Acute Peritonitis
Acute Peritonitis
Acute Peritonitis
Perforations of bowel
Trauma, blunt or penetrating
Peptic ulcer disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Endoscopic perforation
Anastomotic leaks
Catheter perforation
Strangulated hernias
Ingested foreign body, toothpick, fish bone
Aseptic peritonitis may be due to peritoneal irritation by abnormal presence of physiologic fluids
(e.g., gastric juice, bile, pancreatic enzymes, blood, or urine) or sterile foreign bodies (e.g.,
surgical sponges or instruments, starch from surgical gloves) in the peritoneal cavity or as a
complication of rare systemic diseases such as lupus erythematosus, porphyria, or familial
Mediterranean fever (Chap. 323). Chemical irritation of the peritoneum is greatest for acidic
gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes. In chemical peritonitis, a major risk of secondary bacterial
infection exists.
Clinical Features
The cardinal manifestations of peritonitis are acute abdominal pain and tenderness, usually with
fever. The location of the pain depends on the underlying cause and whether the inflammation is
localized or generalized. Localized peritonitis is most common in uncomplicated appendicitis
and diverticulitis, and physical findings are limited to the area of inflammation. Generalized
peritonitis is associated with widespread inflammation and diffuse abdominal tenderness and
rebound. Rigidity of the abdominal wall is common in both localized and generalized peritonitis.
Bowel sounds are usually absent. Tachycardia, hypotension, and signs of dehydration are
common. Leukocytosis and marked acidosis are common laboratory findings. Plain abdominal
films may show dilation of large and small bowel with edema of the bowel wall. Free air under
the diaphragm is associated with a perforated viscus. CT and/or ultrasonography can identify the
presence of free fluid or an abscess. When ascites is present, diagnostic paracentesis with cell
count (>250 neutrophils/
L is usual in peritonitis), protein and lactate dehydrogenase
levels, and culture is essential. In elderly and immunosuppressed patients, signs of peritoneal
irritation may be more difficult to detect.
Therapy and Prognosis
underlying illnesses, and when peritonitis has been present for >48 h.