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Information System Architecture Evaluation:

From Software to Enterprise Level Approaches

Andr Vasconcelos, Pedro Sousa, Jos Tribolet
CEO - Centro de Engenharia Organizacional,
INESC Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores
Department of Information Systems and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Tcnico,
Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
E-mails: { andre.vasconcelos, pedro.sousa, jose.tribolet }

In order to ensure that technology supports business needs and that IT investments deliver the
desired value, it is fundamental to define an Information System Architecture (ISA) and measure its
accurateness to the business model and existing technologies. Thus, in this paper we are concern on
evaluating ISA by measuring its qualities (relevant at enterprise level).
Since software architecture (SA) is part of the information system architecture and the evaluation topic
is a quite mature issue on the software engineering domain, we enumerate and classify several
software evaluation approaches in order to consider its applicability to ISA evaluation. Therefore, in
this paper, we present and classify the most significant software evaluation issues, namely: software
qualities, software evaluation approaches, and software metrics.
Our preliminary findings indicate that: the quality attributes relevant for SA evaluation are generally
applicable for ISA evaluation, the SA evaluation approaches are also useful for ISA evaluation, and
the SA metrics are not applicable to ISA evaluation.
In this paper we propose a set of metrics for ISA evaluation, considering the most experienced and
tested software engineering metrics. We apply the ISA evaluation approach, qualities and metrics to a
health-care project case study.

Key-words: Evaluation, Metrics, Information System Architecture (ISA), Enterprise Architecture,

Software Architecture (SA), CEO Framework, Health-care ISA

1. Introduction
Nowadays organizations business environment presents new challenges where information,
innovation and the agility to continuously rethink business are key success factors
(Nilsson_et_al._1998). In order to address these new business needs, organizations usually try to find
on IT the solution. Despite the significant technological progresses, organizations investments on IT
frequently do not provide the expected returns (Boar_1999).
In this paper we argue that, in order to ensure that technology supports business needs and that IT
investments deliver the desired value, it is fundamental to define an Information System Architecture
(ISA) and measure its accurateness to the business model and existing technologies. Thus, in this
paper we are concern on evaluating ISA by measuring its qualities.
Page 1

The authors believe that ISA a distinct concept from Software Architecture (SA) has a vital role in
the development of Enterprise Information Systems that are capable of staying fully aligned with
organization strategy and business needs.
However, having an ISA does not make clear to the architect: how much an IS (or IS components) will
respect some business properties/qualities; or which qualities (and how) an architectural decision
might affect; or which ISA decision is more adequate (Vasconcelos_et_al._2004c)
The ISA evaluation is concern on inferring the ISA accurateness to a business model and existing
technologies for example, the alignment between business and IT is an issue that should be
considered when determining the ISA quality.
In order to address the ISA evaluation topic, considering the similar roots between Information System
and Software Engineering areas and that the evaluation topic is a quite mature issue on the Software
Engineering domain, in this paper we will enumerate and classify several software evaluation
approaches and analyze its suitability for ISA evaluation.
The next section of this paper presents the major concepts relevant for ISA evaluation, namely the
enterprise architecture definitions and some evaluation definitions. Section 3 describes Software
Engineering approach for SA evaluation (as SA evaluation methodologies, software qualities and
software metrics). In section 4 we propose our ISA Evaluation approach. Section 5 presents a case
study where we apply the evaluation metrics to an ISA in the Portuguese health-care system. Finally,
section 6 draws some conclusions and presents future work.

2. Key Concepts
In this section we introduce the main notions, definitions and problems on enterprise, business,
information system and software architectures, which will support the remaining sections of this paper.

2.1. Enterprise Architectures

ISA is a part of a vaster field of architectures and models relevant for the organization. Considering
the architectural scope and level, one can distinguish the following architectures:
Enterprise Architecture
Information System Architecture (ISA).
Software Architecture (SA)
SA main study area is on how programs or application components are internally built
(Carnegie_2005). At this level it is import to consider the objects and classes needed for implementing
the software. SA is a quite stable and mature field.
Enterprise Architecture is a group of models defined for getting a coherent and comprehensible
picture of the enterprise (Tissot_et_al._1998). The models define different perspectives or viewpoints
from which the company is considered, focusing on some aspects and ignoring others in order to
reduce complexity (Vernadat_1996). Thus, a model of the company can contain several activity,
process, organization, information and behaviour diagrams of the company.
Enterprise architecture is considered a vaster concept than ISA, which includes business strategies
and processes, besides Information System (IS) models that support them. Usually, at enterprise

Page 2

architecture level, IS are consider simple resources used in business (as people, equipment and
material, etc.) e.g., Eriksson_et_al._(2000) and Marshall_(2000).
Finally, ISA addresses the representation of the IS components structure, its relationships, principles
and directives (Garlan_et_al._1995), with the main propose of supporting business
Quoting IEEE Architecture Working Group (1998), ISA level should be high. Thus, ISA is
distinguished from software representation and analysis methods (as E-R diagrams, DFD), presenting
an abstraction of internal system details and supporting organization business processes
ISA usually distinguish three aspects, defining three sub architectures (Spewak_et_al._1992):
Informational Architecture, or Data Architecture, represents the main data types that support
business (Spewak_et_al._1992), (DeBoever_1997).
Application Architecture, defines applications needed for data management and business
Technological Architecture, represents the main technologies used in application
implementation and the infrastructures that provide an environment for IS deployment as
network, communication, distributed computation, etc. (Spewak_et_al._1992), (Open_2003)
ISA description is a key step in ensuring that IT provides access to data when, where and how is
required at business level (Spewak_et. al. 1992).
However, having an ISA does not ensure these benefits just by existing; the representation of the
information systems and its dependencies to business is a necessary, but not sufficient, step towards
addressing key problems as the IS integrity and flexibility, IS ROI, IS and business alignment, among

2.2. Evaluation
Clements_et_al_(2002) ask How can you be sure whether the architecture chosen for your software
is the right one? How can you be sure that it wont lead to calamity but instead will pave the way
through a smooth development and successful product?. The architecture is the foundation for
deducing the system quality attributes (as modifiability, performance, availability, reliability). The
process of analyzing and deducting the architectural potential for implementing a system capable of
supporting the major business requirements and identifying major risks and trade-offs is evaluation
main concern.
The evaluation process will consider the architectural attributes, the properties that characterize the
system e.g., CPU speed (in a technological architecture), or the development language (in a SA).
The characteristics that we pretend to verify in the architecture are defined as quality attributes (or
quality requirements or external attributes) such as modifiability, performance, availability, reliability.
In the evaluation process the quantitatively interpretation of the observable architectural attributes are
defined as metrics e.g., number of lines of code, function points.

Page 3

3. Software Architecture Evaluation

In this section we present the software engineering approach to software evaluation. Some of the SA
evaluation methods introduced in this section are the foundations for the ISA evaluation approach
proposed in subsequent sections of the paper.

3.1. Software Qualities

In software engineering domain the accuracy and suitability of an architecture is analyzed considering
several quality attributes. Bass_(1998) and Clements_(2002) propose the following Usability,
Performance, Reliability, Availability, Security, Functionality, Modifiability, Portability, Variability,
Subsetability, Testability, Conceptual Integrity, Building simplicity, Cost and Time to market.
The SA qualities are interrelated, and enhancing one will likely degrade or enhance others for
instance performance is likely to degrade scalability for further detail on this subject please refer to
Gillies_(1992) or Khaddaj_and_Horgan_(2004).
Considering the software qualities that the stakeholders would like to evaluate and the SA design
stage (among other factors), different software evaluation approaches might be used.

3.2. Software Evaluation Approaches

The main aim of an evaluation is to analyze the architecture in order to identify potential risks and
verify that the quality requirements have been addressed in the design (Dobrica_and_Niemela_2002).
In SA is recognized that it is not possible to measure the quality attributes of the final system based
on SA design (Bosch_and_Molin_1999). This would imply that the detailed design and
implementation represent a strict projection of the architecture. The aim of analyzing the architecture
of a software system is to predict the quality of a system before it has been built and not to establish
precise estimates but the principal effects of the architecture (Kazman_et_al._1993).
Table 1 presents some architecture evaluation approaches.
Table 1. SA Evaluation Approaches







6 activities

9 activities in 4

9 activities in 2



Sensitivity &

designs viability
for insights

3 activities
carried out
Evaluate ability
of SA to achieve
quality attributes




5 activities
carried out
Change impact

Suitability of the


A detailed classification and assessment of SA evaluation approaches is available in

Babar_et_al_(2004) and in Dobrica_and_Niemela_(2002).
The ATAM (Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method) evaluation approach, based on its predecessor
SAAM (Software Architecture Analysis Method), evaluates an architecture considering multiple quality
attributes (as modificability, performance, availability, security), providing orientation regarding
attribute interdependencies and identifying architecture trade-off points (Kazman_et_al._1998).
ATAM has 9 major steps, organized in 4 phases: Presentation (present ATAM, business drivers, and
architecture), Investigation and Analysis (identify architectural approaches, generate quality attribute
Page 4

utility tree, and analyze architectural approaches), Testing (brainstorm and prioritize scenarios, and
analyze architectural approaches) and Reporting
One of ATAM most important steps is the generation of a quality attribute utility tree. The quality
attributes that comprise system utility (performance, availability, security, modifiability, usability, and
so on) are elicited specified down to the level of scenarios. An example of an ATAM utility tree is
shown in Figure 1 (Clements_et_al._2002).

Figure 1. Sample Utility Tree (figure from Clements_et_al._2002)

Utility is the root node (father of all the quality attributes); the second level represents the quality
attributes (as performance, modifiability, availability and security); the third level is a refinement of the
quality attributes (as hardware failure and COTS Software failures for availability, or data
confidentially and data integrity for security); the leaves of the utility tree are concrete scenarios, that
are then prioritized along two dimensions: importance of each scenario to the success of the system,
and by the degree of difficulty posed by the achievement of the scenario (letters H,M,L next to
scenarios description in Figure 1).
For further detail on the rest of ATAM approach please refer to Clements_et_al._(2002) book.

3.3. Software Metrics

According to Tom DeMarco You cannot control what you cannot measure; in software engineering,
software metrics aim is to provide information to support quantitative decision-making during the
software lifecycle, in order to measure your architecture (and control it!).
Over the last years, quite a few software metrics have been defined.
In order to measure software functionality, Albrecht_and_Gaffney_(1983) proposed a Function Points
metric (FP). The FP is computed by considering the inputs/outputs and the internally handled data
(e.g., transactions from other applications, reports and message to the user or other application).
Functions Points are widely spread and have been used as a measure for several quality attributes,
including size, productivity, complexity and functionality.
The number of Lines Of Code (LOC) is the oldest and most widely used measure of size. Since this
metric is easy to understand and to measure has quite success and has been also used in other
predictive models in terms of effort, fault-proneness, etc..
Page 5

McCabe_(1976), considering that the higher the number of paths in a program, the higher its control
flow complexity probably will be, proposed the Cyclomatic Complexity metric. McCabe metric counts
the paths from the start point to the end point of the program whose linear combinations provide all
the paths in the program. Based on graph theory, the number of base paths in a program is computed
as v(G) = e n + 2, where e and n are the number of edges and nodes in the control glow graph,
With the emerging of the Objected Oriented (OO) paradigm, new concepts and abstractions appear
such as classes, methods, messages, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading and encapsulation,
which were not addressed in previous metrics. Chidamber_and_Kemerer_(1995) and Basili_(1996)
proposed and tested a set of software metrics for OO development. These metrics are:

Weighted Methods per Class (WMC), measures the complexity of an individual class.

Depth of Inheritance Tree of a class (DIT).

Number Of Children of a Class (NOC).

Coupling Between Object classes (CBO) A class is coupled to another one if it uses its
member functions and/or instance variables.

Response For a Class (RFC), is the number of methods that can potentially be executed in
response to a message received.

Lack of Cohesion on Methods (LCOM) is computed by subtracting the number of pairs of

member functions with shared instance variables to the number of pairs of member functions
without shared instance variables.

Several other metrics on OO development exist such as Average dimension of methods, Average
number of methods per class, Number of executable statements, Number of classes, Total number of
methods, Number of times the method is inherited, Number of times the method is overloaded,
Abreu_and_Carapua_(1994) or Briand_et_al._(1998)).

4. Information System Architecture Evaluation

In this section, we start by presenting our Enterprise modelling framework, focusing at Information
System level, and introducing ISA major primitives. Next we compare SA and ISA evaluation
approaches, describe its similarities and differences and discuss what SA evaluation issues may be
extended to ISA evaluation. Finally we propose a set of ISA evaluation metrics (mostly) based on the
software engineering approach.

4.1. The CEO Modelling Framework

The CEO Framework aims at providing a formal way of describing business goals, processes,
resources and information systems and the dependencies between them. It is composed of three
separate levels, each of which provides adequate forms of representing the notions about the layer
being described (Vasconcelos_et_al._2001).
The modelling language used to implement the CEO Framework was UML (Unified Modelling
Language) for further reading, refer to Vasconcelos_et_al._(2001). Figure 2 presents the UML
metamodel defined for the CEO Framework.

Page 6




controls, executes


resource *

produces, consumes,
uses, refines




Figure 2 - UML Metamodel of the CEO Framework (Vasconcelos_et_al._2001)

In order to model ISA key concepts the Block component was specialized. The key concepts for the
ISA are:

Information Entity person, place, physical thing or concept that is relevant in the business

IS Block the collection of mechanisms and operations organized in order to manipulate

organization data.

IT Block the infrastructure, application platform and technological/software component that

realizes (or implement) an (or several) IS Block(s). IT Block defines three major sub-concepts:

IT Infrastructure Block represents the physical and infra-structural concepts existing

in an ISA: the computational nodes (as servers, personal computers or mobile
devices) and the non-computational nodes (as printers, network, etc.) that support
application platforms.

IT Platform Block stands for the implementation of the services used in the IT
application deployment.

IT Application Block, the technological implementation of an IS Block.

Service is an aggregation of a set of operations provided by an architectural block. A

generalization of the web service notion (W3C_2002). We consider three distinct services in an

Business Service, collection of operations provided by IS Blocks that support

business processes;

IS Service, set of operations provided by an IS Block to others IS Blocks;

IT Service, technological services provided by application platforms (Open_2001).

Operation, the abstract description of an action supported by a service (the minor level concept
in an ISA).
Figure 3 describes how these high-level primitives are related, in a UML profile for ISA. For further
detail please refer to Vasconcelos_et_al_(2003).

Page 7

Figure 3. Information System CEO framework metamodel (Vasconcelos_et_al._2003)

In order to describe these ISA primitives we are currently working on consolidating a set of attributes
(the architectural attributes), that will characterize the properties of the Information System for
example, at ISA integration level, we have proposed a set of architectural attributes in

4.2. Information System Architecture and Software Architecture Evaluation

As presented in section 3.2, SA evaluation main goal is to analyze the architecture in order to identify
potential risks and verify that the quality requirements have been addressed in the design, predicting
the quality of the system before it has been built and establishing the principal effects of the
These are also ISA evaluation major goals. The main difference is that the focus is changed from a
single software system (in SA evaluation) to multiple Information Systems (at application, information
and technology levels) that should support the enterprise business processes (in ISA evaluation).
The fact that SA and ISA evaluation have similar goals, as discussed previous, motivate the authors
to explore the applicability of SA qualities, metrics and evaluation approaches to ISA level. Our
preliminary findings, discussed in the following subsections, are that:

The quality attributes that are relevant for SA evaluation are generally applicable (and relevant)
for ISA evaluation, such as performance, reliability, availability, modifiability, portability, security,

The SA evaluation approaches (namely ATAM) are reasonably independent of the software
engineering domain, thus theirs steps might be used for ISA evaluation;

SA metrics are not applicable to ISA evaluation, since SA metrics deal directly with software
attributes (as classes, lines of code, variables, etc.).



Software engineering domain has a set of qualities that are commonly used when evaluating a
software program (such as the ones described in section 3.1). In the information system domain
(specifically in the enterprise information system architecture) this consensus does not exist, mostly
Page 8

because the research on this subject is younger (and as a consequence of some confusion, until
recently, between the information system and software engineering domains, in the authors opinion).
Nevertheless, in the information system technological (or technical) architecture the Khaddaj and
Horgan_(2004) article presents an effort to identify quality attributes for information systems (still from
a software point of view), such as performance, scalability, cost/benefit, usability, portability,
robustness, correctness, and reliability. TOGAF framework (Open_2003) also presents an important
research concerning information system qualities from a technical view point, namely: availability,
manageability, performance, reliability, recoverability, locatability, security, integrity, credibility,
usability, adaptability, interoperability, scalability, portability, and extensibility.
If we compare these IS technical qualities to software qualities (presented in section 3.1), we can
conclude that the qualities attributes that are important in SA evaluation are also significant in ISA
Although that at information system technological level the software qualities are applicable for ISA
evaluation, the application and information sub-architectures (and its relations to business level) are
not directly addressed by software qualities. For instance: which quality attributes are pertinent to
assess the business support and alignment (in an ISA)? Or, which qualities are relevant in order to
verify the alignment between the Information System strategy and the ISA?


As described before, metrics are quantitatively interpretation of the observable architectural attributes.
Since the architectural attributes are distinct in information systems and software, the ISA metrics and
SA metrics can not be the same.
As presented in section 4.1, at ISA level the key concepts (primitives) relevant for application,
information and technological architectures such as IS Block, Information Entity, IT Block,
Service, Business Service, IT Infrastructure Block, Server are divergent from the SA
attributes, more focuses on how programs or application components are internally built in order to
implement a software program such as lines of code, objects, classes, methods, variables, software
algorithms, etc.
Therefore, despite the fact that the key ISA qualities (or requirements) are similar to SA qualities
(such as performance, reliability, performance, etc.), the ISA metrics and SA metrics are distinct.
Thus software metrics such as the Number of Lines Of Code or the McCabes Cyclomatic Complexity
metric are not useful at ISA level (since the lines of code or the program algorithm are not enterprise
information system attributes). However the authors believe that some of the SA metrics might be
extend/adapted to the ISA domain (this issue is discussed in section 4.3).
Some metrics have already been proposed for evaluating the characteristics of an ISA, namely:

For the information/data architecture there are some metrics focused on entity-relationship (ER)
diagrams for further detail see Gray_et_al. _ (1991), Kesh_ (1995), Moody_ (1998) and Si-Said
Cherfi_et_al._(2002) researches. Genero_et_al._(2003), considering previous researches
presents a set of metrics for measuring the structural complexity of entity-relationship (ER)
diagrams (e.g., as the number of entities within an ER diagram, number of composite attributes,
number of relationships within an ER diagram, Number of Binary Relationships, among others);

The quantification of alignment between the architectural levels is also an issue that has few
metrics and little experienced research. Pereira_and_Sousa_(2003), based on some practical
observations and on a literature review, propose a set of metrics to analyse misalignment
between business, information and application architectures, by counting: the information entities
created only by one process (versus the total number of entities), the processes that create,
Page 9

update and/or delete at least one information entity (versus the total number of processes) and
the information entities read by at least one process (versus the total number of entities).

The analysis of the alignment between an information system architecture and a reference ISA
is also an issue that does not have much experienced research. Vasconcelos_et_al._(2004)
propose a set of metrics for verification of the alignment between the Portuguese Healthcare
Information System reference model and new information system projects the metrics
included: Functional Overlapping indicator (which considers functions implemented by the
proposed project and the ones that already exist in other systems in the organization),
Technology change indicator (that considers the new technology introduced by the project that is
not used in other existing IS of the organization), Informational entity model compatibility
indicator, System overlapping indicator, Interface disregarding indicator, among others.



The approaches previously presented for SA evaluation main aim is to predict the quality of a system
before it has been built and not to establish precise estimates but the principal effects of an
architecture (Kazman_et_al._1993). These approaches present a sequence of steps that guide the
evaluation team. These steps, generally, are independent of the software or enterprise information
system domain. The major decisions are left to the project team (or the architect) such as defining
which attributes are relevant (and how much), what scenarios to consider, identify the sensitive and
trade-offs, etc. Thus, considering that ISA evaluation has similar goals, there arent motives for not
using the approaches presented for SA evaluation (namely ATAM) in ISA evaluation. Furthermore,
using tested and mature evaluation approaches the authors believe that could improve the ISA
evaluation results.
However, some steps of the SA evaluation approaches provide support in the evaluation process by
presenting examples and patterns at software level. For instance, ATAM approach, in order to help
the definition of scenarios, Clements_et_al._(2002) propose a characterization of the quality attributes
(in terms of stimulus, environment and response)Error! Reference source not found.. In these
points the SA evaluation approaches must be adapted for ISA evaluation.

4.3. Information System Architecture Evaluation Metrics

Next, considering that the major differences between software evaluation and IS evaluation are at the
metrics level, we propose a set of ISA evaluation metrics based on the software engineering metrics
(described in section 3.3).
The metrics presented in next table were developed over the set of the most used and significant
software metrics. The authors goal, in this paper, is not to prove that the proposed metrics are the
most adequate for ISA evaluation, but to show a correspondence between software and information
system evaluation concepts.
In Table 2 we describe the SA metric that motivates the proposed ISA metric (SA metric column),
the proposed ISA metric (ISA metric and ISA metric description columns), the ISA subarchitectures (application, information nor technological architectures) that this metric is applied to
(ISA arch. column) and the ISA qualities that are assessed (ISA qualities column).
Table 2. Proposed ISA metrics (based on software metrics)

SA metric

ISA metric

ISA metric description

ISA arch.

ISA qualities

Lines of Code (LOC)

Number of Applications

Number of applications in an ISA

App. Arch.

Total Number of
instance variables
Lack of COhesion in

Number of Information
Average Lack of

Number of information entities in a

Average number of disjoint sets of

Inf. Arch.


Page 10

App. Arch.

SA metric

ISA metric

ISA metric description

ISA arch.

ISA qualities

Methods (LCOM)

COhesion in
Application blocks

Inf. Arch.


Average number of
methods per class

Average number of
operations per
application block
Average Service
Cyclomatic Complexity

information entities used by the IS

block operations in each application.
Greater number of disjoint sets imply
lack of cohesion of the application, so
the application should be split into two
or more application blocks.
Average number of operations in
application blocs (IS blocs)

App. Arch.

The Service Cyclomatic Complexity is

computed by counting the number of
possible paths needed to support a
business service
Average number of IS services
(provided by other applications - IS
Blocks) to which a application (IS
Block) is coupled, i.e., those
applications that use that application
or are used by that application
(consuming or providing IS
Average number of applications that
can be used when a Service receives
a request (business or application)
Computed as the average Time
Between (consecutive) Failures for
each business service, considering
the business importance (weight) of
each service.

App. Arch.



Coupling Between
Object classes

Average Coupling
Between Applications

Response For a
Class (RFC)

Average Response For

a Service

System Medium
Time Between
Failures (MTBF)

Weight Service
Medium Time Between
(consecutive) Failures

App. Arch.


App. Arch.


App. Arch.
Tech. Arch.

In the previous table, by considering the enterprise information system concerns and attributes, and
adapting software attributes inherent to the software metrics, we propose a set of ISA metrics. The
metrics proposed are based on the most widely accepted and used software metrics.
Although adapting the software metrics to the ISA domain provides a more solid basis for ISA
evaluation, it does not ensure that all the ISA concerns are consider in the evaluation. For instance,
one of the most important issues in the ISA is the degree of business support and automation; thus a
simple and important metric when analysing an ISA (and its support to business) is the ratio between
the number of business services required by the business processes and the business services
(Business Service) actually provided by the information systems (IS Block) this metric is not
directly derived from a software metric.
In order to evaluate an ISA one should used an evaluation approach; as described in section 4.2.3,
the software evaluation approaches could be used for ISA evaluation; in the case study described in
next section we will use some of the ATAM steps for an ISA evaluation.

Page 11

5. An Information System Architecture Evaluation Case

In this section we present an ISA evaluation case study, in the Portuguese health-care industry. In
this case study, our R&D unit was invited by Sade XXI (the Portuguese office responsible for
managing the European funds in the Public Health Care System) to evaluate a project proposal: the
Call Doctor Project1.
In this case study we applied some steps of ATAM software evaluation approach, and using CEO
modelling framework (in order to represent the ISA) we also applied some of the metrics proposed in
section 4.3.

5.1. The Call Doctor Project

In Portugal about 92% of the population has a mobile phone (there are about 9,6 million mobile users
of about a 10 million people population) (Anacom_2005). Considering these facts, a Portuguese
company pretends to implement a system that would support the efficient connection between
physicians (working in the Public health-care System) and theirs patients, using the mobile phone
we will call this project: The Call Doctor Project.
The Call Doctor Project pretends to provide each medical doctor a mobile phone/PDA with a private
and a public phone numbers; the patient may call his/her medical doctor when he/she needs, paying
an added price per second (than in a normal call), but having online and immediate health-care
assistance; when the physician is not available the patient call is redirect to a centralized call-center
that provides the basis guiding for the patient and manages the physician timetable (adding and
removing patient appointments).
The physician will also have access to a drug database and, in the near future, the Call Doctor
System pretends to be integrated with the Pharmacies Information Systems in order to allow online
prescription. Another important issue in this project is the patient clinical data integration between the
mobile phone, the central system and the Public health-care Information systems (in the hospitals and
in the primary health-care units).
In this project our research center, considering our previous experience on the area and our previous
cooperation with Sade XXI (for example see Vasconcelos_et_al._2004), was responsible by the
technological evaluation of the project. In this paper we only highlight the most significant evaluation
steps and metrics used in the case study.

5.2. The Evaluation Approach

In order to perform an evaluation of the Call Doctor Project, we put up an evaluation team composed
by different stakeholders with complementary skills, namely two physicians, a financial consultant,
and three technological consultants. This evaluation team follow ATAM major steps.
Before analysing further the project proposal, the team identified the system major requirements and
quality attributes. Using ATAM methodology, the team generated an utility tree, presenting the system
major qualities, specified down to the level of scenarios. Figure 4 presents an extract of the utility tree.

The facts presented here stand for a hypothetical project proposal (all names, brands and facts, for confidentiality reasons,
are fictitious); however, this case study is based on our experiences and participation on the evaluation of real IS/IT health care
projects, where analogous proposals where evaluated.
Page 12

Figure 4. Call Doctor Utility Tree (incomplete)

In order to ensure the independence between the mobile part of the system and the mobile phone
suppliers and the mobile Operators, the Portability was identified as an important system quality, as
security, modificability, performance, availability and cost (among others).

5.3. Information System Architecture Assessment

The description of the Call Doctor Project was presented to the evaluation team in several plain text
written pages. Thus, one of the preliminary tasks of the team was to transform those word oriented
description of the architecture to a more engineering and diagram oriented description. The team
adopted the CEO modelling profile to represent the ISA.
Simultaneously to the process of representing the ISA, the evaluation team used some of the metrics
described previously and found some potential gaps in the project, that pointed out to the project
For instance, the team identified that the Provide phone health-care process required three business
services (Physician appointment management, Patient clinical management, and drug prescription),
however the mobile system description did not provided one of the business services (drug
prescription) as presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Business/Application architecture relations (functional misalignment)

Page 13

In Figure 5 the ratio between the number of business services required by the business processes
and the business services actually provided by the application blocks metric is

, since the Drug

Prescription did not have the correspondent business service. This gap was reported to the project
proponent that corrected the project proposal. The global ISA, at application level (after this short
correction) is presented in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Call Doctor Application Architecture

A simple metric to estimate time-to-market by comparing with other ISA is counting the number of
applications. In this ISA we have 4 applications (plus two existing ones in the health-care
In order to verify the performance scenario described in Figure 4 (system response for mobile
users), the team detailed the business service (presenting its operations) - Figure 7Error! Reference
source not found.. In this figure we can see that the business operations of the service are: Get
Patient Record, Update Patient Information, and Search Patients.

Figure 7. Patient clinical

management business service

Figure 8. Patient clinical management business service

For the Get Patient Record operation the sequence of applications (and services) and messages of
a possible scenario are described in Figure 8Error! Reference source not found..
In the previous figure the total time of the operation Get Patient Record is 4 seconds; however this
scenario describes an average situation, since, in worst case scenarios, the communications might be
Page 14

slower, or the patient record might not exist in the CRM application and it might be necessary to
invoke the services provided by the hospital or primary health-care unit.
Figure 9 presents the behaviour diagram for the patient clinical management business service. From
this diagram we can compute this service cyclomatic Complexity, which is: v(G) =e-n+2 = 8-5+2=5.

Figure 9. Application architecture Behaviour Diagram (Patient Clinical Management service)

The response for the Patient Clinical Management Service metric is 4, since four applications might
be used to support this service.
The evaluation team aided by these (and other) metrics and supported on ATAM approach presented
a set of architectural recommendations in order to better accommodate the qualities identified (in the
utility tree) for example ensure the deploy of the mobile application in the major mobile platforms
(Symbian, Windows Mobile and Java Mobile).
Figure 10 describes the technological architecture of the Call Doctor Information System, after the
recommendations of the evaluation team.

Figure 10. Call Doctor Technological architecture

Page 15

6. Conclusions and Future Work

This paper provides an overview on the software evaluation approaches, qualities and metrics and
theirs relevance for the enterprise information system architecture evaluation.
In this paper the authors conclude that the quality attributes relevant for SA evaluation are generally
applicable for ISA evaluation (such as performance, reliability, availability, Modifiability, portability,
security, etc), that the SA evaluation approaches (namely ATAM) might be used for ISA evaluation
(since they are reasonably independent of the software engineering domain), and that the SA metrics
are not applicable to ISA evaluation (since SA metrics deal directly with software attributes that do not
have any meaning in the ISA context).
Considering the similarities between the software engineering and the information system engineering
domains, the authors propose several ISA metrics (based on experienced SA metrics), namely:
Number of Applications, Number of Information Entities, Average Lack of COhesion in Application
blocks, Average number of operations per application block, Average Service Cyclomatic Complexity,
Average Coupling Between Applications, Average Response For a Service, and Weight Service
Medium Time Between (consecutive) Failures.
The health-care case study supports these findings and proposals, namely because the evaluation
team used the ATAM approach for evaluating an ISA, and some of the proposed metrics provided a
guidance in the evaluation process.
Nevertheless, the authors recognize the immaturity of the proposed metrics, and that further research
and experimentation on this topic is required (in order to clarify the metrics impact on all the quality
As future work, we are working on a computer tool that supports the modelling of ISA, using the CEO
modelling UML profile, and displaying the metrics for guidance on the architecture definition and

7. Acknowledgements
The research presented in this paper was possible thanks to the support of Sade XXI.

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