desakota regions of Asia (1991); an early theorization of extended
Recent texts. The bulk of the book is composed of articles and essays on various aspects
of planetary urbanization that have been produced during the last several years, mainly by
members of my own research group, the Urban Theory Lab (which relocated from New
York City to the Harvard GSD during this time), and through an ongoing collaboration
with Christian Schmid of the ETH-Zurich. Although not immediately connected either to
the Urban Theory Lab or to Christian Schmids research teams in Zurich and Singapore, our
friends and colleagues Matthew Gandy, Brendan Gleeson and Andy Merrifield produced
closely aligned interventions during this same period. Their chapters resonate powerfully
with the work of our Lab and research network, while extending it in important, original
directions. To date, Merrifields The Politics of the Encounter is the only book-length study
of planetary urbanization, but the proliferation of articles and essays on this topic during
the last two or three years does suggest that a new problematiquea set of interconnected
explorations and inquiries around a common set of questionsis emerging and gaining
some intellectual traction and momentum.33
Newly commissioned texts. A final cluster of texts was commissioned specifically for this
book, either through projects emerging directly from within the Urban Theory Lab or
through dialogues and exchanges with colleagues based elsewhere. These texts broach
essential topics that have only partially been addressed in our work to dateincluding,
among others, the historical geographies of enclosure and urbanization (Sevilla-Buitrago,
Goonewardena); urbanization, colonization and everyday life (Kipfer, Goonewardena);
urbanization and the agrarian question (Sevilla-Buitrago, Ajl); the critique of technoscientific
approaches to world management (Katsikis); and the politics of spatial organization,
urban and otherwise (Kipfer, Goonewardena, Friedmann). Other newly commissioned
texts complement themes covered in several sections of the bookthese include a chapter
by Andy Merrifield on the future of urban studies; and an overview of the problem of
visualizing worldwide urbanization by Urban Theory Lab researchers. Taken together, these
newly produced chapters reinforce the agendas that have been developed through the Urban
Theory Labs work since 2011, while opening up a range of questionsmethodological,
historical, contextual, representational and (geo)politicalthat urgently require sustained
attention and elaboration in future work on this problematique.
Following this introductory chapter, the book is divided into seven sections followed
by a brief Coda. Figure 1.3 surveys the intellectual terrain of the book as a whole by
summarizing the key questions around which each of the seven sections, and the Coda,
are focused.
Some readers may wish to navigate the book sequentially. Such an approach should prove
highly productive insofar as it will offer multiple perspectives on the issues explored within
each section, while permitting readers to gain familiarity with the key concepts, methods
and arguments upon which successive sections of the book are grounded. However, other
approaches to appropriating the books arguments are also certainly viable, and may open
up some illuminating perspectives on the issues at stake. For example, several major threads
of argumentation crosscut multiple sections of the bookfor instance, on the need to
develop new concepts and representations of urbanization processes; on the investigation
of the historical geographies of urbanization; on the critique of urban knowledges and
the urbanization
Experience, site,
of urbanization
If urbanization includes yet transcends the process of city building, how can the
Urban studies
and urban
What are the limitations and blind-spots of inherited and contemporary approaches
Ideologies and
struggles and
How are worldwide urbanization processes, past and present, mediated through
twenty-first century? If so, what are its major experiential, social, spatial and
environmental expressions, and what are its sociopolitical implications? What
categories of analysis and methods of representation are needed to decipher such
trends and transformations?
political and institutional strategies? What are their operational elements and
targets? What are their implications for spatial organization, resource distribution,
power relations and political life? What, if any, alternatives to contemporary
urbanization patterns have been envisioned, and/or pursued by theorists,
designers, policy makers, citizens, inhabitants and activists?
the planet, can new forms of citizenship be constructed that empower people
collectively to appropriate, transform and reshape the common space of the world?
The images used on the books cover and in the section introductions were produced by
Garth Lenz, whose photojournalistic work has dramatically documented some of the most
horrific industrial scars on the earths landscape, especially in the Tar Sands of northern
Alberta, Canada as well as in other zones of intensive resource extraction, that have been
induced through our fossil fuel-based formation of worldwide urbanization.34 In recent
years, photographic work on colossal landscapes of industrialized resource extraction and
environmental destructionparticularly in connection to the large-scale infrastructures
required for the production of petrochemicalshas generated considerable attention both
in the public sphere and among environmentalists, conservationists, landscape architects
and geographers. In many of the most widely circulated images of such landscapes, the
spectre of worldwide ecological destruction is depicted with such richly aestheticized
abstraction that some commentators have described this genre using phrases such as the
toxic sublime or the apocalyptic sublime.35 Lenzs interventions are clearly connected
to that genrethere is a surreal, if deeply unsettling, beauty in many of his images of the
shockingly degraded landscapes of the Tar Sands. However, his work is quite explicitly
linked to a political concern to use his powerful photographic vocabulary to communicate
a cautionary message regarding the true cost of oil to the public both in Canada
and beyond.36 Lenzs images thus offer a fitting, if extremely grim, provocation for the
arguments and perspectives being forged in the present volume: they illustrate one way of
visualizing the socially and ecologically disastrous operational landscapes of urbanization
Lefebvre might have described them as a form of terricidethat are being forged at a
truly colossal scale to support and reproduce urban life under early twenty-first century
While it was, of course, Henri Lefebvre who forecast the situation of complete urbanization
that is today apparently being actualized on a planetary scale, the iconography used in the
cover design of his classic text, The Urban Revolutionboth in its original 1970 version and
in its 2003 English translationis strikingly conventional (Figure1.4).
In the French version, a classic image of urban density is adopteda collage of large,
iconic buildings pierced by an elevated subway train. In the more recent English translation,
a similar, if more readily recognizable, iconography is chosen: one of Haussmanns great
Parisian boulevards, forming a knife-like cut through the fabric of a dense urban landscape
that stretches endlessly into the horizon. In stark contrast, Lenzs aerial photograph of the
Tar Sands on this books cover takes us far away from the large, dense, vertical landscapes
of cityness, into a zone in which the earths surface has been layered with a viscous sludge,
traversed by muddy roads twisting around ponds filled with huge accumulations of toxic
waste. As Andy Merrifield proposes in several of his contributions to this book, the
Haussmannization of the past, which evicted city dwellers from the center to create a built
environment for urbanizing capital, has now been ratcheted-up into a worldwide form
of neo-Haussmannization. Perhaps Lenzs image of the Tar Sands provides as fitting an
iconography for this emergent planetary condition as the image of Haussmanns geometrical
boulevard did for an earlier, city-centric formation of urban expansion. The evictions,
enclosures and dispossessions continue, but now on the scale of the entire planet, well
beyond the inherited built environments of earlier civilizations, leading to unprecedented
social devastation and environmental destruction:
Baron Haussmann tore into central Paris, into its old neighborhoods and poor
populations, dispatching the latter to the periphery while speculating on the
center; the built urban form became simultaneously a property machine and a
means to divide and rule; today, neo-Haussmannization, in a similar process that
integrates financial, corporate and state interests, tears into the globe, sequesters
land through forcible slum clearance and eminent domain, valorizing it while
banishing former residents to the global hinterlands of post-industrial malaise.38
It seems as urgent as ever, under these conditions, to develop theories, analyses and
cartographies that situate such operational landscapestheir land-use systems; their labor
regimes and property relations; their forms of governance; their ecological impacts; and
their rapidly changing social fabricsquite centrally within our understanding of the
contemporary urban condition. This volume is intended to advance that project in the
hope that a new understanding of urbanization may prove useful to ongoing struggles
against neo-Haussmannization, planetary enclosure, market fundamentalism and global
ecological plunder; and for a new model of urbanization oriented towards the collective
reappropriation and democratic self-management of planetary space as the work of the
human species.39