Dell Boomi Cloud Integration Training
Dell Boomi Cloud Integration Training
Dell Boomi Cloud Integration Training
- 6 hours
Basic Training
- 24 hours
Start Step
Connectors (FTP, Disk, Mail)
Components 11
1. Process
2. Connection
3. Connector Operation
4. Map
5. Map Functions
6. Process Property
7. Certificate
8. Profile
9. Trading Partner
10. Document Cache 11. Cross Reference Table
Steps 22(Execution 12 and Logic - 10)
Execution Steps:
1. Connector
2. Trading Partner
4. Set Properties 5. Message
7. Process Call
8. Program Command
10. Find Changes 11. Add to cache
3. Map
6. Notify
9. Data Process
12. Load from Cache
Logic Steps:
1. Branch 2. Route
3. Cleanse 4. Decision 5. Exception
6. Stop
7. Return Documents
8. Flow Control
9. Business Rule
10. Try/Catch
Atom Setup(Windows & Linux)
Molecule Overview
Cloud Atom & Cloud Molecule
Process Testing
Set Document Properties
Set Parameter Values
Profiles (XML, Flat File)
Map Functions
Branch Step
Cloud Training
Connectors (Salesforce, Database)
Set Runtime
Parameter Values
Database Profile
User Defined Functions
SQL Scripting
Stop Step
Message Step
Program Command Step
- 6 hours
Administration Training
- 6 hours
Process Automation
Process Deployment
Connection Licenses
Process Reporting
Process Troubleshooting
User Alert Management
Notification Steps
Document Tracking
Process Deactivation
4 hours
4 hours
SOA Development
Process Call Review
Master Process Architecture
Try/Catch Review
Return Documents Review
Web Service Publishing
- 4 hours
- 6 hours
- 4 hours